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cómo estás - Guim.co.uk
LESSON PLAN 2 KEY STAGE 4 N O G N I O G Y HOLIDA IN e GR aE ag nguT Lan ISE S EXERC RIE CATEGO nde dó “Fui” LES tions, “¿A y words: on the ques e two ke PLA SON ≥ Show e?” and, “C fu both in l ake thes e ta ar é u ey , “¿Q N3 ts . Th ?” u e” p te u is er “F h fu and he teac te?” d ay t tense.T anish. es KEY quién fuis the pas on holi eath in Sp emselv rn th de of e. un Going ds ture family le scen STA list of wor ives and up a pic utes cognisab Topic: Create a GE 5 . ies, adject 60 min into a re rancia” e, countr on: imposed “Fui a F r exampl er h y, p Fo is Durati Sa su n e . a : th is is Sp der Par er , : un . le sw LE e rs ds p g SS an or be a ON am mem the w r ex AN 3 n? The e thPL L angu bat sDe ng assify all at mea KE #LanguageFo YsSTAG ue by aski oe have to cl E5 What d ?” n give a cl Students tive: r “¿Dónde France”. gs. You ca ys Topi in de a to d ad t un Objec li e he en o w c: ué y nam three ast h is In“Itegration under “¿Q e a countr b out p ctise th ac ed a ra pl ac p lk pl to to ta be Du ration: 60 them To ents es can s minutes Ask stud . Adjectiv quién?” LE countrie lay a scen(W ?) to re on p of : “C he u st r a e li e from La ri m eir S le unde oplm le to na nguage: Spanish about tw e fi ss crite d pe using th ” anth r. RES SON P El Nort ill be ab they went. Succe o Gtaul?at e starte e emalan ents w y if Obj OUR LAN buildin from th siblings All stud tries and sa ec a g tiv a V i e: e E n CE 1 un to giv FTuhere is ew life in E XERCIS OCABthUeLA nine co thY E eU s E be able y. n l S. o il ea V n a w e m R i r p nriquetal arU fo KE RY HEADIN ui” da To talk S ticular li ents “F ey o d U rv h u si So I b ng ir su ei st about inte sceneuocting a ng offer the folloe Y G the n ow Most o N gr . w f m n d ed at er in t” n an io h S g vocabula n an a waiar m say who do tw woro pinio “Id wen tinegco ksuhe ble toulticulturalism A E ry (also see esn’t sp ≥ You jo byCaouncil ab et), askT their o ntences ill be a t and theG eak Span Tourib sm class3to re 12ay no n write se ents w eyOwut . e un al d is n u s h co io re . st gn la olid comes: Nat at Some hen th le go on h multicultura. Ateskd to the topic of in ise and define using th and w a tegration w w w.yo young peop d: “Fui where m. All students udentslism: and utube.co the boar t to the st ho will recogn ted ou on n ca se lo ve al gi m ra e ise with w h w to use key / es p and begin atch?v=y6 Give tabl in th nte.” le le ib ce vocabular In ss ex te grawciasónand who as po ue 0 le H .F op b topic. ik pe ed z4 y Ityalreialat = inte to the w it The scen man JQ went, ho e runs fr as then gration Fue om e, where they Toele class udents to 1:16:45 to Most studen th stra ncia = to Ask the 1:19:00 tim ts will have R with. Ask t E is excelente! T en lerance w th R wr de r. ey itten how was finitiones sfoin th STA teache r the noun Ask stu ue” tr y nam ck to the Pacifi s learned ip? dents to h word “F ined anois= report ba sm t of counand ga Sp son’s tr lis peto e m li er a rs e th st p t pe avid o th at p u th ct b ac o k th st ive t “D e the class acles fa on different haifi obas d sm w st ac er an em ≥ Give les sw ts th to ce to n d byEx ain ng. Ask The an bpl h. integration and oth to stude m lisltu p ngicu arti hat in the convers her meaRniacismitom=ean David was Eult w ot in ra es an Spanish s lis So s e . m ha . at ra s ional.so cism ce”. think li ellent” They m a” means? Doe the nam he nguisti is: “Exc ent to Fran Some stud n?dTso match to cally,fu e a Franciust er meaan cially. “David w ents will ha Dis is:cr cu llowing:a lturaTh s “Fue” iminacióe students to ve de ies? doe k the fo tr weell-co ”. velo ? llye answ un as in ce pe w n fo th d an t rm k Then as Fr es “I as ed dialogue on swer is: es bulary, any of th difficulties classmat anthe help new voXca been to ehonwofo riasurveyed k? of integration usin nnuse to Cuan thei Who has Using this cala spcaea b vo pular ey t yo bu s g = th gu ne d ou p lar xe w ag y and facts s do ntopo mos ils ab esen s a ti se i” ge e ta p u e’ ev th ua h de er “F o is s? er ng H fro b ve r: re la ge ia begi m texts. e he p be ngua What s rememarated frot” o.nWvivtheenclass? Where is th ne y of the la m. their found the holidCay wen the clas do you Getnpsu“I cia = coAesk everyo speak an in culture tr y, how pils to p mea Can you ? destination her coun resent holiday “i”, and argu ination? xistence ld ot st ou in an de w to u ay lid ments fo u go A olid larSho questio ardidtaad tes. RyoTuEimRagine yod you can’t When yo ST r es iv ke no n. least popu = so x adject and ag w would nu lidarity st , aiC refully an you an tthoisteuntcath list of si feel (or ho le talk to nte, bien to lis Write a le op e ce pe ≥ P n c ex re ? a W : juicio od rtoon str hat ors ard CROth feel) whe estoin be undde EAD GOtal, terrible. on SSeHbo te or Dip g R nd yo ra A ta ti u ES fa C rs on ? HERE A Use pth unde mal, OST e foNrD Fill in the su ere, te rtance mean to xt (on d tricks . Challeng lo =nas RITAEsibA laP ylsed the impo r this task Angela k upm fo ss to ssertips anthe workshee bu W ≥ cu cu w is W is lo e M d al D , e h o can giv c . adjectives t suppbliblesnaries are kebu h d ry l: la an s: RESOURCE el s ≥ N ow e ie m tr ag u tio ed e a defin the ulticult n voca Dic) w Iguitalad multg langu h cneo=wncovun ovide caso uralism ONmanagming"fnraew ioGOING total" ab n of to ddad stcard. Pr e ts po e o rs a of learnin iculturaualisgems?spokenitby en q es g u a ud in al out Mer ulticult st rit it y tione templates HOLIDAY uralism Pra kel’s lary by w e the lang c-tithseier th anti vo d distribut stance: Secagebu What≥arDevelo ly? alas re bonard an r card to p ob g e , cl ac gl c th di o le in ió on s n H v ‘post’ thei =rsse ples ish, e to t pe RCE w l foop nitglio e ls am gti U pi N ex it rao a mosal r both te, Spandiseh,fiEn O pu h gn n Od atthioem y to analys ruct ag o st RESs n G of re E In u . y rm e rin r C N k a on an N Fui p da e s. as R O as Man speaksGOI IDAYbEySOU G Now to writ artne r ber. Nowkes Answer: n R k theEspana the class s mem L N Y pe in as I (O cl ho r ? O cl A A w ds he as sk sk IDllowing y fue s to answer How It anot pupiiflsittohams at GO Lfo any wor H any mista Arabic. A the teach us quterrible r aitliEn estions: agldnissecheadenfinyiti ch each word to thbo HO an Can you e. C k any othe esIS ard and thD on ou. Thseroco e e co UthSosSeIO D who spea o th n e ar ey mn ’t to sh eetw fo N ould beaca En tu o dto?othto anrrtoy,ectht e rget, ry pil to u this up . pinión, sk opure “ Aia C ful. ngs of the leossmon so at home) na ¿c le ≥lang ge ” m P u di c ál Wua M etathne hell arise the key fin a sion es la ac erkel en hat par t titudedou ass discus cuanto do lang omamnd gos, follon e su wed by cl integrati alinm ions). Giv ctic ult stru , redirect s. o as sk cl d ow d on and m uages play in u e N de an b . lt r th u y ei es ed ralismo? eed . er th rest of mplat Would th ¿Q ts if ne ges. ultEuralis GultAicM eeutéfoorpteinas read them out ov any poin The eyO of langua m? source sh bR spe lo q e aYhelp to rectify possible. n and d the value MEM "C e dirs rds (see re ualdo ororayhca 8 icas towards face qw e la can uier peeras manyupa on em in si em th d us m e ra sc of ac ciller di Pl ? es. Mak sona que no ingm a pack entsn.ce agia imed in Make up tamente d up stud hable al nd ire po P pa es le rr to n emán ar y Initiat no es b rds ¿Estás d with co ienvenid e a quick pack of ca e acuer ve words fire deba o"? do? e cards ha te. Studen wins. Half of th ts can most pairs pick thei e th ith w r ¿Por qu own stan partner é crees ce on multicultu que los ralism or llegaro inmigra n a Alem ca gi n be ven one ntes qu ania du from a se han vu e rante lo lection pr elto a su teacher. s 60, no oduced by país de They mus origen? the t state th seconds. eir case in Other clas ¿Qué se 10 s membe agree or puede h rs disagree decide to acer par aleman . Th a que lo e person most pe es no se s ople agre who has sientan extranje the e with th "invadid that last ros". em wins. point at a por (Reveal the end to disagree stop ever ing with yone one anot her). N 2, N PL A L E S S O AG E 4 KE Y ST T ATION ival Festiv WORKS H P E ET MAKIN G FRIENDU ED S CATION PACK LESSON PLAN LESSON 2 PLAN 2 KEY KEY STAGE 4 STAGE 4 ON LESS 2 PLAN Y KE E 4 STAG MEMORY CARDS Print out this sheet 10 times Cut out cards, fold along the dashed line and glue plain sides together On the blank side stick an image and on another card write a sentence that corresponds to that image, see examples below Make up enough packs for the class. RDS To play glue RY CA times and 10 face down hed line EMO the cards etout MSpread s she the das Bonjour S e glu RD out thi and along ther CA cards at a time, if they up two Partner Print A picks fold es line on ano t ds, RY ed tim er image correspond) tha t car and match ge and then ou(sentance s to MO sheet 10 the dash togeth her Cut an ima pond if not they ME they keep the pair toes sid they get ng respair, anot at this stickif nott cor plain side and partner d on th ld alo out tha B has a go.They nk down put them back e an ds to s, fo Print tence the bla a senwhere card gether below imag spon saw certain they to remember haveOn ss. ones out to write examples ck an corre the clalanguage. Cut sides cardrely on the and also fortarget e sti that seerecognisingks in sid ge, ce pac pla nk ima with the most The pupil ugh cards wins. ss. bla senten s below the e cla a up eno ple On write r th am Make fo ex s card e, see y wn pack e do if the gh ay t fac imag time, ) then enou To pl ds ou y at a t the pond ke up they Examples: the car cards wn two ge corres pair, if no ey Ma e, if en ey e do Spread Th y ks up a tim d) th th ima simple t fac t the has a go. es A pic - picture Fui a Espana y fue rterrible and =ras s at spon if not ey if no play cards ou nce on rB ir, rre card pai Partne To e an angry andnta flag (se as the Spanish partne certain guage. two age co they pa s a go.Th es p theface/thumbs ad th up match to kee wn and they saw im not lan ha down in on e. Spre do get if picks and er B ere target they m back er A ance e pair partn w certa guag g the s. ber wh Tower the ofem e.g. Eiffel =tPicture Partn (sent ep th and No fui a Franciapu win et lan ognisin ey sa to rem on rec st cards tch t to ke down ere th e targ e ma ge and a cross hav th rely the mo ck r wh ising wins. also h they em ba embe s and pil wit= German flag cogn t card t th rem madre pu Fui a Alemania con mi re e pu Th to mos ly on and a picture of a mum have o re th the als simple and pupil wi = as bs ple ture Fui a Japon, fue aburrido = Japan image : and hum sim The le - pic ry face/t ples = as umbs bored someone yawning/lookingam terrib ture th Ex y fue and an ang - pic y face/ : er Espana flag= Unidos Estados Yo y mi amigo fuimos a los ples e terriblean angr nish el Tow Fui a r . Eiff we picture of friends in USA as the Spa Exam pana y fuflag and of e.g el To ture . Eiff ish a Es down flag a = Pic with of a family No fui con mi familia = picture Fui e Span of e.g rman g Franci a Ge ture a cross as th an fla dre = No fui ss = Pic a cro mi ma Germ ncia down and and con e= Fra ge nia dr m a Fui a Italia y fue excelente = someone looking d i fu a mu an ima Alema ss e an mi ma No happy in Italy/Italian flag with happy = Jap Fui a faceture of a cro imag con rrido bored a pic and = pan ania a mum s abu g and Ja ido em = d Yo y mi gato fuimos a Mexico = a person on, fue g/lookin s= s Un a Al ture of rido bore a Jap yawnin Fui Estado pic Unido abur oking (cactus, and a cat with something MexicanFui da a los dos fue eone /lo h os an ta n, wit Es som fuim po wning sombrero, flag) th A family a Ja a los amigo s in US ily wi of a Fui eone ya nd y mi imos A fam ture Yo having a fu m of frie Fue muy bien en Inglaterra = someone pic US e of so igo in g ilia = pictur up g ture lookin a good time in England/smiley face/thumbs mi am ends kin mi fam = pic eone e loo con Yo y re of fri ilia som with English flag fac No fui tu eone e nte = happy pic mi fam ss som ppy fac excele with a cro con te = fui Fui a Barcelona, fue un desastre = signpost of lia y fue an flag len with ha n person s, No a ce Ita tali = g ss ex ctu o perso s, Barcelona and upset face Fui a in Italy/I fue lian fla a cro = a (cactu Mexic xican (ca lia y ico os a n Ita happy fuim ething Me a Ita Italy/ Mex exica o i a g Fu os gM y in mi gat h som vin having Yo y fuim ethin wit eone bs up happ ne ha up a cat flag) gato som = som e/thum meo thumbs and mi th rra ro, so y fac late t wi g) bre Yo ra = face/ som a ca en Ing nd/smiley fla later iley bien and brero, of of Ing muy e in Engla ost npost nd/sm n en Fue som = sig bie Engla signp d tim astre e= muy e in a goo glish flag En un des sastr tim flag Fue de fue od with lona, set face a go English e un Barce up a, fu t face with and lon Fui a rce upse lona a Ba a and Barce Fui lon Barce CÓMO ESTÁS WILLKOMM EN CIAO 11 Hello! r! jou n o B Hi! Zdrahvd z -vuee-ty eh! Hej! Ciao! Konnich iwa! Marhaba ! te! Namas ¡Hola! Hujam bo! Olá! G'day! INTRODUCTION D espite languages becoming to celebrate the Guardian and British compulsory in primary schools Academy’s language festival in October. in 2013, overall numbers of The plans, for key stages 3 to 5, are an language students at GCSE, hour long and are intended for use in A-level and university have a classroom setting. There is also an been declining at an alarming rate. This additional plan, for schools with a high spells bad news for current and future number of EAL students. school leavers, for whom knowledge From creating an orchestra out of a foreign language could provide a of Italian vocabulary to debating competitive edge in multiculturalism in Spanish, the jobs market. aspiring student polyglots A report by the across the country will have The key is to n o t British Council plenty to keep them busy. only mak e the found that we lessons en are suffering joy b ut to mak able, from a growing e deficit in foreign languages relevant. language skills just at a time when the global demand for language skills is expanding. Worse still, in the words of the report, we are trapped in a “vicious circle of monolingualism”. ≥INTRODUCTION ≥ LESSON PLAN 1: KEY STAGE 3 ≥ LESSON PLAN 2: KE Y STAGE 4 ≥ LESSON PLAN 3: KE Y STAGE 5 ≥ LESSON PLAN 5: SPE CIFIC ACTIVITY FOR SCHOOL S WITH HIGH # EAL STUDENT ≥ ACTIVITY 1: TO FOLLOW ≥ ACTIVITY 2: TO FOLLOW Salut revitalising interest So how can language teachers get young people engaged in languages again? For pupils to successfully learn a language, they need to have self-motivation and they need to be engaged in what they are learning. That’s why we’ve put together this pack of innovative lesson plans joindre lernen benvenuto 2 Lesso plan n 1 Key stage 3 MAKING FRIENDS starter ≥ Give out worksheet 1 and ask what do all the words have in common? (Answer: Italy) Who has eaten any of the things on this list? Which two things on this list could you drive? Where is Italy? Point it out on a map. Has anyone visited? Who can speak any Italian? Point out that they all know at least seven Italian words from the top list. WORK SHEET 1 KEY STAGE 3 WORKSHEET MAKING FRIENDS WHAT DO ALL THESE WORDS HAVE IN COMMON? Pizza Ferrari Balotelli opera ice cream Fiat spaghetti Versace Draw a circle around the Italian words in the table below, put a question mark next to the ones you are not sure of ciao merci piazza bella telewizja amore caballo chiesa tavola szia bruder scuola pisica donna église manhã maestro perfume pappa beau ≥ Give out the table of words (worksheet 1) or put on the IWB. Ask who can spot the Italian words. Draw a circle around them – or use a question mark if you’re not sure. Now share the answers. How did you know? How did you guess? Have a go at pronouncing the words. The teacher can then lead correct pronunciation repetition supported by pictures. These words are not key to the rest of the lesson, just an introduction to Italian sounds. LESSON PLAN 1 KEY STAGE 3 I f an Italian boy or girl came and joined our class, we would need to make them welcome and make friends. How do you make friends in English? (You ask their name and things about them). Let’s all say hello to each other in Italian. The class wave and say “ciao” around the room. How good can you make your accent? Italian people put a lot of expression into their speech – can you do the same? The teacher gives their name in Italian. For example, “Mi chiamo Mr Smith”. Repeat “Mi chiamo” around the room. What does it mean? Point at students in turn and get them to give their name. Now say hello first. Ciao Topic: Making friends Duration: 60 minutes Language: Italian Objective: To introduce yourself to new people Success criteria: All students will be able to say hello and give their name. Most students will be abl e to ask other people their nam e and how they are. Some students will be abl e to conduc t introductions as above and respond to questions. answer is: “What’s your name?” Can you see any similarities in the spellings? We have to look for clues like that when we’re learning languages. People in Italy really like to use lots of hand gestures The i et when they talk – make sure children m Co ami? you do too, to sound and shake i ch look like an Italian. They’re also hands really polite, why don’t you add with those around “Piacere” onto the end of your them saying hello conversation. What could and giving their that mean? The answer is, names. (“Ciao, mi chiamo “Nice to meet you.” David”). Conversation should re Piace be illustrated on the IWB as support. Display the sentence: “Come ti chiami?”. Repeat it as a chant, playing with dynamics, accent and gestures. If “Mi chiamo Mr Smith” is the answer, and “Come ti chiami?” is the question, what does “Come ti chiami?” mean? The 3 Lesso plan n 1 Key stage 3 MAKING FRIENDS conversation ordering exercise ≥ Give pupils a cut-up cartoon strip. (worksheet 2) Ciao! Mi chiamo Luigi. Come ti chiam i? Piacere Maria. Come stai? igi. Ciao Lu mo Mi chia Maria. Sto bene , E tu grazie. ai Luigi? come st Ask pupils to put the conversation into the correct order and then practise with their partner. Volunteers can then perform their conversations. Can they do it without looking? Sto male. ato*! Che pecc i. ig Ciao Lu Arrivederci Maria. ≥ Draw faces on the board with the following captions: “Sto bene” and “Sto male”. Ask pupils to repeat, putting their thumbs up when saying “Sto bene” and thumbs down when saying “Sto male”. The teacher then holds thumbs up or down and the class calls out one phrase or the other. If anyone gets it wrong, they’re out. You can elicit the meaning from the pictures. (“I’m fine”, “I’m not well”). Sto bene Sto mal Orchestra exercise Final exercise Divide the class into three groups and ask them to chant three Italian words or phrases. Rhythm is important for this exercise, so do a practice run first. Ask students what the first word of the question “What’s your name” is in Italian. The answer is “Come”. Then ask: "What do pigs live in?" The answer is, of course, a sty. Now put those words together and what does it sound like? The answer is “Come stai”. This means “How are you?” Students should ask their partner how they are. Can the partner answer? Put the language on the board and in a handout. Ask for volunteers to have a whole conversation. The teacher should practise with one of the students first to remind and support, gradually revealing the conversation on the board. Group 1 chant: Mi chiamo Group 2 chant: Sto bene Group 3 chant: Ciao Start the first group off quietly chanting, followed by group 2, then group 3. Conduct the three different groups, raising your hand to signal louder, and lowering your hand to mean quieter. Devise visual cues for tempo. Swap the groups around twice more. Plenary Fill in a conversation cartoon strip with phrases from a box. Read your teacher box before you are done for the lesson and tell them what it means in English. 4 lesso WORK n plan 1 SHEET 1 Key stage 3 WORKSHEET MAKING FRIENDS What do all these words have in common? Pizza Ferrari Balotelli opera ice cream Fiat spaghetti Versace Draw a circle around the Italian words in the table below, put a question mark next to the ones you are not sure of ciao merci piazza bella telewizja amore caballo chiesa tavola szia bruder scuola pisica donna église manhã maestro perfume pappa beau lesso WORK n plan 1 SHEET 2 Key stage 3 WORKSHEET cato*! Che pec i. ig Ciao Lu igi. Ciao Lu mo Mi chia . Maria MAKING FRIENDS Cut out the cartoon strip and put in the correct order Practise the conversation with your partner Ciao! Mi chiamo Luigi. Come ti chia mi? e Sto ben u, Et . grazie i? tai Luig s come Arrivederci Maria. Sto male. Piacere Maria. Come stai? How Italian can you sound? Don’t forget that “ciao” can mean hello and goodbye. lesso resou n plan 1 rce worksheet MAKING FRIENDS Key stage 3 Cut out the cartoon strip Fill in the blank speech bubbles with conversation Practise the conversation with your partner How Italian can you sound? Don’t forget that "ciao” can mean hello and goodbye. Lesso plan n 2 Key stage 4 Going on holiday LESSON PLAN 2 KEY STAGE 4 Going on hol Topic: Duration: 60 minutes Language: Spanish T Objective: To talk about past holida ys Success criteria: to name up to All students will be able they went. if say and nine countries l be able to give Mo st students wil iday. their opinion on their hol e to say Some students will be abl and nt we y the en wh where and with whom. ≥ Give out a list of country names in Spanish to students and ask them to match to the names in English. Then ask the following: Who has been to any of these countries? What languages do they speak? Can you speak any of the languages? When you go to another country, how do you feel (or how would you imagine you would feel) when people talk to you and you can’t understand or be understood? Create a list of words underneath in Spanish. For example, countries, adjectives and family members. Students have to classify all the words under the three headings. You can give a clue by asking them to place a country name under “¿Dónde?” (Where?). Adjectives can be placed under “¿Qué tal?” and people under “Con quién?” Fui a Italia Ask the class how was this person’s trip? The answer is: “Excellent”. So what does “Fue” mean? The answer is: “It was”. Fue excelen te Here’s a tip you can use to help the class remember: “Fui” ends with an “i” and means “I went”. Write a list of six adjectives on the board: excelente, bien, super, mal, fatal, terrible. RESOUR CE What are the languages spoken by G the Discuss tips and tricks for OING ON HOLIDA managing new vocabulary. most people globally? Y Answer: Mandarin, Spanish, English, Hindi, E C R RESOU ON Arabic. Ask who in the class speaks OINofGA Gany E Y these. Can you teach us any words?H(Open OLID RESOURC G ON Fui a N I O this up to those who speak any other G LIDAY Espana O H y fue language at home). LES LESSON PLA SON N2 PLAN 2 KEY KEY STAGE 4 STAG E4 LESSON PLAN 2 KEY STAGE 4 CARDS Print out this shee t 10 times Cut out card s, fold alon g the dash plain side s together ed line and glue On the blan k side stick an image card write and a sentence that correspo on another image, see examples nds to that below Make up enough pack s for the class . To pla y RDS ORY CA EM MSpre ad the card es s 10 tim sheetout face down and glue out this hed line Part Printner A picks up along the das two cards match (sen cards, fold at a time, Cut out tanceeth if they ther erimag and they e correspo s tog on ano get DS to keep n side ge and nd) thenthat the CAR putplai notima them back k sidepair stickifan e they pair, onds to ORY es d glu if not they corresp blandown and thatner haveOn part ce to the ten MEM is sheet 10 tim dashed line an rememb B sen w has a go.They write a er wheles re they belosaw and also cardrely the out th examp along seereco Print s. ones gnising the thecert ge, on her The pup clasain ima s, fold il with the anot t card packs fortarget language. er d on mos ou th ugh t card t ge eno s wins. 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So “Fui” means “I went”. Now write sentences using that phrase on the board: “Fui a Italia. Fue excelente.” starter terrible Memory game Categories exercise ake these two key words: “Fui” and “Fue”. They are both in the past tense. The teacher puts up a picture of themselves superimposed into a recognisable scene. For example, Paris. Say,“Fui a Francia”. What does that mean? The answer is: “I went to France”. iday Make up a pack of memory cards (see resource sheet for templates and instructions). Give out the pack of cards to paired up students. Place them face down and spread them out over their desks. Half of the cards have words with corresponding images. Make as many pairs as possible. The partner with the most pairs wins. ! Give tables given out to the students. Ask as many people as possible where they went, how it was and who they went with. Ask the students to then report back to the teacher. Explain to the class that the Spanish word “Fue” also has another meaning. Ask them what “David fue a Francia” means? Does it mean David was France? The answer is: “David went to France”. Using this new vocabulary, ask the students to give details about how their surveyed classmates found the holiday. Which is the most popular holiday destination in the class? Which is the least popular? Ask everyone to listen carefully and take notes. Write a postcard Dictionaries are allowed for this task. Challenge students to add new countries and adjectives to their vocabulary by writing a postcard. Provide examples on the board and distribute templates to write on. Instruct pupils to 'post’ their card to another class member. Now ask them to analyse it and see if it has any mistakes Plenary Ask a pupil to come to the board and summarise the key findings of the lesson to the rest of the class, followed by class discussion to rectify any points if needed. Now, redirect discussion towards the value of languages. 8 resource Going on holiday Memory cards Print out this sheet 10 times. Cut out cards, fold along the dashed line and glue plain sides together. On the blank side stick an image and on another card write a sentence that corresponds to that image, see examples below. Make up enough packs for the class. To play Spread the cards out face down Partner A picks up two cards at a time, if they match (sentance and image correspond) then they get to keep the pair; if not, they put them back down and partner B has a go.They have to remember where they saw certain ones and also rely on recognising the target language. The pupil with the most cards wins. Examples: "Fui a Espana y fue terrible": a picture of the Spanish flag and an angry face/thumbs down "No fui a Francia": a picture of the Eiffel Tower crossed through "Fui a Alemania con mi madre": a picture of the German flag and a mum "Fui a Japon, fue aburrido": a picture of the Japanese flag and someone yawning/bored "Yo y mi amigo fuimos a los Estados Unidos": a picture of friends in USA "No fui con mi familia" : a picture of a family group crossed through "Fui a Italia y fue excelente": a picture of the Italian flag with happy face "Yo y mi gato fuimos a Mexico": a picture of a person and a cat with something Mexican (cactus, sombrero, flag) "Fue muy bien en Inglaterra": a picture of someone having a good time in England/smiley face/thumbs up with the Union Jack "Fui a Barcelona, fue un desastre": a picture of a signpost reaing "Barcelona" and an upset face Lesso plan n 2 Key stage 4 resource Going on holiday postcard templates Lesso plan n 2 Key stage 4 Lesso plan n 3 Key stage 5 integration LESSON PLAN 3 KEY STAGE 5 Integration Topic: minutes 60 n: atio Dur ish Span Language: Objective: To talk about integration and multiculturalism Outcomes: n All students will recognise and begi the to ed relat ry bula voca to use key topic. Most students will have written definitions for the nouns learned and have gained perspective on different obstacles to integration and multiculturalism. d Some students will have develope the on gue dialo med infor wella difficulties of integration using new vocabulary and facts from texts. Starter ≥ What does integration mean to you? ≥ Who can give a definition of multiculturalism? ≥ Develop class definitions agreed by all for both terms. Discussion ≥ What part do languages play in integration and multiculturalism? Would they be a help or a hindrance? P lay a scene from the film El Norte about two Guatemalan siblings building a new life in the US. There is one particular scene, where Enrique is offered a waiting job by a man who doesn’t speak Spanish. vocabulary Heading Using the following vocabulary (also see worksheet), ask the class to recognise and define 12 nouns related to the topic of integration and multiculturalism: Find the film on YouTube Integración = integration The scene runs from 1:16:45 to 1:19:00 Tolerancia = tolerance Pacifismo = pacifism Ask students to list the obstacles faced by both parties in the conversation. They must think linguistically, culturally and socially. Can languages ever be separated from their culture? Get pupils to present arguments for and against this question. Racismo = racism Discriminación Xenofobia = xenophobia Convivencia = coexistence Solidaridad = solidarity Prejuicio Asilo = asylum discussing multiculturalism Use the text (on the worksheet supplied) “Angela Merkel: el multiculturalismo es un ‘fracaso total'," which details Merkel’s anti-multiculturalism stance: Now ask the class to answer the following questions: Igualdad = equality Segregación = segragation Ask pupils to match each word to the correct English definition. There are two too many, so they should be careful. En tu opinión, ¿cuál es la actitud de Merkel en cuanto al multiculturalismo? ¿Qué opinas de lo que dice la canciller “Cualquier persona que no hable alemán inmediatamente no es bienvenido"? ¿Estás de acuerdo? ¿Por qué crees que los inmigrantes que llegaron a Alemania durante los 60, no han vuelto a su país de origen? ¿Qué se puede hacer para que los alemanes no se sientan “invadida por extranjeros"? Plenary Initiate a quickfire debate. Students can pick their own stance on multiculturalism or can be given one from a selection produced by the teacher. They must state their case in 10 seconds. Other class members decide to agree or disagree. The person who has the most people agree with them wins. (Reveal that last point at the end to stop everyone disagreeing with one another). 11 Lesso plan n 3 worksheet integration Angela Merkel: el multiculturalismo es un "fracaso total" L a canciller de Alemania, Angela Merkel, ha dicho que los esfuerzos de su país por construir una sociedad multicultural habían sido un “fracaso total". Dijo que la idea del multiculturalismo como la convivencia de personas con diferentes raíces culturales no estaba funcionando en Alemania. Añadió que el islam ya era parte del país, pero que los inmigrantes musulmanes también tenían que hacer un mayor esfuerzo por integrarse, por ejemplo aprendiendo a hablar alemán. “Cualquier persona que no hable alemán inmediatamente no es bienvenido", indicó. La canciller señaló que los inmigrantes deben aprender alemán para poder competir en el mercado laboral. “A principios de los 60 Alemania convocaba a los trabajadores extranjeros para venir a trabajar y ahora viven en el país. Nos hemos engañado a nosotros mismos. Dijimos: 'No se van a quedar, en algún momento se irán'. Pero esto no es así", agregó la canciller. Sus declaraciones llegan tras algunas muestras de sentimientos anti-inmigrante en el país. Aunque dijo hace un par de semanas que el islam era parte del país, otros líderes políticos se mostraron en desacuerdo. Una encuesta reciente mostró que más del 30% de los alemanes cree que Alemania fue “invadida por extranjeros". Los comentarios de la canciller se produjeron una semana después de una reunión de Merkel con el primer ministro de Turquía. En el encuentro ambos líderes se comprometieron a hacer mayores esfuerzos por garantizar la integración de los 2,5 millones de personas de origen turco que viven en Alemania. Key stage 5 Read the article and answer the following questions En tu opinión, ¿cuál es la actitud de Merkel en cuanto al multiculturalismo? ¿Qué opinas de lo que dice la canciller "Cualquier persona que no hable alemán inmediatamente no es bienvenido"? ¿Estás de acuerdo? ¿Por qué crees que los inmigrantes que llegaron a Alemania durante los 60, no han vuelto a su país de origen? ¿Qué se puede hacer para que los alemanes no se sientan "invadida por extranjeros". Lesso plan n 3 worksheet integration Integración Key stage 5 Tolerancia Write the correct English definition next to each word. Pacifismo There are two too many, so be careful. Racismo Discriminación Xenofobia Convivencia Solidaridad Prejuicio Asilo Igualdad Segregación Lesso plan n 4 A room of language teachers I n many schools across the UK, teachers often have a classroom full of linguists before they even begin teaching another language. In this project, students who speak another language at home prepare and teach a sample lesson in that language, helping everybody appreciate the amount of linguistic talent in the room. Variations In sixth-form groups, especially languages, students could give presentations on the best idioms and proverbs from their language, literally translated into English. An interesting extra dimension to this activity might be to think about whether students can find equivalents for each of these in the language they are studying. LESSO PLAN N 4 WORKSHEET A ROOM OF LANGUAGE TEACHERS POSSIBLE LIST OF EXPRESSIONS English Language Two Hello How are you? Please Thank you Variables The number of students who speak another language will vary, depending on the school demographic. This project may, therefore, be given to a single student to prepare for homework, or as a whole class activity spanning a series of lessons or an impact day. Students with no extra languages could collaborate with those that can speak, learning the content before the class happens or helping to design the PowerPoint, before working as pronunciation models with their group leader when they present in front of the other pupils. What’s your name? My name is … How old are you? LESSO PLAN N 4 I am … years old WORKSHEET A ROOM OF LANGUAGE TEACHERS Where are you from? I’m from … PEER ASSESSMENT RUBRIC Name and Language Quality 1: Engaging /10 Quality 2: Testing /10 Quality 3: Learn a lot /10 Total Mark /30 Outline Evaluation Give students a list of basic expressions they could choose to teach their classmates. Explain that the aim is that students are able to say the words given – in other words they shouldn’t worry too much about spelling. Depending on your circumstances, this could include preparing PowerPoint presentations, creating flashcards, or using miniwhiteboards. Students will likely use the sorts of activities that they habitually use in your class. Before setting students off to begin planning, have students co-opt a peerassessment rubric for evaluating their classmates’ lessons. Ask each student to write down three adjectives that describe a good lesson – the three that receive the most votes then become the three qualities that students will grade each other on. Have each student fill in a grid like the rubric below, and then collate the marks to determine whose average score is the highest. 14 worksheet A room of language teachers possible list of expressions English Language Two Hello How are you? Please Thank you What’s your name? My name is … How old are you? I am … years old Where are you from? I’m from … Lesso plan n 4 Lesso plan n 4 worksheet A room of language teachers peer assessment rubric Name and Language Quality 1: Engaging /10 Quality 2: Testing /10 Quality 3: Learn a lot /10 Total Mark /30