2016 Judge List
2016 Judge List
2016 Official List of Judges Secretary: Mrs Alicia M Hay Blairview, By Milnathort, KY13 0SF 07970 816416 www.npsscotland.co.uk Contents 1 Code of conduct for Judges 3 Guidelines for selecting judges 4 Alphabetical List of Judges with County 10 National Pony Society Judges Panel 2016 10 25 26 28 29 Judges based in England Judges based in Northern Ireland Judges based in Scotland Judges based in Wales Judges based Overseas 31 NPS Probationer Judges 2015 32 British Connemara Pony Society Judges Panels 35 Dales Pony Society Judges Panels 36 Dartmoor Pony Society Judges Panels 38 Exmoor Pony Society Judges Panels 40 Fell Pony Society Judges Panels 43 Highland Pony Society Judges Panels 46 New Forest Pony Breeding and Cattle Society Judges Panels 50 Shetland Pony Stud-Book Society Judges Panels 55 Welsh Pony & Cob Society Judges Panels 68 British Show Horse Association Judges Panel NPS CODE OF CONDUCT FOR JUDGES *AMENDED NOVEMBER 2015* This code of Conduct runs in conjunction with the Rules for Judges in the current NPS Rules Book and should be read carefully by all judges. 1. All NPS Judges must be current NPS Members in order to be eligible to judge and to be covered by insurance. 2. All NPS Judges must attend an NPS Judges Conference/Training Day at least once in every four years in order that judges will be aware of the reasons for rule changes; with special regard to Health & Safety, Child Protection issues etc. 3. Judges must return their Annual Return Forms by the deadline date. Only one reminder letter will be sent before penalties are imposed. 4. A Judge should always check that they are eligible to judge the classes they have been invited to judge, such as number of qualifiers leading to championships. Always ask the Show Secretary for full details of all sections you are to judge. Always check the schedule when you receive it and if you find you are unable to judge a class, contact the secretary immediately. 5. NPS Judges must apply all specific rules of judging to all NPS classes that are official qualifiers as well as those classes that are not qualifiers but are scheduled to be judged under NPS rules. For example; at least 6 ponies to be stripped in ridden classes, correct bitting for type of class etc. 6. Judges should reply in writing either accepting or declining an invitation to judge within two weeks of receiving the invitation. If for some reason beyond your control you are unable to fulfil a judging commitment, then you must personally contact the show secretary, giving your reasons and offering to find a replacement. (Text messaging is unacceptable as a way of communication). 7. Judges must try to avoid judging the same section in an area more than once during the season. 8. Judges must not accept any hospitality from an exhibitor and should avoid staying with a potential exhibitor at shows where they will be judging. 9. Judges should always be smartly and appropriately dressed according to the weather and wear a hat. 10. Judges are advised to make prior arrangements with the show secretary regarding their travelling expenses and accommodation. If possible, submit expense forms to the secretary on the show day. 11. Judges should always check the details of the classes they are to judge prior to commencing judging. The judge should carry schedules and NPS Rules Book. 12. Judges should arrive on the showground at least half an hour before they are due to start judging and report to the secretary. Make sure you have a contact number for the Secretary, so that should you be delayed, you can inform them of your progress so that they can make alternative arrangements if necessary. 13. Judges should acquaint themselves with the ring they will be judging in and arrange to meet their stewards at an appointed time. Before judging commences discuss with your steward the procedure you would like to use while judging, such as where to line up, corner to use for change of rein etc. Also, make sure the rosettes, qualifying cards etc are all accessible for awarding at the end of the class. Whenever possible issue instructions regarding the conduct of the class through your steward. Always thank your steward at the end of your classes. 14. At the show, judges should avoid meeting exhibitors or their helpers on the day of the show prior to entering the show ring for judging. 15. A judge should not call any exhibitor by their name in the ring and should remain impartial during the judging at all times. A polite ‘Good Morning’, ‘How old is your pony’ is sufficient. 1 16. A judge must be seen to be 100% unbiased and fair, every exhibitor receiving the same amount of time and attention during judging. Remember they have all spent the same amount of entry fees to come into your class and every pony should be judged accordingly. 17. Judges should be open to questions from exhibitors regarding reasons for the placing of their animals but keep your reasons brief and discreet. 18. Judges should present the rosettes at the end of the class but first check that there is not a sponsor waiting to carry out the presentations. When the class has been completed, ask the steward to dismiss the class. 19. Judges should take into account the condition of overweight/underweight ponies when judging and reflect this in their placements. 20. It is strongly recommended that judges of all affiliated NPS classes and those that are to be judged under NPS rules do not touch ponies except where Breed Society rules allow. 21. Judges should report to the show secretary any Health and Safety incidents that occur during judging and complete the relevant forms. 22. Judges must report any judging or ring irregularities to the show secretary, such as delays, amalgamation of classes, course building faults, uneven surfaces etc. 23. Judges must report to the show secretary any competitor or pony irregularities such as non-eligibility for classes, competitor rudeness, conflict of interest, etc and provide all relevant details 24. Rules covering Horse of the Year Show qualifiers appear in a separate rule book available from Horse of the Year Show (www.hoys.co.uk) Judges must acquaint themselves with these rules before judging a Horse of the Year Show qualifier. 2 GUIDELINES FOR SELECTING JUDGES 'B' PANEL JUDGE INFORMATION * Denotes a “B” Panel Judge, who is not qualified to do the following: • Report on Probationer Judges • Judge qualifying rounds of the NPS/Baileys Horse Feeds M&M Ridden Pony of the Year • Judge qualifying rounds or the final of the NPS/NAF M&M Working Hunter Pony Royal International Horse Show Championship • Judge NPS Affiliated Horse of the Year Show qualifying rounds • Judge NPS classes or qualifying rounds at the following major shows: Nottinghamshire County Kent County Great Yorkshire Royal Bath & West Royal Welsh East of England Royal Three Counties Devon County South of England Royal Highland Royal Cornwall NPS Championship Show (major Finals) Royal Norfolk Suffolk County NPS Spring Festival (major finals) Cheshire County New Forest & Hants County Royal Windsor 'B' Panel Judges may judge the following: NPS Silver Medal Qualifying Rounds, including the Championships Qualifying Rounds for the NPS Competitions with the exception of classes at those shows listed above Annotated Judges may have this removed after two years once they have submitted a list of shows and classes judged to the NPS Office. This will then be considered by the Judges Selection Committee. GENERAL NOTES ON JUDGE ELIGIBILITY 1) NPS/Baileys Horse Feeds M&M Ridden Pony of the Year Shows holding NPS/Baileys Horse Feeds Ridden M&M Pony of the Year must use an eligible judge from the Mixed Mountain and Moorland panel of the pony society they are affiliated to or the relevant breed society. NPS Judges must have spent two years on the NPS Mixed Mountain & Moorland Pony Panel. Judges who have A13, A14, A15 or A16 (indicating the year they were appointed) after MM in the Official List of Judges and Rules are not eligible. Once they have served two years, this annotation maybe removed subject to ratification. Please see above. Judges may only judge one qualifying round per year. Shows holding qualifying rounds are advised to use two judges. 2) NPS/NAF Working Hunter Pony Longines Royal International Horse Show National Championship Judges must have spent two years on the NPS M & M Working Hunter Pony Panel. Judges who have A13, A14, A15 or A16 (indicating the year they were appointed) after MM in the Official List of Judges and Rules are not eligible. Once they have served two years, this annotation maybe removed subject to ratification. Please see above. Judges may only judge two qualifying rounds per season. 3) Limitations on the number of qualifying rounds a judge can take on: For most NPS competitions judges may only judge three qualifying rounds per year with the exception of those classes listed above. The Judge who will be judging the final of an NPS competition at the NPS Spring Festival or the NPS Summer Championship Show may not judge a qualifying round for that same competition. Judges on NPS Panels should exercise discretion in accepting invitations to judge the same type of class in the same area in any one year. Judges are requested not to judge two qualifying rounds for the same competition in the same area of the country. Judges who are invited and accept an invitation to judge NPS competitions may only accept to judge, in the same year, the same classes at other shows if they are more than 50 miles apart. 3 NPS Judges -Alphabetical List with Counties 2015 Please refer to this list for Judges County and panel. The full contact details for judges are published on page 7-28 HPB: Hunter Pony RPB: Riding Pony PWHP: Plaited Working Hunter Ponies MM: Mixed M&M WHP: Mixed M&M Working Hunter Ponies NPSCh.O: NPS Championships Shows Only (cPWHP) or (cWHP): Plaited or M&M Working Hunter Ponies Conformation phase only *: B Panel A14 or A15: Year of A panel commencement Name Ahmet, Mrs L Region England County Kent NPS Judging Panels RPB/HPB/MM/(cWHP) Allison, Ms M England Warkwickshire PWHP Appell, Mrs V England London RPB/HPB/PWHP Atkinson, Miss D England Suffolk PWHP Avery, Mr R England Lancashire MM/WHP Balch, Mrs P England Worcestershire MM/WHP Banbury, Mrs H England Cornwall RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP Barr, Mrs D England Sussex *MM Barron, Mr T England Co Durham RPB/HPB/MM/(cWHP)/(cPWHP) Barry, Mrs J Scotland Ross-shire MM/WHP A13 Bartle, Ms S England Wiltshire RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Beatham, Mrs J England Wiltshire RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP Beckman, Mrs M Overseas Sweden MM A14 Bell, Mr A N Ireland Co Antrim MM/(cWHP) Benton Jones, Lady M England Lincolnshire RPB/HPB/PWHP Berryman-Horne, Mrs A V England Berkshire MM/WHP Best, Mr T Scotland Fife RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP Bigley, Mrs M England Herefordshire MM/(cWHP) Bigley, Mr L England Herefordshire RPB/HPB/MM/(cWHP)/(cPWHP) Blair, Mr D Scotland Fife RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP Boustead, Mr P England Lancashire MM/WHP Bown, Mrs R England Buckinghamshire MM/WHP Brace, Miss M J Wales Mid Glamorgan RPB/HPB/PWHP Bramwell, Ms L England Derbyshire RPB/HPB Briant, Miss E England Wiltshire RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/(cPWHP) Bright, Mr D England Buckinghamshire MM/WHP Brightwell, Mr P England Suffolk RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Brooks, Mrs S Scotland Borders MM/WHP Bryer, Mrs J S England Somerset RPB/HPB/MM/WHP Calvert, Mrs A J England Yorkshire RPB/HPB/PWHP Careless, Mr J England Staffordshire RPB/HPB/cPWHP Chadwick, Mr M N Ireland Co Down RPB/HPB 4 Chadwick, Miss D England Lancashire MM/WHP Charlesworth, Mr A England Worcestershire RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Clark, Mrs S A Scotland East Lothian RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP/NPSCH.O Claxton, Mrs M E Scotland Perthshire MM/WHP Clynes Thomas, Mrs L England Lancashire MM A14 Coates, Ms E England Herefordshire RPB/HPB/PWHP A12 Cockbain, Mrs G M England Cumbria MM/WHP Cockram, Mr R Overseas Australia RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Coles, Miss S England N Yorks RPB/HPB Cook, Mr P England Northamptonshire RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP Cooper, Mrs J M England Dorset RPB/HPB/MM/cPWHP Cooper, Miss J England Dorset PWHP Coulter, Miss S England Co Durham RPB/HPB Cowell, Mrs G M England Staffordshire MM A14 Cox, Mrs P England Somerset MM Crane, Mrs S England Lancashire RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Crowcroft, Mrs L England W Yorkshire RPB/HPB Custerson, Miss J England Suffolk RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/(cPWHP) Dale, Mrs A England Staffordshire MM/(cWHP) Darlington, Mrs S J England Surrey PWHP de Quincey, Miss V England Sussex RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP Dean, Miss E England Dorset RPB/HPB/MM Dear, Mrs D England Essex MM Dew, Mrs C F England Bedfordshire RPB/HPB/PWHP Dibden, Mrs N England Hampshire MM Dorman, Mrs P England N Yorkshire RPB/HPB/PWHP Dovey, Ms K England Hampshire *MM Emmerson, Mr P England N Yorkshire RPB/HPB Etheridge, Mrs J England Suffolk RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP Evans, Mrs B England Worcestershire RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/(cPWHP) Evans JP, Miss M G England Suffolk RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP Fitt, Miss S England Berkshire RPB A13/HPB Fletcher, Mrs C Wales Monmouthshire MM/WHP Fluck, Mrs S A England Gloucester RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Foster, Mr K England Co Durham RPB/HPB Fowler, Mrs A England N Somerset RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Frith, Mrs C England Shropshire MM/WHP Fry, Mr M England Hampshire MM/(cWHP) Gibb, Mrs B K Scotland Aberdeenshire MM/WHP Godden, Mrs J England E Sussex RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) 5 Gomersall, Mrs A England Hampshire RPB/HPB/MM/(cWHP)/(cPWHP) Griffin, Mrs J England Nottinghamshire PWHP Hadingham (nee Snape), Mrs Z England Sufflok MM/WHP Hadwen, Mrs D England Yorkshire MM/(cWHP) Halls, Mrs B England Suffolk MM/WHP Hamilton, Mrs L England Gloucestershire RPB/HPB/PWHP Hampton, Mrs V England Hertfordshire MM/WHP Harforth, Mr J England N Yorkshire RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP Hellum, Mrs S Overseas Norway RPB/HPB/MM/(cWHP) Hillard, Mrs L B Wales Carmarthenshire MM/WHP Hilton, Mr P England Cambridgeshire RPB/HPB/PWHP Hird, Mrs S England Kent MM Hollings, Mr S England Lancashire RPB/HPB/PWHP Hollings, Mrs P England Lancashire RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Hollings, Mr N England Lancashire RPB/HBP/PWHP Homer, Mrs L England Warwickshire PWHP Hore, Mrs S England Devon MM/WHP Howard, Mr S England N Yorkshire MM/(cWHP) Hoyle, Mrs J England Greater Manchester PWHP Hunt, Mr R England Buckinghamshire MM/(cWHP) Hunter(O'Dwyer), Mrs K Scotland Aberdeenshire RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Impey, Mrs L England Essex MM/WHP Jack, Mrs J Scotland Fife MM/WHP James, Mr J Wales Carmarthenshire MM/WHP James, Mrs J England Staffordshire RPB/HPB/PWHP James, Mr R England Staffordshire MM/WHP Jones, Miss A Wales Jones, Mr M R Wales Gwent RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP Jordan, Mrs D England Devon MM/WHP/PWHP Kelly, Miss A England Kent RPB/HPB A14 Kidd, Mr A Scotland Perthshire RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Knight, Miss H England Oxfordshire MM/(cWHP) Laing, Mrs V M M Scotland Midlothian RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Langørgen, Mr S Overseas Norway MM A13 Leadbitter, Miss F Wales Glamorgan MM/WHP Leslie-Melville, The Hon Mrs A D Scotland Invernesshire Lloyd F.R.AG.S, Mr I Wales Dyfed MM/(cWHP) Loriston-Clarke MBE, Mrs J England Hampshire RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP Lowth, Mrs J England Hampshire MM/WHP Mabbett, Mrs J Wales Carmarthenshire RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) *RPB/HPB 6 MM/(cWHP) Machin, Mrs D England Staffordshire PWHP MacInnes, Mrs J England Cumbria RPB/HBP/MM/WHP/PWHP Macnair, Ms D England Hampshire MM/WHP Mansfield-Parnell, Mrs M E England Leciestershire RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) - NPSCH.O McArdle, Mrs C Scotland Aberdeenshire MM/WHP McGrath, Mrs B England Co Durham MM/WHP McHale, Mrs A England N Somerset RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/(cPWHP) McMurray, Mrs G Scotland Dumfries MM/WHP McNaught, Mrs J Scotland Ayrshire *MM McNaught, Mr M J England Staffordshire RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Miller, Mr R L Wales Carmarthenshire RPB/HPB/MM Morgan, Mr D England Herefordshire RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Morris, Mrs C M Wales Powys RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Nelson, Mrs C M Scotland Roxburghshire RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP Nicholls, Mrs E A England Gloucestershire MM/WHP Nicholson, Mr C England Cleveland *RPB/HPB Nicholson, Ms D England Worcestershire *RPB/HPB Nimmo, Mrs M-C Scotland W Lothian RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/(PWHP) Northam, Mr M England N Somerset MM/(cWHP) Nott, Mr P England Staffordshire RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Nott, Miss L England Staffordshire *RPB/HPB Oldershaw, Mrs N England Derbyshire *MM Osborne, Mrs M Scotland Angus MM/(cWHP) Park, Mr D J England Lancashire RPB/HPB A15 Parker-Jones, Mr R England Shropshire RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP Paterson, Miss J E England Northamptonshire MM/WHP/*RPB/HPB Perkins, Mr A England Avon RPB/HPB/PWHP Phelan, Mrs S England Hampshire RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/(cPWHP) Pole, Mrs K England Leciestershire PWHP Pollard, Ms K England Lancashire RPB/HPB Porter, Miss D England Somerset RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Prescott, Mrs H England Lancashire MM/WHP Price, Mrs J England Herefordshire RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP Prior, Ms S England Norfolk MM/(CWHP) Puttock, Mr D England Gloucestershire RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP Rampling, Mrs S England Surrey RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP/NPSCH.O Redpath, Mrs A England Northumberland RPB/HPB Rennie, Miss E Scotland Stirlingshire MM/WHP Rennie, Miss P Scotland Stirlingshire MM/WHP Rennocks, Mrs R England Essex RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) 7 Renwick, Mrs P England Cumbria MM/(CWHP) Richards, Ms C England Surrey RPB/HPB/MM/(cWHP)/(cPWHP) Robertson, Mr A England Herefordshire RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP Ross MRCVS, Mrs S Scotland Clackmannanshire *MM Rowe, Miss S England Cornwall MM/WHP Russell, Mrs E Scotland Strathclyde *MM Ryde-Rogers, Miss J England Hampshire RPB/HPB Sabin, Mrs G Overseas Saunders, Mr M England Dorset MM/WHP Scott, Mrs K Scotland Aberdeenshire MM/(cWHP) Sells, Mrs G England Shropshire MM/WHP Seward, Mrs S Wales Carmarthenshire RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP Sheen, Mr M England Isle Of Wight MM Shuttleworth, Mrs N England N Yorkshire MM/(cWHP) Simpson, Mrs G England Derbyshire MM/(cWHP) Spears, Miss D England Buckinghamshire MM/WHP Squires, Mrs A England Staffordshire MM/(cWHP) Stafford, Mr S England West Yorkshire RPB/HPB Steains, Mrs D England Sussex MM/(cWHP)/NPSCh.O Stephens, Miss N England Wiltshire RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP Stephens, Mrs J England Worcestershire RPB/HPB/PWHP Stevens, Ms A G Wales W Glamorgan MM/WHP Stevenson, Mrs C England Kent MM/(cWHP) Stewart-Johnson, Mrs F England Lincolnshire RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Stirrat, Mrs H Scotland Borders RPB/HPB/PWHP Stuart, Mrs J England Warwickshire RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Sutcliffe, Mr R England Lancashire MM/WHP Sykes, Mr D England Hampshire MM/NPSCH.O Taheri-Sinfield, Ms V England Hertfordshire *MM Tanner, Mrs S England Buckinghamshire RPB/HPB/PWHP Taylor, Mrs M England N Yorkshire MM/WHP Thomas, Mrs S England Shropshire PWHP Toomer-Harlow, Ms W England Essex RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Trevenna, Miss G England Cornwall *RPB/*HPB True, Mr N Wales Carmarthenshire RPB/HPB Turner, Mrs N England Staffordshire RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Upton, Mrs J England Dorset RPB/HPB/MM/(cPWHP) Wainwright, Miss K England Cheshire MM/WHP Walker, Mr K Wales Flintshire RPB/HPB/MM/(cWHP) Webb, Mrs J England Somerset RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP MM/WHP 8 Whiteley, Mrs C England Essex RPB/HPB/MM A14/PWHP/WHPA16 Whiteman, Mrs D England Cambridgeshire RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Williams, Mrs J M England Buckinghamshire RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/PWHP Williams, Mr B England Cumbria MM/(cWHP) Williams, Mrs P England Oxfordshire RPB/HPB/PWHP Williams, Mrs J P B Wales Monmouthshire RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/Cpwhp Williamson, Mrs S Scotland Tayside RPB/HPB/(CPWHP) Wilson, Miss B England Yorkshire MM/WHP/NPSCH.O Woods (nee Spacey), Mrs J England Suffolk MM/WHP Wright, Ms G England Hampshire MM/WHP 9 THE NATIONAL PONY SOCIETY JUDGES PANEL 2016 Panel RPB HPB PWHP (cPWHP) MM WHP (cWHP) NPSCh.O A(YEAR) * Show Pony Breeding Panel Hunter Pony Breeding Panel Open Working Hunter Pony Panel Open Working Hunter Pony Panel Conformation only Mixed Mountain and Moorland Panel M&M Working Hunter Pony Panel M&M Working Hunter Pony Panel Conformation only NPS Championship Show Only Season ‘A’ panel appointment commenced ’B’ Panel Judges Panels listed first and in bold text refer to the NPS Panels. For show secretaries convenience we have also listed other societies that each individual is also a judge for where we have been supplied with this information. Please refer to page 30 for probationary judge's details. England Bedfordshire Name and Prefix Address and Email Telephone No Judging Panels Mrs C F Dew DEACONWOOD 9 Brick Kiln Barns, Chaul End Road Caddington, Bedfordshire, LU1 4AT srods@btinternet.com Tel: 01582 453773 Mob: 07970028404 RPB/HPB/PWHP BSPS/PUK/BSPA Mrs A BerrymanHorne KURANDA/ GREENLINKS Southlea Farm, Datchet, Slough, Berkshire SL3 9BZ Tel: 01753 548541 Mob: 07768 014729 MM/WHP Welsh/BSPS Miss S Fitt 7 Fairford Cottages, Fairford Road Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 7AL stephfitt@btinternet.com Tel: 01628 783 489 Mob: 07824668120 RPB A13/HPB SS&D/TSR/P(uk) Berkshire Buckinghamshire Mrs R Bown SEDGEHILL/ SOUTHLEY/ TREVASSACK Woodlands, 76 Botley Road Tel: 01494 785 223 Chesham, Buckinghamshire, HP5 1XG Mob: 07711675421 rnn.bown@virgin.net MM/WHP Conn/NF/Shet/ P(UK)/BDS/CHAPS/ BSPS Mr D Bright Clemmit Farm, Off Wycombe Rd Prestwood, Buckinghamshire, HP16 0HJ davetips@hotmail.com MM/WHP P(UK)/BSPS 10 Mob: 078333 48787 Mr R Hunt PENN Bottom Farm, Beacon Hill Penn, Buckinghamshire, HP10 8NJ roger@penncobs.plus.com Tel: 01494 813867 Mob: 07860511079 MM/(cWHP) Welsh Miss D Spears LEYHILLS Fairview, No 1 Great Brick Hill lane Little Brick Hill, Buckinghamshire, MK17 9NH debbiespears@btinternet.com Mob: 07798900835 MM/WHP NF/High/P(UK)/BSPS CHAPS/BSPA Mrs S Tanner Summerhill, 42 Middlebrook Rd High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP13 5NJ samtanner42@hotmail.com Mob: 07768170982 RPB/HPB/PWHP BSHA/ BSPS/ BSPA Dressage Mrs J M Williams PENDLEY Pendley Stud, Glebe Farm, Verney Road Tel: 01296 714830 Winslow, Nr Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, MK18 3BN Phiniewilliams@yahoo.co.uk RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/PWHP Conn/Welsh/BSPA/ Arab/BSHA/BSPS Mr P Hilton Red House Farm, Baston Fen Tel: 01778 560 106 Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE6 9PT Mob: 07876190100 philip@hiltontransport.co.uk RPB/HPB/PWHP BSPS/SHB(GB)/BSHA Mrs D Whiteman Allerton, 22 St Judiths Lane Sawley, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE28 5XE davina@poniesuk.org Tel: 01487 832805 Mob: 07939060175 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) PUK Skellorn Stud, Lockgate Farm Wood Lane East, Adlington, Cheshire, SK10 4PH skellornstud@hotmail.com Tel: 01625 572 356 Mob: 07900263203 MM/WHP Conn/Welsh/BSPS/TSR Mr T Barron MYBELLA Sundial Cottage, 37 Teesway Neasham, Darlington, Co Durham, DL2 1QT Tel: 01325 721 823 RPB/HPB/MM/ (cWHP)/(cPWHP) Welsh/BSPS/CHAPS/ NCPA/P(UK) Miss S Coulter HEPPLEWOOD South Farm, Newlands Whittonstall Consett, Co Durham, DH8 9JB sdlcoulter@aol.com Tel: 01207 560267 Mob: 07890 128963 RPB/HPB Cambridgeshire Cheshire Miss K Wainwright SKELLORN Co Durham 11 Mr K Foster LYDGATE/ CYNFAL 49 Lydgate Avenue, Tel: 01388 526685 Wolsingham-in-Weardale, Mob: 07849558075 Bishop Auckland, Co Durham, DL13 3LJ ken.foster7@btinternet.com RPB/HPB Mrs B McGrath MOORBANK 6 Dunsany Terrace, Pelton Fell Chester le Street, Co Durham, DH2 2PE Tel: 0191 388 0302 Mob: 07779 319530 MM/WHP Conn/BSPS/P(uk)/TSR Mrs H Banbury ROSEVIEW Byways, Sticker St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 7JB j_banbury_uk@yahoo.co.uk Tel: 01726 871 371 Mob: 07725 750088 RPB/HPB/MM/WHP /PWHP Welsh/TSR Miss S Rowe TREWITHIAN Trewithian Stud, Little Trewithen Sticker, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 7EH. Tel: 01726 72114 Mob: 07711471445 MM/WHP Conn/BSPS Miss G Trevenna Colby Stud, 3 Hillhead, St Stephen St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 7QQ colbystud@btinternet.com Mob: 07807 118795 *RPB/HPB Mrs G M Cockbain CARROCK Rakefoot Farm, Keswick, Cumbria, CA12 4TE wllmcckbm@aol.com Tel: 01768 772 133 MM/WHP Dales/Fell Mrs J MacInnes WHALTON Ivy House, Skelton Wood End Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 9UB jomacin@aol.com Tel: 01768 484 018 RPB/HBP/MM/ WHP/PWHP Con/Dart/NF Mrs P Renwick ULVERSCROFT Ulverscroft, The Knowe Tel: 01697 748024 Roadhead, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA6 6PG MM/(cWHP) NF/Shet Mr B Williams STONEFORD/ LITTLETREE 4 Somerwood Close, Long Marton Appleby-in-Westmorland, Cumbria, CA16 6BH stonefolddales@yahoo.co.uk Tel: 01783 62749 Mob: 07708 633947 MM/(cWHP) Dales/BSPS Crookbank Farm, Lane Head Tideswell, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 8RB lesleybramwell50@hotmail.com Tel: 01298 872 000 Mob: 07970 187313 RPB/HPB Cornwall Cumbria Derbyshire Ms L Bramwell CROOKBANK 12 Mrs N Oldershaw 4 Broomfield Cottages, Broomfield Estate, Morley, Derbyshire DE7 6DN larnleigh@hotmail.co.uk Mob: 07968117312 *MM Welsh/BSPS Mrs G Simpson WORTLEY Woodcroft, The Hills, Bradwell, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S33 9HZ wortley356@aol.com Tel: 01433 621885 Mob: 07725 246412 MM/(cWHP) Welsh Mrs S Hore KIMBER Kimberley, Northlew Okehampton, Devon, EX20 3NG Tel: 01409 221444 Mob: 07771895768 MM/WHP Fell/NF/BSPS/BSPA Mrs D Jordan MOORTOWN Moortown Farm, Gidleigh Chagford, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ13 8HU Tel: 01647 433 220 MM/WHP/PWHP Dartmoor Miss J Cooper Lower Farm, Chedington Bearminster, Dorset, DT8 3JA cooper111@xlninternet.co.uk Tel: 01935 891463 Mob: 07860 710300 PWHP SHB/BSHA/CHAPS/ ROR/BSPS/P(uk)/SS&D Mrs J M Cooper RIVERVALLEY Rivervalley Stud, 403 Christchurch Road, West Parley, Ferndown, Dorset, BH11 9DS Rivervalley246@gmail.com Tel: 01202 572 874 Mob: 07814737205 RPB/HPB/MM/ cPWHP Welsh, P(UK), TSR Miss E Dean 125 Newtown Road, Verwood, Dorset, BH31 6EQ edean403@btinternet.com Tel: 01202 813 235 Mob: 07787 093049 RPB/HPR/MM Welsh/BSPS/P(UK) Mr M Saunders MOONHILLS 53 De Lisle Road, Talbot Woods Bournemouth, Dorset, BH3 7NG neacroft@aol.co.uk Tel: 01202 514787 Mob: 07926084033 MM/WHP Conn/NF Mrs J Upton BLUEBURY High Noon, Village Hall Lane Three Legged Cross, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 6SG upton811@btinternet.com Tel: 01202 822895 Mob: 07977076239 RPB/HPB/MM /(cPWHP) Welsh/Appaloosa Mrs D Dear ROCHELLES Rochelles Pony Stud, Lower Road Hockley, Essex, SS5 5LE Tel: 01702 201777 Mob: 07973 521121 MM Fell/Welsh Mrs L Impey OAKCROFT Oak Croft, Priors Green Hartford End, Nr Chelmsford, Essex, CM3 1JR impeylinda@yahoo.com Tel: 01371 820 706 Mob: 07713825935 MM/WHP Conn/NF/High/TSR Donkey Devon Dorset Essex 13 Mrs R Rennocks RENDENE Rendene Stud, The Bungalow Old House Lane, Nazeing, Essex EN9 2LJ rrennocks@yahoo.co.uk Tel: 07519429541 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Ms W Toomer-Harlow Eversley House, Eversley Road EVERSLEY Bowers Gifford, Basildon, Essex, SS13 2DG wendyt-harlow@tiscali.co.uk Tel: 01268 552747 Mob: 07803905288 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Shet/P(UK) Mrs C Whiteley No 6, The Firs, New Road Rayne, Braintree, Essex, CM77 6TG carolynwhiteley@me.com Tel: 01376 322784 Mob: 07860614724 RPB/HPB/MM A14 /PWHP/WHP A16 BSPS/PUK/TSR Mrs S A Fluck Ashworthy Farm, Tytherington Nr Wootton under Edge, Gloucester, GL12 8QD Tel: 01454 294 281 Mob: 07831800216 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) BSPS/Veterans Mrs L Hamilton Weavings, 2 Sunny Cottages Tel: 01451 850 103 Naunton, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL54 3AD robert@centralsurveying.co.uk RPB/HPB/PWHP Mrs E A Nicholls BOURNEFIELD Hillside Cottage, Old London Road Wotton-Under-Edge, Gloucestershire, GL12 7EG ann@nicholls-miller.co.uk Mob: 07989663508 MM/WHP Conn/Dart/Ex/BSPS/ TSR Mr D Puttock BALLAN Belvedere, 23 Drovers Way Newent, Gloucestershire GL18 1ET davideputtock@hotmail.co.uk Mob: 07551838494 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/PWHP Welsh/BSHA/PUK/ TSR/BSPS Stormer Hill Closes Farm, Tottington Bury, Greater Manchester, BL8 3PE janet@stormerhill.com Tel: 01204 888447 Mob: 07881943873 PWHP BSPS/BSPA/P(UK)/ VHS/NCPA/TSR/ SS&D Mrs N Dibden TACAWAY c/o 23 Warnes Lane, Burley, Hampshire, BH24 4EH dibden.nicola@neuf.fr Mob: 0033662562092 MM NF Ms K Dovey 6 Burnt House Lane, Pilley Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 5QN kerry.dovey@blackmorgan.co.uk 14 Tel: 02380 857108 Mob: 07715889711 *MM Conn/NF Gloucestershire Greater Manchester Mrs J Hoyle Hampshire Mr M Fry BEDESLEA Sunnyside, Newbridge Village Tel: 07790 093656 Cadnam, Southampton, Hampshire, SO40 2NW mfry@eastleigh.ac.uk MM/(cWHP) Conn/Dart/NF Mrs A Gomersall PERRYDITCH 20 The Crossways, Chandlers Ford, Hampshire, SO53 3BU amandajgomersall@gmail.com Mob: 07802523066 RPB/HPB/MM/ (cWHP)/(cPWHP) Conn/High/BSPS/TSR Mrs J Loriston-Clarke Catherston Stud, Croft Farm MBE Overwallop, Stockbridge, Hampshire, CATHERSTON SO20 8HX jennielc@btconnect.com Tel: 01264 782716 Mob: 07836329342 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/PWHP Conn/NF/BD/SHB /BSHA/BSPS/TSR Mrs J Lowth RUSHPOLE Consort Cottage, Bramshaw Nr Lyndhurst, Hampshire, SO43 7JE jacqui.lowth@btconnect.com Tel: 023 8081 2070 Mob: 07920553665 MM/WHP NF/TSR Ms D Macnair BEACON Beacon Cottage, Burley Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 4EW Tel: 01425 402 272 MM/WHP NF Mrs S Phelan Brocksfield, Posbrook Lane Titchfield, Hampshire, PO14 4EY suephelan@lineone.net Tel: 01329 842 322 Mob: 07956169502 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/(cPWHP) Dartmoor/NF/SS&D /BSPS/P(UK)/TSR Miss J Ryde-Rogers BROADHANGER Lower Peake, Warnford Southampton, Hampshire, SO32 3LA jryderogers@googlemail.com Mob: 07793532015 RPB/HPB BSPS/Appaloosa/BMHS Mr M Sheen 68 Quarry View, Newport Isle Of Wight, Hampshire, PO30 5PJ mark.sheena1@btinternet.com Tel: 01983 529 080 MM Mr D Sykes WYNDHAM Hillside, Froxfield Petersfield, Hampshire GU32 1BD Tel: 01730 827232 MM/NPSCh.O Conn/Ex/NF/Shet/Dart Ms G Wright BURLEY Randalls Farm, Burley Street Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 4HJ nfpony@btinternet.com Tel: 01425 404 024 Mob: 07710 358555 MM/WHP Conn/Dart/NF/Shet/ CHAPS/BSPA/TCGA/ BSPS/P(UK) Llanarth Stud, The Quakers Farm Michaelchurch Escley, Herefordshire HR2 0PT info@llanarth.uk.com Tel: 01981 510 667 RPB/HPB/MM /(cWHP)/(cPWHP) BSPS/BSPA/CHAPS/ P(UK)/WPCS Herefordshire Mr L Bigley LLANARTH 15 Mrs M Bigley LLANARTH Llanarth Stud, The Quakers Farm Michaelchurch Escley, Herefordshire, HR2 0PT ann@llanarth.uk.com Tel: 01981 510667 MM/(cWHP) Welsh/P(UK)/ BSPS/BSPA Ms E Coates EYTONWELL Eyton House, Eyton, Nr Leominster Herefordshire, HR6 0AG emma@eytonhouse.co.uk Tel: 01568 612118 RPB/HPB/PWHP A12 TSR/VHS Mr D K Morgan LOWLAND The Lowland Pony Stud, Eardisley Herefordshire, HR3 6NS dkmorgan@btinternet.com Tel: 01544 327718 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Minature/BSPS/BSPA/ P(UK) Mrs J Price COURTWAY Courtway, Clyro Hereford, Herefordshire, HR3 5LE Tel: 01497 820 555 RPB/HBP/MM /WHP/PWHP NF/Welsh/BSPS/P(uk)/ Minature/TSR Mr A Robertson PENCOT Victoria House, The Old School Tel: 01989 562144 Bridstow, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, Mob: 07710789853 HR9 6PY allantrobertson@hotmail.com RPB/HPB/MM /WHP/PWHP High/NF/BSPS/BSHA /TSR/Caspian Mrs V Hampton BRIAR Larkins, High Elms Lane Tel: 01438 869439 Benington, Nr Stevenage, Hertfordshire, Mob: 07909962116 SG2 7DG viv.hampton@btopenworld.com MM/WHP Shetland/BDS Ms V Taheri-Sinfield Lower Titmore Farm, Titmore Green Little Wymondley, Nr Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG4 7JT viola622@live.com Tel: 01438 364 327 Mob: 07842206570 *MM NF Mrs L Ahmet AQUILAS C/o Aquilas Stud, Summerfield Farm Borough Green Road, Ightham, New Sevenoaks, Kent TN15 9HS Lorayne.aquilas@hotmail.co.uk Tel: 01322 633023 Mob: 07762389814 RPB/HPB/MM/cWHP) P(UK)/ Conn Mrs S Hird HIRSTMUND Nursery House, Bedgebury Road Goudhurst, Kent, TN17 2RD sarahird@hotmail.com Tel: 01580 212 137 Mob: 07989588095 MM Hafflinger/Appalosa Hertfordshire Kent 16 Miss A Kelly SANDLINGS Old Forge Farm, Powder Mill Lane Southborough, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 9EG alex_kelly@mac.com Tel: 01892 546 283 Mob: 07515647006 RPB/HPB A14 Mrs C Stevenson SENNOCKE 12 Montfort Road, Kemsing Sevenoaks, Kent, TN15 6SA christinehighland@sky.com Tel: 01959 522 203 Mob: 07979965461 MM/(cWHP) Highland/Spanish Mr R Avery DRUMACRE Drumacre Hall Stud, Drumacre Lane West, Longton, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 4SB Averyrobin@worldonline.co.uk Tel: 01772 614 572 Mob: 07855782909 MM/WHP Connemara, Fell Mr P Boustead SUMMERHOUSE 33 Meadowside, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA1 3AQ peterboustead@gmail.com Tel: 01524 383 665 Mob: 07790736192 MM/WHP Dales/Fell/Shet/ CHAPS/BSPS Miss D Chadwick HEDGETHORPE The Hedges, North Road Bretherton, Nr Preston, Lancashire, PR26 9AY hedgethorpe@btinternet.com Tel: 01772 601 013 Mob: 07788562523 MM/WHP P(UK)/BSPS/CHAPS Mrs L Clynes Thomas Cobclough Farm, Oakenclough Road CHESHMERE Bacup, Lancashire, OL13 9UZ cheshmerestud@hotmail.co.uk Tel: 01706 872242 Mob: 07973285132 MM A14 Welsh/P(UK)/VHS/ NCPA/CHAPS/TSR/ SS&D Mrs S Crane Fleetcroft, Fleet St Lane Ribchester, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 3XE shirley@crane04787.fsnet.co.uk Tel: 01254 878 047 Mob: 07939473266 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Mr N Hollings PENDLE Blue Slate Stables, Showley Road Tel: 01254 812805 Clayton-le-Dale, Blackburn, Lancashire, Mob: 07808 583929 BB1 9DP nigel@team-hollings.co.uk Mrs P Hollings PENDLE Blue Slate Stables, Showley Road Tel: 01254 812 805 Clayton-le-Dale, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 9DP penelope1965.ph@gmail.com RPB/HBP/PWHP BSPS/P(UK)/BSHA/ SHB/AHS/VHS/ CHAPS/BSPA/ TSR/TGCA/NCPA /SS&D RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) AHS/NCPA/BSHA/ TSR/VHS/BSPS/ CHAPS Mr S Hollings PENDLE Blue Slate Stables, Showley Road Tel: 01254 812805 Clayton-le-Dale, Blackburn, Lancashire, Mob: 07970284194 BB1 9DP stuart@team-hollings.co.uk Lancashire 17 RPB/HPB/PWHP BSPS/P(uk)/BSHA/TSR Mr D J Park DJP 35 Avenue Road, Normoss Blackpool, Lancashire, FY3 7SG djp_7@hotmail.com Ms K Pollard PEARSON Pearson Pony Stud, Proctor Cote Farm Tel: 01282 421251 Roggerham, Briercliffe, Burnley, Mob: 07794799785 Lancashire BB10 3PN kpollard@veka.com RPB/HPB Mrs H Prescott 29 Cousins Lane, Rufford Ormskirk, Lancashire, L40 1TN heprescott@btinternet.com 9, Cranfield View Darwen, Lancashire, BB3 2HP fellofit@btinternet.com Tel: 01704 822 892 Mob: 07745093351 MM/WHP Highland/ P(UK) Tel: 01254 776389 Mob: 07455 354354 MM/WHP Fell Mrs M E MansfieldParnell ROTHERWOOD Rotherwood Stud, Nook Farm Packington Nook Lane, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leciestershire, LE65 2QG elizmansfield@btconnect.com Tel: 01530 412095 Mob: 07788464452 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) NPSCh.O Welsh Mrs K Pole The Orchards, 40 School Lane Old Woodhouse, Leciestershire, LE12 8UJ pole.kay@gmail.co.uk Tel: 01503 890038 PWHP BSPS/VHS/BSPA Wilsford Heath Farm, Wilsford Heath Ancaster, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 3QD fsj1664@yahoo.co.uk Tel: 01400 230266 Mob: 07717172522 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Tel: 01476 550212 Mob: 07850 059236 RPB/HPB/PWHP BSPS/TSR 5 Chester Gate, Regents Park London, NW1 4HJ vivienne@appells.co.uk Tel: 020 7486 9898 Mob: 07836566999 RPB/HPB/PWHP BSHA/P(UK)/BSPS Emneth House, Fendyke Road Outwell, Norfolk, PE14 8PL broxdownstud@aol.com Tel: 01945774581 Mob: 07949 052635 MM/(cWHP) Dart/Fell/P(UK)/Donkey Mr R Sutcliffe DARENVALE Tel: 01253 301119 Mob: 07790 227298 *RPB/HPB BSPS/CHAPS/BSPA/ P(uk)/TSR/NCPA Leicestershire Lincolnshire Mrs F StewartJohnson CROCHALLAN Lady M Benton Jones Irnham Hall, Grantham, DALDORN Linconshire, NG33 4JD London Mrs V Appell HARMONY Norfolk Ms S Prior BROXDOWN 18 Northamptonshire Mr P Cook Mill Farm House, Mill Lane Greens Norton, Towcester, Northamptonshire, NN12 8BB millfarmhouse@icloud.com Mob: 07771974898 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/PWHP Connemara Miss J E Paterson Jasmine Cottage, 25 High Street Podington, Northamptonshire, NN29 7HS Tel: 01933 311406 Mob: 07854458586 MM/WHP/*RPB/HPB Dart/Fell/Shet/BSPS/ P(UK)/NCPA/TSR Northumberland Mrs A Redpath GORFENLETCH Gorfenletch House, Longhorsey Tel: 01670 515 543 Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 3DW Mob: 07982126106 annredpath@hotmail.co.uk RPB/HPB 21 Titchfield Street, Warsop Tel: 01623 846303 Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG20 0LB Mob: 07977 260962 griffin.david@btconnect.com PWHP BSPS/VHS/Minature/ P(UK)/SS&D Miss H Knight LOCKINGE West Lockinge Farm, Wantage, Oxfordshire, OX12 8QF hen@westlockinge.co.uk Tel: 01235 833535 Mob: 07860110153 MM/(cWHP) Conn/NF/SHB/BSPS/ ROR/BSHA Mrs P Williams ARGAL Fieldview, South Leigh Road High Cogges, Witney, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX29 6UW pennyjanewilliams@gmail.com Tel: 01993 774599 RPB/HPB/PWHP Welsh/Spotted/Miniature BSPS/P(uk)/SS Mrs C Frith RISTOL Field View, 9 Steppes Way Childs Ercall, Market Drayton, Shropshire, TF9 2BN cherylfrith@aol.com Tel: 01952 840958 Mob: 07771763784 MM/WHP Welsh/TSR/P(uk) Mr R Parker-Jones CROSTON 28 Eastcote Avenue, Lawley Village Telford, ShropshireTF4 2FR robertparkerjones@talktalk.net Tel: 01952878056 Mob: 07737034836 RPB/HPB/MM /WHP/PWHP Welsh/BSHA/CHAPS/ BSPA Mrs G Sells PRIESTWOOD Deerfold Croft, Deerfold Tel: 01568 770 626 Lingen, Bucknell, Shropshire, SY7 0EE Mob: 07791538248 david.sells@btopenworld.com Nottinghamshire Mrs J Griffin Oxfordshire Shropshire 19 MM/WHP Welsh/P(UK)/BSPS Mrs S Thomas The Long Barn, Longden Wood Farm Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY5 8HJ sharon.longbarn@gmail.com Tel: 01743 718015 Mob: 07801 302679 PWHP Mrs J S Bryer HARROWAY Princes Place, Closworth Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 9RH jinks.bryer@gmail.com Tel: 01935 872 268 RPB/HPB/MM/WHP NF/SHB/BSHA/SSA/ CHAPS/BSPA/ Appaloosa Mrs P Cox CHERITONRIDGE Combe Dingle, Chedzoy Lane Bridgwater, Somerset, TA7 8QW pam.cox12@btinternet.com Tel: 01278 426 014 Mob: 07766257116 MM Exmoor/TSR Mrs A Fowler BROADGROVE Moor Farm, Weston-in-Gordano Portishead, N Somerset, BS20 8PR asfbroadgrove@btinternet.com Tel: 01275 845204 Mob: 07831 295356 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Conn/BSPS/P(uk) Mrs A McHale AMGAR Rose Cottage, Weston in Gordano, N Somerset, BS20 8PU amanda@guardians-etc.com Tel: 01275 843156 Mob: 07977125908 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/(cPWHP) Conn Mr M Northam Avon Farm, Avon Lane Tel: 01225 872 587 Saltford, Bristol, N Somerset, BS31 3ET Mob: 07817134361 MM/(cWHP) Welsh Miss D Porter WHITELEAZE Whiteleaze Stud, Penang, Adsborough, Taunton, Somerset, TA2 8RS a.pitman@monkton-elm.co.uk Tel: 01823 412 760 Mob: 07701020498 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Mrs J Webb BLACKTHORN Minstrels Farm, Withy Road East Huntspill, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 3NW JSPWebb@aol.com Tel: 01278 782349 Mob: 07970 940905 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/PWHP Conn/Ex/NF/Shet /BSPS/P(UK) Mr J Careless FAIRLEY Fairley Stud Farm, Chestnut Cottage Shute Hill, Chorley, Nr Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 8BZ johnr.careless@btinternet.com Tel: 01543 682707 Mob: 07740484070 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) P(UK)/BSPA Mrs G M Cowell CHECKLEYBANK 15 Furlong Drive, Tean Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire ST10 4LD, gillian.cowell3@btinternet.com Tel: 01538 723 969 Mob: 07596986293 MM A14 Shetland/NCPA/TSR Mrs A Dale TRUESDALE 116 Basford Bridge Lane, Cheddleton Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 7EQ vjjames@btinternet.com Tel: 01538360286 Mob: 07968416297 MM/(cWHP) Dales/VHS Somerset Staffordshire 20 Mrs J James CHASECROFT/ STANMAR Vaughan Farm, Lea Lane Newton, Rugeley, Staffordshire, WS15 3NP redgate4c@xlninternet.co.uk Tel: 01889 500 518 Mob: 07800823046 RPB/HPB/PWHP BSPS/TSR/NF Mr R James PENMIRE/ STANMAR Vaughan Farm, Lea Lane Newton, Rugeley, Staffordshire, WS15 3NP redgate4c@xlninternet.co.uk Tel: 01889 500518 Mob: 07851148805 MM/WHP Dales/BSPS/TSR/NF Mrs D Machin Endon Riding School, Tel: 01782 502114 Stanley Moss Lane, Stockton Brook, Mob: 07831339988 Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST9 9LH debbie.machin@btconnect.com PWHP BSPS/PUK/NCPA/ VHS/CHAPS/TSR Mini Mr M J McNaught VALENTINE 11 Bell Lane, Barlaston, Tel: 01782926714 Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST12 9BG. mail@valentineponies.co.uk RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Miss L Nott 45 Green Lane, Rugeley, Staffordshire, WS15 2PH nophil3@aol.com Mob: 07968104746 *RPB/HPB Mr P Nott 45 Green Lane, Rugeley, Staffordshire, WS15 2PH nophil4@aol.com Tel: 01889 574 234 Mob: 07720 810669 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Mrs A Squires YSWAIN Oak Hollow, Watling St Four Crosses, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS11 1RY alison@yswain.co.uk Tel: 01543 579 021 Mob: 07759016294 MM/(cWHP) Welsh Mrs N Turner Hillcroft House, Wheatlow Brooks Milwich, Staffordshire, ST18 OEW niki_hall@btinternet.com Tel: 01889 505 584 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) BSPS/BSHA/P(uk)/ CHAPS/SS&D Miss D Atkinson 3 Benefield Road, Moulton Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 8SW dale_atkinson@btinternet.com Tel: 01638 552320 Mob: 07778493017 PWHP BSPS/BSPA/CHAPS/ SHB/SSA/Suffolk Mr P Brightwell COSFORD Cosford Stud, Frog Hall Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6AB paul@cosfordstud.co.uk Tel: 01473 823 196 Mob: 07860887770 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Dart/BSPS/BSHA Miss J Custerson Mink Farm, Abbey Road Flixton, Bungay, Suffolk NR35 1NL jocus@jocus.plus.com Tel: 01986 895 368 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/(cPWHP) TSR Suffolk 21 Mrs J Etheridge MINSMERE/ WHEELERS Watermill Farm, Middleton Saxmundham, Suffolk, IP17 3LW wheelers.minsmere@virgin.net Tel: 01728 648236 Mob: 07970885207 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/PWHP Conn/Welsh/BSPS/ P(UK)/Palamino/ Appalosa/Donkey/ Minature Miss M G Evans JP Cedars, Sudbury Road Tel: 01787 248219 Lavenham, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 9PJ Mob: 07935283727 gillevans@supanet.com Mrs Z Hadingham (nee Snape) 1 The Maltings, The Street, Laxfield Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP13 8DZ. zoesnape@ymail.com Tel: 01986 799016 Mob: 07949 125 195 RPB/HPB/MM /WHP/PWHP Conn/Dart/Ex/NF/ Welsh/SHB(GB)/BSHA/ ROR/CHAPS/BSPS/ P(UK)/VHS/BSPA/ MHS/TSR MM/WHP BSPS Mrs B Halls Bonnets Cottage, Attleton Green Wickham Book, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 8YA bhalls@btinternet.com Tel: 01440 820217 Mob: 07534 283282 MM/WHP Highland Mrs J Woods MYSTIC Rose Cottage, 3 High Street Cheveley, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 9D. uglyjulia@hotmail.co.uk Tel: 01638 730512 Mob: 07946 586027 MM/WHP Conn/NF/BSPS Surrey Mrs S J Darlington The Barn, Uppersent Cottages Tel: 01306 627 423 Oakwoodhill, Dorking Surrey, RH5 5PT Mob: 07774 633013 oakhillsstables@btinternet.com PWHP BSPS Mrs S Rampling Timber Cottage, Wiremill Lane Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6HJ Tel: 01342 832 781 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/ PWHP/NPSCh.O NF Ms C Richards CARONJOY The Rose Cottage, Horseblock Hollow Barhatch Lane, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 7NJ Tel: 01483 277659 Mob: 07773217723 RPB/HPB/MM/ (cWHP)/(cPWHP) Highland Belmont Cottage, Firle N Lewes, Sussex, BN8 6LP debsbarr@Hotmail.com Tel: 01273 858 544 Mob: 07977934520 *MM Shetland/Welsh Sussex Mrs D Barr FIRLE 22 Miss V de Quincey ERIMUS The Moat Farm, Church Lane Robertsbridge, Sussex, TN32 5PR Tel: 01580 880459 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/PWHP Conn/Dart/NF/ BSPS/BSHA/P(UK) Mrs J Godden RHOS Rhos Stud, Moor Hall Farmhouse Moor Hall Drive, Ninfield, Battle, E Sussex, TN33 9JT jill.godden2@btinternet.com Tel: 01424 892 686 Mob: 07751340856 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) BSPS/P(UK) Mrs D Steains BROWNBREAD The Brownbread Stud, Ashburnham Battle, Sussex, TN33 9NX dintysteains@hotmail.co.uk Tel: 01424 892 381 MM/(cWHP)/ NPSCh.O High/NF Ms M Allison Cawkin Cottage, Birmingham Road Stoneleigh, Coventry, Warkwickshire, CV8 3DD marya.1@live.co.uk Tel: 02476 419509 Mob: 07870 452399 PWHP Mrs L Homer Honington Fields, Honington Shipston-on-Stour, Warwickshire, CV36 5AD lorainehomer@yahoo.co.uk Tel: 01608 664722 Mob:07977113150 PWHP Mrs J Stuart STARLYTE Starlyte Stud, Bromson Hill Court Ashorne, Warwickshire, CV35 9AD carouselequestrian@hotmail.com Tel: 01926 651286 Mob: 07745590962 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) NCPA Ms S Bartle (King) TEMMAS 38 Spiders Island, Alderbury Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 3BG sandieking1949@gmail.com Mob: 07752491369 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Conn/Shet Mrs J Beatham The Gatehouse, Landford Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 2AU jacqueline.beatham@btinternet.com Tel: 01794 390 338 Mob: 07729355250 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/PWHP NF/BSPS/BSHA/TSR/ CHAPS/Miniature Miss E Briant PICTON Ivy House Farm, Grittenham Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 4JU lizziebriant@aol.com Tel: 01666 510 750 Mob: 07894236633 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/(cPWHP) NF/Highland Mr A Perkins The Carthouse, Sheephouse Farm, Bath, Avon, Wiltshire BA1 8EE. anthony.perkins@onetel.com Mob: 07739381066 RPB/HPB/PWHP BSPS/CHAPS/BSPA/ SS&D/P(UK) Warwickshire Wiltshire 23 Miss N Stephens Tinkerbells, Grove Lane Redlynch, Nr Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 2NR guynicky@btinternet.com Mob: 07831233344 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/PWHP NF/Shet/Conn/P(UK) Mrs P Balch SINTON Copperfields, Old Road, Clifton-on-Teme, Worcestershire, WR6 6DR pippap.balch@virginmedia.com Tel: 01886 812412 Mob: 07734883017 MM/WHP Dales/Welsh Mr A Charlesworth CENTURION Keybridge Barn, Doverdale Lane Hampton Lovett, Droitwich, Worcestershire, WR9 0PB acharleslancs@hotmail.co.uk Mob: 07737 154 862 Tel: 01299851778 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Mrs B Evans FOXCROFT The Loft, Main Street Peopleton, Worcestershire, WR10 2EE bb.aleda@btopenworld.com Tel: 01905 841974 Mob: 07803047655 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/(cPWHP) Welsh A & B Ms D Nicholson DIBYNN Dibynn Stud, One Oak, Kidderminster Road, Dodford Crossing, Worcestershire, B61 9DT. dibynnstud@gmail.com Tel: 01527 328666 Mob: 07722641543 *RPB/HPB Mrs J Stephens Court Farm, Brickle Hampton Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 3HJ j.stephens850@btinternet.com Tel: 01386 710 570 Mob: 07967 567526 RPB/HPB/PWHP Mrs A J Calvert Squirrel Park, Abbe's Walk Burghwallis, Nr Doncaster, Yorkshire, DN6 9JQ a.jcalvert@btinternet.com Tel: 01302 707284 Mob: 07768796492 RPB/HPB/PWHP Miss S Coles SELOC 4 Race Terrace, Great Ayton Middlesbrough, N Yorks, TS9 6NS sally.patcoles@talktalk.net Tel: 01642 724 524 RPB/HPB Conn Mrs L Crowcroft Thistledome Farm, Ingham Road Thornhill Lees, Dewsbury, W Yorkshire, WF12 0AZ thistledomefarm@yahoo.co.uk Mob: 07860573858 RPB/HPB Mrs P Dorman MONIVEA Dibble Bridge Farm, Castleton Whitby, N Yorkshire, YO21 2DR prporley@btinternet.com Tel: 01287 660719 RPB/HPB/PWHP BSPS/BSPA/Minature Worcestershire Yorkshire 24 Mr P Emmerson The Meadows Stud, Kirkby Stokesley, N Yorkshire, TS9 7AQ peter.emmerson1@btinternet.com Tel: 01642 711 640 Mob: 07759142030 RPB/HPB Mrs D Hadwen HIGHFOX Upper Spring Head Farm, Lane Side Queensbury, Bradford, Yorkshire, BD13 1NE djhadwen@gmail.com Tel: 01274 817 092 Mob: 07811 196595 MM/(cWHP) NF/P(UK) Mr J Harforth STANLEY GRANGE Stanley Grange, Great Ayton Middlesbrough, N Yorkshire, T S9 6QD. jerome.harforth@btconnect.com Tel: 01642 722 386 Mob: 07768091851 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/PWHP Conn/Dart/Welsh/BSPS/ P(UK) Mr S Howard BOSTON Village Farm, Bilton In Ainsty York, N Yorkshire, YO26 7NN stephen@bostonstud.co.uk Tel: 01423 358 503 MM/(cWHP) WPCS/BSPS Mr C Nicholson 23 Briggs Avenue, Normanby Grange, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, Yorkshire, TS6 6XL. c.nicholson1979@yahoo.co.uk Mob: 07817843349 *RPB/*HPB Mrs N Shuttleworth Wilmar House, Back Lane Osmotherley, Northallerton, N Yorkshire, DL6 3BJ Tel: 01609 883 931 MM/(cWHP) Dartmoor/BSPS Mr S Stafford 27a Blacker Lane, Crigglestone Wakefield, Yorkshire, WF4 3EW ykscowboy@hotmail.com Tel: 01924 251187 Mob: 07717749767 RPB/HPB Mrs M Taylor LANGFIELD Gale House Farm, Bishopdyke Road Tel: 01757 269457 Cawood, Selby, N Yorkshire, YO8 3UB Mob: 07768597426 madgetaylor@clannet.co.uk MM/WHP Dart/NF/NCPA/P(UK) Miss B Wilson HARDENLEY Hardenley Farm, Shelley Huddersfield, Yorkshire, HD8 8LZ Tel: 01484 606214 MM/WHP/NPSCH.O NF/Shet Mr A Bell BELTOY 31 Ballywillan Road, Beltoy Gleno, Larne, Co Antrim, BT40 3LQ tony@beltoy.freeserve.co.uk Tel: 028 9337 8850 MM/(cWHP) Shet/P(UK) Mr M Chadwick HETHEL 47 Cahard Road, Saintfield Tel: 02897510975 Ballynahinch, Co Down, BT24 8YD Mob: 07730309738 melvyn@chadwick7497.freeserve.co.uk Northern Ireland 25 RPB/HPB BSPS/P(UK)/VHS/ Donkey/IPS/SS&D Scotland Mrs J Barry KINKELL Ceann-Na-Coille, Upper Braefindon Culbokie, By Dingwall, Ross-shire, IV7 8GY kinkellshetlands@btinternet.com Tel: 01349 877 266 Mob: 07771862150 MM/WHP A13 Shetland Mr T Best WAXWING Waxwing Stud, Balgonar Saline, Fife, KY12 9TA tom.best@btinternet.com Tel: 01383 851732 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/PWHP Welsh/P(UK)/BSPS Mr D Blair WAXWING Waxwing Stud, Balgonar Saline, Fife, KY12 9TA david@waxwingponies.com Tel: 01383 851732 Mob: 07802 812765 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/PWHP Conn/NF/Welsh/P(UK)/ BSPS/CHAPS/TSR Mrs S Brooks EDNAM HOUSE/ CORRIEGARTH Ednam House Stud, Oaklands Kelso, Borders, TD5 7BP shebrooks@aol.com Tel: 01573 224717 MM/WHP Dales/Highland/NF/ BSPS/ P(UK) Mrs S A Clark LAMMERMUIR Fieldfare, Upper Bolton Farm Haddington, East Lothian, EH41 4HW Tel: 01620 810 346 Mob: 07910843363 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/PWHP/NPSCh.O Conn/Dart/Fell/NF/Shet Mrs M E Claxton 1 Clunymore Drive, Rosemount Blairgowrie, Perthshire, PH10 6UU hclaxton@btinternet.com Tel: 01250 873225 Mob: 07759 278600 MM/WHP Conn/P(UK) Mrs B K Gibb KINGSWELL East Kingsford, Kingswells Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, AB15 8QR bkay@w-enterprises.co.uk Tel: 01224 743 902 Mob: 07703281117 MM/WHP Conn/Shet/Dressage Mrs J Jack CRAIGLAW Wester Newburn, Leven, Fife, KY8 5QS jo@westernewburn.co.uk Tel: 01333 360 409 Mob: 07974972856 MM/WHP/(cPWHP) Highland Mr A Kidd The Cottage, The Crossing Inchyra, Glencarse, Perthshire, PH2 7LT. angus@angus27.orangehome.co.uk Tel: 01738 860655 Mob: 07970 367115 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) P(UK) Mrs V M M Laing PERPOP Perpop Stud, Perpop Roslin, Midlothian, EH25 9QJ ginny@perpop.go-plus.net Tel: 01968 675 664 Mob: 07957887312 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) The Hon Mrs A D Leslie-Melville GLENBANCHOR South Cantray, Croy, Invernesshire, IV2 5PW slmcantray@gmail.com Tel: 01667 493 593 Mob: 07801665648 MM/(cWHP) Highland 26 Mrs C McArdle DENMILL Denmill, Tough Alford, Aberdeenshire, AB33 8EP k@highland-pony.com Tel: 01975 562582 Mob: 07786775227 MM/WHP High/P(UK)/BSPS Mrs G McMurray TRAILTROW Bellstown, Eaglesfield Lockerbie, Dumfries, DG11 3AG gillian.mcmurray@btopenworld.com Tel: 01461 600296 Mob: 07885272052 MM/WHP High/BSPS/P(UK)/TSR Mrs J McNaught Netherbrae, 30 Burn Road Darvel, Ayrshire, KA17 0DB janemcnaught21@googlemail.com Tel: 01560 320 366 Mob: 07703048111 *MM TSR/Highland Mrs C M Nelson Trows Cottage, Kelso, Roxburghshire, TD5 8LX caroline.nelson4@btinternet.com Tel: 01573 450 733 Mob: 07968 599840 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/PWHP Welsh/BSHA/BSPS/ AHS/SSH/P(UK)/BSPA Mrs M-C Nimmo DUNTARVIE Duntarvie Stud, Winchburgh Broxburn, W Lothian, EH52 6QA duntarvie@icloud.com Tel: 01506 834 331 Mob: 07831896241 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/PWHP Welsh/BSPS/ CHAPS/ SSH/P(UK)/TSR Mrs K O'Dwyer RAEMOIR Raemoir Stud, Glassel Banchory, Royal Deeside, raemoirstud@aol.com Tel: 01339 882 319 AB31 4DJ RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Mrs M Osborne NA DAILACH Kinclune, Kingoldrum Kirriemuir, AngusDD8 5HX secretary@clydesdalehorsesociety.com Tel: 01575 574 710 MM/(cWHP) Highland/BSPS Miss E Rennie Lomondside Stud, Buchanan Home Farm Tel: 01360 660481 Drymen by Glasgow, Stirlingshire, Mob: 07785943661 G63 0HU info@lomondsidestud.com MM/WHP NF Miss P Rennie Lomondside Stud, Buchanan Home Farm Tel: 01360 660481 Drymen by Glasgow, Stirlingshire, Mob: 07785943661 G63 0HU info@lomondsidestud.com MM/WHP Highland/NF/BSPS/ TSR Mrs S Ross MRCVS Whistlemount, Powmill Dollar, Clackmannanshire, FK14 7NH ian.ross14@btinternet.com Tel: 01259 743 592 Mob: 07790 436 115 *MM Shet Mrs E Russell GARTCONNEL Gartconnel Stud, Carston House By Killearn, Glasgow, Strathclyde, G63 9LJ gartconnel@btconnect.com Tel: 01360 550581 Mob: 07778 003962 *MM Welsh/BDS 27 Mrs K Scott BRYNDEFAID Bryndefaid Stud, Colliehill Farm Longhaven, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, AB42 0PY kathleenscott77@yahoo.co.uk Tel: 01224 647 976 Mob: 07865 092533 MM/(cWHP) Welsh/BSPS/P(UK) Mrs H Stirrat Crunklaw Cottage, Duns, Borders, TD11 3RA gordonstirrat@btinternet.con Tel: 01361 882718 RPB/HPB/PWHP BSPS Mrs S Williamson Eskside Stud, Wilbram, Justinhaugh By Forfar, Angus, Tayside, DD8 3SD esksideponies@tiscali.co.uk Tel: 01307 860263 Mob: 07778 178 586 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Wales Miss M J Brace Coed Parc, Coychurch Tel: 01656 864 052 Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan, CF35 5HW Mob: 07884470218 braceatcoedparc@btinternet.com RPB/HPB/PWHP BSPS/BMHS/P(UK) Mrs C Fletcher Pine Grove House, Llanwenarth Citra Tel: 01873 812324 Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 7ET Mob: 07770977655 christinafletcher04@gmail.com MM/WHP Conn Mrs L B Hillard Tir Bwcci, Nantycaws Tel: 01267 234057 Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, SA32 8EU Mob: 07443 425845 Lbhillard@hotmail.co.uk MM/WHP Welsh Mr J James SIANWOOD Sianwood Stud Coedcae Farm, Myddfai Tel: 01550 720 849 Llandovery, Carmarthenshire, SA20 0HQ MM/WHP Welsh/BSPS Miss A Jones 8 Heol Ddu, Gelligroes, Blackwood Gwent, NP12 2GZ annelijones@hotmail.co.uk Mob: 07817149294 *RPB/HPB BSPS Mr M R Jones 108 Court Farm Road, Llantarnam Cwmbran, Gwent, NP44 3BT Tel: 01633877107 RPB/HPB/MM /WHP/PWHP Conn/BSPS/BSHA/ P(UK)/CHAPS Miss F Leadbitter THORNBERRY Thornberry Stud, The Coach House Bwlch Gwyn Farm, Ystradowen, Cowbridge, Glamorgan, CF71 7SX fiona.leadbitter@tesco.net Tel: 01446 773765 Mob: 07967 289025 MM/WHP Welsh Mr I Lloyd F.R.AG.S Derwen Stud, Ynyshir Farm, Pennant Tel: 01545 570250 Llanon, Aberystwyth, Dyfed, SY23 5JN Mob: 07989 313887 dyfed.lloyd@btconnect.com 28 MM/(cWHP) Welsh, CHAPS Mrs J Mabbett HIGHMEAD Awel Fryn, 345 Pontardulais Road Tycroes, Ammanford, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, SA18 3RF highmeadstud@hotmail.co.uk Tel: 01269 592 464 Mob: 07855 784081 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Mr R L Miller Heniarth, Ferryside, Carmarthenshire, SA17 5YW info@heniarth.com Tel: 01267 267 264 RPB/HPB/MM Shetland/Welsh/BSPS/ TSR/CHAPS Mrs C M Morris Litton Court, Whitton Knighton, Powys, LD8 2NS littonstud@hotmail.com Tel: 01547 560 271 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) NCPA/P(UK) Mrs S Seward Grogwynion, Porthyrhyd Tel: 01267 275485 Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, SA32 8PX sandra.seward@homecall.co.uk RPB/HPB/MM/WHP/ PWHP Shetland/Welsh/CHAPS/ BSPA/Palomino/P(UK) Ms A G Stevens CATCHPOOL/ HONEY ACRE Belle Vue, Llangennith Gower, Swansea, W Glamorgan, SA3 1HX catchpoolshetlands@gmail.com MM/WHP Shet/BSPS/P(uk) Mr N True Penycoed Barn, Nantycaws Tel: 01267 237 309 Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, SA32 8HDMob: 07807 248102 sntrue@btinternet.com RPB/HPB Shet Mr K Walker Bryn Offa Farm, Bryn Offa Lane New Brighton, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 6RQ walker.kevin76@yahoo.com Tel: 01352 700 459 Mob: 07714 762885 RPB/HPB/MM/ (cPWHP) Welsh/Minature/BSPS Mrs J P B Williams GLEBEDALE Parsonage Farm, Llandewi Skirrid Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 8AG kitty@kolvox.net Tel: 01873854358 Mob: 07971 866012 RPB/HPB/MM/ WHP/(cPWHP) Welsh Mrs M Beckman Honsstigen 2, 31192 Falkenberg Sweden beckman@carnabyconnemara.se Tel: +4634650544 Mob: +46706420544 MM A14 Int Conn/NF/Dart/Shet/ Swedish Riding Pony Mr R Cockram Deanhills Stud, P.O. Box, 209 Woodend, Victoria, Australia, 3442 r.a.cockram@gmail.com Mob: 0061427978784 RPB/HPB/(cPWHP) Welsh (aus) Mrs S Hellum Eidsten, 3267 Larvik, Norway susahe@online.no Mob: +4790796161 RPB/HPB/MM/ (cWHP) Tel: 01792 386 212 Overseas 29 Mr S Langørgen Hanevoldveien 3, Hof, Norway, 3090 HOF st.lang@online.no Tel: +4798851930 30 MM A13 NF/Int Shet NPS Probationer Judges 2015 The below judges are currently participating in our judges training scheme. Panels in bold are those that have been applied for; panels in brackets are the panels the candidate is already part of. Name and Prefix Address and Email Telephone No Judging Panels Mrs L Ahmet AQUILAS C/o Aquilas Stud, Summerfield Farm Borough Green Road, Ightham, New Sevenoaks, Kent, TN15 9HS Lorayne.aquilas@hotmail.co.uk Stowford Hill, Brentor, Tavistock, Devon, PL19 0NH Deborah.alderson@tiscali.co.uk Tel: 01322 633023 Mob: 07762389814 WHP (RPB/HPB/MM/(cWHP) Tel: 01822 860799 Mob: 07971510682 RPB/HPB Mrs J Crane Hoseley Bank, Ednaston, Brailsford Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 3AB. jenny.crane@hotmail.co.uk Tel: 01283 812780 Mob: 07743 812710 MM (Fell) Mrs J James CHASECROFT/ STANMAR Vaughan Farm, Lea Lane Newton, Rugeley, Staffordshire, WS15 3NP redgate4c@xlninternet.co.uk Tel: 01889 500 518 Mob: 07800823046 MM (RPB/HPB/PWHP BSPS/TSR/NF) Mr J Karwl-Jackes Belgravia Stud, Fordafourie Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire AB437U belgraviastud@icloud.com Mob: 07947 498474 RPB/HPB Mr E Mackechnie Mill Lodge, Rossburn Lane, Blairdrummond, Stirling, FK9 4AH. erikmac@aol.com Tel: 01786 860530 Mob: 07769 553065 MM (Highland) Mrs V OsborneAntolovi Na Dailach, Kinclune, Kingoldrum Kirriemuir,Angus, DD8 5HX. i.v.osborne@hotmail.com Tel: 01575 574710 MM (Highland) Mr M Sheen 68 Quarry View, Newport Isle Of Wight, Hampshire, PO30 5PJ mark.sheena1@btinternet.com Coldharbour Park, Coldharbour Lane Hildenborough, Tonbridge Kent, TN11 9JX. somersets@btinternet.com 10a Camptoun Holdings Drem, North Berwick East Lothian, EH39 5BA Richardtelford@hotmail.co.uk Tel: 01983 529 080 WHP (MM) Tel: 01732 833 787 Mob: 07757 346 454 MM (Connemara) Mob:07885058451 RPB/HPB Mrs D T Alderson Mrs J Somerset Mr R Telford 31 Other Society Judging Panels For convienience please see on the next pages the judges list from the Native Breed societies and British Show Horse Association. Breed shows may pick judges from the relevant breed panel and other shows may wish to pick a specialist breed judge for some of their classes which otherwise do not have a requirement for a NPS Panel Judge. The Ottergayle Hack and Riding Horse In Hand Qualifiers requires a judge from the BSHA Panel. Please Note: These lists have been supplied by the individual societies and the NPS cannot be held responsible for their accuracy. Please refer to the individual society for any questions. British Connemara Pony Society Judges List 2016 ** are probationer judges and as such can judge local and regional level but not above county level Avery Mr S R, Drumacre Hall Stud, Drumacre Lane, 15884 West Longton, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 4SB, Tel:01772 614572, Mobile:07855 782909, Email:averyrobin@worldonline.co.uk Blair Mr D, Waxwing Stud, Balgonar, Saline, Fife, 00918 Scotland, KY12 9TA, Tel:01383 851732, Fax:01383 851732, Mobile:07802 812765, Email:david@waxwingponies.com Bown Mrs R, Woodlands, 76 Botley Road, Chesham, 14390 Buckinghamshire, HP5 1XG, Tel:01494 785223, Email:vnn.bown@virgin.net Bramwell Miss A, Tyn Y Fron, Nasareth, Caernarfon, 00085 Gywnedd, LL54 6DU, Tel:01286 880534, Mobile:07921 854756, Email:bramwea1@gmail.com Clark Mrs V, Coldstead Farm, Newball, Lincolnshire, 00161 LN3 5DQ, Tel:01522 750971, Mobile:07748 610972, Email:chilhamcon@yahoo.com Claxton Mrs M E, 1 Clunymore Drive, Rosemount, 00146 Blairgowrie, Perthshire, PH10 6UU, Tel:01250 873225, Mobile:07759 278600, Email:hclaxton@btinternet.com Coles Miss S P, 4 Race Terrace, Great Ayton, Middlesbrough, 00154 Cleveland, North Yorkshire, TS9 6NS, Tel:01642 724524, Email:sally.patcoles@talktalk.net Cook Mr P, Mill Farm House, Mill Lane, Greene Norton, 17768 Towcester, Northants, NN12 8BB, Tel:01327 359106, Mobile:07771 974898, Email:millfarmhouse@icloud.com De Quincey Miss V G, The Moat Farm, Robertsbridge, Sussex, TN32 5PR, Tel:01580 880459 00923 Deja Ms T, The Pinnocks, High Halden, Kent, TN26 3HT, 13930 Tel:01233 850752, Mobile:07808 703251, Email:trudideja@hotmail.com 32 Evans Miss M. G., Cedars, Sudbury Road, Lavenham, 12395 Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 9PJ, Tel:01787 248219, Email:gillevans@supanet.com Fitzsimons Miss A, Poplar Grove Farm, Sandpit Hall Road, 15302 Chobham, Surrey, GU24 8HA, Tel:01276 857093, Mobile:07968 371067, Email:amiefitzsimons@hotmail.com Fletcher Mrs C M, Pine Grove House, Llanwenarth Citra, 00266 Nr. Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 7ET, Tel:01873 812324, Mobile:07770977655, Email:christinafletcher04@gmail.com Fry Mr M, Sunnyside, Newbridge Village, Cadnam, 14905 Southampton, Hants, SO40 2NW, Tel:07790 093656, Email:mfry@eastleigh.ac.uk Gibb ** Mrs K, Kingsford, Kingswells, Aberdeen, 00941 AB1 8QR, Tel:01224 740214, Fax:01224 740866, Mobile:01224 740270 Work Gomersall Miss A J, 20 The Crossways, Chandlers Ford, 00305 Hampshire, SO53 3BU, Mobile:07802 523066, Email:amandajgomersall@gmail.com Harforth Mr J. F., Stanley Grange Stud, Great Ayton, 00352 Middlesborough, North Yorkshire, TS9 6QD, Tel:01642 722386, Mobile:07768 091851, Email:jerome.harforth@btconnect.com Hodge Mrs P, Albie Stud Farm, Waterbeck, Lockerbie, 17767 Dumfriesshire, DG11 3JR, Tel:01461 600663, Email:albiestudfarm@aol.com Hodgett ** Ms V, Lower Small Hazels, Plumpton Road, 13913 Habergam Eves, Burnley, Lancs, BB11 3RR, Tel:01282 439684, Mobile:07915 172659, Email:tomhopkins93@hotmail.co.uk Holderness-Roddam Mrs J, Church Farm, West Kington, 00393 Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 7JE, Tel:01249 782050, Fax:01249 782940, Email:jhroddam@aol.com Horsfall Mrs H, Blarney Castle, Lumbutts Road, 13943 Todmorden, Lancashire, OL14 6JJ, Tel:07957 632116, Email:helenhorsfall@hotmail.co.uk Impey Ms L, Oak Croft, Priors Green, Hartford End, 16906 Chelmsford, Essex, CM13 1JR, Tel:01371 820706, Mobile:07713 825935, Email:impeylinda@hotmail.co.uk Knight Miss H, West Lockinge Farm, Wantage, Oxfordshire, 00465 OX12 8QF, Tel:01235 833535, Fax:01235 820110, Mobile:07860 110153, Email:hen@westlockinge.co.uk Lawrence Mr M, 13 St Aidens Close, St George, 00474 Bristol, BS5 8RH, Tel:01179 091893, Mobile:07834 243282, Email:mathewgl69@gmail.com Loriston-Clarke Mrs AJF, Catherston Stud, Croft Farm, 00928 Over Wallop, Stockbridge, Hants., SO20 8HX, Tel:01264 782716, Fax:01264 782717, Email:jennielc@btconnect.com Low Mrs. M, Kingham Farmhouse, Hollington Lane, 00310 Highclere, Newbury, Berks., RG20 9SB, Tel:01635 253596, Fax:01635 255345, Email:Mary@Kinghamfarm.com 33 MacInnes Mrs J, Ivy House, Skelton Wood End, Penrith, 00502 Cumbria, CA11 9UB, Tel:01768 484018, Fax:01768 484033 , Email:Jomacin@aol.com McGrath Mrs. B, 6 Dunsany Terrace, Pelton Fell, 00859 Chester-le-Street, Co.Durham, DH2 2PE, Tel:0191 388 0302, Mobile:07779 319530 McHale Mrs A, Rose Cottage, Weston-In-Gordano, 00522 Portishead, North Somerset, BS20 8PU, Tel:01275 843156, Mobile:07977 125908, Email:amanda@bristolguardianship.co.uk Nicholls Mrs E A, Hillside Cottage, Old London Road, 16549 Wotton-U-Edge, Glos, GL12 7EG, Tel:07989 663508, Email:ann@nicholls-miller.co.uk Parker-Jones Mr R **, 28 Eastcote Avenue, Lawley Village, Telford Shropshire TF4 2FR Tel: 01952878056 Mob: 07737034836 Email: robertparkerjones@talktalk.net 19529 Pink Mr R C, Locks Cottage, Combe Florey, Taunton, Somerset, TA4 3JD, Tel:01823 433639 00628 Rowe Miss S M, Trewithian Stud, Trewithen, Sticker, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 7EH, Tel:01726 72114 00932 Sabin Mrs G R, 14 Rue de Monteville, 62310 Compelle Vielle, 00698 Pas de Calais, France, Tel:00333 21030419, Mobile:07919 208443 Saunders Mr M, 53 de Lisle Road, Talbot Woods, 16451 Bournemouth, Dorset, BH3 7NG, Tel:01202 514787, Email:neacroft@gmail.com Somerset Mrs H, Coldharbour Park, Coldharbour Lane, 00744 Hildenborough, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 9JX, Tel:01732 833787, Email:somersets@btinternet.com Strang Mr. J. S., 3c Kirkton Court, Gilmour Street, 10269 Eaglesham, Renfrewshire, Scotland, G76 0LQ, Tel:01355 302698, Email:jstevenstrang@hotmail.com Sykes Mr D, Hillside, Froxfield, Petersfield, Hants, GH32 1BD, Tel:01730 827232 00935 Wainwright Miss K, Lockgate Farm, Wood Lanes East, 00824 Adlington, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 4PH, Tel:01625 572356, Mobile:07900 263203, Email:skellornstud@hotmail.com Ward Mrs A, 12 Kingsmead, Puddletown, Dorchester, 00948 Dorset, DT2 8XH, Tel:01305 849105, Mobile:07754 676351, Email:anneward246@gmail.com Webb Mrs J, Minstrels Farm, Withy Road, East Huntspill, 00849 Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 3NW, Tel:01278 782349, Fax:01278 782349, Mobile:07970 940905, Email:jspwebb@aol.com Woods Mrs J, Rose Cottage, 3 High Street, Cheveley, 00746 Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 9DQ, Tel:01638 730512, Mobile:07946586027, Email:uglyjulia@hotmail.co.uk 34 Wright Ms. G. A., Randalls Farm, Burley Street, 00937 Ringwood, Hants, BH24 3HJ, Tel:01425 404024, Mobile:07710 358555, Email:nfpony@btinternet.com Dales Pony Society Judges List 2016 * Indicates newly appointed judges who should not yet be asked to judge in the following major shows: Great Yorkshire Show; NPS Summer Championship (Malvern); Royal Windsor; and Equifest. A Panel Alderson, Mr J * Balch, Mrs P Bousted, Mr P Brooks , Mrs S Broster, Mr R J Buck, Mr W Cockbain, Mrs G. Cockbain, Mr JR Corner, Miss P. Corner, Mr R Coulthard, Mr E Dale, Mrs C Daley, Mr J Daley, Mr L Dickinson, Mr K. * Eastwood Mrs R Eccles, Mr D Emerson, Mr H Fawcett, Mrs H Glasper, Mrs C Graham, Mrs J Hayes, Mr E Heywood, Miss E Hill, Mrs P Hindhaugh, Mr H Hobday, Miss J James, Mr R S * Jones, Mrs E J M Lee, Mrs S Longstaff, Mr C Longstaff, Mr R Metcalf, Mr J K Morland, Mr A Pennell, Miss A Raper, Mr D Smith, Mr A Thompson, Mrs N Turner, Mr C Wall, Mr J R * Wallace, Miss A 28 Rowan Court, Leyburn, North Yorkshire DL8 5SL Tel: 01969 624645 Copperfields, Old Road, Clifton-on-Teme, Worcestershire WR6 6DR. Tel: 01886 812412 33 Meadowside, Lancaster LA1 3AQ Tel: 01524 383665 Oaklands, Kelso, Roxburghshire TD5 7BP Tel: 01573 224717 34 Cranham Square, Marden, Tonbridge, Kent TN12 9TG Tel: 01622 831012 Highfield Stables, 65 Hollinbank Lane, Heckmondwike, West Yorks WF16 9NW Tel: 01924 403343 Rakefoot Farm, Keswick, Cumbria CA12 4TE. Tel: 01768 772133 Rakefoot Farm, Keswick, Cumbria CA12 4TE Tel: 01768 772133 25 Boxall Road, Dulwich Village, London SE21 7JS. Tel: 0171 7373781 Southmoor Farm, Trimdon Village, Trimdon Station, Co.Durham. Tel: 01429 880315 Orchard House, Winton, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria. Tel: 01768 371942 116 Basford Bridge Road, Cheddleton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire 01538 360286 73 St. David’s close, Spennymoor, Co.Durham DL16 6SZ Tel: 077682 56918 8 Wear View, Byers Green, Spennymoor, Co. Durham DL16 7PP Tel: 01388 665007 Millbeck Croft, Ring Road, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 4EL. Tel: 0113 2743666 7 Bridge Street, Stranraer, Wigtownshire, Scotland, DG9 7JA Tel: 07747866732 Hardberry Hill Farm, Aukside, Middleton-in-Teesdale, Barnard Castle, Co. Durham DL12 0QY Lutterington Farm, Bildershaw Bank, West Auckland, Co. Durham . Tel: 01388 834855 Argill House, South Stainmore, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria CA17 4DH Tel: 01768 341417 Beckwith House, Blue House Estate, Kirk Merrington, Spennymoor, Co.Durham. Cleughside, Bailey, Newcastleton, Roxburghshire TD9 0TR, Tel: 01697 748783 Crookbank Farm, Lane Head, Tideswell, Derbyshire, SK17 8RB, Tel: 01298 872000 Lutterington Farm, Bildershaw Bank, West Auckland, Co. Durham DL14 9PP Tel: 01388 834855 1 Lord Neville, School Aycliffe, Newton Ayecliffe, Co.Durham DL5 6TJ. Tel: 01325 321118 Old Burdon Farm, South Old Burdon, Seaham, Co. Durham SR7 0NW. Tel: 0191 5238097 Sunglow Stud, Manor Farm, Old Lane, Dockenfield, Farnham, Surrey GU10 4HL Tel: 07881 932363 Vaughans Farm, Lea Lane, Newton, Rugeley, Staffordshire WS15 3NP Tel: 01889 500518 Mill Cottage, Sparket Mill, Hutton John, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 0LZ, Tel: 017684 83511 Waltroyd Farm, Crag Lane, Wheatley, Halifax, West Yorkshire. Tel: 01422 63805 Hawsteads, Barningham, Barnard Castle, Co.Durham. Tel: 01748 884348 Lowhouses, Newbiggin-in-Teesdale, Barnard Castle, Co.Durham.01833 640482 Meadow View, Dunwell Lane, Bolam, Darlington, Co. Durham, DL2 3UN. Tel: 01388 832730 Roundthwaite Farm, Tebay, Penrith, Cumbria. Tel: 01539 624615 Todd Fall Farm, Heighington, Darlington, Co. Durham DL2 2XG Tel: 07949 989 976 18 East Street, Hett Village, Co. Durham DH6 5LP Tel: 01388 810199 16 Mill Hill Drive, Greenloaning, Perthshire, Scotland FK15 0LS 01786 880282 65 Burnett Crescent, Kelloe, Durham DH6 4PH Tel: 0191 3778771 3 Leonard Terrace, Waterside, Darwen, Lancashire BB3 3NT Tel: 01254 708622 Raygill Farm, Lartington, Barnard Castle, Co.Durham. Tel: 01833 690118 The Paddock, Wingate Road, Trimdon Station, Co. Durham, TS29 6AR, Tel: 07515 692066 35 Welford, Miss S Williams, Mr B Wray, Mrs E 31, Third Street, Watling, Leadgate, Consett, Co. Durham DH6 6HT. Tel: 01207 500207 4 Somerwood Close, Long Marton, Appleby-in-Westmorland, Cumbria CA16 6BH Tel: 07708633947 4 Waverley Close, Carlton, Nr. Goole, East Yorkshire DN14 9LS. 01405 861536 Ridden Panel Balch, Mrs P Bousted, Mr P Brooks, Mrs S Cockbain, Mrs G. Corner, Miss P Dale, Mrs C Eastwood, Mrs R Fawcett, Mrs H Glasper, Mrs C Graham, Mrs J Heywood, Miss E Hobday, Miss J James, Mr R S Jones, Mrs E J M Lee, Mrs S Morland, Mr A Pennell, Miss A Smith, Mr A Thompson, Mrs N Turner, Mr C Williams, Mr B Wray, Mrs E Copperfields, Old Road, Clifton-on-Teme, Worcestershire WR6 6DR Tel: 01886 812412 33 Meadowside, Lancaster LA1 3AQ. Tel: 01524 383665 Oaklands, Kelso, Roxburghshire TD5 7BP Tel: 01573 224717 Rakefoot Farm, Keswick, Cumbria CA12 4TE. Tel: 01768 772133 25 Boxall Road, Dulwich Village, London SE21 7JS. Tel: 0171 7373781 116 Basford Bridge Road, Cheddleton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire 01538 360286 7 Bridge Street, Stranraer, Scotland DG9 7JA Tel: 07747866732 Argill House, South Stainmore, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria CA17 4DH. Tel: 01768 341417 Beckwith House, Blue House Estate, Kirk Merrington, Spennymoor, Co.Durham. Cleughside, Bailey, Newcastleton, Roxburghshire TD9 0TR. Tel: 01697 748783 Lutterington Farm, Bildershaw Bank, West Auckland, Co. Durham DL14 9PP Tel: 01388 834855 Sunglow Stud, Manor Farm, Old Lane, Dockenfield, Farnham, Surrey GU10 4HL Tel: 07881 932363 Vaughans Farm, Lea Lane, Newton, Rugeley, Staffordshire WS15 3NP Tel: 01889 500518 Mill Cottage, Sparket Mill, Hutton John, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 0LZ, Tel: 017684 83511 Waltroyd Farm, Crag Lane, Wheatley, Halifax, West Yorkshire Tel: 01422 63805 Roundthwaite Farm, Tebay, Penrith, Cumbria. Tel: 01539 624615 Todd Fall Farm, Heighington, Darlington, Co. Durham DL2 2XG Tel: 0749 9989976 16 Mill Hill Drive, Greenloaning, Perthshire, Scotland, FK15 0LS 01786 880282 65 Burnett Crescent, Kelloe, Durham DH6 4PH Tel: 0191 3778771 3 Leonard Terrace, Waterside, Darwen, Lancashire BB3 3NT Tel: 01254 708622 4 Somerwood Close, Long Marton, Appleby-in-Westmorland, Cumbria CA16 6BH Tel: 07708633947 4 Waverley Close, Carlton, Nr. Goole, East Yorkshire DN14 9LS. Tel 01405 861536 Dartmoor Pony Society Judges List 2016 * = Those judges who may judge at a show where a Dartmoor Pony Society Star Rosette is awarded. IH = In Hand classes. R = Ridden classes. WHP = Working hunter pony classes. Please select Judges from either panel, unless a Dartmoor Pony Society Star Show when an A Panel Judge is required. * IH IH * IH/R * IH/R * * IH only IH/R/WHP * IH/R/WHP * IH * IH/R/WHP ALFORD, Mrs. D., East Week, South Zeal, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 2QB. Tel: 01647 231270 e-mail: diana.alford@hotmail.co.uk ANDERSON, Mr. L., 2 Fernieslack Cottage, Blairs, Aberdeen, AB12 5YT. Tel: 07920 482905 e-mail: greenferns@btinternet.com BALL, Mr. M. T.,Vielle Ferme, La Bernardie 86250, La Chapelle Baton, Vienne, France. Tel: 0033967351423 E-mail: balllion@aol.com BELAM, Miss C., The Haida Stud, The Strole, West Buckfastleigh, Devon, TQ11 0JH. Tel: 01364 643215 mobile 07858 498828 e-mail: carolinebelam@btinternet.com BIENKOWSKA, Miss M., Mayfield, Whitestone, Exeter, Devon, EX4 2HE. Tel: 01392 811383 BRIGHTWELL, Mr. P., Cosford Stud, Frog Hall, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6AB. Tel: 01473 823196, Mobile 07860 887770 e-mail: paul@cosfordstud.co.uk COLLINSON, Mrs. D., Burn House, Irthington, Carlisle, CA6 4NN Tel: 016977 3224 mobile 07816 485082 dawn.collinson@btinternet.com DECKER, Mrs. P., Oak Tree Farm, Paustenbacherstr 33, D-52152 Simmerath, Germany. Tel: 0049 2473 7533 e-mail: patriciadecker@gmx.de DE QUINCEY, Miss V. G., The Moat Farm, Church Lane, Salehurst, Robertsbridge, Sussex, TN32 5PR. Tel: 01580 880459 36 * IH/R/WHP * IH/R/WHP * IH/R/WHP * IH only * IH/R/WHP * IH/R/WHP * IH/R/WHP IH only * IH/R/WHP * IH/R/WHP * IH only * IH/R * IH/R * IH/R/WHP * IH/R * IH only * IH/R/WHP * * * * IH/R/WHP IH/R/WHP IH/R/WHP IH/R/WHP IH/R/WHP * IH/R/WHP * IH/R * IH/R/WHP * IH/R/WHP * IH/R/WHP * IH/R/WHP * IH/R/WHP DUNN, Mrs. W. V., Rekcilf Native Ponies, 5 Front Street, Davy Lamp, Kelloe, Durham, DH6 4PQ . Tel: 0191 377 0891 e-mail: rekcilfstud@yahoo.co.uk EVANS, Miss M. G., J.P., Cedars, Sudbury Road, Lavenham, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 9PJ. Tel: 01787 248219 e-mail: gillevans@supanet.com FRY, Mr. M., Sunnyside, Newbridge Village, Cadnam, Southampton, Hants., SO40 2NW Tel: 07790 093656 e-mail: mfry@eastleigh.ac.uk GOULD, Ms. M., 1 Wood Park, Lustleigh, Devon, TQ13 9TL Tel: 01647 277332 e-mail: meg.woodpark@btinternet.com GREEN, Mrs. J., Higher Newlands Farm, Witheridge, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 8QF Tel: 01884 860591 e-mail: dunmere.stud@tesco.net HARFORTH, Mr. J., Stanley Grange, Great Ayton, Middlesborough, Cleveland, TS9 6QD. Tel: 01642 722386 mobile: 07768091851 e-mail: jerome.harforth@btconnect.com HODGE, Mr. D.A.J., Lower Halstock Farm, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 1QR. Tel: 01837 55402 HOLMAN. Mr. P., Bude Farm, Sticklepath, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 2JJ. Tel: 01837 840743 e-mail: cosdonblondes@btconnect.com HOUGHTON, Mrs. E. M., 5 Moor View, Bovey Tracey, Devon, TQ13 9DD Tel: 07816013375 e-mail: liz.mayhoughton@hotmail.co.uk JORDAN, Mrs. D., Moortown Farm, Gidleigh, Chagford, Devon. TQ13 8HU. Tel: 01647 433220 e-mail: diane@moortownfarm.co.uk JORDAN, Mr. J., Moortown Farm, Gidleigh, Chagford, Devon. TQ13 8HU. Tel: 01647 433220 Mobile 07710667592 e-mail: diane@moortownfarm.co.uk LEE, Mr. J. D, Waltroyd Farm, Crag Lane, Wheatley, Halifax, W Yorks, HX2 8TY. Tel: 01422 363805 e-mail: leesatwaltroyd@hotmail.com LOCKE, Mrs. E.D., Okeleat Stud, Niases, Jacobstowe, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 3RJ. Tel: 01837 851308 MACINNES, Mrs. J.C., Ivy House, Skelton Wood End, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 9UB. Tel: 01768 484018 e-mail: jomacin@aol.com MARTIN, Mrs. S. E., Pizwell Farm, Postbridge, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 6TN. Tel: 01822 880223 e-mail: pizwellfarm@hotmail.co.uk McKINLAY CLARK, Mrs. I., Quartus, Castrum Court, Rocester, Uttoxeter, ST14 5PL Tel: 01889 591660 e-mail: imkc@whitmorestud.plus.com MIZZI, Miss T., Stalley’s Barn, Cambridge Road, Littlebury, Esssex, CB11 4TL. Tel: 07734499988 Work: 01799 522464 e-mail: taniamizzi@f2s.com NICHOLLS, Mrs. E.A., Hillside Cottage, Old London Road, Wotton-under-Edge, Glos., GL12 7EG Tel: 07989663508 e-mail: ann@nicholls-miller.co.uk PATERSON, Miss J. E., Jasmine Cottage, 25 High Street, Podington, Northants., NN29 7HS Tel: 01933 311406 mobile: 0785 445 8586 PHELAN, Mrs. S., Brocksfield, Posbrook Lane, Titchfield, Hants., PO14 4EY Tel: 01329 842322 Mobile 07956169502 e-mail: suephelan@lineone.net PRIOR, Ms. S., Emneth House, Fen Dyke Road, Outwell, Norfolk, PE14 8PL. Tel: 07949 052635 e-mail: broxdownstud@aol.com ROSSALL, Miss G., Beech Tree Farm, Highgate, Leverton, Boston, Lincs., PE22 0AW. Tel: 01205 870577 SHUTTLEWORTH, Mrs. N. (nee Furness), Wilmar House, Back Lane, Osmotherley, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL6 3BJ Tel: 01609 883931 SQUIRES, Mrs. S., Cotswood, Stockend, Edge, Nr. Stroud, GL6 6PJ Tel: 07854 304414 e-mail: shirleyontheedge@yahoo.co.uk TAYLOR, Mrs. M. A., Gale House Farm, Bishopdyke Road, Cawood, North Yorkshire, YO8 3UB. Tel: 01757 269457 mobile: 07768 597426 e-mail: madgetaylor@clannet.co.uk TYLER, Mrs. N., Middle Park Farm, Pickhill, Thirsk, North Yorkshire, YO7 4JN. Tel: 01845 565063 e-mail: nicola@springwaterstud.com Mrs. Tyler judges from an electric wheelchair. WALKER, Ms. J., formerly Moore, Westsprings, Wensley Road, Leyburn, North Yorkshire, DL8 5ED mobile: 07896461413 e-mail: cayberry@live.com WHITTLE, Mrs. T., Fell Side Farm, Church Lane, Whitechapel, Nr. Preston Lancs., PR3 2EP. Tel: 01995 640341 e-mail: tracey@aspray.com WRIGHT, Ms. G., Randalls Farm, Randalls Lane, Burley, Ringwood, BH24 4HJ Tel: 01425 404024 e-mail: nfpony@btinternet.com 37 Exmoor Pony Society Judges List 2016 UPDATED 13/01/2016 IH – In-hand, R – Ridden, WHP – Working Hunter Pony JUDGES LIST (WITH HERDS) IH, R, WHP IH, R, WHP IH, R, WHP IH, R, WHP IH, R IH, R IH, R, WHP IH, R, WHP IH, R, WHP IH, R IH, R, WHP IH, R, WHP IH, R, WHP Mr D J T Brewer, 5 Penny Lea, Watchet, Taunton, Somerset TA23 0JE 01984 634172 Mrs S Burger, Blaenmarlais, LLansdrwn, Llanwrda SA19 8NR Herd 77 01558 685479 Mrs Y Campbell, Long Wrangle Farm, Green Ore, Wells, Somerset BA5 3ET Herd H49 07956 054485 Mrs P Cox, Combe Dingle, Chedzoy Lane, Bridgewater, Somerset TA7 8QW Herd 396 01278 426014 Mrs D Davy, Achmore, Scorraig, Dundonnell, Wester Ross, Scotland IV23 2RE Herd 21 01854 633397 Mr P R C Dean, Kirkhouse, Brampton, Cumbria CA8 1JR Herds 14 and 34 01697 746262 Mr M Dewhurst, 1 Pick Up Brow Cottages, Tockholes Road, Tockholes, Lancashire BB3 0LR Herd 458 Mrs F Dickson, 39 West View, Medomsley Edge, Consett, Co. Durham DH8 6PB Herd 224 Miss M G Evans JP, Cedars, Sudbury Road, Lavenham, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 9PJ Mrs J H Gingell, Le Cloitre, 29690 Huelgoat Bretagne, France Herd 289 Mrs J Graham, Cleughside, Bailey, Newcastleton, Roxburghshire TD9 0TR Herd H2 Mrs A Hill, 22 Church Road, Ryton on Dunsmore, Coventry CV8 3ET Herd H1 Mrs R Hodkinson-Swift, Nook Barn, Moss Lane, Little Hoole, Preston, Lancashire PR4 4SX Herd 404 38 07961 818747 01254 478416 01207 566884 01787 248219 00 33 298277873 01697 748783/ 07887 626431 02476 304854 01772 612846 07790 372532 IH, R IH, R, WHP IH, R, WHP IH, R, WHP Mrs G Langdon, Bulls Eye, Luckwell Bridge, Wheddon Cross, Minehead, Somerset TA24 7EQ Herd H17 Mr J D Lee, Waltroyd Farm, Waltroyd, Halifax., West Yorkshire HX2 8TY 01643 841330 01422 363805 Mrs R MacKenzie MRCVS, Tom Nook Farm, Turton Road, Tottington, Bury, Lancs. BL8 3QG Herd 143 01204 882410 Mrs J Moon Details pending move – please contact the Secretary Herd 283 0845 607 5350 IH, R, WHP Mrs E A Nicholls, Hillside Cottage, Old London Road, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire GL12 7DT 01453 843804 Herd 241 IH, R Mrs J P Partridge-Keane, Chanters, The Common, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 2QF IH, R, WHP IH, R, WHP IH, R, WHP IH IH, R, WHP Mrs S Poulter, The Croft, Trellech, Monmouth Gwent NP25 4PA Herd 171 Mr D Sykes, Hillside, Froxfield, Petersfield, Hampshire GU32 1BD 01442 874091 01600 860681 01730 827232 Mrs H Sykes, Talkin Head, Brampton, Cumbria CA8 1LT Herds 14 and 34 01697 73435 Mr D O Thomas MRCVS, Coed-y-Wern, Pwllgloyw, Brecon, Powys LD3 9RA Herd 49 01874 690237 Mrs D O Thomas MRCVS, Coed-y-Wern, Pwllgloyw, Brecon, Powys LD3 9RA Herd 49 01874 690237 IH, R, WHP Mrs E Wallace, Rock Farm, Hetton, Skipton North Yorkshire BD23 6LR Anchor Herd IH, R, WHP Mrs J Webb, Minstrels Farm, Withy Road, East Huntspill, Highbridge, Somerset TA9 3NW Herd H14 01756 730395 01278 782349 IH, R, WHP Mrs J Webber, Riverside Cottage, Wootton Courtenay, Minehead, Somerset TA24 8RE 01643 841596 Herds 22 and 78 IH, R Mrs B J Westcott, Mill Reef Farm, Hookhill, Roadwater, Watchet, Somerset TA23 0QP 01984 640752 Herds 1, 10 and 28 IH, R Mr J Westcott, Lower Hookhill, Roadwater, Watchet, Somerset TA23 0QP Herds 1, 10 and 28 IH, R, WHP Mrs A Western, West Hawkwell, Wheddon Cross, 39 01984 640561 Minehead, Somerset TA24 7EF Herd 12 IH IH, R, WHP IH, R 01643 841210 Mr J Western, West Hawkwell, Wheddon Cross, Minehead, Somerset TA24 7EF Herd 12 01643 841210 Mrs A Whittle, Orchard Cottage, 450 North Road, Yate, Avon BS37 5LW Herd 287 01454 228351 Mrs E M Wray, 4 Waverley Close, Carlton, Nr Goole, Humberside DN14 9LS 01405 861536 Fell Pony Society Judges List 2016 UPDATED 13/01/2016 Note: All judges listed are willing to judge in hand and ridden classes. Those marked with WH are also willing to judge Working Hunter classes, and those marked with D are also willing to judge Driving classes. * Denotes judges that have been on the panel for 3 years or less (from 2015, have judged lass than 6 shows). Judges should not judge ponies with prefixes indicated in brackets after their names. Mr S R Avery WH 01772 614572 Drumacre Hall Stud, Drumacre Lane West, Longton, Preston, Lancashire PR4 4SB Mrs F E Awde (Lownthwaite) 01768 881354 Broad Meadows, Melmerby, Penrith, Cumbria CA10 1HA Mrs A W Bell (Lownthwaite) WH, D 01768 881216 Church Farm, Gamblesby, Penrith, Cumbria CA10 1HR Miss B Bell (Waverhead) D 016974 78644 Waverhead, Brocklebank, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 8DJ Mr P Boustead (Summerhouse) WH, D 01524 383665 33 Meadowside, Lancaster, Lancashire LA1 3AQ Miss G Callister (Threapland) WH 01900 66526 53 Meadow Vale, Seaton, Workington, Cumbria CA14 1SD Mrs A J C Campbell 01892 832654 Watersmeet Farm, Five Oak Green, Tonbridge, Kent TN12 6SE Miss D J Chadwick (Hedgethorpe) WH, D 01772 601013 Hedgethorpe Stud, The Hedges, North Rd, Bretherton, Preston, Lancashire PR5 7AY Miss J B Charlton (Linnel) 01434 673262/07557 309987 Linnel Wood, Hexham, Northumberland, NE46 1UB Mrs S A Clark WH 01620 810346 Fieldfare, Upper Bolton Farm, Haddington, East Lothian EH41 4HW Mrs G M Cockbain (Carrock, Haltcliff & Townend) WH, D 017687 72133 Rakefoot Farm, Keswick, Cumbria CA12 4TE Mr John Cockbain (Carrock, Haltcliff & Townend) 017687 72133 Rakefoot Farm, Keswick, Cumbria CA12 4TE Mrs J Crane WH, D 01335 360473/ 07743 812710 Hoseley Bank, Ednaston, Brailsford, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 3AB 40 Mrs D S E Dear 01702 201777 Rochelles Farm, Lower Road, Hockley, Essex SS5 5LE Mrs R Eastwood (Gowbarrow) WH, D 07747 866732 Flat 2, 7 Bridge Street, Stranraer, Wigtownshire DG9 7JA Miss J M Fairburn (Knockwood) WH 01848 600082 Glenwhargen, Thornhill, DG3 4NJ Mr P Glover 01253 851485 1 Hurstleigh Heights, Thornton Cleveleys, Lancashire FY5 5NY Mr M Goddard (Bewcastle) WH 01258 817161 Oak Tree Barn, Partway Lane, Hazelbury Bryan, Sturminster Newton, Dorset DT10 2DP Dr M J Gould-Earley (Laurelhighland) In Hand & D 001 570 320 0254 Laurel Highland Farm, 546 Lehman Drive, Cogan Station, PA 17728, USA Mrs B A Hodgson (Inglegarth) 01524 241428 Moorgarth Farm, Ingleton, Carnforth, Lancashire LA6 3DP Mrs S B Hore (Kimber) WH 01409 221444 Kimberley, Northlew, Okehampton, Devon EX20 3NG Mr R D Howe (Rundales) 017683 51573 Edenstone, Dufton, Appleby-in-Westmorland, Cumbria CA16 6DB Mrs H Jones (Tarnbeck) 01229 581091 35 Tower Street, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 9AN Mr J W Langcake (Restar) WH, D 01461 800382 Strathmore, Kirkpatrick Fleming, Lockerbie, Dumfries DG11 3AU Mr J D Lee WH 01422 363805 Waltroyd Farm, Wheatley, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX2 8TY Mrs S M Lee WH 01422 363805 Waltroyd Farm, Wheatley, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX2 8TY Mr G H B Mallinson (Hardendale, Longbank & Midtown) 01228 675814 Rack Beck, Littlefield, Heathersgill, Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 6HX Mrs S Mallinson* (Nabside) WH 01931 716378 Nab House, Hardendale, Shap, Penrith, Cumbria, CA10 3LQ Mrs T M Mallinson* (Hardendale, Longbank & Midtown) WH, D 01228 675814 Rack Beck, Littlefield, Heathersgill, Carlisle, Cumbria. CA6 6HX 07706 369616 Mr P Metcalfe (Ryehouse) WH, D 01539 621655 Ecclerigg Hall Barn, Killington, Carnforth, Lancashire LA6 2HB Mrs C S Millard D 01539 624636 Daw Bank, Greenholme, Tebay, Penrith, Cumbria CA10 3TA Mr A W Morland (Lunesdale) D 017683 74867 Coalbrookdale, Station Road, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria, CA17 4SZ Mrs C A Morland (Lunesdale) 017683 74867 Coalbrookdale, Station Road, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria, CA17 4SZ Mrs S C Morton (Lownthwaite) WH, D 01768 881216 Church Farm, Gamblesby, Penrith, Cumbria CA10 1HR Mr R Ottink (Wildhoeve) In Hand & D 00316 17828808 Boswinkelsweg 14, 7475 MB Markelo, The Netherlands Miss J Paterson WH 07854 458586/01933 311406 Jasmine Cottage, 25 High Street, Podington, Northamptonshire NN29 7HS Ms S M Prior (Broxdown) WH 07949 052635 Emneth House, Fen Dyke Road, 01945 774581 Outwell, Norfolk, PE14 8PL 41 Mrs P Randell (Haltcliff, Carrock & Townend) The Cornmill, Southwaite, Carlisle, Cumbria CA4 0EW Mr J M Rawlinson (Thornbeck) WH, D 29 Berrymoss Court, Kelso, Roxburghshire, TD5 7NP Miss C Read* WH 14 Yarrow Close, Croston, Preston, Lancashire. PR26 9SJ Mrs C H Robinson (Kerbeck) WH, D North Fell Dyke, Lamplugh, Workington, Cumbria CA14 4SH Mr P Saunders* (Peaseybeck) WH Low Bendrigg Barn, Old Hutton, Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 0NP Mr A Smith (Bracklinn) 16 Mill Hill, Greenloaning, Perthshire FK15 0LS Mr R B Sutcliffe (Darrenvale) WH, D 9 Cranfield View, Darwen, Lancashire BB3 2HP Mrs A Torode (Brocklebank) WH, D 106 Northumberland Road, Coventry, Warwickshire CV1 3PF Mr C Turner WH, D 3 Leonard Terrace, Waterside, Darwen, Lancashire BB3 3NT Mrs J Ward WH 01697 342600 10 The Hawthorns, Syke Road, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 9LE Mr D Wilkinson (Brackenbank) Brackenbank View, Murton, Appleby-In Westmorland, Cumbria CA16 6LZ Mrs R Williams (Ferrymount) WH, D Steel’s Villa, West Roddymount, Crook, Co Durham DL15 9QD Mrs G Williamson (Tarnbeck) Suilven, 11 Mearness Drive, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 9PE Miss J Williamson (Tarnbeck) WH, D 37 Tower Street, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 9AN 42 01697 473659 07742 162026 07496908377 01946 861302 01539 620204 01786 880282 01254 776389 07781 120507 01254 708622 01768 352861 01388 767897 01229 581002 0772 8626526 LAST UPDATED ON 11/01/2016 Highland Pony Society Judges List 2015 PANELS OF JUDGES as at September 2015 * Judges who are on the National Pony Society’s Official List of Judges for Mixed Mountain and Moorland Classes. ALL Judges must be fully paid up members of the Society. A ‘B’ preceding the name indicates that the Judge has been recently appointed and may not judge a show at which an HPS medal is awarded. IN-HAND PANEL A ‘P’ preceding the name indicates that the Judge is willing to take probationers. Judges, who have indicated that they will take probationers (‘P’), can accept candidates at their discretion. Only Judges from this In Hand list may be chosen to Judge In Hand Classes at shows affiliated to the Highland Pony Society. Some of the Judges listed below are also listed on the Riding Panel and may therefore be chosen to judge In Hand and/or Ridden Classes. NAME AND ADDRESS TEL NOS ALLAN, Miss JA, 21 Freuchie Mill, Freuchie, Cupar, Fife, KY15 7JL 07841 639184 ALLAN,WKA, Millfield, Knowehead, Freuchie, Cupar, Fife, KY15 7HB 07801 356058 01337 857531 BAIRD, S, Strelitz Farmhouse, Burrelton, Blairgowrie, Perthshire, PH13 9PY 07702 384322 01828 670529 P BARRON, Mrs AE, West Newton, Arbroath, Angus, DD11 5RQ 07802 823647 01241 872579 *P BROOKS, Mrs HSD, Oaklands, Kelso, Roxburghshire, TD5 7BP 01573 224717 B CARNEGIE Mrs CL, 220 Herne Road, Ramsey St Marys, Huntingdon, 07761 386473 Cambridgeshire PE26 2TB 01487 710725 B CHALMERS, Mrs RB, Millhorn Farm, Coupar Angus, Blairgowrie, Perthshire 07884 060648 PH13 9HT 01828 626172 P CONNELL, Mrs JBW, Pitmenzie, Glassart Glen, By Auchtermuchty, Fife 07752 972452 KY14 7HT 01337 828783 B DICK, Miss HE, Flourish Farm, Inchinnan, Renfrewshire, PA4 9PD Mob: 07909 750261 0141 812 1276 P DOCHERTY, Mrs GJ, Dengailan, Haywood, Tashieburn Road, Nr Forth 07971 898106 South Lanarkshire, ML11 8ES 01555 812748 P DUNCAN QPM, H, Craignetherty, Turriff, Aberdeenshire, AB53 4GT 01466 780364 P DYKES, J, Mendick Lea, West Linton, Peeblesshire, EH46 7AA 07770 607878 01968 660247 P DYKES, Mrs KM, Mendick Lea, West Linton, Peeblesshire, EH46 7AA 07788 740146 01968 660247 *P FARRELL, WE, Badgers Rake, 40 Parkland Close, Appleton Thorn, Cheshire, 01925 266405 WA4 4RH GOW, Mrs DJH, Pitscandly, Forfar, Angus, DD8 3NZ 07768 426066 01307 462437 P GRANT, Miss MJ, 24 Thriepland Wynd, Perth, PH1 1RH 07753 803649 P GRAY, Ms P, 2 St Clements Wells Farm, Wallyford, East Lothian, EH21 8QN 07855 492212 P HALIBURTON, Mr TB, Darroch Cottage, Muirton, Blairgowrie, Perthshire 07986 452087 PH10 6QT 01250 872985 *P HALLS, Mrs BM, Bonnetts Cottage, Attleton Green, Wickhambrook, Newmarket, 07534 283282 Suffolk, CB8 8YA 01440 820217 *P IMPEY, Mrs LE, Oak Croft, Priors Green, Hartford End, Chelmsford, Essex 07713 825935 43 CM3 1JR *P JACK, Mrs JK, Wester Newburn, Leven, Fife, KY8 5QS B JOLLY, Mrs L, Cork Oak Barn, Gissings Farm, South Green, Eye, Suffolk IP23 7NW P KENNERLEY, Mrs MTD, Park Head Farm, Pines Lane, Biddulph Park, Staffordshire, ST8 7SP *P LESLIE MELVILLE, The Hon Mrs AD, South Cantray, Croy, Inverness-shire IV2 5PW P MacBAIN, Mrs M, Kitten Gate, Marden, Hereford, HR1 3EX : 01371 820706 07974 972856 01333 360409 07850 603065 07980 526160 01782 514056 07801 665648 01667 493593 07747 114646 01568 797077 *P McARDLE, Mrs CMM, Denmill, Tough, by Alford, Aberdeenshire, AB33 8EP 07786 775227 01975 562582 P McCALL SMITH, Ms ME, Connachan, Crieff, Perthshire, PH7 3LN 07919 036263 01764 653332 P McGREGOR, HS, 136 O'Rourkes Road, Traveston, Queensland 4570, Australia 0407 417882 070 548515 505 B McLEOD, Mrs AM, Dalrawer Farm, Aberfeldy, Perthshire, PH15 2JL 07798 654926 01887 820152 MacLEOD, Mrs AM, Coach House, Foreland, Bruichladdich, Isle of Islay 0779 551 2788 PA49 7UU (Any distance; minimum travelling expenses apply) 01496 850 606 *P McMURRAY, Mrs GM, Bellstown, Eaglesfield, Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire 07885 272052 DG11 3AG 01461 600296 *P McNAUGHT, Mrs EJC, Netherbrae, 30 Burn Road, Darvel, Ayrshire, KA17 0DB 07703 048111 01560 320366 McQUATTIE, C, Strathmore, 6 Kingston Place, Kingsmuir, Forfar, Angus, DD8 2RG 07814 279480 01307 461975 P MITCHELL, Miss AS, Backdales, Denny, Stirlingshire, FK6 5JF 07770 045927 NELSON, WS, Kirkland Farm, Barr, Girvan, Ayrshire, KA26 0TG 07802 636144 01465 861260 P ORMISTON, CD, Geldersyde, Balmoral Estate, Ballater, Aberdeenshire, AB35 5TX 07884 178679 01339 742353 B ORMISTON, Mrs S, Geldersyde, Balmoral Estate, Ballater, Aberdeenshire 07990 878945 AB35 5TX 01339 742353 *P OSBORNE, Mrs ML, Kinclune, Kingoldrum, By Kirriemuir, Angus DD8 5HX 01575 574710 P OSBORNE, Miss IV, Kinclune, Kingoldrum, By Kirriemuir, Angus DD8 5HX 01575 574710 *P PRESCOTT, Mrs H, 29 Cousins Lane, Rufford, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L40 1TN 07745 093351 01704 822892 P RALSTON, Mrs JMcL, Moss-side Farm, Methven, Perth PH1 3RH 07814 739896 01738 840369 P REID, JA, 1 Jackstown Cottages, Rothienorman, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire 07815 876742 AB51 8UR *P RICHARDS, Miss CM, The Rose Cottage, Horseblock Hollow, Cranleigh, 07773 217723 Surrey, GU6 7NJ (within 3hrs travel) 01483 277659 SIBBALD, Mrs E, Thorn Farm, Dollar, Clackmannanshire, FK14 7PQ 01259 742252 *P SPEARS, Miss DJ, Fair View, 1 Great Brickhill Lane, Little Brickhill, 07798 900835 Buckinghamshire MK17 9NH (Any distance) *P STEAINS, Mrs D, Brownbread Highland Centre, Ashburnham, Battle, 077749 32624 East Sussex, TN33 9NX 01424 892381 *P STEVENSON, Mrs CA, 12 Montford Road, Kemsing, Sevenoaks, Kent, 07979 965461 TN15 6SA 01959 522203 44 P STEWART, R, Stablesbrae, Durris, Banchory, Kincardineshire, AB31 6DS P STIRLING, Mrs PC, South Blainslie Farm, Blainslie, Galashiels, Selkirkshire TD1 2PP TURNBULL, Mrs MH, Easter Aldie, Fossoway, Kinross, KY13 0QJ P WARDROP, Mrs SP, North Drummilling, West Kilbride, Ayrshire KA23 9PR P WATSON, Mrs PJ, 36 Deveron Street, Huntly, Aberdeenshire, AB54 8BZ B YEAMAN, Mrs S, 40 Holding, North Corston, Coupar Angus, Perthshire PH13 9JH 07792 562509 01330 811802 01896 860360 07801 073710 01577 840263 07796 697590 01294 822278 01466 792528 07751 026951 01828 627689 RIDDEN PANEL It is strongly recommended that a riding panel judge be appointed for Highland Pony Ridden classes. When this is not feasible, the In Hand Panel Judge may judge the ridden classes and a capable rider should be made available where possible. Ridden Panel Judges may NOT judge affiliated In Hand Classes, unless their names appear on the previous In Hand list. An (R) preceding their name indicates that the Judge is willing to ride ponies. NAME AND ADDRESS TEL NOS BARRON, Mrs AE, West Newton, Arbroath, Angus, DD11 5RQ 07802 823647 01241 872579 R BLACKMORE, Mrs KLH, Mosswood, Tough, Alford, Aberdeenshire, 07749 616582 AB33 8EP BR BOWLING, Miss K, Thornton Equestrian Centre, Raikes Road, Thornton07891 929457 Cleveleys, Lancashire, FY5 5LS 01253 820235 *R BRIANT, Miss ES, Ivy House Farm, Grittenham, Chippenham, Wiltshire 07894 236633 SN15 4JU R CAMERON, Mr JPG, Westcot, Pitkennedy, By Forfar, Angus, DD8 2UH 07970 834489 01307 830421 BR CARNEGIE Mrs CL, 220 Herne Road, Ramsey St Marys, Huntingdon, 07761 386473 Cambridgeshire PE26 2TB 01487 710725 R CHALMERS, Mrs RB, Millhorn Farm, Coupar Angus, Blairgowrie, Perthshire 07884 060648 PH13 9HT 01828 626172 BR DICK, Miss HE, Flourish Farm, Inchinnan, Renfrewshire, PA4 9PD 07909 750261 0141 812 1276 R GEORGE, Mrs J, 16B Hemingford Road, Islington, London, N1 0JU 07917 773881 *R GOMERSALL, Mrs AJ, 20 The Crossways, Chandlers Ford, Hampshire 07802 523066 SO53 3BU R GRANT, Miss MJ, 24 Thriepland Wynd, Perth, PH1 1RH Mob: 07753 803649 R GRAY, Ms P, 2 St Clements Wells Farm, Wallyford, East Lothian, EH21 8QN 07855 492212 R HALIBURTON, Mr TB, Darroch Cottage, Muirton, Blairgowrie, Perthshire 01250 872985 PH10 6QT * HALLS, Mrs BM, Bonnetts Cottage, Attleton Green, Wickhambrook, 07534 283282 Newmarket,Suffolk, CB8 8YA 01440 820217 R INGLIS, Mrs MA, Bogside, Edzell, Angus, DD9 7UY Mob: *R JACK, Mrs JK, Wester Newburn, Leven, Fife, KY8 5QS * LESLIE MELVILLE, The Hon Mrs AD, South Cantray, Croy, Inverness-shire IV2 5PW MacBAIN, Mrs M, Kitten Gate, Marden, Hereford, HR1 3EX Mob: R MacKECHNIE, EJ, Mill Lodge, Rossburn Lane, Blair Drummond, Stirlingshire, FK9 4AH McCALL SMITH, Ms ME, Connachan, Crieff, Perthshire, PH7 3LN 45 07739 521646 01356 648377 07974 972856 01333 360409 07801 665648 01667 493593 07747 114646 01568 797077 07769 553065 07919 036263 01764 653332 0407 417882 070 548515 505 07798 654926 01887 820152 * McMURRAY, Mrs GM, Bellstown, Eaglesfield, Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire, 07885 272052 DG11 3AG 01461 600296 * McNAUGHT, Mrs EJC, Netherbrae, 30 Burn Road, Darvel, Ayrshire, KA17 0DB 07703 048111 01560 320366 R MUNRO, JR, Morven View, Spittal, Wick, Caithness, KW1 5XR Mob: 07795 556814 01847 841255 R OSBORNE, Miss IV, Kinclune, Kingoldrum, By Kirriemuir, Angus DD8 5HX 01575 574710 *R PRESCOTT, Mrs H, 29 Cousins Lane, Rufford, Ormskirk, Lancashire 07745 093351 L40 1TN 01704 822892 *R RENNIE, Miss PE, Lomondside Stud, Buchanan Home Farm, Drymen 07785 943661 By Glasgow, G63 0HU 01360 660481 * ROBERTSON, AT, Victoria House, The Old School, Bridstow, Ross on Wye 07710 789853 Herefordshire HR9 6PY 01989 562144 * ROBINSON, Miss DA, Fleetmead Stud, Langsmead Bungalow, Bindley Heath 01342 832796 Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6JX (Email preferred: dunalick@tiscali.co.uk) *R STEAINS, Mrs D, Brownbread Highland Centre, Ashburnham, Battle 07774 932624 East Sussex, TN33 9NX 01424 892381 * STEVENSON, Mrs CA, 12 Montfort Road, Kemsing, Sevenoaks, Kent 07979 965461 TN15 6SA 01959 522203 STIRLING, Mrs PC, South Blainslie Farm, Blainslie, Galashiels, Selkirkshire 01896 860360 TD1 2PP TURNBULL, Mrs MH, Easter Aldie, Fossoway, Kinross, KY13 0QJ 01577 840263 R McGREGOR, HS, 136 O'Rourkes Road, Traveston, Queensland 4570, Australia R McLEOD, Mrs AM, Dalrawer Farm, Aberfeldy, Perthshire, PH15 2JL SUPPLEMENTARY PANEL FOR RETIRED JUDGES Those on this Panel have retired from the In Hand or Ridden Panels, but are available to judge championships, carry out inspections, assessments, valuations etc. NAME AND ADDRESS TEL NOS * COUTTS, Mrs SCS, Woodburn Croft, Crieff, Perthshire, PH7 3RG (In Hand) 07958 037903 01764 652702 MOLYNEUX, Ms C, Levrattich, Ardclach, Nairn, IV12 5JF (Ridden) 07789 262898 01309 651253 New Forest Pony Breeding and Cattle Society Judges List 2015 * Society Approved Judges for HOYS (r) Judge will ride if required NOTE: Judges on the NPS Mixed M&M Panel are acceptable to the New Forest Pony Breeding & Cattle Society to judge New Forest Pony classes. ADAMS, Mrs A, Park Farm, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 5JG Tel: 01747 825240 Mobile: 07980 958928 ADAMS Mr J, Forest Farm, Crow Hill, Ringwood, Hants BH24 3DE Tel: 01425 476020 Mobile: 07753 814889 *BALL Mr MT, Vieille Ferme, La Bernardrie, La Chappel Baton, Vienne, France 86250 Tel: 09 67 35 14 23 BARROW Miss Lynden, 8 Hawthorne Road, Hythe, Southampton SO45 5EP. Mobile: 07809 126307 *(r) BEATHAM Mrs J, The Gate House, Landford, Salisbury, Wilts, SP5 2AU Tel: 01794 390338 Mobile: 07729 355250 46 BELCHER Mrs Lyn, Rebec, Twynhams Hill, Shirrell Heath, Southampton SO32 2JL Tel:01329 832311 *BLAIR Mr D, Waxwing Farm, Balgonar, Saline, Fife, Scotland, KY12 9TA Tel: 01383 851732 Mobile: 07802 812765 *BOWN, Mrs R Woodlands, 76 Botley Road, Chesham, Bucks HP5 1XG Tel: 01494 785223 Mobile: 07711 675421 *(r) BRIANT Miss E, Ivy House Farm, Grittenham, Chippenham, Wilts. SN15 4JU Tel: 01666 510750 Mobile : 07894 236633 *BROOKS, Mrs S, Ednam House Stud, Oaklands, Dryinghouse Lane, Kelso, Borders TD5 7BP Tel: 01573 224717 *BRYER Mrs R, Princes Place, Closworth, Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 9RH Tel: 01935 872268 BURTENSHAW Mrs J, Brocks Farm, Longstock, Stockbridge, Hants SO20 6DP Tel: 01264 810090 CAMPBELL Mrs A J C, Watersmeet Farm, Five Oak Green, Tonbridge, Kent TN12 6SE Tel: 01892 832654 Mobile: 07721 435462 (r) CAVENDISH The Hon Mrs J, Hall Farm, Farringdon, Alton, Hants GU34 3DT Tel: 01420 587224 Mobile 07801 329924 *CLARK Mrs S A, Fieldfare, Upper Bolton Farm , Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland EH41 4HW Tel: 01620 810346 Mobile: 07910 843363 (Championships only) COLLINSON Mrs Dawn, Burn House, Irthington, Carlisle CA6 4NN Tel: 01697 73224 Mobile: 07816 485082 *DE QUINCEY Miss V G, The Moat Farm, Church Lane, Robertsbridge, Sussex, TN32 5PR Tel: 01580 880459 (r) DIAMOND Mrs R, Scipen, Village Farm, West Tytherley, Salisbury SP5 1NF Tel: 01794 340093 Mobile: 07771 517460 *(r) DIBDEN Mrs N, c/o 23 Warnes Lane, Burley, Ringwood, Hants now lives in France – Tel: 00 33 555 637285 Mobile: 00 33 662 562092 *(r) DOVEY Ms Kerry, 6 Burnt House Lane, Pilley, Lymington, Hants SO41 5QN. Mobile: 07501 838686 DUFFIELD Miss Helen, 29 Pleasance Way, New Milton, Hants BH25 6TD Tel: 01425 618556 Mobile: 07790 414561 *EVANS Miss M G, Cedars, Sudbury Road, Lavenham, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 9PJ Tel: 01787 248219 Mobile: 07935 283727 Email: gillevans@supanet.com *FRY Mr M I, Sunnyside, Newbridge Village, Cadnam, Southampton SO40 2NW Tel: 07790 093656 GOMERSALL, Ms Amanda, 20 The Crossways, Chandlers Ford, Hants SO53 3BU 07802 523066 GRAYSON Storm, 13 Milbourne Park, Malmesbury, Wilts SN16 9JE Tel: 01666 826604 HADWEN Mrs D, Upper Spring Head Farm, Laneside, Queensbury, Bradford, W Yorks BD13 1NE Tel: 01274 817092 HELLUM Mrs Susan, Eidsten, 3267 Larvik, Norway. susahe@online.no HODGETT Mrs Valerie, Lower Small Hazels, Woodplumpton Road, Habergam Eves, Burnley, Lancs BB11 3RR Tel: 01282 439684 Mobile: 07915 172659 HOLDERNESS-RODDAM Mrs J, Church Farm, West Kington, Chippenham, Wilts SN14 7JE Tel: 01249 782050 Mobile 07831 720491 *HORE Mrs S, Kimberley, Northlew, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 3NG Tel: 01409 221444 Mobile: 07771 895768 * IMPEY Mrs L, Oak Croft, Priors Green, Hartford End, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 1JR Tel: 01371 820706 Mobile: 07713 825935 JAMES Mrs Janet, Vaughan Farm, Lea Lane, Newton, Rugeley, Staffs, WS15 3NP Tel: 01889 500518 47 * JAMES Mr Rodger, Vaughans Farm, Lea Lane, Newton, Rugeley, Staffs WS15 3NP Tel: 01889 500518 (r) KEMPE Mrs S, Bull Hill Farm, Bull Hill, Pilley, Lymington, Hants SO41 5RA Tel: 01590 675854 Mobile: 07833 296088 KNIGHT Miss H, West Lockinge Farm, Wantage, Oxon.OX12 8QF Tel: 01235 833535 Mobile: 07860 110153 LANGORGEN, Mr S, Hanevoldveien 3, 3090 Hof, NORWAY Tel: 004798851930 LEE Mrs S, 18 Woodfield Road, Rudgwick, West Sussex, RH12 3EP Tel: 01403 823233 *(r) LORISTON CLARKE, MBE, Mrs J, Catherston Stud, Croft Farm, Over Wallop, Stockbridge, Hants SO20 8HX Tel: 01264 782716 Mobile: 07836 329342 *(r) LOWTH Mrs J A, Consort Cottage, Bramshaw, Lyndhurst, Hants SO43 7JE Tel: 023 8081 2070 Mobile: 07920 553665 *MACINNES Mrs J C, Ivy House, Skelton Wood End, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 9UB Tel: 01768 484018 * MACNAIR, MBE, Miss D, Beacon Cottage, Burley, Ringwood, Hants. BH24 4EW Tel: 01425 402272 MEYBECK Monsieur Alexandre, 29ter, Rue de la Muette, Maisons Laffitte, 78600 France Tel: 00 33 6 03 18 71 98 MCGRATH Miss A, 3 Vernon Hill Cottage, Bishops Waltham, Southampton, SO32 1FH Tel: 01489 892602 (Championships only) NINEHAM Ms T, Ford Farm, Burley Road, Brockenhurst, Hants SO42 7TB Tel: 01590 622515 Mobile: 07808 570029 OLIVER Mrs J, 4 Great Mascalls Cottages, Great Baddow, Chelmsford, Essex CM2 7TA Tel: 01245 476448 * PARKER-JONES Mr Robert, 28 Eastcote Avenue, Lawley Village, Telford, Shropshire TF4 2FR Tel: 01952 878056 Mobile: 07737 034836 email: robertparkerjones@talktalk.net PERKINS Mr Anthony, The Cart House, Sheep House Farm, Bathford, Wilts BA1 8EE Mobile: 07739 382066 *PHELAN Mrs Sue, Brocksfield, Posbrook Lane, Titchfield, Hants PO14 4EY Tel: 01329 842322 Mobile: 07956 169502 *PRICE Mrs J P, Courtway, Clyro, Hereford HR3 5LE Tel: 01497 820555 *RAMPLING Mrs S, Timber Cottage, Wiremill Lane, Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6HJ (Championships only) Tel: 01342 832781 RAYNER Miss S, Broadley Farm, Wootton, New Milton, Hants, BH25 5SL Tel: 01590 682456 (r) REES Mrs S, Lampards Farm, Bramshaw, Lyndhurst, Hants, SO43 7JL Tel: 01794 322204 Mobile: 07779 555435 *(r) RENNIE Miss E, Lomondside Stud, Buchanan Home Farm, Drymen by Glasgow, G63 0HU Tel: 01360 660481 Mobile : 07785 943661 *(r) RENNIE Miss P, Lomondside Stud, Buchanan Home Farm, Drymen by Glasgow, G63 0HU Tel: 01360 660481 Mobile : 07785 943661 *RENWICK Mrs P V, Ulverscroft, The Knowe, Roadhead, Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 6PG Tel : 01697 748024 ROBERTSON Mr A, Victoria House, the Old School, Bridstow, Ross on Wye, Herefordshire HR9 6PY Tel: 01989 562144 Mobile: 07710 789853 *SAUNDERS Mr M J, 53 De Lisle Road, Talbot Woods, Bournemouth, Dorset BH3 7NG Tel 01202 514787 Mobile: 07926 084033 SHAW Mrs S, Merrie Stud, Corhampton, Southampton, Hants SO32 3NB Tel: 01489 877564 48 (r) SIMS Mrs L, Harroway House, Penton Mewsey, Andover, Hants SP11 0RA Tel: 01264 772295 Mobile: 07736 674986 SPEARS Miss Debbie, 1 Great Brickhill Lane, Little Brickhill, Bucks MK17 9NH Mobile: 07798 900835 Email: debbiespears@btinternet.com STEAINS Mrs D, Brownbread Stud, Ashburnham, Battle, East Sussex, TN33 9NX Tel: 01424 892381 Mobile: 07774 932624 (Championships only) *(r) STEPHENS Miss N, Tinkerbells, Grove Lane, Redlynch, Salisbury Wilts SP5 2NR Tel: 07831 233344 *SYKES Mr D, Hillside, Froxfield, Petersfield, Hants, GU32 1BD Tel: 01730 827232 TAHERI-SINFIELD Ms Viola, Lower Titmore Farm, Titmore Green, Little Wymondley, Hitchin, Herts SG4 7JT Tel: 01438 364327 Mobile: 07842 206570 *TAYLOR Mrs P S, Langfield Pony Stud, Galehouse Farm, Bishopdyke Road, Cawood, Selby, N Yorks YO8 3UB Tel: 01757 269457 Mobile: 07768 597426 VEAR. Ms Dawn, Kilncopse Farm, Wheely Down, Warnford, Southampton SO32 3LH Tel: 01962 771520 *WEBB Mrs J, Minstrels Farm, Withy Road, East Huntspill, Highbridge, Somerset TA9 3NW Tel: 01278 782349 Mobile: 07970 940905 WILLIAMS Mrs J, 56 Churchill Close, Sturminster Marshall, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 4BH Tel: 01258 857118, 07816 266309 WILLIAMS Mr N G, 5 Harry Cheek Gardens, Northwood, Cowes, Isle of Wight PO38 8QH Tel: 01983 298197 WILSON Mr B C, Linbank Fm, Linford, Ringwood, Hants, BH24 3HX Tel: 01425 480138 Mobile: 07989 313980 WILSON Miss B P, Hardenley Farm, Shelley, Huddersfield, Yorks, HD8 8LZ Tel: 01484 606214 *(r) WOODS, Mrs J, Rose Cottage, 3 High Street, Cheveley, Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 9DQ Tel: 01638 730512 Mobile: 07946 586027 *WRIGHT Ms G, Randalls Farm, Burley Street, Ringwood Hants BH24 4HJ Tel: 01425 404024 YOUNG Mr J, Ford Farm, Burley Road, Brockenhurst, Hants SO42 7TB Tel: 01590 622515 Mobile: 07771 540919 B PANEL – Judges not eligible to judge at County level shows, NPS Summer Show at Malvern, or PUK shows: BEVILL-PIERCE Ms Penny, 2 Seaton Park, Sandymoor, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 1XA Tel: 01928 571870 Mobile: 07791 683552 KISLINGBURY-PAGE Ms Julie, Trecoyse, Treneglos, Launceston, Cornwall PL15 8UG Tel: 01566 781064 LESTER Miss Philippa, 1 Bower Farm Cottage, Collywater Lane, Froxfield, Petersfield, Hants GU32 1DF Tel: 01730 828107 WESTERN Mr Michael, 34 Greenvale Avenue, Antrim, Co. Antrim BT41 1ST Mobile: 07745 628733 WHETREN Miss Heidi, Calmore Cottage, Pauletts Lane, Calmore, Southampton SO40 2RS Tel: 023 80 811655 Mobile: 07876 254275 PROBATIONERS NEW Mrs Sarah Jane, Glebe Farm, Black Bourton, Bampton, Oxon, OX18 2PP Tel: 01993 841807 WILKINSON Mrs Linzi, 146 Efford Way, Pennington, Lymington, Hants SO41 8BZ Tel: 07545 562558 49 Shetland Pony Studbook Society Judges List 2016 Judges listed below with an “I” against their name have been on the Society's Panel of Judges for less than three years and, therefore, should not be invited to judge at the Royal Show, Royal Highland Show, Royal Welsh Show or the Shetland Pony Stud-Book Society's Annual Breed Show, nor are they eligible to Judge at shows linked to Society Sales. Judges with an “R” or “D” against their name are eligible to Judge ridden or driven classes as applicable as well as In-hand classes. R R R R, D R R R R R ADAM, MR K.L. - 51 PITFAIRN ROAD, FISHCROSS, ALLOA, CLACKS FK10 3HU Tel: 01259 218411 BAILEY, MR I. - PENSFORD, OXDROVE, BURGHCLERE, NEWBURY, BERKS RG20 9HJ Tel: 01635 278131 BARR, MRS D. - BELMONT COTTAGE, FIRLE, LEWES, E. SUSSEX BN8 6NR Tel: 01273 858544 BARRY, MRS J. - CEANN-NA-COILLE, UPPER BRAEFINDON, CULBOKIE, BY DINGWALL ROSS-SHIRE IV7 8GY Tel: 01349 877266 Email: kinkellshetlands@btinternet.com BARUGH, MRS J. - NORTH FARM, NORTH STREET, ALDBROUGH, EAST YORKSHIRE HU11 4QN Tel: 01964 527829 BELL, MR A.R. - 31 BALLYWILLAN ROAD, BELTOY, GLENOE, LARNE, CO ANTRIM, N. IRELAND BT40 3LQ Tel: 028 9337 8850 BELL, MISS Z. - BELTOY, 31 BALLYWILLAN ROAD, GLENO, LARNE, CO ANTRIM, N. IRELAND BT40 3LQ Tel: 028 9337 8850 BELL, MRS J. - 80 BRAEPARK ROAD, BALLYCLARE, CO. ANTRIM, N. IRELAND BT39 9SR Tel: 0289334 2363 email:dbell@glenloughstud.plus.com BLACKBURN, MR J.N. - MEWSTEAD, NEWTON REIGNY, PENRITH, CUMBRIA CA11 0AY Tel: 01768 864622 email:norman@newton-shetlands.org.uk BOUSTEAD, MR P. - 33 MEADOWSIDE, LANCASTER LA1 3AQ Tel: 01524 383665 BOWN, MRS R. - WOODLANDS, 76 BOTLEY ROAD, CHESHAM, BUCKS HP5 1XG Tel: 01494 785223 email: rnn.bown@virgin.net BURGESS, MR I.G. - 13 CLICKIMIN ROAD, LERWICK, SHETLAND ZE1 0QX Tel: 07795321988 email: irvineburgess@yahoo.co.uk BURNETT, MR D. - 4 ARN PLACE, UDNY STATION, ELLON, ABERDEENSHIRE AB41 6QG Tel: 07746 557706/07437 803764 CAMPBELL, MRS P. - WATERSMEET FARM, FIVE OAK GREEN, TONBRIDGE, KENT TN12 6SE Tel: 01892 822654 CAVE, MRS L. - 7 WEAVERS WAY, BARHAM, IPSWICH, SUFFOLK IP6 0TD Tel: 07766 163656 email: linziaiken@btinternet.com COLLINSSPLATT, MRS C.E. - KENSON’S, SUTTON MANDEVILLE, SALISBURY, WILTS SP3 5NG Tel: 01722 714660 email:caroline.kensons@gmail.com COWELL, MRS G. - 15 FURLONG DRIVE, TEAN, STOKE-ON-TRENT STAFFS ST10 4LD Tel: 01538 723969 COZENS, MRS S. - STEPLEY, LOWER HENLADE, TAUNTON, SOMERSET TA3 5LY Tel: 01823 443064 email: stepleystud@aol.com COZENS-COOK, MRS C.M. - 43 CALVADOS ROAD, TAUNTON, SOMERSET TA1 2LA Tel: 07974 141 792 CROMARTY, MRS I.E.M. - HEATHERVALE, BURRAY, ORKNEY KW17 2SX DAVENPORT, MRS R.C. - KINGS CAPLE ORCHARDS, KINGS CAPLE, HEREFORD HR1 4TX Tel: 01432840721 email: marymdavenport@btinternet.com DAWSON, MR P. - 2 BURN OVAL, TRIMDON VILLAGE, TRIMDON, CO. DURHAM TS29 50 R R R R R R, D R 6PT Tel: 01429 880858 DUNNET, MISS S. - LYNFIELD, LYTH, BY WICK, CAITHNESS KW1 4UD Tel: 01955 631226 ELLIOT, MRS J. - 3 RIVERVIEW TERRACE, COOPERS LANE, ABINGDON, OXFORDSHIRE OX14 5GL Tel: 01235533233 email: jane@topdrawerdorset.co.uk FIRTH, MR H. - EASTABEN, STENNESS, ORKNEY KW16 3HE Tel: 01856 761140 FLAWS, MISS S. - GRUTNESS HOUSE, SUMBURGH, VIRKIE, SHETLAND ZE3 9JN Tel: 01950 460222 GIBB, MRS B.K. - EAST KINGSFORD, KINGSWELLS, ABERDEEN AB15 8GR Tel: 01224 743902 GIBSON, MR D. - DE BROME COTTAGE, OLD GREAT NORTH ROAD, ABERFORD, LEEDS, YORKSHIRE LS25 3DP Tel: 01132 813612 GREGORY, MR L. - CLOUDS FARM, WESTON UNDERWOOD, ASHBOURNE, DERBYS DE6 4PU Tel: 01773 550323 email: lionelgregory@aol.com GRIFFITHS, MRS D.M. - CEFN COTTAGE, CILIBION, LLANRHIDIAN, GOWER, GLAMORGAN SA3 1ED Tel: 01792 391048 email: robert.dorothy@homecall.co.uk GRIFFITHS, MR R.L. - CEFN COTTAGE, CILIBION, LLANRHIDIAN, GOWER, GLAMORGAN SA3 1ED Tel: 01792 391048 email: robert.dorothy@homecall.co.uk GRYLLS, MRS P. - BROADLANDS, BROADMOORHEAD FARM, LEWDOWN, OKEHAMPTON, DEVON EX20 4DE Tel: 01566 783446 HAMMOND, MRS F. - VENN, CARDYNHAM, BODMIN, CORNWALL PL30 4EG Tel: 01208 821709 email: aphammond@btinternet.com HAMPTON, MISS A. - LARKINS, HIGH ELMS LANE, BENINGTON, STEVENAGE, HERTS SG2 7DG Tel: 01438 869439 email: abigailhampton@hotmail.com HAMPTON, MRS V.J. - LARKINS, HIGH ELMS LANE, BENINGTON, STEVENAGE, HERTS SG2 7DG Tel: 01438 869439 email: viv.hampton@btopenworld.com HARRISON, MR J.S. - 29 HAMILTON ROAD, BARE, MORECAMBE, LANCS LA4 6RG Tel: 01524 410522 HEADLEY, MISS E. - FELL VIEW, 2 MAIN STREET, BROUGH, KIRKBY STEPHEN, CUMBRIA CA17 4BT Tel: 01768 342460 HENRY, MRS C. - EAST END, BRISTOL ROAD, HEWISH, SOMERSET BS24 6SF Tel: 01934 876252 email: puxtonponies@hotmail.com HENSON, MS L.E. - MERILIN, RUSHBURY, CHURCH STRETTON, SHROPSHIRE SY6 7EB Tel: 01694 771605 email: l.e.henson@homecall.co.uk HODDER, MRS C. - EIGER HOUSE, PRIMROSE LANE, YEOVIL, SOMERSET BA21 5SH Tel: 01935 412888 HODGE, MR D. - LOWER HALSTOCK FARM, OKEHAMPTON, DEVON EX20 1QR Tel: 01837 55402 email: david@halstockshetlands.co.uk HODGSON, MRS C. - PEAR TREE HOUSE, NEWTON ARLOSH, CARLISLE, CUMBRIA CA7 5ET Tel: 01697 351478 email: ponies30@idnet.com HOWELL, MRS D.V.M. - ANDROSS MANOR, ROPLEY, HAMPSHIRE SO24 0BZ Tel: 01962 773384 email: lowsally@googlemail.com HOWIE, MR A.M. – MANOR FARM, MEETH, OKEHAMPTON, DEVON EX20 3QB Tel: 07831 330962 HUNTER, MR B.T. - MAUNDEVILLE, UYEASOUND, UNST, SHETLAND ZE2 9DL Tel: 01957 755232 JOHNSTON, MISS D. - SOWERSETT, ARKLESIDE, HORSEHOUSE, LEYBURN, NORTH YORKSHIRE DL8 4TU TEL: 01969 640232 JONES, MRS C.A. - PLAS GWYN, LLANGEFNI, ANGLESEY, GWYNEDD LL77 7YP TEL: 01248 722331 email: audrey9706@btinternet.com JONES, MRS J.E. - BROADLANDS FARM, RICKNEY ROAD, HANKHAM, PEVENSEY, E. SUSSEX BN24 5BH Tel: 01323 763405 JONES, MR R.N. - GROVENER FARM, LOVESGROVE, ABERYSTWYTH, DYFED SY23 3HL 51 R R R R R, D R R R R, D R R, D R, D R R Tel: 01970 612121 JONES, MR T.A. - PLAS GWYN, LLANGEFNI, ANGLESEY, GWYNEDD LL77 7YP Tel: 01248 722331 JOSLIN, MRS L. - BELLE VUE FARM, LLANGENNITH, GOWER, SWANSEA SA3 1HX Tel: 01792 386212 KAY, MR J.D. - CALF HOUSE FARM, ABBOTT BROW, MELLOR, NR BLACKBURN, LANCASHIRE BB2 7HU Tel: 01254 812354 email: johnkay194@btinternet.com LEWIS, MRS E. – 11 CRANWELL CLOSE, KIRTON IN LINDSEY, GAINSBOROUGH, LINCS DN21 4PY Tel: 07760103736 LONSDALE, MRS J. - CHAPELFIELD HOUSE, CHAPEL ROAD, PAWLETT, BRIDGWATER, SOMERSET TA6 4SH Tel: 01278 684877 LOWTHIAN, MRS J.L. - ZETLAND, GAMBLESBY, PENRITH, CUMBRIA CA10 1JA Tel: 01768 881029 email: hartside-shetlands@outlook.com LUTEY, MRS J.W. - TREVARTH, ST NEWLYN EAST, NEWQUAY, CORNWALL TR8 5HS Tel: 01872 510337 email: luteytrevarth@btinternet.com MACARTHUR, MR D.A. – 7 MORAY PARK AVENUE, CULLODEN, INVERNESS, IV2 7LS Tel: 07989 499596 MATTHEWS, MRS M. - TREZELAH PARK FARM, TREZELAH, GULVAL, PENZANCE TR20 8XD Tel: 01736 362770 email: zennor_stud@hotmail.com MCMASTER, MR J. - BARNEY HOUSE, WIGTON, CUMBRIA CA7 8NT Tel: 01697 343376 email: jeffmcmaster@tiscali.co.uk MILLER, MR R.L. - HENIARTH, FERRYSIDE, CARMARTHENSHIRE SA17 5YW Tel: 01267 267264 email: info@heniarth.com MILNE, MR G.G. - 28 OLD ROAD, HUNTLY, ABERDEENSHIRE AB54 8JH Tel: 01466 793361 MOUSER, MRS W.S. – THE SALTINGS, HOLT ROAD, GRESHAM, NORWICH NR11 8AD Tel: 01263 577587 PATERSON, MISS J. - JASMINE COTTAGE, 25 HIGH STREET, PODINGTON, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE NN29 7HS Tel: 01933 311406 mob:07854458586 PITCAIRN, MR R.S. - 172 ALLOWAY DRIVE, KIRKINTILLOCH, GLASGOW G66 2RW Tel: 0141 7754237 email: oxgangshetlands@hotmail.co.uk PLEASS, MRS J. - COTTER HOUSE, DEVONSHAW, POWMILL, BY DOLLAR, CLACKS FK14 7NH Tel: 01577 842183 PROVAN, MRS R.A. - SUMMERFIELD, GLENFARG, PERTHSHIRE PH2 9QD Tel: 01577 830777 PYE, MRS S. - TILLYCHETLY COTTAGES, ALFORD, ABERDEENSHIRE AB33 8HQ Tel: 07887 812588 email: susanpye123@btinternet.com RANDELL, MRS D. - NIXONS FARM, SKEYTON, NORWICH, NORFOLK NR10 5AP Tel: 01692 538241 email: shetland.diane@btinternet.com REES, MRS R. - LOWER HASGUARD FARM, HAVERFORDWEST, PEMBS SA62 3DT Tel: 01437 781238 REES, MR V.B. - LOWER HASGUARD FARM, HAVERFORDWEST, PEMBS SA62 3DT Tel: 01437 781238 RENDALL, MR S.J.P. - HOLLYDELL, CATFIRTH, SOUTH NESTING, SHETLAND, ZE2 9PP Tel: 01595 890337 RENWICK, MRS P.V. - THE KNOWE, ROADHEAD, CARLISLE, CUMBRIA CA6 6PG Tel: 016977 48024 RICHARDS, MISS K., - LANDS FARM, WASHAWAY, BODMIN, CORNWALL PL30 3AW Tel: 01208 75726 ROBERTS, MRS J.I. - UPHOUSE, HAROLDSWICK, UNST, SHETLAND ZE2 9EF Tel: 01957 711288 ROSS, MRS S.K. MRCVS - WHISTLEMOUNT, POWMILL, DOLLAR FK14 7NH Tel: 01259743592 SARGEANT, MRS A.J. - CHAMPLERS FARM, HAWKLEY, NR LISS, HAMPSHIRE GU33 6NG Tel:01730 827447 email: mandysargeant@gmail.com SCOTT, MR K. - BRAES OF KERRYSTON, KELLAS, BROUGHTY FERRY, DUNDEE DD5 52 R R R R R R R R R R R R 3PD Tel: 01382 350431 SEIPP, MISS C. - COLYTON FARM, SHEEPSTOR, YELVERTON, DEVON PL20 6PG Tel: 01822 852613 email: darklakeshetlands@btinternet.com SELLARS, MRS L.J. - DRYKNOWL, WILDBOARCLOUGH, MACCLESFIELD, CHESHIRE SK11 0BE Tel: 01260 252795 email: leosellars@btinternet.com SEWARD, MRS S.J. - GROGWYNION, PORTHYRHYD, CARMARTHEN SA32 8PX Tel: 01267 275485 SLEIGH, MISS S. - MAINS OF KNAPPERNA, UDNY, ELLON AB41 6SA Tel: 01651843666 SPENCE, MISS I. - SUIE VALE, MIDDLE STEADING, BALDYVIN, ALFORD, ABERDEENSHIRE AB33 8HE Tel: 01975562625 / 07749736429 SPENCE, MR I.M. - TILLYCHETLY COTTAGES, ALFORD, ABERDEENSHIRE AB33 8HQ Tel: 07745 233115 SPENCE, MR W. - VIRSE, HAROLDSWICK, UNST, SHETLAND ZE2 9EF Tel: 01957 711439 STEVENS, MRS A.G. - BELLE VUE FARM, LLANGENNITH, GOWER, SWANSEA SA3 1HX Tel: 01792 386212 STEVENSON, MRS J.R. - MOUNT PLEASANT, HOSE, MELTON MOWBRAY, LEICESTERSHIRE LE14 4JX Tel: 01949 860251 email: jillstevenson@uwclub.net SWAN, MR J.D. - TEANAHAUN CROFT, OLD LEANAIG ROAD, CONON BRIDGE, ROSSSHIRE IV7 8DN Tel: 01349 861268 SYKES, MR D. - HILLSIDE, FROXFIELD, PETERSFIELD, HAMPSHIRE GU32 1BD Tel: 01730 827232 TINDALE, MRS D.M. - DEE GEE FARM, BALLAMOUR, COLTON, RUGELEY, STAFFS WS15 3LW Tel: 07831306739 TINDALE, MR P.J. - DEE GEE FARM, BALLAMOUR, COLTON, RUGELEY, STAFFS WS15 3LW Tel: 07831306739 TOOMER-HARLOW, MRS W. - EVERSLEY HOUSE, EVERSLEY ROAD, BOWERS GIFFORD, BASILDON, ESSEX SS13 2DG Tel: 01268 552747 TRUE, MR N. - PENYCOED BARN, NANTYCAWS, CARMARTHEN SA32 8HD Tel: 01267 237309 VALE, MR N. - 8 BARRACK CLOSE, SUTTON COLDFIELD, WEST MIDLANDS B75 7HB Tel: 0121 3783780 mOB: 07805 397144 VAURIO, MS J. - VALKJARVENTIE 400, 01860 PERTTULA, FINLAND Tel: 00358 40 7457188 email: johanna.vaurio@taikatassu.info WALTERS, MR J. - LOWER HALSTOCK FARM, OKEHAMPTON, DEVON EX20 1QR Tel: 01837 55402 email: julian@sharptorshetlands.co.uk WEBB, MRS J. - MINSTRELS FARM, WITHY ROAD, EAST HUNTSPILL, HIGHBRIDGE, SOMERSET TA9 3NW Tel: 01278 782349 email: jspwebb@aol.com WHITEHOUSE, MRS J.C. - 4 WEST VIEW, HEATH, WAKEFIELD, WEST YORKS WF1 5SQ Tel: 01924365742 WILSON, MISS B.P. - HARDENLEY FARM, SHELLEY, HUDDERSFIELD, YORKSHIRE HD8 8LZ Tel: 01484606214 WILSON, MS H.L.J. - 40 FOGRALEA, LERWICK, SHETLAND ZE1 0SE Tel: 01595694662 WILSON, MRS H. - MINGULAY, MAIN STREET, ALFORD ABERDEENSHIRE AB33 8AD Tel: 01975562121 WILSON, MR J.W. - LEYS OF COWDEN, MUCKHART, BY DOLLAR, CLACKS FK14 7JL Tel: 01259781313 WRIGHT, MS G. - RANDALLS FARM, BURLEY STREET, RINGWOOD, HANTS BH24 4HJ Tel: 01425 404024 WRIGHT, MRS D.P. - IVY COTTAGE FARM, THREAPWOOD, NR CHEADLE, STAFFS ST10 4RA Tel: 01538752025 WRIGHT, MR G.C. - IVY COTTAGE FARM, THREAPWOOD, NR CHEADLE, STAFFS ST10 4RA Tel: 01538752025 YOUNG, MRS E.E. - CASTELL, ELIM, LLANDDEUSANT, ANGLESEY, NORTH WALES 53 R R R R I R R LL65 4AG Tel: 07423 430776 email: eirian@monproperties.co.uk TINDALE, MRS D.M. - DEE GEE FARM, BALLAMOUR, COLTON, RUGELEY, STAFFS WS15 3LW Tel: 07831306739 TINDALE, MR P.J. - DEE GEE FARM, BALLAMOUR, COLTON, RUGELEY, STAFFS WS15 3LW Tel: 07831306739 TOOMER-HARLOW, MRS W. - EVERSLEY HOUSE, EVERSLEY ROAD, BOWERS GIFFORD, BASILDON, ESSEX SS13 2DG Tel: 01268 552747 TRUE, MR N. - PENYCOED BARN, NANTYCAWS, CARMARTHEN SA32 8HD Tel: 01267 237309 VALE, MR N. - 8 BARRACK CLOSE, SUTTON COLDFIELD, WEST MIDLANDS B75 7HB Tel: 0121 378 3780 VAURIO, MS J. - VALKJARVENTIE 400, 01860 PERTTULA, FINLAND Tel: 00358 40 7457188 email: johanna.vaurio@taikatassu.info WALTERS, MR J. - LOWER HALSTOCK FARM, OKEHAMPTON, DEVON EX20 1QR Tel: 01837 55402 email: julian@sharptorshetlands.co.uk WEBB, MRS J. - MINSTRELS FARM, WITHY ROAD, EAST HUNTSPILL, HIGHBRIDGE, SOMERSET TA9 3NW Tel: 01278 782349 email: jspwebb@aol.com WHITEHOUSE, MRS J.C. - 4 WEST VIEW, HEATH, WAKEFIELD, WEST YORKS WF1 5SQ Tel: 01924365742 WILSON, MISS B.P. - HARDENLEY FARM, SHELLEY, HUDDERSFIELD, YORKSHIRE HD8 8LZ Tel: 01484606214 WILSON, MS H.L.J. - 40 FOGRALEA, LERWICK, SHETLAND ZE1 0SE Tel: 01595694662 WILSON, MRS H. - MINGULAY, MAIN STREET, ALFORD ABERDEENSHIRE AB33 8AD Tel: 01975562121 WILSON, MR J.W. - LEYS OF COWDEN, MUCKHART, BY DOLLAR, CLACKS FK14 7JL Tel: 01259781313 WRIGHT, MS G. - RANDALLS FARM, BURLEY STREET, RINGWOOD, HANTS BH24 4HJ Tel: 01425 404024 WRIGHT, MRS D.P. - IVY COTTAGE FARM, THREAPWOOD, NR CHEADLE, STAFFS ST10 4RA Tel: 01538752025 WRIGHT, MR G.C. - IVY COTTAGE FARM, THREAPWOOD, NR CHEADLE, STAFFS ST10 4RA Tel: 01538752025 YOUNG, MRS E.E. - CASTELL, ELIM, LLANDDEUSANT, ANGLESEY, NORTH WALES LL65 4AG Tel: 07423 430776 email: eirian@monproperties.co.uk 54 Welsh Pony and Cob Society Judges List 2016 PANEL OF JUDGES AND INSPECTORS 2016 •When the asterisk symbol * appears alongside a Section, the judge is eligible to judge Gold and Silver Medal Shows for that Section only. •R = Ridden Panel, •Judges for the Welsh Pony and Cob Society ridden classes must be selected from the Ridden Panel. •Judges officiating ridden classes for the Welsh Breeds must not ride entries and must judge from the ground. •All the judges listed R are eligible to judge Sections A, B, C, D, Part Bred animals under saddle. •The symbol # is listed alongside the names of relevant judges to indicate that the judge is eligible to judge Welsh Driving Classes. Name/Address (& Prefix) Section ABRAHALL, MRS A 55 Fox Lane, Bromsgrove, Worcs, B61 7NJ (WYKEN) (01527757696 / 07858257875) anneabrahall@hotmail.co.uk *C, *D, R ALEXANDER-FORD, MS. S.K The Old Woollen Mill, Cribyn, Lampeter, Ceredigion, SA48 7QH (TORYMYNYDD) (01570 471211 / 07976 868557) unicob@btinternet.com *C, *D ALLEN, DR R.D Park View Farm, Lower Assendon, Henley-On-Thames, Oxon, RG9 6AN (TRENWITH) (07595220118) rob.allen@circassia.com D ANDERSON, A.J Colliehill Farm, Longhaven, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, AB42 0PY (BRYNDEFAID) (01779 812254) bryndefaid@yahoo.co.uk *A, *B ANDERSON, S Costock Grange Farm, Nottingham Road, Costock, Loughborough, Leics, LE12 6XE (THISTLEDOWN)(01509 856 363) anderson.sandy@btinternet.com *A, *B ANDERSON, MRS. C 50 James Court, St. Mellons, Cardiff, South Glam, CF3 0FA (TYNTYLA) (02920 369439 / 07828 906436) catrin2468@hotmail.co.uk C ANDREWS, B.A Burnside, The Glens, Saundersfoot, Pembrokeshire, SA69 9NT (BEROS) (01267 211333) *A BALCH, MRS P.P Copperfields, Old Road, Clifton Upon Teme, Worcestershire, WR6 6DR (SINTON) (01886 812412) pippap.balch@virginmedia.com *B, *C, *D, R BALDWIN, MISS T.M Janton Stud, Rhos-y-Gilwern Farm, Garth, Llangammarch Wells, Powys, LD4 4BG (JANTON) (01591 620706) jantonstud@googlemail.com *C, *D, R BALDWIN, J. A Rhos-Y-Gilwern, Garth, Llangammarch Wells, Powys, LD4 4BG (JANTON) (01591-620601) jantonstud@googlemail.com D BALE-WILLIAMS, MISS A.M Lodge Farm Cottage, Halton, Chirk, Wrexham, LL14 5AU (BALEDON) (01691 773396) abaledon@googlemail.com *A, *B, R BANBURY, MRS. H.Y Byways, Sticker, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 7JB (ROSEVIEW) (01726 871 371 / 07725 750 088) j_banbury_uk@yahoo.co.uk *A, *B BARR, MRS D.M Belmont Cottage, Firle, Lewes, Sussex, BN8 6LP (WESTFIRLE) (01273 858544) debsbarr@hotmail.com A BARRON, T.M 37 Teesway, Neasham, Darlington, Co. Durham, DL2 1QT (MYBELLA) (01325 721823) *B, R BARSOUM, MISS L Park View Farm, Lower Assendon, Henley-On-Thames, Oxon, RG9 6AN (LIAURA) (01491 577515 / 07957 318577) lisabarsoum@hotmail.com C, D, R BATT, J. A Garth Farm, Coldbrook, Abergavenny, Gwent, NP7 9SL (ABERGAVENNY) (01873 85 3420) john@abergavennycobs.com *C, *D BATT, J.G Little Skirrid Farmhouse, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 9SN (ABERGAVENNY) (01873 853420) abergavennycobs@hotmail.co.uk *C, *D 55 BENNETT, MS H. S Wellington Farm, Sutton Road, Littledean, Glos, GL14 2TU (POPSTERS) (07780 515011/01594821076) R BERRY, J.G Can-yr-Afon, Capel Curig, Betws-y-Coed, Gwynedd, LL24 0DR (BETWS) (01690 720375) *A, *B, *C, *D BEST, T Waxwing Stud, Waxwing Farm, Balgonar, Saline, Dunfermline, Fife, KY12 9TA (WAXWING) (01383 851 732 / 07802 812 765) tom.best@btinternet.com *A, *B, C, D, R BETHELL, MRS. D Cefn Triol Farm, Saron, Llandysul, Carms, SA44 5HB (CROSSFOXES) (01559 370402) davinia.bethell@live.co.uk B BIGLEY, MISS C.E The Quakers Farm, Michaelchurch Escley, Hereford, HR2 0PT (LLANARTH) (01981 510667) welsh@brightwells.com *A, *B, C, D, R BIGLEY, L, The Quakers Farm, Michaelchurch Escley, Herefordshire, HR2 0PT (LLANARTH) (01981 510667) info@llanarth.uk.com *A, *B, *C, *D, R BIGLEY, S.E, The Quakers Farm, Michaelchurch Escley, Hereford, HR2 0PT (LLANARTH) (01981 510 667) info@llanarth.uk.com A, *B, *C, *D, R BIGLEY, MRS. M.A The Quakers Farm, Michaelchurch Escley, Herefordshire, HR2 0PT (LLANARTH, TREGARTH) (01981 510667) info@llanarth.uk.com *A, *B, *C, *D, R BLAIR, D, Waxwing Stud, Waxwing Farm, Balgonar, Saline, Dunfermline, Fife, KY12 9TA (WAXWING) (01383 851732 / 07802 812765) david@waxwingponies.com *A, *B, *C, *D, R BOOTH, MS L Cherrytree Cottage, 7 South Street, Pilsley, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S45 8BQ (STAINSBY) (01773 874477) lyny7@yahoo.co.uk *C, *D BOWEN, A Mayfield, Pwll Trap, St. Clears, Carmarthenshire, SA33 4AS (GLYNCOCH) (01994 230840/07736056712) adrian.bowen@live.co.uk *A, B, C, D BROWN, MRS A.E Crossways Farm, Higher Wrangway, Wellington, Somerset, TA21 9QH (BROWAN) (07740744724) browanponies@hotmail.co.uk A, B, R BURKIN, D.E 62 Causeway Court, St Johns, Woking, Surrey, GU21 8AY (MOORCREST) (01483 839068) sharon.burkin@btinternet.com *B BURT, MRS. W Cydiad-y-Ddwysir, Llanwenarth, Abergavenny, Gwent, NP8 1EP (ROTHERDALE) (01873 811 428) *C, *D, R BUTTERWORTH, MRS C. M Paddock, Old Town, Hebden Bridge, West Yorks, HX7 8SW (PADDOCK) (01422 842441) constance.butterworth@btinternet.com *B CHAMBERS, MISS D Ardgrange, Llanddeiniol, Llanrhystud, Ceredigion, SY23 5DP (ARDGRANGE) (01974 202685) *B, R CHARLTON, MRS S.J Woodlands, Newcastle Emlyn, Carms, SA38 9RA (JOYTON) (01239 710293) joytonstud@btinternet.com *C, *D, R CHEETHAM, MRS K.E Harrop Brow Farm, Shrigley Road, Pott Shrigley, Nr Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 5SE (CARRWOOD) (01625 573311) karen.cheetham@carrwoodstud.com *B CLAES, J Ynysmaerdy Farm, Llantrisant, Pontyclun, Mid Glam, CF72 9JS (DAVIDS) (01443 223375) jane@davidstud.wanadoo.co.uk *C, *D CLAYTON-SHIELDS, MRS N.A Grange Farm, Pinfold Lane, Moss, Doncaster, South Yorks, DN6 0ED (PININA) (01302 700535/07765112959) pininaandbetty@yahoo.co.uk *A, *B, R COBLEY, C.D 62 Commercial Road, Talywain, Pontypool, Gwent, NP4 7HT (TRYFEL) (01495 772981 / 07971 232283) marriecobley@hotmail.co.uk *A COLLINSON, MRS D.E Burn House, Irthington, Carlisle, CA6 4NN (STRADANA) (01697 73224 / 07816 485082) dawn.collinson@btinternet.com A COOKE, J.A Heathfield House, North Cornelly, Bridgend, Mid Glam, CF33 4HW (STORMYDOWN) (01656 740844) *C, *D, R COOPER, S Fairview, Harvest Mill Lane, Allesley, Coventry, CV5 9DE (RYEHILL) (07877 943 307) sccooper2013@gmail.com D COOPER, MRS. J.M Rivervalley Stud, 403 Christchurch Road, West Parley, Ferndown, Dorset, BH22 8SJ (RIVERVALLEY) (01202 572874/07814737205) rivervalley246@gmail.com R CUDDY, J.J Stocklands Farm, Plymtree, Cullompton, Devon, EX15 2LH (KAYDENCE, KAYDRITH) (07950722933) johnkaydence@hotmail.co.uk C, D DALEY, M.T Calveley Green Farm, Calveley, Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6 9LF (VALE) (01270 528256) *A DAVIES, D.M Heniarth, Ferryside, Carmarthenshire, SA17 5YW (HENIARTH, RHOSON) (01267 267264) info@heniarth.com *A, *B 56 DAVIES, H S Foel Hendre Farm, Cippyn, St Dogmaels, Cardigan, Dyfed, SA43 3LZ (CADLANVALLEY) (01239 881258 / (07879 673 068) y.davies55@btinternet.com *B, R DAVIES, M.B.E., FRAGS, DR E.W Ceulan, Miskin, Pontyclun, R C T, CF72 8JU (CEULAN) (01443 224317) ceulan@btinternet.com *A, *B, *C, *D, R DAVIES, C.T Bryn View, Reynoldston, Gower, Swansea, West Glam, SA3 1AE (CEFN) (01792 390107/391142) *A, *C, *D, R DAVIES, D. S Old Barn Ceulan, Hensol Road, Miskin, Pontyclun, R.C.T, CF72 8JU (CEULAN) (01443 224317) *A, *B, *C, *D, R DAVIES, D.R Tyddyn Llwyd, Devils Bridge, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 4QZ (BRYNGWENLLI) (01970 890623) daviesrhydian73@gmail.com A DAVIES, E. R Cae'r Alaw, Thornhill Rd, Cwmgwili, Llanelli, Carms, SA14 6PT (RHYD-DDU) (01269-844574) daviesrhys@rocketmail.com *C, D DAVIES, E. T. E Maesmynach, Cribyn, Lampeter, Ceredigion, SA48 7LZ (MAESMYNACH) (01570 470 670 / 07967 100592) info@maesmynach.co.uk *C, *D DAVIES, J.J.T Rhoson, Blaenffos, Boncath, Pembrokeshire, SA37 0HT (RHOSON) (01239 841325) *B DAVIES, K. J Llanfechan Farm, Garth, Builth Wells, Powys, LD4 4BA (EPPYNT, HAFRENA) (01591 620229) A DAVIES, L Brynglas, Pennant, Llanon, Ceredigion, SY23 5PE (01974 272 795) *C, *D, R DAVIES, R.J Carreg Bica Farm, Hilltop, Ebbw Vale, Gwent, NP23 6QT (HYWI, SGWDYREIRA) (01495 301569 / 07969 653555) hywistud@gmail.com *C, *D DAVIES, T The Old Forge, 3 Tirmynydd Rd, Fairwood, Swansea, West Glamorgan, SA2 7LA (OLDFORGE, PENNTEG) (01792 873423) harrietdavies3@btinternet.com C, D DAVIES, W.B Llwyn Newydd, Alltwalis Road, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, SA32 7DZ (TALGOED) (01267 253455/07790564827) bryanandavril@talgoed.com *A DAVIES, W.G Brownhill Farm, Cwmgwili, Ammanford, Carmarthenshire, SA18 3RR (RHYD-DDU) (01269 844574) *C, *D, R DAVIES, MRS K. J Swn-y-nant, Tregaron, Ceredigion, SY25 6NG (PICA) (01974 298 443 / 07968 136 339) kath@telecomplus.org.uk A, B DAVIES, MRS S. M. N Crud-Y-Barcud, Cysgod Y Gaer, Cribyn, Lampeter, SA48 7LU (MAESMYNACH) (01570 471783 / 07977 413469) nicola.maes@yahoo.co.uk C, *D, R DAVIES, MRS W.D Brynawel, Heol Llanelli, Five Roads, Llanelli, SA15 5YT (CYNHEIDRE) (01269 861 709) cynheidrestud@yahoo.com *C, *D DAVIS, JEREMY. L Parvadean, 68 Oakway, Littledean, Cinderford, Glos, GL14 3NG (PARVADEAN) (01594 824051 / 07795 576608) jeremy.davis@pro-staff-solutions.uk *C, *D DAY, MRS. S.A 4 Church Road, Lyndon, Oakham, Rutland, Leics, LE15 8TU (BLETHYN) (01572 737403) sue@blethynstud.fsnet.co.uk A, B DE RADE, P Zonneweide Stud, Dark Orchard, Pumsaint, Llanwrda, Carmarthenshire, SA19 8DJ (ZONNEWEIDE) (0794 2464 714) peerderade@hotmail.com *A, B, D DEACON, P.J 4 Southdown Way, Storrington, West Sussex, RH20 3NS (HALNAKER) (01903 741431) kate1deac@yahoo.co.uk A DEAN, MISS E.Y 125 Newtown Road, Verwood, Dorset, BH31 6EQ (01202 813235) edean403@btinternet.com B, R DEAR, MRS D.S.E Rochelles Pony Stud, Lower Road, Hockley, Essex, SS5 5LE (ROCHELLES) (01702 201777) A, *B, R DEVENNEY, MRS. J The Royds, Crow Trees Brow, Chatburn, Clithroe, Lancs, BB7 4LB (JULMAR) (0780 321 1889 / 07976 357 707) jdoriginals@aol.com A, B DOBBS, G Chestnut Cottage, Ffawyddog, Llangattock, Crickhowell, Powys, NP8 1PY (LLANGATTOCK) (01873 810008/07774636304) jayne.rees428@btinternet.com *C, *D, R DOBINSON, A.B Brierdene Farm, Old Hartley Lane, Whitley Bay, NE26 4RP (BRIERDENE) (0191 252 4233) andrew.bewick@hotmail.co.uk A DYKES, D.J 22 Seaview Terrace, Baglan, Port Talbot, West Glamorgan, SA12 8HW (CROSSFIELD) (01656 745583 / 07814 823337) deryk4712@gmail.com *C, *D, # DYKES, J.H 34 Heol Croes Faen, Nottage, Porthcawl, Mid Glamorgan, CF36 3SW (CROSSFIELD) (01656 786256) A, *C, *D, # 57 EDWARDS, D.C Coed-y-Brain House, Aberbargoed, Nr. Bargoed, Mid Glam, CF81 9ED (ABERCIPPYN, HILLRISE) (0443 831 080) edaihorse@gmail.com *C, *D EDWARDS, G. L Gelli Aur, Lon Fron, Llangefni, Anglesey, Gwynedd, LL77 7HB (FRONBACH) (01248 724960 / 07989 979 234) gwyndaf123@hotmail.co.uk *A, *B EDWARDS, W.H Upper Penwaun, Llanddew, Brecon, Powys, LD3 9TA (GEMSTONE) (01874 623714 / 07970 666480) *A EDWARDS, MRS E. J Gelli Aur, Lon Fron, Llangefni, Ynys Mon, LL77 7HB (FRONBACH, FRONGOCH) (01248 724960 / 07779 639817) emmafrongoch@hotmail.co.uk *A, R EDWARDS, MRS M.F Tyn-y-Caeau, Llannefydd, Denbigh, Denbs, LL16 5DH (NEFMON, NEFYDD) (01745 540 369) margiedwards@yahoo.co.uk *A, *B, R EDWARDS, MS A The Old House, Rhiwceiliog, Pencoed, Bridgend, CF35 6NS (COYCHURCH) (01656 861716) leggy90@tiscali.co.uk A, R ETHERIDGE, MRS J Wheelers Pony Stud, Watermill Farm, Middleton, Nr. Saxmundham, Suffolk, IP17 3LW (MINSMERE, WHEELERS) (01728 648236) wheelers.minsmere@virgin.net *A, *B, *C, *D, R EVANS BEVAN, LADY J Llwynbrain, Ffordd-Las, Llanigon, Hay-On-Wye, HR3 5QF (BRONLLYS) (01497 842 791 / 07811 244359) *A, *B, R EVANS, MISS L. J 2 Mountain View, Broadlands, North Corelly, Mid Glam, CF33 4EE (SMOKEYCOTT) (07929 051603) smokeycott123@btinternet.com B EVANS, MISS M.G Cedars, Sudbury Road, Lavenham, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 9PJ (HALSHAYNE) (01787 248219) gillevans@supanet.com *B, R EVANS, C Cathedine Fawr, Bwlch, Brecon, Powys, LD3 7SZ (CATHEDINE) (01874 658 454) cathedine@sky.com *C, *D, R EVANS, D.LL Cwrt-y-Llyn, Pentrefoelas, Betws-y-Coed, Conwy, LL24 0TR (HILIN) (01690 770277) eirianevans10@hotmail.com *A, *B, R EVANS, D.M Gwynfaes, Hermon, Cynwyl Elfed, Carmarthenshire, SA33 6SR (GWYNFAES, PENLLWYNUCHEL) (01267 281776) meirion@gwynfaes.freeserve.co.uk *C, *D EVANS, G.H 8 Clos Dewi, Llanbadarn Fawr, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3TQ (CEFNGARN) (07841 919 898) garethevans84@live.co.uk C, D EVANS, J. E Troedrhiw, Harford, Llanwrda, Carms, SA19 8DS (EGLWYSFACH) (01558 650403 / 07989 250 258) eglwysfachstud@hotmail.co.uk *C, *D EVANS, M. T Siamberwen, Glyndyfrdwy, Corwen, LL21 9HN (DYFRDWY) (07711 569344) me58@icloud.com *A, C, D EVANS, MRS B. J The Loft, Main Street, Peopleton, Worcs, WR10 2EE (FOXCROFT) (07803 047655) bb.aleda@btopenworld.com *A, B, R EVANS, MRS J.A Bryngolau, Llanfihangel, Llanfyllin, Powys, SY22 5JF (HAIGHMOOR) (01691 648623) *C, *D, R EVANS, MRS K.L The Pinfold Stud, Pinfold Lane, Moss, Doncaster, South Yorks, DN6 0ED (PINFOLD) (01302 709016 / 07443428006) pinfoldstud@yahoo.co.uk *A EVANS-DAVIES, MRS J.M Foel Fach, Winllan Road, Llansantffraid, Powys, SY22 6TS (BRYNFA, PENTRECOED) (01691 828291/07816 096365) julieclive@tiscali.co.uk *C, *D EVERITT, MISS D. J Brynglas, Llangadog, Carmarthenshire, SA19 9ES (DYRFAL) (01550 740273 / 07515721495) danidyrfal@aol.com *C, *D, R EVERITT, A.S Tireve Stud, Brynglas, Llangadog, Carmarthenshire, SA19 9ES (TIREVE) (01550 740273 / 07837482096) steve.everitt@hotmail.co.uk *C, *D, R, # EVERITT, I.J Court Farm, Kings Caple, Hereford, HR1 4TX (MERIONETH) (01432 840275) ijeveritt@hotmail.co.uk *C, *D FERRIS, MRS. L.J Cydiad-y-Ddwysir, Llanwenarth, Abergavenny, Gwent, NP8 1EP (ROTHERDALE) (0873 810 377) *C, *D, R FISHER, MISS A Nuthouse, Bowlhead Green Rd, Brook, Godalming, Surrey, GU8 5UW (MYNYDDGRAIG) (01428 685 884 / 07980 098 114) ann@alexfelton.com B FLETCHER, A.D Rylands Cottage, Hoggs Pitch, Eldersfield, Glos, GL19 4PP (KARADAM) (07841 239 411 / 01452 849 043) tdt@tdtyres.com *C, *D FOSTER, B Coed Robin, Llanover, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 9EP (GERRIG) (01873 881077/ 01495 352187) *C, *D FOX, MRS C Kenmal, Babylon Lane, Hawkenbury, Staplehurst, Tonbridge, Kent, TN12 0EG (BABYLON) (01622 842264) christine.fox99@tiscali.co.uk *C, D 58 FRANKLIN, S.F Forces Farm, Butterleigh, Cullompton, Devon, EX15 1PJ (SARUM) (01884 855405 / 07702 121836) forcesfarm@btinternet.com *A FRENCH, MRS E.R Forlan Stud, Toplands, Slaughterford, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 8RD (FORLAN) (01249 782333) betty@forlanstud.com *A, *B, R FRITH, MRS C.S Field View, 9 Steppes Way, Childs Ercall, Market Drayton, Shropshire, TF9 2BN (RISTOL) (07771 763784/01952 840958) cherylfrith@aol.com *C, *D, R FROST, J. K 1 Churchill, Hemyock, Cullompton, Devon, EX15 3QN (DEVONHAYES) (0777 1906214) jay1devonhayes@aol.com B GANT, E 39 Applewood Close, Hartlepool, Cleveland, TS27 3JW (NORTHWICK, OF KIRKHAMGATE) (0796 6441 109) *C, *D GEORGE, MRS S 35 Bedford Road, Great Barford, Bedford, MK44 3JF (CHALVERSTON) (01234 838853) sarahgeorgewillington@hotmail.co.uk B GILES, J. D 9 Alpha Close, Bowers Gifford, Basildon, Essex, SS13 2HZ (LEYESWICK) (01268 725 425 / 07956 873 033) gileslucy@ymail.com *C, *D, # GIRDLER, MISS K.L Ffrethi Stud, Bryncothi, Abergorlech, Carmarthen, Dyfed, SA32 7BH (FFRETHI) (01267 202273) *C, *D, R GOGGIN, F.M 47 Blaen-Dowlais, Dowlais, Merthyr Tydfil, Mid Glamorgan, CF48 3RB (PENBOETH) (01685 375116) sallfran@outlook.com *A GOODHEAD, MISS J.M Keepers Cottage, Ryhn Lane, St Martins, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 3EG (MIDLAND, SPRINGOAK)(07814 141853) janegoodhead@hotmail.com *A GOODWIN, MRS S.E.V The Coach House, Spring Lane, Packington, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leics, LE65 1WU (TAMEVALLEY) (01530 413 523) sandygoodwin@btinternet.com *A, *B GRAY, JOHN. P The Paddocks, Wood Lane, Iver, Bucks, SL0 0LA (THORNEYNEWSIDE) (01753 783855 / 07743 551477) jgrayandsons@live.co.uk *C, *D, # GRAY, P.J St Leonards Farm, St Leonards Hill, Windsor, Berks, SL4 4AP (07770688955) gray-peter@sky.com *C, *D, # GREEN, MISS. S.V The Gables, Beans Farm, Hawksworth Road, Screveton, Nottingham, NG13 8JP (SALBROOK) (01949 21198) salbrook@hotmail.co.uk *A, B GREEN, J.P Blaenplwyf Isaf, Lampeter, Ceredigion, SA48 8JY (STEFFAN) (01570 423135) *C, *D GRIFFITH, D. E. LL Dafren, 3 Cerrig Llwydion, Tregarth, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 4NE (DAFREN, DEBRABIA) (07831 436331) D GRIFFITHS, MISS C.M Tain Y Coed, Pentraeth, Anglesey, LL75 8YR (TRERDRIW) (07886 348 694) C, D, R GRIST, M.S 40 Canning Street, Cwm, Ebbw Vale, Gwent, NP23 7RW (RIVERBANK) (01495 371028 / 07957 945692) allig_015@fsmail.net C, D, R GROUCOTT, W 5 Herbert Terrace, Hafodyrynys, Crumlin, Gwent, NP11 5BB (HAFODYRYNYS) (01495 442756 / 07875 052796) hafodyrynysstud@gmail.com *C GRUMMITT, MISS J. S 15 The Shade, Soham, Ely, Cambs, CB7 5DE (FENBOURNE) (01353 723160) jillian.grummitt@btinternet.com *B, R GUMMERY, E.P.J Malting House Cottage, High Street, Silsoe, Bedfordshire, MK45 4EP (TREFERTHUR) (01525-860972/07519 898333) treferthur@hotmail.co.uk A HALL, B Grange Brook, Rags Lane, Goffs Oak, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, EN7 6TD (MURRAYHALL) (01707 875508) hb3859@gmail.com D, # HALL, MRS. K.J Bank Farm, Trefasser, Goodwick, Pembs, SA64 0LP (PENSTRUMBLY) (01348 891625 / 07557 368 683) penstrumbly@hotmail.com D HAMER, MRS S. A Trinnant, Tylwch, Llanidloes, Powys, SY18 6JX (CASCOB, CWMHIR, DORDDU) (01597 870275) trinnant@pcq.net *A, *C, *D HANCOX, P.A Blossom Hill, Mamble, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY14 9JN (AURIC) (07527 720937) *A HARDY, MISS S.M Briar Thicket, Ryme Road, Yetminster, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 6JY (BRIARTH) (01935 872069) suehardy.briarth@btinternet.com *C, *D, R HARFORTH, J.F Stanley Grange, Great Ayton, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS9 6QD (STANLEYGRANGE) (01642 722386 / 07768091851) Jerome.harforth@btconnect.com *A, *B, R HARPER, T. J. P Pant-Y-Dwr Uchaf, Llanedi, Pontardulais, West Glam, SA4 0FJ (PANTYDWR, TYDORKIN) (01792 884622 / 07974 439276) harperdow449587@aol.com *C, *D 59 HARPER, MRS. J 22 Ravara Road, Ballygowan, Co. Down, Northern Ireland, BT23 6HD (RAVARA) (02897 521 462 / 07873144076) joannejustjosie@aol.com A, B HARRIES, MRS. S.H Liliwen, Maesmynis, Builth Wells, Powys, LD2 3HP (CASTLEMEAD) (01982 551908) susanliliwen@fsmail.net *A HARRIS, D. R Esgaersaeson, Blaenpennal, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 4TL (PENNAL) (01974 251242 / 07972055581) dai@pennalstud.com *C, *D HARRIS, T.G Mabwshen, Llanrhystyd, Ceredigion, SY23 5BD (RHYSTYD) (01974 272 272) *C, *D HARRISS, MRS. J.A Plumtree Cottage, 39 High Road, Shillington, Herts, SG5 3LL (DRUMADDIE) (01462 711663) *A, B HAYES, S.C Westfield Farm, 39 Higher Road, Woolavington, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA7 8EA (BROCKABYE) (01278 655338 / 07854 380305) brockabye@btinternet.com *A, *B HELME, J.V Ty Canol, Trawscoed Road, Llysfaen, Colwyn Bay, Conwy, LL29 8LQ (LLWYNGARTH) (01492513260/07780 658 756) *C, *D, R HENDY, J. W. E 53 Parklands, Penper;;eni, Pontypool, Gwent, NP4 0BE (CLEDWYN) (01873 880558) *A, *B, *C, *D, # HENSBY, G.R Denby Hall, Lower Denby, Flockton, Wakefield, West Yorks, WF4 4BL (LAITHEHILL) (01924 848770) *A, *B HEPPENSTALL, MRS. G.A Glynwyn, Gawthorpe Lane, Gawthorpe, Ossett, West Yorks, WF5 9BB (GLYNWYN) (01924 260105/07969486080) *C, *D, R HEPPLE, MISS K 10 Etherley Bank, High Etherley, County Durham, DL14 0LG (KARNARTH) (01388 835 523 / 07763 929 679) karnarth@hotmail.co.uk *C, *D HIGGINS, D.R Glanlliw Uchaf Farm, Pontlliw, Swansea, West Glam, SA4 9HA (TIREINON) (01792 882741) *C, *D HIGGINS, W. G 19 Clordir Road, Pontlliw, Swansea, West Glam, SA4 9EY (01792 884263) wynfordhiggins@gmail.com *C, *D HILLARD, MRS. L.B Tir Bwcci, Nant y Caws, Carmarthen, SA32 8EU (GRYNGALLT) (01267 234057) lbhillard@hotmail.co.uk *A, *B, R HOOK, MRS. T Twyn-yr-Hebog, Station Road, Gilwern, Gwent, NP7 0HN (KEMYSFAWR) (01873 831263 / 07791694945) htehook@btinternet.com A, *B, *C, *D, R HOPKINS, K The Barn, Portfield Farm, Portfield Lane, Whalley, Clitheroe, Lancs, BB7 9DP (LIDGETT) (01254 824515 / 07720 777678) kevin.hopkins@tiscali.co.uk *C, *D HOPSON, S.R 24 Heol Tabor, Cwmafan, Port Talbot, West Glamorgan, SA12 9PS (PHENSARA) (07869 123973) stevehopson@msn.com C, D HOWARD, R 46 Dean Street, Marlow, Bucks, SL7 3AE (MOORCROFT) (01628 488 497 / 07900 240 756) howardmoorcroft@aol.com *C, *D HOWARD, S.D Village Farm, Bilton-in-Ainsty, York, Yorkshire, YO26 7NN (BOSTON) (01423 358503 / 07946 873797) stephen@bostonstud.co.uk *B, R HOWDLE, K 31 Hillview Gardens, Felton, Bristol, BS40 9UH (01275 472330) steve@ridgehillcobs.com D HOWE, MRS. S Minfield Farm, Bronllys, Brecon, Powys, LD3 0LW (MARL) (07801 577072) suzhowe57@gmail.com *C, *D HUGHES, B. E Thornhill, Selattyn, Oswestry, Shrops, SY10 7NP (SELATTYN) (01691 718882) brian@selattyn.com *C, *D HUGHES, E.LL Treflan Isaf, Waunfawr, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 4AX (TREFLAN) (01286 650372) *B HUGHES, J.A Cefncoch, Rhydyfelin, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 4QE (CEFNCOCH) (01970 612565) *C, *D HUGHES, T. G Pwllcornel Uchaf, Penrhiwllan, Llandysul, Ceredigion, SA44 5NZ (IONOS) (01559 371 864 /07876 547 294) ionosstud@googlemail.com C, D HUGHES, MRS. C.A Thornhill, Selattyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 7NP (SELATTYN) (01691 718882) cherylhughes2015@gmail.com D HUNT, R.G Bottom Farm, Beacon Hill, Penn, Bucks, HP10 8NJ (PENN) (01494 81 3867) roger@penncobs.plus.com *C, *D, R HUSSEY, P. R Henfold Farm, Henfold Lane, Beare Green, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 4RW (DABERNON) (01306 631729) peter@hussey270.freeserve.co.uk *C, *D, # 60 HUWS-JOHN, MRS G Bryn Gwyn, Bryn Rd, Pontllanfraith, Gwent, NP12 2EX (GUEVARA) (01495 227285) gilldaicob@yahoo.co.uk C HYSLOP, B.M Maxwelltown Farm, Irongray, Dumfries, DG2 9TU (MAXWELLTOWN) (01387 730289) *A, *B, R INGRAM, MRS. C. D 11 Chestnut Avenue, Walkden, Worsley, Manchester, M28 7EE (NEWBROOK) (0161 9501224 / 07967 360758) chrisnewbrook@aol.com *C, *D JACKSON-EDWARDS, MRS. M.F Ashgrove Stud, Bryn Fedw, River Road, Cymau, Nr Wrexham, LL11 5ES (ASHGROVE) (01978 760973/ 07740023605) francesashgrove@hotmail.co.uk *C, *D JAMES, J.C Coedcae Farm, Llandovery, Carmarthenshire, SA20 0HQ (SIANWOOD) (01550 720849) sianwood@coedcae15.freeserve.co.uk *A, *B, *C, *D, R JAMES, W.I Hendrewen, Manorowen, Fishguard, Pembs, SA65 9QD (HENDREWEN) (01348 891242) hendrewen2014@gmail.com *A, *C, *D JAMES, MRS. K.A Little Broad Reed Farm, Hadlow Down, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 4EL (HIGHLAND) (01825 830 344) hckajames@btconnect.com *A, *B, *C, *D, R JENKINS, D.H Brohedydd, Pennant, Llanon, Ceredigion, SY23 5PD (BROHEDYDD) (01974 272 584) dhuwjenkins@aol.com *C, D JENKINS, W.J.P Twyn Gwyn Farm, Manmoel, Blackwood, Gwent, NP12 0RQ (MOELGWYN) (01495 - 226008) william.jenkins3@btinternet.com *C, *D JOHNSTON, M. C Court Hay Cottage, Farrington, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 8RA (CHARLESTON, FONTMELL) (01747 811226) mcj2010@outlook.com *B, R JONES MRCVS, MISS E. W Llawr Cilan, Llandrillo, Corwen, LL21 0SY (01766 540323) eleri@wernvets.co.uk A JONES Bsc, PLD, ARAgS, DR. D.G Gwarchod Stud, Ty'r Castell, 45 Bridge Street, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, NP16 5EY (GWARCHOD) (07977 038027) dgj@gwarchodstud.co.uk D, # JONES, A.J Y Fferm, Pontrobert, Meifod, Powys, SY22 6JA (GLANVYRNWY) (01938 500263 / 07971 610 501) *C, *D JONES, A.R Cilybebyll Fach Farm, Tarreni Gleision Road, Cilybebyll, Pontardawe, SA8 3JN (CILYBEBYLL) (07779276801) jonesla5@hotmail.co.uk *C, *D, # JONES, C. J Cwrdinas, Rhandirmwyn, Llandovery, Carmarthenshire, SA20 0NT (CWRDINAS, LLAMRI, LLANDOVERY) (01550 760309) C, *D JONES, D. PRICE Gellifechan, Rhandirmwyn, Llandovery, Carmarthenshire, SA20 0PF (NANTYBAI) (01550 760 397) *B, R JONES, D.P Menai Stud, Pantydefaid, Llandysul, Ceredigion, SA44 4LP (MENAI) (01545 590 503 / 07831 396 183) pj@menaistud.com *A, *B, *C, *D JONES, D.W Gwylfa Farm, Llanwnda, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL54 5UF (BENNWYNN, TELYNAU) (01286 830 740 /07753 856 709) djones33@sky.com *A, *B, R JONES, E.M Afallon, Groeslon, Caernarvon, Gwynedd, LL54 7TU (TALYLLYN) (01286 830 626) ericmerfynjones@aol.com *C, *D JONES, G.D.J Frongoy, Pennant, Llanon, Ceredigion, SY23 5PD (FRONARTH) (01974 272246) gwyn@fronarthstud.co.uk *C, *D, # JONES, G.T Glynmadian, Aberhosan, Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 8RA (ABERHOSAN, RHOSYGARREG) (01654 702 664 /07784519202) D JONES, G.W 1 Bod Hyfryd, Dolwen, Abergele, Conwy, LL22 8NY (NERWYN) (01492 680 234) wyn@nerwynponies.co.uk *A, *B JONES, J.C.L Gellihen Farm, Talgarreg, Llandysul, Ceredigion, SA44 4HE (SYNOD) (01545 590602) *A, *B, *C, *D JONES, O Nebo Stud, Nebo, Llanon, Ceredigion, SY23 5LH (NEBO, TYNGWNDWN) (01974 272 653 / 07768 512 503) nebostud@gmail.com A, *C, *D JONES, W.G Nebo Stud, Nebo, Llanon, Ceredigion, SY23 5LH (NEBO) (01974 272 653) *A, *B, *C, *D, R, # JONES, MRS C.M Friars Park Farm, Mollington, Chester, CH1 6NT (BUNBURY) (01244 851333) *B JONES, MRS D Gellihen Farm, Talgarreg, Llandysul, Ceredigion, SA44 4HE (SYNOD) (01545 590 602) *A, *B, *C, *D, R JONES, MRS D Fairywood Ponies, Bodist Isaf, Wirnolau Road, Ammanford, SA18 2JH (FAIRYWOOD) (07873 468750 /01269 597449) jonesdebbie8@aol.com B 61 JONES, MRS J.C New House Farm, Guilsfield, Welshpool, Powys, SY21 9LN (WESTON) (01938 590 208) *A, *B, R JONES, MRS. K.A Bryngwyn Isaf, Dole, Bow Street, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY24 5AF (FRONGOCH) (01970 828371) annfrongoch@live.co.uk *A, *B, R JONES, MRS. M.E Nebo Stud, Nebo, Llanon, Ceredigion, SY23 5LH (NEBO) (01974 272 653) nebostud@gmail.com *C, *D, R, # JONES, MRS. N.S Frongoy, Pennant, Llanon, Ceredigion, SY23 5PD (BLAENGWEN) (01974 272 246) *C, *D, R, # KILBEY, MRS J The Reading Room, Great Thurlow, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 7LA (IDYLLIC) (01440 783417 / 07760 208340) jenniferkilbey@mypostoffice.co.uk *A KINGETT-RICQUIER, MRS. L.M 9 Manor Close, Rushington Manor, Southampton, SO40 9DJ (FLETCHWOOD) (02380 666890 /07955 064242) C, D KINGHAM, G Cnwc yr Eithin, Bancyffordd, Llandysul, Carms, SA44 5AA (MAESLLWCH) (01559 363152) geoffkingham@yahoo.co.uk C, D KIRK, J. T Penmyarth Farm, Newry Road, Builth Wells, Powys, LD2 3DQ (DONYS, SWANNHILL) (01982 551916 / 07850 435169) kirk541@btinternet.com *C, *D LANDON, MISS. T Linksbury, Tyrmwg, Pontantwn, Kidwelly, Carms, SA17 5LA (LINKSBURY) (01269 861794) *B LEACH, MISS H Coeden Meadow, Laund Lane, Haslingden, Rossendale, Lancs, BB4 5AD (COEDEN) (01282680010 /07969 485562) C LEADBITTER, MISS F The Coach House, Bwlch Gwyn Farm, Ystradowen, Cowbridge, Vale Of Glamorgan, CF71 7SX (THORNBERRY) (01446 773765 / 07967289025) fiona.leadbitter@tesco.net *B, R LEWIS, A Fferm Tyssul, Cwmduad, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, SA33 6AT (TYSSUL, TYSULIAN) (01559 371 282) altyssul@sky.com *C, *D, # LEWIS, D.B Brynhardd, 217 Pen Y Banc Road, Ammanford, Carmarthenshire, SA18 3QP (BRYNAMMAN) (01269 591931/07977 216306) dblewis@talktalk.net *A LEWIS, N 11 Clos Ael-Y-Bryn, Penygroes, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, SA14 7ND (ERWFAIR) (07599687002) erwfair@live.co.uk A LEWIS, MRS. T.J Dol-Fryn, Llanbadarn Fynydd, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 6YF (CWMMAWR) (01597 840289) tracy@cwmmawr.com C, D LEWIS, MS M Plas Ffrwd Fal, Pumpsaint, Llanwrda, Carmarthenshire, SA19 8TE (CWRTYCADNO) (01558 650582) megancwrtycadno@hotmail.co.uk *A, *B, R LLEWELLYN-JAMES, J. M Blaythorn, Mill Lane, Drakes Broughton, Worcester, WR10 2AF (AVONVALLEY) (01905 840624/07905 415 420) avonvalley@aol.com *C, *D LLOYD, FRAGS, I.J.R Derwen Stud, Pennant, Llanon, Ceredigion, SY23 5JN (DERWEN) (01545 570 250 / 07989 313887 mobile) dyfed.lloyd@btconnect.com *A, *B, *C, *D, R LLOYD, D. W. W Facwn, Llangwyryfon, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 4PQ (GELER) (01974 241 287 / 07890 037882) geler@tiscali.co.uk *C, *D LLOYD, D.S Wernllwyn, Temple Bar, Lampeter, Dyfed, SA48 7HG (LLYSTEIFI, TEIFI) (01570 470602 / 01570 422366 *C, *D, # LLOYD, MRS P Uplands, Bronllys, Brecon, Powys, LD3 0HN (GLEINIANT) (01874 712130 / 0033 643568 437) pauline.lloyd939@btinternet.com *A, *B LLOYD-JONES, D.D Ystrad Dewi, Llanddewi Brefi, Tregaron, Ceredigion, SY25 6UL (YSTRADDEWI) (01974 299 082) ystraddewi@btconnect.com D LOWE-BARNES, MRS. W 2 Iredale Crescent, Standish, Wigan, Greater Manchester, WN6 0UD (FOUROAKS) (01257 473579/07837 385839) wendy@4oaksfarm.net *A, B LUTEY, MRS R. A Trevarth, Trevoll Farm, St Newlyn East, Newquay, Cornwall, TR8 5HS (TREVARTH) (01872 510337) luteytrevarth@btinternet.com *A, *B, *C, *D, R LYNN, J.E Whitegates, Bunters Road, Wickhambrook, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 8XY (QUAIFE) (01440 820533) *A, D, R MACEFIELD, MRS G.W Chambers Cottage, Old Nevendon Road, Wickford, Essex, SS12 0QD (TREFRIFAWR) (01268 728010 /07989 505311) gaynortrefri@hotmail.com *C, *D, R MANCHIP, R.G Garreg Goch, Llanharry, Pontyclun, Mid Glamorgan, CF72 9JX (FFALD) (01443 225127 / 07827 860415) robertmanchip@aol.com *C, *D, R MANN, MRS J.E The Agapemone Chapel, Barford Rd, Four Forks, Spaxton, Somerset, TA5 1AD (MAERTON) (01278 671454) jn.mann@tiscali.co.uk R 62 MARDON, MRS V.S 6 Harvest Road, Denmead, Waterlooville, Hants, PO7 6LD (RONSWOOD) (02392-960658 / 07759 872 848) vanessa.mardon@yahoo.co.uk A MARKS, R 12 The Lankets, Badsey, Worcs, WR11 7EH (01386 834020) rusmarks63@hotmail.com C, D, R MCDONALD, A.W 14 Itton Street, Cwm, Ebbw Vale, Gwent, NP23 7RP (TROEDYMYNYDD) (01495 371348 / 07866162410) *C, *D MCINNES SKINNER, MRS. S Crown Farm, Vicarage Road, Deopham, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 9DP (ERNFORD) (01953 850223) mcinnesskinner@btinternet.com *B MEECHAM-JONES, DR. S.T Tyrcanol House, 101 Sway Road, Morriston, Swansea, West Glam, SA6 6JD (TYRCANOL) (01792 771830 / 07817 173792) welshponiesfromwales@googlemail.com *A, *B MEECHAM-JONES, DR. SALLY. M Tyrcanol House, 101 Sway Road, Morriston, Swansea, West Glam, SA6 6JD (TYRCANOL) (01792 771830) welshponiesfromwales@gmail.com *A, *B MERRICK, MR B. J 19 King Street, Brynmawr, Gwent, NP23 4DG (BRYNITHON)(07854689534) C, D MICHELL MRCVS, S.W.R Gynnin House, St. Clears, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, SA33 4EG (SENNY) (01994 230 675) chris.michell28@gmail.com *A MIDDLETON, MRS. C.W Old Hall, Dolau, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5TL (ROSS) (01597 851247) *C, *D, R MILLER, R.L Heniarth, Ferryside, Carmarthenshire, SA17 5YW (BLESSLEA, HENIARTH) (01267 267264) info@heniarth.com *A, *B, *C, *D, R MOORE, V 179 Marine Street, Cwm, Ebbw Vale, Gwent, NP23 7SY (TYCWM) (01495 370220) *C, *D MORGAN, D. D Penparc, Lampeter, Ceredigion, SA48 8NU (PARC) (01570 493 338 / 07866 401 936) danmorganpenparc@googlemail.com *C, *D MORGAN, R.S Llys Penparc, Cae Ram, Cwmann, Lampeter, Ceredigion, SA48 8ES (ORMOND) (01570 423643 /07831 821307) C, D MORGAN, S. J Marshpool, Oldwalls, Llanrhidian, Gower, Swansea, SA3 1HB (BLAENCILA) (01792 850 953) c.pearcemorgan@sky.com A, *C, D MORRIS, D.L Neuadd Parc, Capel Bangor, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3NA (NEUADDPARC) (01970 880260) sian@friarsstud.com *C, *D MORRIS, J.W The Barn, Tyn-Y-Coed Farm, Glan Conwy, Colwyn Bay, Conwy, LL28 5TN (ABERCONWY) (01492 580 689) john@conwypottery.co.uk *C, *D MORSE, C. I Millwood, No.10 Cefn Maes, St Clears, Carmarthenshire, SA33 4DA (MILLWOOD, PENNWOOD) (01994 231757 /07778 333270) *B MYERS, MRS. H. J Delfryn, Llangynin, St Clears, Carms, SA33 4JZ (ROSMARCHE) (01994 232934/07792340816) rosmarche@hotmail.com A NEE, C.D Gibb Farm, Moss Lane, Blacrod, Bolton, Lancashire, BL6 5JB (ESLIN, NEEBRO) (07545 268005) cdnee1981@outlook.com D NELSON, MRS C. M Trows Cottage, Kelso, Roxburghshire, TD5 8LX (FORGE, ROSEPARK) (01573 450733 / 07968 599 840) caroline.nelson4@btinternet.com *B, R NEWMAN, MISS CHRIS. J The Gamecock Public House, London Road, Westkingsdown, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN15 6EL (KAYDENCE)(07949 726 220) chriskaydence@hotmail.co.uk C, D NEWMAN, M. C The Trainers House, Manor Farm Racing Stables, Kingston Isle, Wantage, Oxon, OX12 9QL (TWRCOED) (07717 753685) newman65@btinternet.com D NEWMAN, MRS E The Trainers House, Manor Farm Racing Stables, Kingston Lisle, Wantage, Oxon, OX12 9QL (TWRCOED) (07717753685) newman65@btinternet.com R NIMMO, MRS. M.C Duntarvie, Winchburgh, Broxburn, West Lothian, Scotland, EH52 6QA (DUNTARVIE) (01506 834331) duntarvie@icloud.com *A, *B, *C, *D, R NORTHAM, M. A Avon Farm, Avon Lane, Saltford, Bristol, Avon, BS31 3ET (0225 872587) *A, *B, *C, *D, R OLDERSHAW, MRS N.E 4 Broomfield Cottages, Morley, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, DE7 6DN (LARNLEIGHS) (07968 117312) larnleigh@hotmail.co.uk C, D, R OSBORNE, MRS. S.LL Cui Lodge, Talybont-on-Usk, Brecon, Powys, LD3 7YQ (CUI, LLANFIGAN) (01874 676633) f.osbourne44@btinternet.com *A OWEN, B.G Penrhiwdrych, Ffosyffin, Aberaeron, Ceredigion, SA46 0HE (DEICIN) (01545 570448) deicinstud@hotmail.co.uk *C, *D 63 OWENS, MRS. P.M The Woodhouse, Shobdon, Leominster, Herefords, HR6 9NL (CASCOB, TYPREN) (01568 708615) pipowens@hotmail.co.uk *A, *C, *D, R PARKER-JONES, R 28 Eastcote Avenue, Lawley Village, Telford, Shropshire, TF4 2FR (CROSTON) (01952 878056 / 07737 034836) robertparkerjones@talktalk.net A, *B, R PARRY, J.P Talponciau Farm, Plas Issa, Penycae, Wrexham, Clwyd, LL14 1TU (TALPONCIAU) (01978 823633) talponciau@sky.com *B PARRY, N.G Tregare Farm, Erwood, Builth Wells, Powys, LD2 3BZ (BRYNMELYS) (01982 560624 / 07970 400610) brynmelys@yahoo.com *C, *D PARRY, MRS. J.V Talponciau Farm, Plas Issa, Penycae, Wrexham, Clwyd, LL14 1TU (TALPONCIAU) (01978823633) talponciau@sky.com *B, R PARRY-JONES, MRS W Bronllwyn, Caradoc Road, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 2JY (BRONLLWYN) (07855583994) *B PARTRIDGE, L R Rosedale Stud, Hennllys, Cwmbran, Gwent, NP44 7AT (ROSEDALE) (01633 482365/07557794913) *B, R PARTRIDGE, MRS. L Rosedale Stud, Gelli Fawr Farm, Henllys, Cwmbran, Mon, NP44 7AT (ROSEDALE) (01633 482365/07557794913) lorrainepartridge01@gmail.com *A, *B, R PAXFORD, MISS G.L The Barn, Redhill Farm, Upleadon Road, Highleadon, Newent, Glos, GL18 1HJ (FAIRGROVE) (07969 528 910) gemmapax@hotmail.co.uk R PAYNE, MRS E. J Slade Farm, Off Raunds Road, Ringstead, Northants, NN14 4ER (SLADES) (07747 781766) B PEARCE, R.V Wind Mill Farm, Old Walls, Llanrhidian, Swansea, West Glam, SA3 1HB (WINDMILL) (01792 390052 / 07974757845) r.v.pearce@btinternet.com *A PEARCE, MRS. J.E.S Penllyne Court, Glyncoch, Pwll Trap, St. Clears, Carmarthenshire, SA33 4AR (GLYNCOCH) (01994 230871) glyncoch.stud@btinternet.com *A, R PEARSE, MRS C. M 21 Cornwall Street, Bere Alston, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 7BE (UPHILL) (01822 840 823 / 07879 416 243) cathieuphill@hotmail.co.uk D, R PEATY, M 96 Stannington Crescent, Totton, Southampton, Hants, SO40 3QD (DROGEDA) (02380 872876) *C, *D PERRINS, MRS. J Gate Farm, Wood Lane, Overton, Wakefield, Yorks, WF4 4RQ (HEATON) (01924 263189) *A PHILIPSON-STOW, MISS H.R Barlands, Pendock, Malvern, Worcs, WR13 6JW (PENDOCK) (01684 833 537 / 07968131967) *A, *B, *C, *D, R PHILLIPS, A. S Stafell, Prengwyn Road, Llandysul, Ceredigion, SA44 4LD (AMAR) (01559 363260) andrewsirrellphillips@btinternet.com B, R PHILLIPS, MRS. R Windsor Farm, Lamphey, Pembroke, Pembs, SA71 5NT (MANOROWEN) (01646 672142) *A PORT, M.E Apple Tree Cottage, Warley Road, Great Warley, Brentwood, Essex, CM13 3HT (TREGOLE) (01277 212076 / 07802 533843) stevewolfe71@icloud.com C, D POWELL, MISS J Lower House Farm, Onen, Nr Monmouth, NP25 5HW (01600 780408) deidrp@aol.com D POWELL, MRS. D.H Lan Garth Stud, Lower House Farm, The Onen, Monmouth, NP25 5HW (LANGARTH) (01600 780408) deidrp@aol.com *C, *D, R PRATER, D. J Lower Farm, Bicester, Waddesdon, Bucks, HP18 0JS (RHENCULLEN) (07593439170) *C, *D PRATER, MRS C. S Walnuts, Aston Abbotts Road, Cublington, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 0LG (RHENCULLEN) (07542530779) rhencullen@hotmail.co.uk C, D PRICE, G Wernished, Llandefalle, Brecon, Powys, LD3 0NW (LITTLEWERN) (01874 754405) *A, *B PRICE, I.T.D Argoed, Llanafan, Builth Wells, Powys, LD2 3LS (AFAN) (01591 620 625) *A PRICE, MRS. J.P Courtway Pony Stud, Clyro, Hereford, HR3 5LE (COURTWAY) (01497 820555 / 0797 77 59787) *A, *B, R PROSSER, E. G 3 Ffordd Dinas, Cwmavon, Port Talbot, West Glam, SA12 9BS (MINTFIELD, TROSOLWG) (01639 894 171 /07974 691 520) edwin.prosser@tesco.net *A, *B, D, R PUGH, E.P Pant-y-Celyn, Adfa, Newtown, Powys, SY16 3DG (CELYNFACH, POWYSVALLEY) (01938 810 771) *C, *D, R PUTTOCK, D.E Belvedere, 23 Drovers Way, Newent, Gloucestershire, GL18 1ET (BALLAN) (07551 838494)davideputtock@hotmail.co.uk *A, *B, R 64 READING, MRS. R.H Glasfryn, Llangain, Carmarthen, SA33 5AZ (YARTY) (01267 211251) yartywelshcobs@yahoo.co.uk *C, D, R REDVERS, MRS. J.S Corsend Farm, Hartpury, Gloucester, GL19 3BP (BWLCH) (01452 700 841) johnredversuk@gmail.com *A, *B, *C, *D, R REED, T.H.H Tyngwndwn Stud, Cross Inn, Llanon, Ceredigion, SY23 5NG (TYNGWNDWN) (01974 272666/07971 234 083) huwreedwynnstay@gmail.com *C, *D REED, MRS. C.E Tyngwndwn Stud, Cross Inn, Llanon, Ceredigion, SY23 5NG (TYNGWNDWN) (01974 272666/07855 683043)tyngwndwnstud@gmail.com *A, *C, *D, R REES, T. D Llwynihirion, Brynberian, Crymych, Dyfed, SA41 3TY (PENANT) (01239 891309) *A REES, MRS R. K. P Small-Land Pony Stud, Meidrim, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, SA33 5NX (DOWNLAND, SMALLLAND)(01994 230260) *A, *B, R REIPEN, MRS B Dol Llan Farm, Llandysul, Ceredigion, SA44 4RL (THREE-B) (01559 362113) A, B RICKARD, MRS G.A Hollytree Pony Stud, 222 Preston Road, Grimsargh, Preston, PR2 5JS (HOLLYTREE) (07891 438746/01772 879454) gemma_oldham@hotmail.co.uk A, D ROACH, MRS. J. D 19 St Brides View, Roch, Haverfordwest, Pembs, SA62 6AZ (GRUGAUR) (01437 710643) judyroach9@hotmail.com *A ROBERTS, A. G Ty Hir Farm, Bwlchgwyn, Wrexham, Clwyd, LL11 5UL (LYNARD) tyhir@aol.com *C, *D ROBERTS, D.W Swn y Gwynt, 22 Gwern y Gaseg Road, Coedpoeth, Wrexham, Clwyd, LL11 3RE (LYNARD, TAWELFAN)(01978 751277 / 07809 669968) nrbr1@aol.com *C, *D ROBERTS, J.F Nantlais, 29 Pentregwenlais Road, Llandybie, Ammanford, Carms, SA18 3JQ (NANTLAIS) (01269 851 164) *A ROBERTS, T.J Pistyllgwyn Farm, Cwmavon, Pontypool, Gwent, NP4 8UW (PISTYLL) (0495 772 833) *A, *C, *D ROBINSON, R Little Ty'r Eos, Gwehelog, Usk, Gwent, NP15 1RD (TYREOS) (01291 672097) rosandval@tyreos.com *C, *D, R ROBINSON, MRS. V.A Little Ty'r Eos, Gwehelog, Usk, Monmouth, NP15 1RD (TYREOS) (01291 672097) *C, *D, R ROGERS, MRS S 54 Llys Alun, Rhydymwyn, Mold, Flints, CH7 5HW (YWAL) (07544748129) *A, *B ROSS, MRS P.K Treflan Isaf, Waunfawr, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 4AX (GLENROWAN) (01286-650372) A, *B, R RUSSELL, R. E 65 Churchfields Drive, Bovey Tracey, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ13 9QU (BRAMBRIDGE) (01626 832820) ralpherussell@gmail.com *C, *D, R RUSSELL, MRS. E.A Carston Farm, Killearn, Glasgow, G63 9LJ (GARTCONNEL) (01360 550581 / 01419 580444 work)gartconnel@btconnect.com A, B, R, # RUSSELL, MS. L.E Carston House, by Killearn, Glasgow, G63 9LJ (GARTCONNEL) (01360 50581 / 07736 082 828) gartconnel@btconnect.com A RUSSELL-ALLEN, MISS R.M Pike Farm, Lower Slaughter, Cheltenham, Glos, GL54 2HP (ASTON) (01451 820436) *A, # SCOTT, MRS. K.E Colliehill Farm, Longhaven, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, AB42 0PY (BRYNDEFAID) (01779 812254) kathleenscott77@yahoo.co.uk *A, *B, R SELLS, MRS G.M.A Deerfold Croft, Deerfold, Lingen, Bucknell, Shropshire, SY7 0EE (PRIESTWOOD) (01568 770626) david.sells@btopenworld.com *A, *B, C, D, R SEWARD, MRS S.J Grogwynion, Porthyrhyd, Carmarthen, Carms, SA32 8PX (WINDWILLOW) (01267 275485) sandra.j.seward@gmail.com *A, R SHAW, H.L Crofters Cottage, Little Heath, Dunston, Stafford, ST18 9AJ (01785 780 584 / 07788 497 648) les@deoniaeth.com *C, *D SHEIL, MRS K Ty Isaf, Llangynog, Builth Wells, powys, LD2 3LA (DUKESHILL) (01982 552774) dukeshill@gmail.com *A, B SHEIL, MS J Ty Isaf, Llangynog, Builth Wells, Powys, LD2 3LA (DUKESHILL) (01982 552774 / 07971 187802) josheil115@gmail.com *A, *B, C, D, R SIMPSON, MRS. G Woodcroft, The Hills, Bradwell, Hope Valley, S33 9HZ (WORTLEY) (01433 621885 / 07770220460) wortley356@aol.com *A, *B, R 65 SMALL, MRS. Y Dean Hill Farm, Willand, Cullompton, Devon, EX15 2PG (PASADENA) (01884 35677) yvonne@pasadenastud.com A, B, C SMITH, D.R Cloud Cottage, 89 Aylesbury Road, Bireton, Bucks, HP22 5BT (BROUGHTON) (01296 426 201 / 07922 111 075) alison-jones5@sky.com *C, *D, R SMITH, N Trevallion, Wootton Green Lane, Balsall Common, West Midlands, CV7 7BQ (BERKSWELL, TREVALLION) (01676 532089 / 07980 297 401) dean.trevallion@hotmail.com *C, *D SQUIRES, MRS A Oak Hollow, Watling Street, Four Crosses, Cannock, Staffs, WS11 1RY (YSWAIN) (01543 579021) *C, *D, R STEPHENS, MRS L.A The Riddox, Weobley, Hereford, HR4 8RA (FLYDON) (07791 273131) flydon@live.co.uk *A THACKER, MRS. R. E Upper Donside Manse, The Square, Lumsden, Aberdeenshire, AB54 4GQ (FARCHYNYS) (01464861710) ruth.thacker8155@gmail.com *A, *B THACKER-TAHIR, T Garden Cottage Stableyard, Goodleystock Road, Westerham, Kent, TN16 1SH (SQUERRYES) (01959 565916 / 07956 801 104) terry@farchynys.fsnet.co.uk B THOMAS, A 13 Oakfield Terrace, Tyllwyn, Ebbw Vale, Gwent, NP23 6AG (CAEDERWEN) (01495-305481) caederwenstud@talktalk.net *C, *D THOMAS, D.M Cruglwyd, Capel Iwan, Newcastle Emlyn, Carmarthenshire, SA38 9LR (CRUGLWYD) (01559 370 329) D THOMAS, G.W Gwylfa Farm, Llanwnda, Caernarvon, Gwynedd, LL54 5UF (PONTYWYLED, TELYNAU) (01286 830740) djones33@sky.com *C, *D, R THOMAS, J.D Cefnfedw Stud, 26 Heol Myrddin, Ffairfach, Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire, SA19 6PD (CEFNFEDW)(01558 822047) *A THOMAS, MRS D. M Uplands, Bronllys, Brecon, Powys, LD3 0HN (DYFED) (07734487793 / 01874 712130) diana@diana96.orangehome.co.uk *A THOMAS, MRS T.H Abercippyn Stud, 51 Greenfield Street, Bargoed, Mid Glamorgan, CF81 8RU (ABERCIPPYN) (01443 838815 /07737758245) tiriont@aol.co.uk *C, *D THOMAS, MRS. L Cobb Clough Farm, Oakenclough Road, Bacup, Lancs, OL13 9UZ (CHESHMERE) (01706 872 242 / 07973 285132) lorraine@cheshmerestud.com *C, D, R THOMAS, MRS. S.M Ffynnonwrgan, Sennybridge, Powys, LD3 8TY (CARREGCENNEN, CEFNFEDW) (01874 636296 / 07815 194098) susanthomas@keme.co.uk A THOMPSON, MR B. W 24 Poppy Close, Firwood Park, Chadderton, Oldham, Lancs, OL9 9US (PENECH) (0161 6283231 / 07747 152 724) penechstud@live.co.uk A TIBBEY, C.J Blaencwm, Bethel, Bala, Gwynedd, LL23 7LB (LACY) (01678 530 218 / 07802 855 110) *A, *B TILLEY, A 12 Woodhouse Way, Cambridge, Cambs, CB4 2NH (TIFFWYL) (01223 424060) *A, R TOPLISS, MRS T Little Tithe Farm, Blidworth Lane, Calverton, Nottinghamshire, NG14 6NY (LITTLETITHE, RAVENSHEAD) (07770 550755 / 01159 656 607) tracey.topliss@dovedentalcare.co.uk A TURNER, MRS. M Ryersh House, Ryersh Lane, Capel, Surrey, RH5 5LJ (COPPERFIELD) (01306 711069) mandyturner@btinternet.com *C, *D, R UPTON, MRS J.L High Noon, Village Hall Lane, Three Legged Cross, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 6SG (BLUEBURY/MANHATTAN) (01202 822895/07977 076239) upton811@btinternet.com *B VESTEY, Lady, Manor House Farm, Old Park Road, Bishop's Sutton, Alresford, Hants, SO24 0BA (KENTCHURCH) (01962 732174/07768173080) anne@vestey.f9.co.uk *C, *D, R WAINWRIGHT, Miss K J, Lockgate Farm, Wood Lanes East, Adlington, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 4PH (SKELLORN)(01625 572356/07900263203) *A, *B, R WALKER, K Brynoffa Farm, New Brighton, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 6RQ (BRYNOFFA) (01352 700 459/07714 762 885) walker.kevin76@yahoo.com *A, *B, R WALL, T.A.R 60 Capel Road, Enfield, Middlesex, EN1 4SR (NYNWOODS, TELLEVEY) (01992 764496 / 07554 495343) nynwoodstud@btconnect.com A WALLER-TOY, MRS D Delami Stud, Broadfields House, Croxall, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 8QU (DELAMI) (01283 791781/07496063139) daniellemtoy@gmail.com A, B, R WALTERS, J.K 29 Mafeking Terrace, Tredegar, Gwent, NP22 3LG (TYRLLAWN) (01495 726 055 / 07813065394) C, D WATERS, T.A 28 Hawthorne Close, Ynysygwas, Cwmavon, Port Talbot, West Glam, SA12 9BY (LUANSHYA) (0639 896 966) *B 66 WATSON, J.G Clough Farm, Rock Lane, Slaithwaite, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD7 5DA (BRYNCARREG) (01484 842234 / 07939 454087) jaynewatson3@googlemail.com C, D WATTS, S Trixies Stud, Beeches Road, Battlesbridge, Wickford, Essex, SS11 8TJ (TRIXIES) (01702 622065 / 07931 845 668) D, # WEIGHTMAN, MRS. S.J 20 Downend Road, Fareham, Hants, PO16 8RG (SOUTHWAITE) (01329 221899) sharonweightman6@aol.com A WELLER, MRS R.G Canada Farm, Shillinglee, Chiddingfold, Godalming, Surrey, GU8 4SZ (STOATLEYTWO) (01428 707615) jweller.canada@yahoo.com R WIGHT, MRS. H.N Pia Mawr, Rhosfa Road, Brynamman, Ammanford, Carmarthenshire, SA18 1DF (HENDAL) (01269 825040) *C, *D, R WILDING-DAVIES, P Stildon Manor, Menith Wood, Worcester, WR6 6UL (FAYRE) (01299 832 720 / 07880794095) fayre.pony@btinternet.com *A, *B WILLIAMS, MISS E Gelligarth, 1 Hyfrydle, Llanddewi Brefi, Tregaron, Ceredigion, SY25 6UT (BRENIG) (01974 298283) *C, *D WILLIAMS, MRS H Felin Wlan, Tai'n Lon, Clynnog Fawr, Gwynedd, LL54 5DE (SEIONT) (01286-660371/672854) seiont@btinternet.com *C, *D, R WILLIAMS, D.D 58 Heol Y Parc, Cefneithin, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, SA14 7DL (DYFFRYNTYWI) (01269 831649 / 07989996630) daiw@fsmail.net *C, *D WILLIAMS, G. O Upper Wenallt, Talybont On Usk, Brecon, LD3 7YU (CARLESS) (01874 676298) wenallt@timicomail.co.uk *C, *D WILLIAMS, H.C.H 38 Fairwater Way, Fairwater, Cwmbran, Torfaen, NP44 4PS (TYRPENTRE) (01633 874325/07961901973) *C, *D WILLIAMS, J Belmont Bungalow, Garn-yr-Erw, Blaenavon, Gwent, NP4 9SE (TYREBECCA) (0495 791561) *C, *D WILLIAMS, J.H 13 Buckland Drive, Bwlch, Brecon, Powys, LD3 7HN (CILMERY) (01874 731110) cilmery13@hotmail.co.uk *A, C, D WILLIAMS, K.N Ffynnon Fedw, Felindre, Morriston, Swansea, SA5 7PL (CELTON) (01792-883230) celtonwelshponies@hotmail.co.uk *B WILLIAMS, S.P 21 Church Terrace, St. Mary Church, Cowbridge, South Glam, CF71 7LU (RHESFAIR) (01446 774824/07762 452 451) A, B WILLIAMS, T.P Ferndale House, Llanmorlais, Gower, West Glam, SA4 3TB (CRIMOND, GRAIGMAWR) (01792 851418/07773 364327) *A WILLIAMS, MRS J Parsonage Farm, Llandewi Skirrid, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 8AG (GLEBEDALE) (01873 854 358/01873 853942) *A, *B, *C, *D, R WILLIAMS, MRS P. J Fieldview, South Leigh Road, High Cogges, Witney, Oxford, OX29 6UW (01993-774599) pennyjanewilliams@gmail.com *B WILLIAMS, MRS S. M Parciau Farm Cottage, Griffiths Crossing, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 1TS (PARCIAU) (01286673000) saramimswms@aol.com D, R WILLIAMSON, B 15 Walters Road, Cwmllynfell, Swansea, West Glamorgan, SA9 2FH (KILGOUR) (0639 830988) bweng@hotmail.co.uk C, D WILLIAMSON, J Kilgour, Box Road, Grovesend, Gorseinon, Swansea, West Glam, SA4 8DB (KILGOUR) (01792 898777) tjmcw@talktalk.net *C, *D, R WILLIS, P 45 Upton Crescent, Nursling, Southampton, SO16 8AA (BONIFACE) (07768656122) C, D WILLIS-BURTON, MRS. C. E Dan Y Skirrid Farm, Llantilio Pertholey, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 8AU (PENTREFELIN) (01873 855099 / 07790 012033) pentref@waitrose.com *A, *B, *C, *D, R WILSON, MISS R Buarth Mawr, Prion, Denbigh, LL16 4RU (BOOTHSDALE) rosie@boothsdale.org.uk *A WORMALD, MRS. E.J 60 Spalding Road, Bourne, Lincs, PE10 0BA (TILLYBO) (01778 426 732) tillybostud@gmail.com*A WYATT, MRS. J 1 New Cottages, Parley Green, Hurn, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 6BD (MEREWYN) (07917724052/ 07979693429) janewyatt8@btinternet.com C, D, R OVERSEAS BRAND, T, PO Box 327, Farm 1572 Twigg Road, Yenda, 2681, Australia (02 69681015) trevor.brand@det.nsw.edu.au BROWN, M. J, 912 Upper Lurg Road, Upper Lurg, Victoria, 3673, Australia (03 57666446) indiwelshcobs@gmail.com CESNIK, MRS J.L Springfield, Tarcutta, New South Wales, Australia, 2652 (0061 269287227) B 67 A A, B COSTANZO-O'BRIEN, MRS S.A Brookside Stud, 409 Cook Mountain Drive, Brightwood, VA 22715, USA (BROOKSIDE) (07034317861) brooksidewelsh@aol.com *A, B CREZEE, B, Jan Spieringweg 23, 4285 W.N. Woudrichem, Holland (DOORNZICHT) (0031 18330 4938) info@doornzicht.nl A, B DELAITRE, MS I 5 Rue Capelle, Hameau De Gelleville, Bourville, 76740, France (DE L'AURORE) (00 336 892 596 43) ingrid.delaitre@gmail.com B DOHAN, MS H Woranora, 47 Reserve Road, Freemans Reach, New South Wales 2756, Australia (WORANORA) (61418484592) woranora@hotmail.com A, B EVANS, MRS J. P 234 Glenrowan Moyhu Rd, Glenrowan, Victoria 3675, Australia (LLANDYN, WESTONPARK) (0357 662283) *A, *B, R GRAY, MS C 15 Greenhills, Winslow, 3281, Australia (0061 355692001) elargee@westvic.com.au A GRIMES, MRS. A Lambay Stud, Tougher Hill, Milverton, Skerries, County Dublin, Eire (LAMBAY) (00 353 87 1275472) grimesseamus@hotmail.com B LE BROCQ, G, Kent Park, 893 Great Alpine Road, Tarrawingee, 3678, Australia (0357251995) nawarrah@harboursat.com.au A, B LEEUWENHAAG, H H.C. de Jonghweg 5, 5328 JD Rossum, Holland (SHAMROCKLAKE) (0031 418 661458 / 0031 653738338) henrie.leeuwenhaag@arcadis.com A OLSSON, M Holmsbergs Gard, Olvingstorp 211, Ljungbyholm, S-388 92, Sweden (KULLTORP) (0046 480 30034) info@holmsberg.se B PORTER, A.J 76 Porters Lane, Avoca, Victoria, 3467, Australia (61439632114) vanocapark@hotmail.com A, B SPERRIN, MS M Oakhill Park, 48 Merretts Road, Macclesfield, 3782, Australia (MOSMANPARK, PORTMEIRION) (61419537138) oxncow@me.com A STEVENS, DR. E Merugat, 82150 Valeilles, France (GUINEL) (00 33 532091749 / 0033 670552639) welshguinel@wanadoo.fr C, D TROCK, C Skambaekgarden, Skambaekvej 14, DK-4400 Kalundborg, Denmark (VALHALLAS(DK)) (45 2012 6692) carl@trock.dk D VAN PRAAT, MRS R Bredaseweg 66, 4861 T D, Chaam, Netherlands (VENNEBOS) (0031-6-23325055) rhodevanpraat@gmail.com A ZOET, H Jan Boersweg 3, 8091 PD Wezep, Holland (YSSELVLIEDTS) (0031 383760930 / 0031 383760916) h.zoet@wxs.nl *A, *B 68 Society Contact Details BRITISH CONNEMARA PONY SOCIETY 1 Lansdowne Cottages, Ilsley Road, Compton, Newbury, Berks RG20 7PQ Tel: 0845 604 9690 Email: secretary@britishconnemaras.co.uk Website: www.britishconemaras.co.uk Secretary: Mrs S Parkington DALES PONY SOCIETY Dales Pony Society, Green Farm, Stocksbridge, Sheffield, S36 4GH Tel: 01142 885 869 E mail: dpssecretary@googlemail.com Website: www.dalespony.org.uk Secretary: Mrs J C Ashby DARTMOOR PONY SOCIETY Swn Yr Afon, Thornhill Road, Cwmgwili, Llanelli, SA14 6PT Tel/Fax: 01269 844303 E-mail: secretary@dartmoorponysociety.com Website: www.dartmoorponysociety.co.uk Hon. Secretary: Mrs V Brown EXMOOR PONY SOCIETY Woodmans, Brithem Bottom, Cullompton, Devon, EX15 1NB Tel: 0845 6075350 E-mail: secretary@exmoorponysociety.org.uk Website: www.exmoorponysociety.org.uk Secretary: Mrs. S. McGeever FELL PONY SOCIETY Bank House, Boroughgate, Appleby, Cumbria, CA16 6XF Tel/Fax: 01768 353100 E-mail: secretary@fellponysociety.org.uk Website: www.fellponysociety.org.uk Secretary: Mrs K Wilkinson HIGHLAND PONY SOCIETY Grosvenor House, Shore Road, Perth, PH2 8BD. Tel/Fax: 01738 451861 E mail: info@highlandponysociety.com Website: www.highlandponysociety.com Secretary: Mrs S Robertson NEW FOREST PONY BREEDING & CATTLE SOCIETY Deepslade House, Ringwood Road, Bransgore, Hants BH23 8AA TeVFax: 01425 672775 E-mail: secretary@newforestpony.com Website: www.newforestpony.com Secretary: Mrs J Murray SHETLAND PONY STUDBOOK SOCIETY Shetland House, 22 York Place, Perth, Scotland, PH2 8EH. Tel: 01738 623471 Fax: 01738 442274 E mail: enquiries@shetlandponystudbooksociety.co.uk Website: www.shetlandponystudbooksociety.co.uk WELSH PONY AND COB SOCIETY Bronaeron, Felinfach, Lampeter, Ceredigion SA48 8AG. Tel: 01570 471754 Fax: 01570 470435 E mail: secretary@wpcs.uk.com Website: www.wpcs.uk.com BRITISH SHOW HORSE ASSOCIATION Suite 16, Intech House, 34-35 The Cam Centre, Wilbury Way, Hitchin, Herts, SG4 0TW Tel: 01462 437770 E-mail: admin@britishshowhorse.org Website: www.britishshowhorse.org