SAWIN Service Automation has Relocated our Corporate


SAWIN Service Automation has Relocated our Corporate
AUGUST 1ST, 2015
APLICATION!.......... 3
We are a family of dedicated professionals striving to
achieve total customer and employee satisfaction.
We pledge to provide quality software and services through
team work, knowledge and commitment to excellence.
“This move allowed us the opportunity to clean house, map out a more professional
business environment, and start fresh in a much nicer place.” - David Haycraft/SAWIN
SAWIN Service
Automation has
Relocated our
We are proud to announce that in March of
this year, SAWIN Service Automation, Inc. (SSA) has
officially moved into a new facility. Located just North
of our prior location, the new SSA Corporate Headquarters is a stand-alone, 3200 square foot building,
which has 7 individual offices for the executive staff
members, a 150 square foot training room, a large
cubicle area for the support staff, a full size break
room, and a climate controlled server room. The facility was built in 2006 and is in a modern business
The new corporate HQ for
SAWIN Service Automation!
park, just off the 290 freeway in NW Houston. Since
we were in our prior location for over 20 years, this
move allowed us the opportunity to clean house, map
out a more professional business environment, and
start fresh in a much nicer place. We are sincerely
grateful for our new location and invite any of our
SAWIN clients visiting the Houston area to set up an
appointment for a tour or in-house consulting.
Davis A/C of Metro Houston Has Now Deployed
Don Davis & Sons Build Davis AC
From Humble Beginnings
Open mindedness
is a key attribute
for any successful
person or business.
I have seen many
contracting firms
become more successful by applying
this principle to
their lives and businesses by seeking
further education
and accreditation
in their respective
fields, participating
in trade associations, and network-
“There’s a lot more successful people than me, but I feel very fortunate.” - Don Davis
Don Davis is
not your typical “good
ole’ boy”
from Texas,
he is just
plain and
simply a
good man.
Don got started in the
HVAC business back in
1971, while he was working at the Dow Chemical
plant in Freeport, Texas.
Don said, “Back in those
days, window units were
the big thing and San
Jacinto College offered a
class on how to repair
them, which got me interested. I found out that they
offered a HVAC Design
ing for ideas with
other contracting
firms. All of these
resources have
their value, but at
the same time a
Web Signature
strong work ethic,
integrity, and honesty, will always
prove to be the
foundation of any
success in life. In
my 20+ years of
experience with
SAWIN clients, I
have seen the most
success from those
who operate on all
these principles.
and Repair course of study
and decided to pursue
HVAC as a part time career. After a while I realized that I was making
more money part time in
HVAC than my (full-time)
shift work at Dow. From
there Don established Davis Air Conditioning &
Heating in Angleton, Texas
and has built the business
on quality installations by
design ever since. As with
any new business venture,
“the early years were challenging” for Davis A/C, but
Don’s knowledge and determination helped him to
start building a loyal customer base. “I would run a
room to room load
their doors over
the years.
Some of my
biggest competitors lived
too close to
their margins
and one day
just disapSteven, Don, & Bryan Davis
peared.” Don
said, “There’s a lot more
(calculation in the quoting
successful people than
process) rather than a
me, but I feel very fortuballpark, like most of my
competitors at that time.”
Since Don was performing
Today, Davis A/C is still
HVAC system design calthriving and his offspring
culations for each job, rahave come on board to
ther than just “guesscontinue his legacy. Both
timating”, he was giving
of his sons, Bryan and
more accurate comfort
solutions to his customers. Steven, have come into
the family business and
His motto was and still is,
are integral parts of the
“If you do your job and do
operation. Bryan earned
it right, you’re gonna
his own HVAC Design &
grow.” Don soon found
Installation degree and
that he was the guy peoSteven has an accounting
ple called to “fix” installadegree. The participation
tions that his competitors
of his sons allowed Don
had underbid or cut corand his wife, Lanelle, to
ners on, which helped his
take a step back from the
business grow.
daily operations, but both
are still involved. I asked
And grow he did! In the
Don what the future holds
early 1980’s some major
for the company and he
builders started coming
said he plans to “pass it on
into the Brazoria County
to the next generation”,
market, where Davis A/C
meaning his two sons.
was already established.
Don seized the opportuniCurrently, Davis A/C still
ty and got involved with
operates both locations
some of these builders
with 60-employees which
who encouraged him to
includes 27-Service Techexpand his operation, and
nicians and 12-Installation
he opened his second location in Houston. One of
(Continued on page 3)
the things that Don attributed to his longevity was that he has
“always been conservative” in an everchanging economy.
He said, “You would
be surprised to know
how many (HVAC)
business have closed
Cathy Burton
Davis Tech using Mobile Web.
(Continued from page 2)
Crews. In January of 2015,
Davis converted from a
UNIX based system to
SAWIN Pro Enterprise.
Instead of migrating just
the basics of their business processes to the new
SAWIN software, they decided to take advantage of
almost every aspect that
the SAWIN solution could
offer them. By implementing features like Mobile
Web for their service technicians, GPS, Credit Card
Processing, Imaging,
ARM, Executive Dashboard, and our Web Portal,
Davis A/C is now poised
for even greater success.
Bryan said, “With our prior
method of operation, each
department was on their
own little island, which did
not allow any real efficiency gains that a mid-size
corporation should have
experienced. Utilizing
SAWIN, the managers
from different departments
are learning to operate in a
manner to assist and complement each other. My
overall objective is for the
corporation to become so
efficient and productive
that we can easily add locations in the north and
east quadrants of the Houston metro area. As we
expand the corporation, I
will always have the words
of my father “do it right the
first time, because the second time is for free” echo
in my ears. And today that
phrase has somewhat altered to become the corporations signature mark
“Fixed RightRight-Guaranteed®”
For more information on
Davis AC please visit their
website at
Estes Heating &AC in
Atlanta use Web Survey!
In the spring of 2015, Jeff
Allison of Estes Heating &
Air Conditioning in Atlanta
decided to put some “old
school”, Ron Smith concepts in place with his customer base. Jeff and the
team at Estes implemented
the newly revamped, SAWIN
Web Survey/Customer Satisfaction application.
Jeff described how the process initially unfolded, “We
were approached by a (third
party) company who surveys customers by email
after every service call. We
were interested in feedback
from our customers from
the point of booking the call
to the completion of the call
by the technician. The company who approached us
wanted .93 cents per email
which would cost us
$30,000 a year because
we do over 30,000 residential service calls. I remembered that SAWIN offered a
new survey application that
was not only significantly
less expensive but also integrated in SAWIN and
would automatically send
the survey with our Mobile
SAWIN paperless email invoice. Not only would we
have had to pay more for
the other service but it
Jeff Allison of Estes
would not have been automatic and we would have
had to pull the service calls
and upload them to the
other company's website,
which also concerned me
when considering the security of our customers address and email info.”
Before going too far with
the third party vendor, Jeff
decided to take advantage
of the free, 30 day trial that
we offer on our SAWIN Web
Survey product. With the
personal attention from one
of the lead design directors
at SAWIN, Jeff jumped into
the evaluation of the product with full force. He con-
tinued, “The SAWIN survey
application is a no-brainer
for us considering that for a
small monthly fee and initial setup, we get unlimited
survey emails to our customers attached to the customers email invoice after
we complete the service
call. Our service managers
love it most because it also
has reporting features that
grades technicians and
customer service reps
based on the feedback,
which helps us in training
our employees better and
discovering where our
weaknesses are. I think any
company that is concerned
as much as we are about
customer satisfaction would
greatly benefit from this
application.” For more info
on the SAWIN Web Survey
product, please contact or call
The 2015 SAWIN User
Conference was held
March 6 & 7th, 2015 at the
Hotel Sorella located in
the chic City Centre area
of Houston, TX and was
attended 48 attendees
from 22 companies. This
year’s conference covered
many important topics for
our clients and some of
the highlights included our
suite of Mobile Web products for Service, Installation, and Sales, which are
all truly innovative in our
industry. The SAWIN PRO
ENTERPPRISE (V3) product was also covered extensively and many attendees took advantage of
the V3 pre-order pricing
offered at the conference.
Another significant point of
interest was the unveiling
of the newly revamped
credit card processing services. The attendees also
had some fun interacting &
socializing together! If you
are interested in any of
these products or getting
on the list for the 2016
conference, please email or
call 800800-774774-7230 and we
will forward you the
detailed information.
SAWIN Web Survey &
Customer Satisfaction
Ron Smith of Modern A/C pioneered
the concept of “Happy Calls”.
SAWIN was originally
designed with the
customer satisfaction
concept embedded
throughout the entire
business flow of the
software. The new
Web Survey Application is our latest testimony to Ron’s indirect
influence on the
SAWIN software.
For more info on the
Web Survey product
please contact
or call 800800-774774-7230.
SAWIN Service Automation, Inc.
9525 Huffmeister Road
Houston, TX 77095
Ron Smith
was the
founder of
Modern A/C
in Fort Meyers, Florida in
1965. His
dedication to excellent
workmanship, service,
and customer satisfaction established him as
a pioneer in the HVAC
industry and his concepts are used by
many companies,
whether they are
aware of it or not.