2016 AtMA Conference Program - Atlantic Marketing Association
2016 AtMA Conference Program - Atlantic Marketing Association
2016 Atlantic Marketing Association Conference Charleston, S.C. September 14 – 18 1 Greetings from the 2016 AtMA Program Chair It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2016 Atlantic Marketing Association (AtMA) conference in beautiful Charleston, SC! The 2016 Conference marks our 41st year as an organization. This conference has always enjoyed a reputation of providing a supportive and nurturing environment for presenting ideas. In addition, this conference encourages the development of long friendships through the many networking opportunities this conference provides. The 2016 conference promises to be as exciting as ever. With over eightyfive papers, abstracts, and special sessions across eighteen tracks, there are many fantastic sessions lined up during the conference. This year, sessions are full of research looking at the unique challenges that marketing academics and practitioners face in an ever-changing, global business environment. Thus I encourage you to sit in on as many sessions as you can and get some ideas for your class or a research project down the road. While looking through the program for sessions to attend, please keep in mind that we offer a complimentary hospitality suite during select nights of the conference and provide a luncheon on Friday afternoon. I look forward to meeting and greeting with everyone. I hope you enjoy the conference and the Charleston location. Special thanks go to the faculty, staff, and student volunteers without whom this conference would not have been possible. We look forward to thought-provoking discussions that will effect meaningful change. I am so thankful that you have chosen the AtMA conference as an outlet for presenting your work. Diane R. Edmondson 2016 AtMA Program Chair 2 2016 AtMA Conference Important Reminders Hotel: The Francis Marion Hotel is conveniently located directly across from Marion Square. The 1924 hotel is named for General Francis Marion and is one of the largest and grandest hotels in the Carolinas. Guests can enjoy classic Southern cuisine in The Swamp Fox Restaurant & Bar, a restaurant known for its artfully prepared dishes using local farm fresh ingredients or relax with cocktails and jazz piano music in the bar. At AtMA, we end conference sessions early so you can relax and enjoy your stay. So take time to stroll through the area and explore the unique downtown, take a harbor tour, and/or simply enjoy the many beautiful gardens, historic homes, art galleries, aquarium, and shops that Charleston has to offer. Charleston is such a beautiful place...especially this time of year! Registration/Information: The registration table will be open every morning during the conference starting at 8:00 AM. If you check in after 1 PM, you can pick up your registration materials from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM in the Hospitality Suite. Hospitality Suite: A tradition of the AtMA is the Hospitality Suite. Snacks, beer and wine are complimentary, so please join us Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday nights from 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM in the Bridgeview Room 1203. It is a great place to mingle and get to know other attendees. So please stop by! Meeting Rooms: The meeting rooms for presentations are: Laurens, Drayton, and Middleton. Board Meeting: The 2016 AtMA Board of Directors meeting is set for Friday morning from 8:00 AM until 9:30 AM in the Hospitality Suite (Bridgeview Room). Luncheon: Mmmmm...FOOD! The annual AtMA luncheon will be held on Friday from 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM in the Plaza Room. Please plan to attend, as the lunch is included in the registration fee. This is also where we take time to recognize outstanding papers in tracks and the top paper in the conference. 3 2016 AtMA Conference Board of Directors President and Associate Executive Director Dr. Brian R. Kinard, University of North Carolina Wilmington Program Chair/President Elect Dr. Diane R. Edmondson, Middle Tennessee State University Executive Director Dr. Deborah Lester, Kennesaw State University Assistant Executive Director Dr. Keith Tudor, Kennesaw State University Board Members Dr. Ismet Anitsal, Tennessee Tech University Dr. M. Meral Anitsal, Tennessee Tech University Dr. Michael. A. Jones, Southeastern Louisiana University Dr. Maria Kalamas, Kennesaw State University Dr. Walter Kendall, Tarleton State University Dr. Kimball Marshall, Alcorn State University Dr. Peggy Shields, University of Southern Indiana Dr. Alan D. Smith, Robert Morris University Dr. R. Keith Tudor, Kennesaw State University Dr. Blaise Waguespack, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 4 2016 AtMA Conference Officers President and Associate Executive Director Dr. Brian R. Kinard, University of North Carolina Wilmington Program Chair/President Elect Dr. Diane R. Edmondson, Middle Tennessee State University Executive Director Dr. Deborah Lester, Kennesaw State University Assistant Executive Director Dr. Keith Tudor, Kennesaw State University Program Chair Elect (2017) Dr. Joe Cangelosi, University of Central Arkansas Proceedings Editor Dr. Aberdeen Leila Borders, Kennesaw State University Webmaster Ms. Tyra M. Burton, Kennesaw State University Ms. Laura Robinson, Kennesaw State University 5 At-A-Glance Wednesday, September 14, 2016 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Registration (Lobby Bar) 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Registration/Hospitality Suite (Bridgeview Room 1203); Light refreshments (beer/wine/soda) and snacks will be served. 6 At-A-Glance Thursday, September 15, 2016 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Registration (Lobby Bar) 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Technology Usage and Student Perceptions of Sales (Laurens) Consumer Ethnocentrism, Advertising, and E-Commerce (Drayton) Corporate Social Responsibility: Challenges and Opportunities (Middleton) 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. Advertising and Informational Needs Assessments (Laurens) Eclectic Issues in Retailing (Drayton) Marketing Wineries and the Wine Industry (Middleton) 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. The Future of Global Trade with a New Administration in the United States (Laurens) Hot Topics: Jobs, Veterans, and Politics (Drayton) Fine Arts and Pedagogy (Middleton) 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Registration/Hospitality Suite (Bridgeview Room 1203); Light refreshments (beer/wine/soda) and snacks will be served. 7 At-A-Glance Friday, September 16, 2016 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Registration (Lobby Bar) 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM 2.0. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. AtMA Board of Directors Meeting (Hospitality Suite 704-706) Special Session #1: Teaching and Learning in the Marketing Classroom: Contributions from Neuroscience (Laurens) CB Potpourri – Brand Choice, Emotional Tracking, and Point Redemption (Drayton) Marketing Case Studies (Middleton) 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. Gender Differences and Dealing with Customer Rage (Laurens) Decision-Making Involving Beverages, Charity Checkout Requests and Value (Drayton) Services Marketing (Middleton) 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. Examples of Global and Best Business Practices in Supply Chain Management (Laurens) Innovative Methods of Using Technology in the Classroom (Drayton) Using Technology, Collaborative Learning, and Disney in Marketing Education (Middleton) 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Atlantic Marketing Association Awards Luncheon (Plaza) 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Registration/Hospitality Suite (Bridgeview Room 1203); Light refreshments (beer/wine/soda) and snacks will be served. 8 At-A-Glance Saturday, September 17, 2016 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Registration (Lobby Bar) 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. Social Media Strategies (Laurens) Social Media (Drayton) Advertising Value (Middleton) 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. Pedagogical Approaches to Help Understand Student Learning Styles (Laurens) Health Care Marketing Interests (Drayton) Marketing Strategy (Middleton) 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM 3.7. 3.8. 3.9. Strategic Implications of Music, Arts, and Entertainment (Laurens) Special Session #2: Strategies for Educating GEN Y & Z (Drayton) Consumer Behavior Odds and Ends (Middleton) 9 Thursday, September 15, 2016 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM Session 1.1: Technology Usage and Student Perceptions of Sales Room: Laurens Session Chair: Judi Billups, Salisbury University Personal Selling in the Internet Age: Is the Trusted Advisor Role Obsolete Stephen Carlson, Piedmont College, scarlson@piedmont.edu The Impact of Social Media and Related Technologies on the Sales Process: A Qualitative Analysis from the Buyer’s Perspective Judi Billups, Salisbury University, judibill@vt.edu Ryan Matthews, Kennesaw State University Shawn Wilson, VP Beaulieu West James Smith, Nova University Assessing High Schools Students’ Perceptions of Sales as an Area to Study in College, and as a Career to Pursue after College Scott Inks, Ball State University Ramon Avila, Ball State University, ravila@bsu.edu Marquetta Horner, Ball State University 10 Thursday, September 15, 2016 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM Session 1.2: Consumer Ethnocentrism, Advertising, and E-Commerce Room: Drayton Session Chair: Meral Anitsal, Tennessee Tech University How Regional Employment in the U.S. Automobile Industry Influences Consumer Ethnocentrism William Neese, Troy University, wneese@troy.edu W. Frank Thompson, Jr., Troy University Stephen Garrott, Troy University The Impact of ‘Made-in-America’ Advertising Claims on Consumer Ethnocentrism William Neese, Troy University, wneese@troy.edu Monica Favia, Bloomsburg University Michele Welliver, Bloomsburg University The Spillover Effects of Overweight Models in Food and Fashion Advertising Bridget Nichols, Northern Kentucky University, nicholsb2@nku.edu David Raska, Northern Kentucky University, raskad1@nku.edu A Review of E-Commerce: The Influence of Post-Purchase Factors on Relationship between Customer Loyalty and Perceived Risk Siwei Wang, Tennessee Tech University Meral Anitsal, Tennessee Tech University, manitsal@tntech.edu Ismet Anitsal, Tennessee Tech University, ianitsal@tntech.edu 11 Thursday, September 15, 2016 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM Session 1.3: Corporate Social Responsibility: Challenges and Opportunities Room: Middleton Session Chair: Pia Albinsson, Appalachian State University Impact of Organizational Justice and Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee's Perceived Job Satisfaction and Firm Performance Sandipan Sen, Southeast Missouri State University, ssen@semo.edu Katrina Savitskie, Savannah State University, savitskiek@savannahstate.edu Feisal Murshed, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, murshed@kutztown.edu Energy and its Interplay with Global Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Efforts Amber Smith-Ditizio, Texas Woman's University, amberanaylmt@gmail.com Terry Damron, Austin Peay State University, DamronT@apsu.edu Amye Melton, Austin Peay State University, MeltonA@apsu.edu Exploring Marketing and Technical Challenges and Opportunities of Ecofriendly Strategies Amber Smith-Ditizio, Texas Woman's University, amberanaylmt@gmail.com Terry Damron, Austin Peay State University, DamronT@apsu.edu Amye Melton, Austin Peay State University, MeltonA@apsu.edu A Look Into The Lubrizol Corporation’s Supply Chain Sustainability Efforts Steven Clinton, Robert Morris University, Clinton@rmu.edu William Rupp, Austin Peay State University, ruppw@apsu.edu O. Felix Offodile, Kent State University, foffodil@kent.edu 12 Thursday, September 15, 2016 9:45 AM – 11:15 AM Session 1.4: Advertising and Informational Needs Assessments Room: Laurens Session Chair: Don Shemwell, East Tennessee State University False Advertising and Labeling Suits Two Years After the Landmark Supreme Court Decision on POM Versus Coca-Cola: Implications for the Marketing Professorate Don Shemwell, East Tennessee State University, shemweld@etsu.edu A Course Designed to Aid Students’ Understanding of the Structure of Advertisements: An Application of the Who Says What to Whom over What Channel with What Effect Model Paul Costanzo, Western New England University, paul.costanzo@wne.edu An Informational Needs Assessment Study of what Health Care Consumers want from Social Media Joe Cangelosi, University of Central Arkansas, joec@uca.edu Ed Ranelli, University of West Florida, eranelli@uwf.edu Ken Griffin, University of Central Arkansas, keng@uca.edu David Kim, University of Central Arkansas, davidk@uca.edu A Preliminary Examination of Online Sales Promotion in Hedonic versus Utilitarian Product Categories Richard Heiens, University of South Carolina Aiken, richardh@usca.edu Ravi Narayanaswamy, University of South Carolina Aiken, ravin@usca.edu John Engel, University of South Carolina Aiken, johnen@usca.edu 13 Thursday, September 15, 2016 9:45 AM – 11:15 AM Session 1.5: Eclectic Issues in Retailing Room: Drayton Session Chair: Rajesh Srivastava, Middle Tennessee State University A Further Empirical Investigation into the Semantic Meaning of Advertising Price References Jeffery Gutenberg, State University of New York College at Geneseo, gutenber@geneseo.edu James Quinn, State University of New York College at Geneseo, quinn@geneseo.edu Customer Service Challenges in Multichannel and Omni Channel Retailing Edward Brewer, Appalachian State University Terence Holmes, Murray State University, tholmes@murraystate.edu ‘Yelp’ Gives it Four Stars: Consumer Attitudes towards Ratings and Reviewers Cheryl Ward, Middle Tennessee State University, Cheryl.ward@mtsu.edu Rajesh Srivastava, Middle Tennessee State University, raj.srivastava@mtsu.edu Vince Smith, Middle Tennessee State University, vince.smith@mtsu.edu Don Roy, Middle Tennessee State University, don.roy@mtsu.edu Lucy Matthews, Middle Tennessee State University, lucy.matthews@mtsu.edu Tim Graeff, Middle Tennessee State University, tim.graeff@mtsu.edu Diane Edmondson, Middle Tennessee State University, diane.edmondson@mtsu.edu 14 Thursday, September 15, 2016 9:45 AM – 11:15 AM Session 1.6: Marketing Wineries and the Wine Industry Room: Middleton Session Chair: G. David Shows, Appalachian State University Exploring Key Service Quality Dimensions at a Winery from an Emerging Market’s Perspective Kyuho Lee, Sonoma State University, kyuho.lee@sonoma.edu Melih Madanoglu, Florida Atlantic University Jae-Youn Ko, Kyunghee University Intention of Potential Wine Tourists to Visit Foreign Wineries: An Exploratory Econometric Analysis Mahmood Hussain, San Francisco State University, hussain@sfsu.edu Roblyn Simeon, San Francisco State University Lutfus Sayeed, San Francisco State University Entrepreneurship Marketing in North Carolina’s Wine Industry G. David Shows, Appalachian State University, showsgd@appstate.edu Pia Albinsson, Appalachian State University, albinssonpa@appstate.edu James Stoddard, Appalachian State University 15 Thursday, September 15, 2016 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Session 1.7: The Future of Global Trade with a New Administration in the United States Room: Laurens Session Chair: William Neese, Troy University The Viability of Free Trade Lane Boyte-Eckis, Troy University, lbeckis@troy.edu Free Trade Vs. Fair Trade David Hebert, Troy University, dhebert@troy.edu Reconsidering Trade Agreements William Neese, Troy University, wneese@troy.edu 16 Thursday, September 15, 2016 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Session 1.8: Hot Topics: Jobs, Veterans, and Politics Room: Drayton Session Chair: Cheryl Ward, Middle Tennessee State University Evaluating the Impact of Cause-Marketing on Job Seekers Michael Peasley, University of Memphis, mcpasley@memphis.edu Parker Woodruff, University of Central Arkansas, parkerwoodroof@gmail.com “Thank You for Your Service:” Consumer Attitudes toward Military and Veterans Diane Edmondson, Middle Tennessee State University, diane.edmondson@mtsu.edu Tim Graeff, Middle Tennessee State University, tim.graeff@mtsu.edu Lucy Matthews, Middle Tennessee State University, lucy.matthews@mtsu.edu Don Roy, Middle Tennessee State University, don.roy@mtsu.edu Vince Smith, Middle Tennessee State University, vince.smith@mtsu.edu Rajesh Srivastava, Middle Tennessee State University, raj.srivastava@mtsu.edu Cheryl Ward, Middle Tennessee State University, Cheryl.ward@mtsu.edu Looking Back: The Evolution of Political Marketing in U.S. Presidential Campaigns Maria Khan, Middle Tennessee State University, Maria.khan@mtsu.edu Cheryl Ward, Middle Tennessee State University, Cheryl.ward@mtsu.edu 17 Thursday, September 15, 2016 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Session 1.9: Fine Arts and Pedagogy Room: Middleton Session Chair: Kimball Marshall, Alcorn State University A Fine Arts Marketing Elective: Justification of Need and Proposed Course Content Kimball Marshall, Alcorn State University, kmarshall@alcorn.edu Rene Desborde, Kentucky State University, rene.desborde@kysu.edu Sharon Thach, Tennessee State University, sthach@tnstate.edu The Art of Advertising PJ Forrest, Alcorn State University, forrest@alcorn.edu William Piper, Alcorn State University, wpiper@alcorn.edu Research Issues in Fine Arts Marketing Kimball Marshal, Alcorn State University, kmarshall@alcorn.edu Sharon Thach, Tennessee State University, sthach@tnstate.edu 18 Friday, September 16, 2016 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM Session 2.0: Atlantic Marketing Association Board of Directors Meeting Room: Bridgeview Room 1203 19 Friday, September 16, 2016 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM Session 2.1: Special Session #1 Title: Teaching and Learning in the Marketing Classroom: Contributions from Neuroscience Room: Laurens Session Chair: David Burns, Kennesaw State University Panelists: David Burns, Kennesaw State University, dburns21@kennesaw.edu Sandra Pierquet, Kennesaw State University, spierque@kennesaw.edu 20 Friday, September 16, 2016 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM Session 2.2: CB Potpourri – Brand Choice, Emotional Tracking, and Point Redemption Room: Drayton Session Chair: Liz Alexander, Marshall University An Exploration Into Emotional Tracking to Determine Consumer Emotions Liz Alexander, Marshall University, alexanec@marshall.edu Alexandria Black Point Redemption Matters: A Response to Murthi, Steffes, and Rasheed (2011) J. Paul Leavell, Charlotte Metro Federal Credit Union, pleavell@cmcu.org Effects of Comparative Processing and Mere Measurement on Choice of a Brand with Negative Attributes Steven Koppitsch, Bowling Green State University, skoppit@bgsu.edu 21 Friday, September 16, 2016 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM Session 2.3: Marketing Case Studies Room: Middleton Session Chair: John Crawford, Lipscomb University Couples Sleeping Apart--Separate Master Bedrooms and the Impact on the Real Estate and Related Markets John Crawford, Lipscomb University, john.crawford@lipscomb.edu Faculty Location And Supply Chain Vendor Considerations In Professional Sports: Steeler Nation Case Study Amber Smith-Ditizio, Texas Woman's University, amberanaylmt@gmail.com Dean Manna, Robert Morris University, manna@rmu.edu Collaboration in a Competitive Market: The Collective Impact Model in University Legislative Relations Lynn McGee, University of South Carolina, lmcgee@uscb.edu 22 Friday, September 16, 2016 9:45 AM – 11:15 AM Session 2.4: Gender Differences and Dealing with Customer Rage Room: Laurens Session Chair: Lucy Matthews, Middle Tennessee State University Leveraging Human Analytics for Strategic Partnerships and Sales Performance Dana Harrison, East Tennessee State University, HARRISONDL@mail.etsu.edu Kelly Hall, Stetson University Inside Sales Force and Gender: Mediating Effects of Intrinsic Motivation on Sales Controls and Performance Anne Gottfried, University of Southern Mississippi, agottfried@bellsouth.net Scott Ambrose, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Should We Treat All Boundary Spanners Equally?: Examining Gender & Marital Status Differences Among Isolation and Role Conflict Diane Edmondson, Middle Tennessee State University, diane.edmondson@mtsu.edu Lucy Matthews, Middle Tennessee State University, lucy.matthews@mtsu.edu Stefanie Boyer, Bryant University, sboyer@bryant.edu Cheryl Ward, Middle Tennessee State University, Cheryl.ward@mtsu.edu Customer Rage and the Salesperson: A Call for Research and a Suggested Approach C. David Shepherd, Georgia Southern University, drdave77@gmail.com 23 Friday, September 16, 2016 9:45 AM – 11:15 AM Session 2.5: Decision-Making Involving Beverages, Charity Checkout Requests and Value Room: Drayton Session Chair: Bridget Nichols, Northern Kentucky University What Beverage Types Should Charities Partner with in CRM Campaigns? An Empirical Study of Brand-Cause Fit, Attitudes, and Purchase Intentions Alexander Rainford, Northern Kentucky University Bridget Nichols, Northern Kentucky University, Nicholsb1@nku.edu Double Trouble: Commingled Effects of High Fast Food and SugarSweetened Drink Consumption and the Intervening Role of Physical Activity on Childhood Obesity Christopher Berry, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville, CBerry@walton.uark.edu Scot Burton, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville, Sburton@walton.uark.edu Elizabeth Howlett, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville, bhowlett@walton.uark.edu Cause-Related Marketing: The Effect of Checkout Charity Requests on Donation Behavior Minerva Lacal Pardo, Puig USA, miniervalacal@gmail.com Brian Kinard, University of North Carolina Wilmington, kinardb@uncw.edu CVA and MBAs……What About Value?! David Gilfoil, DeSales University, David.Gilfoil@desales.edu Sue McGorry, DeSales University, Sue.Mcgorry@desales.edu Kimberly Karpinski, DeSales University 24 Friday, September 16, 2016 9:45 AM – 11:15 AM Session 2.6: Services Marketing Room: Middleton Session Chair: Donald Barnes, University of North Carolina Wilmington Can I borrow that? Antecedents and outcomes from sharing of digital services Mark Pelletier, Radford University, mpelletier@radford.edu Alisha Horky, Elon University, ahorky@elon.edu National Identity: U.S. Midwest Millenials’ Selection of Reflective Products and Services Peggy Shields, University of Southern Indiana, pshields@usi.edu The Intersection of Sports and Services Marketing Donald Barnes, University of North Carolina Wilmington, barnesd@uncw.edu Mark Pelletier, Radford University, mpelletier@radford.edu 25 Friday, September 16, 2016 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Session 2.7: Examples of Global and Best Business Practices in Supply Chain Management Room: Laurens Session Chair: Dean Manna, Robert Morris University Exploring The Supply Chain Management Aspects Of Uber In Saudi Arabia Alan Smith, Robert Morris University, smitha@rmu.edu Case Study Of Small Ne Ohio Manufacturing Firms And Their Aspirations For Possible Expansion To China Alan Smith, Robert Morris University, smitha@rmu.edu Robert Beaves, Robert Morris University, beaves@rmu.edu Faurecia’s Lean Management System Dean Manna, Robert Morris University, manna@rmu.edu Robert Beaves, Robert Morris University, beaves@rmu.edu 26 Friday, September 16, 2016 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Session 2.8: Innovative Methods of Using Technology in the Classroom Room: Drayton Session Chair: George Stone, North Carolina A&T State University Technology Over-Consumption: Helping Students Find Balance in a World of Alluring Distractions G. David Shows, Appalachian State University, showsgd@appstate.edu Pia Albinsson, Appalachian State University, albinssonpa@appstate.edu Tatyana Ruseya, Appalachian State University, rusevatb@appstate.edu Diane Waryold, Appalachian State University, waryolddm@appstate.edu Cheating Online? The Effects of Time and Distractions on Concept Test in Marketing Susan Brudvig, Indiana University East, subrudvi@iu.edu Drivers of Student Satisfaction with an Online Learning Tool Jerome Katrichis, University of Hartford, katrichis@hartford.edu Andy Hao, University of Hartford, hao@hartford.edu Developing and Validating a Scale for Measuring “Customer Engagement” with Branded Mobile Apps Nusser Mark Raajpoot, Central Connecticut State University, raajpootnus@ccsu.edu 27 Friday, September 16, 2016 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Session 2.9: Using Technology, Collaborative Learning, and Disney in Marketing Education Room: Middleton Session Chair: Bob Riggle, The Citadel Implementing TopHat Interactive Teaching Platform for Professional Selling Bob Riggle, The Citadel, riggler1@citadel.edu Collaborative Learning: Sharing Best Practices in Engaging and Advancing Student Knowledge Creation Michael Petrochuk, Walsh University, mpetrochuk@walsh.edu Creating Teams for Maximum Learning: Virtual and Face-to-Face Laura Robinson, Kennesaw State University, lrobin39@kennesaw.edu Deborah Lester, Kennesaw State University, dlester@kennesaw.edu The 4 Ps of Designing a Marketing Course with Disney RJ Podeschi, Millikin University, rpodeschi@millikin.edu Carrie Trimble, Millikin University, ctrimble@millikin.edu 28 Friday, September 16, 2016 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Atlantic Marketing Association Awards Luncheon Room: Restaurant & Parkview Come join us for our annual awards luncheon! 29 Saturday, September 17, 2016 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM Session 3.1: Social Media Strategy Room: Laurens Session Chair: James Reardon, University of Northern Colorado A Study On The Effects Of New Media Marketing Strategies On Airlines Industry George Gannage, Kennesaw State University, ggannage@kennesaw.edu Tyra Burton, Kennesaw State University, tburto13@kennesaw.edu The Influences of Motives and Personified Quality on Electronic Word of Mouth Adoption Chien-Chung Chen, New Mexico Highlands University, achen@nmhu.edu Targeting Young Adults: The Effectiveness of Social Media Use for Local Businesses Amy Bittner, Appalachian State University Pia Albinsson, Appalachian State University, albinssonpa@appstate.edu Application of the Semantic Organization Model to the Assessment of Social Media Communication: Assessing the Accuracy and Relevance of On-line Reviews James Hunt, Temple University, hunt@temple.edu Richard Lancioni, Temple University, lancioni@temple.edu Wooyang Kim, Minnesota State University, Wooyang.kim@mnstate.edu 30 Saturday, September 17, 2016 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM Session 3.2: Social Media Room: Drayton Session Chair: Donald Shemwell, East Tennessee State University University Branding 2.0—Harnessing the Power of Social Media for OpenSource Branding and Brand Co-Creation of Colleges and Universities Julie Pharr, Tennessee Tech University, jpharr@tntech.edu Student Perspective on the Significance of Social Media on Sales Prospects: The Antithesis of the Sales Professionals Deborah Lester, Kennesaw State University, dlester@kennesaw.edu Michael Serkedakis, Kennesaw State University, mserkeda@kennesaw.edu R. Keith Tudor, Kennesaw State University, ktudor@kennesaw.edu 31 Saturday, September 17, 2016 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM Session 3.3: Advertising Value Room: Middleton Session Chair: Tommy Hsu, Tarleton State University Do Investors Value Comparative Ads? The Effects Of Comparative Advertising On Stock Returns Tommy Hsu, Tarleton State University, hsu@tarleton.edu Evaluating the Impact of Customer-Based Brand Equity on Neurological Engagement of Advertisements Michael Peasley, University of Memphis, mcpasley@memphis.edu Advertising to Marketing Majors (Before They Become Marketing Majors) Jennifer Hutchins, Kennesaw State University, jhutch35@kennesaw.edu Deborah Lester, Kennesaw State University, dlester@kennesaw.edu Mona Sinha, Kennesaw State University, msinha@kennesaw.edu 32 Saturday, September 17, 2016 9:45 AM – 11:15 AM Session 3.4: Pedagogical Approaches to Help Understand Student Learning Styles Room: Laurens Session Chair: George Stone, North Carolina A&T State University Teach to the Room Peggy Shields, University of Southern Indiana, pshields@usi.edu Student Satisfaction and Perceptions of Academic Program Attributes Russell Wahlers, Ball State University, rwahlers@bsu.edu Joseph Chapman, Ball State University, jchapman@bsu.edu A Practical Approach to Teach Graduate Students How to Write Persuasively for Business Decision Making Lan Wu, California State University, Lan.wu@csueastbay.edu Sweety Law, California State University, sweety.law@csueastbay.edu How Well Do Business Graduates Align with Recruiter Preferences on Hiring Criteria: An Exploratory Study Michael Jones, Southeastern Louisiana University, mijones@selu.edu Avinash Waiker, Southeastern Louisiana University, awaiker@selu.edu April Kemp, Southeastern Louisiana University, akemp@selu.edu 33 Saturday, September 17, 2016 9:45 AM – 11:15 AM Session 3.5: Health Care Marketing Interests Room: Drayton Session Chair: Karen Hopkins, Eastern Kentucky University Corporate Wellness Programs’ Concepts And Comparisons Of Customer Interactions Alan Smith, Robert Morris University, smitha@rmu.edu Terry Damron, Austin Peay State University, DamronT@apsu.edu Amye Melton, Austin Peay State University, MeltonA@apsu.edu Using the Stages of Chronic Illness to Inform Patient Messaging Karen Hopkins, Eastern Kentucky University, Karen.hood@eku.edu Where’s Waldo? Developing A Scale To Measure Interest And Selection Of Medical Tourism Services Michael Petrochuk, Walsh University, mpetrochuk@walsh.edu 34 Saturday, September 17, 2016 9:45 AM – 11:15 AM Session 3.6: Marketing Strategy Room: Middleton Session Chair: G. David Shows, Appalachian State University Organizational Deviance as Evidenced in Brand Vulgarity: The Impact on Employee Incivility Merlyn Griffiths, University of North Carolina, magriff3@uncg.edu Undergraduate Research Conference and Brand Positioning: Identifying Strategic Factors Doreen Sams, Georgia College and State University, doreen.sams@gcsu.edu Yannick Hass, Georgia College and State University, yannick.hass@bobcats.gcsu.edu Jason Lambert, Georgia College and State University, jason.lambert@bobcats.gcsu.edu Robin Lewis, Georgia College and State University, robin.lewis@gcsu.edu Carly Osaben, Georgia College and State University, carly.osaben@bobcats.gcsu.edu Ashley Savransky, Georgia College and State University, ashley.savransky@bobcats.gcsu.edu Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to the Problem of Employee Theft in the Retail Industry Mayuresh Kelkar, Salem State University, mkelkar@salemstate.edu Yves Emilus, Northcentral University Exploring the impacts of McService on customers’ loyalty: An emerging marketing perspective Kyuho Lee, Sonoma State University, Kyuho.lee@sonoma.edu Mahmood Khan, Virginia Tech University, mahmood@vt.edu Steve Ha, Western Carolina University, iha@email.wcu.edu Jae-Youn Ko, Kyung Hee University, jyko@khu.ac.kr 35 Saturday, September 17, 2016 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Session 3.7: Strategic Implications of Music, Arts, and Entertainment Room: Laurens Session Chair: Stefan Nicovich, Lynchburg College Visual Art as a Positional Good: What Determines the Value of Visual Art in a Market? Timothy Schibik, University of Southern Indiana, tschibik@usi.edu Aaron Schibik, University of Southern Indiana Positioning Conflict in Place Branding: An Assessment of Competing Musical Discourses in the Branding of Chattanooga, Tennessee Jon Littlefield, Dalton State College, jlittlefield@daltonstate.edu Self Concept Clarity and its Impact on the Self-Avatar Relationship in a Mediated Environment Stefan Nicovich, Lynchburg College, nicovich@lynchburg.edu 36 Saturday, September 17, 2016 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Session 3.8: Special Session #2 Title: Strategies for Educating GEN Y & Z Room: Drayton Session Chair: Deborah Lester, Kennesaw State University Panelists: Deborah Lester, Kennesaw State University, dlester@kennesaw.edu Aberdeen Leila Borders, Kennesaw State University 37 Saturday, September 17, 2016 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Session 3.9: Consumer Behavior Odds and Ends Room: Middleton Session Chair: Merlyn Griffiths, University of North Carolina Greensboro Pluralist Masculinty: New Sexuals in Male Marketing Merlyn Griffiths, University of North Carolina Greensboro, Magriff3@uncg.edu Sarah Lefebvre, University of Central Florida, sarah.lefebvre@ucf.edu Laurel Cook, West Virginia University, Laurel.Cook@mail.wvu.edu Channelle James, University of North Carolina Greensboro, cdjames2@uncg.edu Targeting Vulnerable Consumers: The Marketing of Indoor Tanning to Young Adults Frederick Kraft, Grand Valley State University, kraftf@gvsu.edu Suzeanne Benet, Grand Valley State University, benets@gvsu.edu Health Claims on Product Packaging Influence Consumer Perceptions and Purchase Decisions Elaine Notarantonio, Bryant University, enotaran@bryant.edu Charles Quigley, Bryant University Taylor Vanesse, Bryant University 38 2016 AtMA Conference Track Chairs Advertising / Direct Marketing Dr. Jennifer Hutchins Kennesaw State University Marketing Strategy Dr. David Shows Appalachian State University and Dr. Terry Damron Austin Peay State University Business-to-Business Marketing / Supply Chain Management Dr. Alan D. Smith Robert Morris University Music / Arts / Entertainment Dr. Jon Littlefield Dalton State College Consumer Behavior / Marketing Research Dr. Elizabeth Alexander Marshall University Professional Sales / Sales Management Dr. Lucy Matthews Middle Tennessee State University Entrepreneurship / Small Business Marketing Dr. Yvette Bonaparte North Carolina Central University Retailing Dr. Raj Srivastava Middle Tennessee State University Global Marketing Dr. Bill Neese Troy University Services Marketing Dr. Don Barnes University of North Carolina Wilmington Green Marketing / Sustainability Dr. Pia A. Albinsson Appalachian State University Internet / Social Media Marketing Dr. Donald Shemwell East Tennessee State University Special Sessions/Case Studies Dr. Meral Anitsal Tennessee Tech University and Dr. Ismet Anitsal Tennessee Tech University Nonprofit / Public Sector Marketing Dr. Cheryl Ward Middle Tennessee State University Sports Marketing Dr. Don Roy Middle Tennessee State University Marketing Education Dr. George Stone North Carolina A&T University Health Care Marketing Dr. Karen Hood Eastern Kentucky University Teaching Workshop: New Strategies & Approaches for Teaching Marketing Dr. Robert Riggle The Citadel 39 2016 AtMA Conference Reviewers Scott Ambrose, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Ramon Avila, Ball State University Michelle Beauchamp, Mississippi College Robert Beaves, Robert Morris University Philip Boutin, Eastern Kentucky University Scot Burton, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville Christian Bushardt, Louisiana Tech University Erik Bushey, Marshall University Stephen Carlson, Piedmont College Theresa Clarke, James Madison University Steven Clinton, Robert Morris University Kathryn Cort, North Carolina A&T State University Aadel Darrat, Louisiana Tech University J. Charlene Davis, Trinity University Rene Desborde, Kentucky State University Diane Edmondson, Middle Tennessee State University Monica Favia, Bloomsburg University PJ Forrest, Alcorn State University Anne Gottfried, University of Southern Mississippi Deidre Guion, North Carolina Central University Jeff Gutenberg, State University of New York College at Geneseo Perry Haan, Tiffin University Dana Harrison, East Tennessee State University Terry Holmes, Murray State University Jennifer Hutchins, Kennesaw State University Michael Jones, Southeastern Louisiana University Cathleen Jones, Robert Morris University Walter Kendall, Tarleton State University Alexandra Krallman, Mississippi State University Roland Leak, North Carolina A&T State University Deborah Lester, Kennesaw State University Deanna Mader, Marshall University Kimball Marshall, Alcorn State University Lucy Matthews, Middle Tennessee State University Shannon McCarthy, Central Missouri University Rex McClure, Marshall University Kimberly McNeil, North Carolina A&T State University Ivan Muslin, Marshall University Bridget Satinover Nichols, Northern Kentucky University Stefan Nicovich, Lynchburg College 40 Michael Peasley, University of Memphis Mark Pelletier, Radford University B. Yasanthi Perera, Brock University Kelly Price-Rhea, East Tennessee State University Susan Saurage-Altenloh, Capella University Joseph Scarpaci, Center for the Study of Cuban Culture + Economy Timothy Schibik, University of Southern Indiana Kurt Schimmel, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania Donald Shemwell, East Tennessee State University G. David Shows, Appalachian State University Mona Sinha, Kennesaw State University Alan Smith, Robert Morris University Geoffrey Stewart, Univ. of Louisiana at Lafayette George Stone, North Carolina A&T State University Sharon Thach, Tennessee State University W. Frank Thompson, Jr., Troy University Beverly Turner, Tarleton State University Cheryl Ward , Middle Tennessee State University Michele Welliver, Bloomsburg University Kent Willis, Marshall University Omar Woodham, North Carolina A&T State University Parker Woodroof, University of Central Arkansas 41 2016 AtMA Conference List of Authors and Participants Albinsson, Pia, 1.3, 1.6, 2.8, 3.1 Alexander, Liz, 2.2 Ambrose, Scott, 2.4 Anitsal, Ismet, 1.2 Anitsal, Meral, 1.2 Avila, Ramon, 1.1 Barnes, Donald, 2.6 Beaves, Robert, 2.7 Benet, Suzeanne, 3.9 Berry, Christopher, 2.5 Billups, Judi, 1.1 Bittner, Amy, 3.1 Black, Alexandria, 2.2 Borders, Aberdeen Leila, 3.8 Boyer, Stefanie, 2.4 Boyte-Eckis, Lane, 1.7 Brewer, Edward, 1.5 Brudvig, Susan, 2.8 Burns, David, 2.1 Burton, Scot, 2.5 Burton, Tyra, 3.1 Cangelosi, Joe, 1.4 Carlson, Stephen, 1.1 Chapman, Joseph, 3.4 Chen, Chien-Chung, 3.1 Clinton, Steven, 1.3 Cook, Laurel, 3.9 Costanzo, Paul, 1.4 Crawford, John, 2.3 Damron, Terry, 1.3, 3.5 Desborde, Rene, 1.9 Edmondson, Diane, 1.5, 1.8, 2.4 Emilus, Yves, 3.6 Engel, John, 1.4 Favia, Monica, 1.2 Forrest, PJ, 1.9 Gannage, George, 3.1 Garrott, Stephen, 1.2 Gilfoil, David, 2.5 Gottfried, Anne, 2.4 Graeff , Tim, 1.5, 1.8 Griffin, Ken, 1.4 Griffiths, Merlyn, 3.6, 3.9 Gutenberg, Jeffrey, 1.5 Ha, Steve, 3.6 Hall, Kelly, 2.4 Hao, Andy, 2.8 Harrison, Dana, 2.4 Hass, Yannick, 3.6 Hebert, David, 1.7 Heiens, Richard, 1.4 Holmes, Terence, 1.5 Hopkins, Karen, 3.5 Horky, Alisha, 2.6 Horner, Marquetta, 1.1 Howlett, Elizabeth, 2.5 Hsu, Tommy, 3.3 Hunt, James, 3.1 Hussain, Mahmood, 1.6 Hutchins, Jennifer, 3.3 Inks, Scott, 1.1 James, Channelle, 3.9 Jones, Michael, 3.4 Karpinski, Kimberly, 2.5 Katrichis, Jerome, 2.8 Kelkar, Mayuresh, 3.6 Kemp, April, 3.4 Khan, Mahmood, 3.6 Khan, Maria, 1.8 Kim, David, 1.4 Kim, Wooyang, 3.1 Kinard, Brian, 2.5 Ko, Jae-Youn, 1.6, 3.6 Koppitsch, Steven, 2.2 Kraft, Frederick, 3.9 Lacal Pardo, Minerva, 2.5 Lambert, Jason, 3.6 Lancioni, Richard, 3.1 Law, Sweety, 3.4 Leavell, J. Paul, 2.2 42 Lee, Kyuho, 1.6, 3.6 Lefebvre, Sarah, 3.9 Lester , Deborah, 2.9, 3.2, 3.3, 3.8 Lewis, Robin, 3.6 Littlefield, Jon, 3.7 Madanoglu, Melih, 1.6 Manna, Dean, 2.3, 2.7 Marshall, Kimball, 1.9 Matthews, Lucy, 1.5, 1.8, 2.4 Matthews, Ryan, 1.1 McGee, Lynn, 2.3 McGorry, Sue, 2.5 Melton, Amye, 1.3, 3.5 Murshed, Feisal, 1.3 Narayanaswamy, Ravi, 1.4 Neese, William, 1.2, 1.7 Nichols, Bridget, 1.2, 2.5 Nicovich, Stefan, 3.7 Notarantonio, Elaine, 3.9 Offodile, O. Felix, 1.3 Osaben, Carly, 3.6 Peasley, Michael, 1.8, 3.3 Pelletier, Mark, 2.6 Petrochuk, Michael, 2.9, 3.5 Pharr, Julie, 3.2 Pierquet, Sandra, 2.1 Piper, William, 1.9 Podeschi, RJ, 2.9 Quigley, Charles, 3.9 Quinn, James, 1.5 Raajpoot, Nusser Mark, 2.8 Rainford, Alexander, 2.5 Ranelli, Ed, 1.4 Raska, David, 1.2 Reardon, James, 3.1 Riggle, Bob, 2.9 Robinson, Laura, 2.9 Roy, Don, 1.5, 1.8 Rupp, William, 1.3 Ruseya, Tatyana, 2.8 Sams, Doreen, 3.6 Savitskie, Katrina, 1.3 Savransky, Ashley, 3.6 Sayeed, Lutfus, 1.6 Schibik, Aaron, 3.7 Schibik, Timothy, 3.7 Sen, Sandipan, 1.3 Serkedakis, Michael, 3.2 Shemwell, Don, 1.4, 3.2 Shepherd, C. David, 2.4 Shields, Peggy, 2.6, 3.4 Shows, G. David, 1.6, 2.8, 3.6 Simeon, Roblyn, 1.6 Sinha, Mona, 3.3 Smith, Alan, 2.7, 3.5 Smith , James, 1.1 Smith, Vince, 1.5, 1.8 Smith-Ditizio, Amber, 1.3, 2.3 Srivastava, Rajesh, 1.5, 1.8 Stoddard, James, 1.6 Stone, George, 2.8, 3.4 Thach, Sharon, 1.9 Thompson, Jr., W. Frank, 1.2 Trimble, Carrie, 2.9 Tudor, R. Keith, 3.2 Vanesse, Taylor, 3.9 Wahlers, Russell, 3.4 Waiker, Avinash, 3.4 Wang, Siwei, 1.2 Ward, Cheryl, 1.5, 1.8, 2.4 Waryold, Diane, 2.8 Welliver, Michele, 1.2 Wilson, Shawn, 1.1 Woodroof, Parker, 1.8 Wu, Lan, 3.4 43 2016 AtMA Conference Sponsors 44 2016 AtMA Conference Sponsors 45 2016 AtMA Conference Sponsors Thank You to Our 2016 Program Sponsor www.mtsu.edu 46 2017 AtMA Conference September 27-30 Williamsburg, VA Please join us next year as we visit historic Williamsburg, VA. We will be staying at the Williamburg Lodge (310 S. England St.), which is in the heart of the Revolutionary City. Each room is decorated in fashions drawn from colonial Virginia–style fabrics, which are vibrant as they are classic. Aside from its cozy atmosphere, the Lodge puts comfort and relaxation in the forefront, offering convenience to restaurants, nearby shops and outdoor entertainment. Just steps away from the lodge, recreational opportunities abound such as the lodge’s awardwinning Spa of Colonial Williamsburg, two professionally designed golf courses, and plenty of dining options to satisfy everyone’s wish list. This is definitely a location that is not to be missed! For reservations, call 1-800-261-9530. Rates are $179/night for a Superior Room and $199/night for a Deluxe Room. Please mention the Atlantic Marketing Association or code 39992 to receive our discounted rates! Conference Chair Dr. Joe Cangelosi, joec@uca.edu University of Central Arkansas 47