2013 Drug Trends Presented by


2013 Drug Trends Presented by
2013 Drug Trends
Update: Version 5.2
Presented by:
Michael Litterer, CHES
Director of Community Prevention
Prevention Links, Inc.
Designer drugs are synthesized
chemical analogues of known,
dangerous drugs
Synthetic Marijuana, Bath Salts,
Ecstasy, Molly, Blue Blossom etc. are
all classified as designer drugs but
connected in many ways.
The reason designer drugs are so
sneaky and seem to never go away
is based on chemistry.
This allows drugs with an
only minuscule structural
difference to produce the
same intoxicating effect
while not falling under
current regulations and
This creates the ultimate
game of WACK-A-MOLE and
the game is just getting
bigger and bigger
The World Drugs Report said that there were 251 known New Psychoactive
Substances (NPS) and they now outnumbered the number of
internationally controlled drugs, 234.
“While new harmful substances have been emerging with unfailing regularity on the
drug scene, the international drug control system is floundering, for the first time,
under the speed and creativity of the phenomenon known as new psychoactive
substances,” the report said.
The report said the U.S. had identified 158 NPS in 2012, the largest number
worldwide, and more than twice as many as the European Union.
“The most frequently reported substances were synthetic cannabinoids (51 in 2012,
up from 2 in 2009) and synthetic cathinones (31 in 2012, up from 4 in 2009),” it said.
A psychoactive herbal and chemical product
Comprised of a mixture of smokable herbs that generally have little or no
intoxicating effects
Synthetic THC in liquid form is sprayed on the product which allows for great
variations in potency
Mimics the effects of cannabis when consumed but does not have the same
suspected medical uses as natural cannabis
Has tested to be 5-500 times stronger than naturally grown marijuana
It has been estimated that there are 250 different chemical versions of synthetic
Marked as “herbal incense or potpourri” to
avoid FDA Intervention
The high produced lasts anywhere from 15
minutes to 2 hours
Adverse side effects are similar to natural
marijuana but can often be worse:
Increased Agitation
Increased Heart Rate
Loss of Consciousness
High rates of kidney
failure especially
among young men
Synthetic Marijuana is responsible for at least 12 deaths, and many users
experience tremors, vomiting and severe “psychotic” episodes
Not enough is known about the drug to know what dose is toxic, however users
have reported severe psychotic episodes with much smaller amounts than would
occur with natural marijuana. Some researchers suggest this may be due to
suspected natural anti-psychotics found in cannabis that is not in this synthetic
Similar to many other synthetic drugs, the content, potency, and consistency of
Synthetic Marijuana varies greatly, increasing the danger
Colorado Video
Colorado, a state that has recently legalized recreational use of marijuana, has had a
recent outbreak of synthetic marijuana use and hospital visits related to the drug.
Three people have died from using synthetic marijuana in that time.
Initial reports show approximately 75 people who reported smoking a form of
synthetic marijuana may have been seen at hospitals in the Denver metro area and
Colorado Springs beginning in late August.
The CDC sent a team of four to assist the investigation
An especially potent form of synthetic marijuana that has sent dozens of Coloradans
to the hospital in the past few weeks is suspected to have come from China and
Europe, according to an ongoing investigation in collaboration with the Drug
Enforcement Administration.
A report detailed that the drug may be from 5 to 800 times more potent than
previous synthetic recipes.
Some of the synthetic names that have been involved in the recent spike of
emergency visits:
Black Mamba. Blaze. Spice. Smoke. Skunk. Yuatan Fire. Genie Orange
According to a recent article by The Denver Post, analysis of the synthetic drugs can
be particularly tricky because sometimes it turns up controlled-substance chemicals
that are banned, and sometimes analysis turns up as marijuana that's legal.
On 2/29/12 New Jersey became the fourth state in the country to ban synthetic
marijuana. Anyone caught possessing synthetic marijuana after the 10 days are up
faces up to five years in prison and a $25,000 fine.
This ban is much more comprehensive than previous efforts to eliminate synthetic
marijuana. It includes both broad and specific language that includes all possible variants
of the drug
The Order bans 10 entire classes of synthetic compounds that imitate the effects of
marijuana, and all known or unknown variants of the drug that would fall within each
class. The Order also expressly includes “any other synthetic chemical compound that is
a cannabinoid receptor agonist and mimics the pharmacological effect of naturally
occurring cannabinoids” – in other words, any synthetic chemical that mimics the effects
on the brain of marijuana’s active ingredient.
On July 9, 2012 Schumer’s Designer Drug Law was Signed by President Obama. This
law adds 31 substances to the List of Controlled Substances and stops legal sales of
'Bath Salts,' Synthetic Marijuana, and Synthetic Hallucinogens in the U.S.
31 of the most common designer drugs are now illegal in all 50 states.
Getting this law passed was a major battle for Schumer
Phenethylamine is an organic compound and a natural monoamine alkaloid, a trace
amine, and also the name of a class of chemicals with many members well known
for psychoactive drug and stimulant effects. In addition to its presence in mammals,
Phenethylamine is found in many other organisms and foods, such as chocolate,
especially after microbial fermentation. It is sold as a dietary supplement for
purported mood and weight loss-related therapeutic benefits.
The group of Phenethylamine derivatives is referred to as the Phenethylamines.
Substituted Phenethylamines, substituted amphetamines, and substituted
methylenedioxyphenethylamines (MDxx) are a series of broad and diverse classes of
compounds derived from Phenethylamine that include stimulants, psychedelics, and
entactogens, as well as anorectics, bronchodilators, decongestants, and
antidepressants, among others. Such as Bath Salts and MDMA
Cathinone is the active ingredient in Bath Salts. While all forms of bath salts are
cathinones, not all cathinones are bath salts.
Cathinone is structurally related to methcathinone, in much the same way as
amphetamine is related to methamphetamine.
Excessive cathinone usage can cause loss of appetite, anxiety, irritability, insomnia,
hallucinations and panic attacks.
Chronic abusers are at risk of developing personality disorders and of sustaining
myocardial infarction.
Mephedrone is a synthetic version of natural Cathinones. Mephedrone is more
potent as a releasing agent of serotonin compared to cathinone or methcathinone,
hence its use in party pills as a replacement for MDMA.
Synthetic Cathinones such as mephedrone which are chemically similar to
cathinone, naturally found in the plant Catha edulis (khat), were first synthesized in
the 1910s.
According to the DEA, they range in price from $25 to
$50 per 50 milligram packet. Drug users indicate that a
single dose ranges from 5mg to 200mg. As popularity
increases so does price
Mimics the effects of cocaine and LSD, including:
 Extreme paranoia and delusions
 Hallucinations
 Suicidal thoughts
Effects last about 3-4 hours but some users report
effects lasting days and weeks
Often still labeled “not for human consumption”
Urine tests are available for MDPV and Mephedrone
but not for a-PPP, MPPP, or MDPPP
Increased public awareness of the dangers of synthetic stimulants, frequently
dubbed "bath salts," appears to have slowed their use, but manufacturers of these
"designer drugs" are managing to stay one step ahead of regulators with a new
generation of products that feature clever new names and tweaked chemical
formulations that are every bit as dangerous as their original counterparts.
According to a new review of the products published in the June issue of the Journal
of Addiction Medicine, the new formulations mean the products are just as easy to
buy as ever, and perhaps even more deceptive.
Known by the name of Naphyrone
Often marketed as jewelry cleaner
As a triple reuptake inhibitor
Users report Naphyrone can stay in the body for
much longer than Generation 1 Bath Salts due
to the chemical being a reuptake inhibitor of
Serotonin. This has been shown to directly
impact body heat regulation. Users have been
seen in the ER with temps as high as 107 and
108 degrees.
Known as Pentedrone
Not as much known as other
Has been found in generation 1
versions of Bath Salts but is now
considered its own generation due
to its specific impact on the brain.
Newest Synthetic Drug to Cause Concern is called Smiles, 2C-1, or N-Bomb
According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 2C-I is abused for
its hallucinogenic effects. It is taken orally in tablet or capsule form, or
snorted in its powder form. “2C-I is used by the same population as those
using Ecstasy and other club drugs, high school and college students, and
other young adults in dance and nightlife settings,” the DEA reports.
The drug is chemically similar to the drug 2C-B, which is a Schedule I
hallucinogen. This means it is illegal to manufacture, buy, sell or possess the
Smiles is similar to Bath Salts in its appearance (a white, crystalline powder)
and is typically snorted or ingested.
Users say the psychedelic trips that result from taking “Smiles” can last
anywhere from a few hours to a few days, and are described as being similar
to a “roller coaster through hell” by some who have taken the drug.
The effects of 2C-I are likened to a combination of MDMA and LSD, only
more intense. Overdoses are commonplace due to the fact that 2C-I is being
made by dealers and “hobbyists,” who obtain the chemicals needed to make
it over the internet, and then distributed to unsuspecting teens.
2C-I overdoses have been known to cause seizures, kidney failure, and fatally
high blood pressure.
During an overdose, users’ muscles might become rigid, and their body
temperatures are elevated.
Bromo-Dragonfly is a synthetic psychedelic. Dragonfly is part of a
new class of benzodifurans, related to Phenethylamine, but distinct
in structure. Found on blotters as well as in powder form.
Also known as Europa, this psychedelic phenethylamine’s chemical
name is 4-ethyl-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine
300 times the potency of mescaline and peyote, or 1/5 the potency
of LSD. Is compared to peyote or mesculine
It has been sold in the form of blotters, similar to the distribution
method of LSD, which has led to confusion, and reports of
mistakenly consuming Dragonfly.
It has a much longer duration of action than LSD and can last for up to 2–3 days
following a single large dose, with a slow onset of action that can take up to 6
hours before the effects are felt
Dragonfly is so named because of the winged appearance of its chemical
structure, and because of an attached bromine atom
Developed by Alexander Shulgin, a psycho-pharmacologist known for popularizing
There are many cousins of Dragonfly, most famously the “2C” drugs, such as 2C-B
and 2C-E. All of these chemicals work on serotonin
On May 7, 2011, in the United States, two young adults died after overdosing on
Bromo-Dragonfly, which they thought was 2C-E, and several others were
hospitalized during the same incident.
The deaths occurred after a fatal miscalculation in dosage. Those who took the
drug received, in some cases, 100x the normal dose.
Both deaths were very violent, resulting in massive seizures, vomiting blood, and
terrifying hallucinations, and several surviving victims are still suffering from its
physical effects (not hallucinations).
One Saturday, after a night drinking vodka-Red Bulls at Voodoo Festival at City
Park, 21-year-old Clayton Otwell, of Little Rock, Ark., apparently forgot his rule,
said Mandie Newell, his best friend and companion at the festival.
A stranger, wanting to repay Otwell for helping find his cell phone, offered
Otwell a free dose of 25-I, a new synthetic hallucinogenic drug. As Newell
watched, her friend knelt and the stranger plopped a single drop from a vial
into Otwell's nose.
Otwell immediately started babbling incoherently, Newell said. She got him to
the medical tent at the festival, but within 30 minutes, he had a seizure and
never regained consciousness. Taken to Tulane University Hospital, he was
placed on life support Saturday night; he died Tuesday.
The term "molly" or "Mandy" refers to MDMA in powder or crystalline
form, usually implying a higher level of purity
That’s it, it is just what is BELIEVED to be a pure form of MDMA which
is traditionally found in Ecstasy.
According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, molly is the powder or
crystal form of MDMA -- or 3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, a
chemical drug most commonly known for its use in the pressed pill Ecstasy.
While often compared to ecstasy, Molly comes in a powder or crystalline
form. Ecstasy typically comes in pill form.
Molly has been glorified by a number of musicians and Madonna has even given
it a shout out. Molly users claim that the drug gives them intense feelings of
pleasure, but that the high is followed by a serious crash that includes
levels of depression that some have called “paralyzing.”
“It’s really bad. You don’t want to get up; you don’t want to eat anything. You
just sit there. You don’t want to talk to anyone,” said one teen who spoke
anonymously to CBS 2.
In some instances Molly has been known to kill, according to medical experts.
“It can kill you, because your body temperature goes up. It can kill you because
it causes a seizure. It can kill you because it causes cardiac arrest,” said Dr.
Stephen Dewey of the Feinstein Institute. The low cost of the drug and its
availability have caused Molly use to rise, experts say.
An experience with molly starts with a bitter taste, users say, which is soon forgotten as
the high kicks in.
According to the DEA, after being inhaled, eaten or parachuted -- folded into a
tissue and swallowed -- molly ushers in euphoria. It floods users' brains with
neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, making them feel elated,
empathic and full of energy.
Molly is a street name that has been in use for about a decade, Messer said. Although it
originally referred simply to MDMA, the title "molly" is now given to a variety of legal
substances with similar chemical structures.
MDPV often found in Bath Salts, methylone, mephedrone and butylone -- different
substances or drugs -- are often sold as molly.
MDMA is a Schedule I controlled substance
 high potential for abuse, and no accepted use in medical treatment.
Two of the biggest risks while taking molly are dehydration and, interestingly,
over-hydrating to the point where your brain swells and can be fatal.
The DEA notes that MDMA can cause
 confusion, increased heart rate, hallucinating, anxiety, depression, paranoia,
sleep problems, and drug craving, muscle tension, tremors, involuntary teeth
clenching, muscle cramps, nausea, faintness, chills, sweating, and blurred vision.
 “High doses of MDMA can interfere with the ability to regulate body
temperature, resulting in a sharp increase in body temperature (hyperthermia),
leading to liver, kidney and cardiovascular failure. Severe dehydration can result
from the combination of the drug’s effects and the crowded and hot conditions
in which the drug is often taken,” the DEA reports.
People who take “Molly,” the powder or crystal form of
MDMA, the chemical used in Ecstasy, don’t know what they
are actually ingesting, experts say. They warn many powders
sold as Molly do not contain any MDMA.
“Anyone can call something Molly to try to make it sound less
harmful,” Rusty Payne, an agent at the Drug Enforcement
Administration’s (DEA) national office, told The New York
Times. “But it can be anything.” The DEA considers MDMA to
be a Schedule I controlled substance, which means it has a
high potential for abuse, and no accepted use in medical
Molly has been a popular drug at music festivals. It has also been popularized by
rappers. The drug costs between $20 and $50 a dose.
Dr. Robert Glatter, an emergency room physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, says
he now sees about four patients a month who come in with common side effects of
Molly, including teeth grinding, dehydration, anxiety, insomnia, loss of appetite
and fever. More serious side effects can include uncontrollable seizures, high blood
pressure, elevated body temperature and depression, the article notes.
“Typically in the past we’d see rave kids, but now we’re seeing more people into their
30s and 40s experimenting with it,” he told the newspaper. “MDMA use has increased
dramatically. It’s really a global phenomenon now.”
According to the national Drug Abuse Warning Network, MDMA-related emergency
department visits increased from 10,227 in 2004 to 22,498 in 2011.
This poster is common at
concerts and large parties. The
poster reads, MISSING, have you
seen Molly? She makes you want
to dance… I’ve been looking
everywhere and I can’t seem to
find her. Do you know where I
can find Molly?
The poster then contain a QR
Code which when scan by any
smart phone produces contact
information to a dealer at the
In 2012, many people began to
notice the hip-hop community
embracing Molly, including 2
Chainz, Kanye West, and Lil Wayne
One example: Kanye
They mention the “2C Limbo” and
thun thun
August 21, 2013 Urban Word of the Day
1. (noun) A slang term for Ecstasy (MDMA) commonly used in the San Francisco Bay area
of the United States. However, the slang term has become widely popular by the song
"Don't Drop That Thun Thun" by Finatticz.
"You better not drop that thun thun."
2. (noun) A drink that makes girls want to twerk.
“Don't drop that thun thun, otherwise you'll have to make yourself a new one”
A term coined by the rap group, The Finnaticz, thun thun simply means "Ecstasy" or "X" as
it is commonly known.
“I said my money is green and my thun thun is blue”
A term coined by the rap group,
The Finnaticz, thun thun simply
means "Ecstasy" or "X" as it is
commonly known.
“I said my money is green and my thun
thun is blue”
thun thun
The New York City Mayor's office announced on Sunday that Electric Zoo Festival
would be canceled.
"During the first two days of the Electric Zoo music festival, two concert-goers have
died and at least four others became critically ill and have been placed in intensive
care at area hospitals. Definitive causes of death have not yet been determined,
however, both appear to have involved the drug MDMA (ecstasy, or molly)."
The festival takes place annually over Labor Day Weekend on Randall's Island. This
year's biggest acts included David Guetta, Avicii, and Benny Benassi.
Miley Video
Roxy is a slang term for
Roxicodone, a form of
oxycodone. This drug is usually
prescribed for pain but
produces an euphoric effect,
which is why some people use
it as a recreational drug.
Roxicodone is a type of opiate
drug; opiates are derived from
opium and are very addictive.
Roxy, Oxy, Locxy they all sound
the same and are equally as
What exactly is “sizzurp”?
Also known by the slang terms “purple drank,” “water” and “lean,” sizzurp, is a cough
syrup-laced concoction of many names and has been gaining popularity in hip-hop
As described in a recent article in the Los Angeles Times, codeine in the coughsuppressing, prescription cough syrup serves as a pain reliever. A second drug in the
cough syrup, known as promethazine, has sedative-like properties and is used as an
antihistamine commonly used to treat motion sickness and nausea.
Codeine is an opiate that is in the same family of drugs as heroin and morphine and can
be very addictive in high doses. Promethazine has anecdotally been noted to intensify
the euphoric effects of codeine in the brain.
Rapper Lil Wayne was recently released from a Los Angeles
hospital where he was taken after suffering a seizure last
week. The 30-year-old rapper’s hospitalization triggered a
frenzy of media reports that he was near death after
suffering multiple seizures and having his stomach pumped
when doctors found high amounts of codeine in his system.
Sizzurp consists of promethazine with codeine syrup,
any fruit flavored soda, and a jolly rancher, mixed
together, according to Urban Dictionary.
The rapper has professed his love for the prescription drug
codeine in multiple public venues and in some of his most
popular rap songs – in the form of “sizzurp,” which usually
involves mixing prescription cough syrup containing the
narcotic codeine with soda and sometimes hard candy, like
Jolly Ranchers.
Just like Rapper Lil’ Wayne have openly spoken about downing “sizzurp”
out of double cups, Justin Bieber is also sippin’ on the stuff.
Sizzurp consists of promethazine with codeine syrup, any fruit flavored
soda, and a jolly rancher, mixed together, according to Urban Dictionary.
The website adds, “Put it all in a Styrofoam cup and enjoy. The codeine is
mainly responsible for the euphoria felt after drinking sizzurp.
Promethazine causes motor skill impairment, lethargy, and extreme
drowsiness. If it doesn’t have promethazine, it ain’t real sizzurp.”
MDMA is occasionally known for being taken in conjunction with psychedelic drugs,
such as LSD or psilocybin mushrooms, or even common drugs such as cannabis.
As this practice has become more prevalent, most of the more common combinations
have been given nicknames, such as "candy flipping" for MDMA combined with
LSD, "hippy flipping" for MDMA with psilocybin mushrooms, or "kitty
flipping" for MDMA with ketamine.
The term "flipping" may come from the subjective effects of using MDMA with a
psychedelic in which the user may shift rapidly between a more lucid state and a more
psychedelic state several times during the course of their experience.
Many users use mentholated products while taking MDMA for its cooling sensation
while experiencing the drug's effects. Examples include menthol cigarettes, Vicks
VapoRub, NyQuil, and lozenges.
Many of the pills had "Facebook" stamps to attract younger users. A powerful new
synthetic drug that is 40 times stronger than heroin and 80 times stronger than
morphine has hit the streets of Montreal, police warn.
Desmethyl Fentanyl, a derivative of the painkiller Fentanyl, were found hidden inside
a microwave oven and a toaster during a recent police raid. One officer was taken to
the hospital with heart palpitations simply from handling the potent drugs, even
while wearing a mask and gloves, and three other officers developed rashes on their
arms. Many of the seized pills had been painted bright colors or stamped with
popular logos—including those of Facebook and Tim Hortons (a Canadian donut
company)—to make them more appealing to young people.
Binaural literally means "having or relating to two ears." Binaural hearing, along with
frequency cues, lets humans and other animals determine direction of origin of sounds.
There have been a number of claims regarding binaural beats, among them that they may
simulate the effect of recreational drugs, help people memorize and learn, stop smoking,
help dieting, tackle erectile dysfunction and improve athletic performance.
Choose a Binaural Beat to suit your mood from the below. Note that in order for
Binaural Beats to work, they must be played though headphones.
Basic Beats, Deep Meditation, Hangover Helper, Roommate Annihilator, Self
Hypnosis, Sleepy Time, Super Focus, Wakeful SuperPower
WARNING: DO NOT listen to Binaural Beats while driving, operating equipment, or
any other task that requires concentration. DO NOT listen to Binaural Beats if you
have experienced seizures in the past or have epilepsy. Those with heart disorders or
taking mood-altering pharmaceutical drugs should consult a doctor before trying.
We’re serious. Use common sense, people. Sure, Get High Now (without drugs). .
.but don’t die!
When two tones of specific frequencies are played through headphones, the brain
can become confused and produce its own, imagined tone—a three-dimensional
audio hallucination heard only within the head of the listener. The frequencies that
produce this phenomenon are known as Binaural Beats.
A synthetic cigarette liquid known as "Blue Blossoms”
is becoming very popular. Available at most smoke and
head shops, this synthetic liquid when smoked through
an electronic cigarette (e-cigarettes) creates
psychological effects similar to marijuana,
Spice/K2, and even ecstasy.
E-cigarettes comprise a nearly billion-dollar industry
that claims to provide a safe alternative to traditional
cigarette smoking. Unfortunately, the popular product
can be easily manipulated into drug paraphernalia
through Blue Blossoms and other legal synthetic oils.
Blue Blossoms fragrance is even labeled, "Not for
human consumption" and "Product is not for sale to
minors," but these warnings are said to do very little to
curb the spike in misusage among young adults.
A chemical such as Blue Blossoms reinforces the inaccurate belief that use is safe if it
can be purchased legally. Individuals who use this substance report the same effects
as illicit drugs as marijuana and ecstasy but remain unaware of the negative effects
that come with use.
The effects of Blue Blossoms include, but are not limited to: distorted sense of time,
bursts of euphoria, lowered awareness, and elevated heart rate.
Since Blue Blossoms is new to the market, we don't know yet the addictive nature or
if there are lasting consequences, but abuse of this substance is already there and
prevalent among young adults.
The percentage of U.S. middle and high school students who use electronic cigarettes, or
e-cigarettes, more than doubled from 2011 to 2012, according to new data published by
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The findings from the National Youth Tobacco Survey, in the 9-9-13 Morbidity and
Mortality Weekly Report, show that the percentage of high school students
who reported ever using an e-cigarette rose from 4.7 percent
in 2011 to 10.0 percent in 2012. In the same time period, high school
students using e-cigarettes within the past 30 days rose from 1.5 percent to 2.8 percent.
Use also doubled among middle school students. Altogether, in 2012 more than 1.78
million middle and high school students nationwide had tried e-cigarettes.
The study also found that 76.3 percent of middle and high school students who used
e-cigarettes within the past 30 days also smoked conventional cigarettes in the
same period. In addition, 1 in 5 middle school students who reported ever using ecigarettes say they have never tried conventional cigarettes. This raises concern that
there may be young people for whom e-cigarettes could be an entry point to use of
conventional tobacco products, including cigarettes.
“About 90 percent of all smokers begin smoking as teenagers,” said Tim McAfee, M.D.,
M.P.H., director of the CDC Office on Smoking and Health. “We must keep our youth from
experimenting or using any tobacco product. These dramatic increases suggest that
developing strategies to prevent marketing, sales, and use of e-cigarettes among youth is
Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, are battery-powered devices that provide doses of
nicotine and other additives to the user in an aerosol. E-cigarettes not marketed for
therapeutic purposes are currently unregulated by the Food and Drug Administration.
The FDA Center for Tobacco Products has announced that it intends to
expand its jurisdiction over tobacco products to include e-cigarettes, but has
not yet issued regulatory rules. Because e-cigarettes are largely unregulated, the agency
does not have good information about them, such as the amounts and types of
components and potentially harmful constituents.
Smoking Alcohol is seen as a low calorie alternative to drinking alcohol.
Inhaling alcohol provides all of the flavor and intoxication of chugging a mixed drink with
none of the sugars and calories.
There are many ways people are vaporizing alcohol in order for it to be smoked; Some
pour liquor over dry ice and "smoke" the vapors, others pressurize the alcohol in a bottle
and inhale the vapors, and lastly others heat alcohol over moderate temperatures to
create steam. Each method can be compared to freebasing which is common with crack
cocaine and heroin.
A new term for someone who is extremely conscious about their weight but still wishes
to consume alcohol is known as "drunkorexia."
When you inhale alcohol, it goes directly into the lungs and circumnavigates the liver,
the liver is what metabolizes alcohol, but when you inhale it, it goes directly from the
lungs to the brain.
The lungs and mucous membranes are extremely sensitive to alcohol and inhaling
alcoholic vapor may dry out the nasal passages and mouth, leaving users more
vulnerable to infection.
Alcohol Without Liquid, or
AWOL, which takes hard liquor
and disperses it as vapor in an
oxygen mist, has been available at a
small number of bars in the U.K. for
several months; recently, a
Greensboro, N.C.-based company
called Spirit Partners purchased an
exclusive license to sell the
machines in the United States.
A new alcoholic drink, Air, Alcohol
Inspired Refresher, is being touted as
vodka-like. It's nearly completely
tasteless, odorless and colorless. But
it's not vodka, it's malt-based -- which
means it belongs in the beer aisle.
The G-Pen looks like a pen or
electronic cigarette. It doesn’t
produce smoke or an odor, which
makes it appealing to teens who
want to use marijuana without
attracting attention.
Marijuana is the new beer NASCAR Video
121-125 Chestnut Street, 3rd Floor
Roselle, NJ 07203
(732) 381-4100