Making an Impact. - Talbot County Public Schools
Making an Impact. - Talbot County Public Schools
2016 Educational Partners Annual Report Making an Impact. “ “There is a place in America to take a stand: it is public education. It is the underpinning of our cultural and political system. It is the great common ground. Public education after all is the engine that moves us as a society toward a common destiny... It is in public education that the American dream begins to take shape.” —Tom Brokaw 2016 TCPS Educational Partners Annual Report Talbot: A Connected Community Educational partnerships connect Talbot County Public Schools, the families of students, and the surrounding community. These partnerships align school and community resources in order to produce successful students, strong families, and engaged communities. They combine quality education with enrichment opportunities, health services, family support, and engagement. By sharing resources, expertise, and accountability, we can address challenges and create essential conditions for learning. In a time of declining fiscal resources and greater demand for public services, Talbot County Public Schools appreciates more than ever, the benefits provided by our educational partners. Indeed, the results of these partnerships have increased our educational success. We are so fortunate to live in communities that have businesses, organizations, and community members that are willing to devote time, resources and expertise to our schools and students. Talbot County Public Schools thanks all our educational partners for their generous contributions. I am grateful for your support! Kelly L. Griffith, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools 2015-16 Board of Education Michael Garman President Sandy Kleppinger Vice President Greg Criniti Board Member Susie Hayward Board Member Juanita Hopkins Board Member Otis Sampson Board Member David Short Board Member Sequoia Chupek Student Member The Educational Partnership Annual Report reflects partnerships active between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. If there are any errors or omissions, please accept our apologies and contact Sally Moore at 410-822-0330 or 2016 TCPS Educational Partners Annual Report At-Large Partners S chool system-wide partners work to build lasting relationships, programs and services that will benefit the entire school and business community. Though their work is often behind the scene, these partners provide the strategic foundation that is essential to the success of educational partnerships. 2020 Strategic Plan Committee Academy Art Museum Avalon Theater Bartlett Pear Inn Character Counts! Mid-Shore Chesapeake Maritime Museum Citizen’s Advisory Committee Giant Food Hertrich Chevy Buick GMC Hertrich Kia of Easton Talbot Bank Talbot County Arts Council Talbot Bank partners with TCPS to provide math lessons on banking and savings at all of our elementary schools. Alice and Jordan Lloyd of the Bartlett Pear Inn join TCPS to recognize and celebrate classroom excellence. Each month during the school year they present the Bartlett Pear Excellence Award to an outstanding TCPS teacher. Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum provides unique student learning opportunites. Advanced Placement Art and Carpentry students work side by side with CBMM Artist in Residence Christian Benefiel to learn metal casting. The Avalon Theater and Talbot Arts Council work with TCPS to program and fund cultural enrichment opportunities. Jeff Antoniuk and his Jazz ensemble performed in April for all eighth graders. Antoniuk held a jazz workshop at EMS prior to the concert and advanced band students performed with him onstage. Giant Foods of Easton has been awarding the Giant Teacher of the Month for 17 years! The monthly prize patrol delivers flowers, balloons and a gift card to an exceptional TCPS teacher. Character Counts! coaches work with students across all grade levels and provide a consistent message on the importance of character in school and our community. 2016 TCPS Educational Partners Annual Report Student, Family & Community Service O rganizations, governmental agencies, faith-based groups, businesses and individuals offer services that support student achievement. Tutoring, mentoring, career exploration, and social and cultural experiences are supplements to education that can be keys to unlocking a child’s full potential. The Chapel District Elementary PTO recognized the need for playground equipment sized for younger students. Realizing TCPS budget constraints, they began a fund raising campaign and partnered with local businesses to make the project a reality. The new playground is fantastic and the dedication ceremony took place in April 2016. 4-H ACE Mentors Acme Markets Adelman Family Advanced Automotive AE Moore American Legion Auxillary Unit #77 American Legion Blake-Blackston Post #77 American Legion Post 70 Applebees Artistic Insights Fund Ava’s Pizzeria Avalon Foundation Avalon Theater Barbara Mullikin Bay Hundred Family Karate Bay Hundred YMCA BC Builders Ben Franklin Crafts Benedictine TC Supportive Employment Office Bethel AME Church BJ’s Wholesale Club BJ’s Nails Blood Bank of Delmarva Bramble Body Shop Brandon & Susan Angell Brennan on the Bay 2016 TCPS Educational Partners Annual Report Brent & Cynthia Spurry Bryan & Sons Bryan Foundation BSA Troop 741 Building African American Minds (BAAM) Calhoun MEBA Caloris Engineering Carole Allen Carrion Home Repair Cathy Dowd CD Produce Celeste Industries Corporation Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum Chesapeake Bay Team Comcast Spotlight Chesapeake Center Chesapeake College Chesapeake College Wrkfrce Invest. Brd. Chesapeake Landing Chesapeake Multicultural Resource Ctr. Chesapeake Outfitters Chick-fil-A Chili’s Chincheck Sports Locker Chipotle Choptank Community Health Choptank Electric Christ Church- St. Michaels Christmas in St. Michaels Cindy Wagner Clow Family Colleen Gabler Comfort Inn Comptroller’s Office of Maryland Cracker Barrel Creative Corner Crossfit Nation Dairy Queen DARE David Wheeler Delmarva Beauty Academy Democratic Women’s Club of Talbot County Denny’s Destination Imaginations Division of Rehabilitation Services Dobson Lawn and Landscape Dock Street Foundation Donna Warner Donnell Moore Dr. Deanna Stock Dr. Dennis Pataniczek EastCor Engineering Eastern Shore Chiropractic Eastern Shore Experiential Learning Eastern Shore Psychological Eastern Shore Veterans Association The Easton Lions Club volunteers and supports school based events throughout the year. This Spring they provided free eyesite screening to all TCPS pre-k students. Pets on Wheels Delmarva and Tales for Dogs volunteers regularly visit TCPS elementary classrooms for our students read stories to the dogs. 44% of TCPS students qualify for free or reduced meals. Talbot Care Packs has stepped in to provide weekend meals to our elementary students in need. This is a community effort with local churches and organizations volunteering weekly to pack and deliver the meals to our schools. Easton Bowling Center Easton Club East Community Assoc. Easton Festival of Trees Easton Police Easton Utilities Easton Volunteer Fire Department Echo Hill EES PTO Egleseder Wealth Management Group Ellen Wile Empty Bowls of Talbot County Environmental Concern Ewing, Dietz, Fountain, & Kaludis First Wesleyan Church Foxy’s Harbor Grille Frederick Douglass Honor Society Fuel Up to Play 60 George Murphy Community Pool Giant Food Gloria Farrare Grant’s Automotive Graul’s Market Green Eyes LLC Hampton Inn Han Family Hannah & Phillip Starkey Head Start Hiner Family HobbyTown USA Horn Point Laboratory Ijeoma Tagbo Inn at Perry Cabin James Plaskon Jan Johnston Janes Family Jen Kerns Jiffy Lube JL Gannon Joe’s Bagels John Mautz, Delegate Joseph Family Juneteenth Art Exhibition Junior Achievement Junior Hopwood K W Davis, Inc. Kelly Hall Kerry and Len Foxwell Knight Family Kohl’s Cares Krystle Copper Laly Murphy Leatherman Electric Ledo’s Pizza Lee Brown Lesa Berry Lions Club Lisa & Sam Townsend Lowes Home Improvement Lydia Pinkney Lynn Farr MacDonald Family Maggie Gowe Manor Discovery Center Marinela Han Mark Kenney Marnie Stockman 2016 TCPS Educational Partners Annual Report Student, Family and Community Service Mary Catherine & David Wheeler Maryland Food Bank McDonalds McKenzie Family MD Dept. of Natural Resources MD Environmental Service Michelle Colburn Mid Shore Early Learning Centers Mid Shore Mental Health Systems Mid Shore Pro Bono Mid Shore River Keepers Miles River Power Boat Squadron Miles River Yacht Club Mindy Howell Molly Frankos Moreno-Santana Family Moton High Alumni Nagel Farm Service Nancy Urbanczyk Nicholas Bramble Scholarship NOAA Oxford Laboratory Olive Garden Out of the Fire Outback Steakhouse Oxford Day Committee Parker Counts Melton & Goodman Pets on Wheels Pickering Creek Pickering Creek Audubon Center Poplar Island-MD Environmental Center Port of Art Gallery Quality Health Strategies Rise Up Coffee Ritas Riverview at the Point Restaurant Robert & Christina Ball Roberto’s Pizza Robin’s Nest Floral & Garden Robyne Chaconas Ron and Jean Carrion Ron Brown Memorial Scholarship Rotary Club of Easton Rotary Club of St. Michaels Rotary Club- Explore & Explain Royal Oak United Methodist Church Samantha Towers Sam’s Restaurant Sandy Butler Scossa Scott’s Methodist Church Sherald Beagle Shore Health Systems Shore Regional Health-Univ. of MD Shore Sportsman Silver Linings Skip & Susan Stinson SMASH Volunteers Smith Family Sonny Eaton Roll-Off Service SRVP Group|Robert W. Baird & Co. 2016 TCPS Educational Partners Annual Report Artistic Insights funded the SMMHS Spindrift student produced literary magazine. Over 25 students particpated in the project that showcases SMMHS talent. The Star Democrat partners with Easton Middle School to produce the Panther Pride Press School Newspaper. Lori Satchell’s journalism students visit Chesapeake Publishing to see the printing process in action! S.M.A.S.H. (St. Michaels After School Help) is making a tremendous difference in student achievement at St. Michaels Elementary. 90% of students participating in the program are testing at grade level in reading and 100% of students have increased math scores. SMASH Chairperson Marylou McCallister is pictured with students. White Marsh Elementary Grandparents Club members volunteer in classrooms on a regular basis and raise funds to support school based events and provide additional enrichment opportunities for WMES students. In the 2015-16 school year the Bryan Foundation partnered with the St. Michaels schools and funded anti-bullying t-shirts for all students and staff. Meredith Buxton introduces the violin to Chapel District third graders. She works with music teachers to provide 10 violin lessons over a 3-week period. The program is made possible by a grant through the Talbot Arts Council. St. John Foundation St. Lukes United Methodist St. Michaels After Prom St. Michaels Art League St. Michaels Band Boosters St. Michaels Community Center St. Michaels Drama Boosters St. Michaels High School Alumni Assoc. St. Michaels Inn St. Michaels Police Department St. Michaels Rotary St. Michaels Sports Boosters St. Michaels Women’s Club St. Michaels YMCA St. Paul’s Church Stepp Landscaping Steve Ortel Subway St. Michaels Sump & Associates Sump Farms Susan Friedel Susan Luby Susan Marva Susan Moran Suzie Jacob Talbot Bank Talbot Braves & Sailor The Easton Olive Garden partnered with the TCPS infants and toddlers program to provide dinner for “Early Learning Parties.” Artist in Residence Victoria Vox spent a week teaching Tilghman Elementary 5th graders to play the ukelele. Tilghman Area Youth Association sponsored the program and each student received their own ukulele! Talbot County Agriculture Extension Talbot County Arts Council Talbot County Cigarette Restitution Fund Talbot County Farm Bureau Talbot County Free Library Talbot County Government Talbot County Hospice Talbot County Land Conservancy Talbot County Parks & Rec Talbot County Sheriff’s Office Talbot Humane Talbot Partnership Talbot Young Farmers Tales for Dogs/Pets on Wheels Taren Knopp TASK Tutoring The General Ledger The Hair Cuttery The News Center Thompson Landscaping Tilghman Area Youth Association Tilghman Islanders Grow Oysters Timber Harvest Inc Titz Family Top of the Bay Pet Lodge Town & Country Town of Easton Town of St. Michaels Trappe Police Department Trappe Volunteer Fire Company TriCycle and Run TSS Photography Tuckahoe Seafood Two If By Sea Union United Church U of MD Shore Medical Center at Easton United States Naval Academy U of MD, Eastern Shore Upper Shore Workforce Investment Bureau Veterinary Medical Center VFW Post 5118 Victoria Millholoan Victoria Pontious Vonda Pannell Walstrum Family Washington Street Pub Whiting Turner Willie Pogue WMES Grandparents’ Club WMES PTO Wye Mills Homemakers YMCA of the Chesapeake 2016 TCPS Educational Partners Annual Report Employee Health, Wellness & Incentives E mployees are our most valuable resource. Health, wellness and incentive programs increase recruitment, retention and productivity. Efforts to enhance the lives of employees also improve the quality and academic achievement of our students. Hertrich Automotive Group partners with TCPS to provide a new car for the Teacher of the Year and offer all TCPS employees discounts on service and sales. The Hertrich family presents Kevin Baum, TCPS 2016 Teacher of the Year, with a new car at Opening Day. Academy Art Museum Applebees Aqua Pools and Spas Arby’s Bayside Driving School Chick-fil-A Clearwater Pool & Spa Earth Origins Evergreen: Center for Balanced Living Fitness RX Giovanni’s Italian Delight Guiffridas Hardee’s Hertrich Chevy Buick GMC Hills Soda Fountain Jason’s Computer Services Joe’s Bagels Peacock Restaurant & Lounge Sonic Drive-In Talbot County Chamber of Commerce Talbot Humane Washington Street Pub YMCA of the Chesapeake Al Silverstein of the Talbot County Chamber of Commerce presents Superintendent Kelly Griffith with discount cards for all TCPS employees. The Easton Applebees supports TCPS staff through their monthly Support Staff Service Award and discount incentives for all employees. 2016 TCPS Educational Partners Annual Report The Easton Chick-fil-A offers discounts to all TCPS staff members. Internship Opportunities S tudents are provided with the opportunity to experience the business environment while under the supervision and guidance of a professional. Internships integrate the professional work environment with classroom skills and help students to be college and career ready. Exposure to a career field prior to graduation facilitates making successful career choices and engages our students in achieving their goals. “ “My internship at the hospital was a great opportunity. I’m a Biomedical Science Career Path Completer and was interested in a career in the healthcare field. Through my internship I was able to see and experience what it is like to work in a hospital and the day to day responsibilities of being a nurse. I’m excited to be a nursing student at Widener University next Fall and plan to be a nurse practioner.” —Shelby Barnes EHS class of 2016 Adelaide Eckardt, Senator Allen Builders Avalon Foundation Bayleigh Chase BCBG Max Azria Chick-fil-A Chili’s Chincheck Sports Locker Councell Farms Creative Corner Critchlow Adkins Childrens’ Centers Eastern Shore Smile Solutions Egleseder Wealth Management Group Endless Summer Landscaping Glam Hair Salon Global Vision 2020 Gold Wing Construction GT Swann and Sons Habitat for Humanity Restore Lowes Wharf Marina MD Dept.of Agriculture-Nutrient Dept. Mid Shore Veterinary Clinic Mid-Shore Pro Bono Panera Bread Phillips Wharf Environmental Center Salisbury Zoo Sea Watch International Shore Regional Cancer Center Sonic Drive-In Subway Talbot Builders TGM Group The Barn of Easton U of MD-Comm. Med. Group Neurosurgery U of MD-Shore Regional Health Warren’s Wood Works West Wing Salon & Spa YMCA of the Chesapeake Shelby met with nursing professionals in the Spring of 2015 at the Easton High School Career Fair. Students have the opportunity to interview local professionals and learn about careers they are interested in. Emma Shreves, SMMHS senior, interned wth Senator Eckardt this year. Emma will attend the University of MD College Park in the Fall and plans to study political science. 2016 TCPS Educational Partners Annual Report Career & Technology Education E xcellence in career and technology education is the goal of teachers, administrators and volunteer advisory committee members. Bringing employers and educators together on Advisory Committees provides a format for sharing information and ideas. Advisory boards are organized to provide advice and assistance to teachers and administrators of specific programs. They help to ensure that students are learning the most current skills. Culinary Arts students show their program in action by catering advisory board meetings. Automotive Technology instructor Brian Willey meets with advisory board members Ryan Mills of Hertrich Honda/Kia, David Allen of Easton Utilities, and Bill Shull of Koons Toyota. Academy Art Museum Ava’s Pizzeria Avalon Theatre MCTV Avon Dixon Insurance Barrow & Sons BDK Inc. I.T. Solution Beauty of Restoration Treatment Center Behren’s Automotive Bria Smith Flowers Caldwell’s Shoe Shop Candleberry Shoppe Caroline Co. Public Schools CBIZ MHM Chance’s Service Center Chesapeake College Chesapeake Film Festival College Cntr of Allied Health-Shore Health Colonel Richardson High School Dulin Builders Easton Bank & Trust Easton Utilities Eclectic Graphics Economy Printing Edward Jones 2016 TCPS Educational Partners Annual Report Interactive Media Production advisory board members attended the IMP Film-In to support and assist students. Cid Walker, Documentary Filmmaker and Director of Programming at the Chespeake Film Festival, Cat Redman from Spiderweb Connections, Constance DelNero, Academy of Art, Easton. Fred Frederick Chrysler Easton Genesis Healthcare Hertrich Chevy Buick GMC Hertrich Kia of Easton Hyatt on the Chesapeake James Plaskon Johns Hopkins University Joseph Opalski Group Lane Engineering Laser Letters Mark Kenney Mattie Fountain MD Cooperative Extension Service Mid Atlantic Tire Mid Shore Veterinary Service Milestone North Caroline High School NSA Phillips Wharf Environmental Center PNC Bank Salisbury University Spiderweb Connections Steward Writing and Communications Talbot Bank CTE Advisory board member Lindsey Hill of Whiting Turner Contracting at Advisory Committee Dinner Talbot County Chamber of Commerce Talbot County Office of Economic Development Talbot County Soil Conservation Tezia Group The Great Gourmet The Lumberyard The Pines Retirement Home The SRVP Group|Robert W. Baird & Co. The Weller Agency The Whiting-Turner Contracting Total Home Performance Total Systems & Communications U of MD Shore Medical Center at Easton U of MD Shore Regional Health-IT Dept. Upper Shore Workforce Investment Bureau Sump Greenhouses West & Callahan Adopt-a-Classroom A dopting a class allows teachers to purchase additional classroom supplies and establishes new relationships with the community. Sponsors help ensure that children have the resources they need to succeed. Beyond the practical benefits in terms of material resources, genuine relationships are forged between child and community. $19,850 Donated in 2015-16 Accounting Strategies Group Alan Cassidy American Legion Post 70 Angeline and Kevin Hartmann Anish Hinduja Aqua Pools and Spas Atlantic Chimney Service Atlantic Tractor Avery Hall Benefit Solutions Barbara Hargroves Bay Capital Mortgage Brad and Allison Hill Brambles Electric C. Albert Matthews Calka Family Candy Anim Capital One Bank Capriotti’s Sandwich Shop Carrion Electric Century Spine Center Chesapeake Internal Medicine Chris and Kristin Schindler Christ Church Crackerjacks Toys Deanna & Daniel Van Skiver Dental Choice Diving Dog Creative Solutions 2,186 Students Impacted Doll House Painting Service Dr. Brian J. Corden Dr. Cynda Hill Dr. Erica Lewis-Mead E.S. Whelan Easton Drywall Easton Ruritan Club Econo Lodge Ellen Vatne Eric W. Abell, Inc. Fellows, Helfenbein & Newnam Fink Family Fink, Whitten and Associates Garden and Garnish Higginbottom Orthodontics Higgins & Spencer Hot Spot Cool Eats Hussnatter Family Hutchison Brothers James E. Knox & Son Joanne and Damian Knopp Jody Jobeck Karen Shanahan Kevin J.Nebab Kidney Health Center of MD Kiln Born Creations Kyle & Sarah Ewing 150 Classrooms Adopted Leslie Adelman Linda and Jim DePrima Little Rascals Lori Hammond Lynn Malkus-Lyons & Lee Lyons Mid Shore Appraisal Services Midshore Dance Academy Mr. Rooter NCF Home Improvements O’Connor Family O’Neill Family Patricia Fox Preston Automotive Group Prettyman Construction Primerica R Geist Building Contractor R Mooney Builders Rajeweni Govindu Rise Up Coffee Robert W. Baird & Co. Ron and Kristen Mooney Roto Rooter Plumbers Royal Oak United Methodist Church Safe and Secure Enterprises Sam and Donna Fairbank Schneider Home Theater Sharp Energy Shearer the Jeweler Shirley Gooch Shore Family Dentistry Silver Dog Outdoors Spurry’s Tire St. Michael’s Winery Staples Star Democrat Stiles Professional Painting Storybook Studios Sump Greenhouses Svehla Family Talbot Bank TGM Group The Avon Dixon Agency The Orthopedic Center The Verdant Gryphon Tidewater Cleaning Tidewater Rotary Trappe Lions Club Wade Construction Wendy and Steve Dyott Willow Construction Winters Family 2016 TCPS Educational Partners Annual Report Partners By School Chapel District Elementary Academy Art Museum Accounting Strategies Group American Legion Post 70 Avalon Foundation Bartlett Pear Inn Bramble Body Shop Brambles Electric Brandon & Susan Angell Brent & Cynthia Spurry C. Albert Matthews Care Packs Carrion Electric Carrion Home Repair CD Produce CDES PTO Character Counts! Mid-Shore Chick-fil-A Chipotle Citizen’s Advisory Committee Clow Family Crossfit Nation Dock Street Foundation Dr. Brian J. Corden Earth Origins Easton Ruritan Club Ewing, Dietz, Fountain, & Kaludis Fuel Up to Play 60 Han Family Hannah & Phillip Starkey Higginbottom Orthodontics Hiner Family HobbyTown USA Hutchison Brothers Janes Family Joseph Family Knight Family Leatherman Electric Lions Club MacDonald Family Marinela Han Maryland Food Bank McKenzie Family Michelle Colburn Mid Shore Appraisal Services Moreno-Santana Family Mr. Rooter Nagel Farm Service Primerica Robert & Christina Ball Robert W. Baird & Co. Robyne Chaconas Silver Dog Outdoors LLC Smith Family Sonny Eaton Roll-Off Service St. Paul’s Church Staples Sump & Associates Sump Greenhouses Susan Marva Talbot County Arts Council Talbot Family Network Talbot Humane 2016 TCPS Educational Partners Annual Report Talbot Young Farmers Tidewater Cleaning Timber Harvest Inc Titz Family Tuckahoe Seafood VFW Post 5118 Vonda Pannell Wade Construction Walmart Walstrum Family Willow Construction Wye Mills Homemaker Easton Elementary Moton 4-H Academy Art Museum ACE Mentors AE Moore Alan Cassidy American Legion Post #77 Angeline and Kevin Hartmann Applebees Aqua Pools and Spas Atlantic Tractor Avalon Foundation Avalon Theater Avery Hall Benefit Solutions Avon Dixon Insurance Barbara Hargroves Barbara Mullikin Bartlett Pear Inn Bay Capital Mortgage Bethel AME Church BJ’s Wholesale Club BJs Nails Brad and Allison Hill B.A.A.M. Calhoun MEBA Calka Family Capital One Bank Capriotti’s Sandwich Shop Care Packs Carrion Electric Celeste Industries Corporation Century Spine Center Character Counts! Mid-Shore Chesapeake Internal Medicine Chesapeake Multicultural Resource Ctr Chick-fil-A Chili’s Chipotle Choptank Community Health Cindy Wagner Cracker Barrel Crackerjacks Toys Critchlow Adkins Childrens’ Centers Dairy Queen DARE David Wheeler Dental Choice Diving Dog Creative Solutions Dock Street Foundation Doll House Painting Service Donnell Moore Dr. Brian J. Corden Dr. Erica Lewis-Mead Earth Origins Easton Bank & Trust Easton Club East Community Assoc. Easton Drywall Easton Police Easton Utilities Easton Volunteer Fire Department Econo Lodge EES PTO Ellen Vatne Fellows, Helfenbein & Newnam Fink Family Fink, Whitten and Associates First Wesleyan Church Giant Foods Gloria Ferrare Guiffridas Head Start Hertrich Chevy Buick GMC Higginbottom Orthodontics Higgins & Spencer, Inc. Hot Spot Cool Eats Hussnatter Family Jan Johnston Jiffy Lube Joanne and Damian Knopp Joe’s Bagels Junior Achievement Kerry and Len Foxwell Kiln Born Creations Ledo’s Pizza Lesa Berry Linda and Jim DePrima Lions Club Little Rascals Maryland Food Bank McDonalds Molly Frankos Nancy Urbanczyk NCF Home Improvements O’Connor Family O’Neill Family Outback Steakhouse Patricia Fox Pets on Wheels Phillips Wharf Environmental Ctr. Preston Automotive Group Prettyman Construction R Mooney Builders Rise Up Coffee Ritas Roberto’s Pizza Ron and Jean Carrion Ron and Kristen Mooney Rotary Club of Easton Roto Rooter Plumbers Safe and Secure Enterprises Sam and Donna Fairbank Samantha Towers Schneider Home Theater Scott’s Methodist Church Shearer the Jeweler Sherald Beagle Shirley Gooch Spurry’s Tire St. Michael’s Winery Staples Stiles Professional Painting Storybook Studios Susan Friedel Susan Moran Suzie Jacob Svehla Family Talbot Bank Talbot County Free Library Talbot County Government Talbot County Parks & Rec Talbot County Sheriff ’s Office Tales for Dogs Target TGM Group The Avon Dixon Agency The General Ledger The Hair Cuttery The Midshore Dance Academy The News Center The Orthopedic Center The Verdant Gryphon TSS Photography Walmart Washington St Pub Wendy and Steve Dyott Willow Construction Winters Family YMCA of the Chesapeake Easton Elementary Dobson Academy Art Museum Applebees Aqua Pools and Spas Avalon Foundation Avalon Theater Bartlett Pear Inn Bay Capital Mortgage B.A.A.M. Care Packs Century Spine Center Character Counts! Mid-Shore Chesapeake Multicultural Resource Ctr. Chick-fil-A Chipotle Choptank Community Health Crackerjacks Toys Critchlow Adkins Childrens’ Centers Dairy Queen David Wheeler Dental Choice Diving Dog Creative Solutions Dock Street Foundation Doll House Painting Service Dr. Brian J. Corden Dr. Erica Lewis-Mead Earth Origins Easton Bank & Trust Easton Police Easton Utilities Easton Volunteer Fire Dept. EES PTO Fellows, Helfenbein & Newnam Funeral Home Fink Family Fink, Whitten and Associates First Wesleyan Church Giant Food Head Start Hertrich Chevy Buick GMC Higginbottom Orthodontics Higgins & Spencer, Inc. Hussnatter Family Jiffy Lube Kiln Born Creations Lions Club Little Rascals Consignment Shop Lowes Home Improvement Maryland Food Bank Molly Frankos NCF Home Improvements Patricia Fox Pets on Wheels Preston Automotive Group Prettyman Construction R Mooney Builders Rise Up Coffee Ritas Rotary Club of St. Michaels Safe and Secure Enterprises Schneider Home Theater Shearer the Jeweler Shirley Gooch Spurry’s Tire St. Michael’s Winery Staples Stiles Professional Painting Storybook Studios Svehla Family Talbot Bank Talbot County Free Library Talbot County Sheriff ’s Office Target TGM Group The Avon Dixon Agency The Midshore Dance Academy The Orthopedic Center The Verdant Gryphon Walmart Washington St Pub Willow Construction St Michaels Elementary Academy Art Museum Acme Markets Avalon Foundation Bartlett Pear Inn Bay Hundred Family Karate Bay Hundred YMCA Brennan on the Bay Bryan Foundation Care Packs Character Counts! Mid-Shore Chesapeake Landing Chick-fil-A Chipotle Christ Church- St. Michaels Citizen’s Advisory Committee Destination Imagination Dobson Lawn and Landscape Dock Street Foundation Earth Origins Eastern Shore Chiropractic Eastern Shore Psychological Environmental Concern Green Eyes John Mautz, Delegate Lions Club Maggie Gowe Maryland Food Bank Pets on Wheels Rise Up Coffee - St. Michaels Rotary Club of Easton Rotary Club- Explore & Explain Royal Oak United Methodist Church SMASH Volunteers St. Michaels Community Center St. Michaels Police Department Staples Stepp Landscaping Talbot Bank Talbot County Parks & Rec Target TriCycle and Run Walmart Tilghman Elementary Academy Art Museum American Legion Post 70 Avalon Foundation Bartlett Pear Inn Care Packs Character Counts! Mid-Shore Chesapeake Martime Museum Chick-fil-A Christ Church DARE Dock Street Foundation Earth Origins Frederick Douglass Honor Society Junior Achievement Laly Murphy Lions Club Maryland Food Bank Phillips Wharf Environmental Ctr. Poplar Island – MD Environ. Ctr. Staples Talbot Bank Talbot County Arts Council Talbot Family Network TASK Tutoring TES PTO Tilghman Area Youth Association Walmart 2016 TCPS Educational Partners Annual Report Partners By School White Marsh Elementary Adelman Family Anish Hinduja Atlantic Chimney Service Bartlett Pear Inn Candy Anim Care Packs Character Counts! Mid-Shore, Inc. Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum Chris and Kristin Schindler Deanna & Daniel Van Skiver Dock Street Foundation Dr. Cynda Hill E.S. Whelan Earth Origins Echo Hill Eric W. Abell, Inc. Garden and Garnish, Inc. George Murphy Community Pool Higginbottom Orthodontics Ijeoma Tagbo James E. Knox & Son, Inc. Jody Jobeck Karen Shanahan Kevin J.Nebab Kidney Health Center of MD Krystle Copper Kyle & Sarah Ewing Leslie Adelman Lions Club Lisa & Sam Townsend Lori Hammond Lynn Malkus-Lyons & Lee Lyons Mary Catherine & David Wheeler Michael & Jennifer Hawley Pickering Creek Audubon Center R Geist Building Contractor Rajeweni Govindu Sharp Energy Shore Family Dentistry Staples Star Democrat Talbot Bank Talbot County Free Library Talbot County Sheriff ’s Dept. Tidewater Rotary of Easton Trappe Lions Club Trappe Police Department Trappe Volunteer Fire Company Walmart WMES Grandparents’ Club WMES PTO Easton Middle Academy Art Museum American Legion Auxillary Unit #77 American Legion Talbot Post 70 Avalon Foundation Bartlett Pear Inn Ben Franklin Crafts Carole Allen Character Counts! Mid-Shore 2016 TCPS Educational Partners Annual Report Chick-fil-A Chipotle Citizen’s Advisory Committee Colleen Gabler Comptroller’s Office of Maryland Dock Street Foundation Donna Warner Earth Origins Eastern Shore Experiential Learning Eastern Shore Veterans Association Easton Festival of Trees Easton Utilities Ellen Wile Horn Point Laboratory Inn at Perry Cabin Jiffy Lube JL Gannon Joe’s Bagels Junior Achievement Junior Hopwood Lions Club Lydia Pinkney Maryland Food Bank Mindy Howell Oxford Day Committee Pickering Creek Sandy Butler Skip & Susan Stinson Staples Star Democrat Susan Luby Talbot Family Network U of MD Shore Regional Health-IT Dept. United States Naval Academy VFW Post 5118 Victoria Milhollan Walmart Willie Pogue Easton High. Academy Art Museum Advanced Automotive Allen Builders Avalon Foundation Avalon Theater Avalon Theatre MCTV/Ch. 15 Avon Dixon Res. & Comm. Insurance Barrow & Sons LLC Bartlett Pear Inn Bayleigh Chase BCBG Max Azria BDK Inc. I.T. Solution Beauty of Restoration Treatment Center Behren’s Automotive Inc. Ben Franklin Crafts Benedictine TC Supportive Empl. Office Caldwell’s Shoe Shop Candleberry Shoppe Caroline Co. Public Schools Cathy Dowd CBIZ MHM Chance’s Service Center Character Counts! Mid-Shore, Inc. Chesapeake Bay Team|Comcast Spotlight Chesapeake Center Chesapeake College Chesapeake Film Festival Chick-fil-A Chili’s Chincheck Sports Locker Chipotle Choptank Electric Citizen’s Advisory Committee College Center of Allied Health - Shore Health System Colonel Richardson High School Comfort Inn Councell Farms Creative Corner Denny’s Division of Rehabilitation Services Dock Street Foundation Dr. Deanna Stock Dr. Dennis Pataniczek Dulin Builders Earth Origins EastCor Engineering Easton Utilities Economy Printing Edward Jones Egleseder Wealth Management Group Garden and Garnish, Inc. Genesis Healthcare Global Vision 2020 Gold Wing Construction Grant’s Automotive GT Swann and Sons Guiffridas Hampton Inn Hertrich Chevy Buick GMC Hertrich Kia of Easton Hyatt on the Chesapeake James Plaskon Jen Kerns Jiffy Lube Joe’s Bagels Johns Hopkins University Joseph Opalski Group K W Davis, Inc. Kelly Hall Lane Engineering Laser Letters Lynn Farr Manor Discovery Center Mark Kenney Marnie Stockman MD Cooperative Extension Service Md Dept. of Agriculture-Nutrient Dept Mid Atlantic Tire Mid Shore Veterinary Clinic Mid-Shore Pro Bono Milestones Moton High Alumni Nicholas Bramble Scholarship North Caroline High School NSA Panera Bread Phillips Wharf Environmental Center PNC Bank Riverview at the Point Restaurant Robin’s Nest Floral & Garden Ron Brown Memorial Scholarship Rotary Club of Easton Salisbury University Salisbury Zoo Sea Watch International Shore Regional Cancer Center Shore Regional Health-Univ. of MD Shore Sportsman Sonic Drive-In Sotera Defense Solution Spiderweb Connections SRVP Group|Robert W. Baird & Co. St. John Foundation Staples Steve Ortel Steward Writing and Communicaitons Subway Sump Farms Talbot Bank Talbot Braves & Sailor Talbot County Arts Council Talbot County Chamber of Commerce Talbot County Farm Bureau Talbot County Free Library Talbot County Office of Economic Development Talbot County Soil Conservation Talbot Humane Taren Knopp Tezia Group TGM Group The Barn of Easton The Great Gourmet The Lumberyard The Pines Retirement Home The Weller Agency The Whiting-Turner Contracting Top of the Bay Pet Lodge Total Home Performance Total Systems & Communications U of MD Shore Medical Center at Easton U of MD Shore Regional Health -IT Dept. U of Maryland, Eastern Shore U of MD -Comm. Med. Group Neurosugery Upper Shore Workforce Investment Bureau West & Callahan West Wing Salon & Spa Whiting Turner YMCA of the Chesapeake St. Michaels Middle-High 1812 Tavern Adelaide Eckardt, Senator Academy Art Museum Acme Markets Artistic Insights Fund Ava’s Pizzeria Avalon Foundation Avalon Theater Bartlett Pear Inn Blood Bank of Delmarva Bryan Foundation Bryan & Sons BSA Troop 741 Caloris Engineering Candleberry Shoppe Character Counts! Mid-Shore Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum Chesapeake College Wrkfrce Invest. Brd. Chesapeake Outfitters Chick-fil-A Chili’s Chipotle Choptank Electric Christ Church Christmas in St. Michaels Citizen’s Advisory Committee Critchlow Adkins Childrens’ Centers Delmarva Beauty Academy Division of Rehabilitation Services Dock Street Foundation Earth Origins Eastern Shore Smile Solutions Easton Utilities Empty Bowls of Talbot County Endless Summer Landscaping Environmental Concern Foxy’s Harbor Grille Fred Frederick Chrysler Easton Glam Hair Salon Graul’s Supermarket Habitat for Humanity Restore Horn Point Laboratory Inn at Perry Cabin Joe’s Bagels Juneteenth Art Exhibition Junior Achievement Ledo’s Pizza Lee Brown Lowes Wharf Marina Maryland Food Bank MD Dept. of Natural Resources MD Environmental Service Mid Shore Early Learning Centers Mid Shore Mental Health Systems Inc Mid Shore ProBono Mid Shore River Keepers Miles River Power Boat Squadron Miles River Yacht Club NOAA Oxford Laboratory Olive Garden Parker Counts Melton & Goodman Phillips Wharf Environmental Center Pickering Creek PNC Bank - Easton PNC Bank St. Michaels Port of Art Gallery Quality Health Strategies Ritas Rotary Club of St. Michaels Royal Oak United Methodist Church Sam’s Restaurant Shore Health Systems Silver Linings SMASH Volunteers Spiderweb Connections St. Lukes United Methodist St. Michaels After Prom St. Michaels Art League St. Michaels Community Center St. Michaels High School Alumni Assoc. St. Michaels Inn St. Michaels Police Department St. Michaels Rotary St. Michaels Band Boosters St. Michaels Drama Boosters St. Michaels Sports Boosters St. Michaels Women’s Club St. Michaels YMCA Staples Star Democrat Subway St. Michaels Talbot Bank Talbot Builders Talbot County Agriculture Extension Talbot County Arts Council Talbot County Cigarette Restitution Fund Talbot County Hospice Talbot County Land Conservancy Talbot County Sheriff ’s Office Talbot Family Network Talbot Humane Talbot Partnership The Lumber Yard The Orthopedic Center Tilghman Islanders Grow Oysters Town and Country Town of Easton Town of St. Michaels TriCycle and Run Two If By Sea Union United Church U of MD Shore Regional Health-IT Dept. Veterinary Medical Center Victoria Pontious Walmart Warren’s Wood Works Whiting Turner YMCA of the Chesapeake 2016 TCPS Educational Partners Annual Report 2016 TCPS Educational Partners Annual Report
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Head Start
Hiner Family
HobbyTown USA
Horn Point Laboratory
Ijeoma Tagbo
Inn at Perry Cabin
James Plaskon
Jan Johnston
Janes Family
Jen Kerns
Jiffy Lube
JL Gannon
Joe’s Bag...