ITALIAN ICT at CeBIT 2010 02 – 06/03/2010 HALL 09 BOOTH B 19 Italian Trade Commission PRINT MEET ITALY at CeBIT 2010 HALL 09 BOOTH B 19 INDEX 4 ITALIAN TRADE COMMISSION 26 FINANCE EVOLUTION SPA ITALIENISCHES INSTITUT FÜR AUSSENHANDEL 27 FONDAZIONE TORINO WIRELESS 28 GBS ELETTRONICA 5 ICE INVESTMENT DESK BERLIN 29 HYMERA ENGINEERING SRL 6 THE ICT SECTOR IN ITALY 30 IMAGICLE SPA 6 DER ICT MARKT 31 INCOMEDIA SRL 6 DER IT MARKT: 32 INTELLISEMANTIC SRL HARDWARE, SOFTWARE UND DIENSTLEISTUNGEN 33 IRION SRL 7 DER TELEKOMMUNIKATIONSMARKT 34 ISAAC ROBOT 8 TV UND MEDIEN 35 LABORATORI DI INFORMATICA APPLICATA SRL 9 DER E-CONTENT MARKT 36 LTT SRL 37 MEMOPAL SRL 10 COMPANY PROFILES 38 MICRONTEL SPA 10 3A SRL 39 MOONWAY.IT 11 ATHLOS SRL 40 NEATEC SPA 12 CENTRO ESTERO PER L’INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONE SCPA 41 PROSSIMA ISOLA SRL 13 CRS4 – CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDIES, 42 REALT SISTEMI SRL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN SARDINIA 43 REVEN.GE SRL 14 CSI-PIEMONTE 44 SARDEGNA RICERCHE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY PARK 15 CSP – INNOVAZIONE NELLE ICT S.C.A R.L. 45 DISTRICT LAB OF SARDEGNA RICERCHE 16 CYBERSAR 46 TECNICK.COM SRL 17 DEMRISK 47 THINK UP – ADVANCED ICT SOLUTIONS 18 DIGICOM SPA FROM TORINO PIEMONTE 19 DURATEL SPA 48 TORINO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 20 ECONFIDENCE SRL 49 TOTEM SRL 21 ELETTRONICA E AUTOMAZIONE SRL 50 TOWNET SRL 22 ENGINE TECHNOLOGY SRL 51 TZENTE SRL 23 ETERE SRL 52 XENIA PROGETTI SRL 24 EURESYS SRL 25 EUROGED SRL 53 ITALIAN EXHIBITORS Italian Trade Commission ITALIAN TRADE COMMISSION Schlüterstraße 39 10629 Berlin – GERMANY Phone: 0049 (0)30 8844030 Fax: 0049 (0)30 88440310 0049 (0)30 88440311 ITALIENISCHES INSTITUT FÜR AUSSENHANDEL ITALIAN TRADE COMMISSION Das Italienische Institut für Außenhandel (ICE) ist als staatliche Wirtschaftsvertretung Italiens zuständig für die Förderung von Handel, Geschäftsentwicklung und industrieller Kooperation zwischen italienischen und ausländischen Unternehmen. ICE fördert die Internationalisierung italienischer Unternehmen und deren Konsolidierung in ausländischen Märkten. The Italian Institute for Foreign Trade (I.C.E., Istituto nazionale per il Commercio Estero) is the Italian government agency entrusted with the promotion of trade, business opportunities and industrial co-operation between Italian and foreign companies. It supports the internationalisation of Italian firms and their consolidation in foreign markets. ICE bietet allen ausländischen Unternehmen, die an Geschäftskontakten zu potentiellen italienischen Geschäftspartnern interessiert sind, Informationen und Unterstützung. I.C.E. can provide information and assistance to those foreign companies that wish to develop business with their Italian counterpart. ICE bietet auch intensive Trainingsprogramme zur Absatzförderung italienischer Produkte für italienische oder ausländische Manager, die in internationalen Märkten aktiv sind, an. I.C.E. also carries out an intense training activity for Italian and foreign managers operating on international markets, fostering the promotion of made in Italy products. Der Hauptsitz von ICE befindet sich in Rom und ist über viele Büros im In- und Ausland weltweit vernetzt. Located in Rome, the Head Office operates in connection with a wide network of offices in Italy and abroad. ICE online: ICE is on-line on: – für italienische Unternehmen, Informationen über Auslandsmärkte, Aktivitäten von ICE, Beratung und Promotionsaktivitäten. – for Italian companies. It contains information on foreign markets, ICE activities, assistance and promotional services. (Das offizielle “Made in Italy” Portal) – für ausländische Unternehmen, Informationen über Produkt- und Marktdaten, Datenbank über exportorientierte italienische Firmen. (The Made in Italy Business Directory). – the Made in Italy Official Portal for foreign companies. It contains information on Italian production and a data bank of Italian exporting companies (the Made in Italy Business Directory). Headquarters: ICE – ISTITUTO NAZIONALE PER IL COMMERCIO ESTERO Via Liszt, 21 00144 Rome – ITALY Phone: 0039 06 59926678 Fax: 0039 06 89280348 The Ministry of Economic Development (Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico) establishes directives and has a supervisory role on the activities of ICE Promotional Program. INDEX 4 ICE INVESTMENT DESK Schlüterstraße 39 10629 Berlin – GERMANY Phone: 0049 (0)30 88440325 Fax: 0049 (0)30 88440310 0049 (0)30 88440311 Contact: Jens Bruch – Trade Analyst ICE INVESTMENT DESK ICE INVESTMENT DESK Über Italien informieren und potentiellen Investoren zur Seite stehen – das sind die Hauptziele der Investment Desks des Italienischen Instituts für Außenhandel. Informing about Italy and assisting potential Investors – these are the key issues of the Investment Desk of the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade (ICE). Die Unternehmer werden in jeder Phase ihrer Entscheidungsfindung mit allen Informationen unterstützt, die zu einer erfolgreichen Investitionsentscheidung notwendig sind. Entrepreneurs are supported during all stages of their decision finding process, covering all information and assistance necessary to make a successful investment decision. Die Desks erstellen maßgeschneiderte Sektorinformationen und informieren über die rechtlichen und steuerlichen Rahmenbedingungen in Italien. Darüber hinaus vermitteln sie Kontakt zu professionellen Partnern auf lokaler Ebene. All diese kostenlosen Dienstleistungen zielen darauf ab, dem Investor eine problemlose Umsetzung seines Projektes zu ermöglichen. The Desk is providing tailor-made sector information as well as information about the legal and fiscal framework in Italy. Furthermore, it procures professional local contact partners. All these services are free of charge and targeted on investment implementation without any problems. Weitere Aufgaben der Investment Desks sind die Präsentation Italiens als Wirtschaftsstandort sowie die Organisation von Seminaren und Workshops, die interessierte Unternehmern über die Stärken ausgewählter Regionen sowie über die wirtschaftlichen, rechtlichen und steuerlichen Rahmenbedingungen in Italien informieren. Das ICE Netzwerk in Italien, gute Kontakte zu lokalen Investitions- und Territorialmarketing-Agenturen, sowie zu Rechtsanwälten, Steuerberatern, Übersetzern und staatlichen Einrichtungen ergänzen die von den Investment Desks erarbeiteten Informationen und ermöglichen die Vermittlung von Kontakten vor Ort in Italien. Other issues of the Investment Desk are the presentation of Italy as a business location, the information of interested entrepreneurs about Italy’s legal, fiscal and economical framework and about the particular strengths of selected regions by seminars and workshops. The ICE network in Italy and the proficient contacts to local investment- and territorial marketing agencies, lawyers, translators, tax accountants and governmental bodies are complementing the information procured by the investment desk and are enabling the intermediation of contact partners directly in Italy. INDEX 5 THE ICT SECTOR IN ITALY DER ICT MARKT Italien, mit 58 Millionen Verbrauchern der viertgrößte ICT Markt in Europa, stellt auch auf weltweiter Ebene einen wichtigen Markt dar. Dies haben auch zahlreiche international operierende Unternehmen wie Motorola und Microsoft erkannt, die Italien als Standort für ihre F&E Aktivitäten und für Exzellenzzentren wählten. Im Jahre 2008 verlangsamte sich das Wachstum im ICT Markt stark, wozu vor allem der schwache Informatikmarkt und der negative Trend des Kommunikationsmarktes beigetragen haben. Der ICT-Gesamtmarkt wuchs nur um 0,1% (2007: +0,9%) auf einen Wert von 64,4 Milliarden Euro, wobei der IT Sektor um 0,8% und der Telekommunikationsbereich um 0,2% stiegen. Der nachlassende Wachstumstrend des italienischen ICT Marktes wurde auch in den meisten europäischen Ländern festgestellt und ist auf eine Schwächung des Telekommunikationsbereiches zurückzuführen. Als Hauptursachen für die gedämpften Wachstumsraten des ICT Sektors gelten vor allem die Unterschiedlichkeit und die Komplexität der Technologien, sowie die Entwicklung der digitalen Wirtschaft. In Bezug auf den Telekommunikationsbereich ist zu erwähnen, dass dieser für verschiedene Länder von unterschiedlicher Bedeutung ist, besonders Italien und Deutschland werden hier gegenüber Frankreich benachteiligt. Obwohl die Ausgaben für ICT Technologie im Vergleich zu den vergangenen Jahren weniger stark gewachsen sind, sind italienische Familien nach wie vor geneigt, ICT Produkte zu kaufen und zu nutzen. Die Verbreitung von ICT Technologien hat zwar in den letzten drei Jahren stark zugenommen, dennoch liegt diese in Italien noch immer unter dem europäischen Durchschnitt. DER IT MARKT: HARDWARE, SOFTWARE UND DIENSTLEISTUNGEN Der italienische IT Markt litt besonders unter der negativen wirtschaftlichen Situation 2008. In diesem Jahr erzielte der italienische IT Markt einen Umsatz von 20.343 Millionen Euro, was nur eine marginale Steigerung von 0,8% gegenüber den 20.190 Millionen Euro des Jahres 2007 darstellte. (Noch 2007 stieg der IT Markt um 2% gegenüber dem Vorjahreswert.) Gründe für das geringe Wachstum sind sowohl die Herabsetzung des IT Budgets in zahlreichen italienischen Unternehmen, als auch die zunehmenden wirtschaftlichen Schwierigkeiten italienischer Familien, die sich in Form einer sinkenden Nachfrage auf dem IT Markt wiedergespiegelt haben. Darüber hinaus drosselte auch die öffentliche Hand ihre IT-Ausgaben. Einer der Hauptgründe für die geringe Steigerung war der negative Trend des Hardwaremarkts von -0,2% (2007: +4,8%), der die Nachfrage nach Desktop PCs, Notebooks und Smart Hand-Held Devices umfasst. Innerhalb des Hardwaresegments verzeichneten vor allem die Bereiche Workstation (-25%), Mainframe (-22,9%), Drucker (-15%) und Storage (-13,5%) die stärksten Rückgänge. Das Segment Hardware und Services beendete 2008 einen dreijährigen positiven Umsatztrend mit einem Rückgang um 0,5% auf 6.518 Millionen Euro, während sich der negative Trend des Vorjahres (2007: -4,1%) im Bereich Services auf -2,5% abschwächte. Grund ist ein Rückgang des Verkaufs von Hardware und Dienstleistungen, in folge eines verstärkten Downpricings, das von dem zunehmenden Vertagen von Projekten und Investitionen seitens italienischer Unternehmen jenes Sektors ausgelöst wurde, das sich allerdings unterschiedlich auf die verschiedenen Marktsegmente ausgewirkt hat. Ein Beispiel hierfür ist das PC Segment, das als einzige Unterbranche im Sektor Hardware seit Jahren einen positiven Trend aufweist und diesen 2008 sowohl im Businessbereich, als auch in der Consumersparte fortsetzte. Die Verkäufe in diesem Marktsegment, das PC Clients, Desktops und Notebooks umfasst, registrierten 2008 im Vergleich zum Vorjahr einen Zuwachs von 22,6% und betrugen circa 6.905.000 Einheiten. Gründe für die Steigerung waren sowohl Preissenkungen, die den Zugang zum Massenmarkt erweitert haben, als auch die wachsende Verbreitung von Internet- und Breitbandanschlüssen in den privaten Haushalten, mit denen der gestiegene Bedarf von digitalen Inhalten, vor allem von Musik, gedeckt werden kann. Unterstützt wurde dieser Trend durch Änderungen im Kaufverhalten der Konsumenten, die immer stärker technologische Produkte nachfragen, so dass sich dieser Markt zu einem Massenmarkt entwickelt hat. INDEX 6 THE ICT SECTOR IN ITALY Das Verkaufsvolumen von Personal Computern stieg 2008 von 5,633 auf 6,905 Millionen Einheiten, wobei sich erneut die Präferenz der Verbraucher sowohl aus dem Business- als auch aus dem Verbrauchersektor für tragbare Computer gegenüber Desktop-Lösungen bestätigte. Zwar werden auch 2008 immer noch mehr Desktops (17.863.525 Einheiten) als Notebooks (11.313.320 Einheiten) verkauft, doch der Vertrieb von Desktops sank ( von 61,2% zu 58,1%), während bei Notebooks ein Zuwachs von 33,8% auf 36,8% registriert wurde, der vor allem der Markteinführung von günstigen Netbooks und anderen kleinen tragbaren PCs zu verdanken ist. Im Bereich der gewerblichen Nutzer haben die Banken ihre Dominanz konsolidiert (+1,8%), die hauptsächlich dem Aufschwung bei den IT Investitionen zu verdanken war, der sich voraussichtlich nach einer langen Konsolidierungs- und Rationalisierungsphase auch weiterhin fortsetzen wird. Die IT Industrie als zweitwichtigster Sektor verzeichnet einen positiven Trend mit +1,8% (2007: +1,9%), obwohl sie immer noch unter der internationalen Finanzkrise und dem gestiegenen Euro-Dollar Wechselkurs leidet. Dank konsequenter Investitionen in neue Technologien sowie in die Entwicklung von E-Government Projekten verzeichnet der Utilities Sektor 2008 wieder mit 3,4% das stärkste Wachstum. Obwohl die Sektoren Verteidigung und zentrale öffentliche Verwaltung auch 2008 einen negativen Trend aufwiesen, hat sich ihre Lage etwas verbessert. Die Sektoren Banken, Versicherungen und Finanzgesellschaften, Gebietskörperschaften, Gesundheit, Telekommunikation und Media, Distribution und Dienstleistungen und Transport und Verkehrsverbindungen verzeichneten hingegen auch 2008 einen deutlichen Rückgang. DER TELEKOMMUNIKATIONSMARKT Das Jahr 2008 stellte für den italienischen Telekommunikationsmarkt ein schwieriges Jahr voller Herausforderungen dar. Gründe hierfür waren sowohl die Marktsituation, als auch ordnungspolitische Eingriffe. Dies trug leider dazu bei, dass es in diesem Markt gegenüber dem Vorjahr zu einem Rückgang um 0,2 Prozentpunkte auf 44,12 Milliarden Euro kam, wobei die positive Entwicklung im Mobiltelefonbereich (+1,3%) nicht ausreichte, um das Minus von 2% im Festnetzbereich wett zu machen. Auch im Jahre 2008 hat sich der Zuwachs des Bereichs Consumer (25.804 Millionen Euro, +1,5%) sowie der Rückgang des Bereichs Business (14.136 Millionen Euro, -1,7%) fortgesetzt. Der Rückgang im Telekommunikationssektor betrifft sowohl die Infrastrukturen und Hardware für Telefonnetze, als auch die zugehörigen Dienstleistungen. Erstere verzeichnete einen Rückgang um 0,3% auf 9.590 Millionen Euro, während für die zweite ein eher leichterer Rückgang um 0,1% verzeichnet wurde. Obwohl der Rückgang der Telekommunikations-Dienstleistungen leicht war, hatte er hohe Relevanz, denn nie zuvor registrierte dieser Bereich einen Rückgang. Ebenfalls zurückgegangen sind die Umsätze, die von 34.580 auf 34.530 Millionen Euro fielen. Ursache hierfür ist der negative Trend sowohl der Festnetzsparte (-1,9%), die erstmals nicht von den Zuwächsen im Mobilfunkbereich (+1,4%) kompensiert werden konnte. DIENSTLEISTUNGSMARKT FESTNETZBRANCHE Der Dienstleistungsmarkt der Festnetzbranche wies 2008 einen negativen Verlauf auf. Die Erträge sanken gegenüber dem Vorjahr um 1,9% auf 15.770 Millionen Euro, wobei vor allem die schlechten Ergebnisse in den Bereichen Telefon (-6,9%) und Datenübertragung (-7,2%) ausschlaggebend waren. Das Jahr 2008 zeigte hingegen eine positive Variation bei den Internetdienstleistungen, die um 11,5% gewachsen sind und einen Wert von 3.100 Millionen Euro erreichten. Gewachsen sind auch die Bereiche Outsourcing-Dienstleistungen und Dienstleistungen für Internet und Datenzentren. Ebenfalls gestiegen sind die Breitbandverbindungen, die gegenüber 2007 um 15% zunahmen und nun mehr als 11 Millionen Nutzer verzeichnen. Demgegenüber schwächte sich allerdings der Zuwachs von Premium Dienstleistungen ab, so dass der Bereich Inbound einen Verlust von 21,6 Punkten zu verkraften hat. Der Bereich Mobilfunkdienstleister verzeichnete mit Erträgen um 18.760 Millionen Euro einen positiven Trend, allerdings hat sich der Zuwachs im Vergleich zu 2007 (+2,6%) etwas verlangsamt (+1,4%). Die Konvergenz zwischen Festnetz- und Mobilfunkdienstleistungen nimmt auch weiterhin zu, was folgende Daten belegen: INDEX 7 THE ICT SECTOR IN ITALY Bemerkenswert war 2008 der Zuwachs im Bereich mobiler „nicht vokaler“ Kommunikationsdienstleistungen wie beispielsweise SMS, MMS, Internetanschlüsse und value added services, die 27,9% der gesamten Mobilnetzdienstleistungen ausmachten und 2008 ein Volumen von circa 5.230 Millionen Euro erreichten. Das gestiegene Interesse der Verbraucher an den „nicht vokalen“ Dienstleistungen wird auch durch die um 7,4% gestiegenen Ausgaben der Verbraucher für diese Dienstleistungen belegt, was einer jährlichen Ausgabe von 113,4 Euro pro Verbraucher entspricht. Im Bereich mobiler Netzwerke kam es 2008 zu zahlreichen Innovationen und Entwicklungen. Eine besondere Rolle im Hinblick auf die Entwicklung von Dienstleistungen und Businessmodellen spielt der neueingeführte innovative Netzbetreiber MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator). Ende 2008 waren 1,3 Millionen Nutzer der MVNO registriert, Anfang 2009 boten dort 15 Netzbetreiber ihre Dienstleistungen an. VIDEOKONFERENZEN Das schon seit Jahren auf dem Business Markt angebotene und hauptsächlich von Unternehmen verwendete Kommunikationsmittel Videokonferenz hatte bis 2008 nie den erhofften Erfolg. Grund hierfür war das Fehlen einer angemessenen Netzstruktur, die den Verbrauchern Mindeststandards gewährleistet. 2008 verzeichnete einen Anstieg des Gebrauchs von Videokonferenzen, der von einer Systemänderung bei Videokonferenzen gefördert wurde. Diese stützen sich nun vorwiegend auf IP Protokoll, einem aus Verbrauchersicht billigeren, leichter implementierbareren, aber stets von hoher Qualität gekennzeichneter Driver. Videokonferenzen gelten immer mehr als kostengünstige Technologien. Die Kosteneinschränkung durch den Gebrauch von Videokonferenzen konkretisiert sich sowohl in geringeren Reisespesen, als auch in einer besseren innerbetrieblichen Kommunikation und in einem beschleunigten Entscheidungsprozess. Vorteile dieses Systems sind die geringen Vorbereitungszeiten sowie die Möglichkeit, Daten, sowie Bilder und multimediale Files während des Meetings auszutauschen, so dass das Arbeitstreffen einem Meeting „vis a vis“ ähnlich wird. Trotz der zahlreichen Vorteile des Einsatzes von Telekonferenzen wird ihre Verbreitung derzeit noch von den sehr hohen Kosten für die benötigte Infrastruktur behindert. Um den unterschiedlichen Ansprüchen der Verbraucher zu genügen wurden unterschiedliche Angebotsmodelle entwickelt, zu denen beispielsweise der auf ein „Pay-Per-Use“ Zahlungssystem gestützte CSP (Conferencing Service Provider) gehört, der den Verbrauchern ständig aktualisierte Systeme und Dienstleistungen zur Verfügung stellt, ohne dass dabei von der Firma hohe Ausgaben im Bereich Weiterbildung getragen werden müssen. Ein weiteres, häufig angewendetes Modell ist der CMSP (Collaboration Managed Service Provider). TV UND MEDIEN Das Jahr 2008 gilt als Erfolgsjahr der Digital Media, die sowohl die Entwicklung traditioneller Medien, als auch die neuer und innovativer Medien, wie das Web, beschleunigt hat. In Italien, wo mehr 23 Millionen Familien einen Fernseher besitzen, wird die Entwicklung neuer Dienstleistungen stark vom sich rasch entwickelnden Szenario auf dem nationalen TV Markt beeinflusst. Dieses Szenario bietet auf verschiedenen Ebenen Allianzen und Wettbewerb unter den Marktteilnehmern im Bereich TV und Unterhaltung, Pay TV und digitales Fernsehen sowie bei bisher weitgehend unbekannte Applikationen, wie Web TV, User Generated Contest, Videoplayer und Videosuchmaschinen. Sender und Pay TVs bewerben immer starker interaktive TV Lösungen als Reaktion auf die Webportale und den User Generated Contest, verfolgen dabei ein “push” Modell und bieten den Nutzern eine große Auswahl an persönlichen Lösungen für ihre Dienstleistungen. Im September 2008 wurde in Italien ein Plan zur Einführung des digitalen Fernsehens verabschiedet, der bis 2012 eine komplette Abschaltung des Analogsystems vorsieht, bereits 2010 sollen 70% der italienischen Analog-Empfänge abgeschaltet sein. Ende 2008 steigerte das digitale terrestrische TV seinen Marktanteil von 22,6% auf 32,9%, wobei die Anzahl italienischer Familien mit TDT Empfänger auf circa 8 Millionen stieg. Betrachtet man auch die Bereiche Satelliten-TV und IP-TV so stellt man fest, dass 51,8% der italienischen Familien digital TV nutzen, es öffnet sich also ein neuer Markt, der vom neuen Potential der digitalen Technologie bestimmt wird. INDEX 8 THE ICT SECTOR IN ITALY Auch der Markt für Pay Per View wuchs stark in Italien, was vor allem von einer bemerkenswerten Zunahme der Nutzerzahlen herrührte, die in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres europaweit an der Spitze lag. Ab Januar 2008 haben die TDT – Pay TV Abonnements große Bedeutung eingenommen. Die „Pay-Lösung“ stieg stark von 14% 2007 auf 26% im Jahr 2008, so dass in weniger als drei Jahren die Nutzer des digital terrestrischen Pay TV fast die Zahl der Satelliten-TV-Nutzer erreicht haben. Der TDT-Umsatz (Kartenverkauf, Abonnements, und Werbung) wuchs 2008 um 39% von 214,6 auf 279,2 Millionen Euro. Mit erheblicher Verspätung gegenüber den anderen europäischen Ländern gelang es Italien 2008 den Sektor des IP-TV umzustrukturieren und somit ihn auf ein höheres Niveau zu führen. Die Umsätze lagen 2008 bei 111 Millionen Euro und sind gegenüber 2007 um 48% gestiegen, darüber hinaus wuchs die Zahl der Nutzer stark auf über 500.000. In Europa fand das IP-TV Angebot 2008 8,5 Millionen Kunden, was einem Zuwachs gegenüber dem Vorjahr von 64% entspricht. Nur wenige Anbieter von festen TCL bieten ihren Kunden kein Triple Play Angebot. In Europa scheint IP-TV via Breitband-Zugang immer mehr an Bedeutung zu gewinnen, die Quote liegt 2008 in Frankreich bei 20%, in Belgien bei 13% und in Spanien bei 20%. Mobile TV hat derzeit in Italien und in Europa noch einen geringen Stellenwert, während dieses Angebot in den asiatischen Ländern wie Japan und Südkorea gut angenommen wird. 2008 war für Italien ein relevantes Jahr in diesem Sektor, denn die italienischen Unternehmen nahmen erstmals zur Kenntnis, dass kostenlose Fernsehkanale der einzige Weg zur Belebung und zum Wachstum dieses Sektors sind. Die Nutzerzahl von Mobile TV in Italien ist in ständiger Entwicklung und zeigt einen positiven Trend: 2008 waren 900.000 italienische Nutzer von Free und Pay Mobile TV registriert. Im Bereich Web TV verlief das Jahr 2008 positiv. Die Nutzerzahlen stiegen, in diesem Jahr nutzten ca. 9 Millionen Italiener Web Videos. 2008 stiegen die auch die Nutzerzahlen des Webs, ein starker Trend ging vom E-Mail Verkehr hin zu den Social Networks (+32%), wo den Nutzern sowohl User Generated Content, als auch Zugang zu im Web verfügbaren Fernsehproduktionen geboten wird. Darüber hinaus hat sich der Blickwinkel der Italienische Sender geändert, sie sehen das Web nicht mehr als Bedrohung, sondern als Gelegenheit zur Imageverbesserung. DER E-CONTENT MARKT Sowohl in Europa, als auch in Italien wuchs 2008 der digitale E-Content Markt, der unter anderem Unterhaltungsangebote für Mobiltelefone und das Web, Logos und Handy-Klingeltöne, aus dem Internet herunterladbaren audiovisuellen Content (Musik und Video), Lehrmaterial, Nachrichten im elektronischen Format sowie andere im Web, per Handy oder per digitales terrestrisches Fernsehen nutzbare Inhalte umfasst. Ursachen hierfür sind einerseits die Befriedigung der immer mehr zersplitterten und unterschiedlichen Nutzernachfrage sowie die Möglichkeit, Gelegenheiten wahrzunehmen, die ein für neue Technologien immer offenerer Markt bietet. Unterstützt wurde diese Steigerung durch die außerordentlich positive Entwicklung des Online-Anzeigenmarktes und der neuen Generation von Online Portalen, die durch die Verbindung besserer Inhalte und Dienstleistungen in stärker personalisierten Profilen eine stetig wachsende Rolle bei der Nachfrage nach Breitbandnutzung spielen. Zur Zeit steckt der E-Content Markt in allen europäischen Ländern in den Kinderschuhen und bietet daher ein Szenario in kontinuierlicher Entwicklung. Wie bereits im Rahmen des Kapitels „TV und Medien“ erwähnt, erweiterte sich 2008 der Nutzerkreis um die traditionellen Anbieter von Medien und Unterhaltung die heute freien und zahlungspflichtigen Lösungen auf digitalen Plattformen weniger ablehnend gegenüberstehen. Ein weiteres wichtiges Thema war die in mehreren Sektoren erkennbaren Konvergenz, die einige Marktsegmente, wie Musik und Video, stark beeinflusst hat. In diesem Zusammenhang sind drei Hauptentwicklungslinien zu erkennen: die Verbreitung von Multifernsehkanäle auf TDT, die Entwicklung von Pay Fernsehkanälen via Satellit oder IP-TV sowie die Veränderung des Mediengebrauchs durch das Web. INDEX 9 MAIN ACTIVITY 3A SRL SIVA AGRIFOOD PLATFORM, an advanced web-based infrastructure capable of vertically transferring dynamic information for the management and documentation of fresh and processed agricultural products. Set up as a portal for production process management, the SIVA platform can be used by all the co-workers on the farm and agrifood company (agronomers, production operators, technical managers and organisational consultants) to accurately and rapidly record the activities undertaken. This gives the entrepreneur an overview of the production chain, and greatly speeds up paperwork and printing of records. COMPANY STRENGTHS Via Le Chiuse 68 10144 Torino – ITALY Phone: 0039 011 4378552 Fax: 0039 011 4378221 High Quality Products: SIVA AGRIFOOD PLATFORM – GPMETEO APPL. – RAD APPL. – TRACK APPL. – TRACE APPL. Innovative Processes | Services | Products: SAAS solution – tracebility with qr-code Customer References: agrifood companies, farms, agricultural association SECTOR DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - On-line services, ASP Contact: Dr. Massimo De Marziis – President TYPE OF COOPERATION - Development of new products - Dialer of 3A’SAAS solution (siva agrifood platform) in the agrifood chain Date of foundation: 1997 Employees: 7 Turnover: 600,000 Euro Status: Private INDEX 10 MAIN ACTIVITY answer will take away 10 points and a life to the character. If they GISS: is a decisions support system (DSS) capable of: are wrong three questions the game will end. - to guide decision makers in achieving development plans based on a new approach to economic theory; - to assess the current state of development of an area by providing information on environmental health; - to provide scenarios for future development of an area with associated environmental risks. AIKA: is a research project funded by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia for the development of a virtual assistant emotionally able to “communicate” with the user through natural language. In particular AIKA is a decision support system applied to the theme of Sustainable Development of the Territory. AIKA, interacting with the user, for example, will ensure a better under- ATHLOS SRL Via Tommaso D’Aquino, 18 Località Monreale 09134 Cagliari-Pirri – ITALY Phone: 0039 070 522935 Fax: 0039 0704510219 SMART: is a system of tourism marketing to support the activity of various standing: infopoint scattered in an area. consists of three modules: - The environmental balance of an area 1. TOURIST WEBSITE: It provides the necessary information for tourists - The current state of sustainable development through sheets realized according to the directions of the European - Future scenarios Working Group of the Euro Tour Information & Booking Project. If It facilitates understanding of the conditions of the area, the environ- tourists want some information about a holiday destination they will mental dynamics, promotes user awareness of environmental issues visit the website and they will be able: and establishes an empathy with the user. - to know information about monuments, restaurants, cultural events, etc. - to evaluate services offered by accommodations. COMPANY STRENGTHS 2. FORM FOR TOUR OPERATORS: It organizes information and pro- High Quality Products: Our company bases its business on quality service motes the exchange of information with public agencies and accom- and products modation facilities. R&D Capacity: participation in projects financed by European Union. 3. STATISTIC MODULE: It creates statistic reports and graphics about spending, touristic flows and customer satisfaction to support tour CUSTOMER REFERENCES operators and government to improve the services. Public administration 4. INTELLIGENCE MODULE: it determinates the future tourism flows Contact: Alessandro Frulio – Project Manager development (Development phase). SOFTWARE E-OFF: is energy saving edugame for young people. It is designed to make it clear to pupils in schools as you can save energy by combining Date of foundation: 2007 Employees: 3 Status: Private SECTOR - Application software for cooperate function (cooperate communications, customized applications) the requests in a position of increasing difficulty, with a nice action MULTIMEDIA game platforms. The main features of the game are: - Multimedia applications for specific sectors - “Random Questions” will be offered a set of questions for each DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES level: the applications address the power applications will be pro- - On-line services, ASP posed at random with the help of a cute animated textbox - E-learning - Essay questions: are proposed three alternative answers to each question in a just and the other wrong, the player must respond correctly. - Level of response: to win the game you must provide a certain number TYPE OF COOPERATION - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, ect.) of correct answers. The degree of difficulty should not be very high - Transfer technology or production license so that it occurs in the user the feeling of frustration. - Direct investments - Final score: at the end of the game you can see the high scores. Each correct answer will increase by 10 meter of the score, each wrong - Financial participation - Development of new products INDEX 11 MAIN ACTIVITY CENTRO ESTERO PER L’INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONE SCPA (Piemonte Agency for Investments, Export and Tourism) Corso Regio Parco, 27/29 10152 Torino – ITALY Phone: 0039 011 6700511 Fax: 0039 011 6965456 Based in Torino, Italy, Piemonte Agency for Investments, Export and Tourism is the key reference point for foreign enterprises wishing to come to know about the local economic system, looking for information on business opportunities in the area and searching for a quality destination for direct investment. Piemonte Agency, in fact, matches the local production offer with the needs expressed by foreign markets and assists local companies in their international activities. On the other hand, Piemonte Agency is also the one-stop-shop for companies wishing to locate in Piemonte. The Agency advises investors on every aspect of starting and running a business in Piemonte, providing assistance at every stage of the project and manages the Regional Investment Contract, an innovative financial instrument created and implemented by the Region to encourage the arrival and development in Piemonte of new investments. CUSTOMER REFERENCES SMEs TYPE OF COOPERATION General cooperation Contact: Rosanna Viola, Enrica Demichelis Date of foundation: 2006 Status: Government – non-profit INDEX 12 CRS4 – CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDIES, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN SARDINIA Science & Technology Park of Sardinia Località Piscinamanna Ed.1 09010 Pula Cagliari – ITALY Phone: 0039 070 9250 335 Fax: 0039 070 9250216 MAIN ACTIVITY SECTOR CRS4 (Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia) is an interdisciplinary research center developing advanced simulation techniques and applying them, by means of High Performance Computing, to the solution of large scale computational problems, and developing innovative applications in the field of the Information and Communications Technology. ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SOFTWARE - Application software for cooperate function (cooperate communications, customized applications) MULTIMEDIA - Architecture for multimedia applications - Ergonomy - Multimedia applications for specific sectors DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - Internet services (internet access, search engines) The mission of the Future Home and Human Computer Interaction Lab at CRS4 is to develop new architectures and innovative solutions in the fields of home automation and human machine interfaces, and to promote cooperation with industrial partners, and realize new products and services to merge computer technology and every day life. The key technologies employed include: - Mediacenter Appliances - Multitouch user interfaces - Optical systems for video surveillance and intelligent Input/ Output - Sensor enabled application (RFID, BlueTooth, ZigBee...) - Domotic applications and protocols (X10, ZWave, Konnex, UPnP) These technologies are used to implement proof of concept applications for of Home automation, Home entertainment, Office automation, Virtual presence and collaboration. Contact: Massimo Deriu – Researcher COMPANY STRENGTHS Date of foundation: 1990 Employees: 160 Status: SME R&D Capacity: Our research explores open issues in the design of domotic applications (usability, new devices, protocols) are User Interfaces (Bare Hand interaction, Tangible interfaces), and make strictly use of open protocols and open source software and infrastructures. TYPE OF COOPERATION - Development of new projects (R&DT) - Development of new products - Other INDEX 13 MAIN ACTIVITY CSI-PIEMONTE Corso Unione Sovietica, 216 10134 Torino – ITALY CSI-Piemonte is an ICT consortium founded in 1977 and it is constituted by 85 public stakeholders of the Piedmont region in Italy. CSI-Piemonte serves most of the public bodies (e.g. Local Public Administrations, Universities, and Hospitals) of the region. CSI-Piemonte is the largest Italian ICT company developing public projects, building ICT infrastructure, disseminating online value added services connecting local PA’s and private SME companies. CSI-Piemonte operates in several different fields of activity: agriculture and forestry, environment and territory, demography, land registry and taxation, production activities, training and work, education and cultural heritage, healthcare and social welfare services, administration, accounting and personnel systems. Membership: Association - Asvapp: - Torino Internazionale: - Unione Industriale di Torino: Stakeholders and shareholding COMPANY STRENGTHS Phone: 0039 011 3168111 Fax: 0039 011 3168212 Contact: Silvia Andernello – International Projects Directorate Proposals Manager High Quality Products: see “Rapporto Annuale 2009 del CSIPiemonte” Licenses | Trade Marks | Quality Certifications: see “Certification” Innovative Processes | Services | Products: see “Rapporto Annuale 2009 del CSI-Piemonte” R&D Capacity: Expenditure R&S in 2008: 4,300,000 Euro CUSTOMER REFERENCES Public bodies (Local Public Administrations, Universities, Hospitals) Date of foundation: 1977 Employees: 1200 (31st December 2009) Turnover: 176,780,000 Euro (31st December 2008) Status: Government – non-profit SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY INDEX 14 MAIN ACTIVITY CSP – INNOVAZIONE NELLE ICT S.C.A R.L. Via Livorno, 60 10144 Torino – ITALY Phone: 0039 011 4815111 Fax: 0039 011 4815001 Contact: Elena Cigliano – Innovation and Technology transfer area CSP-Innovazione nelle ICT operates on a local, national and international level, as a research organization involved in experimental development activities and applied research in line with the European directives on Innovation and R&D. The following technologies are software and/or hardware prototypes included in our “catalogue”, designed for transferring technology to our clients and to SMEs. Omegabox – highly usable advanced solution for integrated multimedia services like Voice over IP and IPTV. Shelob – open, multifunctional embedded system for the management of network infrastructures and multimedia services supply. Geowhisper – open and multifunctional embedded system to monitor several kind of signals with the remote control of sondes and sensors and the collection of data. Tower – authentication architecture based on the Open Source NoCat project for accessing wireless networks based on a captive portal, in order to create network’s association for organizations/providers. P-Box – a solution for controlling telematic access to child pornography. Its aim is to filter contents downloaded by Internet Service Providers’ clients, thus limiting access to the materials in question. DVB Monitor – a distributed system to monitor DTT signals. It answers the need for systematic analysis of this information in order to identify/classify the digital TV services receivable in a determined area like a new TV channel in a Mux or new interactive MHP services. MHP applications for Digital Terrestrial Television – MHP and advanced STB services, starting from the experience gained over the years in designing and developing interactive applications based on the DVB-MHP platform. Flying drone for environment monitoring – software application supported by specific drones addressed to environment monitoring. Meet Table – an hardware and software multitouch platform to be employed in meeting rooms in order to share and manage information during business meetings. TouchXplore – an hardware and software multitouch platform addressed to navigate tourist and cultural information I.M.E. – Integrated Monitoring Environment – a suite of software applications to manage network equipments and services monitoring in real time the performances of equipments and network services COMPANY STRENGTHS Date of foundation: 1998 Employees: 44 Turnover: 4.8 Million Euro Status: Mixed Membership: - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - MIUR (Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research) - Research Laboratories Association High Quality Products: Digital Terrestrial Television technologies, Integrated Networks, Web Applications, IT Telecommunication Security, Embedded Systems Licenses | Trade Marks | Quality Certifications: CSP is a MIUR (Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research) Research Laboratory, certified UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 Innovative Processes | Services | Products: Match enterprises and research prototypes in order to accelerate the time to market favoring the industrialization process Networking: - CSP is one of the IT key player of the Piedmont region and it is linked to local public administrations, consortium and associations - In 2009 meeting with 150 private companies and collaboration with a lot of them - Local academia (Università and Politecnico di Torino), other Italian universities - In the last 5 years more than 70 partners coming from 23 different European countries within EU projects R&D Capacity: All of CSP’s initiatives are performed in collaboration with the academic world. CSP has five laboratories dedicated to up and coming technology, under the technical direction of CSP and the scientific direction of the university: - DTTLAB – Digital Terrestrial Television Laboratory - INLAB – Integrated Networks Laboratory - SECURELAB – ICT Security Laboratory - W3LAB – World Wide Web Laboratory - EMSYSLAB – Embedded System Laboratory Expertise: CSP employs around 100 people every year, mostly young researchers. Annually it establishes around 100 consulting and experimentation contracts with more than 30 public and private bodies. CUSTOMER REFERENCES Public administrations, Private companies, Technology transfer addressed to SMEs, European projects SECTOR ICT - INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SOFTWARE - Network operating systems - Software development tools - Application software for cooperate function (cooperate communications, customized applications) MULTIMEDIA - Multimedia applications for specific sectors TELECOMMUNICATIONS / NETWORKING - Network systems and services (optical fiber equipment, microwave equipment, wireless network, …) - Connectivity tools NETWORK - Network management (sw and systems) - Network security & diagnostic - Network measuring tools - Network modelisation & optimisation MOBILE/BROADCASTING/SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS - Satellite communications (Vsat, satellite equipment) - Digital broadcast systems (digital TV) - Systems for voice communications (voice technology, voice mail) MISCELLANEOUS - IP network design solutions - Remote monitoring of telecom sites - Radio communication testing, certification services TYPE OF COOPERATION - Development of new projects (R&D) Transfer technology or production license Identification of new customers Development of new products INDEX 15 CYBERSAR Complesso Universitario di Monserrato Dipartimento di Fisica SP Monserrato/Sestu Km 0,700 09042 Monserrato – ITALY MAIN ACTIVITY ized in high-performance computing centers placed in Sardinia (Italy) Supply of computing hours and storage through GRID and HPC services. and in particular in Cagliari, Capoterra (CA), Pula (CA), Porto Conte (SS) High speed fiber optic Link at 10G linking every site with the others. e Monserrato (CA), and linked together trough a dedicated high speed Optimum Bandwidth. fiber optic network. Model and Analysis of a huge amount of data for multimedia, broad- R&D Capacity: Every center is thought to be able to solve computational band and spread applications: Data questioning technical development, problems in high scale and it is specialized to answer in a dedicated man- concerning data analysis using advanced Pattern Recognition methods, ner to the needs of important application classes. The Consortium assets development of algorithms for medical imaging and study of molecular are entered in the Italian Grid Infrastructure IGI ( dynamics by means of modern “ab initio” techniques, development of and into the European grid. high definition data images and video, and for detection of intrusions Expertise: Cybersar is a consortium for supercomputing, computational in computing nets. modeling and management of large database, which collects together Digital Library: creation of IT platform able to collect and catalogue expertise of its members: University of Cagliari (Italy), University of Sassari digital materials following including qualitative and technical standards (Italy), National Institute of Astrophysics (Italy), National Institute of and best practice of the state of art. Nuclear Physics (Italy), CRS4 (Italy), Tiscali Italia Srl (Italy), Nice Srl (Italy) Model and simulation & planning of process and production engineering: - Simulation of network for project and troubleshooting support throughout acceleration techniques - Modelling of advanced materials synthesis techniques - Modelling of cell culture expansion and proliferation Phone: 0039 070 6754858 Fax: 0039 070 6753139 - Simulation of innovative communications methods for integrated modules for the realization of System-on-Chip CUSTOMER REFERENCES - University of Cagliari Department of Physics – Monserrato CA (Italy) - Sardinian Scientific and Technological Park – Alghero (Italy) SECTOR SOFTWARE - Damage Modelling in Structural Materials under Applied Loads - Operating systems Model simulation in territorial, environmental and service planning: - Software engineering tools (CASE, …) Computational model for optimization of territorial systems networks - Software development tools in order to implement project decision support on geo informatics pro- - Software security / quality cedures and on territorial changes management - Application software for cooperate function Contact: Patrizia Serra – Marketing & Communication Manager, Giovanni Luca Christian Masala – Researcher Quayside gantry crane simulator: This completely original virtual instru- (cooperate communications, customized applications) ment has been designed to carry out three types of activities: Research, MULTIMEDIA Technological advanced Training and refresher courses for crane opera- - Architecture for multimedia applications tors in dock terminals. NETWORK - Network measuring tools Date of foundation: 2005 Employees: 11 Turnover: 3,721,940 Euro Status: Mixed COMPANY STRENGTHS - Network modelisation & optimisation High Quality Products: Cybersar services and products are able to solve DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES computing problems questioned by scientific and technological re- - E-learning | - Other search, and to give technological support to high educational activities. MISCELLANEOUS Our target customer are enterprises, enterprise research center, scien- - Other Membership: tific research center, banks, data bank, automotive field, pharmaceutics The Cybersar Consortium assets are en- field as per aerospace. TYPE OF COOPERATION tered in the Italian Grid Infrastructure Innovative Processes | Services | Products: Original virtual instrument, - Financial participation IGI ( and into the highly versatile and flexible type of apparatus in terms of hardware and - Development of new products European grid. software. - Direct investments Networking: The Cybersar Consortium handles an aggregate comput- - Identification of new customers ing power made of 2000 computing core and 200 TB of storage, organ- - Development of new projects (r&dt) INDEX 16 MAIN ACTIVITY DEMRISK Via degli Artigiani, 34 08015 Macomer (NU) – ITALY Phone: 0039 3384649837 Fax: 0039 078520557 Contact: Alessandro Fiori – Founder Date of foundation: 2008 Status: Mixed DemRisk is a full service consulting company and leading provider of products, services and expertise for the assessment, quantification and management of demographic, financial and actuarial risks. Since 2008, the Company provides to the pension funds industry a whole range of solutions that are perfect support for strategic pricing, risk management, asset liability management and liquidity risk decisions. Our offer of products and services includes: - DemRisk Software: it is based on exclusive demographic models for risk management, it is simply to use and allow customers to easily adopt our complex mathematical models in the decision process. DemRisk Software is compatible with all Risk Management software and Treasury Management software. - Assessment of Actuarial and Liquidity Risks: Using the cutting hedge technology, software and actuarial models, DemRisk is able to advise the clients on a full range of actuarial risks. The results generated are at the highest level of accuracy and reliability. - Determination of accurate mortality rates together with a comprehensive set of actuarial rates, depending on the risks involved. - Quantification and management of liquidity risk: Using with our clients our actuarial risk models and software, DemRisk is able to reduce the liquidity risk associated with underestimate and overestimate of actuarial risk. - Fair Valuation of Financial Assets: DemRisk consultants have experience in the most important investment banks and in the Chartered Accountant Institution in Italy. Licenses | Trade Marks | Quality Certifications: The exclusive use of our innovative mathematical models is guaranteed at the moment via secret know-how. Networking: DemRisk collaborates with major universities in Italy and in the World in researching on new models for the insurance and pension funds industry. R&D Capacity: Scientists of our team have an in-depth knowledge of theoretical and empirical research methods in Finance, and produce publications of the highest international quality. We are able to produce specific researches and organize for our clients the most updated classes on a whole range of financial topics. Expertise: DemRisk is leader in the market in actuarial risk modeling and the development of in-house technology for the management of actuarial risk. CUSTOMER REFERENCES Sardinian Scientific and Technological Park – Alghero (Italy) SECTOR SOFTWARE - Other DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - Banking, insurance, financial services TYPE OF COOPERATION - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, ...) - Direct investments - Financial participation COMPANY STRENGTHS High Quality Products: The software solutions that we have developed for the pension fund industry are based on an innovative mathematical model that employ up to 50 variables. It permits to calculate with extreme accuracy the future cash inflow from contributions and investment returns, and the future cash outflow for pension payments and management expenses. INDEX 17 DIGICOM SPA MAIN ACTIVITY TYPE OF COOPERATION Digicom offers Telecommunication products and it is also a technological partner specialized in the development of OEM solutions. The integration of the Wireless technology (3G and GSM), TCP/IP Routing, VoIP and ADSL technologies is available to our customers for the development of innovative products. Our distribution sales staff is multilingual and provide assistance either directly or through in country master resellers who are fully trained on Digicom’s products. - COMPANY STRENGTHS High Quality Products: 3G and 2G Gateways Licenses | Trade Marks | Quality Certifications: ISO 9001 Innovative Processes | Services | Products: The entire product cycle is directly controlled Networking: Integration of networking in telecommunication solutions R&D Capacity: Digicom designs and manufactures hardware and firmware cost effective solutions Expertise: TCP/IP, 3G (UMTS-HSPA) and 2G GSM technology integration CUSTOMER REFERENCES Via A. Volta, 39 21010 Cardano al Campo (VA) – ITALY Phone: 0039 0331 702611 Fax: 0039 0331 263733 Contact: Andrea Pedrani – Sales Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, ect.) Development of new projects (R&D) General commercial assistance Identification of new customers Development of new products System Integrators, Distributors, Telecom Operators, Dealers, Professional Customers SECTOR Date of foundation: 1977 Employees: 65 Turnover: 20 Million Euro Export: 15% Export Destinations: Europe, EMEA, Central and South America Status: Private ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY TELECOMMUNICATIONS/NETWORKING - Network systems and services (optical fiber equipment, microwave equipment, wireless network, …) - Cabling access systems for broad band (XDSL, ADSL, HDSL, …) - Transmission systems (ISDN, Frame Relay, …) MOBILE/BROADCASTING/SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS - Mobile Communications systems (smart cards, cordless mobile terminals) LAN/WAN - Router - Gateway - Modem - Other INDEX 18 DURATEL SPA Via Antonio Meucci, 32 50041 Calenzano – ITALY Phone: 0039 055 883201 Fax: 0039 055 8826525 Contact: Francesco Scettri Date of foundation: 1989 Employees: 24 Turnover: 16,067,915 Euro Export: 13% Export Destinations: EU (4,7%), extra EU (8,3%) Status: SME MAIN ACTIVITY SECTOR DURATEL is an Italian company operating and innovating in the sector of accessories for telecommunications networks, in copper and fiber optic, through design, development, industrialization and manufacturing of high quality products . The continuous search for solutions that meet the increasing communication demand has brought DURATEL to develop new technologies that enable a more simple access to broadband and to all kinds of multi-medial services, in particular audio/ video. In this direction DURATEL has developed a wide range of filters, both for central office and customer premises, capable of supporting ADSL, ADSL2+ and VDSL technologies. The conformance with ETSI standards of Duratel filters and products in general ensures their suitability for European and worldwide export and application. Products: xDSL filters (both customer and central office side), network accessories and terminations, optic fibre terminations for FTTH access, customer solutions for enabling the deployment of self-installed VoIP installations, testing instrumentation. ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY TELECOMMUNICATIONS/NETWORKING - Public network (optical fiber transmission systems, optical multiplexing, …) - Cabling access systems for broad band (XDSL, ADSL, HDSL, …) MISCELLANEOUS - Telecommunication line protection TYPE OF COOPERATION - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, ect.) Development of new projects (R&D) Identification of new customers Direct investments Development of new products COMPANY STRENGTHS High Quality Products: ETSI compliant filters. Unique optic access solution. Licenses | Trade Marks | Quality Certifications: All products are patented. Innovative Processes | Services | Products: Innovative solutions for simplifying the wide band access installation (DSL technology) in households. Networking: Copper and optic access networks. R&D Capacity: Operation within a collaboration agreement with the Technical University of Florence (Italy). Contribution to ETSI standardisation work. Expertise: Long standing experience in the sector, well recognized by Operators and Manufacturers client Companies. Most technical personnel with a University degree. CUSTOMER REFERENCES Membership: ETSI Major Telecom Operator and Manufacturing Companies world wide INDEX 19 ECONFIDENCE SRL MAIN ACTIVITY COMPANY STRENGTHS SOSDISEASE PROJECT IS A E SOCIAL-NETWORK WEB PORTAL APPLIED TO THE SECTOR OF HEALTH AND HEALTH INFORMATION; ON THE PORTAL WWW.SOSDISEASE.IT WE HAVE ORGANIZED THE MOST COMPLETE INTERNATIONAL LIST OF NAMES OF DISEASES, IMPLEMENTING THE INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF DISEASES DRAWN UP BY THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO), WITH OTHER LISTS OF RARE AND LESS RARE DISEASES. IN PRACTICE, WE HAVE CO-ORDINATED IN A SINGLE LIST ALL THE LISTS OF DISEASES ADOPTED AND DIVULGED BY THE MOST QUALIFIED AND HIGHLY RECOGNIZED INTERNATIONAL MEDICOSCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS. Licenses | Trade Marks | Quality Certifications: Patent pending in USA Expertise: Web software development, database MySQL SECTOR SOFTWARE - Application software for cooperate function (cooperate communications, customized applications) DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - Banking, insurance, financial services TYPE OF COOPERATION c/o Polaris, Parco Scientifico e tecnologico della Sardegna, Loc. Piscina Manna, edificio 2 09010 Pula (Cagliari) – ITALY Phone: 0039 070 92432261 Mobile: 0039 380 7267853 Contact: Sandro Laconi Date of foundation: 2008 Employees: 1 Turnover 2007: 70,000 Euro Status: Private THE ABOVE LISTS OF “OFFICIAL” TERMS OF ILLNESSES, WHICH NUMBER OVER 18 000, HAVE BEEN CODED AND ALIGNED IN FIVE LANGUAGES (ITALIAN, ENGLISH, GERMAN, FRENCH, SPANISH) AND HAVE GIVEN RISE TO SEVEN NATIONAL PORTALS (U.S.A., JAPAN, GERMANY, GREAT BRITAIN, ITALY, FRANCE, SPAIN), WHICH ARE PERFECTLY INTEGRATED WITH ONE ANOTHER AND ENABLE EASY SEARCH AT AN INTERNATIONAL LEVEL BOTH TO FIND OTHER PATIENTS AND TO TRACE MEDICAL ARTICLES DRAWN FROM THE MOST QUALIFIED INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC DATABASES: PUBMED.GOV AND CLINICALTRIAL.GOV. IN PRACTICE, WHEN A USER OF ONE OF THE SEVEN COUNTRIES, WHO MAY NOT EVEN BE AN EXPERT IN THE USE OF THE WEB, SIMPLY TYPES THE NAME OF THE ILLNESS IN HIS OWN LANGUAGE, THE DATABASE WILL BE INTERROGATED USING THE EQUIVALENT ENGLISH TERM AND CONSEQUENTLY THE USER WILL BE ABLE TO CONSULT THE CONTENTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC DATABASES AND MAKE CONTACT WITH PATIENTS OF OTHER NATIONALITIES WITH THE GUARANTEE THAT THEY HAVE IN COMMON THE SAME SPECIFIC ILLNESS, EVEN THOUGH ALL THE PATIENTS CONCERNED HAVE TYPED THE NAME OF THE ILLNESS EACH IN HIS OWN LANGUAGE. - Development Of New Projects (R&D) - Financial participation INDEX 20 MAIN ACTIVITY ELETTRONICA E AUTOMAZIONE SRL Via Tossicia, 15 00131 Roma – ITALY Elettronica e Automazione Srl is a small Italian company active from 1993. After 12 years dedicated around electronic design for our customers we decided to be present on the market with our line of products. In the 2004 the company has patended a new line of informative light displays updated via SMS (Short Text Messages) called SMS-SHOW. Our products are characterized by high technology and low cost. Today the company sells display for OEM application or designed on custom request for indoor or outdoor application. A line of showcase equipped with standard SMS-SHOW display is at this time used by about 100 Italian Municipalities. We produce all the products inside our factory in Rome equipped with advanced electronic R&D and mechanical staff. COMPANY STRENGTHS High Technology & Low Price products Our display are patended Software for custom requirements Hardware for custom application & design OEM are welcome CUSTOMER REFERENCES Phone: 0039 06 4191701 Fax: 0039 06 4191701 Contact: Mr. Giovanni Purgatorio – General Manager Date of foundation: 1993 Employees: <10 Turnover 2007: 410,000 Euro Export: 5% Export destination: Switzerland - TELECOMMUNICATION/NETWORKING - Connectivity tools MOBILE/BROADCASTING/SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS - Broadcast equipment and services - Mobile communications systems (smart cards, cordless mobile terminals) - Systems for text communications (email) LAN/WAN - Modem OEM DISPLAY MANUFACTURE OF COMPUTERS AND PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURE OF TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT TYPE OF COOPERATION - Commercial intermediary - International Distributors - International Agents SECURMARK AG TECHNICOLOR SPA ERICSSON SPA ENEL SPA ACEA SPA SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY HARDWARE - Hw implementation and peripheral (terminal, boards, printers, …) - Auxiliary IT devices (UPS, …) INDEX 21 ENGINE TECHNOLOGY SRL (Also Known as Engine Networks) Via San Francesco d’Assis, 22 10121 Torino – ITALY Phone: 0039 011 19821515 Fax: 0039 011 19827402 Contact: Luca Simonetti – CTO / Founder Date of foundation: 2005 Employees: 7 Turnover: 400,000 Euro Export: 45% Export destination: Switzerland, USA, Eastern Europe Status: Private MAIN ACTIVITY SECTOR ENGINE Networks provides on-demand data center and hosting services from facilities across Europe. We leverage best-in-class connectivities and technology to innovate industry leading, fully automated solutions that empower enterprises with complete access, control, security and scalability. Engine Networks Cloud Hosting is a revolutionary managed platform that gives you the power to provision computing resources for your mission-critical applications in minutes, not days. Instead of buying costly, cumbersome servers, it lets you control a resource pool of processing, storage and networking and allows you to deploy server capacity on demand. Engine Networks has years of experience managing complex, mission critical infrastructures and applications for leading companies around Europe and offers customers the expertise of a certified and organized support team. TELECOMMUNICATIONS/NETWORKING - Network systems and services (optical fiber equipment, microwave equipment, wireless network, …) - Public network (optical fiber transmission systems, optical multiplexing, …) - Connectivity tools - Other NETWORK - Network security & diagnostic - Network modelisation & optimisation MOBILE/BROADCASTING/SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS - Broadcast equipment and services - Systems for voice communications (voice technology, voice mail) - Systems for text communications (email) DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - On-line services, ASP - E-commerce - Internet services (internet access, search engines) LAN/WAN - Router - Switches - Gateway - Protocols conversation and interaction - Other MISCELLANEOUS - IP network design solutions - Remote monitoring of telecom sites COMPANY STRENGTHS High Quality Products: We can deliver High Qualitym Higly redundat and Secure datacenter services, like Housing/Colocation, Cloud Platform and international interconnection services like L2 Circuit, VPN/MPLS and geographical disaster recovery services. Licenses | Trade Marks | Quality Certifications: ISO9002 In Progress. Zurich Datacenter has been certified for FIBS Certification. Swiss certification for outsourcing Banking and Financial services. Innovative Processes | Services | Products: Cloyd Platform with instant deployment and geographical migration across different datacenter in Europe. Networking: We own 3 DataCenter Room in Milan, Zurich and Geneva. All datacenter are interconnected with a fiber ring and it has migration capabilities for disaster recovery requirements. Expertise: Engine Networks has years of experience managing complex, mission critical infrastructures and application for leading companies around Europe and offers customers the expertise of certified and organizied support team. TYPE OF COOPERATION - General commercial assistance Identification of new customers Joint creation of an enterprise or consortium Development of new products CUSTOMER REFERENCES Dainese, Pago, FIAT, ST Microelectronics, Lago, GE Financing INDEX 22 ETERE SRL Contrada Cisterna, snc 62029 Tolentino – ITALY Phone: 0039 0733 9564 Fax: 0039 0733 956335 Contact: Marco Taddei – Emea Sales Manager MAIN ACTIVITY SECTOR Etere is an international leader in the media market. Etere develops and distributes a wide range of high technology software for broadcasting and media businesses. With more than 20 years of experience, Etere provides powerful, flexible, cost-effective, high-performance, end-to-end media solutions. Etere is the only company worldwide that can offer you a solution to all your media needs in one single package (MAM Media Asset Management, metadata insertion and indexing, ingest, proxy, HSM, archiving, ingest, TV playout, News integration, Traffic AirTime Sales & Scheduling, BMS, Web and NLE integration, video logging…). ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SOFTWARE - Software engineering tools (CASE, …) - Application software for cooperate function (cooperate communications, customized applications) MULTIMEDIA - Architecture for multimedia applications - Multimedia applications for specific sectors MOBILE/BROADCASTING/SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS - Broadcast equipment and services - Digital broadcast systems (digital TV) DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - Internet services Etere is the only solution 100% workflow based, tapeless and paperless for all broadcast and media environments. It’s a common framework where there is real-time sharing of all the data among several applications to manage all media business requirements. The workflow approach allows a fully customized design with edge performances. TYPE OF COOPERATION - Commercial Intermediary (Distributor, General Agent, ect.) - Identification of new customers From its headquarters in Tolentino, Italy, Etere guarantees the best after-sales support service on the market with engineers ready to give professional assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The service includes voice, email, VPN and VoIP with unlimited calls and connection time, and a pro-active system to help diagnose problems before they appear. COMPANY STRENGTHS Date of foundation: 1989 Employees: 26 Turnover 2007: 3 Million Euro Export: 70% Export destinations: Worldwide Status: Mixed High Quality Products: MAM, Media Management, HSM, TVAutomation, News Integration, Traffic AirTime Sales & Scheduling, BMS, Web and NLE integration Licenses | Trade Marks | Quality Certifications: Microsoft R&D Capacity: 18 Software Engineers Expertise: 20th years in broadcaster software solutions CUSTOMER REFERENCES RAI, Mediaset, ABS-CBN, MTV and hundreds of other broadcasters and media companies INDEX 23 EURESYS SRL Via Sansovino, 217 10151 Torino – ITALY Phone: 0039 011 2621925 Fax: 0039 011 2222617 Contact: Aldo Castoldi Date of foundation: 1989 Employees: 13 Turnover: 1 Million Euro Export: 15% Export destination: Switzerland, Romania, France MAIN ACTIVITY CUSTOMER REFERENCES HEAD: the complete software solution for integrated company management. The HEAD solution is divided in three different types of application: - Head-count – HUMAN RESOURCES - Head-ID – SECURITY - Head-value – PRODUCTION HEAD-COUNT is the Euresys solution for integrated management of the main human resource application functions by fully computerizing business processes and communications within the company. The main items are: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, COURSES AND TRAINING, RÉSUMÉS, DOCUMENT PROCEDURES, PRESENCE MONITORING, WEB INFO POINT, STATEMENTS OF TRAVEL EXPENSES, PERSONNEL BUDGETING, SHIFT PLANNING HEAD-ID control software is a complete, easy-to-use tool for monitoring the flow of people accessing plants, offices or reserved areas by means of specific apparatuses . The main items are: ACCESS CONTROL, EXTERNAL SITE CHECK, VISITORS MANAGEMENT, SURVEILLANCE AND NIGHT GUARDS HEAD.VALUE keeps the main production process parameters in check to identify trends and provide tools for timely interventions in presence of critical situations. The Real time collected data check prevent the establishment of behaviors which are not coherent with defined rules. The main items are: PRODUCTION DATA COLLECTION, DEDICATED TERMINALS AND I/O MODULES, TIMESHEETS, WORK LOAD AND MACHINE LOAD PLANNING, REAL TIME MONITORING, GRAPHIC MONITORING, ERP INTEGRATION - Mikron Technology – Switzerland Cisco systems – Italy GE Healthcare – Italy Federal Mogul – Italy Monopoli di Stato – Italy SECTOR SOFTWARE - Application software for cooperate function (cooperate communications, customized applications) DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - On-line services, ASP TYPE OF COOPERATION - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, ...) - Reciprocal/Common Distribution Agreement - Joint creation of an enterprise or consortium COMPANY STRENGTHS High Quality Products: - Internationalization, to have the world within your grasp - Integration, one tool for bringing together and simplifying company resources - Flexible computerization, for respecting existing IT environments and cutting support costs Licenses | Trade Marks | Quality Certifications: ISO9001/visual 2000 INDEX 24 MAIN ACTIVITY Euroged is an ISV Independent Software Vendor focused on tailored application. The flagship product is ACTIVEINFO, document management Environment suitable for all needs. ACTIVEINFO is used by more than 100 companies in Italy. Because is a ready to use document management platform, easy to administrate and integrate in existing software, we are looking for International partner, distributors and reseller of ACTIVEINFO. Software is Multilanguage ready. EUROGED SRL COMPANY STRENGTHS High Quality Products: activeinfo, document management solution Via Albenga, 59 10098 Rivoli – ITALY Phone: 0039 011 9575060 Fax: 0039 011 9557299 CUSTOMER REFERENCES Manufacturing (MarkIV Automotive) Finance & Insurance (Pitagora, UCA) Distribution (Praxair), Utilities (SMAT, AES) SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY TYPE OF COOPERATION Contact: Marco Ronco – General Manager - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, ect.) - Identification of new customers Date of foundation: 2000 Employees: 15 Turnover: 600,000 Euro Export: 5% Export destination: France, Poland Status: Mixed Membership: ANORC, Italian Association for Legal Electronical Document Archives INDEX 25 MAIN ACTIVITY FINANCE EVOLUTION SPA Via Alfieri, 17 10121 Torino – ITALY Phone: 0039 011 5773-411 /-413 /-421 Fax: 0039 011 5773-499 Contact: Piergiorgio Maspoli – Senior Account Manager Date of foundation: 2007 Employees: 100 Turnover: 6 Million Euro Export: 2% Export destination: Albania Status: SME Finance Evolution is a leading Italian company in ICT market. Main activity is to provide Consulting, Solutions and Services for Bank and Financial Institutions. Solutions available are: Banking Open System: BOS is a complete core banking system based on Open Source technologies, manages all banking operations with customer global position and operations, manage and produce reporting for banking authorities. BOS Is the banking system for little and middle banks. BOS runs on an “OPEN” platform, is a Client-Server application based on relationship database, is designed in order to optimise transactions with efficiency and security, can easily be integrated (import export data – call external procedures) and customised. BOS is a multilingual (user and customer report) and multicurrency system, is easy to use and manage, has security user access facility management, is an integrated system and is continuously updated according to Financial market requirements. Proteso: Innovative product for real time monitoring of risk (Value at Risk) and performance of financial portfolios and treasury integrated traditional activities management. Main modules are: Liquidity & Treasury Module, Risk Management Module, Management Exchange and VAR change, Derivatives VAR Module, “Delta Equivalent” Module and Markets & System Integration Module. GTWAY: Connection oriented product on .NET platform. Main functions are: manages communications (sending and receiving) between different systems, connect and transform any type of message from different worlds and build them with different standards, and handles events The uses are many and range on all the communication needs of each structure and platform. Versatile and parametric it allows dynamic use completely customizable. An appropriate model for export of software is the collaboration with a local company to identify customers and support the technical activities. - cost of application software suitable for small banks and financial companies Licenses | Trade Marks | Quality Certifications: UNI EN ISO 9001: 2000 Innovative Processes | Services | Products: - innovative software products, such as new functions in treasury management - innovative services to support operations of banks, such as BPO and reporting to authorities R&D Capacity: R&D activity: CAL ongoing project. CAL is a project to develop a new technological and application oriented CAL system (Common Application Layer), a novel structure for vertical application software development for banking and finance. Expertise: - analysts and consultants with decades of experience in banking and financial business - PM technical people with experience in Banking and Financial sectors SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SOFTWARE - Application software for cooperate function (cooperate communications, customized applications) - Software for banking and financial sectors DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - Banking, insurance, financial services TYPE OF COOPERATION - Commercial Intermediary (Distributor, General Agent, ect.) - General Commercial Assistance - Identification of new customers COMPANY STRENGTHS High Quality Products: - application software for banking and finance ready for use - easy to implement and customizable application software INDEX 26 MAIN ACTIVITY TYPE OF COOPERATION - - Transfer technology or production license - Joint creation of an enterprise or consortium Technical and managerial support for SMEs and entrepreneurs Internationalization of SMEs Access to venture capital Innovative projects involving companies and research centers COMPANY STRENGTHS FONDAZIONE TORINO WIRELESS Via Morosini 19 10128 Torino – ITALY Phone: 0039 011 19501401 Fax: 0039 011 5097323 Contact: Mr. Pasquale Marasco Date of foundation: 2002 Employees: 10 to 20 Status: Government – non-profit Membership: Torino Wireless coordinates the ICT Pole (polo di innovazione ICT) that encompasses more than 70 ICT companies, R&D Center and Universities in Piemonte. Networking: we have specific actions for the companies that are related to our structure R&D Capacity: we have strong links with research centers in the Region, such as Politecnico di Torino, Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, CSP Expertise: business development, finance, technologies SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY HARDWARE - Data processing systems (server, ws, mainframe, notebook, …) SOFTWARE - Software development tools - Software security / quality MULTIMEDIA - Multimedia applications for specific sectors NETWORK - Network management (sw and systems) - Network security & diagnostic MOBILE/BROADCASTING/SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS - Digital broadcast systems (digital TV) - Systems for voice communications (voice technology, voice mail) - Other DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICE - On-line services, ASP - E-commerce - Banking, insurance, financial services MISCELLANEOUS - Contactless/Dual interface cards, transponders - Remote monitoring of telecom sites - Other INDEX 27 MAIN ACTIVITY - REMOTE CONTROLS FOR ANY APPLICATION PC PROGRAMMABLE REMOTE CONTROLS TV MOUNTS AND TV BRACKETS ANTENNAS ANTENNA BOOSTERS AV SENDERS UNIVERSAL REMOTE CONTROLS COMPANY STRENGTHS GBS ELETTRONICA High Quality Products: R&D develops custom made products for reasonable quantities. Leading company in PC programmable remote controls R&D Capacity: 7 fully dedicated people Via Ubaldo Comandini, 35 00173 Rome – ITALY SECTOR Phone: 0039 348 8543636 Fax: 0039 06 7233098 ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY MISCELLANEOUS - Other TYPE OF COOPERATION - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, ect.) - Development of new projects (R&D) Contact: Claudio Calo’ – Export Director Date of foundation: 1978 Turnover: 9 Million Dollar Export: 40% Export destination: Europe, Africa Status: Private INDEX 28 HYMERA ENGINEERING SRL Via Luigi Einaudi, 24 93016 Riesi (CL) – ITALY Phone: 0039 0934 920393 Fax: 0039 0934 087177 Contact: Rocco Di Vita – Project Manager Employees: 30 Status: Mixed MAIN ACTIVITY COMPANY STRENGTHS HYMERA: Hymera represents the evolution of GNU/Linux distributions in terms of usability. Indeed, our purpose was to debunk the myth of difficulties in using Linux-based operating system. Hymera is a Linux-based operating system designed with the purpose to debunk the myth of difficulties in using Linux-based operating systems. Hymera, in all of its versions, provides a software characterized by robustness, versatility, personalization and lower price than comparable proprietary solutions. And that is possible without forgoing a complete and easy to use system with peerless graphics functionalities. Linux architectures standard has so been improved by Hymera innovative features, regardless of your favorite version. HYMERA OPEN: Hymera Open is the free version of Hymera Project. It was designed to facilitate users approach to a linux based system thanks to its innovative interaction model. Our distribution, deriving from Debian and graphic attentive, is aiming to become a reference point for Linux lovers, trying also to catch novice users attention. Hymera Open is a free, safe and complete solution because of its complete application suite that fulfills main customer computer needs. Its greatly user-friendly interface catches the user’s eye, consequently even less expert users can be immediatly operative. In order to avoid cumbersome configuration processes, Hymera Open includes a sophisticated plug-and-play system so you can easily connect plenty of devices to your pc. Hymera instantaneously detects and supports the new hardware. You can use cameras, printers, scanners, MP3 players and much more at once, without the installation of any driver or software. In addition, an active Community stimulates the continuos development of Open project, through our Forum, Wiki and other resources you can find at HYMERA DESKTOP: Hymera Desktop is the Hymera commercial version for desktop users. Including the same software suite as Open version, Hymera Desktop has been designed for users looking for a robust system so they can serenely work. Our desktop operating system facilitates your job executing efficiently all applications you need for your activity. You can easely write, read and print documents, create presentations and spreadsheets or use mail client and web browsers. It provides, indeed, a complete office suite, multimedia applications, tools to surf the net and much more. High Quality Products: Hymera Evolution Hymera Evolution upsets the idea of “portability” of an operating system. Just imagine to have your computer world everywhere: you can startup any pc and have at your disposal your own destkop as if you were at home or at your office. Hymera Evolution is not a live distribution but the greatest materialization of a “crossing platforms” concept for an operating system. Hymera Evolution let you getting away from the idea of a static hardware: the portability the USB flash drive provides is obviously accompanied with advanced technology. Currently Hymera Evolution perfectly run on a wide range of computers, even not too recent, beginning from an usual home pc to a server class pc, from a traditional laptop to modern sub-notebooks and netbooks; Hymera Evolution runs even on Apple. An advanced crossing-platforms concept satisfying both Apple than PC users. This unique technology is realized thanks to a sophisticated hardware detection mechanism. Thus, users can switch computer without renunciation. Hymera Evolution can auto-configure depending on the hardware. Hymera Evolution fits even limited resources providing users a complete environment full of graphic effetcs and all that makes Hymera irresistible. Hymera Evolution: your world in a pocket. Ready everywhere. SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SOFTWARE - Operating systems - Network operating systems - Application software for cooperate function (cooperate communications, customized applications) - Other TELECOMMUNICATIONS/NETWORKING - Network systems and services (optical fiber equipment, microwave equipment, wireless network, …) - Transmission systems (ISDN, Frame Relay, …) TYPE OF COOPERATION - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, ect.) - Development of new projects (R&D) INDEX 29 MAIN ACTIVITY Design, Develop, Sell and Support packaged and custom software applications to enrich and enable the Unified Communications. Indirect business model with more than 100 partners and over 500 resellers worldwide. COMPANY STRENGTHS High Quality Products: A multivendor portfolio for collaboration, convergence and control: Billing & Accounting, IP Fax Server, CTI, IVR, Skype Gateway, MCU, … Specialized suite for Cisco UCM-UCME and Microsoft OCS. Licenses | Trade Marks | Quality Certifications: Cisco Solution Developer Innovative Processes | Services | Products: Light business approach based on software products electronic licensing, web downloadable, designed to operate with Microsoft Windows OS Full support: maintenance and support programs, professional services and product customization Networking: Strong relationships within domestic and international markets R&D Capacity: A team of technology excellence – 10 people Expertise: Multivendor solutions – TDM-VoIP skills CUSTOMER REFERENCES IMAGICLE SPA Via Fondacci, 272 55054 Massarosa (LU) – ITALY Phone: 0039 0584 943232 Fax: 0039 0584 943325 Contact: Bernardo Federigi – Sales Manager Worldwide customers such as BMW, Colgate, GSK, Sky, Geox, Wurth, Coldiretti SECTOR Date of foundation: 2010 – The company was formed by the merger of two companies: Telcen (born in 1983) and Stonevoice (born in 2004) Employees: 31 Turnover: 3 Million Euro Export: 20% Export destination: worldwide international coverage – special focus on EMEA Status: Private ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SOFTWARE - Application software for cooperate function (cooperate communications, customized applications) TYPE OF COOPERATION - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, ect.) - Identification of new customers INDEX 30 INCOMEDIA SRL Via Burolo, 22 10015 Ivrea – ITALY Phone: 0039 0125 253491 Fax: 0039 0125 253491 MAIN ACTIVITY TYPE OF COOPERATION Incomedia is the leading independent developer and publisher of multimedia software for the PC. Founded in 1998, Incomedia is privately owned with operations in Italy, Germany and the UK. - Commercial intermediary - Identification of new customers - Reciprocal/common distribution agreement Incomedia’s flagship product WebSite X5 is currently sold in over 40 countries through a well established network of International distributors, resellers and retailers including FNAC; Media Markt, Carrefour, Interdiscount, Mondadori, Merlin, Wellcome, Manor, Euronics, Office Max, Surcouf, Cultura, Virgin, Media Saturn, Leclerc, Auchan, Champion to name a few. WebSite X5 is available in 18 languages. To date the software has over 200 favourable reviews globally from some of the most respected magazines and websites. As well as being available from many of the world’s most prodigious stores, WebSite X5 and the Incomedia range of software are also available directly from Incomedia website. COMPANY STRENGTHS Contact: Federico Ranfagni – Sales Manager Date of foundation: 1998 Employees: 15 Export: 55% Turnover: 1 – 5 Million Euro Export Destinations: worldwide Status: SME High Quality Products: The award-winning WebSite X5 was developed with the aim of bringing high-end website creation software at affordable prices to home, business and education users. The software is designed specifically for users who want to publish professional look and feel in just 5 easy steps. It is completely visual with users requiring no HTML programming skills; all they need to know is what they want to say and WebSite X5 takes care of the rest. Licenses | Trade Marks | Quality Certifications: WebSite X5 – Incomedia SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SOFTWARE - Software development tools - Application software for cooperate function (cooperate communications, customized applications) DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - E-commerce - Internet services (internet access, search engines) INDEX 31 INTELLISEMANTIC SRL Via Giaglione, 7 10126 Torino – ITALY Phone: 0039 011 5690429 Fax: 0039 011 19790879 MAIN ACTIVITY CUSTOMER REFERENCES 1) IntelliFacet Professional, a search and navigation engine for enterprise document repositories, also tailorable to different kind of verticals, e.g. legal documents: Suitable models for export are: a) Integrating it in a third party content management platform b) Providing it to ICT integrators for specific custom projects c) Distributing it though agents in the form of a appliance tailored to specific verticals (e.g. law, medicine) 2) TraceSense, a categorizer for user generated content in Web 2.0 Suitable models for export are: providing it to Web 2.0 platforms for specific custom projects 3) IntelliPatent,a ASP solution for monitoring worldwide patents Suitable models for export are: a) Directly register to the service, for a annual fee b) Use IntelliPatent as a basis for new solutions in patent knowledge management platform (custom project) 4) Research and development of advanced semantic solutions for multimedia and text, also for EEC founded projects - Media and web industry for custom semantic projects, IntelliFacet and TraceSense - Knowledge intensive industries and professional practices for IntelliFacet - R&D of high tech companies for IntelliPatent SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SOFTWARE - Other (search engine) MULTIMEDIA - Other (search engine and classification) TYPE OF COOPERATION - Commercial Intermediary (Distributor, General Agent, Ect.) - Development of new projects (R&D) - Transfer technology or production license COMPANY STRENGTHS Contact: Alberto Ciaramella – CEO Date of foundation: 2005 Employees: 4 Export: 25% in 2008 Export Destinations: US in 2008 Status: Private High Quality Products: in advanced Web applications Innovative Processes | Services | Products: To ease the search of internet and intranet documents and multimedia by using web 2.0 and semantic solutions in a simple and intuitive way Networking: e-lite research group of the Politecnico di Torino ( for semantic technologies and other research group in North Italy for topics like information retrieval and social applications R&D Capacity: Semantic technologies and applications, knowledge data base (e.g. taxonomies, ontologies) Expertise: Web applications, Web services, Information Retrieval, Open Source Software (Apache Foundation) Memberships: - ICT Innovation Pole - ThinkUp ICT initiative INDEX 32 MAIN ACTIVITY IRION SRL Via Livorno, 60 10144 Torino – ITALY Phone: 0039 011 2257885 Fax: 0039 011 2257799 Contact: Paolo Ciravegna – Business Partner Manager Date of foundation: 2004 Employees: 20 Turnover: 2 Million Euro Status: SME Irion is an innovative Italian ICT company developing and distributing its leading Business Management and Data Quality software, IrionDQ™. IrionDQ™ is an efficient, all-in-one set of processes and controls to guarantee the quality of data used throughout banks, investment management firms and any other organization. The product is capable of reconciling large volumes of data and is unique in that it can simplify the integration of data, promote data quality and ensure more timely compliance and data governance. The integrated set of IrionDQ™ services constitute a single framework supporting reference data, data integration/distribution, data workflow management and even sophisticated high quality reporting services through a virtual data aggregation model. IrionDQ™ has an intuitive user interface oriented to the business analyst who is able to autonomously develop the relevant business rules. As a unique product feature, audit statements can also be produced to reconstruct and justify all the steps of a process fully documenting the logic and data used even including and explaining all the corrections and integrations performed. IrionDQ™ has been successfully deployed in the financial community as its cost-effective, multi-functional tools are capable of supporting the entire data quality management life-cycle. Irion have recently signed a distribution agreement with a primary U.S. based financial software provider who has identified IrionDQ™ as the ideal versatile product to effectively address all the EDM and Investment Data Quality management issues in the U.S. market. We are exploring opportunities for partnership with international added value resellers who can leverage on all the features offered by IrionDQ™ to provide effective and competitive solutions to their financial and corporate clients. switching interfaces, all realized within a single, fully integrated architecture Licenses | Trade Marks | Quality Certifications: IrionDQ™ has been successfully adopted by leading financial institutions among which: IntesaSanpaolo, Banco Popolare, Allianz, UBS Innovative Processes | Services | Products: Unlike the software suites offered by the other vendors, IrionDQ™ provides the only organically grown EIM architecture presently available. All of the IrionDQ™ components have been specifically built to work together within a unified architecture and not as separate standalone products or third party components which are subsequently joined together R&D Capacity: The whole of the IrionDQ™ framework has been developed by Irion whose advanced technical expertise guarantees a continuous product improvement driven by technological advances and markets requirements. Expertise: a motivated team of professional experienced technical developers and analysts with a deep financial expertise and state of the art software development skills. CUSTOMER REFERENCES Banks, Financial Institutions, Investment Management Industry, Utility companies SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SOFTWARE - Software development tools - Application software for cooperate function (cooperate communications, customized applications) - Other DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - Banking, insurance, financial services COMPANY STRENGTHS TYPE OF COOPERATION High Quality Products: The IrionDQ™’s architecture is the result of 5 years of development and of a continuous improvement and enrichment process as its expansion is constantly driven by the clients’ needs. IrionDQ™ today offers a Seamless Integration of ETL, Data Cleansing, Reconciliation, Correction, Enrichment, Reporting, Dashboarding, Analysis and Auditing through a friendly user experience and no need for programming or for - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, etc.) - General commercial assistance - Identification of new customers - Reciprocal/common distribution agreement INDEX 33 ISAAC ROBOT Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 10129 Torino – ITALY Phone: 0039 011 090 7025 Fax: 0039 011 090 7198 Contact: Paolo Montuschi – Director DAUIN, Politecnico di Torino Date of foundation: 2002 Employees: 17 Status: Government – non-profit MAIN ACTIVITY COMPANY STRENGTHS Isaac Team is a group of students of Polytechnic of Turin,which is developing a humanoid robot called “Isaac”, to participate various exhibitions as meetings and competitions, in Italy and abroad. In the past Isaac participated in international events: SMAU in 2003, 2004 and 2006, Freestyle RoboCup 2003 in Padua, RoboCup 2004 in Lisbon, RoboCup 2005 in Osaka, CeBIT 2007 and others in Italy. The main goal for Isaac is the RoboCup 2011, the international championship of robotic football. Isaac Robot was born to improve its performance in industrial sectors where robots are really useful for society and firms interests. Isaac Team was born in 2002 and nowadays develops the main knowledges in mechanics, software and electronic. R&D Capacity: Our team was created to build a humanoid robot to participate various exhibitions. The goal over time is to increase and improve the practical knowledge of generations of mechanics, electronics and informatics students. Expertise: Members are students of Polytechnic of Turin prone to practical-application approaches of their courses. Their experience is complemented by highly competent lecturers in robotics. MECHANICS: The main goal is to realize a biped robot able to play a match of robotic soccer. This would crafted alluminum alloy and less sensitive to stress, high ratio of weight / power. SOFTWARE: Design of artificial intelligence restricted search algorithms shortest path algorithms, interpolation and sequencing angles algorithms for realtime acquisition sensors and interface devices SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY HARDWARE - Hw implementation and peripheral (terminal, boards, printers, …) SOFTWARE - Other MULTIMEDIA - Multimedia applications for specific sectors MOBILE | BROADCASTING | SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS - Systems for voice communications (voice technology, voice mail) TYPE OF COOPERATION ELECTRONIC: Design and manufacture power supplies, control boards DC motors, capture boards of various sorts of sensors oriented to portable application (low consumption and high efficiency) The robot movements are managed by the embedded computer PC104, connected to two motor boards ATMEL ATMEGA32, with six drives each. There are twelve DC engines in the lower body, six for each leg (2 per foot, 1 per knee, 3 per hip), that are connected by cables at the drives of the motor boards. Four sensor boards acquire data from many devices: ten encoders connected to engines; eight strain gauge, that transpose the pression on feet, allowing to calculate Zero Moment Point (ZMP); an accelerometer. - Development of new projects (R&D) - Other INDEX 34 MAIN ACTIVITY LABORATORI DI INFORMATICA APPLICATA SRL Science and Technology Park of Sardinia, Edificio 2 – Loc. Piscinamanna 09010 Pula (CA) – ITALY Phone: 0039 070 2345 219 Fax: 0039 070 2345 215 Contact: Giuseppe Capasso – CEO Date of foundation: 2007 Employees: 6 Turnover 2007: < 1 Million Euro Export: 20% Export Destinations: USA Status: Private, Government – non-profit L.I.A Srl has been providing Technology services to business and government since 1999. L.I.A.’s success is founded on providing its clients consistent, reliable services in staffing and projects onsite, offsite and offshore. These services include all areas of IT, business analysis, project management, development, testing and integration of complex systems. We specializes in supporting retail, government, healthcare, bioinformatics, financial services, travel and manufacturing industries. L.I.A. addresses client needs to reduce costs and improve delivery efficiencies by leveraging its global presence. We offer comprehensive offshore software development and maintenance services in collaboration with our sister company, I-Link Software (Pvt) Ltd., located in Bangalore, India and e-ASG Inc located in Berwyn, PA 19312. We provides high quality offshore IT staffing, full-cycle development and maintenance solutions. L.I.A.also pursues R&D in the fields of bioinformatics and medical diagnostics, web-based solutions for remote work (also employing 3D and augmented reality technologies), and external quality control solutions for molecular biology labs and molecular diagnostics. COMPANY STRENGTHS High Quality Products: 1. HomoGen: a web-based bio-bank containing personal and family medical histories and clinical, biochemical, environmental and lifestyle data on multifactorial disease patients and healthy controls. 2. EQC System ++: Software for external quality management programmes in Molecular Biology. 3. Virtual Magazine: this is a web 2.0 Content Management System entirely designed for molecular data quality. 4. BioChip Reader Software: micro-slide scanning software using advanced image processing and adaptive pattern recognition techniques. 5. Walton: a prototype of shared, multi-user integrated 3D network platform for collaborative work, including communication, resource sharing and e-learning tools. Envision Series is an advanced, full web-based ERP system, designed for US public sector organization, easily adaptable by means of VisualAge PacBase. This system was awarded the IBM Excellence Solution Award. Innovative Processes | Services | Products: Development of bioinformatics methods for identifying the genetic and environmental causes of multifactorial diseases, creation of a web bio-bank collecting data from the biological samples (DNA, mononuclear cells and plasma) of healthy controls and patients suffering from the most widespread complex diseases found in the Ogliastra region of Sardinia, and the development of applications for searching out associations between alleles-markers and diseases. Study of innovative applications for remote control of molecular diagnostics devices. Analysis and design of complex database architectures, multi-level architecture web-based systems based on open-source technology, Microsoft and Unix, using agile engineering and development tools. Numerical calculation techniques for studying and developing low-complexity, dynamic and recursive algorithms and data structures. Analysis of massive heterogeneous datasets through data-mining techniques such as neural networks, decision trees, inductive algorithms. R&D Capacity: L.I.A. pursues R&D in the fields of bioinformatics and medical diagnostics, web-based solutions for remote work (also employing 3D and augmented reality technologies), e-learning solutions, molecular diagnostics, and external quality control solutions for molecular biology labs. Expertise: providing consistent, reliable services in staffing and projects onsite, offsite and offshore,. Services include all areas of IT, business analysis, project management, development, testing and integration of complex systems Development of bioinformatics methods for identifying the genetic and environmental causes of multifactorial diseases, creation of a web bio-bank collecting data from the biological samples (DNA, mononuclear cells and plasma) of healthy controls and patients suffering from the most widespread complex diseases found in the Ogliastra region of Sardinia, and the development of applications for searching out associations between alleles-markers and diseases. Study of innovative applications for remote control of molecular diagnostics devices. Construction of a simulator demonstrating the logical-functional feasibility of a space experiment developed using Z notation, Hood, Ada. Analysis and design of complex database architectures, multi-level architecture web-based systems based on open-source technology, Microsoft and Unix, using agile engineering and development tools. Numerical calculation techniques for studying and developing low-complexity, dynamic and recursive algorithms and data structures. Analysis of massive heterogeneous datasets through data-mining techniques such as neural networks, decision trees, inductive algorithms. Design and management of complex computer networks, distributed systems, real time and critical. Techniques and instruments for software engineering and system integration. CUSTOMER REFERENCES Retail, government, healthcare, bioinformatics, financial services, the travel industry and manufacturing. SECTOR SOFTWARE - Application software for cooperate function (cooperate communications, customized applications) | - Other MOBILE/BROADCASTING/SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS - Videocommunication systems(videoconference) - Systems for voice communications (voice technology, voice mail) DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - On-line services, ASP - E-learning - E-money - Internet services (internet access, search engines) - Help-desk, housing fully equipped sites,call center - Banking, insurance, financial services - Other TYPE OF COOPERATION - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, ect.) Development of new projects (r&dt) Direct Investments Joint creation of an enterprise or consortium Financial participation Development Of New Products INDEX 35 LTT SRL Via Livorno 60, 10144 Torino – ITALY MAIN ACTIVITY SECTOR LTT designees and realizes products and services based on RF-ID in HF frequency. ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY HARDWARE - Other SOFTWARE - Other MISCELLANEOUS - Contactless/Dual interface cards, transponders Our main products are: - OPEN: access control solutions from the stand alone device to the centralized system - SIMSA: an integrated monitoring, safety and access control system for maintenance workers - B-Rent: a bike sharing system - PROXY: a complete family of OEM RF-ID proximity readers from the simple antenna to the complete autonomous terminal For our products we are looking for local distributors. LTT has in add great experiences in projects and services based on automatic identification for: - Track and trace in industrial production - Logistics - Asset management - Library management systems For our services we are looking for local partners. COMPANY STRENGTHS Phone: 0039 011 2258071 Fax: 0039 011 2258079 Contact: Gianluca De Cantis – Marketing Date of foundation: 2006 Employees: 2 Turnover: 180,000 Euro TYPE OF COOPERATION - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, etc.) Identification of new customers Direct investments Financial participation High Quality Products: all hw components are internally designed and realized. This permits cost reduction and elevate flexibility Innovative Processes | Services | Products: high customization Networking: strong partnership with Microsoft embedded certified sw producer R&D Capacity: great experiences in hw and firmware R&D Expertise: The management has a 20 years experience in electronics and has an high skill in logistics solutions CUSTOMER REFERENCES Building automation suppliers, System integrators in industrial processes, Access control security system installers, Maintenance management in plants INDEX 36 MEMOPAL SRL Via Nepal, 29 00194 Rome – ITALY Phone: 0039 06 90254250 Contact: Marco Trombetti – CEO Date of foundation: 2007 Employees: 12 Export: 70% Export destination: Worldwide Status: SME MAIN ACTIVITY TYPE OF COOPERATION Memopal is the number 1 Online Backup provider in Europe. It’s a free online backup and storage software package that archives files from Windows, Mac and Linux computers in real-time, on remote servers. It doesn’t matter how many times you change computer: you will always know where your data is. With Memopal you can browse through your files from any PC connected to the Internet or from mobile phones, such as iPhones, BlackBerrys, Nokia or Android. You can send files that are too big for e-mail, even from your mobile, without having to download the original file: the recipient will receive a message with a link to download it. Memopal performs backups automatically, hassle free, and with total respect for your privacy. - Transfer technology or production license - Reciprocal/common distribution agreement - Identification of new customers COMPANY STRENGTHS Innovative Processes | Services | Products: Memopal is certainly much different from traditional backup systems. It is also different from other online backup systems. It is our objective to create a highly accessible storage technology for the lowest cost per GB. We think it is important to protect your data, but it is equally important for us to allow you to access, share and organize it easily. Memopal Global File System is the archiving technology created and used by Memopal. MGFS is a distributed file system, designed to be highly reliable, scalable and at the lowest cost per GB possible. MGFS features: - Up to 100 million Terabytes - Up to 1015 Files - Transparent Read-Write Compression - Transparent Cipher - Native Indexing - Hot-Add Scalability - Native Hardware Health Monitoring SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - On-line services, ASP INDEX 37 MICRONTEL SPA MAIN ACTIVITY TYPE OF COOPERATION Microntel manufactures and distributes access control & security, time and attendance and shop floor data collection systems. Such systems are provided at both hardware and software levels, with state-of-the art tailored solutions aimed at meeting the customer’s needs and specifications. The aim of Microntel is to expand its customer range to selected foreign countries, by means of partners that are capable to provide both commercial and technical support to its end users. Potential partners are system integrators, distributors of security products (especially in the access control industry), providers of HR or payroll systems (in the time and attendance realm). - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, ect.) - General commercial assistance - Identification of new customers COMPANY STRENGTHS Via Umbria, 13 10099 San Mauro Torinese – ITALY Phone: 0039 011 2234811 Fax: 0039 011 2234843 Contact: Alberto Stefano Revelli – Export and Foreign Relations Manager Date of foundation: 1986 Employees: 40 Turnover: 4 Million Euro Export Destinations: Poland, Spain, Switzerland Export: 15% Status: SME High Quality Products: Each product is styled and Made in Italy Licenses/Trade Marks/Quality Certifications: ISO 9001:2000, UE, UL, Web-based patented software Innovative Processes | Services | Products: Breakthrough technology GPRS-based data collection panels R&D Capacity: Complete in-house hardware, firmware and software development Expertise: More than 20 years of experience in the data collection industry CUSTOMER REFERENCES Over 3500, including such renowned brands as Siemens, Ferrero, Brembo, Martini, Bridgestone, PKP, Yamaha, Pininfarina, and a high number of universities, hospitals, chambers of commerce and institutions. SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY HARDWARE - Hw implementation and peripheral (terminal, boards, printers, …) SOFTWARE - Access Control - Other INDEX 38 MAIN ACTIVITY MOONWAY.IT Didit is a new multimedia kiosk for digital interactive information and digital advertising; The particular applications and the technologies make it an innovative tool of content management. Didit is studied to get the maximum vision, with the minimum effort, easy setup thanks to the plug and play system. The platform permits to manage all device and updating from a remote location thru internet or in wi-fi lan. The Vertical screen integrates easily interaction between human being and Machine. The touch screen add-on gives easy access to several function. The Bluetooth device can send text messages Info, maps, videos, games, commercial. COMPANY STRENGTHS Via Gavinana, 6 21052 Busto Arsizio – ITALY Phone: 0039 0331 323650 Fax: 0039 0331 630496 MOBILE / BROADCASTING / SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS - Mobile communications systems (smart cards, cordless mobile terminals) DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - On-line services, ASP - E-commerce MISCELLANEOUS - Contactless/Dual interface cards, transporters TYPE OF COOPERATION - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, etc.) Development of new projects (R&DT) Identification of new customers Reciprocal/common distribution agreement High quality products: Didit interactive kiosk series, interactive Table, Ice screen, software Didit manager; Led Innovative Processes | Services | Products: Didit kiosck, system integrator, technology advertising CUSTOMER REFERENCES Contact: Erika Riviello – New Business Sales manager Date of foundation: 2002 Employees: 16 Export: 20% Export Destinations: Europe, USA, South America, Asia Status: SME Government & Public Offices, Exhibition & Convention Hall, School & Academy, Airports and Station, Hospital & Hotel, Multinational companies, Shopping malls, Advertising agencies, Proximity Marketing Company – Cruise ship SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY HARDWARE - Data processing systems (server, ws, mainframe, notebook,…) - Hw implementation and peripheral (terminal, boards, printers,…) SOFTWARE - Operating systems - Application software for cooperate function (cooperate communications, customized applications) TELECOMMUNICATIONS / NETWORKING - Connectivity tools - Bluetooth systems and sw INDEX 39 NEATEC SPA Via XX Settembre, 160 07041 Alghero – ITALY MAIN ACTIVITY SECTOR Neatec has been in the IT industry for over 20 years. It offers value added services that help to improve operational processes of their customers. It invests in technology research and technological innovation and it deals with activities related to software design/ development, technology consulting, education & training. Neatec has developed a prototype, called iSafe, to support work safety based on the Ambient Intelligence concept. It can detect complex user defined situations in a multimodal context and associate particular actions by means of a visual development platform. iSafe offers many features such as motion tracking, abandoned/ removed object detection, human/object recognition. The company is looking for investors and collaboration with potential customers to field testing iSafe in specific situations. SOFTWARE - Software engineering tools (CASE, …) - Software development tools - Software security / quality - Application software for cooperate function (cooperate communications, customized applications) DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - On-line services, ASP MISCELLANEOUS - Software migration COMPANY STRENGTHS Phone: 0039 079 988383 Fax: 0039 079 9893114 Contact: Mr. Locci Date of foundation: 1989 Employees: 160 Turnover 2007: 6,482,700 Euro Export Destinations: Europe Status: Private TYPE OF COOPERATION - Development of new projects (R&DT) Identification of new customers Financial participation Development of new products Licenses | Trade Marks | Quality Certifications: - UNI EN ISO9001- Vision 2000 - SA8000 - Social Accountability certified - Microsoft Gold certified partner R&D Capacity: Accredited as a research center by the “M.I.U.R.” (Italian Ministry of Education Universities and Research) and by the “Regione Campania” Expertise: ICT CUSTOMER REFERENCES Alenia Aeronautica, Cira, Elsag, Enel, Telecom, Napoletana gas, Regione Campania, San, Atitech (Alitalia Group), Equitalia, (Metropolitana di Roma), RFI (Rete Ferroviaria Italiana), Nato, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Università degli studi di Cagliari, T Systems, Accenture, Tirrenia Navigazione. Membership: Member of United Nations Global Contact initiative INDEX 40 PROSSIMA ISOLA SRL Via Castelsardo, 2 07100 Sassari (SS) – ITALY Phone: 0039 079 9576208 Fax: 0039 079 9570695 Contact: Marcello Orizi, Daniele Idini MAIN ACTIVITY CUSTOMER REFERENCES Prossima Isola aims to be an incubator of ideas and new talents. By covering the whole development process from fund raising to service coding and deployment, Prossima Isola is able to pick the best trends and the smartest ideas “in the wild” and then bring them to life in an agile and effective way. Prossima Isola acts mainly as a self-sufficient factory, being focused on continuous empowerment of its internal skills. The core design and development are always in charge to the internal staff, in order to keep a strict control over the quality of coding and testing processes. This is actually how we built the WhereIsNow services. WhereIsNow is an innovative concept in data management, that allow users to find always the latest version of a given datum. Generic search engines are great in finding information and documents but they are often unable to tell whether the data contained in that document is still valid or has been overridden by a new modified version. WhereIsNow ties every registered information to a key pair, identifying the publisher of the document and the document itself. Every time a new version of the document is released or published WhereIsNow tells the users where to find it. No more stumbling around, no more Internet crawling, no more errors. Just a direct link to the information you really need. WhereIsNow works with every kind of document: Office, OpenOffice, pdf, web pages and even your address book with Hive.Now, the new WhereIsNow application for mobile phones. Aduno, Viseca, Sardegna Ricerche, Università degli studi di Sassari, ACI Sport, Elettronica Professionale SECTOR SOFTWARE - Software development tools MULTIMEDIA - Multimedia applications for specific sectors DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - E-commerce - Internet services (internet access, search engines) TYPE OF COOPERATION - Development of new projects (R&DT) Identification of new customers Direct investments Joint creation of an enterprise or consortium Financial participation Development of new products COMPANY STRENGTHS Date of foundation: 2008 Employees: 8 Turnover 2007: 96,000 Euro Export: 10% Export Destinations: Switzerland Status: Mixed High Quality Products: WhereIsNow ™ Licenses | Trade Marks | Quality Certifications: WhereIsNow ™ International patent pending (PCT), Trade Mark in the following countries (EU,USA, China, Russia, India, Swiss, Japan, Italy) Innovative Processes | Services | Products: WhereIsNow ™, Abbuydda R&D Capacity: we collaborate with University, Sardegna Ricerche and other innovative companies. INDEX 41 MAIN ACTIVITY REALT SISTEMI SRL Viale Venezia 7, 37131 Verona – ITALY Phone: 0039 045 8403277 Fax: 0039 045 8489511 Contact: Guglielmo Rodio Date of foundation: 2008 Employees: 5 Status: Private RealT SISTEMI is a Regional ISV specialized in Software Development and Systems Integration through the implementation of Service-Oriented Architectures. RealT SISTEMI began his activities in 2008 with the aim of support its customers to turning client vision into results, providing valuable, strong and reliable IT solutions, even in complex environments. RealT SISTEMI provides companies with a full range of services to integrate business fully with technology, through a complete offer of support in the consultancy, systems integration and software development areas, capable of addressing all market sectors with vertical solutions. COMPANY STRENGTHS High Quality Products: ARCONTE Innovative Processes | Services | Products: SOA R&D Capacity: 2p Expertise: Finance, Industry SECTOR SOFTWARE - Application software for cooperate function (cooperate communications, customized applications) DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - On-line services, ASP - Internet services (internet access, search engines) - Banking, insurance, financial services MISCELLANEOUS - Software migration TYPE OF COOPERATION - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, ect.) General commercial assistance Reciprocal/common distribution agreement Joint creation of an enterprise or consortium Financial participation INDEX 42 MAIN ACTIVITY Project, research and development business continuity solutions based on innovative licensed cluster hardware technology. This technology allow user to get an high reliability cluster system with same complexity, in terms of installation and management, of a single server. Solutions based on cluster hardware technology cost up to 50% less than traditional cluster solution. COMPANY STRENGTHS REVEN.GE SRL Via Sansovino, 217 10151 Torino – ITALY Phone: 0039 011 737000 Fax: 0039 011 4543067 Contact: Umberto Dalporto – CEO High quality products: high reliability solutions are based on electronic devices that we develop and produce in italy – all these solutions integrate intel or amd standard components to ensure easy installation and management Licenses | Trade Marks | Quality Certifications: iso 9001 company certification, cluster hardware technology licensed in europe states Innovative Processes | Services | Products: innovative cluster hardware solutions for business continuity needs Networking: good skill to project, install and maintain network system R&D capacity: excellent skill to develop project based on hardware system Expertise: hardware system r&d CUSTOMER REFERENCES Dalmine tenaris, Rai, Italian army, Smb companies SECTOR Date of foundation: 1995 Employees: 10 Turnover: 3 Million Euro Export: 3% Export Destinations: Europe Status: SME ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY HARDWARE - Data processing systems (server, ws, mainframe, notebook, …) TYPE OF COOPERATION - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, ect.) - Identification of new customers Membership: Thinkup, Torino Wireless polo ict, Afcea, Intel esaa INDEX 43 SARDEGNA RICERCHE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY PARK Località Piscinamanna, Edificio 2 09010 Pula (Ca) – ITALY Phone: 0039 070 92431 Fax: 0039 070 92432203 Contact: Valter Songini – External Relations and Marketing Manager Date of foundation: 2003 Employees: 60 Status: Government – non-profit MAIN ACTIVITY COMPANY STRENGTHS Sardegna Ricerche is the Regional Government’s Agency tasked with promoting technological development in the island. Sardegna Ricerche created and currently manages Polaris, the Local Science & Technology Park. Polaris has two centres: 1. The Head Office is located in Pula, in the Sulcis Nature Park, with 160 hectares of parkland and 25,000 m2 of built area, just 30 minutes from Cagliari and its international airport. 2. The local branch is located in Alghero-Tramariglio, in the northwestern coast of Sardinia, on 3.5 hectares of parkland, with 10,000 m2 of built area. It is managed by the Porto Conte Ricerche Company. At the present time, Polaris hosts 69 research institutes and companies, with more than 500 people, working in the fields of Information and Communication Technologies, Biomedicine, Bioinformatics and Renewable energy sources. Park tenants include the research unit of major national and foreign companies, such as IBM, Engineering, Nice, Centro Sviluppo materiali (CSM). Over 80 million Euro have been granted by the national and regional governments to support the development of Sardegna DistrICT and Sardegna Biovalley, the two technology clusters focused on ICT and Life Sciences. The development of Sardegna DistICT leverages on the setup of 9 Technology Labs. They consist of state-of-the-art scientific equipment, laboratories and instruments, and high-level scientific know-how, organised for shared use by several enterprises or projects. One of the strength of Polaris is the presence of CRS4, the supercomputing research centre which, under the leadership of Nobel Laureate Carlo Rubbia and Prof. Paolo Zanella, in the early 1990s created the first Italian website and made L’Unione Sarda the first Italian newspaper to go online in Italy. CRS4 was a key driver of ICT development in Sardinia, paving the way to the creation of leading companies, the flag-bearer being Tiscali. Today CRS4 has more than 150 researchers and run one of the most powerful computing cluster in Italy (40 TeraFlops and 1 PetaByte of disk space). CRS4 pursues R&D and innovation in the following sectors: ICTs, biomedicine and bioinformatics, energy and the environment, scientific imaging, simulation and modelling. SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY TYPE OF COOPERATION - Development of new projects (R&DT) - Direct investments THE 9 LABS: 1. Open Media Center Lab 2. Collaborative TV Lab 3. Tele-microscopy Lab 4. GeoWeb Lab 5. Open Source Software Lab 6. Digital Format Lab 7. ICTs for Medicine Lab 8. 3D Visualization Lab 9. Ambient Intelligence Lab INDEX 44 MAIN ACTIVITY DISTRICT LAB OF SARDEGNA RICERCHE Località Piscinamanna, Edificio 2 09010 Pula (Ca) – ITALY Sardegna DistrICT, the ICT district of Sardinia, was set up to foster collaboration between public or private research centres and high tech companies, through the creation of an integrated system for innovation and competitiveness. Laboratories composing the DistrICT focus on the following innovation services: a) Creation of new products and services introducing significant novelty in terms of functional performance, compared with the current market offer b) Adoption of new technologies, developed by the company or acquired from third parties c) Innovation or reorganisation of corporate processes, in order to achieve substantial improvements in product/service quality/quantity or in process efficiency/efficacy Open source software lab Management and creation of open source projects in the field of education, public administration and business management Prototype and new digital format production lab Projects in the field of the new media, helping companies upgrade their offer in terms of format diversity, interactivity and creativity SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY COMPANY STRENGTHS Phone: 0039 070 92431 Fax: 0039 070 92432203 Contact: Francesca Murru – Top business director Flavia Marzano – Project manager Date of foundation: 2008 Employees: 40 Status: Government – non-profit Innovative Processes | Services | Products: The district includes nine technology labs, which are open places for collaboration between companies and the research and innovation system. Ambient intelligence lab Focus: Wireless, mobile, and surveillance systems, biometric technologies, RFID GeoWeb and mobile user experience lab Synergy between GPS, Web and geo-referenced data ICTs for medicine lab Clinical applications and visual analysis for pre-surgery and surgery Industrial telemicroscopy lab Web-based network for remote sharing of resources; in particular, scanning electron microscopes Collaborative multiplatform TV programme production Test of technologies, applications and services for the production, personalisation and distribution of multimedia content Acquisition, distribution and visualisation of complex 3D models 3D scanning technologies, digital storage and distribution of massive 3D models, editing, visualisation and 3D printing Open media-center lab Domestic media center platform, based on open source software and standard hardware INDEX 45 MAIN ACTIVITY TECNICK.COM SRL Via Della Pace, 11 09044 Quartucciu (CA) – ITALY Phone: 0039 338 6191292 Contact: Nicola Asuni Date of foundation: 2000 Employees: 1 Export: 50% Export Destinations: Worldwide Status: SME S.r.l. is a Software Company in the business of providing Software applications and components, consulting and IT services. is committed to the developing of better platform-independent and Accessible software solutions. We make sure that our clients have what they need to run their businesses in the best possible way, with the maximum efficiency and reliability. The actual product lineup is composed by several Web applications and components. Some of these products, winners of several awards, can be freely downloaded from the major Open Source Websites. Important applications includes: TCExam ( is a technological solution (CBA – Computer-Based Assessment) to drastically simplify the evaluation process for schools, universities, recruiting firms as well as private and public companies, allowing professors, teachers and examiners to create, distribute and manage exams, tests, surveys and quizzes. TCPDF ( is a PHP class for generating PDF documents that includes support for UTF-8 Unicode and Right-ToLeft languages. It is one of the most used PHP libraries of the world, because it is already included on the most popular PHPbased CMS and applications. ( is an integrated system for business management (accounting) of GAS Stations. It is designed to simplify and speed up all operations required for the proper functioning of a GAS Station: loading and unloading of fuel and lubricants, product sales, goods and invoices, delivery and filing of electronic documents, cash closures, statistics and fiscal registers. High Quality Products: TCPDF ( – PHP Class for PDF, TCExam ( – Computer-Bases Assessment, ( – Accounting System for Fuel Stations, and several Java applet components. Innovative Processes | Services | Products: Our Web-based applications are independent from HW/SW platform, independent from spoken language (full I18N support), and conforms W3C-WAI Accessibility specifications. R&D Capacity: 30% of annual revenues invested in R&D Expertise: Web-based applications and services, Web Accessibility and Usability, Software Internationalization and Localization (I18N). CUSTOMER REFERENCES Several important Universities around the world and private companies. SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY HARDWARE - Data processing systems (server, ws, mainframe, notebook, …) SOFTWARE - Application software for cooperate function (cooperate communications, customized applications) - Other: Web-based software DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - On-line services, ASP - E-learning - Other: Computer-Based Assessment MISCELLANEOUS - Other: custom development COMPANY STRENGTHS TYPE OF COOPERATION is mainly an Open Source Company, currently listing 22 Open Source Software solutions. Our software typically focuses on Web Accessibility and performance, running on inexpensive industry-standard boxes, further lowering overall costs. The Software solutions of are currently implemented by several thousands developers and used by millions of people around the world. - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, ect.) General commercial assistance Transfer technology or production license Identification of new customers Joint Venture Agreement INDEX 46 MAIN ACTIVITY A 3-year project of the Torino Chamber of commerce. THINK UP – ADVANCED ICT SOLUTIONS FROM TORINO PIEMONTE Corso Regio Parco 27/29 10152 Torino – ITALY Phone: 0039 011 6700699 Fax: 0039 011 6965456 Technical partners: - Centro Estero per l’Internazionalizzazione – Piemonte Agency for Investments, Export and Tourism ( - CSI-Piemonte ( - Torino Wireless Foundation ( The main aim of Think Up is to establish new business customized opportunities abroad for the most innovative Piedmontese companies involved in ICT sectors. Clusters of excellence: security, intelligent transport systems, telecommunications, industrial automation, home & building automation, e-government, ERP, finance, e-health, multimedia Think Up companies are selected to meet your needs with Innovation, R&D, competitiveness and quality. SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Contact: Rosanna Viola – Project Manager INDEX 47 MAIN ACTIVITY TORINO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Via S. Francesco da Paola, 24 10123 Torino – ITALY Phone: 0039 011 5716365 Fax: 0039 011 5716369 Contact: Francesca Natale – Export Department Employees: 101 to 500 Status: Government – non-profit The Torino Chamber of Commerce is a public institution. The mission of the Chamber is to foster the growth of local economy and enhance it through effective and targeted initiatives, speaking on behalf of more than 230,000 companies working in the Province and filed in the Torino Chamber of Commerce’s Registrar of Enterprises. The Torino Chamber of Commerce promotes the local excellencies abroad with a focus on the hi-tech sectors such as automotive, aerospace, IT, nanotech and biotech. In order to foster technology transfer, the Torino Chamber of Commerce coordinates and manages ALPS Consortium, a contact point of the Enterprise Europe Network, which is present in more than 40 countries. Furthermore the Chamber can count on a proprietor network of foreign offices based in Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean Area, Asia and America. The Torino Chamber of Commerce provides both local and foreign companies interested in international cooperation with a full range of services, most of them free of charge: - training; - access to local and national financing; - support on EU schemes, research projects, legislation and policies; - IPR services; - identification and promotion of technology/commercial company profiles; - advisory services on international trade; - reliability analysis on both local and foreign potential partners; - organization of both incoming and outgoing trade missions; - organization and participation in international technology brokerage and b2b events; - data and statistics about the local economy. ICT is one of the sectors supported by the Torino Chamber of Commerce: in fact, in Piemonte the ICT sector is considerably important, counting for 3-4% of the gross regional product. Piemonte – which counts over 13,000 companies and 90,000 employees in the ICT sector – has seen the birth of Italian cinema, television, telephones, computers, Mpeg and Mp3, and of leading companies like Olivetti, Telecom Italia, Vodafone, Infostrada, Seat. Three major universities and an extensive network of post-graduate schools provide skilled young people. Piemonte is the Italian region with the highest share of private R&D expenditure, investing over 1.7% of its GDP in innovation. Over 200 research centres are located in the region, including the Telecom Italia Lab, the Fiat Research Centre (CRF), the Rai (national broadcasting company), Research & Technology Innovation Centre, Metrology Institute Colonnetti, Electrotechnic Institute Galileo Ferraris, CSI Piemonte (Consortium for the Information System), CSP information and Communication Technology Research Centre, and many others. Piemonte is Italy’s second region in terms of number of telecommunications operators, it is also one of the areas with the highest density of fibre optic cables. The Torino Chamber of Commerce supports and promotes the ICT sector through the Think-up Project (, with the technical participation of Piemonte Agency for Investments, Export and Tourism (, CSIPiemonte ( and Torino Wireless Foundation ( SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY INDEX 48 MAIN ACTIVITY The constant research in developing original solution, capable to link esthetical experience with strong functionality attitudes, drives our projecting orientation from more than twelve years. Totem, according to these parameters, works for himself, for his partner and his customer to create satisfying custom solutions. Thanks to his partnerships, to the accurate selection of materials and his experience in kiosk designing, Totem provide a complete steel indoor and outdoor kiosk line; Outdoor innovative accessible, solution, Information point, payment station, digital signage, custom project, everywhere our products leaves their touch for innovation, quality, advanced technology and sophisticated engineering. Totem has been designing and manufacturing informative kiosk for over 15 years; today, our products range is wide and complete in order to answer effectively to every specific request: indoor kiosk, outdoor kiosk, informative solution, payment stations, internet point and wide experience in providing any kind of customized solution. What makes our kiosks unique, lies in the constant research of elegance and simplicity of form, which is the trademark of our kiosks and meets his highest expression in our innovative solutions for digital signage kiosk. COMPANY STRENGTHS TOTEM SRL Via Sicilia 51/a 56035 Perignano (PI) – ITALY Phone: 0039 0587 618557 Fax: 0039 0587 618869 Contact: Stefano De Liso Date of foundation: 1995 Employees: 6 Export: 3% Export Destinations: Europe High quality products: 15 years experience in design and engineering outdoor and indoor interactive kiosks Licenses | Trade Marks | Quality Certifications: Every kiosk model has been CE certified Innovative Processes | Services | Products: Access and control management system throw rfid reader, infrared sensor or weight analisys, have recently found more and more application in different areas: The task of hosting the devices to support the management and regulation of access is increasingly being delegated to an interactive kiosk. Totem achieves specific solutions currently in use in different environments; V.M.S. is the advanced visitor management system by TOTEM; Visitor identification process, actually, requires time and resources, VMS introduces a new concept of handling visitor identification, badge issuing, data memorization and badge retiring ensuring high level of privacy and security in the whole process; This new economical kiosk based integrated system has been developed to relieve employees involvement and to guarantee a significant reduction of visitor waiting, so as to permit a more rational use of human resources saving time and money. CUSTOMER REFERENCES - Ferrero Spa Ansaldo energia Spa Piaggio Ve Spa Nuovo Pignone Spa SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY HARDWARE - Hw implementation and peripheral (terminal, boards, printers,…) TELECOMMUNICATIONS / NETWORKING - Public network (optical fiber transmission systems, optical multiplexing, …) - Connectivity tools MOBILE / BROADCASTING / SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS - Mobile communications systems (smart cards, cordless mobile terminals) DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - On-line services, ASP - E-commerce MISCELLANEOUS - Other TYPE OF COOPERATION - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, etc.) INDEX 49 MAIN ACTIVITY TYPE OF COOPERATION TOWNET is a leader in wireless broadband network solutions offering extremely reliable and highly performing products. Since 2003 the company produces ISM band radio appliances and accessories to ensure the best solution for business and residential broadband access, public administrations, Hot Spot distribution, public safety, corporate VPNs and high quality telephony VoIP. - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, ect.) Development of new projects (R&D) Identification of new customers Reciprocal/common distribution agreement Direct investments Joint creation of an enterprise or consortium Financial participation Development of new products COMPANY STRENGTHS TOWNET SRL High Quality Products: HiperLAN products, radius authentication software SECTOR Via Dei Finale, 20 61043 Cagli PU – ITALY Phone: 0039 0721 797396 Fax: 0039 0721796182 Contact: Daniele D’Alba Date of foundation: 2003 Employees: 7 Export Destinations: Worldwide Status: Mixed ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SOFTWARE - Application software for cooperate function (cooperate communications, customized applications) TELECOMMUNICATIONS/NETWORKING - Network systems and services (optical fiber equipment, microwave equipment, wireless network, …) NETWORK - Network management (sw and systems) MOBILE/BROADCASTING/SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS - Broadcast equipment and services DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - On-line services, ASP LAN/WAN - Router - Gateway MISCELLANEOUS - IP network design solutions - Remote monitoring of telecom sites INDEX 50 MAIN ACTIVITY Tzente is the Official Maintainer of jAPS 2.0 Open Source project ( Tzente business model is entirely based on Open Source approach and provides professional support, training and custom development on jAPS 2.0 Platform and its certified versions (jAPS 2.0 Certified Edition). Tzente wants to create a network of partner organizations (System Integrators, Solution/OEM, R&D centres, Technology partners) structured as an “ecosystem” where the requirements to access, roles and benefits are well defined. Tzente provides support to Partners on all the life cycle of a project based on jAPS 2.0 Platform. TZENTE SRL Viale Elmas, 142 09122 Cagliari – ITALY Phone: 0039 070 240053 Fax: 0039 070 240053 Contact: Roberta Quaresima – Sales Manager Date of foundation: 2009 Employees: 20 Status: SME COMPANY STRENGTHS High Quality Products: jAPS 2.0 is a professional “Enterprise Accessible Information Platform” that makes easier aggregation, publishing, access, customization and integration of services, information, processes and resources. jAPS 2.0 goal is to break down the digital barriers making easier access to information even to people with different disabilities. The Platform is compatible, for both front end and back office, with accessibility international standards like WCAG 2.0, Section 508 and other specific laws such as “9 January 2004, n.4” Italian Law. jAPS 2.0 Platform allows to create innovative solutions oriented to services and users collaboration: website, collaboration platform, intranet, extranet, content enabled vertical applications and more. Enterprise Portal, CMS and application framework in a unique accessible platform. Licenses | Trade Marks | Quality Certifications: jAPS 2.0 Community Edition is an Open Source Product with GPL V2 License. jAPS 2.0 Certified Edition (Basic, Professional, Enterprise) offers the most recent stable version of the product, guaranteeing ongoing long-term support with a combined subscription and support package. Innovative Processes | Services | Products: We use an “agile” process model in software development. We manage complex projects, ensuring high level of quality in software life cycle and products. jAPS 2.0 is an innovative product built on an agile approach and an accessible back office compatible with accessibility international standards like WCAG 2.0, Section 508 and other specific laws such as “9 January 2004, n.4” Italian Law. It means that people with disabilities can create, modify and publish contents, manage services and resources. Networking: Tzente wants to create a network of partner that increase their business based on jAPS 2.0 Platform. The network is structured as an “ecosystem” of partners where the requirements to access, roles and benefits are defined. The network of jAPS Partners provides a wide range of professional services, expertise and support on jAPS platform to meet specific needs. jAPS Partner Programs are available to qualified applicants in four categories: - System Integrators: provide to its customers professional services on jAPS 2.0 Platform - Solution & OEMs: develop new applications and products on specific domains based on jAPS 2.0 Platform - Technology: provide technology solutions that can be offered together with jAPS 2.0 Platform - R&D: research centers and universities that contribute on jAPS Open Source project and develop innovative applications based on jAPS 2.0 Platform in research projects R&D Capacity: Tzente is currently involved in government and private innovative research projects. jAPSLab is the R&D department with professional competences in innovative technologies: Technology Standards, Mobile Solutions, Integration and Interoperability and Development Environment. Expertise: The company has matured experience and competence in Open Source business model, managing an Open Source project and products, Java EE platform, SOA architecture, interoperability, system integration, interaction design, usability and accessibility. CUSTOMER REFERENCES ICT Private Companies, Research centres, Government organization SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SOFTWARE - Software development tools - Application software for cooperate function (cooperate communications, customized applications) - Other MULTIMEDIA - Architecture for multimedia applications - Multimedia applications for specific sectors - Other MOBILE/BROADCASTING/SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS - Other DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES - On-line services, ASP | - Other MISCELLANEOUS - Software migration TYPE OF COOPERATION - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, ect.) Development of new projects (R&D) General commercial assistance Transfer technology or production license Identification of new customers Reciprocal/common distribution agreement Development of new products INDEX 51 MAIN ACTIVITY XENIA PROGETTI SRL Via Acicastello, 71 95021 Aci Castello (CT) – ITALY Phone: 0039 095 885546 Fax: 0039 095 885740 Contact: Luigi Amico – Sales Executive Date of foundation: 1990 Employees: 35 Turnover: 2,314,514.42 Euro Status: SME Membership: Etna HiTech Xenia Progetti is a software company founded in 1990. As in the beginning, it continues to play the role of a reliable partner in the custom software development, in particular in the development of Monitoring & Control Systems and Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) for the process industry, and in particular in Oil/Chemical and Microelectronics sectors. Xenia Progetti provides tailored solutions in the planning, consultation and commercialisation of goods and services in the field of Information Technology. The company specialises in the development of personalised software, supervision and control systems and Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) for the processing industries, in particular, the petrochemical and microelectronic industries. Experience gained in these fields has enabled the company to extend its services to the development of personalised software applications in other sectors, such as local Public administration, transport and telecommunications. MAIN AREAS OF ACTIVITY: Petrochemical/ Energy: Experience in the area of management, production and processing has been gained through Xenia’s work with industry leaders including Eni, ERG, Esso and others. Microelectronics: Software development and systems integration of MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems). ERP Systems: Xenia supplies services applicable to ERP/Sap regarding accounting solutions and logistics modules and development services with competence in the areas of ABAP/4 and Java. Systems of Document management: The company provides Document Management solutions: document management protocol information, the implementation of document workflow, physical and optical storage of documents and substitutive storage. The integration of Systems and Development Software: The provision of systems integration solutions in the areas of applied systems integration and the development of customised software services in the main operating environments and languages. Xenia has specialist experience in the field of infrastructure management: network management and systems, storage management, security management, helpdesk systems and SLA management. Training: The company can provide training relative to both the course standards of main course providers, or can tailor courses according to the specific needs of individual companies. COMPANY STRENGTHS High Quality Products: Software Analysis, Design, Development, Installation, Maintenance and Assistance; Design and Provision of Consultancy Services for Software development and Information System; Design and Provision of Training courses relevant to Information Technology Licenses | Trade Marks | Quality Certifications: UNI-EN ISO 9001: 2000; UNI-EN ISO 14001:2004 R&D Capacity: It’s a long time since Xenia Progetti started working in software design and development. Thanks to a continuos improvement in its organization nowdays it has a remarkable competitive advantage, this path of improvement is tracked in the implementation of a Quality Management System according with UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 norm. Xenia is at the forefront of technological innovation, research and development in the area of innovative technologies. The company’s experience has assured its place as a forerunner in the activity of R&S in the agricultural / food industries, mobile and RFID computing, as well as web semantics, experience gained in conjunction with The Science and Technology Park of Sicily and the University of Catania. Expertise: Development and integration of MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems) for Oil/Chemical/Energy and Microelectronic Sectors CUSTOMER REFERENCES ENI, STMicroelectronics, ESSO, ERG, IBM, HP, Accenture, Sicilian Local Government SECTOR ICT – INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SOFTWARE - Application software for cooperate function (cooperate communications, customized applications) - Other MISCELLANEOUS - Remote monitoring of telecom sites - Software migration - Other TYPE OF COOPERATION - Commercial intermediary (distributor, general agent, ect.) Development of new projects (R&D) General commercial assistance Transfer technology or production license Identification of new customers Reciprocal/common distribution agreement Direct investments Joint creation of an enterprise or consortium Financial participation Development of new products Other INDEX 52 ITALIAN EXHIBITORS AT CEBIT 2010 3a Halle 9, Stand B19 10144 Torino – Italy Consorzio CYBERSAR Halle 9, Stand B19 09123 Cagliari – Italy Finance Evolution Halle 9, Stand B19 10121 Torino – Italy 4P Mobile Data Processing Halle 6, Stand D34 35127 Padova – Italy DAMA Service Halle 14, Stand H02 36063 Marostica-Vicenza – Italy GBS Elettronica Halle 9, Stand B19 00173 Rome – Italy Abletech Halle 3, Stand C27 25018 Montichiari – Italy Demrisk Halle 9, Stand B19 09015 Macomer – Italy Hymera Engineering Halle 9, Stand B19 93016 Riesi – Italy Athlos Halle 9, Stand B19 09129 Cagliari – Italy Digicom Halle 9, Stand B19 21010 Cardano al Campo – Italy I.C.E. - Istituto Nazionale per il Comm. Halle 9, Stand B19 00144 Rome – Italy BlueCell ITALY Halle 16, Stand C20 23851 Galbiate – Italy Duratel Halle 9, Stand B19 50041 Calenzano (Florence) – Italy IBT Halle 12, Stand C57/2 31050 Villorba – Italy CMNET Halle 17, Stand A57 80143 Napoli – Italy Econfidence Halle 9, Stand B19 09010 Pula – Italy IVS MultiMedia Halle 17, Stand D29 – Hauptstand 80030 Roccarainola – Italy CRS4 Halle 9, Stand B19 09010 Pula – Italy Elettronica e Automazione Halle 9, Stand B19 00118 Rome – Italy Incomedia Halle 9, Stand B19 10015 Ivrea – Italy CSP – Innovazione nelle ICT Halle 9, Stand B19 10144 Torino – Italy Engine Technology Halle 9, Stand B19 10121 Torino – Italy Intellisemantic Halle 9, Stand B19 10126 Torino – Italy CTS electronics Halle 11, Stand B54 10015 Ivrea – Italy Etere Halle 9, Stand B19 62029 Tolentino – Italy Irion Halle 9, Stand B19 10114 Torino – Italy Centro Estero Internazionalizzazione Halle 9, Stand B19 10152 Torino – Italy Euresys Halle 9, Stand B19 10151 Turin – Italy LABWARE Halle 16, Stand C63 62012 Civitanova Marche (MC) – Italy Cicrespi Halle 11, Stand F50 20060 Liscate (Milan) – Italy Euroged Halle 9, Stand B19 10098 Rivoli – Italy LCT Infotelematics Halle 7, Stand B36/1 10028 Moncalieri – Italy Cima Halle 11, Stand B61 41037 Mirandola – Italy Eurotek Italia Halle 16, Stand C30 42100 Reggio Emilia – Italy LTT Halle 9, Stand B19 10144 Turin – Italy INDEX 53 ITALIAN EXHIBITORS AT CEBIT 2010 Laboratori di Informatica Applicata Halle 9, Stand B19 09010 Pula – Italy Realt Sistemi Halle 9, Stand B19 07100 Sassari – Italy Telit Communications Halle 7, Stand C28, (4) 34010 Sgonico – Italy MICROSET INT Halle 13, Stand A63 – Hauptstand 33077 Sacile – Italy Recognition Equipment Italia Halle 11, Stand F52 00144 Rome – Italy Tema Telecomunicazioni Halle 13, Stand E38 – Hauptstand 20161 Milan – Italy Memopal Halle 9, Stand B19 00144 Rome – Italy Halle 9, Stand B19 10151 Torino – Italy Totem Halle 9, Stand B19 56035 Perignano – Italy Meta System Halle 12, Stand C77 42100 Reggio Emilia – Italy SECURE PROJECT Halle 11, Stand E44 20134 Milan – Italy Townet Halle 9, Stand B19 61043 Cagli – Italy Micro Management Halle 3, Stand D02/1 33070 Brugnera – Italy Sardegna Ricerche Halle 9, Stand B19 09010 Pula – Italy Tzente Halle 9, Stand B19 09122 Cagliari – Italy Microntel Halle 9, Stand B19 10099 San Mauro Torinese – Italy Sardegna Ricerche – Distretto ICT Halle 9, Stand B19 09010 Pula – Italy VoiSmart Halle 13, Stand B71 20159 Milan – Italy Halle 9, Stand B19 21052 Busto Arsizio – Italy Sferal World Wide Technology Halle 11, Stand G43 10014 Caluso – Italy Xenia Progetti Halle 9, Stand B19 95021 Aci Castello – Italy Neatec Halle 9, Stand B19 07041 Alghero – Italy Sisvel Halle 16, Stand D80 10060 None (TO) – Italy Politecnico di Torino Halle 9, Stand B19 10129 Torino – Italy Systel International Halle 11, Stand F45 31059 Zero Branco – Italy Prossima Isola Halle 9, Stand B19 07100 Sassari – Italy TETRAX Halle 7, Stand B17 31025 S. Lucia di Piave – Italy Prysmian Halle 12, Stand B39 20126 Milan – Italy Halle 9, Stand B19 09044 Quartucciu – Italy RPS Halle 12, Stand B29 37045 San Pietro di Legnago – Italy Telcen Halle 9, Stand B19 55054 Massarosa – Italy INDEX 54 Italian Trade Commission ITALIAN TRADE COMMISSION Schlüterstraße 39 10629 Berlin – GERMANY Phone: 0049 (0)30 8844030 Fax: 0049 (0)30 88440310 | 88440311 Headquarters: ICE – ISTITUTO NAZIONALE PER IL COMMERCIO ESTERO Via Liszt, 21 00144 Rome – ITALY Phone: 0039 06 59926678 Fax: 0039 06 89280348