Corporate Sponsors July 17, 2015, Duluth Radisson
Corporate Sponsors July 17, 2015, Duluth Radisson
PRESENTS: CRIMINAL DEFENSE IN THE ZENITH CITY July 17, 2015, Duluth Radisson Registration Welcome - Carolyn Agin Schmidt, MACDL President. Local Court Initiatives & Tips from Local Judges, Honorable Shaun R. Floerke, Chief Judge 6th Judicial District. 9:45-10:30 Local Criminal Law Policies & Trends. Dan Lew, Chief Public Defender, Northeastern Minnesota, 6th District. 10:30-10:45 Break 10:45-11:30 New Expungement Law, First 6 months & Legislative update, Kelly Keegan, Brandt Criminal Defense. 11:30-12:15 Getting into Canada with a Criminal Conviction, Bruce Williams, Law Office of Bruce R. Williams, Virginia, MN 12:15-1:15 p.m. Special lunch program: Lunch provided Glensheen Mansion Murders Honorable John DeSanto, 6th Judicial District, & David L. Ayers, Ayers & Riem, P.A. 1:15-2:15 Emerging Issues in Defending Drug Cases. Kate Menendez, Office of the Federal Defender 2:15-3:00 Humor in the Law, Honorable Jack Nordby, Retired 4th Judicial District Judge 4:00 -8:00 MACDL BBQ at 2501 Lake Avenue South, Park Point Duluth All attendees, families and local judges invited. 5.5 CLE credits pending 8:30-8:50 8:50-9:00 9:00-9:45 a.m. Corporate Sponsors CLE Costs: MACDL Private members $50 MACDL PDs, new lawyers, & greater Minnesota members $35 Non-MACDL members $75 Duluth CLE is free to Brand New MACDL members who join between April 16-July 17 MACDL room rates: Radisson Thursday $94 and Friday or Saturday $159 Must be booked by June 19, 2015 (asap rooms are going fast!); 218-727-8981 MACDL offers scholarships for housing & tuition for CLEs. Apply by June 1, 2015 at ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Firm: Address: Phone: Email: o o o o Registration _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ MACDL Private members MACDL PDs, new lawyers, & greater Minnesota members Non-MACDL members I am a new member (4/16/15-7/17/15) $50 $35 $75 $0 Number of people attending BBQ:____ Please list any dietary restrictions:_________________ Make Checks Payable to MACDL and mail to P.O. Box 580058 Mpls, MN 55458 Any questions contact: Carolyn Agin Schmidt at 612-840-8469 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•Stay and Play in Duluth for the Weekend• Saturday July 18, 2015 Reggae Festival at the Bayfront Pavillion Sunday July 20, 2015 Buzz Ryan Triatholon Island Lake