1 2 SUMMARY 4K p.05 LIFESTYLE p.08 TRAVEL & DISCOVERY p.12 OF STONES & MEN p.26 SPORT p.37 ARCHEOLOGY & HISTORY p.39 CURRENT AFFAIRS & INVESTIGATION p.47 SCIENCE & KNOWLEDGE p.52 NATURE & ENVIRONMENT p.60 WILDLIFEp.68 SOCIAL ISSUES & HUMAN INTEREST p.72 DOCU DRAMA & EDUCATIONAL p.85 DOCU SOAP p.89 FILLERS & AERIAL VIEW p.92 PEOPLE & PLACES: AROUND THE SEA 3 p.101 4 5 6 Length: 20x26’ D i r e c to r s : Sarah Carpentier Éric Michaud Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: ARTE Copyright: 2017 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English WORLDWIDE WINE CIVILIZATIONS Looking for international Pre-Sales Destinations: Germany – the Upper Middle Rhine Valley; France – Bordeaux; Portugal – Alto Douru; USA – Washington State, Yakima Valley; South Africa – Stellenbosch; Australia – Barossa; China – Beijing region; Hungary –Tokaj; Japan – Fujiyama; Spain – the Canary Islands; Greece – Santorini; Italy – Tuscany; France – Champagne; Polynesia – Rangiroa and the Tuamotu Archipelago; Canada – British Columbia; Georgia – Kakheti; New Zealand – Marlborough Valley; Argentina –Mendoza province; Chili – Elqui Valley; Switzerland – Lavaux. Civilisations & vins du monde The fruit of a long history, of a natural environment and of the labors of those for whom it is a passion, each vineyard tells the tale of a unique civilization. Worldwide Wine Civilizations is an exceptional documentary series devoted to exploring winemaking regions around the globe. In addition to delving into a region’s wine production, each episode will also explore local history, its architecture, art, science, techniques, and a host of other subjects. Worldwide Wine Civilizations will feature breathtaking 4k aerial cinematography of the world’s most picturesque winemaking regions. With each episode the spectator will be plunged into the heart of a winemaking civilization in Europe, South America, North America, Asia, and Polynesia. This series will take viewers on a voyage through time and space, seeking out and discovering past and present civilizations, exploring their grandiose natural environments and their complex and multifaceted cultures. “Fruits d’une Histoire, d’un site naturel et du travail des Hommes, chaque vignoble raconte une civilisation qui lui est propre. Worldwide Wine Civilizations est une série documentaire d’exception consacrée à ces territoires aux quatre coins du monde qui, au-delà de la production du vin , nous parlent d’Histoire, d’architecture, d’art, de science, de techniques et de bien d’autre chose. À partir de vues aériennes prodigieuses et inédites tournées en 4K, et au fil de multiples rencontres, “Worldwide Wine Civilizations” plonge au coeur de ces “civilisations du vin” d’Europe, d’Amérique du Sud et du Nord, jusqu’à nous mener en Asie ou encore du côté de la Polynésie… Un voyage dans le temps et l’espace, à la découverte de civilisations passées et présentes, de décors naturels grandioses et de cultures aux multiples visages.” Destinations: Allemagne - Vallée du Rhin ; France – Bordeaux ; Portugal - Alto Duro ; USA - Wahsington Yakima Valley ; Afrique du Sud – Stellenbosh ; Australie – Barossa; Chine – région de Pékin ; Hongrie Le Tokaj ; Japon - Fuji Yama ; Espagne – Canaries ; Grèce – Santorin ; Italie - Toscane ; France - Champagne ; Polynésie - Rangiroa et Archipel des Tuamotu ; Canada – Colombie Britannique ; Géorgie – Kakhetie ; Nouvelle-Zélande - Malbourough Valley ; Argentine - Région de Mendoza ; Chili - La vallée d’Elqui ; Suisse - Canton de Lavaux UPCOMING JANUARY 2017 7 LIFESTYLE 8 Lifestyle Length: 52’ D i r e c to r s : Alex Gary Producer: Via Découvertes Coproducers: Stylia Copyright: 2013 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English MASSAGE, AGE OLD TRADITION, WORLDWIDE PHENOMENON Massage, Tradition millénaire... Mode planétaire Age-old tradition, worldwide fashion, massages are a bubble of wellbeing where one can seclude oneself, where time no longer seems quite as important. They represent an ever growing need that is symptomatic of the whirlwind of our society. Global economic crisis, new technologies that are more and more intrusive in our daily lives, stress generated by pervading pessimism, contribute to push millions of people towards massage. From all the continents, they come to northern Thailand to receive training from blind people, the new stars of this discipline, sought-after for their unique touch due to their blindness. In Paris, in the area of La Défense, the opposite extreme of the “zenitude”, the new tendency is for companies to “offer” their employees massages, investment at a lower cost for a guaranteed competitiveness. In Montreal, Canada, children are given lessons at school on how to massage each other and parents learn how to practice infant massaging… the discovery of wellbeing in the cradle! Some practio-ners use the “Tapping solution” or the EFT invented in the US and now practiced on all continents to efficiently release trauma and relieve many symptoms. Massage, a fascinating tradition and yet incredibly modern, becomes available all over the world. Pratique ancestrale, phénomène et mode planétaire, le massage constitue une bulle de bien-être où l’on se réfugie, où le temps n’a plus la même emprise, un besoin de plus en plus fort symptomatique d’une société où tout va trop vite. Crise économique mondiale, nouvelles technologies de plus en plus intrusives dans le quotidien de chacun, pessimisme ambiant générateur de stress, tout cela pousse des millions de personnes à s’ouvrir aux massages. De tous continents ils viennent se former dans le nord de la Thaïlande auprès des aveugles, nouvelles stars de la discipline très recherchées pour leur toucher exceptionnel dû à leur cécité. A Paris, dans le quartier de la défense aux antipodes de la “zénitude”, la nouvelle tendance forte de certaines entreprises est d’«offrir» à ses employés un massage, investissement à moindre coût pour une compétitivité assurée. Au Canada, à Montréal, des enfants suivent des cours à l’école pour apprendre à se masser les uns les autres et des parents se forment au massage pour bébés... La découverte du bien-être au berceau ! Certains praticiens utilisent La «Tapping solution» ou l’EFT inventée aux USA et pratiquée désormais sur tous les continents pour libérer efficacement des divers traumatismes et soulager un grand nombre de symptômes. Le massage, tradition fascinante d’une modernité incroyable, s’ouvre à toute la planète. Length: 52’ D i r e c to r s : Alex Gary Producer: Les Films Jack Fébus Coproducers: Stylia RTL Belgium Copyright: 2013 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French, English & German MY BAG, MY LIFE AND MY NEXT BAG Les sacs à main, toutes accros In 15 years it has become the must-have accessory. There’s not a women’s store, or a showcase in a ready-to-wear designer’s where you cannot see a… handbag. Why spend 1,000, 1,500 or 2,000 Euros on a bag? Some women are prepared for anything in order to obtain the object of their fantasies. And some designers are achieving incredible success with their line of handbags… like Jérôme Dreyfuss… the star of the genre… His bags are extremely expensive, but they sell like hot cakes. Conversely, in New York, the world’s handbag capital, young designers struggle to exist alongside the major luxury brands. The handbag is now creating a second revolution among men, attracting more and more devotees, but there’s no question of a loss of virility… Handbags: a look into the world of fashion half-way between irrational passion and ultra-profitable business. En 15 ans, il est un accessoire de mode devenu incontournable, pas un magazine féminin, pas une vitrine dans les enseignes de prêt à porter percevoir un : Le sac à main. Pour obtenir cet objet de fantasme, certaines femmes sont prêtes à tout, jusqu’à dépenser 1000, 1500, 2000 euros. Certains connaissent un succès incroyable avec leur ligne de sacs à main, comme Jérôme Dreyfuss, la star du milieu... Ses sacs sont très chers mais s’arrachent comme des petits pains. A l’inverse, à New York, la capitale mondiale du sac à main, des jeunes designers essaient d’exister face aux grandes marques du luxe... Le sac à main fait aujourd’hui sa deuxième révolution avec les hommes. Il y a de plus en plus d’adeptes mais pas question de perdre sa virilité... Les sacs à mains, entre passion irraisonnée et business ultra rentable, plongée au cœur de la mode… 9 Lifestyle Length: 52’ D i r e c to r s : Alex Gary Producer: Les Films Jack Fébus Coproducers: Stylia RTL Belgium Copyright: 2012 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English BENEATH THE LINGERIE Les dessous de la lingerie 100, 400, 500, 1000 dollars for a complete outfit and sometimes a lot more… women the world over no longer hesitate at spending a small fortune on bras and panties. Lingerie is one of the rare sectors that is not suffering from the crisis. They’re innovating with new textiles, shapes are changing and trends are increasingly naughty. What is even more surprising is that one can now tell the condition and behaviour of a society by taking a closer look at its market in panties and suspender belts. In the Emirates, women make up for their austere outer clothing… by wearing ultra-daring underwear. In France they insist on the highest quality of lace and other materials. In the United States practicality takes precedence over aesthetics and in Russia lingerie is the ultimate trump card in seduction. How did lingerie become the mirror of a society and does it reveal the evolution of women on different continents? An investigation beneath the lingerie… 100, 400, 500, 1000 $ pour une tenue complète et parfois beaucoup plus... Les femmes du monde entier n’hésitent plus à dépenser de petites fortunes en petites culottes et autres soutiens gorges... La lingerie est l’un des rares secteurs à ne pas connaitre la crise. On innove dans de nouveaux textiles, les formes changent, les tendances sont de plus en plus coquines... Mais encore plus surprenant, aujourdhui, on peut connaitre l’état et le comportement d’une société en regardant de plus près le marché de ses petites culottes et autres porte jartelles... Dans les Emirats, les femmes se rattrapent de leur tenue extérieures austères... en portant des dessous ultra osées... En France, on tient à une qualité extrême dans les dentelles et la qualité des tissus... Aux Etats-Unis, c’est le coté pratique qui prime avant l’esthétique... en Russie, la lingerie est devenue l’atout ultime pour séduire... Comment la lingerie est devenue le reflet d’une société et révèle t-il l’évolution de la condition de la femme à travers les continents... Enquête sur les dessous de la lingerie... Length: 52’ D i r e c to r s : Marie David Lise Wirmann Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2012 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English THE SPA BOOM Le business des spas Massage with chocolate or spices, anti-stress cure, balneotherapy, grape seed modeling… the well-being and Spa market is booming. For the millions who now frequent these establishments, whether in France, or Bali or New York, the quest is the same: take care of yourself, give yourself a magical break, a few moments of happiness. Considered an extravagance only a few years ago, the Spa is now an obvious choice. To make a go of it you have to invest, innovate and know how to make that difference. Hotels get a makeover, new qualifications are created and the result is that clients, of all ages, fight to get in. With growth of 30% per annum, designer Spas may soon attract as many devotees in our stressful, bustling cities as the Roman baths did in Antiquity. Pour les millions d’individus qui fréquentent aujourd’hui des instituts, que ce soit en France, mais aussi à Bali ou encore à New York, la quête est la même : prendre soin de soi, s’offrir une parenthèse enchantée, quelques minutes de bonheur. Considérés comme une extravagance il y a encore quelques années, le SPA est aujourd’hui une évidence. Pour tirer son épingle du jeu il faut investir, innover, et savoir faire la différence. Les hôtels font peau neuve, de nouveaux diplômes se créent et le résultat est là, les clients, toutes générations, se bousculent. Avec une croissance de 30% par an, les concepts SPA pourraient bientôt réunir, dans nos cités anxiogènes et turbulentes, autant d’adeptes que les thermes romains sous l’Antiquité. 10 Lifestyle Length: 52’ D i r e c to r s : Alex Gary Producer: Les Films Jack Fébus Coproducers: Stylia RTL Belgium RTS Copyright: 2012 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English CAVIAR, THE BLACK GOLD Caviar, l’or noir As the world economy collapses on every continent, there remains one sector that is not experiencing any crisis… and surprising as it may seem… we are talking about caviar! The world’s leading producers have set up there and are grabbing huge shares of the market thanks to their farm-raised fishes. From their labs where the tiny eggs are assembled to the 5-star hotels of Abu Dhabi, from the kitchens of the greatest Parisian chefs to the highly exclusive caviar-tasting clubs, our cameras shoot , for the first time, the people who have turned caviar into a real business… and also into a way of life. A trip into an astonishing world… where luxury and gastronomy are but one... Alors que l’économie mondiale s’effondre sur tous les continents, il existe un secteur lui qui ne connaît pas la crise… Et aussi étonnant que cela puisse paraître… C’est le caviar dont il s’agit ! Et particulièrement en France, ou son succès est incroyable ! Les plus gros producteurs mondiaux s’y sont installés et raflent d’immenses part de marché grâce à leurs poissons d’élevage. De leur laboratoire ou sont assemblés les minuscules œufs jusqu’aux palaces de Dubaï, des cuisines des plus grands chefs parisiens au club très restreint des goûteurs de caviars, nos caméras suivront pour la première fois ceux qui font du caviar un vrai business… Mais aussi un art de vivre… Plongée dans un monde étonnant… Où le luxe et la gastronomie ne font plus qu’un… Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Alex Gary Producer: Les Films Jack Fébus Coproducer: Stylia RTBF Copyright: December 2011 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English THE NEW LUXURY TRADES Les nouveaux métiers du luxe 1210… that’s the number of billionaires in the world in 2011… and that number is rising every day… In order to assist them in their excesses, some people have invented new trades to fulfill their expectations… Such as creating tailor-made perfume for $60.000… or running agencies specialized in personal assistants, 24/7. 1210, c’est le nombre de milliardaires dans le monde en 2011… Et le chiffre grimpe de jour en jour… Pour les accompagner dans leur démesure, certains ont inventé de nouveaux métiers pour répondre à leurs attentes… Comme celui de créer des parfums sur mesure à 60 000 $... ou de gérer des agences spécialisées dans les assistants personnels, 24 sur 7. 11 TRAVEL & DISCOVERY 12 Travel and Discovery Length: 53’ D i r e c to r : Marine Jacquemin Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: RMC Découverte Copyright: 2016 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Philippe Fortin Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: Canal + Copyright: 2015 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French THE SUMMIT OF ULTIMATE CHALLENGE Le sommet de tous les extrêmes The massif of Mont-Blanc, the roof of Europe: a fascinating terrain, but raw, where every action performed by those who are drawn there is a brush with the limit. Whether they are crystal hunters, wingsuiters, scientists or glaciologists, exercising their activities demands the highest vigilance, the control of every movement. These extraordinary and fascinating characters guide us over the changing features of this untamed mineral world where the wildest of challenges are faced every day. Massif du Mont-Blanc, le toit de l’Europe : un terrain fascinant, brut, où l’extrême se reflète dans chacun des gestes des acteurs qui le gravitent. Qu’ils soient cristalliers, wingsuiteurs, scientifiques, ou glaciologues, l’exercice de leur activité les contraint à la plus grande vigilance, à la maitrise de chaque mouvement. Ces personnalités singulières et fascinantes, nous conduisent sur les traces changeantes de cet univers minéral, indompté, où se jouent chaque jour les défis les plus fous. CROSSING THE ALPS: 621 KM NON STOP La grande traversée des Alpes : 621 KM non stop The Alpine Crossing: 621 kilometers travelled, 40,000 meters climbed. An extraordinary challenge that trailer Pascal Blanc decided to set himself at the age of 50. His goal: establish the record for the crossing via the mythic GR5 trail. From the shores of Lake Leman to the gateway to the Mediterranean, Pascal Blanc and his friends live out the most incredible human and sporting adventure of their lives. “621 KM NON STOP” presents the portrait of a special sort of man driven by an iron will as it relates the story of a massive achievement against the magnificent backdrop of the Alps. La Grande Traversée des Alpes : 621 kilomètres de long, 40 000 mètres de dénivelé positif. Un défi hors norme que le trailer Pascal Blanc a décidé de relever à 50 ans. Son but : établir le record de la traversée en passant par le sentier mythique du GR5. Des rives du lac Léman jusqu’aux portes de la Méditerranée, Pascal Blanc et ses amis vont vivre l’aventure humaine et sportive la plus incroyable de toute leur vie. En dressant le portrait d’un homme hors du commun porté par une volonté de fer, « 621 KM NON-STOP » retrace l’histoire d’un immense exploit, sublimé par la majesté des Alpes. 13 Travel and Discovery Length: 52’ D i r e c to r s : Marie-Charlotte Antonini & Mikael Lefrancois Producer: Tournez S’il Vous Plaît Coproducer: M6 Copyright: 2015 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French CHAMONIX: A SENSATIONAL SUMMER Un Eté Au Mont Blanc : Des Vacances Au Sommet Every summer, more than 20,000 climbers tackle the Mont Blanc. Whether they are from France or elsewhere, these hiking and climbing enthusiasts sometimes take ill-considered risks to overcome the highest peak in the Alps. Despite a well known, accessible trail and the presence of mountain guides constantly keeping an eye on tourists, danger is everywhere. Falls, accidents, cold, storm... A base-jumper accustomed to high-flying jumps, Roch Malnuit selects the highest rock faces from which to jump into the void in his wingsuit. His new challenge is an exceptional jump over the Mont Blanc, from a helicopter. Finally, the film reveals the secrets of Chamonix, the resort that never sleeps. The Chamonix Valley attracts not only French but also foreign visitors, such as Americans who come to France to get married at the summit, or groups of Chinese in search of the perfect photo. From the Mer de Glace to the Aiguille du Midi, they will visit the resort in record time. Chaque année, plus de 20 000 grimpeurs s’attaquent au Mont Blanc durant l’été. Qu’ils viennent de France ou d’ailleurs, ces amateurs et passionnés de randonnée et d’escalade prennent parfois des risques inconsidérés pour venir à bout du plus haut sommet de la chaîne des Alpes. Malgré un parcours réputé accessible et des guides de haute montagne qui gardent en permanence un oeil sur les vacanciers, le danger est présent partout. Chutes, accidents, froid, tempête... Roch Malnuit est un base-jumper habitué aux sauts de haut vol : il sélectionne les parois les plus hautes pour se jeter dans le vide dans sa combinaison ailée. Nouveau défi: un saut exceptionnel au-dessus du Mont Blanc, depuis un hélicoptère. Enfin, le film nous révèle les dessous de Chamonix, la station qui ne désemplit jamais. Dans la vallée, Chamonix attire beaucoup de Français mais aussi de nombreux étrangers, comme des Américains venus en France pour se marier au sommet, ou encore des groupes de Chinois en quête de la photo parfaite. De la mer de Glace à l’Aiguille du midi, ils vont visiter la station en un temps record. Length: 112’ D i r e c to r s : Pascal Vasselin Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2015 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French THE HERMIONE ADVENTURE L’aventure Hermione On April 18 2015, nearly 80 enthusiasts set out to sea from Rochefort aboard the Hermione bound for the United States of America. It’s a very special inaugural voyage because it has taken 20 years to build the exact replica of the frigate that carried Lafayette to America in 1780. In the heart of the action we follow these volunteers: sailors and enthusiasts ready to take up the challenge that reflects the splendid excess of their passion for the sea, heritage and history. Le 18 avril 2015, près de 80 passionnés s’élancaient de Rochefort à bord de l’Hermione pour rallier les Etats unis d’Amérique. Un voyage inaugural exceptionnel, puisqu’il aura fallu plus de 20 ans pour construire la réplique exacte de la frégate qui emmena Lafayette en 1780 en Amérique. Nous suivons au cœur de la traversée, ces volontaires, marins et passionnés prêts à relever ce défi à l’image d’une démesure, celle de leur passion pour la mer, le patrimoine et l’histoire. 14 Travel and Discovery Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Hervé Corbière & Denis Pinson Producer: Antipode Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2015 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English IN THE SKIES OF POLYNESIA Dans le ciel de Polynésie In another life they were fighter pilots, mechanics with Boeing or military instructors. Today they have realized their dream: to set up in Polynesia and fly over one of the most beautiful regions in the world. Stéphane and Vincent are aces of the air… they teach stunt flying to visiting tourists and the inhabitants of the islands. And when they are not playing daredevils with their students, they put their skills to the service of another clientele… the one that lives on the tiny private islands… islands at the end of the world, accessible only by plane. For these isolated populations, a plane service is essential… but the landing strips on these islands look more like pocket-handkerchiefs… you need skill and the ability to retain a cool head. O’Neil has plenty of both. He is one of the team of Air Archipel pilots who can land anywhere on Polynesian territory. His mission is to save lives by carrying out “évasans” [évacuations aériennes sanitaires] or emergency air rescue operations. Dans une autre vie, ils ont été pilotes de chasse, mécaniciens sur Boeing ou instructeurs dans l’armée. Aujourd’hui ils ont réalisé leur rêve, s’installer en Polynésie et voler au-dessus d’un des plus beaux sites au monde. Stéphane et Vincent sont des as du pilotage… ils enseignent la voltige aux touristes de passage et aux habitants de l’île. Et quand ils ne jouent pas les casse-cou avec leurs élèves, ils mettent leur savoir-faire au profit d’une autre clientèle… celle qui habite sur les petites îles privées… des iles du bout du monde accessibles simplement par avion… Pour ces populations isolées, la desserte par avion est indispensable… mais sur ces iles, les pistes d’atterrissage ressemblent plus à des mouchoirs de poche… il faut de la dextérité et une bonne dose de sang froid… O’Neil n’en manque pas. Il fait partie de l’équipe des pilotes d’Air Archipel capable de se poser n’importe où sur le territoire polynésien. Sa mission, sauver des vies en effectuant des évasans, des évacuations sanitaires d’urgence par avion ! Length: 52’ D i r e c to r s : Hervé Corbière & Laurent Jacquemin Producer: Antipode Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2015 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English TAHITI, A MOUNTAIN IN THE SEA Tahiti, une montagne dans la mer Worthy descendants of the first explorers of these islands at the end of the world, they are firefighters, woodcutters, nature guides and hunters with the bow. They make up a veritable family within the GPI… the Group Polyvalent d’Intervention [Multitask Intervention Group]. They are experts in extreme environments and the passion for nature and the mountain runs through their very core. Exploring canyons, descending the highest waterfalls in Polynesia… saving lives… going where others dare not go… that is their daily round. Dignes descendants des premiers explorateurs de ces îles du bout du monde, ils sont pompiers, bucherons ou guide nature et chasseur à l’arc. Ils forment une véritable famille au sein du Gpi… le Groupe Polyvalent d’Intervention. Spécialistes des milieux extrêmes, ils ont tous la passion de la nature et de la montagne chevillée au corps… explorer des canyons, descendre les cascades les plus hautes de Polynésie… ou encore sauver des vies… aller où les autres ne vont pas…tel est leur quotidien… 15 Travel and Discovery Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Christophe Castagne Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2014 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English THE LOVERS OF THE LAGOON Les amoureux du lagon For all those who love the tropical seas, the New Caledonia lagoon is Nirvana. For the largest lagoon on the planet is also the most beautiful. A UNESCO world heritage listed site, the Caledonian lagoon owes its dazzling health to an extremely low pressure of human presence. That’s because the vast territory of Caledonia (the main island is 400 km long) has only 250,000 inhabitants. As a result the lagoon offers huge, totally virgin spaces. A veritable inland sea, the blue Caledonian jewel case contains a host of habitats and ecosystems: islets, sand bars, sunken reefs, mangroves, etc.… oases of marine life that teem with species and provide a fabulous larder for the inhabitants of the archipelago. Aided by magnificent aerial and sub-marine images, the film presents the portrait of six “Lovers of the Lagoon”: an adventurer in his den in the north of the island, a biologist specializing in the universe of coral, a woman doctor, defender of the Melanesian culture, a kite-surfer from Numea and a young nature warden from Lifou, in the Loyalty Islands.They have all been enchanted by the stunning beauty of the lagoon. They have all made it their daily lives and their finest reason for living. Pour tous les passionnés des mers tropicales, le lagon de Nouvelle-Calédonie est un nirvana. Car le plus grand lagon de la planète est aussi le plus beau. Classé au patrimoine mondial de l’humanité par l’UNESCO, le lagon calédonien doit son éblouissante santé à une très faible pression humaine. Car l’immense territoire calédonien (400 km de long pour l’île principale) n’est peuplé que de 250 000 habitants. Le lagon offre du coup d’immenses espaces totalement vierges. Véritable mer intérieure, l’écrin bleuté calédonien offre une multitude d’habitats et d’écosystèmes : îlots, bancs de sables, récifs immergés, mangroves… des oasis de vie marine qui regorgent d’espèces et offrent un fabuleux garde-manger aux habitants de l’archipel. Servi par de somptueuses images aériennes et sous-marines, le film dresse le portrait de six « F » : un aventurier dans son repaire du nord de l’île, une biologiste spécialiste du monde corallien, une femme-médecine militante de la culture mélanésienne, une kyte-surfeuse de Nouméa et un jeune garde-nature de Lifou, dans les îles Loyauté. Tous ont été envoûtés par la stupéfiante beauté du lagon. Tous en ont fait leur quotidien et leur plus belle raison de vivre. Length: 32’ D i r e c to r : Benoîte Juneaux Producer: Tournez S’il Vous Plaît Coproducers: TF1 Copyright: 2014 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English HANGED Cordistes, la vie au bout d’un fil Every morning in France, millions of people settle into a comfortable office routine, meanwhile there are others who climb hundreds of meters off the ground for a living. They are artisans, builders and window cleaners. Ten thousand workers suspended in the air like acrobats. They are called “rope access technicians” and their life “hangs by a thread”. A rope that is only a few inches in circumference allows them to climb the highest buildings and still connects them to life on the ground. In the void, danger is omnipresent; any careless mistake can be fatal. Join us as we climb up to meet these workers of the extreme. Quand des millions de Français s’installent chaque matin dans un bureau confortable pour exercer leur métier, eux grimpent à plusieurs centaines de mètres du sol pour pratiquer le leur. Maçons, laveurs de vitres : en France, dix mille acrobates du bâtiment travaillent suspendus dans les airs. On les appelle les « cordistes » car leur vie est suspendue à un fil, cette corde de quelques centimètres de circonférence qui leur permet de gravir les bâtiments les plus élevés et les relie à la vie. Dans le vide, le danger est omniprésent, la moindre faute d’inattention peut être fatale. Nous allons prendre de la hauteur et partir à la rencontre de ces travailleurs de l’extrême. 16 Travel and Discovery Length: 58’ D i r e c to r : Vincent Perazio Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2014 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English WESTERN DOWN UNDER Western aux Antipodes It’s one of the most dangerous jobs that exist. In northern Australia, at the commands of helicopters, planes, buggies and bikes, men and women put their lives on the line to gather up herds. They maneuver in river beds and around trees, pursuing wild bulls who have never seen humans... They call it “mustering”. It’s dangerous, spectacular - and a crash or a fatal goring is always a risk. At the heart of the Australian bush, almost 200 miles from the nearest town, we follow life at Warrawagine Station during this intense period. Three generations of the Mills family and their young employees reign over a property the size of a small State. During five months, their daily lives are filled with danger, adrenaline, isolation and sometimes apprehension. From gathering animals, to transporting them in enormous trucks, they are forced to cross rivers, working the paddock, live in the camp while others wait worried at the ranch, and travelling endlessly to gather supplies… Everything here is an adventure... C’est l’une des activités les plus dangereuses qui soit. Dans le Nord de l’Australie, aux commandes d’hélicos, d’avions, de buggys et de motos, des hommes et des femmes mettent leur vie en jeu pour rassembler un troupeau. Ils manœuvrent dans le lit des rivières, au milieu des arbres. Poursuivent des taureaux sauvages qui n’ont jamais croisé un être humain…On appelle ça le « mustering ». C’est périlleux. Spectaculaire. Le crash ou le coup de corne fatal n’est jamais loin. Au cœur du bush australien, à 300 km de la ville la plus proche, nous avons donc suivi la vie à Warrawagine Station pendant cette période extrême. Trois générations de la famille Mills et leurs jeunes employés règnent sur une propriété de la taille d’un département français. Pendant 5 mois, leur quotidien n’est fait que de danger, d’adrénaline, d’isolement. Parfois d’appréhension. Du rassemblement des animaux à leur transport dans un camion démesuré obligé de franchir les rivières, du travail dans les enclos à la vie dans le campement, de l’attente inquiète de celles qui restent au ranch à l’interminable voyage pour faire les courses, tout n’est qu’aventure… Length: 10x26’ D i r e c to r : Philippe Sintes Pierre de Nicola Jacques Navarro-Rovira Christian Arti Producers: Grand Angle Productions Bleu Lagon Productions Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2014 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English HEART OF THE ISLANDS Coeur d’îles Journey to the heart of the Pacific Ocean, as the collection “Heart of the Islands” immerses you in the discovery of these unique islands of French Polynesia. Come and meet the people, the key figures of these unusual islands, still unknown to tourism and strong in their traditions. Committed to the preservation of their heritage, their culture, but also their ecosystem, the islanders you will share the singularity of their identity and their history amidst breathtaking scenery. Whether in the Marquesas, Tuamotu, Gambier, Austral, or Society Islands, all the archipelagos of French Polynesia welcome you for a unique adventure in 10 stops. Hiva Oa - Makatea - Maupiti - Mo’orea - Nuku Hiva Raiaeta - Rapa - Rikitea - Rurutu - Takaroa Voyage au cœur de l’Océan Pacifique, la collection « Cœur d’île » vous plonge à la découverte de ces iles uniques de Polynésie Française. Partez à la rencontre des habitants, figures incontournables de ces îles insolites encore méconnues du tourisme et fortes de leurs traditions. Attachés à la préservation de leur héritage, de leur culture, mais aussi de leur éco système, les iliens vous ferons partager la singularité de leur identité et de leur histoire au milieu de paysages à couper le souffle. Que ce soit aux Marquises, aux Tuamotu, aux Gambiers, aux Australes, ou encore dans les îles de la Société, tous les archipels de Polynésie Française vous accueillent pour une aventure unique en 10 escales. Hiva Oa - Makatea - Maupiti - Mo’orea - Nuku Hiva - Raiaeta - Rapa - Rikitea - Rurutu - Takaroa 17 Travel and Discovery Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Alex Gary Hervé Corbière Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2014 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English CRAZY FOR THE “PUY DU FOU” Les Fous du Puy Tigers looming out of nowhere, blood-smeared gladiators, barbarian hordes attacking villages… The Puy du Fou is a phenomenon. This amusement park, which gives the history of France the Hollywood treatment, is enjoying huge success. Lost in the depths of provincial France it draws hundreds of thousands of visitors every year. Spread over several hundred hectares are castles, princesses, knights… From the very young to the very old, everybody joins in the fun and takes the plunge into the Middle Ages. With their epic battles and fairy tale adventures, the many spectacular shows have earned the Puy du Fou the title of best amusement park in the world. And as the park is expanding in size, the concept is now exported all over the world. A look behind the scenes of an incredible success. Des tigres surgissant de nulle part, des gladiateurs les corps ensanglantés, des hordes de barbares à l’assaut des villages… Le Puy du fou est un phénomène. Ce parc d’attraction qui allie l’histoire de France et une mise en scène Hollywoodienne connait un succès exceptionnel. Perdu au fin fond de la province Française, ce sont des centaines de milliers de visiteurs qui s’y rendent chaque année. Sur plusieurs centaines d’hectares, des châteaux forts, des princesses, des chevaliers… Des plus jeunes aux plus âgés, tout le monde se prend au jeu et se retrouve plongé au moyen âge… Entre batailles épiques et conte de fées, les nombreux spectacles ont fait gagner au Puy du fou, le titre de meilleur parc d’attraction au monde… Et tandis que le Parc étend sa superficie, le concept est aujourd’hui exporté dans le monde entier… plongée dans les coulisses d’une incroyable réussite… Thea Classic Award 2012: The Best Park in the World 18 Travel and Discovery Length: 53’ D i r e c to r : Christophe Castagne Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: YOL Productions France Télévisions Copyright: 2013 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English THE SECRET OF THE PINK PEARLS Les secrets de la Perle Rose A jewel of nature - more expensive than diamonds! Unknown to the general public, the pink pearl of the Caribbean is the rarest pearl in the world. From the place Vendôme in Paris to the Ginza quarter of Tokyo, its flamboyant pink color makes it a stunning natural gem sought after by the most prestigious jewelers on the planet. Found only in the wild, pink pearls are «fabricated» by the conch, a shellfish hunted for its meat in the Caribbean islands, and especially in the Dominican Republic. Pink pearls are exceptionally rare since only one in 10,000 queen conches produce a pearl, and only one in every 100,00 thousand contains a pearl of “gem” quality… When a pink pearl arrives on the market, it immediately finds a buyer! After a first golden age in the 19th century, conch pearls totally disappeared from circulation before being rediscovered by Sue Hendrickson, an American adventurer settled in Honduras, famous for her discovery of the finest fossil of Tyrannosaurus Rex ever excavated. Negociated at astronomic prices (up to 400,000 dollars for a single pearl), conch pearls sometimes make the fishermen who find them very rich…and the very rich clients who buy them - very happy. But today the quench conch is a victim of over-fishing and the pink pearls of the Caribbean also risk to disappear… unless, a biologist in Fort Piece, Florida wins an impossible bet: to graft conches, and like oyster pearls - make from the pink pearl, a simple cultured pearl. Un joyau de la nature plus cher que le diamant ! Ignorée du grand public, la perle rose des Caraïbes est la plus rare perle du monde. De la place Vendôme à Paris au quartier de Ginza à Tokyo, son rose flamboyant en fait une gemme naturelle recherchée par les plus grands joailliers de la planète. Exclusivement sauvages, les perles roses sont « fabriquées » par la conque, un coquillage pêché pour sa chair dans les îles de la Caraïbe et notamment en République Dominicaine. Les perles roses sont exceptionnellement rares car seul un lambi dix-mille produit une perle et un lambi sur cent mille en recèle une de qualité « gemme »… Quand une perle rose arrive sur le marché elle trouve immédiatement preneur ! Après un premier âge d’or à la fin du 19e siècle, les perles de conques ont totalement disparu de la circulation avant d’être redécouvertes par Sue Hendrickson, une aventurière américaine installée au Honduras, célèbre pour sa découverte du plus beau fossile de Tyrannosaure jamais exhumé . Négociées à des prix astronomiques (jusqu’à 400 000 dollars pour une perle nue), les perles de conque font parfois la fortune des pêcheurs qui la trouvent… et le bonheur de très riches clientes. Mais les lambis sont aujourd’hui victimes de la surpêche et les perles roses des Caraïbes risquent elles aussi de disparaître… à moins qu’à Fort-Pierce, en Floride, une biologiste ne relève un pari réputé impossible : greffer les conques et, comme pour les huîtres perlières, faire de la perle rose une simple perle de culture. 19 Travel and Discovery Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Roland Théron Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2013 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English USA THE DEEP SOUTH USA plein Sud From the State of Georgia to the Gulf of Mexico, across Alabama and then down the Mississippi to its mouth, “USA, the Deep South” is a journey of encounter with those who love the Deep South. Elgin Wells combines his two passions: music and stunt flying. Pilot, musician, poet, he is one of the few in America to present nighttime aerial displays. At Natchez, on the banks of the Mississippi, Pat Martin and Gay Guercio open the doors to Stanton Hall and Longwood, two magnificent mansions in the heart of the old cotton plantations. On Avery Island, the descendants of Edmund McIlhenny produce Tabasco, a simple recipe based on Mexican spices that has remained unchanged for 150 years. In the Atchafalaya Basin, an extraordinary nature reserve that is a paradise for birds, crawfish and alligators, Roy Blanchard and Shane Doucet are fighting to preserve their identity as Acadians, descendants of the first immigrants, who still speak old French. And to finish, as Hurricane Isaac approaches, a most unlikely encounter with Chris and Steve, crab fishermen in the swamps on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico. Depuis l’état de Géorgie jusqu’au Golfe du Mexique, en traversant l’Alabama, puis en suivant le Mississippi jusqu’à son embouchure, “UsaPleinSud !”est un voyage à la rencontre de passionnés du grand sud. Elgin Wells réunitsesdeux passions : la musique et la voltige aérienne. Aviateur, musicien, poète, ilest un des seuls en Amérique à proposer des show aériens nocturnes. A Newbern, en Alabama, Andrew Freardirige le Rural Studio, une initiative d’architecture collaborative hors du commun, qui plonge les jeunes architectes de la théorie à la pratique sur le terrain. Sur les rives du Mississippi, à Natchez, Pat Martin et Gay Guercio nous ouvrent les portes de Stanton Hall et Longwood, maisons magnifiques au coeur des anciennes plantations de coton. Sur Avery Island, les descendants d’Edmund MacLhenny fabriquent le Tabasco, une recette simple inchangée depuis 150 ans, à base de piments mexicains. Dans le bassin de l’Atchafalaya, extraordinaire réserve naturelle, paradis des oiseaux, des écrevisses et des alligators, Roy Blanchard et Shane Doucet se battent pour préserver leur identité d’acadiens, descendants des premiers colons, parlant encore le vieux français. Pour finir, au moment où l’ouragan Issac s’approche, une rencontre improbable avec Chris et Steve, pêcheurs de crabes dans les marécages, sur les rives du golfe du Mexique. 20 Travel and Discovery Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Yanick Charles Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: Planète + Thalassa Copyright: 2012 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English CAPE BEACHES Plages du Cap There’s the beach frequented by the black population, Mombawisi Beach, near the township of Khayelitsha, where a joyous crowd throngs on summer weekends despite the drownings in the waves and currents. There’s the Muizemberg beach where, early in the morning, amidst the joggers, the walkers and the surfers, bold fishermen of mixed race try to catch the shoals of fish that spawn off shore. Further east, around Hermanus, there are long, rocky stretches of sand, now the territory for poachers and gangs greedy for the abalone with its lucrative black-market trade. And to the west, there’s the Diamond Coast, which remains wild, exposed to the chilly currents of the Atlantic and still partially prohibited to the public today. In four places, in four corners of this mythic peninsula, “Cape Beaches” tells the extraordinary story of a great city, the last geographical point of the African continent. A concentrated history of South Africa in all its passions and tensions: twenty years after the abolition of apartheid, the shores around the Cape and its region tell the story of the tribulations, the joys and the pains of a land still divided, shaken andviolent, but always moving. Il y a la plage des populations noires, la Mombawisi Beach, près du township de Khayelitsha qu’une foule joyeuse fréquente les week ends d’été malgré les noyades dans les vagues et des courants. Il y a la plage de Muizemberg où tôt le matin entre les joggeurs, les promeneurs et les surfeurs, des pêcheurs valeureux et métis tentent d’attraper des bancs de poissons qui frayent au large. Plus à l’est, autour d’Hermanus, il y a les longues étendues sableuses rocheuses, devenues aujourd’hui le territoire des braconniers et des gangs avides d’ormeaux dont le trafic rapporte gros. Et à l’ouest, la côte des Diamants, qui reste ce lieu sauvage exposé aux courants froids de l’Atlantique et toujours aujourd’hui pour partie interdit au public. En quatre lieux, aux quatre coins d’une péninsule mythique, « PLAGES DU CAP » racontent le destin extraordinaire d’une grande ville, point final géographique du continent africain. Un concentré d’histoire de l’Afrique du Sud dans toutes ses passions et ses tensions : vingt ans après l’abolition de l’apartheid, les bords de mer du Cap et sa région racontent les tribulations, les joies et les misères d’un pays encore partagé, balloté, violenté mais en mouvement permanent. Length: 4x52’ D i r e c to r : Gil Kébaïli Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2012 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English FACES OF THE COAST Visages du littoral Filmed from the sky, “Faces of the Coast” is an original journey that transports us to the coasts of France. It follows an incredibly diverse route, where we reveal some hidden corners never filmed before. The strength of this collection is the subtle interplay between flying above people and maintaining a bond with them. The flow of the images, the delicate light on the sumptuous settings where we all dream of being one day, together with singular encounters, lend an incredible charm to this France... generous and appealing. Episodes: The Channel, Brittany, The Atlantic and The Mediterranean Filmé du ciel, “Visages du littoral” est un parcours original qui nous transporte vers les côtes de France. Il suit une route incroyablement diversifiée, et nous révèle quelques coins cachés jamais filmés auparavant. La force de cette collection est la subtile interaction entre le vol au-dessus des gens et le lien maintenu avec eux. Le flux des images, la lumière délicate sur les décors somptueux où nous rêvons tous d’être un jour, avec des rencontres singulières, prêtent un harme incroyable à cette France... généreuse et attachante. Episodes : La Manche, La Bretagne, L’Atlantique, La Méditerranée 21 Travel and Discovery Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Romain Dussaulx Denis Lagrange Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2012 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French, English & German THE PASSAGE La traversée des mondes The Yucatan. A tiny corner of the world bathed by the oceans. A land of crystal clear waters and dense jungle linked by hitherto unexplored subterranean networks. The cradle of the Mayan civilization and the point of impact of the Chicxulub meteorite, which is said to be the cause of the disappearance of the dinosaurs. To explore this land so steeped in history and discover its secrets: one man. The body of an athlete. An intense, hybrid character, with powers of adaptation beyond the norm: Guillaume Nery. Five times world champion for constant weight free diving. Astride the frontier of environments, half-man, half-fish, moving with equal delight over land or under the sea, he is constantly pushing the boundaries of his physical capacity to further his desire for exploration and, in the water, his quest for a unique form of beauty. It is in this surreal environment that Guillaume will attempt a rare performance with the promise of previously unseen images: a free dive into the heart of a legendary cenote. Le Yucatan. Petit bout de Monde baigné des Océans. Une terre faite d’eaux cristallines et d’une jungle épaisse unie par des réseaux sousterrains encore inexplorés. Le berceau de la civilisation Maya et le point d’impact de la météorite Chicxulub, qui serait à l’origine de la disparition des dinosaures. Pour arpenter ce territoire chargée d’histoire et en découvrir les secrets : un homme. Un corps d’athlète. Une identité hybride et intense, disposant d’un potentiel d’adaptation hors du commun : Guillaume Nery. Cinq fois champion du monde de plongée en apnée à poids constant. A la frontière des territoires, mihumain, mi-poisson, évoluant dans une même volupté sur terre comme sous mer, il pousse toujours plus loin ses capacités physiques pour servir son désir d’exploration et, dans l’eau, sa quête d’une esthétique singulière. C’est dans ce décor surréaliste que Guillaume va tenter de réaliser une performance rare, promesse d’une mise en image inédite : une plongée en apnée au cœur d’un cénote légendaire. Highly Commended Diploma of the Jury of the 11th Matsalu Nature Film Festival 2013 Winner of the Best Cinematography Award and the Special Mention of the Public at the Paftachov Festival 2013 in Czech Republic Winner of the Special Mention of the Jury at the European Underwater and Environment Film Festival of Strasbourg 2013 Winner of the Special Mention of the Jury at the Festival of Antibes 2012 Winner of the Special Mention of the Jury and the Public Choice Award at the Toulon Film Festival 2012 Winner of the Special Mention of the Jury at the Marseille underwater Film Festival 2012 Special Mention of the Jury and Public Choice Award at the Toulon Film Festival 2012 22 Travel and Discovery Length: 12x26’ D i r e c to r s : Ugo Benghozi, François George, Judith Emanuel Guillaume Decaix Clément Brin Producer: Riddim Production Coproducers: Canal Overseas Escales Copyright: 2012 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English RIDDIM, TO THE RHYTHM OF THE WAVES Riddim, au rythme des vagues Share the adventures of globetrotting surfers who roam the world in search of the best waves on the planet. Journeys that are strewn with pitfalls, encounters and discoveries… As well as the landscapes we also discover the youth of the country in: - Tahiti, Namibia, Peru, Madagascar, Bono-Indonesia, Lofoten-Norway, Hossegor-France, Krui/Sumatra-Indonesia, El Salvador, Israel, Ireland, Sri Lanka Partagez les aventures de surfeurs-globetrotteurs qui parcourent le monde en quête des plus belles vagues de la planète. Des voyages semés d’embuches, de rencontres et de découvertes... Au delà des paysages, c’est la jeunesse d’un pays que nous découvrons à: - Tahiti, Namibie, Pérou, Madagascar, Bono-Indonesie, Lofoten-Norvège, Hossegor-France, Krui/Sumatra-Indonésie, El Salvador, Israel, Irlande, Sri Lanka 23 Travel and Discovery Length: 5x52’ D i r e c to r : Herlé Jouon Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: Planète Thalassa Motors TV Copyright: 2009 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French, English & Arabic WORK BOATS & WONDER SHIPS Entre cargos et bateaux de luxe Treat yourself to an unforgettable voyage in the four corners of the globe, come wind or waves, plowing the heavenly-blue seas. As a highly privileged passenger, climb aboard some unique vessels, as mysterious as they are majestic, and ready to reveal their secrets. Stride the bridge of the QE2, that mythical cruise ship, and then that of the incredible Maltese Falcon, the sailboat with the futuristic lines. Discover your reserved cabin aboard the most luxurious yachts on the planet and wallow in the limitless luxury of these jewels of modernity. Plunge back into history and rub shoulders with kings deep in the Savarona, a floating gem transformed over the years by successive owners. Share the daily lives of some exceptional crews and meet the men who brave the icy, sublime waters of Canada. Join them on their awesome mission aboard the Waban Aki, a Canadian Coast Guard Hovercraft responsible for clearing ice from the St Lawrence River. Or step aboard the Abeille Bourbon and shiver side-by-side with its crewmembers as they confront the fickle moods of the Brittan coast. Or yet again, on the Blue Marlin in Korea as it transports its gigantic oil platforms. High excitement, glistening powerful treasures, these giants of the seas along with their crews invite you to discover the most mysterious surface of the globe. One thing is sure: your feet won’t touch the ground… Aux quatre coins du monde, contre vents et marées, au fil des eaux turquoises les plus paradisiaques, offrez-vous un voyage inoubliable. Passager privilégié, montez à bord d’embarcations uniques, aussi mystérieuses que grandioses, prêtes à vous livrer leurs secrets. Traversez le pont du Queen Mary II, bateau de croisière mythique, puis celui de l’incroyable Faucon Maltais, voilier aux élans futuristes. Découvrez votre cabine réservée à bord des yachts les plus somptueux de la planète et laissez-vous gagner par le luxe sans borne de ces écrins de modernité. Faites un plongeon dans l’histoire et côtoyez les rois au cœur même du Savarona, bijou flottant transformé au fil des ans et de ses propriétaires. Partagez le quotidien d’équipages exceptionnels et rencontrez ceux qui bravent les eaux froides et sublimes du Canada. Rejoignez-les pour une mission de taille à bord du Waban Aki, un aéroglisseur de la Garde côtière canadienne chargé de dégager la glace du fleuve Saint-Laurent. Ou bien embarquez sur l’Abeille Bourbon et frémissez au coude à coude avec ces matelots solidaires affrontant les caprices des rivages bretons. Ou encore sur le Blue Marlin en Corée transportant d’énormes plateformes pétrolières. Forts d’émotions, puissants trésors rutilants, ces géants des mers accompagnés de leurs équipages vous invitent à découvrir la surface la plus mystérieuse du globe. Une chose est sûre, vous ne toucherez plus terre… TITANS OF THE OCEANS Titan des Océans DREAM CRUISES Croisières de rêves EXCEPTIONAL BOATS Géants des mers SPLENDOURS OF THE SEA Splendeurs des mers DREAM BOATS, SEA MONSTERS Bateaux de rêve, monstres des mers 24 Travel and Discovery Length: 49’ D i r e c to r s : Gil Kebaïli Gilles Santantonio Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: Planète Thalassa Canal Overseas Copyright: 2008 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English Length: 2X52’ D i r e c to r : Fanny Pernoud Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: Canal+ Group Copyright: 2008 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English ALEXANDRA COUSTEAU FACES THE SHARKS Les Ailerons du Lagon Polynesia, in search of sharks… Alexandra Cousteau takes us to a dream destination. In this paradise on Earth more than anywhere else, urgent action is needed to save sharks, as they are crucial links in the marine ecosystem. With Alexandra our ambition is to measure the scale of the damage done but also put the spotlight on the people who are taking action and to look at solutions for the future. Envisager le lagon autrement… La carte postale que nous avons de cet espace bleu turquoise cache souvent une réalité plus terre-à-terre de sa gestion. Le lagon apparaît souvent comme un vaste terrain de jeu et de détente qui n’appartient à personne : un espace de liberté sécurisé et féerique. Depuis la nuit des temps, son prédateur suprême est le requin. Tout l’équilibre biologique s’est installé autour du squale charognard sans qu’il nuise à la présence de l’homme. En effet, le requin ne pèse pas sur les stocks et n’est pas dangereux pour l’homme, mieux il attire les touristes ! Bref en mettant l’accent sur la problématique de la pêche du requin pour ne prélever que ses ailerons qui finiront dans les soupes asiatiques, nous envisagerons plus globalement la gestion du lagon et sa barrière de corail. C’est un “dossier” qui mérite largement un 52 minutes et même plus… Pour ne pas être trop exhaustifs et rester fidèles à notre problématique requin, nous nous concentrerons sur l’aspect attractif du lagon, celui qui incite le monde entier à venir découvrir sa faune. POLYNESIA BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH Polynésie entre ciel et terre These landscapes which are in turn magical, unusual and majestic each recount in their own way “the Pacific dream”. This diversity of forms and landscapes goes hand in hand with that of the people and communities who populate them and who have fashioned them since time immemorial. From archipelago to archipelago and from island to island, this is also a place where ethnic and cultural particularities, traditions and unique situations are waiting to be discovered. Ces paysages tour à tour magiques, insolites, majestueux, nous racontent chacun à leur façon « le rêve pacifique ». Cette diversité de formes et de paysages va de pair avec la diversité des hommes et des communautés qui les peuplent et les façonnent depuis des temps immémoriaux. D’archipels en archipels et d’îles en îles, c’est aussi un archipel de particularités ethniques et culturelles, de traditions et de situations singulières qui restent à découvrir. 25 Of Stones and Men Des Pierres et Des Hommes “Of Stones and Men” the Forbidden City in the footsteps Experience of takes you on a journey to discover the most beautiful treasures of world heritage: in Beijing, the great the epic life and work Patagonia, Roofs of Paris and French Gastronomy. Travel around the world builders; Dive into the heart of civilizations that have impacted humanity; of men and women who changed the course of history on the five continents... the La Patagonie, la Cité Interdite de Pékin, les toits de Paris, la Gastronomie Française, “Des Pierres et des Hommes” vous emmène à la découverte des plus belles richesses du patrimoine mondial. Voyagez aux quatre coins du monde sur les traces des grands bâtisseurs; Plongez au coeur des civilisations qui ont marqué l’humanité; Découvrez la vie épique et l’oeuvre des hommes et des femmes qui, sur les cinq continents, ont infléchi le cours de l’histoire... 26 Of Stones and Men LIST OF EPISODES From 24’ to 46’ R e S ecret - F rance (24’) From the Dukes of Burgundy to the Princes of Condé: once upon a time in Burgundy - F rance (25’) N owruz I n I sfahan - I ran (25’) O nce upon a T ime , T he S ainte C hapelle - F rance (25’) T he people of the marsh (T he P oitevin M arsh ) - F rance (26’) T he L overs of R etro -P aris - F rance (26’) G ardens O f the M editerranean - F rance (27’) O rsay B ehind the S cenes - F rance (27’) T he F rench M eal (G astronomy ) - F rance (27’) Noirmoutier - F rance (28’) O leron and A ix - F rance (30’) A B alcony over P aris - F rance (30’) I sland G ardeners - F rance (30’) T he B asque C orniche - F rance (30’) P aris , R ive G auche - F rance (33’) P yrenees - F rance (34’) Strasbourg on the fly - F rance (36’) C oastal P rotection in the C ôtes d ’A rmor - F rance (37’) T he M assif des M aures - F rance (38’) I nside T he opera G arnier - F rance (39’) T he M ercantour N ational P ark - F rance (39’) A n I sland O n T he S eine - F rance (46’) From 11’ to 21’ I slamic A rts at the L ouvre - F rance (11’) T he G arden of the R ayol - F rance (18’) T he G uardian of the C oast - F rance (18’) F rom the L ouvre to the F orbidden C ity - C hina (20’) P aris by the C anal - F rance (20’) T oulouse -L autrec - F rance (21’) 27 Of Stones and Men 23’ English version available FRANCE 25’ FRANCE THE SECRET ILE DE RE Ré secrète While 180000 tourists visit Ré Island in the summer, around 18000 people have chosen to live on an island, which at first glance does not betray its deep mysteries. To better grasp the richness of its land and people, one must discover the island in its off season. Immersed in the lights of winter, a different island reveals itself. Enthusiasts of the island will takes us on a journey to discover Ré’s secrets and true colours. L’île de Ré, c’est 180 000 visiteurs l’été, mais aussi 18 000 Rétais qui ont fait le choix de cette île, bien plus complexe et secrète qu’il n’y paraît. Pour mieux comprendre la richesse de ses territoires et des hommes qui y vivent, il faut découvrir l’île hors saison. Alors que Ré est encore baignée par les lumières de l’hiver c’est une île différente qui se laisse entrevoir. Grâce à des amoureux de l’île, nous allons découvrir ses secrets et ses couleurs. FROM THE DUKES OF BURGUNDY TO THE PRINCES OF CONDÉ: ONCE UPON A TIME IN BURGUNDY Des ducs de Bourgogne aux princes de Condé : il était une fois la Bourgogne Join us on an epic journey to discover the History of the stones of Burgundy. From the Hundred Years’ War to the French Revolution, Burgundy played a leading role in shaping France’s History. Rich, powerful – its area of influence spread to as far as Flanders! From the Dukes of Burgundy to the Princes of Condé, their passion for their region has allowed Burgundy a prominent place across history. Nous vous invitons à un voyage épique à la découverte de l’Histoire des pierres de Bourgogne. De la Guerre de Cent Ans à la Révolution Française, cette région va peser avec force sur l’Histoire de France. Riche, puissante elle s’étendra même jusqu’en Flandre ! Elle rayonne alors sur une grande partie de l’Europe et fait même vaciller le trône de France. Des Ducs de Bourgogne aux Princes de Condé la passion de ces hommes pour leur région va faire briller la Bourgogne à travers l’Histoire. 25’ English version available IRAN 25’ English version available FRANCE NOWRUZ IN ISFAHAN Norooz à Ispahan Nowruz is currently celebrated and observed in many countries who used to form part of the Persian Empire. Nowruz is undoubtedly the most important day of the Iranian calendar. While preparing for the festivities, we will share the family traditions of this celebration. One of them is Halh Sin, or the Seven ‘S’s, a traditional table setting which includes seven symbolic items of Nowruz in Iran. Thanks to a few enthusiasts and lovers of the city, we will discover Ispahan’s main monuments built in the 16th century by the great Shah Abbas. Aujourd’hui, la fête de Norooz est respectée dans de nombreux pays qui ont été des territoires de l’Empire perse. Norooz est sans aucun doute le jour le plus important du calendrier Iranien. Au fil des préparatifs qui précèdent les festivités, nous partagerons les traditions familiales de cette célébration et en particulier la table des 7S, sur laquelle sont posés les sept éléments symboliques de Norroz, en Iran. elle est appelée Halh Sin. Grâce à des amoureux de la cité, nous découvrirons les principaux monuments d’Ispahan construits au XVI ème siècle par le grand Shah Abbas. ONCE UPON A TIME, THE SAINTE CHAPELLE Il était une fois la Sainte Chapelle Hidden behind the walls of the Palais de Justice in Paris, the Sainte Chapelle seems to avoid being seen by others. Yet it is a true architectural performance, whose beauty and technical feat necessary to its construction make an impression on our emotion and our intelligence. Ordered by a powerful King to host the holy relics, its construction was both a political and religious gesture. Cachée derrière les murs du palais de justice de Paris, la Sainte Chapelle semble vouloir se dérober aux regards. Véritable performance architecturale, sa beauté et les prouesses techniques nécessaires à sa construction impressionnent l’émotion et l’intelligence. Ordonnée par un roi puissant pour recevoir les saintes reliques, sa construction fut à la fois un geste religieux et politique. 28 Of Stones and Men 26’ FRANCE THE PEOPLE OF THE MARSH (THE POITEVIN MARSH) Les gens du Marais (le Marais Poitevin) 100000 hectares of canals, of winding routes through the green landscape… For over a thousand years, men have made great efforts and showed surprising ingenuity, to manage water, protect the land against devastating floods, limit the spread of mosquitoes and diseases, and thus be able to live in this unique place in France.From the Green Venice to the Bay of Aiguillon, there are countless natural treasures as well as fascinating human inventions, designed to tame these very treasures. The people of the Marsh are virulently attached to the scenery around them, and struggle daily to preserve the soul and the richness of this exceptional biodiversity. In “The people of the Marsh”, join us on a journey to discover this splendid French landscape, which has recently been listed among the Grand Sites of France. 100 000 hectares de canaux, d’itinéraires sinueux dans le vert.... Un lieu unique en France où depuis plus de mille ans, les hommes ont déployé des efforts considérables et une ingéniosité étonnante, pour gérer l’eau, protéger les espaces contre les inondations dévastatrices, limiter la propagation des moustiques et des maladies, et ainsi pouvoir vivre et habiter sur ce territoire. De la Venise Verte à la Baie d’Aiguillon, les trésors naturels sont nombreux et les innovations humaines, visant à les dompter, fascinantes. Les Maraîchins sont viscéralement habités par les décors qui les entourent et luttent au quotidien pour garder l’âme, mais aussi la richesse, d’une biodiversité exceptionnelle. Classé Grand Site depuis quelques semaines avec « Les gens du marais » nous vous proposons de partir à la découverte d’un formidable patrimoine naturel français. THE LOVERS OF RETRO-PARIS 26’ FRANCE 27’ FRANCE Les amoureux du Paris-rétro Gérard the photographer; Riton the singer; Cyril the architect; Melina the dancer; Colette, a resident of Mouzaïa… These men and women share a common love for Paris, its culture and its heritage. They are drawn by its craftsmen, bistros, street dances and traditional songs. As we journey with them, Paris’ identity seems timeless, eternal. Gérard, le photographe; Riton le chanteur; Cyril, l’architecte; Mélina la danseuse; Colette, l’habitante de la Mouzaïa…Ces hommes et ces femmes ont en commun leur amour pour Paris, pour sa culture, pour son patrimoine. Ils aiment le Paris des artisans, des bistrots, des bals musettes et de la chanson populaire. Avec eux nous partons pour un voyage dans un Paris ni tout à fait d’hier, ni tout à fait d’aujourd’hui, un Paris éternel… GARDENS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN Les jardins de la Méditerranée 316 daysof sunshine a yearand temperaturesrarely falling below11°...thisis the “French Riviera”, a stretch ofultra-privileged coastlinefrom Nice toMenton.Thisslice of heavenhas a”subtropical”micro-climateunique in France, and is idealfor flourishinggardens.Alone, it holdsnearly25,000botanicals species and10% of theworld’s flora. However,some of its most treasured plantsare now under threat. 316 jours de soleil par an et des températures qui descendent rarement en dessous 11°…c’est la « French Riviera », un petit bout de côte ultra-privilégié qui s’étend de Nice à Menton. Ce coin de paradis jouit d’un micro-climat « sub-tropical », unique en France, et idéal à l’épanouissement des jardins. Il concentre à lui seul prés de 25 000 espèces de plantes et 10% de la flore mondiale. Mais certains de ses trésors végétaux sont aujourd’hui menacés. 27’ English version available FRANCE ORSAY, BEHIND THE SCENES Les coulisses d’Orsay What was once a railway station is now a museum! Due to its history, its architecture, but also the richness of its collections, it’s not an ordinary kind of museum. Today, as it prepares to celebrate its 25th Anniversary, the museum gets more than just a facelift: a complete change of looks! One third of the building is under construction, while the rest remains open to the public. For the first time ever, the Musée d’Orsay must all at once deal with its future, present and past! Experience a key moment in the history of one of the world’s most famous museums. C’était une gare, c’est devenu un musée ! Un musée hors du commun, par son histoire, son architecture, mais aussi la richesse de ses collections. Alors qu’il s’apprête à fêter son 25e anniversaire, il se refait une beauté, plus que cela : il change d’allure ! Un tiers de l’établissement est en travaux alors que le reste doit rester ouvert à la visite. Pour la première fois de son existence, le musée d’Orsay doit gérer son futur, son présent mais aussi son passé, tout en même temps ! Immersion au cœur d’une période clé d’un des Musées les plus célèbres au monde. 29 Of Stones and Men 27’ FRANCE THE FRENCH MEAL (GASTRONOMY) Le repas à la française (Gastronomie) The French gastronomic meal was recently listed as part of Unesco’s intangible cultural heritage. Join us on a journey to discover the “art of fine food and drink”, a typically French experience, gathering the French around the dining table for centuries. Le repas gastronomique des Français vient d’être classé par l’Unesco au patrimoine immatériel de l’humanité. C’est à la découverte de ce repas festif où les convives pratiquent « l’art de bien manger et de bien boire », cette pratique qui réunit depuis des siècles les Français autour de la table, que nous vous proposons de partir. 28’ FRANCE NOIRMOUTIER Noirmoutier On Noirmoutier Island, it seems that the Vendée department has pretended to split. A small inlet separates the island from the mainland. The island is easy to reach as long as one is careful with the tides twice a day. The tide recedes and makes way for a passage which is unique in the world: the Passage du Gois. With 10,000 inhabitants in winter and 80,000 in summer, Noirmoutier changes as the high season approaches. On the port, Frederic, the shipwright is busy restoring old sailing ships, while Jean-Pierre manufactures the sails of Belem.When days are warmer, Bois de la Chaise – the chic district of Noirmoutier – comes alive. The Belle Epoque villas open one after the other. Early May, the first tourists come to enjoy the Bonnotte – the potato of the sea – as well as the Polder Sebastopol nature reserve, in the south of the island. In June, Régis stands vigil against predators because this is the crucial mating season for the 6000 nesting birds. At the heart of the summer, it’s time for the young inhabitants of Noirmoutier to enjoy the sea. They embark for a week on the island’s ambassador ship, the Martroger. A Noirmoutier, on dirait que la Vendée a fait semblant de se scinder. Un petit bras de mer sépare l’île du continent. Il est facile d’y aller pour peu que l’on soit prudent avec les marées : deux fois par jour, la mer se retire pour laisser place à une route unique au monde : le passage du Gois. Avec 10 000 habitants l’hiver, et 80 000 l’été, quand approche la haute saison, Noirmoutier change de visage. Sur le port, Frédéric, le charpentier de marine s’active à la restauration d’anciens voiliers, tandis que Jean-Pierre fabrique les voiles du Belem. Avec les beaux jours, le quartier chic de Noirmoutier, le Bois de la Chaise commence à s’animer. Les villas Belle Epoque s’ouvrent les unes après les autres. Début mai, les premiers touristes viennent déguster la Bonnotte, la pomme de terre de la mer. Au sud de l’ile, la réserve naturelle du Polder Sébastopol s’éveille elle aussi. Régis veille contre les prédateurs, car le mois de juin est un moment crucial pour les 6 000 oiseaux qui nichent ici pour leur reproduction. Au cœur de l’été, c’est au tour des jeunes noirmoutrins de profiter de la mer. Ils embarquent une semaine sur le navire ambassadeur de l’île, le Martroger. 30’ FRANCE OLERON AND AIX Oleron et Aix Off the coast of Charente, between the Pointe de l’Aiguillon and the Pointe d’Arvert, on islands whose names echo the ocean, hidden treasures lie. Oléron and Aix are surrounded by the currents of the Pertuis straits. They stand like sentinels facing the open sea a few kilometres away from the shore. When summer ends, the last tourists leave the islands. Lulled by the rhythm of the tides, the daily life of the islanders returns to normal. Join us as we encounter the entusiasts of these miniature paradises. With them, we will discover a unique lifestyle, as well as the men and women committed to preserve their heritage. De la pointe de l’Aiguillon à celle d’Arvers, la côte charentaise cache des trésors. Des îles qui portent des noms qui sentent l’Océan. Oléron et Aix, ancrées dans les courants des Pertuis à quelques kilomètres de la côte, elles sont comme des sentinelles face au large. L’été s’achève, les derniers touristes quittent les îles. Bercée par le rythme des marées, la vie des îliens reprend son cour. Nous partons à la rencontre des amoureux de ces petits paradis. Avec eux, nous allons découvrir un certain art de vivre, mais aussi des hommes et des femmes qui se mobilisent pour préserver leur patrimoine, découvrir ses secrets et ses couleurs. 30 Of Stones and Men 30’ FRANCE A BALCONY OVER PARIS Un balcon sur Paris Paris represents more than 70 km2 of roof! A world of its own, home of many roof people: chimney sweeps, roofers, ornithologists, watchmakers, sculptors, but also tin roof lovers, ardent vista enthusiasts, or hanging garden fanatics. With “A balcony over Paris” we will take you on a journey behind the scenes of the skyline over the city. Paris, c’est plus de 70 km2 de toiture ! Un univers à lui tout seul, où vit tout un petit peuple des toits : ramoneurs, couvreurs, ornithologues, horlogers, sculpteurs, mais aussi des amoureux du zinc, des inconditionnels de la vue, ou des fous de jardins suspendus. Avec « Un balcon sur Paris » nous vous proposons de nous envoler dans les coulisses en plein ciel de la Capitale. 30’ FRANCE ISLAND GARDENERS Les jardiniers des îles With over a thousand islands and islets, Brittany alone accounts for nearly 70% of the insular territories of metropolitan France. Some of these Breton islands contain little green treasures: extraordinary gardens often crafted by the hands of men and women who share a passion for nature. These gardens are havens in the midst of the sea, bearing a collection of spectacular and sometimes exotic plants and flowers. Passionate islanders have added a dash of green to the big blue sea! Originating from the continent, they have become “islanders” through time. They invite us to share their unconventional life on an island they love, and their passion for their own “island gardens”. Avec plus d’un millier d’îles et îlots, la Bretagne concentre à elle seule près de 70 % des entités insulaires de la France métropolitaine. Certaines de ces îles bretonnes recèlent des petits paradis de verdure. Des jardins extraordinaires souvent nés de la main d’hommes et de femmes animés par la passion de la nature. Havres de paix au milieu de la mer mais aussi collections de plantes et de fleurs spectaculaires, parfois venues du bout du monde…Ces passionnés ont mis un peu de vert au coeur de la grande bleue ! Tous venus du continent ils sont aussi devenus des “îliens” d’adoption. Ils nous font partager leur vie si particulière, leur amour pour leur île et leur passion pour leurs “jardins des îles”. 30’ English version available FRANCE THE BASQUE CORNICHE La corniche basque On the ultimate finisterrae at the intersection of France and Spain, where the Pyrenees plunge steeply into the ocean, nature has sculpted an exceptionally rich variety of landscapes. Steep cliffs, small covesand large grasslands: every turnon the coastal paths offers amazing panoramas. From Socoa to Hendaye, they are the last bastions of the Basque Corniche, which hosts a highly protected, grandiose nature. We invite you to discover this balcony overlooking the sea and to meet the fellow lovers who preserve these places. Là où les Pyrénées se jettent dans l’Océan, là où la France rejoint l’Espagne, sur l’ultime finisterrae avant la frontière, la nature a sculpté des paysages d’une richesse exceptionnelle : abruptes falaises, petites criques isolées s et vastes prairies, chaque détour du sentier littoral offre un panorama différent et toujours étonnant. De Socoa à Hendaye, ce sont les derniers bastions, très protégés, d’une nature grandiose, celle de la Corniche Basque. Nous vous invitons à la découverte de ce balcon sur la mer et à la rencontre des amoureux et des gardiens de ces lieux. 31 Of Stones and Men 33’ English version available FRANCE PARIS RIVE GAUCHE Paris Rive Gauche In the 1940s, the left bank of Paris – in particular the Latin quarters and Saint Germain des Prés – became the hub of France’s intellectual and artistic life. The end of the war instilled a tremendous exuberance in these student neighbourhoods and in the world; arousing musicians, writers and intellectuals to unite with this youthful and creative eldorado. Half a century later, what remains of this literary and nocturnal Paris? A partir des années 1940, la rive gauche de Paris et en particulier les quartiers latin et St Germain des Prés vont devenir la vitrine de la France intellectuelle et artistique. Avec la fin de la guerre une « folie de vivre » s’empare de ces quartiers étudiants, et du monde entier, musiciens, écrivains, et intellectuels affluent vers cette eldorado de la jeunesse et des idées. Un demi siècle plus tard que reste- t- il de ce Paris des mots et de la nuit ? 34’ FRANCE PYRENEES Pyrénées Listed by Unesco as a World Heritage site, the Cirque de Gavarnieis one of the most beautiful landscapes of the Pyrenees. From the edge of its glacier-carved towering cliffs flows the highest waterfall in Europe. Mountain guide Jean Louis Lechêne will reveal to us the secrets of this unique setting. On the old paths which run through the cliffs, we will feel its wild atmosphere. Classé au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco, le cirque de Gavarnie est l’un des plus beaux sites des Pyrénées. Sculptées par les glaciers ses hautes falaises forment un écrin où se jette l’une des plus haute cascade d’Europe. Grace au guide de haute montagne jean Louis Lechêne, nous allons découvrir les secrets de ce lieu unique. En empruntant les anciens chemins qui traversent les falaises nous ressentirons l’ambiance sauvage des lieux. 36’ FRANCE STRASBOURG, ON THE FLY Strasbourg au fil de l’eau In Alsace, Strasbourg is dubbed “the Venice of the Rhine”, because the city does not boil down to just its beautiful half-timbered houses and its Christmas market. In fact its true wealth comes from its water. Situated on the Rhine and crossed through by the Ill, one of its tributaries, Strasbourg gradually rose up from the water. It was built century after century around the Rhine, its rivers, its canals. Some say that the entire city sits on a huge phreatic table! Countless architectural marvels are a testament to Strasbourg’s considerable prestige earned through the centuries, mostly because of its waterways. Since the Middle Ages, some of the greatest minds have set foot on the docks of the city. And even today the people of Strasbourg continue to boost their city around its canals and its river port, the second in France after Paris. Water has offered to the city unusual wonders such as the Amazon-like primary virgin forest, sheltered on an island close to the city centre. Tonight, join us on a journey to the heart of Strasbourg, on the fly… En Alsace on l’appelle la Venise du Rhin. Car Strasbourg ne se réduit pas à ses magnifiques maisons à colombages et à son marché de Noël. Sa vraie richesse, c’est l’eau. Posée sur les bords du Rhin et traversée de part en part par l’Ill, l’un de ses affluents, la ville est née de l’eau. Elle s’est construite siècle après siècle autour de son fleuve, de ses rivières, de ses canaux. On dit même que la cité tout entière repose sur une immense nappe phréatique! D’innombrables bijoux d’architecture témoignent du prestige considérable de Strasbourg à travers les siècles, un prestige acquis grâce à ses voies navigables. Dès le Moyen-Âge, la ville a vu débarquer sur ses quais les plus grands esprits de leurs temps. Et aujourd’hui encore, les Strasbourgeois continuent de dynamiser leur ville autour de ses canaux et de son port fluvial, le deuxième de France après Paris. L’eau a offert à la ville des merveilles insolites, méconnues comme cette forêt primaire, vierge, aux allures d’Amazonie, abritée sur une île à deux pas du centre-ville. Ce soir, nous vous invitions à embarquer à un voyage au coeur de Strasbourg, au fil de l’eau… 32 Of Stones and Men 37’ FRANCE COASTAL PROTECTION IN THE CÔTES D’ARMOR Le conservatoire du littoral dans les Côtes d’Armor Magical places of stories and legends, they have fascinated mankind for centuries. But these wild spaces are fragile. Pressured both by real-estate and tourism, they now face the onslaught of our leisure-driven society and the “urban sprawl” of the territory. To protect these areas, the Conservatoire du Littoral – a public organisation dedicated to the protection of outstanding coastal areas – is implementing a policy of land acquisitions and tries to manage the flow of tourists on sought-after sites. Follow us as we meet the guardian angels of these coasts. Throughout their mission, they’re going to share with us their passion for these unique places they protect every day. Lieux magiques d’histoires et de légendes, ils fascinent les hommes depuis des siècles. Mais ces espaces naturels sont fragiles. Pression foncière, touristique, ils subissent les assauts de notre société des loisirs et du « mitage » du territoire. Pour les protéger le conservatoire du littoral met en place une politique d’acquisition de terrains et tente de gérer la fréquentation touristique des sites les plus réputés. Nous partons à la rencontre des anges gardiens de ces côtes. Au fil de leurs missions, ils vont nous faire partager leur passion pour ces lieux uniques qu’ils protègent, jour après jour. 39’ FRANCE INSIDE THE OPERA GARNIER Dans les coulisses de l’Opéra Garnier The Opera Garnier… certainly the most famous Opera in the world! During the thirty years following its construction, it has been copied and reproduced on every continent, from Washington to Rio… Charles Garnier had invented a style and another way of considering opera. Nowadays, Opera Garnier is more than ever on the agenda and the year 2010 will be a turning point during which the Opera, while respecting traditions, will be transformed, taken care of, improved. Despite these interventions, 175 performances per year will allow its heart to keep on beating. A great occasion to experience during a few months, at every floor, the life of one of Europe’s most famous cultural buildings. L’Opéra Garnier… certainement le plus célèbre des Opéras du monde ! Pendant les trente ans qui ont suivi sa construction, il a été copié et recopié sur tous les continents, de Washington à Rio... Charles Garnier avait inventé un style et une autre manière d’appréhender l’art lyrique. Aujourd’hui, l’Opéra Garnier est plus que jamais dans l’actualité et l’année 2010 va être une période charnière où tout en respectant la tradition, on va le faire évoluer, le soigner, l’améliorer. Malgré ces interventions, son coeur va continuer à battre avec 175 représentations par an. L’occasion de suivre quelques mois, à tous les étages, la vie d’un des édifices culturels les plus célèbres d’Europe. 38’ FRANCE THE MASSIF DES MAURES Le Massif des Maures The Var has much more to offer than crowded beaches in the summer. Though it is a natural sanctuary of unusual richness, it nevertheless exists in a fragile balance. Every day, enthusiasts work to preserve spaces like the Massif des Maures, a protected area where rare species of plants and animals cohabit. A few kilometres from the coast, the “Golden Isles” of Porquerolles, Port-Cros, as well as the mysterious islands of Levant and Bagaud, seem within easy reach. Join us on our journey between land and sea, as we discover this exceptional region and its guardian angels. Au-delà de ses plages bondées en été, le Var est un refuge naturel d’une richesse peu commune, mais à l’équilibre fragile. Chaque jour, des hommes et des femmes passionnés veillent sur sa santé, comme dans le massif des Maures, une zone protégée où des espèces rares, végétales et animales, cohabitent. A quelques kilomètres de la côte, les « îles d’or » semblent à portée de main : Porquerolles, Port-Cros ou encore les îlots mystérieux du Levant et de Bagaud. Entre terre et mer, c’est à la découverte de cette région exceptionnelle et de ses anges-gardiens que nous vous convions. 33 Of Stones and Men 39’ FRANCE THE MERCANTOUR NATIONAL PARK Le parc national du Mercantour It is a wild and mysterious mountain range. Here, the Alps’ seem to raise their last major peaks in one final effort. In the next few kilometers, they gently begin to fade into the Mediterranean Sea. Far from any of the main arteries in the region, one must earn their way to these isolated summits. From the North or the South, narrow and sparsely inhabited valleys forbid easy access. Their heart is nevertheless home to a unique cultural heritage and fauna. It is now the end of April, and while winter still clings desperately to the mountain tops, the spring spreads out through the lower valleys. Join us as we take you on a journey to the heart of one of the most beautiful national parks in France. C’est un massif sauvage et mystérieux. Ici les Alpes, dans un ultime effort, dressent leurs derniers grands pics. Encore quelques kilomètres, et doucement elles iront mourir dans la Méditerranée. Loin des grands axes, ces montagnes se méritent. Qu’on y accède par le Nord ou par le Sud, d’étroites vallées peu habitées en defendent l’accés. Leur coeur abrite pourtant une faune et un patrimoine culturel unique. Nous sommes fin avril, l’hiver s’accroche encore aux sommet, alors que le printemps gagne déjà les basses vallées, nous vous emmenons au coeur d’un des plus beau parc national de France. 46’ FRANCE AN ISLAND ON THE SEINE: NOTRE DAME DE PARIS Une île sur la Seine : Notre Dame de Paris A masterpiece of Gothic art located in the middle of the île de la Cité, Notre Dame is both the heart and the symbol of Paris. The cathedral attracts, fascinates - but life in Notre Dame is inseparable from life in the île de la Cité. The island that saw the birth of Lutetia and later Paris, retains its past symbols of spiritual and temporal powers. The Prefecture de Police, the Palais de Justice, 36 quai des Orfèvres, the Hôtel-Dieu... all the cardinal institutions coexist on the island. However the île de la Cité is much more than this, and for the few Parisians who live there, it is simply a village with a prestigious “bell tower”! We invite you to meet the men and women who live each day in the shadow of Notre Dame. Notre-Dame, chef d’œuvre de l’art gothique, posé au milieu de l’île de la Cité, est à la fois le cœur et le symbole de Paris. La cathédrale attire, fascine. Mais la vie de Notre-Dame est indissociable de celle de l’île de la Cité. L’île qui a vu naître Lutèce, puis Paris conserve de son passé les symboles des pouvoirs spirituels et temporels. Préfecture de police, Palais de Justice, 36 quai des Orfèvres, Hôtel-Dieu…les plus grandes institutions y cohabitent. L’île de la Cité ce n’est pas que cela, pour les rares parisiens qui y vivent, elle est un village, avec un “clocher” prestigieux ! Nous vous proposons de rencontrer des hommes et des femmes qui vivent chaque jour “à l’ombre de Notre-Dame”. 34 Of Stones and Men 11’ FRANCE ISLAMIC ART AT THE LOUVRE Les Arts de l’Islam au Louvre The Louvre will soon host a major event: the opening of the museum’s 8th department, dedicated to Islamic Arts. Curators, restorers, architects… all are preparing for this big moment since the closure of the previous Islamic Arts section in 2007. We will firstly discover the magnificent glass and steel structure conceived by architects Mario Bellini and Rudy Riciotti, which is the museum’s most ambitious project since the Pyramid was built. We will then explore the former halls of the Islamic Arts department, the archive rooms where masterpieces from this collection have been kept out of sight for four years. Un grand évènement se prépare au Louvre, la prochaine ouverture du 8ème département du Musée, celui des Arts de l’Islam. Conservateur, restaurateurs, architectes…, depuis la fermeture des anciennes salles des Arts de l’Islam, en 2007, tous s’activent en prévision de ce grand moment. Nous découvrirons d’abord le plus grand chantier du Musée depuis la construction de la Pyramide, celui du magnifique bâtiment de verre et de métal conçu par les architectes Mario Bellini et Rudy Riciotti. Nous irons ensuite dans les anciennes salles du département, transformées en réserves où sommeillent depuis 4 ans les chefs d’oeuvre de la collection. 18’ FRANCE THE GARDEN OF THE RAYOL Le jardin du Rayol The Domaine du Rayol is an incredible green setting in the heart of the Riviera, between Le Lavandou and Saint-Tropez. A little piece of heaven miraculously preserved by the Conservatoire du littoral. This extraordinary garden allows you to travel around the globe: the Canary Island dragon trees mingle with the Australian mimosas and the ball cactuses of Mexico… More than just a garden, it’s an invitation to travel! This “global garden” dedicated to the Mediterranean flora and unique in France was designed by renowned landscape architect Gilles Clément. Along with Stanislas, the head gardener and Alain, the “sea gardener”, we embark on a wonderful journey between land, sky and sea… Le domaine du Rayol c’est un incroyable écrin de verdure posé au coeur de la côte d’azur, entre le Lavandou et Saint-Tropez. Un petit coin de paradis miraculeusement préservé grâce au Conservatoire du littoral. C’est un jardin extraordinaire qui vous fait faire le tour de la terre: les dragonniers des Canaries côtoient les Mimosas d’Australie et les cactus “boules” du Mexique…Plus qu’un simple jardin c’est une invitation au voyage ! Ce “jardin planétaire” dédié à la flore méditerranéenne est unique en France, il a été conçu par le célèbre paysagiste Gilles Clément. Avec Stanislas, le jardinier en chef et Alain, le “jardinier de la mer” nous partons pour un merveilleux voyage entre terre, ciel et mer… 18’ FRANCE THE GUARDIAN OF THE COAST Les gardiens du littoral Their job: coastguards! Their territory: the wild areas of the Var coast. Their energy: a visceral love for nature. Day after day, season after season, the coastguards are fighting to preserve nature’s green treasures, to protect the wildlife and the flora and cope with the pressure on land. Since 1975, their mission is to secure public ownership of the outstanding wild coastal areas, in order to transmit these wonders of nature to the future generations. We will follow three enthusiasts in the field, three coastguards working daily on the Var coast, between Hyères and the Saint Tropez peninsula. Three nature-lovers putting all their energy into the conservation of Cape Taillat, Cape Camarat, the Maures Cornice and the salt marshes of Hyères. Leur métier : Gardes du littoral ! Leur territoire : les espaces naturels des côtes varoises. Leur énergie : un amour viscéral pour la nature. Jour après jour, saison après saison, les gardes du littoral se battent sur le terrain pour conserver les richesses végétales, pour protéger la faune, la flore et faire face à la pression foncière. Depuis 1975, ils ont pour mission d’acquérir les espaces naturels remarquables du littoral pour pouvoir transmettre intacts ces joyaux de la nature aux générations futures. Nous partirons à la rencontre de trois de ces passionnés du terrain, trois gardes qui oeuvrent au quotidien sur les côtes varoises, entre Hyères et la presqu’île de Saint Tropez. Trois amoureux de la nature qui se dépensent sans compter pour la préservation des Caps Taillat et Camarat, de la Corniche des Maures et des salins d’Hyères. 35 Of Stones and Men 20’ CHINA FROM THE LOUVRE TO THE FORBIDDEN CITY Du Louvre à la Cité Interdite In the centre of the Central Kingdom: Beijing. And in the centre of the central city: the Forbidden City. Comprising 9999 rooms, and extending over 72 hectares, it is a city within the hyper city. For over five centuries, this is where the Emperor of China, the most powerful man in Asia, concentrated his powers. A former Imperial Palace transformed into a national museum, the Forbidden City is the “Other Louvre”. In this respect, a large exhibition will take place in France, exploring the parallel histories of these two palaces, these two powers… From a distance of more than 8000 kilometres, both civilizations have observed, influenced and copied each other… Welcome to the Forbidden City, the “Other Louvre”. Au milieu de l’Empire du milieu : Pékin. Et au milieu de la ville du milieu : la Cité Interdite. Avec ses 9999 pièces, et ses 72 hectares, c’est une ville dans l’hyperville. Pendant plus de cinq siècles, c’est ici que ce sont concentrés les pouvoirs de l’homme le plus puissant d’Asie : l’empereur de Chine. Palais impérial devenu musée national, la Cité Interdite c’est un peu « l’Autre Louvre ». Une grande exposition va d’ailleurs se tenir en France, histoire du parallèle entre les deux palais, les deux puissances… Nous verrons comment à plus de 8000 kilomètres l’une de l’autre, nos deux civilisations se sont observées, influencées, copiées… Bienvenue à la Cité Interdite, « l’Autre Louvre ». 20’ FRANCE PARIS BY THE CANAL Paris côté canal In the early hours of the morning, the Bassin de la Villette and the Canal de l’Ourcq are reminiscent of Amsterdam. Here at the waterside, whether walking by or playing a game of petanque, Parisians take the time to enjoy and rediscover the art of living. Au petit matin le bassin de la villette et le canal de l’Ourcq se donnent des airs d’Amsterdam. Ici au bord de l’eau, entre promenade et partie de pétanque, les Parisiens viennent savourer le temps qui passe et redécouvrir un art de vivre. 21’ FRANCE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC Toulouse-Lautrec Painter of women, painter of the night : Toulouse-Lautrec was an artist of modernity who challenged conventions of representation and reinvented his relations with models. An ephemeral star of 19th century art, his life and work were one. To better understand the work of the artist, we follow in the footsteps of his life. Peintre des femmes et de la nuit Toulouse-Lautrec fut un artiste de la modernité qui balaya les codes de la représention et les rapports avec ses modèles. Étoile filante de l’art du XIX ième siècle, sa vie se confond avec son art. Pour mieux comprendre l’œuvre du peintre nous repartons sur les traces de l’homme. 36 SPORT 37 Investigation Length: 83’ D i r e c to r : Eric Drath Producer: Live Star Entertainment Coproducer: HBO Copyright: 2009 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : English & French ASSAULT IN THE RING Assaut sur le ring “ASSAULT IN THE RING” chronicles the life of boxer Luis Resto 24 years after the scandal that changed his life forever. Resto fulfilled a boxer’s dream in 1983 when he was able to conquer the previously undefeated Billy Collins Jr. in front of a capacity crowd at Madison Square Garden. But Resto’s post-fight victory celebration proved fleeting, amongst allegations that padding had previously been removed from his gloves. The Resto-Collins scandal vilified Resto’s reputation and ultimately sent the badly-beaten Collins to a tragic end. The film examines new evidence about this boxing match turned 30-minute assault, and reveals much more about the pre-fight activities of Luis Resto, his trainer Panama Lewis and the athletic commission representatives. « ASSAUT SUR LE RING » raconte la vie du boxeur Luis Resto, 24 ans après le scandale qui en changea le cours de sa vie pour toujours. Luis Resto réalisa le rêve de tout boxeur quand il réussit à battre Billy Collins Jr., resté invaincu jusqu’alors, devant un Madison Square Garden plein à craquer. Mais les célébrations suivant sa victoire furent de courte durée, entâchées par des allégations que du rembourrage aurait été enlevé de ses gants avant le combat. Le scandale anéantit la réputation de Resto et conduisit Collins à une fin tragique. Le film examine de nouveaux éléments d’enquête sur ce combat qui a tourné court, et nous en révèle davantage sur les activités de Resto, de son entraineur Panama Lewis, et des représentants de la commission athlétique avant le match.... “Assault in the Ring” won the EMMY for Outstanding Sports Documentary last April 26th 2010 at the 31st Annual Sports Emmy Awards in New York City. 38 ARCHEOLOGY & HISTORY 39 Archeology & History Length: 90’ D i r e c to r : Gil Kébaïli Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: Arte Copyright: 2016 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English LAFAYETTE IN AMERICA: THE WIND OF FREEDOM Lafayette aux Amériques, un vent de liberté October 14 1781, Yorktown: the final assault by American and French troops brings about the surrender of the British and marks the beginning of America’s independence. At its head, La Fayette, whose official contribution, and his clandestine participation since the start of the war, are decisive factors. With its behind the scenes political dealing, Free-Masonry bargains, military schemes and tactics, 3D reconstructions and dramatic recreation of key moments, this film sheds fresh light on the real drivers behind this major moment in History. 14 octobre 1781, Yorktown : l’assaut final des troupes américaines et françaises annonce la reddition britannique et marque le début de l’indépendance de l’Amérique. A sa tête, La Fayette, dont la contribution officielle, mais aussi l’implication clandestine depuis le début de cette guerre, sont décisives. Entre coulisses politiques, tractations franc-maçonniques, ruses et tactiques militaires, reconstitutions 3D et fictions de ses moments-clés, ce film livre un nouvel éclairage sur les ressorts véritables de cette page d’Histoire capitale. Looking for international Pre-Sales Length: 20x26’ D i r e c to r : Agnès Molia Producer: Tournez S’il Vous Plaît Coproducer: Arte Copyright: 2016 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English UPCOMING 2017 ARKEO How did the Rapa Nui people disappear? Is South Africa the cradle of Humankind? What is the secret behind the Nazca Lines? Around the world, archeologists are trying to shed light on the great enigmas of history. One of them, Peter Eeckhout, travels to meet his colleagues, unpacks their research, and reveals their latest findings... Comment les Rapa-Nui ont-ils disparu ? L’Afrique du Sud serait-elle le berceau de l’Humanité ? Quel est le secret des lignes de Nasca ? Partout dans le monde des archéologues tentent de lever le voile sur ces grandes énigmes de l’Histoire. L’un d’entre eux, Peter Eeckhout, part à la rencontre de ses confrères afin de retracer leurs enquêtes, et dévoiler leurs dernières découvertes… UPCOMING DECEMBER 2016 40 Archeology & History Length: 90’ D i r e c to r : Herlé Jouon Producers: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: Arte Copyright: 2015 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English THE REAL STORY OF THE RAFT OF THE MEDUSA La véritable histoire du radeau de la méduse The Machine… that was the name given to the raft of the Medusa by those whose sorry task was to build and launch it at the height of the storm. 148 sailors and one woman, willingly or not, were heaped aboard this makeshift craft. 7 were to survive. Many people know Gericault’s magnificent and frightening painting. But who knows the real story that lies behind this world-famous painting? Using a double investigation - one contemporary carried out by a passionate historian and one from the past carried out by Gericault for the creation of his work - The Machine invites the viewer on a voyage to rediscover piece by piece this astonishing page in our colonial and maritime history. The Raft of the Medusa is not only a painting. On the eve of its 200th anniversary, it’s time to shed the full light upon it… La Machine… c’est le nom qui fut donné en pleine tourmente au radeau de la Méduse par ceux qui eurent la triste tâche de le construire et de le mettre à l’eau… 148 marins et une femme s’entassèrent de gré ou de force sur cette embarcation de fortune. 7 survivront. Nombreux sont ceux qui connaissent le magnifique et terrible tableau de Géricault. Mais qui connaît la véritable histoire qui se cache derrière le tableau internationalement connu? A partir d’une double enquête, celle contemporaine d’un historien passionné, et celle passée que Géricault mena pour la réalisation de son tableau, La Machine invite le spectateur à redécouvrir pièce par pièce cette stupéfiante page de notre Histoire coloniale et maritime. Le Radeau de la Méduse n’est pas seulement un tableau. À la veille de sa 200ème commémoration, il est temps de faire toute la lumière… Length: 54’ D i r e c to r : Anne Richard Producer: Tournez S’il Vous Plaît Coproducers: France Télévisions, NRK Copyright: 2014 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English DUEL AT THE SOUTH POLE - SCOTT-AMUNDSEN Duel au Pôle Sud - Scoot-Amundsen In December 1911, in the name of geographical exploration, pride and their kingdom, Robert Falcon Scott, a British officer, and Roald Amundsen, a Norwegian adventurer, will compete in an epic duel: the Conquest of the South Pole. Strategy, resources, philosophy... they are opposed in very way. Thanks to exceptional archives of the expedition, testimonies of great explorers, historians and scientists, as well as motion graphics in black and white, this documentary tells the story of this incredible duel. Without ever crossing each other’s paths, Scott and Amundsen will challenge the most hostile territory in the world: thousands of kilometres of ice, mountain barriers, winds of up to 300 km/h, temperatures dropping below minus 40 degrees Celsius. Amundsen finishes the fastest, even if this means feeding on his own dogs. Yet Scott, who came second and froze to death, will end-up stealing the glory of his Norwegian rival: the tragic writings of the Englishman, found on his dead body, will make him a legend. Amundsen, despite being the victor, will never be the hero Scott became for posterity. A century later, between the victor and the hero, who really won? En décembre 1911, au nom de l’exploration géographique, de leur fierté, et de leur royaume, Robert Falcon Scott, un officier britannique, et Roald Amundsen, un aventurier norvégien, vont s’affronter en un duel épique : la conquête du pôle Sud. Stratégie, moyens, philosophie… tout les oppose. Grâce à des archives exceptionnelles des expéditions, des témoignages de grands explorateurs, d’historiens et de scientifiques, et des animations en noir et blanc, ce documentaire raconte cet incroyable duel. Sans jamais se croiser, Scott et Amundsen vont défier le territoire le plus hostile du monde, des milliers de kilomètres de glace et de barrières montagneuses, un vent de 300 km/h, moins 40 degrés. Amundsen sera le plus rapide, quitte à en manger ses chiens. Mais Scott, arrivé second et mort gelé va ravir la gloire du Norvégien : les écrits tragiques de l’anglais, découverts sur son cadavre, le feront entrer dans la légende. Amundsen, pourtant largement vainqueur, ne sera jamais le héros que Scott est devenu pour la postérité. Un siècle plus tard, du vainqueur, du héros, qui a vraiment gagné ? 41 Archeology & History Length: 53’ D i r e c to r s : Jacques Olivier Trompas Producer: Grand Angle Productions Néo Productions Coproducer: Canal + New Caledonia Copyright: 2014 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English CALEDONIAN WAR Caledonian War Marie remembers… As a young Caledonian woman of twenty, her life is turned upside down when American troops arrive in New Caledonia on March 12 1942. Nothing will ever be the same again. She falls in love with Arthur, a young US Air Force pilot. They live out their idyllic love against a background of war, a major, bloody war: the War in the Pacific. Recruited as a nurse into the Red Cross, she spends the war on a base behind the lines that receives the wounded from the front. She also lives through the changes on the Caledonian archipelago, where the clash of cultures between the tiny French colony at the far end of the world and the American way of life of the 40s is experienced as a leap into the future. Marie tells this story, her story… Marie se souvient… Jeune calédonienne alors âgée de vingt ans, elle voit sa vie bouleversée par l’arrivée des troupes américaines en Nouvelle-Calédonie, ce 12 mars 1942. Plus rien ne sera comme avant. Elle tombe amoureuse d’un jeune pilote de l’US Air Force, Arthur. Ils vont vivre leur idylle sur fond de guerre, une guerre de grande ampleur, meurtrière ; la guerre du Pacifique. Recrutée comme infirmière dans la « Red Cross », elle va vivre cette guerre sur cette base arrière qui accueille les blessés revenant du front. Elle va vivre aussi les mutations de cet archipel calédonien, où le choc des cultures, entre la petite colonie française du bout du monde et le « way of life » américain des années 40, est vécu comme un bond dans le futur. Marie nous raconte cette histoire, son histoire… Length: 53’ D i r e c to r s : Denis Lagrange Herlé Jouon Pascal Guérin Producers: Grand Angle Productions Dassault Systèmes Aloha Prod Ethic Prod Coproducer: ARTE France Copyright: 2014 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English THE MOON BENEATH THE SEA On a plongé sur la Lune “The Moon beneath the Sea” plunges the viewer into the heart of an exceptional 3D adventure on the wreck of La Lune, the Sun King’s warship. Two international experts in underwater archaeology, Michel L’Hour and Paul-Henry Nargeolet - the man with 30 dives on the Titanic - guide us to the depths of the Mediterranean to discover a unique wreck that is laden with history. The 3D techniques used for the film immerse us in the heart of a unique exploration operation that foreshadows underwater archaeological research of the future. « On a plongé sur la Lune » embarque le spectateur au cœur d’une aventure exceptionnelle en 3D sur l’épave de la Lune, navire du Roi-Soleil. Deux experts internationaux en archéologie sous-marine, Michel L’Hour et Paul-Henry Nargeolet, l’homme aux 30 plongées sur le Titanic, nous emmènent dans les profondeurs de la Méditerranée, pour découvrir une épave unique et chargée d’histoire. Les moyens de tournage 3D utilisés pour ce film nous immergent au cœur d’un dispositif d’exploration unique, qui préfigure la recherche archéologique sous-marine du futur. 42 Archeology & History Length: 55’ D i r e c to r s : Adrienne Ciuffo Scott Stevenson Producer: Grand Angle Productions Dassault Systèmes Aloha Prod Ethic Prod Coproducer: ARTE France Copyright: 2013 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English THE SUN KING’S SECRET SHIPWRECK L’épave cachée du Roi Soleil Louis XIV’s ship La Lune was wrecked off Toulon in November 1664. The ship was returning from an expedition to the Barbary Coast with nearly one thousand people on board, simple seamen or nobles of the highest rank. In an instant all was lost, men and their belongings, the cargo and the ship. Under pressure from the Sun King and his entourage, who planned to conceal the disaster, La Lune was quickly forgotten. Discovered by an Ifremer submarine in 1993, the wreck lies in 90 metres of water. In a state of magificent preservation, like some underwater Pompei, she will, starting in 2012, be the subject of an exceptional archeological investigation, bringing together history and robotics, the expertise of archeologists and the passion for the deep. Michel L’Hour, whose renown in the domain of underwater archeology needs no introduction, invites us on an exceptional dive. He goes down, as if in a live broadcast, to the wreck of La Lune / The Moon, the flagship of Louis XIV. A wreck that he considers to be unique in the world… Le vaisseau de Louis XIV, la Lune, a fait naufrage devant Toulon en novembre 1664. Le navire revenait d’une expédition sur les côtes barbaresques avec près d’un millier d’hommes à bord, simples matelots ou nobles de très haute lignée. En un instant tout fut perdu, les hommes et leurs biens, la cargaison et le navire. Sous la pression du Roi-Soleil et de son entourage, qui entendaient cacher la tragédie, la Lune fut rapidement oubliée. Découverte en 1993 par un sous-marin d’Ifremer, son épave repose par 90 mètres de fond. Magnifiquement conservée, tel un Pompéi sous-marin, elle fera l’objet à partir de 2012 d’une enquête archéologique exceptionnelle mariant l’histoire et la robotique, le savoir des archéologues et la passion des abysses. Michel L’Hour, dont la renommée dans le domaine de l’archéologie sousmarine n’est plus à faire, nous convie à une plongée exceptionnelle. Il descend dans les conditions d’un direct sur l’épave de la Lune, vaisseau amiral de Louis XIV. Une épave qu’il considère comme unique au monde… Jury Prize winner of the 12th Amiens Archeological film Festival Screenplay Prize winner of the 7th FILMAR of Hendaye English version with subtitles available: Arabic, German, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Castilian, Hebrew, Italian & Portugese-Brazilian 43 Archeology & History Length: 85’ D i r e c to r s : Pascal Guérin Herlé Jouon Producers: Grand Angle Productions Dassault Systèmes Aloha Prod Ethic Prod Coproducer: ARTE Copyright: 2013 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English OBJECTIVE MOON Opération Lune Louis XIV’s ship La Lune was wrecked off Toulon in November 1664. The ship was returning from an expedition to the Barbary Coast with nearly one thousand people on board, simple seamen or nobles of the highest rank. In an instant all was lost, men and their belongings, the cargo and the ship. Under pressure from the Sun King and his entourage, who planned to conceal the disaster, La Lune was quickly forgotten. Discovered by an Ifremer submarine in 1993, the wreck lies in 90 metres of water. In a state of magificent preservation, like some underwater Pompei, she will , starting in 2012, be the subject of an exceptional archeological investigation, bringing together history and robotics, the expertise of archeologists and the passion for the deep. Michel L’Hour, whose renown in the domain of underwater archeology needs no introduction, invites us on an exceptional dive. Within a “real life format” of 90 minutes, he goes down, as if in a live broadcast, to the wreck of La Lune / The Moon, the flagship of Louis XIV. A wreck that he considers to be unique in the world… Le vaisseau de Louis XIV, la Lune, a fait naufrage devant Toulon en novembre 1664. Le navire revenait d’une expédition sur les côtes barbaresques avec près d’un millier d’hommes à bord, simples matelots ou nobles de très haute lignée. En un instant tout fut perdu, les hommes et leurs biens, la cargaison et le navire. Sous la pression du Roi-Soleil et de son entourage, qui entendaient cacher la tragédie, la Lune fut rapidement oubliée. Découverte en 1993 par un sous-marin d’Ifremer, son épave repose par 90 mètres de fond. Magnifiquement conservée, tel un Pompéi sous-marin, elle fera l’objet à partir de 2012 d’une enquête archéologique exceptionnelle mariant l’histoire et la robotique, le savoir des archéologues et la passion des abysses. Michel L’Hour, dont la renommée dans le domaine de l’archéologie sous-marine n’est plus à faire, nous convie à une plongée exceptionnelle. Dans un « format du réel » de 90 minutes, il descend dans les conditions d’un direct sur l’épave de la Lune, vaisseau amiral de Louis XIV. Une épave qu’il considère comme unique au monde… Jury Prize winner of the 12th Amiens Archeological film Festival Screenplay Prize winner of the 7th FILMAR of Hendaye Length: 52’ D i r e c to r s : Emilie Dumond Herlè Jouon Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: ARTE RTL Belgium Copyright: 2012 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English THE RIDDLE OF TITANIC L’énigme Titanic On April 14 2012, a hundred years lie between us and that terrible night that witnessed the sinking of the Titanic. How could the flagship of the White Star Line, the vessel they called the “Unsinkable” and which was equipped with the finest technology of the age, fall victim to such a tragedy and disappear into the icy waters of the Atlantic in less than three hours? This is what we try to discover along with P H Narjeoloet, the world expert on diving on the Titanic. He has taken part in every expedition and has worked with James Cameron. He is French and gave us his exclusive contribution. Le 14 avril 2012, cent ans nous séparent de la terrible nuit qui vit sombrer le Titanic. Comment ce fleuron de la White Star Line, celui que l’on nomma « L’Insubmersible » et que l’on avait doté des meilleurs techniques de l’époque put-il être victime d’une telle tragédie et disparaître dans les eaux glacés de l’Atlantique en moins de trois heures ? C’est ce que nous tenterons de découvrir avec Paul-Henri Narjeolet, expert mondial des plongées sur le Titanic. Il a participé à toutes les expéditions et a travaillé avec James Cameron. Il est français et nous a donné son exclusivité. 44 Archeology & History Length: 5x52’ 10x26’ D i r e c to r s : Herlé Jouon Vincent Pérazio Antoine Laura Zoltan Moll François Reihardt Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2011 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : Arabic English French MARITIME MYSTERIES, CASE CLOSED Mystères maritimes, Affaires classées Major maritime disasters of the century, vessels that disappear mysteriously, suspicious fires… so many cases of naval and maritime enigmas that were considered closed. And yet, recent underwater archaeological discoveries, in combination with the emergence of new archives, are re-opening the investigations and bringing some dark secrets of the abyss back to the surface. And this collection takes us down the trail of these maritime mysteries. In the light of these discoveries, history is gradually being rewritten. Each film follows the trail of some new, exciting inquiry… to finally reveal the secrets and the mysteries! From the waters of the Mediterranean to the Pacific Ocean, from the depths of the Atlantic to the seabed of the Caribbean memories of human drama resurface in this passionate inquiry by our investigators of the sea. Grandes catastrophes maritimes du siècle, étranges disparitions de navires, incendies suspects... autant d’énigmes navales et maritimes dont on pensait les dossiers classés. Pourtant, certaines découvertes de l’archéologie sous-marine, combinées à l’apparition de nouvelles archives relancent aujourd’hui les enquêtes et les font rejaillir des abysses, bien des zones d’ombre à éclaircir. C’est sur les traces de ces grands mystères maritimes que cette collection nous entraîne. Confrontée à ces découvertes, l’Histoire se reconstitue peu à peu. Chaque film remonte le fil de passionnantes investigations désormais relancées... jusqu’à en dévoiler enfin les secrets et les mystères ! Des eaux de la Méditerranée au Pacifique, des fonds atlantiques aux profondeurs caribéennes, la mémoire des Hommes ressurgit alors à travers la quête passionnée de nos enquêteurs de la mer. 1- LOST BETWEEN SKY AND SEA The Ghost of the White Bird - The Prince who vanished Disparus entre ciel et mer 2- MARTYRED SHIPS The Lancastria - The Meknes Bateaux Martyrs 3- STARRED SHIPS The Empress of Ireland - The SS Eastland Bateaux Maudits 4- LOST WITHOUT TRACE Ravenel: the silence of St Pierre - The Monique Disparus sans laisser de traces 5- SUSPICIOUS FIRES The last voyage of Albert Londres - The Normandy Incendies Suspects 45 Archeology & History Length: 6x52’ 18x15’ D i r e c to r s : Herlé Jouon Vincent Pérazio Antoine Laura Zoltan Moll Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2010 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French, English & Arabic HERITAGE & ENIGMAS OF THE MARINE WORLD Patrimoine et enigmes du monde marin Submerged cities, war treasures, old trading posts, wrecks of ships, pirate lairs... the marine and submarine world is awash with fascinating stories and legends that still ignite passion and controversy from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, by way of the shoresof the Mediterranean or the depths of the Red Sea. Did Atlantis really exist as some people claim ? What has become of Saint-Exupéry’s plane and its pilot ? Where are the gold bars from “Rommel’s Treasure” that have never been found ? Presented in the form of an investigation, backed up by 3D reconstruction, exceptional aeral images, archive and news footage, “Heritage and Enigmas of the Marine World” revisits unsolved investigations and sets out on the trail of the myth that History has left in suspense... Cités englouties, trésors de guerre, anciens comptoirs, vestiges d’épaves, escales de flibustiers, le monde marin et sous-marin regorge d’histoire et de légendes fascinantes qui suscitent encore passions et controverses de l’Atlantique à l’Océan Indien, en passant par les rivages de la Méditerranée ou les profondeurs de la Mer Rouge... L’Atlantide a-t-elle réellement existé comme le prétendent certains ? Qu’est-il advenu de l’avion de Saint-Exupéry et de son pilote ? Où se cachent les lingots d’or du “Trésor de Rommel” que l’on a jamais retrouvé ? Traitée sous la forme d’une enquête à l’appui de reconstitution 3D, images aériennes d’exception, archives et actualité, “Patrimoine et énigmes du monde marin” revient sur ces enquêtes inachevées et repart sur la trace de ces mythes que l’Histoire a laissés en suspens... 1- MYSTERIOUS SUNKEN CITIES The Search for Atlantis - Minoan, the Palaikastro wave - Baia Mystérieuses cités englouties 2- MYSTERIOUS SHIPWRECKS OF THE INDIES COMPANY The Sun of the Orient - The Treasure of the Prince de Conti - The Wreck of the Saint Géran Mystérieux naufrages de la compagnie des indes 3- “CURSE ON THE EMPIRE” - GREAT TRAGEDIES OF THE ROYAL NAVY HMS Victoria - HMS Britannic - HMS Hermes « Malediction sur l’empire» les grandes tragedies de la Royal Navy 4- GREAT PIRATE MYTHS Black Beard - The Mutineers of Libertalia - The Buzzard’s Treasure « Les grands mythes pirates » 5- MARITIME MYSTERIES OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR The last flight of Saint Exupery - SS John Barry - Rommel’s Teasure « Mystères maritimes de la seconde guerre mondiale » 6- EXTINCT ANIMALS : THREE PALEONTOLOGICAL MYSTERIES Coelacanth - In the steps of Whales - Dodo « Animaux disparus » - trois mystères paléontologiques 46 CURRENT AFFAIRS & INVESTIGATION 47 Current affairs TEN DAYS INSIDE ISIS: THE MUSLIM POSITION ON TERROR Dix jours au sein d’ISIS Length: 52’ D i r e c to r s : jürgen todenhöfer matias basso Producer: MBS Films Copyright: 2016 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : English Looking for international Pre-Sales Jürgen is the only Western reporter to have entered Islamic State territory and come out alive. His book on the trip is a best seller, still most of his footage is un-released until now. In Paris, where IS killed 130 people, Jürgen recounts his experience to Hamza Yusuf, a leading Muslim expert and harsh critic of IS, representative of all major scholars and the huge majority of Muslims. Jürgen est le seul journaliste occidental à avoir pénétré le territoire de l’Etat Islamique et à en être sorti vivant. Son livre sur son voyage est un best-seller. La plupart des images tournées restent inédites. A Paris, où l’EI a tué 130 personnes, Jürgen raconte son aventure à Hamza Yusuf, spécialiste de l’Islam et sévère critique de Daesh, qui représente l’avis de tous les savants éminents et la plus grande majorité des musulmans. UPCOMING JUNE 2016 48 Current affairs Length: 52’ & 90’ D i r e c to r : Jawad Rhalib Producer: R&R Productions Coproducer: RTBF, What’s up Productions & Zonderling Copyright: 2016 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English THE TIME WHEN THE ARABS DANCED Au temps où les arabes dansaient Looking for international Pre-Sales A fundamentalist hates life. For him, it presents temptation, a moving away from God and a loss of time before the celestial paradise with its rivers flowing with milk of eternal taste, its streams of wine, its delights and its virgins. Life is the product of disobedience and this disobedience is the work of the ARTIST. The fundamentalist resents the artist, who gives life to matter and leads pure souls away from paradise with sick ideas, a devilish drawing, a bewitching song or an evil dance… The artist is, therefor, the devil and in order to be able to kill him, the fundamentalist labels him the enemy of Allah. Formerly carefree, the Arab-Muslim world has now become the epicenter of a blind and often violent fundamentalism. Pressure from the fundamentalists overwhelms that of the moderates. The voice of reason struggles to be heard. In the face of this hopeless realization that is threatening our most basic freedoms, Jawad Rhalib questions Islamic Fascism and allows the voice of reason to speak in order to break what is now: “Be an artist and shut up!” L’integriste n’aime pas la vie. Pour lui, il s’agit d’une tentation, un éloignement de Dieu et une perte de temps avant le paradis céleste et ses fleuves de lait au goût inaltérable, ses rivières de vin, ses délices et ses vierges. La vie est le produit d’une désobéissance et cette désobéissance est l’oeuvre de l’ARTISTE. L’islamiste en veut à l’artiste qui donne vie à la matière et éloigne les bonnes âmes du paradis par des idées malsaines, un dessin diabolique, un chant envoûtant, une danse maléfique… L’artiste est donc le diable et pour pouvoir le tuer, l’integriste le déclare ennemi d’Allah. Jadis insouciant, le monde arabo-musulman est devenu l’épicentre d’un intégrisme obtus et souvent violent. La pression des intégristes rend inaudible celle des modérés. La voix de la raison peine à se faire entendre. Face à ce constat désolant qui menace nos libertés les plus basiques, Jawad Rhalib interroge le fascisme islamiste et donne la parole à la voix de la raison pour briser le désormais : « Sois artiste et tais toi! » UPCOMING SEPTEMBER 2016 49 Current affairs Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Aude Rouaux Producer: Antipode Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2016 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English PESTICIDES: A CREEPING EVIL? Pesticides: un mal insidieux? Designed to kill insects or weeds, these products are sold as herbicides, fungicides or insecticides. France uses lots of them. France is even the European champion. Every year, more than 60,000 tonnes are spread over our fields. And despite the polemic, our use of pesticides is constantly increasing. After nearly 60 years of use in Europe we knew that pesticides were harmful to the environment and to health. They are said to cause a number of cancers. Among the victims are many farmers, but not exclusively. These chemical substances, present in our water, the air and even in our food, have invaded our daily lives. Exposure begins right from the fetus stage of life. Today, families of victims, farmers and also doctors are accusing the State of having underplayed the risks relating to the toxicity of certain products. An investigation into one more health scandal. Conçus pour tuer les insectes ou les mauvaises herbes, ces produits sont en vente sous le nom d’herbicides, fongicides ou encore insecticides. La France en consomme beaucoup. Elle est même la championne européenne. Chaque année, plus de 60 000 tonnes sont répandus dans nos champs. Et malgré les discours, notre consommation de pesticides ne cesse de s’accroitre. Utilisés en Europe depuis près de 60 ans, on savait les pesticides dangereux pour l‘environnement et la santé, ils seraient à l’origine de nombreux cancers. Parmi les victimes, beaucoup d’agriculteurs mais pas seulement. Présents dans l’eau, l’air ou encore l’alimentation, ces substances chimiques ont envahi notre quotidien. Une exposition qui démarre dès le stade du développement du fœtus. Aujourd’hui, des familles de victimes, des agriculteurs mais aussi des médecins accusent l’Etat d’avoir minimisé les risques quant à la toxicité de certains produits. Enquête sur un nouveau scandale sanitaire. UPCOMING MAY 2016 Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Hervé Corbière Producer: Antipode Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2016 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French MUSSELS ON THE RACK Les moules, reines des coquillages France has lost nearly 20% of its mussel production¾10,000 tonnes, representing a loss of 20 million Euros. An unprecedented mortality rate. So, how do you explain such a disaster? The Iframer cites climatic causes! But the people in the industry don’t believe that and lay the blame on water pollution. Elsewhere in Europe they breed mussels in a different way. We go to Holland, where 80 million tonnes of mussels are sold every year. Mussels that are then auctioned at the fish market in Yerseke. A practice that is unique in the world! La France a perdu près de 20% de sa production de moules, 10 000 tonnes, soit plus de 20 millions d’euros de pertes. Une mortalité sans précédent. Alors, comment expliquer un tel désastre ? L’Ifremer avance des raisons climatiques ! Mais les professionnels n’y croient pas et dénonce quant à eux la pollution de l’eau. Ailleurs en Europe, on cultive les moules mais d’une autre façon. Nous partons en Hollande où 80 millions de kilos de moules sont vendus chaque année. Des moules qui sont ensuite mises en vente à la criée de Yerseke. Une pratique unique au monde ! 50 Current affairs Length: 95’ D i r e c to r : Jean-Louis Perez Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: ARTE Radio Canada (Canada) RTS (Switzerland), NRK (Norway) SVT (Sweden) Al Arabiya channel (Middle-East) RTE (Ireland) RSI (Switzerland) DR TV (Denmark) HRT (Croatia) RTVS (Slovakia) Public Sénat (France) Copyright: 2016 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English PLANET FIFA La Planète FIFA Since its last congress on May 28 last, FIFA has emerged as a totally corrupt organization. Rigged elections, World Cup competitions bought, bribes, arrests… the news of recent months has brought world football’s leading body to the ground. Sepp Blatter, FIFA president for over 17 years was even forced to resign. Unprecedented in the history of football. At a moment when the organization is rocked almost every day by a host of intrigues and scandals, this documentary reveals how a small, non-profit association founded in 1904 was able to transform itself over the years into a sprawling financial empire. From Paris, to Washington, Rio de Janeiro, Yaoundé, Zurich and London, the investigation reveals the hidden face of the institution of world football: a corrupt multinational, which over the years has turned over billions of dollars. Depuis son dernier congrès, le 28 mai 2015, la FIFA apparaît comme une organisation totalement corrompue. Elections truquées, achats de coupes du monde, pots de vin, arrestations … L’actualité de ces derniers mois a mis l’instance dirigeante du football mondial à terre. Sepp Blatter, président de la FIFA depuis plus de 17 ans, a même dû démissionner. Du jamais vu dans l’histoire du football. À l’heure où l’organisation est presque chaque jour ébranlée par son lot d’intrigues et de scandales, ce documentaire révèle comment ce qui n’était qu’une petite association à but non lucratif créée en 1904, a pu, au fil des ans, se transformer en un empire financier tentaculaire. Entre Paris, Washington, Rio de Janeiro, Yaoundé, Zurich, ou encore Londres, cette enquête dévoile la face cachée de l’institution du football mondial : une multinationale corrompue qui depuis des années, brasse des milliards de dollars. 51 SCIENCE & KNOWLEDGE 52 Science & Health Length: 2x90’ D i r e c to r : Alain Tixier Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: ARTE Copyright: 2016 / 2017 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English SOYUZ MS-03 MISSION – AT THE HEART OF THE CONQUEST OF SPACE Soyouz MS-03 - Au coeur de la conquête spatiale In November 2016, Frenchman Thomas Pesquet, American Peggy Whitson and Russian Oleg Novitsky will lift off for a 6-month mission in the International Space Station. There, 400 kilometers above the Earth, the three astronauts will jointly face the challenge of living in space and will conduct a series of essential scientific experiments in a range of fields. En novembre 2016, et après une longue préparation, le français Thomas Pesquet, l’américaine Peggy Whitson, et le russe Oleg Novitsky s’envoleront pour un séjour de 6 mois dans la station spatiale internationale. Là-haut, à 400 kilomètres de la Terre, les trois astronautes affronteront ensemble le défi de la vie dans l’espace, et mèneront à bien une série d’expériences scientifiques fondamentales dans bien des domaines. Looking for international Pre-Sales EPISODE 1: ON THE ROAD TO THE STARS From the very beginnings of Man’s first missions into space to our days via the preparation of astronaut Thomas Pesquet and his international crew, and the state of scientific knowledge in 2016… In November 2016, French astronaut, Thomas Pesquet, American Peggy Whitson and Russian Oleg Novitsky will blast off for a sixmonth stay on the International Space Station. Between now and then, they will undergo intensive psychological, physical and scientific training. This first film will follow our heroes through their long preparation, demonstrating how Thomas Pesquet, as all his predecessors, in particular Russians and Americans, embodies all that has been learned from the space adventure that has been building for more than fifty years. Through the life of this outstanding young astronaut, and the many experts who accompany him on this experience, we revisit the way in which the training of astronauts has progressed with the increasing number of manned flights and how they have gradually adapted to the evolution of knowledge. To travel this road to the stars in company with Thomas Pesquet, his team and all those who have gone before him, is a wonderful opportunity to assess the state of knowledge gathered over fifty years of space science. UPCOMING NOVEMBER 2016 EPISODE 2: SPACE, THE FUTURE OF THE EARTH? From the launching of the Soyuz rocket to the return to Earth in the Spring of 2017 to discover how Man envisages life in space one day and the unexpected spinoffs from space research for the protection of his most beautiful vessel, the Earth… It is December 2016 and a rocket blasts off from Baikonur destined for the International Space Station (ISS). Aboard are our three astronauts: Thomas Pesquet, Peggy Whitson and Oleg Novitsky, who will spend six months in this veritable laboratory for our future. This second installment follows our front-line crew as they live life aboard the station. A stay where they will undergo, in particular, the difficult test of microgravity, but which will be primarily used to conduct a whole series of scientific experiments designed to prepare for long manned flights and extra-terrestrial living, first and foremost for that which will take humans to Mars. Using these scientific experiments as a starting point, the film will meet various scientists from all over the world to discover and understand what restrictions there are on human life in space, what are the main issues and what the future prospects are. We shall also discover how this scientific research holds the promise of spinoffs for our life on Earth, which will probably remain, and for a long while yet, the best solution for the survival of the human species… UPCOMING NOVEMBER 2017 53 Science & Health Length: 110’ D i r e c to r : Philippe Lespinasse Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: France Télévisions TV5 Québec Canada Copyright: 2016 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English THE NIGHT OF THE FULL MOON La nuit de la pleine lune The moon is familiar; she watches over us. The Moon is our only natural satellite. Appearing in our skies some 4.5 million years ago following a collision between the Earth and a nomad planet, she chose to remain in our orbit. She influences life much more than we imagine and was probably the reason why life first appeared on Earth. She raises the oceans, serves as a biological clock for the reproduction of certain species and is the driving force for animal migrations. As long as 4 million years ago she caused a 500-meter-high tide of lava. From India to Australia, from the bay of the Mont Saint Michel to Papuasia, or in the sacred pits of the Mayas in Mexico, we have a date wherever the Moon shows her face. La lune nous est familière, elle veille sur nous. La lune est notre seul satellite naturel. Arrivée dans notre ciel presque par hasard à la suite d’une collision entre la Terre et une planète nomade il y a 4.5 millions d’années, elle a décidé de rester dans notre orbite. Bien plus qu’on ne l’imagine, elle influence la vie et lui a sans doute permis d’apparaître sur Terre. Elle soulève les océans, sert d’horloge biologique pour la reproduction de certaines espèces, organise des migrations animales. Il y a 4 millions d’années elle suscitait déjà une marée de lave de 500 mètres de haut. De l’Inde à l’Australie, dans la baie du Mont Saint Michel à la Papouasie, dans les trous sacrés des Mayas au Mexique et en s’appuyant sur les dernières découvertes scientifiques, nous avons des rendez-vous partout où la lune se manifeste. UPCOMING JUNE 2016 Length: 53’ D i r e c to r : Patrice Desenne & Frédéric Létang Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2016 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English Looking for international Pre-Sales MOSQUITOES ON THE RISE Dans l’oeil du moustique In Brazil, in Africa, in Southeast Asia and in the south of Europe, this film will follow the path of 4 mosquitoes, each of which is capable of transmitting viruses and dangerous parasites to humans. These mosquitoes are the carriers of dengue fever, malaria, and other infectious diseases. They take advantage of environmental changes, often caused by human activity, as well as a multitude of means of transportation, which help them to spread to new territories and threaten newfound populations. They are highly resistant to the protection strategies continually being developed by researchers. But scientists continue their field research, inventing new arms in the battle, each more surprising than the next. Facing the serious health risks they present us, humans have engaged in a fierce battle against the mosquitoes on the rise. Au Brésil, en Afrique, en Asie du sud-est ou dans le sud de l’Europe, ce film suit le parcours de quatre moustiques, tous capables de transmettre à l’homme des virus ou des parasites dangereux. Ces moustiques sont les vecteurs de la dengue, du paludisme et d’autres maladies infectieuses. Ils profitent des bouleversements environnementaux, souvent causés par l’homme, et des nombreux moyens de transports pour étendre leurs territoires et menacer de nouvelles populations. Ils résistent aux stratégies que l’homme met en place pour s’en protéger… Mais les scientifiques expérimentent sur le terrain de nouveaux moyens de lutte, plus surprenants les uns que les autres… Face au risque sanitaire annoncé, une véritable course est engagée ! 54 Science & Health Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Stéphane Bégoin Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: ARTE Copyright: 2016 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English BACTERIAL WORLD - THE MICROBE THAT RULE OUR WORLD Le monde Bactérie - Ces microbes qui nous gouvernent They are on the ocean surface and in the abyss, in soil and plants, not to mention the intestines of insects and large mammals, including humans. They are bacteria, and they are present in ever corner of our planet. Are we aware that among the billions of bacteria that exist on earth, less than 1% of them are pathogenic? Recent discoveries reveal that bacteria are not only linked to the very origins of life on earth, but that they have become indispensible to the continuation of life. Researchers today say that bacteria are partly responsible for the process of evolution, a point of view that encourages us to take a closer look at Darwin’s theory. Breathing, eating and digesting. Growing. Keeping protected. Reproducing. In all of these essential functions humans and earth’s other organisms live in close symbiosis with bacteria. A Bacterial World will delve into this vast subject and explore a new vision of interdependence with bacteria. Expert participants: Margaret McFall-Ngai, University of Wisconsin, USA Patrick Forterre, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France Takema Fukatsu, AIST, Japan Marc André Sélosse, National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France Jeffrey Gordon, University of Washington, St. Louis, USA Bernard Ollivier, University of Marseille (IRD), France Seth Bordenstein, Vanderbilt University, USA Sylvain Charlat, CNRS, France Nicole Dubilier, Max Planck Institute in Brême, Germany Gérard Eberl, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France Kevin Theis, University of Michigan State, USA Les océans de la surface aux abysses, les sols, les plantes, les intestins d’un insecte ou les organismes des grands mammifères l’Homme compris... Aucun recoin de cette planète n’échappe aux microbes. Sait-on que sur les millions de milliards de bactéries qui peuplent notre planète, moins de 1% sont pathogènes ? Les découvertes récentes montrent que les microbes sont non seulement aux origines de la vie sur Terre mais qu’ils sont devenus indispensables à la vie allant jusqu’à être reconnus aujourd’hui comme (co)responsable de notre évolution, et nous invitant même à revisiter l’évolution selon Darwin... Respirer. Se nourrir et digérer. Grandir. Se protéger. Se reproduire. Pour toutes ces fonctions vitales, l’Homme et plus largement les organismes vivants sur Terre, vivent en symbiose avec les bactéries. Avec le Monde Bactérie, c’est cette nouvelle vision du vivant que nous allons découvrir. Intervenants : Margaret McFall-Ngai, Wisconsin University, USA Patrick Forterre, Institut Pasteur, Paris France Takema Fukatsu, AIST, Japon Marc André Sélosse, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle de Paris, France Jeffrey Gordon, Washington University, St. Louis, USA Bernard Ollivier, de l’université de Marseille (IRD), France Seth Bordenstein, Vanderbilt University, USA Sylvain Charlat, CNRS, Lyon Nicole Dubilier, de l’Institut Max Planck de Brême, (Allemagne), Gérard Eberl, Institut Pasteur, Paris France Kevin Theis, Michigan University State, USA UPCOMING MAY 2016 55 Science & Health Length: 94’ D i r e c to r : Vincent Pérazio Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: ARTE Copyright: 2015 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English MONT BLANC, EXPLORATION BY ROPE Mont Blanc, exploration en cordée Mont Blanc, an internationally famous natural monument, excites the fascination of both passionate devotees of the mountains and laymen alike. It’s an exceptional object of research that both Humans and Science have been eager to decrypt for ages. In order to discover this unique “being”, a multidiscipline, scientific roped expedition has been assembled under the leadership of an Alpine guide. Five days of progress and climbing to fully understand this massif and its most famous personality: Mont Blanc. Le Mont Blanc, monument naturel internationalement connu, suscite la fascination des passionnés comme des profanes de la montagne. C’est un objet d’étude exceptionnel que les Hommes et la Science s’attachent à décrypter depuis bien longtemps. Pour découvrir cet « être » à part, une Cordée scientifique pluridisciplinaire est mise en œuvre, sous la direction d’un Guide de haute montagne. 5 jours de progression et d’ascension pour appréhender pleinement ce massif et son hôte le plus célèbre : le Mont Blanc. Length: 51’ D i r e c to r : Hervé Corbière & Alex Gary Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2015 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English WHAT FUTURE FOR THE OYSTER? Les huîtres, bientôt la fin ? 50, 70, and sometimes as much as 80% of the oysters produced in France never see the customers’ plates… and why? The mollusks have experienced an incredible mortality rate over recent years… A mystery ailment is decimating them and damaging an entire profession… It’s a veritable massacre that began in 2008, when a new oyster made its appearance: the Triploid. This is a creation of man… An oyster of the future that grows twice as fast as its natural fellow… However, since its introduction, the mortality rate has hit increasing highs. So, has the Formula 1 version of the oyster a link with this carnage? Is it climate change or the emergence of some new virus? Are we the last generation to taste natural oysters? An investigation into a disaster that nothing seems able to halt… 50, 70, et parfois 80 % de la production des huîtres en France ne connaitront jamais l’assiette des consommateurs… la raison ? Les mollusques connaissent une mortalité incroyable depuis quelques années… Un mal mystérieux les décime et met à mal toute une profession… Un vrai massacre qui a démarré en 2008, date à laquelle une nouvelle huitre à fait son apparition… la Triploïde. C’est une création de l’homme… Une huître du futur qui grossit deux fois plus vite que les huîtres naturelles… mais depuis son lancement, la mortalité atteint des sommets… Alors, la formule 1 des huîtres a t-elle un lien avec cette hécatombe ? est-ce le changement climatique ou bien l’apparition de nouveaux virus ? Sommes-nous la dernière génération à déguster des huîtres naturelles ? Enquête sur un désastre que rien ne semble arrêter… 56 Science & Health Length: 53’ D i r e c to r : Chantal Perrin Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: France Télévisions SVT Copyright: 2014 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English THE LYME DISEASE, A SILENT EPIDEMIC Maladie de Lyme, l’épidémie silencieuse Lyme disease is a bacterial infection transmitted by ticks and it is spreading throughout the world at an alarming rate. Facial paralysis, painful joints, meningitis… For sufferers it’s a living hell. Faced with this disease the medical profession is at a loss, impotent even: unreliable testing, uncertain therapeutic protocols, a scientific community that is divided…Taking no sides, this documentary explores the hidden side of this affair… La maladie de Lyme est une infection bactérienne transmise par les tiques qui se répand dans des proportions inquiétantes dans le monde entier. Paralysie faciale, douleurs articulaires, méningite... Les malades vivent l’enfer. Face à cette épidémie, le monde médical est dépourvu, voire désarmé : tests peu fiables, protocole thérapeutique incertain, communauté scientifique divisée... Sans parti pris, ce documentaire se propose d’explorer les dessous de cette affaire... Length: 51’ D i r e c to r : Emmanuelle Sapin Pascal Goblot Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: ARTE Copyright: 2014 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English THE PLACEBO EFFECT L’effet Placebo The placebo effect has long enjoyed a notorious reputation. To attribute a cure to the placebo effect, was to consider, with a touch of contempt, that the illness was the product of the mental state of a hypochondriac. If he invented his illness, he could invent his cure. Now, in contradiction to these theories, scientific studies carried out over recent decades show that the placebo effect can result in physiological changes that are both observable and quantifiable. By means of a rigorous investigation this film aims to shed fresh light on a powerful phenomenon that is associated with every medical act, in order to lift the veil on part of its mystery and begin to explore our formidable power for self-healing. L’effet placebo a longtemps joui d’une réputation sulfureuse. Attribuer une guérison à l’effet placebo, c’était considérer que la maladie était le fruit des états d’âme d’un malade imaginaire. Si le malade avait inventé son mal, il pouvait bien inventer sa guérison. Pourtant, plus la médecine affine ses diagnostics et ses thérapeutiques, plus l’effet placebo est pris au sérieux en tant qu’option thérapeutique. La science, s’intéressant au phénomène, a récemment mis en évidence que l’effet placebo modifiait des paramètres physiologiques. Ce film propose de porter, par une enquête rigoureuse, un nouveau regard sur notre formidable pouvoir d’autoguérison. Special award at the Rome Docscient Festival 2014 First prize in the “WELL-BEING” category at the ImagéSanté Festival, Liege, Belgium 57 Science & Health Length: 53’ D i r e c to r : Sandrine Mary Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2013 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English MEDICINES AND CHILDREN, therapeutic Procedures on Test... Médicaments et enfants, protocoles thérapeutiques au banc d’essai... Children are the forgotten ones of medicine. Drugs given to children have always been risky adaptations of those developed for adults. A simple rule of three relative to weight is the regular practice. However, a child is not a miniature adult. Now the pediatric profession is sounding the alarm. In general practice, half of the drugs given to children are widely given without any scientific knowledge of the impact on their bodies, which is to say that no scientific study had been carried out on children to be confident of its effectiveness. In hospitals it is even worse because 90% of drugs have never been the subject of a test. This can observed worldwide with some countries more poorly served than others, such as Japan. Why is there so little development of drugs for children? Why are pharmaceutical companies not interested in investing in this sector? What is the global future for drugs for children? This documentary sheds some light on a problem that is at the heart of a world-wide debate today from a scientific, ethical, legal and societal perspective. The intimist style of direction, getting close to the participants will highlight a real unease that is affecting every country in Europe. Les enfants sont les grands oubliés du médicament. Depuis toujours, les médicaments administrés aux enfants sont des adaptations hasardeuses de médicaments élaborés avant tout pour les adultes, une simple règle de 3 en rapport avec le poids est régulièrement pratiquée. Hors, l’enfant n’est pas un adulte miniature. Aujourd’hui le monde pédiatrique tire la sonnette d’alarme. Généralement, en médecine de ville, la moitié des médicaments délivrés aux enfants le sont sans en connaître scientifiquement l’impact sur leur corps, c’est à dire qu’aucune étude n’a été réalisée sur l’enfant pour s’assurer de son efficacité. En service hospitalier , c’est encore pire car plus de 90% des médicaments n’ont jamais fait l’objet de test. Ce constat est mondial avec des pays plus mal loti que d’autre comme au Japon. Pourquoi les médicaments pour les enfants souffrent-ils d’aussi peu de développement ? Pourquoi les firmes pharmaceutiques ne sont pas intéressées à investir dans ce secteur ? Quel est l’avenir mondial du médicament pour l’enfant ? Ce documentaire propose un éclairage sur une problématique qui est aujourd’hui aucœur des débats mondiaux d’un point de vue scientifique, éthique, juridique et sociétal. Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Patrice Desenne Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: France 5 Vivolta NHK Japan TFO Canada ERT Greece Al-Jazeera Middle East RTBF Belgium VRT Belgium SVT Sweden NRK Norway Copyright: 2010 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English H1N1, OUR VIRUSES HAVE A FUTURE H1N1, nos virus ont de l’avenir H2N2, H5N1, SARS… behind these abbreviations lie some poorly defined biological “things” that we call viruses. Faced with the tidal wave of information and interpretation and the media hype, this film tries to provide explanation, information and nuances. Point by point, over several continents, it analyses what this flu is, what makes it different from a seasonal virus, what are its possible mutations, how it spreads and what are the possible scenarios for its development. It also tries to understand the precise purpose of the tools we use to fight it and assess their efficiency. One year after the flu emerged, it also provides an initial assessment of the real impact of the virus on our populations. H2N2, H5N1, SRAS, derrière ces abréviations se cachent des « choses » biologiques mal définies qu’on appelle virus. Face à la déferlante d’informations et d’interprétations, à la surenchère médiatique, ce film veut apporter des explications, des précisions, des nuances…. Point par point, sur plusieurs continents, il analyse ce qu’est cette grippe, ce qui la différencie d’un virus saisonnier, ses mutations possibles, comment elle se diffuse et quels sont les scénarios possibles de développement, il veut aussi comprendre à quoi servent précisément les outils de lutte des hommes et définir leur efficacité… Un an après son émergence, il donne aussi un premier constat de l’impact réel de ce virus sur les populations. 58 Science & Health Length: 50’ D i r e c to r : Jerôme Julienne John Jackson Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2012 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English THE UNSILENT WORLD Vacarme en haute mer If you listen to “the world of silence” with the super-powered ear of a marine mammal, you are immediately drowned in growling, groaning, wailing and whistling. In this world where vision is limited to twenty metres, everything is communicated by sound… a world that is one hundred times louder than a tropical forest. So imagine two dolphins in conversation: “Pikuit to Stuito”… “Pikuit to Stuito”… “Let’s go and fish at the same rock as yesterday!” “Stuito to Pikuit!”… “I’ll go ahead and I’ll send you the radar image!” It sounds like science fiction! And yet it’s totally real… As you will discover from the many experiments conducted “in the field” for “The Unsilent World” in Hawaii, Honduras and Florida by the foremost experts on whales and dolphins! It also explains how whales can converse at a distance of 4,000 kilometres… and much, much more! But beware! Danger! From the snowstorms of the Arctic Ocean to the naval base of La Spezia in Italy, we discover that the most sinister of pollutions is under way. Invisible, unknown to the general public, it is about to render mute this world. The 50,000 props of cargo ships that permanently criss-cross the planet, the underwater seismic searches for oil that bombard the oceans’ floors with explosions twice as loud as a jet fighter taking off and, even worse, the low-frequency sonar used by NATO in the hunt of submarines, of which a single blast can “empty” a zone of 100,000 km2 of its inhabitants… are but the initial examples of the noises that these “sonar” animals are subjected to everyday. If this inferno of noise continues, then… no longer able to communicate or guide themselves, marine mammals will be forever condemned to wander where chance takes them in the permanent fog of the oceans! An inevitable decline! A revelation! Si l’on écoute « le monde du silence » avec l’oreille surpuissante d’un mammifère marin, on est immédiatement submergé de grondements, gémissements, plaintes et sifflets. Dans cet univers où la vue ne porte qu’à vingt mètres, tout passe par le son … un monde cent fois plus bruyant qu’une jungle tropicale. Imaginez alors deux dauphins en train de discuter : « Pikuit à Stuito» … « Pikuit à Stuito » … « Allons pêcher au même rocher qu’hier !!! » « Stuito à Pikuit ! » « Je pars devant et je t ‘envoi l’image radar » … / … Cela ressemble à de la science fiction ! Et pourtant, c’est la pure vérité … A Hawaii, Honduras, Floride, menées par les plus grands spécialistes des baleines et des dauphins, les multiples expériences de terrain de «The Unsilent World » vont vous le démontrer ! Expliquer aussi comment les baleines conversent à 4000 km de distance … et bien plus encore ! Mais attention ! Danger ! Des tempêtes de neige de l’Océan Arctique à la base navale de La Spezia en Italie, nous découvrons aussi que la plus sournoise des pollutions est en route. Invisible, inconnue du grand public, elle est en passe de rendre ce monde muet. Les 50 000 hélices de super cargo qui sillonnent la planète en permanence, les recherches sismiques sous-marines pour le pétrole qui bombardent le sol des Océans d’explosions deux fois plus bruyantes qu’un avion de chasse au décollage, pire encore, les sonars basse fréquences utilisés par l’OTAN dans la lutte anti sous marine et dont une seule salve assourdissante peut « vider » une zone de 100 000 km2 de ses habitants … ne sont que les premiers exemples du vacarme que ces animaux « sonores » doivent subissent au quotidien. Si cet enfer de bruit continue de croître, alors … ne pouvant plus véritablement communiquer ni se diriger, les mammifères marins seraient à terme condamnés à errer au petit bonheur dans le brouillard permanent du monde des Océans ! Un déclin inéluctable. Une découverte ! Winner of the Dimitri Rebikoff Prize for Innovation at the Marseille underwater Film Festival 2012 Winner of the First Prize “Blue Wave”, youth jury, Festival of the 7th Art and Sciences 2013 59 NATURE & ENVIRONMENT 60 Nature & Environment Length: 9x110’ or 18x52’ D i r e c to r s : Herlé Jouon Antoine Laura Laïla Agorram Héléna Modotti Gil Kébaïli Philippe Lespinasse Producer: Grand Angle Productions Tournez S’Il Vous Plaît Antipode Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2013 - 2015 Language v e r s i o n s ava i l a b l e : French & English 110’ NATURE 110’ Nature They are territories unique in the world, natural jewels preserved, where people are at one with stunning landscapes. These destinations make up a collection of “geographical jewels”. This collection of 110’ films shares the intimacy of some rare or secret activities. It reveals the unknown faces of these territories while celebrating the breathtaking beauty of nature by casting a fresh look on the world... Ce sont des territoires uniques au monde, des joyaux naturels préservés où les hommes se mêlent à des paysages stupéfiants. Ces destinations constituent une collection de “bijoux géographiques”. Dans l’intimité d’activités insolites ou secrètes, révélant des faces méconnues de tous ces territoires, et célébrant la beauté à couper le souffle de la nature, la collection des 110 minutes apporte un nouveau regard sur le monde... AN ON-GOING COLLECTION Keepers of our Lighthouses Gardiens de nos Phares Vanuatu, paradise in danger Vanuatu, paradis en sursis English version available Mysterious Islands Les îles mystérieuses English version available The Seine Estuary L’Estuaire de la Seine English version available Cotentin, the power of the sea Cotentin, la force de la mer The lovers of the Bay of Arcachon Les amoureux du Bassin d’Arcachon English version available Antilles, the Nature of the islands Antilles, la nature des îles English version availabl e Brittany, the promise of the islands Bretagne, la promesse des îles English version available Polynesia, in their heart Polynésie, au coeur English version available 61 Nature & Environment Length: 46’ D i r e c to r : Nathalie Laville & Jacques Plaisant Producer: Tournez S’il Vous Plaît Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2015 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English GREEN PARIS Paris Vert A big vegetable garden at the foot of the Eiffel tower, a nature zone where once there were train tracks, a primary forest and a savannah in Vincennes and in Boulogne’s woods architecture and plants blend perfectly. Paris reveals its surprising green areas. This path of discovery is full of surprises. Who would have thought it possible to grow lettuce on rooftops in Paris’s chic neighborhoods? Yet this is one of the harvests from the garden of a prestige hotel next to the Eiffel Tower. This garden is highly domesticated, unlike the wild environment created on the former train line circling Paris with its wild fig trees and small wildlife. This biodiversity is a treasure. Natural environments have also been developed to the East, in the Vincennes Woods, for example this primary forest born after a great storm hit. And there is this wild savannah, which was been planted by the Vincenne Zoological Park’s landscape design staff. Our adventure comes to an end in the Boulogne Woods, in the Jardin d’acclimatation. Here wildlife marries perfectly with the new Foundation Louis Vuitton, designed by the architect Franck Gehry. The blend of plant life with the museum’s glass facades is spectacular. Un grand potager au pied de la Tour Eiffel, une zone sauvage là où les trains ne passent plus, une forêt primaire près d’une savane du côté de Vincennes, et une nature mise en scène au bois de Boulogne : Paris nous dévoile sa verdure nouvelle et étonnante. Une découverte pleine de surprises. Qui pourrait croire qu’il est possible de cultiver des salades sur les toits des quartiers chics ? C’est pourtant une des récoltes du potager d’un grand hôtel situé au pied de la Tour Eiffel. Une nature domestiquée, aux antipodes de celle que l’on trouve sur les voies ferroviaires abandonnées de la petite ceinture, avec ses figuiers sauvages et ses fouines. Un trésor de biodiversité. Le monde sauvage se développe aussi à l’Est, au bois de Vincennes, comme cette forêt primaire née des suites d’une tempête, ou cette savane, en réalité cultivée par les jardiniers du parc zoologique. Notre aventure se termine au Bois de Boulogne dans le Jardin d’acclimatation, jouant de ses verres, la Fondation Louis Vuitton construite par l’architecte Franck Gehry s’intègre de manière spectaculaire dans son écrin de verdure. 62 Nature & Environment Length: 53’ D i r e c to r : Pierre Belet Producer: Grand Angle Productions & Archipel Production Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2015 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English VANUATU, LABORATORY OF CLIMATE CHANGE Vanuatu, le laboratoire des bouleversements climatiques Winds of over 300 kmh. On March 13 2015, Cyclone Pam ripped through Vanuatu with devastating power. This distant archipelago in the South Pacific is in the minds of the entire world. However, for Science, Vanuatu is the focal point of our concerns. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, coastal erosion, global warming, this Eden made of coral and ash is a veritable laboratory of environmental upheaval and natural disaster. At the heart of the storm are four men: a journalist from Vanuatu, a volcanologist, an explorer and a humanitarian worker trying to understand, raise awareness and rebuild this paradise that, more than anywhere else, is the victim of the forces of nature. Des vents à plus de 300 km/h. Le 13 mars 2015, le cyclone Pam d’une puissance extrême dévaste le Vanuatu. Cet archipel isolé du Pacifique sud se rappelle au Monde entier. Mais pour la science le V anuatu est bien au cœur de nos inquiétudes. Séismes, éruptions volcaniques, érosion côtière, réchauffement climatique, cet éden de corail et de cendres est un véritable laboratoire des bouleversements environnementaux et des catastrophes naturelles. Au cœur de cette tempête, quatre hommes, un journaliste vanuatais, un vulcanologue, un explorateur et un humanitaire tentent de comprendre, sensibiliser et reconstruire ce paradis victime, plus que partout ailleurs, des forces de la nature. Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Jenny Briffa Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: Canal+ Caledonia Copyright: 2015 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English Length: 17x48’ D i r e c to r : Martin Fournier Producer: Groupe PVP Coproducers: Radio Canada Copyright: 2013 - 2015 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English NATURE’S INVADERS Une Nature envahissante The damage caused by invasive species in New Caledonia is now reaching dramatic proportions: deer, ants and cats are wreaking havoc with its biodiversity. Even when tiny, like the little fire ant, they are able not only to destroy specimens that are unique in the world but also bring turmoil to human lives. Scientists even believe that these clandestine varieties are responsible for the sixth extinction crisis. Aujourd’hui, les dégâts provoqués par les espèces envahissantes en Nouvelle-Calédonie sont dramatiques : cerfs, fourmis, chats, ravagent la biodiversité. Petites soient-elles, comme les fourmis électriques, elles peuvent non seulement détruire des spécimens uniques au monde mais aussi bouleverser la vie des Hommes. Les scientifiques pensent même que ces variétés clandestines sont responsables de la 6ème crise d’extinction. OCEANIA Océania The TV series OCEANIA presents journeys and encounters that aim to explore the world through its streams, rivers, seas and oceans. Sail away with journalists and learn all about marine life found on our incredible blue planet! You will meet individuals who live and work in these unusual, idyllic and, in some cases, ecologically threatened areas, and discover hitherto unseen facets of our vast water bodies, thanks to OCEANIA. OCÉANIA est une série de voyages et de rencontres qui part à la découverte du monde à travers les cours d’eau, les rivières, les fleuves, les mers et les océans qui le composent. Laissez-vous emporter par les voyages de journalistes ayant navigué et appris à connaître la vie aquatique de notre fabuleuse planète bleue. Partez à la rencontre d’individus qui vivent et travaillent autour de ces lieux insolites, paradisiaques ou, pour certains, écologiquement mal en point, et découvrez de nouvelles facettes de nos vastes étendues d’eau grâce à OCÉANIA. 63 Nature & Environment Length: 88’ D i r e c to r : Nicolas Cennac Jérôme Mignard Producer: Antipode Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2013 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English THE FURY OF THE SEA Les colères de la mer At sea a storm represents the height of danger, and the most sublime of spectacles. But how can you capture the features of a phenomenon that by definition cannot be captured? By meeting those who have experienced it, fought it or even sought it. With three Vendée Globe skippers as our guides, this film takes us into the heart of the Gulf of Gascony, to South Africa, where mysterious freak waves occur, to the Southern Ocean so feared by mariners and to the United States where some even dive into the heart of hurricanes. En mer, la tempête est le plus grand des dangers, et le plus sublime des spectacles… Mais comment saisir les traits d’un phénomène par définition insaisissable ? En allant à la rencontre de ceux qui l’ont croisé, qui l’ont combattu, ou même cherché. Avec pour guides trois skippers du Vendée Globe, ce film nous entraîne au cœur du Golfe de Gascogne, en Afrique du Sud où surviennent les mystérieuses vagues scélérates, dans les Mers du Sud si redoutées des marins, et aux Etats-Unis où certains plongent au cœur des ouragans. Golden Twins Prize winner of the 7th FILMAR of Hendaye Length: 32’ D i r e c to r : Herlé Jouon Producer: Antipode Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2014 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English THE ICE-MAD ON THE SAINT-LAWRENCE Les givrés du Saint-Laurent The St Lawrence River is one of the most dangerous maritime routes to navigate on the planet. During the winter months, the Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker plows endlessly up and down between the Atlantic and Montreal to clear a passage for cargo ships. For three months we followed the daily lives of the crews of the Amundsen, one of Canada’s biggest icebreakers. The task of its crew is to free cargo ships trapped in the ice. However, the St Lawrence is not just a vital artery for the economy of Quebec, it also provides a formidable, open freedom for those who live along its banks. So our crew ventured onto the ice field together with some of those who are wild about the river. Rémi and his friends are experts at white fishing, an ancestral Amerindian technique consisting of tracking the fish under the ice. Every winter they set up a large, temporary village on the ice in the Saguenay fjord. Joannie steers between the drifting floes with the help of her ice canoe. Each adventure onto the river is an opportunity for her and her friends to measure themselves against the elements. We present a veritable epic ice adventure. A winter in Quebec with the ice-mad fans of the St Lawrence. Le fleuve St Laurent est l’une des voies maritimes les plus dangereuses de la planète en matière de navigation. Les mois d’hiver, les brise-glace de la Garde Côtière Canadienne le sillonnent sans relâche de l’Atlantique à Montréal pour ouvrir le passage aux cargos. Durant 3 mois nous avons suivi le quotidien des équipages de l’Amundsen, l’un des plus gros brise-glace du Canada. Son équipage a pour mission de libérer les cargos emprisonnés dans la banquise. Mais le St Laurent n’est pas seulement une artère vitale pour l économie du Québec, c’est aussi un formidable espace de liberté pour les habitants de ses rives. Notre équipe s’est donc aventurée sur la banquise en compagnie de passionnés du fleuve. Rémi et ses amis sont des adeptes de la pêche blanche, une technique ancestrale amérindienne qui consiste à traquer le poisson sous la banquise. Chaque hiver, ils installent sur la glace du fjord Saguenay un grand village éphémère. Joannie, elle, navigue entre les glaces dérivantes à l’aide de son canot à glace. Chaque sortie sur le fleuve est une occasion pour elle et ses copines de se mesurer aux éléments. C’est donc une véritable épopée glaciale que nous vous proposons. Un hiver au Québec avec les givrés du fleuve St Laurent. 64 Nature & Environment Length: 28’ D i r e c to r : Sébastien Mesquida Gildas Corgnet Producer: What’s up Productions Coproducer: ARTE Copyright: 2014 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English THE SANDMAN (CANADA: PROFITABLE OIL SANDS) Le marchand de sable In the North of Canada, the Indian land is now the home to the largest industrial project in the world: the exploitation of the tar sands, the new oil. Multinationals now draw nearly two million barrels a day, five million by 2030. But the ecological cost of extraction is so prohibitive that opponents rise up. The production of a barrel of crude from Alberta is ten times more energy intensive than a conventional barrel. This pollution threatens the major climate agreements of the planet. Canada even had to leave the Kyoto Protocol to extract its tar sands. In the heart of the boreal forest, the Indians find their land ransacked by the oil industry. Dans le nord du Canada, la terre des Indiens abrite le plus grand projet industriel au monde : l’exploitation des sables bitumineux, le nouveau pétrole. Les multinationales en tirent aujourd’hui près de deux millions de barils par jours, cinq millions d’ici 2030. Mais le coût écologique de l’extraction est si exorbitant que les opposants font bloc. La production d’un baril de brut d’Alberta est dix fois plus énergivore que celle d’un baril conventionnel. Une pollution qui menace les grands accords climatiques de la planète. La Canada a même dû quitter le protocole de Kyoto pour extraire son sable bitumineux. Au coeur de la forêt boréale, les Indiens voient leurs terres saccagées par l’industrie pétrolière. Length: 10x26’ & 4x52’ D i r e c to r : Geoffroy & Loïc de la Tullaye Producer: Biglo Antipode Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2012 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English Great Rift Expedition: Water, a Shared Treasure L’expédition Grand Rift : L’eau, un trésor en partage Brothers Geoffroy and Loïc are explorerswith a passion: water. They decided to travel from the Ugandan East-African Rift to Israel to meet both nomadic and settled populations. In five months, from the source of the Nile to the arid landscapes of the Near East, they travelled more than 13,000 kms in a side-car with just one question on their minds: Is there enough water on the Earth to support 9 billion inhabitants by 2050? Destinations: Uganda - Tanzania - Kenya - Ethiopia - Sudan - Egypt - Israel Geoffroy et Loïc sont deux frères explorateurs passionnés par les questions de l’eau. Ils ont décidé de longer le Rift Est-Africain d’Ouganda jusqu’en Israël à la rencontre des populations nomades et sédentaires. En cinq mois, des sources du Nil jusqu’aux pays arides du Proche-Orient ils ont parcouru plus de 13 000 kilomètres en Side-car avec une seule question en tête : Y-a-t-il assez d’eau sur Terre pour nourrir 9 milliards d’habitants d’ici à 2050 ? Destinations : Ouganda – Tanzanie – Kenya – Ethiopie – Soudan – Egypte – Israël Winner of the Bernardo Élis Trophy for the best environmental television series at the 9th FICA - International Festival of Environmental Film 65 Nature & Environment Length: 52’ D i r e c to r s : Emilio Pacull Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2012 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French, English & Spanish TALES FROM THE END OF THE WORLD Chroniques du bout du monde Antarctica. The glaciers and the mystery of this far-away and unknown land have always given cause to dream. And yet, Antarctica is not hospitable to people. Antarctica is beyond human norm. Its winds are super powerful, its temperatures the lowest in the world, its glaciers are fearsome. With my film crew I sailed aboard the Admiral Viel, a Chilean Navy icebreaker, for an exceptional voyage to the white continent. We had the good fortune and the dazzling experience of encountering the wild life, of sharing the lives of the sailors and scientists living in the most total isolation, surrounded by Nature at its most sublime. To see and to understand the exciting work these men and women accomplish every day in the protection of nature is to receive a simple, yet wonderful lesson in humanity. L’Antarctique, ces glaciers, les mystères de cette terre inconnue et lointaine, ont toujours fait rêver les hommes. Pourtant, l’homme n’est pas le bienvenu en Antarctique. L’Antarctique est hors normes humaines. Ses vents sont surpuissants, ses froids les plus bas du monde, ses glaciers redoutables. J’ai embarqué avec mon équipe de tournage à bord de l’amiral Viel, navire brise-glace de l’armée du Chili pour un voyage exceptionnel vers le continent blanc. Nous avons eu la chance et l’éblouissement de rencontrer la faune sauvage, de partager la vie des marins et hommes de science vivant dans l’isolement le plus absolu et avec la nature la plus sublime autour d’eux. De voir et comprendre l’émouvant travail de protection de la nature qu’accomplissent ces hommes et femmes tous les jours. Une simple et merveilleuse leçon d’humanité Length: 52’ D i r e c to r s : Emilio Pacull Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2010 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French, English & Spanish THE AUSTRAL ROAD La route Australe Along the narrow strip between the Andean Cordillera and the Pacific Ocean, Chilean Patagonia is one of the last virgin territories on the planet. A territory of extremes, composed of vast spaces, volcanoes, fjords, wind and rain. Its official title is “The Austral Road”, but Chileans also call it “Route Seven”, the Chilean “National 7”. This road, which was built in the 70s, crosses Chilean Patagonia from North to South and covers nearly 1,000km. A source of progress for the inhabitants, this road has, paradoxically, weakened the regions it runs though and renders the future of Patagonian Chile uncertain. The proliferation of fish farming, the projects to construct a series of hydroelectric dams and climate change bring the looming threat of unpredictable consequences. A visit to the heart of one of the last virgin territories on the planet where the power of nature contrasts with the fragility of the ecology. À l’étroit entre la cordillère des Andes et l’Océan pacifique, la Patagonie chilienne est l’une des dernières régions vierges de la planète. Un territoire des extrêmes, fait de grands espaces, de volcans et de fjords, de vents et de pluie... Oficiellement elle s’appelle “La Route Australe” mais les chiliens l’appellent aussi “ruta siete”, la “nationale 7” chilienne, cette voie construite dans les années 70 traverse la Patagonie Chilienne du nord au sud sur près de 1000 km. Source de progrès pour les habitants, cette route a paradoxalement fragilisé les régions qu’elle traverse et rend l’avenir de la Patagonie Chilienne incertain…La prolifération des fermes d’élevage en mer, les projets de construction d’une série de barrages hydroélectriques et le réchauffement climatique font peser sur elle des menaces aux conséquences imprévisibles. Visite au cœur de l’une des dernières régions vierges de la planète où la force de la nature contraste avec sa fragilité écologique… 66 Nature & Environment Length: 52’ D i r e c to r s : Franck Cuvelier Jean Christophe Cheneau Producer: Via Découvertes Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2010 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English MANGSEE DYNAMITE Mangsee Dynamite In the Philippines, the reefs, coasts and islets of the island of Palawan, the Straits of Balabak and the Sula Sea are amongst the richest in biodiversity on Earth. Some scientists claim that the entire submarine wildlife of the Pacific originated from this area. The coral is magnificent and the protected sites offer an incomparable vision of marine life to scuba divers from all over the world. However, since the end of the Second World War, Philippine fishermen have been fishing with dynamite all over the coral reefs of this marin Wild West.Today, far from diminishing, this form of fishing has taken on industrial dimensions and 50% of the coral has been destroyed, turning this underwater Eden into arid desert. We decided to share the lives of an isolated community on the microscopic island of Mangsee on the furthest edge of the Philippines and Malaysia. Consisting of Muslim refugees who fled from the wars in Mindanao and the tyranny of Al Qaida, this fishing community of 10,000 souls survives uniquely from and upon fishing with dynamite. We set sail on one of the many large fishing boats of the island with the crew of 20 to share the start of their two-month fishing campaign. We know we are witnessing the programmed end of an underwater Eden. Each explosion destroys a piece of coral and what floats to the surface, stunned or dead, reminds us of the most wonderful inhabitants of exotic aquariums. Au Philippines, les récifs, côtes et îles de l’île de Palawan, du détroit de Balabak et de la mer de Sulu sont parmi les plus riches en biodiversité de la Terre. Certains scientifiques prétendent que l’ensemble de la faune sous marine du Pacifique est originaire de ces parages. Le corail y est magnifique, et les lieux protégés donnent aux plongeurs du monde entier une vision sous marine incomparable. Mais depuis la fin de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale, les pêcheurs philippins pratiquent la pêche à la dynamite sur l’ensemble des récifs coralliens de ce Far West marin. Aujourd’hui, loin de diminuer, cette pêche a pris un tour industriel et 50% des coraux ont été détruits transformant ces paradis sous marins en déserts arides. Nous avons décidé de partager la vie d’une communauté isolée, établie sur la microscopique île de Mangsee aux confins des Philippines et de la Malaisie. Composée de réfugiés musulmans ayant fuit les guerres du Mindanao et la tyrannie de Al Qaida, cette communauté de pêcheur de 10 000 âmes, ne vit que de et par la pêche à la dynamite. Nous embarquons sur l’un des nombreux grands bateaux de l’île pour partager avec ses 20 hommes d’équipages le début des deux mois de leur campagne de pêche Nous savons que nous assistons à la fin programmée d’un paradis sous marin. Chaque explosion détruit un bout de corail et ce qui remonte à la surface, assommé ou tué, nous rappelle les plus beaux contenus des aquariums exotiques. 67 WILDLIFE 68 Wildlife Length: 3x50’ D i r e c to r : François Brey Patrice Desenne Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: ARTE Copyright: 2015 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English THE RETURN OF THE CAMELIDS Le retour des Camélidés From China to South America, in passing through the Sahara, caravan routes have been taken over by mechanized transport. Now camelids, camels, dromedaries and llamas, must be reconverted, to continue bringing life to the most arid regions of the world. They must support the millions of people who live there, and thus avoid a fatal exodus towards the outskirts of megacities. Going beyond the outdated image that often accompanies them, we visit 14 countries to explore these camelids - with or without humps ; to meet the men and women, farmers, entrepreneurs and researchers, who innovate and mobilize to create new industries, and thus allow the camelid family, symbol of adaption, resistance and economy, to play a major role in the modern world. The camelid revolution is advancing! 1 - The Princes with 2 humps They’re camels, they have 2 humps, and they can resist just about anything: arid deserts, extreme cold, extreme heat, salt water. For 1,500 years, they enjoyed their heyday on the Silk Road, from the orient to the occident. Some have even remained wild, even in the cruelest desert of the world. Where do they come from? Curiously enough, from North America - like their entire family, the camelids. Today, after centuries of indifference, man now views them with renewed interest. Scientists study their mysterious humps. Along with camel milk, they are the foundation of a new dairy industry. Their very fine hair competes with cashmere and wool, but they are also the guardians of the great nomadic tradition of the steppes. Travel along the Silk Road, Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan... as well as in Canada to discover these Princes with Two Humps! 2 - The Superdromedaries of the desert Dromedaries have a hump. For 4,000 years they allowed nomadic tribes to live in a very hostile environment. They are the ships of the desert. Saddle animals, pack animals, the dromedary provides man with its meat, milk, skin ... Where do they come from? Curiously from North America, like the entire camelid family. Today, with the disappearance of caravans, and the settling of peoples, they integrate into the modern world! The production of their milk has become intensive, and cheese is even made from it! The dromedary competes with the horse, with thoroughbreds racing on camel racetracks. It is the object of a high-tech reproduction, but its’ almost mythical rapport with man remains. Travel to Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, the Arab Emirates, India... and Switzerland, to discover the Superdromadaries of the Desert. 3 - The Gods of the Andes Historically, small camelids, humpless camels, have always served as valuable aids to the Andean populations. The llama and its domestic and wild cousins, the alpaca, vicuna and guanaco, provide wool and meat, and transport caravans on the Incan trails. Where do they come from? From the other America, the one to the north, like their entire family, the camelids. Mechanization, urbanization, and hunting have provoked their decline. Today, they are reclaiming their space, more and more. Thanks to the fiber of their fur, the alpacas and vicunas are conquering the world, and help communities to live. The alpacas have come back to the land of their ancestors! Wild guanacos, once more under protection, have become the « lords of the land” again. And for the Andeans, llamas, are still sacred and irreplaceable. Travel the Americas, Peru, Chile, Canada... and France to discover the Gods of the Andes! 69 Wildlife Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Gil Kébaïli Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2012 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English TRACK: UNDERWATER FEASTS Track : festins sous-marins Every year, Rob Torelli, famed spear fisherman from Melbourne, Australia, prepares for the opening of the abalone fishing season. In October the pressure mounts. He has to confront an obstacle of considerable size: the great white shark. Sabine is getting ready to join him, to share this unique and perilous moment. A few months later and a mere few cables lengths away, a fascinating spectacle is played out in secret below the water. Dozens, then hundreds and finally thousands of crabs gather together to assure their mutation. Sabine takes up a new challenge: make the rendezvous for this magical and exceptional event… Chaque année, en Australie, Rob Torelli, célèbre pêcheur de Melbourne se prépare à l’ouverture de la saison de la pêche aux ormeaux…En octobre, la pression culmine. Il doit faire face à un obstacle de taille: le requin blanc. Sabine s’apprête à le rejoindre, pour partager ce moment unique et périlleux. Quelques mois plus tard et à quelques encablures de là, un spectacle fascinant se joue en secret, au fond des eaux. Par dizaines, centaines puis par milliers, des crabes se rejoignent ici pour assurer leur mutation… Sabine se lance un nouveau défi, celui d’être à l’heure, pour ce rendez-vous magique et exceptionnel. Length: 55’ D i r e c to r s : Franck Grangette Jean-Marie Barrère Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: France 3 Canal+ Group Copyright: 2010 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English IN THE EYE OF THE CROCODILE L’oeil du crocodile In Madagascar, the tiny village of Ambalavuntaka lives in fear of killer crocodiles. For eight years, one or more creatures have been circling this tiny peninsula, isolated in the middle of the Pangalanes canal in the East of the country and each day they bring terror. In the last few years, five people have been eaten. As the canal is the only source of water, it’s impossible to lead a normal life… washing up, bathing or simply crossing the canal - all these simple, everyday acts have become a bold and risky adventure. They have stopped counting the number of cattle and poultry that have disappeared, victims of these fearsome predators. Too poor to buy a gun, the villagers are unable to defend themselves. But even if they did have a rifle, they would still be helpless against these monsters that have to be approached by water and hit in the eye to be sure to kill them. It’s a skill that only a few accomplished hunters possess. Responding to the call of such a terrible curse on this tiny village lost in the distant bush, a renowned young Madagascan hunter and a French crocodile expert join forces to try to rid this village of the plight the curse has brought upon it. A Madagascar, le petit Village d’Ambalavuntaka vit dans la peur des crocodiles tueurs. Depuis 8 ans, une ou plusieurs bêtes encerclent cette petite presqu’île isolée au milieu du canal des Pangalanes, à l’est du pays, et sèment chaque jour la terreur. Ces dernières années, cinq personnes ont été dévorées. L’eau du canal étant la seule source d’eau impossible de mener une vie normale ... faire la vaisselle, se baigner ou simplement traverser le canal, tous ces gestes simples du quotidien sont devenus une aventure téméraire et risquée. On ne compte plus le bétail ou la volaille qui disparaissent, victimes des redoutables prédateurs. Trop pauvres pour acheter une arme, les villageois sont incapables de se défendre. Quand bien même auraient-ils un fusil, ils resteraient désemparés face à ces monstres dont il faut s’approcher sur l’eau et atteindre l’oeil pour pouvoir les tuer à coup sûr. Une maîtrise que seuls quelques rares chasseurs chevronnés possèdent. Interpelés par la terrible malédiction de ce petit village perdu aux confins de la brousse, un jeune chasseur malgache répûté et un spécialiste français du crocodile vont unir leurs efforts pour tenter de sauver ce village désemparé de la malédiction qui pèse sur lui... 70 Wildlife Length: 50’ D i r e c to r : Corine Russo Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2010 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English WHEN THE MERMAIDS ARE SINGING Le dernier chant des sirènes Inoffensive and difficult to observe, dugongs are mysterious creatures. Although often described as unsightly, a number of myths and legends are attached to them, earning them the name of Sirenian. Little known to humans, the mermaid of the sea is now an endangered species. However, contact with fishermen and Torres Straits Islanders has helped us to understand their ancestral practices and the reasons why they continue ritual hunting. With some gripping contributions from scientists, this documentary is a beautiful story that turns the myth into reality. Inoffensifs et difficiles à observer, les dugongs sont des créatures mystérieuses. Souvent qualifiés de disgracieux, de nombreux mythes et légendes leur ont pourtant été attribués, et leur ont valu le nom de Siréniens. A peine connu des hommes, la sirène des océans est rituels de chasse. Grâce aux témoignages passionnants de scientifiques, ce documentaire est une belle histoire qui rend le mythe réalité. 71 SOCIAL ISSUES & HUMAN INTEREST 72 Social Issues / Human Interest Length: 6X26’ D i r e c to r : Carole Grigy & Manuela Daller Producer: Les Films Jack Fébus Coproducer: To be confirmed Copyright: 2017 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English Looking for international Pre-Sales FIRST STEPS AT THE OPERA Premiers pas à l’Opéra Ils sont camerounais, polonais, russe, guatémaltais, chinois, français… Ils ont entre vingt et trente ans. Ce sont les artistes en résidence à l’Académie de l’Opéra de Paris ; des chanteurs, musiciens, chorégraphes et metteur en scène venus de tous les pays et choisis pour leur excellence. Les rassembler en un même lieu est une expérience unique. La culture et la musique sont leurs atouts et leurs forces. Ils incarnent la diversité et le vivre ensemble, mais aussi une nouvelle génération d’artistes engagés. Ils parlent Mozart, Puccini, Verdi... connectés à Skype et aux portables. Ils sont le monde et les talents de demain. Avec eux, durant toute une saison, nous allons découvrir l’univers mystérieux de l’Opéra et le rendre accessible à tous. Nous allons vivre au rythme de leur apprentissage, de leur art, de leurs doutes et de leurs espoirs jusqu’à leurs premiers pas sur la scène de l’Opéra Bastille ou du Palais Garnier. Ce film est leur histoire. They come from Cameroon, Poland, Russia, Guatemala, China or France. They are between twenty and thirty years old. They are the artists in residence at the Academy of the Paris Opera. Singers, musicians, choreographers and directors from all countries, chosen for their excellence. Bringing them together in one place is a unique experiment. Culture and music are their trump cards and their strength. They embody both diversity and living together, but also a new generation of committed artists. They talk Mozart, Puccini, Verdi… via Skype and their cell phones. They are the world and the talents of tomorrow. Along with them, throughout an entire season, we discover the mysterious world of the Opera and make it accessible to all. We keep pace with their apprenticeship, their art, their doubts and hopes until they take their first steps on the stages of the Bastille or the Garnier Opera houses. This film is their story. UPCOMING 2017 Length: 52’ D i r e c to r s : Magali Serre Alexandra Jousset & Gratiane de Moustier Producer: Tounez S’il Vous Plaît Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2016 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English Looking for international Pre-Sales MAIDS: DOCILE AND INVISIBLE, A STORY ON DOMESTIC WORKERS Petites bonnes asiatiques, invisibles esclaves modernes In Asia, in the Middle East and even in Europe, in the privacy of families that can act with impunity, over fifteen million housekeepers are victims of slavery: exploited at will, abused, and sometimes raped, these invisible women are the sacrificed workers of the global economy. States, institutions, middlemen... no one is interested in change, despite a smouldering spirit of revolt. En Asie, au Moyen-Orient et même en Europe, dans l’intimité de familles impunies, plus de quinze millions de domestiques sont victimes d’esclavage : corvéables à merci, maltraitées, parfois violées, ces femmes sont les sacrifiées invisibles de l’économie mondiale.États, institutions, intermédiaires... personne n’a intérêt à ce que cela change. Mais la révolte gronde. UPCOMING JULY 2016 73 Social Issues / Human Interest Length: 53’ D i r e c to r : Sibylle Delaitre Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: KTO Copyright: 2015 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French THE CHRISTIANS OF IRAQ – LIVES IN EXILE Chrétiens d’Irak – Des vies en exil Driven from their homes a year ago by Islamic State, the Christians of Iraq lost everything in just a few hours: house, car, work, but, above all, they lost a part of their dignity. Today, they are settled in Erbil, in Kurdistan Iraq, the final refuge for this rejected minority. They live in camps, in buildings under construction or in caravans. This film takes us to meet Hanna, Zina, Mickaël and Ibrahim, all exiles against their will. Through their daily lives, they tell us of their vision for the future when they feel increasingly unwanted in their own country. They lost everything because they refused to give in to Daech’s terror tactics and renounce their faith. They all share the strength of their belief, their fears, their hopes, or, quite simply, their lives. Chassés de chez eux il y a un an par l’Etat islamique, les chrétiens d’Irak ont tout perdu en quelques heures à peine : leur maison, leur voiture, leur travail mais ils ont surtout perdu une partie de leur dignité. Aujourd’hui, ils sont installés à Erbil au Kurdistan irakien, dernier refuge pour cette minorité rejetée. Ils vivent dans des camps, dans des immeubles en construction ou dans des caravanes. Ce film nous emmène à la rencontre d’Hanna, Zina, Mickaël ou encore Ibrahim, tous exilés involontaires. A travers leur vie quotidienne, ils se confient sur leur vision de l’avenir alors qu’ils se sentent de plus en plus indésirables dans leur propre pays. Ils ont tout perdu parce qu’ils ont refusé de céder à la terreur de Daech et de renoncer à leur foi. Tous partagent la force de leur croyance, leur craintes, leurs espérances, leur vie tout simplement. Length: 50’ D i r e c to r : Martine Breuillaud Producer: PVP Coproducers: TV5 Canada Copyright: 2014 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English WOMEN OF THE MOUNTAIN Femmes de la montagne In Nepal, a country sandwiched between China, Tibet and India, women are still considered second-class citizens. However, three sisters are determined to make a difference and challenge conventions. Lucky, Nicky and Dicky Chhetri refuse to live by their home country’s sexist traditions and buckle under the weight of its customs. Founders of the association Empowering Women of Nepal, the Chhetris devote their time to improving living conditions for Nepalese women, helping them develop the necessary skills to take control of their lives and promoting gender equality. Femmes des montagnes delves into the lives of three sisters and their work with Nepalese women. Through their brave journey, we witness compelling moments as they break away from ancestral values, establish new benchmarks and confront their peers, as well as share their moments of reconciliation and personal fulfillment. Au Népal, pays cloisonné par la Chine, le Tibet et l’Inde, les femmes sont encore aujourd’hui considérées comme des citoyennes de seconde classe. Pourtant, trois sœurs sortent du lot pour oser briser les conventions : Lucky, Nicky et Dicky Chhetri, qui refusent de se soumettre aux traditions sexistes de leur pays d’origine et de courber l’échine sous le poids des coutumes. Fondatrices de l’association Empowering Women of Nepal, elles consacrent leur temps à améliorer la condition de vie des femmes népalaises, à leur donner les moyens de prendre le contrôle de leur existence et à promouvoir l’égalité des genres. Femmes des montagnes est une incursion dans la vie des trois sœurs et de leur travail auprès des femmes népalaises. À travers leur courageuse renaissance, on assiste à des moments prenants de détachement envers les valeurs ancestrales, d’intégration de nouveaux repères, de confrontation avec les proches, mais aussi de réconciliation et d’épanouissement. 74 Social Issues / Human Interest Length: 51’ D i r e c to r : Frédéric Jacovlev Producer: Antipode Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2014 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English YOGHURT, AS PURE AS SNOW? Le yaourt, est-il blanc comme neige ? There was a time when yoghurt was white and natural. A time when there was only one yoghurt… That time has gone with the arrival of mass consumption and the overriding need for originality The list is too long to mention them all: bifudus, farm, Greek, Bulgarian, brewed, fruit, soya, organic, flavoured yoghurts, etc. An investigation into the dessert business where brands compete to outdo each other in imagination in order to get a bigger slice of the cake. So what are the hidden elements that go into yogurt? Fermented milk, certainly, but also a lot more. Artificial flavors and colorants, milk powder, starch… all ingredients that are found in most of these little pots… with labels that are often a mystery… Is yogurt really good for health? Are there any differences between brands? We investigate the biggest market in the French food industry. Nature ou aux fruits, brassé ou mixé, grec ou normand, allégé ou gourmand, le yaourt a la côte… Et pourtant, il fut un temps où le yaourt était juste blanc. Un temps où l’expression « pot de yaourt » était une injure. Un temps où le yaourt se conjuguait au singulier… Mais cela c’était avant… Avant l’incroyable inflation de l’offre dans les rayons des hypers. Des centaines de références, des milliers de produits vendus… Mais depuis quelques années, un nouveau laitage trouve grâce aux palais des américains… Sur l’emballage de ce yaourt, on retrouve le mot magique… LE GREC ! Et le marché explose. Parti de rien, le yaourt Grec représente aujourd’hui 40 % des ventes aux Etats Unis… La raison du succès… sa composition. Comme il est enrichi en protéine, il est plus nourrissant, et surtout sans matière grasse… élément déterminant dans ce pays qui fait la chasse au Cholestérol. Désormais, le yaourt grec est aussi et surtout consommé entre les repas… On appelle ça le snacking… une nouvelle pratique alimentaire ! Mais alors, que se cache-t-il dans la composition des yaourts ? du lait des ferments lactiques mais aussi bien d’autre chose… Arômes de synthèse, colorants artificiels, poudre de lait, amidon… des composés qui sont présents dans la plupart de ces petits pots… aux étiquettes parfois bien mystérieuses… Les yaourts sont-ils réellement bon pour la santé ? quelles différences entre les marques ? Comment sont-ils conçus et fabriqués ? Enquête au cœur du plus gros marché de l’agroalimentaire français. 75 Social Issues / Human Interest Length: 56’ D i r e c to r : Lionel de Coninck Producer: Grand Angle Productions Code 5 Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions SVT Copyright: 2014 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English FUKUSHIMA Fukushima On March 11 2011, three of the four reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant exploded. A nuclear disaster that has « officially » caused the death of two people so far ; two workers at the nuclear plant who died after cases of devastating leukemia. But four years after the disaster, the truth surfaces little by little... The first patients, mostly children, have developed thyroid cysts. Hundreds of thousands of people would have been infected... And its consequences are not only dramatic for Japan. Radioactive particles have crossed borders, transported by air and water. On the west coast of the United States, some fish caught in the Pacific also bear traces of contamination. In Europe, concern focuses on products imported from Japan. In France and Switzerland, numerous tests are frequently conducted to ensure that radioactive food does not enter the market. Who are these sick children? What is the real extent of the contamination - for humans and the environment? Why does the Japanese government refuse transparency? Who are these citizens, journalists, or doctors from Japan, the US and Europe who are fighting for the truth to be known? An investigation into a nuclear scandal... Le 11 mars 2011, trois des quatre réacteurs de la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima Daiichi explosaient. Une catastrophe nucléaire qui officiellement, jusqu’à présent, n’a causé la mort que de deux personnes, deux travailleurs de la centrale nucléaire décédés à la suite d’une leucémie foudroyante. Mais 4 ans à peine après la catastrophe, la vérité apparaît peu à peu… Les premiers malades sont apparus, des enfants pour la plupart, porteurs de kystes sur la thyroïde. Des centaines de milliers de personnes auraient été contaminées… Et ses conséquences ne sont pas seulement dramatiques pour le Japon. Des particules radioactives ont traversé les frontières emportées par l’air et l’eau. Aux Etats-Unis, sur la côte ouest certains poissons péchés dans le Pacifique portent eux aussi des traces de contamination. En Europe, l’inquiétude porte sur les produits importés du Japon. En France et en Suisse, de nombreux tests sont faits fréquemment pour s’assurer que les aliments radioactifs n’entrent pas sur le marché. Qui sont ces enfants malades ? Quelle est l’ampleur réelle de la contamination, humaine et environnementale ? Pourquoi le gouvernement japonais refuse-t-il la transparence ? Qui sont ces citoyens, journalistes ou médecins japonais, américains ou européens qui se battent pour que la vérité éclate ? Enquête sur un scandale nucléaire… 76 Social Issues / Human Interest Length: 53’ D i r e c to r : Pablo Zubizzareta Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2013 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English SAINTE JEANNE DE LESTONNAC: OR DIE OR ACT Jeanne de Lestonnac : Ou mourir ou agir Jeanne de Lestonnac (1556-1640), member of the XVIth Century French nobility, niece of famous Humanist writer Michel de Montaigne and mother of five, one day decided to give it all up and fulfill the dream of her youth. She became the founder of the first female religious order devoted to education to be approved by the Church. For more than 4 hundred years her work has been spreading across the whole world. This film compares the life of Jeanne de Lestonnac and her founding ideas of the XVIIth Century with the current reality of the work of the Company of Mary Our Lady in various parts of the world. The film offers journeys. The first is a journey across time. We travel to meet Jeanne de Lestonnac by learning her story and revisiting the places that marked her life. The others are journeys across the world. Journeys to the different realities reached by this founding spirit from Bordeaux over four centuries, where it adapted and put down roots; where reality was transformed. Japan, Colombia and the Democratic Republic of Congo are the destinations we discover during this film. Jeanne de Lestonnac (1556-1640), membre de la noblesse de la France du XVI siècle, nièce du célèbre écrivain humaniste Michel de Montaigne et mère de 5 enfants, a décidé un jour de tout laisser et accomplir son rêve de jeunesse. Elle est devenue la fondatrice du premier ordre religieux féminin dédié à l´éducation approuvé par l´Eglise. Son oeuvre s´est étendue au monde entier durant plus de 400 ans. Ce film met en relation la vie de Jeanne de Lestonnac et ses idées fondatrices du XVIIe siècle avec l’actualité de l’oeuvre de la Compagnie de Marie à différents endroits du monde. Le film propose des voyages. Le premier est un voyage à travers le temps. Nous irons à la rencontre de Jeanne de Lestonnac en apprenant son histoire et en retraversant les lieux qui ont marqué sa vie. Les autres sont des voyages à travers le monde. Des voyages jusqu’aux différentes réalités où cet esprit fondateur de Bordeaux est arrivé tout au long de quatre siècles, s’est adapté et a planté ses racines; où une réalité a été transformée. Japon, Colombie et République Démocratique du Congo sont les destinations que nous découvrirons au long du film. Length: 53’ D i r e c to r : Doïna Harap & Iolande Cadrin Rossignol Producer: InformAction Coproducer: Télé-Québec Copyright: 2013 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English BODY LANGUAGE Ce corps qui parle Our body talks. Mastering body language gives a strategic edge to a wide range of professionals, from corporate executives, doctors, lawyers, to masters of martial arts, scientists, executives in insurance, financial institutions and law enforcement, customs officers and spies. The newest findings of neuroscience, psychology, and technology are changing the way we look at the connection between mind and body, and how we interact with each other. Our “nonverbal language” is now under scrutiny in all walks of life. Body Language exposes the power of nonverbal behaviour in areas we never thought of before. By the end of this journey, the viewer has discovered that the human body, moulded by hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, is still the most amazingly expressive medium in existence. And that new techniques for deciphering body language have wide ranging impacts on our personal lives and on issues as vital as world security. Quel rapport y a-t-il entre le sourire de la Joconde et le comportement d’un terroriste? Découvrez les secrets du langage corporel : de la côte ouest américaine à Tel-Aviv, en passant par le Québec, l’Angleterre et les Pays-Bas, Ce corps qui parle nous présente dans le vif de l’action des experts qui utilisent les nouvelles technologies pour mieux lire ce langage inconscient. Le corps humain, capable de saisir en un éclair l’état de son interlocuteur, est à la fois un puissant radar et un émetteur ininterrompu qui échappe à notre contrôle. Ce corps qui parle dévoile un monde de découvertes insolites, qui touchent toutes les sphères de nos vies. 77 Social Issues / Human Interest Length: 57’ D i r e c to r : Magali Serre Producer: TSVP Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2013 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English CORRUPT AFRICAN PRESIDENTS: END OF IMPUNITY? Bien mal acquis profite toujours : enquête sur un pillage d’états They are the new nabobs: African oil tycoons spend hundreds of millions of euros to quench their thirst for luxury. Mansions, jewels, highend cars, there is nothing beyond their reach. But the money they spend is not theirs: they divert oil wealth at the expense of their peoples, who remain in an appalling state of underdevelopment. Brought before the French courts after a complaint from an NGO, some of their personal property has been seized by judges before whom they refuse to appear, but the noose is tightening. An exceptional document consisting of a three-year investigation in France, USA and Africa, with a focus on Théodorin Obiang in Equatorial Guinea and Ali Bongo in Gabon, demonstrates the dubious origin of their wealth, the reality of their lifestyle, the misery of their people. Ce sont les nouveaux nababs : les rois du pétrole africain dépensent des centaines de millions d’euros pour satisfaire leurs goûts de luxe. Hôtels particuliers, bijoux, voitures d’exception, ils ne se refusent vraiment rien. Mais l’argent qu’ils dépensent n’est pas leur : Ils détournent la manne pétrolière, au détriment de leurs peuples, qui restent dans un scandaleux sous-développement. Poursuivis devant la justice après la plainte d’une ONG, certains de leurs biens personnels sont saisis par les juges, devant lesquels ils refusent de se présenter. Mais l’étau se resserre. Un document exceptionnel : Trois ans d’enquête en France, aux USA, en Afrique, sur Théodorin Obiang, pour la Guinée équatoriale, et sur Ali Bongo, pour le Gabon, démontrent l’origine douteuse de leur fortune, la réalité de leur train de vie, la misère de leur peuple.. Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Hervé Corbière Producer: Antipode Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2013 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English IN THE LAND OF THE TURTLES Au pays des tortues Bora Bora is the pearl of the Pacific… the most beautiful of lagoons… the most beautiful white sand beaches… the most beautiful hotels in French Polynesia. However, behind the picture postcard images lurks the biggest traffic in turtle meat in the South Pacific. Teva agreed to take us aboard his potimararaa fast, powerful boat that can handle any sea and shake off any pursuer. Teva is a fisherman on Bora, but when fish are rare, he won’t hesitate to poach turtles. Every week some 80 to 100 turtles are killed in Polynesia to end up on the plates of rich Tahitian worthies. A veritable organised network as André Frémont, deputy procurator, has realised: “I used to believe that it was an occasional hunt during festival periods. But last week we discovered 700 kilos on Bora. It’s not one turtle now and then: it’s a huge and very lucrative hunt.”Michel Arakino eats turtle meat but doesn’t deal in it. Owner of an atoll in the east of the Tuamotus, he’s an impressive man tattooed to his fingertips. Honu the turtle is “in his genes, his flesh… it’s not an animal for tourists, it is closely linked to the Polynesian nation, to the customs and uses of this people.” For Michel “all the regulations imposed by Paris are hot air.customs and uses of this people.” Bora Bora, c’est la perle du Pacifique… Mais derrière la carte postale se cache aussi le plus gros trafic de viandes de tortues du Pacifique Sud… Teva a accepté de nous embarquer à bord de son potimarara, un bateau puissant et rapide capable d’affronter n’importe quelle mer et de semer n’importe quel poursuivant… Teva est un pêcheur de Bora... mais quand le poisson se fait rare, il n’hésite pas à braconner des tortues. Chaque semaine c’est entre 80 et 100 tortues qui sont tuées en Polynésie pour finir dans les assiettes de riches notables tahitiens… Une véritable filière organisée comme le constate André Frémont, substitut du procureur : « Je pensais que c’était une chasse épisodique pendant les périodes de fêtes. Mais la semaine dernière nous avons trouvé 700 kilos à Bora… Ce n’est pas une tortue de temps en temps, c’est une chasse importante et très lucrative ». Michel Arakino est consommateur de viande de tortue mais n’en fait pas commerce… Honu, la tortue fait « partie de ses gènes, de sa chair… ce n’est pas un animal pour touristes, elle est étroitement liée à la nation polynésienne, aux coutumes et aux us de ce peuple ». 78 Social Issues / Human Interest L ength : 59’ D irector : M agnus Ö hrlund M ikael S andberg P roducer : F avela F ilms C oproducers : SVT C opyright : 2012 L anguage available : Swedish with english subtitles & German C ountry : Sweden Length: 52’ D i r e c to r s : Alic Bonneton Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: KTO Copyright: 2012 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English ROXETTE, IT ALL BEGINS WHERE IT ENDS With 33 chart busting singles, 4 number one hits on the US Billboard and record sales exceeding 75 million, Roxette is one of the biggest pop sensations in the world. In 2002, at the peak of their career, a tragedy hit the band overnight when Marie collapsed in her home. The doctors discovered a massive tumour in her head and this was a beginning of a 8 year long journey towards recovery. Unexpectedly in 2009, Marie stepped on stage during Per Gessle´s Party Crasher Tour. They played together for the first time in 8 years and the response was overwhelming. In the beginning of 2011 Roxette reunited and went on a small tour with 6 planned concerts. What they did not know then, was that this tour was to go on for more than 19 months and 150 sold out concerts. Favela Film presents an up close and exclusive journey with one of the greatest pop bands of our generation. Favela was invited to travel along Per, Marie and the band around the world to capture the “comeback that wasn’t meant to be”. In this documentary you get an inside view on Roxette’s creative process and how they became the hit--making machine they are. THE COMMON LOT Le commun des mortels Light at the end of the tunnel, dear ones greeting us, a feeling of eternal well-being… More and more people who have returned from death’s door claim they have experienced a Near Death Experience. Given their bizarre similarities with certain notions of the Christian faith, the Catholic Church is in the witness box. What do these NDEs mean? Do they confirm or contradict the Christian faith? Should we take a fresh look at our notions of judgement, hell, purgatory and paradise? Witnesses, scientists and clerics give their views and lift a corner of the veil. A film to see further… and clearer. Une lumière au bout du tunnel, des êtres chers qui nous accueillent, une sensation de bien-être infini… Revenues à la vie in extremis, de plus en plus de personnes affirment avoir vécu ce qu’on appelle une Expérience de Mort Imminente (EMI ou Near Death Experience). Devant leurs étranges similitudes avec certaines notions de la foi chrétienne, l’Eglise catholique est interpellée. Quel sens donner à ces EMI ? Viennent-elles confirmer ou contredire la foi chrétienne ? Doit-on renouveler notre regard sur les notions de jugement, d’enfer, de purgatoire et de paradis ? Des témoins, des scientifiques et des hommes d’Eglise s’expriment et lèvent un coin du voile. Un film pour voir plus loin… et plus clair. 79 Social Issues / Human Interest Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Hervé Corbière, Nicolas Buray Producer: Antipode Coproducer: France Télévisions RTBF Copyright: 2012 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English WHEN SHARKS ATTACK Quand les requins attaquent Are those giant predators of the oceans and heroes of horror films maneating sharks back off our coastlines? Maybe they are… Because Jaws has struck again in South Africa: a surfer was eaten by a Great White on “Second Beach”, one of the most dangerous beaches in the world. Sharks are attacking ever more frequently… and creating more and more victims… and it’s the Great White that heads the list of the most dangerous species in the world: 404 attacks… ahead of the Tiger Shark: 157… and the Bull Shark: 121. In fact, it was the latter that was responsible for the death of Mathieu Schiller on Reunion in October. The findings of researchers are worrying because the number of attacks has more than doubled in thirty years. The finger of suspicion is pointing at human activity… and in particular at shark feeding, a tourist attraction that is often indispensible to the local economy. Grands prédateurs des océans et héros des films à grands frissons, les requins mangeurs d’hommes sont-ils de retour près des côtes ? Peut être bien… Car les dents de la mer ont de nouveau frappé en Afrique du Sud… un surfer s’est fait dévoré par un grand requin blanc sur la plage de « Second Beach … une des plages les plus dangereuses du monde… les requins attaquent de plus en plus souvent…et font de plus en plus de victimes… et c’est le requin blanc qui arrive en tête des espèces les plus dangereuses du monde… 403 attaques… devant le requin tigre…157 et le requin bouledogue …121. C’est justement ce dernier qui est à l’origine de la mort de Mathieu Schiller à la Réunion au mois d’Octobre. Le bilan des chercheurs est inquiétant car le nombre de cas d’attaques a plus que doublé en trente ans. Les activités humaines sont pointées du doigt… Et notamment le shark feeding, une attraction touristique souvent indispensable à l’économie locale Length: 54’ D i r e c to r : Carole Greco Camille Robert Producer: Tournez S’il Vous Plait Coproducer: M6 Copyright: 2012 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English LONDON, CAPITAL UNDER STRAIN Londres, capitale sous tension London is now the capital that boasts the most glaring inequalities: it counts 40 billionaires, but the number of homeless people who haunt its lower-class neighbourhoods grew by 80% last year. Crisis or no, the City paid its traders more than 5 billion euros in bonuses in 2011, yet the lowest salaries in the city rose by only 0.1%. And in the poorest districts petty crime has become radicalised, with the knife being the common method of settling scores between gangs. So the city is now seething with anger at the announcement of the British Government’s austerity plan. This documentary sets out to meet the Londoners who never meet each other. A Londres est aujourd’hui la capitale qui affiche les inégalités les plus criantes : elle compte plus de 40 milliardaires, mais le nombre de SDF qui hantent ses quartiers populaires a augmenté de 80% l’an dernier. Crise ou non, la City a versé à ses traders plus de cinq milliards d’euros de bonus en 2011, mais les salaires les plus bas de la ville, n’ont augmenté que de 0,1%. Et dans les districts les plus pauvres, la délinquance s’est radicalisée, le recours au couteau étant devenu courant dans les règlements de comptes entre gangs rivaux. Du coup, la ville gronde de colère à l’annonce du plan d’austérité du gouvernement britannique. Notre document part à la rencontre de Londoniens qui ne se croisent jamais. 80 Social Issues / Human Interest Length: 73’ D i r e c to r s : Laurent Tchung-Ming Carole Greco Producer: Tournez S’il Vous Plait Coproducers: M6 Copyright: 2011 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English FEMALE CUSTOMERS Quand les femmes payent pour être aimées In this coverage, we propose a report on the sex business designed for female customers. Do women “go to men” the same way men “go to women”? What are the latest female behaviours in relation to the escortboys business? What is happening on the Internet? What does “TBM” mean? Are these “customers” single women, nymphomaniacs or simply emancipated women seeking new experiences? Who are they: young, mature, wealthy, middle-class? What does it tell us about the changes in society, and more specifically about women’s sexuality? While we follow a few escort-boys, entry point to their customers, we will analyze this new female behaviour and describe the uses and rules of what these men consider to be a genuine job. We will show its economy, in relation to the development of a new market (escort-boys agencies in Switzerland, “sexy” massages in Belgium). We will describe the surprising practices of certain women registered on dating websites and dealing with money. Fifty-year-old women who are seeking partners will tell us why they finally decided to take the plunge… Loneliness, emotional and sexual deprivation, but also the thrill of experience for the younger ones, who see it as a sexuality course or simply as a game… Notre reportage propose une enquête sur le marché du sexe tarifé à destination des femmes. Les femmes vont-elles « aux garçons » comme les hommes « vont aux filles » ? Quels sont les nouveaux comportements féminins devant les propositions des escorts-boys ? Que se passe-t-il sur internet ? Que veut dire ‘TBM’ ? Ces « clientes » sont elles des femmes seules, des nymphomanes ou tout simplement des femmes libérées en recherche de nouvelles expériences ? Qui sont elles, jeunes, mûres, aisées, issues de la classe moyenne ? Que nous apprennent-t-elle de l’évolution de la société et notamment des femmes en matière de sexualité ? A travers le suivi de plusieurs escort-boys, porte d’entrée vers leurs clientes, nous decrypterons ce nouveau comportement féminin et décrirons les usages, les règles de ce que ces hommes considèrent comme un véritable métier. Nous montrerons son économie, avec le développement d’un marché (les agences d’escort-boys en Suisse, les massages ‘sexy’ en Belgique). Nous décrirons les pratiques surprenantes de certaines femmes inscrites sur les sites de rencontre, qui proposent de l’argent. Cinquantenaires en mal de rencontre raconteront pourquoi elles se sont décidées à franchir ce pas... Solitude, misère affective et sexuelle, mais aussi goût de l’expérience pour les plus jeunes, qui y voient des cours de sexualité ou juste un moment de jeu.... Length: 55’ D i r e c to r : Patrick Remacle Producer: Triangle 7 Coproducer: RTBF Copyright: 2011 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English HUNTING MLADIC: INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE AT WORK Sur la piste de Mladic, une plongée dans la justice internationale Central to the film is a man with the status of a head of state, Serge Brammertz, prosecutor of the ICTY, the International Criminal Tribunal for Ex-Yugoslavia. His obsession has been finally to obtain the arrest of General Ratko Mladic, responsible for the massacre at Srebrenica. Patrick Remacle’s film takes us behind the scenes of a dramatic event in European history, the last genocide in Europe and the political lessons to be learned from it. On may 26th 2011, Ratko Mladic was arrested. Serge Brammetz’s stubborn determination and hard work have finally paid off. Another step forward for the establishment of a true system of international justice. Au coeur du film, un homme au statut de Chef d’Etat, Serge Brammertz, le Procureur du TPIY, le Tribunal pénal International pour l’Ex-Yougoslavie. Son obsession obteir enfin l’arrestation du Général Ratko Mladic, l’organisateur du massacre de Srebrenica. Le film de Patrick Remacle nous entraîne et nous plonge dans les coulisses d’une page dramatique de l’histoire européenne celle du dernier génocide perpétré en Europe et des leçons politiques à en tirer. Le 26 mai 2011, Ratko Mladic est arreté, l’obstnation et le travail de Serge Brammertz porte enfin leurs fruits, un nouveau pas pour la mise en place d’une véritable justice internationale 81 Social Issues / Human Interest Length: 55’ D i r e c to r : Philippe Lespinasse Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2011 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English BLOOD OF NIGERIA Le Sang du Nigeria For fifty years Nigeria has been an el dorado for oil companies from all over the world. An El Dorado and a hell. In this fourth largest producer in OPEC, profits are colossal, but in the most extreme conditions of violence and injustice. Hostage taking, corruption, attacks, massive pollution and destruction of the environment are the other face of this industry. Today, the Niger delta is one of the most dangerous regions in the world. The country that is the most populated in Africa is a very sick giant. We crisscrossed the mangroves in every direction to encounter the locals, the militants and the hostage takers. We were taken aboard an oilrig off the coast where engineers and technicians drill ever deeper below the water. On land we filmed an incredible illegal refinery, pirated pipelines, the oil research centre that remains mere foundations in the forest and villages without water, electricity or gas and yet crisscrossed with dozens of pipe lines. We played cat and mouse with the law to film massive torchings, forgotten pollution and to meet locals, hostages to colossal stakes. Buried beneath the earth for millions of years, Nigeria’s oil is now the world’s energy. It is the bounty and the curse of the country. It enriches the oil companies, allows developed economies to grow even more, fuels our factories, our cars, our planes and our rockets, but it doesn’t feed its own people. Depuis cinquante ans, le Nigeria est un eldorado pour les compagnies pétrolières du monde entier. Un eldorado et un enfer. Dans le quatrième pays producteur de l’OPEP, les profits sont colossaux, mais dans des conditions extrêmes de violence et d’injustice. Prises d’otages, corruption, attaques, pollution massive et destruction de l’environnement sont l’envers de cette industrie. Le delta du Niger est aujourd’hui une des régions les plus dangereuses du monde. Pays le plus peuplé d’Afrique, le géant est très malade. Nous avons sillonné la mangrove dans tous les sens, allant à la rencontre des habitants, des militants, et des preneurs d’otages. Nous avons été reçus sur une plate-forme pétrolière, au large des côtes, où des ingénieurs et des techniciens creusent toujours plus profond sous l’eau. A terre, nous avons filmé une incroyable raffinerie clandestine, des pipe-lines piratés, le centre de recherche du pétrole resté à l’état de première pierre dans la forêt, et des villages sans eau, électricité, ni gaz, pourtant sillonné par des dizaines de conduites. Nous avons joué au chat et à la souris avec les forces de l’ordre pour filmer des torchages massifs, des pollutions oubliées, et pour rencontrer les habitants, pris en otage par des enjeux pharaoniques. Enfoui depuis des millions d’années sous la terre, le pétrole du Nigeria est aujourd’hui l’énergie du monde. Il est le trésor et la malédiction du pays. Il enrichit les compagnies, permet aux économies développées de croître encore davantage, alimente nos usines, nos voitures, nos avions et nos fusées, mais ne nourrit pas sa propre population. “Blood of Nigeria” won the FIGRA for Best Investigation last March 25th 2012 at Touquet, France. 82 Social Issues / Human Interest Length: 58’ D i r e c to r : Xavier Deleu Producer: Tournez S’il Vous Plait Coproducer: M6 Copyright: 2011 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English HELL’S ANGELS: BIKERS’ GANG Hell’s Angels : Gangs de motards Hell’s Angels, Bandidos… Although they are easily recognizable by their black jackets, these biker gangs are by far the most violent, secret and organized. They are rivals fighting to hold their territories. These biker gangs are a strange brew: their clubs are legal, but more than half of their members have trouble with the law. Police worldwide see them as drug and arms dealers, pimps, henchmen. When they agree to be filmed, they define themselves as a simple motorcycle club, whose values are directly inspired by the veterans of the American army: solidarity, fidelity, and even love. In fact they are brothers in arms, a parallel society, formed by misfits who choose to create a community that lives by its own rules. After exploring the biker tribes of Sturgis, Dakota, where 700,000 Harley Davidson meet up each year during a spectacular gathering, we manage to spend time with the Bandidos, during their biggest gathering held in France, before meeting the French branch of the club. We also follow them in Germany, where they are in trial against the Hell’s Angels, after both gangs were involved in a rival war. In Denmark, Copenhagen, a gang war for the control of the drug market has plunged the city in great violence, barely contained by the police. In ten years, at a global level, the Bandidos have superseded the Hell’s Angels, opening more than fifty clubs in Europe. For the first time, they agreed to open their doors to our cameras. Journey into the heart of a biker gang. Ce sont les blousons noirs. Mais les plus violents, les plus secrets, les plus organisés d’entre eux : Hells Angels, Bandidos... Ils s’affrontent pour tenir leurs territoires. Ces bandes de motards sont un étrange cocktail : Leurs clubs ont une existence légale, mais plus de la moitié de leurs membres ont des problèmes avec la justice. Pour les polices du monde entier, ce sont des trafiquants de drogue et d’armes, des proxénètes, des hommes de main. Quand ils acceptent de se laisser filmer, ils se disent être un simple moto club, dont les valeurs sont héritées des anciens combattants de l’armée américaine : solidarité, fidélité, et même amour. Ils sont en fait des frères d’armes, une société parallèle, formée de marginaux qui choisissent de former ensemble un groupe qui préfère vivre selon ses propres lois. Après une plongée américaine dans les tribus de bikers à Sturgis, Dakota, où 700 000 fans de Harley-Davidson se retrouvent de manière spectaculaire chaque année, nous avons pu passer du temps avec des Bandidos, lors de leur plus gros rassemblement européen, en France, puis dans un club français. Nous les suivons aussi en Allemagne, où un procès les oppose aux Hells Angels, après un règlement de compte entre les deux bandes. Au Danemark, une guerre des gangs pour le contrôle du marché de la drogue a fait basculer Copenhague dans une grande violence, que la police subit plus qu’elle ne maîtrise. En dix ans, les Bandidos ont supplanté les Hells Angels dans le monde, en ouvrant plus de cinquante clubs en Europe. Pour la première fois, ils ont accepté d’ouvrir leurs portes à notre caméra. Plongée au coeur d’un gang de motards. Length: 54’ D i r e c to r : Philippe Lespinasse Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2010 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English GHANA, COFFINS TO ORDER Ghana, Sépultures sur mesure The coffins made by the Ga Company represent the occupation of the deceased, his interests, his social status or whatever he meant to his loved ones. A greengrocer will depart in a tomato or an onion… A soccer player in a studded boot, a carpenter in a plane, a fisherman in a fish, a doting mother hen in a hen, and a cop in a cop. A fleeting and sumptuous funereal art, it all ends under the ground, but collectors are starting to get interested. Les cercueils de la société Ga représentent le métier du défunt, ses intérêts, son statut social ou ce qu’il représentait pour ses proches. Une vendeuse de fruits et légumes partira dans une tomate ou un oignon. Un joueur de football dans une chaussure à crampons, un menuisier dans un rabot, un pêcheur dans un poisson, une mère poule dans une poule, ou un policier dans un policier Art funéraire somptueux et fugitif, ils finissent sous la terre, mais les collectionneurs commencent à s’y intéresser. 83 Social Issues / Human Interest Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Xavier Deleu Producer: Tournez S’il Vous Plait Coproducer: M6 Copyright: 2009 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English EUROPE: BODIES FOR SALE Europe : Corps à vendre 20 cm-long scars across the stomach. Kidneys sold, bought and sometimes even stolen in hospitals. We’re not in India, nor China, but in Europe. Tens of poor people struck by the economic crisis are trying to sell their kidney as their only way to survive. Everywhere in Western Europe, patients are ready to pay the high price for organs they can buy from Ukrainian or Moldavian traffickers, an llegal trade controlled by doctors and surgeons exploiting the distress of both donors and receivers. In this documentary, major European traffickers reveal on hidden camera their prices, their incredible profits, and their methods to escape surveillance… Des cicatrices de 20 cm sur les flancs. Des reins vendus, achetés et parfois même volés dans les hôpitaux. Nous ne sommes pas en Inde, ni en Chine mais en Europe. Des dizaines de pauvres touchés par la crise cherchent à vendre un rein parce qu’ils ne s’en sortent pas. Partout en Europe Occidentale des patients achètent au prix fort des organes à des intermédiaires ukrainiens ou moldaves, un commerce illégal contrôlé par des médecins et des chirurgiens peu scrupuleux qui exploitent le désespoir des receveurs et celui des donneurs. Dans ce documentaire, les trafiquants qui tiennent le commerce d’organes en Europe dévoilent en caméra cachée leurs tarifs, leurs gains considérables et leurs méthodes pour échapper à toute surveillance… Length: 54’ D i r e c to r : Jimmy Leipold Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducers: France Télévisions Copyright: 2008 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English FOIE GRAS, INQUIRY AND STAKES OF A LUXURY PRODUCT Foie gras, enquête sur un produit d’exception Faced with pressure from anti foie-gras activists and the increasing number of regulations prohibiting force-feeding both in Europe and the United States, are we about to witness the disappearance of one of the most refined symbols of the French culinary art? An investigation into the tangled web of stakes hiding behind this luxury dish that we thought we knew everything about. Le foie gras ce sont des paradoxes, des idées reçues, des intérêts divergents dans un nouveau marché mondial mais aussi et surtout une histoire riche de plusieurs milliers d’années et un plaisir gourmand qui ne se dément pas, de Paris à New York, en passant pas Moscou, Tokyo ou Shanghai. Qui sont les nouveaux adeptes du foie gras ? Comment est-il préparé et consommé à l’autre bout de la planète ? Est-il toujours perçu comme un produit de luxe ? Quels sont les nouveaux savoir-faire, les nouvelles tendances gustatives ? Comment a-t-il acquis son statut gastronomique haut de gamme ? Autant de questions qui nous amèneront à enquêter dans des pays et des lieux très différents pour, au final, nous donner un aperçu original et varié de l’univers du fois gras aujourd’hui. 84 DOCU DRAMA & EDUCATIONAL 85 Docu Drama / Educational Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Philippe Tourancheau Producer: Les Bons Clients Coproducer: SEREN CNDP France Télévisions Gédéon Programmes Copyright: 2010 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b a l e : French & English DARWIN (R)EVOLUTION Darwin (R)evolution While Galileo removed the planet Earth from the center of the universe, Darwin removed human kind from the center of creation, thus finding that humans have the same ancestors as monkeys – two scientific revolutions, two ways in which religious dogma was challenged. At the end of his life, Charles Darwin is telling us his life story. The aged Darwin answers the questions of journalist Adam Clayton and retraces the footsteps that led him to the publication of The Origin of Species twenty years earlier, in 1859. In this revolutionary work, Darwin put forward a radical theory that was taboo among his family, friends and all of the British bourgeoisie of the time, namely that evolution is the product of chance, and that therefore, God did not create humans. JeanPierre Marielle plays the role of the aging Darwin. He recalls the key moments of his research, with Alain Bouzigues as the young Darwin. This double narration is punctuated with commentary by Pascal Picq, a paleoanthropologist at the Collège de France, Pierre-Henry Gouyon, a naturalist at the French Museum of Natural History, and Thierry Hoquet, a philosopher from the University of Paris Nanterre. Si Galilée a retiré la Terre du centre de l’univers, Darwin, lui, a retiré l’Homme du centre de la création, lui conférant de fait des ancêtres communs avec les singes. Deux révolutions scientifiques, deux déstabilisations du dogme religieux. Au soir de son existence, Charles Darwin (incarné par Jean-Pierre Marielle) nous raconte sa vie à la première personne. Le vieil homme retrace le cheminement qui l’a conduit à la publication de L’Origine des espèces. Dans cet ouvrage aux idées (r)évolutionnaires, l’homme expose une théorie que sa famille, ses amis et toute la bourgeoisie anglaise de l’époque interdisaient : l’évolution se fait au gré du hasard… Ce n’est donc pas Dieu qui a créé l’Homme. Trois spécialistes, Pascal Picq, paléoanthropologue au Collège de France, Pierre-Henri Gouyon, naturaliste au Muséum d’Histoire naturelle de Paris et Thierry Hoquet, philosophe à l’Université de Nanterre, décryptent la théorie de l’évolution de Darwin pour la rendre accessible à tous. 86 Docu Drama / Educational Length: 51’ D i r e c to r : Gil Kebaïli Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2009 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b a l e : Frenchh, English & German MAPS OF THE GREAT EXPLORERS Les Cartes des grands explorateurs In this age of Google Earth our aim with this documentary “Maps of the Great Explorers” is to retell the exciting story of the representation of the world.The objects of fantasy and fear, but also of conquest and power, the “new worlds” have haunted men’s imaginations. The representation of the world has developed. To represent the new limits of a region, a country, a continent, or a sea was to control and sometimes even to possess it exclusively. The representation of the world, therefore, became one of the stakes for power and influence. The Republic of Venice, Portugal and Spain were at the forefront of these conquests. Such advances were impossible without instrumentation, the means of transport and positionfinding techniques. However, the essential link wads provided by men with mythic destinies. From Christopher Columbus to James Cook, they set out in search of these unknown lands and their exceptional resources. Out of a sense of mission, pure vocation, these famous discoverers tirelessly travelled the globe, its seas and its territories in the quest for knowledge, fame and fortune. A l’heure de Google Earth, notre ambition avec le documentaire « Les Cartes des grands explorateurs » est de revenir sur l’Histoire passionnante de la représentation du monde. Objets de fantasmes et de grandes peurs mais aussi de conquêtes et de pouvoir, les « nouveaux mondes » ont habité l’imaginaire des Hommes. La représentation du monde a évolué. Représenter les nouvelles limites d’une région, d’un pays, d’un continent, d’une mer, c’était maîtriser et parfois même, détenir en exclusivité. La représentation du monde devient ainsi un enjeu de pouvoir et de puissance. La république de Venise, le Portugal et l’Espagne ont été à la pointe de ces conquêtes. De telles avancées n’ont pu avoir lieu sans l’instrumentation, sans des moyens de transport et des techniques de positionnement. Mais le maillon essentiel réside dans des hommes aux destins mythiques. De Christophe Colomb à James Cook, ils sont partis à la recherche de ces terres inconnues et de leurs ressources exceptionnelles. Par sens de la mission, par pure vocation, ces découvreurs célèbres ont parcouru inlassablement le globe, ses mers et ses territoires en quête de connaissances, de gloires et de fortunes. 87 Docu Drama / Educational Length: 5x15’ D i r e c to r : Gil Kebaïli Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2008 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French, English Portuguese & German EXPLORERS Les Explorateurs The “Explorers” series shows how Europe plotted the maps of America and the Pacific between the 15th and 18th centuries. From these three prolific centuries of exploration, five illustrious characters stand out, standard bearers of some of the greatest voyages in the history of humanity. Five explorers for five films, each lasting 13 minutes: • Amerigo Vespucci from Genoa, who gave his name to the “New World”. • Magellan from Portugal, who, in the fury of the high seas, discovered the passage around this new continent and unlocked the door to a new ocean. • Bougainville from France, who made France’s first round-the-world trip in the footsteps of Magellan. • La Pérouse, who needs no introduction, was sent by King Louis XVI in response to the English domination of the seas. • James Cook from England, the most illustrious navigator-explorer of all time, who accomplished three trips to the Pacific in search of the Austral continent! La série des « Explorateurs » se propose de découvrir comment l’Europe a tracé les cartes de l’Amérique et du Pacifique entre le XV et le XVIIIème. De ces trois siècles d’exploration se dégagent cinq illustres personnages qui ont porté l’une des plus grandes épopées de l’histoire de l’humanité au cours de voyages souvent inhumains. Cinq explorateurs pour cinq films de 13 minutes chacun : • Amérigo Vespucci Vespucci le génois qui donnera son nom au “nouveau monde”. • Magellan le portugais qui découvre dans la furie des 40ème rugissants et des 50ème hurlant le passage qui contourne ce nouveau continent et ouvre la porte d’un nouvel océan. • Bougainville le français, qui accompli pour la France le premier tour du monde sur les traces de Magellan. • Lapérouse, que l’on ne présente plus, est envoyé par le roi Louis XVI en réponse à la domination Anglaise sur les mers. • James Cook l’anglais, le plus illustre des navigateurs-explorateurs de tous les temps qui accomplit trois voyages dans le Pacifique à la recherche du continent Austral! 88 DOCU SOAP 89 Docu Soap Length: 5x26’ D i r e c to r : Jean-Marie Barrère Producers: Triangle 7 Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions RTBF Belgium Copyright: 2010 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French ER VETS Urgences Véto Discover funny, poignant, touching stories… stories about human beings, stories about animals. To entertain and move are the objectives of this series of 5 x 26’ programmes that follows veterinarians, animals and their owners in the field, where stories, packed with life and passion, are born and played out. An immersion into the everyday lives of vets through reports that reveal those life and death moments as they unfold in clinics and vets’ offices, those unavoidable crossroads where veterinarians, animals and owners all come together. Découvrir des histoires drôles, poignantes, émouvantes, des histoires d’être humain, des histoires d’animaux. Distraire et émouvoir, tel est l’objectif de cette émission qui suivra durant 5 x 26’ des vétérinaires, des animaux et leurs propriétaires sur le terrain, là où se nouent et se jouent de nombreuses histoires empreintes de vie et de passion. Immersion dans le quotidien des « vétos » au travers de reportages portant sur la découverte de ces instants de vie et des enjeux qui se déroulent au sein des cliniques et cabinets vétérinaires, carrefours incontournables où se croisent et se rencontrent vétérinaires, animaux et propriétaires. Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Jean-Marie Barrère Producers: Triangle 7 Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions RTBF Belgium Copyright: 2010 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English ER VETS: Welcome to the Clinic Urgences Véto : Bienvenue à la clinique Doctor Bertrand is worried: his patient is suffocating. He calls his colleague, the duty surgeon, Doctor Brasseur. Interns and nurses stand ready. This is an emergency. Bao, a two year-old Golden Retriever, has swallowed a golf ball. In the next room, Godzilla, Mrs Fontaine’s iguana, is refusing to eat. Welcome to the veterinarian ER in Manages near Brussels. 6 doctors, 3 specialized veterinary assistants, several interns. Operating and examination rooms, a test laboratory, an X-ray room and a medical imagery system, human presence 24/7… You laugh, you cry, what you don’t do is get bored! Le Docteur Bertrand est inquiet, son patient est en train de s’étouffer. Il appelle son confrère, chirurgien de garde, le Docteur Brasseur… Les internes et les infirmières se tiennent prêts. C’est une urgence. Bao, un Golden Retriever de deux ans, a avalé une balle de golf… Dans la pièce d’à côté, Godzilla, l’iguane de Mme Fontaine, refuse de s’alimenter. Bienvenue aux urgences vétérinaires de la clinique Brasseur, à Manages, près de Bruxelles. 6 médecins, 3 ASV (auxiliaires spécialisés vétérinaires), plusieurs internes… Des salles d’opération et d’examen, un laboratoire d’analyse, une salle de radio et un système d’imagerie médicale, une présence humaine, 24h/24, 7 jours sur 7… On rit, on pleure, en tout cas, on ne s’ennuie pas! 90 Docu Soap Length: 52’ D i r e c to r : Jean-Marie Barrère Producers: Triangle 7 Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions RTBF Belgium Copyright: 2010 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French ER VETS: Home Visit Urgences Véto : Visite à domicile - Chief? There’s a call for you… It’s Mme Lemarrec… She wants to know if you can drop in? One of her 80 rats is sick. And two others are breaking out in sores. - Tell her I’ll call back. I can’t now… I’m busy with M. Lavigne. His iguana hasn’t eaten for two weeks… So M. Lavigne is depressed! Did you like Vet ER episode 1? Did you laugh or cry as you followed the adventures of Antoine, the young intern with the 12-man team at the Brasseur Clinic? Were you enthralled as you followed the surgeons on call 24/24 to treat and save animals? Were you amazed as you discovered one astonishing animal after another? Then you will love episode 2. Because they are back! And this time, even though the animals are still the stars, their owners reveal a little more of themselves. Passionate, funny, crazy, chatterboxes… By turns moving and unexpected, the owners put on their show before the eyes of the sometimes flabbergasted vets. And during all this time, the animals just sit around! Patron ? Un appel pour vous... C’est Mme lemarrec ... Elle voudrait savoir quand elle peut passer ? Il y a un de ses 80 rats qui a fait un malaise. Et il y en a deux autres qui ont des éruptions. - Dites-lui que je la rappelle. Là je ne peux pas... Je m’occupe de M. lavigne. Son iguane ne mange plus depuis 15 jours... Et du coup c’est Monsieur lavigne qui déprime ! Vous avez aimé Urgences Véto l’épisode numéro un ? Vous avez ri ou pleuré en suivant les aventures d’Antoine, le jeune interne stagiaire en immersion au coeur de la clinique Brasseur et de son équipe de 12 personnes ? Vous avez vibré en suivant les chirurgiens en mission en 24 heures sur 24 pour soigner et sauver des animaux ? Vous avez été épatés en découvrant des bestioles plus étonnantes les unes que les autres ?... Alors vous aimerez l’épisode numéro 2. Car ils reviennent ! Et cette fois, même si ce sont toujours les animaux les stars, les propriétaires tirent un peu la couverture à eux. Passionnés, drôles, déchaînés, bavards... Tour à tour émouvants et inattendus, les propriétaires font leur show sous le regard parfois ébahi des vétérinaires. Et pendant ce temps-là, les animaux comptent les points ! 91 FILLERS & AERIAL VIEW 92 Fillers & Aerial View Length: 16x26’ D i r e c to r s : Several Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2014 - 2016 From the Sky One moment in the sky, the next on the earth, this series casts an original eye over some destinations chosen for their beauty, their authenticity and their richness. Using both aerial passages and stops on the ground, this “aero-movie” reveals unique landscapes that are sometimes inaccessible in order to bring you up close to the people that live there. Destinations: Barcelona (Spain), Inland Saint-Tropez (France), Los Angeles (United States), Mexico, Naples (Italy), Andalusia (Spain), Stockholm (Sweden), New Caledonia, Alpes Maritimes (France), Senegal, Quebec (Canada), West of Scotland, Puglia (Italy), Ria of Etel (France), Gulf of Morbihan (France), Ile de Groix (France) En alternance entre ciel et terre cette série porte un regard original sur quelques destinations sélectionnées pour leur beauté, leur authenticité et leur richesse. Entre parcours aériens et étapes terrestres, cet « aero movie » dévoile des paysages hors du commun parfois inaccessibles, pour mieux approcher au plus près les peuples qui y vivent. Destinations : Barcelone (Espagne), Arrière pays de Saint-Tropez (France), Los Angeles (Etats-Unis), Mexique, Naples (Italie), Andalousie (Espagne), Stockholm (Suède), Nouvelle Calédonie, Alpes Maritimes (France), Sénégal, Québec (Canada), L’Ouest de l’Ecosse, Pouilles (Italie), Ria d’Etel (France), Golfe du Morbihan (France), Ile de Groix (France) 93 Fillers & Aerial View Length: 22’ D i r e c to r : Yannick Charles Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2012 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French, English & German ICELAND FROM THE SKY Couleurs d’Islande In autumn, Iceland changes its colours: after weeks of permanent quasi-daylightthe vegetation bursts out everywhere. Carpeted with moss and lichens, the lava flow on the flanks of the capricious volcanoes turns to fluorescent green. The same applies to the white of the glaciers and the deep blue of the fjords in the northwest. Seen from the sky, the panorama is breath-taking… and not only over the volcanic lands of the Landmannalaugar in the centre of the island with its seemingly unreal colours. Even though Iceland is a world apart, it is not apart from the world: for six months during the 18th century, the eruption of the Laki volcano brought about such changes in the skies of Europe that it prompted the fall of the King of France. From north to south, from east to west, at every stage of our journey we travel an island peopled by whale fishermen, courageous coastguards, atypical ecological activists and Russian tourists who think they are James Bond. Set in the middle of the North Atlantic, Iceland is more than an island, it’s a geological anomaly. For those who prefer nature to be raw and beautiful, the island is a formidable playground where the magma broods beneath the glaciers, where the land is gaining over the ocean or where hot water springs heat buildings, baths and swimming pools… A l’automne, l’Islande change de couleurs : après des semaines de jour quasi permanent, la végétation éclate de partout. Recouvertes de mousses et de lichens, les coulées de lave aux flancs des volcans capricieux passent au vert fluorescent. Idem pour le blanc des glaciers et le bleu profond des fjords du nord-ouest. Vu du ciel, le panorama est à couper le souffle ; et pas seulement du côté des terres volcaniques du Landmannalaugar dans le centre de l’île, aux couleurs quasi-irréelles. Si l’Islande est un monde à part, elle n’est pas à part du monde : déjà au 18 ème siècle, durant six mois, l’éruption du volcan Laki entraîna de tels changements dans le ciel d’Europe qu’elle provoqua la chute du Roi de France. Du nord au sud, d’ouest en est, au gré de nos escales, nous parcourons une Islande peuplée de pêcheurs de baleines, de gardes-côtes courageux, de militants écologistes atypiques, de touristes Russes qui se prennent pour James Bond... Au cœur de l’Atlantique Nord, plus qu’une île, l’Islande est une anomalie géologique. Pour les amoureux de nature rude et belle, l’île est un formidable terrain de jeu où le magma couve sous les glaciers, où la terre gagne sur l’océan, où les sources d’eaux chaudes irriguent bâtiments, bains et piscines... 94 Fillers & Aerial View Length: 4x27’ D i r e c to r : Yannick Charles Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2011 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French, English & German USA FROM THE SKY: East, West, South and Northwest Coasts Etats Unis vus du ciel : Côte Est, Côte Ouest, Côte Sud et Nord Ouest Filmed in HD, the “Coasts of the United States from the Sky” is a panoramic journey along a coastline that it is both one of the wildest in the world and one of the most sought after.To approach America from the sky, along its coasts, is a new way of discovering the extreme variety of marine landscapes of the United States. 20,000 kilometers of beaches, steep coastlines or swamps, from desert areas to the most urbanized of spaces. Few countries in the world can boast of such shores: the cliffs and sequoia forests of North California answer the long beaches of Florida, the Bayous and swamps of Louisiana contrast with the wild coasts of Maine. And the cities? Here we find the most amazing megalopolises of the planet: Los Angeles and New York. And there are many others too, such as San Francisco, New Orleans, not to mention Miami, San Diego, Seattle and Boston, strung along the American coastline. Great cities that buzz, seduce, revitalize. And the myths? Among the not-to-be-missed locations in the culture and history of the United States are, of course, Key West, right at the tip of the United States, the highly esteemed islands of Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard on the East Coast and, more popular, the seaside resort of Daytona and its world-famous motor racing circuit. And what can you say about Malibu, Venice or Manhattan Beaches, the most famous in Los Angeles, California? Filmées en HD, les « Côtes des Etats-Unis vues du ciel » est un voyage panoramique le long d’un littoral à la fois parmi les plus sauvages et les plus convoités au monde. Aborder l’Amérique depuis le ciel, le long des côtes : voici une manière inédite de découvrir l’extrême variété des paysages marins des Etats-Unis : 20 000 kilomètres de plages, de côtes escarpées ou de marais, de zones désertiques ou d’espaces ultra-urbanisés . Peu de pays au monde peuvent se prévaloir de tels rivages : aux longues plages de Floride répondent les falaises et les forêts de séquoias en Californie du Nord, aux Bayous et aux marais de Louisiane s’opposent les côtes sauvages du Maine. Côté ville ? Voici les plus extraordinaires mégalopoles de la planète : Los Angeles et New York . Bien d’autres villes encore telles San Francisco, New Orleans ou bien encore Miami, San Diego, Seattle, Boston... jalonnent l’espace côtier américain. Autant de grandes cités actives, séduisantes, toniques. Côté mythes ? Parmi les lieux incontournables de la culture et de l’histoire des Etats-Unis, il y a bien sûr Key West tout au bout des Etats-Unis, les îles très prisées de Nantucket ou Martha’s Vineyard sur la côte Est, plus populaire, la station balnéaire de Daytona et son circuit automobile connu dans le monde entier. Et que dire de Malibu, Venice ou Manhattan Beach, les plages les plus célèbres de Los Angeles en Californie ? 95 Fillers & Aerial View Length: 11x13’ D i r e c to r : Gil Kébaïli Norbert Evangelista Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2012 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English THE FRENCH COAST FROM THE SKY - 11x13’ Les côtes françaises vues du ciel - 11x13’ This collection consists of 11 films filmed entirely from the air. Bold shots supported by a precise and informative narration. Immediate boarding for a breath-taking spectacle on the frontier between the immensity of the seas and oceans and the continent. France: the world’s number one tourist destination. The rich medley of her landscapes enhanced by a centuries-old heritage, her coastline draped in the gold of her beaches, the sheer drop of her cliffs and her carpet of forests are evidence enough. Her shores are studded with casinos, luxurious hotels and sumptuous villas, sprouting from the sands in the Roaring Twenties. Her land of legends is bejewelled with mediaeval fortresses, ancestral castles and stunning architecture. The people of the French coasts, half-human, half-marine, hungry for wide horizons. Convoys of trawlers converging on the ports of dry land. Navigators and explorers whose names are forever engraved in the great History of France. Whether in long or close shot, the swell of the North Sea, the English Channel, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean are bewitching. They caress, and sometimes assault, nearly 3,500 km of coastline along which some 30 port towns and cities have been carefully selected. Our destinations: The North Sea and the Channel / Normandy / Normandy,Cotentin/ Northern Brittany / Brittany, the Iroise Sea / Southern Brittany / The Atlantic, Côte des Lumières [Coast of Lights] / The Atlantic, Côte d’Argent [Silver Coast] / The Mediterranean, Golfe du Lion [Lion Gulf] / The Mediterranean, Côte d’Azur / The Mediterranean, Corsica. Cette collection rassemble 11 films documentaires intégralement tournés en images aériennes. Des prises de vues audacieuses servies par une narration juste et didactique. Embarquement immédiat pour un spectacle époustouflant à la frontière del’immensité des mers et de océan et du continent. La France : première destination touristique au monde. Sa farandole de paysages rehaussés d’un patrimoine séculaire en témoigne. Son littoraldrapé de l’or de ses plages,de l’abrupt de ses falaises, du tapis de ses forêts l’atteste. Ses rivages sont perlés de casinos,palaces et villas somptueuses, sortis du sable aux années folles. Sa terre de légendes est sertiede forteresses médiévales, châteaux ancestraux, architectures stupéfiantes. Peuple des côtes françaises mi-homme, mi marinavides d’horizons. Convois des chalutiers convergeantvers la terre ferme et ses ports. Navigateurs, explorateurs aux noms à jamais inscrits dans la grande Histoire de France. En courte ou longue focale, les houles des Mer du nord, Manche, Atlantique et Méditerranée, subjuguent. Elles caressent, assaillent parfois près de 3500 km de côtessur lesquelles une 30aine de villes portuaires ont fait l’objet d’une soigneuse sélection. Les destinations : Mer du Nord et Manche/ Normandie/ Normandie Cotentin / Nord Bretagne/ Bretagne Mer d’Iroise/ Sud Bretagne/ Atlantique Côte des Lumières/ Atlantique Côte d’argent/ Méditerranée Golfe du Lion/Méditerranée Côte d’Azur/ Méditerranée Corse. 96 Fillers & Aerial View Length: 26x9’ D i r e c to r : Gil Kébaïli Norbert Evangelista & Yannick Charles Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2012 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & German THE FRENCH COAST FROM THE SKY - 26x9’ Les côtes françaises vues du ciel - 26x9’ To tour France by following her coastline -and in the air, too- is the guarantee of a wonderful voyage in three dimensions and between three worlds: the sea, the countryside and the city. Naturally, we fly above the 3,427 kilometres of coast. However, each film will have the same structure to satisfy the spirit of a “collection”. 26 city ports have been selected as staging posts along the journey. So, in addition to the sea and the countryside we will have cities. All these are ingredients that will add pace to the editing and diversity to our encounters. We set out on the discovery of a France not only rich in the forms of her coastline, but also in her territories bordering the sea and her city ports, often the focal points of a History that has marked the surrounding areas. Destinations: Aber Wrac’h, Dunkerque, Dieppe, Honfleur, Saint Vaast la Hougue, Le Croisic, Les sables d’Olonne, Rochefort, Bordeaux, Bayonne, Vendres, Sète, Marseille, Toulon, Porquerolles, Saint-Tropez, Nice, Monaco, Calvi, Ajaccio. Faire le tour de France en suivant son littoral, qui plus est dans les airs, c’est la garantie d’un merveilleux voyage en trois dimensions et entre trois mondes... celui de la mer, de la campagne et des villes. Bien sûr, nous survolerons les 3427 km de côte. Mais Chaque film aura la même architecture pour satisfaire à l’esprit d’une “collection” : 26 villes portuaires ont été sélectionnées comme des étapes marquantes à ce voyage. Donc, en plus de la mer et de la campagne, il y aura des villes. C’est autant d’ingrédients qui vont rythmer le montage et diversifier les rencontres. Nous partons à la découverte d’une France riche de ses reliefs côtiers, mais aussi de ses terroirs maritimes et de ses villes portuaires où se concentrent bien souvent des Histoires qui marquent les alentours. Destinations : Aber Wrac’h, Dunkerque, Dieppe, Honfleur, Saint Vaast la Hougue, Granville, Saint Malo, Saint Brieuc, Brest, Concarneau, La Trinité sur Mer, Le Croisic, Les sables d’Olonne, Rochefort, Bordeaux, Bayonne, Port Vendres, Sète, Marseille, Toulon, Porquerolles, Saint-Tropez, Nice, Monaco, Calvi, Ajaccio. 97 Fillers & Aerial View Length: 11’ D i r e c to r : Yannick Charles Producer: Grand Angle Productions PTS Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2011 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French & English THE YIN & THE YANG of TAIWAN Le Yin et le Yang de Taiwan Taiwan lies between the China Sea and the Pacific to the east of the Strait of Formosa. A secret island, with many, paradoxical facets. From Taipei, its capital and largest city in Taiwan, we fly towards the Strait of Formosa. 180 kilometres of sea and wind separate the People’s Republic of China from the island of Taiwan. In the middle of the Strait lies an archipelago: the Penghu Islands, more commonly known in Europe as the Pescadores Islands, a reminder that these islands were conquered by the armed vessels of the Spanish and Portuguese. For ages, these islands have been the stakes in violent territorial disputes. Pacified, the Pescadores are opening up to the world. Within this new context, the Pescadores are not without some trump cards: in this part of Asia, coasts as wild as these, are a rarity. Over there, on the main island, Taipei, the sprawling city, and the huge huge buzzing ports along the coasts. Here, the Pescadores, the desert islands. Obviously, from the air, the contrast is striking: it’s the Yin and the Yang of Taiwan. Entre la mer de Chine et le Pacifique, Taiwan se situe à l’est du détroit de Formose. Une île secrète, multiple et paradoxale. De Taipeh, capitale et plus grande ville de Taiwan, nous volons vers le détroit de Formose. 180 kilomètres de mer et de vent qui séparent la République Populaire de Chine de l’Ile de Taiwan. Au cœur de ce détroit, il existe un archipel : les Iles Penghu plus connus en Europe sous le nom d’îles Pescadores qui nous rappelle que ces îles furent conquises par des navires armés par des Espagnols et des Portugais. Longtemps, ces îles ont été l’enjeu de violents différents territoriaux. Pacifiées, les Pescadores s’ouvrent au monde. Dans ce nouveau contexte, les îles Pescadores ne manquent pas d’atout : dans cette partie de l’Asie, rares en effet sont les bords de mer aussi sauvages. Là-bas, sur la grande île, Taïpeh, la ville tentaculaire et les grands ports suractifs le long des côtes. Ici, Les Pescadores, les îles désertes. Evidemment, vu des airs, le contraste est saisissant : c’est le Yin et le Yang de Taiwan. 98 Fillers & Aerial View Length: 11x13’ D i r e c to r : Yannick Charles Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2009-2010 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French, English, German & FROM THE MEDITERRANEAN TO SOUTH AFRICA, SEEN FROM THE SKY De la Méditerranée à l’Afrique du Sud, vu du ciel It’s the most beautiful, the bluest, the hottest, the most desired and sometimes the most disputed. A synonym for conquest and exchange, the Mediterranean is laden with history and hopes. Seen from the sky its coastlines relate the epic adventures of a world gone by, the contradictions of a world on the march. Archaeological remains, island refuges for populations in transit, sublime cities, unspoiled natural spaces, the Mediterranean Sea is multiple and unique. Another destination on the edge of the Persian Gulf in Abu Dhabi where the Arab Emirate is constantly expanding and modernising. What other country in the world has changed so much these last thirty years? In the far south of the African continent another country continues to change: South Africa, with two oceans as its borders, the Atlantic and the Indian. From the Cape of Good Hope to the Namibian border, from Cape Town to the famous “garden route”, we soar above a magical country of magnificent and grandiose landscapes, of some of the most varied shores in the world. Morocco, Tunisia, Balearics, Malta , Italy , Mount Athos, Corfu & the Cyclades, Balkans , Abu Dhabi, South Africa. Elle est la plus bleue, la plus belle, la plus chaude, la plus désirée et parfois la plus disputée. Synonyme de conquêtes et d’échanges, la Méditerranée est une mer chargée d’histoires et d’espoirs. Vues du ciel, ces côtes racontent les épopées d’un monde passé, les contradictions d’un monde en marche. Vestiges archéologiques, île-refuge de populations en transit, villes sublimes, espaces naturels intacts, la mer Méditerranée est multiple et unique. Autre destin sur les bords du Golfe Persique à Abu Dhabi où l’Emirat arabe ne cesse de grandir et se moderniser : quel autre pays au monde a autant changé ces trente dernières années ? Tout au sud du continent africain, un autre pays poursuit sa mutation : c’est l’Afrique du sud que deux océans bordent, l’Atlantique et l’Indien. Du Cap de Bonne Espérance jusqu’à la frontière avec la Namibie, de la ville du Cap jusqu’à la fameuse « garden-route », nous nous envolons au-dessus d’un pays magique, aux paysages grandioses et magnifiques, aux rivages parmi les plus variés au monde. Maroc, Tunisie, Baléares, Malte , Italie , Mont Athos , Corfou & les Cyclades, Balkans, Abu Dhabi, Afrique du Sud. 99 Fillers & Aerial View Length: 10x13’ D i r e c to r : Yannick Charles Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2009 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French, English, German, Japanese & Arabic PARADISE ISLANDS FROM THE SKY Les Iles paradisiaques vues du ciel Travel to the heart of the South Pacific to discover French Polynesia, which spreads its 118 islands over a maritime territory of 4.5 million km - the surface area of Europe. Seen from the sky in sweeping movements and through images of exceptional beauty, you can admire the incredible diversity of shapes, patterns and shades of the lagoons, atolls, forests and mountains. After a first stopover in magical Polynesia, we invite you to discover a bird’s eye view of La Réunion, New Caledonia and the Antilles. this new series tells us the story not only of seas and lands but also of people in their environment. A rich and unexpected discovery, a voyage of exploration to exceptional landscapes as seen from the sky by the birds. Partir en plein cœur du pacifique sud à la découverte de La Polynésie Française, qui égrène ses 118 îles sur un territoire maritime de 4.5 millions de km… Depuis le ciel, dans des mouvements amples et à travers des images d’une beauté exceptionnelle, notre regard embrasse la diversité saisissante de formes, de motifs et de teintes des lagons, des atolls, des forêts et des montagnes. Ces paysages tour à tour magiques, insolites, majestueux, nous racontent chacun à leur façon « le rêve pacifique ». Après un première étape en Polynésie magique, nous vous invitons à découvrir Vues du Ciel, La Réunion, la Nouvelle Calédonie, la Martinique et la Guadeloupe. En quatre épisodes de 13 minutes, cette nouvelle série va nous raconter les mers et les terres mais aussi l’homme dans son environnement Une découverte somptueuse et inattendue, un voyage à la découverte de paysages exceptionnels depuis le ciel à la manière des oiseaux. Length: 12x13’ D i r e c to r : Herlé Jouon Producer: Grand Angle Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions Copyright: 2008 - 2009 Language v e r s i o n ava i l a b l e : French, English, & German EXCEPTIONAL BOATS Les bateaux insolites All over the world’s seas, crews work and live on incredible floating units. Work boats, ocean liners, all sorts of crafts and yachts often have very special architecture, operation procedures, characteristics and roles... “Exceptional Boats” allows you to climb aboard these different ships and experience unique trips and surprising cruises by exploring them from top to bottom. Through the portrait of a captain, a crew member, an architect or a simple passenger, discover these ships which each tell us the story of a different maritime heritage, a different history of the sea and its relationship with Man. 6x13’ Luxurious Boats : Queen Mary II - Maltese Falcon - Royal Clipper - Mirabella V Alysia - Savarona 6x13’ Working Boats : Blue Marlin - Hovercraft - Geo Challenger - Pharos - Skagerrak Abeille Bourbon Un peu partout sur les mers du monde, des équipages travaillent et vivent sur des unités flottantes incroyables. Bateaux de travail, navires de croisière, engins flottants de toutes sortes ou encore yacht de grand standing, ces embarcations ont souvent une architecture, un fonctionnement, des caractéristiques et des missions très spéciales... 100 PEOPLE & PLACES: AROUND THE SEA 101 An on-going collection Around the Sea Length: 100x26’ 105x15’ D i r e c to r s : Several Producers: Via Découvertes Grand Angle Productions Pacifico Island Productions Coproducer: France Télévisions THALASSA FAUT PAS REVER Pacific Ocean, Caribbean, French coastline, Polar Ocean or African coast, “Around the Sea” is a discovery of the world through the sea. Enjoy the trip as we sail and learn everything about the aquatic life of our Blue Planet, through the eyes of the inhabitants, who live and work around these unusual places. A paradise for some and ecological suffering for others… L’Océan Pacifique, les Caraïbes, le littoral français, les océans polaires ou encore les côtes africaines, « Around the Sea » vous fait découvrir le monde par la mer. Laissez-vous prendre aux voyages de nos journalistes qui ont navigué et appris à connaître la vie aquatique de notre Planète Bleue, à travers les yeux d’une population, qui vit et travaille autour de ces lieux insolites, paradisiaques ou, voir pour certains, en souffrance écologique… 102 People and Places: Around the Sea LIST of ‘HD’ EPISODES An on-going collection Sorted by length 2012 - 2016 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Treasure of the Conch - 36’ FRANCE Estonia, the mystery of a shipwreck - 35’ SWEDEN The Silver Dragon - 33’ CHINA The Huts of Bird Island - 32’ FRANCE The Ice-Mad on the St. Lawrence - 32’ CANADA Life on the Seine - 31’ FRANCE My Atoll in Polynesia - 31’ FRENCH POLYNESIA The Monster of the Pangalanes - 30’ MADAGASCAR Makoko: The Black Venice - 30’ NIGERIA Sierra Leone: Paradise in Hell - 30’ SIERRA LEONE Shark Paradise - 29’ FRENCH POLYNESIA Whale Love - 29’ FRENCH POLYNESIA The Life of the Reef - 29’ FRENCH POLYNESIA Costa Rica, a land for sale - 29’ COSTA RICA La Isla de la Natividad - 29’ MEXICO The Last Voyage of Albert Londres - 28’ FRANCE The Sandman (Canada: profitable oil sands) - 28’ CANADA High Tide for France - 28’ FRANCE Dynamit Fishing in Kalayan - 28’ PHILIPPINES Eilat/Aqaba - 28’ MIDDLE-EAST Plunder in Siam - 28’ CAMBODIA La Monique, a Caledonian scar - 27’ NEW CALEDONIA Coaches and Swimmers - 27’ SOUTH AFRICA Man and the Turtle - 27’ FRENCH POLYNESIA Precious fins - 27’ POLYNESIA At the sea school - 27’ FRANCE Livingston, Garifunas Experience - 27’ GUATEMALA Colorado, stealing the river - 27’ USA Dauphinville - 27’ HAWAII West coast trail - 27’ USA Summit Meetings - 27’ KENYA Fish Resources - 27’ POLYNESIA Wrecks, sunken history - 26’ FRENCH POLYNESIA Caledonian Curiosities - 26’ NEW CALEDONIA Long live the pearl - 26’ FRENCH POLYNESIA From island to island - 26’ FRANCE The Peninsula of treasures - 26’ FRENCH POLYNESIA Pelagos, our neighbours the wales - 26’ FRANCE DCP, a buoy at sea - 26’ POLYNESIA Marine birds, the light to danger - 26’ FRENCH POLYNESIA Ciguatera, when fishes turn poisonous - 26’ NEW CALEDONIA Rescue our turtles - 26’ NEW CALEDONIA Tiputa, the life of a channel - 26’ TAHITI Anchored to Loyalty - 26’ NEW CALEDONIA Blue Electricity - 26’ FRENCH POLYNESIA Hakahetau, a Marquesas village - 26’ POLYNESIA The Blue Medicine - 26’ POLYNESIA The Spirit of Rahui - 26’ POLYNESIA The Gardian Angels of the Pebble - 26’ NEW CALEDONIA Hotels Go Green - 26’ POLYNESIA Tales of the end of the World - 26’ ANTARCTICA Empress of Ireland - 26’ CANADA Jason - People Under the Sea - 26’ MEXICO Boat People - 26’ AUSTRALIA Lord Howe Island - 26’ PACIFIC OCEAN The Sand Thieves - 26’ CAPE VERDE Wild Pacific Salmon Revival - 26’ PACIFIC OCEAN The Cowboys of the Bush - 25’ AUSTRALIA Iraq, The shadows of war - 25’ IRAQ Ravenel: the silent voices of St Pierre - 25’ ST PIERRE & MIQUELON • The Land of the Mermaids - 25’ AUSTRALIA • The Belem - 25’ FRANCE • Men of the cliffs - 25’ PORTUGAL • Swimming with bears - 25’ CANADA • A trip to Argentina for Quebec’s oceanographers - 25’ CANADA • Navigate to innovate - 25’ CANADA • The gold of the St. Lawrence - 25’ CANADA • Pierre Béland: Farewell to the whales - 25’ CANADA 103 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A ship to be proud of - 25’ CANADA The SS Eastland - 24’ FRANCE The Normandy - 24’ USA The Meknes - 24’ ENGLAND - FRANCE The King’s Banquet - 24’ AUSTRALIA Vahinés, from myth to reality - 24’ POLYNESIA The Blackbeard’s Last Voyage- 24’ USA The Forced Labourers of the Lagoon - 24’ NIGERIA Fort-Dauphin, Black in white 24’ FRANCE Hawaïki Nui Va’a - 24’ POLYNESIA The Ghosts of the White Bird - 23’ FRANCE - USA The Last Men Of Paaling - 23’ PHILIPPINES Scotland, a journey through its canal - 23’ SCOTLAND My vacation with the Nudists - 23’ FRANCE Crabs Galore - 23’ AUSTRALIA The mysteries of the elver - 22’ FRANCE The Wings of the Delta - 22’ SPAIN The road - 21’ HIMALAYA - INDIA Cinque Terre - 21’ ITALY USA, the deep South by the water- 20’ USA José Ignacio, the Latino St Tropez - 20’ URUGAY Harragas - 20’ ALGERIE The Emperors of Terre Adelie - 20’ FRANCE & ANTARCTICA The Prince Who Vanished - 19’ EUROPE The Lure of an Island - 19’ ITALY What’s in the water - 19’ FRANCE Costa Rica, The Green Judge - 19’ COSTA RICA Tales and Legends of Mount Aso - 19’ JAPAN Exodus - 19’ ISRAEL The Search for Atlantis- 19’ MOROCCO - FRANCE Albania, The Battle for Paradise - 19’ ALBANIA North Pole, Land of Asylum - 19’ NORWAY The Buchens - 18’ HIMALAYA - INDIA The Little Napolitan Theater - 18’ FRANCE Race Against the Tide - 18’ FRANCE The Oyster Farmer who Blew Wall Street Apart - 18’ USA The Miraculous Bee of the Lundas - 18’ ZAMBIA The Lancastria - 17’ FRANCE Rescuers in Paradise - 17’ POLYNESIA The Lerins Islands, an enchanted break - 17’ FRANCE The nut case race - 17’ REUNION ISLAND The foulées du Gois - 17’ FRANCE In the Land of the Turtles - 17’ FRENCH POLYNESIA Hold your breath - 17’ MAYOTTE ISLAND Cambodia Coastline for sale? - 17’ CAMBODIA Dodo, the Dear Departed - 17’ MAURITIUS Minoan, the Palaikastro Wave- 17’ CRETE Tau’t Batu - 17’ PHILIPPINES The White Cape - 16’ SOUTH AFRICA In the Amazon’s Wild West - 16’ BRAZIL Kite Crazy - 16’ FRANCE Sea Rex, when the 3D reinvents reality - 16’ FRANCE The Last Flight of a Spitfire - 16’ FRANCE The Sun of the Orient - 16’ INDIAN OCEAN The last flight of Saint Exupéry - 16’ FRANCE Sylt, the Saint Tropez of the North Sea - 16’ NORTH SEA Aces over the Lagoon - 15’ POLYNESIA Portrait of Vancouver - 15’ CANADA The Knights of Sete - 15’ FRANCE The Coelacanth - 13’ USA - FRANCE - SWEDEN Island Emergency Service - 15’ FRENCH POLYNESIA The Real Porquerolles - 15’ FRANCE The Radjis, people of river and forest - 15’ INDIA Sheila and her Apes - 15’ ZAMBIA Sharks, the evolution - 15’ USA In the steps of Whales - 15’ EGYPT - USA SS John Barry - 15’ SULTANATE OF OMAN The Mutineers of Libertalia - 15’ MADAGASCAR HMS Britannic - 15’ GREECE HMS Victoria - 15’ LEBANON Mombasa – 15’ KENYA People and Places: Around the Sea LIST of ‘HD’ EPISODES An on-going collection Sorted by length 2012 - 2015 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A Week in Balloons – 14’ IRELAND The Lizarazu, Brothers of the Shore – 14’ BASQUE COUNTRY In the pursuit of the Yeti - 14’ BHUTAN Yann Kersale: an Enlightened Artist – 14’ FRANCE Yacht People – 14’ MONACO A Slice of Cliff – 14’ FRANCE Return to Quemenes – 14’ FRANCE René and his canoe men – 14’ POLYNESIA Makatea, the sacrified Island – 14’ POLYNESIA Treasure Hunter, a Portrayal of Luc Heymans – 14’ PHILIPPINES The Wreck of the Saint Géran: The legend of Paul and Virginie - 14’ MAURITIUS HMS Hermes – 14’ SRI LANKA The Buzzard’s Treasure – 14’ REUNION The Treasure of the Prince de Conti - 14’ FRANCE The Wasini’s Women - 14’ KENYA The Love Crusade - 13’ IRELAND Cape town, at the water’s edge - 13’ SOUTH AFRICA An eye on the Pebble - 13’ NEW CALEDONIA Sapeurs - 13’ CAMEROON Riding with the Timber Truckers - 13’ CAMEROON Goodbye Giglio - 13’ ITALY Operation Pelican - 13’ CORSICA Signal in Distress - 13’ FRANCE The Islands of the Gironde - 13’ FRANCE Traveller’s Log in Portugal - 3x13’ PORTUGAL Traveller’s Log - 9x13’ REUNION, GUYANE & ST. PIERRE ET MIQUELON Cape Horn - 13’ CHILE Baia - 13’ ITALY Plastic Art - 13’ INDIA Meera, Kavita, Shanti... and the other - 13’ INDIA Kawa Ijen - 13’ INDONESIA Merapi - 13’ INDONESIA Final signal - 12’ FRANCE Crackpots on the dike - 12’ FRANCE Camping Up North - 12’ FRANCE The Boat Lift - 12’ FRANCE The Last Line of Fishermen - 12’ BASQUE COUNTRY The valley of bricks - 12’ NEPAL Where have all the vahinas gone? - 12’ POLYNESIA Gawura - 12’ AUSTRALIA Rommel’s Treasure - 12’ CORSICA Southbend, Capital of Oyster - 12’ USA The Skeletons of Quemenes - 12’ FRANCE Hunting the Gouzou - 11’ REUNION ISLAND Cannes, the Festival Seen From the Sea - 11’ FRANCE The Sails of St. Tropez - 11’ FRANCE A Thorny Dish - 11’ FRANCE Message in a bottle - 11’ ENGLAND The Indies Company - 11’ FRANCE Yelle - 11’ FRANCE Trashvortex - 11’ PACIFIC OCEAN In Flanders, around Dunkirk - 10’ PACIFIC OCEAN Trucks to go - 9’ POLYNESIA 20,000 Leagues over the Sea - 9’ FRANCE All my Life, I have had a Dream... - 9’ INDIA The Peladao, Football and Beauty - 7’ BRAZIL Current Accounts for the River Banks - 7’ BRAZIL Holiday on Moorea - 6’ POLYNESIA The Khoc Saat Salt Mine - 6’ LAOS 104 People and Places: Around the Sea 36’ FRANCE 35’ SWEDEN THE TREASURE OF THE CONCH Le Trésor du Lambi In the warm waters of the Caribbean, a superb shellfish is carving out a singular destiny for itself. Harvested since the dawn of time for its delicious flesh, the conch is now exciting the envy of others. For within the folds of its elastic flesh, the mollusk sometime conceals a pearl that can turn the heads of connoisseurs: fishermen, great jewelers and extremely wealthy clients. Exclusively a product of the wild, the conch pearl can fetch exorbitant sums, up to 200,000 dollars apiece! A price justified by its extreme rarity. On average only one conch in 10,000 produces a pearl and only one in 100,000 conceals a pearl of “gem” quality that will go to embellish some stunning piece of jewelry. Of a flaming pink color, unique in nature, conch pearls were long the preserve of crowned heads before falling into oblivion. Rediscovered in the 90s by an American adventuress, the pink pearls are to cultured pearls what a blue diamond is to an average diamond: a miracle of nature! From Japan to Honduras, from France to the Dominican Republic, “The Treasure of the Conch” delves into a highly confidential world and paints the original portrait of an infinitely desirable gem… ESTONIA, THE MYSTERY OF A SHIPWRECK Les mystères de l’Estonia Accident or crime? The worst maritime catastrophe since the Second World War occurred fourteen years ago, and even today the nature of this drama is shrouded in mystery. Hurried instructions, hushed up responsibilities, arbitrary refusals to recover neither the bodies nor the wreckage by the Swedish authorities and troubling revelations have all opened the door on all sorts of crazy hypotheses. The result: a new official enquiry which reaffirms the accident theory, a theory which no one believes, least of all the families of the victims who cannot forget that the wreckage took place in the most troubling period after the Cold War…This documentary is an enquiry which will untie the knots of rumour, track down the truth, and investigate why nobody has, until now, been found responsible for the deaths of 852 people. 33’ English & Arabic version available CHINA 32’ FRANCE THE SILVER DRAGON Rendez-vous avec le dragon This is one of nature’s most unusual features: an inland wave far from the sea or the ocean. A wave that comes up the river against the current. A wave that the inhabitants of Qiantang have both feared and admired for 2,000 years. The Silver Dragon – or Chinese tidal bore – is not a wave that is easily tamed or understood. The phenomenon arises from the meeting of the incoming tide and the river’s outgoing current. The wave invades the estuary and comes up the river, filling it with a swirling wave. It has long brought destruction. With terrible power, the wave breaks dams and spreads turbid salt water into the fields. Famines have been frequent. The very votive population has begged its forgiveness, offered sacrifices, or shot arrows in its direction. Adopting transient aesthetic shapes, the tidal bore curls, tacks, accelerates, rolls, and defies all predictions. It thunders like a storm, jumps out when least expected, and draws the admiration of scientists. Today, dams and gigantic walls attempt to contain its undiminished power, and a festival honouring the spirits of the sea illustrates the renewed peace with the phenomenon. THE HUTS OF BIRD ISLAND L’île aux oiseaux The ‘Ile des oiseaux’, Bird Island, is a tiny patch of earth in the middle of the Arcachon basin, accessible only at high tide. A world where land and sea intermingle, a natural, fragile territory with some fifty huts set in its centre that have been occupied by generations of the same families during the summer or for a weekend. In this closed world, snug from the external gaze, they live a life of Robinson Crusoe, without water or electricity, with the sensation of existing outside time. However, these huts, for the most part handed down by the ancestors of the present occupants, are affected by the law covering the seashore. Today the historic occupants are no longer owners, but subject to a permit of temporary occupation. The lease runs out in a few months and the occupants may have to hand over the keys to their little corner of paradise. A wrench. So they decided to act. For 8 months we set up our camera in the centre of this community, right at the heart of the life of the island and the occupants’ struggle. 105 People and Places: Around the Sea 32’ CANADA English version available 31’ FRANCE 31’ FRENCH POLYNESIA THE ICE-MAD ON THE SAINT-LAWRENCE Les Givrés du Saint-Laurent The St Lawrence River is one of the most dangerous maritime routes to navigate on the planet. During the winter months, the Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker plows endlessly up and down between the Atlantic and Montreal to clear a passage for cargo ships. For three months we followed the daily lives of the crews of the Amundsen, one of Canada’s biggest icebreakers. The task of its crew is to free cargo ships trapped in the ice. However, the St Lawrence is not just a vital artery for the economy of Quebec, it also provides a formidable, open freedom for those who live along its banks. So our crew ventured onto the ice field together with some of those who are wild about the river. Rémi and his friends are experts at white fishing, an ancestral Amerindian technique consisting of tracking the fish under the ice. Every winter they set up a large, temporary village on the ice in the Saguenay fjord. Joannie steers between the drifting floes with the help of her ice canoe. Each adventure onto the river is an opportunity for her and her friends to measure themselves against the elements. We present a veritable epic ice adventure. A winter in Quebec with the ice-mad fans of the St Lawrence. LIFE ON THE SEINE Ma vie en Seine Who really knows the Seine? This river is full of surprises. From Paris to the coast, enthusiasts lead an astonishing life on the Seine. Between the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame, the river’s most famous character is an electrician named Vincent. Sailing his little yellow speedboat across the city throughout the year, he repairs all riverboats and floating restaurants, or even assists boaters experiencing power failures. The Seine is a restless river, which only runs more smoothly as one travels away from Paris. Near Mantes-la-Jolie, Gilles and his family have been living for twenty years on a wild island called the Lorionne, 300 meters long, 30 meters wide. Leading a life of castaways on the island, they managed to connect electricity, find water and restore an abandoned house. The Seine also has its own star: the only female cargo captain in France. Catherine has spent 13 years sailing the seas of the world, but now her life takes her back and forth between the port of Rouen and Caudebec-en-Caux, where she sails cargos of up to 200 meters long. MY ATOLL IN POLYNESIA Mon atoll en Polynésie In French Polynesia, in the heart of the Pacific, far from the mountains of Tahiti, lies an archipelago that barely rises above the ocean: these are the Tuamotu islands, the land of atolls. Amongst these islands, the Arutua atoll is an exceptional place where land space seems of secondary importance. Circular in form, 29km across, the atoll is composed of 57 groups of islets surrounding an immense and extraordinary lagoon with waters so rich and so pure that fish and pearl oysters thrive there: a huge bounty for the 800 inhabitants of Arutua, pioneers in the farming and production of some of the most beautiful pearls in the world. 30’ English & Arabic versions available MADAGASCAR 30’ NIGERIA THE MONSTER OF THE PANGALANES Le monstre de Pangalanes In a tiny village along the banks of the Pangalanese Canal, life is peaceful. The men put food on the table thanks to the wealth of fish in this fresh water haven. The women busy themselves with household tasks and laundering at the edge of the canal and the children like to relax after school by jumping off the tiny mooring pontoon that serves as their diving board. An idyllic life in an earthly paradise. However, today is a day of mourning for this family living at the entrance to the village in a hut of woven bamboo. One of their sons has been taken by the “monster”, as they call it here. It’s a crocodile. This is the fifty-seventh attack this year and it’s far from being the last because here, every year, more than one hundred and twenty people are carried off by the “voay” (crocodile in Madagascan). But this time, Veloma, the village wise man, has decide to take things in hand and confront the animal force with force. MAKOKO: THE BLACK VENICE Makoko, la Venise noire With its wooden houses on piles, channels with hundreds of pirogues reaching each part of the village and going from house to house, and tree-trunks by the thousand floating nearby, Makoko is an incredible village on piles. 60,000 people are thought to live in this suburb of Lagos. Fishermen mostly, coming from Ganvié (another pile-dwelling village, in Benin) or from the inland villages of Nigeria. The inhabitants work on Lagos harbour, run little shops, sell water and gas, or work for the wood traders. From the sky, it looks like a huge village crossed by hundreds of channels. Houses are sometimes isolated, sometimes reached by wooden foot bridges. The ones belonging to big families, or those lucky enough to have an income, are on two floors. All are made of wood and covered with bamboo, standing on piles driven deep into the mud of the lagoon. You can only get around the village by boat. 106 People and Places: Around the Sea 30’ English & Arabic versions available SIERRA LEONE 29’ English version available FRENCH POLYNESIA 29’ French & English versions available FRENCH POLYNESIA 29’ FRENCH POLYNESIA SIERRA LEONE: PARADISE IN HELL Sierra Leone, un paradis en enfer Bocuse and Cosmos are not from Lakka. They came here in the 1980s to earn a living in the tourist industry. They worked at Club Med, among others. The Club closed in 1992 because of the war. Lakka fell prey to rebels. There was no more trade. The two men fished to survive. At the end of the war, Bocuse and Cosmos decided to make the most of the knowledge they had built up at Club Med and set up a straw-hut bar on the beach. It was a roaring success thanks to the presence of 17,000 Blue Berets based in Freetown, about 20 km away. They became influential people in the village and even financed the campaign of the future mayor of Lakka. Today they also sponsor the local football team. SHARK PARADISE Le paradis des requins In French Polynesia, Moorea, sister island to Tahiti, is paradise for lemon sharks. Experienced diver, Nicolas Buray, knows them well from several years of observation. The stocks of pelagic sharks and rays in the oceans are under threat. Ever since April 28 2006, French Polynesia, the size of Europe, has been the world’s most vast expanse of shark protection. Fishing for sharks and all forms of their commercialisation are now banned. Nicolas Buray takes us to “Shark Paradise” to discover a natural world preserved. On Moorea we discover the world of lemon sharks; on Ranguiroa that of hammerhead sharks and leopard rays; on Tikehau we dive with manta rays and on Fakarava we confront the famous wall of grey sharks. The aim of his association is to gather all the information available on the entire shark and ray species of Polynesia. A process that is of great interest to scientists, and to spectators. WHALE LOVE L’amour des baleines Every year, certain humpback whales migrate from the Antarctic to French Polynesia. From June to November, these isolated islands in the Pacific become their summer resort. (In 2002 Polynesia created a whale sanctuary). And each year the whales return to our waters in greater numbers. From time to time, they come face to face with us: the first encounter stays in the mind for ever. Whale lovers are those who go out to encounter them, day after day. They try to be accepted, to understand them better, to protect them better. Pacific Horizon introduces us to a few of them: like Michael Poole, who studies them, Denis Lagrange, who films them, Pierre Folin, who loves them and Thierry Summer, the man who swims with them. Destination Tahiti, Moorea and the Marquesas islands to meet these surprising mammals. THE LIFE OF THE REEF La vie du récif Coral is the basic animal of the coral atoll: without coral there’s no atoll; without an atoll there’s no coral, etc., etc. With global warming, coral has become weaker all over the world, has turned white and, on certain barrier reefs, has even died. And yet coral is essential to the survival of atolls. The coral barrier forms a natural protection against assaults from the sea, cyclones, storms and erosion. It is also a vast underwater forest where thousands of species find shelter. An aquatic fairyland that delights divers worldwide. Within the calm waters there’s no shortage of endemic species, from here and from nowhere else. To protect the coral is also to protect the wild life that lives there. And, poetry aside, coral is also the larder for all those living along the shore, who are able fish there. When damaged, coral can also cause short-term harm such as ciguatera, more commonly known as “the scratch” because of the itching that it causes. When attacked, coral scars over, producing algae that is ingested by fish, which then pass on “the scratch” to the whole population, leading to a ban on fish consumption, which in turn is a disaster for the islanders! 29’ English version available COSTA RICA COSTA RICA, A LAND FOR SALE Costa Rica, une terre a vendre Between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, the smallest country in Central America is now the planet’s champion in biodiversity. However, for several years, the success of ecotourism has been driving Costa Rica into runaway urbanisation. Today the country is for sale, regardless of biodiversity. That is why the State has created the Environmental Tribunal. A battle has been engaged. The green judges have declared war on illegal property developers. 107 People and Places: Around the Sea 29’ English & Arabic versions available MEXICO 28’ English versions available CANADA 28’ GULF OF ADEN 28’ FRANCE LA ISLA DE LA NATIVIDAD It’s a story of a small Mexican fishing community in a hostile area which has now become a model for the conservation of its maritime anvironment and resources. Today, around three hundred people live there. They are totally self sufficient. After having over-exploited its environment, the community has adopted a policy of strict conservation, going well beyond that imposed by governmental authorities. They have even created their own marine reserves. They have introduced a draconian surveillance operation to ensure that no one can loot them. This is their story… THE SANDMAN (CANADA: PROFITABLE OIL SANDS) Le marchand de sable Dans le nord du Canada, la terre des Indiens abrite le plus grand projet industriel au monde : l’exploitation des sables bitumineux, le nouveau pétrole. Les multinationales en tirent aujourd’hui près de deux millions de barils par jours, cinq millions d’ici 2030. Mais le coût écologique de l’extraction est si exorbitant que les opposants font bloc. La production d’un baril de brut d’Alberta est dix fois plus énergivore que celle d’un baril conventionnel. Une pollution qui menace les grands accords climatiques de la planète. La Canada a même dû quitter le protocole de Kyoto pour extraire son sable bitumineux. Au coeur de la forêt boréale, les Indiens voient leurs terres saccagées par l’industrie pétrolière. THE LAST VOYAGE OF ALBERT LONDRES Le dernier voyage d’Albert Londres On the night of 15-16 May 1932, the prince of French journalists still considered as the founding father of the “special correspondent”-dies in the fire on the Georges Philippar. The great white liner, flagship of the Sea Mail service, was on the return leg of its inaugural voyage between Marseilles and Yokohama: the imperial route! Albert Londres, righter of wrongs before the eternal, to whom we owe most notably the closure of the hard labour prison of Cayenne, boarded several days earlier in Shanghai. He had just spent three months in China, during the Sino-Japanese conflict. While he takes the opportunity afforded by the voyage to write a new exposure piece -whose subject was unknown- a fire breaks out at the entrance to the Gulf of Aden. Albert Londres will not survive. A terrorist attack? Sabotage? Or just another news story? Did the inquiry carried out at the time reveal the whole truth? HIGH TIDE FOR FRANCE La mer monte Rising sea levels looks like being of a problem than expected. Scientists now talk about a rise of about one metre by 2100. This rising of the waters will wreak havoc on the French coast. Will we give up land to the sea or not? Will houses, islands and villages have to be abandoned? What will happen to the waterfront havens of Languedoc Roussillon, or Britanny’s Isle of Sein, whose average altitude is only 1 metre? What will happen to Picardy’s Cayeux sur Mer, a town that is already below sea level? Its habitants and politicians are wondering how to anticipate the future. For the researchers, it’s already time to think ahead and prepare. It will not be possible to protect everything whatever the cost…” 28’ PHILIPPINES 28’ English version available MIDDLE EAST DYNAMIT FISHING IN KALAYAN Pêche à la dynamite au Kalayan One of the challenges facing sustainable fishing in the Philippines and islets of the island of Palawan is the prevalence of Dynamite fishing. Fishers create an improvised bomb out of a rum or Coke bottle and ammonium sulfate. The sound wave created by the explosion stuns the fish, which float to the surface, but it also destroys corals and seagrass meadows that can take years to recover from a single blast. EILAT/AQABAT En chiens de faïence As an extension of the Red Sea and a cul de sac, the Gulf of Aqaba was always considered an inland sea by the Arabs, until 1948 and the creation of the State of Israel. Since then the Israeli town of Eilat sits across from the Jordanian town of Aqaba. They are two different worlds living side by side without knowing each other, and the peace treaty between Israel and Jordan in 1994 did little to change the feelings they have for one another. For things to change, they would have to be able to spend time together. Only 7 kilometers of sea separate the two towns, but Israeli fishermen have never seen a single Jordanian on the water… 108 People and Places: Around the Sea 28’ English & Arabic versions available CAMBODIA 27’ NEW CALEDONIA PLUNDER IN SIAM Pillage Siamois In the scenic Gulf of Siam, off the Cambodian coast, we find tiny Koh Sdach, “King’s Island”. Following the Khmer Rouge’s genocide, 600 families came here to live on its shores, fishing to survive. For the past few years, they have suffered dramatically due to the plundering of their waters by immense trawlers under the Thai flag that overfish the archipelago in violation of Cambodian law. However, certain governments seem to be profiting from the situation. LA MONIQUE, A CALEDONIAN SCAR La Monique, une blessure calédonienne In 1953 the Monique disappears with all hands between Maré and Nouméa. There were 126 people aboard this tramp steamer that served the Loyauté islands. The event remains the most horrific maritime tragedy and also one of the major mysteries of New Caledonia. Because the Monique disappeared without trace in a very restricted area. Rumours abound about the tragedy and, even today, the theory of a shipwreck is often rejected. The tragedy of the Monique still leaves a deep scar on the people of Caledonia. 27’ SOUTH AFRICA COACHES AND SWIMMERS Maitres et nageurs Aphelile has been able to swim since the age of 12. He lives some dozen miles from the centre of Cape Town near the Monwabisi beach that adjoins the last remaining “sharks” of Khayelistha, the most deprived shanty towns in the giant agglomeration. This is where Aphelile lives. He is one of the rare breed of top-level, Black South African swimmers. An exception in a community that is barely familiar with the sea. In Cape Town, Monwabisi is the beach for the Black population. It’s a dangerous beach where every year the currents and the waves cause a string of drownings. A beach made all the more dangerous because most of those who go there cannot swim. For several years now, a swimming club at Monwabisi has been trying to knock the old ideas on the head: no, drowning is not a matter of fate; yes, Blacks can also learn to swim. This is Aphelile’s mission. 27’ FRENCH POLYNESIA MAN AND THE TURTLE L’homme et la tortue Kalami Taputu and his family are the only inhabitants of Mopelia, an isolated atoll in the Polynesian Windward Islands. They live exclusively from the sale of copra. For years Kalami has watched impotently as fishermen from Bora Bora or Maupiti come to poach turtles. On Moorea, Doctor Cecile Gaspar, a vet, runs a clinic set up in the Intercontinental Hotel that treats turtles sent to it from all over Polynesia -more than 160 turtles in 6 years. The Te Mana Ote Moana association, which she founded in 2004, conducts a major educational and tourist programme. In the field, one of the association’s biologists, Mathieu Petit, has developed an underwater census system: the Manta Tow. However, the most efficient way is to entrust the protection of their turtles to the inhabitants of the various islands of Polynesia. Since 2006, the island of Tikehau has exercised that choice. With financial assistance from the Ministry of the Environment, the island’s people have hired a turtle warden. His name is William Harrys and he’s 50. His job is to ensure the well being of the turtles that come to lay their eggs on the island. 27’ POLYNESIA English version PRECIOUS FINS Les précieux ailerons In Polynesia, as everywhere else in the world, the sharks are dying out! Since the end of the 50s the shark population has been reduced by 90%. A principal cause of this is “Shark Feeding”… a practice that entails cutting the fins off of live sharks and tossing the sharks back into the sea… in this way, 100 million sharks die every year, 3 per second.The Polynesian government has decided to react and protect the sharks. They have banned the practice of “Shark Feeding “over their entire territory. “Shark Feeding” is a means of attracting sharks with meat or fish… and the tourist Scuba divers, crowded around the diveleader, take their photos, a fleeting memory of an exceptional confrontation. But does Shark Feeding change the behaviour of sharks? Does it make them more aggressive? 109 People and Places: Around the Sea 27’ FRANCE 27’ English & Arabic versions available GUATEMALA 27’ English & Arabic versions available USA 27’ HAWAII ISLAND AT THE SEA SCHOOL L’école de la mer When you’ve lived in Britanny since you were a kid and you don’t like school, there is an obvious way out: the sea. Anthony is 19. He is the son of a farmer but he has no intention of getting stuck in the fields. He wants to take off and become a fisherman. He has enrolled in the maritime high school at Paimpol and is trying to get his professionnal diploma in fishing. He knows nothing of the sea and has everything to discover. Vincent is 20. He is looking for a summer job and dreams of becoming a lifeguard. He has to prepare for the examinations in swimming and lifesaving skills that he hopes will get him a job on the beach. Cécile and Cottin are just 17. They have decided to become sailors in the Navy. As the college doesn’t provide what they are looking for and they want a job right away, they are at the Ecole des Mousses in Brest. All of them are about to experience their first voyage at sea. But are they really cut out for that? LIVINGSTON, GARIFUNAS EXPERIENCE Livingston, l’experiénce Garifunas It was a Rasta by the name of Koukoul who introduced me to the extraordinary and little-known story of his people: the Garifunas. They were the only blacks to have landed without shackles in the Americas. They should have been descendants of slaves, but for a few of them history played a curious trick. Two boats from Africa were shipwrecked in the Caribbean near St. Vincent, an island which had not yet been settled. They took refuge there as free men and mixed with the inhabitants, the Carib Indians. A few years later, they landed in Central America, in Guatemala, and founded Livingston where they still live today. That is the city Koukoul goes back to for a few weeks each year after spending the rest of his time on a factory ship in Alaska. In the midst of his Garifuna community, he celebrates their successful fight for freedom with singing and dancing. COLORADO, STEALING THE RIVER Colorado, les voleurs de fleuve The Colorado is the third longest river in the world. It rises in the United States and ends up 2000 kilometers south in the Cortez sea. To develop cities like Las Vegas and irrigate enormous swathes of agricultural land in the middle of the desert, the Americans built some ten dams on the Colorado. As a result only 9% of its waters reach Mexico. The Colorado delta is dying, along with its fish, mammals and plants. And its human population too. Today the delta has been reduced to 5% of its size, and all around has become desert, as far as the eye can see. A spectacular ecological disaster. DAUPHINVILLE Hawaï: le rêve de Dauphinville Dauphinville. That’s the name of a community of 250 people who live along the same coast of a Hawaiian island. They have a common background. One day they gave up everything to come and live with the dolphins. A sedentary population of between one and two thousand long-nosed dolphins lives around the island. Over twenty years humans and wild dolphins have developed games they play together. The ethnic Hawaiians, descended from Polynesians consider this an affront, because in their culture dolphins are seen as deities and it is forbidden to approach them. Some militants also object to these daily swims. 27’ CANADA WEST COAST TRAIL Le sentier de l’éxtreme Vancouver Island and its extreme coastal path. More challenging than Kilimanjaro and Mont-Blanc, it’s a mythic adventure for Anglo Saxon walkers. To be completely alone for 6,7 or 8 days with less than 20 kilos on your back, crossing rivers in a carriage suspended above the void, climbing wooden ladders of 200 steps, carefully moving forward on a sliding carpet of seaweed at low tide and walking, walking, walking, with the constant possibility of meeting a bear or even a puma face to face ! Such is the scenery. The creation of this trail marks an important point in the maritime history of Canada 27’ KILIMANDJARO SUMMIT MEETINGS Rencontres au sommet Kilimanjaro, with its eternal snows and fragile glacier, is the dream for those seeking adventure through sensation and pushing their personal limits. Although the climb is not difficult technically, it is still a considerable feat to reach the summit. For five days you must deal with the cold, the wind and all the effects of altitude. On average, only a half of those that make the attempt succeed in reaching the top. To accompany them, hundreds of guides and bearers make climb after climb. These brave men, who risk altitude sickness like all climbers, are the admiration of those around them. “Summit Meetings” tells the story of climbing Kilimanjaro from the differing perspectives of a team of 35 Tanzanians hired to guide and carry the baggage of a group of 10 French people who have come to make their dream come true: gaze over Africa from a height of 5,895 metres and be one of the last few to witness what remains of the African glacier. 110 People and Places: Around the Sea 27’ POLYNESIA FISH RESOURCES Les ressources halieutiques They take us on their boats to describe the many methods of fishing practised in Polynesia: lagoon, which means in the lagoons or on the underwater shelf to a depth of 100 metres, with resources linked to the bottom (known as “benthic”), or deep-sea, that is, off shore, with pelagic resources (that operate in mid water). The latter accounts for 300 direct jobs on 60 vessels and an annual turnover of 1 to 2 billion for 6,000 of the 8,500 tonnes that are fished. 26’ NEW CALEDONIA WRECKS, SUNKEN HISTORY Les épaves, l’histoire engloutie There are few wrecks in Polynesia, but each of them has a story to tell… which we shall discover with three intertwined portraits: we go to meet Dominique, the artist who starts his sketches ten meters underwater; the Papeete naval brigade in full rescue exercise at a depth of 40 meters; and Robert Veccella, the passionate archeologist who takes us on a trip of discovery to one of the most beautiful of Polynesian wrecks on a site on Raiatea.stage for a real battle between economic necessity and respect for the environment. 26’ NEW CALEDONIA English version available 26’ FRENCH POLYNESIA English version available 26’ FRANCE CALEDONIAN CURIOSITIES Curiosités Calédoniennes New Caledonia is a veritable sanctuary of biodiversity. Created from the movements of the Earth’s crust, it has retained a fauna, flora and a mineral world that are unique. With the Cook pine or the nautilus, these living fossils, it brings to mind those famous “curiosity cabinets” in Europe of the 17th century. These embryo museums, shrouded in mystery, exhibited rare objects representing the three realms of the living world alongside man-made creations. On the Grande Terre, nature has taken some special shapes and colors and one of the most remarkable man-made objects might be the gigantic mining operation going on there. Certain parts of the New Caledonian lagoon are listed as World Heritage. The inhabitants, aware they are the guardians of a veritable treasure, are backing the conservation movement. Let’s push open the door on this cabinet of living curiosities, the stage for a real battle between economic necessity and respect for the environment. LONG LIVE THE PEARL Pour que dure la perle Pearl production is the second largest economic resource in French Polynesia. This is an indication of the considerable scale of the efforts that must be put into preserving this activity both on the ecological and social level. Who are the people now working to this end and what are they doing? Let’s go and meet them on Tuamotu, Ranguiroa, the Gambier Islands, on Rikitea and Tahiti, in the Taravao district. We shall understand the formidable challenges they are taking up so that future generations can continue to live from this activity: the Pearl of Tahiti. FROM ISLAND TO ISLAND D’île en île Who has never dreamed of going far away, for just a while, or for ever? For a change of air, a change of life… Or simply to live out some new adventure. Brittany and its islands have never been short of bold adventurers setting off to seek treasure, excitement or just to try a human experience. Patrick Saigot and his family settled on the Ile de Groix some 10 years ago. There they led a quiet, simple life till the day when the mussel farmer decided to up anchor and leave for the other side of the planet along with his wife, Faustine, and their three children. Destination: Madagascar with a new challenge to be faced. Patrick was going to open the first oyster farm on the island. Madagascar is one of the poorest places in the world. Patrick gave himself two years to pull off his gamble, two years to adapt the techniques of oyster farming, pass on his knowledge and offer a future to a village cut off from the rest of the world. We followed the family from Groix to Madagascar… An adventure far off the beaten track, an adventure from island to island. 111 People and Places: Around the Sea 26’ FRENCH POLYNESIA English version available 26’ FRANCE THE PENINSULA OF TREASURES La Presqu’île aux trésors Tautira, the “peninsula” coast of Tahiti. A delicate operation is underway. It’s the delivery of fish spawn to the Tahiti Fish Aquaculture fish farm. Infinite precautions must be taken during the road journey from the Vairao Technical Fish Farm Centre to the floating cages of the farm. The swarm of spawn pours into the pure waters of the lagoon. They will take a year to reach a weight of one kilo. Getting to this point has not been easy. It took seven years to master the life cycle of this fish, the Platax Orbicularis (known here as the Parha Peue). The territory is conducting an extremely dynamic policy in the area of fish farming, banking on its future potential. In 2011, for the first time in history, people ate as much caught fish as farmed fish. At the farm, Thomas shows us the main stages in farming the Platax. We also meet his friend Tea, who presents a small aquaponics unit. This technique, dating back thousands of years, allows the simultaneous farming of fish and plants in a natural and almost self-sufficient ecosystem. The project is being closely monitored in relation to the future of fish farming and research is being devoted to it. Another small beast has been successfully farmed on the peninsula for some forty years now: the shrimp. Benjamin gives us a tour and shares his passion for fish farming with us. There are rewards, but also constraints in the production of shrimp. Gérard Cluzet, a biologist at IFREMER, is one of the shrimp pioneers in Polynesia. To him and his fellow team members we owe the protocol for shrimp reproduction and farming. The peninsula possesses two treasures here in matters of fish farming and they need to be protected. The growing needs of humanity, the pressure of over-fishing and the dwindling of fish stocks mean that this activity will certainly become indispensible. PELAGOS, OUR NEIGHBOURS THE WALES Pelagos, nos voisines les baleines Only a few miles off the French Riviera, unexpectedly, one can see whales, sperm whales, common bottlenose dolphins… Their presence is more and more frequent, especially in the summer. To such an extent that a protection area has been created: the Pelagos Sanctuary. Thousands of marine mammals rise to the surface and meet men’s path in the very busy Mediterranean Sea. While some are fascinated by their presence and seek an encounter, others try to protect them at all costs. So how to get along? And what’s most important, how to share the territory with those strange neighbours coming from the depths? 26’ FRENCH POLYNESIA DCP, A BUOY AT SEA DCP, une bouée à la mer It was in the 1980s that the DCP buoyage program for attracting concentrations of fish was introduced to Polynesia. Although at first sceptical, the fishermen very soon realised that there was indeed a concentration of tuna around these buoys. Along with Tetua, a young fisherwoman from the peninsula, Manui, head of the DCP program for the Marine Resource Department and Marc Tacquet, head of IFREMER, we set out to discover these bizarre buoys that have changed the existence of the coastal fishermen of Fenua. 26’ FRENCH POLYNESIA MARINE BIRDS, THE LIGHT OF DANGER Les oiseaux marins, la lumière de tous les dangers French Polynesia is one of the richest tropical regions for marine birds. Although none of these species is really threatened today, the Tahitian petrel, a nesting marine bird, must now face the unsuspected danger from the growing urbanisation of the towns. 26’ FRENCH POLYNESIA CIGUATERA, WHEN FISHS TURN POISONOUS Ciguatera, quand les poissons deviennent toxiques A group of scientists travels to Taomotu to check for the presence of Gambierdiscus Toxicus. This microscopic alga is the cause of Ciguatera, a food poisoning syndrome that is well known in the Pacific. The Tuamotu Archipelago is one of the main suppliers of fish eaten on Tahiti and for some time now the number of Ciguatera type cases of poisoning has appeared to be increasing. Extremely concerned for the quality of their wares and anxious over the security of the supply chain, the fishermen sounded the alarm in Papeete. They reported the problem to the Louis Malardé Institute, a world leader in research into marine toxins. Our scientists scour the lagoon, take samples of alga and of fish for analysis. They also gather evidence from locals on their knowledge of the phenomenon and their means of curing it. 112 People and Places: Around the Sea 26’ NEW CALEDONIA RESCUE OUR TURTLES Au secours de nos tortues A veritable jewel of the South Pacific, New Caledonia has the biggest lagoon in the world. An incredible marine biodiversity that is home to four of the existing seven species of sea turtle. Among them is the bigheaded turtle [Platysternon megacephalum]. Having appeared more than 200 hundred million years ago, this turtle belongs to the most ancient line of reptiles. However, in sixty years, 90% of their number has disappeared. The species is now endangered and on the road to extinction. The people of New Caledonia have decided to take action to save this turtle. Apart from an ecological motive, it is also a matter of preserving Kanak culture and beliefs as certain clans have adopted the big-headed turtle as their totem. Rescue our Turtles introduces us to these men and women¾volunteers, professionals or even tourists, who are coming to the rescue of the species: members of the Bwara association guard the Roche-Percée beach, which is taken over by the turtles during the laying season; the Ataba family has chosen dance as its means of communication for the protection of the turtle, their totem; and the Nouméa Aquarium now takes in any new-born turtles showing signs of frailty. 26’ FRENCH POLYNESIA TIPUTA, THE LIFE OF A CHANNEL Tiputa, la vie d’une passe A channel is a corridor, a thoroughfare, a passage between the ocean and the lagoons. A channel is much more than a simple geographical detail: it is first and foremost the concentration and the transmission of life. In the Tuamotu archipelago, one hour’s flight from Tahiti, Ranguiroa enjoys the luxury of being the second largest atoll in the world. Nearly 1,450 square kilometres of shades of blue, bordered by two main islands. Two villages that face each other and, in the middle, the famous Tiputa channel around which the whole life of Ranguiroa is organised. This channel is essential to the life of the lagoon, but it governs the animal life under the water just as much as it does that of the people on its shores. 26’ NEW CALEDONIA ANCHORED TO LOYALTY Amarrés aux loyautés New Caledonia is a land that is booming, notably thanks to the nickel extracted from the Grande Terre. Constantly growing, Nouméa will have a population of 135,000 by 2020. Modern, urban and enjoying economic expansion, the city is attracting the majority of people from the Loyalty Islands. The exodus from Ouvéa, Lifou and Maré is so great that there are now more Loyalty islanders on Grande Terre. Some, conscious of the wealth of their natural heritage and deeply attached to their cultural customs, have decided to reverse the trend and remain to work on their islands. 26’ FRENCH POLYNESIA BLUE ELECTRICITY Electricité bleue / Au fil de l’eau Lost in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the island of Fatu Hiva lies in the Marquesas archipelago. There’s no airport so the only means of reaching the island is by a four-hour, often rough, sea crossing. On this patch of earth, the 250 inhabitants of the village of Omoa have learned to manage by themselves, going so far as to experiment with hydroelectricity more than twenty years ago. Today, the river that runs through the village provides 100% of their energy requirements. From Fatu Hiva to Tahiti, the islands of French Polynesia are moving to energy independence thanks to hydroelectricity. 113 People and Places: Around the Sea 26’ FRENCH POLYNESIA HAKAHETAU, A MARQUESAS VILLAGE Hakahetau, un village marquisien Or, the role the sea plays in the everyday life of the Hakahetau valley on the island of Ua Pou, in the Marquesas. Martin Tahiatohiupoko is a deep sea line fisherman; Adrien Hokaupoko, known as Ataï, trains on his competition canoe every day, but is always sure to trail a fishing line behind him; Leon Kaiha, known as Mui, and Angélo Fai, sharpen their underwater guns. The village women get ready for the acrobatic harvest of shellfish from the rocks for the forthcoming night of the full moon, shellfish the whole village will enjoy on Sunday after Mass. The tamers of wild horses prepare for the mountain capture. They later tame the horses in the sea because it’s easier. And finally, Peo Makario finishes building the mango wood canoe commissioned by fisherman Martin Tahiatohiupoko. The whole village has been in rhythm with the ocean since the dawn of time and the children of Hakahetau are not going to prove the contrary. 26’ FRENCH POLYNESIA THE BLUE MEDICINE La médecine bleue At the dawn of the 21st century medicine is facing a doomsday scenario: bacteria and viruses have developed resistance and current medicines are no longer effective enough. So we must now create or find new molecules in order to produce the medicines of the future. For researchers and the pharmaceutical industry, the sea represents a major hope. Unknown, barely explored, the therapeutic potential of marine species is doubtless considerable. In New Caledonia the lagoon, listed as a world heritage site by Unesco in 2008, is a gigantic reservoir of biodiversity. The medicines of tomorrow may lie hidden in the depths of this Pacific archipelago. An archipelago with exceptional natural resources. 26’ POLYNESIA THE SPIRIT OF RAHUI L’esprit Rahui When, from your airplane window, you pick out this thin ribbon of sand lost in the middle of the Pacific Ocean there can be no doubt: Fakarava really is the atoll at the end of the world. Classified along with its six neighbours as a UNESCO biosphere reserve, Fakarava is a paradise for coral, fish and divers. And if the green agenda attracts the tourists, it also obliges the 800 inhabitants of the island to live in harmony with their environment and rediscover ancestral practices. Rahui is something unique in Polynesia… a sort of immemorial rule, which, for the conservation of the zones concerned, decrees a taboo on fishing and the opening of the season at a set date after which the fish will have reproduced as we do for hunting in Europe. It’s a practice born of the wisdom of the ancients, who could still remember how they had been cast up on this harsh island near the 30th parallel and how to survive there by preserving the resources of the sea that feeds them. 26’ NEW CALEDONIA THE GARDIAN ANGELS OF THE PEBBLE Les anges gardiens du caillou Our exploration of the exceptional sites of New Caledonia begins in the sky, on board the South Province’s helicopter. At the helm, Martiel Dodasne. Martiel is a photographer who lost the use of his legs at the age of 16. So today it is with his eyes, his benevolent gaze and his sense of the image that he makes his living. Martiel is employed by South Province charged with the task of supervising the environment and photographing anything that might appear to him harmful to nature. So it is with him that we will fly over three remarkable sites of New Caledonia before landing there and lingering in order to discover them better. Everybody knows -without knowing it- the Heart of Voh. This heart of palétuvier mangrove trees deep in the swamps of New Caledonia was made famous by another aerial photographer, Yann Arthus-Bertrand. And then our final flight takes us to the south west of La Grande Terre, onto the Needle of Prony. However, there we have to take to the sea in company with geologist Fabrice Colin. He knows better than anyone this unique corner of the world, which is a piece of ultramafic rock thrust into the ocean. 114 People and Places: Around the Sea 26’ POLYNESIA English version 26’ ANTARCTICA English version available 26’ English & Arabic versions available MEXICO HOTELS GO GREEN Les hotels passent au vert Ecology has become a valuable marketing tool and cannot be ignored when wooing the guests of luxury hotels. In fact, over recent years we have seen a veritable race between hotel managements. It’s all about who can introduce the most original and innovative measures in the field of sustainable development. At all costs you have to reassure your guests as to your “carbon footprint” credentials in paradise settings. Everything is designed to relieve the guests of any sense of guiltduring their stay. TALES OF THE END OF THE WORLD Chroniques du bout du monde Antarctica. The glaciers and the mystery of this far-away and unknown land have always given cause to dream. And yet, Antarctica is not hospitable to people. Antarctica is beyond human norm. Its winds are super-powerful, its temperatures the lowest in the world, its glaciers are fearsome. With my film crew I sailed aboard the Admiral Viel, a Chilean Navy icebreaker, for an exceptional voyage to the white continent. We had the good fortune and the dazzling experience of encountering the wild life, of sharing the lives of the sailors and scientists living in the most total isolation, surrounded by Nature at its most sublime. To see and to understand the exciting work these men and women accomplish every day in the protection of nature is to receive a simple, yet wonderful lesson in humanity. lie hidden in the depths of this Pacific archipelago. An archipelago with exceptional natural resources. JASON - PEOPLE UNDER THE SEA Jason - Statues sous la mer Nobody had thought of it but he had the idea. Nobody would have dared to do it, but he did it. Jason Taylor is a young English artist. An artist who has spent a long time as a diving instructor. He has two loves: the beauty of underwater landscapes and creative sculpture. Why not combine the two, and put statues on the seabed? And why not create a huge underwater museum that you can visit in diving-suit or admire from the surface with a mask? That’s what Jason Taylor has done, first by himself on a small scale on Grenada Island, and then by directing a mammoth project in Cancun, on the Caribbean coast of Mexico. And as you might well imagine, concrete statues rapidly undergo some big changes underwater: they become covered with curious and fascinating plants, their expressions change, so that their faces are no longer recognizable. Fish come to play and crustaceans take refuge in this maze of artificial reefs. But having fish wandering around the museum is fine. One of the goals of the operation is to save the underwater environment in Cancun, Mexico. This film invites you to follow this first ever project of its kind from the first stages to the final apotheosis. Winner of the PALME D’ARGENT at the Marseille underwater Film Festival 2012 26’ AUSTRALIA 26’ English version available PACIFIC OCEAN BOAT PEOPLE La solution indonésienne Not anybody can get into Australia. The message is clear and the method is meant to be radical. Boat people heading for the island-continent will no longer set foot on Australian soil unless they are first recognized as refugees. That is the aim of Kevin Rudd’s government. To achieve this, a solution known as “Indonesian” has been put into place. The principle is simple: return all “boat people” heading for Australia to Indonesia. Once sent back, they are placed in detention centers while their demand for asylum in Australia is processed. LORD HOWE ISLAND Lord Howe Island The remnant of a volcano, rising from the sea. Two mountains attaining a height of over 800 metres curving round a lagoon inhabited by tens of thousands of multicoloured fish, teeming among extremely rare corals that are intact and quite unique, since they are the furthest south in the Pacific Ocean. The tiny Lord Howe archipelago, off the coast of Australia, encapsulates the landscapes and marvels of the South Pacific in the space of 12 kilometres. Since its consecration by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site its 300 inhabitants face the thousands of constraints which go with that honour. Here the rules are even stricter than on the mainland. The goal of the Island Council is not only to preserve the natural habitat in all its glory, but also to try to get it back to its state before Man arrived in the 19th century. It will go to any lengths to achieve that. The latest extravagance is the reintroduction of a giant insect that everyone thought was extinct. A vast programme is underway, which may seriously perturb the lives of the islanders… 115 People and Places: Around the Sea 26’ CAPE VERDE THE SAND THIEVES Les voleuses de sable With steep slopes, lush valleys and dream beaches, Cape Verde is a small corner of paradise lost in the middle of the Atlantic – a thin sliver of land left to the whims of the ocean. However, despite appearances, these rocky islands do not have many riches to offer their inhabitants. Most raw materials are imported - all except sand. This has become the only source of income for the women of the archipelago, who sell it on to the rapidly-growing building industry. Every day, there are hundreds of them literally scratching out a living, burrowing and sifting on the beaches. And when there is no sand left, they dig even further… out into the sea. The ecological consequences are devastating. On Santiago, the main island, this pillage continues on a daily basis. The beaches are disappearing and salt is moving inland, wiping out whole plantations. The government of Cape Verde has prohibited the removal of sand and defines it as a critical resource. Nevertheless, altertive solutions are hard to come by - and in a country with high unemployment, women have no other choice than to be sand thieves. 26’ PACIFIC OCEAN WILD PACIFIC SALMON REVIVAL Saumon, le retour 150 years ago, the first pioneers reached the Pacific Northwest, discovering an inexhaustible ocean of fish, shellfish and molluscs. They got along with the great chief of the Squamish, Chief Seattle, and concluded a treaty to share the riches with them. The indigenous peoples of Puget Sound and the white pioneers worked together, much to the misfortune of the salmon. From the 1920’s to the 1970’s, the fishing fleet increased 100-fold, with canneries on all the docks. Millions of cans of salmon were shipped throughout the United States, by the train-load. Salmon were fished using simple nets, rotating seine nets, hoop nets, hook and line, and even on some rivers, a fish wheel – a water wheel with baskets to scoop up the salmon. It was carnage. But times have changed… 25’ English & German versions available AUSTRALIA 25’ English version available IRAQ 25’ ST PIERRE & MIQUELON THE COWBOYS OF THE BUSH Les Cowboys du Bush At the heart of the Australian bush, 300 km from the nearest town, three generations of the Mills family prevail on a ranch the size of a French department. During five months, they gather 30,000 cows and bulls that live in the wild. It’s called “mustering”: this is the most important moment of the season. It is also the most dangerous. To succeed, these cowboys use helicopters supported on the ground by motorcycles and buggies. The exercise is extremely dangerous: every year, two or three accidents have marred Australian breeders. The crash is never far away and maneuvers in riverbeds, among the trees, are all the more delicate because it is hot. In the air or on land, these women and men take great risks to build a herd and bring in a pen erected in the middle of nowhere. They sometimes encounter “scrubbers” an Australian term for wild bulls with huge horns that have never seen anyone. Goring can be fatal for buggies drivers or motorcycles and drivers then put their helicopter in impossible positions to make them toe the line. Here are their lives during this extreme period. IRAQ, THE SHADOWS OF WAR Irak, les ombres de la guerre Constant wars, embargos and border tension have transformed Iraq’s sole opening to the sea into a living hell for the men and women who live in the region. A ghost port, a graveyard for hulks… Amidst the ruins, however, Basra is trying to revive its glorious past. For the first time since the American invasion of Iraq, a team of reporters has been to see what thirty years of war have done to the city, its estuary and its people. RAVENEL: THE SILENT VOICES OF ST PIERRE Le Ravenel On January 28 1962, at Saint Pierre-et-Miquelon, near the Ile aux Marins, the trawler “Le Ravenel” disappears with 15 seamen on board. Some fifty years have passed and the island is still profoundly marked by the tragedy. Not a trace. Not a single survivor. No certain explanation of the cause of the sinking. A mourning that is extremely painful for the families. All that remains are the questions, the doubts and the suppositions that arise with every fresh discovery or account. All that remains also are the suspicions regarding the inquiries, which many consider unfinished and rigged to conceal a truth that cannot be admitted. And, finally, all that remains is the burning passion of those who devote their time and their money to finding the wreck and obtaining some shred of truth. 116 People and Places: Around the Sea 25’ AUSTRALIA 25’ FRANCE 25’ PORTUGAL THE LAND OF THE MERMAIDS La terre des sirènes Mermaids exist. We’ve seen them. To be honest, they don’t have quite the charm that they are attributed in the tales of seafarers. What confusion there must have been in the minds of those long-haul seamen because your imagination must be running wild to confuse a mermaid with the animal that inspired its myth: the dugong. A marine mammal with generous curves, certainly, but which can grow to four metres and weigh up to nine hundred kilograms. Nobody will hold it against the myth makers. The legend of the mermaids feeds our fantasies and will survive for all time. However, for the dugong, things are not so sure. Today the dugong is the animal that is most under threat of extinction. In the Indian Ocean, pollution, urbanisation of the coasts and hunting have virtually decimated them. Although CITES* has banned the capture and trade in dugongs, in many countries it has already disappeared completely. It is in the Persian Gulf and, more especially, in Australia, that you are most likely to find them. On the island continent, the dugong is scrupulously protected and the authorities don’t stint on resources. At the same time, aborigines and the natives of the Torres Strait still have the right to hunt them for food. A custom that is non-negotiable, but now regulated. *Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, known by its acronym CITES, or the Washington Convention. THE BELEM Le Bélem The Belem? Everybody knows it. The ‘Trois mats’, last of the great commercial French sailing boats of the 19th century still navigating, is a remarkable witness to French maritime history. A merchant ship, a pleasure boat, and today a shipping school, its noble allure traverses the centuries, and its functions never cease to evolve. It is astonishing that there has been so little documented regarding daily life aboard the Belem; the way the crew live day by day, the intimate ties they have with their boat and the transmission of wisdom they are responsible for. For ten days we follow these sixteen men, as they sail the boat alone or guide apprentices from all around the world… MEN OF THE CLIFFS Au péril des falaises At the extreme south west of Portugal, men risk their lives fishing by the cliffs. They jump into the turbulent waters searching for barnacles, or descend from the peaks using nothing but a cord attached to the rocks, looking for the best place to drop their line. 24’ Canada SWIMMING WITH BEARS Il nage avec les ours SOUND 5.1 24’ Canada In this program, we meet an underwater filmmaker who specializes in cold water diving. Mario Cyr, the man who swims with bears or walruses, invites us inside his world of beauty and risks. A TRIP TO ARGENTINA FOR QUEBEC’S OCEANOGRAPHERS Cap sur l’Argentine pour les océanographes québécois SOUND 5.1 Let’s board Coriolis II for a scientific mission in the South Atlantic. Quebecers and Argentineans scan the San Jorge Gulf, where the exploitation of oil deposits is planned. This long expedition, will earn researchers from Université du Québec à Rimouski international recognition. 117 People and Places: Around the Sea 24’ Canada NAVIGATE TO INNOVATE Quand naviguer rime avec innover In this program, we board the powerful icebreaker l’UMIAK I in waters off the coast of Labrador, where drones are used to help navigate through ice. SOUND 5.1 24’ Canada SOUND 5.1 24’ Canada SOUND 5.1 24’ Canada SOUND 5.1 24’ FRANCE THE GOLD OF THE ST. LAWRENCE L’or du Saint-Laurent We head to île Bicquette in the St. Lawrence estuary; a unique sanctuary where duck down worth its weight in gold is harvested by hand: eiderdown. PIERRE BÉLAND: FAREWELL TO THE WHALES Pierre Béland : l’adieu aux baleines Pierre Béland and his belugas: an ultimate heartfelt cry to protect a threatened and emblematic species of the St. Lawrence River. A SHIP TO BE PROUD OF Un navire qui rend fier This program takes us to an Italian shipyard to witness the birth of a future flagship for Quebec’s fleet of ferries. THE SS EASTLAND Le SS Eastland Certain dramas throughout history become unjustifiably famous, to the detriment of other similar tragedies. We all remember the tragedy of the Titanic. But who knows that a few years later, an other equally terrible catastrophe will enter the annals of the great maritime disasters of the 20th century? The sinking of the S.S. Eastland is one human tragedy that time has wiped from memory, but which possess all the ingredients of a heart-rending and mysterious story… THE NORMANDY Le Normandie 24’ FRANCE 24’ ENGLAND - FRANCE When France declared war on Germany on September 3 1939, the Normandie had just docked in New York. Moored at pier 88, this majestic trans-Atlantic liner, flagship of the French luxury fleet, will remain safe from the conflict. Her fate takes a dramatic turn, however, in the winter of 1942. America has just entered the war and Roosevelt decides to requisition the Normandie to ferry troops to the European front. During preparation work a fire breaks out on board, causing the loss of the ship. On February 10 1942 the Normandie ends her career at the bottom of the Hudson River. Accident? Or sabotage? The docks of New York are the backdrop to this incredible maritime story. An intriguing investigation where we encounter the American naval secret services, saboteurs from the “Cagoule” (a right wing extremist organisation) and finally the New York Mafia and its infamous godfather, Lucky Luciano. In the end, the Normandie will have sailed a mere four years. Long enough to enter into legend. THE MEKNES Le Meknès The French steamer, Meknès sails from Southampton on July 24 1940 with more than 1300 French seamen aboard. Around 10.30pm, when off Portland, she is intercepted by the German ship S-27, which opens fire with machine guns. The captain stops his ship and clearly signals his name and nationality. However, the only response he receives is a torpedo and the ship sinks within ten minutes. 118 People and Places: Around the Sea 24’ AUSTRALIA English version available 24’ POLYNESIA THE KING’S BANQUET Le festin du Roi When she arrived in Melbourne, the biggest city on the south coast of Australia, to meet Rob Torelli, 7 times Australian free-diving spearfishing champion, Sabine Quindou never imagined the fear she would have to face. When not training, Rob fishes for abalones, a shellfish known in Europe under the name of ormeau. The two species fished in this part of the Indian Ocean, greenlip and blacklip, are worth their weight in gold on the markets of Asia. Rob, who readily admits he is “obsessed by the sea” wanted to pass on his passion to Sabine by initiating her into his profession. The problem: Rob dives in a setting that is sumptuous but dangerous, at the foot of the cliffs of Lady Julia Percy Island, a territory he shares with the biggest seal colony in the country and their natural predators, the sharks. VAHINES, FROM MYTH TO REALITY Vahiné, entre mythe et realité Vahines, from myth to reality… She is beautiful and exotic. For more than two centuries she has inspired artists, poets, travellers and filmmakers. She is half real, half mythical. She is a pure male fantasy, a slogan for paradise…. But does Vahiné really exist? In days gone by and today, who is she? 24’ USA THE BLACKBEARD’S LAST VOYAGE Le dernier voyage de Barbe Noire After years of underwater search, the exploration company Intersal and the American Department of Archaeology have doubtless located the wreck of Blackbeard’s last ship. The Queen Anne’s Revenge was a war machine armed with forty cannons and she made famous the most notorious of pirates. As they raise her remains from the sea bed, the treasure hunters of North Carolina imagine that one day they will lay hands on the legendary treasure of Captain Edward Teach… 24’ NIGERIA English version available 24’ MADAGASCAR THE FORCED LABOURERS OF THE LAGOON Les forçats de la lagune In the middle of the night they dive and dive again into the murky waters of Lagos lagoon. Equipped only with simple buckets, most of the time naked, they scratch at the bottom ten feet below to scrape up the sand before the sun becomes unbearable. Slowly their pot-bellied ships are filled, one free dive after another, and then they hoist the sails and head back to the village. These forced labourers of the lagoon might be right out of deepest antiquity, with no other power than their muscles and the wind. Thousands of dives to provide the capital’s construction sites with its raw material. Harrowing work, but with a timeless beauty. At dawn, as the Nigerian capital is awakening, sailing boats with sumptuous patchwork sails glide softly to their home port. The men are exhausted. The images are resplendent. Then they must off-load the sand, basket by basket. The boats are built on the beach, the sails sewn in back yards out of rice sacks and the trucks gnaw at the mountains of sand erected by the men. And yet, the whole sand economy is run by women, in this violent country, which long ago granted them equality. Pauline is the owner of a boat, and of a crew. She runs her little business like an astute businesswoman. Without voyeurism, sharing the lives of the workers, Thalassa spent several days aboard these boats in the company of the sand divers. A report on one of the many faces of people at work and an incredible human adventure. FORT DAUPHIN IN BLACK AND WHITE Fort Dauphin, en noir et blanc In Fort-Dauphin, everything has changed over the last few years. Before it was a sleepy little town in the south of Madagascar. No road to get there, no industry, often no electricity, just a tiny port lost in the middle of an immense and magnificent bay. The little town was something of an attraction for curious foreigners: it was like a little tropical paradise. Then one day big decision was taken. The Madagascan government signed a contract with Rio Tinto, a multinational specializing in mining operations. This company started to develop the world’s largest mine for Ilmenite, a mineral containing iron and titanium, which is mainly used in plastics and paint. It was a revolution! The biggest deep-water port in the Indian Ocean was built, with a total investment of around 850 million dollars. Obviously most of the inhabitants lives were turned upside down. The seemingly miraculous inflow of money has created a considerable economic boom, and hundreds of jobs. But as with all revolutions some people feel that they have suffered. They sold their land under pressure and now they have nothing. And in Madagascar land is often all you have to leave to your children after a lifetime of work. 119 People and Places: Around the Sea 24’ POLYNESIA HAWAIKI NUI VA’A Hawaiki nui va’a This is the story of a handful of islands in the middle of the South Pacific. Men of God arrived here in pirogues more than 5,000 years ago. In memory to those times, the Polynesians have created a pirogue race linking together 4 islands in the Leeward Islands archipelago. 130 km to get to Bora Bora, three days’ racing, 2,500 oarsmen. This is the race of all superlatives, the hardest, the most dreaded, the finest. It is called the Hawaiki Nui Va’a. It is the world’s toughest marathon. 23’ FRANCE - USA THE GHOST OF THE WHITE BIRD Les fantomes de l’oiseau blanc On May 8 1927, renowned pilot Nungesser and his navigator, Coli, take off aboard the White Bird, a bi-plane that is designed to take them across to the coasts of America. It’s a mighty challenge, but they intend to take advantage of the winds to cross the 3500 miles that separate them from New York. A few hours after take-off, witnesses spot them of the coast of Etretat and then nothing. What happened? Did they get lost? Did the White Bird crash into the sea? Did they succeed in reaching the shores of America? These are questions that haunt Bernard Decré, a devoted fan of sailing and flying. He tries to retrace the journey of the White Bird step by step, hoping to prove that the aviators, even though they disappeared, really did cross the Atlantic. From the coasts of Brittany to Washington, by way of Paris and the St Pierre and Miquelon archipelago, his exciting quest tells us more about this incredible attempt to cross the Atlantic 23’ PHILIPPINES English version available 23’ SCOTLAND English version available 23’ FRANCE THE LAST MEN OF PAALING Les derniers hommes de Paaling The Sulu Sea, known as Jolo, is one of those “black-listed” maritime areas. The advice is strict: don’t go there because of the instability… both political and climatic. It’s a hostile place that has driven the people who live there to engage in the craziest forms of fishing. The most spectacular amongst them is known as Paaling. It takes place in deep water and requires the participation of some fifty divers. Because of their agilityand their docilitychildren have long served the interests of such fishing, unique of its kind. Today it is considered to be one of the most dangerous in the world, although one that brings the highest returns to its practitioners, but at what cost? Drownings, diving accidents, environmental damage, what remains of this tradition today? Who are the last of the Paaling fishermen? SCOTLAND, A JOURNEY TROUGH ITS CANAL Ecosse, au fil des lochs et des écluses Each year, in the heart of the Scottish Highlands, a nautical expedition takes place using sails and paddles. This extraordinary voyage passes through the Caledonian Canal, an immense 19th century construction connecting Scotland’s Atlantic west coast to its North Sea east coast. Through the canal’s 29 locks and Scotland’s famous Lochs, including Loch Ness, Thalassa followed a French crew aboard their sailboat as they discovered this authentic and wild environment, which is also one of Europe’s least populated regions. From Fort William, on the Atlantic coast, to Inverness, on the North Sea coast, through the Highland’s magnificent valleys, Thalassa plunges viewers into Scotland’s exceptionally wild and natural landscapes. MY VACATION WITH THE NUDISTS Mes vacances chez les naturistes Each year France hosts to 2 million naturists. Prescribed by doctors a century ago as “treatment for microbes”, nudism has become, over time, a social phenomenon that has been built up as a way of life, even a philosophy. Recently a new trend has been emerging. Before, it was naked and tanned, now it is naked and trendy. What we are now witnessing is the emergence of a new generation of fans of total tanning: more militant, more concerned with crossing the barriers that society imposes on them. Because, even if meeting a naturist today is commonplace, many taboos still surround the practice. We take advantage of the summer monthsthe season for such meetingsto assess the current state of naturism, not only in France, but also in Croatia, two countries considered the Meccas of naturism. Naturism for the beach or naturism for life? It’s a personal choose. 120 People and Places: Around the Sea 23’ AUSTRALIA English version available 22’ CANADA CRABS GALORE Crabes en stock In 2004, Australian scientists made an astonishing discovery: in Melbourne Bay they found the biggest gathering of spider crabs in the world. Brought to public attention by Jacques Perrin’s film Ocean, hundreds of thousands of these crustaceans migrate once a year to the same place at the same time. The reason is still unknown. Sabine sets out to learn more about this strange phenomenon. But the murky waters don’t reveal their mysteries so easily. EMPRESS OF IRELAND Le Titanic du Saint Laurent On May 29 1914, one of the most modern liners of its age is wrecked on the Saint Laurence River. The Empress of Ireland was making a shuttle run between Canada and Europe. There are more than 1,000 dead. Two years after the sinking of the Titanic and despite improved safety measures, the law of the series continues. Everyone knows the story of the Titanic, in contrast to that of the Empress of Ireland. A few years ago, a young historian, born on the banks of the Saint Laurence, decides to revive the forgotten story of the “Titanic of the Saint Laurence”. However, his research to discover the exact circumstances of the tragedy runs up against a number of questions. There are still some shadowy areas surrounding the exact circumstances of the tragedy… 22’ FRANCE THE MYSTERIES OF THE ELVER Les mystères de la civelle I It’s a rare and highly-prized marine species, a tiny species with huge commercial value, a migratory fish capable of traveling thousands of kilometers across the Atlantic to reach the fresh waters of rivers: it’s the elver, the baby eel. Once teeming along the waters of the Loire, the elver, prized for its rare taste, is now an endangered species. 22’ SPAIN THE WINGS OF THE DELTA Les Ailes du Delta With its dunes and its wetland areas, the Ebro Delta is a paradise for birds and a favourite haunt for ornithologists. In this protected area, we follow Rémi, a French ornithologist newly arrived in Barcelona. The tour begins in the very heart of this teeming city. This passionate lover of nature takes us to see the denizens of the air, from the city that has won him over to the delta of the River Ebro, 175 kilometres further south. In every season there is an extraordinary diversity of species to be observed: flamingos, terns, ducks and herons that nest upon these lands or make them a stop-over on their long migration routes. With a team of bird-ringers from the Nature Reserve, he is taking part in a survey of an endangered species: Audouin’s Gull. The Ebro delta is also the granary of Spain. A vast, flat delta ideal for growing rice for over a century. The estuary folk here are rice farmers, canal supervisors, lovers of nature with a character that is neither of the land, nor an island, but of the delta, based on mutual support and sharing. Rebellious, hard workers committed to protecting their land from the threats that lurk over it… 21’ HIMALAYA - INDIA THE ROAD La route Crossing mountain passes of over 5,000 meters, the road leading to Manali in the Ladakh region in the extreme north of India, is one of the two highest roads in the world. Open three months a year, it becomes a hive of activity. 3000 to 4000 trucks use it every day. Behind the wheel of their truck, Tunduk and Gyalson will have to overcome the road’s many dangers to deliver their cargo of cement. 121 People and Places: Around the Sea 21’ ITALY CINQUE TERRE Vendanges vertigineuses Riomaggiore, Manarola, Vernazza, Corniglia and Monterosso make up the Cinque Terre. The exceptional character of the landscape of this coastal, rural region of Liguria led UNESCO to class it as a World Heritage site in 1997. However, with the abandonment of farming activity putting this treasure in danger, the Cinque Terre National Park is trying to restore the terraced slopes and encourage responsible tourism. For centuries farmers remodelled the steep slopes of these landscapes, thus creating thousands of tiny parcels of cultivable land, held in place by as many little “dry stone” walls, skillfully assembled without cement. They first planted olives and vines, then later, lemon trees and aromatic herbs. All this labour was carried out by hand alone, the terrain making the use of animals impossible. Today, even the weeding and hoeing continues to be done without the help of machines. From the sea to the highest level there are 250 terraces, 2 metres high and 3 or 4 metres wide. Placed end to end they would stretch for 7,000 kilometers! 20’ USA USA, THE DEEP SOUTH BY WATER USA, le Grand Sud au fil de l’eau From the State of Georgia to the Gulf of Mexico, across Alabama and then down the Mississippi to its mouth, “USA, the Deep South” is a journey of encounter with those who love the Deep South. Elgin Wells combines his two passions: music and stunt flying. Pilot, musician, poet, he is one of the few in America to present nighttime aerial displays. At Natchez, on the banks of the Mississippi, Pat Martin and Gay Guercio open the doors to Stanton Hall and Longwood, two magnificent mansions in the heart of the old cotton plantations. In the Atchafalaya Basin, an extraordinary nature reserve that is a paradise for birds, crawfish and alligators, Roy Blanchard and Shane Doucet are fighting to preserve their identity as Acadians, descendants of the first immigrants, who still speak old French. 20’ URUGUAY JOSE IGNACIO, THE LATINO ST TROPEZ Jose Ignacio, le Saint Tropez latino Every age has its fashions. For several years now a tiny South American village has become established as the new glamour destination. Just a few miles from the major seaside resort of Punta del Este, José Ignacio was until recently just a tiny fishing village battered by the winds. Today, international stars like Ralph Lauren, Shakira and Naomie Campbell have made this astonishing place their choice. Every New Year, the population of the village increases one hundred fold. The jet set arrives discretely to party and find a unique balance between luxury and authenticity. Who pointed the way to his tiny patch of land in the South Atlantic? Why have they chosen this place rather than another? How are the locals coping with being suddenly fashionable? Will José Ignacio put that mythic village of Saint Tropez in the shade? 20’ FRANCE HARRAGAS Harragas, arrière plan Frontignan, January 2009. In the biting cold of this bitter winter a film is being made. As if it was an emergency. Most of the sequences happen in the water, in a miserable little boat, into which are squeezed several young men and a young woman, all Algerian. That’s in the script. It’s the story of the Harragas, which means the ‘burners’. They choose to make their past go up in smoke by burning their papers. They prefer to risk everything rather than stay in their country. It’s not easy shooting in these conditions, sitting on a barge for hours on end, bouncing up and down on the winter waves of the Mediterranean. The technicians are in an endless confrontation with the sea. It’s no super-production. The young actors seem intimidated by the situation. They stick together and don’t mix with the film crew. Some of them only speak Arabic and feel rather lost in the port of Frontignan. 20’ FRANCE ANTARTIC THE EMPERORS OF TERRE ADELIE Les Empereurs de la terre d’Adèlie This story begins with a childhood dream and a deep fascination with birds. As the years went by, the child clung on to his dream and became an ornithologist specialising in penguins. For almost 40 years he followed the path of these strange birds which inhabit the edge of the world. Research Director at the CNRS in Strasbourg, Member of the Academy of Sciences, Yvon le Maho has carried out several polar missions to the Antarctic. From his trips to the South Seas he has brought back magnificent images and much scientific data as well as a question that concerns us all: what kind of world will we leave to our children? Having over-specialised in adapting to their natural habitat, it is animals such as the penguin that are most at risk from the effects of global warming. 122 People and Places: Around the Sea 19’ EUROPE THE PRINCE WHO VANISHED Le prince disparu While underwater archaeologist Luc Vanrell was working to elucidate the mystery of the death of St Exupéry, he came upon the trail of another strange affair. Near the Riou archipelago, within a few dozen metres of the wreck of the plane flown by the author of the Petit Prince, he chanced upon another wreck: that of a German plane… So, at the same spot under the sea, lie two planes from the Second World War: one German, the other French. Is there a link between St Exupéry’s crash and this German plane? Thanks to an incredible investigation and following the discovery of a skeleton on the Riou archipelago, Luc Vanrell swiftly solves this new enigma. A journey full of twists and turns between the Bay of Marseilles, Germany and California… 19’ ITALY 19’ FRANCE THE LURE OF AN ISLAND La tentation de l’île You don’t come to Filicudi by chance. This is the most distant, the wildest, and the oldest of the Aeolian Islands, born as a marine volcano, a million years ago. The landscape is harsh, rough, angular. Here, there are no big hotels and no special attractions. A few scattered clifftop houses, lost among the vegetation, in a wilderness of volcanic rock. This is not an island for everyone but it seems that once you have set foot on it you might not want to leave. For Marina, Monica, Giovanni and Francesco it’s a bit like the island of Peter Pan. One day they decided to leave everything behind to be closer to nature, fleeing the chaos of the city to get back to essential values. They chose Filicudi. Perhaps we all have a dream island waiting for us somewhere. WHAT’S IN THE WATER Histoire d’eau In 2009, the simulations made by the Surfrider association on the quality of bathing water came like a cold shower: if nothing is done, by 2015, 10% of French beaches will be banned to bathers. And a quarter of them will see their water quality down-graded. You won’t suspect anything when you go to take a swim this summer, but coastal local authorities are developing a wealth of ingenuity to guarantee you safe bathing. And to keep their beaches open as long as possible during the season. The quality of the water is a big attractive argument. But do you know what the criteria are for such quality? What do we look for? Is a “Blue Flag” floating before your eyes any guarantee? And what are the threats hanging over our beaches? Today, the quality of bathing water has become high stakes for every community along the seashore. 19’ COSTA RICA COSTA RICA, THE GREEN JUDGE Costa Rica, le juge vert They call him “the green judge”. He’s the first President of the Environmental Court of Costa Rica. Snuggling between the Pacific and the Caribbean, the smallest country in Latin America is famous for being the planet’s champion of bio-diversity. However, the success of eco-tourism is pushing Costa Rica towards galloping urbanization.Today, the country is up for sale, to the detriment of its natural wealth. That is why the State has set up the Environmental Court. Battle is engaged… The “green judges” of Costa Rica have declared war on corruption and outlaw developers. Bertrand Edel and Nejma Berder accompanied the countrywide inspection by the incorruptible José Lino Chavez, President of the Environmental Court. 19’ JAPAN TALES AND LEGENDS OF MOUNT ASO A l’ombre des volcans Japan has more than 200 active volcanoes. In Kagoshima, in the south of Japan, 700,000 people live in the shadow of a potentially dangerous volcano. Not far away, on Mount Aso, thousands of tourists come to sniff the sulphurous odours at the rim of its crater. From lyrical farmers to committed researchers, Sarah Carpentier has met the people who live in cohabitation with their smouldering neighbours - half alert; half fascinated. A traveller’s log. 123 People and Places: Around the Sea 19’ English & Arabic version available ISRAEL 19’ English version available MOROCCO - FRANCE 19’ ALBANIA EXODUS Exodus The Exodus is a legendary 20th century ship often associated with the creation of the State of Israel 60 years ago. Although its name is still famous, the actual epic story of the ship and its passengers has been little by little forgotten. The ordeal illustrates the situation of the Jews at the end of the Second World War and the geopolitical context of the Middle East where many countries were Protectorates of the British Empire. After Auschwitz, thousands of Jews took to the seas, heading for the only Land where a future seemed possible: Palestine. The Exodus was one ship among many that British intransigence propelled into History. Noah Klieger, a member of the Exodus crew, and Yossi Harel, his commander, take us on an adventure that marked them forever. THE SEARCH FOR ATLANTIS A la recherche de l’Atlantide Atlantis is one of the most exciting myths in Western history. A myth that has been turning heads for more than 2000 years. Over long years who has not searched for a trace of this sunken city that only exists on a few pages in the works of Plato? So much so that it has been discovered everywhere, from the Atlantic to the Antarctic. Therefore nowhere. However, in 2001, Jacques Collina-Girard, a French prehistorian and geologist, put his finger on a high seabed off the straits of Gibraltar. And for the first time, the myth recorded by the Greek philosopher seemed to be confirmed. ALBANIA : THE BATTLE FOR PARADISE Foire d’empoigne Albania has a treasure which is unique in Europe: a hundred kilometres of practically virgin coastline. It is superb, and everybody wants it. The problem is that the land was nationalized for 40 years and now noone is quite sure who it belongs to. At the end of the communist era the state did not give the land back to its former owners, preferring to redistribute parts of it to the peasants.The result is a surreal real estate tangle which leaves no-one unscathed. A dream location has become the scene of personal conflicts, revolts and arbitrary demolitions while developers and the mafia try to get their hands on this treasure. 20 years after its passage from communism to capitalism, Albania is still paying the price. 19’ NORWAY NORTH POLE, LAND OF ASYLUM (2008) Pôle nord, une terre d’asile On the Norwegian islands of Svalbard, close to the North Pole, all nationalities are welcome and immigration is free. But this icy Noah’s Ark has very particular living conditions: winter is one long night lasting four months with temperatures approaching -50° C, there is neither maternity ward nor cemetery, and polar bears are a day-to-day threat forcing inhabitants to go armed with a weapon. 18’ HIMALAYA - INDIA THE BUCHENS Les Buchens In the Pin valley, one of the most remote areas of the Indian Himalayas, the Buchens offer one of the few entertainment available to local residents. At once actors, shamans and exorcists, they move from village to village to perform their art. A Buddhist tradition dating back to the 15th century, which Sonam, the Buchen leader, passes on to his son. The Buchens are also the guardians of an amazing and dramatic ritual called the Ceremony of the Stone. 18’ FRANCE THE LITTLE NAPOLITAN THEATRE Le Petit Théâtre Napolitain With washing hanging from windows, Vespa horns blaring in the air and the hustle and bustle of the street, welcome to Naples, an open air theatre which plays host to as many comedies as tragedies. Full of paradoxes, the city is melting pot of the best and the worst of human nature; beauty, ugliness, splendour, misery. It is as if the city is in constant flux, as if it hesitates between light and darkness. But it’s the Neapolitans who make Naples; without them, it wouldn’t be the same city. Playful, inventive and comedians at heart, they have learnt how to tame this metropolis and to simply take life as it comes. Despite all the problems, they seem to know the secret of living a happy life. It’s a secret that they keep as they take us for a tour of this most incredible and paradoxical of cities. 124 People and Places: Around the Sea 18’ FRANCE RACE AGAINST THE TIDE La marée au galop Once a year, four beaches in France turn into race courses while the tide turns. At noon, you would never imagine a horse race. Nor at 7 0’clock. However, between the two, a track is drawn out and a hundred horses take part in several races. The State Betting organisation sets up its stands and takes bets from thousands of spectators. The course officials judge the finish, they follow the race in cars to ensure that the trotters remain within the rules and, if necessary, they consult the video images recorded by the Horse Racing Federation. For several hours the beach is no longer a beach… At Lancieux we follow a race against time… and against tide.the world today… 18’ USA THE OYSTER FARMER WHO BLEW WALL STREET APART L’ostréiculteur, qui a fait exploser Wall Street Like all rich New Yorkers, Mike Osinski one day buys himself a magnificent secondary home on Long Island, at Greenport on the Peconic Bay to be precise. He learns that the place is a famous centre of American oyster farming. Without really knowing how to go about it, he decides to farm a few oysters at the bottom of his garden and becomes an oyster farmer. And so his second life begins… because before that Mike was a big shot on Wall Street, directly implicated in the subprime crisis that is shaking the world today… 18’ ZAMBIA 17’ ENGLAND - FRANCE THE MIRACULOUS BEE OF THE LUNDAS La miraculeuse abeille de lundas We know about the big wild beasts of Africa… but Sarah Carpentier set out in search of the tiny beast… the Zambian wild bee, to be precise. After two days along tracks, she plunged into one of the largest tropical forests in the world and met the country’s traditional beekeepers. For two centuries the Lunda tribe has been setting hives in the trees, 50 feet above the ground and they produce honey that is incredibly pure. Today, this nectar is worth its weight in gold… the Lundas’ honey is purchased by an organic brand and marketed in Europe. A fresh perspective for one of the poorest tribes in Africa. THE LANCASTRIA Le naufrage du Lancastria On June 15 1940 the steamer Lancastria leaves the English port of Plymouth bound for Saint-Nazaire. Its mission is to embark English and Polish troops. The Lancastria already has a considerable number on board when, around 2pm, the Germans launch an air attack. The Lancastria is hit by a salvo of bombs. The Lancastria lists, turns over and sinks in 24 minutes. Two sinkings, two martyred ships in the year 1940. Sixty years after the events and nearly three generations later, fresh investigations are opened and the mysteries subjected to the scrutiny of historians. 17’ POLYNESIA RESCUERS IN PARADISE Les sauveteurs du paradis Sam Roscol is an athletic 50 year-old and he’s Mr. Safety in Polynesia… 1.85m of energy, commitment and love of life. Sam Roscol is the head of the GPI, the Polynesian Emergency Service. With his team of volunteers, he is responsible for the safety of people on Polynesian territory in case of natural disasters. Their activity: rescue… anywhere, under any circumstances… cyclone, tsunami, accident on the mountain or at sea, plane crash… the range of their interventions is wide. But when he’s not on a mission, Sam and his team play at explorers. He’s already opened up some 180 canyons by making some tricky passages safe. We accompany Sam Roscol and his team during their training and we follow one of their dangerous missions step by step. 17’ FRANCE THE LERINS ISLANDS, AN ENCHANTED BREAK Lerins, une parenthèse enchantée Sainte-Marguerite and Saint-Honorat are two small islands off the Canne’s croisette. A genuine haven of peace with untouched wilderness, they have protected their singular identity and are one of few idyllic settings. Despite the frenzied crowd that disembarks every day in the summer, the Lérins Islands remain a unique paradise where time seems to have stopped. Follow this guided tour for an unusual stroll around these two islands where several worlds meet. Amusement, nature, culture and discovery are the main ingredients of this insular cocktail that is worth seeing! 125 People and Places: Around the Sea 17’ REUNION ISLAND THE NUT CASE RACE La course des fadas They call it the Diagonal of Fools. The Grand Raid, which is held every year on Reunion, is one of the most testing races in the world. This year 2,700 runners will cover 170 kilometres of tracks that cross the landscapes of the island listed as a UNESCO world heritage site. During the race, however, it’s hard to admire the view. You have to commit yourself to take on the mud, the rain, the solitude and the lack of sleep. Those first home will take over 24 hours to reach the finish line; the stragglers will go more than 3 days without sleep. Once you start up a canyon or climb a mountain it’s difficult to turn back. Three competitors explain what motivated them to partake in such a challenge. They each have very personal reasons for wanting to push back their limits. 17’ FRANCE THE FOULEES DU GOIS Les foulées du Gois Since the eighteenth century there has been a two and a half mile causeway connecting the island of Noirmoutiers to the mainland, emerging and disappearing with the tides. This unique site is known as the Passage du Gois. Since 1987, an equally unusual race has been held there. Once a year, a selection of thirty top class athletes race against each other, although it is really a race against the rising tide. Accompanying several key characters, we plunge into the ‘Foulées du Gois’, to see what goes on before and especially during the race. On land, at sea, and in the heart of the action. It’s a race strictly for enthusiasts where the best athletes on paper are rarely the winners and the most important person is not a runner but the starter. Like we said, this race is like no other. 17’ FRENCH POLYNESIA English version available 17’ MAYOTTE ISLAND IN THE LAND OF TURTLES Au pays des tortues Around a hundred turtles are caught every week in French Polynesian to end up most often on the plates of rich Tahitian worthies! Turtle meat is still highly prized amongst the Polynesiansin Papeete they are ready to pay more than 250 Euros for a 5kg pack. Knowing that a turtle can often weigh more than 100 kilos, the profits for poachers are substantial. On average an adult turtle can fetch up to 20,000 Euros. Especially during the laying season between the months of August and January. And yet this animal is one of the species protected by the Washington Convention! So when the customs service gets involved sanctions are heavy. Moana had that painful experience. Arrested with two turtles poached off the coast of Tetiaroa, he was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment, his boat was seized and he was ordered to pay a fine of more than 10,000 Euros. Michel Arakino was the only one to extend a hand. Michel eats turtle meat but doesn’t deal in it. Tattooed to his fingertips, he is an impressive figure. “Honu, turtle in Polynesian, is in our genes, our flesh,” as he puts it. HOLD YOUR BREATH Apnée en duo In 2010, a couple of free divers made a film that touched more than ten million people on the Web. “Free Fall” rocketed them onto the international media stage. Julie Gautier, the champion, and Guillaume Mery, the quadruple world record holder, broke fresh ground in the practice of free diving. In their world the sporting and the aesthetic performance are intimately bound. We produced their portrait during a stay on the island of Mayotte, tracing Julie’s childhood footsteps. 17’ CAMBODIA CAMBODIA, COASTLINE FOR SALE? Cambodge, une côte à vendre? The 350 kilometers of Cambodian coastline seem almost insignificant compared to the immense coasts of neighbouring countries on the Gulf of Siam. However, for the past few years, its beaches and mangrove swamps have kindled strong desires. After years of obscurity, the coastline of the Khmer kingdom is for sale to the highest bidder... 126 People and Places: Around the Sea 17’ MAURITIUS English version available 17’ English version available CRETE 17’ PHILIPPINES 16’ SOUTH AFRICA THE DODO, THE DEAR DEPARTED Dodo, le cher disparu On the island of Mauritius, the dodo is printed on bank notes and its image is reproduced to infinity on Tee shirts and on the fronts of bars and hotels. The dodo is an emblematic creature for the island, but also for all the species wiped out by the actions of humans. So many symbols for a fat pigeon that became extinct three centuries ago! Everybody thinks they know it, but it turns out to be quite difficult to understand. What do we really know about it? What is left? Not a great deal. From the island of Mauritius, to the USA via the Netherlands, we set out to discover an animal that, in a curious way, fascinates us. MINOAN, THE PALAIKASTRO WAVE Minoan, la vague de Palaikastro Five years ago, a tsunami devastated South-East Asia. Its images left their mark on the world. What the world does not know is that the tsunami of 2004 was to unlock one of the greatest of archaeological mysteries: how to explain the rapid decline of the Minoans, that remarkable Bronze Age civilization which played a central role in the development of Western culture? For some years, archaeologist Alexander MacGillivray has studied in Minoan civilisation. A member of the British School in Athens, he is excavating the Palaikastro site, to the east of Crete. He was unable to explain some unusual sedimentary layers discovered on the site and on the beach. Until he too saw the terrible images of the tsunami at the end of 2004… TAU’T BATU Tau’t batu They have been walking for hours through the jungle. They come from the high plateaus to the south of the island of Palawan in the Philippines, abandoning their houses on stilts and their fields to escape from the typhoons and torrential rains of the monsoon. They do this every year. They migrate to the mountains and seek the sanctuary of their cliffs, peppered with caves and rocky shelters. Together we reach the cave of Signapan. What do we know about them? They spend the five months of the monsoon season here and they feel at home. Their families have occupied the same caves for generations. There are only a few thousand Tau’t Batu left. The name means “people of the rocks”. The Manila government accords a strict protection to their homeland, hours on foot from the nearest village, on the edge of the jungle, at the edge of the world. THE WHITE CAPE Le Cap, la blanche Lying nearly 10,000 kilometres from Amsterdam, Paris or London, Cape Town is without doubt the whitest and most European city in Africa. An enclave in the heart of the black continent. Just as it was in the sixteenth century when Dutch pioneers or French Huguenots were touched by the grace of the location and never left it. They created a jewel out of this extreme point of Africa, transplanting their architecture, their interiors, their customs, their spirit of enterprise. Three centuries later, with Apartheid abolished, the descendants of those Cape pioneers, whether of Dutch or British origin, perpetuate a way of life at the very end of the African continent that is quite apart. Nowhere else in Africa do they hunt to hounds or play cricket with such passion. Nowhere else in Africa do they produce so many cheeses and wines, on estates that are still called “La Provence” or “Le Bonheur”. 16’ BRAZIL IN THE AMAZON’S WILD WEST En plein far-west amazonien Christophe Cousin begins his journey in the heart of the forest, at the iron mine of Carajas, in the heart of the Amazonian wild west. It is the largest iron mine in the world. A train trip and a few days later, he stops in Serra Pelada, where there are “cowboys” on every street corner. Obviously this is no longer the gold mine portrayed in Salgado’s photos in the 80’, but it still retains a good measure of gold rush spirit. They keep digging and they keep looking... Chico does it in his kitchen. Underneath, he has a shaft 90 feet deep where he still nurtures his hopes of wealth. But times have changed. Now the giants of the mining industry are casting their shadow over his hole. Our route also crosses the region of Eldorado dos Carajas. Here, the forest gives way to ranches. We meet real ‘rancheros’, cattle ranchers with branding irons and jingling spurs. The train stops at Sao Luiz, in the state of Maranhão, which was colonized by the French. The town’s historic centre has remained almost intact, while at its port the iron reaches the sea. 127 People and Places: Around the Sea 16’ FRANCE KITE CRAZY Les Zinzins du zef Last April the town of Berck sur Mer celebrated the 25th International Kite Festival, an event that over time has become the number one date for every amateur or professional of the sport. For more than a week, thousands of eyes were glued to the skies over the Opal Coast. Joel Goupil has spent his whole life working in the family wire-making factory near Orleans. He has been coming to Berck sur Mer for over 20 years and every year he produces a creation out of wire and cloth that is more extraordinary than the last. Nicole and Daniel run an insane risk: to fly through the air to fulfill the dream of Icarus. A thousand stars shine in the eyes of Daniel Clément from having studied the sky. He is the organiser and so the success of the event rests upon his shoulders, but on the weather too… the edge of the world. 16’ FRANCE SEA REX, WHEN 3D REINVENTS REALITY Sea Rex, quand la 3D reinvente la réalité Everybody knows about the dinosaurs, but have you ever asked yourself what was living in the oceans during that period? Pascal Vuong, film director, asked himself that question and he discovered the world of marine reptiles, creatures as impressive as the dinosaurs. He decided to make a film in Imax relief 3D on these monsters of the Secondary Era. A film that takes us diving into the oceans amidst these carnivorous animals with jaws more terrifying than those of the notorious TRex (Tyrannosaurus Rex). But how can you recreate reptiles that peopled the oceans millions of years ago. With the aid of Nathalie Bardet, palaeontologist at the Museum of Natural History in Paris, he went back in time. Using studies and reconstruction of fossils, he was able to design, animate and give fresh life to these prodigious creatures. In this report, we tell you the story of this collaboration and the quest for the very distant past. After 5 years’ work Pascal Vuong’s film was released in February at the Geode in Paris and in all the Imax venues throughout the world. 16’ FRANCE THE LAST FLIGHT OF A SPITFIRE Le dernier vol du Spitfire Fabrice Corbin is a most unusual hunter of wrecks. With a shock squad, he got it into his head to refloat a Spitfire, buried in the mud of the Orne estuary since June ’44… The task turned out to be much more complicated than was thought. From setback to disaster, Fabrice takes us with him on an adventure that is full of surprises. 16’ English version available INDIAN OCEAN 16’ English version available FRANCE THE SUN OF THE ORIENT: HUNTING THE TREASURE OF SIAM Le soleil d’Orient, à la recherche du trésor de Siam Sometime during the year 1681, a ship of the French Indies Company disappears in the middle of the Indian Ocean. This is not just any ship: it is the galleon of the Sun King, the largest vessel in the French fleet and the symbol of the power of the crown. In its holds it carried a treasure, which the King of Siam (now Thailand) wished to offer to the King of France as a mark of friendship because the two powers were on the point of signing a military alliance for the control of the famous Spice Route. The vessel’s disappearance is a mystery. It excites a good many questions… and a good many fantasies. And so, today, treasure hunters are determined to get their hands on the “Grail”. THE LAST FLIGHT OF ST EXUPERY Le dernier vol de Saint Exupery On July 31 1944, the Lightning P-38 of Captain Saint Exupéry, which took off at 8h45 from the aerodrome of Bastia-Borgo, was heading for the south of France on a reconnaissance and photographic mission in preparation for the landings in Provence. In 1998 a fisherman from Marseilles pulled up a chain belonging to the lost aviator in his nets. The first object directly linked to the lost author. That was all it needed to reignite the mystery that so many devotees have been trying to resolve for 60 years. So Luc Varel decided to make a fresh study of certain wrecks of airplanes that he had discovered in the same area as the chain. Shortly after that he formally identified the plane, in the Calanques region near Marseilles. This was the start of a new investigation to try to understand why the plane of the most famous author and aviator of his time was in a place where no one had ever looked for it and what might have happened to it. An attack by enemy aircraft? Engine failure? Some even hint at suicide. In his office, in the heights of Marseille, he explains the climate of conflict in which the disappearance happened, while archive footage of aerial combat recalls the harsh realities. 128 People and Places: Around the Sea 16’ NORTH SEA SYLT : THE SAINT TROPEZ OF THE NORTH SEA L’ile de Sylt: le St Tropez de la Mer du Nord The island of Sylt is part of Germany’s heritage. The Saint Tropez of the North Sea, tourists, the rich and famous and more ordinary people all head to this island “en masse”. In the tourist season, the island’s population swells from 20,000 inhabitants to one million. However, Sylt is no German Ibiza. There are no large buildings or disfigured landscapes. On the contrary, Sylt has managed to remain natural and wild, which no doubt explains why a square metre of land in Sylt is worth the same as on the Champs Elysees... Yet a shadow hangs over Sylt: the island’s days are numbered. This 30 km long by 400 m wide beach is disappearing little by little, pulled away by the sea. Each year, it is estimated that 1.50 m of the coastline disappears. Residents and summer visitors alike have learned to live with this ever-present threat. 15’ POLYNESIA ACES OVER THE LAGOON Les as du lagon In another life they were fighter pilots or mechanics working for Boeing. Then, one day, they decided to make a long-held dream come true: move to Tahiti and fly over one of the most beautiful places in the world. Stéphane Chantre and Vincent Roux are aerial aces. They set up their flying school eight years ago. They teach aerial acrobatics to visiting tourists and the inhabitants of the island. They also provide air transport to the small, private islands that have no commercial flights. We fly with Vincent over Tahiti and Moorea as he performs stunts whose secrets are known only to him. Stéphane is coaching him for the next international aerial acrobatics championships. Initiation to flying, dropping parachutists, carrying passengers to the most unlikely of air strips, we discover Vincent’s hectic life spent between looping-the-loop and flighting over the Polynesian lagoons. 15’ CANADA PORTRAIT OF VANCOUVER Ville de rêve Vancouver has always been in the top 5 of the three most significant international studies that rank cities according to their quality of life. Is it because of its unique geography, the mountains and the ocean ? Whatever :Vancouver is approved unanimously. One likes to live there, to work there or simply relax. However, the city has more than a lifestyle to offer. Vancouver is different from other north american cities. It dreams of being the greenest city in the world before 2015… 15’ FRANCE THE KNIGHTS OF SETE Les chevaliers de la Tintaine A unique event takes place on the last Monday of August in Sète: The “St. Louis Tournament.” Thrust forward by rowers and armed with lances the local stars clash in the tradition of the chivalrous water jousts of the seventeenth century. For a day, ten thousand spectators line an arena set up on Sète’s Royal Canal. The atmosphere is electric. The St. Louis is much more than an annual celebration, it is the battlefield where the rivalry between several neighboring cities has been played out for centuries. Each city has its lord. One will be proclaimed king and become part of the legend. Aurelien Evangelisti has won the title six times. His size and presence are impressive. He is unbeatable. In Sète, they call him “The Boss”. Everyone dreams of knocking him into the water and bringing home his shield. We climb aboard the red boat to experience this amazing tournament at close range. At the heart of the battle, we discover a different world where honour is not an empty word. 15’ English version available FRANCE - USA SWEDEN THE COELACANTH Coelacanthe - sortie des eaux The coelacanth is the most observed animal after the human being. And we continue to analyse it without cease. This famous fish possesses particularly primitive characteristics that permit the study of one of the key moments in the history of life: the emergence from the water. In other words, the moment when a vertebrate became a land animal around 350 million years ago. Over the last twenty years there have been an increasing number of discoveries. From France to the USA, via Belgium and Sweden, we dive into the very heart of a question that fascinates palaeontologists. 129 People and Places: Around the Sea 15’ FRENCH POLYNESIA ISLAND EMERGENCY SERVICES Urgences dans les îles In French Polynesia the word has entered common parlance: to be “evasaner”. In other words to be evacuated for medical reasons. In a territory that is as big as Europe, distances mean that Emergency Medical teams must literally “fly” to the aid of the injured and the sick. A single medical system that is tending to grow at the expense of medical services on the islands. Fewer dispensaries on the remoter islands and a concentration of resources on the hospital complex in the capital, Papeete. When the nearest hospital is more than 1,500km away, it’s like flying out of Paris to aid a sick person in Bucharest! And to give birth, women sometimes have to start out for the maternity hospital a month before term. In every case, the plane is the only means of saving or delivering life. 15’ FRANCE THE REAL PORQUEROLLES L’authentique Porquerolles The island of Porquerolles is the largest of the archipelago of islands off Hyères. Known as the ‘rare pearl’, it receives over a million visitors a year from all over Europe. The island is invaded in the summer and its activities are increasingly focussed on tourism. When winter comes, hotels, restaurants and shops close and the island is deserted. Yet a few diehards still like to live here normally and want to keep up their village life. Islanders at heart, they wanted to tell us why they are fighting to keep the grocery store, school and post office open all the year round. If you visit Porquerolles in winter, you will find out what it is really like. 15’ INDIA THE RAJIS, PEOPLE OF RIVER AND FOREST Les Radjis, peuple de la rivière et de la forêt On the border of India and Nepal, in the Terai, lies the land of the Rajis. Christophe Cousin, torch in hand, met his first Rajis in the middle of the night, the fishermen also gold prospectors and honey hunters. 15’ ZAMBIA 15’ USA SHEILA AND HER APES Sheila et ses singes This is the story of a heroine such as you read of in novels. An elderly English woman, who chose, 60 years ago, to set down her bags in a corner of the Zambian bush. Sheila has since swapped her Labrador for a 3-tonne pet and she laughs at our surprise! Sheila has been a racing driver, dairy farmer, nurse… but, above all, she has built the biggest Chimpanzee sanctuary in the world. At Chimfunchi, they take in apes saved from the claws of the poachers and they try to re-educate them to live in a group and in semi-freedom. There’s Peaceful Pal, Ravenous Rita and Yabbering Yussa. Sheila and the carers at the centre know the first names of their 120 lodgers as if they were their own children… SHARKS, THE EVOLUTION Réquins, l’évolution Today, sharks are a species under threat of extinction. Around 100 million are killed every year. Humans are bringing about the death of one of the most extraordinary representatives of the animal kingdom. Sharks date back 455 million years. They have spanned the ages, survived the greatest of extinctions, constantly adapted to their environment. Some palaeontologists are passionate about this fascinating adventure… 15’ English version available EGYPT - USA 15’ English version available SULTANATE OF OMAN IN THE STEPS OF WHALES Dans les pas des baleines Whales fascinate people. We know the reasons why. But they also fascinate palaeontologists. The reason: they are mammals. In other words, before they lived in the sea, their ancestors lived on the land. Scientists are trying to find evidence to understand this evolution. Research that leads, in particular, to Egypt and the United States, on the trail of their… feet. SS JOHN BARRY Le SS John Barry Torpedoed in 1941 to the south of the Sultanate of Oman, the Liberty ship John Barry lies in 2,600 meters of water. In her holds is a treasure that remained a secret for over 35 years. After locating the wreck in the 90s, a handful of Americans, members of a submarine exploration company, decide to bring the precious cargo to the surface. But in depths like this, it’s a delicate operation. Engineers from Ifremer invent a giant grab remotely controlled from the surface to rip open the hull and bring out dozens of tons of silver coin. 130 People and Places: Around the Sea 15’ English version available MADAGASCAR 15’ English version available GREECE 15’ English version available LEBANON 15’ KENYA 14’ IRELAND THE MUTINEERS OF LIBERTALIA Les mutins de Libertalia They say that Libertalia, a republic of pirates, saw the day in the north of Madagascar at the end of the 17th century. This singular adventure is described in the encyclopaedia of piracy, published in 1724 under the name of Charles Johnson. “A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the most notorious Pyrates” describes the habits and customs of these much-feared men and women and gives more than a little detail on Libertalia. Captain Johnson recounts the adventures of Misson, a French pirate. After having roved the Caribbean, Misson ventures into the Indian Ocean in search of a permanent refuge, an Eldorado where he can put his ideas of brotherhood into practice. Archaeologists, divers, historians… they all have their ideas whether this story is true or not. From Madagascar to Paris, to Washington, we have hunted down the last remaining vestiges of this pirate Utopia, created a century before the Revolution. HMS BRITANNIC, THE CURSE OF THE GREAT LINERS Le HMS Britannic This is the story of the Britannic, successor to the Titanic, launched in 1914. Almost immediately requisitioned she became a hospital ship at the outbreak of the First World War and fell victim to a huge explosion on the morning of November 21 1916 in the Straits of Kea in Greece. She sank in less than 55 minutes. But how could this twin of the Titanic have met with the same tragic end as her elder sister ship barely four years later? Is there a curse on these great liners? HMS VICTORIA Le HMS Victoria For over a century the fishermen of the Libyan port of Tripoli have talked of the wreck of a mighty ship and claimed that the remains still lay at the bottom of the sea. You must always listen to legends… That is the motto of Christian Francis, a passionate diver who, several years ago, discovered the wreck of HMS Victoria, an admiral’s flagship of the British Mediterranean fleet, which sank on June 22 1893. A strange and unbelievable fact: the wreck is sticking up vertically 350 feet below the sea. MOMBASA Passeurs de Mombassa When I set foot on the Mombasa ferry for the first time I imagined, as a naive outsider, “Ah, the biggest and busiest ferry in Africa! It’ll be all hustle and jostling promiscuity, with groping hands, raucous song, clandestine vendors, pickpockets!” But no. This is East Africa, the Africa of distance and reserve. Swahili country, from ‘sahil’ which means ‘coast’ in Arabic. Africa mixed with the Koran. Masai elegance and Muslim propriety. A WEEK IN BALLOONS Une semaine en ballons It’s a tough mission for Joe Daly! A professor of marketing and a hot-air balloon pilot for 10 years, he volunteered to organize the 44th Irish hot-air balloon championships. It’s the oldest gathering of airships in the world. A true challenge! Irish weather is not reputed for favoring aerial sports. However, the important thing for Joe is to commemorate the 1100th anniversary of Waterford, the oldest city in Ireland, founded by the Vikings. And to offer the citizens of the County an unforgettable spectacle. Because of their friendship for Joe, twenty-eight pilots, from all background, answered the call, without knowing if they would even be able to take off. 131 People and Places: Around the Sea 14’ BASQUE COUNTRY LIZARAZU, BROTHERS OF THE SHORE Lizarazu, les frères de la côte One is famous. A soccer player with an impressive record now working in the media. The other grew up in his shadow, measuring himself against the greatest waves on the planet. Today, the two brothers meet in the Basque country and discover that history drove them apart, but the sea is now bringing them back together. 14’ BUTHAN IN PURSUIT OF THE YETI A la poursuite du Yeti The yeti: a hairy primate, a bear or a legend? For the Bhutanese, he is very real. He’s said to have a strong odor and carries a sac on his back to kidnap his victims. He lives in the most secluded mountains and forests in the country and in the forgotten valleys of Merak and Saktand (which only recently became accessible to foreigners). Our investigation begins at the Timphu library. After seeing a picture of the yeti’s face in an old book entitled « Mirror of science », we decide that it’s time to set up an expedition to find him, and so we set off to the East of the country. Guides, cooks, a string of caravans, horses and yaks; all were necessary in order to make our way across the rivers and mountains in pursuit of the country’s mythical creature. Brokpas and the regions inhabitants attempt to advise us on the best path to follow… 14’ FRANCE YANN KERSALE : AN ENLIGHTENED ARTIS Yann Kersalé : un artiste éclairé Yann Kersalé is an exceptional artist. A native of Douarnenez, the young Breton experiences his first emotional encounter with light as a young child. The event leads to a life made of art and light. Light is his medium, his paint, his clay. He uses it to sculpt forms and clothe some of the most emblematic buildings of our daily lives in their night-time attire. From the Quai Branly Museum to the Eiffel Tower by way of the Bastille Opera House, this prolific artist is all over not only France, but the whole world. He has been collaborating with Jean Nouvel for more than thirty years. An eccentric artist, for sure, but also an extremely talented and inventive one, Yann is an astonishing character. 14’ MONACO YACHT PEOPLE Yacht people At the end of every summer, the finest yachts in the world make a date in Monaco for the biggest luxury yacht show in the world. Every year the world’s largest fortunes come to marketto sell, to buy or keep up with the latest innovations in yachting. But behind all the display of luxury and wealth lies a massive organisational effort that we decided to film. From the show’s director to the port officials who, within a few days, must fit some hundred yachts into a pocket-handkerchief sized space, we opened the tightly closed doors behind the scenes at the 21st Monaco Yacht Show. 14’ FRANCE A SLICE OF CLIFF Une tranche de falaise To the north of Le Havre, in the cliff at Octeville, blockhouses and shacks are inhabited all year round. You go down a little path leading to the sea. An amazing place where families, visitors and even a few dropout veterans, who maintain the cliff as part of a re-socialisation project, all rub shoulders. A microcosm, a tiny patch of land where they nourish and savour being different… 14’ FRANCE RETURN TO QUEMENES Retour à Quemènes Three years ago Thalassa brought you the beginning of an extraordinary adventure: David and Soizic, a young couple, were chosen by the Coastline Conservation Department to bring new life to a tiny, desert island in the Molène archipelago of Brittany. At that time our “apprentice islanders” had set themselves the goal of turning an abandoned farmhouse into a bed and breakfast establishment.Three years later we wanted to know what has happened to David and Soizic, did they rise to the challenge and did they survive on this tiny rock in the Iroise Sea? 132 People and Places: Around the Sea 14’ POLYNESIA RENE AND HIS CANOE MEN René et ses piroguiers A portrait of a man ready to do his all to bring his crew to victory. René dreams of making future champions of outrigger canoes from those he has taken under his wing. He teaches these young men, who are a little bit lost, to overcome fear, he teaches them endurance and self-confidence because tomorrrow they take part in the Hawaiki Nui, the great heaven’s race, over 80 miles, three days of paddling and 2,500 oarsmen. It’s the race that defies superlatives: the toughest, the most fearsome, the most beautiful. 14’ POLYNESIA MAKATEA, THE SACRIFIED ISLAND Makatea, l’ile sacrée In the Tuamotu region, those atolls at water level, we discover a unique island, an impregnable fortress whose cliffs soar 300 feet above the sea. Makatea is one of the highest atolls in the world, to the point where geologists have given its name to all the islands that have thrust towards the sky, before being worn down by millions of years of erosion.This island with its particular destiny has its dark side and its share of mystery. 14’ PHILIPPINES TREASURE HUNTER, A PORTRAYAL OF LUC HEYMANS Chasseur de trésor, portrait de Luc Heymans In February 2004, Luc Heymans dived for the first time to a10th century wreck 58 metres below the surface off the coast of Indonesia. He was about to discover one of the oldest commercial vessels ever found, with 500,000 items of Chinese porcelain on board, forming a dome more than six metres high. 250,000 pieces were in perfect condition. It would take months to excavate this archaeological treasure, which experts have valued at between 60 and 80 million dollars. Heymans was already a veteran seaman. He was Tabarly’s mate in round the world races, and skipper for 20 years in offshore races such as the Trans-Mediterranean, and the Transatlantic. As a ship-owner of fortune, he puts his vessel at the service of licenced treasure hunters, criss-crossing the seas of South-East Asia, learning a craft which has become a passion. 14’ English version available MAURITIUS THE WRECK OF THE SAINT GERAN - THE LEGEND OF PAUL AND VIRGINIE Le naufrage du St. Geran Off the coast of the little fishing village of Poudre d’Or on the island of Mauritius lies the wreck of a most unusual ship. The Saint Géran is certainly the most famous wreck in French literature because it inspired a novel that sold over 25 million copies: Paul et Virginie. In August 1744, as it approached its final destination, the island of Mauritius, the Saint Géran, a vessel of the French Indies Company is trapped upon the reefs and sinks, leaving more than 200 dead. Among the victims was a certain Virginie, whom Bernadin de Saint Pierre was to make his heroine. Everybody on Mauritius knows the story because the Saint Géran is a myth that has entered into local folklore. And yet many questions still remain. How much is fiction, how much reality? Did Virginie really exist? All these questions are addressed in the shape of an investigation that swings constantly between reality and the storybook world. 14’ English version available SRI LANKA HMS HERMES Le HMS Hermes HMS Hermes was the world’s first aircraft carrier, designed and built for the Royal Navy at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1942, HMS Hermes was patrolling off the coasts of Sri Lanka and was caught up in the action in the Indian Ocean that saw Japanese forces confront the British and Australians. Under attack from 70 bombers, the aircraft carrier sinks beneath the waves. The British navy mourns the loss of 307 men. 590 military survive the attack. The loss of HMS Hermes remains one of the heaviest losses of the 20th century and of the Second World War. It was a strategic moment in the conflict that Winston Churchill described as the “most dangerous moment” of the war. 133 People and Places: Around the Sea 14’ English version available REUNION 14’ English version available FRANCE 14’ KENYA THE BUZZARD’S TREASURE Le trèsor de la Buse On the island of Reunion, a tale goes down from generation to generation of a treasure hidden by a French pirate. They say that, before he was hanged in St Paul in 1730, Olivier Le Vasseur, known as the Buzzard, had left a parchment written in secret symbols… a sort of treasure map and the source of countless fantasies.The treasure hunters of Reunion have seized upon this strange manuscript and, in their own way, they contribute to the eternal nature of this legendary treasure. THE TREASURE OF THE PRINCE CONTI Le trésor du prince Conti The Prince de Conti is making more waves from the bottom of the ocean than it ever did while sailing the seas of the world. Without a doubt this wreck excites more controversy than any other. In any case it is the most cursed as everyone who as gone near it has had his fingers burned. Because the Prince de Conti is not a wreck like any other. While sailing back from China and India, the ship, chartered by the Indies Company, sank with a cargo of gold and other precious objects. It has everything it needs for the Conti affair to fill the scandal pages of the press: arrests, prison, and intimidation. The story of the treasure of the Prince de Conti reads like a good mystery novel whose ending has yet to be written. THE WASINI’S WOMEN Les femmes de Wasini Wasini, a coral island dropped into the great expanse of the ocean, near the border between Kenya and Tanzania. On top, a fisherman’s village. No port, no cars, no roads, not even a single bicycle. No electricity, or running water. Hardly any people either. Those who remain fish a little or show the rare tourists around the island.Many local men have left for the town far away, gone for the week, or the month. So, what is left in Wasini? Women and a treasure, their treasure: the coral garden. 13’ IRELAND THE LOVE CRUSADE La croisade de l’amour Lisdoonvarna, a small town set in the Irish countryside to the west of the island. 800 souls and a dozen pubs strung along a main street. Lisdoonvarna is a windswept spot way off the beaten track, a sleeping beauty who awakens once a year in September. For six weeks the town becomes the gathering point of every available heart in Ireland and from elsewhere. The Guinness flows, music is everywhere and couples stroll, entwined, in the street. In the space of an evening, 40,000 people come through. Maybe more. This extremely popular festival is written in Irish history. It was in this spa town, the country’s only one, that tourism was born in 1716. They came from all over to treat their rheumatism… and to take a wife. After the harvest in September, the farmers come here to strike the deal, through the intermediary of a matchmaker. The tradition is carried on today thanks to Willie Daly, the last matchmaker on the island. He works from home, all year round, for local farmers, who are too shy to speak for themselves. And during the festival for merry-making tourists there are those who believe. Some even manage to find love. And others who come principally for a good time, for the ‘craic’, the atmosphere, which is a typically Irish mixture of good humor and lots of alcohol. We discover them all (the farmer looking for a wife, the tourists on the razzle, the couple who got together here and who return to celebrate their love) in this corner of Ireland that is close by the cliffs of Moher. 13’ SOUTH AFRICA CAPE TOWN AT THE WATER’S EDGE Le Cap, les pieds dans l’eau Capetown is one of the most attractive cities in the world, a desirable destination not only for its geographical location at the very end of Africa, but also for its natural beauties. Among the most visited parts of the city, there’s a special place, a sort of architectural and commercial showcase: the “Waterfront”, a collection of shops, restaurants, hotels and boutiques right in the centre of the historic port. From here you can take a boat ride to Mandela’s former prison or go shopping as in any other mall in a developed country. Here they combine cultural tourism and leisure, five-star hotels and fast-food. Every year more than two million visitors jostle along the secure, policed docks that have, separated from the rest of the city and the segregated suburbs, become a sort of Champs-Elysées of South Africa. For dozens of maritime cities all over the world, the success of South Africa’s “Waterfront” is an example. They want to understand and copy the “Waterfront’s” recipe so they too can take fuller advantage of this business on the water’s edge, in the middle of a still-active fishing port. 134 People and Places: Around the Sea 13’ NEW CALEDONIA 13’ CAMEROON 13’ CAMEROON AN EYE ON THE PEBBLE Un oeil sur le caillou Seen from the sky, New Caledonia offers sumptuous and varied landscapes. Mountains, a lagoon listed as a UNESCO world heritage site and luxurious vegetation such as we dream of on Robinson Crusoe’s island. New Caledonia also presents a subsoil that is rich in minerals. Its red earth contains chrome, iron, copper and, above all, King Nick… nickel. An economic manna for the island, but also a major ecological risk. All these fragile resources that make up the island’s attraction must be protected in order for them to continue. During our trip we go to meet the men and women who, through their actions, are trying to conserve Nature. We fly over the south of the island with Martial Dosdane. From his helicopter he takes photos and keeps a watch over the environment. We raise giant clams with the Yambé tribe in the north east of Grande Terre. Still in the east Josette will take us to discover the mangrove where she grew up. We leave the coast to go and plant trees with the inhabitants of Gohapin in the centre of Caledonia and finally we set out for the virgin territory of the Loyalty Islands, a dream location that is still preserved. SAPEURS Sapeurs The ‘sape’ phenomenon was born during central Africa’s rush to independence. It was the Congo that first saw the appearance of men adopting Western fashions, but adding a highly personal touch, especially where colour is concerned. Today sape is a veritable life-style that has spread far beyond the frontiers of the Congo. In Cameroon we set out on the trail of these devotees, rich and poor, who are willing to make huge sacrifices to invest in clothes. They open their wardrobes and share their little sapeur secrets with us. Because you don’t just play at being a sapeuryou are born a sapeur. A good sapeur has to know how to “make the colours sing” and not neglect a single detail in order to be the best!!! RIDING WITH THE TIMBER TRUCKERS Sur la route du Grumier 500 miles on the dusty tracks and the tarmac of Cameroon. That’s what lies ahead of Jean-Daniel and his co-driver, Blanchard. 2 days of high-speed driving from the depths of the forest to the port of Douala, where they have to deliver the 30 tonnes of tropical hardwood stacked on their trailer. Day and night, hundreds of giant trucks like Jean-Daniel’s carry timber along the country’s tracks and roads. They are known as “grumiers”, or timber trucks. At the wheel of these heavy goods vehicles are top-notch drivers who go very fast, drivers able to extricate themselves from the worst possible mud holes during the rainy season. Drivers who are crafty, flirtatious and daredevil. GOODBYE GIGLIO 13’ ITALY 13’ CORSICA La révérence du Giglio On the Tuscan coast, a few metres from the harbour of the small island of Giglio, the Costa Concordia appears to have become part of the landscape. Precariously balanced on a reef since it ran aground on January 13, the wreckage still haunts the minds of the port’s inhabitants, who are gradually reclaiming their island. The regional nature reserve of Giglio lives at the islanders’ leisurely pace, only disturbed by summer’s tourists. However, since the sinking, Giglio has been making headlines around the world and the accident of the Costa Concordia could mark a turning point for the future of this haven of beauty. Anyway, one thing is certain: for the islanders, nothing will ever be the same. OPERATION PELICAN Opération Pélican Last summer in Corsica, firefighters responded to more than fifty fires. Everywhere, from north to south. Those fires were caused by lightning, by brush burning and often by arsonists. When the situation escalates and the firemen can no longer contain the flames, the “pelicans” join the dance. Piloted by former military pilots, the Canadair water-bombers fly in formation, bombarding the enemy, and detecting targets in areas difficult to access. At the controls of these amphibious aircraft, the men and women of the Civil Security Service have come to know the dangers of fire and tricks of the sea. A Thalassa team obtained special permission to spend a few days filming on board these incredible flying machines. 13’ FRANCE SIGNAL IN DISTRESS Signal en détresse It’s the building they love to hate in Soulac-sur-mer. The building on the sea front called the Signal is the subject of much debate. First, its architect is not to everyone’s taste. And now the building and its resident find themselves in a very worrying situation. Erosion threatens. Every day the waves nibble away the dune at the foot of the building. Every day the residents wait to be protected. Confronted by the ocean and the critics, the Signal and its residents are feeling increasingly isolated. 135 People and Places: Around the Sea 13’ FRANCE THE ISLANDS OF THE GIRONDE Les îles de la Gironde Scattered across the largest estuary in Europe, protected by tides and powerful sweeping currents, a dozen islands remain in their wild state, resisting all attempts to inhabit them. They are neither rocky, nor mountainous, nor spectacular, but they refuse to be domesticated. To live there you must be prepared to lose everything 3x13’ PORTUGAL TRAVELLER’S LOG IN PORTUGAL Carnet de route au Portugal From the Porto estuary to the breaking rollers of Sagrès, from the Aveiro lagoon to the wild archipelago of the Berlingas, the Thalassa team set out to encounter a seafaring people by travelling the Portuguese coastline from north to south. It’s a journey full of surprises in the quest for the soul of Portuguese fishermen. Their reputation needs no advertising; they prove it to us during this report. 9x13’ REUNION, GUYANE ST. PIERRE ET MIQUELON 13’ CHILE TRAVELLER’S LOG Carnet de voyage avec Sabine Quindou Sabine, with all her energy and good humour, sets out to meet local fishermen, a warden of the ornithological park, Guyanese turtles and crocodiles or species of fish threatened with extinction in the lagoon of Reunion Island, and last but not least, Sabine visits the French people living in St Pierre et Miquelon, an island which is developing its ecotourism industry as well as its cod and queen crab fishing activities … CAPE HORN Cap Horn The southern border between Chile and Argentina has always been an area of instability. The intervention of Pope John-Paul II in 1978 managed to avoid a military conflict over the Beagle Channel that might have had unseen consequences. For three days we sail aboard a Chilean naval patrol boat, the PSG Sibbald, accompanying the crew as they bring supplies to the lonely islands of Southern Patagonia. We meet service men on Lennox Island, we follow the marines on a mission at Cape Horn, and we end our journey on the island of Nueva, secured by Sgt Carrasco and his family. The dark years of dictatorship and military conflict are long gone, but we can still find on these islands the shelters where Chilean soldiers awaited the invaders. Today the people live in peace, but the magnificent landscapes of this end of the world still carry the scars of a war that never was…. 13’ English version available ITALY 13’ INDIA BAIA Baia, l’ardente de l’empire romain Pompeii, Vesuvius… two sites so evocative of the archaeology and volcanism of the Naples region. So who spares a thought for Baia and the Flegrean Fields? And yet, at the time it was the supreme resort for the emperors and aristocracy of Rome, a totally other world on the other side of the bay which represented every vice cited in ancient texts.Today Baia is a sunken city, swallowed up by a very rare and particular form of volcanic action: bradyseism. PLASTIC ART L’art plastique Anita Ahuja is a designer. A convinced environmentalist, she has chosen to recycle plastic bags to create fashion accessories and founded an NGO called Conserve. But Anita’s project and her creativity, her designs, have a context. She never forgets that those fashion items come from the toil of labourers who work all day long handling garbage. And doing something for those people’s lives is really important! 136 People and Places: Around the Sea 13’ INDIA MEERA, KAVITA, SHANTI… AND THE OTHERS Meera, Kavita, Shanti et les autres Kavita, Meera, Shanti and the others have had to fight to make their dreams happen. Together they have started their own newspaper, Khabar Laharia. The unusual thing about the editorial team is that it is made up entirely of women, who are all members of low castes like the untouchables. In the state of Uttar Pradesh, where illiteracy is higher than the national average, this handful of women journalists battles every day to bring information to their fellow men… and women. 13’ INDONESIA KAWA IJEN Kawa Ijen “Seeking young man, good health, good physical condition, sure-footed, not clumsy, for post of miner: remuneration 15 times that of an agricultural worker, 15 days off per month, possibility of accommodation on site, free transport.. Duration of contract… uncertain.” If it were to be published one day that would be the job description for the miners of Kawa Ljen; The name, which means « green crater » in Javanese, is inspired by the pretty woodlands which clothe its flanks. But once inside, right in the mouth of the volcano, is an open sulphur mine which is a living hell. 13’ INDONESIA MERAPI Merapi When you’re getting on for 75, and still gambolling on the hillside like a young girl at an altitude of 6,000 feet, you don’t worry about that big cone smoking above your head. It’s just part of life. Trisno, who gleans wood on the slopes of the mountain, is not scared of Merapi, which the volcanologists consider to be one of the most active and dangerous volcanoes of the planet. 12’ FRANCE FINAL SIGNAL Signal de fin The last days of “Le Signal” residential home in the community of La Pointe du Médoc have arrived. The official letter written by the Mayor to each of the occupants leaves no room for doubt. The four-story block, built less than half a century ago and consisting of 78 dwellings, has long been threatened by the erosion of the beach. This year the inevitable happened: the high tides and battering winds have dashed the last hopes of the Signal’s residents. It’s heartbreak! Jacqueline Gandoin, 81, has lived on the ground floor since 2005. She is leaving her three-room apartment to move into the old folks home in Soulac. “It’s like a serious illness, you say to yourself… Dear Lord, allow me a little more time. Ever since Storm Xynthia in 2010 I’ve known that it was over. But it would have been nice to have had one last summer…” are the 81-year-old’s final, resigned words. 12’ FRANCE CRACKPOTS ON THE DYKE Les dingos de la digue When the sun shines in Dunkirk, Malo-les-Bains turns into a Riviera seafront with its café terraces, restaurants and family-friendly beach. Yet, just a few hundred yards away, there’s another beach, more secret, wilder and much more “exotic”. The Braek dike lies between the factories set up around the port and the open sea. A decree from the Prefecture bans access to it, but the authorities prefer to shut their eyes, aware that this tiny piece of shoreline is part of the local heritage. Since its construction in the 60s, a whole world has been rubbing shoulders on the Braek dike in a good-natured atmosphere. On one side are the factories with their huge plumes of smoke, on the other the vastness of the North Sea, and between the two slices of life, stories, moments of happiness. 12’ FRANCE CAMPING UP NORTH Un camping au Nord As holiday makers plunge into the traffic jams and head for the sun, we decide to test holidays in the north. So we set down our bags (and our prejudices) in the most northerly campsite in France, at BrayDunes, on the Belgian border, set on the sands of a beach that is characteristic of the region. There, we share the everyday lives of Chantal and Françis, regulars for over thirty years, and José, the camp’s Jack-of-all-Trades, and also its living memory. Meeting them, our prejudices soon disappear… 137 People and Places: Around the Sea 12’ FRANCE THE BOAT LIFT A fond de cale A few weeks before a summer season of gliding across the clear waters of the Mediterranean, large luxury yachts get their beauty treatment in the shipyards of southern France. For several years, a shipyard in La Ciotat has been using a fast and revolutionary method to bring these billionaires’ babies out of the water. They have invested in a boat lift, a machine that can lift an 80 metre yacht and set it down on dry land. Using a dozen cameras placed on the docks, on board and under the water, we filmed the delicate process of drydocking. On board the Annamia the crew are on alert because the slightest gust could divert the ship from its trajectory. Underwater, divers prepare the manoeuvre. They are responsible for positioning the boat on the large underwater platform. The success of this precise operation depends on their skill and accuracy. Today the task is more complicated than usual because the mistral is blowing and there is a strong swell. All players are aware that the monster emerging from the water represents tens of millions of euros. 12’ BASQUE COUNTRY THE LAST LINE OF FISHERMEN Les derniers canneurs On the Atlantic coast, the hunt for schools of bluefin tuna takes place during the summer months off the coast of the Basque Country. Taking advantage of fish migration and subject to draconian quotas, the crews set off in pursuit. Once on the banks the men fish without nets, using a simple rod and line and the strength of their arms, hauling in individual tuna that can weigh up to 30 kilos.The sale of bluefin accounts for more than 50% of their turnover for the year, a very lucrative business that provides a livelihood for ten families on the Basque coast. But with the meager quotas imposed on them by the Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, the anglers know that each season may be their last. 12’ NEPAL THE VALLEY OF BRICKS La Vallée des briques This smoking valley is feeding the expansion of Kathmandu. The capital is exploding in all directions, and its already sprawling tentacles are getting ready to explode still further. New offices, new buildings are going up everywhere. Buildings need bricks. 12’ POLYNESIA WHERE HAVE ALL THE VAHINAS GONE ? Où sont passées les Vahines? An investigation into the myth embedded in our minds: that of the vahine, the Polynesian island woman, of rare and savage beauty, whom the early explorers described in their journals page after page. We go to meet those who perpetuate this wonderful story, but also those who believe the myth is just a traveler’s fantasy. 12’ AUSTRALIA GAWURA Gawura They were born and raised in the “ghetto”, but are being educated in a prestigious private school right in the centre of the city. Every morning, twenty-five aborigines and Torres Strait Islander children head for the roof of St. Andrew’s Cathedral in the heart of Sydney, where their new “Gawura” school has finally found a home. Gawura is an isolated class for indigenous children between 5 and 11. They work among their friends and relatives in a cultural environment designed for them and separated from the rest of the school. 12’ English version available CORSICA ROMMEL’S TREASURE Le trésor de Rommel This is the story of a ghostly hoard that treasure hunters from all over the world are still searching for. In 1943, several chests filled with gold, jewels and pearls were said to have been sunk off the coast of Bastia. This treasure was said to have come from pillaging by the troops of Erwin Rommel who were fighting in Africa during World War II.There are few witnesses in this story, but much fantasy surrounds a real legend created by a single, mysterious figure: one Peter Fleig. This former diver swears that it was he who hid Rommel’s loot. 138 People and Places: Around the Sea 12’ USA 12’ FRANCE SOUTHBEND, CAPITAL OF OYSTER Southbend, la capitale de l’huitre Be aware, those of you from Marennes, de St-Vaast, Étang de Thau, Quiberon, Auray or Cancales, there’s something you need to know: The center of the world for the most widely eaten bi-valve on the planet is not in Japan or Arcachon. No indeed. It’s South Bend, the self-proclaimed oyster capital of the world. On the West Coast of the United States, not far from the Pacific Ocean, the city of South Bend is located on the shores of the Willapa River, which flows into Willapa Bay. 500 times as big as the Gulf of Morbihan or the Basic of Arcachon, 670 times as big as the Etang de Thau, South Bend supplies no less than 1/6th of all oysters produced in the United States, about 4 million tonnes per year, a bonanza worth 70 million dollars. The Herrold family has lived there for generations. Today, the two brothers, Roy and John, run the oyster farm. THE SKELETONS OF QUEMENES Les squelettes de Quemenes On March 10 2008 a ferocious storm is unleashed upon Brittany. Off the coast of Finistere, in the Molene archipelago, the tiny island of Quemenes is battered by giant waves. It was on this tiny island that a young couple had arrived to give new life to an abandoned farm by turning it into holiday accommodation. That day, when David is taking a solitary stroll along the beach, he discovers four skeletons in a state of perfect preservation. From that moment an enthralling investigation is launched… into a realm somewhere between fantasy, myth and reality. 11’ REUNION ISALND HUNTING THE GOUZOU La chasse au Gouzou On Reunion the new Sunday sport is hunting the gouzou. Whole families set out on the trail of this tiny beast that hangs around everywhere: on walls, on billboards, on cliffs, sometimes even perching more than a 100 feet up on the ruins of a house. He’s a mischievous little character with no arms and no face who expresses his joy and anger, leaving messages as he goes and pointing his finger at facets of society in a constantly humorous way. Now a full 20 years old, the gouzou has become a part of Reunion’s heritage. But who lies behind this character? Jace, gouzou’s creator, is a secretive man who prefers to remain in the shadows. Nevertheless, he did agree to open the doors to his lair up on the heights of Saint Pierre for us and we follow him discretely on the trail of his mischief-making. We also learn that, boosted by his success, gouzou is spreading far beyond the frontiers of Reunion. 11’ FRANCE CANNES, THE FESTIVAL SEEN FROM THE SEA Cannes, le Festival vu de la mer Every year the month of May sees the world of cinema descend on the Croisette and the Bay of Cannes: it’s the Festival. But just for a change we’re ignoring the red carpet and the starlets to take a look at the other festival taking place along the shore. On the water during these rather special two weeks the folks of Cannes have to cohabit with people who are there to party and to be noticed, whatever the cost. 11’ FRANCE THE SAILS OF ST. TROPEZ Les voiles de St. Tropez At the end of every summer, the famous village with the coloured bell tower holds a race that is unique in the world. The “Sails” is the largest gathering of sailing boats in the world. Three hundred boats sail the Bay of St Tropez to win the most prized trophy of the season, the final regatta before winter, the Holy Grail for classic yachting crews. This year we invite you to experience the race as you’ve never lived it before, aboard two emblematic yachts of the 30s, both from the drawing board of the famous Scottish designer, William Fife: Tuiga of the Monaco Yacht Club and Mariska with its Swiss crew. These two monuments of sail are the ultimate sporting boats and their identical dimensions make them close competitors. Aboard are the finest sailors of the day, constantly working their cathedrals of sail with one single objective: to cross the finishing line first. 139 People and Places: Around the Sea 11’ FRANCE A THORNY DISH Une épineuse disparition Every Sunday, from the month of February, along the Côte Bleue, it’s the oursinade hour. A plate of sea urchins, a glass of white wine, a ray of sunshine, a few friends… the feast of the sea urchin now attracts up to 10,000 people on a Sunday. What was originally a minor traditional festival has turned into an institution. But there’s one small problem: the “caviar of the sea”, as it is called, a victim of its own success, intensive fishing and perhaps also of the consequences of global warming, is disappearing from the Mediterranean seabed. Today there are barely a dozen professional fishermen in the Mediterranean, subject to very strict regulations and inspections in order to limit the disappearance of the species. Among this handful of professionals, Franck Ravez, with the aid of scientists, is carrying out an experiment aimed at creating a breeding farm in the region. 11’ ENGLAND MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE Messageries Maritimes SOS, love letters, expressions of friendship… Stuart commits to the sea the emotional outpourings of those who, unlike himself, are not fortunate enough to live on the Channel. Thisseaside English postman receives hundreds of e-mails from all over the world that he prints, puts into a bottle and tosses into the sea. Maybe one day his bottles will fetch up on the beaches of the North Sea, which Wim has been relentlessly scouring for 30 years. This solitary pensioner has found nearly 800 messages in bottles brought to him by the simple chance of the tides. We go to meet two men passionate about maritime messaging: anchors aweigh! 11’ FRANCE THE INDIES COMPANY La Compagnie des Indes “The French Indies Company” was founded in 1664. This was the great period of adventurers, pirates, and shipwrecks that still retains a part of its mystery today and feeds some incredible tales. It also marked the birth of a city: Lorient, built upon naval dockyards and trade with the New World. However, behind the romance of these epic adventures, there was an extraordinary commercial enterprise that has no equivalent today. The French Indies Company, founded on the model of a multinational, had the power to appoint ambassadors, to declare war or sign treaties. It had its own bank and its own currency, managed overseas companies and thus contributed to the spread of France abroad alongside her two great rivals: England and Holland. Today, all that remains of this fabulous adventure is our taste for coffee, spices, fabrics, porcelain, but above all the seeds of a globalisation that was to profoundly change the economic structures of our societies. 11’ FRANCE YELLE Yelle Saint-Brieuc has its star. She is young, fresh, smart and friendly. She electrifies theatres and dance floors on all continents. She’s better known around the world than she is in France. Her name? Julie Budet, aka Yelle… Hip globetrotter, but with roots deep in Saint-Brieuc. A girl almost like any other. And it runs in the family: her father wrote and composed one of the most famous of Breton sea shanties. An anthem that is played everywhere and every when. 11’ PACIFIC OCEAN TRASHVORTEX Du plastique plein le Pacifique An island in the Pacific Ocean twice the size of France, which belongs to no-one. It sounds like a dream come true. However this ‘island’, floating in the sea half way between Hawaii and San Francisco, is in fact a giant rubbish heap, made up of 80% of plastics. 10’ FRANCE IN FLANDERS, AROUND DUNKIRK En Flandre, autour de Dunkerque From the pretty town of Bergues featured in the film, “Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis to Oostduinkerke, the Belgian seaside resort on the other side of the border by way of Dixmude, Zuidcoote and Malo Les Bains, this is a flight overFlanders, seaside and landside. A trip of around one hundred kilometres to discover the details, life-size, of the panorama surrounding Dunkirk. A big breath of Flemish air with just one little incursion along the Opal Coast around the sites of two Capes (Blanc-Nez and Gris-Nez) recently nominated Major Sites of France. 140 People and Places: Around the Sea 9’ POLYNESIA TRUCKS TO GO Truck en stock For decades the truck was the only means of transport for Tahitians. It’s a homemade construction: an engine, a cab from a lorry and a wooden container. The truck provides the link between the town and the little villages around the islands. We are in Raiatea, the capital of the Tuamotus, and they still use trucks here. Manua started one of the biggest trucking services on the island. However, today his big worry is the technical inspection of his oldest truck. His son, Pierre, is taking care of it. The old truck, with 719,000 km on the clock, has always come through this delicate trial and starts without a hitch. This truck has a very special place in the family and, like an old friend, they have a nickname for it: “Bombo”, the warrior of Pomotu. However, the last trucks are receiving a death sentence under new laws. Manua will probably park his last trucks in the shed that stands next to his house… a shed that seems to serve as a cemetery for his old trucks, which he can’t bring himself to destroy. 9’ FRANCE 9’ INDIA 7’ BRAZIL 20 000 LEAGUES OVER THE SEA 20 000 lieues sur les mers On January 24 2012 the André Malraux is launched in the presence of the Minister of Culture. This new ship for the Department of Subaquatic and Submarine Research (Drassm) will enable France to maintain its lead in the world of undersea exploration. Created in 1966 by André Malraux, then Minister of Culture, the Drassm is responsible for a maritime territory with a surface area of 11 million m2 along the coasts of France. Since its creation the Drassm has explored 1,500 sites in France and abroad. After 5 years of thought and study, the André Malraux is about to turn a new page in the history of underwater archaeology. With this new ship, which benefits from the latest technology, the Drassm teams now foresee exploring the deeps where hitherto inaccessible wrecks are lying. The André Malraux’s first mission will be to excavate the wreck of La Lune, a vessel that sank off Toulon in the 17th century. According to estimates, 200,000 wrecks lie in French waters… which leads scientists to describe the sea as the greatest museum in the world. ALL MY LIFE, I HAVE HAD A DREAM… Toute ma vie, j’en ai rêvé In an India that has changed at breakneck speed, new-found wealth has deepened the rift between the richest and poorest segments of society, and created desires that people never imagined before. Only 3% of the population can afford a plane ticket. B.C. Gupta has installed an old Airbus whose flying days are over in the poor district of Dwarka in New Delhi. Thus the very poor can enjoy a simulated flight for only a few rupees. For an hour they can be a passenger like any other. With one slight difference: the plane can’t take off. THE PELADAO, FOOTBALL AND BEAUTY Le Peladao, du foot et des filles “Gooooooooooooal!” On the beach, in the street, at the back of an empty lot ... Throughout Brazil, everyone plays “futebal”... In Manaus it’s the same, everywhere and with no reason to play, because for Brazilians football is the reason to live. But in the heart of the forest, there is an event where football has to share the limelight. In Manaus a competition takes place every year which brings together the beautiful game and the beautiful forms of the loveliest girls in the Amazon. It is called the Peladao. We spend a week-end with Erika and her team on their way to the semi-finals. 7’ BRAZIL CURRENT ACCOUNTS FOR THE RIVER BANKS Des billets de banque au fil de l’eau From Manaus to the border with Colombia, the Amazon enables boats to supply the Indian villages of the river banks. The boat owners are often whites who transport goods and passengers following their centuries-old commercial tradition. But one of them has decided to innovate. In recent months he has had a bank on board. The “Explorer IV” is a boat like any other, but with a cargo of banknotes. The boats load, unload, wait, cast off. Before, the traders would exchange a few products from town for the indians’ gold and spices. Today, you can open an account. The boat is revolutionizing the habits of the Indians who miss the days when their land was still a paradise, before they discovered the existence of money. 141 People and Places: Around the Sea 6’ POLYNESIA HOLIDAY ON MOOREA Vacances a Moorea Rubel and his men have just a few hours to prepare a huge family banquet. More than 300 guests have made the journey to Moorea for his nephew’s wedding. The deadline is tight, because the Church ceremony is about to begin. We invite you to share a marathon day around an Ahi ma’a, the ancestral oven of the Tahitians. An oven dug in the sand where everything depends on mastery of the fire and the heat. 6’ LAOS THE KHOC SAAT SALT MINE La Mine de Sel de Khoc Saat In Khoc Saat, the alchemy that accompanies the dawn evokes the ancient magic of the dawning of the world. It is eight o’clock when the small village rises to the call of the sky. It is about to repeat its lifelong rhythm, a race against time to extract salt from the bowels of the earth. Seventy families live and work there, right in the middle of nowhere. Water is pumped from 250 meters down in an ancient sea, rich in salt. It is left to stand in shallow ponds. After three days, the water has evaporated. The white gold - salt - appears.This cycle has been renewed since the dawn of time, by the sweat of the brows of succeeding generations. The men and women going about their business in the salt fields, in the shadow of warehouses or factories, bear witness to lives spent in the dampness of potash, eyes fixed on the horizon of days to come. 142 - W o r d lw i d e S a l e s N at h a l i e GIBOIRE-LABID C e l l : +33 634 040 551 T e l : +33 155 958 455 E m a i l :
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