The Chabad Weekly - Chabad of Beverly Hills
The Chabad Weekly - Chabad of Beverly Hills
B”H The Chabad Weekly ue 48 7 Iss 1 . l o V Candlelighting (Los Angeles) 6:45 PM Friday Mincha: 7:00 PM LATEST SHEMA: 9:42 AM Shabbat Schedule Tanya 8:45 AM Shacharit 9:30AM followed by Kiddush, Cholent & Farbrengen Pirkei Avos 5:45 PM Mincha 6:30 PM followed by Seuda Shlishit Shabbat ends 7:45 PM Announcements: Seuda Shlishit is sponsored by the Horowitz family in memory of Alice Horowitz’s yartzheit. Yartzhiet: Ita Chein – Elul 17, Nissim Rochel - Elul 18, Rivka Molayem – Elul 18, Alice Horowitz - Elul 21. Happy Birthday to Raz Godasi, Benyamin Molayem, Joshua Bekhor, Ethel Perles, Lida Davidpour, Ayala Sulami, Dr. Daniel Ganjian, Amir Cohen, Rivka Sulami, Gabriela Beroukhim and Yisr oel Lipsker. Happy Anniversary to Rabbi and Mrs. Reuven Mintz, Rabbi and Mrs. Yosi Mayberg. Chabad of Beverly Hills Parshas Ki Tavo Friday, 17 Elul 5774 / September 12, 2014 Happiness as an Acquired State By Tali Loewenthal For most people, the vacation is well and truly over. The relaxed atmosphere of the summer has been replaced by the challenge of a new season, whether in academic study, business, or simple daily life. At this point people sometimes ask themselves: am I really happy? Wouldn't I always prefer the carefree atmosphere of the vacation, traveling, doing as I please, being free...? Indeed there are many for whom the summer months themselves were tense and problematic, for whatever reason. How do they look towards the coming months of the autumn? With joy or with foreboding? At this point our Torah portion is enlightening. It reveals that joy and gloom are not, as we might suppose, a kind of thermometer of our general situation in life: if everything is alright, the person is happy; if not, he feels miserable. The Torah suggests that joyfulness is a state of mind which we should aspire to achieve in virtually every situation, especially when things are going well, but even if unfortunately there are set-backs. A long section of the Torah de- This Shabbos there will be a catered Kiddush in honor of Chai Elul Guest Speaker: Rabbi Tzvi Freeman Author of “Bringing Heaven Down to Earth” Sponsored by Morris Rochel in memory of his father’s yartzheit & By Dr. and Mrs. Yakov Ganjian and Family 409 Foothill Rd. Beverly Hills, CA 90210 scribes the terrible suffering which will come to the JewRabbi Yosef Shusterman ish people if, when they are in the Land of Israel, they 310-271-9063 do not properly serve G-d. The Torah speaks of destruction, famine, war, illwards a balanced and joyful state ness, exile. The sins which provoke of mind, despite all. That joy, he this terrible punishment seem to be says, is the key to inner mastery. It those of idolatry and general rebelenables the person to win as a lion against G-d's law. human being and as a Jew, despite Yet then comes a surprising statethe pain. Paradoxically, a person ment. Why have these terrible can experience grief and at the things happened? "Because you same time feel a sense of joy. did not serve G-d with joy and a happy heart, when you had everything" (Deuteronomy 28:47). This coming Shabbat is Chai Elul, the Maimonides writes that this verse shows that one must serve G-d with joy. The same comment is made by the great kabbalist Rabbi Isaac Luria, and this is a central theme of the Chassidic movement. Our lives as Jews should be joyful; keeping Commandments should be joyful. Even when we have done wrong, perhaps something seriously wrong, and we regret the past and attempt to mend our ways for the future -- we should at the same time be joyful that G-d grants us this possibility of change.1 The Chassidic masters ask us to be joyful also when we have serious problems! Rabbi Schneur Zalman gives advice in his Tanya how to achieve a state of joy even if, Gd forbid, a person has grave worries concerning health, children or lack of livelihood; or if one has distressing guilt feelings about the past; or if one regards oneself as a terrible person in the present. In each case he presents a path to- Shabbos Elul 18 ( Sept 13) is Chai Elul: the birthdays of the Baal Shem Tov founder of the Chassidic movement and the Alter Rebbe (Rabbi Shneur Zalman) founder of Chabad Chassidus. 18th of Elul. Chai Elul was the date of birth of two great luminaries - the Baal Shem Tov, founder of general Chasidut and Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of Chabad Chasidut. The Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, described Chai Elul by saying that it introduces chayot - life energy - into the service of the month of Elul. The service of Elul includes Torah study, prayer and mitzvot (commandments) as well as teshuva (repentance) and redemption. The Baal Shem Tov taught that at each moment, creation is renewed. When G-d created the world from total nothingness, the first moment of existence that He created included within it every moment that would follow. Similarly, at every moment, as G-d totally recreates the world anew, every moment includes all previous and all subsequent moments, just as the first moment of creation included all time. This concept helps us understand teshuva - return and repentance. It is explained that in one moment of true repentance a person can compensate for inadequacies in his behavior over many years. Indeed, with one turn of sincere teshuva, one can compensate for all the past transgression, even those committed in previous incarnations. How is that possible? Because each moment contains within it the totality of time and can thus alter the nature of the events that occurred previously. This concept, although true at all times, receives greater emphasis during the month of Elul. And Chai Elul contributes the dimension of chayot - life energy - to all of this. On this basis, we can understand the uniqueness of Chai Elul. (Rabbi Shmuel Butman)(From L’Chaim # 1188) - SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Sunday 8:00 AM Gemara – Tractate Sanhedrin (men) Monday 8:00 PM Chumash (men and women) Tuesday 8:00 PM Gemara B’Iyun Tractate Kesuvos (men) Wednesday 8:30 PM Halacha and Tanya (women) Thursday 10:00 AM Chassidus (women) Daily Chassidus 6:45 AM– 7:15 AM Halacha Between Mincha and Maariv Daily Minyonim Weekday Shacharis: 6:00 AM & 7:30 AM Sunday Shacharis: 7:00 AM & 9:00 AM Mincha/Maariv: 6:55 PM G-d Within Before the Baal Shem Tov, people thought of G‑d as the One who directs all things from above and beyond. The Baal Shem Tov taught that the vital force of each thing, the place from which comes its personality, its sense of pain and pleasure, its growth and life—that itself is G‑d. Not that this is all of G‑d. It is less than a glimmer of G‑d. Because G‑d is entirely beyond all such descriptions. But that life force is G‑d as He is found within each creature He has made. Tanya, part 2, chapter 1. From the wisdom of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory; words and condensation by Rabbi Tzvi Freeman. - Story of the Week: TODAY VS. YESTERDAY A young scholar came to Rabbi Yisrael the Baal Shem Tov with a question. He had discovered a contradiction in the teachings of the sages, and wanted to hear how the chasidic master would resolve it. On the one hand, the Talmud states that a person's parnassa (income and livelihood) for the entire year is determined on Rosh Hashana. On the other hand, it also declares that "a person is judged each day" for his livelihood. Was this not a contradiction? The Baal Shem Tov led the young Talmudist to the window, and pointed to a water-carrier who was passing by with a pole across his back and a pail of water tied at each end. "Come, let's speak with him," he invited. "Feivel, how are you doing today, my friend?" the Baal Shem Tov asked solicitously. "How is your health and how is your parnassa?" "Thank G d, I'm fine," replied the water-carrier, but then sighed unhappily. He complained about how difficult it was to carry such heavy pails all day, and yet he barely made enough money to survive. Not only that, but the local children teased him, and sometimes tipped over his pails. The Baal Shem Tov responded with a few commiserating words and a parting blessing. He and the student then returned to the house. "I don't understand," said the young man, still perplexed. "How does what he said answer my question?" The Baal Shem Tov smiled. "Come again tomorrow at this time and you'll see." The next day, they stood at the Baal Shem Tov's window, waiting for the water-carrier to pass by. As soon as they spotted him, they quickly went out to speak to him again. "Nu, Feivel, how are things today?" asked the Baal Shem Tov. "Thank G d, I can't complain," answered the water-carrier cheerfully. "I have steady business-after all, everyone needs water. I'm not rich, but I get by. The pails are heavy, but praise G d, I have a strong back." "And what about the children who bother you?" the Baal Shem Tov persisted. "Children!" laughed the watercarrier. "G d bless them! Children are supposed to be mischievous, aren't they? Besides, I can always buy them off with a bit of candy." The water-carrier continued on his way with a wave, and the Baal Shem Tov turned to his visitor. "Do you see? He did the same thing yesterday and today and made the same amount of money, yet his feelings about it were completely different. It is true that a person's income for the entire year is fixed irrevocably on Rosh Hashana. But how we receive our daily allotment differs each day, depending on the daily judgment.". HaYom Yom Elul 18 Birth of the Baal Shem Tov in 5458 (1698). The day his holy teacher1 and master appeared to him in 5484 (1724). The day the Baal Shem Tov became revealed2 in 5494 (1734). Birth of the Alter Rebbe 5505 (1745). Outline of the Baal Shem Tov's discourse on Shabbat Tavo, Chai (18th) Elul 5652 (1892), after Kabalat Shabbat: It will be when you come into the land (eretz) that the Eternal your G-d gives you for an inheritance, and you will inherit it and dwell in it. The Midrash notes that eretz is an idiom of merutza (running) and of ratzon (will, desire). When you attain the level of ratzon, "desire," that is a gift from Above and an inheritance for every one of Israel, then your avoda is " will dwell in it" - to internalize all you have attained, "bringing it down" in a settled manner. "You shall take...and place it in a basket," - draw down the (spiritual) lights into (appropriate) vessels. "You shall go to the place the Eternal your G-d will choose" - a Jew must know that when he goes from one place to another, he is not going on his own, but is being directed from Above. And the intention and purpose in this is... " cause His Name to dwell there" - that is, to make G-d known in his (that Jew's) locale. After Maariv the Baal Shem Tov repeated this discourse and added: "It will be when you come..." For you to attain the level of "desire"11 etc. it is necessary that... "you shall go to the place, etc... to cause His Name to dwell there." You are to utterly dedicate yourself to making G-d known there. How does one "make G-d known"? With a b'racha and a verse of Tehillim. Pirkei Avos "Every mitzva that a Jew does creates a defending angel, and every sin creates a prosecuting one."(Avos 4:11) Rabbi Zusha of Anipoli used to say: "I never saw a whole angel created by the transgression of a Jew. Every angel created by a sin is missing a limb. Every Jew has an innate belief and faith in G-d, and even if he slips and commits a sin, he immediately regrets his action, sighs, and is sorry for what he has done. These sighs have the power to maim the limbs of the resulting prosecuting angels." (Otzar HeChasidut) (From L'Chaim #826) PARSHA INSIGHTS And it shall come to pass, when you come into the land which the L -rd your G-d is giving you (Deut. 26:1) The Jews' entrance into the land of Israel is symbolic of the soul's descent into the body and its being forced to live in the physical world. The Midrash teaches that the words "and it shall come to pass" are always used to denote something of great joy. Though the G-dly soul is saddened when it temporarily leaves its place under G-d's throne to dwell in a Jewish body for a certain number of years, it is a joyous occurrence, since the descent is to elevate the corporeal world through doing mitzvot (commandments). (The Lubavitcher Rebbe) Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the field (Deut. 28:3) A city has certain advantages over rural life, among them the pleasure of others' company and the availability of places of Torah and learning. Rural life also has its advantages, such as a more relaxed life style, fresher air, and warmer relationships between neighbors. G-d's blessing is that we should be equally blessed in both locales. (Chatam Sofer) From: L’Chaim #1285 Prayer without direction of the heart is like a body without a soul... Love of G‑d and fear of G‑d are the two wings by which a deed rises heavenward. (Alter Rebbe)
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