music therapy in a foster care unit.
music therapy in a foster care unit.
MUSIC THERAPY IN A FOSTER CARE UNIT. AN EXPERIENCE WITH TRAUMATIZED ADOLESCENTS. Giulia Fedrigo C.E.R.R.I.S. ( C e nte r for Education, Rehabilitation Researc h and Social Inte r ve nt ion) • Protection of minors in a state of neglect, abuse or situations of psycho-social disadvantages • Maternity protection • Rehabilitation and care of people with disabilities Giulia Fedrigo C.E.R.R.I.S. ( C e nte r for Education, Rehabilitation Researc h and Social Inte r ve nt ion) ¡ Residential ser vice for minors: temporar y accommodation with educative project for the minor (local ser vices and family also involved in the project) Daily care Social and educative interventions Academic and social inclusion in the urban-social environment Giulia Fedrigo C.E.R.R.I.S. ( C e nte r for Education, Rehabilitation Researc h and Social Inte r ve nt ion) ¡ E ducative community for minors with emergency reception ¡ E ducative community for minors Youth age 13-18 ¡ E ducative community motherchild Pregnant women and mother-child dyads Children age 0-13 Giulia Fedrigo C.E.R.R.I.S. ( C e nte r for Education, Rehabilitation Researc h and Social Inte r ve nt ion) ¡ E ducative community for minors with emergency reception ¡ E ducative community for minors Youth age 13-18 ¡ E ducative community motherchild Pregnant women and mother-child Children age 0-13 4 participants age 14-17 1 participant age 10 6 participants age 8-13 Giulia Fedrigo REASON FOR FOSTER PLACEMENT ¡ P HYSICAL ABUSE ¡ S EXUAL ABUSE ¡ N EGLECT ¡ A BANDONMENT ¡ PARENTS INCARCERATION ¡ A LCHOL/DRUG ABUSE (PARENTS) ¡ P OOR PARETNING SKILLS/INADEQUACY Giulia Fedrigo PARTICIPANTS ¡ 7 PRE-ADOLESCENTS ¡ 4 ADOLESCENTS (1 drop-out of the program after the first session) ¡ CHALLENGES FACED BY PARTICIPANTS INCLUDED: ¡ Cognitive impairments (mild to moderate) ¡ Physical disability ¡ Emotional problems ¡ Behavioural problems ¡ Learning disabilities ¡ Experience of trauma ¡ Dislocation ¡ Abuse ¡ Narcolepsy Giulia Fedrigo THE PROGRAM ¡ 10 individual music therapy session of 1 h during summer holidays (June to September, 10 weeks) ¡ The Music therapy project was presented as a “Music Laborator y” to the par ticipants. ¡ A poster shows the activity the week before the beginning (after it was introduced from par ticipant’s tutors). Giulia Fedrigo PROGRAM AIMS • Foster the development of a musically mediated therapeutic relationship; • Enhance the expression and the elaboration of emotion freely through the music channel; • Encourage verbal processing of the issues related to their music; • Offer an individual and free space inside the institute life; • Create a song (or a musical product) and/or a video clip to share outside the therapy room. Giulia Fedrigo PROGRAM AIMS • Foster the development of a musically mediated therapeutic relationship; • Enhance the expression and the elaboration of emotion freely through the music channel; • Encourage verbal processing of the issues related to their music; • Offer an individual and free space inside the institute life; • Create a song (or a musical product) and/or a video clip to share outside the therapy room. Giulia Fedrigo THERAPIST ATTITUDE ¡ First focus: establishing a trusting relationship with the participants ¡ Get alongside them: ¡ Being true to them ¡ Open ¡ Good listener ¡ Offering acceptance McFerran (2010) Giulia Fedrigo THERAPIST ATTITUDE ¡ F irst focus: establishing a trusting relationship with the participants ¡ G et alongside them ¡ B eing true to them ¡ O pen ¡ G ood listener ¡ O ffering acceptance METHODS USED and adopted techniques Giulia Fedrigo METHODS (Bruscia, 2014) ¡ I MPROVISATIONAL: Instrumental improvisation (free or in a role play game) ¡ R E-CREATIVE: instrumental re-creation on precomposed songs ¡ C OMPOSITIONAL: songwriting ¡ R ECEPTIVE: song (lyric) discussion Giulia Fedrigo CLINICAL CASES Giulia Fedrigo R. male, 12 yo ¡ Arrived in Italy few weeks before as a migrant from Tunisia ¡ He started the project 1 week later ¡ Included as showed his interest in the music program ¡ Oppositional behaviour and uncommunicative ¡ Participate at all the sessions ¡ Interest in drums ¡ Open with the therapist as the sessions goes on ¡ Ask to spend the lunch time (he was on Ramadan) in the music room for playing together Giulia Fedrigo R. male, 12 yo ¡ Favourite activity was to play the drums on AC/DC songs, often asked the therapist to join in. ¡ Interested in produce a video but unwilling to compose a song or to sing/play one and to videotape ¡ Produced a video on one of his favourite song ¡ Worked outside the therapy sessions Giulia Fedrigo L., female, 15 yo ¡ Sexually abused ¡ In September she moved out from the center, project was activated in the last few months of her stay ¡ Participate at all the sessions ¡ Previous musical experience (she played violin) ¡ Songwriting and lyric discussion • • • • • • • • • Exploration of preferred music of the girl Discussion on the lyrics of some of her favourite songs Brainstorming process to identify the issues for her song Selection of the style of her song (rap) Lyric creation Creation of a base with a musical software Singing and recording Editing of the video clip Creation of a DVD for her record Giulia Fedrigo L., female, 15 yo ¡ S ong issues: § Friendship § Adolescence § D isillusion (false myths) § B ad companies Giulia Fedrigo L., female, 15 yo ¡ G irl most significant comment: “Music is everything for me (…) thanks to this song, I found the courage to denounce what happened to me” The song she referred to is a rap song from an Italian boy band (Gemelli Diversi). The song –entitled “Mar y”- talk about a girl who was abused by her father. In the song the protagonist, Mar y, run away from her family and years later, af ter she built a new life, she came back to her town happy, with her family, and visiting the grave of her father is unable to cr y. Giulia Fedrigo OUTCOMES ¡ P sychologist comment: therapy diaries and final products “were great observational tools which showed the massive involvement of the emotions and the power of music as a means of entertainment and therapy together, to sublimate internal emotional state. Without it they can come to the surface in a conscious and, sometimes painful way” Giulia Fedrigo OUTCOMES ¡ 7 out of 11 par ticipants developed a musical product, a song, a music or a video clip and shared it within the peers inside and outside the institute; ¡ A good relationship was established with the therapist; ¡ The use of technological instruments enhanced the par ticipation of the adolescents , being both attractive and comfor ting for them; ¡ The chosen approach fostered communication and collaboration between par ticipants and therapist; ¡ 3 par ticipants showed their involvement in the project by doing their “homework” outside the session without being formally asked; ¡ Par ticipant shared a lot of emotional issues within the Music therapy sessions , without feeling like being in therapy Giulia Fedrigo