Surgical Treatment Options in Congenital Aniridia –
Surgical Treatment Options in Congenital Aniridia –
Surgical Treatment Options in Congenital Aniridia – Cataracts, Glaucomas, Corneal Opacities Berthold Seitz Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes UKS Klinik für Augenheilkunde, Homburg/Saar Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. Berthold Seitz, ML, FEBO Unsere Augen – das Tor zur Welt Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes UKS Klinik für Augenheilkunde, Homburg/Saar Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. Berthold Seitz, ML, FEBO Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Basics in Aniridia Incidence: 1:64.000 – 1:96.000 Decreased acitivity of PAX6 gene on chromosome 11p13 2/3 autosomal dominant inherited Wilms tumor predisposition (sporadic) Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Defective Ocular Tissues in Aniridia Cornea Iris Lens Chamber Angle (Glaucoma) Fovea Papilla >> Low Vision >> Nystagmus Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Anatomy of the Eye Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Reversible Blindness vs. Irreversible Blindness (Cornea, Lens, Vitreous) Cataract Corneal Opacities (Optic Nerve, Retina, Brain) Glaucoma Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Aniridia is an Orphan Disease There are no straight-forward generally accepted treatment modalities !! Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Typical Patient‘s Records Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Typical Patient‘s Course of Disease - PF 15.11.2001: 04.04.2003: Date of birth Date of first presentation - VA OD/OS 0.05-0.1 - congenital total aniridia - macula hypoplasia - nystagmus - hyperopia astigmatism - aniridia associated glaucoma 07.11.2007: 07.01.2009: 03.03.2010: 30.03.2010: 27.07.2010: 25.04.2013: OD/OS CPK OD/OS CPK OD/OS CPK OD Phaco + Morcher black iris diaphragm IOL OD ppVy with removal of fibrous membrane, hyopotony last visit - VA OD LP, OS0.1 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Typical Patient‘s Course of Disease - SW 03.11.1986: 10.03.1987: Date of birth Date of first presentation - congenital partial aniridia - macula hypoplasia - nystagmus 14.06.1993: 21.11.1996: 28.11.1996: 20.02.1997: 08.05.2001: 12.09.2001: 22.08.2011: 25/26.10.2012: 12.03.13: Incipient subcapsular cataract OD Phaco + Morcher black iris diaphragm IOL OS Phaco + Morcher black iris diaphragm IOL OD ppVy with removal secondary cataract OS Ahmed valve glaucoma surgery OD Ahmed valve galucoma surgery OS CPK OD/OS CPK last visit: VA OD/OS 1/50 LT in 1 m Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Major Treatment Problems Glaucomas ~ 50% Late childhood Brunner SC, Walton DS, Chen TC: Aniridia. Int Ophthalmol Clinics 2008; 48 (2): 79-85 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Pathophysiology of Aniridic Glaucomas Obscuration of trabecular meshwork and limbal spur by tissue strands containing blood vessels Rudimentary iris plane prallel to the axis of the eye Absence of Schlemm‘s canal Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Chamber Angle Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Glaucomas in Children congenital with congenital anomalies Aniridie Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrom Sturge-Weber Syndrom Marfan-Syndrom Buphthalmus Ninios K, Jonescu-Cuypers CP, Seitz B: Glaukome bei primären Irisveränderungen - Axenfeld-Rieger-Syndrom, ICE-Syndrome (essenzielle Irisatrophie, Chandler-Syndrom, Cogan-Reese-Syndrom), Aniridie. Ophthalmologe 2011; 108:585-593 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Aniridic Glaucoma Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Glaucoma Diagnostics 3 Approaches IOP Morphology of Optic Nerve Head Visual Fields Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Gonioscopy Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia IOP Measurement Applanation tonometry Goldmann Impression tonometry Schiötz Icare tonometer Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia IOP Measurement Always measure corneal thickness ! Mean: 631 ± 51 µm 1 691 ± 75 µm 2 1 Brandt JD, Casuso LA, Budenz DL: Markedly increased central corneal thickness: an unrecognized finding in congenital aniridia. Am J Ophthalmol 2004; 137:348-350 2 Whitson JT, Liang C, Godfrey DG, Petroll VM, Cavanagh HD, Patel D, Fellman RL, Starita RJ: Central corneal thickness in patients with congenital aniridia. Eye Contact Lens 2005; 31:221-224 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Optic Nerve Head Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Optic Nerve Head Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Aniridic Glaucoma Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Documentation of Optic Nerve Head Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Visual Fields Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Visual Fields Glaucoma Early Stage Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Visual Fields Glaucoma Late Stage Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Topical Antiglaucomatous Therapy Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Topical Antiglaucomatous Therapy Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Options of Glaucoma Surgery Goniotomy Trabeculotomy Trabeculectomy with Mitomycin C Glaucoma drainage devices (Molteno, Baerveldt, Ahmed) Cyclosdestructive procedures (CPK) – not CCK!!! Modified goniosurgery (removal of abnormal tissue spanning between iris rudimentary stump and trabecular meshwork) Trabectome in pseudophakia or simultaneous with phaco ??? Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Trabeculectomy with MMC Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Glaucoma Drainage Devices Corneal decompensation in up to 30% of eyes Topouzis et al. Am J Ophthalmol 1999 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Major Treatment Problems Iris Hypoplasia Brunner SC, Walton DS, Chen TC: Aniridia. Int Ophthalmol Clinics 2008; 48 (2): 79-85 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Artificial Iris ????? Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Artificial Iris Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Options for Compensation of Iris Hypoplasia Eye lid surgery Iris imitating contact lens Corneal tattooing (Alio JL, et al. Br J Ophthalmol 2011; 95:1397-1401) Artificial iris into the capsular bag during cataract surgery We do NOT advocate implantation of artificial irides into the sulcus – often worsening of glaucoma !! risk of „progressive anterior fibrosis syndrome“ Tsai JH, Freeman JM, Chan CC et al: A progressive anterior fibrosis syndrome in patients with postsurgical congenital aniridia. Am J Ophthalmol 2005; 140:10751079 CAVE: PANAMA - „NewColorIris“ George MK, Tsai JC, Loewen NA: Bilateral irreversible severe vision loss from cosmetic iris implants. Am J Ophthalmol 2011; 151:872-875 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Artificial Iris from Gore-Tex Simulation zur Implantation einer Iris-Teilprothese Gesundes Auge mit intakter Iris (Foto als Vorlage) Verletztes Auge partielle Aniridie Fixierung der Iris-Teilprothese Endergebnis des operierten Auges (Die Naht ist praktisch nicht sichtbar) Dr. Schmidt Intraocularlinsen GmbH Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Instead of Artificial Iris …… Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Major Treatment Problems Lens Abnormalities and Cataract - 50% - 85% Lee H, Khan R, O‘Keefe M: Aniridia: current pathology and management. Acta Ophthalmol 2008; 86:708-715 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia The Lens in Aniridia Fragile anterior lens capsule Zonular weakness Morphological changes at the equator Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia The Lens in Aniridia HH 26011999 Aufn v 08022011 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia The Lens in Aniridia Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia The Lens in Aniridia Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia The Lens in Aniridia Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia The Lens in Aniridia Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia The Lens in Aniridia Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia IOL Calculation Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia IOL Calculation Eye length Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia IOL Calculation Corneal Curvature Corneal Power Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia > 2000 Cataract Surgeries per Year in HOM - 90% as out-patient - Local anesthesia (RBA/PBA/Topical) - Clear cornea incision (2.5 mm) -Bimanual phacoemulsification - Foldable IOL implantation via inserter Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia > 2000 Cataract Surgeries per Year in HOM Phacoemulsification Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Standard Cataract Surgery + Implantation of Artificial Lens Microsurgeon: B. Seitz Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Options of Lens Surgery Black iris diaphragm IOL (Morcher 67F and 67G) (sulcus fixated or sutured transsclerally) (via 10 mm incision) Morcher aniridia ring type 50C: designed for intracapsular insertion. Two of these rings are implanted and turned against each other in order to produce a full iris diaphragm Foldable blue-light-filtering IOL (via 2.5 to 3.0 mm incision) Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Black Iris Diaphragm IOL HI 13061962 Aufn v 21112011 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Black Iris Diaphragm IOL Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Black Iris Diaphragm IOL Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Iris Diaphragm IOL - Potential Complications Postoperative uveitis Seconday glaucoma Clinically significant macular edema Progression of corneal epithelial disorder Hyphaema Reinhard T, Engelhardt S, Sundmacher R: Black diaphragm aniridia intraocular lens for congenital aniridia: Long-term follow-up. J Cataract Refract Surg 2000; 26:375-381 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Coloured Iris Diaphragm IOL Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Morcher Aniridia Ring Type 50C Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Morcher Aniridia Ring Type 50C + Yellow IOL Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Morcher Aniridia Ring Type 50C Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Major Treatment Problems „Corneal Opacities“ Anirida-Associated Keratopathy (AAK) 20% – 30% Lee H, Khan R, O‘Keefe M: Aniridia: current pathology and management. Acta Ophthalmol 2008; 86:708-715 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Anirida-Associated Keratopathy (AAK) Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Anirida-Associated Keratopathy (AAK) Often starting in the first decade of life Limbal stem cell deficiency Conjunctivalization of the cornea Recurrent corneal erosions and ulcerations Often worse after surgery that involves excessive manipulation of the limbus – or after application of topical antimetabolites to treat aniridia-associated glaucoma Edén U, Riise R, Tornqvist K: Corneal invcolvement in congenital anirida, Cornea 2010; 29:1096--1102 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Conservative Treatment of AAK Dark glasses against photophobia Preservative-free lubricants Hyaluronic acid containing artificial tears 100% autologous serum eye drops Jastaneiah S & Al-Rajhi AA: Association of aniridia and dry eyes. Ophthalmology 2005; 112:1535—1540 Lopez-Garcia JS, Rivas L, Garcia-Lozano I, Murube J: Autologous serum eyedrops in the treatment of aniridic keratopathy. Ophthalmology 2008; 115:262-267 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Anirida-Associated Keratopathy (AAK) Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Anirida-Associated Keratopathy (AAK) Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Anirida-Associated Keratopathy (AAK) Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Options of Corneal Surgery Amniotic membrane transplantation (incl. enhancing survival of limbal stem cells) Limbal stem cell transplantation Triplet matching of living related donor Non-matched organ-cultured donor Keratolimbal allograft Ex vivo expansion of stem cells on amniotic membrane Systemic immunosuppression necessary !!!! Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Options of Corneal Surgery Penetrating excimer laser keratoplasty ? 14 mm deep lamellar corneoscleral graft 14 mm peripheral lamellar/central penetrating corneoscleral graft Boston keratoprosthesis Rixen JJ et al: Treatment of aniridia with Boston Type I keratoprosthesis. Cornea 2013; Feb 26 [Epub ahead of print] Kang JJ et al: Visual outcomes of Boston keratoprosthesis implantation as primary penetrating corneal procedure. Cornea 2012; 31:1436-1440 Bakhtiari P et al: Surgical and visual outcomes of the type I Boston keratoprosthesis for the management of aniridic fiibrosis sndrome in congenital anirida. Am J Ophthalmol 2012; 152:967-971 Deutsches Keratoplastikregister Gemeldete Hornhauttransplantationen pro Jahr 1980 - 2011 ~ 35.000 pro Jahr in den U.S.A. ↓ ~ 4.500 pro Jahr in Deutschland ↓ ~ 250 pro Jahr in Homburg/Saar ↑ Deutsches Keratoplastikregister gemeldete Hornhauttransplantationen pro Jahr 1980-2011 4533 4257 2009 4030 4380 2008 3631 2006 4064 3673 4840 2004 2005 4735 2003 2724 2391 3025 4848 1470 1989 2002 1363 1988 4730 1407 1987 2001 1262 1986 3355 1203 1985 1997 1246 1984 1920 1145 1983 1692 1045 789 1000 1982 3000 2000 3375 3245 1993 2430 3367 1992 4000 4148 5000 1996 6000 Sektion Kornea in der DOG 2011 2010 2007 2000 1999 1998 1995 1994 1991 1990 1981 1980 0 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Processed Corneas since Foundation of LIONS Eye Bank in Homburg/Saar Hornhautentnahmen Universitäts-Augenklinik Homburg/Saar 500 377 354 369 288 300 260 256 210 200 185 158 154 172 Heute: Tag der Organspende !!! 100 Kalenderjahr 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 0 2000 Anzahl Hornhautentnahmen 414 400 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Corneal Transplantations in the Department of Ophthalmology in Homburg/Saar Keratoplastiken Universitäts-Augenklinik Homburg/Saar 243 240 200 171 162 160 113 120 76 64 62 52 57 1996 71 1995 80 71 80 104 94 89 105 90 85 94 65 40 13 Kalenderjahr 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 0 1989 Anzahl Keratoplastiken 208 202 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Methode der Excimerlaser-Trepanation Rotierender Laserstrahl geführt über HeNe-Laser Rotierender Laserstrahl geführt über HeNe-Laser Photoablation Photoablation Spendermaske durch die Maske geschütztes Hornhautgewebe Spender Empfängermaske durch die Maske geschütztes Hornhautgewebe Empfänger Spendermaske mit acht Erlanger/Homburger „Orientierungszähnchen“ Empfängermaske mit acht „Orientierungskerben“ Spendertrepanation unmittelbar vor der Perforation Orientierungszähnchen Behrens A, Seitz B, et al: "Orientation teeth" in nonmechanical laser corneal trephination for penetrating keratopasty: 2.94 µm Er:YAG vs. 193 nm ArF excimer laser. Br J Ophthalmol 1999; 83:1008-1012 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia „Orientation Teeth“ Practical Advantage for the Microsurgeon Exact positioning of the second cardinal suture Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Excimer Laser Trephination - VIDEO Typical corneal grafts 6 weeks after keratoplasty Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Excimer Laser Keratoplasty with Single Sutures Markus Klingenstein 16121985 Aufn v 050122012 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Irreversible Graft Failure After Keratoplasty SF 21031972 Foto 29092010 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Excimer Laser Keratoplasty with Single Sutures SF 21031972 Foto 22112010 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Excimer Laser Keratoplasty with Single Sutures SF 1031972 Foto 11052011 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Excimer Laser Keratoplasty with Single Sutures SF 21031972 Foto 26102011 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Central 14 mm Corneoscleroplasty Spender Indispensable: Save the scleral spur !! Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Central 14 mm Corneoscleroplasty Systemic Immunosuppression (Cyclosporin A oder MMF) Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Boston Keratoprosthesis in Children Boston Keratoprosthesis Visual results diagnosis patno BCVA Preop BCVA Postop 1 chem burn LP 0.5re OK 0.15LP 2 chem burn HM 0.9 3 chem burn LP 0.2 4 chem burn LP 1.2--> LP OOKP 5 Limbal stem def eci FC 0.01 6 Limbal stem def eci LP LP 7 Limbal stem def eci FC FC 8 Aniridia LP 0.15 9 Aniridia LP 0.1 10 Aniridia FC 0.15 Lies Remeijer, SOE 2007 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Boston Keratoprosthesis in Children Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Summary Anirida is a profibrotic disorder. Therefore, many interventions - incl. penetrating keratopalsty and filtering surgery – tend to fail. The Boston KPro may provide a more effective approach in the management of anirida-associated keratopathy AAK. Guarded filtration surgery appears to be effctive in glaucoma. Small incision cataract surgery seems to have advantages over large incisions for black iris diaphragm IOLs. Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Conclusions Despite our increasing understanding of the genetics and pathophysiology of congenital aniridia, effective treatment remains elusive with many of the conditions recurring after surgical intervention. Strongly individualized approach stay conservative Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Erfahrung ist nicht vererbbar – Jeder muß seine eigenen machen. Kurt Tucholsky Journalist und Schriftsteller 1890 - 1935 Surgical Treatment Options in Aniridia Unsere Augen – das Tor zur Welt Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes UKS Klinik für Augenheilkunde, Homburg/Saar Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. Berthold Seitz, ML, FEBO Ophthalmologist are Organ Donors! Thank you very much for your attention! Augenärzte sind Organspender ! Vielen Dank ffür ür Ihre Aufmerksamkeit !
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