Newsletter Newsletter Grand Junction High School


Newsletter Newsletter Grand Junction High School
Grand Junction High School
May 2014
A Message from the Principal – Jon F. Bilb
Dear Members of the GJHS Professional Learning Community:
On May 13, 2014, 359 members of the 102nd Senior Class from Grand Junction High
School and several early completers from the Class of 2015 received their diplomas in a
bright, sunny and cold ceremony held at Stocker Stadium.
On behalf of the entire staff and faculty and
administrative team of GJHS, I want to personally thank
all of the parents/guardians and significant others who
raised our seniors for the love, encouragement, and
support they provided their student over the past twelve
years, and more specifically for the time they spent at
Grand Junction High School. It is our hope that we lived
up to the expectations you had for us and that you feel
that the value of a Junction education and the preparation
given to our graduates is priceless.
Graduates, we are so proud of you! Over the past four
years you set the standards for the student body in many
areas to include: student leadership; your behavior in and
out of school; academics; service learning contributions
to the community; sportsmanship at home and away
sporting events; and your involvement and level of
excellence is our co-curricular programs.
I also commend you for an outstanding Baccalaureate
Service and a truly wonderful Commencement Ceremony.
As we say good bye to the Class of 2014, here is just a part of the legacy of excellence the
Class of 2014 leaves behind as we send them off to meet the challenges of the future:
Over 40, 231 service learning hours,
Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973
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A Message from the Principal (continued)
146 students recognized as Millennium Club honorees, who completed 114 or more
service learning hours,
37 Superintendent Scholars with a 4.0 or higher grade point average (GPA) in all four
years of high school,
27 seniors who completed their graduation requirements in December,
11 members of the Class of 2014 who graduated early,
115 students earned a 3.5 GPA or higher,
65 members who earned an academic letter and star/academic letter for a grade point
average (GPA) of 3.75 or higher,
28 seniors who earned an academic letter for a GPA of 3.5 to 3.74,
62 students were members of one or more of our four honor societies,
13 graduates plan to serve our Country in the military, and
14 out of 25 sports teams, led by seniors, were recognized as All State Academic Teams
by the Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA).
See the list of the graduates of the Class of 2014 and Class of 2015 at the end of this
newsletter. We will also post a list of students who were recognized at the All School
Awards Ceremony on the GJHS website.
As we say good bye to this school year, our master schedule using the new Synergy
scheduling program is almost complete, with some fine tune adjustments to be made. Before
we know it, July and student check-in will be here
In closing, I would like to thank all of you for another great school year! It has been a
pleasure working with our great students and watching them grow, mature, and excel. I wish
you and your family a wonderful, safe summer, and we are looking forward to seeing you in
Go Tigers! Go Orange and Black!
Jon F. Bilbo
Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973
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Junction Says Good Bye
Each year a number of staff and faculty retire or move on to take
another step in their life’s journey. This year we say fond farewell
and best wishes to the following staff and faculty:
Ned Pollert
Stefani Backes
Megan Bronson
Kitty Hagedorn
Billie Janss
Stephanie Johnson
Andrea Keech
Stacey Keever
David Kent
Kathy Kessler
Pete Lelich
Jennie Lillpop
Sheila Link
Penny Martens
Brian Moore
Kyle Pommer
Katie Sewalson
Adrea Tilford
Sara Urso
Activity/Athletic Director
Social Studies Teacher
Social Studies Teacher
Health Assistant
Science Teacher
Social Studies Teacher
Math Teacher
Science Teacher
World Language Teacher
English Teacher
English Teacher
Counseling Secretary
Special Education Teacher
Family and Consumer Science Teacher
Math Teacher
English Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Counselors’ Corner - Thinking Ahead to Next Year –
2014-2015 Administrative and Counselor Support
Next year, we will have six full time counselors in our counseling department. In order to
utilize these resources more effectively while providing our students with consistency in
counseling support from when the time they enter Junction until they graduate, we are doing
away with the 9th grade counselors and assigning students from all four grade levels to each
counselor, like we do now with our upper grade level counselors. Your Tiger Student
Support Team includes:
Last Names
Serenity Santistevan
Ann Kuhlman
Assistant Principal
Jami Moore
Jami Moore
Carol Coburn
Karl Kane
Carol Coburn
Lori Plantiko
Meghan Roenicke
Tanya Pearce
Meghan Roenicke
To Learn is to Change!
Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973
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Check-In is required for all students and families. This process includes updating all contact
information, payment of fees, receipt of schedule, student ID pick-up, and parking permits.
If you are not able to attend your grade level’s day and time, please attend the make-up
check-in session on Monday, July 28 from 9am to noon in the GJHS Commons.
Tuesday, July 22
8 am-11:30 am
Senior Check-In
GJHS Student
Tuesday, July 22
12:30 pm-4 pm
Freshmen Check-In
GJHS Student
Thursday, July 24
8 am-11:30 am
Junior Check-In
GJHS Student
Thursday, July 24
12:30 pm-4 pm
Sophomore Check-In
GJHS Student
Important Dates to Remember
Friday, July 25
9 am - 2 pm
Freshmen/New Student Orientation
Monday, August 4
7:25 am
First Day of School-
Regular Bell
First Day of Golf Practice
call 254-6902 for
Monday, August 4
Wednesday, August 6
7:30 - 8:30 am
Freshmen Class Meeting
West Gym
Wednesday, August 6
7:30 - 8:30 am
Senior Class Meeting
Thursday, August 7
7:30 - 8:30 am
Junior Class Meeting
West Gym
Thursday, August 7
7:30 - 8:30 am
Sophomore Class Meeting
First Day of Fall Sports
call 254-6902 for info
Monday, August 11
Friday, August 15
7:30 - 11 pm
Back to School Dance
Tuesday, August 19
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Fall Sports Family Night
Thursday, August 21
5:30 - 7:30 pm
Back to School Night
Paving of the Student Parking Lot
If you have driven on campus lately, you know the student parking lot on the north end of the
campus and the road leading up to the tennis courts are sorely in need of repaving. Well it is
going to happen this summer. According to Paul Cain, the District Athletic Director, the
Board of Education (BOE) has approved the paving of the student parking lot up to the
where the tennis bleachers are currently located, not to the actual tennis courts, and the road
leading from 5th Street running east to the alley that runs north and south parallel to 7th Street.
Work will begin on or about June 23rd with a scheduled completion date of July 7th. Please
understand that this schedule could be extended if we run into any issues. Beginning on or
before the 23rd, there will be no access available along the entrance road for the duration of
the project. Later this month or early June when the contractor has finalized the construction
plans, we will provide you a plan for driving on campus during the construction period.
Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973
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GJHS Dress Code
Another topic we think valuable to address now is the GJHS
expectations as to school appropriate dress and the GJHS
Dress Code. We hope to provide you with this information
early enough so that as you have the opportunity to buy
school clothes for your son or daughter this summer, you
will know what will be acceptable. We do not want you to
have spent your hard earned money for clothing only to find
out at “Check-in” or once school starts that it does not meet the GJHS Dress Code. During
the past year we have been working at raising the awareness of what is considered school
appropriate and in the upcoming school year we will be responding to inappropriate clothing
more thoroughly. In essence, we feel that every student’s clothing should be neat, clean,
tasteful, and modest. It should be both an expression of individuality and, at the same time,
must not be a distraction to the focus on education nor be a safety issue. It must cover
undergarments and conceal traditionally private areas of the body, including, but not limited
to, the stomach, buttocks, upper thighs, back, and breasts.
For boys, this means that net or see through fabric, oversized armholes or sleeveless
shirts, and pants riding below the hips on or below the buttocks are not acceptable.
For girls, this means no exposed cleavage, no bare midriff, and shorts or skirts no
shorter than mid-thigh when viewed from either the front or the back (longer, of course,
is definitely acceptable). The sheer fabric of some skirts these days means that girls must
wear a garment underneath (shorts or another skirt) that meets the mid-thigh
requirement. In these days of strappy tops, we ask that straps be at least two inches wide
and that strapless tops not be worn to school. As for semi-formal and formal dresses to
be worn to dances, the only exception made is that the dresses may be strapless. The
same expectations for coverage and length are in place. So if you have the opportunity to
buy your student a dress for Homecoming, Cottonball, or Prom this summer, please keep
the GJHS expectations in mind.
For both girls and boys, the images and messages that clothing, especially, though not
limited to, shirts have on them must be school appropriate. Any image or message that is
threatening, sexual, vulgar, or gang-related, that degrades others, or that advocates
tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or weapons is not school appropriate and will be addressed.
While we realize that current fashion may make some of the above mentioned things
“fashionable”, they are not school acceptable. We will address them if they are worn to
school and will suggest to your student that they wear them at non-school related times
and to non-school related activities. We will also ask them to correct their clothing and
will let you know there was an issue. There will be a more detailed description of our
expectations in the student handbook and on the website. We appreciate your support in
this as we keep the focus on maximizing your student’s educational opportunities.
Notes from the Activity/Athletic Director
Concussion Management and Our Tigers!
Grand Junction High School continues to provide a concussion
management program that supports the student body with return-to-play
and return-to-learn protocols for student-athletes and return-to-learn
protocols for other members of the student body who suffer concussions
in PE, on campus not related to sports or an activity, or outside the normal
school day.
From August thru December 11, 2013, we had 64 students suffer
concussions. Of those 64 students, 40 were males and 24 were females.
Twenty seven (27) of the concussions were school sports or activity
Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973
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Notes from the Activity/Athletic Director (continued)
related, seventeen (17) were non-school sport/activity related or PE related, sixteen (16) were
caused by accidents and four (4) were due to other reasons.
Currently, eleven (11) students are actively being monitored. Please see the article below
titled “Students with Concussions” if your student-athlete has suffered a concussion and has
not completed the return-to-play protocol.
PE or
Athletic Eligibility
In order to be eligible to play a fall sport, student athletes must have earned 2.5 credits during
the second semester (3rd and 4th quarters) of the previous school year, while not failing more
than one class during second semester. A student athlete may fail one class during the
second semester, but any additional failed classes must be made up over the summer in order
for the student athlete to be eligible to play in the fall. Classes made up over the summer
need to be completed and recorded at the GJHS Registrar’s Office on or before August 4,
2014. Courses made up over the summer must be in the same subject area as the course(s)
failed. For example, if a student failed a math class, then he/she must take a math credit
during the summer. If a student failed an elective class, that class can be made up with any
academic core course.
If a student does not make up classes over the summer, he/she may regain eligibility on
October 9, 2014 if eligibility requirements (passing all classes on October 9, 2014) are met at
that time. If a student athlete needs to make up credits, he/she should contact the GJHS
Counseling Office at 254-6914 to get information for summer school and on-line course
opportunities. If you have athletic eligibility questions please contact Ned Pollert in the
Activities Office at 254-6919.
Fall Sports Preview
GJHS hosts the following eight fall sports: Boys and Girls Cross Country, Football, Boys
Golf, Boys Soccer, Softball, Boys Tennis, and Volleyball. Fall practices begin August 4th for
boys’ golf try outs, and August 11th for all other sports. All athletic participation paperwork
and the $140 athletic participation fee must be turned in before a student will be allowed to
try out or practice. These forms can be obtained from the GJHS Activities Office or from the
District 51 web-site.
Paperwork can be submitted beginning July 14. Students wanting to try out for golf need to
return forms on or before July 31st in order to be cleared for try outs, and all other sports must
submit paperwork on or before August 7th in order to be cleared in time for the August 11th
first day of practice. Forms submitted after August 7th will not guarantee that you will be
cleared before the first day of practice.
Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973
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Notes from the Activity/Athletic Director (continued)
Students with Concussions
If your son/daughter sustained a concussion this school year, and he/she intends to
participate in any GJHS summer sports program or with a sports team during the school
year, he/she must be cleared by a physician in order to begin the Return-to-Play (RTP)
process. If your student has been cleared to begin the RTP process by your physician,
contact our Certified Athletic Trainer, Ms. Erin Glavan, at the Saint Mary’s Life Center,
Wellness Department, at 970-244-6080 or 970-773-3155 to schedule time to begin and
complete the RTP process. If you have questions during the summer, please call Principal
Jon Bilbo at 9702546927 or email him at
Family ID Athletic Registration
Grand Junction High School is excited to announce that we are now offering the
convenience of online athletic registration through partner company, FamilyID at
FamilyID is a secure registration platform that provides you with an easy, user-friendly
way to register for our programs, and helps us to be more administratively efficient and
environmentally responsible. When you register through FamilyID, the system keeps track
of your information in your FamilyID profile so you enter your information only once for
multiple uses, multiple family members and multiple programs.
Before You Register
Before you register, two prerequisites must be met:
A physical exam must be current within the past 12 months and signed by the physician.
If the student’s physical expires during the season, they will not be able to play until a
new physical exam is received.
The District 51 Athletic Participation fee of $140.00 is required before an athlete can be
cleared for athletic participation.
Information Needed to Register
It will be helpful to have the following information handy to allow for accurate completion
of your online registration.
Doctor Information
Health Insurance Information
Steps to Register
A parent/guardian should register by clicking on this link: and following these steps:
1. Under the "Programs" title, click on the link for the program you want to sign up
for. Scroll to bottom of page to either Sign Up as a Family or Individual if this is your
first time using FamilyID, or Log In if you already have a FamilyID account.
2. Sign Up for your secure FamilyID account by entering your family name, email address
and password. You will receive an email with a link to confirm your new account. (If
you don’t see the email, check your spam or junk folders.)
3. Click on the link in your email confirmation, which will log you in to FamilyID, and
then complete the information requested on the registration form. When you have
completed the form, click the "Save & Continue" button.
4. Review your registration summary and click "Confirm Registration" to submit. Once
completed, you will receive an email receipt from You can
also view your completed registration on your Dashboard. You can log into https:// at any time to update your information and to check your registration
Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973
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Notes from the Activity/Athletic Director (continued)
You can always find our programs at by clicking “Find Programs” in
The top blue banner and searching for our organization name.
If you need assistance with your registration, you can call FAMILY ID at 888-8005583, X1 or email . FamilyID also offers online chat during
business hours and a support center at . Support is available
seven (7) days per week.
My Locker is a FREE online spirit shop with over 180 items for our Tiger fans! Don't miss
Grand Junction High School earns an average of $7.25 per order! (12% of all on-line
Design your favorite custom gear instantly on-screen
There is no cost & no work. No volunteers. No inventory.
All bulk orders save 12%
Links to the GJHS My Locker site can be found on the GJHS Home Page, and on the GJHS
Athletic Page
Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973
page 8
Tigers Roar!
Stars Galore
Congratulations to the following Tigers who have been accepted to a college or university
for next year and who had a star hanging in the Student Commons.
Taylor Baker
CMU, Embry Riddle
University, Fort Lewis
Jennifer Herrera
Brianna Baldwin
Danny Huynh
Triston Barrett
Courtney Ben
BYU, Utah State,
University of Wyoming
Lucas Kelzer
Brittany Kirkendall
CMU, Naropa
Kyle Beamon
Adelynn Bergen
Uriel Bermudez
Andy Bowen
Cornell, CSU, John
Hopkins, Michigan,
CMU, UC Denver,
Samuel Lapkin
Yolanda Leon
Trey Lopez
Soraya Morales-Nunoz
Josh Murdock
Butler, CU Boulder,
Michigan tech, Seattle
Nathan Bryner
Lyssa Caires
Shannia Case
Jeffrey Christeleit
Carissa Christensen
Sarah Nelson
Blake Orr
Tanhia Ponce
Zoe Ray
Kayla Reed
Joseph’s College of
Darby Corn
Sarah Crawford
ASU, Baylor, DU
Juan Jason Rodriquez
Neil Ryan
California State Univ,
Concordia University,
Sonoma State University
Daniel Dodero
Alexandra Schoellgen
Seton hall University
Amanda Eckert
Courtney Schroder
Fashion Institute and
Design Merchandising
Molly Findlay
Tory Sorenson
Ike Fortner
University of Utah
Cody Spanicek
Tyler Fultz
Rachel Gallagher
Boston Uni, CU Boulder,
DU, Drake Uni, George
Washington Uni,
Macalester College,
Washington and Lee Uni
Hannah Starritt
Madelyn Stewart
CSU, CU, Westminster
CMU, Colorado School
Of Mines, CU at Denver,
Edgar Garcia
Edgar Gutierrez
Colorado School of
Jake Strother
Jessica Strothman
Lena Ham
Reghan Hardy
Elizabeth Havlik
Victoria Wehner
Kenny Welling
John Wiman
Tyler Heinsma
Audrie Wood
University of Kansas
Colorado School of
Colorado School of
CMU, CSU, Univ. of
Rebecca Bryan
Kiana Ziola
Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973
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Tigers Roar!
Tigers Committed to Serving Our Country
The following 13 graduates have committed to serving our country after graduation.
Tyler Broshears
Harley Dunlap
U.S. Air Force
Harley Stafford
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Army
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Marine Corps
Kai Hurley
U.S. Coast Guard
Maria Ana Ortiz
U.S. Navy
Josef Szabo
Anthony Trobiani
Milla Wong
U.S. Navy
John Wright
U.S. Navy
U.S. Army
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Air Force
All School Awards
On Wednesday, April 30, 2014, we hosted our All School Awards Ceremony in the
auditorium. During this ceremony, we recognized our Distinguished Alumni, Tim Foster
from the Class of 1976; our Distinguished Educator, Art Teacher Gary Hauschulz; and our
Volunteer of the Year, Katheryn Wilkinson. Mary Bybee, French Club, GJ Tiger Booster
Club; Paula Gallegos, Band; Mary Hiler, Choir; Michelle Huff, GJ Tiger Booster Club; and
Tami Nicholson, Band were also recognized as Distinguished Volunteer Service Award
recipients. Nancy Burford, Tennis; Tim and Paula Casey, Band; Maurice Ham, Band; Greg
and Ally Rajnowski, Band; Elise St. Amour, Band; and Jeff Turman, Choir were recognized
as our Outstanding Volunteer Service recipient.
Thirty seven (37) Tigers were recognized as Superintendent Scholars, 65 Tigers were
recognized for earning High Honors with a 3.75 or higher GPA, and 28 were recognized
for earning Honors with a 3.5 to 3.74 GPA. Subsequently, 125 special awards, 170
departmental awards, and 30 athletic awards were presented. Please see the GJHS website
for a complete list of the individuals who were recognized at our All School Awards
Students of the Week/Month
Congratulations to the following Grand Junction High School April Student of the Week/
Month nominees. The Daily Sentinel Student of the Week nominee is: Andrew Foutz,
Andrew is the son of Paul and JoEllen Foutz. The Kiwanis Student of the Month nominee is:
Katherine Whiteside. Katherine is the daughter of John and Cecily Whiteside. The Alpine
bank students of the month are: Carissa Christensen, Carissa is the daughter of Heather
Christensen and Allen Russell and River Adams, River is the son of Joyce Guerrero Lopez.
Grand Junction High School is proud to recognize these students for their outstanding work
in the classroom, and for the leadership they demonstrate in our school.
Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973
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Tigers Roar!
GJHS Booster Club
Grand Junction High School’s activities and athletic teams would like to thank and recognize
the Grand Junction High School Booster Club. The Booster Club donated over $60,500 last
year to our Activities and Athletic Programs. To continue this tradition of financial support
parent volunteers are needed. Everyone is invited to the monthly Booster Club meetings.
Meetings are held the second Monday of each month is room 115 at GJHS. If you are
interested in volunteering contact Activities Director Ned Pollert at Grand Junction High
School, at 254-6919.
At the May Booster Club Meeting, the Booster Club approved $15,755 in funding requests to
support the following programs: GJHS Recognitions: $1,100, Marching Band: $2,180, Girls
and Boys Soccer: $2,000, HOSA: $1,875, MESA/Science Club: $1,500, Volleyball: $2,600,
and The Academic Team: $4,500.
This school year the Booster Club has donated over $56,378 to honor 32 different program
requests. Thank you to our Booster Club and all the volunteers for your continued support of
Grand Junction High School students, staff, and all of our activities.
GJHS Volunteers
Congratulations to the following volunteers who were recognized at our All School Awards
Ceremony on Wednesday, April 30, 2014: Volunteer of the Year - Katheryn Wilkinson.
Mary Bybee, French Club, GJ Tiger Booster Club; Paula Gallegos, Band; Mary Hiler,
Choir; Michelle Huff, GJ Tiger Booster Club; and Tami Nicholson, Band were also
recognized as Distinguished Volunteer Service Award recipients. Nancy Burford, Tennis;
Tim and Paula Casey, Band; Maurice Ham, Band; Greg and Ally Rajnowski, Band;
Elise St. Amour, Band; and Jeff Turman, Choir were recognized as our Outstanding
Volunteer Service recipient.
On behalf of the entire student body, our staff and faculty and our administrative team, we
would also like to thank all of our volunteers who have given of their time and energy to our
students and school. During the month of April, we have had 125 volunteers donate over 384
hours of time. It is because of the time and the effort of these many volunteers that our
programs continue to operate and perform at high levels.
National Art Honor Society
Congratulations to the following 16 Tigers who were inducted into the GJHS Chapter of the
National Art Honor Society on Wednesday, May 14, 2014:
Adrina Anders, Brittany Kirkendall, John Leeflang
Emily Adamson, Mark Hartshorn, Sabree Stewart
Tempest Downing, Johnnie Fair, Kyra Garcia,
William Kerrigan, Sierra Mansfield, Joshua Park,
Kellon Voth
Rebecca Campbell-Osborne, Leah Peacock,
Sydney Tuttle
Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973
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Tigers Roar!
Grand Junction High School Music Hall of Fame
At the All School Awards Ceremony, seventeen(17) Tiger musicians were officially
inducted into the Grand Junction High School Music Hall of Fame. There were:
Allen Adair
Jake Farnsworth
Kassidy Flick
Andrew Foutz
Gregory Gibson
Gabriel Gallegos
Jaryn Gibb
Kyle Hardy
McKenna Hiler
Emily Luker
Ryland Mahre
Zoe Martsolf
Nicholas Morris
Joel Nicholson
Justin Russell
Lindsey Sparks
Cosmo Wright
All State Band, All State Men’s
Honor Choir
All State Men’s Honor Choir
Southwest Americal Choral Director’s
Association Regional Honor Choir
All State Band, All State Choir, All State
Jazz Band, All State Orchestra
All State Orchestra
All State Mixed Honor Choir
All State Women’s Honor Choir
Men’s Honor Choir
All State Women’s Honor Choir
All State Women’s Honor Choir
All State Men’s Honor Choir
All State Women’s Honor Choir
Southwest Americal Choral Director’s
Association Regional Honor Choir
All State Orchestra
All State Orchestra
All State Orchestra
All State Orchestra
Grand Junction High School Sports Hall of Fame
At the All School Awards Ceremony, three Tiger Student Athletes were officially inducted
into the Grand Junction High School Sports Hall of Fame. They were:
Broderick Robinson, Boys’ Basketball; Donny Kinnaman, Tennis; and Jacob Trujillo,
Seniors Greg Eccher, Track; Tyler Heinsma, Football; and Quinton Walton, Football,
were also inducted into the GJHS Sports Hall of Fame.
CHSAA All-State Academic Recipients
We are proud to recognize and congratulate the following 146 CHSAA Spring Student
Activity Participants who were selected as CHSSA All-State Academic or Honorable
Band: All State AcademicAllen Adair, Thomas Beightel, Samantha Betzen, Julie Campbell, Abigail
Casey, Malcolm Davis-McDougal, Parker Davis-McDougal, Carman Devereux,
Omelia Emmons, Jake Farnsworth, Damian Johann, Alexander Lee, Briggs,
Oakley, Michael Poland, Jessica Sopher, Viviane Turman, River Adams,
Andrew Bowen, Larissa Cox, Darcy Dackonish, Jenna Dandurand, Andrew
Foutz, Taren Garcia, Cassandra Grigware, Brennon Keller, Johnathan Kyle,
Richard Penny, Megan Sherman, Trinity Simmons, Zeb Wagner, Aubrie Wood
Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973
page 12
Tigers Roar!
Honorable Mention- Joselle Jacobs, Joshua Nelson, Chelsea Stoddard,
Taylor Baker, Daisy Becerra, Meghan Haynes, Evin Lone, Joshua
Matthews, Catheryn Stephenson
All-State Academic
Kaleb Johnson, Neil Ryan
Honorable Mention- Zachary Cox, Dillon Fante, Tyler Heinsma,
Tristan Lafferty, Taylor Owen
All-State AcademicAllen Adair, Ashley Baker, Kayla Berry, Amber Broad, Coral
Copenhaver, Aidan Drayer, Omelia Emmons, Jake Farnsworth, Jaryn
Gibb, McKenna Hiler, Abigail Leinbach, Brian List, Ryland Mahre,
Kia Marez, Briggs Oakley, Shannon Reeve, Christopher Reilly, Anjana
Thapa, Viviane Turman, Hunter Whaley, Jonah Wilson, Richard Wise,
Ryan Zinke, Darcy Dackonish, Kassidy Flick, Emily Luker, Erin
Martin, Mariah Prinster, Jordan Quintana, Katherine Whiteside,
Whitney Young, Morgan Zanski
Honorable Mention- Joseph-Ian Bongar, McKenna Chism, Katy
Hargraves, Zoe Martsolf, Nich olas Morris, Victoria Wehner, Abigail
Whiseant, Jason Wood, Kyle Hardy, Carly Staidl
Golf (Girls):
All-State AcademicShafer Rubalcaba, Hanna Starritt
*Recognized as an Academic All-State Team**
Lacrosse (Boys):All-State AcademicMalcolm Davis-McDougal, Parker Davis-McDougal, Benjamin
Eisenhauer, Stephen Foster, Tanner Mast, Charles Ruckman, Jonah
Wilson, Andrew Bowen, Nicholas Gookin, Bryce Remmenga, Ryan
Honorable Mention- Caleb Vaugher, Isaac Meyer
**Recognized as an Academic All-State Team**
Lacrosse (Girls):All-State AcademicHalle Harrison, Naomi Neuville, Kassidy Roberts, Savannah Smith
Honorable Mention-Amanda Cole, Ashley Preuss, Delaney Robison
All-State AcademicSamantha Betzen, Julie Campbell, Milena Castaneda, Ryland
Curtsinger, Carman Devereux, Gregory Gibson, Emmett Johnson,
Tyler Jones, Camille Lohr, Kia Marez, Eric Pipkin, Lindsey Sparks,
Andrew Bowen, Rebecca Bryan, Blythe Crow, Taren Garcia, Elizabeth
Havlik, Zeb Wagner
Honorable Mention-James Dionne, Olivia Huffaker, Corey Lans, Emily
Predovich, Micaela States, Courtney Ben, Isaac Meyer, Celia Scheid
**Recognized as an Academic All-State Team**
Soccer (Girls): All-State AcademicTaylor Chaffetz, Jaryn Gibb, Taylor Kochevar, Maria Guadalupe
Leon-Torres, Samantha Melchor, Taylor Wood
Honorable Mention- Leah Swander, Shelby Brown
**Recognized as an Academic All-State Team**
Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973
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Tigers Roar!
Swimming (Boys):
All-State Academic
Samuel Lapkin
Tennis (Girls):
All-State Academic
Kristen Balke, Joslin Berg, Anjana Thapa, Jordin Early,
Mariah Prinster, McKenna Brooks
**Recognized as an Academic All-State Team**
Track & Field:
All-State Academic
Allen Adair, Stockton Rock, Michael McKnight
Honorable Mention- Joshua Townley, Matthew Erickson,
Skyler Frieling
Track & Field:
All-State Academic(Girls)
Sydni Brandon, Cassandra Grigware, Madison Marsh,
Erika Meister, Nicole Seibold, Katharine Smith, Sarah
**Recognized as an Academic All-State Team**
Iron Tiger Award
This year at our All School Awards Ceremony, we continued the tradition we started last
year with the presentation of the Iron Tiger Award. This award recognizes those student
athletes who participate in three sports in the same school year. We are proud to recognize
and congratulate the following inaugural group of Iron Tiger Student Athletes: Noah
Bradshaw, Tori Catlett, Greg Eccher, Madison Marsh, Erika Meister, and Shafer
Rubalcaba. This is the second year in a row that Noah, Greg, Madison, Erika and Shafer
have earned this distinction.
The Tiger Baseball team finished the regular season with an overall record of 13 and 6. The
Tiger’s finished fourth in the Southwestern League with a record of 6 and 4. The team ended
the season ranked #11 in Wild Card Points, and earned a berth in the State District Playoff
Tournament. The Tigers played Dakota Ridge in game 1 of the playoffs and won 15-0. All
the players did a great job and set the tone for the day. In Game 2, we played Mountain
Vista HS and lost 5-0. Their pitcher was extremely good and was the best pitcher we had
faced all year.
Congratulations to Tiger players: Tristan Lafferty, Neil Ryan, and Tyson Zanski for being
selected to the Southwestern League First Team All-Conference.
The boys had a great overall season. Nine (9) seniors, Zack Cox, Dillon Fante, Ty Dixon,
Tyler Heinsma, Anthony Johnson, Kaleb Johnson, Tristan Lafferty, Neil Ryan, and
Owen Taylor all graduated this year. Thank You for all the support from family, staff and
administrators during this season.
The Junior Varsity Team finished with an 11-6 record. The season was a big success for the
players getting more familiar with “Tiger Baseball”. The freshman team completed a very
successful season with a record of 15-1. The team consisted of 19 players and while not all
had the opportunity to be on the field on a regular basis, all 19 showed great improvement
through diligent practice. One of the highlights was developing 10 pitchers which provided
the Tigers multiple pitching combinations for every game while protecting their arms. The
future looks bright for GJHS baseball!
Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973
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Tigers Roar!
Girls Soccer
The Grand Junction High School Girls Soccer Team ended a bumpy and eventful season
with a win against Central in their final game. In the Southwestern League, the girls had a
record of 4-5-1, and an overall record of 7-7-1. The Tigers had wins over great rivals like
Valor Christion, who made it to the semi-finals in the 4A state tournament, Steamboat, and
Eagle Valley. The girls lost early games to Columbine and Ralston Valley, two 5A teams
that made it to the final 4 in the 5A Colorado Girls Soccer Tournament. Overall, the girls
soccer program is proud of their non-conference strength of schedule and getting the
opportunity to play great teams!
The girls soccer program ends the season in a great place. The Junior Varsity team played
the best soccer GJ has seen from a JV Girls Soccer team in years, representing an up and
coming talented class of underclassmen. The varsity team only loses three starters this year
and welcomes back seven current starters to the 2014-2015 squad.
We are proud to honor three players who made first team all-conference: Taylor Chaffetz,
Taylor Kochevar, and Leah Swander, and one player who earned second team allconference: Sam Melchor. Congratulations to Tiger players Leah Swander and Taylor
Chaffetz. Leah has made a verbal commitment to play college soccer at Denver University
after graduation, and Taylor has the commitment to graduate at semester next winter, and
play soccer at the University of Kansas.
Girls Lacrosse
The lady lacrosse team finished fourth in the Mountain League with a record of 4-4, and
completed the season with an overall record of 7-8. Two Tigers were selected to the first
and second All-Conference Teams: First team - Halle Harrison and Hannah Price; and
Second Team - Delaney Robison and Makenna Tuttle.
Boys Lacrosse
The boy’s lacrosse team completed the season with an overall 8 and 5 record, and finished
fifth in the Mountain League with a record of 7-4.
Girls Tennis
The Tigers finished the season with an overall dual match record of 5 wins and 3 losses, and
a Southwestern League record of 3 wins and 2 losses. At the regional tournament the Tigers
finished in fourth place.
Girls Golf
Congratulations to Lady Tiger golfer Bailey Summers. Bailey qualified to play in the State
Championship Tournament on Monday May 19, and Tuesday May 20.
Track and Field
The Boys and Girls Track Team was represented by eight (8) athletes at this year’s State
Track and Field Meet. We are proud of these individuals for their hard work and
accomplishments this season! They were:
Jill Payne - 100m, 200m, 4x100m relay;
Michael McKnight - Shot Put and Discus;
Ashley Long, Sydni Brandon, Megan King – 4x100m relay;
Madi Marsh- High Jump
Austin Taylor - Long Jump; and
Quinton Walton - Discus.
Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973
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Tigers Roar!
A special congratulations to Tiger sprinter Jill Payne. Twice this year, Jill set and lowered
the school record in the girl’s 200 meter dash. Jill has established the new school record at
Boys Swim and Dive
Congratulations to Tiger swimmers Tyler Sweet, Noah Bradshaw, and Levi Rajnowski.
These Tigers worked hard throughout the season under new head coach D Ray Craft. Our
swimmers traveled to Denver to compete in the Colorado State Championships on May 16th
and 17th.
Grand Junction High School 2014 Graduates
Trevor Lehman Abbott*H
River Jordan Adams**M
Jordon Joseph Eloy Alires
Adrina Jade AndersΩ^
Nertyrus Kudd-Uban Anthony
David Ray Applegate
Cassandra Ashley Arcieri^
Adrienna Michelle Armenta
Izaac Lee Armstrong-Sturges^
Jacob James Ashurst
Ossiris Avila^
Madison Colleen Babcock^
Ryan James Baker*
Taylor Marie Baker
Brianna Nicole Baldwin
Michelle Lynn Baldwin
Triston Ronald Barrett
Jared Ryan Bashara
Kyle Gabriel Beamon
Daisy Becerra^
Nicklas William Beightel*H^
Courtney Jane Ben*^
Tanner Clark Bennett
Adelynn Lee Bergen
Uriel Alfredo Bermudez
Cody Taylor BertrandΩ
James Gregory Blanton^
Cody Dalton Blumhagen
Brendan Aldie Boardwine**^
Andrew Philip Bowen***HM^
Noah Blue Bradshaw
Tanner Charles Broshears
Tyler Douglas Broshears
Christopher Brody Brown^
Shelby Jean Brown*^
Ian Angot Joseph Brull
Rebecca Nicole Bryan**HM^
Nathan Jon Bryner^
Kylie Lynn Burns^
Lyssa Ashley Caires**^
Gavin Montgomery Campbell^
Henry Raymond Carmichael
Shyanne Rae Carpendale
Ciara Marie Carver-Gallegos*A
Shannia Shelbie Case**
Yoana Alejandra CasillasPacheco
Brandon Luis Castaneda
Brenden Eric Castro
Maria Alicia Chacon**^
Kassidy Renee Chism*^
Jeffrey Scott Christeleit
Carissa Jean Christensen***^
Baylee Alexandra Christopher^
Alejandro Miguel Cisneros
Brooke LaRae Clow^
Amanda Christine Cole
Aspen Cheyenne Sharon Coleman
Phrankie Camera Cordova^
Ramon Simon Cordova
Darby Lane Corn**^
Matthew Alan Costigan II**^
Sierra Lynn Coutts*^H
Larissa Marie Cox***^HM
Luke Derek Lenhart
Veronica Alicia Leon
Yolanda Manuelita Leon
Cassandra Cristina Leroux
John Austin Lewis*^H
Evin Tera Lone
Ashley Nicole Long
Jermaine James Long
Trey Michael Lopez^
Sarah Renee Loyd
Emily Grandell Luker***^HM
Maria Sunshine Maas^
Jacob David MacLeod
Hunter Reid Mannion
Madison Summer Marsh**^H
Destiny Marie Marshall^
Erin DeLane Martin***^H
LaNea Lynn Martin
Rachel Lynn Martin^
Thomas Scott Martindale
Dion Isiah Martinez
Joshua Alan Martinez
Marisol Isela Martinez
Autumn Rose Mason*
Joshua Felton Mathews*
Marcel Ngoma Mavangulu
Taylor Sage McCoy
Tyler Raymond Mathew McDowell^
Michael David McKnight**
Kenzi Christine Medina**^H
Erika Rose Meister***^H
Mario Alejandrao Mendoza^
Isaac Caslow Meyer*^
Ryan Anthony Miller
Eric Eastman Mills
Iesha Marie Montano
Josephine Mae Alexis Montoya
Ryan Nathaniel Moody
Connor Ray Moore
Michael Anthony Joseph Mora*^H
Soraya Alejandra Morales
Jason Michael Lange Moss
David Michael Mower
Joshua Leland Murdock***H
Sarah Alysandra Nelson
Joel Drake Nicholson***^HM
Tamara Brittaney Nickle*^H
Ciara Mary Nielson^
Tristan Nathaniel Noel*
Cheyenna Victoria O’Brien**^H
Jalen Sierra Onsrud*^H
Kyla Claire Oracion
Talia Dawn Ormsby
Blake Schelin Orr**
MariaAna Adonoelia OrtizAgustin
Brandon Ray Peek
Richard Lawrence Penny III*^
Sara Elizabeth Perez^
Brandon Ridge Perry*^
Austin Scott Pierce
Emily Anne Pittsinger
Shantel Marie Pollock
Tanhia Sarahi Ponce
Madisyn Ashlee Porter
Zachary Levi Cox
Sarah Margaret Crawford*^
Blythe Tierney Crow**^HM
Darcy Anne Dackonish***^HM
Jenna Ellen Dandurand***^HM
Ty Dieter Dixon
Jacob Jesse Dodd*^
Daniel Alexander Dodero**^H
Harley Nicole Dunlap
Stefani Marie Dyer
Jordin Lee Early**^
Gregory Lee Eccher
Amanda Rose Eckert
Jakob Michael Eisenhauer
Felix Matthew Eneboe
Matthew Ray Erickson^
Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973
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Tigers Roar!
Grand Junction High School 2014 Graduates (continued)
Vincent James Eubanks
Dillon Mark Fante^
Justin David Fay
Austin Gregory Felix^
Molly Rebecca Findlay***^H
Danielle Janine Fleig*H
Kassidy Cheyenne Flick***^AHM
Erica Anali FloresΩ^
Emily Marie Flukey
Isaac Nelson Fortner
Sophia Ray Fortner***^H
Jayden Christopher Foster
Andrew Kemp Foutz***^HM
Skyler Kent Frieling
Kassandra Fuller
Brody Thomas Fullmer^
Tyler Brett Fultz^
Abby Gabrielle Marie Funke^
Rachel Christine Gallagher***^H
Alexus Kay Gallegos**
Gabriel Jose Gallegos
Angelina Dolores Garcia
Taren Jo Garcia***^HM
Edgar Alejandro GarciaJimenez^A
Ian Jay Gault
Evelyn Margaret Gibson^
Molly Elizabeth Gilfillan^
Lindsay Chamisa Gnesios***^
Noe Gomez JR
Edgar Steve Gonzalez*
Robert Luis Gonzalez
Rachel Lea Goodrich
Courtney Grace Gopinath
Mathhew Traylor-Smith
William Kenneth Grace^
Jacob Allen Graham
Darian Tilea Green
Tanner Levi Griffin
Cassandra Jo Grigware***^H
Jared Mark Grinstead^
Haley Miranda Gross^
Connor Joseph Grzybowski
Louis Celestino Guillen JR
Aide Gutierrez
Edgar Gutierrez***^
Lyric Elise Guy-Pace
Gina Martinez Guzman**^H
Megan Leighann Post
Kalen Dell Potter***H
Ashley Rose Preuss^
Caitlyn Lee Ann Pridmore*
Mariah Kathryn Prinster***^HM
Matthew Joseph Prinster
Maxwell Giovanni Proietti**^H
Jordan Alexander Quackenbush^
Aleah Marie Quast***^H
Jordan Takashi Quintana***^M
Roberto Miguel Quintana
Robert Mac Ramsay
Guy Chandler Ramos^
Zoe Ulani Ray**^H
Kayla Marie Reed
Shannon Mikayla Medlicot
Nicole BreeAnna Roach^
Kayla Noel Roberts***^
Broderick Clayeaton Robinson
Delaney Jean Robison^
Jordan Juan Rodriguez
Joshua Mateo Rodriguez
Juan Rodriguez JR
Reanne Marie Rogers*
Luis Alberto Rojo
Russell Gene Roy
Shafer Elizabeth Rubalcaba***
Anameca Kayann Rutter^
Shantel Jasmin Ruybal
Neil Kevin Ryan**^H
Angelina Juanita Salazar^
Brent Douglas Sams
Kacie Jewel Sams*
Celia Kayann Scheid*
Ashley Kay Schelhaas^
Britni Fawn Schneider
Alexandra Elizabeth Schoellgen
Courtney Lee Schroder^
Nicole Elizabeth Seibold***^H
Jayce River Settles
Marcus Ahmad Shabazz
Christopher Brady Shanahan
Courtney Lynne Sharp
Megan Joan Sherman***^HM
Trinity Jocelyn Simmons*^H
Darren Edward Skelton
Madison Lian-Wise Slater
Cierra Brooke Smith*
Katharine Rebecca Smith***^H
Kuria Michelle Smith
Sarsina Elizabeth Smith^
Savannah Cassidee Smith*
Tory Sage Sorensen^
Trenton Renick Soriano*
Jason A Soto
Cody Vale Spanicek
Bluesinda Raye Spivey^
Michaela Elizabeth St Amour^
Alyssa Amethyst Stacy
Harley Kristine Stafford*^H
Carly Jernea Staidl^M
Hanna Ryan Starritt*^
Alexander Claude Steiner
Catheryn Victoria StephensonA
Jessica Paige Haar^
Cassandra Lynn Hale^
Kiana Reece Ham*^
Anita Ann Hamp^
Alex Andrew Hampton
David Ian Harbert
Dana Marie Harding
Raynee Alyse Hardrick
Kyle Shea Hardy^
Reghan Nicole Hardy^
Jac Richard Harper^
Robert Thomas Wayne Harrison
Sarah Ashley Harvey*
Elizabeth Jane Havlik**^HM
Trian Luke Hawks
Meghan Renae Haynes*^
Tyler Scott Heinsma
Adrian Anthony Hernandez
Ariana Berenice Herrera
Jennifer Gabriela Herrera**
Luis Miquel Herrera^
Faviola Herrera Alba^
Claire Johanna Hobika Ω**
Lena Joy Hoffman
Keller O’Shea Hogan
Lexus Jade Holder
Dannika Lee Hughes^
Tyler Colin Hughes
Kai Alexander Hurley
Danny Huynh^
Samantha Kathleen Irish
Elisha Angelique Jahnke**^
Noah Alexander Jaramillo
Aubree Ann Jensen
Paige MacKenzie JohnsonΩ
Alexander Paul Johnson
Anthony Gabossi Johnson
Kaleb Hunter Johnson*^
River Clay Johnson
Nickolas Lance Jones^
Larisa Anne Kanocz
Mariah Nicole Kassales^
Erik Edward Keefer JR
Brennon Jon Keller**
Lucas Kelzer
Kyle James Kempton
Cory Scott Kernen
Samara Lydia Kibel
Brittany Rae Kirkendall^A
Cheyenne Nicole Kitsmiller^
Adriana Nicole Kohlenberg
Eric James Kotris**
Johnathan Thomas Kyle****^H
Tristan Michael Lafferty
Nichole Alyses Lanzl
Samuel William Lapkin***HM
Andrew Syndney LaPlant
Victoria Evilene Lara*
Jonah Alexander Larson^
Christopher Ryan Lawler
Bridget Giselle Ulloa Ledezma^
John Louis LeeflangA
Tyler Michael Lenahan
Madalyn Dawn Stewart***^H
Jake Thomas Strother*^H
Jessica Lee Strothman**H
Jozef Ryan Szabo^
Domonic Seaver Tafoya*
Owen A Taylor*
Joshua Christian Douglas Therkildsen
Brittany Elise Thomas
Dawson Rae Thomason
Aspen Lee Tibbetts*^
Shayna Lee Treat
Anthony Edwin Trobiani
Preston James Turner*
Makenna Christiane Tuttle
Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973
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Tigers Roar!
Grand Junction High School 2014 Graduates (continued)
Fabian Lee Valencia
Theron Grant Verna***
Zeb Ezra Wagner**M
Dylan Henley Walsh
Quinton James Walton
Alexander Ryan Weaver**
Daniel Joseph Weber
Victoria Marie WehnerΩ
Kenneth Michael Welling*^H
Gavin Pierce Wertenberger
Hunter Durrant WhaleyΩ***^
Nicholas Wolfgang Whiseant
Isaiah Alexander White
Matthew Jordan White*
Katherine Joyce Whiteside***HM
Steven Cody Whiting
Logan Reese Wilder
Sarah Marie Wilkinson***^H
John Samuel Wiman***
Lynsey Nan Wolfe
Tsoi Yap Wong**^
Aubrie Jean Wood**^
Taylor Elizabeth Wood**
John Dylan Wright
Leann Victoria Wuebold
Paage Destini Yeates^
Whitney Dawn Young**M
Morgan Riley Zanski*^M
Joshua Joseph Zellner
Shiyan Zhang*
Kiana Lisa Ziola^
Cynthia Anai ZunigaA
Honor Stole
Medallion with Silver Ribbon
Honor Stole
Medallion with Orange & Black Ribbon
*(3.50-3.74) Gold Cord
Ω 2014 Early Graduates
T National Technical Honor Society M
Tri-M Music Honor Society
H National Honor Society
A National Art Honor Society
White Tassel
Honor Stole
Medallion with Gold Ribbon
***(4.0 and above)
Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973
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