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this month este mes free gratis - think
THIS MONTH ESTE MES CHRISTMAS RECIPES RECETAS PARA NAVIDAD SHOPPING COMPRAS NEWS NOTICÍAS SEE INSIDE FOR MORE DETAILS AND EXCLUSIVE OFFERS! TIGRE RESTAURANTE PIZZERIA Plaza de la Iglesia MORAIRA Tel. 96 649 09 11 FREE GRATIS DECEMBER DECIEMBRE 2 GUIDE / GUIA ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 THIS MONTH ESTE MES CHRISTMAS RECIPES RECETAS PARA NAVIDAD SHOPPING COMPRAS NEWS NOTICÍAS SEE INSIDE FOR MORE DETAILS AND EXCLUSIVE OFFERS! TIGRE RESTAURANTE PIZZERIA Plaza de la Iglesia MORAIRA Tel. 96 649 09 11 FREE GRATIS DECEMBER DECIEMBRE december deciembre 269 CONTACT US CONTECTANOS FOR ADVERTISEMENT SALES CALL PUBLICIDAD - VALENCIA & ALICANTE +34 96 270 8087 SALES TEAM Director Comercial Pedro +34 665 899 903 (English/Español - Valencia & Alicante) David +34 665 898 133 (Marina Alta) Marin +34 615 552 645 (Marina Baja/Marina Alta Sur) Tonet +34 691 572 985 WELCOME By now you must all be knee deep in Christmas wrapping paper, sellotape and gifts. Venues for the Christmas office parties have been selected and the menus for that over indulgent Xmas dinner have been thoroughly discussed. This month we give you a helping hand in the kitchen with some tasty Christmas dishes and if you are having a problem picking out a gift for that one person who has everything turn to page 14 for a few rather unusual ideas! Simple! Get to grips with your Spanish over the holiday season on page 27 and see what Nico Hulkenberg has to say for himself on page 10. So finally, I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and here are a few questions for you to ponder over. Why can't chickens cross the road without having their motives questioned? Why is that when you talk to God it is called praying, but when God talks to you it's called schizophrenia? And by the way don't drink too much because if you fall over and break your legs I don't want you to come running to me! Mine's a large V&T. Cheers. Anita xx CONTENTS (Marina Alta) Peter +34 665 899 903 (Valencia) PUBLISHER: BERNI WALKER EDITOR: ANITA COSCOLIN TRANSLATION: JASMINA LULL 607 289 921 SAMANTHA KETT CONTRIBUTORS: GREGOR BAER COMPUTER KEV SAMANTHA WALKER VIDEOTECA EL SUR CRISTINA SERRA ELIZA ADAMS CARLOS FRANCO 3-5 newsnoticias 7 20 musicmusica 22 thinkS BIENVENIDO Es probable que ahora mismo estás hasta los codos de papel de regalos, cinta y, claro, los regalos mismos. Con suerte, ya se ha escogido el lugar de la comida navideña de empresa y habréis pensado en qué cocinar para la Noche Buena. Si aún no habéis tenido tiempo para esto último, no os preocupéis, que como siempre os echamos una mano: En esta edición encontraréis unos platos muy suculentos para sorprender a la familia en la Noche Buena, y si os cuesta decidir qué regalarles a algunos familiares o amigos, sobretodo los que ya tienen de todo, estudiad nuestras ideas (poco comunes, hay que decirlo) en la página 14...¡ay, qué sencilla! Si tenéis amigos ingleses, animadlos a mejorar su español con la ayuda de la página 27...y puede que os sirva también para mejorar vuestro inglés...¡Merry Christmas! Los aficionados del F1 encontrarán una sorpresa en la página 10, donde descubrimos lo que siente Nico Hulkenberg, el nuevo piloto de Williams, ante su nuevo papel. Pues, os deseamos a todos unas fiestas muy felices...y os dejamos con unas dudas existenciales para romperos la cabeza, gracias a nuestro viejo amigo de la radio M80, Pablo Motos: ¿Por qué las madres, cuando les regalas algo por Navidad, siempre dicen: «¿Para qué te has gastado el dinero?» ¿Por qué el calvo de la lotería de Navidad, si sabe que siempre que sale está nevando, va sin gorro? ¡Buen hombre, que vas a pillar un trancazo de muerte! ¿Por qué los tíos se sienten orgullosos de cuando se quitan los calzoncillos, los lanzan con el pie y los cogen con la mano? ¡Muy bien, machote! Seguro que un día de éstos te contratan en el Circo del Sol. Y esta Navidad, si bebes demasiado y te desplomas en la calle y te rompes las dos piernas, no vayas corriendo a urgencias... Pues, ponme un buen vodka-tonic. ¡Salud! CONTENIDO the housela casa 11-13 recipesrecetas sportdeportes 25 MAJOR DISTRIBUTION POINTS PUNTOS DE GRAN DISTRIBUCIÓN ALICANTE DENIA, JESUS POBRE, JAVEA, GANDIA OLIVA, PEGO, ORBA, BENIDOLEIG, BENIARBEIG, EL VERGEL, ELS POBLETS PEDREGUER, PARCENT, ALCALALI, JALON LLIBER, GATA DE GORGOS, GATA - ONDARA ( N-332 ), ONDARA, LA XARA, BENISSA BENIDORM, LA NUCIA, ALFAZ DEL PI, ALBIR ALTEA, CALPE & LA NUCIA VALENCIA EL CARMEN, POBLA DE VALBONA, BENISANO, LLIRIA, OLOCAU, MARINES, DOMEÑO, CASINOS, PEDRALBA, BETERA, L´ELIANA, LA CAÑADA, VILLAR DEL ARZOBISPO VILLAMARCHANTE, BENAGUASIL, PATERNA MANISES, RIBAROJA, CHIVA, CHESTE BUNOL, MONSERRAT, REAL MONTROY MONTROY, ALBORACHE & TORRENT. 1 Pg. 6 2 Pg. 10 3 Pg. 11 computer ordenadores 4 Pg. 14 House & Garden Casa y Jardín Motoring & Boats Motor y Náutica Food & Drink Gastronomía Shopping Compras 5 Pg. 19 6 7 8 Pg. 23 Travel Sports & Leisure Viajes Deportes y Entretenimiento Health, Beauty & Care Salud, belleza y cuidados 9 10/11 Pg. 27 Work & Education Empleo y Educación For Sale/Wanted Personal Se vende, Se busca, Personal Pg. 29 Pg. 25 Business & Technology Negocios y Tecnología 12 Pg. 30 Pg. 26 Legal & Financial Legal y Finanzas Pg. 15 Property Inmobiliaria Think Press S.L. CI:F: B-54152202 Publisher: B. Walker.Registration: T-1823-06 ISSN 1887-4223 Printers/Impresión Indugraf Offset SA No part of this publication may be published or in any way reproduced without the express consent of the publisher in writing. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and authenticity of advertisements and articles appearing in this publication, the publisher does not accept any responsibility for claims, offers, or opinions expressed therein. Ninguna de las partes de esta publicación puede ser reproducida sin el consentimiento del editor. Cada esfuerzo realizado asegura la la exactitud y autenticidad de los anuncios y articulos que aparecen en esta publicación. El editor no se hace responsable de ninguna reclamación, ofertas u opinión publicadas. Nothing in this or any previous edition known as thinkSPAIN/guide constitutes financial, investment, legal, health or other form of advice. All of Think Press SL, that is company’s owners and employees, together with any third parties contracted by Think Press SL assume no responsibility whatsoever for any information contained in this publication and disclaim all liability in respect of such information. Think Press SL is not responsible for the content of any article, text or advertisement published in this edition, or content which a reader may be able to access from reading any such article, text or advertisement. Think Press SL, incluidos gerentes y empleados de la compañia, en conjunto con terceras partes contratadas por Think Press SL, no assume ningun tipo de responsabilidad sobre los contenidos de la publicación ni de los errores de dicha información. Think Press SL, no es responsable del contenido de ninguno de los articulos, textos o anuncios publicados en esta edición, o del contenido al cual pueda tener acceso un lector al leer dichos articulos, textos o anuncios. thinkS ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 NEWS/NOTICIAS GUIDE / GUIA 3 newsN NOTICIAS ROUND UP LOST MOBILE NUMBERS CAN BE RECOVERED BY THOSE WHO FAILED TO REGISTER PAY-AS-YOU-GO mobile phone users who still have not registered with their network providers will be able to reactivate these numbers and recover their lines if they provide their network operators with their personal details within six months. This was announced by minister for the interior, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba. Pay-as-you-go mobile owners were given two years to register with shops selling phones on their network. The move was aimed at preventing terrorists and organised criminal gangs from being untraceable by using pay-as-you-go mobiles. Now, anyone who buys a new phone of this type will automatically be registered, and anyone who has not registered their previous number will lose it. But Rubalcaba says they have given another six months for owners to get their numbers and their phones back by calling their network provider in order to give the ‘least-informed members of society, such as the young and the elderly’ the chance to resolve their problem of being excommunicated by failing to register. QUIENES NO SE HAYAN REGISTRADO PODRÁN RECUPERAR SUS NÚMEROS LOS USUARIOS DE TARJETAS móviles pre-pago que todavía no se hayan registrado con sus operadores de telefonía móvil podrán reactivar sus números y recuperar sus líneas si presentan sus datos y se registran en los próximos seis meses. El anuncio lo ha realizado el Ministro del Interior, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba. Los propietarios de tarjetas de móvil pre-pago han tenido dos años para registrarse en las tiendas de venta de teléfonos de sus operadores. Esta acción se ha llevado a cabo con el fin de prevenir que los terroristas y las bandas organizadas usen los móviles pre-pago para no ser rastreados. Ahora, todos los que compren un teléfono nuevo de estas características quedarán automáticamente registrados, y todos aquellos que no se hayan registrado previamente perderán sus números. Pero Rubalcaba anunció que van a dar seis meses más a los propietarios para que puedan recuperar sus números llamando a sus operadores para dar a “los menos informados miembros de la sociedad, como jóvenes y ancianos” la oportunidad de resolver el problema de quedarse incomunicados al no registrarse. Spain AVERAGE ALCOHOLIC IS AGED 20 MOST clinical alcoholics in Spain are in their early 20s, a shock report reveals. Some 3.68 million Spaniards – around eight per cent of the population – regularly drink alcohol to excess, and about two million fit the profile of a fully-fledged alcoholic. According to the Federation of Rehabilitated Alcoholics in Spain (FARE), 'alcohol abuse' is defined as drinking half a litre of wine – two-thirds of a bottle – every day, and 'alcoholic dependence' is where a person drinks the equivalent of a whole bottle of wine a day. FARE's head, Dr Francisco Pascual, says in the past, the typical alcoholic would be in their 40s and 50s, but nowadays the average age is just 20. Many of these millions of young patients also regularly consume cannabis and cocaine – often at the same time as alcohol, which can have fatal results. Dr Pascual believes laws covering drinking in under18s should be reinforced, since most of these 20-yearold alcoholics start very young, at around 13 or 14 years of age. LA MEDIA DE EDAD DE LOS ALCOHÓLICOS ES DE 20 AÑOS SEGÚN LO QUE revela un chocante informe, la mayoría de los alcohólicos clínicos tienen unos 20 años. Cerca de 3,68 millones de españoles (cerca de un ocho por ciento de la población) bebe alcohol regularmente en exceso, y cerca de dos millones encajan en el perfil del auténtico alcohólico. Según la Federación de Alcohólicos Rehabilitados Españoles (FARE), “el abuso de alcohol” se define como el beber medio litro de vino (dos tercios de la botella) al día, y “la dependencia alcohólica” es cuando una persona bebe el equivalente a una botella entera al día. TAX INCREASES FOR HIGH-EARNING FOOTBALLERS FOREIGN FOOTBALLERS playing in the Spanish Liga who earn more than 600,000 euros a year will soon be paying 19% more tax thanks to a change in the rules approved today by parliament. The rule change means that players who come to Spain and earn more than 600,000 a year will soon be paying non-resident tax of 43% rather than the 24% they've been paying up til now. Economy Minister, Elena Salgado (pictured), explained that the new rules will apply only to contracts drawn up for more than 600,000 euros per annum after January 1st 2010. Those players who currently earn in excess of that amount can carry on paying only 24% tax for the next five years. The Liga de Fútbol Profesional (LFP) has called an Extraordinary General Assembly for next Friday to discuss the issue, complaining that the new measures will make Spain less competitive when it comes to signing the best players, which in turn would do "irreparable damage to Spanish football" and would "take away the power of the Spanish league and stop it being the best league in the world". But Salgado insists that "the current situation is not reasonable, and the current tax system was not designed specifically for footballers, but rather for scientists and creative people, the ones Spain needed to attract and hold on to for at least five years". The new 43% tax rate would make the Spanish system much more similar to the Italian and German tax systems. Any Italian footballer who earns more El presidente de FARE, el Doctor Francisco Pascual, dice que anteriormente, el típico alcohólico solía tener entre 40 y 50 años, pero ahora la media está en sólo 20 años. Muchos de estos millones de pacientes jóvenes también consumen regularmente cannabis y cocaína, a menudo junto con el alcohol, lo que desemboca en resultados fatales. El Dr. Pascual cree que las leyes que incumben a los menores de 18 años deberían reforzarse, ya que muchos de estos alcohólicos de 20 años empiezan a beber muy pronto, entre los 13 y 14 años de edad. than 75,000 euros a year has to pay 43% tax, just like any other Italian citizen and in Germany, footballers' earnings that exceed 250,000 euros per annum are taxed at 45%. France is currently debating changes to its tax system and a decision will be made in the coming weeks. AUMENTO DE IMPUESTOS PARA LOS FUTBOLISTAS CON MÁS INGRESOS LOS FUTBOLISTAS extranjeros que jueguen en la Liga española y que ganen más de 600.000 euros al año deberán pagar en breve un 19% más de impuestos debido a un cambio en las leyes aprobado en el Parlamento. El cambio de la ley significa que los jugadores que vengan a España y ganen más de 600.000 euros al año pronto tendrán que pagar un 43% por impuestos de no-residentes en lugar del 24% que estaban pagando hasta ahora. La Ministra de Economía, Elena Salgado (fotografía), explicó que las nuevas normas se aplicarán sólo a los contratos por más de 600.000 euros al año firmados a partir de enero de 2010. Aquellos jugadores que en la actualidad ganen más de esa cantidad seguirán pagando sólo el 24% durante los próximos cinco años. La Liga de Fútbol Profesional (LFP) ha convocado una Asamblea General Extraordinaria para el próximo viernes para discutir el asunto, argumentando que las nuevas medidas harán que España sea menos competitiva a la hora de firmar contratos con los mejores jugadores, lo que por ende hará “un daño irreparable al fútbol español” y “acabará con el poder de la liga española dejando de ser la mejor liga del mundo”. Pero Salgado insiste en que “la situación actual no es razonable, y el actual sistema de impuestos no está diseñado específicamente para futbolistas, sino para científicos y creadores, aquellos a quién España necesita atraer y mantener por lo menos durante cinco años.” La nueva tasa de impuestos del 43% hará que el sistema español se parezca más a los sistemas tributarios italiano y News round up brought to you by alemán. Cualquier futbolista italiano que gane más de 75.000 euros al año deberá pagar un 43% de impuestos, igual que cualquier ciudadano italiano y en Alemania, los jugadores de fútbol que ganan más de 250.000 euros al año pagan un 45%. Francia está actualmente debatiendo los cambios en su sistema tributario y la decisión se dará a conocer en las próximas semanas. 4 GUIDE / GUIA NEWS/NOTICIAS CASH REWARDS FOR SOBER DRIVERS GOING on an 'alcobender' in Alcobendas doesn't pay – but being breathalysed can, thanks to a new incentive launched by the police in the town just outside Madrid. Partygoers driving home actually present themselves to give a breath test – because they can get free petrol out of it. Police explain that they are concentrating their efforts in the parts of town where the most bars, restaurants and nightclubs are found, and breathalysing as many drivers as they can. Those whose results come up negative – proving they are sober behind the wheel – will be given a card which is stamped. By the time they have taken four consecutive tests, all of which have come up with negative, or sober, results, they will be given a 20-euro voucher to spend on petrol. Other gifts, such as soft drinks and T-shirts, are also handed out. Officers say the incentive is working even better than the threat of fines, criminal action and the loss of their licences. The campaign started in Alcobendas (Madrid) in the popular Avenida de España area. EN ALCOBENDAS no pagan por ir de botellón, pero por hacer controles de alcoholemia si es posible gracias a la nueva iniciativa lanzada por la policía de la ciudad de las afueras de Madrid. Los conductores que salen de fiesta de hecho se presentan ellos mismos a los controles de alcoholemia, ya que pueden obtener gasolina gratis en ellos. La policía ha explicado que están concentrando sus esfuerzos en las zonas de la ciudad donde hay más bares, restaurantes y pubs, y realizando tests de alcoholemia a tantos conductores como pueden. Todos aquellos cuyo resultado sea negativo, (quienes prueben que van sobrios al volante), recibirán una tarjeta que se irá marcando. Cuando hayan realizado cuatro tests consecutivos, todos aquellos que den negativo, o estén sobrios, recibirán un bono de 20 euros para gastar en combustible. También se dan otros regalos como bebidas no alcohólicas y camisetas. Los oficiales dicen que la iniciativa está funcionando mejor que la imposición de multas, denuncias o pérdidas de carné. La campaña empezó un sábado por la noche en Alcobendas (Madrid) en la famosa zona de la Avenida de España. RECOMPENSAS ECONÓMICAS PARA CONDUCTORES SOBRIOS ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 A MILLION SPANIARDS DON'T KNOW THEY HAVE DIABETES It is estimated that there are about 3,400,000 diabetics in Spain, a figure which increases by 5% every year, and that almost a million of them have never been diagnosed. Furthermore, the incidence of this chronic disease varies considerably from region to region within Spain, with some 12% of the population being affected in Andalucia, Murcia and the Canary Islands compared with only 6% in the Basque Country or Madrid. This information was provided today by Dr Adela Rovira, ex-president of the Spanish Diabetes Federation, who was speaking at a presentation of World Diabetes Day. A five year plan has been set into motion, which aims to improve education about the disease, which in turn will increase levels of prevention. As Dr Rovira explained, diabetes is a disease that "little by little" damages the whole body and underlined the fact that in the Western world, it is the principal cause of blindess in adults and one of the main causes of renal failure. thinkS Environmental factors undoubtedly play an important role in the development of the disease, with a much higher incidence in areas where there is a higher percentage of obese and sedentary people in the population. Dr Rovira emphasised the importance of combatting obesity and improving levels of diagnosis, since 50% of people are already suffering some complication of the disease by the time they are diagnosed. Rovira added that a simple blood test taken first thing in the morning is enough to diagnose diabetes, and that all adults over the age of 45 should be tested on an annual basis, as well as any obese people younger than 45, anyone who leads a very sedentary life or anyone with a family history of diabetes. UN MILLÓN DE ESPAÑOLES NO SABE QUE TIENE DIABETES SE ESTIMA QUE hay 3.400.000 de diabéticos en España, un número que crece un 5% cada año, y de los cuales un millón nunca se ha diagnosticado. Además, la incidencia de esta enfermedad crónica varía considerablemente de una zona a otra de España, con más de un 12% de la población afectada en Andalucía, Murcia y las Islas Canarias en comparación con sólo un 6% en el País Vasco o Madrid. Esta información la ha ofrecido la Doctora Adela Rovira, ex - presidenta de la Federación Española de la Diabetes, quién habló en la presentación del Día Mundial de la Diabetes. Se ha puesto en marcha un plan de cinco años, con el fin de mejorar la educación sobre la enfermedad, lo que aumentará los niveles de prevención. Según explicó la Doctora Rovira, la diabetes es una enfermedad que “poco a poco” daña todo el organismo y subrayó el hecho de que en la parte oriental del mundo, es la principal causa de ceguera en adultos y una de las principales causas de fallo renal. Los factores medioambientales indudablemente juegan un papel importante en el desarrollo de la enfermedad, con una mayor incidencia en las zonas donde el porcentaje de personas obesas y sedentarias es mayor. La doctora Rovira enfatizó la importancia de combatir la obesidad y mejorar los niveles de diagnóstico, ya que el 50% de las personas ya sufren complicaciones de la enfermedad desde que se les diagnostica. Rovira añadió que un simple análisis de sangre realizado a primera hora de la mañana, es suficiente para diagnosticar la diabetes, y que todos los adultos de más de 45 años deberían hacerse los análisis como norma todos los años, incluso personas obesas de menos de 45 años, o cualquiera que lleve una vida sedentaria o quien tenga antecedentes familiares de diabetes. THE SPANISH CONSUMER ASSOCIATION FACUA has launched an attack against leading mobile 'phone operators for appropriating left over credit when customers don't renew their credit within the required time limit. In a press conference in Seville, a spokesperson for FACUA, Rubén Sánchez, pointed out that this practice was an abuse and that "the operator has no right to appropriate a customer's credit when no service has been provided". "The operator can cancel the line, if the contract allows it, but it cannot keep money that doesn't belong to it," said Sánchez, who warned operating companies to return customers' money. FACUA is demanding that a case be brought against Movistar, Vodafone and Orange to force them to modify this practice, in particular Movistar, which has the worst policy in terms of consumer rights, keeping unused credit and cancelling the line if a client goes just seven months without adding credit. Vodafone keeps unused credit and cancels the line if clients go more than ten months without buying credit and Orange does the same after 13 months. As FACUA pointed out, customers who do not use their existing credit are still bringing profit to the mobile 'phone companies by receiving calls and paying linemaintenance costs, nullifying any claims by the companies that they would lose income if this measure were enforced. CONSUMERS' ASSOCIATION HITS OUT AT MOBILE 'PHONE OPERATORS FOR KEEPING UNUSED CREDIT LA ASOCIACIÓN DE CONSUMIDORES ARREMETE CONTRA LAS OPERADORAS DE TELEFONÍA MÓVIL POR QUEDARSE SALDO NO UTILIZADO LA ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA de consumidores FACUA ha lanzado un ataque contra las principales operadoras de telefonía móvil por quedarse con el crédito restante cuando los clientes no renuevan su saldo dentro del tiempo requerido. En una conferencia de prensa en Sevilla, el portavoz de FACUA, Rubén Sánchez, señaló que esta práctica es un abuso y que “el operador no tiene derecho a quedarse con el saldo del cliente cuando no se le ha dado ningún servicio” “El operador puede cancelar la línea, si el contrato lo estipula, pero no puede quedarse dinero que no le pertenece”, dijo Sánchez, quién ha advertido a las operadoras de que tienen que devolver el dinero a sus clientes. FACUA pide que se abra una causa contra Movistar, Vodafone y Orange para forzarles a modificar esta práctica, en concreto a Movistar, que es la que peor política tiene en cuanto a términos de derechos del consumidor, quedándose el saldo no utilizado y cancelando la línea si el cliente no recarga la tarjeta en siete meses. Vodafone se queda el saldo y cancela la línea si el cliente no recarga en diez meses y Orange hace lo mismo en trece meses. Según señaló FACUA, los clientes que no usen su crédito siguen beneficiándose de las empresas de telefonía móvil recibiendo llamadas y pagando los costes de mantenimiento de la línea, anulando cualquier reclamación de las empresas en las que alegan perder dinero si esta medida se impusiese. ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 'RECESSION WILL BE OVER BY EARLY 2010', CLAIMS ZAPATERO thinkS SPAIN'S president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero has stated that he is 'convinced' that Spain will come out of the recession by the end of this year. Zapatero (pictured) believes that, at the latest, the country will have recovered from the economic crisis by early 2010. He revealed this in an interview with German magazine Der Spiegel. He reminded reporters that Spain's delay in coming out of the recession was largely due to the fact that it was one of the last countries to be hit, since other northern European countries were feeling the pinch long before the Iberian Peninsula. Zapatero praised other European countries for their teamwork in preventing the economic system from hitting rock bottom. However, he stressed that better coordination over issues such as financial aid with car-buying would have helped the EU's economy and the industries affected. “LA RECESIÓN LLEGARÁ A SU FIN A PRINCIPIOS DE 2010” INDICA ZAPATERO El Presidente de España José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero ha dicho que está “convencido” de que España saldrá de la recesión a finales de año. Zapatero (fotografía) cree que, como muy tarde, el país se habrá recuperado de la crisis económica a principios de 2010. Lo dijo en una entrevista con la revista alemana Der Spiegel. Recordó a los reporteros que el retraso de España en salir de la recesión ha sido más largo debido a que fue uno de los últimos países a los que afectó la crisis, ya que KEVIN COSTNER LIVE IN BARCELONA ACTOR AND SINGER Kevin Costner is due to perform for the first time ever in Spain. Best-known for his lead role in Robin Hood – prince of thieves, Costner will be on stage in Barcelona's Palau Sant Jordi on February 18 and 19 next year. His show forms part of the Millennium Festival organised by Barcelona city council. Costner, in addition to his acting talent, is an accomplished singersongwriter who spent two decades with the Modern West Band, a group whose music reveals influences of rock, country and folk. Modern West Band's other five members will accompany Costner in his Spanish concert. Tickets are on sale from November 27, with prices ranging from 18 to 98 euros. EL ACTOR Y CANTANTE estadounidense Kevin Costner actuará por primera vez en España entre el 18 y el 19 de febrero de 2010. Su concierto forma parte del Festival Milenio, organizado por al ayuntamiento de Barcelona, y tendrá lugar en el Palau Sant Jordi. Costner es más conocido por su papel en la película Robin Hood: Príncipe de ladrones, que cuenta la s u p u e s t a m e n t e verdadera historia del anti-héroe de la Inglaterra medieval, que robaba a los ricos para alimentar a los pobres. Además de ser famoso por su actividad interpretativa, Costner es un cantautor experimentado que pasó dos décadas con el grupo musical Modern West Band, cuyas obras mezclaban influencias de rock, country y folk. Los otros cinco integrantes de Modern West Band acompañarán a Costner en su actuación en España. Las entradas están ya a la venta con precios que oscilan entre los 18 y los 98 euros. los países del norte de Europa sufrieron el reventón mucho antes que la Península Ibérica. Zapatero elogió a otros países europeos por su trabajo de equipo para prevenir que el sistema económico toque fondo. Sin embargo, hizo hincapié en que una mejor coordinación en asuntos como ayudas financieras para la compra de coches hubiese ayudado a la economía Europea y a las industrias afectadas. ELECTRICITY BILLS TO GO UP ELECTRICITY rates will be forced to rise all over Spain after January 1, according to UNESA. The Spanish Electricity Industry Association (whose presidents are pictured here) says bills will probably go up by between three and four per cent. This is in a bid to reduce the 19,000-million euro deficit in the sector. But UNESA claims that if rates had been increased by around three per cent back in 1999 or 2000, this could have been avoided – and the commodity may even have come down in price. However, this was not possible at the time since Spain was in the process of switching to the euro, a transaction that took until 2002 to complete. It means, however, that initial contract fees for new connections will now have to rise by around 18 per cent. SUBIRÁ EL RECIBO DE KEVIN COSTNER EN LA LUZ EN 2010 DIRECTO EN BARCELONA UNA subida en el recibo de la luz a partir del 1 de enero de 2010 será necesaria por todo el país, según la Asociación Española de la Industria Eléctrica (Unesa). Su presidente, Pedro Rivero, ha anunciado que el coste de esta comodidad subirá entre un tres y un cuatro por ciento. El motivo del incremento en el precio de la luz es el de frenar el déficit de 19.000 millones de euros en el sector. Pero según Unesa, si se hubiese subido el coste del recibo de la electricidad hace una década, entre 1999 y 2000, por un tres por ciento, se podría haber evitado esta nueva situación que obligará a las familias ya castigadas por la crisis a hacer frente a tarifas más altas. De hecho, cabe la posibilidad de que, con un incremento así hace diez años, el recibo actual podría haber bajado en precio. Sin embargo, en aquella época, España estaba entrando en el euro, un proceso que tardaba hasta el año 2002 en completarse. Esto significa que las tarifas de alta para contratos nuevos tendrán que subir un 18 por ciento. NEWS/NOTICIAS IN BRIEF GUIDE / GUIA 5 ESCAPEE BULLS HOLD UP TOM CRUISE AND CAMERON DÍAZ FILM SHOOT FILMING ground to a halt on a new Tom Cruise and Cameron Díaz flick in Cádiz when seven bulls escaped onto the set. One woman suffered minor injuries as a result, and another was treated for a panic attack. Spokesman for Cádiz city council, Ignacio Romaní, says he has called for a report to explain why this hiccup occurred. A bull got out onto the C/ Barrié and another six followed suit. The two Hollywood legends were due to shoot their scenes but the production was held up until safety measures were taken to ensure the animals did not escape again. The second part of Knight and day is being shot in Cádiz after a six-day stint in Sevilla, which involved 300 vehicles, 39 streets and 10 neighbourhoods in the city LA ESCAPADA DE SIETE TOROS PARALIZA EL RODAJE DE LA NUEVA PELÍCULA DE TOM CRUISE Y CAMERON DÍAZ EL RODAJE de la nueva obra de Tom Cruise y Cameron Díaz se paralizó cuando se escaparon siete toros del recinto de filmación. Una mujer sufrió heridas de menor gravedad y otra fue tratada por un ataque de ansiedad. El portavoz del ayuntamiento de Cádiz, Ignacio Romaní, anunció que había solicitado un informe para explicar la causa del incidente. Un toro se escapó en la C/ Barrié, y seis más le siguieron unos minutos más tarde. Estaba previsto que los dos mitos hollywoodenses rodaran sus escenas en Cádiz el día 23 de noviembre, pero se suspendió la producción ante la posibilidad de que los animales volvieran a escaparse. El día siguiente se reanudó el rodaje, habiendo puesto en marcha medidas de seguridad en el recinto. Se está rodando la segunda parte de Knight and day en Cádiz después de seis días de filmación en Sevilla, por la que contaron con 300 vehículos, 39 calles y 10 barrios de la ciudad. JEWISH TORAH FROM SPAIN FETCHES 330,000 DOLLARS AT SOTHEBY'S A 13TH-CENTURY Jewish scripture in Spanish has been sold at auction in New York for 330,000 dollars. It is said to be one of just four surviving Jewish bibles, or law books, known as a Torah, in Spain. Experts believe it was written in Soria between 1278 and 1295, and that it was circulated by mystics in northern Spain and southern France. A unique example of its kind, it was sold at Sotheby's in the Big Apple yesterday to a telephone bidder. Sotheby's had placed a reserve of between 300,000 and 500,000 dollars on the script. It belonged to a Spanish family who lived in Morocco and now reside in Israel. The script measures 58 centimetres in height and 36.65 metres in length. Historians say very little is left in testimony to the Jews in Spain back in the 13th century, making this Torah particularly valuable. UNA TORÁ JUDÍA DE ESPAÑA DEL SIGLO XIII ES VENDIDA EN SOTHEBY'S POR 330.000 DÓLARES UNA escritura judía del siglo XIII en español se ha subastado por 330.000 dólares en Nueva York. Según los expertos, es uno de tan sólo cuatro textos sagrados o libros de leyes de la religión judía – conocido como un Torá – que queda en España. Los historiadores dicen que es probable que la Torá fue elaborada en Soria entre 1278 y 1295, y que se difundía entre los místicos en el norte de España y el sur de Francia. Un ejemplar único, se vendió en la casa de subasta Sotheby's en la Gran Manzana el 23 de noviembre. La Torá fue comprada por un comprador que pujó por teléfono. Sotheby's había previsto un valor de entre los 300.000 y 500.000 dólares. El rollo de pergamino, que mide unos 58 centímetros de altura y 36,65 metros de ancho, era propiedad de una familia española afincada en Marruecos que hoy en día reside en Israel. Según los especialistas, queda muy poco para marcar la presencia de los judíos en España en el siglo XIII, que hace de este manuscrito un tesoro muy valioso. 6 HOUSEANDGARDEN GUIDE / GUIA Animals & Pets Agriculture Air Conditioning Awnings Architects & Surveyors Bathrooms Builders Mobile Homes Skips/Digger Hire Hardware Heating Gutters Kitchens Insulation Iron Work Carpenters Painting & Decoration Plumbers Solar Energy Tiles Windows/Doors Barbecues Fencing Gardens Gates & Garage Doors Hydromassage Spas Swimming Pools Furniture & Soft Furnishings Lighting Security/Alarms Florists Insurance Removals, Relocation & Transport Storage Satellite Systems Solar Systems 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.39 Aire Acondicionado Aislamientos Almacenes Alquiler Contened/Excavadoras Arquitectos y Péritos Agua Agricultura Azulejos Barbacoas Baños Calefacción Caravanas Canalizaciones Carpintería Cocinas Constructores Energia Solar Ferretería Fontaneros Floristerías Herreros Iluminación Jardines Mascotas y Animales Muebles y Menaje Mudanzas y transportes Pintura y Decoración Piscinas Puertas y Ventanas Puertas de garage Servicios DVD Seguros Seguridad/Alarmas Sistemas de Satelite Spas Hidromasaje Toldos Vallado 1.3 1.14 1.34 1.9 1.5 1.39 1.2 1.20 1.22 1.6 1.11 1.8 1.12 1.16 1.13 1.7 1.39 1.10 1.18 1.31 1.15 1.29 1.24 1.1 1.28 1.33 1.17 1.27 1.21 1.25 1.37 1.32 1.30 1.35 1.26 1.4 1.23 why pay more? Card Nº 1000011 Complimentary Card ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 HOUSE & GARDEN / CASA Y JARDIN Offers/Ofertas Take Card to claim Llévate la tarjeta CENTRE VETERINARI BENISSA, 5% DISCOUNT ON MEDICINE, SURGERY, PET FOOD, ACCESORIES, INJECTIONS AND ANTI-PARASITICAL PRODUCTS, 5% DE DESCUENTO EN MEDICINA Y CIRUGIA, ALIMENTACIÓN, ACCESORIOS, VACUNAS Y PRODUCTOS ANTI-PARASITOS, Avda. Pais Valencia, 28, BENISSA, 965731955 CENTRO COMERCIAL AITANA, 5% DISCOUNT ON FURNITURE AND DIY GOODS,(EXCLUDING OTHER SPECIAL OFFERS) , 5% DE DESCUENTO EN MUEBLES Y Since BRICOLAJE, NO ACUMULABLE A 1997 OTRAS OFERTAS, N-332, Entrada Calpe Sur, CALPE, 902444660 CONTENEDORES MATA SL, 5% DISCOUNT, POR PRESENTAR LA TARJETA, DESCONTAMOS 5%, C/Ramon Llido, JAVEA, 965790172 Aa ic fr nN r the d DON COLCHON, FOR PURCHASESFlagsur Eor e an p oof OVER 350 EUROS, GIFT OF A LATEX Aa ic fr nN r the d Eor e an p oof eland Flagsur RsiDa C Ir c us Aa ic fr TRAVEL PILLOW, POR COMPRAS nN r the d zechepRubli Eor e an p kr oof Licence A-167 enma Flagsur reeec G SUPERIORES A 350 EUROS, eland RsiDa C Ir c us zechepRubli kr and enma ele tinKgdBom Ued REGALO DE UNA ALMOHADA DE RsiDa C Ir reec G ItalyS ni c us li a A ic ub R r fr r ep h ia ga N n ec he ul z t d Eor nd kr ereeecan p oof G enma LATEX DE VIAJE, C/ Patricio eland Ic wiertzla Flagsur a y Ecocardio * Radiologia digital * gdBom t*inKEcografi Ued ItalyS ni iar ulga F land PET KgdBom Ferrandiz 40, DENIA, 965784944 tz d ni er * Radiologia digital * Medicina Interna * tin an Ued el EVERYTHING FOR Sweden La lyS YOUR a C Ir and Ic wi D ta I si el R n us y r ma c G e r ia Rubli ulga hep la ecer zwi in land a en tz And ic kr ma fr Nr * Cirugia General * Traumatologia * n the d N Eor an eland Ic reeec G etvia p way gs oof ur GENERAL POOLS, 10% DISCOUNT For F la Sweden La * Laboratorio * n r y Gma e nd la in F gdBom La en N ON ANY PURCHASE, POR LA tvia Ukne P tinKy rai Ued Swed S ni FecB Italynd way ran r n Gma or e an el iadr ga and la a C Ir D ul ol in si R us c um nd li wier la N tz 10 am to 6 pm ubIc tvia elgi epRd zec nds N lar COMPRA DE CUALQUIER ARTICULO etreehe way elhan or kr ma ec G en A Ukne P rai FecB ran oland Calle Diana, 66 - 03700 Dénia 10% DE DESCUENTO, C/Jose Luis Frai nends P elgium alnia ua Uk ug P th t en or Li wed S N lar FecB Bom e ethe Sin n d La ran pa r y ma Gol tinKgd Ued an tr usia lyS ni in Itaia um Tel. 966 42 44 55 A gind ella Borges,5, JAVEA, 965796240 iarN Residencial ulga nds N lar R he “La Plaza”, Local 15 ettv omania land or tz way wier A Li eland Ic alnia ugua P tth or 608 76 46 54 EMERGENCIES in S pa del Pla 122 ne P tth Avda. tr usia JALON LOCKSMITH, 5% alnia Tunisia ugua orP Uk Li rai oE occ M R or Sin F ran cB etr pa Fia omania key Ctra. CaboLa d Tur an us la Nao JÁVEA (Alicante) olen n um Swed y onia r ma st G e gi el nd DISCOUNT WITH CARD, 5% y Hungar la R in nds omania N r la he et tvia N A M Tunisia way or oE Tel/fax 96 579 45 34 occ or key DESCUENTO POR PRESENTAR LA Tur ia Awnings 1.4 onia st al E niaTunisy Hungar ug P th tM oua or cc Li o or P in S pa ne y ke Ukia ai rus Tur tr FecBHungar onia ran TARJETA, CALLE LA PAZ 4, LLIBER, st y an Rd ia um omol an gi el Toldos nds N lar ethe 639292716 A Tunisia oE occ M alnia or ug P y ua e tkth or ur Li T in S ia pa on st KW SOLAR, 10% DISCOUNT ON trHungar yia us R omania SOLAR PANELS, 10% DTO, EN Tunisia oE PANELES SOLARES, C/ La fuente, occ M or key Tur onia st y Hungar 38, SAGRA, 965587742 TOL2 JAVEA, 10% DISCOUNT WITH CARD, 10% DE DESCUENTO PRESENTANDO LA TARJETA, Avda. Arenal Aptos. L’Ancora Bloq.5, Avda. Arenal, Aptos. L’Ancora, Bloq. 5 JAVEA, 965795801 03730 JAVEA (Alicante) BOARDING KENNELS Tel. 96 579 58 01 - Fax 96 646 26 05 TRANS-PET, 1 WEEK FREE RESERVE NOW FOR CHRISTMAS BOARDING WITH EVERY PET TRANSPORTATION SERVICE, 1 24 hours Tel. 629 059 059 SEMANA GRATIS DE ALOJAMIENTO CON CADA TRASLADO DE UNA ARDEN GRANGE The Complete Dry Dog y Cat Food MASCOTA, Partida 29 Baiona Alta, MARTÍNEZ BLANQUER MUCHAMIEL, 600552030 · Automatic and motorised blinds why pay more? Complimentary Card thinkS 1.5 Architects & Surveyors / Arquitectos y Peritos 1.7 Builders / Constructores Card Nº 1000011 ANIMALS & PETS 0034-600 55 20 30 - 0034-965 96 06 58 veterinary clinic EMERGENCIES 24h. 629 930 909 XALÓ - C/Joanot Martorell, 5 local 4 Mon-Fri: 10-13, 17-20 Sat: 10-13 Tel. 966 480 986 JESÚS POBRE - C/La Luna, 1 Mon-Fri: 17-20 - Tel. 96 575 68 84 Monday to Friday: Mornings: 10.30 to 13.30 h Evenings: 17 to 20 h Saturdays: From 11 to 13 h Highest Quality German Shepherds - Simply the best Bred to shepherd Club Standards - Tattood + Vaccinated · Awnings · Mosquito screens · Aluminium and P.V.C. windows and doors Ctra. Nacional 332 , Km 193.50 · 03750 PEDREGUER (Alicante) Tel. 96 645 66 26 - Ronda de las Murallas, 12 - DÉNIA (Alicante) Tel/fax 96 578 09 05 Mobile 607 704 320 Centre Veterinari Benissa VETERINARY CLINIC Emergencies 24 h: Tel. 600 266 686 Internal Medicine and Surgery • Traumatology Radiology and Ultrasound • Odontology Oftalmology • Cardiology • Homoeopathy and Analysis Clinic • Hospitalisation • Grooming Animal food and Accessories • Home visits • Dog Training HOSPITAL BENISSA Avda. Pais Valencià, 28 esq. Ausiàs March Tel. 96 573 19 55 Jalón CLÍNICA La Virgen, 74 Tel. 96 648 04 94 NEW HOURS: Open from 9.30 until 20.00h uninterrupted 10.00-13.30 & 17.00-20.30 hrs Costa de Benissa CLÍNICA Ctra. Moraira-Calpe C.C. Cap Blanc (opposite Pepe la Sal) Tel. 96 574 84 58 Mon to Fri 10.00-13.30 hrs Avda. Fontilles, 13 - PEGO Tel. 96 557 29 07 EMERGENCIES: 608 273 271 e-mail: Peces - Acuarios - Peluquería Canina - Animales Domésticos Alimentación - Accesorios Criadero Canino - Breeding Kennels Residencia Canina - Boarding Kennels VETERINARY CLINIC “EL SALADAR” Monday to Friday: Mornings: 10 to 13.30 h Evenings: 16.30 to 20.00 h Saturdays: From 11.00 to 13.00 h Paseo del Saladar, 62 - DÉNIA Tel. 96 642 40 50 EMERGENCIES: 608 273 271 Avda. de Alicante, 27 Telf: 96 578 83 71 03700 DENIA RQBS provide one-to-one friendly professional building services in Costa Blanca North. Planning application to expert completion. Extensions, reforms, pools, kitchens, carpentry and all builder services. Customers testimonials and service list on website, Call us for a no hassle, and no compromise quote! Tel 966 471 539 thinkS 4QBOJTIGBNJMZSVO DPNQBOZPĉFSTUPQRVBMJUZ NVMUJTFSWJDFJODMVEJOH tϰ5SBEJUJPOBMQMBTUFSJOH t.BDIJOFTQSBZBQQMJFEQMBTUFS t1MBTUFSTIFMWFT t'BMTFDFJMJOHQMBTUFSCPBSET t-BNJOBUFEQMBTUFS 8&"-400''&3 t%FDPSBUJOH t'VMMZMJDFODFE1MVNCJOHBOE "JSDPOEJUJPOJOHTFSWJDFT '*345$-"44 ."5&3*"-4"/%4&37*$& 8&41&",&/(-*4) DBMM+VBONBPSFNBJM ZFTPTHBSDJBEFMBSFJOB!HNBJMDPN 1.17 Painting & Decoration Pintura y Decoración IMPORTANT DECISIONS A few days ago, a couple visited our studio in Calpe, seeking advice. They were determined. They said they were frustrated living in an outdated home, and were looking to add some ‘zing’ to their house. They knew they wanted change, but weren’t really sure where to begin, or what options were available within their budget. They were smart enough to bring pictures of the house, as well as a list of problems that needed addressing. This was helpful to us in trying to come up with a home-improvement strategy. Their problems are not uncommon among Costa Blanca homeowners, regardless of Plaça del Mercat 12-4º D - PEGO 96 557 18 03 - 669 762 980 96 597 73 41 - Willy 605 405 934 1.18 Plumbers Fontaneros 1.21 Windows/Doors Puertas y Ventanas GENERAL GLASSWARE FABRICATION OF DOUBLE GLAZING ALUMINIUM & PVC CARPENTRY Ctra. Cabo La Nao, 54 - JÁVEA (Alicante) Tel. 96 579 29 71 e-mail: cardona@ct whether they have small, detached houses; big chalets or two-level beachfront cottages. Many of our clients started out by buying their houses as summer homes. Initially, their priorities were to have a nice swimming pool and a lounge outdoor area to enjoy the sun. Over time, they began to spend more time there year-round. Eventually, many of those summer homes became retirement destinations. That is when the owners realized that they needed more amenities, bigger rooms, more comfortable kitchens, more insulation, functional windows and heating. Sometimes, homeowners take it upon themselves to replace windows, buy new kitchen cabinets or bath appliances, and fix little odds and ends. But that is usually not enough. They still lack an overall strategy that addresses all the shortfalls they want to fix in the house -- a realistic plan that they can also afford. This is when one must decide whether it makes sense to consult an architect who can see the potential of what can be done with your house based on your specific wants and needs. We frequently visit homes built on big plots of land that were designed like small apartments and do not take advantage of the huge outdoor space, nor are they integrated with the pool area, so you don’t have direct access to your kitchen when you’re outside laying by the pool or have guests at a pool party. An architect can restructure the space in a way that makes it not only functional but also more joyful to live in. A competent architect can chart the roadmap, show you the final destination and what steps are needed to reach it. This is not just done by the architect in isolation. It is a true partnership with the client, who is not just changing his or her home, but also making a major investment. By the way, major home improvements will increase the value of property so you could double or triple the money invested in renovations. This may sound impracticable in these tough times of real-estate hardship, but it is during these times that it’s so critical to make the right decisions so you don’t DECISIONES IMPORTANTES H que pueden mejorar tu calidad de vida ace unos días, una pareja nos visitó en el estudio en busca de asesoramiento. Habían tomado la decisión de mejorar su calidad de vida mejorando su vivienda. Estaban cansados de vivir en la casa tal cual estaba y sabían que querían un cambio, aunque no estaban seguros del qué y cómo hacerlo, y sobre todo, de conseguirlo sin excederse del presupuesto que tenían. En su visita trajeron consigo unas fotos de la casa y una lista de los puntos sobre los cuales deseaban actuar, modificando lo existente y proponiendo nuevas cosas. A partir de aquí pudimos diseñar juntos la estrategia más adecuada para conseguir el objetivo. Ésta situación es muy común en muchas de las viviendas de la Costa Blanca. No importa si son 1.24 Gardens Jardínes Les Solanes WE DO: Pool and garden maintenance, Insecticide/fungicide treatments, Pruning and garden clearance, Garden design and construction, Watering systems, Complete garden consultation. SE REALIZAN: Mantenimientos de piscinas y jardines, Tratamientos fitosanitarios, Poda y limpieza, Construcción y diseño de jardines, Sistemas de riego, Asesoramiento completo en jardines. CONTACT US WITHOUT OBLIGATION CONSÚLTENOS SIN COMPROMISO Tel. 606 347 300 Garden Center ALDAMAR Indoor and outdoors plants and trees. Landscaping, maintenance and cleaning of gardens. Trimming of palm trees or others. 7 waste a single penny and get the maximum value for your investment. If you have ideas, if you want unbiased, no-strings-attached advice on how to improve your home, please come and see us. Bring your own pictures and blueprints, if you have them, and we can sit down and talk. We want you to make the most out of your hard-earned investment Courtesy of CDF Architecture Plaza dels Mariners, 03710, Calpe. Tel 965 832 922 Garden/Jardín Ctra. Vergel-Pego, VERGEL (next to Safari Park entrance) Tel. 96 575 05 61 GUIDE / GUIA that can improve your quality of life - Facade renovations - Decorating - Painting & varnishing -Dampproofing - Professional service DETECTING WATER LEAKS without destruction. We locate with special equipment every water leak inside/outside of buildings and underground: Professional technical service from Castellon to Murcia. Tel. 671092424 HOUSE & GARDEN / CASA Y JARDIN ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 For a quotation without obligation call 96 648 0324 or 610 064 906 pequeños adosados o grandes chalet de varias plantas. Muchas de estas construcciones fueron concebidas como casas de veraneo, en las que era prioritario tener una linda piscina y una zona para tomar el sol. Con los años, los propietarios comenzaron a pasar temporadas más largas, y en muchos casos, pasando de ser residencias de veraneo a vivienda permanente. Es en esta nueva etapa cuando se descubre que aquellas características en su momento poco trascendentes o prescindibles, pasaron a ser en muchos casos imprescindibles. Ahora la vivienda debía responder tanto a las exigencias del clima de verano e invierno, como a una diferente forma de usar la casa. Ya no es válida una distribución interna sin diferenciar la zona pública de la privada, o cruzar la zona privada de la casa para poder llegar a la cocina, por citar algunos ejemplos. Pequeñas mejoras, como cambiar las carpinterías por unas más estancas y con doble acristalamiento, o renovar los muebles de la cocina, son cambios en positivo, pero que en muchos casos resultan insuficientes para lograr el tan ansiado objetivo. Es ahora necesario un plan de acción y una estrategia para conseguir los mejores resultados posibles con el presupuesto disponible. Consultar a un arquitecto es el primer paso de este proceso. Tantas veces visitamos casas ubicadas en enormes terrenos que fueron diseñadas con el tamaño de un departamento, que carecen de diseño en los espacios exteriores. Es común ver cómo para hacerse de una bebida, ir de la piscina hasta la cocina debemos atravesar la casa completa. El arquitecto te ayudará a conseguir una casa más funcional y que todos los espacios con que se cuenten se integren adecuadamente a la vida familiar, evitando superposiciones, cruzamientos, invasiones y complicaciones en el armado de tu casa. Un espacio donde te sientas a gusto y disfrutes en cada momento. Un profesional te propondrá el mapa de ruta, los pasos a seguir, y el destino final. Para lograrlo es necesario el trabajo conjunto del arquitecto y el propietario. El propietario exponiendo sus necesidades, preferencias, gustos e inquietudes, y el arquitecto traduciendo aquello a una propuesta personalizada a cada cliente. Este trabajo puede y debe convertirse en una inversión, ya que puede duplicar o triplicar el valor futuro de la propiedad. Probablemente sean estos tiempos difíciles, pero si es cierto que las correctas decisiones que tomemos hoy pueden convertirse en una excelente inversión del mañana. Trae tus ideas, bosquejos, imágenes, y cuéntanos lo que pretendes de tu casa. Toma la decisión de venir a vernos. Nos sentaremos juntos a conversar, y así obtener el máximo rendimiento de tu inversión. Recuerda que la primera visita en nuestras oficinas es sin cargo. 8 GUIDE / GUIA HOUSE & GARDEN / CASA Y JARDIN Q&A Dear Gregor... Sometimes I see a solar panel with a water tank and sometimes only a solar panel on properties. Are these two different systems? If so, what is the difference? A veces se ven unos sistemas solares en las casas con el depósito de agua encima del panel solar. Otras veces solo se ve el panel solar. ¿Son sistemas diferentes? ¿Cual es la diferencia entre ellos? Paco M., Paterna SOLAR Dear Paco, There are two different types of solar systems for hot water on the market. The ones with the water tank on the roof are called compact systems and the installations where you can just see the panel are called pumped systems. Both are frequently used to produce domestic hot water. I will shortly describe how they work and try to explain their advantages and disadvantages. The “compact” systems have the solar collector and the water tank together. It is a passive system, which means that no pump or other external devices are necessary. It is a very good solution, if we do not have electricity available. The water is heated up directly by the solar collector, with almost no losses in the heat transfer from the solar panel to the water storage tank. The compact system is more simple (less components) and economical than a pumped one. An important condition for the use of the “compact” system is that the distance between the solar water heater and the connection to the house is not too long, so it does not take too much time to get hot water in the house. Generally you can find compact equipment for households up to 5 or 6 persons. If you want solar installations for bigger houses or to combine the hot water system with the house heating, you have to go for the pumped system, which is more flexible. In the group of solar compact water heating systems we can find ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 different types of equipment on the market. We consider the following points as important, in the selection of a compact solar water heater: • Water storage tank working with the normal working pressure of the water system in the house. This enables us to connect directly to the water lines in the house (no additional pumps) and to place the equipment any place we want (we only have to have the sun!!). As the tank has to withstand higher pressures, this type of equipment is generally a little more expensive. There are systems on the market which work without pressure. They have to be placed higher than the bathrooms and many times an additional pump has to be used, or the water pressure is very low. • Vacuum tube solar panel with heat pipe system. The vacuum type of solar water heaters are much more efficient when it is cold outside. This gives us the possibility to cover a very high percentage of our hot water with the solar equipment, even in winter time. There are other types of solar panels on the market which are called flat plate collectors. They loose quite a lot of their efficiency when it is cold outside. The heat pipe system makes the whole system a lot simpler and easier to maintain and repair if necessary. The other system which is thinkS Sistemas compactos / compact systems commonly used is the pumped system. In this type, the solar panel is usually mounted on the roof of the house, and the water tank is positioned somewhere inside the house, preferably as near as possible to where the hot water is finally used. A mains powered circulation pump is used to transfer the solar fluid between the solar panel and the water storage tank, transferring the heat from the solar panel to the water. A controller is required, which measures when the solar fluid is hotter in the panels than in the tank and puts the pump into operation. One advantage of the pumped system is that the tank is nearer to where the hot water is needed and that the tank has less heat losses, because it is not exposed to the weather outside. Another advantage is its flexibility. You can make it almost as big as you like (for example for hotels or camping) and you can combine the systems with the house heating, (using more panels of course). Although the pumped system is more expensive than the compact system, it is often used as well because the visual impact on the house is less. In some solutions the solar panels can be integrated, for example in the roof of the house (as you can see on the picture below), using them even as a design object for the house. The design, installation, and isolation of the pumped systems are crucial for the efficiency and reliability of them. We recommend using high quality vacuum tube collectors with heat pipe system, and a well isolated water storage tank, with a big heat exchanger inside. As you can see, the best solution always depends on the place where the system has to be HERE! why pay more? Complimentary Card Card Nº 1000011 ¡AQUÍ! Pool construction - renovations - saunas - jacuzzis - spas Pumped system for hot water/ sistema de flujo forzada para ACS installed and on the needs of the customer. A good solar system has to be “tailor made” for your home to get good results. If you are interested in a solar system, give me a call to 96 558 7742 or send me a mail to: and I will be pleased to personally check out the possibilities of putting a solar system in your property and prepare a free quotation. GREGOR 1.36 Skips Alquiler Contened why pay more? Card Nº 1000011 CONTENEDORES S.L C/ José Luis Borges, 5 · Jávea · Tel. 96 579 62 40 Complimentary Card Skips MATA 3 m3 5 m3 10 m3 C/ Ramón Llidó, 7 - 03730 Jávea Jim: 616 158 754 Shall we talk? Tel. 96 579 01 72 1.33 Removals Mudanzas SILVER FOX REMOVALS OF MORAIRA Small or large removals handled with competence & care, covering all areas of Spain & the UK. Boxes & materials supplied. AN AFFORDABLE & RELIABLE SERVICE BUILT ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. Call Andrew Winston anytime 636 609 555 or 96 649 5097 email: why pay more? Card Nº 1000011 Complimentary Card FOR LOCAL REMOVALS, STORAGE OR DATES OF OUR UK TRIPS OR JUST FOR FRIENDLY ADVICE CALL ANYTIME. Fax 96 646 20 14 Mobile 679 440 046 Locales nacionales e internacionales Local, National & International Removals * Desmontaje y montaje de muebles * Mudanzas de oficina * Venta de materiales * 15 Años de experiencia * Desde 1 caja a casa completa * Presupuestos sin compromiso * Dismantle and reconstruct furniture * Office removals * Sales of materials * 15 years experience * From 1 box to a whole house * Free quotations, no obligation Jávea Tel. 661 986 451 (Guido) thinkS HOUSE & GARDEN / CASA Y JARDIN ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 Estimado Paco: En el mercado, hay dos sistemas diferentes para agua caliente sanitaria (ACS). Los que llevan el depósito integrado en la placa solar se llaman sistemas compactos o sistemas de termosifón y los sistemas que tienen solo la placa solar en el tejado que se llaman sistemas de flujo forzado (más adelante explicaré por qué). Los dos sistemas sirven para producir ACS. Explicaré los dos sistemas con sus ventajas y desventajas. En el sistema compacto, la placa solar y el depósito de agua caliente están juntos, montados en la misma estructura exterior. Es un sistema pasivo y no necesita ninguna bomba adicional para funcionar, lo cual es una gran ventaja y nos permite utilizar este sistema en sitios donde no hay suministro eléctrico, por ejemplo. Además, el agua se calienta directamente por la placa solar sin apenas pérdidas, aunque hay que mencionar que el depósito está expuesto a la intemperie y por ello tiene pérdidas de calor algo más altos que los sistemas de flujo forzado, que tienen el acumulador dentro de la vivienda. El sistema es más sencillo (menos componentes) y más económico que el de flujo forzado. Para las instalaciones de los compactos es importante que la entrada de agua caliente a la casa no esté muy alejada del equipo, para que el agua no tarde demasiado en llegar al grifo. En los equipos compactos hay unos tamaños 1.28 Furniture & Soft Furnishings Muebles y Menaje Standard para casas con 3 a 6 personas. Para sistemas más grandes o sistemas combinados de calefacción y ACS, hay que ir al sistema de flujo forzado, que es más flexible. Existen diferentes tipos de equipo compacto en el mercado. Consideramos importantes en la selección de un equipo compacto los siguientes puntos: • Que el depósito trabaje a la presión de la red de agua de la casa. Así se conecta directamente a la casa sin necesidad de montar bombas adicionales y no hay ninguna limitación en la selección del sitio de montaje. Como el depósito tiene que aguantar presiones más altas, el equipo sale más caro. • Que la placa solar sea de tubo de vacío con sistema “heat pipe”. Las placas solares de tubo de vacío son mucho más eficientes en invierno a temperaturas bajas y el sistema “heat pipe” hace que el sistema sea mucho más sencillo y más fácil de mantener y reparar en caso de necesidad. El otro sistema usado comúnmente es el de flujo forzado. Allí la placa solar generalmente está montada en el techo de la casa y el depósito de agua se encuentra dentro de la vivienda. En este caso se necesita una bomba eléctrica, un circuito primario y un sistema de control para llevar el calor desde la placa solar al depósito de agua caliente sanitaria (ACS). El controlador mide la temperatura en la placa y en el depósito y siempre que la placa solar esté más caliente que el agua del depósito, la bomba entra en funcionamiento. Se llama de flujo forzado, porque la bomba tiene que mover el agua del cirquito solar, para que el sistema funcione. Una ventaja del sistema de flujo forzado es que el acumulador no está expuesto al exterior y por lo tanto no pierde mucho calor por la noche. Además se puede poner el acumulador más cerca de los puntos donde se gasta el agua y así se reduce el tiempo hasta que el agua llega al grifo. Son sistemas muy flexibles que se pueden usar incluso para instalaciones muy grandes o para combinarlos con la calefacción de la casa. Aunque este tipo de Your bed specialist All leading makes available BUY A MEMORY MATTRESS* FOAM MATTRESSES AND RECEIVE A ALOE FREEVERA 400GR (6 CM) FROM ALARM + CENTRAL STATION CONNECTION KIT ALARMA + CONEXION CRA € +IVA / MONTH/MES ALL INCLUSIVE TODO INCLUIDO FRANCISCO FORNÉS Av. Santo Domingo, 18 - JALÓN Tel./Fax 96 648 04 11 Mv. 639 271 804 Complimentary Card Giving you years of sweet dreams SPECIAL PROMOTION PROMOCION ESPECIAL €0* la fiabilidad del sistema. Recomendamos utilizar colectores solares de tubo de vacío con sistema “heat pipe” de buena calidad, un acumulador con un buen aislamiento y un intercambiador de calor grande. Como se puede ver, la mejor solución siempre depende del sitio donde se vaya a instalar y de las necesidades del cliente. Un buen sistema solar debe de estar adaptado y diseñado de forma individual para cada sitio. Si están interesados en un sistema solar llámenme al 96 5587742 o mándenme un mail a Estaré encantado de estudiar personalmente las posibilidades de poner un sistema de energía solar para su casa y de prepararles un presupuesto sin ningún compromiso. Gregor Baer Are you looking for a gift this Christmas? why pay more? Card Nº 1000011 1.30 Security/Alarms Seguridad/Alarmas 25.00 sistema es más caro que el compacto, se emplea con frecuencia, principalmente porque el impacto visual del sistema se reduce de forma importante; incluso hay soluciones dónde los paneles solares se integran en el techo de la casa y se usan como elemento decorativo. El diseño, la instalación y el aislamiento de los sistemas de flujo forzado es crucial para la eficiencia y 9 1.31 Florists / Floristerías MUEBLES SÁNCHEZ Y CASTILLO Avda. Pais Valenciá 16, 03580 L’Alfás del Pi. Tel. 96 588 75 30 INSTALLATION INSTALACIÓN Esquema de sistema de flujo forzado / pumped system GUIDE / GUIA SPECIALISING IN: Cut flowers, Artificial arrangements, Bespoke floral arrangements and bouquets, Weddings, Parties, Floral tributes, Funerals QUILT €209 * See Models MATTRESS MEMORY PACK FOAM MATTRESS + BASE + LEGS + SETPILLOW & WOODEN CHESTS FROM FROM FROM 539 €123 € EASY PAYMENT TERMS AVAILABLE ctra. Denia-Ondara front of Tel. Moblerone) Patricio Ferrándiz, 40 (next to post offices/n / junto (in a la oficina de correos) 96 578 49 44 - Dénia tel(Opposite : 96 643 1276 662Clinica 352 Ctra. Dénia - Ondara Clínica San Carlos-/ frente San824 Carlos) Tel. 96 643 12 76 All sizes. Duvets, pillows, sheets and covers. We t a k e c a r e o f y o u 10 GUIDE / GUIA ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 648 08 14 MOTORING & BOATS / MOTOR Y NAUTICA Q & A WITH NICO HULKENBERG 2 Motoring & Boats Motor y Náutica Dealerships 2.1 Vehicles for Sale 2.2 Taxis 2.4 Caravans 2.5 Car Rental 2.6 Tyres, Maintenance and Repairs 2.7 Parking 2.3 Transfers/Licenses 2.9 Breaker’s Yard 2.10 Insurance 2.11 Boats & Accessories 2.7 Alquiler de coches Aparcamientos Barcos y Accesorios Caravanas Concesionarios Desguace Gestorias Taxis Neumaticos, mantenimiento y reparaciones Seguros Vehículos en venta 2.6 2.3 2.12 2.5 2.1 2.10 2.9 2.4 2.7 2.11 2.2 Q: How are you feeling about your new appointment? NH: I’m pretty excited to be racing for Williams. They’re real racers. I’ve been with the team as a test driver for two years now so I know everyone well. I’ve also been working in the factory itself this year with stints in composites, the wind tunnel and subassembly. I’m now in a race seat and I’m really looking forward to next year. Q: What are your objectives for next season? NH: I just want to deliver consistently and do a good job for the team. I’d like to have some good races and score point. Q: What steps will you take to ensure you hit the ground running in Formula One? NH: I can’t ensure anything; all I can do is work hard over the winter. I’ll take all of the tests that I get and I will use the simulator at Grove as much as I can. Q: When will you get your first run in the car? NH: I will test the 2010 FW32 when testing starts in February, but I will be doing two of the young driver tests this month at Jerez. Q: Rubens Barrichello will be your team mate for 2010, your thoughts? NH: It’s completely positive from my perspective. As a rookie in Formula thinkS 2010 AT&T WILLIAMS RACE DRIVER One, you couldn’t ask for a better person to be your team mate. It’s a good combination. Q: Is he the kind of team mate you would prefer? NH: I don’t really mind. I just want the best team mate I can get. Someone who is quick, experienced and a good driver, and that’s what I see in him. Q: Will you go to him for advice? NH: I would be stupid not to! I think I can learn a lot from him and his experience, particularly by seeing how he works over a race weekend. Q: It’s been five years since Williams’ last victory in Formula One. From what you know so far of the new car, do you think the team can turn their fortunes around? NH: I certainly hope so. I’m in the factory a lot so I see how hard the guys work, but you never really know how quickly and effectively the other teams’ development programmes are going until you get to the track. It’s only then that we will be able to tell. Q: Does the success of Brawn as an independent team give you hope that Williams will be able to take on the might of McLaren and Ferrari? NH: The hope is always there. Independent of what Brawn does, however, I know that Williams can be successful. 2.7 Maintenance, Tyres & Repairs Neumáticos, mantenimiento y reparaciones why pay more? Complimentary Card Card Nº 1000011 why pay more? Complimentary Card Card Nº 1000011 Offers/Ofertas Take Guide or Card to claim Llévate la Guía o la tarjeta 2.6 Car Rental Alquiler de coches Barber y Boronat - 5% DISCOUNT ON CAR REPAIRS AT GARAGE, 5% DE DESCUENTO EN REPARACIONES DE COCHE, Avda. Alicante 25 bajo, DENIA, 966422830 Motor Carma SA - 10% DISCOUNT IN HAND LABOR AND SPARE PARTS, 10% DE DESCUENTO EN MANO DE OBRA Y PIEZAS DE RECAMBIO, Ctra. DeniaOndara, DENIA, 965787212 MADRID TO LONDON VIA PARIS IN EIGHT HOURS BY RAIL 2.1 Dealerships Concesionarios MOTOR CARMA why pay more? Complimentary Card OFFICIAL DEALER Card Nº 1000011 TEL. 96 578 72 12 Ctra. Dénia - Ondara, Km. 2 Aptdo. 536 - 03700 DÉNIA e-mail 2.12 Car Wash AutoLavado 2.2 For Sale Se Vende ECO CAR WASH AUTOLAVADOS MONTGÓ S.L. Avda: de Valencia, 48. A 03700 DENIA (Alicante) Tel.; 676 118 336 ALICANTE AIRPORT PARKING 1 MONTH - 66,50 EUROS 2 MONTHS - 95,00 EUROS 3 MONTHS - 114,00 EUROS (only 1 entrance and 1 exit) 6 MONTHS - 175,75 EUROS 1 YEAR - 284,05 EUROS 3 YEARS - 741,00 EUROS (UNLIMITED entrances and exits) TEL: 606 157 020 SHOWING THIS ADVERT a n a @ ma r ch sa l va .n e t Opel Corsa 1.4i For Sale, 1995, Blue, RHD, Automatic, English Reg low mileage, good runner, 500€. Call 649 980 019 A HIGH-SPEED train covering the trip from Madrid to Paris will be on track by 2012. The central government has announced that the line will link up to the Eurostar station in Paris, meaning passengers can travel on to London without having to cross the city by metro. As a result, there will be a direct public transport link from Madrid to the UK within less than three years. Plans have been approved between Spain's president, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, and French minister François Fillon. The rail-link will be jointly managed by the RENFE – Spain's railway board – and the SNCF, that of France, although the resulting company's head office will be in Spain. RENFE intends to invest 300 million euros in the project, which will be the ideal solution for British expats in Spain who hate flying but wish to return to the UK to see their families. Additionally, the Spanish and French governments have agreed to invest a total of 108 million euros into the highspeed train-line from Figueres (Girona) to Perpignan, providing a coastal link between the two countries by rail. MS DE MADRID A LONDRES POR PARÍS EN OCHO HORAS UN tren de alta velocidad que cubrirá el trayecto de Madrid a París estará en marcha en 2012. Según el gobierno central, la línea ferroviaria enlazará con el Eurostar una vez en París, para que los pasajeros puedan seguir su viaje hasta Londres sin tener que cruzar la capital francesa por metro. Como resultado, dentro de los próximos tres años, será posible ir en transporte público directamente de Madrid al Reino Unido en unas ocho horas. El presidente del gobierno español, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, y su colega francés, François Fillon, ya han dado el visto bueno al proyecto. Este enlace ferroviario será gestionado de modo conjunto por la RENFE y la SNCF en Francia, aunque la sede central de la compañía estará en España. RENFE proyecta invertir unos 300 millones de euros en crear la nueva línea. Será la solución ideal para los británicos que viven en España y a los que no les gustar volar, para facilitar su viaje a su país para ver a su familia. Además, dará la oportunidad a los españoles, sobretodo los madrileños, de conocer Gran Bretaña sin tener que desplazarse en avión. Además, las administraciones españolas y francesas han pactado invertir un total 108 millones de euros en el proyecto del tren de alta velocidad entre Figueres (Girona) y Perpignan (sur de Francia), así creando un enlace ferroviario entre los dos países por la costa. SE VENDE FOR SALE - SEAT LEON GESTORÍA MARCH-SALVA GESTORÍA ADMTIVA Y ASESORÍA PASEO SALADAR 58, 1 A TEL. 966 42 27 07 FAX 966 43 16 46 03700 DÉNIA Matriculaciones Estrangeria Fiscal Laboral y contable Registrations - Foreigners Tax and Accounting gA 1.9 Tdi Fr. 150cv. Diesel Negro. Año 2004. Perfecto estado, techo solar, alarma, ESP, tapiceria cuero alcantara, 158.000km, libro de revision completo en Seat, guardado en garaje. Precio neg. 8.999€ 1.9 Tdi Fr. 150cv. Diesel Black. Year 2004.Perfect condition, sunroof, alarm, ESP, leather upholstery, 158.000km, up to date Seat service history, kept in garage. Price negotiable. 8.999€ Contacto / Contact : 665 532 088 thinkS ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 TIRAMISU FOOD & DRINK / GASTRONOMÍA INGREDIENTS Alicante 3.1 Valencia 3.2 Bodegas/Wine Merchants 3.3 why pay more? Card Nº 1000011 Complimentary Card Offers/Ofertas Take Card to claim Llévate la tarjeta Aura Restaurant - FREE BOTTLE OF WINE FOR TWO PEOPLE AT LUNCH, MENU OR A LA CARTE, POR VENIR A COMER (MENU O A LA CARTA) 2 PERSONAS, BOTELLA DE VINO GRATIS, Avda de Aicante, 19, DENIA, 966426464 Bar La Torre, FREE BOTTLE OF HOUSE WINE WITH LUNCH OR DINNER FOR TWO, BOTELLA DE VINO DE LA CASA GRATIS POR VENIR A COMER O CENAR DOS PERSONAS, Bar La Torre, C/ Mayor, 4, ALCALALI, 966482649 Bistro Alegria, FREE BOTTLE OF HOUSE WINE FOR TWO PEOPLE AT DINNER SUPERIOR TO 20 EUROS, BOTELLA DE VINO DE LA CASA GRATIS PARA DOS PERSONAS CON CENA SUPERIOR A 20 EUROS, Rosario 1, La Pedrera, DENIA, 609915361 Duo Dama, FREE SHOT AFTER LUNCH OR DINNER , POR VENIR A COMER O CENAR GRATIS UN CHUPITO, Ctra. Denia - Javea 100, DENIA, 966425072 El Mosset, BOTTLE OF HOUSE WINE FREE FOR TWO PERSONS AT LUNCH OR DINNER, BOTELLA DE VINO DE LA CASA GRATIS PARA DOS PERSONAS EN COMIDAS Y CENAS, C/Sertorio 24, DENIA, 966425416 Il Frateli, FREE BOTTLE OF HOUSE WINE WITH LUNCH OR DINNER FOR TWO PEOPLE, BOTELLA DE VINO DE LA CASA GRATIS POR VENIR A COMER O CENAR 2 PERSONAS, Ctra. Las Marinas Km 5, DENIA, 966431741 Lizarran, 5% DISCOUNT AT LUNCH OR EVENING MEAL WHEN PRESENTING THIS CARD, 5% DESCUENTO EN COMIDAS O CENAS AL PRESENTAR ESTA TARJETA, C/Patricio Ferrandiz, 50, DENIA, 965784111 Isla Tortuga Restaurante, COME AND SHOW YOUR CARD FOR A FREE BEER, UNA CERVEZA GRATIS POR VENIR Y PRESENTAR LA TARJETA, La Marina de Denia, DENIA, 609227016 Rte. Al Gusto, FREE BOTTLE OF HOUSE WINE WHEN TWO PEOPLE CHOOSE FROM THE A LA CARTE MENU (MINIMUM 2 COURSES), BOTELLA DE VINO DE LA CASA PARA DOS PERSONAS AL PEDIR A LA CARTA (MÍNIMO 2 PLATOS), C/ Colon 46, DENIA, 966427830 Rte. Armell 2, FREE BOTTLE OF WINE HOUSE FOR TWO PEOPLE AT LUNCH OR DINNER, BOTELLA DE VINO DE LA CASA GRATIS POR VENIR DOS PERSONAS A COMER O CENAR, Cami Pou de la Muntanya 14, DENIA, 965781101 Rte. Club de Tenis, FREE BOTTLE OF HOUSE WINE FOR TWO PEOPLE WITH LUNCH OR EVENING MEAL, BOTELLA DE VINO DE LA CASA PARA DOS PERSONAS EN COMIDAS Y CENAS, , Ptda Marjal S/N, DENIA, 965784451 Rte. El Polígono, FREE BOTTLE OF HOUSE WINE FOR TWO PEOPLE WITH LUNCH OR DINNER, INCLUDES MENU DEL DIA, BOTELLA DE VINO DE LA CASA PARA 2 PERSONAS EN COMIDAS Y CENAS, INCLUIDO MENÚ, Ptda. madriguerres Sud, 19, DENIA, 965780960 Rte. El Senyoret, FREE BOTTLE OF HOUSE WINE FOR 2 PERSONS AT LUNCH OR DINNER, BOTELLA DE VINO DE LA CASA GRATIS PARA DOS PERSONAS EN COMIDAS Y CENAS, C/ Sanchis Guarner No 4, DENIA, 966422958 Lluna Llunera, FREE BOTTLE OF HOUSE WINE (WHITE, ROSE OR RED) WITH ANY MEAL SUPERIOR TO 30 EUROS, BOTELLA DE VINO DE LA CASA GRATIS (ROSADO, TINTO O BLANCO) CON CUALQUIER COMIDA SUPERIOR A 30 EUROS, Restaurante, C/ Les Oques, Local 5 y 6, JALON, 966480840 Rte. Riu Rau, FREE BOTTLE OF “MISTELA” FOR TWO PEOPLE AT LUNCH OR DINNER, BOTELLA DE MISTELA GRATIS POR VENIR A COMER O CENAR DOS PERSONAS, Cami Riu Rau 5, JALON, 966480506 11 12 boudoir biscuits, or similar 150g mascarpone 150g single cream 2 egg yolks 4 tablespoon sugar 1 small glass cognac 3 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder 1 cup strong black coffee INGREDIENTES 1 copita de coñac 3 cucharas soperas de cacao en polvo no edulcorado (no utilizar Cola-Cao ni Nesquik; el efecto no es el mismo. El cacao en polvo se puede comprar en Carrefour o en cualquier supermercado británico). 1 taza de café fuerte 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Restaurants & Bars GUIDE / GUIA Pour coffee into a shallow bowl. Soak biscuits in coffee quickly, so they do not disintegrate. Line bottom of dish with biscuits. Whip sugar, egg yolks and cognac together until mixture has a moussey consistency. Whip cream, then add to egg white mixture. Spread evenly over biscuits. Chill for two or three hours. 12 galletas Boudoir (bizcochos blandos o soletillas) 150g de queso Mascarpone. 150g de nata líquida 2 yemas de huevo 4 cucharas soperas de azúcar 1. Verter el café en un bol. Remojar las galletas unos segundos, pero sacarlas antes de que se rompan. 2. Cubrir el interior de un bol bastante grande con las galletas mojadas. 3. Batir el azúcar, las yemas y el coñac hasta que la mezcla tenga una consistencia de mus. Batir la nata y añadir a la mezcla. Cubrir las galletas con la crema resultante. 4. Dejar enfriar unas dos ó tres horas. Salpicar con cacao en polvo antes de servir. RESTAURANTSRESTAURANTES A TOT HORA Visit our restaurant situated on the national road 332 (Pedreguer) next to the Shell petrol station. Menu Monday to Sunday 9,80€ with coffee included. On Thursdays with have Entrecot on the menu. Open 07:00 - 18:00 all year round. Visite nuestro restaurante situado en la carretera nacional 332 (pedreguer) junto a gasolinera shell. menú de lunes a domingo 9.80€ cajé incluido. el jueves tenemos entrecot en el menú. horario . 07:00 a 18:00 todo el año EL MARINO A Tot Hora Restaurant, CN-332, km. 193 - Pedreguer. Tel 649 50 28 98 El Marino has been open since 1949. There are two premises, one in the Port next to the Tourism Office (Tourist Info), where typical tapas are served and the other is located between the two marinas. Parking is available and here you can enjoy popular rice dishes and also a good choice of tapas. Family atmosphere. Closed on Mondays. El Marino, bar tipico que permanece abierto desde 1949. Consta de dos locales, uno en el puerto junto a la Oficina De Turismo (tourist info), donde poder practicar el tipico tapeo, y otro entre los dos Clubs Nauticos , con a parcamiento en la misma puerta, donde poder disfrutar de los tipicos arroces nuestros en formato de menu, asi como de las tapas. Ambiente familiar. Cerrado los lunes. ISLA TORTUGA * More info Marina de Dénia. Tel. 96 642 28 88 El Marino, Ctra Les Rotes Denia-Javea, km 0,5 Telefono: 96 578 1017 El Marino, Plaza Oculista Buigues nº 4, Puerto (junto a Tourist Info) Telefono: 96 578 3566 CHRISTMAS MENU Potato cream soup with mushrooms and shallots Fennel salad with Russian crabs and orange vinaigrette Crepe filled with spinach and mascarpone au gratin with parmesan cheese and butter Beef sirloin with a sauce of Calvados and peach accompanied by potato au gratin and broccoli with almonds. Caramel Bomb. 29,50€ per person* BIG NEW YEARS EVE PARTY - FIREWORKS, MUSIC, GRAPES - MENU - Scallops filled with bechamel and parmesan cheese au gratin with saffron sauce. Duck Carpaccio with vinaigrette of Martini and warm dittander. Black Tortelaci with squid ink filled with ricotta and spinach and a sauce of salmon mousse with shallots. Halibut fillet on a base of truffle purée with foam of champagne. Apple Sorbet. Beef sirloin with crayfish and a reduction of Cognac, Crème fraiche and lobster stock and a roll of bacon with legumes of Kenian beans. New Years Eve Surprise Dessert. 49,50 per person * Turkey with a whiskey glaze 12 GUIDE / GUIA Pavo glaseado con whisky ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 FOOD & DRINK / GASTRONOMÍA INGREDIENTS 5.5kg oven ready Turkey 175g prepared stuffing Salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 onion, peeled and cut into wedges Small bunch of fresh herbs 50g softened butter 6 rashers back bacon For the Whiskey Glaze 6 tbsp Irish Whiskey 3 tbsp clear honey 1 tbsp grated orange rind 2 tbsp orange juice PREPARATION: 1. Preheat oven to 190ºC, 375ºF, Gas Mark 5, 10 minutes before cooking. Frozen turkeys must be thoroughly thawed. Remove giblets if necessary. (Use giblets to make stock for gravy). Wipe the turkey inside and out with either a clean damp cloth or kitchen paper. 2. Stuff the neck cavity with your prepared stuffing and secure neck flap, firmly encasing the stuffing. Season the body cavity then place the onion and fresh herbs inside. Weigh the turkey and calculate the cooking time allowing 20 minutes per kg plus 90 minutes. 3 Place in a roasting tin and spread the breast and thighs with the softened butter and place the bacon over the top. Cover loosely with foil and cook in the preheated oven for calculated cooking time. 4 Blend the ingredients for the glaze together and 40 minutes before the end of cooking time, remove foil and the bacon, if used. Pour half the glaze over the breast. Continue to cook for the remaining time, pouring over the remaining glaze after a further 10 minutes. Baste occasionally until the turkey is cooked and the juice run clear when the thigh is pierced with a skewer. Add a little of the pan juices to the gravy. Allow to rest for 15-20 minutes before carving and serve with roasted potatoes and parsnips, sprouts and carrots. INGREDIENTES Un pavo entero de 5,5 kilos, limpio 175g de relleno de pavo “stuffing” (lo encontrarás en Carrefour o en cualquier supermercado británico) Sal y pimienta negra molida 1 cebolla, pelada y troceada Un puñado pequeño de hierbas frescas 50g mantequilla (blanda) PREPARACIÓN: 1. Calentar el horno hasta 190ºC unos 10 minutos antes de empezar. Si el pavo está congelado se tendrá que descongelar por completo con antelación. Sacar las entrañas si quedan. (Éstas se pueden utilizar como caldo para preparar una salsa para el pavo). Limpiar el pavo por dentro y por fuera con un trapo húmedo o papel de cocina. 2. Rellenar el cuello con el “stuffing” inglés ya preparado siguiendo las del paquete instrucciones (normalmente, basta con que añadas agua y lo mezcles con un tenedor). Sellar el cuello para que el relleno se quede dentro y denso. Salpimentar el cuerpo del pavo y meter las cebollas y hierbas dentro. Pesar el pavo para calcular el tiempo de cocción; unos 20 minutos por kilo aunque 90 minutos suelen ser suficientes. 3. Colocar el pavo en una bandeja del horno y untar la pechuga y los 6 lonchas de beicon Para el glaseado de whisky 6 cucharas soperas de whisky irlandés 3 cucharas soperas de miel clara 1 cuchara sopera de cáscara de naranja rallada 2 cucharas soperas de zumo natural de naranja. muslos con la mantequilla. Poner las lonchas de beicon encima. Cubrir ligeramente con papel de aluminio y asar en el horno. 4. Mezclar los ingredientes del glaseado y unos 40 minutos antes de que el pavo esté cocinado, quitar el papel de aluminio y el beicon. Verter la mitad del glaseado sobre la pechuga. Devolver el pavo al horno y verter encima la otra mitad de la mezcla 10 minutos más tarde. A partir de ahí hasta el final de la cocción, seguir vertiendo el jugo sobre el pavo de vez en cuando. 5. Cuando, al perforar el muslo del pavo con una brocheta, el jugo esté claro sacarlo del horno. Puedes añadir un poco de ese jugo a una salsa para que se note más el sabor. Dejarlo reposar unos 15 ó 20 minutos antes de cortar. Servir con patatas asadas, chirivía, zanahoria y coles de Bruselas cocidas. restaurants and bars 3.1 Alicante thinkS Open for lunch and dinner. Closed on Sunday and Tuesday evening Cook your food on our Hot stones International Cuisine - Menú del día Dénia C/. Colón, 46 - 03700 Dénia Tel. 96 642 78 30 - 660 957 012 Alcalalí AS USED BY U3A QUIZ DÉNIA why pay more? Ristorantes - Pizzerias Complimentary Card Card Nº 1000011 EL MARINO EL PORT - LES ROTES Camí Pou de la Montaña, 14 - 03700 DÉNIA Tel. 96 578 11 01 - 670 37 31 58 MENU DEL DÍA €8.00 Ctra. Las Marinas 193, km.5 - Tel. 96 643 17 41 Avda. Ramón Ortega 7 bajo - Tel. 96 643 23 59 Ctra. Las Marinas km 13 - Tel. 96 575 52 17 03700 DÉNIA Un sitio para volver You’ll keep coming back Cerrado lunes - Closed Mondays Tel. 96 648 21 40 03728 ALCALALÍ (Alicante) Restaurant Poll, FREE BOTTLE OF HOUSE WINE WITH ‘A-LA-CARTE’ LUNCH OR DINNER, BOTELLA DE VINO DE LA CASA GRATIS POR VENIR A COMER O CENAR A LA CARTA, Restaurant Poll, C/ San Josep 6-8, POBLETS (ELS), 966474580 Restaurante Isa, FREE HOME MADE DESSERT WITH LUNCH OR DINNER FOR TWO ‘A LA CARTE’, POSTRE CASERO GRATIS POR VENIR A COMER O CENAR DOS PERSONAS A LA CARTA, Ctra. Las Marinas Km8,5 Playa Almadrava 1, POBLETS (ELS), 966474369 Restaurante Coll de Rates, 10% DISCOUNT, 10% DE DESCUENTO, Restaurante Coll de Rates, Solana de Parcelles S/N, TARBENA, 671216676 Open every day why pay more? Card Nº 1000011 Complimentary Card Restaurant Ptda Marjal S/N, DENIA Tel - 96 578 4451 Avda. Alicante, 19 03700 Dénia 966 42 64 64 C/Sanchís Guarner, 4 03700 Dénia Tel: 96 642 29 58 NEW DAILY MENU €8,50 TO CHOOSE 10% DISCOUNT! WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY Schnitzelworld THURSDAY - BBQed SPARERIBS FRIDAY - Fisch’n’Chips and more and the all time best Steaks in Town From 1949 Pl. Oculista Buigues, 4 Dénia-Alacant Tel. 965 783 566 Ctra. Dénia-Mena, 35 Dénia-Alacant Tel. 965 781 017 SANDU SPECIALISTS IN RICE DISHES ARROSSERIA - RESTAURANT Desde 1949 NGA 52 RESTAURANTE ·PIZZERIA BISTRO ALEGRÍA, DÉNIA-LA PEDRERA 609 915 361 Menú desde 15 € Domingos cerrado why pay more? Complimentary Card Card Nº 1000011 Specialising in Rice dishes, Fish & sea food Keeping to traditions / Siguiendo la tradición End of the Rotas Tel. 96 578 09 43 03700 DÉNIA (Alicante) «Cheap daily menus» Calle Patricio Ferrándiz 50 Tel. 578 41 11- Dénia Partida Madrigueres, 19 - Dénia C.C. Portal de la Marina Tel. 96 647 74 44 - Ondara Tel. 96 578 09 60 Open from 19 h. Sundays all day (Wednesday Closed) C/ Sandunga 52, Dénia, T. 96 643 02 31 thinkS ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 GUIDE / GUIA CHOCOLATE PANFORTE FOOD & DRINK / GASTRONOMÍA Makes 1 9-inch cake INGREDIENTS 4 ounces whole hazelnuts (3/4 cup) Unsalted butter, room temperature, for greasing pan 3 ounces dried cherries (1/2 cup) 2 tablespoons brandy 3 ounces unsweetened chocolate, finely chopped (3/4 cup) 13 1 ¼ ounces bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped (1/4 cup) 1 cup plus ½ tablespoon all-purpose flour 1 ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon 2/3 cup honey 2/3 cup packed light-brown sugar ½ teaspoon Dutch-process cocoa powder 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Spread hazelnuts on a baking sheet. Toast in the oven until fragrant and skins are beginning to split, about 10 minutes. Rub warm nuts in a clean towel to remove skins. Set nuts aside. 2. Reduce oven to 300°F. Butter a 9-inch springform pan. Line bottom with parchment paper; butter parchment paper, and set aside. 3. Combine cherries, brandy, and chocolates in a medium bowl; set aside. Sift 1 cup flour and ½ teaspoon cinnamon into a small bowl. 4. Combine honey and sugar in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to a simmer, and cook 2 minutes. Combine with dried-fruit mixture. Fold in flour mixture. Pour batter into prepared pan. 5. With a small metal spatula, press mixture to form a level layer. In a small bowl, combine remaining ½ tablespoon flour, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and the cocoa. Sift over cake batter. 6. Bake until set, about 30 minutes. Remove from oven, and let cool completely. Gently brush off flour coating before serving. Keep in an airtight container up to 1 week in room temperature. Source: adapted from The Martha Stewart Living Christmas Cookbook PANFORTE DE CHOCOLATE Para un pastel de 23cm C E R V E C E R I A Jalón Tárbena Lliria C/ Sertorio, 24 Tel. 96 642 54 16 03700 DÉNIA why pay more? Complimentary Card Card Nº 1000011 Friendliness, Education, Service, Cleanliness, Quality & Innovation • Over 300 different Wines • Open Kitchen • Personalised Catering Service restaurant terrace garden r e st au r an t cr ea ti n cr e ati v e c u is in e U r b. E de t a , A v d la Con tien d a 1 Ll i r i a 46 160 . Abierto / Open 11.00-20.00 Lunes - Domingo Sea view to Ibiza Tárbena, Alicante Tel: 966 445 604 Tel 96 1 64 8 02 0 E m ai l r e s t a u r a n te e lm o s @ h o tm a i l . c o m Pedreguer Ctra. Barranc del Monyo 140 (End of Las Rotas) RESERVATIONS 96 643 09 05 Els Poblets in the “wine area” tel. 96 648 05 06 · jalón CN-332, km. 193 - Pedreguer m 649 50 28 98 ESPECIALIDAD EN ARROCES C/Sant Josep, 6 i 8 - Els Poblets Reservas 966 474 580 Where is Luis? ¿Donde esta Luis? BODEGA & DELICATESSEN Avda. de Alicante 84 - 03760 ONDARA Avda. de Valencia 32 - 03770 VERGEL Tel/Fax 966 476 665 - Móvil 647 473 519 / 647 473 518 E-mail: Advertise your bar or restaurant. Call 96 270 8087 Email INGREDIENTES 115gr de avellanas enteras (3/4 de un vaso) Mantequilla sin sal, a temperatura ambiente, para engrasar el molde 85gr de cerezas secas (1/2 vaso) 2 cucharadas de brandy 85gr de chocolate sin azúcar (3/4 de un vaso), finamente picado 30gr de chocolate agridulce, (1/4 de un vaso), finamente picado 1 taza más ½ cucharada de harina común 1 ½ cucharadita de canela molida 2/3 de una taza de miel 2/3 de una taza de azúcar moreno ½ cucharadita de cacao danés 1. Precaliente el horno a 175ºC (350ºF). Esparza las avellanas sobre una hoja de papel de horno. Tuéstelas hasta que se doren y la piel empiece a saltar, más o menos durante unos 10 minutos. Frote las avellanas templadas con un paño y quíteles la piel. Déjelas a parte. 2. Baje el horno a 150ºC (300ºF). Engrasar un molde de 23cm. Forre el fondo con papel; papel para horno, y deje a un lado. 3. Mezcle las cerezas, brandy, y los chocolates en un bol medio; déjelo a parte. Tamice 1 taza de harina y ½ cucharadita de canela en un bol pequeño. 4. Mezcle la miel y el azúcar en una sartén pequeña. Déjelo hervir, removiendo sin parar. 5. Reduzca la temperatura y cocine a fuego lento durante 2 minutos. Mézclelo con las frutas secas. Júntelo con la harina y canela. Viértalo todo en el molde preparado. 6. Con una espátula pequeña de metal, y apriete la mezcla dejándolo todo nivelado. En un bol pequeño, mezcle la ½ de harina que queda, la cucharada de canela, y el cacao. Tamícelo sobre la mezcla del molde. Horneelo hasta que esté hecho, durante unos 30 minutos. Retírelo del horno y déjelo enfriar completamente. Retire suavemente con un pincel los restos de harina antes de servirlo. Consérvelo en un embalaje ventilado durante un máximo de una semana a temperature ambiente. Fuente: adaptado de The Martha Stewart Living Christmas Cookbook. Chocolate Panforte courtesy of Eliza Adams. Visit her food blog for more recipes at 14 GUIDE / GUIA 4 Shopping Compras 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.6 4.7 Ropa Accesorios Joyerías Librerías Manualidades Musica 4.1 4.2 4.4 4.3 4.6 4.7 Card Nº 1000011 Complimentary Card thinkS STUCK BATH PLUG Clothing Haberdashery Bookshops Jewellery Arts & Crafts Music why pay more? Unusual Christmas For the HOME Gift Ideas For the HIM ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 SHOPPING / COMPRAS Offers/Ofertas Take Card to claim Llévate la tarjeta Para ÉL EL MARTILLO DE FIN DE SEMANA Ropa, zapatos y Dto. 25% al 50% en accesorios Ropa y Bolsos hasta final de existencias 2nd Floor 2ª Planta Calle Santa Maria - CALPE Tel. 96 583 39 72 TAPÓN DE DESAGÜE “MARINERO” A man and his iPhone are not easily parted, so to save his frustration when the battery runs low, treat him to the latest iPod and iPhone Solar Charger & Battery backup. This nifty gadget sucks up the energy from the sun and stores the power in its internal battery. 16.99 from En vez del tapón aburrido de siempre, por qué no pedirle a Santa Claus uno de estos tapones con tema marinero. Sí, como regalo es un poco excéntrico, pero qué más da – es un detalle para llenar los zapatos la noche de los Reyes Magos, y luego, para llenar el desagüe. Con forma de un pez obeso y hecho de goma durable de color naranja. Se puede pedir de por 7,99 libras (unos 8,75 euros). CHAIN FLOATING BOTTLE HOLDER Forget the candles and pretty flower arrangements in the middle of the Christmas table, amaze your guests with this cool, magical illusion. One end of the metal chain appears to be defying gravity and floating up in the air, wrapped around and holding the wine bottle by its neck. Very cool. Price 19,30. From CARGADOR SOLAR DE IPHONE THE BUTTHEAD Clothes, shoes and accessories Para CASA If your hubby is a builder or carpenter then what better present to give him then the Friday afternoon hammer, I know these men don't need much encouraging when it comes to a few bottles but this may help when you are trying to encourage him to put your new curtain poles up! Price 8,35€ from IPOD CHARGER 4.1 Clothing Ropa FANTASIA THE FRIDAY AFTERNOON HAMMER Si tu marido es albañil o carpintero, ¿qué mejor regalo te puede pedir? Sé que no necesitan que les animes mucho a la hora de abrir una cerveza – o varias – pero a lo mejor le animará a instalar estos nuevos rieles de cortina que llevan meses en su caja esperando que él se ponga las pilas. Precio 8,35 euros de Boutique Fantasia, 20% DISCOUNT ON ALL PRODUCTS, 20% DE DESCUENTO EN TODOS LOS PRODUCTOS, Plaza Central 23, 1ª Planta Avda. De Los Ejercitos Españoles, CALPE, 965837304 Joyeria Esmeralda, s.l. - 10% OFF ON GOLD JEWELLERY AND WATCHES, 10% DE DESCUENTO EN ORO Y RELOJES, Joyeria Esmeralda, s.l., Avda. Gabriel Miró 29A, CALPE, 965830633. Videoteca El Sur, 10% DISCOUNT ON PURCHASES AND RENTAL VOUCHERS, AND 0,50 EUROS DISCOUNT ON RENTALS, 10% DTO, COMPRAS EN TIENDA, EN BONO ALQUILER, Y 0,50 EUROS DTO, AL ALQUILAR, C/ Abu L’ Salt, 3, DENIA, 965785752 Boutique Ditch the boring bath plug and pick up this rather fishy treat - yes a slightly weird gift idea, but hey, what a great stocking filler, or should I say plug hole filler. Shaped like an overweight fish and made from durable orange rubber. Order from for just 7.99 pounds sterling. Two velcro hats, 3 balls and a book of suggestions could provide you with a few laughs after the Xmas dinner. Let the battle commence and make sure you have a ball in your hand prior to throwing anything at your partner's head! Price €10,45 from For ANY ON E No es fácil separar un hombre de su iPhone, así que para ahorrarle molestias cuando la pila está a punto de agotarse, regálale el último cargador y pila de urgencia, que funciona con energía solar, para el iPod y iPhone. Este dispositivo súper-guay chupa energía del sol y la almacena en su pila interior. Precio: 16,99 libras (unos 18,65 euros) de I'm going to buy my mum one of these to go with her fur trimmed marigolds. This USB Vacuum cleaner is styled to look like one of the iconic vacuum cleaners from the 1970's, in a fetching shade of pink. Ideal for cleaning up the biscuit crumbs you've left behind on your desk. So for domestic bliss go to Price 9.95 Para ELL A EL ASPIRADOR RETRO USB DE COLOR ROSA EL “BUTTHEAD”(EL “CABEZAZO”) Dos gorras de velcro, tres pelotas y un libro de ideas te puede facilitar bastante diversión después de la cena de Noche Buena. Que empiece la batalla...y ¡que tengas una pelota en la mano antes de tirar algo más duro y peligroso a la cabeza de tu marido! Precio: 10,45 euros de JEWELLERY - WATCH SHOP JOYERÍA - RELOJERÍA Voy a comprarle una de estas a mi madre para que la puede usar al mismo tiempo que lleva puesto sus guantes de goma con bordes de peluche. Esta aspiradora, que se conecta al enchufe USB, está pensada para imitar las icónicas máquinas de los setenta, y para colmo, en un color rosa muy femenino. Perfecto para limpiar las migas de galleta que habías dejado esparcidas por tu escritorio. La encontrarás en a un precio de 9,95 libras (sobre los 11 euros). Joyeria E s m e ra l d a In-house jewellery and watch workshop. Diamond jewellery. Diseño y elaboración de joyería. Reparación de relojes. Diamantes MAURICE LACROIX Jewellery workshop. Economic prices. We sell silver jewellery. Next to the town ’s market Taller de Joyería. Precios económicos. Platería. Junto al Mercado C/ Magallanes, 2 · Dénia · Tel. 96 578 99 04 JEWELLERY EWELLERY WATCH SHOP Clock and watch repairs. In-house jewellery and watch workshop. Diamond jewellery. C/ Diana, 14. Dénia. Tel. 96 578 15 46 Jewellery workshop. Economic prices. We sell silver jewellery. Next to the town’s market C/ Magallanes, 2. Dénia. Tel. 96 578 99 04 Clock and watch repairs Reparación de relojes C/ Diana, 14 · Dénia · Tel. 96 578 15 46 Olvídate de las velas y arreglos bonitos de flores para adornar la mesa en la Noche Buena. Sorprende a tus invitdos con esta ilusión óptica. Un extremo de la cadena de metal parece estar flotando en el aire, envolviendo el cuello de la botella de vino y manteniéndola a unos centímetros sobre la mesa. Chulísima. Precio: 19,30 libras (unos 21,17 euros) de PINK RETRO USB VACUUM CLEANER DO ¡Para TODO! EL MUN 4.4 Jewellery Joyerías ER For the H SOSTENEDOR “FLOTANDO” PARA LA BOTELLA DE VINO Avda. Gabriel Miró, 29 A - CALPE (Alicante) - Tel. 96 583 06 33 / Your Discounts Card / IN ASSOCIATION WITH EN ASOCIACIÓN CON YOUR DISCOUNTS CARD TU TARJETA DE DESCUENTOS HUNDREDS OF DISCOUNTS AND SPECIAL OFFERS EXCLUSIVELY FOR YOU! / Tu Tarjeta de Descuentos START SAVING NOW! OVER 300 OFFERS Pick up your card from any participating outlet or order online at COMIENCE A AHORRAR MÁS DE 300 OFERTAS Compre su tarjeta de descuento en cualquier punto de venta o pídala en CIENTOS DE DESCUENTOS Y OFERTAS EXCLUSIVOS PARA TI! CATEGORY CODES 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 17 18 20 21 22 23 26 27 29 30 32 34 36 38 40 45 46 47 49 50 51 60 61 66 67 73 74 76 81 89 90 95 96 97 98 102 104 106 108 109 114 118 119 122 Computer Services/Goods Servicios y productos informáticos Web Designers Diseñadores de páginas web Telephony (inc. Mobile Phones, ADSL) Telefonía (incl. Teléfonos móviles, ADSL) Schools - British/International Colegios - Británicos/Internacionales Restaurants Restaurantes Bars, Pubs & Cafeterias Bares, Pubs y Cafés Supermarkets Supermercados Dental Clinics Clínica dental Vets Veterinarios Beauty Salons Salones de Belleza Furniture Muebles Lighting Iluminación Garden Services Servicios de jardinería Insurance Brokers/Agents Agentes de Seguros Accountants (inc. Gestors & Asesors) Contables (incl. Gestor y Asesor) Diving Buceo Golf Courses Golf - Campos Advertising (inc. Signs) Publicidad (incl. rótulos) Engineers Ingenieros Car Rental Alquiler de Coches Estate Agents Inmobiliarias Plumbers Fontaneros Clothing & Accessories Ropa y complementos Jewellers Joyerías Florists Floristerías Pet Food/Supplies Comida/Productos para Mascotas Hotels Hoteles Travel Agents Agencias de viaje Satellite TV Televisión via satélite Wine Merchants Bodegas Opticians Ópticos Hairdressers Peluquerías Bedding & Soft Furnishings Ropa de Hogar House Accessories Complementos para la casa Awnings/Blinds/Shutters Toldos/Estores/Persianas Horse-riding Hípicas Skip Hire Alquiler de contenedores Swimming Pools Piscinas Solar Systems Sistemas de Energia Solar Doors & Windows Puertas y Ventanas Flooring/Tiles Azulejos y Baldosas Security (Alarms Grills CCTV) Seguridad (Alarmas, Rejas, Cámaras de Vigilancia) Electrical Goods Electrodomésticos Musical Instruments Instrumentos Musicales Airport Parking Aparcamiento Aeropuertos Newsagents Prensa Bed & Breakfast/Hostels/Pensions Pensiones/Hostales Orthopaedic Specialists Especialistas Ortopédicos Swimming Pool Maintenance Mantenimiento de piscinas Video/DVD Rental Alquiler de DVD/Video Insurance - Medical/Health Seguros - Medicos/Salud 123 128 133 135 138 144 145 148 153 160 165 171 176 178 191 197 198 200 210 214 218 220 221 223 225 230 231 232 237 242 245 247 248 249 250 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 Carpets/Rugs Beauty & Wellbeing Surveyors Translations & Interpreting Gymnasiums Car Repairs & Servicing Disability Equipment and Services Interior Designers Painters & Decorators Locksmiths Photographers & Stock Photography Motorcycle Dealerships DIY Stores/Home Improvement Centres Event Organisers/Decoration Pet Transport/Travel Office Supplies / Stationery Chiropractors Chiropodist/Podiatrist On-line Shopping Cards & Gifts Dry Cleaning & Laundry Services Toys Dog/Cat Grooming Barbecues/BBQs Motorcycle & Quad Bike Rental Bicycle Hire Bathrooms Airport Transfers Bedrooms Safari Park/Zoo Taxi Services Property Reforms/Renovations Car Wash/Valet/Cleaning Bowls Takeaway Food Go-karting Caves Internet Cafe Children's Activities Mobile Disco/Karaoke Golf Lessons/Tuition Body Art/Tattoos/Piercing Department Stores 261 262 263 266 267 Sports Tanning Studio/Sunbeds Hardware Store Fancy Dress & Joke Shop Confectionery/Chocolate 260 Debt Check Services Moquetas/Alfombras Belleza y Bienestar Aparejadores Servicios de Traducción e Interpretación Gimnasios Revisión y Reparación de Automóviles Aparatos y Servicios Ortopédicos Interioristas Pintores Cerrajeros Fotógrafos y Bancos de Imágenes Concesionario de Motocicletas Almacenes de Bricolaje Organización/Decoración para eventos Transporte para Mascotas Papelería para oficinas Quiropráctico Podólogo Tiendas on-line Papelería y regalos Tintorería Juguetes Peluquería felina/canina Barbacoas Alquiler de Motos y Quads Alquiler de bicicletas Baños Transporte Privado Aeropuertos Dormitorios Safari/Zoo Servicio de Taxi Reformas/Renovaciones Servicios de Limpieza para Automóviles Bolos Comidas para llevar Karts Cuevas Cibercafé Actividades para niños Disco Móvil/Karaoke Golf - Clases Arte Corporal/Tatuajes/Piercing Tiendas por Departamentos/ Grandes Almacenes Comprobación de deudas en vehículos y barcos Deportes Solarium/Salón de Bronceado Ferretería Tienda disfraces y bromas Golosinas/Chocolates 16 GUIDE / GUIA A SELECTION OF CARD OFFERS UNA SELECCION DE OFERTAS ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 CARD OFFERS / OFERTAS TARJETA thinkS For all the latest listings/Para todo las ofertas Albir 12 Haweli Indian Restaurant, 10% discount on all food, eat in or take away, 10% descuento en comida, incluso para llevar, Cami Vell de Altea, Edif. La Rotonda N, Albir, 966866864. 12 Sarita Indian Restaurant, Free bottle of house wine worth 7,90€ with every takeaway order, Botella de vino de la casa gratis vale 7,90€ con cada comida para llevar, Bahia Blanca, Avenida del Albir 11, Albir, 966864394 Alcalali 12 Bar La Torre, Free bottle of house wine with lunch or dinner for two, Botella de vino de la casa gratis por venir a comer o cenar dos personas, C/ Mayor, 4, Alcalali, 966482649 Alfas Del Pi (l’) CLUB DE GOLF EL BOSQUE Green fee + Lunch + Buggy = 90€ Mon-Fri (excluding fiesta days), Green fee + Comida + Buggy = 90€ de lunes a viernes (días no festivos) Crta. de Godelleta km 4,1, Chiva, 96 180 8009 MONROES CARVERY 5% DISCOUNT OFF TOTAL BILL 5% DESCUENTO AVDA GARROFER, LOCAL 1, PEDREGUER. TEL 96 576 1731 1 98 Nilsson Chiropractic Centre, 50% discount off your initial spinal analysis, 50% descuento del primero analisis espinal, Plaza Balduino I de Belgica s/n, local B, Alfas del Pi (l'), 965889303 254 OM Internet, Spend more than an hour on the internet and get a free soft drink, Refresco (sin alcohol) gratis por utilizar Internet más de una hora, Calle Herreriar 20 Local 12, Edificio Albeniz II, Alfas del Pi (l'), 966860729 Alicante 232 Costa Blanca Transfers, 5% off Alicante, Valencia & Murcia airport transfers when booked online, Alicante Airport, Alicante, 610611619 Altea 60 Costa Blanca Satellite, 10% off receivers and satellite dishes (inc, installation), and 5% off all TVs, 10% dto receptores y satelites (inc, instalación), 5% dto en todas las TV, Partida Cap Blanc 77, Altea, 966880014 1 60 Locked Out Locksmith, 10% discount, Partida El Planet, 88, Altea, 965888418/657890830 Arroyo de la Miel 11 4 Clinica Sandalf, 20% discount on treatments & investigations orthopedic y pysiotherapy, 20% descuento en tratamientos y investigaciones de fisioterapia y ortopedia, C/ Pepa Guerra Valdenebros Pueblosol ( Behind Train Station ), Arroyo de la Miel, 952577766 Barx 13 3 Advantage Building Surveys, 5% discount on survey fees for card holders, Carrer dels Tillers 2, La Drova, Barx, 962807247/653733066 Benidoleig 10% discount on furniture and DIY goods 10% de descuento en muebles y bricolaje / N-332, Entrada Calpe Sur, Calpe, 902 444 660 253 Cueva de las Calaveras, 3€ per entry ticket, 3€ por entrada, Ctra pedreguer-Benidoleig s/n, Benidoleig, 966404235. 46 Deeside Designs, 10% discount on jewellery, 10% descuento en joyas, Ctra. Pedreguer 3A, Benidoleig, 965502030 Benidorm 7 Andys Phone Shop, Buy a new mobile phone and get a free car charger, Le regalamos un cargador de coche por comprar un móvil nuevo, Avda. Atmetila de Mar 9 Mercaloix 109 Benidorm Levante Indoor Market, Benidorm, 616686268 266 Benidorm Joke Shop, 10% discount when you spend over 20€, 10% descuento en compras superiores a 20€, Calle Gerona 12, Benidorm, 966811026 50 Hotel Bermudas Apartamentos, Free 2 nights, Book 7 nights, pay for only 5 nights, Avda. Estocolmo 17 Rincón de Loix, Benidorm, 965865924 12 Bisonte Big Burger, Free jug Sangría or dessert when you eat, Una jarra de Sangría o postre Avda. gratis cuando come, Mallorca 4, Benidorm, 965865459 12 Bombay Authentic Indian Calle Cuisine, 10% discount, Londres 4, Benidorm, 965865493 258 Cobra International, 10% discount, C/ Alameda 31 Old Town, Benidorm, 965866557 258 Di Angelo, 10% discount, 10% descuento, Avda. Juan Fuster 10, Benidorm, Zaragoza 966830839 12 Duetto Ristorante-Pizzeria, Free Italian coffee & liquer with your meal, Calle Londres 4, Benidorm, 965856904 218 Jo Soaps, 1 Euro discount when you wash & dry your laundry, Calle Londres 4, Benidorm, 634181747 13 Jumping Jacks, 3 for 2 on any of the same drink, 3 x 2 con cualquier bebida del mismo tipo, C/ Gerona 17 Edif. Gemelos XXIII, Benidorm, 966812813 252 Karting La Cala, 25€ for 1 go-karting session (or 35€ for two) + free drink, photo & transport Ctra. from/to your location, Alicante-Valencia, Km. 116, Benidorm, 664643589 12 Lilly's Steakhouse & Carvery, 10% discount when you eat a-la-carte, 10% descuento con pedidos a la carta, Avda. de Murcia 1, Benidorm, 966809189 254 Mailbox-AXS, Spend an hour on the internet and get extra 15 minutes free, 15 minutos gratis con cada hora en internet, C/ Ibiza 16 Edificio Torre Domo, Bajo 3, Benidorm, 965853586 12 1, Free McDonald's, McNuggets or Hamburger when you purchase a Happy Meal, 2, x2 BigMac or McPollo for 5€, 3, x2 McMenu medium for 10€ (except Bacon & McNifica), 1, McNuggets o Hamburgesa gratis a comprar un Happy Meal, 2, 2 x BigMac o McPollo por 5€, 3, 2 x McMenu medianos por 10€ (excepto Bacon y McNifica), Plaza de la Hispanidad 3 Avda. de Madrid, Benidorm, 966831547 12 Michael's, 10% discount off your meal (excluding drinks), 10% descuento en comidas (excluyendo bebidas), Calle La Biga 15, Old Town, Benidorm, 966801346 12 O’Leary’s Traditional Bar & Diner, 20% discount off your meal (excluding drinks), Avda. Juan Fuster Zaragoza Rincón de Loix, Benidorm, 966808373. 12 Sakura Japanese Restaurant, 10% discount, 10% descuento, Calle de Berlin, Benidorm, 965869139 13 Snook’s Bar, Free tea, coffee or orange juice when you eat a breakfast, Av. de Juan Fuster Zaragoza, Benidorm, 633249958 262 Solarium Benidorm, 2 minutes free when you book 8 minutes or more, 2 minutos gratis con su reserva de 8 minutos o más, Avda. de Europa, Benidorm, 965861990 12 Steakhouse ‘La Brasa’ Restaurante, Free coffee with your meal, C/ Almeria 8, Benidorm, 966806794. 120 Stringfellas Lap Dancing Club, Free bottle of champagne with 6+ persons first drinks, C/ Lepanto 19, Benidorm, 669446307 242 Terra Natura, 4€ discount per entry ticket up to a maximum of 4 tickets per card, 4€ de descuento en cada entrada con un maximo de 4 entradas por tarjeta , Foia del Verdader 1, Benidorm, 902522333 12 The Battered Cod 10% discount, (Fish & Chips), Calle Londres, Benidorm, 657283106. 12 The Codfather (Fish & Chips), 10% discount (excluding descuento 10% drinks), (excluyendo bebidas), Avda. de Cuenca, Benidorm, 654826311 267 The English Sweet Shop, Free 50 grams when you purchase over 250 grams of mixed sweets, Indoor Market, Calle Gerona, Benidorm, 691184478 13 The Happy Handbag, 3 for 2 on any drinks (cheapest free), Calle San Vicente 17 Old Town, Benidorm, 965053386 13 The London Bar, 3 for 2 on cocktails, 3x2 en cócteles, Calle Londres 2, Benidorm, 965852876 13 The Mad Munk, 10% discount off your meal when you spend over 5 euros (excludes drinks), Avda. Juan Fuster Zaragoza, Benidorm, 965854547 45 Valentino's, 15% discount, 15% descuento, Avda. de Madrid 10, Benidorm, 965854647 Benissa 13 Bar-Restaurante Tapas Vizcaino, 10% descuento, C/ Calpe 1 Bajo, Benissa, 965734083 Bertomeu 10 2 10% Electrodomesticos, discount on electrical appliances, 10% descuento en electrodomesticos, Ctra. Moraira Calpe Km 3 Centro Comercial Pepe la Sal, Benissa, 965748584 13 Cafe Pronto, Coffee (excluding de-caf) and a doughnut for 2,50 euros, Avenida de Europa 7, Benissa, 699888248. 214 Carpe Diem, 10% discount on all gifts and decorations for the home, 10% descuento en todos regalos, Pais Valencia 23, Benissa, 647694410 12 Casa Manolo, 10% discount, 10% de descuento en todo, Playa La Fustera 30A, Benissa, 966498329 18 Centre Centre e t e r i n a r i Veterinari VBenissa, 5% Benissa discount on VETERINARY CLINIC medicine, surgery, pet food, accesories, injections and anti-parasitical products, 5% de descuento en medicina y cirugia, alimentación,accesorios, vacunas y Avda. productos anti-parasitos, Pais Valencia, 28, Benissa, 965731955 102 Electro Giner, 10% discount en domestic appliances & 5% discount on televisions, 10% descuento en electrodomesticos y 5% descuento en television, Avda. Pais Valencia 60, Benissa, 965730584 138 Gym 9 Lunas, 50% off your joining up fee, 50% descuento en la matricula del gimnasio, Avda. Pais Valencia, 219, Benissa, 965732499 67 Gym 9 Lunas, 25% discount on highlights, 25% descuento en mechas, Avda. Pais Valencia 219 Bajo, Benissa, 965732499 250 Rizwan Haider Shah, 5% discount on kebabs & pizzas, 5% descuento en todo, C/ Avda la Alcudia 37 Bajo, Benissa, 966113437 76 Sendra Decoracion, 10% discount on awnings, blinds & shutters, 10% descuento en toldos, estores y persianas, Avda. Pais Valencia 224, Benissa, Emergencies 24 h: Tel. 600 266 686 Internal Medicine and Surgery • Traumatology Radiology and Ultrasound • Odontology Oftalmology • Cardiology • Homoeopathy and Analysis Clinic • Hospitalisation • Grooming Animal food and Accessories • Home visits • Dog Training HOSPITAL BENISSA Avda. Pais Valencià, 28 esq. Ausiàs March Tel. 96 573 19 55 Jalón CLÍNICA La Virgen, 74 Tel. 96 648 04 94 NEW HOURS: Open from 9.30 until 20.00h uninterrupted 10.00-13.30 & 17.00-20.30 hrs Costa de Benissa CLÍNICA Ctra. Moraira-Calpe C.C. Cap Blanc (opposite Pepe la Sal) Tel. 96 574 84 58 Mon to Fri 10.00-13.30 hrs 965731253 74 Sendra Decoracion, 10% discount on fabrics & all products in stock, 10% descuento en telas y en todos los productos en stock, Avda. Pais Valencia 224, Benissa, 965731253 123 Sendra Decoracion, 10% discount on fitted carpets & rugs in stock and 5% discount on made to measure, 10% descuento sobre moquetas y alfombras en stock y 5% descuento en pedidos a medida, Avda. Pais Valencia 224, Benissa, 965731253 245 Taxi Ambrosio Garcia, 10% discount from 35 kilometres, 10% descuento a partir de 35 km, Pda. Tosalet, Benissa, 965731259 96 V3 Windows & Doors, 5% discount on doors & windows, 5% descuento en puertas y ventanas, Carretera Moraira - Calpe, Avenida La Marina 20G, Benissa, 966113247 38 Villas Guzman, 15% discount on rentals, 15% descuento en alquileres, Avda. de la Marina 318, Benissa, 966497016 Benitachell 5 Darocas Communications, 15% discount, 15% descuento, Adelfas 33 Cumbre del Sol, Benitachell, 648156066. 26 Protectapet, 10% discount on any pet insurance policy, pet products in stock & 10% off any item in our new charity shop in Benitachell, 10% descuento en seguro de animales,productos para animales y 10% descuento para cualquier articulo en la tienda de charidad, Calle Mercado 22 Bajo, Benitachell, 966493733 165 Shoot You Photographic, 5% discount on normal tariff, Cumbre del Sol 76b, Benitachell, 966197132 Busot 21 Complete Upholstery Co., 5% discount on foam & upholstery orders, bean bags, fabrics, wind spinners & most instore products, Calle Pais Valenciano, Busot, 965699305 Calpe 118 5 Star Pool Cleaning, 10% discount on all new contracts, 10% descuento en contratos nuevos, Suite 290 Calle Corbeta 10, Calpe, 695330107 12 7th Heaven, Every table of 4 receives a bottle of Rioja, Cada 4 personas una botella de vino Rioja, C/ la Pau 32B, Calpe, 965833515 12 Andalus Restaurant, 10% discount on take away orders & 5% discount on a-la-carte menu, 10% descuento en pedidos para llevar y 5% descuento en pedidos a la carta, Avda. Rosa de los Vientos, Calpe, 965874866 1 44 AM Sport Calpe, 25% discount on car parts, 25% descuento en recambios de automobil, C/ Conde De Altea 8, Calpe, 965836560 26 Andrea Jackson, 15% discount on house & life insurance, 15% descuento en seguros de casa y de vida, Urb. Los Pinos, Complejo Byblos L-2, Calpe, 626997736. 1 08 AR.T Papeleria, 10% discount except for newspapers & 10% descuento magazines, excepto en prensa y revistas, C/ San Isidro Edificio Boreal 10 Local 2, Calpe, 965831656 12 Arte Cafe, 10% discount, 10% descuento en todo, C/ Corbeta 10, Calpe, 965875386 13 Bar la Tasquita, Free tapa with every drink purchased, Por cada bebida una tapa gratis, C/ Almendros, Calpe, 646649655 13 Bar Refugio de Diego, 10% discount, 10% descuento, Blasco Ibanez 4, Calpe, 965838434 ElectroBertomeu 1 02 domesticos, 10% discount on 10% appliances, electrical descuento en electrodomesticos, Avda. Madrid 7, Calpe, 965831921 13 Billard Playa, 10% discount on drinks and 9 foot pool table, 10% descuento en bebidas y billar de 9 pies, Centro Comercial Plaza Central, local 16-17 Avda. del Diputación, Calpe, 689640019 12 Boqueron De Plata, 15% discount on Seafood, 15% descuento en Marisco, Avda. Valencia 16, Calpe, 965835539 45 Boutique el Sol, 10% discount on clothes shoes & accessories, 10% descuento en ropa, zapatos y complementos, C/ Juan de Garay 5A, Calpe, 965053571 176 Brico Aitana, 10% discount on DIY goods & office furniture, 10% de descuento en bricolaje y muebles de oficina, Avda. Vall de L’aguart 12, Calpe, 965874566 26 Caser Home Insurance, 20% discount, 20% descuento, Ctra. Calpe-Moraira km 2.5, Calpe, 966112282 74 Centro Comercial Aitana, 10% discount on furniture and DIY goods, 10% de descuento en muebles y bricolaje, N-332, Calpe Sur, Calpe, Entrada 902444660 250 Chand King Donner Kebab, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ la Pinta 1 Edificio Acuarios, Calpe, 965875094 45 Chola Zapatos, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ La Nina Nº5, Calpe, 965832946 200 Clinica Podologica Portalet, 10% discount on Chiropody & insole inserts (made to measure), 10% de descuento en quiropodia y en plantillas ortopedicas a medida, C/ Portalet 9 1-G, Calpe, 965835245 74 Coleccion Hogar Calpe, 20% discount on furniture & 10% on decoration & textiles, 20% descuento en muebles y 10% en decoracion y textil, Avda. Masnou 8, Calpe, 965832262 1 2 Coral Restaurante, 10% discount, 10% descuento, Ctra. Calpe-Moraira Km2 Club Nautico les Bassetes, Calpe, 965836980 96 Cristaleria Calpe, 10% discount on glass & inlaid work, 10% descuento en cristaleria y marqueteria, Avda. Madrid Edificio Europlaya L2, Calpe, 965837075 66 Federopticos Signes, 15% discount on glasses & up to 50% on sunglasses, 20% discount on 15% digital hearing aids, descuento al comprar unas gafas, Gafas de sol hasta 50%, 20% descuento al renovar su audifono por uno digital, C/ Corbeta 6, Calpe, 965832080 67 Flash Point, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ Benidorm 2 Edificio Perlamar Local 11, Calpe, 965837518 47 Floristeria Ivars, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ Corbeta 6, Calpe, 965830460 259 Galerias Aitana, 10% discount on sports goods, leather goods, costume jewellery & gifts, 10% descuento en deporte, piel, bisutería y regalo, Avda. Gabriel Miró 13, Calpe, 965832729 138 Gym Plaza, 20% discount on diet products & 10% off monthly membership fees, 20% descuento de productos dieteticos y 10% de cuota mensual, Avda. Ejercitos Espanoles Centro Commercial Plaza Central, Calpe, 965874818 247 Hite Home Improvements, ATTENTION ADD YOUR OFFER FOR FREE Tiendas Bars BUSINESSES Restaurantes Discos Golf Safari TU OFERTA GRATISHotels QuadsNEGOCIOS Safari ATENCIÓN Parks APUNTA Excursions, Boat WWW.SPAINSAVE.COM Museums Hotels Spas Gyms Hotels Gyms Spas thinkS Free Osmosis water filter system with the purchase of a new kitchen, Filtro de agua consume Osmosis gratis con la compra de una cocina nueva , C/ Delfin 3 Esquina Avda. de Valencia, Edif. Perlamar local 8, Calpe, 965838246 7 Hits Mobile, 15% discount on sim cards, 15% descuento por la compra de una tarjeta sim, Avda. Diputacion Local 37 Centro Commercial Plz Central s/n, Calpe, 965839532 176 Idecora, 10% discount on all painting & decoration products, 10% descuento de todos productos,pintura y decoracion , C/ Corbeta s/n Edif. Europlaya 21, Calpe, 965837069 3 2 Imprint, 5% discount on printing & signs, 5% descuento en imprenta y senales, Avda. Gabriel Miro 34 Centro Perlamar local 18, Calpe, 965874451 2 31 Instalaciones Morant, Discounts for Sanitaryware Relax 20%, Roca 15% all other makes 15%, Descuentos en Sanitario Relax 20% en Roca 15% y el resto 15%, Avda. Valencia 19 Local 4, Calpe, 965837013 40 Instalaciones Morant, 10% discount on plumbing and heating installations, 10% discount on taps, 10% descuento en griferias instalaciones de fontaneria gas calefacion y climatizacion , Avda. Valencia 19 Lacal 4, Calpe, 965837013 171 Ivars Moto, 10% discount on parts and accessories, 10% descuento en accesorios y recambios , C/ la Ermita 5, Calpe, 965839671 46 Joyeria Esmeralda, s.l., 15% discount on gold jewellery and 10% discount on watches, 15% de descuento en oro y 10% de descuento en relojes, Avda. Gabriel Miró 29A, Calpe, 965830633 46 Joyería-Relojería Tere, 15% discount on gold & silver items & watches, 10% discount on 15% stainless steel items, descuento en articulos oro, plata y relojería, 10% descuento en articulos acero, C/ Purisima 1, Calpe, 965830593 13 Jukebox Bar, Buy 3 get 1 free, 3 copas la cuarta gratis, C/ Benidorm 10, Calpe, 622369771 20 Kado Zen, 10% off manicures & pedicures, 15% off hair & beauty products, 20% off cabin treatments, 10% en manicura y pedicura, 15% en productos de peluquería y estética, 20% tratamientos de cabina, C/ Joan de Garay 5, local B Edificio Senia, Calpe, 679562616 144 Malagon Motor (Servicio Toyota), 10% discount on labour and on original Toyota parts, 10% descuento en mano de obra y en recambio original Toyota, Avda. Masnou no. 9, edif. Alba local 1, Calpe, 965834670 4 9 Mr Dog Pet Style, 10% discount on pet food and accessories, 10% descuento en accessorios y alimentacion, C/Huelva Nº 6, Calpe, 965834650 2 1 Muebles Aitana, 10% discount on furniture & decor, 10% de descuento en muebles y decoración, Avda. Madrid, Calpe, 965832729 220 Pelirojo, 5% discount, 5% descuento, C/ Pintor Sorolla 1a, Edificio Europlaya, Calpe, 965837646 221 Pelucalp Arnés, 5% with advance bookings, 5% descuento con cita previa, C/ Pintor Sorolla 18 Edif. Paola, Calpe, 965833720 13 Peter Pan, 10% discount on all cakes and coffees, 10% descuento en todo pasteleria y cafeteria, C/ Corbeta Local 9, Calpe, 965832971 9 0 Piscinas Gunitec, 10% discount, 10% descuento, Ctra. Calpe-Moraira, Ptda. Bassetes, Parcela 13D, Calpe, 965838571 38 Promotec Control S.L., 10% discount on legal and taxation services, 10% descuento gestoria asesoria fiscal, C/ Stmo. Cristo 31A, Calpe, 965832978 1 2 Restaurante Annapurna Tandoori, 10% discount, 10% descuento, Ctra. Calpe-Moraira km 1 Centro Comercial Biblos Local 8, Calpe, 965832653 1 2 Restaurante Biergarten, Free drink of your choice with each meal, Por cada comida 1 bebida a eligir gratis, Avda. Diputation Plaza Central Local 29, Calpe, 680345733 1 2 Restaurante Julio’s, 5% discount, 5% de descuento, Av. Juan Carlos I, 30, local 1, Calpe, 965836115 1 2 Restaurante Milord, 10% CARD OFFERS / SPAINSAVE ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 discount on your meal, 10% descuento en su comida, Edif. Esmeralda Playa de Levante, Calpe, 965834686 12 Restaurante Mirador, 10% discount on a-la-carte menu, 10% descuento pedido a la carta, Avda. Ifach 26, Calpe, 965835772 12 Restaurante-Bar ‘As-deOros’, 10% discount, 10% descuento en todo, Calle José Antonio 19, Calpe, 965837755 97 Revestimientos Ceramicos SL, 10% discount on all tiles, 10% descuento en todo, Avda. Valencia 7, Calpe, 965836437 13 Sinatra Bar, 10% discount, 10% descuento, Avda. Europa 1, Calpe, 965836563 109 Sol y Mar Gran Hotel, 5% discount on hotel services, 5% en servicios, descuento C/Benidorm 1, Calpe, 965875055 223 The Barbeque Shop, 10% discount on barbecues & accessories, 10% descuento en barbacoas e accesorios, Urb. Caleta 26 D, Calpe, 608412641 73 The Bed Centre , 10% discount on all purchases, 10% descuento en todas las compras, Centro Comercial Biblos Loc. 8 Urb Los Pinos 1K Ctra. Calpe-Moraira, Calpe, 965836814 76 Toldos Claudio, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ Alicante 40, 1-D, Calpe, 655058565 13 Trotamundos Café, 5% discount, 5% descuento, C/ San Isidro 8, Calpe, 600743650 36 Victoria Rent a car, 10% discount on car hire booked through our office, 10% descuento en alquiler de coches en oficina, Avda. Generalitat Valenciana 1, Calpe, 965830254 17 Vital Dent Calpe, Free checkup and X-ray, Clean free with medical prescription & 5% discount Revision y on treatments, radiografia gratis, Limpieza gratis con prescripcion medica y 5% descuento en otros tratamientos , C/ la Santamaria 10, Calpe, 965876069 13 Ye Olde London Bar, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ la Paz 22, Calpe, 608987178 Chiva 30 Club de Golf El Bosque, Green fee + Lunch + Buggy = 90€ Mon-Fri (excluding fiesta days), Green fee + Comida + Buggy = 90€ de lunes a viernes (días no festivos), Crta. de Godelleta km 4,1, Chiva, 961808009 Chulilla 1 09 Hostal El Pozo, 10% discount on 4-nights stay (double room) and 15% discount for 7 nights, Free bottle of local wine when you dine in our restaurant, 10% dto, para 4 noches en habitación doble y 15% dto, para 7 noches, Botella de vino gratis por cenar o comer en nuestro restaurante, Arrabal 7, Chulilla, 961657272 Denia 21 Abitare Design SL, 15% discount in store, interior design & designer furniture, 15% dto, producto tienda, decoración y muebles diseño, Patricio Ferrándiz 37, Denia, 966422606 12 Aura Restaurant, Free bottle of wine for two people at lunch, menu or a la carte, Por venir a comer (menu o a la carta) 2 personas, botella de vino gratis, Avda de Aicante, 19, Denia, 966426464 145 Ayudas, 10% Discount, 10% de descuento, Avda. Alicante 9, Denia, 966425861 Barber y 14 4 Boronat, 10% discount on car repairs at garage, 10% de descuento en reparaciones de coche, Avda. Alicante 25 bajo, Denia, 966422830 12 Bistro Alegria, Free bottle of house wine for two people at dinner superior to 20 euros, Botella de vino de la casa gratis para dos personas con cena superior a 20 euros, Rosario 1, La Pedrera, Denia, 609915361 12 Cerveceria El Mosset, Bottle of house wine free for two persons at lunch or dinner, Botella de vino de la casa gratis para dos personas en comidas y cenas, C/ Sertorio 24, Denia, 966425416 50 Daniya Denia, 15€ to use pool, jacuzzi, sauna & gym, only, Prior Monday-Friday reservation required, 15€ por utilizar la piscina, jacuzzi, sauna, gimnasio, Siempre con cita previa y de lunes a viernes , Crta. Les Marines, km 0.5, Denia, 902364041 20 Denia Hair, Nail & Beauty, 10% discount on all treatments, Centro Comercial 153b, Urb El Poblet, Las Marinas km2, Denia, 615259685 23 7 Don For Colchon, purchases over 350 euros, gift of a latex travel pillow, Por compras superiores a 350 euros, regalo de una almohada de latex de viaje, C/ Patricio Ferrandiz 40, Denia, 965784944 12 Duo Dama, Free shot after lunch or dinner, Por venir a comer o cenar gratis un chupito, Ctra. Denia - Javea 100, Denia, 966425072 7 Foncordiax, 10% off new Foncordiax IP PBX telephone switchboard system (equipment only), Carrer Historiador Palau 10, Denia, 966265065 225 Fun & Quads, 10% off bicycle & scooter rental, quad excursion, buggy & jet ski 1 hour excursions, 10% dto, alquiler de bicicleta, scooter, excursión Quad, y excursión 1h buggy y jet ski, Consolat del Mar 8, Denia, 965787228 12 Haweli Indian Restaurant, 10% discount on all food, eat in or take away, 10% descuento en comida, incluso para llevar, Carretera de Las Marinas km 1, Urb. Playa Sol II 23, Denia, 965783637 Ristorantes - Pizzerias 12 Il Fratelli, Free bottle of house wine with lunch or dinner for two people, Botella de Open every day vino de la casa gratis por venir a MENU DEL DÍA comer €8.00 o cenar 2 personas, Ctra. Las Marinas Km 5, Denia, 966431741 12 Isla Tortuga Restaurante, Come and show your card for a free beer, Una cerveza gratis por venir y presentar la tarjeta, La Marina de Denia, Denia, 966422888 67 La Mode, 15% 15% discount, descuento, Calle Colon, 37, Denia, 965788172 13 La Sidreria, 2 for 1 offer, When two people dine, one dines for free (per card presented), Oferta 2x1, Comen 2, paga 1 (por tarjeta presentada), Pasaje Paris, B-1, Denia, 966420781 12 Lizarran , 10% discount at lunch or evening meal when presenting this Keeping to traditions / Siguiendo la tradición card, 10% descuento en comidas o More than 300 pintxos at your cenas al presentar esta tarjeta, fingertips / Más de 300 pinchos Kitchen open from/Cocina abiertaFerrandiz, 9 to 24 h. C/Patricio 50, Denia, Calle Patricio Ferrándiz 50 - Tel. 578 41 11- Dénia 965784111 C.C. Portal de la Marina Tel. 96 647 74 44 Ondara 221 Mascotetes, 10% off haircuts and 5% off top quality pet food, 10% descuento corte pelo y 5% dto comida 1ª calidad, Plaza Benidorm 9, Denia, 965783215 256 Mickey B, 10% discount on all bookings, 153b Las Marinas 2km, Denia, 615259684 144 Motor Carma SA, 40% discount on MOTOR CARMA oil changes, 40% de OFFICIAL DEALER descuento en cambios de aceite, Ctra. Denia-Ondara, Denia, 965787212 128 Nu Skin, Revolutionary antiageing Nu Skin facial in your own home, 2 facials for the price of 1, Box 142 Mailboxes Carretera Denia Ondara Km1 L19, Denia, 6374786808 Open 12for Rte. Al Gusto, lunch and dinner. Free bottle of house Closed on Sunday and wine when two Tuesday evening people choose from Cook your food on our Hot stones the a la carte menu (minimum 2 International Cuisine - Menú del día Botella de vino de la casa courses), C/. Colón, 46 - 03700 Dénia Tel. 96 dos 642 78 30 personas - 660 957 012 para al pedir a la carta (mínimo 2 platos), C/ Colon 46, Denia, 966427830 12 Rte. Armell 2, AS USED BY U3A QUIZ DÉNIA Free bottle of wine house for two people at lunch or dinner, Botella de vino de la casa SPECIALISTS IN RICE DISHESgratis por venir ARROSSERIA - RESTAURANT dos a comer o cenar, Camí Pou de lapersonas Montaña, 14 - 03700 DÉNIA DON COLCHON Ctra. Las Marinas 193, km.5 - Tel. 96 643 17 41 Avda. Ramón Ortega 7 bajo - Tel. 96 643 23 59 Ctra. Las Marinas km 13 - Tel. 96 575 52 17 03700 DÉNIA TEL. 96 578 72 12 Ctra. Dénia - Ondara, Km. 2 Aptdo. 536 - 03700 DÉNIA e-mail why pay more? Card Nº 1000011 Tel. 96 578 11 01 - 670 37 31 58 Complimentary Card Cami Pou de la Muntanya 14, Denia, 965781101 12 Rte. Ca Nano, Free bottle of house wine for 2 people with their Ctra. Barranc del Monyo 140 (End of Las Rotas) or dinner, Por venir a comer lunch RESERVATIONS 96 643 09 05 o cenar 2 personas gratis botella de vino de la casa, Ctra. Barranc del Monyo 140 (Fin de las Rotas), Denia, 966430905 12 Rte. Club de Tenis, Free bottle of house wine for two people with lunch or evening meal, Botella de vino de la casa para dos personas en comidas y cenas, Ptda Marjal S/N, Denia, 965784451 12 El Rte. Polígono, Free bottle of house wine for two people lunch or with «Cheap daily menus» dinner, Includes del dia, menu Tel. 96 578 09 60 Botella de vino de la casa para dos personas en comidas y cenas, incluido menú, Ptda. madriguerres Sud, 19, Denia, 965780960 12 El Rte. Senyoret, Free bottle of house wine for two persons at lunch or dinner, Botella de vino de la casa gratis para dos personas en comidas y cenas, C/ Sanchis Guarner No 4, Denia, 966422958 248 The Wash, 10% discount on any car wash, 10% descuento cualquier lavado, C/ Calderón 5, Denia, 605388398 119 Videoteca El Sur, CB, 10% on discount purchases and rental vouchers, and 0,50 euros discount on rentals, 10% dto, compras en tienda, en bono alquiler, y 0,50 euros dto, al alquilar, C/ Abu L’ Salt, 3, Denia, 965785752 Partida Madrigueres, 19 - Dénia Elche 45 Salvador Artesano, 20% discount on this seasons stock & 10% off sale items, 20% descuento en articulos de temporada y 10% descuento adicional en articulos de oferta, C/ Almenara 12, Elche, 966675441 Eliana (l’) 1 2 Kismet Restaurant, 10% discount, 10% descuento, Avda Fuerzas Armadas 1, Eliana (l’), 961655819 5 PC Coste, 2% discount on products and 15% discount on 2% descuento en repairs, productos y 15% descuento en reparaciones, Centro Comercial El Osito, local 29 C/ Teujar s/n, Eliana (l’), 962743002 HERE! why pay more? Complimentary Card Card Nº 1000011 ¡AQUÍ! Gata de Gorgos 176 Bricoman, 10% discount on all products in all our outlets (excluding those on promocion), 10% descuento en todos los articulos de nuestros establecimientos (excepto productos en promocion), Ctra. Nacional 332 KM 191, Gata de Gorgos, 966469150 66 Optica Signes Gata y Hasta 50% herboristeria, descuento en gafas de sol y monturas y 5% en productos dietéticos y herbolario, Plaza Iglesia 6, Gata de Gorgos, 965756699 Jalon 26 Estrella Seguros, Up to 20% off your insurance with the FORNÉS CONSULTING card, Presentando la tarjeta hasta un 20% de dto, en su seguro, Avda. Santo Domingo 18, Jalon, 966480411 1 78 Globos Locos - Crazy Balloons, 10% discount for all orders over 25€ including all balloons and decorations, 10% descuento en pedidos superiores a 25€, Calle Mayor 40, Jalon, 669219088 47 Heidi Francis Flowers, 5% discount, 5% descuento, Avda Rey Juan Carlos 1, 6, Jalon, 966480324 12 Rte. Riu Rau, Free bottle of “mistela” for restaurant two people at lunch or terrace dinner, Botella de garden INSURANCE: HOME, LIFE, HEALTH, ACCIDENT BOATS & YACHTS. COMMERCIAL INVESTMENTS, PENSIONS, SAVINGS. SEGUROS: CASA, VIDA, SALUD, ACCIDENTES Y EMBARCACIONES. INVERSIONES, PENSIONES, AHORROS. Av. Santo Domingo, 18 - JALÓN Tel./Fax 96 648 04 11 - Mv. 639 271 804 mistela gratis por venir a comer o cenar dos personas, Cami Riu Rau 5, Jalon, 966480506 260 Stop24 Vehicle/Boat Debt Check, 5€ refund on boat debt check or same day vehicle debt check, Apartado de Correos 159, Jalon, 660235365 Javea 45 B & H Shirts and Collars Ltd, 5% off formal dress shirts, collars & accessories, Calle Bruselas, 87B duplex 15, Javea, 965794472 1 02 ElectroBertomeu domesticos, 10% discount on 10% electrical appliances, descuento en electrodomesticos, Avda. del Pla s/n Centro Comercial el Montgo (Junto al Supercor Javea), Javea, 966460693 165 Buckwell Visual Arts, 10% off photography services and specialised printing products, Calle Bruselas, 87B duplex 15, Javea, 965794472 21 4 Connections, 10% off products & services (inc, internet access, mailboxes & stationery), 10% descuento en productos y servicios (inc, acceso internet, casillas de correos y papelería), C. Cristo del Mar 29 Javea Port , Javea, 966460133 Skips 89 Contenedores MATA sl, 10% Mata 3m Por Discount, 5m 10 m presentar la tarjeta, C/ Ramón Llidó, 7 - 03730 Jávea Tel. 96 579 01 72 10%, C/Ramon Llido, descontamos Fax 96 646 20 14 Mobile 679 440 046 Javea, 965790172 13 Cornish Pride, Savory slice + tea/coffee €3,50, Avenida de la Fontana 3, Javea, 692484629 29 Diving Martin, 20% discount all diving equipment, on excursions, and diving lessons, 20% descuento en todo el equipo de buceo, excursiones y curso de submarinismo, Calle Cannes 1, Javea, 608861310 38 Easybuy, 10% discount on all services, 10% descuento en todos nuestros servicios, Avda de la Libertad 19, local 11, Playa Arenal, Javea, 966472823 74 Fiesta Crafts, 10% discount on all products, 10% descuento en todos nuestros productos, Local 3, Ctra. Cabo la Nao, Pla 138, Javea, 966461788 21 Flatpaxabia (IKEA on-line shopping), 5% discount on services, 5% descuento en services, Javea, 902881121 90 General Pools, 10% discount on any Por la purchase, compra de cualquier articulo 10% de descuento, C/Jose Luis Borges,5, Javea, 965796240 249 Inn on the Green, 50% discount on two hours of bowling including hire of woods & shoes, Ctra. Cansalades 155, Javea, 965771553 23 Jardines Canet, 15% discount, 15% descuento, C/ Burdeos 9 Local 5, Javea, 966460374 252 Karting Javea, 20% extra lap-time for free, 20% mas de tiempo gratis en su recorrido, Calle Cannes 1, Javea, 622886876 5 Lasertech Javea, 10% discount on all catalogue items plus free delivery to Javea, Moraira, Denia and surrounding area, 10% dto en todos los productos de catalogo y entrega gratuita a Javea, Moraira, Denia y alrededor, C/ Baranquerres 2, Javea, 902888143 13 Marples Cafe Bar, 2€ Special: Tea or coffee with toasted crumpets or croissant and jam, Especial de 2€: Te o café con crumpet o cruasán con mermelada, Avda. de la Fontana, Javea, 693596746 66 Optica Conchita, Up to 50% discount on sunglasses, Hasta un 50% de descuento en gafas de sol, CC Arenal, Avda. Arenal, Javea, 965796574 12 Taj Mahal, 10% Discount, 10% Descuento, Avda. Libertad 34 Playa Arenal, Javea, 966471684 144 The Garage Javea, 10% discount on all car servicing, 10% descuento en revisiones, Avda Ondara 11, Javea, 965507881 1 2 The Great Indian, 10% discount on all food, eat in or takeaway, 10% descuento en comida, incluso para llevar, Av. Colomer s/n Ctra. Javea-Jesus Pobre, Javea, 966463768 3 3 3 CONTENEDORES S.L Pool construction - renovations - saunas - jacuzzis - spas C/ José Luis Borges, 5 · Jávea · Tel. 96 579 62 40 Jim: 616 158 754 Shall we talk? avda. arenal, sn - 03730 jávea centro comercial arenal t / f 965 796 574 GUIDE / GUIA 17 76 Tol2 Javea, 10% discount with card, 10% de d e s c u e n t o Avda. Arenal, Aptos. L’Ancora, Bloq. 5 03730 JAVEA (Alicante) presentando la tarjeta, Avda. Tel. 96 579 58 01 - Fax 96 646 26 05 Aptos. L’Ancora Bloq.5, Arenal Javea, 965795801 27 Webster Asesores S.L., 5% discount on all services: Wills, conveyancing, inheritance, tax matters, consultations etc, 5% descuento en todos los servicios, C/ Salvador Salvá 8, Javea, 966463220 Lliber 1 60 Jalon 5% Locksmith, discount with card, 5% descuento por presentar la tarjeta, Calle La Paz 4, Lliber, 639292716 Lliria 13 Bar Cafeteria Martins, Buy 2 shorts and get third free, Saturday nights only, Por dos cubatas la tercera gratis, Solo los sábados, Ctra. Valencia-Ademuz, km 23.7, Lliria, 962708087 1 3 Bar Les Termes, 3,50€ breakfast (sandwich, drink & coffee), 2,50€ breakfast (coffee + pastry or toast), Almuerzo €3,50 (Bocadillo, bebida y café), Desayuno €2,50 (Café, bollería o tostada), Plaza Termas Romanas 2, Lliria, 962793596 262 Broncealia, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ Farmaceutico Josep Marques Gil No. 7, Bajo Izq., Lliria, 962028440 67 De La Torre Estilistas, 10% discount, 10% descuento, Pla de L’Arc 42, Lliria, 962781673 165 Estodi Fotografic Vicent Bori, 5% discount, 5% descuento, C/ San Vicente de Paul y Bajo, Lliria, 962791528 6 Grupo Conway, 150 Euros off our Business Starter Package, C/ Tirador 4, Lliria, 962798823 22 Hispol Internacional, 15% off all lighting in store, 15% descuento en todas las lámparas en tienda, Ctra. Valencia-Ademuz, km 23.7, Lliria, 962792099 109 Hostal Les Reixes, Free breakfast when you stay, gratis con su Desayuno alojamiento, C/ Pla de l’Arc 77 bajo, Lliria, 962780787 21 4 Indoteka, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ San Vicente de Paul, 20 Bajo Izq, Lliria, 962783227 46 Joyeria Eva, 5% discount, 5% descuento, Plaza Partidores No. 2, Lliria, 962780161 46 Joyeria Falomir, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ Plaza Mayor 33, Lliria, 962781153 1 2 Kebab Ka Naim, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ San Miguel 23, Lliria, 962027110 45 La Tienda de Maribel, 6% discount, 6% descuento, C/ San Miguel 10, Lliria, 962798546 13 L’Ou Fregit, Free tapa with your wine or beer, Con tu vino o cerveza, tapa gratis, C/ Alcublas 13, Lliria, 961115128 12 Restaurante La Taula de Lliria, Free coffee with your meal, Café gratis con su comida, C/ San Vicente de Paul 24, Lliria, 962780091 263 Servireixes, 10% discount, 10% descuento, Pla de L’Arc 77, Lliria, 962790880 261 Sport Moro - Atmosfera, 10% discount, 10% descuento, Avda. Els Furs 19, Lliria, 962791701 1 44 Talleres Tilauto (Alfa Romeo), 10% discount on servicing & repairs, 10% dto, revisión y reparaciones, Ctra Valencia-Ademuz 31, Lliria, 962780821. 153 Victor Leon Carpinteria y Decoracion, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ Avda. Contienda 1 Urb. Edeta, Lliria, 968124209 Manises 9 8 Securitas Direct, Free installation, free remote, reduced price from 799€ to 499€ + IVA, Instalación gratis, mando gratis, precio especial de 499€ + IVA (reducido desde 799€), C/ Masia de la Cova 23, Manises, 660460245 18 GUIDE / GUIA Moncada 178 Hostel Servis Valencia, 5% discount when renting catering equipment,tables,linen etc (not applicable to set packages), 5% sobre precio descuento tarifa,alquiler de menaje, mobiliario, maquinaria, manteleria etc para eventos,no valida para forfaits, C/ Fornets 7 Pol. Ind Moncada III, Moncada, 961399281 Montesinos (Los) 14 C & K Supermarket, Spend 10 euros and get 10% off (food only), Avda. del Mar 87, Montesinos (Los), 966720006 Moraira 122 Assa Insurance, 10% discount for life & insure your children with a 50% discount for life, 10% descuento para mayores y 50% descuento para ninos, Ctra. Moraira-Calpe 7, Edif. Norte 1C, Moraira, 965744033 13 Beach Club Cafe del Mar, 10% discount, 10% descuento, Ctra Moraira-Calpe 121, Moraira, 966492052 61 Bodega Collection World, 10% discount, 10% descuento, Ctra.Moraira-Calpe 121, Moraira, 966492052 45 Boutique Victoria, 25% discount on all evening wear for men and women & 15% on day wear, 25% descuento en ropa para fiesta,senora y caballero, 15% descuento otra ropa , Doctor Calatayut 17 Pasaje, Moraira, 966490904 5 Cartridge Direct, 10% off of ink cartridge refills, Centro Comercial Milla de Oro 134 Ctra. Moraira - Calpe , Moraira, 966491740 12 Davids Fish & Chip Diner, 1 glass of wine with eat in fish & chips, Gratis un vaso de vino con pescado y patatas fritas, Ctra. Moraira-Calpe 245/247, Moraira, 966498395 38 Easybuy, 10% off all services, Avda. del Portet 24, Moraira, 965745969 14 Ecofruits, Spend 10€ & recieve a bag of oranges, 10% discount with purchases of more than 20€, Por cada compra de 10€ una bolsa de naranjas y 10% descuento por compras superior a 20€, Ctra. Moraira-Calpe 167 km 9.3, Moraira, 966498853 47 Floristeria Serendipity, 10% discount on all flowers and gifts, 10% descuento en todos flores y regalos , C/ Barranquet 5 Local 2, Moraira, 965745703 12 Fussion, 10% discount, 10% descuento, Ctra. Moraira-Calpe 121, Moraira, 966492052 29 Mermaid Diving Moraira, 10% discount on all diving courses, 10% descuento en todos los cursos de buceo, Complejo Kristel Mar 16 Ctra. Moraira-Calpe, Moraira, 965744150 102 Milar Giner, 10% discount on electrical appliances & 5% on televisions, 10% descuento en electrodomesticos y 5% en television, Doctor Calatayud s/n, Moraira, 966491482 12 More-Mehr-Mas, Free bottle of house wine when two people order from the a-la-carte menu (min, 2 courses), Botella de vino de la casa gratis para dos personas al pedir a la carta (mínimo 2 platos), Ctra. Moraira-Calpe 249, Moraira, 966498789 67 Panache Unisex Hair & Beauty Salon, Mondays only: Hilites 50€, Cut & blow-dry 20€, Permanent wave 40€, Pedicure 12€, Facial 25€, Calle Juan XXIII bajo 9, Moraira, 965745357 12 Restaurante Asador Salamandra, 10% discount, 10% descuento, Ctra.Moraira-Calpe 121, Moraira, 966492052 Muchamiel 191 Trans-Pet, 1 week free boarding with every pet transportation service, 1 semana gratis de alojamiento con cada traslado de una mascota, Partida 29 Baiona Alta, Muchamiel, 600552030 0034-600 55 20 30 - 0034-965 96 06 58 ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 CARD OFFERS / OFERTAS TARJETA Nucia (La) 5 Computech, 10% off repairs & accessories, 5% off hardware, Ctra. Benidorm-La Nucia (CV70) Urb. Buena Vista, local 4, Nucia (la), 966873881. 128 Nu Skin Distributor, Book 6 galvanic spa treatments & get one free, Free line corrector with the purchase of personal spa, training included, Apartado de Correos 227, Nucia (la), 686550768 Oliva 14 ICUK FOODS SL, Spend over 20€ and get 1€ of confectionary free, Club de Golf Oliva Nova, Oliva Nova, 962857818 Oliva Nova 257 Oliva Nova Golf Academy, 10 lessons for 99€ for groups of a minimum of 4 people, Club de Golf Oliva Nova, Oliva Nova, 962857818 Palmera 90 ABC Pool Palmera SL, 5% Discount, 5% Descuento, Avda Jaime I, 19, Palmera, 962893924 Pedralba 1 44 Adams-Howe Bob (Mechanic), 5% Discount on oil change and 10% discount for servicing and extras, Poligono 1735, Parcela 640, Pedralba, 654276551 23 Garden Solutions, 10% discount on labour charges for all quotes for garden services, Urb Les Mallaes 371, Pedralba, 686377915 1 06 Transfers Direct, 5% discount on all parking plus valet, 5% complimentary descuento en parking con limpieza de coche incluido, Buzon 653 Zona Bascula, Pedralba, 606117648 Pedreguer 118 CasaMucho Pool Service, 10% discount on new pool contracts, 10% descuento para contratos nuevos de las piscinas, Avda. de La Marina Alta 13 Buzón La Sella, Pedreguer, 149 644464278 12 Monroes Carvery, 5% discount off total bill, 5% descuento, Avda. Garrofer, local 1, Pedreguer, 965761731 14 Quicksave, Spend over 20 euros and get a voucher for 3 euros off your next shop of over 5 euros, Partida Murtar 2, Pedreguer, 966456157 Pego 160 Steve Taylor Locksmith, 5% discount on all labour & materials, Covering from Valencia to Alicante, Buzon 1240, Monte Pego, Pego, 619131700 Pobla de Vallbona 20 Centro de Estetica Isabel, 5% discount, 5% descuento, C/ Poeta Llorente 79, Pobla de Vallbona (la), 962760364 200 Clinica Podologica la Pobla, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ Poeta Llorente 148 bajo izquierda, Pobla de Vallbona (la), 630411390 18 Clinica Veterinaria Vallbona, 5% discount, 5% descuento, C/ Poeta Llorente 132, Pobla de Vallbona (la), 962761918 5 Computer Kev, No call out charge and a free diagnostic check, , Pobla de Vallbona (la), 962760978 17 Denti Laser, 5% discount on all treatments, 5% descuento en todos los tratamientos , C/ Poeta Llorente 107 bajo, Pobla de Vallbona (la), 962029645 21 4 El Arcano Magico, 5% discount, 5% descuento, C/ Trinquet 1, Pobla de Vallbona (la), 666309331 74 El Magatzen Regals y Decoracion, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ Poeta Llorente 23, Pobla de Vallbona (la), 961663043 46 Joyeria Enrique Porcar, 5% discount, 5% descuento, C/ Poeta Llorente 12, Pobla de Vallbona (la), 962760069 261 Marian Esports, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ Poeta Llorente 30, Pobla de Vallbona (la), 962760782 66 Optica Laura Porcar, 10% discount on all purchases, 10% descuento en todas la compras, C/ Poeta Llorente 12, Pobla de Vallbona (la), 962029925 66 Optica Porcar, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ Poeta Llorente 9, Pobla de Vallbona (la), 962708087 247 Reformas Rodrival Integrales, 5% discount, 5% descuento, C/ Poeta Llorente 38, Pobla de Vallbona (la), 962760656 261 Sport Moro - Atmosfera Sport, 10% discount, 10% descuento, Poeta Llorente 103, Pobla de Vallbona (la), 961662185 Poblets (Els) 47 Flores del Sol, 10% discount, Joan Martorell 5, Poblets (Els), 966475629 12 Restaurant Poll, Free bottle of house wine with ‘ala-carte’ lunch or ESPECIALIDAD EN ARROCES dinner, Botella de C/Sant Josep, 6 i 8 - Els Poblets Reservas 966 474 580 vino de la casa gratis por venir a comer o cenar a la carta, C/ San Josep 6-8, Poblets (Els), 966474580 Riba-Roja de Turia 50 Hotel Muralleta, 12% discount for bed & breakfast or half board, 12% de descuento al contratar alojamiento y desayuno o media pensión, C/ de la Cisterna, 31 y 33, Riba-roja de Turia, 962779240 95 RibaSolar, 5% off a full solar installation, 10% off callout fees, electrical work, fault finding, rewires, Calle Els Pous 3 Urb Els Pous, Riba-roja de Turia, 962122493 Sagra 95 KW Solar, 10% discount on solar panels, 10% dto, en paneles solares, C/ La fuente, 38, Sagra, 965587742 San Antonio de Benagéber 255 Kindermusik with Vanesa, 5% discount on Kindermusik courses, 5% de descuento en los cursos Kindermusik, San Antonio de Benagéber, 619571518 Tarbena 12 Restaurante Coll de Rates, 10% discount, 10% de descuento, Solana de Parcelles S/N, Tarbena, 671216676 Teulada Bertomeu Electro10 2 domesticos, 10% discount on 10% electrical appliances, descuento en electrodomesticos, Poligono Industrial Teulada C/ els Gremis 1, Teulada, 965741565 21 Prominent, 10% discount on made to measure furniture, 10% descuento en muebles hecho a medida, Pol. Industrial Teulada Calle Llanterner 2a, Teulada, 965793229 145 Prominent, 50€ discount on electric scooters, 50€ de descuento en scooter eléctricos, Pol. Industrial Teulada Calle Llanterner 2a, Teulada, 965793229 Valencia 45 Alberola Lenceria, 10% 10% discount on lingerie, descuento, C/ Perez Pujol 10, Valencia, 963524800 45 Alberola Lenceria, 10% 10% discount on lingerie, descuento, Hernan Cortes 21, Valencia, 963513888 45 Alberola Lenceria, 10% 10% discount on lingerie, descuento, C/ Maestro Aguiler 6, Valencia, 963339138 45 Alberola Lenceria, 10% discount on lingerie, 10% descuento, C/ Alemania 3, Valencia, 963618397 45 Alberola Lenceria, 10% discount on lingerie, 10% descuento, C/ Calabazas 29, Valencia, 963524800 12 Bien Divina SL, 5% discount at weekends & 10% weekdays, 5% descuento fin de semana, 10% entresemana, Martin el Humano 3, Valencia, 664224451 197 Cafe de Luxe, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ San Jose Artesano 16, Valencia, 626340403 17 Clinica Dental Dr. German Gomez, 50% discount on the first visit,30% off on bleachings, 15% off on all other treatments, 50% descuento de primera visita,30% de blanqueador y 15% de otra tratamientos, Avenida Cortes Valencianas 39 E2-H, Valencia, 963384385/658159538 214 De Valencia Souvenirs, 5% discount, 5% descuento, C/ Caballeros 7, Valencia, 963152238 230 Do You Bike, 2 for 1 on one day bike hire Mon-Thu, 2x1 en alquiler de bicicletas de lunes a jueves para el periodo de 1 día, C/ Antonio Suarez 22, Valencia, 963374024 12 El Pekado, 20% discount (10% on Saturdays), 20% descuento (Sabados 10%), C/ San Dionis 8, Valencia, 963924139 178 Espectaculos Daniel, 15% discount, 15% descuento, Jacinto Benavente 9 Esc B Puerta 3, Valencia, 606334519 45 Exporegalo, 5% discount on all purchases, 5% descuento en todas la compras, Avda. Maria Cristina 1 bajo 1, Valencia, 963919346 214 Exporegalo, 5% discount on all purchases, 5% descuento en todas las compras, Avda. Maria Cristina 3 bajo 1, Valencia, 963520157 45 Exporegalo, 5% discount, 5% descuento, Avda. Maria Cristina 1 bajo 3, Valencia, 963919346. 12 La Cepa Vieja, 15% discount on tapas menu, 15% sobre la carta de tapas, C/ San Vicente Martír 209 (cruce con Giorgeta), Valencia, 963423236 45 Lisa Gingles, 5% discount on new stock, 5% descuento la nueva temporada, C/ Calatrava 11, Valencia, 963924516 214 Luce-T, 5% discount, 5% descuento, Avda. Maria Cristina 3 bajo 2, Valencia, 963514841 220 Magic Wood, 5% discount, 5% descuento, C/ Paz 1, Valencia, 963922292 6 Pampua, 20% discount on pricing as published on our website, 20% de descuento sobre las tarifas que tenemos publicadas en nuestra web, C/ En Bou, 8-1, Valencia, 963926437 12 Restaurante Commo, Complimentary sweet or glass of cava, Un postre de cortesia o una copa de cava, Pascual y Genis 3, Valencia, 963523649 12 Restaurante La Riuá, 10% Discount, 10% Descuento, C/ del Mar 27, Valencia, 963914571. 10 4 Rivera Musica, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ La Paz 19, Valencia, 963915567 46 RU17 Domingo, 10% discount, 10% descuento, San Vicente 2, Valencia, 963922167 261 Skate World, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ Comedias 14, Valencia, 963531838 261 Skateworld Sky, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ Moratin 7, Valencia, 963944809 148 Tejidos Para la Decoracion Elena Sanchez, 10% discount, 10% descuento, C/ Buenos Aires 36 2º Piso, Valencia, 963730595 34 Valgrup Elevadores, 2% discount on estimates for elevator installations, 2% descuento en C/ presupuestos altos , Testamentaria 6Bj Rocafort, Valencia, 663013595 51 Viajes Ana, 5% discount, 5% descuento , C/ Vivons 9 Bajo, Valencia, 963355030 Xara (La) 81 Centro Hípico Lledó, Presenting this card, 50% off on your first riding lesson, only one per person, Presentando la tarjeta 50% de descuento en una clase de equitacion , Pdta. La Xara 2 B, Xara (la), 699152856 250 La Cuina, 10% discount on all orders, 10% dto, en todos los pedidos, Avda. del Oeste 14, Xara (la), 965781423 thinkS PICK UP YOUR CARD FROM ANY PARTICIPATING OUTLET OR ORDER ONLINE AT COMPRE SU TARJETA DE DESCUENTO EN CUALQUIER PUNTO DE VENTA O PÍDALA EN WWW.SPAINSAVE.COM BRICOMAN LIZARRAN 10% discount at lunch or evening meal when presenting this card 10% descuento en comidas o cenas al presentar esta tarjeta, C/Patricio Ferrandiz, 50, Denia 96 578 4111 / 10% discount on all products in all our outlets (excluding those on promocion) 10% descuento en todos los articulos de nuestros establecimientos (excepto productos en promocion), Ctra. Nacional 332 KM 191, Gata de Gorgos, 966469150 / Our Offer BUSINESSES: DO YOU WANT MORE CUSTOMERS FOR FREE? Simply join the SPAINSAVE scheme and get FREE ADVERTISING. All you need to do is make an exclusive offer to all customers who carry a valid SPAINSAVE card. It might be a discount on products or services, a complimentary gift, or a bottle of wine with a meal, the choice is yours. Once you have decided on your offer, go to and fill in the form. All offers are published FREE OF CHARGE each month in the thinkSPAIN/Guide, and will also be available on, and other partner websites. NOW THERE'S AN OFFER YOU CAN'T REFUSE! NEGOCIOS: ¿QUERÉIS MAS CLIENTES GRATIS? Apúntate al plan SPAINSAVE (Ahorrar en Espana) y conseguirás PUBLICIDAD GRATUITA. Solo hace falta dar a los clientes que presenten la tarjeta SPAINSAVE una oferta exclusiva. Puede ser un descuento en sus compras, un regalito, una botella de vino gratis en la cena, tú elijes. Una vez decidido, dirígete a la página web y rellena el formulario que allí encontrarás. Todas las ofertas se publicarán GRATUITAMENTE todos los meses en el thinkSPAIN/Guide, y tambièn en, y otras paginas web de colaboradores. ‘ESTO SI QUE ES UNA OFERTA QUE HAY QUE APROVECHAR! thinkS 5 ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 TRAVEL, SPORT & LEISURE / VIAJES, DEPORTES Y ENTRETENIMIENTO GUIDE / GUIA A G u i d e to What’s on Travel, Sports & Leisure Viajes, Deportes y Entretenimiento ALICANTE d much more.... Trade Fairs, Activities an est lat the all th wi up Catch ALICANTE Airport Transfers 5.1 Bed and Breakfast 5.2 Hotels 5.3 Travel Agencies 5.4 Days Out & Entertainment 5.5 Holiday Lets Valencia 5.6 Alicante 5.7 Murcia 5.8 Agencias de viajes Alquileres Vacacionales Valencia Alicante Murcia Escapadas y entretenimiento Hoteles Pensiones Traslados Aeropuerto why pay more? 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.5 5.3 5.2 5.1 Take Card to claim Llévate la tarjeta Card Nº 1000011 TRADE FAIR FERÍA 26 deciembre - 6 enero 2010 - EXPONADAL - Exposición de Ocio Infantil y Juvenil. CENTRO HIPICO LLEDÓ PRESENTING THIS CARD 50% OFF ON RIDING LESSONS ONLY ONE PER PERSON. PRESENTANDO LA TARJETA 50% DE DESCUENTO EN UNA CLASE DE EDQUITACION. , Pdta. La Xara 2 B, XARA (LA) 699 152 856. VIDEOTECA EL SUR, 10% DISCOUNT ON PURCHASES AND RENTAL VOUCHERS, AND 0,50 EUROS DISCOUNT ON RENTALS, 10% DTO, COMPRAS EN TIENDA, EN BONO ALQUILER, Y 0,50 EUROS DTO, AL ALQUILAR, CB, C/ Abu L’ Salt, 3, DENIA, 965785752 5.2 Bed and Breakfast Pensiones BED & BREAKFAST, Villa Pink Flamingo 965787520, 5.3 Hotels Hoteles HOTEL LOS ANGELES, Playa de Las Marinas km 4, 03700 Dénia. Tel. 96 578 04 58. 5.4 Travel Agencies Agencias de Viaje Silver Travel Cruise Specialist Package Holidays Hotel Bookings Spain & Worldwide Scheduled Flights Worldwide & Low Cost Airlines 25 Years Experience BARCLAYS CENTER, 56 03724 MORAIRA (Alicante) Tel. 96 574 50 86 - Fax 96 574 56 48 Holiday Lets Alquileres Vacacionales 5.7 Alicante INTERHOME – almost 40 years on the Costa Blanca! Rent your house with a professional swiss company: Altea 965 830 741, Alfaz del Pi 965 868 421, Beniarbeig 966 435 314, Benidorm 965 868 421, Benissa 965 830 741, Benitaxell 966 461 901, Calpe 965 830 741, Denia 966 435 314, El Campello 965 868 421, Els Poblets 966 435 314, Jalón 965 830 741, Jávea 966 461 901, La Nucía 965 868 421, Moraira 965 830 741, Oliva 966 435 314, Ondara, 966 435 314, Pedreguer 966 435 314, Pego 966 435 314 5th-6th December XVLII Alicante National Dog Show 5 -6 deciembre XVLII Exposcion Nacional Canina de Alicante. TRADE FAIR MURCIA 5.4 Offers/Ofertas Complimentary Card 26th December - 6 January 2010 EXPONADAL Exhibition of Entertainment for Children & Young People. IFA - Institución Ferial Alicantina. N-340, Km 731, 03200 Elche (Alicante). Tel: 96 665 76 00 Fax: 96 665 76 30 IFEPA - Torrepacheco - 5-8/12 - XXV SALÓN DE LA AUTOMOCIÓN E INDUSTRIAS AFINES. ALICANTE CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES ACTIVIDADES INFANTILES XXII INTERNATIONAL PUPPET FESTIVAL Aula CAM - Tel. 965 905 639 / Auditorio CAM Tel. 965 90 64 91 / Tickets from ServiCam. Price: 4€. HUEVITO DE IDA Y VUELTA. 1/12. 19h. Auditorio. LA LLUNA Y LA PRUNA. 2/12. 19h. Auditorio. LA CASA DEL ABUELO. 3/12. 19h. Auditorio. CUENTO DE BRUJAS. 5/12. 19h. Aula. LA MUJER FOCA. 6/12. 18h. Aula. PERSEO. 7/12. 20h. Aula. EL BARÓN DE MUNCHAUSEN. 8/12. 18h. Aula. Teatro Arniches - Tel. 965 936 838 EL RATONCITO TONTO (puppets). 4/12. 19h. 4€ CHRISTMAS AT ARNICHES - Elmer & Wilbur. 26/12. 18h. Price: Adults 8€, kids 5€. ATRAPADOS. 27/12. 18h. Price: Adults 8€, kids 5€. XXII FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE TÍTERES Aula CAM - Tel. 965 905 639 / Auditorio CAM Tel. 965 90 64 91 / Entradas en ServiCam. Precio: 4€. HUEVITO DE IDA Y VUELTA. 1/12. 19h. Auditorio. LA LLUNA Y LA PRUNA. 2/12. 19h. Auditorio. LA CASA DEL ABUELO. 3/12. 19h. Auditorio. CUENTO DE BRUJAS. 5/12. 19h. Aula. LA MUJER FOCA. 6/12. 18h. Aula. PERSEO. 7/12. 20h. Aula. EL BARÓN DE MUNCHAUSEN. 8/12. 18h. Aula. Teatro Arniches - Tel. 965 936 838 EL RATONCITO TONTO (títeres). 4/12. 19h. 4€ NAVIDAD EN ARNICHES - Elmer y Wilbur. 26/12. 18h. Precio: Adultos 8€, niños 5€. ATRAPADOS. 27/12. 18h. Precio: Adultos 8€, niños 5€. TA R Z A N El nuevo espectáculo en Valencia desde el 12 de Diciembre The new show in Valencia from the 12 of December. Price/ Precio: de 12 a 22 € Puedes conseguir tus entradas en El Corte Inglés o en la taquilla del Circo. Teléfono de taquilla: 649 299 969 You can buy your tickets in El Corte Inglés o in the box office. Telephone 649 299 969. IFEPA - Torrepacheco - 5-8/12 - XXV AUTOMOBILE & RELATED INDUSTIES SHOW. VALENCIA Feria de Valencia. Avda. de las Ferias s/n. 46035 Valencia. Tel: 96 386 11 00 – Customer Service: 96 386 13 13 Fax: 96 363 61 11 96 364 40 64. 2-4/12 - INDUFERIAS 2009 – 22nd INTL. AMUSEMENT PARKS, PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT & SLOT MACHINES EXHIBITION. 2-4/12 - INDUFERIAS 2009 22ª FERIA INTL. DE ATRACCIONES DE FERIAS, PARQUES INFANTILES, MÁQUINAS PARA JUEGOS DE AZAR Y ELEMENTOS AUXILIARES. 2-4/12 - HINCHALIA 2009 – 2nd INTERNATIONAL INFLATABLE PRODUCTS SHOW. 2-4/12 - HINCHALIA 2009 - 2ª FERIA INTERNACIONAL DE ARTÍCULOS INFLABLES. 2-4/12 – FERIA DEL AUTOMÓVIL 2009 – 12th CAR SHOW. 2-4/12 - FERIA DEL AUTOMÓVIL 2009 - 12ª FERIA DEL AUTOMÓVIL. 4-8/12 – SECOND HAND CAR SHOW 2009. 4-8/12 - FERIA DEL VEHÍCULO DE OCASIÓN 2009. 4-8/12 - ESPACIO ARTESANO – HANDICRAFTS EXHIBITION. 4-8/12 - ESPACIO ARTESANO SALÓN DE LA ARTESANIA. 26/12-4/1 - FIV / EXPOJOVE 2009 – 87th INTERNATIONAL VALENCIA FAIR / 28th YOUTH FAIR (in assoc. with Valencia City Council). 26/12-4/1 - FIV / EXPOJOVE 2009 - 87ª FERIA INTL. DE VALENCIA / 28ª FERIA DE LA JUVENTUD (Ayto. de Valencia) 19 20 e c n da GUIDE / GUIA TRAVEL, SPORT & LEISURE / VIAJES, DEPORTES Y ENTRETENIMIENTO Michael Bolton L DE CONGRESOS PALACIO MUNICIPA D RI AD M CIONES CAMPO DE LAS NA DE 2010 EL 16 DE ENERO ALICANTE JAZZ - Mina Agossi. 11/12. 20h30. Tickets from ServiCam. Price: 3€. Aula Cam - Tel. 965 905 639 Teatro Principal Alicante - Plaza Ruperto Chapí - Tel.: 965 203 100. CHRISTMAS CONCERT – Alicante Symphony Band. 22/12. 20h15. Free entry. "ÓLEO, FLAMENCO" SHOW. 28/12. 20h15. Flamenca Félix Amador company. Tickets 5€. CHRISTMAS CONCERT – Alicante Symphony Orchestra. 29/12. 20h15. Tickets 6€. JAZZ - Mina Agossi. 11/12. 20h30. Entradas en ServiCam. Precio: 3€. Aula Cam - Tel. 965 905 639 - Teatro Principal Alicante - Plaza Ruperto Chapí - Telf.: 965 203 100. CONCIERTO DE NAVIDAD - Banda Sinfónica Municipal de Alicante. 22/12. 20h15. Entrada libre. ESPECTÁCULO: "ÓLEO, FLAMENCO". 28/12. 20h15. Compañía Flamenca Félix Amador. Entrada única 5€. CONCIERTO DE NAVIDAD - Orquesta Sinfónica de Alicante. 29/12. 20h15. Entrada única 6€. VALENCIA NEW YEAR’S CONCERT. 27/12. 21h. 49€. Palacio de Congresos. The Strauss Festival Orchestra and the Strauss Festival Ballet Ensemble will perform famous pieces like the Blue Danube and the Radetzky March. Email: Web: Tickets: El Corte Inglés - 902 400 222, Servientrada - 902 115 577. MAMMA MIA! – The Musical. BOOK EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT. 18/2-28/3. Teatro Principal. Web: Different show times depending on the day. Prices: from 21€. Tickets: Servientrada Bancaja. Tel: 96 353 92 00 PEGO You can buy a guitar at factory prices! PALACIO DE D EPORTES. COM UNIDAD DE MADRID.l 4 de diciembre de 20 09 Marilyn Manson PALACIO DE DEPORTES. COMUNIDAD DE MADRID El 3 de diciembre de 2009 SANT JORDI CLUB BARCELONA. El 4 de diciembre de 2009 FIEBRE DEL SÁBADO NOCHE. 6-10/12. Teatro Olimpia. Precio: a partir de 31€, Servientrada (Bancaja). Teléfono: 96 351 73 15 / Web: Horarios: Funciones a las 17h, 18h, 19h, 20h y 21h30, según el día. CONCIERTO DE NAVIDAD. 20/12. 11h30. Palau de la Música. Tel: 96 337 50 20. Email: / Web: CONCIERTO DE FIN DE AÑO. 27/12. 21h. 49€. Palacio de Congresos. La Strauss Festival Orchestra y el Strauss Festival Ballet Ensemble interpretarán títulos tan conocidos como El Bello Danubio Azul y la Marcha Radetzky. Email: Web: Venta de entradas: El Corte Inglés - 902 400 222, Servientrada - 902 115 577. MAMMA MIA! El Musical con las canciones de Abba. 18/2-28/3. Teatro Principal. Web: Horarios: Diversas funciones según el día. Precios: A partir de 21€. Entradas: Servientrada Bancaja. Teléfono: 96 353 92 00 CHRISTMAS CONCERT. 20/12. 11h30. Palau de la Música. Tel: 96 337 50 20. Email: / Web: Builder SAINT CECILIA CONCERT. Agrupació Musical de Pego. 5/12. 22h. Venue: Teatro Municipal de Pego. CHRISTMAS CONCERT. Pego Choir. 20/12. Time: 17h30. Venue: Sagrada Família Church Pego. POP OPERA FESTIVAL. Charity concert. 19/12. 22h.Venue: Teatro Municipal de Pego. Organised by: Ladies de Monte Pego. ALCOY NEW YEAR’S CONCERT. 2/1/2010. Teatro Calderón. 19h. Botosani Philharmonic Orchestra. Music by: Suppé, Offenbach, Delibes and the Strauss family. CONCIERTO DE AÑO NUEVO. 2/1/2010. Teatro Calderón. 19h. Botosani Philharmonic Orchestra. Música de: Suppé, Offenbach, Delibes y de la Familia Strauss. MUTXAMEL CHRISTMAS CONCERT. 19/12. 20h30. Venue: S.M. La Alianza. Email: / Web: Opening hours: from 9 to 13 h and from 14.30 to 19 h C/ Estación, 25 (Opp. train station) Gata de Gorgos Tel/fax 96 575 63 20 - The Prodigy Franz Ferdinand PABELLÓN OL ÍMPICO DE BA DALONA BARCELONA BADALONA (B ARCELONA). El 5 de diciem bre de 2009 SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER. 6-10/12. Teatro Olimpia. Price: from 31€, Servientrada (Bancaja). Tel: 96 351 73 15 / Web: Shows at 17h, 18h, 19h, 20h and 21h30, depending on the day. Guitar CONCERTS thinkS MUSIC & ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 CONCIERTO DE NAVIDAD. 19/12. 20h30. Lugar: S.M. La Alianza. Email: / Web: David Bisbal In ConNcTEert ) (ALICA TEATRO CIRCO TE, SPAIN AN IC AL ORIHUELA, BR IEM E 2009 WED, 16 DEC CONCIERTO DE SANTA CECILIA. Agrupació Musical de Pego. 5/12. Hora: 22h. Lugar: Teatro Municipal de Pego. CONCIERTO DE NAVIDAD. Orfeó de Pego. 20/12. Hora: 17h30. Lugar: Parroquia Sagrada Família Pego. FESTIVAL: OPERA POP. A beneficio del Preventorio de las Monjas de la Purísima de Murcia. 19/12. Hora: 22h. Lugar: Teatro Municipal de Pego. Organiza: Amas de Casa. Ladies de Monte Pego. Email: Tel.: 965 783 656 – Fax: 966 420 512. CHRISTMAS CONCERT – Denia Choir. 19/12. 20h30. Teatro Auditorio at the Centro Social. Concert to raise funds for the erradication of Polio throughout the world and other projects run by the Rotary Club of Denia. Donation: 5€. Organised by: Denia Town Hall and Rotary Internacional. CHRISTMAS CONCERT Agrupación Artística Musical de Denia. 27/12. 12h. Teatro Auditorio at the Centro Social. Charity concerts in aid of the Asociación ‘Iniciativa Betània’. Donation: 3 €. DENIA Email: Tel.: 965 783 656 – Fax: 966 420 512. CONCIERTO DE NAVIDAD– Orfeón de Denia. 19/12. 20h30. Teatro Auditorio del Centro Social. Concierto benéfico para la erradicación de la Polio den el mundo y otras obras sociales del Rotary de Denia.Donativo:5€ Organiza: Ajuntament de Dénia y Rotary Internacional. CONCIERTO DE NAVIDAD Agrupación Artística Musical de Denia. 27/12. 12h. Teatro Auditorio del Centro Social. Concierto benéfico en ayuda de la Asociación "Iniciativa Betània". Donativo: 3€ thinkS TRAVEL, SPORT & LEISURE / VIAJES, DEPORTES Y ENTRETENIMIENTO GUIDE / GUIA ***THEATRE*** ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 THE WORLD OF ABBA UNITED STATE COMPANY. 18 & 19/12. Hora: 22h. Precios: 15, 18 y 20€. CAMPANYA TEATRE FAMILIAR (Del 22 de diciembre al 10 de enero) ROBIN HOOD. EL MUSICAL. 22/12. 17h30. CUENTO DE NAVIDAD. 23/12. 17h30. AMADA CANDELA. 27/12. 17h30. MOMENTARI. 30/12. 17h30. UHHHHHHHH. 31/12. 17h30. E LC H E THE WORLD OF ABBA - UNITED STATE COMPANY. 18 & 19/12. 22h. Prices: 15, 18 6 20€. PROGRAMME OF FAMILY THEATRE (From 22/1210/1) ROBIN HOOD- THE MUSICAL. 22/12. 17h30. CHRISTMAS CAROL 23/12. 17h30. AMADA CANDELA. 27/12. 17h30. Dance. Momentari. 30/12 17h30.. 23/12. 17h30. UHHHHHHHH. 31/12. 17h30. EL CAMPELLO ESPECTÁCULO DE MAGIA. 29/12. 19h30. Espectáculo de magia para toda la familia a cargo de Mago Dexter. Entradas: 3€ desde el día 1/12 en taquilla de la Casa de Cultura y también en ServiCAM 902444300 y en Internet Teatro-Auditorio "Pedro Vaello" de la Casa de la Cultura. Entrada 3 €. Público familiar. ALCOY Teatro Calderón - Email: SLEEPING BEAUTY - Moscow Ballet. 19/12. 20h. JUNGLE BOOK - the musical. 20/12. 18h. LA BELLA DURMIENTE, Ballet de Moscú. 19/12. 20h. EL LIBRO DE LA SELVA, el musical. 20/12. 18h. ORIHUELA Teatro Circo - Email: THE NUTCRACKER - Moscow Ballet. 23/12. 21h. Prices: 18€ & 15€. BRILLANTINA – the musical GREASE in Spanish. 26/12. 20h & 22h30. Prices: 24€ & 22€. Teatro Circo - Email: CASCANUECES - Ballet de Moscú. 23/12. 21h. Precios: 18€ o 15€. BRILLANTINA - El musical GREASE en castellano. 26/12. 20h y 22h30. Precios: 24€ o 22€. DVD REVIEW Starring: (Voices of) Dakota Fanning, Teri Hatcher, Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders, Ian McShane. Length: 101 minutes T he latest film by the director of Nightmare before Christmas (1993) and James and the giant peach (1996) among others, Henry Selick's new production is the first-ever stop-motion cartoon, designed and photographed in 3D. The stop-motion technique is based on photography – photogram by photogram – with a backdrop and characters created on a scale that is manageable for the animators. The action takes place by moving each and every element of the scene – the setting, decoration and the characters – so that the photographs can be seen at the same time, thus achieving an illusion of movement (the same principle as a traditional cartoon, made famous by the likes of classics produced by Disney, Warner Bros and Hanna Barbera, except using real images). Such a laborious process does not happen overnight; in fact, the filming of Coraline took 18 months, with 300 people on the team who only shot 74 seconds of the movie a week. And the pre-production of the film ran into two years, including creating the avatars and the more than 130 items of decoration needed, hundreds of scenic elements (atrezzo), putting together the virtual script, and so on. The film is based upon Neil Gaiman's exciting novel and tells the tale of a young girl, Coraline, who opens a secret door in her new house and discovers a new, improved version of her own life. In the beginning, her parallel reality is curiously similar to her real life, although far better – except for one small detail: all the inhabitants of this other world have buttons sewn onto their faces instead of eyes. When her adventure starts to take a dangerous turn, and her 'parallel world' mother tries not to let Coraline out of her sight, she has to resort to determination and courage and the help of her friends – and a talking black cat – in order to save her real parents and return home. According to the novel's author: “I wanted to write a book about courage. The main character is terrified, but she does what she is supposed to despite her fear and the obstacles in her way. “I also wanted to express the fact that, at times, the people who love you the most don't always give you all the attention you need from them, and that the people who do give you that attention are not always the ones who most love you.” As for Henry Selick, he admits: “Upon reading it, I was surprised by the juxtaposition of these two worlds – the world in which we live, and that other world where the grass is always greener. The character of Coraline caught my attention – she's brave, imaginative and overflowing with curiosity. I liked the fact that her 'perfect' world turned into something terrifying. And if Coraline, the most normal kind of girl around, is capable of triumphing over evil, that means something.” N O O S G N I M CO The book has been translated into 30 languages and has served as inspiration for an Italian short film; an Irish puppet show; a Swedish play; a graphic novel, and a musical. Coraline is available to rent on DVD. LOS MUNDOS DE CORALINE L Reparto: (Voces de) Dakota Fanning, Teri Hatcher, Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders, Ian McShane. Género: Animación stop-motion (muñecos), Fantástico. Duración: 101 minutos a nueva película de Henry Selick, director de “Pesadilla antes de Navidad” (1993) y “James y el melocotón gigante” (1996) entre otras, es la primera película de animación stop-motion concebida y fotografiada en 3-D. La técnica stop-motion se basa en fotografiar, fotograma a fotograma, un escenario y unos personajes fabricados a una escala manejable por los animadores. La acción se consigue moviendo cada elemento de la escena al detalle, decorados y muñecos, de forma que al ver las fotografías consecutivamente, se logra el efecto del movimiento (el mismo principio de la animación con dibujos que caracteriza los dibujos animados clásicos de Disney, Warner BROS o Hanna Barbera pero con elementos reales). Un proceso tan laborioso no se realiza en poco tiempo, de hecho, el rodaje de “Coraline” duró 18 meses, empleando a 300 personas que sólo rodaban 74 segundos de película por semana. La preproducción de la película alcanzó los dos años para la fabricación de los muñecos y los más de 130 decorados necesarios y cientos de elementos en escena (atrezzo), realización del guión visual, etc. La película está basada en la exitosa novela de Neil Gaiman y cuenta la historia de una joven (Coraline) que abre una puerta secreta en su nueva casa y descubre una versión mejorada de su vida. Al principio, la realidad paralela es curiosamente parecida a su vida de verdad, aunque mucho mejor, excepto por un detalle: todos los habitantes de este mundo paralelo tienen botones cosidos en vez de ojos. Cuando su aventura empieza a tomar un cariz peligroso y su otra madre intenta mantenerla a su lado para siempre, Coraline deberá recurrir a su determinación y coraje y a la ayuda de los vecinos y de un gato negro con el don del habla para salvar a sus auténticos padres y regresar a casa. Según el autor de la novela: “Quería escribir un libro acerca del valor. La protagonista estaba aterrorizada, pero hacía lo que debía, a pesar del miedo y de los obstáculos” y que “también quería expresar que, a veces, las personas que más te quieren no siempre te prestan toda la atención necesaria, y que las personas que más se ocupan de ti no son necesariamente las que más te quieren”. Por su parte, Henry Selick confiesa que “Al leerlo, me sorprendió la yuxtaposición de dos mundos: el mundo donde todos vivimos, y ese otro donde la hierba siempre está verde. El personaje de Coraline me atrajo, es valiente, imaginativa y siente una curiosidad desbordante. Me gustó que su mundo perfecto se convirtiera en algo aterrador. Y si Coraline, una niña de lo más normal, es capaz de triunfar sobre el mal, significa algo”. El libro se ha traducido a treinta idiomas y ha servido de inspiración para un cortometraje italiano, un espectáculo de marionetas irlandés, una obra de teatro de una compañía sueca, una novela gráfica y un musical. “Los mundos de Coraline” en DVD de alquiler. CORALINE MAGIC SHOW. 29/12. 19h30. Magic show for the whole family with Dexter the Magician. Tickets: 3€ available from 1/12 at the Casa de Cultura box office, ServiCAM 902444300 and via Teatro-Auditorio "Pedro Vaello" at the Casa de la Cultura. 3 €. Suitable for the whole family. 21 THE SPY NEXT DOOR Jackie Chan and Madeline Carroll THE SPY NEXT DOOR a family, action, comedy starring Jackie Chan as Bob Ho, an undercover CIA superspy who decides to give up his career in espionage to settle down with his nextdoor neighbor and girlfriend, Gillian (Amber Valletta). But Bob has one more mission to complete before Gillian agrees to marry him: winning over her three opinionated kids. Suddenly Gilian has to leave town and Bob volunteers to babysit the children so he can earn their approval. But when one of the kids mistakenly downloads a top-secret formula from his computer, Bob's archenemy, a Russian terrorist, moves in for the attack, forcing Bob to juggle the roles of spy and prospective stepfather in the most challenging mission of his career! THE SPY NEXT DOOR (EL ESPÍA DE AL LADO) Jackie Chan y Madeline Carroll. Una comedia de acción para toda la familia protagonizada por Jackie Chan en el papel de Bob Ho, un agente secreto del CIA que renuncia a su carrera de espía para concentrarse en su relación sentimental con su vecina y novia, Gillian (Amber Valletta). Pero Bob tiene una misión más para cumplir antes de que Gillian acuerde casarse con él: convencer a sus tres hijos testarudos. De repente, Gillian tiene que marcharse de la ciudad y Bob se ofrece para cuidar a los niños y así conseguir que den el visto bueno a que su madre se case con él. Sin embargo, cuando uno de los niños descarga una fórmula secreta en su ordenador sin querer, el archienemigo de Bob, un terrorista ruso, lanza un ataque, que le obliga a Bob a compaginar sus papeles de espía y futuro padrastro en la misión más dura y exigente de su vida profesional. THE TOOTH HURTS Starring The Rock, Ashley Judd, Julie Andrews and Billy Crystal. Derek Thompson (The Rock) is a minor league hockey player, nicknamed "The Tooth Fairy" for his tendency to loosen molars and bicuspids while working. But Derek gets an entirely new gig when he's tapped by Magical Forces to be the real Tooth Fairy and to save the tooth fairy kingdom. Great film for the family, not just the kids! TOOTH FAIRY (EL HADA DE LOS DIENTES) Con Dwayne Johnson (“The Rock”), Ashley Judd, Julie Andrews y Billy Crystal. Derek Thompson (“The Rock”) es un jugador de liguilla de hockey apodado “el Hada de los Dientes” (ya que es un hada y no un ratón que recoge los dientes caídos en los países angloparlantes). Su mote se debe a que suele romper los dientes de sus oponentes en los partidos. Pero su vida cambia por completo cuando las fuerzas mágicas le contratan y le convierten en un hada de verdad para que salve el reino de los hadas de los dientes. Una película muy divertida para todos – ¡no sólo los pequeños! 22 GUIDE / GUIA TRAVEL, SPORT & LEISURE / VIAJES, DEPORTES Y ENTRETENIMIENTO LL A B T O FO UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE 08/12 v Beşiktaş JK v PFC CSKA Moskva, VfL Wolfsburg v Manchester United FC, Juventus v FC Bayern München, Maccabi Haifa FC v FC Girondins de Bordeaux, FC Zürich v AC Milan, Olympique de Marseille v Real Madrid CF, Chelsea FC v APOEL FC, Club Atlético de Madrid v FC Porto 09/12 20:45 Liverpool FC v ACF Fiorentina, Olympique Lyonnais v Debreceni VSC, FC Internazionale Milano v FC Rubin Kazan, FC Dynamo Kyiv v FC Barcelona, VfB Stuttgart v FC Unirea Urziceni, Sevilla FC v Rangers FC, Olympiacos FC v Arsenal FC, R. Standard de Liège v AZ Alkmaar UEFA EUROPA LEAGUE 02/12 19:00 FC Salzburg v S.S. Lazio, PFC Levski Sofia v Villarreal CF, FC Twente v Fenerbahçe SK, FC Sheriff v FC Steaua Bucureşti, FC BATE Borisov v SL Benfica, AEK Athens FC v Everton, 21:05 RSC Anderlecht v NK Dinamo Zagreb, FC Timişoara v AFC Ajax, Valencia CF v LOSC Lille Métropole, SK Slavia Praha v Genoa CFC, Celtic FC v Hapoel Tel-Aviv FC, Hamburger SV v SK Rapid Wien 03/12 19:00 Toulouse FC v FK Partizan, FC Shakhtar Donetsk v Club Brugge KV, PSV Eindhoven v AC Sparta Praha, FC København v CFR 1907 Cluj, FK Austria Wien v Athletic Club, Werder Bremen v CD Nacional, 21:05 Sporting Clube de Portugal v SC Heerenveen, FK Ventspils v Hertha BSC Berlin, Fulham FC v PFC CSKA Sofia, AS Roma v FC Basel 1893, Galatasaray AŞ v Panathinaikos FC, FC Dinamo 1948 Bucureşti v SK Sturm Graz 16/12 19:00 Hertha BSC Berlin v Sporting Clube de Portugal, SC Heerenveen v FK Ventspils, FC Basel 1893 v Fulham FC, PFC CSKA Sofia v AS Roma, SK Sturm Graz v Galatasaray AŞ, Panathinaikos FC v FC Dinamo 1948 Bucureşti, 21:05 Club Brugge KV v Toulouse FC, FK Partizan v FC Shakhtar Donetsk, AC Sparta Praha v FC København, CFR 1907 Cluj v PSV Eindhoven, CD Nacional v FK Austria Wien, Athletic Club v Werder Bremen 17/12 19:00 AFC Ajax v RSC Anderlecht, NK Dinamo Zagreb v FC Timişoara, LOSC Lille Métropole v SK Slavia Praha, Genoa CFC v Valencia CF, SK Rapid Wien v Celtic FC, Hapoel Tel-Aviv FC v Hamburger SV, 21:05 S.S. Lazio v PFC Levski Sofia, Villarreal CF v FC Salzburg, FC Steaua Bucureşti v FC Twente, Fenerbahçe SK v FC Sheriff, Everton v FC BATE Borisov, SL Benfica v AEK Athens FC LIGA BBVA 5-6/12 Sevilla v Valladolid, Tenerife v Sporting, Villarreal v Getafe, Xerez v Atlético, Espanyol v Racing, Deportivo v Barcelona, Real Madrid v Almería, Athletic v Valencia, Mallorca v Zaragoza, Málaga v Osasuna 12-13/12 Valladolid v Málaga, Sporting v Sevilla, Getafe v Tenerife, Atlético v Villarreal, Racing v Xerez, Barcelona v Espanyol, Almería v Deportivo, Valencia v Real Madrid, Zaragoza v Athletic, Osasuna v Mallorca 19-20/12 Valladolid v Sporting, Sevilla v Getafe, Tenerife v Atlético, Villarreal v Racing, Xerez v Barcelona, Espanyol v Almería, Deportivo v Valencia, Real Madrid v Zaragoza, Athletic v Osasuna, Málaga v Mallorca 2-3/1 Sporting v Málaga, Getafe v Valladolid, Atlético v Sevilla, Racing v Tenerife, Barcelona v Villarreal, Almería v Xerez, Valencia v Espanyol, Zaragoza v Deportivo, Osasuna v Real Madrid, Mallorca v Athletic LIGA ADELANTE 5-6/12 Córdoba v Hércules, Levante v Recreativo, Salamanca v Albacete, Numancia v Cartagena, Huesca v Rayo, Real Sociedad v Real Unión, Gimnástic v Castellón, Murcia v Betis, Las Palmas v Valladolid B, Elche v Cádiz, Girona ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 SPORTS MARATHONS AND RUNS v Celta 12-13/12 Hércules v Girona, Recreativo v Córdoba, Albacete v Levante, Cartagena v Salamanca, Rayo v Numancia, Real Unión v Huesca, Castellón v Real Sociedad, Betis v Gimnástic, Villarreal B v Murcia, Cádiz v Las Palmas, Celta v Elche 19-20/12 Hércules v Recreativo, Córdoba v Albacete, Levante v Cartagena, Salamanca v Rayo, Numancia v Real Unión, Huesca v Castellón, Real Sociedad v Betis, Gimnástic v Villarreal B, Murcia v Cádiz, Las Palmas v Celta, Girona v Elche 2-3/1 Betis v Huesca, Villarreal B v Real Sociedad, Cádiz v Gimnástic, Celta v Murcia, Elche v Las Palmas, Recreativo v Girona, Albacete v Hércules, Cartagena v Córdoba, Rayo v Levante, Real Unión v Salamanca, Castellón v Numancia CALPE V HALF MARATHON SERRA D'OLTÀ MOUNTAINS. 20/12. 10h. Organised by: Grup Muntanya Calp. Distance: 21,097m. Tel: 653982592. Registration: 10€ until 15/12. V MITJA MARATÓ DE MUNTANYA SERRA D'OLTÀ. 20/12. 10h. Organiza: Grup Muntanya Calp. Distancia: 21.097 m. Telf: 653982592. Inscripción: 10€ hasta 15/12. CHESTE III CHESTE SAN SILVESTRE RACE. 19/12. 18h. Organised by: Cheste Town Council. Distance: 5,500m. Tel: 652859537. III SAN SILVESTRE CHESTANA. 19/12. 18h. Organiza: Ayuntamiento de Cheste. Distancia: 5.500 m. Telf: 652859537. TERCERA DIVISION GRUPO VI 13/12 Barrio Cristo v Novelda, Ribarroja v Crevillente, Villarreal C v Torrevieja, Jove Español v Xativa, Elche Ilicitano v Catarroja, Onda v Alzira, Gandia v La Nucia, Levante B v Burjassot, Puzol v Alicante B, Torrellano v Eldense 16/12 Xativa v Onda, Elche Ilicitano v Gandia, Alzira v Levante B, La Nucia v Puzol, Burjassot v Torrellano, Alicante B v Barrio Cristo, Catarroja v Eldense, Novelda v Ribarroja, Crevillente v Villarreal C, Torrevieja v Jove Español 20/12 Eldense v Burjassot, Ribarroja v Alicante B, Villarreal C v Novelda, Jove Español v Crevillente, Onda v Torrevieja, Catarroja v Gandia, Levante B v Xativa, Puzol v Elche Ilicitano, Torrellano v Alzira, Barrio Cristo v La Nucia 3/1 Crevillente v Onda, Torrevieja v Levante B, Gandia v Puzol, Xativa v Torrellano, Elche Ilicitano v Barrio Cristo, Alzira v Eldense, La Nucia v Ribarroja, Burjassot v Catarroja, Alicante B v Villarreal C, Novelda v Jove Español COM. VALENCIANA REGIONAL PREFERENTE GRUPO 2 13/12 Quart de Poblet v Crack's, Masamagrell v Sporting Requena, Atlético Museros v Foios, Mislata v San Marcelino, Paterna v Alboraya, Godella v Atlético Benaguasil, Llíria v Buñol, Burjassot B v Torre Levante Orriols, Utiel v Aldaya 20/12 Quart de Poblet v Masamagrell, Sporting Requena v Atlético Museros, Foios v Mislata, San Marcelino v Paterna, Alboraya v Godella, Atlético Benaguasil v Llíria, Buñol v Burjassot B, Torre Levante Orriols v Utiel, Crack's v Aldaya 3/1 Crack's v Masamagrell, Atlético Museros v Quart de Poblet, Mislata v Sporting Requena, Paterna v Foios, Godella v San Marcelino, Llíria v Alboraya, Burjassot B v Atlético Benaguasil, Utiel v Buñol, Aldaya v Torre Levante Orriols COM. VALENCIANA REGIONAL PREFERENTE GRUPO 3 13/12 Torrent CF v Enguera, Tavernes v Carlet Atlético, Guadasuar v Alginet, Recambios Colón v Pego, Oliva v Llosa, Canals v Alberic, Ciudad de Gandía v Benigànim, Benifaió v Muro, Racing Algemesí v CD Torrent 20/12 Torrent CF v Tavernes, Carlet Atlético v Guadasuar, Alginet v Recambios Colón, Pego v Oliva, Llosa v Canals, Alberic v Ciudad de Gandía, Benigànim v Benifaió, Muro v Racing Algemesí, Enguera v CD Torrent 3/1 Enguera v Tavernes, Guadasuar v Torrent CF, Recambios Colón v Carlet Atlético, Oliva v Alginet, Canals v Pego, Ciudad de Gandía v Llosa, Benifaió v Alberic, Racing Algemesí v Benigànim, CD Torrent v Muro COM. VALENCIANA REGIONAL PREFERENTE GRUPO 4 13/12 Hércules B v Orihuela B, Aspe v Pinoso, Alone de Guardamar v Thader, Altea v Albatera, El Campello v Jove Español B, Polop v Horadada, Mutxamel v Algueña, Santa Pola v Alfaz del Pi, Benissa v Jávea 20/12 Hércules B v Aspe, Pinoso v Alone de Guardamar, Thader v Altea, Albatera v El Campello, Jove Español B v Polop, Horadada v Mutxamel, Algueña v Santa Pola, Alfaz del Pi v Benissa, Orihuela B v Jávea 3/1 Orihuela B v Aspe, Alone de Guardamar v Hércules B, Altea v Pinoso, El Campello v Thader, Polop v Albatera, Mutxamel v Jove Español B, Santa Pola v Horadada, Benissa v Algueña, Jávea v Alfaz del Pi thinkS CREVILLENTE XXIII CREVILLENTE SAN SILVESTRE RACE. 31/12. 18h. Starting point: Paseo Fontenay. Organised by: Club Atletismo Marathon Crevillent. Distance: 10,000m. Tel: 96 540 12 22. XXIII SAN SILVESTRE CREVILLENTINA. 31/12. 18h. Lugar de salida: Paseo Fontenay. Organiza: Club Atletismo Marathon Crevillent. Distancia: 10.000 m. Telf: 96 540 12 22. GANDIA VII RAVAL FUN RUN. 6/12. 11h30. Organised by: Raval Residents’ Association. Distance: 10,200m. Registration: 3€ until 4/12 (kids free). VII CURSA POPULAR AL RAVAL. 6/12. 11h30. Organiza: Associació de Veïns del Raval. Distancia: 10.200 m. Inscripción: 3€ hasta el 4/12 (niños gratis). GATA DE GORGOS 4ª GATA CHRISTMAS 2009 FUN RUN. 19/12. 18h. Distance: 6,100m. 4ª CURSA DE NADAL GATA 2009. 19/12. 18h. Distancia: 6.100 m. L’ELIANA ENTREPINS FUN RUN. 6/12. 12h00. Organised by: Entrepins Residents’ Association. Distance: 4,900m. Tel: 962740055 - 639336587. Registration: free and up until half an hour before race starts. VOLTA A PEU A ENTREPINS. 6/12. 12h00. Organiza: Associació de Veïns Amics d'Entrepins. Distancia: 4.900 m. Telf: 962740055 - 639336587. Inscripción: Gratuita hasta media hora antes de la salida. ONTENIENTE I ONTENIENTE HALF MARATHON & VALL D'ALBAIDA CIRCUIT. 13/12. 10h30. Organised by: Onteniente Town Council. Distance: 21,097m. I MEDIA MARATON CIUDAD DE ONTENIENTE Y CIRCUITO LA VALL D'ALBAIDA. 13/12. 10h30. Organiza: Ayuntamiento de Onteniente. Distancia: 21.097 m. PAIPORTA QUARTER & HALF MARATHON. 20/12. Half (21,097m) - 10h. Quarter (10,458) - 11h30. Starts from polideportivo Municipal de Paiporta. More info: / tel: 963972115. Free registration until 17/12. QUARTA I MITJA MARATÓ. 20/12. Mitja (21.097m) - 10h. Quart (10.458) - 11h30. Salida desde Polideportivo Municipal de Paiporta. Más información / tel: 963972115. Inscripción: Gratuita hasta 17/12. SAN JUAN DE ALICANTE III SAN JUAN BEACH URBAN MILE – CHRISTMAS CHARITY FUN RUN. 20/12. 10h30. starting point: Avda. Santander. Organised by: Grupo Brotons. Distance: 1,609m. Free registration until midday on 17/12. III MILLA URBANA POPULAR PLAYA DE SAN JUAN - LA CARRERA SOLIDARIA DE LA NAVIDAD. 20/12. 10h30. Lugar de salida: Avda. Santander. Organiza: Grupo Brotons. Distancia: 1.609 m. Inscripción: Gratuita hasta 17/12 a las 12h. TORREVIEJA LOCAL FIESTA FUN RUN. 6/12. 10h00. Organised by: Torrevieja Town Council. Distance: Various. Tel: 965953216. Free registration at CARRERA POPULAR FISTAS PATRONALES 2009. 6/12. 10h00. Organiza: Ayuntamiento Torrevieja Concejalia Deportes. Distancia: Varias. Telf: 965953216. Inscripción: Gratuita en SQUASH CLUB MY NAME IS ANDREW ,I AM 14 AND LOOKING TO SET UP A SQUASH CLUB. IF YOUR YOUNG/OLD, EXPERIENCED OR AMATEUR PLEASE CONTACT ME ON 96 573 4305 OR BUSBOY.NO12@HOTMAIL.COM DENIA thinkS ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 TRAVEL, SPORT & LEISURE / VIAJES, DEPORTES Y ENTRETENIMIENTO GUIDE / GUIA 6 DENIA MARINERA (Dramatised tour of marina). 6/12 & 29/12. 11h. SUMMIT OF MONTGÓ VIA JÁVEA. 20/12. Duration: 3 hrs 30 mins. Difficulty: Hard. Distance: 6 km. Climb to the summit of Montgó via the Jávea side of the mountain. The most direct route to the top enjoying panoramic views, flora & fauna all the way up. Free activity organised by the Centro Información del Parque Natural del Montgó, aimed at people over 17 with the necessary level of fitness and the desire to enjoy nature. Groups of no more than 20 people. Advance registration imperative by calling: 96 642 32 05/ 679 196 461. DENIA MARINERA (Teatralizada). 6/12 & 29/12. 11h. CIMA DEL MONTGÓ POR JÁVEA. 20/12. Duración: 3 horas 30 minutos. Dificultad: Alta. Distancia: 6 Km. Ruta de subida a la cima del Montgó por la ladera de Jávea. Se trata de la ascensión más directa y se disfrutará del paisaje y la flora que nos acompañan a lo largo de la subida. Excursions gratuitas organizadas por el Centro Información del Parque Natural del Montgó, dirigidas a personas mayores de 17 años en forma física adecuada y con ganas de disfrutar de la naturaleza, los grupos serán de 20 personas como máximo. Para participar es necesario inscribirse llamando al los siguientes teléfonos de contacto: 96 642 32 05/ 679 196 461. JALON SUMMIT OF BÈRNIA. 13/12. Points of interest: Bèrnia Fort (XVI century). Summit with panoramic views. Bèrnia icehouse. Duration approx.: 3'5 hrs. Total km.: 8. Medium-Hard. Starting point: Plaza Mayor, Jalón. Start: 9h. More info and bookings: 629 098 886 / Email: / Web: CIMA DE BÈRNIA. 13/12. Puntos de interés: Fort de Bèrnia (fortín) (S. XVI). Cima con vistas panorámicas. Nevera de Bèrnia. Duración aprox.: 3'5 horas. Total Km.: 8. Grado de dificultad: Media-Alta. Lugar de salida: Plaza Mayor de Jalón. Hora de salida: 9h. Más información y reservas: 629 098 886 / Email: / Web: IA C N E VAL PEGO 23 XIV CITY OF VALENCIA INTERNATIONAL CICLO CROSS (CYCLE RACE). 20/12. 9h30. Place: Turia riverbed between the Campanar and 9 de octubre bridges. All the best cyclists from the Comunitat Valenciana, as well as from Cataluña, Madrid, Pais Vasco, Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria - 300 cyclists in all. Email: Web: XIV EDICIÓN DEL CICLO CROSS INTERNACIONAL CIUDAD DE VALENCIA. 20/12. 9h30. Lugar: cauce del río Turia entre los puentes de Campanar y 9 de octubre. Ademas de los corredores de la Comunitat Valenciana, esta previsto la participación de los más descados corredores de Cataluña, Madrid, Pais Vasco, Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria con lo que la participación será de unos 300 ciclistas. Email: Web: DRAMATISED TOURS OF PEGO’S HISTORIC TOWN CENTRE. 5/12 & 7/12. Guided tour of the Casa de Cultura, Ethnological Museum, Iglesia de la Asunción, Capilla del Ecce-Homo and Franciscan Convent. 11h. Meeting point: Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Pego. Duration: 2 hrs. Prices: 6€ (adults), 3€ (kids from 5 to 14 yrs). DRAMATISED TOUR OF PEGO-OLIVA WETLANDS. 6/12 & 8/12. Tour of the Muntanyeta Verda, Río Bullent, the Salinar and the rice fields. Introduction to local plant life. Meeting point: Tourist Office. Time: 11h. Duration: 2 hrs. Prices: 5€ (adults), 2,50€ (kids from 5 to 14 yrs). Datos de interés: Las visitas son en castellano/valenciano y se realizan a pie.-Traer ropa cómoda y calzado deportivo. Traer gorra y protector solar. Reservas: Importante: se exige un número mínimo de personas. Información: FOLKFOLLET (África): 636 596 667 / Email: RUTAS TEATRALIZADAS POR EL CASCO HISTÓRICO DE PEGO. 5/12 & 7/12. Visita guiada a la Casa de Cultura, Museo Etnológico, Iglesia de la Asunción, Capilla del Ecce-Homo y Convento Franciscano. 11h. Punto de encuentro: Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Pego. Duración: 2 horas. Precios: 6€ (adultos), 3€ (niños de 5 a 14 años). RUTAS TEATRALIZADAS POR EL MARJAL DE PEGO-OLIVA. 6/12 & 8/12. Visita a la Muntanyeta Verda, Río Bullent, el Salinar, campos de arroz. Introducción a la botánica local. Punto de encuentro: Oficina de Turismo. Hora: 11h. Duración: 2 horas. Precio: 5€ (adultos), 2,50€ (niños de 5 a 14 años). Health, Beauty & Care Salud, Belleza y Cuidados New amazing product! 5 different patches which will help you without anything going into your body. G Instant pain relief Boosts your immune system G Increases energy levels G Repairs damaged cells G Repairs skin (burns, scars etc.) G Helps you to sleep G Stops cravings G Free demonstration G Acupuncture Alternative Therapy Crematorium/Funeral Parlour Chiropody Dental Clinics Opticians Hair & Beauty Health & Fitness Massage Medical Centres Natural Medicine Nursing & Care 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.11 6.10 6.12 email Tel. 633.313.958 Acupuntura 6.1 Atención y cuidados 6.12 Centro Médico 6.10 Clinicas Dentales 6.5 Crematorio/Tanatorio 6.3 Gimnasios 6.8 Masajes 6.9 Medicina Natural 6.11 Opticas 6.6 Peluqueria y Salón de belleza 6.7 Podología 6.4 Terapia Alternativa 6.2 why pay more? Card Nº 1000011 Complimentary Card Offers/Ofertas Take Card to claim Llévate la tarjeta NovaEstetica - 5% discount on all products. 5% de descuento en todos los productos Obispo Cervera 6 Gata de Gorgos 965757627 Clinica Dental Puchol - 10% DISCOUNT ON CLINIC SERVICES, 10% DESCUENTO EN SERVICIOS CLINICOS, Avda. Del Pla 81, Local 3, JAVEA, 965792051 LA MODE - FREE PERSONALISED TREATMENT + FACIAL WORTH 12€ WITH ANY SERVICE, CON CUALQUIER SERVICIO, GRATIS UN TRATAMIENTO PERSONALIZADO + MASCARILLA VALORADO 12€, Calle Colon, 37, DENIA, 965788172. Optica Conchita - UP TO 50% DISCOUNT ON SUNGLASSES, HASTA UN 50% DE DESCUENTO EN GAFAS DE SOL, CC Arenal, Avda. Arenal, JAVEA, 965796574 6.5 Dental Clinics Clinicas Dentales CLÍNICA DENTAL PUCHOL why pay more? Complimentary Card Card Nº 1000011 General & Cosmetic Dentistry. Implants - Orthodontics PERSONAL TRAINING Av. del Pla 81 local 3 - 03730 Jávea Tel./Fax: 96 579 20 51 * Individuals and groups * Flexibility in terms of hours and location * First trial session free * Varied number of sessions * Home service * Price according to number of sessions per week Contact Jav i on 679 920 645 Graduate in Sports Science, tennis instructor, with experience in personal training, maintenance gymnasium exercise, aquagym, swimming, muscle-toning and tennis. INMA PULIDO Hairdressers Beauty Salons XALÓ Tel. 96 648 06 27 MORAIRA Tel. 96 649 12 06 24 GUIDE / GUIA HEALTH, BEAUTY & CARE / SALUD, BELLEZA Y CUIDADOS ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 thinkS AM I GOING TO DIE? OF COURSE I AM! Shall I read this article or shall I turn over the page and pretend this is not going to happen to me? Partida Benicolada, 13, opposite urbanization Las Adelfas. Calpe Call us on 96 583 99 90 and speak to Lídia, and we’ll invite you for a homemade breakfast. HABITAT RESORTS cos y, welcoming retirement home is in the beautiful coastal town of Calpe, with stunning gardens and views of the Peñón de Ifach and a caring, highly-attentive team of exceptional professionals to give residents the best possible quality of life in their winter years and make them feel like one of the family. We work closely with relatives and get them involved as much as possible. Our residents are of all nationalities, including British, Swiss, German, Spanish, French, Belgian and Dutch. OUR SERVICES - Daily therapies: physiotherapy, social therapy, treatment for memoryloss, anxiety, depression; language workshops and aqua therapy - 24-hour healthcare: full check-ups and monitoring, tailored diets, chiropody. - General: Hairdressing, dental and optical care, launderette, religious services and help with state benefits for carers and patients. We have proven experience in treating Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons, depression, and other illness and injuries. PHARMA -GEL is an antiseptic, disinfectant alcohol-based handwash for use at home or business and is recommended by experts as a protection against the swine flu (AH1N1) virus and bird flu. PHARMA -GEL needs no soap or water and dries without the need for paper or hand towels. Applying just a small amount of gel and rubbing your hands together for a few seconds is enough to cleanse and disinfect your hands. The alcohol content of the gel makes it dry instantaneously and protects you from infectious micro-organisms. The formula is kind to hands and provides instant disinfection. Dermatologically tested. UR O Y T C PROTE RIENDS & Y, F FAMIL OMERS! CUST CONGRATULATIONS you have taken the first step in pulling your head out of the sand and no longer putting off the inevitable. Reading this article may save your loved ones, the heartache and possible financial burden of arranging your funeral. You may have lived here in Spain for a number of years, you may only holiday here in Spain, you may be a new resident of this beautiful country or you may choose to live between two countries. Whatever your circumstances the fact that you are away from your country of origin means that this information affects YOU! Have you thought about what would happen should you die in Spain? Do you know what the costs are should a funeral need to be arranged here, or do you even know what the process of arranging a funeral is? If you have answered yes to these questions, then you have possibly already made arrangements. If the answer is no, then you need to seriously consider the following very important information. When it comes to a death here in Spain, the Spanish culture dictates that the funeral will occur very quickly, generally within 24 to 36 hours. If this should be the case, and your funeral is being arranged, does this give your family adequate time to make the necessary arrangements? Will there be sufficient time to gather everyone together? With regards to the financial aspect of actually paying for the funeral, generally Funeral Directors here in Spain, insist on payment within 24 hours of the death. Would your family be able to raise the money within this time period? Financially there are still some people that cannot see that investing in a pre paid funeral plan is a viable asset and prefer to keep their hard earned money safe and secure in a bank earning very little interest if any. However, this is not the view taken by UK private equity firms. Last week August Equity acquired Funeral Services Partnership for £23 million. The Funeral Planning Authority (FPA) in the UK stated that more and - Combines speed of action with more people are now seeing anti-bacterial effectiveness. the benefits of buying a pre paid funeral plan. The FPA confirmed that last year - The added microbial, 514,748 pre paid funeral plans Chlorhexidine digluconate, were sold and for the year greatly improves its residual 2009 figures are closer to activity. 560,000 for the year. Since 2006 funeral costs have been rising on average by 10%, so - Produces less skin irritation than what better way is there to regular soaps as it does not avoid these costs by taking out contain emollients. a Golden Leaves Funeral Plan! ADVANTAGES - Quick and easy to apply. - Hands can be disinfected anywhere and at any time. - The alcohol acts as a solvent for other antiseptics and disinfectants, thus enhancing its effectiveness. - Because the product is so easy to use, healthcare professionals will conform to even the most stringent hygiene requirements. ORDER Tel 902 106 305 or on-line via If you would like further information please call Millie Munro Services today on 988 493 082 for a non obligatory quote and further information. 6.6 Opticians Opticas thinkS megabytes ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 Kev Baker You can contact Computer Kev via email at Put your questions to him and we will feature them in forthcoming issues. Coffee Machines Design & Photography Internet Services Printers Translation Services Industrial Solutions Computers Telephone/Internet 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 Diseño y Fotografía Imprentas Máquinas de Café Ordenadores Servicios de Internet Servicios de traducción Soluciones industriales Telefonía internet 7.2 7.4 7.1 7.7 7.3 7.5 7.6 7.8 why pay more? Card Nº 1000011 Complimentary Card Offers/Ofertas Take Card to claim Llévate la tarjeta Centro de Traducciones Cetec - 5% DISCOUNT ON ALL TRANSLATIONS, 5% DE DESCUENTO EN TODAS LAS TRADUCCIONES, Paseo Saladar, 64 1º, DENIA, 966426767 7.5 Translation Services Serv. de Traducción CENTRO DE TRADUCCIONES - Official translations, all languages, fast and professional service, for lawyers, courts, deeds, solicitors, real estate agencies, official documents, birth and death certificates, community charge. Paseo del Saladar, 64 - 1º. Apdo. de correos 330. Dénia 03700 (Alicante). Tel. 966426767 609692678. ENGLISH SWORN TRANSLATOR Authorised by the Foreign Affairs Spanish Ministry. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need a translation. All areas available (sworn translation, web pages, documents, books, instruction manuals etc), professional service. English, Spanish and German translations. Tel. 607 289 921 - Official translations, all languages, fast and professional, courts, deeds, solicitors, real estate. Traducciones oficiales, todos los idiomas, rápido y profesional, abogados, juzgados, escrituras, inmobiliarias. Paseo del Saladar, 64, 03700 Dénia Tel. 96 642 67 67. Mob. 609 692 678 e-mail: Hola amigos, This month I would like to warn you all about a few nasty bits of Adware / Spyware that seem to be doing the rounds again. Especially the ones that appear as pop up windows when you are surfing the net with Internet Explorer. The one that I have had most phone calls and emails about is the FREE scan of your computer for infections, if you choose to accept this by clicking ‘yes’, it puts a little program on your computer, and begins to scan your hard drive. After a short while it tells you that your PC is infected, and then gives you the choice to remove the infections or leave things alone. If you choose remove the infections, it opens up a web site where you are asked to enter your credit card details to download a program that will clean your computer. If you choose to leave things alone, the main window will close, and you can continue using your PC for a few minutes as normal, then you will start to get more pop up warnings telling you your PC is infected and the cycle continues, the more times you choose to leave things alone, the more aggressive the warnings get, until you get so frustrated that you choose to pay for the download. If you buy the software it just removes the Adware that they put on your PC in the first place and your PC was probably not infected anyway. So of course this is a scam that many people get caught out on. This is just one of many such scams that you should be aware of. I don't usually advertise products, (as the companies don't pay me ). But in this case I highly recommend that you download a piece of anti Spyware / Adware software called MALWAREBYTES and install it to keep these nasty bugs at bay. You can use it for FREE if you don't mind updating and scanning your PC by manually clicking on the relevant buttons yourself, or for a small fee, you can register your version and it will sit in the background guarding your PC automatically. MALWAREBYTES is not a substitute for your anti virus software, it should be used in conjunction with it. Most antivirus software does what it says on the tin, and protects you from viruses, and a few of them even watch out for some Adware / Spyware, but MALWAREBYTES is dedicated to just Adware / Spyware. So with both types installed you are 99% safe from infections, you can never be 100% You should install these types of programs before you get infected; MALWAREBYTES does a good job of removing problems if you use it after getting infected, but it’s far better to not get infected in the first place Changing the subject back to Windows 7, I would like some feed back via email from any users that are having problems, as with any new operating system there are bound to be teething problems. So far I haven’t had one email from anybody with problems, so does this mean that Microsoft have finally produced a version of Windows that is perfect? No doubt a lot of you will be getting a new laptop or PC for Christmas, with Windows 7 pre-installed, so I expect a few emails early in the New Year, I will do my best to answer them quickly and resolve any problems. Not much new out this xmas in the way of games consoles, just the Nintendo NDS / Xbox 360 / Playstation 3 / Nintendo WII and Sony PSP, what one you purchase depends on age group and the type of game you like to play. So any mums, dads or grandparents buying a games console for the kids, should ask them what they want, as with this kind of present it makes a big difference, and you don’t want to buy the wrong console. Treat yourself to some kind of backup device, i.e. memory stick or external hard drive then if the worst happens at least your data / pictures or special files will be safe. H ap py Ch r is tma s t o al l my reader s Kev JASMINA LULL VICENTE ENGLISH SWORN TRANSLATOR Spanish-English-German Phone: 607 289 921 BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY / NEGOCIOS Y TECNOLOGÍA GUIDE / GUIA 25 By Computer Kev BEWARE of Spyware Hola amigos, Este mes os quiero avisar de la presencia de unos programas espía especialmente peligrosos que vuelven a estar circulando. Sobretodo los que aparecen como popups, o ventanas emergentes, cuando navegas por la red con Internet Explorer. El programa espía que generado más llamadas y correos electrónicos de los lectores es el scan gratuito de tu ordenador, que te propone limpiar tu ordenador y quitar infecciones y virus. Si haces click en el icono “aceptar”, descarga un pequeño programa en tu sistema y empieza a escanear tu disco duro. Tras unos minutos, te informa que tu ordenador está infectado y te da la opción de quitar las infecciones o dejarlas tal como están. Si eliges la opción de limpiar el ordenador, abre un sitio web, donde te pide los datos de tu tarjeta de crédito para bajar un programa que eliminará los virus. Si lo rechazas, la ventana principal se cierra, y puedes seguir utilizando el ordenador como siempre, por unos momentos, y después aparece más avisos popup informándote que tu disco duro tiene infecciones. El ciclo sigue así y conforme vayas rechazando la opción de limpiar el disco supuestamente infectado, más agresivos se hacen los avisos, hasta que te molesta tanto que acabas pagando por bajar el programa. Si compras el programa, se limita a quitar la función anti-virus que ya estaba incluido en el ordenador cuando lo compraste. Además, es probable que tu ordenador no estuviera infectado de todas formas. Así, esta estafa es una red en la que cae muchos usuarios, y una estafa de la que deberías informarte. No suelo anunciar publicidad para productos informáticos (como las empresas fabricantes no me pagan) pero en este caso recomiendo que os bajéis una aplicación contra los programas espía, que se llama MalWareBytes, y que lo instaléis para mantener alejados los virus. Lo puedes utilizar gratuitamente si no te importa actualizar y escanear el ordenador manualmente, haciendo click en los iconos necesarios, o por una pequeña tarifa puedes registrar tu versión y así se quedará en segundo plano vigilando automáticamente tu sistema. MalWareBytes no debe sustituir a tus programas anti-virus habituales, sino que se debe usar como complemento. La mayoría de los programas contra los virus hacen exactamente lo que sugiere su nombre: protegen el ordenador de los virus, y hay algunos que además también combaten a los programas espía. Sin embargo, MalWareBytes se dedica exclusivamente a combatir los programas espía, así que si instalas las dos cosas, estarás un 99 por ciento seguro de que tu ordenador no se infecte. Es decir, nunca puedes asegurarlo al cien por cien. Es recomendable que se instale este tipo de programa antes de que el aparato se infecte; MalWareBytes es muy eficaz si lo utilizas al infectarse el ordenador, pero es más aconsejable que no dejes que el ordenador se infecte en el principio, para así evitar problemas. Cambiando de tema y volviendo al del mes pasado – Windows 7 -, me gustaría saber si algunos de vosotros habéis tenido problemas con el nuevo software, ya que, como cualquier sistema operativo que acaba de estrenarse, suele tener algún problema al principio. Hasta la fecha no he recibido ni un correo electrónico de lectores con problemas que hayan surgido del uso de Windows 7, así que, ¿esto significa que Microsoft, al final, ha elaborado una versión perfecta de Windows? Sin duda, muchos de vosotros recibiréis un nuevo portátil de los Reyes Magos, con el Windows 7 ya instalado, así que estoy preparado para un aluvión de correos en enero. Haré todo lo que pueda para contestaros lo más rápido posible y resolver vuestras dudas. No han lanzado mucho nuevo en cuanto a videoconsolas para esta campaña navideña. Sólo las Nintendo NDS, las Xbox 360, las Playstation 3, las Nintendo WII y las Sony PSP. Pero lo que compras depende de la edad que tengas y el tipo de juego que más te divierta. Pues eso, si los papás o yayos tenéis pensado comprarles una videoconsola para vuestros hijos o nietos, habrá que preguntarles qué quieren antes, ya que con este tipo de regalo hay una gran diferencia y no vais a querer equivocaros. Date un capricho esta Navidad y cómprate algún tipo de dispositivo para hacer copias de seguridad, tales como un lápiz de memoria o un disco duro externo, así que, si ocurre lo peor, por lo menos tus fotos y archivos más importantes estarán a salvo. ¡Felices fiestas a todos mis lectores! 26 GUIDE / GUIA ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 LEGAL & FINANCIAL / LEGAL Y FINANZAS Unemployment benefit of 420 euros a month starts Accountants/Fiscal Advisors Lawyers Financial Services 8.1 8.2 8.3 Abogados Asesorías y Gestorías Servicios Financieros 8.2 8.1 8.3 why pay more? Card Nº 1000011 Complimentary Card Offers/Ofertas Take Card to claim Llévate la tarjeta Estrella Seguros, UP TO 20% OFF YOUR INSURANCE WITH THE CARD, PRESENTANDO LA TARJETA HASTA UN 20% DE DTO, EN SU SEGURO, , Avda. Santo Domingo 18, JALON, 966480411 UNEMPLOYED people whose dole money ran out after January 1 this year are now able to claim a benefit of 420 euros per month. Initially, only those whose dole payments had run out after August 1 were eligible, but this has been extended, meaning a further quarter of a million jobseekers are expected to come forward. Each of Spain's 17 autonomous regions has been given 1.64 million euros to cover the expected number of claimants. Those who qualify have received, or will shortly receive, a notification from the state employment service to sign and take with them to the dole office. Among the criteria mentioned, the unemployed person must be aged under 65 and participate in training courses to help them seek La ayuda mensual para parados de 420€ a un mes de empezar mas españolas 1,64 millones de euros para poder cubrir el esperado número de solicitantes. Aquellos que puedan optar a la ayuda habrán recibido o recibirán una notificación en breve de la oficina de empleo que deberán firmar y entregar de nuevo en la oficina del INEM. Entre los requisitos mencionados, el desempleado debe ser menor de 65 años y debe participar en cursos de formación que le ayuden a encontrar un trabajo, work, as notified to them by the dole office. Their monthly income must be less than 75 per cent of the minimum wage, and they must not be in receipt of any other state benefit. The 420 euros a month will continue for six months, and the applicant has 60 days after their dole money runs out to sign up for it. según ha informado el INEM. Sus ingresos mensuales deben ser inferiores al 75 por ciento del salario mínimo, y no pueden estar recibiendo otra ayuda del estado. Los 420 euros al mes se entregarán durante seis meses, y el solicitante tiene hasta sesenta días tras acabar de recibir el subsidio de desempleo para solicitarlo. Tel. 965 784 298 Mov. 659 605 201 Aquellos desempleados a los que el subsidio de desempleo se les haya terminado a partir del 1 de enero de este año podrán solicitar la ayuda mensual de 420€. En principio, solo podían solicitarla aquellos a quienes se les hubiese terminado el subsidio de desempleo a partir del 1 de agosto, pero se ha extendido, por lo que se espera que más de un cuarto de millón de parados la soliciten. Se le ha dado a cada una de las 17 comunidades autóno- 8.2 Lawyers Abogados A LEGAL RIGHT TO BROADBAND 8.1 Accountants/ Fiscal Advisors Asesorías y Gestorías Accountants & tax consultants specialising in taxes on foreign business & individuals resident in Spain (eg those living in Spain more than 183 days a year) and also for those non resident. We also determine if you would be better off under the Spanish Taxation system. 8.3 Financial Services Insurance Servicios Financieros INSURANCE: HOME, LIFE, HEALTH, ACCIDENT BOATS & YACHTS. COMMERCIAL INVESTMENTS, PENSIONS, SAVINGS. SEGUROS: CASA, VIDA, SALUD, ACCIDENTES Y EMBARCACIONES. INVERSIONES, PENSIONES, AHORROS. FORNÉS CONSULTING Av. Santo Domingo, 18 - JALÓN Tel./Fax 96 648 04 11 - Mv. 639 271 804 As from 2011, Spanish citizens will have a legal right to be able to buy at least one megabyte of broadband internet wherever they live, said the country's industry minister. In a statement sent to media, Miguel Sebastian said that the telecoms operator holding the socalled 'universal service' contract would have to guarantee it could offer 'reasonably' priced broadband throughout Spain. Until now the 'universal service' has only guaranteed internet via telephone line, fixed telephone, directory service and telephone booths. The CMT (Spain's telecoms regulator), earlier this month proposed that Vodafone, Telefonica and Orange foot the cost of providing the universal service for 2006, which would cost approximately 75.34 million euros, with 71 percent of the costs going to Telefonica. FACUA consumer group said it welcomed that broadband internet would finally be a right but that the speed was insufficient and the measure should be introduced before 2011. BANDA ANCHA PARA TODOS COMO DERECHO LEGAL A PARTIR de 2011, los españoles tendrán el derecho legal de comprar por lo menos un MB de internet por banda ancha, con independencia de dónde viven. Según el Ministro de la Industria, Miguel Sebastián, en un comunicado de prensa, el operador de telecomunicaciones que ofrezca un “servicio universal” en la zona en cuestión deberá garantizar que pueda ofrecer internet por banda ancha a un precio “razonable”. Hasta ahora, el servicio “universal” sólo ha podido garantizar el internet por línea telefónica fija, el directorio típicamente ofrecido por Telefónica a través del número 11818, y cabinas telefónicas. El CMT, el regulador español de telecomunicaciones, ha propuesto que las empresas más importantes del sector, como Vodafone, Telefónica y Orange, financien el “servicio universal” de 2010, un coste de unos 75,34 millones de euros, y que el 71 por ciento de los costes los pague Telefónica. La unión de consumidores FACUA dice que está satisfecha que toda la población tuviera derecho a banda ancha, pero exige que se ponga en marcha el proyecto mucho antes de 2011. TEMPERATURES CONTROLLED IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS TO SAVE ENERGY TEMPERATURES in bars, shops and other public buildings will now be regulated by law. Legislation was approved fixing summer temperatures in everywhere from cinemas to railways stations and council offices at a minimum of 26º, and a maximum of 21ºC in winter. All premises that open out onto the street must have doors that remain shut, except when customers are entering or leaving. thinkS GAY WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS DENIED PENSION A WHOPPING 64 out of 65 widows' and widowers' pension applications for gay couples in Spain have been denied by the government. The social security office only approved one application between January 2008 and July last year. A series of legal requisites which have mostly been impossible for gay couples to meet, given the restrictions of the law, have effectively barred men and women who have lost their life-partners from claiming what is often a muchneeded income. These include the fact that the couple must have had children together and have paid their taxes and social security on the basis of being an established (if non-married) couple for a minimum of 15 years before the death of one party. Given the genetic impossibility of all-female or all-male couples having children together, the only option open to them was adoption – or IVF in the case of women – which was illegal until 2005 in the case of the former and extremely expensive in the case of the latter, as well as being illegal in many other countries besides Spain. Additionally, non-married couples of any gender or combination of genders are, at present, unable to adopt children. Some regional governments in Spain, however, allow adoption for non-married couples of either sex, by stretching their federal laws. Otherwise, to claim a widows' or widowers' pension, the couple must have been living together as such for an uninterrupted six years before the death. The government has also said that the absence of prior laws protecting non-married, but serious, couples means their situation can only be identified and proven via their social security payments. PENSIONES DENEGADAS PARA VIUDOS Y VIUDAS GAY De las 64 de las 65 solicitudes de pensión de viudedad presentadas por homosexuales han sido denegadas por el gobierno. La seguridad Social sólo aprobó una solicitud de las presentadas entre enero de 2008 y julio de 2009. Una serie de requisitos legales, imposibles de cumplir por parte de las parejas del mismo sexo, han hecho imposible reclamar una renta que, a la hora de perder una pareja, les suele ser imprescindible para poder seguir adelante. Entre otros, una pareja – sea de hecho o casada – deben haber tenido hijos en común y haber cotizado como pareja de hecho o matrimonio un mínimo de 15 años antes de la muerte de uno de ellos. Dada la imposibilidad genética que impide a las parejas del mismo sexo tener hijos en común, la única salida es la adopción o la fecundación in – Vitro, en el caso de las mujeres. Pero ambas opciones eran ilegales en España antes de mayo de 2005 y la fecundación in – Vitro sigue siendo demasiada cara para que las mujeres la tomen en consideración. Además las dos opciones siguen siendo ilegales en muchos países, salvo en España. Y si una pareja no está casada sea del genero que sea no pueden adoptar. En algunas autonomías los gobiernos regionales han relajado esta norma y existen parejas tanto heterosexuales como gays que ya han adoptado. Además de los hijos en común, debe haber existido una convivencia continua de la pareja de al menos 6 años, antes del fallecimiento de uno de los dos. Según el gobierno, la ausencia de normas legales que protejan a las parejas de hecho, significa que sólo se puede identificar y demostrar su situación de convivencia a través de sus cotizaciones a la Seguridad Social Humidity levels must be set between 30 and 70 per cent. Supermarkets, shopping centres, museums, galleries and airports all come under the banner of public buildings that are subject to this new ruling by the ministry of industry. This is part of a move to save energy and protect the environment, and is included within the government's Activation of Energy Saving and Efficiency Plan 2008-2011, which comprises 31 measures to be put in place over the course of the three-year period. To ensure that owners and managers of affected premises comply, thermostats will be installed inside the buildings and checked periodically by undercover government agents. ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 thinkS EDUCATION & EMPLOYMENT / EMPLEO Y EDUCACIÓN GUIDE / GUIA 27 COOKING UTENSILS UTENSILIOS DE COCINA Spanish Lessons with the Think Spain Guide ollowing on from last month’s practice with culinary terms, we have had several requests for help with the Spanish names for cooking utensils. We have compiled a list of the most common items found in people’s kitchens and have, as usual, included sentences using them so that you can practise before you next head to the housewares department in your local store or tackle one of those tempting recipes in the Spanish magazines. F Education Tuition/Courses Business Opportunities Situations Vacant Situations Wanted 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 P R AC TI CE SEN TEN C ES: Cursos Demanda de empleo Educación Ofertas de empleo Oportunidad de Negocios 1. 2. 3. 9.2 9.5 9.1 9.4 9.3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 9.2 Tuition/Courses Cursos SPANISH CLASSES in Denia based on interactive conversation. No books needed. You will learn: situational Spanish, culture, traditions, gastronomy. The classes will involve small groups taught in a pleasantly relaxed atmosphere, where learning Spanish is good fun. Paseo del Saladar 9. Denia 619333068 965784243/ * I would like a paella dish to serve four. Where are the sandwich makers please? Please would you put the ladle on the table ready to serve the soup. I need a bigger saucepan. Please could you wash up the frying pan. Use the peeler to peel the potatoes and the carrots. Please could you tip the vegetables into the colander. Have you got any sharper scissors? Where can I buy an electric kettle? I need a cake tin that measures 20cm x 30cm. A N SW ERS : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Quiero una paella para cuatro personas. Por favor, ¿dónde están las sandwicheras? Por favor, pon el cucharón en la mesa para servir la sopa. Necesito una cacerola más grande. Por favor, friega la sartén. Usa el pelador para pelar las patatas y las zanahorias. Por favor, vierte la verdura en el escurridor. ¿Tienes unas tijeras que cortan más? ¿Dónde puedo comprar un calentador eléctrico de agua? Necesito un molde para bizcochos que mide 20cm por 30cm. BRAINTEASERS 1. At the local games evening, four lads were competing in the Scrabble and chess competitions. Liam beat Mark in chess, James came third and the 16 year old won. Liam came second in Scrabble, the 15 year old won, James beat the 18 year old and the 19 year old came third. Kevin is 3 years younger than Mark. The person who came last in chess, came third in Scrabble and only one lad got the same position in both games. Can you determine the ages of the lads and the positions in the two games? 2. A rich merchant had collected many gold coins. He did not want anybody to know about them. One day, his wife asked, "How many gold coins do we have?" After pausing a moment, he replied, "Well! If I divide the coins into two unequal numbers, then 70 times the difference between the two numbers equals the difference between the squares of the two numbers." The wife looked puzzled. Can you help the merchant's wife by finding out how many gold coins they have? baking tray blender cake tin can opener casserole dish chopping board colander corkscrew egg timer food processor fork frying pan grater kettle knife ladle lid (saucepan, casserole) liquidiser mixing bowl nutcracker paella dish potato masher pots and pans rolling pin sandwich maker / sandwich toaster saucepan scissors sieve spatula spoon toaster tray vegetable peeler whisk wooden spoon SU DO KU - MEDIUM WALKS INTO A BAR A string walks into a bar with a few friends and orders a beer. The bartender says, "I'm sorry, but we don't serve strings here." The string goes back to his table. He ties himself in a loop and messes up the top of his hair. He walks back up to the bar and orders a beer. The bartender squints at him and says, "Hey, aren't you a string?" The string says, "Nope, I'm a frayed knot." ITALIAN BREAD Two old guys, one 80 and one 87, were sitting on their usual park bench one morning. The 87 year old had just finished his morning jog and wasn't even short of breath. The 80 year old was amazed at his friend's stamina and asked him what he did to have so much energy.The 87 year old said, "Well, I eat Italian bread every day. It keeps your energy level high and you'll have great stamina with the ladies." So, on the way home, the 80 year old stops at the bakery. As he was looking around, the lady asked if he needed any help. una bandeja de horno una batidora un molde para bizcochos un abrelatas una cazuela tabla de picar / tabla de cocina un escurridor un sacacorchos un cronómetro / un temporizador un robot de cocina un tenedor una sartén un rallador un calentador de agua un cuchillo un cucharón una tapa (de cazuela, de una licuadora un bol / un cuenco / un tazón para batir un cascanueces una paella un machacador de patatas una batería de cocina un rodillo una sandwichera una cacerola unas tijeras un tamiz una espátula (for scraping); una pala (to serve) una cuchara una tostadora; un tostador una bandeja un pelador un batidor una cuchara de madera SU DO KU - HARD He said, "Do you have any Italian bread " She said, "Yes, there's a whole shelf of it. Would you like some?" He said, "I want 5 loaves." She said, "My goodness, 5 loaves .... by the time you get to the 5th loaf, it'll be hard." He replied, "I can't believe it, everybody knows about this crap but me." BLONDE SALES GIRL The owner of the chemist shop walks in to find a guy leaning heavily against a wall. The owner asks the blonde sales girl: 'What's with the bloke over there by the wall?' The blonde responds: 'Well, he came in here this morning to get something for his cough. I couldn't find the cough syrup, so I gave him an entire bottle of laxative' The owner, wide-eyed and excited shouts: 'You idiot! You can't treat a cough with a bottle of laxatives!' The blonde calmly responds: 'Of course you can!, Look at him, he's afraid to cough.' 1. Name James Kevin Liam Mark Age Scrabble Chess 15 1 3 16 4 1 18 2 2 19 3 4 2. 70 ANSWERS Friends and Neighbours Vecinos y amigos 28 GUIDE / GUIA EDUCATION & EMPLOYMENT / EMPLEO Y EDUCACIÓN En inglés y español hay palabras que son parecidas pero tienen diferentes significados. Estos son los denominados falsos amigos: por ejemplo Embarassed significa Avergonzado // Embarazada se dice Pregnant. La siguiente es la historia de Carmen y de sus vecinos ingleses. Vecinos y amigos Mis adorables vecinos son ingleses. Hablan un poco de español y nosotros un poco de inglés pero eso no es problema para comunicarnos. Mezclamos idiomas, usamos la mímica y nos comprendemos, o eso creo. Ayer me dijo ella que estaba embarazada. “Yo embárast” o algo así. Yo hice el gesto de la barriga embarazada y le di la enhorabuena. Me dio a entender que se había quedado por un beso que le dio sin querer a un español. Ja, ja. Extraño ¿No? Recuerda: Muchos extranjeros no saben que cuando nos damos dos besos el primero lo damos en la mejilla derecha why pay more? There are some words in Spanish and English that sound similar but they have different meanings. These words are called false friends: for instance Embarazada means Pregnant in English // Embarrassed is Avergonzado in Spanish. The following is a story about Jane and her nighbours Friends and Neighbours My lovely neighbours are Spanish. They speak a bit of English and we speak a bit of Spanish but this is not a problem in communicating with each other. We mix languages, we make use of mime and we understand each other. I think. Yesterday I tried to say in Spanish that I was embarrassed because I kissed a Spanish man on his mouth by mistake. My neighbour patted her tummy and laughed at me. How strange! Remember:. When we give two kisses to greet a Spanish person, we have to kiss their right cheek first. Courtesy of Estudio Saladar OCTOBER OCTUBRE issue / edición FREE To advertise your business in this section call GRATIS 267 ¿porqué pagar más? Expires / Caduca 31/10/09 Your Local Guide to What‘s On, Offers, Ideas, Shopping, Businesses, Property, Motoring & Classifieds Tu Guía de negocios, compras y ofertas, actividades y cultura, inmobiliaria, clasificados, ideas para tu hogar 96 270 8087 or email Unbeatable advertising rates JASMINA LULL VICENTE ENGLISH SWORN TRANSLATOR Spanish-English-German Phone: 607 289 921 ATTENTION ALL BUSINESSES: EARN MONEY HELPING SAVE MONEY! It’s not hard to sell, the SPAINSAVE Card sells itself, and as a SPAINSAVE Card sales outlet, you’ll get some great commission on every card you sell. We’ll even give you the cards on a sale or return basis. What have you got to lose? Nothing. But plenty to gain! To apply, simply fill in the form at and we will contact you to explain the scheme and answer any queries you may have. ATENCIÓN A TODOS LOS NEGOCIOS: ¡GANA DINERO AYUDANDO A AHORRAR DINERO! No es difícil de vender, la tarjeta SPAINSAVE se vende sola, y como punto de venta de la tarjeta SPAINSAVE obtendrás una gran comisión por cada tarjeta que vendas. Incluso te entregaremos gratis las tarjetas para su venta o posterior devolución. ¿Qué tienes que perder? Nada. Y ¡si mucho que ganar! Para mas información, simplemente completa el formulario que encontrarás en y nosotros nos pondremos en contacto contigo para explicarte el sistema y responder cualquier duda que puedas tener. thinkS 9.4 SITUATIONS VACANT / OFERTA DE EMPLEO why pay more? OC OC issu FREE GRATIS SALES REPRESENTATIVES Join the SpainSave discount card sales team and earn great money helping others save money! The role is field based so you must have your own vehicle and mobile phone. All areas. Basic + uncapped commission package The successful applicants will have previous sales experience. Please send your CV to RECEPTIONIST. LA ZENIA. Autoescuela Alonso needs someone for the position of receptionist and teaching assistant with the following qualities Native English language, fluent in Spanish, own transport. Other languages are an advantage. Aged between 18 and 28 years. Tel. 690073381. TRADUCTOR E INTÉRPRETE Buscamos traductor e intérprete de checo, portugués, italiano, holandés, noruego, sueco y polaco para Juzgados en Gandia y Denia. Tel. 609 692 678 EXPERIENCED SALES REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED English speaking. Excellent commission. Various areas. Advertising sales experience an advantage. Tel: Peter on 96 270 8087 or 665 899 903. Alternatively email cv to BABY-SITTER We are looking for English speaking baby-sitter for our daughter of 3 years in Els Poblets/Vergel. Tel. 609 692 678 TRADUCTOR E INTÉRPRETE Buscamos traductor e intérprete de checo, senegalés, holandés, húngaro y noruego para Juzgados en Benidorm. Tel. 609692678 We are looking for fully qualified hairdressers and beauty therapists with own clientbase to share the space in our modern and spacious hair and beauty salon. For more information contactn: Linda for hairdressing: 661 072 219 & Victoria for beauty: 653 080 531 MBNASPAIN.COM Businesses and franchises for sale in Spain from €4,995 find a business that suits you today! QUALIFIED CHEF required for busy bar and bistro. Albir. Tel. 665012228 SITUATIONS WANTED / DEMANDA DE EMPLEO SITUATIONS WANTED/ VACANT To advertise call us on +34 96 270 8087 +34 665 899 903 Email I AM AN IRISHMAN I am looking for work in Madrid. I worked as a pipefitter and a rigger/ banksman. I am 31 years old and have been working in construction 12 years I am willing to do any type of work, factory work, road works all types of building or metal fabrication labourer, cleaning, sweeping, making the coffee. anything.. Tel. 660734927 CARER/COMPANION Reliable Woman - BASED MIJAS, CAN TRAVEL INLAND/COAST Responsible & reliable woman (45) offers: Personal needs: Washing, dressing. Household chores: Light cleaning.Paying household bills. Car owner/driver. Living in Spain 10 years. Intermediate Spanish. Tel. 6 7 9 7 5 4 0 8 0 / E m a i l Pro Hair Dresser, Stylist BENIDORM. 29 years exp. Speaks English, Spanish, French. Looking for work in Bendorm or around that area. Tel. 648821073 CARER/COMPANION ALICANTE. Are you looking for a COMPANION? English Lady, 18 years in NHS/Private Caring ¿porqué Expires Your Local Guide to What‘s On, Offers, Ideas, Shopping, Businesses, Property, Motoring & Classifieds Tu Guía de negocios, compras y ofertas, actividades y cultura, inmobiliaria, clasificados, ideas pa profession, looking for work in Alicante area. NVQ 2 and 3 Qualified. Tel. 966760317/Email I AM A MATURE responsible lady looking for work. I have 30 years experience in catering bar, cooking. I am very hardworking, reasonable wage sought. Also available for property cleaning, citting. No job is too small to consider. Call first instance. Tel 966471538/688660081 Email English Male 38, looking for serious employment, I have had many years experience in sales, from point of sale to management, Also I have had a lot of experience in working with MS. excel and other applications. I have an up to date CV for your viewing including cover letter. Email Bi-lingual chef available short term cover. 20 years as Chef in all types of catering. Qualified, with references. Tel. 628694643 PAINTER/DECORATOR SEEKS WORK IN SPAIN. My wife and I want to move to Spain. We are both Scottish I am a time served painter and desperate for work. Email I am a 22 year old male with a business management degree. I speak fluent English/Spanish and hold a clean drivers licsence. I am looking for any management position in any area between Benidorm and Murcia. I am quick to learn and very reliable. Email: Hi, I'm a responsible, tidy, efficient 21 year-old. I am currently studying Child Care and Education in the Early Years. I''m available to look after your children at any time, and offer a very competitive rate. I can also help your children improve their Spanish, as I am fluent. Tel. 6 7 6 0 6 6 5 2 8 / E m a i l A Psychiatric nurse looking for full time employment in Spain. E m a i l Respectable mature couple looking for villa sitting we don`t mind traveling we are willing friendly and honest. Tel. 966471538/ 688660081/Email Retired tradesman looking for small repair/maintenance jobs. Can do painting and decorating too. No job too small. Reasonable rates. Reliable, own transport. Honest and trustworthy. Tel. 96 679 6854 688 803 104. Email Reliable, hard working, honest and trustworthy. I can do your admin at home or at your place of work on a self-employed basis. Computer literate, can do spreadsheets, emailing, letters. English only. Have got my own transport, no ties. I can do the hours that suit YOU. Ex Business Director Tel. 966796854/ 688803104/ Email UK BBI QUALIFIED and experienced pub manager (female) requires full or part time bar work, shift management or full management roll in English bar in Javea. No hours too short or too long and always with a smile. Your revenue will increase. 8 years in Spain with previous exp here. Tel 00 34 96 6462457 / 0034679667268. thinkS ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 FOR SALE, WANTED / PERSONAL the Classified Ads Book your advert now 96 270 8087 EASY PAYMENT TERMS AVAILABLE! Private WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS Business REMOVALS/TRANSPORT Reliable man and a van. Cheap rates (Denia) but will cover the whole of the Costa Blanca. Tel 966 474 898. Mob 627 828 124. BUILDERS PINTURAS PACO, Placa del Mercat 12-4o D, Pego. Tel 96 557 18 03 (Spanish) or 96 597 73 41 (English). YESOS GARCIA DE LA REINA. Spanish family fun company, offers top quality multi-service. Tel 639 000 307. CARS & MOTORBIKES COCHES Y MOTOS Do you want to get rid of your old, unwanted or smashed car? We are authorised to cancel Spanish paperwork. For further information call 670 950 297, 96 575 1295. WE BUY classic cars, motorcycles, books etc. Offer me anything. Tel 670 950 297 or 96 575 1295. EDUCATION CURSOS Jasmina Lull Vicente Spanish, English, German. Phone 607 289 921. FURNITURE MUEBLES Su Servicio personal de Compra y Montaje de muebles de IKEA. IKEA MADE EASY / SHOP ONLINE, Tel./ Fax: 902 88 11 21 email: LOCKSMITHS CERRAJEROS LOCKED OUT LOCKSMITH 24H SERVICE Houses & Cars opened. Locks changed or upgraded. Window locks fitted. Safes, alarms and security grills installed. Tel. 965 888 418 / 657 890 830. JALON LOCKSMITH, Carl Gill. 24 hr Service. Benidorm to Oliva. Free Home Security Survey. Call 639 29 27 16. RESTAURANTS/BARS RESTAURANTES Y BARES Restaurante Muñoz Cena and Show. Striper o Boy, entrance and disco. 35€. C/Guillermo Roch, 14, La Pobla de Vallbona. Tel 675 50 51 15. EL MOS, Creative Cuisine. Urb. Edeta, Avd la Contienda 1, Lliria. Tel 96 164 8020. SECURITY/ALARMS SEGURIDAD/ALARMAS Alarm + Central Station Connection. 25.00 € + iva month. Estrella. Tel 96 648 04 11. Mob 639 271 804. SKIPS ALQUILER CONTENED SKIPS MATA C/RAMON LLIDO, 7, 0370 Javea. 3m2, 5m2, 10m3. Mobile 679 440 046. SWIMMING POOLS PISCINAS GENERAL POOLS, Pool Construction, renovations, jacuzzis. C/Jose Luis Borges, 5, Javea. Tel 96 579 62 40. TILERS AZULEJOS or call Simon 646 259 256. Crack, leaks, tiles, 3d mosaics, robotic fish, pools designed and built. TV & SATELLITE MRSKYTV.COM Satellite installations, New white sky cards available, SKY+ and SKY HD boxes, Trade prices, friendly ex-uk sky engineer, problem solving, Famaval Portuguese satellite dishes. Tel 618 585 051 10.1 ITEMS FOR SALE ARTICULOS EN VENTA HOME COMPUTER - DENIA 17 inch monitor, keyboard, mouse, pc. 120 GB HDD, DVD, DVD Rewriter, 512 Ram, Nvidia Graphics. Windows XP Professional. Windows XP Office, Anti Virus. For sale @ 170.00 Euro. Tel. 606543416/Email 6 BEAUTIFUL POT bellied pigs. Boys and girls available. They grow no bigger than a medium sized dog, are fully house and leash trainable and make affectionate fun pets. We can transport. They cost 180 euros in pet shop, selling for 50 euros to good homes. Call for more info or to reserve. Tel. 658750522. Email Box trailer English - SANTA POLA. Box trailer english 500€ Tel. 659392335. Email PLAYHOUSE BY LITTLE TIKES. - CALPE. Our wendy is all grown up so she is selling her large play cottage with classic country styling. Detailed interior features pretend sink etc. Door/windows with shutters that open and close easily. 80 EUROS (NEW 250 EUROS) Tel. 0034669245147/ Email Philips 34’; Flatscreen Digital TV - Model MG98, with Remote Control, Dolby Sound and Bluetooth speakers. Comes with it''s own Philips DVD Case/Stand and full Instruction booklets. Very good condition but it's massive size forces sale - would be ideal for a Bar / Pub / Restaurant Only 125 Euros Buyer Collects Tel. 0034628095170 HP LAPTOP FOR SALE - OLIVA HP 530 laptop 12 mths old details €245 Tel. 676605229 Email ASSORTED HIGH QUALITY BABY & toddler items. Belinda Tel. 966714574 GAS BOTTLES (EMPTY) NORMAL SIZE 10€ each. Tel. 966714574 HP 530 LAPTOP 12 MTHS OLD €225 Tel. 676605229 MODERN OIL FILLED ELECTRIC RADIATORS vgc 10€ each. Tel. 966714574 TEKA L12/1000 INTEGRATED WASHING MACHINE. Good working order. 50 euros must collect. Steve 657824002 WASHING MACHINE INDESIT WIN110. 12 months old excellent condition 150 euros. Steve 657824002 FITNESS MACHINE - JALON Domyos Cross trainer for sale good working order - but needs new programmer- hence price of 75 euros- cost 360 2 years old. Buyer to collect call 680550125 Tel. 680550125 KARAOKE PLAYER & 1400 Songs, plugs into TV & hifi with 2 mics and book, ideal for bar. 239€, 663440839. E-Mail: Box trailer - LA MARINA. English box trailer 500 e. Tel. 659392335 Velour Beach Towels For Sale Assorted patterns. 3.50euros each or three for 10 euros.Tel. 646148329/ Email Dell Laptop - Pentium 4 1800mhz, 512 meg ram, DVD, 14 INCH TFT Screen, 40 gig Hdd, Windows XP Pro (english) and MS Office, Very nice condition. €199. Tel.968136543 Ideal for Holiday Let - none 3 Piece Suit, King Size Wooden Bed & Materace, CD Stero & Speakers, 2 Standing Lamps, 2 Wall Mirrors, 3 pictures, 400€ o.n.o will sell as SINGLE items. Tel. 690113042/ Email Berling 2002, 87 kms diesel vgc would like to swap for similar car in automatic due to illness. Tel. 646567570 Wedding dress Hand made size 12-16, Strapless with corset style tie up back very beautiful crystals. 100 euros. Tel: 962500263 Bunol Mercedes Benz 190e LHD Spanish plates 1993 Petrol 2ltr Excellent runner Automatic. 500 Euros Lost Permissio curcular hence price. Tel: Bunol 962500263 / 669974802 Hoist for invalids, electric, hydrolic with remote control with 2 slings. In perfect condition. 475€. 600866506 Wheelchair, light, folding, hardly used. 175€. Electric mobility scooter, road legal, range 40km. up to 15km/ h.incline 16%. like new. 500€. 627019403. TV armchair, blue, lifts the back and footer electrical, on 4 caster wheels, very relaxing, because of relocation for sale, original price was €870, sells for €120. Tel. 6 5 8 0 1 8 7 9 4 / E m a i l 2 Persian rugs, major colour red, similar pattern, size 1,10 x 1.50m €30.- another one size 2,50 x 1.56m €60. Tel. 658018794/ Email Beautiful Evening dress, long, fashion colour purple, incorporated bustier, tulle skirt with stole, UK Size 12 (Germany 40 - Spain 44). Really a bargain for €45. Tel. 658018794/Email Super 8 Film projector, Noris, record 200 SM for Super 8 lovers, €18. Tel. 658018794/ Email Skiing boots, Löwa, size 43, very comfortable €20, Lady ski/snowboard suit, size S, orange/black with orange gilet, €15. Tel. 658018794/Email Two seater sofa for sale ex condition beige background small ivy pattern, need the space. 30 e u r o s . Tel. 646148329/ Email Skystar 360E satellite broadband internet and telephone system. Offers. Tel. 646701816/ 00 44 (0)1212889762. Monserrat area GUIDE / GUIA 29 BUSINESS ADS UNBEATABLE RATES GET YOUR BUSINESS NOTICED IN THE GUIDE +34 96 270 8087 +34 665 899 903 Email Sharp VC-M330 VHS video recorder. 12 euros. Rainbow KY32/A Mobile air conditioner 12000 btu/h. Used one season. 200 euros. Tel. 646701816/ 00 44 (0)1212889762. Monserrat area A pair of Longway Xtrek 900 Mountain bikes. Hardly used. 130 euros. Will separate at 75 euros each. Tel. 646701816/ 00 44 (0)1212889762. Monserrat area. Satellite Dish. 1.9 + Twin LNB + Galvanized wall bracket ideal for BBC ITV CH4/5. Sky Good condition. Tel. 669245147/ Email Indesit 12 place settings Dishwasher for sale, excellent condition 75€ as surplus to requirements could deliver/fit depending on distance to travel. Tel. 965761110/Email Heavy Duty Motorcycle Trailer - TABERNAS, ALMERIA Will carry any size of motorcycle. Recently refurbished. Incl. lights & tie down straps; so ready to go. €250. Tel. 691978746/ Email Mahogancy home bar, with glass rack above, and drink storage cupboards behind. nice piece of furniture. 350 euro''s. Tel. 962856086/ 637902734/ Email A sturdy heavy duty scooter, with 2 big dry gel batteries. lights, indicators, horn and captain seat. Cruising range 45km/20 miles. One year old. Sell due to repatriation for 500€. 600866506. Tel. 600866506 14FT TRAMPOLINE with safety net. Surround. Good Conditions. 180 euros. Tel 651413780. Telescope For Sale - JAVEA. As new still in box would make ideal present 50€. Email National Geographic magazines - JAVEA. 22 National Geographic magazines from 2005/2006 10€ the lot. Email 15 decorative plates various designs (mostly blue and white) 10€ the lot. Also for sale large salad/fruit bowl and 3 matching smaller bowls blue and white 5€. Tel. 637062510/ Email Large 2 seater sofa yellow with small blue flowers 100€ Tel. 637062510/ Email ITEMS WANTED ARTICULOS BUSCADOS LOG BURNING FIRE WANTED - TORREVIEJA I would like to swap my Ufesa Thermostatic Premium Gas fire in excellent condition and 2 Gas Bottles for a Log Burning Stove Tel. 652024925 966789346. Email ADVERTISE FREE Items up to 500€ in value CALL NOW 34 96 270 8087 10.3 PETS MASCOTAS Free to good home yorkshire terrier castrated male needs a home that will be loved and played with three years old phone 649743901 Regalo a personas amantes de los animales, gato/perro bien educados,limpios,cariñosos,de buen caracter,sanos. por causas de traslado. 658800080 DIRECCION: Denia, Alicante 03700 DÉNIA DOG SANCTUARY (APAD) HAS a large selection of lovely animals (and some immunised puppies) available for adoption now. Foster homes are also wanted on a short-term basis. We supply food and cover all costs. We also need volunteers to either walk dogs, or drive them to the local vet (transport provided). Tel: 699872157 - Steve Allen WEIMARANER PUPPIES READY NOW PRICE negotiable to good homes. Excellent pedigrees. Visits welcome. Telephone 966710306 Lily was born approx 1 Feb 2009 and is a petite little dog weighing about 5kgs. Her foster carers say she is no trouble whatsoever, all she wants is to be with you and to have a bit of love and affection. Lily is health vaccinated. For more information please phone 650 304 746. 30 GUIDE / GUIA ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 PROPERTY / INMOBILIARIA 12 To enquire about properties with the TS reference code prefix: Para informarte sobre inmuebles que empiezan con la referencia TS: Property Inmobiliaria Property for Sale Valencia 12.1 Alicante 12.2 Murcia 12.3 Property for Rent Valencia 12.5 Alicante 12.6 Murcia 12.7 Holiday Lets see 5a to 5.6 Business/Offices 12.9 Property Management 12.10 Property Services 12.11 Property Wanted 12.12 Mobile Home 12.13 Alquiler de propiedades Valencia 12.5 Alicante 12.6 Murcia 12.7 Alquiler vacacional ver 5.5 to 5.8 Casa Moviles 12.13 Gestión Inmobiliaria 12.10 Negocios 12.9 Oferta inmobiliaria 12.12 Servicios inmobiliarios 12.11 Venta de propiedades Valencia 12.1 Alicante 12.2 Murcia 12.3 Property for Sale Venta de propiedades 12.1 VALENCIA ALBOY - Finca/Country House 104,500 euros. 65m², 42000m² Plot, 3 bed, 1 bath. Small country house of 65M2 in Cocentaina, and 42.000M2 of land. The property offers 3 bedrooms, fitted kitchen, bathroom,... Ref TS2692061a BARXETA - Villa - 396,000 euros. 8 bed, pool. 2 for the price of One!!!A Pair of Detached Bungalows with a Pool. Would suit two families wanting to live together, but still independantly. Or... Ref TS2692099a BOCAIRENT - Apartment - 125,000 euros. 2 bed, 1 bath. Second floor apartment of 110m2 in the old part of the medieval town of Bocairent, that has been completely reformed to a very high standard,... Ref TS269-2068a CHIVA - Villa - 205,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath. new house 3km from the town of chiva 30 minutes from valencia airport and beach the property comprises of 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms lounge separate... Ref TS269-2073a FONT DE LA FIGUERA (LA) Undeveloped Land - 79,000 euros. 33000m² Plot. Development land currently under cultivation with vines (75,000 plants). In a green, mountain area but very close to the town. Suitable for the... Ref TS269-1998a PILES - Apartment - 90,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath. Absolutely lovely & superbly sunny third floor apartment, stroll to amenities of village, 1 mile to wide sandy beach, immaculate & comprising:... Ref TS269-1986a TORRENT - Terraced Villa - 381,800 euros. 120m², 120m² Plot, 3 bed, 2 bath, 1 WC, garage, pool, A/C. Reference: V236AD Price: 386.800 Euros (64.358.105 Pesetas) SITUATION City: TORRENT Zone: EL VEDAT... Ref TS269-2056a VILLALONGA - Villa - 329,000 euros. 175m², 840m² Plot, 5 bed, 2 bath, pool, A/C. This house is a must see, fantastic location, set in the orange groves close to Villalonga and ten minutes from... Ref TS269-2070a Property for Sale Venta de propiedades 12.2. Alicante AIGUES - Villa - 550,000 euros. 4 bed, 2 bath, pool. A Detached Villa with Swimming Pool on a huge plot of land in the countryside outside Aigues. The Plot is walled and gated and enter the... Ref thinkS (0034) 902 102 580 TS269-1989a ALBATERA - Finca/Country House 320,000 euros. 4 bed, 1 bath, pool. Traditional finca with interior fully reformed 4 bedrooms and 1 bathroom garage open plan kitchen and lounge full length glazed terrace... Ref TS2692016a ALBATERA - Flat - 58,000 euros. 58m², 1 bed, 1 bath, garage, pool, A/C. Surface 58 m², 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, kitchen, dining room,floor tiles gres, lift, built-in wardrobes, reinforced door,... Ref TS269-2005a ALBIR - Villa - 479,000 euros. 140m², 500m² Plot, 3 bed, 2 bath, garage, pool, C/H. Sea and panoramics views, close to amenities, privacy, central heating, pool, BBQ. Ref TS269-2025a ALBIR - Townhouse - 473,000 euros. 225m², 840m² Plot, 4 bed, 3 bath, garage, pool, A/C. Surface 225 m², 840 m² plot, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen (american), lots of terraces, flat garden... Ref TS269-2094a ALGORFA - Villa - 199,950 euros. 93m², 275m² Plot, 3 bed, 1 bath, pool, A/C, C/H. THIS PROPERTY HAS NO COMMISSION EASY BUY SCHEME A fantastic single level detached Sofia style three bedroom... Ref TS269-1990a ALMORADI - Semi-detached Villa 149,350 euros. 2 bed, 2 bath, 1 WC. Recently Reduced by a huge 20,000 Euros Unbeatable Value Two bed, two + one bath semi detached house set in the beautiful village of El... Ref TS2692062a ALTEA - Villa - 787,500 euros. 240m², 878m² Plot, 3 bed, 3 bath, garage, pool, A/C, C/H. New ready to move into, luxury area with 24 hours security, sunny, amazing panoramics views, pre... Ref TS269-2004a ALTEA - Building Plot - 675,000 euros. 3770m² Plot. Plot of 3.770 m2, with the most amazing views of the bay of Altea. Ref TS269-2039a ALTEA - Apartment - 295,000 euros. 129m², 3 bed, 2 bath, garage, pool, A/C, C/H. Beautiful modern apartment situtated in Altea Hills. This property has spacious rooms, master bedroom with en... Ref TS269-2047a ALTOS (LOS) - Apartment - 166,000 euros. 97m², 120m² Plot, 3 bed, 2 bath, pool. Duplex situated in a lovely urbanization with communal pool and green areas. The property offers 120sqm plot, 3... Ref TS269-2071a BALCONES (LOS) - Bungalow 122,000 euros. 55m², 2 bed, 1 bath, pool. A 2 bedroom bungalow recently build, situated in a quiet area with communal pool, south facing, close to amenities, beach to 5min,... Ref TS2692072a BENIDOLEIG - Villa - 233,350 euros. 117m², 4 bed, 2 bath. Beautifully restored, well planned, village house. Many extras. TV/telephone sockets in every room. 1 A/C. Marble stairway with wooden... Ref TS269-2086a BENIDORM - Apartment - 295,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath, pool. 360º Views of Benidorm, Altea, Calpe and the Mountains.Key-ready property with stunning views and a south-facing orientation. This... Ref TS269-2024a BENIDORM - Flat - 191,000 euros. 93m², 3 bed, 2 bath. Ref TS269-2026a BENIDORM - Flat - 147,500 euros. 85m², 3 bed, 1 bath. Ref TS269-2032a BENISSA - Villa - 289,000 euros. 130m², 1000m² Plot, 3 bed, 2 bath, 1 WC, garage. Ref 840: Chalet in Benissa with an 1000m2 plot, 130m2 built, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 toilet, terrace of... Ref TS269-2079a BENITACHELL - Villa - 299,950 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath, pool. If you would like more information about this property, please fill out the information request form. Ref TS269-2021a BENITACHELL - Villa - 199,950 euros. 174m², 347m² Plot, 4 bed, 4 bath, pool. Ref TS269-2096a BENITACHELL - Townhouse - 199,773 euros. 2 bed, 2 bath. 2 bedrooms Townhouse in Costa Blanca Ref TS2692040a BENITACHELL - Apartment - 95,000 euros. 65m², 2 bed, 1 bath, pool. A very well maintained modern first floor apartment on the popular Cumbre del Sol urbanisation, with its magnificent sea views.... Ref TS269-2102a CABO ROIG - Villa - 425,000 euros. 4 bed, 3 bath, pool. This superb Cabo Roig Beachside property is located only some 100 metres from the superb Cala Capitan Sandy Beach. The Villa includes 3... Ref TS269-2019a CABO ROIG - Townhouse - 115,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath, pool. good condition, well presented, tastefully decorated, spacious accommodation, near transport, near beach, close to the sea, close to... Ref TS269-2000a CALPE - Villa - 735,000 euros. 250m², 1300m² Plot, 4 bed, 2 bath, 1 WC, garage, pool, A/C, C/H. On the main level there is a large living, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (1 ensuite), a big, fully... Ref TS269-1983a CASTALLA - Villa - 239,000 euros. 105m², 540m² Plot, 3 bed, 2 bath, pool, A/C, C/H. This property is immaculate throughout and offers you everything if you are looking for a property inland... Ref TS269-2007a CASTELL DE CASTELLS - Villa 313,000 euros. 200m², 850m² Plot, 5 bed, 3 bath, garage, pool, A/C. Wellpresented, spacious townhouse on the edge of the village of Castell de Castells and close to local... Ref TS269-2055a DENIA - Flat - 497,800 euros. 78m², 3 bed, 2 bath. FRONT LINE BEACH. Brand new duplex penthouse with padel courts, jacuzzi, childrens playground, communal pool & gardens. Quiet area. 3... Ref TS269-2085a DENIA - Villa - 445,000 euros. 145m², 950m² Plot, 3 bed, 2 bath, pool, A/C, C/H. Magnificent villa situated in the fantastic area Marquesa V. The property has a plot of 950 m2: several... Ref TS269-2097a DENIA - Penthouse - 342,360 euros. 135m², 3 bed, 2 bath, pool. Fantastic opportunity to purchase one of the few remaining 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom penthouses with large terracing on two levels on... Ref TS269-2092a DENIA - Villa - 283,000 euros. 98m², 98m² Plot, 3 bed, 2 bath. Residential of villas Private garden 3 spacious terrasses Excellent qualities Modern light equipment A few meters from the... Ref TS269-2050a DENIA - Villa - 245,000 euros. 109m², 581m² Plot, 3 bed, 2 bath, pool, A/C. Els Poblets - close to Denia Villa built 2003 on a quiet location at the end of a peaceful dead end road, flat... Ref TS269-2057a DENIA - Apartment - 229,000 euros. 120m², 3 bed, 3 bath, A/C. 4 espaciosas terrazas con impresionantes vistas panorámicas al castillo y el Montgó ofrecen relax pur. Este fantástico ático duplex... Ref TS269-2029a DENIA - Penthouse - 214,560 euros. 2 bed, 2 bath, pool. Brand new dúplex penthouse with seaviews located just walking distance to the beach in the area of Las Brisas and about 3 km to the... Ref TS269-2089a DENIA - Semi-detached Villa - 159,000 euros. 80m², 3 bed, 2 bath, garage, pool, C/H. Semi-detached villa in a nice urbanization with swimming pool and fantastic sea views from the terrace. The pool and... Ref TS269-1994a DENIA - Apartment - 74,950 euros. 53m², 1 bed, 1 bath, pool. Delightful one bedroom ground floor apartment overlooking manicured gardens and a pretty communal pool, located on the popular... Ref TS269-2093a DENIA - Near hospital, independent villa with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, lounge dining room, kitchen, pool and mature gardens. 280,000 euros. Tel. 605145380 DENIA - Las Marinas, independent villa with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, lounge dining room, american kitchen private garden and carport. With access to community pool. 50m. to the beach. 180,000 euros. Tel. 605145380 DENIA - Independent villa with five bedrooms, three bathrooms, lounge dining room, kitchen and much more. Community pool. Price: 280,000 euros. Tel. 605145380 DENIA - Front line Golf, 1 bedroom furnished air conditioned duplex apartment, parking space, communal pool and gardens. 140,000 euros. Tel. 605145380 DOLORES - Finca/Country House 299,950 euros. 182m², 10200m² Plot, 3 bed, 3 bath, pool, C/H. 10.000sqm plot fully fenced. Fantastic house in the country side. 3 double bedrooms with fitted wardrobes and... Ref TS2692012a GATA DE GORGOS - Villa - 304,500 euros. 200m², 600m² Plot, 3 bed, 2 bath, pool. This immaculate and well presented detached villa is located at Gata de Gorgos with its own private pool and mature... Ref TS269-1987a GATA DE GORGOS - Building Plot 55,000 euros. 818m² Plot. Gata de Gorgos, Planises. Plot of 818m2 not far from the village. Almost flat with country views. Can construct 164m2 build. Ref TS269-2080a GUARDAMAR DEL SEGURA Townhouse - 215,000 euros. 2 bed, 2 bath. Which is only ten minutes to the beaches of Guardamar and within walking distance to a good selection of Recently completely refurbished to a very high standard, this unique 6 bedroom 4 bathroom detached villa, has the accommodation on two floors, each self-contained. The Villa is South facing with an elevated pool area and 6 sun-terraces, each with spectacular views along the Jalon Valley its Vineyards and Almond groves. Sat on a large secluded plot, the property also benefits from a garage/workshop and storage areas. This beautifully presented villa is available for 549,000€ ono To view please telephone 96 648 2641 or 617 064 480 Shops, Bars and Restaurants. This house... Ref TS269-2046a GUARDAMAR DEL SEGURA - Villa 170,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath, pool, A/C, C/H. THIS PROPERTY HAS NO COMMISSION EASY BUY SCHEME Three bedroom detached Villa set on the sought after El Raso urbanisation. The... Ref TS269-2083a GUARDAMAR DEL SEGURA Apartment - 93,227 euros. 50m², 1 bed, 1 bath, pool, A/C. beautiful 1 bedroom apartment with large terrace with beautiful views. 6th floor. brand new furnished. Community pool, paddle,... Ref TS269-2034a GUARDAMAR DEL SEGURA Apartment - 89,950 euros. 66m², 2 bed, 1 bath. Priced to sell quickly this spotless Spanish home located in Guardamar del Segura. This immaculate apartment with 66 m2 built size and no... Ref TS269-2054a HONDON DE LAS NIEVES - Villa 199,950 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath, pool. Wonderful Villa in fantastic location with private swimming pool. Viewing recommended. At Lifestyle, we believe we have the cheapest and... Ref TS2692010a JAVEA - Villa - 1,639,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath, pool. A 200 Year Old beautifully restored Finca with a massive 6,000m2 garden in the sought after coastal town of Javea. With handmade floor... Ref TS269-1988a JAVEA - Villa - 894,000 euros. 390m², 1340m² Plot, 5 bed, 4 bath, pool. Located in the prestigious area of Montgo Garroferal, this villa has been contstructed with original high quality... Ref TS269-2053a JAVEA - Villa - 540,000 euros. 310m², 2333m² Plot, 5 bed, 3 bath, pool. Genuine South facing Spanish finca circa 1800 which has been reformed to retain the original character. Desirable area... Ref TS269-1985a JAVEA - Undeveloped Land - 330,000 euros. 2000m² Plot. A flat building plot of 2000m2 with permission for a 6 bedroom villa, for which the foundations have already been laid. Excellent location just... Ref TS269-2101a JAVEA - Townhouse - 230,000 euros. 120m², 20m² Plot, 2 bed, 2 bath, pool, A/C, C/H. Very light and charming town house located close to the Arenal beach. South facing. This charming two storey... Ref TS269-2006a JAVEA - Apartment - 225,000 euros. 109m², 3 bed, 2 bath, garage, pool, A/C, C/H. WAS 285.000 EUROS Modern 1st floor apt with lift, built in 2001 and in an excellent state of repair and... Ref TS269-2065a JAVEA - Apartment - 219,000 euros. 80m², 2 bed, 2 bath, pool. Appealing South-facing penthouse apartment within a well maintained complex. The accommodation comprises an open plan lounge and... Ref TS269-1992a JAVEA - Apartment - 99,000 euros. 70m², 2 bed, 1 bath, garage. Opportunity, 2 bedroom apartment only 150 mts. from the beach, semireformado, new windows, elevator, concierge. Walking distance... Ref TS269-2035a LEL - Villa - 370,000 euros. 4 bed, 3 bath. 4 bedrooms | Detached Villa 4 Bed 3 Bath New Build in almond valley close to Pinoso The property has easy access and is only a few minutes... Ref TS2691991a MARINA (LA) - Terraced Villa - 86,500 euros. 2 bed, 1 bath, A/C. Extended Josefina, located in Urb La Marina, with in walking distance to local amenities. Entry into this terrace property leads into a... Ref TS269-2067a MORAIRA - Apartment - 510,000 euros. 160m², 2 bed, 2 bath. A spacious top floor corner apartment with a large terrace and in a quiet side street. The apartment has been sub-divided into two... Ref TS269-1993a MORAIRA - Villa - 499,000 euros. 191m², 814m² Plot, 3 bed, 3 bath, garage, pool, C/H. Villa in Cap Blanc with great seaviews. The house has been divided into 2 separate apartments. The main... Ref TS2692051a MORAIRA - Villa - 449,950 euros. 4 bed, 3 bath. Located in a quiet residential area within close proximity to the amenities of Tabaira and only 2km to Moraira town and beach. A lovely well... Ref TS269-2043a MORAIRA - Villa - 239,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath, pool. detached house on corner plot - el portetthis lovely detached house on a corner plot in quiet urbanisation in the exclusive area of... Ref TS269-2013a MUCHAMIEL - Villa - 475,000 euros. 260m², 2000m² Plot, 4 bed, 3 bath, garage, pool, A/C, C/H. This beautiful well planned villa as just come onto the sale market and offers many extra features... Ref TS269-1997a MUCHAMIEL - Townhouse - 193,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath, pool. El Dorado is situated in one of the most unique locations in the Costa Blanca, with views of the luxurious ... Ref TS2692036a MURADA (LA) - Villa - 299,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath, pool. This wonderful Villa is located on the outskirts of the popular and sought after town of La Murada, only a short drive to the historic... Ref TS269-1995a ORIHUELA - Villa - 249,995 euros. 4 bed, 4 bath, pool. This wonderful 200m² Villa is situated within a small hamlet just outside of the sought after location of La Aparecida which is... Ref TS269-1996a ORIHUELA - Apartment - 141,905 * Big or small service * Non-obligation Quotes * Containerised Secure Storage * Worldwide Shipping * Outside Elevator up to a 9th Floor * Regular UK-Spain-UK Service Carretera Nacional 332, Km 213 Parcela 5 – Polígono Industrial ‘El Brosquill’ 46780 Oliva Telephone: 96 296 38 61 Fax: 96 296 38 63 Mobile: 679 910 265 Email: thinkS Property Inmobiliaria euros. 166m², 2 bed, 2 bath, pool. Ref TS269-2014a ORIHUELA COSTA - Townhouse 189,000 euros. 65m², 65m² Plot, 2 bed, 2 bath, pool. Magnificent residential complex:apartments house Great luminosity clear visibility of the horizon Sun roof on the third... Ref TS269-2049a ORIHUELA COSTA - Apartment 115,000 euros. 78m², 2 bed, 2 bath. Residentail Almanzora is a 2-story building with 2 and 3 bedroom apartments abutting the Golf Course, next to a Hotel zone and Social... Ref TS269-2023a PEDREGUER - Town centre furnished apartment with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge dining room, closed kitchen and pantry. 156,000 euros. Tel. 605145380 PEDREGUER - Bonito bungalow en Pedreguer, 3 dormitorios, baño completo, salón con cocina americana, terraza, sótano, jardín y parking. Piscina y jardín comunitario. 155.000 euros, urge vender. Tel. 609692678 PEDREGUER - Beautiful bungalow: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room with American kitchen, terrace, cellar, garden and parking. Community pool and garden. 155,000 euros. Quick sale. Tel. 609692678 PEDREGUER - Front line Golf, 2 bedroom furnished air conditioned duplex apartment, parking space, communal pool and gardens. 235,000. euros. Tel. 605145380 PEDREGUER - Town centre garages and storerooms. New construction. Price: 18,000 euros. Tel. 605145380 PEGO - Villa - 279,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath, pool. A superb Detached Villa with Swimming Pool on the sought after development of Monte Pego.Just VENTA DE SUELO RESIDENCIAL E INDUSTRIAL TURIS, MONTROY, UTIEL Y CHESTE Parcelas urbanizadas residenciales desde 120 €/mc. Modo de pago a convenir c/ Miguel Hernandez 1-1 TURIS Tel 96 2527426 /inicio.htm Email - direccion@ PROPERTY / INMOBILIARIA ADVERTISING / PUBLICIDAD: 96 270 8087 minutes from the bustling Spanish market... Ref TS269-2100a PEGO - Penthouse - 145,000 euros. 82m², 3 bed, 2 bath, A/C, C/H. A wellpresented penthouse apartment with lift situated in the centre of Pego, close to all amenities. The penthouse comprises... Ref TS269-1984a PINAR DE CAMPOVERDE - Villa 295,000 euros. 140m², 400m² Plot, 3 bed, 3 bath, pool, A/C. mmaculate detached villa set in lovely mature gardens in a prime location in one of the most sought after villages... Ref TS2692098a PINAR DE CAMPOVERDE - Villa 240,000 euros. 85m², 330m² Plot, 2 bed, 1 bath, A/C. Situated in the old Campoverde, this detached villa is offered in excellent order throughout. There is an entrance porch... Ref TS2692081a PINAR DE CAMPOVERDE - Villa 228,384 euros. 150m², 300m² Plot, 3 bed, 2 bath, garage. Under construction, these house are detached, on plots from 300m2 and with own garages. Excellent value. Ref TS2692060a PINAR DE CAMPOVERDE - Apartment - 125,000 euros. 80m², 2 bed, 1 bath, garage, pool. First floor apartment built to a high specification. Property consists of, lounge/diner with wood surround fire place and... Ref TS2692003a PINOSO - Finca/Country House 250,000 euros. 800m², 1100m² Plot, 5 bed, 5 bath, garage, pool, C/H. REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE: Substantial renovated finca, retaining many original features. 5 impressive... Ref TS269-2017a PINOSO - Finca/Country House 153,250 euros. 250m², 1300m² Plot, 5 bed, 1 bath, 1 WC, pool. This beautifully restored, large terraced country house is situated between Pinoso and Monovar in a small... Ref TS269-2002a PINOSO - Villa - 149,950 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath. *key ready* 11,800m2 plotset in beautiful countryside and just 8 minutes drive into pinoso town. (the house for sale is identical design to the... Ref TS269-2041a PINOSO - Townhouse - 138,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 WC, garage. PRICE REDUCED !!! Newly completed townhouse located in a quiet area of PInoso. The property comprises; 3 bedrooms, two bathrooms,... Ref TS269-2001a PINOSO - Terraced Villa - 125,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath. This totally renovated cottage has had all of its character and charm totally restored. With a large inglenook fireplace, beams, walled garden,... Ref TS269-1999a PLAYA DE MUCHAVISTA - Villa 348,500 euros. 120m², 1350m² Plot, 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 WC, garage, pool, A/C, C/H. The villa sits on a private plot of 1350 m2 and consists of 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom,1 toilet,... Ref TS269-2064a POBLETS (ELS) - Villa - 359,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath. Very well maintained villa with pool and beautifully landscaped gardensDescriptionThis property was built by the present owner with first class... Ref TS269-2084a POBLETS (ELS) - 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, furnished, air conditioned duplex terraced house with private parking space, communal pool and gardens . 199,000 euros. Tel. 605145380 ROJALES - Villa - 450,000 euros. 230m², 792m² Plot, 3 bed, 2 bath, pool, A/C. Delightful villa built 2004 with spacious rooms amongst which 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, 2 lounge/ living. This... Ref TS269-2074a ROJALES - Villa - 379,000 euros. 200m², 500m² Plot, 4 bed, 2 bath, pool, A/C. Well presented villa which consists of 4 bedrooms and 2 bathroom(s), a spacious living and beautiful kitchen. The... Ref TS269-2028a GUIDE / GUIA 31 To enquire about properties with the TS reference code prefix: Para informarte sobre inmuebles que empiezan con la referencia TS: (0034) 902 102 580 ROJALES - Villa - 269,000 euros. 160m², 550m² Plot, 3 bed, 3 bath, pool, A/C. Spotless villa built 2002 in the very popular area of Rojales. This property is immediatly available and comes... Ref TS269-2078a ROJALES - Villa - 219,000 euros. 91m², 212m² Plot, 2 bed, 2 bath, A/C. Delightful villa built 2003 with spacious rooms amongst which 2 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, 1 lounge/ living. This property... Ref TS269-2076a ROJALES - Townhouse - 200,000 euros. 109m², 236m² Plot, 4 bed, 2 bath, 1 WC, garage, A/C. SPACIOUS 4 BED 2 BATH(1 ENSUITE) 1 WC TERRACED TOWNHOUSE WITH LARGE SOUTH FACING FRONT GARDEN AND... Ref TS269-2066a ROJALES - Villa - 149,000 euros. 142m², 163m² Plot, 3 bed, 3 bath, A/C. Immaculate villa in Rojales close to all ammenities. This beautiful property has had plenty of TLC and consists of 3... Ref TS269-2075a ROJALES - Apartment - 123,200 euros. 70m², 2 bed, 2 bath, garage, A/C. Spotless apartment built 2008 in the very popular area of Formentera del Segura. This property is immediately available and... Ref TS269-2077a ROJALES - Terraced Villa - 120,000 euros. 3 bed, 1 bath, A/C. This newly refurbished terraced bungalow is situated in Pueblo Bravo. The location is peaceful and friendly, with a real community spirit.... Ref TS269-2091a SAN FULGENCIO - Apartment 399,000 euros. 6 bed, 4 bath. Ground and first floor flat in the centre of San Fulgencio (Alicante) with all services. The lower floor is intended as a commercial area with... Ref TS2692037a SAN VICENTE DEL RASPEIG Building Plot - 199,000 euros. 16000m² Plot, 2 bed, 1 bath. This is a large plot of land of 16000m2 in a prime location in San Vincente del Raspeig, Alicante with panoramic views of the sea... Ref TS269-2052a SANTA POLA - Villa - 1,225,020 euros. 6 bed, 5 bath, pool. immaculate condition, well presented, tastefully decorated, built to high standards, spacious accommodation, stylish accommodation, many... Ref TS2692048a SAX - Finca/Country House - 190,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath, pool. well presented renovated 120m2 finca, with 5.700m2 of land.situated in sax, 5 minutes drive to town.this finca consists of 3 bedrooms. the... Ref TS269-2018a SELLA (LA) - Finca/Country House 549,000 euros. 4 bed, 2 bath, pool. Lovely finca style villa near La Sella Golf Course. Located about 5km from Denia and the beach. The house has been recently refurbished... Ref TS269-2087a TARBENA - Townhouse - 55,000 euros. Very Rare Opportunity! Tarbena TownHouse EST. 200 2M + -to Reform.Priced for Quick Sale. Asking 55.000.00 Euros. Ref TS269-2058a TORREVIEJA - Apartment - 131,200 euros. 2 bed, 1 bath, pool. Established community in Torrevieja with beautiful gardens and communal pool. Walking to the sea takes only a few minutes. The property... Ref TS269-2082a TORREVIEJA - Apartment - 128,000 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath. Ref TS269-2044a TORREVIEJA - Bungalow - 105,000 euros. 2 bed, 1 bath, pool. Quad construction is the efficient way to offer a good degree of privacy yet at an affordable price. 105,000 buys this 2 bed 1 bath... Ref TS269-2030a TORREVIEJA - Apartment - 69,500 euros. 1 bed, 1 bath, pool, A/C. 1 bedroom apartment in Urbanization Mar Azul. 1 spacious bedroom with wardrobe, lounge with French kitchen, bathroom and terrace of... Ref TS2692009a VILLAJOYOSA (LA) - Building Plot - 350,000 euros. 13000m² Plot. 13000 m² site surface, cultivable, accessibility, well, electricity, sewer system. Ref TS269-2095a VILLAJOYOSA (LA) - Flat - 189,000 euros. 85m², 2 bed, 2 bath, pool. Ref TS269-2027a VILLAMARTIN - Villa - 367,500 euros. 3 bed, 2 bath, pool. This magnificent three bedroom two bathroom detached resale villa is built on a large private plot with mature gardens and boasts a... Ref TS269-2022a VILLAMARTIN - Apartment - 138,000 euros. 2 bed, 2 bath, pool, A/C. 2-bed 2bath Apartment Pau-8 is a fantastic new development from Villamartin and this is surely one of the best Villagolf apartments... Ref TS269-2042a VILLAMARTIN - Apartment - 130,000 euros. 2 bed, 2 bath, pool, A/C. This delightful bright and airy top floor apartment is situated in the quiet residential area of Villamartin, approximately 5 mins... Ref TS2692069a VILLAMARTIN - Penthouse - 111,000 euros. 2 bed, 2 bath, pool. immaculate condition, tastefully decorated, newly built, built to high standards, stylish accommodation, many special features, near... Ref TS269-2045a VILLAMARTIN - Villa - 95,000 euros. 2 bed, 1 bath. An attractive attached villa in a lovely sunny spot located very close to Villamartin Golf course and the famous plaza. Just 10 minutes drive to... Ref TS269-2033a VILLAMARTIN - Apartment - 59,000 euros. 1 bed, 1 bath, pool. good condition, outskirts of town, close to town, quiet location, close to the sea, close to shops, close to golf, close to all amenities,... Ref TS269-2031a 12.9 Businesses Negocios Spain (Alicante) ALTEA - Restaurant/Bar 75,000 euros. 2 WC. SEA FRONT CAFE BAR-excellent value-Great business for first time buyer!!!! Beautiful totally renovated sea front cafe bar does well .Excellent condition... Ref TS269-1971 (Alicante) BENIDORM - Hotel - 200,000 euros. 118 bed, 118 bath, 122 WC, pool, A/C. ONLY 5 MINUTES WALKING DISTANCE TO ONE OF THE LARGEST SANDY BEACHES OF THIS AREA OF BENIDORM.GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO... Ref TS269-1878 (Alicante) BENIDORM - Guesthouse/B & B - 175,000 euros. 13 bed, 8 bath. PAYMENT TERMS AVAILABLE- INITIAL PAYMENT OF 100,000 EUROS THE REMAINDER CAN BE PAID ON A MOMTHLY BASIS FOR THE DURATION OF THE CONTRACT!... Ref TS269-1964 (Alicante) BENIDORM - Guesthouse/B & B - 125,000 euros. 14 Holiday Apartments + Bar-includes 20,000! DeposIT-ALL 14 APTS 2 BUSINESSES-HOLIDAY APARTMENTS + CAFE BAR FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!! GREAT VALUE FOR MONEY AT THE... Ref TS269-1946 (Alicante) BENIDORM - Restaurant/Bar 26,000 euros. SIX MONTHS RENT FREE PERIOD!!! now reduced 30 SECONDS OFF LEVANTE BEACH-TOTALLY R E F O R M E D - N O W REDUCED!!EXCELLENT VALUE FOR MONEY AND INCLUDES A SIX MONTHS RENT... Ref TS269-1955 Bar(price Includes 16,000! Depos Benidorm EXCELLENT VALUE AS PRICE INCLUDES 16,000 EUROS DEPOSIT!!!CAFE SPORTS BAR MORE PHOTOS AVAILABLE UPON... Ref TS2691968 (Alicante) BENIDORM - Restaurant/Bar 23,000 euros. 2 WC. REDUCED NOWVERY CHEAP RENT FOR THE LOCATION-30 SECONDS OF LEVANTE BEACH WALKWAY 30 Seconds From The Beach Benidorm EXCELLENT LOCATION-OFF LEVANTE BEACH... Ref TS269-1969 (Alicante) BENIDORM - Restaurant/Bar 20,000 euros. 2 WC. ONCE IN A WHILE WE COME ACROSS BUSINESS WHICH RARELY COME ON THE MARKET AND THEREFORE ARE A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE -- A SEA FRONT BUSINESS AT SUCH... Ref TS269-1956 (Alicante) BENIDORM - Restaurant/Bar 12,000 euros. 2 WC. IDEAL BUSINESS FOR FIRST TIME BUYERS-EXCELLENT VALUE-2 MINUTES WALK FROM THE LEVANTE BEACH EXCELLENT TRADING BUSINESS-EASY TO MANAGE WITH 2 TO 3... Ref TS269-1970 (Alicante) BENIDORM - Restaurant/Bar 10,000 euros. 2 WC. DRASTICALLY REDUCED!! APPRX. 20 METERS FROM THE BEACH-THIS BUSY AREA OF LEVANTE BEACH IN BENIDORM DOES WELL THROUGHOUT THE YEAR FROM LOCAL BRITISH... Ref TS269-1929 (Alicante) TORREVIEJA - Restaurant/Bar - 25,000 euros. 120m². PRICE 25,000 LEASEHOLD - FOR A QUICK SALE* Bar Restaurant In Prominent Location* Live Entertainment* Separate Barbeque Area* Very Large Terraces*... Ref TS269-2008a (Alicante) BENIDORM - Restaurant/Bar 25,000 euros. Cafe/sports/music If you are looking for the perfect house or apartment in the Marina Alta area, come to... INMO MAR MORAIRA Ctra. Moraira-Calpe km. 2, 147. Apdo. de correos 419. MORAIRA. Tel. 96 574 7988. Mobile: 605 279 295 Visit our website: La Carroja Ref: 00137 IMM New construction in a small village, with 10 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms. 2 living rooms, 2 dining rooms, 2 kitchen, patio. Oil central heating. Supl. constr. 380 sqm. In the moment hotel rural. 30 km to the sea, in a nice valley, ideal for trecking tours. €329.000 Villa in Pedreguer Ref: 00139 IMM Villa with nice open seaviews in a quiet area. 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Living dining room with fireplace.Furnished.Glazed and open naya. Pool, nice garden, garage, car park, BBQ, storage rooms. supl. constr. 150 sqm, flat plot 1300 sqm. €285.000 Ref: CH0124 IMM New villa with 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms Quiet sunny area with open views 2 large living rooms with fireplace Supl. constr. 160sqm plot 950sqm Possibility to do independent floors. €300.000 Benitachell Villa in Benitachell Ref: FI0136IMM Landhouse with seaviews and large nice garden. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Supl. constr. 225sqm, plot 3620sqm. Many extras, summer kitchen, A/A, garage, central heating, double glazed windows, etc. €495.000