singatron enterprise co ltd
singatron enterprise co ltd
Product Application Waterproof Rating IP65~68 2012-Future Tomorrow 1975-1995 PC Communication Waterproof Outdoor Display Stereo Set Since 1976 EV DSC NB 1996-2011 Communication Outdoor Solution Specialized Connector Manufacturer Waterproof Marine Electronics Portable Device Mobile Marine Electronics IPC | Taiwan Headquarters | PDA Outdoor Displays Circular Sensor RJ45 USB D-SUB Power LEV (E-Bike) Connector Cable Gland/ Gable Joint NMEA 2000 HDMI Singatron Enterprise Co., Ltd. Tel : +886 3 599 2862 Fax: +886 3 599 5601 209 Sec. 2, Zhongzheng Road Hukou Township, Hsinchu County 30343 Taiwan LCD TV Technical & Engineering Capability Singatron is deeply committed to continuously improving engineering capability and quality resources to service customers better. Intellectual Propertis of Singatron | Suzhou, China | In Singatron we always encourage innovation as we strongly believe this will sharpen out competitive edges in the long run. This patent strategy help us to supply products to our customers with better performance , higher reliability and more costeffectiveness, which surely further strengthens our leading position in DC Power Jack and Audio Jack. Singatron Electronic (China) Co., Ltd. Tel : +86 512 6687 7188 Fax: +86 512 6687 7288 509, Xinfeng Road, Xujiang Industrial Park Xukou Town, Suzhou City Jiangsu Province 215164 China With the continuous growth in our business we are confident that we will continue to expand our technical resources in the coming years. Define Product Spec Material Selections Terminal Retention Analysis Quality System Certificates Security Systems Singatron Waterproof Connectors Industrial Automation Quick-Lock Connectors LEV (E-Bike) Connectors | Chungshan, China | To date we have established full technical capability, namely product design, mold and die design and fabrication and assembly equipment design and build in all our manufacturing entities. CAD simulation and technical analysis such as mold flow and stress analysis are always emphasized in our product development process. Since quality is also our major focus our investment in the QA resources is equally substantial. The reliability lab equipped with the latest equipments such as x-ray for analyzing internal failure and XRF for detecting toxic materials, will help to speed up service required from our customers. Outdoor Lighting Singatron Electronic (Chung Shan) Co., Ltd. Tel : +86 760 8540 3451 Fax: +86 760 8540 3452 A1& A3, No.17, Fuze Road Gaoping Industrial Area Sanjiao Town, Zhongshan City Guangdong Province 528445 China Patent Search & Analysis Tolerance Analysis Product Design Product Qualification Review CAE Stress Analysis Mold Flow Analysis 1. Quality & Reliability:ISO Certificate (9001,14001,TS16949,17025), 6 Sigma 2. Environment:Sony & Asus Green Partner, OHSAS,QC080000, RoHS/WEEE 3. Corporate Social Responsibility:Energy Saving & Carbon Reduce, NMEA 2000 Since 1976 Specialized Connector Manufacturer Specialized Connector Manufacturer SINGATRON Taiwan | SINGATRON Suzhou | SINGATRON Chungshan Circular ●●●●●● IP66-IP67 Sensor ●●●●●● IP67-IP68 RJ45 ●●●●●● IP67 USB ●●●●●● IP67 D-SUB ●●●●●● IP67 Power ●●●●●● IP67-IP68 LEV (E-Bike) Connector ●●●●●● IP65 Cable Gland/ Gable Joint ●●●●●● IP67-IP68 NMEA 2000 ●●●●●● IP67 HDMI ●●●●●● IP67 NMEA 2000 Connectors for Marine Electronics Outdoor Lighting Waterproof Connectors Communication Outdoor Solution Industrial Automation Waterproof Rating IP65~68 Outdoor Displays Outdoor Signs Singatron Group, established in 1976 proudly announce SGconn as a new brand identity for its growing line of rugged and waterproof connectors. SGconn supports products and initiatives that promote environmental consciousness, 5S & Six Sigma Lean Behaviors, with team work, honesty, and integrity. Segments served include marine electronics, outdoor displays/lighting, communications for outdoor AP/Repeater/Bridges, industrial automations and light electronic vehicles. 2CM3002 Circular Middle 2CM3004 Circular Middle Quick-Lock 2QM3002 Circular Large Sensor M8 2ME300X Circular Standard 2CT300X Circular Standard 2CT3004 Circular Middle Quick-Lock Circular Middle Quick-Lock 2QM3033 Power 12A 2AC3003 2QM3002 Circular Middle Circular Middle Quick-Lock Quick-Lock 2QM3032 2QM3033 Sensor M12 2MT3001 2CT3100 2ME3010 Sensor M8 2CG3004 RJ45 Plug 2TJ300X 2ME3012 2AC3038 Sensor M12 Cable Gland M25 x 1.5 Sensor M8 2CG300X Circular Large Power 12A 2MT3000 Sensor M12 2MT3001 Sensor M12 RJ45 w/o Plug 2TJ3002 RJ45 Jack 2TJ3003 RJ45 Jack 2TJ3005 Micro Cordset Double Ended 2MT3012 2CT3100 Sensor M12 Sensor M12 2MT30X2 LEV (E-Bike) Connectors 60A Type [ Discharge ] 2BA1010/ 2BA1010 [ Frameset ] 2BA1011/ 2BW1011 40A Type [ Discharge ] 2BA1021/ 2BW1021 [ Frameset ] 2BA1020/ 2BW1020 30A Type [ Discharge ] 2BA1019/ 2BW1019 [ Frameset ] 2BA1018/ 2BW1018 20A+5A : 2+3 Pins (Power+Signal) [ Discharge ] 2DS3002 [ Frameset ] 2DS3012 Circular Middle Quick-Lock 2QM3002 USB A Plug RJ45 Plug 2TJ300X USB A Jack 2UP3000 2UB3001 D-SUB Standard Power 18A 2DS3001 2WL3002 RJ45 Jack 2TJ3003 D-SUB Standard 2DS3002 Power 18A 2WL3032 Sensor M12 Sensor M12 Sensor M12 2MT30X3 USB A Jack 2MT3032 2MT3033 2UB3001 USB A Plug D-SUB Standard D-SUB Standard 2UP3000 D-SUB High Density 2DS3002 2DS3003 2DS3004 2DS3000 Cable Gland M25 x 1.5 2CT3100 2QM3032 Singatron Waterproof Connectors Circular Middle Quick-Lock 2QM3033 RJ45 Plug 2TJ3001 RJ45 Shielded 2TJ3003 Cable Gland M25 x 1.5 Micro Connector Male Cable Single Ended 2MT3012 2CT3100 10A : 3 Pins (IP55 Screw Lock) [ Charge ] 2CT3016/ 2CT3020 20A+5A : 2+3 Pins (IP55 Power+Signal) [ Charge ] 2CT3020 Circular Standard Quick-Lock 2QT3024 Circular Standard Quick-Lock Sensor M12 Circular Middle Quick-Lock Circular Standard Quick-Lock Singatron Group, established in 1976 proudly announce SGconn as a new brand identity for its growing line of rugged and waterproof connectors. The logo brings all these characteristics together in a name that is easier to identify as well as reinforces SGconn’s commitment towards growing this product line in ways which respond to the harsh demands of this product category. Circular Standard Quick-Lock The newly designed logo for SGconn is simple, and yet bold, red sans serif text, capturing the same essence of efficiency and rugged hardiness required by the customers and market segments SGconn serves. 2QT3004 2MT30X0 Cable Joint M16 x 1.5 2MT30X1 2MT30X0 SGconn is built to the highest quality and specifications and fulfills European Union regulations for RoHS, UL, VDE, NMEA 2000 and major worldwide safety requirements. Circular Middle NMEA 2000® standard contains the requirements of a serial data communi cations network to inter-connect marine electronic equipment on vessels. The standard describes a low-cost moderate capacity bi-directional, multi- transmitter /multi-receiver instrument network to interconnect marine lectronic devices. SGCONN supplies a complete line of NMEA 2000® approved cabling and connectors to form a reliable backbone for NMEA 2000® for thin backbones. Quick-Lock Connectors 2DS3001 Cable Joint M16 x 1.5 Micro Male Terminator 2MT3012 Micro Female Terminator 2MT3010 2CT3100 Micro T-Adaptor 2MT303T Micro Power T-Cable 2MT303T 2QT3037 10A+2A : 3+3 Pins (IP65 Power+Singal) [ Controller/ Motor ] 2EB3004/ 2EB3024 25A : 2 Pins (IP55) [ Motor ] 2BA1014/ 2BA1015 5A : 3/4/5 Pins、 2A : 8 Pins (IP67 Screw Lock) [ Controller ] 2MT30X0/ 2MT30X2 16A+2A : 3+7 Pins (IP67 Power+Signal Screw Lock) [ Charge ] 2EB3004/ 2EB3020 2QT3036 Singatron reserves the right to make any changes and updates for design and specification at any time without notice. More information please visit or contact us. Since 1976 Singatron Taiwan: +886 3 599 2862 Singatron Suzhou: +86 512 6687 7188 Singatron Chungshan: +86 760 8540 345 Cable Joint M16 x 1.5 2CT3100