ECDC contribution to control of (Dominique Monnet)
ECDC contribution to control of (Dominique Monnet)
ECDC contribution to control of healthcare‐associated infections Dominique L. Monnet Head of Disease Programme for the ECDC Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare‐ Associated Infections (ARHAI) Programme, ECDC What is the role of ECDC in its Founding Regulation? … to identify, assess and communicate current and emerging health threats to human health from communicable diseases. — ECDC Founding Regulation (851/2004), Article 3 • EU-level disease surveillance and epidemic intelligence • Scientific opinions and studies • Early Warning System and response • Technical assistance and training • Communication to scientific community • Communication to the public Antimicrobial Resistance and HealthcareAssociated Infections (ARHAI) Networks European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (EARS-Net) (formerly EARSS, integrated in January 2010) European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption Network (ESAC-Net) (formerly ESAC, integrated in July 2011) Healthcare-Associated Infections surveillance Network (HAI-Net) (formerly HELICS / IPSE, integrated in July 2008) Participation in surveillance networks contributes to prevention of HAIs Cholecysectomy (CHOL) Cholecysectomy (CHOL) Source: HAI-Net, ECDC, 2013. Colon surgery (COLO) Caesarean section (CSEC) Hip prosthesis (KPRO) Knee prosthesis (KPRO) Laminectomy (LAM) Healthcare-Associated Infections surveillance Network (HAI-Net) • Standardised methodology and protocols for surveillance • HELICSwin.Net software for use in European hospitals • Feed-back to Member States by hospital/ward (confidential code) following reporting to ECDC/TESSy • Reports and interactive databases No. reporting Year EU/EEA • Five components countries Point prevalence survey of HAI and antimicrobial use 30 2011-2012 Surgical site infections (in preparation, 2014) 16 2012 HAI in intensive care units (in preparation, 2014) 15 2012 HAI and antimicrobial use in long-term care facilities 17 2013 Clostridium difficile infections (pilot survey, 2015) 13 2013 How are surveillance data collected? EARS-Net (antimicrobial resistance) ©Istockphoto/Sorapop Electronically, from laboratory information system (LIS) ESAC-Net (antimicrobial consumption) ©Istockphoto/Sorapop Electronically, from medicines agencies / pharmacies / national insurance system HAI-Net (healthcare-associated infections) In the wards, at patient bed ECDC point prevalence survey (PPS) in European acute care hospitals, 2011-2012 • • • • 28 EU Member States (incl. Croatia), Iceland and Norway Approx. 2800 healthcare workers involved Submitted to ECDC: 1 149 hospitals Included in analysis: 947 hospitals, 231 459 patients • Specific ECDC surveillance report, profiles • Interactive database on ECDC website Source: HAI-Net, ECDC, 2013. ECDC PPS in European acute care hospitals, 2011-2012: comparing with other risks Healthcare-associated infections: on a given day, 1 /18 patients (point prevalence survey, EU/EEA, 2011-2012) Adapted from: Perl T, 2007. Source for healthcare-associated infections: HAI-Net, ECDC, 2013. ECDC PPS in European acute care hospitals, 2011-2012: example of indicator median AA Alcohol hand rub consumption (L / 1000 patient-days) Source: HAI-Net, ECDC, 2013. Healthcare-associated infections & antimicrobial resistance: overlapping, but not identical Adverse events Healthcareassociated infections Healthcareassociated, antimicrobialresistant infections (selected MDROs) Communityacquired, antimicrobialresistant infections Antimicrobial resistance Community-acquired infections Staphylococcus aureus: % of invasive isolates with resistance to meticillin (MRSA), EU/EEA, 2010 & 2013 2010 2013 Source: EARS-Net, 2014 The symbols and indicate a significant increasing or decreasing trend for the period 2010-2013, respectively. These trends were calculated on laboratories that consistently reported during this period. Klebsiella pneumoniae: % of invasive isolates with combined resistance (third-generation cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones and aminoglycosides), EU/EEA, 2010 & 2013 2010 2013 Source: EARS-Net, 2014 The symbols and indicate a significant increasing or decreasing trend for the period 2010-2013, respectively. These trends were calculated on laboratories that consistently reported during this period. Mohammed (United Kingdom) Klebsiella pneumoniae: % of invasive isolates with resistance to carbapenems, EU/EEA, 2010 & 2013 2010 2013 Source: EARS-Net, 2014 The symbols and indicate a significant increasing or decreasing trend for the period 2010-2013, respectively. These trends were calculated on laboratories that consistently reported during this period. Trends in consumption of antibacterials for systemic use in the hospital sector (expressed in DDD per 1000 inhabitants and per day), EU/EEA, 2009-2013 Total (J01) Carbapenems (J01DH) Polymyxins (J01XB) Source: ESAC-Net, 2014. Carbapenem-resistant infections: a challenge for appropriate patient therapy Colistin resistance – options for treatment are further reduced Modern medicine: not possible without effective antibiotics Hip / knee replacement Organ transplant Cancer chemotherapy Intensive care Care of preterm babies Conclusions - Perspectives • • • • • • • HAI-Net: improve participation of Member States EARS-Net: improve reporting of HAI vs. community-acquired Directory of online resources for HAI and AMR (2014-2015) Revised estimates of the burden of HAI (2014-2015) Integrate indicators in surveillance components Surveillance of Clostridium difficile infections (2015 onwards) 2nd ECDC point prevalence survey in European acute care hospitals, 2016-2017 (mandatory validation of data) Thank you! • ECDC Press office • Twitter @ECDC_EU • European Antibiotic Awareness Day, 18 November 2014 Website: Facebook: EAAD.EU Twitter chat: @EAAD_EU #EAAD Global Twitter conversation: #AntibioticDay