File - Albert City Threshermen and Collectors Show
File - Albert City Threshermen and Collectors Show
PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Laurens, IA Permit No. 21 Threshermen Times P.O. Box 333 • Albert City, Iowa 50510 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ALBERT CITY THRESHERMEN & COLLECTORS Pride of Iowa and Horsepower Make for Exciting Double Feature Contact us: By Mail: P.O. Box 333, Albert City, Iowa 50510 Our Site: 5015 210th Ave., Albert City, IA By Phone or Fax: 712-843-2076 By E-mail: On the web: If you would like to be removed from our mailing list, please give the office a call or send us an e-mail to let us know. On FB: 2016 Board Members Mark Tuttle of Newell was elected to the board at the annual meeting held in December. Mark will serve a three-year term. The current board includes: Mike Rebhuhn, president; Steve Christ, vicepresident; Keith Moe, secretary; Mike Sangwin, treasurer; Connie Reinert, Larry Erickson, Skip Anderson, Norm Hanson, Mark Tuttle and Karl Lind, honorary director. Karen Feeley serves as the executive board secretary. Spring Field Work Dave Glienke drives his team of Hafflingers as they pull the potato planter. Potatoes were planted Sunday, April 3 and should be ready just in time for the Kid’s Tater Patch during the show. Fareway in Storm Lake donated 200 lbs. of seed potatoes for the patch. Planting of corn and wheat has also been completed thanks to the efforts of our hardworking volunteers. SPRING 2016 Policy update The board has updated the policy regarding personal transportation vehicles on the show grounds. This is an effort to comply with all liability insurance requirements for the protection of the association. All personal transportation vehicles must: 1) be a type with a steering wheel, 2) must have proof of handicap drivers permit and 3) must show valid recreational insurance card for the vehicle. No persons under the age of 18 are allowed to drive these vehicles on the show grounds. T his year’s show is looking to be another busy and fun show with plans going strong for the double feature. The show will celebrate Pride of Iowa and Horse- power. PRIDE OF IOWA In 2016, we’ll celebrate the rich creativity and innovation of Iowans. From the Thieman Tractor to the Waterloo Boy to the Hart-Parr, we plan to exhibit items that contributed to early farm life that were invented and/or manufactured in Iowa. And, let’s not forget Pioneer Seed, the Polled Hereford, the Maytag Washer and the Red Delicious Apple! Two clubs will join us for this feature. Members of the Doodlebug Club of America will join us to exhibit their Doodlebugs. These motorbikes were made in Webster City. Members of the Maytag Collectors will also exhibit as part of the Pride of Iowa. Iowans have always played an important role in contributing to the agricultural success of the Midwest. We need to look no further for ingenuity than right in Albert City where 98 patents have been registered starting as early as 1905. It’s time to look in those nooks and crannies and discover what you have that was made in Iowa! We are looking for everyone’s help to represent as many Iowa brands as possible. So, talk to your friends and neighbors and sign up to exhibit in the Iowa Pride. So that we can have historical information ready for each display, we are encouraging exhibitors to register early. Registration can be done online or by calling the show office. For more information, contact Connie Reinert, 712-260-0468. Of course, exhibitors of all makes and models of tractors, implements and gas engines are encouraged and welcome to participate in the annual show. Plan to attend and enjoy as you learn about the interesting contributions Iowans have made to our agricultural heritage. HORSEPOWER Adding to the fun and interest will be the Horsepower Feature. Already horses are registered from Penn., Neb., Ohio, Minn. and Iowa. A Guinness World Record attempt will be held Saturday afternoon. The attempt will be for the greatest number of draft horses plowing simultaneously. The Iowa Draft Pony Association will hold a show Friday evening. Horse enthusiasts can also participate in the Wagon Train which will start in Gillett Grove Wednesday with a campout at the Marathon Park. It will continue Thursday to Albert City and then on to the show site. There will be many horse-related demonstrations and exhibits of horse-drawn implements. POPULAR EVENTS REMAIN The Board of Directors has secured an additional 20 acres of land adjoining the west field so that there will be plenty of room to accommodate the usual tractor field activities, plowing and threshing along with the horse activities. The Army of the Southwest, an Iowa Civil War reenactment organization will return. Visit their encampment to learn about family life in the Civil War era and expect to see cannon and other arms fire on Saturday and Sunday. The Kid’s Potato Patch returns, and will be located in the west field. The Talent Show drew some great talent last year and will return to the entertainment stage. Area talent of all ages are encouraged to register for this judged event which will include cash awards. The Threshermen’s tractor ride will be held again this year on Thursday afternoon. Tractors of all ages, makes and sizes are welcome to join the tractor ride which starts at 1 p.m. Stay up to date with the latest in event details by visiting our website at ALBERT CITY THRESHERMEN & COLLECTORS SPRING 2016 Dig out your best pie recipe and get ready for a new contest during this year’s show. The pie baking contest is being organized by the folks at the Threshermen’s Cafe. Stay tuned for more details! The Threshermen received a grant from the Buena Vista County Community Foundation in the amount of $2375. The funds were used towards the replacement of windows in the farm house. 2019-2021: TBD 2022: Minneapolis-Moline Collectors will return for their annual summer show. Their last visit was 2012. As always, the board of directors is interested in your ideas, suggestions and comments for any of the upcoming shows. Consider making a tax-deductible contribution today! t yT C it $1 75 hreshermen & Co llec t ,00 Total funds raised to-date: $156,000! $7 0 ,00 Lan 00 5,0 $3 0 25 $1 ors Land Purchase Fund-Raiser Collectible Toy Tractor available for Purchase This year’s collectible toy tractor is an Oliver 1800 Narrow with New Idea Loader. The tractors are manufactured by SpecCast and each will include a serial number. This year, 100 tractors will be available. If you purchased a toy tractor last year, you may continue to purchase that number of tractor. The #10 tractor will be included as a prize in the large tractor raffle, so if you purchase a ticket for that raffle, you are automatically included for a chance to win this toy tractor. Tractors sell for $115 and will be available for purchase at the show or by contacting the Le Mars Toy Store at 546-4305 to pre-order. T his year’s show is just a few months away, but work continues to confirm special features for upcoming years. With the effort to host national groups during our show, the board must look ahead five to ten years in order to connect with the organizations and their schedule of activities. 2017: For the 175th anniversary of CASE, we will host two national groups. This is the first time the two national groups have held a joint summer show. We will host the International J.I. 2018: We will host the National FordFordson Collectors. Learn more about this organization by visiting their website: http:// Alb er As part of the HorsePower activities, a horse buggy and a hand-made quilt be raffled. The buggy is a completely restored two-seat taxi made by Morgan and Williams in the late 1800s. It is complete with makers tags and taxi number. The queen size quilt features horse photos from the last seven shows. New windows have been installed in the farmhouse and in the gas station along with the necessary wood working repairs. Feature line-up for upcoming shows $200,000 The 2016 Tractor Raffle will be for a Thieman Tractor or $2500 in cash. This tractor is from the early 1930s and was manufactured in Albert City with a Model A motor. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. The drawing will be held Sunday, Aug. 14 at 4 p.m. and you need not be present to win. Case Heritage Foundation and the J.I. Case Collectors. The Northland Case Collectors and the Missouri Screamin’ Eagles Case Club will also join us for their Summer Show. We previously hosted the J.I. Case Heritage Foundation and Northland Collectors in 2011. We are proud to have been selected by these organizations to host this special anniversary event. For 2017, a four-day show is planned. National promotions of this event have been started and with only 16 months to go, plans are already underway with these organizations. 5,0 $100,000 New contest will appeal to pie bakers! 2016 Raffles 00 aise r d Pu rchase Fund-R Name:______________________________________________________________________________________ Mark your calendar August 12-14, 2016– Threshermen & Collectors Show Saturday, Dec. 3, 2016– Annual Meeting Company:___________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address:______________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:_______________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone:_____________________________ Cell Phone:_________________________________________ If you would you like to receive Threshermen news and updates by e-mail, please include it below: E-mail address:_______________________________________________________________________________ Follow us! Amount of One-Time Donation:___________________________________________________________________ Amount of Annual Pledge:___________________ Number of Years:_____________________________________ ALBERT CITY THRESHERMEN & COLLECTORS SPRING 2016 Dig out your best pie recipe and get ready for a new contest during this year’s show. The pie baking contest is being organized by the folks at the Threshermen’s Cafe. Stay tuned for more details! The Threshermen received a grant from the Buena Vista County Community Foundation in the amount of $2375. The funds were used towards the replacement of windows in the farm house. 2019-2021: TBD 2022: Minneapolis-Moline Collectors will return for their annual summer show. Their last visit was 2012. As always, the board of directors is interested in your ideas, suggestions and comments for any of the upcoming shows. Consider making a tax-deductible contribution today! t yT C it $1 75 hreshermen & Co llec t ,00 Total funds raised to-date: $156,000! $7 0 ,00 Lan 00 5,0 $3 0 25 $1 ors Land Purchase Fund-Raiser Collectible Toy Tractor available for Purchase This year’s collectible toy tractor is an Oliver 1800 Narrow with New Idea Loader. The tractors are manufactured by SpecCast and each will include a serial number. This year, 100 tractors will be available. If you purchased a toy tractor last year, you may continue to purchase that number of tractor. The #10 tractor will be included as a prize in the large tractor raffle, so if you purchase a ticket for that raffle, you are automatically included for a chance to win this toy tractor. Tractors sell for $115 and will be available for purchase at the show or by contacting the Le Mars Toy Store at 546-4305 to pre-order. T his year’s show is just a few months away, but work continues to confirm special features for upcoming years. With the effort to host national groups during our show, the board must look ahead five to ten years in order to connect with the organizations and their schedule of activities. 2017: For the 175th anniversary of CASE, we will host two national groups. This is the first time the two national groups have held a joint summer show. We will host the International J.I. 2018: We will host the National FordFordson Collectors. Learn more about this organization by visiting their website: http:// Alb er As part of the HorsePower activities, a horse buggy and a hand-made quilt be raffled. The buggy is a completely restored two-seat taxi made by Morgan and Williams in the late 1800s. It is complete with makers tags and taxi number. The queen size quilt features horse photos from the last seven shows. New windows have been installed in the farmhouse and in the gas station along with the necessary wood working repairs. Feature line-up for upcoming shows $200,000 The 2016 Tractor Raffle will be for a Thieman Tractor or $2500 in cash. This tractor is from the early 1930s and was manufactured in Albert City with a Model A motor. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. The drawing will be held Sunday, Aug. 14 at 4 p.m. and you need not be present to win. Case Heritage Foundation and the J.I. Case Collectors. The Northland Case Collectors and the Missouri Screamin’ Eagles Case Club will also join us for their Summer Show. We previously hosted the J.I. Case Heritage Foundation and Northland Collectors in 2011. We are proud to have been selected by these organizations to host this special anniversary event. For 2017, a four-day show is planned. National promotions of this event have been started and with only 16 months to go, plans are already underway with these organizations. 5,0 $100,000 New contest will appeal to pie bakers! 2016 Raffles 00 aise r d Pu rchase Fund-R Name:______________________________________________________________________________________ Mark your calendar August 12-14, 2016– Threshermen & Collectors Show Saturday, Dec. 3, 2016– Annual Meeting Company:___________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address:______________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:_______________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone:_____________________________ Cell Phone:_________________________________________ If you would you like to receive Threshermen news and updates by e-mail, please include it below: E-mail address:_______________________________________________________________________________ Follow us! Amount of One-Time Donation:___________________________________________________________________ Amount of Annual Pledge:___________________ Number of Years:_____________________________________ PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Laurens, IA Permit No. 21 Threshermen Times P.O. Box 333 • Albert City, Iowa 50510 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ALBERT CITY THRESHERMEN & COLLECTORS Pride of Iowa and Horsepower Make for Exciting Double Feature Contact us: By Mail: P.O. Box 333, Albert City, Iowa 50510 Our Site: 5015 210th Ave., Albert City, IA By Phone or Fax: 712-843-2076 By E-mail: On the web: If you would like to be removed from our mailing list, please give the office a call or send us an e-mail to let us know. On FB: 2016 Board Members Mark Tuttle of Newell was elected to the board at the annual meeting held in December. Mark will serve a three-year term. The current board includes: Mike Rebhuhn, president; Steve Christ, vicepresident; Keith Moe, secretary; Mike Sangwin, treasurer; Connie Reinert, Larry Erickson, Skip Anderson, Norm Hanson, Mark Tuttle and Karl Lind, honorary director. Karen Feeley serves as the executive board secretary. Spring Field Work Dave Glienke drives his team of Hafflingers as they pull the potato planter. Potatoes were planted Sunday, April 3 and should be ready just in time for the Kid’s Tater Patch during the show. Fareway in Storm Lake donated 200 lbs. of seed potatoes for the patch. Planting of corn and wheat has also been completed thanks to the efforts of our hardworking volunteers. SPRING 2016 Policy update The board has updated the policy regarding personal transportation vehicles on the show grounds. This is an effort to comply with all liability insurance requirements for the protection of the association. All personal transportation vehicles must: 1) be a type with a steering wheel, 2) must have proof of handicap drivers permit and 3) must show valid recreational insurance card for the vehicle. No persons under the age of 18 are allowed to drive these vehicles on the show grounds. T his year’s show is looking to be another busy and fun show with plans going strong for the double feature. The show will celebrate Pride of Iowa and Horse- power. PRIDE OF IOWA In 2016, we’ll celebrate the rich creativity and innovation of Iowans. From the Thieman Tractor to the Waterloo Boy to the Hart-Parr, we plan to exhibit items that contributed to early farm life that were invented and/or manufactured in Iowa. And, let’s not forget Pioneer Seed, the Polled Hereford, the Maytag Washer and the Red Delicious Apple! Two clubs will join us for this feature. Members of the Doodlebug Club of America will join us to exhibit their Doodlebugs. These motorbikes were made in Webster City. Members of the Maytag Collectors will also exhibit as part of the Pride of Iowa. Iowans have always played an important role in contributing to the agricultural success of the Midwest. We need to look no further for ingenuity than right in Albert City where 98 patents have been registered starting as early as 1905. It’s time to look in those nooks and crannies and discover what you have that was made in Iowa! We are looking for everyone’s help to represent as many Iowa brands as possible. So, talk to your friends and neighbors and sign up to exhibit in the Iowa Pride. So that we can have historical information ready for each display, we are encouraging exhibitors to register early. Registration can be done online or by calling the show office. For more information, contact Connie Reinert, 712-260-0468. Of course, exhibitors of all makes and models of tractors, implements and gas engines are encouraged and welcome to participate in the annual show. Plan to attend and enjoy as you learn about the interesting contributions Iowans have made to our agricultural heritage. HORSEPOWER Adding to the fun and interest will be the Horsepower Feature. Already horses are registered from Penn., Neb., Ohio, Minn. and Iowa. A Guinness World Record attempt will be held Saturday afternoon. The attempt will be for the greatest number of draft horses plowing simultaneously. The Iowa Draft Pony Association will hold a show Friday evening. Horse enthusiasts can also participate in the Wagon Train which will start in Gillett Grove Wednesday with a campout at the Marathon Park. It will continue Thursday to Albert City and then on to the show site. There will be many horse-related demonstrations and exhibits of horse-drawn implements. POPULAR EVENTS REMAIN The Board of Directors has secured an additional 20 acres of land adjoining the west field so that there will be plenty of room to accommodate the usual tractor field activities, plowing and threshing along with the horse activities. The Army of the Southwest, an Iowa Civil War reenactment organization will return. Visit their encampment to learn about family life in the Civil War era and expect to see cannon and other arms fire on Saturday and Sunday. The Kid’s Potato Patch returns, and will be located in the west field. The Talent Show drew some great talent last year and will return to the entertainment stage. Area talent of all ages are encouraged to register for this judged event which will include cash awards. The Threshermen’s tractor ride will be held again this year on Thursday afternoon. Tractors of all ages, makes and sizes are welcome to join the tractor ride which starts at 1 p.m. Stay up to date with the latest in event details by visiting our website at
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File - Albert City Threshermen and Collectors Show
Connie J. Reinert
34195 320th Street, Ruthven, IA 51358
Phone: 712-260-0468