I SVAq - e-Dak
I SVAq - e-Dak
OFFICE OF THE DIRBCTOR OF IIORTICITLTITRE;ODISHA; BITUBANESWAR. ' No.3p(H3114/o6 To ^r ,J.r, I SVAq /Hort.,Date. 7l' P.l? [?he Deputy Director of Florticulture, Puri, Sakhigopal. Sub:- Departmental proceedlngs drawn up against Srl Chakradhar Sahoo, Ex-Hort' Purl (Retd.f under CDI case No.29lO7, Sft, \ I f, I I am directed to enclose herewith the notice bearing No.634/CDI dt'3o.7.13 (in duplicate) on the subject noted above and to say that a copy of the notice may be retumed to tSis office with your full dated signature. You are also requested to attend the inquiry on 2.9.13 at I l.OO A.M before the CDI, Odisha, Bhubaneswar in the above proceeding case. Yours faithfullY l. r' ^ lfJ-J'' -.^\81\ 2 AdminlstretiV6 blflcer | No. Hort., Date. Copy submitted to Joint Secretary to Govt. Agriculture Department, Odisha, Bhubaneswar for information and necessar5r action with reference to Agriculture Department letter No.13213/Ag. Dt.3.8. 13. Memo / ./1 k ot, admhistitlve officer Memo No. to C.D'I, information and necessary action. Copy forwarded / Hort. ' Date' Odisha, Qr. No.A/8, Unit-V, Bhubaneswar for / -8CL.Officer Admlnlstratlve Government of Odisha General Administration Department OFFICE OF THECOMMISSIONER FORDEPARTMENTAL INQUIRIES,ODISHA, QRS. NO. A/8, UNIT-V, BHUBANESWAR (NOTICE TO ADDITIONAV PRESENTING OFFICER) o \,1r 51 ruo. /^ L /cDr., BHUBANESwAR,' Dated the .-"'30" V4 'l Juty,2013. The Horticulturist, Puri. Sub: - Departmental Proceedingsdrawn up against Shri Chakradhar Sahoo, Ex-Horticulturist, Puri (Retd,) under C.D.t. Case N o.29ll7 . Whereas your attendance is required to present the above case in support of the charges framed against the above Government Servant before the undersigned. You are hereby required 1. toi Appear (personally before the undersigned in my Office Chamber at Qrs. No. A/8, Unit-V, (Behind Nivedita Hostel) Bhubaneswar Dated.02.09.2013 at 11.00 A.M. 2. Production of all records relied upon in the charges by the Prosecution/Submission of Memo of evidence. Take notice thereof and appear accordingly. lf you will fall to comply with this notice without laMul excuse, you will be subject to the consequence of disobedience of notice laid down in the law on that regard. Given under my hand and Seal to-day. lit{ ' t. I ll' i l- o flr, ^ o-7"' .-.-V l/ 'd,' commissioner(for o"plrtr*t.t inquiries & Inquiring Authority Government of odisha General Administration Department OFFICE OF THECOMMISSIONER FORDEPARTMENTAL INQUIRIE'ODISHA, QRS. NO. A/8, UNIT-V, BHUBANESWAR (NOTICE TO ADDITIONAU PRESENTING OFFICER) -" NO. A- ru, /CDl., BHUBANESWAR, Dated the 9 7-fl", ruty,2o13. To The Horticulturist, Puri. Sub: - Departmental Proceedingsdrawn up against Shri Chakradhar Sahoo, Ex-Horticulturist, Puri (Retd.) under C.D.l. Case N o.29lO7 . Whereas your attendance is required to present the above case in support of the charges framed against the above Government Servant before the undersigned. You are hereby required 1. toi Appear (personally before the undersigned in my Office Chamber at Qrs. No. A/8, Unit-V, (Behind Nivedita Hostel) Bhubaneswar Dated.02.09.2013 at 11.00 A.M. 2. Production of all records relied upon in the charges by the Prosecution/Submission of Memo of evidence. Take notice thereof and appear accordingly. lf you will fall to comply with this notice without lawful excuse, you will be subject to the consequence of disobedience of notice laid down in the law on that regard. Given under my hand and Seal to-day. fIfi*o7s fiiijnrS"i"t inquiries & commissioner Inquiring Authority OFFICE OF TIIE DIRECTOR oF HORTICITLTURE;ODISHA BHITBIINESWAR. No.3P(H3)14l06 lo The Deputy Director of Horticulture, Puri, Sakhigopal. Sub:- /Hort., Date. Departmental proceedlngs drawn up agalnst Srl Chakradhat Sahoo, E:<-Hort. Puri lRetd.l under CDI case No.29lO7. Sir, I a:rr directed to enclose herewith the notice bearing No.634/CDI dt.3o.7.f 3 (in duplicate) on the subject noted above and to say that a copy of the notice may be returned to this office witJ: your full dated signature. You are also requested to attend the inquiry on 2.9.13 at 11.0O A.M before the CDI, Odisha, Bhubaneswar in the above proceeding case. Yours faithfully a i "/t 2Uo\,,'' MemoNo. .)l ,./ ou-r"*l*r'e ofricer -'-,t 6, t)tzDate. J/'6 /Hort., Copy submitted to Joint-Secretary to Govt. Agriculture Department, Odisha, Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action with reference to Agriculture Department letter No. 132 1 3/Ag. Dt.3.8. 13. Ad-i,,t"tou.[%$] Memo No. Copy forwarded to C.D.I, Odisha, information ald necessar5r action. /Hort., Date. Qr. No.A/8, Unit-V, Bhubaneswar for Ad-tot"t*e oflicer OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF HORTICULTURE;ODISHA; BIIUBANTSWAR. No.3P(H3)14l06 /Hort., Date. To The Deputy Director of Horticulture, Puri, Sakhigopal. Sub:- Departmental proceediags drawn up against Sri Chakradhar Sahoo, Ex-IIort. Purl (Retd.| under CDI case No.29l07. Sir, I am directed to enclose herewith the notice bearing No.634/CDI dt.30.7.13 (in duplicate) on the subject noted above and to say that a copy of the notice may be returned to this office with your fulI dated signature. You are also requested to attend the inquiry on 2.9.73 at 11.00 A.M before the CDI, Odisha, Bhubaneswar in the above proceeding case. Yours faithfully na-rr,r"dr,,e oflicer No. Hort., Date. Copy submitted to Joint Secretary to Govt. Agriculture Department, Odisha, Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action with reference to Agriculture Department letter No. 132 13/Ag. Dt.3.8. 13. Memo / (,J .}"1 Adrnlnlstratlfe Oflicer MemoNo. 3l ?t7c6; 9/,8't\ /Hort.,Date. Copy forwarded to C.D.I, Odisha, Qr. No.A/8, Unit-V, Bhubaneswar for information and necessar5l action. I \q"}; -t rtr? A,t"rlnistrative OffitE'