Frankfurt 2008


Frankfurt 2008
Wydawnictwo W.A.B.
Rights Catalogue
Frankfurt 2008
contact us at
Wydawnictwo W.A.B. Sp. z o.o.
02-502 Warsaw, ul. Łowicka 31
tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75
646 05 10, 646 05 11
Blanka Wośkowiak – Rights Director
new 3
Andrzej Bart The Flytraps Factory
Andrzej Bart Don Juan Once More
Jacek Dehnel Balzakiana
Wojciech Kuczok Sleepiness
Jarosław Maślanek Haszyszopenki
Tomasz Piątek The Ostrogskis Palace
Waldemar Borzestowski Bull Terier Samson and Me
Joanna Fabicka Go For Tango
Maria Nurowska Love Letters
Krzysztof Kotowski Marika
Mariusz Czubaj 21:37
Marek Krajewski, Mariusz Czubaj The Avenue of Suicides
Marek Krajewski, Mariusz Czubaj Graveyard Roses
Tomasz Konatkowski A Stop Called Death
Tomasz Konatkowski The Wolf Island
Artur Baniewicz Kisuny
Małgorzata Domagalik, Janusz L. Wiśniewski In Between
the Lines
recently published 25
Michał Witkowski Lubiewo
Michał Witkowski Queen Barbara
Józef Hen The Ping-pong Player
Sławomir Shuty Motions
Dmitrij Strelnikoff Russian Month
Mirosław Bujko Hornet Islands
Marek Krajewski Plague in Breslau
Tobiasz W. Lipny The Brussels Mission
Barbara Kosmowska Hermańce
Monika Rakusa High Fever
Paulina Grych Schizo
Grażyna Plebanek A Girl Called Przystupa
Lidia Amejko The Legendary Lives of Block Saints
Zygmunt Miłoszewski Entaglement
Bartłomiej Rychter Taxi Driver
Tomasz Trojanowski Fugitives
Krystyna Kurczab-Redlich Head-on with the Kremlin
rights sold 45
backlist 51
index 53
© Elżbieta Lempp
Andrzej Bart
Andrzej Bart (b. 1951) – prose and screenwriter, author of
documentaries. Considered one of the most interesting Polish
novelists, although he does not seek publicity and avoids media
hype. Under his own name he published: Rien ne va plus (1991),
Liking for the Journey (1999) and Don Juan Once More (2006).
Under a pseudonym: The Man That the Dogs Didn’t Bark At
(1983) and The Fifth Rider of Apocalypse (1999). His debut
Rien ne va plus won a prestigious Kościelski Foundation Award
(1991). His books were translated into German and Hungarian.
Don Juan Once More will be published in France next year.
other titles
Don Juan Once More
Don Juan raz jeszcze, 2006
Kościelski Foundation Award 1991
For me a novel should have divine
attributes – to be capable of
creating a world that is separate,
improbable, it would seem, but
at the same time very real. In this
world the writer by necessity is
every of his characters.
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
The Flytraps Factory
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, hardcover, 344 pages
Chaim Mordechai Rumkowski, known as Chaim the Terrible, was
a controversial figure. As the head of the Jewish Council in the
city of Lodz during WWII, he was responsible for turning the
ghetto into a thriving company which provided the Germans
with any goods they desired. And – by doing so – he tried to save
thousands of Jews from extermination.
Year 2007. A writer, mouthpiece for the author, is visited by
a mysterious man with an envelope full of money. The visitor
takes him to the trial of ... Chaim Rumkowski. It would not be
strange if Chaim the Terrible had not died in 1944. But this trial
is far from the usual proceedings: witnesses are the victims of
dictatorial rule of Chaim, the judge is divinely omniscent. And the
writer has a part to play in it.
In Kafka-like style Bart tells a story about power and its
temptations; about responsibility for one’s actions and the
thin line between being a culprit and a victim. The novel
on a universal problem perceived through the drama of the
Lodz ghetto has once again shown the author – known for
unconventional plot ideas – at his best.
A universal
parable about
the temptations
of power
Praise for the previous books:
Don Juan Once More is a novel infused with quasiquoatations and literary jokes, skillfully taking adavantage
of cultural discourse. Bart’s novels are not “weighty” and
philosophical, they are more allusive and full of ironic
Intriguing books, written by one of the most eminent – quite
possibly! – contemporary Polish writer.
“You would’ve had to endure extreme torment, I’m sure, if you rejected
one of your boss’s ideas. Please tell us about it.” The prosecutor expected something spectacular.
“I’d probably have lost my job.”
“That’s all?” the judge yelled. “Mr Kronsztad, do not disappoint the
court and everyone gathered here. We want to hear something about
tortures. Does your defender have any questions?”
“Your Honour, I know you are above it all, but does it have to be quite
so far above? Yes, I have one last question. Mr Kronsztad, you stopped
working in the coal department and, as a punishment, you were sent
to the flytrap factory...”
“…which I was extremely happy about! Mind you, I did have to take
greater responsibility, because the Germans were very much into quality. Doctor Schnitke, who supplied flytraps to the whole eastern frontline, was of the opinion that no fly should suffer for longer than fortythree minutes. Otherwise it would’ve been inhumane...”
(an excerpt)
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
© Elżbieta Lempp
Andrzej Bart
Don Juan Once More
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 344 pages
other titles
The Flytraps Factory
Fabryka muchołapek, 2008
Kościelski Foundation Award 1991
Andrzej Bart - see p. 4
It’s the beginning of the sixteenth century. Joanna, queen of
Castile, goes mad. She orders the body of her late husband,
Philip the Handsome, to be dug up, and sets off on a
controversial journey across Spain. Don Juan joins this weird
retinue with a special mission: he is to use his masculine
charm to make the queen abandon the journey. But Don
Juan is no longer the ruthless ladykiller, he’s been doing
penance in a monastery for the sins of his youth. Dark castles
and monasteries, torture chambers and impressive libraries
are the background for the history of love and power
The novel is not only about knightly adventures, mysterious
murders and night interrogations. With erudition and ease
Bart invokes other literary works, leaving the reader with a
fascinating, metaliterary riddle to solve.
Don Juan Once More is an outstanding novel. Its every
aspect – language, style, the plot structure, composition,
subject matter – signifies technical brilliance.
Here is a superb novel which provides entertainment and
allows you to take great delight in its style, allusions and
refined humour.
Written with verve and fluency, abundant in irony and
humour [...]
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
Jacek Dehnel
© Emilian Snarski
Jacek Dehnel (b. 1980), was born in Gdańsk, but chose to live in
Warsaw. A graduate of Warsaw University. Poet, prose writer and
painter. In 2006 W.A.B. published his debut novel Lala, which
was very well received by the readers as well as the critics. The
book was translated into German, and is soon to be published in
Italy, Hungaria, Slovakia, Croatia, Israel, and Lithuania. Dehnel
has also published a collection of short stories Market Square
in Smyrna (W.A.B. 2007). A winner of Kościelski Prize (2005)
and Polityka’s Passport Award (2006), he also translates poetry,
including Philip Larkin and W.H. Auden.
SHORT STORIES, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, hardcover, 400 pages
other titles
Market Square in Smyrna
Rynek w Smyrnie, 2007
Lala, 2006
Polityka’s Paszport Award 2006
Kościelski Foundation Award 2005
Balzac now? Jacek Dehnel, the author of the very well received
Lala, sets Balzac-like tales a contemporary grounding, with
great results.What we get in those four short novellas is a vast
collection of characters and a wide cross-section of topics: a
snobbish artist abandons his wife for a seasonal starlet, sisters
from a good family take advantage of a mentally retarded man,
and then rob each other. The nouveaux riches too willingly
assume the roles of ruthless aristocrats, ordinary people prefer
to pretend they are completely different and get entangled in
the web of their own lies. Balzakiana is also a brilliant return to
tradition and a fascinating analysis of the present time, full of
humour, and written in a vivid style. And another evidence that
human weaknesses are universal.
Praise for Lala by Jacek Dehnel:
Mature and – which does not happen too often – very funny
rights sold
Croatia Fraktura
Germany Rowohlt Berlin
Hungary Kalligram
Israel Keter Books
Italy Salani
Lithuania Kronta
Slovakia Kalligram
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
Jacek Dehnel, a 27-year-old Polish writer, makes a very
successful debut with this fascinating novel.
Jacek Dehnel’s novel is a homage paid not only to his
grandmother Lala, but also to other older-generation women,
who showed courage, determination and did their utmost to
keep family ties
Wojciech Kuczok
Wojciech Kuczok (b. 1972) is a poet, prose writer, and film
critic. He is the author of poetry Credible Stories (1996),
stories Heard of Tales (1999), Skelestories (2002). In 2003,
W.A.B. published his novel Muck, which received among
others the NIKE Award. Kuczok wrote a scenario for the film
Welts, based on Muck. The film was awarded the Golden
Lions at the Polish Film Festival in Gdynia. In 2005 W.A.B.
published a collection of selected stories by Wojciech Kuczok
- Assorted Tales and in 2006 - Infernal Cinema, the collection
of film essays. Sleepiness is his newest novel.
other titles
Gnój, 2003
Widmokrąg, 2004
Infernal Cinema
To piekielne kino, 2006
Kuczok is a brilliant writer, one of the best
among his generation.
rights sold
Croatia Hrvatsko filolosko drustvo Czech Republic Havran
Denmark Batzer & Co France Editions de l’Olivier
Germany Suhrkamp Hungary Magveto Italy Forum
Lithuania Mintis Romania Polirom Russia NLO
Serbia Laguna Slovakia Belimex Slovenia Didakta
The Netherlands Van Gennep Ukraine Calvaria
France Editions de l’Olivier Germany Suhrkamp
The Netherlands Van Gennep
Infernal Cinema
Germany Suhrkamp
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, hardcover, 256 pages
Sleepiness – a new novel by Wojciech Kuczok, one of the
most talented young Polish authors. Adam is a young doctor
struggling with the complex of a traditional provincial
upbringing. His parents pinned all their hopes on him. Now
– hiding his homosexual tendencies and feeling guilty about it
– he realises that he can never live up to their expectations.
Robert is a frustrated single-book author. Dominated by his wife
and controlled by her dreadful family he cannot write anymore.
His office feels like a prison.
Rose was once a great and famous drama actress, but since she
married a despotic businessman, the Husband, she suffers from
narcolepsy and spends all her days inside her asylum-like home.
Accidentally these three persons tormented by their own
powerlessness meet. Is something going to change in their lives?
Are they still capable of waking up?
Sleepiness is a very cinematic story. Even though it was designed
as a development and conclusion of a screenplay, the quality
of writing makes it subtle and colourful. A precise and sharp
language completes the picture. Kuczok, the screenwriter, wrote
out lines for his actors, and Kuczok, the writer, created the world
in which they can play their parts.
NIKE Literary Award 2004
Polityka’s Passport Award
Book of Spring of Poznañ New Publications Review
The press on previous novels:
Kuczok, just like Balzac and Flaubert, portrays a land that
his countrymen rarely think or speak of, they prefer to remain
silent altoghether. In this Poland there is no place for great
ideas, class struggle or bright future. There is no God, no
honour and no homeland.
A picture of
the Polish
middle class
Thanks to Wojciech Kuczok European literature has a great
new talent.
Kuczok is unbelievably talented. He can use almost every
convention and every genre, create a plot out of nothing,
and find mystery in virtually every happening, even the most
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
© Katarzyna Skoczyńska-Maślanek
Jarosław Maślanek
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, hardcover, 354 pages
An allegory of
a provincial town
“under siege”
Jarosław Maślanek (b. 1947) – political scientist, journalist,
co-editor of Polish Real Estate Magazine. His articles appear
in business sections of Nowy Przemyśl and the internet portal He lives in Warsaw. Haszyszopenki is his first novel.
August 1982. Staircases, yards and deadends of one of many
Polish provincial, industrial towns. Stuffy with the anticipation
of something final: the end of the martial law period, summer
and friendships. Jarosław Maślanek, a first-time novelist,
might associate this summer with the limits of his own and his
peers’ dreams.
Haszyszopenki is about a country that remains the same
despite the ongoing changes. Fathers of twelve year old
Wronek and Maks are respectively a regime police officer and
an activist of the trade union “Solidarity” in a local factory.
They are almost completely absent from the boys’ lives.
Mothers sink deeper into madness and a state of stupor.
Neighbours who focus on drinking home made alcohol are
snitches, paedophiles, invalids or spies... In the atmosphere of
utmost powerlessness Maks spends his days with Wronek. The
boys finally decide to eliminate Trzynacha, a retired militiaman,
they’ve been fueding with for months. Wronek suggests more
and more dangerous games, and Maks is not able to break
free from the boy’s hypnotic influence. The unusual friendship
develops into a substitute for family which is more and more
disintegrated. It functions as a panacea for the school thugs,
the dwarfed father, the lack of motherly love and interest.
Soon enough however it turns out to be an illusion, just like
everything else in the area.
Maślanek’s writing is very vivid, his characters almost
touchable. The objective history is shown from a new,
surprising perspective. Haszyszopenki is an excellent first
I recommend Haszyszopenki to everyone, also myself: to
those who enjoy good literature and exquisite style, to big
boys and mature admirers of literary games, where only the
boards are different, but the rules remain the same.
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
© Łukasz Kotliński
Tomasz Piątek
The Ostrogskis Palace
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, hardcover, 312 pages
Kurt Vonnegut Jr
of Polish
Tomasz Piątek (b. 1974) – a writer, journalist, film critic and
columnist. A graduate of linguistics in Italy. He made his debut
at the age of nine with a column in a students’ newspaper, he has
been writing since then (although he was also a prison warden,
an usher and a director’s assistant). The author of a bestselling,
based on his own experience novel Heroin (2002), for which
he was nominated to the prestigious “Polityka” Passport. He
also published A Few Nights Out (2002), Bog (2004), The Case
of Justyna (2004), Nionio (2005), Good Lord (2005), Blessed
Age (2006) and fantasy trilogy The Emperor’s Beloved Subjects
(2004). His books were published in Ukraine, Argentina, and
In the very centre of Warsaw there is the Ostrogskis Palace which
dates back to the 17th century. Its immense vaults hide a web of
labyrinths. According to legend, you can meet there a princess
turned into Golden Duck… The bench in front of the palace, on
the other hand, is a favourite place of a certain old man. He will
be the person to help the hero of The Ostrogskis Palace, a drug
addict wandering the streets of Warsaw, discover the therapeutic
properties of writing. And we don’t know whether since now
the whole story is only a fictional story of a drug addict in detox,
or does it really happen. Will the hero descend into the vaults,
where Golden Duck will offer him the best version of his fate.
As she once did to Frédéric Chopin…
The novel bewitches with a fragmented and colourful world,
which changes just like in a kaleidoscope. The story is enriched
by numerous digressions, and the reader still does not know how
this lightweight, sometimes ironic narration is going to develop.
Praise for Tomasz Piątek:
The main virtue of this book is not its didacticism and
moralizing, its main virtue is certainly its literary quality.
Piątek can simply write really well.
Piątek knows how to interweave humour into his stories. It
is not black humour, but familiar, street playfulness, which is
next to us all the time.
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
Waldemar Borzestowski
Waldemar Borzestowski (b. 1964) – writer, painter, journalist.
He worked as a manager in a large media group and as a
railroad worker; bought old books at auctions and exhibited
horses at the horse shows. Travels a lot. He has collaborated
with numerous literary magazines. In 1999 he published a
collection of short stories, Nocny sprzedawca owoców (The
Night Fruit Seller). He lives in Gdansk.
© Beata Borzestowska
Bull terrier Samson
and Me
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 336 pages
Warm, witty and touching!
It is an amusing story about a certain Polish loser. Well-written,
witty, abundant in twists and turns: it shows the community of
dog lovers as a microcosm of society.
David, who is permanently unemployed and nonchalant
towards life, receives a curious offer. His neighbours are off to
England and are looking for somebody to take care of their
dog – Samson, a bull terrier. When David agrees to take the job
his life gets more and more exciting. While walking the dog
he has a chance to meet the local crème de la crème: forever
marriageable girls, an ex-convict who has failed to break with
his past... On dog-related web pages he flirts with women. The
presence of the bull terrier also helps him to get closer to his
teenage daughter, who lives with her mother. The bliss is only
momentarily spoiled when a certain femme fatale appears and
tries to dominate David... What is worse he is also threatened by
some international swindlers...
Unfortunately Samson’s owners are soon coming back. But who
said David is going to return the dog?
Bull terrier Samson and Me is in many ways similar to the most
charming pieces of English contemporary literature, it shares
some of their best qualities: a special kind of lightness, humour
and a large number of touching moments.
Bull terrier Samson and Me reminds one of a family bliss
portrayed by Tony Parsons. Yes, it is a light reading, but
presented with a unique charm.
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
Joanna Fabicka
Joanna Fabicka, (b. 1970), graduated in cinematography.
She made her poetry début in 1993 with A More Acrid
Taste. WAB published her 4-vloume series for young people
entitled Rudolf ’s Crazy Life (2002), At a Pig’s Trot (2004),
Sex and Other Troubles (2005), and Tango Ortodonto (2006).
Go For Tango is her latest novel.
© Bogumił Godfrejow
Go For Tango
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 354 pages
other titles
Rudolf’s Crazy Life
Szalone życie Rudolfa, 2002, pocket edition 2005
At a Pig’s Trot
Świnskim truchtem, 2004
Sex and Other Troubles
Some people might think Warsaw is the most beautiful
place on Earth. But Jadzia, living in a small rented
apartment, would not share their point of view. A few
weeks ago, she hoped she would spend the rest of her life
with her sweetheart in London. Now she must face a very
different reality. Her fiancé proved much less in love than he
declared to be and the job she left before going to Britain
is no longer available. On the verge of depression she must
deal with her eight year old son Gucio tormenting her with
existential questions and quotations from literature. Jadzia
suddenly believes that her mental health depends on taking
part in a television dance contest...
Joanna Fabicka tells the story of Jadzia with charm and
humour. The girl’s intense emotional life finds expression
in the form of a passionate tango. The novel is also filled
with clever comments on both everyday reality and the
entertainment business.
Seks i inne przykrości, 2005
Tango Ortodonto
Tango Ortodonto, 2006
rights sold
Rudolf’s Crazy Life
Russsia Phantom Press
The press on previous novels:
You can say so many good things about Joanna Fabicka.
She writes with emotion, sense of humour, distance and
has plenty of fabulous ideas.
Let’s hope that even if the world changes, Joanna Fabicka
will not! And that she will still entertain us and move us
to tears by showing our reality in her distorted mirror.
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
Maria Nurowska
Maria Nurowska is the author of novels and dramas and one
of the most popular Polish writers. Most of her, almost thirty
books – from Don’t Shoot the Organist (1975), My Life with
Marlon Brando (1976), Postscriptum (1989, to be published
by WAB soon), Spanish eyes (1990, to be published by WAB
soon) to the recently-published Bitter Affair (2003), The
Ukrainian Trilogy (2003-2006) Maids And Widows (1991-1993,
published by WAB, 2007) – were met with great reader interest
and critical recognition. Her books have been translated into
twelve languages, including Chinese and Korean, and were
bestsellers in France and Germany (selling in Germany in the
hundreds of thousands of copies). In 2006, W.A.B published
an autobiography of Maria Nurowska entitled Moon over
Zakopane. The author is currently working on a new book.
© Daniel Koziński
other titles
A German Dance
Niemiecki taniec, 2000
Miłośnica, 2000
Russian Lover
Rosyjski kochanek, 2002
Moon over Zakopane
Księżyc nad Zakopanem, 2006
Maids and Widows
Panny i wdowy, 2007
Ukrainian Trilogy:
Your Name…
Imię twoje..., 2003, 2005
Return to Lvov
Powrót do Lwowa, 2005
Two Loves
Dwie miłości, 2006
rights sold
Russian Lover
Czech Republic Motto
Ukrainian Trilogy
Germany DTV
Every new novel
by Maria Nurowska leaves
no doubt: she is one
of the most important
contemporary Polish writers.
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
Love Letters
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, hardcover, 264 pages
over 500 000
copies of Maria
Nurowska’s books
have been sold in
Out of all novels by Maria Nurowska translated into
foreign languages it is Love Letters that proved the most
successful. A bestseller in Germany, it received an enthusiastic
recommendation from Marcel Reich-Ranicki, which won the
author thousands of new devoted fans.
Elżbieta Elsner’s life is confusing. Being a teenage Jew she
avoids starvation only thanks to a prostitute, and manages to
escape from the ghetto with the help of an SS man. On the
Aryan side she picks a door and knocks; she wants to get rid of
her “guardian”. She is taken in by a Polish family and under the
name of Krystyna Chylińska she starts a new life. Soon she falls
in love with a doctor, marries him and raises his son. She works
as a translator. She never mentions her true identity and never
speaks about the past. However the nightmare of the war is
not just a painful memory, but an ongoing drama. Suddenly
her old guardian appears – just like a ghost from the ghetto...
Love Letters is an insightful study of a female perception.
Krystyna is torn inside, humiliated and loved. She belongs to
two worlds that can never meet – the Jewish and the Polish
one. She fights with her destiny, history and herself.
The press:
This fascinating novel draws on the experience of English
literature. The convention of letter-writting makes it authentic
and helps the author to complete her artistic plan: to show the
truth hidden under the surface of appearances.
What are my impressions after reading the novel of Maria
Nurowska: her manner of writing attract one’s attention,
seduces, leaves the reader in a state similar to Odysseus when
he heard the Sirens sing. It gets under your skin and never
allows to put the book down...
The most popular Polish author in Germany, widely read in
Poland and in Russia. Maria Nurowska can perfectly identify
themes that will attract lots of attention.
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
Krzysztof Kotowski
Krzysztof Kotowski (b. 1966) – psychologist, journalist, TV
producer and radio presenter. At the peak of his career he
gave up his presence in the media and disappeared from
the public eye. He returned years later as a widely read
author of political fiction books. He published: Japanese
Cut (2003), Zigzag (2003), Marika (2008), Serval (2006),
The Night of Priests (2007) and The Priest (2008). He loves
literature, cats, Chinese Go, and and playing the piano,
which doesn’t go down well with the neighbours.
© Robert Sitek
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 246 pages
Hitchcock himself would not
be ashamed of Kotowski’s
skillful way of measuring out
the tension
Marika is a first-rate spy thriller with Poles, Russians and AlQaeda members as the main characters.
For many years people have been mysteriously disappearing
in the marshes near a small town. Police reports and
archival TV footage disappear in a similarly mysterious way.
It seems that someone really wants to cover up the case.
The place used to be a military base, now it is suddenly
interesting for KGB agents and Russian mafia. Finally, the
news about a terrifying forest which devours people leaks
out to the media. Will the author of a popular TV show
manage to neutralize a huge power which can wipe out the
biggest cities in a few seconds?
Marika – a perfectly constructed plot, just like in Ludlum or
Coben. American-style pace. Skillfully balanced narration.
Finally – original love interest, which makes the book an
excellent read for everyone, not only the tough guys.
Praise for Krzysztof Kotowski:
It would not be an exaggeration to say that Kotowski is
the equal to such aces as David Morrel or Harlan Coben.
The book has everything that is required from such
literature: distinctive and real characters, sexy or
emotional women, lively action with surprising plot
twists, conflicts between different institutions, including
police, technology of secret service, the art of fighting and
professional killing, and even a bit of philosophy.
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
© Grzegorz Press
Mariusz Czubaj
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 182 pages
other titles
The Avenue of Suicides
Aleja samobójców, 2008
Graveyard Roses
Róże cmentarne, 2009
Mariusz Czubaj (b. 1969) – cultural anthropologist, author
of several books: Biodra Elvisa Presleya. Od paleoherosów do
neofanów (Elvis Presley’s Hips: From Paleo-Heroes to Neo-Fans,
2006), W stronę miejskiej utopii (Towards the Urban Utopia,
2007) and (together with Wojciech J. Burszta) Krwawa setka.
100 najważniejszych powieści kryminalnych (The Bloody Shot:
100 Most Important Crime Novels, 2007).
Spring 2007. Near the Olympic Centre in Warsaw corpses of two
young men are found. The victims were clerics from the local
seminar. Evidence shows that before death they might have been
tortured. Nothing seems clear. Why did they have numbers 21
and 37 painted on their faces? Is it a reference to the time of
the Polish pope’s death? Are these deaths connected? A special
investigation unit is created to capture the killer. Rudolph Heinz,
an expert in criminal profiling, joins the team.
Among the suspects there are some influential and respected
people such as a rector of the seminar, a famous businessman
with homosexual inclinations and an acknowledged biblical
scholar. The outburst of a serious scandal seems very near.
21:37 is a story about the hypocrisy and crisis in the Polish
Catholic Church. The novel is a first part in the series about a
profiler Rudolph Heinz entitled A Polish Psycho. The next book is
due in 2010.
Press on The Avenue of Suicides:
The story is easy to read, the plot engaging. There are
numerous amusing references to the Polish reality from politics
to pop culture.
The plot is carried out with proper suspense, the feeling of
noir comes with the stuffy atmosphere of the city, the urban
paradise is both touching and inherently corrupted.
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
recently published
Marek Krajewski
Mariusz Czubaj
Marek Krajewski – see page 32.
Mariusz Czubaj – see page 17.
© Wojciech Druszcz
The Avenue of Suicides
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 288 pages
In a luxury retirement home “Eden” a wheelchair-using resident
is found dead. The man was brutally murdered and scalped. At
the same time another resident of the institution – a professor
specializing in symbolic wounds – vanishes into the blue… The
authorities do everything to cover up the whole thing. The chief
inspector Pater – in private a linguistic purist, football expert and
gambler – accidentally appears first at the crime scene. Nothing
will stop him from explaining this mysterious death.
Due to skilfully constructed storyline and intriguing style this first
common book of the master of Polish crime novel and a cultural
anthropologist is a great success. An intricate plot and a classic
Chandler-like hero make The Avenue of Suicides a real treat for
the enthusiasts of dark secrets.
A surprising literary duo and
a completely new crime series
Libling turned on his heel and wanted to leave, but he was stopped by
the voice:
“Why did you put on a doctor’s coat? You don’t have to answer. There
is a lot of blood, isn’t there? You obviously didn’t want to stain your
suit, which surely wasn’t cheap.” Wieloch was staring at Libling’s face.
“Let me give you a piece of advice. Pater is not another client, who
wants to put a wealthy old man in your care. If you don’t cooperate
with him, he will bring hell every time he comes here. He will be like
a mad dog, who will tear your valuable suit to pieces. And even Versace
won’t sew it up.”
(an excerpt)
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
recently published
Graveyard Roses
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 284 pages
Marek Krajewski, the most popular Polish author of crime fiction,
and Mariusz Czubaj, a brilliant journalist, return as a literary duo
in the second novel in their criminal series, Graveyard Roses.
Summer 2007. A male body is found in a sawmill in one of the
Polish seaside resorts. Inspector Jaroslaw Pater has difficulty
showing enthusiasm towards the case, especially since his
thoughts are focused on the holiday he is going to spend in
Greece. His plans are thwarted when another body is found.
This time a girl, brutally strangled. The second murder reminds
Pater of a certain old case. Is there a connection between John
Doe from the sawmill and the dead girl on the beach? Is there a
copycat killer involved? And why has the inspector told his staff
that this is his last investigation?
The press on The Avenue of Suicides, the first novel by Marek
Krajewski and Mariusz Czubaj:
The story is easy to read, the plot engaging. There are
numerous amusing references to the Polish reality from politics
to pop culture.
In spite of the contemporary scenery all the tricks
characteristic to Marek Krajewski’s novels are still here: those
that he once used to create the steamy, disturbing atmosphere
of Breslau. Robust language together with linguistic allusions.
Plenty of deviant characters and monstrosities. And all that
mixed with alcohol, hangover and migraine.
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
Tomasz Konatkowski
Tomasz Konatkowski (b. 1968) studied physics and
information technology at the University of Warsaw. Since
1991 he has worked as a programmer, designer and analyst.
He started his writing penning short stories for a daily
newspaper. Football fan, lover of strong, dark beer and
good food eaten in very different parts of the world. A Stop
Called Death is his first book and the first volume in a series
of Warsaw crime stories. The second part of the series – The
Wolf Island – was published in 2008.
A Stop Called Death
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 400 pages
rights sold
Germany Ullstein
Italy Nottetempo
film rights sold
A Stop Called Death is a brilliantly constructed modern
criminal story, an example of a winning debut.
Warsaw, 17 April, 2005. A tram terminus on one of the
Warsaw estates. A tram driver discovers, in a carriage,
the dead body of a man stabbed with a knife. Police
Adam Nowak starts the investigation. Finding another victim
in very similar circumstances confirms police suspicions that
they are dealing with a serial killer who is trying to start
a macabre dialogue with them. The investigation leads
Nowak to rarely visited places, tram termini and depots,
those still working and those he can find only by using
old maps. In his spare time, the police superintendent tries to
put his private life in order. Neither does he forget about his
beloved football team, who are playing particularly poorly
this season.
Konatkowski’s novel is, in fact, a book about Warsaw, in the
way that Ian Rankin’s books are about Edinburgh and Rankin
is definitely one of the author’s favourite writers.
We’ve been waiting for such a book for a long time – a good,
meaty, realistic crime thriller.
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
The Wolf Island
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 472 pages
rights sold
Germany Ullstein
a juicy
The Wolf Island is the second novel in a series kicked off with
A Stop Called Death. And again it is an intricately crafted,
unputdownable thriller.
In one of Warsaw’s marinas the corpse of a mutilated
Caucasian man is found. Further investigation establishes
that it was an eighteen year old Swede, the son of a wealthy
businessman. Who decided to kill him? For what reason?
Inspector Adam Nowak takes this long and arduous case,
which leads to more unsolved mysteries. An Indian running
his business near Warsaw suddenly disappears in unknown
circumstances. And under the Royal Castle, human remains are
discovered... Everything seems so complicated. The circle of
suspects continues to widen. Almost every person interrogated
gives false evidence, trying to hide their own secrets and thus
becomes a suspect.
As if that’s not enough, the inspector’s favourite football club
is still unlucky, and his girlfried wants to start a family. How can
he cope with all that?
The Wolf Island means witty dialogues, fast action with lots
of suspense and unpredictable twists and turns. Konatkowski
is very precise in describing the geography of Warsaw and
reconstructing its reality. His city is vibrant and touchable:
a contemporary Warsaw, speaking many languages and
undergoing another great transformation.
Praise for Tomasz Konatkowski:
I would be happy if someone like inspector Adam Nowak
looked after our safety. Fortunately there is someone like
Konatkowski who looks after our entertainment. Even if we
die, it most certainly won’t be because of boredom.
Tomasz Konatkowski is a really good crime writer. His
second book, The Wolf Island, a story with a Scandinavian,
Mankell-like touch, reaffirms hopes raised by his debut
A Stop Called Death.
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
Artur Baniewicz
Artur Baniewicz
is the best Polish expert
on political fiction.
Artur Baniewicz (b. 1963) an author of thrillers and fantasy
novels, a civil engineer. WAB published Three Skeleton Mountain
(2003), Drzymalski vs. the Republic (2004), Good Reason to Kill
(2005). Kisuny is his newest novel.
© Monika Tomaszewicz
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 552 pages
other titles
Three Skeleton Mountain
Góra Trzech Szkieletów, 2003
Drzymalski vs. the Republic
Drzymalski przeciw Rzeczpospolitej, 2004
Good Reason to Kill
Dobry powód, by zabijać, 2005
Drzymalski vs. the Republic
nominated for High Calibre Award
the best detective/thriller novel of 2005
A new political thriller by the Polish master of the genre! Bloody
crimes are combined with violent passion, and turbulent politics
brutally interrupt the quiet life of citizens.
Kaliningrad Oblast – a slightly forgotten corner of Eastern Europe
– separates itself from Russia, proclaims independence as The
Republic of Sambia and plunges into civil war. Although the
neighbouring countries seal their borders, the citizens of a small
Polish town near the Russian frontier engage in smuggling.
Janusz Krechowiak, a manager of a local run-down hotel and exofficer of the Polish army, is also eager to earn some extra money
on bootlegging. Suddenly a Sambian truck appears in town... Its
cargo must not fall into the hands of the Polish government. The
Sambians make things clear: either they get their cargo back, or
they send tanks to reclaim it.
Kisuny is a vivid, romantic and subtly satirical story about
contemporary Poles. Baniewicz never allows the tension to lapse,
and the reader is drawn into each and every episode.
The press on previous novels:
If fiction is bound to entertain, than Baniewicz’s novel lives up
to those expectations. There’s action at last!
rights sold
Three Skeleton Mountain
Russia Azbooka
I read the novel in one sitting. Honestly I sat up till late at
night, it was so difficult to put down.
Baniewicz is a master of plot construction.
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
Małgorzata Domagalik
Janusz L. Wiśniewski
Małgorzata Domagalik (born 1957) – famous Polish publicist
and author of television programs; The Editor in Chief in
monthly Pani; The author of The heart on the string (1998),
Sisterly feelings (W.A.B 2001). Together with Krystyna Kofta,
she wrote Harpies, piranhas, angels (W.A.B. 1997) and with
Janusz L. Wiśniewski – 188 days and nights (2005). Leading of
the popular television shows: Men’s striptease, Taboo, Mixed
sensations; Fever. A laureate of the prestigious Victor Award
– granted to the most important television individuality.
In Between the Lines
LETTERS, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 304 pages
other titles
188 Days and Nights
Janusz L. Wiśniewski (born 1954) – Polish prose writer,
academic lecturer. He has created the technical application
that is now used by chemical companies all over the world. He
made his debut in 2001 with Loneliness on the Net, which has
broken all records of selling in Poland. In 2006 the film and
TV serial have been created upon it. Author and co-author of
over ten successful books. His works have been translated into
English, Czech, Albanian, Russian, Croatian, Lithuanian and
Vietnamese. He lives with his family in Frankfurt on the Men.
188 dni i nocy, 2005
rights sold
188 Days and Nights
Russia Azbooka
In Between the Lines
Russia Azbooka
Conversations between
the most popular Polish author
(one million copies sold) and
the most popular Polish
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
In between the lines is a second – after 188 days and nights
– collection of e-mails, that uncompromising journalist
Małgorzata Domagalik and Janusz L. Wiśniewski, the author
of bestselling novels, have been writing one to each other.
In the first letter he writes: I will quote the data, bombard
you with the facts, refer to the science and doubt your
information or accept them with an admiration. Selfishly,
I will pull out everything I don’t know cause I love knowing.
Maybe even more then you do. Other then that, she suggests
there was more about love this time. Finally, they also talk
about their reading matters, impressions from spectacles,
journeys, memories and family joys and sorrows. She
reminisces about her stay in Paris and a meeting with Paulo
Coelho; he is fascinated about the theory of happiness
depending on three chemicals and adds that the density of
carats for diamonds and gold on Place Vendôme, which she
sees from her window, is incredible
Their emails are very personal and extremely erudite,
sometimes provocative and sometimes just sad. But there is
something hidden there as well. Yet, readers like reading in
between the lines.
recently published
© Rafał Milach / Viva!
Michał Witkowski
Michał Witkowski (b. 1975) – one of the most famous Polish
writers of the younger generation. He made his debut with
a collection of short stories Copyright (2001). In 2005 he
published his best-selling novel Lubiewo, which received
a literary award Gdynia 2006 and was nominated for
the NIKE Award 2006 and the Passports of “Polityka” 2005.
The next collection of stories, Wallpaper (W.A.B. 2006), was
also nominated for NIKE. The author is currently working on
his new book.
other titles
Photographic Wall Paper
Fototapeta, 2006
rights sold
Czech Republic Fra/Agite Finland Like
France Editions de l’Olivier Germany Suhrkamp
Hungary Magveto Israel Schocken
Italy il Saggiatore Lithuania Strofa Russia NLO
Slovenia Skuc Spain Anagrama Sweden Modernista
The Netherlands Van Gennep Ukraine Nora-Druk
United Kingdom Portobello Books (English world rights)
film rights sold
Before Lubiewo was published I would wake up at night
covered in cold sweat and remember that the book is going to
hit the market. I felt as someone accustomed to wearing formal
suits who was now supposed to undress and stick his ass, and
be the first one to do it. It was not only the result admitting my
sexual preferences but also because of showing my and other
peoples’ sexuality in all its shamelessness, ridiculousness and
might. Obviously it caused my hair greying and I was forced to
take appropriate measures…
Michał Witkowski
Witkowski’s language is lively, easy-going and stark – it glitters
like a dark suburban street bathed in rain and illuminated by
streetlight, as if to give a tangible evidence what a fag’s life
really is.
An exceptional affection for, let’s say, cursed things, the fallen
and scorned world. Witkowski has succeeded in a kind of
literary redemption or saving of the reality. You can not want
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
recently published
Queen Barbara
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, hardcover, AUDIO BOOK, 251 pages
rights sold
Queen Barbara
Germany Suhrkamp
Russia NLO
Slovenia Didakta
The Czech Republic Fra
The Netherlands Van Gennep
theatre rights sold (two adaptations)
Behind a barred window of a pawnshop, by a computer
confiscated from a debtor, sits a Polish queen, Barbara
Radziwiłłówna, and describes his life. Radziwiłłówna is
a fat guy with varicose veins, who was clever enough to
accumulate substantial fortune. In communist Poland he was
selling currency and alcohol on black market, food from
a trailer, flowers and melted candles stolen from graves,
had a pawnshop. At nights he was counting money and tried
on pawned jewellery. But in the 1990s he went bankrupt
– and had a vision of the Mother of God…
Witkowski’s new book is a vivid description of the world
of shady business dealings and the specific charm of tacky
kitsch. It is also a witty and linguistically sparkling story
about the rebirth of Polish capitalism after many years of
the communist regime. Grotesque mingles with lyricism,
history with the present day, the unbridled joy of life with
the fear of the end of the world.
If we treat a language not as a vehicle of meaning, but
as a meaning in itself, we can perfectly show what people
have in mind.
Crazy, satirical Almodóvar-like
Queen Barbara is a highly interesting linguistic mixture,
which does not surprise me, because Witkowski is one of
the writers, who know how to twist a phrase.
With such excellent writing skills and imagination
he could, if he only wanted, rewrite a telephone directory
into an engrossing story sparkling with humour.
Witkowski comes back with bravado to play with
literature – and so do we.
Gombrowicz is undoubtedly Witkowski’s mentor – his
irony and perversity make us read his books with flushed
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
recently published
© Magdalena Słysz
Józef Hen
Józef Hen (b. 1923) – a prose writer, essayist, playwright and
screenplay writer associated with Polish Film School. He made
his debut in 1947 with a collection of memories Kiev. Tashkent.
Berlin. Since then he has published more than twenty books
of prose, very well received by the critics and the readers and
translated into 18 languages. His literary oeuvre includes novels
(April, Nobody Is Calling, Crimen), short stories (Dajan’s Eye),
memories (Nowolipie, Wonderful Years), diaries (I Am Not Afraid
of Sleepless Nights) and essays – biographies of Montaigne
(I, Michel of Montaigne) and king Stanisław August Poniatowski
(My Friend, the King, nominated for Nike Award 2004). Boy-Żeleński’s biography received ZAIKS Award and was nominated
for the Nike Award 1999.
The Ping-pong Player
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, hardcover, 224 pages
other titles
Clown – Great Man.
A Story about Tadeusz Boy- Żeleński
Boy-Żeleński. Błazen – wielki mąż, 2008
Hen proves that literature is
primarily a manner of
making reality more familiar.
The Ping-pong Player is an important book. Personal, but also
inseparably related to the tragic history of the 20th century. It’s a
literary contibution to the discussion on Polish antisemitism. It’s
also belles-letters of the highest order.
The inhabitants of a provincial Polish town prepare for a symbolic
ceremony: the unveiling of the monument commemorating Jews
killed by the Nazis. One of the few survivors from the pogrom is
the titular ping-pong player. Mike Murphy has been away from
Poland for a long time, having spent many years as a judge in the
USA. Now retired, he to the place of his youth. So many things
have changed. He used to like to spy on girls doing their washing
in the river: that’s all gone now. He has changed as well. Maybe
it is a good moment to come to terms with the past…
Józef Hen takes up a difficult subject, which arouses strong
emotions in Poland – complicated relations between Jews and
Poles during World War II. He brings out what’s left unsaid,
erased and relegated to the subsconscious. And he does not
forget about his reader – a great writer knows how to enchant
the words so that they make a unique story.
Józef Hen is an excellent commentator and a brilliant writer.
He never preaches, he’s not easily excited or upset. His desire
is to understand. And he does it with utmost subtlety.
In The Pingpong Player Hen once again manages to seduce
the reader with the lightness of his writing.
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
recently published
Sławomir Shuty
© Bogdan Krężel
Sławomir Shuty (b. 1973) – a writer, photographer, author of
underground movies and happenings. He published collections
of short stories Brave New Taste (1999), Sugar Level Normal
(2002) and Sugar Level Normal with an Extra Bonus (W.A.B.
2005), the novel Gibbering (2001) and the first Polish hypertext
novel Block. Heap (W.A.B. 2004), awarded the prestigious
“Polityka” Passport for “literary ear, passion and courage to
portray Polish reality”, earned him great popularity. Two of his
books were adapted for theatre. Heap was published in Russia.
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, hardcover, 264 pages
other titles
Zwał, 2004
Sugar Level Normal with an Extrabonus
Cukier w normie z extrabonusem, 2005
Motions is a challenge put out to the generally accepted ways of
writing about eroticism. Everything begins normally:
a small town and its inhabitants, yearning for love. But…
will there be a girl who receives with open arms not a prince
charming but a hairy, lecherous lord of the flies? In this world
everything is subdued to his grotesque lust. All points of
reference have disappeared. The absurd wields its power over
unaware townspeople and drives them to perdition…
A paralyzing, compromising and stimulating language brings
out new, surprising meanings. Sławomir Shuty is known for
overstepping literary conventions. His new book is a literary X-ray
of erotic-sexual life of young Poles. The credit for the unusually
evocative effect that he managed to achieve must go to the
daringly constructed narration with a quickened pace and frantic
rhythm. Here the words live on their own and stupefy the reader.
Praise for Sławomir Shuty:
Reading Motions is a pure pleasure.
rights sold
Russia Amphora
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
Motions will probably be perceived as even more provocative
than the previous works of the author.
One attraction after the other.
recently published
Dmitrij Strelnikoff
© Marcin Michalaki
Dmitrij Aleksandrowicz Strelnikoff (b. 1969 in Russia) – poet
and prose writer who writes in Polish and Russian. A biologist
by education, a graduate of the University of Warsaw. He
participates in a TV show, appears in radio and television.
He is also a musician – his songs were released in the series
the Bards of Russia. He has published a collection of poems:
Homo Mirablis 92004) and a collection of short stories Night
Life of Angels (2007). Lives in Warsaw.
Russian Month
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 320 pages
Contemporary, absurd and very Catholic Poland seen through the
eyes of a Russian who fell in love with Poland.
Piotr Smirnoff – a Russian, divorcee and alcoholic – comes to
Poland. He has loads of money but no one knows where from.
There is something mysterious and disturbing about him and the
people of Warsaw don’t like it. What’s more, he wants to marry
a Polish girl. This is where the problem begins. Polish institutions
and the Catholic church form a conspiracy to prevent that
marriage. Or so it seems to Smirnoff.
Poland seen through the eyes of the immigrant from the East
turns out to be strikingly different from the general opinion. The
author disposes of Polish-Russian resentments with humour and
irony. Let’s not forget, however, that there’s at least some grain
of truth in stereotypes. Who is to deny that Russian vodka and
Polish women are the best in the world?
Praise for Dmitrij Strelnikoff:
After a close reading of the book we believe that the author
enriches (and will do so in the future) Polish culture with
mysterious incantations of the Russian art.
Strelnikoff is a writer imported from Russia, the land of
Pushkin and Tolstoj, who adapts the best Russian literary
and philosophical traditions to the Polish reality, to give
justice to the Slav soul.
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
recently published
© Mikołaj Dzierżanowski
Mirosław Bujko
Hornet Islands
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 468 pages
other titles
Golden Train
Złoty pociąg, 2006
Red Bull
Czerwony byk, 2007
rights sold
Golden Train
Brasil (Record)
Germany (DTV)
Red Bull
Brasil (Record)
Germany (DTV)
First-rate entertaining
Mirosław M. Bujko (b. 1951) – a professor of liberal arts,
musicologist, journalist and essayist. He teaches at a college
in Warsaw. In his free time he rides horses and trains iaido
– a sword-based martial art. In 2003 he published his debut
novel Book of Deeds, which was called “the next volume” of
Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita. Bujko’s following novels
are: Golden Train (2006) and Red Bull (2007), which were
bought by publishers from Germany and Brazil. The German
edition has become a bestseller. The author is working on his
new book.
Hornet Islands – the last part of the bestselling trilogy, written
by a widely-read author of historical thrillers.
World War II comes to an end. Japan capitulates. The USA and
the USSR begin a quiet battle in order to take over Japanese
fleet and air force. The Soviet intelligence gets on the track of
a secret submarine Sen-toku. For general Kotielnikow, who was
entrusted by Stalin with modernizing the navy, it is a splendid
chance. However, only one man knows the whereabouts of
the submarine – his ex-commodore Kaneyasu. How to release
him from American captivity and convince him of cooperation?
Kira, a sexy and ruthless agent, can be a great help. Kotielnikow
does not know they share a certain secret…
Bujko’s novel explodes with passion, bewitches with attention
to historical details, initiates the readers into the mysteries of
the Japanese sword arts. It poses the question whether a man
can free himself from the shackles of History and create his
own world just like captain Nemo. A safe world.
Praise for Mirosław Bujko:
Bujko has found a recipe for the construction of an excellent
crime story. Carefully balanced human relations,
a breathtaking storyline, a story-telling capability
and the careful administration of doses of tension.
Hornet Islands is a story about the meeting of two
civilizations and two entirely different human types. Love,
betrayal, ruthlessness and honourable service to your
homeland. 464 pages of good read.
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
recently published
Marek Krajewski
Marek Krajewski (b. 1966) worked as classical literature scholar
and a lecturer of Latin at the University of Wroclaw. His debut
novel Death in Breslau (1999), with which he began the series of
detective stories with Eberhard Mock as his hero, started
the retro crime novels boom in Poland. The following parts
of the series – End of the World in Breslau (2003), Phantoms
of Breslau (2005) and Festung Breslau (2006) have had the same
success; almost 300. 000 copies have been sold altogether!
The author is now working on the next novel which remains
a secret.
© Artur Paczos
other titles
Death in Breslau
Śmierć w Breslau, 1999
End of the World in Breslau
Koniec świata w Breslau, 2003, pocket edition 2005
Phantoms of Breslau
Widma w mieście Breslau, 2005
Festung Breslau
Festung Breslau, 2006
Krajewski’s novels are
the best crime novels written
in today’s Poland.
Polityka’s Passport Award 2005
High Calibre Award for the best
detective/thriller novel of 2004
The Lower Silesian Gem of the Year – an award
given by “Gazeta Wyborcza” in 2003
rights sold
Death in Breslau
Croatia Fraktura Czech Republic MOBA
Denmark Tiderne Skifter France Gallimard Germany DTV
Hungary Magveto Italy Einaudi Israel Keter Books
Norway Vigmøstad & Bjorke Russia Azbooka
Slovakia Slovart Spain Bibliopolis
The Netherlands van Gennep Ukraine Piramida
United Kingdom MacLehose Press (English world rights)
film rights sold
End of the World in Breslau
Croatia Fraktura Czech Republic MOBA
Denmark Tiderne Skifter France Gallimard Germany DTV
Italy Einaudi Lithuania Alma Littera Russia Azbooka
Slovakia Slovart Spain Bibliopolis
The Netherlands van Gennep Ukraine Fakt
United Kingdom MacLehose Press (English world rights)
film rights sold
rights sold
Phantoms of Breslau
Croatia Fraktura Denmark Tiderne Skifter France Gallimard
Germany DTV Italy Einaudi
Russia Phantom Press Slovakia Slovant
Sweden Svante Weyler Bokforlag
Spain RBA Libros The Netherlands van Gennep
United Kingdom MacLehose Press (English world rights)
film rights sold
Festung Breslau
France Gallimard Germany DTV Italy Einaudi
Israel Keter Books Spain RBA Libros
The Netherlands van Gennep
United Kingdom MacLehose Press (English world rights)
film rights sold
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
recently published
Plague in Breslau
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 264 pages
rights sold
Plague in Breslau
France Gallimard Germany DTV
Italy Einaudi Spain RBA Libros
Breslau, the 1920s. Two prostitutes accept an unusual offer.
Soon police find their bodies – they were strangled and their
front teeth were knocked out. The case is to be solved
by Eberhard Mock, known for his liking for women of loose
At the same time a man with a mint breath places
an advertisement in a newspaper with condolences for
the victims’ families and thus tries to make contact with
a powerful and secret brotherhood. Only those ready to murder
“a scum” and prove one’s guilt can join the group...
Suddenly the roles reverse and the chasing one becomes
the chased one...
Praise for Marek Krajewski:
To work as a classicist one needs to be meticulous and love
details. Those qualities also work well for Krajewski as
an author of crime novels.
An elaborate and intricate plot, mystery, fine language
and the ability to build unusual atmosphere – those are
the merits of the book.
Steeped in a rank air of cynicism and fear, this complex and
atmospheric thriller will find many fans, who will eagerly
await the rest of Krajewski’s Breslau quartet.
Reminiscent of Georg Grosz. Death In Breslau isn’t just an
exciting mystery, it’s the story of lost Fatherland. Wonderful.
Eberhard Mock returns
and has to face the dark
secrets of old Breslau
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
recently published
Tobiasz W. Lipny
Tobiasz W. Lipny is a Polish university professor with a range
of interests that go far beyond his professional field. In his
own words, he hunts without a license and needs to poach to
survive. What he likes best is trekking through the forest on
horseback; what he likes least is driving. Though maybe not
everything he says is true! W.A.B. has already published Lipny’s
two earlier novels, Barocco (2006) and The Kurlandian Trail
The Brussels Mission
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 192 pages
other titles
Barocco, 2006
The Kurlandian Trail
Kurlandzki trop, 2007
The next episode of young art historian Karol’s sensational-erotic
adventures, this time in Brussels. The novel begins with Karol
receiving news about the sudden death of his uncle, a retired
military intelligence man. Not only does it appear that his relative
was assassinated, but also that the colonel took some of his
secrets to the grave. After a number of visits by assorted spooks
from various countries, Karol realizes that once again he is
involved in scandal on a grand scale, though the looming danger
does not prevent him from engaging in yet another steamy love
affair - this time with a beautiful half-Algerian.
With its sensational story line, unexpected plot twists, daring
erotic scenes, humour and irony - this book displays everything
that make Lipny’s prose exceptional. The Brussels Mission, along
with his two previous novels Barocco and The Kurlandian Trail,
form a trilogy – intriguing, entertaining, and keeping the reader
on tenterhooks.
Praise for Tobiasz W. Lipny:
Not only can Lipny write an engrossing story full of riddles,
murders, hidden treasure and raw sex, but he can also skillfully
play with literary conventions, borrowing well-known motifs
and creatively rewriting them.
Lipny’s novel is simply gorgeous. Why? Because it is an
unusual mixture of detective and historical novel with
a surprisingly erotic story line.
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
recently published
Barbara Kosmowska
Barbara Kosmowska (b. 1958) – a poet, author of novels and
short stories. She holds a Ph.D. in Polish philology and lectures
on the literature of the second half of the 19th century. She
made her literary debut in the 1970s and published nine
novels, which won the main awards in the competitions: “The
Diary of Polish Bridget Jones” and “Believe in the Power of
© Natalia Kosmowska
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 328 pages
One of the most popular
contemporary Polish
There is only one place like that in the literary world. And
only one village: Hermańce. Don’t let yourself be deceived it’s
somewhere in Poland… It is a very contemporary Everywhere
with an inn, a church and a clinic of an eccentric doctor. Life
goes on here peacefully, girls lose their pants during spring
dates, boys – as boys – drink and dream about great future.
Fathers spend free time with their lovers and – when such
opportunity arises – exchange their wives for chain saws. Even
the fact that someone regularly hangs himself on a branch
does not surprise anyone. That’s how things are… Only
a brutal murder of a retarded girl will shake up the whole
village community.
A colourful, very vivid language and a pinch of black humour
make reading this book a real pleasure. And although we
would not want such friends in the real world, the author’s
literary talent makes them really hard not to like.
Praise for Hermańce:
Light and pleasureable reading.
Hermańce is a psychological novel about a small-town
community written in such a light manner that it can be both
beneficial and entertaining.
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
recently published
© Wojtek Modzelewski
Monika Rakusa
High Fever
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 216 pages
rights sold
Monika Rakusa (b. 1966) – social psychologist, journalist,
documentary films scripts writer. She studied Polish philology
at Warsaw University, currently studies for a Ph.D. at Polish
Academy of Sciences. She lives in Warsaw, has two kids. High
Fever is her literary debut.
The female character of High Fever is almost forty years old,
has unorderly thoughts, too ideal second husband and many
unrealistic ideas for life. How to make oneself anew, when
a Jewish background trauma is impossible to forget, the
moments of lack of faith stand in obvious contradiction to
preparing lots of cakes for Easter, and the attempts to find
meaning of life through psychotherapy, rejuvenating diet, spa
or flirt become futile?
Monika Rakusa in her quasi-diary describes a woman in crisis
with great honesty and self-irony. She boldly interweaves her
own experience with fiction, underscores Polish faults and
small sins with tongue in cheek. It’s a novel written in fever
that you can easily become infected with. Brilliantly written,
unusually honest literary debut is compulsory reading for every
An exquisite novel!
High Fever is a feverish diary describing an attempt to
survive in the contemporary world filled with idealised
shapes created for the mass audience, a well-hidden fear of
old age and fake smiles. A well-written, surprisingly honest
first novel.
A fascinating novel! Unpretentious, unputdownable.
I only wish I hadn’t finished it so quickly. I completely
recommend it!
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
recently published
Paulina Grych
Paulina Grych (b. 1965) is a political scientist and holds
a Ph.D. in Fine Arts. Works as an academic teacher and
journalist. Lives in Szczecin. She made her literary debut
in 2007 with Zero Number, which will be soon
published in Russia.
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 424 pages
other titles
Zero Number
Numer zerowy, 2007
A novel of manners by a new Polish writer, who changes
observation of reality into a true literary masterpiece. This time
madness creeps into the lives of characters. Beata sees angels,
Marek has served in the Polish army in Iraq, but could not bear
it. Diana – a daughter of an eccentric artist – is an often guest
in psychiatric wards. Henry is a business man, who would do
anything to cut himself off from his Jewish roots. Seems there
is no place for them in the success-driven world. But…
Colourful, uncommon characters. Surprising plot. Love and
tears, but without mawkishness and cheap drama. Finally
– a brilliant portrait of a provincial city, which suffers from
inferiority complex. A great book.
rights sold
Zero Number
Russia Ripol
Don’t we all go slightly mad
Praise for Paulina Grych
By means of subtle irony and sophisticated sense of humour
Zero Number ridicules the pomposity of the right wing, which
occupies our minds more and more with every day. That
makes Grych’s idea extremely topical and relevant.
Grych gives floor to those who are usually denied the right to
speak. Although they seem to belong to majority.
It is definitely worthwhile.
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
recently published
© Katarzyna Krawczyk
Grażyna Plebanek
Grażyna Plebanek (b. 1967). She worked as a journalist
for Reuters and “Gazeta Wyborcza”, now lives in Brussels.
She has published already two novels: Box with Stilettos – first
published in 2002 and awarded in a literary competition
“The Diary of Polish Bridget Jones” – and best-selling Girls
from Portofino, issued in 2005. A Girl Called Przystupa
is her newest novel. The author is currently working on her
new book.
A Girl Called Przystupa
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 400 pages
other titles
Girls from Portofino
Dziewczyny z Portofino, 2005
Box with Stilettos
Pudełko ze szpilkami, 2006
Plebanek uses colourful
language, devoid
of the kind of sentimentalism
that characterizes female
A picaresque novel about a young girl from a small village, who
leaves the country to look for a job. By a twist of fate she lands
in Warsaw and then in Stockholm, where she works as a cleaner.
Entangled in a fight in a seaport, humiliated by housewives,
embroiled in unusual relations with her employers, finally
suspected of murder. The presence of the main hero triggers an
avalanche of events, brings to light dark secrets, releases extreme
emotions, which finally lead to crime.
Through the eyes of that girl we observe the lives of Polish
Catholics, Swedish Protestants, atheists, nature lovers, selfdeclared cosmopolitans and stateless people looking for their
roots and traditions. We look at the famous as well as common
people “from behind a dustbin” and examine their habits,
unusual sexual urges, violent and passionate behaviour, the
desire of power and obsession with career, their ups and downs
– we uncover what is hidden under the surface of “normality” in
“typical” homes.
Praise for Grażyna Plebanek:
Novel full of gusto, wit, irony, written with tongue in cheek
and unusual understanding of picaresque form.
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
recently published
Lidia Amejko
© Danae Ribibitsch
Lidia Amejko – a playwright and prose writer. She made her
debut in a theatrical monthly “Dialog” with a monodrama
When Reason Sleeps, an Answering Machine is Turned On. On
Talking. Her plays, staged so far in several European cities,
were adapted for radio and television. They were translated
into English, German, Croatian, Spanish, Italian and Czech.
Her debut, a collection of stories entitled Well-known Stories,
was nominated for NIKE Award. The Legendary Lives of Block
Saints is her second book.
The Legendary Lives
of Block Saints
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, hardcover, 232 pages
Silver Inkwell Award 2008
rights sold
The inhabitants of the Giant Project have their joys and sorrows,
but they also have their perverse saints which they tell legends
about, while loitering near a liquor store “Jericho”. Saint
alcoholics, hackers, tramps, saint prostitutes – this gang,
which gives the Great Architect many sleepless nights, lets
the common people survive in the world made of concrete
and tailor the sense and truth to men’s needs. Here the living
communicate with the dead via the Internet, people made
of dough have prepaid or contract souls and receive short text
messages from God, and a cash register becomes a tool
of mystical revelation.
The Legendary Lives of Block Saints is The Golden Legend by
Jacobus de Voragine transferred into the 21st century. Playing
with language and conventions, Amejko interweaves pure
nonsense mysticism with philosophical joke and reproaches
constructors of this world for small defects and catastrophic
The Legendary Lives of Block Saints
France Actes Sud
Praise for Lidia Amejko:
The strongest point of this book is its language. In sketching
portraits of the characters and the reality of housing estates,
Amejko joins frugal management of words with vivid
description. A reader is also bound to find here an absurd sense
of humour and gentle irony.
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
recently published
Zygmunt Miłoszewski
Zygmunt Miłoszewski (b. 1976) is a writer and editor and
also a journalist of Newsweek Poland. In 2005, he published
a very well-received novel, The Intercom, and is currently
working on a screenplay based on it. The novel has been
commissioned by Polish director Juliusz Machulski. In 2006
W.A.B. published his novel for young readers – Mountains
of Adders.
© Dariusz Iwański
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 238 pages
other titles
The Intercom
Domofon, 2005
Mountains of Adders
Góry Żmijowe, 2006
rights sold
The Intercom
Entanglement is an exceptionally fine combination of criminal
tale and psychological thriller. One fresh Sunday, 5 June 2005,
prosecutor Teodor Szacki begins an investigation into
a strange case. In a central Warsaw monastery one of
the participants of an unconventional group therapy is
murdered while they are playing the roles of members of
their families. Was the murderer someone from the group?
If so, should we look for a motive within themselves or within
the people they played during the therapy?
The prosecutor believes that only a thorough knowledge
of the deceased, who was apparently boring and colourless,
and his past will let him discover the motive and so
the murderer. Meanwhile, there are family secrets which
cannot be disclosed with impunity, they are protected
by powers stronger than family.
The novel’s trump card is the main character: a man
whose youthful face is in contrast to his completely grey hair.
A good husband and father, dreaming of an adventure that
would turn his ideal life upside down.
Germany DTV
The Netherlands van Gennep
film rights sold
Germany DTV
Russia Ripol
film rights sold
Praise for Zygmunt Miłoszewski:
Chapeau bas!
Miłoszewski impesses with criminal knowledge, intricate
plot and splendidly presented Warsaw.
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
recently published
Bartłomiej Rychter
Bartłomiej Rychter (b. 1978), a lawyer, is fascinated by a world
completely different from that of codes and paragraphs.
It’s a world of nineteenth century novels – strong, brave men;
beautiful but treacherous women. According to Rychter,
a good story can do without a distinctive hero, but a full-blooded
heroine is absolutely essential.
Taxi Driver
NOVEL, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 456 pages
rights sold
Taxi Driver
Germany DTV
Denmark Niche
film rights sold
Cracow, a rainy summer night. A young girl with a backpack gets
into a taxi. It seems like the taxi driver, Tomasz Bartel, will have
another routine fare. Soon, in the rear-view mirror the lights
of another car appear. Clearly, the girl wants to avoid meeting
its passengers and suggests double fare to the taxi driver if he
can lose the other car. To his surprise, Bartel enters into the
game. He doesn’t know that his old Mercedes could now be the
most precious car in the world or that the story he has just got
involved in started a very long time ago.
Taxi Driver is a debut at the highest level. The action of this multiplotted novel takes place in Berlin, Cracow, Prague and Geneva.
A sixteenth century tract about sorcery turns out to be the key to
the future, which overlaps with the present, creating a perfectly
matched puzzle. Rychter makes his debut with a novel of which
the masters of the genre, Robert Ludlum or Tom Clancy, would
be proud.
Praise for Bartłomiej Rychter:
Five hundred pages of
suspense, intelligent crime
riddles and spectacular car
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
It is hard to believe that this is Rychter’s literary debut!
A well-constructed storyline, which gradually reveals its real
meaning, superbly sketched characters and skillfully conducted
narration: his book can be put on one shelf alongside
the works of popular American masters of thrillers.
recently published
Tomasz Trojanowski
Tomasz Trojanowski (b. 1965) – teacher, author of radio plays
and TV producer. His debut, Cat Stories (1997), won the
Kornel Makuszynski Award for the best children’s book of the
year. Other publications include Julka and the Cats (2003) and
Cat Stories – New Adventures (2006). W.A.B. published his
novel Great Return (2007), nominated for the Book of the Year
Award by the Polish section of IBBY and voted the best book for
children in the BESTSELLERek competition.
NOVEL, 14 X 16 cm, hardback, 160 pages
other titles
Great Return
Wielki powrót, 2007
Something brilliant for the
lovers of animals and
good read!
How a penguin-hockey player get into a freezer, elephants
– at a bus stop and absent-minded aliens – in a lost property
office? Who and why attacked the customers of the
supermarket Sergeant Zygmunt? And finally – where is Frank’s
TV set?!
A peaceful town is suddenly thrown into chaos. The inspector
from Special Section – a specialist in difficult and unusual
problems – will have to wrack his brains to connect these
peculiar events. What will be the effect of the conducted
Fugitives is a crime story which abounds in funny characters
and odd events and which proves that not only TV cartoon
characters have fantastic adventures. And that in the end
friendship is the most important thing.
Praise for the previous books:
A cheerful, suspense holding and very liberating history.
What is characteristic of Trojanowski’s books is the
unpretentious description of the world, with light irony
treating the things that highly deserve that.
I recommend that book to children and those who like cats,
but also to those who like a natural, slightly frivolous way
o writing and similar sense of humour.
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
recently published
Krystyna Kurczab-Redlich
Krystyna Kurczab-Redlich – a long-standing correspondent for
the Polish media in Russia, a lawyer by education.
The author of documentaries about Chechnya, which she
has visited numerous times since the breakout of The Second
Chechen War, and the book about contemporary Russia
Pandrioszka (2000). Honoured with many prestigious prizes
for journalists, including the most important distinction for
foreign correspondents – the Kazimierz Dziewanowski Award,
the Amnesty International Award for the publications on
human rights violation in Chechnya, the Melchior Wankowicz
Award for her reportage about Chechnya and a Russian
award for the reportage about Moscow. In 2005 a Chechen
organization “The Echo of War”, Amnesty International
and the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights
supported her candidacy for the Nobel Peace Prize.
with the Kremlin Wall
REPORTAGE, 12,5 x 19,5 cm, paperback, 496 pages
English Word rights and Asia (exc. of former USSR countries)
– Graal Agency, Poland
other rights – W.A.B. Publishers
A book free of prejudices against Russians, written
with sense and sensibility, and with a rare awareness
what one writes about.
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
Krystyna Kurczab-Redlich has lived in Russia for fourteen years.
She has worked as a TV correspondent, regularly contributed
to dailies and weeklies, made documentaries. “There is nothing
here that can be compared to the same thing elsewhere” – thus
the author describes the last days of the Soviet Union and the
ensuing struggle between democracy and communism. Her aim
is to answer the questions: what are the today’s Russians really
like? What do they have in common with their forefathers from
tsarist times? Are the Russian women lyrical or lascivious? Why
do Russians get drunk? Do they really need a strong-arm régime
or does the violence inflicted by the state make them grovel? Are
the spies, more and more often revealed in Russia, new political
prisoners? Who beats Russian democrats, are the citizens really
subject to torture, who paid whom for the war in Chechnya? Can
the presidents of the United States, Great Britain or France have
a clean conscience towards the Russians?
Unknown or little known facts about the Nord-Ost terrorist
attack or the Beslan school siege, revealed by the journalist, point
to the connections between secret service and the terrorists and
their role in generating terror in Russia and abroad. Similarly
obscure facts about Putin’s life finally explain his phenomenon.
Her account is authentic, backed up by humility towards facts,
excellent journalistic skills and thoroughness of the highest order.
The truth
about Russia
that we do not
rights sold
Lidia Amejko
Artur Baniewicz
David Bieńkowski
The Legendary Lives of Block Saints
France Actes Sud
Three Skeleton Mountain
Russia Azbooka
Lithuania Mintis
White and Red
Russia AST
Mirosław M. Bujko
Golden Train
Brazil Record
Germany DTV
Red Bull
Brazil Record
Germany DTV
Mariusz Cieślik
Jacek Dehnel
Joanna Fabicka
Liliana Fabisińska
Manuela Gretkowska
Funny Lovers
Ukraine Folio
Croatia Fraktura
Germany Rowohlt Berlin
Hungary Kalligram
Israel Keter Books
Italy Salani
Lithuania Kronta
Slovakia Kalligram
Rudolf’s Crazy Life
Russia Phantom Press
Amor from Rozkoszna Street
Russia Phantom Press
The Metaphysical Cabaret
Finland Taifuuni
Hungary Európa Kiadó
Russia Limbus
Spain Litera Books
Ukraine Folio
Hungary Masszi Kiadó
Russia Limbus
Ukraine Folio
Germany DTV
Russia AST
Ukraine Nora-Druk
The European Woman
Ukraine Nora-Druk
Manuela Gretkowska, Piotr Pietucha
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
Scenes from Extra-Marital Life
Ukraine Folio
rights sold
Katarzyna Grochola
Never Again!
Bulgaria Colibri
Czech Republic Academia
Germany Heyne
Hungary Európa Kiadó
Italy Barbera
Lithuania Svajoniu knygos
Macedonia Makedonska Rech
Russia AST
Ukraine Nasz Czas
Vietnam Nha Nam
Heart in a Sling
Germany Heyne
Lithuania Svajoniu knygos
Russia AST
Ukraine Nasz Czas
I’ll Show You!
Czech Republic Academia
Lithuania Svajoniu knygos
Russia AST
Ukraine Nasz Czas
Paulina Grych
Witold Horwath
Wojciech Jagielski
Zero Number
Russia Ripol
Germany Hoffmann und Campe
The Netherlands De Geus
Praying for Rain
Spain Random House Mondadori
The Netherlands De Geus
Towers of Stone
Italy Paravia Bruno Mondadori Editori
The Netherlands De Geus
USA Seven Stories Press
Good Place for Dying
Spain Random House Mondadori
Krystyna Kofta
Tomasz Konatkowski
If Women Were Quiet
Russia AST
A Stop Called Death
Germany Ullstein
Italy Nottetempo
Wolf Island
Germany Ullstein
Włodzimierz Kowalewski
Red Hair in the Night
Germany Wespennest
Cry O Lord!
Hungary Európa Kiadó
Marek Krajewski
Death in Breslau (represented by W.A.B.)
Croatia Fraktura
Czech Republic MOBA
Denmark Tiderne Skifter
France Gallimard
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
rights sold
Marek Krajewski (cntd.)
Death in Breslau (cntd.)
Germany DTV
Hungary Magveto
Israel Keter Books
Italy Einaudi
Norway Vigmøstad & Bjorke
Russia Azbooka
Slovakia Slovart
Spain Bibliopolis
The Netherlands van Gennep
Ukraine Piramida
United Kingdom MacLehose Press (English world rights)
End of the World in Breslau
Croatia Fraktura
Czech Republic MOBA
Denmark Tiderne Skifter
France Gallimard
Germany DTV
Italy Einaudi
Lithuania Alma Littera
Russia Azbooka
Slovakia Slovart
Spain Bibliopolis
The Netherlands van Gennep
United Kingdom MacLehose Press (English world rights)
Phantoms of Breslau
Croatia Fraktura
Denmark Tiderne Skifter
France Gallimard
Germany DTV
Italy Einaudi
Russia Phantom Press
Slovakia Slovant
Spain RBA Libros
Sweden Svante Weyler Bokforlag
The Netherlands van Gennep
United Kingdom MacLehose Press (English world rights)
Festung Breslau
Denmark Tiderne Skifter
France Gallimard
Germany DTV
Israel Keter Books
Italy Einaudi
Slovakia Slovant
Spain RBA Libros
The Netherlands van Gennep
United Kingdom Maclehose Press (English world rights)
Plague in Breslau
France Gallimard
Germany DTV
Italy Einaudi
Spain RBA Libros
Zbigniew Kruszyński
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
On Lands and Seas
Germany DVA
Russia NLO
rights sold
Wojciech Kuczok
Croatia Hrvatsko filolosko drustvo
Czech Republic Havran
Denmark Batzer & Co.
France Editions de l’Olivier
Germany Suhrkamp
Hungary Magveto
Italy Forum
Lithuania Mintis
Romania Polirom
Russia NLO
Serbia Laguna
Slovakia Belimex
Slovenia Didakta
The Netherlands van Gennep
Ukraine Calvaria
France Editions de l’Olivier
Germany Suhrkamp Verlag
The Netherlands van Gennep
The Infernal Cinema
Germany Suhrkamp
Tomasz Kwaśniewski
Diary of a Pregnant Man
Russia AST
Marek Ławrynowicz
Sunshine for All
Russia AST
Ukraine Nora-Druk
Devil in the Belfry
Germany C.H. Beck
Zygmunt Miłoszewski
The Intercom
Germany DTV
The Netherlands van Gennep
Germany DTV
Russia Ripol
Maria Nurowska
Your Name...
Germany DTV
Return to Lvov
Germany DTV
Two Loves
Germany DTV
Russian Lover
The Czech Republic Motto
Bartłomiej Rychter
Taxi Driver
Denmark Niche
Germany DTV
Małgorzata Saramonowicz
Germany Europaische Verlags-Anstalt / Rotbuch Verlag
Lithuania Alma Littera
The Netherlands De Geus
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
rights sold
Małgorzata Saramonowicz (cntd.)
Sławomir Shuty
Piotr Siemion
Germany Europaische Verlags-Anstalt / Rotbuch Verlag
The Heap
Russia Amphora
Low Meadows
Germany Volk und Welt
Hungary Európa Kiadó
Ukraine Folio
Marek Soból
Joanna Szymczyk
Magdalena Tulli
Lithuania Mintis
Russia Phantom Press
Eve and the Golden Cat
Russia AST
Dreams and Stones
Czech Republic One Woman Press
Germany Schöffling
Italy Voland Edizioni
Russia NLO
Sweden Symposion
USA Archipelago
Venezuela, Mexico, Argentina, Columbia bid & co. editor
In Red
Croatia Hrvatsko filolosko drustvo
Czech Republic One Woman Press
France Fayard
Germany (under option)
Hungary Magveto
Latvia Atena
Russia Azbooka
Slovenia Mondrjan
USA Archipelago
Moving Parts
Czech Republic Paseka
Germany Schöffling
USA Archipelago
France Stock
Germany Schöffling
USA Archipelago
Janusz L. Wiśniewski, Małgorzata Domagalik
188 Days and Nights
Russia Azbooka
In Between the Lines
Russia Azbooka
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
rights sold
Michał Witkowski
Lubiewo (represented by W.A.B.)
Finland Like
France Editions de l’Olivier
Germany Suhrkamp
Hungary Magveto
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W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;
Rights Director: Blanka Wośkowiak, e-mail:
Amejko Lidia
Baniewicz Artur
Bart Andrzej
Borzestowski Waldemar
Bujko Mirosław
17, 18, 19
Czubaj Mariusz
Dehnel Jacek
Domagalik Małgorzata
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Hen Józef
20, 21
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Shuty Sławomir
Strelnikoff Dmitrij
Trojanowski Tomasz
Wiśniewski Janusz L.
Witkowski Michał
To receive more information regarding authors and titles,
please contact Blanka Wośkowiak (
W.A.B. Publishers, Poland, 02-502 Warsaw, Łowicka 31, tel./fax: +48 22 646 01 74, 646 01 75, 646 05 10, 646 05 11; e-mail:;