PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE Wii™ OPERATIONS MANUAL COMPLETELY BEFORE USING YOUR Wii HARDWARE SYSTEM, GAME DISC OR ACCESSORY. THIS MANUAL CONTAINS IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: READ THE FOLLOWING WARNINGS BEFORE YOU OR YOUR CHILD PLAY VIDEO GAMES. WARNING – Seizures Ř 6RPHSHRSOHDERXWLQPD\KDYHVHL]XUHVRUEODFNRXWVWULJJHUHGE\OLJKWŶDVKHVRU SDWWHUQVDQGWKLVPD\RFFXUZKLOHWKH\DUHZDWFKLQJ79RUSOD\LQJYLGHRJDPHVHYHQLIWKH\KDYH QHYHUKDGDVHL]XUHEHIRUH Ř $Q\RQHZKRKDVKDGDVHL]XUHORVVRIDZDUHQHVVRURWKHUV\PSWRPOLQNHGWRDQHSLOHSWLF FRQGLWLRQVKRXOGFRQVXOWDGRFWRUEHIRUHSOD\LQJDYLGHRJDPH Ř 3DUHQWVVKRXOGZDWFKWKHLUFKLOGUHQSOD\YLGHRJDPHV6WRSSOD\LQJDQGFRQVXOWDGRFWRULI\RXRU \RXUFKLOGKDVDQ\RIWKHIROORZLQJV\PSWRPV Convulsions Loss of awareness Eye or muscle twitching Altered vision Involuntary movements Disorientation WARNING – Injury Due to Pre-existing Conditions Gameplay with the Wii Balance Board may require varying amounts of physical activity. Consult a doctor before using the Wii Balance Board if: •you are or may be pregnant, •you have heart, respiratory, back, joint or other orthopedic conditions, •you have high blood pressure, •you have difficulty with physical exercise, or •you have been instructed to restrict physical activity. While using the Wii Balance Board, if you experience excessive fatigue, shortness of breath, chest tightness, dizziness, discomfort or pain, STOP USE IMMEDIATELY and consult a doctor. HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION To prevent injury and/or to prevent damage to the Wii Balance Board or surrounding objects, follow these guidelines during gameplay: Ř 7RUHGXFHWKHOLNHOLKRRGRIDVHL]XUHZKHQSOD\LQJYLGHRJDPHV 6LWRUVWDQGDVIDUIURPWKHVFUHHQDVSRVVLEOH 2. Play video games on the smallest available television screen. 'RQRWSOD\LI\RXDUHWLUHGRUQHHGVOHHS 3OD\LQDZHOOOLWURRP 7DNHDWRPLQXWHEUHDNHYHU\KRXU • Be aware of your balance so that you do not slip or fall from the board. Avoid more movement than is needed to operate the game you are playing. • Do not wear shoes or socks while using the board. Playing barefoot should reduce the risk of slipping or falling. If your feet become damp during gameplay, stop and dry your feet and the board before continuing. • No more than one person should use the board at a time. WARNING – Repetitive Motion Injuries and Eyestrain Playing video games can make your muscles, joints, skin or eyes hurt. Follow these instructions to avoid problems such as tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, skin irritation or eyestrain: Ř $YRLGH[FHVVLYHSOD\3DUHQWVVKRXOGPRQLWRUWKHLUFKLOGUHQIRUDSSURSULDWHSOD\ Ř 7DNHDWRPLQXWHEUHDNHYHU\KRXUHYHQLI\RXGRQ WWKLQN\RXQHHGLW Ř ,I\RXUKDQGVZULVWVDUPVRUH\HVEHFRPHWLUHGRUVRUHZKLOHSOD\LQJRULI\RXIHHOV\PSWRPVVXFK DVWLQJOLQJQXPEQHVVEXUQLQJRUVWLIIQHVVVWRSDQGUHVWIRUVHYHUDOKRXUVEHIRUHSOD\LQJDJDLQ Ř ,I\RXFRQWLQXHWRKDYHDQ\RIWKHDERYHV\PSWRPVRURWKHUGLVFRPIRUWGXULQJRUDIWHU play, stop playing and see a doctor. CAUTION – Motion Sickness 3OD\LQJYLGHRJDPHVFDQFDXVHPRWLRQVLFNQHVVLQVRPHSOD\HUV,I\RXRU\RXUFKLOGIHHOVGL]]\RU nauseous when playing video games, stop playing and rest. Do not drive or engage in other GHPDQGLQJDFWLYLW\XQWLO\RXIHHOEHWWHU LEGAL INFORMATION 7KLV1LQWHQGRJDPHLVQRWGHVLJQHGIRUXVHZLWK IMPORTANT DQ\XQDXWKRUL]HGGHYLFH8VHRIDQ\VXFKGHYLFHZLOOLQYDOLGDWH\RXU1LQWHQGRSURGXFWZDUUDQW\ &RS\LQJRIDQ\1LQWHQGRJDPHLVLOOHJDODQGLVVWULFWO\SURKLELWHGE\GRPHVWLFDQGLQWHUQDWLRQDO LQWHOOHFWXDOSURSHUW\ODZVœ%DFNXSŔRUœDUFKLYDOŔFRSLHVDUHQRWDXWKRUL]HGDQGDUHQRWQHFHVVDU\WR SURWHFW\RXUVRIWZDUH9LRODWRUVZLOOEHSURVHFXWHG REV–E • Make sure you have adequate space between you and any other objects or people during gameplay. Nintendo recommends at least 3 feet (1 meter). • Avoid stepping or standing on the edges of the board. • Always place the board on a flat, horizontal and stable surface. Do not use the board on slippery surfaces. If using on thick carpet, use the Wii Balance Board foot extensions included with the Wii Balance Board. • Do not use the Wii Balance Board if you are under the influence of alcohol or any other substance which could affect your sense of balance or perception and cause you to slip or fall. IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS WHEN USED BY CHILDREN: An adult must explain all Health and Safety Information and usage guidelines and instructions to all children who are going to use the Wii Balance Board. Failure to do so may result in injuries or damage to the system or other property. Observe children during gameplay for proper and safe use of the board. An adult should assist young children when first playing to make sure they understand correct use. The Official Seal is your assurance that this product is licensed or manufactured by Nintendo. Always look for this seal when buying video game systems, accessories, games and related products. ONLY IN AMERICA! CONTENTS Welcome.............................................. 2 Getting Started .................................. 7 Nintendo, Wii and the Official Seal are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2006 Nintendo. Licensed by Nintendo Main Menu.......................................... 8 Controls .............................................. 9 DON KING BOXING The HUD............................................. 12 At the Count of Ten.......................... 13 Exhibition.......................................... 13 President and CEO Don King Publisher 2K Sports Story.................................................... 14 The Crew........................................... 15 Daily Training.................................. 16 Editor-in-Chief Christoph Hartmann The Wii Remote™ Wrist Strap Information Screen will be displayed. Tighten the strap around your wrist, then press the A Button. The Title Screen will be displayed. Contributing Writers Robin Mueller Kimia Zabihyan Mark Ward Contributing Photographers David Martin-Warr Don King Production, Inc. Tutorial.............................................. 17 Options............................................... 18 Profiles............................................... 19 Fitness Chart..................................... 19 Accomplishment System................ 19 Boxers................................................ 20 © 2008-2009 Take-Two Interactive Software and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. 2K Sports, the 2K Sports logo, and Take-Two Interactive Software are all trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. The Don and Crown logo is a registered trademark of Don King Productions, Inc., and such logo and Don King’s name, image and likeness are used under the license of Don King Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. Venues............................................... 25 Credits............................................... 26 Warranty............................................ 32 Customer Support............................ 34 Notes.................................................. 35 OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING ★ 1 I love the life I live and I live the life I love. Play the game and you will enter a world where anyone with the desire and intestinal fortitude to win, the courage to take on life, and the willingness and commitment to work hard can reach the top. Remember if you get knocked down - get back up! This is the true value of the competitive spirit. This is the great message of BOXING! “Yes I can!” when everyone else says “No you can’t.” There are no time outs, and you can’t send in a substitute and if you run out of gas there is no gas station in sight. IT’S ALL YOU BABY. BOXING IS LIFE. So play the game! You’re in it to win it, you can’t give in, you can’t give up and you can’t quit. The Champion is YOU! Dear Fight Fans & Gamers Worldwide, I am pleased, honored and priveliged to share with you a game I helped create. Welcome to all the joys and sorrows; the sacrifices and pain; the failures and the scintillatingly beautiful glories. Welcome to Don King Boxing. This game truly is a wonderful achievement. Needless to say, I am extremely proud of it. It recreates life’s struggles in the sport I love, by demonstrating the will to win, perseverance, dedication and commitment with simply fantastic attention to detail and an exuberant celebration of both boxing’s history and its culture. You can be who you want to be, and Don King Boxing lets you live THE DREAM. This is truly globalization and I am overjoyed and thrilled beyond description, or depiction of the marvellous joy I am blessed with at the thought that people around the globe will find themselves in playing Don King Boxing. People of all races, colors, creeds, religions, sizes, shapes and sexes will be able to play the game together to challenge each other and to discover the joys of the squared circle. By improvising, adapting and overcoming. If you have just purchased this game then I wish you the very best in your pugilistic endeavors. Winning isn’t easy but that’s why it’s worthwhile. Your Promoter, DON KING P.S. IMPROVISE. ADAPT, AND OVERCOME!!!! 2 ★ OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING ★ 3 Synchronising your Wii Remote™ with the Wii™ console Synchronising the Wii Remote is necessary to use it with the Wii console. The Wii Remote included with your Wii console has already been synchronised with the console. The Standard Mode procedure is used when adding additional Wii Remotes to your system or if you want to re-synchronise your original Wii Remote. This procedure allows the Wii Remote to communicate with the console. CAUTION – USE THE Wii REMOTE™ WRIST STRAP Feed the cord on the Wii Remote Wrist Strap through the Connector Hook. Insert the Nunchuk™ plug into the External Extension Connector on the bottom of the Wii Remote. Place your hand through the Wii Remote Wrist Strap and hold the Wii Remote firmly in your hand. Slide the strap lock up so that the wrist strap will not fall off your wrist. Do not over-tighten the strap lock so that it’s uncomfortable. It should just be tight enough to hold the Wii Remote Wrist Strap in place. Standard Mode – Once synchronised, the Wii Remote will stay synched to the console unless you overwrite this setting by synching the Wii Remote to a different console. One Time Mode – This mode allows you to temporarily use your Wii Remote on a console other than your own or to use a friend’s Wii Remote on your console. It does not delete the Standard Mode setting stored in the Wii Remote. In this mode, the Wii Remote will only communicate with the console while the power is on. When the power is turned off, the Wii Remote will lose its synch with the console. • A Wii console can have up to 16 Wii Remotes synched to it – 10 in Standard Mode and 6 in One Time Mode. • Only a Wii Remote in Standard Mode can turn the console power on or off. One Time Mode Synchronisation NOTE: This mode temporarily removes Standard Mode synchronisation setup for all Wii Remotes until the power of the Wii console is turned off. When the power is turned back on again, the Standard Mode settings will return. 1. Press the HOME Button on a Wii Remote that is synchronised with the console. 2. Select the Wii REMOTE SETTINGS option from the Home Menu Screen, then select the RECONNECT option. 3. Press the 1 and 2 Buttons simultaneously on the Wii Remote that you want to synchronise with the console. The order in which you synchronise Wii Remotes will set the player order for multiplayer games. 4. The Player LED will blink during the synching process. Hold the buttons down until the blinking stops which indicates that the connection is complete. For more information please refer to the Wii Operations Manual – System Setup. The in-game language depends on the one that is set on your Wii™ console. This game includes five different language versions: English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. If your Wii console is already set to one of them, the same language will be displayed in the game. If your Wii console is set to a different language than those available in the game, the in-game default language will be English. You can change the in-game language by changing the language setting of your Wii console. For further instructions about how to change language settings please refer to the Wii Operations Manual – Channels & Settings. 4 ★ OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING CAUTION: Always keep a firm grip on the Wii Remote and Nunchuk. Use the Wii Remote Jacket (RVL-022) and the Wii Remote Wrist Strap at all times to prevent losing your grip on the Wii Remote and possibly causing damage to the Wii Remote and surrounding objects, or injury to other people. The Wii Remote Jacket will provide protection if the Wii Remote is accidentally thrown or dropped during game play. Please ensure there is sufficient distance from other people and objects when playing Wii™ games. Stop playing and dry your hands if they become sweaty or wet. The Wii Remote responds to minor movements so do not use excessive, rapid or wide swinging motions. Be sure to install the Nunchuk as described. Use the Connector Hook on the Nunchuk plug with the Wii Remote Wrist Strap cord to prevent the Nunchuk plug from becoming separated from the External Extension Connector on the Wii Remote and striking objects or people. WARNING: Not suitable for children under 36 months of age. The Wii Remote Wrist Strap and the cord of the Nunchuk can coil around the neck. OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING ★ 5 Nunchuk™ Neutral Position Reset NOTE: If the Control Stick is moved out of neutral position when the power is turned on, or when connecting to the Wii Remote™, that position will be set as neutral position, causing incorrect game control during gameplay. To reset the Control Stick, allow it to return to the normal neutral position, then simultaneously hold down the A, B, Plus (+) and Minus (–) Buttons on the Wii Remote for three seconds. Control Stick To prevent this from occurring, do not move the Control Stick when: • Turning on the Wii™ console I’m Don King, step in the ring! Earn bling and make my heart sing. This is the real thing! GETTING STARTED Insert the Don King Boxing Disc into the Disc Slot. The Wii™ console will switch on. The Health and Safety Screen, as shown here, will be displayed. After reading the details press the A Button. The Health and Safety Screen will be displayed even if the Disc is inserted after turning the Wii console’s power on. • Plugging the Nunchuk into the Wii Remote • Starting Channels from the Wii Menu Point at the Disc Channel from the Wii Menu Screen and press the A Button. • Returning to the Wii Menu from games or Channels. Wii Balance Board™ Setup 1. You must first SYNC. your Wii Balance Board to your Wii System. Open the SD Card slot cover on the Wii console then take off the battery cover on the Wii Balance Board. 2. Press the SYNC. button on the Wii Balance Board. The Power LEDwill now flash. Do not press SYNC until the Power LED has stopped flashing. The Channel Preview Screen will be displayed. Point at START and press the A Button. 3. While the Power LED on the Wii Balance Board is flashing, press SYNC on the Wii console. Do not hold SYNC. for longer than 10 seconds. This will De-SYNC. all Wii Remotes currently synchronized to your Wii console. 4. Once the Wii Balance Board is synchronized to your Wii console, the Power LED on the Wii Balance Board will remain on. Now close the battery cover and SD Card slot cover on the Wii console SD Card slot and the battery boxof the Wii Balance Board. NOTE: You may only SYNC. one Wii Balance Board per Wii console. You may SYNC. no more than 10 combinations of Balance Board and Wii Remote. If you register an 11th unit, the oldest Wii Remote data will be lost. (However, Wii Balance Board data will not be cleared.) NOTE: Only one Wii console may be synchronized with a Wii Balance Board. NOTE: The Wii Balance Board will be synchronized as Player 4. If you wish to use a Wii Balance Board already synchronized to another Wii console, you must SYNC. it with the first Wii console to use it again. NOTE: If you SYNC. a Wii Remote as Player 4, that SYNC. registration will be erased. For more information on usage of the Wii Balance Board™, please refer to the Wii Balance Board instruction booklet. Wii Balance Board sold separately with Wii Fit™. 6 ★ OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING ★ 7 If boxing was only a game, I would be only a man. MAIN MENU Avoid lethargy and apathy, strive for effort and energecity – aim to be indefatigable, undefeatable, unimpeachable and unreachable! CONTROLS Alright kid, I’m Frank Cardelli. I’m your trainer, yeah? I know boxing. But who the hell are you? A loser or a champion? Listen to me and maybe you got a chance. Alright kid, one ring, two men – it ain’t rocket science. The other guy is gonna punch you. Punch him back, and harder! I seen ‘em all, losers and winners. Seems I mostly trained losers. Way I see it, they coulda been winners, if only they’d listened. So, you listening? I’m takin’ a chance with you, kid. Maybe I’m stupid, but I’m in your corner, ok? Basic Controls: Here’s how it goes: I call the shots, you take ‘em. You ask the questions, I answer ‘em. If it works out, sky’s the limit, know what I mean? So listen good, because you got a lot to learn… Right here, this is the main menu. Don’t ask for the waiter, because you only get what you take with your own two hands. Choose a game mode by pointing your Wii Remote at an on-screen option, and press the A Button to select. Fight There are two ways to fight, but first you gotta want to fight! Hit this button and you’re heading to the ring. Next you can choose Exhibition or Story. Exhibition means a quick bout against the computer or friend. Story means you aim for the title – start out small, try and grow tall. I hope you’ve got those gloves set to Champion, kid, because that’s the only story I want to hear about... Action: Right Hook Controller: Wii Remote Training Practice makes perfect. You got two choices – be perfect or be beaten. Train, train, train! And when you stop dreaming about it, wake up and do it! It’s the only way to get the skills you need. Select this option to enter the gym and pick a training game. The calendar keeps track of each session, and all the Fitness Points earned. Action: Jab Controller: Nunchuk Action: Straight Controller: Wii Remote Profile Boxers are made right here. Wanna create or erase a profile? This is the place. If you’re looking for the tutorial, that’s right here as well. Step right up and learn how to box. It ain’t just swinging your arms – any fool can do that! Options Action: Left Hook Controller: Nunchuk Change gameplay or audio options, or check out the team behind this game. These guys made me, you believe that? Action: Left Uppercut Controller: Nunchuk 8 ★ OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING ★ 9 Action: Right Uppercut Controller: Wii Remote BODY SHOTS Press and hold the Z Button to trigger a Left Body Attack Press and hold the B Button to trigger a Right Body Attack MOVEMENT Use the Control Stick on the Nunchuk to move your Boxer Special attack Dodge When you fight like a winner, the special attack spots will light up. If you can dodge a punch, it gives you just as much adrenaline as throwing one, yeah? When the light is on, hold the C Button whilst throwing a punch, and your next attack will be real special... Dodge: Whilst blocking tilt both the Wii Remote and Nunchuk left, right or back to dodge in the desired direction. Wii Balance Board: If you’ve got a Wii Balance Board, you can use it to dodge punches. Lean left or right to dodge sidewards, or bend your knees to perform the V-Dodge. You can learn this in the tutorial, like everything else. That’s a hint, you follow? Take the tutorial! TIP: If you’re using a Wii Balance Board, you can throw a punch whilst leaning. You can only do this if you’ve got a Wii Balance Board. TIP: Save the killer blow for the killer moment. Use combos to bring down his guard, then finish the job with your special attack... TIP: Word to the wise: when you dodge a blow, you often get a big opening for a counter punch. I’ll say it again, because you look a little confused.. Make your opponent miss and he’ll be wide open. You know what to do next, yeah? TIP: You look a little rusty in this department, yeah? Head to the special attack tutorial and polish your finishing skills. Show me some class, kid. Class! Defense Ok, now listen good while your ears are still on straight. You need to learn defense, or you’ll learn a lot more about losing. You can block and you can dodge. And you better do both, you hear me? Double tap the Control Stick in the same direction to dash Left-hand Left-handed boxers: To swap from orthodox to southpaw stance, press Down on the +Control Pad of the Wii Remote. You can now switch the Wii Remote to your left hand and the Nunchuk to your right hand. Combo Combos mean extra damage, yeah? If you wanna learn a few combos, head to the fitness training game, and get both hands fighting for the same team! TIP: Time your punches and keep ‘em smooth. It don’t work if you swing like an ape. Rhythm, kid! Every fighter needs rhythm! V-Dodge: If you need to duck an incoming punch quickly lower both the Wii Remote and Nunchuk whilst blocking Block: Hold the A Button on the Wii Remote and bring both your hands together. Let the other guy waste his juice, then take him down. A word of warning, kid – block too long and he’ll get through. Hooks aren’t easy to block so try dodging a little. Keep awake out there, or you’ll be sleeping on the canvas... Great, you’re dodging, kid! Now try and do it when the other guy punches. If you get real good in story mode, you’ll be honored as an “Escape Artist”. 10 ★ OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING ★ 11 Listen now, you got to strive not just to survive, but to be the supreme dream; the terrifying, all-defying, waking nightmare and an earth-shaking, ring-quaking fightmare! Exhibit your skills and prohibit your limits – I want to see those impeccable qualities and unassailable abilities. I want you to push the envelope so far they need to make a solid gold stamp to pay for the postage! THE HUD This is what you see on the sharp end, yeah? I mean, when you’re in the ring, and somebody’s about to be cut down. You need to understand what you’re looking at, or you’ll soon be looking at the lights... Health special attack Red Corner Stamina Blue Corner Round Time AT THE COUNT OF TEN You hit the deck? You better dig deep, and start moving fast! Shake your Wii Remote and Nunchuk up and down alternately, and your current health will rise to meet your maximum health. The clock is ticking. 10 seconds to prove you ain’t no loser... Once the match is over, check out the results. You can see the success rate of all punches thrown, as well as the judges’ marks for each round. Analyze, and improve! Round Number / TimerWatch the clock, and watch it close. The round number is just above. Don’t save everything for the end, it makes me nervous! Exhibition Current Health bar: The light yellow bar means health. When the bar drops, so will you. Get your guard up! Maximum Health bar: The dark yellow bar shows how much health you can recover if you avoid being hit, or once you hit the deck. I got a better idea: don’t hit the deck! Stamina Bar: The grey bar shows how much you got left in the tank. If you swing like you’re playin’ tennis; your stamina is gonna drop. If you dash too much, you’ll feel it just as bad. That means you get slow. So try and keep some in the tank for when you really need it. Special Attack: Check out the three special attack spots below the stamina bar. If you box well, these will light up. When the light comes on, hold the C Button whilst throwing a punch and you’ll see what I mean by special! So you wanna get in the ring with the big boys, huh? So do it. Let’s see if you got gloves as big as your ego. You wanna fight right now? You’re in the right place. This is Exhibition - this is where two guys step up and one falls down. If you’ve unlocked any venues or boxers in the story mode, then they’re gonna be right here. It works like this: Player Select You can choose how many players you want to play the game with here. With 2 Wii Remotes synchronized to the Wii console, select 2 Players to play against a friend. Otherwise, select 1 Player to play against the AI. TIP: Each boxer has ability points in three categories – strength, agility and dexterity. In story mode you gain points every time you win a fight, and your stats are updated automatically. 12 ★ OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING Boxer Select Select your desired weight class and boxer by pointing the Wii Remote at the screen and pressing the A Button. Custom boxers are stored in the Custom category. Each boxer’s stats are visible on the screen. Select proceed when you’re happy. You happy? Happy is good, as long as you got angry fists. Venue Select Take your pick and press the A Button when you’re ready. Unlockables Some things you gotta work for, kid. Play the Story mode to unlock additional boxers and venues. Life don’t come easy, but it comes to those with the guts to go the distance. OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING ★ 13 The CREW STORY Listen kid, I ain’t saying you ain’t got it, but do you wanna get it? Because here we are, me and you...some kid who wants to be a boxer. Wants to be Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World, ain’t that what you told me? Wants to fight in the Garden? Wants Don King to promote him? Big dreams, kid. Real big dreams. You look hungry, I’ll give you that. But hungry ain’t enough. You gotta earn it. That means work hard, do as I say, don’t ever quit. You got that? And maybe, just maybe, one day I’ll be saying, “Here we are, me and the champ!” Enough dreaming, kid. Wake up and smell the sweat. This ain’t gonna be easy, and nobody’s betting on you. Let’s see what you got... The Kid Who’s the kid? That’s what I’m asking right now. I’m talkin’ about you, yeah? This is your story. Right now you ain’t nobody, just another amateur with big dreams and small gloves. Make it happen, kid. Make it happen. PDA It’s good to talk, right? Well nobody talks to losers, so let’s hope you get some messages here... Boxing ain’t just who you can beat, it’s who you can meet. Get me? So pay attention, because you might meet some real important people. Press the A Button to close the PDA when you’re done reading the message. Career Fighting You ready to take this on? Because you better believe the other guy is ready to take you down. Step into the ring and let’s see what you’re made of. Remember, if you fail a fight, you can try again. Don’t quit on me, yeah? Classic Fighting Sometimes I watch you and I think, hey, this kid could learn a lesson from one of the greats. So we’re gonna do some make believe and put you in the past. Just work with me here, and this is gonna seem so real you’ll have the bruises to prove it. Get this, kid – you’re going toe to toe with the best boxers who ever lived. These guys are legends, yeah? Think you can bring down a legend? You sure ain’t the favorite here, kid. But if you do win, your opponent will be unlocked for exhibitions, along with the classic venue. There might also be some added rewards, but I ain’t telling you everything… Flashback Feeling nostalgic? If you’ve already completed story mode once, you get to use the FLASHBACK function. This means you can go back and play any contest in story mode, either career or classic. Dust off those gloves, kid - I know you’ve still got some fighting left in you... I’m gonna tell you this only once. You can’t become a Champion all on your own. You hearing me? And you better watch your friends carefully, because they ain’t all your friends. I mean, you need people to help you, but sometimes maybe they just wanna use you. So watch out, yeah? That’s all I’m saying, just watch out. DON KING Promoter Don’s the main man, no-one gonna say otherwise. You get Don on your side, ain’t nothing you can’t do. He walks the walk and talks the talk. If Don’s involved, the money’s big and the fight is bigger. Don makes history, yeah? You want history you want Don. That don’t mean it comes easy – Don might get you a shot, but he ain’t throwin’ any punches, get me? Frank Cardelli Trainer Sure, it’s me. What can I say? I’m an old man. I had a few shots at glory in my time. Trained Randall, you know that? Don’t matter no more. And now look at me, getting all worked up, like you got a hope in hell, like anyone ever did. You ain’t gonna disappoint me, are you? Oh, you ain’t? Sure, that’s what they all said. LARRY EASTON Promoter JOHNNY MARUKAMI Cutman You gotta watch that Johnny. He’s a real good cutman, fix you up so nice you look better than before. But he likes to paint the town red, know what I mean? Fix you up there, too… WILTON GREEN Agent I don’t know this guy. I mean, I know him, but I only know his face, yeah? He talks a good fight, but can he make it happen? Yeah, we’ll see. You gotta remember, Wilton also got Silva on his cards, so things could get tricky… CARLA CLARK Agent Listen up now, you want Carla in your corner. She knows a thing or two, and she gets what she wants. Impress Carla, and she might just throw you a bone with some real juicy meat on it… This Larry guy, he don’t care about nothing but money. He’s got a few connections and he’ll get you the fights, but just don’t count on him in a tight spot. He ain’t the loyal type, see? RANDALL HOOPER Retired boxer and Cutman So you know Randall? Yeah, we go way back. Randall’s a good guy. Maybe too good. He had a shot once, a real good shot. But look at him now. Makes me sad. Nice guys always finish last, ain’t that the truth… 14 ★ OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING ★ 15 Tell me, can you go the distance? I see you’ve got speed, but do you have what you need to keep the lead and in the end succeed? Daily Training Welcome to the gym, kid. If you wanna be the best, you need to be here the most. I seen a lot of people come and go, but the ones who stay, they got a real chance. You know Randall, right? Was a time when “gym” was his middle name! You got two ways to train – either have some fun in Free Play mode, or get serious and go for the 20 day program. I say go for the program, yeah? 20 days of this and you’ll be fighting round ten like you ain’t even started. Wii Balance Board: If you’ve got a Wii Balance Board, you can use it in Fitness Training. Real good news if you’ve got one, because there are stepping exercises to get your legs moving. Punish those toothpicks! Calendar system Still with me? Like I’m trying to tell you, you gotta be here day in, day out. And that means seven days a week, follow me? The calendar will show you when you’ve trained, and how well. It’s easy to use, kid. Select today’s date and it will be stamped with a crown. If you work hard enough and complete all the days sessions you might just get a gold crown. As the days go by, you’ll see which dates you trained well on, and which you slacked off. But you ain’t a slacker, right? Fitness Are you fit to fight, kid? I wanna see you make combos so fast your hands disappear. Alright wise-guy, no hands behind your back, I’m not that stupid! TIP: Be accurate! Sloppy punches are like sloppy handshakes – they don’t do you no favors. 16 ★ OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING Jump Rope This sorts the men from the boys, and the boys from the babies. The more successful jumps you make, the more you score. If you can string together a decent number of jumps consecutively you’ll trigger a special move. The time limit varies depending on the difficulty. Bonus Time: The more special moves you can complete during a session the more bonus time you’ll have at the end to really up your score. Once the clock reaches zero you could get anything from 3-11 seconds of bonus time. TIP: Try not to go too fast. If you loose your rhythm and your boxer stops, get moving as quick as you can. I realise that ain’t so quick, but just try, ok? Wii Balance Board: Alright twinkle-toes, if you’ve got a Wii Balance Board, get on it for Jump Rope. You gotta move your feet at the same time as moving your hands. Lift your heels to jump. In harder modes, it gets tricky – you need to alternate left and right heels. Skip to it, kid! TIP: It’s all in the timing, right? Your heels have to touch the Wii Balance Board when the Wii Remote and the Nunchuk are at their lowest point. Lowest point, highest scores... when the bag comes towards you. I said feel the rhythm, not shake your hips! What is this, a dance class? What are you, kid? Amateur, contender or champion? If you wanna challenge in champion mode, you gotta reach that level first. And if you want to play champion mode in Free Play, you have to earn it in the training program. You wanna know how? To progress to Champion, you need to gain crowns, and I mean lots... Just the one to open Heavy Bag, 3 for Speed Bag, 7 for Fitness and 9 for Jump Rope. Simple, yeah? Put in the time, and you’ll get the reward. Heavy Bag Watch the bag and hit the target. If you don’t aim straight, you don’t score nothing. In Champion mode there will be two targets. Can you handle that, kid? I know you think you can, but this ain’t a thinking man’s sport... TIP: The key to this is hitting the right spot, yeah? You gotta be quick to switch between upper body and lower body shots. Press the Z Button on the Nunchuk or the B Button on the Wii Remote to punch low, and release to punch high. Speed Bag Here’s the bag, now where’s your speed? Hit it fast and be precise – that way you’ll get more hits in the time limit. When you land a blow, the bag will swing. Learn to feel the rhythm and throw your punches Difficulty FITNESS POINTS After every training game you’ll be awarded with Fitness Points. These are a good indication of just how hard you’ve been working. The more effort you put it, the more Fitness Points you’ll be rewarded. TUTORIAL You wanna know a few moves? Step in the ring and learn a thing or two. You think you’re smarter than that? Trust me, nobody’s too smart to train.. Still listening, kid? Alright, so listen good. You gotta know how to hook, jab and uppercut. You gotta know how to dodge and how to block. This ain’t like being at school, because school won’t switch off the lights if you fail the test. If you do one thing right, finish your training. Quit halfway and I know you’ll miss something important. No quitting, you hear me? TIP: Don’t get hung up on copying the tutorial videos. They’re just a rough guide, yeah? They ain’t all exaclty right. Listen to your trainer and keep trying the movement till you figure it out. Use your smarts, I know you’ve got some. OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING ★ 17 Practice your pugilism, celebrate with jubilism! * * OPTIONS * 15 Want to change some rules for the Exhibiton mode? Do it here. But the best man is still going to win… Gameplay Options 3 KD rule If you get knocked down three times in one round, that’s it; referee calls it over and out. Default is set to on. Saved by the Bell If you get knocked down and the bell rings for end of round, the count is stopped. It’s still a knockdown though, and it’ll be scored like that on the judges’ scorecard. Default is set to off. difficulty Opponent aggressiveness can be set to one of three levels: Easy, Medium, and Hard. Easy difficulty is good for first time players, Medium is good for more advanced players, and Hard will challenge even the most experienced player. Default is set to Easy. Profiles Create, erase and study your profile here. This is where your stats are at. Accomplishments, Fitness Points you’ve earned, unlockable info...all kinda information, yeah? If you make waves in the ring, you’re gonna be real proud of this profile. SFX Adjust the level of sound effects in-game. Round Length Music Adjust the level of background music in-game. ROUND COUNT Crowds The number of rounds in a fight, 1, 3 or 5. Default is 3. Adjust the volume of the crowd during a fight. Distance Bar Commentary A bar is displayed on the top of the screen to show your distance to the opponent and when you are in attacking range. Default is set to off. Adjust the level of commentary in-game. Default is set to on. Hit Effect Enable or disable the subtitles during the story mode videos. Default is set to off if your system language is English. If your system language is anything other than English the default is set to on. 18 ★ OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING Audio Options The time each round will last. Default is set to 2 minutes. When you are hit with a damaging punch, the game will tell you by flashing a shockwave effect. Default is set to off. Trouble Shoot Wii Balance Board Trouble Shooting: You having problems with the Wii Balance Board, kid? Select Trouble Shoot to work out what the problem is. Don’t look so glum, yeah? This is boxing, and it ain’t always smooth. Let’s sort it out and get back to training... Subtitle Accomplishments If you ain’t got a name, you ain’t nobody. You don’t wanna be nobody, right? All the best, they got names. The Brown Bomber, The Eastern Assassin, those names got class, yeah? If you fight well, you’ll get a name, maybe something real big and frightening. Playing the story mode is your best bet, but if you put on a real show in any mode, you never know what might happen, kid. You just never know... I ain’t training no turkey, so stay lean and stay mean. When you finish either a training game or a fight, you’ll see a pop-up window, with info about all the Fitness Points you just earned. The fitness chart shows the number of Fitness Points earned per fight, per day, and in total. Look and learn. Fitness Chart OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING ★ 19 BOXERS ROUND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL Samuel Peter Andrew Golota Current Boxers Respect where respect is due, kid. These boxers know the game. Wanna test your skills? Test them against the real pros… Middleweight 12 ROUNDS Heavyweight 12 ROUNDS Samuel Peter ★ Goes by the name of “The Nigerian Nightmare” and holds the WBC heavyweight belt at this moment. Lives cleanly, doesn’t smoke or drink, regular churchgoer. Takes training seriously. Wields perhaps the strongest punch around. Steve Cunningham Ex-military, hence the nickname, “USS Cunningham”. Holds the IBF cruiserweight title right now, with a pretty impressive record – twenty two fights, twentyone knockouts and just the one loss. Enzo Maccarinelli “Big Mac” Maccarinelli has taken down some decent opposition. Former WBO world cruiserweight champ. Defended the title seven times until he lost it to another Brit. Still boxing. VS ★ VS Joe Calzaghe Andrew Golota Golota can fight and has also been known to pull off his gloves and walk out of the ring. Unlucky, too – he once challenged Bowe for the title, and looked liked he was cruising for the the win, when Bowe dropped to the floor, claiming he was hit with a low blow. Golota was disqualified, Bowe kept the belt, the crowd rioted! Shannon Briggs Shannon “The Cannon” Briggs” has seen it all. Grew up in a rough neighbourhood, was even homeless at one time. Made it to the top, despite also having asthma – a condition no other heavyweight champ has suffered from. Fought some classics – once beating a dominant Liakhovich with a punch that knocked him out of the ring. One second remained on the clock! O’Neil Bell Chad Dawson Nobody knows where O’Neil is. Maybe he’ll turn up for a fight, but right now, who knows? Former unified cruiserweight champ, and would be great if he came back and focused on his boxing again. Dawson is a former WBC light heavyweight champ. He has defended his title twice already. They call him “Bad Chad”. Calzaghe is one of the best of all time. WBO super middleweight champ for over ten years! Nobody has held any title longer, except Joe Louis. Calzaghe has defended his title over twenty times, and still makes it look too easy. They call him “The Pride of Wales”, and they’re right to be proud! Arthur Abraham “King Arthur” Abraham is the current IBF middleweight champ. He beat Miranda for that one. Miranda broke his jaw twice, but King Arthur stuck it out and won. Kelly Pavlik Kelly “The Ghost” Pavlik! Reigning unified middleweight champ – thirty-four victories, one loss, and thirty knockouts! Edison Miranda Edison “Pantera” Miranda… This guy’s life is a story. He was abandoned when he was a month old! Spent his childhood working the fields in Columbia. By twelve, he was doing a man’s job in a construction outfit. He trained hard, and then trained harder. Now he’s a pro. Doesn’t ever drink and always goes to bed early. Daniel Santos Luis Collazo Former WBO light middleweight champ. Took fifteen months off, then returned to the ring. Seems you can leave the ring, but the ring won’t leave you… Collazo, he’s a welterweight and a proud Brooklynite. Former WBA champ, too. Knows his way around the ring, I’ll tell you that. Ricardo Mayorga Andre Berto They call this guy “El Matador”. He likes to entertain. Ate a slice of pizza at the weigh-in once, just to prove how light he was. Former WBA and WBC champ, at welterweight. Twenty-one fights, twenty-one wins. Eighteen knockouts. That ain’t bad at all. He’s fast and strong. Keep your eye on this one. ROUND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL Joe Calzaghe Kelly Pavlik 20 ★ OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING ★ 21 Lightweight Classic Boxers 12 ROUNDS These fighters are the cream of the crop. Do well, and you might get to meet a few, glove to glove… Archie Moore ★ VS Juan Diaz Formerly held the unified WBA, WBO and IBF lightweight title. Went thirty-three fights without losing. Jose Luis Castillo “El Terrible”, is his nickname. Former WBC lightweight champ. Fifty-nine wins and forty eight knockouts. Only one loss. A tough fighter from Mexico. Elio Rojas Rojas is one to watch, get me? Only been pro for three years, but he won a gold medal as an amateur. That’s got to mean something, and it don’t mean he’s a chump. Nate Campbell Known as “The Galaxy Warrior”. Has beaten Diaz, which makes him the current IBF, WBA and WBO world lightweight champ. ROUND 1 2 3 4 Daniel Ponce de Leon Five foot, five inches of southpaw talent, right here – and the current WBO junior featherweight champ. He’s defended that belt six times so far, don’t show no sign of giving it up. One hundred and forty one knockouts! A record never beaten. Archie boxed for twenty seven years – he was the only guy who ever fought Rocky Marciano and Muhammad Ali. He became the light heavyweight champ at the tender age of thirty nine. Rocky Marciano Rocky fought forty nine times. Rocky won forty-nine times. No other world champion has ever remained undefeated. Perhaps only Joe Louis was better. They said Rocky punched harder than an armourpiercing bullet.… Julio Diaz Joe Louis Another Diaz family representative. A classy fighter. Former IBF lightweight champ. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Joe “The Brown Bomber” Louis was the best heavyweight champ there ever was. He defended his title twenty five times, and took down so many contenders that they called it “Bum of the Month Club”. People say his punch was so compact, it only had to go six inches to switch out the lights! TOTAL Juan Diaz Daniel Ponce de Leon James Braddock Jim took some real beatings and just kept on coming. He once fought Joe Louis with arthritis in his hand, but never complained. He lost that one, but it was typical of his style. They called him “Cinderella Man”, because of his incredible journey from nothing to champion of the world. ROUND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL Rocky Marciano Joe Louis 22 ★ OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING ★ 23 Floyd Patterson Ken Norton Patterson was twenty one when he became heavyweight champ. That made him the youngest ever. He KO’d Archie Moore to win that belt, and Archie was twice his age. Talk about old versus young – this coulda been pop versus son! This guy beat Ali. Broke his jaw too. Ali beat him in a rematch, but it was close. Ken Norton had a unique style of blocking – he held his arms up so his elbows stuck out either side. In eighty-six he was involved in a car crash. He had so many broken bones, his doctor told him he’d never walk or talk again. He defied both those predictions. Max Baer “Madcap Maxie” was a character. Constantly wise-cracking and clowning around. This was in the Great Depression, and he lifted people up a bit. But he wasn’t a softie – he had maybe the most powerful right in history. Max was a flashy performer, but he was one of the toughest ever. Larry Holmes They called him “The Eastern Assassin”, and he earned his nickname. He defended the heavyweight title twenty times – only Joe Louis can beat that. He shares the record for most title fight knockouts in a row. Eight knockouts! 1 2 3 4 5 Outside the ring, Chris wears a monacle, and is known as an eccentric. Inside the ring, he was undefeated as a middleweight. Once, he KO’d a boxer called Watson. Watson nearly died, and that shook Eubank badly. He nearly quit the sport, but quitting wasn’t his style. Eubank kept boxing, and Watson recovered, slowly but surely, though the doctors said he might never use his legs. Against all odds, Watson did the London marathon, and Eubank did it with him. Nigel Benn 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 It’s one thing being the best in the gym, something else doing the business when everybody’s watching. Every venue’s different, know what I mean? I mean got its own feel, its own sound, even got its own smell. You get to like some, you get to hate others. Do well in your career and you might be able to unlock some real nice ones, maybe even one of the big three… Madison Square Garden, New York Chris Eubank Known as the “Dark Destroyer”, this boxer held world titles at both middleweight and super middleweight. Eubank was his arch-rival. Whenever they fought, it was big news. Some called it, “A war to end all wars”. ROUND VENUES Boxing grew up at the Garden. All the greats either fought here or wanted to. In fifty-four, they had the first color TV boxing fight. In seventyone, Joe Frazier and Muhammad Ali. They called that one the Fight of The Century. Trump Taj Mahal, Atlantic City The Taj Mahal means money. Get this one and you’d better polish your gloves, or else they might not let you in… TOTAL Chris Eubank Nigel Benn Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City Now here’s a real sweet venue. Ain’t just nobody gets to fight here. Tyson, Holmes, Holyfield… Big names, yeah? This place has seen it all. The first boxing match here was in twentynine, so there’s real history under this roof. 24 ★ OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING ★ 25 CREDITS Acting QA Lead Licensing Director Nightshift QA Lead Licensing Assistant Acting Senior Tester Web Content Manager Ryan Hunt Mark Goodrich Nightshift Senior Tester International Marketing & PR Assistant Sr. Marketing Project Manager Quality Assurance Team David Barksdale Lori Durrant 2K GAMES CHINA Testers Producer Liu Jing Guo De Min Chen Kan Chen Li Lead Programmer Project Closer Xia Tai Yi Programmers Chen Qin Ding Yue Lin Dou Yang Yang Dong Zhou Jin Lei Liu Yi Shan Song Rui Lin Tao Hua Chun Wang Pan Xia Yu Shi Xi Lei Zhang Xing Lead Artist Ding Quan Qi Artists Cai Su Xian Sun Zhong Fu Zhu Min Hua Lu Hang Chen Jian Dong Luo Qiong Li Yang Jiang Lead Game Designer Chen Qiang Pan Game Designers Zou Jun Jie Mo Xin Liu Jin Shen Yi Qian Chief Lead Artist Xu Xiao Qiang Chief Lead Animator Shen Hui Technical Director Sun Ting Production Director Liu Jing General Manager Julien Bares Special Thanks James Fang Liu Hua Zhang Qiang Pierre André Remi Ercolani Julien Friedlander Xavier Lemaire 2K President Christoph Hartmann C.O.O. David Ismailer VP Product Development Greg Gobbi Lead Animator Executive Producer Shen Hui Matthew Seymour Animators Producer Marketing Managers Jackie Truong Marketing Coordinators Andrew Blumberg Jonathan Gray Dawn Burnell Public Relations Director April M. Jones Public Relations Manager Bryan Lam Senior Manager Partner Marketing Scott DeFreitas Art Director, Creative Services Lesley Zinn Web Director John Dickerson Victor Flores Ben Brugger Eddie Castillo Ryan Deal Tiffany Rodriguez Dave Gibbs Jason Goldman Andrew Hernandez Kevin Idoni Edgar Lopez Nicolas Porter Will Stanley Robert Tuohy Jorge Marin Compliance Manager Alexis Ladd Compliance Senior Testers Matt Newhouse Compliance Testers Lauren Mulaney Antoine Bohannon Chiyo Kindregan Steve Santarpia Robert Allan Sharpe Community Manager Special Thanks Gabe Abarcar Online Producer Production Manager Adam Birstock Mike Gilmore Eric Lane Greg MacCauley Merja Reed Jay Ruiz Rick Shawalker Shawn Watson Senior Video Editor 2K INTERNATIONAL Ronnie Singh Web Designer Ashely Young Director of Production Jack Scalici Lydia Jenner Jake Baker General Manager Neil Ralley Yan Sheng Qiang Gao Ming Yuan Cui Yan Ping Lin Fu Kuan Denby Grace Mark Ward V. Garrett Bittner Jr. VP Business Development Matthias Wehner Sounds Game Analyst VP Sales & Licensing International Marketing Manager Steve Glickstein Lia Tsele Strategic Sales and Licensing Director Junior International Product Manager Paul Crockett Sam Woodward VP Quality Assurance International PR Director Alex Plachowski Markus Wilding QA Manager International PR Manager Yang Jie Shi Yang QA Manager Zhang Xi Kun Lead QA Hu Gang Senior Tester Wu Qi Standards Tester Chen Kai Wang Tian Xing Xiao Li Associate Producers Michael Kelly Director of PD Operations Kate Kellogg Development Director John Chowanec Senior VP Marketing Sarah Anderson VP Marketing, Sports Jason Argent Director of Marketing Director of Operations Dorian Rehfield Kristine Severson David Arnspiger VP International Marketing Emily Britt Global Events Manager Karl Unterholzner 2K International Team Claire Roberts Rachael Grey Martin Moore Tom East Localization Manager Scott Morrow Assistant Localization Manager Agnès Rosique Andreas Traxler Barbara Ruocco Ben Seccombe David Halse Fabio Gusmaroli Jan Sturm Jose Antonio Muñoz-Calero Fernandez Olivier Troit Sandra Melero Simon Turner Snezana Stojanovska Warner Guinee Take 2 Publishing Team Terryll Garrison External Localisation Teams Around the Word Coda Entertainment Synthesis International Srl Synthesis Iberia Graphic Design Team James Crocker James Quinlan Tom Baker Anthony Dodd Catriona Findlay Denisa Polcerova Martin Alway Nisha Verma Paris Vidalis Paul Hooper Robert Willis Special Thanks 2K INTERNATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE QA Manager Ghulam Khan Functionality QA Supervisors Steve Manners Andrew Webster Localisation QA Supervisors Hugo Sieiro Sebastian Frank Mastering Engineer Wayne Boyce Senior QA Technician Arsenio Formoso Bob Blau Siobhan Boes David Edwards Daniel Einzig Christopher Fiumano David Gershik Jennifer Kolbe Xenia Mul Drew Smith Peter Welch James Daley Sajjad Majid Nicole Nicoletti Dan Bailie Alex Cox Hugh Bowen Take-Two Sales Big Solutions Group Lead QA Technician SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS QA Technicians Motion Capture AUDIOMOTION Chris Williams Sebastian Belton Natalie Holkham Steve Manners Rosie Hamilton Daniel Mills Localisation QA Technicians Alessandro Gatti Luigi Di Domenico Baptistin Le Blanc Deana Mundell Lena Brenk Tabea De Wille Stefan Rossi Oscar Pereira Alba Loureiro Jose Miñana Mick Morris Brian Mitchell Tim Doubleday Matt Rank James Witt Motion Capture Talent Enzo Maccarinelli Tobias Webb Mark Clauzel Ian McLaughlin Beverley Fox Carl Kennedy Chris Snyder 26 ★ OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING ★ 27 Story, Characters & Script Spanish Commentary THE MUSTARD CORPORATION José Ángel Fuentes Maurice Suckling Marek Walton Héctor Garay Story Consultant Voiceworks Productions, Inc. Mario Van Peebles Talent Don King Mario Van Peebles Jim Cantafio Michael Bentt Richard “Razor” Sanders Jennifer Karen Lee Jarvis George John Cygan James Ward Hector Atreyu Ruiz Laura Putney Menamy Mitanes Bria Myles Heather Vandeven Natasha Alam Ella Thomas Sonny King Rolandas Hendricks Garth McLean Erica Zodtner John Bentley Shannon Briggs Joe Calzaghe Samuel Peter Ken Norton Larry Holmes Andrew Golota Nolan North Vanessa Marshall Philip Anthony Rodriguez Fred Tatasciore Dave Fennoy Andre Carthron Philip Cerda Talent Casting Additional Voice Direction Douglas Carrigan Voice Recording Studios Atlantis Group Recording Ron Rose Productions Five Star Productions Voice Editing For Fox Sound Studios Michael Tekulve Nelson Everhart Keith Fox Jason Richter George Zeis Caleb Halter John Moran Rochelle Sawyers DOCUMENTARY Director Matthew Seymour Camera Scott Jason Farr Boris Price Randy Farrow Gaffers Sean McElwee Eric Curtis Sound Tim Hays Makeup Blow by Blow Commentary Davia Matson Dawn Broussard Pundit Commentary Film Editing and Effects MINE FILMS Jim Lampley Hall of Fame Manager & Trainer Emanuel Steward French Commentary Jean-Claude Bouttier Christian Delcourt Italian Commenatry Diane Bolt Rory Hinds Score and Sound Mix Fox Sound Studios Michael Tekulve Nelson Everhart Keith Fox Ron Fish Ruggero Andreozzi Oliviero Corbetta Theme Music German Commentary Music Licensing Fox Sound Studios Thomas Albus Eric Brodka Mexican / Spanish Commentary Ricardo Celis Bernardo Osuna Bootsy Collins Richard Fox Manual Writer Robin Mueller DON KING PRODUCTIONS Inc. Don King 28 ★ OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING With special thanks to: Kimi Zabihyan, Dana Jamison & John Wirt Photos and Video Footage courtesy of Don King Productions Randall Jones and Grace Johansson Special Thanks Chip Meyers – ProBout Jeff Bleier – Double Fusion Wild Card Boxing Club Newbridge Boxing Club Whitefire Theater Splashlight Ian & Stephanie McLagan Pinky’s Automotive PMW Abel Cine Tech Ben Kitay Studios Smashbox Studios Barry Marine – The Seacrest Sun Media Productions FMOD Ex Sound System Firelight Technologies LiveMove Motion Recognition Powered by AiLive™ LiveMove™ AiLive and LiveMove are trademarks of AiLive, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Uses Bink Video Technology. ©1997-2008 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. MUSIC “PRIZEFIGHTER” (Theme Track) Bootsy Collins for Bootzilla Productions Musicians: Beats & Keys: Hi-Tek Keyboards: Morris Kode Live Drums: Bootsy Collins Special De-Fects: Tobotious & Bootzilla Traben Space Bass: Bootsy Collins “Rap” Round 1: DJizzle “Rap” Round 2: Piakhan Vocals: Bootsy Collins King Of Rap: Don King Extra Beats & Percussion: Bootsy & Tobotius Wax Manipulations by: “Tobotius” Horns: Fred Wesley & The NatiHorns Mixed by: Bootsy & Tobe Donohue Recorded at: Hi-Tek & Bootzilla Rehab Studio’s Engineered by: Hi-Tek & Bootsy Pro-Fools by: Tobe Donohue & Alex Fraser ‘’SUPERJAM (FLO DYNAMICS REMIX)’’ Performed by All Good Funk Alliance Written by Frank Cueto Published by All Good Funk Alliance Funk Weapons International LLC. ‘’EYE OF THE TIGER’’ Performed by Survivor Courtesy of Volcano Entertainment III, LLC By arrangement with SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT Written by James Peterik and Frank Sullivan Sony/ATV Melody/Rude Music/Three Wise Boys Music LLC (BMI)50% WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) 50% Copyright 1982 Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Rude Music, Three Wise Boys Music LLC, WB Music Corp. All rights on behalf of Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Rude Music and Three Wise Boys Music LLC administered by Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, 8 Music Square West, Nashville, TN 37203. All rights reserved. Used by permission. ‘’HARLEM SHUFFLE’’ Written by Bob Relf and Earl Nelson Performed by Bob & Earl Published by BO-REL MUSIC (BMI), REL-NEL MUSIC (BMI and KEYMEN MUSIC (BMI) administered by Bug Courtesy of Bob & Earl Master Recordings, by arrangement with Bug. ‘’KILL CITY’’ Written by Iggy Pop/James Williamson Published by James Osterberg Music/Strait James Music/ Cruisin Music/Bug Music. Courtesy of Bomp Records. Published by BUG MUSIC (BMI), STRAIT JAMES MUSIC (BMI) and CRUISIN’ MUSIC (BMI) administered by Bug. ‘’GIVE UP THE FUNK’’ Written by George Clinton, Jr./William Earl Collins/Jerome Brailey Bridgeport Music Inc. (BMI). Courtesy of Westbound Records ‘’ATOMIC DOG’’ Written by George Clinton, Jr./Garry M. Shider/ David L. Spradley Bridgeport Music Inc. (BMI)/Southfield Music Inc. (ASCAP) Courtesy of Westbound Records ‘’PUMPIN IT UP’’ Written by Ronald Ford/Garry M. Shider/ Barbarella Bishop/ Garett Shider. Bridgeport Music Inc. Courtesy of Westbound Records ‘’WHAT IS HIP’’ Performed by Tower of Power Courtesy of Epic Records By arrangement with SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT Written by Emilio Castillo, John David Garibaldi, Stephen Kupka. Espy Music Group ‘’DIGGIN ON JAMES BROWN’’ Performed by Tower of Power Courtesy of Epic Records By arrangement with SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT Written by Emilio Castillo, Kenneth Kessie, Stephen Kupka. Espy Music Group ‘’TURN ME LOOSE, I’M DR. FEELGOOD’’ Performed by James Brown Courtesy of Volcano Entertainment III, LLC By arrangement with SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT ‘’FOREPLAY/LONGTIME’’ Performed by Boston Courtesy of Epic Records By arrangement with SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT ‘’PLAY THAT FUNKY MUSIC’’ Performed by Wild Cherry Courtesy of Epic Records By arrangement with SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT ‘’IT’S TRICKY’’ Performed by Run-DMC Written by Joseph Simmons, Darryl McDaniels, Jason Mizel and Rick Rubin. © 1986 RABASSE MUSIC LTD (NS) AND RUSH GROOVE MUSIC (ASCAP). ALL RIGHTS ADMINISTERED BY WARNER/CHAPPELL MUSIC LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Courtesy of Arista Records. By arrangement with SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT. ‘’KING OF ROCK’’ Performed by Run-DMC Written by Darryl McDaniels, Lawrence Smith and Joseph Simmons Courtesy of Arista Records By arrangement with SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT © 1985 RABASSE MUSIC LTD (NS) AND RUSH GROOVE MUSIC (ASCAP) ALL RIGHTS ADMINISTERED BY WARNER/CHAPPELL MUSIC LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ‘’COME ON WITH IT’’ Performed by Tower of Power Courtesy of Epic Records By arrangement with SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT Written by Emilio Castillo, Stephen Kupka. Espy Music Group OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING ★ 29 ‘’HARD TIMES’’ Performed by Run-DMC Written by Joseph Simmons, Darryl McDaniels, Lawrence Smith and William Waring. Courtesy of Arista Records By arrangement with SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT © 1984 RABASSE MUSIC LTD (NS) AND RUSH GROOVE MUSIC (ASCAP) ALL RIGHTS ADMINISTERED BY WARNER/ CHAPPELL MUSIC LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ‘’PIMPIN’ HARD’’ Composed by Malcolm Kirby (ASCAP), James H. Martin (ASCAP), Robert Lee Miller (BMI) Published by pigFACTORY USA LLC (ASCAP) and Monkeyfactory (BMI) Performed by B.A.S.K.O. by arrangement through pigFACTORY USA LLC. ‘’BRING THE CROWD’’ ‘’JUST LET IT GO’’ Written by Romell Regulacion/RAZED IN BLACK Published by DIMENSION GATE MUSIC (BMI) ‘’DRAGON RYDER’’ Written by Icarus Witch Published by NEMETON SOUNDS (ASCAP) ‘’FUTURE UNKNOWN’’ Written by Romell Regulacion/RAZED IN BLACK Published by DIMENSION GATE MUSIC (BMI) ‘’FIRE, NUTS, AND BOLTS’’ Performed by Heavy Metal Guitar Heroes Published by DIMENSION GATE MUSIC (BMI) Performed by Subnoize Souljaz Mike Kumagai (BMI) Suburban Noize Music (BMI) Brian Mahoney (ASCAP) Bigbeatdown Music (ASCAP) David Alexander (ASCAP) Project Upwords Music Brad Xavier (BMI) Daddy X Music (BMI) ‘’HOOLIGAN’’ Performed by Big B Brian Mahoney (ASCAP) Bigbeatdown Music (ASCAP) Ulpiano Reyes (ASCAP) Latin Connection Music (ASCAP) Bronek Worblewski (BMI) Mackaframalama (BMI) From Cleopatra Records ‘’SPOILED’’ Performed by Hollywood Roses Written by M. Diamond, C. Veil Published by DIMENSION GATE MUSIC (BMI) 30 ★ OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING ‘’DESTRUCTOR’’ ‘’ELECTRIC BOGEE’’ Preformed by Level Written by Edward Faris Robert Patrick Reeves Published by Riseform Music (ASCAP) 100% Performed by Cliff Lin Written by Cliff Lin Published by Riseform Music (ASCAP) o/b/o itself & Must Kill (ASCAP) 100% ‘’ON THE RISE’’ Performed by Julian Beeston Written by Julian Beeston Published by Riseform Music (ASCAP) o/b/o itself & Consumed Publishing (ASCAP) 100% ‘’A.T.V.’’ ‘’SO IT BE’’ Performed by Kottonmouth Kings Brad Xavier (BMI) Daddy X Music (BMI) Dustin Miller (BMI) Green Two Da Bing Timothy McNutt (ASCAP) Pack and Snap (ASCAP) Mike Kumagai (BMI) Suburban Noize Music (BMI) ‘’BULLFIGHTER’’ From RipTide Music ‘’AGAIN AND AGAIN’’ ‘’DOWN 4 THA CROWN’’ Performed by Young MC Written by Marvin Young Published by Music & Media International o/b/o of Young Man Moving (ASCAP) 100% Performed by Steve Hunter Written by Steve Hunter Published by Riseform Music (ASCAP) o/b/o itself & Deaconsongs (ASCAP) 100% Performed by Kingspade Timothy McNutt (ASCAP) Pack and Snap (ASCAP) Dustin Miller (BMI) Green Two Da Bing (BMI) Mike Kumagai (BMI) Suburban Noize Music (BMI) Performed by (H.E.D.)pe Paulo Gomes (ASCAP) M.C.U.D. (ASCAP) Jackson Benge (ASCAP) Benge Music (ASCAP) Mark Bistany (BMI) Moke Music (BMI) Doug Boyce (ASCAP) DJ Product 1968 Music Mark Young (ASCAP) Mawk Music (ASCAP) ‘’BRING IT’’ Performed by Daniel Lenz Written by Daniel Lenz Published by Riseform Music (ASCAP) o/b/o itself & Psykohed Music (ASCAP) 100% ‘’AGGRESSOR’’ ‘’ALL ON THE LINE’’ Performed by DJ Kambo Written by Huseyin Erdinc Kamisli Published by Riseform Music (ASCAP) 100% ‘’ETHICS EQUALS OPTIONAL’’ Performed by Cliff Lin Written by Cliff Lin Published by Riseform Music (ASCAP) o/b/o itself & Must Kill (ASCAP) 100% ‘’FUNK N’ TELL’’ Performed by Crispin Cio Written by Crispin Cio Published by Via Marina Music (BMI) o/b/o itself & Crispin MC Music (BMI) 100% ‘’HARD NIGHTS’’ Performed by Young MC Written by Marvin Young Published by Music & Media International o/b/o of Young Man Moving (ASCAP) 100% Performed by Ron Komie Written by Ron Komie Mark Heyes Published by Via Marina Music (BMI) o/b/o itself & Stirring Strum Music (BMI) Songs For Kayla (BMI) 100% ‘’ALL OR NOTHING’’ ‘’HERE’S JOHNNY’’ Performed by Phunkpiranha Written by Kevin Waddington Published by Riseform Music (ASCAP) 100% ‘’ALLA KOJACK’’ Performed by Joe Webb Written by Joe Webb Published by Via Marina Music (BMI) 100% ‘’BADDEST AROUND’’ Performed by Dexter Sanders Written by Dexter Sanders Published by Riseform Music (ASCAP) o/b/o itself & King of The Underground Music (ASCAP) 100% ‘’BLAZE OF GLORY’’ Performed by Julian Beeston Written by Julian Beeston Published by Riseform Music (ASCAP) o/b/o itself & Consumed Publishing (ASCAP) 100% ‘’BOUNCE’’ Performed by John John Written by Johnny Glanton Published by Via Marina (BMI) o/b/o itself and John-John Inc. (BMI) 100% Performed by Brad Heck Written by Brad Heck Published by Riseform Music (ASCAP) o/b/o itself & Krystal Chastin Music (ASCAP) 100% ‘HIT ‘EM HARD’’ Performed by Young MC Written by Marvin Young Published by Music & Media International o/b/o of Young Man Moving (ASCAP) 100% ‘’HOT ONE’’ Performed by Young MC Written by Marvin Young Published by Music & Media International o/b/o of Young Man Moving (ASCAP) 100% ‘’SPARKS’’ Performed by The Waking Hours Written by Thomas B. Richards Published by Riseform Music (ASCAP) o/b/o itself & December Sun Publishing (ASCAP) 100% ‘’STRESS TEST (Instrumental)’’ Performed by Young MC Written by Marvin Young Published by Music & Media International o/b/o of Young Man Moving (ASCAP) 100% ‘’STRETCH YOUR METAL’’ Performed by Ron Komie Written by Ron Komie Published by Via Marina Music (BMI) o/b/o itself & Stirring Strum Music (BMI) 100% ‘’STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL’’ Performed by Nard Berings Written by Nard Berings Published by Riseform Music (ASCAP) o/b/o itself & Freshbeat (ASCAP) 100% ‘’SUPERHERO (VER. 2)’’ Performed by Level Written by Edward Faris Robert Patrick Reeves Published by Riseform Music (ASCAP) 100% ‘’THAT’S RIGHT’’ Performed by Young MC Written by Marvin Young Published by Music & Media International o/b/o of Young Man Moving (ASCAP) 100% ‘’UNIVERSAL BLACKNESS’’ Performed by Brightside Darkside Written by Josh Mobley (ASCAP) 48% Michael Porter (ASCAP) 48% Lark Mobley 4%. Published by Riseform Music (ASCAP) o/b/o itself & Brightside Darkside Music & Blacksoil Project Publishing (ASCAP) 100% ‘’WHERE’S THE PARTY AT (EDIT)’’ Performed by Young MC Written by Marvin Young Published by Music & Media International o/b/o of Young Man Moving (ASCAP) 100% ‘’YESTERDAYS GONE’’ Performed by Stereo Black Written by Logan Mader Lucas Banker Published by Riseform Music (ASCAP) o/b/o itself & The Wake (ASCAP) & Logan Mader Music (ASCAP) 100% ‘’IS YOU READY’’ Performed by John John Written by Johnny Glanton Published by Via Marina (BMI) o/b/o itself and John-John Inc. (BMI) 100% ‘’NEW REVOLUTION (Instrumental)’’ Performed by The Waking Hours Written by Thomas B. Richards Published by Riseform Music (ASCAP) o/b/o itself & December Sun Publishing (ASCAP) 100% OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING ★ 31 WARRANTY Limited Software Warranty; License Agreement, and Information Use Disclosures This document may be updated from time to time and the current version will be posted at Your continued use of this Software 30 days after a revised version has been posted constitutes acceptance by you of its terms. YOUR USE OF THE SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO THIS LIMITED SOFTWARE WARRANTY AND LICENSE AGREEMENT (THE “AGREEMENT”) AND THE TERMS SET FORTH BELOW. THE “SOFTWARE” INCLUDES ALL SOFTWARE INCLUDED WITH THIS AGREEMENT, THE ACCOMPANYING MANUAL(S), PACKAGING AND OTHER WRITTEN, FILES, ELECTRONIC OR ON-LINE MATERIALS OR DOCUMENTATION, AND ANY AND ALL COPIES OF SUCH SOFTWARE AND ITS MATERIALS. BY OPENING THE SOFTWARE, INSTALLING, AND/OR USING THE SOFTWARE AND ANY OTHER MATERIALS INCLUDED WITH THE SOFTWARE, YOU HEREBY ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT WITH TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE SOFTWARE, INC. (“LICENSOR”). I. LICENSE LICENSE. Subject to this Agreement and its terms and conditions, Licensor hereby grants you the nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited right and license to use one copy of the Software for your personal non-commercial use for gameplay on a single computer or gaming unit, unless otherwise specified in the Software documentation. Your acquired rights are subject to your compliance with this Agreement. The term of your license under this Agreement shall commence on the date that you install or otherwise use the Software and ends on the earlier date of either your disposal of the Software or Licensor’s termination of this Agreement. Your license terminates immediately if you attempt to circumvent any technical protection measures used in connection with the Software. The Software is being licensed to you and you hereby acknowledge that no title or ownership in the Software is being transferred or assigned and this Agreement should not be construed as a sale of any rights in the Software. All rights not specifically granted under this Agreement are reserved by Licensor and, as applicable, its licensors. OWNERSHIP. Licensor retains all right, title and interest to the Software, including, but not limited to, all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, trade names, proprietary rights, patents, titles, computer codes, audiovisual effects, themes, characters, character names, stories, dialog, settings, artwork, sounds effects, musical works, and moral rights. The Software is protected by United States copyright and trademark law and applicable laws and treaties throughout the world. The Software may not be copied, reproduced or distributed in any manner or medium, in whole or in part, without prior written consent from Licensor. Any persons copying, reproducing or distributing all or any portion of the Software in any manner or medium, will be willfully violating the copyright laws and may be subject to civil and criminal penalties in the US or their local country. Be advised that US Copyright violations are subject to statutory penalties of up to $150,000 per violation. The Software contains certain licensed materials and Licensor’s licensors may also protect their rights in the event of any violation of this Agreement. All rights not expressly granted to you herein are reserved by the Licensor. LICENSE CONDITIONS. You agree not to: (a) Commercially exploit the Software; (b) Distribute, lease, license, sell, rent or otherwise transfer or assign the Software, or any copies of the Software, without the express prior written consent of Licensor or as set forth in this Agreement; (c) Make a copy of the Software or any part thereof (other than as set forth herein); (d) Making a copy of this Software available on a network for use or download by multiple users; (e) Except as otherwise specifically provided by the Software or this Agreement, use or install the Software (or permit others to do same) on a network, for on-line use, or on more than one computer or gaming unit at the same time; (f) Copy the Software onto a hard drive or other storage device in order to bypass the requirement to run the Software from the included CD-ROM or DVD-ROM (this prohibition does not apply to copies in whole or in part that may be made by the Software itself during installation in order to run more efficiently); (g) use or copy the Software at a computer gaming center or any other location-based site; provided, that Licensor may offer you a separate site license agreement to make the Software available for commercial use;. (h) Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, prepare derivative works based on or otherwise modify the Software, in whole or in part; (i) Remove or modify any proprietary notices, marks or labels contained on or within the Software; and (j) transport, export or re-export (directly or indirectly) into any country forbidden to receive such Software by any U.S. export laws or accompanying regulations or otherwise violate such laws or regulations, that may be amended from time to time. However, you may transfer the entire Software and accompanying documentation on a permanent basis to another person as long as you retain no copies (including archival or backup copies) of the Software, accompanying documentation, or any portion or component of the Software accompanying documentation, and the recipient agrees to the terms of this Agreement. The Software is intended for private use only. TECHNICAL PROTECTIONS. The Software may include measures to control access to the Software, prevent unauthorized copies, or otherwise attempt to prevent anyone from exceeding the limited rights and licenses granted under this Agreement. If the Software permits access to additional online features, only one copy of the Software may access those features at one time (unless otherwise provided in the Software documentation). Additional terms and registration may be required to access online services and to download Software updates and patches. Only Software subject to a valid license can be used to access online services, and download updates and patches. You may not interfere with such access control measures or attempt to disable or circumvent such security features. If you disable or otherwise tamper with the technical protection measures, the Software will not function properly. USER CREATED CONTENT: The Software may allow you to create content, including but not limited to a gameplay map, a scenario, screenshot of a car design or a video of your game play. In exchange for use of the Software, and to the extent that 32 ★ OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING your contributions through use of the Software give rise to any copyright interest, you hereby grant Licensor an exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, fully transferable and sub-licensable worldwide right and license to use your contributions in any way and for any purpose in connection with the Software and related goods and services, including the rights to reproduce, copy, adapt, modify, perform, display, publish, broadcast, transmit, or otherwise communicate to the public by any means whether now known or unknown and distribute your contributions without any further notice or compensation to you of any kind for the whole duration of protection granted to intellectual property rights by applicable laws and international conventions. You hereby waive any moral rights of paternity, publication, reputation, or attribution with respect to Licensor’s and other players’ use and enjoyment of such assets in connection with the Software and related goods and services under applicable law. This license grant to Licensor, and the above waiver of any applicable moral rights, survives any termination of this License. INTERNET CONNECTION. The Software may require an internet connection to access internet-based features, authenticate the Software, or perform other functions. In order for certain features of the Software to operate properly, you may be required to have and maintain (a) an adequate internet connection and/or (b) a valid and active account with an online service as set forth in the Software documentation, including but not limited to Windows Live, Licensor or a Licensor affiliate. If you do not maintain such accounts, then certain features of the Software may not operate or may cease to function properly, either in whole or in part. II. INFORMATION COLLECTION & USAGE. By installing and using this software, you consent to these information collection and usage terms, including (where applicable) transfer of data to Licensor and affiliated companies into a country outside of the European Union and the European Economic Area. If you connect to the Internet when using the Software, either through Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, or any other method, Licensor may receive information from hardware manufacturers or platform hosts (such as Nintendo) and may automatically collect certain information from your computer or gaming unit. This information may include, but is not limited to, user IDs (such as gamer tags and screen names), game scores, game achievements, game performance, locations visited, buddylists, hardware MAC address, internet protocol address, and your usage of various game features. All information collected by Licensor is intended to be anonymous information that does not disclose your identity or constitute personal information, however, if you include personal information (such as your real name) in your user ID, then such personal information will automatically be transmitted to Licensor and used as described herein. The information collected by Licensor may be posted by Licensor on publicly-accessible web sites, shared with hardware manufacturers, shared with platform hosts, shared with Licensor’s marketing partners or used by Licensor for any other lawful purpose. By using this Software you consent to the Licensor’s use of related data, including public display of your data such as identification of your user created content or displaying your scores, ranking, achievements and other gameplay data. If you do not want your information shared in this manner, then you should not use the Software. III. WARRANTY LIMITED WARRANTY: Licensor warrants to you (if you are the initial and original purchaser of the Software) that the original storage medium holding the Software is free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for 90 days from the date of purchase. Licensor warrants to you that this Software is compatible with a personal computer meeting the minimum system requirements listed in the Software documentation or that it has been certified by the gaming unit producer as compatible with the gaming unit for which it has been published, however, due to variations in hardware, software, internet connections and individual usage, Licensor does not warrant the performance of this Software on your specific computer or gaming unit. Licensor does not warrant against interference with your enjoyment of the Software; that the Software will meet your requirements; that operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that the Software will be compatible with third party software or hardware or that any errors in the Software will be corrected. No oral or written advice provided by Licensor or any authorized representative shall create a warranty. Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of or limitations on implied warranties or the limitations on the applicable statutory rights of a consumer, some or all of the above exclusions and limitations may not apply to you. If for any reason you find a defect in the storage medium or Software during the warranty period, Licensor agrees to replace, free of charge, any Software discovered to be defective within the warranty period as long as the Software is currently being manufactured by Licensor. If the Software is no longer available, Licensor retains the right to substitute a similar piece of Software of equal or greater value. This warranty is limited to the storage medium and the Software as originally provided by Licensor and is not applicable to normal wear and tear. This warranty shall not be applicable and shall be void if the defect has arisen through abuse, mistreatment, or neglect. Any implied warranties prescribed by statute are expressly limited to the 90-day period described above. Except as set forth above, this warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, whether oral or written, express or implied, including any other warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, and no other representations or warranties of any kind shall be binding on Licensor. When returning the Software subject to the limited warranty above, please send the original Software only to the Licensor address specified below and include: your name and return address; a photocopy of your dated sales receipt; and a brief note describing the defect and the system on which you are running the Software. IN NO EVENT WILL LICENSOR BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM POSSESSION, USE OR MALFUNCTION OF THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES TO PROPERTY, LOSS OF GOODWILL, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION AND, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURIES, PROPERTY DAMAGE, LOST PROFITS OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES FROM ANY CAUSES OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT OR THE SOFTWAWRE, WHETHER ARISING IN TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, WHETHER OR NOT LICENSOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL LICENSOR’S LIABILITY FOR ALL DAMAGES (EXCEPT AS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW) EXCEED THE ACTUAL PRICE PAID BY YOU FOR USE OF THE SOFTWARE. BECAUSE SOME STATES/COUNTRIES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS AND/OR THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS AND/OR EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY SHALL NOT BE APPLICABLE SOLELY TO THE EXTENT THAT OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING ★ 33 ANY SPECIFIC PROVISION OF THIS WARRANTY IS PROHIBITED BY ANY FEDERAL, STATE, OR MUNICIPAL LAW, WHICH CANNOT BE PRE-EMPTED. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. TERMINATION: This Agreement will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with its terms and conditions. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the Software and all of its component parts. You can also end this Agreement by destroying the Software and all copies and reproductions of the Software and deleting and permanently purging the Software from any client server or computer on which it has been installed. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS: The Software and documentation have been developed entirely at private expense and are provided as “Commercial Computer Software” or “restricted computer software.” Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government or a U.S. Government subcontractor is subject to the restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Date and Computer Software clauses in DFARS 252.227-7013 or as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clauses at FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. The Contractor/ Manufacturer is the Licensor at the location listed below. EQUITABLE REMEDIES: You hereby agree that if the terms of this Agreement are not specifically enforced, Licensor will be irreparably damaged, and therefore you agree that Licensor shall be entitled, without bond, other security, proof of damages, to appropriate equitable remedies with respect any of this Agreement, in addition to any other available remedies. INDEMNITY: You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Licensor, its partners, licensors, affiliates, contractors, officers, directors, employees and agents harmless from all damages, losses and expenses arising directly or indirectly from your acts and omissions to act in using the Software pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. MISCELLANEOUS: This Agreement represents the complete agreement concerning this license between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and representations between them. It may be amended only by a writing executed by both parties. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be construed (without regard to conflicts or choice of law principles) under the laws of the State of New York, as such law is applied to agreements between New York residents entered into and to be performed within New York, except as governed by federal law. Unless expressly waived by Licensor in writing for the particular instance or contrary to local law, the sole and exclusive jurisdiction and venue for actions related to the subject matter hereof shall be the state and federal courts located in Licensor’s principal corporate place of business (New York County, New York, U.S.A.). Both parties consent to the jurisdiction of such courts and agree that process may be served in the manner provided herein for giving of notices or otherwise as allowed by New York state or federal law. The parties agree that the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Vienna, 1980) shall not apply to this Agreement or to any dispute or transaction arising out of this Agreement. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS LICENSE, YOU MAY CONTACT IN WRITING TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE SOFTWARE, INC. 622 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NY 10012. customer support To receive additional support, including troubleshooting assistance, please contact: US Support Phone: 1-866-219-9839 Email: Canadian Support Phone: 1-800-638-0127 Email: 34 ★ OFFFICIAL PROGRAM ★ DON KING BOXING NOTES