www.stpatsfootball.com NICOLAS VALLÉE-HARDIN, footballeur pour l’équipe de St. Patrick’s High School LA CAISSE DESJARDINS DU PLATEAU MONTCALM FAIT ÉQUIPE AVEC LES GRANDS NOMS DU FOOTBALL. Grâce à son soutien financier, la Caisse Desjardins du Plateau Montcalm contribue depuis toujours au dépassement et à l’épanouissement des individus et de la collectivité Un bel exemple : le financement du système de sonorisation extérieur du terrain de football de St. Patrick’s High School. 999, avenue Murray Québec (Québec) G1S 3B4 1165, avenue de Bourlamaque Québec (Québec) G1R 2P9 Un seul numéro : 418 529-9204 tab le o f co n te n t Word from the Principal.............................................................................................................................................................. 4 Word from the Honorary Patron................................................................................................................................................. 6 2008 St.Patrick’s Fighting Irish Senior Team............................................................................................................................ 7-26 2008 Senior Coordinates.......................................................................................................................................................... 27 2008 St.Patrick’s Fighting Irish Junior Team.......................................................................................................................... 29-55 2008 Junior Coordinates........................................................................................................................................................... 56 Nutrition Report........................................................................................................................................................................ 62 Partners and Sponsors......................................................................................................................................................... 84-85 2008 St.Patrick’s Fighting Irish Game Schedule and Results....................................................................................................... 89 Certificate of Achievement........................................................................................................................................................ 90 St.Patrick’s Fighting Irish Promotional Articles............................................................................................................................ 97 Word from the President........................................................................................................................................................... 98 Contact Us................................................................................................................................................................................ 99 3 w ord fro m th e pri n cip a l Dear fans of the Fighting Irish, This season was a season of firsts for both teams; first season using a state-of-the art locker facility, first full season with new uniforms, first season in a higher category. What an exciting season it has been! Both terms performed extremely well throughout the season.Our coaching staffs have done an extraordinary job of preparing our teams for every game. Thank you coaches, for your incredible devotion. I would also like to recognize the efforts of all the players who made it through all the tough practices and games - rain or shine (no snow this year). A lot can be said about sacrifice and the game of football. The football booster club has made possible the new facilities at the school, new uniforms, new field equipment, as well as the organization of a well-attended tail gate that was a total success. The atmosphere at our home games was just simply awesome. Football fever at St. Pat’s is definitely back and strong. Thanks to all of you fans, players, booster club, sponsors without whom this extraordinary journey would not have taken place. Looking forward to an exciting 2009 football season. Sincerely, Stephen Pigeon Principal Café L’Alibi CAFÉ • RESTAURANT • BAR • TERRASSE Jack Delisle 190, St-Laurent 4 Québec (Québec) G1R 4N6 418 525-7845 Madame Johanne Delisle félicite tous les athlètes du Fighting Irish pour leur participation active en 2008 ! 61, rue du Petit Champlain, Québec (Québec) G1K 4H5 418 692-5656 4 VERTE ET BRANCHÉE Une agence innovatrice et rafraîchissante : Domna communication. Imaginez une créativité débordante, des idées vertes et des concepts puissants. Chez Domna communication, ce sont des éléments naturels. Pour tous vos projets en communication graphique, des solutions de design inventives au développement de marque et d’identité visuelle, en passant par la conception de publicités, l’édition, la réalisation graphique et le design Web, nous saisissons votre personnalité unique et la faisons resplendir. Pour les générations actuelles et futures, Domna communication pense à l’environnement et à la jeunesse. Dans chaque design, nous déployons notre expertise avec le rêve d’un monde meilleur. Pour en savoir davantage sur nos idées de design graphique branchées, innovatrices et vertes et sur celles qui représentent le mieux vos initiatives environnementales et votre singularité, composez le 418 849-1385. 4, chemin du Refuge, Lac-Beauport (Québec) G3B 1N3 info@domnacommunication.com W ORD FR O M th e H O N O RARY P ATR O N It is with great pleasure an appreciation that I witnessed the revival of St. Patrick’s High School football program. This revival will provide a great live experience to everybody involved in the program. It should engrave a multitude of values such as honesty, integrity, generosity. The notion of these values will serve as a strong catalyst for those young men to acquire the live skills which are imperative to the success of a football team but more importantly to be successful and productive leaders of their community. Photo: Steve Deschênes Looking back at my experience at St. Patrick’s High School, I can acknowledge that my teammates and I most definitely developed life skills such as hard work, cooperation, accountability and fair play, all in a competitive and fun environment. Our passage at St. Patrick High School provides us all a great source of pride. Having recruited in a great number of high schools in Canada, I can honestly say that the school spirit witnessed at St. Patrick’s High School is unmatched. My experience at St. Patrick’s High School was unique, one that made me discover my passion which help defined my career. I would like to express my profound gratitude to all teachers, coaches and school administrators who provide such a formative and positive experience at St. Patrick’s High School I would be remiss not to underline the hard work of the parent committee who provide the drive and the resources to revive and maintain the football program. Keep up the great work! Thank you and GO ST. PAT’S. Glen Constantin Class of ‘81 6 2 0 0 8 s t.p a t’s fi g h ti n g iri s h s e n i or te a m First row: Anthony Martel, Marc-Antoine Ferland, Cedric Lehoux ,Jessy O’Neil, Jonathan Plamondon, Robby Burke, Edward Godin-Gosselin, Keven Guay, Michael Laflamme, Kevin McNulty. Second row: Patrick Hutchings, Simon Bordeleau, Shawn Bourget, Nicolas Vallée-Hardin, Gabriel Plamondon, Philip Morse, Christopher Lessard, Francis Guy, Sébastien Plamondon, Christophe Imbeault, Jonathan Gagnon, Carlo Gagnon. Third row: Phil Trudel, Mike Robitaille, Jimmy Chabot, François Leduc, Francis Cayouette, Timothy Robinson-Trudel, Darrel Penney, Louis-Philippe St-Amand, Derek McKinnon, Nicolas Sergerie, Patrick Joannie-Montpetit, Francis O’Brien, Tommy Drolet, James Mercure-Valis, Jessy Enright. Missing from picture: Patrick Langlois. 7 head coach K e v in m cn u l ty defensive coordinator carlo g a g n o n defensive line coach 8 senior coaches P h il tru de l offensive line coach dere k m ck i n n o n defensive back coach senior coaches P a trick h u tch i n g s 9 #2 Defensive Back J o n a th a n G a g n o n #7 Tight End G abrie l P l a m o n do n #8 Tight End senior players S im o n B orde l e a u 11 #9 wide receiver s h a w n b o urg e t #10 running back robb y b urk e #12 quarterback 12 senior players Jonathan Plamondon Vétéran recrue? ou Vous rêvez de devenir CA? Vous êtes ou vous connaissez un étudiant en sciences comptables désirant obtenir le titre de comptable agréé (CA)? Nous offrons : Stage rémunéré Emploi assuré Bourse de 8 000 $ Joignez-vous ainsi à notre équipe qui compte plus de 600 personnes www.mallette.ca/recrutement.jsp Luc Blanchet 418 653-4455, poste 460 (luc.blanchet@mallette.ca) www.mallette.ca #16 DEFENSIVE BACK Nicolas Vallee-Hardin #22 DEFENSIVE BACK fra n ci s g u y #25 RUNNING BACK 14 senior players christophe imbeault #26 WIDE RECEIVER Francis O’Brien #32 DEFENSIVE BACK A n th o n y M arte l #33 Wide Receiver senior players christopher lessard 15 #34 Full Back M ik e Rob i ta i l l e #36 Quarterback and Linebacker Ce dric L e h o ux #38 Linebacker senior players To m m y Dro l e t 17 #40 Offensive Lineman J e s s y O ’N e i l #42 Defensive Lineman Marc-Antoine Ferland #47 Linebacker 18 senior players M ich a e l L a fl a m m e Chef de file en courtage d’assurance et en conseils de gestion des risques Notre but...prévoir l’imprévisible Assurances commerciale et industrielle Assurance responsabilité professionnelle Assurance pour entrepreneurs en construction Assurances maritime et aviation Cautionnements Assurance pour les entrepreneurs forestiers Assurance des transporteurs Gestion des risques environnementaux Service de règlement des sinistres Près de 500 bureaux répartis dans plus de 120 pays Aon Parizeau Inc. Place de la Cité, 2600, boul. Laurier, bureau 750, C.P. 9550, Succursale Sainte-Foy, Québec (Qc) G1V 4B8 Téléphone : 418.529.1234 sans-frais : 1.888.339.4933 télécopieur : 418.647.3131 www.aon.ca #48 Defensive Lineman Louis-Philippe St-Amand #49 Linebacker Tim o th y Rob i n s o n-Tru de l #50 Defensive Lineman senior players P a trick L a n g l o i s 21 #51 Offensive Lineman J e s s y E nri g h t #52 Linebacker J a m e s M ercure-V a l i s #54 Linebacker senior players Francis Cayouette 23 #55 Defensive Lineman P a trick J o a n n i e-M o np e ti t #62 Defensive Lineman Fra n co i s L e du c #64 Offensive Lineman 24 senior players E dw ard G o di n-G o s s e l i n #66 Offensive Lineman J im m y Ch ab o t #67 Offensive Lineman Sebastien Plamondon #68 Defensive Lineman senior players N ico la s S erg eri e 25 #69 Center P h ilip M ors e #80 Defensive Back Darre l P e n n e y #88 Defensive Back 26 senior players Keven Guay number Secondary Weight Height Position Simon Bordeleau 2 5 165 5'10" Defensive Back Jonathan Gagnon 7 5 147 5'8" Tight End Gabriel Plamondon 8 3 155 5'11” Tight End Jonathan Plamondon 9 5 160 5'10" Wide Receiver Shawn Bourget 10 5 167 5'10" Running Back Robby Burke 12 5 180 6'2" Quarterback Christophe Imbeault 16 3 154 5'7" Defensive Back Nicolas Vallée-Hardin 22 4 162 5'9" Defensive Back Francis Guy 25 5 156 5'8" Running Back Christopher Lessard 26 4 154 5'7" Wide Receiver Francis O'Brien 32 4 154 6'1" Defensive Back Anthony Martel 33 5 167 5'9" Wide Receiver Tommy Drolet 34 4 164 5'7" Mike Robitaille 36 5 161 6’ Full Back Cedric Lehoux 38 5 180 5'9" Linebacker Michael Laflamme 40 3 196 5'4" Offensive Lineman Jessy O'Neil 42 5 240 6'2" Defensive Lineman Marc-Antoine Ferland 47 4 175 5'9" Linebacker Patrick Langlois 48 5 210 5'8" Defensive Lineman Louis-Philippe St-Amand 49 5 174 5'11" Linebacker Timothy Robinson-Trudel 50 4 232 5'8" Defensive Lineman Francis Cayouette 51 5 215 6'1" Offensive Lineman Jessy Enright 52 5 182 6' Linebacker James Mercure-Valis 54 5 210 6'3" Linebacker Edward Godin-Gosselin 55 4 213 6'1" Defensive Lineman Patrick Joannie-Montpetit 62 4 243 5'9" Defensive Lineman François Leduc 64 5 191 5'8" Offensive Lineman Nicolas Sergerie 66 5 242 6'2" Offensive Lineman Jimmy Chabot 67 5 195 5'7" Offensive Lineman Sébastien Plamondon 68 3 185 5'11" Defensive Lineman Keven Guay 69 4 225 5'7" Center Philip Morse 80 5 159 5'11" Defensive Back Darrel Penney 88 5 175 6' Defensive Back Quarterback/Linebacker 2008 coordinates senior player 27 Carole Descombes, B.A.A. 1000, avenue St-Jean-Baptiste, bureau 115, Québec (Québec) Canada G2E 5G5 Téléphone : 418 871-8586 Télécopieur : 418 871-3831 Vente Achat Location Résidentiel, multifamilial et commercial courtier immobilier agréé agent immobilier agréé sgenois@r-i-s.ca 352, avenue St-Sacrement, Québec (Québec) G1N 3Y2 Cell. : 418 564-1346 Bur. : 418 688-7277 poste 232 Téléc. : 418 688-2980 2 0 0 8 s t.p a t’s fi g h ti n g iri s h j u n i or te a m First row: Maddison Robinson-Trudel, Samuel Parent, Samuel Coeuret, Julien Côté-Hamon, Kevin Savard, Charles MarcottePickford, Jaymes Bureau-Lamarre, Ryan O’Connell, Nicholas Gosselin, Jeffrey Lamontagne, Deryk Jarvis-Guillemette, Philip Keet, Anthony Landers. Second row: Anne-Laurence Harvey, Louis Lessard, Dominique Gilbert, William Gilbert, Fréderic Coeuret, Nicholas Gagné, Steven Blais, Bryan Fowler-Noël, Christophe Nadeau, Samuel Cantin, Dominic O’Brien, Stéphane Trudel. Third row: Jason Hope, Gabriel Robert, Marc-Antoine Lachance, Jonathan Landers, Philippe Adam, Vincent Précourt, Larry Larochelle, Marley Bouley, Tommy Guay, William Holden, Jasmin Normand-Deschamps, Charles-Alex Grenier, Karl Cormier. Missing from picture: James Bernard-Brabant, Gabrielle Lavoie, (Coaches) D.J. Awalt, Marc-André Daigle, Christopher Ouellet. 29 offensive coordinator and head coach ja s o n h op e defensive coordinator k arl corm i er linebacker coach 30 junior coaches s tep h a n e tru de l offensive line coach d.j. A w a l t defensive back coach m arc-a n dre da i g l e receiver coach 32 junior coaches chris top h er o u e l l e t #10 Running Back M a ddis o n Rob i n s o n-Tru de l #12 Wide Receiver S a m u e l Co e ure t #15 Wide Receiver junior players S te v e n B l a i s 33 #20 Tight End W illia m G i lb ert #21 Wide Receiver Marc-Antoine Lachance #22 Running Back junior players Bry a n Fo w l er-N o e l 35 AvocAts et procureurs LorD, LABrIe, NADeAu Me Sandra Nadeau 4600, boul. Henri-Bourassa, bureau 95 Québec (Québec) 418 641-0059 #26 Tight End Do m in ic O ’Bri e n #28 Wide Receiver Ry a n O ’Co n n e l l #30 Quarterback junior players L arry L aro ch e l l e 37 #32 Linebacker M arle y B o u l e y #33 Full Back Charles-Alex Grenier #34 Linebacker 38 junior players N ich o la s G a g n e #35 Strong Safety J a y m e s B ure a u-L a m arre #36 Quarterback J o n a th a n L a n ders #38 Offensive Lineman junior players S a m u e l Ca n ti n 41 #39 Defensive Back Chris top h e N a de a u #42 Strong Safety Charles Pickford-Marcotte #44 Linebacker 42 junior players J u lie n Co te-H a m o n Le goût de la vict oire… une recet t e gagnant e ! 1039, 3e Avenue, Québec (Québec) 418 529-3019 Fier part enaire des équipes de football Fighting Irish de St.Patrick’s High School #46 Linebacker G abrie l l e L a v o i e #49 free safety A n th o n y L a n ders #51 Defensive Back junior players J e ffre y L a m o n ta g n e 45 #52 Offensive Lineman V in ce n t Pre co urt #54 Defensive Back K e v in S a v ard #55 Offensive Lineman 46 junior players P h ilip K e e t #56 Offensive Lineman To m m y G u a y #58 Defensive Lineman Fre deri c Co e ure t #60 Free Safety 48 junior players W illia m H o l de n #63 Defensive Lineman G abrie l Rob ert #67 Defensive Lineman L o u is L e s s ard 68# Offensive Lineman junior players Jasmin Normand-Deschamps 49 #69 Offensive Lineman J a m e s B ern ard-Brab a n t #70 Defensive back S a m u e l P are n t #70 Wide Receiver junior players P h ilipp e A da m 51 #75 Linebacker N ich o la s G o s s e l i n #80 Wide Receiver A n n e-L a ure n ce H arv e y #82 Defensive Back 52 junior players Do m in iqu e G i lb ert #88 Defensive Lineman da n ie l m arco tte team doctor a lex dub o i s team physiotherapist junior players Dery k J arv i s-G u i l l e m e tte 55 2008 coordinates 56 junior player number Secondary Weight Height Position Steven Blais 10 3 143 5'8" Running Back Maddison Robinson-Trudel 12 1 99 5' Wide Receiver Samuel Coeuret 15 1 77 4'6" Wide Receiver Bryan Fowler-Noël 20 3 117 5'3" Tight End William Gilbert 21 1 115 5'4" Wide Receiver Marc-Antoine Lachance 22 3 162 5'8" Running Back Larry Larochelle 26 3 139 5'8" Tight End Dominic O’Brien 28 1 112 5'4" Wide Receiver Ryan O’Connell 30 1 116 5'1" Quarterback Nicholas Gagné 32 3 136 5'8" Linebacker Marley Bouley 33 3 152 5'8" Full Back Charles-Alex Grenier 34 2 144 5'8" Linebacker Samuel Cantin 35 1 130 5'3" Strong Safety Jaymes Bureau-Lamarre 36 3 156 5'7" Quarterback Jonathan Landers 38 3 155 5'10" Offensive lineman Julien Côté-Hamon 39 2 145 5’7” Defensive Back Christophe Nadeau 42 2 118 5'1" Strong Safety Charles Pickford-Marcotte 44 3 103 5'1" Linebacker Linebacker Jeffrey Lamontagne 46 1 109 4'10" Anthony Landers 51 1 93 5' Philip Keet 52 1 177 5'4" Vincent Précourt 54 1 106 5'3" Defensive Back Kevin Savard 55 3 180 5'8" Offensive lineman William Holden 56 3 170 5'9" Offensive lineman Tommy Guay 58 1 171 5'3" Defensive lineman Frédéric Coeuret 60 3 99 5' Defensive Back Offensive lineman Free Safety Jasmin Normand-Deschamps 63 2 196 5'11" Defensive lineman Gabriel Robert 67 3 181 6' Defensive lineman Louis Lessard 68 2 226 5'5" Offensive lineman Philippe Adam 69 2 192 5'4" Offensive lineman James Bernard-Brabant 70 1 97 5'1" Defensive Back Samuel Parent 70 2 90 5' Dominique Gilbert 75 4 156 5'7" Linebacker Nicholas Gosselin 80 1 104 5'1" Wide Receiver Wide Receiver Anne-Laurence Harvey 82 2 122 5'3" Defensive Back Deryk Jarvis-Guillemette 88 1 156 5'6" Defensive lineman CASSULO & COPEMAN INC. M. Franco Bragoli, vice-président Division immeubles | Location | Service technique 1020, rue St-Jean, niveau B, Québec (Québec) G1R 1R7 418 692-0947 Équipement L.A.V. inc. Équipement L.A.V. inc., votre centre par excellence pour la location ou l’achat de vos équipements et outillages, est fier de vous offrir ce qu’il y a de mieux dans le marché et d’’être associé aux équipes de football Fighting Irish de St.Patrick’s High School. 1600, boulevard Wilfrid Hamel, Québec (Québec) G1N 3Y6 418 681-7346 Quebec The Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph is proud to support the St. Patrick’s High School Football teams! SHare Your PHoToS, NewS, eveNTS aNd blogS To our oNliNe CommuNiTY!!! The Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph’s new website www.qctonline.com has been designed with OUR COMMUNITY in mind. Come visit our website and see the many members of our community who are already connecting by Plugging-in to their community! www.qctonline.com No r t h A m e r i c a’s O l d e s t Ne w s p a p e r - S i n c e 176 4 Many individuals, organizations and businesses within our community already use our website to announce their services. Parents, students, teachers can also use our website as a communication and information sharing tool. How do I subscribe to the online community through the Chronicle-Telegraph’s Website? Simple! Visit www.qctonline.com and click on “Share Your Voice” at the top of our homepage and simply add to your cart the online membership that you choose. * Copies of the Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph are now sold at newsstands around Quebec City. www.qctonline.com 600, route 116, St-Nicolas (Québec) 418 831-5400 WWW.IGA.NET Alimente le désir de vaincre pour mieux grandir ! n u tritio n rep ort e a ti n g w e l l for op ti m u m p erform a n ce To get the maximum amount of energy, you have to consume carbohydrates, because their function is to provide glycogen − that is the form of energy that the glucose takes when it is stored in the muscles, and which our body has a limited capacity to store. Whole wheat bread, fibre-rich cereals, basmati rice, whole-grain pasta, fruits, vegetables, potatoes, legumes, milk and yogurt represent the principal sources of good carbohydrates. It is essential to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks every day. Do not forget the proteins to repair, maintain or increase your muscle mass and reinforce your immune system. Dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, legumes, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, eggs, nuts and seeds are excellent sources of proteins. An athlete who practices football needs to consume more liquid simply because his body is losing more. You must drink at least 2 to 3 litres of water per day. What to eat before our soccer practice. It is important to choose foods you are accustomed to, which are quickly and easily digested so as to minimize the risks of gastro-intestinal problems. The meals or the snacks eaten before practices should be made up of good carbohydrates. You should avoid fats (butter, mayonnaise, oil, fries, chips, etc.) and concentrated sugars (chocolate, soft drinks, cakes, fruit-flavoured drinks, etc.) You should drink a lot of water before our practices because it’s easy to get dehydrated and this can damage your performance. During training sessions that last longer than one hour, you can maximize your energy by consuming drinks rich in carbohydrates (Gatorade, Cytomax, etc.) and by drinking water frequently during the training. As for eating after exercise, which has proven to be key element in the improvement of performance, in the 30 minutes following a soccer match, we must consume foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins, for example, chocolate milk with a banana, so as to restore our muscular energy as quickly as possible. In addition, you must not forget to drink water and to add a little salt to the meal that you eat after our training session. Anne-Florence Paris, DT.P. 62 Un joueur performant sur qui l’on peut compter. 200, des Commandeurs, Lévis (Québec) G6V 6R2 418 838-7800 Conjuguer avoirs et êtres Pharmacie Jean Coutu Carine Turcotte 110, boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest Québec (Québec) G1R 2A5 418 522-1235 FIER PARTENAIRE DU FOOTBALL ST-PATRICK’S HIGH SCHOOL Frito-Lay Canada, 8450 boul. de la Rive-Sud, Lévis (Québec) G6V 7L7 tél. : 418 833-2121 téléc. : 418 833-2768 A ssur E xperts Réal Breton Vice-président exécutif Assurances et services financiers 540, Michel-Fragasso Québec (Québec) G2E 5N4 Tél. : 418.871.2289 Fax 418.871.4534 1.800.267.2289 Cell. : 418.563.3587 real.breton@assurexperts.qc.ca Fier d’assurer un soutien aux équipes de football St.Patrick’s Fighting Irish. TURF PUB fier commanditaire du fighting irish de st.Patrick’s Table de babyfoot et pub sur deux étages 1179, Avenue Cartier, Québec (Québec) 418 522-9955 McDonald’s fait équipe avec les Fighting Irish de St-Patrick High School. ©2008, McDonald’s stabilité • savoir-faire • engagement En partenariat avec Demandez une soumission et économisez ! w w w. l u s s i e r a s s u r a n c e . c o m QUÉBEC | 418 627.1080 1170, boul. Lebourgneuf, bur. 305 Près de 20 succursales au Québec ! Sécuritaire depuis 1960 ! groupe Transport scolaire en commun nolisé et navettes adapté 880, rue de l’Église, Saint-Romuald (Québec) G6W 5M6 418 833-2181 • 1 800 530-5594 www.autobusauger.com SPORT Les grandes équipes laissent toujours leur marque ! Logo Sport est la boutique de sport spécialisée à Québec 1047, rue St-Jean Vieux-Québec (Québec) G1R 1R9 tél. : 418 692-1351 téléc. : 418 694-0713 www.logosport.ca Pour une voiture sans souci... Fière de supporter le Junior #69 1035, rue Rivard, Québec QC G1M 3G8 418 681-0241 • 1-800-463-1570 Fax : 418 681-0242 Courriel : lubriwin@qc.aira.com www.lubriwin.com SPL SONORISATION À l’écoute des besoins de nos jeunes LE GROUPE SPL Michel Lambert, président 418 681-1160 2189, rue Léon-Hamel, Québec (Québec) G1N 4N5 thank you to all our Air Labrador Château Bonne-Entente Gestion Supra Ameublements Tanguay Chronicle Telegraph Gestion Tourisme Québec Angus Grill Smoked Meat inc. CSL-Loma Graphica Impression inc Anne-Florence Paris Dallaire Forest Kirouac Groupe Autobus Auger Aon Parizeau inc. Dépatie Stratégie inc. Groupe Michel Cadrin Assurances Denis Harrington inc. Desharnais Pneus et Mécanique Groupe Novaction Santé AssurExperts Desjardins Sécurité financière Groupe Vertdure Batteries Expert Domna communication Honco Beaugarte Québec Équipement L.A.V. IGA Imbeault Bernard Daigle Assurances Essor Assurances Placements Conseils Jacques Cossette Boulevard Toyota Fabrik communications Laboratoire Syma inc. Boutique Exo Frito-Lay Canada La Maison Simons Caisse populaire Plateau Montcalm Garage Jacques Carrier Le Continental Café L’Alibi Gestion Céba inc. Lemieux Outils Cassulo Copeman inc. Gestion Sub Plus inc. Logo Sport 84 partners and sponsors Lord.Labrie.Nadeau Posimage SPL Sonorisation Lubriwin Placide Poulin Teamsters Lunetterie New Look Promotion Lépine Tomas Tam Lussier Cabinet D’Assurances et services financiers inc. Pub Galway Turcotte Trustco inc. Publicité Cantin Turf Pub inc. Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton Vaccin communication inc. Remax Avantages M.B Vézina Party Center inc. Réseau Immobilier Spécialisé Inc. Voutes du Cavour Restaurants Les Trois Mousaillons Zone 5 photo Mallette Comptables agréés Marius Garon inc. McDonald’s Milano Pizzeria Multi-Parquet Resto Bugatti Naturellement en forme Resto Nomis inc. Normandin Rona Régional Lévis Numérix Impression Semico centre jardin O’Brien Avocats Société Parc Auto Québec Omnium Québec Sol SoHo World inc. Pharmacie Carine Turcotte 85 et Fiers partenaires du programme de football de l’école St-Patrick 710, boul. Charest Ouest, Québec 418.681.6041 6055, boul. Pierre-Bertrand, Québec 418.628.0203 6 unités de service de route opérant 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7 w w w. d e s h a r n a i s . c a C O M P T A B L E S A G R É É S , S . E . N . C . R . L . DANNY GENOIS, CA, ASSOCIÉ TÉLÉPHONE : 418 650-2266 Sans frais : 1 877 650-2266 TÉLÉCOPIEUR : 418 650-2529 Cell. : 418 265-2266 genois@dfk.qc.ca PLACE IBERVILLE DEUX 1175, AVENUE LAVIGERIE, BUR. 580 QUÉBEC (QUÉBEC) Canada G1V 4P1 www.dfk.qc.ca LE 1 ER CHOIX DE L’INDUSTRIE ! 656, Graham Bell, Ste-Foy (Québec) G1N 4H5 418 688-5050 1 800 463-5353 VÉZINA PARTY CENTER INC. Madame Lyne Lafrance Représentante 2095, rue Jean-Talon Sud Québec (Québec) 418 683-3238 Le Cavour FIER PARTENAIRE DES ÉQUIPES DE FOOTBALL ST.PATRICK’S FIGHTING IRISH Restaurant Le Cavour Inc.44, rue Saint-Louis, Québec (Québec) G1R 3Z1 418 694-0417 OCTOBER 2008 SEPTEMBER 2008 2 0 0 8 g a m e s ch e du l e a n d re s u l ts S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ST.PATRICK’S FIGHTING IRISH JUNIOR B Division 1 1. St.Patrick’s High School 2. Polyvalente de Thetford Mines 3. Mont St.Sacrement 4. Séminaire Pères Maristes 5. Louis-Jobin ST.PATRICK’S FIGHTING IRISH SENIOR BB 1. St.Patrick’s High School 2. St-Charles Garnier 3. Rochebelle 4. Polyvalente de Thetford Mines 5. S.-J. Casault 6. Collège Ste-Anne 7. Courvilloise 8. Collège de Lévis 9. Pierre Bélanger 10. Beaurivage Division 2 1. École secondaire St-Charles Bellechasse 2. Rivière-Du-Loup 3. Odyssée 4. J.-F. Perreault 5. Donnacona DATE GAME LEVEL TIME CITY RESULTS Sunday, September 7 Pères Maristes vs St.Pat’s JUNIOR B 10:00 a.m. Québec (Plains of Abraham) 8-6 Sunday, September 7 Pierre Bélanger vs St.Pat’s SENIOR BB 1:00 p.m. Québec (Plains of Abraham) 7-37 Saturday, September 13 St.Pat’s vs Louis-Jobin JUNIOR B 10:30 a.m. St.Raymond Sunday, September 14 St.Pat’s vs St.Charles Garnier SENIOR BB 11:00 a.m. Québec (St.Charles Garnier) 3-18 Sunday, September 21 Donnacona vs St.Pat’s JUNIOR B 10:00 a.m. Québec (Plains of Abraham) 0-30 Sunday, September 21 Rochebelle vs St.Pat’s SENIOR BB 1:00 p.m. Québec (Plains of Abraham) 20-40 Saturday, September 27 St.Pat’s vs Courvilloise SENIOR BB 1:00 p.m. Québec (Courvilloise) 24-28 Sunday, September 28 St.Pat’s vs Mont St.Sacrement JUNIOR B 10:30 a.m. Valcartier 30-27 28-7 Sunday, October 5 Thetford Mines vs St.Pat’s JUNIOR B 10:00 a.m. Québec (Plains of Abraham) 13-28 Sunday, October 5 Beaurivage vs St.Pat’s SENIOR BB 1:00 p.m. Québec (Plains of Abraham) 7-23 Friday, October 10 St.Pat’s vs Collège Ste-Anne SENIOR BB 7:30 p.m. Lapocatière Sunday, October 12 St.Pat’s vs Rivière-Du-Loup JUNIOR B 1:00 p.m. Rivière-Du-Loup Sunday, October 19 Odysée vs St.Pat’s JUNIOR B 10:00 a.m. Québec (Plains of Abraham) 0-7 Sunday, October 19 Collège Lévis vs St.Pat’s SENIOR BB 1:00 p.m. Québec (Plains of Abraham) 0-31 20-19 Saturday, October 25 Thetford vs St.Pat’s JUNIOR B 10:00 a.m. Québec (Plains of Abraham) Sunday, October 26 St.Pat’s vs Thetford SENIOR BB 1:00 p.m. Thetford Mines Saturday, November 1 St.Pat’s vs Courvilloise SENIOR BB 1:00 p.m. Québec (Courvilloise) 16-20 6-13 21-7 21-24 89 The St.Patrick’s High School Fighting Irish football team is proud to honor it’s students for their outstanding performance and dedication. We gladly present this certificate of achievement to: Simon Bordeleau, # 02, Defensive Back Jonathan Gagnon, # 07, Tight End Jonathan Plamondon, # 09, Wide Receiver Shawn Bourget , # 10, Running Back Robby Burke, # 12, Quarterback Francis Guy, # 25, Running Back Anthony Martel, # 33, Wide Receiver Mike Robitaille, # 36, Quarterback and Linebacker Cédric Lehoux, # 38, Linebacker Jessy O’Neil, # 42, Defensive Lineman Patrick Langlois, # 48, Defensive Lineman Louis-Philippe St-Amand, # 49, Linebacker Francis Cayouette, # 51, Offensive Lineman Jessy Enright, # 52, Linebacker James Mercure-Valis, # 54, Linebacker François Leduc, # 64, Offensive Lineman Nicolas Sergerie, # 66, Offensive Lineman Jimmy Chabot, # 67, Offensive Lineman Philip Morse, # 80, Defensive Back Darrel Penney, # 88, Defensive Back. Awarded on January 30, 2009 in Québec. Phil Trudel Sports Coordinator Fier partenaire des équipes de football St.Patrick’s Fighting Irish Un petit trésor bien caché à Ste-Foy, le restaurant le Bugatti vous offre une cuisine d’inspiration italienne dans un décor des plus urbains orné d’un magnifique foyer. 3355, rue de la Pérade Ste-Foy (Québec) G1X 3V3 418 651-4747 Communiquer avec le monde Service de traduction multilingue Téléphone (418) 522-2470 Sophie Hamel shamel@sohoworld.ca Télécopieur (418) 522-3406 www.sohoworld.ca 140, Grande-Allée Est, bureau 600 Québec (Québec) G1R 5M8 Tél. : 418 648-1511 Téléc. : 418 648-9335 Daniel O’Brien Stéphane Lamonde Louis Duquet Ross J. Rourke Robert Dinan Q.C. / c.r. Jacques Demers Andrée Lachapelle Anne-Marie Gagné Pierre Grégoire CONSEILS-COUNSELS Pr Jacques Deslauriers LL.M. Pr Marie-Pierre Allard M. Fisc. 25 years 1984-2009 PROUD ST.PAT’S ALUMNI Bon succès aux joueurs et aux entraineurs. bravo aux bénévoles ! Andy dépatie Le Continental, fier partenaire des équipes de football Fighting Irish de St.Patrick’s. Le Continental, une valeur sûre. Venez vivre une expérience gastronomique inoubliable ! 26, rue Saint-Louis, Québec (Québec) 418 694-9995 GESTION SUB PLUS INC. DOMINIC GRONDIN 1094, avenue Cartier, Québec (Québec) G1R 2S5 418 522-2929 pro m o tio n a l arti cl e s Find the perfect promotional article from our list below. Visit our Website at www.stpatsfootball.com for more details, prices and to order promotional articles. White cap with embroidery Green cap with embroidery Fighting Irish Cap Green and white cap with embroidery Track suit with embroidery White sweat shirt with hood Grey sweat shirt with hood Fighting Irish magnet St. Pat’s Giant hand (We are #1) White sweat pants (back) White sweat pants (front) Grey sweat pants (back) Grey sweat pants (front) St. Pat’s golf umbrella White polo shirt with embroidery Mesh shorts St. Pat’s Thundersticks White t-shirt with embroidery Grey t-shirt with embroidery White t-shirt with stencil Green and white t-shirt with stencil White tuque with embroidery Green tuque with embroidery 97 w ord fro m th e pre s i de n t As president and on behalf of the entire St.Pat’s football committee, I would like to extend my thanks to some very deserving individuals, the devoted volunteers without whom none of our activities would have been possible. Always eager to help, they are our most precious resource. I also think of the coaches that continuously motivate our kids by teaching them important values such as perseverance, self-esteem and healthy living habits that encourage them to continuously surpass themselves. Their passion is contagious and we are thankful to share it by devoting a significant amount of time. We are convinced that the players will reap great benefits, these players who are the next generation and tomorrow’s leaders. I thank them for being part of this extraordinary season, filled with surprises, changes and joy. I will miss those who will be leaving us but I sincerely wish them all the best as they pursue their studies and their dreams. All this magic that has come to life was made possible only through the dedicated commitment of the football committee that, through reflection, effort and enthusiasm, has become an important player for effective organisation. I am proud to be part of a positive and dynamic group. I am also proud to be part of this school where the entire staff is focused on the physical and total development of its kids. Teachers willingly attended local and regional games along with parents and friends whose presence was greatly appreciated. St.Pat’s often attracted large crowds and plenty of fans, a proof of encouragement and hope for our kids. I therefore wish to personally thank each person who, in his or her way, contributed to promoting the sport with our kids and all the benefits it has brought. We are indeed privileged to have access to this constructive passion. Our partners and sponsors are also an important part of this fantastic adventure. Their financial support is not only profitable for us but essential for football to exist in our school, the development of our program year after year and most of all, to plant the seed of desire in our kids to go further and celebrate their potential. Thanks to all of our esteemed partners and sponsors (for a detailed list, please see pages 84 and 85). Over the past four years, football at our school has progressed on many levels. The locker rooms have been modernized, new outside training equipment, a new scoreboard and uniforms have been purchased, the outside yard has undergone beneficial changes in order to finally be able to hold training sessions at the school, ninety helmets have been replaced, etc. These are only a few of the improvements that we have benefited from. I am happy to mention them and to see how football radiates at St.Pat’s. As I am looking forward to a new season, I must say again with the same enthusiasm, thank you everyone! See you on September 6! Marc Ferland President, Fighting Irish football committee. 98 co n ta ct u s St.Patrick’s High School 75, de Maisonneuve Québec (Québec) Canada G1R 2C4 418 525-8421 St.Patrick’s Fighting Irish info@stpatsfootball.com www.stpatsfootball.com Conception et réalisation graphique par Domna communication. ©Domna communication 2009. Tous droits réservés. All rights reserved. Collaboration graphique de Fabrik Communication. Imprimé au Canada/Printed in Canada par/by Impression Numérix inc. 3 99
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