A Complete Internet Publishing Directory


A Complete Internet Publishing Directory
The E Files.net
Internet Publishers and
Writing Services
Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
Piers Anthony’s Directory of Online Publishers
Edited by Rob Parnell
ACCURANCE GROUP - www.accurance.com/ "You have poured your heart and soul into
your book. In these hard times it is a shame to not be able to bring life to your project
because of the soaring costs of professionally preparing your manuscript for immediate
publication and the need to conserve money. We're not going to let that happen to you."
Their publication package is $239. They also offer editing and proofreading, audio Book
Creation, and Interactive Web Portals creation for your book. August 2009 update: now
their publication package is $280. November 2009 update: they say their prices will rise in
mid November, so act now. December 2009 update: they have "The Whole Nine Yards
Package" for $759, a hundred dollars less if you get it by November 15. It includes editing,
formatting, a cover, ISBN, setting up a publishing account with Lulu or elsewhere, setting up
for orders, shipping and royalty payments, and a copy of your new book.
ACTION TALES - http://actiontales.com/ See ForemostPress.com
ADAMS PRESS - http://www.adamspress.com/ A print self publisher. Minimum quantity is
100 copies. No information on costs.
ADVENTURE BOOKS OF SEATTLE - www.adventurebooksofseattle.com An author received
such a remarkably candid and informative response that he was quite favorably impressed
despite being rejected. January 2010 update: All submissions are closed until March 30,
AGORA - www.internationalagora.com/ A new ebook publisher launching July 31, 2009.
40% royalties on the retail price. Three year exclusive rights, with option on a two year
extension at 50%. Currently interested in Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery,
Supernatural Thriller, and Romance. Other genres will be considered based on quality. I
heard from them with a sample contract for my review. I corrected usage errors and
recommended adding an audit clause. They evidently want to be an author-friendly
publisher. We'll see.
ALL ROMANCE EBOOKS - www.allromanceebooks.com/ This is a distributor, listed in the
Services section.
AMBER QUILL PRESS - www.amberquill.com "The Gold Standard in Publishing." Currently
closed to submissions, except by invitation, as they are scheduled well into 2005. They have
a legal notice to the effect that a number of their editions are being pirated by other
publishers; only the Amber Quill editions are legitimate and paying royalties. February 2006
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
update: "Amber Quill press is primarily a 'submit by invitation only' publisher...any
unsolicited synopses, partials, or complete manuscripts sent to our email addresses or snailmailed to our business office by either author or an agent will be deleted unread, without
exception." That's plain enough; they don't much care whether you live or die. February
2007 update: And they won’t reply to general query letters either. April 2007 update: they
have found that their best sales are in erotic romance, so they hold a short fiction erotic
romance contest every January. Winners are offered a publishing contract and a continuing
relationship, which means their queries won't be deleted unread. Once a writer gets into
their good graces, the relationship is excellent. June 2007 update: but a negative report on
their arrogance. December 2007 update: reported to be very author friendly. A writer tells
me that what I call arrogance is simply plain talk, because some people won't accept a No.
“Only blunt language will deter them.” February 2008 update: They remain generally closed
to outside submissions. February 2009 update: they remain "by invitation only," deleting all
unsolicited submissions unread and ignoring queries. So they're really not a market for
ordinary writers. June 2010 update: a report by an author at various publishers that sales
are much better here, though this may be because of the hot market for the hot stuff.
AMERICAN BOOK PUBLISHING - www.american-book.com/ There is a deposit of $780,
returned the first quarter after the book is published. Royalty up to 20% of net book sales;
50% on ebooks. But ASK ANN, the SFWA service, has some extremely negative reports on
them; check there before making a decision. It seems this publisher talks the talk, but
doesn't necessarily walk the walk. Writers are said to be leaving, and there could be legal
action. April 2005 update: I am informed this publisher is now up for sale. February 2007
update: But there is no indication of that at the site. February 2008 update: They remain in
business. February 2009 update: they are still talking the talk, but it turns out that their
$800 deposit is refundable only after 950 sales. A new author is quite unlikely to get such
sales. Be wary. January 2010 update: I tried clicking some of their displayed articles, but got
pages that could not be found.
AMIRA — www.amirapress.com/ "At Amira Press, our mission is to provide an experience
so far out of the ordinary, that our readers will look to stay lost forever in the worlds our
writers have created for the reader's enjoyment." I'd call that a worthy dream. They publish
all genres except children's stories, and are especially interested in Captive Romance,
Interracial Romance, and Sensual Romance/Erotica in Science Fiction, Paranormal, Fantasy,
and Western, with the usual restrictions. Royalties are 50% on ebook downloads and 15%
on print book sales. They respond to queries within two weeks, and within 90 days for full
books. Lengths range from 15,000 to 85,000 words. December 2008 update: a favorable
report of good editing, prompt responses, and on-time payment. February 2009 update:
They are open only to Romance and Erotic submissions. An author is happy with their
editing and timely royalties payments.
AN AUTHOR'S DREAM - AN AUTHOR'S DREAM— www.anauthorsdream.com/ They have a
POD service for $695 and they accept returns from all bookstores. 40% royalties from direct
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
sales. That returnability is worth something, because it means that some bookstores might
accept their books. But don't count on it.
ANOTHEREALM - www.anotherealm.com/ This is a monthly e-zine, publishing two full
length (up to 5,000 words)stories a month, for which they pay $25 for electronic rights only.
They read and decide on all stories by October 31, to be published the following year. They
also have "Flash Fiction" stories limited to 1,000 words, no pay, accepted year round, and
contest stories based on contest topics, no pay, every two months. Obviously no place to
get rich, but this could be good for talented beginners who need exposure. Science Fiction,
Fantasy, and Horror; no pornography. February 2008 update: I read one of their stories,
about a peeper on the beach. Nice surprise ending. February 2009 update: news of a lawsuit
against them, apparently one of a number filed by Barbara Bauer, who objects to being
called a scam. Once source says "Barbara Bauer, named as one of the publishing industry's
20 worst Literary Agents, has sued over 19 bloggers and website administrators for allegedly
defaming..." Another item says her lawsuit against Wikipedia was dismissed. Apparently his
has been going on for a year or so; that's all I know. January 2010 update: But they are still
there, with no hint of a problem on their site.
ANTELOPE PUBLISHING - www.antelope-ebooks.com/ A family oriented site doing
children's books, juveniles, wholesome works of fiction, religious works that teach without
preaching, and uplifting nonfiction. No sexually explicit material. But it remains swamped
with submissions, so is not accepting books. Getting swamped like that suggests that it must
be treating its writers right, though. They also publish an online magazine for the family, at
www.ongoing-tales.com/. February 2007 update: Still not accepting submissions. February
2008 update: ditto. February 2009 update: This time I found no mention of submissions, so
evidently they are permanently not looking. January 2010 update: They are now in some
non-English language. I can't tell whether they remain a publisher.
ARCTIC WOLF PUBLISHING - www.arcticwolfpublishing.com/ I was asked about this, so
looked it up. Lovely picture of a wolf in the arctic, but the site was so slow loading that after
9 minutes I gave up. February 2009 update: I'm not sure this is a publisher, despite the
name. January 2010 update: I got a blank screen. February 2010 update: a reader did what
my system could not, and got information from the site. This is an independent book and
graphic novel publisher based in Savannah, Georgia, looking for creative new authors.
"Arctic Wolf would like to give the little guy a chance, and as always we welcome your
submissions." They are looking for all genres of science fiction, fantasy, mystery, suspense,
horror, young adult, and mainstream novels, but not non-fiction, poetry, romance,
historical, erotica, or chic lit.
ARTEMIS PRESS - www.artemispress.com/ This is a feminist and lesbian publisher, currently
accepting submissions in all categories, fiction and nonfiction, presumably relating to
lesbianism. Royalties are 30% of the download price, and 15% on POD editions. One year
contract for electronic rights, renewable, and it has an auditing clause. They welcome the
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
opportunity to work with new writers. See also MOONLITBOOKS and GLB for gay/lesbian
markets. Allow 3 to 6 months for reports. February 2007 update: 30,00 to 200,000 words:
chances are your book will fit. February 2009 update: Now the wordage can be as low as
100. But they are no longer accepting unsolicited manuscripts. January 2010 update: They
remain open for submissions of all lesbian types.
ARTS COLONY PUBLISHERS - dfox@tstonramp.com HiPiers received an email on this, and
there does not seem to be a Web site, just the email address, so I have not checked it. It
says you can self publish your book with light editing for $2500, or with heavy editing for
$4500, and $400 for cover and inside design, plus the actual cost of printing. This does not
seem cheap, but that may depend on how much you need editing.
ASPEN MOUNTAIN PRESS - www.aspenmountainpress.com/ Seeking stories in all genres,
with the usual restrictions on erotic taboos, racial, illegal acts, or abuse. Especially
interested in cross-genre Romance. 10,000 to 90,000 words. I did not find information on
terms. April 2007 update: royalties are 35%. Response times for submissions is about two
weeks. August 2007 update: a very positive report on their editing, making a good novel
excellent. Sales are said to be average. January 2010 update: Currently open for submissions
in limited genres. Query first.
ASYLETT PRESS - Articles on just about any subject published here. I did not ascertain their
rates of payment, but it seems that anyone can contribute. February 2008 update: Most of
their present titles are Romance, Horror, and Speculative. They are ebooks with a Lightning
Source option to which the author must contribute. 40% royalty based on the download
price. A small staff makes communications slow. August 2008 update: Asylett now pays for
all costs related to print publication. I was also corrected on my mention of their publishing
articles, which perplexed me, until I realized that my informant was reading the immediately
preceding entry, about a different publisher. Asylett publishes no articles, only ebooks and
print books. February 2009 update: they have a wide variety of fiction, and will consider
some nonfiction. Different word lengths for different genres; check their requirements.
ATLANTIC BRIDGE PUBLISHING - www.atlanticbridge.net/ There is a good audit clause. They
are looking only for Paranormal at this time. They pay author's 45% of all download sales,
quarterly, and buy electronic rights for one year. A satisfied writer tells me that they are
easy to work with, and that they were #6 among best publishers as listed by Editors and
Preditors in 2001. See also their hot romance imprint, Liquid Silver Books. Unfortunately
submissions are closed. February 2007 update: Still closed to submissions. February 2008
update: ditto. February 2009 update: still closed. They must have one hell of a backlog.
January 2010 update: ditto.
@VENTURE - see Services section
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
AUDIBLE - www.audible.com/ These are recorded books, and they have a slew. But I was
unable to find any indication that the novice writer is welcome here. I suspect that first you
publish your book and become established, then they'll consider recording it.
AUTHORHOUSE - www.authorhouse.com/ February 2009 update: The Authorhouse/
iUniverse complex has bought the remaining large independent self publisher, Xlibris. I do
not know, but suspect it will be folded into Xlibris in due course. Your books here will be
safe, however. April 2009 update: I am simplifying the entry, as past history is surely
irrelevant as the new order works out. January 2010 update: Or maybe not. Authorhouse
remains as its own imprint.
AUTHOR SOLUTIONS — The umbrella name for the huge self publishing complex that
includes Authorhouse, iUniverse, Trafford, Xlibris, WordClay, and is involved in Harlequin
AVENTINE PRESS - www.aventinepress.com A self publisher. Their basic package is $349.00,
with additional fees for add-on services such as hardcover publication or a custom cover.
They also have a marketing program for $995. Royalties are 80% of the net moneys
received, which is very high. February 2008 update: Now their basic package is $399.
AWE-STRUCK E-BOOKS - www.awe-struck.net I understand that one of the proprietors is
physically disabled, and wrote a book featuring a disabled character, and when he couldn't
get anywhere with Parnassus (an all too familiar story) he decided to set up a publisher for
such work. It publishes Romance, Science Fiction, combinations of the two, and Nonfiction.
If you are disabled, or write about that subject, you will surely get a sympathetic hearing
here, though they aren't limited to such authors. February 2009 update: Closed to
submissions for now; keep checking. April 2009 update: Awe-Struck has been acquired by
Mundania, and will become an imprint there for various romance genres. Contract terms
will match those of Mundania, 20% of net for print, 50% of net for ebooks, audit clause, etc.
No set-up fee, no requirement to purchase copies; they get author's copies plus more at
40% off if they want them. Open for in-house submissions, and unsolicited submissions
sometime in the spring. January 2010 update: They are open for submissions in a number of
genres, preferred length 40,000-80,000 words. August 2010 update: they are currently
closed to submissions.
BABCOCK PUBLISHING - www.swiftsite.com/pleasures/books/index.htm I was told this is a
subsidy publisher (vanity press) that claims to be up to 50% cheaper than others, and that it
advertises that it provides full services. They say that there are three classes of publishers:
Major, that won't even read unknown writers, Subsidy, that charges you $10,000 and up
with no guarantee that you'll succeed, and Babcock at 40-50% less than regular subsidy.
Okay, that means $5-6,000 and up, and they give absolutely no email quotes. They accept
no downloads or floppy discs manuscripts. You can probably do better faster and much
cheaper at one of the self publishers. February 2006 update: "We give absolutely no e-mail
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
quotes! Manuscripts should be submitted in 'double-spaced' hard copy only!" I think they
should get with the times, if they really want new business; even dinosaur-age traditional
publishers are starting to accept electronic manuscripts.
BAEN BOOKS - www.baen.com/library/ This is a traditional publisher, offering a number of
titles for free downloading, trusting that this will in the end generate more sales. I'll be
interested to see if that works.
BDSM BOOKS - www.bdsmbooks.com/ They deal with themes of erotic domination. I
understand that they pay 40% royalties for exclusive publishing and 30% for non-exclusive,
but then take off a percentage for card processing. I tried to verify terms, but the site was so
slow loading that after 13 minutes I gave up. I did see enough to verify that erotic bondage
and sadomasochism is their specialty in books and videos. August 2007 update: Interesting
material from the publisher, who turns out to be 15 years older than I am, and obviously not
in it to rip off authors. Their site is now faster loading than it was. You know, I'm not into
this genre, but some of those girls are sexy as hell. October 2007 update: an author reports
that the publisher's online figures seem to match its payments and his experience. He is
quite satisfied. April 2008 update: I have another satisfied response, and news that the
management has changed but it remains okay. June 2008 update: but a buyer accidentally
used an out of date card, and the order went through without challenge, so verification is
suspect. February 2009 update: they have changed their credit card processors; now it's real
time on a secure site. There should be no further problem. June 2009 update: A very
positive report. January 2010 update: "Yes – of course we welcome new authors!!" You
don't see that kind of invitation often. April 2010 update: And a contrary report: their sales
volumes seems to have been cut in half, and worse for lesser known authors. They no longer
pay monthly unless you earn $150 or more, and I think few do. So while they may welcome
new authors, those authors should be cautious. July 2010 update: I received a report that
they seem to be closing for business, but their site still has many books for sale and invites
authors to contribute. There seems to be quite a difference between their positive site and
the experience of their authors. August 2010 update: a correction from the proprietor: they
are not closed for business. There have been some technical difficulties, but he's getting
things back under control.
BEAUTIFUL TROUBLE PUBLISHING - www.beautifultroublepublishing.com/ A new small
independent publisher in Colfax, NC. They look interesting. Beautiful Trouble Publishing, LLC
is owned by two authors who wanted their own digs. The goal of Beautiful Trouble
Publishing is to be recognized as a publisher not afraid to say yes to an unknown artist,
author, or editor, or no to a well-known artist, a best-selling author, or a degreed-up editor.
Stories we publish will rock the reader's sense of humor, prick the soft places within them,
challenge their assumptions, spark their sense of adventure, and stay with the readers long
after 'The End.' A Beautiful Trouble Publishing story may not fit into any known genre or it
may fit into several...either way, it's going to be a kickazz story. The owners are Jeanie and
Jayha whose wild imaginations freaked out publishers. They realized that if they wanted it
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
done right, they'd have to do it themselves. Their illustrations suggest that lovely partly-clad
women are the kind of beautiful trouble they are looking for. They expect to do e-books and
print, from 3,000 to 150,000 words, from polite Romance to Home Wrecker heat. But they
emphasize the need for respect along with the sex. Apparently there are no preferred
genres; your piece can be anything as long as it's sexy and obeys the usual rules: no rape, no
child sex, etc. I did not find terms for authors.
BETHANY PRESS INTERNATIONAL - www.bethanypress.com This is a self publishing
company that prints books. They are announcing a new book publishing solution designed
for Christian authors, ministries, and small publishers. They work exclusively with Christian
publishers to produce life-changing books. "We want to partner with Christian organizations
and individuals who have a vision to distribute the message God has given them to a world
which desperately needs it."
BETHANY'S GROUP This was an oddity to explore. It seems to be an association of several
publishers or imprints devoted to aspects of girlish naughtiness and spanking. There are
pictures of bared female bottoms ready for discipline, some of them getting it. Some sites
are www.herwoodshed.com www.wickedvelvet.com www.spankingcastle.com
www.punishmentspanking.com www.wickedcastle.com In Wicked Velvet I found terms
that may be similar for the others: 40-80,000 words length, to be serialized, and writers are
paid a per-chapter fee as the stories are run. An author's report is that originally it was
good, but in the past year payments have slowed and even stopped. Rates have changed
and are not high. So visit the site to view the sights, but be cautious about placing your
naughty fiction there.
BEWRITE BOOKS - www.bewrite.net/ This is merging with Jacobyte Books, and presumably
this will in due course become the site for them both. As yet it is spare. February 2005
update: It is filling out. They want manuscripts from 60,000 to 180,000 words--chances are
yours fits--with no porno or excessive violence or nonfiction. But this appears to be a fiction
posting site rather than a paying publisher. April 2005 update: am assured by the publisher
that it is both types of site. They are looking for a new site for the book division, which
should be online by the end of 2005. February 2007 update: They say they are closing the
BeWrite Community to concentrate on BeWrite Books. February 2009 update: Now they will
not accept books under 50,000 words or over 130,000 words.
BLACK LYON PUBLISHING — www.blacklyonpublishing.com/ A small publisher based in
Oregon, focusing on general fiction and Romance, in trade paperbacks and electronic.
Lengths vary by genre, ranging from 45,000 to 85,000 words. They are currently accepting
submissions in all their lines. I did not find information on royalties. January 2010 update:
Some lines remain open for submissions, some not.
BLACK VELVET SEDUCTIONS - www.blackvelvetseductions.com/ Open to new and
established authors in all kinds of Romance, ranging from Traditional to Fetish. Their lines
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
are Forbidden Experiences, Sensuous Journeys, Tender Destinations, Amorous Adventures,
Short Story Collections. They care more about content than format. Well developed
characters, strong conflict, much emotion, solid ending. I found no information on terms.
BLADE PUBLISHING LTD - http://bladepublishing.org/ Now accepting submissions for all
genres—they have a wide-ranging list—with lengths centering around 50,000 words. 35%
royalty. Highest standards.
BLOOD MOON PUBLISHING - www.bloodmoonpublishing.com/ This is an imprint of Double
Dragon, for Horror and Suspense. Electronic publishing, royalties 30% of the net download
price or 30% of the amount received from a reseller, paid every 6 months. Submissions
should be in .RTF format to avoid viruses.
BLUE PRESS - http://sgtblu.com/ I have a report that they are promoting a contest where
the author gets one free copy of the book and standard royalties. I don't know how
legitimate they are.
BLUE WOOD PUBLISHING — www.bluewoodpublishing.com/ They were formed in mid
2009 by two authors, one a ;New Zealander, one English, to provide publishing services,
particularly to brand new authors, because both founders had enormous difficulty getting
accepted by existing publishers. So they are trying to do it right. They have ben open only to
story submissions, but are open for longer ones in March, 2010. they do not charge authors,
and do pay royalties. They try to report in 4-8 weeks. They don't say what genres.
BLURB - www.blurb.com/ "Blurb is a company and a community that believes passionately
is the joy of books—reading them, making them, sharing them, and selling them." So they
have put together a creative publishing service they say is simple and smart enough to make
anyone an author. They have a list of prices for different sizes of books, such as $62.95 for a
20-40 page book. That strikes me as a hell of an expensive book. But I learned from a client
that a hardcover full-color 40 page book costs about $22. Blurb can, however, be frustrating
to deal with on larger sizes.
BOLD STROKES - http://www.boldstrokesbooks.com/ "Bold Strokes Books offers a diverse
collection of top-selling lesbian fiction with the goal of incorporating the exciting new trends
in romance, action, adventure, mystery, sci-fi/fantasy/horror, and erotica while preserving
the integrity of the traditional genres. We also present contemporary and general lesbian
fiction as part of our commitment to offer quality lesbian fiction to all readers." No
simultaneous submissions. Decisions is 10-12 weeks. 55,000-100,000 words preferred. They
seem to be primarily a print publisher, marketed and distributed by Bella Books. I did not
find information or royalty rates. February 2008 update: Now their limits range from 45,000
to 150,000 words, depending on imprint.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
BOOKBOX - www.bookbox.com/ "BookBox is a essentially a web-based jukebox of digital
books in languages from around the world. It synchronizes the text, audio, and visual media
to cerate an educational and entertaining reading experience for children and even adults
who still have a child in them!" It pays $40 per story in local currency and 5% of any future
profit from that story. So this isn't big money but could be nice for those who like to tell
children's stories.
BOOK CLIFF GROUP ELECTRONIC PUBLISHERS - www.bookcliff-group.com/ Now here's a
variant: the author retains all rights, and the publisher retains 25% as a publication fee. That
translates to 75% for the author. Print on Demand for writers, poets, artists, photographers;
otherwise this is an electronic publisher. Material must be child safe. February 2007 update:
They are actively seeking children's stories. February 2008 update: And scripts of all types:
short plays that are suitable for community theater performances.
THE BOOK DEN - www.thebookden.com/ This is Denlinger's Book Store in Florida. It's been
in business for 75 years, and seems to be slow-moving, taking four to six months to report
on submissions,. It seems to have a wide range of books. 10%, 50% of subsidiary. Can take 6
months to report. Primarily nonfiction, many categories. Buys all rights. February 2008
update: It is closing its doors. But it seems that some of their POD titles are still being sold at
BOOK LOCKER - www.booklocker.com As I understand it, they charge fees for their services
ranging from zero to $225, but take non-exclusive rights only (that's important) and pay 50%
to 70% royalties monthly (that's phenomenal.) Offhand, this seems to be a good place to
consider early. They have many types of books, including ones on self publishing, about
which they are very encouraging. Now they also produce trade paperbacks. Now author
keeps all rights. Author can terminate agreement at any time, no hassle. 35% royalties on
list price of POD books. Costs $199 to do POD plus $18 a year hosting fee; electronic print is
free. UPDATE: An anonymous report is a good deal more negative, suggesting that this
publisher's main business is publishing the proprietor's books on self publishing, and that
the author's of other titles have to follow a formula and do all of the book promotion and
selling., or get de-listed despite the contract. If this is true, writers should be wary. Followup
on the update: I received angry letters from Angela Hoy, wife of the company's president
and author of several of their books on self publishing. At first she was halfway polite, then
threatening, accusing me of defaming the publisher. I rechecked with my source, who
affirms the accuracy of my update. Angela said "What you are doing is illegal," and said she
was turning this matter over to her attorney. I never heard further; I suspect someone got a
whiff of Ogre and did the sensible thing: retreat. Nevertheless, I am trying to be fair in this
survey, and have to say that my spot check did not indicate preferential treatment given to
Angela's efforts. She says they have published more than 900 books, only 6 of which are
hers, and none of hers appear on their homepage. So the question is whether this is a good
publisher with a few disgruntled authors out of many, or one that sometimes treats writers
in an arbitrary or unfair manner. Both may be true; I suspect that is the case. June 2005
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
update: I have a favorable author report, citing a positive attitude and quick responses.
February 2006 update: They have a table showing the costs to self publish books at
BookLocker $392, iUniverse $459, Xlibris $500, AuthorHouse $898, and Trafford $1,399
including 40 copies. April 2006 update: another bad report, this one not anonymous. Ron
Brault rbrault@obtel.com paid Booklocker $200 to publish his nonfiction High & Away 12
miles high and 20 miles away, the story of the cameras in the U2 spy plane, written by his
father. Angela Hoy, after denying that she received the book--he finally had to send it by
signed receipt certified mail to prove she received it--challenged the cover photo, saying it
had copyright problems, apparently wanting him to pay more for a cover done by the
publisher. She evidently felt that his cover represented stolen goods, and I understand even
wrote an article titled "When writers steal from other writers." I may have this garbled. But
it was the beginning of a long hassle, and the book was not published. He asked for a refund
but didn't get it. He is a high & away dissatisfied customer. Contemporary readers may not
realize how big a deal the U2 was a generation ago; this is surely a book of general
interest. June 2006 update: Angela Hoy's site for her article is
February 2007 update: Another positive report of prompt responses and effective
procedure. "One of the things I think is great about them is that they are exclusive; they
accept only a small percentage of the ms. that come in, and that's a real plus for authors
who truly believe in their work and are not just publishing to make themselves feel good."
February 2008 update: Now their POD fee is $299, plus $18 a year. June 2008 update: and
another positive report, finding Angela to be knowledgeable, friendly and responsible, doing
a tight and thorough edit of the manuscript. The cover design was good. February 2009
update: more negatives. It is said that proprietress Angela Hoy has not been published
anywhere but here and that she is not a good writer. That she misuses stock photos for
promotion, and that BookLocker's claim to be the cheapest POD house is untrue; Create
Space is cheaper, being essentially free. That despite its claims BookLocker really does not
discriminate in what it publishes, and that it arranges to plant positive and negative
comments on Amazon about particular authors' books. That the publisher threatens critics
with lawsuits to shut them up, and trashes their reputations. I don't know how much of this
is true, and some would be tricky to prove, but there is a smell, and my prior dealings with
BookLocker suggest there is some substance at least to the charge that they threaten critics.
June 2009 update: Angela Hoy responds that she has a contract with St. Martin's Press, she
has never mis-used stock photos, that Booklocker is cheaper than CreateSpace for services
like original cover design, formatting assistance, ISBN, distribution through Ingram, etc. That
if you can't honor the CreateSpace specs, they upsell you on their subsidiary, BookSurge,
which is far more expensive than Booklocker. That she has never posted a review on
Amazon or elsewhere, never posted under a false name, or had anyone else do it at
Booklocker. That she does not threaten critics with lawsuits, only those who have posted
libelous comments about her online in retaliation for having their illegal activities exposed.
That it may be one of those deadbeats who contacted me. But see my extended discussion
in the June 2009 Hipiers column. August 2009 update: a favorable report: "They could NOT
have been more helpful." This author conjectures that some of the wild complaints stem
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
from ignorance about POD. "So many haven't a CLUE!" January 2010 update: Now their link
goes directly to Angela's newsletter, leading off with her charge that my anonymous source
is a liar. I doubt it.
BOOKMASTERS INC - www.bookmasters.com/ They focus on prepublishing services such a
printing, binding, fulfillment, and distribution. You can get a package of services for $640. I
list them here in the publishing section because they also do epublishing.
BOOKSFORABUCK - www.booksforabuck.com/ Looking for novels in the fields of Romance,
Science Fiction, Mystery/Suspense, and General Fiction, 50,000 words up. No pornography,
literary fiction, or other genres. Prices range from $1 to $3.99, but all are available for $1 in
their first month of release. Royalties are 50%, paid quarterly, on gross revenues. For paper
publications, 50% of net revenues. No charges to the authors for any of their services. The
process of publication seems to take about two months, because of editing and cover art.
Maybe I'm influenced because the proprietor is a fan of mine, but this looks very good to
me. December 2008 update: it seems they don't acknowledge submissions. A writer
queried, described, got a request to see the full novel, sent it, and did not hear from them
again. A query was ignored. July 2009 update: later he heard from them, courteously, so
cancel that complaint.
BOOKSHELF GLOBAL PUBLISHING - www.bookshelfglobal.com I received an advertising pen
in the introductory package at the Florida Writer's Association convention that advertised
this outfit. It says "Publish your book your way." February 2008 update: I could not find
information on prices. "You pay a very competitive price per book. First run minimums are
small (100-1000); subsequent runs have no minimums. Well, you can find much smaller
first-run minimums elsewhere.
BOOKSOURCE - New title for the Booksurge complex.
BOOKSTRAND - www.BookStrand.com/ I have a report of excellent sales: over a thousand
dollars per title paid in a quarter. June 2009 update: those sales continue; I was shown a
statement. March 2010 update: A generally favorable report of professionalism,
responsivity, good editing, and decent royalty reports four times a year. But their
submission process has so many guidelines in can be hard to follow.
BOOKS UNBOUND- www.booksunbound.com/ This is a new publisher with a positive
attitude, open for submissions. Mystery, Adventure, Speculative Fiction, Romance,
Historical, Western, Young Adult, and if you have something else that's good, query them,
but no pornography. Contract is for one year, electronic rights only, royalties about 35% of
the price the books are actually sold at. Author must secure his own copyright. Good
general and specific advice for new writers. My guess is that they will be fairly choosy, and if
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it works out, this should be a good place to be. They do show a sample contract, but it
doesn't have an audit clause. There is a question whether they are. Properly responsive to
their authors. February 2007 update: Temporarily closed to submissions. August 2007
update: and a negative report of months-long delays, nonpayment, and lack of response. It
seems they started good, but in the past two years plunged. October 2007 update: after 3
years of delays in publication, no reasons given, no responses to queries, an author is
canceling his contracts. July 2009 update: More authors are severing their connection with
this publisher, because though sales have been made, no royalties have been paid in two
years. Requests to remove the books from the web page have mostly been ignored. January
2010 update: Temporarily closed for submissions.
BOOKSURGE - www.booksurge.com See the entry on IMPRINT BOOKS. I do have a positive
report on them from an author, who mentions they are now BOOKSOURCE. Another says
the are now at www.GlobalBookPublisher.com. October 2004 update: I heard from them:
they are still going strong, and Global Book Publishers was a previous name. June 2005
update: they have been bought out by Amazon.com. This could shake up the self publishing
market. AMAZON's notice says in part: "BookSurge makes it possible to print books that
appeal to targeted audiences, whether it's one copy or one thousand. Our new relationship
with BookSurge will provide Amazon customers an ever-expanding selection of titles that
are not available through other channels." I presume they will consolidate the assorted
imprints under one name. February 2008 update: They don't give prices on the site: you
have to fill out a form and get in touch with one of their publishing consultants. An author
with a book with 120 pictures learned that it would cost $5,700 to do. April 2008 update: As
of April 1, 2008, Amazon is turning off the Buy button on books not printed by BookSurge,
starting with those by Publish America. There is outrage. August 2008 update: 35% direct
retail royalties at Amazon.com and 4 other retailer sites; 10% elsewhere. Editing service is a
minimum of $300. Royalties every 45 days. February 2009 update: No news of the
controversy on their site, of course.
BOSON BOOKS - www.cmonline.com/boson/ They don't seem to provide information on
their terms. They are currently closed to poetry, drama, fantasy, children's books, and
religious fiction and nonfiction. Presumably other types are okay. February 2007 update:
Currently closed to submissions. February 2008 update: They remain closed to submissions.
February 2009 update: Still closed, but in June 2009 they will consider nonfiction. January
2010 update: Currently closed to unsolicited manuscripts.
BREATHLESS PRESS - www.breathlesspress.com/ New publisher of Romance, Erotica, and
Paranormal, with the usual restrictions. Up to three books a week, 1,000 to 100,000 words. I
found no information on terms for authors. December 2009 update: since opening they
have hired 5 editors, an acquisitions manager, and a marketing manager. They have posted
a sample contract. Lengths range from under 1,000 words to 100,000 words, in several heat
ranges, with the usual restrictions. The contract takes all electronic rights for 3 three years,
renewable. 35% royalty on the retail price, or 35% of the amount received from other
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vendors. No audit clause. January 2010 update: Now there is an audit clause, but it's not a
good one. April 2010 update: The publisher tells me they have updated their contract, I'm
jammed for time at the moment and haven't checked it, but presumably it is improved.
They have also hired net staff members. In short, it's a going concern.
BRISTLECONE PINE PRESS — www.bcpinepress.com They say they are an independent
electronic imprint, but don't seem to say of what, and there is no information about
BROWZER BOOKS - www.browzerbooks.com/ This appears to be a publisher and marketer
of free books. I found no terms listed for authors, but presume they are unpaid. So if you
have a book you just want to make available for reading, this is the place. February 2008
update: I clicked their link about publishing romance books, and it put me with Xlibris. May
2010 update: I heard from the publisher. "We have moved all BrowzerBooks links to
TaleWins to concentrate our resources. The BrowzerBooks domain is reserved for our club
members." So check www.talewins.com/ as the best entry point for writers. "We do publish
fine books in pdf formats." There is no charge for the publishing.
BUY BOOKS ON THE WEB - www.buybooksontheweb.com/ The main thrust seems to be to
sell books - but let's face it, if books didn't sell, who would publish them? It has a "Get
Published Now!" section. "Did you know that less than 2% of authors ever get published?
We have found a way to change that!" They offer an Authors Submission Package, if you
send in their form. An author report says they are responsive and pleasant to work with. See
Infinity Publishing, as their publishing link leads there. February 2009 update: they remain as
a bookseller, with their publishing arm being INFINITY.
Cafe Press - www.cafepress.com/cp/info/sell/books.aspx They merchandise all sorts of
things, but have added a publishing service, so are listed here for that. This is POD, with
charges of $7 for binding plus three cents a page; slightly different for different types of
stitching. It looks as if you have to do a lot yourself. October 2006 update: a negative report
from someone who ordered a T-shirt. After months with no confirmation of the order,
finally canceled it. If this is the way they do business, sales will be small. August 2007
update: And the opposite experience, with prompt delivery for several T-shirts, which are of
good quality.
CAN WRITE WILL WRITE — www.canwritewillwrite.com/ They started out as a showcase
website for authors to display their work, but now have branched into publishing. An author
reports that they have been professional and helpful throughout. I don't have information
on terms; it was a slow site. February 2009 update: If they like your work, a contribution of
£100 to get started. They will post your work on their website for one year. Um, as
publication goes, this is barely minimal. January 2010 update: I heard from them. They are
not charging authors anything to showcase their work. They have expanded their literary
services. June 2010 update: They now electronically publish books. "Anyone with a decent,
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completed, coherent book has a reasonable chance of obtaining an ePublishing deal with us.
Free. We make our money taking a percentage of sales." They also supply editing and
critique services.
CARINA — http://carinapress.com/ They are expecting to launch in summer 2010 and
release new titles weekly. They expect to have a wide range of genres. I understand that
Carina is completely separate from Harlequin Horizons, not connected. Carina is not a self
publisher. They will go digital first. No advances, but larger royalties. February 2010 update:
They are accepting submissions in all genres of romance, erotica, science fiction, fantasy,
horror, mystery, women's fiction, and more, but no non-fiction or poetry. They will consider
fiction from 15,000 words to over 100,000 words. You may submit manuscripts that were
rejected by Harlequin or any other publisher. March 2010 update: They want all rights for 7
years, 30% royalty on ebooks sold through their site, half that on books sold elsewhere.
What will count is how much they sell.
Carnal Desires Publishing - www.carnaldesirespublishing.com/ This will be the erotic
imprint of DOUBLE DRAGON, opening September 1, 2007. Interested in erotic fantasy and
science fiction, but will accept other topics, too. February 2008 update: Alexandra Adams is
the co-publisher, who has her own Sexy Novels site listed in the Services section. Minimum
length is 20,000 words, 90,000 maximum, but they are flexible. They are looking for highly
erotic romance, and welcome cross-genre, with a riveting plot. The usual restrictions.
Royalties of 35% of the cover price for ebooks sold at the site, 35% of net for other sales,
and 10% for POD sales. They take digital rights only, for five years. February 2010 update:
they are now open for submissions. They are especially interested in cross-genre works.
CARNIFEX PRESS - www.carnifexpress.net/ I was asked about this, so I looked it up. It's a
small Florida press print publisher of epic fantasy, horror, and science fiction. They release
only chapbooks, which are half-digest-sized editions of manuscripts in the 20,000 word
range, hoping to print 2,000 copies. Their site seems to be still filling out. February 2007
update: They are actively seeking more Young Adult novellas for a mid-2007 release.
February 2008 update: I got cPanel instead of Carnifex, which it explains may be a foulup of
the site administrator. February 2009 update: They shut down on January 1, 2009, with
regret: couldn't make it financially. They are selling off their books at below cost, hoping to
pay off their debts.
CENTRAL VALLEY WRITERS - www.centralvalleywriters.com/ The writers' organization of
Central Valley, in Chowchilla, California, is sponsoring contests for fiction and nonfiction,
novels and short stories. Prizes of $50 for longer works, $25 for stories. They consider
anything over 10,000 words to be novel length. Entrance fees are $20 for a novel, $10 for a
story. February 2008 update: Call for entries by April 4. February 2009 update: As of January
7 they have moved to Madera.
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
CERRIDWEN PRESS - www.cerridwenpress.com/ This is an imprint of Ellora's Cave for
mainstream fiction. That is, Contemporary, Fantasy, Futuristic/Sci-Fi, Historical, Horror,
Humor, Mystery/Suspense, Paranormal, Women's Fiction, and many categories of Romance.
They also have a number of special categories mixed in with Ellora's Cave, such as Ellora's
Caveman Anthologies and Cotillion; check their site for half a slew of information.
Presumably Cerridwen will have the same promotional push that Ellora's Cave does, which
suggests high sales. February 2007 update: They are always open for submissions. April
2009 update: but I have a report that all they really seem to want is erotic romance. That is
surprising, considering this is supposed to be a general mainstream imprint. February 2010
update: They are still always open for submissions in all their genres. April 2010 update: But
the private word is that they are not accepting any new submissions despite what the site
says. In fact I understand there's a notice in their author package to that effect. I also
understand that editors are being fired. Things seem to be in limbo. July 2010 update: an
ebook a reader bought had squares in lieu of some words, and the reader is reluctant to buy
more such books. Author went to publisher, and publisher said it must be the ereader's fault
and refused to take it further. But the same error occurs on other ereaders. I know
computers can put squares for unknown symbols; this suggests that the file has some
obscurities that ereaders can't handle. Until the publisher is willing to deal with this,
CHAMPAGNE BOOKS - www.champagnebooks.com Starting up March 31, 2005, mentioned
as a possible publisher, but so far it seems to be just a book reading club. June 2005 update:
I heard from the publisher. They are not a reading club, though they do have an
experimental ebook club. But they are a publisher first. February 2006 update: Submissions
are closed, and by invitation only until further notice. February 2007 update: They seem to
be open for submissions now. June 2007 update: I have an anonymous report that they
seem to be slowly becoming a vanity press. Some authors are charged to go to print, while
some aren't. I'll be interested to receive feedback clarifying this, as it could be a
misunderstanding. October 2007 update: it is indeed a misunderstanding. They considered
letting impatient authors pay for print, but decided against it. February 2008 update: They
are accepting submissions for all genres except erotica, no short story collections or poetry.
February 2009 update: I could not find information on terms, or any indication that they are
more than a bookseller now. June 2009 update: I received reassurance that they are a fullfledged publisher, and are publishing authors with great satisfaction. Epublication and trade
paperback. April 2010 update: I have a favorable report that they have a good contract,
prompt response, and good editing. June 2010 update: And two savagely negative reports I
am loosely interpreting here to mask identities. One describes a publisher that started out
well, then ran out of money, used royalties to cover operating expenses, and made excuses
to cover that up. The other describes bad editing, blatant favoritism, and a threatening
attitude toward those who even question things. Both reports are detailed and persuasive.
There is also a story circulating about how there was a firm offer to buy 10,000 copies of an
author's books, with no refunds, but the publisher essentially turned its back on the deal.
Such an example, if true, suggests that the printer might have demanded payment up front,
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and the publisher wouldn't or couldn't do that, so let it go. So much for that author's
prospects. Beware. July 2010 update: And an angry response from the publisher, who
wanted the bad report removed immediately. Lotsa luck there. But they do make their case.
Money is not an issue. There was an issue with their bank, which has been resolved; it was a
banking error. All royalties have been paid. There was never a firm offer for 10,000 books,
and the prospective buyer never followed up despite being queried. Actually the sale is still
pending and is expected to go through in due course. At this point it looks as if the publisher
has been vindicated in this respect.
CHANCES PRESS - www.chancespress.com A new publisher expanding their line of
romantica e-books, now open for submissions. ("Romantica" is hot sexy romance genre
fiction promoted by Ellora's Cave; I understand they don't like others using their word, but it
has become its own genre.) They are especially interested in gay themed books, romance,
and of course romantica. Anthologies will also be considered. They pay 50% of net sales
from wholesalers. February 2006 update: "We are currently not accepting queries or
submissions." February 2009 update: They now offer self publishing options. Partnering
with Wordclay, which is listed below. February 2010 update: They are still not accepting
submissions or queries.
CHANGELING PRESS – www.changelingpress.com/ "Out of this world Erotic Love Stories."
All types, including gay/lesbian and fetish, from 8,000 to 25,000 words, not full length
novels. Except sweet contemporary romance, child pornography--the really dirty stuff. April
2005 update: they are a royalty-paying publisher using the EPIC RECOMMENDED (AUTHOR
FRIENDLY) CONTRACT. Now they do short fiction and novella length, 8,000 to 30,000
words. December 2005 update: I have a very favorable writer report on them. But I don't
know what they pay. April 2006 update: I am told they pay royalties of 35% for what they
sell directly, and less if they broker a book through something like Fictionwise. This is
reasonable. I have another very favorable author report; their contract is said to be quite
author-friendly. February 2007 update: They are open for submissions. April 2007 update: A
report of 50-250 sales per title per month. October 2007 update: word from the publisher:
"We specialize in paranormal, fantasy and science fiction stories." But obviously their scope
is wider than that. "We've got only one heat level. Over-the-top hot!" December 2008
update: Publisher Margaret Riley sent information. They are coming up on their fifth
anniversary, and have done a total of 1054 titles, in and out of production. They expect to
sell 100-300 copies in the first month, doubling that in the first two years. They do some
print books, but that's not their primary focus. Their contracts have a "kill" fee ranging from
$350 for single ebooks to $750 for print collections. Another author report is quite
favorable: good editing, on-time payment. February 2010 update: This time I could not find
information on submissions or terms.
CHEER AND DANCE BOOKS - www.CheerAndDanceBooks.com/ This is Darnell Spirit
Productions, DSP, in business since 2000 for just cheer and dance. That is, cheer and dance
themed nonfiction, and soon fiction too, in a variety of lengths. Non-subsidy, royalty paying,
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ebooks and POD. Royalties are 40% of the net. Some may be selected for doll collections;
they get 10% of the sales for related dolls. I get the impression that writers don't submit
material here so much as try out for publication. This publisher seems friendly. February
2008 update: Lengths range from 10,000 to 100,000 words. They want adult romance
centered around the world of cheerleading, but within those thematic boundaries will
consider a wide variety of genres. Keep it sweet, sensual, but not erotic. February 2010
update: They remain open for their type of submissions, and will respond in 3-4 weeks.
CHIMERA - www.chimera-online.co.uk A report of sales not credited, and they may balk at
requests to take down author's books. February 2009 update: They sell erotic books,
movies, and toys, but I did not find information on terms for authors.
Chipmunk A Publishing - www.chipmunka.com/ A mental health publisher based in the
UK. They say they have published more than 130 paperbacks and 200 ebooks. "We want to
prove that everything in life is a mental health issue..." So if you have a fiction or nonfiction
book relating, this appears to be a good place to be; they seem truly dedicated to banishing
the stigma associated with mental health problems. You may donate money if you wish to
support their effort, but otherwise this is merely a specialty publisher. February 2010
update: They pay royalties once a year, and do not reveal their rates until they offer a
CHIPPEWA PUBLISHING LLC - www.chippewapublishing.com December 2007 update: they
have closed, because of the proprietor's family emergency. All rights are being returned to
the authors as of November 30, 2007. If a publisher has to go, this is the way to go. February
2008 update: but a number of authors have not received those reversions, and it seems
other publishers won't buy without those reversions.
CLASS ACT BOOKS — www.classactbooks.com Electronic and print publisher, said to be
responsive. Currently accepting submissions in all their genres. I did not find information on
terms. July 2010 update: I have a highly negative report of authors who left this publisher
because of hidden fees, being shorted on royalties, failure to fulfill contractual obligations,
and lack of response to queries. It seems the publisher is releasing books that are no longer
under contract and have been published elsewhere. A number of novels were named, which
I am not naming to preserve anonymity. It is, I am told, no class act. August 2010 update:
And a refutation. Their contracts say royalties are based on Net. That's not the same as
hidden fees. Another writer checks royalties vs. sales and the statements have always been
correct. And listings may take several months to go, because sellers like Amazon can be slow
to act. One other thing: if only a few writers are mad at a publisher, the publisher can
usually identify them. If many are, the publisher usually can't. This time a name was named,
so I checked, and it was the right name. So by this imperfect measure, the publisher stands
CLOUDY MOUNTAIN BOOKS - see Fiction Forest
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CLOTHO PRESS - www.clothopress.biz Proprietor Melissa Hollingsworth sent me this notice:
"Clotho Press is a new small press dedicated to publishing the gems which are overlooked
by big publishing houses." They are not open to submissions yet, but they will be. I presume
they will have a Web site in due course. April 2009 update: Now they have their Web site.
July 2009 update: but they may fold soon, victim of a depressed book industry. February
2010 update: Currently closed to submissions.
CLUB LIGHTHOUSE PUBLISHING - www.clublighthousepublishing.com/ This is a newlylaunched epublisher located in Canada. They are open for submissions in many genres of
fiction and non-fiction. They take only electronic rights, for one year, and pay royalties of
40% of all download sales. Reports on submissions in one month to six weeks. February
2007 update: They are open for submissions in many genres of fiction and nonfiction.
February 2008 update: The site is there, but seems to have no content. June 2008 update:
they are there in good order, so my prior observation must have been a glitch. I have a
positive report. April 2009 update: I have a report from a satisfied author, who says they
were great every step of the way. January 2010 update: and another favorable report.
COBBLESTONE PRESS - www.cobblestone-press.com/ This is an electronic publisher of
sensual and erotic romance with many genre subdivisions. Royalties are 35% of the cover
price, paid monthly. They take electronic rights for one year. Four general lengths: Trysts
10,000-20,000 words; novella 20,000-40,000; novels 40,000-65,000; full novel 65,001100,000. Three levels: Wild = fully realized sexual relationships; Wanton = that plus explicit
language; Wicked = that plus the hot stuff: disturbing themes, violence, multiple partners,
BDSM (bondage/sado-masochist). But not rape, racism, pedophilia, incest, bestiality,
necrophilia or body functions. In addition, three lines: Brazen, with aggressive heroines;
Outlaw, with hero on the wild side; Shifter, with shape shifters. They want to see full
manuscripts, not summaries. December 2006 update: a very negative report, and a quite
positive one. So the jury still seems to be out. February 2007 update: much more here, as a
flurry of authors defend the publisher, and another was negative. Essentially the negatives
relate to their strict editing. I discussed this with co-owner Sable Grey, and while I really
hate to admit it, her case seems stronger than the authors' cases, and I have to side with the
publisher. It looks from here like one of the best. See my discussion in the February 2007
HiPiers column. June 2007 update: They are having their one year anniversary. They are
starting an unline publication CPQ Magazine in their Blue Page Directory. I understand this
HiPiers Survey will be listed as a resource. They have added an audit clause to their contract
and are making it retroactive, so those with prior contracts can invoke it. That's one
generous deal. February 2008 update: They now have a fifth general length: Vignette 5,00010,000 words. August 2008 update: more information from the publisher. They now publish
a short story erotica line called WICKED. In general their hottest sales come from the hottest
fiction, erotic historical, menage, BDSM, and Paranormals. There's a new series called The
Vampire Oracle featuring (duh) vampires. They continue to grow. Next year they expect to
release 5 titles a week. They are now working on titles for 2009. They have periodic cross
promotions, cooperating with other publishers. NOTE: in the course of my updating
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dialogue with the publisher, she mentioned that she'd consider a submission from me. As it
happened, I had recently had an edgy idea that might fit their Wicked line, so I wrote it and
submitted it. They acknowledged with a notice that it takes 90 days for a report. But in three
weeks they accepted it. So this note is to clarify that conflict of interest; I can't be
considered fully objective about publishers with which I do business. The story is "Knave."
He has a thing for the Queen of Hearts. December 2008 update: the proprietor had a
computer virus problem that messed up communication and statements, annoying some
authors, but that has been resolved. Meanwhile my story has been published there. See my
Cobblestone blog, rerun in the December 2008 HiPiers column. Essentially, I'm a satisfied
contributor. February 2009 update: reports for November and December indicate about 17
copies of "Knave" sold, meaning in due course I should receive about $17. So that's my
personal experience, which may not be typical; I suspect that established erotica authors
sell more, and unknowns less. Remember, this is no novel, just a 10,000 word story I might
have been unable to place elsewhere. June 2009 update: I received notice of new
submission guidelines. I haven't check it yet; this is just to let folk know it exists. July 2009
update: I bought six of their Wicked line stories, to learn what company my story "Knave"
kept. They are well written, varied, and sexy, but not what I consider ground-breaking. Each
is essentially a setting for one good sexual fling. July 2010 update: another favorable report,
this one on their editing process.
COLD TREE PRESS - www.coldtreepress.com/ A self publisher, charges ranging from $1,400
to $2,400, depending on the type of book desired. Other services are available for additional
fees. Royalties of 30% of the list price. Typical time frame from manuscript to publication is
90 days. They have a sample contract at the site, and it seems good, except that it lacks an
audit clause. February 2009 update: I checked one of their imprints, and it required all
manuscripts to be professionally edited. That's likely to mean it will cost you. February 2010
update: I was forbidden to access their site.
COLLIDOSCOPE - shmanchester@statestreet.com This seems to be a collection of poetry,
with a deadline date of June 30, 2006. Poems can be up to 60 lines each. Payment on
publication. February 2008 update: this entry is dated, but I'm unwilling to click their email
link. They remain in business, I presume with similar material.
COMET PRESS - www.cometpress.us/ Small press. An independent publisher of horror,
suspense, and dark crime fiction. "The ultimate goal of Comet Press is to unleash upon the
general public the most terrifying, shocking, and most of all, entertaining stories
imaginable." They are currently accepting submissions 7,500-85,000 words. Response time
is 2-3 months. Standard or higher royalties. February 2009 update: They are now taking
submissions for an extreme horror anthology to be published in mid 2009. Deadline was
February 28, 2009. February 2010 update: their current anthology is full and closed to
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
CONSCIOUS KERNELS - www.consciouskernels.com/ This is a start-up ebook publisher
specializing in spiritual, metaphysical, and New Thought subjects. Now open for
submissions, and especially interested in new writers who can speak to their subject matter.
Under 20,000 words preferred. Royalties will be paid, but not advances. February 2008
update: They remain open for submissions in their genres. February 2009 update: query
them, and if they are interested, they will discuss it with you.
COOL PUBLICATIONS - www.coolpublications.com February 2007 update: they seem to be
gone. February 2010 update: Well, not exactly; they are there with the message "Become a
published author." I did not find terms.
COSMOS BOOKS - www.cosmos-books.com A division of Wildside Press. A publisher for SF,
Fantasy, and horror reprints and originals, especially British and Australian. It is not an
epublisher, and got listed here because of my confusion. They have a wide range of authors
and material, and will do print on demand editions too. Payment is two copies of your book
in hardcover, five paperback copies, plus $100 or 50% of the amount received, whichever is
greater. Contract is four years, extendable, takes all English language print rights, and you
can assign other rights if you wish. There is an audit clause. August 2004 update: gone.
February 2005 update: Back again. February 2009 update: The site lists a number of books
for sale. I find no indication that they are looking for submissions. February 2010 update:
they are interested mainly in reprints for POD, though they have a few originals.
CREATE SPACE — www.createspace.com/ This is a subsidiary of Amazon.com, originally
founded as CustomFix Labs in 2002 and acquired by Amazon in 2005. "Our mission is to
profitably connect our members to their worldwide audience." Their on demand publishing
has no setup fees, no minimums, no inventory, and it guarantees the books will be sold on
Amazon.com. This seems almost too good to be true, and I will be interested in reports from
writers who use this service. Apparently they expect to make their money from a
percentage of actual book sales, the way traditional print publishers do. With the
considerable resources of Amazon behind it, maybe it will work. June 2008 update: A
positive report: "My experience with CreateSpace has been wonderful so far, and the
inclusion in 'Search Inside' special shipping/pricing rates and 'AmazonConnect' with blogs
tied to product pages has been a dream come true." August 2008 update: confirmation of
prior reports. One author sent me a copy of his CreateSpace Press print book, and it looks
good. He feels he got service that would have cost $500 elsewhere essentially free. He can
buy his own copies for $5.43 for the 376 page book, and can get Kindle publication too. I
have issues with some Amazon policies elsewhere, but Create Space looks like about the
best POD deal available. December 2008 update: the good news continues. They require the
author to create the digital files, but if you already have them, it is completely free. June
2009 update: the good reports continue: writers who use them, generally like them. January
2010 update: mixed reports on the physical quality of their books, but they are highly
responsive, their quality may improve, and they seem to be on the verge of wider
distribution in bookstores. So this remains the publisher to measure against. April 2010
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
update: A report that while publication and distribution are free, other aspects can get
pricey, so a self publisher can be cheaper, depending.
CREATIVE GUY PUBLISHING - www.creativeguypublishing.com He calls his ebooks e-xtras,
novellas 15,000 to 50,000 words long, with special features. Open for submissions as of
February 2003, pays 65% of the net sales. Query first, with a bit about who you are, your
genre, and the length of your piece. Go wild. February 2005 update: They are no longer
accepting unsolicited submissions; query first. February 2006 update: They hope to reopen
for submissions by the end of June 2006. February 2007 update: Still not open to
submissions. Their site has not been updated since July 24, 2006. That's not a good
sign. April 2004 update: they remain in business, focusing on the material already in hand. In
due course they will be open for more. February 2008 update: They remain closed to
submissions until the end of 2008. February 2009 update: no unsolicited submissions,
except for their magazine.
CREATIVE JUICES PUBLISHING - www.creativejuicespublishing.com This is a new company
offering POD and related services. You can get their Basic Publishing Package for $375, or
spot individual services for lesser amounts. Author keeps all rights; it's really a self publisher.
February 2008 update: Now it proffers links to other self publishers. This seems to have
become a site for links rather than its own publishing.
CROSSED GENRES - http://crossedgenres.com/ "The magazine of Science Fiction & Fantasy
with a twist." They asked me to contribute an article on Humor for a forthcoming issue, and
I did. They pay a flat fee of $10 and one copy of the PDF version of the issue. They are
looking for articles and essays related to the craft of writing, and for particular genres of the
month; check for their topics. Also for art, both cover and inside. Their time is limited, so
rejections will be form letters, with no prejudice to the merit of the pieces. February 2010
update: Ntey want stories between 1,000 and 8,000 words, articles, novellas 20,000 to
40,000 words, and novels for serialization 40,000 to 100,000 words. Nothing between 8.000
and 30,000 words.
CROSSROADS PUBLISHING COMPANY – www.cpcbooks.com/ February 2009 update:
Submit your proposal and they will consider it. February 2010 update: They publish popular
literature on personal spirituality, communal faith, and current religious affairs.
CRYSTAL DREAMS - www.crystaldreamspub.com/ October 2007 update: the publisher is
folding. They might remain as a self publisher. December 2007 update: And lo, back from
the dead: it was bought by Multi-Media Publishing, normally a nonfiction outfit, now
expanding into fiction. Crystal Dreams remains closed to submissions at present because
they are republishing all their old titles, but I suspect they will in due course be seeking new
material. February 2010 update: Yes, they remain overstocked on fiction, but are looking for
particular nonfiction.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
CYBEREDITIONS - www.cybereditions.com/ Based in New Zealand. "Cybereditions is the
online book publisher focusing on the highest quality nonfiction and scholarly writing." It
makes out of print books available in new editions as e-books, with royalties on a sliding
scale from 25% for under 500 copies, 33% up to 1,000 copies, and 40% for 1,000 or more
copies. It also publishes original titles. Takes exclusive worldwide electronic rights and printon-demand for the term of the copyright. Pays annual royalty checks in the month of April,
provided they are more than $25. No audit clause. Their titles are issued in paperback as
well as electronic format. February 2005 update: They now also publish some original
works. February 2007 update: A sample contract is viewable. It takes all rights, electronic
and print, for the duration of the copyright. That means the author effectively relinquishes
control until 70 years after he dies.
CYBERMAN BOOKS - http://cybermanbooks.com/ They started early in 2002, so are not yet
overloaded, and are open for submissions. Each book is carefully considered for readability
and marketability, so many are rejected. 40% royalties, no fees of any kind. Authors are
male and female, but marketing is primarily to males, fiction and nonfiction. No genre
romance. I have a report that they signed a contract with a writer, then dragged their feet
for months, then said they hadn't actually accepted the book. This is weird; be wary. April
2004 update: And a response from the publisher: they know nothing about this, and had
only one negative author, who turned them down. I asked if they could name that one. They
replied "Since we at CyberManbooks have been given no information about who said this or
any other details and we have checked our records and we have found that no such person,
with an un-honored contract from us, exists."
CYBER-PULP BOOKS - http://www.cyberpulpbooks.com/ They offer 50% royalties after
costs for e-book, POD, and CD publication. They take rights for one year. The site shows a
sample contract. They push their projects through advertising, message board ads and such.
They use editor/partners that seem to be a cross between editors and agents, strong
proponents of their books. I'm not familiar with this system, but it could be
effective. February 2005 update: They publish Horror, Dark Fantasy, Mystery/Crime, Science
Fiction/Fantasy, Western, Anthologies, Collections, and Short Fiction. December 2005
update: a bad report. They accepted a novel, promised publication, but delayed for over a
year and then canceled. For 2006 they will consider books "by invitation only." This smells
like a closed market. February 2006 update: They are restructuring, as they have not made
the kind of profit they feel they should expect. They hope to do better in 2006. February
2007 update: They are currently accepting submissions for 2007-08. February 2008 update: I
got essentially a blank screen. Not a good sign. February 2010 update: Now under
construction, but expect to be in business as of February 2010.
CYBERREAD - www.cyberread.com Comprehensive list of categories. This seems to be a
resale outfit rather than a straight publisher. If you have a published book, listing it here
should add to its exposure. February 2005 update: 45% royalties. There is an audit clause.
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
DAMNATION PRESS - www.damnationbooks.com/ They bought Eternal Press.
DARK ANGEL PUBLICATIONS — www.darkangelpublications.com/ Epublisher and print.
They are looking for Paranormal/Romance, Romantic/Suspense, Contemporary and
Christian Romance, 25,000 to 350,000 words (that's huge!). 50% royalties. They try to
respond in two weeks, but don't respond to every submission. "We might be small, but we
are making a BIG impact." Well, we'll see; they have as yet no track record. Their print may
be POD; it seems that their books must be ordered via Lulu, if you can find them there.
DARK CASTLE LORDS — www.thedarkcastlelords.com/ Also doing business as DCL
Publications LLC. This publisher makes the scene with extremely dark auspices. Their site is
positive, but I have half a spate of negative reports. I am told that they have been doing
business for over a year in Ohio and Australia without registering the proper documents or
accounts. Payment checks can't be cashed because legally the company doesn't exist, if
payment is even offered. Authors have been invited to anthologies, then told they have to
contribute to an ad for the privilege of being in the book. In my neck of the woods that's
called self publishing. Theoretically there are royalties of 35% of gross of all ebook sales, but
the contract has no mention of an audit clause, payment schedule, promotions, etc. It
seems to have been started by amateurs who are incompetent as publishers, and are trying
to cover their aimless tracks. Stay clear. June 2008 update: But now a very positive report,
which I challenged as a shill (such things happen), but it seems credible: a very professional
attitude, extremely hard work to help every phase of writing, and the quickest and best
cover art encountered. And a second positive report: they are paying on time, and do
answer questions. August 2008 update: now authors must pay upwards of $200 for their
covers, with limited choices. October 2008 update: letter from the publisher refuting prior
reports. 1. Their Ohio charter is in order, and they are legitimate. 2. No DCL author has to
pay for a cover. 3. Royalties are always paid on time. December 2008 update: a report that
they are paying on time, but making the authors pay the set-up fees for Fictionwise, and
they may be charging authors for covers. Their contract demands 100% rights. So opinions
differ. February 2009 update: another satisfied author, who feels the editing was of good
quality, there is honest promotional effort, and they are flexible and supportive. But also a
message sent to authors that once a book cover is designed and presented, the first time
any changes other than spelling corrections are requested, it will cost the author $50. That
seems to be a take it or leave it attitude. April 2009 update: Now I am informed it was a
unilateral decision corrected by the publisher about ten minutes after it was announced; I
did not receive that followup. There are no charges for a cover. February 2010 update: They
remain open for submissions in all genres.
DARK DISCOVERIES — www.darkdiscoveries.com/ This is a quarterly magazine with stories
and articles and special issues featuring names like William F Nolan or Forrest J Ackerman. I
did not find information on terms for authors; it may be that all their material is generated
in-house, in which case it's not a market.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
DARK ROAST PRESS — www.darkroastpress.com/ "Dark Roast Press is an ePublisher with
not only a GLBT focus but also with a thirst for the dark side of life." They also do
mainstream erotica. I did not find information on terms. June 2009 update: Now I have
more information. Dark Roast was launched in April 2008. the proprietors consider
themselves a family of sorts. In the past year the company has placed in the top 20 at the
Preditors & Editors awards. They are looking for submissions 1,500 words and up. They want
good writing, not mindless sex. "We want a story that engages and invokes, then leaves the
reader breathless." I did not find information on terms. February 2010 update: They are
specific on what they want — well-done stories — but still don't list terms.
DARK STAR PUBLICATIONS - publisher@darkstarpublications.com Now there is only a
message form. It has merged into RFI West.
DAYTONA PRESS - www.daytonapress.com/ They are affiliated with Denlinger's Publishers.
They are a self publisher, providing short-run book printing. I did not find information on
terms. February 2007 update: They have a collection of specific fees, such as Preparation
$150, Custom Format $50, Assign ISBN $50, and so on, plus a printing fee of $0.03 per book
page. My guess is that you'll pay several hundred dollars in all to publish your book, which is
in line with similar services elsewhere. February 2008 update: Their list of sometime self
published authors reads like a literary Who's Who, including Ernest Hemingway, Edgar Allen
Poe, George Bernard Shaw, T S Eliot, Stephen King, and Mark Twain. "Those books you see
stacked at the entrance of a bookstore is the publishers way to manipulate the reading
public." Yes, traditional publishing is pretty much a closed shop that hardly cares whether an
aspiring author lives or dies, but that does not mean that this self publisher will make you
famous. February 2010 update: now their setup fee is $350.
DEADENDSTREET PUBLICATIONS- www.deadendstreet.com/ It looks good, but an author
report says their contract is a killer: all rights for the duration of the copyright. Their site is
canny about that, saying that you keep your copyright, only giving up all marketing rights.
Same thing; don't be fooled. That means you can't get your book back until 70 years after
you die. They also want the first option on anything else the author writes, for five years.
What a phenomenal Grab; it is similar to what traditional publishers do. Yes, I'd call this a
dead-end street. But they do promise to make a good effort on behalf of your book. So if
you are desperate, enter this street with caution. I have an extremely negative report from
one of their authors, detailing how they reneged on understandings. It calls itself an
integrated publishing and motion picture production company. February 2005 update: At
this time, they are particularly interested in screenplays for features and shorts. February
2008 update: At this time they are interested in screenplays for features and shorts. April
2008 update: a report that they aren't sending sales statements. That could mean the title
isn't selling, in which case it normally can be reverted to the author. The rule of thumb is
that a publisher has to be selling your book; it can't just bury it forever. April 2009 update:
"A Publishing Motion Picture Production & Real Estate Development Company." But how
much are they actually accomplishing for their authors? February 2010 update: Curious:
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
they list their top titles, authors, physical address, phone number, email, and that's it. There
seems to be nothing else on the web site.
DELLARTE - www.dellarte.com/ This is Harlequin Horizons renamed, their self publishing
service. March 2010 update: But I have a report that it seems to be about theater rather
than writing. There must be a confusion.
DENLINGER'S — see The Book Den
DIGITAL PULP PUBLISHING- www.digitalpulppublishing.com/ They are starting a new online
bookstore with four imprints: PulpBytes for pulp fiction for the digital age; ByteZines for
electronic magazines; ByteSize Pieces for young readers; and Byte-it Press for literary fiction,
poetry and non fiction. They are actively looking for contributors and encourage authors to
contact them. Up to 75% royalties paid quarterly, non-exclusive, for digital rights only.
February 2007 update: This is an odd site, without a lot of actual information. April 2007
update: I am advised that there is information here, buried behind a very slick page design
that can confuse fogies like me. The site is www.dpppress.com "Submit a query, and if
interested, we will send you a contract, and upon contract acceptance we will issue
submission guidelines." That seems backwards to me, but I am surely getting too old to
fathom the modern way. I think it means ask them, and if they like your project they'll send
a sample contract, and if you like their contract, they will tell you exactly how to send your
piece. February 2008 update: I clicked Services, and got music but no information. April
2009 update: This time I got the music, but also some information: 40% commissions,
author-friendly contracts, send a query for more information.
DISKUS PUBLISHING - has moved to www.diskuspublishing.com/ This seems to be a
Romance site. No problem there; just about every novel in every genre includes a romantic
element, and I understand the Romance sites tend to be more friendly to beginning writers
than science fiction or fantasy sites. This lists about a dozen sub-categories of fiction,
including science fiction, but wants no erotica, and has plenty of information in subsections,
including guidelines for writers. It looks good to me. No writer information. February 2008
update: Still no information on terms. April 2009 update: Maybe I just don't know where to
look for submissions or terms. June 2009 update: Okay, a reader told me where to find it.
Upper lift side of their hope page is the question "Where would you like to go?" which when
clicked delivers a dropdown menu. Go to the bottom of that to find the submission
guidelines and click "Go." So I did and got the message that they are closed for submissions.
No terms listed. February 2010 update: Closed for submissions, but keep checking.
DISSERTATION COM - http://dissertation.com/ Dedicated to self publishing doctoral
dissertations and masters theses. Electronic for $100, paperback for $199. Optional cover
for $109. Author royalties are 20-40% depending on whether the sales are direct or via a
bookseller. This seems worthwhile for papers that are apt to be well researched but of little
commercial interest; it makes them available to who so is interested.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
DLSIJ PRESS - http://dlsijpress.com/ This has ebooks by and for women writers,- They
accept only women writers and pay 40% royalties. They are not currently accepting
submissions, but when they do, they want anything except hate, porn, and degradation of
women. Query first. February 2005 update: I have a bad report about their non-response to
a legitimate query about a manuscript held six months. Publishers that don't respond are
bad news; stay clear. Remember, if they don't respond to a submission, then there's no
contract or agreement, and you can submit elsewhere with or without notice. Don't let a
publisher stall you forever. One reason you don't see much of my work at the Science
Fiction Book Club is because they tried that on me, and I withdrew my books, including the
ones they wanted. August 2005 update: But I have a very good recent report on their
professionalism and quality. February 2006 update: They are now looking for stories for an
anthology. February 2007 update: They are now open for book-length manuscripts. They
pay 45% net on ebooks, 11% on paperbacks, monthly via PayPal. April 2009 update: they are
closed to submissions at this time. February 2010 update: Still closed.
DOG EAR PUBLISHING — www.dogearpublishing.net/ A self publisher with three packages
ranging from Basic at $1,099 to Masterpiece at $3,499. They believe they are the best buy
for your money.
DOM BOOKS — www.dombooks.co.uk BDSM oriented erotica. I did not find information on
terms. April 2009 update: 40% royalties. February 2010 update: Now I see that they are
really Domination Books featuring bondage, spanking, domination and submission. Their
pictures verify this with bound, wide-open crying girls. Evidently there’s a market.
DPDOTCOM - www.dpdotcom.com/ Electronic and POD publisher currently accepting
poetry, short stories 5[35,000 words, and novels 40-100,000 words from new and
established authors. I found no information on terms; it seems you have to submit your
work, and they'll let you know if they want it.
DORRANCE PUBLISHING - www.dorrancepublishing.com/ This is a subsidy publisher. "The
Dorrance name has been associated with a tradition of quality subsidy publishing since
1920." They'll send you their 32-page brochure Author's Guide to Subsidy Publishing. See
also Whitmore, below. April 2009 update: Got a blank screen. June 2009 update: tried it
again, got the blank screen again. But their /info.asp subdivision is there with information,
so evidently they are still in business. Indeed, I have a writer report that they offered to
publish her for $6,000-$10,000. You can do better elsewhere.
DOUBLE-DRAGON - http://double-dragon-ebooks.com Publisher Deron Douglas. They are a
small company composed of three people dedicated to bringing quality books to the
Internet. They offer a two year contract, 30-35% royalty, paid quarterly. They also do
hardcover and paperback. I have a very favorable report from one of their authors. I
received a report from a writer who used this Survey to try several publishers, and in due
course settled on this one, and is highly pleased. DD was quick to respond, accommodating
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
about contract changes, and moved things along efficiently. All reports on this publisher
have been favorable. They have Draco awards for unpublished or self published fiction, for
Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror; the annual winner in each category will be published
by DOUBLE DRAGON. April 2004 update: I finally have a negative report: an author put in a
huge marketing effort, resulting in very few reported sales. I recommended auditing the
publisher's books, as I have a conflict of interest here. June 2004 update: it seems that all
electronic sales are down, so there may be low sales at most publishers. They want no
agents, and are full through 2005; currently closed to submissions. Special note: the DD
response to my negative note was the most polite of those received; this is a nice publisher.
August 2004 update: The Draco Awards have been canceled for 2004. It seems that there
was vocal opposition to them, and they were accused of being a scam because they did not
give monetary prizes. It seems a shame, but they will be back in future. October 2004
update: they have a new Romance imprint. Reports of this publisher continue very
favorable. February 2005 update: They are now accepting some titles in Fantasy and
Romance only. April 2005 update: another very favorable user report, this one on their
Dragon Tooth fantasy imprint. February 2006 update: 2006 has been filled, but they are
accepting submissions for 2007. Allow 4-6 weeks for review. Now they have large-type as an
option. Sales: Can be as high as 145 downloads per title per year, average. February 2007
update: They expect to reopen submissions in the summer of 2007. They receive up to 60
submission per week and are booked up a year ahead. February 2008 update: Submissions
remain closed through mid 2009, but their erotic subsidiary Carnal Desires Publishing, listed
separately above, is open and eager. April 2009 update: Submissions have been closed.
January 2010 update: a report of fast response time and regular royalty payments. February
2010 update: Submissions are open for their new horror/thriller imprint Blood Moon
Publishing, but closed for Double Dragon until spring 2010.
DREAMSPINNER PRESS — www.dreamspinnerpress.com/ "Where Dreams Come True..."
This appears to be a gay fiction publisher, seeking gay male romance stories in all genres
and cross-genres. They pay a negotiated advance, 25% when the contract is signed, 75% on
final approval of the novel, and 25% of net royalties thereafter. Royalties are 33% for novels
and 50% for stories. They are open for submissions for a limited time. February 2010
update: Now they are open to submissions in all lengths, but for a limited time in shorter
DRAUMR PUBLISHING - www.draumrpublishing.com/ Currently accepting submissions in
Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Adventure, Suspense/Thriller, Gay/Lesbian and
others. Minimum word count of 50,000, no maximum. Looking for the very best, for
publication is both ebook and print formats. Their name means Dream in Norse. Their links
for subsections did not work, so I couldn't check on terms. February 2006 update: I received
a note from the proprietor, Robert E Allen, that now everything works. Unfortunately none
of the row of pages across the top was responsive to my clicks; only the "store" connections
worked. The problem remains. April 2006 update: a reader sent me more information. They
are currently seeking submissions for their Dangerous Curves imprint. Minimum word count
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
of 45,000, no maximum. Must have big beautiful woman heroine; big handsome man hero
optional. She does not lose weight to gain acceptance. February 2010 update: They remain
open for submissions for their Dangerous Curves imprint.
DREAMS COME TRUE PRESS - www.dreamscometruepress.com/ A self publisher offering a
basic service package for $350, plus custom cover design for $250, hardcover edition for
$295, copyright registration for $100, and copyediting for one and a half cents per word.
April 2009 update: The site was so slow loading that I gave up after several minutes of
nothing plus a blowout of my browser, twice. It was more like a nightmare than a dream.
June 2009 update: I tried it on Windows and it worked okay. February 2010 update: And
back to the impossibly slow-loading deal, even on Windows.
E-READS — www.ereads.com/ "E-Reads is the oldest established independent e-book
publisher in the business—founded in 1999." About half their titles are fantasy and science
fiction, but they seem to cover all genres. Their titles are sold in all formats, including Kindle
and Sony. They have modest charge (I don't know the amount) to defray production costs,
then pay 50% of net receipts, or about $2 per download sold. They pay a small advance.
February 2010 update: the charge ranges from $225 to $400 to defray scanning expenses
for older titles. March 2010 update: I am now doing business with them, as they will
republish my Cluster science fiction series, so this is notice of my conflict of interest here.
Meanwhile agent Richard Curtis has an interesting discussion of book piracy that I
recommend to anyone.
EASTGATE SYSTEMS INC - www.eastgate.com/ This claims to be the primary source for
hypertext, which is not like ordinary page at a time material; it uses links to create multiple
paths through a document. Their books cost about $20-$25, being more complicated than
conventional texts. They purchase exclusive world rights for hypertext, pay advances, and
report in 4-6 weeks. Send material to their snail address on a disk. Royalties are typically
15%, and they pay up to $300 for works published in their Web zine.
EBOOK4KIDS - www.ebook4kids.com A publisher of children's books. 50% royalties. I am
not clear whether this is a self publisher. October 2006 update: They seem to have
disappeared. Note that there is a different publisher with a similar name, ebooks4kids.org,
which see, in the Services section. June 2009 update: see the next entry.
EBOOK4KIDS — www.ebooks4kids.com I received notice that this has come into existence,
registered in London. It is an independent publishing company for children's multimedia
picture books. They are currently accepting submissions. March 2010 update: Page not
EBOOKMALL - www.ebookmall.com/ This is a big book store, but also a publisher. It charges
a one-time $19.95 listing fee per title, and pays 50% commissions, quarterly. An author's
report says they are friendly and competent. April 2009 update: They have a huge number
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
of titles for sale. I found 11 different Anthonys, and they had 28 of my books from assorted
publishers. How many copies of each author's books sell I can't say.
EBOOKOMATIC - www.EbookoMatic.com/ "Join EbookoMatic today, and within minutes of
joining you'll be creating secure ebooks, designing your own promotional Author's Page,
writing your own customized press releases with our Online Press Release Generator, and
distributing them with your personalized 'Ebook4Sale.com' email address. Best of all, you
retain all of your rights and keep a whopping 75% (less transaction fees) of all ebook sales!"
It costs $147 to join, and you get $500 worth in bonuses. This seems to offer a lot for a little,
but you do most of the work yourself. I'll appreciate feedback from writers who use this
service. Publisher tells me they do offer it, and next time I took the "skip intro" option and
got their site. April 2009 update: They say that since 2001 they have published over 1,000
authors and 500 ebooks. That's half an ebook per author, on average.
EBOOK PUBLISHING - www.ebookpublishing.us They offer a 50-50 split of net money.
They pay 50% of the net profits to the author, and 10% to the illustrator, if one is used,
reducing the author's share to 40%. February 2005 update: Their site is there, but seems
largely nonresponsive; I'm not sure they remain in active business. April 2006 update: the
site remains, but without much information, and their FAQ (frequently asked questions)
section is empty. I'd be cautious. April 2009 update: Now their FAQ section works, and other
EBOOKS - www.ebooks.com/ "An Australian company with a global focus; they deal in U.S.
dollars. Business, travel, general reference, computing, and popular fiction from traditional
publishers. So they deal with publishers rather than individual authors. They are retailers;
they obtain their books from traditional publishers.
EBOOKS LIBRARY - www.eBooks-Library.com/ Publisher and distributor. For $30 a year you
can check their 3400 book library, and download and read whatever you want without
further charge. They also publish a few books, but I did not find information on terms. April
2005 correction: the price is £30, not $30, or about $57. The managing editor tells me that
they now have a sample author contract online, but I was unable to find it. June 2005
update: He returned to point out that this information is accessible from the first page of
their site, duh. So I checked and it is. They pay 80% of revenues for exclusive material, or
60% for non-exclusive, within 40 days. Either party may terminate the Agreement at any
time with or without cause by written notice. So you sure aren't locked in.
EBOOKS-ONLINE — www.eBooks-Online.com/ They have existed since 1998; I am a bit late
picking up on them. Royalties of 50% on sales after credit card processing fees. They publish
poems or stories with no length restrictions listed. This looks like a self publisher, without
fees, like Create Space; it could amount to little more than a listing on their site.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
EBOOKS ON THE NET - www.ebooksonthe.net/ They take one-time non-exclusive rights,
and copyright the one-time edition, not the work itself. Authors retain all rights to the
original work and may cancel with a 30 day notice. There are no fees, books are proofread
and edited, and the authors get galleys. Royalties are 40% of sales price or whatever price
the publisher receives after discounts to libraries and bookstores, paid quarterly. This
publisher has had a troubled history, but has been trying to straighten out. February 2005
update: Submissions are closed because of overload, but you may query anytime. April 2006
update: they have expanded into print. October 2006 update: a very favorable report from
an author. Prompt responses to queries, good review process, and a joy to work with. April
2008 update: I got the Page Cannot be Found message. April 2009 update: The link becomes
www.writewordsinc.com/ I did not find submission information.
EBOOKSTAND - http://ebookstand.com An Internet-based, pay-per-service book printer
that can handle books from any country in any language. They will give you a home page
and list your book. You get 30% of a hard copy sale and 50% of an esale. There is a one-time
setup fee of $249. They seem to have a positive reputation. October 2004 update: Now they
have a graduated list of prices, depending on book size. August 2005 update: because they
do have a full-fledged self publishing service, I'm moving them to the Publishing Section.
February 2007 update: Now they have an assortment of packages ranging from $449 to
$929. April 2008 update: They are now BOOKSTAND PUBLISHING, with similar terms.
E-BOOKTIME - http://www.e-booktime.com/ This is a straight self-publisher charging fees
similar to other self publishers: $395-$695 depending on how much you want, with royalties
of 30% on paperback copies sold via their store, 15% if sold via other outlets. 75% for
ebooks, paid monthly. It seems straightforward.
eBooks2Go - see Virtual Publishing Group
ECHELON PRESS - www.echelonpress.com This has the Preditors & Editors Top Ten Finalist
stamp, which suggests it's okay. Both print and electronic formats--first they do electronic,
then print on demand or even straight print publishing if that seems warranted. They want
both readers and writers to have a good experience. They have a number of imprints for
Adventure/Thriller, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Mystery/Suspense, General, Paranormal, Romance, Ultra
Sensual (I tried to click on that to find out just what it was, but it wasn't a link; I presume it is
sexy Romance), Nonfiction, Young Adult, Western. They are currently accepting submissions
in all their categories, but they do not accept submissions via email. Send hard copy of the
first three chapters, plus a 3.5 inch disk with the full manuscript. Interestingly, they don't
want standard Courier, but Times New Roman font. Stories of 6,000 or more words, up to
novels of 100,000 words, originals and reprints. 50% royalties for downloads, 30% for
everything else. They take short stories too, for their Dollar Download program, 20,000
words or less. Author gets .50 of every sale. I heard from a very satisfied author.
Submissions are now open, but query first. February 2005 update: They are now accepting
submissions in only General Fiction/Women's Fiction/Chick Lit, and Young Adult Mystery.
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
August 2005 update: But unfortunately they seem to have taken a turn for the worse,
becoming nonresponsive to legitimate queries. That's a bad sign. February 2006 update:
More bad news about late releases, untimely editing, and nonresponse to authors. It seems
they push marketing "opportunities" that cost the author money but do not necessarily
deliver any sales. They are coming across like a vanity press. February 2007 update: All titles
for paperback publication are acquired by invitation only. Others are deleted unread. April
2007 update: a favorable report. They are not vanity and don't force any paid endeavors,
though sales are low. April 2008 update: They are accepting queries in all genres for ebook
publication only. Their acquisitions for print publication are still by invitation only. You have
to know someone to get a referral. March 2010 update: They have a notice that they are
experiencing technical difficulties, and recommend other places to buy their books. They
expect to get their site back in shape in due course.
EDIT INK - Avoid. I have seen published articles about the nefarious deeds of this outfit.
E-DITION - www.e-dition.net Owned and operated by Bernard Limoges, said to be brilliant
and quirky. It says it has the world's largest online library, 400,000 titles. But I did not find
any terms for writers. February 2005 update: They now accept only works that can be used
as reference tools, such as dictionaries or handbooks, and are dedicated to education.
EIRELANDER PUBLISHING - —www.eirelander-publishing.com/ They are currently accepting
submissions in all regular genres, and in erotic and erotic romance. No nonfiction. I found no
information on terms.
ELECTRIC STORY - www.electricstory.com/ They are looking for fantasy and science fiction,
also mainstream, young adult, and mystery. They hope to set the industry's top standards
for epblishing. 50% net royalty (that translates to half the profits, a much smaller figure than
half the cover price) for the lease of exclusive worldwide e-rights for three years, renewable.
They seek books of 50,000 to 90,000 words and up. They publish in copy-protected formats.
They pay "competitive advances," which means they're going after professional writers; my
guess is that aspiring writers will not readily crack this market. Articles, some of which are so
full of themselves I got disgusted; but read them for yourself, because there are things there
to be learned, if only what to avoid. For submissions click "About Electric Story" then
"Submission information." Send a brief personal query; if they are interested, they'll give
you more detailed submission instructions. April 2004 update: They are closed to
submissions until summer. February 2005 update: This time I couldn't find anything about
submissions. February 2007 update: They say they don't do any vanity publishing, and to
query them about publication of your fantasy, science fiction, or horror book. April 2008
update: now under Submissions it says Submissions (page is coming). Okay, I'll wait. April
2009 update: I'm still waiting for their submissions page to come. March 2010 update: still
waiting. July 2010 update: But a report from a person seeking an editing position is that they
were very nice to her.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
ELECTRON PRESS - www.electronpress.com/ This publisher hopes to make the quality of
writing, rather than its commercial potential, the key factor in selecting manuscripts for
publication, to keep books "in print" forever, and generally open up the system. It feels that
by the end of the year there will be ten million PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) in use, such
as the Palm Pilot, and as the technology improves to make them more readable, more
people will use them and come to prefer them. "Electron Press is unalterably opposed to
the closed architecture, proprietary publishing schemes and high book prices that appear to
be the core principles of the dedicated ebook device companies." But I wasn't able to
ascertain the terms offered writers. They say they pay "substantial" royalties. August 2004
update: The site does not appear to have been updated since July 2003, so this publisher
may be inactive. February 2007 update: No, it remains in business. April 2008 update: Query
them, and if they are interested they will ask for more, and if they like it will pay "substantial
royalties." Apparently you will have to be accepted before you actually learn what their
terms are.
ELLORA'S CAVE - www.ellorascave.com/ "Romantica" which seems to be very graphic erotic
romances for women, but no pedophilia, bodily functions, necrophilia or bestiality. 40%
royalties. I did not find other terms listed, but have a very favorable report from more than
one of their authors; it seems they pay monthly and on time. They are now expanding into
print as well as electronic publication. They receive 100,000 hits daily and regard themselves
as THE place to be for erotic romance. So this would seem to be a top choice for sexy
romance. I met and chatted with some of their personnel at EPICon; they seem like nice
folk. Their acceptance rate is 4-5%, which means one out of 20-25 manuscripts. They believe
they do as well for their authors as any electronic publisher. They describe five levels of
eroticism, so it seems you can choose your type. Their hardest erotic is the main seller. But
they do have limits, so check their requirements. June 2004 update: But now I have a report
of extremely arrogant behavior by one of their editors. October 2005 update: I saw a TV
interview with them, where they said they now do $11 million business a year. It seems
there's gold in the hot stuff. June 2006 update: Another negative report of bad editing and
bounced checks. That's mischief. I suspect they got too big too soon and are losing their
grip. August 2006 update: I have a very favorable report on them from a mid-list author:
contract negotiations are swift and civil, editing timely, phenomenal cover art, and royalties
paid on time. October 2006 update: I have a report that their contract boilerplate asks for
lifetime all rights. This is a Grab, but may be worth it considering their sales. February 2007
update: They say they are always open to submissions in all their genres, plus a number of
special projects. June 2007 update: sales of 400 or more books per release are reported.
December 2007 update: they will no longer accept historicals, and I am told they are
yanking them from their lineup. February 2008 update: A refutation from the publisher;
they are still publishing historicals. They have yanked some when unsatisfied with their
standards. Okay, here is my problem: I have evidence this is not the whole truth, but can't
run it because of the threat of retaliation against the authors. At such time as this changes, I
will have more to say; I do not like seeing authors get pushed around. I have another report
of phenomenal sales. In sum: this is a top publisher, but it plays hardball against those it
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wrongs. April 2008 update: this time I looked up their definition of Romantica, and I
recommend their discussion of it to aspiring writers in this genre. But one thing would help:
how about spelling out exactly what terminology will do for what heat level? Where do you
say "love channel" "cleft" "vagina" or "cunt"? "Masculinity" "member" "penis" or "cock"?
"Love" "sex" "intercourse" or "fuck"? Some straight lists of words should help. I speak as one
who has used all terms, but prefers to avoid extremes of political correctness or gutter talk.
Meanwhile they remain open for submissions in all their genres. June 2008 update: A report
of slow response to submissions, such as a year or more. Queries can be ignored. So they
may be always open to submissions, but in practice they might as well be closed. February
2009 update: I was sent a link to a site called Mrsgiggles.com that has a January 11, 2009,
discussion of this publisher's problem with an author. Something about auctioning off rights
without telling the author. (My printout cut off the right end of each line, so I don't have the
whole story.) Also a link to Dear Author discussing how EC is suing Borders for $1 million,
because Borders ordered more books than it planned to sell and EC is stuck with heavy
returns. This is no laughing matter. I can say from my involvement with Xlibris that Borders
can be a bitch to deal with; Xlibris had to get out and cut its losses before the ruinous
expense made it founder. I suspect EC may have to do the same. Borders is fading and may
go out of business within a year. April 2009 update: I was asked to consider this issue more
carefully, as my prior discussion was inadequate. I don't feel this is the place for a
comprehensive discussion, but will say that Ellora's Cave does seem to have acted
somewhat arbitrarily and caused the author needless mischief. This is what traditional print
publishers do. There's a certain irony that at the same time, EC is suing a traditional
publishing bookseller for doing something similar to EC. I guess you see it differently when
you're on the receiving end. They remain open for submissions. July 2009 update: a
complaint about late royalties and books being sold after they have reverted to the author.
From here it looks like carelessness rather than malfeasance, but is another signal that this
publisher is distracted. August 2009 update: They failed to publish an author's book for five
years, then tried to blame the author. This appears to be an error complicated by arrogance.
There's an indication that their sales are declining, and that they are losing authors. March
2010 update: This time I did not find submission information. I presume they still are buying
manuscripts. April 2010 update: But maybe not. It seems the owner is reviewing
manuscripts rejected by their editors, and overturning some rejections and assigning them
to new editors. So something is going on, but it's not clear what. There's still a lawsuit in
progress, but their attorneys did not show up for a hearing, leading to a judgment against
the company by default. I understand author royalties have plummeted. Be cautious.
ELOQUENT BOOKS - I don't have their Web site yet, but do have a report. A writer filled out
a questionnaire at WL Literary Agency and was subsequently solicited by Eloquent for close
to $1,000 to self publish with them. They were very excited about the book, and saw great
potential. That kind of come-on is often a give-away for shady outfits. If an advance-paying,
royalty paying traditional publisher says it, believe it. But if you have to pay for it, don't. July
2010 update: I understand they have merged with Strategic Books. Their reaction to an
illustrated book was described as cat and mouse.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
EPRESS ONLINE - www.epress-online.com/ "Publishing by Writopia, Inc." They have a
sample contract, which takes electronic rights for two years, 30-40% royalties depending on
sales, and has an audit clause. They are looking for general fiction, mystery, science fiction,
and fantasy, 50,000 to 150,000 words. February 2006 update: I am told they do not reply as
their mailbox is full. April 2006 update: Here is the note I received from them. We had
trouble copying the long technical addresses, so I'm pasting it both in the contracted and
expanded form, trusting that one will work:
I am the Acquisitions/Personnel Director at ePress-online.com. I understand that you were
told we are not answering mail because our mailbox is full. We had a huge problem with
spam at our info@epree-online.com mail box and some type of Trojan virus destroyed much
of our site. We are currently redoing the site and have added two new mail boxes:
questions@epress-online.com, for anyone with a question on our policies, procedures, or
any other part of our business and queries@epress-online.com, for queries of non-fiction
books relating to the art of writing. Our submissions mailbox submissions@epressonline.com is working fine to the best of my knowledge.
I am the Acquisitions/Personnel Director at ePress-online.com. I understand that you were
told we are not answering mail because our mailbox is full. We had a huge problem with
spam at our info@epree-online.com mail box and some type of Trojan virus destroyed much
of our site. We are currently redoing the site and have added two new mail boxes:
questions@epress-online.com, for anyone with a question on our policies, procedures, or
any other part of our business and queries@epress-online.com, for queries of non-fiction
books relating to the art of writing. Our submissions mailbox submissions@epressonline.com is working fine to the best of my knowledge. August 2007 update: They clarify
the Fictionwise charges, which are 50% of what the books sells for, plus a $15 conversion
change to convert it to ten formats. March 2010 update: They are accepting submissions is a
limited number of genres, including Mystery, Science Fiction, Fantasy, U S Historical fiction,
and genre specific Romance.
EQUILIBRIUM BOOKS - www.equilibriumbooks.com/. Australian publisher open worldwide,
but submission must be written in English. Looking for quality original works in all genres
except pornography or hate, but specializing in speculative fiction--Science Fiction, Fantasy,
etc. Two year non-exclusive contract for electronic rights. Royalties are 50% of net--that is,
how much they get. Lengths from 15,000 to 180,000 words for print publishing (longer
works become multiple volumes), 5,000 words up for electronic. Charges of $39 up for
electronic, $179 up print, Australian dollars. April 2006 update: Royalties are now 13.5% of
the actual sale price of the book. April 2008 update: They now have a POD special: $149
Australian for 50-250 pages. April 2009 update: they are currently open to submissions.
They no longer produce ebooks, just POD books.
EQUILLBOOKS - http://equillbooks.com They offer free manuscript conversion, authors'
websites, Equill email addresses, along with a written critique of the author's work during
their first month of business, ending September 1, 2007. Thereafter their rates will be
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among the lowest in the industry. October 2007 update: Now they are a small publishing
house. They are open for submissions. They charge $35 to convert your manuscript, and
give a 50-50 split on ebook sales. April 2009 update: Now it says "Reviewing the best and
worst of all genres of business books." Apparently they no longer publish. March 2010
update: But now they are open to submissions in all acceptable genres.
ERASERHEAD PRESS — www.eraserheadpress.com/ Founded in 1999, this is an
independent publishing company with a focus on Bizarro Fiction. They have eight imprints,
one of which is a magazine, published quarterly. "We aim to bring you the weirdest fun to
read books you'll ever find.” They are looking for strong fiction, strong plot, strange and
outlandish worlds. The one I read was exactly that. Pay one cent per word up to a hundred
dollars, on publication. 100-6,000 words for fiction, 300-10,000 nonfiction.
EVANSTON PUBLISHING INC - www.evanstonpublishing.com/ A self publisher. Their fees
depend on the services rendered, with printing varying with the size of the book and the
number of copies: the more you have, the lower the price per copy. But they're talking
about print runs of 1,000 copies or more. Self published books seldom sell anywhere near
that many.
EXCESSICA - www.eXcessica.com "We're a partnership publisher who works on a loadsharing/balancing principle to keep our costs negligible." They say that if you have written
an intense story that was both too short to publish and too powerful to forget, this
anthology may be the place. No subject is off limits. The emphasis is on brief, generally
1,000-3,000 word compelling, focused stories. "We challenge you to impress us." It is an
electronic anthology. The authors retain their rights. I'm not clear on the submission
deadline, but probably you should get on it soon. August 2008 update: Correction: eXcessica
is the regular erotic publisher, while their anthology is Focus. So there would be no deadline
for the former. December 2008 update: Further clarification: they are a full-range erotic
publisher, with books up to 200,000 words. I have a favorable report on their treatment of
authors. February 2009 update: I have now done business with them, and found them easy
to work with, in fact quite helpful. June 2009 update: I was asked how they make money, if
they don't take any from royalties or charge fees. That stumped me. Maybe they make it
from their anthologies. July 2009 update: I am learning more about how they cover their
operating expenses: with anthologies and individual stories donated by their authors. So I
donated my "Juliette" quartet of stories to the cause, and they expect to publish it
December 2009. Meanwhile their edition of my story "Serial" sold about 50 copies. My
experience with them continues positive. September 2009 update: my sales report for the
short story "Serial" was 90 copies, or royalties of $66.19 for the quarter April through June.
November 2009 update: now they are taking 10%, trying to get on an even financial basis.
They are raising prices, so authors should receive more regardless. February 2010 update:
eXcessica is growing rapidly, and Selena Kitt can't do it all, so they are hiring staff. So this
outfit is becoming more like a regular publisher. March 2010 update: I continue to do
business with them, and donated two more stories to their anthologies: "Medusa," erotic
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
science fiction, and "Rat Bait," a sexual horror. Royalties on "Serial" continue good. But I
have a report of bad editing; it seems editors vary, and an author can get a good one or a
bad one. May 2010 update: Another report of bad editing.
EXTASY BOOKS - www.extasybooks.com/ This is an adult site, publishing sexy books. They
have good guidelines for the writing of effective erotic fiction, but I couldn't find any terms
for authors listed. They have a sample contract, taking virtually all electronic rights and
trade paperback rights, in English. Here is one interesting clause: "Upon the author receiving
an offer from a traditional publisher, eXtasy Books shall relinquish all rights to the contents
of the book and act as agent on the author's behalf during this transaction." They'll take a
20% commission on the advance. Okay, this is high; 15% is standard, and old-timers like me
pay 10%. But this includes the relinquishing of eXtasy's rights, so seems fair. Assuming they
are competent at agenting, this is a very nice service for an unagented author. October
2006 update: belay that; Tina Haveman has taken personal charge and is getting it
straightened out. She has also paid royalties that the bankruptcy of eBookAd prevented her
from receiving. So while controversy remains, this publisher is viable. See my extended
discussion in the October hipiers.com column in another section of this site. One report is
that royalties are around $200 per title per year. February 2007 update: They are currently
accepting submissions in all the sub-genres, and are interested in all heat levels. 'If it's
outside the box, feel free to send it.' Except for the usual restrictions. Royalties are 40% of
cover price, and 35% for third party sellers. Their contract is for ebook only; if a book goes to
print, they will offer a new contract. Their contracts is for three years. All backlist titles have
been published. And some authors receive five figure royalties per year. June 2008 update:
A very positive report on their professionalism. October 2008 update: Another positive
report: they are prompt and polite. April 2009 update: Open for submissions for a brief
period. October 2009 update: now closed to submissions. March 2010 update: And now
open for submissions in all the sub-genres.
FAIRY TALES AND DREAMS - www.fairytalesanddreams.com/ July 2010 update: This is a
new children's book publisher. Their site has pleasant pictures of happy children at play.
Their pages are as yet sparse, with little information. For example they don't specify what
they want submitted, just that you should send the complete and polished manuscript.
Their FAQ just says to send the entire book. They will surely grow up soon into a more
mature publisher.
FICTIONWISE - www.fictionwise.com/ This site sets a cookie. They seek high quality reprint
stories and novels in all genres, and are looking for established authors and award winners.
They pay advances. This means that the novice writer is unlikely to be welcomed here. They
have many science fiction and fantasy name authors. Their contracts vary, depending on the
clout of the author; typically 30% royalties on gross sales (that's good) for exclusive erights
for five years, renewable. Do not send them material; query first. They say they sell 10,000
ebooks a month. They list about 300 authors, and says they like to take packages of 10
books, so they may have 3,000 titles. That would be about 3 sales a month per title. Still, it's
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
impressive. The science fiction/fantasy genre is damn well represented. But they don't buy
original works. UPDATE: Suddenly Xanth is there; I had to learn it from readers, as the
publishers didn't bother to tell me. That's par for the course; the author is generally at the
bottom of the totem. So maybe now I'll be able to verify directly how well books actually sell
here. April 2004 update: I like their color bar reader rating system; reader ratings can be
more accurate than formal reviews. April 2006 update: Now they are selling more than
40,000 books a month. August 2007 update: I learn from another source that their charges
are 50% of the actual sale price of a book, plus a $15 one-time charge to convert it to ten
formats. It seems to be worth it, for the increased sales generated. October 2009 update:
troublesome report that the one-time $15 set-up fee now is invoked any time a change or
update needs to be made. They have been paying late, and sometimes in error to the
author's disfavor, not corrected; this is harder to track because they have removed real-time
figures. They have censored books, removing "controversial" ones. This sort of thing bothers
publishers, but few dare to protest. November 2009 update: a reader comment: "I think
Fictionwise needs a good, stiff, public audit of their books." I understand that real time
figures can be posted if a publisher wants to; this is after all the computer age. Evidently
they don't want to. April 2010 update: payments are becoming later and lower. My
impression is that Fictionwise is slowly sinking in the water, like the Titanic, and publishers
connected are suffering. Too bad; it has been a powerhouse for electronic books sales. May
2010 update: Another report of unpaid royalties and nonresponse. I suspect the end is near.
FIREDRAKE WEYR PUBLISHING - I have a note that they shut down in September 2009, and
all rights returned to the authors. It was run by Peggy Roberts, AKA Margaret Roberts or
Peggy Kenny. I hadn't listed them, because I hadn't heard of them. It seems that they
weren't paying royalties to their authors or issuing statements, so it's uncertain whether
they ever sold and books. They hope to resurrect sometime. Beware.
1STBOOKS - www.1stbooks.com April 2004 update: they have now become Authorhouse,
and their site takes you there.
1ST WORLD LIBRARY - www.1stworldlibrary.com/ An author-services book publishing
company dedicated to helping authors get their manuscripts into publication. That is, a self
publisher. It can cost you as little as $5000. Unfortunately I have a very bad report on them,
and it is said that the man in charge is vindictive toward any who try to blow the whistle.
Fair warning. April 2008 update: Among their titles are The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
by Mark Twain and Animal Farm by George Orwell. Great novels, but not exactly current.
March 2010 update: Their standard publishing package costs $1899, for which you get a
professional color cover, 10 softcover author copies and 50% royalties.
FIVE STAR - http://www.gale.cengage.com/fivestar/ This is a traditional publisher
specializing in library editions, some large print; in fact they are thought to do about 80% of
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
all large print editions. I'm listing it because I received a query about it. They publish some
original Romance, but it seems low on their list. They may take a large bite out of royalties
for book packaging.
FLASHING SWORDS - http://flashingswords.sfreader.com This is a Sword and Sorcery
magazine, open for submissions of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction articles or essays in
several categories, including Heroic Fantasy and Historical Adventure. They are not thrilled
by tales where 90% of the story is about two guys killing each other, or killing a monster,
even to save a helpless female. Translation: they want real stories rather than junk. They
pay $5 for stories under 500 words, and one cent per word for longer pieces, up to a
maximum of $60. For poetry it's $5 per 15 lines. They take non-exclusive rights, which
means you can also publish it elsewhere; that's nice. They try to respond within a day or
three. April 2008 update: Now they have at least one book for sale, as well as issues of the
FLYING PEN PRESS - www.flyingpenpress.com/ A new publisher with big ambitions. "We are
taking on the world of book publishing with a fresh new attitude, and we intend to define
the way books are published in the Twenty-First Century." They are interested in science
fiction, fantasy, mystery, poker, and role-playing game books. An early report is that they
are good to work with, but sales are not high. April 2009 update: As of January 1, 2009, they
have a new office and mailing address, but their site remains the same. They remain open
for submissions, with a minimum length of 65,000 words. March 2010 update: At this time
they are not considering unsolicited submissions. That doesn't mean they aren't buying, just
that you need to have a dialogue with them first. 65,000 to 150,000 words, preferably
halfway between.
FOREMOST PRESS – www.foremostpress.com/ A self publisher. December 2005 update:
they have taken over Action Tales, which no longer functions on its own. They are open to
all genres and nonfiction. Authors retain all rights. The set-up fee of $347 covers light
editing, typesetting, PDF version, four web pages on their site, 10 complimentary copies,
and more. Author's cost for printed copies is 50% of the retail price. The cost of a book is
determined by the number of pages. Royalties of 20% on hard copies, 10% on wholesale
orders via a bookstore. On electronic sales they take $.97 as the transaction cost, then split
the balance 50-50. April 2009 update: Their Plan B is $197, but there are additional costs,
FREE FICTION - see Services section
FREELANCE EPUBLISHING - www.freelanceepublishing.com/ This is a new online publisher
expecting to open in mid July 2007, in time going to POD as well. Open to all types, but not
pedophilia, bestiality, rape, or racism; otherwise it will be fairly liberal. No fees, no longterm contracts. Royalties are 25% of the gross for nonexclusive publishing, and 50% for
exclusive; authors can switch at any time. Authors can withdraw their work on 5 days
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notice. So if you want your work to appear without being locked in, this would seem to be
the place. April 2008 update: This sort of information is available elsewhere, but still I find it
interesting to read here that Stephen King's first novel Carrie was rejected 30 times,
Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind 38 times, and Richard Bach's Jonathan Livingston
Seagull 140 times. Of course that doesn't mean that this publisher will put you into their
orbits, but it is true that traditional print publishers can come across like idiots. December
2008 update: an author got a request for his manuscript, sent it, and never heard from them
again. Beware. March 2010 update: They don’t seem to be functioning.
FREYA'S BOWER-the Romance branch of Wild Child Publishing. They publish erotica and
romantica. Cross-genre experiments and short story collections are welcome. 40% royalties
on electronic formats, or 10% of the print price. No porn, hatred, excessive profanity,
bestiality, feces, rape, necrophilia, etc. Beware of words like "cunt." June 2007 update: A
very favorable report on their friendliness, competence, and quality of books. October 2007
update: this publisher is a member of EPIC, but their contract does not follow the EPIC
model. No author in his/her right mind should sign it without significantly revising it to
conform to professional standards. It Grabs too much, requiring the author to get the
publisher's permission before getting it print published elsewhere, even if Freya's isn't print
publishing it. If the publisher loses the author's address, the author forfeits any accrued
money due. (Actually it says if the author fails to notify publisher of a change in address, but
how can the author prove the notice was sent if the publisher shreds it? I speak as one who
has suffered this sort of thing in print publishing, elsewhere.) The money should be held in
escrow until the author or author's heir claims it. It says there has to be a minimum of $25
owing before the royalties are paid. This is actually reasonable and standard practice, but
there needs to be another sentence, establishing that this can't continue indefinitely. Again I
speak as one who got ripped off by falsified accounts, and couldn't prove statements were
wrong short of legal action (which I did take) because no statements had to be sent if no
royalties were owing. Catch 22. Publisher reserves the right to terminate the contract at any
time, no reason given. Okay, better give the author a similar right. This contract also lacks a
license-that is, a term limit after which the author can automatically revert the rights, and
an audit clause. Without an audit clause the author can't prove the statements are fishy.
This is not to say this is a bad publisher, just that it has a bear-trap contract it needs to
reform retroactively. December 2007 update: And I heard from the publisher. They have
revised their contract, improving things, though it remains a tough one. Actually, they feel it
is not tough but fair. They are adding an audit clause and deleting audio book rights. They
do have a two year license; I missed it when I read their contract. If a question comes up,
they will fix it immediately, so an audit would not be necessary. Thus my concerns have
been addressed, and this publisher looks good. June 2009 update: I have a report of very
low reported sales, with a suspicion of double bookkeeping. That is, one set of figures for
internal accounts, a lower set to the authors. No proof, just the suspicion. Any author who
suspects such a thing should require an audit, which should settle the matter. Just be aware
that a competent audit can be expensive, and will as likely vindicate the publisher as prove
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
GLB PUBLISHERS - www.glbpubs.com They say they are probably the largest e-publisher for
gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. They have many download formats, and many Print-OnDemand books as well. Royalties are 50%. This is a "cooperative publisher," meaning that
the author shares the cost of publication for a higher royalty rate. Initial fee of $500, plus
$50 per hour to integrate new elements. $350 for final stages. Thus you can publish for $850
or more, depending. See also MOONLITBOOKS for gay/lesbian markets. UPDATE: They also
do "Personal publishing" for writers who aren't necessarily trying to sell copies, but just
want their book published their way. To me their name sounds like the sound of a bubble in
a bathtub, but if I had material of their type to publish, I'd be very interested. April 2008
update: Lengths range from 60,000 to 120,000 words for printed books, and 5,000-7,500 for
stories. March 2010 update: Notice: GLB Publishers is for sale. That doesn't mean they are
out of business, just that things may be changing. They remain open for submissions in their
genre. July 2010 update: They responded promptly and politely to a query about a job.
GOODFELLOW PRESS —I don't have a site address. I list it only because I received a report
from an author who felt that this purported publisher ripped her off for expensive and
apparently useless editing. Be wary.
GOOSE RIVER PRESS - www.gooseriverpress.com "A traditional full-service publishing
house" that also does self publishing. February 2005 update: They are now seeking
manuscripts including but not limited to poetry, novels, short stories, juvenile, spiritual, and
self-help; no erotica or occult. April 2008 update: they have a $30 reading fee. April 2010
update: They remain open for submissions, with the reading fee. But this is one way to get
consideration for traditional print publication, and if you don’t make it there, they will help
you self publish. This could be worthwhile for a novice who isn’t sure what to do.
GRACE PUBLISHING - An imprint of Unique Enterprises, about which I have a bad report.
October 2008 update: I have a report that they will publish no new material.
GREAT AUTHORS ONLINE - http://greatauthorsonline.com/ This is a new small startup
publisher without pretensions. They specialize in science fiction, not fantasy, for a primarily
young male audience. They hope to publish 20 hardcover books this year, but are having
trouble finding suitable material. 80% of their sales are electronic. They pay half the net
income from publishing. They accept manuscripts in Word and OpenOffice. Novels 90120,000 words, and 50,000 word e-book stories. October 2006 update: a somewhat cynical
comment from someone doing research on publishers, who notes that the free download
ebooks look to be mostly works in progress, some self published previously at Authorhouse.
"There appears to be no editorial process, no mention of contract terms, no promotion of
any kind to spur sales." June 2007 update: another report of somewhat sloppy handling. It
seems they don't use a contract, depending on mutual trust. This isn't good; trustworthy
people can still forget details.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
GRIFFITH PUBLISHING - http://hodi.com/ I was told this is a self publisher with a wealth of
detail, but the link took me to other territory and I never found a publisher. Update: a
reader located a different address for it, and this one works. But to get their information
you need to call their 800 number or send an email.
GYPSY SHADOW - www.gypsyshadow.com August 2010 update: I tried to check their
submission guidelines, but they took so long to download that I gave up. So I have no
information as yet on what they want or what their terms are.
HARD SHELL WORD FACTORY - www.hardshell.com/ This is run by Mary Wolf, whose survey
of Internet Publishers is in the Services section, at MARY WOLF'S GUIDE TO ELECTRONIC
PUBLISHERS. There are now 8 editors there, making this a heavyweight operation as
Internet publishers go. Hard Shell covers several genres, including Science Fiction, Fantasy,
Horror, Mystery, Romance, Western, Historical, Children's, and shows the covers. It gives
author guidelines and other information, and seems like a good site. The sample contract
takes electronic rights for one year from publication, gives 30% royalties depending on type
of publication, and there is an Audit clause. Always seek such a clause, anywhere. UPDATE:
but they are not currently accepting submissions. April 2004 update: they had hoped to
reopen submissions early in 2004, but have not yet done so. April 2005 update: they still
seem to be closed to submissions. April 2006 update: They are now accepting submissions
for their four volume Chronicles of Egypt anthology: one volume each for Horror, Mystery,
Romance, and science fiction. Um, correction: because I review these sites once a year, I am
behind the times; the deadlines for Horror and Romance have passed, but you can still catch
the others. They want 25,000 word novellas. Check their site for specifics. They bremain
closed to regular submissions. April 2007 update: That Chronicles of Egypt anthology
remains listed, though all its publication deadlines are past. This is not promising. But they
still hope to reopen regular submissions soon. June 2007 update: a report of problems
galore. "Too bad because it used to be THE epub." April 2008 update: They are currently
closed to submissions except from currently contracted authors. April 2009 update: still
closed. July 2009 update: Hard Shell has been sold to Mundania Press, to take effect August
1, 2009. It will become an imprint of Mundania. Mary Wolf has serious family problems that
prevent her from continuing.
HEARTS ON FIRE BOOKS - www.heartsonfirebooks.com/ This is a new publisher, starting in
May 2008. Currently accepting submissions in Romance and most other genres, including
Erotica, Paranormal, Action/Adventure/Mystery, Western, and Historical. 40% royalties on
all sales. Strictly electronic, no print editions. Proprietor Melissa Miller writes "I think that
there are a lot of people out there that have a great story to tell, but they can't get them
published because most publishers are very strict." She expects to be more laid back but still
wants good writing. Looks promising, but there's no track record yet. December 2008
update: The owner reports that they are growing every day, and the old site could not
adequately handle it. The new site can do it. They changed their name slightly. They now do
print as well as ebook. Their top print seller for the first week was 21 copies, and 14 for the
© Piers Anthony
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second place seller, and four other authors selling 3 each. The first week? I would call this an
explosive expansion. June 2009 update: I have a note from a satisfied author who definitely
recommends this publisher. July 2009 update: another highly satisfied author report. They
are easy to work with, produce good quality book covers, and pay royalties on time. August
2009 update: I heard from the proprietor. It seems another publisher is trashing this
company without a proper basis. This sort of thing happens. I know, as I understand there's
a site calling me a pedophile. January 2010 update: I do have a report of less than ideal
service. It seems an editor left, and a book went through unedited and was published
without notice to the author. As far as I can tell, this was an honest foulup, and the
proprietor was responsive when it was called to her attention. February 2010 update: a
report of atrocious editing, with the author not informed or given the chance to catch it
before publication. March 2010 update: And a rebuttal defending the editing. Indeed, it
seems the complaint has now been handled to the author's satisfaction. So the prior report
was not typical. April 2010 update: This publisher has folded, as of this month. In this
recession the sales simply weren't there. All rights are being returned to the authors, along
with final statements and payments.
HIGHLAND PRESS - http://www.highlandpress.org/ The site was slow loading, with a
beautiful picture of a Highlands Castle, and I gave up waiting after 12 minutes with only
partial information. Romance, Historical, Contemporary, Fantasy, Paranormal, Men's and
Women's Fiction, Inspirational Young Adult, Children's and more. I have an extremely
negative report of questionable royalty reports, arbitrary cancellation without explanation,
and abusive behavior. Complaints are being filed with RWA. Caution, until more is known.
April 2008 update: And a response from the publisher: two writers failed to meet
stipulations in their contracts, and those contracts were canceled, setting off a vendetta
against the company. Another writer named them, and the one who contacted me was one
of them, though I never identified that writer. Here's the thing: if a publisher is wronging
many writers, it can't name them all, but if only one or two have a problem, and the
publisher can name them, that suggests that the problem is with the writers. Some
publishers do wrong writers; I speak as one who has been wronged many times, and who
has legal cases to prove it. But some writers can be minions from Hell, and I have
encountered those too. On this basis, the balance of evidence favors the publisher. Seven
other writers wrote in defense of the publisher, six politely, and one self righteous creature
who did her best to turn me against the publisher by implying I was guilty of lying, slander,
and could face legal action. They never seem to learn. At this point I think more is known,
and that this is a good publisher. Meanwhile at the slow-loading (15 minutes) site they give
nicely detailed descriptions of what they are looking for for 2008-9. June 2008 update: But
you never can tell. I was sent a link to a voluminous multi-person comment on this
publisher, and it pretty well authenticated my earlier report. Authors not paid monies owed.
Authors getting tongue-lashed for questions. Banning authors from Author Loops for
speaking out against HP practices. Sending emails to other publishers about "problem
authors." Deleting reviews, or swamping Amazon with "report abuse" messages, gaming the
system to get them removed. An identified example is harassment of an Amazon reviewer
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
named Reba, who gave a book a three star review and was called a bitch, and in a forum
post the author/publisher Deborah MacGillivray wrote "...we now have her name, her
husband's name, her children's names...her address phone number and email...". Readers
aren't happy to learn that they can't trust reviews. I could have told them that 40 years ago,
as I could have about the tactics publishers can use against questioning authors; I was there
in spades. It does appear that there are a number of unhappy authors here—one post said
more than 17. Some post anonymously to avoid savage retaliation. The publisher
participated in this loop with some scathing sarcasm. So the question is by no means
settled. There's a backlash by readers, some of whom will never read books by this author.
But I do have another report by a satisfied author who feels that those criticizing this
publisher are lying. Um, I doubt it. August 2008 update: an ugly report of the publisher
trying to intimidate another author with a threat to report to her employer how she wrote
porn, so as to put her job in peril. Of course erotic fiction is not porn, but folk in Mundania
don't necessarily know that, so such a threat could be credible.
HOOD PRESS BOOKS - I don't have a site address yet, but heard from Jason Sipe, the
proprietor. This will be for nonfiction, some children's books, and possibly some fiction
HUDSON AUDIO PUBLISHING - www.hudsonaudiopublishing.com/ This is essentially an
audio self publisher, wherein the author records his material, pays a fee, and they put it
online for sales with a 70/30 split. They say the audio book market is growing strongly. April
2010 update: They charge $285 per book to handle the technical and administrative details,
but they take it out of royalties, so the author doesn’t have to pay upfront.
HYPERTECH MEDIA - http://hypertechmedia.com/ Ebooks, educational software, software
and web development. Specializing in award winning full length fiction and children's
ebooks and esoftware. Currently open for submissions but are highly selective. All genres
but no pornography. Takes full electronic publishing rights, 30% royalties, paid one month
after receipt. Has the equivalent of an audit clause. Their contract appears to be highly
negotiable. My impression is that this should be a good place to be, if you can make it. April
2008 update: This time I did not find information for submissions or terms, though their
book presentations are evocative.
IENOVEL - www.ienovel.com/ Established June 20, 2009. "ie" means "in other words" and
"novel" means "new, original, longer than a short story." "ienovel" may also mean "Internet
electronic novel." This may be an indication of their attitude, looking for some originality.
New electronic publisher. 60% of cover price to publisher, 40% to author for books sold on
site, less for those sold via a third party. Authors are not charged for anything. Of course
there's no track record yet. They don't seem to say exactly what genres they prefer, but it
seems to be Science Fiction, Romance, Drama, Crime/Mystery, Action/Adventure,
Paranormal, and Short Stories. November 2009 update: they report that sales are low, but
things seem to be picking up. They will be doing POD books too.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
iHERO ENTERTAINMENT - www.ihero.net Quarterly magazine of superhero prose stories.
Pays 3 cents a word for stories up to 3,000 words. April 2009 update: I could not verify that
they are still publishing; they seem to be still exploring possibilities. May 2010 update: They
do remain in business.
IMAJINN BOOKS - www.imajinnbooks.com/ They are now accepting all types of erotica
books, not just those with paranormal, supernatural, futuristic, and fantasy elements. It
must be a romance, with no multiple partner relationships. Prefer vampires, werewolves,
shapeshifters, on- and off-planet futuristic, paranormal (ESP), witches, fantasy. Avoid
torture, bestiality, pedophilia, rape, or really kinky stuff. 30,000 words up. Royalties of 50%
of net receipts, paid monthly. Query first. They also do Romance, with slightly different
guidelines, 70,000 to 90,000 words. I discovered after making most of this entry that they
are not an electronic publisher, so don't belong on this list; they do trade paperbacks. Bleep.
October 2005 update: fortunately it has become academic: they're bankrupt. April 2006
update: Yet they remain in business, and are open to adult romance subgenres of the
supernatural, futuristic, and paranormal phenomena, but not ghosts. April 2007 update: I'm
still waiting for the other shoe to drop, and for them to go out of business so I can unlist
them, as they probably shouldn't be on this list anyway. But they remain in business and
open for submissions. Their Frequently asked Questions site is Under Construction, so
maybe there's hope yet. April 2008 update: They're still there, though their About Us
section merely lists phone numbers. April 2009 update: Now it says SitePal, which must be
something else. It blew out my browser. But then I got a "Welcome to Imajinn Books" verbal
message indicating it is still functioning. May 2010 update: The site remains, but my
impression is they are selling, not publishing, books.
INDYPUBLISH - www.indypublish.com The company mission: "IndyPublish.com is dedicated
to leveraging on advanced technologies to help independent authors all over the world. The
IndyPublish system allows independent authors to get published, to gain greater financial
reward for their work, to retain control over their work, to interact and network with other
writers on mutual interests and to stay abreast on developments concerning the writing and
publishing world." This appears to be a self publisher, like Xlibris or iUniverse; the basic
package is free, and you can upgrade for a price. No books are rejected, but if you publish a
book that gets them into trouble, they'll kick you out. Five publishing packages, ranging from
the free Basic through Bronze, Silver, Gold, to Platinum at $999. Royalties depend on size
and book price, which varies with the page count. As self publishers go, this is
straightforward and cheap. 2003 UPDATE: But now they have a moratorium on new
manuscripts. If you wish, you can get on their list to let you know when it is lifted. April 2006
update: Now they are back in regular business, same terms as before. April 2007 update:
And the moratorium is back. April 2008 update: Moratorium continues. April 2009 update:
continues. May 2010 update: Their FAQ section leads off with the question "When will the
moratorium on new manuscripts be lifted?" and the answer is they don’t know.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
INFINITY PUBLISHING COM - www.infinitypublishing.com/ 20% of retail sales, 10% of
wholesale sales. $499 set-up fee. Takes no rights; terminate agreement at any time by
written notice. Can buy marketing packages for $120-$470. POD, and have their own
printing, so can ship in a day or two. Royalties paid monthly. See BUY BOOKS ON THE WEB
You can get a free brochure. A PC MAGAZINE article rated them 3 on a scale of 5. They are
now offering book returns for bookstores. That means bookstores are more likely to stock
their books. December 2005 update: They are now paying 15% royalty on all wholesale
sales, up from 10%, and give a 40% discount to bookstores and a 55% discount to
distributors like Ingram and Baker & Taylor. Their royalties are a straight percentage of the
sale price, which is a significantly better deal for the writer than a percentage of net
proceeds. They say they have the lowest retail price per page count in the industry. That is
likely to translate to larger sales for smaller books. They print their books in-house, full
color, laminated covers. This is likely to mean significantly faster publication. May 2010
update: A satisfied client says that Infinity is offering bookstores a 12 month return policy, at
no cost to the author, and that Infinity's books never go out of print. These are good
policies. "They are honest and do exactly as they promise in the one page very above-board
INTEGRITY TECH PUBLISHING - www.integritytech.com/itpub.html I have learned to be
wary of seemingly lofty ideals and good terms online publishers offer, but I like the look of
this one. It is upfront about how it got started, what it is looking for, what it is trying to do,
how a writer should approach it, and tips for beginning writers. Such as "You must develop
the hide of a rhino." They want Romance, both Futuristic and Historical, Science Fiction,
Fantasy, and Computer, Marketing, or Health Related nonfiction. 50% royalties based on the
cover price, paid monthly. Either party can terminate with two weeks notice. That's damn
good. This looks like a live wire publisher. I suspect it will be buried in submissions. August
2006 update: a writer who queried them was told that sales are way down and they are no
longer accepting submissions. April 2007 update: But no indication of that at their Web site.
Their FAQ section has interesting discussion of the plight of many writers, who live below
the poverty line because of the policies of big publishers. Yes, I've been there, done that.
IUNIVERSE - www.iuniverse.com/ Formerly called toExcel. February 2009 update: The
Authorhouse/iUniverse complex has bought the remaining large independent self publisher,
Xlibris. I do not know, but suspect it will be folded into Xlibris in due course. Your books here
will be safe, however, and I suspect performance will improve as the efficiency of Xlibris is
extended to the iUniverse books. April 2009 update: I am simplifying the entry, because I
doubt the long prior history remains relevant, as the new unified self publishing complex
gets organized. May 2010 update: They don’t seem to give terms on the site, but encourage
you to call their 800 number to get in touch with a publishing consultant.
JACOBYTE BOOKS - www.jacobytebooks.com/ December 2004 update: I am told that they
have been bought out by BeWrite Books, which should publish most of their authors. They
will close on June 30, 2005. April 2006 update: Sure enough, the site remains, but they are
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
closed to submissions. BeWrite Books is where to go. April 2008 update: The site now
carries ads for other publishers.
JUPITER GARDENS PRESS - www.jupitergardenspress.com/ This is a publisher starting up in
May, 2009, with three lines. Jupiter Gardens press will have fiction and nonfiction based on,
or about, alternative spirituality. They will also publish fiction that attempts to answer or
contemplate a question facing society, civilization, or humankind. This will include all genres
except erotica. Jupiter Gardens Press Thebe will include all forms of science fiction and
fantasy. Pink Petal Books will be Romance in all its forms, all subgenres, all heat levels,
including GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, or Transgender), BBW (Big Beautiful Women, that is,
large size heroines), I/R (Interracial), and M/M (I forgot to ask about that one). "We believe
that love is a beautiful thing." They pay 35% royalties on electronic books sold by the
publisher, and 45% of net on third party sales. Length 25,000 to 100,000 words. They hope
to go to print editions soon, with 10% of the cover price. They will also consider reprints.
Their first titles should appear for October 2008. Of course it is too early for them to have a
track record, but this looks highly promising. June 2009 update: they seem to be publishing
now, and are open for submissions. Their home site has more than a dozen things, like
candles an incense; you have to locate the Jupiter Gardens Press section. May 2010 update:
Now they have a fourth imprint, Kittyhorse Publishing, for young adult and child readers.
JUST MY BEST, INC - www.jmbpub.com/ This is a small traditional publisher, in business
since 2001, who will publish 6-10 books in 2005. They are currently soliciting manuscripts.
"Chances are good that a new author can get published here." Um, I doubt it; at under one
book a month they will rapidly be swamped. But give it a try; traditional publishing remains
the gold standard of publishing. October 2005 update: this turns out to be a quasi-self
publisher, charging a $500 initial administration fee. 7% royalties. They take half of movie
rights. This is a Grab; they should have none unless they market and sell movie rights for the
author, and then they should take maybe a 15% commission. See also my discussion in my
Hipiers column for OctOgre 2005; they have a far more interesting history than this listing
can accommodate. August 2006 update: But I have a very negative report about extremely
sloppy editing and handling. So their travails may not be over. April 2008 update: Now they
have a subsidiary, Aarbooks, for self publishing. June 2009 update: they would not let me in
without authorization. That's odd, for a publisher, if they remain one. February 2010
update: I heard from the proprietor. She was very ill, and for the past three years the
company was online but inactive. But she does love publishing, especially first-time authors.
So now the site is being updated and they will resume publishing, albeit slowly. May 2010
update: They are currently accepting manuscripts from new writers, but it looks from here
like self publishing.
JUST WRITE BOOKS - www.jstwrite.com This is not an electronic publisher, but I had some
dialogue with its proprietor, so am listing it for now. "Just Write Books is a small publishing
house using print on demand technology to produce high quality books by Maine
authors/poets." Authors participate in the cost of preparing books. So if you live in Maine,
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
this may be for you. But they are unable to read new work until June 2007. Their fiction
quota is filled for two plus years. April 2008 update: They seem to be accepting new
submissions now, from Maine authors. May 2010 update: now they have a newsletter you
can sign up for.
KEITH PUBLICATIONS - www.keithpublications.com/ They will open September 1, 2010 with
a number of imprints such as WICKED INK PRESS for Romance, D'Ink Well for general fiction,
and Dreams N Fantasies for Erotica. Lengths from 500 words to 150,000. Royalty rates begin
at 35%. They don't have a track record yet, but seem to have their act together
LADY ORACLE - They do do some publishing; see entry in Services section.
L A MEDIA - http://lamediaonline.com Teresa Wayne-Jacobs, formerly of Mardi Gras, set
this up as a semi-private publisher, but its scope is limited. She is accused of selling some
books there that don't belong to her. April 2008 update: Teresa wrote me that this is not
connected to Mardi Gras, but is a private release proprietary company for herself and one
other author. It was originally intended as a name change for Mardi Gras, but the authors
went nuts objecting to the change, and it was stifled. June 2008 update: an author refutes
that. And the site seems inactive.
LAZY DAY — www.lazydaypub.com/ A new digital publisher, officially launching December
1, 2010. Romance, Erotica, Fantasy, Sci-Fiction, Woman's Literature, Adventure, Mystery,
Western, and more, it says. All submissions will receive an auto-response acknowledgment,
with an editorial response in 4-6 weeks. This publisher has no track record, obviously, but is
ambitious, hoping to be a dominating presence in the digital future.
LIACE PUBLISHING - See Eridian Publishing
LIGHTNING SOURCE- www.lightningsource.com/ This is the main place for Print On
Demand--POD--books that electronic publishers use. It turns out that they will also print for
individual writers. They have free tools for authors and publishers alike in the resources
section of the site. They process one trillion bytes of information per day. However, they
require cookies and won't admit you if you don't accept them, so I was barred from entry.
My information is mostly from their sales development manager, not from the site itself.
June 2004 update: I received a 27 page manual from the publisher detailing their services;
obviously this is comprehensive. They have now printed over ten million books. December
2006 update: A writer reports that they do exactly as they say; he receives monthly reports,
and they pay on time. He has no complaints.
LINDEN BAY BOOKS- http://lindenbayromance.com/ A Romance epublisher currently
accepting submissions. Stories 15,000 to 30,000 words; novellas 30,000-60,000; novels
60,000 up. Royalties of 37% on every electronic sale. Query with a detailed synopsis. They
prefer Arial 12 font, block paragraphs. Smoldering passion, sex between consenting adults,
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
happy endings; ask about more controversial material before sending it. December 2006
update: very positive report: friendly to authors, great cover art, highly responsive.
February 2007 update: and a negative one. I understand that not all authors have had a
positive experience with this company. It seems that an extremely restrictive gag clause in
the contract can prohibit authors from airing concerns, and they can make ugly threats
enforcing it. Okay, here's how you handle that: when you get the contract to sign, firmly
cross out the gag clause, initial your change in the margin, make a copy for your private
record, sign the contract, and send it in. If it is not a physical contract, simply delete the
offending clause, again keeping a printout for yourself. If the publisher refuses to accept
that modification, this is an indication it has reason to believe it needs it, and you should ask
why. A publisher that does not intend to trespass has no need of such a clause. April 2007
update: Submissions are closed: they have too much already on hand. February 2008
update: And a very positive report. June 2008 update: another positive report, stating that
they put all novels into print, with wonderful communication and artwork. Sales, however,
may not be great. May 2010 update: When I clicked the link I got Samhain. They must have
been bought out.
LITERARY ROAD - www.literaryroad.com/ They offer both ebook and print contracts in a
number of genres, though my observation notes a number of gay fiction books. 40%
royalties on the cover price of ebooks, or 50% of the profits from sales by other outfits. They
opened for business is January 2006, but now in 2009 appear to be effectively out of
business, not paying royalties or responding to queries. Their latest "blog" entry dates from
April 2009.
LLUMINA PRESS- www.llumina.com/ A self publisher, $499 for the basic package plus addons, depending what you want. Royalties of 30% of print sales from their site, 10% of sales
via third parties. For electronic sales, 60% and 40% respectively. Their contract is for three
years, automatically renewable, but the author can terminate at any time with 30 days
written notice, subject to payment for effort they have already put in. Their terms seem
generally standard. April 2005 update: their prices are rising. April 2006 update: this time I
did not find any listing of their prices, but I presume they are in line with other self
publishers. April 2007 update: I finally found their prices: $799 for trade paperback, $859 for
hardcover, $999 for the combination. December 2008 update: a report that they can nickel
and dime you to death on additional services, and they have a peculiar schedule for paying
royalties. May 2010 update: This time I could not get information on prices. When I clicked
the PRICES link nothing happened. But they do still seem to be in business.
LIONHEARTED PUBLISHING - www.lionhearted.com/ This in Romance in all genres.
Royalties are 10% on paperbacks, 30% on ebooks. Their Author Guidelines provide length
ranges for all types, and are comprehensive; they even tell you how many rubber bands to
put around your manuscript. They list the top ten reasons that editors reject most
manuscripts. #1 is No Conflict; #10 is Not a Compelling Storyline. This is material you should
read even if you don't plan to submit to them; education of aspiring writers is a public
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
service. In response to my caution, they responded: DON'T LET THE PUBLISHER GRAB MOVIE
DEVELOP THOSE RIGHTS. If an author doesn't have an agent, working through the publisher
may be the best shot for a movie. So there you have the "He said, she said" abridged dialog.
I must say that movie options are complicated and a writer who tries to handle them alone
is likely to get stung, so this does make sense. If a movie option offer comes to you and you
don't trust the publisher, GET AN AGENT. If it's a real movie offer, any agent will jump at the
chance to get a piece of the action. That's likely to mean a regular agent for your book, and
a separate Hollywood agent the book agent will contact. Yes, maybe double commissions,
but do it anyway; barrels of money may be on the line, but the sharks in those waters can be
fierce. If the movie interest fades out the moment an agent appears, it's probably either
spurious or a rip-off ploy; a real movie outfit will be satisfied to work with an agent. 2-2004
Update: they are still behind on paying an editor. April 2004 update: As of March 16,
manuscript submissions are on hold, while they focus on their current authors. April 2005
update: submissions are still on hold. April 2006 update: ditto. April 2007 update: "As of
March 16 LionHearted has put manuscript submissions on hold." Even when they're open,
they take only one or two out of a hundred. June 2008 update: Submissions remain on hold.
June 2009 update: Check their site monthly to see when submissions go off hold. May 2010
update: Still on hold.
LIQUID SILVER - www.liquidsilverbooks.com/ This is an imprint of Atlantic Bridge Publishing,
dedicated to erotic romances. Send the first three chapters and a synopsis, with a cover
letter about your writing background, why you are interested in doing erotica romance, and
your thoughts on epublishing. They will respond in a day and treat you right if they want
your novel. Royalties are 40% on retail sales, paid quarterly. They take electronic rights for
one year, and are thinking about print publication with a 30% royalty. This looks good from
here. April 2004 update: They seem to be broadening their genres to include Historical,
Science Fiction, Paranormal and others, but all have an erotic romantic slant. In short, it
seems to be the kind of Romance male readers should like too. October 2006 update: a
favorable report "I'm a Liquid Silver author, and am very, very happy with them."
December 2006 update: sales report: ranging from 60 for a fantasy novel to 260 for a
vampire/horror, romance. April 2007 update: more very favorable report: "They treat
their authors like gold." Average time from submission to release is 3 months. Sales range
from 120-175 books, and the royalty rate increases when sales pass certain thresholds. For
example, if a title sells 1000 copies, royalty is 50%. This would be paradise for the average
author. June 2008 update: an extremely positive report: "My absolute favorite! They are
quick, friendly, professional, the artwork wonderful, and I sold 220+ books during the last
quarter." But very few books are put into print. June 2009 update: They are currently
accepting erotic romance. Royalties are now 35% on ebooks. May 2010 update: they are
currently accepting all erotic romance genres.
LONE STAR STORIES - http://literary.erictmarin.com/ They publish speculative fiction and
poetry, ideally with a Texas nexus. That is, by or about Texans or former Texans, set in
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
Texas, or with Texas themes, but they will consider other work. They pay $20 for stories up
to 8,000 words and $5 for poems up to 100 lines, for two months online in the magazine.
This isn't much, but the exposure should help. April 2007 update: Now they pay $10 for
LONG TALE PRESS - www.longtalepress.com/ This is as ebook publisher expanding into
audio and print. Prospective writers post an excerpt and short description of the book.
Readers review the submissions and provide feedback. So they get books real people enjoy,
and writers can orient on what readers want. Novellas of 17,500 words up, and novels from
40,000 words up.
LOOSE ID LLC - www.loose-id.com/ This is a pun on "Lucid." They are currently accepting
submissions of cross-genre love stories with a high degree of sensuality, 20,000 to 130,000
words. They take electronic rights only, for two years; authors can abridge that in four
months if they are unhappy or need their rights back for other reasons. You know, like a
million dollar sale prospect elsewhere. Royalties are 35% paid monthly. They are publishing
two books a week and are booked up to February 2005 but will squeeze in new titles sooner
if need be. "As a company, we are committed to steady growth and calculated risks. We
aren't just doing it. We're trying to do it better." Their titles seem to have a strong fantasy
element, and do look interesting. October update: I have a report that their editing precess
was timely and well handled. One author reports royalties of almost a thousand dollars in
one month on one book. April 2007 update: I have a report of 50-100 sales per title per
month. There is also a report of some editor problems, but they do pay promptly. They are
currently open for submissions. June 2007 update: "I think they are one of the best
publishers on the web for erotic romance." This is from a competitive publisher, so is hard
to doubt. August 2007 update: a writer reports sales of over 300 copies in the first month,
and another 100 the following month. Another reports excellent sales. October 2007
update: an author who did not sign up with them nevertheless says "I found Loose-id to be a
wonderful company to work with. They were efficient and professional." December 2007
update: another positive report. “A very classy outfit.” Also a report that a new title sold
over 200 copies in the first month. April 2008 update: a report of sales of over 250 in the
first ten days. August 2008 update: reports of over 300 sales of a short story in the first
week, over 200 of a novella in two weeks, and almost 400 copies of a re-released novel. Also
sales of a POD print book of over 1,000 in three months. The good reports keep coming in.
December 2008 update: From Editor in Chief Treva Harte -- they publish four titles per
week, rather than two, and their standard contract asks for electronic rights and an
exclusive option on print rights for 12 months. May 2010 update: They are open for
submissions in all genres of erotic romance including LGBT and similar, 20,000 to 120,000
words, preferably in the middle of that range, with the usual restriction of taste.
LULU - www.lulu.com/ This is an on-demand publishing tool that lets authors self-publish
digital content free: a book, music, images, a calendar. No setup fee. Register if you want to
publish, but anyone can browse without registering. They take a 20% commission on books
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sold. October 2004 update: report from a generally satisfied client: they are completely free
if that's the way you want it, but do offer some charged services. The selling price per book
depends on its size, and as with other self publishers, not many copies seem to sell to the
general public. February 2005 update: Another favorable report: "It is very good for what it
is, free book publishing." Royalties paid quarterly if they reach a certain amount. This is
standard; publishers don't want to spend more in postage than the total of the royalty
checks. Lulu is said to be the fastest growing of self publishers and is becoming a force in the
field; they must be doing something right. April 2007 update: a report from a somewhat
disgruntled writer that while Lulu doesn't charge up front for the printing, when overall
costs are tallied it's no different from, say, Authorhouse. "The publication process is less
than clear and takes several false starts to get the hang of it, in which case you have to
destroy the work you set up." December 2007 update: They have set up a new Lulu Studio
Photo Book publishing service, an advanced Flash-based application, separate from their
original photo book offering. February 2008 update: I have been reassured by an established
author that it is quite possible to put together a selling book for no cost and have it sell, if
you know what you're doing. She showed me a year and a half of Lulu statements showing
payments averaging a hundred dollars a month. That's persuasive. December 2008 update:
a disgruntled author says their philosophy seems to be "We'd rather have a million authors
sell only a hundred books each rather than have a hundred authors sell a million each."
Actually that would be par for the course in self publishing. Authors who could truly sell a
million copies should get traditional print publishing. It seems that they take full rights for
the duration of the contract. This is odd; other self publishers take no rights. February 2009
update: A flat denial from a Lulu employee: Lulu does not retain any rights. Also a report
from a book buyer, who found Lulu's process so complicated that he was turned off. This
matches my own experience buying there. July 2009 update: I have a report of collapsing
service and no response to queries. It seems at least 18 authors have this problem. I
understand that Lulu has only a fraction of its former staff, because of reduced business.
They are likely to lose more. March 2010 update: it was suggested that I Google "Lulu
complaints." I haven't done so yet, but gather that there are a passel. April 2010 update: A
response from a Lulu user who says that if you stick to the black and white paperback there
are few problems. It is the more complicated projects, like color, that strain Lulu's expertise.
LYRICAL PRESS - www.lyricalpress.com They will open May 5, 2008. They are now accepting
submissions in all genres. If you dare to write it, they will consider it. 40% royalty on the sale
price. Preferred word length is 30,000 up, but they will consider pieces down to 12,000. The
usual restrictions. August 2008 update: a favorable report, saying the proprietors are highly
responsive. September 2009 update: there have been ugly reports on other sites
condemning this publisher. As far as I can ascertain, they are fallacious, a hate campaign.
May 2010 update: They are actively seeking erotica, romance, paranormal between 60,000
and 85,000 words. June 2010 update: I heard from the publisher, thanking me for the May
update. I do updates of whatever nature seems correct, and rarely get thanked by
publishers; quite the opposite sometimes. "I'm doing everything in my power to keep to the
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
goal of being a quality publisher who treats authors and editors fairly and readers
respectfully." May that continue.
MACABRE CADAVER MAGAZINE — www.macabrecadaver.com/ This is an online horror
magazine which also publishes science fiction, dark fantasy, articles, and artwork. Stories
range from 500 to 8,000 words, articles from 1,000 to 3,000. But they are closed to
submissions until May 2009. They associate with Stark Raven press. June 2009 update: They
are terminating their Print issues, at least until the economy picks up. They are currently
accepting short stories, artwork, and poetry.
MAGIC CARPET BOOKS - www.magiccarpetbooks.com This is primarily a bookseller, but I
understand they do publish some books. An author told me they pay a flat rate, rather than
royalties. I was unable to find terms listed on their site.
MARDI GRAS PUBLISHING LLC - www.mardigraspublishing.com/ The MGP proprietor ceased
activity during the first week of August, first making excuses, then fading out entirely. The
company phone number was disconnected, statements stopped, payments stopped, and
publication ceased. The website is not being updated. She is filing for bankruptcy, though
that may wait until 2008 so as to give authors a chance to find other publishers. Worse, it
seemed she opened a new site, Satin Rouge Press, the end of July, having it parked for
future action. That turns out to be an error; Satin Rouge was set up in July 2006, a year
before, intended to be the erotic imprint, but authors preferred to stay with the mother
house. Check your contracts; they should say that rights revert to the authors when the
publisher folds. I expect to contract this long entry considerably, soon, since this is no longer
a market. February 2008 update: A report that it may not have ended quite yet. Apparently
the proprietor has not yet filed bankruptcy and hasn't returned all the rights to all the
authors, and may have started a new publisher. Some of this is unverified; call it a rumor,
but I have it from more than one source. I did look up the site, L A Media LLC, , and it seems
to be for just three authors, and is privately registered. Looks like self publishing, which is
legitimate. However, there are reports that Teresa Wayne-Jacobs is selling books there that
have reverted to their authors, which is not legitimate. There are some very angry authors.
April 2008 update: not so. Everyone was released from contract on September 1, 2007.
Some titles do show up in certain places, the Internet being what it is, but they can't be
purchased unless maybe Amazon has some left over copies. Teresa reports "I have failed as
a publisher, but I will not fail as a writer...I would like to publish my own work in peace."
MELLEN PRESS — www.mellenpress.com/ I received an author complaint on this one, so
am adding them to the list, though they seem to be a small traditional publisher. They
specialize in books written by Ph.Ds who must give them exclusive rights. They sell to
libraries and universities at extremely high prices--$100 and up per copy—little of which the
authors see. They say their books never go out of print. So if you are a Ph.D you can publish
here, but probably you'd be better off with a regular self publisher.
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
METROPOLIS INK - www.metropolisink.com/ They will publish your book if they like it,
apparently independent of genre. Their terms are spelled out in their contract, which it
seems you don't see until they accept your manuscript. They are not a vanity or self
publisher, but do expect writers to purchase many copies of their own books for
promotional distribution. I'd say the line is fuzzing. UPDATE: They sent some corrections.
They need not only to like your book, but to be convinced that the author is ready, willing,
and able to do most of the promotion and marketing. While it is true they don't post their
contract, any author they are considering is welcome to peruse it, so this isn't a blind
commitment. They pay for the whole publication process, but expect a solid effort by the
author. Actually this is generally true of electronic publishers, if there are to be more than
minimal sales; they don't don't say so as clearly. April 2005 update: they are not currently
accepting new manuscripts. June 2008 update: I found no indication that they are publishing
any new books.
MIDNIGHT SHOWCASE - www.midnightshowcase.com/ Regular romance and sensual erotic
romance. They are looking for novels 50,000 to 100,000 words, but temporarily closed for
short stories. They have a sliding royalty schedule, paying more for longer pieces. Query
first. I have a favorable report on them. February 2006 update: I have a warning that
authors here may get ripped off. April 2006 update: Half a slew of responses from their
authors refuting the negative report, plus word from the publisher and the customer service
representative. No confirmations of the bad report. So it looks as though I have been taken
in (again) by a disgruntled writer, and that that report was unwarranted. I hate that. The
essence is that this is a fine publisher. I also heard from the publisher, bemused, as she's not
trying to rip off anyone. She offers a one year contract and pays royalties ranging from 2%
to 30% for ebook, audio, and print. 30% for print is unheard of outside self-publishing. They
are looking for digest themed short stories, through novella size. April 2005 update: They
are closed to Novels until Fall 2008. August 2007 update: more positive feedback from an
author. June 2008 update: They say that they are now MS Fiction. February 2009 update:
Reports that they are breaching their contracts and not paying authors on time. It's a
struggle to get statements, money or responses. April 2009 update: Another negative report
of late payments and nonresponse. It looks as if this publisher is in trouble. June 2009
update: word from the publisher: they are not closing. They have had problems, such as late
vendor payments, but are forging on. They are open to submissions for both short and long
science fiction, romance, fantasy, and mainstream. They are booked through most of 2010.
So don't expect early publication here. July 2009 update: another bad report. Author had a
piece accepted, then no response for months, and finally had to withdraw it.
MILL CITY PRESS - www.millcitypress.net/ A self publisher. Their publishing package is
$1,367. They say that other self publishers make fat profits on printed copies, while Mill City
changed only the actual printing cost of $3.90 per average book.
MILTON CONTACT LIMITED - www.miltoncontact.co.uk/publishing This is a small self
publisher set up to help local authors (Cambridge UK) publish their books in short print runs.
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
I did not find information on terms. May 2010 update: They have an excellent discussion of
the problems of breaking into print, but it seems you have to call or email them to get
information on their terms.
MILVERSTEAD PUBLISHING - www.milversteadpublishing.com/ This seems to be a new
publisher of general fiction. They describe their publishing package, but I am not clear
whether this is regular or self publishing. I checked their FAQ and all it said was "Coming
soon." July 2010 update: They have published fiction and memoirs, plus a children's book.
An author wanted to republish a nonfiction book, and trouble with her bought-out prior
publisher, and tried Milverstead. She is very pleased with it.
MIRROR PUBLISHING - www.pagesofwonder.com/ Small press publishing quality children's
books. Currently accepting submissions only for full color children's books and books for
young adults. They accept only a small number. I did not find information on terms.
MOJOCASTLE PRESS - www.mojocastle.com/ Erotica and Erotic Romance, 8,000 words to
infinity, any subgenre. I did not find royalty rates, but presume they are standard. The usual
restrictions: underage, bestiality, necrophilia, forced seduction, snuff, urine/feces, straight
pornography, and TSTL = Too Stupid To Live. Do try for good plot, characterization and
writing. October update: A report that the editors are very much on the ball, and Stephanie
Kelsey is easy to approach. Royalties are 45% of the net. April 2007 update: Closed to
submissions until further notice. April 2008 update: note from Stephanie saying they lost a
partner due to personal issues, but the remaining two are still going strong. They are
accepting queries now, but still not submissions per se. they are keeping their numbers
low—about 20 authors—so they can do their best for those. "Attitude is just as important as
writing ability for us." They have partnered with a private printer to produce their print
books. This means the format is bigger than trade and they don't distribute through Ingram,
but all authors get 45% of net. This is unusual for print sales, but seems to be working so far.
They hope to convert their whole catalog to print, in due course. So if you're a decent writer
with a ferociously promoting attitude, this may be your ideal location. June 2008 update:
But a negative report: they took 18 months to process a book, did not respond to queries,
and finally let it go rather than publish it. August 2008 update: Another negative report: in
18 months from acceptance, neither publication nor firm release date, and communication
with Stephanie Kelsey is becoming chancy. Apparently the publisher is getting
overwhelmed. October 2008 update: The proprietor says that she has posted three different
phone numbers she can be reached at, and has encouraged writers to call or text her if they
have a problem. They were overwhelmed by the default of one of their three partners, and
had to deal with dead links, uncorrected mistakes, lack of proper records, and so on. So they
gave releases to authors who got fed up. They are operating in the black now and expect to
do well. December 2008 update: They continue to gain on their backlog, focusing on the
books that have waited the longest. June 2009 update: they are now accepting submission
queries. May 2010 update: Still accepting queries.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
MORRIS PUBLISHING - www.morrispublishishing.com/ Self publisher, offering a free
publishing kit. Minimum order of 200 books at 2.72 per book, so you'll have to invest about
$600. Actually it will cost you twice that for a typical 300 pages novel. You can send for their
free publishing kit for details. June 2008 update: It says that Flash Player 8 or higher is
required to view this website. So I didn't view it. May 2010 update: Now they let me view
their site. They can print quantities of 100-5,000.
MULTI-MEDIA PUBLICATIONS — www.mmpubs.com/ This is the outfit that bought out
Crystal Dreams, which is now one of their imprints. Other imprints are Lessons from History,
which is a series of books, ebooks, audiobooks, and DVDs analyzing historical events. Project
Management libraries of books and audiobooks. Networking for Results. Impact
Publications, for fiction and general adult trade nonfiction. Impact Publications, for young
entrepreneurs. Birth Books is coming soon, appropriately. But when I answered their email,
it bounced. June 2008 update: They are open to submissions in a number of genres in a
number of forms. Royalties of 20% of net sales. June 2009 update: I could not verify that
they are still publishing, rather than bookselling. May 2010 update: This time I verified that
they are still publishing. They have a large backlog of fiction so aren’t accepting that, but are
interested in specific nonfiction.
MUNDANIA PRESS LLC - www.mundania.com/ New very small epublisher with hard copies
too. This came into existence to handle the reprinting of my dirty fantasy novel Pornucopia,
but has expanded to have a number of other writers and titles. No, I'm not running it, but
have a financial interest in it. It is also looking for previously published books, and for new
authors. Several of my new novels will be published here, but that does not guarantee that
they or the publisher will be successful; I regard it as an experiment. Also, if my books do
well here, that does not necessarily mean that yours will too, so be cautious. Their sample
contract has plain-English explanation of what the legalese language means. They take
electronic, hardcover, and trade paperback rights for two years; it can be canceled
thereafter on a month's notice. Royalties: 50% electronic, 15% on hard copies, paid
quarterly, based on what they get. There is a good audit clause. You might want to look at
these explanations when considering the contract of some other publisher, as the legaleze is
similar. April 2005 update: they have been growing rapidly, and now have more than 75
titles and considerable ambition. April 2006 update: this time I counted 86 authors, some of
whom have many titles, so the growth continues. They remain open for submissions, doing
electronic and print editions. But I have to say, based on my own experience, they can be
glacially slow. Sales: in accordance with my attempt to indicate relative sales of publishers, I
am starting with my own sample figures. Eight novels there paid a total of $733.16 in the
first quarter of 2006, or an average of about $91.65 per book. The most was Pornucopia =
170.70; the least was Omnivore = $3.30. February 2007 update: they are closed to
submissions for the 2007 season. April 2005 update: Unsolicited submissions will reopen in
late 2007. They list a number of EPPIE awards they won, including the Margroff'/Anthony
reprint of Dragon's Gold. So my experience continues: if you are willing to wait forever, they
can do well by your books. October 2007 update: Dan Reitz and Bob Sanders, who run
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Mundania, visited me in September, and I got an earful of the problems small publishers
face. They are deluged with up to 500 submissions per month, and their attempts to get
some of their books into brick & mortar stores are met with on again, off again reactions
that look like random incompetence but I think are actually part of a system designed to
prevent small press from getting an even chance. As author Robert Moore Williams put it,
decades ago: the big hogs have their snouts in the trough, and they aren't about to let the
little pigs get any swill. June 2008 update: They are open to unsolicited submissions in
March, April, September, October. During the other months they consider only solicited
material. In my experience they have been prompt to respond to queries. February 2009
update: Authors can now access their royalty reports online. This includes past reports as
well. April 2009 update: Mundania has acquired Awe-Struck E-books. June 2009 update: I
attended the Romantic Times Booklovers Convention at the behest of Mundania; see my
report in the JeJune 2009 HiPiers column. But now they are closed to submissions. July 2009
update: Mundania has acquired Hard Shell Word Factory, which will become an imprint, as
of August 1, 2009. Existing contracts will be carried through. August 2009 update: A report
that they did not answer queries. They have only certain months for submissions, but that
shouldn't mean complete silence at other times. May 2010 update: wait until June to
submit. Royalties are now 45% net on ebooks, 15% net on print. June 2010 update: I had a
complaint about books still being sold a year after the rights were returned, and
nonresponse to queries. The explanation finally came through: B&N gets books from
Fictionwise, which they now own, and it seems to take time to shut down the pipeline,
maybe like the problem with an oil spell. Mundania says "We've contacted B&N several
times about this and we're still trying to solve the problem. In the event any book sells while
we're working on this issue, the full amount will be forwarded to the author." In fact they
seem to be taking forthright action to resolve this problem for a number of authors. Okay, I
have a conflict of interest here, because I have a monetary investment in Mundania, and
they paid my way to a convention. As far as I know, they are honestly run. But I will say that
they can be excruciatingly slow. I have titles contracted there that are still waiting
publication several years later. My impression is that they are backlogged and have trouble
keeping up. So if you are in a hurry, seek elsewhere. There is also a complaint about lack of
editing. One report is that titles at Mundania do not sell better than titles elsewhere, and
seemed to feel that I might be downplaying competitors of Mundania because of my
investment therein. Yes, I have also been accused of doing that to favor Xlibris, a former
investment. I make my involvement clear, as I do again in this update, and let others judge.
NET PUB - www.netpub.net This is a print-on-demand publisher who says they have had
over one trillion impressions printed. But their site doesn't seem to provide information on
terms. You have to request a quote. June 2008 update: Under "Get Published" is a
description of Hudson House Publishing. You still have to request a quote. August 2009
update: I heard from their marketing director, who says they have 25 years experience in
the book and manual business.
NEW-AUTHOR.COM - see the Services section.
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
NEW BABEL BOOKS - www.newbabelbooks.com/ They plan to publish 6 books a year by
hand-picked authors. POD, but the author's don't pay, and will receive royalties. April 2006
update: They are not actively seeking submissions, but will listen if you query seriously.
June 2007 update: same as before. June 2008 update: Page cannot be found message. June
2009 update: They are there now, but scanty on information. June 2010 update: still no
information on terms, which makes me wonder.
NEW BEDLAM - www.newbedlam.com/ A magazine to be published quarterly April 1, July 1,
October 1, January 1. They expect to publish one poem, two flash (that is, 75-750 words),
two short and one long fiction story per issue, as well as guest spots from various residents
of New Bedlam. All submissions must take place in the fictional town of New Bedlam,
somewhere in central USA, in any time frame; horror, steampunk, science fiction, dark
romance. No erotica or children's or nonfiction. They pay one cent a word, to a limit of $20.
Their reading periods are July/August, October/November, January/February, and
April/May. They are closed to submissions as of June 1, 2009; Presumably that means now
that June is over, they are open. June 2010 update: They look fascinating, but I found no
information on submissions.
NEW CENTURY PUBLISHING - www.newcenturypublishing.org/ I was queried about this self
publisher, and advised to Google it. I did, and learned that the Indiana Attorney General
investigated because of complaints by authors of being charged $1,500 to $10,000 to
publish their books but getting nothing but excuses. The proprietor David Caswell owes
thousands in back rent and is being evicted. He has served time in prison for fraud and
income tax evasion, and was even a bigamist. Indiana his filed a civil lawsuit. In sum: avoid
this publisher and person.
NEW CONCEPTS PUBLISHING - www.newconceptspublishing.com/ NCP for short. It is
expanding to ten books a month. Actively seeking other genres to add to the book list,
including Science Fiction, Fantasy, Thriller, Mystery, Horror, Mainstream, Erotica (but not
pornography), and Nostalgia. They are also looking for Art. 60,000 to 120,000 words. They
offer 30% of list price on downloads for direct sales. The contract is for three to five years,
and the author has the option of renewing or leaving, with all rights reverting. They are in
the print market as well as electronic, and plan to expand to book stores soon. They never
close their doors to submissions, and their editors have excellent discussions on what they
are looking for, but they are said to be somewhat lax about responding to authors.
February 2004 Update: But I have a very bad report on their sloppiness and
nonresponsiveness and possible cheating of authors. If they list no sales, when there have
been sales, how long should one allow it to be in the pipeline before crying foul? Maybe
their personnel are overworked, but I'd be wary. April 2004 update: I have received other
bad reports, as well as emphatic defenses of the publisher by other writers and its staff.
After a struggle--see my comment in the April 2004 HiPiers column--I conclude that
misunderstandings account for much of the bad feeling. The publisher is not trying to cheat
anyone, but has not always kept authors informed. One writer reported that the publisher's
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
site was hacked at the end of 2003, causing it to be offline for over a month, which may
have contributed to the confusion. June 2004 update--But complaints continue, so it's not
over yet. December 2004 update: Complaints still are coming in, acknowledging routine
problems from disorganization and overworked staff. They also are reported to resist
reverting contracts at their normal termination dates, even refusing delivery on a certified
letter with such a request. Read the complaint on the National Writers' Union site; legal
action is being considered. That's arrogant mischief. There are too many instances; I have to
say that this publisher should be avoided. August 2005 update: it seems that in the interest
of enhanced sales they are spicing up their books, and removing the less sexy titles. They
seem to have changed their nature, and books not rated R or more will be on the back
burner. February 2007 update: another negative report of unreported royalties and
nonresponse to complaints. April 2007 update: it gets worse: one author submitted a
manuscript, got no response, queried twice, and after 7 months finally asked them to
remove the submission, as it had been sold elsewhere. After another two months came an
email offering a contract. It seems that they hired an author liaison--who also does not
respond to emails. But I do have a report of their finally making good on what was owed.
June 2007 update: this time I did not find submission information. I received more than one
complaint that writers are not informed of publications dates and that answering queries is
considered too much of a burden. They may be making changes in manuscripts without
letting authors review them. One author's name was incorrect on the cover, but they would
not fix it. But I have a report of 200 copy sales, which isn't bad. October 2007 update: A
reader paid for a book, but then the publisher did not send the download link. An accidental
glitch? December 2007 update: a report of poor service but very good sales. So mixed
signals continue. April 2008 update: yet another bad report of lack of communication, poor
customer service, and authors having problems getting their rights back after their contracts
expire. There is an extended discussion at an author loop, the essence of which is that
authors must post anonymously to avoid vindictive retaliation, that authors who ask
questions can get blacklisted, that there is no editing, payments can be late, and that the
proprietor publishes her own material under multiple aliases, with those getting the most
promotion. One says that NCP was good, but has been going downhill the past 18 months.
One is bemused that the publisher can't be bothered to notify authors when their books are
being published. But some posts are positive. One says that the blacklist is a myth. The
publisher, Madris DePasture, has a long hard-nosed discussion of publishing and authors
that makes sense; it is true that many seeming errors are mostly the ignorance of new
writers. So as an outsider, I suspect the truth is somewhere in between. June 2008 update: a
reader bought a book there, but never received it or any reply to a query. Any legitimate
publisher would be concerned about such a glitch and rectify it promptly. So this is
worrisome. No sign of this on the site. August update: refund finally given, after 4 months of
confusion and nonresponse to queries. Their Web site says they currently receive between
25,000 and 45,000 hits per day, and are on their way to becoming a multi-million dollar
company by 2009. They accept only submissions that are publication-ready; there does not
seem to be an editing process. So proofread your manuscript before you submit it. And a
bad complaint: an author submitted a three chapter partial book, per their guidelines, then
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took time to work on it—and they published it as part of a three author collaboration, with
the other authors picking up from her beginning. Now this sort of thing can be done; I've
done it. But it has to be by contract, and that was not the case here. So it was an involuntary
collaboration. The publisher says she was in breach of contract by not delivering; author
says there was no specified due date. Looks from here as if the author has the right of it.
Yes, it happened to me, in traditional print, decades ago when a publisher rendered my
novel But What of Earth? into a degraded collaboration without my knowledge, in egregious
violation of the contract. I objected, and the publisher apologized, reverted the rights to me,
fired the editor, and shut down the line. And fans said I was too easy on them because I
didn't sue. Okay, they were in the process of doing the last two things anyway. But I could
have forced it, had I sued. I saw no need; I'm tough minded, but not that much of an ogre. I
had the novel republished elsewhere, restored, with 25,000 words of commentary on the
idiocies of the original editing. So in my judgment, unless the publisher can prove breach of
contract by the author, such as a delivery deadline, it owes the author reversion and public
apology, and shutdown of the book unless it can negotiate a contractual compromise with
the author. Because arrogance like this needs to be curbed, for the good of the field. It
seems they have also deleted the clause that requires written permission from the author
before the editor can make changes, and have done some horrendously destructive editing.
Yes, some manuscripts do need serious editing, but in other cases it comes across like a pig
rooting in a flower garden. So maybe it is just as well that they have stopped editing at all.
They have also run a Public Notice listing a number of authors whose rights they are
reverting because of breach of contracts. One would think such matters are best handled
privately, and when they list the author's pseudonyms and real names that's like hanging
dirty laundry out in public, intended to be embarrassing. Or, worse, to get authors in trouble
with their daytime employers, who don't know their secret lives as spicy-fiction writers. It
looks from here like more mean-spirited arrogance. Other complaints, selected from a
myriad: royalties can be late, without corresponding 1099 forms. Favoritism to some
authors, such as NCP pen names. Not informing authors of release dates. Refusal to take
books off websites when reverted. I even heard of a case, surely one among many, where
an author corresponded with another NCP author, only to learn later that she was a house
pseudonym. I suppose that's one way for a publisher to phish for private complaints and out
secret critics, but there's a nasty odor. October 2008 update: a report that at the end of July
NCP deleted its 1700+ readers loop without warning. It is conjectured this was because
readers were complaining about paying for but not receiving orders. Later they opened a
new readers loop, but with all messages moderated, meaning that complaints would not get
through. On the in-house author loop they post only emails from the NCP staff. The odor
thickens. June 2009 update: they remain open for submissions, and say the average payout
to authors over three years ranges from $44 to $8,455.46, depending on genre. June 2010
update: They are no longer buying "sweet" romances; their readers demand stronger stuff.
But they are always open for submissions.
NEW LEAF BOOKS - www.newleafbooks.net/ This is a new small publisher, an imprint of
WigWam Publishing Co. Hardcover, paperback, and electronic. It pays no advance, but
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offers an "attractive royalty package." Looking for nonfiction 70,000+ words, genre fiction
70-100,000, and Young Adult, 50-90,000. No erotica. Query first, and response time on
manuscripts is four to six weeks. They are open to different fiction, unique stories,
unforgettable characters, and strong plot lines. With no visible track record, this publisher
can't be judged good or bad, but its attitude looks promising. October 2005 update: But now
they are accepting only nonfiction. June 2007 update: unchanged. June 2009 update: they
now have a 2009 date, but I can't verify that they remain open to submissions. June 2010
update: Their update of 9-1-2009 says they are currently closed to new submissions.
NEXT STOP HOLLYWOOD - http://nextstophollywood.org/ The idea is that they will publish
a collection of stories adaptable to movies, thus providing Hollywood with what it needs and
helping the careers of writers. But they are canny about details. You have to give them a lot
of personal information before they let you see their terms of agreement and they won't
say what they pay, though they are sure writers will be happy with it. They expect to get 710% royalties, which they will split evenly with the authors on a pro-rata basis. This is
reasonably standard, and it seems they do pay an advance. So will it work? I have had more
experience than most writers with the vagaries of Hollywood deals, and I am skeptical. But if
you have a suitable story you haven't placed elsewhere, this might be a worthwhile gamble.
June 2007 update: They announce an anthology of 15 stories published by St. Martins
Press, selected from 600 on the criterion "Would this story make a terrific film or TV
project?" A 2008 edition is planned. I presume they'll inform us if any of the stories actually
become movies. April 2008 update: a writer who asked for information found instead
obscurities. The word out is that this is a scam. I have no solid information, but be wary.
June 2008 update: Their last update was dated 10-17-07, seeking graphic novels in any
genre, and nonfiction. June 2009 update: I got a blank screen. I suspect they require a
loading device I lack. June 2010 update: It is there in good order now. But 2007 seems to be
as recent as they get.
NOBLE ROMANCE PUBLISHING - www.nobleromance.com/ They pay author advances of up
to $1,000. That's remarkable for an e-publisher. They are looking for a passionate, gripping
love story in any sub-genre, with honest, graphic sex, that pushes the envelope. Any sexual
fantasy goes, except pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, etc. Length 20,000 words up. I did
not find information on terms. October 2008 update: They sent me a sample contract. 7
year term of agreement, 5 free copies for the author, 36% royalties for a digital edition, 20%
for print on demand formats, 7% for traditional print formats, 10% for audio. June 2009
update: exceedingly slow loading site. They still offer $1,000 advances for erotic romance.
They want the hottest risque sexual fantasy. March 2010 update: I have a very favorable
report of superb editing, fantastic cover art, monthly royalty statements, and all questions
answered. April 2010 update: And when an author wanted out, they acquiesced with good
grace, no kill fees.
NOVEL BOOKS - www.novelbooksinc.com April 2005 update: it has folded, as of the
beginning of the year, leaving authors and staffers unpaid. So much for integrity. There may
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be legal action. February 2006 update: Confirmation on how they took their authors, artists,
and editors for a ride, stiffing them all. June 2009 update: And yet the site remains, selling
books, but they are not accepting submissions at this time.
NVF MAGAZINE - www.freewebs.com/nvhmag1 Publishes horror short stories and poems.
Theoretically pays royalties, but this seems doubtful. June 2009 update: As of June 2009,
this will be online only, no further print issues. Pay for authors will be in exposure only. They
mention that almost 500 publications have gone digital or folded entirely; costs have wiped
them out. July 2009 update: confirmation from an author that they aren't paying royalties.
ONLINE ORIGINALS - www.onlineoriginals.com It is a British online-only publisher with 50%
royalties. They offer constructive feedback on all submissions, and a review of your
manuscript can be commissioned for £40, $60. Each work must be book length, previously
unpublished, original, well written, intelligent, and available in French or English. My
impression is that they are looking for quality, and that your manuscript has to be pretty
good to be accepted here. They accept only one out of 300 submissions on average.
PAGEFREE PUBLISHING - www.pagefreepublishing.com This is a self publisher. It says that
an impressive number of best-selling authors paid to get their first books published,
Hemingway, Poe, Kipling, Tennyson, T S Elliot, the author of Waller's The Bridges of Madison
County--I didn't know that! This is Print on Demand, hardcover or trade paperback, and the
author gets 75% of the net. That may be less than it seems, but is still a lot. You pay a
"reasonable and moderate" set up fee, ranging from $299 to $452 depending on the length
of your manuscript, plus the cost of optional services such as editing or custom art. Author
keeps the rights. There's quite a bit of good general discussion here. 2003 UPDATE: They
now have a considerable array of levels and services, ranging up to $702 for big books, plus
editing, cover art, and marketing for additional fees. You can pretty well shop for what you
want. December 2003 update: they are now offering book returns for bookstores. That
means bookstores are more likely to stock their books. June 2004 update: they seem no
longer to list their prices; the author has to contact them directly. But the fees listed here
should be in the ballpark. December 2004 update: I have a serious complaint against them,
consisting of shoddy work, failure to do what was paid for, and their failure to respond to
queries. There may be class action litigation. June 2005 update: still more complaints, and
more legal action contemplated. See http://color-of-truth.com, the section on PageFree in
the Articles section, for details. August 2006 update: I got a NOT FOUND message. October
2006 update: it is still there. February 2008 update: I have a report that texts of their
authors' books are being displayed on Google Books with Pagefree's permission, but not
necessarily the author's permission. Trying to get them to stop seems to be ineffective. I
suspect that Pagefree is not the only publisher doing this. The wishes of the authors should
be considered. June 2008 update: Now they have new packages, starting at $399, and in
some the author can get 99% of net. You will have to review these to get the details.
December 2008 update: an attempt to exercise the right of cancellation was ignored. June
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2010 update: They are ceasing publishing immediately, owing to financial setbacks as a
result of the illness of their CEO. They will try to settle fairly with their authors.
PALABRAS PRESS - http://www.palabras-press.com I was sent this address to be checked,
but it gave me a blank screen. August 2005 update: I received a note that they have chosen
to advertise in Quills Canadian Poetry Magazine. October 2005 update: There are there now
with articles on writing fiction and poetry. It's a small literary ezine. October 2006 update:
they have courses and workshops. They are accepting manuscripts for publication. They
have announced their Third Annual International Dance With Words Poetry Contest. June
2009 update: To discuss your publishing requirements, you have to contact them at their
Canadian office, by phone.
PEANUT PRESS - www.peanutpress.com This came to public attention because of Stephen
King's "Riding the Bullet" story. It is a division of netLibrary, and is a bookseller; it does not
appear to be a market for ordinary writers. Its material can't be read on a personal
computer; you must have PDA, a hand held computer running Palm OS or CE. Two of my
titles are there: Hope of Earth and the collaborative Quest for the Fallen Star. But I was
informed by a writer that they liked his book so well that they submitted it to DAW, a
traditional print publisher, for him, and he wound up with a DAW contract for three books
with good future prospects. This would seem to be extraordinary service.
UPDATE: This site is now Palm Digital Media. I think that means this press is gone. The word
from writers is that that it is now a book seller, not a publisher, part of Palm Pilot. April 2005
update: I am advised that Palm Digital Media was sold and is now eReader.com. Already a
complaint: "Their customer service has gone down the tubes." August 2006 update: The
link took me to ereader.com. June 2009 update: It's back as Peanut Press, but seems to be a
straight bookseller now. June 2010 update: The page was blank, but supposed to refresh in
5 seconds. It didn’t.
PENDULUM PRESS - www.pendulumpress.com/ Electronic publisher of mysteries and
suspense fiction, open for submissions in all sub-genres, but no pornography. Query with a
synopsis of the story, plus the first three chapters, not to exceed 10,000 words. I found no
information on terms, but they seem to be pretty sure of themselves. August 2006 update:
no address. June 2008 update: This domain may be for sale. June 2009 update: It is
Pendulum Press again. June 2010 update: Now it’s Tate Publishing.
PENNED, INK - www.pennedink.com/ This is a new self publisher offering a number of
services ranging from editing to ghost writing. Publishing costs $325. It will also give advice,
leading off with a discussion of The Outline. As prices for publishing go, this is cheap, and
the advice is free. But as yet it has no track record. June 2007 update: Their basic publishing
package is now $1,000. June 2009 update: Now their fee for publishing is $325. June 2010
update: I got no page.
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
PENUMBRA PUBLISHING — www.penumbrapublishing.com/ A new, small independent
online publishing company offering both electronic and print editions. Open to submissions
in various genres, especially Romance, 35,000 – 200,000 words. They aren't opposed to
erotic fiction but feel it should be tried elsewhere first. I did not find information on terms,
but their listing of requirements is comprehensive and it may be there somewhere. I have a
favorable report of their treatment of a new author.
PETERSEN PUBLISHING GROUP - www.petersenpublishinggroup.com/ They talk of cost
sharing, partnership publishing, but seem canny about what the author pays. Much
discussion about the liabilities of all other forms of publishing. This seems to be a form of
self publishing, which accepts 75% of the manuscripts they receive. The process takes 4-6
months. I will be interested in feedback from authors who actually try it. Indications are that
it will cost $8,000 to $10,000 for the full treatment. For that price, it had better be damned
good. June 2009 update: I got a screen identifying them, but otherwise blank. June 2010
update: This now took me to The Author’s Workshop.
PHAZE - www.phaze.com/ Ultra-sensual fiction, wide open (no pun) to all submissions
including simultaneous and multiple, from 5,000 to more than 90,000 words in five
categories, and single author collections. Except the usual: bestiality, pedophilia,
necrophilia, bodily wastes, serious injury or positively portrayed rape. No need to query; just
submit your manuscript. They want strong, passionate, intelligent characters, intense
sensual tension, and good narrative. Electronic submissions only. They acknowledge within
two days, and try to report within four months. They take print rights, because they hope to
do some print editions. Royalties are 15% on the net received for print editions, and 50% of
net electronic received, paid quarterly. I like the name of this publisher, for some reason.
April 2005 update: this turns out to be an imprint of MUNDANIA, which I hadn't realized.
Evidently their erotic arm. August 2006 update: they do now have print titles available,
three in the Erotic Romance section of Borders. December 2006 update: A very positive
report. June 2007 update: Their publication schedule for 2007 is filled, but they remain
open for 2008. The only material they need for 2007 is for two themed 5-12K length
HeatSheets. They are focusing on quality women's erotica. I am now doing business there,
coincidentally (I'm not a quality woman), with my Relationships series of spicy story
collections. October 2007 update: another very positive report of first month sales of 100200 copies. My reprinted Relationships, in contrast, sold 2 copies in July, so normal sales are
probably somewhere in between. June 2009 update: They seem to be open to submissions,
and have a sensible FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section clarifying what they will and
will not consider. March 2010 update: A favorable report of their being professional and
responsive with excellent editing and fairly decent royalty payments four times a year. June
2010 update: But they tend to be excruciatingly slow.
PINESTEIN - www.pinestein.com/ They have clever commentary about their professor
Pinestein Porcupine, genius IQ, discoverer of Quillativity. They do children's books and look
forward to hearing from writers, but say they are unable to respond to inquiries or
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submissions. They do look at everything, though. I have an author report that they mean it:
no responses. Now I have a problem with this: they should answer queries, and should
acknowledge submissions, so the authors know they have arrived safely. This is basic
courtesy. I found no information on terms, which may be par for that course. So you can
feed your manuscripts into this black hole if you wish, but until their attitude in this respect
changes, I'd avoid them.
PINK FLAMINGO - www.pinkflamingo.com/ "Erotic Stories & Novels Bondage, Spanking &
Fetish Stories in Paperback & Ebooks. "Original, Sexy & intelligent Fiction You won't find
anywhere else!" That seems to cover the territory, but I couldn't find any information on
terms for writers. June 2007 update: They are open for submissions, but a visitor has to
register with them to get information on terms, and I'm not into registration. June 2010
update: A generally favorable report that they pay 15% royalties on the retail and wholesale
prices of any paperback, and 20% on ebooks, quarterly, usually on time, but sometimes
delayed. They move aggressively into any new market for ebooks.
PNEUMA SPRINGS.CO.UK - www.pneumasprings.co.uk/ The site seems to be all about
restrictions on the use of the site; I did not find information on terms. However, I have a
highly favorable report from one of their authors. This appears to be a British self publisher.
Everything is up front and in black and white; no hidden clauses or extras to pay. You pick
the deal that suits you. From start to finish for the book was 10 weeks. June 2009 update:
The site was so slow loading that I gave up. May 2010 update: a positive report: "Now
publishing my third book through [Pneuma] and have absolutely no complaints at the
service offered and delivered."
POETRY.COM - www.poetry.com/ This seems to be the online access of Watermark Press,
which says it is the largest publisher of poetry in the world. I gather that you pay to have a
number of copies of your book published: About $400 for 15 copies of a 60 page book, for
example. So this is a straightforward self publisher. UPDATE: I am advised that this company
has one of the worst names in the business, and that many consider it to be an outright
scam. December 2004 update: a participant was told she was to receive an award which was
to be given at a convention Poetry.com sponsored. When she did not attend the
convention, the award disappeared. Apparently attendance is a requirement. Beware.
December 2005 update: confirmation in an article in the October 2005 AARP BULLETIN. You
pay $60 to put your poem in the book, and $580 plus travel and hotel expenses to attend
their convention where you might get to read it to others. It's your money that counts, not
merit. June 2010 update: Now it leads to LULU.
POETRY OF TODAY - www.poetryoftoday.com/ "Publishes mostly Christian and inspirational
poetry, including online publication. Requires an undisclosed 'service fee' from the Author.
Author gets 70% royalties until service fee is recouped by the author, then 50% royalties
from then on. Service agreement is for two years, requires granting of electronic publishing
rights for that period. The way it's worded the site keeps rights for that time, even if the
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contracts is terminated." MW 2003 UPDATE: When I tried to click their Book Publishing or
About Us links I found myself in commercial ads for things like Ferrari. But when I tried Site
Map, it provided access to publishing information. A minimum of 80 pages are needed for a
manuscript, so they must be thinking of books of poems, rather than individual poems. June
2007 update: Closed. June 2010 update: But the site remains, selling books.
PUBLIC BOOKSHELF - www.publicbookshelf.com/ "PublicBookshelf.com is now open for
fiction and non-fiction book submissions. We pay 70% Google ad revenues on each page of
your book. Take advantage of our million+ annual visitor traffic to get your book read, earn
money, and promote yourself." December 2008 update: they say you can read many of their
books free, and also say they publish you online at no cost to you and pay an advance of up
to $500. I'll be interested to see feedback from authors who try them, and this comes under
the probably too good to be true heading. May 2010 update: I have moved this entry from
the Services section to the Publishing section, because it now seems more like a publisher
than a service. It seems that their contract is non exclusive, which means you can also
publish elsewhere. That could be a good deal for authors. I have a report from an author
confirming non-exclusivity but not the advance.
PUBLISH AND BE DAMNED - www.pabd.com This is a free self-publishing site. All you have
to do is buy ten printed copies of your own book. They help you set it up, and you can
market from this site. April 2005 update: now it's 25 copies. August 2006 update: Now it
costs $659. February 2008 update: the link now leads to Spire, a self publisher.
PUBLISH AMERICA - www.publishamerica.com "We are an old fashioned publishing
company with new, innovative ideas. We pride ourselves on publishing books that are
having a hard time being accepted elsewhere." They respond within weeks or months, and
are looking for Children's/Young Adult, Fiction, Health, Mystery/Suspense, Nonfiction,
Spiritual/Philosophy, Romance, or Sci-fi. They use print-on-demand to avoid big inventories
or warehousing. Thus they can give talented undiscovered authors a fair chance. They pay
standard traditional-publisher royalties of 8% to 10%. Bear in mind that these seemingly
small royalties are apt to bring in a good deal more money for the writer than 50% or 100%
with a straight online publisher, because of the likely volume of sales. Less is often more, in
publishing. However, there may be an odor here. The "Ask Ann" service (check it in the
Services section) has posted a number of complaints, and there is some fierce dialogue with
the publisher. Elsewhere reports have been mixed. Whether it is unscrupulous or merely
impatiently efficient is uncertain, and perhaps depends on your perspective. Remember, the
"old fashioned" publishers can be arrogant as hell. I heard from one writer who was
seriously disappointed in their performance. October 2003 update: another writer says that
they are a thinly disguised vanity press, their fee not being money but an "announcement
list" of two to three hundred addresses the author is required to provide. I presume they
then hit up those addresses for sales. I would distrust this. December 2003 update: But
another writer says that they ask for only 100 or fewer addresses and don't expect to sell to
many of those. August 2004 update: a writer forwarded me a copy of the San Antonio
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Current review: they are doing well, paying small advances of one dollar, but have generally
low sales. They do retaliate against complainants, removing them from their message
boards or banning them. PA (that's Publish America, not Piers Anthony) warns to beware of
sci-fi or fantasy authors: "They have no clue about what it is to write real-life stories, and
how to find them a home." Well, I am such an author, so consider yourself warned.
December 2004 update: complaints continue, and PUBLISHERS WEEKLY ran an expose,
saying that PA does not pay royalties. That's a no-no. My impression is that this publisher is
best avoided. February 2005 update: And I have a positive feedback on them, from an
author who was paid a small advance, is satisfied with their editing and responsivity, does
receive royalties, and discovered that some who pan the company do so based on rumors
rather than personal experience. Still, it seems that the WASHINGTON POST published an
article trashing them as selling false dreams, and see my column for February 2005 for the
SF writers' hilarious response to PA's put-down of them. June 2005 update: yet I received an
ad for one of their books, so they do do that amount of promotion. June 2006 update: And I
have a positive response, that they do exactly what they say they will do. Authors really do
have to do 99% of the marketing of their books; PA doesn't charge and does pay royalties.
And another negative report. One writer feels they make sales difficult because books are
non-returnable. Here I can't fault PA; POD books generally are non-returnable, having been
in effect special-ordered. October 2006 update: Another complaint that the company
became non-responsive after receiving the manuscript. So the manuscript was withdrawn.
Meanwhile, I have what amounts to a leaked document on the inner workings of this
publisher. There are 20-some "editors" who are hard pressed. Layout/editors are required
to do three books a day. There's no time to check story-line or continuity or even spelling.
Basic editors (a different class) do about one book a day, and are lucky to correct
punctuation, grammar, spelling, tense, or point of view. Questions are shunted to Support,
where they are answered with pre-made blurbs drawn from the contract or form letters. So
if service seems perfunctory, it's not because the editors don't care; they just are on such an
assembly-line schedule that they can't do much for any book. It is reminiscent of a sweat
shop. December 2006 update: another bad report, of their firing their best editors and
engaging in sex discrimination. Another says "they are rude ignorant and down right nasty."
Some folk believe they will fold in six months. We'll see. April 2007 update: more
negatives. See MEET REAL PA in the services section. August 2007 update: a positive report,
they performed as promised, though they do price the books high. October 2007 update:
and another negative about non-payment. June 2008 update: They have an item titled
Publish America Confronts Amazon. I am not keen on Publish America, but I believe they
have the right of this one, refusing to let Amazon dictate who prints their books. However, I
also have another negative report from a writer: they are difficult to work with. If you post
something negative on the boards, they delete it immediately. They can take forever to get
back to you if you have an issue. December 2008 update: a report that they have extended
their contract term from three to seven years, that they take movie rights, and pay an
advance of one dollar. Be wary. I also have another mediocre report: they did pay a royalty
check, but the author could not verify its accuracy. Typos were left in even after supposedly
corrected. April 2009 update: Publish America won its suit against Preditors & Editors. I do
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not know the details, but conjecture that the P&E report was considered to be intended to
prejudice people against the publisher, rather than being objective. June 2009 update: I
note this on their page: "Welcome to Publish America! We are the Nation's number one
book publisher!!" They are talking about numbers of books, not quality. But, oddly, I could
get none of their supplementary sections. July 2009 update: I have another generally
favorable report. They have a clearly worded contract and follow through with every
promise they make. They reportedly accept only 30% of submitted manuscripts. "PA's staff
have answered every single one of my multiple emails over the last 2 years...I've never had
an impolite or improper response and they've always responded within 2 weeks." They sent
out many copies of the book at their cost for reviews. They paid royalties on time. June 2010
update: But complaints of nonperformance continue.
PUBLISHER'S GRAPHICS/ LLC - www.pubgraphics.com They say their staff has more than 40
years experience in the graphic arts industry, and are ready to meet your needs. But to get
information on cost, you must make a quote request.
QUIET STORM PUBLISHING - Small press that became a scam, not delivering books paid for,
not paying authors, not answering queries. Avoid.
REBEL TALES — http://rebeltales.com/ A magazine set up April 30, 2009 by Holly Lisle,
whose personal site is listed in the Services section. Fantasy, Science Fiction, Paranormal,
Suspense. 4,000 to 90,000 words, payment ranging from $33 to $2,000, depending on their
system for calculating the value of contributions. They are very choosy, so read their
detailed Submission sections before you even think of submitting anything. I was made
aware of this publisher by a reader who sent me Holly Lisle's discussion "Rebel Tales: My
War for the Midlist.” She deplores the way today most publishers focus mainly on the
frontlist, that is, the new stuff, then let books drop into the abyss. She hopes to maintain a
solid midlist so that authors can get a regular monthly income from their backlist. See my
related discussion in the AwGhost 2010 HiPiers column. They are still getting their editorial
process aligned, so are not yet open for submissions as of when I checked in July 2010.
RED ROSE PUBLISHING - www.redrosepublishing.com/ Started by Wendi Felter, who was
booted from Mardi Gras. Opinions about her are highly mixed, positive and negative; now
we'll see how she does on her own. Sliding scale for royalties: 40% first 300, 45% next 200,
50% above 500. They are seeking all variations of Romance and Erotic Romance, with the
usual restrictions. Authors must be 18 or older. October 2007 update: a favorable report
from an author, who has good sales, and another who feels very nicely treated. December
2007 update: Wendi reports that they now have authors in the 45% and 50% range,
meaning that they are selling 300, 500 or more copies. She is pleased with the progress of
the company. I also have a very favorable report from an author who was actually paid
early. This is almost unheard of with publishers. A separate report gives about 50 copies in a
month for a republished title, which seems good. February 2008 update: There are
nonetheless some concerns about retaliation. April 2008 update: The editor is perplexed by
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that report, as she does not practice retaliation at Red Rose. Considering that she has
herself been the victim of retaliation—I know from reports I received a year back—I'm
inclined to believe her. But misunderstandings have made for hard feelings with at least one
author. So this may be a he said, she said situation. There was an amusing confusion when a
RR author sent an encomium/refutation/lecture to Preditors & Editors addressed to Piers
Anthony, apparently believing me to be an employee there. "I know you haven't done any
homework..." Dave Kuzminski of P&E set her straight. It would help if folk who are not well
informed were more cautious about correcting those who are. Regardless, I have another
satisfied author report. Another says that a fracas with a cover artist was the artist's fault.
On balance, Red Rose seems okay. June 2008 update: the artist refutes that. Some very hard
feelings remain. On the site there is a notice: "665,271 requests since Friday 13 July, 2007."
They are evidently getting a lot of business in their first year. August 2008 update: Another
negative report of lost contracts, lost editing, lost release dates, nonresponse. A general
impression not of malice but of chronic disorganization. December 2008 update: there was
a problem, but it has been resolved. A head was offed. But some artists have not received
statements or checks, with little or no response to queries, and there are reports of
retaliation. February 2009 update: I received a report saying that Wendi Felter was not
booted from Mardi Gras, but that there was a campaign there against her by Teresa Jacobs,
who used something like 23 aliases, and Wendi finally cut her losses and left. At Red Rose
she hired an Editor in Chief who was not up to the job, had to replace her, and since then
things have improved. They are now going to print publication as well as electronic and have
been swamped preparing books for print debuts. Another report says Red Rose is doing a
good professional job. April 2009 update: But another report of retaliation with enough
detail to be persuasive. I omit the detail for that reason. And another positive report from
an author. Apparently opinions differ. June 2009 update: Wendi points out that authors can
rip off publishers, as well as vice versa, and gave examples. Sometimes she has gone out of
her way to help authors, and not had much thanks. Sigh. My normal stance is with authors,
but Wendi has a point. September 2009 update: it continues. An author suffered bad editing
by an editor who then disappeared without notice. A new editor had problems with both
the manuscript and the prior editing, then claimed that requested changes had not been
made, when they had been made. That editor, too moved on. In the end, correspondence
about the manuscript was ignored, and the book was not published. Finally giving up, the
author asked for reversion—and was threatened with contractual breach. In sum: bad
editing followed by neglect and a threat. This suggests to me that there are problems that
are not being properly addressed. October 2009 update: They have increased to six releases
a week. That's a heavy schedule, and there is concern whether it will dilute the sales of
individual titles. January 2010 update: Even at that rate, they have a backlog of a year. They
are reorganizing following the loss of their Lead Content Editor (maternity), and things are
slow, with some reports months late. I'd say avoid this publisher until they catch up.
February 2010 update: negative reports continue, and sales appear to be low. They have
been called an author mill instead of a quality publisher. There is also a protest about a $100
termination fee, especially when it is the publisher at fault. The theory is that the publisher
invests this much setting up for a novel, but if the publisher then does not perform, I
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suspect that fee should be forfeited. It seems to take a year to publish an ebook. Yet the
publisher does seem to be trying to catch up on the backlog, and says it paid out more than
$75,000 in royalties in the year 2009. I hope to simplify this entry in the future, as it is
dragging on. May 2010 update: the termination fee is theoretically divided between the
editor and the artist, but they are not necessarily getting it. That's another bad sign. June
2010 update: More mischief. One author saw her book published months ago, but saw no
promotion. The cover looked trashy, as if to solicit an erotic market though this was not an
erotic novel. No royalties paid. Another made a deal for multiple books, but the editing was
so horrible she now regrets it. Royalties were late, low, or nonexistent despite feedback
from readers who purchased the books. Another spoke of the publisher demanding $100 for
a reversion. August 2010 update: At this time they are accepting submissions for only
holiday-themed, Gothic/horror, and interracial/multicultural books of any heat level.
RED SAGE PUBLISHING - www.eredsage.com/ "For all the secrets that touch a woman's
heart." Apparently this is a Romance print publisher that now also does ebooks. They are
currently open to submissions in many genres, and want provocative material. I was unable
to find terms for authors. July 2010 update: they are looking for lengths 20,000-50,000 and
50,000-100,000 words in length, with their greatest need in the longer category. They prefer
that you write what year heart likes, rather than trying to fit a category, but their heart is in
erotic romance without being at all limited to that. "We are open to anything new and
different. In fact we would prefer new and different!" They pay an advance, variable. My
impression is that this could be a good place to be.
RESPLENDENCE PUBLISHING - www.resplendencepublishing.com/ I heard from Editorial
Director Jessica Berry. Romantic fiction, offering titles in both electronic and print formats.
Their initial titles will be released in October 2007. An early report says that they are very
considerate and professional. From the site I learn that they are looking for Historical,
Paranormal, Horror, Contemporary, Romantic Suspense, and Erotic Suspense, 12,000 90,000 words. 40% royalties on epublication, 7% on print books. They have 5 levels of heat.
February 2008 update: They are now accepting submissions in new categories, in
preparation for their mainstream launch in June 2008. Literary Fiction, Horror,
Action/Adventure, Romance, Women's Fiction, Self Help/Spirituality, Nonfiction (How-to,
History, Biography, etc.), Mystery, Young Adult. But not Science Fiction, which other
publishers cover well. They have launched their print program and are receiving orders,
though this is complicated by different policies at different stores. Their electronic books are
available, and will come soon to Fictionwise and elsewhere. June 2008 update: They try to
respond within 12 weeks, will consider multiple submissions, but accept only 1-3%.
Royalties are now 35-40%, or 30% on third party sales, on gross rather than net. (That's
good.) August 2008 update: they launched their first Fictionwise titles mid-April, and now
have 40 titles listed, several of which sold above 100 copies in their first month, with a few
breaking 200 and one 300. They have sold more than 1,000 print copies and 1,200 e-copies
in April and May. June 2009 update: I noted that they had a considerable presence at the
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Romantic Times Booklovers Convention, which I attended. The impression is that they are a
sharply rising publisher.
ROGUE PHOENIX PRESS - www.roguephoenixpress.com/ They are open for all submissions
in Romance, Sci-Fi, Young Adult, Historical Fiction and Mystery. Royalties of 40% of the
cover price, or 35% if books are sold through other outlets. Two year contract. I don't think
they have a track record yet. July 2010 update: They are open for submissions.
ROMANCE AT HEART - www.rahpubs.com/ They are accepting submissions in all Romance
genres, including erotic, not over 150,000 words. As a new publisher they lack a track
record, but they look competent. I found no information on royalties or terms. June 2007
update: No simultaneous submissions, no pictures included in the text, and the usual
restrictions for erotic fiction. See their guidelines for formatting. Word counts are actual
rather than calculated, so you can use your computer tally for length. Still no information on
terms. October 2007 update: a complaint about not getting paid in the past year. Then
came a check for sixty four cents. Hmm.
ROMANTIC SHORT LOVE STORIES - www.romantic-short-love-stories.com/ December 2006
update: this is now a relationships advice site. December 2007 update: the site appeared,
but with a yellow banner saying "This Web page could be a scam. Proceed with caution."
February 2008 update: I have been advised that this message is caused by an often
malfunctioning Earthlink browser helper.
RENAISSANCE E BOOKS - http://renebooks.com/ This is dedicated to a variety of genres
with splashes of erotica, but they do not publish pornography. Novels and collections of
short stories for mature audiences. They give fair warning to underage or socially
conservative readers: stay out. Lengths are 30,000 to 100,000 words, for first or second
electronic rights for one year. Books are sold to readers for $4.00 with $1.60 (that's 40%)
royalty for the author. If a book is sold via an Internet reseller, the author gets $1.08 (27%).
That's because the resellers take part of the cash; it is a reasonable reduction considering
those sales probably would not occur at all otherwise. Reports are monthly and royalty
checks are quarterly. Overall this looks good, and I have a favorable report from a writer
published there.They hope to add a new imprint in spring or summer: PageTurner Books, to
include both fiction and nonfiction for all audiences, no erotica. Update: the PageTurner
Imprint is now active and looking for good submissions, no erotica. Now they have the sexy
Sizzler-imprint. 2003 UPDATE: Sizzler wants plotted erotica, not sex for sex's sake. Five subimprints: Scorchers, Bondage & Submission, Sappho (lesbian), Wylde (gay male), Sexpert
(nonfiction). They try to respond within one week. They license only electronic rights, for
three years. October update: I have a report that payments are a bit slow but okay: $200 or
more in half a year per novella for one author. June 2008 update: I have a report that the
editor no longer responds to email from her authors. This is a bad signal. The posted sample
contract says that if the Publisher suspends operations, all rights revert immediately to the
Author. The Author may also withdraw all rights to a book after 120 days if it isn't in process
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for publication. So if you have a problem, invoke one of these clauses, saying that you will
consider nonresponse to be agreement for reversion. That should get results, one way or
REPLICA - I was sent news of this POD publisher that was so bad I thought I'd better mention
it here as a warning to aspiring writers. Apparently there have been wrongful charges and
non-deliveries that have caused a mess, so that going to law is the only remedy. So I have no
Web address here, just the notice.
RIFT MAGAZINE - RiftMagazine@aol.com I received a Call for Submissions of original works
up to 3,000 words in creative writing in many genres. Deadline was June 1, but presumably
there'll be new deadlines for later issues.
ROCK WAY PRESS - www.rockwaypress.com/ This is a small traditional print publisher that
really doesn't belong on this list, which focuses on electronic publishing. But someone asked
me about it, so I looked it up. It is open to new authors and to previously published books,
and has annual book contests, so may be worthwhile. It is looking for quality books and fine
writing, rather than commercial efforts, and is not afraid of a small print run. A
commendable attitude. Query first; it does not accept unsolicited manuscripts. The site is
helpful, even telling you how to "pitch" a book to them. In essence, do it in one sharp
sentence, if you can. This looks like a good place to be, if you can make the cut. June 2005
update: They have useful discussion of things like the costs of bookstore distribution. There
is an education to be had here. April 2006 update: a warning that they can delay unduly and
be unresponsive to queries. This, unfortunately, is typical of traditional print publishers.
June 2006 update: I have several responses from writers saying that Rockway is great, and
that it is highly responsive. These are credible reports, so I think my prior complaint is in
error. August 2006 update: They don't pay advances, but do give the author 12 copies of his
book. Royalties are on a sliding scale from 10% to 20% depending on volume of sales; this is
good., for traditional print. They don't remainder titles; that's good too. June 2007 update:
no longer accepting queries for new books until at least 2009. You can still enter their
contest, however. February 2008 update: Another negative report, that the publisher will
not or can not deal with her writers on a professional level, causing much stress. June 2008
update: Page cannot be found. December 2009 update: They're back, but closed to queries
until January 1, 2010. July 2010 update: Due to the recession, they are suspending
submissions, but their books remain on sale.
ROSE DOG - An imprint of DORRANCE. I have a negative report of butchered text and
RUTHIE'S CLUB - www.ruthiesclub.com/ This is a weekly erotic magazine. "Ruthie's Club is
the classiest, sexiest, illustrated erotic fiction site on the Net." Indeed, their site pictures are
classy and sexy, a pleasure to see. They are looking for tastefully sexy adult stories. They
take a 6 months license for assorted short fiction lengths ranging from $10 for 300 words or
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less to $75-$350 for above 14,000 words, but they're not eager for long stuff. October 2009
update: they are folding, after nine years: health issues. They may return, if they can.
SAMHAIN PUBLISHING- http://www.samhainpublishing.com/ A new publisher currently
accepting submissions in all genres of fiction and nonfiction. No pedophilia, bestiality,
necrophilia, racism. Royalties of 40% of the cover price. Allow 4-6 weeks for a personal
reply. They take full rights for digital and print, for (I understand) 7 years, but the contract is
negotiable. This is a dog-in-the-manger Grab; they should not have more rights than those
they need to publish. Things like recording and movie rights should certainly be excluded,
and print rights unless they specify serious intention to use them. April 2006 update: I
received an email from one of their authors saying that Samhain does use the print rights,
and expects to print some of the longer works later this year. Then I heard from the
publisher with much more information, including a sample contract, and from other writers.
Their contract seems reasonable to me, though it lacks an audit clause, and they are indeed
using the print rights. Clauses are negotiable, they do not take movie rights, but do take half
of translation and book club sales, which is a lot. I heard from one writer that when she had
interest from a big traditional publisher, Samhain released her contract and wished her luck.
This is Publisher-from-Heaven territory. In sum: they take a lot, but their writers love them.
December 2006 update: Now they are including an audit clause. February 2007 update:
Another author reports that there were some problems, but they were good about fixing
them, and in the end sales were phenomenal. April 2007 update: A report of over 250 sales
in the first two weeks a title appeared. This is phenomenal. June 2007 update: Temporarily
closed to open call submissions, but keep an eye out. Another report on sales: 25 to 50
copies a month for re-releases from other publishers, which is very good. If there is a
problem, management discusses it without blacklisting or yelling. One author reports sales
of 30 copies, which is much lower than she has at other publishers. December 2007 update:
But another reports excellent sales and great treatment. February 2008 update: and
another negative report of discourteous rejection and ridicule at RWA. April 2008 update: A
response from Angela James, executive editor: "I am shocked and more than a little
dismayed by this report... Certainly I ... would never damage my company's reputation with
authors by ridiculing anyone." Okay, I run the reports I receive, playing no favorites. I find
Angela's denial credible, and suspect that the February report was a distortion. General
feedback I have had over the years suggests that Samhain is one of the best electronic
publishes extant, noted for its courtesy. The gentle tone of Angela's response is a sharp
contrast to some of the blasts I have received from other publishers. Distributor All
Romance Ebooks gave Samhain the Best Publisher Award in February 2008, of more than a
hundred publishers and imprints they deal with. June 2008 update: an author reports sales
of 150-200 for the first month on non-erotic work, and steady sales of 50 a month
thereafter. This seems very good. But another very negative report of bad treatment,
specifics deleted for fear of retaliation. August 2008 update: they are now open for
submissions to all Romance, Erotica, Fantasy, and romantic Science Fiction, and closed for
now to other genres. Preferred length is 60,000 words or longer, but they will consider
shorter works of 12,000 up. July 2009 update: They remain open for all genres of romance
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and erotica, as well as fantasy and science fiction, but not other genres for the time being.
Word lengths range for 12,000 to 120,000. They are also looking for submissions for their
space opera anthology, until August 10, 2009. June 2010 update: Incidentally, my dictionary
says this should be pronounced SA-win; it's a Celtic festival. I have a report from an author
who was rejected, but the rejection was so courteous and informed, with specific other
publishers recommended, that he was quite favorable impressed. That's rare. July 2010
update: They are now open to General Submissions, especially for their Red Dot Winter
SAPHIRE BLUE PUBLISHING - www.sapphirebluepublishing.com/ This is gearing up to launch
in August, 2008, with variable but competitive royalty rates, open to many genres, and will
also do reprints. 12,000-100,000 words. But submissions are by invitation only. July 2009
update: They are open to submissions in several genres, including erotica. Royalty rates
begin at 45%. Electronic only; no paper submissions. July 2010 update: They are open for
submissions, no longer by invitation only.
SCORPIUS DIGITAL PUBLISHING - www.scorpiusdigital.com/ This specializes in science
fiction, fantasy, and horror in Microsoft Reader format. They publish a very limited number
of titles, almost exclusively out-of-print novels, collections, and anthologies. So Scorpius is
not a market for an unpublished writer, but if you have an out-of-print classic, this is for you.
June 2004 update: But they will consider new material, if properly queried first. I found no
information on terms. August 2008 update: The domain name expired 7-16-2008, so they
must be out of business. July 2009 update: But they are there now, though I'm not certain
they are functional. July 2010 update: Still there, selling books, but I think not buying them.
SCRIBD — www.scribd.com/ "Scribd is the largest publishing company in the world, the
Website where tens of millions of people each month publish and discover original writings
and documents. On Scribd, you can quickly and easily turn nearly any file — including PDF,
Word, PowerPoint and Excel — into a Web document and share it with the world." The
company was launched in March 2007. Uploading is free. If you wish to sell your book,
rather than providing it to readers free, you can keep 80% of revenue, with no monthly
membership fees. To do this you have to sign up. I have not tried this process, but it seems
like essentially free publishing. I will be interested to hear from writers who try it. I
understand from the AUTHORS GUILD BULLETIN that Simon & Schuster is selling digital
copies of its books here, including authors Stephen King, Dan Brown, and Mary Higgins
Clark. That argues well for the legitimacy of this platform.
SEABURN - www.seaburn.com/ I looked this up because a writer queried me about it. It
seems to be a print publisher, with hard copy distribution, so doesn't really belong on this
list. I was unable to find terms for authors. They say that if they like your manuscript they
will offer a contract. August 2006 update: they specialize in General interest, AfricanAmerican, Greek, Ibo, and Spanish language books. June 2007 update: An author was told to
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send $1,500 for editing and printing. This sounds like self publishing. August 2008 update:
But it says there is no charge for publishing your book.
SECOND WIND PUBLISHING - www.secondwindpublishing.com/ I was asked about this, so
looked it up. It seems to be a general publisher. I found no indication of terms for authors.
SERENDIPITY SYSTEMS - www.s-e-r-e-n-d-i-p-i-t-y.com Publisher John Galuszka notified me
of this one, which has been publishing electronic books since 1986. They don't want paper
manuscripts or straight prose. They take only electronic rights. No advance, royalties of 33%
of wholesale or retail sales. In one place they say they want hypertext novels, but in another
they say "no hypertext or multimedia," so you may have to ask. They want interactive
fiction, experimental works, and references on writing/publishing. This strikes me as
leading-edge, not for old stick-in-the-muds like me who turn out old-fashioned prose
manuscripts. UPDATE: Couldn't find it. 2003 UPDATE: They are back and open for
submissions. June 2005 update: They are not accepting new manuscripts the first half of
2005. August 2006 update: They have an interesting bookselling system: you download the
book, but it's encrypted, so you can't read it until you pay for it and get the key. The site was
last updated April 7, 2004, so I suspect they are no longer a market for writers. June 2007
update: Now the last reference is dated early 2005. August 2008 update: The site remains,
selling books, but there's no evidence they are buying them. Still no updates since 2005. July
2009 update: now the latest update is August 27, 2007. Several of their listed books are no
longer available. July 2010 update: still the 2005 notice that they aren't accepting
manuscripts. I think they are no longer publishing new material.
SHADOWFIRE PRESS - www.shadowfirepress.com/ They publish all genres of fiction except
literary, young adult, and inspirational. Lengths from 5,000 words for new authors, or down
to 1,500 for inhouse authors, up to 125,000; they have taken longer, but reluctantly. Term is
2 or 3 years for ebook rights only. Their contracts is standard but negotiable. There is an
audit clause. If they decide to do a print run, they will negotiate a new contract. Author is
responsible for registering the copyright. Ebook royalties are 40%. July 2009 update:
Submissions remain open for erotic romance and genre stories and books. They say to check
often, as their needs change.
SHADOWROSE www.shadowrosepublishing.net/ - A new small press that publishes
romantic fiction of all sub-genres in ebook and print formats, specializing in romance and
erotic fiction. SHADOWMERE is their imprint for traditional fiction, including sci-fi, fantasy,
YA, and mainstream fiction. Lengths range from 5,000 to 100,000 words, in categories. They
are currently seeking stories of 10,000-15,000 words for an erotic anthology planned for
November 2007. They don't want pornography and have the usual taboos. They are happy
to read manuscripts by new authors. April 2008 update: I am informed that though they
published the anthology, they have not been filling orders for it, and that their website is no
longer working. These are bad signs. I checked, and the site is gone. Apparently their
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proprietor had a health crisis, and it was a one-woman operation. Authors are currently
SILVER LEAF BOOKS www.SilverLeafBooks.com/ - I received a query about this one, so
looked it up. It appears to be a small print publisher rather than electronic, so is not
properly in the province of this listing. Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, intended for ages 10
and up. Open to aspiring authors. August 2008 update: their royalties seem to be 10% on
the wholesale price of the book. That is not high, but within bounds for print publication.
July 2009 update: They are no longer accepting electronic submissions. July 2010 update:
But now they require electronic submissions.
SIREN - www.sirenpublishing.com/ A Preditors & Editors reader poll in 2007 rated them the
#1 for 2007. They are accepting submissions for Erotic Romance ranging from 25,000 to
150,000 words. Their response time is eight weeks. The usual restrictions on content. They
have a sister publisher, BookStrand.com, which I haven't yet looked up. I did not find
information on terms. August 2008 update: book lengths range from 15,000 to 140,000+
words. October 2008 update: their contract has useful information, and is standard.
December 2008 update: in the first few weeks an author's book sold over 125 copies.
February 2009 update: report from a very happy author whose book sold more than 100
copies in the first week.
SIRIUS PUBLICATIONS www.sirius_books.com - Established by Kerri Kadow, said to be an
author and imaginative. Publishes in all genres. Standard contract that authors can modify
as required. Like many epublishers, this offers good terms but is probably underfunded, so
that performance may lag behind promise. However, I was not able to reach this site when I
tried. 2003 UPDATE: I heard from the proprietor, who gave me a link--but the link didn't
work. At any rate, for those whose systems relate better than mine does, there is someone
there who will be happy to have you visit. Second 2003 UPDATE: now it connects. They are
open for submissions, except for pornography or religious material. The author gets up to
70% of the net profit. That could be less than it seems, if the profit is small. June 2004
update: I got a timeout trying to reach them. Past experience suggests that this doesn't
necessarily mean they're gone. June 2005 update: Sure enough, they remain, are accepting
short stories or previously published books. August 2006 update: Their submissions guide
seems not to have been updated since 2002; that's not an ideal sign. June 2007 update: now
a notice that the store will be closed from April 19-May 31, 2006. So maybe they have
caught up to a year ago. August 2008 update: the site hung up, trying to load. July 2009
update: No problem this time. They accept about 20% of submissions. They are especially
interested in nonfiction and romance.
SIX GALLERY PRESS - www.sixgallerypress.com This was founded the spring of 2000 as a
publisher of experimental and progressive poetry and prose. There's an associated
magazine, JACOB'S LADDER, still in the planning stage. Keep submissions under 8,000 words.
The proprietor, Tim Miller, says the site is massive and growing day by day. Jacob's Ladder is
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currently accepting submissions. Review previous issues to determine if your work is right
for it. June 2005 update: They have reached their fiction manuscript limit, and are closed to
submissions until October 2005. Theory articles remain open. August 2006 update: They are
inviting manuscript proposals, not direct submissions. They are extremely choosy, seeking
experimental and esoteric literature; study their material before you go near them. But a
writer reports that all their contributors have to pay, so it's actually more like a vanity press.
June 2007 update: their requirements are confusing. In their call for submissions they
discuss their needs in detail, but also say NO SUBMISSIONS OR QUERIES. "These are the
rules; break them at your peril." I'd be nervous about even glancing in their direction. July
2009 update: I checked their submissions section and it gave me nothing.
SKOOBEBOOKS — www.skoobebooks.co.uk It is a British self publisher and book store
service. May 2010 update: I heard from them. "We are a completely new company set up in
the UK. We have launched the Online Bookstore which is now selling all the in print books
available in the UK to any delivery address in the world with Free Delivery. We are now
completing the work to allow authors to upload, publish and sell their own books from the
store as Paperbacks, Hardbacks, Audio books and Multimedia books. We hope to have a lot
of this finished by the end of June. Our intention is to offer a serious alternative to authors
to both get their books published and SOLD, we will not be taking editorial control of the
books. If they are good they will sell. We will be using social networking heavily and allowing
people to discuss, Review and comment on books which will determine the good from the
SMASHWORDS - www.smashwords.com/ A digital self publishing platform. The founder
says that 80% of written works are never published for widespread distribution in stores,
are never promoted, go out of print after the first printing, and authors never receive
royalties beyond their advances. Smashwords hopes to do better. August 2008 update: If
you want to publish with them, you have to sign up for an account. December 2008 update:
I checked a sample Author Page, and it had an author bio and listing of books that I admit
made me curious about them. The proprietor feels that all authors should publish in
multiple digital formats, so readers can consume their books in their own way. "Our goal at
Smashwords is quite simple: It's to create the single best ebook self-publishing platform for
independent authors." Authors select the sale price and receive 85% of the net proceeds.
The Founder advises me that they have added Stanza integration. "For authors who wish to
publish with us, it means their works are now easily readable by the 500,000 uses or the
Stanza app." I am not familiar with Stanza, but am told it's a cool ereader for the iPhone.
April 2009 update: checking through this I found a huge amount of sensible commentary;
this is a prime browsing site. June 2009 update: A very positive report on their performance.
November 2009 update: another positive report: "They are becoming an amazing resource
to authors with no other publishing company support..."
SNM HORROR MAGAZINE - www.freewebs.com/snmhorrormag The letters may stand for
the proprietor, Steven Marshall. A free online magazine. It does not seem to be well
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recommended. February 2009 update: A refutation from the proprietor: "Yes, we are a
freepress where new authors get seen by about 1500 visitors a month and we have only
been around for 8 months. We have bi-monthly paying contests, which helps writers get
into HWA if they are paid $25 or more 3x. We offer free editing and coaching and are also
free to the public. We publish 8 new stories per month and host new author interviews and
reviews. I've maintained the same staff and writers and we get lots of good praise from
writers for what we offer them." July 2009 update: "We are open to submission all year and
the floodgates have opened! Horror writers wanted dead or alive..." July 2010 update: They
have no contracts, and retain only one-time rights.
SOLSTICE PUBLISHING www.solsticepublishing.com/ — I understand this is the new name
for the defunct Hearts on Fire Books. I haven't yet checked the site, which I'll have to guess
at. I understand that their contract is for three years and there's a $100 early termination
fee. This strikes me as reasonable; publishers do have costs, and writers should not commit
unless they plan to see it through. July 2010 update: they have added an erotica imprint at
www.solsticeafterdark.com. The site lists some of their books and says I must be 18 to view
it. Sigh; I'm 75 but maybe can pretend to be 18. I did not find information on submissions or
terms. Royalties are 40% on ebooks and 10% on print books.
SONS OF LIBERTY PUBLISHING - SonsofLibertyPublishing.com/ They specialize in fiction and
nonfiction books featuring New England themes, characters, and settings. Ebooks for now,
eventually traditional publishing. Royalties are 40% of net profits. They are looking for two
or three works for 2009. July 2009 update: Server Not Found. August 2009 update: the
proprietor advised me that it may not work with the www. So I deleted that and tried it—
and my browser insisted on putting it back in. I hate self-willed browsers! So I tried it on a
different system, and it worked okay. The site is definitely there; just don't use the www, if
your browser allows that. They are moving to print publishing already. They remain open for
SPEAK WITHOUT INTERRUPTION - www.speakwithoutinterruption.com They have 50 active
writers who contribute to their magazine, representing 14 different countries. They are
actively looking for additional writers and contributors. The topics covered are highly varied.
SPOKEN BOOKS - www.spokenbookspublishing.com Now accepting submissions for audio
book recording. You can choose from dozens of narrators. They will accept self published
authors. August 2006 update: Set-up fees ranged from hundreds to thousands of dollars, so
this is a self publisher. August 2008 update: Royalties roange from 15% to 50% or even
higher, depending on circumstances.
STARK RAVEN PRESS - www.starkravenpress.com/ New small press specializing in horror,
science fiction, and dark fantasy. Currently focused on anthologies of stories appearing in
their companion magazine Macabre Cadaver (see their entry, above). They hope to publish
about 10 books in 2009, with the first release in May. July 2009 update: "Stark Raven Press
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is not a traditional publisher; we are a hybrid publisher extending into many different areas:
self publication, subsidized publishing, and traditional. We do not pay royalties or advances
in all cases." But if they really get interested in a book, they will do what they can.
STONEGARDEN PUBLISHING - http://stonegarden.net/ They publish what they like, and
don't have too many guidelines. Categories seem to be Horror, Fantasy, Science Fiction,
Thriller, Historical, Comedy, General, and Poetry. Royalties are 50% paid monthly or when
there is $30. A report from one of their authors says the sales are very small but the
publisher is nice. October 2007 update: I heard from the owner. All genres are welcome
except erotica. Royalties are now paid quarterly. They are booked up for 2007 and 2008 but
considering for 2009 and 2010. Review their guidelines before submitting. August 2008
update: submissions should be at least 21,500 words long. They are full for 2008 and 2009,
so submissions will be considered for 2010 and 2011. July 2009 update: Their publishing
schedule has been filled, so they are not accepting submissions. Their submission
department will re-open in November 2009. July 2010 update: "Check back on July 1, 2010
for our grand re-opening."
STRATEGIC BOOK PUBLISHING - www.strategicbookmarketing.com/ I know of this only from
a bad report. It seems to be a masked self publisher presenting itself as traditional. They
offer assorted paid services like promotion book signings, and interviews, which may or may
not help an author. Pay $625 up front, and editing for $50 an hour. I recommend checking
out an open self publisher instead.
SUBJECTIVE BOOKS - www.subjectivebooks.com/ This is aimed at writers who have been
rejected by traditional publishers because they weren't writing to the market. Looking for
fiction of ansy length, but is skewed towards "literary" writing, intellectually stimulating
nonfiction, or really good poetry. But when I checked their site, I couldn't get it. July 2009
update: Now it seems to be a collection of links.
SUBTERRANEAN PRESS - www.subterraneanpress.com/ Their site does not seem to provide
submission information. My impression is that this is a small press long active in the horror,
suspense, and dark mystery genres. It is now publishing Jack Vance, and that's a
considerable recommendation.
SUNPIPER PRESS - www.sunpiperpress.com/ A literary online magazine, open to anything
positive--poetry, short stories, novellas, or excerpts from novels. Make people think. I did
not find information on what they pay. June 2007 update: Now they are also publishing
books, but I did not find their terms.
SUPERIOR BOOKS - www.superiorbooks.com June 2007 update: I had no trouble getting
the site, but it now appears to be a bookseller, not a publisher.
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SWIMMING KANGAROO BOOKS - www.swimmingkangaroo.com/ New publisher,
established in 2006, both electronic and print editions. Mystery, Fantasy, Science Fiction,
Romance, or reasonably close if they like it. Not all their subsections seem to work yet, so I
didn't get terms from the site. But an email from the proprietress, Dindy--she says she was
the fourth girl in her family, so her father named her that for revenge--says they pay 38% of
the gross for books sold from their site, less if sold by a third party. Send a short synopsis
and 36 sample pages. August 2008 update: they accept short stories in several categories,
with token payments. June 2009 update: times are tough and the long-term outlook is
uncertain, but they'll see. They are closed to submissions for the rest of the year. August
2009 update: They have folded. They are reverting contracts to authors, but will complete
publication of some books already in process. This is sad; they were one of the nicer
publishers, but economics and illness in the family are stifling them. They are not entirely
gone; they will maintain availability of current releases, but will not accept any new works.
In short they are expiring as they lived: decently.
SYNERGEBOOKS - www.synergebooks.com/ Founded in March 1999 by Debra Staples.
Electronic, CD ROMs, paperbacks. 40% royalties on electronic, 30% on paperbacks 25% on
children's books, 60% to Independent Authors (I'm not sure what that means). They
publishe most genres of fiction and nonfiction, some poetry. They accept less than 30% of
submissions. Query first, with your manuscript as an email attachment, MS Word or RTF
formats. They'll respond in 4-6 weeks. But they are presently closed for submissions. June
2005 update: until November 2005. August 2006 update: Closed for submissions until
August 2006. So they should be just about due to reopen. June 2007 update: They no longer
put any of their books into print, just electronic formats. August 2008 update: They are
closed to submissions until at least September 2008. July 2009 update: They are not
accepting submissions until October 1, 2009. Except for authors already there; they can
submit in July. July 2010 update: Submissions are closed until 2011.
TANTALIZING TALES - www.tantalizingtales.com/ They publish tantalizing titillating books
with explicit sex by new and established authors, from 15,000 to over 100,000 words. Three
general categories: super-erotic, romantic erotica, and mainstream sexy, with the usual
restrictions. They will consider gay and lesbian fiction and nonfiction. Royalties of 35% of the
cover price of ebooks, paid every second month for the first year, monthly thereafter (that's
interesting); print books to be negotiated separately. August 2007 update: they are
considering how-to and nonfiction works that deal with relationships, romance, and
sexuality, 15,000-50,000 words. Other categories seem to be open for submissions. October
2007 update: they have a free book give-away through December 31, 2007: The Lodestone
by Kathryn Fairfax, a historical romance they feel is awesome. It has had excellent reviews,
and they believe the word will spread once people read it. August 2008 update: they are still
giving away The Lodestone, so if you missed it last year, you have another chance. July 2009
update: They are open for submissions 15,000 to over 100,000 words.
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
TATE PUBLISHING - www.tatepublishing.com This is a Christian based publisher looking for
new authors. 40% royalties. 50 free books printed. Author retains all rights. This appears to
be a small print self publisher, but they don't give information about fees. August 2004
update: an author reports that they charge several thousand dollars. February 2008 update:
I am told they charge a fee of $3985 up front, which covers it all, and they are very
professional. August 2010 update: Yet the site says they are a traditional royalty-paying
publisher that accepts only 4% of submissions. That's deceptive.
TERRIFIC BOOKS - www.terrificbooks.com Gone. June 2004 update: They are back, but
appear to be a bookseller for just one book: Autobiography of Howard Hughes, which they
represent as the most famous unpublished book of the 20th century. So if you are not a
notorious dead aircraft builder, this is not a prospect for publishing. April 2008 update: I
have a report "This is a con man selling books that are no longer in existence. His contact
info is bogus as well."
THE CELEBRITY CAFE - www.fictionworks.com "The Internet's longest running
entertainment magazine. Read by 4.6 million people a month." I wasn't going to list it, as
they have a number of in-house writers, but they assure me that while they have 16 writers
and are always hiring more, they also do free-lance pieces. So this is a market for those who
make the grade. I did not discover their rates of payment. October 2006 update: they have
three magazines they need writers for: http://CDInsight.com/news.php for anything
entertainment; http://ToTheCenter.com for US News and Political Stuff;
http://TrekkerTime.com for the travel guide for the world. August 2008 update: they are
presently closed to submissions.
THE DARK CASTLE LORDS — see Dark Castle Lords
THE FICTION WORKS - www.fictionworks.com The publisher is Ray Hoy, and he is said to be
very author-oriented and fair minded. This one covers the full range of genres and also
audio. There is a free monthly newsletter, too. Last time I could find no indications for
writers to submit work here, but now there are comprehensive guidelines. They are
accepting submissions of Historicals, Inspirationals (all faiths), and Juvenile Literature, and
are closed to all others. They pay 30% of the retail price of the book for copies sold directly,
down to 20% for those sold through distributors, paid quarterly. The contract has an audit
clause. It is renewable after three years by mutual agreement. Now closed to submissions.
2003 UPDATE: Unfortunately all may not be well in paradise. I have a report of late royalty
statements and payments, and a question whether they are accurate. Sometimes well
meaning folk get overcommitted and fall down on details. June 2004 update: they seem to
be doing audio, paperbacks, and ebook publication. August 2005 update: they seem to be
struggling. August 2006 update: Closed to submissions until January, 2007. August 2007
update: I didn't find any information on submissions. You have to contact them by email.
This is not a good sign. August 2008 update: They are presently closed to submissions. July
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2009 update: still closed. August 2010 update: The site remains, but there is no indication
that they are buying books.
THIRD MILLENNIUM PUBLISHING - http://3mpub.com This is a cooperative of online writers
and resources. The writers' services link did not work when I tried it, but others did. The
author retains control, getting 65%-75% of the price of the book. There is a set-up fee and a
charge of one dollar per book sold, plus a credit card charge. The minimum book order is
one book, for trade paperbacks. It costs $300 for hosting one book for two years;
progressively less for subsequent books.
August 2004 update: I have a very favorable report. August 2007 update: The site seems to
have been last updated in August, 2006. A year between updates is not a good sign. Now
the writers' services link works, though. August 2008 update: Now there's an update of 630-08, so they evidently remain active. July 2009 update: last edited 6-12-09, so they do
remain active. But I found no indication that they are other than a bookseller.
TORQUERE PRESS - http://www.torquerepress.com/ They are now reading for year 2006
novels. Especially interested in novels featuring lesbian characters; this is a
gay/lesbian/transgender publisher. They will consider physical manuscripts but prefer
electronic. Allow 2-3 weeks for a response. Stories in anthologies may receive flat fees of
$20. June 2005 update: They have a new imprint, High Balls, and are accepting submissions
for it for the year 2006. They need artists too. December 2007 update: a favorable report:
“I'm delighted with the way Torquere does business and would recommend them to any
writer of gay romance or erotica.” August 2008 update: They are open to submissions in all
categories. July 2009 update: They remain open to submissions in all categories. October
2009 update: and a negative report: late royalty statements, sloppy handling, lack of
communication. August 2010 update: still open to submissions in all their categories.
TOTAL-E-NTWINED LIMITED — www.total-e-bound.com/ An Erotic Romance electronic
publisher. Royalties of 40% of the cover price. Currently accepting stories of 8,000-15,000
words, any genre, but very erotic. Anthologies, four a year. The usual restrictions about
pedophilia etc. Four levels of ratings: sizzling, burning, melting, taboo. I get the impression
that writers can push the limits further here than elsewhere, so check the site. August 2008
update: Now they have many story volumes, all of which seem to be wide open, and
wordage for books can go up to 100,000 words and beyond. March 2010 update: A
favorable report of decent royalties arriving promptly the first of every month. Good editing,
great covers.
TRAFFORD - www.trafford.com This is a Canadian self publisher with several packages in US
dollars, depending on how much service you want. It has comprehensive information
leading prospective authors through its offerings, all the way from the manuscript to
marketing. There is a sample contract. They seem enthusiastic and eager to please. They say
that your book could be published and publicized in six weeks. Rates are $699 for the
lowest, $999, and to $1399 for the top. Royalties are 60% of the gross margin: that is, the
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price the book actually sells at, minus the single-copy printing cost. So in effect the author
gets more than half the profit. They have set up their own in-house print shop, enabling
lower costs. They now also do full color children's books, and offer editing, ghostwriting,
illustration, extended publicity and such, at additional expense. They have established
offices in England, Ireland, and Spain. June 2009 update: I understand they have been sold
to the same outfit that bought Xlibris, iUniverse, and AuthorHouse. No confirmation on their
site, however. July 2009 update: an author with a book ready for printing discovered a loss
of response when this publisher was sold, hanging up the process, and no response when
errors needed correction. It may be that confusion surrounding the change in personnel is
losing some projects. Caution. October 2009 update: but now the July complaint has been
abated; Trafford seems to have gotten its act together under the new auspices and has
become responsive.
TREBLE HEART BOOKS - www.trebleheartbooks.com Contemporary, paranormal, timetravel, futuristic, historical, romantic suspense, mainstream romance, nonfiction, mystery,
metaphysical/spiritual guidance. Takes electronic and print on demand rights for two years,
renewable by mutual consent. 35% royalties on POD, 40% on electronic sales, net. There is
an audit clause. I have a highly favorable report about their positive attitude. June 2004
update: they will not accept multiple submissions; they want three months to consider your
manuscript exclusively. No erotica. October 2004 update: I have a negative report that this
is essentially a one-person operation, thus prone to mistakes such as losing authors' final
edits so that the wrong galleys go to the printer (that's annoying as hell; it has happened to
me in traditional publishing, and I get the blame for uncorrected errors), repeatedly
changing dates of publication, and taking over a year to get a book into print. When there is
a complaint, the author is blamed and the contract terminated. This is a flashing red signal;
beware. February 2006 update: I have an emphatic concurrence from one of their authors.
February 2007 update: I understand this is essentially a one-person operation, so any
personal glitch can mess up the company. October 2007 update: an author is very satisfied,
but wondered why it isn't listed on Amazon. That's because Amazon squeezes small
publishers mercilessly, so it's not worth it. July 2009 update: submissions are open only
during the first two weeks of each month.
TWILIGHT FANTASIES PUBLICATIONS- http://twilightfantasies.com/ I just learned of this
publisher, which opened in May, but already it has folded, ironically. Apparently it never
really got off the ground, stiffing authors, cover artists, and editors.
TWILIGHT TIMES - www.twilighttimesbooks.com I was put on to this one by Celia A Leaman,
one of their authors who will now be their Submissions Editor. They are looking for Fantasy
(including Dark), Literary, Magic Realism, Mystery, Non Fiction, Pagan, Paranormal, Science
fiction, Slipstream, and Specialty/New age. If your work is in a "blended" genre, is too
"literary," or quirky in tone for other publishers, they're interested. Just tell a great story.
Send a cover letter, synopsis, and first chapter in the body of the email query; no
attachments. They say they offer a standard epublishing contract; that should mean
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electronic rights only and good royalties. December 2003 update: I have a very favorable
report on this publisher. June 2005 update: They are still there, apparently doing well. But
I found no information on terms. August 2006 update: They evolved from an epublisher to
a traditional print publisher with initial print runs of 500-750 books. That's good, for a small
publisher. They will be open for submissions until August 5, 2006. So about the time you see
this note, it will be too late. Sales: up to 145 downloads per title per year. August 2007
update: They say they launched 21 titles in 2004. How about 2007? July 2009 update: a
negative report: "My experience with this publisher has been nothing short of frustrating."
Royalty payments were six months or more late, communications were often confusing, and
there seemed to be little followthrough. No evidence of this at their site, of course.
TYBORNE HILL - www.tybornehill.com Specializes in fiction, poetry, and reference. They will
take material from new authors. December 2005 update: now that information. They are
not a printer, don't prepare stuff for print, and don't offer services for authors they don't
publish. They don't charge a fee for publishing; they are a straight conventional publisher.
They no longer want poetry. Author retains copyright, and gets a 40% royalty on monies
actually received (i.e., the net rather than the gross) for ebooks, 12% on paper books. But
they revise their structures every few months, so check with them to be sure of what's
current. August 2008 update: This time I find no indication that they are open to
submissions. July 2009 update: They are in the process of switching web hosts. Check back
in two months. August 2010 update: A year later, the same message. This is not a good
UKG PUBLISHING - www.ukg-publishing.co.uk/ and www.rpgnow.com This is a group of
independent writers, artists, and proofreaders who have set up as a self publisher on a
shoestring. They charge no upfront fees, rarely reject anyone out of hand, and pay up to
80% of net to the author. August 2008 update: This time I don't find much indication that
they are actually publishing. August 2009 update: They do seem to be issuing books and a
game. August 2010 update: Still no indication that they are actually open to new
UNCIAL PRESS - www.uncialpress.com/ I understand that this is a startup founded by two
competent editors from Awe-Struck. It will release its first titles on October 2006. Present
needs are for Georgian, Regency, Victorian, and Western American Historical Romance,
Fantasy/Paranormal, mysteries, and nonfiction books and humor. Query if you have
something else; they might be interested. They hope to respond to all manuscripts within 60
days; nag them if they don't. Royalties are 42% on books sold from the publisher's site, less
otherwise. They have a sample contract, and it has an audit clause. August 2009 update: I
learn that it is pronounced UN-see-ul or UN-shul/, derived from Greek and Roman scripts,
part of the chain of developments that brought about the modern book. April 2010 update:
Word from the publisher that now they publish short stories over 5,000 words as well as full
length books. They release only two titles a month because they feel that's all they can
manage while adhering to their standards of excellence. Even so, this summer they will
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release their one hundredth title. They have done well in the EPIC contests. They remain
primarily an ebook publisher, but do also publish a few college-level textbooks in paper.
UNIVERSAL PUBLISHERS - www.upublish.com/upb01a.htm This is another self-publishing
outfit, charging a fee of $495 and paying royalties of 20-40%. It specializes in nonfiction, and
has a non-exclusive publishing agreement which can be terminated on 90 days notice, and
says many submissions are ready to promote and distribute in just four to six weeks. That's
fast. I don't know this company, but if you have nonfiction to publish, it looks good from
here. I would appreciate feedback from writers who use this service, or any of the
publishers listed here, so that I can report on actual writer experience. That makes a huge
UNTREED READS PUBLISHING — www.untreedreads.com A report that they are friendly
and answer all questions. June 2010 update: I heard from the publisher's editor-in-chief,
who appreciated the mention here. He's a fan of mine. I like to think that this implies a
superior person, and therefore a superior publisher. I hope it proves out. August 2010
update: They are now accepting submissions in all genres except erotica, romance, and
poetry of any length; they prefer quality rather than size. All net earnings are split 50-50
with the author.
VAMPLIT PUBLISHING — http://vamplitpublishing.ning.com/ I had trouble figuring out
whether this is a publisher or a club. Apparently you can post your material there, but
there's no money for it.
VAMPLIT WRITERS' EZINE VAMPLIT WRITERS' EZINE — http://vamplit.com/ A magazine for
readers and writers who love the night. To submit your writing for publication you must be a
member of the site. They are now accepting short stories, poetry, reviews and articles on
the vampire culture.
VANTAGE PRESS - www.vantagepress.com/ This is a well-known subsidy publisher. I figure
that if I'm listing self publishers, I should list subsidy, also known as vanity, publishers too,
though I don't recommend them. They tend to cost far more, but if you have the money,
they'll do the job. August 2008 update: Now I have their web site: www.vantagepress.com/
It is informative and reasonable, but they decline to give prices, saying every manuscript is
different. That is misleading; most manuscripts will have very similar costs, depending on
author preferences, so a general range could readily be given. But I will give you this word: if
they want to charge you more than $500—and they surely will—don't commit until you
have checked out a regular self publisher, or Lulu, or Create Space, which is close to free.
Royalties are 40% of the retail price.
VENUS PRESS - www.venuspress.com/ February 2008 update: The site reappeared in
January, but seems not really functional, so it's probably the server's error. Its manifestation
was a shock to me and a number of other writers, somewhat like encountering an awkward
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ghost or zombie. We prefer that the dead stay dead. April 2009 update: "The VP family is
happy to announce their (sic) soon reopening." They promise new releases soon. The page is
under construction, but their Submissions link works, and says they are open and pay 35%
of gross (cover price). Length ranges from 5,000 to 80,000 words. I presume authors left in
the lurch when they faded out before are not included in the new order. I was one of those;
I took my book to Phaze.
VINTAGE ROMANCE PUBLISHING – www.vrpublishing.com This set up in February 2004,
specializing in vintage romances set in the 1920s to early 1950s. They promise fast and good
service to authors, with good promotion and contests, and they will never be closed to
submissions. But I found no information on terms.
August 2004 update: It is run by four women. They are looking for manuscripts 35,000 to
75,000 words, or novellas of 25,000 words, and true-love non-fiction, old fashioned
romance without controversy, undue erotic content, violence against women, sex crimes, or
gruesome murders. Their "Pet Peeves" section is a good guide to how not to write for any
publisher. But I still found no information on royalties. April 2005 update: Royalties are 40%
for download and 10% for print. They do seem to move fast, and market actively. February
2006 update: now they are all-print, no longer selling ebooks. August 2007 update: They
are closed to submissions until the fall of 2007. August 2009 update: I had trouble loading
their newsletter, but they do remain active as of June, 2009. But they remain closed to
submissions. August 2010 update: They have a new name, Vintage Reflections Publishing.
VIRTUAL BOOKWORM - www.virtualbookworm.com Accepting manuscripts in all genries
that aren't too far out. Publication ranges from free to $50, depending, with royalties of 5060%. I was told that their basic program costs $190, but did not find that on their site. June
2003 Update: My system timed out trying to reach them. I don't know if that means they're
not there. There is a complaint against "virtualbookroom" which I assume means this outfit:
they tend to be nonresponsive.
August 2004 update: Found them okay this time. Royalties are 50% of net proceeds, paid
monthly if they exceed $25 (this is reasonable) but it may take up to 90 days to get the
money in from outside sales. October 2005 update: I have a very negative report on them,
including failure to deliver on paid-for services. February 2006 update: I have a response
from the publisher, saying that they try to be sure to complete all services that an author
contracts for, and asks that any authors who feel wronged contact them directly, and they
will be sure everything is taken care of. This strikes me as a fair response. August 2010
update: The site is still there. They proffer a free publishing guide. I presume that means
that the guide, not the publishing, is free.
VIRTUAL TALES - www.virtualtales.com/ They publish novels in installments of 1,500 to
2,500 words in a variety of fiction genres, but not erotica. Author gets 60% royalties. They
are looking for artists, too. April 2006 update: they are the evident inheritors of the late
KeepItComing, but need editors; they won't begin evaluating authors or stories until they
have a full slate of competent editors. They want their stories to be a professional as
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possible. The split for subscription proceeds is 60% for the author, 20% for the editor, 10%
for the cover artist, and 10% for site maintenance. August 2009 update: They are currently
looking for talented authors, editors, and artists to help them add to their fiction catalog.
VIVISPHERE - www.vivisphere.com/ I had a report from one of their authors that this is a
print-on-demand publisher, but its site says it is traditional small press and is not at the
moment accepting manuscripts. Yet it is part of Netpub.net, which is a POD publisher.
UPDATE: The publisher contacted me to correct my typo flubbing of its address--my fingers
got on the wrong keys, and evidently my proofreading too--and with a clarification: they are
traditional in the ways that count, manuscripts accepted, editing, contracts, cover design,
copyright, book registration, return policy, and general quality, but do use the POD
technology. They are hurt when bookstores ignorantly condemn them as being without
standards. They are a small press using Internet technology. They do have a point; the use of
the Internet or POD is a method of publication, not a definition of it. It would make about as
much sense to say that all physical bookstores are warehouses, because some buildings are
UPDATE: Not considering new submissions at present. October 2006 update: they are now
considering submissions only in Bridge and Science Fiction. Nothing else. August 2009
update: Still considering only Bridge and Science Fiction.
WASTELAND PRESS - www.wastelandpress.net/ A self publisher offering publication for as
little as $200 or as much as a scant $2,000. "Wasteland Press makes money from your
book—not you!" This set me back; why should a writer go with a publisher that makes all
the money, leaving none for the writer? Until I realized that they mean they make their
money as a share of the earnings from the book, not by charging the author up front. They
charge for printing copies only, they say. Royalties range from 15% to 30% depending on the
package. So despite their protestation, I would say they do charge up front and along the
way, like any other self publisher. Otherwise there would be no royalty scale; the author
would get 100% after buying the copies.
WEBOOK - www.webook.com/ "WEbook is a revolutionary book publishing company, which
does for the industry what American Idol did for music." They provide an interactive writing
platform that enables writers, editors, reviewers, illustrators and others to join forces to
create great works. They believe that there are millions of talented writers whose work is
ignored by the exclusive world of book publishing. Okay; such a system could work,
depending on the quality of the participants. There's the rub: self-selected talent is not
necessarily of the level believed.
WE-PUBLISH - www.we-publish.com A self publisher. $578 for 5.5" X 8.5" size book, 50-300
pages. $748 for a 6" X 9" size book 50-300 pages. They offer publication within three
months. They have a free Book Writer's mini-course to help you deal with writer's block,
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
writing a synopsis, and writing a book that sells. 7 weekly email lessons, no exams. April
2004 update: they tell me that they appreciate the referrals they have been receiving from
this website. They have been in business 4 years; their fees include cover design, ISBN #s, 5
free copies for the author, electronic and printed proofs, listing on Amazon.com, the
author's web page for selling books, and more. June 2005 update: now they have ESP-Economical Self Publishing--a rapid publication process for $187. August 2010 update: You
can publish your 50-300 page paperback sized book for $498.
WEST BOW PRESS — This is the self publishing division of traditional print publisher Thomas
Nelson. $999-6,499, or specialty packages up to $19,999.
WHEATMARK - www.wheatmark.com/ "Wheatmark is the only self publishing service that
is also a publishing house." $799, and their copyediting service for two cents a word. August
2008 update: royalties 40% through Wheatmark, 20% via third parties. They will invest their
own money on your book if you sell over 2,000 copies. Lotsa luck there! Editing services are
$.02 per word, with a $100 minimum. Excellent customer service.
WHISKEY CREEK PRESS - www.whiskeycreekpress.com/ A number of genres, ranging from
Inspirational to Erotica Romance, but no porn. They are looking for novellas up to 35,000
words and novels 40-50,000 words. I did not find information on royalty rates, but they are
said to be good. June 2005 update: No charge for epublication, but if you want a trade
paperback edition, there is a one-time charge of $90 by the printer. August 2005 update: I
have a favorable report from an author: they are good to do business with, and prompt on
royalties. Royalty is 7.5% on print books, 30% on downloads. February 2006 update: Now I
have an extremely negative report on them not paying some authors. April 2006 update: a
report that they fouled up a royalty report, but fixed it when questioned. Another report is
very positive. December 2006 update: I have a report that 30% of the net from third-party
sales turned out to be very low, more like 3%. Net is after assorted publisher expenses and
deductions, so perhaps it can be abused. The publisher is said not to respond to the emails
of disaffected authors. April 2007 update: And another positive report, finding them
responsive, prompt, and polite. But also another very negative report: abusive when
questioned about royalties, sending an uncorrected edition to the printer instead of the
right one, suspicion that they are stealing royalties from authors. It seems their latest
contract allows books to be pulled early for a fee of $550. So I don't know what's true here.
December 2007 update: A serious complaint, devious in detail. It seems that WCP uses its
printer, Paw Prints, to produce the POD format of its books. But Paw Prints charges the
author a $90 set up fee. (I have it listed at $99, but they may charge WCP less.) Well, one
author decided not to go POD, then discovered that the book had been printed anyway and
was being sold on Amazon via Paw Prints as a “Storefront” outlet. It seems that lessens the
high price Amazon charges otherwise. Nothing appeared on the royalty statement, and
there is no indication in the contract. It seems the division of the money is in this order:
Amazon, Paw Prints, WCP, and finally the author, who apparently receives no accounting.
Okay, this situation obviously deserves clarification, but a call to the owner of WCP was met
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
with immediate hostility and abuse. The essence was that it was none of the author's
business what they did with the books(!) and was not a contract violation. To a request that
the author's books be immediately removed from the storefront, the answer was No. So
here is my summary of the author's summary: WCP is not at all Author Friendly; questioning
them makes you a Problem Author. They refuse to correct errors made by their editors,
refuse to run reviews on the backs of the books (only one self-written blurb), and may not
even send out books for reviews. No actual accounting on their royalty statement how many
books are sold, and they refuse to answer questions about this. I suspect that there are few
complaints about this because most authors simply don't know it is being done. I have not
contacted the publisher directly, in part because I suspect that my next call thereafter would
be to a lawyer with a lawsuit on my mind. If the publisher contacts me, politely, I will listen.
Otherwise, to borrow from a lovely line on the NCIS TV series, if there is to be a pissing
contest, bring an umbrella. Meanwhile, be wary; there is a noxious odor here. February
2008 update: the publisher and others did contact me, politely. I think I have it straight now.
According to their contract the author is given a choice: pay a set-up fee for a print edition
and receive royalties on those sales, or decline. If the author declines, but the publisher
feels there are print prospects, it can do the print option at its own expense. In that case the
author does not receive those royalties. So it is contractually legitimate. Okay: I suggested to
the publisher that there be two things. First, the author should be notified that the
publisher is doing this, so she doesn't think her book is being pirated. Second, if the set-up
fee is earned out, subsequent royalties should then be shared. Otherwise the publisher
could try to stifle electronic sales, on which it pays royalties, in favor of print sales, on which
it does not. This sort of thing has happened with traditional print publishers; there was a
lawsuit. Now there will be no set-up charge for printing, if enough copies are selling. Just as
well, because sometimes the author pays and the publisher loses the record so doesn't
report. Meanwhile I have more than one additional very positive report of good editing, ontime royalty payments, review copies sent out, and prompt correction of errors. Also of
polite and professional treatment. The consensus is that this is a top publisher. One person
makes a good point: authors who tackle a publisher "with attitude" are more likely to reap a
negative response. I do have more positive reports, but also more negative ones. In one
case there was significant re-editing done after the author's final approval. That's a huge nono. So reports continue mixed. October 2008 update: Further on editing: the author felt she
was given two choices, to allow abusive edits, her own editing having been refused, or pay a
$500 buyout clause in the contract. This is not a simple matter; she showed me some of the
publisher's edits and explanations for them, and they generally made sense to me. I know
that arrogant editing can be absolutely maddening; I have eliminated it when I have had the
chance on republication elsewhere, and I left my top publisher, DEL REY BOOKS, because of
it. But I can't say the WCP editing is ignorant; they seem serious about having a good
product. So while I condemn the seeming arrogance of their approach, I do not feel they are
harming the manuscript. I suspect an author's best course is to accept the editing, then
place her next book elsewhere if she feels she is not being allowed to have her own voice. It
is one of the necessary compromises in publishing. And a complaint of low sales. June 2009
update: WCP Torrid is looking for new sensual/erotic romance submissions. August 2009
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
update: They are currently accepting submissions in all genres, but are especially interested
in Romance, Science Fiction, and Fantasy. January 2010 update: New author there was very
favorably impressed. March 2010 update: Another report of their being professional and
responsive, with extremely good editing. But they seem to be taking longer to publish what
they accept. April 2010 update: I got hold of a leaked document clarifying the print option:
they have a year to put a book into print (that is, physical) if they are going to; thereafter
the print rights return to the author. If an author wants to be assured of print, s/he can
purchase 50 copies or more at 40% off the set retail price, plus shipping. This actually is
reasonable; there are expenses in physical print and a publisher needs ways to cover them.
So the author can cover them by buying 50 copies. Otherwise it is the publisher's option
whether to print at no charge to the author. It's a fair compromise. May 2010 update: An
author did a calculation of likely royalties and concluded that it came to less than 1.5% on a
print book. That's mighty low. July 2010 update: "So far they are no better than Publish
America." It seems most authors have had good responses, but not all. August 2010 update:
But a report of changes made in the text after the final edits were completed, without the
author's approval. That's not good, because if the author does not have final approval, it is
no longer the author's novel.
WHISPERS - www.whispershome.com/ Erotic Romance: spicy, sensual love stories that
leave a reader breathless. Intense plots, spicy males, strong heroines, sizzling dialogue.
Consenting adults. But no homosexuality, bestiality, or anything illegal. 35,000 words or less,
minimum 10,000. Any subgenre is okay at present. August 2007 update: They are not
seeking M/M or F/F at this time. Now if only I knew what those letters stand for. Oh-could it
be male on male, female on female? I have a very positive report from one of their
authors. December 2007 update: a report of relatively low sales, but good to work with. As
they grow sales may improve. December 2008 update: a 20K novella sold over 50 copies in
the first week. March 2010 update: Professional, responsive, with monthly royalties, but
very low sales.
WHITMORE PUBLISHING COMPANY - http://www.whitmorepublishing.com Their site is
remarkably uninformative about terms or royalties, and I have a report that a writer who
queried them later received a solicitation from subsidy publisher Dorrance. It turns out they
are affiliated. Whitmore is a traditional commercial imprint, Dorrance a subsidy publisher
that receives leads from Whitmore.
WHORTLEBERRY PRESS - http://whortleberrypress.com/ I have a very good report on them.
The site was very slow loading, and did not load completely, so I have no report on their
terms. June 2005 update: They have moved to http://whortleberrypress.com. But their site
crashed my browser three times, so I don't have fresh information. October 2006 update:
submissions are closed the rest of 2006. Royalties are 50%. August 2007 update: they seem
to be gone. August 2009 update: they seem to be in business, but their writer's guidelines
are for March 2009. August 2010 update: they seem to be current now.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
WILD CHILD - http://www.wildchildpublishing.com/ An online magazine since 1999. Pays
royalties of 40% on electronic formats, and currently does not print publish. Nonfiction and
most genres of fiction, but no pornography, hatred, or fan fiction. Books are 50,000-100,000
words. Responds in 2-3 months. High standards. Check their requirements for format; they
want only RTF or text files. I agreed to do an interview; this does not necessarily imply
support. August 2006 update: they are assembling an anthology for the benefit of Shelter
for Abused Women and Children." February 2007 update: now they do have print novels. A
clarification: it's their Romance branch, Freya's Bower, doing the charity anthology, not
WCP. August 2007 update: royalties are 10% on the wholesale print price. I think that means
net, not gross, so actual royalties could be half that. August 2008 update: All submissions
must be in English at this time.
WILD HORSE PRESS - www.the-wild-horse-press.com/ E-book and print publisher of
Romance, Erotic Romance, and some other genres, starting in July 2009. Royalties of 40% on
ebooks, 10% on print. Currently closed to submissions; check back in September 2009. April
2010 update: I understand they have reopened for submissions. I have a favorable report on
their responses and payments, though sales are low. July 2010 update: Another favorable
report or their responsiveness. August 2010 update: They remain open for submissions.
WILD HORSE PRESS - www.wildhorsepress.com/ I got confused by the similar names. This
one publishes books that will help preserve the history of rodeo.
THE WILD ROSE PRESS - http://www.thewildrosepress.com/ A new small electronic and
print publisher of Romance. Currently accepting submissions in all subgenres, all lengths.
Check their site for information on category editors, so as to select the right one for your
piece. The usual restrictions. I did not find information on royalties. August 2007 update:
They are still accepting submissions in all romantic sub-genres and in all lengths, with the
usual restrictions. October 2007 update: Two favorable reports. They are professional,
friendly, and quick. Royalties seem to be 40%. June 2008 update: But not a report that they
can be very slow, taking a year to get into the editing process. August 2008 update: And a
mixed report: there were problems, but they seem to be doing better now, though still very
slow. Then an evident campaign: I received a cluster of seven letters telling me how good
they are, the essence being that they are prompt, responsive, and easy to work with.
October 2008 update: more reports. Their contract currently specifies publication within
one year of signing of the contract. Royalties are now 30% ebook, 7% print; sales can be low.
Another report that they can be slow with edits, but are quick to respond to emails. And
from editor-in-chief Rhonda Penders: they have clearly defined timelines, replying within 45
days to a query, 60 days for a partial, and 90 days for a full manuscript, then one year to
publish. She posted a note to her authors that if anyone experienced delays, let her know.
That should take care of it. December 2008 update: a complaint about low royalties. I
addressed this matter in my OctOgre 2008 column, after investigating, showing that such
royalties may not be erroneous. A writer clarifies that they publish one year after the edits,
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
and the edits can take many months. August 2009 update: They remain open to submissions
at all times, but limited to Romance, in many sub-categories.
WILDSIDE PRESS - www.wildsidepress.com/ They are looking for published books that are
out of print. They must be in English, and the rights must be available. They take essentially
all publishing rights worldwide in the English language, to prevent other editions from
competing with theirs. They're looking for Mystery, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror,
Romance, Suspense, and Classics. They pay 50% of net revenues after expenses. The
contract is for a four year term, automatically extended unless someone objects, and it has
an auditing clause: overall, not a bad deal.
August 2004 update: I received an unknown host message. That may mean they are out of
business. December 2004 update: No, they are still there. October 2006 update: they are
announcing a mass-market paperback line. That's a different league, if they can swing
it. August 2008 update: Several of their imprints are currently closed to submissions, but
Juno Books and some story magazines remain open. August 2009 update: 99% of their titles
are POD, so sales are small.
WIND RIVER PRESS - www.windriverpress.com They specialize in literary and travel fiction
and nonfiction. They are looking for short pieces for their magazines. They pay 15% print,
50% electronic, with a negotiable two year contract. Chapbooks under 40 pages are
considered for their chapbook series. 20 copies, 50%. Query first; response in one month.
June 2005 update: But they have an announcement about a magazine coming in 2003. That
suggests that their site is not very active. August 2007 update: they are still looking forward
to 2003. I am wary. August 2008 update: The site remains there, but now five years out of
date. My guess is this is no longer a market. August 2010 update: gone.
WIND RIVER PUBLISHING - www.windriverpublishing.com "Dedicated to providing quality
publications for readers of general interest, religious works and family fiction for all ages."
They offer author services such as syntax & grammar, flow and style analysis, and complete
analysis for one to 2.5 dollars a page; reader reviews for $40 per reader, but do not charge
for straight submissions. I did not find information on royalties. August 2007 update: They
do not accept unsolicited manuscripts. First make a Project Proposal, and they will solicit the
ms if interested. August 2009 update: They are a traditional publisher and do not accept
submissions via email, but do have an online submission form. August 2010 update: They
now have four imprints, and will consider electronic manuscripts.
WINGS ePRESS —www.wingsepress.com/ An electronic publisher of Romance and General
Fiction. 50,000 to 150,000 words, depending on genre. They are actively looking for
Romantic Suspense, Contemporary Romance, and Young Adult. No erotica. Query first. I did
not find information on terms. I have a good report on their treatment of an author. January
2010 update: I am told this is the same as Wings Press, despite the different addresses.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
WINGSPAN PRESS - www.wingspanpress.com/ A self publisher, costing $499 and up
depending on the package. October 2006 update: Author keeps all rights and 100% of the
profits. August 2008 update: a positive report. Upfront charges and services, questions
answered promptly, flexible, produced a quality book, author's copies available at one third
price. "David Collins made me feel like I was his only client." They let the author set the
published price of his book, in contrast to some other self publishers. Royalties are now 20%
of the book's retail price, paid quarterly if the balance is greater than $25.
WINGS PRESS INC - www.wings-press.com/ They plan to publish excellent fiction and
establish a writer's community. Query first; no simultaneous submissions. Romance of all
types, any genre with an older heroine (40 up), young adult, middle reader, general fiction
in a number of genres, but no erotica. 50,000 to 150,000 words. I found no information on
terms. June 2004 update: royalties are 30% of download price; 35% if the author provides
own cover art. Very positive report by an author. August 2005 update: Electronic publishing
is free, but they charge a $90 setup fee for POD books. October 2006 update: Another
positive report from a satisfied author. But also a negative report that while some authors
are happy, others are dissatisfied. Editing can be shoddy, cover design going downhill, slow
and inadequate responses to authors' concerns. Submissions for General Fiction are closed
until January 1, 2007. December 2006 update: Another bad report, where they spelled the
author's name wrong and did not answer queries. Apparently if all goes well, authors are
happy, but if there's a foul-up, it doesn't get fixed. October 2007 update: another very
favorable report: outstanding service, high quality books. February 2008 update: I have a
report that as with Whiskey Creek Press, copies may be sold on Amazon in the printers'
section without the author's knowledge. February 2009 update: I have a report that Wings
authors are well aware that the printer lists their books on Amazon, and they do receive
royalties on books sold. August 2009 update: "Be prepared to wait up to six months for the
submission process."
WORDBEAMS - www.wordbeams.com/ Closed--but they are doing it in a decent way,
maintaining their site and listing their authors with their electronic addresses and new
publishers, if any. So I looked up Ellen Anthony (no relation to me; she was early in the list
and there is something about the name that appeals to me) and checked her advice on how
to find a good electronic publisher. In essence: see where they sell their books, see if their
Web site is intelligible, order a couple of their books to see how their service is, check their
sample contract, and check with some of their authors. So though WORDBEAMS is done, I
like its manner of expiring. It is in sharp contrast to that of most others.
Now featuring Bodendorfer.net, which appears to be a straight bookseller. UPDATE: Susan
Bodendorfer, the proprietress, is recovering her health and resuming activity at
Bodendorfer.net, in limited fashion. August 2007 update: I'd say this has become a personal
web site.
WORDCLAY - www.wordclay.com/ As I understand it, this is essentially a self publishing tool
for authors, also offering editorial services, content design, cover and graphic design,
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
channel distribution, and marketing support. The publishing tool is free; I'm not sure about
the other services. August 2008 update: yes, they do seem to charge for other services. For
example, copyediting is $.02. I assume that means per page. December 2009 update: I
understand this has now been added to the Author Solutions complex.
WORD WRANGLER PUBLISHING INC. - www.wordwrangler.com/ I did not find information
on their site for author guidelines. Their "books" link took forever to load, and when
complete, was a blank screen. UPDATE: My click on information for writers turned out to be
a link to Midwest Book review, a reviewing service. So I think this is not a publisher. August
2008 update: This time I got the message "The new and improved Word Wrangler coming
soon." So maybe we'll learn more, soon. August 2009 update: Same message. Okay, I'll wait.
August 2010 update: Page Not Found.
THE WRITERS COLLECTIVE - see the Services section.
WRITERS EXCHANGE - www.writers-exchange.com/ Romance, Fantasy, Science Fiction,
Children/Young Adult, Mystery, Western, Action/Adventure/Thriller/War, Humor, Writing
Advice, Parenting, Christian, Self Help/How To. They do electronic and print on demand
books. For the latter there is a one-time set-up fee, variable depending on what their cost is.
Author receives 60% of the cover price, or less, depending on what the publisher has to pay
for, like cover art. Contract has no specified time limit; the author merely cancels it at will,
giving 90-day notice. There doesn't seem to be an audit clause, but there is a disputeresolution clause. The proprietor Sandy Cummins tells me that they won the "Inscriptions
Engravers award for Best E-Publisher." Indeed, the site has pretty pictures. She's a Xanth
fan, so must be legitimate. 2003 UPDATE: They intend to be open for submissions for two to
three months, then close for about six months to get through the submissions. Thereafter
they should be open twice a year. So check the site to see if they are in phase before
August 2004 update: they are currently open for submissions. So act quickly, before the
window of opportunity closes. June 2005 update: They are still open. February 2006 update:
They advised me that they have revised the site. It looks clear enough. They are currently
open for submissions, but it may take 12 months for an acceptance. October 2006 update:
Royalties are 50%. They remain open for submissions. August 2008 update: They now have
the acceptance time down to 5 months, and expect to bring it down more as they clear their
queue. June 2009 update: now at www.readerseden.com. It seems it is now a bookstore
rather than a publisher. In due course I will simplify the listing to reflect this, if it is
confirmed. August 2009 update: They have moved to www.readerseden.com/. They are
currently open to submissions. August 2010 update: They remain open to submissions.
WRITERS PRESS - www.writerspress.com/ This seems to have become a referral service.
WRITE WORDS INC - www.writewordsinc.com/ They used to be Ebooks on the Net; now
their print division is Cambridge Books. They do not consider unsolicited manuscripts, but
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
will be happy to look at queries, and will consider any genre. "We are always open to good
work." I have a very favorable report from an author, who gets paid quarterly and on time.
August 2009 update: "We never consider paper submissions."
XLIBRIS - at www.xlibris.com February 2009 update: Xlibris has been sold to the complex
that owns Authorhouse and iUniverse. My investment has been repaid, and I am no longer
associated with it. I understand that the surviving self publisher, which will control the vast
majority of this business, will be called Xlibris, but it is under new auspices. No, Xlibris was
not in financial trouble; I believe it was by a significant margin the most successful self
publisher extant and was profitable. The purchaser met our price. August 2009 update: I
received a flyer; Xlibris Book Signing at the 2009 Miami Book Fair International," November
13-15, 2009. Xlibris authors can promote and give away their books there. March 2010
update: I have a report from a formerly satisfied client that Xlibris has declined in service in
the past year, with many calls necessary to handle artwork, edits, proofs, marketing
material, ads, timing, delivery, hidden charges and so on. He had to repeat himself, or ask
for the same change to be made that was supposed to have been made before, and protest
sloppy work. I fear that once the original management left, they farmed out chores to lessinformed personnel who may not have the same dedication. There is evidently no longer an
author's personal representative to speak for him. Sigh; I had hoped that other parts of the
conglomerate would be elevated to the Xlibris standard, instead of Xlibris downgraded to
theirs. Yes, Xlibris sometimes fouled up before, but I know they cared. But royalty statement
and payments continue to arrive on schedule, and mine had a Royalties Newsletter for
December 2009 (received February 17 2010) announcing that they have an aggressive global
expansion program, opening new offices in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand,
thus adding two more continents. "Please contact your friendly Author Representative for
more information..." So it seems they do have author representatives. They now have an
ebook upgrade. In my day they had ebooks, then stopped; it seems they are back, and that's
good, but I suspect you have to pay extra. So the situation seems mixed. May 2010 update: I
received a detailed report from a regular Xlibris author. It was mixed, with Xlibris generally
good but not necessarily the best. Royalty payments are supposed to be made within 30
days of the end of the quarter, but actually are paid in 45 days. I suspect the new owner put
in its standard procedures without reference to the actual contract terms. "The marketing
services are WAY overpriced for what one gets." September 2010 update: a complaint that a
2,000 copy print order was fouled up, and their regular “Rep” isn't responsive. When I was
associated I would bypass nonfunctional aspects and get it fixed from the top. I can't do that
now. So it seems Xlibris is not what it was.
XoXo PUBLISHING - www.xoxopublishing.com/ This is a division of Ninni Group Inc. I
received a stern letter demanding removal of my entry on this publisher, which I had not
heard of, so naturally I am now adding it. It seems they confused me with Preditors and
Editors. I set them straight. Unfortunately, my system doesn't have the software required to
read their site, so all I can tell you is from their letter. They appear to be open for
submissions, and their lawyer is working on their contract. They threaten legal action
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
against reports they don't like. May 2010 update: A very negative report of their lack of
competence and attitude. Be wary.
XULON PRESS - http://www.xulonpress.com/ This is a Christian self publisher, rates from
$999 up. Interesting manner of paying authors: 100% of bookstore sales, minus the cost to
print the book. It appears that their overhead costs are thus factored in on a per copy basis,
and the author of a $20 book might receive $2 to $5 per copy sold to wholesalers, and up to
$7.50 per book sold directly to individuals. That translates to an effective royalty rate of 10%
to 35%, depending. Does this seem a bit deceptive for an openly religious press? Well, they
are based in Florida, and the local better business bureau says they have a satisfactory
record dealing with complaints, but the company has been inactive with the Florida
Department of State Division of Corporations since September 15, 2006. They remain very
much active, however, saying they are the world's biggest publisher of Christian books. I
would be cautious; don't let your religious sense blind you to the ways of those whom Jesus
might prefer to throw out of the temple.
YARD DOG PRESS - http://www.yarddogpress.com/ This is a small print press. This list is
primarily for electronic publishers, but I will list others as I come across them, without
pretending to be remotely comprehensive. "Our mission: To bring to the attention of the
reading public the talent of authors who haven't earned the 'big numbers' yet, so therefore
get little or no attention from the corporation giants. These are often great story tellers with
equally great stories to share. We think it is shameful that there is no forum for their work."
Well, now; I like their attitude. So if you have been shut out of the big ones, here is a small
one to try. August 2008 update: Royalties are 50% of net profit. That's fair, but could be a
small figure. September 2009 update: They are open for submissions, but want no porn or
hate fiction.
ZANY BOOKSS - http://zanybooks.com/ They are now accepting submissions. No sci-fi,
romance (without zany elements) or pure porn. Send the first page of novel only in text of
message to submissions@zanybooks.com. Their ebooks are available in all formats,
including LARGE print. August 2008 update: They are open to submissions only of completed
novels. Remember, even their horror novels have a zany element. August 2010 update:
They remain open to submissions of novels with zany elements.
ZEUS - www.zeus-publications.com/ Australian. This is a subsidy publisher, paying royalties
of 20%. Costs start at $1,800 Australian and go up depending on the length of the book, the
editing required, photographs, and additional services. August 2008 update: Now costs start
at $2,200 Australian.
ZUMAYA - www.zumayapublications.com/ "If it's a great, well-written story, we'll publish
it." Currently accepting submissions for science fiction, fantasy thriller, horror, mystery,
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
historical, nonfiction, western, romance, erotica, mainstream, paranormal, young adult-well, really it seems to be everything. Manuscripts should be 65,000 words or above for
Adult fiction, 35,000 to 60,000 for Young adult. Send the first 5 chapters and a one page
synopsis in Word format, Times New Roman 12 font, single spaced, as an attachment to an
email; provide author's name, address, phone, word count, and genre. Takes all electronic
rights plus trade paperback. Pays 40% of the net profits. Two year contract, renewable. No
audit clause. So this looks pretty good, but ask for an audit clause. June 2003 update: The
publisher wrote to me with further information: they are based in British Columbia but have
"offices" in Austin, Texas, and in California. They enter their second year of serious
dedication to publishing all the wonderful books nobody else wants. Technically they are
now closed to submissions, but do read queries, so if you really do have the best novel of
the year, make your pitch; their No might become Yes. But if you're looking for a place to
dump junk, stay well clear.
August 2004 update: As I looked through their contract, I noted an interesting clause: if the
author receives an offer from a traditional publisher, Zumaya will relinquish all rights in
exchange for 20% of the advance the traditional publisher pays. Since a traditional publisher
may pay an advance of $5000 to $25,000 or more, this seems a fair compromise: take the
money, pay off Zumaya, and be on your way to fame. It's fair, because Zumaya will be taking
a loss on the investment and promotion it put into your book, without which you might not
have gotten the traditional print offer. October 2004 update: I understand they are
scheduling into the year 2008. That's a long wait. June 2005 update: They are closed for
submissions until September 2005. October 2006 update: "After a yearlong hiatus, Zumaya
Publications is now open for submissions." Minimum lengths are now 45,000 words for
Young Adult, and there is a general maximum of 150,000 words, unless they can break it up
into smaller volumes. I have had a private dialogue with Elizabeth Burton, who is running it;
she seems to know her business. August 2007 update: They are open for submissions in
many genres, but your book may not see publication until 2009. August 2008 update: One
of their imprints is closed, others open, so check their site before sending. September 2009
update: A very negative report of repeated rescheduling without publication, for years.
October 2009 update: Another bad report. Their contract doesn't expire until two years
after publication, but it seems there is no deadline for publication, so they can and do stall
in some cases for years. Make sure your contract has a deadline that automatically reverts
the rights to you if they don't publish by a certain date. If they balk at that, don't sign.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
AJW CELEBRITY SERVICES - www.ajwcelebrityservices.com I received a solicitation to enlist
with them to make public appearances. They are booking agents. Fill out a form, send it in.
They take 15% of what they make for appearances and 10% on any production services they
book. I did not respond, but list them here in case anyone else is interested.
A-W PUBLISHING - www.a-wpublishing.com December 2006 update: but it does list several
self publishers. September 2009 update: I checked their listing on Bullying, and they have a
slew of related links. I checked their section on Subsidy Publishing, and again they have a
number of listings. Book Publishing Internet has many links. So they may be useful to run
down outfits of interest.
ABIKA.COM - www.abika.com This houses one of the Internet's largest collections of online
books in pdf format, with over 5,000 titles available. The downloads are free, so it seems to
be a library, thus a service to readers rather than writers. Writers who wish to make their
books available free should check here; they are looking for more titles. They will also list
books for sale, for a fee of $4.95 a month.
UPDATE: now it seems to be all reports' I couldn't find the library.
ABINTRA PRESS - http://abintrapress.com/ This is a personal site by Ed Howdershelt, and I
am listing it for two reasons. The official one is that it has useful advice on the Epublishing
Info page on marketing your manuscript, including on ISBN numbers and registering
copyrights. The unofficial reason is that Ed came to my house, installed a modem, and
enabled me to get online at last and this is the first entry verified and done on my own
system instead of on my wife's Windows system, Mayhem 28, 2008. I'm free of Windows at
last, at least for browsing. So click his link, visit his site, and thank him or bawl him out,
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
depending on whether you are pleased that he helped me get better access. You might even
consider buying one of his books.
ABOUT.COM - www.about.com/ This really isn't a writing site any more. It's a general
advice site.
ABSOLUTE WRITE - www.absolutewrite.com/ They offer on-line courses in all manner of
writing, and say they have a list of more than 180 agents. They have a newsletter, offer
editing services, and so on, for a price. This could be good for a writer who is not sure how
and why to proceed.
A CAPPELA - www.acappela.com/ Advice on all aspects of writing, directing the aspiring
author to various fee-charging services.
ADULT FANFICTION - http://www.adultfanfiction.net/ This seems to be the counterpart to
Fanfiction.net, for the fiction too racy for the mothers of teens. Writers can join and
contribute their pieces for others to read and rate. I randomly sampled several entries and
found little actual sex, mostly folk getting into fantasy situations that might become sexual
farther on. So like most fiction, it takes time to get into the hard stuff, but it is surely there
somewhere. I would say the emphasis is on fiction rather than sex; it's not a porn site.
Probably a good place for authors of risque fiction who want to get reader responses about
its merit. Some established frameworks are borrowed for settings and characters, like Lord
of the Rings and Harry Potter; I'm not sure how the proprietors of those series feel about
that. October 2004 update: I checked a story written by the proprietor: full hard anal sex.
This sort of fiction seems to be far more common today than it was a generation ago.
August 2005 update: when I clicked it said Error 400--Bad Request. Maybe anal sex blew the
circuit. October 2005 update: they are there in good order, but now have a notice that all
stories must have disclaimers or will be deleted. The disclaimer says that you do not own, or
are not making money from the story. October 2007 update: now there are layers of
warnings about not entering the site unless you are an adult. You must give your birth date
and swear under penalty of law that it is correct. I tried to fill in my information, but it got
complicated and I did not succeed in entering the site. But something is obviously there.
October 2008 update: This time they accepted my sign-in. They say they have more than a
hundred million page viewers per month, but are in need of money to continue. I guess
more folk are interested in erotica than are willing to pay for it. September 2010 update:
they accepted my sign-in. No minor could get in here except by bald-faced lying. I randomly
checked a story, found a lot of summary, no actual sex.
AGENT RESEARCH & EVALUATION - www.agentresearch.com/ This is a paid service for
locating the right agent for you. For $75 you can get their New Agent List containing 40
agents appearing since 1998. For $210 you can get a complete report on five agents who
handle work like yours. For $330 they'll research the best agents for you and give you the
information. Or ask them about a particular agent and they'll give you the poop on it, free.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
There are other services. They don't guarantee you'll get an agent, but at least your search
will be well informed. At first blush, I'd say this is worthwhile, because finding the right
agent may be more important to your future than finding the right spouse, if you are a
serious writer. If I were looking for an agent, I believe I would try this service. October 2004
update: They say their agent database includes more than 2,000 active agents, none of
whom charge reading fees, and they have information on the $ made on deals. October
2008 update: Now the fee is $360. The right agent would certainly be worth it.
ALLBOOKS REVIEW - www.allbookreviews.com I received an email ad for this. Their
complete promotional package is $49.95, or $6 more Canadian. They will read and review
your book and submit the review to various publications and websites, and least 5, among
other things. You may be able to get a free review. September 2009 update: You can
advertise there for $75 a year, which is half their usual price.
ALLIANCE DATA - www.alliance-data.org They are based at Union Territory, a former French
colony on the shore of the Bay of Bengal in South India. They provide mass data entry and
typesetting. They say they have 25 years experience, with 99.99 percent error free delivery,
promptness, and attractive rates. They can handle any text, including mathematically. They
have an impressive list of publishers for whom they have digitized text, starting with the
Oxford University Press. September 2010 update: I got the message that additional plug-ins
are required, so I couldn't verify it, but the site does seem to still exist.
ALL ROMANCE EBOOKS - www.allromanceebooks.com They have experienced
unprecedented growth, sometimes stifling their site, but have upgraded and should be
okay. They are a distribution site for electronic romance books, not a publisher; they sell
books for more than 100 other publishers and imprints. Very wide range of sub-genres, at
five heat levels. An email circular announces that Preditors and Editors awarded them Best
Book Store of 2007. Published authors in their catalogue-I'm one-may be considered for
their Free Reads program. April 2008 update: they are evidently doing promotion, because I
have received several email fliers. August 2008 update: They will sponsor a booth at the
West Hollywood Book Fair on September 28, 2008, and are seeking authors who would like
to participate. The fee to participate is $20 per author. The Book Fair anticipates an
attendance of 25,000 readers, so it's pretty good exposure. They are also launching a weekly
radio program What's Hot in Romance. October 2008 update: Now there are two new spots
on their site to promote your books through video. The home page has a featured spot
available at an introductory price of $30 per week. There is a secondary page for videos at
$30 for two weeks. Such spaces will be filled on a first-come basis. July 2009 update: Now
readers can go into their library at All Romance and post reviews, in addition to rating books
on a scale of 1-5 for overall enjoyment and sensuality. August 2009 update: Submissions call
for a Charity Project, 28 stories chosen from submissions between July 1 and October 31,
2009. They are also announcing the launch of OmniLit.com, a new site dedicated to the sale
of fiction and nonfiction ebooks. November 2009 update: Now you can download their titles
to your Android Smartphone with the Aldiko Application.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
AMAZON - www.amazon.com/ Known primarily as a bookseller, Amazon now does do
some publishing of its own. I don't yet have reports. February 2008 update: I understand the
Amazon Kindle program started in November 2007, downloading to the Amazon reading
device. Author receives 35% royalties on books sold this way. April 2008 update: They are
making a gross power play, refusing to sell the POD books that are not printed by their
BookSurge subsidiary. Authors and small publishers are generally outraged. October 2008
update: for their publishing program see Create Space in the Publishing section. It seems to
be the best self publishing deal extant. February 2009 update: Amazon has a feature,
Sponsored Links, that is a service to readers, providing links to additional sources or
information about the authors. But some authors are upset, because some of those links
violate their privacy by providing personal addresses, phone numbers and such, and
Amazon will not remove them when requested by the authors. I checked Piers Anthony, and
a Sponsored Link was for Docks and Piers supplies. No joke; you can check it yourself. Just
be advised that I endorse no Docks or Piers; buy them at your own risk. That does not
violate my privacy, but does show that this is an automated thing, not necessarily relevant.
So authors should be warned that more than their books may be for sale here. I certainly
don't want my street address or phone number available for any kook who figures to erase
me and take my place, figuring that no one will know the difference. My ghost would be
really annoyed if no one noticed, though. September 2010 update: an author can now get
70% royalties if he makes the right deal.
AMES ON-DEMAND - www.amesondemand.com Jose Colon is an account executive with
20 years experience in Production. He is offering On Demand Printing with Client Solutions.
He uses the latest digital technologies, so can handle a variety of printing projects on short
notice with rapid turnaround. September 2010 update: I was unable to load the page.
An Insider's Guide - see PUBLICIZE YOUR BOOK
APEX BOOK MANUFACTURING INC — nyki@apexbm.com I received an ad inviting me to
explore the benefits of digital printing. I haven't done so, but am listing them here for the
benefit of those who want the books printed in quantity. They have a 15% off sale on orders
of 75 books or more.
APHELION - www.aphelion-webzine.com/ This is an online magazine that doesn't pay for
material but should be a good market for exposure of your fiction. Science Fiction, Fantasy,
Horror, or Poetry. Stories under 7,500 words are sent to one editorial office, and longer
ones to another. They have a "Mare Inebrium" category; I don't know whether there's any
connection to Xanth's Mare Imbrium, who brings daydreams. October 2008 update: I
learned something I didn't know: "Fan Fiction" is not fiction written by fans, as I had
thought, but is anything that involves copyrighted characters or institutions from Star Trek,
Star Wars, etc. That is, fictionalizing about copyrighted characters or settings.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
APOLLO'S LYRE - www.apollos-lyre.com/ This is an online ezine for writers of every caliber
and genre. I list it as a service because I see no indication that it pays for material, and it
does have good information for writers, such as a list of literary agents, other story markets,
writers' conferences, and an "Author Beware" section. Articles should be 300-1,000 words,
and stories 300-1,500 words. They also do poetry. They take one-time rights for 30 days;
author retains ownership. August 2005 update: they have a new address: the old one with a
hyphen. December 2006 update: they cite a Writer's Digest statement that says this is the
best writing site of 2005 and 2006. September 2009 update: The link now leads to Tripod, a
website building site. September 2010 update: Server Not Found.
ARTIST FIRST NETWORK - www.artistfirst.com I received an email flier promoting this. It
says that ArtistsFirst World Radio is offering a new show series exclusively about
independent and undiscovered authors, entitled Authors-First. They are a Web Radio
station sending out a constant worldwide FM signal. They will do a pre-recorded one hour
program about your book. There is no fee, but you are requested to make a donation whose
size you determine. This looks very August 2004 update: they invited me to do a series of
one minute opinions for them to broadcast. I pondered and passed it up, as I have my own
site for opinions. October 2007 update: The site was slow loading, then played music.
Obviously it is functioning. September 2010 update: They are still there in good order.
ARTPAC - www.artpac.co.kr "We are a leading printer in Seoul, South Korea and are
specialized for printing of all kinds of paper products." Contact them for a quote.
A.R. YNGVE HOMEPAGE - http://clik.to/pankrator - A R Yngve of Norway advised me of his
site, where he has published his own books and has a Writer's Column, all free for reading
and feedback. This is not a market, just an example of what a frustrated writer can do for
himself that others may want to emulate. There are useful links to genre and other sites. He
believes the Web will change publishing. I agree. October 2003 update: I received an email
update, but their screen remains blank black. October 2004 update: It is there now, though
the text of my screen seemed to be in Norwegian. Nice pictures, though. August 2005
update: now it's in English. September 2009 update: Server not found. September 2010
update: Damain may be for sale.
ASCOT MEDIA GROUP — www.ascotmedia.com I received an invitation to use their
promotional services for my books. It costs $3,500 per month. I think I am not in their
league, but I list them in case you are. April 2009 update: now they have an "intro" plan for
authors: $2,000 reduced to just $750 a month. In fact Viral One can be had for one month
only for $700. November 2009 update: they are repeating their $750 offer for the months of
November and December, 2009. February 2010 update: they say that some of their clients
hit the New York Times best-sellers list in 2009, and they hope to do better in 2010. June
2010 update: "We have put several authors on the NY Times best-sellers list and are
continuously booking our clients on national television and radio and getting them in
national print."
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
ASK ANN - www.speculations.com/rumormill/archive/arc200.htm October 2008 update:
they are no longer in the business of publishing market information for writers.
SPECULATIONS will go dormant a while, then presumably revive. September 2010 update: It
seems to be reviving now.
ASSOCIATION OF AUTHORS' REPRESENTATIVES (AAR) - www.aar-online.org These are the
legitimate agents, the ethical ones who won't rip you off. You don't want any other kind.
Good general information here, but it may not help you much if you want to get an agent.
August 2005 update: Now they invite you to search their database if you are looking for an
agent. So I typed in my own agent, and they couldn't find him. Okay, not every agent
belongs, not even every legitimate agent. October 2008 update: But their general advice
about agents is good, and this is a site worth checking for information regardless whether
you are currently seeking an agent. They say most agents will answer only snail queries. In
my experience, many don't even do that; it's a wonder how they ever find clients. If I ruled
the world, there would be stiffer standards for agent attitudes.
AUTHOR CAMPAIGN AGAINST UNDESIRABLE PUBLISHING COMPANIES Authorscampaign@aol.com Membership of 98 authors who investigate publishing
companies that do not pay due royalties. The notice I received discussed Cool Publications,
listed in the Publishing section. No Web site yet, but they are working on it. If you are
suspicious of your publisher, this seems to be a place to check.
AUTHOR CONNECTION - see The Author Connection
THE AUTHORS DESK - www.theauthorsdesk.net/ This is the Web site of author Jozette
Aaron, editor-in-chief of DeSilva's News, a tool for writers to meet their creative needs. It
caters especially to aspiring authors. December 2006 update: her newsletter has been
discontinued so she can devote herself to writing, but the site remains active. October 2008
update: Now it seems to be an ad site for furniture. It wants to sell an author a desk,
AUTHOR DIRECTORY - www.authdir.com/ This is a listing of a squintillion writers, artists,
and models in alphabetical order, listing birthday, age, and site and email addresses, with
links. It lists four Anthonys but missed Patricia Anthony. For me it listed an AOL email
instead of my real one; curious, I clicked it, as I never had that address. Sure enough, it gave
an error message. It lacks the age for some writers. It also listed a second site address which
leads to the Xanth Thread, which does not appear to be fully operative. So this list may not
be complete, or completely accurate, but it's a dandy way to locate writers. I list it here
though it's not a publishing service, as folk might want to check the sites of their favorite
authors to see where they get published. October 2008 update: Now it has six Anthonys,
including Patricia, but still does not have my correct address. So it's a big list, but sloppy on
detail. September 2009 update: I tried clicking an author link, but it told me I did not have
permission to access it. It actually said FORBIDDEN. Curious, I then tried clicking on my own
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
name. Same response. So as a public service, this site has a bad attitude. What are they up
AUTHORLINK - http://authorlink.com/ This seems to be a general publishing information
site worth checking out. It has news, information, and marketing service for readers,
writers, editors, and agents. October 2007 update: But to get that information, you have to
subscribe for $7 a month. October 2008 update: Now it's $15 a month, after a $30 first
month. September 2009 update: I tried clicking on an article, but apparently my system is
too old to get it.
AUTHOR NATION - www.AuthorNation.com The Online Community for Authors, Writers,
Poets and their Readers. They expect to have half page ads in print magazines, middle of
October 2007. They are setting up sections for different genres. February 2008 update: I
have an extremely negative report, calling the site a total sham. Employees of Infinity
Publishing Company (a self publisher listed in the Publishing section) run this site and pose
as regular members, controlling the forums and freely insulting others. Protesters are
banned. I'll be interested to see what feedback this notice inspires. Meanwhile, I'd be wary.
June 2009 update: I heard from the president of Infinity Publishing, Tom Gregory, owner of
Authornation.com, giving the name of the one he suspects is my informant. "We do none of
the things he alleges and the site is free to all who join and has been very successful in
bringing a community to Author's and wannabe Authors."
AUTHORS GUILD - www.authorsguild.org This is a traditional writers' organization that you
can't join unless you are selling traditionally, but I'm listing it because it has a web site and
some online writers might qualify. It just issued a Model Trade Book Contract and Guide
that includes Electronic Rights Clauses, so can be relevant to electronic publishing. It is a fine
guide. The site has news of interest to writers. UPDATE: Announcement of their quarrel with
Amazon.com about the way it offers used books for sale cut-rate almost as fast as the new
ones, depleting new sales. This fracas has made the NEW YORK TIMES and WALL STREET
JOURNAL, with hot accusations relating to free speech, lawfulness, and misrepresentation. I
suspect Amazon is already sorry it took on Author's Guild without weighing its words. So
who has the right of the case? I would say technically Amazon, but it's a shitty thing to do to
writers. August 2003 UPDATE: Clicking this link made my browser crash, thrice. Does a
hacker have a grudge against this legitimate organization? October 2004 update: This site
still makes my Konqueror browser crash. I assume Author's Guild still exists, as I just
renewed my membership by snail mail. December 2006 update: the site seems to be
working now. October 2008 update: I am now using the Firefox browser, and it didn't crash.
The site seems functional and informative.
AUTHORS OF LITERARY EROTICA - www.mindcaviar.com/literotica.html This is a Web Ring
hosted by the erotica webzine MIND CAVIAR. You must be a legitimately published erotic
author to join; then you can share the company and camaraderie (but they misspell the
word) of fellow writers who share your interests. August 2005 update: got this message:
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
"Forbidden--You don't have permission to access /literotica.html on this server." Interesting;
I have published very solid erotica, notably Pornucopia and The Magic Fart; if I don't qualify,
who does? Some outfits seem unduly arrogant. December 2006 update: now the site loads
without complication. October 2008 update: they spend a lot of space specifying exactly
whose sites they will not accept. But if you think you qualify, you can email their ringmaster
and make your plea.
AUTHOR ZONE - www.authorzone.com Now being launched. "A complete authors and
writers community 100% interactive!" You get your own homepage, biography section,
books page, new submission page, events announcement section, and so on. $1000 worth
of services free. Well, the price seems right. March 2010 update: A notice of Account
Suspended. September 2010 update: Now the message is: Will be back soon."
BABY NAMES - www.www.babynames.com/ So why is this listed here? Because coming up
with character names can be a hassle. I have a collection of baby names books I use. This
online collection should be convenient for those who don't want to invest in physical books.
My Konqueror browser crashed twice trying to look at this; maybe that's coincidence.
December 2006 update: It is working now, at least with the Windows browser, so I tried
looking up my own name. It has a phenomenal list of names, including Pierce, Pier, and
Peers, but not Piers. Hmm. October 2008 update: Their listing is very pretty, with boys in
blue, girls in red, and unisex in green. September 2010 update: Now they have Piers, in blue,
meaning I'm a boy.
BABY NAMES WORLD - www.babynamesworld.com/ Another list of baby names, with
11,000 names you can use to name characters, and maybe even a baby or two when the
occasion demands. This one includes "Piers." October 2008 update: It no longer includes
Piers. Was it something I said?
BARNES & NOBLE — www.barnesandnoble.com/ They are primarily a bookseller, but they
bought Fictionwise, so are evidently now also a publisher, though their site doesn't seem to
say so. So I'm compromising by listing them in the Services section. I will list reports as I
receive them. They used to run iUniverse, so have been in publishing before. November
2009 update: they seem to be censoring the material they sell, by deleting the works of
some erotic publishers, like eXcessica. Yes I have a personal interest, as my story "Serial"
seems to be among those deleted.
BART BAGGETT'S INTERNET MARKETING FOR AUTHORS, SPEAKERS, & PUBLISHERS www.internetbookpublishingsecrets.com/ This is a hard sell for a $297 online course and
books the author says can make you duplicate what he made last month: $11,989, or
$144,000 in a year. His discussion is interesting, but I take it with a ton of salt. My guess is
you'll be fortunate if you make back the course fee. But who knows? December 2006
update: I don't know whether the site has changed, but certainly it has worthwhile points
for writers to ponder. October 2008 update: He lists myths: that the Internet doesn't sell
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
books, that your book will sell itself, that your books must be available in bookstores, that
you really believe that being on Oprah will make you an overnight bestseller, that it takes
luck to be a bestseller, that you should advertise Amazon on your site (because Amazon will
not share customer information with you). Buy his book and prosper. September 2010
update: Site not found.
BEACH BOOK FESTIVAL - BeachBookFestival@sbcglobal.net BEACH BOOK FESTIVALBeachBookFestival@sbcglobal.net. Call for entries in their 2008 annual program. $1,500 first
prize and a flight to Atlantic City. Many genres.
BETTER FICTION - www.betterfiction.com I clicked the link, and the connection was refused.
Then they gave me on alternate link and I got there. This is a collection of forums relating to
improving your writing. I agreed to contribute a spot essay, but haven't tried to look at it
online because I'd need to be a member to get there. The other comments I saw seemed to
be informed and relevant. Aspiring writers need feedback so they can tell whether they are
on the right track. This is a way to get it. March 2010 update: but I am informed that the link
seems dead for the past year or so. September 2010 update: The site is there, but no longer
seems active.
BLACK ON WHITE - www.blackonwhite.on.ca/ This site is intended to help writers overcome
hurdles that prevent them from producing pages on a regular basis. There is no charge. It
says the Writer's Block is an excuse for not writing. That Inspiration is a myth; writing is hard
work. Well, now; I like that. A genuine desire to write, and self discipline, and a workmanlike
approach can work wonders. I don't wait for inspiration, I summon it on demand. So I think
this site is on the mark. It says its motto is "learn to fail faster." Get it out of the way today,
so you can succeed tomorrow. So if you have trouble settling down to write, this is the
motivational site for you. UPDATE: A notice says the site has been visited almost 33,000
times since 1-27-28. I had no idea it existed since 1928. Regardless of typos, it seems good.
October 2004 update: Now the site says it has been visited 14,963 times since 1/07/28. So
those earlier ten days must account for a loss of about 18,000 visits. But despite nonsense
like this, this is an informative site. December 2006 update: Now the site has been visited
25,886 times since 1928. October 2008 update: Now it's not saying how often the site has
been visited since 1928. September 2010 update: It's hard to tell what's what here, but the
site does not seem active.
BOOK ANNOUNCEMENTS - www.bookannouncements.com/ They offer several promotional
packages. For $195 they will do electronic distribution of your press release to 2,000
bookstores, 2,000 librarians, and 3,900 media contacts. For $325 they'll circulated a fullcolor ad to 20,000 librarians and booksellers. There are several other increasingly expensive
packages, depending on how big a blast you want to make. It seems you can certainly make
you book known to the trade. October 2004 update: Now they have an introductory
package for $175, and other services for different prices. October 2008 update: The domain
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
has been temporarily disabled. September 2009 update: Now it seems to be assorted other
announcements, like wedding or baby shower.
BOOK CANDY STUDIOS — www.bookcandystudios.com They help authors promote their
works through trailers, blogs, review boards, top social networking sites, newsgroups, and
even author tours. "We offer a wide range of promotional services—none of which will
break the bank." But when I clicked their site, it had music, colored blank books, and a
message "Get Ready." Otherwise it was blank. August 2008 update: I received an email
saying that this fall they will publish the "Book Candy News Wrapper," a media
communications platform that will go out to more than 68,000 magazine editors and multimedia producers. Their goal is to help authors get the word out; there is no charge.
Unfortunately, all submissions had to be received by July 31, the day before this update.
Maybe there'll be another push at a later date. October 2008 update: got music with a blank
screen. Then a push for their program: $400 for two days. June 2009 update: They inform
me that my last update is in error; it related to a temporary client they no longer represent.
"We are a viral marketing company. We produce very nice trailers." They seem to be very
enthusiastic about their projects, such as Brenda Novak's annual fundraiser for Juvenile
Diabetes Research. They are now offering short-form trailers in 3-, 6-, and 12-pak
configurations that can be time released or run all together for an added burst of marketing.
September 2010 update: the site is active, with a number of entries discussing books. I don't
know how effective this is for promoting sales.
BOOKCROSSING - www.bookcrossing.com/ This is a book club, a reading group that makes
the whole world a library. Book reviews, ratings, recommendations. 61,000 members, 23
million hits a month. October 2004 update: now they have 293,755 members and 1,432,845
books registered. October 2007 update: Now it's 591,353 people in more than 130
countries. October 2008 update: Now it's 711,322 people. September 2009 update: 800,697
BOOK ENTREE - www.bookentree.com They have two programs to increase orders to
libraries, via newsletters, costing $35 and $15. October 2007 update: They are not
accepting new submissions at this time. October 2008 update: Now it says Cassandra
Vaughn. I'm not sure how she relates. September 2009 update: site disabled.
BOOKHABIT - www.bookhabit.com/ "Bookhabit is devoted to fostering the love of reading
and writing, connecting those who share our passion for books, and providing opportunities
to discover and be discovered." Writers can post books on the site free, retaining all rights,
and receive 40% of the sale price. On average every site visitor looks at 8 books. Bookhabit
also offers a forum where you can discuss your work or writing experiences with readers
and other writers. Such feedback can be useful, if not always pleasant. So this would seem
to be a site where novice authors can get relevant experience.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
BOOKHITCH - www.bookhitch.com A new marketing alternative for authors and publishers,
who can list an unlimited number of books free. December 2006 update: Premium service is
$19.95 per book per year. September 2009 update: Now a message: "bookhitch.com is a
search engine for books." You can still list your book there.
BOOKMAN MARKETING - www.bookmanmarketing.com/ December 2006 update: "You are
not authorized to view this page." October 2007 update: now it simply says "Hello World."
The rest is blank. October 2008 update: Server not found message. September 2009 update:
Now it is back, providing links. September 2010 update: Now it links to www.mania.com/,
vith many links to books.
BOOK REVIEW SERVICE - www.burlingtonnews.net/ This is a paranormal site strong on UFO
information. I received an email saying it has a new free book review service, but I did not
find it at the site. September 2009 update: Now the link leads to BUFO RADIO, hosted by
Mary Sutherland.
BOOKS2MENTION MAGAZINE - www.Books2Mention.com "We are currently offering
authors six months of advertising for $25.00 per book." Authors are encouraged to visit
their site to learn more about their magazine. December 2007 update: they now have other
offers, ranging from $10 to $125. August 2008 update: Now they have a joint venture with
Ulban echoes entertainment, the parent company of Ghostwriter Extraordinaire, GWE,
which is becoming a leader in video trailers for authors to promote their books. $99.
September 2010 update: Site needed additional plugins.
BOOKS AND AUTHORS - www.booksandauthors.net For $250 you get a personal interview
page with your photo, bio, book summary, short book reviews, etc. They will send press
releases to 1,000 booksellers. December 2006 update: This now seems to be a collection of
links relating to writing.
BOOK SERVICES - www.eBookServices.com They are located in India. They cater to both
organizations and individuals. They have multi-lingual typesetting, page
composition/design/layout, Desktop Publishing in almost all international languages, format
conversion, formatting of manuscripts, keying in, scanning, and OCR,XML coding, Website
Design and Development. They indicate that you can cut your costs by at least one third
without compromising quality. September 2010 update: But when I checked E Services, it
led me to Loans.
BOOKS JUST BOOKS - www.booksjustbooks.com This says it is the #1 self-publishing site on
the Internet, with over a hundred million books in print. But it seems complicated to get
information on costs. I gather you sign up for assorted services you choose, rather than
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
getting a package deal. August 2005 update: Now there are per-book prices starting at $3.41
each for 100 copies and descending to $.71 for 3,000 copies. Color printing costs more.
BOOKS TO FILM - www.bookstofilm.com I received this as spam, but it may be of interest.
They publish a semi-annual catalog distributed to over 2500 film producers, directors,
studios, and film agents nationwide. You can buy a full page ad for the fall issue for $250.
Okay, speaking as a writer who has had a number of film options over the years, I have to
say that this looks to me like a long shot. Certainly you are not guaranteed getting your book
made into a movie. But since the movies, like publishing, seem largely closed to newcomers,
this may be a way to express your availability. Maybe you'll be the one in a thousand whose
ad evokes pay dirt. December 2006 update: This is now Network Solutions, the site under
construction. October 2008 update: Now you can download full movies for as low as $1.99.
That does not seem like an author service. September 2010 update: The account has been
BOOKVIEW - http://hometown.aol.com/bookviewzine This is an online nonfiction book
review magazine. The proprietor, William Tienken, notified me that he was reading my
autobiographies, so I checked the site, and thought others might be interested in reviews of
nonfiction books. September 2009 update: It has been shut down.
BOOKWHIRL - www.BookWhirl.com I received an email solicitation for this service, which
says their company has many great ideas. I haven't actually clicked the link, but list it for
anyone interested. October 2008 update: I received an advisory from Xlibris: this company
has been soliciting their authors for promotional services. That must be why I heard from
them. Xlibris researched them and found that the address listed on their website does not
exist; it's a vacant space. FedEx can't deliver to them for that reason. Xlibris recommends
exercising caution. For sure. Naturally their site does not mention this caveat. June 2009
update: I received another solicitation for their services. September 2009 update: I have
heard from others who have been solicited. Be cautious.
BOOK WORLD - www.bookworld.com/ This appears to be a general search engine for book
related topics, including online publishing. I list it because it may be getting flak that is
actually directed at BookWhirl.com, above, because of the similarity of names.
BOOK WRITING - http://www.ability.org.uk/book_writing.html "A UK-based page of links
supporting book writing for disabled people. I've checked out some of the links, and they
seem excellent." MW October 2004 update: I sampled their section on dealing with
criticism. It opens with a painfully insensitive sample of negative criticism, and has several
snippits of good advice before becoming a listing of ads. Here is a sample: "The only thing
worse than being criticized is finding out that nobody cared enough to correct me." Yes, we
hate criticism, but need it. September 2010 update: Now it's a list of sites relating to book
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
BOOKZONE - www.bookzone.com/ This appears to be a service to promote self published ebooks. "We help small publishers and first time authors seeking self publication to SELL
MORE BOOKS." Hosting setup is $309 to $399, plus a monthly hosting fee of $59 per title.
They set up your domain name, submit to at least 45 search engines, include your titles in
the BookZone SuperCatalog, and have other services; check their site for full information.
October 2004 update: This seems to have become Wheatmark, Inc., with a similar service.
September 2010 update: But not it's a list of sites.
BRIEN JONES, Author Consultant - www.bookmanmarketing.com
BRYONY ALDOUS - dunresearchin@yahoo.co.uk If you don't have the time to do your own
spot research, he will do it for you. His services are free at this time, but will be charged
when he has more experience.
BULLYING - www.bullying.org/ This is not a publisher, but a site dedicated to awareness of
bullying and the related problems, trying to help eliminate it. I list it here because you can
send stories, poetry, images, music, audio stories, animations or videos here to be posted.
They don't divulge author's names. So if you have something to say about bullying, you can
say it here, anonymously. December 2006 update: lovely quote there: "Whoever said 'Don't
run from your problems' never faced a bully."
CANADIAN E AUTHORS - http://ceauthors.com This is to feature, showcase, and promote
Canadian writers who have published electronically. October 2008 update: Notice that this
site was last updated in July 2005. October 2009 update: unchanged from a year ago. I'd say
this site is not active.
CAN WRITE WILL WRITE — www.canwritewillwrite.com/ This started out as a service to
showcase books in the hope that publishers will see them, be impressed, and buy them.
Now they are branching into publishing themselves, so look for them in the Publishing
CARNIVAL OF WICKED WRITERS - http://freezenerve.proboards32.com/ I was notified
about this site back in February 2005, and the paper got lost on my cluttered desk. It
promotes Horror and Dark Fantasy, and wants to create a serious writing forum for writers
to share ideas and information. There is relevant material here, and it seems worthwhile. It
lists Horror fiction markets, and really sharp screenwriting information. October 2007
update: Now you have to log in if you want to see anything. I don't do that, but presume the
site remains functional for those who do.
CATALYZER ONLINE JOURNAL - http://www.catalyzerjournal.com This is a nonpaying
publisher run by a high school student, covering topics such as war, peace, social justice and
others. October 2008 update: this seems to consist of links to assorted articles on a number
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
of subjects. I glanced at one and it seems informed and objective. October 2009 update: Not
Found. September 2010 update: Now it leads to Economy Bites, with cooking recipes.
CHEAP BOOKS - http://www.easybooksearch.com This compares the prices of books at
more than 100 bookstores. As a general rule, I list publishers and services for writers, rather
than for readers, so this and Fetch Book may be as far as I go here. December 2006 update:
"This page cannot be found." October 2007 update: it is back in business. September 2010
update: It's back.
CHILDRENS LITERARY AGENCY - http://www.childrensliteraryagency.com/ This is said to be
a somewhat shady outfit, but some writers do have positive experience there. December
2007 update: a writer showed me their response. I have to say this was a well reasoned
statement of their service and expectations. They use an independent critique to evaluate a
manuscript, and go on from there. Since the great majority of amateur -- and many
professional -- manuscripts have some problems, this makes sense. They talk the talk;
whether they walk the walk remains to be seen.
CREATEWRT.NET - www.createwrt.net/ "Housebound and Disabled Writers—Children's
Section and Surfers all Ages—Stockport Creative Writing was formed to help in writing and
poetry etc. Originally to help over 50s we found that many requests came from Housebound
Disabled who could not attend our meetings so we set up Createwrt.net, so we can all keep
in touch. We now welcome Writers of all ages plus Disabled Groups and now cover all U.K.
plus Overseas being read in over 60 plus Countries. As we expand please remember we are
all volunteers."
CREATIVE COMMUNICATION - www.poeticpower.com They work to motivate young poets.
They have a free newsletter for teachers on tips for teaching poetry. They have a poetry
contest for students in grades 4-12. They award over $70,000 in prizes for each contest.
Contest deadlines are December 1 and April 5. Poems submitted should be 21 lines or less.
No entry fees. They do reject poems; there are editorial standards. So if you're a young
poet, check this out. UPDATE: They are expanding to include grades K-3 and Adults. That
would seem to make any poet eligible. October 2009 update: This time a got a partitioned
blank screen. It may be that my system is not able to read their site. September 2010
update: They are back in good order.
CREATIVE SERVICES - http://creative-strategies.com/ This is a book publishing consulting
company. They offer a wide array of services to aspiring authors, from coaching on writing
to self publishing, for a price. They will give a price quote to interested writers. If you have a
book, and money, and no idea what to do, this could be a place to start. October 2007
update: There's a little circular diagram labeled Energy Critique Creativity and nothing else.
October 2008 update: Now there's a description of how it will teach students to be creative.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
CREATIVE WRITING HELP — www.creative-writing-help.com This is run by Tracey Tressa, to
provide creative writing tips. It features an interview with me and other information.
CRESCENT BLUES - www.crescentblues.com I learned of this online magazine when it
requested an interview. In the past it has interviewed Anne McCaffrey, Terry Pratchett,
Kevin Anderson and others, so should be of interest to fantasy genre readers/writers though
it is not limited to that. So I list it as a service, on the assumption that the opinions of
established writers may help hopeful writers. They pay ½¢ per word for 300-500 word
reviews of books, movies, videos, CDs, games and such, and buy first electronic serial rights
for one year. This would be chicken feed for pro writers, but a chance for amateurs to get
into useful print, if your reviews are accepted. Many reviews; I checked the one for The
Dastard and got the impression that the reviewer doesn't like puns and takes it out on the
novel. All he sees is panties and puns, and isn't aware of any story in the novel. Par for the
reviewer course; don't blame the magazine. October 2007 update: They are no longer
making regular updates, but are maintaining the magazine as an archive.
CULT OF THE GREAT OLD ONES - vicky@communalconstruction.com I don't have a site
address for this yet, so give the address of the one who contacted me. They plan to have
visitors submit chapters to an unfolding story. Each month three chapters will be posted and
the chapter with the most votes is chosen as the next installment. They hope to create a
novel of publishable quality. They asked me for feedback, but I have participated in such
projects before, none of which have succeeded, so I didn't comment. I hope it works out; it
should be good experience.
CUNE - www.cunepress.com/ Founded in 1994 to explore innovative ways of bringing
superior writing to public attention. The name derives from "cuneiform," as in ancient
script. Yet, oddly, they misspell "Sumer," where that script was used. They propose that
writers, independent presses, and mission-oriented large publishers make common cause to
lift public taste. 2003 UPDATE: One of their goals is to publish thoughtful books by Arab,
Arab-American, and American authors. They seem to have a strong pro-Arab, and perhaps
anti-Israel stance. This would seem to be a convenient site to get the other side's version of
current history.
DEVIANT ART - www.deviantart.com I haven't looked at this yet, but am told it has a
massive repository for creativity of all kinds including an active and supportive critiquing and
writing community. It includes free and paid membership, with the usual restrictions. It is
said to be a great help to authors and artists. October 2007 update: This time I looked at it.
A site full of pictures, some odd, not sexy or ugly, just odd.
DEWAR EMPIRE FILMS - www.dewarempirefilms.com They are in the business of creating
motion picture book trailers (short promotional films) for literary authors based on their
fiction or non-fiction books. An innovative new form of marketing and promotion. But I
suspect it costs. October 2007 update: it played music and gave another button to enter. It
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
offered to download a Quicktime player: I declined, being on slow dialup, so was unable to
watch anything. I presume these are samples of what the company produces.
DIY BOOK FESTIVAL - www.DIYConvention.com The letters stand for Do It Yourself. They
consider books in many genres for awards, charging a $10-$50 entry fee for each book. They
have regular contests, so if you miss one deadline, try for the next. Anything published from
2005 on is eligible, including self published (POD) books. Their grand prize for the Book of
the Year is $1,500.
DO IT YOURSELF PUBLISHING - www.livingbeyondreality.com This is a book, by Diane Lau,
subtitled A Blueprint For Publishing Your Own Books. The author has been freelancing erotic
romance anthologies, Soulful Sex, for nearly three decades, got screwed (pun intended) by
the system, and decided to do something about it. As she says, if you are an aspiring author
you may be frustrated by lack of success in finding a publisher, and appalled at the charges
of self publishers, and wish you could just do it yourself--this is the book for you. She did it
for herself, and is spelling out the process for you. Her writing is clear and her points are
accurate, in my experience. Even if you're not contemplating true self publishing at this
time, this is worthwhile material that may affect your outlook. It costs a pittance, $2.99. I
heartily recommend this book.
DRAGONCUB - www.dragoncub.com "We can promote and sell your books of all kinds to
the general public over the internet." Their usual charge is 20% of your retail price for their
Internet marketing service. But for 2009 it will be free, as they build their reputation. July
2009 update: now they can set you up with your own book selling site complete with
shopping cart and other features you may want.
DREAM WRITERS — www.dreamwriters.org Inspired by the Nanowrimo effort to write a
50,000 word novel in a month, this site sponsors a similar effort every month, buttressed by
trying to do something with that text once it has been written. I was asked to contribute a
pep talk relating to editing, and did so, but it was not acknowledged and I don't know
whether it was used. So I ran that pep talk in my FeBlueberry 2009 HiPiers column.
EBOOKAD - www.ebookad.com/ Bankrupt. October 2008 update: Yet it is still selling
E-BOOK ARCHITECT - www.zizzoo.com/guides/ebook/index.php This site is devoted to an
ad for a book and program for $39.99: "How to create, publish and sell your ebook online
for large profits." Good deal, if it works. October 2009 update: You can get a lower price if
you order by October 12, 2007. Since that's two years ago, I'd say this site is not getting
updated often.
EBOOK EXPLORER - www.ebookexplorer.com "We are the first and only site to offer a
summarized directory of niche ebooks and how-to-guides on hundreds of specialty topics." I
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
regard this as a peripheral call, but hope it is useful to writers. December 2006 update: I
was unable to connect. October 2007 update: But it's there now.
EBOOKS4KIDS- www.ebooks4kids.org This site offers downloads for children's ebooks, ages
infant through 12 years. Authors can sell their books here by getting listed on the site, then
selling through their own websites. This is not the same outfit as the defunct
EBook4Kids.com. October 2008 update: Now it seems to be a collection of links, not for
children. June 2009 update: But now there is an EBOOKS4KIDS LTD. See the publishing
EBOOKSTAND - http://ebookstand.com See Publishing section.
EDUBOOK - www.edubook.com/ This is an article publishing site that freelance writers can
contribute to. As yet it seems spare, but they do have items on Internet article marketing,
travel articles, civil liberties, and Ask a Dog Vet Online Now. I suspect that as more writers
post more articles, it will become a source of popular and obscure information.
EGGPLANT PRODUCTIONS - www.eggplant-productions.com/ See Publishing section
ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING - THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE, by Karen Wiesner - Available from Avid
Press, www.avidpress.com - August 2005 update: This is an excellent book, but at present
I don't know who publishes it.
ELFWOOD FANTASY ART GALLERY - http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/elfwood.html This is a site
for display of works, both art and writing in science fiction and fantasy. It's not really
publishing, and not intended for making money, just as a way to get comments from
viewers/readers on your work. Lovely art, though of course it takes time to load. There are a
huge number of guided tours. I checked #231 Bad Girls of the Woods (I can't think why such
a notion should interest a dirty old man like me) - ouch! It shows a busty virgin running a
sword through the head of a unicorn. I conjecture that he tried to devirginate her with his
horn, and she would have none of that. Ah, well.
UPDATE: still there, letting creative people show their art to the world. October 2007
update: They had to close for a week or so for maintenance, but are now moving ahead.
ELITE SKILLS - www.eliteskills.com/writing_scams/ This is an aspect of a larger site featuring
various things like handwriting analysis; this link is to their section on publication scams. For
example they really don't like Poetry.com, but they do list other fraudulent outfits too. They
urge folk not to link to such sites, because links increase their presence on search engines. I
have a bit of a problem with this, as I call a spade a spade, but put links so folk can go there
if they disagree. Non-listing can also be used against legitimate sites, and whistle-blowers;
its been used against me. So check this site, and make up your own mind. October 2004
update: They sure don't pull their punches. Scams seem especially prevalent in poetry
publishers. But their writing advice sections seem scant.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
EPIC--Electronically Published Internet Connection - www.epicauthors.com This is a
nonprofit professional organization for electronically published authors and print authors
interested in electronic publishing. They have annual EPPIES awards for the best fiction in
several categories. This Survey received a special plaque as "Friend of EPIC" for 2003.
UPDATE: now they have their Model Contract available for anyone to see. It's a kind of
choose-your-clause, fill-in-blanks document that is well worth perusing, especially if you
have been offered a contract and want to know how it rates. And yes, the Model has a good
audit clause. This is a good site for writers; check it, and consider joining EPIC. (No, I haven't
joined, trying without much success to remain an objective outsider.) October 2004
update: Now they also have a "Red Flag/Yellow Flag" list of contract clauses you should be
wary of, whether doing electronic or traditional publishing. This is well worth reviewing.
They mention some stunts that even I have not encountered, such as the author having to
pay a "kill fee" for failing to renew the contract when it expires naturally, or the author
being required to buy the books of other authors from the same publisher as a condition for
earning royalties on his own book. Maybe we need a Royal Turd award for such outrages.
October 2007 update: it is now located at .com instead of .org, same address.
EQUILLBOOKS - http://equillbooks.com They offer free manuscript conversion, authors'
websites, Equill email addresses, along with a written critique of the author's work during
their first month of business, ending September 1, 2007. Thereafter their rates will be
among the lowest in the industry. October 2007 update: Now they are a small publishing
house. October 2008 update: Now they are listing investment books.
EREC site - http://www.erecsite.com The proprietor is compiling and listing sales figures for
erotic romance publishers, as well as warnings about publishers behaving badly. October
2008 update: It says the average erotic romance ebook sales are 222 copies the first month,
404 in the first year. October 2009 update: Now they have the average monthly sales for a
number of electronic publishers this year. For example, if I understand it correctly, Ellora's
Cave is 675 copies of 58 books; Samhain is 287 copies of 26 books, and Loose Id 210 copies
of 50 books. That suggests about 10 copies sold per title for Ellora's Cave and Samhain, and
4 for Loose Id. I must be misunderstanding, as this is chicken feed. If they mean those sales
are per title, that's better.
EROTICA READERS & WRITERS ASOCIATION - www.erotica-readers.com This is an
international community of those interested in erotica of all types. They have a monthly
newsletter, an email discussion group, and information. The interest of this HiPiers listing is
in markets for writers rather than pornography, but for those interested in browsing, there
are some nice pictures and pieces here. This strikes me as a cut above dirty pictures; there is
intellect here too. I did not find an actual listing of erotic publishers, but am told it is a
thorough one. It certainly seems to be a nexus for those interested. UPDATE: This time I
found the listing, thanks to the help of a reader: click Author Resources, then Call for
Submissions, and it's there on the left side. Many Gay and Lesbian markets are included. It's
not completely up to date, but comprehensive. October 2008 update: This time I couldn't
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
find Author Resources, but the site has a lot of listings, including movies. October 2009
update: Okay, now it's Writers Authors Resources, also Call For Submissions, listing similar
EROTIC ROMANCE BLOG - http://www.erecsite.com/2007/12/wiggle-room-veinglory.html
The proprietor is compiling and listing sales figures for erotic romance publishers and
posting results. This seems to indicate that a typical erotic romance will sell about 100 books
in the first month, and 300 in the first year. Such sales wouldn't even make the chart for
traditional print, but may be good for electronic. October 2008 update: now it says that the
first month is 180, first year 360. but some publishers do better than others. Samhain and
Loose ID seem to sell 600-700 in a year.
ESCMAGAZINE - www.escmagazine.com/ The PDF version of this magazine is available for
$3, with older issue free to download. It's for amateur writers and artists of all kinds. They
get paid only in one hard copy of the magazine. So this would be a showcase for aspiring
artists. August 2003 Update: Gone. October 2004 update: They're back, and are now
accepting submissions for future issues. Fiction from 2,500 to 5,000 words, poetry, and
ESSAY WRITING - www.essay-writing-1.com/ I received an email ad for this one, with an
invitation to exchange links. I didn't answer; this is not a links-exchanging site, but a service
to aspiring writers. Nevertheless, the subject may be of interest to writers, so I'm listing it
EVENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES - http://www.event-management.com/ This is a publicity
firm whose stated purpose is to help companies become well known. Presumably this would
apply to publishers too. Unfortunately it was called to my attention as a site that collects
email addresses for spam distribution. October 2007 update: it locked up my system.
October 2008 update: I'm using Firefox now and it didn't lock up.
eWritingCenter.com - www.ewritingcenter.com "Our premier website with a collection of
stories written by authors all over the world. It is a free service for young, amateur, and
professional writers. It is also a site for avid readers."
UPDATE: I think this has changed its nature; now it offers many services, I presume for fees,
such as "How to write a book in 14 days or less... Guaranteed." In my book, the point is not
velocity, but quality; unless it's a very short book or a tight formula, if it is done in two
weeks it's bound to be bad. October 2004 update: It offers links to self publishers. October
2008 update: Now it is a Yellow Pages phone book.
FABSOLUTE WRITING FORUM - http://absolutewrite.com/forums This is a general public
input discussion group relating to electronic publishing. As I understand it, anyone can start
a topic with a statement or question, and others respond with positive, neutral, or negative
input. They rake some publishers over the coals, and entries can be fascinating. For example
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
one person asked if a given publisher had any legitimate reviews of its books. A response
listed a number of very impressive reviews. A response to that indicated that there were no
such reviews; the listing was bogus. Well, now. If you are pondering publishing your opus,
go here and look around; you are bound to find something interesting, and you might
change your mind about some prospective publishers, or have some input if you have
experience with one that others are pondering. This seems like a great service for writers in
doubt, or for those who have no doubt and need it. December 2004 update: I randomly
checked their feedback on an agent, and was impressed. This is exactly what a new writer
needs to know. October 2005 update: they have moved to ABSOLUTE WRITE at
FANFICTION - http://www.fanfiction.net "Unleash your imagination and free your soul."
This seems to be a site where short amateur fiction is run without charge and displayed for
anyone to read. I couldn't find a description of its nature on the site, just listings of many
stories. It is theoretically ad-free, but ads popped up when I checked it. I received an email
from a writer who objected to its policy of deleting all "lemon" pieces. I gather a lemon is a
story that is rated R or worse, having elements your maiden aunt would not care for. The
email spoke of freedom of speech, but it seems to me that a site can run what it wants, and
if it doesn't want lemons, it can legitimately delete them. I speak as one who would much
rather read a lemon than a sanitized story. I had some trouble at this site because my
system was not equipped for protocols it employs. See also www.adultfanfiction.net for the
R rated stories; this may be the naughty companion site. December 2004 update: They
report that a serious bug corrupted many of their entries, but they are working to recover,
and have just done a large technical upgrade. I sampled randomly, and their material seem
good. October 2007 update: The site now seems to consist of news updates on their
upgrading, bug fixing, and features. October 2008 update: I tried to fathom what this site is
about, and conclude it may be a review site.
FANSTORY - www.fanstory.com/ This appears to be a site devoted to publishing fiction and
nonfiction in a number of genres by members for reviews and feedback. They have a system
of ratings, but I was not willing to sign up as a member so don't know exactly how they
operate. It should be good for new writers looking for exposure and reader feedback,
however. October 2007 update: They list a number of poems and stories, with reader
ratings, all of which are Excellent or better. So I clicked on one, and learned I would have to
buy it to see more. So I'm not sure I understand their system. October 2008 update: All the
rankings still seem to be Exceptional. So I still don't understand it.
FANTASY WRITERS WANTED - www.FantasyWritersWanted.com This is a link to the eGroup
of newbie fantasy writers set up by my collaborator James Richey. If you want to be a
fantasy writer, but are girt about by uncertainties, stop in and inquire. October 2005
update: I got an unknown host message. December 2006 update: now the site is there, but
no content. October 2007 update: Now it is there and functioning, but seems to consist of
links to related sites.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
FEAR OF WRITING, at www.fearofwriting.com/ This is a book by Milli Thornton for anyone
who suffers this malady. It has cute graphics and seems sincere. It is self published at Xlibris;
I list it because it has its own web site and could be a help to nervous writers. There's a
message board, a sample chapter, and other things. I looked at the sample Chapter One,
which concludes "Writing is a torture chamber invented specifically with you in mind."
Exactly. October 2007 update: Now there are a number of pieces by other writers, all on
the subject of the challenge of writing. This remains worthwhile for anyone nervous about
FERRET & DOVE SANCTUARY - www.myspace.com/ferretanddove This isn't a publisher or
related service, but I'm adding it because it’s a volunteer-created page for folk who love
small animals, and folk might want to see what's going on, including publication of a
children's book.
FETCH BOOK, at www.FetchBook.info/ This is a price finding service for buyers who want to
locate the cheapest edition. I tested it by typing in my own novel Key to Havoc with no other
information and it immediately gave me a listing of prices at various online bookstores,
ranked in order of cheapness, as well as providing the author's name and the book number,
and making it easy to click to order it at any of the listed stores. I believe there were even
links to reviews. No complications at all; this service works.
FICTION PRESS at www.fictionpress.com/ "What is FictionPress? FictionPress is a growing
network of over 144,000 writers, hundreds of thousands of readers, and home to over
890,000 original works. As a writer, this is a place to showcase your creativity and for a
reader, FictionPress is an opportunity to feast to your heart's content." December 2006
update: now it is half a million writers/readers and 900,000 original works. October 2008
update: The site took so long to load--about 10 minutes--that I gave up on it. October 2009
update: but no problem this time.
FLORIDA WRITERS ASSOCIATION, at www.floridawriters.net/ "Welcome to Florida's first
and only statewide, nonprofit, 501(C)(3) organization dedicated to the support and
networking of both aspiring and published writers in any genre." They will strive to
encourage and inspire writers throughout the state with group workshops, meetings, panel
discussions, book fairs, bimonthly magazines and annual conferences. They have a slate of
directors and committees. They say they are the fastest-growing writer's organization in the
south, and are looking for new members and leaders. December 2006 update: I participated
in their FWAConference November 10-12 in Orlando, Florida and found it good. See my
Conference Report in my December 2006 HiPiers column. August 2007 update: Their Royal
Palm Literary Awards Contest deadline has been extended to August 1, 2007. Unfortunately
this update just misses it, but maybe there will be other times. October 2008 update: No,
my update continues to miss their deadline. October 2009 update: Ha: this time I'm in time
to mention their 8th annual Florida Writers Conference, October 23-25, 2009, at Lake Mary,
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
FONER BOOKS, at www.fonerbooks.com/ Last August I was told of this, and promised to get
right on it-and lost it in my chronic shuffle. So, belatedly, I looked it up, and there's some
interesting material here. Such as "Interview with a Vampublisher" and "Print-On-Demand
Book Publishing." I'm listing this in the Services section as it seems more informational than
practical, but I understand he does have advice on how to start a self publishing company.
FREE SOFTWARE - freesoftware-1136n08@yahoo.com I received an email ad from this
address for digital publishing tools. I don't know how useful it might be.
GET BOOK REVIEWS - www.getbookreviews.com/ They will help a writer to find book
reviews, and have a book review newsletter. When I checked they didn't have many
reviews, but presumably they'll be expanding. August 2003 Update: They show six featured
books that do look interesting, such as Seduce Me and The Cult Around the Corner. If I had
more time I'd love to get free copies to review. But I'm not clear how many readers will see
such reviews. The cost for an in-house review is $275 per book; they post the review online
and distribute it to the media, but that doesn't necessarily mean the review will be
published or widely read. December 2004 update: Introductory package for $175. October
2007 update: Now they have a Rapid Review Service for $150. December 2008 update: they
have a Press Release Special for $99. A Rapid Review is $150. the Combo Package of all their
services is $350.
GLOBAL SALES - globalsales@isla.net George Rodriguez & Associates translate books from
and into 29 languages. This is a email address, not a web site, so I didn't check for prices and
have no way to know competence. So if your manuscript is in Greek and you want to
translate it to Basque, there's the service.
GLOBAL TALK RADIO - www.globaltalkradio.com/ I received a notice that they have
launched a new promotional service. You can get your own URL, a professional 5 minute
interview available for on-demand listening, your picture, a 1-3 paragraph description about
yourself, your mission, or your book. December 2008 update: They have a special Host Your
own Talk Show for $99 per month.
GREEN BOOK FESTIVAL — www.greenbookfestival.com I received an email announcing that
the 2009 Green Book Festival has issued a call for entries to its annual competition honoring
books that contribute to greater understanding, respect and positive action on the changing
worldwide environment. They will consider published, self-published, and independent
publisher works of all types. Entries can be in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, or
Italian. Grand prize is $1,500 and transportation to the April 2009 Earth Day celebration in
Los Angeles. But I'm not clear on the deadline for entries.
GROPEN ASSOCIATES - www.GropenAssoc.com A consulting firm, which you can hire for as
little as 30 minutes. Marion Gropen works primarily with very small publishers and includes
quite a bit of information writers might want. Listings of publicists and self-publishing e-
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
communities. Listservs: pub-forum, publish-I, self-publishing. December 2005 update:
Marion Gropen says "May I suggest that the PMA Newsletter is also a wonderful resource
for those who are interested in the world of small publishing? As is the annual seminar
series that PMA throws just before BEA." In my jammed schedule this time I lacked time to
look these up, so relay the suggestion on faith. December 2008 update: This site was given a
"Truly Useful Site" award by Preditors and Editors.
GUIDE TO FICTION ON THE WEB - www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/2465/index.html If
you are a reader-and chances are that you are, if you're a writer-and you want to read what
others write, this is an annotated list of sites with fiction. It doesn't do diaries, poetry-only,
sales promotions, non-English, or "sites that suck." Aw, gee, I was hoping for suck. It's a big
list, starting at A and ending at Z. So if you need a break before you grind out more
deathless prose, sample this. If you wish to contribute, all text and graphics are copyrighted
by the site, and the proprietor asks that others not pirate the material. The fact is that
anything on the Web can be pirated, but should not be.
GUTENBERG PRESS - http://sailor.gutenberg.org They make public domain books available
online in text format, free. Huge listing. October 2005 update: I got a blank screen. June
2006 update: it seems I had the wrong site address; they're still going strong. October 2007
update: There are over 20,000 free books in their catalog, and 100,000 via their Partners,
Affiliates and Resources. December 2008 update: Now they have over 25,000 free books.
October 2009 update: And it is up to 30,000 free books.
HAVE YA HEARD? - See Zyonair.
HOLLY LISLE - www.hollylisle.com/ Author of more than twenty published novels. Her site
has general advice for writers, workshops, articles on writing, news items, reader input.
There's a good deal there, for browsing. December 2007 update: This time I checked her
comment on agents, and it is apt. To find one, she recommends first, check with a writer
you know for a recommendation. Second, go through the most current edition of Insiders
Guide to Book Editors, Publishers, and Literary Agents or a similar guide. Third, check the
Association of Authors; Representatives. My private caveat is that you should be prepared
to have none of these give you the time of day; locating an agent is hardly the same as
signing on with it. December 2008 update: She has a quiz for writers: "How Much Do YOU
Know About Writing Fiction?" I checked the longest category, Over Five Years (I've been
writing and selling for over 45 years) and the first question is "What goal do you have for
your writing?" with answer options ranging from it being a hobby to wanting to use it to
support your family. My goals go beyond that, but this seems like a worthwhile exploration
for early writers. August 2010 update: I have learned of her publishing venture, REBEL
TALES, now listed in the Publishers section.
HOLLYWOOD BOOK FESTIVAL - HollywoodBKFest@aol.com They have issued a call for
entries to their annual program celebrating books that deserve greater recognition from the
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
film, television, game, and multimedia communities. They mean to spotlight literature
worthy of further consideration, and facilitate getting those works to the proper hands for
consideration by the entertainment industry. They will consider published, self-published,
and independent fiction, non-fiction, and just about anything else. The grand prize is $1,000
and a flight to Los Angeles.
HOLT UNCENSORED - www.holtuncensored.com/ This is mainly about traditional
publishing, tracking its follies. As such, it can be an education for starry-eyed aspiring
writers. Worth checking on general principles. Read a sample column; I suspect that fans of
my bi-monthly HiPiers column will like Holt, too. December 2004 update: Random sampling
took me to ten mistakes writers make, and it is an excellent discussion. Holt remains well
worth reading. December 2006 update: It is on hiatus now, because of family health
concerns, but the site remains with its original material. December 2008 update: it is active
now, with a list of three things he'd like to see, the first being Online Royalty Accounts for
Authors. It make sense, but traditional publishers seem stuck in the 19th century and are
loath to try the 20th, let alone the 21st.
HORROR MASTER - www.horrorfind.com This is a search engine specializing horror, with
information on anything relating, including contests and conventions. HiPiers.com is listed.
June 2009 update: they have a Premium Listing deal, where you can get 8 months for the
price of 4, saving $320.
HOW TO DO THINGS - www.howtodothings.com/ This is a site with a library of articles
about writing. "HowToDoThings strives to solve people's everyday problems by compiling
reliable information from experienced contributors in over 250 categories." They invited me
to contribute, but I'm satisfied to contribute my notions to my own site. But this should be a
useful source of information and advice for questing writers. December 2008 update: They
need writers to contribute articles. "Help others, gain recognition and get paid!"
HOW TO WRITE A BEST SELLING FANTASY NOVEL - www.ozcomedy.com/fantasy.htm
UPDATE: gone December 2006 update: now it is an adult friend finder, featuring some
pretty sexy female anatomy. This is a public service announcement. December 2007 update:
Alas, the anatomy is gone. November 2009 update: The link now leads to Vision Personals, a
search site for men seeking hot women. I have pictures turned off, to save time checking
sites, but get the impression that the anatomy is back in quantity.
HOW TO WRITE A BOOK - www.jojaffa.com/guides/writeabook.htm#kit Practical advice
about how to write a book. It assumes that you have no idea what to write, so takes you on
an intellectual tour of deciding. November 2009 update: Not it has forums and
recommended books on the subject, together with advice.
IFICTION - www.aburt.com/ifiction/ This is a free service to authors. They can sell their
stories to readers directly. They are paid by PayPal, which takes a fee of 30 cents plus 3%
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
from each translation. The author gets the rest; iFiction takes nothing, being run by
donations. The proprietor is Andrew Burt, a science fiction author who runs an online
workshop for science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Remember, authors are responsible for
the details publishers normally cover, like copyright registration and marketing, and there
are no covers: the story has to sell by its own merits.
I'M A PUBLISHED NOVELIST?...HA! HA! HA!--the email address is too complicated for me to
type without fouling up, so this is just a mention, not a link. It is somewhere on The Vines
Network (which I understand will be going out of business). Lisa Maliga has done a lighthearted article detailing her humiliating experience with an epublisher. This is a warner for
whoso would be warned: success, riches, and fame are not necessarily eagerly seeking the
new novelists out. But I can give you her home site, which does have related material in its
"essays" section: www.lisamaliga.com/. UPDATE: Lisa says she has established an epublishing page for other e-published writers, at LISAMALIGA, below.
IMPRINT BOOKS - www.imprintbooks.com This is a sales service, not a publisher. December
2007 update: Now it's a collection of relevant links.
INDEPENDENT BOOK - www.independentbook.com This is neither fish nor fowl: neither a
self publisher nor a paying publisher. It is free, sells no books, and pays the authors nothing.
They take your manuscript and publish it electronically, free for downloading, and relay the
number of downloads to the authors, and all reviews. Why do it? Because it represents easy
exposure. They do the cover, typesetting, listing, and so on, and the author gets a
readership. I could see how such publication of a writer's first book could generate interest
for him to find a paying publisher for his second book, if he's good. So it could be an avenue
to bypass regular publishers and get in the readers' faces. They point out that free
distribution means more copies out there. If you are motivated by the need for a readership
rather than money, this could be good. It's not automatic; they have to accept your book,
which means there are standards. All genres, and their books do look interesting. They post
their bestseller lists. They ask readers to review and rate the books they read, which seems
fair enough.
INFINITE WORLDS OF FANTASY AUTHORS - www.iwofa.net/ This is an organization of
published writers in the speculative fiction genres of science fiction, fantasy, horror fiction,
supernatural fiction, alternative history, dark romance, dark fantasy, or magic realism. "We
build dreams. Come journey with us." Membership is free.
INKED IN - http://inkedin.ning.com/?xgi=6uW4Gpa "You are invited to join the creative
people who share Inked In, the social community for writers, musicians and artists from the
Burry Man Writers Center."
INSTANT PUBLISHER - www.instantpublisher.com/ This offers Print On Demand software
that will take your manuscript and print 25 to 5,000 copies in 7-10 days. The price per book
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
varies, depending on book size, number of pages, front cover design and binding style. For
example it might cost $4.92 per book to produce 200 copies of a 200-page book. August
2003 Update: Gone. December 2004 update: Back the same as ever.
INTEGRATIVE INK - www.integrativeink.com/ This is an editing and publishing services
company that recently moved to the Tampa Bay area. It exists to assist both established and
beginning authors in self or e-publishing, helping with editing, manuscript formatting, and
design, plus a number of free services. They accept Windows files and also OpenOffice and
StarOffice (the kind I use). They associate with Lulu.com, whose entry is elsewhere in this
survey. I checked their charge for Extensive editing: one to two cents a word. Less for
moderate editing, and you can get quotes for other services. So if you have a manuscript
and fear it is buggy, these folk may help you, for a price.
INTERNET ARCHIVE - www.archive.org/ They are compiling a library of research materials
open to all, but also seem to have some fiction. So if you want your book to be available
free, this is the place.
JONATHAN CLIFFORD'S advice on Vanity Publishing. "Worthwhile reading for anybody just
discovering writing (and publishing) for the first time." MW
KNOW BETTER - www.knowbetter.com/ A site covering everything relating to the electronic
book business. Free ebook directory where authors and/or publishers can list their titles
free of charge; 11,000 already listed, from 160 publishers. A Forum where folk can discuss
books, post reviews, announcements of new ebooks available. Interviews, reviews, columns.
Seems worth checking out. October 2005 update: when I routinely checked it, surprise,
there was a review of Key to Havoc, and double surprise, it was quite favorable. Naturally I
won't let that affect my judgment of this site...much.
LARSEN-POMADA LITERARY AGENTS - www.larsen-pomada.com/ December 2007 update:
Site Not Found. December 2008 update: Still not there, so I'm deleting most of the entry.
October 2009 update: I learned that the link I had was too complicated. The agency is still
LISA MALIGA - www.lisamaliga.com/ Lisa has epublishing and essays subsections. She is
disgusted with eNovel for low standards and lack of promotion there. At one point her book
ranked #48 in sales there, of almost 400 titles--and it had sold only one copy. Unfortunately,
this may be typical of a number of epublishers.
UPDATE: the site seems to have filled out, with a list of epublished books, and general
advice for writers. There are a number of links to sites of interest to those considering
epublishing. October 2003 Update: Lisa tells how one of her articles was pirated/plagiarized,
and the perpetrator will neither remove it nor respond. I'm with her; this sort of thing in
© Piers Anthony
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plain stealing, and should be punished. June 2004 update: she is putting up more of her
epublishing tales. Her new novel North of Sunset has been published. December 2004
update: Soothe your aching feet with whipped shea butter; she's a figure skating fan who
makes this. Lisa is a fun gal; she even gives a link to this site of mine, and she sent me a bar
of her chocolate flavored soap. I have surely been rendered nonobjective. December 2008
update: But I don't see anything relevant to electronic publishing any more.
LINICK GROUP--(no address given). I received a warning about this. The proprietor claims he
will pre-publish your novel, get sales and testimonials on it, and then get you a publisher
that pays royalties. My informant says he got hoodwinked for $15,000 and his attorney
learned that this outfit was charged on 13 counts of literary fraud in New York in 1980-81. It
advertises in The Literary Market Place, a book stocked by most libraries. Beware.
LOADS OF ODES - www.loadsofodes.co.uk/ This is a British site for "real life poetry" about
the world and the people in it that it seems anyone can contribute to. December 2006
update: not found. December 2007 update: It's there now. November 2009 update: Now it
seems to be a search site, mostly for poetry publishers.
LONDON BOOK FESTIVAL - http://londonbookfestival.com They have issued a call for
entries to their 2007 program. They will consider just about anything, including self
published books. A panel of judges will consider the story-telling ability of the author, and
the potential of the work to win wider recognition from the international publishing
community. Entries can be in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese or Italian. Enter by
November 25, 2007. There is a fee of $50 per submission, and the grand prize is $1500 and a
flight to London or Los Angeles. December 2008 update: similar for 2008; it's an annual
thing. Deadline for 2008 is November 25, so this entry is too late, but there will surely be
more for 2009.
LONDONGLUE - www.londonglue.com/ I received an invitation to place an ad with them. I
didn't, but feel they may be relevant to aspiring writers because they run poems, stories and
scripts. They say the site is accessed by thousands of Londoners every day. They have a wide
variety of community interests.
LOVEWRITING - www.lovewriting.co.uk Individual authors and independent publishers can
feature a title for £100 a year—about $150—so that readers can download and read
extracts and decide whether to buy. Books will be categorized by genre. Lovewriting has
formed a relationship with self publisher Matador for those who wish to use it. (I don't have
its address yet.) This service is at the Beta Test stage at present. December 2008 update: It
seems to be fully functional now.
LULU - www.lulu.com
© Piers Anthony
See Publishers section.
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
MEANIES AND WEENIES - http://meaniesandweenies.blogspot.com This is a blog run by
"Dunn Hadenuff" that focuses on bad stories about the writing industry. December 2008
update: One entry is titled "Been Snubbed" by an author or other publishing professional.
Seems it happen a lot. I hope never to appear on such a list, as I do answer my mail.
MEET REAL PA - www.freewebs.com/meet_real_pa/ This is an even-handed expose of
PUBLISH AMERICA by Betsy Markman, running her dialogue with them. Those considering
this publisher should read this. She was, in the end, sadly disappointed.
MIC DESIGNS 4 YOU - www.micdesigns4you.webs.com Michelle (that would be the "mic")
just opened a new website for authors to purchase marketing materials, such as book
trailers and ad placements.
MR WEB EDIT — www.mrwebedit.com I received a notice: "We are an on-line service
provider for all journalism and publishing activities—original articles, ghost writing, editing,
magazine management etc."
MY BLUE SHOES - www.myblueshoes.com/ Custom web design, Internet marketing, online
publishing. This is supposed to contain the best tools, resources and links that may be useful
for writers.
MY WRITER TOOLS - www.mywritertools.com/ This is software listing for $29.95,
introductory price $19.95. A program to help writers produce and clean up their documents.
Works with Microsoft Windows Word.
NANOWRIMO - www.nanowrimo.org This is the National Novel Writing Month, challenging
writers to write a 50,000 word novel in one month, quality no object. I haven't listed it
before, because it's a once a year effort, but now I am, in part because I am one of the
established authors who gives a pep-talk for November, 2008. Just writing a short novel on a
short deadline is no breeze, as this annual effort shows. November 2009 update: November
is the month. So if you're participating, quit surfing HiPiers and get with the program.
NATIONAL WRITER'S UNION (NWU) - www.nwu.org This requires a bit of explaining. First,
yes, it really is a union, UAW Local 1981/AFL-CIO, so if you don't like unions, this is not for
you. Second, if you are serious about writing, you can join. Most writer's organizations
require a writer to have had something published or sold recently to be eligible; NWU
recognizes that the vagaries of sometimes whimsical or mean-spirited editorial decisions are
not the definition of a writer. If you are writing, you are probably eligible for membership,
and not on a standby or second-tier basis. If you have written a novel, or stories, or articles,
and have tried to get them published, in any genre, or if you have written a movie or TV
screenplay and it wasn't a joke, or poetry, or whatever, you are a writer. Maybe an
unsuccessful one, but you still do bleed when editorially cut, and NWU cares. It is your
dedication and effort that count, your dream and heart, not the luck of the editorial draw. I
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Internet Publishers and Writing Services
understand some writers organizations refuse to consider Internet-published writers; no
need to be concerned. In short, NWU is doing for writers what the Internet is doing for
publication: opening it up so that the common grunts can play too. There is no elitism here.
It will cost you, however. Annual dues are $95 or more, depending on your writing income.
So why should you join? Well, you shouldn't, if you are not serious about writing. But if you
have any notion of making any money at writing, let alone a living, you should join. Other
writer's organizations may or may not help their members when there is mischief, and may
actually hurt a writer; I have been the route in spades. Some do good work, but on a higher
plane; your objection to getting stiffed on a payment for an article may be beneath their
notice. But NWU is really there fighting in the trenches. For example, it sued to salvage
electronic rights for writers, so that publishers could not stiff writers on the Internet. It
actively goes after errant publishers. In terms of protection for writers, this is an attack dog.
Its membership is growing rapidly; it is now over 6,000 and not cresting. It maintains an
agent database that includes negative as well as positive input. In short, if there is an
organization with an attitude much like mine, it is the NWU. I have been a member since
1993. It is not illustrious, but in gut terms it may be the most influential writer's organization
extant. If you are a writer and can join only one organization, this is the one. NWU won the
big lawsuit: publishers can't grab electronic rights without contracting and paying for them.
This is highly significant, though it is now being appealed. But it did drop the ball on a
complaint about an Internet publisher stiffing its authors. What use to salvage electronic
rights, if writers are not similarly protected from errant electronic publishers? So its record
is stained, unfortunately, in an embarrassing way, considering that lawsuit. December 2004
update: There are many useful things available to anyone, on its site, such as grievances
against some publishers. June 2005 update: NWU announces that an $18 million settlement
has been reached in the class-action case of Gerald Posner against databases and publishers
illegally selling articles over the Internet without the authors' permission. "The Supreme
Court in New York Times vs. Tasini had a very simple solution for companies that want to
market a writer's article: pay for it." December 2007 update: I was a member, but they
dropped me. I'm sure they are still doing good work, however. December 2008 update: They
say they have nearly 2,000 members. I guess they don't miss me. November 2009 update:
Now they mention having 1,500 members, so maybe they are dropping other writers as
they did me. They are addressing the Google Copyright infringement Settlement, urging
Author's Guild to withdraw from it. This is a complicated issue, but authors do need to pay
attention, because otherwise they may discover that their works are being borrowed and
used without regard to copyright protections.
NERVE - www.nerve.com This bills its contents as "literary smut," and I must say that my
check of its site showed interesting material on nudity, nude photos, and sexy notions. It's
the kind of place for a dirty old man to browse. If only I had more time. What makes it
interesting, apart from the obvious, is that it is offering Name writers a package of stock
options in addition to money. But evidently not for beginning writers. It seems to be
primarily a magazine.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
NEW CENTURY PUBLISHING - www.newcenturypublishing.com I was asked about this, so
looked it up. It's an Irish publisher, founded in 1997, whose publications range from glossy
magazines to leaflets. It seems to be a self publisher. I did not find rates.
NEW YORK BOOK FESTIVAL - http://newyorkbookfestival.com It is calling for entries to its
annual program celebrating books that deserve greater recognition from the world's
publishing capital. It will consider published, self-published, and independent publisher
fiction, non-fiction, children's teenage, how-to, audio, comics, e-books, science fiction,
romance, biography/autobiography, or wild card (anything goes). Entries can be in English,
Spanish, French, or Italian. Grand prize of $1,500 and a flight to New York for the awards.
Deadline is April 25, 2007. Entry fee $50 for each submission. My comment: this looks
interesting, but I am wary of that charged submission; it may or may not be legitimate.
December 2007 update: They have issued a call for 2008 entries, same terms, same prize.
Deadline is May 25, 2008. 2008 update: it’s an annual event.
NOAHIDE BOOKS - www.noahidebooks.com I received an email: "For something different,
try a Noahide Book. Totally free of charge to read online." I haven't checked it; could be a
NUEVA SCHOOL - http://nuevaschool.org/~debbie/library/reading/yngwrite.html This lists
online opportunities for young writers, such as Inkspot and online publications that accept
student submissions. UPDATE: couldn't connect. February 2008 update: I had left out a /;
now it should work.
OCEAN GRAPHIC CO, LTD - http://www.oceangraphic.com.hk This is a printing company
based in Hong Kong with factories in China that provides printing and color separation
services. October 2005 update: They say they are now offering very attractive prices.
Considering the competitive pricing of other Chinese products, I suspect they mean it.
OMNILIT - see All Romance Books
ONLINE BOOK PUBLICITY — http://online-book-publicity.ning.com/ I received a flier on this.
It seems to be an aspect of Substance Books, which see.
ONLINE REVIEW OF BOOKS & CURRENT AFFAIRS - http://www.onlinereviewofbooks.com
This is an electronic journal that intends to review all books, not just traditional print ones.
They accept all independently published books in any format. They are looking for
reviewers. The March issue has a good article on independent book publishers, small press,
and POD. October 2005 update: This time my sampling found a two-fisted liberal political
commentary. I presume they do other slants too; the point is they are not pussyfooting
when it comes to a free press. December 2007 update: They remain as ornery and
outspoken as ever, this time taking off on Hillary and Mother Teresa. No, it's not mindless,
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
it's thought provoking. December 2008 update: And on Obama and the rightist agenda to
"starve the beast."
ORGANIZED WRITER, THE - www.organizedwriter.com/ I learned of this via an Xlibris
newsletter. This is a book ad site, for the book by Julie Hood, but it gives a lot of
information. The thesis is that any writer can do better if he/she organizes his time well. The
site is replete, by no coincidence, with numbered organization steps suggesting how to get
started and how to proceed, such as Six Rules: Work with, not against, yourself; Focus;
Invest your Time; Create Habits; Use the Right Tools; and Work Forward. It makes the point
that writers tend to think of themselves as creative rather than organized, when they should
be both. As a highly organized writer, I agree. I don't need this site, but if you're
disorganized, you do.
PAGE ONE LITERARY - www.pageonelit.com I received a notice for this as spam. It seems to
be a promotional site. For $250 you get a full personal interview page with your photo, bio,
and listing of your titles. The site says it has received over 14 internet awards for content
and design, and was selected as one of Writer's Digest best sites on the Internet. 450,000
unique visitors per month, and over 32,000 subscribers to its weekly newsletter. The site
has ads for publishers such as iUniverse, and services. I sampled the "Writers Wisdoms"
section and found apt quotes about writing.
PANTONE BOOKS — www.indianprinterpublisher.com Online Trade Magazine for Printing,
Publishing, and Packaging Industry including relevant news and information. I haven't
actually clicked the link. December 2008 update: it remains in business, printing for south
PASSIONATE PEN - www.passionatepen.com This is a resource for Romance writers. They
list publishers, traditional and electronic, except for self publishers, with some feedback
from users, and agents. Such lists can be very useful for authors; it's why I maintain mine.
They also have links to articles relating to writing. In sum, a worthwhile site.
PAW PRINTS - www.pawprintspod.com UPDATE: gone, shunted to a commercial site. April
2006 update: I was advised to check its revised address, and it's there. This in a print-onDemand outfit. They have a one-time set-up fee of $99, or $124 if an ISBN number is
needed. They charge fixed amounts depending on the length of the book, plus shipping.
PEN WRIGHTS - http://penWrights.com This is an online forum open to everything--poetry,
stories, or whatever works. The site is in partial remission, but says it will resume activity
soon. December 2004 update: It is active again, but would not let me into all of its sections.
December 2008 update: "penWrights is a community of writers who meet online to read,
write, and critique each other's work."
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
PLUMBELL PUBLISHING - www.plumbell.com This is an author site. I list it here because the
title suggests it's a publisher. Only for one author, Lew Paz.
POETRY BOX - www.poetrybox.com They say they have 6,000 members and give out prizes.
December 2004 update: There are sample poems and a $50,000 poetry contest. November
2009 update: "This page cannot be displayed." That's not a good sign.
PREDITORS & EDITORS- www.anotherealm.com/prededitors/ "A guide to publishers and
publishing services for serious writers." Also composers, game designers, or artists, to
consult for information, regardless of genre. Their "sole purpose is to provide writers with
information and contacts for the purpose of seeking publication of their work." They also
give out awards as acknowledgment of superior effort or achievement on the part of others.
It is actively managed on a weekly basis, which makes it considerably more current than this
bi-monthly HiPiers listing. They post warnings about anyone who treats writers shabbily.
"P&E is not a court of law. It does not have to give anyone the right to confront a
complainant when P&E makes a negative recommendation. Nor does it have to consult with
anyone first before making its recommendations public." Exactly; I have the same policy.
There is an enormous amount of information here, and anyone wanting a thorough listing of
publishers with blunt pro and con recommendations should start here. Agents, publishers,
chats, conventions, opinions--phenomenal material. I sampled an opinion about why fiction
magazines often fail, and found it right on target: they're not dedicated to finding what their
readers want. Yes, P&E highly recommends this listing of mine, but it doesn't play fair with
self publishers: it lists ones like iUniverse and 1stbooks as self publishers without other
comment, but describes Xlibris as Not Recommended, as if it's a rip-off outfit. I know
something about self publishing, especially Xlibris, and P&E drops the ball here. I'm tempted
to say that in this instance, their rating is Not Recommended. Apart from that lapse, this is a
wonderful site for writers. December 2004 update: the lists of publishers and agents are
huge, and positive or negative assessments are blunt, but spare; you really need to check
elsewhere to learn much about them. December 2007 update: But they have never updated
their bum note on Xlibris, nor are they current on iUniverse, which has been sold to
Authorhouse, now another of their Not Recommended publishers. It just doesn't like self
publishers. I find this attitude unfortunate. April 2008 update: Now it seems P&E is being
sued by Publish America, and can use financial help. While I have my differences with P&E, I
respect the service it provides, which is similar to this ongoing survey of mine, but more
comprehensive, and believe it warrants support. I am not conversant with the details of the
suit, but suspect it's a SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) effort, intended
to stifle honest criticism. P&E does have a blistering, documented expose that would turn
off anyone considering this publisher. Those interested in making donations can do so at
http://www.anotherealm.com/prededitors/penulist.htm. December 2008 update: the
lawsuit continues, and they are asking for donations to mount a legal defense in court.
There's a hell of a lot of useful information at this site. April 2009 update: I understand that
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
P&E lost the lawsuit, though an appeal is possible. This is not a good signal for expose sites.
November 2009 update: They remain in business, but will accept contributions for legal
defense. Telling truth about publishers is a dangerous business; I'm in a position to know.
PRESSMART — www.pressmart.net/ They specialize in creating digital editions of
newspapers and magazines, and they help publications monetize their print content online.
They have served more than 350 publications across 38 countries in more than 22
languages. June 2009 update: I heard from their webmistress. They are also at
www.pressmart.com, "A leading print-to-digital delivery service for newspapers, magazines,
journals and catalogs," with other useful services. July 2009 update: I heard from them
again: "Please change my link as 'Magazine Publishing.'"
PRESS PUBLISHER - www.PressPublisher.com This is software designed exclusively for
online publishers. It is currently tailored for magazines, but in the next two months they will
release a free online book publishing software.
PRINT HOUSE INDIA - www.printhouseindia.com They are a print production house for
small and large scale prints. They say they have best quality output at an affordable rate.
PUBLIC BOOKSHELF - www.publicbookshelf.com/ “PublicBookshelf.com is now open for
fiction and non-fiction book submissions. We pay 70% Google ad revenues on each page of
your book. Take advantage of our million+ annual visitor traffic to get your book read, earn
money, and promote yourself.” December 2008 update: they say you can read many of their
books free, and also say they publish you online at no cost to you and pay an advance of up
to $500. I'll be interested to see feedback from authors who try them, and this comes under
the probably too good to be true heading.
PUBLICIZE YOUR BOOK: An Insider’s Guide to Getting Your Book the Attention It Deserves-www.publicizeyourbook.com This teaches authors how to create effective publicity with or
without the support of their publishing houses. Marketing plan, bookstore appearances,
how to get media coverage, etc. Publishers Weekly says that it is "easily the most incisive
and expert guide to book publicity ever." $15.95.
PUBLISHING TRIANGLE - www.publishingtriangle.org The association of lesbians and gay
men in publishing. "We are now accepting nominations for the best in poetry, nonfiction,
and fiction." Six different awards. Okay: this is a limited-interest site, but it does a
competent job, and the interests of gay authors and straight authors overlap: they all want
to get published, and the System is a common enemy. So unless you're a homophobe, check
their general advice under "resources" for writing and marketing; it's a good spot course
that steers you straight.
QOOP - http://qoop.com/ They do POD for publishers as well as photo printing. Their site
has a huge number of artists represented, with their art for sale. The service is free, and you
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
start with the base price of your material, add your royalty, and add 20% of your royalty to
make the retail price. This applies to photos, art, designs, documents, books, manuals,
articles, stories, poetry and more. For books they need a single upload in PDF, and they can
make a hand-sewn book.
called this to my attention. He likes to write, but had the usual difficulty finding a publisher,
so he did some research, and this is the result. This is a powerhouse listing of markets what
seems like thousands of markets, plus agents, author organizations, book stores, jobs,
writers' chats, places for copyright information, courses, critique groups, and sources for
information on what writers should beware of. Much more -- it just goes on and on -- and
every entry has a link. If you are serious about writing, and want information, you could
spend a week following the leads Ralan provides. If you are unsatisfied with the information
that this survey of mine provides, go to Ralan and become surfeit; if there is a better site for
sources for writers than this one, I'll be amazed. It also links to author pages, including
HiPiers. It has more than fifty author links. December 2007 update: It was easier to find my
way around this time: entries were in different colors, alphabetically listed. But I was unable
to locate electronic or small press publishers like Mundania and Phaze. They are surely listed
somewhere, but this suggests that the seeming simplicity of the listings may be deceptive.
December 2008 update: This time I was unable to find the listings at all. I'm sure they exist,
but all I saw was material about Ralan's Spectravaganza contest winners and how to join the
mailing list. So I have to say that the usefulness of this site has plummeted. It may be that
since for efficiency I don't load pictures, that key aspects of the site are not showing. April
2009 update: Ralan wrote me, saying the material is too all there. So I put my browser into
picture mode and tried again, and lo, there it all is. Under Book Publishers he lists electronic
and traditional print, so this is one comprehensive tally. I also checked Adult Markets, a
separate listing, but did not find Ellora's Cave therein. That's curious. Then I turned off the
pictures mode and tried again, and there were no words in the market listings. That's why I
missed them before. I tried clicking the blanks, and got the listings. So the site certainly
works, and remains perhaps THE most comprehensive market listing. Those who use this
Piers Anthony site to shop for markets and don't find what they want should go to Ralan's
before giving up, because there's a lot more there.
RATIONAL STREET PERFORMER PROTOCOL - http://www.logarithmic.net/pfh/rspp This is a
system rather than a site. An artist posts online the fact that he/she has a new work for the
public, and asks for money in the amount he thinks the work is worth. People make
donations or commitments, such as a flat $100 or agreement to donate $1 for every $50
donated elsewhere, up to $20. When the artist feels its okay, he releases the work onto the
Internet, perhaps providing those who donated with physical copies. Thus the artist gets
paid, and the public gets a new work. December 2007 update: The site has moved to a new
address. December 2008 update: the site was updated in November 2002. That makes me
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
RAVENOUS ROMANCE - www.ravenousromance.com/ "Ravenous Romance publishes the
hottest, most exciting stories on the Web..." They do both ebooks and downloadable
audiobooks, and may sublicence for print. I did not find information on terms on the site. So
far, so good. But I have a report that they can be cavalier about honoring the terms of their
contract, which is a dense 13 page document that can be modified. For example they
reserve the right not to send a quarterly royalty check unless more that $100 is due. That
needs to be changed to their issuing statements regardless of the figure, and the cutoff
should be lower, like $50 or $25. Otherwise the author may never receive royalties and be
unable to prove that any are owing. This is not theoretical; it happened to me, in traditional
print publishing; I had to get a lawyer. They may not respond to queries, or to a request for
withdrawal of a submission. From here, this looks like a bad act.
REVIEWS - A reader sent me a list of Romance genre review sites. Apparently there are
some shady practices, such as competitors reviewing books. That's an opportunity to trash a
book unfairly, and it seems some do, but it can be objective if the reviewer is honest. So I'm
not sure whether to list review sites, and am not sure I want to get into this. Let me know
whether they should be listed here.
ROMANCE DIVAS - www.romancedivas.com/ This is a writer's resource website and
discussion forum with more than 2,500 active members. They offer writing challenges, a
mentoring program, up to date information on the writing industry, and support and
networking for writers of romance and women's fiction. It caters to aspiring writers,
established authors, and everything between. I expect to participate in their online Q&A
event October 10-11, 2008, in my fashion. That is, because I am on dialup that uses our
single phone access, I will check in at intervals to address questions. So it may not be fully
"live" for me, but I'll do my limited best. There will surely be other fantasy writers there who
can be more attentive. December 2008 update: I did participate, but two things messed it
up: I was in the continuing throes of flu-like side effects of medication that depleted my
energy, and the site refused to cooperate for my system, not necessarily posting what I
entered, and displaying "page cannot be displayed" notices. So I did it by email. It felt like
attending a convention only to come down with the flu, and having the hotel refuse to
honor your credit card. But it seemed like a good event, even viewed through that
frustrating filter.
ROSEDOG.COM - www.rosedog.com/ This is very interesting. It's not a publisher, it's a
service, and it's free. You can put your material online here, for prospective agents and
publishers to look at, and if any are interested, they contact you. That makes it about as
easy as can be. It operates on the assumption that agents and publishers are eagerly looking
for new writers. In my experience, they claim to be looking, but in fact are usually stiffarming new writers. But let's find out; if I am wrong, this outfit could be the salvation of
future writers. Certainly it's an experiment worth trying. December 2006 update: a writer
advises me that this is actually an imprint of Dorrance Publishing, a subsidy publisher. That
rather changes its nature.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
Royal Palm Literary Award - see Florida Writers Association.
RPI PRINT ON DEMAND - www.rpiprint.com/ This is a 24 hour, 7 day a week commercial
printing company in Seattle that can handle just about anything. The company was founded
in 1979 and seems solidly established. I did not find prices, but presume they would vary
with the job. They specialize in fast short-run (trade) paperback novels.
SCHIEL & DENVER PUBLISHING — www.schieldenver.com This is a book publishing services
company. They implement "sustainable demand driven printing technology" with a "strong
ethical dimension." They asked to be listed here, and say that for more information they
have an entry in Wikipedia. June 2010 update: a negative report of contract violation—i.e.,
failure to issue royalty reports—and extreme difficulty locating the moving target that was
the home office. My judgment is that this is not a legitimate publisher.
SCIENCE FICTION WRITERS OF AMERICA--SFWA - www.sfwa.org I am not a member of this
organization, having quit it in disgust over thirty years ago when its officers sided with a
wrongdoing publisher instead of the injured writer, me, and I got blacklisted for being right.
It never apologized, and officers have badmouthed me since, so I'll probably never rejoin.
But I have to give credit where due, however reluctantly, and the organization does on
occasion serve a useful purpose. For example, the WRITER BEWARE section warns of bad
literary agents, book doctors, subsidy publishers and others. Their discussions of Electronic
Publishing and Print on Demand are also apt. There's a lot of extremely relevant material
here, and I recommend this as a source of information. Fortunately you don't have to join
SFWA to get it. December 2009 update: This time I followed up on their reprint of an article
on the distinctions between self publishing and vanity publishing. Essentially, it is that
regular publishers assume all the expenses and risks, self publishers charge the author for
everything but the author gets all the profits, and vanity publishers charge the author and
take maybe half the profits. Okay, as far as it goes; a problem is that vanity publisher claim
to be self publishers, and there are different types of self publishing, ranging from free to
vanity prices, so the distinctions are fuzzy.
SCRIBENDI - www.scribendi.com/ "We edit, critique, rewrite, compose, check, design,
produce, translate and publish all types of manuscripts and documents." They charge one
tenth of a cent per word to review your manuscript and give you an opinion about its
viability. So checking a 5,000 word story costs you five dollars. Proofreading costs eight
tenths of a cent a word. And so on, different fees for different services. This could be
worthwhile for a beginner. December 2004 update: Now their fee seems to be 1.2 cents per
word. December 2006 update: now prices start at nine tenths of a cent per word. December
2007 update: they offer a free five page sample edit. a full edit will cost you $.009 a word.
Maybe I misread the rate before. December 2008 update: now editing prices start at .015
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
per word. July 2009 update: they remind me that they offer a full package of services:
proofreading, editing, customizable query packages.
SELF PUBLISHING REVIEW — www.selfpublishingreview.com/ This is an online magazine
dedicated to the subject. This would seem to be a good place to start if you're interested.
My glance through the site suggests that the information is hard-nosed and accurate. For
example, it tackles Amazon's refusal to sell books not printed by its subsidiary, something
authors need to be aware of before committing.
SEXY NOVELS - www.sexynovels.com This is the web site of Alexandra Adams, author of
erotic electronic novels, who sells them here. This HiPiers listing is not intended for personal
sites, but this one is a nice example of self marketing that others might profit from, and the
proprietor seems responsive to those marketing similar material. So if you need advice, a
query here might help. December 2006 update: Now she sells her novels via Double Dragon,
not at her site, but you can still see their covers and descriptions there.
SHARING BOOKS - www.sharing-books.com/ This seems to be a site for posting your
material free, to get exposure. Unfortunately I have a report that when an author wished to
take off stories, there was no response. December 2009 update: now readers can pay if they
want to, as much as they want to, and the money is shared evenly between the authors, the
site, and Room to Read; I'm not sure that that last is.
SHARI'S WORD PROCESSING - www.sharissolutions.com This is a small secretary service
that provides professional typing, editing, grammar check, transcription, and proofing for all
types of projects. "You will find my service to be accurate, timely and second to none."
December 2009 update: Blank screen.
SOBOL AWARD - www.sobolaward.com/ An annual award open to unpublished fiction
writers. Each manuscript will receive two reviews from experienced readers. Substantial
prizes, starting with a $100,000 first prize. December 2007 update: They did not receive
enough entries, and are shutting down. Their $85 entry fee is being refunded.
be THE organization to join if you are writing or illustrating for children. It acts as a network
for the exchange of knowledge between writers, illustrators, editors, publishers, agents,
librarians, educators, booksellers, and others involved with literature for young people.
They sponsor two international conferences on writing and illustrating for children, and
dozens of regional conferences and events across the world. There's a newsletter, awards,
grants for works in progress, and it provides information on the art and business of writing
and selling written, illustrated, and electronic material. They also present the Golden Kite
award for the best fiction and nonfiction books. December 2004 update: I got the site, but
got a blank screen for any of its subsections. December 2006 update: Now the site presents
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
SPECULATIONS - www.speculations.com/rumormill This is a bulletin board for writers of
speculative fiction, reported to be quite useful. It has unflinching data on some of the bad
outfits, such as Edit Ink. If you are in doubt about a literary agency or service, this could be a
very worthwhile site to check. December 2007 update: They have lists of traditional print
novel and story publishers. December 2008 update: "As of 2 March 2008, Speculations is no
longer in the business of publishing market information for writers." They plan to go
dormant for a while, then spring forth with new plans. December 2009 update: They are still
pondering what to do next.
STEVEN MANCHESTER - www.StevenManchester.com Book editing services including
spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, plot, character development, scene
setting and dialogue. Reasonable costs, not specified in the notice I received. He has a
complete publishing kit for $150, and an ongoing service for $20 a month.
STIMULATING CONVERSATION -— www.stimulating-conversation.com Also
http://JustFinished.com. They are redesigning their Author Marketing Toolkit, which they
trust is a useful easy-to-follow guide to start authors on the road to productive marketing.
They asked me to provide feedback on it, but I have been so jammed that I couldn't get to it.
However, such a guide could be useful, and I recommend that aspiring authors check it out.
"Authors are brave people!" they say. "It is our objective to create cohesive, effective author
strategies at affordable prices. Every author's story should stimulate conversation."
STORIES ONLINE - www.storiesonline.net/ This is a free story site featuring mostly sex
stories but lot limited to them; it was called to my attention by a SF/Fantasy author who
posts there. Anyone can join, post, and read, free. They do require you to log in if you want
to participate, and there is a strenuous introductory warning: if you are too young or
conservative for sexy stuff, go away. So anyone who gets freaked out and wants to blame
the site has no third leg to stand on. I did not log in, as that requires accepting cookies, so
am not fully conversant with its aspects; I merely Previewed. But my impression is that this
is a damn good site to post your material, if you aren't looking for money and have a
problem finding a paying market. I did not read any of their sex stories so can't speak for
their quality; maybe next month when I have more time.
STORY PLUS - www.storyplus.com/ "StoryPlus was conceived with a clear aim--to promote
children's literacy, to help children read better." This is a Canadian publisher of original
children's stories in English and French, in text, illustrated text, audio, illustrated audio, and
even animated formats, for all age groups, selling for $1-$3.50 depending on type. A
selection of their stories is available free. They also feature a compilation of many useful
articles on reading-readiness, dyslexia diagnosis, and related topics. They believe the new
technologies are useful in helping children with disabilities read better. Sigh; where were
they when I was taking three years (1940-42) to plow through first grade because of reading
problems? WARNING: this site refuses to let you shop if you don't allow it to set cookies.
December 2007 update: But they do offer some sample free stories to read.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
SUBRAMANIAM BROTHERS LTD - www.sbpaper.com - "We have highly automated offset
printing facility right from pre-press to post-press facility." They are prepared to undertake
any kind of printing job on a contract basis. They sound foreign, but their address is in
SUBSTANCE BOOKS - www.substancebooks.com/ - I received a solicitation from them
about promoting my ChroMagic series. This is an online publicity network in business since
2001, claiming to be the biggest found on the Internet. I declined, but it could be
worthwhile for other writers. April 2008 update: "The new 44th issue of Book Marketing
Newsletter is ready and waiting for you." www.substancebooks.com/book-marketing11.html. February 2009 update: Their quarterly online publication seems to be going strong.
April 2009 update: the 48th issue is ready. August 2009 update: And their 49th issue.
December 2009 update: You can get your title featured on the first page of Google for $180
TALENT TROVE — www.talenttrove.com/ I received a solicitation to join their Expert
section, that will include a variety of hand-selected professionals who will be given a
platform to upload articles, resources, and information applicable to their industry.
Industries included will be Dance, Photography, Artists, Comedy, Writing, and others; it's a
broad canvas. I respectfully declined; I prefer to do my own thing at my own site. But folk
who want to check in with assorted experts may find this site a useful avenue. They say they
get over two million unique views a month.
TALKABOUTBOOKS - http://pub22.ezboard.com/btalkaboutbooks All about authors and
books, setting up a number of discussions relating to books, poetry, recommendations, selfhelp forums, and shared writing. It flashed a notice saying I was their 1,000th visitor and
could get a free Sony PS3. I passed it by, because I don't know what a Sony PS3 is-Poor
Sucker #3? December 2007 update: Most of their forums seem to date from 2003.
December 2008 update: But two date from 2008. December 2009 update: They do have a
May 2009 post.
TASK DIGITAL - www.taskdigital.com/ For book typesetting, design support, and related
services. But it seems you have to contact them for a quote.
received an email ad for this December 10, 2000, which I quote entire: "Wouldn't it be great
to give your loved one the gift that puts them on the road to financial independence. If you
know someone that is interested in making a lot of money The Million Dollar Publishing
Company in a Box is the perfect gift. Read below to find out how your quick response can
put the perfect present under their tree by the holiday." There was nothing below. I did not
respond. I assume it is a service, if not a joke. UPDATE: gone. December 2004 update: Now
it's there, for you to email.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
THE NEXT BIG WRITER - www.thenextbigwriter.com/ This is a place where writers can
upload their novels, short stories, and poems to receive feedback, recognition, and rewards.
Some novelists have received over 400 reviews. Password protected; writers keep all their
rights. Any writer, new or old, can participate. So if you want reactions to your piece, this
seems to be the place. Remember, such feedback is not necessarily positive.
a good collection of articles, to which I contributed. December 2007 update: I read the book,
and it is indeed a good guide. December 2008 update: Now it seems to be Dragon Moon
Press promotion.
THE SCI FI GUYS - www.scifiguys.com This is an informational site, a science fiction e-zine
that does news, reviews, opinion and humor, and will be doing interviews. Its main focus
seems to be on movies and TV series. December 2007 update: They ran out of time, so are
on indefinite hiatus.
THIS MAGNIFICENT LIFE - www.thismagnificentlife.com/ This is an online magazine that
offers authors a chance to talk about whatever is magnificent in their life, whether it be
person, place, or thing. It doesn't have to be about their current work. Articles should be
300-500 words. So this is not a paying market, but more of a publicity vehicle.
TRANSFORMATIVE LANGUAGE ARTS NETWORK - www.tlanetwork.org/ This is a conference
to be held at my alma mater, Goddard College, in Plainfield Vermont, September 3-7 2009.
It brings together writers, storytellers, musicians, educators, activists, healers, health
professionals, community leaders and more to explore how the written, spoken, and sung
word can bring transformation to individuals and communities. The deadline for proposals
was January 15, 2009, but perhaps there will be other conferences hereafter. December
2009 update: next Power of Words conference is September 23, 2010, at Goddard College.
TRIGGER STREET PRODUCTIONS INC - www.triggerstreet.com/ This is a service for
screenwriters. Since I'm an ignoramus about this subject, I'm glad to provide a link to this
site for those who need it. The company was founded in 1997 by actor Kevin Spacey
(American Beauty) to develop and produce entertainment in a variety of mediums. He
sought a way to help others find their way, just as I am doing with this ongoing survey of
Internet publishing. Triggerstreet.com was set up in January 2002 as a web-based filmmaker
and screenwriter community, providing access and exposure to help new filmmakers and
screenwriters. This looks like THE place to bookmark, if you're starting out in this medium.
Be warned, however: it requires Flash 6 (downloadable), or it won't show you anything.
Flash has never worked for me and still doesn't on my Linux system; I had to go to (ugh)
Windows. Beats me why sites require turnoff software for special effects that aren't that
special. But evidently others don't have such problems; they claim to have 38,000 members.
December 2008 update: This time the site loaded on my Linux system. It seems to have
plenty of material.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
TRUSSEL - www.trussel.com/ This is a general information site, of interest to me because it
has a comprehensive list of pseudonyms, including mine. UPDATE: I couldn't find anything
relating to writers.
However, a reader advised me that here is a good deal of material listed under their Books
& Collecting topic in the left column. I checked that, and there is, mainly a listing of
publishers. December 2007 update: the list is titled Searchable Booksites and seems to be a
list of book search outfits, for collectors. This would seem to be not relevant to authors
seeking publication.
THE WRITER WITHIN YOU: - a Step by Step Guide to Writing and Publishing in Your
Retirement Years, by Charles Jacobs. This is a book published by Carcos Books in 2007, 321
pages, $19.95 in paperback. It quotes W Somerset Maugham: "There are three rules for
writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are."
ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE - www.magicdragon.com/UltimateSF/SFIndex.html It seems to cover science fiction in all its guises, including movies and TV. It is
not a publisher, but one of the interests of a writer is information about who and what else
is out there, so this is a research source, with links. It claims to be the largest online
encyclopedia of science fiction authors known to exist. It does list many, many writers, and
claims over 6,000 links to science fiction resources; I didn't know that many existed. But
their entry on me does not get out of the 1970s; if that is typical... October 2003 update:
this time the author listing links didn't work, so I couldn't verify them. October 2005 update:
most of them still don't work, as far as I checked. December 2007 update: Their Movies
entry says it has 85 links, last updated 18 July 1999. Their list of authors was last updated 22
August 2004. Need I say more?
UNIQUE ENTERPRISES — http://uniqueenterprises.com/ I got a very bad report on this
small epublisher, so looked it up, and got the message that the domain was for sale. So it
seems nature has already taken it out. June 2008 update: apparently they remain in
business, with websites under their imprint names: Bygrace Publishing and Moonlit
Romance. The report remains bad.
UNSOLVED MYSTERIES - www.unsolvedmysteries.com
This is a site for amateur stories, and it has a lot. "Wow! Over 200,000 stories" it says, and it
may be so. I glanced at one, and it wasn't close to professional level, but that's fine for those
who need experience. Free.
WICKED WRITERS - see Carnival of Wicked Writers
WINNING EDGE - http://win-edge.com/SelfPublish.shtml "Books on self-publishing.
Supposedly well-recommended. I can't find a copy in my local library." MW October 2003
update: It's an ad for How to Self-Publish & Market a Winning How-To Booklet, with
testimonials by readers. Probably a good place to start, if you're interested.
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
WRITE HERE IN FRANCE - http://www.writehereinfrance.co.uk/ They offer a six day creative
writing course in scenic rural France. The course is in May, June, and September, costing
£455 if you share a room, or £510 if you occupy a single room. I presume it is in English,
though it doesn't say. December 2007 update: they now have courses in France and Italy. It
now costs 680 pounds. December 2008 update: Now it costs 900 Euros. December 2009
update: Now they say they are holding their prices at 2007 levels.
THE WRITER'S BLOCK OF DREAMS http://groups.yahoo.com/group/The_Writers_Block_Of_Dreams/ This is a forum for
WRITERS CAFE - www.writerscafe.org/ I received an email saying that here you can share
your writing, get reviews, enter contests, join writing groups, and befriend other writers. I
haven't actually visited the site. December 2008 update: This time I visited it, and it is
functional, but you need to register to participate.
THE WRITERS COLLECTIVE - http://www.writerscollective.org The proprietor, Lisa Grant,
was offered a contract for one of her novels by a traditional publisher, realized it lacked
somewhat, and did a year-long search for a better way to publish a good book. The result is
this site, a virtual room filled with everything a writer needs to professionally self publish,
electronically, print on demand, whatever. They take none of your income from the book,
but do charge $50 for the setup fee for the printer and $175 for publication. October 2003
update: This time I couldn't verify the charges, but the site remains active. December 2004
update: It seems to cost $275 for a year's membership, and $125 a year thereafter. October
2005 update: Site is currently being renovated. December 2006 update: it is up and running
now. I checked the FAQ section and found an interesting discussion arguing the thesis that
ALL publishing is subsidy when you think about it. That is, somebody pays for it, and
somebody makes a profit, not necessarily the author.
WRITERS' CORNER - http://www.sff.net/people/alicia/ Alicia Rasley has a free newsletter of
writing advice, and offers online classes in writing as well as individual coaching and editing.
$40 for a two week class, $80 for a four week class. December 2008 update: I looked at the
Top Ten Writing Problems. #1 is a passive or undermotivated protagonist. #9 is Boring
Beginnings. It's good discussion. December 2009 update: Good material continues.
WRITER'S RELIEF - http://www.wrelief.com They offer a number of services for fees of $45$60 an hour, helping writers edit, proofread, market, keep records, and so on, so that the
writer can focus on writing. They'll even word process your work if you don't have a
computer. This could be good, but the fees could mount up. December 2007 update: rates
are now $50 - $70 an hour.
WRITERS WEEKLY - www.writersmarkets.com/ This offers advice from "Angela", who I
understand is Angela Hoy of BOOK LOCKER, set up to help writers who are wronged by
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
publishers. October 2003 update: This now offers general writing and marketing advice.
December 2004 update: this seems now to be at www.writersweekly.com When I checked
for complaints against Xlibris it gave me complaints against PUBLISH AMERICA. Hm. April
2008 update: She has a long discussion of Amazon's power play in disabling the "buy"
button of any POD books that are not printed by their subsidiary BookSurge. You must read
this. June 2009 update: read the he said, she said discussions in my June 2009 column and
her May 27, 2009 entry on me. Pretty good blowout here. December 2009 update: This time
when I clicked the link the first entry was titled "Piers Anthony's Anonymous Source is a Liar
By Angela Hoy." Need I say more?
WRITER2WRITER - "How much money did you make from your writing this week? Cheryl
Wright is a working writer earning regular income from her writing. She is the owner of this
website and wants to help you to make money from your writing too!" Tips on writing,
marketing, submitting--anything that will help you make money from your writing. It lists
books on writing you can buy, has a subscription newsletter, and workshops for writers at
all levels. In short, this is paid advice, surely a good source if that is what you seek.
specialize in previously unpublished authors." Or published authors who lose their
publishers. Now it is best to be wary of advertising agents or the equivalent, or those who
seek inexperienced writers, but these folk talk the talk, don't charge reading fees, do take a
10% commission on what they sell for you. That's good, considering the standard
commission is now 15%. If they are for real, they could be very good for new authors. I hope
to get some feedback from authors who use them. June 2008 update: and an author report:
they can require round after round of edits, each costing hundreds of dollars. So maybe an
edit isn't a reading fee. Still, there's a smell. They may also refer authors to POD publishers
without asking, who can then solicit the authors. February 2009 update: another author
report indicating that they told him that his finished piece needed polishing, at a charge of
$70-$90 for a critique. This looks like a reading fee by another name, and is a signal of
illegitimacy. Beware. April 2009 update: Another negative report: the critique costs $90, but
may recommend further editing for hundreds more. Then they may say there's a publisher
interested: Eloquent Books, a self publisher with whom they evidently have a tie-in, or
traditional Strategic Book Publishing, which seems like another masked self publisher. There
may be authors who can use these services, but it would be better to check out
straightforward self publishers first.
WRITERS PUB — www.writerspub.com/ This is a free web site designed for all types of
writers — novelists, screen, story, technical, whatever, who can publicly show their work,
and critique the work of others. A given writer can set up an account, create an avatar, and
start uploading his work.
WRITING ACADEMY - www.writingacademy.com/ This provides online workshops and
writers' retreats in California, for a price. My impression is that if you are serious about
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
writing, and can afford it, this could be good. Even if you don't make it into print, it could be
a rewarding experience. December 2004 update: Their regular fee for the Ten Day Course is
$149, but for a limited time, $99. October 2005 update: Now their 6 week course is $119.
WRITING-WORLD - www.writing-world.com This is the reincarnation of Inkspot, which got
bought out by Xlibris, then shut down when the dot.com crash forced Xlibris to retrench. It
is run by the same folk, and has a huge array of things of interest to writers: 340 articles on
aspects of writing--fiction, nonfiction, freelancing, greeting cards, international, etc., and
over 500 links to other resources, market information, 50 contests, and more. It has 400
pages of information, and a free biweekly newsletter. Go there and see what interests
you. October 2003 update: I sampled one of their articles: why publishers use form rejection
letters, an irritation to many writers. It made absolute sense. Assuming this is typical, I
highly recommend this site. (Oh, why do they? Because some writers like to argue rather
than learn, and this wastes time and patience.) December 2006 update: still chock full of
features, really worthwhile. December 2009 update: Still going strong.
X ZONE - www.xzone-radio.com They say they are always looking for interesting guests to
entertain their international radio audience, including authors, which is why I'm listing it
here. It could be good publicity for your book. They cover all aspects of the paranormal,
including UFOs, alien visitations, ghosts/hauntings, urban legends, new age spirituality,
alternative science and religion, ancient and unsolved mysteries, lake monsters, Bigfoot,
witchcraft, mythology, angels, folklore, government conspiracies, and quantum physics. As a
nonbeliever in ghosts and flying saucers, I find this comprehensive. This may not be widely
known, but Florida has a variant of Bigfoot, called The Skunk Ape; it hangs out near where I
live, though I haven't met it personally. December 2007 update: the site took so long to load
that I gave up. December 2009 update: this time it loaded, and still seems packed with
YOU WRITE ON - www.youwriteon.com/ This is a British non-profit peer-review service for
writers. They say you can publish with them for 42.99 pounds, but an author who tried to
sign up for their initial free offer was ignored for months. So I'm listing this as a service
rather than a publisher, for now. December 2009 update: Now you can publish with them
for 39.99 pounds.
ZIZZOO - www.zizzoo.com They publish digital learning packages, including one on how to
sell ebooks, so it is marginally relevant to this listing.
ZYONAIR - www.zyonair.com/ Founded in 2003 by Yvonne Pierre, who looks cute in green.
This is a listing to promote your book. $450 for six months, plus $50 per additional title.
Three full pages of your bio, book synopsis, press releases, and book reviews. Yvonne
promises to introduce you and your work to the people who GET YOU SEEN: over 1,000
professionals in the media, book clubs, event planners, and more, nationwide. April 2005
update: But now the site doesn't seem to lead anywhere. Except for a link to Have Ya Heard
© Piers Anthony
Internet Publishers and Writing Services
magazine, which relates to Down Syndrome. December 2006 update: Now it seems to be a
consulting and marketing service for small businesses, self published authors, independent
film makers, etc. February 2010 update: page under construction.
This e-book version of Piers Anthony’s website is reprinted in this format with gracious thanks.
Thank you for reading!
© Piers Anthony