note de rentrée 2016 english - Ecole Française de Londres Jacques
note de rentrée 2016 english - Ecole Française de Londres Jacques
London, 5th July 2016 Patrice Possenti INFORMATION SEPTEMBER 2016 The whole staff is delighted to welcome your children for the 2016/2017 academic year. We count on your cooperation to comply with the following information which is essential for the smooth running of the school. 1. School starts on Monday 5 September 2016 Entrance by the school gate on Aynhoe Road Maternelles: Moyenne section: 9am following the organisation (group A or B) on the attached schedule Grande section: 9am Elémentaires: 9.20am: CM1 and CM 9.30am: CE2 9.40am: CE1 10am: CP Parents can accompany their child in the courtyard. Due to lack of space, please respect the schedule and leave the playground as soon as your child goes to his/her classroom. 2. School timetable Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 9am to 3.30pm (3.15pm for the maternelles). Wednesday: 9am – 1pm (12.45pm for the maternelles). On Wednesdays, the Maternelles and CP classes eat the packed lunch provided by their parents in their classroom before leaving. The Maternelles’ parents have to accompany their child to the school gate on Aynhoe Road and hand them to their teacher or assistant. The gate closes at 9am. The CP to CM2 pupils enter by the gate on Aynhoe road. The CP to CE1 pupils stay in the playground until 9am and wait for their teacher. The CE2 to CM2 pupils go upstairs directly to their classroom. ECOLE FRANÇAISE DE LONDRES JACQUES PRÉVERT Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale 59 Brook Green W6 7BE Londres | Tél. : 00 44(0)20 7602 6871 | email : | Lunch time : 11.30-12.30 11.40-12.40 11.50-12.50 12.00-13.00 12.15-13.15 12.30-13.30 12.40-13.40 12.50-13.50 13.00-14.00 MMS MGS CPA CPB CE1A and CE1B CE2A CE2B CM2B CM1/2A and CM1B The maternelles leave the school at 3.15pm (12.45pm on Wednesday). The CP to CM2 pupils leave the school at 3.30pm (1pm on Wednesday). Maternelles : parents wait at the gate on Aynhoe Road. CP: parents wait at the main entrance on Brook Green CE1 CE2 CM1 and CM2: parents wait at the gate on Aynhoe Road. If children have to leave during the school day, we will only accept a leave or a return during lunchtime. The only exception will be in the case of medical appointment where it might be possible to rejoin/leave the class during break time. Please send us a written request two days in advance (pick up and drop off might be allowed during playtime). We will not authorise half-day absences before weekends or holidays. In case of absence or late attendance, please inform the school through the website: Please note: • • • • • • One entrance and 2 exits are used. Maternelles pupils must be collected by the persons designated by the parents on the form. There is no supervision after 3.30pm (1pm on Wednesdays). Parents must take charge of their child at the end of the school day. No animals or pets are authorized within the school premises. Please do not block traffic outside the school. All adults must enter the school by the main entrance whatever the reason. ECOLE FRANÇAISE DE LONDRES JACQUES PRÉVERT Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale 59 Brook Green W6 7BE Londres | Tél. : 00 44(0)20 7602 6871 | email : | 3. Class material Maternelles classes No materials CP CLASSES 1 schoolbag (not a backpack) without wheels 3 pencil cases 1 « cahier de texte » (without spirals) CE1 CLASSES 1 schoolbag (not a backpack) without wheels 2 pencil cases (one must be larger for coloured pencils and felt-tip pens) 1 « cahier de texte » (without spirals) CE2 CLASSES 1 schoolbag (not a backpack) without wheels 2 pencil cases 1 flûte soprano 1 « cahier de texte » (without spirals) CM1 CLASSES 1 schoolbag (not a backpack) without wheels 2 pencil cases (empty) 1 homework diary 1 USB key 8Go minimum 1 fountain pen 1 flûte soprano CM2 CLASSES 1 schoolbag (not a backpack) without wheels 2 pencil cases (empty) 1 fountain pen 1 homework diary 1 USB key 8Go minimum All items must be marked with the child’s name. Class materials may have to be renewed by parents as needed throughout the school year. 4. Sport outfit Pupils must wear suitable clothes to practise sport. The school will provide a tee-shirt printed with the school logo. ECOLE FRANÇAISE DE LONDRES JACQUES PRÉVERT Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale 59 Brook Green W6 7BE Londres | Tél. : 00 44(0)20 7602 6871 | email : | 5. School staff Head: Mrs Delphine GENTIL ( Class MMS Room Level 0 MGS CPA CPB CE1 A CE1 B CE2 A CE2 B CM1 B CM1A/CM2A CM2B Level 1 Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1 2 3 2 3 3 2 1 2 Teacher/ Teaching Assistant Mrs KORWIN Dominique Mrs HATTABI Badra (Assistant) Mrs GINGAUD Emilie Mrs BARTHEL Evelyne (Assistant) Mrs AZIERE Cécile Mrs TRITSCH Estelle Mrs WILLIAMS Evelyne Mrs WEBSTER Isabelle Mrs DOE Joëlle Mrs BIALEK Andrée Mme HUNTER Sandra Mme JARZAT-NIZAAR Céline Mr HUNAULT Christophe English teacher Mrs FRASER Karen Mrs GATT Vivienne Mr De DREYER Terry Mrs LOWERY Elisabeth Ms JOHN Hannah BCD (French Library) Mrs HAGG Evelyne English Library Ms JOHN Hannah Music Mrs SOUTO E MOURA Agnès Office Mrs SANDERS Marie Dominique Bursar Mr QUILLEROU Alain Supervising team Coordinator Ms DEBROUX Laura Caretaker Mr KALAWON Sati ECOLE FRANÇAISE DE LONDRES JACQUES PRÉVERT Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale 59 Brook Green W6 7BE Londres | Tél. : 00 44(0)20 7602 6871 | email : | 6. School fees School fees must be paid at least one week before the start of the new term and are not refundable. The deposit is non refundable unless the three terms have been paid for. Annual Class Fees Sport fees Canteen fees Total Per registration material Per term Per term Per term Year fees Per year Maternelle £50 £1697 £91 £84 £246 £6236 MS-GS Primary £50 £1460 £91 £159 £246 £5600 CP to CM2 7. Morning club and Afterschool club The morning club is open from 8am to 8.50am. Three supervisors are in charge and children can be dropped off anytime between 8am and 8.45am. The morning club will start on Tuesday 6 September 2016. In order to complement the clubs offered by Apeef, the school offers an afterschool club between 3.15/3.30pm and 5pm. 3.30pm-4.30pm: 1 hour of activity (games, arts and crafts, sports) 4.30pm-5pm: recreational activities Children can be collected at either 4.30 pm or 5pm The afterschool club will start on Monday 19 September 2016 Sessions must be purchased in advance on a ‘pay as you go’ basis. You can buy a pre-paid card by making a bank transfer to the school account with the mention ‘periscolaire’. The cards will be passed on directly to the supervisors who will deduct used sessions. There are 3 cards available: • • • 20 sessions : £90 50 sessions : £210 80 sessions : £320 Cards can be used for both Morning and Afterschool clubs 8. Homework club A homework club is in place. It consists of a small group of pupils (up to 6 pupils) under the supervision of one teacher from the school for homework. Fees are £8 per session and registration will take place early September The homework club will begin on Monday 19 September 2016 ECOLE FRANÇAISE DE LONDRES JACQUES PRÉVERT Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale 59 Brook Green W6 7BE Londres | Tél. : 00 44(0)20 7602 6871 | email : | 9. Communication with the school Appointments can be made to meet your child’s French or English teacher on school days. Requests can be made through your child’s ‘cahier de liaison’ Several meetings are organized at the beginning of the academic year: « Pot de rentrée » v The pot de rentrée organised by Apeef and the school will take place on Thursday 22 September 2016 at 7:30pm. v Meeting with French teachers Classes Maternelles (MS et GS) CP CE1 CE2 CM1 CM2 dates Tuesday 20 September 2016 Thursday 15 September 2016 Monday 12 September 2016 Tuesday 13 September 2016 Time and place 5.30pm in the canteen downstairs Monday 19 September 2016 v Meetings with English teachers Classes CE1 CE2 CM1 CM2 v dates To be confirmed « Cahier de liaison » The « cahier de liaison » should be used for communication between the school and the parents. It must stay in the pupil’s schoolbag and be checked every day. All information passed on via the “cahier de liaison” must be signed. ECOLE FRANÇAISE DE LONDRES JACQUES PRÉVERT Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale 59 Brook Green W6 7BE Londres | Tél. : 00 44(0)20 7602 6871 | email : | v School website The school website has been completely renewed. Each family will be provided with a username and a password On the website you will find a calendar with all the important dates relating to school life v Information by email The school will send information by email and via a newsletter. Please ensure that we have the correct email addresses. v Communication during the summer The school office will be open until 8 July 2016 and from Tuesday 30 August 2016 / 020 7602 6871 You can contact Mrs Gentil by email throughout the summer: 10. Projet d’accueil individualisé (PAI) Legally we are not allowed to administer medicine to pupils. For children who need to take medication during the school time, or those who have an allergy or asthma… we have to sign a PAI (“projet d’accueil individualise”) with the school GP. The PAI is set upon request from the parents. The school GP, Dr Claudel, will be at school to sign the PAIs on Tuesday 27 September 2016 from 8:30am. (You need to have a treatment plan given by your GP). Please contact us if you need to set up a PAI for your child. 11. School calendar 2016/2017 First day: Monday 5 September 2016 Half term: Friday 21 October 2016 after lessons to Monday morning 7 November 2016 Christmas holidays: Friday 16 December 2016 after lessons to Tuesday morning 3 January 2017 February half-term: Friday 3 February 2017 after lessons to Monday morning 20 February 2017 Spring holiday: Friday 31 March 2017 after lessons to Monday morning 18 April 2017 May holiday: Wednesday 24 May 2017 after lessons to Thursday morning 1 June 2017 Bank holiday: Monday 1 May 2017 End of the academic year: Friday 7 July 2017 after lessons All absences of your child are your responsibility and the teachers cannot give any homework or activity sheets beforehand. The British law instructs schools not to authorize any early holidays or late come back at school. Only important and exceptional reasons may justify an absence. The Head must authorise absences. Any unauthorized absences will be registered on the child’s school report. ECOLE FRANÇAISE DE LONDRES JACQUES PRÉVERT Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale 59 Brook Green W6 7BE Londres | Tél. : 00 44(0)20 7602 6871 | email : | 12. Elections of parents’ representatives The election will take place prior to the October Half-term. 13. School Insurance Pupils must have liability insurance. The insurance proposed by the Apeef is entirely suited to all the school activities and we strongly recommend you subscribe to it. Alternatively please provide us with a valid insurance certificate. Patrice Possenti Head 2011-2016 Delphine Gentil Head 2016 ECOLE FRANÇAISE DE LONDRES JACQUES PRÉVERT Établissement homologué par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale 59 Brook Green W6 7BE Londres | Tél. : 00 44(0)20 7602 6871 | email : |