Bert Vanden Berghe: Sale of all pigeons


Bert Vanden Berghe: Sale of all pigeons
Bert Vanden Berghe: Sale of all pigeons*
Original Gaby
1st National Agen /
Bordeaux 2013
Original Gaby
2nd National Ace
Pigeon KBDB Long
Distance 2013
Original Gaby
12th National Ace Pigeon
KBDB Great Middle
Distance 2013
the very best is good enough for Bert and he knows how to recognise top quality pigeons.
“ Only
He is the owner of one of the most exclusive collections of Gaby pigeons in the world, his results
are the best proof! In 2012 & 2013 he was one of the best long distance racers in Belgium!
- Gaby Vandenabeele
Bert Vanden Berghe
Superloft mainly based on Gaby Vandenabeele pigeons
Sale of all old birds - except raced young birds 2013
Bert Vanden Berghe,
determined to succeed
The East-Flemish Bert Vanden Berghe has made a major
contribution to the history of pigeon racing in Belgium in recent
years. In search of success, he paid a visit to the loft of Gaby
Vandenabeele back in the 1990. Gaby has become a good friend but
he is most of all a supplier of top quality pigeons for the 48 year old
entrepreneur. Bert finally decided to compete under his own name
in 1995 and it was a great success right from the start. He has really
been able to dominate the national competition in a short period of
an important element as well. Bert has always been told to aim for
the top and this helped him reach the national heights in Belgium,
where he is one of the big stars thanks to his passion, his eye for
detail and his ambition.
Bert Vanden Berghe is a son of two very ambitious parents and he
was born in the late 1960s in the region of Waregem, which at the
time was known for its flax farms. His father Roger and his mother
Esther had worked very hard to develop their own carpet company,
where wool and jute was used for the production of beautifully
handcrafted carpets that were sold all over the world. They had to
work hard while also raising four children, who were soon looking
to find their own way. Their children have always been full of
Bert Vanden Berghe has devoted his life to managing the carpet
company nv Roger Vanden Berghe, which made it difficult for him
to find time to run a loft on his own. That is why Bert had to wait
until 2011 before he could run his own loft independently with a
team of talented pigeons ready to compete in the nationals. This
was quite a challenge. Many fanciers, as
well as his suppliers Gaby Vandenabeele
and Marc Pollin, predicted that he would
reach his goal for sure. The two champions
Bert Vanden
were quite right.
Berghe has
always been told
to aim for the top
Prizes won in 2013 with yearlings and two year old pigeons
1st Nat. Bordeaux/Agen 5,507 old birds
1st-2nd Nat. Zone Limoges 5,742 old birds
2nd Nat. Libourne 6,658 old birds
4th-8th Nat. Limoges 14,271 old birds
1st-14th-37th-56th Nat. Zone Poitiers 3,342 yearlings
3rd-45th Nat. Poitiers 13,135 yearlings
2nd Nat. Ace Pigeon Long Distance Old Birds KBDB
12th Nat. Ace Pigeon Longer Middle Distance Old Birds KBDB
The life of Bert Vanden Berghe
is characterised by successful
entrepreneurship. This comes down to
good decision making but being able to
deal with disappointment and bad luck is
initiative. Bert admired the way in which his parents were able to
manage both their company and a four children family with great
passion. They were very committed and their goal was to succeed,
both as parents and as company managers. It seems that Bert has
inherited his drive and ambition from his parents, but it could
well be that this is a characteristic of every Vanden Berghe family
and branches in Belgium but also in Bulgaria. This company had a
great future thanks to the drive of Bert’s mother Esther.
Esther Vanden Berghe allowed her children time to develop and
to pursue their dreams. That is why Bert was free to develop his
interest in pigeon racing. He was only six years old when he had a
small space in the garden to keep a round of 16 young birds from
his uncle, Antoon Laverge. He competed in races up to the middle
distance and despite his lack of experience he managed to have a
few pigeons finish amongst the then most successful fanciers. In
the national days, that take place after the season, Bert was handed
a trophy for youngest independent member in Belgium, which he
received from champion, Guus Taverne.
The Vanden Berghe family received a lot of support from their
relatives. Bert has great memories of his grandfather, Jerome
Vanden Berghe and his uncle, Antoon Laverge, where he had to
stay regularly. The two were pigeon fanatics and their enthusiasm
sparked the interest of Bert as well. Bert had witnessed the
dedication of their parents in successfully running their company
and he recognised the same drive in the way Jerome and Antoon
were running their pigeon loft. They knew the feeling of winning
and this appealed to him. Bert saw that
success made them happy, whether it
was in their hobby or in a professional
career. However, Bert has always been
Bert won a trophy told that you have to be dedicated.
This trophy for youngest independent fancier meant a great deal
in his early career. The greatest champions of Belgium and The
Netherlands saw how passionate he was and they invited him
to their renowned pigeon lofts. On his journey among these lofts
he had the chance to see several great pigeons while receiving
invaluable advice. It proved a valuable experience that would
further shape his philosophy as a fancier. First of all, he was
convinced that top quality pigeons are indispensable to make it
to the top, but that is also vital to find your own way in the sport.
Nearly every pigeon fancier uses his very own approach or methods
and it is not a good idea to try and use every method that you
know. You can make a difference by thinking differently and this
applies to pigeon racing as well as any other sport.
for Youngest
Member in Belgium
at the age of six
The combination of joy of life and
ambition that clearly characterised the
Vanden Berghe family was seriously
disrupted when Bert was six years old.
His father Roger had health issues and
he was diagnosed with lung cancer.
There was no hope for him and he
passed away at the age of 38. Bert’s
mother Esther had to take up the role
of head of the family more than ever. She raised her family, but
she was also destined to continue her life’s work and that of her
husband. She is very energetic and this motivated her family and
the employees of her company. The nv Roger Vanden Berghe
developed into a mayor carpet factory with hundreds of employees
Bert enjoyed racing pigeons until he was twelve years old. Every
season again the second round from his uncle Antoon was moved
to Desselgem and they were brought back to their home loft by
the end of the season, where they often performed very well as old
birds. Antoon Laverge taught him the basics of pigeon fancying
and Bert already had his own interpretation. Bert could really do
his own thing as a fancier: he learned to take responsibility for his
pigeon family, to reach his goals and to manage his loft at an early
age. These skills proved very useful later on as an entrepreneur and
of course as a successful pigeon fancier.
brought to the loft of his uncle, Antoon Laverge and to his own loft.
Both Bert and his uncle put them to the test and they were very
successful: they have won provincial top prizes at a level they had
never reached before. It was a fresh start and a new friendship was
Bert became a successful businessman from his teens to his late
twenties, following in the footsteps of his father Roger and his
mother Esther. Unfortunately he could no longer keep pigeons
when he attended a secondary boarding school at the age of 12,
before completing a BBA degree in Antwerp. This knowledge
allowed Bert to find his place in the Roger Vanden Berghe company,
which he helped to develop into an important international player
in the carpet market. He sometimes came into contact with other
pigeon fanciers and he would always take
the time to discuss the ins and outs of pigeon
racing. A comeback as a fancier seemed
In the 1990s, shortly after his acquaintance with Gaby Vandeabeele,
Bert was eager to make a comeback and he decided to join forces
with Patrick Houfflijn from Wortegem, a highly skilled fancier.
Bert invested in young birds from Gaby Vandenabeele and the
youngsters from De Ronker (1st Nat.
Limoges 1995) and Blauwe Fideel (1st Nat.
Brive 1995) proved particularly successful.
I put my
The BE96-3314584 Zoon Blauwe Fideel
trust in Gaby
deserves special mention; he was to make
pigeon racing history.
to make a
Bert was annoyed that he could no longer
keep pigeons. He was still closely involved
in the sport as a sponsor but he really missed
the excitement of the pigeons and the races.
It seemed impossible to keep pigeons on his
own, so Bert focused on partnerships instead. Bert had showed in
his teens that he was an exceptionally skilled fancier; his search for
top quality pigeons became one of his priorities and this led him
to the loft of Gaby Vandenabeele in Dentergem, one of the greatest
champions of his time and a very kind person.
and his pigeons
Bert Vanden Berghe is a self-willed
fancier and this translates into a thorough and that has been
selection of direct Vandenabeele pigeons.
my best decision
Most fanciers would place these invaluable
Vandenabeele pigeons in the breeding
as a fancier
loft right after purchase, but Bert decided
to basket them for races first. That
explains why his renowned Zoon Blauwe Fideel had already been
a successful racing pigeon before he demonstrated his talent in
the breeding loft, becoming one of the best direct Vandenabeele
breeders ever.
Bert had witnessed the results of Gaby’s pigeons and he concluded
that these were probably the best pigeons for the middle distance
and the long distance in Belgium, especially in demanding races. He
received a warm welcome on his first visit to Gaby & Christine and
he was really impressed with the Vandenabeele pigeon, a pigeon
with great plumage and excellent navigation skills, which really
makes a difference. Bert ordered a round of eggs from his racing
pigeons that were bred in the loft of Polfliet in Huise, before being
Bert Vanden Berghe continued to visit the loft in Dentergem to
purchase rounds of eggs, because these pigeons had made his uncle
Antoon and his companion Patrick Houfflijn very successful. “Gaby
is an honest man” says Bert. “He has helped a lot of fanciers and
everybody who purchased pigeons from him has achieved great
results, which is really special. In fact we got along very well right
from the beginning and this is important too. I put my trust in Gaby
Vandenabeele and his pigeons and that has been my best decision
as a fancier.”
Bert has had great successes in the partnerships with Houfflijn and
Verschuere, but he knew that the ultimate goal of his career as a
fancier was to be running an exceptional
pigeon family entirely on his own. A
15 year collaboration came to an end
After a 15-year
in 2011 and he built a modern and well
collaboration Bert
equipped pigeon loft in his garden in
Wortegem-Petegem. We might as well
Vanden Berghe
call it a pigeon villa. Bert wanted his
finally reached his
loft to be occupied by great pigeons
so he paid another visit to the trusted
goal in 2011: to
pigeon family of Gaby Vandenabeele
independently run
in Dentergem. In 2011 he purchased a
round of young birds from Gaby and
a top class pigeon
the iconic Marc Pollin. Bert’s young
birds originate from the best pigeons
of these great champions. He added
a few top quality pigeons of Geert
Vanrenterghem, Rik Cools (for instance the renowned Pipo), P & D
Houfflijn, Etienne Devos and De Rauw-Sablon through PIPA later
Bert Vanden Berghe had become a true pigeon fancier once again.
He knew where he could find great pigeons and he had proved that
his insights could lead to amazing results when combined with a
talented partner. In 2002 he entered into a new partnership with
Jacques Verschuere from Beveren-Leie, where the Roger Vanden
Berghe company is located as well. Jacques had proven to be a
skilled fancier with such top results as a 3rd Nat. Montauban, a 1st
prov. Bourges and a 2nd Nat. Ace Pigeon Long Distance KBDB.
Bert would provide top class pigeons
for this new Verschuere-Vanden Berghe
The Vandenabeele
pigeons were
used once more
and they were the
key to success yet
Bert soon introduced the renowned
Vandenabeele pigeons in the lofts
of Jacques Verschuere, who added
pigeons from his own successful Vooruit
bloodline as well. This soon proved
to be a very successful partnership:
Verschuere-Vanden Berghe won a 1st
prov. Angoulême and a 1st interprov.
Châteauroux and they were very close
to a national victory in 2006, which is a unique feat for any fancier,
if it wasn’t for the KBDB and its rigid rules. This is something
Bert is still upset about and he still thinks his fastest pigeon from
Belgium in Limoges 2006 deserves a reward, as well as the fancier
himself of course. Luckily enough, their other successes have made
up for it. Bert was one of the stars of 2013 with two national first
prizes in the zone and a long list of national top prizes. His partner,
Jacques Verschuere did equally well with a first Nat. La Souterraine
yearlings (fastest of 20,773 p.) and a first Nat. Brive 8,337 pigeons in
a single week. His stock pigeons are descendants of the provincial
winners of the Verschuere-Vanden Berghe combination.
Prizes won in 2011 with young birds only:
Winner (1st-3rd-4th-9th) of the famous
Guldensporen Race from Blois against 3,090 pigeons
Prizes won in 2012 with yearlings only:
8th-36th-51st-53rd–67th Nat. Chateauroux 15,902 p.
8th–15th–24th Nat. Zone Montluçon 7,828 p.
33rd Nat. Bordeaux 5,480 p.
49th Nat. Argenton 22,384 p.
72nd Nat. Limoges 17,735 p.
3rd–4th Nat. Libourne 7,958 p.
50th–77th Nat. Narbonne 6,933 p.
86th Nat. Tulle 10,251 p.
Bert Vanden Berghe together with his daughter Alice and his loftmanager Wim Dewitte
An important step in achieving results is finding a team of excellent
loft managers. Bert has to travel abroad regularly as the CEO of
the Roger Vanden Berghe company, so it was important for him
to gather a team of reliable assistants. Bert noticed in the club in
Rekkem that the majority of fanciers had their pigeons basketed by
the same person. This man does great work and Bert knew he was
the man for the job. That man was Wim Dewitte, son of top fancier
Etienne De Witte, who was willing to basket the pigeons for the
Bert Vanden Berghe family together with his wife Vicky. Wim takes
care of the pigeons from 4 o’clock in the afternoon, after his daytime
job at the nv Roger Vanden Berghe. Jurie Vanryckeghem will take
care of the pigeons in the morning. He has been a pigeon fancier
since 2012 and he has been doing well, with the help of a few Bert
Vanden Berghe pigeons.
Bert Vanden Berghe is in charge in his loft, just like in his
professional career. He takes the important decisions, he gives
directions and he makes adjustments when necessary, which has
led to instant results. His young birds were very strong in 2011 and
the yearlings took three national top 10 prizes in 2012. In 2013 Bert
could not keep up with the number of national results, including
two first prizes in the zone and three second prizes in the zone. His
first national from Agen is the season’s highlight.
Bert Vanden Berghe has reached his goal. It all began with a trophy
for youngest independent member at the age of six and today he
is one of the big stars in the competition in Belgium. He has good
lofts and a great team, but he has most of all an exceptional pigeon
family. We have never seen a fancier rise to the top in such a short
time span and this can only be possible with a group of exceptional
pigeons. Bert has become a great fancier at a very early age and
now the best fanciers at national and international level will agree
that Bert Vanden Berghe is among the very best pigeon fanciers of
Amazing Original Gaby Vandenabeele Collection
1st National Agen/Bordeaux 2013
1. National Agen/Bordeaux ’13 5.507 Old Birds
50. National Narbonne 2012 6.933 Yearlings
54. International 16.098 Yearlings
Goliath - Son Neptunus
BE07-4361085 Daughter Champion Chris
Hebberecht - 2nd National Acepigeon
Long Distance KBDB 2005
Grandson Wittenbuik - Inbred Kleinen
Sandrine - Inbred Wittenbuik
Dreamy - Granddaughter Wittenbuik
12th National Acepigeon Great Middle Distance KBDB 2013
Miche National
6. National Bourges Zone A2 2013 3.489 Old Birds
92. National 19.655 Old Birds
14. National Poitiers 2013 Zone A2 3.120 Old Birds
34. National 13.813 Old Birds
15. National Montluçon Zone A 2012 7.828 Yearlings
245. National 22.875 Yearlings
24. National Limoges Zone A 2012 7.419 Yearlings
72. National 17.735 Yearlings
24. National La Souterraine I Zone A2 2013 1.974 Old Birds
56. National 9.548 Old Birds
35. National Châteauroux Zone A 2012 6.962 Yearlings
36. National 15.902 Yearlings
Inbred Kleinen
Titus - Inbred Wittenbuik
Daughter Wittenbuik
BE03-6226043 - Den Argenton
1st National Argenton Jos & Jules Engels
Florke - Jos & Jules Engels
Halfsister Marieke Jos & Jules Engels
Nestsister Miche National
was named
after Michèle,
one of Bert’s
daughters. They
are fascinated by
pigeons, just like
he was as a child.
Foto Maarten Deboe
2nd National Acepigeon Long Distance KBDB 2013
1. National Limoges Zone A 2013 5.742 Old Birds
4. National 14.271 Old Birds
10. National Cahors Zone A 2013 2.801 Old Birds
160. National 8.570 Old Birds
11. International Agen/Bordeaux 2012 2.869 Hens
32. National 5.480 Yearlings
39. International 10.620 Yearlings
51. National Châteauroux Zone A 2012 6.962 Yearlings
53. National 15.902 Yearlings
59. National Souillac Zone A 2013 2.435 Old Birds
72. National 5.282 Old Birds
72. International Narbonne 2012 5.098 Hens
Pipo Wittenbuik - Son Wittenbuik
Royal Blue - Grandson Wittenbuik
BE99-4393724 - Patsy - Granddaughter
De Limoges x Topkweker Freddy
Bliksem - Basic Breeder
Mona - Daughter Bliksem
Frieda - Superbreeder
The best of Rudy
Super Romeo
Superbreeder Gaby Vandenabeele
Gaby Vandenabeele
1st National Acepigeon Yearlings
Long Distance KBDB 2013
Rudy follows in the footsteps
of his sire, Bliksem and his
great-grandfather Wittenbuik,
as the new top breeder in the
Gaby Vandenabeele loft!
Foto Dominique Velghe
Foto Dominique Velghe
The best of Rudy
Sapir Bliksem
Tulle Bliksem
8. National Montluçon Zone A 2012 7.828 Yearlings
180. National 22.875 Yearlings
38. National Bourges Zone A 2011 9.480 Young Birds
61. National 31.719 Young Birds
72. National Libourne Zone A 2012 2.826 Yearlings
226. National 7.957 Yearlings
151. National Châteauroux Zone A 2012 6.962 Yearlings
168. National 15.902 Yearlings
26. National Tulle Zone A 2013 2.209 Yearlings
118. National 6.972 Yearlings
80. National Souillac Zone A 2013 1.588 Yearlings
98. National 3.641 Yearlings
148. National Poitiers Zone A2 2013 3.342 Yearlings
497. National 13.135 Yearlings
157. Interprovincial Orléans 2013 3.790 Yearlings
Granddaughter Bliksem
Granddaughter Bliksem
The best of Rudy
Condor Bliksem
52. National Montauban Zone A 2013 2.687 Old Birds
97. National 6.772 Old Birds
99. National Brive Zone A 2013 3.279 Old Birds
126. National 8.331 Old Birds
161. National Tulle Zone A 2013 2.572 Old Birds
601. National 7.350 Old Birds
234. National Montluçon Zone A 2012 7.828 Yearlings
154. National Argenton Zone A 2012 10.695 Young Birds
200. National Argenton 2012 25.949 Young Birds
350. National Guéret Zone A 2012 7.174 Young Birds
923. National 16.988 Young Birds
49. Interprovincial Montrichard 2012 2.178 Young Birds
Super Breeding Hen
Mother Fyther : 1st Nat.
Agen/Bordeaux 2013
The best of Rudy
Bliksem Speed
Speedy Bliksem
120. National Poitiers Zone A2 2013 3.342 Yearlings
399. National 13.135 Yearlings
45. Interprovincial Tours 2012 1.252 Young Birds
122. Interprovincial Tours 2012 2.874 Young Birds
1.-3.-10.-12.-13.-15.-16.-… on short & middle distance races
8. -8.-16.-21.-34.-… on short & middle distance races
Granddaughter Bliksem
The best of Rudy
Zorro Bliksem
Mighty Bliksem
37. National Poitiers Zone A2 2013 3.342 Yearlings
103. National 13.135 Yearlings
5.-11.-14.-22.-… on short & middle distance races
More Original Gaby Vandenabeele Super Performers
3. National
1. National Poitiers Zone A2 2013 3.342 Yearlings
3. National 13.135 Yearlings
1. Angerville 2013 100 Yearlings
De Noël (topbreeder)
BE02-3255937 - Rambo II
Son Bliksem
BE09-3095085 - Steffie
Granddaughter Bliksem
More Original Gaby Vandenabeele Super Performers
Champ Falco
2. National
2. National Libourne 2013 6.658 Old Birds
35. National Bourges Zone A 2012 5.193 Yearlings
54. National 16.859 Yearlings
72. National Tulle Zone A 2012 3.473 Yearlings
86. National 10.251 Yearlings
De Noël (topbreeder)
BE01-4094638 - Champion - 2nd National
Acepigeon Long Distance KBDB 2005
Sister Jupiter
More Original Gaby Vandenabeele Super Performers
As Gaby
3. National
Son IJzeren As, 3rd National Acepigeon Long Distance KBDB 2006
3. National Libourne 2012 7.957 Yearlings
Jonge IJzeren
BE01-4424769 - IJzeren As - 3rd National
Acepigeon Long Distance KBDB 2006
Daughter Witkop
BE02-6503571 - Den Dirk
Grandson Kannibaal
Daughter Het Muiseke
More Original Gaby Vandenabeele Super Performers
Limoges Emperor
2. National Limoges Zone A 2013 5.742 Old Birds
8. National 14.271 Old Birds
101. National Tulle Zone A 2012 3.473 Yearlings
129. National 10.251 Yearlings
162. National Montluçon Zone A 2012 7.828 Yearlings
8. National
BE02-4333308 - Crack 308 - Direct
Aelbrecht - Son Marseille x 't Fijn Blauw
Nestsister 1st National Bourges
More Original Gaby Vandenabeele Super Performers
Mister Gaby 6 x top-200 National Zone
50. National Argenton Zone A 2012 8.476 Yearlings
51. National 15.902 Yearlings
45. National Tulle Zone A 2013 2.572 Old Birds
246. National 7.350 Old Birds
173. National Argenton Zone A 2012 8.476 Yearlings
433. National 22.384 Yearlings
109. National Cahors Zone A 2.801 Old Birds
679. National 8.570 Old Birds
164. National Libourne Zone A 2013 2.498 Old Birds
197. National 6.658 Old Birds
197. National Châteauroux Zone A2 2013 4.390 Old Birds
1. Interprovincial Blois 2011
3.090 Young Birds
1. Orléans 2011 998 Young Birds
Mr. Magic
Inbred Wittenbuik
Miss Gaby
More Original Gaby Vandenabeele Super Performers
Playgirl Wittenbuik
14. National Poitiers Zone A2 2013 3.342 Yearlings
45. National 13.135 Yearlings
67. National Bourges Zone A2 2013 2.377 Yearlings
511. National 13.588 Yearlings
122. National La Souterraine Zone A2 2013 2.146 Yearlings
344. National 11.236 Yearlings
367. National La Souterraine Zone A 2012 7.450 Young Birds
47. National Bourges Zone A2 2013 3.489 Old Birds
420. National 19.655 Old Birds
398. National Argenton Zone A 2012 8.476 Yearlings
3. Angerville 2012 373 Yearlings
Playboy Wittenbuik
Son Wittenbuik
Witpen Zorro
Full Sister 1st Prov. Ace
Pigeon Great Middle Dist
Son Bliksem
Super Maria
More Original Gaby Vandenabeele Super Performers
4 x top-100 National Zone
Ronaldo Wittenbuik
16. National Argenton Zone A 2012 8.476 Yearlings
49. National 22.384 Yearlings
83. National Limoges Zone A 2012 7.419 Yearlings
188. National Limoges 2012 17.735 Yearlings
120. National Montluçon Zone A 2012 7.828 Yearlings
288. National Bourges Zone A 2012 5.193 Yearlings
310. National Tulle 2012 10.251 Yearlings
129. Interprovincial Vierzon 2013 6.420 Old Birds
37. National Cahors Zone A 2013 2.801 Old Birds
355. National 8.570 Old Birds
39. National Limoges Zone A 2012 7.419 Yearlings
102. National 17.735 Yearlings
50. National Châteauroux Zone A2 2013 4.390 Old Birds
434. National 22.254 Old Birds
98. National Châteauroux Zone A 2012 6.962 Yearlings
109. National 15.902 Yearlings
215. National Bourges Zone A 2012 5.193 Yearlings
399. National 16.859 Yearlings
Mr. Bergerac
1st Nat. Acepigeon
Long Distance 2006
Grandson Wittenbuik
Daughter 'De Noël'
Full Sister 1st Nat. Guéret
More Original Gaby Vandenabeele Super Performers
Fred Bliksem
18. National Guéret Zone A 2012 7.174 Young Birds
107. National 16.988 Young Birds
104. National La Souterraine Zone A 2012 7.450 Young Birds
157. Interprovincial Blois 2012 5.645 Young Birds
1. Angerville 2013 107 Yearlings
2. Angerville 2012 273 Young Birds
3. Angerville 2013 109 Old Birds
54. National Montauban Zone A 2013 2.687 Old Birds
99. National 6.772 Old Birds
166. National Montluçon 2012 7.828 Yearlings
202. National Tulle Zone A 2012 3.473 Yearlings
267. National 10.251 Yearlings
228. National Limoges Zone A 2013 5.742 Old Birds
436. National 14.271 Old Birds
143. Interprovincial Vierzon 2013 6.420 Old Birds
Super Rambo
Double Grandson Bliksem
Daughter Marieke
More Original Gaby Vandenabeele Super Performers
5 x top-150 National Zone
2 x top-60 National Zone
24. National Montluçon Zone A 2012 7.828 Yearlings
310. National 22.875 Yearlings
54. National Argenton Zone A2 2013 3.455 Old Birds
64. National Châteauroux Zone A 2012 6.962 Yearlings
67. National 15.902 Yearlings
132. National Bourges Zone A2 2013 3.489 Old Birds
127. National Poitiers Zone A2 2013 3.122 Old Birds
381. National 13.813 Old Birds
2 x top-60 National Zone
50. National Tulle Zone A 2013 2.209 Yearlings
221. National 6.972 Yearlings
56. National Poitiers Zone A2 2013 3.342 Yearlings
159. National 13.153 Yearlings
Blauwe Ballon
Grandson Bliksem
Beauty Bond
Son James Bond
Grandson Bliksem
Daughter 1st Nat. Brive
More Original Gaby Vandenabeele Super Performers
Jason Blue
Captain Bliksem
165. National Bourges Zone A 2012 5.193 Yearlings
270. National 16.859 Yearlings
199. National Tulle Zone A 2012 3.473 Yearlings
264. National 10.251 Yearlings
327. National Châteauroux 2012 Zone A 6.962 Yearlings
403. National 15.902 Yearlings
5.-6.-7.-… Angerville
1. Angerville 2013 127 Old Birds
276. National Narbonne 2012 6.933 Yearlings
342. International Narbonne 16.098 Yearlings
Son Bliksem
Captain Blue
Son Bliksem
Granddaughter Bliksem
More Original Gaby Vandenabeele Super Performers
Grandson Wittenbuik
Granddaughter Bliksem
133. National Châteauroux Zone A2 2013 4.390 Old Birds
211. National Limoges Zone A 2012 Yearlings
452. National 17.735 Yearlings
5.-6.-8.-12.-… on short and middle distance races
Blois 2011 426 Young Birds
186. National Bourges 2011 9.480 Young Birds
322. National 31.719 Young Birds
Julia Wittenbuik
329. National Châteauroux Zone A 2012 6.962 Yearlings
405. National 15.902 Yearlings
4.-6.- … on short and middle distance races
Super Breeders Original Rik Cools
Granddaughter Victor
Original Rik Cools
Original Rik Cools
Pipo is father to:
1. Provincial Acepigeon Middle Distance Yearlings 2011
6. Provincial Acepigeon Great Middle Distance Yearlings 2011
6. Provincial Acepigeon Middle Distance Yearlings 2011
1. Provincial Argenton
5. Provincial Tours
6. Provincial Châteauroux
7. Provincial Bourges
Granddaughter Victor is mother to:
1. Provincial Châteauroux
5. Provincial Châteauroux
9. Provincial La Châtre
8. Provincial Acepigeon
Middle Distance Yearlings 2011
Original Etienne Devos Performers
Son Stijn
Stijn (Topbreeder and brother Witpen Rivaldo,
1st National Acepigeon Extreme
Long Distance KBDB 2012) x
Daughter Stanics (1st Nat. Limoges)
22. National Libourne Zone A 2013
2.243 Yearlings
28. National 6.134 Yearlings
Original Etienne Devos Performers
Halfbrother Witpen Rivaldo
Daughter Cancellara
(Witpen Rivaldo is 1st National Acepigeon
Extreme Long Distance KBDB 2012)
(Cancellara is 3 x 1st Provincial Winner)
49. National Argenton Zone A2 2013 4.800 Yearlings
211. National Bourges Zone A2 2013 2.377 Yearlings
2.-5.-… on short and middle distance races
61. National Libourne Zone A 2013 2.243 Yearlings
76. National 6.134 Yearlings
More Performers
Fideel 25
Son of Markus
(Grandson Blauwe Fideel 1st National Brive 1995,
Grandson De Limoges)
6th National Acepigeon Long Distance KBDB 2005
Original Marc Pollin
Original Patrick & Dimitri Houfflijn
77. National Narbonne 2012 6.933 Yearlings
86. International 16.098 Yearlings
18. National Libourne Zone A 2013 2.243 Yearlings
24. National 6.134 Yearlings
Gaby Vandenabeele
No less than 13 Belgian National victories in 2013 were won by Gaby
Vandenabeele bloodlines :
1st National Bourges I
Dirk Moens
1st National Limoges
Nicolas Bascourt
1st National Poitiers
J & G Mispelaere
1st National Guéret
Franky Appelmans
1st National Agen Old Birds
Bert Vanden Berghe
1st National Agen Yearlings
Joël Verschoot
1st National La Souterraine
Jacques Verschuere
1st National Brive
Jacques Verschuere
1st National Brive
Joël Verschoot
1st National Bourges II
Tony Lievens
1st National Tulle
Ivan Vanvuchelen
1st National Argenton
Matthias Coel
1st National Issoudun
Albert Derwa
And also with direct Gaby Vandenabeele pigeons :
1st National ace pigeon long distance yearlings KBDB 2013
by Gaby Vandenabeele
2nd National ace pigeon long distance old birds KBDB 2013
by Bert Vanden Berghe
Photos :
Eentveldstraat 18
B-9910 Knesselare (Belgium)
P: +32 9 374 38 87
F: +32 9 236 60 32