Link to Full Agenda Packet
Link to Full Agenda Packet
AGENDA CITY OF VALLEY CENTER 7:00 pm October 7, 2008 City Hall - 121 S. Meridian 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. INVOCATION — Ministerial Alliance 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. APPROVAL OF AGENDA p2 6. CLERK’S AGENDA A. Minutes of the Previous Meeting p2 B. Appropriation Ordinance p7 7. PUBLIC FORUM (Citizen input and requests) A. Tom Lille: Speed Limit - Scott Street p13 8. COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS — REPORTS 9. OLD BUSINESS A. Proposed Ordinance - Storm Water Utility Assessment p15 B. Proposed Resolution - Storm Water Utility Fees: Information Only p2+ 10. NEW BUSINESS p16 A. B. C. D. E. F. Requested Executive Session - Non-elected Personnel p21 2007 Audit p22 Veteran’s Park Flag Ring p23 Proposed Deferred Compensation Plan p25 Security Camera Purchase Request p27 Signatory Authorization - KDHE Revolving Loan Fund p33 11. STAFF REPORTS p16 A. Prairie Lakes Report p35 B. Swimming Pool 2008 Operations Report - Recreation Commission p42 12. GOVERNING BODY REPORTS A. Discussion of Process for Filling Administrator Position p52 13. ADJOURN City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 2 App r o v a l of Agen d a City Staff recommends motion to approve the agenda as presented/amended. Cle r k ’ s Age n d a A. Minutes of the September 16th Meeting: Attached are the minutes from the meeting of September 16, 2008 meeting. City Staff suggests motion to approve the Council Meeting Minutes as presented/ amended. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 3 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 CITY HALL 121 S. MERIDIAN Mayor McNown called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: JoAnn Gerling, Kate Jackson, Marci Maschino, Bruce Campbell, Lou Cicirello, Lionel Jackson and Jack Townsley. Members absent: Cheryl Nordstedt Staff Present: I.D. Creech, City Administrator Kristine Polian, City Clerk Richard Dunn, City Superintendent Matt Vogt, Patrol Sergeant Robert Tormey, Fire Captain Neal Owings, Parks Superintendent Mike Kelsey, City Engineer Barry Arbuckle, City Attorney Press present: The Ark Valley News News and Views APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA The items relating to Prairie Lakes were asked to be withdrawn from the agenda by the developer until further notice. A Resolution regarding the State Transportation System would be added under Staff Reports and a report over the recent flooding would be given under Public Forum. Gerling moved, second by K. Jackson, to approve the Agenda as amended. Vote yea: unanimous. Motion carried. CLERK’S AGENDA MINUTES- SEPTEMBER 2, 2008 Council members Nordstedt and Gerling made the motion to designate the delegates for the League of Kansas Municipalities Annual Board Meeting but the names were missing. L. Jackson moved, second by Cicirello, to approve the minutes as amended. Vote yea: unanimous. Motion carried. APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE- 09/16/08 Cicirello moved, second by Townsley, to approve Appropriation Ordinance 09/16/2008 as presented. Vote yea: unanimous. Motion carried. TREASURERS REPORT Maschino moved, second by Cicirello, to receive and file the August Treasurer’s report. Vote yea: unanimous. Motion carried. PUBLIC FORUM RECENT FLOODING City Engineer Kelsey explained the process that occurs when a Developer makes the decision to develop land. Said the drainage that is designed in the City is set to withstand a 100-year storm. Stated the amount of rainfall between September 11th and 12th exceeded a 100-year storm at 10.8 inches in a 24-hour period. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 4 City Superintendent Dunn stated that the Public Works Department was called out at 3:00 a.m. on 9/12/08 to barricade Meridian due to flooding. Said at 8:00 a.m. all 3 pumps at the Sewer plant were running. Recovery finally took place at 4:00 p.m. 9/13/08. K. Jackson asked if the water station was damaged by the floods. Dunn stated that the water station had not been damaged. Gerling asked how the dumpster provided by the City for residents disposing of damaged property was being advertised. Dunn said that the information is on the City’s cable channel, website and personal phone calls were made to known victims of the flood. K. Jackson stated that residents along Interurban do not have access to the City’s cable channel, so consideration needs to be made for those individuals when trying to get information out to the citizens. ________ The following individuals spoke during Public Forum in opposition of the Alcohol Sales restrictions that would be voted on by the Council later in the meeting: Jeff Black- 123 S. Cedar Dianna Delaney (representing the Valley Center Chamber of Commerce) - 111 N. Valley Creek Mary Lou Rivers (representing the Valley Center Chamber of Commerce) - 214 W. Main General concerns include the fact that the Linear Trail is considered a park, and if the Ordinance [putting additional alcohol restrictions into place] is passed, the City will make it more difficult for restaurants to come to the City, and Valley Center is already known for being difficult in this area. They also feel that this Ordinance goes directly against what the citizens voted for 3 years previously when packaged liquor sales went into affect. ________ Chris Moon, 511 Eastridge, stated his concerns about the recent flooding in Prairie Lakes. Asked if the City could research to ensure the developer of Prairie Lakes adhered to the design specifications of the Development. Said he would like to see the Development continue to grow. City Engineer Kelsey stated that as part of the development process, there is a City inspection of all specifications. Said he will be researching the situation. Bill ReQua, 2 Son Ct., said the drainage by his house has increasingly become worst since the drainage around the high school was repaired. Asked the City look into the area in the future. Don Mounday, 801 Valley Park Drive, said he had made an observation that the floodways appear to have more water in them during high rain over the past ten years and thinks that the retention ponds may have something to do with this. COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS STORM WATER MANAGEMENT FEES Rebecca Bouska presented the recommendations of the Storm Water Committee in regards to the fees and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. Cicirello moved, second by Campbell, to direct Staff to prepare the ordinance and resolution to incorporate the proposed fees for consideration at the meeting of October 7th. Vote yea: Maschino, Cicirello, Campbell, L. Jackson, and Townsley. Opposed: Gerling and K. Jackson. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 5 PROPOSED ORDINANCE- AMENDING CODE OF THE CITY: ALCOHOL SALES Lyle Williamson, 601 E. Main, stated he hopes that since the Linear Trail is not yet in place, and it could be up to ten years before it is, that businesses will already be in place so the new alcohol restrictions put in place (if passed) will not have an affect on them. Said that he and the petitioners neither want, nor anticipate, the new restrictions having any affect on new business coming to the City. Cicirello asked that the Linear Trail System be removed and the 300-feet restriction be decreased to 200 feet. Gerling moved, second by K. Jackson, to adopt Ordinance 1166-08 for 2nd reading as presented, amending City code to include “public parks” within the controlling locations for alcohol sales within the City of Valley Center. Vote yea: Gerling, K. Jackson, Maschino and Townsley. Opposed: Campbell, Cicirello and L. Jackson. Motion carried. PROPOSED INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT- INSTALLATION OF WATER MAIN AND SEWER MAIN USD 262 Cicirello moved, second by L. Jackson, to approve the concept of the Interlocal agreement and direct Staff to prepare all documents necessary. Vote yea: Maschino, Campbell, Cicirello, L. Jackson and Townsley. Opposed: Gerling and K. Jackson. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS PRAIRIE LAKES PHASE 3 RE-PETITION: WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS WITHDRAWN PRAIRIE LAKES PHASE 3 RE-PETITION: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS WITHDRAWN PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATION RESOLUTION- PRAIRIE LAKES PHASE 3 WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS WITHDRAWN PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATION RESOLUTION- PRAIRIE LAKES PHASE 3 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS WITHDRAWN PRAIRIE LAKES ADDITION PHASE 3 INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS: SANITARY SEWER AND WATER MAIN BIDS: WITHDRAWN PRAIRIE LAKES ADDITION PHASE 3 INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS: PAVING AND INCIDENTAL DRAINAGE AND STORM WATER DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT BIDS: WITHDRAWN STAFF REPORTS RESOLUTION 546-08- ENDORSEMENT OF STATE-WIDE COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM Councilmember Campbell asked that the Linear Trail System be added to the Resolution. Councilmember K. Jackson asked that the Safe Routes to School program be added as well. Maschino moved, second by Campbell, to approve Resolution 546-08 endorsing the new State-wide Comprehensive Transportation Program, with the Linear Trail System and the Safe Routes to School program included. Vote yea: unanimous. Motion carried. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 6 CITY CLERK Said she provided the Financial Statements for the 2007 Audit, and the Auditor will be discussing with them in the next meeting or two. Also stated the City is now going to be accepting credit cards, both at City Hall and online. PATROL SERGEANT VOGT Said the new police vehicle was in, and would hopefully have all the decals on it before the Fall Festival. Also, police officers will be riding borrowed bicycles during parts of the Fall Festival. Detective Grayson and his wife are parents to newborn twins. CITY SUPERINTENDENT DUNN Said the slurry seal company will be in tomorrow and the Ford Bridge would be closed tomorrow. Stated the slurry seal should be done by Thursday and the chip seal should be done the first week of November. CITY ADMINISTRATOR CREECH Stated the CIP would be ready for the Council to review towards the end of the year, and this is a good opportunity for the citizens to tell the Council what projects they are interested in having completed. Asked if the 2 City vehicles involved in the flood were heavily damaged. Vogt said the police vehicle involved was fine. Creech said the fire vehicle involved was also fine. GOVERNING BODY REPORTS MAYOR MCNOWN Stated he and Cicirello attended the Trash Summit, and it was something the City would need to address in the near future. COUNCILMEMBER GERLING Stated she does not understand why the road next to City Hall is being paved when there are several citizens complaining about needing rock on their dirt roads. Creech stated the road next to City Hall was in the original plans for the building, and the money for this road was coming out of Public Building budget, and the roads citizens have been complaining about come out of the Special Highway budget. COUNCILMEMBER K.JACKSON Said Robert Dennett lost his life in the flood on September 12. COUNCILMEMBER L.JACKSON Thanked everyone for the prayers, cards and flowers he received during his recent health issue. Meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m. Kristine Polian, City Clerk City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 7 B. Appropriation Ordinance: Attached is the proposed appropriation ordinance for October 7, 2008 as prepared by City Staff. Packet #1 35,258.76 Packet #2 19,842.05 Packet #3 316,932.87 Packet #4 23,590.49 Intrust 46,948.34 GRAND TOTAL: $ 442,572.51 City Staff suggests motion to approve the appropriation ordinance as presented. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 8 City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 9 City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 10 City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 11 City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 12 City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 13 PUB L I C FOR U M A. Tom Lille: Speed Limit - Scott Street: Mr. Lille will make presentation requesting a change of speed limit for an area of Scott Street. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 14 Com m i t t e e s and Com m i s s i o n s – REPO R T S City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 15 Old Bus in e s s A. Proposed Ordinance - Storm Water Utility Assessment : From the meeting of September 16th, below is proposed ordinance amending the Code of the City of Valley Center authorizing a fee schedule to support the Storm Water Utility. Originally adopted by Ordinance 1129, the Storm Water Utility was created without a funding mechanism. The proposed ordinance and subsequent resolution will establish fees to support the Storm Water Utility Fund. A Committee was appointed to study and recommend a fee structure for this Utility. Their recommendation is the basis of the ordinance and subsequent resolution. Should you wish to proceed: City Staff suggests motion to adopt ordinance 1167 on 1st reading. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 16 ORDINANCE NO. 1167-08 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF VALLEY CENTER, KANSAS CHANGING SECTIONS 12.65.050-A AND 12.65.050-JJJ, AND ADDING SECTIONS 12.65.210, 12.65.220, 12.65.230, 12.65.240, 12.65.250, 12.65.260, 12.65.270 PROVIDING LANGUAGE TO ACCOMMODATE A STORM WATER UTILITY FEE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF VALLEY CENTER to wit: SECTION 1. That Section 12.65.050-A of the Code of the City of Valley Center, Kansas be amended to read: 12.65.050-A “Base Rate” means the fee assessed to properties within the City limits of Valley Center that fall within the “Class 1” property classification. That Section 12.65.060-JJJ of the Code of the City of Valley Center be amended to read: 12.65.050-JJJ “Storm Water Management Fee” means a monthly fee assessed to all properties within the incorporated City limits of the City of Valley Center, Kansas and those properties outside the City limits receiving City Water and Sewer. This fee shall be billed and paid with the monthly Water and Sewer bill for those residents receiving water service and shall be billed annually for those residents currently not receiving water service. That Sections 12.65.210, 12.65.220, 12.65.230, 12.65.240, 12.65.250, 12.65.260, 12.65.270 be added to read: 12.65.210 Storm Water Management Fee. A storm water management fee is hereby established and the rate structure to be set by Resolution of the Governing Body, and may be subject to review and revisal as deemed necessary to maintain the Storm Water Utility for the City. The purpose of this fee will be to provide a dedicated funding source to the Storm Water Utility. 12.65.220 Storm Water Utility Fund. All storm water utility fees collected shall be paid into the Utility Fund which is created to be known as the Storm Water Utility Fund. 12.65.230 Payment. The charges hereinabove established shall be effective January 1, 2009, and such charges shall be paid to the City of Valley Center, Kansas, for the use of the Storm Water Utility of said City by all persons, firms, corporations, the United States, or the State of Kansas and its political subdivisions, whose inhabited premises are located within the incorporated city limits of the City of Valley Center, Kansas. 12.65.240 Billing. Upon a determination of an assessment for the management fee for a new owner, said owner shall be notified through a bill for the amount of the assessment mailed to the address provided by the new owner. The owner of the property shall be solely held responsible for the payment of such Storm Water Utility Management Fees. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 17 12.65.250 Penalties. That following the rendition of bills and statements by the City Clerk to users of the Storm Water Utility of said City setting out each property owner’s charge for a monthly, quarterly, or yearly period. If such bill remains unpaid for a period of 20 days following the date on which statement was mailed then such bill shall be considered past due or delinquent. Payments shall be rebilled to the property owner adding thereto a penalty for the increase of collection costs in the amount of 10% of the amount past due for such storm water utility management fee, which penalty shall be in addition to the interest charge of 10% per year permitted by statute, when the same is certified upon the tax rolls. That nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the City of Valley Center, Kansas from rendering its statement or statements for the charges made hereunder in conjunction with statements or statements rendered or the storm water utility management fees imposed by said City under the terms of different ordinances. 12.65.260 Tax Liens. That should any property owner within the incorporated city limits of the City of Valley Center, neglect, fail or refuse to pay the above mentioned storm water utility management fee, such charges shall constitute a lien upon the real estate served by the storm water utility, and shall be certified by the City Clerk of said City to the County Clerk of Sedgwick County, Kansas, to be placed on the tax rolls for collection subject to the same penalties and collection in like manner as other taxes are by law collected. 12.65.270 Newly Annexed. For each newly annexed occupied property, or newly annexed property receiving City of Valley Center water service which has not been previously assessed the storm water utility management fee, there shall be assessed storm water management fees. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its publication one time in the official City newspaper. PASSED by the governing body of the City on October 21, 2008 and signed and APPROVED by the Mayor. First Reading: October 7, 2008 Second Reading: October 21, 2008 _________________________________ Michael D McNown Mayor Attest: ______________________________ Kristine A. Polian, City Clerk CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original ordinance; that said Ordinance was passed on October 21, 2008; that the record of the final vote on its passage is found City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 18 on page ___ of journal ____; and, that if was published in The Ark Valley News on October 23, 2008. DATED: __________________ ___________________________________ City Clerk City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 19 Old Bus in e s s B. Proposed Resolution - Storm Water Utility Fees: Attached for information only, is draft resolution establishing Storm Water Utility fees as authorized by Proposed Ordinance 1167. If Ordinance 1167 becomes effective, the proposed resolution will be presented for consideration. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 20 RESOLUTION NO. 548-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF VALLEY CENTER, KANSAS ESTABLISHING A STORM WATER MANAGEMENT FEE, AND SETTING THE RATES CHARGED WITHIN THE CITY OF VALLEY CENTER AND/OR THOSE USERS OF THE WATER UTILITY SYSTEM FOR STORM WATER UTILITY MANAGEMENT. WHEREAS, the City of Valley Center has established a Storm Water Utility according to state and federal guidelines; and WHEREAS, Ordinance Number ______ requires that the Storm Water Management Fee be established and set by Resolution of the Governing Body of the City of Valley Center; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VALLEY CENTER, KANSAS: SECTION 1 The following rates have been established by the City of Valley Center for properties within the incorporated city limits of the City of Valley Center and those customers receiving water from the City of Valley Center according to the following schedule based upon the total square feet of impervious surface contained within the property; Property Class Property Type Impervious Surface Square Footage Class 1 Residential 2,000 for all properties ≤ 1,000 Class 2 Monthly management service fee structure $1.00 Total yearly management service fee $12.00 All Non$1.00 $12.00 Residential Properties* Class 3 All Non1,001 ≤ 5,000 $5.00 $60.00 Residential Properties* Class 4 All Non5,001 ≤ 100,000 $10.00 $120.00 Residential Properties* Class 5 All Non100,001 < $20.00 $240.00 Residential above Properties* (*All Non-Residential Properties include multi-unit residential properties with a parking lot and one single meter per building.) SECTION 2 The foregoing fees shall be become effective upon adoption by the Governing Body of the City of Valley Center, Kansas. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 21st day of October, 2008. _______________________ Michael D. McNown, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ Kristine A. Polian, City Clerk City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 21 New Bus in e s s A. Requested Executive Session - Non-elected Personnel : Requested 10 minute executive session for non-elected personnel - City Clerk, City Attorney, City Administrator requested to attend. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 22 New Bus in e s s B. 2007 Audit Opportunity for discussion of the 2007 Audit as prepared by Peterson, Peterson & Goss. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 23 New Business C. Veteran’s Park Flag Ring: Below is memo from Park Superintendent Neal Owings concerning information requested by Councilmember Kate Jackson. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS & PUBLIC GROUNDS Memo To: Ms. Kate Jackson, City Council From: Neal Owings, Park Superintendent Date: 9.24.08 Subject: Improvements to Veteran’s Park At the request of Ms. Jackson, I was asked to check into how a Merchant Marine flag would fit into the flag display at Veteran’s Park, as well as check into the cost of a flagpole. After checking into this and meeting with Ms. Jackson at Veteran’s Park, we discussed the addition of the Merchant Marine flag and pole and the location of such. After evaluating the current flag display, it was agreed that a new, taller pole should replace the existing U.S. flag. The reason for replacing the existing pole is to keep from having to remove the military service flags when the U.S. flag is being flown at half-staff. Cost of a new 30’ pole with a locking internal halyard is $1,776.50 + freight. Freight is estimated at $200 – 300. The pole that the U.S. flag is currently being flown on would be re-set outside of the flag plaza, north of the parking lot, to display the Merchant Marine flag on. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 24 City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 25 New Bus in e s s D. Proposed Deferred Compensation Plan: Security Benefit carries a 457 Deferred Compensation Plan that can be offered to the employees at no cost to the City, other than time used to administer the Plan. The City currently does this with several other plans to include ICMA-RC (457 Deferred Compensation), Aflac (supplemental insurance) and Flexible Spending Accounts (tax-free medical reimbursement). The following Resolution authorizes and directs the City Clerk to execute all that is necessary to implement the Plan for the City Employees. City Staff recommends a motion to adopt Resolution 549-08 authorizing and directing the City Clerk to execute the plan documents and do all that is necessary to implement the Security Benefit 457 Deferred Compensation Plan. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 26 RESOLUTION NO. 549-08 AN RESOLUTION MAKING THE SECURITY BENEFIT 457 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN AVAILABLE TO CITY OF VALLEY CENTER, KANSAS EMPLOYEES; AND AUTHORIZING THE CREATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF DOCUMENTS NECESSARY THEREWITH. WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the City of Valley Center, (the “Board”) for the City of Valley Center, Kansas (the “Employer”) pursuant to its authority to adopt employee benefit programs, wishes to adopt plan documents to make the benefits of the Security Benefit 457 Deferred Compensation Plan (the “Plan”) available to it’s Employees; and WHEREAS, the Board wishes to take any action necessary to adopt such trust accounts, annuity contracts or custodial accounts as are necessary to establish funding vehicles with Security Benefit affiliates for the Plan, to receive and invest contributions in such investment options as are selected by Employees participating in the Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the form of plan document for the Security Benefit 457 Deferred Compensation Plan is hereby approved and adopted by this Board for the benefit of Employees of the Employer; FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to the Plan, The Board further establishes funding accounts with Security Benefit for receipt of the investment contributions made under the Plan, as directed by participating Employees; and FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk of the Employer is hereby authorized and directed to execute the plan documents for the Plan in substantially the form presented to this Board, to communicate the terms of the Plan to Employees, to designate Employees as eligible for participation in the Plan in accordance with Plan terms, to enter into agreements with Plan participants for participation in the Plan, including Salary Reduction Agreements, and to take such further actions as may be necessary and appropriate to implement the Plan and effectuate the terms and intent of these resolutions. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY of the City of Valley Center, Kansas, on this 7th day of October, 2008. _______________________________ Michael D. McNown Mayor Attest: ______________________________ Kristine A. Polian, City Clerk City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 27 New Business E. Security Camera Purchase Request: To: I.D. Creech From: Chief Hephner Regarding: Wireless Surveillance Cameras/Recorders Date: October 3, 2008 Attachment: Specifications The police department would like to purchase two wireless video cameras/recorders problems areas. This equipment parks, thefts, and graffiti. for monitoring of could be used on a variety of problem areas such as vandalism in the The featured cameras and recorders can be moved to different locations as needed. These types of crimes have become more common in Valley Center and are difficult to identify and prosecute perpetrators. I have identified two different cameras and recorders that we would like purchase. Two systems would allow us to record two different areas simultaneously. The different systems have different capabilities and sizes which allows for selecting the most efficient for the circumstances. System #1: 2.4 GHz wireless receiver $300. 4 gig SD card System #2 $50. 2 Cameras $200. Wireless Video Recorder $130. 2 gig SD card $40. Camera $90. The total for both systems would be $810. Plus tax. Plus shipping. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 28 ; itC ~t21 Toll Free Phone: 866-720-0779 Outside USA: 618-257-1810 Fax: 775-252-1087 IGU ITY Free Shipping on All Orders Over $75.00 in the Contiguous United States Home NAVIGATION BAR Audio Wireless Devices Transmitters About Us Order Status Back to: I Video Recorders ContactUs I Monitors. View Cart Ouads Rechargeable Wireless Receiver Monitor with Built-in DVR 2.•...5eJf..Co.ntaine.d..C..a.meras 4 pinhole Board Cameras Portable Monitor Receiver DVR can view and record wireless camera signals with a push of a button. Built-in Rechargeable Battery. 5 Infrared LED Cameras Dimensions:"2 6 pro & Bullet Cameras Realtime LQQn]e Compact, sleek, and attractive functionality. View your wireless cameras in your hand or pop out the stand and set it on your desk. Not only does this unit have a built-in receiver to view your wireless cameras, but it has a built-in dvr to record the footage you're viewing. A simply press of button, and you're recording from your wireless camera. 4 channel selectable by a push of a button. :'LSta.uda[d..tJldden Cameras 8 Cameras pan Tilt Zoom Cameras 9 Computer ~p Surveillance Survejllance 3/4" DVR---30fps x 4 3/4" viewing x 3/4" and recording 11. VCR Surveillance Unit also functions as a normal body DVR. AV In allows you connect a normal hard-wired camera to it, and AV Out allows you to playback both live and recordedfootaqe to a TV or VCR. This Wireless Monitor DVR is the ultimate in portability. The unit has a built-in rechargeable battery. The included AC adapter powers the unit and charges the battery. Expect 7 Hours battery life on a full charge. 12 Body Wea[ DVRs 13 WirelessTransmitters 14 GpS Tracking DeYices Unit has 64Mb of internal memory for recording. It also has an SD card slot which accomdates standard SD cards up to 4Gb in capacity. Unit is audio capable. Built in speakers allow you to hear live audio being transmitted. Recordings also have audio so when you playback footage, you will see and hear what happened. 15 Counte[ Surveillance 17 AccessQ des Monitor DVR has 4 channel wireless receiver built-in. A simply push of a button switches from channel to channel. 18 PAL Video 19. Bargain Bin 4 Wireless Channels Used: 2.414Ghz, 2.432Ghz, 2,450Ghz, 2,468Ghz 20. Alann Systems Need a transmitter? Video only? Or Audio and Video? Look at our 1192TX and 1192AVTX. This unit is compatible with many of our outdoor and hidden wireless cameras but not all. If you plan on using this product with one of our wireless hidden cameras, please call or email for compatibility information. If you plan on building your own wireless camera then you may simply order a transmitter below in the options. Demos and FOYTools Why Blly From Specifications 8r. Features: USll1 • 2.4 GHz wireless receiver • Date and time stamp on the player • MPEG4 recorder, player and photo browser • Files viewable via unit or Windows Media Player • 30 frames per second (fps) view and record • Compatible with Windows 98 and newer (including Windows Vista) • Small size for mobile usage • Dimensions: 2 3/4" x 4 3/4" • 2.5 TFr LCD screen with 882 x 228 resolution • 4 Wireless Channels Used • Rechargeable battery • 4 Hours Battery Life Per Charge o o x 3/4" 2,414Ghz 2.432Ghz o 2.450Ghz o 2,468Ghz • 64MB internal flash memory • Supports up to a 4GB SD card • 1Gb", 2 Hours of Recording • Two recording resolutions: o 320 x 240 -!<e;, eEl \,£fL o 640 x 480 ) lof2 CA~~S + 4 GIG. 'S t) CM?/:J 8/28/2008 11:10 AM City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 29 Package Includes: Wireless receiver with monitor and buiilt-in DVR, AV cable, USB cable, Earphone, AC Adapter SSC-RX24DVR--Wireless Receiver Monitor with built-in DVR--$299.95 Discounted Options Available L: Check here 1 gig SD card--add--$29I1S0 r::"! Check here 2 gig SO card--add--$39.50 [} Check here 4 gig SD card--add--$49.50 r--1 Video Only Transmitter--$99.S0 C Video and Audio Transmitter--$99.50 ©1992-2008 20f2 Advance Security Products 8/28/2008 11: 10 AM ~-----.----~---------------------------------------------------------~--------------------~------------------~~-City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 30 tri\ ~..JRd.alO, ·S'h ·ac~}k I1:!l Email a friend Swann Nighthawk 2 Pack $199.99 Model: 5W233-W0217112 catalog #: 49-107 Online: Ii:i In stock Usually ships in 1 - 2 business days l-.- 'Wish lis! i • Order online with peace of mind ~''''''''''''''''''''-''''''''''''''''''-''''''''''') r See more images > More photos (2) Prwl-"Ct. SI.lptlor! • c- Free Ground Shipping for any order over $50 - except Desktops, laptops &. Televisions •• > More details Double the protection. Easily monitor your home or business with these wireless security cameras. The 2.4GHz receiver works up to 300-f1: away, so you can place the cameras wherever you need them most. The cameras are compatible with your TV, VCR or DVR for easy surveillance. Also features night vision so you can keep an eye on things in the dark. • • • • Shipping Other ways to get it Usually ships in 1 - 2 business days > What shipping method is right for me? 2.4GHz receiver works up to 300-ft away, so you can place the cameras wherever you need them cameras are compatible with your TV, VCR or DVR for easy surveillance Features night vision so you can keep an eye on things in the dark Cameras are switchable to 4 common frequencies In store: Available at most stores, find it near you > By phone: call 1-800-843-7422 Pricing and availability: Please note that all prices are subject to change What's in the box without prior notice. Prices advertised on this site are for online orders only. Prices on some items may differ from those • • • • • • 2.4 GHz Wireless Night Hawk cameras with stands (2) 2.4 GHz Receiver Battery snap (2) AfV Cable Power adapters (3) Quickstart manual advertised in RadioShack stores. All merchandise may not be available at all stores, and all stores may not participate in all sales promotions. We recommend you contact the store to confirm product availability and price. http://www.radioshack.comicheckoutiindexPopUp.jsp?process=summary&productId=246... 8/28/2008 City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 31 RadioShack. II'.lI Email a friend Swann RedAlert™ Video Recorder Model: SW242-WDV catalog #: 49-123 Reg.; $149.99 You save: -$20.00 $129.99 (sale price) Online: 1A1 In stock Usually ships in 1 - 2 business days Sole valtd unn! 09/06/08 1.'Jlsh • Iri"\ ~to· \I~JIldick List S\o"<d f,:,r details ~Order online with peace of mind ----'\ CiJslot)"'.;ers rate it I , Free Ground Shipping for any order over $50 - except Desktops, Laptops & Televisions .• More details > Watch even when you can't be there. The RedAlert is Swann's smallest and most compact Movement Video Recorder. It records JPEG photo images or AVI video files when motion is detected. Select between a wired or wireless camera to record, but use the built-In PIP to view both cameras simultaneously on your TV or monitor. Increase the number of images by adding an SD card (sold separately). Shipping Usually ships In 1 - 2 business days What shipping method is right for me? > III • • • • • Other ways to get it In store: Available at most stores, find it near you > By phone: call 1-800-843-7422 Click here for product video Record AVI video files or JPEG photo images Add an SD memory card for easy backup (up to 2GB) Conveniently connect wireless or wired cameras View 1 wired and 1 wireless camera simultaneously with the PIP feature, select 1 to record Compact size for discreet storage and operation Pricing and availability: Please note that all prices are subject to change Without prior notice. Prices advertised on this site are for online orders only. Prices on some items may differ from those What's in the box advertised In RadloShack stores. All merchandise may not be available at all stores, and all stores may not partiCipate • • • • • • • Tl RedAlert Antenna A/V cables (2) RCA to BNC adapter Manual & Easy Setup Guide Security stickers (4) Power supply " In all sales oromotions. We recommend you contact the store to confirm product availability and price. Up.j sp?process=summary &productId=3 09... Qe-c..o{l~. {- CA~~A + 8/28/2008 City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 32 m Email a friend Swann Wireless Microcam III with Receiver Reg.: $119.99 Model: 49-106 You save: -$30.00 Catalog #: 49-106 $89.99 (sale price) Online: [ill In stock Usually ships in 1 - 2 Sale valid until 09/06/08 business days W,sh List ~Order online with peace of mind Product summary ;, See more images Featul"?,'l '1 " r Tech specs 1r , More photos (2) e Free Ground Shipping for any order over $50 - except Desktops, Laptops & Televisions ••• More details Tiny Camera, Big Surveillance. Add the Swann 2.4GHz Extra Camera for MicroCam III with 4Channel Auto Switching Receiver to your miniature surveillance system for concealed security. This camera is portable with a 9V battery so you can use it almost anywhere. Ideal for a baby nursery, monitoring business transactions, even checking for leaves in the gutters! It will transmit up to 100m/328ft to a DVR, VCR, TV, LCD monitor or PC (with capture card, sold separately). • • • • Shipping Other ways to get it Usually ships in 1 - 2 business days • What shipping method is right for me? In store: Available at most stores, find it near you > By phone: call 1-800-843-7422 Small size means this camera can be placed or concealed almost anywhere Enhanced range and color video images make it easy to see what is going on Receiver can be connected to DVR, VCR, TV, LCD monitor or PC (sold separately) for convenience Ideal for a baby nursery, monitoring business without prior notice. Prices advertised on transactions, this site are for online orders only. Prices even checking for leaves in the gutters! Pricing and availability: Please note that all prices are subject to change on some items may differ from those advertised in RadioShack stores. All What's in the box merchandise may not be available at all stores, and all stores may not participate • • • • • • EClrphone A/V cable Power adapter for handheld receiver Charger stand In car charger for stand User's guide . in all sales promotions. We recommend you contact the store to confirm product availability and price. Disclaimer: The Swann Microcam III broadcasts video in the public domain. Up.j sp?process=summary &productld=24 7... 8/2812008 City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 33 New Bus in e s s F. Signatory Authorization - KDHE Revolving Loan Fund: Resolution 494-05 designates I.D. Creech, II, as the City Administrator of Valley Center, Kansas, as the contact person for the Kansas Department of Health & Environment (KDHE) Revolving Loan for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Loan. KDHE will only accept requests and reports on this loan and project under the signature of the designee. Therefore, a replacement designee will be required. Attached is proposed resolution designating a new signatory for the City with reference to the KDHE Revolving Loan and project - Waste Water Treatment Plant upgrade. City Staff suggests motion to adopt Resolution 547 designating ________________ as signatory for Valley Center, Kansas with reference to the KDHE Revolving loan and project - Waste Water Treatment Plant upgrade. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 34 RESOLUTION NO. 547-08 Resolution amending Resolution 494-05 and identifying contact for Kansas Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Loan with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment for a Loan under the Kansas Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Act (K.S.A. 1988 Supp. 65-3321 through 65-3329). WHEREAS under the terms of the Kansas Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Act (K.S.A. 1988 Supp. 65-3321 through 65-3329), the State of Kansas has authorized the making of the loans to authorized applicants to aid in the construction of specific public projects, NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Governing Body of the City of Valley Center, Kansas, to wit: 1. That the __________________ be and he is hereby authorized to execute and file all documents on behalf of the City of Valley Center, Kansas with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment for a loan to aid in the construction of an expansion to the Valley Center Wastewater Treatment Plant. 2. That _______________, City of Valley Center, Kansas be and he is hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information as may be reasonably requested in connection with the application which is herein authorized, to sign all necessary documents on behalf of the applicant, to furnish such assurances as may be required by law or regulation, and to receive payment on behalf of the applicant. Passed by the Governing Body of the City of Valley Center, Kansas this 7th day of October, 2008. _____________________________ Michael D McNown, Mayor Attest: _________________________________ Kristine A. Polian, City Clerk City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 35 Sta f f Repo r t s A. Prairie Lakes Report: Attached is information provided by Prairie Lakes Developer’s Engineer concerning the development and storm event of September 12th. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 36 September 12 11.2 in Design Storm 7.68 in Hypothetical Storm Event Type II Rainfall Distribution September 12, 2008 11.2 inches of precipitation in approximately 27 hours. The Hypothetical Design Storm for the 100-year, 24-hour Storm Event was 7.68 inches at the time of platting. The design storm was approximately 69% of the actual September 12, 2008 storm event. The Hypothetical Storm Event shown above is the 7.68 inch Design Storm for the 100-year, 24 Hour Storm Event. The curve that is shown is based on a Type II Synthetic Rainfall Distribution. All precipitation data shown is per USGS Real-Time data for Station 07144200 for the Little Arkansas River at Valley Center, Kansas, page last modified 9-23-2008. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 37 Water Surface Elevation with 11.2" of rainfall 1343.2 100-yr Water Surface Elevation 1341.6 .0 42 13 L P ELEVATION NOTES: The grades and elevations shown are per the approved Grading Plan for Prairie Lakes Addition. The lowest opening on the Grading Plan for Lots 1-32; Block C were shown at an elevation 1344.5. The rear lot corner grades, as shown, were all at elevation 1342.0 per the Grading Plan. The above grades and elevations are NOT as-built topographical data. Normal Water Surface Elevation 1338.0 .0 38 13 S W HYDRAULIC & HYDROLOGIC NOTES: The 100-year water surface elevation, as shown on the approved Drainage & Grading Plans, was modeled using PondPack Software. The 100-year, 24-hour Storm Event was modeled utilized 7.68 inches. The pond was modeled assuming a closed2 pond - system. This means, no outside runoff was included as inflow to the either pond - only developed flow from the subdivision itself. Also, the pond was assumed to have no outflow as a flapgate was utilized as the outlet to the levee system. The model is only valid with a fully developed subdivision with both ponds in place. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 38 City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 39 City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 40 City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 41 City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 42 Staff Reports B. Swimming Pool 2008 Operations Report - Recreation Commission: Attached is report from the Valley Center Recreation Commission’s Auditor on the 2008 Swimming Pool operations. Valley Center Recreation Commission Reimbursement Request for Swimming Pool 2008 Season The VC Recreation Commission Requests $16,173.78 in reimbursements for a shortfall Swimming Pool Operations. The 2007 subsidy was $12,722.84. This constitutes an increase of 27% or $3,450.94. Highlights Include: Attendance increased 27% from 11,221 to 14,257 (2007‐2008) Revenue: o Total Admission Fees Increased $8,682 from 2007‐2008 (41%) o Concessions increased 47% or $2,794.39 Expenditures: o Payroll increased by $13,508.18 or 36% o General Operations increased by 32% These cost increases are consistent with increased attendance at the swimming pool. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 43 George, Bowerman & Noel, P.A. Paul R. Bowerman Gary L. George Certified Public Accountants Management Consultants Tax Advisors Epic Center 301 N. Main, Suite 1350 Wichita, Kansas 67202 Telephone (316) 262-6277 Fax (316) 265-6150 September 29, 2008 Steve Geddes, Director Valley Center Recreation Commission 117 North Park, p.o. Box 414 Valley Center, Kansas 67147 Dear Steve: Enclosed is a detail accounting of the 2008 season receipts and disbursements for the Swimming Pool, Swimming Lesson and Concession activities. The following documents are included: 1. A summary worksheet reflecting the amount due from the City of Valley Center, Kansas, in the amount of $16,173.78 (Exhibit A). 2. A worksheet (2 pages) detailing Swimming Pool, Swimming Lesson and Concession receipts and expenditures by month for the period October 1,2007 through September 30, 2008. (Please note that expenses for the 2008 season included expenses through September 10,2008, the date you processed the pool account reports for me). This detail worksheet-refleetsexpenditures as posted to the general ledger- (with additions for FICA and Medicare taxes). The worksheet then adds computations for workmen's compensation and unemployment taxes on wages paid for the Swimming Pool, Swimming Lessons and Concessions during that period (Exhibit B). 3. A worksheet reconciling receipts and expenditures per the general ledger accounts for Swimming Pool, Swimming Lessons and Concessions to the detail worksheet by month (item #2 above) [Exhibit C]. 4. I have also enclosed for your information a worksheet summarizing the pool, lesson and concession revenues and expenditures and the settlement amount with the City of Valley Center for the last thirteen operating seasons. I trust this is the information necessary to assist you in the final settlement with the City of Valley Center regarding the 2008 season for Swimming Pool, Swimming Lesson and Concession activities administered by the Valley Center Recreation Commission. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Enclosures City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 44 Exhibit A Valley Center Recreation Commission Swimming Pool, Swimming Lessons and Concessions 2008 Season 9129/08 Amount due to (from) City of Valley Center per computation Swimming Pool Swimming Lessons Concessions Total amount due to (from) City of Valley worksheet for: Center for 2008 season (17,531.56) 1,403.02 (45.24) (16,173.78) City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 45 Valley Center Recreation Commission Swimming Pool, Swimming Lessons and Concession Receipts and Expenditures by Month - 2007-08 Season Exhibit 9/29/08 I I 2007 October November December I 2008 January February March May April June July August September Total 114.20 10.60 182.00 3,773.31 14,433.44 14,700.37 9,629.12 AIC #50902 General bills 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 114.20 10.60 174.00 1,456.60 635.70 697.27 1,155.00 28.71 4,272.08 AlC #50902 Payroll 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 2,316.71 13,797.74 14,003.10 2,279.20 40,878.87 FICA taxes (6.2%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 143.64 855.46 868.19 8,474.12 525.40 141.31 2,534.50 Medicare taxes (1.45%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 33.59 200.07 203.04 122.87 33.05 592.74 Total per general ledger (plus FICA & Medicare) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 114.20 10.60 182.62 3,950.54 15,488.97 15,771.60 10,277.39 2,482.27 48,278.19 Swimming Pool Expenditures: Workers Compensation & Unemployment $1.12 per/$l 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 25.95 154.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 180.57 Pool rate 6·30-09 $1.06 per/$l 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 148.43 24.16 262.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 2.32 13.80 14.00 89.83 8.47 2.28 40.88 Swimming Swimming Expenditures: Pool rate 6·30-08 Unemployment Total 2,307.91 tax. 10% Pool Expenses Concession 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 114.20 10.60 182.72 3,978.81 15,657.30 15,934.03 - . 10,375.69 2,508.71 48,762.06 Expenditures: AIC #50901 General bills 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,861.75 2,339.03 1,694.57 316.08 0.00 6,211.43 AlC #50901 Payroll 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 114.64 778.24 607.65 0.00 2,395.40 FICA taxes (6.2%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.1 I 894.87 55.48 48.25 37.67 0.00 148.51 Medicare taxes (1.45%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.66 12.98 11.28 8.81 0.00 34.73 Total per general ledger (plus FICA & Medicare) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 970.21 0.00 8,790.07 Workers Compensation & Unemployment Total Swimming 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.28 10.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.25 6.44 0.00 14.69 tax. 10% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.89 0.78 0.61 0.00 2.39 Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pool rate 6-30-09 $1.06 per/$100 Concession Lesson 2,532.34 0.00 $1.12 per/$l Swimming 3,302.36 Expenditures: Pool rate 6-30-08 Unemployment 1,985.16 00 1,986.55 3,313.27 2,541.37 977.26 0.00 8,818.45 Expenditures: AlC#50904 General bills 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 211.00 216.00 220.17 327.00 114.00 0.00 1,088.17 AIC #50904 Payroll 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80.50 1,375.75 1,831.20 578.86 0.00 3,866.31 FICA taxes (6.2%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 13.53 35.89 0.00 239.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.99 1.17 85.30 Medicare taxes (1.45%) 19.95 26.55 8.39 0.00 56.06 Total per general ledger (plus FICA & Medicare) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 211.00 302.66 1,701.17 737.14 0.00 5,250.25 Workers Compensation & Unemployment Total 0.00 19.41 0.00 0.00 16.31 6.14 0.00 25.55 1.83 0.58 0.00 3.87 $1. 12 per/$100 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 15.41 Pool rate 6-30-09 $1.06 per/$100 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 1.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 211.00 303.64 1,717.96 2,319.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 114.20 10.60 393.72 6,269.00 20,688.53 20,794.92 Swimming Swimming Expenditures: Pool rate 6-30-08 Unemployment Total 2,298.28 tax. 10% Lessons Expenses Pool, Swimming and Swimming 743.86 0.00 5,295.98 Concessions Lessons Expenses 12,096.81 2,508.71 62,876.49 B City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 46 Valley Center Recreation Commission Swimming Pool, Swimming Lessons and Concession Receipts and Expenditures by Month - 2007-08 Season Exhibit B 9/29/08 I I 2007 October November December I 2008 January February March April May June July August September Total AIC #40901 Swimming Concession Receipts 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 713.77 4,342.35 2,823.33 893.76 0.00 8,773.21 AlC #40902 Swimming Pool Receipts 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 550.00 11,185.50 12.008.75 S,269.75 1.541.50 675.00 31,230.50 AlC #40904 Swimming Lesson Receipts 0.00 0.00 0.00 (76.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,905.00 2,225.00 1,645.00 0.00 0.00 6,699.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 76.00 0.00 0.00 550.00 14,804.27 18.576.10 9.738.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,272.78) 1,029.08 281.96 (83.50) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (114.20) (10.60) 367.28 7,206.69 (3,648.55) (10,664.28) (8,834.19) (1,833.71) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (76.00) 0.00 0.00 (211.00) 2,601.36 507.04 (674.52) (743.86) 0.00 1,403.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 (76.00) (114.20) (10.60) 156.28 8,535.27 (2,112.43) (11,056.84) (9,661.55) (1,833.71) (16,173.78) Total Swimming Receipts Swimming Concessions Net Income (Loss) Swimming Pool Net Income (Loss) Swimming Lessons Net Income (Loss) , 2.435.26 675.00 46,702.71 (45.24) (17,531.56 Total Swimming Pool, Lessons and Concessions Net Income (Loss) City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 47 Exhibit Valley Center Recreation Commission Reconciliation of Swimming Pool, Swimming Lessons and Concession Receipts and Expenditures Per General Ledger to the 2008 Season Receipts and Expenditures 9/29/08 Total receipts per 6-30-08 trial balance (general ledger) Swimming Swimming Swimming Concessions Pool Lessons AlC#40901 AlC#40902 AlC#40904 43,812.45 6,789.00 8,453.14 Less: July 2007 receipts (2,303.75) (4,877.86) August 2007 receipts (1,093.27) (2,362.50) 0.00 0.00 (105.00) 0.00 September 2007 receipts (1,735.00) Add: July 2008 receipts August 2008 receipts September 2008 receipts 2,823.33 893.76 5,269.75 1,541.50 1,645.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 675.00 0.00 0.00 (12,722.84) 0.00 31,230.50 6,699.00 Correction for misposting of receipts posted via journal entry dated 9-30-08 (Audit Adjustment #2 for FYE 6-30-08) 2007 Pool Season settlement received from City of Valley Center 2-1 1-08 included in general ledger amounts at 6-30-08 Total receipts per detail accounting of 2008 swimming pool season Total direct disbursements per 6-30-08 trial balance (general ledger) 8,773.21 Swimming Swimming Concessions Pool Lessons AlC#50901 AlC#50902 AlC#50904 36,681.81 4,478.83 7,334.39 Swimming Less: July 2007 disbursements August 2007 disbursements September 2007 disbursements (voided check issued in prior year) (8,257.90) (1,843.45) (1,196.59) (9,910.36) (596.96) 0.00 0.00 65.00 (927.51 ) Add: July 2008 disbursements August 2008 disbursements September 2008 disbursements (voided check issued in prior fiscal year) Employer FICA not posted to account (10- 1-07 through 9-30-08) 14,700.37 2,158.20 0.00 9,629.12 2,307.91 692.86 0.00 2,472.81 923.73 148.51 2,534.50 239.71 Employer Medicare not posted to account (10- 1-07 through 9-30-08) Employer paid workers compensation (7-1 -07 through 6-30-08) 34.73 11.30 56.06 16.31 Employer paid workers compensation (7- 1-08 through 9-30-08) 14.69 592.74 180.57 262.42 25.55 2.39 40.88 3.87 Employer paid unemployment tax (10- 1-07 through 9-30-08) Total direct disbursements per detail accounting of 2008 swimming pool season 8,818.45 48,762.06 5,295.98 C City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 48 '-) Valley Center Recreation Commission Summary of Swimming Pool, Lessons and Concessions Last Thirteen Pool Seasons POOL SEASON I 2008 Pool I Lessons 2007 I Concessions I Pool I Lessons I Concessions I I 2006 Pool I Lessons I Concessions I I 2005 Pool I Lessons I Concessions Revenues: Per general ledger Less interest income included in pool receipts Less journal entry posted to pool receipts related to 1998 season settlement Adjusted revenues 31,230.50 0.00 6,699.00 0.00 8,773.21 0.00 21,195.86 0.00 6,650.00 0.00 5,978.82 0.00 32,142.36 0.00 7,895.00 0.00 7,473.38 0.00 21,569.23 0.00 6,712.00 0.00 6,565.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31,230.50 6,699.00 8,773.21 2L195.86 5,978.82 32,142.36 7,895.00 7,473.38 21,569.23 6,712.00 6,565.03 48,278.19 483.87 0.00 0.00 5,250.25 45.73 0.00 0.00 8,790.07 28.38 0.00 0.00 35,556.12 358.21 0.00 0.00 4,519.84 43.80 0.00 0.00 6,048.00 21.55 0.00 0.00 32,372.55 344.76 0.00 0.00 4,692.38 48.02 0.00 0.00 7,194.30 25.84 0.00 0.00 29,346.45 285.68 0.00 0.00 4,151.16 36.04 0.00 0.00 7,190.44 22.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 48,762.06 5,295.98 8,818.45 35,914.33 4,563.64 6,069.55 32,717.31 4,740.40 7,220.14 29,632.13 4,187.20 7,212.94 (17,531.56) 1,403.02~ (45.24) 1,403.02 (14,718.47) 2,086.36~ (90.73) 2,086.36 3,154.60 253.24 (8,062.90) 2,524.80~ (647.91 ) 2,524.80 _6J650.00 Expenditures: Per general ledger (including FICA and Medicare taxes) Add benefit expenditures (worker's comp & unemployment) Less prior year season payment to City Less worker's compensation included in general ledger Less journal entry posted to lesson expenditures related to 1998 season settlement Net revenues (deficit) Net revenues (deficit) by functional area (16,173.78) (45.24) _(12,7~2,84) (90.73) (574.95) 3,154.60~ 253.24 2,832.89 1 of 3 (6,186.01 ) (647.91) City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 49 Valley Center Recreation Commission Summary of Swimming Pool, Lessons and Concessions Last Thirteen Pool Seasons POOL SEASON I Pool Revenues: Per general ledger Less interest income included in pool receipts Less journal entry posted to pool receipts related to 1998 season settl ement Adjusted revenues Expenditures: Per general ledger (including FICA and Medicare taxes) Add benefit expenditures (worker's comp & unemployment) Less prior year season payment to City Less worker's compensation included in general ledger Less journal entry posted to lesson expenditures related to 1998 season settlement Net revenues (deficit) by functional area 19,725.00 7,388.00 I Concessions 4,749.49 I I I Pool 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,638.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2003 Lessons 6,880.00 I I Concessions I Pool 7,393.29 28,000.55 I 2002 I Lessons 9,703.00 I Concessions 7,647.27 I 2001 I Pool 29,246.70 Lessons 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I Concessions 8,270.66 0.00 0.00 19,725.00 7,388.00 4,749.49 22,638.99 6,880.00 7,393.29 28,000.55 9,703.00 7,647.27 29,246.70 9,600.00 8,270.66 25,237.11 216.77 0.00 0.00 3,583.00 28.48 34,444.78 329.66 0.00 0.00 4,448.37 42.64 0.00 0.00 6,701.43 25.35 0.00 0.00 33,619.20 364.83 0.00 0.00 7,706.49 151.95 0.00 0.00 6,188.36 22.00 0.00 0.00 27,367.57 297.18 0.00 0.00 6,652.52 76.46 0.00 0.00 5,159.08 17.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,692.30 13.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,453.88 3,611.48 (5,728.88) 3,776.52 3,776.52~ (427.38) Net revenues (deficit) 2004 Lessons (2,37~.74) 5,176.87 (427.38) 34,774.44 4,491.01 6,726.78 (12,135.45) 2,388.99 666.51 2,388.99~ 666.51 (9,079.95) 2 of 3 33,984.03 7,858.44 6,210.36 (5,983.48) 1,844.56 1,436.91 1,844.56~ 1,436.91 (2,702.01) 27,664.75 6,728.98 4,705.85 1,581.95 2,871.02 3,564.81 2,871.02~ 3,564.81 8,017.78 City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 50 Valley Center Recreation Commission Summary of Swimming Pool, Lessons and Concessions Last Thirteen Pool Seasons I 2000 Pool I Lessons I 1999 Pool I Lessons I I POOL SEASON 1998 Pool I Lessons I I I 1997 Pool I Lessons I 1996 Pool I Lessons Revenues: Per general ledger Less interest income included in pool receipts Less journal entry posted to pool receipts related to 1998 season settlement Adjusted revenues Expenditures: Per general ledger (including FICA and Medicare taxes) Add benefit expenditures (worker's comp & unemployment) Less prior year season payment to City Less worker's compensation included in general ledger Less journal entry posted to lesson expenditures related to 1998 season settlement 9,975.00 28,848.96 (2,533.60) 0.00 Net revenues (deficit) by functional area 31,107.04 0.00 12,644.00 0.00 28,229.60 0.00 9,835.25 0.00 27,035.06 0.00 9,010.00 0.00 28,535.65 0.00 7,995.00 0.00 0.00 (5,080.79) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26,315.36 9,975.00 26,026.25 12,644.00 28,229.60 9,835.25 27,035.06 35,134.53 318.61 (5,711.06) 28,017.07 275.21 (2,581.93) 0.00 13,502.06 80.33 0.00 0.00 29,207.44 0.00 7,400.01 83.94 0.00 0.00 357.34 0.00 (86.36) 5,928.32 76.18 0.00 0.00 31,235.59 400.16 (2,283.11 ) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (6,333.55) 0.00 0.00 29,742.08 Net revenues (deficit) 0.00 (3,426.72) 2,491.05 (935.67) __ 7,483.95 25,710.35 2,491.05 315.90 5,395.16 7,248.84 29,478.42 5,395.16 (1,248.82) 3,830.75 __ 5,711.06 2,581.93 3 of 3 __ 0.00 6,004.50 29,352.64 3,830.75 (2,317.58) 2,343.49 25.91 __ 9,010.00 28,535.65 7,995.00 10,498.04 83.13 (3,914.66) 0.00 25,776.79 414.02 0.00 0.00 4,080.34 61.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,666.51 26,190.81 2,343.49 2,344.84 3,852.93 6,197.77 4,142.07 3,852.93 __ City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 51 Sta f f Repo r t s City Clerk Police Chief Fire Chief Parks & Public Properties Community Development City Superintendent City Engineer City Attorney City Administrator City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 52 GOVE R N I N G BOD Y REPO R T S A. Discussion of Process for Filling Administrator Position: Mayor McNown has requested this item for discussion. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 53 GOVE R N I N G BOD Y REPO R T S MAYOR McNOWN COUNCILMEMBER GERLING COUNCILMEMBER K JACKSON COUNCILMEMBER MASCHINO COUNCILMEMBER NORDSTEDT COUNCILMEMBER CAMPBELL COUNCILMEMBER CICIRELLO COUNCILMEMBER J JACKSON COUNCILMEMBER TOWNSLEY City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 54 Professional Engineering Consultants, FA. September 18, 2008 City of Valley Center 116 S. Park P.O. Box 188 Valley Center, KS 67147 Attention: I.D. Creech City Manager Reference: Valley Center WWTF Phase 2 Improvements Letter of Appreciation for Staff Assistance PEC Project No. 34-05242-003-2502 Dear Mr. Creech: Attached are photos taken the night of the modification to the aeration basin. As you are aware, several of your employees performed in an outstanding manner under difficult conditions over a period of several hours. Scott Richy and Adam Lee were tasked with the most manually difficult and unpleasant conditions. Others involved were Tim Fike, Ron Ekstrom, Darrell Rogers, Steve Mertins, and Hershel Smith. PEG considers it a privilege to have worked with these individuals during a difficult construction activity that was time limited. Sincerely, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, P.A. 7;rt- ?f-6 Tyler Pjesky, I.E. Project Engineer TVP/tac Encl: As noted cc: Richard Dunn, Tim Fike, City of Valley Center (w/encl.) Lynn Moore, Jim Tush, PEC (w/o encl.) 303 SOUTH TOPEKA WICHITA, KANSAS 67202 316·262·2691 WICHITA FAX 316·262·3003 TOPEKA TULSA • LAWRENCE PITTSBURG City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 55 City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 56 Kathleen Sebelius, Governor David D. Kerr, Secretary DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE September 23,2008 The Honorable Michael McNown Mayor, City of Valley Center City Hall 1 2 1 S Meridian Vaiiey Center, i<ansas 67147 Re: CDBG 00-IN-008 Dear Mayor McNown: The State of Kansas CDBG department entered into a contract with your City to provide infrastructure improvements for Valley Offset Printing, Inc in 2000. The City has been making regular semi-annual payments on the loan portion of this grant. Due t o a change in policy, no future payments are required on this project. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free t o contact Ken Morgan or Terry Marlin of my staff at 785-296-3004. Sincerely, n l i Carole Jordan, Dir'ector Kansas Department of Rural Development, Community Development Division COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fax: (785) 296-3776 1000 S.W. Jackson St., Suite 100; Topeka, KS 66612-1354 (785) 296-3485 TTY: (785) 296-3487 E-mail: