2009 Florida Beef Research Report
2009 Florida Beef Research Report
2009 Florida Beef Research Report Department of Animal Sciences ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Appreciation is expressed to the following companies, associations, or agencies that provided grant support for research in the beef cattle program. Adisseo, Acworth, GA Alltech, Nicholasville, KY Bar-L Ranch, Marianna, FL Central Beef, Bushnell, FL Elanco, Greenfield, IN Flint River Mills, Bainbridge, GA Florida & Georgia Peanut Check-Off Florida Peanut Producer Association Hardee Farms, Chiefland, FL Intervet, Millsboro, DE IVX Animal Health, St. Joseph, MO Lakeland Animal Nutrition, Lakeland, FL Merial Limited, Athens, GA Orange Hill Soil Conservation District, Chipley, FL Pfizer Animal Health, New York, NY Schering-Plough, Kenilworth, NJ Southeastern Minerals, Inc., Bainbridge, GA USDA, Washington, DC US Sugar Corporation, Clewiston, FL Water Environment Research Foundation, Alexandria, VA Appreciation is also expressed to the following laboratories, research technicians, unit managers and crew involved in the research programs at several locations. Animal Sciences Meats Processing Center Bryon Davis Tommy Estevez Larry Eubanks College of Veterinary Medicine Dr. Owen Rae Forage Evaluation Support Laboratory Nancy Carter Richard Fethiere Beef Research Unit Roger Barber Danny Driver Brian Faircloth STARS, Brooksville Lee Adams Ed Bowers Eugene Rooks Myra Rooks Boston Farm – Santa Fe River Ranch Jamie Bradley Steve Chandler Bert Faircloth Jerry Wasdin NFREC, Marianna Wayne Branch Meghan Brennan Mary Chambliss John Crawford Tina Gwin Brook Hand Don Jones Jeff Jones Todd Matthews Charles Nowell Harvey Standland Animal Sciences Technicians Pam Miles Frank Robbins Sergei Sennikov Reyna Speckman Nancy Wilkinson Beef Teaching Unit Jesse Savell i Table of Contents Management Water Intake and Factors Affecting Water Intake of Growing Beef Cattle in North Florida ......................................................................................1 Characterization of the Acute-Phase Protein Response Following Vaccination and Weaning in Beef Steers.................................................................. 5 Effects of Acclimation to Handling on Performance, Reproductive, and Physiological Responses of Brahman-crossbred Heifers ....................................... 13 Effects of Excitable Temperament and its Physiological Consequences on Reproductive Performance of Brahman-crossbred Cows .................................. 19 Reproduction Effects of Day of Cycle at Initiation of a Select Synch/CIDR + Timed-artificial Insemination Protocol in Suckled Angus and Brangus Cows ................................ 27 Evaluation of a New or Once-used CIDR and Two Different Prostaglandin F2 Treatments to Synchronize Suckled Bos indicus Bos taurus Cows ............. 37 Comparison of a Select Synch/CIDR + Timed Artificial Insemination vs a Modified Co-Synch/CIDR Estrous Synchronization Protocol in Suckled Bos indicus Bos taurus Cows .............................................. 47 Comparison of Two Progestogen Based Estrous Synchronization Protocols and Cloprostenol Sodium vs. Dinoprost Tromethamine in Suckled Post Partum Cows and Yearling Heifers of Bos indicus × Bos taurus Breeding........... 55 Effectiveness of Cloprostenol Sodium vs. Dinoprost Tromethamine in a GnRH/CIDR + PGF2α Synchronization Protocol in Angus, Brahmans, and Brahman Angus Cows ................................................................ 63 Presynchronization of Suckled Beef Cows with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) 7 days Prior to Initiation of a Fixed-time Artificial Insemination Protocol Fails to Enhance Fertility.................................................... 69 Nutrition – Meat Effect of Optaflexx® 45 (Ractopamine-HCl) on Live and Carcass Performance when Fed to Steers During the Final 28 Days of Feeding ................ 77 Nutrition – Supplements Evaluation of Whole, In-Shell Peanuts as a Supplement Feed for Beef Cows................... 83 http://www.animal.ufl.edu/extension/beef/pubs.shtml iii Table of Contents Co-product and Rumen Degradable Protein Supplementation of Beef Steers Fed Bahiagrass Forage ................................................................................. 91 Dried Distillers Grains and(or) Soybean Hulls to Background Beef Calves Fed Bahiagrass Forage ................................................................................ 97 Feeding Interval Effects on Growth, Puberty, and Pregnancy Rates in Yearling Bos indicus and Bos taurus Beef Heifers .............................................. 103 Programmed Feeding Effects on Growth, Puberty, and Pregnancy Rates in Yearling Bos indicus and Bos taurus Beef Heifers .......................................... 107 Nutrition – Minerals/Vitamins Mineral Concentrations of Cool-Season Pasture Forages in North Florida during the Winter-Spring Grazing Season: I. Macro Minerals .............................................. 111 Mineral Concentrations of Annual Cool Season Pasture Forages in North Florida during the Winter-Spring Grazing Season: II. Trace Minerals ........................... 117 Effects of Aluminum (Al) from Water Treatment Residual Applications to Pastures on Mineral Status of Grazing Cattle and Mineral Concentrations of Forages .................................................................................... 123 Methods of Selenium Supplementation to Beef Cows on Blood, Liver and Milk Selenium Concentrations ............................................................................. 129 Comparing Tolerance of Selenium (Se) as Sodium Selenite or Se Yeast on Blood and Tissue Se Concentrations of Ruminants .............................................. 135 Bioavailability of Vitamin A (Retinol) Sources for Cattle ............................................... 141 Forages Forage Nutritional Quality Evaluation of Bahiagrass Selections ..................................... 145 Warm-Season Legume Hay or Soybean Meal Supplementation Effects on The Performance of Lambs ............................................................................. 149 Warm-Season Legume Haylage or Soybean Meal Supplementation Effects on the Performance of Lambs ............................................................................... 153 Annual Legumes to Complement Warm-Season Perennial Grass Forage Systems in North Florida ...................................................................................... 157 iv Table of Contents Case Study: Evaluation of Annual Cultivated Peanut as a Forage Crop for Grazing by Growing Beef Cattle .................................................................... 163 Effects of Forage Sampling Method on Nutritive Value of Bahiagrass During The Summer and Fall ............................................................................... 169 Effects of Forage Sampling Method on Nutritive Value of Bahiagrass During the Winter and Spring ............................................................................... 175 The use of trade names in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information. UF/IFAS does not guarantee or warranty the products named, and references to them in this publication does not signify our approval to the exclusion of other products of suitable composition. v vi ii Water Intake and Factors Affecting Water Intake of Growing Beef Cattle in North Florida Megan Brew1 Bob Myer Jeff Carter Matt Hersom Gary Hansen Water intake and the factors that affect water intake in growing beef were studied using a continuous data acquisition system. Water intake was positively correlated with average daily gain but had no relationship to feed efficiency. Established prediction equations were found to overestimate water intake Summary A study was conducted to measure water intake in growing beef cattle, to determine what factors influence, and are influenced by, water consumption, and to compare observed intakes to predicted intakes. Growing bulls, steers, and heifers (n=146; average starting weight of 607 lb) were housed in an open sided barn for a period of 13 wk from Sep 2006 through Dec 2006. Feed and water intake data was continually monitored by GrowSafe hardware and software. Cattle were weighed weekly. Mean water intake was 7.92 gal/d per heady or an average of 0.007 gal/lb of metabolic body weight (BW). Cattle of Brahman and Romosinuano breeding tended to consume less water than British and Continental influenced cattle at the same metabolic BW (P<0.05). There was no difference among bulls, steers, and heifers in either gross water intake or water intake per lb of metabolic BW. The mean daily temperature remained within the thermal neutral zone throughout the study and had no influence on water intake. Water intake was positively correlated (P<0.05) with feed intake and weight gain. There was no relationship between water intake and gain-to-feed ratio. Two common prediction equations were used to predict expected daily water intake. The predicted intakes were higher (P<0.05) than observed intakes. Introduction There has been very little research on beef cattle water intake. Water has been traditionally considered an inexpensive, readily available, and renewable natural resource. However, as human populations continue to soar, and major cities continue to grow at nearly exponential rates, this may not always be the case in the future. Water intake is poorly understood in beef cattle and differences that may exist between animals of different genders and breed types has not been clearly defined. A number of prediction equations have been developed to help estimate expected water intake in dairy and beef cattle. However, the equations were developed under varying circumstances and may or may not be accurate for all classes of cattle. The purpose of this study was to 1) measure water intake in growing beef cattle, 2) detect intake differences in water intake between animals of different genders and breed types, and 3) examine performance factors that affect or are affected by water intake. Additionally this 1 2009 Florida Beef Report Brainbridge, Ga), corn gluten feed (18.0%), and calcium carbonate (1%). The total CP was 17.3%, NEm was 0.16 Mcal/lb, NEg was 0.11 Mcal/lb, and Na was 0.12%. Water was available ad libitum. Following a two week adjustment period all cattle were weighed weekly (n=13). Ambient temperature was recorded by the Florida Automated Weather Network (FAWN) from the substation in Marianna. study tested the suitability of two prediction equations, the Murphy equation (Murphy et al., 1983) and the Hicks equation (Hicks et al., 1988), to predict water intake in growing Florida beef cattle. Procedures The study was conducted at the University of Florida’s North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC) at Marianna in northwest Florida. Growing beef steers (n=61), heifers (n=74), and bull calves (n=11) were housed at the NFREC Feed Efficiency barn for the duration of the study. This barn at the NFREC, Marianna, FL was designed for use with the GrowSafeTM system (GrowSafe Ltd, Airdrie, Alberta, Canada) and was used for this study. Each animal was fitted with a RFID ear tag prior to the beginning of the study. The pens in the barn are equipped GrowSafeTM feed bunkers and water troughs. Adjustable head gates allow only one animal to feed or drink at a time. When an animal inserts its head into the bunker or trough its RFID tag is automatically read by GrowSafeTM hardware. This system allows the measurement of feed and water intake of animals individually while being reared in groups. The barn is open-sided and the pens have concrete floors; sawdust bedding was used. Data were analyzed using SAS version 9.0 (SAS Inst, Inc., Cary, NC). The experimental unit was individual animal, rather than pen, as GrowSafeTM allows for individual measurements to be recorded. Variables measured included water intake, feed intake, water intake adjusted for metabolic BW , feed intake adjusted for metabolic BW, average daily gain (ADG), and gain-to-feed ratio ( G:F). For the determination of the effect of breed/breed composite, only those groups with eight or more animals were used. Using actual body weight, feed intake, feed composition, and weather data gathered during this study, the expected daily water intake for each animal was calculated using the Murphy et al. (1983) and the Hicks et al. equations (1988). These predicted intakes were then compared to actual intakes and means were separated statistically using a Student’s T Test. Twelve different breeds and breed composites were represented. Sire breeds used included Angus (AN), Brangus (BN), and Charolais (CH). Maternal breeds included BN, AN, Hereford x Angus (HFAN), Romosinuano (RS), Romosinuano x Angus (RA), Simmental (SM), Brangus x Hereford (BH,) and Simmental x Angus (SMAN). The resulting breeds and composites were; ANBN (n=13), BN (n=58), BNAN (n=13), BNHFAN (n=1), BNRS (n=18), BNRA (n=1), CHAN (n=8), CHBH (n=1), CHBN (n=15), CHRS (n=15), CHSM (n=1) and CHSMAN (n=2). Average starting weight was 607 ±147 lb/ head. Cattle were randomly assigned to pens of 15 to 20 head per pen. Results Mean water intake (WI) was 7.92 ± 2.26 gal/d per head. When adjusted for metabolic BW, cattle drank an average of 0.007 ± 0.002 gal/lb of metabolic BW. The cattle gained an average of 3.10 ± 2.27 lb/d per head and G: F was 0.14 ± 0.11 lb weight gain per lb of feed intake. The average daily temperature was 59 ± 14 F and remained within the thermal neutral zone (40 to 70 F) for the duration of the study. When adjusted for metabolic BW, CHAN cattle drank significantly more than all other breed composites (P< 0.05; Table 1). The BNAN cattle followed and drank more water per unit of metabolic BW than all other breeds except CHAN. The CHBN, BN, BNAN, CHRS and BNRS were similar (P>0.05) in adjusted water Cattle were allowed ad libitum access to a total mixed ration feed. The diet was composed of whole dry corn (38.0 %), soybean hulls (18.1%), cottonseed hulls (13.6%), Beefmaker 60 supplement (11.6%; Flint River Mills, 2 2009 Florida Beef Report intake, drinking less than CHAN and BNAN cattle (P<0.05). The BNRS cattle had the lowest intakes per unit of metabolic BW, but the average intake was not statistically different from average intakes of the CHBN, BN, BNAN, And CHRS groups. These results indicated that cattle with tropically adopted cattle breeding tended to consume less water than British and Continental influenced cattle at the same metabolic BW. there was no relationship between per unit of metabolic BW and G: F (P=0.7556; Table 3). When run through a regression equation, ADG was found to be a function of water intake adjusted for metabolic BW (R2=0.005) with a weak linear relationship. Average daily gain was slightly more linear in relation to gross water intake (R2=0.009). The strongest linear relationships existed between feed intake and water intake (R2 = 0.13), feed intake adjusted for metabolic BW and water intake adjusted for metabolic BW (R2=0.084), feed intake adjusted for metabolic BW and gross water intake (R2 = 0.055) and feed intake and water intake adjusted for metabolic BW (R2 = 0.014). Bulls, heifers, and steers were all similar in both gross and adjusted water intake (P>0.05; Table 2). Only a small number of bulls; however, were used in the comparison. Gross WI was related to ADG (P<0.0007) but was not correlated with G:F (P=0.5677; Table3). Cattle who consumed greater quantities of water gained more weight overall (P<0.05), but were not necessarily more or less efficient at doing so than cattle who consumed less water. When adjusted for metabolic BW, water intake was positively correlated with feed intake (P<0.0001), feed intake per unit of MBW (P<0.0001), and ADG (P=0.0164). Once again The mean observed water intake for all cattle was 7.9 gal/d per head. The Hicks equation (Hicks et al., 1988) predicted that they would consume 10.1gal/d per head while the Murphy equation (Murphy et al., 1983) predicted an intake of 13.2 gal/d per head. Thus, these two equations overestimated intake (P<0.05) by a factor of 2.2 and 5.3 gal/d per head, respectively. Literature Cited Hicks, R.B., F.N. Owens, D. Gill, J.J. Martin, and C.A. Strasia. 1988. Okla. Anim. Sci. Rpt. No. 125. Animal Sciences Dept, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. pp 208. Murphy, M.R., C.L. Davis, and G.C. McCoy. 1983. J. Dairy Sci. 66:35-43. Acknowledgements The assistance of Meghan Brennan, Don Jones, Harvey Standland, and Charles Nowell is greatly appreciated. 1 Megan Brew, former Graduate Student, Bob Myer, Professor, Jeff Carter, former Assistant Professor, and Gary Hansen, former Assistant Professor, UF-IFAS, North Florida Research and Education Center, Marianna, FL; and Matt Hersom, Assistant Professor, UF-IFAS, Department of Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL. 3 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Water intake by breed Breed Gross water intake gal/d 1,2 Water intake per MBW 1,3 a Charolais x Angus 11.2 0.011 a b Angus x Brangus 8.5 0.008 b Brangus 8.1 b 0.006 c b Charolais x Brangus 7.8 0.007c, b b Brangus x Angus 7.6 0.006 c c Brangus x Romosinuano 6.4 0.006 c c Charolais x Romosinuano 6.3 0.006 c 1 Within a column, means without a common superscript letter differ (p<0.05). 2 Gross water intake is expressed in gallons per head per day. 3 Water intake per MBW (metabolic body weight) is expressed as gallons per pound of metabolic BW per day per head. Table 2. Water intake by gender Gender Gross water intake, gal/d 1,2 Water intake per MBW 1,3 Bull 7.4a 0.006a a Steer 8.1 0.007a a Heifer 7.8 0.007a 1 Within a column, means without a common superscript letter differ (p<0.05). 2 Gross water intake is expressed in gallons per head per day. 3 Water intake per MBW (metabolic body weight) is expressed as gallons per pound of metabolic BW per day per head. Table 3. Significance (P Values) of correlations between water intake, feed intake, weight gain and feed efficiencya. FI FMB WI WMB ADG G:F FI <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0271 FMB <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0004 WI <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0007 0.5677 WMB <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0164 0.7556 ADG <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0007 0.0164 <0.0001 G:F <0.0001 <0.0004 0.5677 0.7556 <0.0001 a P values less than or equal to 0.05 are significant FI = feed intake per day FMB = Feed intake adjusted for metabolic body weight WMB = water intake adjusted for metabolic body weight ADG = average daily gain G:F = gain-to-feed ratio or feed efficiency 4 2009 Florida Beef Report Characterization of the Acute-Phase Protein Response Following Vaccination and Weaning in Beef Steers R. F. Cooke1 D. B. Araujo J. D. Arthington Vaccination with One Shot® stimulates a greater inflammatory response in Brahman x British steers compared to UltraBac® 7 and saline control, particularly during the 5 d following vaccination. Summary The objectives of this study were to assess the acute-phase protein response of beef steers following vaccination with two different vaccines, and to determine if this response is additive to weaning. Forty-eight Brahman x Angus steers (average age = 7 mo) were randomly assigned to one of six treatments in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement, including: weaning vs. non-weaning, and vaccination with One Shot® (2 mL), UltraBac® 7 (5 mL), or saline control (5 mL). Blood samples were collected on d 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, and 21, relative to weaning and vaccination, for determination of plasma concentrations of inflammatory acutephase proteins. During the course of the study, free-choice hay and a grain-based supplement (up to 10 lbs/steer daily) were offered to weaned steers, while non-weaned steers remained with their dams. Weaned steers had greater (P<0.05) ceruloplasmin concentrations on d 3, and greater haptoglobin concentrations on d 3 (P<0.01) and 5 (P<0.05) compared to nonweaned steers. Across weaning treatment, steers administered One Shot® had greater (P<0.01) fibrinogen concentrations on d 1, 3, and 5, greater (P<0.01) acid soluble protein concentrations on d 3, and greater (P<0.01) haptoglobin concentrations on d 1 and 3 compared to steers receiving UltraBac® 7 or saline control. Within weaned steers, those receiving One Shot® had greater (P<0.05) mean ceruloplasmin concentrations compared to steers receiving UltraBac® 7 or saline control. Data from this study imply that steers vaccinated with One Shot® experience a greater inflammatory response compared to steers vaccinated with UltraBac® 7 and saline control, and this response mainly occurs during the 5 d following vaccination. Further, additive effects of vaccination on weaning were only detected for plasma ceruloplasmin concentrations. Introduction The acute-phase response is a component of the innate body defense, and results in the production of a large and varied group of hepatic proteins (Carroll and Forsberg, 2007). These proteins, denominated acute-phase proteins (APP), are synthesized by the liver parenchymal cells and released into the bloodstream in response to several stressors, including local inflammation, bacterial infections, endotoxin injections, and physical injuries (Carroll and Forsberg, 2007). Recent research from our group indicated that elevated blood APP concentrations are detrimental to growth rates of cattle (Qiu et al., 2007); therefore, recognition of management procedures that stimulate the acutephase response, and search for alternatives to alleviate APP synthesis will benefit beef cattle productivity. In Florida’s cow-calf operations, stressful practices such as weaning, vaccination, and transportation of calves may occur together or in a short period of time. Weaning and shipping have been shown to stimulate the acute-phase response in cattle (Arthington et al., 2003; 5 2009 Florida Beef Report Arthington et al., 2005), whereas administration of vaccines containing adjuvants also increase blood concentrations of APP (Stokka et al., 1994). Therefore, calves vaccinated at weaning could exhibit additive effects on circulating APP concentrations. In addition, this increase may vary depending on the individual vaccine composition. Diagnostics BCA kit following plasma acidsoluble protein extraction as described by Nakajima et al., 1982). Data were analyzed using the PROC MIXED procedure of SAS (SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC). The model statement contained the effects of weaning treatment, vaccination treatment, d (for plasma APP analysis only), and the consequent interactions. Steer within weaning treatment by vaccination treatment was classified as the random variable. Steer was considered the experimental unit. Results are reported as LS means, and were separated using PDIFF. Pearson correlation coefficients among all APP and ADG were generated using the CORR procedure of SAS. Significance was set at P≤0.05, and tendencies were determined if P>0.05 and ≤0.10. Only significant interactions are reported. The objectives of this study was to assess the APP response of beef calves following vaccination with two different types of vaccines, and to determine if this response is additive to the weaning process. Materials and Methods Forty-eight Brahman x British crossbred steers were randomly allocated to one of the two weaning treatments: 1) Weaned calves or 2) Non-weaned calves, where weaned calves were separated from dams at the beginning of the study (d 0), whereas non-weaned calves remained with respective dams throughout the entire experimental period, with free access to bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) pasture. Steers were further randomly allocated within weaning treatments, in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement, to one of the three vaccination treatments: A) One Shot® (2 mL subcutaneous; Pfizer Animal Health, New York, NY), B) UltraBac® 7 (5 mL subcutaneous; Pfizer Animal Health), or C) Saline control (5 ml subcutaneous). Vaccination treatments were also applied on d 0 of the study. For weaned steers, stargrass (Cynodon nlemfuensis) hay was offered in amounts to ensure ad libitum intake together with grainbased supplement (72% TDN, 14% CP; DM basis), which was offered up to 10 lbs/steer daily. Full bodyweight (BW) was obtained on d 0 and at the end of the study (d 21) for average daily gain (ADG) calculation. Blood samples were collected via jugular venipuncture into sodiumheparinized Vacutainer tubes (Beckton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ) on d 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, and 21 for plasma collection and determination of fibrinogen (Sigma diagnostic procedure n° 880; Sigma Diagnostics, St. Louis, MO), ceruloplasmin (Demetriou et al., 1974), haptoglobin (Makimura and Suzuki, 1982), and acid soluble protein concentrations (ASP; Sigma Results Weaned steers had greater (P<0.01) ADG compared to non-weaned steers (0.94 vs. 0.51 lbs/d, respectively; SEM=0.09). This effect can be attributed to the fact that weaned steers had access to free-choice hay and grain-based supplements, whereas the major source of nutrients for non-weaned steers was low-quality pasture and milk. No effects on ADG were observed among vaccination treatments (Table 1). The present study, however, was mainly designed to evaluate the APP response of both vaccination and weaning treatments, and not growth rates. Steer ADG was calculated using full BW instead of shrunk BW to avoid the addition of another stress source. This, combined to the short duration of the experimental period (21 d), is not adequate to have an acceptable assessment of animal growth. A weaning treatment x day interaction was detected (P<0.01) for ceruloplasmin (Figure 1) and haptoglobin (Figure 2). Weaned steers had greater (P<0.05) ceruloplasmin concentrations on d 3, and greater haptoglobin concentrations d 3 (P<0.01) and d 5 (P<0.05) compared to nonweaned steers. These results support previous data from our research group indicating that the weaning process stimulates the acute-phase response in beef calves (Arthington et al., 2003; Arthington et al., 2005). 6 2009 Florida Beef Report Vaccination treatment x day interactions were detected (P<0.01), independently of weaning treatment, for fibrinogen, ASP, and haptoglobin analysis. Fibrinogen concentrations were greater (P<0.01; Figure 3) for One Shot® vaccinatedsteers compared to saline control and Ultra Bac® 7 vaccinated-steers on d 1, 3, and 5, and tended to be greater for One Shot® vaccinated-steers compared to saline control and Ultra Bac® 7 vaccinated-steers on d 7 (P=0.06 and 0.10, respectively). Concentrations of ASP were greater (P<0.01; Figure 4) for One Shot® vaccinated-steers compared to saline control and Ultra Bac® 7 vaccinated-steers on d 3, and tended to be greater for One Shot® vaccinatedsteers compared to saline control and Ultra Bac® 7 vaccinated-steers on d 5 (P=0.07 and 0.10, respectively). Haptoglobin concentrations were greater (P<0.01; Figure 5) for One Shot® vaccinated-steers compared to saline control and Ultra Bac® 7 vaccinated-steers on d 1 and 3, but greater for Ultra Bac® 7 vaccinated-steers compared to saline control (P<0.01) and One Shot® vaccinated-steers (P<0.05) on d 5. Within weaned steers only, mean ceruloplasmin concentrations during the study were greater (P<0.05) for One Shot® vaccinated-steers compared to saline control or Ultra Bac® 7 vaccinated-steers (Table 1). In conclusion, data from this study imply that steers vaccinated with One Shot® have greater inflammatory response compared to cohorts vaccinated with UltraBac® 7 or saline control, and this response is mainly observed during the following 5 d after vaccination. Additive effects between vaccination and weaning were only observed for plasma ceruloplasmin concentrations. Furthermore, significant positive correlations were observed among all APP; however none was negatively correlated herein with steer ADG. Correlation coefficients among concentrations of ceruloplasmin, fibrinogen, ASP, haptoglobin (all pooled across d) and ADG were determined among all steers (n=46) with Pearson correlation coefficient (Table 2). Significant positive correlations were observed among all APP. However, only haptoglobin was significantly correlated with ADG (P<0.05; Table 2), and this correlation was positive. Haptoglobin has been negatively associated with ruminal pH (Gozho et al., 2005; Gozho et al., 2006). Since ADG is associated positively with supplement intake (Vizcarra et al., 1998; Lapierre et al., 2000), and supplement intake is negatively correlated with rumen pH (Gozho et al., 2005; Gozho et al., 2006), it can be speculated that steers with greater haptoglobin concentrations were those that consumed more grain-based supplement, and consequently had lower ruminal pH but greater ADG. 7 2009 Florida Beef Report Literature Cited Arthington et al. 2003. J. Anim. Sci. 83:933-939. Arthington et al. 2005. J. Anim. Sci. 81:1136-1141. Carroll and Fosberg, 2007. Vet. Clin. Food. Anim. 23:105-149. Demetriou et al. 1974. Clinical Chemistry 857-864 Gozho et al. 2005. J. Dairy Sci. 88:1399-1403 Gozho et al. 2006. J. Dairy Sci. 89:4404-4413 Lapierre et al. 2000. J. Anim Sci. 78:1084-1099 Makimura and Suzuki. 1982. Jpn. J. Vet. Sci. 44:15-21. Stokka et al. 1994. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 204:415-419. Vizcarra et al. 1998. J. Anim Sci. 76:927-936 Qiu et al., 2007. J. Anim. Sci. 85:2367-2374 1 R. F. Cooke, Former Graduate Student; D. B. Araujo, Graduate Student; J. D. Arrthington, UFIFAS Range Cattle Research and Education Center, Ona, FL 8 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Average daily gain (ADG) and plasma ceruloplasmin concentrations of weaned or nonweaned steers, vaccinated with One Shot®, UltraBac® 7 or saline control a.b. ADG (lbs/d) c Ceruloplasmin (mg/100mL) One Shot® 1.03 ± 0.15 a 28.37 ± 1.34 a UltraBac® 7 0.94 ± 0.15 a 24.18 ± 1.35 b Saline control 0.85 ± 0.17 a 24.49 ± 1.45 b One Shot® 0.65 ± 0.17 a 25.80 ± 1.43 a UltraBac® 7 0.43 ± 0.16 a 26.01 ± 1.44 a Saline control 0.43 ± 0.15 a 24.13 ± 1.35 a Weaned steers Non-weaned steers a Values reported as mean ± standard error Within weaning treatment and variable, values with different letters differ (P < 0.05) c Calculated using initial (d 0) and final (d 21) full BW b Table 2. Correlations between plasma measurements and ADG of steers a. Item Ceruloplasmin Acid soluble protein Haptoglobin Acid soluble protein Fibrinogen 0.27 0.07 Haptoglobin Fibrinogen ADG b a b 0.45 0.41 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.33 0.35 0.52 < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.01 - 0.05 0.11 0.31 -0.03 0.72 0.46 < 0.05 0.81 Upper row = correlation coefficients. Lower row = P–values. Calculated using initial (d 0) and final (d 21) full BW 9 2009 Florida Beef Report Figure 1. Plasma ceruloplasmin concentrations of weaned and non-weaned steers. A weaning treatment x day interaction was detected (P < 0.01). Daily comparison between weaning treatments; * P < 0.05. 40.0 Ceruloplasmin, mg/100mL 35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 Weaned 0 1 3 5 7 10 Day of Study 14 Non-weaned 21 Figure 2. Plasma haptoglobin concentrations of weaned or non-weaned steers. A weaning treatment x day interaction was detected (P < 0.01). Daily comparison between weaning treatments; * P < 0.05, and ** P < 0.01. Haptoglobin, Abs @ 450 nm (x 100) 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 Weaned 0 1 3 Non-weaned 5 7 10 14 21 Day of Study 10 2009 Florida Beef Report Figure 3. Plasma fibrinogen concentrations of steers vaccinated with One Shot®, UltraBac® 7, or saline control. A vaccination treatment x day interaction was detected (P < 0.01). Daily comparison among vaccination treatments: ** One Shot® vs. Ultra Bac® 7 and saline control (P < 0.01); † One Shot® vs. Ultra Bac® 7 and saline control (P = 0.06 and 0.10, respectively). 500.0 Fibrinogen, mg/100mL 450.0 400.0 350.0 300.0 250.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 One Shot® 0 1 3 5 7 UltraBac® 7 10 Saline Control 14 21 Day of Study 11 2009 Florida Beef Report Figure 4. Plasma acid soluble protein concentrations of steers vaccinated with One Shot®, UltraBac® 7, or saline control. A vaccination treatment x day interaction was detected (P < 0.01). Daily comparison among vaccination treatments: ** One Shot® vs. Ultra Bac® 7 and saline control (P < 0.01); † One Shot® vs. Ultra Bac® 7 and saline control (P = 0.07 and 0.10, respectively). Acid Soluble Protein, mg/100mL 180.0 160.0 140.0 120.0 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 One Shot® 0.0 0 1 3 5 7 UltraBac® 7 10 Saline Control 14 21 Day of Study Figure 5. Plasma haptoglobin concentrations of steers vaccinated with One Shot®, UltraBac® 7, or saline control. A vaccination treatment x day interaction was detected (P < 0.01). Daily comparison among vaccination treatments: ** One Shot® vs. Ultra Bac® 7 and saline control (P < 0.01); * Ultra Bac® 7 vs. One Shot® and saline control (P < 0.05 and 0.01, respectively). Haptoglobin, Abs @ 450 nm (x 100) 0.10 0.09 One Shot® 0.08 Saline Control UltraBac® 7 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 0 1 3 5 7 10 14 21 Day of Study 12 2009 Florida Beef Report Effects of Acclimation to Handling on Performance, Reproductive, and Physiological Responses of Brahman-crossbred Heifers R. F. Cooke1 B. R. Austin J. V. Yelich J. D. Arthington Acclimation to human handling after weaning hastened the onset of puberty in Brahman-crossbred heifers. Summary The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of acclimation to human handling on growth, plasma concentrations of cortisol, and puberty attainment of Brahman-crossbred heifers. Over two consecutive yr, 37 Braford and 43 Brahman × Angus heifers were assigned randomly to receive or not the acclimation treatment within 30 d after weaning. The acclimation process consisted of bringing heifers to the cowpens three times weekly during four consecutive wk, where heifers were exposed to common handling practices and returned to pastures within 2 h. Heifers were maintained in bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) pastures and received a blend of soybean hulls and cottonseed meal at a daily rate of 6.0 lbs of DM per heifer during the experiment (d 0 to 130). Blood samples were collected prior to and at the end of the acclimation process for determination of cortisol concentrations. Puberty status was assessed monthly during the experiment. Acclimated heifers had decreased (P<0.05) average daily gain (ADG) compared to control heifers (1.1 vs. 1.3 lbs/d, respectively). Attainment of puberty, however, was hastened (P<0.01) for acclimated heifers. Further, acclimated heifers had reduced cortisol concentrations compared to control heifers after the acclimation period (3.8 vs. 5.1 μg/dL, respectively). Results from this experiment indicated that although acclimation decreased body weight gain, it enhanced the attainment of puberty in Brahman-crossbred heifers. Introduction Age at puberty is influenced by breed type, and heifers containing Brahman breeding typically reach puberty after 15 mo of age (Plasse et al., 1968; Rodrigues et al., 2002). In addition to this genetic effect, Brahman-crossbred heifers are often described as temperamental, and this trait is expected to further negatively influence their reproductive function (Plasse et al., 1970). Cattle with excitable temperament experience stimulated secretion and circulating concentrations of ACTH and cortisol (Curley et al., 2008). These hormones directly impair the mechanisms responsible for puberty establishment of heifers, such as synthesis and release of gonadotropins (Li and Wagner, 1983; Dobson et al., 2000). However, acclimation of beef females to handling has been reported to alleviate these negative physiological effects of temperament on reproduction (Echternkamp, 1984). Based on these previous observations, we hypothesized that Brahman-crossbred heifers exposed to handling acclimation procedures after weaning would experience improved temperament, alleviated adrenal steroidogenesis, and enhanced reproductive performance. The objectives of the present experiment were to compare growth, temperament, plasma 13 2009 Florida Beef Report measurements, puberty attainment and pregnancy rates of Brahman × Angus and Braford heifers exposed or not to acclimation procedures. Diagnostic Products Inc., Los Angeles, CA). All samples were analyzed in duplicates. Heifer temperament scores were also obtained on d 40, following blood collection and ultrasonography exam, to evaluate treatment effects. Heifer temperament was assessed by pen score, chute score, and chute exit velocity. Chute score was assessed by a single technician based on a 5-point scale, where 1 = calm, no movement, and 5 = violent and continuous struggling. For pen score assessment, heifers exited the chute and entered a pen containing a single technician, and were assigned a score on a 5-point scale, where 1 = unalarmed and unexcited, and 5 = very excited and aggressive toward the technician in a manner that requires evasive action to avoid contact between the technician and heifer. Exit velocity was assessed by determining the speed of the heifer exiting the squeeze chute by measuring rate of travel over a 1.5-m distance with an infrared sensor (FarmTek Inc., North Wylie, TX). Further, within each assessment d (d 10 and 40), heifers were divided in quintiles according to their exit velocity, and assigned a score from 1 to 5 (exit score; 1 = slowest heifers; 5 = fastest heifers). Individual temperament scores were calculated by averaging heifer chute score, pen score, and exit score. Materials and Methods Over two consecutive yr, 37 Braford (37.5% Brahman + 62.5% Hereford) and 43 Brahman × Angus (approximately 25% Brahman) heifers were initially evaluated for puberty status via trans-rectal ultrasonography (d 0 and 10) and for temperament by measurements of chute score, pen score, and exit velocity (d 10) within 30 d after weaning. On d 10, heifers were stratified by puberty status, temperament and body weight (BW), and randomly assigned to control or acclimation treatment. Heifers were maintained in bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) pastures and received a blend of soybean hulls and cottonseed meal at a daily rate of 6.0 lbs of DM per heifer throughout the experimental period (d 0 to 130). The acclimation process (d 11 to 39) consisted of bringing heifers to the cowpens three times weekly, where heifers were exposed to common handling practices and returned to pastures within two h. Heifer shrunk (after 16 h of feed and water restriction) BW was collected on d 1 and 192 for calculation of heifer ADG during the experiment. Heifer puberty status, evaluated via plasma progesterone concentrations and trans-rectal ultrasonography, was assessed on d 40 and 50, d 80 and 90, and d 120 and 130. Heifers were considered pubertal once a corpus luteum and plasma progesterone concentrations greater than 1.5 ng/mL (Cooke et al., 2007) were concurrently detected in one or both evaluations performed on a 10-d interval. Growth, temperament, and physiological data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS (SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC). The model statement contained the effects of treatment, breed, time variables (when appropriate), and consequent interactions. Data were analyzed using heifer(breed × treatment × yr) as random variable. Results are reported as LS means and were separated using LSD. Puberty data were analyzed with the GLM and LOGISTIC procedure of SAS. The model statement contained the effects of treatment, breed, time of estimated puberty establishment, year, and the appropriate interactions. Significance was set at P≤0.05 and tendencies were determined if P> 0.05 and ≤0.10. Blood samples collected prior to (d 10) and at the end of the acclimation process (d 40) were also evaluated for plasma cortisol concentrations. Blood samples were collected via jugular venipuncture into commercial blood collection tubes (Vacutainer, 10 mL; Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ) containing sodium heparin, placed on ice immediately, and centrifuged at 2,400 × g for 30 min for plasma collection. Plasma was frozen at -20°C on the same d of collection. Concentrations of progesterone and cortisol were determined using Coat-A-Count solid phase 125I RIA kits (DPC Results Acclimated heifers had reduced (P<0.01) ADG compared with control heifers (1.1 vs. 1.3 lbs/d 14 2009 Florida Beef Report respectively; SEM=0.04). Given that both treatment groups were provided similar pastures and supplements during the experiment, treatment effects on ADG can be attributed to the additional exercise that acclimated heifers were exposed to during the acclimation period. During each acclimation event, heifers had to walk nearly 1.3 miles in addition to the activity inside the handling facility, whereas control heifers remained on their pasture. A treatment effect was also detected (P<0.05) for puberty attainment. Although age at puberty in cattle is highly determined by BW and growth rate (Schillo et al., 1992), heifers exposed to acclimation procedures reached puberty sooner than control heifers despite their reduced ADG (Figure 1). mechanisms by which acclimation procedures hastened puberty attainment regardless of decreased ADG remain unclear. Based on our hypothesis, it can be speculated that reduced cortisol concentrations in acclimated heifers facilitated the initiation of the physiological events required for puberty attainment, particularly the first ovulatory LH surge (Smith and Dobson, 2002). Although concentrations of cortisol were only evaluated when heifers were handled and restrained for blood collection, one can speculate that acclimated heifers also had reduced cortisol concentrations compared to control heifers on a daily basis given that heifers from both groups were often exposed to brief human interaction, particularly because of feeding and traffic of personnel/vehicles within the research station. Still, additional research should be conducted to further address these assumptions. Acclimated heifers had reduced (P<0.01) cortisol concentrations compared with control heifers after the acclimation period (3.8 vs. 5.1 μg/dL; SEM=0.17; Figure 2). Supporting our results, previous research indicated that acclimation of cattle to handling procedures was an alternative to prevent elevated concentrations of cortisol in response to handling stress (Crookshank et al., 1979; Andrade et al., 2001; Curley et al., 2006). However, no treatment effects were detected for temperament scores (Table 1), although acclimated heifers had reduced chute score (P<0.01) compared with control heifers after the acclimation period (Table 1). Further, all measurements of temperament were positively correlated to each other, and also to cortisol concentrations (P<0.01; Table 2). The positive correlations detected among measurements of temperament and cortisol concentrations reported herein were also described by others (Stahringer et al. 1990; Fell et a., 1999; Curley et al., 2006), suggesting that these three measurements of cattle behavior during handling can be used as indicators of temperament and also denote the amount of stress that the animal is experiencing (Thun et al., 1998; Sapolsky et al., 2000). In conclusion, results from this experiment indicate that acclimation of Brahman-crossbred heifers to handling procedures and human interaction reduced ADG because of the additional exercise that heifers were exposed to, but alleviated adrenal steroidogenesis and hastened onset of puberty. Therefore, acclimation of Brahman × Angus and Braford replacement heifers to human handling after weaning may be an alternative to enhance their reproductive development, and increase the efficiency of heifer development programs in cow-calf operations containing Brahmaninfluenced cattle. Supporting our main hypothesis and rationale, acclimated heifers in the present experiment had reduced cortisol concentrations, decreased chute score, and hastened onset of puberty compared with non-acclimated cohorts. Nevertheless, the 15 2009 Florida Beef Report Literature Cited Andrade et al. 2001. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 71:175-181. Cooke et al. 2007. J. Anim. Sci. 85:2564-2574. Crookshank et al. 1979. J. Anim. Sci. 48:430-435. Curley et al. 2006. J. Anim. Sci. 84:3100-3103. Curley et al. 2008. Horm. Behav. 53:20-27. Dobson et al. J. Reprod. Fertil. 120:405-410. Echternkamp. 1984. Theriogenology 22:305-311. Fell et al. 1999. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. 39:795-802. Li and Wagner. 1983. Biol. Reprod 29:25-37. Plasse et al. 1968. J. Anim. Sci. 27:94-100. Plasse et al. 1970. J. Anim. Sci. 30:63-72. Rodrigues et al. 2002. Biol. Reprod. 66:603-609. Sapolsky et al. 2000. Endocr. Rev. 21:55-89. Schillo et al. 1992. J. Anim. Sci. 70:3994-4005. Smith and Dobson. 2002. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. 23:75-85. Stahringer et al. 1990. Theriogenology 34:393-406. Thun et al. 1998. Reprod. Dom. Anim. 33:255-260. 1 R. F. Cooke, Former Graduate Student; B. R. Austin, Graduate Student; J. V. Yelich, Associate Professor, UF- IFAS Animal Sciences , Gainesville, FL ; J. D. Arthington, UF-IFAS Range Cattle Research and Education Center, Ona, FL 16 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Temperament measurements, obtained after the acclimation period, of heifers exposed or not (control) to handling acclimation procedures. 1 Item Acclimated 1 Control SEM P-Value Temperament score 2.46 2.48 0.096 0.93 Chute score 1.37 1.84 0.091 < 0.01 Pen score 2.85 2.72 0.137 0.51 Exit velocity, m/s 2.91 2.74 0.148 0.43 Values reported are covariately adjusted means. Table 2. Pearson correlation coefficients among measurements of temperament and plasma cortisol concentrations of heifers. 1 Item 1 Cortisol Chute score Chute score 0.44 < 0.01 Exit velocity 0.55 < 0.01 0.46 < 0.01 Pen score 0.48 < 0.01 0.40 < 0.01 Exit velocity 0.69 < 0.01 Upper row = correlation coefficients. Lower row = P–values. 17 2009 Florida Beef Report 100 Acclimated 90 Control Pubertal heifer, % 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 d 0 and 10 d 40 and 50 d 80 and 90 d 120 and 130 Figure 1. Puberty attainment of heifers exposed or not (control) to handling acclimation procedures (d 11 to 39). Heifers were considered pubertal once a corpus luteum and plasma P4 concentrations greater than 1.5 ng/mL were concurrently detected in one or both evaluations performed on a 10-d interval. A treatment effect was detected (P=0.02; SEM=6.5). 7 Acclimated Control Plasma cortisol, μg/dL 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Pre-acclimation (d 10) Post-acclimation (d 40) Figure 2. Plasma cortisol concentrations of heifers exposed or not (control) to handling acclimation procedures (d 11 to 39). Samples collected on d 10 served as covariate, therefore results reported for d 40 are covariately adjusted least square means. Acclimated heifers had reduced (P<0.01; SEM=0.17) concentrations of cortisol compared to control heifers on d 40. 18 2009 Florida Beef Report Effects of Excitable Temperament and its Physiological Consequences on Reproductive Performance of Brahman-crossbred Cows R. F. Cooke1 D. B. Araujo G. C. Lamb J. D. Arthington Measurements and physiologic responses associated with cow temperament, acute phase response, and energy status influence the probability of Brahman-crossbred cows to become pregnant during the breeding season Summary The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of cow temperament, acute phase response, and energy status on the probability of Brahman-crossbred cows to become pregnant during the breeding season. Over two consecutive yr, 160 Braford and 235 Brahman × British cows were exposed to mature Angus bulls during a 90-d breeding season. Prior to the beginning of breeding, cows were evaluated for body condition score (BCS) and temperament, while blood samples were obtained for determination of plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), cortisol, ceruloplasmin and haptoglobin. During year 1, probability of pregnancy during the breeding season increased linearly (P<0.05) as temperament score and concentrations of ceruloplasmin, haptoglobin, and cortisol (Braford cows only) decreased, whereas BCS and IGF-I concentrations affected the probability of pregnancy quadratically (P<0.05). During year 2, probability of pregnancy increased linearly (P<0.05) as concentrations of ceruloplasmin and haptoglobin decreased, whereas BCS, temperament score, and concentrations of cortisol and IGF - I affected the probability of pregnancy quadratically (P<0.05). These results suggest that measurements and physiologic responses associated with temperament, health, and energy status influence the probability of cows to become pregnant during the breeding season. Introduction The major objective of cow-calf production systems is to produce one calf per cow annually. Ovulation of a competent oocyte determines the length of the postpartum interval and also the fertility of beef cows during the breeding season (Short et al., 1990). Follicle size and LH pulsatility are major factors responsible for a successful ovulation (Roche, 2006); therefore, alternatives to stimulate GnRH delivery to the pituitary, and anticipate/enhance the ovulatory LH surge are options to maximize reproductive performance of beef cows (Day, 1994). Several factors are known to influence GnRH and gonadotropin synthesis in cattle. Cattle with excitable temperament often experience stimulated secretion and circulating concentrations of ACTH and cortisol (Curley et al., 2008), and these hormones directly impair 19 2009 Florida Beef Report synthesis and release of GnRH and gonadotropins (Li and Wagner, 1983; Dobson et al., 2000). Animals under inflammatory processes, such as the acute phase response, may also experience impaired GnRH and gonadotropin production (Peter et al., 1989; Battaglia et al., 2000; Williams et al., 2001). Additionally, energy intake and level of body reserves directly modulate circulating concentrations of IGF-I (Wettemann et al., 2003), which in turn may enhance GnRH and gonadotropin synthesis, and also potentiate the effects of gonadotropins in the ovary (Spicer and Stewart, 1996; Wettemann et al., 2003). Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the probability of cows to become pregnant during the breeding season, according to BCS, temperament score, and concentrations of IGF-I, cortisol, and acute phase proteins assessed at the beginning of breeding. slowest cows; 5 = fastest cows). Individual temperament scores were calculated by averaging cow chute score, pen score, and exit score. Blood samples were collected via jugular venipuncture into commercial blood collection tubes (Vacutainer, 10 mL; Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ) containing sodium heparin, placed on ice immediately, and centrifuged at 2,400 × g for 30 min for plasma collection. Plasma was frozen at -20°C on the same day of collection. Concentrations of cortisol were determined using a Coat-A-Count solid phase 125 I RIA kit (DPC Diagnostic Products Inc., Los Angeles, CA). A double antibody RIA was used to determine concentrations and IGF-I (Badinga et al., 1991; Cooke et al., 2007). Concentrations of ceruloplasmin were determined according to procedures described by Demetriou et al. (1974). Concentrations of haptoglobin were determined by measuring haptoglobin/hemoglobin complex by the estimation of differences in peroxidase activity (Makimura and Suzuki, 1982). Materials and Methods Over two consecutive years, 160 Braford and 235 Brahman × British cows were evaluated for BCS (emaciated = 1, obese = 9; Wagner et al., 1988) and plasma concentrations of IGF-I, cortisol, ceruloplasmin, and haptoglobin at the beginning of the breeding season. Cows were exposed to mature Angus bulls for 90-d, whereas bull to cow ratio was, respectively, 1:20 for both breed types. The probability of cows to become pregnant during the breeding season was determined with the GLM and LOGISTIC procedures of SAS. The GLM procedure was utilized to determine if each individual measurement influenced pregnancy rates linearly, quadratically, and/or cubically. If multiple continuous order effects were significant, the effect with the greatest Fvalue was selected. The LOGISTIC procedure was utilized to determine the intercept and slope(s) values according to maximum likelihood estimates from the significant effect selected, and the probability of pregnancy was determined according to the equation: Probability = (e logistic equation) / (1 + e logistic equation). Logistic curves were constructed according to the minimum and maximum values detected for each individual measurement. Cow temperament was assessed by pen score, chute score, and exit velocity. Chute score was assessed by a single technician based on a 5point scale, where 1 = calm, no movement, and 5 = violent and continuous struggling. For pen score assessment, cows exited the chute and entered a pen containing a single technician, and were assigned a score on a 5-point scale, where 1 = unalarmed and unexcited, and 5 = very excited and aggressive toward the technician in a manner that requires evasive action to avoid contact between the technician and cow. Exit velocity was assessed by determining the speed of the cow exiting the squeeze chute by measuring rate of travel over a 1.5-m distance with an infrared sensor (FarmTek Inc., North Wylie, TX). Further, cows were divided in quintiles according to their exit velocity, and assigned a score from 1 to 5 (exit score; 1 = Results The probability of cows to become pregnant, according to measurements obtained at the beginning of the breeding season, was evaluated within each year because mean days post-partum across breeds at the onset of breeding differed (P<0.01) from yr 1 to yr 2 (88 vs. 34 d, 20 2009 Florida Beef Report respectively; SEM=1.5). Plasma IGF-I concentrations and cow BCS affected quadratically (P<0.01) the probability of pregnancy during both yr (Figure 1). These results indicate that reduced or excessive energy status is detrimental to reproductive performance of cattle, as reported by others (Armstrong et al., 2001; Bilby et al., 2006; Cooke et al., 2008b). Cow temperament score and plasma cortisol concentrations affected the probability of pregnancy linearly (P=0.03) during yr 1, and quadratically (P<0.01) during yr 2 (Figure 2). These results suggest that excitable temperament and consequent elevated cortisol concentrations (Curley et al., 2008) are detrimental to reproductive function of cows. Concurring with our findings, Plasse et al. (1970) reported that excitable temperament influences negatively the reproductive performance of beef females. Additionally, as observed in yr 2, reduced cortisol concentrations and temperament score during the early postpartum period may denote health disorders that negatively affect cattle reproduction, such as lethargy, lameness (Sprecher et al., 1997), and immunosuppresion (Goff, 2006). Plasma concentrations of ceruloplasmin and haptoglobin affected the probability of pregnancy linearly during yr 1 (P<0.01 and =0.04, respectively) and yr 2 (P=0.01; Figure 3), suggesting and supporting previous data indicating that the acute phase response is detrimental to reproductive function of livestock (Peter et al., 1989; Battaglia et al., 2000; Williams et al., 2001). In conclusion, results from this study indicate that measurements and physiologic responses associated with cow temperament, acute phase response, and energy status influenced the probability of cows to become pregnant during the breeding season. Therefore, management strategies that improve cow disposition, enhance their immune status, and maintain the cowherd at adequate levels of nutrition are required for optimal reproductive performance of Brahmancrossbred cows, and consequent productivity of cow-calf operations containing these types of cattle. 21 2009 Florida Beef Report Literature Cited Armstrong et al. 2001. Biol. Reprod. 64:1624-1632. Badinga et al. 1991. J. Anim. Sci. 69:1925-1934. Battaglia et al. 2000. Biol. Reprod. 62:45-53. Bilby et al. 2006. J. Dairy Sci. 89:3360-3374. Cooke and Arthington. 2008. Prof. Anim. Sci. 24:264-268. Cooke et al. 2007. J. Anim. Sci. 85:2564-2574. Curley et al. 2008. Horm. Behav. 53:20-27. Day. 2004. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 82-83:487-494. Demetriou et al. 1974. Clinical Chemistry 857-864 Dobson et al. J. Reprod. Fertil. 120:405-410. Goff. 2006. J. Dairy Sci. 89:1292-1301. Li and Wagner. 1983. Biol. Reprod 29:25-37. Makimura and Suzuki. 1982. Jpn. J. Vet. Sci. 44:15-21. Peter el al. 1989. Am. J. Vet. Res. 50:368-373. Plasse et al. 1970. J. Anim. Sci. 30:63-72. Spicer and Stewart. 1996. Biol. Reprod. 54:255-263. Sprecher et al. 1997. Theriogenology 47:1179-1187. Wagner et al. 1988. J. Anim. Sci. 66:603-612. Wettemann et al. 2003. J. Anim. Sci. 81(E. Suppl. 2):E48-E59. Williams et al. 2001. Endocrinology 142:1915-1922. 1 R. F. Cooke, Former Graduate Student; D. B. Araujo, Graduate Student; G. C. Lamb, Associate Professor, UF- IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center, Marianna FL; J. D. Arthington, UF-IFAS Range Cattle Research and Education Center, Ona, FL 22 2009 Florida Beef Report 100 Year 1 90 Year 2 80 70 60 50 40 Probability of pregnancy, % 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BCS 100 Year 1 90 Year 2 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Plasma IGF-I, ng/mL Figure 1. Effects of BCS (emaciated = 1, obese = 9; Wagner et al., 1988) and plasma IGF-I concentrations, assessed at the beginning of the breeding season, on the probability of Brahman-crossbred cows to become pregnant. A quadratic effect was detected during yr 1 and 2 for BCS (P<0.01) and plasma IGF-I (P=0.02 and <0.01, respectively). 23 2009 Florida Beef Report 100 90 80 70 60 Probability of pregnancy, % 50 40 30 20 10 Year 1 Year 2 0 1 2 3 Temperament Score 4 5 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Year 1 0 0 Figure 2 1 2 Year 2 3 4 5 6 Plasma cortisol, μg/dL 7 8 9 Effects of temperament score and plasma cortisol concentrations, assessed at the beginning of the breeding season, on the probability of Brahman × British and Braford cows to become pregnant. For temperament score, a linear effect (P=0.03) and a quadratic effect (P<0.01) were detected for both breeds during yr 1 and 2, respectively. For plasma cortisol, a linear effect was detected (P=0.04) for Braford cows during yr 1, whereas a quadratic effect was detected (P=0.02) for both breeds during yr 2. 24 2009 Florida Beef Report 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 Probability of pregnancy, % 30 20 10 Year 1 0 0 5 Year 2 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Plasma ceruloplasmin, mg/dL 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Year 1 0 0 1 2 Year 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Plasma haptoglobin, 450 nm × 100 Figure 3. Effects of plasma ceruloplasmin and haptoglobin concentrations, assessed at the beginning of the breeding season, on the probability of Brahman-crossbred cows to become pregnant. A linear effect was detected during yr 1 and 2 for plasma ceruloplasmin (P<0.01 and =0.01, respectively) and haptoglobin (P=0.04 and =0.01, respectively). 25 2009 Florida Beef Report 26 2009 Florida Beef Report Effects of Day of Cycle at Initiation of a Select Synch/CIDR + Timed-artificial Insemination Protocol in Suckled Angus and Brangus Cows Regina Esterman1 Brad Austin Steaven Woodall Erin McKinniss Joel Yelich In anestrous cows, synchronized pregnancy rates were similar for Angus and Brangus cows, as well as for cows that ovulated to GnRH on d 0 and cows that failed to ovulate to GnRH on d 0. In estrous cycling cows, day of the estrous cycle at initiation of the Select Synch/CIDR + timed-artificial insemination protocol affected ovulation rate and ovulatory follicle sizes on d 0, estrous response, conception rate, timed-AI pregnancy rate, and synchronized pregnancy rate. Synchronized pregnancy rates were similar for both anestrous and estrous cycling cows, regardless of whether they ovulated to GnRH on d 0 or failed to ovulate to GnRH on d 0 of the synchronization protocol. Summary Postpartum Angus (n=37) and Brangus (n=37) cows were used to evaluate cycling status and day of estrous cycle (DOC) effects at initiation of a Select Synch/CIDR + timed artificial insemination (AI) protocol on ovulation rate, follicle development, and pregnancy rates. The experiment was conducted in two phases (phase 1=anestrous, phase 2=estrous cycling). Anestrous cows were selected to have either ovulated to GnRH on d 0 (n=6 Angus, n=6 Brangus) or not ovulated to GnRH on d 0 (n=6 Angus, n=6 Brangus). Estrous cycling cows were pre-synchronized to be d 2, 6, 10, 14, and 18 DOC on d 0 of synchronization (Angus=5; Brangus=5 per DOC group). In phase 1, anestrous cows had similar (P>0.05) ovulatory follicle sizes for Angus (12.7 ± 0.7 mm) and Brangus (13.7 ± 0.7 mm). Total ovulation rate following PGF2α was similar (P>0.05) for Angus (83.3%) and Brangus (91.7%), as well as for cows that ovulated to GnRH (91.7%) and failed to ovulate to GnRH (83.8%). Estrous response (ER) tended (P=0.17) to be greater for Brangus (41.7%) compared to Angus (16.7%). Cows that ovulated to GnRH also tended (P=0.17) to have a greater ER compared to cows that failed to ovulated to GnRH (16.7%). Conception rate (CR) was similar (P>0.05) for Angus (50.0%) and Brangus (40.0%) cows, but cows that ovulated to GnRH (60.0%) tended (P=0.09) to have a greater CR compared to cows that failed to ovulate to GnRH (0.0%). Timed-AI pregnancy rate (TAIPR) was similar (P>0.05) for Angus (30.0%) and Brangus (42.9%), but TAIPR tended (P=0.11) to be greater for cows that failed to ovulate to GnRH (50.0%) compared to cows that ovulated to GnRH (14.3%). Synchronized pregnancy rates were similar (P>0.05) for both Angus (33.3%) and Brangus (41.7%), as well as for cows that ovulated to GnRH (33.3%) and failed to ovulate to GnRH (41.7%). In phase 2, breed had no effect (P>0.05) on ovulation rate to GnRH (Angus=56%; Brangus=52%) and ovulatory follicle size on d 0 (Angus=13.9 ± 1.8 mm; Brangus=14.1 ± 2.4 mm). Day of cycle affected (P<0.05) ovulation rate to GnRH and ovulatory follicle size. Estrous response was greater (P<0.05) for Brangus (48%) compared to Angus (28%), but CR, TAIPR, and SPR were similar (P>0.05) for Angus and Brangus. However, DOC affected (P<0.05) ER, CR, TAIPR, and 27 2009 Florida Beef Report SPR for DOC groups. Materials & Methods The experiment was conducted from March to June of 2007 at the University of Florida, Department of Animal Sciences, Santa Fe Beef Research Unit in two phases (phase 1=anestrous, phase 2=estrous cycling). Postpartum lactating Angus (n=37) and Brangus (n=37) cows were utilized. For the first phase of the experiment, on d -12 and -2 blood samples were collected for the evaluation of progesterone concentrations to determine estrous cycling status. A cow was deemed to have estrous cycles (cycling) if either sample had progesterone concentrations ≥ 1 ng/mL, and anestrous (noncycling) if progesterone concentrations were < 1 ng/mL at both samples. Only cows determined to be anestrous were utilized for the first phase of the experiment. Day 0 was designated as the start of the synchronization protocol. At the start of phase 1 synchronization, Angus and Brangus cows, respectively, were 2 yr of age, body weight 1,038 ± 31 lb and 1,025 ± 31 lb, body condition score (1=emaciated, 9=obese) 5.0 ± 0.1 and 5.2 ± 0.1, and 72.0 ± 4.6 d and 61.5 ± 4.6 d. For phase 2, Angus and Brangus cows, respectively, were 5.3 ± 2.4 y and 3.6 ± 1.1 y of age, body weight 1,192 ± 95 lb and 1,188 ± 139 lb, body condition score 5.3 ± 0.4 and 5.4 ± 0.5, and d postpartum 59.2 ± 2.4 d and 54.7 ± 11.1 d. Introduction Inclusion of GnRH at the start of a synchronization protocol causes ovulation of follicles greater than 10 mm in diameter. By ovulating the largest follicle present, the cow will begin a new wave of follicle growth. With a new wave of follicle growth, follicle development can be better synchronized within a group of cows. By synchronizing both follicle development and luteal lifespan (using PGF2α), a more synchronous estrus can be achieved following PGF2α administration. Due to differences in a cow’s length of estrous cycle and number of follicular waves, predicting when GnRH will be most effective can be a challenge. GnRH is effective once a dominant follicle reaches 10 mm in diameter and continues until the follicle either ovulates on its own or becomes atretic and regresses in preparation for the next follicular wave. Across all stages of the estrous cycle, it is estimated that 60 to 70% of Bos taurus cows will ovulate to GnRH. Cattle of Bos indicus breeding are known to frequently have a greater number of follicular waves and more variability to their length of estrous cycle. With greater numbers of follicular waves, the windows of opportunity for GnRH to be effective are shortened. However, recent research from our lab would suggest that ovulation rates in cattle of Bos indicus breeding are at or slightly below that of Bos taurus cattle. In phase 1 (anestrous cows), on d 0 of the experiment, all cows received GnRH (100 µg; i.m., Cystorelin®, Merial) and a new CIDR (1.38 g; Eazi-Breed™ CIDR®, Pfizer Animal Health). On d 2, ovulation status to GnRH was evaluated and cows that ovulated to GnRH (n=6) and cows that failed to ovulate to GnRH (n=6) within each breed group were selected to continue on the experiment. On d 7, the CIDR was removed and cows received PGF2α (25 mg, i.m., Lutalyse , Pfizer Animal Health). Therefore, the objectives of this experiment were to: 1) evaluate follicle development following ovulation or no ovulation to GnRH in anestrous Angus and Brangus cows, 2) evaluate luteolysis, estrous characteristics, and pregnancy rates following ovulation or no ovulation to GnRH in anestrous Angus and Brangus cows, 3) determine ovulation rates to GnRH in cycling Angus and Brangus cows known to be on d 2, 6, 10, 14, & 18 of their estrous cycles, and 4) evaluate luteolysis, estrous characteristics, and pregnancy rates following the Select Synch/CIDR + timed-AI protocol in cycling Angus and Brangus cows known to be on d 2, 6, 10, 14, & 18 of their estrous cycles. In phase 2 (estrous cycling cows), cows were pre-synchronized using a 7 d CIDR with PGF2α on d 7 to be on either d 2, 6, 10, 14, or 18 of their estrous cycle (DOC) at the start of synchronization. Following PGF2α in the presynchronization, estrous was detected visually with the aid of estrous detection patches (Estrotect™, Rockway, Inc.) and the day each cow displayed estrus was determined to be d 0 28 2009 Florida Beef Report of that cow’s estrous cycle. Pre-synchronization groups were staggered over several weeks prior to the synchronization in order for all cows to began the synchronization on the same day. On d 0 of synchronization, all cows received GnRH and a new CIDR. On d 7, the CIDR was removed and cows received PGF2α. PGF2α to the onset of estrus was similar (P>0.05) for Angus and Brangus cows. However, cows that ovulated to GnRH on d 0 had a greater (P<0.05) interval from PGF2α to the onset of estrus compared to cows that did not ovulate to GnRH on d 0. Duration of estrus tended (P=0.06) to be longer for Angus cows compared to Brangus cows, but duration of estrus was similar (P>0.05) whether cows ovulated or did not ovulate to GnRH on d 0. The number of mounts received during estrus was similar (P>0.05) for Angus and Brangus cows. Cows that ovulated to GnRH on d 0 tended (P=0.13) to receive more mounts (34.2) compared to cows that did not ovulate to GnRH (21.5). Following PGF2α in both phases, estrus was monitored using electronic heat detection monitors (HeatWatch®, DDx) for 3 d. Cows were inseminated by a single AI technician 8 to 12 h after declared in estrus by the HeatWatch® system. Cows were inseminated using frozenthawed semen from multiple sires. The GENMOD procedure of SAS (SAS Inst. Inc.) was used for the statistical analysis of categorical data. The effect of breed, DOC, and their interaction were evaluated for ovulation rate to GnRH, estrous response, conception rate, timed-AI pregnancy rate, and synchronized pregnancy rate, while cow age, DPP, BCS, and interval from PGF2α to the onset of estrus were included as covariates. The effect of ovulation or no ovulation to GnRH, breed, and interaction were evaluated for estrous response, conception rate, timed-AI pregnancy rate, and synchronized pregnancy rate, while cow age, DPP, BCS, and interval from PGF2α to the onset of estrus were included as covariates. When covariates were significant (P < 0.05) they were treated as independent variables. The effect of breed, DOC, and the interaction on follicle diameters were analyzed using GLM procedure of SAS. Conception rate was similar (P>0.05) for Angus and Brangus cows (Table 2). Cows that ovulated to GnRH on d 0 tended (P=0.09) to have a greater conception rate (60.0%; 3/5) compared to cows that did not ovulate to GnRH on d 0 (0%; 2/2). Timed-AI pregnancy rate was similar (P>0.05) for Angus and Brangus cows (Table 2), but cows that ovulated to GnRH on d 0 tended (P=0.11) to have a lower timed-AI pregnancy rate compared to cows that did not ovulate to GnRH on d 0 (14.3%; 1/7 and 50.0%; 5/5, respectively). Synchronized pregnancy rate was similar (P>0.05) for Angus and Brangus cows, as well as for cows that ovulated or failed to ovulate to GnRH on d 0 (Table 2). In phase 2 (estrous cycling), ovulation rate to GnRH on d 0 was similar (P>0.05) between Angus and Brangus cows (Table 3). Day of the estrous cycle effected (P<0.05) ovulation rate to GnRH. No cows (0/10) that were on d 2 of their estrous cycle at the start of synchronization ovulated to GnRH on d 0. Cows on d 6, 10, 14, & 18 of their estrous cycles had ovulation rates to GnRH of 100, 30, 70 and 70%, respectively. Size of the follicle ovulated to GnRH on d 0 was similar (P>0.05) for Angus (13.9 mm) and Brangus (14.1 mm) cows. However, cows on DOC 6 and 14 ovulated smaller (P<0.05) follicles to GnRH compared to cows on DOC 10 or 18. Results In phase 1 (anestrous cows), ovulatory follicle size in response to GnRH on d 0 for cows that ovulated was 13.2 ± 0.5 mm. Ovulatory follicle size was similar (P>0.05) for Angus (12.7 ± 0.7 mm) and Brangus (13.7 ± 0.7 mm) cows. Luteal regression was 100% for both Angus and Brangus and cows, as well as 100% for cows that ovulated to GnRH on d 0. Estrous response tended (P=0.17) to be greater for Brangus compared to Angus (Table 1). Estrous response also tended (P=0.17) to be greater for cows that ovulated to GnRH on d 0 compared to cows that did not ovulate to GnRH on d 0. Interval from 29 2009 Florida Beef Report Luteal regression following PGF2α was similar (P>0.05) for both Angus (92.0%; 23/25) and Brangus (92.0%; 23/25) cows. Luteolysis was 100% for cows DOC 10, 14, and 18, but was lower (P<0.05) for cows DOC 2 and 6 (both 80%). Ovulation rate following PGF2α was similar (P>0.05) for Angus (88.0%; 22/25) and Brangus (92.0%; 23/25). Ovulation rate following PGF2α tended (P=0.12) to be different between DOC groups with ovulation rates of 70.0, 90.0, 90.0, 100.0, and 100.0% for cows DOC 2, 6, 10, 14, and 18, respectively. Ovulatory follicle size following PGF2α was similar (P>0.05) for Angus (15.0 ± 0.6 mm) and Brangus (15.3 ± 0.6 mm) cows. However, DOC tended (P=0.06) to effect ovulatory follicle size following PGF2α. Ovulatory follicle size following PGF2α was similar (P>0.05) for DOC 2 (13.6 ± 0.9 mm), 6 (14.1 ± 0.8 mm), 10 (15.0 ± 0.8 mm), and 14 (15.4 ± 0.8 mm). Ovulatory follicle size was greater (P<0.05) for DOC 18 (16.9 ± 0.8 mm) compared to DOC 2 and 4, but was similar (P>0.05) to DOC 10 and 14. Cows that ovulated to GnRH on d 0 (47.4%; 9/19) had similar (P>0.05) conception rates compared to cows that failed to ovulate to GnRH on d 0 (57.1%; 4/7). Conception rates were similar (P>0.05) for Angus compared to Brangus cows (Table 5). Conception rate was effected (P<0.05) by DOC. Timed-AI pregnancy rates were similar (P>0.05) for Angus and Brangus cows. Timed-AI pregnancy rate was effected (P<0.05) by DOC. Cows that failed to ovulate to GnRH on d 0 (42.9%; 12/28) tended (P=0.09) to have a greater timed-AI pregnancy rate compared to cows that ovulated to GnRH on d 0 (20.0; 4/20). Synchronized pregnancy rate was similar (P>0.05) for Angus and Brangus cows. Cows 2, 6, and 18 DOC had similar (P>0.05) synchronized pregnancy rates, but were lower (P<0.05) compared to cows 10 and 14 DOC. However, cows 10, 14, and 18 DOC were similar (P>0.05) to each other. Synchronized pregnancy rates were similar (P>0.05) for cows that ovulated to GnRH on d 0 (33.3%; 13/39) and cows that failed to ovulate to GnRH on d 0 (45.7%; 16/35). Estrous response was greater (P<0.05) for cows that ovulated to GnRH on d 0 (48.7%; 19/39) compared to cows that failed to ovulate to GnRH on d 0 (20.0%; 7/35). Estrous response was greater (P=0.05) for Brangus compared to Angus cows (Table 4). Estrous response was different (P<0.05) for DOC groups. Interval from PGF2α to the onset of estrus was similar (P>0.05) for Angus and Brangus cows, but tended (P=0.11) to be different for DOC groups. Duration of estrus tended (P=0.12) to be greater for Brangus cows (11 h 15 m) compared to Angus cows (8 h 46 m). Duration of estrus was similar (P>0.05) for DOC groups. Brangus cows received a greater (P<0.05) number of mounts during estrus (53.9) compared to Angus cows (20.3). Number of mounts received during estrus was similar (P>0.05) for DOC groups. In conclusion, DOC when a Select Synch/CIDR + timed-AI synchronization protocol is initiated affected ovulation rates to GnRH and ovulatory follicle size to GnRH on d 0. Cows that ovulated to GnRH on d 0 and cows that failed to ovulate to GnRH on d 0 had similar synchronized pregnancy rates. Estrous response, conception rate, timed-AI pregnancy rate, and synchronized pregnancy rate were influenced by DOC. 1 Regina Esterman, Graduate Student; Brad Austin, Graduate Student; Steaven Woodall, Former Graduate Student; Erin McKinniss, Graduate Student; Joel Yelich; Associate Professor, UF-IFA, Department of Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL 30 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Effect of breed and ovulation status to GnRH on d 0 (OVGnRH) on estrous characteristics following PGF2 in anestrous Angus and Brangus cows synchronized with a Select Synch + CIDR and timed-AI synchronization protocol.a Variable n Estrous response, %b Angus 12 16.7 (12) 49 h 5 m ± 3 h 44 m 16 h 20 m ± 3 h 53 m 32 ± 7.6 12 41.7 (12) 49 h 6 m ± 2 h 21 m 5 h 21 m ± 2 h 27 m 30 ± 4.8 OV to GnRH 12 41.7 (12) 51 h 16 m ± 1 h 30 m 6h8m±3h 1m 34.2 ± 3.8 No OV to GnRH 12 16.7 (12) 43 h 40 m ± 2 h 22 m 14 h 20 m ± 4 h 46 m 21.5 ± 6.0 Breed P = 0.17 P > 0.05 P = 0.06 P > 0.05 OVGnRH P = 0.17 P = 0.04 P > 0.05 P = 0.13 Breed P > 0.05 P > 0.05 P = 0.04 P > 0.05 Brangus Interval from PGF2 to onset of estrus (hr, min)c Duration of estrus (hr, min)d Total mounts during estruse P values OVGnRH a All cows received GnRH at initiation of the 7 d CIDR treatment, with PGF 2 administered at the time of CIDR removal. Estrus was detected for 3 d, and cows that exhibited estrus were AI approximately 8 to 12 h later. Cows which had not displayed estrus were timed-AI at 76 to 80 h and given GnRH. b Percentage of cows displaying estrus 3 d after PGF2 of the total treated. c Time from PGF2 administration to the first mount of estrus, as determined by HeatWatch®. d Time from the first mount of estrus to the last mount of estrus, as determined by HeatWatch® e Total mounting events which occurred during estrus, as determined by HeatWatch®. . 31 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 2. Effect of breed and ovulation status to GnRH on d 0 (OVGnRH) on estrous response, conception, timed-AI pregnancy, and synchronized pregnancy rates following PGF2 in anestrous Angus and Brangus cows synchronized with a Select Synch + CIDR and timed-AI synchronization protocol.a Variable n Estrous response, %b Angus 12 16.7 (12) 50.0 (12) 30.0 (10) 33.3 (12) OV to GnRH 6 16.7 (6) 100.0 (1) 0.0 (5) 16.7 (6) No OV to GnRH 6 16.7 (6) 0.0 (1) 60.0 (5) 50.0 (6) 12 41.7 (12) 40.0 (5) 42.9 (7) 41.7 (12) OV to GnRH 6 66.7 (6) 50.0 (4) 50.0 (2) 50.0 (6) No OV to GnRH 6 16.7 (6) 0.0 (1) 40.0 (5) 33.3 (6) Breed P = 0.17 P > 0.05 P > 0.05 P > 0.05 OVGnRH P = 0.17 P = 0.09 P = 0.11 P > 0.05 Breed P > 0.05 P > 0.05 P = 0.06 P = 0.19 Brangus Conception rate, %c Timed-AI pregnancy rate, %d Synchronized pregnancy rate, %e P values OVGnRH a All cows received GnRH at initiation of the 7 d CIDR treatment, with PGF2 administered at the time of CIDR removal. Estrus was detected for 3 d, and cows that exhibited estrus were AI approximately 8 to 12 h later. Cows which had not displayed estrus were timed-AI at 76 to 80 h and given GnRH. b Percentage of cows displaying estrus 3 d after PGF2 of total treated. c Percentage of cows pregnant to AI of the total that exhibited estrus and were AI. d Percentage of cows pregnant to timed-AI of the total that were timed-AI. e Percentage of cows pregnant during the synchronized breeding of the total treated. 32 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 3. Effect of breed and day of estrous cycle on ovulation rates to GnRH and ovulatory follicle size (LS mean SE) in estrous cycling Angus and Brangus cows synchronized with a Select Synch + CIDR and timed-AI synchronization protocol.a Variable n Follicles ovulating to GnRH, %b Angus 25 56.0 (25) 13.9 ± 0.6 (11 to 17) 25 52.0 (25) 14.1 ± 0.6 (10 to 18) d2 10 0.0 (10) . d6 10 100.0 (10) 13.2 ± 0.6 (11 to 17)d d 10 10 30.0 (10) 15.7 ± 1.0 (14 to 17)e d 14 10 70.0 (10) 12.7 ± 0.7 (10 to 14)d d 18 10 70.0 (10) 15.6 ± 0.7 (14 to 18)e P > 0.05 P > 0.05 Brangus Ovulatory follicle size, mm, (range)c P values Breed DOC P < 0.05 P < 0.05 All cows received GnRH at initiation of the 7 d CIDR treatment, with PGF2 administered at the time of CIDR removal. Estrus was detected for 3 d, and cows that exhibited estrus were AI approximately 8 to 12 h later. Cows which had not displayed estrus were timed-AI at 76 to 80 h and given GnRH. a b Percentage of cows that ovulated to GnRH on d 11 divided by the total treated. c Size of the largest follicle on d 0 that ovulated by 48 h later. d,e Means without a common superscript within a column differ (P<0.05). 33 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 4. Effect of breed and day of estrous cycle on estrous characteristics as determined by HeatWatch of estrous cycling Angus and Brangus cows synchronized with a Select Synch + CIDR and timed-AI synchronization protocol.a With the exception of estrous response estrous characteristics are presented as LS means SE.a Variable n Estrous response, %b Angus 25 28.0 (25) 49 h 2 m ± 3h 39 m 8 h 46 m ± 1 h 14 m 20.3 ± 10.4 25 48.0 (25) 54 h 26 m ± 2h 47 m 11 h 15 m ± 57 m 53.9 ± 8.0 d2 10 0.0 (10)f . . . d6 10 10.0 (10)g 64 h 24 m ± 8h 48 mf,g 12 h 15 m ± 3 h 28 m 30.0 ± 31.8 d 10 10 30.0 (10)g,h 62 h 20 m ± 5h 5 mf 11 h 38 m ± 2h0m 61.7 ± 18.3 d 14 10 60.0 (10)h,i 50 h 2 m ± 3h 35 mf,g 11 h 18 m ± 1 h 25 m 49.7 ± 13.0 d 18 10 90.0 (10)i 49 h 26 m ± 2h 56 mg 9h3m± 1h9m 30.7 ± 10.6 Breed P = 0.05 P > 0.05 P = 0.12 P < 0.05 DOC P < 0.01 P = 0.11 P > 0.05 P > 0.05 Brangus Interval from PGF2 to onset of estrus (hr, min)c Duration of estrus (hr, min)d Total mounts during estruse P values a All cows received GnRH at initiation of the 7 d CIDR treatment, with PGF2 administered at the time of CIDR removal. Estrus was detected for 3 d, and cows that exhibited estrus were AI approximately 8 to 12 h later. Cows which had not displayed estrus were timed-AI at 76 to 80 h and given GnRH. b Percentage of cows displaying estrus 3 d after PGF2 of the total treated. c Time from PGF2 administration to the first mount of estrus, as determined by HeatWatch®. d Time from the first mount of estrus to the last mount of estrus, as determined by HeatWatch®. e Total mounting events which occurred during estrus, as determined by HeatWatch®. f,g,h,i Means without a common superscript within a column differ (P<0.05). 34 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 5. Effect of breed and day of estrous cycle on estrous response and pregnancy rates in cycling Angus and Brangus cows synchronized with a Select Synch + CIDR and timed-AI synchronization protocol.a Variable n Estrous response, %b Conception rate, %c Timed-AI pregnancy rate, %d Synchronized pregnancy rate, %e Angus 25 28.0 (25) 57.1 (7) 38.9 (18) 44.0 (25) Brangus 25 48.0 (25) 50.0 (12) 23.1 (13) 36.0 (25) d2 10 0.0 (10) 0.0 (0) 10.0 (10) 10.0 (10)f d6 10 10.0 (10) 100.0 (1) 11.1 (9) 20.0 (10)f d 10 10 30.0 (10) 100.0 (3) 57.1 (7) 70.0 (10)g d 14 10 60.0 (10) 33.3 (6) 100.0 (4) 60.0 (10)g d 18 10 90.0 (10) 44.4 (9) 0.0 (1) 40.0 (10)f,g P = 0.14 P > 0.05 P > 0.05 P > 0.05 P values Breed DOC P < 0.05 P < 0.05 P < 0.05 P < 0.05 All cows received GnRH at initiation of the 7 d CIDR treatment, with PGF2 administered at the time of CIDR removal. Estrus was detected for 3 d, and cows that exhibited estrus were AI approximately 8 to 12 h later. Cows which had not displayed estrus were timed-AI at 76 to 80 h and given GnRH. a b Percentage of cows displaying estrus 3 d after PGF2 of total treated. c Percentage of cows pregnant to AI of the total that exhibited estrus and were AI. d Percentage of cows pregnant to timed-AI of the total that were timed-AI. e Percentage of cows pregnant during the synchronized breeding of the total treated. f,g Means without a common superscript within a column differ (P<0.05). 35 2009 Florida Beef Report 36 2009 Florida Beef Report Evaluation of a New or Once-used CIDR and Two Different Prostaglandin F2 Treatments to Synchronize Suckled Bos indicus Bos taurus Cows Regina D. Esterman1 Brad R. Austin Steaven A. Woodall Gary R. Hansen Matt Hersom Joel V. Yelich Suckled Bos indicus Bos taurus cows achieved similar pregnancy rates when synchronized with CIDR inserts and two PGF2α types. Greater synchronized pregnancy rates were observed with a 3 d estrous detection and clean-up timed artificial insemination compared to a 5 d estrous detection following PGF2α. Days from calving had a strong influence on response to synchronization protocol. Summary Multiparous suckled Bos indicus Bos taurus cows were used in two experiments to evaluate the Select Synch and Select Synch + timed artificial insemination (TAI) synchronization protocols combined with a controlled intravaginal progesterone device (CIDR). Both experiments were conducted as 2 2 factorial designs with the main effects being CIDR type (new vs once-used) and PGF2α type (cloprostenol sodium vs dinoprost tromethamine). Cows in both experiments received GnRH and either a new CIDR or onceused CIDR on d 0, followed by CIDR removal and either cloprostenol sodium or dinoprost tromethamine on d 7. In Exp. 1, estrus was detected for 5 d following PGF2α and cows were AI 8 to 12 h after observed in estrus. In Exp. 2, estrus was detected for 3 d following PGF2α and cows were AI 8 to 12 h after observed in estrus. Cows not exhibiting estrus by 72 h after PGF2α were timed-AI between 76 to 80 h and received GnRH. In Exp. 1, estrous response, conception, and synchronized pregnancy rates were similar (P>0.05) for both new and once-used CIDR, as well as cloprostenol sodium and dinoprost tromethamine. Interval from PGF2α to onset of estrus influenced (P<0.05) conception rates. Cows displaying estrus ≤ 84 h after PGF2α had greater (P<0.05) conception rates compared to cows exhibiting estrus ≥ 96 h after PGF2α. In Exp. 2, estrous response, conception, timed-AI, and synchronized pregnancy rates were similar (P>0.05) for new and once-used CIDR, as well as cloprostenol sodium and dinoprost tromethamine. In both experiments, estrous response, conception, and pregnancy rates increased (P<0.05) as days from calving increased. In summary, CIDR (new vs onceused) and PGF2α (cloprostenol sodium vs dinoprost tromethamine) types resulted in similar responses when used in the Select Synch protocol and the response to synchronization treatment increased as days from calving increased in suckled Bos indicus Bos taurus cows. Introduction Estrous synchronization allows for more cows to display estrus and ovulate over a period of several days. This allows for either a reduction of daily estrous detection over a 21 d estrous cycle to 1 to 5 d, or elimination of estrous detection and insemination of all cows at a predetermined time known as timed-AI. A frequently used and effective synchronization protocol in Bos taurus cattle is administration of GnRH followed 7 d later with PGF2α. However, a common problem with the GnRH + PGF2α 37 2009 Florida Beef Report synchronization protocols in suckled Bos indicus Bos taurus cows. protocol is that some cattle express estrus several days before PGF2α, which requires additional estrous detection. This problem can be eliminated with addition of a progestogen between the GnRH and PGF2α treatments. An added benefit of the progestogen is that it can induce estrous cycles in some anestrous cows. Limited research has been conducted using the GnRH + PGF2α protocols in Bos indicus Bos taurus cattle either with or without a progestogen and that research was met with limited success. The reason(s) for the less than acceptable results are unclear, but may be due to a decreased synchronized estrous response, which may be influenced by decreased luteolytic actions of PGF2α. Materials and Methods Two experiments were conducted from January to March during two successive years at the Bar L Ranch in Marianna, FL. In Experiment 1, multiparous, suckled Bos indicus Bos taurus cows (n = 284) were used. Mean ( SD) cow age was 5.7 ± 1.9 yr, days postpartum (DPP) was 58.0 ± 12.5 d, body weight (BW) was 1098 ± 106 lbs, and body condition score was 5.2 ± 0.5 (BCS: 1 = emaciated, 9 = obese). The percentage of Bos indicus breeding ranged from approximately 10 to 38% with the remainder being Bos taurus breeding. The experiment was a 2 2 factorial design. At the start of the experiment (d 0), cows were equally distributed by DPP and cow age to one of two progesterone treatments, which included a new CIDR (1.38 g; Eazi-Breed™ CIDR®, Pfizer Animal Health) and a once-used CIDR (new CIDR used once and autoclaved before the second use). All cows received GnRH (100 µg i.m.; Fertagyl®, Intervet) at CIDR insertion and BCS were recorded. On d 7, CIDR were removed and cows within each CIDR treatment were equally distributed by DPP, BCS, and cow age to receive either cloprostenol sodium (cloprostenol; 500 µg i.m.; Estrumate®, Schering-Plough Veterinary Corp.) or dinoprost tromethamine (dinoprost; 25 mg i.m.; Prostamate®, Agrilabs). All cows received an Estrotect™ estrous detection patch (Estrotect™, Rockway, Inc.) at CIDR removal to aid in estrous detection. Several studies have reported similar responses in Bos taurus cattle synchronized with synchronization systems that compared cloprostenol sodium to dinoprost tromethamine, but limited work has been done in Bos indicus Bos taurus cows. The CIDR is an effective synchronization agent that induces estrus in some anestrous cattle. A new CIDR (1.9 g progesterone) maintains circulating progesterone concentrations > 1 ng/mL for at least 15 d after insertion, suggesting that a CIDR could be used for two consecutive 7 d treatments and still suppress estrus. Furthermore, autoclaving a once-used CIDR brings more progesterone to the surface making more available for absorption in the vagina, as well as decreasing the possibility of disease transmission. Re-use of the CIDR could help producers decrease the cost of synchronizing cattle, but it must be accomplished without a reduction in AI pregnancy rates. Evaluation of a once-used CIDR has not been conducted in suckled Bos indicus Bos taurus cows. Estrus was visually detected three times daily at 0700, 1200, and 1700 h for 5 d following PGF2α. Estrus was defined as a cow standing to be mounted by another cow and/or a half to full red Estrotect™ patch. Cows were AI 8 to 12 h after observed in estrus. Frozen-thawed semen from a single sire of known fertility was used and cows were inseminated by two AI technicians. Seven d after the last cow was inseminated, bulls were placed with cows. Pregnancy was diagnosed approximately 55 d after AI using a real-time B-mode ultrasonography machine Therefore, the objectives of these experiments were to evaluate the effectiveness of a new CIDR compared to a once-used CIDR and cloprostenol sodium compared to dinoprost tromethamine in two GnRH + PGF2α 38 2009 Florida Beef Report (Aloka 500V, Corometrics Medical Systems) with a 5.0 MHz transducer. Because there was a 7-d period where cows were neither inseminated nor exposed to bulls, differences in fetal size were used to determine whether a pregnancy resulted from the synchronized breeding or clean-up bull. (80.1%) treatment. Days post partum effected (P<0.05) estrous response, conception, and synchronized pregnancy rates (Table 2). Cows that were long (≥ 70 d) postpartum had a greater (P<0.05) estrous response compared to cows that were short (≤ 50 d) and medium (50 to 69 d) postpartum, which were similar (P>0.05). Conception rates were similar (P>0.05) for cows that were medium and long postpartum, both of which were greater (P<0.05) compared to short postpartum cows. Synchronized pregnancy rates were greater (P<0.05) for cows that were long postpartum compared to short and medium postpartum cows, which were different (P<0.05) from each other. Thirty-day pregnancy rates were greater (P<0.05) for cows that were medium (79.1%) and long (87.8%) postpartum compared to cows that were short (71.6%) postpartum. Cows that were medium and short postpartum had similar (P>0.05) thirty-day pregnancy rates. In Experiment 2, multiparous suckled Bos indicus Bos taurus cows (n = 259) were used. Mean ( SD) cow age was 6.9 ± 1.9 yr, DPP was 48.5 ± 12.8 d, and BCS was 5.1 ± 0.5. The experiment was a 2 2 factorial design and animals were assigned to the same synchronization treatments as Experiment 1. Estrus was detected for 72 h following PGF2α as described in Experiment 1. Cows were AI 8 to 12 h after observed in estrus. All cows that had not displayed estrus by 73 h after PGF2α were timed-AI and received GnRH between 76 and 80 h after PGF2α. Cows were inseminated by a single AI technician with frozen-thawed semen from five sires that were pre-assigned to cows before AI by the co-operating producer. Seven days after the last cow was inseminated, bulls were placed with cows and pregnancy was diagnosed as described in Experiment 1. The GENMOD procedure of SAS (SAS Inst. Inc.) was used for the statistical analysis. The main effects of CIDR and PGF2α treatments, and CIDR PGF2α were evaluated for estrous response, conception, synchronized pregnancy, and thirty-day pregnancy rates. Cow age, DPP, BCS, and interval from PGF2α to the onset of estrus were included as covariates. When covariates were significant (P < 0.05), they were treated as independent variables. No cows were detected in estrus until 48 h after PGF2 for any of the four treatments. The mean interval from PGF2 to onset of estrus (64.4 ± 16.0 h) was not influenced (P>0.05) by main or simple treatment effects. Interestingly, there was an effect (P < 0.01) of interval from PGF2α to onset of estrus on conception rate (Figure 1). Cows which displayed estrus 48, 60, 72, and 84 h after PGF2α had similar (P>0.05) conception rates, but cows which displayed estrus at 48, 60, and 72 h had greater (P<0.05) conception rates compared to cows that displayed estrus 96 h after PGF2α. Cows that displayed estrus at 84 h had similar (P>0.05) conception rates compared to cows which displayed estrus at 96 h. Cow age and BCS did not affect (P>0.05) estrous response, conception rate, synchronized pregnancy, or 30-d pregnancy rates when included as covariates for main and simple treatment effects. Results In Experiment 1, estrous response, conception rate, and synchronized pregnancy rates were similar (P>0.05) for main effects of CIDR and PGF2α treatments, as well as the simple treatment effects (Table 1). Thirty-day pregnancy rates were similar (P>0.05) for the new (78.0%) compared to the once-used (79.4%) CIDR treatment and for the cloprostenol (77.3%) compared to the dinoprost In Experiment 2, estrous response, conception rate, timed-AI pregnancy, and synchronized pregnancy rates were similar (P>0.05) for main 39 2009 Florida Beef Report effects of CIDR and PGF2α treatments (Table 3). Thirty-day pregnancy rates were similar (P>0.05) for the new (83.2%) compared to the once-used (76.9%) CIDR treatment and for the cloprostenol (76.7%) compared to the dinoprost (83.3%) treatment. day pregnancy rate was greater (P<0.05) for long (94.5%) postpartum cows compared to short (70.3%) and medium (76.9%) postpartum cows, which were similar (P>0.05) to each other. Body condition score did not (P>0.05) affect estrous response, timed-AI pregnancy, or synchronized pregnancy rates, but did affect conception and 30-d pregnancy rates when included as a covariate for the main and simple treatment effects. Cows with a BCS ≥ 5 (64.5%) tended (P=0.10) to have a greater conception rate compared to cows with a BCS < 5 (48.6%). Cows with a BCS ≥ 5 (84.3%) had a greater (P<0.05) 30-d pregnancy rate compared to cows with a BCS < 5 (68.6%). Cow age did not affect (P>0.05) estrous response, conception rate, timed-AI pregnancy, synchronized pregnancy, or 30-d pregnancy rates when included as a covariate for main and simple treatment effects. The CIDR treatment tended (P=0.10) to influence conception rate as 14.1% more cows that received a new CIDR became pregnant compared to cows that received a once-used CIDR (Table 3). The interval from PGF2α to onset of estrus was not (P>0.05) affected by treatment, with a mean interval of 58.6 ± 10.3 h across the four treatments. Interval from PGF2α to onset of estrus did not (P>0.05) effect conception rates. Conception rates for cows that exhibited estrus 48, 60 and 72 h after PGF2α were 61.8 (n=55), 57.6 (n=33), and 60.0% (n=40), respectively. In conclusion, synchronized pregnancy rates were similar between cloprostenol sodium and dinoprost tromethamine treatments in Select Synch + CIDR protocols. The decreased estrous response of the Select Synch + CIDR protocol compromises the protocols overall effectiveness, but synchronized pregnancy rates are improved with addition of a timed-AI after 3 d of estrous detection. The overall effectiveness of Select Synch protocols are significantly influenced by days postpartum at the start of treatment and producers need to pay particular attention to when synchronization protocols are implemented in relation to calving in suckled Bos indicus Bos taurus cattle. Days postpartum affected (P<0.05) estrous response, conception rate, timed-AI pregnancy, and synchronized pregnancy rates (Table 4). Estrous response was greater (P<0.05) for long (≥ 60 d) compared to short (< 40 d) and medium (40 to 59 d) postpartum cows, which were similar (P>0.05) to each other. Conception and timed-AI pregnancy rates were greater (P<0.05) for long compared to short postpartum cows, but were similar (P>0.05) to medium postpartum cows. Short postpartum cows had similar (P>0.05) conception and timed-AI pregnancy rates compared to medium postpartum cows. Synchronized pregnancy rates were greater (P<0.05) for long postpartum cows compared to medium and short postpartum cows (P<0.05) while the medium postpartum cows had greater (P<0.05) synchronized pregnancy rates compared to the short postpartum cows. Thirty- 1 Regina D. Esterman, Graduate Student; Brad R. Austin, Former Graduate Student; Steaven A. Woodall, Former Graduate Student; Gary R. Hansen, Former Assistant Professor, UF-IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center, Marianna, FL; Matt Hersom, Assistant Professor; UF-IFAS, Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL; Joel V. Yelich, Associate Professor, UF-IFAS Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL 40 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Main treatment effects for estrous response, conception rate, and synchronized pregnancy rate of suckled Bos indicus Bos taurus cows synchronized with controlled intravaginal progesteronereleasing device (CIDR; new vs once-used) and prostaglandin F2 [(cloprostenol sodium (cloprostenol) vs dinoprost tromethamine (dinoprost)] treatments (Experiment 1).a Estrous response, % (n)b Conception rate, % (n)c Synchronized pregnancy rate, % (n)d New CIDR 70.9 (141) 45.0 (100) 31.9 (141) Once-used CIDR 66.0 (141) 50.5 (93) 33.3 (141) P-value P > 0.05 P > 0.05 P > 0.05 Cloprostenol 68.8 (141) 48.5 (97) 33.3 (141) Dinoprost 68.1 (141) 46.9 (96) 31.9 (141) P > 0.05 P > 0.05 P > 0.05 Variable Main effects P-value a All cows received GnRH (100 g) at the initiation of either a 7 d new or once-used CIDR. Cows received either cloprostenol sodium (500 μg) or dinoprost tromethamine (25 mg) at CIDR removal. Estrus was detected for 5 d and cows that exhibited estrus were inseminated 8 to 12 h later. b Percentage of cows displaying estrus 5 d after prostaglandin F2 of total treated. c Percentage of cows pregnant to AI of the total that exhibited estrus and were AI. d Percentage of cows pregnant during the synchronized breeding of the total treated. 41 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 2. Effect of days postpartum (DPP) at the initiation of controlled intravaginal progesteronereleasing device (CIDR) and prostaglandin F2 treatments on estrous response, conception rate, and synchronized pregnancy rates of suckled Bos indicus Bos taurus cows (Experiment 1).a DPP Estrous response, % (n)b Conception rate, % (n)c Synchronized pregnancy rate, % (n)d ≤ 50 57.8 (109) e 27.0 (63) e 15.6 (109) e 51-69 64.8 (91) e 49.2 (59) f 31.9 (91) f ≥ 70 86.6 (82) f 64.8 (71) f 56.1 (82) g a All cows received GnRH (100 g) at the initiation of either a 7 d new or once-used CIDR. Cows received either cloprostenol sodium (500 μg) or dinoprost tromethamine (25 mg) at CIDR removal. Estrus was detected for 5 d and cows that exhibited estrus were inseminated 8 to 12 h later. b Percentage of cows displaying estrus 5 d after prostaglandin F2 of total treated. c Percentage of cows pregnant to AI of the total that exhibited estrus and were AI. d Percentage of cows pregnant during the synchronized breeding of the total treated. e,f,g Means without a common superscript within a column differ (P<0.05) 42 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 3. Main treatment effects for estrous response, conception rate, timed-AI pregnancy rate, and synchronized pregnancy rate of suckled Bos indicus Bos taurus cows synchronized with controlled intravaginal progesterone-releasing device (CIDR; new vs once-used) and prostaglandin F2 [(cloprostenol sodium (cloprostenol) vs dinoprost tromethamine - (dinoprost)] treatments (Experiment 2).a Estrous response, % (n)b Conception rate, % (n)c Timed-AI pregnancy rate, % (n)d Synchronized pregnancy rate, % (n)e New CIDR 51.2 (125) 67.2 (64) 32.8 (61) 50.4 (125) Once-used CIDR 49.2 (130) 53.1 (64) 31.8 (66) 42.3 (130) P > 0.05 P = 0.10 P > 0.05 P > 0.05 Cloprostenol 53.5 (129) 59.4 (69) 28.3 (60) 45.0 (129) Dinoprost 46.8 (126) 61.0 (59) 35.8 (67) 47.6 (126) P > 0.05 P > 0.05 P > 0.05 P > 0.05 Variable Main effects P-value P-value a All cows received GnRH (100 g) at the initiation of either a 7 d new or once-used CIDR. Cows received either cloprostenol sodium (500 μg) or dinoprost tromethamine (25 mg) at CIDR removal. Estrus was detected for 3 d and cows exhibiting estrus were AI 8 to 12 h later. Cows not displaying estrus were timed-AI and received GnRH 76 to 80 h after prostaglandin F2. b Percentage of cows displaying estrus 5 d after prostaglandin F2 of total treated. c Percentage of cows pregnant to AI of the total that exhibited estrus and were AI. d Percentage of cows pregnant to timed-AI of the total that were timed-AI. e Percentage of cows pregnant during the synchronized breeding of the total treated. 43 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 4. Effect of days postpartum (DPP) at the initiation of controlled intravaginal progesteronereleasing device (CIDR) treatments and prostaglandin F2 treatments on estrous response, conception rate, and pregnancy rates of suckled Bos indicus Bos taurus cows (Experiment 2).a DPP Estrous Response, % (n)b Conception rate %, (n)c Timed-AI pregnancy rate %, (n)d Synchronized pregnancy rate, % (n)e < 40 39.2 (74) f 44.8 (29) f 20.0 (45) f 29.7 (74) f 40-59 45.4 (108) f 57.1 (49) f,g 33.9 (59) f,g 44.4 (108) g ≥ 60 68.5 (73) g 72.0 (50) g 52.2 (23) g 65.8 (73) h a All cows received GnRH (100 g) at the initiation of either a 7 d new or once-used CIDR. Cows received either cloprostenol sodium (500 μg) or dinoprost tromethamine (25 mg) at CIDR removal. Estrus was detected for 3 d and cows exhibiting estrus were AI 8 to 12 h later. Cows not displaying estrus were timed-AI and received GnRH 76 to 80 h after prostaglandin F2. b Percentage of cows displaying estrus 3 d after prostaglandin F2 of total treated. c Percentage of cows pregnant to AI of the total that exhibited estrus and were AI. d Percentage of cows pregnant to timed-AI of the total that were timed-AI. e Percentage of cows pregnant during the synchronized breeding of the total treated. f,g,h Means without a common superscript within a column differ (P<0.05). 44 2009 Florida Beef Report 100 90 Conception rate, % 80 70 60 50 63.6 50.0 48.9 40 28.6 30 18.2 20 10 0 48 60 72 84 96 Figure 1. Effect of interval from PGF2α to the onset of estrus on conception rates in suckled Bos indicus Bos taurus cows synchronized with controlled intravaginal progesterone-releasing device (CIDR) and prostaglandin F2 treatments. Means between columns without a common letter differ (P<0.05). Numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of cows inseminated within each category (Experiment 1). 45 2009 Florida Beef Report 46 2009 Florida Beef Report Comparison of a Select Synch/CIDR + Timed Artificial Insemination vs a Modified Co-Synch/CIDR Estrous Synchronization Protocol in Suckled Bos Indicus Х Bos Taurus Cows Regina Esterman1 Brad Austin Erin McKinniss Joel Yelich Suckled Bos indicus Bos taurus cows achieved similar synchronized pregnancy rates when synchronized with a Select Synch/CIDR + timed artificial insemination (49.4%) vs a modified Co-Synch/CIDR protocol (47.1%) in a large field trial with 5 groups (n=659). Summary Suckled Bos indicus Bos taurus cows were used to compare a Select Synch/CIDR + timed artificial insemination (AI) protocol (SSC) vs a modified Co-Synch/CIDR protocol (COS). Five groups of suckled Bos indicus Bos taurus cows were evaluated (n=659). Cows received GnRH and a CIDR on d 0. On d 7, SSC cows had their CIDR removed and received prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α), whereas COS cows had their CIDR removed and received PGF2α on d 7.5. Estrus was detected for 3 d following PGF2α and SSC cows were AI 8 to 12 h after observed in estrus. Cows on the SSC protocol not exhibiting estrus by 72 h after PGF2α were timed-AI between 76 to 80 h and received GnRH. Estrus was detected on COS cows, but all COS cows were timed-AI at 66 h after PGF2α and received GnRH, regardless of whether they displayed estrus or not. Similar (P>0.05) synchronized pregnancy rates were achieved with the SSC (49.4%; 164/332) and COS (47.1%; 154/327) protocols. Differences (P<0.05) in estrous response, timed-AI pregnancy, and synchronized pregnancy rates were observed between groups. Days postpartum influenced (P<0.05) timed-AI pregnancy and synchronized pregnancy rates, with longer postpartum cows achieving greater pregnancy rates. Cycling status did not (P>0.05) influence synchronized pregnancy rates. In summary, this field trial suggests that similar pregnancy rates can be achieved using a straight timed-AI synchronization protocol (COS) compared to a heat detection + cleanup timed-AI protocol (SSC). Introduction Development of an estrous synchronization protocol that achieves acceptable pregnancy rates in cattle of Bos indicus breeding is particularly important to producers in subtropical regions, such as Florida. While there are many common synchronization protocols, nearly all of them were developed for Bos taurus cattle. A frequently used and effective synchronization protocol in Bos taurus cattle is administration of GnRH followed 7 d later with PGF2α. However, a common problem with the GnRH + PGF2α protocol is expression of estrus several days before PGF2α, which can be eliminated with addition of a progestogen concomitant with GnRH and removed at PGF2α. Addition of progestogen can also increase the percentage of anestrous cows that exhibit estrus. However, limited research has employed this protocol in Bos indicus Bos taurus cattle. The unpredictability of these synchronization protocols in cattle of Bos indicus breeding makes it difficult to utilize a timed-AI program. Behavioral differences are also apparent in cattle of Bos indicus breeding, including a shorter, less evident estrus and increased occurrence of ‘silent estrus’. Due to the difficultly of detecting 47 2009 Florida Beef Report estrus in these cattle, if a timed-AI protocol could be refined to produce acceptable pregnancy rates, the need for estrous detection would be minimized. received PGF2α. All cows received an estrous detection patch (Estrotect™, Rockway, Inc.) at CIDR removal to aid in estrous detection. Estrus was visually detected in both treatments two times daily at 0700 and 1700 h for 3 d following PGF2α. Estrus was defined as a cow standing to be mounted by another cow and/or a half to fully rubbed Estrotect™ patch. Cows in the SSC treatment were AI 8 to 12 h after observed in estrus through 72 h post-PGF2α. Cows in the SSC that had not displayed estrus by 0800 h, 73 h after PGF2α, were timed-AI and administered GnRH between 76 and 80 h after PGF2α. Cows in the COS treatment were all timed-AI at 66 h after PGF2α and administered GnRH. The objective of these experiments were to evaluate the effectiveness of a Select Synch/CIDR synchronization protocol followed by either 3 d of estrous detection with a cleanup timed-AI at 75 to 80 h or a straight timed-AI at 66 h in postpartum lactating Bos indicus Bos taurus cows. Materials and Methods This experiment was conducted from January to May, 2008 at the Bar L Ranch, Marianna, FL and the University of Florida Beef Research Unit, Gainesville, FL. Five groups of primiparous and multiparous postpartum lactating Bos indicus Bos taurus cows (n=659) were used. Groups were pre-selected by the location and initiated the synchronization protocol once they reached > 45 days postpartum. Mean ( SD) cow age was 5.3 ± 2.4 yr, DPP was 69.2 ± 15.0 d, body weight (BW) was 1181 ± 154 lb, and body condition score was 5.3 ± 0.6 (Table 1; BCS: 1 = emaciated, 9 = obese). Cycling status, BCS, and DPP for each group is described in Table 1. The degree of Bos indicus breeding ranged from approximately 10 to 75% with the remainder being Bos taurus breeding. Three groups of cows were started on the experiment protocol in three consecutive wk at Bar L Ranch and two groups were started on the experimental protocol three wk apart at the Beef Research Unit. On d 0, BW and BCS were evaluated and on d 0 and 10 blood samples were collected for determination of cycling status. At the start of the synchronization (d 10), cows were equally distributed by cow age, DPP, and BCS to one of two treatments, which included Select Synch/CIDR + timed-AI (SSC) and a modified Co-Synch/CIDR (COS) protocol. All cows received GnRH (100 µg i.m.; Cystorelin®, Merial) at CIDR (1.38 g progesterone; EaziBreed™ CIDR®, Pfizer Animal Health) insertion. On d 7, SSC cows’ CIDR were removed and cows received PGF2α (25 mg i.m.; Lutalyse®, Pfizer Animal Health). On d 7.5, COS cows’ CIDR were removed and cows Frozen-thawed semen from multiple AI sires was used and cows were inseminated by four AI technicians. In four of the five groups, 7 d after the last cow was inseminated, clean-up bulls were placed with cows. In the remaining group, estrous detection continued for 30 d and cows displaying estrus were inseminated a second time. Pregnancy was diagnosed approximately 55 d after AI using a real-time B-mode ultrasonography machine (Aloka 500V, Corometrics Medical Systems) with a 5.0 MHz transducer. Due to the 7 d period in which no cows were inseminated or bred by the clean-up bull, differences in fetal size were used to determine whether a pregnancy resulted from the synchronized breeding or clean-up bull. The GENMOD procedure of SAS (SAS Inst. Inc.) was used for the statistical analysis of this experiment. The effects of treatment, group, and their interaction, were evaluated for estrous response, conception, timed-AI pregnancy, synchronized pregnancy, and thirty-day pregnancy rates. Cow age, DPP, BCS, and interval from PGF2α to the onset of estrus were included as covariates. When covariates were significant (P < 0.05) they were treated as independent variables. Results Estrous response over 3 d following PGF2α for the SSC cows was 50.6% (168/332) and estrous response for the 2.5 d following PGF2α for the 48 2009 Florida Beef Report COS cows was 52.6% (172/327; Table 2). Estrous response was different (P<0.05) for groups (data not shown). Estrous response was influenced (P<0.05) by cycling status at the start of synchronization (Table 2), with a greater percent of noncycling cows displaying estrus (58.2%; 170/292) compared to cycling cows (46.3%; 170/367). Days postpartum effected (P<0.05) estrous response (Table 3). Cows that were ≤ 55 DPP had a lower (P<0.05) estrous response compared to cows that were ≥ 56 DPP. Cows that were 56 to 65 DPP had a lower (P<0.05) estrous response compared to cows that were 66 to 75 DPP, but were similar (P>0.05) to cows ≥ 76 DPP. Cows 66 to 75 DPP and ≥ 76 DPP had a similar (P>0.05) estrous response. Body condition score influenced (P<0.05) estrous response (Table 4). Cows with a BCS ≤ 4.5 had a lower (P<0.05) estrous response compared to cows with 5 to 5.5 BCS or ≥ 6 BCS. Cows with a BCS of 5 to 5.5 or ≥ 6 had a similar (P>0.05) estrous response. There were no (P>0.05) effects of age on estrous response. In SSC cows that displayed estrus, the interval from PGF2α to the onset of estrus was 59.1 ± 0.7 h. In COS cows that displayed estrus, the interval from PGF2α to the onset of estrus was 51.0 ± 0.7 h. cows that were 56 to 65 DPP and 66 to 75 DPP, but were similar to cows ≥ 76 DPP. Cows 56 to 65 DPP and 66 to 75 DPP had similar (P>0.05) timed-AI pregnancy rates, but were both greater (P<0.05) than cows that were ≥ 76 DPP. Timed-AI pregnancy rate was not (P>0.05) effected by cycling status, age, or BCS. Synchronized pregnancy rates were similar (P>0.05) for SSC (49.4%; 164/332) and COS (47.1%; 154/327) treatments (Table 2). Groups differed (P<0.05) in synchronized pregnancy rates (data not shown). Cycling status did not (P>0.05) influence overall synchronized pregnancy rates. Days postpartum influenced (P<0.05) synchronized pregnancy rates (Table 3). Cows that were ≤ 55 DPP had lower (P<0.05) synchronized pregnancy rates compared to cows that were 56 to 65 DPP and 66 to 75 DPP, but were similar (P>0.05) to cows that were ≥ 76 DPP. Cows 56 to 65 DPP and 66 to 75 DPP had similar (P>0.05) synchronized pregnancy rates, as did cows that were 65 to 75 DPP and ≥ 76 DPP. Cows that were 66 to 75 DPP and ≥ 76 DPP had similar (P>0.05) synchronized pregnancy rates. Body condition score influenced (P<0.05) synchronized pregnancy rates (Table 4). Cows with a BCS ≤ 4.5 (39.0; 46/118) had lower (P<0.05) synchronized pregnancy rates compared to cows with 5 to 5.5 BCS (48.8%; 183/375) or ≥ 6 BCS (53.6%; 89/166). Cows with a BCS of 5 to 5.5 or ≥ 6 had similar (P>0.05) synchronized pregnancy rates. Synchronized pregnancy rate was not (P>0.05) influenced by cow age. The conception rate for SSC cows was 66.1% (111/168; Table 2). Conception rate was not (P>0.05) effected by group. Cycling status, age, and DPP did not (P>0.05) effect conception rate in SSC cows. In SSC cows that did not display estrous and were timed-AI, timed-AI pregnancy rate averaged 32.3% (53/164) across all groups (Table 2). In COS cows, all cows were timedAI and the timed-AI pregnancy rate averaged 47.1% (154/327) across all groups. Timed-AI pregnancy rates differed (P<0.05) between groups (data not shown). Days postpartum influenced (P<0.05) timed-AI pregnancy rate (Table 3). Cows that were ≤ 55 DPP had lower (P<0.05) timed-AI pregnancy rates compared to In summary, similar synchronized pregnancy rates were achieved using the SSC and COS synchronization protocols. Differences in estrous response, timed-AI pregnancy, and synchronized pregnancy rates were observed between groups. Cycling status did not influence pregnancy rates, however DPP did effect pregnancy rates. 1 Regina Esterman; Graduate Student; Brad Austin, Graduate Student; Erin McKinniss; Graduate Student; Joel Yelich Associate Professor, UF-IFAS Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL 49 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1 General description of Bos indicus Bos taurus cows synchronized with either a Select Synch/CIDR + TAI or modified Co-Synch/CIDR synchronization protocol by group.a Group n 1 173 2 152 3 193 4 94 5 47 Cycling Status (%) Approx. % Brahman breeding (%) Body condition score, 1-9, (range) Days postpartum, (range) 59.0 (173) 10 - 38 5.4 ± 0.05 (3.5 - 7.0) 74.0 ± 1.1 (48 - 128) 38.2 (152) 10 - 38 5.2 ± 0.05 (4.0 - 7.0) 75.4 ± 1.2 (47 - 102) 59.6 (193) 10 - 38 5.5 ± 0.05 (4.0 - 7.0) 62.8 ± 1.0 (54 - 99) 64.9 (94) 25 - 75 5.1 ± 0.1 (3.5 - 6.5) 71.3 ± 1.4 (50 - 99) 66.0 (47) 25 - 75 5.1 ± 0.1 (3.5 - 6.5) 53.8 ± 2.0 (41 - 69) a All cows received GnRH at initiation of the 7 d CIDR treatment, with PGF2 administered at the time of CIDR removal. For Select Synch/CIDR + TAI cows, estrus was detected for 3 d, and cows that exhibited estrus were AI approximately 8 to 12 h later. Cows which had not displayed estrus were timed-AI at 76 to 80 h and given GnRH. All modified Co-Synch/CIDR cows were fixed TAI at 66 h after PGF2. 50 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 2 Effect of synchronization protocol (Select Synch/CIDR + timed-AI (SCC) or modified CoSynch/CIDR (COS)) and cycling status on estrous response, conception, timed-AI pregnancy, and synchronized pregnancy rates following PGF2 in Bos indicus Bos taurus cows.a n Estrous response, %b Conception rate, %c Timed-AI pregnancy rate, %d Synchronized pregnancy rate, %e 332 50 .6 (332) 66.1 (168) 32.3 (164) 49.4 (332) 185 48.8 (185) 66.7 (81) 40.4 (104) 51.9 (185) 147 59.2 (147) 65.5 (87) 18.3 (60) 46.3 (147) 327 52.6 (327) . 47.1 (327) 47.1 (327) 182 48.9 (182) . 45.1 (182) 45.1 (182) 145 57.2 (145) . 49.7 (145) 49.7 (145) Treatment P > 0.05 . . P > 0.05 Cycling Status P < 0.05 P > 0.05 P > 0.05 P > 0.05 Treatment Cycling P > 0.05 . . P > 0.05 Treatment SSC Cycling Non-cycling COS Cycling Non-cycling P Values a All cows received GnRH at initiation of the 7 d CIDR treatment, with PGF2 administered at the time of CIDR removal. For Select Synch/CIDR + TAI cows, estrus was detected for 3 d, and cows that exhibited estrus were AI approximately 8 to 12 h later. Cows which had not displayed estrus were timed-AI at 76 to 80 h and given GnRH. All modified Co-Synch/CIDR cows were fixed TAI at 66 h after PGF2. b Percentage of cows displaying estrus 3 d after PGF2 of total treated. c Percentage of cows pregnant to AI of the total that exhibited estrus and were AI. d Percentage of cows pregnant to timed-AI of the total that were timed-AI. e Percentage of cows pregnant during the synchronized breeding of the total treated. 51 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 3 Effect of days postpartum (DPP) on estrous response, conception, timed-AI pregnancy, and synchronized pregnancy rates following PGF2 in Bos indicus Bos taurus cows synchronized with either a Select Synch/CIDR + timed-AI (SCC) or modified Co-Synch/CIDR (COS) synchronization protocol.a DPP n Estrous response, %b ≤ 55 d 96 35.4 (96)f 70.6 (17) 31.6 (79)f,h 38.5 (96)f 228 50.4 (228)g 70.4 (54) 47.7 (174)g 53.1 (228)g 148 60.1 (148)h 56.5 (46) 50.0 (102)g 52.0 (148)g,h 136 54.6 (187)g,h 68.6 (51) 35.3 (136)h 44.4 (187)f,h P < 0.05 P > 0.05 P < 0.05 P < 0.05 56 - 65 66 - 75 ≥ 76 d P Values Conception rate, %c Timed-AI pregnancy rate, %d Synchronized pregnancy rate, %e a All cows received GnRH at initiation of the 7 d CIDR treatment, with PGF2 administered at the time of CIDR removal. For Select Synch/CIDR + TAI cows, estrus was detected for 3 d, and cows that exhibited estrus were AI approximately 8 to 12 h later. Cows which had not displayed estrus were timed-AI at 76 to 80 h and given GnRH. All modified Co-Synch/CIDR cows were fixed TAI at 66 h after PGF2. b Percentage of cows displaying estrus 3 d after PGF2 of total treated. c Percentage of cows pregnant to AI of the total that exhibited estrus and were AI. d Percentage of cows pregnant to timed-AI of the total that were timed-AI. e Percentage of cows pregnant during the synchronized breeding of the total treated. f,g,h Means without a common superscript within a column differ (P<0.05). 52 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 4 Effect of body condition score (BCS) on estrous response, conception, timed-AI pregnancy, and synchronized pregnancy rates following PGF2 in Bos indicus Bos taurus cows synchronized with either a Select Synch/CIDR + timed-AI (SCC) or modified Co-Synch/CIDR (COS) synchronization protocol.a BCS n Estrous response, %b ≤ 4.5 118 41.5 (118)f 54.6 (22) 35.4 (96) 39.0 (118)f 375 53.6 (375)g 63.7 (102) 43.2 (273) 48.8 (375)g 166 54.2 (166)g 77.3 (44) 45.1 (122) 53.6 (166)g P = 0.05 P > 0.05 P > 0.05 P < 0.05 5 - 5.5 ≥6 P Values Conception rate, %c Timed-AI pregnancy rate, %d Synchronized pregnancy rate, %e a All cows received GnRH at initiation of the 7 d CIDR treatment, with PGF2 administered at the time of CIDR removal. For Select Synch/CIDR + TAI cows, estrus was detected for 3 d, and cows that exhibited estrus were AI approximately 8 to 12 h later. Cows which had not displayed estrus were timed-AI at 76 to 80 h and given GnRH. All modified Co-Synch/CIDR cows were fixed TAI at 66 h after PGF2. b Percentage of cows displaying estrus 3 d after PGF2 of total treated. c Percentage of cows pregnant to AI of the total that exhibited estrus and were AI. d Percentage of cows pregnant to timed-AI of the total that were timed-AI. e Percentage of cows pregnant during the synchronized breeding of the total treated. f,g Means without a common superscript within a column differ (P<0.05). 53 2009 Florida Beef Report 54 2009 Florida Beef Report Comparison of Two Progestogen Based Estrous Synchronization Protocols and Cloprostenol Sodium vs. Dinoprost Tromethamine in Suckled Post Partum Cows and Yearling Heifers of Bos Indicus × Bos Taurus Breeding Erin McKinniss1 Regina Esterman Steaven Woodall Brad Austin Joel Yelich Synch/CIDR+timed-AI had increased conception and synchronized pregnancy rates compared to the 7-10 treatment in suckled cows of Bos indicus × Bos taurus breeding. Body condition score and days postpartum influenced the effectiveness of the synchronization treatments. There were no synchronization or prostaglandin treatment effects on any of the reproductive responses measured in the yearling heifers of Bos indicus × Bos taurus breeding. Summary Bos indicus × Bos taurus suckled postpartum cows (n=324) and yearling heifers were utilized over two breeding seasons (n=218 and 137) in an experiment comparing two progestogen based synchronization protocols and two prostaglandins. On d 0, the 7-10 treatment received an autoclaved once used Eazi breed CIDR progesterone insert (CIDR) that was removed on d 7 concomitant with Dinoprost tromethamine (Prostamate) followed by gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) on d 10. On d 17, 7-10 treatment received one of two prostaglandins, Prostamate or Cloprostenol sodium (Estrumate). Also on d 10, the Select Synch/CIDR+timed-artificial insemination (AI) treatment received a new CIDR concomitant with GnRH with CIDR removal on d 17 where cows received either Prostamate or Estrumate. Estrus was visually detected twice daily (0700 and 1600 h) for 72 h after prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) and cows were AI 6 to 12 h after a detected estrus. Non-responders were timed-AI + GnRH 72 to 76 h post PGF2a. Synch/CIDR+timed-AI and 7-10 treatments, respectively. As body condition score (BCS) increased from ≤ 4.5 to ≥ 5.5, estrous response, conception rate, synchronized pregnancy rate, and 30-d pregnancy rates increased (P < 0.05). For the heifers, estrous response, conception rate, timed-AI pregnancy rates, synchronized pregnancy rate, and 30-d pregnancy rates were similar (P > 0.05) between the synchronization and PGF2α treatments, with the mean estrous response, conception rate, timed-AI pregnancy rates, synchronized pregnancy rate, and 30 d pregnancy rates being 66.8, 65.0, 16.1, 48.7, and 76.3%, respectively. Introduction One of the most consistent synchronization protocols in suckled cows and yearling heifers of Bos taurus breeding includes administration of a 7 d Eazi-Breed™ CIDR® with GnRH at CIDR insertion and PGF2α at CIDR removal, followed by 3 d of estrous detection and AI with a timedAI plus GnRH for cattle not exhibiting estrus by 72 h after PGF2α. This protocol is known as the Select Synch/CIDR+timed-AI protocol. Previous reports indicated pregnancy rates were similar for suckled cows and yearling heifers of Bos indicus × Bos taurus breeding compared to For the cows, estrous response, conception rate, and synchronized pregnancy rate synchronized pregnancy rate were affected (P < 0.05) by synchronization treatment but not (P > 0.05) PGF2 treatment. The synchronized pregnancy rates were 45.5% and 31.2 for the Select 55 2009 Florida Beef Report cattle of Bos taurus breeding. Therefore, additional experiments are needed in cattle of Bos indicus × Bos taurus breeding to evaluate CIDR synchronizations treatments when GnRH is administered at CIDR insertion and at timedAI for induction of ovulation in cows not expressing estrus. Therefore, the objectives of these experiments were to evaluate the effectiveness of Prostamate compared to Estrumate when used in a modified 7-11 protocol and a Select Synch/CIDR+timedAI protocol in yearling heifers and suckled cows of Bos indicus × Bos taurus breeding. Procedure Suckled cows of Bos indicus × Bos taurus (n = 324) in 2007, and yearling heifers in 2006 and 2007(n = 218 and 137) from Bar-L Ranch in Marianna, FL, were used for the experiments. Genotypes for the animals utilized ranged from approximately 7 to 38% Bos indicus with the remainder being Bos taurus genotype. The 7-11 synchronization protocol is another short-term progestogen synchronization protocol that is frequently used in cattle of Bos taurus breeding. The 7-11 protocol consists of a 7 d melengestrol acetate (MGA) treatment with PGF2α on the last day of MGA followed by GnRH 4 d later. Seven-d after GnRH, PGF2α is administered to synchronize estrus. The 7-11 synchronization protocol is effective in Bos taurus cattle but no research has been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the 7-11 protocol in yearling heifers of Bos indicus × Bos taurus breeding and one study has been conducted in suckled cows of Bos indicus × Bos taurus breeding. At the start of the experiment (d 0), cows were equally distributed by body condition score (BCS; 1 = emaciated, 5 = moderate, 9 = very fat) and days post partum (DPP) to one of two progestogen based synchronization treatments and one of two PGF2α treatments (Figure 1). The synchronization treatments included a modified 7-11 treatment, (7-10) and the Select Synch/CIDR+timed-AI treatment. Within each synchronization treatment, half the cows received one of two PGF2α treatments: Prostamate (25 mg i.m.; Agrilabs) or Estrumate (500 µg i.m.; Schering-Plough Veterinary Corp.). On d 0, the 7-10 treatment received an autoclaved once-used CIDR (Eazi-Breed™ CIDR®, 1.38 g progesterone, Pfizer Animal Health) that was removed on d 7 concomitant with Prostamate followed by GnRH (500 µg; Cystorelin®, Merial Animal Health) on d10. The once-used autoclaved CIDR was used in place of MGA to test its effectiveness as a low cost alternative progestogen source in the 7-10 protocol. On d17, 7-10 cows received either Prostamate or Estrumate. Also on d 10, the Select Synch/CIDR+timed-AI treatment received a new CIDR concomitant with GnRH followed by CIDR removal on d 17 where cows received either Prostamate or Estrumate. As production costs increase, producers seek to implement new management practices that either reduce their operating costs and (or) increase productivity. Therefore, there has been considerable interest in using a once-used CIDR in estrous synchronization protocols. Previous reports indicate utilization of a once-used CIDR for 7 d suppresses estrus in beef females and autoclaving a once-used CIDR increases circulating progesterone concentrations compared to a non-autoclaved once-used CIDR. Autoclaving also reduces the risk of disease transmission. Therefore, there appears to be potential for incorporating a once-used CIDR into some estrous synchronization protocols. Additionally, a minimal amount of research has been conducted evaluating the effectiveness of prostaglandin type; Prostamate compared to Estrumate, when used in GnRH+PGF2α estrous synchronization protocols in cattle of Bos indicus × Bos taurus breeding. Additionally, no direct comparisons have been made between Prostamate and Estrumate in yearling Bos indicus × Bos taurus heifers synchronized with GnRH+PGF 2α synchronization protocols. To aid in estrous detection, all cows received Estrotect™ estrous detection patches (Rockway, Inc.) on d 18 of the experiment. Estrus was visually detected twice daily (0700 and 1600 h) for 72 h after PGF2α and cows were inseminated 56 2009 Florida Beef Report 6 to 12 h after detection of estrus. Nonresponders were timed-AI + GnRH 72 to 76 h post PGF2α. Seven-d after the timed-AI, natural service sires were placed with cows. Pregnancy was diagnosed approximately 55 d after AI by transrectal ultrasonography. In both years, heifers had similar (P > 0.05) estrous response, conception rate, timed-AI pregnancy rate, synchronized pregnancy rate, and 30 d pregnancy rate between 7-10 vs. Select Synch/CIDR+timed-AI (Table 2) and Estrumate vs.Prostamate (Table 3). Across treatments, the mean estrous response, conception rate, timedAI pregnancy rate, synchronized pregnancy rate and 30 d pregnancy rate were 66.8, 65.0, 16.1, 48.7, and 76.3% respectively. The mean synchronized pregnancy rate for the Prostamate and Estrumate treatments were 45.5 and 52.0%, respectively. At 48 h after PGF2α, treatments had a similar (P > 0.05) conception rate. At 60 h, Select Synch/CIDR+timed-AI treatment tended (P = 0.10) to have a decreased conception rate. Inversely, at 72 h, Select Synch/CIDR+timed-AI treatment had an increased (P < 0.05) conception rate compared to the 7-10 treatment. Estrous response was defined as the number of cows displaying estrus for 3 d after prostaglandin and AI divided by the total number of cows treated. Conception rate was defined as the number of cows that became pregnant to AI divided by the number of cows that displayed estrus and were AI. Timed-AI pregnancy rate was the number of cows that failed to display estrus, were timed-AI, and became pregnant divided by the total number of cows that were timed-AI. Synchronized pregnancy rate was the number of cows pregnant to AI divided by the total number of cows treated. Thirty-d pregnancy rate was the number of cows pregnant during the first 30 d of the breeding season divided by the total number of cows treated. In summary, the Select Synch/CIDR+timed-AI had increased conception and synchronized pregnancy rates compared to the 7-10 treatment in suckled cows of Bos indicus × Bos taurus breeding. The effectiveness of the treatment was influenced by BCS, as BCS increased, the estrous response, conception rate, and synchronized pregnancy rates increased. Days postpartum also influenced effectiveness of the synchronization treatments, as time from calving to start of synchronization increased, synchronized pregnancy rates increased. There was no effect of prostaglandin treatment on estrous response, conception rate, timed-AI pregnancy rate, synchronized pregnancy rate, or 30 d pregnancy rate. There were no synchronization or prostaglandin treatment effects on any of the reproductive responses measured in the yearling heifers of Bos indicus × Bos taurus breeding for either year. Yearling heifers were randomly assigned to the same treatments and estrous detection and AI were administered in the same manner as for the cows. Results and Discussion For the cows, estrous response, conception rate, and synchronized pregnancy rate was affected (P < 0.05) by synchronization treatment (Table 1). Body condition score also affected (P < 0.05) estrous response, conception rate, and synchronized pregnancy rate, and 30 d pregnancy rates. Days postpartum tended to (P = 0.1) effect timed-AI pregnancy rate and had an effect (P < 0.05) on synchronized pregnancy rate. Prostaglandin treatments were similar (P > 0.05) for estrous response, conception rate, timed-AI pregnancy rate, synchronized pregnancy rate, and 30 d pregnancy rate (Table 1). 1 Erin McKinniss, Graduate Student; Regina Esterman, Graduate Student; Steaven Woodall, Former Graduate Student; Brad Austin, Graduate Student, Department of Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL; Joel Yelich, Professor, UF-IFAS Department of Animal Sciences, UF, Gainesville, FL 57 2009 Florida Beef Report a) 7-10 treatment with Prostamate or Estrumate PGF2α on d 17 Prostamate Prostamate or Estrumate GnRH Once-used CIDR GnRH + timed-AI Estrus detect & AI b) Select Synch/CIDR+timed-AI treatment with Prostamate or Estrumate PGF2α on d 17 Prostamate or Estrumate GnRH New CIDR 0 Figure 1. 7 10 Day of experiment GnRH + timed-AI Estrus detect & AI 17 20 Experimental design evaluating the effects of two progestogen and two PGF2α treatments in Bos indicus × Bos taurus suckled cows and yearling heifers a) 7-10 treatment: on d 0 received a onceused CIDR that was removed on d 7 concomitant with Prostamate (25 mg i.m.) followed by GnRH (500 µg i.m.) on d 10. On d 17, females received either Prostomate or Estrumate (500 µg i.m.). b) Select Synch/CIDR+timed-AI treatment: on d 10 received a new CIDR (1.38 g) concomitant with GnRH. Day 17 CIDR was removed and females received either Prostomate or Estrumate. For all four treatments estrus was detected for 3 d and females were inseminated 6 to 12 h after detected estrus. Females not exhibiting estrus by 72 h were timed-AI and received GnRH. 58 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Effect of synchronization treatment and prostaglandin treatment on estrous response, conception rates and pregnancy rates in suckled cows of Bos indicus × Bos taurus breeding synchronized with either a modified 7-11 (7-10) or Select Synch/CIDR+timed-AI (SSC+TAI) treatment with either Estrumate or Prostamate.a Estrous response, %b Conception rate, %c Timed-AI pregnancy rate, %d 7-10 49.0 (77/157) 45.5 (35/77) 17.5 (14/80) 31.2 (49/157) SSC+TAI 59.9 (100/167) 62.0 (62/100) 20.9 (14/67) 45.5 (76/167) P-value < 0.05 < 0.05 > 0.05 < 0.05 Estrumate 57.0 (94/165) 48.9 (46/94) 23.9 (17/71) 38.2 (63/165) Prostamate 52.2 (83/159) 61.5 (51/83) 14.5 (11/76) 39.0 (62/159) P-value > 0.05 > 0.05 > 0.05 > 0.05 Variable Synchronized pregnancy rate, %e Synchronization Prostaglandin a See Figure 3-1 for details of treatments. b Percentage of cows displaying estrus 72 h after PGF2 of the total treated. c Percentage of cows pregnant to AI of the total that exhibited estrus and were AI. d Percentage of cows pregnant to timed-AI of the total that were timed-AI. e Percentage of cows pregnant during the synchronized breeding of the total treated. 59 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 2. Estrous response, conception, and pregnancy rates by synchronization treatment of yearling heifers of Bos indicus × Bos taurus genotype synchronized with either a modified 7-11 (7-10) or Select Synch/CIDR+timed-AI (SSC+TAI) treatment with either Estrumate or Prostamate for years 1 and 2.a Estrous response, %b Conception rate, %c Timed-AI pregnancy rate %d Synchronized pregnancy rate, %e 7-10 65.2 (116/178) 62.1 (72/116) 14.5 (9/62) 45.5 (81/178) Yr 1 71.6 (78/109) 65.4 (51/78) 9.68 (3/31) 49.5 (54/109) Yr 2 55.1 (38/69) 55.3 (21/38) 19.4 (6/31) 39.1 (27/69) SSC+TAI 68.4 (121/177) 67.8 (82/121) 17.9 (10/56) 52.0 (92/177) Yr 1 64.2 (70/109) 71.4 (50/70) 20.5 (8/39) 53.2 (58/109) Yr 2 75.0 (51/68) 62.7 (32/51) 11.8 (2/17) 50.0 (34/68) Sync > 0.05 > 0.05 > 0.05 > 0.05 Yr > 0.05 > 0.05 > 0.05 > 0.05 Sync ×Yr < 0.05 > 0.05 > 0.05 > 0.05 Variable P-value a See Figure 3-1 for details of treatments. b Percentage of heifers displaying estrus 72 h after PGF2 of the total treated. c Percentage of heifers pregnant to AI of the total that exhibited estrus and were AI. d Percentage of heifers pregnant to timed-AI of the total that were timed-AI. e Percentage of heifers pregnant during the synchronized breeding of the total treated. 60 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 3. Estrous response, conception and pregnancy rates by prostaglandin treatment of yearling heifers of Bos indicus × Bos taurus genotype synchronized with either a modified 7-11 (7-10) or Select Synch/CIDR + timed-AI (SSC+TAI) treatment with either Estrumate or Prostamate for yr 1 and 2.a Variable Estrous response, %b Conception rate, %c Timed-AI pregnancy rate, %d Estrumate 68.7 (123/179) 67.5 (83/123) 17.9 (10/56) 52.0 (93/179) Yr 1 70.6 (77/109) 71.4 (55/77) 18.8 (6/32) 56.0 (61/109) Yr 2 65.7 (46/70) 60.9 (38/46) 16.7 (4/24) 45.7 (32/70) Prostamate 64.8 (114/176) 62.3(71/114) 14.5 (9/62) 45.4 (80/176) Yr 1 65.1 (71/109) 64.8 (46/710 13.2 (5/38) 46.8 (51/109) Yr 2 64.2 (43/67) 58.1 (25/43) 16.7 (4/24) 43.3 (29/67) Prostaglandin > 0.05 > 0.05 > 0.05 > 0.05 Yr > 0.05 > 0.05 > 0.05 > 0.05 Prostaglandin × Yr > 0.05 > 0.05 > 0.05 > 0.05 Synchronized pregnancy rate, %e P-value a See Figure 3-1 for details of treatments. b Percentage of heifers displaying estrus 72 h after PGF2 of the total treated. c Percentage of heifers pregnant to AI of the total that exhibited estrus and were AI. d Percentage of heifers pregnant to timed-AI of the total that were timed-AI. e Percentage of heifers pregnant during the synchronized breeding of the total treated. 61 2009 Florida Beef Report 62 2009 Florida Beef Report Effectiveness of Cloprostenol Sodium vs. Dinoprost Tromethamine in a GnRH/CIDR + PGF2α Synchronization Protocol in Angus, Brahmans, and Brahman Angus Cows Regina Esterman1 Brad Austin Steaven Woodall Erin McKinniss Joel Yelich Suckled Bos taurus, Bos indicus, and Bos indicus Bos taurus cows had similar estrous responses, conception, timed-AI pregnancy, and synchronized pregnancy rates when synchronized with a Select Synch/CIDR + timed artificial insemination protocol with two PGF2α types. The cloprostenol sodium PGF2α treatment tended to yield greater estrous response, timed-AI pregnancy, and synchronized pregnancy rates compared to dinoprost tromethamine. Summary Suckled Bos taurus, Bos indicus, and Bos indicus Bos taurus cows were used to evaluate the Select Synch/CIDR (intravaginal progesterone releasing device) + timed artificial insemination (TAI) synchronization protocol with two prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) types (cloprostenol sodium vs. dinoprost tromethamine). Cows received GnRH and a CIDR on d 0, followed by CIDR removal and either cloprostenol sodium or dinoprost tromethamine on d 7. Estrus was detected for 3 d following PGF2α and cows were AI 8 to 12 h after observed in estrus. Cows not exhibiting estrus by 72 h after PGF2α were timed-AI between 76 to 80 h and received GnRH. Six breeds were evaluated, including: Angus, ¾ Angus ¼ Brahman, ⅝ Angus ⅜ Brahman (Brangus), ½ Angus ½ Brahman, ¼ Angus ¾ Brahman, and Brahman. Cloprostenol treated cows tended to have a greater estrous response (P=0.17), timed-AI pregnancy rate (P=0.09), and synchronized pregnancy rate (P=0.15). Breed of the cow did not (P>0.05) influence estrous response, conception rate, or timed-AI pregnancy rate, but tended (P=0.15) to influence synchronized pregnancy rate. Year of replication effected conception rate and synchronized pregnancy rate, but only tended to influence estrous response (P=0.07) and timedAI pregnancy rate (P=0.14). In summary, the PGF2α treatment of cloprostenol sodium tended to yield greater responses compared to dinoprost tromethamine when used in the Select Synch + timed-AI protocol and the response to synchronization treatment was similar among Bos taurus, Bos indicus, and Bos indicus Bos taurus breeds. Introduction Cattle of Bos indicus breeding are commonly used by producers in tropical and subtropical regions of the world due to their superior tolerance to high temperatures, humidity, parasites, and utilization of low quality forages compared to Bos taurus cattle. Slight differences in the reproductive physiology of Bos indicus compared to Bos taurus cattle include a reduced capacity for luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion, an earlier LH surge and ovulation relative to the onset of estrus, and a greater sensitivity to exogenous gonadotrophins. Behavioral differences are also apparent in Bos indicus cattle, including a shorter, less evident estrus and increased occurrence of ‘silent estrus’. Utilization of the estrous synchronization protocol of GnRH followed 7 d later by PGF2α is commonly used in Bos taurus cows. A common problem with the GnRH + PGF2α system is 63 2009 Florida Beef Report expression of estrus several days prior to PGF2α, which can be prevented with the addition of a progestogen between the GnRH and PGF2α treatments. Addition of a progestogen like melengestrol acetate or the intravaginal progesterone releasing device (CIDR) to the GnRH + PGF2α system can also have a beneficial effect by increasing the number of anestrous cows that exhibit estrous cycles. Studies using the GnRH + PGF2α systems with or without a progestogen have been conducted in Bos indicus Bos taurus cattle with limited success. ¾ Brahman. On d 0, all cows received GnRH (100 µg i.m.; Fertagyl®, Intervet) and a new CIDR (1.38 g progesterone; Eazi-Breed™ CIDR®, Pfizer Animal Health). On d 7, CIDR was removed and cows were equally distributed by breed and DPP to receive either of two PGF2α treatments, which included cloprostenol sodium (500 µg i.m.; Estrumate®, Schering-Plough Veterinary Corp.) or dinoprost tromethamine (25 mg i.m.; Lutalyse®, Pfizer Animal Health). All cows also received an Estrotect™ estrous detection patch (Estrotect™, Rockway, Inc.). Estrus was visually detected three times daily at 0700, 1200, and 1700 h for 3 d following PGF2α. Estrus was defined as a cow standing to be mounted by another cow and/or a half to full red Estrotect™ patch. Cows were artificially inseminated (AI) 8 to 12 h after an observed estrus. All cows that had not displayed estrus by 0800 h, 73 h after PGF2α were timed-AI and administered GnRH between 76 and 80 h after PGF2α. The effectiveness of prostaglandins like cloprostenol sodium and dinoprost tromethamine to synchronize estrus has been well documented in Bos taurus cattle, but only one comparison in cattle of Bos indicus breeding has been conducted. Therefore, the objectives of these experiments was to evaluate the effectiveness of two PGF2α treatments, cloprostenol sodium and dinoprost tromethamine, in a GnRH + PGF2α synchronization program combined with a CIDR for synchronizing heifers and postpartum lactating cows, and to evaluate breed effects for cows of Angus (Bos taurus), Brahman (Bos indicus), and Brahman Angus breeding for responses to the GnRH + PGF2α synchronization program. Cows were inseminated using frozen-thawed semen from multiple pre-assigned sires and were inseminated by three AI technicians. Pregnancy was diagnosed approximately 29 d after insemination using a real-time B-mode ultrasound (Aloka 500V, Corometrics Medical Systems) with a 5.0 MHz transducer. The GENMOD procedure of SAS (SAS Inst. Inc.) was used for the statistical analysis. The effects of PGF2α treatment, breed, year, and all appropriate interactions were evaluated for estrous response, conception, timed-AI pregnancy, and synchronized pregnancy rates. Days postpartum, BCS and cow age were included as covariates for the evaluation of estrous response, conception, timed-AI pregnancy, and synchronized pregnancy rates. Materials and Methods This experiment was conducted over a three year period from February to May of 2005 to 2007 at the University of Florida, Department of Animal Sciences Beef Research Unit. Multiparous, postpartum, lactating cows of varying degrees of Brahman (Bos indicus) and Angus (Bos taurus) breeding (n=504) were used. Cows had a mean (± SD) age of 5.1 ± 2.4 yr, days postpartum (DPP) of 65.5 ± 16.2 d, body weight (BW) of 1,208 ± 139 lb, and body condition score (BCS) of 5.2 ± 0.6 (1 = emaciated, 9 = obese). Breed types represented included Angus, Brahman, and different percentages of Brahman Angus breeding. The Brahman Angus cows were ¾ Angus ¼ Brahman, ⅝ Angus ⅜ Brahman (Brangus), ½ Angus ½ Brahman, and ¼ Angus Results Estrous response tended (P=0.17) to be greater for cloprostenol treated cows compared to dinoprost treated cows (Table 1). Estrous response tended (P=0.07) to differ between years of replication (Table 2), but estrous response was not influenced (P>0.05) by breed 64 2009 Florida Beef Report by yr of replication (Table 2). Breed did not (P>0.05) effect timed-AI pregnancy rate (Table 3). There were no PGF2α treatment breed, PGF2α treatment year, breed year, or PGF2α treatment year breed effects (P>0.05) on timed-AI pregnancy rate. Cow age and DPP did not (P>0.05) influence timed-AI pregnancy rate. (Table 3). There were no PGF2α treatment breed, PGF2α treatment year, or breed year effects (P>0.05) on estrous response. Cow age affected (P<0.05) estrous response. Three-year old cows (44.4%) had a decreased (P<0.05) estrous response compared to cows that were 4 to 5 yr (57.1%), 6 to 7 yr (59.2%), and 8 to 16 yr (59.7%), which had similar (P>0.05) estrous responses. Days postpartum also tended (P=0.06) to affect estrous response. Short (≤ 55 d) DPP cows had a lower (P<0.05) estrous response (45.4%) than medium (56 to 74 d) DPP cows (58.3%), but were similar (P>0.05) to long (≥ 75 d) postpartum cows (54.6%). Medium DPP cows had a similar (P>0.05) estrous response compared to long DPP cows. Body condition score did not (P>0.05) influence estrous response. The average interval from PGF2α to the onset of estrus was not effected (P>0.05) by PGF2α treatment or breed of cow, nor did it effect (P>0.05) conception rates. For cows that exhibited estrus, the average interval from PGF2α to the onset of estrus was 54.7 ± 9.4 h. Synchronized pregnancy rate tended (P=0.15) to be effected by PGF2α treatment (Table 1). Cloprostenol treated cows tended (P=0.15) to have greater synchronized pregnancy rates compared to dinoprost treated cows (Table 1). Synchronized pregnancy rates were greater (P<0.05) for yr 1 compared to yr 2 and 3, which were similar (P>0.05) to each other (Table 2). Breed tended (P=0.15) to effect overall synchronized pregnancy rates (Table 3). There were no PGF2α treatment breed, PGF2α treatment year, breed year, or PGF2α treatment year breed effects (P>0.05) on synchronized pregnancy rate. Synchronized pregnancy rates were greater (P < 0.01) for yr 1 compared to yr 2 (Table 2). Age did not (P>0.05) influence synchronized pregnancy. Synchronized pregnancy rate was greater (P<0.05) for medium (54.0%) and long (54.6%) DPP cows compared to short (40.8%) DPP cows. Long DPP cows had similar (P>0.05) synchronized pregnancy rates to medium DPP cows. Conception rate was similar (P>0.05) between PGF2α treatments (Table 1) and breed of cow (Table 3). However, each year of replication had different (P<0.05) conception rates from the other years (Table 2). There were no PGF2α treatment breed, PGF2α treatment year, breed year, or PGF2α treatment year breed effects (P>0.05) on conception rate. Days postpartum influenced (P<0.05) conception rate. Long (70.8%) and medium (61.8%) DPP cows had a similar (P>0.05) conception rate, which was a greater (P<0.05) compared to short (49.2%) DPP cows. Short DPP cows had a similar (P>0.05) conception rate compared to medium DPP cows. Cow age and BCS did not (P>0.05) influence conception rate. The overall estrous response, conception rate, timed-AI pregnancy rate, and synchronized pregnancy rate pooled across both PGF2α treatments were 53.8, 62.0, 37.8, and 50.8%, respectively. Breed of cow did not influence (P>0.05) estrous response, conception rate, or timed-AI pregnancy rates, but tended (P=0.15) to influence synchronized pregnancy rates. Timed-AI pregnancy rates tended (P=0.09) to be greater for cloprostenol treated cows compared to dinoprost treated cows (Table 1). Timed-AI pregnancy rate tended (P=0.14) to be influenced 1 Regina Esterman, Graduate Student; Brad Austin, Graduate Student; Steaven Woodall, Former Graduate Student; Erin McKinniss, Graduate Student; Joel Yelich; Associate Professor, UF-IFA, Department of Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL 65 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1 Estrous, conception, and pregnancy rates of Bos taurus, Bos indicus, and Bos indicus x Bos taurus cows synchronized with a 7 d CIDR treatment with two different prostaglandin F2 (PGF2) treatments administered at CIDR removal.a N 3 d Estrous Response (%)b Conception Rate (%)c Timed-AI Pregnancy Rate (%)d Synchronized Pregnancy Rate (%)e Cloprostenol 250 56.8 (250) 62.0 (142) 43.5 (108) 54.0 (250) Dinoprost 254 50.8 (254) 62.0 (129) 32.8 (125) 47.6 (254) = 0.17 > 0.05 = 0.09 = 0.15 Treatments P-values a All cows received GnRH (100 µg) at initiation of the 7 d CIDR treatment, with either Estrumate (500 μg) or Lutalyse (25 mg) at CIDR removal. Cows that exhibited estrus were AI approximately 8-12 h later and all cows not exhibiting estrus by the third day after PGF2 received GnRH and were timed-AI 72-80 h after PGF2 injection. Results presented as mean (total). b Percentage of cows displaying estrus during the 3 d after PGF2 of the total treated. c Percentage of cows pregnant to AI of the total that exhibited estrus and were AI. d Percentage of cows pregnant to timed-AI of the total that were timed-AI. e Percentage of cows pregnant during the 3 d synchronized breeding of the total treated. 66 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 2 Estrous, conception and pregnancy rates of Bos taurus, Bos indicus, and Bos indicus x Bos taurus cows synchronized with a 7 d CIDR treatment with two different prostaglandin F2 (PGF2) treatments administered at CIDR removal by treatment (TRT), year, and a treatment by year interaction (TRT*YEAR).a N 3 d Estrous Response (%)b Conception Rate (%)c Timed-AI Pregnancy Rate (%)d Synchronized Pregnancy Rate (%)e YEAR 1 157 52.9 (157) 77.1 (83) 46.0 (74) 62.4 (157) Cloprostenol 78 57.7 (78) 82.2 (45) 54.6 (33) 70.5 (78) Dinoprost 79 48.1 (79) 71.1 (38) 39.0 (41) 54.4 (79) YEAR 2 178 48.3 (178) 47.7 (86) 37.0 (92) 42.1 (178) Cloprostenol 88 51.1 (88) 46.7 (45) 44.2 (43) 45.5 (88) Dinoprost 90 45.6 (90) 48.8 (41) 30.6 (49) 38.9 (90) YEAR 3 169 60.4 (169) 61.8 (102) 29.9 (67) 49.1 (169) Cloprostenol 84 61.9 (84) 57.7 (52) 31.3 (32) 47.6 (84) Dinoprost 85 58.8 (85) 66.0 (50) 28.6 (35) 50.6 (85) TRT P = 0.17 P > 0.05 P = 0.09 P = 0.15 YEAR P = 0.07 P < 0.05 P = 0.14 P < 0.05 TRT*YEAR > 0.05 > 0.05 > 0.05 > 0.05 Treatments a All cows received GnRH (100 µg) at initiation of the 7 d CIDR treatment, with either Estrumate (500 μg) or Lutalyse (25 mg) at CIDR removal. Cows that exhibited estrus were AI approximately 8-12 h later and all cows not exhibiting estrus by the third day after PGF2 received GnRH and were timed-AI 72-80 h after PGF2 injection. Results presented as mean (total). b Percentage of cows displaying estrus during the 3 d after PGF2 of the total treated. c Percentage of cows pregnant to AI of the total that exhibited estrus and were AI. d Percentage of cows pregnant to timed-AI of the total that were timed-AI. e Percentage of cows pregnant during the 3 d synchronized breeding of the total treated. 67 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 3 Estrous, conception and pregnancy rates of Bos taurus, Bos indicus, and Bos indicus x Bos taurus cows synchronized with a 7 d CIDR treatment with two different prostaglandin F2 (PGF2) treatments administered at CIDR removal by breed.a Breed Group N 3 d Estrous Response (%)b Angus (AN) 106 58.5 (106) 64.5 (62) 34.1 (44) 51.9 (106) ¾ AN ¼ BR 106 51.9 (106) 54.6 (55) 43.1 (51) 49.1 (106) ⅝ AN ⅜ BR 57 63.2 (57) 55.6 (36) 38.1 (21) 49.1 (57) ½ AN ½ BR 135 51.9 (135) 72.9 (70) 44.6 (65) 59.3 (135) ¾ BR ¼ AN 50 44.0 (50) 54.6 (22) 28.6 (28) 40.0 (50) Brahman (BR) 50 52.0 (50) 57.7 (26) 25.0 (24) 42.0 (50) > 0.05 > 0.05 > 0.05 = 0.15 P-value Conception Rate (%)c Timed-AI Pregnancy Rate (%)d Synchronized Pregnancy Rate (%)e a All cows received GnRH (100 µg) at initiation of the 7 d CIDR treatment, with either Estrumate (500 μg) or Lutalyse (25 mg) at CIDR removal. Cows that exhibited estrus were AI approximately 8-12 h later and all cows not exhibiting estrus by the third day after PGF2 received GnRH and were timed-AI 72-80 h after PGF2 injection. Results presented as mean (total). b Percentage of cows displaying estrus during the 3 d after PGF2 of the total treated. c Percentage of cows pregnant to AI of the total that exhibited estrus and were AI. d Percentage of cows pregnant to timed-AI of the total that were timed-AI. e Percentage of cows pregnant during the 3 d synchronized breeding of the total treated. 68 2009 Florida Beef Report Presynchronization of Suckled Beef Cows with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) 7 days prior to Initiation of a Fixed-time Artificial Insemination Protocol Fails to Enhance Fertility Guilherme Marquezini1 Carl Dahlen1 G. Cliff Lamb1 Administration of human chorionic gonadotropin 7 d before initiating the CO-Synch + CIDR estrous synchronization protocol failed to enhance pregnancy rates. When replacing gonadotropin releasing hormone with human chorionic gonadotropin at the time of insemination, pregnancy rates to fixed-time artificial insemination may be reduced. Summary Two experiments were conducted to evaluate whether hCG administered 7 d before initiating the CO-Synch + CIDR estrous synchronization protocol (Exp. 1 and 2), or replacing gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) at the time of insemination (Exp. 1), would alter pregnancy rate to a fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) in suckled beef cows. In Exp. 1, cows were stratified by days postpartum, age, and parity and randomly assigned to one of four treatments: 1) Cows received GnRH at CIDR insertion (d -7) and 25 mg of prostaglandin F2 (PG) at CIDR removal (d 0), followed in 64 to 68 hr by a TAI with second injection of GnRH at the time of insemination (CG; n=29); 2) same as CG but the second injection of GnRH at the time of insemination was replaced by hCG (CH; n=28); 3) same as GG, but cows received hCG7 d (d -14) priorto CIDR insertion (HG; n=29); and 4) sameas GH, but cows received hCG 7 d (d -14) priorto CIDR insertion (HH; n=29). Pregnancy rates were 52%, 41%, 59%, and 38% for GG, GH, HG, and HH, respectively. Cows receiving hCG(39%) in place of GnRH at TAI tended (P = 0.06) to have poorer pregnancy rates than those receiving GnRH (56%). In Exp. 2, cows were stratified based on days postpartum, body condition score (BCS), breed type, and calf sex and then assigned to the CG (n = 102) or HG (n = 103) treatments. Overall pregnancy rates were 51%, but no differences in pregnancy rates were detected between treatments, breed, days postpartum, or calf sex. We concluded that presynchronization with hCG 7d prior to initiation of the CO-Synch + CIDR protocol failed to enhance pregnancy rates, but replacing GnRH with hCG at the time of AI may reduce pregnancy rates. Introduction Producers are continually seeking to improve reproductive efficiency in cattle. One method of enhancing reproductive efficiency is to utilize estrous synchronization (ES) and AI. Effective TAI systems have been developed (Larson et al., 2006) that reduce the amount of time and labor associated with estrous synchronization and TAI. To ensure the greatest response to ES and AI, increasing the percentage of cows cycling at the beginning of the breeding season is paramount. Therefore, the use of presynchronization to initiate estrous cycles in noncycling cows may enhance the response to the ES and AI protocol. Presynchronization protocols have been developed to increase the rate of ovulation by the first administration of GnRH in a GnRH-PG-GnRH protocol (Busch et al., 2007). Presynchronization of estrus with 2 injections of PG administered 14 d apart, prior to initiating a TAI protocol enhanced pregnancy 69 2009 Florida Beef Report = 103) treatments from Experiment 1 (Figure 1). Mean BCS was 5.5 and days postpartum was 70 d. Pregnancy was diagnosed by transrectal ultrasonography on d 29 after TAI. rates in cows (Moreira et al., 2001; Navanukraw et al., 2004). The improvement of the response of the GnRH is believed to be causedby an increased proportion of cows in early to middiestrus when the first GnRH injection of the timed AI protocol was administered, (Vasconcelos et al., 1999; Moreira et al., 2000). The use of hCG induces potent LH activity on ovarian cells, which can even lead to ovulation throughout the estrous cycle. Results Experiment 1. Incidence of cycling, concentrations of progesterone, and pregnancy rates did not differ among the four treatments, but when evaluated as a 2 x 2 factorial differences were detected. Cows receiving no pretreatment (control) or hCG on d -14 are illustrated in Table 1, whereas comparisons between cows treated with GnRH or hCG at TAI (d 3) are illustrated in Table 2. Overall, 55% of cows were cycling by d -14 and did not differ between treatments; however, the percentage of cycling cows tended (P = 0.10) to increase by d -7 after receiving hCG (78.9%) compared to untreated controls (64.9%). Subsequently, the concentrations of progesterone (P4) tended (P = 0.13) to be greater at the time of CIDR insertion (d -7) in cows receiving hCG compared to untreated controls. The enhanced incidence of more cows with a corpus luteum on d -7 did not appear to enhance fertility. Overall pregnancy rates were 47.4% and were not altered by pretreatment with hCG. However, pregnancy rates tended (P = 0.06) to be reduced in cows receiving hCG at TAI compared to those receiving GnRH. Our objectives were: 1) to evaluate whether hCG administered 7 d before initiating a TAI estrous synchronization protocol would enhance pregnancy rates; and 2) whether replacing GnRH with hCG at the time of insemination would alter pregnancy rate to TAI. Materials and Methods Experiment 1. One hundred fifteen cows were stratified by days postpartum, age, and parity before being assigned to one of four treatments in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement (Figure 1): 1) cows received a 100 µg injection of GnRH (OvaCyst; IVX Animal Health) and a CIDR containing 1.38 g of progesterone (Pfizer Animal Health) on d -7 and 25 mg of PG (Lutalyse, dinoprost tromethamine, Pfizer Animal Health) at CIDR removal (d 0), followed in 67 hr by a TAI with second injection of GnRH at the time of insemination (Control GnRH; CG; n=29); 2) same as CG but a second injection of GnRH at the time of insemination was replaced by 1,000 IU of hCG (CH; n=28); 3) same as CG, but cows received 1,000 IU of hCG administered 7 d (d-14) before CIDR insertion (HG; n=29); and 4) same as CH, but cows received 1,000 IU of hCG on d -14 (HH; n=29). Blood samples were collected on d -24, -14,-7, 0, 3, 10 and 16 to harvest serum for analysis of concentration of progesterone. Progesterone concentration was used to determine cycling status. Pregnancy was diagnosed by transrectal ultrasonography 31 d after TAI. We conclude that hCG appeared to influence the percentage of cows with a corpus luteum on d -7 but failed to enhance fertility when administered 7 d prior to initiation of ES. In addition, replacing GnRH with hCG at TAI appeared to suppress pregnancy rates. Experiment 2. Overall pregnancy rates were 51% and did not differ among treatments. In addition, breed, sex of offspring, days postpartum, and parity did not appear to influence pregnancy rates (Table 3). Therefore, we conclude that presynchronization with hCG 7 d prior to initiating the CO-Synch + CIDR protocol, did not enhance pregnancy rates. Experiment 2. Two hundred and five cows were stratified based on days postpartum, BCS, breed type (British or Crossbreed), and calf sex (male or female) and assigned to CG (n= 102) and HG (n 70 2009 Florida Beef Report Acknowledgements We thank Pfizer Animal Health (New York, NY) for contributions of prostaglandin F2 (Lutalyse) and CIDR inserts and IVX Animal Health (St. Joseph, MO) for donation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (OvaCyst). Appreciation also is expressed to S. Bird, R. Irurtia, A. Martins, Jr., Olivia Helms, Don Jones, Mary Maddox, Todd Matthews, Harvey Standland, and David Thomas for their assistance with data collection and laboratory analysis. LITERATURE CITED Busch et al. 2007. J. Anim. Sci. 85: 1933. Larson et al. 2006. J. Anim. Sci. 84:332. Moreira et al. 2001. J. Dairy Sci. 84:1646. Moreira et al. 2000. J. Anim. Sci. 78:1568. Navanukraw et al. 2004. J. Dairy Sci. 87:1551. Vasconcelos et al. 1999. Theriogenology 52:1067. 1 Guilherme Marquezini, Graduate Student, UF/IFAS, NFREC, Marianna, FL; Carl Dahlen, Graduate Student, University of Minnesota, NWROC, Crookston, MN; G. Cliff Lamb, Associate Professor, UF/IFAS, NFREC, Marianna, FL 71 2009 Florida Beef Report Figure 1. Schematic of experimental design for cows treated with PG, CIDR, and GnRH or hCG in Exp. 1 (CG, CH, HG, and HH) and Exp. 2 (CG and HG). 72 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Concentrations of progesterone (P4), percentage of cycling, and pregnancy rates in cows receiving either control or hCG treatment on d -14 (Exp. 1). Treatment on d -14a Item Control (CG and CH) hCG (HG and HH) ----------ng/ml---------P4 on d -14, ng/ml 1.6 ± 0.2 1.5 ± 0.2 P4 on d -7, ng/ml 1.9 ± 0.4 2.7 ± 0.4 P4 on d 0, ng/ml 2.5 ± 0.3 3.1 ± 0.3 ----------no./no. (%)---------Cycling cows on d -14b 31/57 (54.4) 32/57 (56.1) Cycling cows on d -7 c 37/57 (64.9)w 45/57 (78.9)x Cows with >1 ng/ml P4 on d -14d 26/57 (45.6) 27/57 (47.4) Cows with >1 ng/ml P4 on d -7d 23/57 (40.4)y 36/57 (63.2)z Pregnancy rates 26/57 (45.6) 28/57 (49.1) a Cows were assigned to receive no treatment or hCG on d -14. Number and percentage of cows cycling on d -14 based on two blood samples taken on d d -25 and -14. c Number and percentage of cows cycling on d -7 based on three blood samples taken on d d -25, 14, and -7. d Cows with concentrations of P4 >1 ng/ml on d-14 or -7. w,x Percentages differ (P = 0.10). y,z Percentages differ (P < 0.05). b 73 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 2. Concentrations of progesterone (P4) and pregnancy rates in cows receiving either GnRH or hCGat TAI on d 3 (Exp. 1). Treatment on d 3a Item GnRH (CG and HG) hCG (CH and HH) ----------ng/ml---------P4 on d 3, ng/ml 0.1 ± 0.2 0.2 ± 0.2 P4 on d 10, ng/ml 2.4 ± 0.2 2.3 ± 0.2 P4 on d 16, ng/ml 3.4 ± 0.3 3.4 ± 0.3 P4 on d 29, ng/ml 2.8 ± 0.4 2.6 ± 0.4 ----------no./no. (%)---------Pregnancy rates a 32/57 (56.1)x 22/57 (38.6)y Cows were assigned to receive GnRH or hCG on d 3 (at the time of TAI). Percentages differ (P = 0.06). x,y 74 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 3. Pregnancy rates of cows assigned to receive control or hCG treatment on d -14 (Exp.2). Treatmentsa Item CG HG ----------no./no. (%)---------- Breed Bos taurus 16/37 (43.2) 24/45 (53.3) Bos indicus crossbred 35/63 (55.6) 26/55 (47.3) Female 22/43 (51.1) 22/42 (52.4) Male 28/55 (50.9) 24/53 (45.3) <60 d 12/25 (48.0) 11/27 (40.7) >60 d 40/76 (52.6) 39/74 (52.7) Primiparous 10/20 (50.0) 9/25 (36.0) Multiparous 42/81 (51.9) 41/76 (53.9) Calf sex Days postpartum Parity a Cows were assigned to receive no treatment or hCG on d -14. 75 2009 Florida Beef Report 76 2009 Florida Beef Report Effect of Optaflexx® 45 (Ractopamine-HCl) on Live and Carcass Performance when Fed to Steers During the Final 28 Days of Feeding John Michael Gonzalez1 Dwain Johnson Todd Thrift Jesse Savell Supplementation with 200 mg•hd-1•d-1of Optaflexx® 45 (Ractopamine-HCl) to steers during the final 28 d of feeding prior to harvest did not affect live performance and minimally affected carcass characteristics. In addition, Optaflexx® did not affect muscle weights, dimensions or tenderness of four muscles of beef cattle. Summary The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of Optaflexx® supplementation to steers during the final 28 d of feeding on live and carcass performance. Thirty-four steers were separated into four harvest groups and fed at the University of Florida Beef Teaching Unit. Within each harvest group, the steers were separated into two pens. Both pens were fed a control diet of 85% corn, 7.5% cottonseed hulls, and 7.5% commercially produced protein pellet. When pens were visually 28 d from reaching a pen average of 0.4 inch of backfat, pens were supplemented with a top dress that contained 0 and 200 mg•hd-1•d-1of Optaflexx®. After d 28 of supplementation for each harvest group, steers were transported to the University of Florida Meats Laboratory and harvested under Federal inspection. A University employee collected carcass data 48 h postmortem. 72 h postmortem, the strip loin and top round were removed from the right side of each carcass. The Semimembranosus, Adductor, and Gracilis were separated from the top round and the Longissimus dorsi was separated from the strip loin. Commodity weight, denuded weight, and muscle dimensions were collected on all muscles of interest. Whole denuded muscles were then vacuum packaged, wet aged until d 13 postmortem, and cut into 1 inch steaks for tenderness evaluation by Warner-Bratzler shear force. The inclusion of Optaflexx® during the final 28 d of feeding did not have an effect (P > 0.05) on live performance characteristics. In addition, most carcass characteristics were unaffected (P > 0.05) by supplementation except dressing percentage (P < 0.20), lean maturity (P < 0.05), marbling score (P < 0.05), and muscle firmness (P < 0.20). The muscle weights and dimensions of the adductor and semimembranosus were unaffected (P > 0.05) by Optaflexx® supplementation. Only the width and minimum depth of the longissimus dorsi and gracilis were improved by Optaflexx®. Finally, tenderness of steaks from all four muscles as evaluated by Warner-Bratzler shear force was unaffected by Optaflexx®. Introduction The supplement Optaflexx® 45 (RactopamineHydrochloride) belongs to a class of compounds called beta-adrenergic agonists. Beta-adrenergic agonists increase skeletal muscle accretion by redirecting dietary nutrients away from adipose tissue accretion to skeletal muscle growth. Because of this, these compounds are classified as “repartiontiong agents” (Mersmann, 1979). Currently, the FDA approves the use of ractopamine in both swine (Paylean® in 1999) 77 2009 Florida Beef Report and cattle (Optaflexx® in 2003). The FDA approves the use of Optaflexx® for cattle fed in confinement during the last 24 to 42 d of feeding before slaughter. Since Elanco Animal Health commercially introduced Optaflexx® in 2004, an increase in the number of studies published evaluating the effects of Optaflexx® on beef cattle indicates a renewed interest in research evaluating the effects of beta-adrenergic agonists on live performance and carcass quality. Numerous studies with swine and emerging data with cattle indicate ractopamine elicits positive effects on both live and carcass performance parameters. separated into four harvest groups based on time till the cattle will reach a harvest endpoint of 0.4 inch of backfat. All cattle followed the same implantation program consisting of a Ralgro (Intervet, Millsbooro, DE) implant followed by a Revalor-S (Intervet, Millsbooro, DE) implant. Within each harvest group, steers were stratified by weight and visual backfat thickness into two pens. Steers were fed daily at 6 p.m. in concrete bunks that provided 2.25 feet per head of bunk space. Steers were fed a concentrate diet consisting of 85% corn, 7.5% cottonseed hulls, and 7.5% commercially produced protein pellet. When pens were visually 28 d from reaching a pen average of 0.4 inch of backfat, pens were supplemented with a top dress that contained 0 and 200 mg•hd-1•d-1of Optaflexx® (Elanco, Greenfield, IN). Approximately two wk before the beginning of the 28 d Optaflexx® supplementation period, both the control and treatment pens were top dressed with a blank top dress at a rate of 1 lb•hd- 1•d-1 to allow the steers time to adjust to the top dress. Once the supplementation period began, the control pen continued to receive the blank top dress at a rate of 2 lb•hd- 1•d-1. The treatment pens received 2 lb•hd- 1•d-1 of top dress designed to provide 200 mg•hd-1•d-1 of Optaflexx®. All top dressings were hand mixed into the ration daily. Beta-adrenergic agonists, including ractopamine, commonly improve live performance by increasing average daily gain, average daily feed intake, and feed to gain ratio. In addition to the live performance benefits, at the carcass level, ractopamine can increase hot carcass weight and ribeye area, decrease fat, and increase dressing percentage by as much as 3.6% (Schroeder et al., 2005; Winterholler et al., 2007). While a majority of the published data on ractopamine documents its effects on whole carcass parameters, little data exists on yields from muscles throughout the carcass. Currently, the only data published indicates that another betaagonist, zilpaterol, increased the percentages of the knuckle, skirt, neck, and inside round in cattle (Plascencia et al., 1999). Optaflexx® may have the ability to also increase yields from individual muscles of supplemented carcasses. In today‟s market conditions of high corn and feed prices, the use of ractopamine to improve average daily gain, gain to feed ratio, and carcass characteristics becomes an attractive option for producers as a means to lower the cost of beef production. Therefore, the objective of our study was to further investigate the effectiveness of Optaflexx® on traditional live and carcass performance, while also evaluating its effect on whole muscle yields from the carcass. Carcass and Muscle Data Collection On d 28 of supplementation, steers were transported to the University of Florida Meats Laboratory for harvesting. Steers were harvested in a common USDA federally inspected manner. During harvesting, weights of the head, pluck, viscera, feet, and hide were collected. Following a 48 h chill period, carcasses were ribbed and an experienced university employee collected carcass data. Seventy-two h postmortem, the bone-in strip loin and top round were excised from the right side of each carcass. The Longissimus dorsi muscle was separated from the bone-in strip loin. Similarly, the Semimembranosus, Adductor, and Gracilis were separated from the top round. After separation, each muscle was trimmed to one tenth of an inch of fat and the commodity weight was taken. Muscles were then trimmed of all visible fat and epimysium connective tissue, and a denuded weight was Materials and Methods Animals and Dietary Treatments Thirty-four steers were selected from steers housed at the University of Florida Beef Teaching Unit. Upon selection, steers were 78 2009 Florida Beef Report feed ration due to Optaflexx® supplementation. They also reported that Optaflexx® can significantly improve total gain by 6 %. Live performance data are presented in Table 1. At the beginning of the 28 d supplementation period, both treatment groups‟ body weights were not significantly different (P > 0.05). During the 28 d supplementation period both treatment groups had similar (P > 0.05) dry matter intake (DMI), and at the end of the trial period body, weights for both treatment groups were not significantly different (P > 0.05). Data from this study does not agree with most of the published data because all live performance variables measured were not significantly (P > 0.05) improved by the inclusion of Optaflexx® in the diet. However, ADG and gain to feed ratio (G:F) were increased numerically by 10 and 7%, respectively. Overall gain data is the most encouraging data from the live performance data. Published studies indicate that Optaflexx® can increase gain significantly by 6%, while in the current study; gain was increased by 9%. taken. Finally, using a measuring tape, muscle length, width, maximum depth, and minimum depth measurements were taken on each muscle. Following the collection of muscle dimension data, muscles were vacuum packaged and stored at 35 ± 3°F until 13 d postmortem. On d 13 postmortem, one inch steaks were cut from the center of each muscle perpendicular to the orientation of the muscle fibers for WarnerBratzler shear force analysis. Steaks were once again vacuum packaged and stored at -40°F until Warner-Bratzler shear force analysis could be conducted. When ready for analysis, steaks were thawed at 37 ± 3°F for 24 h, and cooked on Hamilton Beach open top grills to an internal temperature of 160°F. Steaks were turned once at 80°F. Cooked steaks were then chilled at 37 ± 3°F for 24 h. Once chilled, six one-half inch cores were obtained from each steak parallel to the orientation of the muscle fibers. Each core was sheared once through the center using an Instron Universal Testing Machine with a Warner-Bratzler head. Statistics Live performance and carcass data was analyzed as a randomized complete block design with harvest group as the blocking factor and treatment as the fixed effect. All measured variables were analyzed with the PROC MIXED procedure of SAS (SAS Inst. Inc., Carry, NC, 2002). Muscle data was analyzed as a split-plot design with treatment considered the whole plot and muscle considered the sub-plot. Pair-wise comparisons between the least square means of the factor levels were computed by using the PDIFF option of the LSMEANS statement. Differences were considered significant at an alpha = 0.05 and tendencies at an alpha = 0.15. Carcass Performance Inedible offal weights and carcass data are presented in Table 1. The weights and percentage of total body weight of the head, pluck, viscera, feet, and hide were not significantly (P > 0.05) affected by the inclusion of Optaflexx® in the diet. Important carcass measurements that indicate increased muscling, including hot carcass weight, longissimus muscle area, and longissimus muscle area per 100 pounds were unaffected (P > 0.05) by Optaflexx® supplementation. This could indicate that Optaflexx® fed at 200 mg•hd-1•d-1 does not effectively increase muscling when fed in this manner. However, Optaflexx® tended (P < 0.15) to increase dressing percentage which could be beneficial to a producer. Carcass lean quality parameters including color and texture scores were unaffected (P > 0.05) by Optaflexx® supplementation. Lean maturity of Optaflexx® supplemented animals appeared (P < 0.05) physiologically older, but these values were still within the A maturity range. Optaflexx® also tended (P < 0.15) to soften the firmness of the lean of supplemented animals. Results Live Performance As mentioned earlier, because numerous reports indicate that Optaflexx® increases average daily gain, ADG gain to feed ratio, and overall gain, a producer may use Optaflexx® in their feeding program to keep the costs of gain down. Winterholler et al. (2007) reported improvements in average daily gain and gain to 79 2009 Florida Beef Report When feeding Optaflexx® to the cattle, producers are often concerned about is its effect on fat deposition, specifically marbling. Marbling score was significantly (P < 0.05) affected by Optaflexx® supplementation. Concern about this effect should be minimal since supplemented steers were still in the same „Slight‟ category as the non-supplemented steers and quality grade was unaffected (P > 0.05). Other carcass fat measurements, namely 12th rib fat thickness and kidney heart and pelvic fat, were not affected (P > 0.05) by Optaflexx® supplementation. Therefore, this resulted in both treatment groups having similar (P > 0.05) yield grades. Optaflexx® increases muscling often causes problems with meat tenderness. In the current study, Optaflexx® did not significantly (P > 0.05) affect any of the muscles observed. All muscles, regardless of treatment group, were considered acceptable tender when analyzed by Warner-Bratzler shear force. Data from the current study indicates that feeding Optaflexx® at 200 mg•hd-1•d-1 for the final 28 d before slaughter has little or no effect on live, carcass, and individual muscle performance. While some of the live gain data was promising, a producer should consider employing a different feeding strategy (greater dosage or feeding time) than the one followed in this study to elicit more beneficial effects from feeding Optaflexx®. Commodity weights, denuded weights, muscle dimensions, and Warner-Bratzler shear force values are presented in Table 2. Muscle weights and dimensions were measured with the hope of demonstrating the ability of Optaflexx® to improve muscling of steers. However, ® Optaflexx did not significantly (P > 0.05) affect the muscle weights or dimensions of most of the muscles analyzed. Optaflexx® did significantly (P < 0.05) increase the width of the Gracilis, and tended (P < 0.15) to increase the width of the Longissimus dorsi. Optaflexx® also tended (P < 0.15) to increase the minimum depth of the Gracilis. These findings indicate that Optaflexx® has a limited ability to increase muscling in the muscles of the top round and strip loin. The mechanism with which Literature Cited Mersmann, Harry J. 1998. J. Anim. Sci. 76:160-172. Plascencia et al. 1999. Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science. 50:331-334. Schroeder et al. 2005. J Anim. Sci. 83(Suppl. 1):111(Abstr.). Winterholler et al. 2007. J. Anim. Sci. 85:413-419. 1 John Michael Gonzalez, Graduate Student; Dwain Johnson, Professor; Todd Thrift, Associate Professor; Jesse Savell, UF-IFAS, Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL 80 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Live, offal, and carcass performance of steers supplemented with and without Optaflexx® Item Control Ractopamine, 200 mg•hd-1•d-1 Live Performance Initial BW, lb 1,171 1,152 Final BW, lb 1,244 1,231 DMI, lb/pen/d 86.29 87.50 Gain, lb 72.05 78.53 ADG, lb/d 2.65 2.89 G:F 0.128 0.138 Offal Weights Head, lb 30.82 31.20 Head Percentage1 2.49 2.53 Feet, lb 22.80 22.88 Feet Percentage1 1.84 1.86 Pluck, lb 16.73 16.36 Pluck Percentage1 1.35 1.33 Empty Rumen, lb 124.05 121.36 Empty Rumen 9.94 9.85 Percentage1 Hide, lb 92.18 92.24 1 Hide Percentage 7.42 7.52 Carcass Performance HCW, lb 758.59 761.59 Dressing Percent2 60.92x 61.86y 3 a Lean Maturity 145.29 156.47b 3 Bone Maturity 150.79 148.44 4 a Marbling Score 335.88 324.12b 5 Color Score 3.20 3.48 Texture Score6 3.36 3.53 Firmness Score7 2.06x 2.47y 12th rib fat, in 0.92 0.93 LM area, in2 13.18 13.54 KPH 2.17 2.28 Yield Grade 2.61 2.60 Quality Grade9 16.35 16.11 a-b Means within a row without common superscript significantly differ (P < 0.05). SEM 22.75 23.66 5.47 5.07 0.20 0.01 0.97 0.06 0.57 0.04 0.57 0.04 6.00 0.43 3.48 0.28 16.69 0.98 3.96 5.93 4.40 0.25 0.23 0.20 0.14 0.51 0.10 0.19 0.35 x-y Means within a row without common superscript tend to differ (P < 0.15). 1 Percentage of live weight. 2 Dressing Percentage = (HCW/ Final BW)* 100. 3 100 = A; 200 = B; 300 = C; 400 = D; 500 = E. 4 100 Practically Devoid; 200 = Traces; 300 = Slight; 400 = Small. 5 1 = Bright Cherry Red; 8 = Extremely Dark Red. 6 1 = Very Fine; 7 = Extremely Course. 7 1 = Very Firm; 7 = Extremely Soft. 9 13-15 = Standard; 16-18 Select; 19-21 Choice; 22-24 Prime. 81 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 2. Muscle weights, dimensions and Warner-Bratzler shear force values from four muscles of cattle fed with and without Optaflexx® Item Adductor CON1 3.88 0.51 3.46 0.46 8.37 5.85 0.84 Gracilis RAC1 3.68 0.49 3.31 0.44 8.20 5.71 0.78 Longissimus dorsi CON RAC 13.07 12.76 1.73 1.68 8.69 9.08 1.14 1.19 15.70 15.48 6.31x 6.73y 1.20 1.23 CON RAC Commodity, lb 4.74 4.98 Percent HCW2 0.62 0.65 Denuded, lb 2.33 2.36 2 Percent HCW 0.31 0.31 Length, in 12.68 12.34 Width, in 7.14a 7.69b x Minimum Depth, in 0.50 0.62y Maximum Depth, 3.61 3.55 1.16 1.18 2.46 2.52 in 3 WBS , lb 7.17 7.72 8.33 7.30 7.69 7.08 a-b Means within a row without common superscript significantly differ (P < 0.05). Semimembranosus SEM CON 12.24 1.61 10.98 1.44 13.42 7.85 0.80 RAC 12.19 1.60 10.96 1.43 13.55 7.59 0.85 0.42 0.04 0.26 0.02 0.31 0.17 0.17 4.59 4.64 0.07 9.13 8.47 0.55 x-y Means within a row without common superscript tend to differ (P < 0.15). 1 CON = control treatment; RAC = Ractopamine treatment. 2 Muscle weight percentage of hot carcass weight. 3 Warner-Bratzler shear force values. 82 2009 Florida Beef Report Evaluation of Whole, In-shell Peanuts as a Supplement Feed for Beef Cows Bob Myer1 Gary Hill Gary Hansen Dan Gorbet Results indicated that raw, whole in-shell peanuts may have potential as an energy and protein supplement feed for mature beef cows. Summary A cow feeding trial and a digestion trial were conducted to evaluate the suitability of using whole, in-shell raw peanuts (WP) as an energy and protein supplement feed for beef cattle. The digestion trial utilized 18 growing beef steers (584 lb avg. initial wt.). The steers were fed bermudagrass free choice plus one of three supplement treatments: 1) corn and cottonseed meal mix (50:50; CCSM; control), 2) corn and WP mix (50:50; CWP), or 3) WP. Hay and diet dry matter (DM) consumption, and apparent digestibility of DM, acid detergent fiber (ADF), and neutral detergent fiber NDF were slightly reduced (P<0.05) for steers on the WP treatment compared to CCSM and CWP treatments; CCSM and CWP were similar. Digestibility of crude protein (CP) of WP treatment was similar to CCSM. The cow feeding trial utilized 80 mature late gestating cows (1,210 lb avg. initial wt.). The cows were fed bermudagrass hay free choice and fed either CCSM (50:50) or WP as a supplement feed 3x weekly that provided an average of 2.5 lb/d per head. Supplement treatment did not affect cow body condition (BCS), but body weight (BW) gain over the 84 d trials tended to be lower for WP vs. CCSM supplement treatment (P=0.09). Subsequent calf birth wt, survival rate and weaning wt, and subsequent cow AI conception rate were not affected by supplement treatment. Results indicate that WP may be a suitable, easy to feed energy and protein supplement for wintering mature beef cows; however, as noted from the steer digestibility trial, some decrease in total diet digestibility may occur. Introduction Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a legume crop commonly grown in the southeastern USA for pod/seed production for human consumption. Changes in the U.S. peanut program have resulted in decreased peanut prices. Those peanuts not suitable for human consumption (i.e. “oil stock” peanuts) may offer a convenient, easy to use energy and protein supplement for beef cattle when fed whole. These peanuts, which are about 10 to 20% shell by weight, contain about 20% CP, 40% fat (oil) and 6% moisture. Previous research with other intact whole oil seeds, such as sunflower seeds (Banta et al., 2006), raw soybeans (Long et al., 2008) and whole cottonseed (Hill et al., 2008) have shown these oilseeds to be a simple, convenient way to provide supplemental energy and protein for beef cattle (Funston, 2004). The high oil content of raw, whole in-shell peanuts would be an effective way to increase diet energy density. We are not aware of any published reports on using whole in-shell peanuts in beef cattle feeding, but field observations have noted that mature beef cattle will consume in-shell peanuts. Thus, our objective was to evaluate raw whole, in-shell peanuts as a supplement feed for beef 83 2009 Florida Beef Report cattle, in particular as a supplement feed for mature beef cows. were then computed for DM, CP, ADF and NDF. Individual steer DMI was computed as the difference between daily feed intake and refusals. Procedures Two experiments were conducted – a digestibility trial conducted at the University of Georgia, CPES Tifton located in south central Georgia, and a beef cow feeding trial conducted at the University of Florida, NFREC Marianna located in northwest Florida. Both trials were conducted in accordance with approvals of both universities animal use committees. Beef cow trial The cow feeding trial was a comparison of two supplement treatments: CCSM (50:50; control) and WP fed to mature, wintering beef cows fed grass hay. Trial was conducted during the 20042005 and 2005-2006 winter seasons. For each year, 40 mature beef cows (primarily Angus and Brangus), were divided into two blocks of 20 cows each based on body condition: a low BCS (avg. = 4.8) and a high BCS (avg. = 5.9) block. The cows averaged 1,158 ± 145 lb for the first year and 1,262 ± 145 kg for the second yr, and were 3 to 11 yr of age. Within the low and high blocks, the cows were further divided into treatment groups based on BW, age and genetic background, which resulted in four groups of 10 cows per yr (two groups of ten of low BCS and two groups of ten of high BCS cows per treatment per year). The cattle were divided into low and high BCS groups to better target nutritional needs of the cows. Within yr and within BSC group (block), supplement treatment was assigned at random. The assignment process was repeated for the second yr, thus, cows had an equal chance of being assigned to another treatment the second yr. The high BCS groups were fed 2 lb/d of supplement per head and the low groups, 3 lb/d per head. The supplements were fed three times weekly – Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings (0730 to 0830 h). All cows received hay („Tifton 85‟ bermudagrass) and a cattle mineral supplement free choice. The cows were maintained as four groups of ten on four 3.2 ac dormant warm season bahiagrass pastures. The cows had free access to water and shade. Although hay was provided, the cows had access to dormant bahiagrass. Ample feed bunk space was provided such that all cows in a group were able to consume supplement at one time. For each year, the trial lasted for 84 d from midNovember to early February. Digestion trial The digestion trial utilized 18 growing beef steers (avg. initial weight of 584 ± 26 lb; 9 mo. of age) of Angus, Angus cross, or Polled Hereford breeding. The steers were randomly assigned to three supplement treatments (six per treatment). The supplement treatments were: 1) corn and cottonseed meal mix (50:50; CCSM; control), 2) corn and whole peanuts (50:50; CWP), and 3) whole peanuts (WP). All supplements were fed at 3 lb/head/d. Bermudagrass hay („Tifton 85‟) was fed freechoice, and steers had free-choice access to both water and a mineral supplement. The whole peanuts were processed (ground) before feeding using a hammer mill. The peanuts were only ground to the extent of breaking shells, leaving approximately 95% of the peanut kernels unbroken. Processing was done to insure intake of the peanuts by the growing steers. Previous experience at the Tifton station has noted that growing cattle will not readily consume whole peanuts. This is contrary to anecdotal evidence that suggests that mature cattle will readily consume whole peanuts. The steers were fed treatment supplements once daily at 0800 hr. Digestibility was determined using chromic oxide. Chromic oxide (10 g/steer daily) was fed with supplements from d 8 to d 17. Fecal samples (12/steer) were collected 3 times daily from d 14 to d 18. Individual steer fecal samples were dried, ground (1 mm), and composited over time for each steer. Samples of hay, corn, peanuts, and fecal samples were chemically analyzed for DM, CP, ADF and NDF, and fecal samples were additionally analyzed for Cr. Apparent digestion coefficients Individual cow BW and BCS were determined at the start and end, and every 28 d during the trials. Weights were determined after a 16 hr 84 2009 Florida Beef Report In the steer digestion trial, the dietary supplements were formulated to mimic expected usage of the raw, whole, in-shell peanuts as a supplement feed for beef cattle. The CWP treatment was a simple 50:50 mixture which may be a logical choice for some producers. Dietary CP intake varied because of the varied CP of the supplements (total diet CP, including hay, was 17.8, 13.1 and 15.4% for the CCSM, CWP, and WP treatments, respectively). All diet CP levels exceed NRC (2000) recommended levels of CP for growing beef steers. Hay used in the digestibility trial would be considered good quality based on analyses (Table 1). withdrawal from feed and water. Body condition scores (1 through 9; 1 = emaciated, 9 obese) were assigned by the same two individuals throughout the trials. The peanuts used in the cow trial were “oil stock” peanuts obtained from the peanut breeding program at NFREC Marianna. The bermudagrass hay was grown and harvested at the center. Representative samples of the peanuts and hay used were analyzed for nutrient composition by a commercial feed analysis laboratory. Subsequent calf data were collected which included birth wt, weaning wt and adjusted 210 d calf weaning wt. Calving was from early February to mid-April each year. All calves were weaned in early September. Hay DMI and total diet DMI were reduced (P<0.02) for steers receiving the WP supplement compared with the CCSM and CWP treatments (Table 3). Apparent digestibility coefficients obtained were relatively high, about 10% higher than anticipated. Differences due to supplement treatment were noted. Apparent digestibility of DM, ADF and NDF were reduced (P<0.01; Table 3) from steers on the WP treatment compared to the CCSM and CWP treatments. The lower intake and digestibility‟s may be the result of the peanut hulls and (or) relatively high fat (oil) concentration of the WP. Peanut hulls are high in fiber and lignin, and are poorly utilized by beef cattle (Hill, 2002). However, the hulls would only comprise about 5% of the total diet. On the other hand, the estimated ether extract (fat) level of the total diet (WP + hay) was 13% (DM basis). The estimated ether extract level of the CWP diet was 7%, just above the level (6 %) above which interference with fiber digestion and DM intake can be expected (Moore et al., 1986; Coppock and Wilks, 1991; Funston, 2004). In spite of the estimated 7% fat level, digestibility of DM, ADF and NDF of the CWP treatment were similar (P>0.10) to those of the control (CCSM). Statistical The steer intake and apparent digestibility data were statistically analyzed using Proc MIXED (SAS, 2002). Steer DMI and apparent digestion coefficients for DM, CP, ADF and NDF were analyzed as a completely random design, since steers were individually fed supplement treatments. Steer DMI and apparent digestion data were adjusted for initial BW as a covariate. Data collected from the cow trial included cow body wt and BCS changes, and subsequent calf performance. Since the cows were group fed, the experimental unit was the group of ten cows. The data were analyzed as a RCB using Proc MIXED (SAS, 2002) with treatment as fixed and year as a random effect; BCS group was treated as a block. Results The nutritional analysis of the raw whole, inshell peanuts indicated that peanuts can be a good source of energy and protein when used as a supplement feed for beef cattle (Tables 1 and 2). For example, when fed at 2 lb/d per head along with medium quality grass hay (~ 54% TDN, 8% CP), the resulting total daily diet for a 1,200 lb beef cow would be about 58% TDN and 9% CP, more than adequate for a mature gestating beef cow in good body condition (NRC, 2000). In the mature beef cow trial, the feeding of WP did not (P>0.10) influence BCS at the end of the 84 d feeding phases during late gestation when compared to control CCSM supplement treatment (Table 4). Cow body wt gain, however, tended to be lower for WP vs. CCSM (P = 0.09; Table 4). Subsequent calf birth wt, 85 2009 Florida Beef Report calf wt gain and weaning wt were not affected (P>0.10) by supplement treatment. Subsequent AI conception rate was not affected by treatment, however, only a total of 40 cows were used per treatment. Results indicated that whole in-shell peanuts can be a suitable feed supplement for mature beef cows. These peanuts were readily consumed by the mature cows. However, it took nearly all day for the peanuts to be consumed. As noted in the steer digestibility trial, some decrease in DMI and total diet digestibility may occur if WP is fed to cows. The slightly lowered weight gain noted for the WP treatment in the cow trial may be a reflection of these effects. Banta et al. (2006) also noted some decrease in cow weight change upon interval feeding of whole sunflower seeds which contain about 40% fat (oil) that were fed at 3.6 lb/d per head. Implications Results indicated that raw, whole in-shell peanuts could be an easy to use energy and protein supplement feed for mature beef cows. However, poor intakes have been noted with growing beef cattle (Hill, unpublished results). Some processing (i.e. coarse grinding) and blending with another feedstuff (i.e. corn) would be needed to insure intake by growing cattle. Also, like any high fat feed, caution should be taken to insure that total diet fat content is not excessive (i.e. above 6 to 8%). 86 2009 Florida Beef Report Literature Cited Banta et al. 2006. J. Anim. Sci. 84:2410-2417. Funston R. N. 2004. J. Anim. Sci. 82(E. Suppl.):E154-E161. Hill, G. M. 2002. Peanut By-products Fed to Cattle. In Alternative Feeds for Beef Cattle. The Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, v 18. pp. 295-315. Hill et al. 2008. Proc. 19th Annual Florida Ruminant Nutrition Symp., Dept. of Animal Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville. pp. 98-115. Long et al. 2008. Prof. Anim. Sci. (in press). Moore et al. 1986. J. Anim. Sci. 63:1267-1273. NRC. 2000. Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle. 7th rev. ed. (2000 update). Nat‟l. Acad. Press, Washington, DC. SAS. 2002. SAS/C OnlineDOC™, Ver. 8.2. SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC. Acknowlegement This study was supported by funding from the Florida Peanut Producers Association, and the Florida and Georgia Peanut Check-Offs. The assistance of Mary Chambliss, Harvey Standland, Don Jones, Todd Matthews, and Brook Hand is gratefully acknowledged. 1 Bob Myer; Professor, Gary Hansen; former Assistant Professor, Dan Gorbert; Professor Emeritus, UF-IFAS, North Florida Research and Education Center, Marianna, FL; Gary Hill; Professor, University of Georgia, Coastal Plain Experiment Station, Tifton, Georgia. 87 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Composition (%) of supplements and hay fed to steers in the digestion triala. Item DM CCSMb 89 c CWP 90 WPd 92 Corn 89 e Hay 92 a Percent DM basis. b Corn and cottonseed meal (50:50 mix). c Corn and whole, raw peanuts (50:50 mix). d Whole, raw in-shell peanuts. e 'Tifton 85' bermudagrass. CP 33 16 23 9 12 ADF 6 15 28 2 39 NDF 9 26 41 10 79 Table 2. Nutritional composition of raw whole, in-shell peanuts and hay used in the mature beef cow triala. Whole peanuts Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Moisture 4.2 7.1 13.9 Crude protein 23.0 20.6 7.8 Crude fat 45 40 NDc Crude fiber 22 33 31 ADF 24 26 40 NDF 32 37 72 TDN 121 109 57 Ash 2.8 2.8 5.5 Ca 0.28 0.18 0.32 P 0.36 0.34 0.25 a Analyses done by a commercial laboratory; values are on an as-fed basis. b 'Tifton 85' bermudagrass. c Not determined. 88 Hayb Year 2 12.9 7.8 ND 36 46 79 56 6.1 0.34 0.26 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 3. Dietary intake of hay and apparent digestibility coefficients of total diet (supplement + hay) for the growing steer digestion trial. Hay DMI,a Supplement lb/d DM b f CCSM 7.7 86.8h CWPc 7.9f 85.6h d g WP 6.6 81.6i SEe 0.31 0.68 a Dry matter intake. b Corn and cottonseed meal (50:50 mix). c Corn and whole peanuts (50:50 mix). d Whole peanuts. e Standard error; n = 6. f,g P<0.02. h,i P<0.01. % digestibility CP ADF h 86.7 85.3h 82.7i 84.0h h 84.9 79.4i 0.77 0.81 NDF 87.2f 86.4f 83.2g 0.81 Table 4. Mean performance parameters of wintering mature gestating beef cows fed hay and supplement, and effects on subsequent calf crop and cow reproductiona. Supplement treatment CCSMb WPc SEd P-value 5.5 5.5 +79 79 542 468 95 68 0.05 0.06 7.9 0.3 12.8 12.3 1.8 6.2 NS NS 0.09 NS 0.23 0.16 0.18 NS Item Body condition scoree: Start 5.5 End 5.5 Cow body wt. change, lb +108 Calf birth wt., lb 79 Calf weaning wt., 1b 515 Calf wt. gain, lb 436 Calf survival rate, % 100 f Cow conception rate , % 70 a Two year study, 40 cows per yr (10 cows per paddock). b Rolled corn-cottonseed meal mix (50:50). c Whole peanuts. d n = 4. e Scores of 1 to 9 with 1 = very thin and 9 = obese. f Subsequent breeding via AI. 89 2009 Florida Beef Report 90 2009 Florida Beef Report Co-product and Rumen Degradable Protein Supplementation of Beef Steers Fed Bahiagrass Forage Jacqueline Wahrmund1 Matt Hersom Growing beef cattle consuming bahiagrass hay require supplemental dietary crude protein to maintain performance and promote ADG. Supplements of dried distillers grains or soybeans hulls can may be useful supplements. Additional degradable protein may not be beneficial. Summary An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of feeding co-products with Optigen® II on animal performance and blood metabolites in growing beef calves. Angus steers were allowed ad libitum access to bahiagrass hay and were supplemented for 42 d via Calan gates. Treatments included 1) dried distillers grains; 2) dried distillers grains + Optigen; 3) soybean hulls; 4) soybean hulls + Optigen. Amounts of dried distillers grains and soybean hulls were formulated to be isonitrogenous. On d 42, there were no treatment differences for steer bodyweight (BW), average daily gain (ADG), or blood glucose concentrations. Across all days, steers offered only dried distillers grains had greater plasma urea nitrogen concentrations than steers offered soybean hulls. On d 14, 28, and 42, Optigen-supplemented steers had greater plasma urea nitrogen concentrations compared to those that were not. Beef cattle consuming bahiagrass hay require additional dietary crude protein to maintain performance and promote ADG. However, when sources of natural protein are fed, additional rumen degradable protein may not be necessary. performance. Bahiagrass in Florida generally does not contain enough protein to meet growing cattle requirements. This makes growing calves particularly susceptible to protein deficiencies on low-quality forage-based diets, because they require high levels of protein to support tissue growth, are. Dried distillers grains (DDG) are a co-product of the corn-derived ethanol fuel industry. As ethanol fuel production continues to increase in the United States, DDG will become more available to cattle producers for animal consumption. Dried distiller grains are high in crude protein (CP) but relatively low in rumen degradable protein (RDP; 31.6% CP, 27.9% RDP, as a % CP). Soybean hulls (SBH) are another co-product which are relatively low in total RDP (12.6% CP, 58% RDP, as a % CP). For growing cattle a small amount of additional RDP may optimize performance when added to co-product supplements. Optigen® II (Opt; Alltech, Inc., Nicholasville, KY) is a urea product which has slow-release properties that should result in N availability from urea that is better synchronized with the energy availability provided by forage or supplements. A trial was conducted to evaluate the use of DDG or SBH with or without additional RDP to background growing beef steers. Introduction Bahiagrass is the most common type of forage utilized in Florida (Chambliss and Sollenberger, 1991); however, cattle are not able to consume enough bahiagrass to meet their nutrient requirements at certain points of the production cycle. Therefore, supplementation programs must be developed to optimize beef cattle Materials and Methods Animals and Diets Fifty-six Angus steers were blocked by 91 2009 Florida Beef Report bodyweight (BW; mean = 544 ± 57 lb) and randomly assigned to one of four treatments and one of seven pens. Treatments included: 1) DDG (2.62 lb of DM); 2) DDG+Opt (2.62 lb of DDG, 0.10 lb Optigen® II); 3) SBH (5.79 lb of DM); 4) SBH+Opt (5.79 lb of SBH, 0.10 lb Optigen® II). Basal supplements (DDG and SBH) were formulated to be isonitrogenous (0.80 lb CP); the addition of Optigen® II provided 0.10 lb of supplemental RDP. Steers were offered basal supplements daily beginning five d prior to the initiation of the experiment. Bahiagrass hay was offered in each pen, ad libitum, as large round bales. Fresh bales were offered each wk, and each bale was weighed and core-sampled for analysis of chemical composition. Steers were individually supplemented at approximately 0700 via a Calan gate system. Approximately 0.13 lb of a vitamin/mineral supplement was included in the daily supplements. Because hay was fed as large round bales within each pen, mean daily hay dry matter intake (DMI) was calculated using the NRC (2000) equation: SBW = 13.91 * RE0.9116 * EQSBW-0.6837 where: SBW = shrunk body weight RE = retained energy EQSBW = equivalent shrunk body weight, assuming a 4% shrink, and that RE is equal to net energy for gain (NEg). Statistical analysis. The experiment was designed as a completely randomized design, with supplement treatment as the fixed effect (Littell et al., 2006), steer within treatment as the random effect and individual steer was the experimental unit. Data were analyzed using the Mixed procedure of SAS v9.1. Means were calculated using least squares means, and means were separated using the P-diff option when the overall F-value was <0.10. Sampling and Analysis Steers were fed for 42 d, unshrunk BW were taken on two consecutive days at the initiation (d -1, 0) and termination of the trial (d 42, 43). Interim BW were obtained on d 14 and 28. The two-d mean of BW was utilized to determine initial and final BW and to determine ADG. Blood samples were collected for analysis of plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) and glucose concentrations. On each of the sampling dates, spot urine samples were obtained from steers and creatinine concentrations were determined. Creatinine concentrations were used to determine total daily urine output based on the principle that cattle excrete 883 µmol of creatinine •(kg BW0.75)-1•d-1 (Chen et al., 1992). Bodyweight measurements, blood, and urine samples were obtained approximately two h after supplements were offered. Results Steer performance and intake. At the initiation of the trial, steer BW averaged 521 lb (Table 1), with no differences (P=0.97) among treatments. No differences were observed in ADG during any two-wk sampling period (P>0.14). While the addition of Optigen® II had no effect on overall ADG (P=0.30), steers offered SBH gained approximately 0.15 lb/d more (P=0.05) compared to steers offered DDG. The changes observed in steer BW from d 0 to 14 were approximately 2.4 times greater compared to the period between d 14 and 28. The dramatic decline in ADG between the first two collection periods was likely due to compensatory gain observed during the first 14 d. Two wk prior to the initiation of the trial, steers consumed a restricted diet consisting of only limited amounts of a grain-based feed with molasses. The purpose of this diet was to induce hunger to enhance the steers’ willingness to learn to use the Calan gates. During the two wk training period, steer BW gain was minimal, with some steers losing BW. The ADG of all Weekly hay samples were collected from each pen and composited for analysis of chemical composition. Hay and supplement total digestible nutrients (TDN) concentrations were determined using the equation (Fike et al., 2002): %TDN = [(% IVDMD * 0.59) + 32.2] * organic matter concentration. 92 2009 Florida Beef Report steers was 0.20 lb/d during the three weeks prior to d 0. The ADG from d -22 to 14 (restriction through compensation) was nearly equal to the BW gains observed through the remainder of the trial (d 14 – 42) for each treatment, indicating that the steers likely compensated for the lack of BW gain during the period of feed restriction. (P<0.001) gain efficiency, while the addition of Optigen® II did not (P=0.34). Steers offered DDG-based supplements had a mean gain efficiency of 0.10, however, steers offered SBHbased supplements had mean gain efficiency of 0.13. Thus, steers consuming supplements containing SBH were approximately 25% more efficient at converting feed to BW compared to steers offered DDG based supplements. The differences in gain efficiency were mainly driven by the differences observed in hay DMI. Forty-two day estimated mean daily hay DMI (Table 1) was calculated based on shrunk BW gain and net energy values of the feedstuffs. Based on the estimations, co-product type affected voluntary hay DMI (P<0.001), but not the addition of Optigen® II (P=0.62). Steers consuming DDG or DDG+Opt had 62% greater (P<0.05) estimated daily hay DMI compared to steers offered SBH or SBH+Opt. The differences in estimated mean hay DMI resulted in 18% greater (P<0.001) total DMI for steers consuming the DDG supplements compared to steers receiving SBH. The addition of Optigen® II had no effect (P=0.52) on total DMI. Physiological response As a result of the five-d acclimation period prior to d 0, differences were observed in initial steer PUN concentrations (Table 2). Plasma urea nitrogen concentrations of steers consuming the SBH and SBH-based supplement treatments were 45% less (P<0.001) than steers consuming DDG-based supplement treatments on d 0. Optigen® II was first included in the supplements on d 0; therefore, resulting in greater (P=0.05) initial PUN concentration in steers offered Optigen. On d 14, the steers consuming DDG-based supplements continued to have greater (P<0.001) PUN concentrations compared to steers consuming SBH-based supplements. Additionally, the inclusion of Optigen® II increased steer PUN concentrations by 31% (P<0.001) when included in supplements containing DDG and by 84% in supplements containing SBH (P<0.001). On d 28, the inclusion of Optigen® II increased steer PUN concentrations by 28.2% in DDG supplements and by 38.0% in SBH supplements (P<0.001) compared to steers not offered Optigen® II. Steers consuming DDG+Opt maintained the greatest PUN concentrations, and steers offered only SBH had the lowest PUN concentrations. On d 42, steer PUN concentrations were greatest (P<0.001) in steers offered DDG+Opt, followed by the steers on the DDG and SBH+Opt treatments, which were not different (P>0.10), followed by SBHsupplemented steers. The decreased DMI observed for steers consuming the SBH treatments may be a result of the greater amount of supplement offered compared to DDG treatments. Supplements were formulated to contain equal amounts of CP. Dried distillers grains have a greater concentration of CP compared to SBH, and as a result, steers in the SBH treatment were offered 3.17 lb/d more supplement compared to steers in the DDG treatment. However, the steers offered the DDG treatment consumed an estimated mean of 6.0 lb/d more hay; therefore, not all of the differences in hay intake between supplement types were the result of substitution effects. Supplements were formulated to contain equal concentrations of CP, and therefore, equal concentrations of N. However, the greater hay DMI observed in steers consuming DDG resulted in 40% greater (P<0.001) N intake for DDG-supplemented steers compared to SBHsupplemented steers (Table 1). Similarly, steers offered DDG+Opt consumed 35% greater (P<0.001) amounts of N/d compared to steers offered SBH+Opt. The greater level of N intake observed in steers offered DDG likely contributed to greater PUN concentrations compared to SBH. Plasma urea nitrogen concentrations above 12 mg/dL are associated with adequate dietary CP, and Gain:feed (Table 1) was calculated using mean estimated daily hay DMI and amount of supplement offered. Co-product type affected 93 2009 Florida Beef Report addition of Optigen® II had no effect (P=0.12) on initial urinary N excretion. However, steers consuming DDG and DDG+Opt excreted 56.2 g N/d more (P<0.001) compared to steers consuming SBH and SBH+Opt on d 0. On d 14, Optigen had no effect (P=0.80) on urinary N excretion, steers offered DDG excreted approximately 63% greater (P=0.05) amounts of urinary N compared to steers offered the SBH treatments. On d 28, co-product type and addition of Optigen affected urinary-N excretion (P=0.001 and 0.01, respectively). No treatment differences (P>0.38) were observed for urinary N excretion on d 42. consequently, may indicate a potential for performance improvement through energy supplementation (Hammond et al., 1993). Therefore, steers offered the DDG+Opt treatment may have exhibited improved performance with additional dietary energy. Additionally, Hammond et al. (1993) stated that cattle with PUN concentrations below 9 mg/dL are most likely to respond to protein supplementation when maintained on a subtropical forage-based diet. The steers offered the SBH supplement were the only group of steers that consistently had PUN concentrations below 9 mg/dL, indicating that these steers may have benefited from additional protein supplementation. Similar to PUN concentrations, urinary-N excretion appears to have been related to calculated mean daily N intake. Throughout most of the experiment, urinary-N excretion was greater for steers consuming DDG supplements compared to steers consuming SBH. The addition of Optigen® II to the supplements of beef steers generally did not affect urinary-N excretion. This may suggest that despite the additional dietary N, Optigen® II did not increase urinary-N excretion, possibly resulting in greater N retention. Plasma glucose concentrations (Table 2) were not different (P=0.59) among supplement treatments or Optigen (P=0.92) on any of the four sampling dates. Mean glucose concentration during the experiment was 68.34 mg/dL. While there were differences (P=0.06) in estimated total TDN intake (Table 1), only about 1.32 lb/d separated the group of steers that consumed the greatest amount of TDN compared to those that consumed the least. These differences were likely not sufficient to elicit any changes in plasma glucose concentrations. The SBH treatments were the most effective, as these steers exhibited the greatest feed efficiency. Supplemental RDP did not affect steer performance. While Optigen® II addition increased PUN concentrations to more desirable levels in SBH diets, it did not affect performance. As a result of the acclimation period prior to d 0, treatment differences as a result of co-product supplementation (P<0.001) were observed in initial daily urinary N excretion (Table 2). The Literature Cited Chambliss and Sollenberger. 1991. Pages 74-80 in Proc. 40th Florida Beef Cattle Short Course. Chen et al. 1992. Anim. Prod. 55:185. Fike et al. 2002. J. Dairy Sci. 85:866. Hammond et al. 1993. In: Proc. XVII Int. Grassl. Congr. p 1989. Littell et al. 2006. SAS System for Mixed Models. 2nd ed. NRC. 2000. Nutrient requirements of beef cattle. 7th rev. ed. 1 Jacqueline Wahrmund, Former Graduate Student, Matt Hersom, Assistant Professor, UF-IFAS, Department of Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL. 94 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Effect of co-product source and Optigen® II supplementation on steer bodyweight (BW), BW gain and intake. Item DDG Initial BW, lb BW gain, lb/d d 0 – 14 d 14 – 28 d 28 – 42 d 0 - 42 522 Mean hay DMI, lb/d Total DMI, lb/d N Intake, g/dc TDN Intake, lb/dc Treatmenta DDG+Opt SBH 522 524 2.80 0.99 1.74 1.85 3.00 1.01 1.67 1.89 2.91 1.54 1.45 1.96 15.5d 18.1d 165.65d 11.6de 15.9d 18.6d 188.05e 11.8d 9.5e 15.4e 118.02f 10.5f SBH+Opt SEM 515 15.6 3.19 1.34 1.81 2.07 9.8e 15.7e 139.37g 10.7ef P-Value CoOptigen product 0.88 0.71 b 0.22 0.31 0.24 0.09 0.46 0.14 0.77 0.05 0.29 0.78 0.54 0.30 0.64 0.64 3.93 0.39 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.007 0.62 0.52 <0.001 0.62 Gain:Feed, lb:lb 0.10d 0.10d 0.12e 0.13e 0.003 <0.001 a Least square means; Treatment: DDG, dried distillers grains; DDG+Opt, dried distillers grains plus Optigen® II, SBH, soybean hulls; SBH+Opt, soybean hulls plus Optigen® II. b Standard error of the mean, n=56. c Estimated total dietary intake (hay and supplement). 0.34 Table 2. Effect of co-product source and Optigen® II supplementation on steer plasma metabolite concentrations and daily urinary excretion. Treatmenta Item DDG DDG+Opt SBH SBH+Opt PUNc, mg/dL d0 d 14 d 28 d 42 Mean glucose, mg/dL SEM b P-Value CoOptigen product 10.17 10.70 10.69 10.35 11.49 14.02 13.70 13.43 4.06 5.51 6.17 7.87 5.67 10.12 8.51 10.30 0.72 0.82 0.67 0.66 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 70.59 67.20 65.87 69.70 2.16 0.59 0.05 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.92 Urinary N, g/d d0 102.11 125.41 53.40 61.64 10.37 <0.001 0.12 d 14 162.11 144.62 77.74 110.33 33.70 0.05 0.80 d 28 130.67 180.40 92.93 118.32 15.20 0.001 0.01 d 42 113.01 110.05 112.77 141.78 22.32 0.38 0.47 a Least square means; Treatment: DDG, dried distillers grains; DDG+Opt, dried distillers grains plus Optigen® II, SBH, soybean hulls; SBH+Opt, soybean hulls plus Optigen® II. b Standard error of the mean; n=56 for PUN and glucose, n=19, 23, 27, 22 for days 0, 14, 28, 42, respectively for urinary N. c Plasma urea nitrogen. 95 2009 Florida Beef Report 96 2009 Florida Beef Report Dried Distillers Grains and(or) Soybean Hulls to Background Beef Calves Fed Bahiagrass Forage Jacqueline Wahrmund Matt Hersom1 Co-products dried distillers grains or soybean hulls can be utilized as supplements for growing beef cattle. Combinations of the two ingredients resulted in the best growth performance compared to the individual ingredients. The price of each co-product should determine the most economic proportion of the co-products fed. Summary The objective of this study was to determine the effects of supplementing dried distillers grains soybean hulls, or combinations of the two to growing beef steers consuming bahiagrass hay. Angus steers were randomly allotted to one of four supplement treatments. Treatments included: 1) dried distillers grains; 2) dried distillers grains/soybean hulls; 3) soybean hulls/distillers grains; 4) soybean hulls. Supplements were formulated to be isoenergetic, and steers were individually supplemented via a Calan Gate system for 42 d. All steers were allowed ad libitum access to bahiagrass hay. Supplement treatment had no effect on final bodyweight. From d 0 to 14, average daily gain (ADG) of dried distillers grains supplemented steers was 0.59 lb/d less compared to any treatments containing soybean hulls. Across all 42 d, ADG of soybean hull supplemented steers was less than the combinations of dried distillers grains and soybean hulls, but was not different than steers supplemented with dried distillers grains only. Plasma glucose concentrations were not different between supplement treatments. On d 0, plasma urea nitrogen concentration did not differ between treatments. However, on d 14, 28, and 42 the plasma urea nitrogen concentrations of steers offered supplements containing dried distillers grains were greater compared to steers offered supplements containing soybean hulls. Supplementing steers consuming bahiagrass hay with a combination of co-products resulted in improved ADG gain and nitrogen metabolism. The combination of 2.11 lb of dried distillers grains and 4.52 lb of soybean hulls optimized calf performance. Introduction Bahiagrass is the most common type of forage utilized in Florida (Chambliss and Sollenberger, 1991); however, cattle are not able to consume enough bahiagrass to meet their nutrient requirements at certain points of the production cycle. Therefore, supplementation programs must be developed to optimize beef cattle performance. Bahiagrass in Florida generally does not contain enough protein to meet growing beef cattle requirements. Low-quality tropical and subtropical grass forages are often deficient in crude protein (CP) relative to the protein requirements of many classes of cattle. Therefore, cattle with greater protein requirements, such as growing cattle, will require additional protein supplementation to meet the nutritional demands associated with growth when maintained on a high-forage diet. Dried distillers grains (DDG) are a co-product of the corn-derived ethanol fuel industry. As ethanol fuel production continues to increase in the United States, DDG will become more available to cattle producers for animal consumption. Soybean hulls (SBH) are another readily available co-product. The price of the feedstuffs, as well as the nutrient needs of the 97 2009 Florida Beef Report where: SBW = shrunk body weight RE = retained energy EQSBW = equivalent shrunk body weight, assuming a 4% shrink, and that RE is equal to net energy for gain (NEg). cattle, will generally dictate the most economically desirable supplementation program to optimize herd performance. Combinations of DDG and SBH were fed to determine practical feeding applications of these two co-products. Materials and Methods Animals and Diets Fifty-six Angus steers were blocked by bodyweight (BW) and randomly assigned to one of four treatments and one of seven pens. Treatments included: 1) DDG (6.17 lb of DM); 2) DDG/SBH (4.25 lb DDG, 2.16 lb SBH); 3) SBH/DDG (2.11 lb DDG, 4.52 lb SBH); 4) SBH (6.87 lb of DM). All steers were fed approximately 5.95 lb of SBH for five d prior to the initiation of the trial. Supplement treatments began on d 0 after sampling. Bahiagrass hay was offered to each pen, ad libitum, as large round bales. Fresh bales were offered each wk, and each bale was weighed and core-sampled for analysis of chemical composition. Steers were individually supplemented at approximately 0700 via a Calan gate system. Statistical Analysis The experiment was designed as a completely randomized design, with supplement treatment as the fixed effect (Littell et al., 2006), steer within treatment as the random effect, and individual steer was the experimental unit. Data were analyzed using the Mixed procedure of SAS v9.1 (2002, SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC). Means were calculated using least squares means, and means were separated using the Pdiff option when the overall F-value was <0.10. Results Steer Performance and Intake At the initiation of the trial, steer BW (mean 605 lb, Table 1) did not differ (P=0.99) among treatments. Between d 0 and 14, steers supplemented with DDG gained 55% less (P<0.05) than steers on all other treatments. Average daily gain from d 14 to 28 was not different (P=0.55) among treatments. At the completion of the study on d 42, final steer BW was not different (P=0.79, mean = 674 lb). From d 28 to 42, ADG did not differ (P=0.26) among treatments; however, there was a tendency (P=0.10) for treatment to affect overall ADG from d 0 to 42. Steers consuming SBH alone gained 0.37 lb/d less than steers consuming SBH/DDG, and 0.31 lb/d less than steers consuming DDG/SBH (P<0.05). Sampling and Analysis Steers were fed for 42 d, unshrunk BW were taken on two consecutive d at the initiation (d -1, 0) and termination of the trial (d 42, 43). Interim BW were obtained on d 14 and 28. The two-d mean of BW was utilized to determine initial and final BW and ADG. Blood samples were collect for analysis of plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) and glucose concentrations. Bodyweight measurements and blood samples were obtained prior to supplements being offered. Weekly hay samples were collected from each pen and composited for analysis of chemical composition. Hay and supplement total digestible nutrients (TDN) concentrations were determined using the equation (Fike et al., 2002): Supplement type affected (P=0.01) mean estimated hay DMI (Table 1); steers supplemented with only SBH consumed the greatest amount of hay across the 42-d experiment (8.48 lb/d), followed by steers offered the SBH/DDG and DDG treatments, which were not different (P>0.10). Differences were also observed (P<0.05) in estimated total DMI (Table 1), with steers offered SBH or SBH/DDG consuming 24% more DM compared to steers offered DDG or mostly DDG/SBH. %TDN = [(% IVDMD * 0.59) + 32.2] * organic matter concentration. Because hay was fed as large round bales within each pen, mean daily hay dry matter intake (DMI) was calculated using the NRC (2000) equation: SBW = 13.91 * RE0.9116 * EQSBW-0.6837 Gain:feed (Table 1) was calculated utilizing 98 2009 Florida Beef Report mean estimated daily hay DMI and the amount of supplement offered, with treatment affecting (P<0.001) gain efficiency. Steers consuming DDG/SBH were most efficient (P<0.05), followed by the DDG and SBH/DDG treatments, which were not different (P>0.10). Steers supplemented with SBH only were least efficient, with a gain efficiency of 0.03 less than steers supplemented with DDG and SBH/DDG, and 0.05 less than steers supplemented with DDG/SBH (P<0.05). greatest (P<0.001; Table 1) for steers on the only DDG diet, and decreased with the amount of DDG offered, with steers offered only SBH consuming the least amount of N/d. The greater supply of dietary N resulted in greater amounts of N metabolized, which appeared in the blood as PUN. Hammond et al. (1993) suggested that PUN concentrations above 12 mg/dL indicate adequate dietary CP, and cattle may benefit from energy supplementation in this situation. Furthermore, PUN concentrations below 9 mg/dL indicate that dietary protein is inadequate, and protein supplements may enhance cattle performance. The steers offered only DDG consistently had PUN concentrations in excess of 12 mg/dL, and therefore, additional dietary energy may have improved performance. Additionally, steers offered only SBH never achieved PUN concentrations above 7 mg/dL, which indicates that protein was not sufficient to maximize steer performance. The steers that received a combination of co-products had PUN concentrations that ranged from 8.4 mg/dL to 12.1 mg/dL throughout the experiment after d 0. These results further illustrate the metabolic advantage of supplemental protein and energy, which tended to improve overall ADG above the SBH supplement, and increased gain efficiency in steers offered the DDG/SBH treatment. Steers consuming DDG or SBH/DDG averaged 0.018 fewer (P<0.05) lb of gain per lb of feed compared to steers consuming DDG/SBH. Physiological Response Prior to the initiation of the experiment, steers were supplemented with approximately 5.95 lb/d of SBH for five d. As a result, no treatment differences (P=0.68) were observed in PUN concentrations on d 0 (Table 2). However, on d 14, PUN concentration increased (P<0.01) as the amount of DDG offered in the supplement increased. Steers supplemented with only SBH had a mean PUN concentration of 5.31 mg/dL. Substituting a small amount of energy from SBH with DDG resulted in an 85% increase (P<0.05) in PUN concentrations of steers on the SBH/DDG treatment, whereas, steers supplemented with the DDG/SBH treatment had 24% greater (P<0.05) PUN concentrations compared to steers offered SBH/DDG. Steers supplemented with DDG had the greatest (P<0.05) PUN concentrations, with 36.9% greater concentrations compared to DDG/SBHsupplemented steers. Similar patterns were observed on d 28; PUN concentrations increased (P<0.001) with the amount of DDG in the diet. Treatment differences were observed (P<0.001) on d 42. Steers consuming DDG only had the greatest PUN concentrations; however, differences were not observed (P>0.10) between steers consuming the DDG and DDG/SBH treatments. Additionally, there were no differences (P>0.10) between steers on the DDG/SBH and SBH/DDG treatments. Steers supplemented with SBH had the lowest PUN concentration (P<0.05). There were no treatment differences (P≥0.78) in plasma glucose concentrations on d 0, 14, 28, and 42. Plasma glucose concentrations have been shown to be related to energy intake (Schmidt and Keith, 1983); however, differences in total TDN intake by steers in this trial (Table 1) did not affect plasma glucose. Economic Analysis A simple economic analysis was conducted to determine the most desirable supplement combination for producers (Table 3). The prices paid for the feedstuffs were as follows: hay, $30/bale; DDG, $182/T; SBH, $155/T. Based on the prices paid for the supplements, the cost/lb of each supplement were as follows: DDG, $0.091; DDG/SBH, $0.086; SBH/DDG, $0.082; SBH, $0.077. The cost of BW gain was determined based on the cost of total feed. Steers consuming the SBH treatment had the greatest (P<0.05) cost of BW gain at $0.681/lb, compared to the other three treatments which ranged from $0.499/lb to $0.590/lb. The SBH The effects of treatment on steer PUN were directly related to the amount of supplemental protein offered. Total dietary N intake was 99 2009 Florida Beef Report were the least economically efficient as a result of their low BW gains and high hay intakes. These results may indicate that the combinations of co-products were more cost efficient compared to DDG or SBH alone. The price of each co-product should determine the most economically desirable proportions of DDG and SBH used to background steers. The combination of mostly DDG was the most efficient and economical supplement. The other two supplements containing DDG also outperformed the SBH only diet. Therefore, the SBH treatment alone is not a desirable supplement to growing steers when fed at this level or in combination with this hay. Growing steers require more protein than they are able to consume from a diet of bahiagrass hay with SBH supplementation. The cost of the coproduct supplements should dictate the most desirable combinations to feed to growing beef steers. Literature Cited Chambliss and Sollenberger. 1991. Pages 74-80 in Proc. 40th Florida Beef Cattle Short Course. Fike et al. 2002. J. Dairy Sci. 85:866-878. Hammond et al. 1993. In: Proc. XVII Int. Grassl. Congr. p 1989. Littell et al. 2006. SAS System for Mixed Models. 2nd ed. NRC. 2000. Nutrient requirements of beef cattle. 7th rev. ed. 1 Jacqueline Wahrmund, Former Graduate Student, Matt Hersom, Assistant Professor, UF-IFAS, Department of Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL. 100 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Effect of dried distillers grains (DDG) and/or soybean hulls (SBH) supplementation on steer bodyweight (BW), BW gain and intake. Item Initial BW, lb BW gain, lb/d d 0 – 14 d 14 – 28 d 28 – 42 d 0 – 42 Mean hay DMI, lb/d Total DMI, lb/d N Intake, g/dc TDN Intake, lb/dc DDG 604 Treatmenta DDG/SBH SBH/DDG 608 606 SEMb 16.0 SBH 600 P-value 0.99 0.73d 1.98 2.05 1.59de 1.19de 2.07 2.07 1.76d 1.37e 1.78 2.36 1.83d 1.39e 1.48 1.50 1.45e 0.18 0.31 0.31 0.11 0.03 0.55 0.26 0.10 6.01de 11.45d 180.45d 8.50d 5.64d 11.32d 154.67e 8.79d 7.67ef 13.57e 142.40f 8.92e 8.48f 14.60e 122.15g 7.73f 0.64 0.64 4.48 0.20 0.01 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Gain:Feed 0.12d 0.14e 0.12d 0.09f 0.01 <0.001 a Least square means; Treatment: DDG, 6.17 lb dried distillers grains; DDG/SBH, 4.25 lb DDG, 2.16 lb soybean hulls; SBH/DDG, 2.11 lb DDG, 4.52 lb SBH; SBH, 6.87 lb SBH. b Standard error of the mean, n=56. c Estimated total dietary intake (hay and supplement). d, e, f, g Means with different superscripts within a row are different (P<0.05). Table 2. Effect of dried distillers grains (DDG) and/or soybean hulls (SBH) supplementation on steer plasma glucose and urea nitrogen concentration. Treatmenta Item DDG DDG/SBH SBH/DDG PUNc, mg/dL d0 6.75 6.17 6.13 d e d 14 16.57 12.10 9.80f d 28 14.01d 11.55e 8.42f d de d 42 12.53 11.86 10.24e SBH 6.44 5.31g 5.64g 5.86f SEMb P-value 0.41 0.81 0.70 0.83 0.68 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Glucose, mg/dL d0 77.24 74.49 75.19 74.51 3.69 0.94 d 14 78.88 76.30 79.56 76.64 3.92 0.90 d 28 80.38 75.69 76.25 76.29 4.06 0.83 d 42 80.76 75.82 76.79 75.66 4.29 0.78 a Least square means; Treatment: DDG, 6.17 lb dried distillers grains; DDG/SBH, 4.25 lb DDG, 2.16 lb soybean hulls; SBH/DDG, 2.11 lb DDG, 4.52 lb SBH; SBH, 6.87 lb SBH. b Standard error of the mean, n=56. c Plasma urea nitrogen. d, e, f, g Means with different superscripts within a row are different (P<0.05). 101 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 3. Economics of supplementing dried distillers grains (DDG) or soybean hulls (SBH). Treatmenta Item DDG DDG/SBH SBH/DDG SBH SEMb P-value Supplement cost, $/lbc 0.091 0.086 0.082 0.077 ----d ef e f f Feed cost, $/steer/d 0.89 0.92 0.95 0.87 0.01 0.07 Total feed, $/steer 37.43ef 38.83e 39.91f 36.53f 2.53 0.07 e f ef g Cost of gain, $/lb BW 0.590 0.499 0.554 0.681 0.03 0.003 gain/steer a Least square means; Treatment: DDG, 6.17 lb dried distillers grains; DDG/SBH, 4.25 lb DDG, 2.16 lb soybean hulls; SBH/DDG, 2.11 lb DDG, 4.52 lb SBH; SBH, 6.87 lb SBH. b Standard error of the mean, n=56. c Cost of supplements: $182/T DDG, $155/T SBH. d Cost of hay and supplement consumed per steer/d; hay cost, $30/bale. e, f, g Means with different superscripts within a row are different (P<0.05). 102 2009 Florida Beef Report Feeding Interval Effects on Growth, Puberty, and Pregnancy Rates in Yearling Bos indicus and Bos taurus Beef Heifers Brad Austin1 Matt Hersom Joel Yelich Supplementation of developing heifers with distillers grains three days/week has no negative effects on heifer growth or reproductive performance compared to daily supplementation. Summary The objective of this study was to examine the effects of daily versus three d/wk supplementation on growth, age at puberty, estrous synchronization response, and pregnancy rates of yearling Brangus and Angus heifers consuming round bale silage (RBS). Sixty heifers (30, Angus; 30, Brangus) were stratified by initial body weight, breed, and age and randomly allocated to 12 pens. Pens were randomly assigned to one of two treatments: 1) distillers grains and soybean meal supplemented daily; or 2) distillers grains and soy bean meal supplemented three d/wk. Supplement consumption and RBS offered were similar for both treatments. Heifers supplemented daily had similar ADG as compared to heifers supplemented three d/wk (1.82 vs. 1.79 lb/d). The number of heifers reaching puberty by breeding tended to be greater for daily fed heifers. Synchronized pregnancy rates and total 28 day AI pregnancy rates were also similar for both treatments. In this study, three d/wk supplementation of developing heifers had no effect on heifer growth rates or pregnancy rates as compared to daily supplementation. age. Most cattle raised in the Southeastern United States have some degree of Bos indicus breeding and heifers with Bos indicus breeding tend to mature slower and reach puberty at older ages than Bos taurus heifers. The influence of Bos indicus breeding can negatively affect the rancher’s success of having heifers pregnant to calve at two yr of age. The impact of supplemental nutrition is increasingly important in these situations. Supplementation of heifers is a very common practice, but producers are often concerned about the labor inputs involved with supplementation. Labor saving methods utilized include: supplement type (liquid and selflimiting), feeding method (hand fed, self fed), and feeding intervals (daily, three times a week, once a week). Little data is available on the effects of supplementing heifers at different intervals on growth and reproductive performance. A better understanding of the biological effects of these labor saving supplementation methods can lead to more efficient development of heifers. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of daily versus three d/wk supplementation on age at puberty, estrous synchronization response, and pregnancy rates of yearling Brangus and Angus heifers consuming RBS. Introduction The development of heifers is one of the major economic considerations in a cow-calf operation. Heifers that calve by two years of age have greater lifetime productivity than heifers that calve at an older age. Heifers must be maintained on a high plane of nutrition to reach puberty and conceive by 14 to 15 mo of 103 2009 Florida Beef Report Procedure This study was conducted at the Santa Fe Beef Unit, located near Gainesville in northern Alachua County. Sixty heifers (n=60) were stratified by age, body weight, and sire into 12 pens (6 pens Angus and 6 pens Brangus). Beginning in October 2006, heifers were supplied ad libitum access to bermudagrass round bale silage (RBS; 51% dry matter, 12.9% crude protein, 53.9 % total digestible nutrients) and free choice mineral. Heifers were supplemented with distillers dried grains (DDG) and soybean meal to gain approximately 1.5 lb/d, with half of the pens supplemented daily (CON) and the remaining pens supplemented three d/wk (3X). Soybean meal was fed to help meet degradable intake protein requirements as determined by the NRC computer model. Heifers were weighed and bled weekly to determine average daily gain (ADG) and age at puberty. Body condition scores (BCS) and hip heights (HH) were taken monthly. A shrunk body weight (following a 12-h shrink) was collected at the beginning and the end of the trial. Least square means were determined and differences between means were considered significant is P<0.05. Results The ADG of the heifers for the trial was greater than predicted by the model, and ADG were similar between treatments (P=0.83). Heifers averaged 1.84 lb/d for the entire trial for both treatments. Shrunk weight ADG for the trial were also similar (P=0.72) between treatments (CON- 1.82, 3X- 1.79 lb/d). The Angus and Brangus heifers gains were similar (P=0.86) regardless of treatment (Angus 1.91 vs. Brangus 1.77 lb/d). Total RBS offered was similar (P=0.73) between treatments (CON= 17,787 lbs; 3X= 17,556 lbs), and DDG consumption was also similar (P=0.56) between treatments (CON=2,891; 3X=2,970 lbs). Changes in hip height were also similar between treatments (P=0.95; 3.7 in for CON and 3X). Heifer gains were not impaired by supplementing three d/wk compared to daily supplementation. This supports previous research conducted in cows that three d/wk supplementation of protein feed does not significantly affect cow performance and therefore it can be used as means to save labor in a feeding program. Heifers were synchronized for artificial insemination on d 145 of the experiment. A CIDR was inserted concurrent with GnRH. Seven d later the CIDR was removed and prostaglandin was administered to synchronize estrus. Estrus was detected for 72 h, using the Heatwatch system, and heifers were inseminated approximately 8-12 h after the onset of estrus by a single AI technician. Heifers not exhibiting estrus by 72 h after prostaglandin received GnRH and fixed-time AI. Detection of estrus and AI were continued for 27 d while heifers remained in their respective pens and continued to receive supplement treatments. Pregnancy was diagnosed by ultrasonography 31 d after prostaglandin at which time heifers were removed from supplementation treatments and pens. Heifers in the CON treatment tended (P=0.09) to have a greater percentage pubertal (60%) at breeding compared to 3X heifers (40%, Table 1). It is unclear at this point if this difference is due to the feeding regiment used (daily vs. three d/wk) or it is just due to the limited number of heifers in that group. Estrus response tended (P=0.10) to be greater for CON (77%) compared to 3X (57%). The synchronized pregnancy rates were similar (P=0.30) for 3X (57%) compared to CON (43%). Total 28 d AI pregnancy rates were also similar (P=0.59) between treatments (CON=63%; 3X=70%). Synchronized pregnancy rates for the heifers exceeded previous reproductive performance for heifers at the Santa Fe beef unit. It is important to note that even though only 50% of the heifers had reached puberty by the start of the breeding season, the synchronization treatment still resulted in a first service AI pregnancy rate of 50%. This indicates the importance of using a Data for ADG, HH, and BCS were analyzed using the PROC MIXED procedure of SAS. The model statement contained the effects of treatment, breed, and the interaction. Pen within treatment was the random effect. Pregnancy and puberty data were analyzed using PROC GLM. 104 2009 Florida Beef Report synchronization treatment that utilizes a progestagen source in inducing puberty in the non-pubertal heifers. In conclusion, DDG showed no negative effects on the development of yearling Angus and Brangus heifers in combination with RBS. Heifers adapted easily to DDG and RBS, and exceeded the computer modeled performance during the study. Three-time a week feeding of developing heifers offers a management practice that may help significantly reduce labor cost without sacrificing heifer growth rates or pregnancy rates. Table 1. Summary of reproductive performance of heifers supplemented Daily or 3X a week Daily P-value 3X Pubertal at AI (%) 18/30 (60) 12/30 (40) a Estrous response (%) 23/30 (77) 17/30 (57) b Synchronized pregnancy rate (%) 13/30 (43) 17/30 (57) c 30 d AI pregnancy rate (%) 19/30 (63) 21/30 (70) a Percentage of heifers displaying estrus during the 3 d after PGF2 of the total treated. b 0.09 0.10 0.30 0.59 Percentage of heifers pregnant during the synchronized breeding of the total treated c Percentage of heifers pregnant to AI during the dirst 30 d of the breeding season of the total number of heifers. 1 Brad Austin, Gradute Student; Matt Hersom, Assistant Professor; Joel Yelich, Associate Professor, UF-IFAS Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL 105 2009 Florida Beef Report 106 2009 Florida Beef Report Programmed Feeding Effects on Growth, Puberty, and Pregnancy Rates in Yearling Bos indicus and Bos taurus Beef Heifers Brad Austin1 Matt Hersom Joel Yelich Programmed supplementation of heifers can have a negative impact on the growth and reproductive performance of heifers if heifers are placed under extreme nutritional stress. Summary The objective of this study was to examine the effects of programmed supplementation on growth, age at puberty, estrous synchronization response, and pregnancy rates of yearling Brangus and Angus heifers consuming round bale silage (RBS). Sixty heifers (30 Angus, 30 Brangus) were stratified by initial body weight, breed, and age and randomly allocated to 12 pens. Pens were randomly assigned to one of two treatments: 1) RBS and dried distillers grains (DDG) supplemented 3 d/wk for duration of experiment (174 d, CON) or, 2) RBS ad libitum for the first 88 d and RBS and DDG supplemented 3 d/wk from d 89-174 (L-H). All heifers were offered ad libitum bermudagrass RBS during the trial. Round bale silage quality was lower than predicted causing poorer performance than expected. Heifers in the L-H treatment had decreased average daily gain (ADG), percentage of heifers pubertal at d 89 and at AI, 28-d pregnancy rates, and overall pregnancy rates compared to heifers supplemented for the entire trial. Synchronized pregnancy rates (46 vs 33%) and conception rates (50 vs 53%) were similar (P>0.05) between CON and L-H, respectively. In this study, decreased growth rates experienced by LH heifers during the first phase of the trial were very significant. These heifers did not experience the predicted compensatory gain during the second period of the trial which had dramatic effects on heifer reproductive performance. Introduction The development of replacement heifers is one of the major economic considerations in a cowcalf operation. Heifers that calve by two yr of age have greater lifetime productivity than heifers that calve at an older age. Heifers must be maintained on a high plane of nutrition to reach puberty and conceive by 14 to 15 mo of age. Therefore, management decisions regarding replacement heifers should focus on factors that promote early onset of puberty and early calving. Most cattle raised in the Southeastern United States have some degree of Bos indicus breeding and heifers with Bos indicus breeding tend to mature slower and reach puberty at older ages than Bos taurus heifers. The influence of Bos indicus breeding can negatively affect the rancher’s success of having heifers pregnant to calve at two yr of age. The impact of supplemental nutrition is increasingly important in these situations. There has been a great deal of research examining the effects of timing of gain on puberty in heifers. Research has shown that programmed feeding of heifers can have positive effects on attainment of puberty, establishment of pregnancy, and future production of the animal. Managing heifers to attain puberty with decreased feed inputs and then taking advantage of compensatory gains may have economic advantages. 107 2009 Florida Beef Report Altering the feeding patterns of heifers to affect weight gain is a management tool that can help to decrease the feed cost involved with developing replacement heifers. Most of this research has been conducted with Bos taurus animals in drylot situations. No data is available on Bos indicus X Bos taurus heifer performance, or heifer performance in a forage based system. Heifers were synchronized for artificial insemination on d 173 of the experiment. A CIDR was inserted concurrent with GnRH. Seven days later the CIDR was removed and prostaglandin was administered to synchronize estrus. Estrus was detected for 72 h, using the Heatwatch system, and heifers were inseminated approximately 8-12 h after the onset of estrus by a single AI technician. Heifers not exhibiting estrus by 72 h after prostaglandin received GnRH and were timed-AI. Estrous detection and AI were continued for 27 d while heifers remained in their respective pens and continued to receive supplement treatments. Pregnancy was diagnosed by ultrasonography 31 d after prostaglandin at which time heifers were removed from supplementation treatments and pens. Heifers were grouped by breed and placed with a clean-up bull for 25 d. Final pregnancy diagnosis was performed by ultrasonography 28 d after the clean-up bull was removed. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of programmed supplementation on growth, age at puberty, estrous synchronization response, and pregnancy rates of yearling Brangus and Angus heifers consuming RBS. Procedure This study was conducted at the Santa Fe Beef Unit, located near Gainesville in northern Alachua County. Sixty heifers (n=60) were divided by age, body weight, and sire into 12 pens (6 pens Angus and 6 pens Brangus). Beginning in October 2007, heifers were supplied ad libitum access to bermudagrass RBS (54% dry matter, 7.9% crude protein, 53.9 % total digestible nutrients) and free choice mineral. One half of the heifers (3 pens Angus and 3 pens Brangus, CON) were supplemented with distillers dried grains (DDG) to gain approximately 1.5 lb/d as determined by NRC computer model. The other half of the pens (LH) were offered only RBS for the first 88 d (Phase 1). For the final 86 d distillers grains were supplemented at a rate to provide a gain of approximately 3.0 lb/d. Results The ADG of the heifers was lower than predicted by computer modeling due to poor RBS quality. During phase 1 of the trial, CON heifers had greater (P<0.05) ADG than L-H heifers (1.25 vs. -0.22 lb/d). The performance of the L-H heifers was worse than expected and can be associated with poor forage quality. During phase 2 of the trial ADG tended (P=0.07) to be greater for L-H (1.63 lb/d) compared to CON (1.34 lb/d). The compensatory gain of the L-H heifers was not as great as anticipated. The ADG and shrunk ADG for the entire trial were greater (P<0.05) for the CON heifers compared to the L-H heifers (1.19 vs. 0.68 lb/d; 0.98 vs. 0.53 lb/d, respectively). Because of this the final body weights of the CON heifers were 100 lbs greater than the L-H (P=0.002; 771 vs. 684 lbs; Table 1) at the conclusion of the trial. The weight loss experienced by the L-H heifers during phase 1 was too great for them to overcome during phase 2. These results enforce the necessity of high quality forages when developing heifers. Prior to the start of the and at the conclusion of the experiment, heifers were withheld from water and feed for approximately 12 h to obtain a shrunk body weight (SBW) and hip height (HH). At the beginning, middle and end of the trial a body length (BL) and heart girth (HG) were taken on each heifer. Ultrasound measurements of ribeye area (REA) and rump fat were obtained on d 16, 89, and 174. Blood samples were collected on d 79 and 89 to determine puberty status of the heifers. Heifers were weighed and bled weekly during phase 2 to determine average daily gain (ADG) and age at puberty. Heifers in the CON treatment had greater (P<0.05) HG, BL, and HH at d 89 and 174 than L-H heifers (Table 1). The CON heifers had greater (P<0.05) REA compared to L-H on d 89 108 2009 Florida Beef Report (7.24 vs 5.43 in2) and on d 174 (8.11 vs 7.01 in2), respectively. Rump fat was greater (P<0.05) for CON (0.17 in) compared to L-H (0.12 in) on d 89 but were similar (P>0.10) for CON (0.17 in) compared to L-H (0.15 in) on d 174. In conclusion, data from this experiment indicates the importance of forage quality in heifer development. The data further emphasizes the importance of providing heifers the appropriate nutrition to maximize their growth potential and reach puberty prior to breeding. A nutritionally induced stress on growing heifers can have a great impact on growth and reproductive performance. The percentage of CON heifers pubertal after the first 87 days and at AI (13% and 33% respectively) was significantly greater (P<0.05) than L-H heifers (3% and 7%, Table 2). This difference is attributable to the lower BW and decreased ADG of the L-H heifers during the trial. Estrous response (73 vs 40%), 30 d AI pregnancy rates (83 vs 56%), and overall pregnancy rates (93 vs 66%) were greater (P <0.05) for CON compared to L-H, respectively. Synchronized pregnancy rates (46 vs 33%) and conception rates (50% for both) were similar (P>0.05) between CON and L-H, respectively. It is important to note that the synchronized pregnancy rates were higher than the number of heifers pubertal at AI. This reinforces the importance of using a synchronization treatment that utilizes a progestagen source to induce puberty in non-pubertal heifers. These results reinforce the importance of nutrition and weight gain prior to breeding to induce puberty and increase the heifer’s chances of becoming pregnant during the breeding season. 1 Brad Austin, Gradute Student; Matt Hersom, Assistant Professor; Joel Yelich, Associate Professor, UFIFAS Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL 109 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Summary of growth performance of program supplemented heifers Body weight, lb d0 d 89 d 174 Hip height, in d0 d 89 d 174 Heart girth, in d0 d 89 d 174 Body length, in d0 d 89 d 174 CON L-H P value 565 658 772 566 545 684 0.93 0.0002 0.001 45.07 47.26 48.33 44.92 45.85 47.09 0.56 0.002 0.004 59.11 62.47 65.44 58.39 57.98 62.53 0.15 <0.0001 0.001 26.18 39.75 42.51 26.38 38.18 40.55 0.45 0.003 0.002 Table 2. Summary of reproductive performance of program supplemented heifers Pubertal at d 87 (%) Pubertal at d 174 (%) Estrous response (%)a Conception rate (%)b Synchronized pregnancy rate (%)c d 30 d AI pregnancy rate (%) Overall Pregnancy rate (%) CON 4/30 (13)e 10/30 (33)e 22/30 (73)e 11/22 (50) L-H 1/30 (3)f 2/30 (7)f 12/30 (40)f 6/12 (50) 14/30 (46) 10/30 (33) e 17/30 (56)f 17/30 (66)f 25/30 (83) 28/30 (93)e a Percentage of heifers displaying estrus during the 3 d after PGF2 of the total treated. Percentage of heifers pregnant to AI of the total that exhibited estrus and were AI. c Percentage of heifers pregnant during the synchronized breeding of the total treated d Percentage of heifers pregnant to AI during the first 30 d of the breeding season of the total number of heifers. e, f Means without a common superscript within a row differ (P<0.05) b 110 2009 Florida Beef Report Mineral Concentrations of Cool-Season Pasture Forages in North Florida during the Winter-Spring Grazing Season: I. Macro Minerals G. Chelliah1 Bob Myer Jeff Carter Lee McDowell Nancy Wilkinson Ann Blount Pasture forage species and blend, pasture establishment method, year and, in particular, month of grazing season can influence concentrations of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), and potassium (K), but not sodium (Na), in cool-season annual grass pasture forage. . Summary Concentrations of selected macro minerals (Ca, P, Na, K, and Mg) were determined from coolseason annual grass pasture forages over four consecutive late fall-winter-spring grazing seasons (2001-2005). Forage samples were taken from eight experimental pastures used in beef cattle grazing trials. Two, 2-yr experiments were conducted; animal and pasture data were reported previously (Myer and Blount, 2005 and 2007). Each experiment was of a similar 2x2 design comparing clean-tilled vs. sod-seeded pastures with two different forage combinations (Exp. 1, rye + oats vs. rye + oats + ryegrass; Exp. 2, oats + ryegrass vs. ryegrass only). Pastures were planted in Oct or Nov, and grazed (and sampled) starting Nov, Dec, Jan or Feb and ending Apr or May. The overall mean concentrations for Exp. 1 and 2, respectively were (% of dry matter): Ca, 0.31 and 0.31; P, 0.42 and 0.35; Na, 0.03 and 0.04; K, 3.2 and 2.6; and Mg, 0.26 and 0.16. Year affected (P<0.05) P, K and Mg concentrations within each experiment, but not Ca or Na. Pasture planting method affected (P<0.05) Ca and P in Exp. 2, and Mg in Exp.1. Forage treatment affected (P<0.05) Ca, K and Mg in Exp. 2. Sampling month affected (P<0.05) all minerals evaluated in both experiments except Na. Results indicate that forage type, pasture planting method, year, and especially month within year can affect concentrations of macro minerals of annual cool-season grass pasture forages in the southeastern USA. Introduction Cool-season grass annuals, such as oats (Avena sativa), rye (Secale cereale) and annual ryegrass (Lolrum multifloram), are commonly planted to provide forage for grazing by beef cattle during the late fall to spring period in the southeastern USA when permanent warm-season pastures are dormant. Depending on moisture and weather, the grazing period can start as early as late November and last until early June, but the start can be as late as February and can end as early as late April. The annual forages are planted during the fall (Oct or Nov), and can be seeded directly into dormant warm-season pasture (sodseeding) or planted into a clean-tilled, prepared seedbed. These forages are highly digestible and high in energy and protein; however, there is limited information in regards to concentrations of various nutritionally important minerals. The 111 2009 Florida Beef Report combinations and seeding rates. Within yr, initial fertilization and liming was based on soil fertility analysis; the pastures were top-dressed twice with N, each time with 75 lb N/ac, within each yr. The soils at the experimental site are well drained, acidic, and sandy (fine loamy, kaolintic, thermic Kandiudults) typical of the Southern Coastal Plain. Soil type was consistent across the eight pastures. Cattle were provided a free choice mineral supplement at all times while grazing (Purina Dixie H/M H/SE, Purina Mills, St. Louis, MO). purpose of this study was to measure monthly concentrations of selected macro and trace minerals of annual cool-season grass pasture forages of various combinations that were either sod-seeded or planted into a clean-tilled, prepared seed bed during the late fall-winterspring grazing season in north Florida. This report will present the results of the macro minerals of Ca, P, Na, K and Mg. A companion paper published elsewhere in the 2009 Florida Beef Report (Chelliah et al., 2009) will present results of analyses of selected trace minerals. Pastures were sampled twice mo and samples were pooled by month for mineral analyses. Not all months were represented for each yr, however, the months of February, March and April were represented for each yr of each experiment; February, March and April data were used to determine differences due to forage treatment, pasture establishment method, and year within experiment. More details about pasture and grazing management, animal information, and forage sampling procedures can be found in previous publications (Myer and Blount, 2005 and Myer and Blount, 2007). Procedure Pasture forage mineral concentrations were determined as part of a grazing study. The study consisted of two cool-season beef cattle grazing experiments conducted at the North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC) of the University of Florida located at Marianna (31 N Lat.). Each experiment lasted two yr, resulting in four consecutive yr of testing from 2001 to 2005 during the late fall-winter-spring grazing season. Macro mineral concentrations were determined from forage samples taken from eight, 3.2 ac experimental pastures per yr used in the two grazing experiments. Data were analyzed as a 2x2 randomized complete block design. The models evaluated pasture forage treatment and pasture establishment method as fixed effects, and yr as random. Monthly mineral concentrations for each experiment also were analyzed using repeated measures model with mo as the repeated measure. The experimental unit was the individual pasture. The two, two-year experiments conducted were each of a similar 2x2 design comparing cleantilled vs. sod-seeded pastures with two different forage combinations (simple vs. more complex blend; Exp. 1, small grains only – rye and oats vs. small grains plus ryegrass; Exp. 2, ryegrass only vs. ryegrass plus oats). There were two pastures per treatment combination per yr within each experiment. For the tilled pastures, the forages were planted into a clean-tilled, prepared seedbed, and for the sod-seeded pastures, forages were planted, using a no-till seed drill, into dormant bahiagrass. The experimental coolseason pastures were planted in October or November of each year, and grazed and sampled starting in November, December, January or February, and ending in April or May (the start and end varied between years due to weather conditions – pastures were grown under dry land conditions). University of Florida/IFAS recommendations were followed in regards to planting times of the various pasture Results Animal and pasture results were reported previously (Myer and Blount, 2005 and 2007). Cool-season annual grass species chosen reflect what is commonly grown in the Southern Coastal Plain region of the southeastern USA. Most cool-season annual pastures planted, however, are mono-crops in this region. Average monthly rainfall and daily temperatures over the four study yr during October to May period were similar to the 30-yr average at Marianna, except for rainfall in January and May where amounts averaged 30 to 50% less over the four yr. October, November, April, and May tended to 112 2009 Florida Beef Report be warmer than the 30-yr average. As expected, there was yr to yr variation which probably affected mineral concentrations noted for yr to yr. As such, results were averaged over yr as most producers are interested in what may be expected for an average yr instead of for a particular yr. (hypomagnesaemia), especially during the early spring months. Overall mean concentrations for each experiment for each mineral measured in the pasture forages is presented in Table 3. From the results of both experiments, concentrations in annual cool-season pasture forage averaged (mean ± one standard deviation; dry matter basis) 0.31 ± 0.05% for Ca, 0.38 ± 0.04% for P, 0.04 ± 0.01% for Na, 2.9 ± 0.3% for K, and 0.21 ± 0.03% for Mg. The concentrations of Ca, P, and Mg are at the low end of concentration ranges previously reported, K at the high end, and Na in the middle (Table 3). However, it should be emphasized that much variation in concentration was noted for each mineral analyzed, especially for Mg (Table 3). Pasture establishment method affected (P<0.05) forage concentrations of Mg in Exp. 1, and Ca and P in Exp. 2 (Table 1). Pasture forage treatment affected (P<0.05) Ca, K, and Mg concentrations in Exp 2 only (Table 1).The significant differences noted above due to pasture establishment method or forage treatment, however, were small (Table 1). Year affected (P<0.05) pasture forage P, K, and Mg concentrations within each experiment, but not Ca or Na (means not shown); Mg in particular was affected by yr. No forage treatment and pasture establishment interactions, or pasture treatment by yr interactions (P>0.05) were noted. Overall, for beef cattle grazing cool-season annual grass pastures evaluated in this study, forage Na would be very deficient; Ca slightly deficient, P and Mg marginally deficient, and K would be in excess (Table 3). Month within yr affected (P<0.05) pasture forage concentrations of all minerals evaluated in both experiments except Na and possibly Ca. Calcium was different in Exp.1 but not Exp. 2, and if averaged over the two experiments, Ca was fairly constant from mo to mo – 0.29 to 0.33% (Table 2). Forage concentrations of P and K were greatest during the winter and declined during spring with lowest levels noted in May; Mg was least in early spring (Table 2).There was considerable variation in forage concentrations of each mineral evaluated within experiment (Table 3). Results indicated that annual cool-season pasture forage treatment, pasture forage establishment method, and year, while not consistent between experiments, can influence pasture forage concentrations of Ca, P, K, and Mg, but have little influence on Na. Month within yr of the grazing season appeared to have the greatest influence on forage macro mineral concentrations evaluated, especially P and K. The low forage Mg, combined with high K, may be a potential deficiency problem for beef cattle which can result in grass tetany 113 2009 Florida Beef Report Literature Cited Chelliah, G., et al. 2009 Florida Beef Report. Ensminger M. E., et al. 1990. Feeds and Nutrition. The Ensminger Publishing Co., Clovis, CA, USA. pp 1265-1511. Myer, R. O., and A. R. Blount. 2005 Florida Beef Report. pp 19-24. Myer, B., and A. Blount. 2007 Florida Beef Report. pp 23-27. NRC. 2000. Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle. 7th rev. ed. Nat’l. Acad. Sci., Washington, DC, USA. Acknowledgment The assistance of Harvey Standland, John Crawford, Meghan Brennan, Mary Maddox, Mary Chambliss, Tina Gwin, Jeff Jones and the staff at the NFREC Beef Unit is gratefully acknowledged. Partial support was provided by Orange Hill Soil Conservation District, Chipley, FL. 1 G. Chelliah, Former Graduate Student; Bob Myer, Professor, UF-IFAS, North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC), Marianna, FL; Jeff Carter, Former Assistant Professor, UF-IFAS, NFREC, Marianna; Lee McDowell, Professor Emeritus, UF-IFAS, Department of Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL, Nancy Wilkinson, Chemist, UF-IFAS, Department of Animal Sciences, Gainesville, Fl; and Ann Blount, Associate Professor, UF-IFAS, NFREC, Marianna, FL. 114 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Main means of macro mineral concentrations of annual cool-season pasture forages during the late fall-winter-spring grazing season in north Florida (% of dry matter). Mineral Ca P Na K Mg a Exp. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 a Cultivation SSb PSc 0.33 0.33 0.34 0.28 0.40 0.43 0.34 0.36 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 3.2 3.3 2.7 2.6 0.23 0.28 0.17 0.16 Forage Trt. Simpled Blende 0.30 0.32 0.35 0.27 0.42 0.41 0.35 0.34 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 3.2 3.3 2.7 2.5 0.26 0.25 0.18 0.15 SEM 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.002 0.001 0.06 0.04 0.01 0.01 f Significanceg Cult.h Foragei NS NS * * NS NS * NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS * * NS NS * CxFj NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Exp. 1, 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 grazing seasons; and Exp. 2, 2003-2004 and 2004-2005. b SS = sod-seeded pastures c PS = prepared seedbed (clean-tilled) pastures. d Simple = mono-culture or simple blend of forage species in pastures (Exp. 1, small grains-rye and oats; Exp. 2, ryegrass). e Blend of forage species in pastures (Exp. 1, small grains plus ryegrass; Exp. 2, oats plus ryegrass). f Standard error of the mean; n = 8. g Significance of difference; * = significantly different (P<0.05), and NS = non-significant (P>0.05). h Pasture establishment method (SS vs. PS). i Pasture forage type or treatment (simple vs. blend). j Establishment method by forage treatment interaction. 115 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 2. Monthly concentrations of macro minerals in annual cool-season pasture forages during the late fall-winter-spring grazing seasons in north Florida (% of dry matter). Sampling month Exp.a Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May SEMb Significancec 1 0.37 0.37 0.33 0.31 0.30 0.33 0.31 0.02 * 2 0.25 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.30 0.33 0.30 0.04 NS P 1 0.43 0.43 0.47 0.44 0.43 0.38 0.32 0.02 ** 2 0.44 0.44 0.32 0.34 0.34 0.36 0.36 0.02 ** Na 1 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.003 NS 2 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.004 NS K 1 3.8 4.2 3.8 3.3 3.3 3.1 2.3 0.2 ** 2 3.8 4.2 3.2 3.0 3.0 2.6 2.2 0.2 ** Mg 1 0.31 0.29 0.28 0.25 0.24 0.27 0.27 0.02 * 2 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.16 0.17 0.16 0.01 ** a Exp. 1, 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 grazing seasons; and Exp. 2, 2003-2004 and 2004-2005. Mineral Ca b Standard error of the mean; average n = 8 (varied from 4 (Nov) to 16 (Feb, Mar, Apr) within experiment). c Significance due to month within experiment: ** = highly significant (P<0.01), * = significant (P<0.05), and NS = non-significant (P>0.05). Table 3. Overall means and ranges of macro mineral concentrations of annual cool-season grass pasture forages from each experiment (% of dry matter). Exp.a Meanb 1 S.D.c Ranged Requiremente Reportedf 1 0.31 0.04 0.25 to 0.44 0.5 0.32 to 0.65 2 0.31 0.06 0.10 to 0.46 P 1 0.42 0.04 0.28 to 0.54 0.3 0.23 to 0.41 2 0.35 0.03 0.27 to 0.52 Na 1 0.03 0.01 0.02 to 0.05 0.1 0.01 to 0.11 2 0.04 0.01 0.02 to 0.05 K 1 3.2 0.3 2.0 to 5.4 0.6 1.7 to 3.4 2 2.6 0.2 2.0 to 4.3 Mg 1 0.26 0.03 0.18 to 0.42 0.1 0.20 to 0.35 2 0.16 0.02 0.11 to 0.22 a Exp. 1, 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 grazing seasons; and Exp. 2, 2003-2004 and 2004-2005. Mineral Ca b Overall mean across all treatments (n = 16). c One standard deviation. d Lowest or highest monthly concentration obtained from a treatment within year within experiment (n = 2). e Suggested requirement for growing beef cattle heifers (500 to 900 lb; NRC 2000). f Other reported concentrations for rye, oats and ryegrass fresh forage (dry matter basis); data from Ensminger et al., 1990, and NRC, 2000. 116 2009 Florida Beef Report Mineral Concentrations of Annual Cool Season Pasture Forages in North Florida during the Winter-Spring Grazing Season: II. Trace Minerals G. Chelliah1 Bob Myer Jeff Carter Lee McDowell Nancy Wilkinson Ann Blount Pasture forage species and blend, pasture establishment method, year, and month of grazing season can influence concentrations of copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), selenium (Se), cobalt (Co), and, in particular, manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe) in annual cool-season grass pasture forage. Summary Concentrations of selected trace minerals (Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn, Co, Se) were determined from annual cool-season grass pasture forages over four consecutive winter-spring grazing seasons (2001-2005). Twice monthly forage samples were taken from eight experimental pastures used in beef cattle grazing trials. Two, 2-yr experiments were conducted; animal and pasture data were reported previously. Each experiment was of a similar 2x2 design comparing clean-tilled vs. sod-seeded pastures with two annual forage combinations (Study 1, rye + oats vs. rye + oats + ryegrass; Study 2, oats + ryegrass vs. ryegrass only). Pastures were planted in Oct or Nov, and grazed (sampled) starting Nov, Dec, Jan or Feb and ending Apr or May. The overall mean concentrations of pasture forage for Exp. 1 and 2 respectively were (ppm of dry matter): Cu, 6.4 and 5.2; Fe, 88 and 68; Zn, 38 and 42; Mn, 105 and 114; Co, 0.06 and 0.06; and Se, 0.05 and 0.06. Year affected (P<0.05) forage Cu, Fe, Zn, and Se in Exp. 1 and Fe and Zn in Exp. 2. Pasture establishment method affected (P<0.05) Cu, Fe, Zn, and Mn in Exp. 1 and Mn and Se in Exp. 2. Forage treatment affected (P<0.05) Zn in Exp. 1 and Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn, and Co in Exp. 2. Sampling month affected (P<0.05) all minerals in both experiments except Cu and Zn in Exp. 2; monthly Se and Co were not evaluated due to limited analyses. Results indicate that forage type, pasture establishment method, year, and month of grazing season can affect concentrations of trace minerals of annual coolseason grass pasture forages in the southeastern USA. Introduction Cool-season annual grasses, such as oats (Avena sativa), rye (Secale cereale) and annual ryegrass (Lolrum multifloram) are commonly planted to provide forage for grazing by beef cattle during the late fall to spring period in the southeastern USA when permanent warm-season grass pastures are dormant. Depending on moisture and weather, the grazing period can start as early as late November and last until early June, but the start can be as late as February and can end as early as late April. The annual forages are planted during the fall (Oct or Nov), and can be seeded directly into dormant warm-season pasture (sod-seeding) or planted into a cleantilled, prepared seedbed. These forages are highly digestible and high in energy and protein; however, there is limited information in regards to concentration of various nutritionally important minerals. The purpose of this study was to measure monthly concentrations of selected macro and trace minerals in annual cool-season grass pasture forage of various 117 2009 Florida Beef Report combinations that were either sod-seeded or planted into a clean-tilled, prepared seedbed during the late fall-winter-spring grazing season in north Florida. at random, were analyzed for Se and Co for each yr in each experiment. Further information about planting, fertilization, and management of pastures is presented in a companion paper published elsewhere in the 2009 Florida Beef Report (Chelliah et al., 2009). Cattle were provided a free choice mineral supplement at all times while grazing (Purina Dixie H/M H/SE, Purina Mills, St. Louis, MO). This report will present the results of the trace minerals of Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Co and Se. A companion report (Chelliah et al., 2009) will present results of analyses of selected macro minerals and is presented elsewhere in the 2009 Florida Beef Report. Data were analyzed as a 2x2 randomized complete block design. The models evaluated pasture forage treatment and pasture establishment method as fixed effects, and yr as random. Monthly mineral concentrations for each experiment also were analyzed using repeated measures model with mo as the repeated measure. The experimental unit was the individual pasture. Procedures Pasture forage mineral concentrations were determined as part of a grazing study. The study consisted of two cool-season beef cattle grazing experiments conducted at the North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC) of the University of Florida located at Marianna (31 N Lat.). Each experiment lasted two yr, resulting in four consecutive yr of testing from 2001 to 2005 during the late fall-winter-spring grazing season. Trace (micro) mineral concentrations were determined from forage samples taken from eight, 3.2 ac experimental pastures per yr used in the two grazing experiments. Results Animal and pasture results were reported previously (Myer and Blount, 2005 and 2007). Cool-season annual grass species chosen reflect what is commonly grown in the Southern Coastal Plain region of the US. Most coolseason annual pastures planted, however, are mono-crops in this region. Average monthly rainfall and daily temperatures over the four study yr during October to May period were similar to the 30-yr average at Marianna, except for rainfall in January and May where amounts averaged 30 to 50% less over the four yrs. October, November, April and May tended to be warmer than the 30-yr average. As expected, there was yr to yr variation which probably affected pasture forage mineral concentrations noted for yr to yr. As such, results were averaged over yrs as most producers are interested in what may be expected for an average yr. The two, two-year studies conducted were each of a similar 2x2 design comparing clean-tilled vs. sod-seeded pastures with two different forage combinations (simple vs. more complex blend; Exp. 1 small grains only – rye and oats vs. small grains plus ryegrass; Exp. 2, ryegrass only vs. ryegrass plus oats). There were two pastures per treatment combination per year within each experiment. Pastures were planted in October or November of each year, and grazed and sampled starting November, December, January or February, and ending April or May (the start and end varied between years due to weather conditions – pastures were grown under dry land conditions). Pasture establishment method affected (P<0.05) forage concentrations of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn in Exp. 1, and Mn and Se in Exp. 2 (Table 1). Pasture forage treatment affected (P<0.05) forage concentrations of Zn in Exp. 1, and Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, and Co in Exp. 2 (Table 1). Pastures were sampled twice mo and samples were pooled by month for mineral analyses. Not all months were represented for each yr, however, the months of February, March and April were represented for each yr of each experiment and were used in statistical analyses to evaluate the effect of yr, forage type, and pasture establishment method. Due to high costs, only a limited number of samples, chosen Year affected (P<0.05) Cu, Zn, Fe and Se pasture forage concentrations in Exp. 1, but only affected Zn and Fe in Exp. 2 (means are not 118 2009 Florida Beef Report shown). No pasture establishment method by forage treatment or year by treatment combination interactions (P>0.05) were noted. would be deficient, Zn would be marginal, and Fe and Mn would be adequate (Table 3). Month within yr affected (P<0.05) pasture forage concentrations of Cu, Zn, Fe and, Mn in Exp. 1 but only Fe and Mn in Exp. 2 (Table 2). Month by mo results of Se and Co are incomplete due to limited number of samples analyzed. In general, forage concentrations of Fe decreased and Mn increased as the grazing season progressed (Table 2).Considerable variation in concentrations of the trace minerals in the pasture forage samples, however, were noted within experiments (Table 3). Results indicated that annual cool-season pasture forage type, pasture establishment method, and, yr, while not consistent between the experiments, can influence pasture forage concentrations of Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Co and Se. The significant differences noted due to forage treatment and pasture establishment method; however, were small. Again, while not consistent, pasture forage trace mineral concentrations can also be influenced by mo during the grazing season, especially Fe and Mn. The high Fe early on in the grazing season noted in Exp. I but not Exp. 2 may have been the result of soil contamination. Soil, which is high in Fe, can splash on to the plant after a rain. Overall mean pasture forage concentrations and variation noted for the trace minerals measured is summarized in Table 3. From the results obtained in both experiments, concentrations (mean ± one standard deviation; dry matter basis) in cool-season annual grass forages evaluated averaged 5.8 ± 0.8 ppm for Cu, 78 ± 14 ppm for Fe, 40 ± 4 ppm for Zn, 110 ± 14 ppm for Mn, 0.04 to 0.06 ± 0.02 ppm for Co, and 0.055 ± 0.01 ppm for Se. The ranges for Cu and Se are similar to those previously reported; Fe is at the low end, Zn at the high end, and Mn above (Table 3). However, it should be emphasized that there was much variation in the concentration of each mineral evaluated, especially, Fe. Overall, for beef cattle grazing annual coolseason grass pastures, forage Cu, Se and Co 119 2009 Florida Beef Report Literature Cited 1 Chelliah, G., et al. 2009 Florida Beef Report. Ensminger, M. E., et al. 1990. Feeds and Nutrition. The Ensminger Publishing Co., Clovis, CA, USA. pp 1265-1511. Myer, R. O. and A. R. Blount. 2005 Florida Beef Report. pp 23-27. Myer, B. and A. Blount. 2007 Florida Beef Report. pp 19-24. NRC. 2000. Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle. 7th rev. ed. Nat’l. Acad. Sci., Washington, DC, USA. Acknowledgement The assistance of Harvey Standland, John Crawford, Meghan Brennan, Mary Maddox, Tina, Gwin, Mary Chambliss, Jeff Jones, and the staff at the NFREC Beef Unit is gratefully acknowledged. Partial support was provided by Orange Hill Soil Conservation District, Chipley, FL. 1 G. Chelliah, Former Graduate Student; Bob Myer, Professor, UF-IFAS, North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC), Marianna, FL; Jeff Carter, Former Assistant Professor, UF-IFAS, NFREC, Marianna; Lee McDowell, Professor Emeritus, UF-IFAS, Department of Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL, Nancy Wilkinson, Chemist, UF-IFAS, Department of Animal Sciences, Gainesville, Fl; and Ann Blount, Associate Professor, UF-IFAS, NFREC, Marianna, FL. 120 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Trace mineral concentrations of annual cool-season grass pasture forages during the late fall-winter-spring grazing season in north Florida (ppm of dry matter). Mineral Cu Fe Zn Mn Co Se a a Exp. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Cultivation SSb PSc 6.6 5.7 5.1 5.3 79 98 70 67 31 45 41 44 120 91 103 127 0.07 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.07 Forage Trt. Simpled Blende 5.9 6.4 5.9 4.5 92 84 78 58 36 41 47 38 100 110 127 102 0.06 0.05 0.09 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.05 f SEM 0.02 0.03 4 3 2 2 6 4 0.01 0.01 0.003 0.005 Significanceg Cult.h Foragei ** NS NS ** * NS NS ** ** * NS ** ** NS ** ** NS NS NS * NS NS ** NS Exp. 1, 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 grazing seasons; and Exp. 2, 2003-2004 and 2004-2005. CxFj NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS b SS = sod-seeded pastures c PS = prepared seedbed (clean-tilled) pastures. d Simple blend or mono-culture of forage species in pastures (Exp. 1, small grains – rye and oats; Exp. 2, ryegrass only). e f Blend of forage species in pastures (Exp. 1, small grains plus ryegrass; Exp. 2, oats plus ryegrass). Standard error of the mean; n = 8. g Significance of difference; ** = highly significantly different (P<0.01), * = significantly different (P<0.05), and NS = non-significant (P>0.05). h Pasture establishment method (PS vs. SS). i Pasture forage treatment (simple vs. blend). j Establishment method by forage treatment interaction. 121 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 2. Monthly concentrations of trace minerals in annual cool-season pasture forages during the late fall-winter-spring grazing season in north Florida (ppm of dry matter). Sampling month Exp.a Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May SEMb 1 5.8 7.7 8.2 6.1 6.0 6.4 5.5 0.4 2 5.7 4.9 5.1 5.0 5.5 5.3 4.8 0.5 Fe 1 190 126 178 98 75 92 105 13 2 85 83 83 90 82 64 60 12 Zn 1 30 33 41 37 36 41 60 3 2 41 39 42 48 40 42 46 5 Mn 1 82 95 111 106 105 105 125 9 2 78 107 96 91 108 112 124 10 Co 1 -0.05 -0.03 0.02 0.08 0.09 0.03 2 ----0.07 0.07 0.12 0.05 Se 1 -0.05 -0.05 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.02 2 ----0.07 0.05 0.06 0.01 a Exp. 1, 2001-2002 and 2003-2003 grazing seasons; and Exp. 2, 2003-2004 and 2004-2005. Mineral Cu b Significancec ** NS ** ** ** NS ** ** * NS NS NS Standard error of the mean; average n = 8 (average n = 3 for Co and Se). c Significance due to month within experiment; ** = highly significant (P<0.01), * = significant (P<0.05), and NS = non-significant (P>0.05). Table 3. Overall means and ranges of trace mineral concentrations of annual cool-season annual grass pasture forages from each two-year experiment (ppm, dry matter basis). Mineral Cu Fe Zn Mn Co Se a 1S.D.c 0.5 0.9 15 13 4 4 19 9 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 Ranged 4.0 to 9.9 4.0 to 9.4 56 to 242 68 to 156 13 to 56 29 to 74 56 to 171 62 to 160 0.02 to 0.10 0.03 to 0.13 0.03 to 0.07 0.04 to 0.08 Requiremente 10 Reportedf 4 to 8 50 101 to 367 30 25 to 30 40 42 to 66 0.10 -- 0.10 0.07 Overall mean across all treatments (n = 24; 8 for Co and Se). One standard deviation. d e Meanb 6.4 5.2 88 68 38 42 105 114 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.06 Exp. 1, 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 grazing seasons; and Exp. 2, 2003-2004 and 2004-2005. b c Exp.a 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Lowest or highest monthly concentration obtained from a treatment within year within experiment (n = 2). Suggested requirement for growing beef cattle heifers (500 to 900 lb; NRC 2000). f Other reported concentrations for rye, oats and ryegrass fresh forage (dry matter basis); data from Ensminger et al., 1990, and NRC, 2000. 122 2009 Florida Beef Report Effects of Aluminum (Al) from Water Treatment Residual Applications to Pastures on Mineral Status of Grazing Cattle and Mineral Concentrations of Forages Rachel Madison1 Lee McDowell George O’Connor Nancy Wilkinson Paul Davis Adegbola Adesogan Tara Felix Megan Brennan Al-Water Treatment Residuals applications to pastures in low to moderately high levels, help alleviate environmental phosphorus contamination. Summary Amorphous aluminum (Al) hydroxides applied to land in the form of water treatment residuals (Al-WTR) can reduce soluble soil phosphorus (P) concentrations in soils and thus can reduce P contamination of the environment. Two experiments of 145 or 148 d each using 36 grazing Holstein steers were conducted to determine the effects of Al-WTR pasture applications on mineral status of cattle and mineral concentrations of bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum). Treatments were replicated 3 times each and were as follows: 1) control- no AlWTR application with steers receiving freechoice mineral supplementation without P, 2) control with free-choice mineral supplement plus P, 3) treatment 1 with Al-WTR, and 4) treatment 2 with Al-WTR. Total application of Al-WTR over two yr was 169.5 tons dry weight/ac on the pastures. In general, there were few treatment effects on weight gains and mineral concentrations in plasma, liver, bone and forage mineral concentrations. Most forage samples were deficient in sodium, copper, selenium and cobalt and at various collection dates deficient in calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. The use of Al-WTR applications is an effective method of reducing P contamination that does not adversely affect forage or cattle mineral concentrations. Introduction There is an increasing public demand to reduce the amount of phosphorus (P) transported to water bodies due to the risk of eutrophication, mainly from agricultural P-inputs, including the land application of animal manure. Extensive efforts have been focused on finding ways to reduce soluble P in manure-impacted soils. Aluminum (Al) binds to P and application of Al could be one potential solution to the problem. However, application of Al to the land can also result in ingestion by livestock and potential harm to animals. Aluminum water treatment residuals (Al-WTR) are the by-products of water purification procedures. They may be one solution to the P problem, in that the Al in the product will bind with P, thus preventing leaching into groundwater. Prior research from Florida has shown that amending soils with Al-WTR increases soil retention and reduces leaching of 123 2009 Florida Beef Report P (O’Connor et al., 2002). Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of pasture application of Al-WTR on mineral status (primarily P) and performance of grazing cattle. A second objective was to evaluate the effects of the applied Al-WTR on forage mineral concentrations. separation. Significance was declared at P < 0.05. Results In general, differences in animal performance among treatments were limited throughout the experiment in both yr. In both experiments, application of Al-WTR to pastures of grazing ruminants to control environmental P was not detrimental to the animal when considering BW alone. Procedure Two experiments were carried out in consecutive yr, 2005 and 2006 using 36 grazing Holstein steers for 145 or 148 d respectively. Aluminum – water treatment residuals (AlWTR) pasture applications were applied over two yr totaling 169.5 tons dry weight/ac. Plasma macrominerals (Ca, Mg and P) concentrations were greater, in general, in experiment 1. Yet, the microminerals (Al, Cu and Zn) concentrations were generally greater in experiment 2. Plasma P concentrations were greater in experiment 1 than experiment 2 (6.02 vs. 5.18 mg/dL). Steers were allotted (three/pasture) to one of twelve 2.0 ac bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) pastures on d 0 and provided ad libitum water and grazing access. Soil series that exist at this location are Millhopper sand, Bonneau fine sand, and Gainesville sand. Experimental pastures were randomly allotted to one of four treatments with three replications per treatment. The Al-WTR product contained 0.30% iron (Fe), 7.8% Al, 0.11% calcium (Ca), 0.024% magnesium (Mg), 0.30% P, 0.004% manganese (Mn), 0.73% sulfur (S), 0.006% copper (Cu), 0.002% zinc (Zn), and approximately 70% solids. The treatments were 1) control-no AlWTR application with steers receiving commercial free-choice mineral supplement but no P, 2) control with free-choice mineral supplement plus P, 3) treatment 1 with Al-WTR and 4) treatment 2 with Al-WTR. In both experiments, P plasma levels were normal to low, but never reached a level of deficiency at any collection. Therefore, the Al in the Al-WTR did not complex with P enough to cause a deficiency in the cattle during either experiment. In both experiments, the Al plasma concentrations were very low (0.02 μg/mL, on average), indicating that the Al in Al-WTR may be unavailable to the animal and safe to use on pastures to reduce the P environmental problem. In general, there were few treatment effects on mineral concentrations in liver and bone. Forage mineral concentrations as affected by AlWTR are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Throughout the collection periods forage Ca concentration was below or slightly above the critical level of 0.35%. Using 0.18% P as a critical level, both treatment groups produced adequate forage P concentrations until August/September for both experiments. Magnesium, K and Mn forage concentrations were adequate for both treatments during both yr. Weights, blood and liver biopsies were taken at d 0, 84 and 148 and bone biopsies were obtained on d 148. Forage samples were taken on d 0 and approximately every 28 d thereafter for five mo. Forage samples were analyzed for Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, potassium (K), Mg, Mn, sodium (Na), P, Zn, cobalt (Co) molybdenum (Mo) and selenium (Se). All forage Na concentrations were below the critical level of 0.06% during both experiments. All forage Cu concentrations were below the critical level of 10 mg/kg in both experiments and were lower, on average, in experiment 1. Aluminum concentration were similar in experiments 1 and 2 and varied by date (P<0.05) Data were analyzed for treatment effects using Proc Mixed in SAS (SAS for Windows v9; SAS Inst., Inc. Cary, NC) for a completely randomized design with a 2x2 arrangement of treatments. Contrasts (control vs. Al-WTR, no P vs. P, and the interaction) were used for mean 124 2009 Florida Beef Report in all but treatment 1 of experiment 2. Zinc concentrations also varied by date in both experiments and were similar between treatments (P>0.05). Most Zn concentrations were below the critical level of 30 mg/kg in both experiments. Only a limited number of samples were analyzed for Co, Mo and Se. Forage Mo concentrations means were not variable between treatments, and generally low throughout all sampling periods. Forage Mo concentrations ranged from 0.09 to 2.45 mg/kg and averaged 0.69 ± 0.60 mg/kg. Over 99% of all Co samples taken were below the critical concentration of 0.1 mg/kg. Forage Se concentrations in this study were extremely deficient and were all less than the requirement of 0.1 mg/kg. Previous Florida studies have shown the majority of forages to be deficient in Na, P, Ca, Cu, Co, Se and Zn (McDowell and Arthington, 2005). Literature Cited McDowell and Arthington. 2005. Minerals for Grazing Ruinants in Tropical Regions, IFAS/Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL. O’Connor, et al. 2002. Soil Crop Sci. Soc. Florida Proc. 61:67. 1 Rachel Madison, Former Graduate Student; Lee McDowell, Professor; Nancy Wilkinson, Chemist; Paul Davis, Former Graduate Student; Adegbola Adesogan, Associate Professor; Tara Felix, Former Graduate Student, UF/IFAS, Department of Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL; George O’Connor, Professor, UF/IFAS, Department of Soil and Water Science, Gainesville, FL; Megan Brennan, Assistant Professor, UF/IFAS, Department of Statistics, Gainesville, FL. 125 2009 Florida Beef Report Forage minerals (dry basis) as affected by water treatment residuals (Experiment 1) 1-4 Trt5 May Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Means6 a bc c c bc b bc Ca, % 1 0.38 0.30 0.27 0.27 0.28 0.32 0.31 0.30 2 0.33bc 0.27bcd 0.31bcd 0.27bcd 0.26d 0.42a 0.35b 0.32 SD 0.04 0.20 0.03 0.00 0.10 0.07 0.03 0.01 a b bc cd bc a d K, % 1 1.38 1.43 1.33 0.82 1.09 2.14 0.43 1.23 2 1.51b 1.36bc 1.18bc 1.02c 1.09bc 2.09a 0.44d 1.24 SD 0.09 0.05 0.11 0.14 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.01 Mg, % 1 0.18ab 0.19a 0.16b 0.16b 0.18ab 0.16b 0.13c 0.17 bc a ab c bc ab c 2 0.17 0.20 0.19 0.15 0.17 0.19 0.15 0.17 SD 0.01 0.10 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.00 abc abc abc abc a a c Na, % 1 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.02 2 0.02b 0.02b 0.02b 0.01b 0.02b 0.04a 0.01b 0.02 SD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 P, % 1 0.23a 0.23a 0.15b 0.14b 0.14b 0.14b 0.06c 0.16 a a ab b b b c 2 0.22 0.21 0.17 0.12 0.14 0.15 0.06 0.15 SD 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 b a c b c bc c Al, mg/kg 1 35.0 65.3 17.3 36.1 18.7 26.2 17.7 30.9 2 25.1bcd 31.9ab 15.8e 28.9bc 39.2a 37.4a 20.1cde 28.3 SD 7.0 23.6 1.06 5.09 14.5 7.92 1.70 1.84 Cu, mg/kg 1 9.69a 8.17bc 8.75ab 5.76d 6.18d 6.87cd 7.95bc 7.66 2 8.41a 8.23a 7.52a 5.32b 5.55b 8.48a 8.29a 7.39 SD 0.91 0.04 0.87 0.31 0.45 1.14 0.24 0.19 a a b b b a b Fe, mg/kg 1 66.3 59.1 33.3 34.3 35.4 54.9 42.1 44.5 2 43.9c 43.1bc 33.7c 36.7c 36.4c 66.6a 52.4bc 44.7 SD 15.8 11.3 0.28 1.70 0.71 8.27 7.28 0.14 b ab c c ab a a Mn, mg/kg 1 78.3 83.8 60.5 56.5 90.7 96.1 95.1 80.1 2 48.9c 49.7c 48.6c 48.3c 63.2b 70.0ab 79.6a 58.3 SD 20.8 24.1 8.41 5.80 19.4 18.5 11.0 15.4 a b b bc cd cd d Zn, mg/kg 1 34.4 28.8 28.7 25.9 23.3 23.0 18.6 26.1 2 43.9bc 43.1bc 33.7c 36.7c 36.4c 66.6a 52.4b 44.7 SD 6.72 10.1 3.54 7.64 9.26 30.8 23.9 13.2 a-e Means with same letters within rows are not different (P<0.05). 1 Water treatment residual contained 0.30% Fe, 7.8% Al, 0.11% Ca, 0.024% Mg, 0.30% P, 0.004% Mn, 0.73% S, 0.006% Cu and 0.002% Zn. 2 Critical concentrations are as follows: Ca, 0.35%; P, 0.18%; Mg, 0.10%; K, 0.60%; Na, 0.06%; Cu, 10.0 mg/kg; Fe, 50.0 mg/kg; Mn, 20.0 mg/kg; Zn, 30.0 mg/kg (NRC, 1986; McDowell and Arthington, 2005). 3 Means represent 12 samples per month per treatment. 4 In November for forage Ca, treatment with Al-WTR was lower (<0.05) than the control. In July for forage Al, control treatment was lower (P<0.05) than treatment with Al-WTR. 5 Treatments were as follows: 1) Al-WTR; 2) Control- no Al-WTR. 6 Means of seven months of sampling 7 SD = standard deviation Table 1. 126 SD7 0.04 0.06 0.50 0.47 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.05 15.8 8.00 1.31 1.27 12.48 10.66 14.89 11.78 4.73 10.66 2009 Florida Beef Report Forage minerals (dry basis) as affected by water treatment residuals (Experiment 2) 1-4 Trt5 May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Means6 SD7 Ca, % 1 0.42a 0.32c 0.38ab 0.38ab 0.33c 0.37bc 0.37 0.04 a c bc ab a 2 0.37 0.29 0.31 0.36 0.39 0.35ab 0.33 0.05 SD 0.04 0.20 0.05 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.03 K, % 1 1.49a 1.39ab 1.33b 0.31bc 1.23bc 1.21c 1.33 0.10 a b b a a a 2 1.42 1.96 1.14 1.40 1.58 1.45 1.33 0.23 SD 0.05 0.30 0.13 0.06 0.25 0.17 0.00 Mg, % 1 0.18cd 0.20ab 0.19bc 0.21a 0.17d 0.19bc 0.19 0.01 b a b ab ab 2 0.18 0.20 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.18b 0.19 0.01 SD 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 Na, % 1 0.02 a 0.01b 0.02 a 0.02 a 0.02 a 0.02 a 0.02 0.00 b b a b b b 2 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.00 SD 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 P, % 1 0.02 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.15 0.17 0.18 0.19 2 0.21a 0.21a 0.19ab 0.19ab 0.18ab 0.17b 0.19 0.02 SD 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.01 Al, mg/kg 1 23.4cd 24.7cd 26.3bc 21.3d 33.7a 30.3ab 26.6 4.61 2 26.2cd 30.8bc 23.2d 27.5cd 40.5a 37.7ab 31.0 6.80 SD 1.98 4.31 2.19 4.38 4.81 5.23 3.11 a b b b b c Cu, mg/kg 1 9.54 8.33 8.67 8.41 8.78 7.63 8.54 0.62 2 9.16a 9.27a 8.13bc 7.47c 8.39b 7.88c 8.35 0.71 SD 0.27 0.66 0.38 0.66 0.28 0.18 0.13 Fe, mg/kg 1 50.8ab 47.2b 54.5a 55.2a 48.4b 39.5c 49.3 5.75 a a b b b 2 58.5 53.8 44.8 42.2 43.8 41.0b 47.4 7.10 SD 5.44 4.67 6.86 9.19 3.25 1.06 1.34 a a a a a Mn, mg/kg 1 92.0 69.1 84.7 64.8 88.2 142.4 90.2 27.76 2 55.7bc 58.9bc 40.6c 74.1b 90.1ab 93.3a 68.7 20.77 SD 25.7 7.21 31.2 6.58 1.34 34.7 15.2 Zn, mg/kg 1 37.4ab 26.3cd 31.5bc 19.8d 20.5cd 44.4a 30.0 9.72 b b bc ab c 2 25.5 24.9 21.0 29.1 15.7 32.4a 24.8 5.90 SD 8.41 1.00 7.42 6.58 3.39 8.49 3.68 a-d Means with same letter within rows are not different (P<0.05). 1 Water treatment residual contained 0.30% Fe, 7.8% Al, 0.11% Ca, 0.024% Mg, 0.30% P, 0.004% Mn, 0.73% S, 0.006% Cu and 0.002% Zn. 2 Critical concentrations are as follows: Ca, 0.35%; P, 0.18%; Mg, 0.10%; K, 0.60%; Na, 0.06%; Cu, 10.0 mg/kg; Fe, 50.0 mg/kg; Mn, 20.0 mg/kg; Zn, 30.0 mg/kg (NRC, 1986; McDowell and Arthington, 2005). 3 Means represent 12 samples per month per treatment. 4 In November for forage Ca, treatment with Al-WTR was lower (<0.05) than the control. In July for forage Al, control treatment was lower (P<0.05) than treatment with Al-WTR. 5 Treatments were as follows: 1) Al-WTR; 2) Control- no Al-WTR. 6 Means of seven months of sampling 7 SD = standard deviation Table 2. 127 2009 Florida Beef Report 128 2009 Florida Beef Report Methods of Selenium Supplementation to Beef Cows on Blood, Liver and Milk Selenium Concentrations Paul Davis1 Lee McDowell Claus Buergelt Nancy Wilkinson Rachel Van Alstyne Tim Marshall Richard Weldon Organic selenium was superior to other forms of supplementation in maintaining blood and milk selenium adequate for nursing calves. Summary In a 365-d study, the effects of form and method of selenium (Se) supplementation on blood, milk, and tissue Se in grazing beef cows were evaluated. Forty-three Angus cows (115-130 d gestation) were randomly assigned to 1 of 5 treatments and received either no Se supplementation (control), one 9-mL barium selenate injection at the initiation of the study, one 5-mL sodium selenite injection + 68 IU vitamin E at the initiation of the study and every 4 mo thereafter, or free-choice minerals containing 26 mg/kg Se as sodium selenite or Se yeast (Sel-Plex). Cows receiving Se in freechoice minerals were heavier and had a greater increase (P < 0.05) in bodyweight at d 365 than cows receiving all other treatments. Liver Se at d 365 was adequate (> 1,200 µg/kg) and greater (P < 0.05) in Se yeast-treated cows than in all other treatments. Cows receiving injectable selenate also had adequate liver Se concentrations that were greater (P < 0.05) than the inadequate concentrations from control, free-choice selenite or injectable selenite. At 205 d postpartum, cows receiving injectable selenate and both free-choice treatments were inadequate whole blood Se concentrations. Cows receiving Se yeast produced colostrums with greater (P < 0.05) Se concentration than all others. At weaning (205 d postpartum), cows receiving Se yeast had at least 2-fold greater (P < 0.05) milk Se than cows on other treatments. Selenium supplementation with organic or inorganic Se via free-choice minerals or injectable selenate maintained adequate Se concentrations in whole blood, plasma, and liver. Inorganic Se was limited in its ability to increase milk Se, whereas Se yeast increased milk Se at parturition and at weaning. Introduction Many areas of the United States have soils that are deficient in selenium (Se) (McDowell, 2003) and may produce forages and grains that do not provide adequate Se to livestock. Almost all regions of Florida are severely deficient in Se (McDowell and Arthington, 2003). Selenium deficient brood cows may give birth to calves which are stillborn, premature, weak, or afflicted with nutritional muscular degeneration (Corah and Ives, 1991). Likewise, even with adequate blood Se at birth, calves suckling Se deficient dams are susceptible to becoming Se deficient (Pehrson et al., 1999; Gunter et al., 2003). The objective of this experiment was to evaluate and 129 2009 Florida Beef Report compare effects of form and method of Se supplementation on blood, liver, and milk Se concentrations in beef cows. day on BW, whole blood Se, milk Se, plasma Se, and liver Se as repeated measures. Results Selenium concentration of pasture and hay for all groups averaged 0.071 ± 0.014 and 0.045 mg/kg (DM basis), respectively. Mineral consumptions, total amount of Se administered, and total vitamin E supplemented are summarized in Table 1. Both free-choice treatment groups were similar and had a greater increase in BW (P < 0.05) than did control and the injectable Se treated groups. Procedure Animals were housed at the University of Florida Boston Farm-Santa Fe Beef Unit located in Northern Alachua County, Florida. On August 6, 2002, 43 Angus cows, aged two to three yr, (mean age = 2.67 yr) were palpated to diagnose pregnancy and estimate days in gestation. All cows were determined pregnant and gestation estimates ranged from 115 to 130 d. Cows were weighed (average initial body weitht (BW) = 919 ± 101 lb), stratified by age and assigned to one of five treatment groups for a 365-d study. The 5 treatments were 1) no Se supplementation (control), 2) one subcutaneous injection of 9 mL (50 mg Se/mL) of barium selenate (Deposel Multidose®; Novartis New Zealand, Ltd., Auckland, NZ) at the initiation of the experiment, 3) three subcutaneous injections of 5 mL (5 mg Se/mL) of sodium selenite with 68 IU vitamin E/mL as DL-alpha tocopheryl acetate (Mu-Se®; Schering-Plough Animal Health, Union, NJ), one at the initiation of the experiment and one every four mo thereafter, 4) free-choice access to a mineral mixture containing 26 mg/kg Se as sodium selenite (Southeastern Minerals, Inc., Bainbridge, GA), or 5) free-choice access to a mineral mixture containing 26 mg/kg Se as Se yeast (Sel-Plex®; Alltech, Inc, Nicholasville, KY). All cows grazed bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) pastures and were supplemented with bahiagrass hay, ad libitum molasses-based liquid supplement, and whole cottonseed and pelleted citrus pulp at rates of 1.5 and 4.0 lb/d per cow, respectively, from November 2002 through March 2003. During the experiment pasture, blood, liver, colostrum and later produced milk were analyzed for Se by a fluorometric procedure. Cow whole blood Se concentrations at intervals postpartum are summarized in Table 2. Significant effects of treatment (P < 0.001), day (P < 0.001), and treatment × day (P = 0.013) were observed. At parturition, whole blood Se concentrations from cows receiving Deposel or Sel-Plex were greater (P < 0.05) than whole blood Se from controls and cows receiving MuSe or free-choice selenite. At calving, cows receiving Se via Deposel or Sel-Plex had greater whole (P<0.05) blood Se than did cows receiving no Se, Mu-Se, or selenite in free-choice minerals. Whole blood Se measured at 30 and 90 d postpartum followed a similar pattern, with respect to treatment, to whole blood Se at calving. Deposel and SelPlex produced similar and consistently greater whole blood Se than sodium selenite or no Se supplementation. From d 90 to d 205 postpartum, whole blood Se decreased in controls and cows receiving Mu-Se, and both were below the adequate whole blood Se level (> 100µg/L). Cows receiving Se from Deposel or either free-choice mineral mix maintained blood Se above the adequate level from parturition to 205 d postpartum. At d 205 postpartum, 100% of controls and 89% of cows receiving Mu-Se had whole blood Se below the adequate level. Effects of treatment on change in BW were analyzed using PROC MIXED in SAS (SAS for Windows 8e; SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC) in a completely randomized design with a diagonal covariance structure. The PROC MIXED of SAS was also used to analyze effects of treatment, day, and the interaction of treatment × Effects of treatment and d (P < 0.001) were observed in Se concentration of milk collected at the same postpartum intervals as whole blood (Table 3). Cows receiving Sel-Plex had greater (P < 0.05) Se concentrations in postsuckled 130 2009 Florida Beef Report colostrum than did cows receiving all other treatments. Colostrum Se was similar (P > 0.54) from control, Deposel, Mu-Se and free-choice selenite treated cows. At 90 d postpartum, no differences or tendencies were observed in milk Se among treatment groups (P > 0.28). Selenium in milk collected at 205 d postpartum, was similar (P > 0.50) among control, Mu-Se, Deposel, and free-choice selenite treatments. Cows receiving Sel-Plex produced greater (P < 0.01) milk Se than cows receiving any other form of Se supplementation. Milk Se from all treatment groups decreased quadratically (P < 0.001) from parturition to 205 d postpartum. selenite were similar, (P = 0.21) and both were greater (P < 0.05) than those from controls and cows receiving Mu-Se. At the end of this study, liver Se had increased (P < 0.001) in cows receiving Sel-Plex. Cows receiving Mu-Se had decreased (P <0.01) liver Se, which tended to decrease (P = 0.07) in controls. Liver Se remained unchanged (P = 0.48; 0.73) in cows receiving Deposel and free-choice mineral with sodium selenite, respectively. Liver and plasma Se concentrations were highly correlated (P < 0.001; r = 0.71). In spite of the high degree of correlation, the authors suggest that liver Se continue to be used where possible to help validate plasma, whole blood Se concentrations, or both. Plasma Se concentrations were evaluated at d 0 and at d 365. Plasma Se concentrations in SelPlex treated cows were greater (P < 0.005) than from cows receiving any other treatment. After 1 yr, only cows receiving Sel-Plex had increased (P < 0.001) plasma Se, data not shown. Sel-Plex supplemented cows had greater Se concentration in liver at the end of our study than did cows receiving any other treatment. Sel-Plex produced liver Se concentrations up to 3-fold greater than Mu-Se. At the termination of the experiment, 100% of cows supplemented with selenite, free-choice or injectable, and cows receiving no supplemental Se had plasma Se concentrations below the critical level of > 70 µg/L. Liver from biopsies at d 0 and d 365 was evaluated for Se concentration (Table 4). Liver Se (946 to 1136 µg/kg) did not differ among treatment groups at d 0 (P > 0.31). However, at d 365, liver Se from Sel-Plex treated animals was greater (P < 0.02) than from animals on all other treatments. Liver Se concentrations from cows receiving Se from Deposel or free-choice Literature Cited Corah and Ives. 1991. Vet Clin. North Am. Food Anim. Pract. 7:41. Gunter et al. 2003. J. Anim. Sci. 81:856. McDowell. 2003. Minerals in Animal and Human Nutrition, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam. McDowell and Arthington. 2005. Minerals for Grazing Ruminants in Tropical Regions, Dept. Animal Sci., Gainesville. Pehrson et al. 1999. J. Anim. Sci. 77:3371. Acknowledgments Special thanks go to Southeastern Minerals Inc., Flint River Mills, U.S. Sugar Corp., and Alltech Inc. for donation of products or services to aid in this research, to E.Y. Matsuda-Fugisaki for assistance in analyses of blood and tissues, and to Steve Chandler and Bert Faircloth for animal care and feeding. 1 Paul Davis, Former Graduate Student; Lee McDowell, Professor; Nancy Wilkinson, Chemist; Tim Marshall, Professor; Rachel Van Alstyne, Former Graduate Student; UF/IFAS, Department of Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL; Claus Buergelt, Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, Gainesville, FL; Richard Weldon, Professor, Food and Resource Economics, Gainesville, FL. 131 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Frequency, daily amount, and total of amount of supplemental Se administered to cows Source of supplemental Se No Se supplementation Selenium supplementation interval, d —1 Avg Se supplementation, mg Se/cow per d —1 Total Se supplementation, mg —1 Total Vitamin E supplementation, IU 235 Barium selenate2 (Deposel) 365 1.23 450 235 3 Sodium selenite (Mu-Se) 125 0.21 75 1255 Free-choice mineral mix4 (sodium 6 1 1.08 393 158 selenite) Free-choice mineral mix5 (Sel-Plex) 16 2.22 811 326 1 Cows received no Se supplementation or injectable Se had free-choice access to and consumed the basal free-choice mineral mix (no Se) at an average of 62.2 g/d per cow. 2 Cows received a s.c injection of 9 mL Deposel at d 0. 3 Cows received a s.c. injection of 5 mL Mu-Se every four mo beginning at d 0. Cows had continuous access to free-choice mineral mix containing 26 mg Se/kg as sodium selenite and consumed mineral mix at an average of 41.5 g/d per cow. 5 Cows had continuous access to free-choice mineral mix containing 26 mg Se/kg as Se yeast and consumed mineral mix at an average of 85.5 g/d/ per cow. 6 Access to free-choice minerals containing Se was continuous throughout the study. 4 Table 2. Whole blood Se concentrations of cows receiving different sources and forms of Se supplementation at various days postpartum1 0 Days postpartum 30 90 Whole blood Se, µg/L 162a ± 15 121a ± 15 bc 207 ± 12 166bc ± 12 ac 178 ± 12 127ad ± 12 ac 184 ± 13 140cd ± 13 b 241 ± 12 185b ± 12 205 Source of Se supplementation Control (No Se) 143a ± 15 74a ± 15 2 b Barium Selenate (Deposel) 235 ± 12 156b ± 12 3 a Sodium Selenite (Mu-Se) 173 ± 13 89a ± 12 4 a Free Choice Mineral Mix ( Sodium selenite) 159 ± 12 155b ± 13 5 b Free Choice Mineral Mix (Sel-Plex) 216 ± 12 198c ± 12 a-d Means within columns lacking a common superscript differ (P < 0.05). 1 Data represent least squares means ± SE; n = 41/d; adequate Se level in whole blood is > 100 μg/L. 2 Cows received a s.c. injection of 9 mL Deposel at d 0. 3 Cows received a s.c. injection of 5 mL Mu-Se every four mo beginning at d 0. 4 Cows consumed free-choice mineral mix containing 26 mg/kg Se as sodium selenite at an average of 41.5 g/d per cow beginning at d 0. 5 Cows consumed free-choice mineral mix containing 26 mg/kg Se as Se yeast at an average of 85.5 g/d per cow beginning at d 0. 132 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 3. Milk Se concentrations of cows receiving different sources and forms of Se supplementation at various days postpartum1 0 Days postpartum 30 90 Milk Se, µg/L 14 ± 7 6±7 15 ± 6 15 ± 6 13 ± 6 6±6 26 ± 6 16 ± 6 27 ± 6 15 ± 6 205 Source of Se supplementation Control (No Se) 39a ± 7 15a ± 7 2 a Barium Selenate (Deposel) 34 ± 6 21a ± 6 3 a Sodium Selenite (Mu-Se) 35 ± 6 16a ± 6 4 a Free Choice Mineral Mix ( Sodium selenite) 39 ± 7 15a ± 7 5 b Free Choice Mineral Mix (Sel-Plex) 71 ± 6 42b ± 6 a.b Means within columns with different superscripts differ (P < 0.05). 1 Data represent least squares means ± SE; n = 41 for each sample day. 2 Cows received a s.c. injection of 9 mL Deposel at d 0. 3 Cows received a s.c. injection of 5 mL Mu-Se every four mo beginning at d 0. 4 Cows consumed free-choice mineral mix containing 26 mg/kg Se as sodium selenite at an average of 41.5 g/d per cow beginning at d 0. 5 Cows consumed free-choice mineral mix containing 26 mg/kg Se as Se yeast at an average of 85.5 g/d per cow beginning at d 0. Table 4. Liver Se concentration (DM basis) at d 0 and d 365 of beef cows that received different sources and forms of Se supplementation1 d0 d 365 Source of Se Supplementation Liver Se, µg/kg Liver Se, µg/kg Control (No Se) 973 ± 129 642 ± 129a 2 Barium Selenate (Deposel) 1136 ± 105 1240 ± 105b 3 Sodium Selenite (Mu-Se) 946 ± 105 537 ± 105a 4 Free Choice Mineral Mix (Sodium selenite) 1089 ± 105 1046 ± 105b 5 Free Choice Mineral Mix (Sel-Plex) 1011 ± 105 1604 ± 105c a-c Means within columns lacking a common superscript differ (P < 0.05). 1 Data represent least squares means ± SE; n = 42 and 41 for d 0 and d 365, respectively; adequate Se concentration in liver is > 1,200 μg/kg. 2 Cows received a s.c. injection of 9 mL Deposel at d 0. 3 Cows received a s.c. injection of 5 mL Mu-Se every four mo beginning at d 0. 4 Cows consumed free-choice mineral mix containing 26 mg Se/kg as sodium selenite at an average of 41.5 g/d per cow beginning at d 0. 5 Cows consumed free-choice mineral mix containing 26 mg Se/kg as Se yeast at an average of 85.5 g/d per cow beginning at d 0. 133 2009 Florida Beef Report 134 2009 Florida Beef Report Comparing Tolerance of Selenium (Se) as Sodium Selenite or Se Yeast on Blood and Tissue Se Concentrations of Ruminants Paul Davis1 Lee McDowell Nancy Wilkinson Claus Buergelt Rachel Van Alstyne Richard Weldon Tim Marshall Eric Matsuda-Fugisaki Selenium, whether in organic or inorganic forms, can be fed as high as 40 mg/kg for up to 60 wk without inducing selenium toxicosis. Increasing dietary selenium level regardless of source is an effective means of increasing selenium in blood and tissues. Summary The objective of this 60 wk study was to determine the maximum tolerable level of selenium (Se) by feeding Se as sodium selenite or Se yeast at high dietary concentrations to wether sheep. Twenty-eight, two-year-old, Rambouillet-crossbred wethers (137.1 ± 18.7 lb initial body weight) were utilized in a 2 × 4 factorial arrangement with 0.2, 20, 30 and 40 mg/kg dietary Se (as-fed) as either selenite or yeast Se added to a corn-soybean meal basal diet. Average body weight decreased linearly (P < 0.10) as dietary Se level increased, though most wethers gained body weight. Serum Se, whole blood Se, and wool Se concentrations from wethers receiving organic Se were greater (P < 0.01) than those from wethers receiving inorganic Se. Selenium concentrations in brain, diaphragm, heart, hoof, kidney, liver and loin muscle were affected (P < 0.05) by dietary Se concentration, with higher Se concentrations generally observed in tissues from wethers receiving organic Se. Though Se concentrations in serum, blood, wool, and major organs at most times exceeded concentrations previously reported in livestock suffering from Se toxicosis, a pattern of clinical signs of Se toxicosis was not observed in this experiment. Histopathological, microscopic evaluation of liver, kidney, diaphragm, heart, and psoas major muscle did not reveal definitive evidence of Se toxicosis in wethers on any dietary Se treatment. Wethers under our experimental conditions tolerated up to 40 mg/kg dietary Se for 60 wk, though differences in Se source were observed. Contrary to previous thought, the range between optimal and toxic dietary levels is not narrow. Introduction Current estimates put the maximum tolerable level of Se at 5 mg/kg for the major livestock species (NRC, 2005) and no differentiation exists for tolerable levels between ruminants and monogastrics. However, Wright and Bell (1966) reported that swine retained 77% and sheep retained 29% of an oral dose of inorganic Se. The NRC makes no distinction between inorganic and organic (e.g., Se yeast or selenomethionine) forms of Se. Kim and Mahan (2001) reported more accumulation of Se in the plasma and tissues of swine fed high dietary levels of Se as Se yeast compared to the same Se levels as sodium selenite. They concluded that greater than 5 mg/kg dietary Se, regardless of source, did produce signs of Se toxicity in growing swine. Based on these findings and the increasing use of organic forms of Se for supplementation to livestock, an experiment was conducted to determine the maximum tolerable 135 2009 Florida Beef Report level of Se by feeding Se as sodium selenite or Se yeast at high dietary levels to ruminants. was observed at wk 36 (Table 1). Over the entire trial, serum Se increased quadratically (P < 0.05) as dietary Se level increased. Wethers receiving organic Se had greater (P < 0.001) serum Se than did selenite treated wethers throughout the study. Cristaldi et al. (2004) reported a linear increase in serum Se as dietary Se was increased, however those authors used a maximum level of 10 mg/kg dietary Se as selenite. Our data show that at most collections organic Se produced serum Se of more than double the concentration produced by feeding selenite Se at the same level. Procedure This experiment was conducted from June 4, 2002 to July 29, 2003 at the University of Florida Sheep Nutrition Unit located in southwestern Alachua County, FL. Twentyeight, two-year-old, Rambouillet-crossbred wethers were weighed (137.1 ± 18.7 lb) and randomly assigned to one of eight dietary treatments for a 60 wk study. Dietary treatments were arranged as a 2 × 4 factorial with 0.2, 20, 30 and 40 mg/kg Se (as-fed) as four dietary levels and Se yeast (Sel-Plex; Alltech, Inc.) and sodium selenite (Southeastern Minerals, Inc.) as two Se sources added to a corn-soybean mealcottonseed hull basal diet. Blood was collected periodically and samples of brain, diaphragm, heart, hoof tip, kidney, liver, and psoas major muscle were collected at slaughter for Se analysis. At termination, blood was again collected and analyzed for albumin and enzymes suggestive of tissue breakdown. Analyses were carried out using standardized procedures. Selenium concentration in new growth wool was measured at wk 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 (Table 2). Dietary Se concentration, Se source, time, dietary Se concentration × Se source, and dietary Se source × time affected (P < 0.05) wool Se. Wool Se ranged from 1.19 to 39.09 mg/kg and increased linearly (P < 0.001) as dietary Se increased. Wool Se from wethers receiving organic Se was often more than three-fold greater (P < 0.001) than from wethers receiving selenite Se at the same dietary concentration. Wool Se concentrations in the present study were more than ten-fold higher than concentrations of 2 to 2.5 mg/kg in wool from wethers fed up to 10 mg/kg dietary Se as selenite (Cristaldi et al., 2004), but never exceeded 40 mg/kg which is less than 45 mg/kg which was described as the Se concentration in hair of animals suffering from alkali disease (NAS, 1971). Brain, diaphragm, heart, hoof tip, kidney, liver, and psoas major Se data were analyzed for effects of treatment using PROC GLM in SAS (SAS for Windows 8e; SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC) in a 2 × 4 factorial arrangement. PROC MIXED was used to analyze effects of treatment, time, and the interaction of treatment × time on body weight, serum Se, whole blood Se, and wool Se as repeated measures with a spatial power covariance structure with respect to day and a subplot of animal nested within treatment. Selenium concentrations, on a dry matter basis, were greatest in liver followed by kidney, heart, hoof, brain, loin, and diaphragm (Table 3). Brain Se concentrations ranged from 1.28 to 32.3 mg/kg and brain Se concentrations from wethers receiving organic Se were greater (P < 0.001) than brain Se from wethers receiving selenite Se. These results suggest that Se does cross the blood-brain barrier and that brain Se is influenced by dietary Se source. Diaphragm Se concentration ranged from 0.82 to 26.34 mg/kg and tended to increase linearly (P = 0.089) as dietary Se increased. Diaphragm Se concentration was greater (P < 0.001) in wethers receiving organic Se than from wethers receiving selenite Se. Heart Se concentration Results Wether body weight was affected by dietary Se level (P < 0.05). Body weights of wethers receiving 30 or 40 mg/kg dietary Se as Se yeast decreased from wk 0 to wk 60, whereas wethers receiving all other dietary Se treatments gained weight from wk 0 to wk 60. Serum Se concentrations measured at wk 12, 24, 48 and 60 ranged from 110 to 3,922 µg/L and increased linearly (P < 0.05) as dietary Se level increased, while a quadratic response (P < 0.05) 136 2009 Florida Beef Report ranged from 1.59 to 33.93 mg/kg and, like brain and diaphragm Se was greater (P < 0.001) in wethers receiving organic Se than from wethers receiving selenite Se. Selenium concentrations in the hoof tip increased linearly as dietary Se concentration increased (P < 0.05), with wethers receiving organic Se tending (P = 0.07) to be greater than those receiving inorganic Se. Kidney Se concentration tended (P = 0.07) to respond linearly to increased dietary Se concentration and ranged from 8.43 to 77.61 mg/kg. Kidney Se concentrations from wethers receiving organic Se were greater (P < 0.01) than from wethers receiving selenite Se. Most of the heart, diaphragm, loin, liver, and kidney tissues subjected to histopathological evaluation were free from pathological changes. No pattern associating abnormal pathology to either dietary Se level or source could be established. Concentrations of albumin and activities of 5 enzymes associated with tissue damage in serum collected at the termination of the experiment were, in general, within or below the normal range for adult sheep. In instances of Se toxicosis, the activities of these enzymes would have been increased due to tissue necrosis. The lack of elevated enzymes, which are suggestive of tissue necrosis, further indicates that the wethers on our study were not suffering from Se toxicosis. Selenium concentrations in liver from wethers receiving organic Se were not different (P =0.34) than liver Se concentrations from wethers receiving selenite Se. Selenium concentrations in the loin muscle (psoas major), which is often consumed ranged from 0.71 to 26.87 mg/kg and tended (P = 0.12) to increase linearly as dietary Se concentration was increased. Organic Se was more effective (P < 0.001) at increasing Se concentrations in edible tissue than was selenite Se. As daily intake of Se by humans declines in some parts of the world, increasing the Se content of foods for human consumption by manipulating source and level of Se supplementation to livestock is now of interest to food scientists. The current estimate of the maximum tolerable level of selenium in ruminants (5 mg/kg diet; NRC, 2005) seems to be grossly underestimated. Selenium, whether in organic or inorganic form, can be fed as high as 40 mg/kg for up to 60 wks without inducing Se toxicosis. Literature Cited Cristaldi et al., 2005. Small Rumin. Res. 56:205. Kim and Mahan. 2001. J. Anim. Sci. 79:942. National Academy of Science. 1971. Selenium in Nutrition. National Academy of Science, USA, Washington, DC. NRC, 2005. Mineral Tolerance of Domestic Animals. National Academy Press, Washington, DC. 1 Paul Davis, Former Graduate Student; Lee McDowell, Professor; Nancy Wilkinson, Chemist; Rachel Van Alstyne, Former Graduate Student; Tim Marshall, Professor; UF/IFAS, Department of Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL; Claus Buergelt, Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, UF, Gainesville, FL; Richard Weldon, Professor, Food and Resource Economics, UF, Gainesville, FL; Eric Matsuda-Fugisaki, Visiting Researcher, Matsuda, Presidente Bernardes-S.P., Brazil. 137 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Serum Se concentrations of wethers fed four dietary levels of Se as sodium selenite or Se yeasta ————————————Se source———————————— –———Sodium selenite———– –————Se yeast————– —————————Dietary Se level, mg/kg————————— Week 0.2 20 30 40 0.2 20 30 40 ——————————Serum Se, µg/L——————————— 12 157 548 788 1,000 412 2,583 3,210 2,458 24 130 1,683 1,487 1,724 354 2,639 3,922 1,585 36 444 851 960 1,083 540 3,283 2,086 1,409 48 110 822 1,219 1,496 292 2,428 2,076 1,831 60 119 610 886 1,250 424 1,699 2,712 2,549 Average 192 903 1,068 1,311 404 2,526 2,801 1,966 a Data represent least squares means and pooled standard error (SE). b Dietary Se level response (P < 0.05). c Selenium source response (P < 0.05). d Dietary Se level × Se source interaction (P < 0.05). e Dietary Se level linear response (P < 0.05). f Dietary Se level quadratic response (P < 0.05). SE 249bcde 826be 250bcdf 253bce 331bce 395bcdf Table 2. Wool Se concentrations of wethers fed four dietary levels of Se as sodium selenite or Se yeasta ————————————Se source———————————— –———Sodium selenite———– –————Se yeast————– —————————Dietary Se level, mg/kg————————— Week 0.2 20 30 40 0.2 20 30 40 ——————————Wool Se, mg/kg——————————— 12 1.37 3.27 6.69 4.15 3.78 12.67 21.09 24.26 24 1.47 3.57 5.72 11.92 7.04 31.58 35.69 37.30 36 1.68 6.02 9.85 10.85 5.70 18.99 22.79 21.29 48 1.19 3.15 5.64 7.23 6.39 24.81 39.09 29.65 60 1.29 3.90 5.01 6.23 4.38 23.22 25.65 25.99 Average 1.40 3.98 6.58 8.08 5.46 22.25 28.87 27.70 a Data represent least squares means and pooled standard error (SE). b Dietary Se level response (P < 0.05). c Selenium source response (P < 0.05). d Dietary Se level × Se source interaction (P < 0.05). e Dietary Se level linear response (P < 0.10). f Time response (P < 0.05). g Time × Se source interaction (P < 0.05). 138 SE 3.80bce 2.87bcd 4.72ce 2.22bcd 2.01bcd 3.38bcdefg 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 3. Effects of four dietary levels of Se as sodium selenite or Se yeast on tissue Se of wethersa ————————————Se source———————————— –———Sodium selenite———– –————Se yeast————– —————————Dietary Se level, mg/kg————————— Tissue 0.2 20 30 40 0.2 20 30 40 —————————Se concentration, mg/kg—————————— Brain 1.28 4.22 4.74 6.87 6.12 21.90 32.30 18.71 Diaphragm 0.82 4.74 3.33 7.81 5.28 10.30 26.34 20.71 Heart 1.59 3.80 5.13 6.23 6.35 23.77 28.71 33.93 Hoof 3.44 8.79 9.68 13.78 6.26 12.53 29.20 23.66 Kidney 8.43 19.94 27.93 27.89 22.26 33.96 77.61 36.28 Liver 2.66 31.72 41.42 78.18 15.67 23.42 132.73 41.24 Loin 0.71 3.13 4.41 5.13 5.73 14.69 23.51 26.87 a Data represent least squares means and pooled standard error (SE). b Dietary Se level response (P < 0.05). c Selenium source response (P < 0.05). d Dietary Se level × Se source interaction (P < 0.05). e Dietary Se level linear response (P < 0.10). 139 SE 0.99bcd 2.69bcde 2.43bcd 5.52ce 6.87bcde 18.17bde 1.05bcd 2009 Florida Beef Report 140 2009 Florida Beef Report Bioavailability of Vitamin A (Retinol) Sources for Cattle Carlos Alosilla, Jr.1 Lee McDowell Nancy Wilkinson Charles Staples William Thatcher Michael Blair Vitamin A destruction occurs in the rumen with retinol losses up to 80%. For the sources of vitamin A studied Microvit A and Rovamix A appear to be more available to cattle. Summary An experiment was conducted to evaluate bioavailability of five sources of vitamin A (retinol). Fifty-three yearling Angus Brahman cattle, consisting of 39 steers and 14 heifers, were stratified by BW and gender and randomly assigned to six high concentrate diet groups receiving either no vitamin A supplementation (control), or vitamin A supplemented from the following sources: Microvit A (ADISSEO, Acworth, GA), Rovamix A (DSM, Parsippany, NJ), Sunvit A, Lutavit A, and Microvit A DLC (ADISSEO). Vitamin A treatment groups were fed daily 80,000 IU retinol/animal in a low retinol concentrate diet (78.5% oats, 10% cottonseed hulls, 8% molasses, and 2% cottonseed meal) for 84 d. Every 28 d body weight was determined and liver biopsies and plasma were collected and analyzed for retinol concentrations. All retinol treatments showed significant increases in liver retinol concentrations compared to control animals (P < 0.0001), which steadily decreased over time. At all collection times, Microvit A led to numerically greater concentrations of retinol in liver than did all other treatments. However, at experiment termination, there was no significant difference in liver retinol concentration among Microvit A, Rovamix A, Lutavit A, and Microvit A DLC diets. When liver retinol concentrations at all collection times were considered, Microvit A and Rovamix A appeared to provide the most bioavailable vitamin A. Introduction Vitamin A generally is supplemented to ruminant diets to insure maximum health and productivity. Unfortunately, considerable supplemental retinol is destroyed by ruminal microbes. The amount of concentrate in a diet is one factor associated with ruminal destruction. Rode et al. (1990) reported an 80% loss of vitamin A when cattle were fed 70% concentrate diets, but, when fed high-forage diets, losses were only 20%. There is a need for minimizing ruminal destruction to increase the amount of vitamin A that reaches the duodenum. In order to protect vitamin A from pre-intestinal destruction, gelatin beadlets have been developed commercially that contain not only vitamin A but also carbohydrates and antioxidants to stabilize the vitamin A. The objective of this study was to compare the bioavailability of five different forms of supplemental vitamin A fed to beef cattle. Procedure Fifty-three yearling Angus Brahman cattle, consisting of 39 steers and 14 heifers, that 141 2009 Florida Beef Report weighed 750.2 ± 44 lbs, were stratified by gender and BW and assigned randomly to one of seven pens and one of eight Calan gates (American Calan, Northwood, NH) within pens at the University of Florida Beef Research Unit in August of 2002. High concentrate dietary treatments included 78.5% oats, 10% cottonseed hulls, 8% molasses, and 2% cottonseed meal. Experimental treatments were control (no supplemental vitamin A), Microvit A (ADISSEO, Acworth, GA), Rovamix A (DSM, Parsippany, NJ), Sunvit A, Lutavit A, and Microvit A DLC (ADISSEO) fed daily at 80,000 IU/animal. Vitamin A pre-mixes were formulated and mixed every two wk. Feed intake gradually increased, therefore vitamin A additions changed so that cattle always received 80,000 IU/d. A total of nine cattle were used per treatment except for eight in the control group. In each pen, poor quality Bermuda grass hay (low vitamin A content, 0.71 µg of β-carotene/g) and water were supplied for ad libitum consumption. overall) compared to control and also compared to the Sunvit A treatment groups (P < 0.05). On d 84, both Lutavit A and Microvit A DLC were intermediate and did not differ from control; Lutavit A also did not differ from Microvit A or Rovamix A, and Microvit A DLC did not differ from Microvit A. Similar trends at d 28 and d 56 were evident. Retinol concentrations in liver (Table 2) were affected by treatment (P < 0.01) and a treatment x time interaction was detected (P < 0.0001); retinol-supplemented cattle had greater (P < 0.05) and more sustained concentrations of liver retinol compared to a steady decline for the control group through d 84 (Table 2). Overall Microvit A had the numerically highest concentration of liver retinol, but it did not differ statistically from Rovamix A and Lutavit A. However, averaged over all sampling times, Microvit A led to greater liver retinol (P < 0.05) than did Sunvit A (P < 0.05) and Microvit A DLC (P < 0.05). Control animals clearly had decreased retinol concentrations in liver compared to all vitamin A dietary supplements. On d 0, 28, 56, and 84, all animals were restrained and weighed, and liver biopsy and blood samples were collected. Vitamin A was analyzed by a standardized HPLC system. The experiment was a completely random design. All data were analyzed using the Mixed Procedure of SAS (SAS for Windows 8e; SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC) for repeated measures. The model included terms for a covariate (value from d 0), treatment, time, and treatment time. According to previous studies (Hammell et al., 2000; McDowell, 2000), plasma retinol concentration is a less reliable indicator of vitamin A status than is liver retinol concentration. Unless there is a severe deficiency, the liver maintains relatively normal plasma retinol concentrations. Our study demonstrated large differences due to vitamin A supplementation between treatments and control in liver retinol concentrations, but only subtle differences in plasma retinol. The liver is the site for greatest storage of retinol and is the best indicator of vitamin A status (McDowell, 2000). Results Body weights increased with time (P < 0.0001), but there were no effects of treatment (P = 0.86) or of treatment x time (P = 0.31) detected. As there were no differences among treatments, control cattle with minimal dietary vitamin A were able to rely on storage reserves of retinol for body growth. Increasing the amount of vitamin A reaching the duodenum increases the availability for absorption and storage as is illustrated by elevated liver retinol concentrations (Table 2). Vitamin A availability is limited in ruminants due to losses by ruminal destruction. Ruminal destruction is especially high when ruminants are fed high concentrate diets. Rode et al. (1990) reported that in vitro ruminal microbial degradation of vitamin A was 80% when the diet Retinol concentrations in plasma (Table 1) were affected by treatment (P = 0.01) and time (P = 0.04). There were no interactions between treatment and time (P = 0.96). Using d 0 values as the covariate, both Microvit A and Rovamix A increased (P < 0.05) plasma retinol (d 84 and 142 2009 Florida Beef Report contained 70% concentrate, whereas diets high in forage only resulted in a 20% destruction of vitamin A in vitro. It was hypothesized that some vitamin A supplements with protective coatings are more resistant to rumen destruction or have improved duodenal availability and that these would result in greater liver concentrations of retinol. If these coatings were resistant to intestinal digestion, then supplemented vitamin A could pass the duodenum, the site of vitamin A absorption, and therefore be excreted. Certain products, like Microvit A and Rovamix A, appear to have better resistance to ruminal destruction or improved duodenal availability than other products tested in this experiment. Literature Cited Hammell et al. 2002. J. Dairy Sci. 22:1256. McDowell. 2002. Vitamins in Animal and Human Nutrition. 2nd ed. Iowa State Press, Ames, IA. Rode et al., 1990. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 70:227. 1 Carlos Alosilla, Jr., Former Graduate Student; Lee McDowell, Professor; Nancy Wilkinson, Chemist; Charles Staples, Professor; William Thatcher, Professor; UF/IFAS, Department of Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL; Mike Blair, ADISSEO, Acworth, GA. 143 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Effect of vitamin A sources on plasma retinol concentrations of cattle Item n Day 0 Control Microvit A 8 9 0.329 0.365 Rovamix A Sunvit A SEM1 9 Microvit A DLC 9 0.297 0.329 0.0212 Lutavit A 9 9 Pretrial plasma retinol, µg/mL 0.333 0.310 Covariate adjusted plasma retinol, µg/mL ab 0.389 a 0.381ab 0.321b 0.350ab 0.335ab Day 28 0.331 Day 56 0.312ab 0.350a 0.365a 0.281b 0.339ab 0.345a Day 84 0.284c 0.357ab 0.369 a 0.286 c 0.324abc 0.305bc Overall mean 0.308b 0.366a 0.372a 0.296b 0.337ab a-c Treatments within the same row not bearing a common superscript differ (P ≤ 0.05) 1 Standard errors of the means (SEM) were the largest among treatments (i.e., for control). 2 SEM for d 0. 3 SEM for covariate adjusted day means. 4 SEM for covariate adjusted overall means. 0.328ab Table 2. Effect of vitamin A sources on liver retinol concentrations of cattle Item n Control Microvit A Rovamix A Sunvit A Lutavit A Microvit A DLC 8 9 9 9 9 9 158 151 0.0103 0.0174 SEM1 Pretrial liver retinol, µg/g of wet liver Day 0 158 160 146 131 272 Covariate adjusted liver retinol, µg/g of wet liver Day 28 121c 183a 153ab 141bc 161ab 158ab Day 56 90c 178a 163ab 153ab 151ab 135b Day 84 70 c 187a 183a 143b 168ab 156ab Overall mean 94c 183a 166ab 145b 160ab 150b a-c Treatments within the same row not bearing a common superscript differ (P ≤ 0.05) SEM were the largest among treatments (i.e., for control). 2 SEM for d 0. 3 SEM for covariate adjusted day means. 4 SEM for covariate adjusted overall means. 1 144 2009 Florida Beef Report 53 104 Forage Nutritional Quality Evaluation of Bahiagrass Selections Bob Myer1 Ann Blount Sam Coleman Jeff Carter Bahiagrass plant breeding efforts in the past have been based on increasing forage yield. Selection for increased yield also resulted in a concurrent increase in bahiagrass forage quality. Summary Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) is the major pasture forage in Florida. A bahiagrass selection breeding program has been ongoing since 1960 at the Coastal Plain Experiment Station at Tifton, Georgia to increase forage yield in ‘Pensacola’ (P. notatum var. sanese Flugge) bahiagrass. However, the impact of selection for forage yield on forage nutritional quality is unknown. Forage quality was evaluated from four ‘Pensacola’ derived selection cycles (C) of bahiagrass (C0 ‘Pensacola’, C4, C9 - ‘Tifton 9’, and C23). A total of 175 plants per cycle were grown together in a field at NFREC, Quincy. Forage from individual one-yr old plants was harvested by hand on October 3, 2000 and again on November 15, 2000. The samples were dried, ground, and analyzed using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) for dry matter (DM), in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVOMD), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and crude protein (CP). Cycle means (% DM basis combined over both harvest dates) for IVOMD, NDF and CP were 49.7, 81.0 and 14.2; 50.3, 79.7 and 13.7; 52.8, 78.7 and 13.2; and 52.0, 78.5 and 12 .9 for C0, C4, C9 and C23, respectively. The greater average IVOMD of C4 vs. C0 was different (P = 0.03) as well as C9 vs. C4 (P < 0.001). Therefore, in addition to increased forage yield, there was evidence that forage quality (IVOMD) also increased with advancing selection cycle. Selection for improved nutritional quality through plant breeding may be possible. Introduction Bahiagrass is the major pasture forage crop in Florida and throughout the southern Gulf Coast. As a C4 tropical grass, its forage nutritional quality is low, lower than typically noted for C3 temperate grasses, such as ryegrass, at comparable stages of growth and development. Dr. G. W. Burton, a plant breeder with USDA ARS, Tifton, GA, developed and used restricted recurrent phenotypic selection (RRPS) breeding procedure to improve bahiagrass forage yield. Starting in 1960, Burton selected plants annually for 24 yr using this procedure, which resulted in morphology of the plants towards a more upright growth habit as well as greater forage mass. Whether or not forage nutritional quality was improved is not known. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate nutritional quality of bahiagrass selections from four ‘Pensacola’ derived RRPS selection cycles. Material and Methods Bahiagrass seed from four RRPS selec- 145 2009 Florida Beef Report tion cycles [C0 (Pensacola), C4, C9 (Tifton 9) and C23] were obtained from G. W. Burton, USDA-ARS, Coastal Plain Experiment Station, Tifton, GA, and used in this study. From this seed supply, a total of 175 plants of each cycle were grown in a greenhouse and then transplanted during July 1999 to a field at NFREC Quincy, FL (30.3° N Lat.). Beginning September 1999, foliage was harvested every 6 to 8 wk. Harvest consisted of the total top growth that occurred at 4 in above the crown of the individual plants. On August 15, 2000, all plant crowns were hand clipped to 4 in diameter and the foliage clipped to 4 in height. On October 2, 2000 and again on November 15, 2000, foliage growth of individual plants was cut by hand to a common height of 4 in. Foliage was dried, weighed and recorded. In all, an average of 164 forage samples per cycle per harvest was obtained. Forage was not obtained from all 175 plants per cycle per harvest due to some plant attrition or plants not having sufficient forage. When combined over both harvests, an increase in IVOMD and decreases in NDF and CP concentrations were noted when going from C0 to C4 (P=0.03; P<0.001; P<0.001, respectively), and again from C4 to C9 (P<0.001 for all; Table 1). A small decrease (P<0.01) in IVOMD was noted from C9 to C23. While IVOMD was lower for C23 compared with C9, the value was still greater when compared with C4 or CO (P<0.01). The further decrease noted with NDF of C23 vs. C9, however, was not significant (P>0.10). The trend for a decrease in CP was continued as the decrease between C9 and C23 was significant (P<0.01). The peak at C9 for IVOMD was mostly the result of the drop in IVOMD for C23 compared with C9 (P<0.01) noted for the November harvest; values were similar (P>0.10) for the October harvest (Figure 1). The November harvest samples were greater (P<0.01) in IVOMD (52.4 vs. 50.1%) and CP (14.6 vs. 12.5%) than the October harvest samples; NDF was similar (P>0.10; 80 vs. 79%; Figure 1). The increases noted were probably a reflection of the cooler weather during the 6 wk prior to the November harvest than prior to the October harvest. The dried forage samples were ground and analyzed for DM, IVOMD, NDF and CP using NIRS. The NIRS was calibrated from a subsample of 275 samples which were analyzed using wet chemistry procedures. Forage yield has been reported previously. As expected, an increase with increasing selection cycle was noted, peaking at C9 (60% increase vs. C0) with no further increase with C23. Data were analyzed using GLM of SAS. The model included harvest date and cycle. The individual plant was the experimental unit. Significant effects were separated using LSMEANS comparison with the PDIFF option of SAS. From these results, there was evidence that forage nutritional quality did increase with advancing selection cycle. This finding is based on the increase in IVOMD and the decrease in NDF as selection cycle increased from 0 to 23, in particular from C0 to C9. Crude protein concentration actually decreased with increasing selection cycle; however, animal nutritionists often place more emphasis on IVOMD and NDF as determinants of forage nutritional quality than CP. While the bahiagrass RRPS selection goal was to increase forage yield, results of our study indicated evidence of a concurrent improvement in forage nutritional quality. Results The values obtained for IVOMD and NDF in this study were typical of late grazing season bahiagrass; however, the CP values were greater. The bahiagrass plants were well fertilized during the study which could explain the greater CP concentrations. October and November samplings were done rather than during the late spring and summer mo as forage quality is typically lowest for bahiagrass during autumn. Differences noted would be more meaningful than earlier sampling when quality values would overall be higher. In addition, variation for each parameter 146 2009 Florida Beef Report measured within each cycle was noted, and this variation was consistent across the cycles. For example, the variation (one standard deviation) for IVOMD averaged 2.8 (range of 2.7 to 2.9). This variation is desirable for plant breeding improvement. Therefore, breeding for improved forage quality within a cycle, as well as across cycles, may be possible. Table 1. Composition of bahiagrass cycles (% dry matter basis; combined over both harvests). Selection cycle Item C0 C4 C9 C23 SEa b IVOMD 49.7 50.3 52.8 52.0 0.10 NDFc 81.0 79.7 78.7 78.5 0.10 Crude proteind 14.2 13.7 13.2 12.9 0.09 a Standard error of the mean, n = average of 164/cycle/harvest. b In vitro organic matter digestibility. C0 vs. C4, P < 0.03; C4 vs. C9, P < 0.001; C9 vs. C23, P < 0.01. c Neutral detergent fiber. C0 vs. C4, P < 0.001; C4 vs C9, P < 0.001; C9 vs. C23, P > 0.10. d C0 vs. C4, P < 0.001; C4 vs. C9, P < 0.001; C9 vs. C23, P < 0.01. 1 Bob Myer, Professor, Ann Blount, Associate Professor, and Jeff Carter, Former Assistant Professor, UF-IFAS, North Florida Research and Education Center, Marianna, FL; and Sam Coleman, Research Animal Scientist, USDA ARS, Sub-tropical Agriculture Research Station, Brookville, FL. 147 2009 Florida Beef Report IVOMD 70 60 50 40 SE = 0.13 30 0 4 9 23 9 23 NDF 100 90 80 70 SE = 0.13 60 0 4 CP 20 15 10 5 SE = 0.12 0 0 4 9 23 Selection cycle Figure 1. Mean values for each harvest of bahiagrass selection cycles (%, DM basis; ▲ ▲= Oct. harvest and ■ = Nov. harvest). IVOMD = in vitro organic matter digestibility; NDF = neutral detergent fiber; CP = crude protein. 148 2009 Florida Beef Report Warm-Season Legume Hay Or Soybean Meal Supplementation Effects On The Performance Of Lambs Jamie Foster1 Adegbola Adesogan Jeffery Carter Bob Myer Ann Blount This study showed that perennial and annual peanut hays are quality forages that improve intake, digestibility, and nitrogen retention when supplemented to bahiagrass hay. Cowpea and soybean hay have lower quality, but they are also promising legume supplements. Perennial and annual peanut hays were the best supplements for the lambs. Summary This study determined how supplementing bahiagrass hay (Paspalum notatum Flügge cv. ‘Pensacola’) with soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) meal or warm-season legumes affects intake, digestibility, and nitrogen (N) utilization by lambs. Forty-two Dorper x Katadhin crossbred lambs (67 ± 12 lb) were fed ad libitum amounts of bahiagrass hay alone (six-wk regrowth), or bahiagrass hay supplemented (50% dietary dry matter, DM) with hays of annual peanut (Arachis hypogaea (L.) cv. ‘Florida MDR98’), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. cv. ‘Iron clay’), perennial peanut (Arachis glabrata Benth. cv. ‘Florigraze’), pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. cv. ‘GA2’), or soybean (cv. ‘Pioneer 97B52’), or with enough soybean meal (4.25% of dietary DM) to match the average dietary crude protein (CP; 10.8%) concentration of the legume supplemented diets. Diets were fed to six lambs per treatment for two, consecutive 21-d periods. Annual and perennial peanut, cowpea, and soybean hays increased DM intake, but DM digestibility was only increased by supplementation with annual or perennial peanut hays. Nitrogen intake, digestibility, and retention were increased by all supplements and these responses were greatest when perennial peanut hay was supplemented followed by annual peanut hay. Warm-season legumes are promising supplements for growing ruminants. Introduction The quantity of bahiagrass and bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] that is available for winter grazing is limited because these grasses become dormant in the winter and do not provide sufficient nutrients to optimize the growth of beef cattle through the grazing season. Supplementing poor quality basal grass diets with legumes increases total feed intake and sometimes improves digestibility. In the United States, alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is the legume most commonly fed to livestock, but it does not persist in the Gulf Coast region. Perennial peanut is a warm-season legume adapted to this region and it is the main forage legume in Florida. However, because it is sprigplanted, it is more difficult and expensive to establish than tropically adapted, seeded warmseason legumes such as cowpea, soybean, pigeonpea, or annual peanut. Little is known about how performance of ruminant livestock is affected by supplementing bahiagrass hay with seeded warm-season legume hays. This study aimed to determine feed intake, digestibility, and nitrogen (N) balance of lambs fed bahiagrass hay supplemented with soybean meal, or hays of perennial peanut, annual peanut, soybean, cowpea, or pigeonpea. Lambs are excellent models for examining supplementation effects 149 2009 Florida Beef Report on nutrient utilization in growing cattle. average CP concentration (10.8% DM basis) of the legume diets. Materials and Methods Forage Production Legume hays were produced at the North Florida Research and Education Center in Marianna, FL, (31° N) and fed at the Department of Animal Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. To prepare the field for planting seeded legumes, it was limed, fertilized, and plowed. In May of 2005, seeds were inoculated with the appropriate rhizobia drilled at 50 lb/ac and 6-in row spacings. Legumes were harvested at the following maturity stages: pod yellowing for cowpea (Twidwell et al., 2002), pod setting for pigeonpea (Le Houérou, 2006), and stage R6 (pod with full size seed at one of the four uppermost nodes and completely unrolled leaves) for soybean (Sheaffer et al., 2001). Established stands of perennial and annual peanut (self reseeding) were harvested as first cuttings in June and September of 2005, respectively. A mower-conditioner was used to harvest the legumes; windrows were turned with an inverter after 24 h, and then rolled into round bales. An established stand of bahiagrass was harvested as a six-wk regrowth and rolled into round bales. Sample Collection and Analyses Samples of each feed were taken daily during the 7-d collection period and daily refusals were weighed and stored. Total fecal and urine output were collected daily from each lamb, weighed, and a subsample used for analysis. Samples of feed were dried, ground, and analyzed for DM, organic matter (OM), CP, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), lignin, and in vitro true digestibility (IVTD). Feces was analyzed for DM after drying and grinding, and urine was analyzed for N. Statistical Analyses The experimental design was completely randomized. Data were analyzed with PROC MIXED (SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC). The model for analyzing chemical composition of forage included forage species and period (random variable). The model for analyzing intake, digestibility, and N retention included dietary treatment, period, dietary treatment × period, and lamb (random variable). Significance was declared at P<0.05. Results and Discussion Forage Chemical Composition Dry matter concentrations were not different among forages, but OM concentration was greater in all other hays than in perennial peanut hay (Table 1). As expected, CP concentration was least (P<0.01) in bahiagrass hay. Among legumes, CP concentrations were greater in annual and perennial peanut hays than in cowpea and pigeonpea hays. Neutral detergent fiber concentration was greatest (P<0.01) in pigeonpea hay followed by bahiagrass hay, and least in annual and perennial peanut hays. The greatest (P < 0.01) ADF concentration was in pigeonpea hay and the least (P<0.01) concentration was in perennial peanut hay. Lignin (P<0.10) concentration was greater in pigeonpea hay than the other hays. In vitro true DM digestibility was greatest (P<0.01) in perennial peanut hay followed by annual peanut hay. Bahiagrass hay contained lower (P<0.01) IVTD than all legumes except pigeonpea hay Animals, Feeding, and Housing Forty-two Dorper × Katadhin cross ram lambs weighing 67 ± 12 lb were used for the experiment. Lambs were stratified by weight and randomly assigned to seven treatments (six lambs per treatment per period). The experiment had 2 periods each containing 14 d of adaptation to diets and 7 d of measurement, and each lamb received a different diet in each period. Lambs were fitted with canvas feces collection bags and housed in individual metabolism crates adapted for collection of urine. Lambs were fed ad libitum (110% of previous days’ intake) diets consisting of bahiagrass hay alone or bahiagrass hay supplemented (50% of diet DM) with perennial peanut hay, annual peanut hay, cowpea hay, pigeonpea hay, soybean hay, or soybean meal (4.25% of diet DM). The soybean meal inclusion level was aimed at matching the 150 2009 Florida Beef Report which contained the least (P<0.01) IVTD. Perennial and annual peanuts had greater IVTD than other legumes due to their lower NDF and ADF concentrations. and the greatest (P<0.01) values occurred in lambs fed perennial peanut, followed by annual peanut. Legume hay supplementation increased N intake because of the greater CP concentrations of the legumes versus bahiagrass, as well as the greater DM intake of most of the legume-supplemented diets. Nitrogen retention increased accordingly because all supplements increased N digestibility and most supplements decreased the proportion of intake N lost as urine (data not shown). Intake, Digestibility, and Nitrogen Retention With the exception of pigeonpea hay, legume hay supplementation increased intake of DM (Table 2). Intake of DM was greatest (P<0.01) in lambs supplemented with perennial peanut hay, followed by annual peanut hay, and they were lower in lambs consuming bahiagrass hay alone or pigeonpea hay than those consuming other legume hays. Intake of DM was not improved by addition of soybean meal. Digestibility of DM was only increased by perennial or annual peanut hay supplementation, and the values were greater when perennial peanut was supplemented. Unlike the other legumes, annual and perennial peanut are prostrate, spreading plants with relatively high leaf-to-stem ratios, therefore they have low concentrations of NDF and ADF, and consequently, they are more digestible than the other legumes. Pigeonpea had higher NDF and ADF concentrations because of its thick, woody stems, which probably increased gut fill, thereby decreasing intake. The fact that supplementation with N from legume hays or soybean meal increased N intake, digestion, and retention indicates that supplementation is necessary for optimizing the utilization of bahiagrass in lambs. At the moderate dietary CP concentration evaluated, supplementation with annual and perennial peanut hays was more effective than soybean meal supplementation at improving N intake, digestion, and retention. Perennial peanut and annual peanut were the most promising legume supplements because they resulted in the greatest DM intakes and digestibility and the greatest N retention. Pigeonpea hay supplementation increased N retention, but did not improve DM intake and it reduced DM digestibility; therefore, it was the least desirable supplement. This study suggests that supplementing bahiagrass with warm-season legumes can improve the performance of growing sheep and cattle. Nitrogen intake was increased (P<0.01) by supplementation regardless of supplement type and it was greatest (P<0.01) in lambs fed perennial peanut hay, followed by (P<0.01) annual peanut hay. Nitrogen retention and digestibility were increased by all supplements Literature Cited Le Houérou, 2006. http://www.fao.org/ag/agP/AGPC/doc/gbase/data/Pf000150.HTM Sheaffer et al. 2001. Agron. J. 93:99. Twidwell et al. 2002. S. Dakota State Univ. Circular 8070. 1 Jamie Foster, Former Graduate Student; Adegbola Adesogan, Associate Professor, UF/IFAS, Department of Animal Sciences, Gainesville, Florida; and Jeffery Carter, Former Assistant Professor; Bob Myer, Professor; Ann Blount, Professor, North Florida Research and Education Center, Marianna, Florida. 151 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Chemical composition and in vitro true DM digestibility (IVTD) of hays. Item2 Annual Perennial peanut peanut Cowpea Pigeonpea Soybean SEM1 1.8 91.0 90.8 91.5 91.8 91.6 b c b a ab 0.5 92.4 90.8 92.6 94.7 93.8 ab a c c b 0.4 14.7 15.2 11.7 12.2 13.5 DM, % OM, % DM Bahiagrass 91.1 94.5a CP, % DM 8.1d NDF, % DM 73.8b 46.2e 43.3f 62.2c 78.6a 59.0d 1.0 ADF, % DM 39.8cd 37.8d 32.1e 48.7b 60.2a 42.8c 1.3 6.2b 7.9b 6.7b 9.5b 17.1a 9.6b 1.1 Lignin, % DM 1.1 50.7d 71.4b 77.2a 57.9c 35.1e 57.4c IVTD, % 1 Standard error of the mean values reflect the variation of samples collected daily and composited within each of 2 Periods (n=2). Abbreviations: Dry matter (DM); organic matter (OM); crude protein (CP); neutral detergent fiber (NDF); acid detergent fiber (ADF). Within a row means without a common superscript letter differ (P < 0.05). Table 2. Intake and apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM), nitrogen (N), and N retention of lambs fed bahiagrass hay supplemented with warm-season legume hays or soybean meal (SBM) Bahiagrass SBM Annual peanut Perennial peanut Cowpea Pigeonpea Soybean SEM1 1.5ef 1.6de 2.1b 2.4a 1.8cd 1.3f 1.9c 0.06 DM Digestibility, % 58.5cd 60.3c 64.3b 67.8a 58.8cd 56.3d 60.7c 0.9 N intake, lb/d 0.019e 0.034c 0.039b 0.047a 0.028d 0.026d 0.034c 0.0011 Item DM Intake, lb/d e N digestibility, % 46.5 Retained N, lb/d 0.0044d 56.8 cd 0.0092c 62.4 b 0.015b 66.8 a 0.023a 54.0 d 0.010c 55.6 cd 0.0090c 58.1 c 0.011c 1 1.1 0.0012 Standard error of the mean values reflect the variation of measurements taken from each of the lambs on a treatment in each of 2 periods (n = 12 for intake and digestibility; n = 10 for retained N). Within a row means without a common superscript letter differ (P < 0.05). 152 2009 Florida Beef Report Warm-Season Legume Haylage or Soybean Meal Supplementation Effects on the Performance of Lambs Jamie Foster1 Adegbola Adesogan Jeffery Carter Bob Myer Ann Blount This study showed that perennial and annual peanut and cowpea haylages are quality forages that improve intake, digestibility and nitrogen retention when supplemented to bahiagrass hay basal diets. Summary This study determined how supplementing bahiagrass haylage (Paspalum notatum Flügge cv. ‘Tifton 9’) with soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) meal or warm-season legume haylages affected the performance of lambs. Forty-two Dorper x Katadhin lambs (60 ± 11 lb) were fed ad libitum bahiagrass haylage alone, or supplemented with soybean meal or haylages of annual peanut (Arachis hypogea (L.) cv. ‘Florida MDR98’), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. cv. ‘Iron clay’), perennial peanut (Arachis glabrata Benth. cv. ‘Florigraze’), or pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. cv. ‘GA2’). Legumes were supplemented at 50% of the diet and soybean meal fed to match the average crude protein (CP) concentration (12.8%) of legume diets. Haylages were harvested, wilted to 45% dry matter (DM), baled, wrapped in polyethylene, and ensiled for 180 d. Each diet was fed to seven lambs for 21 d, and then to four lambs for 21 d. Supplementation with pigeonpea decreased DM intake but other supplements increased DM intake by approximately the same amount. Soybean meal supplementation increased DM digestibility but pigeonpea supplementation decreased DM digestibility. Nitrogen (N) intake, digestibility, and retention were increased by all supplements except pigeonpea haylage and these responses were greatest when soybean meal was supplemented. In conclusion, perennial peanut, annual peanut, and cowpea haylages are promising protein supplements for growing lambs. Introduction Protein supplementation is often necessary to meet nutrient requirements of ruminant livestock. Legumes are commonly utilized as protein supplements because their symbiotic relationship with microbes that fix atmospheric N increases their CP concentrations. Legumes also increase soil N status, and this may be a more economical method of improving N in soils than inorganic fertilizer application, especially with increasing fuel, and thus fertilizer costs. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is the most commonly used legume supplement in ruminant rations in the United States. However, alfalfa does not persist in southern states due to diseases, insects, and nematodes; therefore, research on tropically-adapted warm-season seeded legumes that can be used as protein supplements in the Southeast is needed. Due to inclement weather during harvest in some subtropical and tropical locations there is considerable interest in conserving such legumes as haylage rather than hay, but only a few studies on the feeding value of ensiled warmseason legumes exist. This study aimed to determine the feed intake, digestibility, and N balance of lambs fed bahiagrass haylage supplemented with soybean meal or haylages made from either perennial peanut, annual peanut, cowpea, or pigeonpea. 153 2009 Florida Beef Report were dried, ground, and analyzed for DM, organic matter (OM), CP, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), lignin, water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC), and in vitro true digestibility (IVTD). Feces was analyzed for DM after drying and grinding, and urine was analyzed for N. Materials and Methods Forage Production and Ensiling Legume haylages were produced at the North Florida Research and Education Center in Marianna, FL (31° N). To prepare the field for planting annual legumes the field was limed, fertilized, and plowed. Cowpea and pigeonpea seeds were inoculated with the appropriate rhizobia, drilled at 50 lb/ac in May of 2006, and harvested at the recommended maturity stages which are pod yellowing for cowpea (Twidwell et al., 2002) and pod setting for pigeonpea (Le Houérou, 2006). Established stands of perennial and annual peanut (self reseeding) were harvested as first cuttings in August 2006. An established bahiagrass stand was fertilized and harvested as the third cutting after five-wk of regrowth. Forages were cut with a mower conditioner, windrows were wilted to 45% DM, rolled into small round bales, and wrapped with a single roll wrapper. Statistical Analyses The experimental design was completely randomized. Data were analyzed with PROC MIXED (SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC). The model for analyzing chemical composition of forage included forage species and period (random variable). The model for analyzing intake, digestibility, and N retention included dietary treatment, period, dietary treatment × period, and lamb (random variable). Significance was declared at P<0.05. Results and Discussion Forage Chemical Composition The DM and OM concentrations of all haylages were similar (P>0.10) (Table 1). Among the legumes, the CP concentration of annual peanut haylage was greater than that of pigeonpea haylage. Concentration of NDF was greatest (P<0.10) in pigeonpea and bahiagrass haylages, but pigeonpea had greater (P<0.10) ADF concentration than the other haylages. The lignin concentrations of cowpea and pigeonpea haylages tended (P≤0.08) to be greater than that of bahiagrass, but WSC concentration was not different (P>0.10) among haylages. The IVTD was greater in annual and perennial peanut haylages than bahiagrass and pigeonpea haylages, and pigeonpea had the least (P<0.01) IVTD. Differences in IVTD for these haylages can be partly explained by differences in their NDF, ADF, and lignin concentrations. Apart from pigeonpea, legume haylages had greater IVTD than bahiagrass haylage because they contained less NDF. Although the NDF concentration of pigeonpea was similar to that of bahiagrass, pigeonpea had a lower IVTD because it contained more ADF. Animals, Feeding, and Housing Forty-two Dorper × Katadhin cross ram lambs weighing 60 ± 11 lb were used for the experiment. Lambs were stratified by weight and randomly assigned to six treatments (seven lambs per treatment during Period 1, and four lambs per treatment during Period 2) in a completely randomized design with two periods. Each period consisted of 14 d of adaptation to diets and 7 d of measurement and each lamb received a different diet in each period. Lambs were fitted with canvas feces collection bags and housed in individual metabolism crates adapted for collection of urine. Lambs were fed ad libitum (110% of previous days’ intake) diets consisting of bahiagrass haylage alone or bahiagrass haylage supplemented (50% of diet DM) with one of the legume haylages or with soybean meal at 8% of diet DM. The soybean meal inclusion level was aimed at matching the average CP concentration (12.8% DM basis) of the legume diets. Sample Collection and Analyses Samples of each feed were taken daily during the 7 d collection period and daily refusals were weighed and stored. Total fecal and urine output was collected daily from each lamb, weighed, and a subsample analyzed. Samples of feed Intake, Digestibility, and Nitrogen Retention All supplements except pigeonpea, increased DM intake (Table 2) and perennial peanut supplementation gave greater values than 154 2009 Florida Beef Report cowpea supplementation. Apparent digestibility of DM was greater (P<0.01) in sheep fed soybean meal than in sheep fed bahiagrass haylage alone or pigeonpea haylage. Digestibility of DM was similar in lambs fed bahiagrass haylage alone and those fed legume supplements, except pigeonpea which had lower values. Nitrogen intake was greatest (P<0.01) in lambs fed soybean meal, followed by annual peanut haylage, and least (P>0.10) in lambs fed bahiagrass haylage alone or pigeonpea haylage. Digestibility of N was greatest (P<0.01) in lambs supplemented with soybean meal, followed by annual and perennial peanut and cowpea haylages, and least (P<0.01) in lambs fed bahiagrass haylage alone or pigeonpea haylage. Retained N was greatest in lambs fed soybean meal, followed by annual or perennial peanut and cowpea haylages, and least (P<0.01) in lambs fed bahiagrass haylage alone or pigeonpea haylage. The N status of supplemented lambs was better than that of lambs fed only bahiagrass haylage. Perennial peanut and annual peanut haylage were the best legume supplements because they increased DM intake, N digestibility, and N retention relative to feeding bahiagrass haylage alone. Soybean meal supplementation resulted in the greatest N intake, digestibility, and retention and the greatest DM digestibility, indicating that it was the best supplement. Nevertheless, perennial peanut and annual peanut and cowpea haylages are promising supplements for sheep and cattle fed bahiagrass diets. When basal grass diets of sheep are supplemented with legumes, DM intake increases because legumes have a faster rate of passage through the rumen. Supplementation with pigeonpea haylage decreased DM intake because its thick, woody stems would have caused greater gut fill than stems of bahiagrass. In contrast, addition of soybean meal increased DM intakes because the increased protein supply to ruminal microbes increased DM digestibility. Literature Cited Le Houérou, 2006. http://www.fao.org/ag/agP/AGPC/doc/gbase/data/Pf000150.HTM Twidwell et al. 2002. S. Dakota State Univ. Circular 8070. 1 Jamie Foster, Former Graduate Student; Adegbola Adesogan, Associate Professor, UF/IFAS, Department of Animal Sciences, Gainesville, Florida; and Jeffery Carter, Former Assistant Professor; Bob Myer, Professor; Ann Blount, Professor, UF/IFAS, North Florida Research and Education Center, Marianna, Florida. 155 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Chemical composition and in vitro true DM digestibility (IVTD) of haylages ensiled for at least 180 d Item2 Annual peanut 54.3 Perennial peanut 49.2 SEM1 1.32 DM, % 0.79 OM, % DM 96.9 95.7 95.9 93.9 95.8 c a ab ab bc 1.23 CP, % DM 9.6 18.7 15.8 16.0 13.7 a b b b a 2.40 NDF, % DM 67.8 39.6 40.0 44.1 65.0 b bc c bc a 1.99 ADF, % DM 32.2 25.3 24.1 29.8 48.6 2.54 Lignin, % DM 6.2 11.7 7.1 14.4 14.0 1.32 WSC, % DM 5.1 7.2 4.4 4.4 2.6 b a a ab c 3.11 IVTD, % 60.4 73.8 76.9 68.6 38.3 1 Standard error of the mean values reflect the variation of samples collected daily and composited within period (n=2). Bahiagrass 52.1 Cowpea 53.0 Pigeonpea 47.6 2 Abbreviations: Dry matter (DM); organic matter (OM); crude protein (CP); neutral detergent fiber (NDF); acid detergent fiber (ADF); water soluble carbohydrates (WSC). abc Within a row means without a common superscript letter differ (P < 0.05). Table 2. Intake and apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM), nitrogen (N), and N retention in lambs fed bahiagrass hay supplemented with warm-season legume haylages or soybean meal (SBM). Item DM intake, lb/d DM digestibility, % N intake, lb/d Bahiagrass SBM Annual peanut Perennial peanut Cowpea Pigeonpea SEM1 1.4c 65.2b 0.02d 1.7ab 68.0a 0.05a 1.7ab 65.5ab 0.04b 1.8a 66.7ab 0.048c 1.6b 67.0ab 0.04c 1.1d 58.7c 0.02d 0.05 0.9 0.001 N digestibility, % 58.5c 73.9a 68.0b 67.6b 67.6b 61.1c 1.24 c a b b b c Retained N, lb/d 0.005 0.020 0.015 0.013 0.013 0.006 0.002 1 Standard error of the mean values reflect the variation of measurements taken on each lamb in each of 2 periods (n = 11 for intake and digestibility; n = 10 for retained N). abc Within a row means without a common superscript letter differ (P < 0.05). 156 2009 Florida Beef Report Annual Legumes to Complement Warm-Season Perennial Grass Forage Systems in North Florida Jamie Foster1 Adegbola Adesogan Jeffrey Carter Lynn Sollenberger Robert Myer Ann Blount This study indicated that cowpea and soybean are promising quality forages for hay and haylage production in North Florida Summary This study determined the herbage mass, leaf-tostem ratio, and nutritive value of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.], and pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] grown in North Florida. Forages were grown in each of four blocks in three yr and harvested biweekly until the recommended maturity stage. Herbage mass of the forages increased through the growing season, and at the respective maturity stages soybean (3.8 tons dry matter (DM)/ac) and pigeonpea (3.9 tons DM/ac) had greater herbage mass than cowpea (2.3 tons DM/ac). Leaf-to-stem ratio decreased with maturity after a slight initial increase in all forages. At harvest, pigeonpea contained 12% crude protein (CP; DM basis) and 35% in vitro true DM digestibility (IVTD), soybean contained 18% CP and 73% IVTD, and cowpea contained 19% CP and 69% IVTD. Soybean and cowpea have potential to provide high quality forage to livestock in North Florida. mid-to-late fall. Warm-season legumes can provide the needed supplementary nutrients, and when stored as hay or haylage, they can be fed in the winter to supplement stored and stockpiled grasses. The increasing costs of fuel and fertilizer have made such legumes more attractive to producers and necessitated evaluation of their yield and nutritive value. The objective of this study was to compare the herbage mass, chemical composition, IVTD, and leaf-to-stem ratio of cowpea (cv. ‘Iron clay’), soybean (cv. ‘Pioneer 97B52’) and pigeonpea (cv. ‘GA-2’). Materials and Methods In each of three yr, cowpea, soybean, and pigeonpea were grown at the North Florida Research and Education Center in Marianna, FL. Each legume was grown on a replicated plot within each of four blocks. The field was prepared by plowing and fertilizing with P and K to soil test recommendation. Immediately prior to planting, seeds were inoculated with the appropriate rhizobia and drilled at 50 lb/ac and 6-in row spacing. Planting dates for yr one (2005) and two (2007) were 9 and 10 May, respectively. Introduction In Florida and much of the Southern USA, bahiagrass [Paspalum notatum Flügge] and bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] are the main pasture forages. However, their availability for winter grazing is limited and their digestibility and CP concentration are often insufficient for growing and lactating cattle in Duplicate forage samples were taken from each plot with mechanical clippers from a 0.2-m2 area and harvested to a 2-in stubble height after 157 2009 Florida Beef Report plants reached approximately 11 in height. Sampling continued every 2 weeks until harvest at the following recommended maturity stages: pods began to turn yellow for cowpea (Twidwell et al., 2002), pod setting for pigeonpea (Le Houérou, 2006), and stage R6 (full size seed in pods at one of the four uppermost nodes and completely unrolled leaves) for soybean (Sheaffer et al., 2001). Leaf-to-stem ratio was measured on duplicate samples from each plot after removal of leaves at the node. Samples were ground and analyzed for CP, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and IVTD. Economics of producing these forages was compared to that for perennial and annual peanut forage using models of Hewitt (2006) and Prevatt (2008). soybean cultivar used in this experiment was late maturing (VII), with upright, tall (1.5 to 2.0 m) growth and the proportion of leaf declined through maturity at R7 stage. Pigeonpea is a tree-like legume that grows tall and has a woody main stem, and its small leaves begin to senesce at 9 WAP. Pigeonpea and soybean had greater herbage mass than cowpea because of their upright growth habit and thicker stems which supported greater herbage mass. Nutritive Value The CP concentration of each forage decreased through the growing season (Figure 3). Between 8 WAP and the respective recommended harvest stages, cowpea had the greatest CP concentration, whereas soybean had a greater CP concentration than pigeonpea from 10 WAP to the recommended harvest stage for pigeonpea. Pigeonpea had a greater NDF concentration than the other legumes between 10 and 14 WAP, and soybean had a greater NDF concentration than cowpea between 8 and 14 WAP. The IVTD of annual legumes decreased with maturity in pigeonpea and cowpea, but the rate and extent of the decrease was greater in pigeonpea. From 8 to 14 WAP, cowpea had the greatest IVTD, followed by soybean. Soybean and cowpea have more potential as forages for ruminants than pigeonpea. Cowpea is a promising energy and protein supplement but the herbage mass is relatively low. The greater herbage mass and high energy and protein concentration of soybean makes it ideal for producing large quantities of quality hay or haylage. Pigeonpea is only recommended for grazing cattle or storage as hay or haylage if it is less than 8 WAP. Economics Establishment of perennial peanut is more expensive than establishment of the other legumes; however, the annual maintenance cost of the seeded legumes is greater because they are planted each yr (Table 1). Cowpea produced the least herbage mass (Table 1) and therefore had the least net present value after 20 yr (Table 2). Perennial peanut is the best long term investment, but the other legumes will produce earlier returns on the investment. Statistical Analyses The experimental design was a randomized complete block. Data were analyzed as repeated measures with PROC MIXED (SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC). The model included yr, forage species, week after planting (WAP), block and the interactions. Significance was declared at P < 0.05. Results and Discussion Herbage Mass and Leaf-to-stem Ratio There were no yr or yr × forage species interactions therefore results shown are means across yr. Figure 1 shows the herbage mass for each legume through the growing season. Pigeonpea reached the recommended harvest stage at 14 WAP, whereas soybean and cowpea reached their recommended harvest stages at 16 and 20 weeks per planting, respectively. At the recommended maturity stage, soybean and pigeonpea had greater herbage mass than cowpea. Figure 2 shows that leaf-to-stem ratio decreased with maturity after a slight initial increase in all forages. From 10 to 14 WAP, the leaf-to-stem ratio of cowpea was greater than those of pigeonpea and soybean, which were similar. Herbage mass and leaf-to-stem ratio differences among the species are due to morphological and physiological differences. ‘Iron clay’ cowpea is a viney, low growing plant with large leaves and an indeterminate growth habit; therefore, it continued to produce new foliage after flowering and leaves did not senesce as soon as the other species. The 158 2009 Florida Beef Report Literature Cited Hewitt, 2006. http://nfrec.ifas.ufl.edu/Hewitt/budgets.htm Le Houérou, 2006. http://www.fao.org/ag/agP/AGPC/doc/gbase/data/Pf000150.HTM Prevatt, 2008. http://www.ag.auburn.edu/agec//pubs/budgets/2008/forcrop08.php Sheaffer et al. 2001. Agron. J. 93:99. Twidwell et al. 2002. S. Dakota State Univ. Circular 8070. 1 Jamie Foster, Former Graduate Student; Adebola Adesogan, Associate Professor, UF/IFAS, Department of Animal Sciences, Gainesville, Florida; and Jeffery Carter, Former Assistant Professor; Bob Myer, Professor; Ann Blount, Professor, UF/IFAS, North Florida Research and Education Center, Marianna; Florida Lynn Sollenberger, Professor, UF/IFAS, Agronomy Department. 159 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Costs of producing perennial peanut (cv. ‘Florigraze’), annual peanut (cv. ‘Florida MDR 98’), cowpea (cv. ‘Iron clay’), pigeonpea (cv. ‘GA-2’), and soybean (cv. ‘Pioneer 97B52’) forage, hay, or haylage production in 2006 Seed or sprig cost, $ Seed or sprig rate/ ac Initial establishment cost1, $/ac Annual maintenance cost2, $/ac Herbage mass, tons DM3/ac/yr No. of bales/ ac/yr4 Cost of hay baling5, $/ac/yr Cost of Haylage baling6, $/ac/yr Perennial peanut 3.00/bu 80 bu 688 212 4.5 30 420 330 Annual peanut 0.55/lb 18 lb 256 212 3.6 24 336 264 Cowpea 0.88/lb 50 kg 296 264 2.3 15 210 165 Pigeonpea 2.00/lb 50 kg 360 328 3.9 26 364 286 Soybean 0.88/kg 50 kg 296 264 3.8 25 350 275 Forage 1 Includes seed, fertilizer (290 lb/ac 0-20-40 ratio of N:P2O5:K2O), 1,600 lb/ac lime, herbicide, machinery, labor, and estimated interest on monetary investment 2 Includes seed for cowpea, pigeonpea and soybean, fertilizer (290 kg/ha 0-20-40 ratio of N:P2O5:K2O), herbicide, machinery, labor, and estimated interest on monetary investment, but not lime because it should be required every 2 to 3 yr 3 Dry matter (DM) 4 Estimated from small (300 lb) round bales utilized 5 Estimated from $14.00 charge per bale for twine, machinery, and labor 6 Estimated from $11.00 charge per bale for twine, plastic wrap, machinery, and labor Equations from Hewitt, 2006 and Prevatt, 2008 Table 2. Net present value summary for perennial peanut (cv. ‘Florigraze’), annual peanut (cv. ‘Florida MDR 98’), cowpea (cv. ‘Iron clay’), pigeonpea (cv. ‘GA-2’), and soybean (cv. ‘Pioneer 97B52’) forage, hay, or haylage production over a 20-yr horizon Hay production net Haylage production net Forage present value1, $/ac present value1, $/ac Perennial peanut 3,728 4,596 Annual peanut 3,292 4,068 Jamie Foster Cowpea 576 1,064 Adegbola Adesogan Pigeonpea 2,664 3,520 Jeffrey Carter Soybean 3,076 3,892 Lynn Sollenberger 1 Estimated rate of return after 20-yr using the value of income Robert Myerand expense today. The greater the number, the greater the return on investment after 20-yr. Ann Blount Expenses included 7% interest rate and $80 liming (1,600 kg/ha) in alternate yrs; profit included $37 value of 300 lb round bale. 160 2009 Florida Beef Report Figure 1. Changes in herbage mass (tons dry matter (DM)/ac) of cowpea, pigeonpea and soybean abc Means at each week after planting without a common superscript letter differ (P < 0.05). Standard error of the mean = 0.42 tons DM/ac 5 a 4 Herbage mass (tons DM/ac) Pigeonpea Soybean Cowpea a 3 a a 2 b a ab b 1 b c b 0 0 5 10 15 Weeks after planting 20 25 Figure 2. Leaf-to-stem ratio of cowpea, pigeonpea, and soybean abc Means at each week after planting without a common superscript letter differ (P < 0.05). Standard error of the mean = 0.05 Pigeonpea Soybean Cowpea 1.4 Leaf-to-stem ratio 1.2 a ab 1 a b b 0.8 b 0.6 a a b b b b a b 0.4 0.2 0 5 10 15 Weeks after planting 161 20 25 2009 Florida Beef Report Figure 3. Whole plant crude protein (CP) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) concentrations (dry matter (DM) basis) and in vitro true DM digestibility (IVTD) of cowpea, pigeonpea, and soybean abc Means at each week after planting without a common superscript letter differ (P < 0.05). Standard errors of the means for CP, NDF, and IVTD were 14, 18, and 17, respectively. 90 b) NDF (% DM) 80 70 a 60 a 50 b a 40 b 30 a a c b b c c 20 0 5 10 15 Weeks after planting a) 30.0 a CP (% DM) 25.0 a b 20.0 b 10.0 5.0 0 IVTD (%) 5 a ab b a b c 0 c 5 a c a a b b b c c c 10 15 Weeks after planting 162 25 b b 10 15 Weeks after planting 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 20 a b c Pigeonpea Soybean Cowpea 25 a a b b 15.0 c) a a 20 20 25 2009 Florida Beef Report Case Study: Evaluation of Annual Cultivated Peanut as a Forage Crop for Grazing by Growing Beef Cattle Bob Myer1 Dan Gorbet Ann Blount Annual peanut forage like other forage legumes has excellent nutritional quality. However, it lacked adequate re-growth during the grazing season when grazed by growing beef cattle. Summary The annual cultivated peanut (Arachic hypogaea L.) was evaluated as a possible high quality pasture forage crop for grazing by growing beef cattle. A 10.2 ac field that was originally planted to annual peanut in 1999 was used. Since 1999, the peanut reseeded (self-seeded) annually. The forage initially was harvested for hay, and the seeds were left in the soil. In 2002, a 2-yr demonstration grazing study was initiated. Early weaned calves were used each year – 25 (442 lb avg. wt.) for yr 1 and 20 (402 lb) for yr 2. The peanut field was rotationally grazed each year starting mid July (yr 1) or early August (yr 2). The relatively late start was to ensure the peanut set seed for the next year’s forage crop. The grazing season lasted 88 d for yr 1 and 55 d for yr 2. Estimated average forage yield was 5406 lb/ac and 3915 lb/ac for yr 1 and 2, respectively. At the start of each year, forage amount and quality was high; however, both declined as grazing season progressed. Estimated calf gain per ac was 165 and 94 lb for yr 1 and 2, respectively. The annual peanut initially was an excellent forage crop for grazing by early weaned beef calves, but the lack of re-growth and declining forage quality resulted in poor performance late in the grazing periods. southeastern USA. Temperate perennial forage crops such as alfalfa (Medicago sativa) do not grow well in this region (Prine and French, 1999). Perennial (rhizome) peanut for forage (Arachis glabrata) can be grown in this area but is planted from rhizomes and is hard and slow to establish, taking two to three years to establish a stand (Hill, 2002; French and Prine, 2006). The cultivated or annual peanut (A. hypogaea) is well adapted to this region and is established by seed, and unlike the perennial peanut, forage would be available the first year (Gorbet et al., 1994). Recent development of annual peanut cultivars with resistance to late leaf spot may allow the production of a quality, high yielding forage crop without the use of fungicides. Fungicides are commonly used in peanut production to inhibit the development of late leaf, a common foliar disease. Late leaf spot can decrease amount of leaves and thus decrease forage amount and nutritional quality. Also, there is an inherent liability in feeding annual peanut forage to livestock because many of the pesticides, in particular, fungicides, used in peanut production are not cleared for the feeding of forage and crop residue (Gorbet et al., 1994; Hill, 2002). Previous Florida research have obtained forage dry matter yields of up to 7200 lb/ac using disease resistance lines and without the use of fungicides (Gorbet et al., 1994). In that study, Introduction High quality forage legumes that can be grown during the warm season are scarce in the lower 163 2009 Florida Beef Report the forage was harvested for hay 75 to 85 d after planting and then the seed pods were harvested at plant maturity. Defoliation of the canopy, however, resulted in decreased seed pod yields. an un-grazed check area. The four sections were rotationally grazed starting in late July. This rather late starting time was chosen to insure that the peanut plants have “pegged” (seed set) for re-seeding of the next year‟s forage crop. For the first year, 25 early weaned heifers and steers with an average initial weight of 442 ± 72 lb were used. While grazing, the calves had free access to water, mineral mix, and shade. Each section was grazed for 7 d then allowed to recover for 21 d and than grazed again. Three complete cycles were completed. After the three rotations, the cattle were allowed to graze all sections for an additional 5 d. With changes in the USA peanut program, there has been interest in growing the annual peanut strictly as a forage crop. Since the pods are not harvested, the peanut plant may be able to selfseed (re-seed) and the plants would emerge the next growing season to produce a subsequent forage crop. Thus it would be possible to obtain several years of forage from one planting. Anecdotal evidence suggests that this may be possible as annual peanut will readily emerge (volunteer) the next spring from seed left after harvest the previous fall. A 2-yr demonstration study was conducted to evaluate the suitability of annual peanut as a forage crop for grazing by beef cattle. Before grazing each section, the forage in two representative one meter (1.2 sq. yd) square areas was hand clipped to a stubble height of about 5 in. Samples were taken to estimate forage dry matter (DM) yield and determine crude protein (CP) and in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD). The samples were dried, ground (1 mm) and saved for future analyses. Also, 7 d before the start in 2002 (yr 1) only, a composite sample was taken from four representative one meter square areas within the entire field. This sample was dried, ground and sent to commercial laboratory for the determination of CP, phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), ash, acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and lignin. The individual section samples were dried, ground and analyzed for CP and IVOMD. Procedure The 2-yr demonstration study was conducted at the University of Florida‟s North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC) Marianna Beef Unit located in northwest Florida (30.5°N). A 10.2 ac field that was originally planted with annual peanut (cultivar „Florida MDR 98‟) in 1999 was used. Each year the peanut plants emerged in April from seed of the previous year‟s crop. For the first 3 yr, the forage was harvested as hay. In 2002, a beef cattle grazing study was started. The study was conducted for two consecutive years without replanting the annual peanut. The above forage management and sampling, and grazing procedures were repeated for the second year (2003) except no lime was applied to the field. Only 20 calves were used (avg. initial weight of 402 ± 62 lb) for the second year. For both years, calf weights were taken after an overnight fast (no feed/pasture and water) at start and end of grazing period, and at an approximate midpoint (d 41 for yr 1 and d 32 for yr 2). For each year, the calves were gradually adjusted to grazing of peanut forage for 5 d prior to weighing and starting of the grazing periods using a small section across the ends of the four grazing sections. For the first year, an initial cattle stocking density of 2.5 head/ac was chosen based on estimated available forage. For the second year, the stocking rate The peanut seeding rate in 1999 was 85 lb/ac. Prior to the start of the grazing trial in 2002, lime (dolomite, 1000 lb/ac) was applied to the field in February. Fertilizer was applied (350 lb/ac of 9-24-16 + minor elements) during March. Also during March, the field was treated with herbicide (Sonalan, Dow AgroServices, Indianapolis, IN, USA) and then disc harrowed. The plants emerged in April. In May, the field was sprayed with another herbicide (Cadre, BASF Corp., Research Triangle, NC, USA). During July, the field was divided into four equal sized sections using temporary electric fencing. A narrow section, 12 ft wide, through the middle of the field was fenced off to provide 164 2009 Florida Beef Report was lowered to 2.0 head/ac and time spent grazing each section was also lowered to 4 d. 506 vs. 3,915 ± 285 lb/ac). Rainfall, however, was more plentiful for yr 1 (Figure 2) which may have resulted in the difference in forage yield and also for the difference in length of grazing period for each year. The annual peanut was grown without fungicide and under dry land conditions. Rainfall data during each year‟s growing-grazing period was obtained from the Florida Automated Weather Network Station at NFREC Marianna. Average daily gain (ADG) of the cattle was consistent for the two yr and overall averaged 0.92 lb/d (Table3). However, during yr 1, an ADG of 1.96 ± 0.60lb/d was obtained for the first 41 d. A slightly negative gain was obtained for the last 48 d. The decrease in performance was probably due to the low forage yield and poorer nutritional quality as the grazing period progressed (Table 2; Figure 1). Results Initial analyses of the annual peanut forage (Table 1) indicated very good nutritional value, similar to that of alfalfa (NRC, 2000) and perennial peanut (Prine and French 1999; Hill, 2000). Forage samples taken during the grazing periods also indicated good nutritional value; however, a noticeable decline occurred as the grazing periods progressed, especially the first year (Table 2). Even though annual peanut was initially an excellent forage source in each yr, its lack of regrowth was quite evident in each year‟s trial. The strategy of lower initial cattle stocking density and shorter grazing times per rotation used during the second year appeared to be somewhat successful. For the first yr, very few leaves on the peanut plants were noted in a section when the cattle were rotated to the next section even though stubble height was 5 to 10 in. More leaves were evident in yr 2 with the shorter rotations. Even though forage re-growth declined as the grazing period progressed, the decline noted for yr 2 was not as steep as noted for yr 1 (Figure 1). The estimated total DM yield of annual peanut forage obtained during yr 1 was within the range of forage yields obtained by Gorbet et al. (1994) for the annual peanut (Table 3). Forage DM yield; however, was lower than commonly obtained (4 to 8 t/ac) for established perennial peanut (Prine and French, 1999). Estimated peanut forage DM yield declined noticeably as each year‟s grazing period progressed, especially in the first year (Figure 1). The declines indicated a lack of re-growth. Total calf weight gain per acre averaged 129 lb/yr in this study. Estimated costs for annual peanut for pasture would be higher than value of gain in calf weight. Even though some peanut establishment costs can be spread out over 2 yr or longer, estimated pasture costs still would be about $120 to $140/ac per yr (Hewitt, 2006). Since it appears that grazing may have a negative impact on the following year‟s forage yield, the probability of profitably would decline with subsequent years. Due to the declining peanut forage yield as the grazing period progressed during yr 1, 11 calves were removed after 41 d and the trial continued with just 14 calves. For yr 2, all 20 were kept on for the duration of the grazing period; however, the grazing period lasted only 55 d vs. 88 d for yr 1(Table 3). The grazing season length each year was rather short, especially the in yr 2 (Table 3). In comparison, established perennial peanut can be grazed for 110 to 140 d (June to mid-October) per yr (Blount, A. R., personal communication). Estimated forage DM yield overall was lower in yr 2 and appeared to be negatively affected by grazing in yr 1. Evidence for this negative affect was that estimated DM forage yield obtained in the un-grazed check strip was higher than obtained in grazed areas during yr 2 (4,784 ± In conclusion, the lack of re-growth limits the annual peanut as a pasture crop for grazing at this time. Progress via plant breeding may produce high yielding, persistent, seeded peanut cultivars that can be used for grazing over several grazing seasons from a single planting. Thus in the future, the annual peanut may be 165 2009 Florida Beef Report viable high quality summer legume forage for grazing in the southeastern USA. Literature Cited French, E.C. and G.M. Prine. 2006. UF-IFAS EDIS Publ. No. AA183. Gorbet, D.W., et al. 1994. Peanut Sci. 21:112-115. Hewitt, T. D. 2006. http://nfrec.ifas.ufl/hewitt/budgets.htm. Hill, G.M. 2002. Vet. Clin. Food Anim. 18:295-315. National Research Council (NRC). 2000. Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle, 7th Revised Ed. National Academy Press. Washington, DC. Prine, G. M., and E. C. French. 1999. Perspectives on New Crops and Uses. ASHS Press, Alexandria, VA, USA. pp. 60-65. Acknowledgment The assistance of Mary Chambliss, Harvey Standland, Todd Matthews, Tina Gwin, John Crawford, Wayne Branch, and Richard Fethiere is gratefully acknowledged. Partial funding was from Florida Peanut Check-Off funds. 1 Bob Myer, Professor, Dan Gorbert, Professor Emeritus, and Ann Blount, Associate Professor; UFIFAS, North Florida Research and Education Center, Marianna, FL. 166 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Composition of annual peanut foragea Item Crude protein Neutral detergent fiber Acid detergent fiber Lignin Ash Calcium Phosphorus a Average of analyses of samples taken just prior to grazing in yr 1. b Dry matter basis. %b 17.8 32.8 26.8 8.6 8.2 0.85 0.21 Table 2. Crude protein (CP) and in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) of annual peanut forage during grazing trials.a Year 1 2 a Sampling period First 28 d Second 28 d Last 33 d CP,% 20.5 15.6 14.7 IVOMD,% 72 66 61 First 16 d Second 16 d Last 23 d 18.8 17.8 16.2 71 68 64 Average analyses of four samples per period per year; dry matter basis. 167 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 3. Animal grazing days, forage dry matter (DM) yield, and performance of growing cattle grazing annual peanut forage.a Year 1 Year 2 Grazing period: Start 12 Jul 5 Aug End 8 Oct 29 Sep Days 88 55 Grazing d/ac 167 113 Forage DM, lb/ac 5406 ± 148b 3915 ± 285b Stocking density, head/ac 1.72 2.00 Avg. daily gain, lb 0.99 ± 0.42c 0.86 ± 0.29d Gain, lb/ac 165 95 a Yr 1, 25 head for first 41 d of grazing and 14 head for last 48 d of grazing. Yr 2, 20 head for entire grazing period. b N = 4. c N = 19 (weighed average). d N = 20. 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Year 1 Year 2 1500 1000 500 0 First Second Last Figure 1. Estimated annual peanut forage yield, lb dry matter/ac (First = first 28 d period of grazing for yr 1 and first 16 d for yr 2; Second = second 28 d for yr 1 and second 16 d for yr 2; and Last = last 33 d for yr 1 and last 23 d for yr 2; S.D. = 102, 112 and 46, and 73, 57 and 72 lb DM/ac for each of the three periods for each yr, respectively). 168 2009 Florida Beef Report Effects of Forage Sampling Method on Nutritive Value of Bahiagrass During the Summer and Fall Ashley Hughes1 Matt Hersom This study suggests that when given the opportunity, cattle will selectively graze bahiagrass forage with greater nutritive value than hand-collected forage during the summer and fall. Summary A six-mon trial was conducted from June to November 2007 to evaluate the differences between forage and masticate samples of bahiagrass pastures at four research stations across Florida (Ona, Brooksville, Santa Fe, and Marianna) during the summer and fall. Eight ruminally cannulated steers were used for collection of masticate samples. Forage samples were collected by cutting the grass within a 0.8-ft2quadrat to approximately 1-in from the soil surface. High and low forage availabilities were designated to represent differences in forage quantities at each location. Forage mass, in vitro digestible organic matter, and crude protein concentrations were determined for each sample type. There were differences in forage mass, digestible organic matter, and crude protein between locations, as well as the state mean. The selection indices for digestible organic matter at the four locations were similar in value with a mean selection index of 19% for all locations. However, the selection indices for crude protein were much more varied by location ranging from -11 to 47%. For most summer and fall months, steers were able to select a diet that was greater in digestibility and crude protein in comparison to hand-collected forage samples. commonly utilized forage in pasture grazing systems in Florida occupying approximately 2.5 million ac (Chambliss and Sollenberger, 1991), but also extends into the Gulf Coast Region. Currently, there is little published data dedicated to classifying subtropical forages on a yearround basis, whether by hand-sampling or collection of masticate samples, with even less data devoted to studying diet selection by cattle grazing subtropical pastures. Previous research has shown an inverse relationship between maturity and quality of grasses during the summer months (Connor et al., 1963), while other studies have shown that when adequate forage is available for grazing, ruminants will selectively graze within those situations (Weir and Torell, 1959; Schlegel et al., 2000). When attempting to represent the diet of a grazing animal, research has illustrated how hand-collected forage samples are inaccurate in their estimations of selected material (Coleman and Barth, 1973; Russell et al., 2004). The objective of this study was to characterize the nutritive value of bahiagrass from four locations across the state of Florida during the summer and fall comparing sampling techniques, either by hand-sampling or collection of masticate sample, within pastures of varying levels of forage availability (FA) with the ultimate goal of better predicting available forage nutritive value and subsequent supplementation needs to meet Florida grazing cattle nutritional requirements. Introduction Florida pastures are comprised primarily of tropical and subtropical grasses, which are typically high yielding, but low in quality. Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) is the most 169 2009 Florida Beef Report (IVDOM), and crude protein (CP). The selection index (SI) for chemical composition was also calculated using the following equation, SI = {[(Masticate concentration – hand-collected forage concentration) / handcollected forage concentration] * 100} + 100. Materials and Methods Four locations were utilized for this project to represent the variation in the Florida pasture landscape, the locations included: Range Cattle Research and Education Center, Ona; USDASubtropical Agricultural Research Station, Brooksville; Santa Fe River Ranch Beef Unit, Alachua; and North Florida Research and Education Center, Marianna. The pasture sizes at each location were: 2.5 ac (Ona), 2.5 ac (Brooksville), 2.0 ac (Alachua), and 3.7 ac (Marianna). Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) was the primary forage of interest for this trial. However, there were different cultivars at each location. At the Ona research site, the bahiagrass cultivar used for the trial was Pensacola (Paspalum notatum cv. Suarae Parodi), while the cultivar found in Brooksville was primarily Argentine bahiagrass, which is similar to Pensacola, but may be more palatable. At the Alachua research site, the bahiagrass cultivar was Pensacola, while Marianna contained Pensacola bahiagrass. The selected pastures were managed at each location either by grazing or mowing to allow for differences in available forage mass. Pastures were not fertilized prior to or during the trial. Data were analyzed as a split plot design with the whole plot completely randomized using the MIXED procedure of SAS. The experimental unit was steer or person for sample collection. Fixed effects in the model included FA, month, sampling type (masticate or hand-collection), and their interactions. Repetition (steer or person) within each FA was used for the repeated measures and random effect. The least squares means were determined. Means were separated using the P-diff option when protected by a significant F-value (P<0.05). Results Ona At Ona, there were FA, month, and FA x month interactions (P<0.05) for forage mass during the summer and fall (Table 1). The forage mass of the HIGH and LOW FA increased from June to September with the high FA increasing nearly 13,500 lb/ac, whereas the low FA gained approximately 1,000 lb/ac each month from June to September. The HIGH and LOW FA decreased in forage mass from September to October with the HIGH FA gaining almost 3,000 lb/ac from October to November, while the LOW FA decreased by approximately 1,500 lb/ac during the same time period. Masticate samples were consistently greater (Table 2; P<0.001) in IVDOM concentration by 12.8% on average compared to hand-collected forage samples. Month also affected (P<0.001) IVDOM of both masticate and hand-collected samples. The variation between sample type and month (P<0.001) affected IVDOM concentration during the summer and fall. Likewise, the CP concentration of masticate samples (Table 3; P<0.001) averaged 3.2% greater than hand-collected forage samples during the summer and fall with the exception of July, which may have been influenced by the start of the summer growing season. As a result of the similar CP concentration of forage and masticate samples in July, a type x month Forage and masticate samples were collected monthly (approximately every 30 d) from June to November 2007. Eight ruminally cannulated Angus or Brangus steers were used for this experiment with two steers at each location (one Angus and one Brangus) for collection of masticate samples. Forage availabilities were visually assigned to the selected pastures, as either HIGH or LOW, at each location to represent differences in forage quantity. Within each pasture, two individuals hand-clipped three forage samples each for a total of six samples per pasture. Hand shears were used to cut the forage within a 0.8-ft2 quadrat to an approximate height of 1-in from the soil surface. Simultaneously, masticate samples were collected from the fistulated steers by initially emptying the rumen, allowing the steers to graze either the HIGH or LOW FA pasture for approximately one hour, then removing the selected material from the rumen. Forage and masticate samples were analyzed for forage mass, in vitro digestible organic matter 170 2009 Florida Beef Report (P=0.03) effect was observed. Crude protein concentration of both masticate and forage samples (P<0.001) decreased from June to August. Forage CP concentration of both sampling types increased during September, yet decreased for the remainder of the fall season. The mean SI for Ona indicated an opportunity for selection of forage material that was 30% greater in IVDOM concentration and 28% greater in CP concentration compared to handcollected forage values (Table 4). Santa Fe Similar to Brooksville and Marianna, forage mass at SF (Table 1) was affected by FA (P=0.02), month (P<0.001). The FA x month interaction (P<0.001) was likely due to the similarity in results of the HIGH and LOW FA during October. The hand-collected forage decreased in IVDOM concentration (Table 2) from June (59.2%) to August (49.2%) yet increased in September (58.0%) and October (62.6%) and decreased during November (48.0%). The IVDOM concentration of the masticate samples varied little during the summer and fall with the exception of the lower nutritive value seen in June and November. However masticate samples were greater in IVDOM concentration compared to handcollected forage samples with the exception of June. Crude protein concentration of handcollected forage and masticate samples varied considerably during the summer and fall (Table 3) resulting in type and month effects (P<0.001), as well as a type x month interaction (P<0.001). The steers were able to select forage material that was 26% greater in IVDOM concentration during July and 40% greater in CP concentration during July with the other months eliciting less of a selection response (Table 4). Brooksville There were no samples taken in July at the Brooksville location, because of sampling difficulties that month. During the remaining summer months, while there were significant FA and month effects (P=0.05 and P=0.009, respectively), there was no FA x month interaction (P<0.001) for forage mass at Brooksville (Table 1). Brooksville increased in forage mass from June to October with a slight decrease in mass during September and November. The FA and month effects were likely influenced by the almost 10,500 lb/ac gain in forage mass from June to October for HIGH FA, while the LOW FA gained nearly 4,800 lb/ac during the same time period. The forage mass of the HIGH FA was 50% greater than the LOW FA in October. There was a sample type effect for IVDOM concentration (Table 2; P<0.001) and sample type and month effects (Table 3; P<0.001) for CP concentration during the summer and fall. The steers were consistent in their selection of forage material, which resulted in the masticate IVDOM samples varying by less than 1% from June to November, while the hand-sampled forage IVDOM changed 6% during the sampling period. There was an inverse relationship between forage mass and CP concentrations of masticate and handcollected forage samples during the summer and fall. The mean concentrations of IVDOM and CP were greater for masticate compared to handcollected forage samples, which resulted in SI that were 15% greater in IVDOM concentration and 26% greater in CP concentration during the summer and fall (Table 4). Marianna Marianna experienced gains in forage mass in HIGH and LOW FA from June to September with FA (P=0.05) and month (P<0.001) effects, yet forage mass decreased during the remaining months (Table 1). The masticate IVDOM concentration differed between sampling type, as well as between months (P<0.001). Masticate sample IVDOM concentration (Table 2) was greater (mean= 63%) than hand-collected forage samples (mean= 53%) from June to November. The CP concentration of handcollected forage and masticate samples (Table 3) were similar in value during each month of the summer and fall (P<0.001) with the exception of July and August. The selection indices (Table 4) indicate that the steers were able to select forage that was 16% greater in IVDOM concentration than hand-collected forage values during the 171 2009 Florida Beef Report summer and fall. The steers were also able to select forage that was 30% greater in CP concentration during July and 48% greater in CP concentration during August compared to handcollected forage with the other months eliciting less of selection response. November. Similar to IVDOM, CP concentration of masticate samples were consistently greater (P<0.001) than those of the hand-collected forage samples except in June. During this study, regardless of forage mass, steers selected forage material (Table 4) that was about 19% greater in IVDOM concentration on average compared to hand-collected forage samples. While there were no differences between month (P=0.16) in SI for CP concentration, there was no selection in June (-3%), while the other summer and fall months had a mean SI of 25%. State Mean Forage mass (Table 1) was affected by month (P<0.001) and FA (P=0.03), while there was a tendency for a FA x month effect (P=0.06). All locations experienced either a decrease or no change in DMY from May to June with forage DMY not increasing until the latter end of the summer. Both HIGH and LOW FA increased in forage mass from June to September, when yields began to decline. The FA x month trend was likely influenced by the simultaneous gains and losses of forage mass for the HIGH and LOW FA during the trial. Masticate samples were consistently greater (Table 2; P<0.001) in IVDOM concentration compared to handcollected forage samples, averaging 9% greater IVDOM concentration during the summer and fall. Steers were consistent in their selection of forage material, in that masticate IVDOM concentration only varied by 3% during the summer, while the hand-collected forage IVDOM concentration changed 11% during the sampling period. Month affected CP concentration of hand-collected forage and masticate samples (Table 2; P<0.001) during the summer and fall, resulting in a type x month interaction (P<0.001). The lack of rainfall in May and June may have influenced forage mass, as well as hand-collected forage chemical composition variation between months. At most locations, precipitation was less than the 30-yr average for all locations from May to Conclusions and Implications The results of this study indicate that while bahiagrass matures and its forage mass increases, grazing steers will select forage material with greater IVDOM and CP concentrations. When given the opportunity, cattle grazing bahiagrass forage will select a diet that is greater in nutritive value compared with hand-collected samples, which are normally gathered for estimation of available forage quality. The data collected in this study imply that forage samples collected by hand may under-estimate the nutritive value of the actual selected forage by cattle. The implications of this study indicate the opportunity to more closely match cow requirements with forage resources, based on available bahiagrass nutritive value and cow selection within those forage opportunities. If energy and protein supplementation can be more closely matched to cow requirements, then less N and other nutrient inputs would be added to the environment thus improving land and water quality, which is an important concern for Florida cattle producers. Literature Cited Chambliss, C. G. and L. E. Sollenberger. 1991. Proc. 40 th Annual Florida Beef Cattle Short Course, pp 74-80. Coleman, S. W. and K. M. Barth. 1973. J. Anim. Sci. 36: 754-761. Connor, J. M. et al. 1963. J. Anim. Sci. 22: 961-969. Russell, J. R. et al. 2004. J. Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl 2): 93. Schlegel, M. L. et al. 2000. J. Anim. Sci. 78: 2202-2208. Weir, W. C. and D. T. Torell. 1959. J. Anim. Sci. 18:641-649. Ashley Hughes, Former Graduate Student; Matt Hersom, Assistant Professor, UF-IFAS, Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL 1 172 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Effect of forage availability and month on overall mean forage mass (lb/ac) Month FAa June July Aug Sept Oct Nov SEMd b H 3,838 5,396 10,513 17,328 13,109 15,861 1,679 Lc 2,697 3,644 4,979 5,469 4,990 3,392 Brooksville H 972 na 8,689 8,446 11,457 10,643 1,555 L 958 na 5,175 3,718 5,767 4,038 Santa Fe H 3,196 4,418 4,767 8,825 3,420 3,245 392 L 1,346 3,528 3,596 2,647 3,318 2,254 Marianna H 1,164 2,750 8,575 8,378 8,110 3,443 874 L 836 2,110 3,743 5,728 5,210 2,212 St. Mean H 2,292 4,187 8,142 10,745 9,024 8,298 1,029 L 1,459 3,094 4,373 4,390 4,823 2,976 a FA= Forage availability. b H= High forage availability. c L= Low forage availability. d SEM= Standard error of the mean, n=12. Location Ona P-value FA Month FA*Mo 0.02 0.005 0.03 0.05 0.009 0.33 0.02 <0.001 <0.001 0.05 <0.001 0.18 0.03 <0.001 0.06 Table 2. Effect of sampling type and month on in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM, %) Typea June July Fb 48.69 50.91 Mc 54.90 56.59 Brooksville F 54.18 na M 61.39 na Santa Fe F 59.23 52.23 M 53.46 59.09 Marianna F 55.82 50.41 M 63.97 67.69 St. Mean F 54.51 51.23 M 58.42 61.11 a Type= Forage sampling type. b F= Hand-sampled forage. c M= Masticate. d SEM= Standard error of the mean, n=48. Location Ona Month Aug Sept Oct 44.33 43.67 51.63 56.96 68.13 69.53 48.07 54.64 49.65 59.74 62.33 61.31 49.02 57.98 62.64 61.87 63.45 61.73 50.87 61.49 56.15 64.12 64.12 61.33 48.12 54.92 55.04 60.74 64.51 63.42 173 Nov SEMd 45.11 1.31 59.74 45.59 2.08 51.21 47.99 1.84 55.67 46.09 1.43 59.33 46.24 1.47 56.51 P-value Type Month Type*Mo <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.009 0.42 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.08 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 3. Effect of sampling type and month on crude protein (CP, %) Typea June July b F 9.83 8.86 Mc 10.08 8.69 Brooksville F 12.24 na M 13.34 na Santa Fe F 15.35 9.70 M 11.64 13.70 Marianna F 17.30 10.58 M 16.72 13.65 St. Mean F 13.91 9.73 M 12.92 12.11 a Type= Forage sampling type. b F= Hand-sampled forage. c M= Masticate. d SEM= Standard error of the mean, n=48. Location Ona Month Aug Sept Oct Nov SEMd 6.87 8.77 7.25 7.53 0.45 8.57 12.57 11.10 10.65 8.39 6.93 7.69 6.89 0.42 10.92 9.86 10.37 9.49 10.62 10.62 10.16 8.69 0.29 12.00 8.98 11.49 9.98 8.82 8.48 9.41 10.00 0.43 12.87 8.83 10.62 10.49 8.62 8.64 8.64 8.32 0.62 11.03 9.61 10.71 10.13 P-value Type Month Type*Mo <0.001 <0.001 0.004 <0.001 <0.001 0.17 0.004 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Table 4. Effect of month on steer selection indexa of bahiagrass forage. Month Analysis June July Aug Sept Oct Nov SEMd P-value b IVDOM 113.76 111.15 129.22 157.49 136.13 132.01 8.06 0.07 CPc 103.50 97.23 123.75 148.46 153.15 141.47 18.71 0.31 Brooksville IVDOM 113.29 . 124.29 110.38 123.32 112.33 3.16 0.09 CP 108.97 . 129.94 142.12 135.50 137.70 10.18 0.32 Santa Fe IVDOM 90.79 113.14 126.00 109.53 98.78 116.17 6.64 0.09 CP 79.07 140.93 112.21 86.90 113.05 115.47 15.24 0.21 Marianna IVDOM 115.83 134.53 126.02 104.03 107.78 128.12 12.84 0.55 CP 96.82 130.03 147.61 104.75 111.63 103.71 10.13 0.09 St. Mean IVDOM 108.42 119.63 126.42 120.41 116.53 122.21 6.08 0.43 CP 97.11 122.73 128.44 120.62 128.34 124.63 8.99 0.16 a {[(Masticate concentration – forage concentration) / forage concentration] * 100} + 100. b IVDOM= In vitro digestible organic matter. c CP= Crude protein. d SEM= Standard error of the mean, n=12. Location Ona 174 2009 Florida Beef Report Effects of Forage Sampling Method on Nutritive Value of Bahiagrass During the Winter and Spring Ashley Hughes1 Matt Hersom This study suggest that when adequate forage is available for grazing, steers will selectively graze bahiagrass forage with greater nutritive value than hand-collected forage during the winter and spring. Summary A six-mo trial was conducted from December 2006 to May 2007 to evaluate the differences between forage and masticate samples of bahiagrass pastures at four research stations across Florida (Ona, Brooksville, Santa Fe, and Marianna) during the winter and spring. Eight ruminally cannulated steers were used for collection of masticate samples. Forage samples were collected by cutting the grass within a 0.8-ft2quadrat to approximately 1-in from the soil surface. High and low forage availabilities were designated to represent differences in forage quantities at each location. Forage mass, in vitro digestible organic matter, and crude protein concentrations were determined for each sample type. There were differences in forage mass, digestible organic matter, and crude protein between locations, as well as the state mean.. Selection indices indicated the opportunity for selection of forage that was greater in digestibility and crude protein compared to hand-collected forage samples. The selection indices for digestibility were similar at the four locations varying from 0 to 62%, while the selection indices for CP differed more by location ranging from -4 to 68%. Overall, during the winter and spring, steers were able to select a diet that was 31% greater in digestibility and 21% greater in crude protein compared to hand-collected forage samples. of tropical and subtropical grasses, which are typically high yielding, but low in quality. Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) is the most commonly utilized forage in pasture grazing systems in Florida occupying approximately 2.5 million ac (Chambliss and Sollenberger, 1991), but also extends into the Gulf Coast Region. Currently, there is little published data dedicated to classifying subtropical forages on a yearround basis, whether by hand-sampling or collection of masticate samples, with even less data devoted to studying diet selection by cattle grazing subtropical pastures. Studies have shown that when adequate forage is available for grazing, ruminants will selectively graze within those situations (Weir and Torell, 1959; Schlegel et al., 2000). When attempting to represent the diet of a grazing animal, research has illustrated how hand-collected forage samples are inaccurate in their estimations of selected material (Coleman and Barth, 1973; Russell et al., 2004). The objective of this study was to characterize the nutritive value of bahiagrass from four locations across the state of Florida during the winter and spring comparing sampling techniques, either by handsampling or collection of masticate sample, within pastures of varying levels of forage availability (FA) with the ultimate goal of better predicting available forage nutritive value and subsequent supplementation needs to meet Florida grazing cattle nutritional requirements. Introduction Florida pastures are comprised primarily 175 2009 Florida Beef Report forage mass, in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM), and crude protein (CP). The selection index (SI) for chemical composition was also calculated using the following equation, SI = {[(Masticate concentration – hand-collected forage concentration) / handcollected forage concentration] * 100} + 100. Materials and Methods Four locations were utilized for this project to represent the variation in the Florida pasture landscape, the locations included: Range Cattle Research and Education Center, Ona; USDASubtropical Agricultural Research Station, Brooksville; Santa Fe River Ranch Beef Unit, Alachua; and North Florida Research and Education Center, Marianna. The pasture sizes at each location were: 2.5 ac (Ona), 2.5 ac (Brooksville), 2.0 ac (Alachua), and 3.7 ac (Marianna). Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) was the primary forage of interest for this trial. However, there were different cultivars at each location. At the Ona research site, the bahiagrass cultivar used for the trial was Pensacola (Paspalum notatum cv. Suarae Parodi), while the cultivar found in Brooksville was primarily Argentine bahiagrass, which is similar to Pensacola, but may be more palatable. At the Alachua research site, the bahiagrass cultivar was Pensacola, while Marianna contained Pensacola bahiagrass. The selected pastures were managed at each location either by grazing or mowing to allow for differences in available forage mass. Pastures were not fertilized prior to or during the trial. Data were analyzed as a split plot design with the whole plot completely randomized using the MIXED procedure of SAS. The experimental unit was steer or person for sample collection. Fixed effects in the model included FA, month, sampling type (masticate or hand-collection), and their interactions. Repetition (steer or person) within each FA was used for the repeated measures and random effect. The least squares means were determined. Means were separated using the P-diff option when protected by a significant F-value (P<0.05). Results Ona At Ona, there was a month effect (Table 1; P<0.001), whereas there was only a tendency for a FA effect (P=0.09). Ona had significantly greater forage mass in comparison to the other locations. The high FA decreased steadily during the winter months until a 4,500 lb/ac increase in May, whereas the low FA remained fairly similar during the winter until a 4,000 lb/ac increase in May. The IVDOM concentration of masticate samples (Table 2) were greater (P<0.001) than hand-collected forage samples during the winter and spring. Month also affected IVDOM concentration (P<0.001) of forage and masticate samples, as both sample types steadily increased in IVDOM concentration during the winter. Likewise, the CP concentration of masticate samples (Table 3) was greater (P<0.001) compared to handcollected forage samples with exception of March, which likely caused the type x month effect (P<0.001). The mean SI at Ona (Table 4) indicated that the steers were selecting forage 31% greater in IVDOM concentration and 21% greater in CP concentration compared to handcollected forage samples during the winter and spring months. Forage and masticate samples were collected monthly (approximately every 30 d) from December 2006 to May 2007. Eight ruminally cannulated Angus or Brangus steers were used for this experiment with two steers at each location (one Angus and one Brangus) for collection of masticate samples. Forage availabilities were visually assigned to the selected pastures, as either HIGH or LOW, at each location to represent differences in forage quantity. Within each pasture, two individuals hand-clipped three forage samples each for a total of six samples per pasture. Hand shears were used to cut the forage within a 0.8-ft2 quadrat to an approximate height of 1-in from the soil surface. Simultaneously, masticate samples were collected from the fistulated steers by initially emptying the rumen, allowing the steers to graze either the HIGH or LOW FA pasture for approximately one h, then removing the selected material from the rumen. Forage and masticate samples were analyzed for 176 2009 Florida Beef Report Brooksville There were no differences in forage mass at Brooksville (Table 1) between FA (P=0.23) or month (P=0.15) during the winter and spring. While the IVDOM concentration of both sample types (Table 2) increased from December to May (P<0.001), masticate samples averaged 13% greater IVDOM concentration (P<0.001) compared to hand-collected forage samples. Similarly, the CP concentration of masticate samples (Table 3) was greater (P<0.001) than the hand-collected samples during the winter and spring. The similarity of the forage and masticate CP concentrations in March led to a type x month (P<0.001) effect. At Brooksville, the steers were able to select forage that was 32% greater in IVDOM and CP compared to hand-collected forage samples (Table 4). greater in CP concentration (36% and 22%, respectively) with other months eliciting less of a selection response. Marianna Marianna had the lowest forage mass (Table 1) compared with other locations, with variation between months (P=0.04), but not between FA (P=0.12). Masticate sample IVDOM concentration (Table 2) was greater (P<0.001) compared to hand-collected forage samples with variation between months (P<0.001). With the exception of January (35.0% IVDOM concentration), hand-collected forage samples varied by less than 5% IVDOM (mean= 53.0%). Similarly, IVDOM concentration of masticate samples only varied by 9% during the winter and spring (mean= 64.3%) with the exception of January (54.5%). The differences between sample type and month resulted in a type x month (P=0.03) effect for IVDOM concentration during the winter and spring. Masticate sample CP concentrations (Table 3) were greater (P<0.001) than hand-collected forage samples from December to May. CP concentrations were also affected by month (P<0.001) with only a tendency for a type x month interaction (P=0.08), which was likely due to the similarity in value between masticate and hand-collected forage samples during March. The greatest opportunity for selection of forage with greater IVDOM concentration compared to hand-collected forage (Table 4; P<0.05) was in January (55.4%) and February (37.3%). The mean SI for CP concentration indicated the opportunity for selection of forage material that was 17% greater in CP concentration compared to hand-collected forage during the winter and spring. Santa Fe There was no LOW FA sample taken at Santa Fe during January due to sampling difficulty, thus forage and masticate samples were not analyzed for IVDOM and CP during January. There was a month effect (P=0.04) for forage mass from December to May, which was likely due to the sharp increase in forage mass in May with only a tendency (P=0.09) for a difference between FA (Table 1). Throughout the winter and spring, IVDOM concentration (Table 2) was greater (P<0.001) for masticate compared to handcollected samples. Month also affected IVDOM concentration of both sample types (P<0.001) from December to May. The variation between sample type and month led to type x month (P=0.01) interaction for IVDOM concentration. During the winter and spring, CP concentration (Table 3) varied between month (P<0.001). While there was no sample type effect (P=0.18) on CP concentration, masticate samples had greater CP concentration than hand-collected forage samples with the exception of March. February had the greatest SI (Table 4) for IVDOM concentration (P<0.05) indicating the opportunity for steer selection of forage 62% greater in IVDOM concentration compared to hand-collected forage samples with other months eliciting less of a selection response (mean= 14%). During January and February, the steers were able to select forage that was State Mean Month affected the overall state mean forage mass (Table 1; P<0.001), while there only tended to be a difference between FA (P=0.10) at all locations. The forage mass of the HIGH FA decreased from December to April until increasing in May, while the LOW FA remained fairly constant during the winter until increasing by approximately 1,400 lb/ac in May. Masticate 177 2009 Florida Beef Report samples were consistently greater (mean= 59.2%) in IVDOM concentration (Table 2; P<0.001) compared to hand-collected forage samples (mean= 45.8%). Month also affected IVDOM concentration of masticate and handcollected forage samples (P<0.001) during the winter and spring likely due to changing environmental factors at each location. The sample type and month effects led to a type x month interaction (P<0.001) for IVDOM concentration. Similarly, CP concentrations (Table 3) were affected by month (P<0.001) with masticate samples consistently greater than the hand-collected forage samples with the exception of March, thus influencing a type x month interaction (P=0.02). The SI for IVDOM concentration (Table 4) varied by month (P<0.05) with the greatest opportunity for selection in January and February (51%), while the remaining months indicated the steers selected forage that was 19% greater in IVDOM concentration compared to hand-collected forage samples. The SI for the overall mean CP concentration (P<0.05) was greatest in December (37%), followed by January and February (30%), and least in March, April and May (10%) indicating less of an opportunity for selection of forage as the winter and spring seasons progressed. Conclusions and Implications The results of this study indicate that during the winter and spring when bahiagrass forage mass is most limiting and nutritive value is low, grazing steers will select forage material with greater IVDOM and CP concentrations compared to hand-collected forage values, which are normally gathered for estimation of available forage quality. The data collected in this study imply that forage samples collected by hand may under-estimate the nutritive value of the actual selected forage by cattle. The implications of this study indicate the opportunity to more closely match cow requirements with forage resources, based on available bahiagrass nutritive value and cow selection within those forage opportunities. If energy and protein supplementation can be more closely matched to cow requirements, then less N and other nutrient inputs would be added to the environment thus improving land and water quality, which is an important concern for Florida cattle producers. Literature Cited Chambliss, C. G. and L. E. Sollenberger. 1991. Proc. 40th Annual Florida Beef Cattle Short Course, pp 7480. Coleman, S. W. and K. M. Barth. 1973. J. Anim. Sci. 36: 754-761. Russell, J. R. et al. 2004. J. Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl 2): 93. Schlegel, M. L. et al. 2000. J. Anim. Sci. 78: 2202-2208. Weir, W. C. and D. T. Torell. 1959. J. Anim. Sci. 18:641-649. 1 Ashley Hughes, Former Graduate Student; Matt Hersom, Assistant Professor, UF-IFAS, Animal Sciences, Gainesville, FL 178 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 1. Effect of forage availability and month on overall mean forage mass (lb/ac) FAa Dec Jan Hb 5,184 3,429 Lc 1,858 1,195 Brooksville H 2,093 1,277 L 1,431 833 Santa Fe H 1,626 1,000 L 939 na Marianna H 1,128 1,616 L 406 478 St. Mean H 2,508 2,832 L 1,159 836 a FA= Forage availability. b H = High forage availability. c L= Low forage availability. d SEM= Standard error of the mean. Location Ona Feb 3,156 1,257 2,251 951 1,345 867 889 672 1,911 937 Month Mar 2,653 1,341 1,974 1,366 1,311 930 730 703 1,085 1,376 Apr 1,840 978 1,329 1,114 1,170 946 927 519 889 1,316 May SEMd 6,258 592 4,017 1,788 356 1,259 3,549 383 1,466 1,872 275 1,386 2,032 414 2,700 P-value FA Month FA*Month 0.09 <0.001 0.17 0.23 0.15 0.50 0.09 0.02 0.19 0.12 0.04 0.42 0.10 0.001 0.73 Table 2. Effect of sampling type and month on in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM, %) Typea Dec Jan Feb Fb 38.56 34.94 39.09 Mc 47.80 51.17 58.41 Brooksville F 40.43 39.69 38.73 M 52.44 60.08 58.78 Santa Fe F 43.66 na 39.32 M 51.46 na 63.27 Marianna F 54.68 35.04 50.80 M 66.34 54.56 69.51 St. Mean F 44.21 37.51 42.24 M 55.63 56.32 62.62 a Type= Forage sampling type. b F= Hand-collected forage. c M= Masticate. d SEM= Standard error of the mean, n=48. Location Ona Month Mar 42.83 56.45 44.36 56.62 55.84 63.63 54.88 61.99 49.62 60.63 179 Apr 43.70 65.25 50.26 57.89 51.81 57.08 54.49 60.15 50.81 59.84 May SEMd 51.29 2.05 58.72 50.10 1.42 57.78 50.42 2.62 61.57 50.19 2.23 63.65 50.52 1.98 60.53 P-value Type Month Type*Month <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.01 <0.001 <0.001 0.06 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 2009 Florida Beef Report Table 3. Effect of sampling type and month on crude protein (CP, %) Location Ona a Type Dec Jan Feb Fb 7.57 9.22 10.93 Mc 9.57 10.56 13.49 Brooksville F 6.78 8.02 8.06 M 10.19 12.90 11.47 Santa Fe F 7.70 na 11.91 M 9.83 na 14.56 Marianna F 9.03 9.75 12.16 M 12.00 11.70 14.24 St. Mean F 7.81 9.53 10.82 M 10.62 11.94 13.44 a Type= Forage sampling type. b F= Hand-collected forage. c M= Masticate. d SEM= Standard error of the mean, n=48. Month Mar Apr May SEMd 12.05 11.70 10.84 0.62 11.92 15.72 12.24 10.20 10.06 10.89 0.49 10.39 11.63 11.63 15.20 13.75 13.27 0.89 14.72 15.07 13.55 10.36 11.47 9.83 0.56 10.57 11.89 12.61 11.92 11.72 11.31 0.58 11.93 13.64 12.52 P-value Type Month Type*Month <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.18 <0.001 0.43 <0.001 <0.001 0.08 <0.001 <0.001 0.02 Table 4. Effect of month on steer selection indexa of bahiagrass forage. Location Analysis Month Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Ona IVDOMb 122.73 146.45 153.78 129.85 149.22 115.12 CPc 124.98 118.66 134.53 99.91 136.43 112.88 Brooksville IVDOM 129.68 151.72 151.79 127.67 115.74 116.70 CP 150.24 167.84 147.56 101.84 115.55 106.71 Santa Fe IVDOM 108.78 na 161.63 114.36 110.47 122.25 CP 136.06 na 122.17 96.84 109.80 102.08 Marianna IVDOM 121.72 155.43 137.30 112.87 104.30 126.98 CP 134.69 118.00 116.28 102.07 103.91 129.38 St. Mean IVDOM 120.71g 151.82ef 151.11e 121.23g 119.92g 120.34g CP 136.52f 131.03f 130.12f 100.24e 116.44ef 112.82ef a {[(Masticate concentration – forage concentration) / forage concentration] * 100} + 100. b IVDOM= In vitro digestible organic matter. c CP= Crude protein. d SEM= Standard error of the mean, n=12. e,f,g Within a row, means with a different superscript differ, P<0.05 180 SEMd P-value 18.96 0.65 24.93 0.89 6.72 0.04 19.55 0.24 6.18 0.02 21.34 0.79 8.11 0.05 8.96 0.21 5.73 <0.001 8.59 0.03 2009 Florida Beef Report Research and Graduate Programs Undergraduate Programs The Department offers four animal industry options (Beef, Meats, Equine, and Dairy), plus an Animal Biology Specialization which serves preprofessional students. The Beef Cattle option is designed for students wanting to pursue a career in the beef cattle industry. This option prepares students in the area of management, genetic improvement, feeds and feeding, and reproduction. Potential careers include; management, marketing and sales, genetics, laboratory and quality control. The Department has 31 faculty members working in the various disciplines of Nutrition, Breeding and Genetics, Physiology, Molecular Biology, Meat Science and Management. Additionally, there are several faculty members at the outlying Research and Education Centers that participate in our research and graduate programs. The Department offers programs in Master of Science, Master of Agriculture and Doctor of Philosophy. Resources Students have access to an on-campus beef teaching cow herd in addition to two research and production–oriented herds close to campus. There are also three additional out-lying Research and Education Centers with over 2,500 beef cows of both Bos indicus and Bos taurus breeding available for research and to provide hands-on experience for our students. Extension and the Beef Industry The Department plays an active role in facilitating communication and dissemination of research and production-oriented material to Florida cow-calf producers. Beef producers and state and county faculty work cooperatively in an effort to improve the production, efficiency and marketability of Florida beef cattle. Florida is in a unique position of having more large-scale cow-calf operations than any other state in the United States.