Media Kit - Microsoft Advertising


Media Kit - Microsoft Advertising
Media Kit
Table of Contents
Brand Awareness Solutions
Windows Live
Gaming: Xbox LIVE
Audience Targeting Solutions
Microsoft Media Network
Performance Solutions
Creative Solutions
Rich Media
Creative Solutions
Creative Assistance Hotline
So, what’s the deal with digital?
Digital is the fastest growing medium in Canada. But, why aren’t the advertising dollars
following the eyes?
Digital Advertising can be complicated and mystifying for marketers. And, it’s easy to understand why. There are
millions of Canadians online, countless ad opportunities, and ad options that change every minute. This can make
planning challenging for even the most sophisticated marketers.
So, why read on?
The good news is that the rules of marketing have not changed. It’s still about brand awareness, relationship building
and action-based results. Read on to discover how digital can deliver to the objectives you need.
It doesn’t have to be overwhelming. We can help.
We’ll help you get started and identify which digital ad solutions are best for you.
It starts with your objectives. So, what do you need to achieve?
Do you need to reach a wide audience of people to drive awareness for your brand?
Or, are you looking to engage with a specific audience to build or strengthen relationships while reducing campaign
Or, do you need to trigger a specific action, like an online purchase?
Brand Awareness
= Brand Solutions
= Audience Solutions
Microsoft Media Network
= Performance Solutions
Performance Display (CPC/CPA)
Search Advertising
(Bing & Yahoo)
As you can see, digital advertising offers solutions for all these objectives.
This media kit is sectioned based on these objectives to help you identify which solutions best align with your goals.
And, our team is always here to help you find you a solution tailored to meet your needs and de-mystify the digital
ad landscape. Contact us at 1-800-985-4671 to learn more.
Best Regards,
Joe Strolz
Microsoft Advertising
And, not to brag...but we’re #1…
WL Hotmail
WL Messenger
email service
16+ million
unique users
in Canada per month1
Microsoft Media Network
Reaches 20+ million
unique users
in Canada per month1
Premium inventory that
appears on top-ranked
commercial sites.
12 million
unique users
Messenger service
in Canada per
17+ million
unique users
in Canada per
11+ million unique
in Canada per month1
Microsoft Mobile Media
Microsoft Gaming Media
With over 1.8 million Xbox LIVE
subscribers in Canada4, the
Microsoft Advertising Gaming
Media solutions captivates gamers
in unique ways.
Windows Live
reaches 54%
of Canadian
mobile data
users2 with over
40 million
premium mobile
ad impressions3
across MSN
and Windows
Live properties.
Our Gaming Solutions combine the best
of online and TV advertising in an
immersive, high-definition
environment that delivers superior
results. It offers choices from large
display ads to fully customizable
content and in-game or event
*comScore MediaMetrix, March 2011, Microsoft Sites Reach, and Total Minutes in Top 100 Properties report
1. comScore MediaMetrix March 2011 2. IDC Mobile Services Tracker, November 2009
3. Ad Expert Impression Numbers, September 2009 4. Microsoft Internal Data
Bing and Yahoo!
Canada Search:
Brand Awareness Solutions
Need to reach as many people as possible to drive
awareness for your brand?
Then these are the solutions for you.
When you need a TON of reach…
…to build your brand, what do the brand solutions look like? Visit the offerings below for more
information on how they could help you build your brand.
pg. 7-9
pg. 10-11
pg. 12
Microsoft Mobile Media
pg. 13
What your brand awareness media plan could look like
Your objective: reach as many people as possible to drive awareness for your
Then, this could be the media plan for you.
MSN Home Page
Top Left
Text Link
When it comes to the information that Canadians need
throughout the day and the tools that keep them connected,
the MSN Canada Home Page is a unique destination that has
it all.
300 x 250
The MSN Canada Home Page delivers everything from
breaking news to the latest financial information,
Entertainment insights, plus Hotmail and Windows Live
Messenger updates. Easy access to the very best content
from across the portal.
Why should you consider the MSN Canada Home Page?
Uncluttered Reach: your ads compete with…nothing.
Elegant navigation, irresistible content and focused
advertising that helps keep MSN users captivated by your
Social spaces combined with your ad: Facebook, Twitter
and Messenger feeds are all here. Your audience receives
their social updates in one convenient place – while exposed
to your ad.
Rich Media enchants your audience and allows them to
engage with your brand.
An audience you can’t afford to miss: massive Canadian
reach—we’re #1 and surpass Sympatico and Yahoo! Canada
Home Pages in reach and time spent.
Source: comScore MediaMetrix, March 2011
MSN Channels
MSN Canada Channels provide you with the opportunity for expansive or niche audience targeting and incredibly
creative, cutting-edge ad solutions.
728 x 90
• MSN Canada Home Page
• MSN Canada Astrology
• MSN Canada Autos
• MSN Canada Entertainment
• MSN Canada Games
• MSN Canada Lifestyle
• MSN Canada Money
300 x 250
• MSN Canada Music
• MSN Canada News
• MSN Canada Sports
• MSN Canada Tech & Gadgets
• MSN Canada Travel
• MSN Canada Video
MSN Astrology: engage an audience while they’re reading for fun or future
insights. With interactive tarot readings, subscriptions for daily email
horoscopes, and activities including a dream dictionary and celebrity match
game, MSN Canada Astrology is a one-stop resource for people who let the
stars be their guide.
MSN Autos: rev-up with the coolest new concept cars, racing news and
auto industry insights, MSN Autos connects you with car buyers and
owners at every decision point during the car purchasing lifecycle. Help
drive users to take action through targeted sponsorships. Integrate your
message into relevant content with including seasonal guides and auto
shows coverage across North America and Europe.
MSN Channels
MSN Entertainment: is a fresh, fun, interactive entertainment destination,
featuring the latest from Hollywood, Hollywood North and beyond. MSN
Entertainment aligns your brand with the brightest stars and targets users
seeking the latest in showbiz news and gossip.
MSN Games: make all the right moves with Canadians looking for
online computer entertainment. MSN Games gets your brand
connected with the coolest online games, helping users engage with
your message.
MSN Lifestyle: offers Canadians a phenomenal source of lifestyle information
designed to both engage and inspire. MSN Lifestyle aligns your brand with
supportive and engaging content, exposes your brand to household
decision-makers, and targets users poised to make major life changes.
MSN Money: where Canadians go for solid money advice and up-tothe-minute financial news. MSN Money lets you target audiences as
they make key financial decisions and money-savvy Canadians while
they share investment advice.
MSN Music: hit all the right notes with Canadians while they pursue their
passions. MSN Music puts your brand in-tune with users seeking timely
event-based content from the Grammys, Junos, Canadian Music Week and
MSN Channels
MSN News: gives Canadians accurate, up-to-the-minute information from
sources they can trust. MSN News connects your brand with information
seekers who want relevant, reliable news as it happens.
MSN Sports: is a winning destination giving Canadians up-to-theminute news, full statistics, and features for the following leagues: MLB,
CFL, NFL, NBA and more. MSN Sports brings your brand up-to-bat as
sporting enthusiasts click, communicate, and connect.
MSN Tech & Gadgets: plugs-in to Canadian technology enthusiasts. MSN
Tech & Gadgets reaches consumers who take initiative and are passionate
about technology. Your message can engage this audience while they
research or shop for the latest trends and gadgets.
MSN Travel: offers Canadians an opportunity to escape the everyday
and expand their horizons. MSN Travel allows you to reach an audience
that is actively involved in planning—and booking—getaways online.
MSN Video: more than ever, Canadians are turning to the Internet for videos
that make them laugh or gain a new perspective on the world around them.
MSN Video allows you to present your best, most impactful creative in an
environment rich in desirable content.
Windows Live Messenger
Windows Live Messenger provides you with unique ad opportunities that become
part of the conversation. Every day, millions of Canadians connect with friends
and family through instant messages, video calls and other innovative Windows
Live Messenger technology.
Games Rectangle
Why should you consider Windows Live Messenger?
The Windows Live Messenger experience presents you with the opportunity to
capture consumer attention through innovative advertising approaches such as
Today Page Takeover, Tabs and Personal Expressions package.
What’s more, your advertising message can be spread by consumers to the inner
circle of their network, creating a viral effect. And, it’s the #1 Messenger service in
reach in Canada.
Messenger Full Screen
Today Rectangle
Expandable Ad
Unit (234x60)
Expandable Ad
Unit (300x250)
Expandable Ad
Unit (300x600)
Personal Expressions
Display Image
Background Image
Source: comScore MediaMetrix, March 2011
Windows Live Hotmail
Windows Live Hotmail showcases your brand to Canadians making entertainment choices, seeking advice on
purchases, or arranging their weekend plans.
Why should you consider Windows Live Hotmail?
Reach millions of deeply engaged Canadians as they plan social activities, discuss purchases and exchange
personal advice with family and friends.
Your ads receive optimal visibility in a streamlined environment where ads are displayed close to the user’s
focus area. Innovative technologies and rich media formats provide numerous creative possibilities to help
captivate your audience. And, it’s the #1 email service in reach in Canada.
Sent Mail Confirmation (300x500)
Sent Mail Confirmation (300x600)
Microsoft Newsletters
Sent Mail Confirmation (300x250)
Source: comScore MediaMetrix, March 2011
Skyscraper Expandable (400x600)
Sent Mail Expandable Full Screen
Xbox LIVE offers you a range of choices from large display ads to fully customizable content and game or event
sponsorships. Best of all, it connects you to an audience that’s 1.8 million strong in Canada and growing at a
staggering rate.
Plus, Xbox LIVE offers engagement beyond gaming. In fact, 40% of the time spent in Xbox Live is NOT gaming
related and includes activities like watching movies, TV shows, videos and social networking. And, gaming’s not
just for guys anymore – 25% of Xbox LIVE subscribers are women.
*Source: Microsoft Internal Data
Rectangle (300x250)
Take advantage of the sensational opportunity to connect with and shape the experiences of viewers
who are completely engrossed in this new social medium. It’s a ―lean-forward‖ environment where your
audience actively engages with the screen, your brand and other viewers. Help score more views with hidef ads that are integrated into the Xbox Experience. And, deliver branded content that users can
download and customize, like gamer pics and theme packs.
Rectangle (728x90)
MSN Mobile and Windows Live for mobile gives you the opportunity to stay connected with Canadians on-thego—and makes your message as mobile as they are.
Product Page
Data Capture
By making premium MSN programming available on any Web-enabled mobile device, MSN Mobile makes it easy
for users to get the information they care about; anytime, anyplace. At the same time, Windows Live for mobile
puts family and friends at your customers’ fingertips, with Hotmail and Messenger.
And, mobile ads are more engaging and dynamic than ever. Rich media ads allow you to captivate your audience
while targeting solutions help you reach the right people at the right time.
If you want to stay connected with the increasingly massive mobile generation, your message belongs in mobile
with Microsoft Advertising.
Click to Call
Audience Targeting Solutions
Looking to build or strengthen relationships with your
Then, Audience Solutions are what you need.
When it’s about WHO you reach…
…to build relationships, or strengthen relationships, than reaching the right people at the right
time is crucial. Visit the solutions below for more information about how they could help you
build the relationships you need.
Profile Targeting
pg. 16
Behavioral Targeting
What your audience targeting media plan could look like
Your objective: strengthen or build relationships with your key
Then, this could be the media plan for you.
Microsoft Media Network
Microsoft Media Network is everything you’ve wanted in an ad network: trust, broad reach, premium
publishers, and a diverse portfolio of performance and targeting options.
It gets you exceptionally close to your audience while allowing you to fine-tune your accuracy and
engagement with advanced targeting options.
Audience Targeting by Microsoft Advertising allows you to get your message in front of highly specific
online audience segments. Leveraging the rich content and robust technology of the Microsoft Media
Network, you can apply filters that allow you to reach your desired audience in the places they love.
Adding targeting to your campaign:
• Increases campaign effectiveness
• Optimizes the consumer experience with your brand
• Combines the optimal mix of reach and filtering to
maximize ROI
The Microsoft Media Network offers a variety of ways to
target your audience and streamline your campaign to
achieve maximum ROI.
Profile Targeting
Profile targeting focuses on specific audience attributes,
such as demographics (e.g., women in their 30s whose
primary language is French) or geography (e.g., residents of
British Columbia).
Behavioural Targeting
To narrow your target audience, add Behavioural Targeting to a media buy. Our Behavioural Targeting
segments identify users who are most likely to be receptive to your message based on actual behaviour. For
example, if your audience are food enthusiasts, you’ll segment online users that demonstrated this
behaviour, like users that visited food and dining content.
Re-Messaging is an efficient way to target your most valuable prospects: consumers who have visited your
site, and prospects who have viewed or clicked your ad. Re-Messaging allows you to create specific offers
related to a consumer’s last activity on your site, giving you a chance to speak to them in a personal, direct
way. For example, if you’re a mortgage provider, use Re-messaging to see who visited mortgage info on
your site, then send them a tailored, mortgage message. This lets you speak to your audience in a more
relevant and targeted way.
Microsoft Media Network lets you get close to your audience…where it counts.
Performance Solutions
Looking for some action?
Then, look no further than these solutions.
When it’s all about ACTION…
…and getting your audience to respond to your brand, like making a purchase, every click
Our Performance Solutions are available to help you drive the response you need.
Whether you are looking to drive traffic through Cost Per Click activity or generate conversions
via Cost Per Acquisition, we have a tremendous selection of ROI-based options through the
Microsoft Media Network that will deliver optimal results. Our optimisation technology puts
your ads where they’ll work best, guaranteeing the most effective use of budget and a volume
of results.
Search Advertising through Bing and Yahoo! Canada Search, using Microsoft adCenter, can help
expand your reach to over 12 million monthly users*. You control the costs: only pay when
someone clicks on your ad. And, customers who click on Bing results are more likely to engage
with your website**.
What your performance targeting media plan could look like
Your objective: Drive action, like a purchase, within key consumers.
Then, this could be the media plan for you.
And, combining rich media ads, with CPC and geo-targeting deliver a
dynamic and engaging audience and performance campaign.
*comScore MediaMetrix March 2011, All qSearch Properties [undup.]
**comScore Canada, Quality of Click Conversion Study, March to May 2009. Based on Proportion of Click Throughs
resulting in a Secure Session.
Creative Solutions
The rules of marketing haven’t changed – it’s all about
the great idea.
These solutions can provide compelling results and
incredible engagement.
Rich Media
3D Interactive Panel
Rich Media delivers powerful creativity for your brand, using video,
animation, and dynamic content to develop high-impact campaigns that
customers remember. Your campaigns come to life and actively engage
your customers as they click around their online world. Our rich media
offering spans standard executions to never-been-done-before custom
Plus, dwell rate for rich media ads can be significantly higher than static
ads. For example, video ads have a 29% higher dwell rate than nonvideo ads and average dwell time is 83% higher for video ads.* This
means your audience is more engaged with your rich media ad and is
spending more time with it.
Rich Media makes your brand stand-out and captivate your audience.
Video Extender
*eMarketer, Boosting Conversion with More Engaging Ads, May 6, 2010
Creative Solutions
For a consumer brand with big, bold goals, you need groundbreaking, globally-scalable solutions that connect
you with consumers, and immerses them in revolutionary branded storytelling across a multitude of digital
Global Creative Solutions campaigns are powered by the latest cutting-edge Microsoft technologies to captivate
your audience, either in a single market or globally. Each solution is created uniquely for — and in collaboration
with — your brand.
Global Creative Solutions make it easy for your brand to explore limitless creative possibilities.
Creative Assistance Hotline
Being creative is easier than ever.
You understand the impact that rich media ads provide – up to 3x times
higher click-through rates than static banners*. And now it’s easier than
ever to get your rich media campaigns up-and-running.
Introducing the Microsoft Advertising Creative Hotline
Our Creative Hotline team is here to help you with your creative needs
when planning or submitting Rich Media campaigns.
Contact the Creative Hotline to:
• Review creative specs and requirements for Microsoft Advertising
Synch with your creative agency when building Rich Media executions
running on Microsoft Advertising
Synch with your ad serving partner for Rich Media executions running
on Microsoft Advertising
Arrange creative testing on Microsoft Advertising properties before
Plus, you’ll continue to have the trusted support of your sales manager,
who will be your executional lead and main point-of-contact on all your
*1. Eyeblaster Analytics Bulletin Issue 4 – Trends of Time and Attention in Online Advertising, Jul 09
Contact the Creative Hotline Team Today:
Technical Questions: Julia Shen at 416-349-5536 or
Rich Media Ad Specialist: Pete Farfaras at 416-349-5529 or
With today’s consumers fragmented between TV, online and mobile, you need to reach your audience across
multiple channels to help provide a consistent, impactful message.
And, Microsoft Advertising can deliver this for you. We offer Multi-Screen Solutions to help you deliver your
message to your audience through the devices they’re engaged with.
Plus, 69% of Multi-Screen Consumers believed accessing similar content across screens makes the content more
useful and their media experience more relevant and informative*.
Below is an illustration of how Multi-Screen Solutions can flow through to your audience:
Microsoft Advertising partners with you to:
Connect – Deliver your message via exciting ad experiences across the screens your audience turns to each day.
Innovate – Create immersive brand experiences that deliver your message across all consumer touchpoints.
Get results – Microsoft provides sophisticated analytics that show where and how your ad is most effective.
Microsoft Advertising Multi-Screen Solutions – engage your audience through the devices they love.
*Source: What’s on their screens. what’s on their minds whitepaper, 2010, Microsoft Advertising, page 9
You dream it. We deliver it.
To learn more about digital advertising,
and how it can help you reach your objectives,
contact us today.