Available online at ScienceDirect Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 15(2006)247-252 Journalof Natural Gas Chemstry SCIENCE PRESS www.elsevier.m%catdjomnoeate/jngc Article The Effect of Sulfate Ion on the Isomerization of n-Butane to iso-Butane Sugeng Triwahyonol*, Zalizawati Abdullah2, Aishah Abdul Jali12 1 . Ibnu Sina Instatute for Fundamental Science Studies, 2. Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 8131 0 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia [Manuscript received October 18, 20061 Abstract: The effect of sulfate ion (SO%-) loading on the properties of Pt/SO:--ZrOz and on the catalytic isomerization of n-butane to iso-butane was studied. The catalyst was prepared by impregnation of Zr(0H)A with H2S04 and platinum solution followed by calcination at 600 "C. Ammonia T P D and FT-IR were used to confirm the distribution of acid sites and the structure of the sulfate species. Nitrogen physisorption and X-ray diffraction were used to confirm the physical structures of Pt/SO:--ZrO2. XRD pattern showed that the presence of sulfate ion stabilized the metastable tetragonal phase of zirconia and hindered the transition of amorphous phase to monoclinic phase of zirconia. Ammonia TPD profiles indicated the distributions of weak and medium acid sites observed on 0.1 N and 1.0 N sulfate in the loaded catalysts. The addition of 2.0 N and 4.0 N sulfate ion generated strong acid site and decreased the weak and medium acid sites. However, the XRD results and the specific surface area of the catalysts indicated that the excessive amount of sulfate ion collapsed the structure of the catalyst. The catalysts showed high activity and stability for isomerization of n-butane to iso-butane at 200 "C under hydrogen atmosphere. The conversion of n-butane to iso-butane per specific surface area of the catalyst increased with the increasing amount of sulfate ion owing to the existence of the bidentate sulfate and/or polynucleic sulfate species ((ZrO)zSOz), which acts as an active site for the isomerization. Key words: sulfate ion; strong acid site; isomerization; n-butane; Zr; Pt 1. Introduction Catalyzed isomerization of alkane is one of the important processes in petroleum refining to produce high quality gasoline because of the capability to modify the octane number of gasoline. In industrial processes, acid catalyst is known as a media for the conversion of alkane into iso-alkane. However, the catalysts such as HF, and catalysts containing halides have many disadvantages and are not suitable for the isomerization of alkanes. HF is particularly dangerous while catalysts containing halides such as AlC13 or sulphuric acid are corrosive and pose significant environmental challenges including the disposal of waste [l-3). * Corresponding author. E-mail: Considerable interest has been focused on the use of strong solid acids based on anion-modified zirconium oxide catalyst. Recently, many investigations have been focused on Pt/SO;--ZrOz because it was reported t o exhibit higher activity and selectivity in the isomerization of c 4 - C ~ [4,5]. In addition, the sulfated zirconia showed catalytic activities for diversified acid-catalyzed reactions at low temperature. This catalytic performance is unique when compared to typical solid acid catalysts, such as zeolites, which are mesoporous materials showing no activity for the reaction a t such low temperature. Zirconia possesses weak acid and basic properties and has no capacity for alkane isomerization. It has been realized that the catalytic activity depends on 248 Sugeng Tkiwahyono et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 the acid-based properties of ZrO2. The sulfate ion (SO;-) content has a significant effect on the catalyst performance. The presence of SO;- promotes the acidity and activity towards the isomerization of alkane. Yori et al. proposed that the addition of the SO;- ion, an electron-rich anion, produces a very strong Lewis acid-based pair [6]. This is because of the inductive effect of the S=O groups, which produces an electronic deficiency markedly increasing the Lewis acidity of the zirconia cations. The acid sites are classified into two groups, Broensted and Lewis acid sites. The Broensted acid site also known as the protonic acid site usually exists in the form of a hydroxyl group, whereas the Lewis acid site usually appears as an unsaturated metal. The Broensted acid site is involved in the surface intermediate formation by protonation of alkane. The protonation either to a C-H bond or to a C-C bond forms pentacoordinated carbonium ion, and this carbonium ion liberates one hydrogen or one alkane molecule while leaving the carbenium ion as intermediate in the isomerization [7]. The major concern of this research is t o elucidate the effect of sulfate ion loaded on the properties of Pt/SO;--ZrOz, in terms of the acidity and activity on the isomerization of n-butane to iso-butane. 2. Experimental 2.1. Preparation of catalyst The sulfate ion-treated SO;--ZrOz was prepared by impregnation of zirconium hydroxide Zr (OH)4 with H2SO4 aqueous solution followed by filtration and drying a t 110 "C. The concentration of the H2S04 aqueous solution was varied: 0.5 N, 1.0 N, 2.0 N, and 4.0 N. The SO;--ZrOz was obtained by calcination of the SO;--Zr(OH)4 at 600 "C under static air for 3 h ~~91. The Pt/SO;--ZrOz was prepared by impregnation of the SO;--ZrOn with H2ClsPt.BH20 solution followed by drying and calcination at 600 "C in air for 3 h and obtained 0.5wt% Pt in Pt/SO;--Zr02. The X-ray powder diffraction pattern of the Sample was recorded on a JEOL X-ray diffractometer JDX-3500 with a Cu-Ka 40 kV, 45 mA radiation source. The diffraction spectrum range was 20-90' and the scanning speed and step were 1 s and 0.050°, respectively. The ammonia T P D test was done on JEOL Multitask TPD-MS. The sample was pre-treated with He flow at 400 "C for 2 h, it was then cooled with He flow until 100 "C. The sample was outgassed at 100 "C until it reached torr; the sample was then exposed t o dehydrated ammonia at 100 "C for 30 min (30 torr) followed by purging with He flow to remove excess ammonia. T P D was run at room temperature up to 900 "C with a heating rate of 10 "C/min. IR measurement was done using a Perkin-Elmer Spectrum One FT-IR Spectrometer equipped with a MCT detector. A self-supported wafer placed in an in-situ IR cell was pre-treated at 400 "C for 3 h and outgassed a t 400 "C in hydrogen flow for 3 h. The measurements were done at room temperature. The process was repeated with the samples with different SO;- loadings. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was conducted by the T G analysis system (Perkin Elmer Pyris Diamond TG/DTA). The sample was pretreated under N2 flow at 300 "C for 1 h. The sample temperature was then cooled to 50 "C before the Sample was heated up to a final calcination temperature of 950 "C at a heating rate of 5 "C/min under Nz flow. 2.3. Catalyst testing Isomerization of n-butane was done in an online microreactor system at 200 "C for 15 min in the presence of hydrogen (100 ml/min, atmospheric pressure) and in saturated n-butane. 0.4 g of catalyst sieved to 35-80 mesh was charged for each catalytic testing. The reaction products were analyzed by online gas chromatography, using VZ-7 packed column with hydrogen, nitrogen, and helium as the carrier gases. 3. Results and discussion 2.2. Characterization of the catalyst 3.1. Physical structure The surface area and the pore distribution of the catalyst were determined using a COULTER SA3100 apparatus. The sample was treated and outgassed at 300°C for 3 h before being subjected to nitrogen (N2) adsorption. After calcinations of pure zirconia a t 600 "C and above, zirconia transforms into a monoclinic phase (20=28.3' and 31.4O) from a tetragonal phase (20=30.Z0) of zirconia [8]. However, the addition of Special Column of the INRET 2006/Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 metal oxide or anion such as tungsten oxide, molybdenum oxide or sulfate ion stabilizes the tetragonal phase of zirconia and suppresses the formation of the monoclinic phase of zirconia. Figure 1shows the XFtD patterns of the prepared samples with different concentration of sulfate ion loading. The results show that the tetragonal phase is a dominant structure of zirconia and the addition of sulfate ion up to 1.0 N does not considerably change the crystallinity of the catalysts. However, further addition of the sulfate ion will collapse the structure of zirconia. In the addition of 4.0 N, a new peak associated with the monoclinic phase of zirconia was observed at 31.4'. 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 28/(0 ) Figure 1. XRD pattern of Pt/SOz--ZrOz with 0.5 N, 1.0 N, 2.0 N and 4.0 N sulfate ion loading Table 1shows the specific surface area and the total pore volume for the Pt/SO:--ZrOz samples with different sulfate ion loading. The sample with 1.0 N sulfate ion catalyst obtained the largest surface area and pore volume. This catalyst has a surface area of 118 m2/g and a pore volume of 0.127 ml/g. The addition of sulfate ion up to 4.0 N decreases the specific surface area and the total pore volume to a great extent lower than that of 1.0 N sulfate ion concomitant with the collapsing of the structure of the catalysts. Table 1. Surface area and pore volume of the prepared Pt/SOz--ZrOa samples Sulfate ion loading Surface area Pore volume 0.5 116 0.116 1.0 118 0.127 2.0 38 10 0.049 4.0 0.016 249 Yori et al. suggested that all sulfate ions are at the surface of ZrO2 [lo]. They proposed that the sulfate species form at low coverage values (corresponding to samples with sulfate loading lower than 1.0 N sulfate ion), which correspond to isolated surface SO:- groups located in the crystallographic defective configuration (side terminations). Sulfate species are formed up to the coverage values (corresponding to samples with 1.0 N sulfate ion), which correspond roughly to the completion of a monolayer. These species are located on the patches of low index crystal planes (top terminations of the scale-like particles); these produce Lewis and some Broensted acid sites. When the sulfate concentration becomes higher than an average monolayer, polynucleic surface sulfates appear, probably of the pyrosulfates (S20;-) type, which are also mainly located on the regular patches of low-index crystal planes (top terminations), and originate from Broensted sites. This circumstance leads to a reduction of the surface area and the pore volume for these samples. Zalewski et al. reported that the most active catalyst system for isomerization was obtained when the sulfate loading levels approached monolayer coverage [ll]. This corresponds to a surface coverage of one sulphur atom for every two zirconium atoms. The Broensted acidity also maximizes at this level. The concentration of Broensted acid sites increases as the sulfate concentration approaches monolayer coverage. The abrupt decrease in the specific surface area for the higher sulfate species contents observed in Table 1 also correlates with the alteration of the crystal structure and the sulfate migration into the bulk phase of the solid. At high sulfate ion levels, the special stabilization of the tetragonal form starts to diminish. Thus, at a sulfate loading level higher than 1.0 N, the sulfate ion monoclinic form begins to appear PI 3.2. S t r u c t u r e of the sulfate ion Figure 2 shows a peak at about 1395 cm-', which is assigned to the asymmetric S=O stretching mode of the sulfate groups bound by bridging oxygen atoms to the surface. The S=O acts as an active acid site where this species generating stronger acid sites [12]. With increasing sulfate ion content, the band at 1395 cm-' vanishes and shifts to a lower frequency, which is because of the change in the type of the sulfate species. Isolated structure of sulfate species 250 Sugeng Triwahyono et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 ((ZrO)sS=O) may change to the bidentate and/or polynucleic structure of sulfate species ((Zr0)zSOz) ~31. 1450 I400 1350 I300 I250 Wavenumber (cm-' ) Figure 2. IR spectra of the sulfur species stretching region on Pt/SO:--ZrOz with 0.6 N, 1.0 N, 2.0 N and 4.0 N sulfate ion loading 3.3. Acid properties Figure 3 shows ammonia T P D plots for Pt/SOt-ZrOz with different amounts of sulfate ion loaded. At low temperature, the TPD plots consisted of two peaks of ammonia adsorptions; the first peak at about 200 "C can be attributed to ammonia adsorbed over the weak acid site, while the second peak at about 400 "C can be attributed to the adsorption of ammonia over the medium acid site. Pt/SOi--ZrOz with 0.5 N sulfate ion obtained the highest intensity for weak acid site followed by 1.0 N, 2.0 N, and 4.0 N sulfate ions. The increase in the amount of sulfate ion decreases the intensity of the weak acid site and develops a new peak at about 400 "C for 1.0 N and new peaks at about 700-750 "C for 2.0 N and 4.0 N sulfate ions. f .' Zr-OH +2.0 N -f -1.0N D -- tri-bridged OH S-OH S-OH 8 I , , I I , , I I I , , , 4J N -4.0 At high temperature, the peak appearing a t about 700-750 "C is because of the adsorption of ammonia on strong acid site. In this region, the catalyst with 4.0 N sulfate ion obtained the highest amount adsorbed followed by the catalyst with 2.0 N sulfate ion. No-ammonia adsorption for catalysts with 0.5 N and 1.0 N sulfate ions was observed at high temperature. This phenomenon can be explained that the excessive amount of sulfate ion converted the weak and medium acid sites to strong acid sites. The phenomena of the decrease of weak and medium acid sites and the generation of strong acid site were also strongly evidenced by the results of IR study. The spectral regions of interest on sulfated zirconia are the hydroxyl stretching regions (3000-3800 cm-l). Figure 4 shows the appearance of terminal 0 - H on zirconia (Zr-OH) and S-OH in the catalyst. The addition of sulfate ion generates the hydroxyl groups a t 3757 cm-' (Zr-OH) and 3652 cm-' (tribridged OH); further addition of sulfate ion causes eroding of the Zr-OH and the tri-bridged OH groups and develops new peaks assigned to the OH group bonded to the sulfate species (S-OH) a t 3585 and 3548 cm-' . This phenomenon occurs because the surface was covered by sulfate ion [12]. The physical adsorption of water on the catalyst can be observed at about 1600 cm-'. Although it is not shown in the present article, the intensity of this peak decreases by the addition of sulfate ion accompanied by the decrease of the intensity of the terminal and tri-bridged OH. This result suggests that the hydroxyl groups are Broensted acid sites. 51 < + 0.5 N I , I , , I I I , I I , , , I , l , , , , l , , , , ~ , , , , l , ' , , , l ' , , , , l , , , , l ~ , , , 3800 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Temperature (OC ) Figure 3. Ammonia T P D plot of Pt/SO:--ZrOa with 0.5 N, 1.0 N, 2.0 N and 4.0 N sulfate ion loading 3750 3700 3650 3600 3550 3500 3450 3400 Wavenumber (6' ) Figure 4. IR spectra in the Zr-OH and S-OH stretching region on Pt/SO:--ZrOz with 0.5 N, 1.0 N, 2.0 N and 4.0 N sulfate ion loading 251 Special Column of the INRET 2006/Journal of Natural Gas Chernistr,y Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 Although it is not shown in the present article, the TGA results explain the phenomena of weight loss, which results from heating the Pt/SO:--ZrOz sample in nitrogen flow. The curves for all samples exhibit two distinct weight loss regions. The first weight loss of about 0.15% occurs during heating up t o 550 "C and this corresponds to water loss. The second weight loss at high temperature is attributed to the decomposition of the sulfate species. The percentage weight loss was about 28% for sample content 4.0 N sulfate ion. The percentage weight loss decreases with the decrease of sulfate ion loading in the sample. After being heated up to 950 "C, the percentage weight losses for samples with 0.2 N, 0.1 N, and 0.5 N sulfate ion were 16%, 6%, and 5%, respectively. The decomposition temperature shifted towards low temperature with the increase of the sulfate ion. The decomposition temperatures for 0.5 N, 1.0 N, 2.0 N, and 4.0 N sulfate ion are 650 "C, 538 "C, 524 "C, and 517 "C, respectively. These results suggest that the sulfate ion is more strongly held on the surface at lower than at higher sulfate ion content because of the formation of the monolayer structure of the sulfate species. polynucleic structure of sulfate species. The bridging bidentate structure of SO2 on the zirconia support ((Zr0)aSOa species) causes the strong inductive effect on the Lewis acid site of Zr4+, which produces an electronic deficiency markedly increasing the acidity of the zirconia cations. In the presence of hydrogen atom, the Lewis acid sites are converted t o Bronsted acid sites, which are required in the isomerization of n-butane to iso-butane. - 0.20 - . -(€ 5 0.1s 1 & 0.10 - 0 2 D %- C .0.05 1 c 0 " I " , ~ ' ~ " ' ' " ' " ~ " ' ' It has been identified that sulfation of zirconia causes the change in the surface area and the crystalline structure of zirconia and the additional sulfate ion promotes the acidity and activity. Furthermore, it is clear that the sulfate content of the catalysts depends on the quantity of sulphuric acid used for impregnation. It is seen that the sulphur content of the catalysts increases with an increase in the quantity of sulphuric acid solution used in the impregnation. 3.4. Isornerization of n-butane Figure 5 shows the total conversion of n-butane into iso-butane per specific surface area of the catalyst in the function of sulfate ion loading. The conversion of n-butane increases slightly with the increase of sulfate ion up to 1.0 N, and further increase of sulfate ion increases the conversion of n.-butane linearly. These results reveal that the acidity of catalysts roleplay the activity of catalysts towards the isomerization of n-butane directly. The excessive amount of sulfate ion generates large number of strong acid sites, which is favourable for isomerization. It is confirmed by IR study, the shift of peaks in the range 1370-1400 cm-' to a lower frequency for 2.0 N and 4.0 N sulfate ion loading catalysts may correspond to the transformation of isolated structure to the bidentate and/or 4. Conclusions This research shows that the properties of sulfated zirconia catalysts are greatly affected by the amount of sulfate ion loading. The properties, particularly the number and the strength of acid sites play an important role in the isomerization. For a limited range of sulfate loading investigated in this study of sulfated zirconia, it appears that the conversion of n-butane per specific surface area of catalysts increases with the sulfate ion loaded. 252 Sugeng Diwahyono e t al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 References [l]Keogh R A, Srinivasan R, Davis B H. J Catal, 1995, 151(2): 292 [2] Farcasiu D, Qi Li J, Kogelbauer A. J Mol Catal A: Chem, 1997, 124(1): 67 [3] Hara S, Miyayama M. Solid State Zonics, 2004, 168(12): 111 [4] Ivanov A V, Vasina T V, Masloboishchikova 0 V, Khelkovskaya-Sergeeva E G, Kustov L M, Houzvicka J I. Catal Today, 2002, 73(1-2): 95 [5] Song X, Sayari A. Catal Rev Sci Eng, 1996, 38(3): 329 [6] Yori J C, Parera J M. Appl Catal A: General, 1996, 147(1): 145 [7] Olah G A, DeMember J R, Shen J. J A m Chem Soc, 1973, 95: 4952 [8] Triwahyono S. 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Catal Today, 2002, 74(3-4): 291 Available online at ScienceDirect Journalof Natural Gas Chemirtry Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 15(2006)253-258 SCIENCE PRESS www.elsevier.codocateljcateljngc Article C0,-Free Hydrogen and Carbon Nanofibers Produced from Direct Decomposition of Methane on Nickel-Based Catalysts Siang-Piao Chai, Sharif Hussein Sharif Zein, Abdul Rahman Mohamed* School of Chemical Engineering, Uniuersiti Sains Malaysia, Engineering Campus, Seri Ampangan, 14300 Nibong Tebal, SPS Penang, Malaysia [Manuscript received October 18, ZOOS] Abstract: Direct decomposition of methane was carried out using a fixed-bed reactor at 700 "C for the production of C0,-free hydrogen and carbon nanofibers. The catalytic performance of NiO-M/SiOz catalysts (where M=AgO, COO,CuO, FeO, MnO, and MOO)in methane decomposition was investigated. The experimental results indicate that among the tested catalysts, NiO/SiOz promoted with CuO give the highest hydrogen yield. In addition, the examination of the most suitable catalyst support, including Alz03, CeOz, LazO3, SiOz, and TiOz, shows that the decomposition of methane over NiO-CuO favors SiOz support. Furthermore, the optimum ratio of NiO to CuO on SiOz support for methane decomposition was determined. The experimental results show that the optimum weight ratio of NiO to CuO fell at 8:2 (w/w) since the highest yield of hydrogen was obtained over this catalyst. Key words: methane decomposition; hydrogen; carbon nanofibers; supported catalyst 1. Introduction The utilization of natural gas, one of the world's abundant resources, to produce valuable chemicals is one of the desirable goals in the current natural gas processing industry. In this regard, the production of hydrogen from natural gas has attracted the interest of industrialists and researchers. The conventional options of hydrogen production from natural gas, such as steam reforming, partial oxidation, and autotherma1 reforming [l],involve CO, production at some point in the technological chain of the process. Thus, the gas needs further treatment to separate hydrogen from the other gases such as CO and COz. Hence, it is of importance to develop a simpler and less energy intensive method t o produce hydrogen, which is free of CO, formation as this can reduce the capital cost in comparison to the conventional method. One way to reach this objective is to use direct decomposition of methane over catalytic materials for the production of hydrogen [2-41. * Corresponding author. Email: Direct catalytic decomposition of methane, the main constituent of natural gas, offers the possibility of producing two valuable chemical commodities: pure hydrogen and carbon nanofibers. It is a technologically simple one-step process without energy and material intensive gas separation stages and shows the potential to be a C0,-free hydrogen production process. The hydrogen produced from methane decomposition does not contain CO, impurities. Undoubtedly, the produced hydrogen can be used directly without any removal of CO,. Carbon nanofibers, a by-product, which are produced from methane decomposition, are predominant mesoporous materials with high surface area [4]. Such properties make these promising materials for applications in the areas of catalysis, adsorption, and nanocomposites [5-71. Recently, direct catalytic decomposition of methane at lower temperature has received attention as an alternative route to the production of hydrogen. Several groups have studied methane decomposition 254 Siang-Piao Chai et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 at moderate temperature, such as, at 550 "C since the catalysts possess high stability at this temperature [8-lo]. However, the hydrogen yield from methane decomposition is low because of the thermodynamic limitation at temperatures below 700 "C [ll]. Decomposition of methane at higher temperatures has recently attracted considerable attention because the conversion of methane is higher [12]. However, catalysts lose their activity and stability at higher temperature (>700 "C) because of their quick deactivation. It has been proved that the deactivation of catalyst for methane decomposition is mainly caused by the formation of encapsulating coke on the active sites of the catalyst. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a catalyst, which can resist its deactivation at higher temperatures. In the previous studies, it was reported that the NiO/Ti02 catalyst is efficient for methane decomposition at high temperature with the calculated activation energy being one of the lowest ever reported in the literature for this process [12]. In addition, the examination of the catalyst promoters for the NiO/TiOz catalyst indicated that MnO, is the preferable promoter for the mentioned catalyst [13]. It was also reported that the metal in oxide form provided better conversion for methane during the methane decomposition reaction [13]. In continuation of this investigation, in this article, the different supported metal oxide catalysts for methane decomposition are further examined. This includes the investigations on the catalytic performance of NiO/SiO2 catalysts promoted T ................................................ Gas mixer h Furnace with other metal oxide species, the effect of catalyst supports for NiO-CuO complex, the optimum weight ratio of NiO t o CuO for methane conversion, and the morphology of the carbon deposited on the used catalysts. 2. Materials and methods Methane decomposition was studied using Ni(N03)2*6HzO, Co(N03)~.6H20, F e ( N 0 3 ) 2 . H ~ 0 C U ( N O ~ ) ~ . ~Mn(N03)~.4H20, H~O, and (NH4)6Mo7024.4H20 as metal sources for the preparation of the supported bimetallic catalysts. A1203, MgO, CeOz, TiO2, La2O3, and SiOz (Cab-osil) were used as catalytic supports in this study. All catalysts were prepared using a conventional impregnation method as reported elsewhere. The desired amounts of the transition metal oxides were dissolved in deionized water. The resulting paste was dried at 105 "C for 12 h and was calcined in air a t 600 "C for 5 h. The catalysts were then sieved t o a size of 425-600 pm. The production of C0,-free hydrogen and carbon nanofibers via catalytic decomposition of methane were carried out in a fixed-bed reactor a t 700 "C.The detailed experimental setup and procedure have been reported earlier [14]. The activity tests for the catalysts in the decomposition of methane were conducted at atmospheric pressure in a stainless-steel fixed-bed reactor (length and diameter of the reactor were 600 and 20 mm, respectively). I1 11 f ......................... ....................... ............ 0 %low - ....... -Vent Catalyst bed Mass flow controller r: I' Reactor B Vent Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus , m Data recorder Special Column of the INRET 2006/Journal of Natural Gas Che1nistr.y Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 255 Packard Series 6890, USA). The schematic diagram High purity methane (99.999% supplied by of the experimental apparatus is shown in Figure Malaysian Oxygen Sdn. Bhd.) was mixed with ar1. The carbon nanofibers deposited on the catalysts gon (99.999% purity, supplied by Sitt Tatt Industrial were analyzed using a transmission electron microGases Sdn. Bhd.) before entering the reactor and scope (TEM) (Philips, CM12). During preparation 0.2 g of catalyst was put in the middle part of the for the TEM experiments, a few samples of the spent reactor for each run. The flow of methane was regcatalyst were dispersed in acetone (99.8% purity), and ulated using a mass flow controller (MKS) and the then a drop was deposited on a coated copper grid. argon flow was regulated using mass flow controllers The conversion of methane, and the hydrogen yield (Brooks, model 58503). The product gases were anare defined as follows: alyzed using an on-line gas chromatograph (HewlettMole of methane reacted Methane conversion = x 100% Mole of methane input Mole of hydrogen produced Hydrogen yield = Mole of metal oxide in a fresh catalyst 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Effect of catalyst promoters Table 1 shows the catalytic performance of the NiO/Si02 catalyst promoted with different metal oxide species for methane decomposition at 700 "C. The promoted catalysts are denoted as NiO-M/SiOz in this article (where, M=AgO, COO,CuO, FeO, MnO,, and MOO). The loadings of NiO-M were adjusted t o 10 wt.% with respect to the weight of the catalyst and the weight ratio of NiO to M was set as 9:l. For all catalysts, the methane decomposition proceeded selectively to form hydrogen as the only gaseous product. Methane conversion over the NiO/SiO2 catalyst was high during the initial reaction. The conversion decreased remarkably with time on stream, possessing conversion of below 1%after 30 min of time on stream. The addition of COO and MOO slightly improved the catalytic lifetime of NiO/SiO:, for the methane decomposition. In contrast, the addition of Ago, FeO, and MnO, shortened the catalytic lifetime of NiO/SiOa. It was noticed that NiO/SiO2 promoted with CuO showed significant increase in the catalytic activity and the lifetime in methane decomposition. In the Table 1. Methane conversions up to 90 rnin reaction over 9NiO-1M catalysts supported on SiO2 at 700 "C Catalyst Methane conversion (%) 5 rnin 30 rnin 60 rnin 90 rnin 47.6 1.7 48.8 51.5 0.8 0.9 3.5 43.0 0.7 0.9 1.6 26.2 0.5 0.7 1.4 1.5 44.1 3.2 47.8 1.o 0.7 0.6 0.7 2.1 0.5 1.6 0.4 1.4 presence of CuO as the promoter for NiO/SiO2, the stability and activity of the catalyst were enhanced markedly. Figure 2 shows the hydrogen yields over the tested catalysts for 90 min of reaction. The yields were estimated from the obtained methane conversion, assuming that the methane conversion to hydrogen and carbon proceeded stoichiometrically (CH4+C+2Hz). The hydrogen yield for NiO/SiO2 was evaluated as 140 rnolHz/mo1Nio2. The hydrogen yields for 9NiO-lCoO,9NiO-lFeO, and 9NiO-lMoO/Si02 were 157 molH,/m01(NiO-CoO) , 134 mOlHz /mol(NiO-FeO), and 161 molHz/mol(NiO-MoO), respectively. However, NiO/SiOz promoted with A g o and MnO, were less active in methane decomposition, giving hydrogen yields of 19 molHz/mol(NiO-AgO) and 14 molHz/mol~NiO-MnO,),respectively. According to 500 - '5 -5 2 3 2 400 300 v 4 .-x C s 'r; 200 j 100 ~~ NiO/SiOz 9NiO-lAgO/Si02 9NiO-lCoO/Si02 9NiO-lCuO/Si02 9NiO-lFeO/SiOz 9Ni0-1MnOZ/Si02 9NiO-lMoO/SiO? 0 (a) (b) (4 (4 (el (f) (9) Figure 2. Hydrogen yields in the methane decomposition over NiOjSiOz and 9NiO-lM/Si02 catalysts at 700 'C (a) NiO/SiOz; (b) 9NiO-lAgO/Si02; ( c ) 9NiO-lCoO/Si02; (d) 9NiO-lCuO/Si02; (e) YNiO-lFeO/SiOz; (f) 9Ni0-1MnOZ/SiO2; (9) 9NiO-lMoO/Si02 256 Siang-Piao Chai et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 Takenaka et al. [lo], the addition of Cu into Ni/SiO2 lowered the hydrogen yield as compared to Ni/SiO2 itself for methane decomposition at 550 "C. In the present study, the results shown in Table 1 and Figure 2 indicate that the addition of CuO into NiO/SiO2 improves the catalytic lifetime and the hydrogen yield by more than three times that of NiO/SiO2, i.e. 494 rno1H2/rno1~Ni0-Cu0), in the methane decomposition at a reaction temperature of 700 "C. It is likely that the addition of CuO stabilized the NiO/SiOz by forming CuO-NiO complex, which resulted in a long catalytic lifetime and a high hydrogen yield in the methane decomposition. The hydrogen yields after 90 min of reaction decreased in the order of SiOz>CeO2>TiO2>A1203>La203 supports with the obtained hydrogen yields of 494, 234, 77, 71, and 43 molHz/mol~NiO-CuO), respectively. 500 5 h -2 400 z - 300 2 v = 200 .K u1 g gc, 3.2. Effect of catalyst supports for bimetallic 100 catalysts 0 Table 2 shows the catalytic performance of 9Ni01CuO catalysts loaded on different supports. Many oxides, such as A1203, CeO2, La203, Si02, and TiO2, which are widely used as catalytic supports in methane decomposition [10,12,16,17],were selected as the supports in this study. For all the catalysts, the loadings of NiO-CuO were adjusted to 10 wt.% with respect to the weight of the catalyst. The initial activities of 9NiO-lCuO/La203 and 9NiO-lCuO/Ti02 for the methane decomposition were low, having methane conversions of 16.1% and 14.7%, respectively. After 30 min of reaction, 9Ni0-1Cu0 supported on A1203, and La203 possessed methane conversions below 1%,revealing that both catalysts are not stable in methane decomposition at this temperature. The results shown in Table 2 indicate that the NiO-CuO supported on Si02 is the most suitable for methane decomposition, which showed higher catalytic activity and stability in the methane decomposition. (a) (b) (C) (4 (e) Figure 3. Hydrogen yields in the methane decomposition over 9Ni0-1Cu0 supported on different oxides at 700 "C (a) 9NiO-lCuO/A1203; (b) 9NiO-lCuO/Ce02; (c) 9NiO-lCuO/La203; (d) 9NiO-lCuO/Si02; (e) 9NiO-lCuO/Ti02 3.3. Effects of the weight ratio of active metals to promoters Figure 4 shows the changes of methane conversion with time on stream over NiO-CuO/Si02 catalysts with different weight ratios of NiO to CuO. t9Ni0- lCuO/SiOz 8NiO-2CuO/Si02 7NiO-3CuO/SiOL x 6Ni0-4Cu0/Si02 -Y- 5Ni0-5CuO/SiO2 -o- 4Ni0-6CuO/Si02 -m- Table 2. Methane conversions up to 90 rnin reaction over 9Ni0-1Cu0 on different supports at 700 "C Catalyst 9NiO-lCuO/AI203 9NiO-lCuO/Ce02 9NiO-lCuO/La203 9NiO-lCuO/Si02 9NiO-lCuO/Ti02 Methane conversion (%) 5 min 26.1 42.3 16.1 51.5 14.7 30 min 60 min 0.6 23.2 0.3 43.0 5.2 0.3 0.6 26.2 2.0 90 min 0.6 1.5 0.6 The amounts of hydrogen produced over the tested catalysts after 90 min of reaction are summarized in Figure 3. The hydrogen yield was the highest for the NiO-CuO/Si02 catalyst among all the s u p ported 9Ni0-1Cu0 catalysts examined in this study. 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 Time on stream (min) Figure 4. Kinetic curves of methane conversions as a function of time on stream over 9Ni0lCuO/SiOZ catalysts with different weight ratios of NiO to CuO at 700 "C The hydrogen yields in the methane decomposition were estimated from the kinetic curves of methane conversion and are shown in Figure 5. It was noticed that the addition of CuO into the NiO/SiO2 catalyst with the weight ratio of Ni0:CuO ranging Special Column o f the I N R E T 2006/Journal o f Natural Gas chemistr.y Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 from 9:l to 5:5 remarkably prolonged the catalytic lifetime. However, the addition of excess amounts of CuO (weight ratio NiO:Cu0<4:6) decreased the catalytic lifetime for the methane decomposition. As shown in Figure 5, the hydrogen yield increased significantly with an increase in CuO loading into the NiO/SiO2 catalyst and the yield attained the maximum at NiO:Cu0=8:2. The maximum hydrogen yield was 536, which was about 4 times greater than that of the NiO/SiOz catalyst. The hydrogen yields obtained for the catalysts with the weight ratio of Ni0:CuO as 9:1, 7:3, 6:4, 5:5, and 4:6 are 494, 452, 272, 208, and 128 molHz/rnol(NiO-CuO),respectively. This shows that the increase of copper content improved the catalyst stability, but the continual increase of copper content resulted in a great decrease of the catalyst stability. 600 01 lOi0 I 1 I I I I 911 812 713 614 515 416 257 tization than those on the 8Ni0-2CuO/Si02 catalyst. Owing to the high activity and stability of the 8Ni0-2CuO/Si02 catalyst in methane decomposition, the grown carbon nanofibers are denser, forming an interwoven coverage under TEM observation. It is important to note that catalyst particles were present on the tips of carbon nanofiber grown on the NiO/SiO2 catalyst, whereas no catalyst particles were observed on the tips of carbon nanotubes formed by the 8Ni0-2CuO/Si02 catalyst. This shows that the growth model of carbon nanofibers on these two catalysts was different. It is deduced that the carbon nanofiber grown by the NiO/SiO2 catalyst followed the tips-growth model where the catalyst particles located on the tips of the carbon nanofibers were active for methane decomposition. On the other hand, the based-growth model was used for growing carbon nanofibers on the 8Ni0-2CuO/Si02 catalyst, where the catalyst particles attached on the Si02 support were active for methane decomposition. J 317 Ratio ofNiO / CuO Figure 5. Hydrogen yields in the methane decomposition over NiO-CuO/Si02 catalysts with different weight ratios of NiO to CuO at 700 "C 3.4. Characterization of used catalysts Figure 6 shows the TEM images of carbon deposited by the methane decomposition over NiO/SiOz and 8Ni0-2CuO/Si02 catalysts. It was found that carbon nanofibers were formed on the surfaces of both catalysts. However, there are differences in the morphology of the grown carbon nanofibers. It was noticed that the average diameter of the carbon nanofibers grown on the 8Ni0-2CuO/Si02 catalyst were clearly larger than those on the NiO/SiOz catalyst. F'urthermore, carbon nanofibers on the 8Ni02CuO/SiO2 catalyst seem more fragile when compared to those formed on the NiO/SiO2 catalyst. This reveals that the carbon nanofibers grown on the NiO/Si02 catalyst have a higher degree of graphi- Figure 6. TEM image of carbon nanofibers produced on (a) NiO/SiOz, and (b) SNi0-2CuO/Si02, in methane decomposition at 700 "C 4. Conclusions A comparison of the catalytic properties of the NiO/SiO2 catalyst promoted with Ago, COO, CuO, 258 Siang-Piao Chai et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 FeO, MnO,, and MOO showed that, the addition of CuO increased the hydrogen yield and prolonged the lifetime of bimetallic NiO-CuO catalysts in methane decomposition a t 700 "C. The examination of the catalyst supports indicated that SiOz is the best catalyst support tested for NiO-CuO. The highest hydrogen yield, being 536 molHz/mol(NiO-CuO),was obtained using this catalyst with the weight ratio of Ni0:CuO as 8:2 on the SiOz support. With this weight ratio, the NiO-CuO alloys formed on SiOz possessed high stability in methane decomposition even though the react,ion was conducted at high temperature. It is important to note that only hydrogen was detected by the GC as gaseous product. Analysis of the deposited carbons by TEM indicated that carbon nanofibers were grown on the surfaces of NiO/SiOz and NiOCuO/SiOz catalysts. These carbon structures have great potential applications as catalyst supports and nanocomposites. Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Academy of Sciences Malaysia under scientific Advancement Grant Allocation (SAGA) (Project: A/C No. 6053001). References [l] Islam M N, Dixon M. 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Dept. of Chemzstry, Unaversatz Teknologz Malaysza, Skudaz, 81 31 0 Johor Bahru, Malaysaa [Manuscript received October 18, 20061 Abstract: The successful production of higher hydrocarbons from methane depends on the stability or the oxidation rate of the intermediate products. The performances of the BZSM-5 and the modified BZSM-5 catalysts were tested for ethylene conversion into higher hydrocarbons. The catalytic experiments were carried out in a fixed-bed micro reactor at atmospheric pressure. The catalysts were characterized using XRD, NH3-TPD, and IR for their structure and acidity. The result suggests that BZSM-5 is a weak acid. The introduction of copper into BZSM-5 improved the acidity of BZSM-5. The conversion of ethylene toward higher hydrocarbons is dependent on the acidity of the catalyst. Only weaker acid site is required to convert ethylene to higher hydrocarbons. The loading of Cu on BZSM-5 improved the selectivity for higher hydrocarbons especially at low percentage. The reactivity of ethylene is dependent on the amount of acidity as well as the presence of metal on the catalyst surface. Cul%BZSM-5 is capable of converting ethylene to higher hydrocarbons. The balances between the metal and acid sites influence the performance of ethylene conversion and higher hydrocarbon selectivity. Higher loading of Cu leads to the formation of co,. Key words: ethylene conversion; BZSM-5 zeolite; acidity; higher hydrocarbon 1. Introduction The conversion of methane to higher hydrocarbons has been studied in detail; the initial formation of ethylene and its subsequent conversion to long chain hydrocarbons is considered a possible mechanism. The conversion of methane to ethylene followed by the processing of ethylene over ZSM-5 is an efficient and flexible route for the production of synthetic hydrocarbons from either natural gas. Depending on the process conditions, the products can be produced ranging from gasoline to distillate fuels [1,2]. The transformation of light alkenes over zeolites catalysts is of importance in the various petrochemical processes such as met hane-olefin-gasolinedistillate (MOGD) and methane to gasoline (MTG). The mechanism of the reaction between methane and oxygen to produce higher hydrocarbons over zeolite is postulated to start from the formation of methyl radical from CH4 [3,4]. The methyl radicals combine to form ethane, which dehydrogenate to ethylene. Oligomerization and aromatization of ethylene will produce higher hydrocarbons such as aromatics or liquid fuels. However, ethylene may easily oxidize to CO,. Therefore, the successful production of higher hydrocarbons depends on the stability or the oxidation rate of the intermediate products. The catalysts selected must have the ability to control the oxidation and must be able to oligomerize the intermediate products. Acidity is one of the most important characteristics of zeolites, which makes these extremely important materials in catalytic applications. The acidity of zeolites is known t o depend on several factors: struc- * Corresponding author. Tel: 607-5535567; Fax: 607-5581463; E-mail: 260 Ramli Mat et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 ture, preparation method, chemical composition, impurities, Si/Al ratio, additives, and poisons. Considerable attention has been given to the relationship between the acidity of zeolites and their catalytic activity. Successful production of C2+ from methane is dependent on the zeolite acidity [5,6]. The synthesized BZSM-5 and the modified BZSM-5 present very different acidity properties and consequently different catalytic properties as reported in refs [7-91. Thus, it is of considerable interest to compare the catalytic behaviors of the BZSM-5 and the copper loaded BZSM-5 zeolites for the transformation of ethylene. Ethylene, which is the intermediate product of methane activation, undergoes subsequent oligonierization and aromatization on Bronsted acid sites of zeolites to form higher hydrocarbons. Thus, the higher reactivity of 0 2 with C2H4 as compared to CH4 has been a major problem while achieving higher selectivity for higher hydrocarbons. In this context, the possible inhibition of the oxidation of C2+ is of special interest. With the aim of identifying the importance of ethylene as a n intermediate species for the oxidative dehydrogenation of methane to higher hydrocarbons, ethylene has been used as a probe performing several catalytic tests. Ethylene was used as it is assumed to play the intermediate role in methane conversion to higher hydrocarbons. This study provides information on C2+ stability over these catalysts. These data are relevant t o the design of the catalyst for direct methane conversion to higher hydrocarbons, since it is crucial that the catalyst identified does not catalyze the decomposition of C2+ to CO,. Obviously, it is important that C2+ must be stable over any potential catalyst, under appropriate conditions. 2. Experimental 2.1. Catalyst preparation BZSM-5 was first synthesized by Taramasso et ad., [lo] using organic compounds of silicon and tetrapropylammonium cation as the template. Recently, some publications in the open as well as in the patent literature have dealt with boron-containing pentasil type zeolite. The BZSM-5 was prepared following the procedure described by Plank et d. [12]. Generally, a gel was prepared by mixing: 69 g of sodium silicate (Merck: 25.5%-28.5% Si02, 7.5%8.5%Na20), 0.53 g of boric acid (Merck), 7.53 g of Tetra propyl-ammonium bromide (TPA-Br) as the template (Fluka) and 160 g of distilled water to form a reaction mixture with the following molar composition B203: 20Na20:70Si02:7TPABr:22OOH20.The pH of the reaction mixture was maintained around 10-12 by the addition of sulfuric acid. The gel was stirred a t room temperature for 3 h in a one-liter stainless steel autoclave (PARR reactor). The gel wits then heated in the oven at 160 "C for 5 days without stirring. The TPA ion, present in the solution, was the key reagent favoring the formation of the tetrahedral units, which in turn played a key role in determining the characteristic structure of the BZSM-5. The template was removed through calcination to yield the template-free product. Once the zeolite was formed (crystalline white solid), it settled at the bottom of the autoclaves, leaving a clear supernatant liquid. The crystalline white solid product was filtered, washed thoroughly with deionized water, and dried at 120 "C for 12 h. The resultant material was calcined at 550 "C for five hours t o remove the organic material and to obtain the sodium form of the BZSM-5, Na-BZSM-5. The Na-form obtained was converted into the NH4-form by ion exchange using 1M solution of ammonium nitrate, NH4N03. For every l g of NaBZSM-5, it was treated with 25 ml of 1M NH4N03 solution, and was stirred under reflux for three hours at 80 "C. The procedure was repeated thrice, ending with refluxing the solution for 12 h. Finally, the catalyst was dried and calcined at 550 "C for five hours. Recently, it has been found that the introduction of copper can remarkably increase the activity of catalyst in methane conversion [6]; therefore, the effect of copper needs to be investigated. The incorporation of copper into the calcined BZSM-5 was carried out through the impregnation method. The BZSM-5 obtained was impregnated with copper nitrate solution to provide lwt% , 4wt% , and 9wt% of copper and was labeled as Cul%BZSM-5, Cu4%BZSM-5, and Cu9%BZSM-5, respectively. The solid was then calcined in the furnace at 550 "C for five hours. 2.2. Catalyst characterization Three different types of characterizations were performed in this study, namely, (i) X-ray diffraction (XRD), (ii) infrared spectroscopy (IR), and (iii) acidity measurement. The XRD patterns were acquired on a Siemens D5000 goniometer using CuK, radiation in the range of 20 from 2O to 60" a t a scanning speed of 3 O p e r minute. The IR spectra were examined with a Shimadzu 3000 FT-IR spectrometer using 261 Special Column of the I N R E T 2006/Journal of Natural Gas Chernistr,y Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 the KBr wafer technique. The samples (0.25 mg of zeolite powder) were mixed with 300 mg of KBr powder and were finely ground. These mixtures were placed on a die and were pressed to make a transparent thin pellet. The IR spectra in the range of 2400-400 cm-' were recorded at room temperature. For the acidity measurement, it is necessary t o determine the amount, strength, and type of the acid sites. In this study, three types of techniques, namely, temperature programmed desorptiori (TPD) of ammonia, IR spectroscopy for the hydroxyl region, and IR spectroscopy of adsorbed pyridine, were used to evaluate the acidic properties of the catalyst. The amount and strength were determined using temperature programmed desorption (TPD) of ammonia, while the type of acid site information was obtained using IR spectroscopy for the hydroxyl region and IR. spectroscopy of adsorbed pyridine. 2.3. C a t a l y s t t e s t i n g Conversion of ethylene Selectivity for = c2-c4 = Selectivity for CO, = The performances of the BZSM-5 and the modified BZSM-5 catalyst were tested for ethylene conversion into higher hydrocarbons. The catalytic experiments were carried out in a fixed-bed micro reactor a t atmospheric pressure. Gases of ethylene, compressed air and nitrogen were supplied from individual gas cylinders. The reactor was preheated at a reaction temperature of 800 "C under nitrogen flow for two hours to activate the catalyst. Ethylene (purity 99.9%) and compressed air were then fed into the reactor with 9% volume of oxygen in the feed. The total feed flow rate was 200 ml/min. The catalyst weight used in this study was 1 g. The reaction products were analyzed using an on-line gas chromatograph. The GC analysis was carried out using the thermal conductivity detector (TCD) equipped with Porapak packed column. The conversion of ethylene and the selectivity for the higher hydrocarbons were determined according to the following equations: moles of C2H4 reacted x 100% moles of CaH4 in feed moles of hydrocarbon gas produced other than C2H4 x 100% moles of C2H4 reacted moles of CO and COz gas produced x 100% moles of C2H4 reacted 3. Results and discussion 3.1. C a t a l y s t characterization Figure 1 shows the diffractogram of the BZSM-5 impregnated with different loadings of copper ranging from lwt% to 9wt%. No significant difference was found between the diffractogranis of the parent zeolite (BZSM-5) and the catalysts after impregnation with copper. All samples showed similar pattern and were highly crystalline. However, one peak at 28=38.6', which is characteristic of CuO, was detected for the higher loading of Cu (above 4%). These results were consistent with the findings by Torre-Abreu et al. [12], where the CuO peak was observed when the HZSM-5 was loaded with 5.5wt% Cu. They reported that in the HZSM-5 with low copper loading, the copper was mainly present in the form of isolated Cu2+ ions. On the other hand, in the catalyst with high copper loading, CuO, isolated Cu2+ ions and also Cuf ions were detected using H2-TPR and ESR. It was also verified that the concentration of the CuO species increases when the catalyst copper loading increases, which probably results in the formation of CuO aggregates. Nunes et al. [13] reported similar findings in their study on the effect of copper loading on the acidity of the Cu/HZSM-5 catalyst. .$ +. - P) J' 10 5 Cu4%BZSM-5 20 30 40 50 28/(" ) Figure 1. Effect of the XRD pattern on the different copper loadings on BZSM-5. CuO peak was observed at higher Cu loading 262 Ramli Mat et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 The NH3-TPD results are shown in Table 1. The addition of lwt% copper into BZSM-5 resulted in the increase of acidity; however, the acidity decreased by about 30% in Cu4%BZSM-5 and Cu9%BZSM-5 catalysts as compared to the BZSM-5. This may be due to the charge imbalance imposed by copper as proposed by Tanabe [14]. A similar observation was reported by Ismail et al., [15] and Anggoro [16] in their study of Cu loaded into HZSM-5. When Cu was loaded into the HZSM-5, it produced additional acid sites. However, when Cu was further loaded (i.e. 4% and 9%), the total amount of acid seemed to diminish from the catalyst surfaces as tabulated in Table 1. There is a possibility that some acid sites were lost during further loading of metal because of the blockage of the zeolite pore and the formation of the Cu cluster as seen using XRD [13,17]. clearly shown in Table 2; this result suggests that BZSM-5 has more terminal silanol groups or silanal at the defect site. The silanol groups are recognized as neutral or very weak acid. The silanol group existing on the external zeolites is considered a weak acid, however, it showed a catalytic role on Beckmann rearrangement and also some reaction with olefin as reported in the refs [18,19]. 36,lO Table 1. The results of the NHa-TPD experiments Sample BZSM-5 Cul%BZSM-5 Total amount of chemisorbed (mmol/g) Cu4%BZSM-5 CuS%BZSM-5 1.619 1.426 2.302 For a complete characterization of the zeolite acidity, it is necessary to determine the nature and the concentration of both Bronsted and Lewis acid sites. This can be carried out by examining the hydroxyl group region (3500-3750 cm-l) and the pyridine adsorption of IR spectroscopy. The infrared spectra of the samples recorded at 303 K in the range of OH stretching vibrations are shown in Figure 2. For the HZSM-5 sample, the bands are observed at 3740, 3660, and 3610 cm-'. The band at 3740 cm-' is attributed to the stretching of the terminal silanol (SiOH) groups located at the boundaries of the zeolite crystal. The silanol groups are considered a weak acid. The band at 3660 cm-l is assigned to OH groups associated with extraframework Al, while the band at 3610 cm-I is attributed to the stretching vibration of the bridging hydroxyl groups associated with framework aluminium (Si-OH-Al). This band is normally more acidic; this hydroxyl group has acidic properties since the band is not observed when pyridine is adsorbed on the zeolite. In the case of the BZSM-5 sample, the stretching vibration band at 3610 cm-l is due to the bridging hydroxyl groups having lower intensity. Furthermore, the band area for silanol groups was larger for BZSM-5 when compared to that of HZSM-5. The result is ------- x- 7.867 I 4000 3800 , I , , , # I , , , 3600 , I 3400 I , , , 3200 Wavenumber (cm-' ) Figure 2. IR spectra in the hydroxyl region of the samples after dehydration at 400 "C, lope MPa for 2 h Table 2. Position of some characteristic OH vibration bands and the integrated band area Sample Wavenumber (cm-l ) Al-non Al-framework Silanol framework HZSM-5 3610 (Integrated area) BZSM-5 (Integrated area) (7.21) 3611 Cul%BZSM-5 (Integrated area) 3661 (0.55) 3741 (0.09) 3658 3741 3610 (0.65) 3661 (0.21) 3741 (5.89) (0.64) (0.19) (1.95) For copper loaded on BZSM-5, the intensity of the hydroxyl band at 3610 cm-' was slightly higher but was still lower than that of HZSM-5. Thus, it can be suggested that the acidity of BZSM-5 improved with the introduction of copper into BZSM-5. This result supports the earlier data from the NH3-TPD analysis, which indicates that adding Cu species 0 1 1 BZSM-5 improved the acidity of BZSM-5. The types of acid that were present in the zeolite sample were further characterized using the pyridine adsorption method. Pyridinium ion signals (pyridine on Bronsted acid sites) appeared at wave numbers of 1638 and 1546 cm-' and pyridine on Lewis a,cid sites Special Column of the INRET 2006,lJournal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 appeared at 1450 cm-' [20]. The concentration of the Bronsted acid sites and the Lewis acid sites were calculated from the integrated area of the bands at 1540 and 1450 cm-' according to the formula proposed by Hughes and White [all. The results are tabulated in Table 3. The acidity increased when BZSM-5 was loaded with copper. More Lewis acid sites were generated when more copper was loaded on BZSM-5. The ratio of the Bronsted to Lewis acid site considerably reduced a t higher loading of copper. Two factors can explain this result: First, at higher copper loading, the Bronsted acid sites were partly covered by CuO. Second, part of the Cu species were exchanged with the Bronsted acid sites that were capable of transforming into Lewis acid sites. Similar results were reported by Wang et al. [22] in their studies of different Mo loading on HZSM-5. They claimed based on the IR and NH3-TPD studies that the number of Bronsted acid centers decreased and the Lewis acid centers increased after more Mo loading into the HZSM-5 zeolite. Table 3. Concentration of the Bronsted and Lewis acidity of the samples Acidity (pmol/g) Sample BZSM-5 Bronsted(B) (at 1545 cm-') Lewis(L) (at 1450 cm-') Ratio B/L 5 0 - Cul%BZSM-5 105 8 13 Cu4%BZSM-5 6 40 0.15 3.2. Catalyst testing The results of the various catalytic performances for the reaction of ethylene and oxygen at 800 "C and atmospheric pressure are given in Figure 3 . This figure shows the ethylene conversion and the carbon selectivity towards CO,, c2&4 (exclude C2H4), and Cs+(Cs hydrocarbon and above) for the catalyst tested. BZSM-5 was slightly less effective for ethylene conversion as compared to Cul%BZSM-5. The acidity of BZSM-5 is lower than Cul%BZSM-5. Thus, the slightly lower activity of BZSM-5 may be due to the lower acidity as explained by Sohn and Park [2]. Furthermore, the copper loaded in zeolite may act as a bifunctional catalyst and is widely used in hydrocarbon conversion. On this catalyst, the transformation of hydrocarbons involves both of the hydrogenation and the dehydrogenation step on metal sites and the rearrangement and/or the cracking step on acid sites. Indeed, it has been shown very clearly that the balance between metal sites and acid sites remarkably 263 influenced the performance of the bifunctional catalysts in hydrocarbon conversion [23,24]. 100 .- 80 -28 60 g 0 .-> r DConversion !ZZZlCO, selectivity C,-C, selectivity C5. selectivity Q E .-2 e 40 > u0 20 0 BZSMJ Cul%BZSMJ Cu4YoBZSM-5 CU~YOBZSMJ Figure 3. Catalytic performance of the ethylene reaction with 9 vol% of oxygen over BZSM-5 and modified BZSM-5 with copper catalyst at reaction temperature of 800 "C and gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) of 8000 h-' under atmospheric pressure The results show that copper loading a t low concentration promotes ethylene conversion; however, a t higher copper loading, the ethylene conversion decreases. The difference could be interpreted in terms of copper deposited over the BZSM-5 zeolite. At 1 wt% of copper loading, copper oxide may not be totally deposited over the surface of the BZSM-5 zeolite. Many active sites of BZSM-5 zeolite remain vacant and are responsible for ethylene activation. At high copper loading, the ethylene conversion decreases because of the deposition of the metal species over the acid sites together with the blocking of the channels. BZSM-5 is seen to have reasonable activity but slightly lower selectivity towards higher hydrocarbons since mainly carbon oxides are formed. The selectivity towards C Z - C ~for all the catalyst was between 45% up to 66%, where BZSM-5 shows the highest C2-C4 selectivity. On the other hand, Cul%BZSM-5 shows the lowest C Z - C ~selectivity. Furthermore, Cul%BZSM-5 shows the lowest selectivity towards carbon oxides when compared to higher loading of copper on BZSM-5. These results were consistent with the result obtained by Min and Mizuno [25] in their study on the effects of copper additives on the selective oxidation of light alkanes. Min and Mizuno [25] demonstrated that the addition of copper enhanced the catalytic performance for oxidation light alkanes under oxygen-poor condition to CO,. Based on the above results, the only way to relate the activity with the acidity of zeolite is by consid- 264 RarnJi Mat et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 ering the amount of acid of the catalyst. Figure 4 shows the effect of acidity on the Cg+ selectivity for ethylene conversion. Cul%BZSM-5, which has more acid sites, was observed to provide a higher conversion of ethylene and higher hydrocarbon selectivity than the other catalysts. Following this observation, the amount of acid can be used to explain the activity of the catalyst. This finding is in-line with the result reported by Guisnet et al. [26], where the oligomerization process was dependent on the zeolite acidity. Nor Aishah and Anggoro [4] reported that the oligomerization of ethylene was dependent on the zeolite acidity. As the number of the acid sites increased, the oligomerization reaction increased and thus more Cg+ were produced. However, the amount of acid is not the only cause of the catalyst being active, rather the presence of copper ions may also affect its activity as in case of Cu4%BZSM-5. It is seen from Figure 4 that the acidity of Cu4%BZSM-5 is lower than that of BZSM-5; however, its selectivity towards Cg+ is higher. Only weak acid site is required t o activate ethylene or olefin to gasoline range hydrocarbon [27]. Kitigawa et al. [28] studied the requirement of acid site in the C-H bond activation on weakly acidic borosilicates with ZSM-5 structures. He reported t,hat Zn exchanged borosilicates did not catalyze propane dehydrocyclodimerization but these catalysts could convert propene t o aromatics at a significant rate. 50 I Acidity 1'1 1.619 BZSM-5 4. Conclusions The conversion of ethylene toward higher hydrocarbon is dependent on the acidity of the catalyst. Only weaker acid site is required to convert ethylene to higher hydrocarbons. Loading of Cu on BZSM-5 improves the selectivity for higher hydrocarbons, especially at lower percentage. The reactivity of ethylene is dependent on the amount of acidity as well as the presence of metal on the catalyst surface. Cul%BZSM-5 is capable of converting ethylene to higher hydrocarbons. The balances between metal and acid sites influence the performance of ethylene conversion and higher hydrocarbon selectivity. Higher loading of Cu leads to the formation of CO,. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank Malaysian Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment for funding this work through IRPA project No. 02-02-06-0031. 0 C,, selectivity ,861 Biscardi and Iglesia [31] reported that the introduction of Ga, Zn, or Pt species into zeolites increased the rate and selectivity for aromatization reactions and inhibited cracking side reactions that led to the loss of carbons to undesirable products. They explained that the oligomerization and cracking of light alkenes occurred readily on acid sites. Light alkenes can be converted to a mixture of higher molecular weight alkenes via a sequence of acid-catalyzed shapeselective oligomerization reaction over zeolites. Furthermore, aromatization of the product formed required a concerted reaction between the acid and metal cation sites. I .426 CUI YoBZSM-5 Cu4YoBZSM-5 Cu9%BZSM-5 Figure 4. Effect of the amount of acid (mmol/g) on the C5+ selectivity for ethylene conversion Introducing metal into the zeolite resulted in an increase of the conversion and selectivity. This finding was in agreement with the finding by Nishi et al. [29], Liu et al. [30], and Biscardi and Iglesia [31]. They claimed that introducing the metal component t o the zeolite catalyst will improve the product selectivity. References [l] Heveling J, Nicolaides C P, Scurrell M S. Appl Catal A , 1998, 173(1): 1 [2] Sohn J R, Park W C. Appl Catal A , 2002, 230(1-2): 11 [3] Han S, Maternak D J, Palerrno R E, Pearson J A , Walsh D E. J Catal, 1994, 148(1): 134 [4] Nor Aishah Saidina Arnin, Didi Dwi Anggoro. J Natur Gas Chem, 2002, 11: 79 [5] Ernst S, Weitkamp J. In: Irnarisio G, Frim M, Bemtgen J M eds. Hydrocarbons Source of Energy. 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Catal Today, 1996, 31(3-4): 207 Available online at ScienceDirect ]<lUrMl of Natural Gas Chemistry Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 15(2006)266-270 SCIENCE PRESS Article Production of High Purity Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes from Catalytic Decomposition of Methane Kong Bee Hong, Mahayuddin, Aidawati Azlin Binti Ismail, Abdul Rahman Mohamed, Mohamed Ezzaham Bin Mohd Sharif Hussein Sharif Zeiri* School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus, Chiversiti Sains Malaysia, 14300 Nabong Tebal, Seberang Perai Selatan, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia [Manuscript received October 18, 20061 Abstract: Acid-based purification process of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) produced via catalytic decomposition of methane with NiO/TiOz as a catalyst is described. By combining the oxidation in air and the acid refluxes, the impurities, such as amorphous carbon, carbon nanoparticles, arid the NiO/TiOz catalyst, are eliminated. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images confirm the removal of the impurities. The percentage of the carbon nanotubes purity was analyzed using thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). Using this process, 99.9 wt% purity of MWNTs was obtained. Key words: multi-walled carbon nanotubes; purification; acid refluxes; oxidation; methane; decomposition 1. Introduction Since their discovery by Iijima in 1991 [l],carbon nanotubes have been extensively researched and have resulted in various potential applications [2-41, thus opening a new chapter in nanoscale materials science. However, a major issue that remains unresolved is its purification. Most synthesis methods of the carbon nanotubes are based on the use of the catalyst and the as-synthesized carbon nanotubes are then contaminated with metal catalyst and other carbonaceous materials such as amorphous carbon and carbon nanoparticles [5]. These impurities are closely entangled with the carbon nanotubes and hence influence the carbon nanotubes structural and electronic properties and thereby limit their applications [6]. Therefore, it is necessary to purify the as-synthesized carbon nanotubes t o enable their application in many areas. Several purification processes have been reported. For example, Wiltshire et al. [7]used magnet t o separate ferromagnetic catalyst particles from an aqueous surfactant solution of carbon nanotubes. The residual quantity of the Fe catalyst was 3 wt%. Moon et al. [8] used a two step process of thermal annealing in air and acid treatment to purify single-walled carbon nanotubes. This process provided carbon nanotubes with metal catalysts less than 1%. Strong et al. [9] used a combination of oxidation followed by acid washing and provided residue mass as low as 0.73 wt%. A microwave-assisted digestion system was used to dissolve the metal catalyst in organic acid followed by filtration [10,11]. This method provided 99.9 wt% purity of the carbon nanotubes. Although various purification methods have been reported by researchers, which have shown high purity, no effective common method has yet been found for the removal of impurities for all types of assynthesized carbon nanotubes. Therefore, the purification method depends on the specific type of cat- * Corresponding author. Tel: 6045996442; Fax: 604-5941013; E-mail: Special Column of the INRET 2006/Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry VoJ. 15 No. 4 2006 alyst used in the synthesis of carbon nanotubes, the reaction time, and the temperature [12]. Recently, our group had succeeded in obtaining a higher yield in the synthesis of MWNTs from methane decomposition using NiO/TiOz as the catalyst [13] with activation energy, 60 kJ/mol, being the lowest reported in the literature for this reaction [14]. To enable their application in many areas, it was necessary to purify the as-synthesized MWNTs. In this article, an acid-based purification process of the assynthesized MWNTs produced via catalytic decomposition of methane with NiO/TiOz as the catalyst has been reported. 2. Experimental 2.1. Samples Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) were synthesized via the catalytic decomposition of methane with NiO/TiOz as the catalyst. A complete description of the synthesis of the catalyst and the carbon nanotubes are explained in detail elsewhere [13]. 2.2. Purification The acid-based purification process of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) produced via catalytic decomposition of methane with NiO/TiOz as the catalyst has been described. The acid refluxes/the chemical oxidation process and the acid refluxes/the oxidation in air process have been compared. In the first step, 0.5 g of MWNTs was refluxed in 100 ml of concentric acid (10 M) above boiling point for 6 h. The effectiveness of nitric acid and sulfuric acid on the impurities were also compared in this step under similar conditions. Then, the acid treated MWNTs were either oxidized in air or chemically. Oxidation in air was done in a furnace at 350 "C for 2 h. Chemical oxidation was done using KMn04 and HzSO4 at 80 "C for 1 h. The treated MWNTs were then separated from the chemical solutions using microfiltration. The MWNTs obtained after the oxidation process were then dispersed in an aqueous solution of benzalkonium chloride. The mixture was then sonicated for 2 h and the suspension was then separated from the solution using microfiltration. The solid caught on the filter was then soaked in ethanol to washout the surfactant. A final washing was done with de-ionised water and then dried in an oven of temperature 120 "C for 8 h. 267 2.3. Characterization The morphology of the MWNTs before and after the purification process were examined using the scanning electron microscope (SEM) system (A Leo Supra 50 VP Fuel Emission) and the transmission electron microscope (TEM) system (Philips Model CMl2). The percentages of the impurities of the MWNTs before and after the purification process were analyzed using thermal gravimetric analysis (Perkin Elmer TGA7 Thermogravimetric Analyzer). 3. Results and discussion Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is used to detect the percentage of MWNTs, metal catalysts, and other impurities according to the combustion temperature difference between these materials. Figure 1 shows the TGA and the differentiated thermogravimetric analysis (DTG) curves of MWNTs before and after purification. In Figure l(a),l(b), l(c), and l ( d ) , the solid lines and the dotted lines correspond to the TGA curves and the DTG curves, respectively. Figure l ( a ) shows the TGA of the as-synthesized MWNTs and indicates that the weight starts to reduce near 510 "C. The MWNTs were completely burned a t 700 "C. The remaining materials were metal catalysts, which were approximately 29% of the entire weight. There was only one stepwise weight-loss, which indicates that the MWNTs did not contain amorphous carbon. In the DTG curve, no peak was found in a temperature below 500 OC, which again indicates that the MWNTs did not contain amorphous carbon. The peak at 620 "C in the DTG curve indicates the oxidation temperature of the MWNTs. Figure l(b) shows the TGA results of MWNTs, which were purified using the nitric acid refluxes followed by chemical oxidation. Based on the TGA curve, the combustion temperature range between 0 "C and 100 "C is assumed to be water vapor. There was a small peak in the DTG curve a t temperature 200 "C, which indicates the presence of 4 wt% amorphous carbon in the MWNTs. The MWNTs started burning at 450 "C and completed at 650 "C. In this temperature range, the weight percent of the sample dropped from 95 wt% to 75 wt%. This shows that the sample contains only approximately 20 wt% MWNTs. This is considerably lower than the as-synthesized MWNTs (Figure 1 (a)). This maybe because the chemicals used for purification remained in the sample. The initial burning temperature of MWNTs (450 "C) is lower than that of the 268 Kong Bee Hong et a]./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 as-synthesized MWNTs (500 "C). This is because of the metal catalysts that still remained in the MWNTs and enhanced the combustion rate of the MWNTs and thus reduced the combustion temperature [15]. Figure l(c) shows the TGA graph of MWNTs that were purified using nitric acid refluxes followed by oxidation in air. There was no weight loss between 0 "C and 400 "C, which indicates that these MWNTs are free of amorphous carbon. The MWNTs started burning at approximately 500 "C and completed at 700 "C. Thus, the purified MWNTs have purity of 84 wt%. The metal catalysts that still exist were of 16 wt%. Therefore, in this purification process, oxidation in air is more suitable than chemical oxidation. To remove the end caps of the multi-walled carbon nanotubes and to expose the metal oxides for further acid dissolving, oxidation in air was introduced prior to acid refluxes. Figure l ( d ) shows the TGA graph of the MWNTs after purification using oxidation in air followed by nitric acid refluxes and then re-oxidation in air. There was no mass loss between the temperature ranges of 300 "C and 400 "C, which indicates that the purified MWNTs are free of amorphous carbon. The MWNTs started burning at 500 "C and stopped at 835 "C. The residue at 835 "C amounted to 8 wt% of the original mass and was attributed to the NiO/TiOz catalyst. The total mass loss of this sample was 92 wt%. 0 0 0 I00 -0.5 -20 - 95 .-C -40 -60 -80 -100 2 .-C C -1.O.E E g 5 s '5s - 10 g 90 h -20 -30 80 -40 -2.5 75 70 u -50 -3.0 0 'Temperature (T) 200 400 600 Temperalure ("2) 0 200 400 600 Temperature ("C) 0 -10 80 0 -10 C 1- -20 d $ 4 -30 - . 5 C -20 'g -30 4 v 60 B .- 800 r I I I00 800 E $ .9 QJ 40 -40 20 '6 P -50 0 - 60 -60 0 200 400 600 Temperature ('C) 800 -71) 0 200 400 600 Temperature ('C) 800 Figure 1. TGA graphs of: (a) as-synthesized MWNTs, (b) MWNTs after purification using nitric acid refluxes/chemical oxidation, (c) MWNTs after purification using nitric acid refluxes/oxidation in air, (d) MWNTs after purification using oxidation in air followed by nitric acid refluxes and then re-oxidation in air, (e) MWNTs after purification using oxidation in air followed by sulfuric acid refluxes and then re-oxidation in air gE 4 s 6 .- Special Column of the I N R E T 2006/Journal of Natural Gas i3emistr.y Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 The effectiveness of sulfuric acid was also studied under similar conditions where MWNTs were purified using oxidation in air followed by sulfuric acid refluxes and then re-oxidation in air. This is demonstrated in Figure l(e). The first total mass loss of this sample was 2 wt%, which occured before 100 'C, and which was probably due to water vapor. The mass loss of MWNTs started at 500 "C. The residue at 850°C amounted to 0.01 wt% of the NiO/TiOz catalyst. The purified MWNTs have purity of 99.9 wt% of the total dry original mass. Thus, sulfuric acid has higher catalyst (NiO/TiOz) dissolving efficiency than nitric acid. 269 Figure 2 (a) and (b) show the TEM and SEM images of the as-synthesized MWNTs, respectively. The metal particles were evidently embedded in the tip and between the MWNTs. The bright spots in the SEM image shown in Figure 2 (b) indicate the metal particles. Figure 3 (a) shows the TEM images of the purified MWNTs. It clearly shows that all tubes were opened and the metals embedded inside the tubes were removed. Figure 3 (b) shows that the SEM images of the purified MWNTs are free of bright spots, which indicates that the purified MWNTs are free of metal catalysts. Hence, these results show that the MWNTs have high purity. ~ Figure 2. The images of the as-synthesized MWNTs: (a) TEM, (b) SEM Figure 3. Purified MWNTs using oxidation in air followed by sulfuric acid refluxes and re-oxidation in air: (a) TEM image, (b) SEM image. 4. Conclusions Acid refluxes/oxidation in air provides higher purification efficiency of the as-synthesized MWNTs than acid refluxes/chemical oxidation. Oxidation in air prior to acid treatment can open the tips of MWNTs and expose the metal particles inside the tube for further acid solvating. Oxidation in air after acid treatment helps to remove the amorphous carbon created after the acid treatment. In this study, sulfuric acid provides a better result than nitric acid to purify MWNTs produced via the catalytic decomposition of methane with NiO/TiOz as the catalyst. Using this acid, purity of MWNTs as high as 99.9 wt% was obtained. The authors acknowledge the financial support provided by Short Term Grant USM (Proiect: A/C No: ~" 6035146) and Academy of Sciences Malaysia under Scientific Advancement Grant Allocation (SAGA) (Project: A/C No. 6053001). 270 Kong Bee Hong et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 References Iijima C. Nature, 1991, 354: 56 Dresselhaus M, Dresselhaus G, Avouris P. Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis, Properties and Application. Berlin: Springer, 2001 Baughman R H, Zakhidov A A, de Heer W A. Science, 2002, 297: 787 Zhao J 3, Buldum A, Han J, Lu J P. Nanotechnology, 2002, 13: 195 Hou P X, Bai S, Yang Q H, Liu C, Cheng H M. Curbon, 2002, 40: 81 KO C J, Lee C Y, KO F H, Chen H L, Chu T C. Microelectron Eng, 2004, 73-74:570 Wiltshire J G, Li L J, Khlobystov A N, Padbury C J, Briggs G A D, Nicholas R J. Carbon, 2005, 43: 1151 Moon J M, An K H, Lee Y H, Park Y S, Bae D J , Park G S. J Phys Chem B, 2001, 105: 5677 Strong K L, Anderson D P, Lafdi K, Kuhn J N. Carbon, 2003, 41: 1477 Chen C M, Chen M, Leu F C, Hsu S Y, Wang S C, Shi S C, Chen C F. Diamond Relat Mater, 2004, 13: 1182 KO F H, Lee C Y, KO C J, Chu T C. Carbon, 2005, 43: 727 Li F, Cheng H M, Xing Y T, Tan P H, Su G. Carbon, 2000, 38: 2041 Zein S H S, Mohamed A R. Energy & Fuels, 2004, 18: 1336 Zein S H S, Mohamed A R, Sai P S T. Ind Eng Chem Res, 2004, 43: 4864 Arepalli S, Nikolaev P, Gorelik 0, Hadjiev V G, Holmes W, Files B, Yowell L. Carbon, 2004, 42: 1783 Available online at ScienceDirect Journal of Natural Gas Chcmmv SCIENCE PRESS Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 15(2006)271-274 Article Microreactor for the Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Methane Widodo Wahyu Puwanto*, Yuswan Muharam Sustainable Energy Research Group, Gas and Petrochemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Kampus Universitas Indonesia, Depok 1642, Indonesia [Manuscript received October 18, 20061 Abstract: Fixed-bed reactors for the partial oxidation of methane to produce synthetic gas still pose hotspot problems. An alternative reactor, which is known as the shell-and-tube-typed microreactor, has been developed to resolve these problems. The microreactor consists of a 1 cm outside-diameter, 0.8 cm insidediameter and 11 cm length tube, and a 1.8 cm inside-diameter shell. The tube is made of dense alumina and the shell is made of quartz. Two different methods dip and spray coating were performed to line the tube side with the LaNi,O, catalyst. Combustion and reforming reactions take place simultaneously in this reactor. Methane is oxidized in the tube side to produce flue gases (CO:! and HzO) which flow counter-currently and react with the remaining methane in the shell side to yield synthesis g&. The methane conversion using the higher-loading catalyst spray-coated tube reaches 97% at 700 "C, whereas that using the lower-loading catalyst dip-coated tube reaches only 7.78% because of poor adhesion between the catalyst film and the alumina support. The turnover frequencies (TOFs) using the catalyst spray-and dip-coated tubes are 5 . 7 5 lop5 ~ and 2 . 2 4 ~ lo-' mol/gCat. s, respectively. The catalyst spray-coated at 900 "C provides better performance than that at 1250 "C because sintering reduces the surface-area. The hydrogen to carbon monoxide ratio produced by the spray-coated catalyst is greater than the stoichiometric ratio, which is caused by carbon deposition through methane cracking or the Boudouard reaction. Key words: microreactor; catalytic partial oxidation; methane; coating method 1. Introduction Synthesis gas, which consists primarily of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, is produced through steam reforming, carbon dioxide reforming, and partial oxidation of methane. The H2/CO ratio produced by the highly-endothermic steam and C02 reforming is not suitable for use as the feedstock of methanol synthesis and the Fischer-Tropsch reaction [l].The partial oxidation of methane is an interesting process to prevent the drawback posed by both reforming reactions [2]. The other advantages of the partial oxidation of methane are that the reaction is slightly exothermic and the resident time is quick. Fixed-bed reactors for the partial oxidation of methane show a drawback, ie., hot spots are mostly formed in the entry zone of the reactor. This is related to the reaction mechanisms of the partial oxidation of methane, the indirect mechanism depicted in Equations 1-3, or the direct one shown in Equation 4: + + CH4 2 0 2 + C02 2H20 (AH298K = -801 kJ/mol) + + + + + + CH4 CO2 H 2CO 2H2 (AH298~= 247 kJ/mol) CH4 H2O H CO 3H2 (AH298~= 207 kJ/mol) (1) (2) (3) CH4 1 / 2 0 2 ++ CO 2H2 (4) (AH298K = -36 kJ/mol) For the indirect mechanism, the highlyexothermic total oxidation of methane (Reaction 1) * Coressponding autor. Tel: 62-21-7863516; Fax: 62-21-7863515; E-mail: 272 Widodo Wahyu Puwanto et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 occurs a t the entry of the reactor, followed by the endothermic COz and steam reformings of unconverted methane (Reactions 2 and 3) occurring at the remaining parts of the bed [3]. In better designs, a reactor for the partial oxidation of methane delivers heat released by the exothermic reaction in a manner such that the heat is simultaneously utilized by steam and C02 reformings. One of these designs is the shell-and-tube microreactor [4]. Total oxidation takes place in the tube side, while steam and COz reforming occuring in the shell side of the reactor utilizes the heat released by the oxidation. To support this purpose, this study was undertaken with the aim of developing the shell-and-tube microreactor for the catalytic partial oxidation of methane over nickel-based catalyst, especially on the impact of the coating methods and the operating conditions on the reaction performances. 2. Experimental 2.1. Reactor system The shell and tube microreactor (Figure 1) was made of dense a-alumina for the tubes, quartz for the shell, and stainless steel for the unions. The catalyst length in the inside and outside of the tubes was 11 cm; the outside and the inside diameter of the tubes were 1 cm and 0.8 cm, respectively; and the inside diameter of the shell was 1.8 cm. The reactant flowrate was 300 ml/min with a Products Reactants Catalyst I -$:;T; t I ULI I] Union tee Reducer union Shell CH4/02 ratio of 2.3. The gas leaving the reactor passed through a water trap to condense the water contained in the gases. A soap bubble was mounted to meter the gas flow rates. The gas composition was analyzed using a TDC-typed gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-8A) with active carbon column. 2.2. Catalyst preparation and coating The LaNi,O, catalyst was prepared using the solgel technique [5,6]. The precursor La(N03)3. 6Hz0 was mixed with Ni(N03)Z. 6H20 with a Ni/La molar ratio of 10. The mixture was then solved in water. Maleic acid was added gradually into the nitric solution produced until a maleic acid/total nitric molar ratio of 1 was achieved. The solution was then stirred a t 70 "C. Coating of the catalyst on the tube was done through dip-coating and spray-pyrolisis methods. The alumina tube was cleaned by immersing it in a 50% acetone solution and by treating it in an ultrasonic bath containing 30% acetone solution for 20 min. Alumina was then dried in vacuum furnace at 140 "C for 1 hour. In the dip-coating method, the tube was immersed in a catalyst sol. The catalyst-deposited tube was heated to evaporate the solvent. The catalyst was then calcinated a t 900 "C for 3 h. In the spray-pyrolisis method, the catalyst sol was calcinated at 900 "C, then crushed into small size powder, and solved in isopropyl alcohol (0.2 g/ml). The catalyst solution was sprayed on the tube surface which was already heated. The catalyst deposit was sintered at sintering temperatures (900 and 1250 "C) for 4 h [7]. The catalyst samples sintered at 900 "C and 1250 "C are called the spray-900 and the spray-1250, respectively. The resulting catalyst powder were characterized with BET (Autosorb 6 , Quantachrome) for surface area, and EDX Scan (Oxford 6599) for catalyst composition. Tube 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Effect of coating method Figure 1. Scheme and photograph of the microreactor The test conducted in the blank reactor at 700 "C shows that no gas products were observed. The catalyst prepared using the dip-coating method converted 7.7% of methane. The low conversion of methane is caused by very low loading of the catalyst in the tube (0.06 g in the outside and 0.02 g in the inside of the Special Column of the INRET 2006/JournaI of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 tube), whereas the spray-900 and the spray-1250 catalysts provided high methane conversions (more than 97%) because of the higher loading of the catalyst in the outside (0.4 g) and the inside (0.2 g) of the tube. 273 of the spray-900 catalyst (3.03 m2/g) is larger than that of the spray-1250 catalyst (2.1 m2/g). 3.2. Effect of temperature The effect of the reaction temperatures on the conversion is shown in Figure 4. 100, 1 - 80 g .- spray-900 - : 60 - v) " n , F 6 0.00 0.00 Blank reactor Dip-coating Spray-900 20 Spray-I 250 Figure 2. Methane conversions at 700 "C for each type of catalyst It can be explained that the dip-coating method provided imperfect catalyst film deposition on the alumina surface because of unstable heating a t 70 "C or fast evaporation, and the resulting sol was not homogeneous. The aged sol will form gel at drying, which will produce a thick film and flakes or weak adhesion. Meanwhile, the spray-pyrolisis method provided strong adhesion between the support and the catalyst layers and consequently produced higher loading. Figure 3 shows the turn over frequency (TOF) of the three different catalysts at 700 "C representing the reaction performance per weight of the catalyst. The T O F with the spray-pyrolisis catalysts and provides a better performance ( 5 . 7 5 lW5 ~ 5.73~ mol/gcat. s) than the dip-coating catalyst (2.24~ mol/gcat. s). The spray-900 catalyst has higher activity when compared to the spray-1250 catalyst, which may be because the BET surface area 6 , 40- U I Figure 3. The turn over frequency (TOF) of the different catalysts at 700 "C - 0Spray-I250 80 - 60 - 9 c .- 2 $ 401 0 20 nL 500 'C 700 "C 600 'C Figure 4. Effect of temperature on the reactant conversion It is seen that the decrease in temperature will decrease the conversion of methane. At higher temperature (700 "C),the methane conversion is similar while using the spray-900 catalyst and the spray-1250 catalyst (about 97%). The reaction is thermal controlled at higher temperature, whereas at the same time, the difference in methane conversion significantly occurs at lower temperatures (600 "C and 500 "C), in which the methane conversion of the spray-900 catalysts is larger than that of the spray-1250 catalyst, which indicates that the reaction is catalytic controlled. For the lowest temperature of 500 "C, most of the nickel catalyst is required t o consume oxygen to form NiO, so that the oxygen conversion is considerably higher than the methane conversion. The selectivity of CO, C02, and H2 for the spray-pyrolisis catalysts are shown in Figure 5. The H2 selectivity increases, whereas the C02 selectivity decreases with increasing temperatures. It can be explained that the Gibbs free energy of methane combustion is more negative than that of steam and C02 reforming within the temperature range of 500-700 "C. At lower tem- 2 74 Widodo Wahyu Puwanto et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 peratures, the complete oxidation of methane is dominant than reforming. The CO selectivity is relatively constant, although the reforming reactions proceed more spontaneously at higher temperatures. This is 0 2 4 6 8 I0 12 (keV) Figure 7. EDX spectrum of the spray-900 catalyst 4. Conclusions 500 "C 600 *C 700 *C Figure 5. Effect of temperature on product selectivity Figure 6 exhibits that the Hz/CO ratios are always greater than 2, which are possibly caused by the existence of methane cracking and by the Boudouard reactions. The occurrence of carbon deposition was proved by the appearance of COz when the used catalyst was flushed by oxygen and EDX scan as shown in Figure 7. 4, The following conclusions can be drawn based on the above discussion: The catalyst loading prepared using the spraypyrolisis method is higher than that of the dip-coating method leading to better performance of partial oxidation of methane (the methane conversion is 97%, s). and the TOF is 5.75~10-~mol/g,,~. Owing to the higher surface area (3.03 m2/g), the performance of the catalyst sintered at 900 "C is better than that at 1250 "C, At lower temperatures (500-600 "C),the methane conversion using the spray-900 catalyst is higher than that using the spray-1250 catalyst. At a higher temperature (700 " C ) ,the two catalysts convert almost the same amount of methane. The occurrence of carbon deposit causes the hydrogen to carbon monoxide ratios produced to be greater than the stoichiometric ratio. Acknowledgements We especially thank M. Subhan for technical assistance in carrying out the most of experiments. I References 500 ' C 600 *C 700 *C Figure 6. Effect of temperature on the hydrogen to carbon monoxide ratio [I] Basile A, Paturzo L. Catal Today, 2001, 67(1-3): 55 [2] Jin W, Li S, Huang P, Xu N, Shi J, Lin Y S. J Membr Sci, 2000, 166(1): 13 [3] Swaan H M, Rouanet R, Widyananda P, Mirodatos C. Stud Surf Sci Catal, 1997, 107: 447 [4] Piga A, Verykios X E. Catal Today, 2000, 6O(l-2): 63 [5] Norman A K, Morris M A. J Mater Process Technol, 1999, 92-93: 91 [S] Golden S J. US Patent 6 372 686. 2000 [7] Ritchie J T, Richardson J T, Luss D. AIChE J , 2001, 47(9): 2092 Available online at ScienceDirect Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 15(2006)275-281 SCIENCE PRESS www.elsevier.cddjmnocateljngc Review Efficient Fixation of Carbon Dioxide by Electrolysis - Facile Synthesis of Useful Carboxylic Acids Masao Tokuda* Division of Molecular Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-8628, Japan [Manuscript received October 18, 2006] Abstract: Electrochemical fixation of atmospheric pressure of carbon dioxide to organic compounds is a useful and attractive method for synthesizing of various carboxylic acids. Electrochemical fixation of carbon dioxide, electrochemical carboxylation, organic halides, organic triflates, alkenes, aromatic compounds, and carbonyl compounds can readily occur in the presence of an atmospheric pressure of carbon dioxide to form the corresponding carboxylic acids with high yields, when a sacrificial anode such as magnesium or aluminum is used in the electrolysis. The electrochemical carboxylation of vinyl bromides was successfully applied for the synthesis of the precursor of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents such as ibuprofen and naproxen. On the other hand, supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCOZ)has significant potential as an environmentally benign solvent in organic synthesis and it could be used both as a solvent and as a reagent in these electrochemical carboxylations by using a small amount of cosolvent. K e y words: carbon dioxide; fixation; supercritical carbon dioxide; electrolysis; sacrificial anode; carboxylic acid 1. Introduction Efficient fixation of an atmospheric pressure of carbon dioxide to appropriate organic substrates is a very useful and attractive method for synthesizing of various carboxylic acids. Electrochemical methods for the efficient fixation of carbon dioxide have been studied as the electrochemical reactions usually proceed under mild conditions. Among them, the electro-chemical reductive method using a platinum cathode and a sacrificial anode such as magnesium or aluminum metal in a one-compartment cell was found to be the most convenient and effective method [l-21. The electrochemical fixation of carbon dioxide to various types of organic compounds was studied by the authors and a variety of useful carboxylic acids were prepared in high yields. These electrochemical fixations, electrochemical carboxylations, were suc- cessfully applied for the efficient synthesis of the precursor of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents such as ibuprofen and naproxen. On the other hand, supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) has significant potential as an environmentally benign solvent for the replacement of hazardous organic media in organic synthesis, as it is inexpensive, nontoxic, and can be readily recovered and reused after the reaction. We found that supercritical carbon dioxide could be used both as a solvent and as a reagent in these electrochemical fixations. In this article, our results on the efficient electrochemical fixation of an atmospheric pressure of carbon dioxide and its application for the synthesis of various useful carboxylic acids including the precursor of anti-inflammatory agents are summarized. The use of supercritical carbon dioxide both as a solvent and as a reagent in electrochemical fixations is also described in this article. *Corresponding author. Present address: HanakawiGkita 4-2-1-4, Ishikari 061-3214, Japan Tel: +81-133-74-2811; Fax: +81-133-74-2811; Email: 276 Masao Tokuda et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 2. Electrochemical fixation of carbon dioxide The electrochemical fixation of carbon dioxide to organic compounds is considered to proceed via two pathways. The pathway A includes the generation of anionic species by the two-electron reduction of the organic substrates (Scheme 1, equations (1)-(4)). The carbanions undergo a nucleophilic attack on carbon dioxide to yield the corresponding carboxylic acids. This case occurs when the reduction potentials of the organic substrates are more positive than that of carbon dioxide. The electrochemical fixation of carbon dioxide occurs through pathway B when the reduction potentials of the organic substrates are more negative than that of carbon dioxide (Scheme 1, equations (5)-(8)). In this method, the anion radical of carbon dioxide generated by the one-electron reduction reacts with organic substrates, typically such as alkenes, to yield the corresponding carboxylic acids. [Pathway A] RX-%[RX]’-- R.+X- (1) - R. +e_ RR-+ C02 (2) (3) R-CO; R-COY +Hi_ R-CO2H [Pathway B] C02 (4) - [CO,]’- [co21’-+ RA (5) (6) R k C O ’ R& a; 4_ R/\/CO; R&co; (7) (8) S R - C 0 2 H Scheme 1. Electrochemical fixation of carbon dioxide to organic substrates These electrochemical fixations of an atmospheric pressure of carbon dioxide to organic substrates can effectively occur when the electrolysis is carried out in a one-compartment cell using a platinum cathode and a sacrificial anode such as magnesium or aluminum [l-21. Such fixation, the electrochemical carboxylation, results in the formation of various carboxylic acids with good yields. 3. Electrochemical carboxylation of allylic and propargylic halides Electrolysis of allylic bromides (1)in the presence of an atmospheric pressure of carbon dioxide with a platinum cathode and a magnesium anode regioselectivelyform the corresponding P,y-unsaturated carboxylic acids 2 with 34%-71% isolated yields (Scheme 2) [3]. The electrolysis was carried out in an N , N-Dimethyl formamide (DMF) solution containing 0.1M Et4NC104 at constant current using a one-compartment cell. This electrochemical carboxylation results in the formation of acids 2 and this reaction is of considerable significance as the carboxylation of allylic organometallic compounds derived from allylic halides 1 usually yields P,y-unsaturated carboxylic acids 3 [4]. Electrochemical carboxylation of (Y,Qdisubstituted propargyl bromides (4) yield allenic acids 6 as the predominant product (Scheme 2) [5]. Carboxylation of propargylic organometallic compounds results in the formation of a mixture of acids 5 and 6 with very low yields. n Mg+ R* I P f R 0.1 M E14NCI04-DMF 1 R + c02 --+R X 4 * 3 Flmol, 25 mAicm2 [Y=34%-71%] + ”& R 3 (10%) 2 (90%) n Mg+ +-p R Pt- b 0.1 M E14NCI04-DMF 5 Flmol, 25 rnAlcm2 [Y=36%-44%] R‘ L C 0 2 H ,=.+ + CO2H 5 (0-10%) H02C R R 6 (1 00%-90%) Scheme 2. Electrochemical carboxylation of allylic and propargylic halides The electrochemical carboxylations of both the allylic and the propargylic halides would proceed via the same pathway A as shown in Scheme 1, as both these halides are more readily reduced than carbon dioxide. In these cases, the corresponding carban- ions that are derived from the allylic or propargylic halides are produced as the intermediate species and the regioselectivityyielding 2 or 6 as the predominant product in the electrochemical carboxylations of 1 or 4 can be elucidated by the addition of more stable 277 Special Column of the INRET 2006,’Journal of Natural Gas Chemistr,y Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 carbanions t o carbon dioxide. The hitherto unknown 3-methylenepent-4-enoic acid ( 8 ) was synthesized by the electrochemical carboxylation of allylic tribromide 7 (Scheme 3) [6]. Tribromide 7 was readily prepared by the ll 4-addition of bromide to isoprene followed by allylic bromination[7] and it can work as a synthetic equivalent of isoprenyl carbanion (A). Two-electron reduction of 7 results in the formation of isoprenyl bromide (9), whereas two-electron reduction of 9 generates the carbanion A (Scheme 3). - Pl- Br I I t2e MA‘ idative addition of Ni(0) to vinyl bromide would yield vinyl nickel complex 12. Two-electron reduction of the complex 12 yields the corresponding vinyl carbanion, which would be trapped by an atmospheric pressure of carbon dioxide to yield the corresponding a,@unsaturated carboxylic acids 11. Cyclic voltammetry of 1-bromocycloheptene in the presence of NiBra(bpy) showed the existence of a novel reduction peak at ca -1.5 V, which has a higher positive potential than that of the original vinyl bromide [lo]. n PI- Mg’ -A 0.1 M Ei,NI-l)MF 5 Flmol. 10 mA!cm2 (MA: AlloyofMn.NiaiidCu) CO2H 8 (57%) t R’ 0.1 M 13uqNBl:4-DMF 3 Wrnol. 10 mA/cm2 Br 10 Electrochemical carboxylation of vinylic bromides Reduction potentials of aryl-substituted vinyl bromides are more positive than that of carbon dioxide and therefore, their electrochemical carboxylation would proceed via the pathway A in Scheme 1. Electrolysis of aryl-substituted vinyl bromides 10 in the presence of an atmospheric pressure of carbon dioxide with a platinum cathode and a magnesium anode gave the corresponding a , P-unsaturated carboxylic acids 11 with isolated yields of 63%92% (Scheme 4)[8,9]. When R1, R2 or R3 are alkyl or hydrogen atoms, the reduction potentials of the vinyl bromides become highly negative and the electrochemical carboxylations of them form a$unsaturated carboxylic acids 11 with low yields. However, the addition of Ni(I1) catalyst in this electrochemical reduction significantly enhance the yield of the desired a$-unsaturated carboxylic acids 11 and the isolated yields are 58%-82% (Scheme 4)[10]. Probable reaction pathways for the electrochemical carboxylation of aliphatic vinyl bromides in the presence of Ni(I1) catalyst are shown in Scheme 5. Reduction potentials of 1-bromocycloheptene and NiBrz(bpy) are<-2.6 V and -1.25 V vs Ag/AgCl, respectively. Two-electron reduction of more easily reducible Ni(I1) catalyst yields Ni(0) species and the ox- “HR3 R? C02H II a ) R ’ , R’, R3 = Ph. alkyl or H h) R’. R‘, R 3= alkyl or H c ) R ’ , R‘, R3 = alkyl or H; 20rnol%NiBr2.hpy Y=63%-92% Y=14%-43% Y=58%-82% Scheme 4. Electrochemical carboxylation of vinylic bromides NiW) Scheme 3. Electrochemical carboxylation of isoprenyl anion equivalent 7 4. * Br R’ 10 12 11 Scheme 5. Proposed reaction pathways of the electrochemical carboxylation of aliphatic vinyl bromide using Ni(I1) catalyst Stereochemistry of the electrochemical carboxylation using Ni(I1) catalyst was also examined. Electrochemical carboxylation of ( E ) - and (2)-@bromostyrene in the presence of 20 mol% of NiBr:! (bpy) proceeded with the retention of the stereochemistry to yield the corresponding (19)and (2)cinnamic acids with high-stereoselectivities [ll]. High efficiency in the electrochemical fixation of carbon dioxide using a sacrificial anode can be rationalized by the reaction pathways shown in Scheme 6. At the cathode, a two-electron reduction of organic halides occurs to yield the corresponding carbanions (R-), which are trapped by carbon dioxide to yield the corresponding carboxylates (RCOO-) (Scheme 6, equations (1) and (2)). At the anode, on the other hand, the dissolution of magnesium metal takes place and this results in the formation of magnesium ion (Mg2+) (equation (3)). The magnesium ion readily captures carboxylates to yield stable magnesium car- 278 Masao Tokuda et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 instead of vinyl halides, was also examined and triflyl function (-OTf=-OS02CH3) acts as a good leaving group in organic reactions. During the electrochemical carboxylation of vinyl triflates 13, two types of reactions occurred and two entirely different products, namely, a,@-unsaturatedcarboxylic acids (14) or @-keto carboxylic acids (15) are obtained (Scheme 7) [12-141. Electrolysis of phenyl-substituted vinyl triflates in the presence of an atmospheric pressure of carbon dioxide formed acids 14 with good yields, whereas the similar electrochemical carboxylation of alkyl-substituted vinyl triflates yielded carboxylic acids 15 as the predominant product. These divergent electrochemical carboxylations are resulted from the chemoselective cleavage of 0-S or C-0 bond of the vinyl triflates. In the case of phenylsubstituted vinyl triflates, a preferential reduction of vinyl triflates occurs to yield vinyl carbanions, which are trapped by carbon dioxide to yield 14. On the other hand, in the case of alkyl-substituted vinyl triflates, carbon dioxide is more readily reduced to form its anion radical, which would attack the sulfur atom of the vinyl triflates followed by 0 - S bond cleavage and this results in the formation of corresponding enolate anions. These enolates would be captured by carbon dioxide to exclusively yield 15. boxylates ((RC00)2Mg or RCOOMgX) (equation (4) or (5)). If magnesium ions were not present in the solution, most of the carboxylates would either undergo decarboxylation to regenerate the original carbanions or it would undergo decomposition at the anode to yield radicals followed by Kolbe coupling reaction. These decarboxylation and decomposition of carboxylate anions would result in the formation of carboxylic acids in low yield. - at cathode (Pt) R-X t 2e R-+CO2 at anode (Mg) Mg overall 2RC00- + Mg2+ andor RCOO-+ Mg2+ f X- R-+X- (1) RCOO- (2) Mg2++2e (3) (RC00)2Mg (4) RCOOMgX (5) - Scheme 6. Probable reaction pathways of an efficient electrochemical fixation of carbon dioxide using a sacrificial anode 5. Electrochemical carboxylation of vinyl triflates Electrochemical carboxylation of vinyl triflates, PtR 1R2J 7 R l 15 *03IFM/ ~BurNBF4-DMF O I .10 m ~ i c r n ' [R'.,'R R' = alkyl. I -1Mg'.CO, R' My+. CO, R3 pt- *, R2+Rl HI 0.1 M BurNBFr-DMF OTf 13 3 Fimol. 10 InA/cm2 [R'.RZ,R' =ary. alkyl, HI R2+R' CO2H 14 Scheme 7. Divergent electrochemical carboxylation of vinyl triflates (13) Carboxylation pathway of 13 to give 15 can completely be changed to another one giving 14 by the use of Ni(I1) catalyst in the electrolysis. Such electrochemical carboxylation of lactone enol triflates (16)in the presence of 20 mol% of NiBr2 (bpy) gave the corresponding cyclic a-alkoxyl-a,@-unsaturatedcarboxylic acids 17, captodative cycloalkenes, with 63%-79% yields (Scheme 8) [15]. w 16 0.1 M Bu4NBFa-DMF 3 Flmol, 10 &cm2 [20 mol% NiBrzbpyl Fixation of two molecules of carbon dioxides can take place when the electrolysis of phenyl-substituted alkenes was carried out in the presence of an atmospheric pressure of carbon dioxide with a platinum cathode and a magenesium anode. Various phenylsuccinic acids (19)were obtained by the electrochemical dicarboxylation of alkenes 18 and the isolated yields were 66%-91% (Scheme 9) [IS]. Dicarboxylation probably occurs via the pathway A in the case of stilbene (18;R1=R3=H, R2=Ph) and via the pathway B in 17 (63%-79%) Scheme 8. Electrochemical carboxylation of lactone enol triflates (16) 6. Electrochemical carboxylation of alkenes 3 Flmol, 25 mAlcm' 18 .. I9 (66%-91 %) Scheme 9, Electrochemical dicarboxylation of phenylsubstituted alkenes (18) 279 Special Column of the INRET 2006/Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 the case of styrene as shown in Scheme 1 (18; R1=R2 =R3=H). Electrochemical fixation of carbon dioxide t o alkenes having more complex structure readily occurs to give the corresponding carboxylic acids with d . R' good yields. Electrocheniical carboxylation of ringfused alkylidenecyclopropanes 20 in the presence of an atmospheric pressure of carbon dioxide afforded either mono-(21) or dicarboxylic acid (22) in 44%-74% yields (Scheme 10) [17]. R'R'CH + coz 20 C02H d or 21 22 R ' = H. alkyl R' = C02R', COMe (n = I. 2 ) Scheme 10. Electrochemical carboxylation of bicyclo[n.l.0]alkylidene derivatives (20) 7. Use of supercritical carbon dioxide in the electrochemical carboxylation Supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) can readily be attained under relatively moderate conditions (Tc=31 "C, Pc=7.5 MPa). It has significant potential as an environmentally benign solvent to replace the hazardous organic solvents, as it is nontoxic, inexpensive, and can be recovered and reused after the reaction. The authors of this study developed a novel method for electrochemical carboxylation in scCO2 by the use of small amount of acetonitrile (5-10 ml to 155 ml of scCO2) as a cosolvent [18]. No current flows in pure supercritical carbon dioxide due to its poor conductivity. Fixation of carbon dioxide to aromatic compounds successfully occurred in scCO2. Electrolysis of aryl halides (Ar-X) in scCO2 containing a small amount of acetonitrile with a platinum cathode and a magnesium anode resulted in the formation of aryl carboxylic acids (Ar-C02H) such as 23, 24, and 2 5 with high yields (Scheme 11) [19,20]. Electrochemical dicarboxylation of phenanthrene and anthracene also proceeded efficiently in scCO2 and formed acids 26 and 2 7 with high yields (Scheme 12) [20]. Similar electrochemical carboxylation of anthracene in acetonitrile solution in the presence of an atmospheric pressure of carbon dioxide formed 27 and the yield was only 32%. Most of the electrochemical carboxylations in scC02 gave higher yields of carboxylated products than those using a n atmospheric pressure of carbon dioxide. This is probably because of the high diffusion rates of RCOO- and Mg2+ species in scCO2 to form stable (RC00)zMg or RCOOMgX, compared with the slow diffusion rate in DMF solution containing an atmospheric pressure of carbon dioxide (Scheme 6 , equations (4) and (5)). Electrochemical carboxylation of arylmethyl halides, 1-aryl-1-bromoethenes, and aryl methyl ketones in scCO2 also proceeded efficiently to form the corresponding carboxylic acids with high yields [20]. n PI- Mg' Ar-X + scC02 t Ar-C02H Bu4NBF4-CIiICN 3 F/mol. 25 mA/cn? 140 "C. 80 kgicm2] X 23 24 25 Scheme 11. Electrochemical carboxylation of aryl halides in supercritical carbon dioxide PI- Mg' Bu4NBF4-CH3CN 3 F/mol. 25 mAIcm' 140 T,80 kglcm'] 26 (93%) + SCCO? 3 I Imol. 25 mA/cm* 140 %, 80 kg/cm*] CO2H 27 (93%) Scheme 12. Electrochemical dicarboxylation of arenes in supercritical carbon dioxide 280 Masao Tokuda et a]./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Val. 15 No. 4 2006 8. Application to the synthesis of the precursor of anti-inflammatory agents ample, the electrochemical carboxylation of vinyl bromide 28 formed the desired a,p-unsaturated carboxylic acid 29 with 93% yield [8],which can be readily transformed into (S)-ibuprofen by enantioselective hydrogenation [21,22] (Scheme 13). The precursors of naproxen (31),ketoprofen (32),and flurbiprofen (33) were produced in good yields by similar electrochemical carboxylation (Scheme 13). Efficient electrochemical carboxylation of vinyl bromide using an atmospheric pressure of carbon dioxide was successfully applied for the synthesis of the precursor of anti-inflammatory agents. For ex- 28 29 (93%) Naproxen precursor (31) (80%) (S)-( +)-lhuprqfin 30 (97%. 9 7 % ~ ) Ketoptwjen precursor (32) (74%) Flurbiptwjen precursor (33) (75%) Scheme 13. Synthesis of several precursors of anti-inflammatory agents by electrochemical carboxylation of vinyl bromides The electrochemical carboxylation in scCO2 was successfully applied for the synthesis of antiinflammatory agents. Electrolysis of benzylic chloride 34 in scCO2 formed racemic naproxen (35) with 74% yield (Scheme 14) [19,20]. Electrochemical carboxylation of aryl methyl ketone 36 in s c C 0 ~ formed a-hydroxycarboxylic acid 37 with 78% yield, which can afford (S)-naproxen (38)by dehydration and enantioselective hydrogenation. Synthesis of (5')loxoprofen (41)is of considerable synthetic as well 34 [40 'C. KO kgicm2] racemic Naproxen (35) (74%) n M y ' , scC02 t Me0 36 n PI- M~'.~cCOL - O & :H 2' PI- Bu,NBF,-CH,CN 5 Fimol. 20 mAicm' 140 %.KO kg/cm21 as electrochemical significance as the usual chemical reaction cannot control the reactivity of the two carbonyl groups in 39. In the electrochemical reactions; however, aryl methyl ketone is more readily reduced than cyclopentanone and the electrochemical carboxylation of 39 formed the desired ahydroxypropanoic acid (40)with 91% yield (Scheme 14). The product 40 can be transformed into ( S ) loxoprofen (41)[20]. Meo \ / Me0 37 (78%) m c \ o 2 (S>Nuproxen (38) - Qco2H CO2H Bu4NBF,-CH3CN 5 Fimul. 20 mA/cm2 0 39 H / OH [40 Z , KO kgicm?] 40 (91%) (S)-Loxopro/en (41 ) Scheme 14. Synthesis of anti-inflammatory agents by electrochemical carboxylation in supercritical carbon dioxide Special Column of the INRET 2006/3ournal of Natural Gas Che1nistr.y Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 Similar electrochemical carboxylation of vinylic bromides in scC02 also gave the precursor of antiinflammatory agents 29, 31, and 33 with almost the same yields as those using the atmospheric carbon dioxide [20]. The precursors of various anti-inflammatory agents such as 29, 31, 32, and 33 as well as those of cicloprofen, indoprofen, suprofen, and loxoprofen were prepared by the cross-coupling reaction of the corresponding aryl iodides with organozinc bromides obtained by the reaction of ethyl 2-bromoacrylate with the electrogenerated highly reactive zinc [23-251. 9. Summary The present electroclieniical method for an efficient fixation of an atmospheric pressure of carbon dioxide to a variety of organic compounds has several advantages: use of a simple one-compartment cell by the use of a platinum cathode and a magnesium anode, simple electrolysis at a constant-current , high yields in the synthesis of useful carboxylic acids and easy application to the synthesis of the precursor of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents. This procedure might be used for the industrial production of high value-added substances such as pharmaceuticals. Use of supercritical carbon dioxide for the electrochemical fixation of carbon dioxide would be useful in the future since an environmental problem will become more important for us. Acknowledgments The author wishes to express his thanks to Professors H. Suginome, H. Senboku, and N. Kurono and many excellent students including Dr. Aishah A. Jalil for their helpful discussions and their hard work during this study. This work was supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from The Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Japan. References [l] Chaussard J , Folest J-C, Nedelec J-Y, Perichon J, Sibille S, Troupe1 M. Synthesis, 1990, (5): 369 [2] Silvestri G, Gambino S, Filardo G. Acta Chem Scand. 281 1991, 45: 987 Tokuda M,Kabuki T, Katoh Y, Suginome H. Tetrahedron Lett, 1995, 36: 3345 Courtois G, Miginiac L. J Orgariometal Chem, 1974, 69: 1 Tokuda M, Kabuki T, Suginome H. Denkikagaka (presently Electrochemistry), 1994, 62: 1144 Tokuda M, Yoshikawa A , Suginome H, Senboku H. Synthesis, 1997, (10): 1143 Tokuda M, Mimura N, Yoshioka K, Karasawa T, Fujita H, Suginome H. Synthesis, 1993, (11): 1086 Kamekawa H, Senboku H, Tokuda M. Electrochimica Acta, 1997, 42: 2117 Tokuda M, Kamekawa H, Senboku H. In: Torii S ed. Novel Trends in Electroorganic Synthesis. Tokyo: Springer-Verlag, 1998. 239 Kamekawa H, Kudoh H, Senboku H, Tokuda M. Chem Lett, 1997, (9): 917 Kuang C , Yang Q , Senboku H, Tokuda M. Chem Lett, 2005, 34: 528 Kaniekawa H, Senboku H, Tokuda M. Tetrahedron Lett, 1998, 39: 1591 Senboku H, Fujimura Y, Kamekawa H, Tokuda M. Electrochimica Acta, 2000, 45: 2995 Senboku H, Kanaya H, Fujimura Y, Tokuda M. J Electroanal Chem, 2001, 507: 82 Senboku H,Kanaya H, Tokuda M. Synlett, 2002, 140 Senboku H, Komatsu H, Fujimura Y, Tokuda M. Synlett, 2001, (3): 418 Chowdhury M A, Senboku H, Tokuda M. Tetrahedron, 2004, 60:475 Sasaki A, Kudoh H, Senboku H, Tokuda M. In: Torii S ed, Novel Trcnds in Electroorganic Synthesis. Tokyo: Springer-Verlag, 1998. 245 Tokuda M. Electrochemistry, 1999, 67: 993 Senboku H,Tokuda M. Fine Chemicals, 2002, 31(16): 50-60 Manimaran T, Wu T-C, Klobucar W D, Kolich C H, Stahly G P, Fronczek F R, Watkins S E. Organometallics, 1993, 12: 1467 Zhang X, Uemura T, Matsumlira K, Say0 N, Kumobayashi H, Takaya H. Synlett, 1994, (7): 501 Jalil Aishah A, Kurono N, Tokuda M. Synlett, 2001: 1944 Jalil Aishah A, Kurono N, Tokuda M. Tetrahedron, 2002, 58: 7477 Jalil Aishah A, Kurono N, Tokuda M. Synthesis, 2002: 2681 Yuan Kou*, Wei Xiong, Guohong Tao, Hui Liu, Tao Wang PKU Green Chemistry Center, Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, Beij’ing 100871, China [Manuscript received October 13, 2006; revised October 30, 20061 Abstract: A reversible storage-release process switched by a temperature difference of 10 “C around room temperature can be realized. This fast, recyclable, energy efficient, low cost and green system within a wide range of temperature and pressure is reported here for the first time. The system is believed to open up a new route for the storage and homogeneous utilization of methane. Key words: ionic liquid; methane; absorption; capture; polarity; solubility 1. Introduction Energy efficient, cost economic and green methods for capturing methane into liquid and solid phase have been great challenges to researchers[l-4]. The simplest approach for the storage of CH4, like that for COZ [5,6], is its absorption by a liquid. The solubility of CH4 in some of the volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) is good, but in green solvents, such as nonvolatile ionic liquids (ILs), is generally poor [ 1,2]. Storage of CH4 using well-designed crystalline frameworks has attracted considerable academic attentions[3,4], but to what extent those advanced materials can be used in a practical way is still an open question. In general, ILs are believed to be highly polar and therefore expected t o be more capable for replacing traditional polar organic solvents in various applications[7,8], for example, in catalytic homogeneous arene hydrogenation[9]. Development of ILs that can take the place of weakly or non-polar organic solvents is still in its infancy. ILs are highly tailorable materials, i.e., their polarities may be tuned by altering the structure of either the cation or the anion, or both. It is interesting to note that our previous work has revealed that typical non-polar CSOmolecules can easily be dissolved in [C4mim]Tf2N1a commercially available IL, with a very good solubility[lO], implying that low polarity ILs may exhibit great potentiality in capturing and storing methane in a very simple, hence energy and cost efficient way. Due to the fact that ILs are salts of low melting points, a smart approach for dissolving methane in an IL is that the dissolution is accompanied with a reversible phase transition between the liquid and the solid upon varying the temperature, making the fixation of CH4 as easy as its dissolution. Here we report on the invention of a low-polar IL system for the absorption of CH4 and demonstrate the formation of a CH4-IL complex under a certain pressure around room temperature. The complex is a stable solid under ambient conditions and can release CH4 by mild heating. Such a reversible system should facilitate the storage, transportation, homogeneous utilization and catalytic conversion of methane. 2. Experimental 2.1. Synthesis Of [N8888]Tf2N ionic liquid [NssssIBr (10.94 g, 0.02 mol) was dissolved in deionized water (30.0 ml), then LiNTf2 (5.74 g, * Correspondence author. Tel: 86-10-62757792; Fax: 86-10-62751708; E-mail: This work was financially supported by the National Science Foundation of China (Project No.20533010). Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 0.02 mol) was added with vigorous stirring. After the mixture was stirred a t room temperature for 1 h, the upper aqueous layer was decanted. The residual ionic liquid (IL) layer was then dissolved in dichloromethane (50.0 ml), and washed with deionized water for three times. The dichloromethane solution was removed by rotary evaporation to leave a colourless transparent liquid (yield 13.00 g, 87%).'H NMR (CDC13, G/ppm): 3.14 ( t , 8H, 5=8.4, -NCH2), 1.60 ( m , 8H, -CHz-), 1.28-1.35 (m, 40H, -(CHz)s-), 0.89 ( t , 3H, J=6.6, -CH3).13C NMR (CDC13, G/ppm): 58.76, 31.55, 28.90, 26.10, 22.53, 21.82, 14.01. 2.2. Solubility tests The IL [N8888]Tf2N was put in a n autoclave and then the system was heated and monitored to a desired temperature. After the temperature was stable, the autoclave was degassed under vacuum and washed with methane for three times to make sure that no air was in the system. The amount of methane dissolved in the [Nssss]Tf2N during the degas procedure was negligible because the contracting area between gas and liquid is small. Then methane was charged into the system under a desired pressure. The stirring was started and the gas pressure decreased quickly. The procedure was carried out at least for one hour until the pressure became stable. After the system had reached its equilibrium, we attained the final temperature and pressure. The mole fraction of methane was calculated according the Virial equation and the Virial constant in the literature. 2.3. Formation of methane-ionic liquid complex After the IL had absorbed methane under a certain pressure and temperature in the liquid state, the methane-IL solution was cooled by ice or other refrigerating materials. When the temperature had decreased to near 0 T, the IL was frozen to the solid state, and the resulting white solid was the methaneIL complex. 2.4. Release of methane from the complex After the formation of the complex solid, the methane which remained in the autoclave was released until the pressure went down to 1 atm. A solid material was obtained after opening the autoclave. When the as-prepared methane-IL complex solid was heated, 283 numerous bubbles would be given out from it immediately, and the methane fixed in the IL was released. MS and FT-IR were used to make sure that the released gas is methane. After reducing the pressure of the autoclave to 1 atm, 10 atm N2 was introduced into the autoclave for four times to dilute the methane remaining in the gas phase. Then, by heating to the melting point of the methane-IL complex solid, the gas collected was detected by MS and FT-IR, respectively. Blank experiments (No IL in autoclave) were also carried out using the same procedures. 3. Results and discussion For molecular liquids, single parameter empirical polarity scales methods such as observing shifts in the absorption maxima of solvatochromic or fluorescent dyes have been developed. These methods have also been used to analyze the polarity of the ILs[ll-151, but definitive results have not been obtained so far, since the values all fall to within a narrow range and the order varies somewhat with the dye employed[l6171. The IR method has the advantage of simplicity and has wide applications in the characterization of solvent effects [18]. We have recently shown how the polarity of the ILs can be correlated with the shift of the IR absorption bands using acetone or Fe(C0)S as spectroscopic probes, and demonstrated that the vibrational modes associated with the carbonyl group are affected by the surrounding solvent molecules[l9]. The C=O stretching frequencies of acetone dissolved in different ILs (Their structures shown in Figure 1) are shown in Table 1. In each case, a red shift from the value of pure acetone (1715 c111-l) is observed. Though the data are indicative of lowest polarities for quaternary ammonium-based ionic liquids containing the Tf2N- anion, the red shifts observed are similar to and therefore cannot be differentiated from each other. Iron pentacarbonyl, a more sensitive probe molecule, is therefore employed to compare the polarity of the ILs listed in Table 1. In an acetone solution, Fe(CO)5 gives peaks at 2022 cm-' and 1996 cm-', corresponding to CO stretching modes. On adding the acetone solution of Fe(CO)5 to the ILs, the above two peaks are found to be accompanied with the appearance of two characteristic shoulders at the higher and lower wave number sides. Based on the previous results [19], the shift of the lower wave number shoulder, peak 4, suggests the polarity of the ILs, 284 Yuan Kou et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 "X2221TfZN "x4441Tf2N Figure 1. The structure o f ionic liquids i.e., a higher value indicates a lower polarity. For imidazolium-based ionic liquids using C4 as the alkyl substituent in cations, it can be seen from the Table 1 that, when changing the anions from PF, and BF, to TfiN-, peak 4 shifts from 1987 cm-' and 1987 cm-' to 1994 cm-', giving the polarity order [C4mim]PF6~[C4mim]BF4>[C4mim]TfiN. Using Cg as the alkyl group, similar trends can be observed. ILs containing TfzN- anions seem to have a lower polarity, whilst the increase in length of the alkyl suhstituents in the cations leads to the lowering of the polarity of the ILs. This conclusion is further proved by quaternary ammonium-based ionic liquids. For quaternary ammonium-based ionic liquids, when TfZN- was used as anions, it can be seen from the Table 1 that the increase in the total number of carbon atoms in the cations leads to a peak 4 shifting from 1993 cm-' to 1998 cm-', giving the polarity order [N4222]Tf2N> [N8~22]Tf2N-[N8444]Tf2N > [Ns666]Tf2N>[ N g g g g ] T f 2 N . Since the salts combine these quaternary ammonium cations with BF, or PF, anions are not in a liquid state around room temperature, we did not discuss them in the Table 1. It is important to note that the [N888g]Tf2Nis for the first time demonstrated to be an IL with the lowest polarity. Table 1. C=O stretching frequencies o f acetone and Fe(CO)5 and property o f Cao i n different ILs VC=O of Fe(CO)5 (cm-l)b Solvent vc=o (cm-l)a Acetone [CqmimIPFs [CsrnimlPFs [C4mim]BF4 [Cemim]BF4 [C,mim]TfzN [CsmimITfzN 1715 1710 2041 2019 2001 1987 1711 1710 1711 1712 1714 2037 2038 2019 2002 1991 2018 2019 2001 2002 2004 2004 [N4zzz]TfzN 1713 1714 2039 2036 2021 [Nszz2]Tf2N [Ns444ITfiN [Nsass]TfzN [Nssss]TfzN 2004 2004 1714 1714 1714 2036 2036 2035 2020 2021 2021 a Peak 1 Peak 2 Peak 3 2022 2035 2037 2035 Peak4 - - 3 . 4 ~ <0.1 pale yellow 6.1 x <O. 1 1987 1992 1994 1995 2.9x10-' 8.0~ <0.1 pale yellow pale yellow 6.9~ 8 . 9 lop2 ~ <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 1993 1994 4.1~10-' 6 . 1 lo-' ~ <0.1 <0.1 1994 1996 1998 3 . 5 lo-' ~ 1.2 1.8 <0.1 0.10 0.18 1996 2021 2020 2020 The values are C=O stretching frequencies of acetone, Based on their low polarity characteristics, we attempted to use CGOas the probe molecule to demonstrate the unique properties of the [N*gsg]Tf2N. By virtue of consisting purely carbon atoms, fullerenes are archetypal non-polar materials. A poor solubility of the c 6 0 in most organic solvents has been 2004 2004 2003 c 6 0 property in c6O-ILS Solubility Color (mg/ml) (mol)% ~ pale yellow pale yellow pale yellow pale yellow pale yellow yellow pale purple purple in acetone solution. one of the main impediments for its applications. Combination of the unique properties of fullerenes with those of the ILs should be of great interest. But there have been few such reports in the literature, perhaps due to the fact that ILs are believed t o be very polar materials and the solubility 285 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 of fullerenes in polar organic solvents is kriowii to be very low [20]. We prepared a series of C60-IL solutions according t o a reported method [lo], and measured the solubilities by UV-visible absorption spectra. Table 1 gives the solubility order of c60, [C4mim]BF4< [C4mim]PF6< [N422z]Tf2N< "82221Tf2N [C8mim]PF6< [Cqmim]Tf~N<[C~mini]BF4 < [Csmim]TfZN<[N8444]TfZN<[N6666]TfZN<"88881Tf2N. The lowest-polarity IL, [N8888]Tf2N,could dissolve much more c60 than the higher polarity ones. The solubility in [N8888]TfiNcan be up to 1.8mg/ml, which is higher than those of the most common organic solvents, and about 20 times higher than the best results reported[lO]. Generally, CH4 is very difficult to be dissolved in HzO. It can be seen from Table 2 that only less than 0.1 mol% CH4 can be dissolved in H 2 0 under 4 MPa at 30 "C for 5 h. Though nearly 5 mol% CH4 can be dissolved in a nonpolar solvent, CCl4, under the same conditions, the solubility of CH4 in the conventional IL is still very low, less than that in CCl4 (Table 2). Exposure of the [N8888] TfzN to gaseous CH4 under 0.5-4 MPa in a temperature range of 3090 "C for 3-5 h caused the formation of a solution of CH4 in the IL. Figure 2 shows that the solubility of CH4 increases consistently with the increasc of pressure. Under higher pressures, the solubility of CH4 decreases slightly, but it decreases consistently with the increase of the temperature. The highest solubility obtained under 4 MPa CH4 pressure a t 30 "C for 5 h was 27 mol%. Note that the conditions used here represent the simplest operation, for example, N the pressures of 0.5-4 MPa are in the range of a safe and cost-effective pressure limit [3],and the temperature of 30 "C is close to room temperature. It is also worth noting that the highest solubility obtained, which was 27 mol%, was almost 5 times of that in a CC14 solution or in a COz-enhanced IL system[4] under comparable conditions. Table 2. Solubilities of methane in different solvents Entry Solvent Solubility (mol%) 1 H2O cc14 <0.1 [Czmim]BF4 [C*mim]BF4 0.47 3.9 [C4mim]PFa [CqmimITfzN INxxnxlTfzN 3.6 5.2 27 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 Reaction conditions: time 5 h, T 30 "C, P 4 MPa. 0.30 -- 0.25 u 8 . -a.l 8 - -5.-x - F * 0.20 0.15 0.10 ZJ rA 0 0.05 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 Temperature ('C) 80 90 100 Figure 2. Isobaric solubility curve of methane in [Nssss]TfzN (1) 0.5 MPa, (2) 1.5 MPa, ( 3 ) 3 MPa, (4) 4 MPa Figure 3. The releasing methane from [NssssITfzN. (a) White CH4-IL complex, (b) Bubbles of methane being released, (c) Ionic liquid after releming methane (very small bubble still remained in the IL) 286 Yuan Kou et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 After cooling the C&-[N8888] Tf2N solution down to room temperature, a white solid stable under ambient conditions was obtained, and as perfect as expected (Figure 3a). This white solid was readily converted back into liquid by heating to 30 "C. Following its melting, CH4 bubbles were clearly observed (Figure 3b). After releasing CH4, the IL turned back to the pure state (Figure 3c). The IL can repeatedly dissolve and release CH4 for more than hundred times without any decrease in activity. TGA analysis on the solid being kept in a refrigerator for two days yielded a weight loss of 0.56 wt%, with a raising of the temperature from 30 "C to 40 "C, corresponding to 26 mol%, almost equal to the highest solubility obtained. We conclude that a reversible storing-releasing process switched by a temperature difference of 10 "C around room temperature has been realized. 4. Conclusions In conclusion, we have designed a low-polar functionalized IL for the capture and storage of methane. A fast, recyclable, energy efficient, low cost and green system within a wide range of temperatures and pressures is reported here for the first time. The system is believed to have opened up a new route for the storage and homogeneous utilization of methane. References [l] Hert D G, Anderson J L, Aki S N V K, Brennecke J F. Chem Commun, 2005(20), 2603 [a] Anthony J L, Maginn E J, Brennecke J F. J Phys Chem B, 2002, 106(29): 7315 [3] Eddaoudi M, Kim J, Rosi N, Vodak D, Wachter J, O'Keeffe M, Yaghi 0 M. Science, 2002, 295(5554): 469 [4] Atwood J L, Barbour L J, Jerga A. Science, 2002, 296(5577): 2367 [5] Bates E D, Mayton R D, Ntai I, Davis J H. J Am Chem SOC,2002, 124(6): 926 [6] Astarita G, Savage D W, Bisio A. Gas Treating with Chemical Solvents. New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1983 [7] Mandal P K, Samanta A. J Phys Chem B, 2005, 109(31): 15172 [8] Welton T. Chem Rev, 1999, 99(8): 2071 [9] Geldbach T J, Dyson P J. J Organomet Chem, 2005, 690(15): 3552 [lo] Liu H, Tao G, Evans D G, Kou Y. Carbon, 2005, 43(8): 1782 [ll] Carmichael A J, Seddon K R. J Phys Org Chem, 2000, 13(10): 591 [12] Aki S N V K, Brennecke J F, Samanta A. 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J Phys Chem, 1993, 97(13): 3379 Available online at ScienceDirect Journalot Natural Las uernirtry Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 15(2006)287-296 SCIENCE PRESS www.elsevier.mmildjom/lacate/jngc Article Catalytic Combustion of Methane over Col-,Mg,O/A1203/FeCrAl Monolithic Catalysts Liping Zhao, Shengfu Ji*, Fengxiang Yin, Zexiang Lu, Hui Liu, Chengyue Li* State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China [Manuscript received April 19, 2006; revised May 22, 20061 Abstract: A series of Col-,Mg,O/A1203/FeCrAl catalysts (z=O-l) were prepared. The structures of the catalysts were characterized using XRD, SEM, and TPR analyses. The catalytic activity of the catalysts for methane combustion was evaluated in a continuous flow microreactor. The results indicated that the active washcoats adhered well on the FeCrAl foils. The phases in the catalysts were Col-,Mg,O solid solutions, a-A1203, and y-A1203. The surface particle size of the catalysts varied with variations in the molar ratios of Co to Mg. The Co component of the Col-,Mg,O/Alz03/FeCrAl catalysts played an important role in the catalytic activity for methane combustion. In the Co1-.Mg,0/A1~03/FeCrAl series catalyst (z=0.2-0.8), the catalytic activity in terms of z was in the order of 0.5>0.2>0.8 under the experimental conditions. The presence of Mg in these catalysts could promote the thermal stability to a large extent. There were strong interactions between the Col-,Mg,O oxides and the Al203/FeCrAl supports. Key words: catalytic combustion; methane; metallic monolithic catalyst; XRD; SEM; T P R 1. Introduction Catalytic combustion has been proposed as an effective method for the oxidation of fuel/air lean mixtures with low emission of NOz, CO, and unburnt hydrocarbons, due t o the lower combustion temperature in comparison with the conventional thermal combustion method [l-31. According to the active components, the catalysts of methane combustion can be classified into the noble metal catalysts (Pd, Pt, Rh, and Au) and the various metal-oxide catalysts (single metal-oxides, perovskites, solid solution, and hexaaluminates) [4,5]. Although noble metal-based catalysts show very high specific activity, their utilization in combustors is limited by their high cost, high volatility of pure metals and their oxides, and the tendency toward sintering at moderate temperature [l51. In the development of more suitable catalysts for methane combustion, considerable attention is paid to the solid solution catalysts, which are the new promising hydrocarbon combustion materials, owing to their high thermal stability and relatively low cost. As a good active catalyst for methane combustion, Co304 has been extensively investigated [6-91, and it was generally formed as solid solutions, with MgO, ZrO2, TiOz, and A1203 stabilizing the cobalt ions to avoid or retard the sintering process. MgO specifically can form a solid solution with COOover a wide concentration range because the Mg2+ and Co2+ ions have similar sizes. In these solid solutions, MgO displays a high melting point and thermal stability and maintains a relatively high surface area under extreme reaction conditions [9]. However, the conventional fixed-bed reactor randomly packed with the pellets of catalysts has a high pressure drop and poor heat transfer that can induce hot spots during the exothermic reaction. Hence, in the high gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) * Corresponding authors. Tel: +86-10-64412054; Fax: +86-10-64419619; E-mail: jisfQmail.buct,, 288 Liping Zhao et d./Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 and in highly exothermal catalytic gas-solid reactions such as the catalytic combustion of methane, the catalysts are prone to sintering, which results in the drop in activity. Recently, monolithic catalysts and reactors, especially those using the metal as the catalyst supports, have received considerable attention [10,11]. The catalysts and reactors can provide some suitable order flow channels in many forms based on the reaction type; they can even be made into monolithic catalytic reactors with honeycomb structures. Compared with conventional fixed-bed reactors loaded with catalyst pellets, those using metallic monolithic catalysts have lower pressure drops, a smaller size of the reactor, a higher thermal conductivity and mechanical shock resistance, and a lower temperature gradient [12-151. Hence, the metallic monolithic catalysts have promising applications for the reactions with high gas hourly space velocity and heat effect, such as the methane catalytic combustion reaction. Usually, the monolithic catalyst is composed of a high surface area inorganic oxide carrier, i.e., yA1203, upon which the active components are dispersed [13]. There are some reports on the methods for depositing the A1203 washcoats onto the FeCrAl alloy foil [14-161. However, at present there is little investigation on the methods for supporting the active phase onto the metal supports [17]. In the previous work, a series of the Cel-,Cu,O~-,/A1203/FeCrAl monolithc catalysts (z=O-l) [18]were prepared, and the effect of the mass transfer and heat transfer as well as the hydrodynamics on the metallic monolithic reactor performances of the catalytic combustion was investigated by modeling and simulation with the CFD software [19,20]. In this study, a series of the Col-,Mg,O (2=0.2-1) solid solution catalysts and the Co304-based metallic monolithic catalysts were prepared, and their structure and the catalytic activity for methane combustion were investigated; the effects of the monolithic support (Al203/FeCrAl) and the Mg component on the activity and stability of the catalysts were discussed. 2. E x p e r i m e n t a l 2.1. Preparation of the catalysts The Col-,Mg,O solid solutions were prepared using Co(N03)2.6H20 and Mg(N03)2.6H20 as precursors according to the urea combustion methods [21]. Urea was added to the Co and Mg salts in the desired ratio, and the mixture was mulled at room temperature for 1 h. The mixture was then calcined at 650.850 "C for 10-30 min t o obtain the Col-,Mg,O solid solutions. The monolithic catalysts were prepared using the FeCrAl alloy foils (OC404, Sandvik Steel, Sweden) as supports. The FeCrAl alloy foil flats were rolled into cylinders of different diameters and a length of 100 mm. These were cleaned in ethanol, and in acidic and basic solutions, respectively, to remove the oil, the primary oxides, and the other superficial impurities. The cylindrical alloy foils were then thoroughly rinsed in deionized water and were finally calcined at 950 "C for 15 h in air to form the oxidized metallic supports. Subsequently, the heat-treated metallic supports were immersed in a boehmite primer sol, with a withdrawal velocity of 3 cm/min to ensure uniformity and then dried at room temperature in air and were finally calcined at 500 "C for 4 h. The boehmite primer sol was prepared according to the literature [16], which was used as the first washcoat layer to improve the adhesion between the washcoat layers and the heat-treated metallic supports. Similarly, the y-A1203 slurry used as a second washcoat layer to increase the surface area was washcoated onto the samples. The y-A1203 slurry was prepared by wet milling according to the literature [14,15]. The monolithic support A1203/FeCrAl was then formed after which the mixture slurry of the Col-,Mg,O solid solutions and the y-A1203 was deposited onto the monolithic supports. The mixture slurry was prepared by wet milling. The weight ratio of the solid solution t o y-Alz03 was l:lO, and nitric acid was used as the stabilizing agent. Finally, the Col-,Mg,O/A1203/FeCrAl catalysts were prepared with the weight of the solid solution layers and the A1203 washcoat layers as ca. 8 wt% and ca. 10 wt%, respectively. 2.2. C h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n of the catalysts X-ray diffraction (XRD) was performed to examine the surface phase composition of the coatings using a Rigaku D/Max 2500 VB2+/PC diffractometer with Cu K , radiation, operated at tube voltage 40 kV and current 200 mA. The diffraction spectra were scanned between 10-80' (28) at the rate of 10°/min. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to observe the morphologies of the catalysts on a Cambridge Instruments Streoscan 250MK3 scanning electron microscope. The temperature programmed reduction (TPR) was carried out using a Thermo Elec- 289 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 tron Corporation TPDRO 1100 Series Catalytic Surface Analyzer equipped with a thermal conductivity detector (TCD). The samples were preheated with 10 vol% O2/He at the rate of 20 "C/min from room temperature to 500 "C and were then cooled to room temperature in N2 flow, and thereafter the temperatures were reduced stepping up from 40 to 1000 "C at 20 "C/min in the gas stream of 5 vol% H2/N2 a t 20 ml/min. The water produced by the sample reduction was condensed in a cold trap before reaching the detectors. Only H2 was detected in the outlet gas confirming the effectiveness of the cold trap. The coating adherence was measured by an ultrasonic vibration test using KQ-400 DB. The washcoated samples were treated in an ultrasonic bath for 30 min a t 160 W, which showed that the weight loss of both the A1203 layers and the activity layers was less than 3 wt%. aluminum [14,15]. From Figure 1(3),it is found that diffraction peaks of 7-A1203 are observed at 37.0°, 45.9O, and 67.0°, respectively, in addition t o the characteristic peaks of FeCr and cu-Al203. This indicates that, the monolithic support (A1203/FeCrAl) is obtained by coating the 7-A1203 slurry on the surface of the metallic supports. The peaks of -pA1203 are wider, suggesting that the particles of y-Al2O3 are dispersed finely on the surface of the metallic supports. * FeCr T Co@, v a-A120; A v MgO y-Al,O, rn *. Co,,Mg,,O v *. I 2.3. Catalytic activity test The catalytic combustion of methane was carried out using a conventional quartz reactor (i.d, 8 mm; length, 300 mm) in a fixed-bed continuous-flow system at atmospheric pressure. The monolithic catalysts were fixed in the center of the reactor. The reaction gas, composed of 2 vol% CH4 and air t o loo%, was fed into the reactor with a gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) of 10700, 21400, and 42800 ml/g(A1203+cat). h. The outlet products were analyzed using gas chromatography (Beijing East and West Electronics Institute, GC-4000A) after the methane combustion was stabilized for 30 min a t the required temperature. Carbon dioxide and water were the only reaction products detected during the entire experiment. Following the completion of the catalyticactivity tests, the catalysts were used continuously for 100 h to test their stability for the methane combustion. 3. Results 3.1. XRD of the samples The XRD patterns of the catalysts are shown in Figure 1. It can be seen that there are characteristic peaks of FeCr (JCPDS 34-0396, Figure l(1)). After the thermal treatment at 950 "C for 15 h, the peaks of a-A1203 (JCPDS 88-0826, Figure l ( 2 ) ) appear, indicating that a-A1203 forms on the surface of FeCrAl because of the segregation and oxidation of i 10 20 iii 30 40 i i 50 60 ii 70 80 281(Q) Figure 1. XRD patterns of the preoxidized metallic support and the fresh monolithic catalysts (1) the FeCrAl foils, (2) the FeCrAl foil pre oxidized at 950 "C for 15 h, (3) A1203/FeCrAI, (4) bulk MgO, (5) MgO/A1203/FeCrAI, (6) Coo.zMgo.~O/A1~03/FeCrAI, (7) bulk Coo.5Mgo.50, ( 8 ) C O O . ~ M ~ O . ~ O / A ~ Z O ~ / F ~ C ~ A (9) Coo.8Mgo.zO/A1203/FeCrAI, (10) C0304/A1~03/FeCrA1, (11) bulk Co304 catalysts The XRD patterns of the Col-,Mg,O/Al203 /FeCrAl samples (2=0.2-1) and CogOq/A1203 /FeCrAl can be observed in Figure 1(5), 1(6) and Figure l(8)-l(l0). Herein, the XRD patterns of MgO (Figure 1(4)), Co0.5Mgo.50 (Figure 1(7)), and Co304 (Figure l(11))powders are provided for better understanding of the phase structures of these samples. According to literature [22], the major peaks at 37.0°, 43.0", and 62.3" over the bulk MgO (Figure l ( 4 ) ) are identified as MgO. The major peaks a t 36.5O, 42.5O, 61.7", 73.9", and 77.7" over the Coo.sMgo.50 solid solution (Figure l ( 7 ) ) are assigned to the Coo.sMgo.50 solid solution [7]. However, it is difficult to detect the peaks of MgO in Figure l(5) and those of the Col-,Mg,O solid solutions in Figure 1(6), l ( 8 ) and 1(9), suggesting that the MgO and Col-,Mg,O 290 Liping Zhao et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 on the A1203/FeCrAl monolithic supports are highly dispersed. From the XRD patterns of Co304 (Figure 1(11)), it can be found that the peaks at 19.2', 31°, 36.8', and 59' are identified as Co304. At the same time, the peak of Co304 can be observed in the Co304/A1203/FeCrAl catalyst (Figure 1( lo)), whereas no diffraction peaks of Co304 are seen in the Col -,Mg, O/Alz 0 3/FeCrAl monolithic catalysts (x=0.2-0.8) (Figure 1(6), l(8) and l(9)). It is likely that the concentration of Co304 is very less and the phase is highly dispersed. 3.2. Surface morphology of the samples Figure 2 shows the surface morphologies of the heat-treated FeCrAl support, the Co304/A1203/Fe CrA1, and the Col-,Mg,O/AlzO?, /FeCrAl (2=0.21) monolithic catalysts. It is seen that after the FeCrAl metal support was calcined at 950 "C for 15 h in air, several porous whiskers were formed on the oxidized surface (Figure 2(a)). The analysis results of XRD show that the porous whisker materials are the a-A1203 layers, which are formed due to the aluminum segregated from the inner layer and oxidized into the many regularly arranged a-alumina crystal clusters on the surface. A certain specific surfacearea of the oxidized layer is still maintained, which can possibly be attributed to the adherence of the successive washcoat on the heat-treated FeCr Al. Figure 2. SEM images of the preoxidixed metallic support and the fresh monolithic catalysts ( a ) FeCrAl at 950 "C for 15 h, (b) MgO/A1203/FeCrAl, ( c ) Co0,zMgo,80/A1203/FeCrAl, (d) Coo.5Mgo.50/A1203/FeCrAl, ( e ) Coo.~Mgo.~O/A1203/FeCrAl, ( f ) Co304/A1203/FeCrAl 291 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 As for the Col-,Mg,O/A1203/FeCrAl catalysts, the surface morphologies differ significantly with the value of 2 . For the morphology of MgO/A1203/FeCrAl (Figure 2(b)), it is evident that the surface of the MgO/A1203/FeCrAl sample is quite nonhomogeneous with high porosity, and the particle heap is loose, and the clusters of the particles are large. The surface morphologies of the catalysts change significantly when the Co content increases. Figure 2(c)-2(e) show the morphologies of the Col-,Mg,O/Al203/FeCrAl (x=O.2-0.8) sample. When x=0.8, namely Coo,2Mgo.~O/Alz 0 3 /FeCr A1 (Figure 2(c)), the dispersion is considerably more homogenous, the particles on the surface are small and are finely dispersed, the clusters of the particles disappear, and the particle heap is compact and no cracks appear. When the Co content in the catalysts increases to 2=0.5 (Figure 2(d)), the particle size remains almost unchanged and no cracks appear. However, for the catalyst with 2=0.2, namely Coo.~Mgo,2O/A1~03/FeCrAl (Figure 2(c)), there is a crack on the surface of the catalyst and the particle sizes are similar to each other, about 0.2-1 pm. The morphology of the C0304/A1203/FeCrAl sample is shown in Figure 2(f), from which it is evident that the cluster of the particles is large and the particle heap is loose. 3.3. Catalytic activity The catalytic activities of the samples are shown in Figures 3, 4, and 5. The temperatures of 10% methane conversion ( T I o,)50% methane conversion ( T ~ o and ) , 90% methane conversion (Tgo) are summarized in Table 1. It is found that the catalytic activity of the catalysts depends strongly on the value of x in the Col-,Mg,O solid-solution oxides and on the reaction conditions. When the GHSV is 10700 ml/g(Alz03+cat).h(Figure 3, Table l), the MgO/A1203/FeCrAl catalyst shows the lowest activity over the methane combustion. The T ~and o Tgo are 552 "C and 741 'C, respectively, higher than those of all other catalysts. The Co30d/A1203/FeCrAl sample has a higher activity, its TIOis 510 "C, and T ~ o is 682 "C. For the Col-,Mg,O/A1203/FeCrAl monolithic catalysts, minor differences in the combustion activity of methane are only present when x=0.2, 0.5, and 0.8 as shown in Table 1, and the order of the catalytic activity in terms of x in the catalysts was 0.5 >0.2>0.8 under the experimental conditions. I00 R +Co,O,/Al,O,/FeCrAl --t Co, ,Mg, ,O/AI,O,/FeCrAI 450 400 500 550 600 Temperature ( 'C) 650 700 Figure 4. Methane conversion over the Coi-,MgzO/A1203/FeCrAl catalysts at GHSV = 21400 rnl/g(Al,Ostcat).h 100, Co,O,/Al,O,IFeCrAI i -Co,,Mg,,O/AI,O,/FeCrAI -o- Co,,M&,,O/AI,O,/FeCrAI +Co,,Mg,,O/AI,O,/FeCrAI -m- Figure 3. Methane conversion over the Col-,Mg,O/A1203/FeCrAl catalysts at GHSV = 10700 ml/g(ALa03+cat).h B -m- -o- 400 Temperature (-C) 750 Co,O,/Al,O,/FeCrAl Co,,*Mg,,,O/AI,O,/FeCrAI Co,,,Mg,,,O/AI,O,/FeCrAI 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 Temperature ("C ) Figure 5. Methane conversion over the Coi-.MgzO/Al~03/FeCrAl catalysts at GHSV = 42800 ml/g(Ala03+cat).h 292 Liping Zhao et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 Table 1. The Tlo, T s o , and T g o of the Col-,Mg,O/AlaOs/FeCrAl catalysts under the various GHSV GHSV/ml/(g.h) MgO/A120g/FeCrAl 552 Coo.~Mgo.~O/AI~Og/FeCrAl 508 Coo.5 Mgo.5O/A1203 /FeCrAl 503 Co~.~Mgo.~O/A120g/FeCrAl 516 Cog 0 4 /A1203 /FeCrAl 510 691 74 1 612 711 - 625 738 - 610 683 556 680 736 577 702 739 589 673 554 655 732 5 74 675 734 598 677 574 668 736 603 692 740 607 682 558 668 736 585 690 739 From Figures 3 to 5, it is found that with increasing GHSV, the activity of all the catalysts decrease to different extents. For example, with the GHSV increasing from 10700 ml/g(A1203+cat).h to 21400 rnl/g(AlzOsfcat)~h(Table l ) , the T50 of the MgO/A1203/FeCrAl catalyst increases from 691 "C to 711 "C. For catalysts with x=0.2, 0.5, and 0.8, their T50 increases from 598 "C, 589 "C, and 610 "C to 668 "C, 655 "C, and 680 "C, respectively. The TSOof C0304/A1203/FeCrAl increases from 607 "C to 668 "C. When the GHSV increases further to 42800 ml/g(A1203+cat).h(Table l ) ,the T50 of the MgO/A1203/FeCrAl catalyst increases from 711 "C to 738 "C. For catalysts with x=0.2, 0.5, and 0.8, their T ~ increases o from 668 "C, 655 "C, and 680 "C to 692 "C, 675 "C, and 702 "C, respectively. The T ~ofoCo304/Al203/FeCrAl increases from 668 "C to 690 "C. Based on the above catalytic activity results of the Col _,Mg,O/Al203/FeCrAl catalysts (x=0.2-1) and the Co304/A1203/FeCrAl catalysts, it can be concluded that under the experimental conditions, the order of the catalytic activity in terms of the value of x was 0.5>0.2>0.8>1. However, the order is different from that of the catalysts in the literatures [7,9],suggesting that the catalytic activity of the samples is affected not only by the value of x but also by other factors, such as the A1203 washcoats and the FeCrAl support. lysts showed better stability in the reaction and stabilized to an almost constant value. When the reaction time was 0.5 h, the methane conversion on the Co~-,Mg,O/A1203/FeCrAl catalysts with x=0.2, 0.5, and 0.8 was 99.7%, 98.6%, and 97.6%, respectively. During the 100-hour activity test, the methane conversion of these catalysts remained almost unchanged, and when the reaction time was 100 h, the methane conversion for the catalysts with x=0.2, 0.5, and 0.8 was 97.9%, 99.4%, and 97.3%, respectively. The methane conversion on the Co304/A1203/FeCrAl catalysts decreased from 99 to 95% after the reaction was run for 5 h, then decreased to 91% for the next 35 h, and finally, the value remained almost at 91% for the next 60 h. 8 95 c+ z : I Co,O,/AI,O,/FeCrAl t -- c Coo,Mg,,OIA1,O1/FeCrAl Co,,M&,O/AI,O,/FeCrAI t _0 20 40 60 Reaction time (h) 80 I00 Figure 6. Methane conversion vs time on stream at 740 "C, GHSV=10700 m l / g ( ~ l , ~ , + , , t ) . h 3.4. The stability of the catalysts The results of the 100-hour stability test of the catalysts at 740 "C under 10700 ml/g(A1203+cat).h gas hourly space velocity are shown in Figure 6. It was found that at first, the methane conversion over the MgO/A1203/FeCrAl catalyst sharply decreased from 92% to 86.9% after the reaction was run for 5 h, and then the methane conversion slightly decreased from 86.9% to 81% for the next 95 h. The Col -,Mg,O/A1203 /FeCrAl (x=O.2-0.8) cata- According to the literatures [9,23], Co304 undergoes severe sintering above 527 "C so that its thermal stability is rather limited. However, when compared with the result of the stability test of the Co304/A1203/FeCrAl catalyst, it is inferred that the thermal stability of Co304 is improved by the A1203 washcoats and the FeCrAl support. From the results shown in Figure 6, it, is found that the Col-,Mg,O/A1203/FeCrAl catalysts (x=O.2-0.8) have better thermal stability in the pres- 293 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 ence of MgO. reduction peaks observed at around 899 "C over the Col-,Mg,O/A1203/FeCrAl catalysts (2=0.20.8) (Figure 7(2)-7(4)) in this study can be attributed to the reduction of the Col-,Mg,O solid solution. 3.5. H2-TPR analysis The H2-TPR profiles of the Co304/A1203/FeCrAI and Col-,Mg,O/A1203/FeCrAl (2=0.2-1) catalysts are presented in Figure 7. For comparison, the H2-TPR of pure Col-,Mg,O solid solution and Col-,Mg,O/Al203 were measured, and the T P R profiles are shown in Figures 8 and 9, respectively. In Figure 7(5), the peak at 488 "C can be attributed to the large crystalline Co304, as inferred from the profile of H2-TPR of bulk Co304 (Figure 8(5)). It has been reported that for Co304, there is one main reduction peak, or two reduction peaks of H2 below 500 "C, which can be assigned to the twostep reduction of Co3+ to Co2+ and then to the Co metal [22,24-261. Hence, one main reduction peak observed a t 488 "C for Co304/A1203/FeCrAl in the Figure 7(5) can be assigned t o the overlap of the twostep reduction of Co3+ to Co2+ and then to the Co metal. The reduction peaks a t 683 "C observed in all the samples can be considered to be the reduction of surface A13+ on 7-Al203 [27,28] 488 : 553 1 0 200 1 1 , 1 400 1 I , l 600 . 899 , I I 800 , , I I000 Temperature ( % ) Figure 7. TPR patterns of the Col-,Mg,O/AlzOa /FeCrAl catalysts (1) MgO/A1203/FeCrAl, (2) C00.z Mgo.8O/Alz 03/FeCrAl, (3) Coo.sMgo.50/A1203/FeCrAl, (4) Coo..~Mg0,20/A1203 /FeCrAl, ( 5 ) Co304/Al203/FeCrAl According to the literatures [6,22], the peak observed at 553 "C in the Figure 7(2)-7(4) can be attributed t o the reduction of MgCo204. Ruckenstein and coworkers [29,30] have concluded that a complete reduction of the CoO-MgO solid solution phase requires a temperature higher than lOOO"C, and Furusawa et al. [22] concluded that it was difficult to completely reduce the CoO-MgO solid-solution phase until 900 "C. Hence, the small 1 482 43 I (1) I . . , A. I , , , 400 709 . I I , , ' , , I , , , , 800 I000 Figure 8. TPR patterns of the Col-,Mg,O lution (1) MgO, (2) Coo.2Mgo.eO, (3) Coo.sMgo.50, (4)Coo.sMgo.20, ( 5 ) Co304 solid so- 0 200 , 600 Temperature ( % ) Figure 8 shows the profiles of H2-TPR of the C03O4 and Col-,Mg,O samples. For the bulk MgO (Figure 8(1)), the intensities of the two reduction peaks at 431 "C and 709 "C were considerably lower than the others, and the H2 consumption was negligible. The main peak in Figure 8(5) can be assigned to Co304. With z increasing, the stronger interaction between cobalt and magnesium led t o two separate peaks (between 300 "C and 600 "C, Figure 8(2)8(4)) during the T P R of the Col-,Mg,O samples. Wang et al. [30] reported that Co304 and MgCo204 have the same spinel structure, but the latter has a higher lattice energy than the former, because of the partial substitution of Co by Mg. Consequently, the latter requires a higher reduction temperature than the former. Hence, the two peaks (between 300 and 600 "C, Figure 8(2)-8(4)) can be attributed to Co304 and MgCozO4, respectively [6,30,31]. However, no diffraction peaks of Co304 and MgCozO4 were found in the XRD result, suggesting that their content was very less. Figure 9 shows the T P R patterns of the Col -,Mg,O /A1203 samples. In the Col-,Mg,O/Al203 samples, the reduction peaks at 434 "C and 502 "C (Figure 9(5)) can be attributed to the bulk Co304. According to the literatures [32,33], the reduction peaks at 706 "C with a shoulder observed on C0304/A1203 (Figure 9(5)) at 663 "C can be described as disordered, X-ray amorphous sur- 294 Liping Zhao et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 face overlayers of the Co oxide. The T P R profiles significantly change with the increase of the Mg content. The temperatures of the peaks a t 434 "C and 502 "C increase with the increase in x. The intensities of the peaks increase with x increasing upto 0.5 and then decrease with x increasing further, and the peak at 502 "C disappears when x is 0.8. The peak at 663 "C shifts to a lower temperature and the intensity increases when x increases upto 0.2; it then decreases with further increase in x. The temperature of the peak at 706 "C becomes higher, and the peak becomes sharper with increase in x. The reduction peak at 874 "C, which can be attributed to a cobalt-aluminum oxide compound, similar to cobalt aluminate (CoA1204) [24,32,33],remains almost unchanged with the increase in the Mg content. 706 663 A 4. Discussion The Col-,Mg,0/A1203/FeCrAl catalysts have been shown to be active toward high-temperature methane catalytic combustion (Figure 3 to Figure 5). The MgO/A1203/FeCrAl catalyst is less active in comparison with other catalysts that are used for methane combustion under the conditions studied; it would appear that the Co component plays a n important role in the metal monolithic catalysts. According to the literature [7], after the cobalt entered the lattice of MgO forming a uniform solid solution, the highly dispersed Co2+ forms the active site for methane combustion, or the presence of Co2+ in the MgO lattice has a synergic effect on the combustion of methane, thus decreasing the methane light- off temperatures in the reaction [7]. The catalytic activities of the catalysts with x=0.2 and 0.8 were lower than those of the catalyst with x=0.5, suggesting that the catalytic activity decreased when the Co content in the catalysts was either very high or very low. For the cobalt-magnesium solid-solution catalysts, the catalyst activity depends on the number of active sites. A higher dispersion of the catalyst leads to more active sites, and a t the low loadings, only a small proportion of the Co that enters the solid solution is present on the exposed surfaces. However, as the Co content of the sample increases, a larger amount is exposed on the surface. These Co2+ sites are accessible in comparison with those held in the bulk, and hence, the activity increases with the surface Co2+ content [7,9]. With the considerable increase in cobalt content, the agglomeration of Co (e.g. Co304) takes place, and the catalyst particles become larger, which reduces the available Co surface area and limits the observed catalytic activity [7]. Thus, there is an optimal Co content, and the catalyst with the optimal Co content shows the best activity. According to the results of the T P R measurement in Figure 8, three reduction peaks are observed for C03O4, MgCo204, and Col-,Mg,O; with increase in x, the intensity of the C03O4 peak decreases. For example, for the Coo.sMgo.50 solid solution (Figure 8(4)), the area of the Co304 (481 "C) peak is smaller than that of the Co0.8Mgo.20 solid solution, whereas for Coo.2Mgo.80, it is negligible. Thus, for the Col-,Mg,O/A1203/FeCrAl (x=O.2-0.8) catalysts, the Co serves as the active surface site in the metallic monolithic catalysts, and the synergetic effect of Co/Mg is possibly responsible for improving the activity of the catalyst. At the same time, the activity order of the Col-,Mg,O/A1203/FeCrAl series catalysts is different from that of the catalysts in the literatures [7,9],suggesting that the catalytic activity of the samples is not only affected by x but also by the A1203/FeCrAl support. When GHSV was 10700 ml/g(A120s+cat).h (Figure 3), the catalytic activity of the MgO/A1203/FeCrAl catalyst was far lower than that of the other catalysts, and at the same time, the catalytic activity of the CogO*/A1203/FeCrAl catalyst was close t o Coo,2Mgo,8/A1203/FeCrAl, which was lower than the solid-solution monolithic catalysts with x=0.2, 0.5. When the GHSV was increased (Figures 4 and 5), the activities of the Co304/A1203/FeCrAl catalyst and the COI-, Mg,O/A12 0 3 /FeCrAl (x=O.2-0.8) catalysts Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 decreased more than that of the MgO/Al203/FeCrAl catalyst. Hence, the catalytic activity of the MgO/A1203/FeCrAl catalyst was close to that of the other catalysts, suggesting that when the contact time of the reactant and the catalysts decreases, the activity of the catalysts decrease. COO and MgO are known to form solid solutions in which the Co2+ ions are located at octahedral positions, substituting the Mg2+ sites in the MgO lattice. This solid solution maintains the structure of MgO, a NaC1-type crystal structure [9]. This structure is beneficial to the stability of the Co2+ ions as magnesium oxide has a high melting point and thermal stability. Hence, this structure is able to maintain a relatively high surface area under extreme reaction conditions and improve the stability of the catalysts [7-91. The results of the stability test of the catalysts show that the Col _,Mg,O/Al203/FeCrAl catalysts (x=0.2-0.8) have better thermal stability than the Co30d/A1203/FeCrAl catalyst. It indicates that the Co2+disperses well in the MgO lattice in the catalysts, which significantly improves the thermal stability of the catalysts. The results of the TPR in Figure 7 also conform this. The H2 consumption of the Col-,Mg,O (x=0.2-0.8) solid solution (Figure 7(2)-7(4)) is considerably lesser than that of Co3O4 (Figure 7(5)), and the temperature of the peak of the solid solution (899 "C) is much higher than that of Co304 (488 "C). This indicates that the Col-,Mg,O/A1203/FeCrAl catalysts (x=0.2-0.8) are more difficult to be reduced than C0304/A1203/FeCrAl because of the effect of MgO. By comparing the TPR profiles of the Col-,Mg,O/AlzO3/FeCrAl (2=0.2-0.8) catalysts (Figure 7(2)-7(4)) with those of the Col-,Mg,O (x=O.2-0.8) samples (Figure 8(2)-8(4)), it is found that the reduction peaks of thc Col-,Mg,O solid solution shifted to the lower temperature and the intensity of the peak decreased sharply. At the same time, the reduction peak of Co304 is negligible, indicating that there was strong interaction between the Col-,Mg,O solid solution and the A1203/FeCrAl monolithic support after the Col-,Mg,O solid solution was loaded onto the monolithic supports. This interaction changed the redox properties of Col-,Mg,O/A1203/FeCrAl and influenced the catalytic activity and the stability of the catalysts. According to the above result, the formation of Col-,Mg,O solid solutions, the interaction of the Col-,Mg,O oxide and the A1203/FeCrAl support, and the synergetic effect of Co/Mg are equally re- 295 sponsible for improving the performance of the catalyst. 5 . Conclusions A cobalt-magnesium solid-solution-based monolithic catalysts on FeCrAl alloy foils supports with A1203 washcoats have been prepared. Based on the results, it can be concluded that: (i) For the Co~-,Mg,O/A1203/FeCrAl (x=0.2-1) and C0304/A1203/FeCrAl catalysts, the phase structures are ai-A1203, yAl2O3, and Co304. The surface particle-shape and size are related to x in the Col-,Mg,O solid solution-type oxides. The cobaltmagnesium solid solution is well dispersed on the surface of the metallic supports. (ii) The formation of the Col-,Mg,O solid solutions, the interaction of the Col-,Mg,O oxide and the Al203/FeCrA1 support, and the synergetic effect of Co/Mg synthetically affect the activity of the catalysts. Under the experimental conditions, the order of the catalytic activity in terms of x was 0.5>0.2>0.8>1.With the increase in GHSV, the catalytic activities of the different catalysts decreased t o different extents. (iii) In the 100hour activity tests, the Col-,Mg,O/A1203/FeCrAl moiiolithic catalysts (x=0.2-0.8) show better stabilization than the Co304/A1203/FeCrAl monolithic catalysts because of the inclusion of MgO. (iv) The results of the T P R analysis indicate that strong interactions between the Col-,Mg,O solid solution and the A1203/FeCrAl monolithic supports can significantly change the redox properties. Acknowledgements Financial funds from the Chinese Natural Science Foundation (Project No.: 20376005) and the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (Project No.: 20030010002) are gratefully acknowledged. References Sirnplicio L M T, Brandao S T, Sales E A, Lietti L, Rozon-Verduraz F. Appl Catal B, 2006, 63(1-2): 9 Oliva C, Cappelli S, Kryukov A, Chiarello G L, Vishniakov A V, Forni L. J Mol Catal A , 2006, 247(1-2): 248 Persson K, Ersson A, Jansson K, Iverlund N, Jaeras S. J Cutal, 2005, 231(1): 139 Gelin P, Primet M. Appl Catul B, 2002, 39(1): 1 Choudhary T V, Banerjee S, Choudhary V R. 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[Manuscript received April 25, 2006; revised July 25, 20061 Abstract: Bismuth-promoted (1% and 3%) vanadyl pyrophosphate catalysts were prepared by refluxing Bi(N03)3.5Hz0 and VOP04.2HzO in isobutanol. The incorporation of Bi into the catalysts lattice increased the surface area and lowered the overall V oxidation state. Profiles of temperature programmed reduction (TPR) in Hz show a significant shift of the maxima of major reduction peaks to lower temperatures for the Bi-promoted catalysts. A new peak was also observed at the low temperature region for the catalyst with 3% of Bi dopant. The addition of Bi also increased the total amount of oxygen removed from the catalysts. The reduction pattern and reactivity information provide fundamental insight into the catalytic properties of the catalysts. Bi-promoted catalysts were found to be highly active (71% and 81% conversion for 1% and 3% Bi promoted catalysts, respectively, at 703 K), as compared to the unpromoted material (47% conversion). The higher activity of the Bi-promoted catalysts is due t o that these catalysts possess highly active and labile lattice oxygen. The better catalytic performance can also be attributed to the larger surface area. Key words: bismuth; promoter; vanadyl pyrophosphate; n-butane oxidation 1. Introduction Selective oxidation of n-butane to maleic anhydride over the vanadium phosphorus oxide (V-P-0) catalyst is still the only industrial catalytic process for partial oxidation of an alkane [1,2]. The catalytic performance may be improved by adding specific d o p ing agents t o the V-P-0 composition. It is considered that the promoters have a twofold structural role, namely, to enable the formation of the required V-P-0 compounds and decrease the formation of deleterious phases, and to enable the formation of solid solutions that regulate the catalytic activity of the solid [3]. A wide range of cations have been added as the modifier and some beneficial effects have been claimed. Many published data have also indicated their influence on the yield, on the selectivity for maleic anhydride for- mation and on the reaction rate over these catalysts [3-51. In this study, we explore the modification of (VO)zPzO7 catalysts induced by bismuth doping on the physico-chemical characteristics and the catalytic performance for n-butane oxidation to maleic anhydride. The relationships between the reduction behaviour and reactivity of the catalysts will also be described and discussed. 2. Experimental 2.1. Preparation of catalysts 2.1.1. Unpromoted vanadyl pyrophosphate Vanadyl phosphate dihydrate, VOP04.2HzO was prepared by refluxing VzO5 (12.0 g from Fisher) and * Corresponding author. Tel: +603-8946 6809; Fax: +603-8946 6758; E-mail: 298 Y . H . Taufiq-Yap et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 ortho-phosphoric acid (115.5 g, 85% from Fisher) with water (24 ml HzO/g solid) for 8 h at 393 K. The resulting VOP04.2H20, which was in yellow colour, was recovered by filtration, washed with water and dried at 383 K for 16 h. This solid was confirmed by XRD. VOP04.2HzO with 4.0 g was refluxed with isobutanol (80 ml from BDH) for 21 h at 393 K with continuous stirring. The light blue slurry was recovered by filtration, washed and dried at 423 K overnight to obtain the precursor, VOHP04.0.5H20 (denoted as PVPD). 2.1.2. Bismuth promoted vanadyl pyrophosphate For the preparation of the Bi-promoted precursor, bismuth nitrate salt with the required mass was previously dissolved in isobutanol, prior to refluxing VOP04.2HzO with isobutanol. The precursors obtained were denoted as PVPDBix where x=1 and 3. Both unpromoted and Bi-promoted precursors were then undergone calcination in a reaction flow of n-butanelair mixture (0.75% n-butane in air) for 75 h at 673 K. The unpromoted catalyst was denoted as VPD, whereas the Bi-doped catalysts were denoted as VPDBiz, where x=1 and 3. DRO 1110 apparatus with a thermal conductivity detector (TCD). 2.3. Catalytic oxidation of n-Butane Oxidation of n-butane was carried out a t 703 K in a flow reactor (Pyrex tube, 10 mm of inside diameter) with a mixture of n-butane (1.5 vol%), 0 2 (17 vol%), and He (balance) under atmospheric pressure. After the catalyst (0.2 g) was placed in the reactor, the reactant gas was introduced at a rate of 10 cm3/min (W/F=540 g.h/mol(bUt,,,)). The temperature was raised t o 703 K a t a rate of 5 K/min, and when the temperature had reached 703 K, the gas at the outlet of the reactor was analyzed using on-line gas chromatography. For n-butane and MA, an FID GC (Shimadzu GC8A) with a Porapak QS column (1 m) was used. A high speed GC (Aera M200) with Porapak Q and Molecular Sieves 5A columns was utilized for the analysis of CO, C02, and 0 2 in the gas-phase . After the conversion and selectivity had reached a stationary state (about 35 h), the W / F dependence of conversion was determined (W is the catalyst weight and F is the total flow rate) by changing the total flow rate. 2.2. Catalyst characterisation 3. Results and discussion The total surface areas of the catalysts were measured by the BET method using nitrogen adsorption at 77 K. This was done by a Micromeritics ASAP 2000 nitrogen adsorption/desorption analyzer. The bulk chemical composition was determined by using a sequential scanning inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES) of Perkin Elmer Emission Spectrometer model Plasma 1000. The average oxidation numbers of vanadium in the sample bulk were determined by redox titration following the method of Niwa and Murakami [6]. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses were carried out using a Shimadzu diffractometer model XRD 6000, employing CuK, radiation to generate diffraction patterns from the powder crystalline samples at ambient temperature. SEM images were taken by a Jeol JSM-6400 electron microscope. The samples were coated with gold using a Sputter Coater. T P R (Temperature Programmed Reduction) experiments were done by using a ThermoFinnigan TP- 3.1. BET surface area measurement, chemical analysis and redox titration Addition of the Bi promoter had increased the BET surface area of the VPDBil and VPDBi3 catalysts (Table 1) to 25.0 and 24.8 m2/g, respectively, compared to 20.3 m2/g for unpromoted VPD. Doping with Bi into the VPD catalyst has somehow altered the development of the basal (100) (V0)2P207 face which is the interesting feature of the high BET surface area of the catalysts. Chemical analysis using Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) indicated that the ranges of P / V ratio for unpromoted and Bi-promoted catalysts were between 1.09 and 1.16 and the amount of Bi was 1%and 3.3% for VPDBil and VPDBi3, respectively. Doping with Bi promoter has resulted in a decrease of the V5+ contribution from 24% for unpromoted VPD to 8% and 6% for VPDl and VPD3, respectively. The average oxidation state of vanadium reduced from 4.24 for VPD to 4.08 and 4.06 for VPDBil and VPDBi3, respectively (see Table 1). 299 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 Table 1. Specific BET surface area, chemical properties, average vanadium valence and percentages of V4+ and V6f oxidation states present in undoped and Bi-doped VPD catalysts Specific BET surface area (m2/al 20.3 Catalyst VPD VPDBil VPDBi3 Atomic ratio P IV BiIV 1.09 - v4+ (%) v5+ (%) Average vanadium valence 76 24 25.0 1.12 0.010 92 8 4.24 4.08 24.8 1.16 0.033 94 6 4.06 3.2. X-ray diffraction The structures of the promoted precursors and catalysts were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Both unpromoted and Bi-promoted precursors (Figure 1) are identical to VOHP04.0.5H20 with peaks at 28=15.75O, 19.83O, 24.42O, 27.28O and 30.63”. The XRD patterns for the catalysts are shown in Figure 2. All these materials have patterns similar to a well crystallized (VO)zP207 with main peaks appearing at 28 =22.9O, 28.4’ and 29.3O which are correspond to the (020), (204) and (221) planes, respectively [7]. The addition of Bi into the catalyst leads to the reflection a t 28=22.9O which indexed to (020) plane being more intense, as compared to the unpromoted material. I 10 20 I , , , I I , , . 30 l . , , , l l l l 50 40 , 60 20ip ) Figure 2. XRD patterns of VPD, VPDBi3 catalysts 20 10 30 40 50 60 281(O ) Figure 1. XRD patterns of the undoped and Bi-doped precursors VPDBil and- Table 2 shows the linewidth of the reflections of (020) and (204) planes. The parameter used to determine the crystal size is the half width of the (020) peak. The linewidth increases with the decreasing size of the crystallites. The decrease in the full width at half maximum (FWHMs) of the (020) reflection indicates that the thickness of the particles in the (100) direction decreases. The half width of the (204) peak changes slightly as well, reflecting a constant crystalline order of the bc plane. The thickness of (204) is only indicative of the mean “length” at the (204) face, while the thickness of (200) is more representative of the actual thickness [8]. The particle thickness of (020) was increased from 69.09 A(VPD) to 136.46 A(VPDBi1) and 177.30 A(VPDBi3). Table 2. XRD data of doped and Bi-doped VPD catalysts Catalyst Linewidtha (020)/(O ) Linewidt hb(204)/(O) ThicknessC(020)/A Thickness‘ (204)/A VPD VPDBil VPDBi3 1.1600 0.5873 0.4520 0.4616 0.3541 0.3488 69.09 136.46 177.30 173.62 226.32 232.38 a FWHM of (020) reflection FWHM of (204) reflection Plate thickness by means of Scherrer’s formula: T (A)=(0,89xX)/(FWHM x cos 0) 300 Y. H. Taufiq-Yap et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 3.3. Scanning electron microscopy The morphologies of the unpromoted and Bipromoted catalysts by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) are shown in Figure 3. The principle structure of the catalysts is the same, consisting of platelike crystals which are arranged into the characteristic rosette-shape clusters. Bi-promoted VPD catalysts (Figures 3b and 3c) show a higher compact structure with more layered plate-like crystals which are formed at the surface of clusters. The size of the rosette-shape clusters observed is smaller than the unpromoted counterpart. This could explain the fact that a higher surface area was obtained for the Bipromoted catalysts. The layered structure increased the exposure of the basal (100) ( V O ) Z P Z Oface. ~ 3.4. Temperature programmed reduction Figure 4 shows the temperature programmed reduction (TPR) profiles in a HZ/Ar stream (5% H2 in Argon, 0.1 MPa, 25 crn3.minp1) using a fresh sample of the catalyst and raising the temperature from ambient to 1223 K at 5 Ksmin-' in that stream. The unpromoted catalyst gave a characteristic pattern with three reduction regions, namely a , p and y, with peak maxima occurring at 863, 1011 and 1143 K. The VPDBil catalyst also gave three reduction peaks. However, the first two peak maxima significantly shifted to 798 and 906 K. An increase of Bi addition to 3% induced the formation of a new peak (a') at 838 K despite the a and ,B peaks appearing at lower temperatures of 796 and 915 K, respectively. This effect may be due to the decrease of the lattice energy induced by the presence of the Bi dopant. Both the a and p peaks are assigned to the removal of oxygen species from V5+ and V4+ phases, respectively [9]. The total amount of 0 2 removed was 2 . 5 ~ 1 0 ' Pa/g ~ for the unpromoted VPD catalyst. The introduction of Bi increased the amount to 2 . 8 ~ 1 0 ' Pa/g ~ for the VPDBil and 3 . 3 ~ 1 0 " Pa/g for the VPDBi3 (Table 3). The lowering of the reduction peak temperature and the increment of the oxygen atoms removed from the lattice by the reaction of Hz may suggest that the oxygen species in the Bi-promoted catalysts are more reactive and will give a higher conversion for n-butane oxidation compared to the unpromoted catalyst. a ~ I I I . l l , l , l , , , , l , , , , I , . . , I , , I I Temperature (K) Figure 3. SEM micrographs for (a) VPD, (b) VPDBil and (c) VPDBi3 Figure 4. TPR Profiles VPDBi3 of VPD, VPDBil and 301 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 Table 3. Total number of oxygen atoms removed from the undoped and Bi-doped VPD catalysts by reduction in H2/Ar Oxygen atom removed from the catalyst (mol/g) Tmax/K Peaks from the catalyst (atom/g) Oxygen atom removed Coverage (atom/crn2) 7.6 x 1 0 - ~ 8.1 x 10'' 1.3 x loz1 4.6 x lozo 4.0 x 1015 6.2 x 1015 2.3 x 1015 4.2 x 10W3 2.5 x loz1 1.3 x 10l6 1.4 x 10-3 1.8 x 1 0 - ~ 8.7 x lozo 1.1 x 1021 3.5 x 1015 4.4 x 1015 VPD (Y P Y 863 1.3 x 10W3 1011 1143 2.1 x 10-3 Total oxygen atom removed VPDBil P 798 906 Y 1151 ff Total oxygen atom removed 1.3 x 10-3 8.0 x lo2" 3.2 x 1015 4.6 x lop3 2.8 x 102' 1.1 x 10'6 1.3 x lop3 1.3 x lop3 8.1 x 10'" 5.7 x 1020 1.1 x 1021 8.0 x lozo 3.3 2.3 4.3 3.2 4.1 x 10p3 3.3 x 1021 1.3 x 1016 VPDBi3 796 838 ff a' P 9.5 x 10-4 1.8 x 1 0 - ~ 915 1151 Y Total oxygen atom removed x 1015 x 1015 x 1015 x 1015 Surface area: VPD=20.3 m2/g; VPDBil=25.0 m2/g; VPDBi3=24.8 m2/g; Weight: VPD=0.0379 g; VPDBil=0.0375 g; VPDBi3=0.0282 g 3.5. Selective oxidation of n-butane 80 t Figures 5 and 6 show the time courses of the oxidation of n-butane over VPD, VPDBil and VPDBi3. Figure 7 presents the W / F dependence of the conversion for n-butane oxidation at 703 K , where W is the weight of the catalyst (g) and F is the flow rate of n-butane (mol/h). Among these catalysts, VPDBi3 with 81% conversion was found to be the most active, followed by VPDBil (71%) and VPD (47%). The great difference in catalytic activity for the Bi-promoted catalysts compared to the unpromoted tVPD t-VPDBil --e VPDBi3 501 '1 ' 0 ' ' I 10 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I 20 30 Reaction time (h) ' ' ' ' I 40 ' ' ' ' 50 Figure 6. Time course changes of MA selectivity in oxidation of n-butane over VPD, VPDBil and VPDBi3 catalysts 100 tVPD tVPDBi I 401, I 0 J ' I 10 ' ' I 5 1 20 30 Reaction time ( h ) ' I j 5 I 40 " " I 50 Figure 5. Time course changes of conversion in oxidation of n-butane over VPD, VPDBil and VPDBi3 catalysts material is attributed to the reactivity of the oxygen atoms in the lattice. As reported earlier, selective oxidation of n-butane over V-P-0 catalyst was shown to proceed via a redox mechanism [lo]. Therefore the reduction behaviour of this catalyst is a reliable method as an indicator for the catalytic performance. It should be noted that two major reduction peaks of VPDBi3 and VPDBil (from T P R profiles in Figure 4) occurred significantly at the lower temperature region compared t o VPD (Table 3). These two reduction peaks ( a and p) corresponding to the removal of oxygen species linked t o V5+ and V4+ phases, re- Y.H. Tauf iq-Yap et al./ Journal o f Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 302 spectively, played a major role in the performance of the catalysts, as shown in the increment of the conversion. A significant improvement in the oxygen's reactivity by lowering the reduction activation energy with the addition of Bi leads to the enhanced catalytic performance for n- but ane oxidat ion. Further more, the combination of these two types of oxygen species also favoured the hydrocarbon's activation. Figure 8 gives the change in selectivity t o MA as a function of the conversion of n-butane and demonstrates that VPDBi3 is the most selective catalyst. 4. Conclusions The doping of Bi into the lattice of a vanadyl pyrophosphate catalyst increased the total surface area of VPDBil and VPDBi3 from 20.3 m2/g (unpromoted VPD) t o 25.0 and 24.8 m2/g, respectively. This increment was effected by an increase in the rosette-type platelets subtending the (100) face. The presence of Bi also reduced the overall oxidation state of the vanadium. The addition of 1% and 3% Bi significantly enhances the activities of the catalysts. The effect is attributed to the highly active and labile lattice oxygen. It is also in part due to a structural effect, as the surface area of the Bi-promoted catalysts is increased by 25%. I loo -s- 80 - 'g 60- Acknowledgements Financial assistance from Malaysian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation is gratefully acknowledged. C G U - 40 tVPD tVPDBil - 4 -A- VPDBi3 References Centi G. Catalysis Today, 1993, 16: 5 Wang D X, Kung M C, Kung H H. Catalysis Letters, 2000, 65: 9 80 1 I h 55 1 20 -.- VPDBil -VPDBi3 Hutchings G J. Applied Catalysis A: General, 1991, 72: 1 Brutovsk? M,Kladekov6 D, Kosturiak A. Chemical Listy, 1995, 89: 682 Hutchings G J, Higgins R. Journal of Catalysis, 1996, 162: 153 Niwa M, Murakami Y. J Catal, 1982, 76: 9 Taufiq-Yap Y H, Waugh K C, Hussein M Z. Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 1998, 14(1): 1 Kesteman E, Merzouki M, Taouk B, Bordes E, Contractor R. In: Poncelet G et a1 eds. Preparation of Catalysts VI. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science B V, 1995. 707 40 60 Conversion (YO) 80 I00 Figure 8. Changes in selectivity t o maleic anhydride as a function of conversion of n-butane Pierini B T, Lombard0 E A. Material Chemistry and Physics, 2005, 92: 197 Centi G,Trifiro F, Ebner J R, Franchetti V M. Chemical Review, 1988, 88: 251 Available online at ScienceDirect Journal of Natural Gas Chcmirtry Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 15(2006)303-306 SCIENCE PRESS www.elsevier.mmilmte/jngc Article Molybdosphoric Acid Mixed with Titania Used as a Catalyst to Synthesize Diphenyl Carbonate via Transesterif icat ion of Dimethyl Carbonate and Phenol Tong Chen'>2? Huajun Han' , Zhiping Du' , Jie Yao' , Gongying Wangl*? Dachuan Shi3, Desheng Zhang3, Zhiming Chen3 1. Chengdu Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610064, Sichuan, China; 2. The College of Guiyang Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guiyang 550001, Guizhov, China; 3. PetroChina Company Limited, Jilin Branch, Jilin 13,2021, Jilin, China [Manuscript received April 28, 2006; revised June 13, 2006) Abstract: The 12-molybdosphoric acid mixed with titania (MPA-Ti02) was found t o be a novel and efficient catalyst for the synthesis of diphenyl carbonate (DPC) via transesterification of dimethyl carbonate (DMC) and phenol. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) and infrared (IR) techniques were employed to characterize the prepared catalysts. The effect of the weight ratio of the 12-molybdosphoric acid to titania on the transesterification was investigated. A 13.1% yield of DPC and an 11.6% yield of methyl phenyl carbonate (MPC) were obtained over MPA-Ti02 with the weight ratio of MPA to Ti02 as 5:l. Key words: transesterification; 12-molybdosphate acid; titania; methyl phenyl carbonate; diphenyl carbonate 1. Introduction Polycarbonates (PCs) are important engineering thermoplastics, with good mechanical and optical properties as well as electrical resistance that are useful for many applications [I]. PCs are commercially produced by the reaction of phosgene and bisphenol-A. The use of the conventional process results in few serious environmental problems such as the use of the highly toxic phosgene, the formation of a stoichiometric amount of NaCl or HC1, and the use of copious amounts of methylene chloride as the solvent. Melt polymerization of bisphenol-A and diphenyl carbonate (DPC) is the most practical nonphosgene process for manufacturing PCs; thus, DPC is the key material for the green production of PCs. Several available nonphosgene processes for the manufacture of DPC have been proposed, and the major ones include carbonylation of phenol and transesterification of dimethyl carbonate (DMC) and phenol [2]. Oxidative carbonylation of phenol is a prospective route for the synthesis of DPC, but the use of noble-metal catalysts and the low yield of DPC limit its industrialization. At present, the transesterification of DMC and phenol is thought to be the most suitable method for the industrial production of DPC. This route is a two-step process, which involves the transesterification of DMC and phenol to methyl phenyl carbonate (MPC) (Equation (1))and the further transesterification of MPC and phenol (Equation (2)) or disproportion of MPC to DPC (Equation (3)). The reaction suffers from low yield and selectivity even a t an elevated temperature because of a critical thermodynamic limitation in the formation of MPC (3x lo-* a t 180 "C) and because of the low reaction rate [3]. Therefore, active catalysts are essential for the transesterification. Generally, the transesterification of DMC with phenol is carried out in the * Corresponding author. Tel: 028-85215405; E-mail: 304 Tong Chen et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 liquid phase using homogeneous catalysts such as organic Sn, Ti, Al, and Fe compounds [4&7]. However, homogeneous catalysts are toxic (for example, organic Sn), unstable and are difficult t o be separated from the final products. Therefore, considerable attention has been paid to the development of active solid catalysts, which can simplify the purification process to a large extent. Unfortunately, the reports on solid catalysts are very few. In previous literatures, the solid catalysts are mainly Mo, Ti, Si, Pb, and rare-earth metal oxides [8-121. Heteropoly compounds (HPCs), as environmentally benign catalysts, are widely utilized, specifically for materials with Keggin structure, in homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic reactions because of their unique physicochemical and catalytic properties. Catalysis using heteropoly acids (HPAs) and the related compounds is a growing field with increasing significance, since HPA-based catalysts possess bifunction with strong acid and redox abilities and have higher activity than the known traditional catalysts [13-181. This study explores the transesterification reaction of dimethyl carbonate with phenol [4,5]. Herein, 12-molybdosphoric acid (H3PMo12040, abbreviated as MPA) mixed with titania (MPATiO2) as a novel solid catalyst for the synthesis of DPC from dimethyl carbonate with phenol via transesterification has been reported. DMC + QO O !Q CH30H DPC *QOKOCH, e O ! O Q = MPC 2. Experimental 2.1. Chemical reagents Dimethyl carbonate (Huasheng Co. Ltd, China) was fractionally distilled and stored over a molecular sieve (4A). The phenol and the 12-molybdosphoric acid were of analytical reagent (AR) grades and were used without further purification. 2.2. Preparation of catalysts The catalysts were prepared as follows: the Ti02 powders were added to the aqueous solutions of MPA with stirring for 0.5 h. The mixture was dried at 100 "C and was then calcined for 3 h at 300 "C for activation. The catalyst was denoted as MPA-Ti02. The Ti02 was prepared by hydrolysis of Tic14 followed by dehydration of the Ti(OH)4 xerogel at 100 "C (named as TiO2-100). 2.3. Characterization of the catalyst Powder X-ray diffraction patterns of the samples DPC 0 + CH30COCH3 II DMC were recorded on a DX-1000 diffraction instrument using Cu K , radiation a t a wavelength of 0.154 nm. A scan rate of O.O3O/S with a step size of 0.03' was used for data collection. Framework vibration spectra in the range of 2000-400 cm-' were recorded on an FT-IR (NICOLET MX-1E) spectrometer in KBr disks at room temperature. 2.4. Reaction procedure The liquid-phase reaction was carried out in a 100 ml three-necked, round-bottomed flask equipped with a nitrogen inlet, a drop-wise filler, and a fractionating column connected to a liquid dividing head. The phenol and the catalyst were added under a nitrogen atmosphere with stirring and slow heating. After the mixture was heated to 178 "C, DMC was added in drops. The reaction temperature was maintained between 150 "C and 180 "C with refluxing under atmospheric pressure. At the end of reaction, the mixture was cooled, and the catalyst was filtered. The filtrates and the azeotrope of methanol with DMC during the reaction were quantitatively analyzed us- 305 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 ing gas chromatography (Shimadzu GC14-B) with a n FID detector and a capillary column (30 rn), and the product mixtures were characterized by GC-MS (HPGC/MC 6890/5973) for the confirmation of DPC and MPC. 3. Results and discussion 3.2. X-ray diffraction The diffractograms of MPA-Ti02 in various proportions that were calcined at 300 "C are shown in Figure 2 . For comparison, the Ti02-100 was calcined a t 300 "C (named Ti02-300), and the diffractograms of Ti&-300 are also given in Figure 2 . 3.1. Infrared spectra The FT-IR spectra of the samples are shown in Figure 1. All the MPA-Ti02 samples exhibited the Keggin structure at 1063, 961-964.9,866.7-862.3, and 785.5-801 cm-', which can be assigned to the stretching modes vaS(P-Od), vas(Mo-Ot), va,(MO-ObMo), and v, (Mo-0,-Mo), respectively, where ob represents corner-sharing oxygen and Oc represents edge-shar ing oxygen. Meanwhile, the characteristic peaks of a-Mo03 could not be identified on the MPATi02 samples. It is indicated that the MPA-Ti02 samples calcined at 300 "C preserve the Keggin structure. Comparing the MPA, the stretching vibrations of MPA-Ti02 samples produce a small shift owing to the interactions of MPA and TiOz. The stretching frequency of the characteristic IR bands of the samples are shown in Table 1. 1800 1600 1200 1400 800 1000 600 400 Waven titn ber ( c & ) Figure 1. IR spectra of the samples with various weight ratios of MPA to TiO2: (1) 1:1, (2) 3:1, (3) 5:1, (4)1O:l Table 1. Stretching frequency of the characteristic IR bands of the samples Stretching frequency (cm-l ) MPA-~O~ (weight ratio) MPA 10:1 5:l 3: 1 1:l P-0 M-0, 1063.9 Mo=Ot 962.4 1063.5 960.7 1063.0 961.3 Mo-ob 867.5 866.7 866.4 1062.6 963.4 865.7 795.2 964.9 862.3 801.0 1063.0 789.4 785.5 791.6 .-C B 4- 10 20 30 40 50 60 28/(' ) Figure 2. XRD patterns of the samples with various weight ratios MPA to TiO2: (1) 1:1, (2) 3:1, (3) 5:1, (4)1O:l Anatase Ti02 was detected on Ti02-300, and amorphous Ti02 was observed on Ti02-100. The MPA-Ti02 samples show only the characteristic fraction peaks of the Keggin structure of the heteropoly compound, and no characteristic fraction peaks of the anatase Ti02 or @-Moos could be identified. This result corresponds t o that of IR. It is indicated that the Keggin structure keeps intact in the MPA-Ti02 samples calcined at 300 "C, and the Ti02 is microcrystalline or highly dispersed; that is, the MPA prevents the production of the Ti02 crystal phase even when the sample was calcined at 300 "C. The characteristic peaks of the Keggin structure weaken with the decrease in the amount of MPA in the catalyst, and the partial diffraction peaks disappear, which implies the mild, dispersed effect of Ti02 on MPA. 3.3. Catalytic behavior The catalytic behavior of MPA-Ti02 with various weight ratios of MPA to Ti02 are investigated and compared with that of bulk MPA and Ti02 in the transesterification, and the catalytic-activity results are summarized in Table 2. 306 Tong Chen et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 From Table 2, it can be observed that the only by-product is anisole with the exception of the two main products MPC and DPC, and that the transesterification selectivity exceeds 90% over all catalysts. Furthermore, the data in Table 2 clearly show that bulk PMA has low conversion of 12.2% for phenol, and the pure Ti02 is poorly active with only 0.8% conversion of phenol. The conversion of phenol over MPA-Ti02 is higher than that of the bulk MPA. This illustrates that Ti02 acts as a promoter in the catalyst. The yield of transesterification (MPC+DPC) increases slightly with the increase in the ratio of MPA to Ti02 up to 5:1, and then it slightly decreases. When the optimal weight ratio of MPA to Ti02 is 5:1, the yield of MPC and DPC of 24.7% and the transesterification selectivity of 99% T a b l e 2. T h e c a t a l y t i c activities of a series of M P A - T i 0 2 f o r the transesterificationa Yields (%)= MPA:Ti02 Amount of (weight ratio) MPAb(mol%) (%I MPC DPC Bulk MPA 0.20 12.2 1:1 0.10 0.15 0.17 0.19 0.00 23.3 23.9 25.0 25.3 0.8 6.2 13.3 12.3 11.6 12.3 0.8 5.5 9.6 10.8 13.1 11.3 3: 1 5: 1 1O:l Ti02 (anatase) Phenol Conv. - Transesterif ication AN 0.5 0.4 0.8 0.3 1.7 - selectivity (%) 96 98 97 99 93 100 a. Reaction conditions: phenol (160 mmol), DMC (160 mmol), catalyst (1.2 g), reaction time (8 h), and reaction temperature (150-180 "C); b. The molar ratio of MPA t o the total reactants; c. MPC=methyl phenyl carbonate; DPC=diphenyl carbonate; AN=anisole. are attained. On combining this with the results of XRD,this total yield continuously increases with the increase in the amount of MPA, which may be ascribed to the impact of accumulation of MPA. After the ratio becomes 5:1, the catalytic activity does not increase, which indicates that the functions of Ti02 begin to weaken because of being enveloped in excess MPA. 4. Conclusions (1) MPA-Ti02 is a n environmentally benign and efficient heterogeneous catalyst that is used for the synthesis of diphenyl carbonate (DPC) via transesterification of dimethyl carbonate (DMC) and phenol. The yield (MPC and DPC) and selectivity of the transesterification over MPA-Ti02, with the weight ratio of MPA to Ti02 as 5:1, was 24.7% and 99%, respectively. (2) MPA is the main active component in the MPA-Ti02 catalyst. Ti02 is a promoter, which is dispersed by the MPA, and no characteristic fraction peaks of anatase Ti02 are seen. (3) The MPA-Ti02 that is calcined at 300 "C preserves the Keggin structure. Acknowledgements The work was supported by the National Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 plan) (2003AA321010) and China Petroleum & Natural Gas Co. Ltd. References Ono Y. Appl Catal A , 1997, 155: 133 Mei F,Li G, Nie J, Xu H. J Mol Catal A , 2002, 184: 465 Shaikh G, Sivaram S. Ind Eng Chem Revs, 1992, 31: 1167 Du Z, Kang W, Chen T. J Mol Catal A , 2006, 246: 200 Niu H Y , Yao J, Wang Y, Wang G Y. J Mol Catal A , 2005, 235: 240 Mei F,Li G, Nie J, Xu H. J Mol Catal A , 2002, 184: 465 Lee H, Bae J Y , Kwon 0-S. J Organomet Chem, 2004, 689: 1816 Kim W B, Lee J S. J Catal, 1999, 185: 307 Mei F,Pei Z, Li G. Process Res Dev, 2004, 8: 372 Fu Z, Ono Y . J Mol Catal A , 1997, 118: 293 Kim W B, Lee J S. Catal Lett, 1999, 59: 83 Zhou W, Zhao X, Wang Y , Zhang J. Appl Catal A, 2004, 260: 19 Kozhevnikov I V. Chem Rev, 1998, 98: 171 Mizuno N, Misono M. Chem Rev, 1998, 98: 199 Izumi Y,Hisano K, Hida T. Appl Catal A , 1999, 181: 277 Kishore G D, Baskaran S. J Org Chem, 2005, 70: 4520 Li X-K, Zhao J, Zhang Z-B. J Catal, 2006, 237: 58 Abd M M M, Said A A. J Mol Catal A , 2005, 109 Available online at ScienceDirect Journal of Natural GdS Chermstry Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 15(2006)307-312 SCIENCE PRESS wmv.elsevier.dmk/jngc Article Kinetic Rates of the Fischer Tropsch Synthesis on a Co/NbaOs Catalyst Victor R. Ah&, Paulo L. C. Lage, Carlos D. D. de Souza, Fabiana M. Mendes, Martin Schmal* Federal Unaversaty of Rao de Janearo Programa d e Engenharaa Quimaca, COPPE/UFRJ C.P. 68502, 21941-972, Rao de Janezro, R J , Brazal [Manuscript received May 15, 2006; revised June 27, 20061 Abstract: The kinetics of the Fischer-Tropsch reaction over a Co/Nbz05 catalyst in a fixed bed reactor was investigated experimentally. Experiments were carried out under isothermal and isobaric conditions (T=543 K, P=2.1 MPa) and under different conditions of several Hz/CO feed molar ratio (0.49-4.79), space velocities (0.2-3.8 h-'), mass of catalyst (0.3-1.5 g), and CO conversion (10%-29%). Synthesis gas conversion was measured and data were reduced to estimate the kinetic parameters for different Langmuir-Hinshelwood rate expressions. Differential and integral reactor models were used for the nonlinear regression of kinetics parameters. One of the rate equations could well explain the data. The hydrocarbon product distributions that were experimentally determined exhibited an unusual behavior, and a possible explanation was discussed. Key words: Fischer-Tropsch; natural gas; kinetics; selectivity 1. Introduction The transformation of syngas (CO+Hz), through the Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) technology, into a wide spectrum of linear and branched hydrocarbons has become an excellent alternative for the use of natural gas t o obtain liquid transportation fuels. Besides, the possibility of obtaining clean-burning fuels, satisfying stricter environmental regulations, has introduced a renewed interest in the study of the Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis. A brief literature review on the FT synthesis shows that the kinetics of the FT reaction has been the main focus of many researchers, and several kinetic models from different mechanisms have been proposed. However, only a few kinetic studies on cobalt-based catalysts can be found, such as the studies of Sarup and Wojciechowski [l],Keyser et al. [2], and Zennaro et al. [3]. Generally, kinetics for cobalt- based catalysts present different expressions when compared t o those for the iron-based catalysts, and kinetic equations are based on the rate-determining step, which involves a dual-site surface reaction, resulting in a squared expression in the denominator in the rate equation. Several studies have tried t o explain the deviations of FT hydrocarbon selectivity from the Anderson-Schulz-Flory distribution model (ASF), usually due t o the a-olefin readsorption with secondary chain propagation (Iglesia et al. [4], van der Laan and Beenackers [5], Schulz and Claeys [6]) and the existence of two chain propagation mechanisms or sites (Madon and Taylor [7], Sarup and Wojciechowski [l], Donnelly et al. [8], Patzlaff et al. [+lo]). Although a-olefin readsorption with secondary chain propagation is regarded as the correct explanation of non-ASF product distributions for ruthenium catalysts (Iglesia et al. [4], Patzlaff et al. * Corresponding author. Tel: +55 21 2562 8352; Fax: +55 21 2562 8300; E-mail: 308 Victor R Ah6n et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 [9]),the existence of two different mechanisms or active sites for chain propagation seems to be the major effect for iron and cobalt catalysts [9-lo]. Recently, a selectivity model that combines both the effects has been proposed [ 111. The main objective of this study is to study the kinetics of the CO hydrogenation of the Co/NbnOs catalyst, which presents high selectivity toward C13-C17 paraffins and to explain the unusual behavior of hydrocarbon product distributions through the ASF distribution model, using experimental data and kinetic rate expressions. 2. Experimental 2.1. Catalyst preparation The Nbz05 support was obtained by calcination of niobic acid (CBMM -Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineraqao) in air at 823 K at a heating rate 2 K/min for 3 h, as a result of which it is transformed from an amorphous phase to crystalline TT or T form of niobium pentoxide. The catalysts were prepared by incipient wetness impregnation of the support with an aqueous solution of cobalt nitrate, containing 5 wt% Co. After impregnation, the samples were dried at 393 K for 16 h and calcined in air at 673 K for 2 h. 2.2. Reactor The reactor was a vertical stainless steel tube with approximately 1.5 cm ID, wall thickness of 2 mm, and length of 15 cm. A stainless steel screen was placed 5 cm from the bottom of the reactor t o hold the catalyst sample. The gas flows down through the catalyst. A thermocouple type J was adapted for monitoring the reaction temperature, inserted into a 3.18 mm diameter tube at 2 cm above the screen. The thermocouple tip reached the center of the reactor. A ceramic oven was used with a thermocouple connected to a temperature programmer and controller. 2.3. Catalyst testing The reaction conditions and procedures were similar to those described elsewhere (Mendes et al. [12], Frydman et al. [13], Soares et al. [14]). The CO hydrogenation was performed in a fixed bed at 543 K, containing a mass of 0.3-1.5 g of catalyst at 2.1 MPa. The total feed flow rate was chosen to reach isoconversion, using a mixture of He, H2/CO feed ratios 0.49-4.79. Helium was used as internal standard to calculate the total CO conversions. Before the reaction, the samples were reduced under hydrogen flow a t 773 K for 16 h. The reaction products were analyzed by on-line gas chromatography (ShimadzuGC-l7A), equipped with a CP-PoraBOND Q, 50 m (TCD) and a CP-SIL, 50 m (FID) columns. The products were analyzed using a flame ionization detector (FID). Typical experimental results for hydrocarbon distribution are as presented in Table 1 after running for 48 h with time on stream, at 2.0 MPa and temperature of 543 K, varying the space velocity. Table 1. Experimental results for different reaction conditions H2/CO (ratio) X/% WHSV (h-l) CZ-c4 (%) Diesel (%) Ci9+ (%) 0.49 12.91 400 26.27 24.45 23.78 2.03 16.26 8000 3.08 2.39 24.95 2.83 24.01 4000 17.97 13.83 20.06 42.49 5.64 4.79 23.73 4000 46.54 33.56 11.98 1.99 5.93 2.4. Determination of the kinetic parameters The experimental results for cobalt catalyst showed that n-alkanes and 1-alkenes are the predominant products of the reaction. Therefore, the reaction stoichiometry may be approximated as %co where Product distribution G a ~ o l .(%) CH4 (%) - - -I-( N c -tN H / ~ ) H-+z CGHK % is the +K H z O (1) average carbon chain length of the . 7.67 17.83 48.88 20.71 hydrocarbon product and is the average number of hydrogen atoms per hydrocarbon molecule. The reaction rate is defined, in this study, as the number of moles of carbon monoxide converted per time per mass of catalyst (-Rco). In the literature, several expressions for the reaction rate of the FischerTropsch synthesis over cobalt-based catalyst were reported (Sarup and Wojciechowski [l],Yates and Satterfield [15],Kuipers et al. [16]). It was found that a Langmuir-Hinshelwood equation, which involves a bi- Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 molecular surface reaction, could adequately describe the Fischer-Tropsch reaction. These rate expressions can be generalized as where k is a kinetic rate constant, a and b are the reaction orders of the rate-determining step; Ki is the adsorption constant for the i-th adsorption term, and ci and di represent the dependency of surface coverage on the reactant pressure of the i-th adsorption term, P H and ~ PCO are the partial pressures of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, respectively. Based on the results obtained by Sarup and Wojciechowski [l] and Yates and Satterfield [15] and due t o the differences in their functional dependence on P H and ~ PCO,the following rate equations were chosen for interpreting the experimental data in the present analysis. 309 For a differential reactor, it is assumed that the conversion is sufficiently less and does not affect the reactant compositions along the reactor. Therefore, the feed compositions can be used t o calculate the reaction rates along the whole reactor, giving (-Rco)O, which is constant. Then, Equation (8) becomes or For the integral reactor, Equation (8) must be integrated. Because the compositions were measured only a t the inlet and outlet reactor, the best approximation of the integral term in equation (8) is obtained using the trapezoidal quadrature: + (-Rco)' l l (4) (11) Then, Equation (8) becomes (5) For the determination of the unknown kinetics parameters for each rate expression, a nonlinear regression procedure was used. Due to the relatively high conversion obtained in the several experiments, these parameters were calculated considering the fixed bed separately as differential and as an integral reactor. The material balance of CO in the fixed bed tubular reactor is - ~ F c o = (-RCo)PcatdV (6) where FCO is the CO molar flow rate (mol.min-l), (-Rco) is the CO rate of consumption (mol.g,at,-'.min-l), peat is the catalyst density (gcat,+cm-3),and V is the reactor volume (cm3). Moreover, Fco = Poqoxco/Q (7) where PO is the feed density (g.cmP3), qo is the volumetric feed rate (cm3.min-l), xco is the CO molar fraction, and % is the average molar mass (g.mol-l). After substitution of equation (7) into equation (6) and integration along the reactor length, it becomes -- (8) 3. Results and discussion Experimental results are presented in Table 2 for different reaction conditions. First, all these 12 experimental data were used for kinetic studies. Table 3 shows the results of the nonlinear regression for the rate expressions described by Equations (3)-(5), considering the reactor as differential (Equation 10) and integral (Equation 12). The significance of each parameter was assessed by using the t-test (Froment and Bischoff [17]), which is the ratio of the regressed parameter to its standard deviation. The statistical significance of the global regression was expressed by means of the F-ratio, based on the ratio of the mean calculated sum of squares and the mean regression sum of squares. It can be seen that parameters k and K and are not statistically adequate and must be rejected. 310 Victor R Ahdn et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 Table 2. Selected experimental parameters for the reaction Experiments 1 mcat/g 1.50 Fgo/(mol. min-') 2 . 4 7 lop4 ~ Pi /MPa P&/MPa 1.267 0.621 P&/MPa 0.212 (H2/CO)' 0.49 Xco (%)* 2 3 4 5 10.07 10.98 12.91 0.30 1.38~10-~ 0.959 0.472 0.669 2.03 25.56 28.52 0.30 5.43~10-~ 1.438 0.507 0.154 2.83 20.35 21.65 0.30 1.25~10-~ 0.385 0.080 1.634 4.79 6 27.50 7 8 9 10 11 12 22.31 25.16 23.82 23.99 *CO conversion: Xco = (Fgo - Fco)/Fgo,FCO (mol.min-') volumetric flow rate at the outlet Table 3. Regression results for the kinetics models using all data sets Regression results ka K ck Differential reactor Equation (3) 2.70~10-~ 0.62 5.57~ Equation (4) 1.84~10-~ 0.36 2 . 5 6 10W2 ~ Equation (5) Equation (3) 8 . 4 0 lop3 ~ 0.50 1.9ox10-2 2.77~ 0.61 5.57x 10-2 Integral reactor Equation (4) 1.98~ 0.37 2.75~10-~ Equation (5) 9 . 4 0 lop3 ~ 0.53 2.15~10-~ *K 1.12 0.40 0.82 tk 0.49 0.72 0.44 1.10 0.50 0.42 0.72 0.88 0.44 tK F-ratio 0.55 5.31 0.90 6.78 0.61 5.42 0.55 5.39 0.60 5.42 R2 0.19 0.29 0.21 0.19 0.88 6.88 0.29 * 0.19 aEquation 3 (kmol/kgcat-h-bar), Equation 4 ( k m ~ l / k g c a t - h - b a r ~ . ~ Equation ), 5 (kmol/kgcat-h-bar2); bCritical t value for 95% confidence that the parameters are significant is t0.975,10=2.228 The mass balance deviations for different ratios were calculated from the experimental data, and they are listed in Table 4. Experimental results for (Hz/C0)'=2.03 presented larger deviations in the mass balance than in the others, which is thus improper for the kinetic interpretation. Table 4. Mass balance deviation (%'ow) for different reaction conditions after 70 h with time on stream Experiments (Hz/CO)O Mass balance deviation after 72 h on stream 2 6 8 12 0.49 2.03 2.83 4.79 -0.80 -21.27 0.15 0.42 Therefore, the kinetic parameters were determined again, but excluding the experiment for (Hz/C0)'=2.03. These regression results are shown in Table 5. In this case, the adjusted parameters obtained by nonlinear regression were statistically significant for rate expression given by Equation ( 5 ) . The parameters of Equations (3) and (4) are still inad- equate because their calculated t-values do not exceed the corresponding tabulated value for confidence at the 95% probability level. From the t-values, it is clear that the experimental data are better described by the rate expression given by Equation (5). Besides, values of the variance-covariance matrix are 2.03 x and 2 . 0 3 lop2 ~ indicating that parame2 . 1 4 lop4, ~ ters are not correlated. The regression results presented in Tables 3 and 5 were calculated using both the differential reactor and the integral reactor approximated solutions, Equations 10 and 12, respectively. It can be seen that both reaction models lead to the same results within the experimental statistical uncertainty. This implies that the differential reactor approximation is valid for the present data. The hydrocarbon product distributions obtained for different feed ratios were also calculated from gas chromatographic (FID and TCD) analyses. They are shown in Figure 1 for the different H2/CO ratios analyzed. 311 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 Table 5. Regression results for the kinetics models using a reduced data set Regression results ka K uk UK t k -valueb tK-valueb F-ratio R2 Differential reactor Equation (4) Equation (5) 7.85~10-~ 3 . 7 0 lop3 ~ 0.38 0.52 4 . 1 2 ~ 1 0 ~ ~ 1.47~10-~ 0.16 0.15 1.91 3.10 2.38 3.47 31.67 134.09 0.81 0.95 Equation (3) 2.70~ lo-' 0.62 5.58~ 1.12 0.48 0.55 14.78 0.63 Equation (3) 1.19x10-2 0.77 1.30~10-~ 0.69 0.92 1.12 14.51 0.60 Integral reactor Equation (4) 7.471 ~ 0-~ 0.41 3 . 8 8 10-3 ~ 0.16 1.93 2.56 29.87 0.79 Equation (5) 3.83x lop3 0.59 1.43~10-~ 0.15 2.68 3.93 130.15 0.95 aEquation 3 (kmol/kgcat-h-bar), Equation 4 ( k m o l / k g ~ a t - h - b a r ~ Equation ,~), 5 (kmol/kgcat-h-bar2); bCritical t value for 95% confidence that the parameters are significant is t0.975,7=2.365 -0.49 0.1 u' - M 0.01 .\. IE-3I'""" 0 5 ' ' ~ 10 ' * ' " ' 15 " ' 1 " " 20 1 25 Carbon number Figure 1. Hydrocarbon product distributions for (Hz/CO)O at 0.49, 2.03, 2.83, and 4.79 As expected, the total hydrocarbon molar compositions cannot be interpreted as an ASF distribution. Although the c 2 - C ~anomalies and the change of the chain growth probability in the range from C3 to C8-C12 range may be explained by a-olefin readsorption with secondary chain propagation and the existence of two mechanisms for chain propagation, the increasing selectivity observed between C8 and C12 for all experiments cannot be explained by these mechanisms, except if a carbon number-dependent product desorption rate constant is admitted. Kuipers et al. [16] observed similar results with Co/SiOz catalyst and suggested that for a non-ASF behavior up to C13 is independent of the flow, whereas Iglesia et al. [4] showed that the extension of a-olefin reinsertion is dependent on the chain length and influences the total product distribution, which is also partly dependent on the contact time, due to transport limitations. Although transport limitation occurs due t o porous distribution, it seems that the umbilical cord mechanism suggested by Kuipers et al. [16]would explain the behavior of the proposed system. Therefore, reinsertion into the chain growth occurs at a growth site, where the a-olefin reinsertion is physisorbed, can adsorb prior to desorption, and therefore will be independent of the flow. As observed, paraffin production prevails, which means that, for high carbon number, all a-olefins are reinserted and do not desorb until they reach a critical length and finally terminate as paraffins, which desorb to the vapor or liquid phase. On the other hand, the drop in growth probability for NC around 14, observed in all experiments, can be attributed also to product retention and condensation, which according t o the literature, is not feasible due to the sigmoid curve, which is more likely attributed to a hydrogenolysis process. In fact, the C15-C17 region can be hydrogenolyzed to lower carbons such as C11. Moreover, product retention and condensation are not expected to have occurred because the overall mass balance indicates that the reactor operates steady state, with the exception of the experiments at Hz/CO=2.03. As reported previously [12,13], the Co/Nbz05 catalyst presents different surface properties when reduced at 557 K and 773 K. In the later case, the Nb205 is also reduced and affects the surface where, besides NbO, patches, Co'f and Coo coexist. The metallic cobalt prevails and is necessary for the initiation of the reaction; however, the presence of Co2+ species favors the reinsertion a-olefins due t o the electronic structure. The growth sites necessary for the reinsertion of a-olefins and physisorption is sustained by interfacial sites, probably a t NbO,/CoZf species [12,13],which allows the co-adsorption of long-chain molecules and probably favors the reaction to the formation of long chains at the surface. In addition, results have shown narrow selectivity between C13 and (217, where the non-ASF behavior is observed, indicating that longer paraffins are easily desorbed, suggesting that bonding strengths decrease at the interfacial sites. It also disfavors the hydrogenation and 312 Victor R Ah6n et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 suggests again that it is independent of the flow rate or condensation. Particularly, the ratio Hz/CO=2.03 displayed high selectivity for the C I ~ - C Ihydrocarbon ~ formation. All experiments were obtained at isoconversion around 10%-15% of CO conversion. The deviation from the ASF behavior and mass balance deviation, which is gradually reduced with time on stream, is not clear. There are some possibilities concerning these experiments: condensation or retention of products in the tubes and carbon deposition on the catalyst, resulting in carbon mass balance deviation. The first hypothesis can be disregarded because lines were heated above condensation temperature of heavier products. It is noteworthy that a t 70 h the catalyst was stable and deviation of mass balance was around 20%. In addition, during stabilization, samples after 48 h were taken, and coke was analyzed by TG, as shown in Figure 2. It displays the loss of approximately 16% of carbon due to the coke deposition, which allows us to explain the deviation observed in the mass balance for the ratio Hz/CO=2.03. -201 0 ' ' ' ' ' 200 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 400 Temperature ("C) ' ' 600 ' ' ' ' I 800 Figure 2. Thermoanalysis after running for 48 h with time on stream 4. Conclusions Experimental rate data of gas conversion using Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over a Fischer-Tropsch catalyst in a fixed bed reactor were obtained for different conditions of Hz/CO feed ratio, space velocities, mass of catalyst and CO conversion. A kinetics study with three different two-parameter rate LangmuirHinshelwood expressions, was performed. The parameters were estimated by nonlinear regression considering both a differential and an integral reactor. One of the equations showed the best fit for the analyzed data, and its parameters were shown to be statistically significant. The hydrocarbon product distributions of Co/Nbz05 catalyst exhibit a n unusual non-ASF behavior, which suggests that NbO,/Cobalt interfaces play an important role for chain growth of molecules. Mass balance deviation occurred depending on the feed ratio. The highest deviation in the ASF distribution equation was observed for a H2/CO ratio of 2.03, which apparently presented the best hydrocarbon distribution in the diesel fraction C13-C18. This deviation can be attributed to the carbon deposition on the catalyst. Acknowledgements This work was sponsored by PETROBRAS and FINEP. The authors would also like to thank CNPq for their financial support. References [I] Sarup B, Wojciechowski B W. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 1988, 66: 831 [2] Keyser M J, Everson R C, Espinoza R L. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2000, 39: 48 [3] Zennaro R, Tagliabue M, Bartholomew C H. Catalysis Today, 2003, 58: 309 [4] Iglesia E, Reyes S, Madon R J. 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The effects of the support on the activity and thermal stability of the supported catalyst were discussed based on various characterizations, including XRD, TEM, ICP, XPS, H2-TPD, and DTA. In comparison with the NiP amorphous alloy, the benzene conversion on NiP/CNT catalyst was lower, but the specific activity of NiP/CNT was higher, which is attributed to the dispersion produced by the support, an electron-donating effect, and the hydrogen-storage ability of CNT. The NiP/CNT thermal stability was improved because of the dispersion and electronic effects and the good heat-conduction ability of the CNT support. Key words: carbon nanotube; catalyst support; catalytic property; Ni; P; hydrogenation; benzene 1. Introduction Carbon nanotube (CNT), discovered by Iijima in 1991 [I],is a novel support material. Currently, several investigations have been focusing on the deposition of metal catalysts (Ni, P t , Ru) on CNT, and the materials thus obtained have displayed good catalytic behavior [2-41. Amorphous alloy catalysts, such as NiB and NIP, that are produced by chemical reduction have attracted considerable attention because of their superior catalytic activity and unique selectivity [5,6]. However, the thermal stability of the amorphous alloys needs to be improved further in order t o find the applications in industry. Depositing amorphous alloys on a suitable support is one of the promising routes that can be used to improve their thermal stability [7-91. However, thus far, no study has reported on the use of CNT to support an NiP amorphous alloy. In this study, an NiP amorphous alloy is deposited on CNT using an induced reduction method. For com- parison, NiP amorphous alloy is also prepared. Both supported and unsupported catalysts are investigated using XRD, TEM, ICP, XPS, H2-TPD, and DTA. Their catalytic activities in the reaction of benzene hydrogenation were examined. The objective of this study is t o determine the effect of CNT support on an NiP amorphous alloy. 2. Experimental 2.1. Catalyst preparation The CNT (id.: 20-40 nm, 0.d.: 40-60 nm, specific surface area: 106.5 m2/g) used in this study was produced by methane decomposition over coprecipitated Ni-Cu-A1 catalyst with the addition of sodium carbonate [lo]. It was left overnight to dissolved in 4 mol/L HC1 solution to remove metal catalyst particles, followed by refluxing at 373 K for 10 h in 6 mol/L HN03 solution to create surface complexes on the CNT sur- * Corresponding author. Tel: +86-791-8305436; E-mail: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 20263003) and Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi province (No. 0250009) 314 Yan Ju et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 face to improve the surface hydrophilicity, and then calcined in H2 flow (purity of 99.999%) at 673 K for 2 h to remove adsorbed impurities. NiP/CNT amorphous catalyst was prepared by induced reduction. First, a very small amount of NiB was supported on CNT by impregnation, following chemical reduction with KBH4 aqueous solution [ll]. The formed NiB amorphous alloy on CNT was used as the inducing agent to create crystalline nuclei of metallic nickel on the surface of CNT, and then NiP alloy can be grown on it. The loadings of Ni and B on CNT determined by ICP were 0.42 wt% and 0.02 wt%, respectively. After being washed thoroughly with distilled water, the received CNT was immersed to NiC12. 6 H 2 0 solution for 4 h. Then, H3PO2 (30 wt%) aqueous solution was added to the mixture under vigorous stirring at 303 K to reduce Ni2+. Amine (such as ntripropylamine etc) was used to adjust the initial pH of the solution to 10. The reaction lasted about 2 h until no significant bubbles were observed in the solution. The resulting NiP/CNT amorphous catalyst was washed thoroughly with distilled water and then dried at 363 K in a N2 atmosphere. For comparison, the NiP amorphous catalyst was also prepared by reducing Ni2+ in aqueous solution with H3PO2. The reaction was induced by adding a drop of 3 mol/L KBH4 aqueous solution with stirring at 303 K t o the mixture (pH=lO) containing NiC12. 6H20, H3PO2, and amine. All preparation parameters, such as the molar ratio of P/Ni, reaction temperature, the initial pH value of the solution, and reaction time, were similar to those used for the preparation of the NiP/CNT amorphous catalyst. The washing of sample was also identical t o the procedure described above. binding energy values were calibrated using the value of contaminant carbon (C1,=284.6 eV) as the reference. The XPS Peak Fitting Program for WIN95 was used for spectral deconvolution. Temperatureprogrammed desorption of hydrogen (H2-TPD) was carried using a self-designed apparatus that included gas chromatographic and data processing systems. For each experiment, the impurities on the surface of the sample were removed by nitrogen flow (purity of 99.98%) at 473 K for 1 h and the sample was then cooled t o room temperature in the same flow. After hydrogen (purity of 99.999%) was preadsorbed by the catalysts t o saturation, the hydrogen flow was replaced with nitrogen, which was maintained at room temperature for 2 h. Then H2-TPD was carried out at temperatures ranging from room temperature up to 873 K with a heating rate of 5 K/min controlled by a temperature-programmed method. The thermal stability was determined by differential thermal analysis (DTA, PYRIS Diamond). 2.2. Catalyst characterization 3. Results and discussion A D/max-IIIA polycrystalline X-ray instrument with CuK, radiation (X=0.15418 nm) was used for X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies. TEM pictures were acquired using a Hitachi H-600 transmission electron microscope. The composition and the Ni loading of the as-prepared catalysts were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma (ICP, AES OPTIMA 5300 DV). The specific surface area (SBET) of the catalysts was studied by low-temperature adsorption of nitrogen at 77 K using ST-2000 instrument. The surface electronic states were determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, Kratos XSAM800). All 3.1. C h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n 2.3. Activity test Benzene hydrogenation was used t o evaluate catalytic activity. The reaction was carried out in a microreactor (stainless steel U-shaped tube, 4 mm i.d.) under atmospheric pressure. Hydrogen (purity of 99.999%) was used as the reductive gas and the carrier gas. The catalyst was reduced in situ under hydrogen flow (30 ml/min) at 473 K for 1 h before the reaction was carried out. A volume of 1 pl benzene was injected into the reactor containing 0.1 g catalyst each time. The product and reactant were analyzed using an on-line gas chromatograph (102G) equipped with TCD and data integration. The XRD pattern of NiP alloy (Figure 1) shows a broad peak only around 28=45". This is assigned t o the amorphous structure of the NIP alloy. Several crystalline peaks corresponding to C (002), C (004), and C (100) appear in the XRD pattern of CNT. There is no significant change in the XRD pattern of NiP/CNT catalyst, but the peak appearing around 28=45O is broadened compared with that of CNT. Thus, it can be concluded that the NiP on the support exists in an amorphous alloy. Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry VoJ. 15 No. 4 2006 C(100) (2) (1) I 20 30 40 , , , , 50 I 60 , , , , I , , 70 , , 80 2e1r ) Figure 1. XRD patterns of the NiP alloy (l), CNT (2), and NiP/CNT catalyst (3) 315 The TEM morphology (Figure 2(a)) clearly shows that the NiP particles are spherical with a wide range of size of 10-120 nm, and some have aggregated into large particles to reduce the surface energy. When supported on CNT (Figure 2(b)), the NiP particles disperse homogeneously, and the diameter of the particle shows a slight decrease (average size around 40 nm). Obviously, this can be attributed to the dispersion produced by CNT that effectively inhibits the aggregation of small NiP particles. Furthermore, most of the NiP particles are tightly adhered to the surface of the CNT with a spherical shape (Figure 2(c)), indicating that there is a strong interaction between the NiP amorphous alloy and the CNT. Figure 2. TEM morphologies of NiP alloy (a) and NiP/CNT catalyst (b) and ( c ) Some of the characters of NIP amorphous alloy and NiP/CNT catalyst are summarized in Table 1. No significant change in the bulk composition of the NiP alloy is observed because both NiP amorphous alloy and NiP/CNT catalyst are prepared under similar conditions using a similar procedure. But the of the NiP alloy is very specific surface area (SBET) low because of the considerable high aggregation of NiP particles. Table 1. Composition and SBET of the NiP alloy and the NiP/CNT catalyst Ni-loading Composition (wt%) (mole ratio) NiP 90.80 Ni83.9Pi6.i NiP/CNT 16.52 Ni84.7pi5.3 Sample S B E T ( ~g-') '. 11.54 101.12 The XPS spectra of the NiP amorphous alloy and the NiP/CNT catalyst are shown in Figure 3. Both elemental and oxidized Ni and P can be observed in the XPS spectra. For the NiP amorphous alloy, the peaks of Ni 2p312 electron binding energy at 858.0 eV and 852.4 eV can be assigned to oxidized and metallic Ni, respectively, and the peaks of P 2p electron binding energy at 132.2 eV and 131.0 eV can be assigned to oxidized and elemental P, respectively. For the NiP/CNT amorphous catalyst, the peaks of Ni 2p312electron binding energy at 854.3-857.8 eV and 851.7 eV can be assigned t o oxidized and metallic Ni, respectively, and the peaks of P 2p electron binding energy at 132.7 eV and 130.6 eV can be assigned to oxidized and elemental P, respectively. In comparison with the NiP amorphous alloy, the binding energy peak of metallic Ni in the NiP/CNT catalyst shifts negatively by 0.7 eV, implying that in the NiP/CNT catalyst there is electronic interaction between Ni and 316 Yan Ju et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 CNT. Menon et al. [12] studied the interactions of Ni atom with carbon nanotube walls using a tightbinding molecular dynamics method. They reported that there is a strong interaction between the carbon layer and the Ni atom and there is electron transfer between C and Ni. According to C 1s spectra of the 860 855 850 Binding energy (eV) 845 860 NiP/CNT catalyst, the peak at 284.5 eV corresponding to the binding energy of sp2 hybridization (C=C) shifts positively by 0.5 eV from CNT (284.1 eV), indicating that CNT may experience a partial loss of electrons. Therefore, in the NiP/CNT catalyst, CNT can donate electrons to Ni to form electron-rich nickel. 855 850 845 Binding energy (eV) H2-TPD spectra of the NiP amorphous alloy, CNT, and NiP/CNT catalyst are shown in Figure 4. The Hz-TPD spectrum of CNT has one broad peak between 584 K and 750 K. It is attributed to the hydrogen-storage ability of CNT. Only one peak around 502.6 K is found in the H2-TPD spectra of the NiP amorphous alloy, indicating that only one type of hydrogen adsorption sites exists over the NiP amorphous alloy. Three peaks were found to appear in the H2-TPD curve of the NiP/CNT catalyst: two peaks at lower temperature and one peak a t higher temperature, which were assigned to the desorption of hydrogen adsorbed on Ni atom and stored in CNT, respectively. This indicates that there is a strong in- 140 135 I30 I25 Binding energy (eV) teraction between CNT and the NiP amorphous alloy. It is this strong interaction between CNT and the NiP alloy that changes the type of hydrogen adsorption sites over the NiP/CNT catalyst. Figure 4 also shows that the desorption of hydrogen occurs at lower temperature from the NiP/CNT catalyst than that from the NiP amorphous alloy, indicating that the strength of Ni-H adsorption bond is weakened in the NiP/CNT catalyst. Generally, hydrogen is easy to dissociate and can easily be adsorbed on the electrondeficient Ni [13],resulting in a relatively strong Ni-H bond. Thus, the electron-rich Ni centers would reversibly lead to weak Ni-H bond. From the above XPS analysis, it is obvious that the relatively weaker Ni-H 317 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 bond in the NiP/CNT catalyst can be attributed t o the electron-donating effect of CNT on the NiP alloy. 1 I 683.8 neighboring Ni active sites and, in turn, enhance the surface hydrogenation reactions. (3) The hydrogenstorage ability of CNT makes the NiP/CNT catalyst adsorb more hydrogen than the NIP amorphous alloy, which favors the improvement of the catalytic activity of NiP/CNT catalyst. 70 I,,,A,, 1 668.9 426.1 485.5 300 400 500 , 600 700 800 , ? ) , 900 Temperature (K) Figure 4. Ha-TPD spectra of the NIP amorphous alloy, CNT, and NiP/CNT catalyst (I) CNT, (2) Nip, (3) NiP/CNT 3.2. Catalytic hydrogenation activity Cyclohexane is found to be the only product over the NiP amorphous alloy and NiP/CNT catalyst in benzene hydrogenation. Figure 5 shows the benzene conversion and the specific activity of the two catalysts in benzene hydrogenation, respectively. Because the NiP amorphous alloy and NiP/CNT catalyst are the two catalysts with different Ni-loading, in order to compare these two catalysts correctly, the concept of specific activity is introduced. Here, specific activity represents the ratio of benzene conversion t o Ni loading of catalysts. Although the benzene conversion of the NiP/CNT catalyst is lower than that of the NiP amorphous alloy, its specific activity is higher than that of the NiP amorphous alloy. According t o the above characterization, this can be ascribed to the following factors. (1) The dispersion produced by the CNT support can prevent the aggregation of NiP particles and therefore decrease their average diameters. Generally, both higher dispersion of active components and smaller diameters are beneficial in improving the reaction activity. (2) More electrons transfer from CNT to Ni atom because of the electrondonating effect of support t o form electron-rich Ni. On the one hand, electron-rich Ni relatively brings advantage to benzene hydrogenation because the active site of hydrogenation reaction is elemental or metallic Ni. On the other hand, electron-rich Ni centers would weaken the Ni-H bond. The relatively weak Ni-H bond can facilitate the transfer of the adsorbed hydrogen atoms to the benzene molecules adsorbed on the 0 1 393 I I I I 403 413 423 433 Reaction temperature (K) Figure 5. Benzene conversions (a) and specific activities (b) of the NiP amorphous alloy and NiP/CNT catalyst in benzene hydrogenation (1) NIP, (2) NiP/CNT 3.3. The thermal stability The thermal stability of the samples is investigated by DTA (Figure 6). The NiP amorphous alloy has one sharp exothermic peak at 589 K and a shoulder peak a t about 633 K , whereas the NiP/CNT catalyst has only one crystallization peak at 652 K. The crystallization temperature of the NiP/CNT catalyst is higher than that of the NiP amorphous alloy. This indicates that supporting the NiP amorphous alloy on CNT can improve its thermal stability. The promoting effect of CNT support on the thermal stability of the NiP amorphous alloy can be explained by the following three aspects. (1) The dispersion effect of the CNT support on the NiP alloy can effectively inhibit the diffusion and aggregation process of the NiP particles, thus increasing the temperature of crystallization. (2) The electronic interaction between the NiP alloy and CNT support can prevent the contact 318 Yan Ju et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 of the NIP alloy with oxygen and also prevent the aggregation of NiP alloy particles at high temperature [14]. (3) In addition, CNT is a good conductor of heat. In the presence of the CNT support, the heat released during the crystallization of the NiP alloy can be quickly transferred from the surface to the support matrix, which inhibited the increase of the surface temperature and in turn improved the thermal stability of the NiP amorphous alloy on the support surface. , 300 400 500 600 , I I 700 , , I I I 800 I . , 900 Temperature (K) Figure 0. DTA curve of the NiP amorphous alloy (1) and NiP/CNT catalyst (2) 4. Conclusions Depositing the NiP amorphous alloy on CNT can improve its catalytic activity, which is attributed to the dispersion produced by the support, an electrondonating effect, and the hydrogen-storage ability of CNT. The thermal stability of the NiP/CNT catalyst is better than that of the NiP amorphous alloy. The dispersion and electronic effect and the good heatconducting ability of CNT are the main factors responsible for the increase of the thermal stability for the NiP/CNT catalyst. References [l] Iijima S. Nature, 1991, 354: 56 [2] Yin S F, Xu B Q, Zhu W X, Ng C F, Zhou X P, Au C T. Catal Today, 2004, 93-95: 27 [3] Reshetenko T V, Avdeeva L B, Ismagilov Z R, Chuvilin A L. Carbon, 2004, 42(1): 143 [4] Li C H, Yu Z X, Yao K F, Ji S F, Liang J. J Mole Catal A : Chem, 2005, 226(1): 101 [5] Chen Y. Catal Today, 1998, 44(1-4): 3 [6] Deng J-F, Li H X, Wang W J. Catal Today, 1999, 51(1): 113 [7] Xie S H, Qiao M H, Li H X, Wang W J, Deng J-F. Appl Catal A , 1999, 176(1): 129 [8] Wang W J , Qiao M H, Li H X, Deng J-F. Appl Catal A , 1998, 166(2): L243 [9] Wang W J, Qiao M H, Yang J, Xie S H, Deng J F. Appl Catal A , 1997, 163(1-2): 101 [lo] Ju Y, Li F Y, Wei R Z. J Serb Chem SOC,2005, 70: 277 [ll] Wang M W , Li F Y, Zhang R B. 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The superior properties of this catalyst were attributed to the combination of the nanosize and the amorphous character as well as to its textural character. In addition, the concentration of zinc ions, the content of ZrOa in the slurry, and the pretreatment of the catalyst were found to be effective in improving the activity and the selectivity of the catalyst. Key words: Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz amorphous catalyst; benzene selective hydrogenation; cyclohexene 1. Introduction Selective hydrogenation of benzene to cyclohexene has received considerable attention owing to its environmentally benign process, atomic economy, and potentially wide industrial applications [l-71. However, it appears that such selective hydrogenation is very difficult because cyclohexene is chemically active due to the presence of the double bond, on which further hydrogenation to cyclohexane can occur easily. Therefore, considerable effort has been made t o improve the selectivity and increase the yield of cyclohexene, and these efforts have met with significant progress [8-131. Recently, amorphous alloy material as a good-quality, novel type of catalyst has received increasing attention because of its excellent activity and superior selectivity in many hydrogenation reactions [14,15], and it has also been used in the selective hydrogenation of benzene to cyclohexene [16-181. However, a large part of the work on the amorphous alloy catalyst has been carried out only in laboratories; to date, there are no published reports regarding its application in industries. As the amorphous alloy is thermodynamically metastable, the crystal- lization deactivation process of the amorphous alloy could occur spontaneously during the reaction, especially at high temperatures, which limits the industrial application of amorphous alloy catalysts. In this study, a novel nanosized amorphous Ru-Fe-B/Zr02 alloy catalyst prepared by chemical reduction for benzene hydrogenation to cyclohexene was developed in a pilot study, which exhibited higher activity and better selectivity. In our previous study, reaction conditions such as suitable temperature, appropriate pressure, optimal ratio of water to benzene in the reaction system, and stirring rate that favored benzene selective hydrogenation over the amorphous alloy Ru-FeB/ZrOz catalyst were studied in detail [19]. It was found that a chemical environment around the catalysts is crucial to improve the selectivity t o cyclohexene. In this study, the catalysts were subjected to various characterizations using XRD, TEM, SAED, and N2 physisorption. In particular, the effects of a chemical environment on the performance of this RuFe-B/ZrO:! catalyst under conditions for a pilot study were investigated. The aim of this study is to investigate the prospects of industrial application for the catalysts. * Corresponding author. Tel and Fax: +86-371-67763706; E-mail: Iiushouchang@zzu, 320 Shouchang Liu et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 2. E x p e r i m e n t a l 2.1. C a t a l y s t p r e p a r a t i o n The Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz catalyst sample was prepared as follows. An appropriate amount of zirconium dioxide was added to 50 ml RuC13 and FeSO4 solution (0.05 mol/L) with stirring for 30 min; 50 ml NaBH4 solution (0.5 niol/L) was then added drop by drop to the above solution (mass ratio Ru/Zr02=10-20%). The agitation was continued for 5 min. The black precipitate was kept in liquor solution for a while and then filtered and washed thoroughly with distilled water until neutrality; the nanosized amorphous Ru-FeB/ZrOz alloy catalyst was obtained. 2.2. C a t a l y t i c test The selective hydrogenation of benzene was carried out in a 1-L autoclave. A total of 280 ml H20, 19.6 g ZnS04.7H20, and 4 g catalyst were introduced. The autoclave was sealed and then filled with Hz more than four times t o exclude air. Initially, the stirring rate was adjusted to 600 r/min and the H2 pressure was maintained at 3.0 MPa. When the temperature increased up to 413 K, 140 ml of benzene was charged into the reactor. After this, the stirring rate was adjusted to 1000 r/min and the pressure of H2 was elevated to 5.0 MPa and the reaction was considered to have begun. The reaction process was monitored by taking a small amount of reaction mixture a t intervals, followed by analysis in a gas chromatograph equipped with FID. The quantification of benzene, cyclohexene, and cyclohexane was carried out using calibration curves. Definition: benzene converted by 1 g of catalyst per hour when the conversion of benzene is at 40 mol%, and it is a general industrial target for evaluating catalytic activity. S40 indicates cyclohexene selectivity when benzene conversion is 40 mol%. Benzene conversion and the cyclohexene selectivity were plotted as a function of time, respectively. S40 would be obtained from this plot. 7 4 0 is given by: where, V is the volume of benzene (ml); ~ B is Z the density of benzene (0.88 g/ml); XBZis the conversion of benzene (40 mol%); t40 is reaction time (h) a t 40 mol% benzene conversion; the mass of active component Ru in the catalyst (g). 2.3. Pilot s t u d y of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz catalyst A total of 14 L of distilled water and 0.2 kg of Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz catalyst were introduced into a 50-L autoclave. Then the autoclave was sealed and air was flushed out using nitrogen gas several times. Next, hydrogen replaced the nitrogen and its pressure was maintained at 3.0 MPa. The initial stirring rate was 300 r/min, and the temperature was raised at the rate of 80 K/h. When the desired temperature, 403 K, was reached, 7 L of benzene was introduced. Subsequently, the pressure was adjusted to 4.5 MPa, the stirring rate was elevated to 600 r/min, and the reaction was considered to have begun. The reaction temperature was controlled at 4 1 3 f 2 K. The analysis of the product was carried out as mentioned above. 2.4. C h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n methods XBZ = mole of reacted benzene x 100% mole of initial benzene SHE= mole of cyclohexene formed x 100% mole of reacted benzene YHE= mole of cyclohexene formed x 100% mole of initial benzene Where, XBEis benzene conversion, SHEis cyclohexene selectivity, YHE is cyclohexene yield. The catalyst activity and selectivity is given by 740 and 5’40, respectively. 740 indicates the mass of The phases of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz catalyst were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) using Cu K, radiation; the tube voltage was 40 kV,and the tube current was 40 mA. The surface morphology of the active component on the support and the particle size were determined with the aid of a high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM, JEM-201 l),using an accelerating voltage of 100 kV. The amorphous character of the as-prepared catalysts was verified by selected area electron diffraction (SAED). The textural character of the as-prepared catalyst was determined by N2 physisorption a t 77 K on a Micronieritics TriStar 3000 apparatus. Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 N o . 4 2006 3. Results and discussion Characterization of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOZ catalyst 3.1. 3.1.1. XRD and TEM of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz Figure 1 shows the changes in the XRD patterns of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOZ catalyst during the heat pretreatment. As shown in Figure 1, when the sample was treated at temperatures below 673 K, no significant change in the XRD patterns was observed. Only the diffraction peaks of monoclinic zirconia were observed. No distinct peaks corresponding to Ru phase was seen in the patterns from 293 to 673 K. Therefore, it can be safely assumed that the Ru-Fe-B amorphous alloy is quiet stable below 673 K, which was attributed to the high dispersion of the Ru-FeB amorphous alloy particles on the ZrO2 matrix and the stabilizing effect of a small amount, of the additive of Fe. This is consistent with that reported in the literature [16]. However, various crystalline diffractional peaks corresponding to metallic Ru appeared on the XRD patterns of Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz sample when the temperature was above 673 K , indicating the crystallization of Ru-Fe-B amorphous alloy and the formation of crystallized Ru. The intensity of these Ru crystallized peaks increased gradually with the increase in treating temperature from 673 K to 873 K. Therefore, it could be concluded that the crystallization process of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOa amorphous catalyst proceeded stepwise during which the crystallized Ru phase formed simultaneously. 32 1 Figures 2 and 3 show the TEM and SAED images of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz catalyst, respectively. The light gray circular or elliptic flakes shown in Figure 2 were naiiosized ZrOz crystallites, and the black particles were the active components comprising RUB and Fe amorphous alloys, with the particle diameter ranging from 3 to 6 nm. As shown in Figure 3, the Ru-FeB/ZrOs sample showed a number of diffraction circles and some small, white flecks on the diffraction circle that were identified as Zr02 crystallites, indicating the typical amorphous structure. Figure 2. TEM image of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz catalyst Figure 3. SAED pattern of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz catalyst 3.1.2. Texture character of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz catalyst .-0 m C c 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 281(O ) Figure 1. XRD patterns of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOa catalyst at different temperatures (1) 293 K , (2) 373 K , (3) 473 K, (4) 573 K , (5) 673 K , (6) 773 K , ( 7 ) 873 K Figure 4 shows the curves of the N2 adsorptiondesorption isotherm of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz catalyst. It can be concluded from the hysteresis curves that the shape of the pores of this catalyst is similar to that of a capillary tube, with both sides open and the pore size distribution mainly ranging from 2 to 50 nm. The relative pressure ( p / p o ) at the separate region in the adsorption curves and desorption curves was more than 0.8, indicative of the catalyst with bigger pore diameter. Figure 5 shows the differential curve of the pore size distribution of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOZ catalyst. It wa5 322 Shouchang Liu et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 observed that the pore size distribution of the catalyst is between 2 nm and 100 nm and the most probable pore diameter is about 28 nm. The results of the measurement show that the BET surface area of RuFe-B/ZrOz catalyst is about 29 ni2.g-l , the specific pore volume is about 0.20 cm3.g-', and the average pore diameter ( 4 V I A by BET) is about 28 nm, which is in good agreement with the data obtained from the differential curve of pore size distribution. 100 I d B f s: % $ C so 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Relative pressure @ l p , ) 1 .o 0.8 90 85 - . $ ...... 80 : 7s - 70 - i mi 65 , , , , I , , , , I , , , . I , , , , ' ~ , ( , 1 ~ ~ , ~ l ~ ~ ~ , l Figure 4. The NZadsorption and desorption isotherm of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz catalyst C I - I J I \ x 0 I I 10 100 Dlnm Figure 5. The differential curve of pore distribution of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz catalyst Activity and selectivity of the Ru-FeB/ZrOz catalyst 3.2. Figure 6 shows the catalytic performance of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz in a stirring autoclave. It was observed that with the increase in benzene conversion, the cyclohexene yield was more than 50% (see Figure 6 (a)), and the selectivity to cyclohexene over the catalyst is beyond 85% in the initial stage (see Figure 6 (b)). From Figure 6, it can be observed that t40 is 20.4 min and that ,940 is 81.6% a t the benzene conversion of 40% by interpolation method. The mass of active component Ru in the catalyst is 0.64 g. On the basis of these data and according to equation (1) mentioned above, 740 can be calculated as follows: 740=226 h-' , i.e. 226 g of benzene is converted by 1 g of catalyst per hour at benzene conversion of 40%. In comparison with the data reported thus far in the literature, tlit Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz catalyst has exhibited higher activity and better selectivity to cyclohexene. According to the various characterizations described above, the superior catalytic properties of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOZ catalysts could be attributed to the following. First, the combination of the ultrafine size and the amorphous character, which could offer more active centers for benzene hydrogenation. Second, its textural character, which is helpful to the exterior diffusion of the intermediate cyclohexene, thereby avoiding its further hydrogenation to cyclohexane. Third, the promoting effect of the iron and boron species dispersed among ~ , , ~ 323 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry VoJ. 1 5 No. 4 2006 the ruthenium particles is also an important factor because iron has low electronic affinity and boron is a n electron-deficient element, which could promote the water adsorption on the catalyst surface, thus greatly enhancing the hydrophilicity of the catalyst and suppressing further hydrogenation of cyclohexene to cyclohexane [20]. 3.3. Operation conditions of the Ru-FeB/ZrOz catalyst The reaction for benzene selective hydrogenation to cyclohexene over the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz nanosized catalyst comprises four phases: vapor (hydrogen), oil, aqueous, and solid catalyst. Besides, suitable amounts of zinc sulfate and zirconium dioxide are always added into the aqueous solution. Water can form a stagnant layer around the catalyst surface, competing with cyclohexene on surface adsorption because of the low solubility of benzene in water, thereby not favoring the hydrogenation of cyclohexene to cyclohexane. Catalyst hydrophilicity can be improved by adsorbing zinc sulfate on the catalyst surface, which is beneficial for enhancing the selectivity to cyclohexene. Zirconia as a dispersing agent can prolong the life of the catalyst and improve the selectivity to cyclohexene. Our previous studies have shown that for the selective hydrogenation of benzene over the catalysts, the suitable temperature was 408-413 K, the appropriate pressure was 4.5-5.0 MPa, the optimal volume ratio of water to benzene in the reaction system was 2:1, and the stirring rate should be high enough t o exclude the effect of diffusion. On the basis of the above-mentioned detailed studies, we further investigated in particular the influences of the composition of the reaction system, including the concentration of zinc ions in the aqueous solution, the content of ZrOz in the slurry, and the catalyst pretreatment, on the properties of the catalyst in pilot units so as to acquire some valuable information for industrial application for the catalysts. Then, the operation condition of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOa catalyst is determined. 3.3.1. Influences of concentration of zinc ions in the aqueous solution The influence of the concentration of zinc ions in the aqueous solution, in the absence of ZrOa, on the performance of the catalysts is shown in Table 1. Table 1shows that benzene conversion was higher, whereas the selectivity to cyclohexene was lower in the absence of zinc sulfate in the slurry, whose pH value was 7.2. With the addition of zinc sulfate to the slurry, the pH value declined, benzene conversions decreased, and selectivities to cyclohexene showed a dramat,ic increase. However, the concentration of zinc up to 0.8 mol/L led to the highest benzene conversion and lower selectivity to cyclohexene, indicating that the yield of the byproduct cyclohexane increased. It was determined that the optimal concentration of Zn2+ in the slurry is 0.50-0.60 mol/L, with the pH values of 5.4-5.5. Under these conditions, both higher selectivity and yield of cyclohexene can be obtained at an acceptable benzene conversion rate. Table 1. Selectivity and yield over Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz catalyst for conversion of benzene to cyclohexene at different concentrations of the zinc ion 0 7.2 50.9 35.2 17.6 0.10 6.1 25.0 0.30 5.8 26.1 71.9 76.7 18.0 20.0 0.50 5.5 37.6 74.0 0.60 5.4 39.9 70.6 27.9 28.2 0.80 5.2 44.6 62.3 27.8 Reaction conditions: 280 ml H20, 140 ml C6&, 4 g Ru-FeB/ZrOz catalyst (0.64 g Ru), 140 p H , = 5 MPa, 1000 r/min, without pretreatment at reaction time of 5 min. "c, According to the above-mentioned results, the pilot study was carried out in a 50-L stirring autoclave with the amount of [Zn2+] being 0.50 and 0.60 mol/L, respectively, with other conditions remaining unchanged. The results of the reactions are shown in Figure 7. From Figure 7 (c), it can be seen that when the amount of [Zn2+]in the slurry was 0.5 mo1.L-' (curve Y H E ( ~a) maximum ), yield of cyclohexene of 35 mol% was obtained at the reaction time of 45 min, corresponding to benzene conversion of 66 mol% (Figure 7 (a)); when the amount of [Zn2+] in the slurry was 0.6 mo1.L-' (curve Y H E ( ~a) maximum ), yield of cyclohexene of 39 mol% was obtained at the reaction time of 19 min, corresponding to benzene conversion of 64 mol% (Figure 7 (a)). Therefore, it can be concluded that in the absence of ZrO2, bett,er results were obtained when the concentration of zinc ions in the slurry was 0.6 mo1.L-l compared with 0.5 mo1.L-l. 324 Shouchang Liu et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 80 - . s. y: 60 40 - 20 - 0 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 I , 10 l , l , l 30 20 40 , l . 50 .- l 60 0 10 20 rlmin rlmin 30 40 SO 60 rlmin Figure 7. Benzene conversion (a), cyclohexene selectivity (b) and yield (c) over Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz catalyst at different zinc ion concentrations ( I ) [Zn2+]=0.5mol.L-l, (2) [Zn2+]=0.6 mo1.L-l 3.3.2. Influences of the content of ZrOz i n the slurry Apart from the presence of zinc sulfate, nanosized zirconia as a dispersing agent is added t o the slurry 100 - 90 80 - 80 60 - 40 - in the presence of different concentrations of [Zn'']. Figure 8 shows the influence of content of zirconia in the slurry on the performance of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz catalyst in the presence of 0.5 mo1.L-l Zn2+. 70 s. > 60 2 50 20 - 0 40 L .. 0 10 20 30 tlmin 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 X,, I mol% 80 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 tlmin Figure 8. Effect of ZrO2 on the performance of Ru-Fe-B/ZrO2 catalyst at [Zn2+]=0.5 mo1.L-' (a) Benzene coversion, (b) Cyclohexene selectivity, (c) Cyclohexene yield; (1) without ZrO2, (2) Cat./ZrOz=l:l, (3) Cat./ZrO2=1:2, (4) Cat./ZrOz=1:2.5 From Figure 8 (a), it can be seen that with the increase in the amount of ZrOz in the slurry, there is a corresponding, simultaneous increase in benzene conversions because of the dispersing effect of zirconia on the catalyst. From Figure 8 (b), it can be observed that with the increase in the amount of ZrO2, the selectivity to cyclohexene varies in a complicated way and too high benzene conversion results in a decrease in selectivity at the mass ratio of catalyst to zirconia of 1:2.5 (curve 4), and among them, the highest selectivity to cyclohexene was observed at the mass ratio of catalyst to zirconia of 1:2 (curve 3). From Figure 8 (c), it can be seen that the highest yield of cyclo- hexene can be achieved at the mass ratio of catalyst to zirconia of 1:2. From Figure 8 (a)-(c), it can be observed that the optimal amount of ZrOz in the slurry is equivalent to the mass ratio of catalyst to zirconia of 1:2 in the presence of 0.5 mo1.L-' Zn2+, a t which the highest yield of cyclohexene achieved is 46 mol%, with 65% selectivity t o cyclohexene a t 70 mol% benzene conversion and with the corresponding reaction time being approximately 22 min. In comparison with the data shown in Table 1 in the absence of zirconia, it is suggested that a suitable amount of zirconia in the slurry can not only enhance activity of the catalyst but also significantly improve the selectivity and 325 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 yield of cyclohexene. The hydrogenation reaction was carried out by fixing the mass ratio of catalyst to zirconia at 1:2 and by altering the concentration of zinc sulfate from 0.5 t o 0.6 mo1.L-l. The results show that the maximum yield of cyclohexene achieved was 43 mol% with 62% selectivity to cyclohexene at 70 mol% benzene conversion and the corresponding reaction time being approximately 17 min. In contrast to the two results discussed above, it, can be observed that the performance of the catalyst for benzene selective hydrogenation to cyclohexene is closely related to the chemical environment around the catalyst particles. When zirconia and zinc sulfa,te are used in combination in the slurry, the variations in benzene conversion and in the selectivity and yield of cyclohexene are considerable different from the case where only zinc sulfate is present in the slurry. It should also be noted that the experiment was carried out in a pilot study, and few similar studies have been reported previously. 3.3.3. Influence of pretreatment to the Ru-FeB/ZrOz catalyst The pretreatment of the catalyst was also carried out in the pilot study. The operation is that under reaction conditions the catalyst runs for a period of time in tJheslurry in the absence of benzene. Figure 9 shows the comparison of performance of the runs with and without pretreatment for 12 h for the nanosized amorphous Ru-Fe-B/ZrO:! alloy catalysts. 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 I 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 tlmin timin Figure 9. Selectivity and yield for conversion of benzene to cyclohexene on Ru-Fe-B/ZrOn catalyst without pretreatment (1) and with pretreatment for 12 h (2) From Figure 9 (a), it can be seen clearly that in the case of the pretreated catalyst, the benzene conversion showed a dramatic decrease, whereas the selectivities to cyclohexene showed a dramatic increase. From Figure 9 (b), it can be seen that for the pretreated catalyst the yields of cyclohexene increased gradually until the reaction time was about 70 min, and the maximum yield of cyclohexene was not achieved. This is considerably different from the case of the catalyst with no pretreatment. In the case of the pretreated catalyst, when the benzene conversion reached 40 mol%, a cyclohexene selectivity of more than 80% and a cyclohexene yield of more than 32 mol% were achieved in a reaction time of 40 min. Moreover, our pilot study also showed that the nanosized amorphous Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz alloy catalysts became more stable as a result of pretreatment. However, sedimentation and separation performance of the pretreated catalysts could evidently be improved, thereby effectively avoiding the loss of catalysts during the continuous process of product separation. It is believed that the improvement of the catalytic properties of the nanosized amorphous Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz alloy catalysts may well be responsible for changing from hydrophobicity to hydrophilicity via the pretreatment of catalyst. On the basis of the results of the pilot studies, it is proposed that the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz catalysts would have potential industrial application. 4. Conclusions Using various characterizations and studies on the performance of the novel nanosized amorphous Ru-FeB/ZrOz alloy catalyst prepared by chemical reduction with NaBH4 in a pilot study, the main conclusions are as follows. The Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz catalyst belongs t o an amor- 326 Shouchang Liu et a1./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 phous alloy material of nanosize. The textural character shows that the shape of the pores of this catalyst is similar to a capillary tube, with both sides open and the pore size distribution mainly ranging from 2 to 50 nm, with the most probable pore diameter being approximately 28 nm. The high activity and excellent selectivity of this catalyst for benzene selective hydrogenation to cyclohexene is the result of its structural as well as textural characters. The hydrogenation reaction over the Ru-FeB/ZrOZ catalyst has to be carried out in a suitable chemical environment that aids in the formation of cyclohexene molecules. The slurry containing zinc sulfate and zirconia is necessary for enhancing the activity and selectivity of the catalysts to cyclohexene. The results of pilot studies show that the appropriate concentration of zinc sulfate in the aqueous solution is 0.50 mo1.L-’ and the suitable amount of zirconia in the slurry is equivalent to the mass ratio of catalyst t o zirconia of 1:2. It also shows that the performance of the catalysts can be considerably enhanced by pretreatment. These conclusions are considered to be very important information for the potential industrial application of the Ru-Fe-B/ZrOz catalyst. References [l] Van der Steen P J, Scholten J J F. Appl Catal, 1990, 58(1): 281 [2] Struyk 3, Scholten J J F. Appl Catal, 1990, 62(1): 151 [3] Struijk J, Scholten J J F. Appl Catal A , 1992, 82(2): 277 [4] Struijk J, D’Angremond M, Lucas-De Regt W J M, Scholten J ,J F. Appl Catal A , 1992, 83(2): 263 [5] Milone C, Neri G, Donato A, Musolino M G, Mercadante L. J Catal, 1996, 159(2): 253 [6] Dobert F, Gaube J. Chem Eny Scz, 1996, 51(1): 2873 [7] Hronec M, Cvengrosova*Z.Kralik M, Palma G, Corain B. J Mol Catal, 1996, 105(1-2): 25 [8] Nagahara H, Ono M, Konishi M, Fukuoka Y. Appl Surf Sci, 1997, 121/122: 448 [9] Hu S C, Chen Y W. Ind Eng Chem Res, 1997, 36(12): 5153 [lo] Ronchin L, Toniolo L. Catal Today, 1999, 48(1-4): 255 [ll] Ronchin L, Toniolo L. 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Fenzi Cuihua ( J Mol Catal), 2004, 18(1): 47 Available online at ScienceDirect Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 15(2006)327-334 Journalof Natural Gas Clirniistrv SCIENCE PRESS www.elsevier.comnocate/jngc Article Syngas Production by Methane Reforming with Carbon Dioxide on Noble Metal Catalysts M. R e ~ a e i l > ~S., M. Alavil, S. Sahebdelfar2 , Zi-Feng Yan3* 1. Chemzcal Engineering Department, Iran University of Science and Technoloqy, P. 0. Box 16315-67, Tehran, Iran; 2. Petrochemical Research & Technology Company ( N P C - R T ) , Tehran, Iran; 3. State Key Laboratory for Heavy Oil Processing, Key Laboratory of Catalysis, CNPC, China University of Petroleum, Dongying 257061, Shan,dong, China [Manuscript received June 6, 2006, revised August 14, 2006 ] Abstract: A series of noble metal catalysts (Ru, Rh, Ir, Pt, and Pd) supported on alumina-stabilized magnesia (Spinel) were used to produce syngas by methane reforming with carbon dioxide. The synthesized catalysts were characterized using BET, T P R , TPO, TPH, and H2S chemisorption techniques. The activity results showed high activity and stability for the Ru and Rh catalysts. The T P O and TPH analyses indicated that the main reason for lower activity and stability of the Pd catalyst was the formation of the less reactive deposited carbon and sintering of the catalyst. Key words: noble metal; syngas; dry reforming; carbon dioxide; methane 1. Introduction Carbon dioxide reforming of methane to synthesis gas, which converts two of the most abundant and carbon-containing greenhouse gases (CH4 and C02) into a useful chemical product, has received considerable attention in recent years [1-6]. This reaction has the following important advantages: (i) the formation of a suitable H2/CO ratio for use in FischerTropsh synthesis [7], (ii) the reduction of CO2 and methane emissions, as both gases cause heavy greenhouse effect [8],and (iii) better use in chemical energy transmission [9]. Research on the nickel catalysts used for this reaction has mainly focused on the intrinsic activity of the metal phase, stability towards carbon formation, the type of the support most suitable for improving the efficiency of the catalyst, and the reaction mechanism. Although the extensively developed nickel catalysts have shown very high activity from the industrial point of view, they are completely deactivated within a few hours of reaction due to the formation of stable and inactive carbon on the surface [10-12]. Recently, several studies on the dry reforming of methane focused on the noble metal catalysts, which exhibit better activity and very high stability due t o the less sensitivity to carbon deposition [13,14]. Rostrup-Nie1sc.n [14] has compared catalysts based on nickel, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, iridium, and platinum and has reported that ruthenium and rhodium showed high selectivity for carbon-free operation. In this article, a series of noble metal catalysts supported on alumina-stabilized magnesia were used in methane reforming with carbon dioxide for the production of synthesis gas and the activity and stability of different catalysts were investigated. 2. Experimental 2.1. Materials * Corresponding author. Tel: +86 546 8391527; Fax: +86 546 8391971; E-mail: 328 M. Rezaei ef; aI./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 Ru(NO)(NO3)3 as precursors of Pd, P t , Rh, Ir, and Ru, respectively. 2.2. Catalyst preparation The supported noble metal catalysts were prepared by the impregnating of pellets of aluminastabilized magnesia (the molar ratio of Mg/A1=7/1) with solutions of metal precursors to obtain 1% of metals. Before impregnation, the alumina stabilizedmagnesia was calcined a t 975 "C for 4 h. After impregnation, the pellets were dried at 80 "C and calcined at 450 "C for l h. Before the reaction, the different samples were reduced with a flow of pure hydrogen gas (GHSV=2000 L/kg,,,.h) at a heating rate of 10 "C/min from room temperature to 525 "C and then maintained at 525 "C for 4 11. 2.3. Characterization The surface areas (BET) were determined by nitrogen adsorption at -196 "C using an automated gas adsorption analyzer (The Tristar 3000, Micromeritics). The pore size distribution was calculated from the desorption branch of the isotherm using the Barrett, Joyner, and Halenda (B,JH) method. The XRD patterns were recorded on an X-ray diffractometer (PANalytical X'Pert-Pro) using a Cu-Ka monochroniatized radiation source and a Ni filter in the range 20=1Oo-8O0. The surface area of the metals was determined by chemisorption of hydrogen sulfide, as described elsewhere [15] (conditions: the volume ratio of H2S/H2=15x10W6, 550 "C, 100 h). The surface area of the metal was calculated by assuming a sulfur monolayer of 4 4 . 5 ~ 1 0 -gS.cmP2 ~ for nickel, which corresponds to 0.5 sulfur atom per nickel atom (S/Ni=0.5) on the (100) surface [15]. This was assumed to be close to the composition of the rnonolayers on the noble metals. In other words, the surface area of the metal was calculated using & = 4 4 0 ~ 1 0 - ~ ,equivalent t o 1 rn2.g-', So being the sulfur capacity of the catalyst (PgSlgmetal). The mean diameter of a metal particle can thus be estimated from Equation (1). where dlncta1is given in nm and Xmeta1is the weight percent of metal in the reduced state. Temperatureprogrammed reduction (TPR.) was carried out using an automatic apparatus (ChemBET-3000 TPR/TPD, Quantachronie) equipped with thermal conductivity detector. The fresh catalyst (200 mg) was subjected to a heat treatment (10 "C/min) in a gas flow (30 ml/min) containing a mixture of H2:Ar (1090). Before the TPR experiment, the samples were heat treated under a n inert atmosphere at 350 "C for 3 h. Temperature-programmed oxidation (TPO) profiles of the used catalysts were carried out using a siniilar apparatus by introducing a gas flow (30 ml/min) containing a mixture of 02:He (5:95) ovcr 50 rrig of the used catalysts and the temperature was increased up to 800 "C at a heating rate of 10 "C/niin. Temperature-programmed hydrogenation (TPH) of the used catalysts was carried out using the apparatus that was used for TPO. The used catalyst (25 mg) was subjected to heat treatment (10 "C/min up to 800 "C) in a gas flow (30 ml/min) containing a mixture of H2:Ar (10:90). Before the T P H experiment, the samples were heat treated under an inert atmosphere at 300 "C for 3 h. 2.4. Evaluation of catalytic performance Activity measurements were carried out at atmospheric pressure in a fixed-bed continuous-flow reactor made up of a quartz tube of 7 mm i.d. The reactor was charged with 200 mg of the prepared catalyst. A reactant gas feed consisting of a mixture of CH4 and CO2 (CH4/C02=50/50 vol.%) was introduced into the reactor, and the activity tests were carried out at different temperatures ranging from 500 to 700 "C in steps of 50 "C that were maintained for 30 min a t each temperature. The loss in catalyst activity at 700 "C was monitored for up to 5 h on stream. The gas composition of the reactants and products was analyzed using a gas chromatograph equipped with a TCD and a Carbosphere column. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Structural properties of the catalysts Figure 1 shows the pore size distributions of the noble metal catalysts supported on alumina-stabilized magnesia (Spinel). As can be seen, Rh, R.u, and Pd catalysts showed a narrow pore size distribution, whereas Pt and Ir catalysts showed a broad pore size distribution. Table 1 shows that the Pt and Ir catalysts posses a bigger pore size than do Pd, Rh, and Ru catalysts. 329 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Val. 15 No. 4 2006 0.14 -5 0.4 0.12 =E 0.10 . - --.0.08 v '5 . . -5 55- 0.3 bo &I 0.2 9 1 0.06 0.04 z 0.1 0.02 0 0 4 6 8 10 I2 14 2 4 12 6 8 10 Pore diameter (nm) Pore diameter (nm) 14 Figure 1. Pore size distribution of the reduced catalysts Table 1. Structural properties of the reduced and used catalysts Catalyst BET surface area Pore volume Pore diameter Sulfur capacity Metal area Metal crystallite (m2.g-') (cm3 .g- ) (nm) (wt%) (m2/d size (nm) Reduced Used ' Reduced Used Reduced Used Reduced Reduced Reduced 0.238 0.222 0.258 0.333 10.66 4.96 10.02 13.90 295 450 0.67 1.02 4.24 1.53 Pd/Spinel 85.56 179.10 57.68 64.53 Rh/Spinel 159.00 145.95 0.276 0.249 6.95 6.30 1650 3.75 1.28 Ru/Spinel 120.84 56.22 0.253 0.240 7.53 11.66 700 1.59 3.96 Ir/Spinel 95.33 48.79 0.262 0.251 8.95 15.10 1.86 36.60 - 0.142 - 14.33 - 625 - 1.40 Spinel - - Pt/Spinel The BET measurements of the catalysts showed a higher specific surface area for the Ru, Rh, and Ir catalysts compared with the Pt catalyst (Table 1). The pore volume for all the catalysts was higher than 200 ml/kg. It is noteworthy the specific surface area of the catalysts after reduction was much higher than that of the support. The specific surface area of the This could be atsupport was about 36.6 rn2.g-'. tributed to the transformation of the pore size dis- 18000 0.008 tAlumina-stabilized 0.007 0.006 . 9 0.003 1 s 0.002 0.00 I 0- tribution after the impregnation of the support with metal salts and calcination and reduction of the impregnated catalysts. During the calcination process, the decomposition of metal salts led to a change in the pore structure and also in the pore distribution of thc support. Figure 2a shows the pore size distribution of the fresh support before impregnation, which is completely different from the pore size distribution of the catalysts (Figure l a and lb). 1 0 v;. magnesia (Spinel) (a) I6000 I I4000 I2000 I0000 4000 2000 0 10 10 Pore diameter (nm) Figure 2. Pore size distribution (a) and XRD pattern (b) of the Spinel 20 30 28/(0 40 ) 50 60 70 330 M . Rezaei et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 For t,he catalysts, the pore size shifted to smaller values and the pore volume to higher values, especially for Rh, R u , and Pd catalysts (Table 1);therefore, these catalysts showed a higher specific surface area compared with the Ir, Pt, and the fresh support. The met a1 crystallite sizes, determined from hydrogen sulfide chemisorption analysis, showed a smaller size than the pore size of the Spinel (Table 1). This indicates tliat active metals could be introduced into thr pores of thc Spinel, which would change the pore structure and also the pore size distribution of the support. This led to a reduction in the values of the pore size and an increase in the specific surface area of the catalysts (Table 1). n inn 200 300 500 400 600 700 Temperature (T) Figure 3. TPR profiles of the noble metal catalysts R h ( l ) , Ru(2), Ir(3), Pt(4), and Pd(5) 3.2. Temperature-programmed reduction Figure 3 shows the temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) profiles of the noble metal catalysts. It, was observed that Rh, Ir, and Ru catalysts showed the lowest reduction temperature, whereas Pd and P t catalysts showed the highest interaction with the support, as the maximum temperature of the reduction pcak shifted to higher temperatures. For the Ru and Ir catalysts, one major peak was observed at about 160 and 275 “C, respectively, which indicates that the major fractions of Ru arid Ir have a low reduction temperature, whereas the other catalysts showed several peaks in their TPR profiles. This showed that the active metal in these catalysts has to be present in several species with different types of interaction with the support and therefore brings about different reducibility. 3.3. Catalytic performance Figure 4 shows the CH4 arid COz conversions over the noble metal catalysts supported on aluminastabilized magnesia (Spinel) at different reaction temperatures. The results obtained showed an increase in CH4 and COz conversion with increasing reaction temperature. It was observed that Ru and Rh showed the highest activity for methane reforming with carbon dioxide. Under these reaction conditions, the following order of activity was observed for different catalysts: Rh-Ru>Ir>Pt>Pd For all the catalysts, the COz conversioii was higher than the CH4 conversion (Figure 4b) due to the reverse water gas shift reaction. 80 (a) RuiSpiiiel RhiSpinel tIrlSpinel -mPUSpinel --c PdiSoinel . -e- (b) -&- - 60 - g -e-Ru/Spinel -ARhiSpinel tIr/Spinel +PtiSpinel --c PdiSpinel S .- VI 8 :8: 40- 0 V 20 - so0 ssn 600 650 Temperature (T) 700 n l son 550 l . , I I , , 600 leinperature ( “C ) , / / , 650 Figure 4. CH4 (a) and COz (b) conversion of the different noble metals, GHSV=1.5x104 ml/(h.g,,t) I , , I 70( 33 1 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistr.y Vol. 15 N o . 4 2006 Figure 5 shows the variation of stabilit,y (Figure 5a) and H2/CO molar ratio (Figure 5b) over different noble metal catalysts with time on stream. reaction occurs simultaneously with CO:! reforming of CH4. The lowest H2/CO molar ratio was observed for the Pt catalyst, which indicates that the reverse water gas shift reaction is much favorable on this catalyst. Table 1 shows that the Rh and Ru catalysts have the highest sulfur capacity and highest active metal surface area. Pt and P d catalysts have the lowest sulfur capacity and therefore the lowest metal surface area, which led to the larger average metal diameter for these metals. The pore size distributions of the used catalysts are shown in Figure 6. - tRuiSpinel RhiSpinel --t IriSpinel --c PUSpinel +PdiSpiiiel -A- -m- PdiSpinel tI'tiSpincl -5, ' '-g E --c RhiSpinel tRuiSpinel IriSpinel + 0.12 0. I 0 1 0.08 0 L tRhiSpinel 2 0.06 (b) Irispinel tP t f p i n e l --c RuiSpinel +PdiSpinel -A- 0.04 0.02 1 .00 - n ... 7 8I" 0.95 4 6 8 10 12 14 Pore diameter (nm) L Figure 6. Pore size distribution of the used catalysts 0.90 - o . s 0 " ' " " " ' " " ' " ' " ~ " ' ' ~ ' ' " ~ 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time on stream (inin) Figure 5. Stability (a) and Hz/CO molar ratio (b) of the noble metal catalysts at 700 " C , GHSV=1.5x104 ml/(h.g,,t) The results obtained showed a high stability for Ru, Rh, and P t catalysts. These catalysts showed a very high stability without any decrease in CH4 conversion with time on stream. Ir catalyst showed a slight decrease in CH4 conversion with time on stream. The lowest stability was observed for the P d catalyst. This catalyst showed a high degree of deactivation, especially during 2 h of reaction. The H2/CO molar ratio for all of the catalysts was less than one because the reverse water gas shift It was observed that the pore size distributions for all the catalysts changed, whereas for the Rh catalyst, the pore size distribution showed almost no change. Table 1 shows that there was a slight decrease in the specific surface area of the used Rh catalyst. For the other catalysts, the surface area showed a marked change. The loss of specific surface area could be attributed to the sintering of active metals because the support has a very high thermal stability and it was calcined a t a temperature that was higher than the reaction temperature (975 "C). 3.4. Effect of GHSV The effect of gas hour space velocity (GHSV) on t~hecatalytic performance of different noble metals was studied by maintaining the reaction temperature and feed ratio in the system constant at 700 "C. Table 2 shows that increasing the GHSV leads to a decrease in CH4 and COa conversions and also in CO and H2 yields. 332 M. Rezaei et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 T a b l e 2. Effect of GHSV on the activity and selectivity of noble m e t a l c a t a l y s t s Catalyst CH4 conversion (%) GHSV (ml/h.g,,t) Pt/Spinel Ru/Spinel Rh/Spinel Ir/Spinel Pd/Spinel COz conversion (%) Hz yield (%) CO yield (%) Hz/CO (molar ratio) 7500 62.95 87.61 50.62 75.28 0.672 12000 62.78 72.68 57.83 67.73 0.854 15000 59.22 69.86 53.9 64.54 0.835 18000 56.36 67.34 50.87 61.85 0.822 21000 52.36 64.60 46.24 58.48 0.791 7500 73.08 75.38 71.93 74.23 0.969 12000 71.76 74.70 70.29 73.23 0.923 15000 70.54 73.98 68.82 72.26 0.952 18000 67.38 74.88 63.63 71.13 0.895 21000 64.50 74.46 59.52 69.48 0.857 7500 69.8 79.88 64.76 74.84 0.865 12000 70.68 76.42 67.81 73.55 0.922 15000 70.28 74.72 68.06 72.50 0.939 18000 67.70 74.48 64.31 71.09 0.905 21000 66.72 73.60 63.28 70.16 0.902 7500 67.80 81.85 60.77 74.83 0.812 12000 68.20 74.48 65.06 71.34 0.912 15000 65.66 73.22 61.88 69.44 0.891 18000 64.20 70.44 61.08 67.32 0.907 21000 59.34 67.84 55.09 63.59 0.866 7500 54.54 76.06 43.78 65.30 0.670 12000 41.96 55.26 35.31 48.61 0.726 15000 36.86 46.06 32.26 41.46 0.778 18000 32.56 39.74 28.97 36.15 0.801 21000 28.52 35.30 25.13 31.91 0.788 Reaction conditions: temperature=700 "C, CH4/C0~=1:1 C02/CH4. The results also showed a decrease in COZ conversion with increase in the COz/CH4 ratio because COz was available in excess. The Hz/CO molar ratio was also decreased with increase in the C02/CH4 ratio, because of the reverse water gas shift reaction, as the WGSR takes place at a higher order at a higher ratio of C O ~ / C H ~ . 3.5. Effect of feed ratio Table 3 shows the effect of feed ratio on the molar ratio of CH4, c o 2 , and H2/CO for different noble metal catalysts at 700 "c. The results ShOwed that with imrease in the C02/CH4 ratio, the CH4 Conversion also increased. The RU catalyst showed a complete conversion of methane a t a ratio of 3 for Table 3. Effect of feed r a t i o on the catalytic a c t i v i t y of noble m e t a l catalysts CH4 conversion (%) COz conversion (%) Hz/CO (molar ratio) Catalyst at different COz/CH4 ratios at different COz/CH4 ratios at different COz/CH4 ratios 1 2 Pt/Spinel 59.22 80.73 Ru/Spinel 70.54 89.38 Rh/Spinel 70.28 90.19 Ir/Spinel 65.66 Pd/Spinel 36.86 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 90.28 69.86 53.67 43.37 0.835 0.718 0.638 73.98 56.36 42.79 0.952 0.768 0.751 95.44 74.72 56.32 42.75 0.938 0.778 0.706 82.26 94.44 69.44 54.25 45.04 0.891 0.724 0.645 43.34 50.32 46.06 32.22 26.04 0.778 0.608 0.567 ~ ~~~~ 100 Reaction conditions: GHSV=l.Sx lo4 ml/(h.g,,t), temperature 700 "C 333 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 3.6. Temperature-programmed oxidation Figure 7 shows the temperature-programmed oxidation (TPO) profiles of the used catalysts. It was observed that Pt and Ir catalysts showed one peak in the TPO profile a t different temperatures and with different intensities. For the Pd catalyst, two peaks were observed in the T P O profile. Ru and Rh catalysts showed a different profile. They showed two peaks in the T P O profile, which were located at lower temperatures compared with the other catalysts. The results obtained are indicative of the fact that different types of carbonaceous species are formed on the catalysts. The peaks observed at temperature of about 340-390 "C were related to oxidation of amorphous carbon, which usually requires lower temperatures for oxidation compared with whisker carbon (peaks located at temperatures higher than 600 "C). I 340 110 .-b m tained in T P O analysis were in agreement with the results of catalytic performance because the catalysts with higher amount of C, (Ru and Rh) showed higher activity and stability in the dry reforming reaction. The coke deposition analysis showed a low percent of coke deposition over the noble metal catalysts (0.3, 0.5, 0.2, 0.2, and 0.1 wt% for Pt, P d , Ir, Ru, and Rh, respectively). 3.7. Temperature-programmed hydrogenation The temperature-programmed hydrogenation (TPH) profiles of the used catalysts are shown in Figure 8. The results obtained clearly showed the existence of two types of carbonaceous species on the catalysts with different reactivities towards hydrogenation. A first peak is observed at different temperatures between 345 and 385 "C in different catalysts. This peak is related t o amorphous carbon located a t the interior of the active metal particles [20]. A second peak is observed at temperatures above 600 "C, except that of the Pt catalyst, identified as whisker-like filamentous carbon. According to previously published reports, this species is produced by the adsorbed carbon atoms derived from methane decomposition and CO dissociation. F 630 385 " I n 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 345 800 Temperature ( % ) Figure 7. TPO profiles of the used catalysts (1) Pt/Spinel; (2) Pd/Spinel; (3)Ir/Spinel; (4)Ru/Spinel; (5) Rh/Spinel The T P O results indicated that the whisker carbon was formed in the Pd catalyst and could be responsible for the lower activity and stability of this catalyst in dry reforming reaction. For the Ru and Rh catalysts, another peak was observed at about 100 "C, which could be related to C , according t o Bartholomew [16] and was described by Mirodatos et al. [17,18] as a superficial carbide. Chen and Ren [19] proposed that these species may be the reaction intermediates and their reactivity is correlated with the catalytic activity. This is in agreement with the assignment to this carbonous species, which is responsible of the CO formation [19]. The results ob- 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Temperature ("C) Figure 8. TPH profiles of the used catalysts (1) Pt/Spinel; (2) Pd/Spinel; (3)Ir/Spinel; (4) Ru/Spinel; (5) Rh/Spinel The results obtained also showed that in Ru catalyst, the amorphous carbon was more reactive because it showed a lower temperature for hydrogenation than did the other catalysts. For the Rh catalyst, as well as these peaks, one small peak was observed at a temperature of approximately 85 "C, which could 33.1 hi. Rczaej ct al./ Journal of Natural Gas Ctiernistr.y Vol. 15 No. 4 2OOfi 1 ) ix,lat, ~ to superficial carbidic carbon that shows high rcmtivity towards IiydrogcntAoii. The P d catalyst sliowtd oiily a very weak peak at temperature of al,pr(ixiiiiatc!ly 650 “C, despite higher amount of deposited ca.rl.)on. This indicates that the acciiniulated car1)oii on this cw.talyst,litis a low reactivity with hy(IrOg(Y1. 4. Coriclusions ‘I’lic iiol)lc riirt,al catkdysts support,ctl on alurninast,al)ilizctl iriwgiiesia (Spinel) were used in rnetharie reforiiiing wit,h carbon rlioxidc. The results obtained sliowcd a high dcgrte of x t i v i t y arid stability for the R u , 1111, and P t catalysts. The T P O and T P H iiiial,yst)s s1iowt:tl different types of deposited carbon 011 tliffcmtiit catalysts. Tlie T P O aiialysis showed that, t,he Iiiglicr activit,y itnd stability of t,he Rii arid Rh cat;tlyst>coiild h t at,tributed to the forriiatiori of highly rcxtivc carbon (C,) in comparison to the other catit1yst.s. Tho T P O and TPH analyses showcd that ttic iiiaiii r c ~ s o i for i the lower stability of the Pd catalysts was tJhe forrriatioii of less roactivc carbon in compariso11 t,o t,l1c 0t~llc.rcatalysts. References [ l ] I~ostriip-NiclscnJ R., Bak Hanseii J H. J Catal, 1993, 144(1): 58 [2] hfark M F, Maier W F. J Catal, 1996, 164(1):122 [3] Groiic:hi P, Ckntola P, Del Rosso R. A p p l Cutal A , 1997, 152(1): 83 [4] Hegarty M E S , O’Coiiiier A M,Ross .I R 1-1. 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Ct olc!fiii/(Ct olcfin+Cq paraffin) ratio, and ("5 olefin/(Cs olefiii+C; paraffin) decrc:asc iii t,lic! order of Fo-Co/SiO2, Ft,-Co/hC:l, Fe-Co/A1203 ancl FeCo/AC2. The activity of Fe-Co/SiOz rrached a niaxirriuni. The, results of TPR show that the Fc-Co/SiOn catalyst is to some extent, diffcrciit. X R D patterns show that t , t r Fc!-Co/SiO2 cai,al,yst,differs significaiitly froiii the others; it has two diffraction peaks. The active spiric.1 p h a s c is correlat(:d with t.he supports. Key words: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis; birnct,allic cat,alyst; iron; cobalt; support,; silica; alumina; active carboii; syngas ~ 1. Introduction It, is wvll kiiowii that the conversioii of it niixt~iirc of CO and H2 (syngas) t o a range of hytlrocarhons u i n t,lic Fisclier-Tropscli syiit1ic)sis (FTS) lias I)ecii considcwd its an c~iviror~tr~entally friendly prot GasoIjii(~.dicwl fi-a.ct,ioris,chcmiical intwinrdiates, aiid heavy wax ran he obtaitictl using Fisclier-Tropsch syntlicsis. Jii t,he coniirig fiitiire. it is cxpwtotl that tlierc will lw iiicreasirig tlciiiiiiid for fuels tlcrivotl fro111 coal atitl natural gas a i d tlie Fischcr-Tropscli (F-T) will I)<, at1 dtctriiat,ive roiitc t,o obtain liqiiitl fucls and clicniicitls (ill part,iculiir litirar I-nlkmcs) [I21. Thorc have been coiisic1er;hlt. vffort,s toviLrtl c l ~ \ ~ ~ l oping catalysts for tlic cotivcrsicni o f syiigas to liquids [s 121. Iron atid coGalt, arc tlie triiditio~iidcatitlyst,s iistd iii Fischer-Tropscli sytit,liesis. Ft.-I)ased catalysts l ~ u t,o l tlie foriiintion of iiiore olofinic prod~ ~ li Corrcspoiitling a u t h o r . Tc.1: +86-021-61252192; Fax: +8(i-O21-li 125 1002: E - I I I ; ~wyiiig~cr(:ciist : l.'uiidation item: Doctorid Foiuiclatioii(NO. 20050251OOfi) 336 Xiangdorig &fa et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chclnistr,y Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 but t,lierc are no reports about the effects of different supports on the iron-cobalt supported catalysts under similar reaction conditions and using the siniilar rnctliod of preparation. In this study, different supports were impregnated with Fe-Co cosolution. The objective of this study is to show in a simple manner the effects of support on Fisdier-Tropsch synthesis activity and selectivity of different supported iron-cobalt binictallic catalysts under siniilar rextion conditions iirid using a similar niet,liod for catalyst preparation. D/Max2550 VB/PC with Cii K a radiation at, 40 kV and 100 mA a t a scan rate of 0.02"/rnin (20). Teinperature-prograiiinied reduct>ion (TPR) experiments were carried out using a Aut,oCheniI1292(1 Micromeritics instrument. About 0.16 g of catalyst, precursor was loaded into the quartz rcactor. A niixture of 10%HZ/Ar was allowcd t,o flow over tlic freshly prepared catalyst,. The tcrnpcraturc was incre;tstvl from 312 K to 1000 K at a rate (If 5 K/niiii. Thtl effluent gas was monitored by TCD. HzO etc:. foriiiccl during T P R wcrc removed by a cold trilp. 2. Experimental 2.3. Catalyst test 2.1. Materials Two different types of active carbon were supplied by Shanghai act,ivated carbon factory, y-alumina was obtained from Shanghai Supeng Clicniical Material. Ltd, and silica gels were obtained from Qingdao Haiyaiig Cheiriical Co. Ltd. Coconut shell activated carbon is designated AC1, and active carbon from coal is designated AC2. Active carbon was added to 1 niol/L KOH solution at 353-363 K, stirred for 1 1.1, filtered, and washed with deionised water till pH=7. It was stirred in 1 mol/L H N 0 3 solution for 1 h a t 353-363 K, then filtered and washed till pH=7 with deionised water. y-aluniina was stirred in 10 g NH4NO:1 per 100 ml aqueous solution for 2 h at, 353-363 K , washed till pH=7 with deionised water. They wcre crushed and sieved to obtain particles that were between 20 and 40 mesh for use as catalyst support, which were calcined at 673 K in an oven for 6 h. Iron (111) and cobalt (11) nitrate cosolution WBH impregnated incipiently onto the support pellets. ARer impregnation, the wet Fe-Co/ACl, Fe-Co/AC2, Fe-Co/y-alumina, and Fe-Co/silica gel catalysts were maintained at room temperature for more than 24 11 to allow water to evaporate and then the catalysts were dried at, atmospheric pressure at 353 K for 8 h. Thereafter, Fe-Co/y-alumina and Fc-Co/silica gel catalysts were calcined at. 673 K in air for 6 h, and Fe-Co/AC catalysts were calcined a t 673 K under nitrogen for 6 h. Catalyst tests were carried out in a fixed h c d (12x650 mm) rcactor. The catalyst ( 5 inl) wiis rvduced in a flow of hydrogen a t 0.5 MPa, 673 K , ;ind 1000 h-'for 6 h, then cooled to teniperatmcs 1)rlow 373 K before switching to H2/CO rriixtiire at 1.5MPa. 493 K , 630 h k l , anti H2/CO ratio of 1.6. The <:iit,itlyt,ic results were recorded a t the steady state &tr s t a h lization of more than 12 11. The CO, Hz, ( 2 0 2 , aiitl CH4 products were analyzed using TCD after sc'I)>lrii.tion of a carbosieve picked column. The gas hydrocarbons were separated by the capillary coliirnn (stationary liquid: A1203) and then detectod usiiig FID. Liquid products arid wax were collected in a, cold t , i q and a hot, trap, respectively. The CO conversion (niol%), the distri1)utioii of hydrocarbons ( w t x ) , and t,lie wat,er gas shift (WCS) extent was calculated as follows: CO conversion (niol%)= moles of transformed CO x 100 niolcs of initial CO Distribution of hydrocarbons to C, (wt%)= lKlaSS (C,) total mass of hydrocarbons The WGS extent = x 100 mass (COZ) mass ( ( 2 0 2 HzO) + 3. Results and discussion 2.2. Characterization techniques The surface area, average pore volurne, and pore size distribution of the samples were nieasured using ASAP 2010 Micromeritics instrumelit. XRD data were collected using Rigaku The activity of the catalyst in CO hydrogenation is a function of support, nictal loading, and preparation. The order of decr(v~sirig CO hydrogenation activity at 0.1 MPa and 498 K for the catalysts containing 3 wt%j c ~ ) l ) d t 337 Jouriial of Natural Gas Chemistr,y Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 is Co/TiO2>Co/Si02>Co/A120:3 >Co/C>Co/MgO. This was observed by Rciiel ef nl. [20]. Saib et a l . studied the effect of pore dianictcr of support on silica-supported cobalt Fisclier-Tropscli cataly 1111der tlie following conditioiis: H2/CO=2, P=1.5 LlPii, T=493 K , and the C5+ aiitl riietliaiie selectivity passed through a rnaxiniuni and minimum a t tlic 10 nrri supported catalyst, respectively [21]. Tlic catalytic rcsults obtaiiied are suiiiiiiarized in Table 1. It. was shown that the act,ivity of t,hc catalyst was sigiiificaritly dependent on the natiirc of the sup- port,. The order of dccrea.sing a,ctivit,y a t an approxiiiiatcly 9wt%Fe9wtl'%~Co loading level for this cata.lyst on difftwrit, supports is as follows: catalyst, 1 > catalyst, 2>catalyst 3>cat,alyst 4. The catalytic results of t,liesc catalysts arc shown in Tahlc 1. Tlie textural structure of t,hc various fresh catalysts is shown in Tablc 2, and it, is c1ca.r that tlic na.tiirc of tho support striict,urc has u proiiouiiccd offect, oii the x t i v i t y of t,kic catalyst. Tlie activity of cat,alyst 1 reached a rnaxiiiiurn aiid may result from the average pore diameter of 9.6 iim being t,he optirnum valuc. Table 1. Catalytic result of the four catalysts Catalyst 1 2 3 4 24.6 CO conversion (niol%) 50.3 38.8 28.7 C:O2 selectivity (inol%) 0.6 1.5 0.9 1.2 WGS extent, 0.012 0.015 0.027 0.014 Distribution of hydrocarbon (wt?%) C1 7.4 17.0 6.1 11.4 c, 0.3 0.2 4.2 0.3 c2 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.4 0.2 0. I 0.7 0.1 2.0 3.4 2.4 1.9 1.3 1.9 1.5 1.6 o/(O+P) c,= 0.6 0.0 0.6 0.6 1.6 I .7 1.1 0.6 CZ 1.3 1.7 1.5 1.0 O/(O+P)" 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 c, 0.9 1.1 0.6 0.5 c5 0.7 1.0 0.7 0.8 o/(0+P) c, c3 O/(O+P)" 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 C6-t 83.1 70.0 80.4 79.8 "Olefin/(olefin+paraffin) ratio. Reaction conditions: 1.5 MPa, 393 K. 630 h - ' , H2/CO rnt,io o f 1.6 Table 2. Textural property of the different fresh catalysts Catalyht Property of catalyst 1 2 3 4 Surface area ( m 2 / g ) 198 2 270.2 208.4 385.3 Average pore volume (ml/g) 0.25 0.1 G 0.56 0.20 Average pore diameter (nm) 9.6 24.0 19.4 25.7 With regard to the hydrocarbon distribution, from Table 1 it is clear that, C,i olefin/(C,i olefin+C, paraffin) ratio (from 0.6: to 0.4) decrease in the followiiig order: catalyst 1, cat,alyst, 2 , cat,alyst 3, catalyst, 4, arid C5+ hytlrocwrbon distribution of catalyst 1 reached 83.1%. T P R can trace the reductioii of t,hc oxide phase providc infonnat,ion about metal-support and riiet,al-nict,al interaction. The nature of the interaction Iietwceii oxitlc a i d slipport affects the reduction. The T P R profiles of tht: four catalysts a.rc shown in Figiirc 1. The four catalysts have t h e resolved reduct,ioii peaks arid show some sirriilarities t,o the reported TPR spectra of Fe-co alloys and Fc-CO supported 011 iiiitl Xiangdong Ma et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 338 Ti02[13,16]. The third maximum temperature (T3m) increased from 753 K to 767 K in the order of catalystl, catalyst 2, catalyst 3, and catalyst 4. This indicates that the oxide-support interaction of catalyst 1 was weaker than that of the other catalysts, and also shows that its metal oxide dispersion and the size of the particles are more effective for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. In contrast, the first maximum temperature (TI,) and second maximum temperature (T2,) of the catalyst 1 were higher. This is attributed t o its lower pore diameter. The lower pore diameter makes the diffusion rate of the water in the pores formed by reduction more difficult and thus results in an inhibition of the reduction process [22]. I 753 The XRD spectra of the four catalysts after the catalytic test are shown in Figure 3. The spectra showed that all catalysts had formed Fe-Co alloy of spinel phase. The Fe-Co alloy of spinel phase was formed on reduction of the Fe-Co systems, and this was observed previously in an in situ XRD study by Duvenhage [13]. Figure 3 clearly shows that the four catalysts of different supports had different diffraction peaks. The catalyst 1 showed two diffraction peaks; catalyst 2 also showed two diffraction peaks of Fe-Co alloy of spinel phase but its diffraction peaks were smaller and sharper than those of catalyst 1. Catalyst 3 and catalyst 4 showed one diffraction peak of Fe-Co alloy of spinel phase, respectively. These results indicate that the active phase formation seems to be correlated with the supports. ~ ~~ Fe-Co alloy of spinel phase 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Temperature (K) Figure 1. TPR profile of the fresh catalysts (1) Catalyst 1, (2) Catalyst 2, (3) Catalyst 3, (4) Catalyst 4 The XRD spectra of the four fresh catalysts (Figure 2) showed that Fez03 and c0304 are present and this is similar to the XRD result reported previously [131. I 10 , , , 20 , 1 30 , , , , 1 , 40 , / , I 50 1 / 1 1 1 I I 60 ~ I 70 28/(0 ) Figure 3. XRD spectra of the catalysts after test (1) Catalyst 1, (2) Catalyst 2, (3) Catalyst 3, (4) Catalyst 4 4. Conclusions Activity and hydrocarbon selectivity of ironcobalt supported on silica, alumina, and active carbon carriers for CO hydrogenation were studied at 1.5 MPa, 493 K , 630 h-l, and H2/CO rat,io of 1.6. The results indicate that for these catalysts thc activities in the order of catalyst l>catalyst 2>catalyst 3> catalyst 4. Hydrocarbon distribution, olef in/ (olefin psraf f in) ratio and C5+, especially Cq olefin/(C4 olefin+C4 paraffin) ratio and Cg olefin/(Cg olefin+Ca paraffin) ratio vary with the support. For catalysts containing 9wt%Fe9wt%Co, the order of CO hydrogenation + 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 281(" ) Figure 2. XRD spectra of the fresh catalysts (1) Catalyst 1, (2) Catalyst 2, (3) Catalyst 3, (4) Catalyst 4 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 activity is also catalyst 1, catalyst 2 , catalyst, 3, and catalyst 4. T P R results show that the reduction temperature of the catalysts also varies with the support, which is due to an interaction between Fe-Co species and the support. The third maximum temperature (T3m)of Fe-Co/SiOz catalyst shifts toward lower temperature and the first maximum temperature (Tlnl)and second maximum temperature (Tz,,) shift toward higher temperature, which might be ascribed to the effect of the supports. The XRD peaks of catalysts after catalytic test show that the Fe-Co/SiOz catalyst differs significantly from the others. Its diffraction peak of FeCo alloy of spinel phase is larger and sharper; therefore, its activity is higher than the other three catalysts and its C5+ reached a maximum in the four catalysts. The active spinel phase is closely correlated with the supports. Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Doctoral Foundation and Shanghai Yankuang Energy R&D Co. Ltd. References [l] Roberts C B, Elbashir N 0. Fuel Process Technol, 2003, 83(1-3): 1 [2] Dry M E. Appl Catal A , 1999, 189(2): 85 [3] Ma W P, Ding Y J, Yang J, Liu X, Lin L W. React Kinet Catal Lett, 2005, 84: 11 [4] Curtis V, Nicolaides C P, Coville N J, Hildebrandt D, Glasser D. Catal Today, 1999, 49(1-3): 33 339 [5] Sun S, Fujirnoto K , Zhang Y, Tsubaki N. Catal Commun, 2003, 4(8): 361 [6] Ming H, Baker B G. Appl Catal A , 1995, 123(1): 23 [7] Dut,ta P, Elbashir N 0, Manivannan A, Seehra M S , Roberts C B. Catal Lett, 2004, 98(4): 203 [8] Wu B S, Tian L, Xiang H W, Zhang Zh X, Li Y W. 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Catal Today, 2002, 71(3-4): 395 [22] Yin D, Li W, Yang W, Xiarig H, Sun Y, Zhong B, Peng S. Microporous Mesoporous Mater, 2001, 47(1): 15 Available online at ScienceDirect Joiirriitl of Natural Gas Chemistry 15(2006)340 347 SCIENCE PRESS Article Methane to Liquid Hydrocarbons over Tungsten-ZSM-5 and Tungsten Loaded Cu/ZSM-5 Catalysts Didi Dwi Anggoro'*, Nor Aishali Saidina Arnin2 1. Department of Chernical Erky.irieering, University of Diponegoro Tcmbalang, Semarang 502.39, 1ndo.riesm; 2. F a c d t y of Chemical trnd Natural Resouices Engineering, lJn.zversiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru 81 130, Malaysiu [Manuscript received April 17, 2006; revised July 17, 20061 Abstract: Metal containiiig ZSM-5 can produce higher hydrocarbons in metallaneoxidation. Many researchers have studied the applicability of HZSM-5 and modify ZSM-5 for ruethane coriversion to liquid hydrocarbons, but their research results still lead to low conversion, low selectivity and low heat, resistancc. The modified I-IZSM-5, by loading with tungsten (W), could eriharice its heat resistant performance, arid the high reaction temperature (800 "C) did not lead to a loss of tlie W coniporicnt by sublirna,tion. The loading of HZSM-5 with tungsten and copper (Cu) resulted in an iiicrement in the methane coriversion as well as COz and Cg+ selectivities. In contrast, CO, Ca-3 and H z 0 selectivities wcre reduced. The process of converting methane to liquid hydrocarbons (C5+) was deperideiit on the metal surface area and the acidity of the zeolite. High methane conversion and Cg+ selectivity, arid low HzO selectivit,y arc obtained over W /3.OCu/HZSM . K e y words: methane; liquid hydrocarbons; HZSM-5; W-ZSM-5; W-Cu/ZSM-5 1. Introduction Tii gcIiera1, there are two routes for converting Irl(.thitlie to gasoline: indirectly or/and directly. The iiitiircct route is a two-step process whereby natural gas is first converted into synthesis gas (a mixture of 1.12 aiid CO), and then int,o hydrocarbons of the gasoline range. The direct, route is a one step process in which the natural gas reacts wit,h oxygen (or another oxidizing species) to give the desired product directly. The use of the HZSM-5 zeolite as a support of the metal oxide phase is very interesting due to three reasoils: it,s thermal stability, its high surface area that eiiaMes high rnet,al oxide loading and tlie presence of acid sites that, could lead to the formation of certain act,ive rnr:tal oxide species [I]. Ernst and Weitkamp [2] reported in a paper on the conversion of methane over zeolite-based ciitalysts that the presence of strong acid sites in the z e o h catalyst is detriment,al for the select,ivt: oxidation of rnethane to higher hydrocarbons; otherwise oxidized products of CO, (CO, CO2) will predoniinatc. Wheii the acidity is reduced by exchanging the zeolite with alkali m e h l cations: tlie se1ectivit)y to higher hydrocarbons is slightly enhanced. Hari et nl. [3] derrioustrated the sucxessful production of higher hydrocnrboils from rnethaiie oxidation using a ZSM-5 zeolitc, catalyst containing metal oxides. T h e metal oxides with sufficiently high dehydrogerition and low olc!fiii oxidation activities reduce the acidity of the ZSM-5. As a result, thc metal containing ZSM-5 can product: higher hydrocarbons in methane oxidation. De Lucas et a1. [1,4,5] discovered that the illtroductiori of Cn(I1) ions by an ion-exchangc method * Corresponding author. Tel: 6224-7460058; Fax: 6224-7460055; E-mail: Supported by Ministry of Science, Technology and Environnicnt, Malaysia. Jonrnal of Natural Gas Chrmistr:~Vol. 15 N o . 4 2006 could rcniarkably iiicrea,se tlie activity of Mo/HZSM-5 for riietliaric aromatizatioii and iiiiprove it,s stabilit,y to sonie extent. Mo species is tlie most act,ive component for nietharie iiori-oxidative aromatizatioii so far. but its activity and stability riccd to be irriprovctl. Xiong fd al. [6,7] studied the incorporation of rnetals Zii, Mn, La, arid Zr into tlic WIHZShl-5 cat,alyst. Under react,iori condit,ion of 0.1 MPa, 1073 K , GHSV of feed gas CH4 arid 10% Argon at 960 lip'. tlie conversion of methane reached 18% 23% in the first two hours of reaction! and tlie <:orresponding selectivity t,o benzenc: naphthalene, cthylonc and coke was 48% 56%, IS%),5% and 2291, respectively. Ding et u1. [8] reported the non-oxidative rnetha,ne reactioii over WIHZSM-5 to produce C2 C12 hydrocarbons. Under the condition of 700 "C, flow ratc: CH4 and Argon a t 12.5 cni3/min, the C2 C12 selectivity was 70%-80%. However. the rnetliaiic conversion was low. just bctwceri 2% arid 3%. On tho 1)asisof the chemical siniilarities between k1oO:j and WQ3, it seems reasoriable to cxpcct a. parallelism in their catalytic properties. Mo species is the most, act,ivc coiriponents for methane non-oxidat,ive aroiriatizatiori so far, but, its activity arid stJa,bilitjyneed t o be improved. Recently, we have fourid that the introdiict,ioii of Cu(1I) ions by an ion-exchange method can remarka.bly increase the activity o f MoIHZSAl-5 for methane arornatiz;ttion ant1 can improve itjs stability to some extent. Cu loaded ZShl-5 catalysts ,tin acidic ion exchange nicthod have been iderit,ifietl to be potential cat,alyst,sfor the conversion of nit:t,liane to liquid fuels [Y]. However, infrared study of metal loaded ZSM-5 cat,alysts indicated that tlie catalysts are not resistant to high temperatures. Previous st,udies have indicated that. metal loaded ZSM-5 did not exhibit, the vibration band at 3610 ciri-l and 3660 c i ~ i - ~exccpt . for the ZSM-5 which showed a weilk vi1)r;~t~iori band at 3666 c n - l . The result suggested that, fraiiiework arid non-framework aluminurn were eit,lier extracted to the acidic solution or changed to silanol defect, form when calcincd at, 800 "C and made tlie catalysts inactive [lo]. In our previous studies [11,12] it, was indicated that the Cii loaded W/ZSnil-5 catdyst was thernially stable a t the reaction temperature (700-800 "C). In this study ZSM-5 was niodified wit,h tungsten and copper and the catalyst pcrformancc was tested for the oxidation of 1liethit1i(>t,o liquid hydrocarbons. The catalysts were characterized by XRD, T P R . TPD and N2 Adsorption iiieasurerrients. Wc: would like t,o irivestigate the resistivity of tungsten modified HZSM-5 t o high teniptiratures and its cat,- 341 itlytic act,ivity for the coiiversion of rnet,hane. 2. Experimental 2.1. Preparation of catalysts ZShl-5 zeolite with a SiO2/A120:3 mole ratio of 30 was supplietl by Zeolyst Intcrriat,iorial Co, Ltd, Nrt,lierlmds. The siirface area of tlie zeolite is 400 iii2/g. The W (3%) weight)-HZSM-5 catalyst was prcparcd 11y impregnating a certain amount of t.lie HZSM-5 xeolit,e carrier with an annrioriiiini tiirigstat,c 1iydr;itc solution [6,7]. The ariinioriiuiri t,uiig'stat,r hydrate solution was prepared by dissolving (NH4)2WO4 in deionized water and adding a small aniount of H2SO4 to regulate the pH value of the solutioii to 2 3. Thtl sample (10 rril of solution pes' gram zcolite) was dried in an ovcm a t 120 "C for 2 h and then calcined at 500 "C for 4 11. The W loaded Cu/HZSM-5 was prepared by first impregnating a certain iLtiiou1it of the HZShl-5 zeolite carrier with a calculated miourit of copper nitrate in q i i c ~ ) u ssolutions, followcd by drying at 120 "C for 2 h and calcining at 400 "C for 4 h, and siibseqiieritly iiiipregiiating with a calculwted a,iriouiit of II2S04 ;tcitlified (NH4)2WO4 aqueous solution (pH=2 3 ) . Fiiidly, tlic sample WAS dried at, 120 "C for 2 h and calcined a t 500 "C in air for 5 11. 2.2. Characterization and testing of catalysts X-ray diffractioii (XRD), H2-tcniperat,ure progrninnied reduchoii (H2-TPR), NHs-teniperaturc prograniined desorptioii (NH3-TPD), N2 adsorption and FT-IR were utilized for the characterization of t,hc catalysts. XRD arid FT-IR were employed to detoriiiine the zeolite structure. NH3-TPD provided the acidity of the catalyst samples. H2-TPR, data were pertiiieiit t o the zeolit,e morphology. Thc. performance of tlie cat,alysts was tested for nict,lianr conversion to liquid hydrocarbons (LHC) 'via a single step reaction in a fixed-bed micro reactor. Methane with 99.9% purity was reacted a t atmospheric prcwiire arid various temperataims arid oxygen concentration. A n on-line gas chromatography wit,li R TCD arid a Porapak-N column was utilized to malyze the gas. Thc liquid product was analyzed iisiiig the G C FID arid a.ii HP-1 column. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Characterization of catalysts 342 Didi Dwi Anggoro et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 X-ray diffraction (XRD) and nitrogen adsorption (NA) were employed to determine the morphology of the catalysts. The XRD diffractograms of HZSM-5, W/HZSM-5 and W loaded Cu/HZSM-5 catalysts with different Cu loadings calcined at 550 "C are shown in Figure 1. The peaks at 20=41° indicated tungsten oxides [13]whilst copper oxides are indicated a t 2H=34O. The intensities of these peaks increased with increasing copper loading. cuo spectively. These values are lower compared to the values of other samples. All the metal and hi-metal ZSM-5 zeolite catalysts have surface and micropore areas smaller than the parent zeolite. The reduction in surface area of the metal-loaded HZSM-5 indicates a strong interaction between the surface of the zeolite and the copper and tungsten species, which enables a good dispersion of the metals on the surface [ 5 ] . Among the samples, the BET surface area and the micropore area of W/3.0Cu/HZSM-5 are the lowest, being 236 m2/g and 213 m2/g, respectively. Table 1. Crystallinity and surface area of the catalysts wo, Catalyst 10 20 30 40 50 60 281(O ) Figure 1. XRD pattern of different HZSM-5 catalysts (1) HZSM-5, (2) W/HZSM-5, ( 3 ) W/0.5Cu/HZSM-5, (4) W/l.OCu/HZSM-5, (5) W/1.5Cu/HZSM-5, (6) W/2.0Cu/HZSM-5, (7) W/3.0Cu/HZSM-5 The crystallinity values calculated from the XRD diffractograms and the areas of the samples from NA analysis are tabulated in Table 1. The crystallinities of W/l.OCu/HZSM-5, W/2.0Cu/HZSM-5 and W/3.0Cu/HZSM-5 are 89%, 88% and 69%, re- Crystallinity (%I BET surface HZSM-5 100 area (m2/g) 403 W/HZ W/0.5Cu/HZ W / 1.OCu/HZ W/1.5Cu/HZ W/2.0Cu/HZ W/3.0Cu/HZ 100 94 89 101 88 69 280 266 286 267 285 236 Micropore area (m2/g) 373 257 243 261 244 260 213 The results in Table 2 pertain to the total volume, micropore volume, average pore diameter and acidity of the catalysts. Tungsten and copper species easily entered or partially blocked the channels of the ZSM-5 zeolite pores and thus, reduced the volume of the catalysts. The average pore diameters of the metal-loaded HZSM-5 zeolites are larger than the parent zeolite, as revealed by the results in Table 2. The average pore diameter of the W/3.0Cu/HZSM-5 is the largest, and as indicated in Table 2, the percentage of micropore volume in the catalyst surface has been reduced to 50%. Table 2. Total volume, pore distribution and acidity of the catalysts Catalyst HZSM-5 W/HZ W/0.5Cu/HZ W/l.OCu/HZ W/1.,5Cu/HZ W/2.QCu/HZ W/3.0Cu/HZ Total volume Micropore volume Ratio of micropore Average pore diameter Acidity (cm3/d 0.245 0.187 0.176 0.175 0.179 0.191 0.176 (cm3Id 0.149 0.106 0.101 0.110 0.101 0.109 0.088 to total volume (%) 61 (A) 24.3 26.8 26.5 (mol /kd 0.87 0.81 0.91 24.4 26.9 1.01 1.01 26.6 29.8 0.98 1.19 The ammonia-TPD spectra of the catalyst providetl useful information about the intensity and the concentration of the acid sites on the catalyst sur- 57 57 63 56 57 50 face, as tabulated in Table 2. The concentration of the surface acid sites (acidity) of the metal-loaded HZSM-5 is higher than that of the ZSM-5 zeolite. 343 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 This could probably be attributed to the average pore diameters of the metal-loaded HZSM-5 which are larger than the pore diameters of the HZSM-5 zeolite itself, as shown in Figure 2 . This is similar with the results of Koval e t al. (1996). They reported that the acidity decreased with the decreasing micropore volume of HZSM-5 [14]. As revealed by the result in Figure 2 , the strongest acidity shown by the W/3.0Cu/HZSM-5 zeolite coincides with the fact that it has tlie largest pore diameter (29.8 A). However, the acidity of the W/l.OCu/HZSM-5 is higher (1.01 mol/kg) than HZSM-5 (0.87 mol/kg), although the difference in pore size between W / 1 .OCu/HZSM-5 and HZSM-5 is not large. 1.4 medium strength Briinsted acid sites. This is similar with the results found by previous researchers [6-7], where the incorporation of Mg2+ and Zn2+ into the W/HZSM-5 host catalyst resulted in the elimination of strong surface Bronsted acid sites and the generation of new medium-strength acid sites. I 430 'C 250 'C I t w13.ocu - OIJ 1.0 L Y g 0.8 .0 V .- 0.6 4 0.4 0.2 n "."n 24.3 24.4 26.5 26.6 Pore size 26.8 26.9 29.8 (A) Figure 2. Effect of pore size on acidity of catalysts 200 300 400 SO0 TIT Figure 3 depicts the ammonia-TPD spectra of the HZSM-5, W/HZSM-5 and W loaded Cu/HZSM-5 with different amounts of Cu loading. For the HZSM-5 and W/HZSM-5, the ammonia-TPD peaks appeared at about 250 "C and about 430 "C, which may be ascribed to the desorption of two kinds of ammonia species adsorbed on weak acid (mostly Lewis acid) sites and strong acid (mostly Brijnsted acid) sites, respectively [15]. The addition of 0.5% Cu to HZSM-5 led to a reduction of the intensity of the high temperahre (- 430 "C) peak and a small downshift of its position, as revealed in Figure 3 . When the amount of Cu loading was increased to l.O%, the high temperature peak disappeared, indicating that most of the surface Brijnsted acid sites had vanished. However, as the copper loading was further increased to 1.5% and 3.0%, the ammonia-TPD peaks appeared again at 430 "C. One interesting fcature of Figure 3 is the ammonia-TPD spectra of the W/2.0Cu/HZSM-5 that indicated a peak at 400 "C (Figure 3 (6)). This small peak may be attributed to the emergence of - Figure 3. Ammonia-TPD spectra of different HZSM-5 catalysts (1) HZSM-5, (2) W/HZSM-5, (3) W/O.SCu/HZSM-5, (4) W/ 1.OCu/HZSM-5, (5) W/1.5Cu/HZSM-5, (6) W/2.0Cu/HZSM-5, (7) W/3.0Cu/HZSM-5 Thc niigrat,ion of the W arid Cu species was indirectly studied by infrared (IR) spectroscopy. W/HZSM-5 and W/Cu/HZSM-5 samples showed in the OH stretching vibration three IR bands at ~ 3 6 1 cm-' 0 , due to bridge Si-OH (Al) acidic groups, at ~ 3 6 6 0cm-' due to non-framework A1 sites, or octahedral, and at ~ 3 7 4 0cm-' which is attributed to terminal Si-OH non-acidic groups [lo]. The vibrations for the (OH) region of the IR spectra of tlie W/HZSM-5 and W/3.0Cu/HZSM-5 zeolite catalysts are shown in Figure 4, where all the fresh samples have hands at ~ 3 6 1 0cm-l, ~ 3 6 6 0cm-', and z 3740crK1. The spectra indicated that all the samplcs have aluminum framework, silanol, and aluminum non-frarnework groups. In addition, the IR spectra demonstrated that the intensity of the band a t about 3610 cm-' of fresh W/HZSM-5 is stronger 344 Didi Dwi Anggoro ct al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 tliaii frcsli W/3.0Cu/HZSM-5. This is probably due to the W or W arid Cu species that have migrated in thc zeolite frarncwork and occupied the H+ position. It rwulted in a large tlccrernent of the 3610 crri-l IR band intensity, as shown in Figure 4 (3). I 4000 I 3740 3660 3610 1800 3600 3400 tion, W6++c-+W5+ and W5++(>-+W1+ [17]. Tlic reducibility of this type of catalyst dccr cased i t s thc strength of the1 interaction between tho iiictnl oxidc species and the surfacc of the support increased. The existence of a single reduction pwk at 550 "C for W/IIZSM-5, W/0.5Cu/HZSM-5 i ~ ~ i d W/1 .OCu/HZSM-5 sariiples iii?iy be duc to the singlc electron reduction of the W6f species tlerivetl froin the (W06)"- precursor with octahcdral coordination. Wo++e-+W5+ [6,7]. This pvak (at 550 "(2) d i s a p pearcd if thc ainoimt of CII loading on the HZSM-5 was more than 1.0 wt%. The observcd hydrogen-TPR peak at 370 "C could bc due to the reduction of Cu"+ species and the intensity of the peak hccaiiie stroiipt>r a5 the copper loading increascd. 3200 Wavenumbcr (crn-l ) Figure 4. IR spectra in the OH region of fresh and used catalysts h c 4 1 (1) W/IIZSM-5 and ( 3 ) W/3 OCu/HZSM-5, used (2) W/HZSM-5 and (4)W/3 0Cii/HZSiVI-5 for reaction at 800 "C It2 is clear that the roles of W on W/HZSM-5 and W i-~ndCu on W/Cu/HZSM-5 is to reduce t1hc arnoiiiit of Brorist,ed acid sites. The amount, of Broiisted acid sites ( N B A C can ) bc calculated by hridgiiig tlic! OH groups (at 3609 crri-' band) according to [10.16]. The NBAC for the HZSM-5, W / H ZSM-5 and W /3.OCn/HZSM-5 iire 2.9 / m o l / g , 0.5 pnoI/g arid 0.3 p i o l / g , respcctivcly. Further react,ion with inetharie arid oxygen at, 800 "C for five lioiirs resulted in the disappcari i I l ( * ( ! of the 1)illid ilt about, 3610 cr1i-l for both of the W/HZSM-5 and W/Cu/HZSM-5 samples (Figures 4 (2) and 4 (4)). This is probddy due t o the ext,ractiori of aluininiiin in the zeolitic framework into the lion-framework or diic to the deposition of carhniicc!oiis residues. Thc deposition of coke led to cil,t,;tlysttleactivatiori after five hours of reaction. The TPR profiles of W/HZSM-5 and W loaded Cii/HZSM-5 catalyst,s are dcpictcd in Figure 5 . As observed, all the curves contain several peaks in the tcrnporature range of 200-900 "C. The T P R patteriis of all catalysts exhibited two peaks, with the iiiaxiiniiin at 700 "C and 780 "C. These peaks rnay I)c ascribcd to t,he two subscquent, steps of singleeloctron reduction of the W6+ species derived frorii the ( WOd)2- precursor with tetrahedral coordina- 200 300 400 500 600 800 700 900 TIT' Figure 5. Hydrogen-TPR spectra HZSM-5 catalysts of different (1) W/HZSM-5, (2) W/0.5Cu/HZSM-5, ( 3 ) W/l.0Cu/llZShl-T,. (4)W/1.5Cu/HZSA/I-5, (5) W/2.0Cu/HZSM-5, (6) W/3.0Cu/HZSR.I-5 In Table 3 thc quantitativr. rcbults of thc TPR is summarized. The TPR software automatically calculated the metal surface area, dispersiori of metal, and mean particle diameter h s i n g on W md Cu foi the bimetallic W/Cu/I-IZSM-5 catalysts in tlic rbxpcrimental part. The tungsten content for all ('tltiilyhth is constant. The copper content kind percent of copper dispersed for W/Cu/HZSM-5 catalysts iiicrcywd with increasing copper concentratiori. Such srrlidl particles (0.03-0.05 nin or 3-5 A), particularly tIir twigstcn particles, shouId be localized t o inside the Leolitc pores [IS],wliero the pore diameter of ZSM-5 is h x i t 5.6 A. 345 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 Table 3. Metal state in the reduced catalysts klotal content Catalyst (iL"'Wd cu W/HZ W 163 W/O.SCu/IIZ Metal surface Dispersion of area (rn2/g) r u e t d (%) W 55 CU 0.04 100 4.00 0.07 236 3.11 315 4.18 472 4.77 CU - W 2.66 163 79 6.02 W/l.OCu/HZ 163 157 W/1.5Cu/HZ 163 W/2.0CU/HZ 163 W/3.0Cu/HZ 163 The percentage of metal dispersion in Table 3 reveals that Cu is 100% dispersed for the W/3.0Cu/HZSM-5 sample. Figure 6 shows that the BET surface area of all the samples decreased with increasing dispersion of Cu except for the W/2.0Cu/HZSM-5. This is probably due to some tungsten or copper species on W/2.0Cu/HZSM-5 that, have formed timgsten oxide or copper oxide on the zeolite surface. cu 24 0.0287 1.559 68 22 0.0419 1.721 0.16 65 40 0.0444 0.930 0.48 76 79 0.0379 0.475 0.92 86 100 0.0332 0.373 ~ 40 70 I 00 Dispersion of CLI(%) Figure 6. Effect of dispersion of Cu (%) on BET surface area of catalysts The results in T a l k 3 indicated the dispersion of Cu on the W/l.OCu/HZSM-5 is the smallest (about 22%) compared to the other samples, owing to the largest mean particle diameter of Cu (1.721 rim) on W/1 .OCu/HZSM-5. The small percentage of Cu being dispersed on the W/1 .O/HZSM-5 catalyst led to only a sniall amount of Cu ions being exchanged with H+. As a consequence, t,he acidity of the W/1 .O/HZSM-5 is high (1.01 mol/kg), although its pore size is small (24.4 A). It is clear that the role of Cu on t,he W/Cu/HZSM-5 is not only to reduce the WE+ species derived from the (W06)''- precursor with octahedral coordination, but also to have an effect on the acidity of the ZSM-5 zeolite, as revealed by the ammoniaT P D result. ~ - The T P R profiles of W loaded 3.0Cii/HZSM-5 catalysts before and after reaction are depicted in Figure 7. The spectra denionstrated thc existence of a single reduction peak of Cu oxidr at, 370 "C. However, after reaction at 800 "C the peak disappeared, probably due to the reduction of CU'~+.This is probably due to the partiid oxidation of the catalyst during the reaction. 1 24 (rim) W 0.0518 200 22 Mean particle diameter 1 , 1 ~ 1 300 # 1 : 1 11 400 1 1 1 , / 500 / , , ~ 600 1 ~ , ~ , , 700 1 , 1 / 800 7'1 "C Figure 7. Hydrogen-TPR spectra W/3.0Cu/HZSM-5 catalyst before after reaction at 800 "C of and Nevertheless, the peak of W"+ did not change before and after the reaction. The TPR profile for tungsten revealed that the addition of tungsten has increased the thermal stability of the catalyst, as the W component has not lost due t o sublimation after reaction at 800 "C. 3.2. Performances of catalysts The methane corivtrsiori increased due to the increasing copper content and copper surface area. This result demonstrated that the methane conversion is related to the copper surface area, as shown in Figurr 8. The methanr conversion of HZSM-5 is about 13% and increased to 21% at copper surface area of 1 1 Did; Dwi Anggoro et al./ Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 346 0.92 m"/g for W/3.0Cu/HZSM-5 (Table 3). However, methane conversion over the W/l.OCu/HZSM-5 is lower than over the W/0.5Cu/HZSM-5, although the Cu surface area of the former is larger. It is clear that t,he dispersion of Cu on the active surface of the catalyst affected the methane conversion. Since the percentage of Cu dispersed on the catalyst surface is the smallest for W/l.OCu/HZSM-5 (see Table 3) the methane conversion is the lowest using this catalyst. catalysts is very low (l%-2%), as depicted in Figure 9. This is probably due to that all catalysts enhanced the oligomerization of C Z hydrocarbons tjo C5+ liquid hydrocarbons and reduced the amount of Cz-C3 hydrocarbons. The C5+ hydrocarbons selectivity increased with increasing acidity, as shown in Figure 10. The selectivity to Cg+ hydrocarbons using W/3.0Cu/HZSM-5 is the highest (34%), owing to it,s highest acidity (1.19 mol/kg) and copper surface area (0.92 m2/g) among other samples. = iXXX Carbon monoxide DCarhon dioxide C,, liquid hydrocarbons C'.? hydrocarbons Water I00 80 h g m .'2 .-I - 60 0 s 40 20 0 0.04 0.07 0.16 0.48 n 0.92 cu surface area (rn'/g) %.Effect of Cu BET surface area on methane conversion The products of the reaction between methane and oxygen over HZSM-5, W/HZSM-5 and W/Cu/HZSM-5 with different concentrations of copper are CZHZ,CZH4, CZH6, C3H6, CO, COz, HzO and liquid hydrocarbons. Figure 9 summarizes the product selectivities of all the catalysts. The results in Figure 9 shows that over HZSM-5 and metal loaded HZSM-5, the selectivity to carbon monoxide is higher than that of carbon dioxide. This indicates that the partial oxidation of methane has occurred with carbon monoxide and hydrogen as the products. However, hydrogen possibly reacted with carbon dioxide to form water in the Reversed Water Gas Shift (RWGS) reaction. The water selectivity of HZSM-5 is higher than the metal loaded HZSM-5, because the HZSM-5 catalyst has no metal content or nietal surface area, while the metal loaded HZSM-5 catalysts have tungsten oxide and copper oxide contents. Over tungsten oxide or copper oxide the reaction of hydrogen and carbon monoxide produced hydrocarbon gases (CZ and C3), which could oligornerize to liquid hydrocarbons (C5+) in the presence of the HZSM-5 zeolite catalyst. The selectivity for C2-C3 hydrocarbons for all Figure 9. Distribution of product selectivities over different catalysts 40 , a g a 30- -8 a a .-2> . .-c 0 u 2 20 - 8 8 8 8 C .- 8 6 a 2 $ 10 - 0 0 ' ~ ' " ' " ' ' " ' ' " " ' ' " " ' ~ ~ Figure 10. Effect of acidity on methane conversion and liquid hydrocarbons C,+ selectivity (H) methane conversion, (0) C,+ selectivity, (0) methane conversion over W/1.5Cu/HZSM-5, ( o ) C,+ selectivity over W/1.5Cn/HZSM-5 The result in Table 4 indicates that the coniposition of C5- 10 hydrocarbons increased as the nii~n- Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 4 2006 ber of Bronsted acid sites ( N B A C )decreased. The gasoline range (Cs-10) composition of ZSM-5 was about 96% a t a NBAC value of 2.9 and increased t o 100% with NBACequal to 0.3 for the W/3.0Cu/ZSM-5 sample (Table 4). From the ammonia-TPD (Figure 4) spectra the strength of Bronsted acid sites of W/3.0Cu/ZSM-5 is the strongest among others. These results suggest that higher composition of gasoline formed from methane depends on the strength of Branstfed acid sites. Table 4. Number of Bronsted acid sites and composition of c5-10 and C1,+ hydrocarbons over HZSM-5, W/ZSM-5 and W/3.0Cu/ZSM-5 Catalyst HZSM-5 W/HZSM-5 Wl3.OCulHZSM-5 No. of Bronsted acid Composition (%) sites (NBAC)(pmol/g) Cs-Cio 2.9 96 C11+ 4 0.5 99 1 0.3 100 0 4. Conclusions The loading of HZSM-5 with tungsten and copper decreased the crystallinity, surface area, and also total volume of the catalysts. However, the average pore diameter and the acidity of the zeolites increased as a result of the modification with the metals. Such metal particles are smaller than the average pore size, and the metal particles should be localized t o the inner side of the zeolite pores. T P R patterns indicated that modified HZSM-5 by loading with tungsten enhanced its heat resistant performance, so the high reaction temperature (800 "C) did not lead to loss of the W component by sublimation. While loading HZSM-5 with tungsten and copper enhanced the methane conversion, C02 and Cg+ products, however, reduced the CO, C2-3, and HzO selectivities. The process of converting methane t o liquid hydrocarbons (Cs+) is dependent on the metal surface area and the acidity of the zeolite. The W/3.0Cu/HZSM-5 is the potential catalyst, because over this catalyst high methane conversion and C5+ selectivity, and low H20 selectivity are obtained. 347 Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support received in the form of a research grant from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Malaysia. References [I] de Lucas A, Valverde .J L, Canizares P, Rodriguez L. Appl Catal A: General, 1998, 172: 165 [2] Ernst S,Weitkamp J. Hydrocarbons Source of Energy. Irnarisio G, F'rias M, Bemtgen J M(Editors). London: Graham & Trotman, 1989. 461 [3] Han S, Martenak D J , Palermo R E, Pearson J A , Walsh D E. 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