PDF Menu - Gourmet Malaysia
PDF Menu - Gourmet Malaysia
Appetizers ࠵ᮼ 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. SpringRolls6 pcs ԃН͇ $5.99 ChickenSatay6 Skewers ᯰྚᲛН˘ $8.99 Ch BeefSatay6 Skewers ᯰྚྥН˘ $9.99 Be PohPiaCrepeRollwMixedVegetable &Egg ᯰᘘᯖ$5.99 Po CrispyBoxingChicken6 pcs ᯭᑠཀᲛН͇ $7.50 DeepFriedChickenWings6 pcs ᯰཀᲛᏢН͇ $7.50 TauhuGorengFriedBeanCurdCoveredw/BeanSprout Ta ᯰཀᑻ$7.80 ThaiFishCake8 pcs ฐय᱒ᯖЛ͇ $7.99 Th RojakFruit Salad with Spicy Sauce ਉ$8.80 Ro MalaysiaPrawnCake4 pcs ᯰཀᙊᯖ ͇ٽ$8.50 MangoSalad ᓴ౦ડ$7.80 SquidandKangKongwPeanutSauce Sq ᱓᱒ᖜ$13.99 GadoGadoNonyaMixedSaladinPeanutSauce ҪܲҪܲ$8.50 Ga FriedOmelettewOysterMalaysiaSpecialsᙖཬ$10.99 Go GourmetMalaysiaGoldenShrimpRollsᒠچ᳦᧚ᙊ$7.99 MangoSaladwithSatayChicken Ma ᓴ౦ડྚᲛ$13.99 Sp Special Gourmet Malaysia Platterᒠૂچᄧ$23.99 `ThaiFishCake ฐय᱒ᯖ `MangoSalad ᓴ౦ડ `ChickenSatay ྚᲛ `BeefSatay ྚྥ `Golden Shrimp Rolls ᳦᧚ᙊ్ `SpringRoll ԃ Soups ዝ 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Small Large Ho & Sour Soup ᦺᣰ්$799$1199 Hot SeafoodTofu& SaltedVegetableSoup ְᖜᑻ๑ᱤ්$999$1599 ChickenCornSoup ಠዚᲛ්$799$1199 ChickenMushroomSoup ᘲᖕᲛ්$799$1199 TomYamGoongSpicy & SourShrimpSoup пҩ්$999$1599 To TomYamSeafoodSpicy& SourSeafoodSoup п๑ᱤ්$999$1599 To To TomYamGaiSpicy& SourChickenSoup пᲛ්$899$1399 Roti ӿएᯗ 31. 32. 33 RotiCannaiwithSugar2 pcs Ӿऎᯖᡱዽˏྞ $3.50 VeggieRotiCannai 3 pcs ገӾऎᯖᡱገ֝בඹʻྞ $699 Ve RotiCannai3 pcs ofBread Choice of ChickenorBeefCurry Ӿऎᯖᡱ֝בᲛྥʻྞ $899 Ro LobsterCrabSeasonal ᴝᙋnjᛑዝἷ͉Ἰ 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. HotandSpicyCraborLobster Ho ᣰߔᛐᴜᙊ GingerandSpringOnionCraborLobster ޅᗍᛐᴜᙊ No Nonya Fried CraborLobster ޙਉၲᯭᛐᴜᙊ Belacan Be SauceCraborLobster ᯰಖᛐᴜᙊ Bl Black Pepper SauceCraborLobster ᳫᛐᴜᙊ Ik Ikan Bilis Crispy CraborLobster with Coconut Spices ᯭᛐᴜᙊ Popular Item Extra Hot Ex Ho Hot Nut Date: Dec 2015 Fish ᱓ዝ 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. Steamed Whole Fish w/Ground Bean Sauceᦴᗡ᧚ј᱒ԓ్ $19.99 St SteamedWholeFishwGingerandScallionຌᗡ᱒ԓ్ $16.99 De Deep FriedCrispySambalWholeFishʻࣄ᧚ј᱒ԓ్ $18.99 AssamCurryWholeFishDeep Fried ֝̍בԟ᱒ԓ్ $23.99 As Deep FriedCrispySambalWholeFishwith Petai De ʻࣄᒮ᧚ј᱒ԓ్ $23.99 CrispyDeep FriedWholeFishwThaiStyleᯭฐय᧚ј᱒ԓ్ $23.99 Cr IkanBakarDeep Fried BananaLeafGrilledStingray Ik 25 minutes to be cooked ᘋՀད᱒$16.99 Sambal Ikan Bilis Deep Fried ʻࣄ᱒̲$10.99 Sa GingerandSpringOnionFishFillet Deep Fried ޅᗍ᱒ྞ$10.99 Sweet&SourFishFillet InMalayStyleDeep Fried ᯰᦺၵ᱒$10.99 KungPohFishFillet Deep Fried ࠌγ᱒ྞ$10.99 Ku De Deep FriedFishFillet wBlackPepperSauce ᳫ᱒ྞ$10.99 DeepFriedFishFillet wSaltandGarlicChili ᄡ᱒ྞ$10.99 De LemonFish Fillet Deep Fried ಇ᱒$10.99 Squid ᱔᱓ዝ 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. Cr CrispySquidwithSaltandGarlicChiliᄡ᱓᱒$10.99 Cr ᧚ᯭ᱓᱒$10.99 CrispySquidinFragrantSpices Fr FriedSquidwith Sambal Sauce ʻࣄ᱓᱒$10.99 FriedSquidwithNonyaStyle Fr ޙਉ༱᱓᱒$10.99 CrispySquidwithSweetandSourSauce ᯭᑠၵᦺ᱓᱒$10.99 97. DryFriedAssamPrawns Dr ࣯ཬ̍ԟᙊ$12.99 Pr PrawnsIndonesianStyle Ӿࡈᙊ$12.99 98. Prawns in Fragrant Spices Pr ᧚ᯭᙊ$12.99 CrispyButterPrawnsݚෳᙊ$13.99 99. ThaiMangoPrawnsᓴ౦ᙊ$13.99 SambalPrawnsʻࣄᙊ Sa $12.99 SambalPetaiwithPrawns Sa 0. No 100. Nonya Prawnsޙਉᙊ$12.99 ʻࣄᒮᙊ$15.99 101. IkanBilisCrispyPrawnswith De DeepFriedPrawnswith Salt CoconutSpices ᯭᙊ$12.99 & GarlicChili ᄡᙊ$12.99 Th ฐयᙊ$12.99 ThaiSpicyPrawns PrawnswithShell ᙋዝ 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. Sizzling ᨡዝ 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. S Sambal Stingray in Hot Sizzling ᨠʻࣄᑰ᱒$1599 In IndonesianStylePrawnsinHotSizzlingᨠӾࡈᙊ$1599 Be BeefwithChiliPepperSauce ᨠࢵᦴྥᐚ$1599 HotSizzlingSatayBeeforChickenor Squidor ShrimpᨠྚྥᐚᲛᐚ᱓᱒ᙊ$1599 Ho Ho HotSizzlingChickeninIndonesianStyleӾࡈᨠᲛ$15.99 Casserole ᆋᩞዝ 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. Braised Bean Curd w/Minced Chicken & Salted Fish ְ᱒Მዡᑻུ$1099 Fr Fried Eggplant w/Minced Chicken & Salted Fish in Chili Sauce ᣰඹְ᱒ᔵߔུ$1099 Cu CurryLamb ֝בᎼᐚུ$1499 Assam Fish Head ̍ԟ֝ב᱒ུܿ$1499 As BakKutTehChickenHotPot ᐚᰣᕏᲛᩝӦԵ $2999 To Tom Yam Mixed Seafood п๑ᱤུ$1899 128. 129. 130. Go GourmetMalaysiaBeanCurd inCasseroleᒠچᑻུ$1099 Fried Eggplant withChicken &IkanBilis᱒̲Მዡᔵߔུ$10.99 Mi MixedSeafoodwithBelacan SauceCasseroleᯰಖ๑ᱤུ$18.99 FishHeadwithBeanCurdin Casserole᱒ܿᑻུ$1099 Popular Item Ex Hot Extra Ho Hot Nut Date: Dec 2015 Chicken Ნዝ 131. Hainanese Chicken Half 138. Sa SambalChicken boneless ʻࣄᲛ$10.99 with bone ๑ӮᲛӦԵ $14.99 139. As AssamChicken Sour & Spicy 2. No 132. NonyaChickenCurrywith bone boneless ̍ԟᲛ$10.99 ޙਉ֝בᲛ$10.99 140. MangoChickenShreddedMango 133. IpohChickenwBeanSproutHalf CookedwChickenSpicesSweet with bone γᔎᖜᲛӦԵ $15.99 & SourSauce boneless ᓴ౦Მ$11.99 4. Ch 134. Chili Chicken Malaysia Style 141. Crispy Golden Fried Chicken boneless ᯰࠌγᲛီ$10.99 boneless ᧚ᄋᲛ$13.99 135. AyamBilisCrispyChickenw/Fragrant 142. Op OporAyamGreenCurryChicken CoconutSpicesboneless ᯭᲛ$10.99 boneless ᭞֝בᲛ$10.99 136. Ay AyamPercikGrilledChickenwCoconut 143. Ha HainaneseDeepFriedChickenHalf Sauceboneless ඹདᲛᑵ$12.50 with bone ๑Ӯ᧚ᲛӦԵ $16.99 137. Salt&PepperChickenGristle DeepFriedChicken Wings w/Salt & 144. De with bone ᄡᲛᑠᰣ$8.99 Garlic Chili with bone ᄡᲛᏢ$12.99 Beef ྦᐛዝ 151. 152. 3. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. MangoBeefฐयᓴ౦ྥᐚ$10.99 Curry Beef Flank֝ྥבᒅ$10.99 Cu SambalSaucewith Beef Be Beefwith BlackPepperSauce 159. Sa ʻࣄྥᐚ$10.99 ᳫྥᐚ$10.99 Be BeefwithSataySauce 160. Be BeefRendangࣄˋྥᐚ$13.99 ྚྥᐚ$10.99 Be 161. BeefRendangwithPetai KungPohBeefMalaysianStyle Ku ࣄˋྥᐚᒮ$15.99 ᯰࠌγྥᐚ$10.99 Fr 162. FriedBelacanBeef Ho HouseSpecialChiliPepper Beef ᯰಖ༱ྥᐚ$11.99 ࢵᦴྥᐚ$10.99 163. BroccoliwithBeef BitterMelonwithBeef ᜴Пᔈྥᐚ$11.99 яၠྥᐚ$10.99 164. Mushroom&GreenOnionwBeef Sh ShreddedCrispyBeefwChili ᱤᘲᖕᗍྏྥᐚ$11.99 ࣯༱ྥಏˌ$11.99 165. BeefwithTomato ᘉᔵྥᐚ$1099 Vegetables ᘂᖝዝ 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. No Nonya Dried Eggplant 180. Salted Fish w/Chinese Broccoli ᯭᔵߔ$9.99 ְ᱒༱ᓽП$10.99 Fr FriedEggplantwMincedChicken 181. BeanSprout w/Salted Fish No NonyaStyleᔄᘋᔵߔ$9.99 ְ᱒༱ᔎᖜ$9.99 FriedEggplantwSambalSauce 182. Fr IpohBeanSprout γᔎᖜ$7.99 Ip ʻࣄᔵߔ$9.99 183. BelacanGreenBean Be NonyaEggplantwGreenBean & ᯰಖ̲$9.99 DriedShrimpᔵߔᝇ༱ᙊዚ$9.99 IIpoh p 184. Style Assorted Vegetables γ࠴༱$9.99 Ka KangKungBelacan ᯰಖᖜ$10.99 Fr 185. FriedBelacanAsparagus ᯰಖ༱ᓾቴ$1099 KangKungwPreservedBean 186. Fr FriedBelacanLadyFinger CurdSauceᑻ˽ᖜ$10.99 ᯰಖᎼᝇ$999 Th ThaiKangKungฐय༱ᖜ$10.99 Cu 187. Curry Mixed Vegetables FriedBelacanBitterMelon Fr ̣֝בᖜུ$999 ᯰಖ༱ᔪၠ$9.99 188. LettuceInOysterSauce Ch ChineseBroccoliPreserved ᙖෳၶᖜ$799 BelacanSauce ᯰಖ༱ᓽП$9.99 189. Fried Vegetable w/Garlic ᗜᗨᖜॶ$899 Popular Item Ex Hot Extra Ho Hot Nut Date: Dec 2015 PanFriedNoodleMalaysiaSpecials ༲ዠnj᭧ዝ 191. 192. 2. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. PenangCharKweiTeowFriedHor 198. SoohoonGorengᯰ༱пዟ$8.99 199. Fried Vermicelli w/Salted Fish FunwMixedSeafood പۡ༱Ѩ$8.99 ְ᱒༱ዚዟ$9.50 MeeGorengYellowNoodleswith Me 200. FriedVermicelliwShrimps& SeafoodinSambalSauce ᯰ༱᭦$9.50 Fr DriedShrimps ᧚ӆ༱ዚ$9.50 Fried Hor Fun w/ClamsᙝᐚѨ$8.99 Fried Spicy Coarse Noodle Fr 201. SeafoodScrambledEggChow FunKwei Teow Siram Wa Tan Hor ࠑ˸༱༑ዟ$9.50 202. Vermicelliwith MixedMeat ๑ᱤ໎ᙫ$9.25 ̣᩼༱ዚ$8.80 Be Belacan Seafood Hor Fun ᯰಖ༱ዟ$9.25 Me 203. Mee Siam ዚᒠ$9.25 HorFun& CrispyNoodles PadThaiฐय༱$9.50 204. 4. Pa wSeafoodᲩᲦ໎ᙫ$9.99 205. Singapore Fried Noodles Si Hokkien Meeለत᭦$9.25 ฮ༱ዚ$8.99 Rice ᯌዝ 230. 231. IndonesianFriedRiceӾࡈ༱ᯋ$9.99 239. Mixed Meat w/Rice Noodles or Hor HainaneseChickenonRice Fun +$1 ̣ནᯋ᭦ዟ $9.25 ๑ӮᲛᯋ$9.50 240. SambalBeeforChickenwRice Sa DeepFriedHainaneseChicken ʻࣄྥᐚᲛᯋ$9.25 onRiceཀ๑ӮᲛᯋ$9.99 Kung Poh Chicken or Beef w/Rice 241. Ku SaltedFish&MincedChicken ࠌγྥᐚᲛᯋ$9.25 FriedRiceְ᱒Მዡ༱ᯋ$9.50 242. CurryChickenorBeefFlankwRice Cu Nasi Lemak Coconut Rice Served Na ֝בᲛྥᒅᯋ$9.25 w/Curry Chicken, Egg, Peanut & Be or Chicken w/Black Pepper 243. Beef Ikan Bilisᯰᯋ$9.80 SeafoodPineappleFriedRice Sauce on Rice ᳫྥᐚᲛᯋ$9.25 244. MixedVegetablesChicken or Beef ᖟᖶ๑ᱤ༱ᯋ$9.50 Chicken & Shrimps Fried Rice w/Rice ఽᖜྥᐚᲛᯋ$9.25 5. Na Lemak w/Banana Leaf 245. ᙊᲛ༱ᯋ$8.99 Nasi ᘋՀඹᯋ$4.50 NasiGorengFriedRicewSeafood Na 246. CoconutRice ඹᯋ$2.50 inBelacanSauceᯰ༱ᯋ$9.50 247. Hainan Rice Მෳᯋ$2.50 Satay Chicken/Beef/Seafood Sa 248. Steamed Rice ᄆᯋ$2.00 w/Rice or Noodles +$1 ྚᲛྥ๑ᱤᯋ᭦ $9.50 SoupNoodles ዠnjዛnj᭧ዝ 211. 1. 212. 213. 3. 214. 215. 217. 7. 218. 219. 220. Pe Penang Prawn Mee Weekend Only പۡᙊ්᭦Եᬌֆళ $9.25 Penang Assam Laksa SourSpicyFishSoupNoodles Pe പۡ̍ԟՄ$9.50 Singapore Laksa Curry Soup Noodles w/Coconut Milk Si ளҪڸՄ$9.50 Shredded Chicken & Hor Fun in Curry Soup ֝בᲛˌ්$9.50 Sh Fish Head Bee Hoon Noodles ᱒්ܿዚ$8.50 Tom Yam Seafood Noodles in Soup or Chicken in Soup To п๑ᱤᲛ්ዚ$9.50 Fish Ball Noodles in Soup᱒ெппዟ$9.99 Hor Fun & Shredded Chicken in Soup Ipoh StyleγᲛˌ්$8.80 Cu Curry Beef Flank or Chicken Soup Noodle֝ྥבᒅ֝בᲛ්᭦$9.50 Popular Item Ex Hot Extra Ho Hot Nut Date: Dec 2015 265. Bitter Melon Vegs Chicken яၠገᲛ$10.99 266. Vegs Chicken w/Chestnut in Casserole ಠߔገᲛུ$11.99 VegsSatay5pcs ገྚᲛ͇̊ $8.50 Ve 267. Ch Chili Tempeh ᯭᣰ˜᠄$9.50 Ve Vegs Gado GadoገҪܲҪܲ$7.99 268. Vegs Braised Tofuገጙདᑻ$8.99 Ve VegsTauhuTofu Goreng 269. Vegs Tofu Deep Fried in ገᯰཀᑻ$7.80 KungPohVegsChicken/Shrimp/ Ku Black Bean Sauce ገ៱ඹᑻ$8.99 Squid ࠌγገᲛ/ᙊ/᱓᱒$10.99 270. Vegs Tofu Egg Plant Deep Fried Mango Vegs Chicken/Shrimp/ in Casserole ገᑻᔵඹུ$9.99 Squid ገฐयᓴ౦Მ/ᙊ/᱓᱒$10.99 271. Vegs Tom Yam Vermicelli Soup Ve Gr Green Curry Vegs Chicken/Shrimp/ ገп්ዚ$8.99 Squid ገ᭞֝בᲛ/ᙊ/᱓᱒$11.99 272. Ve Vegs Singapore Laksa Vegs Ve Curry Mixed Vegetables ገளҪڸՄ$9.25 in Casseroleገ̣֝בᖜུ$9.99 273. Vegs Mee Gorengገᯰ༱᭦$8.99 Ve Braised Tofu w/Vegs Chicken 274. Vegs Char Kuei Teow ገѨ$8.50 in CasseroleጙདᑻገᲛུ$11.99 275. Mixed Vegs Hor Fun with No Nonya Vegs Chicken/Shrimp/ Scrambled Egg ̣ᖜ໎ᙫ$8.50 Squid ޙਉገᲛ/ᙊ/᱓᱒$10.99 276. Vegs Salted Fish w/Vermicelli De Fried Tauhu Tofu w/Salt & Deep orRice ገְ᱒༱ዚ༱ᯋ$8.99 Chiliᄡᑻ$8.99 277. Vegs Ve Tom Yam Fried Rice De DeepFriedGreen Bean w/Salt& ገп༱ᯋ$8.50 Chiliᄡ̲$8.99 Sp 278. Spicy Preserved Veggies Fried De DeepFriedAsparagusw/Salt& Rice ገᣰ։ᖜ༱ᯋ$8.00 Chiliᄡᓾቴ$9.99 279. Vegs Mixed Vegetables Fried De DeepFriedEgg Plantw/Salt& Rice ገ̣ᖜ༱ᯋ$8.00 Chiliᄡᔵߔ$8.99 280. Vegs Special Platter Vegs Satay Ve De DeepFriedTempehw/Salt& Chicken/Shrimp/Poh Pia/Spring Chiliᄡ˜᠄$9.99 Rolls/Mango Salad ገૂᄧገྚ Მ/ᙊ/ᘘᯖ/ཀԃ/ᓴ౦ડ $22.99 Vegetarian ጉᮼ 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. L S Ve Tom Yam Chicken/Seafood Soup ገпᲛ/๑ᱤ්$899$1399 Vegs Mixed Vegetables Soup ̣ᖜ්$799$1299 VegsSweetCornTofuSoupየዚᑻ්$799$1299 VegsHot&SourSoupገᦺᣰ් Ve $799$1299 281. 282. 283. 284. Drinks ᯍֶ Desserts ၶֶ 301. Soya Milkู$2.50 315. Apam Balikܷே᭦$4.99 302. Chendolဢܲс$6.99 316. Nonya Kuih 3pcs Weekend Only 303. Winter Melon Longan Drink ޙਉዼ$3.99 пၠᴜᅊප$2.99 317. Fried Banana w/Ice Cream 307. Grass Jelly Iceяዟс$3.99 ཀᯭᘋᭂዼ$4.99 318. Buboh Cha Cha Sweet Potato, Bean, 308. Ice Tea шಇᕏ$2.99 Yam & Coconut Milk آآ$5.99 310. Durian Ice ഠᖈс$8.99 319. Pulut Hitam Black Glutinous 311. Coconut Drink ߔප$4.99 Rice w/Coconut Milkᳫጄዚዽප$5.99 312. Red Bean Freeze w/Ice Cream 320. Ice Kacang ABC ̣ᭂ$7.99 ᭂዼጙс$5.99 321. Mixed Fruit Icẹ᩼ၶ౦с$8.99 313. Bubble Tea ဢဨݚᕏ$4.99 322. Vanilla Ice Cream ᯭᕘᭂዼ$3.50 314. Assorted Pop Չयීප$1.50 304. 305. 306. 309. 323. Cold Hot White Coffee ᄆ֝$3.99$299 Teh Talikડᕏ$3.99$299 MiloᎾህ$4.99$3.99 Ginger Tea བޅᕏ$2.99 Green Tea Pot ፮ᕏ ܧ$2.99 ͓6RKGYKOTLUXS[YULGT_LUUJGRRKXMOKY ͓'RRULU[XLUUJYSG_IUTZGOTZXGIKYULT[ZYVKGT[ZYGTJUXUZNKXGRRKXMKTVXUJ[IZY ͓/ZKSYGTJVXOIKYY[HPKIZZUINGTMK]OZNU[ZTUZOIK͓6OIZ[XKYGXKLUXXKLKXKTIKV[XVUYKUTR_ ͓ߎڃௐ࣒߄ߑѫݎઇਰ۪ࣿҿѕՕږଋݽङௐߕͫ߄ײѠѾௐ࣒ଋͫݽબޝऽѫ߆ԇմҁӟ؍澞 Popular Item Ex Hot Extra Ho Hot Nut Date: Dec 2015
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