leupold® gold ring™ full lifetime guarantee
leupold® gold ring™ full lifetime guarantee
LEUPOLD ® GOLD RING™ FULL LIFETIME GUARANTEE WE GUARAN TEE P ER F O R M A N CE, OTHERS WAR R A N TY FA ILUR E. L E U P O L D O P TIC S ARE BU ILT FO R A LIFETIME OF P E R FO R M A N CE AT TH E H IGH E ST LE VEL, P LA I N A N D SI MPLE. OT H E R CO M PANIE S O FFE R LIFETIM E WARRAN TI ES B ECAUSE T H E Y K N OW TH E O P TIC S TH E Y’RE S ELLING YOU A R E GOI N G TO B R E A K , FAIL, O R FALL S H O RT O F EX P ECTATI ON S. AT L E U P O L D, TH AT’S NOT H OW W E D O BU S I N ESS. W IT H T H E L E U P O LD GO LD RING FULL LIFETI ME GUA R A N TEE, IF YO U R L E U P O LD P RO D U CT D O ES N’T P E RFOR M AS PR OMI SED, W E W IL L R E PAIR O R RE P LACE IT FO R FREE, WHETHER YOU A R E T H E O R IGINAL OW NE R O R NOT—FO REVER (EXCLUDES E L E C T R O N IC CO M P O NENTS ). W E D O TH IS B ECAUSE WE B ELI EVE IN SU P E R IO R Q UALITY AND CRAFTS M ANS H I P, A N D WE’ R E CO N F ID E N T YO U R LEU P O LD WO N’T LE T YO U DOWN . THAT’ S THE P OW E R O F O U R CO M PANY, AND W E STAND B EHI N D OUR WOR K. For complete guarantee details, please visit Leupold.com/guarantee. LEUPOLD & STEVENS, INC. PO Box 688, Beaverton, OR 97075-0688 14400 NW Greenbrier Parkway, Beaverton, OR 97006-5790 USA Printed in the U.S.A. This publication may not be reprinted or otherwise reproduced without the expressed written consent of Leupold & Stevens, Inc. Copyright © 2015 Leupold & Stevens, Inc. All rights reserved. 1-800-LEUP OL D | 1-5 03 -6 4 6 -9 17 1 | L E U P O L D.CO M JON JOHNSON Leupold Machinist | 24 years W HEN IT COMES TO AMERICAN CRAFTSMANSHIP, ONE THING WILL NEVER CHANGE: QUALITY AND HARD WORK MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD. THAT’S WHY LEUPOLD’S GOLD RING™ PRODUCTS ARE DESIGNED, MACHINED, AND ASSEMBLED IN THE UNITED STATES. NOTHING CAN REPLACE THE PRECISION, RELIABILITY, AND DEPENDABILITY OF A LEUPOLD® PRODUCT BUILT WITH THE PASSION AND PRIDE OF OUR 600-PLUS AMERICAN EMPLOYEES. WE REFUSE TO ACCEPT ANYTHING LESS THAN PERFECTION BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT LEUPOLD OWNERS DESERVE—AND WHAT THIS COMPANY WAS FOUNDED ON. LEUPOLD IS THE GOLD STANDARD BY WHICH ALL OTHERS ARE COMPARED. THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN BY ACCIDENT. FOR GENERATIONS, WE’VE HONED OUR CRAFT AND BUSTED OUR BUTTS TO MAKE SURE WE DELIVER ON EXPECTATIONS. IN SHORT, YOU CAN COUNT ON LEUPOLD BECAUSE WE GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THE PRODUCTS WE MAKE AND THE SHOTS YOU TAKE. RIFLESCOPES BUILT BY PEOPLE WHO GIVE A DAMN +VX-6 6-7 +VX-3 & VX-3L 8-9 +VX-R 10-11 +VX-2 13 VX-1 13 PROFESSIONAL +D-EVO 26-27 +LCO 28-29 SPOTTING SCOPES AND BINOCULARS MARK 8 30 +GOLD RING +MARK 6 32 +MARK 4 33-34 +DELTAPOINT PRO 55 35 56 MARK AR MOD 1 36 BX-3 MOJAVE 56 BX-2 CASCADES 57 BX-2 ACADIA 57 BX-1 MCKENZIE 58 FX 14 COMPETITION 16 16 RETICLE OPTIONS 37 CROSSBONES SHOTGUN & MUZZLELOADER 17 OVERVIEW 38-39 LEUPOLD ULTIMATESLAM 17 HANDGUN 18 DELTAPOINT 18 RETICLE OPTIONS 19 BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM 20-21 OVERVIEW 22-23 42-47 54 SX-1 VENTANA 14 MOUNT SYSTEMS SX-2 KENAI +B X-3 MOJAVE PRO GUIDE HD RIFLEMAN MOUNTING SYSTEMS 50-53 CUSTOM SHOP 40-41 RANGEFINDERS +RX-1200i SERIES 65 +RX-650 66 OVERVIEW 67 BX-1 ROGUE 58 BX-1 YOSEMITE 58 BX-T TACTICAL 59 MARK 4 TACTICAL 59 OVERVIEW 60-61 P R O TEA M 68-69 TO O LS & A CCESSO R IES INFORMATION 70 HERE TO HELP INFORMATION 71 GOLD RING GUARANTEE INFORMATION 2 LEUPOLD.COM + INDICATES NEW FOR 2015 Back Cover 3 AS AMERICA’S OPTICS AUTHORITY®, WE HOLD OURSELVES TO A HIGHER STANDARD OF LEADERSHIP. A MAJOR PART OF THAT IS BRINGING NEW TECHNOLOGY AND RIFLESCOPES INNOVATION TO OUR INDUSTRY. WHATEVER IT TAKES TO GIVE YOU THE MOST CLARITY, BRIGHTNESS, AND RUGGEDNESS, YOU CAN BET WE’LL BE AT THE FOREFRONT MAKING IT HAPPEN AND LEADING THE WAY. THE LIST BELOW EXPLAINS MANY OF THE INNOVATIVE FEATURES YOU’LL FIND IN OUR PRODUCTS THROUGHOUT THIS CATALOG. MULTICOAT 4 ® QUANTUM OPTICAL SYSTEM ® The Quantum Optical System® has redefined light management and overall performance for riflescopes. It features a leading-edge engineering and design process; lead-free, precision-ground, environmentally friendly glass; precision tolerances in all facets of assembly; and application specific coatings matched for each scope model. It’s all about giving you the clearest, brightest image possible. Our exclusive Multicoat 4® uses proprietary lens coatings to direct more light to your eye and minimize reflections on the exterior lenses. DIAMONDCOAT™ 2 Ion-assisted coatings provide unparalleled resistance to scratching and abrasion. Nothing compares to its hardness and durability. DIAMONDCOAT™ XTENDED TWILIGHT Wavelength specific coatings that optimize light transmission in low-light conditions by placing extra emphasis on the blue/violet light spectrum. INDEX MATCHED A Leupold exclusive! Different lens coatings are specified based on each lens’ index of refraction, placement, and function. Each coating is layered to maximize light transmission for unparalleled brightness and resolution across the entire visual field. An ion-assisted lens coating that exceeds military standards for hardness and durability. EDGE-BLACKENED LENSES Enjoy reduced glare and diffusion through the lens edges for better resolution, improved contrast, and superior optical performance. 2ND GENERATION WATERPROOFING An exclusive Argon/Krypton blend that reduces diffusion of internal gases, resists thermal shock more effectively, and provides 100% waterproof integrity. H O L D D E A D O N . H I T DEA D ON . CONFIDENCE RUNS DEEP TOTAL CONFIDENCE IS HAVING THE MINDSET THAT YOU WILL ABSOLUTELY DOMINATE ANY CHALLENGE. WITH LEUPOLD RIFLESCOPES, HUNTERS AND SHOOTERS KNOW THEY’LL BE SUCCESSFUL BECAUSE THEY CAN TRUST THEIR SHOT TO BE DEADLY ACCURATE, NO MATTER THE SITUATION. PREMIUM CUSTOMIZED ADJUSTMENTS TAKE THE GUESSWORK OUT OF LONG-RANGE SHOTS. Leupold’s Custom Dial System® (CDS®) helps hunters easily compensate for bullet drop and make ultra-quick adjustments on the fly. We’ll customize your scope’s elevation dial to match your exact load, velocity, and conditions for unprecedented precision. Once you range your target, simply turn the dial to the correct position, aim dead on, and squeeze the trigger. + + + + + + + COMPONENTS, DEDICATED PRECISION, AND GENERATIONS OF CRAFTSMANSHIP MAKE LEUPOLD RIFLESCOPES THE ULTIMATE CONFIDENCE BOOSTER TO TAKE YOUR ACCURACY TO THE NEXT LEVEL. + + uickly dial in elevation to different shot ranges Q Easily swap dials quickly by loosening set screws M atch dials with specific loads for maximum accuracy P recision 1/4-MOA click increment finger adjustment (15-MOA per 1 revolution) O ne revolution zero stops available for custom dials No adjustment covers to lose C DS-ZL (Zero Lock) dials let you quickly get back to your zero without over-rotating (available only on VX-6 models with a Wind-Plex™ reticle) U se in tandem with Leupold’s RX® rangefinder family for unmatched long-range precision F irst dial free with purchase of CDS scope VX-6 CDS-ZL Dial 4 LEUPOLD.COM CDS is available on all VX-6 models, and select VX-3, VX-3L, VX-R and VX-2 models. 550 YARDS 5 VX-6 RIFLESCOPES M EET THE BEST OF THE BEST. THE VX®-6 DELIVERS SUPERIOR IMAGE QUALITY AT ANY RANGE, THANKS TO MECHANICAL PERFORMANCE, AND OPTICAL CLARITY. IF YOU CAN’T GET IT DONE WITH A VX-6, THERE’S NO POINT IN TRYING. IF IT’S ON TOP OF YOUR RIFLE, I T S H O U L D B E AT T H E 6:1 ZOOM WITH TWIN BIAS SPRING 6X ERECTOR SYSTEM Extreme fast-focus eyepiece makes reticle focus easy to achieve and maintain. Includes an Alumina® rubber eyepiece guard. U UNPARALLELED ENGINEERING, LIGHT TRANSMISSION, The Twin Bias Spring Erector System™ features beryllium/copper alloy leaf springs and 30% more holding force to withstand the most intense recoil and abuse, while also giving you a crystal clear image from edge-to-edge across the entire magnification range. TOP OF ITS CLASS 1/4-MOA finger click adjustments to make quick, precise corrections. Resettable zero stop. 1/8-MOA finger click adjustments available on select models. 3x 18x Generous eyebox offers edge-to-edge clarity and incredible head position latitude. ILLUMINATED MODELS + FireDot® illumination or extra-bright, etched glass reticle technology + 1-button, low-profile design + 1 2 reticle brightness settings, plus Motion Sensor Technology (MST™) that automatically deactivates illumination after five minutes of inactivity and reactivates as soon as movement is detected +L ong-range models have side focus dial and push-button illumination to put the controls right at your fingertips See all VX-6 models on page 22. VX-6 6 LEUPOLD.COM 7 VX-3 RIFLESCOPES T HE FEATURE-RICH VX-3 GIVES YOU EVERY ADVANTAGE IN THE FIELD. SMART, TOUGH, AND BUILT TO PERFORM, IT ELIMINATES DOUBT FROM THE EQUATION. GET THE CONFIDENCE YOU NEED FOR SUCCESS ON ANY HUNT. AIR RIFLE READY The VX-3 6.5-20x40mm EFR Target is an ideal scope for today’s high-powered air rifles. RAUL PUBILL Leupold Machinist | 11 years Select VX-3 scopes feature illuminated reticles with eight brightness settings and automatic on/off Motion Sensor Technology (MST). 1/4-MOA* audible, finger click adjustments to make quick, precise corrections. Cryogenically treated adjustment screws for increased durability. *Metric models have 1 cm click adjustments. Ballistics Aiming System® offers unique reticles to help estimate range and improve accuracy. Available on VX-3 and VX-3L. Lifetime of rugged reliability with Twin Bias Spring Erector System. Exerts up to 30% more holding force. THE POWER OF AMERICAN INGENUITY LIGHT OPTIMIZATION PROFILE ™ WE DESIGNED THE LIGHT OPTIMIZATION PROFILE™ TO GIVE HUNTERS See all VX-3 models on page 22. VX-3L RIFLESCOPES T HE LARGER OBJECTIVE OF THE VX-3L™ IMPROVES PERFORMANCE IN LOW LIGHT, WHILE THE LIGHT UNMATCHED LIGHT TRANSMISSION WITHOUT SACRIFICING COMFORT AND USABILITY. ITS PATENTED DESIGN LETS THE SCOPE RIDE LOW, BUT YOUR SIGHT PICTURE REMAINS PERFECTLY CIRCULAR WITH CRISP, EDGE-TO-EDGE SHARPNESS ACROSS THE ENTIRE FIELD OF VIEW. THE LOWER RADIUS OF THE OBJECTIVE IS SCOOPED, Illuminated and non-illuminated models feature super fast-focus eyepiece with removable rubber eyepiece guard. Available on VX-3 and VX-3L. ALLOWING YOU TO MOUNT YOUR SCOPE 30% CLOSER TO THE BARREL THAN TRADITIONAL LARGE OBJECTIVE RIFLESCOPES, WHILE PROVIDING 48.6% MORE TOTAL LIGHT THROUGHPUT™ (TLT™) THAN A 40mm OBJECTIVE. YOU GET INCREDIBLE LOW-LIGHT OPTIMIZATION PROFILE MOUNTS IT AS LOW AND TIGHT PERFORMANCE WITHOUT SACRIFICING BALANCE, TO YOUR GUN AS A SMALLER OBJECTIVE SCOPE. CHEEK WELD, OR OPTICAL CLARITY. See all VX-3L models on page 22. 8 LEUPOLD.COM 9 HOG® VX•R RIFLESCOPES S EE YOUR AIMING POINT IN ANY LIGHTING CONDITION WITH OUR ADVANCED VX-R® RIFLESCOPE. THE EXCLUSIVE FIREDOT® ILLUMINATION TECHNOLOGY PUTS YOU ON TARGET QUICKLY AT DUSK, DAWN, OR THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY. VX•R RIFLESCOPES Proprietary FireDot fiber optic illumination features eight intensity settings and Motion Sensor Technology (MST). T HE VX-R HOG® IS RIGGED FOR PIG. DESIGNED FOR PASSIONATE HOG HUNTERS LIKE BRIAN “PIGMAN” QUACA, IT COMBINES ALL THE GREATNESS OF THE VX-R WITH One-turn, non-locking eyepiece allows for a wider spectrum of visual acuity and smooth adjusting. Includes a rubber eyepiece guard. A SPECIALLY DESIGNED FIREDOT PIG PLEX®. THE The VX-HOG is a non-illuminated scope featuring the exclusive Pig Plex reticle. It’s made to keep you locked on your target, even in the thick areas where wild boars run. ILLUMINATED RETICLE IS CALIBRATED TO FRAME UP A HOG AND PROVIDE THE PERFECT AMOUNT OF LEAD ON RUNNING BOARS. Get more range of adjustment with a larger, rugged 30mm maintube. 1/4-MOA* finger click adjustments offer absolute repeatability and dependability. *Metric models have 1 cm click adjustments. See VX-R Hog and VX-Hog models on pages 22-23. See all VX-R models on page 23. FIREDOT RETICLE SYSTEM This exclusive illuminated reticle system from Leupold lets you choose from eight unique designs for any animal and any situation. PAT R O L ® ® VX•R RIFLESCOPES FireDot® Circle Designed for fast‑moving targets, including dangerous game, pigs, and even turkeys. FireDot Duplex® Takes the legendary Leupold Duplex® reticle and adds a bright centerpoint dot. FireDot Pig Plex® In any lighting, you can stay locked on your target, even in thick areas where wild boars run. Ballistic FireDot Designed for extended range shooting when fast target acquisition is critical. FireDot 4 The bold post with a bright centerpoint dot helps drive the eye to the center and keeps the upper field of view clear. FOR ANY SITUATION REQUIRING FAST TARGET ACQUISITION AND EXCEPTIONAL PRECISION, THE VX-R PATROL® IS THE ANSWER. CHOOSE FROM TWO UNIQUE FIREDOT RETICLES THAT GIVE YOU TOTAL CONTROL AND QUICK, NATURAL ADJUSTMENTS. One-turn, non-locking eyepiece allows for a wider spectrum of visual acuity and smooth adjusting. Includes a rubber eyepiece guard. Precision finger click adjustments for windage and elevation (1/10th mil) provide unbeatable repeatability and dependability. See all VX-R Patrol models on page 23. FireDot Tactical Milling Reticle® Based on the traditional TMR®, it features various sized hash marks along the vertical and horizontal stadia at 0.5 mil intervals for increased ranging precision and accuracy. FireDot Special Purpose Reticle It’s the perfect combination of greater precision at longer ranges and lightning‑quick acquisition for low‑magnification action. The daylight‑visible illuminated FireDot reticle aids in accurate shot placement. VX•R Patrol only VX•R Patrol only 10 LEUPOLD.COM NEW- FireDot Wind-Plex Features wind hold marks on the windage plane of the reticle, plus the exclusive FireDot illumination technology with adjustable intensity to match the shooting environment. 11 VX-2 RIFLESCOPES G ET ALL THE BENEFITS OF OUR QUANTUM OPTICAL Ultralight™ VX-2 models weigh up to 26% less than their full-size counterparts. SYSTEM® ALONG WITH EDGE-BLACKENED LENSES FOR THE MAXIMUM BRIGHTNESS, CLARITY, AND CONTRAST YOU NEED TO OWN YOUR HUNT FROM DAWN TO DUSK. WITH THE VX-2, YOU’LL NEVER SECOND-GUESS A SHOT. The VX-2 3-9x33mm Rimfire EFR is the ideal rimfire scope for dead-on accuracy. The VX-2 3-9x33mm Ultralight EFR packs everything into a lightweight air rifle scope. W E C O U L D TA L K A BIG GAME OR HELP YOU See all VX-2 models on page 23. BRING IT HOME “I use Leupold because my livelihood truly depends on it. In competition or in the field, I can’t have any equipment issues. They need to VX-1 RIFLESCOPES H ANDS DOWN, VX-1 BLOWS AWAY THE COMPETITION WHEN IT COMES TO PERFORMANCE AND VALUE. IN FACT, IT’S NOT JUST A GREAT RIFLESCOPE FOR ITS CLASS—IT’S A GREAT RIFLESCOPE, PERIOD. All VX-1 riflescopes are oxygen purged and nitrogen filled for a lifetime of waterproof and fog proof performance. Put the VX-1 2-7x28mm Rimfire atop your favorite plinking or small game rimfire rifle. perform–period. And my Leupolds always do.” 1/4-MOA finger click adjustments let you make quick and easy corrections when sighting in. DOUG KOENIG World Champion Professional Shooter / T.V. Host See all VX-1 models on page 22. 12 LEUPOLD.COM 13 RIFLEMAN RIFLESCOPES T HE MOST AFFORDABLE LEUPOLD GOLD RING™ SCOPE FAR EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS FOR ITS CLASS. IT’S TOUGH, RELIABLE, AND RAZOR SHARP. Fully coated lens system delivers exceptional light transmission, brightness, and clarity. Friction dial windage and elevation adjustments are marked in 1/2-MOA increments. Leupold’s standard, lockable eyepiece design will give you secure focus. HARD WORK See all Rifleman models on page 23. E L I M I N AT E S FX RIFLESCOPES S IMPLE. DEPENDABLE. POWERFUL. LEUPOLD FX™ RIFLESCOPES PACK YOUR FAVORITE FEATURES INTO A RUGGED FIXED-POWER VERSION THAT’S READY TO GET TO WORK. Legendary ruggedness of Leupold Gold Ring scopes, so you know it’s ready to handle whatever you put it through. Get more Total Light Throughput for a brighter image with the large exit pupil. FX-II 2.5x28mm IER Scout is perfect for mounting on any rifle with the optic in front of the receiver. GUESSWORK “I need an optic that works as hard as I do in the field, so that’s why I trust Leupold. They’re tough, reliable and, best of all, built in America.” BENNY SPIES T.V. Host / Hunter See all FX models on page 23. FX-3 14 LEUPOLD.COM FX-II / FX-I 15 COM PE T I T ION S E R I E S A T EVERY STAGE, LEUPOLD HELPS COMPETITIVE SHOOTERS WIN BIG. OUR COMPETITION SCOPES ARE BUILT FOR SERIOUS, HAIR-SPLITTING PRECISION. 1/8-MOA target-style click adjustments offer maximum accuracy, impact resistance, and point of aim stability. Side focus parallax dial adjusts easily from any shooting position. S HOTGU N & M UZ Z L E LOA DER T HESE SCOPES ARE AT HOME IN THE CLOSE-RANGE ACTION OF SHOTGUN OR BLACK POWDER HUNTING. IN THE HEAT OF THE MOMENT, YOU’LL GET ON TARGET QUICKLY AND SHOOT ACCURATELY. THERE’S A REASON THE WORLD’S BEST SHOOTERS Quantum Optical System delivers a bright, clear image and up to 92% light transmission. Preset parallax adjustment set for 75 yards. Proprietary nitrogen sealing process for superior waterproofing and fog proofing. CHOOSE LEUPOLD…AND IT STARTS RIGHT HERE. See all Shotgun/Muzzleloader models on page 22. See all Competition Series models on page 23. C ROS S BON E S C ROSSBOW HUNTERS, REJOICE! WITH UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS SUCH AS A VELOCITY-CALIBRATED POWER SELECTOR (RATHER THAN BY MAGNIFICATION), CROSSBONES® IS PERFECTLY SUITED FOR THIS 1/4-MOA finger click adjustments to make quick, precise corrections in the field. Fast-focus eyepiece features a low-profile lock ring for quick, easy focusing. Same legendary Leupold ruggedness as all Gold Ring riflescopes. L EU POLD U LT I M AT E S LA M U SED BY LEGENDARY HUNTER JIM SHOCKEY, THE LEUPOLD ULTIMATESLAM® IS DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY FOR SHOTGUNS AND MODERN MUZZLELOADERS. GROWING SPORT. See all Leupold UltimateSlam models on page 23. CROSSBONES BALLISTIC RETICLE (CBR) Exclusive CBR works in sync with an integrated velocity/power selector that is ballistically matched to your crossbow. AIMING POINT 100 YDS 150 YD POI (-0.05") 200 YD POI (-0.26") 250 YD POI (-0.43") 300 YD POI (-0.87") Advanced SA.B.R.® (SAbot Ballistics Reticle) with hold points from 50 to 300 yards. Load selector ring with pre-calculated settings for 2-pellet, 3-pellet, 12-gauge, and 20-gauge loads. Also available: FireDot SA.B.R. See Crossbones model on page 22. 16 17 HANDGUN H ARD-KICKING HANDGUNS ARE NO MATCH FOR Designed, built, and exhaustively tested for extreme ruggedness. R E T I C L E OP T ION S Battle the elements with 100% waterproof and fog proof technology. THE RUGGED RELIABILITY OF LEUPOLD’S HANDGUN SCOPES. THEY’RE BUILT TO TAKE THE ABUSE OF HEAVY RECOIL WHILE DELIVERING A BRIGHT, CRYSTAL CLEAR IMAGE. VX-3 FX-II Duplex® Illum. Duplex Fine Duplex Fine Duplex (VX-6) Heavy Duplex Wide Duplex German #4 Illum. German #4 Dot Leupold Dot™ Target Dot Turkey Plex® Target Crosshair Illum. CM-R2 Illum. Circle Dot T-MOA T-MOA PLUS FireDot 4 FireDot Circle FireDot Duplex FireDot Pig Plex FireDot Special Purpose Reticle FireDot TMR FireDot LR Duplex MultiFireDot LRV Duplex FireDot SA.B.R. See all Handgun models on pages 22-23. D E LTA P O I N T FAST, FAST, FAST. THE DELTAPOINT® IS A FAVORITE AMONG COMPETITIVE SHOOTERS. THIS REFLEX SIGHT DELIVERS A SHARP IMAGE AND EDGE-TO-EDGE CLARITY THAT PROMISES TO GET YOU ON TARGET ASAP. Aspheric lens technology increases the usable field of view and eliminates image fall-off at the edges. Magnesium housing makes the DeltaPoint ultra tough. Motion Sensor Technology (MST) extends battery life with automatic on/off. Versatile design easily fits atop shotguns, rifles, handguns, or crossbows. See all DeltaPoint models on page 23. BALLISTICALLY MATCHED RETICLES To give your long-range accuracy an extra boost, the Leupold Custom Shop can create a reticle using your ballistics data that is matched to your specific rifle and load. The result: a whole new level of customization for unrivaled confidence. NEW - FireDot Wind-Plex NEW - Wind-Plex See page 37 for Leupold tactical reticles. | * Available in illuminated and non-illuminated. | All FireDot reticles are illuminated. 18 19 M ASTER THE ART OF LONG-RANGE SHOOTING. THE BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM FEATURES MANY RETICLES TO HELP YOU ACCOUNT FOR VARIABLES AND L EARN HOW TO SHOOT ACCURATELY AT LONG RANGE. EACH RETICLE PROVIDES A SERIES OF AIMING POINTS THAT WILL ELIMINATE GUESSWORK AND GET YOU ON TARGET FOR A CLEAN SHOT. WITH THE BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM, YOU’LL LEARN BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM BOON E A N D C ROCK E T T SA.B.R. Big Game Reticle (SAbot Ballistics Reticle) FOR THAT DISTANCE, AND EVEN HOW TO COMPENSATE FOR WIND DEFLECTION. ACCURATE LONG-RANGE SHOOTING REQUIRES A LOT OF SKILL AND PRACTICE, BUT WITH THE RIGHT BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM RETICLE, YOU’LL HAVE THE TOOLS FOR SUCCESSFUL HUNTS WITH CLEAN AND EFFICIENT HARVESTS. VA R M I N T H U N T E R’S ® ® HOW TO GAUGE THE DISTANCE TO YOUR TARGET, WHERE TO PLACE YOUR RETICLE Reticle L R / L R V DUPLEX ® Reticles 200 yd 300 yd 50 yd 400 yd 450 yd 500 yd 100 yd 150 yd 200 yd 10 mph shift ™ (Rifleman Ballistic Reticle™) + Holdovers at 200, 300, 400, and 500 yards. 20 LEUPOLD.COM 500 yd 300 yd + Traditional VX-3 range + F irst optical product estimating feature to bear the Boone and between Duplex central Crockett® name. aiming point and + D uplex aiming point bottom of the top with CPC-style vertical heavy post. hold points. + Power selector + Available in illuminated ballistics tuning. and non-illuminated. + Available on the Rifleman scope. 400 yd 250 yd 10 mph shift R B R 200 yd 300 yd + Repeatable precision at extended distances. + Unique power selector + The most precise to sync scope and load. muzzleloader and shotgun reticle available. + Holdovers in 50-yard increments to 300 yards. + Ideal for small targets at long ranges. + Prairie dog range estimator between the 500 yard and bottom vertical heavy post. + F ine lined German #4-style central aiming + Power selector point with cross-wire ballistics tuning. hold points. + Available in illuminated and non-illuminated. BALLISTIC F I R E DOT Reticle ® + Designed for quick target acquisition at long range. + Extra-bright illuminated centerpoint dot. + Ideal for varmint, antelope, and long-range big game. (Crossbones Ballistic Reticle) + Leupold-exclusive design. + Integrated velocity/ power selector matched to your crossbow’s ballistic performance. LRV DUPLEX L R D U P L E X® L R V D U P L E X® + E asy to use for accurate, repeatable, ethical, long-range shots. + Perfect for varmint hunters. + D uplex central aiming point for rifles zeroed at 200 yards. + Hold points for 300, 400, and 500 yards. C B R + Suited to the function and power of modern crossbows. LR DUPLEX 20 mph shift + D uplex central aiming point for rifles zeroed at 200 yards. + Thinner, precise hold points for 300, 400, and 500 yards. P I G PLE X + Made for hunting wild boar. + Specially designed system for difficult terrain and conditions. ® Reticle + Also available: FireDot Pig Plex. See page 19. 21 R I F L E S C O P E OV E RV I E W ® LENS COATINGS WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT Quantum Optical System with Xtended Twilight Lens Coatings, Edge Blackened Lenses, and DiamondCoat 2 Anti-Scratch Coatings Finger-adjustable, 1/4-MOA, 1 cm per click, or 1/4-MOA target style (depending on model) VARIABLE POWER + 1-6x24mm CDS + 1-6x24mm MultiGun CDS + 2-12x42mm CDS + 2-12x42mm CDS-ZL + 3-18x44mm Side Focus CDS + 3-18x44mm Side Focus CDS-ZL + 3-18x50mm Side Focus CDS + 3-18x50mm Side Focus CDS-ZL + 4-24x52mm Side Focus Target CDS + 4-24x52mm Side Focus CDS + 7-42x56mm Side Focus Target CDS Zero resettable as well as CDS and Locking CDS on select models 1/8-MOA per click adjustments on elevation and 1/4-MOA per click on windage (7-42x56mm) MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL POWER SELECTOR STYLE 6:1 Zoom Range, Twin Bias Spring Erector 30mm and 34mm, manufactured from 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum alloy Tactile Power Indicator VX-3 ® + 1.5-5x20mm + 1.75-6x32mm + 2.5-8x36mm + 2.5-8x32mm Handgun + 3.5-10x40mm + 3.5-10x40mm CDS + 3.5-10x50mm + 3.5-10x50mm CDS + 4.5-14x40mm + 4.5-14x40mm CDS + 4.5-14x40mm AO + 4.5-14x40mm AO CDS + 4.5-14x40mm Side Focus + 4.5-14x40mm Side Focus CDS + 4.5-14x50mm + 4.5-14x50mm CDS + 4.5-14x50mm Side Focus + 4.5-14x50mm Side Focus CDS + 6.5-20x40mm AO + 6.5-20x40mm EFR Target + 6.5-20x40mm Side Focus + 6.5-20x50mm Side Focus Target + 8.5-25x50mm Side Focus Target Quantum Optical System with Xtended Twilight Lens Coatings, Edge Blackened Lenses, and DiamondCoat 2 Anti-Scratch Coatings Stainless steel, finger-adjustable, cryogenically treated, 1/4-MOA, 1 cm metric, or target style CDS dials available on select models MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL POWER SELECTOR STYLE Twin Bias Spring, 3X Erector One-inch and 30mm, manufactured from 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum alloy Tactile Power Indicator with range estimating feature on power selector ring (select models) VX-3L ™ Quantum Optical System with Xtended Twilight Lens Coatings, Edge Blackened Lenses, and DiamondCoat 2 Anti-Scratch Coatings Stainless steel, finger-adjustable, cryogenically treated, 1/4-MOA, 1 cm metric, or target style VX-3L 6.5-20x56mm Side Focus Target and Extreme Varminter: cryogenically treated, 1/10-MOA Target CDS dials available on select models MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL POWER SELECTOR STYLE Twin Bias Spring, 3X Erector One-inch and 30mm, manufactured from 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum alloy Tactile Power Indicator with range estimating feature on power selector ring (select models) VX-1 ® + VX-HOG 1-4x20mm + 1-4x20mm Shotgun/Muzzleloader + 2-7x28mm Rimfire + 2-7x33mm + 2-7x33mm Shotgun/Muzzleloader + 3-9x40mm + 3-9x40mm Shotgun/Muzzleloader + 3-9x50mm + 4-12x40mm Quantum Optical System with Multicoat 4 Lens Coatings 1/4-MOA finger click adjustments MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL Single Bias Spring, 3X Erector One-inch, manufactured from 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum alloy CROSSBONES ® Yes Yes EXTERIOR FINISHES RETICLES Vary by Model + Duplex + Heavy Duplex + Fine Duplex + Wind-Plex + Target Dot + Illum. Duplex + Illum. Circle Dot (metric) + German #4 + Illum. German #4 Dot (metric) + Varmint Hunter’s + Boone & Crockett Big Game + Illum. Boone & Crockett Big Game Super fast-focus with removable rubber eyeguard Side focus parallax adjustment and adjustable objective on select models Yes (select models) Yes Yes EXTERIOR FINISHES RETICLES USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN Vary by Model + Duplex + Fine Duplex + Wind-Plex + Target Dot + Illum. Duplex + Illum. German #4 Dot (metric) + Varmint Hunter’s + Boone & Crockett Big Game + Illum. Boone & Crockett Big Game Matte Extreme Varmint Super fast-focus with removable rubber eyeguard Side focus parallax adjustment and adjustable objective on select models BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE GOLD RING GUARANTEE Yes (select models) Yes Yes RETICLES Vary by Model + Duplex + Fine Duplex + Wide Duplex + LR Duplex + Pig Plex + Heavy Duplex + Turkey Plex EXTERIOR FINISHES Gloss Matte Silver EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT Classic lockable eyepiece design No BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE GOLD RING GUARANTEE Yes Yes Quantum Optical System with Multicoat 4 Lens Coatings 1/4-MOA finger click adjustments + CBR (Crossbones Ballistic Reticle) POWER SELECTOR STYLE WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY Single Bias Spring, 3X Erector One-inch, manufactured from 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum alloy Tactile Power Indicator Proprietary Nitrogen-fill process + 3-9x40mm CDS + 3-9x50mm + 3-9x50mm CDS + 4-12x40mm + 4-12x40mm AO + 4-12x40mm AO CDS + 4-12x50mm + 4-12x50mm CDS + 6-18x40mm AO + 6-18x40mm AO CDS + 6-18x40mm AO Target MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL Single Bias Spring, 3X Erector One-inch, manufactured from 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum alloy EXTERIOR FINISHES Matte EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT Classic lockable eyepiece design No BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM Yes (exclusive Crossbones Ballistic Reticle) CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE GOLD RING GUARANTEE Yes Yes WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT Quantum Optical System with Index Match Lens Coatings with DiamondCoat and Edge Blackened Lenses 1/4-MOA finger click adjustments or Target Style; 1 cm per click on metric models; CDS dials available on select models VX-R ® POWER SELECTOR STYLE + 1.25-4x20mm + 1.5-5x33mm Scout + VX-R Hog 1.25-4x20mm + VX-R Patrol 1.25-4x20mm + 2-7x33mm + 3-9x40mm + 3-9x40mm CDS MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM + VX-R Patrol 3-9x40mm + 3-9x50mm + 3-9x50mm CDS + 4-12x40mm + 4-12x40mm CDS + 4-12x50mm WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT Quantum Optical System with Index Matched Lens Coatings with DiamondCoat and Edge Blackened Lenses Finger-adjustable, 1/4-MOA, 1 cm per click (FireDot 4 models only) ™ ™ + FX-3 6x42mm + FX-3 6x42mm AO Competition Hunter + FX-3 12x40mm AO Target + FX-3 25x40mm AO Silhouette + FX-3 30x40mm AO Silhouette + FX-II 2x20mm Handgun + FX-II 2.5x20mm Ultralight + FX-II 2.5x28mm IER Scout + FX-II 4x28mm Handgun + FX-II 4x33mm + FX-II 6x36mm + FX-I 4x28mm Rimfire FX-II: Multicoat 4 Lens Coatings GOLD RING GUARANTEE Yes EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT One-turn fast-focus with removable rubber eyeguard No EXTERIOR FINISHES Matte BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE GOLD RING GUARANTEE Yes Yes Yes EXTERIOR FINISHES EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT Gloss Matte Silver Gun Metal Gray FX-3: Super fast-focus eyepiece with removable rubber eyeguard (non-illuminated reticle models), special illuminated reticle super fast-focus eyepiece with removable rubber eyeguard (illuminated reticle models) FX-3: Side focus parallax adjustment and adjustable objective on select models RETICLES Vary by Model Vary by Model FX-3: Stainless steel, fingeradjustable, cryogenically treated, 1/4-MOA, 1 cm metric, or target style + Duplex FX-3 6x42mm Adj. Obj. Competition Hunter: cryogenically treated, 1/8-MOA Target adjustments + Wide Duplex + Fine Duplex + Heavy Duplex + Leupold Dot + LR Duplex + Target Dot FX-II: 1/4-MOA coin-click adjustments or Target Style FX-I: Standard Multicoat 4 Lens Coatings Adjustable objective on select models Yes Argon/Krypton fill for enhanced thermal shock resistance WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT FX-3: Xtended Twilight Lens Coatings with Edge Blackened Lenses and DiamondCoat 2 Anti-Scratch Coatings Externally threaded, fast-focus eyepiece design CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE + Ballistic FireDot + FireDot Special Purpose Reticle + FireDot TMR + FireDot Wind-Plex WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY Tactile Power Indicator LENS COATINGS FIXED POWER Gloss Matte Silver CDS dials available on select models POWER SELECTOR STYLE 30mm, manufactured from 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum alloy Twin Bias Spring, 3X Erector USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM RETICLES 0.1 Mil (Patrol models only) EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN Yes (select models) Vary by Model + FireDot Duplex + FireDot 4 (metric) + FireDot Circle + FireDot Pig Plex + MultiFireDot LRV Duplex EXTERIOR FINISHES Vary by Model + Leupold Dot + Target Dot + LR Duplex + LRV Duplex + Wind-Plex + Duplex + Fine Duplex + Heavy Duplex + Wide Duplex + German #4 Dot (metric) Argon/Krypton fill for enhanced thermal shock resistance LENS COATINGS MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL RETICLES Vary by Model WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY Tactile Power Indicator VARIABLE POWER MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL POWER SELECTOR STYLE Single Bias Spring Erector One-inch, manufactured from 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum alloy NA FX-II: Adjustable objective on select models FX-II: Lockable, fast-focus eyepiece design FX-I: No FX-I: Classic lockable eyepiece design FX-I: Micro-friction dials marked in 1/4-MOA increments MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY FX-3: Argon/Krypton fill for enhanced thermal shock resistance BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE GOLD RING GUARANTEE Yes (select models) Yes Yes FX-II/FX-I: Proprietary Nitrogen-fill process RIFLEMAN + 2-7x33mm + 3-9x40mm ® LENS COATINGS VARIABLE POWER + 3-9x50mm + 4-12x40mm Fully coated lens system MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL Single Bias Spring, 3X Erector One-inch, manufactured from 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum alloy LEUPOLD ® Friction dials marked in 1/2-MOA increments Standard RETICLES + Wide Duplex POWER SELECTOR STYLE FIXED POWER + 35x45mm + 40x45mm + 45x45mm Tactile Power Indicator Classic lockable eyepiece design No WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE GOLD RING GUARANTEE Yes No Yes 1/4-MOA finger click adjustments MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT Proprietary Nitrogen-fill process Quantum Optical System with Multicoat 4 Lens Coatings One-inch, manufactured from 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum alloy Matte + RBR WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN EXTERIOR FINISHES Vary by Model LENS COATINGS Single Bias Spring, 3X Erector RETICLES EXTERIOR FINISHES Vary by Model Vary by Model + SA.B.R. (SAbot Ballistics Reticle) + FireDot SA.B.R. Matte Silver EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT Classic lockable eyepiece design No WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE GOLD RING GUARANTEE Proprietary Nitrogen-fill process Yes (exclusive SAbot Ballistics Reticle) Yes Yes LENS COATINGS WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT Multicoat 4 1/8-MOA Target RETICLES Vary by Model + Target Crosshair EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT Lockable, fast-focus eyepiece Yes EXTERIOR FINISHES Vary by Model Matte + 1/8 Min. Target Dot MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM NA WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT POWER SELECTOR STYLE VARIABLE POWER COMPETITION SERIES Yes (select models) RETICLES + 1-4x20mm + 1.5-4x28mm IER Scout + 2-7x28mm Ultralight + 2-7x33mm + 2-7x33mm CDS + 3-9x33mm Ultralight + 3-9x33mm Ultralight CDS + 3-9x33mm Ultralight EFR + 3-9x33mm Rimfire EFR + 3-9x33mm Rimfire EFR CDS + 3-9x40mm + 2-7x33mm + 3-9x40mm Vary by Model LENS COATINGS VARIABLE POWER ULTIMATESLAM WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT ® ™ GOLD RING GUARANTEE Vary by Model VX-2 FX -3/FX -II/FX -I CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL LEUPOLD.COM Gloss Matte Silver BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM 22 USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN Vary by Model Proprietary Nitrogen-fill process LENS COATINGS VARIABLE POWER + 2-7x33mm POWER SELECTOR STYLE Tactile Power Indicator Yes (select models) Argon/Krypton fill for enhanced thermal shock resistance WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT Side focus parallax adjustment on select models Extreme fast-focus with removable rubber eyeguard GOLD RING GUARANTEE WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY LENS COATINGS VARIABLE POWER Matte CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE Argon/Krypton fill for enhanced thermal shock resistance WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY LENS COATINGS VARIABLE POWER + 3.5-10x50mm + 3.5-10x50mm CDS + 3.5-10x56mm + 4.5-14x50mm + 4.5-14x50mm CDS + 4.5-14x56mm Side Focus + 4.5-14x56mm Side Focus CDS + 6.5-20x56mm Side Focus + 6.5-20x56mm Side Focus Target + 6.5-20x56mm Side Focus Extreme Varminter Argon/Krypton fill for enhanced thermal shock resistance WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT EXTERIOR FINISHES + Fine Duplex + Duplex + German #4 + Boone & Crockett® Big Game + FireDot Duplex + FireDot Wind-Plex + FireDot 4 (metric) + FireDot Circle + FireDot LR Duplex + MultiFireDot LRV Duplex + Illum. Boone & Crockett Big Game + TMOA + TMOA Plus + Illum. Varmint Hunters + Illum. CM-R2 WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY LENS COATINGS VARIABLE POWER RETICLES Vary by Model MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL POWER SELECTOR STYLE WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE GOLD RING GUARANTEE NA NA NA Yes Yes 30mm, manufactured from 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum alloy DELTAPOINT ® FIXED POWER Reflex Sight WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT LENS COATINGS DiamondCoat 120-MOA MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL POWER SELECTOR STYLE NA NA NA RETICLES Vary by Model + 3.5-MOA Dot + 7.5-MOA Delta WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY IPX4 EXTERIOR FINISHES Vary by Model EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT NA NA Matte BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE GOLD RING GUARANTEE NA NA Yes New for 2015 in red | Illum. – Illuminated Reticle | AO – Adjustable Objective 23 R I F L E S C O P E OV E RV I E W VX-6 PROFESSIONAL THE GOLD STANDARD IN BLACK GOLD RING OR BLACK, OUR OPTICS ARE ALL ABOUT QUALITY WITHOUT AN IN 1984, THE U.S. ARMY TASKED LEUPOLD WITH DEVELOPING A FIXED POWER EQUAL. LEUPOLD’S PROFESSIONAL LINE FEATURES FLAWLESS PRECISION, SCOPE WITH UNPRECEDENTED SPECIFICATIONS. NOT ONLY DID IT HAVE TO AMERICAN CRAFTSMANSHIP, AND ALWAYS-READY RUGGEDNESS. THEY FEATURE PHENOMENAL OPTICS, BUT IT ALSO HAD TO WITHSTAND BEING HELP GIVE OUR BRAVE MEN AND WOMEN OF THE ARMED FORCES AND LAW DROPPED FROM A HELICOPTER WHILE MOUNTED ON A RIFLE, AND ENDURE ENFORCEMENT THE UPPER HAND IN ANY SITUATION. IT’S A RESPONSIBILITY BEING SUBMERGED IN 66 FEET OF WATER. TO NO ONE’S SURPRISE, IT WE PUT OUR HEART AND SOUL INTO, AND THAT’S WHY MORE LEUPOLD PASSED ALL TESTS WITH FLYING COLORS. MORE THAN 30 YEARS AND LONG-RANGE RIFLESCOPES ARE CURRENTLY IN SERVICE WITH THE COUNTLESS INNOVATIONS LATER, LEUPOLD’S CLOSE PARTNERSHIP WITH U.S. MILITARY THAN ANY OTHER BRAND. THE U.S. MILITARY CONTINUES. FOR SERIOUS SHOOTERS WHO WANT EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE, THE DEDICATED CRAFTSMEN AT THE LEUPOLD FACILITY IN BEAVERTON, LEUPOLD PROFESSIONAL RIFLESCOPES SURPASS EXPECTATIONS IN OREGON, HAVE DEVELOPED UNPARALLELED EXPERTISE IN DESIGNING AND COMPETITION, SPORT SHOOTING, OR HUNTING. AT HOME OR ABROAD, MANUFACTURING EXTREME PERFORMANCE OPTICS, INCLUDING RIFLESCOPES, THEY’RE ALWAYS ON DUTY. SPOTTING SCOPES, AND MOUNTING SYSTEMS THAT ARE ENGINEERED TO PERFORM WITHOUT FAIL FOR THE BRAVE MEN AND WOMEN OF AMERICA’S ARMED FORCES, AS WELL AS HUNTERS AND SHOOTERS WORLDWIDE. 24 LEUPOLD.COM 25 NEW D-EVO DUAL-ENHANCED VIEW OPTIC R EVOLUTIONARY SOLUTIONS REQUIRE ORIGINAL THINKING. LEUPOLD ENGINEERS HAVE INNOVATED AGAIN WITH THE NEW D-EVO™, AN OPTIC THAT CREATES A NEW CLASS OF CARBINE OPTICS. A Can be used as your primary optic. Dive proof to 66 feet for extreme durability in the toughest conditions. Leupold’s legendary ruggedness. UNIQUE, INNOVATIVE DESIGN ALLOWS THE 6x20mm D-EVO TO BE FUSED WITH VIRTUALLY ANY RED DOT MAGNIFIED IMAGE FOR LONG-RANGE PRECISION, A ABILITY TO SWITCH EFFORTLESSLY BETWEEN THEM Switching between multiple optics or dealing with clumsy flip-out magnifiers has always been problematic. The D-EVO allows for simultaneous close quarters and mid-range target engagement without moving your head, adjusting your power selector, or changing your cheek weld position. An immediate adjustment of your eye’s focus is all it takes to go from 1X to 6X, or back. MINIMAL RAIL SPACE The D-EVO was designed with usability in mind. By minimizing the amount of rail space required, it allows you to easily mount the Leupold LCO, or a holographic, red dot or reflex sight for a powerful one-two punch. EXCLUSIVE CMR-W ™ RETICLE SIGHT TO DELIVER THE PREVIOUSLY UNOBTAINABLE—A BOLD AIMING POINT FOR REFLEXIVE SHOTS, AND THE NATURAL TRANSITIONS See all D-EVO models on page 39. The CMR-W™ (Close Mid-Range Reticle with Wind Holds) allows users to successfully estimate range and engage targets with greater precision, speed, and flexibility. A 0.5-MOA dot is surrounded by a 5-MOA circle, mil-based hash marks, ranging features, and windage hold points. WITH THE MERE MOVEMENT OF YOUR EYE. D-EVO shown with Leupold LCO 0.1 MRAD Line Width 0.05 MRAD Line Width 2 MRAD 7.5 MOA Outside Diameter 0.5 MOA Diameter (200 M Zero) 5 MOA Inside Diameter .5 MRAD 1 MRAD 1 MRAD 0.1 MRAD Line Width 0.9 MRAD (3.1 MOA) 1.4 MRAD (4.8 MOA) 3.2 MRAD (11 MOA) 0.25 MRAD 0.5 MOA Square 18" @ Hold Over Distance 26 LEUPOLD.COM 2 MRAD 1 MRAD 4.65 MRAD (16 MOA) 20 MPH Wind Holds 10 MPH Wind Holds CMR-W 27 NEW NEW LCO LEUPOLD CARBINE OPTIC ™ A RED DOT SIGHT THAT’S AS TOUGH AS THE OPERATORS WHO USE IT—THAT’S THE LEUPOLD LCO™. THE COMPACT SIZE AND 1X RED DOT DELIVER NATURAL, RAPID TARGET ACQUISITION. BUILT TO MAXIMIZE SPEED, THE LCO IS A MUST-HAVE FOR CARBINE OPERATORS. RED DOT RETICLE The LCO’s 1-MOA dot reticle has 16 brightness settings to let you find the exact intensity you need in any conditions. At its highest setting, the dot will shine bright in the middle of the day, and it is night-vision compatible on lower settings. Dive proof to 66 feet for extreme durability in the toughest conditions. Machined aluminum body for extreme ruggedness. 1/2-MOA click adjustments use a flat-blade driver or cartridge rim to make windage and elevation corrections easy. The manual push-button on/off with integrated brightness control puts all the power at your fingertips. No more battling to override auto settings. SUPERIOR BATTERY LIFE Forget the typical concerns of your dot failing at a critical time. Using a common CR123A 3v Lithium battery, the LCO has a battery life of up to five years. See LCO information on page 39. Former Delta Operators Jim Smith and Kyle Lamb use their decades of battlefield experience to train America’s elite warfighters. They also work with Leupold to develop the world’s most advanced tactical optics that push the boundaries of innovation and give our military every possible advantage. 28 LEUPOLD.COM 29 MARK 8 C Q B S S® R I F L E S C O P E S M AKE A STATEMENT WITHOUT SAYING A WORD. THE ASTONISHING 1.1-8X RANGE AND ILLUMINATED FRONT FOCAL RETICLE OF THE MARK 8® CQBSS® GIVE YOU THE ADVANTAGE IN ANY CLOSE QUARTERS OR MID-RANGE SITUATION. Auto-locking M5B1 pinch and turn adjustment unlocks when gripped. Effortlessly adapt to alternative loads with the quick change BDC ring. 34mm maintube delivers outstanding windage and elevation adjustment. YOU’RE EITHER A LEADER See all Mark 8 CQBSS models on page 38. MARK 8 3.5-25x56mm R I F L E S C O P E S W ITH THE MARK 8 3.5-25x56mm, YOU CAN DOMINATE AT ANY DISTANCE. THE 8:1 ZOOM RATIO GIVES YOU A OR A FOLLOWER. Illuminated front focal plane reticle allows for accurate ranging at any power. 35mm maintube for maximum windage and elevation adjustment. HUGE FIELD OF VIEW AT LOWER POWERS, OR CRANK IT UP TO 25X TO LOCK IN ON A DISTANT TARGET. Auto-locking M5B2 pinch and turn adjustment unlocks when gripped. Also features a tactile revolution indicator. IT’S THAT SIMPLE. ROB FURLONG—Once the world record holder for the longest confirmed sniper kill See all Mark 8 models on page 38. 30 LEUPOLD.COM in combat at 2,657 yards using a Leupold Mark 4 16x, Furlong is a former sniper in the Canadian military. Today, he runs Rob Furlong’s Marksmanship Academy, which aims to create a place where shooters of all levels and backgrounds can improve their skill. 31 MARK 6 MARK 4 HAM R® RIFLESCOPES RIFLESCOPES OF THE MOST POPULAR OPTICS FOR MILITARY, LAW ENFORCEMENT, AND COMPETITIVE SHOOTERS. ITS COMPACT SIZE PACKS A POWERFUL 6X ZOOM THAT EXCELS IN ANY SETTING. FRONT FOCAL PLANE RETICLES Keep your range estimation and holdover values consistent at any power with front focal plane reticles. Mark 6 is the most versatile optic with many reticle options on its platform: TMR, TMR-D, H58, H59, Mil Dot, Tremor 2, and CMR-W (Close Mid-Range with Wind Holds) in both illuminated and non-illuminated styles. (See page 37 for reticle options.) 34mm maintube provides more than 37 milliradians of total adjustment. Quick, easy access to the battery compartment. S ITUATIONS CAN CHANGE IN A SPLIT SECOND. THE MARK 4® HAMR® (HIGH ACCURACY MULTI-RANGE) MAKES SURE OPERATORS ARE READY FOR ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. WITH THE ILLUMINATED CM-R 2™ ETCHED GLASS RETICLE, IT’S DESIGNED FOR PRECISE 3V T HE VERSATILITY OF THE MARK 6® MAKES IT ONE HIGH ACCURACY MULTI-RANGE Locking, fast-focus eyepiece delivers a generous eyebox and optimal diopter adjustments. Shown with optional DeltaPoint. DISTANCE MARKSMANSHIP AND FAST TARGET Included Flat-Top/Picatinny Mounting System is compatible with any rail mounting system. ACQUISITION IN ANY SITUATION. ILLUMINATED CM-R 2™ RETICLE The CM-R2 provides the flexibility needed on modern-day battlefields. It combines the ranging ability of the Special Purpose reticle with the quick acquisition of the Circle Dot reticle to give you the edge on your target. Absolutely rugged and 100% waterproof, fog proof, and shockproof. NEW - MARK 6 ® DAGR ® Leupold’s Dual Aperture Gunsight Riflescope (DAGR®) is an integrated optical aiming system for modern small arms. The DAGR is the commercial variant of the ECOS-O system that is currently under contract with USSDCOM. It combines a Mark 6 3-18x44mm M5C2 with the CQB-proven Aimpoint® Micro T-1. When the action gets hot, the DAGR steps up with a wide field of view and incredibly fast target acquisition. MARK 6 THROW LEVER Split seconds count. The innovative Mark 6 Throw Lever (Part No. 119423) gives operators smooth, fast, and easy magnification adjustments. Non-Illuminated CM-R2 Illuminated CM-R2 AVAILABLE DELTAPOINT ® ATTACHMENT The addition of a DeltaPoint reflex sight takes the versatility of the Mark 4 HAMR to a new level. Quickly shift your view for instant target acquisition and transition from close quarters to longer ranges. The DeltaPoint is available in a 3.5-MOA Dot or 7.5-MOA Delta. Shown with optional DeltaPoint. Shown with optional DeltaPoint. See all Mark 6 models on page 38. See all Mark 4 HAMR models on page 39. 32 LEUPOLD.COM 33 NEW MARK 4 RIFLESCOPES LR/T ® Simply put, these are the toughest, highest performing riflescopes you’ll find anywhere. Precision engineered and built to meet the needs of professional shooters throughout the world. In fact, there are currently more Mark 4 Long Range/ Tactical (LR/T®) scopes in service with the U.S. Military than any other brand. DELTAPOINT PRO RE F L E X S I G H T Four adjustment dial styles available to fit your exact preferences. Fully illuminated reticles feature eight intensity levels. G ET DEAD-ON YOUR TARGET IN A SPLIT SECOND WITHOUT LOSING AWARENESS OF YOUR ENVIRONMENT. THE DELTAPOINT PRO REFLEX SIGHT OFFERS A BRIGHT, CRISP RETICLE AND AN EXCEPTIONALLY WIDE FIELD Available on some models. OF VIEW WITH UNMATCHED EDGE-TO-EDGE CLARITY. Turret-mounted parallax adjustment control for easy focusing. TWO RETICLE OPTIONS A red 2.5-MOA Dot or 7.5-MOA Inscribed Delta reticle options let you get on target the way you want. Push-button on/off with Motion Sensor Technology (MST). Slotted 1-MOA click adjustments let you easily adjust windage and elevation. Waterproof . 7.5 INSCRIBED DELTA See all Mark 4 LR/T models on page 38. ER/T ® To give you an idea of these riflescopes’ significance, the Mark 4 ER/T® 6.5-20x50mm M5A2 was chosen as the day optic of the U.S. Army’s M2010 Enhanced Sniper Rifle. Designed to meet the challenges of precision accuracy at extremely long distances, the Mark 4 Extended Range/Tactical (ER/T) series is built for sharpshooters. Front focal plane reticle keeps ranging consistent at any power. Side focus parallax adjustments from 75 yards to infinity, from any shooting position. Choose from multiple adjustment styles with audible, tactile click windage and elevation adjustments. 2.5 DOT INTEGRATED REAR SIGHT An optional, adjustable rear sight lets you co-witness through the DeltaPoint Pro to be double-sure your aim is spot on. TOOL-LESS BATTERY EXCHANGE The hinged, top-access magnetized battery cover with spring-loaded latch extracts the battery when opened. That means no tools, turning, or hassle for a quick, simple battery swap. See all DeltaPoint Pro models on page 39. See all Mark 4 ER/T models on page 38. MR/T ® Master mid-range shots with the Mark 4 MR/T®. On-the-dot accuracy from 5 to 700 meters gives you the advantage in the field, at the range, or in competition. The perfect complement to your MSR/AR or favorite bolt-action rifle. Available BDC (Bullet Drop Compensation) M2 dials. Flip-open lens covers come standard with select models. See all Mark 4 MR/T models on page 38. 34 LEUPOLD.COM 35 MOD 1 NEW MARK AR RIFLESCOPES R E T I C L E OP T ION S Fast-focus eyepiece helps you get on target faster with optimal diopter adjustments. G IVE A HUGE BOOST TO THE ACCURACY OF YOUR MSR/AR OR BOLT-ACTION RIFLE WITH THE MARK AR® MOD 1. WITH AVAILABLE ILLUMINATED RETICLE OPTIONS, ADVANCED LENS COATINGS, PRECISE ADJUSTMENTS, AND LIFETIME 0.1 mil adjustments with tactile, audible clicks for precise windage and elevation corrections. 5 4 3 2 1 10 4 6 8 2 2 8 6 4 4 20 10 20 5 6 7 8 9m 20 10 10 20 Illum. Special * Purpose Reticle Illum. CM-R2 ** Illum. 5.56 CMR-W ** 7.62 CMR-W™ * CMR-W Grid Illum. Mil Dot * Illum. TMR (Tactical Milling Reticle) * Illum. M-TMR® ** Illum. TMR-D ** Illum. Circle Dot Illum. 300 Blackout ** FireDot TMR FireDot-G TMR FireDot Special Purpose Reticle FireDot-G Special Purpose Reticle H37 H58 * DURABILITY, YOU’LL DOMINATE IN EVEN THE MOST DEMANDING SHOOTING SITUATIONS. ILLUMINATED RETICLES The Mark AR MOD 1 features an optional daylight-visible illuminated green FireDot reticle, with six user-selectable intensity settings and Motion Sensor Technology (MST). Large power selector dial has tactile power indicator with aggressive knurling for a sure grip. Maximum structural integrity with aircraft-grade aluminum one-inch maintube. FireDot-G TMR FireDot-G Special Purpose Reticle Depending on your model, the Mark AR MOD 1 features two different illuminated reticles. 1.5-4x20mm comes with the FireDot-G Special Purpose Reticle, while the FireDot-G Tactical Milling Reticle® (TMR) is included on the 3-9x40mm model. All Mark AR MOD 1 riflescopes feature the 0.1 mil P5 dials with an elevation Bullet Drop Compensation (BDC) dial for .223. 1 9 1 1 1 3 3 5 5 7 7 9 11 11 13 13 15 15 17 17 19 19 21 Tremor 2* H27 H27-D ** BALLISTICALLY MATCHED RETICLES To give your long-range accuracy an extra boost, the Leupold Custom Shop can create a reticle using your ballistics data that is matched to your specific rifle and load. The result: a whole new level of customization for unrivaled confidence. See all Mark AR MOD 1 models on page 39. H59 TS-32X1 MOA See pages 19-21 for non-tactical reticles. | *Available in illuminated and non-illuminated. | **Available in illuminated only. | All FireDot reticles are illuminated. 36 LEUPOLD.COM 37 R I F L E S C O P E OV E RV I E W ® LENS COATINGS WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT Xtended Twilight Lens Coating with DiamondCoat 2 Anti-Scratch Coatings (3.5-25x56mm M5B2) Auto-Locking Pinch and Turn 0.1 mil with Elevation BDC ring VARIABLE POWER + 1.1-8x24mm CQBSS M5B1 Front Focal (ITAR) + 3.5-25x56mm M5B2 Front Focal (ITAR) MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL 8X, Twin Bias Spring Erector POWER SELECTOR STYLE 34mm (1.1-8x24mm CQBSS M5B1 Front Focal) 35mm (3.5-25x56mm M5B2 Front Focal) Manufactured from 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum alloy MARK 6 ® MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM MARK 4 ER/T ® Auto-Locking Pinch and Turn 0.1 mil with Elevation BDC ring + 4.5-14x50mm ER/T M1 Front Focal + 4.5-14x50mm ER/T M3 Front Focal + 4.5-14x50mm ER/T M5 Front Focal + 6.5-20x50mm ER/T M1 + 6.5-20x50mm ER/T M1 Front Focal + 6.5-20x50mm ER/T M5 Front Focal + 6.5-20x50mm ER/T M5A2 Front Focal (ITAR) + 8.5-25x50mm ER/T M1 Front Focal + 8.5-25x50mm ER/T M5 Front Focal Xtended Twilight Lens Coating, Edge Blackened Lenses and DiamondCoat 2 Anti-Scratch Coatings M1 models: 1/4-MOA adjustments M3 models: 1-MOA/1/2-MOA adjustments POWER SELECTOR STYLE Tactile Power Indicator WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT LENS COATINGS ® USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT Lockable Fast-Focus Side Focus (3-18x44mm M5B2/M5C2) GOLD RING GUARANTEE No Yes Yes EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT EXTERIOR FINISHES Matte Standard, lockable eyepiece design GOLD RING GUARANTEE No Yes Yes Vary by Model Variable Power: Xtended Twilight Lens Coating, Edge Blackened Lenses and DiamondCoat 2 Anti-Scratch Coatings M1 and Target models: 1/4-MOA click adjustments Fixed Power: Index Matched Lens Coating M3 models: 1-MOA elevation and 1/2-MOA windage adjustments M2 models: 1/2-MOA click adjustments + Mil Dot + Illum. Mil Dot + TMR + Illum. TMR + Duplex + TS-29X1 MOA + TS-32X1 MOA EXTERIOR FINISHES Standard, lockable eyepiece design No BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE GOLD RING GUARANTEE Fixed Power Erector NA NA Proprietary Nitrogen-fill process No No Yes + 1.5-4x20mm P5 + 3-9x40mm P5 + 4-12x40mm AO P5 + 6-18x40mm AO P5 Index Matched RETICLES MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL P5 0.1 mil click adjustments LENS COATINGS FIXED POWER Slotted 0.1 mil click + 1X Red Dot NA Proprietary Nitrogen-fill process WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT DiamondCoat Blackened Lens Edges MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL + Reflex Sight Yes EXTERIOR FINISHES Slotted 1/2-MOA click EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN Fixed BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM RETICLES GOLD RING GUARANTEE No Yes EXTERIOR FINISHES + 1-MOA Dot No CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE No Vary by Model USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN Matte USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT NA No WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE GOLD RING GUARANTEE NA Proprietary Nitrogen-fill process No No Yes LENS COATINGS FIXED POWER Yes POWER SELECTOR STYLE Manufactured from 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum alloy DELTAPOINT PRO No Matte WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY LENS COATINGS FIXED POWER GOLD RING GUARANTEE RETICLES + CMR-W Adjustable objective (select models) CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE Vary by Model POWER SELECTOR STYLE Manufactured from 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum alloy Standard, lockable eyepiece design USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM Argon/Krypton WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT Double DiamondCoat MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY Knurled Tactile Power Indicator EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN Matte + Mil Dot + Fine Duplex + Duplex + FireDot-G Special Purpose Reticle + FireDot-G TMR POWER SELECTOR STYLE One-inch, manufactured from 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum alloy EXTERIOR FINISHES Vary by Model .223 elevation BDC dial MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM LCO WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT LENS COATINGS VARIABLE POWER DiamondCoat WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT RETICLES Vary by Model Slotted 1-MOA Dot MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL POWER SELECTOR STYLE NA NA NA + 7.5-MOA Inscribed Delta + 2.5-MOA Dot WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY Waterproof EXTERIOR FINISHES EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN Matte NA USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT NA BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE GOLD RING GUARANTEE No No Yes USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN Vary by Model Matte Dark Earth® Matte USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY NA CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE + Illum. CM-R2 + Illum. CM-R2 with DeltaPoint 7.5-MOA Delta + Illum. CM-R2 with DeltaPoint 3.5-MOA Dot EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN POWER SELECTOR STYLE Fixed Power Erector BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM EXTERIOR FINISHES MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM Side focus parallax adjustment 0.1 mil click Xtended Twilight Lens Coating + 6x20mm + 6x20mm with LCO CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE RETICLES Vary by Model MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM D-EVO BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT LENS COATINGS FIXED POWER + 4x24mm HAMR Single Bias Spring, 3X Erector RETICLES Standard, lockable eyepiece design Fast Focus (Illum. Ret. models) Side focus parallax adjustment M5 models: 0.1 mil click adjustments POWER SELECTOR STYLE Tactile Power Indicator (Variable Power) Twin Bias Spring, 3X Erector Matte Argon/Krypton MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN EXTERIOR FINISHES WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY 30mm, manufactured from 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum alloy LENS COATINGS WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT Xtended Twilight Lens Coating, Edge Blackened Lenses and DiamondCoat 2 Anti-Scratch Coatings M1 models: 1/4-MOA click adjustments VARIABLE POWER + 1.5-5x20mm MR/T (one-inch) + 1.5-5x20mm MR/T M2 + 1.5-5x20mm MR/T M2 Front Focal + 2.5-8x36mm MR/T M1 + 2.5-8x36mm MR/T M2 + 2.5-8x36mm MR/T M2 - TS-30 A2 (ITAR) ® ® VARIABLE & FIXED POWER ® MARK 4 HAMR MARK AR MOD 1 + Mil Dot + TMR + H27 + H37 + H58 + TS-60X2 MOA MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM ® Yes RETICLES Variable Power: Twin Bias Spring, 3X Erector Fixed Power: Twin Bias Spring Erector MARK 4 MR/T Yes Vary by Model M5 models: 0.1 mil adjustments 30mm, manufactured from 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum alloy; 34mm (M5A2) + 10x40mm LR/T M1 + 10x40mm LR/T M3 + 16x40mm LR/T M1 + 3.5-10x40mm LR/T M1 + 3.5-10x40mm LR/T M1 Front Focal + 3.5-10x40mm LR/T M2 + 3.5-10x40mm LR/T M3 + 3.5-10x40mm LR/T M3 Front Focal + 3.5-10x40mm LR/T M5 Front Focal + 4.5-14x40mm LR/T Target + 4.5-14x50mm LR/T M1 + 6.5-20x50mm LR/T M1 + 8.5-25x50mm LR/T M1 + 8.5-25x50mm LR/T M5 No Argon/Krypton fill for enhanced thermal shock resistance WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT Twin Bias Spring, 3X Erector ® GOLD RING GUARANTEE + Illum. 5.56 CMR-W + Illum. 7.62 CMR-W + 7.62 CMR-W + 7.62 CMR-W Grid + H58 + H59 + Mil Dot + TMR + Tremor 2 + Illum. Tremor 2 + Illum. TMR + Illum. TMR-D WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY Tactile Power Indicator MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL ® Side Focus (3.5-25x56mm M5B2) CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE Vary by Model ZeroLock™ with 0.1 or 0.2 mil per click POWER SELECTOR STYLE MAGNIFICATION SYSTEM MARK 4 LR/T Lockable Fast-Focus BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM RETICLES LENS COATINGS VARIABLE POWER ® USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT ® Xtended Twilight Lens Coating with DiamondCoat 2 Anti-Scratch Coatings 34mm, manufactured from 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum alloy Matte Argon/Krypton fill for enhanced thermal shock resistance WINDAGE & ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL 6X, Twin Bias Spring Erector Tactile Power Indicator EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN EXTERIOR FINISHES + Illum. M-TMR + Illum. Mil Dot + Illum. 7.62 CMR-W + Illum. H27-D + Illum. H58 + Illum. Tremor 2 WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY LENS COATINGS VARIABLE POWER + 1-6x20mm M6C1 Front Focal + 3-18x44mm M5B2 Front Focal + 3-18x44mm M5C2 Front Focal + 3 -18x44mm M5C2 Front Focal DAGR Kit (ITAR) RETICLES Vary by Model MAINTUBE DIAMETER AND MATERIAL One-inch and 30mm, manufactured from 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum alloy Tactile Power Indicator Argon/Krypton RETICLES Vary by Model M2 models: 1/2-MOA click adjustments POWER SELECTOR STYLE WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF BALLISTICS TECHNOLOGY AIMING SYSTEM + Illum. Mil Dot + TMR + Illum. TMR + Illum. CM-R2 + Special Purpose Reticle + Illum. Special Purpose Reticle + Illum. 300 Blackout WATERPROOF/FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY Argon/Krypton CUSTOM SHOP GOLD RING SERVICEABLE GUARANTEE No EXTERIOR FINISHES Matte Yes EYEPIECE FOCUS DESIGN Standard, lockable eyepiece design Yes USER PARALLAX ADJUSTMENT No Fast Focus (Illum. Ret. models) BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM CUSTOM SHOP SERVICEABLE GOLD RING GUARANTEE No Yes Yes New for 2015 in red | Illum. – Illuminated Reticle | AO – Adjustable Objective 38 LEUPOLD.COM Use of Department of Defense image does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement. 39 R I F L E S C O P E OV E RV I E W MARK 8 BRYAN STANLEY Leupold Machinist | 10 years CUSTOM FINISHES Whether you want a scope that showcases your personal style, favorite color, or that just looks flat-out awesome, the Leupold Custom Shop can make it happen. Choose from a number of solid or faded anodized color finishes. ADJUSTMENT DIAL CHANGES Adding target-style adjustment knobs to your scope is just one example of the adjustment dial options you have from the Leupold Custom Shop. We can install the dials of your choice on almost any Leupold scope, including the Leupold Custom Dial System (CDS). See page 5. BALLISTICALLY MATCHED DIALS CUSTOM SHOP You know your rifle, riflescope, load, and ballistics like nobody else. Now you can have custom Bullet Drop Compensation (BDC) dials made specifically for your Leupold riflescope. We can use your ballistics data to create a precision, laser-engraved dial that allows you to adjust for bullet impact at extremely long range. BALLISTICALLY MATCHED RETICLES IT’S YOUR SCOPE WE JUST BUILD IT To give your long-range accuracy an extra boost, the Leupold Custom Shop can create a reticle using your ballistics data that is matched to your specific rifle and load. The result: a whole new level of customization for unrivaled confidence. LASER ENGRAVING To make your riflescope truly unique, the Leupold Custom Shop can give it personalized laser engraving. Let everyone know who owns the riflescope with engraving on the turret or objective bell. Or give it a classic touch with a three-letter monogram on the adjustment covers. You can even feature an image of your favorite animal. CUSTOM SHOP SCOPES Get your hands on limited runs of popular Leupold riflescopes that were discontinued in the past, like the FX-II 3x20mm Big Bore, FX-II 6x33mm Compact, FX-II 8x40mm AO Target, VX-3 3.5-10x40mm Adjustable Objective, Mark AR MOD 1 .300 Blackout, and more. THE LEUPOLD CUSTOM SHOP EXISTS TO MAKE SURE YOUR SCOPE LOOKS AND PERFORMS EXACTLY THE WAY YOU WANT. AND THERE ISN’T MUCH WE CAN’T Visit leupold.com/customshop to start designing the scope of your dreams and see all available Leupold Custom Shop scopes. DO, SO CHALLENGE OUR INSANELY TALENTED CRAFTSMEN TO MEET YOUR MOST AMBITIOUS DEMANDS. IF WE CAN’T GET IT DONE, NO ONE CAN. 40 LEUPOLD.COM/CUSTOMSHOP 41 MOUNTING SYSTEMS A CHAIN I S O N LY A S STRONG AS ITS WEAKEST LINK W HEN YOU HAVE INVESTED IN A TOP-QUALITY RIFLE AND AN UTTERLY DEPENDABLE LEUPOLD SCOPE, WHY SETTLE FOR A CHEAP, SUBPAR MOUNTING SYSTEM THAT CAN AFFECT THE FUNCTION OF YOUR SCOPE AND SERIOUSLY JEOPARDIZE YOUR ACCURACY? YOUR RIFLE AND SCOPE MADE STRONG. MADE IN AMERICA. DESERVE THE ABSOLUTELY DEPENDABLE CONNECTION THAT ONLY LEUPOLD’S AMERICAN-MADE STEEL OR ALUMINUM MOUNTING SYSTEMS CAN PROVIDE. DESIGNED AND BUILT WITH A HOST OF INNOVATIVE FEATURES BY AMERICAN ENGINEERS AND CRAFTSMEN, YOU CAN BE SUPREMELY CONFIDENT THAT I F IT BEARS THE LEUPOLD LOGO AND IS BACKED BY THE LEUPOLD GOLD RING FULL LIFETIME GUARANTEE, YOU KNOW IT’S BORN TO BE TOUGH. THAT’S DEFINITELY THE CASE WITH LEUPOLD MOUNTS, BECAUSE THEY’RE PROUDLY DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES. LEUPOLD MOUNTING SYSTEMS WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH A LIFETIME OF SECURITY, DEPENDABILITY, AND PEACE OF MIND. MAKING OUR STEEL RINGS STARTS WITH STRIKE-FORGED STEEL THAT PREPARES IT FOR A LIFETIME OF PUNISHMENT. FROM THE FORGED STEEL—OR TOUGH, AVAILABLE IN STRIKE-FORGED™ STEEL OR T-7075 ALUMINUM, IN A VARIETY LIGHTWEIGHT ALUMINUM—OUR EXPERT CRAFTSMEN MAKE THE WORLD’S PERFECT OF POPULAR STYLES AND FINISHES, LEUPOLD AMERICAN-MADE MOUNTING MOUNTS. THEY’RE CAREFULLY MACHINED, POLISHED, AND TESTED WITH EXACT SYSTEMS ARE AVAILABLE FOR OVER 200 POPULAR FIREARMS IN A VARIETY PRECISION. IT’S ONLY THEN THAT THEY’RE WORTHY OF THE LEUPOLD NAME…AND OF CONFIGURATIONS FOR ALMOST ANY CONCEIVABLE USE. READY TO SECURE YOUR SCOPE. SO LOCK IT DOWN WITH LEUPOLD AND SHOOT WITH TOTAL CONFIDENCE. 42 LEUPOLD.COM 43 STD ™ (Standard) LEUPOLD RINGMOUNTS B ASES USE AS A HIGH-QUALITY ALTERNATIVE TO RINGMOUNTS TWO-PIECE STRIKE-FORGED STEEL BASES FIT RIGHT- AND LEFT-HAND ACTIONS (REVERSIBLE ALSO SOLD BY FIREARMS MANUFACTURERS AND AS A NO-TAP AVAILABLE), AND OFFER MAXIMUM ACCESSIBILITY MOUNTING METHOD FOR MOST .22 RIMFIRE RIFLES WITH TO THE BREECH AREA. FORWARD PART OF THE BASE A 11mm, 13mm OR 3/8" DOVETAIL RAIL. THEY FEATURE ACCEPTS A DOVETAIL RING, LOCKING IT SOLIDLY INTO SUPERIOR INTEGRITY AND TIGHTER TOLERANCES BECAUSE POSITION. LONG-RANGE STD™ MOUNTS PROVIDE A WE MACHINE THEM FROM SOLID STOCK. 1/4-DEGREE (15-MOA) SLOPE OF BUILT-IN ELEVATION. RINGS STD RINGS ARE PRECISION ENGINEERED TO QRW ™ (Quick Release Weaver Style) MATCH UP WITH STD 1-PIECE OR STD 2-PIECE BASES. B RING LEUPOLD ACCURACY TO THE CROSS-SLOT FORMAT ANTI-SLIP GROOVES PROVIDE EXCEPTIONAL GRIP TO WITH THESE STEEL DETACHABLE MOUNTS, BASED ON THE HOLD THE SCOPE IN PLACE. REAR RING IS SECURED BY FAMILIAR CROSS-SLOT DESIGN. NYLOCK WINDAGE ADJUSTMENT SCREWS, WHICH ALLOW FOR FLEXIBILITY OF ADJUSTMENT. AVAILABLE IN FIVE DIFFERENT RING HEIGHTS. PRW ™ (Perma-Rings Weaver Style) PRW™ STEEL RINGS ARE BASED ON THE PROVEN DD (Dual Dovetail ) CROSS-SLOT DESIGN, AND OFFER A MORE PERMANENT O UR DUAL DOVETAIL™ (DD™) SYSTEM PROVIDES A CLASSIC, Uses Leupold QRW™ bases or any other Picatinny-style mounting rails. ™ ™ LOW-PROFILE MOUNT FOR SCOPES ON A VARIETY OF POPULAR ACTIONS, AND ARE SUPREMELY RUGGED FOR USE WITH THE HARDEST RECOILING FIREARMS. Bases accept all Leupold Dual Dovetail rings. Dovetail connections at both front and rear provide an unfailing mounting platform. MOUNTING SOLUTION. CROSS-SLOT RINGS M OUNT THESE INCREDIBLY STABLE RINGS ON FIREARMS WITH BUILT-IN MOUNTING RAILS. THEY’RE ENGINEERED SPECIFICALLY TO MATCH UP WITH CROSS-SLOT BASES. COMBO PACKS (Dual Dovetail and STD) HANDGUN BASES P RE-PACKAGED RING/BASE COMBOS ARE AVAILABLE FOR MANY RIFLE/SCOPE D ESIGNED SPECIFICALLY TO WITHSTAND THE CRUSHING COMBINATIONS IN BOTH OUR STD AND DUAL DOVETAIL SYSTEMS. INCLUDES RINGS, RECOIL OF TODAY’S POWERFUL HANDGUNS. AVAILABLE BASES, AND ALL MOUNTING HARDWARE. FOR MOST POPULAR MODELS. EXTENSION RING SETS BASES FOR CUSTOM GUNMAKERS AVAILABLE FOR STD, DD, OR QR BASES (1" OR 30mm FOR THOSE WHO WANT 100% CUSTOMIZATION, WE MAINTUBES), THESE EXTENSION RINGS GIVE YOU PROUDLY OFFER OUR GUNMAKER LINE OF BASES, WHICH 5/8" OF ADDITIONAL FORE AND AFT RING SPACING. ALLOW YOU TO TAILOR YOUR MOUNTING SYSTEM TO QR™ (Quick Release ™) OUR QR™ MOUNTS ALLOW YOU TO REMOVE AND REATTACH YOUR SCOPE TO WITHIN 1/2-MOA OF THE ORIGINAL POINT OF IMPACT. THE PATENTED LEVER MECHANISM IS MACHINED WITH PRECISION TOLERANCES, AND MAKES LOCKING A SPECIFIC CONFIGURATIONS. THERE ARE NO PRE-DRILLED HOLES OR FLUTING TO GIVE YOU THE FREEDOM YOU NEED FOR YOUR CUSTOM MOUNTING. SPECIFICALLY ENGINEERED TO RECEIVE LEUPOLD QR AND STANDARD RINGS. RIFLEMAN ® MOUNTS SCOPE INTO ITS “ZERO” POSITION QUICK AND SIMPLE. FOR AFFORDABLE AND EXCEPTIONALLY WELL MADE, OUR HUNTERS OR SHOOTERS WHO REGULARLY TRAVEL OR USE RIFLEMAN® MOUNTS ARE PRECISION MACHINED FROM MULTIPLE SCOPES ON ONE RIFLE, QR MOUNTS ARE THE AIRCRAFT-GRADE ALUMINUM FOR INCREDIBLE STRENGTH PERFECT SOLUTION. AND LIGHTER WEIGHT. Bases fit most popular rifle models, and are matched with your choice of ring styles (detachable or vertical split) in low, medium and high. 44 LEUPOLD.COM 45 MARK 4 ® TACTICAL MOUNTS IMS ® (Integral Mounting System ®) BASES D ESIGNED SPECIFICALLY FOR TACTICAL USE, IMS® IS AVAILABLE IN MARK 1®, MARK 2®, AVAILABLE FOR VIRTUALLY EVERY LONG-RANGE TACTICAL RIFLE, MARK 4 BASES ACCEPT MARK 4 RINGS, MARK 6 AND MARK 8 CONFIGURATIONS, AND FEATURES A MONOLITHIC, CANTILEVER CROSS-SLOT, AND QRW/PRW RINGS. ONE-PIECE BASES DESIGN THAT IS STRONG AND DURABLE UNDER THE MOST INTENSE CONDITIONS. THE HAVE A 1/4-DEGREE (15-MOA) SLOPE FOR LONG-RANGE INTEGRAL BASE/RING (FORMED FROM ONE PIECE OF BAR STOCK) AFFIXES SECURELY SHOOTING APPLICATIONS. TO THE PICATINNY RAIL OF MOST AR AND OTHER TACTICAL RIFLES. RINGS THE ONE-PIECE DESIGN PROVIDES FOR EASIER MOUNTING AS RING SPACING IS PRESET, AVAILABLE IN MACHINED AIRCRAFT-GRADE ALUMINUM OR STRIKE-FORGED STEEL OPTIONS, MARK 4 AND MORE ACCURATE RETURN-TO-ZERO AS YOU ONLY NEED TO MARK ONE LOCATION RINGS CAN BE INSTALLED ON ANY AR/MSR PLATFORM OR ON THE RAIL. AVAILABLE IN 1", 30mm, 34mm, AND 35mm. ANY FIREARM WITH A PICATINNY-STYLE BASE. THEY’RE Mark 4 Modular IMS is a system consisting of the Mark 4 IMS base (#110292) and interchangeable inserts for 1" (#110294) or 30mm (#110295) scope maintubes, or a 1913 Picatinny rail (#110293). STRONG, LIGHTWEIGHT, AND EXCEPTIONALLY DURABLE. MARK 4 AR-15/M16 HANDLE MOUNT SECURELY ATTACH YOUR SCOPE TO ANY M16 VARIANT WITH A CARRYING HANDLE (MOUNT SLIDES INTO SIGHT CHANNEL). USE WITH LEUPOLD QRW MOUNTS. DELIVERS ROCK-SOLID STABILITY FOR REPEATABLE ACCURACY. Mark 4 IMS 30mm Cantilever Mount MARK 4 8-40 ADAPTABLE BASE Mark 4 IMS 1" Cantilever Mount Mark 4 IMS Extended Riser MOUNTING LARGE RIFLESCOPES ON LARGE CALIBER FIREARMS WITH CONVENTIONAL 6-48 SCREWS IS NOT IDEAL, AS THE INCREASED RECOIL AND SCOPE WEIGHT CAN OVER-STRESS THE SMALLER SCREWS AND LEAD TO POSSIBLE FAILURES. MORE RUGGED, 8-40 SCREWS INCREASE MOUNT STRENGTH BY 41%. Leupold’s Mark 4 8-40 Adaptable Mount is the first mount that can accommodate both the 8-40 screw and a modified 6-48 shoulder screw. Larger through holes accept the thicker 8-40 screw, while the standard 6-48 screw has been replaced by a shoulder screw to work with the larger opening. This gives you the flexibility to mount your rifle with the common 6-48 screw size, or drill and tap your gun to accept the 8-40 screws. Mark 1 IMS Extended Riser These bases will fit Winchester PBR, Remington Super Magnum, HS Precision, and other 8-40 rifles without modification. (Some firearms will not work with these adaptable mounts. Check current offering for details.) 6-48 8-40 Mark 2 IMS 1" Cantilever Mount Mark 6 IMS Cantilever Mount 46 LEUPOLD.COM Mark 2 IMS Extended Riser Mark 2 IMS 30mm Cantilever Mount Mark 8 IMS Cantilever Mount 47 SPOTTING SCOPES AND BINOCULARS DETAILS MATTER. EVERY. LAST. ONE. A T CRITICAL MOMENTS, YOU CAN’T RISK MISSING A SINGLE THING. YOU A WORLD OF OPTIONS NEED THE SUPERIORITY AND SHARP PICTURE OF LEUPOLD SPOTTING SCOPES AND BINOCULARS. THEY OUTPERFORM AND OUTLAST OTHER OPTICS, WHETHER YOU’RE ON A RIDGE OR AT THE RANGE. WITH LEUPOLD, YOU CAN BE CONFIDENT THAT YOU’LL SEE EVERY DETAIL WITH PERFECT CLARITY. AT ANY SIZE, CLASS, OR POWER, LEUPOLD PROMISES TO GIVE HUNTERS AND SHOOTERS THE ABSOLUTE BEST IN SPOTTING SCOPES AND BINOCULARS. FROM THE ASTONISHING HIGH-DEFINITION IMAGES OF THE NEW BX®-3 MOJAVE® PRO GUIDE HD BINOCULARS AND OUR GOLD RING SPOTTING SCOPES, TO THE INCOMPARABLE VALUE OF BX-1 YOSEMITE® AND SX-1 VENTANA®, LEUPOLD OUTPERFORMS THE FIELD IN A BIG WAY. 48 LEUPOLD.COM 49 T HE WORLD’S BEST SPOTTING SCOPES JUST GOT EVEN BETTER. PROUDLY BEARING THE LEGENDARY LEUPOLD GOLD RING AND BACKED BY THE BEST WE MADE A GUARANTEE IN THE BUSINESS, THIS LINE OF SPOTTERS HAS BEEN UPDATED LIFETIME COMMITMENT MAKE THE GOLD RING SPOTTERS EASY TO ADJUST AND CARRY, WHILE THE LIF ETIM ES AGO DRAMATICALLY FOR 2015. BOLD NEW STYLING AND REDESIGNED ERGONOMICS NEW IMPACT RETICLE MAKES SPOTTING BULLET SPLASH AND POINT OF AIM ADJUSTMENT SIMPLE. CLEARLY, GOLD RING SPOTTING SCOPES ARE TOP DOG. GOLD RING S P OT T I N G S CO P E S Lightweight, compact design for convenience in the field. Folded Light Path system “folds” entering light in a Z-path to achieve a very compact design with magnification and resolution better than much longer spotting scopes. Crisp resolution lets you see even the smallest details. Long eye relief for more forgiving head positioning. 100% waterproof, fog proof, and shockproof for extreme durability. Backed by the Leupold Gold Ring Full Lifetime Guarantee. Impact Reticle IMPACT RETICLE With the addition of the Impact reticle, you now have a reference point featuring MOA measurements within the Gold Ring spotting scope to make quick adjustments. Your spotter can watch for bullet splash to measure the impact location of a shot and give you instant feedback to make corrections. When your scope and spotter are speaking the same language (MOA), adjustments become much easier. Available on 12-40x60mm HD and 20-60x80mm NEW 50 LEUPOLD.COM A COMPLETE SHOOTING SYSTEM Whatever your needs, there’s a Gold Ring spotting scope to help you succeed in the field. They’re the ideal addition to a complete shooting system when paired with a rangefinder and scope. Simply get your range with a rangefinder, take your shot, and make refining adjustments based on feedback from your spotter. You can also use the Impact reticle to measure trophy size when you get your range from the rangefinder. 51 NEW NEW GOLD RING 20-60x80mm S P OT T I N G S CO P E S T HE TWO COMPACT GOLD RING SPOTTING SCOPES UNCOMPROMISED SUPERIORITY, THE 20-60x80mm PACK AN UNBELIEVABLE PUNCH FOR THEIR SMALL, MODEL IS IT. TOP-OF-THE-LINE FEATURES COMBINED EXCEPTIONALLY WIDE FIELD OF VIEW TO GIVE YOU A SPOTTER THAT’S SECOND TO NONE. COMPACT S P OT T I N G S CO P E S F OR HUNTERS AND SHOOTERS WHO NEED WITH PHENOMENAL RANGE AND AN GOLD RING LIGHTWEIGHT SIZE. WITH MANY OF THE SAME Generous eye relief for comfortable, prolonged spotting. EXCEPTIONAL FEATURES AS LARGER MODELS, THEY’RE PERFECT FOR WHEN SPACE IS TIGHT. Armored magnesium body provides extreme durability in a lightweight design. Wide field of view allows you to see up to 121 feet at 1,000 yards. Extremely compact at 15.8 ounces and 7.5˝ long (10-20x40mm model) to comfortably carry around your neck. Durable carbon fiber housing for amazing ruggedness without the weight. Versatile size allows for mounting or hand-held use. GOLD RING 12-40x60mm HD 12-40x60mm WITH A SPOTTING SCOPE KIT G ET OUTSTANDING VERSATILITY AND CLARITY AT GOLD RING 15-30x50mm COMPACT SPOTTING SCOPE KIT ALL ZOOM RANGES WITH THE GOLD RING 12-40x60mm, A HUNT OR AT THE RANGE, YOU WON’T WANT TO LEAVE THIS AT HOME. GOLD RING SPOTTING SCOPE KITS G E T TH E F U L L S E TU P S P OT T I N G S CO P E S STANDARD OR HD MODEL. ANY TIME YOU’RE ON NEW NEW See all Gold Ring models on page 61. HD lenses provide superior images with vivid colors and the sharpest resolution available (12-40x60mm HD only). Includes the spotting scope, quick detaching shoulder strap, convenient hand strap, custom padded belt case, lens covers, a specially designed mounting adapter for 1/4-20 threaded mounts, a sturdy tabletop tripod, and hard-side carrying case. 30mm of eye relief is the longest of any spotting scope on the market. Compact performance at just 12.4˝ long and 37 ounces. GOLD RING 12-40x60mm HD SPOTTING SCOPE KIT Includes the HD spotting scope; tripod; hard-side, reinforced case with custom padding; and other specialized accessories. GOLD RING 20-60x80mm SPOTTING SCOPE KIT Includes the spotting scope; tripod; hard-side, reinforced case with custom padding; and other specialized accessories. See all Gold Ring models on page 61. 52 LEUPOLD.COM 53 SX-1 VENTANA THIS 30x, 25-60x80mm HD SPOTTER FOR A SHARP PICTURE, GENEROUS LIGHT TRANSMISSION, AND OUTSTANDING COLOR REPRODUCTION. BALANCED DESIGN The SX-2 Kenai combines form and function in every way. An oversized focus ring is centered over the tripod mount to keep the spotter steady and stable while focusing in the field. Built with the user in mind, you get comfortable holding points and aggressive knurling for a solid grip. Built-in, rotating tripod port for adjusting tripod positioning. Nitrogen filled to be 100% waterproof and fog proof. HUNTERS. GET A CLEAR, CLOSE LOOK AT YOUR TARGET WITH SUPERB CLARITY, CONTRAST, AND COLOR FIDELITY. Choose from the SX-1 Ventana 15-45x60mm model or the high-powered 20-60x80mm version for spotting that gets you up close and personal. Both models offer excellent detail and clarity at all practical distances. NA TA EN 1V X- Retractable lens shade eliminates glare to improve picture quality. Nitrogen filled to be 100% waterproof and fog proof. However you like to position it, both models of the SX-1 Ventana are available in your choice of either a straight or angled eyepiece (45 degrees) for more comfortable viewing at the range or in the field. 60X Every SX-2 Kenai comes with both a 30x wide-angle eyepiece and a 25-60x variable eyepiece, making it an incredibly versatile spotter. You’re basically getting two scopes in one. SX-2 KENAI SPOTTING SCOPE KIT Upgrade to the kit for the whole spotting package. Includes your choice of a straight or angled eyepiece design; soft scope case; two eyepieces; reinforced, hard-side carrying case; and multi-directional, tilting head tripod with adjustable legs. 54 LEUPOLD.COM PRICE. THE SX-1 VENTANA IS IDEAL FOR OPEN-COUNTRY SX-1 VENTANA EYEPIECE TWO EYEPIECES INCLUDED See all SX-2 Kenai models on page 61. G ET A CLASS-LEADING SPOTTER AT A COMFORTABLE TWO MAGNIFICATION RANGES Retractable lens shade is integrated into the body design to reduce glare and keep the objective lens dry. 20-6 0 x8 0m m S CHOOSE FROM A STRAIGHT OR ANGLED MODEL OF D LEUPOL 20-60 x80 mm DELIVERS SPOTTING IN IMPRESSIVE HIGH DEFINITION. S P OT T I N G S CO P E S A TAN EN A T THE RANGE OR IN THE FIELD, THE SX-2 KENAI® High-performance, 80mm HD objective lens dramatically improves color, brightness, and resolution. V -1 SX S P OT T I N G S CO P E S OLD LEUP SX-2 KENAI USER-FOCUSED DESIGN The sleek, yet rugged design slides easily in and out of a case or backpack, and mounts steadily on a tripod. Aggressive knurling on the focus knob and lens shade lets you easily make adjustments, even with gloved hands. Generous eye relief and twist-up eyecup for easy viewing, even with glasses. SX-1 VENTANA SPOTTING SCOPE KIT Complete kits are available for both the 15-45x60mm and 20-60x80mm models, with either the straight or angled eyepiece. They give you everything you need to be successful in the field or at the range. With the kits, you get the spotting scope, compact adjustable tripod with multi-directional head and non-slip feet, hardside carrying case, soft case, neoprene strap, and lens covers. See all SX-1 Ventana models on page 61. 55 BX-2 ACADIA RO G UID E ™ HD P BINOCULARS BINOCULARS BX-2 ACADIA® PACKS IN ALL THE FEATURES A HUNTER D ESIGNED WITH PROFESSIONAL GUIDES IN MIND, THE COULD WANT AND WRAPS THEM IN LEUPOLD’S LEGENDARY BX-3 MOJAVE PRO GUIDE™ HD ADDS HIGH-DEFINITION RUGGEDNESS. AND IF THAT’S NOT ENOUGH, THEY NOW PERFORMANCE TO EVERYTHING PEOPLE LOVE ABOUT THE BX-3 MOJAVE. HD PERFORMANCE High-definition lenses provide an amazingly clear difference in performance. Specially coated extra-low dispersion lenses offer razor-sharp resolution and color to easily pick out game in heavy brush. Choose from durable rubber armor coating in Kryptek® Typhon™ or Kryptek ® Highlander™. FEATURE A NEW INDUSTRIAL DESIGN, IMPROVED EYECUP ERGONOMICS, AND DIELECTRICALLY COATED PRISMS TO MAKE THE BX-2 ACADIA EVEN MORE APPEALING. Designed and engineered for pro guides with next-level performance and durability. DIELECTRICALLY COATED PRISMS 100% waterproof and fog proof for superior performance in all conditions. BX-2 Acadia now features prisms that are dielectrically coated for improved reflectivity across the visible light spectrum, which significantly increases resolution. Available in black or Mossy Oak® Break-up® Infinity™. 100% waterproof and fog proof for superior performance in all conditions. Open bridge design makes BX-3 Mojave Pro Guide HD lightweight, ergonomic, and easy to use. See all BX-2 Acadia models on page 60. See all BX-3 Mojave Pro Guide HD models on page 60. BX-2 CASCADES BX-3 MOJAVE BINOCULARS B I NOCUL AR S W HETHER YOU PREFER FULL-SIZE OR COMPACT, W HEN YOU’RE ON A HUNT, BX-2 CASCADES® COULD BX-3 MOJAVE IS A MUST-HAVE ADDITION TO ANY BE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A SUCCESSFUL PACK. THEY’RE ONE OF THE MOST VERSATILE SET DAY AND COMING HOME EMPTY-HANDED. THE OF BINOCULARS YOU’LL EVER CARRY. ADVANCED LENS SYSTEM Fully multi-coated lenses are combined with L-Coat™ BAK4 prisms for excellent photopic transmission that delivers a clear, bright image under any conditions. Slim, ergonomic in-line design is a natural fit for hands of all sizes. Choose from durable rubber armor coating in black or Mossy Oak® Treestand® camouflage. Cold mirror coated prisms improve reflectiveness for greater color, resolution, and clarity. 100% waterproof and fog proof for superior performance in all conditions. Twist-up eyecups and long eye relief give you a more comfortable viewing position. CENTER FOCUS AND PHASE COATED BAK4 ROOF PRISMS DELIVER AN EXCEPTIONAL IMAGE IN A STREAMLINED DESIGN. LOW-LIGHT PERFORMANCE Conditions on a hunt are rarely perfect. That’s why BX-2 Cascades feature outstanding low-light performance for less-than-ideal conditions like the early morning or right at dusk. Available in black or Mossy Oak® Break-up® Infinity™. Close focus gives you a clear view of objects as near as 10 feet away. Slim, ergonomic in-line design is a natural fit for hands of all sizes. Twist-up eyecups and long eye relief give you a more comfortable viewing position. 100% waterproof and fog proof for superior performance in all conditions. FIE 56 LEUPOLD.COM WA OF 2 8 xLD47° See all BX-3 Mojave models on page 60. O NEW BX-3 MOJAVE TERP R See all BX-2 Cascades models on page 60. 57 BX-T TACTICAL BX-1 B I NOCUL AR S BINOCULARS BX-1 McKENZIE ™ L EUPOLD 10x42mm TACTICAL BINOCULARS GIVE BOTH SPOTTERS AND SHOOTERS A LIGHTWEIGHT, DURABLE A balance of performance and affordability, the feature-rich BX-1 McKenzie™ offers a roof prism design that’s rugged, dependable, and ready to hit the trail. OPTIC. THEY FEATURE A BUILT-IN MIL-L ROTATING RETICLE TO ACCURATELY RANGE OBJECTS THAT AREN’T PURELY HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL. Sleek, lightweight design easily fits in your hand, backpack, or pocket. Fully multicoated lenses provide exceptional light transmission for improved glassing. Phase coated BAK4 roof prisms provide outstanding edge-to-edge clarity. See all BX-1 McKenzie models on page 60. Waterproof, fog proof, and shockproof for extreme durability. Includes Berry Compliant Desert Tan MOLLE carry case. Impact-resistant polycarbonate housing features rugged armor and waterproof construction. B X-1 ROGUE ® T he classic design and Porro prism optical system make the BX-1 Rogue® a familiar favorite for all types of binoculars owners. And with multiple sizes available, these well-balanced binoculars will perform well above expectations. Fully multi-coated lenses optimize light transmission for enhanced brightness, clarity, and contrast. Porro prism system maximizes light transmission for crisp images. Rugged and waterproof to perform in any conditions. See all BX-1 Rogue models on page 60. Optional Mil-L Reticle MARK 4 TACTICAL S P OT T I N G S CO P E S A NY SNIPER WILL TELL YOU THAT A PERFECT SHOT BX-1 YOSEMITE ® T hese great entry-level binoculars are designed for comfortable use by anyone, from kids to adults. They’re easy to adjust, and the unique, compact design fits in hands of all sizes. See all BX-T Tactical models on page 60. DOESN’T HAPPEN WITHOUT PRECISE OBSERVATION AND RANGE ESTIMATION. ENTER LEUPOLD MARK 4 TACTICAL SPOTTING SCOPES. YOUR CHOICE OF Fully multi-coated lenses ensure optimal brightness, contrast, and color. FRONT FOCAL PLANE RETICLES GIVES YOU EXACT RANGE CALCULATIONS AT ALL POWER SETTINGS FOR SERIOUS ACCURACY. Close focus allows for clear, bright images to within 10 feet. Folded Light Path technology provides powerful magnification in a lightweight, compact design. Universal Mount: Standard 1/4-20 thread tripod attachment. Digital camera compatibility is ideal for surveillance. Reticle options: Mil Dot, TMR, P4, H32, H36, Inverted H32, or Inverted H36. Rugged and waterproof to perform in any conditions. See all BX-1 Yosemite models on page 60. See all Mark 4 Tactical models on page 61. 58 LEUPOLD.COM H36 59 BAK4 Yes Prisms $$$ Fully multi-coated lens coating with L-Coat Nitrogen-filled process and 100% Waterproof 10x50mm 12x50mm 8x 420 140 8.0 17.0 482 4.8 121 10x 340 113 6.5 17.0 482 4.8 121 8x 368 123 7.0 23.4 663 5.6 142 32 16.0 4.0 16.0 58-74 7.0 32 17.8 3.2 16.0 58-74 6.0 2.0 42 18.3 5.3 19.0 58-74 8.0 2.4 10x 326 109 6.2 24.0 686 5.6 142 42 20.5 4.2 16.0 58-74 7.5 10x 263 88 50 22.4 5.0 17.0 58-74 15.0 4.5 12x 220 73 5.0 28.2 800 6.6 167 4.2 28.2 800 6.6 167 2.3 50 20.4 4.2 17.0 58-74 9.9 3.0 BX-2 CASCADES ® ® 8x42mm BAK4 Yes Prisms $$ 10x42mm Fully multi-coated lens coating 8x 341 114 10x 267 89 6.5 22.9 649 5.5 140 42 18.3 5.3 18.0 58-72 9.9 3.3 5.1 23.1 655 5.5 140 42 20.5 4.2 16.0 58-72 9.9 3.3 BAK4 Prisms Index Matched Coatings, HD Lens Elements 7.5 18.0 510 4.5 114 32 16.0 4.0 15.0 57-71 5.0 1.5 356 80 58.5 1658 14.0 356 80 CLOSE FOCUS DISTANCE EYE RELIEF EXIT PUPIL TWILIGHT FACTOR OBJECTIVE APERTURE LENGTH inches gram ounce WEIGHT ANGULAR FIELD OF VIEW 58.5 1658 14.0 2.6 18.5 1.8 1.0 44.7 - 3.1 69.3 1.3 17.4 17.9 11.8 3.6 11.8 3.6 60 30.0 - 4.0 - 26.7 13.8 52.0 1.3 24.0 4.2 343 60 30.0 - 4.0 - 26.7 13.8 52.0 1.3 24.0 4.2 37.0 1049 17.0 432 40.0 - 4.0 - 26.4 24.9 80 69.0 1.3 24.0 7.5 37.0 1049 17.0 432 80 40.0 - 4.0 - 26.4 24.9 69.0 1.3 24.0 7.5 49.0 Nitrogen-filled 25x - 94 60x 52 process and 100% Waterproof 30x 126 31 17 42 2.4 25x - 94 60x 52 31 17 1.8 1.0 15x - 121 45x 63 40 - 2.3 30.6 868 21 1.2 13.5 343 15x - 121 45x 63 40 - 2.3 30.6 868 21 1.2 13.5 20x - 89 60x 47 30 16 1.7 0.9 20x - 89 60x 47 30 16 1.7 0.9 2.6 18.5 44.7 - 3.1 69.3 1.3 49.0 17.4 17.9 ® 15-45x60mm 15-45x60mm Angled $ 20-60x80mm BAK4 Prisms Multicoat 4 Lens Coating Nitrogen-filled process and 100% Waterproof GOLD RING COMPACT ® 10-20x40mm 15-30x50mm 8x 394 131 2.4 SX-1 VENTANA ® 8x32mm LINEAR FIELD OF VIEW WATERPROOF/ FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY LENS COATINGS ERECTOR SYSTEM TYPE PRICE RANGE $$$ $$ BX-2 ACADIA ® 42 ® 20-60x80mm Angled Nitrogen-filled process and 100% Waterproof 126 m 2.1 30x, 25-60x80mm HD Angled degrees 2.3 30x mm 42 20.5 4.2 16.0 58-74 7.5 30x, 25-60x80mm HD Straight mm 10x 326 109 6.2 24.0 686 5.6 142 42 18.3 5.3 19.0 58-74 8.0 2.4 ft 10x32mm 10x42mm 7.0 23.4 663 5.6 142 ® 8x32mm 8x42mm 8x 368 123 mm ® Nitrogen-filled process and 100% Waterproof mm 10x42mm Fully multi-coated lens coating with L-Coat m@ 1000 m BAK4 Yes Prisms $$$ ft @ 1000 yd 8x42mm BX-3 MOJAVE SX-2 KENAI ™ ACTUAL MAGNIFICATION ® AVAILABLE FINISHES CLOSE FOCUS DISTANCE INTERPUPILLARY DISTANCE mm m EYE RELIEF mm ft EXIT PUPIL mm OBJECTIVE APERTURE mm TWILIGHT FACTOR mm inches gram LENGTH WEIGHT ANGULAR FIELD OF VIEW ounce degrees LINEAR FIELD OF VIEW m@ 1000 m ft @ 1000 yd ACTUAL MAGNIFICATION WATERPROOF/ FOG PROOF TECHNOLOGY LENS COATINGS PHASE COATED ERECTOR SYSTEM TYPE PRICE RANGE AVAILABLE FINISHES B I N O C U L A R S / S P O T T I N G S C O P E S OV E RV I E W ® BAK4 Prisms Multicoat 4 Lens Coating Nitrogen-filled process and 100% Waterproof 10x - 199 - 66 - 3.8 15.8 20x 136 45 2.6 447 7.5 191 40 20.0 - 4.0 - 18.5 5.5 28.3 2.0 17.2 1.7 15x - 136 - 45 - 2.6 21.5 30x 89 30 1.7 610 11.0 279 50 27.6 - 3.3 - 17.5 13.5 39.0 1.6 17.1 4.1 315 60 26.8 - 4.8 - 30.0 36.0 10.9 48.9 1.5 30.0 390 80 40.0 - 4.1 - 30.0 25.0 69.3 1.3 30.0 315 60 26.8 - 4.8 - 30.0 36.0 10.9 48.9 1.5 30.0 315 60 26.8 - 4.8 - 30.0 36.0 10.9 48.9 1.5 30.0 390 80 40.0 - 4.1 - 30.0 25.0 69.3 1.3 30.0 GOLD RING ® 10x32mm 5.0 1.4 7.5 23.1 655 6.0 152 42 18.3 5.3 15.5 58-76 7.5 2.3 10x 368 123 7.0 23.5 666 6.2 152 42 20.5 4.2 15.5 57-76 9.0 2.7 10x50mm 10x 303 101 5.8 29.5 830 6.5 169 50 22.4 5.0 19.0 57-76 12.0 3.6 12x50mm 12x 261 5.0 28.8 810 6.5 169 50 24.5 4.2 15.5 57-76 12.5 3.8 8x42mm BAK4 Yes Prisms $$ 10x42mm Multicoat 4 Lens Coating Nitrogen-filled process and 100% Waterproof 10x 288 96 5.5 18.0 510 4.5 8x 394 131 114 32 17.9 3.2 15.0 57-71 Xtended Nitrogen-filled 12x - 168 - 56 - 3.2 - 37.0 1049 12.4 $$$ Folded 40x 52 17 1.0 Light Twilight Lens process Path Coating with and 100% 20x - 121 - 40 - 2.3 61.8 1752 15.5 $$$$ Lens DiamondCoat 2 Waterproof 60x 42 14 0.8 12-40x60mm 20-60x80mm 7.6 GOLD RING HD ® BX-1 McKENZIE ® ® 12-40x60mm HD 8x42mm BAK4 Yes Prisms $ 10x42mm BX-1 ROGUE ® 87 Fully multi-coated lens coating Nitrogen-filled process and 100% Waterproof 8x 330 110 6.1 22.1 655 5.8 147 42 18.3 5.3 17.7 56-74 10.0 3.0 10x 305 102 5.8 22.0 624 5.8 147 42 20.4 4.2 13.7 56-74 10.0 3.0 ® 8x 10x42mm BAK4 NA Prisms $ 8x50mm Fully multi-coated lens coating Nitrogen-filled process and 100% Waterproof 10x50mm 341 114 6.5 23.5 667 5.5 140 42 18.3 5.3 16.5 54-72 24.0 7.3 10x 331 110 6.3 24.2 686 5.7 145 42 20.5 4.2 15.6 54-72 21.0 6.4 8x 331 110 6.3 29.7 842 7.3 185 50 21.2 6.3 20.7 56-68 34.0 10.3 10x 288 96 5.5 33.0 936 7.0 178 50 22.4 5.0 15.0 56-68 30.0 9.1 8x 337 112 6.4 12.7 360 4.3 109 25 3.1 15.0 57-71 14.1 4.3 10x 294 96 5.6 12.7 360 4.3 109 25 15.8 2.5 15.0 57-71 14.1 4.3 Nitrogen-filled Xtended Folded 12x - 168 - 56 - 3.2 Twilight Lens process Light 37.0 1049 12.4 40x 52 17 1.0 Coating with Path and 100% Lens DiamondCoat 2 Waterproof MARK 4 ® 12-40x60mm 8x42mm $$$ 20-60x80mm Black Gray/Black $$$ Folded Light Path $$$$ Lens Xtended Twilight Lens Coating Titanium Gray 12x - 168 - 56 - 3.2 37.0 1049 12.4 Nitrogen-filled 40x 52 17 1.0 process and 100% Waterproof 20x - 121 - 40 - 2.3 - 61.8 1752 15.5 60x 42 14 0.8 Mossy Oak Treestand Mossy Oak Break-Up Infinity Natural Typhon 7.6 Highlander New for 2015 in red BX-1 ROGUE COMPACT ® ® 8x25mm BAK4 NA Prisms $ 10x25mm BX-1 YOSEMITE ® Fully multi-coated lens coating Nitrogen-filled process and 100% Waterproof Fully multi-coated lens coating Nitrogen-filled process and 100% Waterproof ® 6x30mm 8x30mm 14.1 $ BAK4 NA Prisms 10x30mm 6x 420 140 8.0 17.0 482 4.6 117 30 13.4 4.6 18.5 50-70 10.0 3.0 8x 389 130 7.4 17.0 482 4.5 115 30 15.4 3.4 15.5 50-70 11.0 3.3 10x 351 115 30 17.3 3.0 15.5 50-70 11.0 3.3 117 6.7 17.0 482 4.5 BX-T TACTICAL 10x42mm $$ BAK4 Yes Prisms 60 LEUPOLD.COM Fully multi-coated lens coating Nitrogen-filled process and 100% Waterproof 10x 267 89 5.1 23.1 655 5.5 140 42 20.5 4.2 16.0 58-72 9.9 3.3 61 B I N O C U L A R S / S P O T T I N G S C O P E S OV E RV I E W BX-3 MOJAVE PRO GUIDE HD Y EAR AFTER YEAR, LEUPOLD STAYS ON THE CUTTING-EDGE OF INNOVATION TO DELIVER THE BEST IN RANGING PERFORMANCE. OUR RANGEFINDERS CONSISTENTLY RAISE THE BAR FOR SPEED AND ACCURACY, GIVING YOU AN IMPORTANT ADVANTAGE IN THE FIELD. THESE ARE SOME OF OUR MOST INNOVATIVE RANGEFINDER TECHNOLOGIES. DIGITALLY ENHANCED ACCURACY Our exclusive Digitally eNhanced Accuracy (DNA®) engine takes the performance of laser rangefinders to the next level. DNA combines the industry’s fastest engine with state-of-the-art digital signal processing to eliminate excess image “noise.” Regardless of the background, the filtered image yields target separation from background colors and textures. The result is a more precise measurement to the target (to within 1 yard at distances up to 1,200 yards). Simply put, DNA delivers the fastest, most accurate ranging in the field. TRUE BALLISTIC RANGE ® R PA RO NF GE ESFSI N I ODNEA RLS Part of what makes Leupold RX Series the smart rangefinder for hunters is True Ballistic Range® (TBR®). RX rangefinders are the only ones to provide accurate aiming information matched to the performance of your rifle or bow. By calibrating the incline, Line-of-Sight range to the target (LOS), and a projectile’s ballistics, TBR provides hunters the correct equivalent horizontal distance for precise shooting on any incline. In other words, aim using TBR—not the Line-of-Sight range—for superior accuracy. Rifle hunters can also get this data as MOA or Mil adjustment, or holdover/under in inches or centimeters. With practice, long-distance and steep-angle shooting will become second nature. Dial in your RX to one of seven TBR settings for your rifle/cartridge trajectory for incredible accuracy. TBR is effective to 800 yards for most rifle cartridges. SO MUCH POWER IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND TROPHY SCALE ™ Our exclusive Trophy Scale™ lets you instantly judge the size of a target before making the shot. Upon activation, enter the width/height measurement you would like to use as a baseline. Once the baseline has been saved, the Trophy Scale bracketing system will automatically adjust to changing distances to the target, displaying a single mark on the left and two marks on the right. To use the Trophy Scale, place the left edge of the target on the left mark; the two right marks will represent a range of widths. For example, the closest of the right marks may represent a width of 21" and the farther mark may represent a width of 29". If the target brackets perfectly between the left mark and the closer right mark, it measures 21". If it brackets between the left mark and the farthest right mark, it measures 29". The same process is used to measure height, turning the rangefinder on its side. Note: Distances may limit the sizes available as a baseline measurement. All measurements are for reference only and should not be considered exact. WITH A LEUPOLD RANGEFINDER, HUNTERS GET FAST, PINPOINT ACCURACY THAT ELIMINATES GUESSWORK. NO MORE ESTIMATING, NO MORE FUZZY MATH. JUST ACCURATE RANGING THAT LETS YOU SHOOT WITH TOTAL CONFIDENCE. AND WITH LEUPOLD’S DRIVE TO PUSH THE CAPABILITIES OF NEW TECHNOLOGY, YOU CAN BE SURE ANY RANGEFINDER BEARING THE LEUPOLD NAME IS THE ABSOLUTE BEST IN ITS CLASS. 62 LEUPOLD.COM 63 RX-1200i RANG E F I N D E R S W ITH BLINK-OF-AN-EYE SPEED, PHENOMENAL ACCURACY, AND RUGGED DEPENDABILITY, RX-1200i I S T H E U LT I M AT E R A N G E F I N D E R FO R S E R I O U S HUNTERS. THE WORLD’S FASTEST, MOST ACCURATE LASER RANGEFINDER DELIVERS EXCEPTIONALLY LONG RANGING OUT TO 1,200 YARDS. YOU WON’T FIND A BETTER RANGEFINDER TO CARRY IN YOUR PACK. THE OLED ADVANTAGE A major advantage of the RX-1200i is the incredible light transmission and resolution. Leupold developed a platform to support an Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) display. While many rangefinders feature a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) that reduces light and resolution, the OLED display is reflected into the light path of the rangefinder for a crystal clear image. In any low-light condition, the OLED delivers 3X greater light transmission to significantly outperform LCDs early in the morning or at dusk. Available in black, black/gray, or Mossy Oak Break-up Infinity. 6X magnification gives you plenty of power and a wide field of view. Continuous range updates in Scan Mode keep you aware of your distance while scanning an area. RETICLE OPTIONS LEADERS Whether you’re ranging varmints or big game, the RX-1200i with DNA has the ideal reticle for your needs. The Plus Point™ is good for distant or smaller targets, while the Duplex and Duplex with Plus Point help accurately and quickly range larger game. The rugged construction of the machined aluminum body and frame make it tough and weatherproof. RX -1200i WITH DNA OLED DISPLAY MENU ® ALWAYS GO THE DISTANCE ® A C B E D A. MODE B. TRUE BALLISTIC RANGE C. DISTANCE OUTPUT (YD/M) D. SHOT ANGLE E. BATTERY LIFE See all RX-1200i models on page 67. 64 LEUPOLD.COM 65 NEW ® ® MAXIMUM RANGE (YDS) BY TARGET TYPE 1,200 – Reflective 900 – Trees 800 – Deer A T ONLY 6.8 OUNCES, THE ULTRA-LIGHTWEIGHT RX-650 VIEW (AT 1,000 YARDS), AND ACCURATE RANGING TO 650 YARDS, IT’S UP FOR ANY HUNT. ® WITH DNA ® RX-650 ® 1,215 – Reflective 900 – Trees 800 – Deer 650 – Reflective 600 – Trees 575 – Deer yds 6 6 6 m 4.6 5.5 5.5 Yes No No MINIMUM RANGE INCLINOMETER INDUSTRIAL DESIGN, 6X POWER, A 366-FOOT FIELD OF RX -1200i AVAILABLE FINISHES RANGEFI NDER IS A RUGGED PERFORMER IN THE FIELD. WITH A SLEEK ® WITH DNA R A N G E F I N D E R OV E RV I E W RX-650 RX -1200i TBR Yes No No < 1/2 < 1/2 1 Illuminated Red OLED Display Illuminated Red OLED Display LCD Display MULTI-COATED LENS SYSTEM Yes Yes Yes SCAN MODE Yes Yes Yes LAST TARGET MODE Yes Yes No TROPHY SCALE No No No YDS / METERS Yds / M Yds / M Yds / M Yes Yes Waterproof Plus Point, Duplex, Duplex w/ Plus Point Plus Point, Duplex, Duplex w/ Plus Point Circle Fully Armored TBR® (TRUE BALLISTIC RANGE®) Accurate ranging up to 650 yards on reflective targets, with measurement readouts in yards or meters. MEASURING ACCURACY AT UNDER 125 YARDS (±YDS) DISPLAY Rubberized grip and front cover provide comfort and durability. Multicoated lenses deliver optimal light transmission for brighter images. WEATHERPROOF 6X magnification gives you plenty of power and a wide field of view. RETICLE Ranging flexibility with ability to switch between yards and meters. 100% waterproof for rugged performance in all conditions. RUBBER ARMOR Fully Armored Fully Armored DIOPTER FOCUS Yes – With Detents Yes – With Detents Yes L: 3.8" / H: 2.8" / W: 1.3" L: 3.8" / H: 3.0" / W: 1.4" L: 3.6" / H: 2.9" / W: 1.4" DIMENSIONS (inches) ounce 7.8 7.8 6.3 gram 221 221 180 WEIGHT 6x Monocular 6x Monocular 6x Monocular ft @ 1000 yd 320 320 366 m@ 1000 m 106 106 112 ACTUAL MAGNIFICATION LINEAR FIELD OF VIEW ANGULAR FIELD OF VIEW (DEGREES) 6 6 7 OBJECTIVE APERTURE (mm) 22 22 20 TWILIGHT FACTOR 11.5 11.5 11.0 EXIT PUPIL (mm) 3.6 3.6 3.3 EYE RELIEF (mm) 17 17 16 Gold Ring Electronics Gold Ring Electronics Gold Ring Electronics ELECTRONICS WARRANTY See RX-650 information on page 67. Black Gray/Black Mossy Oak Break-Up Infinity New for 2015 in red 66 LEUPOLD.COM 67 LEUPOLD PRO TEAM LEUPOLD PARTNERS WITH MANY OF THE WORLD’S MOST WELL-KNOWN HUNTERS AND SHOOTERS BECAUSE THE BEST DESERVES THE BEST. WE’RE PROUD TO HAVE SUCH AMAZING AMBASSADORS FOR OUR OPTICS, AS WELL AS THE LEUPOLD NAME. ROB FURLONG JIM SMITH In March 2002, during Operation Anaconda, Retired Corporal Rob Furlong set the record for longest confirmed sniper kill in action—at 2,657 yards using a Mark 4 16x. Regarded as Canada’s top sniper, he has been decorated by the militaries of Canada and the United States. Currently, he runs Rob Furlong’s Marksmanship Academy, where shooters of all levels can hone their skills. Retired Master Sergeant Jim Smith is a Silver Star, Purple Heart, and Legion of Merit Winner. The former Delta Operator fought in the Battle of Mogadishu, which inspired the novel and movie “Black Hawk Down.” He currently trains military and law enforcement, and was awarded the Hathcoch Award in small arms by the National Defense Industrial Association. KYLE LAMB C R A I G and B R I T T A N Y B O D D I N GTO N Doug is an avid hunter and widely regarded as one of the best shooters in the world, with dozens of competitive shooting titles. In the last two decades, he has helped develop some of Leupold’s most prominent precision optics. Retired Sergeant Major Kyle Lamb spent more than 21 years with elite units of the U.S. Army, including as a Delta Operator. His experience provides invaluable product development insight and training for Leupold. He is also author of many books, including, “Green Eyes and Black Rifles: The Warriors Guide to the Combat Carbine.” This father and daughter duo is widely known for big-game hunting and worldly adventures. Since their first safari together right after Brittany’s high school graduation, they’ve continued to share their passion as hunters and conservationists. Craig is also an accomplished outdoor writer. JESSIE DUFF BENNY SPIES R A N DY N E W B E R G T I F FA N Y P I P E R Competing in five different shooting disciplines, Jessie continues to rack up world and national titles, at 73 and counting. In addition to competitive shooting, she is an avid whitetail hunter and has co-hosted “Friends of the NRA” on the Outdoor Channel. Benny is one of Leupold’s newest professionals. He brings an energy that makes hunting fun and exciting, and shares his experiences to give the world an honest look at the passion behind people who love the outdoors. 2013 Sportsman of the Year, Randy is an accomplished hunter and supporter of public ownership and access to wildlife. He hosts “Fresh Tracks with Randy Newberg” on the Sportsman Channel and is a founding board member of Orion: The Hunters Institute. Tiffany is one of action pistol’s up-and-coming stars, regularly claiming titles in the Bianchi Cup. She won five consecutive New Zealand national titles and five consecutive national junior titles. Tiffany also competed as part of the 2008 and 2014 World Cup champion ladies teams. E VA S H O C K E Y B R I A N “ P I G M A N ” Q U AC A FRED EICHLER LEVI MORGAN Daughter of legendary hunter Jim Shockey, Eva has made a name for herself as a proud, female outdoors enthusiast. Her passion for conservation and adventure—as well as her infectious energy—makes her universally popular and a respected TV personality. Brian got his start hunting wild hogs in central Texas. His passion led him to a career as a riflesmith and later as an exceptional guide. He continues to be one of the most popular, exciting pig hunters and outdoorsmen in the world. Fred’s resume includes wildlife photography, freelance writing, trapping, and more than 35‑years hunting experience. He’s also an experienced bowhunter, and the first person to harvest all of the 29 North American species recognized by Pope and Young with a bow. One of the most decorated figures in bowhunting, Levi is a 10-time world record holder. His accomplishments include 10 World Championships, 39 National Championships, and 9 Shooter of the Year awards. Levi is the host of “Name the Game” on the Sportsman Channel. JIM SHOCKEY D O U G KO E N I G Jim has taken over 300 species on 6 continents, and is the only person to have completed the “NORTH AMERICAN SUPER SLAM” and “ULTIMATE SLAM” using only a muzzleloader. Over Jim’s 30-plus years partnering with Leupold, he helped develop the Leupold UltimateSlam riflescope and other products. 68 LEUPOLD.COM 69 ACCESSORIES AND TOOLS TO GIVE YOU EVERY EDGE YOU NEED, LEUPOLD OFFERS A SPECIAL COLLECTION OF THE BEST QUALITY TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE. TORX® DRIVER MOUNTING TOOL The Torx® Driver gives you a better handle on driving and securing Torx-head mounting screws, which won’t strip like old-fashioned hex-head screws. #50818 This multi-use tool features one slotted screwdriver, two Torx drivers, and five hex-head drivers. With many uses, it’s as practical in the field as on the bench. #52296 RING WRENCH LENSPEN Install Dual Dovetail or Standard rings without damaging your rifle or scope using this unique tool. For 30mm or 1" rings. #48762 This compact, two-step LensPen has a fully retractable, natural hair brush and microfiber cleaning tip that automatically replenishes itself. #48807 LEUPOLD® MARK 4® TORQUE WRENCH With this wrench, you can tighten and loosen the 1/2-inch keeper nuts on Mark 2, Mark 4, Mark 6, and Mark 8 style rings, bases, and IMS mounts. #48701 QUICK RELEASE™ BINOCULAR HARNESS WE ARE HERE TO HELP If your Leupold product fails to perform in any way, please contact a Leupold Product Specialist to determine whether the problem can be solved without returning the product to Leupold. Many times, the problem can be solved without returning the product, saving you both time and money. Leupold Product Specialist will assist you with the problem in the best and most efficient manner. If we do need you to return the product for service, please include a note which describes the problem. Please be detailed in your description, as it will help us to expedite the service and return your product as quickly as possible. Include your contact information such as return address, telephone number, and email. TO ASK A QUESTION, GET ADVICE ON THE USE OF A PRODUCT, OR REQUEST REPLACEMENT PARTS If you would like to ask a question of our Leupold Product Specialists concerning product selection, application, operation, problems or any other technical matter, or to obtain replacement parts (dial covers, screws, etc.), they can be contacted in writing (to the “U.S. Mail” address listed, attn: Technical Service Department), by phone, fax, or e-mail. Phone: 1-800-LEUPOLD or (503) 526-1400 • Fax: (503) 352-7621 E-mail: productspecialist@leupold.com • Website: leupold.com TO OBTAIN A CURRENT LEUPOLD CATALOG The current Leupold catalog can be obtained by writing to Leupold and requesting one, calling the catalog request line and leaving your name and address, or downloading one directly from the Leupold website. Phone: 1-800-LEUPOLD or (503) 526-1400 • Website: leupold.com Take the weight of binoculars off your neck and evenly distribute it across your back with the “X”-shaped design that fits close to your body. #55895 TO LOCATE THE DEALER NEAREST YOU Leupold has a Dealer Locator on its website to assist in locating the Leupold dealer nearest you. Website: leupold.com TO REACH LEUPOLD PRODUCT SERVICE PARCEL SERVICE — LEUPOLD DIGITAL CAMERA ADAPTER FOR SPOTTING SCOPES Capture images in any outdoor setting with this adapter, a digital camera, and a Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm or 20-60x80mm spotting scope. #58380 COMPACT TRIPOD LEUPOLD WINDOW MOUNT The rugged compact tripod features 4-section legs that extend to 31.5" and collapse to a mere 15". Adjustable ball head and quick release base. #56446 Use the window mount for steady viewing from your vehicle with nearly any spotting scope. Includes a mounting plate for tripods. #58400 Leupold & Stevens, Inc. Attn: Product Service Department 14400 N.W. Greenbrier Parkway Beaverton, OR 97006-5790 U.S.A. U.S. MAIL — Leupold & Stevens, Inc. Attn: Product Service Department PO Box 688 Beaverton, OR 97075-0688 U.S.A. Phone: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm PST M-F 1-800-LEUPOLD or (503) 526-1400 SCOPE COVER Protect your Leupold from dirt and damage to keep it looking like new. Made from water-resistant, nylon-laminated neoprene. LEUPOLD BINOCULAR TRIPOD ADAPTER Steady viewing for your binoculars. Fits all Leupold binoculars. #118650 ALUMINA ® Leupold Alumina® products feature precision-machined aluminum for lighter weight and durability. You can get Alumina flip-back lens covers, threaded protective lens covers, lens shades, anti-reflection devices (ARD), rubber eyepiece guards, or a 50' focus adapter. Talk to your dealer or visit Leupold.com. 70 LEUPOLD.COM Lens Shades Flip-Back Lens Covers Threaded Protective Lens Covers Fax: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (503) 352-7621 E-mail: productspecialist@leupold.com LEUPOLD CUSTOMERS IN CANADA — Leupold Canada Jim Korth Agencies, Ltd. 103 Stockton Point Box 490 Okotoks, AB T1S 1A7 Phone: (403) 938-3255 Fax: (403) 938-2722 LEUPOLD CUSTOMERS IN AUSTRALIA — NIOA 80 Lomandra Drive Eagle Farm, Qld Australia 4009 VISIT US ON THE WEB Get the information you need— anytime, anywhere. Leupold.com has a wealth of information about all of our products and services. Use the Scope Finder, Reticle Finder, and Mounting System Finder interactive tools to help you decide which Leupold is best for your needs. You can also check out the new Leupold Custom Shop, which features short runs of many favorite discontinued scopes and gives you unlimited options for putting a personal touch on your scope. Phone: +61 73621 9999 Leupold & Stevens, Inc. reserves all other rights. ACADIA; ALUMINA; AMERICA’S OPTICS AUTHORITY; BALLISTICS AIMING SYSTEM; BX; CASCADES; CDS; CIRCLE PLEX; CQBSS; CQ/T; CROSSBONES; CUSTOM DIAL SYSTEM; DAGR; DARK EARTH; DCD; DELTAPOINT; DNA; DUPLEX; ER/T; FIREDOT; GOLDEN RING AND DESIGN; GX; HAMR; HAWTHORNE; IMS; INDEX MATCHED LENS SYSTEM; KATMAI; KENAI; LEUPOLD; LPS; LR DUPLEX; LR/T; LRV DUPLEX; MADE RIGHT, MADE HERE; MARK 1; MARK 2; MARK 4; MARK 6; MARK 8; MARK AR; MCKINLEY; MOJAVE; MR/T; M-TMR; MULTICOAT 4; NORTHFORK; PIG PLEX; PINCADDIE; PINHUNTER; PRISMATIC; QUANTUM OPTICAL SYSTEM; QUICK SET ROTARY MENU; QUICKDRAW; RCX; RIFLEMAN; ROGUE; RX; RX-FULLDRAW; SA.B.R.; SWITCH/POWER; TACTICAL MILLING RETICLE; T-MOA; TBR; TGR; TMR; TRUE BALLISTIC RANGE; TURKEY PLEX; VARI-X; VENDETTA; VENTANA; VX; VX-7; VX-R; VX-R HOG; VX-R PATROL; WIND RIVER; and YOSEMITE are registered trademarks of Leupold & Stevens, Inc., Beaverton, Oregon. CLUB SELECTOR; CM-R2; CMR-W; CPC; D-EVO; DD; DESIGNED. MACHINED. ASSEMBLED IN THE USA. DESIGN; DESIGNED. MACHINED. MADE IN THE USA. DESIGN; DELTAPOINT PRO; DIAMONDCOAT; DOUBLE CIRCLE DOT; DUAL DOVETAIL; FX; GOLD RING; L-COAT; LCO; LEUPOLD CARBINE OPTIC; LEUPOLD DOT; LIGHT OPTIMIZATION PROFILE; MCKENZIE; MST; PLUS POINT; PRISM LOCK TECHNOLOGY; PRO GUIDE; PRW; PURE AFRICA; QR; QRW; QUICK RELEASE; RBR; RIFLEMAN BALLISTIC RETICLE; STD; STRIKE-FORGED; SYNERGY BUILT; THE MOST ACCURATE RANGEFINDER IN GOLF; THIS IS WHO WE ARE.; TLT; TOTAL LIGHT THROUGHPUT; TROPHY SCALE; TRUE GOLF RANGE; TWIN BIAS SPRING ERECTOR SYSTEM; ULTRALIGHT; VX-3L; VX-7L; WIND-PLEX; XT Duplex; and XTENDEND TWILIGHT LENS SYSTEM are trademarks of Leupold & Stevens, Inc., Beaverton, Oregon. AIMPOINT is a registered trademark of Aimpoint AB Limited. BOONE AND CROCKETT; and THE BOONE AND CROCKETT CLUB are registered trademarks of The Boone and Crockett Club, and are used with their expressed written permission. CORDURA is a registered trademark of Invista North America S.A.R.L. KRYPTEK; HIGHLANDER; and TYPHON are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Kryptek Outdoor Group, LLC. MOSSY OAK BREAK-UP INFINITY; and MOSSY OAK TREESTAND are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Haas Outdoors, Inc. RMEF; and ROCKY MOUNTAIN ELK FOUNDATION are registered trademarks of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. TORX is a registered trademark of CamCar, Inc. We reserve the right to make design and/or material modifications without prior notice. Leupold products are manufactured under one or more of the following patents: U.S. Patents 5,914,775; 6,005,711; 6,279,259; 6,295,754; 6,327,806; 6,351,907; 6,359,418; 6,469,829; 6,519,890; 6,691,447; 6,816,305; 7,088,506; 7,177,087; 7,185,455; 7,275,343; 7,375,881; 7,603,804; 7,646,535; 7,654,029; 7,684,114; 7,690,145; 7,706,065; 7,721,480; 7,738,082; 7,827,723; 7,908,083; 7,934,335; 7,944,611; 8,006,429; 8,046,951; 8,049,959; 8,091,268; 8,286,384; 8,314,923; 8,448,372; 8,516,736; 8,705,173; 8,806,798; D490,097; D506,520; D512,449; D517,153; D519,537; D532,477; D532,803; D536,762; D542,879; D562,428; D566,309; D579,471; D580,509; D583,898; D584,376; D587,333; D589,544; D589,581; D590,970; D594,495; D611,973; D613,322; D671,974; D672,381; D674,831; D675,239; D676,096; D682,339; D684,653; D685,831; D685,832; D703,784; D704,295; and D709,588. Foreign Patents: AT13697; CN ZL200680040794.8; CN ZL200710166859.X; EU Community Design Nos. EU000059613-0001; EU000059613-0002; EU000059613-0003; EU000059613-0004; EU000393467-0006; EU000393467-0001; EU000393467-0002; EU000393467-0003; EU000393467-0004; EU000393467-0005; EU002017707-0001; EU002081281-0001; EU002081281-0002; EU001370241-0001; EU001370241-0002; EU001371033-0001; EU001371033-0002; DEM9304093.8; DE49903766.9; DE212013000042.1; DE202014000102.2; SA2003/8164; SE55201; and TWI429875. 71
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