Peštersko polje - Ramsar site in Serbia
Peštersko polje - Ramsar site in Serbia
Peštersko polje - Ramsar site in Serbia Nikola Stojnić, Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province, Serbia “Dinaric Karst Poljes as Wetlands of National and International Importance” , Lijevno 2013. Gornje Podunavlje Ludaško jezero Slano kopovo Serbia 10 Ramsar sites 1. Ludaško jezero 1977. Stari Begej – 2. Obedska bara 1977. Carska bara 3. Stari Begej – Carska bara 1996. Labudovo okno 4. Slano kopovo 2004. Kov. rit Zasavica 5. Labudovo okno 2006. 6. Peštersko polje 2006. 7. Vlasina 2007. 8. Gornje Podunavlje 2007. 9. Zasavica 2008. 10. Koviljsko petrovaradinski rit 2010.-2012. Obedska bara Peštersko polje Vlasina Peštersko polje -on the Pešter Plateau, -1150 m above mean sea level, -largest karst field in Serbia - approx. 50 km²- Ramsar site: 3459 ha, since 2006. -complex of water-bodies, marsh and peatland habitats; The Boroštica river flows through the typical karst field with many shafts. Specific climate, with elements of the mountainous climate (-39°C, coldest in Serbia). Aquatic vegetation grows in the new, artificially-formed lake, channels and watercourses, and the fossil riverbed of the Boroštica River. Plants Endangered plant species, found in the area, include: Menyanthes trifoliata, Pedicularis palustris, Utricularia minor, Equisetum palustre, Salix rosmarinifolia, Galium boreale, Valeriana simplicifolia, Ranunculus lateriflorus, Carex davalliana etc. Orchid species: Orchis morio, O. tridentata, O. laxiflora, O. coriophorus, Dactylorhiza incarnate etc. BIRDS The most important representatives of endangered bird species are: -Corncrake (Crex crex), - Crane (Grus grus)... . White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) Montagu’s Harrier (Circus pygargus) HVALA NA! Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus). Scarlet Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus Threats: -commercial exploitation of peat, -illegal building of wind-farms... ... and removal of surface water, for flood control and water supply purposes. Due to the natural characteristics of the area, the existence of the local people in Pešter is entirely based on traditional cattle breeding, The best pastures and meadows for fodder are found in Peštersko polje, while the water level of the polje determines the productivity of the pastures in its wider hinterlands. The local culture of the Sjenica-Pešter Plateau is determined by several principal characteristics. These are isolation, the economy based on cattle breeding, and Islam and Christianity as the dominant confessions. Thank you for your attention!