Mobilt Bedriftsnett


Mobilt Bedriftsnett
MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Mobilt Bedriftsnett
MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Version 1.4
Document owner:
MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Description (changes)
New template, various corrections, phase 3
Document owner:
MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Table of contents
General:.......................................................................................................................................... 5
Logging in to the queue/switchboard............................................................................................ 6
The switchboard interface ............................................................................................................. 8
Status field ............................................................................................................................... 9
Presentation of incoming calls field ........................................................................................ 9
Calls that are redirected to the switchboard when an operator is absent ................... 10
Calls that are redirected to the switchboard when unanswered .................................. 10
Calls that are redirected to the switchboard when an operator is busy ....................... 10
Calls that are returned to the switchboard........................................................................... 11
No answer ...................................................................................................................... 11
Call rejected ................................................................................................................... 11
Phone switched off or out of network coverage ........................................................... 11
Presentation of outgoing calls field ...................................................................................... 12
Switching an operator to Pause mode .................................................................................. 13
After-call processing time ..................................................................................................... 15
Katalog (Directory) ................................................................................................................ 15
Searching for contacts ................................................................................................... 16
Organisasjonsenhet (Organisational unit) ................................................................. 17
Telephone status............................................................................................................ 18
Buttons for call handling ....................................................................................................... 19
Incoming calls before answering: .................................................................................. 19
Incoming calls after answering: ..................................................................................... 19
After putting a caller on hold: ........................................................................................ 19
After searching for a contact: ........................................................................................ 19
After a consultation call with a third party: ................................................................... 19
Outgoing calls (no active calls):...................................................................................... 20
Standard configuration of shortcut keys ....................................................................... 20
Messages ............................................................................................................................... 21
Meldingsmal (Message template) ................................................................................. 22
Dialogue boxes .................................................................................................................. 23
Transferring a call to a contact with an active absence ............................................. 23
Consulting a contact who is marked absent .............................................................. 23
Transferring to a contact with fixed redirection ........................................................ 24
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Transferring to a user who is busy or putting callers on hold when a user is busy ... 24
Transferring to a user whose phone is off or out of network coverage .................... 25
Adding an external contact to Bedriftskatalogen.............................................................. 26
3.12. ................................................................................................................................................. 26
Status of data connection to Telenor ................................................................................ 27
Administration ............................................................................................................................. 28
Kontakter (Contacts) ............................................................................................................. 28
Kontaktdetaljer (Contact details) .......................................................................................... 29
Anropslogg (Call log) ............................................................................................................. 32
Operatører (Operators) ......................................................................................................... 33
Innstillinger (Settings) ........................................................................................................... 34
Kontaktliste (Contacts list) ............................................................................................. 34
Generelt (General) ......................................................................................................... 35
Hurtigtaster (Keyboard shortcuts) ................................................................................. 35
Søkemetode (Search method) ....................................................................................... 36
Fortløpende søk (Continuous search) ........................................................................ 37
Statisk søk (Static search) ........................................................................................... 37
Organisasjonsenhet (Organisational unit) ................................................................. 38
Absence .......................................................................................................................... 30
Meldingsmal (Message template) ................................................................................. 39
Statistics ................................................................................................................................ 40
Hjelp (Help)............................................................................................................................ 42
Example of how to use Mobilt Sentralbord Avansert ................................................................. 43
The operator receives a call .................................................................................................. 43
Searching for contacts ........................................................................................................... 44
Consulting with a contact...................................................................................................... 45
Transferring the call .............................................................................................................. 46
Sending a message ................................................................................................................ 47
How to proceed in the event of error or if you have queries about Mobilt Bedriftsnett ........... 47
Document owner:
MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
1. General:
Mobilt Sentralbord is a web-based switchboard solution for companies using Mobilt Bedriftsnett
from Telenor. As long as a computer has access to the Internet and a web browser, it should be
possible to log in as a switchboard operator in order to handle company calls.
Mobilt Sentralbord can be divided into three main components:
Call handling:
o Call alerts
o Displaying queue and operator status indicators
o Handling calls
Directory service:
o Look-up for incoming calls (see who is calling)
o Searching for contacts
o Viewing the status of entries in the company directory, Bedriftskatalogen
(free, busy or absent)
o Configuring availability/absence for company employees
o Editing information in directory entries
o Adding external contacts
o Setting up the switchboard
o Statistics
Mobilt Bedriftsnett Mobilt Sentralbord has been developed to support most web browsers.
Browsers that have been tested are:
Internet Explorer (IE7, IE8 or later)
Mozilla Firefox (version 3.6.x or later)
Safari (version 4.0.5 or later)
The following urls may be opened via proxy (if the company has a policy of restricting
the web addresses to which the user has access):
Document owner:
MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
2. Logging in to the queue/switchboard
Open your web browser and visit this link:
A log-in window opens in which the operator enters his/her telephone number (not twinned number)
and password (the same username and password that are used to log in to Telenor Mine Sider).
“Aktivbruker Fastnett” users log in with their e-mail address and password (also used to log in
to Telenor Mine Sider).
If you have forgotten or not yet created a password, or would like to change it, do this via
the “Endre passord” (change password) link.
An example of the log-in window is shown in the figure below.
If you want to use the English interface, click on the “English user interface” link.
If the operator has a twin subscription linked to his/her mobile subscription, he/she can choose
whether calls from the queue should be routed to the main or twin SIM card (example in the
figure below):
The next step in the log-in process is to specify the queue from which the operator wishes to receive
calls (only relevant if the operator is registered for multiple queues).
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
With Mobilt Sentralbord, the operator may be a member of up to 5 queues, but can only be logged
in to one queue at a time. The operator selects the queue he/she wishes to log in to. The figure
below shows the queue selection screen during log-in.
The column on the right indicates whether after-processing time is associated with this queue.
This controls the length of time that must elapse between one call finishing and the next call from
a queue being routed to the operator. After-call processing time is set by the administrator for each
individual queue. If after-call processing time is set to “ingen” (none), the next call from the queue
will be transferred to the operator as soon as he/she is free. For example, if this time is set to
20 seconds, the operator will experience a pause of about 20 seconds before the next call from
the queue is received.
Select the queue that the operator wishes to log in to.
Then press the Velg (Select) button to log in.
The next time an operator logs in, the queue that was most recently selected will be selected
automatically (if the operator logs in from the same computer).
NB: If you log in to a queue/switchboard as described above, you must not use the mobile client
to transfer calls. Call transfer must be performed via the switchboard interface as described in
this document. If a call is transferred from the mobile client after log-in, the operator may be
registered incorrectly as busy (“falsk opptatt”). In other words, the operator will not receive
new calls from the queue until the person to whom the call was transferred hangs up.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
3. The switchboard interface
If log-in is successful, the switchboard window will open.
The figure below shows the interface and the meaning of the various fields:
The various fields are described in detail in the next few chapters.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Status field
The purpose of the status field is to give the operator an overview of how queue handling is
The status field is subdivided into the following fields:
Antall i kø: This figure indicates the number of calls that are currently waiting in the queue.
Lengste køtid: This field indicates how long the next caller in the queue has been waiting.
Operatører: This field indicates how many operators are logged in to the queue and taking
incoming calls (operators in Pause mode are not included).
The figure below shows an example of the queue status field.
In the example, there are “2” calls waiting in the queue, the caller who has waited longest has been
on hold for “1:30” (one minute and thirty seconds), and “1” operator is logged in to the queue.
Thresholds may be entered and these can change the colour of the Antall i kø and Lengste køtid
fields to red. This is to alert the operator to a reduced service level. Learn more about threshold
settings in chapter 4.5.2.
Presentation of incoming calls field
All incoming calls from the queue are displayed in the switchboard client. If the incoming number
is recognised in the contacts list/Bedriftskatalogen, the name and any company name linked to
the relevant number are displayed.
The figure below presents an incoming call:
The operator can see that “Kåre Hempel” has called the queue named “Sentralbord”.
When the call is answered on the operator's mobile or landline phone, the text in the bottom
left changes from “Ringer” to “Aktiv”.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
3.2.1. Calls that are redirected to the switchboard when an operator
is absent
If a user has activated the absence setting with redirection to the switchboard/queue and anyone
calls this user, the call will be routed to the switchboard, and the incoming calls field will look as
follows for the operator receiving the call:
In this screen, the operator can see that caller “Dan Erik Kristiansen” has been transferred to the
operator as “Frida Fredriksen” has activated the absence setting with forwarding to the queue
named “Sentralbord kø”. The yellow icon indicates that “Frida Fredriksen” has an active absence
due to “Forretningsreise” and this absence will end on 12.30 p.m. on 12 February.
3.2.2. Calls that are redirected to the switchboard when unanswered
In this screen, the operator can see that “Stein Gylseth” has been transferred to the operator as
“Kari Lia” has activated redirection to the queue named “Sentralbord kø 2” for unanswered calls.
The green icon indicates that Kari is available and that the call was redirected to the switchboard
before she was able to answer it.
3.2.3. Calls that are redirected to the switchboard when an operator
is busy
In this screen, the operator can see that “97617975” has been transferred to the operator as
“Hege Pettersen” has activated redirection to the switchboard when the line is busy. The red icon
indicates that Hege is busy on the phone and that the call was therefore redirected to the switchboard.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Calls that are returned to the switchboard
If the operator transfers a call to an internal user and he/she cannot answer it for various reasons,
the call returns to the switchboard (with priority) along with information as to why the call was
returned. Various reasons as to why calls are returned to the switchboard are described below:
3.3.1. No answer
If the person to whom the call was transferred does not answer within 30 seconds, the call will
return to the switchboard with priority. For returning calls such as these, the operator receives
a corresponding message as displayed below:
In this screen the operator can see that caller “Stein Gylseth” has returned to the switchboard
because “Kari Lia” did not answer.
3.3.2. Call rejected
If the person to whom the call was transferred rejects it, the call will return to the switchboard
with priority. For returning calls such as these, the operator receives a corresponding message
as displayed below:
In this screen, the operator can see that caller “Stein Gylseth” has returned to the switchboard
because “Kari Lia” had a busy signal or rejected the call.
3.3.3. Phone switched off or out of network coverage
If the person to whom the call was transferred has switched off their phone or is in an area with
no mobile coverage, the call will return to the switchboard with priority. For returning calls such
as these, the operator receives a corresponding message as displayed below:
In this screen, the operator can see that caller “Stein Gylseth” has returned to the switchboard
because “Kari Lia” is in an area with no network coverage or has switched off the phone.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Presentation of outgoing calls field
The operator's outgoing calls (new calls initiated by the operator) are displayed in the “Innkommende”
(Incoming) field. This is because the “Utgående” (Outgoing) field page may be used to provide
information about ongoing call processing for this call (e.g. consultation with a third party).
Example of an outgoing call to “Hege Pettersen”:
In the case of outgoing calls from the switchboard client, the switchboard phone will ring first
and must be answered before the call is transferred to the recipient.
The queue number is displayed on the phone of the call recipient (defined by the administrator).
During a consultation, both the incoming and outgoing fields will be in use at the same time.
In the example below, “Finn Skogstad” has called the switchboard, and the switchboard is consulting
with a third party, “Kåre Hempel”.
The operator can switch between the people on the call, and the person who is currently on hold is
greyed out and labelled “På hold” in the bottom left. The person on the call who is currently active
is shown in black font and labelled “Aktiv”.
The operator switches between the calls by clicking the “Veksle” button or using function key (F2).
3. The person receiving the consultation call from the operator sees the queue number or main
company number (the number to be displayed is selected by the administrator).
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Switching an operator to Pause mode
The operator has two options for leaving the queue:
1. The operator can log out
2. The operator can switch to Pause mode
This is done via the buttons on the top right of the screen:
When the operator chooses to log out, the operator screen is closed and the user is no longer part
of the queue(s). If the operator is the last person to log out of the queue, a warning about this is
Activating the Pause button switches the operator to Pause mode for all queues.
When several operators are logged on, the operator will still be a member of the queue(s), but will
not receive any calls. Callers will remain/arrive in the queue until the operator switches to Active or
another operator answers the call. The operator in Pause mode can monitor the status field of the
The operator can see that he/she is in Pause mode because “Pause” is specified in the
“Innkommende” field as shown below:
The operator reactivates his/her queue status by selecting the “Aktiver” button.
NB: If only one operator is logged in to a queue and he/she switches to Pause mode, calls will not
be queued but will be dropped after a voice message informing the caller that no operators are
currently logged in to the queue. This also happens if all operators switch to Pause mode at the
same time.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
The operator can be forcibly placed in Pause mode if he/she has not answered a number
of consecutive calls. This number is defined by the administrator for the individual queue.
If the operator is forcibly placed in Pause mode, the following screen appears:
Pressing the “Aktiver” button logs the operator back into the queue again.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
After-call processing time
An “Etterbehandlingstid” (After-call processing time) can be defined for each queue. This is the
time taken from the end of one queue call until the next call in the queue is routed to the operator.
This time can be used for processing the previous call, or to manually pick important calls that are
waiting in the queue. The after-call processing time is selected when the operator logs in to the
service, and the selected time applies to all queues that the operator may be logged in to. The
after-call processing time remaining is displayed in the “Innkommende” field (the figure below
shows that the after-call processing time is 18 seconds):
Katalog (Directory)
When the operator logs in to the queue, Mobilt Sentralbord retrieves contact information about all
of the company's Mobilt Bedriftsnett members from a central Telenor database (Bedriftskatalogen).
Any other external contacts that have been entered by the company/operator are also retrieved.
The figure below shows an example of the directory that the operator can see under the “Kontakter”
(Contacts) tab.
The following chapters describe the directory service.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
3.7.1. Searching for contacts
It is easy to search for contacts by entering the desired search term in the “Søk etter kontakt” field.
The directory searches continuously as you type in all visible contact fields, and all hits containing
the specified search term are displayed.
In the example below, “to” was entered and the following hits were found:
Tore in the “Fornavn” field, Storhaug and Torjussen in the “Etternavn” field and Totalbygg in the
“Firma” field.
Multiple search terms can be entered to reduce the number of hits. For example, if the operator
wants to find hits for “dan” with a mailing address of “Moss”, this can be done by entering “dan
moss” in the search field.
The search is set to “Fortløpende søk” (Continuous search) by default – this means that searching
is continuous as you type search terms.
This search method may feel sluggish for large directories. If so, faster searches are possible by
selecting “Statisk søk” (Static search), which only displays hits and statuses after the operator has
clicked the “Søk” button. This is selected under Innstillinger -> Søkemetode (see chapter 4.5.4).
The status of contacts can be updated when the operator selects the “Oppdater” button.
The figure below shows the “Statisk søk” screen.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
The search method is always set to “Statisk søk” for directories with over 1,000 internal
entries/contacts. Organisasjonsenhet (Organisational unit)
If an administrator has divided the company directory into organisational units, it will be easier
for operators working in large companies to affiliate with their own organisation only. The operator
selects his/her organisational unit under Innstillinger->Søkemetode (see chapter 4.5.4) and saves it.
Next time the operator logs in, searches in the company directory will be limited to his/her own
unit. If the operator needs to search outside this unit, he/she can select the “Søk hele katalogen”
(Search entire directory) option.
In the example below, the operator has selected the unit in the “Oslo” directory folder. The operator
has searched for “Koss”, which is not found in this unit, and has therefore selected “Søk hele
katalogen” in order to search for everyone in the company.
If the search method is set to “Statisk søk”, the operator can select the unit to be searched from
a dropdown menu (see example below).
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
3.7.2. Telephone status
In the case of members of the company's Mobilt Bedriftsnett (fixed and mobile phones), the current
status of the individual user is also displayed. The various statuses are indicated by various icons to
the left of the name in the contacts list.
The icons listed below indicate the various mobile statuses:
Green: Status = available; the phone is free.
Yellow: The user has an active absence.
Red: Status = busy; the subscriber is busy on a call.
Grey: Status = unknown; the phone may be switched off/out of network coverage.
“blank” (empty) if the entry is not part of the company's Mobilt Bedriftsnett service.
Holding the mouse pointer over the relevant status icon displays a brief explanation of its meaning.
If a user has an active absence setting (yellow icon), the reason and duration can be displayed by
holding the mouse pointer over the icon (see figure below).
In this example, we can see that Kåre Hempel has an active absence setting due to a “Forretningsreise”
lasting until 12.30 p.m. on 15 September.
On the right of the “Status” column is the “Tilgjengelig” (Available) column. This column indicates
when the user will be available after an active absence.
In the above example, we can see an “!” after “kl. 13.00”. This means that Kåre Hempel is not
available at 12.30 p.m., but only at 1.00 p.m., as he has another meeting between 12.30 and
1.00 p.m. This helps the operator to see when the user really is free/available and that this
is due to consecutive meetings that may be for different purposes.
The operator can find details of a user's availability under the “Kontaktdetaljer” tab, which
is opened by double-clicking the contact; see chapter 4.2.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Buttons for call handling
Mobilt Sentralbord is designed in such a way that the number of buttons is reduced to a minimum.
This means that the same button may have different functions depending on the switchboard
call status. These function buttons are located at the bottom of the switchboard screen and are
activated via a mouse-click or keyboard shortcut. Keyboard shortcuts are specified in brackets.
The following chapters show how the button layout changes in the various call situations:
3.8.1. Incoming calls before answering:
Before they are answered by an operator, incoming calls can be rejected by selecting Avvis (ESC).
Rejected calls return to the queue and are routed to the next available operator.
3.8.2. Incoming calls after answering:
After an incoming call is answered, the operator can choose to end the call (Legg på (ESC))
or put it on hold (Sett på vent (F4)). Callers hear music while they are on hold.
3.8.3. After putting a caller on hold:
If the operator has put a caller on hold, the call can be reactivated by selecting Innhent (F4).
3.8.4. After searching for a contact:
Once the operator has found and selected the contact that he/she wants to route a call to or consult
with (third party) these options are available: Legg på (ESC) (Hang up), Sett på vent (F4) (Put on
hold), Sett over (F5) (Transfer), Sett til Mobilsvar (F10) (Transfer to mobile voicemail) (for internal
callers) or Konsultere (F2) (Consult).
3.8.5. After a consultation call with a third party:
When the third party answers the consultation call (caller is automatically put on hold and hears
music), the operator can choose whether the incoming call should be transferred (Sett over (F5)),
or whether he/she wishes to talk to the individual callers in turn (Veksle (F2)). If desired, the operator
can also end the connection with the active caller (Legg på aktiv (ESC)).
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
3.8.6. Outgoing calls (no active calls):
The operator can make an outgoing call by selecting a directory entry or manually entering
a number in the “Nummer” field and then clicking on the Ring (F2) button.
All function buttons can also be activated using keyboard shortcuts. The relevant shortcuts are
provided in brackets. The value of the keyboard shortcut can be modified if necessary; see
chapter 4.5.3.
3.8.7. Standard configuration of shortcut keys
Function (<button text>: <description>)
Legg på: Hang up active call
Legg på aktiv: During secondary calls, the connection with the active
call partner is ended
Other tabs generally: cancel whatever you are doing.
(Edit contact, shortcut, settings)
Ring: Call (only if you do not have an active call)
Konsultere: Initiate secondary call
Veksle: Switch (only active when you have more than one active call)
Pause: Switch to Pause mode (only when logged in)
Aktiver: Operator is available in the queue again.
(only when in Pause mode)
Sett på vent: Put call on hold
Innhent: Retrieve held call
Sett over: Transfer directly
Sett over: Connect A and C in a secondary call (consult)
View details for the person selected in Contacts
Show main screen (Contacts)
Melding: Send message (SMS/e-mail). Opens the message window
Updates contact status
Sett til talepostkasse: Transfer caller straight to MobilSvar/voice
F1, F11 and F12 cannot be used as keyboard shortcuts due to conflicts with web browser settings
in Internet Explorer. The space bar cannot be used as a keyboard shortcut.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
The function button in the bottom right is named “Melding (F8)”. Selecting this opens a message
window in which the operator can send messages and e-mails.
The message recipient is selected first under the “Kontakter” tab by clicking on the recipient.
Multiple recipients can be selected via “Ctrl+click” (select the top and bottom recipients in a series)
or “Shift+click” when selecting multiple recipients that are not listed consecutively:
If you now select the “Melding (F8)” button, the selected recipients are copied to the message
window and a text message can be typed:
In the “Legg til mottaker” (Add recipient) field, mobile numbers or e-mail address can be entered
manually in order to add recipients. In the “Type melding” box, the operator can choose whether
to send the message as an e-mail, SMS or both (e-mail addresses are retrieved from the company
Send the message by clicking “Send (F8)”.
The sender of the SMS message will be the operator's own mobile number.
Sending SMS messages if the operator is using a landline phone will be supported in a later version.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
3.9.1. Meldingsmal (Message template)
To make things easy for the operator, 10 ready-to-use/standard messages can be defined; these
can also automatically paste in information such as the caller's name, the caller's telephone number
and the operator's queue number. Two templates are entered by default as examples. Templates
are created and edited via Innstillinger-Meldingsmal (see chapter 4.5.5)
To automatically paste information into the message, three parameters are entered into the
template text:
Enter the text: <navn> to insert the name (if available) of a caller.
Enter the text: <nummer> to insert the telephone number (if available) of a caller.
Enter the text: <kø-nummer> to insert the switchboard number.
The following scenario shows an example of this:
The operator has created the following template named “Ring til”:
“Hei. Kan du ringe <navn> på telefonnummer <nummer> når du blir ledig? Hilsen Kundesenteret
(<kø-nummer>)” (“Hi. Could you call <name> on <number> when you are free? Kind regards,
Customer Services (<queue number>)”)
Hege Pettersen has called Customer Services. The operator wishes to transfer her to Geir Koss, but
sees that Geir is busy. The operator wishes to send Geir a message and opens the message window
by clicking the “Melding (F8)” button. The “Ring til” message template is selected from the dropdown
menu. The SMS message is completed automatically using information about the caller:
“Hei. Kan du ringe Hege Pettersen (Telenor) på telefonnummer 948 15 907 når du blir ledig? Hilsen
Kundesenteret (+47 974 21 341)” (“Hi. Could you call Hege Pettersen (Telenor) on 948 15 907 when
you are free? Kind regards, Customer Services (+47 974 21 341)” - and the message can be sent to
Geir by pressing “Send (F8)”. The operator informs Hege that Geir will call back.
In this way, the operator can create and send messages efficiently.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Dialogue boxes
When an operator transfers a call, in certain situations a dialogue box will appear to help the
operator to handle the call in the best possible way.
These situations and the associated dialogue boxes are described in the following chapters.
3.10.1. Transferring a call to a contact with an active absence
If the operator transfers a call to a contact with an active absence (yellow icon), a dialogue box
like the one below will appear:
This dialogue box should remind the operator that the contact he/she is trying to reach has an
active absence. In the example, the contact is in a meeting (“Møte”) and is only available at
4.00 p.m. on 21 January 2011. The operator has four options:
Sette over og følg profil: This transfers the call and what happens then depends on the
contact's caller profile. For example, the call may reach the user's answering service,
“Min Svartjeneste”.
Konsultere med kontakten: If this option is selected, the caller is put on hold while the operator
talks to the contact (even if the contact has been redirected).
The operator can decide whether or not the incoming call should be transferred. The call
is transferred via the “Sett over” button.
Sett til MobilSvar: This option transfers the caller directly to the mobile answering service
in order to leave a message.
Avbryt: The dialogue box closes and the operator can look for another contact to whom
the call can be transferred.
3.10.2. Consulting a contact who is marked absent
If an operator tries to consult with a contact who is marked as absent (yellow icon), a dialogue box
like the one below will appear:
Document owner:
MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
This dialogue box should remind the operator that the contact he/she is trying to consult has
an active absence. In the example, the contact is in a meeting (“Møte”) and is only available
at 4.00 p.m. on 21 January 2011. The operator has two options:
Konsultere med kontakten: If this option is selected, the caller is put on hold while
the operator talks to the contact (even if the contact has been redirected).
The operator may decide to transfer the incoming call via the “Sett over” button
after consultation.
Avbryt: The dialogue box closes and the operator returns to the switchboard screen.
3.10.3. Transferring to a contact with fixed redirection
If an operator routes a call to a contact who has set up fixed redirection to another contact,
the dialogue box below will be displayed:
The operator can see that the contact has set up fixed redirection to user Per Olsen, and can choose
one of three options:
• Sett over til viderekoblet terminal: If this option is selected, the caller is routed to the
number to which the contact has redirected calls.
• Sett over til kontakt: If this option is selected, the redirection is ignored and the contact's
telephone rings.
• Avbryt: The dialogue box closes and the operator returns to the switchboard screen.
3.10.4. Transferring to a user who is busy or putting callers on hold
when a user is busy
If an operator tries to route a call to a user who is busy (red icon), a dialogue box like the one below
will be displayed:
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
This dialogue box should remind the operator that the user he/she is trying to reach is busy
on the phone. The operator has four options:
Sette over og følg profil: This means that the call is transferred and what happens next
depends on the contact's call handling settings. For example, the call may reach the user's
answering service, “Min Svartjeneste”. If the user has call waiting activated on his/her
phone, he/she will be alerted to the call.
Sett til MobilSvar: This option transfers the caller directly to the mobile answering service
in order to leave a message.
Avbryt: The dialogue box closes and the operator returns to the switchboard screen.
3.10.5. Transferring to a user whose phone is off or out of network
If an operator tries to transfer a call to a user who is outside of the mobile coverage area or whose
phone is switched off (grey icon), a dialogue box like the one below will be displayed:
This dialogue box should remind the operator that the user he/she is trying to reach cannot
be reached. The operator has two options:
Sette over og følg profil: This transfers the call and what happens then is determined by
the contact's call handling settings. For example, the call may reach the user's answering
service, “Min Svartjeneste”.
Avbryt: The dialogue box closes and the operator returns to the switchboard screen.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Adding an external contact to Bedriftskatalogen
In the bottom left of the switchboard interface is a link named
“Opprett ny ekstern kontakt”
This link allows the operator to add an external contact to the contacts list/Bedriftskatalogen.
Clicking the link opens a window like the one below:
This allows the operator to add information about the new contact. Next time the operator logs in,
this contact will be searchable under the “Kontakter” tab.
If so desired, the operator can also select/obtain a shortcut number via which all company users
can reach the contact (this must not be in use already or overlap with an existing extension number).
Via the “Vis ledige” link, the contact can automatically be assigned the next available shortcut number.
The company may assign up to 99 shortcut numbers to external contacts, and can have an unlimited
number of contacts without shortcut numbers.
The contact can then be edited by double-clicking the contact and making changes in the
“Kontaktdetaljer” tab.
Information is stored centrally in Bedriftskatalogen, and is visible to all operators when they
next log in.
Which fields are to be displayed/edited is defined under Innstillinger/Kontaktliste; see
chapter 4.5.1.
The “Avdeling” field (organisational unit) cannot be edited by the operator as it is reserved
for the administrator.
The contact is also visible to other services using Bedriftskatalogen, such as the mobile client.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Status of data connection to Telenor
A good data connection to Telenor is required in order for Mobilt Sentralbord to provide a good
user experience. An indicator for this is thus placed in the bottom right of the switchboard interface.
Holding the mouse over the icon brings up a message containing a status indicator. If the switchboard
feels sluggish or features are missing, it may be a good idea to check the status of the data connection
before doing anything else.
Some examples of status indicators are shown below:
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
4. Administration
From the switchboard interface, the operator can administer the company's contacts, modify
his/her personal switchboard, view call logs, view statistics, and so on. These actions are performed
via various tabs:
These tabs are described in the following chapters:
Kontakter (Contacts)
The “Kontakter” (Contacts) tab gives the operator an overview of all entries in the company
directory and the mobile status of the company's Mobilt Bedriftsnett members.
Under the “Innstillinger” (Settings) tab, the operator can choose which fields are visible
and searchable.
Each field can be sorted in ascending or descending order of value. This is done by clicking
on the name of the column by which you wish to sort.
For example, to sort contacts by surname, click on the “Etternavn” column and surnames will
be sorted alphabetically starting with “A”. Clicking again will sort surnames starting with “Å”.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Kontaktdetaljer (Contact details)
When the operator selects a contact, this activates the “Kontaktdetaljer” tab.
Opening this tab displays all directory information and absences for the contact. The tab can also
be opened directly by double-clicking the contact in the “Kontakter” tab or by selecting the contact
and pressing the F6 keyboard shortcut.
The example below shows the “Kontaktdetaljer” tab for a user with an active absence:
The lower half of the “Kontaktdetaljer” tab contains all the data about the contact. To edit, delete
or add contact details, the operator can click the “Endre” button (right at the bottom of the screen).
The contact fields that the operator has permission to edit change to black font and can be
overwritten. Once you have made your changes, save by clicking the “Lagre” button. In the
case of external contacts, the operator can also delete the entry from the company directory.
New contact fields can be created and added under the Innstillinger-Kontaktliste tab;
see chapter 4.5.1
For available users, the “Kontaktdetaljer” tab will look as shown below:
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
4.2.1. Absence
The operator can set fravær (absence) (starting immediately after the absence is saved) and
fremtidig fravær (future absence) (starts on a specific date and time) for users. The operator selects
an appropriate reason for the absence, what should happen to calls to the user while the absence is
active, and when the absence ends.
Example of how to set absence for a user, to start immediately:
The operator clicks on the “Sett fravær” button and the following information fields are displayed:
Define an appropriate “Fraværsgrunn” (reason) for each absence, which may be:
Do not disturb
Left for the day
External appointment
Business trip
Out to lunch
Back soon
On leave
Fram til dato: Enter the date on which the absence should end. To the right of the date field
is a button to open a calendar, which makes it easier to select a date.
Fram til kl: Select the time at which the absence will end.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Viderekoble samtaler til: In this field the operator can determine what will happen to calls to the
contact while absence is active. The options are:
Min Svartjeneste: Callers are told the reason for and duration of the absence, and can
choose how the call will now be processed (selected by the user via Mine Sider/
Mobilsvar: Calls go directly to the user's voicemail while the absence is active.
Sentralbord: Calls are transferred directly to the switchboard while the absence is active
(the contact can configure the switchboard number via Mine Sider/
Kollega/Sekretær: Calls are transferred directly to a selected company number (the contact
can configure the colleague/secretary number via Mine Sider/
Nummer: Calls are transferred directly to a company or external number during the absence.
The operator enters this number manually in the field on the right.
Ingen viderekobling: Calls to the user ring as normal, but the switchboard can see a reason
for absence for the user (informative absence highlighted in yellow).
Once the desired absence values are set, the absence is activated by pressing the “Lagre” button.
The operator can now see that the absence is active, and can edit the settings for the absence if
necessary via the “Endre status” button. Pressing the “Slett” button deletes the active absence.
NB: If a user has not defined a switchboard or colleague/secretary number, these options will not
be visible in the “Viderekoble samtaler til” menu.
The operator can also set future absences via the “Registrer fremtidig fravær” (Register future
absence) button. This opens a window in which the future absence is entered in the same way
as described above, except that the start time for the absence should also be defined. Below is
an example of the settings for a future absence.
The operator can see the contact's active and future absences by viewing the absence calendar on
the right. Selecting a date displays active and upcoming absences. Holding the mouse over an absence
displays absence details for the relevant absence. Red shading indicates that a redirection is
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
associated with the absence while yellow shading indicates that no redirection has been set up for
the absence (informative absence). See an example of the absence calendar below:
Clicking on the red or yellow “reason for absence” enables the operator to edit/delete current and
future absences.
Anropslogg (Call log)
The “Anropslogg” tab displays call handling history for an individual switchboard.
The call log shows whether the call was answered (green icon), the time/date, who was calling,
the queue from which the call originated, whether it was redirected and to whom. You can sort
according the various events by clicking the top of the column you want to sort by. The figure
below shows an example of a call log.
The switchboard client stores up to 10 calls in the call log from the previous shift/log-in.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Operatører (Operators)
This tab shows the operators that are defined for the various queues.
A green icon to the left of the operator indicates that the operator is logged in to the relevant queue
and ready to receive new calls.
If this icon is yellow, the operator is in Pause mode and is not currently receiving calls from the queue.
Operators that are not logged in to the queue(s) appear with a grey icon.
If the operator is busy on a call, the icon is red.
The “Påloggingsmetode” (Log-in method) column shows whether the operator is logged in
via a “Konsoll” (web client or mobile client) or “Telefonisk” (logged in by calling 91501010).
Sort the various operators by clicking the top of the column that you want to sort by.
The figure below shows an example of the “Operatører” window.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Innstillinger (Settings)
The “Innstillinger” tab enables the operator to define individual modifications to the switchboard
This tab is divided into five subcategories which are described in detail below. Click the “+” sign
to open the desired sub-category.
4.5.1. Kontaktliste (Contacts list)
This menu allows the operator to choose which contact fields are visible and searchable under
the Kontakter tab.
Placing a tick in the box activates the selected field after saving.
User-defined fields can also be created and displayed under Kontakter by typing in the empty
fields and then ticking them.
The example below includes a user-defined field called “Landsdel”.
After saving, the “Landsdel” field will be visible for all contacts under the Kontakter tab.
The contents of these fields can be added/edited/deleted under the Kontaktdetaljer tab;
see chapter 4.2.
Remember to press the “Lagre” button after making any changes.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
4.5.2. Generelt (General)
This menu allows the operator to define:
Whether the switchboard should automatically display the Kontakter tab when calls come in.
Whether the search field should automatically be highlighted when calls come in or are ended.
The number of minutes a caller should wait in the queue before the queue time status field
changes to red.
How long the queue can get before the queue status field changes to red.
Pressing the “Lagre” button activates the configuration.
4.5.3. Hurtigtaster (Keyboard shortcuts)
The operator can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly activate call handling buttons via the keyboard.
The keyboard shortcuts are the F1-F10 and “Esc” keys on the keyboard.
If you wish to change the underlying function of a keyboard shortcut, this can be done via the
“Hurtigtaster” menu. Use the dropdown buttons to select the keyboard shortcut that you wish
to apply to a button. A keyboard shortcut may only be used once.
Available buttons will be displayed in the dropdown menu, and it is up to the operator to arrange
these into the desired configuration. Setting a keyboard shortcut to “white” (empty) releases this
keyboard shortcut, i.e. makes it available.
Remember to click the “Lagre” button once you have the desired configuration.
The switchboard will display the new keyboard shortcuts in brackets on the buttons after editing.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
F1, F11 and F12 cannot be used as keyboard shortcuts due to conflicts with web browser settings
in Internet Explorer. The space bar cannot be used as a keyboard shortcut.
4.5.4. Søkemetode (Search method)
The “Søkemetode” sub-menu allows the operator to choose the search method (continuous or
static) that is used when searching for contacts under the “Kontakter” tab. Any organisational unit
to which searches should be restricted is also selected via this sub-menu. This is described below.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord Fortløpende søk (Continuous search)
In a continuous search, searches in the “Kontakter” tab are performed as you type. This is the
default setting in Mobilt Sentralbord (for companies with fewer than 1,000 Mobilt Bedriftsnett
users). The mobile status is updated automatically if it changes. The figure below shows the
“Kontakter” tab with searching set to continuous. Statisk søk (Static search)
Static search means that searches are only performed under the “Kontakter” tab when the operator
activates this by pressing the “Søk” button. The figure below shows the “Kontakter” tab with
searching set to static before the “Søk” is activated:
The figure below shows the “Kontakter” tab after a static search has been performed. The mobile
status can be updated manually if necessary via the “Oppdater” button.
As soon as the search string changes, the “Oppdater” button changes to “Søk” again.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Continuous searching will normally work well for company directories with fewer than 1,000 internal
If you notice that searching takes a while or is sluggish, it may be a good idea to select “Statisk søk”
as the search method.
Only static searching may be used if the directory contains more than 1,000 internal entries.
However, dividing the company into organisational units of fewer than 1,000 entries enables
continuous searching for each unit. Organisasjonsenhet (Organisational unit)
In Mobilt Bedriftsnett, administrators can divide the company directory, Bedriftskatalogen,
into units so that it fits the structure of the organisation better.
In terms of the switchboard, this allows users to limit searches to the unit for which the switchboard
is responsible.
Dividing the company into organisational units of fewer than 1,000 internal Mobilt Bedriftsnett
users enables continuous searching within each unit, even if the company directory has more than
1,000 entries in total.
In the example below, the administrator has divided the company directory into three units:
Salg (Sales), Support and Forvaltning (Administration) under the main unit, “Hele bedriften”
(Entire company).
Selecting a unit, e.g. Forvaltning, allows you to search only for contacts in this unit. However,
if necessary you can search the entire company directory by selecting “Søk hele katalogen”
(Search entire directory). This option is selected via the buttons to the right of the search field:
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
For static searches, the unit is selected from the dropdown menu in the actual “Kontakter” tab:
4.5.5. Meldingsmal (Message template)
The “Meldingsmal” subcategory allows you to add up to 10 standard messages that can be used
when the operator wishes to send an SMS and/or e-mail.
You can also insert coding that allows information about an active call (incoming or outgoing)
to be automatically pasted into the text.
To automatically paste information into the message, three parameters are entered into the
template text:
Enter the text: <navn> to insert the name (if available) of a caller.
Enter the text: <nummer> to insert the telephone number (if available) of a caller.
Enter the text: <kø-nummer> to insert the switchboard number.
The scenario below shows an example in which a template called “Ring til” has been created,
containing the following text:
“Hei. Kan du ringe <navn> på telefonnummer <nummer> når du blir ledig? Hilsen Kundesenteret
(<kø-nummer>)” (“Hi. Could you call <name> on <number> when you are free? Kind regards,
Customer Services (<queue number>)”
This template will appear in the message window when the box on the right is ticked and the
window is saved.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
The template is personal to each operator and is stored locally on the operator's computer.
See also the example in chapter 3.9.1.
Under the “Statistikk” tab, the operator can pull up simple statistics for him/herself (“Egen”)
and the queue (Total) the operator is logged in to.
The data period can be selected from several default values:
To date this week
Last week
To date this month
Last month
User-defined (can select from/to dates)
Statistics are presented in table format when the operator presses the “Oppdater” button.
The “Eksporter” button allows the user to save a comma-separated file containing statistical
data for processing in other software (such as Excel).
Statistical data cover (“X” = statistical data):
For the operator
For the queue
Response rate
Number of incoming calls
Answered calls
Answered returned calls
Unanswered calls
Unanswered returned calls
Number of callstransferred
Number of calls transferred with consultation
Number of calls redirected to the switchboard
Avg. call time
Avg. wait time
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
“Egne” displays the number of events registered for the operator who is retrieving the statistic,
while “Total” displays the overall number of events for all operators in the selected queue.
The figure below shows an example of statistics:
Besvarte samtaler (Answered calls) contains the following measurements:
“Egne” (the number of answered incoming calls to this operator, excluding
returned calls)
“Totalt for køen” (the total number of answered incoming calls, excluding
returned calls)
“Egne, returanrop” (the number of answered calls of the returned calls
to the relevant agent)
“Totalt for køen, returanrop” (the total number of calls that were answered
of the returned calls)
Ubesvarte samtaler (Unanswered calls) should contain the following measurements:
“Egne” (the number of unanswered incoming calls to this operator, excluding
returned calls)
“Totalt for køen” (the total number of unanswered incoming calls, excluding
returned calls)
“Egne, returanrop” (the number of unanswered calls of the returned calls
to the relevant agent)
“Totalt for køen, returanrop” (the total number of unanswered calls
of the returned calls)
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Response rate
a. The response rate for “Egne” is calculated as follows:
“Answeredcalls, Egne ” + “Answeredcalls, Egne, returnedcalls ” ∗ 100
“Incomingcalls, ′Egne′”
b. The response rate for “Totalt for køen” should be calculated as follows:
“Answeredcalls, Totaltforkøen ” ∗ 100
“Incomingcalls, Totaltforkøen ”
Antall samtaler satt over (No. of calls transferred)
Totalt/Egen: The number of attempts to transfer a call without consultation – includes both times
when the recipient answers and times when he/she does not answer and the call is returned.
Sett over m/konsultasjon (Transferred w. consultation)
Totalt/Egen: The number of successful transfers with consultation
(i.e. where the caller and a third party are connected)
Anrop returnert (Returned calls)
Totalt: The number of calls returned to the switchboard after an attempt to transfer them without
consultation (due to a busy signal, no answer, etc.)
Anrop viderekoblet (Redirected calls)
Totalt: The number of calls redirected to the switchboard.
Gj. samtaletid (sek) (Avg. call time (seconds)
Totalt/Egen: The average call time for answered calls in seconds.
Gj. ventetid (sek) (Avg. wait time (seconds)Totalt: The average wait time from the moment the call
comes in to the switchboard number until it is answered. Queue time and ringing time are both
included. Only answered calls are counted here, i.e. queued calls that hang up before they are
answered do not affect this value.
Egen: The average time the call rings for the agent before it is answered. Only answered calls are
counted here, i.e. attempted calls that are not answered by the agent do not affect this value.
The counter thus does not say anything about the caller's total wait time; on the other hand,
it does indicate how quickly a given agent answers when calls are routed to him/her.
More advanced statistical features are available in the dedicated statistics module for Mobilt
Bedriftsnett (coming later in 2013).
Hjelp (Help)
The Hjelp tab provides an easy guide explaining the various fields used in Mobilt Sentralbord.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
5. Example of how to use Mobilt Sentralbord Avansert
This chapter provides an example of how an operator can transfer an incoming call.
The operator receives a call
The incoming call is announced in the “Innkommende” field of the switchboard window
and the operator's mobile phone rings. The call is answered on the mobile.
The “Innkommende” field tells the operator the following:
Sebastian Gylseth from company Telenor Mobil has called Kari Lia at Bedrift AS.
Kari Lia has an active absence (meeting until 4 p.m. on 24 January) and the call is redirected
to the switchboard queue.
The operator can inform the caller of this and try to find someone else for Sebastian Gylseth
to talk to (see next chapter).
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Searching for contacts
The caller wants to speak to someone else at Bedrift AS in Oslo.
The operator checks who is available/free at Bedrift AS in Oslo by entering “bedr oslo” in
the search field.
The following hits are displayed:
The operator sees that Per Olsen in Oslo is available (green icon),
and wishes to first ask (consult) whether he can take the call from Sebastian Gylseth
(see next chapter).
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Consulting with a contact
The operator selects “Per Olsen” using the mouse and clicks on the “Konsultere” button
“(or alternatively presses keyboard shortcut F2).
The caller is automatically put on hold (text in the “Innkommende” field turns grey), while the
third party (Per Olsen) is called. While it rings, the text “Ringer” appears in the “Utgående” field.
If desired, the operator can hang up the call to Per Olsen by clicking the “Legg på aktiv” button
(or by using the keyboard shortcut Esc).
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Transferring the call
When Per Olsen answers the call from the switchboard, “Ringer” in the “Utgående” field changes
to “Aktiv”:
The operator now has the caller on hold (grey text in the “Innkommende” field), and is on a call with
Per Olsen.
The operator now has the following options available via the buttons:
Legg på aktiv (F10) (Hang up active): Will end the call to Per Olsen (the active call).
Sett over (F5) (Transfer): Will connect the caller, Sebastian Gylseth, and Per Olsen, releasing
the switchboard.
Veksle (F9) (Switch): Each click on this button will switch between the active call partner
(the caller, Sebastian Gylseth, and a third party, Per Olsen). The active call partner will be
shown in black font in the “Innkommende/Utgående” field.
In consultation with Per Olsen, the operator chooses to transfer the call and clicks on the “Sett over
(F5)” button.
Sebastian Gylseth and Per Olsen are connected and the operator is now free to deal with the next
incoming call.
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MBN User Guide: Sentralbord
Sending a message
The operator wishes to inform Kari Lia of the call from Sebastian Gylseth via SMS:
The agent searches for Kari Lia in the search field by entering Kari; Kari is the only hit and is
automatically selected. The operator then opens the message window by clicking on the “Melding
(F8)” button.
The operator writes the message in the “Melding” field and checks that “SMS” is ticked in the
“Meldingstype” field, and clicks the “Send (F8)” button to send the message.
6. How to proceed in the event of error or if you have queries
about Mobilt Bedriftsnett
See the general information and training modules about Mobilt Bedriftsnett on Telenor Mine Sider ->
Mobilt Bedriftsnett -> Komme i gang.
You will also find an overview of frequently asked questions about Mobilt Bedriftsnett on this page.
Do you need to talk to someone?
1. Your dealer
2. Telenor Customer Services by calling 09000 or e-mailing
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