Marjorie R. Tankersley, Principal - Fredericksburg City Public Schools
Marjorie R. Tankersley, Principal - Fredericksburg City Public Schools
PATRIOTS’ PRESS December 2010 Hugh Mercer Elementary School “A Foundation of Excellence” Marjorie R. Tankersley, Principal Barbara N. Donaldson, Assistant Principal Sandra P. Gillenwater, Administrative Ass’t 2100 Cowan Boulevard Fredericksburg, VA 22401 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Families and Friends, It is that proverbial “most wonderful time of the year,” and there is no better place to appreciate it than with five, six and seven-year-olds. They are already bursting with excitement. They bound through the doors in the morning just full of the season’s good cheer. As one would expect, our December calendar is chock full of interesting and exciting events. On Monday, December 6, our School Board will hold its monthly meeting beginning at 7:30 P.M. in City Council Chambers. The following Wednesday, December 8, we will have the Ident-a-Kid folks here to help with providing additional security for those who choose to subscribe to this program. We will also be having our monthly celebration of Proud Patriots, a program sponsored by our PTA. Proud Patriots are children who have exhibited outstanding behavior and academic performance during the past month. One Proud Patriot is chosen from each classroom in the school. On Friday, December 10, interim reports will go home. If you notice your child’s grades have fallen, or the teacher has indicated problems or issues on the interim report please be sure to get in touch with the teacher. It is still early in the school year, and your child has a greater chance of success if home and school are working together to solve any problems. On Monday, December 13, our P.E. Department will sponsor the Jingle Bell Jog for first and second graders. This is a great way to promote fitness and running beginning at an early age. We always get a great turn out for this exciting event. Also, Monday, December 13 is the day set aside for our Holiday Shoppe preview. Our PTA has worked hard to assemble a wide selection of inexpensive items for children to purchase as gifts for all members of the family. The Holiday Shoppe will be open beginning Tuesday, December 13 through Friday, December 17 in our playroom. We will continue to be very academically focused throughout the week until Friday, December 17, when we will relax and enjoy the season with a Holiday Sing-Along beginning at 1:30 A.M. in the gym. We will conclude the day with holiday classroom parties beginning at 2:30 P.M. We will then send our 830 youngsters home to enjoy a wonderful and well-earned two week break from December 20 through December 31. Wishing you warmest holiday wishes, Marjorie R. Tankersley, Principal MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 3 8 Identa-Kid 9 10 DECEMBER 2010 6 School Board Meeting (City Council Chambers) (7:30 PM) 7 13 PTA Holiday Shoppe Preview Day 14 PTA Holiday Shoppe (Playroom) Interim Reports Go Home w/Students Proud Patriot Celebration (2 PM) 15 PTA Holiday Shoppe (Playroom) 16 PTA Holiday Shoppe (Playroom) 17 PTA Holiday Shoppe (Playroom) Holiday SingAlong (1:30 AM) st Jingle Bell Jog (1 nd & 2 Grades) @ 3:30 PM 20 WINTER BREAK (No School) Class Parties (2:30 PM) 21 WINTER BREAK (No School) 22 WINTER BREAK (No School) 23 WINTER BREAK (No School) 24 WINTER BREAK (No School) 27 WINTER BREAK (No School) 28 WINTER BREAK (No School) 29 WINTER BREAK (No School) 30 WINTER BREAK (No School) 31 WINTER BREAK (No School) 2 WINTER WEATHER PROCEDURES School Closings: When Fredericksburg City Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather, an announcement will be placed on the TV and Radio stations listed below. On days when FCPS are closed, have a delayed opening, or dismiss early due to weather conditions, the TV/radio announcement will state Fredericksburg City Schools. Frederick County, the surrounding counties of Stafford, Spotsylvania, etc., and private schools (Fredericksburg Christian, Fredericksburg Academy, etc.) are separate school divisions whose inclement weather schedules may vary from FCPS. TV Stations Radio Stations Channel 4 Channel 6 Channel 8 Channel 9 Channel 18 WFVA (101.5) WFLS (93.3) WGRQ (Q96) WYSK (99.3) WGRX (104.5) WWUZ Radio (FM 96.9) School personnel cannot individually notify parents when schools are dismissed early due to inclement weather. You are encouraged to listen to the local radio stations or check our web site. When schools are closed, all school-related events or activities are cancelled. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB (The Boys and Girls Club follows FCPS’ inclement weather schedule.) If school is closed for weather reasons, the Boys & Girls Club is closed. If school dismisses early for weather reasons, the Boys & Girls Club is closed. If after school programs are cancelled for weather reasons, the Boys & Girls Club is closed. Delayed Openings due to inclement weather will be announced on the TV and Radio stations listed above. School hours on delayed opening days are as follows: (Buses will arrive at their designated stops 2 hours later than usual.) 10:35 – 3:15 P.M. 10:25 – 3:15 P.M. 9:40 – 2:40 P.M. 9:45 – 2:45 P.M. 10:30 – 2:00 P.M. 11:00 – 12:30 P.M. 10:40 – 2:10 P.M. Hugh Mercer Lafayette Walker-Grant James Monroe RISE/STARS Preschool Head Start School closings and delayed opening information will be recorded on the school voice mail (372-1115) and posted on the school’s web site ( Sign-up for email notification of school closings, delayed openings, or early dismissals! Early dismissals due to inclement weather will be announced on the radio stations listed above and posted on the school division internet site. Schools will be dismissed in the following order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. James Monroe Head Start and Preschool Walker-Grant Lafayette Hugh Mercer 3 death in the family, observance of religious holiday, and possibly extenuating circumstances determined by the school administration. A written note from the parent/guardian or a physician must be provided within two days after the absence for the absence to be excused. Excessive absences can lead to a conference with parents, Saturday School, or a referral to the court system. ADOPT-A-CLASSROOM SPONSORS Thank you to the following sponsors: Kathy Izzo, Denise and Tom Reavis, and Adam and Christina Gutshall. If you would like to sponsor a classroom, please contact Mrs. Barbara Donaldson, assistant principal, at 3721115 (x2004). The following actions will apply: 3 absences – A letter sent to parent/guardian with notification of the number of absences. 5 absences –A plan will be developed jointly with parent to resolve the attendance. 6 absences –A conference will be scheduled with parent and student within 10 days. 7 absences – The principal will notify the truancy designee to take action – may result in attending Saturday School. 25 absences or more (excused or unexcused) – The principal will meet with a Promotion Committee to determine possible retention for the following year. G.E.D.A.C. MEETING The Gifted Education and Differentiation Advisory Committee will meet in the school library at 3:00 P.M. on Wednesday, December 1. All are welcome to attend. PTA Volunteers – We appreciate you! Make-Up Pictures: Erin Westcott ATTENDANCE POLICY School attendance is critical for academic achievement and the preparation of students for the world of work and personal success. Student attendance is a joint effort between the school and home. Students are expected to arrive at school on time and attend class for the full instructional day. Parents or guardians must inform the school each time their child is absent from school, and the school will make a reasonable attempt to notify parents of students’ absences. The only absences that may be excused include the following: illness, medical/dental appointments, court appearances, SATURDAY SCHOOL Fredericksburg City Public Schools has implemented a Saturday School Program. Hugh Mercer students who have over 7 absences or 3 or more disciplinary infractions during a nineweek period will be required to attend Saturday School. This program is designed to provide students an opportunity to make up missed 4 instruction due to excessive absences or misbehavior which resulted in time spent out of class in ACC. Parents of students that are required to attend this session will be notified by letter by Friday, December 3. The first Saturday School will be held on December 11 from 8:30 – 11:30 A.M. Students must be at school by 8:30 A.M. and must be picked up no later than 11:45 A.M. Please note that the doors will be locked at 8:30 A.M. sharp, and students will not be admitted late. Also, students who are not picked up by 11L45 A.M. will be referred to Social Services. Attendance at Saturday School will equal one day of school missed and will provide the student an opportunity to make-up the academic assignments while out of the classroom. Instruction will be provided by classroom teachers, and an administrator will be present for questions and/or concerns. Parents will be required to provide transportation to and from school. Parents who fail to send their children to Saturday School will be required to meet with an administrator the Monday following Saturday School in order for their children to be admitted to school. Additional Saturday Schools will be held on the third Saturday of the month starting in January through May. It is the administrators’ hope that Saturday School will allow students to make up missed instruction so they will have a successful school year. TURKEY TROT RACE RESULTS First graders participated in their first fun run of the year on November 22. The race consisted of a 2-lap run around the front parking area of the school. Top runners are: 1st Place: 2nd Place: 3rd Place: 4th Place: 5th Place: Grace Maynard Charlotte Snead Brianna Denson Yasmin Deane Anne Byrd Fickling and and and and and 5 Joe Hardy Ryelan White Orion Hairston Sam Mitchell Sam Lewis