American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland
American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland
American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Historical, Genealogical, Biographical, and Geographical Data, with Indexes and Excerpts of Personal, Public, and Vital Records, plus Analyses and Commentaries, of Immigrants Arriving from 1887 to 1955 Contains Data on Immigrants Originating from the Township of Tyczyn and Surrounding Areas (including the City of Tyczyn and Neighboring Villages of Hermanowa, Kielnarowa, Budziwoj, Borek Stary, and others) located in the Malopolska Region of Poland's Rzeszow, Lwow, and/or Podkarpacki Provinces (formerly in Galicia of the Austro-Hungarian Empire) Frederic B. Cyran VOLUME 2: Reference Data First Edition 1 September 2006 ISBN 0-9762171-1-2 (Volume 1) ISBN 0-9762171-0-4 (Volume 2) (The ISBNs shown above pertain only to editions produced in electronic format.) No copyright claimed on any data from public or government sources in Volume 2. This volume is a compilation of data extracted from various reference sources, both published and unpublished. Some of the origins of these data are unknown, and may be subject to restrictions of unknown copyright holders. These data were compiled by: Frederic B. Cyran 4114 Wellington Hills Court Snellville, GA 30039-4230 USA telephone: 678.344.0939 email: Should the above address and contact data expire, guidance for finding future contact data is given in Appendix F in Volume 1. First Edition 1 September 2006 (release 20070402) VOLUME 2: Reference Data American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland is presented in two volumes: VOLUME 1: Narrative – Contains well established and reasonably certain factual data and stories. Does not contain some data of a sensitive or contemporary nature, or data subject to legal confidentiality statutes. (ISBN 0-9762171-1-2) VOLUME 2: Reference Data – Citations of data derived from external sources. Contains tabular data from database files created by the author. These database files include extracts of data from both published and unpublished sources used to support the findings and analysis in Volume 1. (ISBN 0-9762171-0-4) (This page left blank intentionally) Table of Contents VOLUME 1: Narrative Page List of Figures List of Tables 3 5 FOREWORD Preface Acknowledgements Salutations 7 9 13 INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION Chapter 1. Nature of this Research Focus Scope of Source Records Chapter 2. How to Use this Book Quick Lookup Shortcut Organization Immigrant Name Index Numbers (I-Numbers) Name, Date, Spelling and Measurement Conventions 21 21 22 25 25 26 27 28 THE IMMIGRATION Chapter 3. General Findings Overview of the Tyczyn Emigration Immigrants of Special Interest Family Emigrations Religion Military Service Name Variations Chapter 4. Tyczyn and Neighboring Villages Brief History of Poland The Tyczyn Area The City of Tyczyn Borek Stary Budziwoj Hermanowa Kielnarowa Cemeteries Location of Ancestral Homesteads Chapter 5. American Destinations and Settlements Destinations Post-Arrival Migrations and Settlements Identification and Significance of Specific Locations Location Descriptions 31 31 38 39 40 41 43 49 49 69 73 79 81 84 86 88 90 95 95 99 102 112 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Table of Contents VOLUME 1: Narrative (continued) Page INDIVIDUAL IMMIGRANTS Chapter 6. Immigrant Identification Indexes Introductory Comments Index 1 (All Immigrant Arrivals) Index 2 (Immigrants with I-Numbers) Chapter 7. Genealogical Relationships Family Groups Key to Understanding the Descendancy Charts List of Genealogically-Linked Immigrants Descendancy Charts Chapter 8. Biographical Notes (Biofiles) List of Immigrants with Biofiles Individual Biofiles Chapter 9. Other Unpublished Data 147 147 148 202 345 345 346 348 355 475 475 477 577 APPENDIXES A. Distribution B. Polish Name Pronunciations C. Abbreviations, Units and Symbols D. Map Legends and Notes E. References F. About the Author 579 581 583 589 591 599 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Table of Contents VOLUME 2: Reference Data Page INTRODUCTION Organization and Use 1 DATABASE TABLES ALIEN: United States Alien Registration Records BIRTH: United States Birth Records CEMETERY: United States Cemetery Records CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records CHRISTEN: Christening Records CHURCHPB: Miscellaneous Church Publications CITATION: United States Citations DEATH: United States Death Records DIRECTRY: City Directory Records DRAFT: United States World War I Draft Records INSURANC: Polish Roman Catholic Union Life Insurance Records MARRIAGE: United States Marriage Records MISC: Miscellaneous Records NATZ: United States Naturalization Records OBITUARY: Obituaries PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records PLCEMETE: Polish Cemetery Records PLCITATI: Polish Citations PLDEATH: Polish Death Records PLMARRIA: Polish Marriage Records PLNOTARI: Polish Notorial Acts PROBATE: Probate Records SHIPLOG: Steamship Passenger Arrival Records SOCSECUR: United States Social Security Death Records SUPPNOTE: Supplemental Database Notes WALLOFHO: Ellis Island Wall of Honor 3 7 15 29 111 123 133 155 181 217 225 227 259 271 319 399 485 489 491 495 501 503 519 691 705 725 APPENDIX Abbreviations, Units and Symbols 727 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland (This page left blank intentionally) INTRODUCTION Organization and Use This volume (Volume 2) is organized as a reference document for the data used in the preparation of Volume 1. Most of the data in Volume 2 are abridged from records that are publicly available. Many of these records were original handwritten records (or microfilmed copies). This volume references the original (or microfilmed) records, which usually contain more detailed information. In contrast to Volume 1, which is written as a narrative "storybook," Volume 2 is organized as a look-up document—similar to a telephone directory or an owner's manual. It was envisioned by the author that only a limited number of copies of Volume 2 would exist in hardcopy format, because it is better suited for use in electronic computer format to allow keyword searches. This is also the reason that standardized word abbreviations are used to the maximum extent and as consistently as possible—to make keyword searches more efficient. Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 1 (This page left blank intentionally) DATABASE TABLES ALIEN: United States Alien Registration Records Starting in the 1940s, the US government required all non-citizens to register with the government as resident aliens. To some extent, this precipitated a large number of immigrants to file for citizenship, thus relieving them of this registration requirement. Some immigrants obtained their citizenship after they filed alien registration papers. These records were obtained from the US Department of Immigration and Naturalization Service archives in Washington DC. The data in this table are listed: first, alphabetically by name; second, chronologically by registration date. {I27} Baran, Agata Mary ARN: 3175231 reg 19401023 PA McKeesport res 19401023 PA McKeesport, Williams St 1701 arv 19100325 NY SS unknown under name: Predka, Mariana b. 18900205 Rzeszow note: housewife; nee Agata Hyla; member Kosciusko Polish Society, McKeesport; did not file for natz {B19} Binek, Wiktorja ARN: 3180416 reg 19400930 MA New Bedford res 19400930 MA New Bedford, McGourk St 10 arv 19100623 NY SS Kroonland under name: Binek, Wiktorja b. 18811213 Kielnarowa note: weaver; aka Wiktorja Dranzek; hus & 2 chi res US; member PNA & Sacred Heart Soc. {I19} Bomba, Magdalena Kate reg 19401110 MI Saginaw res 19401110 MI Fosters, Rt. 1 arv 19091117 NY SS Zeeland under name: Bomba, Magdalena Kate b. 18790312 Budziwoj note: foundry worker; aka Magdalena Kate Glodowska; emp G.M.C. Chev. Foundry ARN: 4811516 {I18} Bomba, Vincentius reg 19401130 MI Saginaw res 19401130 MI Fosters, Rt. 1 arv 190409 NY SS unknown under name: Bomba, Vincentius b. 18790907 Budziwoj note: farming; aka Vincent; PL infantry service; wif & 5 chi res US ARN: 4811617 {I39} Bomba, Wladyslaw ARN: R-20297 reg 19300811 MI Detroit res 19300811 MI Hamtramck, Sobieski 11426 arv 19140202 NY SS Caledonia under name: Bomba, Wladyslaw b. 18960908 Tyczyn note: tool & die maker supervisor; des PA Eleanora; dsp unc Kazmir Paluch; ori Sweden Bromolla (worked there 3y) Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 3 DATABASE TABLES {F95} Borowiec, Stephany Cath reg 1940 MI Detroit res 1940 MI Detroit, Jos Campau 6261 arv 19100804 NY SS Barbarossa under name: Huckla, Stephany b. 18930603 Budziwoj note: housewife; Cath=Catherine; hus & chi=6 res US; member parish societies ARN: 1845891 {H49} Busz, Mike ARN: 4028857 reg 19401104 MI Detroit res 19401104 MI Detroit, [illegible] arv 19130429 NY SS Kaiser Wilhelm d. Gros b. 18900907 Galicia note: [illegible]; [wrong ship]; chi=2; wif illegible; emp Ford Motor; apl US cit 13oct1940 {B73} Cyran, Wawrzyniec ARN: 2842418 reg 19401008 NY Brooklyn res 19401008 NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 704 arv 19010630 NY SS Palatia under name: Cyran, Wawrzyniec b. 18760722 Galitza note: foundry man; aka Lawrence Cyran; wif & chi=3 res US; emp White Eagle Coal Co., 60 St 640 {B23} Dzioba, Aniela reg 19401003 MA New Bedford res 19401003 MA Dartmouth, Fisher Rd 18 arv 19040131 NY SS Kroonland under name: Drozek, Aniela b. 18790318 Kielnarowa note: weaver; mrr; unemployed; did not apply US cit; hus & chi=4 res US ARN: 2829643 {H42} Fornal, Albert ARN: 3374535 reg 19401026 IL Chicago res 19401026 IL Chicago, N Springfield 922 arv 190505 BA SS Frankfurt under name: Fornal, Wojciech b. 18880324 Boryslaw note: lab; emp Wells-Gardner Co., N Kildare Av 2701; mem PL Union; in US: par=1, wif, chi=5 {H62} Kocur, Leo John reg 19401002 PA St. Clair res 19401002 PA St. Clair, S Front 438 arv 19110509 NY SS Kaiser Wilhelm II under name: Kocur, Leon b. 19091030 Rzesow note: miner; mrr; chi=2; emp St. Clair Coal Co.; apl natz pet 10dec1939 ARN: 2643030 {A80} Kozdras, Agata ARN: 2594580 reg 19401017 NY Brooklyn res 19401017 NY Brooklyn, 17 Av 4920 arv 19300826 NY SS Polonia under name: Gliwa, Agata b. 18821030 Budziwoj note: domestic; ar1 may1901; employer Mrs. Lois Goldstein; 2 chi res US; member PNA group 2366 {B07} Kura, Paul ARN: 1205223 reg 19400831 NY Long Island C res 19400831 NY Brooklyn, Freeman St 207 arv 19070508 NY SS unknown under name: Kura, Paul b. 18890115 Tyczin note: longshoreman; arv ship "Kaiser Wilhelm Victoria"; emp American Export Line, Pier F, NJ Jersey City 4 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 ALIEN: United States Alien Registration Records {F46} Kusnierz, Julia Helen ARN: 5077470 reg 19401212 WA Seattle res 19401212 WA Seattle, Rt. 11 Box 666 arv 19130117 SS unknown under name: Szczoczarz, Julia b. 19001007 Kielnarowa note: cook, housewife; ship "White Star Line"; "arv US at PA Eleanor"; both par & hus living {H52} Miciuda, John Thomas ARN: 4524475 reg 19401231 MI Detroit res 19401231 MI Detroit, Belmont 3165 arv 19140521 NY SS Imperator under name: Haldys, Josef b. 18980406 Budziwoj note: store clerk; [wrong ship]; emp John Hodas, billiard hall owner, Hamtramck; sgl; par not in US {A06} Mulkis, Rozalia reg 19400911 NY New York res 19400911 NY Bronx, Lowell St 1043 arv 19201202 NY SS under name: Fornal, Rozalia b. 19020512 Hermanowa note: housewife; mrr; hus; chi=2; apl natz pet 28aug1940 New York City ARN: 1091666 {G34} Ropacewicz, Walerya ARN: 5110478 reg 19401106 IL Chicago res 19401106 IL Chicago, N Rockwell 1516 arv 19140702 NY SS Campanello under name: Kalandyk, Walerja b. 18871125 Hermanowa note: housewife; aka Valeria Hadala; hus US cit; chi=5; arrested, paroled 6m Chicago fight w/neighbor {A26} Sikora, Andrew reg 19401121 PA McKeesport res 19401121 PA McKeesport, Hazel St 811 arv 189305 NY SS unknown under name: Sikora, Andrew b. 18661129 Rasvavuka note: lab, pensioned; aka Jean Lipco; Zjednocenie Soc.; never in military; did not apply US cit {D09} Tereskiewicz, Helen ARN: 8201313 reg 19511106 NJ Newark res 19511106 NJ Elizabeth, Livingston St 318 arv 191310 NY under name: Lasika, Helen b. 19001110 Tichen note: housewife; ship "Red Star, Father Line" [Vaderland]; wid; chi=2; did not file natz {I20} Wiater, Kazimierz Frank ARN: 2790538 reg 19401005 MI Lapeer res 19401005 MI Lapeer, R.R. 1, Clifford arv 19130701 NY SS Gothland b. 18890226 Hermanowa note: farming & factory; ename "same"; aka Kass, Cass, Casper Wiater; mrr; emp Chrysler Corp, Detroit {D82} Wiater, Leon Alojzy ARN: R-80565 reg 19360226 MI Detroit res 19360226 MI Hamtramck, Belmont 3165 arv 190706 NY SS Bosnia under name: Wiatr, Leon b. 18920415 Hermanowa note: auto worker; [wrong ship]; des PA McKeesport; dsp fat Mieczyslaw Wiatr; not left US since 1907 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 5 DATABASE TABLES {G24} Witek, Kazimierz ARN: 3488518 reg 19401215 MI Detroit res 19401215 MI Detroit, E Alexandrine 1960 arv 19060416 NY SS Patricia b. 18880805 Budziwoj note: lab; ename "same"; mrr; chi=8 in US; arv NY; first papers MI Detroit [arv date wrong] {I24} Yarosz, Kathryn Rutka ARN: 2306859 reg 19400916 CA Sonoma res 19400916 CA Sonoma, P.O. Box 124 arv 19061118 NY SS unknown under name: Leonard, Mary Anne b. 18811125 Titchen note: housewife; wid; chi=4; ship "Victoria or Pretoria, German line"; nee Kathryn Rutka 6 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 BIRTH: United States Birth Records Birth records are available to the public in most government jurisdictions. However, each jurisdiction has confidentiality laws that limit public access to certain years. In some places, such as Brooklyn NY or New Bedford MA, the records are possessed by the municipal government. In other places, such as Pennsylvania and New Jersey, the records are possessed by state governments. The first line of each record gives the person's birth name, the name of the jurisdiction possessing the record, and the certificate number. The next line gives the birth date and location. Subsequent lines contain the names of the parents (with their I-numbers, if any, preceding their names in the left margin). Additional information is listed at the bottom of the record. Note: some records presented from the City of New York (including Brooklyn) do not have detailed information, because at this time [2005] public access is limited to only birth records prior to 1910. However, indexes of birth records (which only list the birth name, birth date, certificate number, and borough [county]) are publicly available for all years. The data in this table are listed: first, alphabetically by name; second, chronologically by birth date. [#>] Bieszerad, Marya b. 19080908 NY New York, W 167 St 512 fat-Bieszerad, Leon {A01} mot-Fornal, Jozefa note: prev. chi=2, now alive=1; fat age 25y; mot 25y; both par b. HU New York cert. 48136 [#>] Bomba, Edmund b. 19200204 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 5856 [#>] Bomba, Felix b. 19171208 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 48567 [#>] Bomba, Franciszek M b. 19141201 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 45251 [#>] Bomba, Fred S b. 19151116 NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 679 [#>] Bomba, Helen b. 19170727 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 29764 [#>] Bomba, Henry b. 19141204 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 45209 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Kings 7 DATABASE TABLES [#>] Bomba, Leon b. 19220110 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 2493 [#>] Bomba, Leon b. 19231106 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 44511 [#>] Bomba, Olga b. 19190930 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 36184 [#>] Bomba, Stefanja b. 19201130 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 46447 [>] Borowiec, Antoinette b. 19170617 NY Brooklyn Kings [>] Borowiec, Helen b. 19160303 NY Brooklyn Kings [#>] Bortko, Joseph b. 19370321 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 10001 [#>] Chuchla, Julia b. 19261129 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 47730 {X33} Ciran, Agnes b. 19061006 NY Brooklyn, 20 St 097 {B84} fat-Ciran, John [>] mot-Rzerznik, Katie note: prev. chi=3, now alive=2, fat age 28y; mot age 32y; mid Rosa Williams Kings cert. 27897 [#>] Ciran, Edward b. 19200311 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 11986 [#>] Cyran, Anna b. 19240909 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 41297 [#>] Cyran, Annie b. 19140604 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 22243 [#>] Cyran, Francis b. 19231005 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 39184 [#>] Cyran, Genevieve b. 19240102 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 1683 [#>] Cyran, Gerry Ann b. 19150604 NY Brooklyn Kings [#>] Cyran, Helen b. 19180915 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 36470 [#>] Cyran, John b. 19210517 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 19607 [#>] Cyran, Joseph b. 19210517 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 19608 [#>] Cyran, Mary b. 19241220 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 50107 8 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 BIRTH: United States Birth Records [#>] Cyran, Mieczyslaw b. 19211115 NY Brooklyn, 18 St 154 {B16} fat-Cyran, Ignacy Kings cert. 218 {X32} Cyran, Stanislawa b. 19050221 NY Brooklyn, 21 St 203 {B84} fat-Cyran, Jozef Kings cert. 5524 {X34} Cyran, Stanley b. 19081227 NY Brooklyn, 20 St 097 {B84} fat-Cyran, Jozef note: lic No. 6159 Kings cert. 2701 [#>] Cyran, Stanley b. 19181107 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 44135 [#>] Cyran, Stefania b. 19210213 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 6846 [#>] Cyran, Tadelusz b. 19200416 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 17175 [#>] Cyran, Teresa b. 19040119 NY Brooklyn, 18 St 167 {B84} fat-Cyran, Jozef Kings cert. 1264 [#>] Cyran, Walter b. 19170204 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 6140 [#>] Cyran, Wiktoria b. 19100820 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 28365 [#>] Czado, Edward b. 19160918 NY Brooklyn note: date maybe 08sep1916? Kings cert. 34342 [#>] Data, Helen b. 19181008 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 42040 [#>] Data, John b. 19160222 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 7300 [#>] Data, Rudolph b. 19201103 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 43985 [#>] Data, Stanley b. 19240923 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 41321 [#>] Data, Walter b. 19130413 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 12473 [>] Domina, Nellie Kings cert. 8259 b. 19070308 NY Brooklyn, 20 St 257 1/2 fat-Domina, Tony mot-Lenad, Mary note: prev. chi=2, now alive=2; fat age 34y; mot age 24y; both par b. AU; mid Rosie Williams, 04 Av 674 [?] [?] Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 9 DATABASE TABLES [#>] Drozek, Stanislawa b. 19151215 NY Niagara Falls, NY cert. 9389 [>] Drunzek, Anthony Kings cert. 16634 b. 19090529 NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 675 [?] fat-Drunzek, John {E80} mot-Gzebik, Magdalena note: prev. chi=2, now alive=2; fat age 27y, lab; mot age 26y; both par b. AU; mid Zofia Ankewicz, 03 Av 687 [#>] Dzinezewski, Antoni b. 19050530 NY Brooklyn, Oakland St 407 {A97} fat-, Thomas {B01} mot-Kura, Cecylia note: fat age 27y, lab, b. GL; mot age 21y, b. AU-PL; prev. chi=1; now alive=1 Kings cert. 13202 [#>] Dziorsynski, Stanislaw b. 19081025 NY Brooklyn, Oakland St 407 {A97} fat-, Thomas {B01} mot-Kurzanska, Cecylia note: fat age 30y, lab; mot age 24y; prev. chi=1, now alive=2 Kings cert. 35664 [#>] Kings cert. 23573 Dzuirynski, Leon b. 19120713 NY Brooklyn [>#] Fornal, Peter Kings cert. 34979 b. 19080912 NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 680 {C72} fat-Fornal, Joe {F17} mot-Grzebyk, Katie note: prev. chi=1, now alive=2; fat age 23y, lab; mot age 29y; both par b. AU; mid Rosa Williams, 04 Av 674 [#>] Gliwa, Olga b. 19100316 NY Brooklyn note: [Wanda] Kings cert. 10046 [>?] Grzebek, Kate Kings cert. 313 b. 19051225 NY Brooklyn, 20 St 097 {C73} fat-, Frank {C82} mot-Rogus, Anna note: aka Grzebek; prev. chi=3, now alive=3; fat age 33y, lab; mot age 30y; mid Rosa Williams [>] Gzebik, Antonina Kings cert. 32745 b. 19080927 NY Brooklyn, 19 St 139 {C73} fat-, Francis {C82} mot-Roguwina, Antonina note: aka Gzebik; prev. chi=4; now alive=4; fat age 33y, lab; mot age 38y, both par b. AU [#>] Janiec, Sophie Kings cert. 16947 b. 19060615 NY Brooklyn, 22 St 226 {D23} fat-, Mike {B34} mot-Kuchla, Maggie note: prev. chi=4, now alive=4; fat age 33y, mot age 26y; mid Rosa Williams, 04 Av 674 [#>] Kalita, Bronislaw b. 19170205 NY Brooklyn Kings [>] Kalita, Helen b. 19210902 NY Brooklyn Kings 10 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 BIRTH: United States Birth Records [#>] Kalita, John b. 19150817 NY Brooklyn Kings [#>] Klimasz, Mecislaw b. 19180203 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 6206 [#>] Kopiec, Ignacy b. 19080714 NY Brooklyn, Dupont St 136 {B00} fat-Kopiec, August {C39} mot-Kociak, Victoria note: prev. chi=3, now alive=3; fat age 32y, lab; mot age 24y; both par b. GL Kings cert. 24038 [#>] Kings cert. 27057 Kopiec, Vladyslava b. 19120815 NY Brooklyn [#>] Kopiec, Zofia Kings cert. 30607 b. 19090227 NY Brooklyn, Oakland St 407 {B00} fat-Kopiec, Augustin {C39} mot-Kociak, Victoria note: prev. chi=5; now alive=4; fat age 33y, lab; mot age 26y; mid Mrs. M Miller, Eagle St 171 {X24} Kotula, Aniela b. 19100428 NY Brooklyn [>] Kotula, Annie b. 19120311 NY Brooklyn note: Aniela? Kings cert. 15236 Kings cert. 8656 [#>] Kotula, female PA cert. 41299 b. 19160311 PA McKeesport, Pearl St 06 [?] fat-Kotula, Walter {D69} mot-Ciesniska, Stanislawa note: cert. reg No. 322; prev. chi=2, now alive=2; fat age 25y, lab; mot age 25y, housekeeping; both par b. AU & res McKeesport; mid Ewa Krajacyc, Versailles 633 PA [#>] Leniart, Bronislaw b. 19141222 NY Brooklyn Kings [#>] Leniart, Martin b. 19181110 NY Brooklyn Kings [#>] Leniart, Victoria b. 19181110 NY Brooklyn Kings [#>] Majewski, b. 19410903 NY Brooklyn fat-Majewski, Joseph mot-, Sophie note: "baby boy"; issued by Methodist Hospital [#>] Majewski, Richard J b. 19450523 NY Brooklyn fat-Majewski, Joseph J mot-Klimasz, Sophie note: J=Joseph; issued NY Brooklyn, Shore Road Hospital; fat b. NYC; mot b. MA [#>] Mikrut, Mechyslaw b. 19200719 NY Brooklyn Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland hospital cert. --- Kings cert. 31442 11 DATABASE TABLES {X05} Para, Edmund b. 19090808 NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 679 {C16} fat-Para, Stanislaw {C17} mot-Klimasz, Rozalia note: prev. chi=1, now alive=1; fat age 30y; mot age 22y Kings cert. 24817 {X28} Para, Helen b. 19110502 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 14429 [#>] Patronski, Bronislaw b. 19171231 NY N Tonawanda NY cert. 104862 [#>] Patronski, Henry b. 19230109 NY N Tonawanda NY cert. 4877 [#>] Peszko, Jozef b. 19090501 NY Brooklyn {B45} fat-Peszko, John Kings cert. 14010 [#>] Pienta, Edward J b. 19251019 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 43343 [#>] Pienta, Stanislaw b. 19101007 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 34005 [#>] Rogos, Annie b. 19131130 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 41580 [#>] Rogus, Leonora b. 19120401 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 11292 [#>] Rogus, Stella Kings cert. 5014 b. 19090207 NY Brooklyn, 19 St 092 {A32} fat-Rogus, John {A30} mot-Grubianka, Agatha note: fat age 34y, lab; mot age 24y; both par b. "Australia"; prev. chi=1; now alive=2; mid Waliria Neble, 04 Av 710 [#>] Stachurski, Helena b. 19101103 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 37213 [#>] Stachurski, Stanley b. 19180501 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 18091 {X26} Szczaczasz, Isabelle G b. 19110618 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 20122 {X27} Szczozsz, Melene b. 19130118 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 2558 [#>] Szwed, Genevieve b. 19210606 NY Brooklyn Kings [#>] Szwed, Helen b. 19160520 NY Brooklyn Kings [#>] Szwed, Stella b. 19250131 NY Brooklyn Kings 12 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 BIRTH: United States Birth Records [#>] Wajda, Dorothy b. 19400807 NY Brooklyn Kings [#>] Wysocki, Felix b. 19111118 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 39133 [#>] Yanec, Walter Kings cert. 32065 b. 19091010 NY Brooklyn, 22 St 226 {D23} fat-Yanec, Michael {B34} mot-Ulher, Margaret note: fat age 38y, lab; mot age 29y, both par b. "Australia"; prev. chi=1, now alive=1; mid Mrs. Apolonia Malak, 24 St 141 [#>] Yarosz, Sophie Helen b. 19130201 CA Sonoma fat-Yarosz, {I24} mot-, Katarzyna note: [see biofile of mot] [#>] Zurek, Maryan b. 1909 MA New Bedford note: per birth index, vol 13? Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland CA cert. 31 MA 13 (This page left blank intentionally) CEMETERY: United States Cemetery Records This table lists burial data and plot locations obtained from records in American cemeteries. The term "subsection" refers to block, plot, lot, range, line, row, or mausoleum. The data in this table are listed: first, alphabetically by state; second, alphabetically by city or county; third, alphabetically by cemetery; fourth, alphanumerically by section, subsection and grave; fifth, alphabetically by name. Name Age Buried Died Born Section,Subsec,Grave 20000710 2000 1917 0778 AL Huntsville, Maple Hill (private) {H39} Szczupiel, Walter P CA Bonita, Glenn Abbey {E71} Alubowicz, Mary E,4,0076 CA E Sonoma, St. Francis Solano {F39} Rutka, Maryan {F43} Rutka, Valeria [#>] Yarosz, Charles 19631028 18911110 19610606 18880304 1936 CA San Diego, Holy Cross {B58} Gos, Leon [>] Gos, Anna [>] Gos, Mitchell St. Francis,30,F St. Francis,30,FS St. Francis,34,B CA Sonoma, Valley Cemetery {I24} Yarosz, Kathryn M 1964 1882 IL Calumet City, Holy Cross [#>] [#>] [#>] {A95} [#>] [#>] {F18} Bober, Bernard Bober, Josephine Bober, Stephanie Bober, Wladyslaw Bober, Agnes Bober, Mary Bober, Stanley Volume 2 70 84 84 26 82 19701217 19241228 20000210 19301023 19670301 19470714 19641110 12,0358 12,0358 12,0358 H,1316 St. Florian,0522 St. Florian,0522 St. Florian,0522 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 15 DATABASE TABLES IL Niles, St. Adalbert {E49} [#>] {F38} {D17} Bodzislaw, Thomas Kilian, Albert Kilian, Emelia Rutka Szczech, Katarzyna 75 60 37 43,Y,0059 43,Y,0059 55 19671003 19530221 19530218 MA New Bedford, Sacred Heart 1 {D25} {D26} {C80} [#>] [#>] [#>] {F51} [#>] [#>] [#>] Grys, Jan Grys, Maria Grys, Jozef Grys, Valerie Arendt, Charles Arendt, Frank Arendt, Katherine Arendt, Mary Arendt, Sophie Arendt, Walter 68 76 59 52 05 19421014 19561015 19640430 A17,01,0025 A17,01,0025 North 24,06,0005 North 24,06,0005 West,12,0023 West,12,0023 West,12,0023 West,12,0023 West,12,0023 West,12,0023 19871005 19740112 19561123 19560628 19150611 19560827 MA New Bedford, Sacred Heart 2 {B20} {B19} {B32} [#>] {D27} [#>] Binek, Antoni Binek, Victoria Gryss, Albert Stanley Gryss, Mary Anna Wajda, Helen Wajda, Stanley Gryss, Julia [#>] Gryss, Thadeas A {B23} Dzioba, Aniela [#>] Dzioba, Joseph [#>] Dzioba, Stanislaw [#>] Loveridge, Mary 72 19630918 1963 1949 19751229 1975 1974 2000 1980 1883 1880 1903 1903 1910 1897 1967 19671024 1967 19600813 1960 1969 1965 1915 1885 1882 1913 1908 C,27,0020 C,27,0020 D,08,0003 D,08,0003 E,0010 E,0010 E,09,0021 E,09,0021 E,15,0036 E,15,0036 E,15,0036 E,15,0036 MA New Bedford, St. Mary {B33} {B31} [#>] [#>] Houle, Karoline Drozek, Peter Drozek, Katarzyna Remillard, Amiela 92 19590722 19480710 19570104 08B,6,0009 08B,6,0010 13,3,0029 19401129 19401126 19921128 St. Matthew,0866 St. Matthew,0867 MA Springfield, St. Michael {F99} Kaplita, Stanley [>] Kaplita, Emilia MI, Meadow Crest {H52} Miciuda, John 52 96 1970 1898 eg01 1965 1952 1965 1959 1985 1977 1987 1890 1884 1913 1893 1898 eg03 eg04 eg05 eg06 eg07 eg08 eg09 MI Detroit, Mt. Olivet {A90} {C00} [#>] {D15} {I65} [#>] [#>] 16 Gugala, Anna Gugala, Alexander Gugala, Alexander Wiater, Stanley Wiater, Katarzyna Wiater, Wanda K Wiater, Mitchell American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CEMETERY: United States Cemetery Records [#>] [#>] {E58} {F86} {I83} {I23} [#>] {F96} {F95} {I06} Matey, Stephanie Ciecurn, John Goryl, Martin Goryl, Stefania Mikrut, Klementyna Mikrut, Stanley Wiater, Frank Borowiec, Alois Borowiec, Stefania Wiater, Henrietta 80 75 87 1979 1973 1915 1918 eg10 eg11 19661010 18,108S 19661202 18,108S 19871020 22,1013 19600812 19600808 22,1013 19201102 54,09,0556 19620904 L,1633 19801029 L,1633 19651118 18920501 L,03,1241 1983 1959 1977 1916 1884 1889 MI Tuscola Co., St. Patrick [#>] Cabic, Raymond L {I21} Wiater, Aniela {I20} Wiater, Kazimierz MO Kansas City, Mt. St. Mary [>] Aleski, Peter P [>] Aleski, Nicholas {I79} Aleski, Anna 19901124 19310102 19851122 O,00331,0004 O,00331,0008 O,00331,0010 19641019 19740504 20040303 19621120 30,0221 30,0221 30,0250 30,0250 MO St. Louis, Calvary [>] Kosciolek, Anna {H32} Kosciolek, John Kosciolek, Anna [>] Kosciolek, Roman 75 84 90 53 MO St. Louis, JB National Kosciulek, Sadie J Wania, Thaddeus S Wania, Bella {H31} Wania, Stanley C 19981116 19811209 19930803 19790119 [>] 19981112 19811205 19930730 19790116 19110603 19220421 19011029 18940923 1D,1054 I,1455 T,1991 T,1991 MO St. Louis, St. Peter & Paul [>] Wania, Caroline {H41} Wania, Walter [>] Wania, Frances D 64 47 80 19610109 19370318 19970916 42,3005 42,3005 52,0091 1956 1956 1876 19520215 19510211 51,012A 51,012B 200007 19630702 20,187B 20,187B NJ Bridgewater, St. Bernard {C10} Kalita, Frank {C11} Kalita, Kathryn NJ Colonia, St. Gertrude [>] Plodzien, Martha {X38} Plodzien, William NJ E Hanover, Gate of Heaven {G38} Rozek, Ignacy Rozek, Paulina [>] Geisler, Edward F [>] Geisler, Frank Volume 2 1966 1992 1995 1949 1893 1895 1911 1882 12,FG,0024 12,FG,0024 40,BB,0031 40,BB,0032 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 17 DATABASE TABLES {B55} Geisler, Valeria Geisler, Katherine A {G40} Geisler, Aniela [>] Geisler, Peter Geisler, Eileen [>] Geisler, August T [>] Geisler, Madelyn Cronin 1976 1957 1980 1953 1989 1999 1966 1889 1923 1894 1888 1929 1914 1918 40,BB,0032 40,BB,0033 40,BB,0034 40,BB,0034 40,BB,0035 40,BC,0047 40,BC,0047 NJ Jersey City, Holy Name [#>] {D38} [#>] {D73} [#>] [#>] [?] [?] [#>] {A98} Drazek, Phillip S Drazek, William Drazek, Felix Drazek, Katherine Drazek, Michael Drazek, Tomasz Stepciuch, Adam Stepciuch, Eva Kotowicz, Edward Kotowicz, Viola 19711011 200205 01 1918 19620804 19491109 3m 1918 7m 1925 8m 1925 1985 1913 19670614 1967 1891 3,Y,0114 3,Y,0114 K,J,0073 K,J,0073 K,J,0073 K,J,0073 K,J,0073 K,J,0073 X,E,0176 X,E,0176 57 19520126 1952 1895 38 19310803 1931 1892 1m 19270616 20010502 20010428 1917 A,12,0029 A,12,0029 A,12,0029 J,01,0014 NJ Linden, Mt. Calvary {D09} {C12} [#>] {F83} Tereskiewicz, Helen Tereskiewicz, Marian Tereskiewicz, Sophia Drazek, Joseph NJ N Arlington, Holy Cross {B05} [#>] {D29} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B01} [#>] [#>] {A97} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Ciesnicki, Ludwika Ciesnicki, Margaret Ciesnicki, Paul Ciesnicki, Walter Antonik, Frank Antonik, George Antonik, John Antonik, Viola Dziurzynski, Anthony Dziurzynski, Cecelia Dziurzynski, Paul Dziurzynski, Stanley p Dziurzynski, Thomas Dziurzynski, Wladyslawa Hamulak, Stephanie Adamkowski, Boles Adamkowski, Helen Betkowski, Henry M Dziurzynski, Leon 19781113 19870127 19660326 19970214 19831115 19750830 19531014 19910409 19710603 19640826 19420406 19880319 19420406 19420406 19970215 19581122 19641114 19950607 19521220 19781110 18871002 A,20,0212 19870123 19190125 A,20,0212 19660323 18820412 A,20,0212 19130314 A,20,0212 1917 A,65,0726 1919 A,65,0726 1890 A,65,0726 1918 A,65,0726 19710531 19050530 B,09,0036 1964 1883 B,09,0036 1917 1917 B,09,0036 19880316 19081025 B,09,0036 1942 1878 B,09,0036 1930 1920 B,09,0036 19970211 19220412 B,09,0036 B,14,0315 B,14,0315 1918 B,14,0315 1912 B,14,0315 NY Bronx, St. Raymond [#>] [#>] 18 Rozek, Mary R Rozek, Stanley 63 63 19831004 19840829 Franc Cabrini,51,0010 Franc Cabrini,51,0010 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CEMETERY: United States Cemetery Records NY Brooklyn, Greenwood [#>] [#>] {B28} {B27} [#>] [#>] [#>] {D24} [#>] [#>] [#>] {D87} [#>] {X21} [#>] [#>] [#>] [?] {B48} {C85} Klimasz, Stanley Paczkoski, Joseph Bortko, Freda Czado, John J Czado, Rose A Endress, Amalie Endress, Frederick Wil Endress, Sophia Barbara Adinolfi, Ralph Cyran, Joseph J Cyran, Edward Borowiec, Paul Glodowski, Janina Glodowski, Tadeusz Kwiatkowski, Albert Kwiatkowski, Martha Wysocki, Felix G Wysocki, Genevieve Pasko, Wiktorya Pasko, Wojciech 42 45 19801201 1980 1973 19780727 1978 19750505 1975 19990914 1999 19140113 19481018 19791107 1944 1916 1907 1905 1909 19700711 19781108 19921005 2003122? 19821213 19720701 19810206 19840605 19880322 19780711 19540227 1970 1978 1992 1928 1933 1906 1982 1920 1984 1988 1978 1954 1911 1914 1896 1891 000,42406 000,42406 001,42165 001,42165 001,42165 017,14888,0344 017,14888,0344 017,14888,0344 018,41213,0001 018,41225,0001 018,41225,0002 029,44400,0085 030,41430 030,41430 036,42064 036,42064 Columbarium,40449,NI Columbarium,40449,NI N,38105,0363 N,38105,0363 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross {E13} {G01} {E00} {E12} [#>] [#>] {G48} [>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A40} {A44} [>] {C88} [>] [#>] {D28} {B97} {B45} [#>] [#>] {A56} {A55} [#>] {A50} [#>] [#>] [#>] {B34} {D23} [#>] [#>] Czechowicz, Kiejdy Czechowicz, Stella Czehowicz, Adolph Czeshowicz, Kazmierz Pacesmiak, Fred Rogus, Ferdinand Matrejek, Mary Matrejek, Walenty Bomba, Thomas Wyjas, Frank Wyjas, John Wyjas, Joseph Wyjas, Maria Wyjas, Thomas Grzebyk, Antonia Grzebyk, Antony Grzebyk, Pauline Cyran, Katarzyna Kalita, Antonia Peszko, Frances Peszko, John Rogus, Leona Zembron, Zuzano Kaplita, Domicela Kaplita, Mary Kaplita, Melea Kaplita, Sylvester Janice, Joseph Janice, Thomas Janiec, Edward Janiec, Magdalena Janiec, Michael Janiec, Sofia Janiec, Wladek Volume 2 75 95 35 48 02 19m 19431218 19860628 19290704 19120920 19261227 19201104 1972 1943 01 19140728 06 19190919 61 19710210 03 19080817 79 19640509 80 19621102 03 19091210 19360422 79 19600922 37 19111213 26 19181012 70 19580322 75 19620814 3m 19120707 16m 19120710 89 19791229 21 19180626 18m 19100123 33 19200316 77 19810606 65 19700709 02 19130729 80 19630216 41 19140408 03 19100710 02 19120806 1972 1943 1881 1881 1936 1960 1877 1881 1963 1914 1883 1873 C,02,0088 C,02,0088 C,02,0088 C,02,0088 C,02,0088 C,02,0088 C,19,0125 C,19,0125 C,33,0135 C,33,0135 C,33,0135 C,33,0135 C,33,0135 C,33,0135 St. Ambrose,36,0084 St. Ambrose,36,0084 St. Ambrose,36,0084 St. Ambrose,38,0038 St. Ambrose,38,0038 St. Ambrose,38,0038 St. Ambrose,38,0038 St. Ambrose,38,0038 St. Ambrose,38,0038 St. Ambrose,38,0080 St. Ambrose,38,0080 St. Ambrose,38,0080 St. Ambrose,38,0080 St. Ambrose,40,0003 St. Ambrose,40,0003 St. Ambrose,40,0003 St. Ambrose,40,0003 St. Ambrose,40,0003 St. Ambrose,40,0003 St. Ambrose,40,0003 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 19 DATABASE TABLES [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A73} [#>] {A71} [#>] {A07} {A12} [#>] [#>] {C23} {X02} {X03} Supil, Gertrude Paluch, Andrzej Kozik, Helen Kozik, Stanley Amato, Victoria Carroll, Blanche Leniart, John Leniart, Julia Leniart, Valeria Drazek, Catherine Drazek, John Zembron, Feliks Cyran, Teresa Pasko, Eve Pasko, Vincent J Klimasz, Milton Klimasz, Stanley 01 30 02 01 19090728 19181102 19180405 19180702 2004 1979 1948 06 1918 1959 87 19780802 44 19270404 31 19181026 4m 19040525 19840420 1984 1933 26 1944 1944 198203 1982 1906 1903 1918 1914 St. Ambrose,40,0003 St. Francis,41,002D St. Joseph,24,0118 St. Joseph,24,0118 St. Joseph,25,0129 St. Joseph,25,0129 St. Joseph,25,0129 St. Joseph,25,0129 St. Joseph,25,0129 St. Joseph,27,0058 St. Joseph,27,0058 St. Joseph,27,0058 St. Michael,65,0190 St. Peter,G,0050 St. Peter,G,0050 St. Rose,G,0049 St. Rose,G,0049 NY Brooklyn, Holy Trinity [#>] {H45} [>] {B85} [#>] [#>] Pienta, Stanley Gaciarz, Alex Gaciarz, Boleslaw Marciniec, Felix Cyran, Wiktoria Janiec, Bronislawa 10m 19110829 19180402 19180405 52 19190901 22d 19100911 11m 19070620 03,06,0036 06,03,0008 06,03,0008 17,09,0008 45,16,0008 45,16,0008 NY Calverton, Calverton National [#>] Cyran, John S 20040326 20040325 19210517 28,0256 NY Cheektowaga, St. Stanislaus [#>] [#>] {A65} {A64} [#>] [#>] {A66} Szetela, Florentyna Szetela, Leon Szetela, Jan Szetela, Antonina Szetela, Florian M Szetela, Rose V Szetela, Joseph F 48 85 62 84 40 86 95 19601230 19960520 19431216 19580722 19810803 19880818 19950118 19601226 19960509 19431213 19580719 19810731 19880815 19950115 Polanka 1,14,0029 Polanka 1,14,0030 R,19,0065 R,19,0066 TT,04,0031 WWI,78,0001 WWI,78,0002 1945 eg01 eg01 eg01 eg01 A,near,0022 A,near,0022 A,near,0022 B,0011 B,0011 B,0011 B,0011 B,0011 B,0011 B,0018 B,0018 B,0018 NY Commack, Holy Cross PNC {I59} {H09} [>] [>] {C28} [>] [>] [#>] [#>] {C82} [#>] {C73} [#>] [>] {I57} [>] 20 Gaciarz, Jan Gaciarz, Julia Gaciarz, Stanislaw J Gaciarz, Stefan F Witek, Frank Witek, Sophie Witek, Wanda Blazak, Mae Blazak, Vincent Grzebyk, Antonina Grzebyk, Charles Grzebyk, Franciszek Grzebyk, Helen Puc, Eugenia Puc, Ignacy Puc, Julia 1880 1891 1964 1918 1952 1911 1972 1889 1996 1898 1991 1918 1966 1908 1966 1894 19410913 18701101 1989 1910 19561219 18751220 1978 1910 1978 1921 1972 1893 1974 1895 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CEMETERY: United States Cemetery Records {B47} Pasko, Frank [?] Pasko, Josephine {G06} Kret, Frank 1966 1966 1896 1909 1899 B,2,0027 B,2,0027 B,4,0031 19660825 19691230 19721112 19910605 19760620 19770503 19581230 19880826 19190309 19150206 19101106 19320715 19620512 19770503 18881115 18930219 2Q,4212 2T,2397 2V,1858 E,0938 I,12432,C I,12432,C T,2968 T,2969 1982 1990 1987 1993 1920 1897 1905 1926 1900 1894 10,AA,0171 10,BB,0136 10,BB,0136 10,BB,0136 15,D,0085 15,D,0085 16,O,0130 16,O,0130 17,QQ,0007 17,QQ,0008 21,H,0106 21,H,0106 21,P,0063 22,J,0222 22,K,0306 22,K,0307 22,K,0308 23,Q,0230 23,Q,0230 24,JJ,0355 St. Joseph,mause,091A indigent NY Farmingdale, LI National [>] [#>] [>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {C37} [>] Grzebyk, Joseph Anthony Cyran, John J Grzebyk, Frank L Wiater, Richard C Kaplita, Deborah D Kaplita, William Setela, Leo Setela, Anna 19660825 19700103 19721116 19910614 19760623 19770506 NY Farmingdale, St. Charles [#>] {E91} {E92} {E93} [>] {A53} {B70} {C02} {I60} {I94} {D48} {E90} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {X29} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Peszko, Edward Borowiec, Charles Borowiec, Emily Borowiec, Eugene Kaplita, Mary Kaplita, Wojciech Bomba, Jozef Bomba, Julia Szczupiel, Jan Soltys, Katarzyna Surowska, Agnes Surowska, Karolina Cyran, Helen Chuchla, Frank Filipkowski, Stella Cyran, Stella M Cyran, Walter J Borowiec, John Borowiec, Mary Pisano, Blanche Borowiec, Mieczyslaw Kalita, John 62 67 51 74 64 1979 19590202 19640428 1964 1958 1954 19630122 19570803 1957 19600826 19590103 1958 19730206 19910821 19870721 1987 1975 1965 1895 1895 1891 1915 1914 1917 1979 NY Lewiston, Gate of Heaven [#>] Kosciolek, Angela 18,1A,0002 NY Lewiston, Holy Trinity [#>] [#>] [#>] {C53} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A63} Narkiewicz, Genevieve Narkiewicz, Stanley Narkiewicz, Stanley H Prokop, Peter Ziblut, Helen C Ziblut, Stanley F Sr. Ziblut, John Joseph Patronski, Stephen C Wozniak, Franciszek Wozniak, Maryanna Drazek, Aniela Drazek, Jan Drazek, Stanislaw Volume 2 1983 1918 1982 19960618 19600730 19600724 1958 1963 19410913 1941 1938 1966 1915 1911 1936 1887 1915 1909 1915 1882 1881 1891 1912 1886 eg06 eg06 eg07 B1,191,0008 B1,191,0008 B1,191,0008 B2,364,0006 B2,364,0006 B2,364,0006 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 21 DATABASE TABLES [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A68} {A62} [#>] [>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Drazek, Stella J Russel, Mary Ann Russel, Raymond Polka, Frank W Polka, Josephine B Zbilut, Jan Zbilut, Marya Kaplita, Ludwika Prokop, Piotr Patronski, Benjamin W Patronski, Mary C Patronski, Mitchell B Patronski, Nellie 1925 1917 1916 1902 1906 1870 1878 B2,364,0006 B2,364,0006 1979 B2,364,0006 1949 C1 1996 C1 1928 C1,040,0014 1970 C1,040,0014 D1,050,0007 12d 19130502 D2,311,0005 19880108 19880105 19171231 K,328,0002 19220503 K,328,0002 1974 1914 L,111,0003 19880816 1988 1913 L,111,0004 NY Lewiston, Riverdale {B12} Patronski, Roman J {B43} Patronski, Julia 19510205 19731206 10,173,0111 10,173,0112 NY New Windsor, Calvary [#] [#] [#] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A02} [#>] {A04} Marciniec, Jacob Martin, Frances Martin, Frank Schbesta, Anna M Schbesta, Joseph F Schbesta, Joseph S Jr Chase, Julia Fornal, Anastasia Fornal, Stanley Pustola, Joseph Pustola, Pauline 19500215 1997 1990 1994 1938 1994 19661210 1966 19680410 1968 1958 1979 1908 1903 1903 1905 1936 1913 1886 1886 1888 1894 B,63,0006 C C C C C C,0296 C,0296 C,0296 M M NY New Windsor, St. Francis [>] [>] [>] [>] {C64} [>] [>] [#>] [#>] [>] [>] [#>] [#>] Mowery, JoHanna Mowery, Lawrence C Mowery, Lawrence Jr Garstka, George P Garstka, Mary A DeTurris, John DeTurris, Sophie Travis, Joseph A Travis, Mary E Gastka, Mary L Gastka, William P Rudolph, Anna Rudolph, Richard 1920 19720121 19260116 1947 1960 1884 1957 1882 19770913 19070110 19790921 19090926 1979 1908 1993 1911 19880704 19210511 19931210 19120821 1990 1907 19721215 19080811 Upper Center,5,L004 Upper Center,5,L004 Upper Center,5,L004 Upper Center,7,R008 Upper Center,7,R008 Upper Center,7,R010 Upper Center,7,R010 Upper Center,8,R008 Upper Center,8,R008 Upper Center,9,L003 Upper Center,9,L003 Upper Center,9,R006 Upper Center,9,R006 NY Niagara Falls, Oakwood {A10} Kosciolek, Maxemelian 62 19401031 19401027 94 19181027 1918 19300507 1930 19880908 1B,vetrn,0784 NY Queens, Calvary {A15} Bandyna, Agata [#>] Bandyna, Francis [#>] Kura, Frances 22 1882 1884 50,035,0009 50,035,0009 52,037,0006 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CEMETERY: United States Cemetery Records {B02} Kura, Frank [#>] Kura, Michael {B07} Kura, Paul 46 19280701 10m 19230323 79 19690405 52,037,0006 52,037,0006 52,037,0006 NY Queens, Calvary 2 [#>] Bomba, Annie [#>] Bomba, Filomena {C03} Bomba, Valerian 19170725 42,3,0G13 42,3,0G13 42,3,0G13 NY Queens, Linden Hill [?] {H07} [>] [>] [>] {A47} Rog, Ludwik Rog, Mary Rog, Joseph Pasko, Balbina Pasko, Wladyslaw Glodowski, Magdalena 1E,03,0005 1E,03,0005 2A,05,0009 2G,23,0008 2G,23,0008 C,01,0036 19310803 19510212 9m 19200818 27 19250506 NY Queens, St. John {B26} {B36} {A35} {A39} {A83} [#>] {A79} {A81} {B72} {B22} [#>] [#>] {B38} [#>] [>] [>] [?] {C04} [#>] [#>] [#>] {I34} {I36} [#>] {A23} [#>] [#>] {B09} {B14} [#>] [#>] {A75} {A85} {B15} [#>] [#>] {B80} Bomba, Steve Klimasz, Frank Bomba, John Bomba, Katherine Warkman, Anna Fornal, Katarzyna Gliwa, Bronislaw Gliwa, Jozefa Gliwa, Kazimierz Chuchla, Jozef Franci Chuchla, Victoria Lewko, Genevieve Lewko, Joseph W Lewko, Katarzyna Lewko, Mieczyslaw Szczupiel, Stephanie Janda, Helen Janda, Zofia Cyran, Balbina Cyran, Edward Goodman, Anton Szwed, Josephine Wozniak, Antoni Wozniak, Sophia Redik, Mihal Szczoczarz, John Szczoczarz, Julia Patronski, Frances Patronski, Ignacy Patronski, Teofila Mikrut, Rozalia Mikrut, Thaddeus A Mikrut, Wladyslaw K Wiater, Josephine Wiater, Kazimierz Wiater, Nora Wiater, Robert Kotula, Frank Volume 2 19510912 64 43 11m 19d 55 18m 75 27d 26 75 62 10 07m 39 19441226 19540803 19740716 19350326 1935 1953 1977 19351017 1935 19290731 19630110 19280524 19680404 19820318 19940701 19880209 19181031 19191011 19491209 1949 19210920 19710319 19290114 19720504 19460125 19181030 19180826 19341113 19500427 19200216 19420430 19200216 19240607 1924 19440925 1944 19730623 1973 19651019 19520102 19240828 19341120 19300226 1930 1870 1913 1891 1880 1893 1889 1895 1918 1889 1889 01,CC,0021 01,CC,0021 01,CC,0021 02,W,0071 02,W,0071 02,W,0071 02,W,0071 04,BB,0027 04,BB,0027 04,P,0053 04,P,0053 04,P,0053 04,P,0053 08,E,0050 12,E,0020 12,E,0020 13,E,0122 13,E,0122 13,E,0122 13,E,0122 13,Z,0397 13,Z,0397 19,D,0094 19,D,0094 19,D,0094 19,P,0065 19,P,0065 19,P,0065 20,R,0043 20,R,0043 20,R,0043 20,R,0360 20,R,0360 20,R,0360 20,R,0360 21,J,0171 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 23 DATABASE TABLES [>] [>] [#>] [#>] {B74} {C05} {X17} {C86} [>] {B61} {C24} [#>] {B81} [#>] [#>] [#>] {B73} [#>] [#>] {A25} {B03} {C06} {B29} [#>] [#>] [#>] {C15} {X28} {C22} {C38} [>] {A30} {A32} [#>] [#>] [#>] {X34} [#>] {B84} {I14} {I58} [#>] [#>] {B16} {B17} {X26} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {H80} {H81} [#>] {B82} {B46} 24 Borowski, Karolina Borowski, Ludwig Bortko, Michael J Bortko, Michael James Czado, Jozef Czado, Victoria Piech, Stanislaw Matula, John Matula, Juliana Matula, Mary Lechowicz, Mary Para Lechowicz, Paul Para, Bronislaw Para, Julia Cyran, Genevieve Cyran, Joseph Cyran, Laurence Cyran, Rozalia Cyran, Stanley Lonczak, Julia Kura, Jan Data, Anna Data, Karol Data, Rudolf J Kura, Steven Pasko, Alexander Pasko, Edward J Pasko, Helen Pasko, Ignacy Pasko, Julia Mazurek, Peter Rogus, Agatha Rogus, John Rogus, Sadie Cyran, Richard Henry Cyran, Rosalia Cyran, Stanley Cyran, Agnes Cyran, John Joseph Szczupiel, Kazimierz Szczupiel, Marya Gamble, Anthony J Gamble, Anna Cyran, Ignacy Cyran, Wladyslawa Rendzik, Isabelle Rendzik, Michael G Rendzik, Stanley Drasek, Henry Drasek, Antonette , Aniela Jakubowski, Zomkowski, Jane Zomkowski, Julian Stanick, Joseph Stanick, Mary Holland, Josephine Pienta, Franciszek Pienta, Victoria 25 56 02 01 73 15 53 1963 1891 1932 19790324 1979 1967 19390522 1939 1972 19220421 1922 19300602 1930 19260325 19221011 19550701 19801227 19340716 19420518 1884 1923 1883 1895 1893 1894 1919 19681205 19350425 19260222 19620216 19400117 19590601 19701112 19480601 1923 2005 1960 1960? 1940 1945 1900 1911? 1875 1879 19890221 72 70 73 19750709 19560228 19491024 19401230 20d 73 71 19620627 19510501 1881 19490131 1882 1913 1968 1949 1949 19501004 19670422 1987 1985 1969 1911 1952 1915 1961 1951 19611114 1961 19521211 1952 19740911 1974 1875 1887 1922 1882 1882 19670207 19830801 19600111 19830107 19580417 63 21,J,0172 21,J,0172 24,J,0170 24,J,0170 24,J,0170 24,J,0170 25,O,0262 25,W,0026 25,W,0026 25,W,0026 26,J,0085 26,J,0085 26,J,0085 26,J,0085 26,N,0095 26,N,0095 26,N,0095 26,N,0095 26,N,0095 26,U,0089 27,H,0055 37,J,0032 37,J,0032 37,J,0032 38,F,0097 40,D,0010 40,D,0010 40,D,0010 40,D,0010 40,D,0010 40,Q,0190 40,Q,0190 40,Q,0190 40,Q,0191 42,D,0164 42,D,0164 42,D,0164 45,U,0025 45,U,0025 46,R,0051 46,R,0051 50,B,0092 50,B,0092 50,K,0047 50,K,0047 50,L,0096 50,L,0096 50,L,0096 51,C,0048 51,C,0049 51,C,0050 51,C,0050 51,C,0050 51,C,0050 52,V,0052 52,V,0052 53,O,0113 53,O,0113 53,O,0113 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CEMETERY: United States Cemetery Records [#>] Jasinski, Helen {A80} Kozdras, Agata [#>] Kozdras, Thomas 19761028 19641125 19520416 55,V,0041 55,V,0041 55,V,0041 NY Staten Island, Resurrection {X08} Janda, Victoria [#>] Janice, Paul B 1986 1905 6,101,05,6 19910111 19080625 9,113,0011 NY Westbury, Holy Rood {E10} {E04} [#>] {E03} [#>] [#>] {E01} Mimowicz, John Mimowicz, Stella Spala, Catherine Spala, Felix Szpala, Ferdinand K Szpala, Ludwika Szpala, Roman K 73 82 75 80 82 1954 1959 19560420 1956 19640620 1964 19870217 19680429 1968 19690412 1969 1888 1885 1880 1882 1888 1887 3,Q,0010 3,Q,0010 3,Q,0010 3,Q,0010 3,Q,0010 3,Q,0010 3,Q,0010 PA Bala Cynwyd, Westminster [#>] [#>] {F85} [#>] [#>] Tluczek, Edward A Daniel, Maria Tluczek Tluczek, Alexander Tluczek, Irene Tluczek, Stanley 43 70 45 2m 19700110 19760823 19360229 19360229 19929222 19700108 19760820 19360227 19360224 Lansdowne,977,0001 Lansdowne,977,0003 Lansdowne,977,0003 Lansdowne,977,0003 Riverview,1640,0001 PA Conneautville, St. Peter [#>] Piatek, Joseph [#>] Piatek, Joseph Stanley {I08} Piatek, Mary Magdalena 74 62 67 19660105 18920319 A,0046 19661130 19340803 A,0046 19641119 18971001 A,0046 PA Indiana Co., St. Mary {G51} Kaplita, Jozef 1934 1934 1885 PA Port Vue, Calvary [#>] [#>] [#>] {A89} {A88} [#>] Kohan, Helen Penner, George W Pieniazek, Joseph Pieniazek, Karl Pieniazek, Mary Pieniazek, Peter C1,2,0049 C1,2,0049 C1,2,0049 C1,2,0049 C1,2,0049 C1,2,0049 19930303 1993 19401027 19440112 19751115 PA White Oak, Holy Family {G63} [>] {E39} {E31} {C55} [>] {D14} [>] {H99} [>] {F13} Bomba, Franciszek Borowiec, Anna Borowiec, Vincenty Debski, Michal Filip, Klementyna Naspinsky, Michal Skoczylas, Thomas Janos, Thaddeus Ted Janosz, Stanley Lawrence, Aniela T Pasko, Thomas Volume 2 19520630 1952 1941 1951 19380928 1938 1947 1940 1970 19940117 1959 1953 19540705 1954 1879 1897 1883 1867 1866 1908 1898 19181020 1889 1916 1884 Eastside Eastside Eastside Eastside American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 25 DATABASE TABLES [#] [#] {C47} {C79} [>] [>] [#>] [#>] {D32} [>] {A11} [#>] {D08} [>] {D94} [>] {D37} [?] {C63} {B88} [#>] [#>] [>] {I15} {B91} {B67} [#] [#] {B99} [>] [>] {G64} {G47} {D35} {D36} Piekielek, Michael J Piekielek, Sophia A Borowiec, Katarzyna Borowiec, Kazimierz Naspinsky, Andrew M Naspinsky, Josephine Stahurski, Loretta J Stahurski, Stanley J Skoczylas, Jacob J Skoczylas, Veronica Stachurski, Stanley Stachurski, Stephania Borowiec, Julian Palesko, Alex Palesko, Eleanor B Tondera, Anthony Pietras, Alexander Pietras, Mary Bomba Trojanowski, Aniela Trojanowski, Kazimierz Trojanowski, Henry F Trojanowski, Mary Puc, Catherine Puc, Thomas Tondera, Kazimierz Tondera, Lucy Fornal, Virginia E Fornal, Walter J Gliwa, Joseph Gliwa, Nellie Gliwa, William Staniek, Antoni Staniek, Julia Paczesniak, Michael Paczesniak, Victoria 1971 1978 1975 19521019 1952 1994 1978 1891 1908 1892 1885 1911 1913 1984 19640601 1964 1962 19700114 1970 1993 1928 1948 19600805 1960 1986 19650901 19930924 1943 19450522 19450519 1966 1971 1936 1973 1936 1971 1931 1885 1887 1895 1898 1887 1892 1891 1914 18860320 18970202 1896 1888 1913 1913 1882 1886 1878 1882 19140530 19861121 19080314 1946 1879 1949 1887 1969 1912 19640602 19640529 18810413 19600930 19600927 18860407 1972 1891 1974 1891 Eastside,eg02 Eastside,eg02 Eastside,eg04 Eastside,eg04 Eastside,eg06 Eastside,eg06 Eastside,eg07 Eastside,eg07 Eastside,eg09 Eastside,eg09 Eastside,eg11 Eastside,eg11 Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside,eg16 Westside,eg16 Westside,eg18 Westside,eg18 Westside,eg19 Westside,eg19 Westside,eg21 Westside,eg21 Westside,eg23 Westside,eg23 Westside,eg25 Westside,eg25 Westside,eg27 Westside,eg27 Westside,eg27 Westside,eg29 Westside,eg29 Westside,eg31 Westside,eg31 PA White Oak, St. Mary [>] [>] [#>] [#>] {D89} {D90} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Paskiewicz, Victoria Bartynska, Helen Ziobro, Bernard W Ziobro, Elizabeth Ziobro, Maryanna Ziobro, Ludwik Ziobro, Alberta Ziobro, Edward Ziobro, Hazel A Ziobro, John W Konkol, Alex F Konkol, Mary C Sowa, John Sowa, Veronica [#>] Grebeck, Helen {B59} Grebeck, Stanley Puc, Helen R [>] Puc, Matthew J Sowa, Betty J [#>] Sowa, Walter L [#>] Barton, Bernice D 26 1957 1968 1969 1989 1963 1931 2000 1976 1976 1968 1893 1913 1908 1913 1879 1867 1913 1903 1912 1902 1601 1602 193 194 2634 2635 2639 2640 2641 2642 Lower South,eg28 1993 1917 Lower South,eg28 1992 1911 Lower South,eg31 Lower South,eg31 19950408 19950405 19060823 Lower South,eg33 19950312 19950310 19010401 Lower South,eg33 1926 Lower South,eg35 1992 1924 Lower South,eg35 1997 1925 Lower South,eg36 1923 Lower South,eg36 19920203 19110825 Midsouth American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CEMETERY: United States Cemetery Records [#>] {D40} [#>] {A26} [#>] {A27} {D91} {D33} [>] {E21} [>] {I27} {C01} {I02} [#>] {G15} [#>] [#>] {G53} [>] {C34} [>] {E60} [>] [>] [#>] {G00} {B87} {B93} {D30} [#>] {A91} [#>] {D34} {G61} [>] {D21} {D11} {G95} {G96} [#>] {B39} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A92} {F12} {F14} {F20} [>] {D31} Barton, Joseph Konkol, Frank Konkol, Mary Sikora, Andrzej Sikora, Frank Sikora, Marja Barton, Antonina Barton, Wojciech Kmiotek, Peter Kmiotek, Stanley Kmiotek, Victoria Baran, Agatha Baran, Walter Skoczylas, Sophia Pokrywka, Albert W Pokrywka, Veronica Wiater, Laura C Wiater, William Staniek, Josephine B Staniek, Sophia M Staniek, Thomas J Staniek, Walter J Pekala, Andrzej Pekala, Genowefa Pekala, Karolina Bacha, Severyna W Borowiec, Jan Rybka, Ludwik Rybka, Mary Skoczylas, Jan Wiater, Magdalena Wiater, Mieczyslaw Sowa, Gregory Sowa, Julia Rybka, Kazimierz Rybka, Ludwika Malak, Agata Malak, Frank Puc, Alexander Puc, Honorata Pokrywka, Franciszek Pokrywka, Stanislawa Pokrywka, Joan Pokrywka, John Pokrywka, Wanda Cover, Alexander A Cover, Beatrice Wiater, Tomasz Wiater, Victoria Konkol, Jan Konkol, Salomea Kitz, Anna Kitz, George 19490116 19720711 1972 1982 19430818 1943 1988 19330326 1933 1978 1960 1966 19__ 19__ 1966 19600319 1960 1960 1955 19271005 1927 19171008 1883 1910 1868 1906 1878 1888 1887 1920 1981 1981 1888 1885 1888 1886 1890 1912 1995 1911 1962 1885 1971 1915 1955 1874 1989 1908 1959 1886 1932 1919 1982 1894 19410131 19190306 1933 1876 1945 1928 1940 19480401 1948 19770101 1976 1949 1971 1948 1958 19590109 19590502 19511126 1951 1982 1988 1989 1995 19641228 19901219 19360625 19360622 19690514 1936 1970 19440624 19640823 19440620 1888 1884 1871 1884 1887 1879 1880 1885 1879 18830515 18850802 1883 1889 1954 1911 1916 19240915 19251112 18750725 18830101 1878 1873 18900106 18840417 Midsouth Midsouth,eg01 Midsouth,eg01 Midsouth,eg02 Midsouth,eg02 Midsouth,eg02 Midsouth,eg03 Midsouth,eg03 Midsouth,eg04 Midsouth,eg04 Midsouth,eg04 Midsouth,eg06 Midsouth,eg06 North North,eg47 North,eg47 North,eg48 North,eg48 North,eg50 North,eg50 North,eg50 North,eg50 North,eg52 North,eg52 North,eg52 Upper South Upper South Upper South Upper South Upper South Upper South Upper South Upper South,eg08 Upper South,eg08 Upper South,eg09 Upper South,eg09 Upper South,eg10 Upper South,eg10 Upper South,eg12 Upper South,eg12 Upper South,eg16 Upper South,eg16 Upper South,eg18 Upper South,eg18 Upper South,eg18 Upper South,eg19 Upper South,eg19 Upper South,eg21 Upper South,eg21 Upper South,eg22 Upper South,eg22 Upper South,eg24 Upper South,eg24 RI Pawtucket, Notre Dame [>] Szczoczarz, Frederick {C32} Szczoczarz, Grzegorz [>] Szczoczarz, child Volume 2 22 19461107 19461107 19460921 19460921 19300117 19300117 05,017,0922 05,017,0922 05,017,0922 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 27 DATABASE TABLES [>] Szczoczarz, Veronica {D71} Orzechowski, Agata [#>] Orzechowski, Jan 19600107 08,011,0770 R,192,0002 R,192,0002 WA Renton, Greenwood [>] Kusnierz, Arthur {C92} Kusnierz, Alex {F46} Kusnierz, Julia 28 63 1931 19500819 1987 F Garden,276,41-5 F Garden,377,55-2 Southlawn,mause,5,2A American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records The following census records are open to public access and were reviewed during this research: Census Enumeration Date Census Enumeration Date 1892 NY State 1900 US Federal 1905 NY State 1910 US Federal 1915 NY State 1915 RI State 01 January 1892 01 June 1900 01 June 1905 15 April 1910 01 June 1915 15 April 1915 1920 US Federal 1925 NY State 1925 RI State 1930 US Federal 1935 RI State 01 January 1920 01 June 1925 15 June 1925 01 April 1930 15 June 1935 Excerpts from these census records are presented below. However, some data, such as enumeration districts, wards, precincts, and sheet numbers, are recorded in the database (and some records also have marriage duration, marriage age, number of total versus living children, and year of naturalization), but not all of this is printed in Volume 2 due to space limitations. Some households were separately identified at addresses where multiple families lived (such as apartment buildings) by adding an extra "household code" to the address. For example, if three separate households lived at 703 White Street, one family was designated as living at White St 703a, another at White St 703b, and the third at White St 703c. (Street name precede house numbers for sorting reasons.) In some cases, if one or more immigrants were found living at a particular address, the names of other persons living at that address are also presented, even if the other persons were not associated with the Tyczyn area. In some censuses, the ages of children under four years old were listed in months instead of years. For consistency and to save database space, months were converted to approximate decimal fractions of a year as follows: few days = 0.0 years 1 month = 0.1 years 2 months = 0.2 years 3 months = 0.3 years 4 months = 0.3 years 5 months = 0.4 years 6 months = 0.5 years 7 months = 0.6 years 8 months = 0.7 years 9 months = 0.8 years 10 months = 0.8 years 11 months = 0.9 years 12 months = 1.0 years Care should be exercised in interpreting arrival dates, as some censuses defined them differently: US Federal Census lists actual year of arrival (eg. 1907); NY State Census lists immigration years as the number of years in America (eg. 9y); RI State Census does not list year of arrival. Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 29 DATABASE TABLES The data in this table are listed: first, chronologically by census year; second, alphabetically by state; third, alphabetically by city or county; fourth, alphanumerically by address; fifth, alphabetically by name. Name Age Rel Origin Year C Address Occupation 36 37 14 26 36 druggist 18920101 NY Buffalo [+] Dort, Casper Dort, Elizabeth Dort, Walter {G08} Kosciolek, Teofil Stroka, Jozef US US US AU AU school teacher bookkeeper 19000601 NY Brooklyn [?] {A33} {G43} {G86} [#>] Marciniecz, Martin Rogus, Stanislaus Wias, Frank Wias, John Wias, Mary Wucik, Michal 37 42 24 27 21 24 bdr bdr bro hoh wif bdr AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL GR-PL AU-PL 08 02 05 0.4 28 32 27 42 42 22 43 39 dau son dau son wif hoh bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr hoh son son dau dau bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr wif PA PA PA PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL HU AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA PA PA PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL 1899 1899 1900 1893 1895 1900 A A A A A A 21 St 143 21 St 143 21 St 143 21 St 143 21 St 143 21 St 143 cabinet maker cabinet maker cabinet maker cabinet maker cabinet maker 19000601 PA Jefferson Co. {D92} {B73} {E48} {E45} {E46} 30 Baron, Abigal Baron, Andrew Baron, Annia Baron, John Baron, Katie Baron, Michael Barron, Andrew Brawis, John Brego, John Cazo, Charles Huchlo, John Kozic, Albert Kozic, Andrew Kozic, John Kozic, Lizzie Kozic, Mary Krzierski, Toni Nodge, Stephen Plowgin, Mike Seran, Lawrence Slovick, Valenti Smith, Joseph Swavich, John Swavich, Joseph Zimbo, Mike Ganchao, John Hufla, Stany Kameski, Joseph Klovaca, Frances 49 22 35 24 40 30 39 43 37 27 30 28 19 1890 1887 1890 1891 1899 1899 1899 1890 A A A A A A A A 1890 1900 1892 1900 1896 1888 1898 1897 1900 1896 1900 1900 1899 A A A A A A A A A A A A Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Eleanora Winslow Twp Winslow Twp Winslow Twp Winslow Twp American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland coal miner coal miner lab, mine coal miner day lab coal cutter lab, mine school lab, mine day lab day lab coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner day lab coal miner coal miner coal miner Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records Klovaca, John Saviska, John {E47} Setella, Joseph Spella, John 29 27 33 33 hoh bdr bdr bdr AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL 1890 1900 1900 1899 A A A A Winslow Twp Winslow Twp Winslow Twp Winslow Twp coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner 37 27 29 50 32 33 24 31 33 01 25 02 29 25 50 19 16 37 40 30 30 28 bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr hoh son wif dau bdr bdr hoh son dau bdr bdr bdr wif hoh AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL 1900 1898 1898 1899 1899 1900 1900 1898 1890 A A A A A A A A A lab, farm lab, pipe mill shearman, pipe mill lab, pipe mill lab, pipe mill lab, farm lab, farm lab, pipe mill lab, pipe mill 1896 1899 1898 1898 1898 1899 1900 1899 1899 1899 04 Av 508 04 Av 508 04 Av 508 04 Av 508 04 Av 508 04 Av 508 04 Av 508 04 Av 508 04 Av 620a 04 Av 620a 04 Av 620a 04 Av 620a 04 Av 620b 04 Av 620b 04 Av 620b 04 Av 620b 04 Av 620b 04 Av 620b Jerome 504 Jerome 504 Jerome 504 Jerome 504 44 08 07 18 13 40 11 05 02 23 28 31 18 hoh son son dau son wif son son dau ser bdr bdr bdr PL PA PA GR-PL PA PL PA PA PA AU-PL AU-PL GR-PL GR-PL 1885 N Penn Av 1643 Penn Av 1643 Penn Av 1643 1885 Penn Av 1643 Penn Av 1643 1885 Penn Av 1643 Penn Av 1643 Penn Av 1643 Penn Av 1643 1900 Penn Av 1643 1900 A Penn Av 1643 1900 A Penn Av 1643 1900 A Penn Av 1643 17 50 42 21 30 30 36 36 26 27 0.3 dau hoh wif ser hoh wif wif hoh hoh wif dau RU RU RU AU-PL PL PL PL PL PL PL US 9y 9y 9y 0y 0y 3y 0y 0y 2y 7y 19000601 PA McKeesport [?] {E25} {E43} {A26} [#>] {A27} [#>] {C54} {C99} {D00} {E27} {E26} Borowitz, John Greba, Joseph Kunkel, Paul Lasada, Frank Rogus, Peter Skosudocz, John Strophil, Frank Struhil, Anthony Cigora, Andrew Cigora, Broman Cigora, Mary Cigora, Stella Huchla, Martin Kustra, Frank Lenard, Albert Lenard, John Lenard, Lucia Treanoski, Paul Bumba, Michael Duda, John Rogus, Ella Rogus, George 1896 A A A A A A A jan75 lab, pipe mill lab, pipe mill lab, pipe mill lab, coke works lab, pipe mill lab, pipe mill lab, pipe mill 19000601 PA Pittsburgh Czolba, Adam Czolba, Andrew Czolba, August Czolba, Joanna Czolba, Joseph Czolba, Josephine Czolba, Peter Czolba, Stanislaw Czolba, Wladyslawa Jaworska, Jadwiga Kyc, Stanislawa [m] {E40} Roszkiewicz, Andres Roszkiewicz, Paul day lab grocery store housework day lab day lab day lab 19050601 NY Brooklyn {E14} {E12} {E13} {E11} Zohevisk, Julia Zohevisk, Kashmer Zohevisk, Kate Drescher, Marie Janich, Anna Janich, Frank Rupp, Sopie Rupp, Tony {B84} Sera, Jozef [#>] Sera, Katie {X32} Sera, Tessie Volume 2 A A A A A A A A A A 03 Av 657 1/2 03 Av 657 1/2 03 Av 657 1/2 06 Av 4807 19 St 097 19 St 097 19 St 097 19 St 097 19 St 097 19 St 097 19 St 097 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland housework lab housework housework carp housework X blank 31 DATABASE TABLES {B95} {G86} [>] {C88} [>] {X22} [+] Slowich, Cosmos Genacatus, Constance Genacatus, Tony Kottovich, John Marcinitz, Jozef Miller, Stanislaus Miller, Stanley Vias, John Vias, Mary Grzebyk, Antoni Grzebyk, Pauline Grzebyk, Sophia Mikulcick, Frances Mikulcick, Josie Mikulcick, Martin 25 51 60 35 38 30 48 30 25 27 23 01 32 01 46 bdr wif hoh bdr bdr bdr bdr hoh wif hoh wif dau wif dau hoh PL PL PL AU-PL AU PL PL PL PL AU-PL AU-PL US AU-PL US AU-PL 0y 5y 5y 3y 2y 0y 6y 5y 4y 4y 5y A A A A A A A A A A A 19 St 097 20 St 088 20 St 088 20 St 088 20 St 088 20 St 088 20 St 088 21 St 146 21 St 146 22 St 224 1/2 22 St 224 1/2 22 St 224 1/2 6y A 22 St 224 1/2 22 St 224 1/2 25y A 22 St 224 1/2 27 35 06 40 30 11 0.8 bdr bdr son hoh wif dau son AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL IN 1906 A 151 St 616 1906 A 151 St 616 1906 151 St 616 1906 A 151 St 616 1906 151 St 616 1906 151 St 616 151 St 616 30 26 32 23 05 19 32 08 23 20 02 0.1 04 24 28 cou cou hoh sis son sis wif dau bdr cou bdr bdr bdr bdr cou AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL MA AU-PL AU-PL MA AU-PL AU-PL MA MA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL 1906 A Winter St 21a 1909 A Winter St 21a 1899 A Winter St 21a 1907 Winter St 21a Winter St 21a 1907 Winter St 21a 1899 Winter St 21a Winter St 21a 1904 Winter St 21a 1909 Winter St 21a Winter St 21b Winter St 21b 1908 Winter St 21b 1908 Winter St 21b 1906 A Winter St 21b wif bdr 28 hoh 03 dau 02 dau bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr 02 son 30 hoh 0.5 dau AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL MA MA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL MA 1905 Front St 441 1907 A Front St 441 1906 A Front St 441 Front St 441 Front St 441 1903 A Front St 441 1905 A Front St 441 1905 A Front St 441 1905 Front St 441 1902 A Front St 441 1908 S 02 St 560a 1907 S 02 St 560a S 02 St 560a clock maker housework illegible carp gardener carp gardener factory woodworker woodworker 19100415 IN E Chicago {F18} Bobar, Stanley Chmiel, Martin Kic, Frank Kic, Frank Kic, Helen Kic, Leona Kic, Walter lab, steel foundry fireman, boiler house lab, steel factory 19100415 MA Adams {B36} Klimash, Frank {B79} Klimash, Thomas Mularz, Albert [>] Mularz, Caroline Mularz, Frank Mularz, Pauline Mularz, Teofila Mularz, Victoria Slularski, Rose {C04} Szwet, Balbina [#>] Klimash, Helen [#>] Klimash, Matthew {C41} Klimash, Rose {C42} Klimash, Sophie {B78} Klimash, Stanley carder, cotton mill carder, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill comber, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill speeder tender 19100415 MA New Bedford {B23} Dzaoba, Anela Dzaoba, Frank [#>] Dzaoba, Joseph [#>] Dzaoba, Josephine [#>] Dzoaba, Mary Mesowacz, Anebian [m] Mesowacz, John Prener, Joseph Wojtuszowska, Katheri Wojtuszowska, Stanely {D57} Gorek, Bronislaf {D55} Gorek, Jozef [#>] Gorek, Mania 32 30 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records {D56} Gorek, Nellie {B20} Bienek, Antoni Kostoska, Leonora Nistuk, Andrew Nistuk, Maryanna Nistuk, Nellie Tlarok, Carolina Vieteka, John Vieteka, Rozalia Beliskis, John [#>] Dronzak, Emma [#>] Dronzak, Katie [#>] Dronzak, Mechislow {B31} Dronzak, Peter Janskla, John Janskla, Mary 30 26 19 30 25 03 22 28 22 21 02 27 0.3 27 23 21 wif bdr bdr hoh wif dau bdr bdr bdr bdr dau wif son hoh bdr bdr AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL MA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL MA AU-PL MA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL 1907 S 02 St 560a 1909 A S 02 St 560b 1910 S 02 St 560b 1905 A S 02 St 560b 1905 S 02 St 560b S 02 St 560b 1910 S 02 St 560b 1909 A S 02 St 560b 1909 S 02 St 560b 1902 A Water St 783 Water St 783 1904 Water St 783 Water St 783 1907 A Water St 783 1907 A Water St 783 1906 Water St 783 19 30 25 22 32 20 03 01 22 33 33 36 33 36 24 20 30 28 25 39 24 40 20 28 02 27 29 0.6 20 27 45 01 40 02 30 0.3 22 20 17 38 bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr son dau wif hoh bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr son wif hoh dau wif hoh hoh dau wif son hoh dau wif bdr bdr bdr AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL MI MI AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL MI AU-PL MI AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL 1910 1910 1910 1907 1907 1910 weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill 19100415 MI Detroit {E58} [+] [+] {E57} {E56} [+] {E63} [?] [?] [?] {E62} Cyplisz, Mary Cyprysz, Joseph Gorrul, Martin Kotowicz, Francis Kotowicz, Joseph Krupa, Ignac Pikielek, Joseph Pikielek, Josephine Pikielek, Julia Pikielek, Lawrence Skocielasz, Paul Skocielasz, Peter Wilk, Joseph Wilk, Valentine Budd, Ignac Butka, Vincent Dudek, John Glasota, Lawrence Koterda, John Luczek, John Materna, Ignac Mirda, Paul Nowicki, Frank Panczak, Steven Wilk, Alexander Wilk, Annie Wilk, George Wilk, Mary Tluczek, Julia Tluczek, Valentine Wilk, Anthony Wilk, Katherine Wilk, Mary Buda, John Buda, Joseph Buda, Julia Buda, Victoria Pieta, Valentine Rojek, Mar Szczypek, Frank Volume 2 1907 1907 1910 1910 1910 1910 1907 1908 1905 1909 1907 1910 1905 1907 1907 1907 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1907 1907 A 1908 1906 A 1905 A 1907 1906 A 1906 1909 1910 A 1909 A St. Aubin 1409a St. Aubin 1409a St. Aubin 1409a St. Aubin 1409a St. Aubin 1409a St. Aubin 1409a St. Aubin 1409a St. Aubin 1409a St. Aubin 1409a St. Aubin 1409a St. Aubin 1409a St. Aubin 1409a St. Aubin 1409a St. Aubin 1409a St. Aubin 1409b St. Aubin 1409b St. Aubin 1409b St. Aubin 1409b St. Aubin 1409b St. Aubin 1409b St. Aubin 1409b St. Aubin 1409b St. Aubin 1409b St. Aubin 1409b St. Aubin 1409b St. Aubin 1409b St. Aubin 1409b St. Aubin 1409b St. Aubin 1409c St. Aubin 1409c St. Aubin 1409d St. Aubin 1409d St. Aubin 1409d St. Aubin 1409e St. Aubin 1409e St. Aubin 1409e St. Aubin 1409e St. Aubin 1409e St. Aubin 1409e St. Aubin 1409e American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland none lab, car shop lab, car shop stripper, car shop lab, car shop lab, car shop lab, auto factory lab, car shop lab, car shop lab, car shop lab, auto shop lab, iron foundry lab, iron foundry lab, car shop lab, iron foundry lab, car shop lab, car shop lab, car shop lab, iron foundry lab, iron foundry lab, car shop lab, street lab, car shop lab, car shop lab, street work lab, street work none lab, car shop 33 DATABASE TABLES Warzybek, Albert Warzybek, Andrew {E64} Warzybek, Joseph Krupa, Stanley Luch, Frank Materna, Joseph {D30} Skoczylas, John [>] Skoczylas, Mary Skowron, Jacob Wrobek, August Wrobek, Mary 40 35 40 42 34 34 28 23 34 34 19 bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr hoh wif bdr bdr bdr AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1907 1908 1909 1907 1910 A A A A A A A St. Aubin 1409e St. Aubin 1409e St. Aubin 1409e St. Aubin 1409f St. Aubin 1409f St. Aubin 1409f St. Aubin 1409f St. Aubin 1409f A St. Aubin 1409f A St. Aubin 1409f A St. Aubin 1409f 28 01 36 03 wif son hoh son RU-PL 1904 Spring Creek Twp MO Spring Creek Twp RU-PL 1899 P Spring Creek Twp MO Spring Creek Twp 43 40 20 35 30 35 19 24 31 35 31 26 40 42 16 31 25 33 04 30 0.3 19 24 28 35 17 22 37 23 22 26 26 0.7 27 0.7 bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr wif hoh bdr bdr bdr bdr wif son bdr bdr hoh dau wif son wif hoh bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr hoh wif bdr wif son hoh dau AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-SL AU-SL AU-SL AU-SL HU-SL NJ AU-SL AU-SL AU-PL NJ AU-PL NJ AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL NJ AU-PL NJ lab, street work lab, street work lab, street work lab, car shop lab, auto factory lab, car shop radiator work lab, car shop lab, car shop none 19100415 MO Phelps Co. [>] [>] {I45} [>] Paska, Catherine Paska, George Paska, John Paska, Louis farmer, general farm 19100415 NJ Bayonne {C83} Choton, Valent {C69} Clovek, George {C36} Clovek, Ignatz Garbowsky, Stanislaw Gevlar, Michael {C43} Pira, Jozef {C31} Szostek, Ludwik Wilk, Caroline Wilk, John Baron, Andrew [?] Bomba, George {F01} Bomba, Paul [?] Bomba, Stanislaw Frackas, Annie Frackas, John Shcenk, Albert Shcenk, Stephen Bonba, Andrew Bonba, Katie Bonba, Mary Bonba, Stanislav Beda, Annie Beda, Frank Krupa, Vocek {F02} Tuchek, Paul {E87} Baron, Jozef {H92} Borowich, Peter Naturna, Peter Wilk, Andrew Wilk, Mary {C35} Soletski, Felix Wilk, Annie Wilk, Joseph Wilk, Paul Wilk, Stefka 34 1909 1905 1909 1892 1905 1909 1910 1907 1903 1908 1907 1908 1909 1891 A A A P A A A A 1912 1910 1909 1909 1907 1906 1909 1909 1910 1909 1910 1906 1906 1910 1908 A A A A A A A A A A 1907 A E 22 St 163 E 22 St 163 E 22 St 163 E 22 St 163 E 22 St 163 E 22 St 163 E 22 St 163 E 22 St 163 E 22 St 163 E 22 St 165 E 22 St 165 E 22 St 165 E 22 St 165 E 22 St 165 E 22 St 165 E 22 St 165 E 22 St 165 E 22 St 181a E 22 St 181a E 22 St 181a E 22 St 181a E 22 St 181b E 22 St 181b E 22 St 181b E 22 St 181b E 22 St 202 E 22 St 202 E 22 St 202 E 22 St 202 E 22 St 202 E 22 St 219 E 22 St 219 E 22 St 219 E 22 St 219 E 22 St 219 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, oil works lab, copper works lab, oil works lab, oil works lab, oil works lab, oil works lab, oil works lab, oil works lab, oil works lab, oil works lab, oil works lab, oil works lab, oil works lab, oil works lab, oil works lab, oil works lab, oil works lab, oil works lab, oil works lab, oil works lab, copper works lab, copper works lab, oil works lab, copper works lab, oil works Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records 19100415 NJ Bloomfield {C68} Rozek, Karrie 24 ser AU-PL 1890 Liberty St 198 29 1.8 35 40 02 05 40 06 12 14 10 wif son hoh wif son son hoh dau son son son RU-PL NJ RU-PL AU-PL NJ NJ AU-PL NJ AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL 17 01 16 10 42 26 06 29 29 03 01 28 20 21 28 dau dau dau dau hoh wif son wif hoh dau dau hoh wif wif hoh RU-PL NJ RU-PL RU-PL RU-PL RU-PL RU-PL RU-PL RU-PL RU-PL NJ AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL 28 21 21 28 51 46 28 hoh bro wif bdr wif hoh bdr AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL 1907 1907 1905 1907 1903 1903 1906 A Beacon St 3a A Beacon St 3a Beacon St 3a A Beacon St 3b Beacon St 3b A Beacon St 3b A Beacon St 3b 22 24 23 20 20 21 0.7 24 26 02 29 bdr bdr hoh hoh bdr bdr dau hoh wif dau bdr AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL NY AU-PL AU-PL NY AU-PL 1904 1909 1908 1907 1908 1908 A A A A A A servant 19100415 NJ Camden [+] [+] [>] [>] [>] {I99} [>] {J01} {J00} {J02} Jagodzinski, Jagodzinski, John Jagodzinski, Paul Gliwa, Francis Gliwa, Frankis Gliwa, John Gliwa, Joseph Gliwa, Minnie Gliwa, Stanley Gliwa, Steven Gliwa, Thomas -- Atlantic Av 1224 Atlantic Av 1224 -A Atlantic Av 1224 1902 Louis St 1062 Louis St 1062 Louis St 1062 1902 A Louis St 1062 Louis St 1062 Louis St 1062 Louis St 1062 Louis St 1062 lab, iron foundry lab, nickel works 19100415 NJ Jersey City {H35} [>] {E29} {E30} {H33} {H34} {X38} Plodzien, Florie Plodzien, Francis Plodzien, Helen Plodzien, Mary Plodzien, Michael Plodzien, Victoria Plodzien, William Gasion, Catherine Gasion, George Gasion, Helen Gasion, Mary [?] Sura, Michael {E76} Sura, Nellie [>] Shura, Annie {G23} Shura, John 1890 A 1906 1908 1908 A 1906 A 1910 1906 1906 A Porter St 26a Porter St 26a Porter St 26a Porter St 26a Porter St 26a Porter St 26a Porter St 26a Porter St 26b Porter St 26b Porter St 26b Porter St 26b Porter St 28a Porter St 28a Porter St 28b Porter St 28b carpenter, railroad carp, RR carp, RR carp, RR 19100415 NJ Newark [>] Geisla, Frank [>] Geisla, Peter {B55} Geisla, Valeria Koodkoska, Victoria {C75} Partush, Mary {C51} Partush, Powell Rowagi, Stanislaw blacksmith blacksmith tailor, shop locksmith, auto factory button hole, tailor 19100415 NY Brooklyn [?] [?] [?] [?] {B80} {G24} [#>] {C72} {F17} [#>] Data, George Data, Harry Hula, Joseph Hula, Mary Kotula, Frank Witek, Kosmisz Forna, Helen Forna, Joseph Forna, Katherine Forna, Mary Pinkala, Andrew Volume 2 18 St 098 18 St 098 18 St 098 18 St 098 18 St 098 18 St 098 18 St 152 1906 A 18 St 152 1906 A 18 St 152 18 St 152 1909 A 18 St 152 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, factory baker, bake shop lab, stoneyard house carp lab, street mach, tartar factory lab, street 35 DATABASE TABLES {C74} Ruskevich, Julian Boron, Wadiewoff Colfree, Thomas [#>] Roguss, Augetta [#>] Roguss, Helen {A32} Roguss, John [#>] Roguss, Stella Viskoskie, [#>] Gishek, Francis [#>] Gishek, George [#>] Gishek, John [#>] Gishek, Julia [#>] Gishek, Martin {E24} Gishek, Pauline {A73} Leniard, John {A79} Gliwa, Josephine {A81} Gliwa, Kosman [#>] Gliwa, Wanda Prokop, Bronislau Prokop, Frank Prokop, Mary Marouss, Martin {F75} Pentar, Albert {X33} Seron, Agnes {B84} Seron, Jozef [#>] Seron, Katarzyna {B73} Seron, Lawrence {X32} Seron, Stanislawa {X34} Seron, Stanley Drazek, Anthony Drazek, Helen [?] Drunzet, John {E80} Drunzet, Margaret {A56} Kopleta, Donicelit {A50} Kopleta, Sylvester {A51} Kopleta, Teofil Niemies, Stanley {C07} Daton, Leon {C25} Domino, Julias Prnkg, Catherine Prnkg, John Prnkg, Mary Prnkg, Michael [#>] Vias, Agnes [#>] Vias, John {A40} Vias, Mary [#>] Vias, Sophie {A44} Vias, Thomas {H06} Cover, Martin Rog, Agnes [?] Rog, Ludwig {H07} Rog, Mary [>] Rog, Sophie [#>] Koluai, Joseph {E55} Koluai, Pawel {E65} Koluai, Sophie [#>] Koluai, Thomas {B85} Marchinicz, Felix {B96} Marchinicz, Stanley 36 24 26 25 25 03 34 1.2 45 32 0.5 03 50 05 25 22 19 29 0.1 06 36 33 21 41 02 31 32 33 05 02 0.9 02 28 24 21 23 26 21 23 22 03 1.5 26 30 02 0.8 24 06 30 21 1.5 42 32 12 03 49 29 1.9 46 08 bdr bdr bdr wif dau hoh dau bdr hoh son son mot son wif brl wif hoh dau dau hoh wif bdr bdr dau hoh wif bro dau son son dau hoh wif wif hoh bro bdr bdr bdr dau son wif hoh dau son wif dau hoh brl dau hoh wif dau son hoh wif son bdr bdr AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL NY AU-PL NY AU-PL GR-PL NY NY GR-PL NY AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL NY NY AU-PL RU-PL AU-PL AU-PL US AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL US US NY NY AU-PL AU-PL PL PL PL PL AU-PL AU-PL NY NY NY NY NY NY AU-PL NY AU-PL AU-PL NY AU-PL AU-PL NJ NY AU-PL NY NY AU-PL AU-PL 1906 1909 1911 1905 A A A A 1900 A 1912 A 1902 A 1906 A 1902 1906 1907 1905 A A A A 1901 P 1900 1908 A 1903 A 1901 A 1899 A 1904 A 1905 1904 1906 1906 1906 1907 1904 1907 P A A A A 1908 1902 A 1909 A 1894 A 1904 1903 A 1904 A 1904 18 St 152 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 162 19 St 162 19 St 162 19 St 162 19 St 162 19 St 162 19 St 162 20 St 093a 20 St 093a 20 St 093a 20 St 093b 20 St 093b 20 St 093b 20 St 097 20 St 097 20 St 097 20 St 097 20 St 097 20 St 097 20 St 097 20 St 097 20 St 101a 20 St 101a 20 St 101a 20 St 101a 20 St 101b 20 St 101b 20 St 101b 20 St 101b 20 St 101c 20 St 101c 20 St 101c 20 St 101c 20 St 101c 20 St 101c 20 St 146a 20 St 146a 20 St 146a 20 St 146a 20 St 146a 20 St 146b 20 St 146b 20 St 146b 20 St 146b 20 St 146b 20 St 151 20 St 151 20 St 151 20 St 151 20 St 151 20 St 151 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, sawmill cabinet maker cabinet maker cabinet maker lab, brickyard mach, brick factory glycerin factory mach, factory house carp shovler, coal co. grass cut cemetery hostler, coal co. grass cut cemetery lab, brickyard lab, paint shop lab, paint shop lab, paper factory lab, marble fact screenmaker factory cutter, marble yard paper factory ironworks salt factory longshoreman longshoreman Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records Barrom, Virture {C92} Cushmus, Alexander {C93} Cushmus, Parvo Kusnierz, John Suto, Anthony Suto, John Suto, Joseph Suto, Kate Kowal, Joseph Nowak, Albert {X05} Para, Edward {C17} Para, Rose K {C16} Para, Stanley {C44} Para, Walter [?] Pasko, John {B63} Prokop, Stanley Lyczezenski, Michael Matulo, Joseph [>] Pinta, Corneila {B82} Pinta, Frank P {B46} Pinta, Victoria E [?] Stowik, Joseph {A22} Szczococzasz, Walter Bosinski, John Katzayek, John {D01} Pasko, Catherine {D05} Pasko, Joseph {D06} Pasko, Sophia {D04} Pasko, Stanislaw Polock, Andrew {C19} Stochoski, Dominies {C18} Stochoski, Ignatius {B70} Baba, Jozef [?] Dziuba, Casimir Perlak, Paul {B00} Copatz, August [#>] Copatz, Ignatz [#>] Copatz, Kate [#>] Copatz, Sophie {C39} Copatz, Victoria [#>] Dulanski, Anthony {B01} Dulanski, Selina [#>] Dulanski, Stephen {A97} Dulanski, Thomas Gibliskie family Kafnowiskie, Leo Slkowskie, Michael Zalrowskie, Gustav Zanakowskie, Michael 29 21 50 19 1.9 0.5 36 31 42 27 0.8 22 29 21 38 28 48 26 01 27 24 21 19 16 32 30 04 09 35 23 23 24 23 18 27 33 04 06 01 26 05 25 02 32 bdr bdr bdr bdr son son hoh wif bdr bdr son wif hoh bro bdr bdr bdr bdr dau hoh wif bdr bdr bdr bdr wif son dau hoh bdr wif hoh bdr bdr bdr hoh son dau dau wif son wif son hoh 33 32 22 40 bdr bdr bdr bdr AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL NY NY RU-PL AU-PL RU-PL RU-PL NY RU-PL RU-PL RU-PL RU-PL RU-PL RU-PL RU-PL NY RU-PL RU-PL RU-PL RU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL NY AU-PL NY AU-PL NY AU-PL NY AU-PL RU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL bdr bdr hoh wif dau brl brl AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL NY AU-PL AU-PL 1908 1907 1906 1908 A A A A 1907 A 1907 1909 A 1909 A 1906 1907 1909 1909 1909 1904 1906 1908 1906 1910 1910 1910 1907 1909 1909 1909 1905 1907 1906 1907 1907 1909 1907 1906 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1906 A 1903 A 1903 A 1903 1904 1907 1909 A A A A 1910 1909 1905 1905 A A A A 21 St 100 21 St 100 21 St 100 21 St 100 21 St 100 21 St 100 21 St 100 21 St 100 22 St 224a 22 St 224a 22 St 224a 22 St 224a 22 St 224a 22 St 224a 22 St 224a 22 St 224a 22 St 224b 22 St 224b 22 St 224b 22 St 224b 22 St 224b 22 St 224b 22 St 224b 23 St 128 23 St 128 23 St 128 23 St 128 23 St 128 23 St 128 23 St 128 Dupont 169 Dupont 169 Eagle 151 Eagle 151 Eagle 151 Oakland St 407 Oakland St 407 Oakland St 407 Oakland St 407 Oakland St 407 Oakland St 407 Oakland St 407 Oakland St 407 Oakland St 407 Oakland St 407 Oakland St 407 Oakland St 407 Oakland St 407 Oakland St 407 lab, factory lab, factory lab, factory lab, factory lab, street lab, subway carp shop lab, cemetery lab, cemetery lab, subway lab, subway lab, cemetery lab, cemetery lab, cemetery lab, cemetery lab, cemetery brass polisher can factory lab, cement works chemical factory weaver, jute lab, bricks lab, bed factory lab, bed factory freight handler, jute brass moulder fireman, pottery carp lab lab 19100415 NY New Windsor {A03} [#>] {C64} [#>] {C91} {C84} Borowiec, Kazimierz Fornal, Kazimiesz Gustka, George Gustka, Mary Gustka, Sofie Slovak, Joseph Slovak, Thomas Volume 2 28 18 24 28 0.6 28 36 Quassaick Bridge Quassaick Bridge Quassaick Bridge Quassaick Bridge Quassaick Bridge 1906 A Quassaick Bridge 1909 A Quassaick Bridge American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, felt mill lab, felt mill lab, felt mill lab, felt mill lab, wollen mill 37 DATABASE TABLES 19100415 NY Niagara Falls {C67} {A64} {A65} {A17} [#>] {C98} {B86} {C89} {C66} {A69} {A68} [#>] {A62} [#>] {A14} [#>] {A09} {A10} [#>] [#>] {A63} [-] Plodzien, Valentine Szetela, Antonia Szetela, John Kaplita, Jan Kaplita, Louise Bieliec, Michal Chrzostek, Adam Kawaliec, John Mackiewicz, Marion Mazur, Pawel Olech, Jacob Olszenski, Vincent Wisniewski, Joseph Zbilut, Catherine Zbilut, John Zbilut, Josephine Zbilut, Mary Zbilut, Stanislaus Drazek, Antonina Kosciolek, Edward Kosciolek, Eloisius Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Nellie Drozek, Aniela Drozek, Stanislaus Lasota, Bartholomew 39 37 40 24 21 19 38 38 22 33 28 42 22 06 39 04 31 1.3 20 01 16 32 20 21 26 30 brl wif hoh hoh wif bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr dau hoh dau wif son cou son bro hoh wif wif hoh bdr AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL NY AU-PL NY AU-PL NY AU-PL AU-PL GR-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL 1909 1909 1905 1908 1907 1907 1903 1909 1907 1908 1905 1907 1907 1905 1904 A A A A A 1910 1904 1891 1907 1906 1903 A N N A A A 38 32 31 34 22 21 31 28 bdr bdr hoh wif bdr bdr bdr bdr AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL 1910 1910 1909 1908 1910 1910 1910 1910 A Pierce Av 253 A Pierce Av 253 A Pierce Av 253 Pierce Av 253 A Pierce Av 253 A Pierce Av 253 A Pierce Av 253 A Pierce Av 253 43 18 44 40 35 44 0.8 04 38 36 27 21 22 34 27 1.8 34 bdr bdr bdr bdr wif hoh son dau bdr bdr bdr wif hoh hoh wif dau bdr AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL 1902 1910 1910 1901 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1908 1908 1905 1904 1903 1907 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 1905 A 1909 A 13 St 222 13 St 222 13 St 222 13 St 240 13 St 240 13 St 257 13 St 257 13 St 257 13 St 257 13 St 257 13 St 257 13 St 257 13 St 257 13 St 257 13 St 257 13 St 257 13 St 257 13 St 257 13 St 264 13 St 264 13 St 264 13 St 264 13 St 264 Kosciuszko 214 Kosciuszko 214 Kosciuszko 214 odd jobs lab, chemical co. chemical co. lab, chemical co. lab, odd jobs chemical co. chemical co. lab, carborundum carborundum co lab, carborundum lab, aluminum lab, carborundum servant, restaurant compositor, printshop agent, life insurance lab, chemical co. lab, chemical co. 19100415 PA Butler Co. {E85} Contrich, Martin Formchisik, Katz [+] Legins, John Legins, Mary Manich, Willie Peschins, Leon Sodie, John Sodie, Willie lab, car works lab, car works lab, car works lab, car works lab, car works lab, car works lab, car works 19100415 PA Clearfield Co {E23} {E09} {E22} {D60} 38 Koidszen, William Polle, Leo Slovic, William Urban, John Vaiten, Edwiga Vaiten, George Vaiten, John Vaiten, Mary Voiten, Joseph Baron, Valentine Kaplita, Valentine Kavjersky, Josephine Kavjersky, Stanley Shulick, George Shulick, Mary Shulick, Wladi Spick, George Stanley 008 Stanley 008 Stanley 008 Stanley 008 Stanley 008 Stanley 008 Stanley 008 Stanley 008 Stanley 008 Stanley 009 Stanley 009 Stanley 009 Stanley 009 Stanley 009 Stanley 009 Stanley 009 1908 A Stanley 009 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records {E51} {I46} [#>] {I49} [#>] [#>] {I50} {I47} Stempien, John Tereskiewicz, Joseph Tereskiewicz, Martha Borovicz, William Molovich, Catherine Molovich, Frank Nislovick, William Bator, John Postarnik, Mike Postarnik, Stanley Yopic, Charlie Yopic, Frank Yopic, John Yopic, Maggie Yopic, Mary Yopic, Stanley Yopic, Victoria 44 27 20 24 19 26 25 40 36 26 44 0.0 12 02 03 07 41 bdr hoh wif bdr wif hoh bdr bdr bdr bdr hoh son son dau dau son wif AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL PA PA AU-PL AU-PL 1908 1906 1909 1910 1908 1904 1910 1909 1909 1909 1903 A Stanley 009 A Stanley 009 Stanley 009 A Stanley 023 Stanley 023 A Stanley 023 A Stanley 023 A Stanley 028 A Stanley 028 A Stanley 028 A Stanley 028 Stanley 028 1905 Stanley 028 Stanley 028 Stanley 028 1905 Stanley 028 1905 Stanley 028 23 23 36 34 30 36 40 29 34 bdr bdr bdr bdr wif bdr hoh bdr bdr AU-SL AU-SL AU-SL AU-SL AU-SL AU-SL AU-SL AU-SL AU-SL 1909 1909 1909 1909 1908 1909 1906 1909 1909 05 03 31 02 30 27 38 38 0.9 20 03 21 40 01 26 33 38 28 30 dau son wif dau hoh bdr bdr hoh son wif son bdr wif son hoh bdr bdr bdr bdr PA PA AU-PL PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL PA AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL 1906 1905 1909 1909 1905 28 27 28 0.9 31 bdr bdr bdr dau hoh AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL 1906 A 06 Av 118 1905 A 06 Av 118 1903 A 06 Av 118 06 Av 118 1906 A 06 Av 118 coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner 19100415 PA Fayette Co. Coffee, Peter Karcz, George {E37} Kuk, Francis Kusmierz, Joe Kusmierz, Lois Kusmierz, Mike {E38} Kusmierz, Valenty Philip, Joe {E94} Zagorski, Thomas A A A A A A A A New Salem New Salem New Salem New Salem New Salem New Salem New Salem New Salem New Salem coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner 19100415 PA Jefferson Co. [+] {H00} {C27} {E26} [>] [>] [>] {C95} {G63} Yanda, Agnes Yanda, John Yanda, Marrie Yanda, Nellie Yanda, Stanley Kstone, Stanley Wrobel, Joe Rogus, George Rogus, Joe Rogus, Stella Rogus, Walter Benbinich, Frank Krasky, Julia Krasky, Steve Krasky, Toney Krasky, Toney Pluta, Brashe Yarvorsky, Tom Bomba, Frank 1900 A 1900 1907 1905 1903 A A A A 1905 1905 A 1905 A A A A A A Eleanora 031 Eleanora 031 Eleanora 031 Eleanora 031 Eleanora 031 Eleanora 041 Eleanora 067 Eleanora 193 Eleanora 193 Eleanora 193 Eleanora 193 Eleanora 217 Eleanora 217 Eleanora 217 Eleanora 217 Eleanora 217 Eleanora 217 Eleanora 217 Florenza coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner fireman coal mining coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner 19100415 PA McKeesport Litzka, Mike Paszkiewicz, Frank Stahofsky, Jim [>] Tandaro, Vera {B91} Tandaro, Yen Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, tin mill lab, tin mill lab, tin mill lab, tin mill 39 DATABASE TABLES {B67} {E28} {E07} [#>] [>] [#>] {E08} [>] {B99} [>] {E52} [#>] {A89} [#>] [#>] {A88} [#>] [#>] [#>] {D30} [>] [?] [+] [?] {H90} [+] {A26} [#>] {A27} [#>] 40 Tandaro, Yetzia Koncol, Joe Koncol, Maryann Koncol, Rosie Koncol, William Koncol, Wladyslaw Molyack, John Gleva, Bernicka Gleva, Joseph Gleva, Nellie Godlovsky, Lasoma [m] Goodowsky, Alex Gorloo, Vladislaw Vidruaght, George Pieniszek, Anthony Pieniszek, Carol Pieniszek, John Pieniszek, Joseph Pieniszek, Mary Pieniszek, Peter Pieniszek, Stanely Pieniszek, Thomas Skoczilas, John Skoczilas, Sophie Duda, Joe Duda, Paul Franz, John Franz, Mary Duda, Franciszek Duda, John Duda, Katie Duda, Mary Duda, Mary Duda, Orshiela Duda, Valenty Duda, Victoria Kanach, Frances Kanach, Walter Kanach, Kate Kanach, Nellie Kanach, Stanislaw Kanach, Stephen Gleva, Anna Gleva, Mike Gleva, Olga Gleva, Walter Pietrass, John Pietrass, Katie Spala, Adam Spala, Helen Spala, John Spala, Katie Spala, Mary Borovits, Jacob Makufka, Michael Secora, Andy Secora, Frank Secora, Mary Secora, Stella 23 33 25 0.8 33 02 27 1.5 33 25 25 21 22 33 13 43 04 08 36 0.6 05 10 24 23 24 28 27 19 40 01 03 14 30 12 08 10 23 23 27 05 21 31 29 30 02 06 27 26 03 06 33 02 31 26 21 43 03 36 13 wif hoh wif dau lod son lod dau hoh wif lod lod lod lod son hoh son son wif son son son hoh wif bdr bdr hoh wif hoh son dau dau wif dau son dau wif hoh wif dau bro hoh wif hoh dau son hoh wif son dau hoh dau wif bdr bdr hoh son wif dau AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL NY AU-PL PA PA AU-PL PA NY PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL PA 1907 A 06 Av 118 1903 A Berlin 1020 1905 A Berlin 1020 Berlin 1020 1909 A Berlin 1020 Berlin 1020 1909 A Berlin 1020 A Brick Al 910 1904 A Brick Al 910 1905 A Brick Al 910 1910 A Brick Al 910 1910 A Brick Al 910 1910 A Brick Al 910 1907 A Brick Al 910 Enterprise 917 1897 N Enterprise 917 Enterprise 917 Enterprise 917 1897 Enterprise 917 Enterprise 917 Enterprise 917 Enterprise 917 1903 A Freeman 128a 1907 A Freeman 128a 1903 A Freeman 128b 1904 A Freeman 128b 1903 A Freeman 128b 1909 A Freeman 128b 1906 A Freeman 128c Freeman 128c Freeman 128c 1906 A Freeman 128c 1906 A Freeman 128c 1906 A Freeman 128c 1906 A Freeman 128c 1906 A Freeman 128c 1907 Hazel 614a 1906 A Hazel 614a 1907 Hazel 614b 1907 Hazel 614b 1907 A Hazel 614b 1905 A Hazel 614b 1905 Hazel 614c 1905 A Hazel 614c Hazel 614c 1905 Hazel 614c 1908 A Hazel 616a 1909 Hazel 616a Hazel 616b 1908 Hazel 616b 1905 A Hazel 616b Hazel 616b 1908 A Hazel 616b 1906 A Hazel 811 1902 P Hazel 811 1892 A Hazel 811 Hazel 811 1897 Hazel 811 Hazel 811 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland furnaceman, tube work lab, tube works lab, tube works lab, tube works lab, tube works none none lab, tube works pipe cutter, tube mill furnaceman, tube mill sweeper, tube mill sweeper, tube mill sweeper, tube mill heater, tube mill steelwkr, tube mill mach, tube mill mach, tube works furnace, tube mill furnace, tube mill mach, steel works mach, steel works lab, steel works Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records [#>] {D91} {D33} {D07} {D02} {C97} {E20} {G53} [>] {C34} [>] {G64} {B88} [+] {C65} {C61} {C55} {C62} {C57} {C56} {C63} {C29} {A92} {F12} {G95} {G96} [>] {C00} {A90} {B89} [>] {E59} {F23} {E60} Pinta, Jake Repko, Juleta Repko, Kasimir Repko, Ludery Repko, Wladyslaw Bartow, Andrew Bartow, Annie Bartow, Geo Jopok, Frank Plesnak, Frank Repko, Brownie Repko, John Repko, Mary Repko, Minnie Sobe, Leo Caleta, Stanley Caleta, Tony Peck, Tony Rutka, Tome Stanick, Josephine Stanick, Pete Stanick, Thomas Stanick, Vladislaw Stanzack, Tony Tranofsky, Cashmir Skibitsky, Annie Skibitsky, Josie Skibitsky, Madelaine Skibitsky, Mike Ostafiel, Stanley Phillips, Brownie Phillips, Catherine Phillips, Felix Phillips, Joe Phillips, John Phillips, Nellie Steinyak, John Kowalski, George? Vinton, Stanley Vinton, Thomas Vinton, Victoria Puts, Alexander Puts, Nora Puts, Stella Guga, Aleck Guga, Annie Guga, Anthony Guga, Vardeck Fornal, Rosalie Kolite, Millie Mikrut, Anna Mikrut, Kasmir Mikrut, Paul Pinko, Junshl Lampert, Andy Lampert, John Lampert, Joseph Lampert, Katie Lampert, Ludwig Volume 2 40 04 33 28 02 0.5 22 23 33 36 05 33 04 27 25 30 35 26 29 26 03 35 02 29 21 06 05 30 35 48 10 40 19 57 48 14 32 26 27 34 26 26 23 0.6 28 22 23 24 18 18 26 25 30 24 32 0.8 27 22 20 dau hoh wif son son wif hoh bdr bdr dau hoh dau wif bdr lod lod lod lod wif son hoh son lod lod dau dau wif hoh bdr son wif son bdr hoh dau bdr lod bdr hoh wif hoh wif dau hoh wif bro bro ser ser wif bro hoh brl bdr son hoh wif bdr PL PL PL PL PL PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL PA AU-PL AU-PL PA PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL 1907 A Hazel no number a Hazel no number a 1904 A Hazel no number a 1909 Hazel no number a Hazel no number a Hazel no number b 1907 Hazel no number b 1906 A Hazel no number b 1910 A Hazel no number c 1910 A Hazel no number c Hazel no number c 1903 A Hazel no number c Hazel no number c 1903 Hazel no number c 1905 A Hazel no number c 1909 A Market 1044 1906 A Market 1044 1909 A Market 1044 1907 A Market 1044 1905 A Market 1044 Market 1044 1902 A Market 1044 Market 1044 1907 A Market 1044 1906 A Market 1044 Market St 1248 Market St 1248 1903 Market St 1248 1903 A Market St 1248 1907 A Market St 1260 1906 Market St 1260 1906 Market St 1260 1906 Market St 1260 1909 A Market St 1260 1906 A Market St 1260 1906 Market St 1260 1907 A Market St 1260 1909 A Mulberry 810 1909 A Mulberry 810 1909 A Mulberry 810 1909 A Mulberry 810 1903 A Rose 1003 1903 A Rose 1003 Rose 1003 1905 A Temperance Av 209 1905 A Temperance Av 209 1910 A Temperance Av 209 1906 A Temperance Av 209 1905 A Walnut 630-615 1907 A Walnut 630-615 1905 A White 621/623a 1910 A White 621/623a 1903 A White 621/623a 1910 A White 621/623a 1903 A White 621/623b White 621/623b 1906 A White 621/623b 1907 White 621/623b 1910 A White 621/623b American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, tin mill lab, tube mill lab, tube mill lab, tube mill lab, tube mill lab, tube mill lab, tube works mach, tube works mach, tube works mach, tube works furnaceman, tube work furnaceman, tube work lab, tube works tube mill coal mine coal mine coal mine tube works coal mine roller, tube mill switchman, tube mill oiler, tube mill mach, tube works roller, tube mill none none catcher, tube mill kitchen girl, hotel house girl, hotel molder, tube mill gas charger, tube mill molder, tube mill yard, tube mill mach, tube mill furnace, tube mill 41 DATABASE TABLES [+] [+] Paoerkak, John Paoerkak, Martin Polka, Mike Polka, Stomek Greba, Frank Greba, Genevieve Greba, Jadwiga Greba, Mary Greba, Stephen Kowaja, John Sofgam, John Odey, Antonio Odey, John Odey, Josie Odey, Mary Odey, Slewyn Odey, Stella 35 22 29 22 40 08 35 09 05 20 18 30 03 1.3 28 0.4 05 bdr bdr bdr bdr hoh dau wif dau son bdr bdr hoh son dau wif son dau AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL PA PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA PA AU-PL PA PA 1910 1910 1907 1906 1895 A A A A P White 621/623b White 621/623b White 621/623b White 621/623b White 621/623c White 621/623c 1895 White 621/623c White 621/623c White 621/623c 1907 White 621/623c 1908 White 621/623c 1904 A White 621/623d White 621/623d White 621/623d 1903 A White 621/623d White 621/623d White 621/623d 47 32 40 31 27 28 1.8 0.2 30 04 06 21 30 47 21 28 bdr bdr bdr bdr wif bdr dau son hoh dau dau bdr bdr bdr wif hoh AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL 1910 1909 1909 1909 1907 1910 A A A A 1907 1907 1907 1910 1910 1909 1909 1909 A 27 22 25 17 32 22 bdr bdr bdr wif hoh bdr AU-PL RU-PL RU-PL AU-PL AU-PL RU-PL 1907 1906 1906 1909 1909 1907 24 25 02 18 20 24 26 04 0.7 19 04 wif hoh dau bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr bdr dau AU-PL AU-PL RI AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL RI RI AU-PL RI 1904 A Central 033 1901 A Central 033 Central 033 1910 Cross/Central 55 1906 Cross/Central 55 1903 Cross/Central 55 1902 A Cross/Central 55 Cross/Central 55 Cross/Central 55 1907 Cross/Central 55 Cross/Central 55 yard, tube mill yard, tube mill yard, tube mill yard, tube mill none furnace, tube mill catcher, tube mill furnace, tube mill 19100415 PA Ridgway {C87} {C30} {C12} {C94} [>] {G26} Avachik, John Dorosk, Joseph Foronark, Ludwig Natto, John Sweet, Annie Sweet, Antonio Sweet, Helena Sweet, John Sweet, Joseph Sweet, Mary Sweet, Sophie Taneskwich, Michael Viduk, Frank Yamarosk, Vincent Winters, Anna Winters, Michael A A A A A River St 405 River St 405 River St 405 River St 405 River St 405 River St 405 River St 405 River St 405 River St 405 River St 405 River St 405 River St 405 River St 405 River St 405 River St 407 River St 407 yard hand, tannery tannery, beamhouse yard hand, tannery yard hand, tannery yard hand, tannery tannery, beamhouse lab, tannery fireman, tannery lab, tannery lab, tannery 19100415 PA Washington Co Barna, Jack Logai, Michael Noovicki, Walerian {E42} Sczatzagz, Mary {E41} Sczatzagz, Thomas Szojztock, Mikolois A B. Diamond House A B. Diamond House A B. Diamond House B. Diamond House A B. Diamond House A B. Diamond House lab, sto foundry coal miner coal miner coal miner coal miner 19100415 RI Central Falls {D71} [#>] [#>] {C70} {D46} 42 Orzechowski, Agatha Orzechowski, John Orzechowski, Zofia Klantyk, Annilla Klantyk, Katie Swistak, Antonina Swistak, Frank Swistak, Joseph Swistak, Mary Wiczlowska, Mary Wilk, Agnes American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland salesman, grocery store weaver, silk mill weaver, silk mill carder, cotton mill Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records Wilk, Joseph Wilk, Mary Wilk, Stanislaw Wilk, Stanislaw [>] Ogoralek, Agnes [>] Ogoralek, Joseph {D70} Ogoralek, Parolina {C32} Szczoczarz, Gregosz [>] Szczoczarz, Weronika 06 27 02 25 0.5 32 20 25 20 son wif son hoh dau hoh wif bdr bdr RI AU-PL RI AU-PL RI AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL 03 01 35 24 05 01 02 26 25 04 03 35 09 33 15 12 35 08 09 46 10 26 01 29 11 44 07 20 44 17 09 10 16 12 09 42 41 14 24 23 02 36 07 34 04 06 26 son son hoh wif dau dau son hoh wif dau dau hoh dau wif dau son wif dau son hoh son wif son hoh son wif dau son hoh son son son dau son dau hoh wif son hoh wif son hoh son wif son son wif US US AU AU US US US PL PL US US PL US PL US US PL US US PL US PL US PL US PL US US PL US US US US US US PL PL US PL PL US PL US PL US US PL Cross/Central 55 Cross/Central 55 Cross/Central 55 1894 A Cross/Central 55 High 471 1901 A High 471 1906 A High 471 1907 High St 482 1908 High St 482 1898 grocery retail merchant dyer, bleachery weaver, cotton mill spinner, cotton mill 19150601 NY Brooklyn [#>] [#>] {A81} {A79} [#>] Gliwa, Adam Gliwa, Bruno Gliwa, Casmer Gliwa, Josie Gliwa, Wanda Glaskosici, Adelia Glaskosici, Edward Glaskosici, Eggie Glaskosici, Francis Glaskosici, Helen Glaskosici, Jennie Kaleniski, Joseph Kaleniski, Mary Kaleniski, Rosie Karaski, Annie Karaski, Edward Karaski, Fannie Karaski, Sophia Karaski, Stanley Karaski, Stanley Karaski, Toney {C13} Klamocz, Katie [#>] Klamocz, Stanley {B79} Klamocz, Toney Resr, Casper Resr, Francis Resr, Helen Resr, Joseph Resr, Laurence Resr, Michael Resr, Stanley Rombroski, Benny Rombroski, Francis Rombroski, Joseph Rombroski, Mary Rombroski, Peter Rombroski, Rosie Rombroski, Steve Rominski, Frank Rominski, Mary Rominski, Stanley Zakovsko, Frank Zakovsko, Joseph Zakovsko, Josie Zakovsko, Michael Zakovsko, Peter {C06} Datto, Anna Volume 2 11y A 8y A 10y C 10y C 10y C 10y C 17y C 22y C 20y C 1y 24y C 20y C 20y C 19y C 19y C 5y 5y A A 9y A 9y A 10y C 03 Av 652 03 Av 652 03 Av 652 03 Av 652 03 Av 652 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 671 03 Av 677 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland candy store salesman RR emp lab, dock lab, dock baker painter tailor lab, dock lab, house 43 DATABASE TABLES {B29} Datto, Charles [#>] Datto, Walter Getenz, Joseph Getenz, Joseph Getenz, Mary Getenz, Walter Klieck, Alger Klieck, Anna Klieck, Charles Klieck, Emma Baskan, Jake Baskan, Trecla {B82} Benta, Frank {F75} Benta, Frank [#>] Benta, Stanly [#>] Benta, Tina {B46} Benta, Victoria Domicky, Joseph Domicky, Joseph Domicky, Mary Dyseke, Frank Dyseke, Katie Kudalti, Anna Kudalti, John {B81} Parrot, Bruna [m] [#>] Parrot, Helen [#>] Parrot, Josie {C24} Parrot, Mary Benocskia, Mary Benocskia, Sadie Benocskia, Stanley [#>] Cyron, Annie [#>] Cyron, Rosie {B73} Cyron, Wawgek Creuse, Agnes Creuse, Frank Creuse, John Creuse, Joseph Creuse, Mary Creuse, Michael Creuse, Stella Nrolenntzsiz, John Radisiataski, Albina Radisiataski, Anna Radisiataski, John Stesiil, Peter {C82} Grzebiak, Anna {C73} Grzebiak, Frank [#>] Grzebiak, Katie [#>] Grzebiak, Kazinnes [#>] Grzebiak, Mary {C50} Grzebiak, Rugi {B59} Grzebiak, Stanley {C90} Pajak, Michael [?] Paskiewicz, Peter Pomorske, Wanda Baldwina, John Baldwina, Sophia [>] Gaciarz, John 44 26 09 06 30 30 07 03 02 30 30 29 28 32 54 02 06 28 06 26 25 36 36 21 24 26 02 0.3 22 42 0.1 30 0.1 22 38 40 18 20 46 10 13 16 22 38 16 48 22 44 40 09 05 06 19 14 40 25 25 23 0.5 34 hoh son son hoh wif son son dau hoh wif hoh wif hoh bro son dau wif son hoh wif hoh wif wif hoh hoh dau dau wif wif son hoh bdr bdr bdr wif son bdr hoh dau son dau bdr wif dau hoh bdr wif hoh dau son dau dau son bdr bdr bdr hoh dau hoh PL US US PL PL US US US PL PL RU RU RU RU US US RU US PL PL GR GR RU RU AU US US AU AU-PL US GR-PL US AU-PL AU-PL PL PL PL PL US US US PL PL PL PL RU PL PL US US US PL PL PL PL AU AU US AU 10y C 03 Av 677 03 Av 677 03 Av 677 8y A 03 Av 677 8y A 03 Av 677 03 Av 677 03 Av 677 03 Av 677 4y A 03 Av 677 4y A 03 Av 677 8y A 03 Av 679 8y A 03 Av 679 8y C 03 Av 679 12y C 03 Av 679 03 Av 679 03 Av 679 8y C 03 Av 679 03 Av 679 7y A 03 Av 679 7y A 03 Av 679 27y C 03 Av 679 27y C 03 Av 679 1y A 03 Av 679 1y A 03 Av 679 6y A 03 Av 679 03 Av 679 03 Av 679 6y A 03 Av 679 7y A 03 Av 797 03 Av 797 9y A 03 Av 797 03 Av 797 4y A 03 Av 797 16y A 03 Av 797 17y C 04 Av 635a 17y C 04 Av 635a 1y A 04 Av 635a 17y C 04 Av 635a 04 Av 635a 04 Av 635a 04 Av 635a 7y A 04 Av 635a 1y A 04 Av 635b 1y A 04 Av 635b 1y A 04 Av 635b 6y A 04 Av 635b 13y A 04 Av 635c 11y A 04 Av 635c 04 Av 635c 04 Av 635c 04 Av 635c 10y A 04 Av 635c 10y A 04 Av 635c 13y A 04 Av 635c 3y A 04 Av 635c 3y A 04 Av 635c 4y A 05 Av 695 05 Av 695 9y A 05 Av 695 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland school lab, dock lab, house candy store painter painter lab, dock carp lab, house painter longshoreman coal passer lab, dock lab, dock clock maker lab, dock servant mach waiter tailor servant cabinet maker lab, dock dressmaker lab ironworker Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records [?] [?] {C77} [>] {B80} [>] [>] [>] {F93} [>] [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] {C21} {C38} {C15} {C23} {C22} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A56} {A50} {A53} [#>] [#>] {C72} {F17} [#>] [#>] [#>] {F33} Pasko, Albert Pasko, Julia Catola, Bruno Catola, Caroline Catola, Frank Catola, Nellie Lastkawc, George Nedza, Andrew Nedza, Catherine Nedza, Pauline Nedza, Romeo Kondel, Anna Kondel, Frank Kondel, Frank Kondel, Gertrude Kondel, Gertrude Kondel, John Milli, Anna Milli, Anthony Milli, Christiana Milli, Elizabeth Milli, Elizabeth Milli, George Milli, John Milli, Sophia Posko, August Posko, Edna Posko, Edward Posko, Frederick Posko, Ignats Posko, Mary Posko, Sadie Posko, Sophie Posko, Stanley Detrich, Marcin Kayptula, Andella Kayptula, Bomicello Kayptula, Sylvester D Kaytheba, Wortin [m] Drumkn, Mary Fornal, Edward Fornal, Helen Fornal, Jozef Fornal, Katie Fornal, Mamie Fornal, Nellie Fornal, Pauline Gladowski, Bernard Kurceien, Annie Kurceien, Walter McClosky, Alexander McClosky, Anna Murich, Anna Murich, Anna Murich, George Murich, Mary Neitenzi, Joseph Neitenzi, Stella Wloszozyna, Anna Volume 2 23 26 22 24 25 03 45 42 08 20 09 08 02 30 03 35 09 14 07 01 08 29 40 05 02 09 37 15 12 40 03 05 01 0.7 32 0.7 27 28 21 19 02 05 30 35 07 03 0.4 21 20 24 30 20 02 38 33 05 26 24 15 bro bdr bro wif hoh dau unc hoh dau wif son dau son hoh dau wif son dau son dau dau wif hoh son dau son wif son son hoh dau dau dau son bdr son wif hoh bdr bdr son dau hoh wif dau dau dau bdr wif hoh hoh wif dau wif hoh dau hoh wif dau AU AU AU AU AU US AU AU US AU US US US AU US AU US US US US US AU AU US US PL PL PL PL PL US US US US AU US AU AU AU AU US US AU AU US US US AU AU AU PL US US AU AU US PL PL US 3y 2y 3y 8y 8y A A A A A 6y A 18y A 8y 12y A 9y 12y A 19y A 11y C 19y C 5y 5y 5y 5y 6y A A A A A 10y A 10y 14y 3y 2y A A A A 8y A 10y A 2y 5y 5y 28y A A A A 15y A 13y A 4y 4y A A 05 Av 695 05 Av 695 06 Av 664 06 Av 664 06 Av 664 06 Av 664 06 Av 664 06 Av 664 06 Av 664 06 Av 664 06 Av 664 07 Av 594 07 Av 594 07 Av 594 07 Av 594 07 Av 594 07 Av 594 07 Av 594 07 Av 594 07 Av 594 07 Av 594 07 Av 594 07 Av 594 07 Av 594 07 Av 594 16 St 031 16 St 031 16 St 031 16 St 031 16 St 031 16 St 031 16 St 031 16 St 031 16 St 031 17 St 153 17 St 153 17 St 153 17 St 153 17 St 153 18 St 125 18 St 125 18 St 125 18 St 125 18 St 125 18 St 125 18 St 125 18 St 125 18 St 125 18 St 125 18 St 125 18 St 140 18 St 140 18 St 140 18 St 140 18 St 140 18 St 140 18 St 140 18 St 140 18 St 140 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab housework carp carp watchman auto repair blacksmith furniture maker stove repair helper, clock factory helper, ? co lab, tin factory none lab, subway lab, sawmill lab, can factory ironworker lab, street lab, street 45 DATABASE TABLES [#>] [#>] [#>] {B74} {C05} [#>] {A18} [#>] [#>] [#>] {A73} {A71} [#>] [>] {C86} 46 Wloszozyna, Francis Wloszozyna, John Wloszozyna, Joseph Wloszozyna, Matthew Wloszozyna, Victoria Wloszozyna, Vincent Loda, Frances Loda, Henry Loda, John Loda, Jozef Loda, Victoria Wrona, John Moderski, Anthony Moderski, Florence Moderski, Francis Moderski, Joseph Moderski, Michael Moderski, Regina Moderski, Staicha Moderski, Virginia Nalenski, Albert Nalenski, Albert Nalenski, Julia Smith, Joseph Smith, Katie Smith, Mary Smith, Nellie Statas, Helen Statas, Stanley Statas, Victoria Wlaczstasci, Katie Wlaczstasci, Stanley Mankiewich, Agnes Mankiewich, Anna Mankiewich, Julius Mankiewich, Michael Mankiewich, Stanley Mankiewich, Tessie Rendick, Anthony Rendick, Julia Rendick, Michael Lenart, John Lenart, John Lenart, Mary Lenart, Tina Grabarski, Henry Grabarski, Mary Grabarski, Narbod Grabarski, Sigmond Kochmark, Anna Kochmark, Volti Kombski, Helen Kombski, Peter Kombski, Peter Lada, Anna Lada, Costanete Lada, Vincent Maltula, Edward Maltula, John 10 20 24 42 47 22 07 02 10 39 32 24 01 09 34 11 35 06 07 01 02 28 22 31 07 30 08 01 25 22 21 23 40 02 12 40 11 04 02 25 27 0.4 29 29 04 19 57 22 32 73 71 30 08 30 41 04 47 02 31 dau son son hoh wif son dau son son hoh wif bdr son dau wif son hoh dau dau dau son hoh wif hoh dau wif dau dau hoh wif wif hoh wif dau son hoh son dau son wif hoh son hoh wif dau son hoh son son wif hoh wif son hoh wif son hoh son hoh US US US PL PL US US US US PL PL PL PL US PL US PL US US US US PL PL PL PL PL PL US AU AU PL PL PL US US PL US US US RU RU US PL PL US PL PL PL PL PL PL PL US PL PL US PL US PL 28y C 28y C 13y 13y 3y 12y A A A A 12y A 12y A 5y 5y 6y 6y 6y 6y A A A A A A 9y 9y 1y 2y 15y C C A A A 15y A 5y 5y A A 8y 8y A A 7y 7y 7y 12y 38y 38y 10y A A A A C C C 10y C 5y A 5y A 12y A 18 St 140 18 St 140 18 St 140 18 St 140 18 St 140 18 St 140 18 St 140a 18 St 140a 18 St 140a 18 St 140a 18 St 140a 18 St 140a 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 092 19 St 100a 19 St 100a 19 St 100a 19 St 100a 19 St 100a 19 St 100a 19 St 100b 19 St 100b 19 St 100b 19 St 193 19 St 193 19 St 193 19 St 193 20 St 139 20 St 139 20 St 139 20 St 139 20 St 139 20 St 139 20 St 139 20 St 139 20 St 139 20 St 139 20 St 139 20 St 139 20 St 139 20 St 139 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland paper hanger painter painter painter carp lab, street glass blower lab, street painter ice business lab, dock iron moulder fireman, factory painter locksmith housework locksmith baker ret painter lab, dock lab, dock lab, street Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records {B61} [>] [>] [#>] [#>] {B84} [#>] [#>] Maltula, Mary Maltula, Nellie Maltula, Steffie Sarena, Agnes Sarena, Agnes Sarena, Jozef Sarena, Sadie Sarena, Stanley Amenykica, Alga Amenykica, John Amenykica, Louie {C58} Blazezeski, Carrie {C59} Blazezeski, Josie {C60} Blazezeski, Ludwig Daneskisa, Stanley Daneskisa, Stella Jarbnlski, Helen Jarbnlski, Henerata Jarbnlski, John Jarbnlski, Joseph Jarbnlski, Mary Kikiaski, Alex Kikiaski, Anna Komsicki, John Komsicki, Joseph Komsicki, Mary Komsicki, Stanley Komsicki, Victoria Konirshica, Anna Konirshica, John Konirshica, John Kwasanski, Louis Kwasanski, Mary Kwasanski, Mary Kwasanski, Regina Paulski, Regina Richler, Anna Richler, John Richler, Julias Sochalski, Mary Sochalski, Peter Tucla, Martin Tucla, Mary Tucla, Nellie Washkiaso, Adam Washkiaso, Helen Washkiaso, Mary Wilinski, Helen Wilinski, Helen Wilinski, Jennie Wilinski, John [+] Milli, Anthony [+] Milli, Catherine [+] Milli, Sofie [+] Milli, Stanley [+] Milli, Walter [+] Milli, William Dmytria, Michael Dmytria, Pauline Volume 2 32 0.2 03 06 25 37 10 08 21 27 01 50 15 55 34 35 26 04 28 01 03 26 23 14 14 48 56 19 28 06 28 08 17 40 09 18 18 26 22 35 45 23 19 0.3 21 21 0.1 03 24 01 35 12 09 30 40 30 13 25 22 wif dau dau dau wif hoh dau son wif hoh son wif dau hoh wif hoh wif dau hoh son dau hoh wif son son wif hoh dau wif son hoh son dau hoh dau bdr wif bdr hoh wif hoh hoh wif dau hoh wif dau dau wif dau hoh son dau wif hoh bro dau hoh wif PL US US PL PL PL PL PL PL PL US PL PL PL PL PL PL US PL US US PL PL US US PL PL US PL US PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL US PL PL US US PL US PL US US AU AU AU US AU AU 12y A 20 St 139 20 St 139 20 St 139 3y A 20 St 139 3y A 20 St 139 3y A 20 St 139 3y A 20 St 139 3y A 20 St 139 3y A 20 St 141 6y A 20 St 141 20 St 141 4y A 20 St 141 4y A 20 St 141 4y A 20 St 141 4y A 20 St 141 4y A 20 St 141 9y A 20 St 141 20 St 141 9y A 20 St 141 20 St 141 20 St 141 7y A 20 St 141 4y A 20 St 141 20 St 141 20 St 141 24y C 20 St 141 24y C 20 St 141 20 St 141 7y A 20 St 141 20 St 141 7y A 20 St 141 1y A 20 St 141 1y A 20 St 141 1y A 20 St 141 1y A 20 St 141 3y A 20 St 141 4y A 20 St 141 9y A 20 St 141 6y A 20 St 141 2y A 20 St 141 2y A 20 St 141 3y A 20 St 141 3y A 20 St 141 20 St 141 4y A 20 St 141 4y A 20 St 141 20 St 141 20 St 141 4y A 20 St 141 20 St 141 8y A 20 St 141 20 St 445 20 St 445 16y A 20 St 445 14y A 20 St 445 12y A 20 St 445 20 St 445 5y A 23 St 131 5y A 23 St 131 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, dock lab, street cabinet maker lab, street lab, factory bricklayer coal furnaces painter housework house servant lab, dock lab, dock lab, dock cabinet maker jion? moulder lab, dock upholsterer upholsterer longshoreman 47 DATABASE TABLES [#>] [#>] {B34} [#>] [#>] [#>] {B97} {B45} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A32} [#>] [?] [?] {A42} {A38} [>] [>] {G05} [>] [>] [>] Dmytria, Tessie Janis, Joseph Janis, Leo Janis, Maggie Janis, Paul Janis, Sadie Janis, Thomas Pesko, Francis Pesko, John Pesko, Joseph Bodiney, Alex Bodiney, Alexander Bodiney, Annie Bodiney, Felix Bodiney, John Bodiney, Mary Rogus, Agnes Rogus, Edward Rogus, Helen Rogus, Jennie Rogus, John Rogus, Stella Jolla, Carl Jolla, Frances Jolla, Helen Jolla, Olga Victor, Julia Victor, Stella Borowiec, Antonie Domino, Karl Kozik, Anthony Kozik, Rozalia Kotula, Charles Kotula, Harry Kotula, Helen Kotula, Henry Kotula, Mary Kotula, Rosie Kotula, Tessie 07 12 02 33 07 13 10 28 30 06 28 02 04 25 06 01 30 05 08 01 40 06 22 22 0.0 01 25 20 28 25 28 24 03 17 0.6 30 26 0.2 03 dau son son hoh son dau son wif hoh son hoh son dau wif son dau wif son dau dau hoh dau son hoh dau dau bdr bdr bdr bdr hoh wif son bro dau hoh wif dau dau US US US AU US US US RU RU US PL US US PL US US GR US US US GR US AU AU US US AU AU AU AU AU AU US GL US GL GL US US 06 30 32 07 dau wif hoh dau US W 167 St 512 GR-PL 10y A W 167 St 512 GR-PL 13y A W 167 St 512 US W 167 St 512 02 22 30 21 02 28 26 04 0.6 45 son wif hoh lod dau hoh wif dau dau sbr US RU RU AU-PL US AU-PL AU-PL US US AU-PL 17y C 10y 10y 16y C 16y C 11y 15y 3y 9y A A 6y 3y 2y 1y 3y 2y A A A A A A 1y A 10y A 7y A 23 St 131 23 St 131 23 St 131 23 St 131 23 St 131 23 St 131 23 St 131 23 St 131 23 St 131 23 St 131 23 St 137 23 St 137 23 St 137 23 St 137 23 St 137 23 St 137 23 St 137 23 St 137 23 St 137 23 St 137 23 St 137 23 St 137 Baltic St 575a Baltic St 575a Baltic St 575a Baltic St 575a Baltic St 575a Baltic St 575a Baltic St 575b Baltic St 575b Baltic St 575b Baltic St 575b Bergen St 268 Bergen St 268 Bergen St 268 Bergen St 268 Bergen St 268 Bergen St 268 Bergen St 268 housekeeper blacksmith longshoreman carp chef housework b. Brooklyn housework housework helper, cork rest driver bottle washer, brewery housework waiter manager in restaurant 19150601 NY New York City [#>] {A01} [#>] [#>] Bezzard, Annie Bezzard, Josephine Bezzard, Louis Bezzard, Mary housework driver 19150601 NY Niagara Falls [#>] [#>] {A63} {A09} [#>] {A17} [#>] [#>] [#>] {C67} 48 Drunkek, John Drunkek, Nellie Drunkek, Stanley Kosciolek, Alojzy Kaplita, Helen Kaplita, John Kaplita, Ludwicka Kaplita, Marie Kaplita, Wladyslawa Plodzien, Valentine 6y 5y 2y 8y 8y 5y 13 St 243 A 13 St 243 A 13 St 243 A 13 St 264 13 St 325 A 13 St 325 A 13 St 325 13 St 325 13 St 325 A 13 St 325 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, graphite printer lab, carborundum housework lab, aluminum Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records [-] [-] [-] [-] [#>] {A69} {A67} [#>] {A68} [#>] {A62} [#>] {A09} [#>] [#>] [#>] {A10} [#>] [>] [>] [>] {C53} Lasota, Bartholemi Lasota, Lawrence Lasota, Mary Lasota, Rosie Zbilut, Anthony Zbilut, Catherine Zbilut, Helen Zbilut, John Zbilut, John Zbilut, Josephine Zbilut, Mary Zbilut, Stanley Kosciolek, Alojz Kosciolek, Angeline M Kosciolek, Edward m Kosciolek, Eugenia Kosciolek, Maks Kosciolek, Sophia Prokop, Julia Prokop, Mary Prokop, Mary Prokop, Peter 34 27 08 29 04 11 15 02 44 08 37 07 21 26 06 04 39 03 04 01 30 28 hoh bro dau wif son dau dau son hoh dau wif son bro wif son dau hoh dau dau dau wif hoh AU AU US AU US AU-PL AU-PL US AU-PL US AU-PL US RU-PL GR-PL US US RU-PL US US US AU AU 10y A Cudaback 2426 3y A Cudaback 2426 Cudaback 2426 12y A Cudaback 2426 Cudaback 2426 11y A Cudaback 2426 11y A Cudaback 2426 Cudaback 2426 11y A Cudaback 2426 Cudaback 2426 11y A Cudaback 2426 Cudaback 2426 3y A E Falls 1435 25y C E Falls 1435 E Falls 1435 E Falls 1435 11y C E Falls 1435 E Falls 1435 E Falls 2225 E Falls 2225 8y A E Falls 2225 7y A E Falls 2225 06 27 27 39 09 09 07 dau hoh wif hoh dau son dau CA PL PL PL IL IL CA Sonoma Twp-a 1910 P Sonoma Twp-a 1907 A Sonoma Twp-a 1908 P Sonoma Twp-b Sonoma Twp-b Sonoma Twp-b Sonoma Twp-b 45 17 13 41 11 14 10 42 31 0.6 06 27 30 33 30 07 06 03 26 26 24 3.7 26 33 wif dau dau hoh dau son dau hoh wif dau son wif hoh hoh wif son dau dau cou hoh wif son wif hoh PL PL PL PL IL IL IL PL HU IL IL PL PL PL PL IL IL IL GL-PL GL-PL GL-PL IL GL-PL GL-PL lab, chemical lab, carborundum housework school housework lab, carborundum school housework school painter housework school printer lab, carborundum 19200101 CA Sonoma Co. [#>] {F39} {F43} {I24} [#>] [#>] [#>] Rutka, Henrietta Rutka, Mario Rutka, Valerie Jrosz, Katherine Jrosz, Olga Jrosz, Roman Jrosz, Sophia farmer, general farm farmer, general farm 19200101 IL Chicago {H25} {H26} {H27} {H24} [#>] [#>] [#>] {D96} [#>] [>] [>] [>] {G07} {F66} {F67} [>] [>] [>] {D93} {F44} {F36} [>] [>] {D19} Dlugosz, Catherine Dlugosz, Estelle Dlugosz, Helen Dlugosz, John Janiec, Mary Janiec, Peter Janiec, Rose Janiec, Thomas Janiec, Vilma Krzywonos, Adeline Krzywonos, Eugene Krzywonos, Helen Krzywonos, Victor Kruzel, John Kruzel, Julia Kruzel, Michael Kruzel, Rosie Kruzel, Stella Halon, Kate Konkol, Ladislaus Konkol, Nellie Konkol, Stanislaw Dlugosz, Anna Dlugosz, Peter Volume 2 1902 1903 -1905 1902 1902 1912 1914 1913 1912 1911 P Augusta 1437 Augusta 1437 Augusta 1437 P Augusta 1437 De Raven St 618 De Raven St 618 De Raven St 618 N De Raven St 618 N De Raven St 618 N Winchester 1644 N Winchester 1644 A N Winchester 1644 P N Winchester 1644 P North Av 1503 P North Av 1503 North Av 1503 North Av 1503 North Av 1503 A Sloan 1229 P Sloan 1229 P Sloan 1229 Sloan 1229 P Sloan 1351 P Sloan 1351 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland house [illegible] lab, foundry tailor, tailor shop presser, tailor shop button sewer lab, factory sorter, box factory molder, foundry 49 DATABASE TABLES [>] {D20} [>] {E77} [>] [>] {F00} [>] {D16} [>] [>] {D17} [>] Dlugosz, Thodeus Kusnierz, John Opiola, Alosius Opiola, Antoni Opiola, Francis Opiola, Genevieve Opiola, Pauline Opiola, Thadeus Szczech, Albert Szczech, Bessie Szczech, Edward Szczech, Kate Szczech, Ladislaus 4.5 48 06 38 1.5 09 36 05 49 2.8 06 39 05 son bdr son hoh dau dau wif son hoh dau son wif son IL GL-PL IL PL IL IL PL IL PL IL IL PL IL Sloan 1351 1912 P Sloan 1351 Sloan 1369 1909 P Sloan 1369 Sloan 1369 Sloan 1369 1906 A Sloan 1369 Sloan 1369 1910 P Sloan 1371 Sloan 1371 Sloan 1371 1912 P Sloan 1371 Sloan 1371 38 bdr AU-PL 1907 A 094 10 42 38 31 4.1 0.2 34 06 6.5 2.3 29 4.3 31 34 08 02 03 0.0 05 37 07 28 39 09 11 32 40 5.8 22 0.5 33 04 35 06 04 29 6.3 dau hoh wif wif son dau hoh dau son dau wif dau hoh wif dau son dau dau dau hoh son wif hoh son dau wif hoh dau bdr dau wif son hoh dau son wif dau IL AU-PL AU-PL PL IN IN PL IN IN IN PL IN PL PL IN IN IN IN IN PL IN AU-PL AU-PL IN PL PL PL IN PL IN PL PA PL PA IN PL IN repairer, R RR lab, machine factory filler, chair factory servant, office building 19200101 IL Taylor Spring {H21} Kosciulek, Stanley lab, zinc smelter 19200101 IN E Chicago [>] {F56} {F57} [>] [>] [>] {F55} [>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A95} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {F18} [>] {F34} {F35} [>] {F90} {F89} {C33} [>] {B68} [#>] [#>] [#>] {E06} [#>] [#>] {E99} [#>] 50 Han, Helen Han, John Han, Sophia Wrona, Annie Wrona, Edward Wrona, Helen Wrona, Ignatius Wrona, Steffie Bebir, Bennie Bebir, Helen Bebir, Josephine Bebir, Rose Bebir, Walter Bober, Agnes Bober, Emily Bober, John Bober, Julia Bober, Mary Bober, Sophie Bober, Stanley Surdfka, Joe Surdfka, Lucy Surdfka, Martin Surdfka, Nick Surnfka, Helen Surnfka, Josie Surnfka, Peter Surnfka, Stella Wrona, Peter Malak, Helen Malak, Magdalena Malak, Pete Malak, Roman Malak, Stella Data, Edward Data, Helen Data, Josephine 141 St 507 1906 P 141 St 507 1909 141 St 507 1912 151 St 610 151 St 610 151 St 610 1909 P 151 St 610 151 St 610 Emlin Pl 511 Emlin Pl 511 1908 P Emlin Pl 511 Emlin Pl 511 1908 P Emlin Pl 511 1917 Forsythe 4920 Forsythe 4920 Forsythe 4920 Forsythe 4920 Forsythe 4920 Forsythe 4920 1905 P Forsythe 4920 Magoun Av 4942 Magoun Av 4942 1905 P Magoun Av 4942 Magoun Av 4942 1909 A Narva Pl 504a 1912 A Narva Pl 504a 1909 A Narva Pl 504a Narva Pl 504a unkn A Narva Pl 504a Northcote 4903 unkn A Northcote 4903 Northcote 4903 1910 A Northcote 4903 Northcote 4903 Todd Av 4330 1907 Todd Av 4330 Todd Av 4330 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, iron & steel blacksmith, Steel clk, soft drink store peddler lab, Reps mill lab, steel mill lab, steel mill none Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records {C07} Data, Leo [#>] Data, Steffa [#>] Data, Verna 31 hoh PL 3.6 dau IN 0.9 dau IN 1905 P Todd Av 4330 Todd Av 4330 Todd Av 4330 lab, steel mill 34 2.3 4.5 28 08 06 20 hoh dau son wif son dau bdr GL MA MA GL MA MA GL 1907 A Winter St 15 Winter St 15 Winter St 15 1910 A Winter St 15 Winter St 15 Winter St 15 1914 A Winter St 15 cotton mill 27 2.6 0.6 24 32 03 37 10 08 05 bdr bdr bdr bdr hoh son wif dau dau son AU-PL MA MA AU-PL AU-PL MA AU-PL MA MA MA 1909 A Farm Farm Farm 1909 A Farm 1907 A Farm Farm 1907 A Farm Farm Farm Farm lab, paper mill dau wif dau hoh hoh son son wif son hoh dau dau wif son son dau dau dau wif son hoh dau bdr MA PL NJ PL PL PL MA PL MA PL MA MA PL MA MA MA MA MA PL MA PL MA MA Cedar Grove 274 1889 N Cedar Grove 274 Cedar Grove 274 1889 N Cedar Grove 274 1910 A McGork St 10 1912 A McGork St 10 McGork St 10 1910 A McGork St 10 S Water 1012 1905 A S Water 1012 S Water 1012 S Water 1012 1904 A S Water 1012 S Water 1012 S Water 1012 Salisbury St 25 Salisbury St 25 Salisbury St 25 1905 A Salisbury St 25 Salisbury St 25 1907 A Salisbury St 25 Salisbury St 25 1911 A Salisbury St 25 driver, bakery shop none cotton mill proprietor, bakery carder, cotton mill hoh bro son wif PL PL MA PL 1911 A 04 St 011 1911 A 04 St 011 04 St 011 1912 A 04 St 011 19200101 MA Adams {B36} [#>] [#>] {B35} [#>] [#>] Klimasz, Frank Klimasz, Genefofa Klimasz, John Klimasz, Karolina Klimasz, Stephen Klimasz, Zofia Pietrzyk, Katarzyna weaver, cotton mill 19200101 MA Gill {E61} [#>] [#>] {E34} {D42} [#>] {D43} [#>] [#>] [#>] Korza, Albert Korza, Kenneth Korza, Mildred Korza, Victoria Shikchak, Albert Shikchak, Henry Shikchak, Nellie Shikchak, Pauline Shikchak, Stephanie Shikchak, Stephen farmer, general farm farmer, home farm 19200101 MA New Bedford [#>] {F51} [#>] [#>] {B20} {B25} [#>] {B19} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B23} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B31} [#>] Arendt, Kasamas Arendt, Katherine Arendt, Stella Arendt, Walter Binek, Antone Binek, John Binek, Stanislaw Binek, Victoria Dzioba, John Dzioba, Joseph Dzioba, Josephine Dzioba, Mary Dzioba, Nellie Dzioba, Stanley Dzioba, Walter Dromick, Amelia Dromick, Frances Dromick, Helen Dromick, Katie Dromick, Mieczyslaw Dromick, Peter Dromick, Walda Szysorloe, Antone 16 53 20 54 37 11 4.3 43 08 37 09 11 38 06 0.6 12 03 05 30 09 30 06 35 weaver, cotton mill stripper, cotton mill cotton mill spinner, cotton mill carder, cotton mill 19200101 MA Turners Falls {E96} {E95} [>] [>] Pluta, Anthony Pluta, John Pluta, Joseph Pluta, Mary Volume 2 29 26 2.5 25 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland machine shop 51 DATABASE TABLES [>] {B30} [#>] [#>] {C08} {E78} [#>] [#>] [#>] {B49} {B50} [#>] [#>] [#>] {E33} [#>] [#>] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] {E79} [>] [>] [>] [>] [?] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] 52 Pluta, Mary Buala, Balrina Cislo, Michal Cislo, Sophia Cislo, Wladislawa Barton, Peter Dranjac, Amelia Dranjac, Bronislawa Dranjac, Henry Dranjac, Paul Chislow, John Chislow, John Chislow, Nellie Chislow, Sophia Chislow, Tolislawa Robleska, Nellie Shebula, Katherina Chachaclk, Katarzyna Cizgan, Joseph Pszybylo, Michal Ptodney, Blanche Ptodney, Emelia Ptodney, Joseph Ptodney, Nellie Ptodney, Thomas Cigion, Frank Soika, Antonina Soika, Edward Soika, Jacob Soika, Mary Soika, Paul Soika, Victoria Piasecki, Edward Piasecki, George Piasecki, Helen Piasecki, Irene Piasecki, Isabelle Piasecki, Jennie Piasecki, Josephine Piasecki, Margaret Piasecki, Stephania Piasecki, Walter Tranosky, Annie Tranosky, Grace Tranosky, Helena Tranosky, Josephine Tranosky, Nellie Tranosky, Paul Petoseck, Albert Petoseck, Antoinette Petoseck, John Petoseck, Joseph Petoseck, Mary Petoseck, Stephen Sojka, Rose Vajda, Albert 26 19 66 44 08 29 27 2.8 4.1 34 2.5 32 4.5 27 0.8 23 22 25 46 45 06 3.5 5.5 29 32 42 10 04 28 32 1.8 08 07 19 15 13 04 16 42 12 10 40 30 06 3.3 10 05 30 48 41 07 10 17 4.5 18 49 ssl dau hoh wif dau bdr wif dau son hoh son hoh dau wif dau rmr rmr bdr bdr bdr dau dau son wif hoh bdr dau son hoh wif son dau son son dau dau dau dau wif dau dau hoh wif dau dau dau dau hoh hoh wif son son dau son bdr bdr PL PL PL PL MA PL PL MA MA PL MA AU MA AU MA AU AU PL PL PL MA MA MA PL PL PL MA MA PL PL MA MA MA RU-PL MA MA MA MA RU-PL MA MA RU-PL PL MA MA MA MA PL PL PL MA MA MA MA PL PL 1910 1913 1909 1909 A A A A 1909 A 1911 A 1911 A 1913 A 1912 A 1912 1913 1913 1913 1909 A A A A A 1912 A 1912 A 1913 A 1906 A 1909 A 1902 A 1902 A 1902 A 1905 A 1909 A 1895 A 1889 A 1913 A 1895 A 04 St 011 11 St 025a 11 St 025a 11 St 025a 11 St 025a 11 St 025b 11 St 025b 11 St 025b 11 St 025b 11 St 025b 11 St 025c 11 St 025c 11 St 025c 11 St 025c 11 St 025c 11 St 025c 11 St 025c 11 St 027 11 St 027 11 St 027 11 St 027 11 St 027 11 St 027 11 St 027 11 St 027 11 St 039 11 St 039 11 St 039 11 St 039 11 St 039 11 St 039 11 St 039 12 St 013 12 St 013 12 St 013 12 St 013 12 St 013 12 St 013 12 St 013 12 St 013 12 St 013 12 St 013 H St 026 H St 026 H St 026 H St 026 H St 026 H St 026 I St 041 I St 041 I St 041 I St 041 I St 041 I St 041 I St 041 I St 041 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland winder, fish rod shop beater, papermill sorter rags, paper mill beaterman, papermill beaterman, papermill section man, RR weaver, silk mill weaver, silk mill box maker, box shop stockman, paper mill polisher, cutlery sorter, paper mill beaterman, papermill pulpdipper, paper mill cutler, cutlery weaver, cotton mill lab, tool shop forger, tool shop rag sorter, paper mill lab, cutlery lab, cotton mill rag sorter, paper mill plaiter, paper mill sealer, paper mill lab, town Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records 19200101 MD Baltimore {I98} [>] [>] {I97} Koizk, Julia Koizk, Laura Koizk, Peter Koizk, Walter 52 18 15 54 wif dau son hoh GL-PL 1894 A MS MD GL-PL 1889 P S Collington Av 321 S Collington Av 321 S Collington Av 321 S Collington Av 321 13 10 37 33 12 36 33 07 02 11 31 35 09 35 36 1.3 24 28 4.2 37 3.2 05 33 08 38 36 32 35 07 09 2.5 26 6.3 33 4.5 2.8 33 29 08 6.9 42 2.2 27 30 3.9 29 36 1.5 22 25 son dau hoh wif son bdr bdr son dau dau wif hoh son bdr bdr son wif hoh dau hoh dau son wif dau bdr bdr bdr hoh dau son son wif son bdr son son hoh wif dau son bdr son wif hoh dau hoh wif son wif hoh NY NY GL-PL GL-PL NY GL-PL GL-PL MI MI NY GL-PL GL-PL MI GL-PL GL-PL MI RU-PL RU-PL MI GL MI MI GL MI RU-PL GL-PL GL-PL GL-PL MI PA MI GL-PL MI GL-PL MI MI GL-PL GL-PL MI MI GL-PL MI PL PL NY PL PL MI GL GL Dubois 1207a Dubois 1207a Dubois 1207a Dubois 1207a Dubois 1207a Dubois 1207a Dubois 1207a Dubois 1207b Dubois 1207b Dubois 1207b Dubois 1207b Dubois 1207b Dubois 1207b Dubois 1207b Dubois 1207b Harper Av 675 Harper Av 675 Harper Av 675 Harper Av 675 McDougall 1269 McDougall 1269 McDougall 1269 McDougall 1269 McDougall 1269 Medbury 619 Medbury 619 Medbury 619 Medbury 619 Medbury 619 Medbury 619 Medbury 619 Medbury 619 Medbury 619 Medbury 619 Medbury 627 Medbury 627 Medbury 627 Medbury 627 Medbury 627 Medbury 627 Medbury 627 Medbury 677a Medbury 677a Medbury 677a Medbury 677a Medbury 677b Medbury 677b St. Aubin 1344 St. Aubin 1344 St. Aubin 1344 opr, cotton mill opr, cotton mill lab, truck 19200101 MI Detroit [#>] [#>] {E55} {E65} [#>] {I11} {F10} [#>] [#>] [#>] {E67} [#>] [#>] {F28} [>] [>] {D58} [>] {D30} [>] [>] {I02} [>] {G21} [?] [>] [>] {E58} {F86} [>] {F87} [?] [#>] {I83} {I23} [#>] [+] Kotula, Joseph Kotula, Nellie Kotula, Paul Kotula, Sophie Kotula, Thomas Magerwo, Frank Rog, John Jarosz, Joseph Jarosz, Landy Jarosz, Sophie Jarosz, Stephanie Jarosz, Walter Jarosz, William Kalassa, Walter Rog, Albert Rogus, Bronislaw Rogus, Bronislawa Rogus, Wladyslaw Rogus, Wladyslawa Skoczylas, John Skoczylas, Julia Skoczylas, Michael Skoczylas, Sophia Skoczylas, Stephania Butwino, Joseph Cybulski, Paul Glodowski, Wladyslaw Pieta, Antoni Pieta, Honorata Pieta, John Pieta, Joseph Pieta, Kaszina Pieta, Wladyslaw Wisz, Joseph Goryl, Boleslaw Goryl, Joseph Goryl, Marcin Goryl, Stefania Goryl, Weronika Goryl, Wladyslaw Grzebyk, Franciszek Mikrut, Edward Mikrut, Klementyna Mikrut, Stanislaw Mikrut, Wanda G Wojcik, Felix Wojcik, Maria Goryl, Edward Goryl, Helen Goryl, Wladyslaw Volume 2 1903 A 1903 A 1912 P 1912 A 1904 A 1904 A 1912 P 1905 P 1911 A 1910 A 1904 P 1908 A 1905 1913 1914 1910 A A A A 1910 A 1912 A 1909 A 1907 A 1906 A 1911 A 1912 A 1912 A 1911 A 1913 A American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland doorkeeper, auto shop lab, shop lab, shop assembler, auto shop assembler, auto shop assembler, auto shop watchman, auto factory lab, auto factory ? helper, Detroittons? assembler, auto factory none assembler, auto factory lab, auto factory painter, auto factory painter, auto factory mach, auto factory auto factory 53 DATABASE TABLES {B37} Kosciolek, Ludwik Prut, Wladyslaw [>] Mackiewicz, Caroline {B86} Mackiewicz, Marion Smentek, Edward Smentek, Francis Smentek, Mary 25 45 27 32 4.1 27 30 bdr fal wif hoh son hoh wif GL GL PL PL MI PL PL 1899 P 1906 P 35 25 0.3 31 30 1.6 35 05 38 07 08 27 25 22 0.9 27 2.5 23 30 06 28 28 04 0.7 1.8 21 24 14 1.2 07 12 40 09 11 40 22 45 26 21 05 2.3 34 07 34 29 2.5 08 bdr bdr son hoh wif dau wif dau hoh son son brl bdr wif son hoh dau bdr bdr dau wif hoh dau son dau wif hoh dau dau dau son wif dau dau hoh bdr bdr bdr bdr nep nie sis nie brl wif son son PL PL MI PL PL MI PL MI PL MI MI PL GL-PL GL-PL MI GL-PL MI GL-PL GL-PL MI GL-PL GL-PL MI MI MI PL GL-PL PA PA PA PA PL PA PA PL PL PL PL PL MI MI PL MI PL PL MI MI 1908 N Doremus 119 1914 P Doremus 119 Doremus 119 1914 A Doremus 119 1914 A Doremus 119 Doremus 119 Geimer Av 1123 Geimer Av 1123 1905 A Geimer Av 1123 Geimer Av 1123 Geimer Av 1123 P Geimer Av 1123 1913 A McDougall St 2158a 1912 A McDougall St 2158a McDougall St 2158a 1910 A McDougall St 2158a McDougall St 2158a 1913 A McDougall St 2158b 1910 A McDougall St 2158b McDougall St 2158b 1912 A McDougall St 2158b 1908 A McDougall St 2158b McDougall St 2158b Mitchell 1840 Mitchell 1840 1913 A Mitchell 1840 1914 P Mitchell 1840 Morgan 1740 Morgan 1740 Morgan 1740 Morgan 1740 1901 A Morgan 1740 Morgan 1740 Morgan 1740 1902 P Morgan 1740 1907 P Morgan 1740 1903 P Morgan 1740 1903 P Morgan 1740 1915 P Morgan 1740 Sobieski 148 Sobieski 148 1907 A Sobieski 148 Sobieski 148 1910 P Sobieski 148 1909 A Sobieski 148 Sobieski 148 Sobieski 148 1911 A 1906 A St. Aubin 1344 St. Aubin 1344 W Jeff Av 2490 W Jeff Av 2490 W Jeff Av 2490 W Jeff Av 2490 W Jeff Av 2490 barber, own shop lab, auto factory 19200101 MI Hamtramck {B41} [#>] {I20} {I21} [#>] [>] [>] {G29} [>] [>] {I65} [#>] {D15} [#>] {H52} [#>] {I06} {D82} [#>] [>] [>] [>] {I39} [+] [#>] [#>] {H08} [#>] {D60} 54 Jakiem, Andrew Kalandyk, Frank Wiater, Frank Wiater, Kasmer Wiater, Nellie Wiater, Rose Kaplita, Angeline Kaplita, Helen Kaplita, Peter Kaplita, Stanley Kaplita, Walter Milczak, Thomas Jakim, Paul Wiater, Catherine Wiater, Mieczyslaw Wiater, Stanley Wiater, Wanda Miciuda, John Sobczyk, Constanty Wiater, Genovefa Wiater, Honorata Wiater, Leon Wiater, Stephanie Bomba, Arthur Bomba, Leonora Bomba, Walerya Bomba, Wladyslaw Janda, Agnes Janda, Annie Janda, Helen Janda, John Janda, Marcela Janda, Mary Janda, Nellie Janda, Stanislaw Kanik, Joe Stachurski, Roman Wieniewski, Frank Ziembo, Ignacy Kaplita, Antoni Kaplita, Helen Kaplita, Marya Kaplita, Sophia Kaplita, Walenty Warzywak, Annie Warzywak, Edwin Warzywak, John American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland foundry, auto factory foundry, auto factory lab, auto factory lathe, auto factory repairman, auto factory punch, auto factory agent, real estate bodywkr, auto factory lab, auto shop lab, auto industry lab, auto industry lab, auto industry body mkr, auto industy lab, auto industry lab, auto shop Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records Warzywak, Juzio Warzywak, Ludwik Warzywak, Stefania 0.2 son MI 38 hoh PL 05 dau MI Sobieski 148 1908 P Sobieski 148 Sobieski 148 06 39 03 11 47 01 13 08 dau wif son son hoh son son dau MO RU MO MO RU MO MO MO Spring Creek Twp 1904 N Spring Creek Twp Spring Creek Twp Spring Creek Twp 1899 N Spring Creek Twp Spring Creek Twp Spring Creek Twp Spring Creek Twp 23 2.5 06 27 wif dau dau hoh AU OK MO AU 1903 P 03 St 2608 03 St 2608 03 St 2608 ?? P 03 St 2608 25 05 0.8 03 32 09 04 28 39 07 14 35 1.4 05 07 11 42 wif son son dau hoh son son wif hoh son son wif son son son son hoh PL NJ NJ NJ PL NJ NJ PL PL NJ NY GL NJ NY NY NY GL 1908 A Av 7, 104 Av 7, 104 Av 7, 104 Av 7, 104 A Av 7, 104 Av F, 111 Av F, 111 A Av F, 111 A Av F, 111 Av F, 111 E 23 St 20 A E 23 St 20 E 23 St 20 E 23 St 20 E 23 St 20 E 23 St 20 P E 23 St 20 54 12 14 53 21 23 16 wif son son hoh son son son GL-PL NJ NJ GL-PL GL-PL GL-PL NJ 1905 A Whitman Av 1218 Whitman Av 1218 Whitman Av 1218 1904 P Whitman Av 1218 1905 A Whitman Av 1218 1905 P Whitman Av 1218 Whitman Av 1218 47 43 45 36 36 bdr hoh wif bdr bdr GL-PL GL-PL GL-PL GL-PL GL-PL 1912 1907 1907 1912 1907 lab, foundry shop 19200101 MO Phelps Co. [>] [>] [>] [>] {I45} [>] [>] [>] Paska, Agnes Paska, Catherine Paska, Charles Paska, George Paska, John Paska, Joseph Paska, Louis Paska, Martha farmer, general farm 19200101 MO St. Louis [>] [>] [>] {H41} Wania, Carrie Wania, Francis Wania, Stella Wania, Walter miner, coal mine 19200101 NJ Bayonne {B04} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B05} [#>] [#>] [#>] {B01} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A97} Antoni, Catherine Antoni, Frank Antoni, George Antoni, Jenne Antoni, John Chisinski, John Chisinski, Joseph Chisinski, Ludwiga Chisinski, P Chisinski, Waldi Dziurzynski, Anthony Dziurzynski, Cecelia Dziurzynski, Edward Dziurzynski, John Dziurzynski, Leon Dziurzynski, Stanislw Dziurzynski, Thomas 1911 1904 1904 19200101 NJ Camden [>] [>] [>] {I99} {J01} {J00} [>] Gliva, Frances Gliva, Frank Gliva, John Gliva, Joseph Gliva, Stanley Gliva, Stefan Gliva, Teodor fireman heater, shipyard riveter, shipyard stamper, leatherworks 19200101 NJ Jersey City {E31} {C10} {C11} {G22} Demski, Michael Kalita, Frank Kalita, Katherine Plotrilla, Woazcuch Tonzi, Piati Volume 2 A A A P A Porter St 21 Porter St 21 Porter St 21 Porter St 21 Porter St 21 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, steam RR car repair, steam RR car repair, steam RR car repair, steam RR 55 DATABASE TABLES [?] Zopek, Anthony Gasior, Anthony Gasior, Catherine Gasior, Frank Gasior, Helen Gasior, Joseph Gasior, Mary Gasior, Stella Gasior, Stephanie Kaplita, Carl Kaplita, Edward {F05} Kaplita, Joseph Kaplita, Kate Data, Joseph Staron, Anna Staron, Catherine Staron, John Staron, Mary Staron, Rose Staron, Tessie 60 4.3 39 2.5 13 08 11 06 09 0.5 1.9 34 28 40 2.8 11 37 08 13 38 bdr son wif son dau son dau dau dau son son hoh wif bdr dau dau hoh dau dau wif GL-PL NJ GL-PL NJ GL-PL NJ GL-PL NJ NJ NJ NJ RU-PL RU-PL GL-PL NJ NJ GL-PL NJ NJ GL-PL 1909 A Porter St 21 Porter St 26a 1909 A Porter St 26a Porter St 26a 1909 A Porter St 26a Porter St 26a 1909 A Porter St 26a Porter St 26a Porter St 26a Porter St 26b Porter St 26b 1909 A Porter St 26b 1903 A Porter St 26b 1906 A Porter St 26c Porter St 26d Porter St 26d 1903 P Porter St 26d Porter St 26d Porter St 26d 1902 A Porter St 26d 15 12 10 08 39 37 dau son dau dau wif hoh NY NY NY NJ PL PL Clinton St Clinton St Clinton St Clinton St 1902 A Clinton St 1902 A Clinton St 33 06 08 33 wif dau dau hoh GL-PL 1901 A NY NY GL-PL 1906 P Nichols Av 5 Nichols Av 5 Nichols Av 5 Nichols Av 5 05 08 38 30 29 38 1.9 25 31 46 son son hoh wif wif hoh dau wif hoh bdr NJ NJ PL PL GL-PL GL-PL NJ GL GL GL Richmond St 87 Richmond St 87 Richmond St 87 Richmond St 87 Rutgers St 78 Rutgers St 78 S Orange Av 125 S Orange Av 125 S Orange Av 125 S Orange Av 125 05 07 35 30 09 34 36 son son hoh wif son bdr bdr NY NY GL-PL GL-PL NY GL-PL GL-PL lab, steam RR boiler mkr, shipyard lab, lumber mill lab, steam RR 19200101 NJ Linden [>] [>] [>] [>] {G48} [>] Matvejek, Bella Matvejek, Edward Matvejek, Eleonora Matvejek, Jennie Matvejek, Mary Matvejek, William lab, chemical 19200101 NJ Morristown [#>] [#>] [#>] {A02} Fornal, Annie Fornal, Julia Fornal, Mary Fornal, Stanislaw lab, steel factory 19200101 NJ Newark [>] [>] [>] {B55} [>] {G28} Geisler, August Geisler, Edward Geisler, Frank Geisler, Valeria Rozek, Domizeli Rozek, Stanley Geisler, Jennie {G40} Geisler, Nellie [>] Geisler, Peter Harnes, Tom 1909 1905 1907 1906 A A P P 1909 A 1909 A 1910 A blacksmith, factory grocer, store steamroller factory tailor, shop 19200101 NY Brooklyn [#>] [#>] {B72} {B22} [#>] {C37} {B83} 56 Chuchla, Anthony Chuchla, Joseph Chuchla, Joseph Chuchla, Victoria Chuchla, Walter Setela, Leon Staniek, Michael 1909 A 1908 A 1907 A 1912 A 03 Av 636 1/2 03 Av 636 1/2 03 Av 636 1/2 03 Av 636 1/2 03 Av 636 1/2 03 Av 636 1/2 03 Av 636 1/2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland brickmaker, kilns mechanic, RR shop brickmaker, kilns Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records {A83} [#>] [#>] {A79} {A81} [#>] {A86} [#>] [#>] {B40} [#>] [#>] {C09} {G20} {C06} {B29} [#>] [#>] [#>] {B95} {B96} [>] [>] {C86} {B61} [>] [>] [>] {A84} {A87} [>] {C28} [>] [>] {C82} [#>] [#>] {C73} [#>] {B59} {C50} {F13} [#>] [#>] {C21} {C15} {C22} {C38} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {C23} [#>] {A73} Fornal, Katarzyna Gliwa, Adam Gliwa, Bronislaw Gliwa, Jozefa Gliwa, Kazimierz Gliwa, Wanda Kozdras, Jan Juskiewicz, John Juskiewicz, Mary Juskiewicz, Stella Juskiewicz, Vetta Vet, Helen Vet, John Vet, Mary Kalitor, Bertha Kalitor, John Kalitor, Teofil Bartunski, John Data, Anna Data, Charles Data, Helen Data, John Data, Walter Marchenec, Joseph Marchenec, Stanley Matula, Edward Matula, Frederick Matula, John Matula, Mary Matula, Nellie Matula, Steffie Matula, Wanda Yopek, Andrew Yopek, Josephine Witek, Anna Witek, Frank Witek, Sophie Witek, Wanda Grzebyk, Antonia Grzebyk, Catherine Grzebyk, Cazmir Grzebyk, Frank Grzebyk, Mary Grzebyk, Stanley Pasko, Nellie Pasko, Thomas Pasko, Alexander Pasko, Amelia Pasko, August Pasko, Edward Pasko, Ignatz Pasko, Julia Pasko, Mary Pasko, Sophie Pasko, Stanley Pasko, Stephie Pasko, Vincent Leniant, Blanche Leniant, John Volume 2 59 08 07 29 40 10 40 25 24 1.5 2.9 3.7 27 27 2.8 4.7 31 39 30 30 1.3 3.9 06 51 18 06 09 36 37 05 08 3.3 32 28 3.5 30 29 1.5 47 14 09 46 11 18 23 25 0.1 08 13 19 44 42 2.1 06 4.6 09 16 05 31 mol son son wif hoh dau bdr hoh wif dau dau dau hoh wif son son bdr wif hoh dau son son unc brl son son hoh wif dau dau dau hoh wif dau hoh wif dau wif dau son hoh dau son dau snl son dau son son hoh wif dau dau son dau son dau hoh AU-PL NY NY AU-PL AU-PL NY AU-PL RU-PL AUS NY NY NY GL GL NY NY GL PL PL PL NY NY NY PL PL NY NY AU AU NY NY NY PL PL NY PL MA NY PL NY NY PL NY PL PL PL NY NY AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL NY NY NY NY AU-PL NY PL 1908 A 03 Av 661 03 Av 661 03 Av 661 1907 A 03 Av 661 1905 P 03 Av 661 03 Av 661 1902 A 03 Av 661 1914 A 03 Av 664a 1914 A 03 Av 664a 03 Av 664a 03 Av 664a 03 Av 664b 1913 A 03 Av 664b 1913 A 03 Av 664b 03 Av 664c A 03 Av 664c 1913 A 03 Av 664c 1914 A 04 Av 683 1905 A 04 Av 683 1911 A 04 Av 683 04 Av 683 04 Av 683 04 Av 683 1913 A 04 Av 683 1918 A 04 Av 683 05 Av 623 05 Av 623 1908 A 05 Av 623 1904 A 05 Av 623 05 Av 623 05 Av 623 05 Av 623 1906 P 14 St 419a 1906 P 14 St 419a 14 St 419b 1906 A 14 St 419b 14 St 419b 14 St 419b 1902 A 15 St 106 15 St 106 15 St 106 1905 A 15 St 106 15 St 106 1902 A 15 St 106 1913 A 15 St 106 1913 A 15 St 106 16 St 037 16 St 037 1910 A 16 St 037 1910 A 16 St 037 1910 A 16 St 037 1910 A 16 St 037 16 St 037 16 St 037 16 St 037 16 St 037 1910 A 16 St 037 16 St 245 1905 P 16 St 245 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland merchant, stationary lab, foundry fireman, shipyard porter, chemical co. cabinet maker lab, foundry stableman, stable lab, factory lab, shipyard lab, storehouse tailor tailor buffetman, polishing binder, book binding ironworker mach, machine sh brickmaker, brickyard toy maker, toy shop chemical work, factor 57 DATABASE TABLES [#>] Leniant, Martin {A71} Leniant, Valera [#>] Leniant, Victoria Chrzawowski, Sophie Chrzawowski, Wawrzinec [>] Les, Jamie {D54} Les, Sophie {I55} Les, Stanley [>] Glodoski, Helen {C81} Glodoski, Mary {B75} Glodoski, Wladyslaw [#>] Bomba, Felix {B70} Bomba, Joseph {C02} Bomba, Julia [#>] Bomba, Olga [#>] Bush, Benjamin {A49} Bush, Bernard {A41} Bush, Elizabeth {A47} Godowski, Margaret {A46} Godowski, Paul [#>] Czado, Edward {B28} Czado, Elfreda [#>] Czado, Henry {B27} Czado, John {B74} Czado, Joseph {C05} Czado, Victoria Czys, Tony {C13} Klimasz, Catherine {X02} Klimasz, Mecislaw {X03} Klimasz, Stanley {B79} Klimasz, Tony {X01} Klimasz, Tony Lobika, Stephen Kerchik, Michael [#>] Zibron, Barney [#>] Zibron, John [#>] Zibron, Katie [#>] Lefko, Joseph {B38} Lefko, Katie [#>] Lefko, Leos [#>] Lefko, Mateslaw [#>] Bomba, Antonina [#>] Bomba, Fred [#>] Bomba, Helen {B26} Bomba, Steve [#>] Cyran, Helen {B16} Cyran, Ignatz {B17} Cyran, Laddie {C26} Zembron, Annie {A13} Zembron, Stanley [+] Milli, Valentine [#>] Szczoczavz, Estelle [#>] Szczoczavz, Helen {A18} Szczoczavz, Stanley [#>] Szczoczavz, Victoria [+] Mikulciz, Anna [+] Mikulciz, Francis [+] Mikulciz, Josephine [#>] Grebyk, Anthony 58 1.2 35 1.2 43 48 02 24 24 06 24 31 02 33 24 0.3 03 30 25 23 23 3.5 12 07 13 43 36 24 35 1.9 05 37 03 36 37 1.5 3.5 26 28 22 0.1 3.7 25 04 2.5 33 2.9 31 25 40 42 35 3.8 05 29 28 09 44 15 2.5 son wif dau wif hoh dau wif hoh dau wif hoh son hoh wif dau son hoh wif ssl brl son dau son son hoh wif bdr wif son son hoh son bdr bdr son son hoh wif son son wif son dau hoh dau hoh wif wif hoh bdr dau dau hoh wif dau dau son NY PL NY PL PL NY PL PL NY PL PL NY GR-PL RU-PL NY NY PL PL PL PL NY PL NY PL PL PL PL PL NY NY PL NY PL PL NY NY PL PL PL NY NY RU-PL NY NY RU-PL NY RU-PL RU-PL RU-PL RU-PL PL NY NY GL-PL GL-PL NY GL-PL NY NY 16 St 245 1906 A 16 St 245 16 St 245 1911 A 17 St 141 1911 A 17 St 141 17 St 141 1911 A 17 St 141 1910 A 17 St 141 17 St 154 1913 A 17 St 154 1911 A 17 St 154 18 St 120 1905 A 18 St 120 1914 A 18 St 120 18 St 120 18 St 140 1913 A 18 St 140 1912 A 18 St 140 1913 A 18 St 140 1913 A 18 St 140 18 St 144 1912 A 18 St 144 18 St 144 1912 A 18 St 144 1909 A 18 St 144 1912 A 18 St 144 1916 A 18 St 144 1910 A 18 St 144 18 St 144 18 St 144 1909 A 18 St 144 18 St 144 1913 A 18 St 144 1909 N 18 St 146 18 St 146 18 St 146 1909 A 18 St 146 1911 A 18 St 149 1913 A 18 St 149 18 St 149 18 St 149 1911 A 18 St 152 18 St 152 18 St 152 1907 A 18 St 152 18 St 154 1911 A 18 St 154 1914 A 18 St 154 1913 18 St 154 1/2 1913 A 18 St 154 1/2 1902 N 18 St 264 19 St 092 19 St 092 1907 A 19 St 092 1909 A 19 St 092 19 St 129 1895 A 19 St 129 19 St 129 19 St 133 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, docks lab, factory carp, factory lab, foundry brickmaker, brickyard lab, milk depot carpenter, shale fact laundress lab, shipyard ?, print factory fireman, machine shop lab, brickyard laundress lab, factory lab, ice plant lab, furniture co. lab, glycerin factory novelty shop helper, coal truck washerwoman turner, paper factory Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records {D52} [#>] {F15} {F16} [?] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {C88} {G86} {I59} {H09} [>] [>] {F33} [>] [>] {H98} [>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {E24} [#>] [#>] {C77} {C78} [>] {B52} {B80} [>] [>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A75} [>] [>] {E82} {E84} [>] {E83} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {I37} Grebyk, Carrie Grebyk, Edward Grebyk, John Grebyk, Joseph Wajda, Joseph Grzebyk, Annie Grzebyk, Frank Grzebyk, Helen Grzebyk, Joseph Grzebyk, Pauline Grzebyk, Steffie Grzebyk, Toney Wyjos, John Gaciarz, John Gaciarz, Julia Gaciarz, Stanley Gaciarz, Steve F Glodowski, Bernard Kawa, Helen Kawa, Mamie Kawa, Stanley Kawa, Veronica Stachlo, John Kwialkowski, Frank Kwialkowski, John Kwialkowski, Jusef Kwialkowski, Katie Kwialkowski, Lottie Kwialkowski, Martin Kwialkowski, Pauline Kwialkowski, Stanley Kwialkowski, Walter Kotula, Bronek Kotula, Liley Kotula, Louis Kotula, Carrie Kotula, Frank Kotula, Nellie Kotula, Stella Mikrut, Helen Mikrut, Rosa Mikrut, Teodore Mikrut, Walter Purokop, Antoni Purokop, Caroline Purokop, Frank Purokop, Johanna Purokop, John Purokop, Victoria Purokop, Walter Christon, Jim? Christon, Pauline Christon, Sadie Christon, Walter Pajak, Francis Pajak, Helen Pajak, John Pajak, Julius Pajak, Pawet Volume 2 30 05 40 35 55 07 09 3.6 0.8 35 05 43 50 37 28 1.5 08 26 4.1 1.3 31 25 36 43 13 0.3 06 3.7 15 35 08 10 27 24 2.2 28 28 07 4.3 3.3 27 1.4 30 04 2.7 42 31 06 11 0.5 34 24 0.3 2.3 8.1 9.7 0.5 2.9 45 wif son bro hoh cou dau son dau son wif dau hoh bdr hoh wif son son bdr dau dau hoh wif bdr hoh son son dau dau son wif son son hoh wif son wif hoh dau dau dau wif son hoh son dau hoh wif son dau son hoh wif son son dau dau son son hoh RU-PL NY RU-PL RU-PL RU-PL NY NY NY NY AU-PL NY AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL NY NY AU-PL NY NY RU AU-PL AU-PL PU-GR NY NY NY NY NY GL-PL NY NY PL PL NY PL PL NY NY NY PL NY PL PA NY GL GL PA GL NY PL PL NY NY NY NY NY NY PL 1912 A 19 St 133 19 St 133 1913 A 19 St 133 1912 A 19 St 133 1913 A 19 St 133 19 St 139 19 St 139 19 St 139 19 St 139 1901 A 19 St 139 19 St 139 1902 A 19 St 139 1905 A 19 St 139 1908 P 19 St 151 1910 A 19 St 151 19 St 151 19 St 151 1914 A 19 St 156 19 St 156 19 St 156 1914 A 19 St 156 1911 A 19 St 156 1914 A 19 St 156 1902 A 19 St 169 19 St 169 19 St 169 19 St 169 19 St 169 19 St 169 1902 A 19 St 169 19 St 169 19 St 169 1913 A 19 St 287a 1913 A 19 St 287a 19 St 287a 1907 A 19 St 287b 1907 P 19 St 287b 19 St 287b 19 St 287b 19 St 403 1914 A 19 St 403 19 St 403 1912 A 19 St 403 20 St 093 20 St 093 1913 A 20 St 093 1913 A 20 St 093 20 St 093 1913 A 20 St 093 20 St 093 1912 A 20 St 096 1913 A 20 St 096 20 St 096 20 St 096 20 St 096a 20 St 096a 20 St 096a 20 St 096a 1901 A 20 St 096a American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland toolmaker, tool factory toolmaker, tool factory lab, factory carp, chair factory lab, stable ironworker, factory chair maker, factory lab, factory cook, restaurant lab, docks brickmaker, factory ofc boy, coffee factory carpenter, furniture washerwoman washerwoman carpenter, railroad motorman, RR wagon helper, coalyard bricklayer, building lab, docks 59 DATABASE TABLES [>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A34} [#>] [#>] {B84} [#>] [#>] [#>] {B73} [#>] [#>] [#>] {C40} [#>] [#>] {C58} {C60} [#>] {C20} {B81} [#>] [#>] [#>] {C24} {B82} [#>] [#>] {B46} [+] [#>] [#>] {B34} [#>] [#>] [#>] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] {B76} [#>] [#>] {B45} 60 Pajak, Rose Christon, John Christon, Pauline Christon, Sadie Christon, Walter Poplowski, Edward Poplowski, Mitchell Poplowski, Sigmund Poplowski, Sophie Poplowski, Teofila Cyran, Agnes Cyran, Helen Cyran, Joseph Cyran, Stanislaw Cyran, Walter Cyran, Annie Cyran, Lawrence Cyran, Rozalia Klimasz, Eugene Klimasz, Joseph Klimasz, Julius Klimasz, Mary Klimasz, Michael Blazyowski, Carolina Blazyowski, Ludwig Wisoka, Felix Wisoka, Valeria Para, Bruno Para, Helen Para, Josephine Para, Julia Para, Mary Pienta, Frank Pienta, Nora Pienta, Stefy Pienta, Victoria Belling, John Mrozek, Joseph Mrozek, Mammie Mrozek, Sadie Mrozek, Stanley Mrozek, Veronica Janice, Joseph Janice, Leo Janice, Maggie Janice, Paul Janice, Sadie Janice, Thomas Lechtanski, Anthony Lechtanski, Benjamin Lechtanski, Brunice Lechtanski, John Lechtanski, Stanley Lechtanski, Stanley Jr. Lechtanski, Tessie Janis, John Kotula, Bessie Paszko, Frances Paszko, John 34 34 24 0.3 2.3 28 06 05 3.8 28 30 1.3 40 1.2 2.9 4.5 40 28 2.5 3.8 27 27 0.6 52 60 8.3 34 30 07 4.9 0.9 27 38 12 07 36 06 0.8 2.3 4.8 3? 2? 16 07 38 11 17 15 07 0.5 29 06 45 09 4.3 45 3.8 31 35 wif hoh wif dau son hoh son son dau wif wif dau hoh son son dau hoh wif son son hoh wif son wif hoh son hoh son son son wif hoh dau dau wif bdr son dau dau hoh wif son son hoh son dau son son son wif son hoh son dau bdr nie wif hoh PL PL PL NY NY RU-PL NY NY NY GL GL-PL NY GL-PL NY NY NY GL-PL GL-PL NY NY GL-PL GL-PL NY PL PL NY GL PL NY NY NY PL PL NY NY PL NY NY NY NY PL PL NY NY PL NY NY NY NY NY PL NY PL NY NY PL PA PL PL 1905 A 20 St 096a 1912 A 20 St 096b 1913 A 20 St 096b 20 St 096b 20 St 096b 1909 A 20 St 098 20 St 098 20 St 098 20 St 098 1907 A 20 St 098 1914 A 20 St 137 20 St 137 1909 A 20 St 137 20 St 137 20 St 137 20 St 141a 1903 A 20 St 141a 1913 A 20 St 141a 20 St 141b 20 St 141b 1911 A 20 St 141b 1911 A 20 St 141b 20 St 141b 1913 A 20 St 143 1913 A 20 St 143 20 St 146 1901 A 20 St 146 1909 A 21 St 107 21 St 107 21 St 107 21 St 107 1907 A 21 St 107 1907 A 21 St 107 21 St 107 21 St 107 1906 A 21 St 107 21 St 131a 21 St 131a 21 St 131a 21 St 131a 1910 A 21 St 131a 1909 A 21 St 131a 21 St 131b 21 St 131b 1890 N 21 St 131b 21 St 131b 21 St 131b 21 St 131b 21 St 131c 21 St 131c 1907 A 21 St 131c 21 St 131c 1905 A 21 St 131c 21 St 131c 21 St 131c 1910 A 21 St 131d 21 St 131d 1905 A 21 St 131d 1905 P 21 St 131d American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland bricklayer, building opr, shirt factory coal yard spring factory lab, coal yard carp, furniture laundress lab, mechanic shop lab, mechanic shop longshoreman lab, factory lab, factory boilrmkr hlpr, shipyard longshoreman watchman, factory blacksmith, shipyard Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A32} [#>] [>] {C71} [>] [>] [>] [>] {C76} [>] [>] [>] {C04} [#>] [#>] [#>] {B98} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {C85} [#>] {B48} [#>] [#>] {A35} [#>] {A39} {A36} [#>] {C03} [#>] [#>] {C25} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {E01} [#>] [#>] [#>] {C18} [#>] {C19} [#>] [#>] [#>] {C14} Paszko, Joseph Rogus, Adolf Rogus, Agnes Rogus, Edward Rogus, Ferdinand Rogus, Helen Rogus, Jennie Rogus, John Rogus, Stella Borowicz, Antonina Borowicz, Frank Borowicz, Helen Borowicz, Mary Pasco, Balwina Pasco, Bronislawa Pasco, Julian Pasco, Kazimes Pasco, Sophia Pasco, Wladyslaw Ceron, Balbina Ceron, John Ceron, Karol Rogus, Frank Rogus, Joseph Rogus, Josephine Rogus, Peter Rogus, Rosalia Rogus, Victoria Pasko, Antonia Pasko, George Pasko, John Pasko, Victoria Bomba, Anna Bomba, Helen Bomba, John Bomba, Joseph Bomba, Katherine Bomba, Margaret Borbar, Henry Borbar, Valerian Borbar, Wilhelmina Bandinu, Frank Domino, Julius Szpalla, Elizabeth Szpalla, Fred Szpalla, Helen Szpalla, Lillian Szpalla, Roman Szpalla, Steffie Wilhelm, Anthony Stachurski, Helen Stachurski, Ignacy Stachurski, Stanley Stachurski, Stella McAteer, Daniel McAteer, Daniel McAteer, Helen McAteer, Helen Volume 2 11 3.6 35 09 0.8 12 06 45 11 2.9 25 4.9 23 29 04 31 1.4 05 0.2 26 04 28 08 51 15 10 36 2.5 02 20 01 23 08 1.2 46 10 46 15 5.5 27 25 39 30 3.3 08 09 32 32 05 58 09 35 1.8 27 1.8 19 20 24 son son wif son son dau dau hoh dau dau hoh dau wif wif dau hoh son dau son wif son hoh son hoh dau son wif dau son hoh son wif dau dau hoh son wif dau son hoh wif bdr bdr dau son dau wif hoh dau fal dau hoh son wif son bro sis wif NY NY PL NY NY NY NY PL NY NY AU-PL NY AU-PL PL NY PL NY NY NY GL-PL NY RU-PL NY PL NY NY PL NY NY PL NY PL US US AU-GR US AU-GR AU-GR NY PL PL PL PL NY NY NY PL PL NY PL NY PL NY PL NY NY NY AU-PL 1905 A 1902 A 1911 P 1913 A 1908 A 1913 A 1913 A 1911 P 1890 N 1892 1912 A 1905 A 1910 A 1910 A 1909 A 1910 A U 1905 A 1903 A 1904 A 1903 A 1907 A 1907 A 1910 N 21 St 131d 21 St 137 21 St 137 21 St 137 21 St 137 21 St 137 21 St 137 21 St 137 21 St 137 21 St 141 21 St 141 21 St 141 21 St 141 21 St 153 21 St 153 21 St 153 21 St 153 21 St 153 21 St 153 21 St 155 21 St 155 21 St 155 21 St 162 21 St 162 21 St 162 21 St 162 21 St 162 21 St 162 23 St 207 23 St 207 23 St 207 23 St 207 Bath Av 2039 Bath Av 2039 Bath Av 2039 Bath Av 2039 Bath Av 2039 Bath Av 2039 Dupont St 108 Dupont St 108 Dupont St 108 Oakland St 303 Oakland St 387 Oakland St 387 Oakland St 387 Oakland St 387 Oakland St 387 Oakland St 387 Oakland St 387 Oakland St 387 Oakland St 395 Oakland St 395 Oakland St 395 Oakland St 395 Van Dyke 159 Van Dyke 159 Van Dyke 159 Van Dyke 159 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland carp, furniture mach, die casting mach motorman, street RR lab, dock helper, box factory jantor lab, factory helper, factory lab, bags box factory boilermaker none lab, brickyard ironworker, shipyard typist 61 DATABASE TABLES [#>] [#>] [#>] McAteer, Lawrence McAteer, Michael McAteer, Rose 3.8 son NY 24 hoh NY 10 sis NY Van Dyke 159 Van Dyke 159 Van Dyke 159 ironworker, shipyard typist 19200101 NY N Tonawanda [#>] {B43} [#>] {B12} [#>] Patronski, Boleslaus Patronski, Julia Patronski, Mitchel Patronski, Roman Patronski, Stephen 2.0 22 05 32 4.3 son wif son hoh son NY 06 Av 071 GL-PL 1912 A 06 Av 071 NY 06 Av 071 GL-PL 1912 A 06 Av 071 NY 06 Av 071 dau hoh son dau son dau wif son bdr bdr hoh son son wif dau dau son bdr bdr NY AU-PL NY NY NY NY HU-SL NY AU PL PL NY NY PL NY NY NY NY PL Lawrence Av 1908 P Lawrence Av Lawrence Av Lawrence Av Lawrence Av Lawrence Av A Lawrence Av Lawrence Av U Lawrence Av 1913 A Ledyard St 1905 A Ledyard St Ledyard St Ledyard St 1905 A Ledyard St Ledyard St Ledyard St Ledyard St Ledyard St 1914 A Ledyard St 40 38 42 3.8 1.1 35 33 2.1 31 34 wif hoh bdr dau dau hoh wif son hoh wif IR AU-GR PL NY NY PL PL NY RU GL-PL A 86 St 215 1901 P 86 St 215 1907 A E 14 St 610 E 14 St 610 E 14 St 610 1907 N E 14 St 610 1905 N E 14 St 610 W 66 St 161 1907 N W 66 St 161 1907 W 66 St 161 35 15 17 49 07 05 10 wif dau son hoh son son son AU-PL 1898 N Hasbrouck 46 NY Hasbrouck 46 NY Hasbrouck 46 AU-PL 1893 N Hasbrouck 46 NY Hasbrouck 46 NY Hasbrouck 46 NY Hasbrouck 46 lab, blast furnace 19200101 NY New Windsor [#>] {A03} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {C52} Fornall, Anna Fornall, Casimere Fornall, Edward Fornall, Frances Fornall, John Fornall, Mary Fornall, Mary Fornall, Peter Scoszarz, Caroline Brostyk, Walter [#>] Goisstka, George [#>] Goisstka, John [#>] Goisstka, Joseph {C64} Goisstka, Mary [#>] Goisstka, Sophia [#>] Goisstka, Victoria [#>] Goisstka, William Kimiecik, George {C91} Stowik, Joseph 12 34 10 4.3 2.3 06 36 0.8 24 34 35 05 09 42 10 3.9 07 20 37 helper, shipyard lab, oil co. lab, lawnmower lab, shipyard lab, pelt co. 19200101 NY New York City [#>] Szpala, Catherine {E03} Szpala, Felix Karpinsky, Peter [#>] Ziomek, Frances [#>] Ziomek, Helen [#>] Ziomek, Leon {I86} Ziomek, Mary [#>] Mimowiec, John {E10} Mimowiec, John {E04} Mimowiec, Stella house painter cook, restaurant presser, suits chauffer, privat family 19200101 NY Newburgh [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] 62 Marciniec, Agnes Marciniec, Anna Marciniec, Frank Marciniec, Jacob Marciniec, John Marciniec, Joseph Marciniec, William American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, tank shipyard plater, shipyard Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records 19200101 NY Niagara Falls {A09} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A10} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A63} [#>] {B63} [>] [#>] {A17} [#>] [#>] [#>] {C67} [#>] [#>] {A67} [#>] {A68} [#>] {A69} {A62} [#>] [#>] {A64} {A65} [#>] [#>] [#>] Kosciolek, Aloyz Kosciolek, Angelina Kosciolek, Edward Kosciolek, Eugenia Kosciolek, Kazimiara Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Sophia Dronzek, Agnella Dronzek, John Dronzek, Mary Dronzek, Stanley Fronczuk, Joseph Prokop, Stanislaw Prokop, Teofila Kaplita, Helena Kaplita, John Kaplita, Ludwika Kaplita, Maryanna Kaplita, Wladislawa Pozan, Valenty Zbilut, Anthony Zbilut, Geneve Zbilut, Helen Zbilut, John Zbilut, John Zbilut, Josephine Zbilut, Katie Zbilut, Mary Zbilut, Stanley Zbilut, Steven Szetela, Antonina Szetela, John Szetela, Julia Szetela, Les Szetela, Stanley 25 30 10 08 0.7 42 07 30 08 3.1 36 23 38 31 07 35 30 09 05 49 08 4.3 17 06 49 14 16 41 10 2.3 47 47 1.9 10 06 bdr wif son dau dau hoh dau wif son dau hoh brl hoh wif dau hoh wif dau dau bdr son dau dau son hoh dau dau wif son son wif hoh dau son son PL PL NY NY NY PL NY PL NY NY PL PL PL PL NY AU-PL AU-PL NY NY AU-PL NY NY PL NY PL NY PL PL NY NY PL PL NY NY NY 1912 A 13 St 264 1891 N 13 St 264 13 St 264 13 St 264 13 St 264 1902 N 13 St 264 13 St 264 A Cudaback 2426 Cudaback 2426 Cudaback 2426 A Cudaback 2426 1912 N Cudaback 2426 1909 P E Falls 2227 1909 A E Falls 2227 Kosciuszko 256 1908 P Kosciuszko 256 1908 A Kosciuszko 256 Kosciuszko 256 Kosciuszko 256 1913 A Kosciuszko 256 Tuscarora Rd Tuscarora Rd 1914 A Tuscarora Rd Tuscarora Rd 1903 A Tuscarora Rd Tuscarora Rd 1914 A Tuscarora Rd ?? A Tuscarora Rd Tuscarora Rd Tuscarora Rd 1907 A Vanderbilt 1008 1903 A Vanderbilt 1008 Vanderbilt 1008 Vanderbilt 1008 Vanderbilt 1008 19 ser PL 23 01 27 02 wif dau hoh son PA A Bigler Ave 502 PA Bigler Ave 502 AU-PL 1906 P Bigler Ave 502 PA Bigler Ave 502 4.4 32 06 13 37 son hoh son bdr bdr PA PL PA PL PL proprietor, stationry agent, steamship line lab, chemical co. lab, factory roller, aluminum paper mill servant pot room, aluminum lab, carborundum lab, carborundum lab, carborundum lab, carborundum lab, general abrasive 19200101 NY Queens {E90} Suroska, Carrie A Jamaica Av 108 servant 19200101 PA Clearfield [#>] [#>] {I41} [#>] Winters, Grace Winters, Rachel Winters, Walter Winters, William M lab, tannery 19200101 PA Clearfield Co [#] {E51} [#] {I34} [#>] Boavitz, Frank Boavitz, George Boavitz, Stanley Wozniak, Anthony Wozniak, William Volume 2 Stanley Rd 006 1911 A Stanley Rd 006 Stanley Rd 006 1914 A Uncoy St 1901 A Uncoy St American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland coal miner none lab, coal mine 63 DATABASE TABLES 19200101 PA Dupont [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A72} Lalicke, Catherine Lalicke, Helen Lalicke, Joseph Lalicke, Julia Lalicke, Lottie Lalicke, Thomas Lalicke, Walter Lalicky, Eddie Lalicky, Helen Lalicky, Julia Lalicky, Katie Lalicky, Lottie Lalicky, Thomas 32 14 07 15 10 09 16 06 3.5 4.8 25 1.7 28 hoh dau son dau dau son son son dau dau wif dau hoh PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA GL-PL 1902 A PA GL-PL 1907 P Curtain St 111 Curtain St 111 Curtain St 111 Curtain St 111 Curtain St 111 Curtain St 111 Curtain St 111 Red Rd 474 Red Rd 474 Red Rd 474 Red Rd 474 Red Rd 474 Red Rd 474 1.5 07 32 42 4.8 11 30 50 43 47 50 34 07 02 41 11 07 36 21 30 08 38 32 02 03 45 55 36 04 44 07 13 06 09 1.3 27 30 43 2.9 07 28 son son wif hoh dau dau bdr bdr bdr bdr ssl hoh dau son hoh son dau wif wif hoh son hoh wif dau son wif hoh wif son hoh dau dau dau dau son bdr bdr bdr son dau wif PA PA PL PL PA PA PL PL PL PL PL PL PA PA PL PA PA PL GL GL AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL PA PA PA PA PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA PA AU-PL 09 St 127 09 St 127 09 St 127 09 St 127 09 St 127 09 St 127 09 St 127 09 St 127 09 St 127 09 St 127 11 St 121 11 St 121 11 St 121 11 St 121 Beech St 610 Beech St 610 Beech St 610 Beech St 610 Brown St 317 Brown St 317 Hazel 710a Hazel 710a Hazel 710a Hazel 710a Hazel 710a Hazel 710b Hazel 710b Hazel 710c Hazel 710c Hazel 710c Hazel 710c Hazel 710c Hazel 710c Hazel 710c Hazel 710c Jenny Lind 1408 Jenny Lind 1408 Jenny Lind 1408 Jenny Lind 1408 Jenny Lind 1408 Jenny Lind 1408 none spinner, silk mill coal miner 19200101 PA McKeesport [>] [>] [>] {B99} [>] [>] {E13} {D37} [>] [>] {G58} [>] [>] [>] {D74} {H76} {B94} {B87} {B93} [#>] [#>] {D02} [>] [>] {B89} 64 Gliva, Albert Gliva, Aleck Gliva, Angela Gliva, Joseph Gliva, Josephine Gliva, Vernice Grzedyk, Joe Paro, John Wajda, John Wajda, John Chechowits, Katarina Pietras, Alexander Pietras, Stella Pietras, Thomas Pinta, John Pinta, Stanley Pinta, Stella Pinta, Victoria Skoczylas, Caroline Skoczylas, Thomas Rybka, Andy Rybka, Lewis Rybka, Mary Rybka, Veronica Rybka, Walter Kocoy, Katie Kocoy, Tony Rybka, Annie Rybka, Charlie Rybka, John Rybka, Josie Rybka, Mary Rybka, Nellie Rybka, Sarah Rybka, Teddy Grzebyk, Teddy Gugal, Walter Kaleta, Tony Yonas, Adam Yonas, Josephine Yonas, Millie 1906 A 1904 A 1905 1913 1912 1913 1904 1903 A A A A A A unkn A unkn 1913 1913 1913 1912 1913 A A A A A A 1910 A 1905 A 1902 A 1903 A 1913 A 1910 A 1912 A 1907 A American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, tube mill plumber, city shop lab, tube mill lab, tube mill lab, tube mill lab, steel works lab, toy shop furnaceman, tube lab, steel mill servant, home lab, steel mill dubler, tin plate lab, tin mill lab, tin mill lab Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records [>] [>] [>] {G55} [>] {G56} {G54} [>] [>] [>] {H68} [>] {H67} [>] [>] [>] {E39} [>] [>] [>] [>] {G57} [#>] [#>] {C00} {A90} [#>] [#>] [>] [>] [>] {G61} [>] [>] [>] {A11} [#>] {A92} {F12} [#>] {G47} {G64} {D40} [+] [#>] [#>] Yonas, Stanley Yonas, Teddy Yonas, Walter Konkol, Agnes Konkol, Anthony Konkol, Mary Konkol, Paul Sowa, Joe Sowa, John Kotula, Andrew Kotula, Helen Kotula, Joseph Kotula, Joseph Kotula, Sophie Kotula, Teofila Kotula, Tony Borowitz, Annie Borowitz, Edward Borowitz, Winsen Domino, Anna Domino, Bruna Domino, Josephine Domino, Mary Domino, Michael Gugala, Adam Gugala, Alexander Gugala, Alexander Gugala, Anna Gugala, Clara Irene Gugala, Joseph Ripca, Brownie Ripca, Elmer Ripca, Julia Ripca, Kazine Ripca, Ludwiga Ripca, Stella Ripca, Walter Stanchurski, Stanley Viatro, Sarah Viatro, Thomas Viatro, Victoria Viatro, William Stanick, Julia Stanick, Tony Staniek, Amiela Staniek, Winifred Jawron, Agnes Jawron, Frank Jawron, Joe Jawron, John Jawron, Mary Jawron, Stella Konkol, Frank Skibiski, Helen Skibiski, Josephina Skibiski, Michalina Skibiski, Mike Weider, Andrew Weider, Edward Volume 2 33 1.3 05 49 12 15 50 23 49 05 02 07 35 04 28 09 23 01 26 02 1.6 32 05 33 05 06 36 30 0.5 09 04 07 13 42 41 10 12 24 0.9 44 36 08 32 38 2.5 05 28 0.8 32 2.5 07 06 32 04 15 44 46 0.3 07 hoh son son wif dau dau hoh bdr bdr son dau son hoh dau wif son wif son hoh dau dau wif dau hoh son son hoh wif dau son dau son dau hoh wif dau son brl dau hoh wif son wif hoh dau dau wif son hoh son dau dau bdr dau dau wif hoh son son AU-PL PA PA AU-PL PA PA AU-PL AU-PL AU-PL PA PA PA PL PA PL PA PL PA PL PA PA PL PA PL PA PA GL-PL GL-PL PA PA PA PA PA AU-PL AU-PL PA PA PL PA PL PL PA PL PL PA PA PL PA PL PA PA PA PL PA PA PL PL PA PA 1906 A Jenny Lind 1408 Jenny Lind 1408 Jenny Lind 1408 1907 A Jerome 800 Jerome 800 Jerome 800 1907 A Jerome 800 1915 A Jerome 800 1910 A Jerome 800 King Al 115 King Al 115 King Al 115 1909 A King Al 115 King Al 115 1909 A King Al 115 King Al 115 1914 N Market 1106 Market 1106 1913 N Market 1106 Market St 1002 Market St 1002 1914 A Market St 1002 Market St 1002 1914 A Market St 1002 Market St 1028 Market St 1028 1892 A Market St 1028 1906 A Market St 1028 Market St 1028 Market St 1028 McKinley 3908 McKinley 3908 McKinley 3908 1905 A McKinley 3908 1910 A McKinley 3908 McKinley 3908 McKinley 3908 1913 A Mulberry 810 Mulberry 810 1907 A Mulberry 810 1909 A Mulberry 810 Mulberry 810 1907 A Mulberry 816 1907 A Mulberry 816 Mulberry 816 Mulberry 816 1907 A Mulberry 820 Mulberry 820 1907 A Mulberry 820 Mulberry 820 Mulberry 820 Mulberry 820 1900 A Mulberry 820 Railroad 1238 Railroad 1238 1903 A Railroad 1238 1902 P Railroad 1238 Rose St 1003 Rose St 1003 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, construction lab, tube works driver, construction lab, tube works lab, Sekret & Jumplat none lab, lumber yard pipecutter, tube works lab, tin mill doubler, tin mill lab, tube mill lab, scrapyard lab, scrapyard carpenter, house Christy Parks Works 65 DATABASE TABLES [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A91} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {C45} {A85} {B15} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {D32} {G04} [#>] [#>] Weider, Helen Weider, Ignatz Weider, Joe Weider, John Weider, Margaret Weider, Michael Weider, Pete Glod, Albert Glod, Jenny Glod, Kasimir Glod, Katherine Glod, Mary Glod, Nellie Viater, Josephine Viater, Kasimir Viater, Nora Viater, Stanislaus Viater, Victoria Skoczylas, Annie Skoczylas, Annie Skoczylas, Jacob Skoczylas, Joseph Skoczylas, Staffay Skoczylas, Thomas Odog, Andrew Odog, Frank Odog, John Odog, Josephine Odog, Leo Odog, Mary Odog, Stella Odog, Tony {E60} Penkola, Andy [>] Penkola, Anthony [>] Penkola, Caroline [>] Penkola, Jennie Penkola, Walter Jamrozik, George Jamrozik, Mary Mackiewicz, Annie Mackiewicz, Frances Mackiewicz, Frank Mackiewicz, Mary Mackiewicz, Minnie [?] Puc, Alex Puc, Helen Puc, John Puc, Mary Polka, Joe Polka, John Polka, Katie Geirlak, Antonia Geirlak, Joe Geirlak, Mary Lampart, Elizabeth Lampart, Joe Lampart, John Lampart, Katie Lampart, Lewis 66 11 03 13 09 35 45 05 30 03 06 01 04 25 30 33 05 07 09 08 32 33 11 04 06 1.3 09 13 11 10 37 15 38 35 06 25 0.3 4.3 30 30 10 05 46 40 3.2 30 0.9 2.9 20 2.8 33 35 11 13 35 07 37 10 30 35 dau son son son wif hoh son hoh dau son dau dau wif wif hoh dau son dau dau wif hoh son dau son son son son dau son wif dau hoh hoh son wif dau son hoh wif dau dau hoh wif dau hoh dau son wif son hoh wif dau son hoh dau hoh son wif bro PA PA PA PA PL PL PA PL PA PA PA PA PL PL PL PA PA PA PA PL PL PL PA PA PA PA PA PA PA AU-PL PA AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL PA PA AU-PL AU-PL PA PA AU-PL AU-PL PA AU-PL PA PA AU-PL PA AU-PL AU-PL PA PA AU-PL PA AU-PL PA AU-PL AU-PL 1904 A 1914 A 1910 A 1913 A 1906 A 1903 A 1911 A 1907 A unkn A 1903 A 1903 A 1910 A 1908 A 1907 A 1907 A 1909 A 1905 A 1912 A 1914 A 1912 A 1911 A 1904 A 1907 A 1905 A 1911 A Rose St 1003 Rose St 1003 Rose St 1003 Rose St 1003 Rose St 1003 Rose St 1003 Rose St 1003 Rose St 906 Rose St 906 Rose St 906 Rose St 906 Rose St 906 Rose St 906 Rose St 908 Rose St 908 Rose St 908 Rose St 908 Rose St 908 Spring Al Spring Al Spring Al Spring Al Spring Al Spring Al White 623a White 623a White 623a White 623a White 623a White 623a White 623a White 623a White 623b White 623b White 623b White 623b White 623b White 623c White 623c White 623d White 623d White 623d White 623d White 623d White 623e White 623e White 623e White 623e White 623f White 623f White 623f White 623g White 623g White 623g White 623h White 623h White 623h White 623h White 623h American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland pipecutter, pipe mill lab, National tube mill cutter, National tube lab, tube mill lab, steel mill lab, steel mill lab, steel mill lab, steel mill lab, steel mill lab, steel mill servant, private home pipe fitr, steel mill lab, steel mill Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records Polka, Mike Halon, Mike [>] Kmiotek, Isabelle {E21} Kmiotek, Stanley [>] Kmiotek, Victoria Rybka, Casper Rybka, Cecelia Rybka, Helen Rybka, Lucy Rybka, Sophie Solyuski, Frank {I27} Baren, Agnes [#>] Baren, Helen [#>] Baren, Josephine [#>] Baren, Julia {C01} Baren, Walter 34 27 3.2 28 25 31 4.5 2.1 0.5 26 bdr bdr dau hoh wif hoh dau dau dau wif brl 30 wif 0.5 dau 05 dau 03 dau 34 hoh AU-PL AU-PL PA GL-PL GL-PL PL PA PA PA PL PL PL PA PA PA PL 1907 A White 623h 1913 A White 623i White 705 1913 A White 705 1910 A White 705 1907 A White 707 White 707 White 707 White 707 1912 A White 707 unkn A White 707 1907 A William 710 William 710 William 710 William 710 1906 A William 710 35 0.9 26 03 33 03 29 1.8 37 3.3 08 06 32 22 53 4.5 08 13 17 5.9 45 11 15 20 0.7 09 34 2.9 42 11 5.3 07 29 34 00 07 4.1 06 31 19 PL PA PL PA PL PA PL PA AU-PL PA PA PA AU-PL NY PL PA PA PA PA PA PL PA NY PA PA PA AU-PL PA AU-PL PA PA PA PL PL PA PA PA PA PL PL 1909 A Glenn Av 319a Glenn Av 319a 1912 A Glenn Av 319a Glenn Av 319a 1909 A Glenn Av 319b Glenn Av 319b 1909 A Glenn Av 319b Glenn Av 319b 1906 P Monroe Av 1020 Monroe Av 1020 Monroe Av 1020 Monroe Av 1020 1906 A Monroe Av 1020 Pride St 704 1892 N Pride St 704 Pride St 704 Pride St 704 Pride St 704 Pride St 704 Pride St 704 unkn Pride St 704 Pride St 704 Pride St 704 Pride St 704 Pride St 800a Pride St 800a 1901 A Pride St 800a Pride St 800a 1903 P Pride St 800a Pride St 800a Pride St 800a Pride St 800a 1907 A Pride St 800b 1906 A Pride St 800b Pride St 800b Pride St 800b Pride St 800b Pride St 800b 1912 P Trimble Av 1925 1908 A Trimble Av 1925 lab, National tube screwboy, tin mill tinner, mill lab, National tube lab, gas field 19200101 PA Port Vue {C79} [>] {C47} [>] {D08} [>] {D94} [>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B39} [#>] {A89} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A88} [#>] [#>] [#>] Buravich, Charles Buravich, John Buravich, Katie Buravich, Sophia Buravich, Alexander Buravich, Annie Buravich, Ellanora Buravich, Joseph Pokrioka, Frank Pokrioka, Helen Pokrioka, John Pokrioka, Stanley Pokrioka, Stella Pieniazek, Anthony Pieniazek, Carl Pieniazek, George Pieniazek, Helen Pieniazek, John Pieniazek, Joseph Pieniazek, Josephine Pieniazek, Mary Pieniazek, Peter Pieniazek, Stanley Pieniazek, Thomas Guczowska, Helen Guczowska, Joseph Guczowska, Mary Guczowska, Sophia Guczowska, Tony Guczowska, Vera Guczowska, Victoria Guczowska, Walter [#>] Borovic, Antonia {H90} Borovic, Jacob [#>] Borovic, John [#>] Borovic, Justina [#>] Borovic, Sophia [#>] Borovic, Veronica [#>] Piechowize, Andrew {C61} Piechowize, Bertha Volume 2 hoh son wif dau hoh dau wif son hoh dau son son wif son hoh son dau son dau wif son son son dau son wif dau hoh dau dau son wif hoh son dau dau dau hoh wif American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland gas house, tube mill gas house, tube mill pipe cutter, tube mill baker, bakery lab, tube mill none lab, glass house catcher, tin mill lab, tube mill mach, tube mill tinner, tin mill 67 DATABASE TABLES 19200101 PA Ridgway [>] {I44} {B54} {B57} [>] [>] [>] [>] {H80} {H81} [>] [>] [>] [>] {B69} {B51} {G83} [>] [>] [>] Balajasd, John Fornal, Dominick Fornal, Joseph Fornal, Veronica Fornal, Vincent Garaloski, Pawel Stanick, Carl Stanick, Cushmesh Stanick, Helen Stanick, John Stanick, Joseph Stanick, Mary Stanick, Michael Stanick, Stanley Yanda, John Yanda, Nellie Yanda, Peter Bomba, Adolph Bomba, Bessie Bomba, John Bomba, Joseph Bomba, Stanley 45 1.3 4.2 26 33 46 1.7 06 08 12 41 34 2.5 10 03 24 28 28 28 0.8 2.5 04 bdr son son wif hoh bdr son son dau son hoh wif son son son wif hoh hoh wif son son son PL-SL PA PA PL PL PL PA PA PA NY PL PL PA PA PA PL PL PL PL PA PA PA 1913 A Hydes Flat Hydes Flat Hydes Flat Hydes Flat 1913 A Hydes Flat 1913 A Hydes Flat Hydes Flat Hydes Flat Hydes Flat Hydes Flat 1907 P Hydes Flat 1907 A Hydes Flat Hydes Flat Hydes Flat N Broad St 12 1914 A N Broad St 12 1913 A N Broad St 12 1912 A Osterhout 326 1913 Osterhout 326 Osterhout 326 Osterhout 326 Osterhout 326 40 09 02 05 12 49 16 14 10 19 05 35 09 1.5 30 wif dau dau dau son hoh dau dau dau dau son hoh son dau wif PL PA PA PA PA PL PA PA PA PL PA HU PA PA AU-PL 1903 A 03 Av 619 03 Av 619 03 Av 619 03 Av 619 03 Av 619 1903 P 03 Av 619 03 Av 619 03 Av 619 03 Av 619 1903 A 03 Av 619 N Huntington Twp 1904 A N Huntington Twp N Huntington Twp N Huntington Twp 1907 A N Huntington Twp 06 10 15 42 65 20 1.6 dau dau son wif hoh son dau PA PA PA PL PL PL PA Brookside 059 Brookside 059 Brookside 059 1904 A Brookside 059 1902 P Brookside 059 1904 P Brookside 059 Brookside 059 1.9 36 07 36 dau wif dau hoh RI GL-PL 1903 N RI GL-PL 1901 N lab, plaining mill lab, tannery lab, tannery roller, tannery lab, tannery lab, tannery 19200101 PA Westmorelnd C {D50} [>] [>] [>] [>] {D49} [>] [>] [>] [>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {D34} Woyten, Anna Woyten, Blanche Woyten, Elizabeth Woyten, Frances Woyten, John Woyten, Louis Woyten, Mary Woyten, Rose Woyten, Sophie Woyten, Stella Sowa, Frank Sowa, Frank Sowa, John Sowa, Josie Sowa, Julie coal miner seamstress, factory seamstress, factory dairy route 19200101 PA Wilkes-Barre [>] [>] [>] {D03} {C96} {C48} [>] Kosczulek, Anna Kosczulek, Helen Kosczulek, John Kosczulek, Nellie Kosczulek, Simon Kosczulek, Stanley Kosczulek, Stella slate cutter, coal break 19200101 RI Central Falls [#>] {D71} [#>] [#>] 68 Orzechowski, Adolfa Orzechowski, Agatha Orzechowski, Antonina Orzechowski, John Mill 592 Mill 592 Mill 592 Mill 592 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland proprietor, grocer Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records [#>] [#>] [#>] Orzechowski, Rose Orzechowski, Sophia Orzechowski, Stanley 4.8 dau RI 12 dau RI 09 son RI Mill 592 Mill 592 Mill 592 19200101 RI Coventry [#>] {B66} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Szynkowick, Alia Szynkowick, Antony Szynkowick, Cora Szynkowick, Felix Szynkowick, Frank Szynkowick, Helen Szynkowick, John Szynkowick, Liddy Szynkowick, Mary 05 35 32 13 06 0.5 3.7 09 11 dau hoh wif son son dau son son dau RI PL PL NJ RI RI RI RI RI Boston Rd 077 1902 N Boston Rd 077 1902 N Boston Rd 077 Boston Rd 077 Boston Rd 077 Boston Rd 077 Boston Rd 077 Boston Rd 077 Boston Rd 077 32 33 30 27 28 03 23 38 10 05 02 35 6.7 41 31 09 wif hoh bro hoh wif dau bdr hoh dau dau son wif dau hoh wif son PL PL PL PL PL RI PL PL RI RI RI PL RI AU-PL AU-PL RI 1905 1903 1905 1912 1910 32 lod PL 1905 A 05 St 230 0.3 36 05 30 07 32 36 0.1 05 05 30 1.7 2.6 4.3 31 04 06 02 son hoh dau wif son wif hoh son son dau hoh dau dau son hoh dau son dau WI GL-PL IL GL-PL PA GL-PL GL-PL PA PA PA RU-PL WI WI PA GL-PL PA PA WI Kronenwetter-a 1912 P Kronenwetter-a Kronenwetter-a 1909 A Kronenwetter-a Kronenwetter-b 1909 A Kronenwetter-b 1909 A Kronenwetter-b Kronenwetter-b Kronenwetter-b Kronenwetter-c 1913 A Kronenwetter-c Kronenwetter-c Kronenwetter-c Kronenwetter-c 1909 A Kronenwetter-d Kronenwetter-d Kronenwetter-d Kronenwetter-d proprietor, bake shop 19200101 RI Pawtucket {D46} Dziedzic, Catherine [>] Dziedzic, Peter Warchol, Casper Warchol, Joseph [?] Warchol, Nellie Warchol, Stasia Sinkiwicz, John {C32} Szczaczarz, Grzegorz [>] Szczaczarz, Joseph [>] Szczaczarz, Michael [>] Szczaczarz, Sophia [>] Szczaczarz, Veronika [>] Ogear, Agnes [>] Ogear, Joseph {D70} Ogear, Pauline [>] Ogear, Stanley N N A A A 1914 P 1900 P 1902 P 1901 N 1904 N Branch St 050 Branch St 050 Branch St 050 Branch St 050 Branch St 050 Branch St 050 Middle St 051 Middle St 051 Middle St 051 Middle St 051 Middle St 051 Middle St 051 N Main 321 N Main 321 N Main 321 N Main 321 weaver, silk mill molder, foundry dyer, dye works weaver, cotton mill weaver, silk mill silk mill lab, coal yard lab, cotton mill 19200101 WA Bremerton {C92} Kusniery, Alix vocanial training 19200101 WI Marathon Co. Szala, Carl Szala, John Szala, Stafania Szala, Stafania [#>] Grys, Joe {D98} Grys, Kasmera {D97} Grys, Stanley [#>] Grys, Steve [#>] Grys, Walter Chmiel, Julia Chmiel, Lucia Chmiel, Mary Chmiel, Stella Chmiel, Teddy {E53} Bieniek, Annie [>] Bieniek, Helen [>] Bieniek, Joe [>] Bieniek, Mary Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, paper mill lab, paper mill none none 69 DATABASE TABLES [>] [>] [>] {E54} [>] Hawro, Annie Hawro, Frank Hawro, John Hawro, Mary Hawro, Pete 06 30 04 27 04 dau hoh son wif son PA Kronenwetter-e GL-PL 1909 A Kronenwetter-e PA Kronenwetter-e GL-PL 1912 A Kronenwetter-e PA Kronenwetter-e 33 39 sis PL 1910 N Stevens St 16 BOSEN N Stevens St 16 43 45 30 wif HU 1906 A Wyatt-Bingamon Crk Rd hoh HU 1909 A Wyatt on Bingamon Crk coal miner bdr GL-PL 1909 P Wyatt on Bingamon Crk coal miner 58 13 03 12 33 43 15 08 33 06 28 04 04 09 39 32 0.3 30 01 36 01 35 35 07 09 04 0.7 12 32 35 01 05 09 28 0.9 05 11 07 03 39 mot son dau son wif hoh dau dau hoh son wif son dau dau hoh wif dau wif son hoh son wif hoh dau son son son son wif hoh dau son son wif son son son dau son hoh lab, paper mill 19200101 WI Rhinelander {B90} Kalandyk, Walter Skory, Mary reverend 19200101 WV Wyatt Deroski, Josie Deroski, William {G72} Plodzien, Leo 19250601 NY Brooklyn {A83} [#>] [#>] [#>] {A79} {A81} [#>] [#>] {C85} [#>] {B48} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B40} [#>] [>] [>] {C37} [>] {C06} {B29} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B38} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B26} 70 Fornal, Katherine Gliwa, Adam Gliwa, Anna Gliwa, Bronislaw Gliwa, Josephine Gliwa, K Gliwa, Wanda Posko, Antonette Posko, George Posko, John Posko, Victoria Posko, Walter Sweet, Genoveffa Sweet, Helen Sweet, Joseph Sweet, Mary Sweet, Stella Setela, Annie Setela, John Setela, Leopold Setela, Teddy Data, Anna Data, Charles Data, Helen Data, John Data, Rudolph Data, Stanley Data, Walter Lefko, Bomba Lefko, Joe Lefko, Josephine Lefko, Louis Lefko, Matthew Bomba, Anthonia Bomba, Brunno Bomba, Edward Bomba, Fred Bomba, Helen Bomba, Leo Bomba, Steve PL US US US PL PL US US PL US PL US US US PL PL US AU US AU US PL PL US US US US US PL PL US US US PL US US US US US PL 16y C 03 Av 643 03 Av 643 03 Av 643 03 Av 643 18y 03 Av 643 20y C 03 Av 643 03 Av 643 03 Av 657 1/2 13y A 03 Av 657 1/2 03 Av 657 1/2 11y A 03 Av 657 1/2 03 Av 657 1/2 03 Av 680 03 Av 680 10y A 03 Av 680 12y A 03 Av 680 03 Av 680 13y 04 Av 666a 04 Av 666a 18y C 04 Av 666a 04 Av 666a -A 04 Av 666b 15y A 04 Av 666b 04 Av 666b 04 Av 666b 04 Av 666b 04 Av 666b 04 Av 666b 12y A 06 Av 671a 15y A 06 Av 671a 06 Av 671a 06 Av 671a 06 Av 671a 11y A 06 Av 671b 06 Av 671b 06 Av 671b 06 Av 671b 06 Av 671b 06 Av 671b 18y A 06 Av 671b American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland stays home confectionary shop longshoreman box factory foundry carp mach porter woman ironworker Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records [>] [>] [>] {C86} [>] {B61} [>] [>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {C09} [#>] [#>] {A73} [#>] [#>] {A71} [#>] {B16} {B17} [#>] [#>] {E00} [#>] [#>] {G01} [>] [>] [>] {C76} [>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B73} [#>] [#>] [>?] {B83} [#>] [#>] {B27} {B74} {C05} [#>] {B28} [#>] Matula, Edward Matula, Fred Matula, Helen Matula, John Matula, Julia Matula, Mary Matula, Stefanie Matula, Wanda Kallita, Bertha Kallita, Frances Kallita, Helen Kallita, John Kallita, Teofil Kallita, Walter Leniart, Blanche Leniart, John Leniart, Martin Leniart, Victoria Leniart, Viola Cyran, Helen Cyran, Ignacy Cyran, Lottie Cyran, Meczyslaw Cyran, Theo Czechovicz, Adolf Czechovicz, Fred Czechovicz, Jenny Czechovicz, Stella Pasko, Balvina Pasko, Blanche Pasko, Casmer Pasko, Julius Pasko, Sophie Cyran, Anna Cyran, John Cyran, Josephine Cyran, Lawrence Cyran, Rosie Cyran, Stanley Stannich, Mary Stannich, Michael Czado, Edward Czado, Henry Czado, John Czado, Joseph Czado, Victoria Baker, Florence Baker, Frieda Baker, Michael Czys, Josephine Czys, Stanley Czys, Tony Czys, Ziggy [#>] Drazek, Barney [#>] Drazek, John {A07} Drazek, John [#>] Drazek, Katy {B71} Borowic, Gregor {X31} Borowic, Helen Volume 2 12 06 10 38 02 39 13 08 08 42 04 10 36 22 10 36 06 06 38 07 36 30 03 05 30 03 05 34 36 08 07 37 10 10 04 01 48 34 06 38 43 08 12 19 45 45 0.2 18 20 27 01 29 02 07 08 43 30 40 01 son son dau hoh dau wif dau dau dau wif dau son hoh son dau hoh son dau wif dau hoh wif son son hoh son dau wif wif dau son hoh dau dau son dau hoh wif son wif hoh son son son hoh wif dau mot hoh wif son hoh son son son hoh wif hoh dau US US US PL US PL US US US PL US US PL PL US PL US US PL US PL PL US US PL US US PL PL US US PL US US US US PL PL US US US PL PL PL US PL US PL US PL US US US PL PL PL US 14y A 20y A 15y A 12y P 14y A 20y N 19y N 10y A 9y A 20y A 16y A 15y A 12y A 19y A 13y A 17y A 18y A 17y A 16y A 17y C 10y C 24y C 12y C 19y A 07 Av 548 07 Av 548 07 Av 548 07 Av 548 07 Av 548 07 Av 548 07 Av 548 07 Av 548 17 St 279 17 St 279 17 St 279 17 St 279 17 St 279 17 St 279 17 St 340 17 St 340 17 St 340 17 St 340 17 St 340 17 St 341 17 St 341 17 St 341 17 St 341 17 St 341 17 St 418 17 St 418 17 St 418 17 St 418 17 St 469 17 St 469 17 St 469 17 St 469 17 St 469 18 St 120 18 St 120 18 St 120 18 St 120 18 St 120 18 St 120 18 St 140 18 St 140 18 St 144a 18 St 144a 18 St 144a 18 St 144a 18 St 144a 18 St 144b 18 St 144b 18 St 144b 18 St 146a 18 St 146a 18 St 146a 18 St 146a 18 St 146b 18 St 146b 18 St 146b 18 St 146b 19 St 099 19 St 099 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland bricklayer mach mach helper distill man lab, building ironworker ironworker coal yard dry dock carp housewife chauffer edison boiler maker chair factory lab, brick factory 71 DATABASE TABLES {X29} {X13} {C46} {X30} [>] [>] {X22} {C88} {X23} {A53} [#>] [#>] {A46} {X21} [#>] {A49} {A41} [#>] [>] [>] [>] [?] {H07} [>] [>] {B80} [>] [>] [#>] [#>] {B72} [#>] {B22} [#>] Borowic, John Borowic, Mietek Borowic, Sofie Borowic, Stanley Grzebyk, Frank Grzebyk, Pauline Grzebyk, Sophie Grzebyk, Tony Grzebyk, Tony Kaplita, George Kaplita, Mary Kaplita, Stephie Glodowski, Paul Glodowski, Theodore Busz, Benjamin Busz, Benjamin Busz, Elizabeth Busz, Helen Rog, Agnes Rog, Elizabeth Rog, Joseph Rog, Louis Rog, Mary Rog, Stanley Kotula, Caroline Kotula, Frank Kotula, Nellie Kotula, Stella Chuchla, Antony Chuchla, Frank Chuchla, Joseph Chuchla, Joseph J Chuchla, Victoria Chuchla, Walter 09 06 36 08 15 34 20 45 16 30 25 01 29 05 08 31 31 05 16 12 15 53 43 09 33 34 13 09 09 01 40 11 34 13 son son wif son son wif dau hoh son hoh wif dau hoh son nep brl wif nie dau dau son hoh wif son wif hoh dau dau son son hoh son wif son US US PL US PL US US PL PL US US US US PL PL US PL PL US US US US PL US PL US 61 61 25 23 50 50 08 15 11 hoh wif hoh wif wif hoh dau son son PL PL PL US PL PL US US US snl dal dau son hoh wif US AU AU AU AU AU 16y A 12y A 12y A 14y 29y A 17y 18y A 18y A 18y A 18y A 19 St 099 19 St 099 19 St 099 19 St 099 19 St 129a 19 St 129a 19 St 129a 19 St 129a 19 St 129a 19 St 129b 19 St 129b 19 St 129b 19 St 336a 19 St 336a 19 St 336b 19 St 336b 19 St 336b 19 St 336b 19 St 336c 19 St 336c 19 St 336c 19 St 336c 19 St 336c 19 St 336c 19 St 344 19 St 344 19 St 344 19 St 344 21 St 162 21 St 162 21 St 162 21 St 162 21 St 162 21 St 162 Gozepek Gozepek Gozepek Gozepek Gozepek carp helper lab, mason helper telephone opr machine cleaner mach, BMT Brooklyn Firebrick 19250601 NY Buffalo Reczek, Michael Reczek, Victoria {A66} Szetila, Joseph [#>] Szetila, Rose {A64} Szetila, Antonia {A65} Szetila, John [#>] Szetila, Julia [#>] Szetila, Leo [#>] Szetila, Stanley 37y 35y 11y 16y 20y Laux 029a Laux 029a Laux 029b Laux 029b Laux 029c Laux 029c Laux 029c Laux 029c Laux 029c Erie RR rubber works student student student Cedar Rd Cedar Rd Cedar Rd Cedar Rd Cedar Rd Cedar Rd finisher, paper mill weaver, woolen mill waiter lab, lusl iron works lab, felt mill housework B & F foundry 19250601 NY New Windsor [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] 72 Fornal, Joseph Fornal, Pauline Schebesta, Frances Schebesta, Joseph Schebesta, Paul Schebesta, Pauline 22 18 18 19 42 38 C C C 12y C C American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records 19250601 NY Newburgh [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A01} [>] [>] [#>] Martin, Anna Martin, Anne Martin, Frank Martin, Jake Martin, John Martin, Joseph Martin, Josephina Martin, Mary B Martin, William Martin, Willy 14 14 22 58 12 10 54 15 21 15 dau dau son hoh son son wif dau son son US US US US US US US US US US 16 40 42 07 47 47 17 dau hoh wif dau hoh wif dau CA PL PL CA PL PL CA C C C C C C C C C C Hasbrouck 46 Hasbrouck 46 Hasbrouck 46 Hasbrouck 46 Hasbrouck 46 Hasbrouck 46 Hasbrouck 46 Hasbrouck 46 Hasbrouck 46 Hasbrouck 46 school school illegible Caldwell Lawn school school housework school lab, packing lab, packing 19300401 CA Sonoma Co. [#>] {F39} {F43} [#>] [#>] {I24} [#>] Rutka, Henrietta Rutka, Marion Rutka, Valeria Jarrosz, Helen Jarrosz, Karl Jarrosz, Katarzyna Jarrosz, Zofia Vineburg Pct-a 1910 N Vineburg Pct-a 1908 A Vineburg Pct-a Vineburg Pct-b 1906 A Vineburg Pct-b 1908 A Vineburg Pct-b Vineburg Pct-b lab, fruit farm servant, private family farmer, poultry none 19300401 CT Wallingford {B41} Kalandy, Frank [#>] Kalandy, Josephine [#>] Kalandy, Sophia 37 hoh PL 2.1 dau NY 26 wif PA 1910 N E Center St E Center St E Center St 39 39 08 08 05 05 35 35 06 41 36 15 12 14 08 0.3 05 05 14 12 40 17 07 07 15 11 13 35 1913 A Ada St 4714 1913 A Ada St 4714 Ada St 4714 Ada St 4714 Ada St 4714 Ada St 4714 1913 P Ada St 4714 1913 P Ada St 4714 Blackhawk 1440a 1910 A Blackhawk 1440a 1913 A Blackhawk 1440a Blackhawk 1440a Blackhawk 1440a Blackhawk 1440a Blackhawk 1440a Blackhawk 1440a Blackhawk 1440b Blackhawk 1440b Blackhawk 1440b Blackhawk 1440b 1910 A Blackhawk 1440b Blackhawk 1440b Blackhawk 1440b Blackhawk 1440b Blackhawk 1440b Chopin St 1336 Chopin St 1336 1911 N Chopin St 1336 farmer, burn? farm 19300401 IL Chicago {H73} {H73} {H74} {H74} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {F70} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] Staszczak, Antoinette Staszczak, Antoniette Staszczak, Boleslaw Staszczak, Boleslaw Staszczak, Cecelia Staszczak, Cecelia Staszczak, Thomas Staszczak, Thomas Grys, Anthony Grys, Joseph Grys, Magdalena Grys, Mary Grys, Michael Grys, Stanley Grys, Walter Grys, William Grys, Doris Grys, Dorothy Grys, Helen Grys, Joseph Grys, Mary Grys, Minnie Grys, Paul Grys, Pauline Grys, Verna [>] Kruzek, Joseph [>] Kruzek, Mary {G37} Kruzek, Pauline Volume 2 wif wif son son dau dau hoh hoh son hoh wif dau son son son son dau dau dau son hoh dau son dau dau son dau wif PL PL IL IL IL IL PL PL IL PL PL IL IL IL IL IL OK OK OK OK PL OK OK OK OK IL IL PL American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, packing house lab, packing house hooker, steel co. sew mach opr, blankets mail opr, mail order 73 DATABASE TABLES {F71} Kruzek, Peter [>] Kruzek, Walter Witek, Anna Witek, Bruno Witek, Edward Witek, Jennie Witek, Julia Witek, Stella [+?] Witek, Walter Witek, Wanda [#>] Data, Edward {E99} Data, Helen [#>] Data, Josephine {C07} Data, Leon [#>] Data, Stephanie [#>] Data, Veronica {H85} Bembenek, Pearl? [>] Krzywonos, Dominik [>] Krzywonos, Edward {H87} Krzywonos, Emily [>] Krzywonos, Joan {H86} Krzywonos, Katharina {H17} Krzywonos, Victor {H25} Dlugosz, Catherine {H24} Dlugosz, John [>] Dryszka, Conrad {H27} Dryszka, Helen {F59} Dlugosz, Albert [>] Dlugosz, Bernice {F60} Dlugosz, Catherine [>] Dlugosz, John [>] Dlugosz, Julia [>] Dlugosz, Stella [>] Dlugosz, Theodore [>] Dlugosz, Anna [>] Dlugosz, Mitchel {D19} Dlugosz, Peter [>] Dlugosz, Theodore [>] Krzywonos, Adeline [>] Krzywonos, Eugene [>] Krzywonos, Helen {G07} Krzywonos, Waclaw {I69} Bilik, Anelia [>] Bilik, John [>] Bilik, Michael [>] Bilik, Rose {F79} Szura, Joseph [>] Szura, Mary {I35} Janiec, Stanley {E89} Kalandik, Agata {H22} Kalandik, Jennie {I12} Kalandik, Joseph {I13} Kalandik, Mary {E88} Kalandik, Vincent [>] Konkol, Adolph [>] Konkol, Helen {F36} Konkol, Nellie [>] Konkol, Stanley {F44} Konkol, Walter 74 39 12 17 2.6 7.5 11 13 16 39 15 14 38 15 40 13 11 80 23 18 32 15 59 65 54 54 25 24 47 17 40 19 07 13 11 37 03 43 15 10 16 37 40 43 22 43 17 43 45 25 29 07 05 3.7 35 08 05 36 14 38 hoh son dau son son dau dau dau hoh dau son wif dau hoh dau dau gmo son son dau dau wif hoh wif hoh bdr bdr hoh dau wif son dau dau son wif son hoh son dau son wif hoh wif son hoh dau hoh wif lod wif dau son dau hoh son dau wif son hoh PL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL PL IL IN PL IN PL IN IN PL IL IL PL IL PL PL PL PL IL PL PL IL PL IL IL IL IL PL IL PL IL IL IL IL PL PL NY PL IL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL PL IL IL PL IL PL 1911 N Chopin St 1336 Chopin St 1336 Cortez St 2437 Cortez St 2437 Cortez St 2437 Cortez St 2437 Cortez St 2437 Cortez St 2437 -U Cortez St 2437 Cortez St 2437 Dickson 1260 1907 A Dickson 1260 Dickson 1260 1905 A Dickson 1260 Dickson 1260 Dickson 1260 1905 N Hamlin Av 2940 Hamlin Av 2940 Hamlin Av 2940 190? N Hamlin Av 2940 Hamlin Av 2940 1906 N Hamlin Av 2940 1900 N Hamlin Av 2940 1906 A Holt St 1341a 1904 N Holt St 1341a Holt St 1341a 1906 N Holt St 1341a 1907 P Holt St 1341b Holt St 1341b 1907 A Holt St 1341b Holt St 1341b Holt St 1341b Holt St 1341b Holt St 1341b 1912 A Holt St 1341c Holt St 1341c 1912 N Holt St 1341c Holt St 1341c Lawndale Av 2962 Lawndale Av 2962 Lawndale Av 2962 unkn U Lawndale Av 2962 1905 N Lowe Av 2306 Lowe Av 2306 1905 N Lowe Av 2306 Lowe Av 2306 1907 N N Lincoln St 2015 1907 A N Lincoln St 2015 1924 A N Marshfield 1054 1928 A N Marshfield 1054 1928 A N Marshfield 1054 1928 A N Marshfield 1054 1928 A N Marshfield 1054 1928 A N Marshfield 1054 N Monticello 3124 N Monticello 3124 1910 N N Monticello 3124 N Monticello 3124 1906 N N Monticello 3124 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland die setter, factory machinist, shop night cleaner, office lab, foundry none tailoring, tailor shop none none clk, grocery store driver, milk truck molder, foundry ?, office building packer, candy co. packer, machine shop button holes, tailor painter, house grocer, grocery sewing mach hlpr scrub woman, railway lab, food market janitress, telephone co. lab, foundry Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {F41} [>] [>] {I71} [>] [>] {H42} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {F80} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {D96} [#>] [>] {F94} [>] [>] [>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {E28} {E07} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A78} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [>] [>] {B58} [>] [>] Szura, Agnes Szura, Charlotte Szura, Dolores Szura, Henry Szura, Jacqueline Szura, Ladislaus Szura, Stanley Purzycki, Elaine Purzycki, Mary Purzycki, Thomas Purzycki, Virginia Fornal, Albert Fornal, Bernice Fornal, Fabian Fornal, Helen Fornal, Mary Fornal, Matilda Fornal, Olga Plodzien, Anna Plodzien, Chester Plodzien, Edward Plodzien, Elizabeth Plodzien, Irene Plodzien, Joseph Plodzien, Thomas Berkowicz, Joseph Berkowicz, Mary Berkowicz, Virginia Janiez, Marie Janiez, Rose Janiez, Thos Janiez, Wilmar Vilk, Helen Vilk, Mary H Vilk, Sophie Vilk, Stella Vilk, Walter Konkol, Anthony Konkol, Henry Konkol, John Konkol, Joseph Konkol, Mary Konkol, Paul Konkol, Peter Konkol, Stanley Konkol, Walter Bantkitwicz, Adeline Bantkitwicz, Anthonette Bantkitwicz, Genevieve Bantkitwicz, Josephina Bantkitwicz, Konstince Bantkitwicz, Sophia Bantkitwicz, Stanley Bantkitwicz, Walter Gos, Anna Gos, Elise Gos, Leo Gos, Michael Klemba, Adam Volume 2 37 11 07 09 1.1 37 14 0.7 38 33 06 42 16 11 19 36 17 13 32 09 1.5 02 10 07 37 25 21 4.1 21 19 51 42 15 46 13 22 18 09 05 15 55 44 18 12 13 23 0.8 32 12 06 40 1.8 05 08 41 08 38 10 18 wif dau dau son dau hoh son dau wif hoh dau hoh dau son dau wif dau dau wif son son dau dau son hoh hoh wif dau dau dau hoh wif dau hoh dau dau son son son son hoh wif son son son son dau wif dau dau hoh dau son son wif dau hoh son sso PL IL IL IL IL PL IL IL PL PL IL PL KS KS KS PL KS KS PL OH IL OH IL OH PL NJ PL IL IL IL PL AU IN PL IN IL IN IL IL IL PL PL PA IL IL PA IL PL NY IL PL IL IL IL PL IL PL IL IL 1911 N Noble St 1349 Noble St 1349 Noble St 1349 Noble St 1349 Noble St 1349 1912 N Noble St 1349 grocer, own grocery Noble St 1349 Point St 2134 1910 N Point St 2134 1902 N Point St 2134 painter, building Point St 2134 1905 P Potomac Av 2131 lacquer, radio factory Potomac Av 2131 waitress, restaurant Potomac Av 2131 Potomac Av 2131 kitchen, restaurant 1904 A Potomac Av 2131 Potomac Av 2131 waitress, restaurant Potomac Av 2131 1911 N Richmond St 1031 janitress, office Richmond St 1031 Richmond St 1031 Richmond St 1031 Richmond St 1031 Richmond St 1031 1912 N Richmond St 1031 core maker S Albany Av 2306 none 1910 N S Albany Av 2306 S Albany Av 2306 S Kenneth Av 2839 telegraph opr S Kenneth Av 2839 packer, biscuit co. 1890 N S Kenneth Av 2839 janitor, telegraph co. 1900 N S Kenneth Av 2839 S Sacramento 2500 1903 A S Sacramento 2500 ?, clubhouse S Sacramento 2500 S Sacramento 2500 mach opr, cake factor S Sacramento 2500 errand boy, type co. S Wood 5630 S Wood 5630 S Wood 5630 1903 N S Wood 5630 lab unkn N S Wood 5630 S Wood 5630 lab S Wood 5630 S Wood 5630 S Wood 5630 lab S Wood St 4950 1914 N S Wood St 4950 S Wood St 4950 S Wood St 4950 1914 N S Wood St 4950 machinist, machinist ? S Wood St 4950 S Wood St 4950 S Wood St 4950 1906 A Sacramento Av 2321 Sacramento Av 2321 1909 N Sacramento Av 2321 mach, biscuit co. Sacramento Av 2321 Sacramento Av 2321 messenger American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 75 DATABASE TABLES [>] [>] {F58} {F40} [?] [>] {H02} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {F78} [>] [>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {E06} [#>] [>] [>] [>] {G36} [>] [>] {F91} [>] [>] [>] [>] {H79} [>] [>] {D93} [>] {F66} [>] [>] [>] [>] {E77} {F00} [>] [>] [>] [#>] [#>] {F38} [#>] [#>] Ciupak, Eugenia Ciupak, Helen Ciupak, Martin Ciupak, Nellie Podolik, John Dobrowolski, Alex Dobrowolski, Joseph M Dobrowolski, Sophie Dobrowolski, Thaddeas Grys, Angeline Grys, Edward Grys, Lucy Grys, Stanley Grys, Stella Grys, Walter Habaj, Jan! Malak, Helen Malak, Magie Malak, Peter Malak, Raymond Malak, Stella Bodzislaw, John Bodzislaw, LaVerne Bodzislaw, Monica Kusnierz, Agnes Kusnierz, Bernice Kusnierz, Edward Kusnierz, Stanley Lenart, Josephine Lenart, Martin Lenart, Mary Lenart, Mathew Lenart, Rose Lenart, Stanley Kruzel, Alex Kruzel, Catherine Kruzel, Henry Kruzel, John Kruzel, Michael Kruzel, Rose Kruzel, Stella Opelia, Alex Opelia, Anthony Opelia, Apolonia Opelia, Eugenia Opelia, Frances Opelia, Teddy Kilian, Albert Kilian, Eleanor Kilian, Emilie Kilian, Helen Kilian, Raymond 10 13 38 36 36 10 34 32 2.7 39 06 05 40 4.8 2.9 45 10 42 15 44 16 23 08 20 45 16 12 55 20 13 17 49 41 19 03 38 1.5 42 17 16 13 17 49 46 19 11 15 38 11 39 14 08 dau dau hoh wif unc dau hoh wif dau wif son dau hoh dau son bdr dau wif son hoh dau hoh dau wif wif dau son hoh dau son dau hoh wif son son wif son hoh son dau dau son hoh wif dau dau son hoh dau wif dau son IL IL IL PL IL IL PL IL IL PL IL IL PL IL IL PL IN PL PA PL PA IN IL PL PL IL IL PL IL IL IL PL PL IL IL PL IL PL IL IL IL IL PL PL IL IL IL PL IL PL CA IL 1912 N 1914 P 1913 A 1913 A 1910 A 1912 A 1910 P 1914 N 1913 A 1912 P 1907 N 1906 N 1912 A 1917 N 1907 N 1906 N 1909 N 1905 A Schubert Av 3416 Schubert Av 3416 Schubert Av 3416 Schubert Av 3416 Schubert Av 3416 Schubert Av 5442 Schubert Av 5442 Schubert Av 5442 Schubert Av 5442 Sloan 1370 Sloan 1370 Sloan 1370 Sloan 1370 Sloan 1370 Sloan 1370 Sloan 1370 Tripp 2710 Tripp 2710 Tripp 2710 Tripp 2710 Tripp 2710 W Crystal 2632 W Crystal 2632 W Crystal 2632 W Walton St 1517 W Walton St 1517 W Walton St 1517 W Walton St 1517 Wabansia 1923a Wabansia 1923a Wabansia 1923a Wabansia 1923a Wabansia 1923a Wabansia 1923a Wabansia 1923b Wabansia 1923b Wabansia 1923b Wabansia 1923b Wabansia 1923b Wabansia 1923b Wabansia 1923b Winchester 1739 Winchester 1739 Winchester 1739 Winchester 1739 Winchester 1739 Winchester 1739 Winona Av 2421 Winona Av 2421 Winona Av 2421 Winona Av 2421 Winona Av 2421 tailor, mens clothes tailor, mens clothes tool & die maker lab, electric shop trucker, soap factory washwomen, office factory, crane co. factory, radio co. assembler, factory binding, book factory watchman, factory supervisor, telephone sales, department store ripsaw, furniture co. apprentice, printing presser, tailor shop cutter, cap factory back shoe, shoe opr, machine shop tube maker, radio fireman, flower grower 19300401 IL Niles [>] 76 Bodzislaw, Harry 10 IL Harlem & Touchy American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Industrial School Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records 19300401 IN E Chicago {H30} Borowiec, Tony Repki, Mamie Rock, Frances Rock, Stanely [?>] Surufka, Halyan {F89} Surufka, Jose {C33} Surufka, Peter Tajomok, John [?] Gorlowski, Antonina [>] Wrona, Irene [>] Wrona, Marie {B68} Wrona, Peter [>] Cislo, Julia [>] Cislo, Mary {H29} Cislo, Miezyslaw [>] Cislo, Wanda [#>] Bober, Bennie [#>] Bober, Helen [#>] Bober, Irene [#>] Bober, Josie [#>] Bober, Rose {A95} Bober, Walter [#>] Bober, Agnes [#>] Bober, John [#>] Bober, Joseph [#>] Bober, Julia [#>] Bober, Mary [#>] Bober, Sophia {F18} Bober, Stanely [>] Maurice, Edward [>] Maurice, Frances {I76} Maurice, Powel [>] Maurice, Stella [>] Maurice, Walter [>] Borowiec, Andrew {G41} Borowiec, Angeline [>] Borowiec, Henry [>] Borowiec, John [>] Borowiec, Joseph [>] Borowiec, Mary {G33} Borowiec, Walter [>] Gorlowski, Eleanore [>] Gorlowski, Frank {F32} Gorlowski, Ignacy {H20} Nazenek, Antonina [>] Nazenek, Helen [>] Nazenek, Louie [>] Nazenek, Sophia [>] Nazenek, Stanley [>] Nazenek, Thomas [>] Nazenek, Valeria {F73} Surufka, Agata [>] Surufka, Antoinette [>] Surufka, Chester [>] Surufka, Edward {F72} Surufka, Frank [>] Surufka, John Volume 2 45 16 33 45 16 40 50 30 13 06 20 27 40 16 41 10 16 12 09 38 14 46 43 12 5.2 13 10 15 47 06 28 37 2.5 05 07 40 13 15 11 09 44 12 09 43 36 1.1 05 3.3 12 37 10 36 13 0.8 3.2 38 06 lod sda wif hoh son wif hoh lod ill dau wif hoh wif dau hoh dau son dau dau wif dau hoh wif son son dau dau dau hoh son wif hoh dau son son wif son son son dau hoh dau son hoh wif dau son dau son hoh dau wif dau son son hoh son PL IL PL PL IN PL PL YU IN IN IL PL PL IN PL IN IN IN IN PL IN PL PL IN IN IN IN IN PL IN PL PL IN IN IN PL IN MO IN IN PL IN IN PL PL IN IN IN IN PL IN PL IL IN IN PL IN 1914 P 140 St 521 140 St 521 1914 A 140 St 521 1909 P 140 St 521 144 St 519 1913 A 144 St 519 1912 A 144 St 519 1925 A 144 St 519 Forsythe Av 5022 Forsythe Av 5022 Forsythe Av 5022 1917 A Forsythe Av 5022 1910 N Forsythe Av 5030 Forsythe Av 5030 1905 N Forsythe Av 5030 Forsythe Av 5030 Forsythe Av 5031 Forsythe Av 5031 Forsythe Av 5031 1908 A Forsythe Av 5031 Forsythe Av 5031 1906 P Forsythe Av 5031 1908 N Homerlee Av 4161 Homerlee Av 4161 Homerlee Av 4161 Homerlee Av 4161 Homerlee Av 4161 Homerlee Av 4161 1908 N Homerlee Av 4161 Magoun Av 5009 1920 A Magoun Av 5009 1920 N Magoun Av 5009 Magoun Av 5009 Magoun Av 5009 Magoun Av 5029a 1913 A Magoun Av 5029a Magoun Av 5029a Magoun Av 5029a Magoun Av 5029a Magoun Av 5029a 1913 P Magoun Av 5029a Magoun Av 5029b Magoun Av 5029b 1910 P Magoun Av 5029b 1914 A Magoun Av 856 rear Magoun Av 856 rear Magoun Av 856 rear Magoun Av 856 rear Magoun Av 856 rear 1913 A Magoun Av 856 rear Magoun Av 856 rear 1915 A Magoun Av 869 Magoun Av 869 Magoun Av 869 Magoun Av 869 1915 A Magoun Av 869 Magoun Av 869 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, iron mill lab, iron mill lab, car factory lab, steel mill lab, millwright lab, steel mill lab, steel mill clk, fruit store merchant, store lab, steel mill polisher, steel foundry lab, car shop lab, foundry driver, lumber co. 77 DATABASE TABLES [>] [>] [>] {F34} {F35} [>] [>] {H88} [>] {H89} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] Surufka, Joseph Surufka, Mary Surowka, Joe Surowka, Lucy Surowka, Martin Surowka, Matt Huss, Anna Huss, Anthony Huss, Bertha Huss, Frances Huss, George Huss, Josephine Huss, Charles Huss, Charles Jr Huss, Elizabeth Huss, Stanley Lapucki, George Lapucki, Julia 08 11 16 39 49 19 18 64 26 52 25 16 30 4.9 26 1.7 20 50 son dau son wif hoh son dau hoh dau wif son dau hoh son wif son brl mol IN IN IN PL PL IN IN PL IN PL IN IN IN IN PL IN IN PL 05 0.8 08 33 3.3 37 08 13 42 4.3 12 2.3 38 10 14 39 son dau son wif dau hoh son son hoh dau son dau wif son son bdr IN IN IL PL IN PL IN IN PL IN IN IN PL IN IL PL 1908 A 1908 A unkn A unkn A 1908 A 1908 A Magoun Av 869 Magoun Av 869 Northcote Av 5006a Northcote Av 5006a Northcote Av 5006a Northcote Av 5006a Pennbryn Pl 503a Pennbryn Pl 503a Pennbryn Pl 503a Pennbryn Pl 503a Pennbryn Pl 503a Pennbryn Pl 503a Pennbryn Pl 503b Pennbryn Pl 503b Pennbryn Pl 503b Pennbryn Pl 503b Pennbryn Pl 503b Pennbryn Pl 503b lab, car factory janitor, electric works none none none mechanic helper, RR roller, candy factory core maker, steel none none 19300401 IN Hammond [>] [>] [>] {I80} [>] [>] [>] [>] {F37} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] Sherry, Basel Sherry, Jennie Sherry, John Sherry, Mary Sherry, Stella Sherry, [illegible] Halon, Bennie Halon, Edward Halon, George Halon, Helen Halon, Henry Halon, Julia Halon, Katie Halon, Stanley Halon, Walter Kucated, John 1913 N 1913 N 1913 P 1913 A 1912 N Crapae? Pl 548 Crapae? Pl 548 Crapae? Pl 548 Crapae? Pl 548 Crapae? Pl 548 Crapae? Pl 548 Gosland-Henry 237 Gosland-Henry 237 Gosland-Henry 237 Gosland-Henry 237 Gosland-Henry 237 Gosland-Henry 237 Gosland-Henry 237 Gosland-Henry 237 Gosland-Henry 237 Gosland-Henry 237 lab, steel car co. moulder, iron factory lab, iron factory 19300401 IN Madison Co. [?] Walusiewicz, Martin 21 MI Indiana Reformatory prisoner, attendant cell 19300401 MA Acushnet {D27} {D25} {D26} [#>] [#>] Gryss, Helen Gryss, John Gryss, Mary Gryss, Morenky Gryss, Teddy 19 57 52 11 14 dau hoh wif dau son MA PL PL MA MA Hamblin St 61 1906 A Hamblin St 61 1913 A Hamblin St 61 Hamblin St 61 Hamblin St 61 36 48 08 12 14 06 16 wif hoh dau dau son son dau PL PL MA MA MA MA MA 1909 N Edmonds St 17 1907 N Edmonds St 17 Edmonds St 17 Edmonds St 17 Edmonds St 17 Edmonds St 17 Edmonds St 17 farmer, own farm 19300401 MA Adams {B35} {B36} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] 78 Klimase, Carolina Klimase, Frank Klimase, Isabel S Klimase, Jennie Klimase, John Klimase, Lucyan J Klimase, Sophie H American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland weaver, cotton mill carder, cotton mill spinner, cotton mill Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B92} [#>] Baran, Caroline Baran, Helen Baran, John Baran, Joseph Baran, Leon Baran, Stanley 36 12 11 07 35 09 wif dau son son hoh son PL MA MA MA PL MA 1912 A Jordan St 011 Jordan St 011 Jordan St 011 Jordan St 011 1912 N Jordan St 011 Jordan St 011 weaver, textile plant 21 48 21 50 17 11 son hoh dau wif son son MA PL MA PL MA MA Fisher Rd 1906 A Fisher Rd Fisher Rd 1905 A Fisher Rd Fisher Rd Fisher Rd weaver, cotton mill farmer, farm weaver, cotton mill 0.6 20 18 4? 15 47 20 16 gda snl dau hoh son wif dau son MA MA MA PL MA PL MA MA Main Rd Main Rd Main Rd ?? P Main Rd Main Rd 1906 A Main Rd Main Rd Main Rd 08 11 34 34 37 35 6.4 3.8 3.8 dau son hoh wif hoh wif dau son son MA MA PL PL PL PL MA MA MA 48 23 46 21 70 hoh dau wif son mol PL MA PL MA PL 1900 N Hillside Av 334 Hillside Av 334 1900 N Hillside Av 334 Hillside Av 334 A Hillside Av 334 11 34 2.2 23 dau hoh dau wif MA PL MA MA Freemont St 39 1912 P Freemont St 39 Freemont St 39 Freemont St 39 weaver, textile plant 19300401 MA Dartmouth [#>] [#>] [#>] {B23} [#>] [#>] Joba, Joseph Joba, Joseph Joba, Mary Joba, Nellie Joba, Stanley Joba, Walter G farmer, farm 19300401 MA Gill [#>] [#>] [#>] {D42} [#>] {D43} [#>] [#>] Kozik, Dorothy E Kozik, Stanley Kozik, Stella E Siciak, Albert H Siciak, Henry P Siciak, Nellie M Siciak, Pauline N Siciak, Stephen R mechanic, garage farmer, general farm weaver, silk mill lab, odd jobs 19300401 MA Greenfield [>] [>] {G76} [>] [#>] {E35} [#>] [#>] [#>] Pirog, Erainese Pirog, Eugene Pirog, John J Pirog, Laura C Mochowski, Donald Mochowski, Katherine Mochowski, Phillis Mochowski, Thadeous Mochowski, Walter 1908 1902 1912 1913 N N A A Daviss St 56 Daviss St 56 Daviss St 56 Daviss St 56 Laurel St 6 Laurel St 6 Laurel St 6 Laurel St 6 Laurel St 6 tailor shop silk, illegible lab, steam railroad 19300401 MA Holyoke {H65} [>] {H61} [>] {H66} Kedzierski, Jacob Kedzierski, Julia Kedzierski, Mary Kedzierski, Theodore Tomaszewski, Catherine prop, tailor shop weaver, woolen mill stock clk, paper mill 19300401 MA Lowell [>] {H55} [>] [>] Patronski, Celia Patronski, Joseph Patronski, Phylis Patronski, Stella carp, house 19300401 MA New Bedford [#>] [#>] [#>] Arendt, Casimir Arendt, Cecelia Arendt, Connie Volume 2 26 26 02 son MA dal MA gda MA Bonneau Ct 6 Bonneau Ct 6 Bonneau Ct 6 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland baker, general bakery weaver, cotton mill 79 DATABASE TABLES [#>] {F51} [#>] [#>] [#>] {B65} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {C80} [#>] {B20} {B25} [#>] {B19} {B33} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B31} [#>] Arendt, Francis C Arendt, Katherine Arendt, Walter Smusz, John Smusz, Joseph Smusz, Katherine Smusz, Mary Smusz, Michael Smusz, Sofia Smusz, Stephanie Smusz, Valeria Smusz, Victoria Griss, Florence Griss, Joseph Griss, Valeria Binek, Antoni Binek, John Binek, Stanley Binek, Victoria Houle, Carolina Houle, Edward Houle, Leo Houle, Leona Houle, Regina Drozek, Annie Drozek, Francis Drozek, Helen Drozek, Katie Drozek, Matthew Drozek, Peter Drozek, Wallie 31 63 63 16 12 45 18 45 09 13 04 07 1.2 25 24 46 22 14 ?? 27 04 29 07 05 08 12 14 48 20 48 16 son wif hoh son son wif dau hoh dau dau dau dau dau hoh wif hoh son son wif wif son hoh dau dau dau dau dau wif son hoh dau NJ PL PL MA MA PL MA PL MA MA MA MA MA PL PL PL PL MA PL PL MA MA MA MA MA MA MA PL MA PL MA Bonneau Ct 6 1891 N Bonneau Ct 6 1891 N Bonneau Ct 6 Hammond St 22 Hammond St 22 1904 A Hammond St 22 Hammond St 22 1908 P Hammond St 22 Hammond St 22 Hammond St 22 Hammond St 22 Hammond St 22 Jean St 5 1913 A Jean St 5 1907 A Jean St 5 1909 A McGourk St 10 1911 A McGourk St 10 1907 A McGourk St 10 1910 A McGourk St 10 ?? N Roosevelt St 59 Roosevelt St 59 Roosevelt St 59 Roosevelt St 59 Roosevelt St 59 Salisbury St 17 Salisbury St 17 Salisbury St 17 Salisbury St 17 Salisbury St 17 1907 A Salisbury St 17 Salisbury St 17 32 01 04 08 38 11 wif son son son hoh dau PL MA MA MA PL MA 1912 A Hampton St 16 Hampton St 16 Hampton St 16 Hampton St 16 1907 A Hampton St 16 Hampton St 16 dau son wif son hoh dau dau son dau son wif hoh brl hoh dau dau MA MA PL MA PL MA MA MA MA MA PL PL PL PL MA MA baker, general bakery baker, general bakery attendant, gas station tender, cotton mill lab, tire factory weaver, silk mill inspector, silk mill weaver, cotton mill mach, machine shop weaver, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill tender, cotton mill third hand, cotton mill weaver, cotton mill 19300401 MA Springfield [>] [>] [>] [>] {F99} [>] Kaplita, Amelia Kaplita, Bernard Kaplita, Edward Kaplita, Leopold Kaplita, Stanley Kaplita, Stella shipping clk, factory 19300401 MA Turners Falls [#>] [#>] {B30} [#>] {C08} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B49} {B50} {B64} {E61} [#>] [#>] 80 Dranzek, Blanche Dranzek, Edward Dranzek, Emilia Dranzek, Henry Dranzek, Paul Plodzien, Amelia Plodzien, Blanche Plodzien, Chester Plodzien, Jessie Plodzien, Joseph Plodzien, Nellie Plodzien, Thomas Siciak, Paul Korcz, Albert Korcz, Amelia Korcz, Blanche 13 10 38 15 44 14 16 02 08 15 39 42 45 39 11 09 1912 A 1911 P 1910 1911 1910 1909 A P P A 11 St 025 11 St 025 11 St 025 11 St 025 11 St 025 11 St 037 11 St 037 11 St 037 11 St 037 11 St 037 11 St 037 11 St 037 11 St 037 11 St 040 11 St 040 11 St 040 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, papermill queeler, cotton mill sorter, paper mill beater, papermill worker, paper mill paper mill Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records [#>] [#>] [#>] {E34} [#>] [#>] [#>] {E33} [#>] [#>] [#>] [>] [>] [>] Korcz, Edward Korcz, Eugene Korcz, Stanley Korcz, Victoria Sojka, Antonia Sojka, Edward Sojka, Jacob Sojka, Mary Sojka, Paul Sojka, Stacia Sojka, Victoria Pluta, Joseph Pluta, Mary Pluta, Theodore 06 12 2.3 33 18 14 40 38 10 07 16 12 35 06 son son son wif dau son hoh wif son dau dau son hoh son MA MA MA PL MA MA PL PL MA MA MA MA PL MA 1924 N 1909 A 12 06 15 39 13 37 10 son dau son hoh son wif dau MA MA MA PL MA PL MA Endfield Rd Endfield Rd Endfield Rd 1914 A Endfield Rd Endfield Rd 1911 A Endfield Rd Endfield Rd 5.3 4.3 09 39 6.6 2.6 33 16 03 23 24 1.3 10 11 09 30 03 06 0.1 07 29 sis dau son hoh dau dau wif son dau wif hoh dau sda sso sso wif son dau son son hoh NJ MD MD RU MD MD PA MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD PL MD MD MD MD MD Curley St 612 Curley St 612 Curley St 612 1909 P Curley St 612 Curley St 612 Curley St 612 Curley St 612 Curley St 612 N Clinton St 13 N Clinton St 13 N Clinton St 13 N Clinton St 13 S Decker Av 1253 S Decker Av 1253 S Decker Av 1253 1907 N S Decker Av 1253 S Decker Av 1253 S Decker Av 1253 S Decker Av 1253 S Decker Av 1253 S Decker Av 1253 19 25 12 17 21 42 44 18 rmr brl dau son dau wif hoh son PL PL MI MI NY PL PL MI 1911 A Almont Av 8249 1920 N Almont Av 8249 Almont Av 8249 Almont Av 8249 Almont Av 8249 1904 N Almont Av 8249 1902 N Almont Av 8249 Almont Av 8249 1914 A 1900 N 11 St 040 11 St 040 11 St 040 11 St 040 H St 032 H St 032 H St 032 H St 032 H St 032 H St 032 H St 032 L St L St L St painter, cutlery polisher, cutlery servant, hospital sorter, paper mill 19300401 MA Ware [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {F07} [>] Podbalki, Bernard Podbalki, Elizabeth Podbalki, Frederick Podbalki, Leon Podbalki, Leopold Podbalki, Mary A Podbalki, Mildred farmer, general farm 19300401 MD Baltimore [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] Koizk, Stella Kokosinski, Dolores Kokosinski, Joseph Kokosinski, Joseph Kokosinski, Julia Kokosinski, Mary Kokosinski, Stella Kokosinski, Walter Kozik, Dorothy Kozik, Mary Kozik, Peter Kozik, Theresa Siminski, Anna Siminski, Ignatius Siminski, Leo Sliwinski, Agnes J Sliwinski, Alfonzo Sliwinski, Christina Sliwinski, Frank Sliwinski, Micheal Sliwinski, Micheal lab, iron foundry lab, oil company lab, Union Tank Co. 19300401 MI Detroit {E72} [#>] [#>] [#>] {E67} [#>] [#>] Figuraski, Marcin Gladdovaski, Anthony Jarosz, Charlotte Jarosz, Joseph Jarosz, Sophie Jarosz, Stephanie Jarosz, Walter Jarosz, William Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland trimmer, auto factory worker, auto factory worker, auto factory trimmer, auto factory 81 DATABASE TABLES [>] [>] [>] {I30} [>] [>] [>] [>] [+] [#>] {H49} [#>] [#>] {H52} [#>] {I06} {D82} [#>] [#>] [#>] {C00} {A90} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B56} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {E66} {F10} {I32} [>] {I31} [>] [>] [>] [>] 82 Kolasa, Walter Chockla, Antoinette Chockla, Edward Chockla, Emily Chockla, Marion Chockla, Sophie Chockla, Stanley Slimski, Frances Slimski, Walter Para, Cosmere Socha, Stanley Yanda, Anna Yanda, Helen Yanda, Martha Yanda, Mary Yanda, Stanley Yanda, Stella Zygel, Agnes Zygel, William Busz, Jennie Busz, Michael Busz, Suzzan Busz, Wanda Miciuda, John Wiater, Genevieve Wiater, Honorata Wiater, Leon Wiater, Stephanie Gugala, Adam Gugala, Alex Gugala, Alex Gugala, Anna Gugala, Edward Gugala, Irene Gugala, Joseph Gugala, Virginia Glodowski, Adolf Glodowski, Charlotte Wegrzynowicz, Edward Wegrzynowicz, Emily Wegrzynowicz, Jeane Wegrzynowicz, John Wegrzynowicz, Leo Smikla, Edward Smikla, Ferdinand Smikla, Joseph Smikla, Mary Rog, John Sendlak, Bernice Sendlak, Frank Sendlak, Joseph Sendlak, Maria Domino, Anthony Dudek, Henrietta Dudek, Kasmier Kotula, Andy Kotula, Edward Kotula, Helen Kotula, Jeanie 45 39 06 14 40 12 20 18 20 38 31 15 17 51 19 50 08 25 33 08 39 38 11 32 16 37 38 14 16 16 45 40 05 10 19 03 36 23 11 52 17 66 22 06 07 37 29 44 14 62 21 54 34 28 34 14 4.6 11 03 rmr wif son dau hoh dau son dau snl bdr bdr dau dau wif dau hoh dau dau snl dau hoh wif dau brl dau wif hoh dau son son hoh wif son dau son dau bdr bdr son wif dau hoh son son son hoh wif lod dau hoh son wif lod wif hoh son son dau dau PL PL MI MI PL MI PA PA MI PL PL PA PA PL PA PL MI PA PL MI PL PL MI PL MI PL PL MI DC DC PL PL MI PA PA MI PL MI MI PL MI PL MI MO MO PL PL PL MI PL PL PL PL PA PL PA PA PA PA 1913 P Almont Av 8249 1905 N Burnside 2933 Burnside 2933 Burnside 2933 1904 N Burnside 2933 Burnside 2933 Burnside 2933 Burnside 2933 Burnside 2933 1909 P Caely St 3893 1905 N Caely St 3893 Caely St 3893 Caely St 3893 1901 A Caely St 3893 Caely St 3893 1902 P Caely St 3893 Caely St 3893 Caely St 3893 1912 N Caely St 3893 Caely St 3952 1913 A Caely St 3952 1912 A Caely St 3952 Caely St 3952 1914 P Casmere St 3868 Casmere St 3868 1912 A Casmere St 3868 1907 P Casmere St 3868 Casmere St 3868 Casmere St 5020 Casmere St 5020 1902 N Casmere St 5020 1906 N Casmere St 5020 Casmere St 5020 Casmere St 5020 Casmere St 5020 Casmere St 5020 unkn U Dubois 5700 Dubois 5700 Dubois 5700 Dubois 5700 Dubois 5700 Dubois 5700 Dubois 5700 Dubois 5709 Dubois 5709 1908 A Dubois 5709 1920 A Dubois 5709 1912 P Dubois 5835 Dubois 5835 1910 A Dubois 5835 1913 A Dubois 5835 1913 A Dubois 5835 1927 P Dubois Av 5946 Dubois Av 5946 1927 P Dubois Av 5946 Garfield Av 1988 Garfield Av 1988 Garfield Av 1988 Garfield Av 1988 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland wood, auto body plant lab, factory lab, factory assembling, factory lab, auto factory lab, auto factory waitress, restaurant mach hand, auto factoy body factory, auto saleslady, market assembler, auto factory press opr, auto factory salesman, real estate assembler, auto factory bakery hand, bakery mach hand, auto factoy photographer clerk, groceries lab, auto factory printer, printer office watchman, factory lab, furnace works none assembler, auto factory none lab, auto factory lab, auto factory Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records {H68} [>] [>] [>] [>] {H67} [>] [>] {B86} {D74} [#>] [>] [>] [>] {H57} {F96} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {F95} {A45} [#>] [#>] {G71} [#>] [#>] {E55} [#>] {E65} {I11} [>] {G14} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {I29} [>] [>] {E26} [>] [>] [>] {I65} [#>] Kotula, Joseph Kotula, Joseph Jr. Kotula, Josephine Kotula, Marie Kotula, Sophia Kotula, Tillie Kotula, Virginia Kaminski, Peter Mackiewicz, Caroline Mackiewicz, Marion Smetek, Edward Skoczylas, Caroline Skoczylas, Emilie Rogusz, Bernice Rogusz, Lottie Rogusz, Mitchell Kaplita, Stanely Sokolinski, Cassie Sokolinski, Chester Sokolinski, Emily Sokolinski, Julius Sokolinski, Stella Sokolinski, Wanda Borowicz, Alex Borowicz, Fred Borowicz, Helena Borowicz, Irene Borowicz, Lillian Borowicz, Mary Borowicz, Sophie Borowicz, Stella Huchlo, Anthony Walusiewicz, Anna Walusiewicz, Anthony Walusiewicz, Joseph Walusiewicz, Josephine Kotula, Joseph Kotula, Paul Kotula, Thomas Kotula, Zofea Magierga, Frank Warzybok, Edward Warzybok, Henryk Warzybok, Lulaga Huchla, Celia Huchla, Harriet Huchla, Helen Huchla, Leonard Huchla, Martin J Huchla, Mary Rogus, Catherine Rogus, George Rogus, Joseph Rogus, Stella Rogus, Walter Soliski, John Swistoch, Charlie Wiater, Catherine Wiater, Mitchell Volume 2 45 07 17 05 13 37 09 33 37 42 14 32 05 35 14 06 23 40 09 16 44 13 10 42 08 10 13 06 15 12 36 27 22 17 55 52 23 49 21 44 46 16 38 40 10 4.8 11 09 37 32 19 58 21 40 23 46 20 33 11 hoh son dau dau dau wif dau bdr wif hoh nep hoh dau hoh dau son nep wif son dau hoh dau dau hoh son dau dau dau dau dau wif brl dau son hoh wif son hoh son wif lod son hoh wif dau dau dau son hoh wif dau hoh son wif son bdr bdr wif son PL PA PA PA PA PL PA PL PL PL MI PL MI PL MI MI PL PL MI MI PL MI MI PL MI MI MI MI MI MI PL PL MI MI PL PL NY PL NY PL PL MI PL PL MI MI MI MI PL PA PA PL PA PL PA PL PA AU MI 1909 P Garfield Av 1988 Garfield Av 1988 Garfield Av 1988 Garfield Av 1988 Garfield Av 1988 1909 A Garfield Av 1988 Garfield Av 1988 Genoa Av 7428 1911 A Genoa Av 7428 1906 P Genoa Av 7428 Genoa Av 7428 1913 N Harold St 3951 Harold St 3951 1911 P Harold St 5108 Harold St 5108 Harold St 5108 1927 A Iowa 6757 1911 N Iowa 6757 Iowa 6757 Iowa 6757 1900 N Iowa 6757 Iowa 6757 Iowa 6757 1911 P Jos. Campau 6261 Jos. Campau 6261 Jos. Campau 6261 Jos. Campau 6261 Jos. Campau 6261 Jos. Campau 6261 Jos. Campau 6261 1910 A Jos. Campau 6261 1928 P Jos. Campau 6261 Livernois 2506 Livernois 2506 1902 P Livernois 2506 1900 A Livernois 2506 McDougall Av 5745 1903 P McDougall Av 5745 McDougall Av 5745 1904 A McDougall Av 5745 1912 P McDougall Av 5745 McDougall St 12522 1910 N McDougall St 12522 1908 A McDougall St 12522 McPherson Av 2725 McPherson Av 2725 McPherson Av 2725 McPherson Av 2725 1909 N McPherson Av 2725 McPherson Av 2725 Moran St 12334 1903 A Moran St 12334 Moran St 12334 1904 A Moran St 12334 Moran St 12334 Moran St 12334 Moran St 12334 1911 U Moran St 12584 Moran St 12584 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, auto plant housework policeman barber, own shop none none assembler, building carp, auto factory bumper, spring factory radiator factory waitress, restaurant lab, auto factory auto factory lab, auto parts factory furnace tender foreman, steel works lab, city inspector, auto plant inspector, auto plant lab, city lab, paint factory 83 DATABASE TABLES {D15} [#>] {E98} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B37} [#>] {G24} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {I04} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {I05} {H51} [>] {H50} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {H53} [>] [>] [>] {I17} [#>] {G92} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {D13} 84 Wiater, Stanley Wiater, Wanda Glodowski, Adam Glodowski, Gloria Glodowski, Hendata Glodowski, Jos Glodowski, Kathryn Niemczyk, Gladis Niemczyk, Norman Niemczyk, Walter Kosciolek, Dellores Kosciolek, Louise Kosciolek, Ludwig Kosciolek, Sophie Mazur, Caroline Adameawick, Edward Vitek, Casimir Vitek, Edward Vitek, Helen Vitek, Henry Vitek, Josephine Vitek, Sophia Vitek, Stanley Vitek, Stella Vitek, Wanda Garlak, Joe Garlak, Mike Tuczek, Anastazya Tuczek, Anna Tuczek, Edward Tuczek, Helen Tuczek, Jennie Tuczek, Lottie Tuczek, Thomas Kuffa, Cosmere Kuffa, Edward Kuffa, John Kuffa, Mitchell Kuffa, Pauline Kuffa, Wanda Fornal, Alois Fornal, Anna Fornal, Caroline Fornal, Frank Fornal, Jennie Fornal, Josephine Fornal, Julia Fornal, Lawrence Fornal, Mary Fornal, Peter Fornal, Walter Prentka, Anthony Prentka, Helen Prentka, Mary Prentka, Sophia Witold, Raymond Witold, Stefania Witold, Wejrant Pienta, Marian 35 12 43 05 01 07 43 15 16 12 02 0.7 31 29 20 20 42 03 17 01 37 13 11 07 09 50 45 35 10 13 12 09 04 36 46 12 50 10 39 14 0.8 13 37 12 11 03 14 41 06 07 10 09 16 39 18 02 20 27 40 hoh dau hoh dau dau son wif sda sso sso dau dau hoh wif bdr snl hoh son dau son wif dau son dau dau lod lod wif dau son dau dau dau hoh hoh son bro son wif dau son dau wif son dau dau dau hoh dau son son son dau hoh dau gch dau snl lod AU MI PL MI MI MI MI MI MI MI MI MI PL PL MO MI PL MI NY MI PL NY PA MI MI PL PL PL MI MI MI MI MI PL PL MI PL PA PL PA MI NJ PL NJ MI MI NJ PL MI MI MI PL MI PL MI MI NY PL PL 1910 N Moran St 12584 Moran St 12584 1913 P Piedmont 7610 Piedmont 7610 Piedmont 7610 Piedmont 7610 Piedmont 7610 Piedmont 7610 Piedmont 7610 Piedmont 7610 Prescot 5120 Prescot 5120 1913 P Prescot 5120 1913 A Prescot 5120 Prescot 5120 St. Aubin 5325 1906 P St. Aubin 5325 St. Aubin 5325 St. Aubin 5325 St. Aubin 5325 1907 P St. Aubin 5325 St. Aubin 5325 St. Aubin 5325 St. Aubin 5325 St. Aubin 5325 1910 A Sunset Av 13441 1910 A Sunset Av 13441 1914 A Sunset Av 13441 Sunset Av 13441 Sunset Av 13441 Sunset Av 13441 Sunset Av 13441 Sunset Av 13441 1914 A Sunset Av 13441 1907 P Talbot St 5033 Talbot St 5033 1903 P Talbot St 5033 Talbot St 5033 1911 A Talbot St 5033 Talbot St 5033 Talbot St 5188 Talbot St 5188 1913 A Talbot St 5188 Talbot St 5188 Talbot St 5188 Talbot St 5188 Talbot St 5188 1913 P Talbot St 5188 Talbot St 5188 Talbot St 5188 Talbot St 5188 ?? U Traverse 8186 Traverse 8186 ?? U Traverse 8186 Traverse 8186 Traverse 8186 Traverse 8186 1904 P Traverse 8186 1900 N Van Dyke Av 6432 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland metal finisher, auto carp, auto factory assembler, auto factory looper, spring factor truck mover, cartage auto factory lab, city contractor lab, contractor lab, contractor mach, auto factory lab, auto factory lab, auto factory none letter carrier salesman, real estate Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records [>] {E58} {F86} [>] {F87} [>] Goryl, Joseph Goryl, Martin Goryl, Stella Goryl, Veronica Goryl, Walter Goryl, William 13 44 39 18 17 14 son hoh wif dau son son MI PL PL MI PL MI 04 05 37 32 10 01 45 15 49 17 19 39 35 37 39 10 15 39 14 11 35 12 40 14 37 17 45 8.6 18 14 son dau hoh wif dau dau wif dau hoh son son lod lod brl hoh son dau wif dau son wif son hoh dau wif dau hoh son dau dau MI MI PL PL MI MI PL MI PL MI MI MI MI PL PL MI MI PL MI MI PL MI PL NY PL PA PL PA PA PA 38 15 1.1 42 3.7 13 1? 06 08 17 wif son dau hoh dau son son dau dau son PL MI MI PL MI PA PA MI MI MI 08 05 son MI dau MI Winfield 9041 1909 P Winfield 9041 1907 ? Winfield 9041 Winfield 9041 1913 A Winfield 9041 Winfield 9041 lab, auto factory stenographer, office 19300401 MI Hamtramck [#>] [#>] [#>] {J05} [#>] [#>] [>] [>] {G29} [>] [>] {H76} {H77} {H93} [>] [>] [>] {H94} [>] [>] {I83} [#>] {I23} [#>] [#>] [#>] {H90} [#>] [#>] [#>] Matysiak, Edward Matysiak, Janie Matysiak, John Matysiak, Karoline Matysiak, Marry Matysiak, Zofia Kaplita, Amiela Kaplita, Helen Kaplita, Piotr Kaplita, Stanley Kaplita, Walter Skoczylas, Tom Skoczylas, Victor Materna, Wallie Trafido, Adam Trafido, Henry Trafido, Josephine Trafido, Stella Trafido, Stella F Trafido, Walter Mikrut, Clementina Mikrut, Edward Mikrut, Stanley Mikrut, Wanda Borowiec, Antonina Borowiec, Dora Borowiec, Jacob Borowiec, Joseph Borowiec, Justina Borowiec, Soffie 1911 P 1912 A 1905 N 1905 N 1927 P 1911 N 1912 A 1910 A 1913 N 1909 A 1906 P Belmont St 5003 Belmont St 5003 Belmont St 5003 Belmont St 5003 Belmont St 5003 Belmont St 5003 Caniff St 5087 Caniff St 5087 Caniff St 5087 Caniff St 5087 Caniff St 5087 Lehman 3206 Lehman 3206 Lumpkin 11445 Lumpkin 11445 Lumpkin 11445 Lumpkin 11445 Lumpkin 11445 Lumpkin 11445 Lumpkin 11445 Trowbridge St 3085 Trowbridge St 3085 Trowbridge St 3085 Trowbridge St 3085 Yemans St 2282 Yemans St 2282 Yemans St 2282 Yemans St 2282 Yemans St 2282 Yemans St 2282 lab, auto factory body builder, plant lab, auto factory lab, auto factory auto factory auto factory toolmaker, auto factory janitor, auto factory 19300401 MI Ingham Co. {I40} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] Paluch, Caroline Paluch, Edward Paluch, Frances Paluch, George Paluch, Helen Paluch, Joe Paluch, John Paluch, Julia Paluch, Sophia Paluch, Steve 1909 A 2 North Crossroad E&W 2 North Crossroad E&W 2 North Crossroad E&W 1909 A 2 North Crossroad E&W lab, farm 2 North Crossroad E&W 2 North Crossroad E&W 2 North Crossroad E&W 2 North Crossroad E&W 2 North Crossroad E&W 2 North Crossroad E&W 19300401 MI Lapeer Co. [#>] [#>] Wiater, John Wiater, Josephine Volume 2 Burlington Twp Burlington Twp American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 85 DATABASE TABLES {I20} Wiater, Kazimier {I21} Wiater, Nellie [#>] Wiater, Rose 40 40 12 hoh PL wif PL dau MI 1913 P Burlington Twp 1913 A Burlington Twp Burlington Twp farmer, own farm 19 06 37 07 17 13 43 dau son wif dau dau son hoh [illegible] [illegible] 1911 A [illegible] [illegible] [illegible] [illegible] 1910 A [illegible] lab, auto factory 41 35 07 50 35 hoh PL wif PL MI bdr RU RU 1913 P Wales Twp 1912 A Wales Twp Wales Twp 1910 A Wales Twp 1913 N Wales Twp 36 lod 1912 P Lafayette 315, Jeffer 19300401 MI Saginaw [#>] [#>] {I19} [#>] [#>] [#>] {I18} Bomba, Helen M Bomba, Louis Bomba, Margaret Bomba, Minnie Bomba, Stella L Bomba, Theodore Bomba, Vincent NY NY PL PA OK OK PL coremaker?, factory lab, [illegible] 19300401 MI St. Clair Co. [>] Blaczkowski, Albert B {I63} Blaczkowski, Bernice S [>] Blaczkowski, Nottie L Gijadlo, John Matilk, Peter farmer, general farm none lab, general farm 19300401 MO Cole Co. {B13} Peszko, Stanley PL foreman, furniture 19300401 MO Fulton [>] Pasko, George 21 MO State Hospital No. 2 patient 19300401 MO Phelps Co. [>] [>] {I45} [>] [>] Pasko, Agnes Pasko, Charles Pasko, John Pasko, Joseph Pasko, Martha 17 13 58 11 19 dau son hoh son dau MO MO PL MO MO Spring Creek Twp Spring Creek Twp 1898 N Spring Creek Twp Spring Creek Twp Spring Creek Twp 12 3.6 09 18 08 14 37 47 06 dau son son son son dau wif hoh son MO MO MO MO MO MO PL PL MO Lower Brandon Rd Lower Brandon Rd Lower Brandon Rd Lower Brandon Rd Lower Brandon Rd Lower Brandon Rd 1902 A Lower Brandon Rd 1906 A Lower Brandon Rd Lower Brandon Rd 43 45 44 17 44 14 bdr bdr wif dau hoh son PL PL PL MO PL MO 1918 A Alabama 715 1905 A Alabama 715 1906 A Alabama 715 Alabama 715 1905 N Alabama 715 Alabama 715 farmer, general farm 19300401 MO Ripley Co. [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {H21} [>] Kosciolek, Anna Kosciolek, Anthony Kosciolek, Casimier Kosciolek, John Kosciolek, Joseph Kosciolek, Mary Kosciolek, Nellie Kosciolek, Stanely Kosciolek, Theodore farm lab, general farm farmer, general farm 19300401 MO St. Joseph Fitkajlo, Dmytro {H70} Juresta, Ignac Jurkiewicz, Ahafia Jurkiewicz, Anna Jurkiewicz, Steve Jurkiewicz, William 86 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, packing house section hand, RR lab, packing house retail merchant, grocer Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records 19300401 MO St. Louis [>] [>] {H32} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {H31} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {H41} Koselak, Annie Koselak, Dorothy Koselak, John Koselak, Joseph Koselak, Josephine Koselak, Roma Pasko, Lewis Stipka, Henry Stipka, Sophia Wania, Albert Wania, Bella Wania, Edward Wania, Florence Wania, Stanley Wania, Theodore Wania, Carrie Wania, Dorothy Wania, Frances Wania, Stella Wania, Walter 40 4.3 40 12 14 10 23 22 56 3.2 28 06 09 35 08 32 4.4 12 17 49 wif dau hoh son dau dau lod brl mol son wif son dau hoh son wif dau dau dau hoh PL MO PL MO MO MO MO PL PL MO PL MO MO PL MO PL MO OK MO PL 1901 P Helen St 1611 Helen St 1611 1901 P Helen St 1611 Helen St 1611 Helen St 1611 Helen St 1611 Pulley? Av 8410A 1913 ? S 13 St 2317 1913 ? S 13 St 2317 S 13 St 2317 1913 N S 13 St 2317 S 13 St 2317 S 13 St 2317 1913 N S 13 St 2317 S 13 St 2317 1906 P St. George 141 St. George 141 St. George 141 St. George 141 1910 P St. George 141 08 34 40 16 15 55 12 11 14 45 45 11 14 09 17 21 07 52 11 36 1.8 05 13 34 09 18 14 37 48 16 42 dau wif hoh dau dau wif son son dau hoh wif son son dau son son dau hoh dau hoh son son dau wif son son son wif hoh son NJ PL PL NJ NJ PL NJ NJ NJ PL PL NJ NY NJ NY NY NJ PL NY PL NJ NJ NY PL NJ NJ NJ PL PL NJ PL 23? St? 128 1910 A 23? St? 128 1909 P 23? St? 128 23? St? 128 23? St? 128 1916 A Av F 158 Av F 158 Av F 158 Av F 158 1916 A Av F 158 1903 N E 23 St 020 E 23 St 020 E 23 St 020 E 23 St 020 E 23 St 020 E 23 St 020 E 23 St 020 1903 N E 23 St 020 E 24 St 054 1913 N E 24 St 054 E 24 St 054 E 24 St 054 E 24 St 054 1910 A E 24 St 054 E 30 St 077 E 30 St 077 E 30 St 077 1909 A E 30 St 077 1905 N E 30 St 077 E 30 St 077 1908 U Hud Co. Insane Asylum chair maker, furniture painter, foundry moulder, foundry housekeeper painter, car foundry proprietor, soft drinks 19300401 NJ Bayonne [>] [>] {H92} [>] [>] {B04} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B01} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A97} [>] {D67} [>] [>] [>] {I54} [#>] [#>] [#>] {B05} {D29} [#>] [?] Borowic, Eleanore Borowic, Mary Borowic, Peter Borowic, Stella Borowic, Viola Antonit, Catherine Antonit, Frank Antonit, George Antonit, Jennie Antonit, John Dziurzynski, Cecelia Dziurzynski, Edward Dziurzynski, John Dziurzynski, Laura Dziurzynski, Leo Dziurzynski, Stanley Dziurzynski, Stephanie Dziurzynski, Thomas Wrona, Catherine Wrona, John Wrona, Joseph Wrona, Stanley Wrona, Stella Wrona, Wiktoria Ciasnicki, Edward Ciasnicki, John Ciasnicki, Joseph Ciasnicki, Julia Ciasnicki, Paul Ciasnicki, Walter Zamba, Julia Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, coal yard puddler, iron works tool handler, RR foreman, foundry grocer, grocery store lab, oil refinery pipefitter, oil refinery filler, oil refinery inmate 87 DATABASE TABLES 19300401 NJ Camden [>] {J01} [>] [+] Gliwa, Magdalena Gliwa, Stanley Gliwa, Theresa Jagodzinski, Anna Jagodzinski, Helen [+] Jagodzinski, Paul Jagodzinski, Stella [>] Gliwa, Joseph {J04} Gliwa, Nellie {J00} Gliwa, Stephen 26 31 0.3 58 18 64 13 03 26 34 wif hoh dau wif dau hoh dau son wif hoh NJ GL-PL NJ PL NJ PL NJ NJ PL PL 10 St 1531 1902 N 10 St 1531 10 St 1531 1907 A Chestnut St 1119 Chestnut St 1119 1902 N Chestnut St 1119 Chestnut St 1119 Morton St 937 1920 N Morton St 937 1913 N Morton St 937 mechanic, electricity 62 21 23 61 24 wif son son hoh son PL NJ NJ PL NJ 1893 N Bell Rd Bell Rd Bell Rd 1891 N Bell Rd Bell Rd none draftsman, shipyard sheet metal, shipyard none baker, bread bakery 42 09 11 32 40 rmr son dau wif hoh PL NJ NJ PL PL 1912 A Livingston 318 Livingston 318 Livingston 318 1912 A Livingston 318 1909 A Livingston 318 05 02 12 03 34 42 15 19 48 40 son dau dau dau wif hoh son son hoh wif NJ NJ NJ NJ PL PL NJ NJ PL PL 1909 N 1909 N 07 27 33 14 48 12 48 09 18 07 16 01 03 09 07 dau wif hoh son wif son hoh dau son son dau son dau dau son NJ NJ PL NJ PL NJ PL NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ Frazu Pl 16a Frazu Pl 16a unkn N Frazu Pl 16a Frazu Pl 16b 1909 A Frazu Pl 16b Frazu Pl 16b 1909 A Frazu Pl 16b Frazu Pl 16b Frazu Pl 16b Frazu Pl 16b Frazu Pl 16b Hopkins Av 152 Hopkins Av 152 Hopkins Av 152 Hopkins Av 152 machinist, radio cigar maker, factory lab, pottery 19300401 NJ Camden Co. [>] [>] [>] {I99} [>] Gliva, Frances K Gliva, Frank Gliva, John Gliva, Joseph F Gliva, Theodore 19300401 NJ Elizabeth [#>] [#>] {D09} {C12} Supczk, Joseph Tereszkiewicz, Anthony Tereszkiewicz, Emily Tereszkiewicz, Helen Tereszkiewicz, Marian press hand, motor assembler, wire 19300401 NJ Irvington [>] [>] [>] [>] {G40} [>] [>] [>] [>] {B55} Geisler, Edmond Geisler, Eleanore Geisler, Genevieve Geisler, Irene Geisler, Nellie Geisler, Peter Geisler, August Geisler, Edward Geisler, Frank Geisler, Valeria 1907 A 1907 A S 20 St 551a S 20 St 551a S 20 St 551a S 20 St 551a S 20 St 551a S 20 St 551a S 20 St 551b S 20 St 551b S 20 St 551b S 20 St 551b mach, machine sh mech, machine shop 19300401 NJ Jersey City [>] Ksiazek, Eva [>] Ksiazek, Ida {G18} Ksiazek, Marian Gasier, Anthony Gasier, Catherine Gasier, Frank Gasier, George Gasier, Ida Gasier, Joseph Gasier, Stanley Gasier, Stella [>] Jozowski, Arthur [>] Jozowski, Florence [>] Jozowski, Helen [>] Jozowski, John 88 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland chef, restaurant lab, slaughter house none, jobber gunswick laundry Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records [>] {D53} [>] [>] {X38} [>] [>] {H72} [>] [>] [>] [>] {F05} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {G23} [>] Jozowski, Peter Jozowski, Stella Plodzien, Mary Plodzien, Stanley Plodzien, William Szura, Edward Szura, John Szura, Martin Szura, Mary Carplitter, Canne [m] Carplitter, Catherine Carplitter, Ignasius Carplitter, Joseph Carplitter, Rose Carplitter, Theodore Szura, Adam Szura, Anna Szura, Helen Szura, John Szura, John Szura, Stella Jaronski, Harriet Jaronski, Walter Jaronski, Walter 35 35 26 1.9 26 13 16 54 44 11 37 12 48 06 03 19 42 16 11 50 13 23 02 29 hoh wif wif son hoh son son hoh wif son wif son hoh dau son son wif dau son hoh dau wif son hoh IL PL PL NJ NJ NJ NJ PL PL NJ PL NJ PL NJ NJ NJ PL NJ NJ PL NJ NJ NJ NJ Hopkins Av 152 -N Hopkins Av 152 1923 A Hudson Bv 3149 Hudson Bv 3149 Hudson Bv 3149 Newark Av 844/846 Newark Av 844/846 1907 P Newark Av 844/846 1908 P Newark Av 844/846 Porter St 26 1914 A Porter St 26 Porter St 26 1909 A Porter St 26 Porter St 26 Porter St 26 Tonnele Av 192a 1906 N Tonnele Av 192a Tonnele Av 192a Tonnele Av 192a 1906 N Tonnele Av 192a Tonnele Av 192a Tonnele Av 192b Tonnele Av 192b Tonnele Av 192b 38 10 48 39 16 14 38 15 06 36 09 35 wif son hoh hoh son dau wif son son hoh dau wif PL NJ PL PL NJ NJ PL NJ NJ PL NJ PL 1907 A 13 Av 541 13 Av 541 1907 P 13 Av 541 1906 P Chadwick Av 4 Chadwick Av 4 Chadwick Av 4 1908 A Chadwick Av 4 Chadwick Av 4 Pulaski St 36 1912 P Pulaski St 36 Pulaski St 36 1912 A Pulaski St 36 38 48 wif PL hoh PL 1907 N Hilton Av 237 1906 N Hilton Av 237 38 13 10 11 4.8 33 28 24 hoh dau son dau dau hoh wif nep 1914 A Park Av 3042 Park Av 3042 Park Av 3042 Park Av 3042 Union Av 1308 1916 P Union Av 1308 1920 A Union Av 1308 Union Av 1308 policeman superintendant, apartm car inspector, RR lab, RR lab, Erie RR carp, railroad chauffer, furniture 19300401 NJ Newark {C68} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A34} [#>] [#>] {G38} [#>] [#>] Rzeszutko, Caroline Rzeszutko, Edward Rzeszutko, Paul Poplawsky, Edward Poplawsky, Mitchell Poplawsky, Sophie Poplawsky, Teofila Poplawsky, Zigmud Rozek, Edmund Rozek, Ignatz Rozek, Josephina Rozek, Pauline merchant, groceries [illegible] clerk, grocery store illegible, steel works 19300401 NJ Union [>] Rozek, Domicela {G28} Rozek, Stanislaus button maker, factory 19300401 NY Bronx {A05} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A06} [#>] Wocial, Albina Wocial, Mary Wocial, Peter Wocial, Sophia Mulkis, Anna Mulkis, Kizines Mulkis, Rose Slovik, John Volume 2 PL NY NY NY NY LT PL NY American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland cleaner, pullman co. inspector, street RR helper, street RR 89 DATABASE TABLES 19300401 NY Brooklyn [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B22} [#>] {X11} {B79} {B40} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {D24} [>] [>] {C37} [>] {A83} [#>] [#>] [#>] {A79} {A81} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [>] [>] [>] {C86} [>] {B61} [>] [>] [#>] [#>] {G01} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A74} {G06} [#>] [#>] [#>] {A25} [#>] [#>] {H78} [>] 90 Huhla, Anthony Huhla, Frank Huhla, Joseph Huhla, Julia Huhla, Victoria Huhla, Walter Klimasz, Joseph Klimasz, Thomas Szwed, Blanch Szwed, Genevieve Szwed, Helen Szwed, Joseph Szwed, Stella Endress, Endress, Sophie B Furstach, William Setela, Anna Setela, John Setela, Leopold Setela, Theodore Forlos, Katherine Gliwa, Adam Gliwa, Anne Gliwa, Bernard Gliwa, Josephine Gliwa, Kasimierz Gliwa, Wanda Jasinski, Frank Jasinski, George Jasinski, Helen Kozdras, Thomas Matula, Edward Matula, Fredrick Matula, Helen Matula, John Matula, Julia Matula, Mary Matula, Stephanie Matula, Wanda Czechowicz, Frederick Czechowicz, Genevieve Czechowicz, Stella Patronski, Anna Patronski, Edward Patronski, Magdalena Patronski, Stella Fuluaripry, Valenty Grzebyk, John Kret, Frank Lonczak, Benny Lonczak, Florena Lonczak, Helen Lonczak, Julia Lonczak, Nellie Lonczak, Sophie Piotrowski, Thomas Witek, Anna 14 06 16 03 38 17 19 46 36 09 13 35 05 56 39 23 34 06 41 06 69 18 08 16 40 50 20 21 0.3 19 22 16 11 15 41 07 49 18 13 07 09 38 15 4.1 33 08 41 27 30 15 11 13 42 17 13 36 13 son son son dau hoh son nep brl wif dau dau hoh dau hoh wif gso wif son hoh son mol son dau son wif hoh dau hoh son wif brl son son dau hoh dau wif dau dau son dau hoh dau son hoh dau bdr bdr bdr son dau dau hoh dau dau bdr dau NY NY NY NY PL NY NY PL PL NY NY PL NY GR AU NY PL NY PL NY PL NY NY NY PL PL NY PA NY PA PA NY NY NY PL NY PL NY NY NY NY PL NY NY PL NY PL PL PL NY NY NY PL NY NY PL NY 1908 A 1909 A 1913 A 1913 A 1891 N 1895 N 1912 N 1907 N 1909 A 1907 N 1905 N 1911 A 1910 A 1908 N 1913 A 1917 A 1926 A 1927 A 1908 A 1927 A 03 Av 678 03 Av 678 03 Av 678 03 Av 678 03 Av 678 03 Av 678 03 Av 690 03 Av 690 03 Av 690 03 Av 690 03 Av 690 03 Av 690 03 Av 690 04 Av 10001 04 Av 10001 04 Av 10001 04 Av 666 04 Av 666 04 Av 666 04 Av 666 05 Av 642 05 Av 642 05 Av 642 05 Av 642 05 Av 642 05 Av 642 05 Av 642 06 Av 494 06 Av 494 06 Av 494 06 Av 494 06 Av 666 06 Av 666 06 Av 666 06 Av 666 06 Av 666 06 Av 666 06 Av 666 06 Av 666 07 St 206 07 St 206 07 St 206 14 St 084 14 St 084 14 St 084 14 St 084 14 St 106 14 St 106 14 St 106 14 St 106 14 St 106 14 St 106 14 St 106 14 St 106 14 St 106 14 St 106 14 St 419 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland owner, delicatessen lab, machine shop lab, varnish co. lab, shellac factory grocer electrician workman, factory merchant, radio shop lab, electric co. lathe hand, mach shop Brooklyn Daily News lab chewing gum factory none housework, domestic helper, BMT RR helper, machine shop helper, ice co. cleaner, office opr, telephone helper, shoe Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records {C28} [>] [>] {A85} {B15} [#>] {A84} {A87} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {F04} {C09} {C24} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [?] {I66} [#>] {C85} [#>] {B48} [#>] [>] [>] {C76} [>] [#>] [#>] {B73} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A08} {G13} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {E24} [#>] [?>] Witek, Frank Witek, Sophie Witek, Wanda Waiter, Josephine Waiter, Kashmir Waiter, Stanley Yopek, Andrew Yopek, Josephine Kalita, Blanche Kalita, Francis Kalita, Helen Kalita, John Kalita, Mary Kalita, Teofil Cekocki, Joseph Lechowicz, Mary Lechowicz, Paul Lechowicz, Walter Para, Helen Para, Josephine Para, Julia Jaskulla, Albina Jaskulla, Amelia Jaskulla, Dominica Jaskulla, Louis Stachurski, John Pietoriz, Walter Posko, Antoinette Posko, George Posko, John Posko, Victoria Posko, Walter Pasko, Blanch Pasko, Blanche J Pasko, Julis Pasko, Kasmir Cyran, Anna Cyran, John Cyran, Lawrence Cyran, Rose Cyran, Stanley Krol, Frances Krol, Helen Krol, John Krol, Josephine Krol, Mary Krol, Teofil Zembron, Catherine Zembron, John Kwiatkowski, Adalbert Kwiatkowski, Catherine Kwiatkowski, Edward Kwiatkowski, Frank Kwiatkowski, Joseph Kwiatkowski, Loretta Kwiatkowski, Martin Kwiatkowski, Pauline Kwiatkowski, Stanley Stanik, Mary Volume 2 40 31 11 40 42 17 42 38 13 48 09 15 17 41 54 35 37 06 17 15 11 19 44 16 43 31 35 12 39 11 34 10 40 13 41 12 15 09 54 37 11 1.6 03 08 07 31 35 30 13 20 16 06 52 11 14 24 46 18 45 hoh wif dau wif hoh son hoh wif dau wif dau son dau hoh lod wif hoh son sda sda sda dau wif dau hoh bdr bdr dau hoh son wif son wif dau hoh son dau son hoh wif son dau dau son dau wif hoh hoh son son dau son hoh son dau son wif son wif PL MA NY PL PL PA PL PL NY PL NY NY PL PL PL PL PL NY NY NY NY PL PL PL PL PL PL NY PL NY PL NY PL NY PL NY NY NY PL PL NY NY NY NY NY PL PL PL PL NY NY NY PL NY NY NY PL NY PL 1906 N 14 St 419 14 St 419 14 St 419 1906 A 15 St 384 1906 A 15 St 384 15 St 384 1906 N 15 St 392 1906 A 15 St 392 17 St 279 1908 N 17 St 279 17 St 279 17 St 279 1925 A 17 St 279 1913 N 17 St 279 1912 A 17 St 281 1910 A 17 St 281 1913 A 17 St 281 17 St 281 17 St 281 17 St 281 17 St 281 1929 N 17 St 331 1929 A 17 St 331 1929 N 17 St 331 1914 N 17 St 331 1927 A 17 St 331 1910 A 17 St 469a 17 St 469a 1912 A 17 St 469a 17 St 469a 1913 A 17 St 469a 17 St 469a 1904 N 17 St 469b 17 St 469b 1911 N 17 St 469b 17 St 469b 18 St 114 18 St 114 1905 A 18 St 114 1912 A 18 St 114 18 St 114 18 St 116 18 St 116 18 St 116 18 St 116 1913 A 18 St 116 1907 A 18 St 116 1910 A 18 St 118 1910 A 18 St 118 18 St 140a 18 St 140a 18 St 140a 1902 N 18 St 140a 18 St 140a 18 St 140a 18 St 140a 1902 N 18 St 140a 18 St 140a 1907 P 18 St 140b American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland ladies taylor, illegible painter, factory office boy, brokerage tailor, private shop none woodworker seat maker, factory moulder, iron foundry telephone opr ? DeSo? factory? lab, factory porter, train longshoremen, docks longshoremen, docks servant, private house servant, private family lab, factory driver, coal yard workman, construct. cleaner, dept. store chemical man, bleach packer, olive factory brickmaker, fire brick lab handyman, hat factory 91 DATABASE TABLES {B83} {B28} [#>] [#>] {B27} [#>] {C05} [>] {C88} {X23} [>] [>] [>] [>] {X22} [>] [>] [>] {C77} [>] {C78} {A46} {X21} [#>] [>] [>] {H98} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [?] {H07} [>] {D87} {A49} {A41} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B34} [#>] [?] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B26} [>] [>] {C81} {B75} [#>] [#>] 92 Stanik, Michael Czado, Auforozini Czado, Edward Czado, Henry Czado, John Czado, Mike Czado, Victoria Grzebyk, Anna Grzebyk, Anthony Grzebyk, Anthony Grzebyk, Frank Grzebyk, Helen Grzebyk, Joseph Grzebyk, Pauline Grzebyk, Sophie Grzebyk, Stanley Grzebyk, Stephen Kotula, Adolf Kotula, Blemierz Kotula, Ludwik Kotula, Ludwika Glodowski, Paul Glodowski, Teddy Glodowski, Victoria Kawa, Helen Kawa, Mary Kawa, Stanley Kawa, Thomas Kawa, Veronica Rog, Agnes Rog, Elisabeth Rog, Joseph Rog, Louis Rog, Marianna Rog, Stanley Borowiec, Paul Bush, Bernard Bush, Elizabeth Bush, Helen Bush, William B Jankice, Joe Jankice, Leo Jankice, Margaret Jankice, Paulie Jankice, Thomas Jankice, Tommy Bomba, Anna Bomba, Benjamin Bomba, Edward Bomba, Frederick Bomba, Helen Bomba, Leonard Bomba, Stephen Glodowski, Helen Glodowski, Lottie Glodowski, Mary Glodowski, Wladyslaw Wijas, Edward Wijas, John 48 23 13 17 24 25 42 17 55 21 19 13 11 45 24 09 15 09 35 12 32 30 10 29 16 11 40 09 36 31 16 20 60 49 15 24 40 36 09 12 26 17 50 22 60 24 33 5.9 10 14 12 08 43 16 06 37 42 18 20 hoh dau son son son snl hoh dau hoh son son dau son wif dau son son son hoh son wif hoh son wif dau dau hoh son wif dau dau son hoh wif son bro hoh wif dau son son son wif son hoh son wif son son son dau son hoh dau dau wif hoh son son PL PL NY NY PL PL PL NY PL NY NY NY NY PL NY NY NY NY PL NY PL PL NY PL NY NY PL NY PL NY NY NY PL PL NY PL PL PL NY NY NY NY AU NY AU NY PL NY NY NY NY NY PL NY NY PL PL NY NY 1906 P 18 St 140b 1911 A 18 St 144 18 St 144 18 St 144 1911 A 18 St 144 1911 A 18 St 144 1911 A 18 St 144 19 St 129 1904 A 19 St 129 19 St 129 19 St 129 19 St 129 19 St 129 1903 A 19 St 129 19 St 129 19 St 129 19 St 129 19 St 287 1910 N 19 St 287 19 St 287 1910 N 19 St 287 1910 N 19 St 331a 19 St 331a 1912 N 19 St 331a 19 St 331b 19 St 331b 1912 N 19 St 331b 19 St 331b 1910 N 19 St 331b 19 St 336 19 St 336 19 St 336 1898 A 19 St 336 1904 A 19 St 336 19 St 336 1930 A 20 St 223 1912 A 20 St 223 1912 A 20 St 223 20 St 223 20 St 223 21 St 131 21 St 131 1900 N 21 St 131 21 St 131 1895 ? 21 St 131 21 St 131 1911 A 21 St 321 21 St 321 21 St 321 21 St 321 21 St 321 21 St 321 1908 A 21 St 321 21 St 351 21 St 351 1911 A 21 St 351 1911 A 21 St 351 22 St 222 22 St 222 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland brickmaker, fire brick messenger, telephone helper, plumber chauffer, truck clk, typewriter co. carp, carp shop waiter helper, truck driver none, skilled carp, construction helper, carbarns clerk, renting ofc stenographer, electric clerk, mail? shop watchman, factory helper, ice co. lab, construction baker, Wachs Co. domestic baker, Wachs Co. carp, ship painter, house ironworker opr, furnish? mach helper, garage lab, cemetery Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records {A40} {A44} {A60} {A57} [#>] {A30} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A32} [#>] {A77} [#>] {A76} [#>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {H81} [>] [>] [#>] {B16} {B17} [#>] [#>] {C06} [#>] [#>] {B29} [#>] [#>] [#>] {I14} {I58} {X06} [#>] [#>] [#>] {A54} [>] {B53} [>] [#>] [#>] {A23} [#>] {B52} [>] [>] Wijas, Mary Wijas, Thomas Pekala, Anthony Pekala, Carolina Rogus, Adolf Rogus, Agnes Rogus, Edward Rogus, Frederick Rogus, Helen Rogus, Jennie Rogus, John Rogus, Sadie Siciak, Anthony Siciak, Sophia Siciak, Tecla Siciak, Walter Stanick, Carla Stanick, Charles Stanick, Egantius Stanick, Helen Stanick, Henry Stanick, Mary Stanick, Michael Stanick, Stanley Cyran, Helen Cyran, Ignatz Cyran, Lottie Cyran, Meshew Cyran, Theodore Data, Anna Data, Helen Data, John Data, Karl Data, Rudolf Data, Stanley Data, Walter Szczupiel, Kazimierz Szczupiel, Marianne Kaplita, Joseph Pohalska Stanislawa Puchalski, Antoin Puchalski, Stephanie Puchalski, Wladyslawa Dranicki, Syslvests Dranicki, Teofla Dranicki, Thaddeus Randzruk, Anthony Randzruk, Stanley Szczorz, John Szczorz, Julia Kotula, Caroline Kotula, Nellie Kotula, Stella Kurpiel, Michael [#>] Leniart, Blanche {A73} Leniart, John [#>] Leniart, Martin [#>] Leniart, Victoria {A71} Leniart, Viola Volume 2 45 45 31 28 14 44 20 09 23 17 55 21 42 13 33 11 12 16 23 18 09 45 14 19 12 40 36 08 10 40 11 14 40 09 06 17 49 49 19 08 33 4.8 32 42 40 13 17 15 47 40 38 18 14 36 15 41 12 12 44 wif hoh hoh wif son wif son son dau dau hoh dau hoh dau wif son son son son dau son hoh son son dau hoh wif son son wif son son hoh son son son hoh wif nep sda hoh dau wif hoh wif son son son hoh wif hoh dau dau lod dau hoh son dau wif PL PL PL PL NY PL NY NY NY NY PL NY PL NY PL PA PA PA PL PA PA PL PA PA NY PL PL NY NY PL NY NY PL NY NY NY PL PL NY NY PL NY PL PL PL NY NY NY PL PL PL NY NY PL NY PL NY NY PL 1909 1909 1928 1928 A A A A 1905 N 1900 N 1912 N 1914 N 1908 P 1905 N 1910 P 1913 P 1905 A 1910 A 1901 A 1899 N -- - -1912 N 1910 N 1898 A 1910 A 1907 N 1914 A 1905 N 1906 N 22 St 222 22 St 222 22 St 256 22 St 256 22 St 347 22 St 347 22 St 347 22 St 347 22 St 347 22 St 347 22 St 347 22 St 347 23 St 197 23 St 197 23 St 197 23 St 197 23 St 210 23 St 210 23 St 210 23 St 210 23 St 210 23 St 210 23 St 210 23 St 210 23 St 277a 23 St 277a 23 St 277a 23 St 277a 23 St 277a 23 St 277b 23 St 277b 23 St 277b 23 St 277b 23 St 277b 23 St 277b 23 St 277b 25 St 130 25 St 130 28 St 210 28 St 210 28 St 210 28 St 210 28 St 210 31 St 201 31 St 201 31 St 201 34 St 223 34 St 223 34 St 223 34 St 223 45 St 514 45 St 514 45 St 514 45 St 514 48 St 457 48 St 457 48 St 457 48 St 457 48 St 457 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland housework none lab, ice plant dressmaker, dress shop none carp, furniture opr, telephone folder, box carp, furniture tyler?, box merchant, grocery helper, machine shop American Machine packer, zonete scrubbing, office clk, dry goods longshoreman, docks cleaner, ofc building carp, railroad helper, machine shop gardener, cemetery maid, private family none helper, truck carp, factory typewriter repair longshoreman none stenographer, credits inspector, transport lab, factory 93 DATABASE TABLES [>] [>] [>] [>] {G48} [>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {C20} [#>] [#>] {A53} [#>] [#>] {A39} [#>] [#>] {A35} [#>] {B18} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {E01} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B08} {B11} [#>] [#>] {B07} [#>] [#>] [#>] {B82} [#>] [#>] {B46} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {C19} [#>] {C18} [#>] {D48} [>] [+] {C25} [#>] [#>] {B97} [#>] {B45} 94 Matrozek, Edward Matrozek, Eleanore Matrozek, Genevieve Matrozek, Isabel Matrozek, Mary Matrozek, William Czarnomski, Charlotte Czarnomski, Jeannette Czarnomski, Stanisla Czarnomski, Viola Wysock, Felix Kaplita, Estelle Kaplita, George Kaplita, Mary Bomba, Anna Bomba, Catherine Bomba, Geraldine Bomba, Helen Bomba, John Bomba, Joseph Drozak, Antonina Kennethy, Helen Szpala, Elisabeth Szpala, Ferdinand Szpala, Ludwika Szpala, Roman Szpala, Stephany Kura, Emily Kura, Nelie Kura, Stella Kura, Valentine Patroska, Carrie Kura, Bertha Kura, Frances Kura, Paul Kura, Steve Pienta, Antonetta Pienta, Edward Pienta, Frank Pienta, Josephine Pienta, Stella Pienta, Victoria Barone, Anthony Barone, Fillippa Barone, Nora Barone, Victoria Stachurski, Domicela Stachurski, Helen Stachurski, Ignatz Stachurski, Stanislaw Ferrovecchio, Agnes Ferrovecchio, Dominic Osowski, Sophie Domino, Julius Kotula, Bessie Peszko, Edward Peszko, Frances Peszko, Henry Peszko, John 22 20 18 25 50 48 15 15 57 46 18 06 36 29 20 53 01 11 53 21 24 19 13 18 42 43 15 16 35 17 37 47 12 37 39 06 10 04 48 07 17 44 22 02 21 0.3 43 19 45 12 33 27 25 40 14 10 43 3.9 45 son dau dau dau wif hoh dau dau hoh wif sso dau hoh wif dau wif gda dau hoh son ser dau dau son wif hoh dau nie wif nie hoh ser dau wif hoh son dau son hoh dau dau wif hoh dau wif dau wif dau hoh son wif hoh wif hoh nie son wif son hoh NY NY NJ NY PL PL NY NY PL PL NY NY PL PL NY PL NY NY PL NJ PL NY NY NY PL PL NY MA PL MA PL PL NY PL PL NY NY NY PL NY NY PL NY NY NY NY PL NY PL NY PL IT NY PL PA NY PL NY PL 1901 A 1902 A 1890 N 1907 A 1913 A 1914 A 1910 A 1905 A 1927 A 1903 A 1904 N 1913 A 1913 P 1915 A 1910 A 1906 A 1907 A 1906 N 1907 N 1914 U 1924 U 1907 A 1905 N 1905 N 58 St 324 accountant, Elec. Co. 58 St 324 stenographer, ofc 58 St 324 stenographer, ofc 58 St 324 sales, dry goods store 58 St 324 58 St 324 furniture, factory 60 St 446 60 St 446 60 St 446 wheelwright 60 St 446 60 St 446 plating, metal shop 81 St 81 St mechanic, BMT 81 St Bath Av 2039 ironer, laundry Bath Av 2039 housewife Bath Av 2039 Bath Av 2039 Bath Av 2039 janitor, house Bath Av 2039 chauffer Bedford Av 3371 servant, private family Calyer St 149 telephone opr. Calyer St 149 Calyer St 149 ofc boy, steamship co. Calyer St 149 Calyer St 149 salesman, provisions Calyer St 149 Dupont St 164 servant, private family Dupont St 164 Dupont St 164 servant girl Dupont St 164 chauffer, taxicab E 08 St 1084 servant, private home Eagle St 159 Eagle St 159 Eagle St 159 lab, odd jobs Eagle St 159 Hamilton Av & 02 Av a Hamilton Av & 02 Av a Hamilton Av & 02 Av a smelter Hamilton Av & 02 Av a Hamilton Av & 02 Av a opr, telephone Hamilton Av & 02 Av a Hamilton Av & 02 Av b chauffer, taxi Hamilton Av & 02 Av b Hamilton Av & 02 Av b Hamilton Av & 02 Av b Huron St 216 Huron St 216 sprayer, ? mills Huron St 216 lab, factory Huron St 216 India St 768a none India St 768a chauffer, truck India St 768b none Manhattan Av 1009 carp work Narrows Av 7107 Narrows Av 7107 Narrows Av 7107 Narrows Av 7107 Narrows Av 7107 blacksmith, ironworker American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records [#>] {B70} {C02} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {C82} {C73} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A75} [>] {H69} {H48} [>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {C14} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {I36} {I34} Peszko, Joseph Bomba, Joe Bomba, Julia Bomba, Leo Bomba, Mildred Bomba, Olga Bomba, Philip Grzelyk, Antonina Grzelyk, Frank Grzelyk, Kashmir Grzelyk, Marianna Florkiewicz, Florena Florkiewicz, Helen Florkiewicz, June Florkiewicz, Stephania Florkiewicz, Theodore Mikrut, Helen Mikrut, Marie Mikrut, Michael Mikrut, Stella Mikrut, Teddy Mikrut, Walter Tuchman, Dave Tuchman, Dora Tuchman, Harry Tuchman, Regina McAteer, Bernard McAteer, Daniel McAteer, Francis McAteer, Helen McAteer, Joseph McAteer, Lawrence McAteer, Michael McAteer, Michael McAteer, Thomas Wozzniak, Helen Wozzniak, Joseph Wozzniak, Kamle Wozzniak, Sophie Wozzniak, Tony 21 43 32 06 04 10 13 59 54 19 21 10 15 12 14 07 13 33 10 08 12 39 05 33 36 08 05 11 3.4 33 0.4 13 09 33 07 10 19 15 44 23 son hoh wif son dau dau son wif hoh son dau dau dau dau dau son dau wif son dau son hoh son wif hoh dau son son son wif son son son hoh son dau son son hoh son NY PL PL NY NY NY NY PL PL NY NY NJ NY NJ NJ NJ NY PL NY NY NY PL PL PL PL PL NY NY NY PL NY NY NY NY NY NY PA PA PL PL Narrows Av 7107 1906 A Oakland St 364 1912 A Oakland St 364 Oakland St 364 Oakland St 364 Oakland St 364 Oakland St 364 1902 A Parkville St 218 1904 A Parkville St 218 Parkville St 218 Parkville St 218 Prospect Av 250 Prospect Av 250 Prospect Av 250 Prospect Av 250 Prospect Av 250 Prospect Av 250 1912 N Prospect Av 250 Prospect Av 250 Prospect Av 250 Prospect Av 250 1913 N Prospect Av 250 1928 N S 03 St 124 1928 P S 03 St 124 1923 N S 03 St 124 1928 N S 03 St 124 Van Dyke St 159 Van Dyke St 159 Van Dyke St 159 1913 N Van Dyke St 159 Van Dyke St 159 Van Dyke St 159 Van Dyke St 159 Van Dyke St 159 Van Dyke St 159 Wycoff St 232 Wycoff St 232 Wycoff St 232 1904 A Wycoff St 232 1907 A Wycoff St 232 49 49 13 21 16 29 28 wif hoh dau son son hoh wif PL PL NY NY NY PL NY 1907 N Clinton St ?? 1907 N Clinton St ?? Clinton St ?? Clinton St ?? Clinton St ?? 1915 N Laux 29 Laux 29 44 42 12 wif PL hoh LT son NY 1907 N Beach Rd 26 1907 N Beach Rd 26 Beach Rd 26 clerk, bank --none buffer, hardware bookkeeper packer, chewing gum motorman, RR assistant, carpenter iron worker, shipyard clerk, bank domestic chauffer, truck 19300401 NY Buffalo {A64} {A65} [#>] [#>] [#>] {A66} [#>] Szetela, Antonina Szetela, John Szetela, Julia Szetela, Leo Szetela, Stanley Szetela, Joseph Szetela, Rose lab, RR packing, furniture packing chairs, Suton assembler, Ford Motor 19300401 NY Great Neck {E04} Mimowcz, Domicila {E10} Mimowcz, John [#>] Mimowcz, John Jr. Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland butcher 95 DATABASE TABLES 19300401 NY Manhasset [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {D85} Spadalik, Alfred W Spadalik, Arthur P Spadalik, Augustine F Spadalik, Eleanor W Spadalik, Elizabeth M Spadalik, Mamie N Spadalik, Peter W 21 07 17 14 19 44 49 son son son dau dau wif hoh NY NY NY NY NY PL PL W Turnpike 61 W Turnpike 61 W Turnpike 61 W Turnpike 61 W Turnpike 61 1888 N W Turnpike 61 1905 N W Turnpike 61 dau dau wif hoh mol ssl NY NY PL PL PL PL 1911 1914 1906 1911 wif son hoh hoh wif bdr NY NY MA NY PL PL 01 Av 1114 01 Av 1114 01 Av 1114 S 06 St 1900 N S 06 St 1920 A S 06 St nep nie hoh son son dau son dau wif son wif dau dau dau hoh son dau hoh son son wif dau dau son NY NY PL NY NY NY NY NY CZ NY PL NY NY NY PL NY NY PL NY NY PL NY NY NY helper, plumbing apprentice, garage opr, telephone butcher, butcher shop 19300401 NY N Hempstead [>] [>] {I43} [>] {G49} {I42} Fusek, Irene Fusek, Jean Fusek, Lillian Fusek, Vincent Joablonski, Nellie Price, May 0.5 3.2 28 33 50 30 N N A N 04 Ave __ 04 Ave __ 04 Ave __ 04 Ave __ 04 Ave __ 04 Ave __ butcher, butcher shop none waitress, restaurant 19300401 NY New Hyde Park [+] Mantyla, Anna Mantyla, Thomas Mantyla, Thomas Blumberg, Bernard Blumberg, Helen {A22} Scacas, George 23 0.9 26 49 47 30 plasterer, building gardener, golf link gardener, nursery 19300401 NY New Windsor Bochanek, Joseph Bochanek, Mary {A03} Fornal, Cashmere [#>] Fornal, Charles [#>] Fornal, Edward [#>] Fornal, Frances [#>] Fornal, John [#>] Fornal, Mary [#>] Fornal, Mary [#>] Fornal, Peter [#>] Fornal, Anna [#>] Fornal, Helen [#>] Fornal, Julia [#>] Fornal, Mary {A02} Fornal, Stanley [#>] Fornal, Stanley Jr. [#>] Castka, Genieve [#>] Castka, George [#>] Castka, John [#>] Castka, Joseph {C64} Castka, Mary [#>] Castka, Sophie [#>] Castka, Victoria [#>] Castka, Waldisw 14 13 42 08 20 14 12 16 46 10 48 10 16 18 43 5.6 10 46 16 19 48 17 14 18 1909 P unkn ? 1901 P 1906 P 1905 N 1905 N Lawrence Av-a Lawrence Av-a Lawrence Av-a Lawrence Av-a Lawrence Av-a Lawrence Av-a Lawrence Av-a Lawrence Av-a Lawrence Av-a Lawrence Av-a Lawrence Av-b Lawrence Av-b Lawrence Av-b Lawrence Av-b Lawrence Av-b Lawrence Av-b Ledryard St Ledryard St Ledryard St Ledryard St Ledryard St Ledryard St Ledryard St Ledryard St lab, mower factory lab, plumbing servant, private family servant, private family servant, private family lab, contractor lab, mower factory 19300401 NY New York City [?] [?] 96 Lefko, Annie Lefko, John 09 01 dau NY son NY 06 Av 183 06 Av 183 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records {B38} [?] [?] [#>] [#>] {E03} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A04} Lefko, Katherine Lefko, Mike Lefko, Nick Lefko, William Spala, Catherine Spala, Felix Pustola, Catherine Pustola, Helen Pustola, Henry Pustola, Joseph Pustola, Pauline 33 11 04 38 46 48 10 12 09 42 36 wif son son hoh wif hoh dau dau son hoh wif AU NY NJ RU IR PL NY NY NY PL PL 1914 A 06 Av 183 06 Av 183 06 Av 183 1910 A 06 Av 183 1899 P 184 St 501 1901 P 184 St 501 W 158 St 494 W 158 St 494 W 158 St 494 1911 A W 158 St 494 1912 A W 158 St 494 19 20 60 17 16 46 sda sda hoh son son wif NY NY PL NY NY PL Hasbrouck St 46 Hasbrouck St 46 1893 N Hasbrouck St 46 Hasbrouck St 46 Hasbrouck St 46 1902 N Hasbrouck St 46 4.2 07 28 0.1 04 34 12 10 18 14 16 10 18 13 38 42 04 19 07 09 14 17 52 22 12 sda son wif son sda hoh son son son son dau son son dau wif hoh dau son dau son dau son hoh son son NY NY PL NY NY PL NY NY NY NY NY NY NY NY PL PL NY NY NY NY NY NY PL NY NY 40 20 18 10 51 16 3.6 26 wif son dau dau hoh dau dau wif PL NY NY NY PL NY NY PL opr, doll factory interior decorator deliveryman, ice co. janitress, apartment 19300401 NY Newburgh [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A01} Bessert, Anela Bessert, Mary Marciniec, Jacob Marciniec, John Marciniec, Joseph Marciniec, Josephine finisher, textile mill finisher, textile mill lawn mower factory bedmaker, hospital 19300401 NY Niagara Co. [#>] [#>] {A67} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A63} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A62} [#>] [#>] Ketch, Dorothy Ketch, Eiggie Ketch, Helen N Ketch, Henry J Ketch, Jennie Ketch, Joseph Ketch, Joseph Jr. Ketch, Marvin Ketch, Stephen Ketch, Victor Ketch, Virginia Drozek, Edward Drozek, John Drozek, Mary Drozek, Nellie Drozek, Stanley Drozek, Stella Ziblut, Anthony Ziblut, Bernice Ziblut, Edward Ziblut, Genevieve Ziblut, John Ziblut, Mary Ziblut, Stanley Ziblut, Stephen 1913 A 1910 A 1906 A 1904 A 1904 A Shawnee Rd Shawnee Rd Shawnee Rd Shawnee Rd Shawnee Rd Shawnee Rd Shawnee Rd Shawnee Rd Shawnee Rd Shawnee Rd Shawnee Rd Tuscarora Rd a Tuscarora Rd a Tuscarora Rd a Tuscarora Rd a Tuscarora Rd a Tuscarora Rd a Tuscarora Rd b Tuscarora Rd b Tuscarora Rd b Tuscarora Rd b Tuscarora Rd b Tuscarora Rd b Tuscarora Rd b Tuscarora Rd b farmer, general farm lab, papermill housework, private family lab, chemical factory paper mkr, factory farmer, farm none millwright, Vernadium 19300401 NY Niagara Falls [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A10} [#>] [#>] {A69} Kosciolek, Angeline Kosciolek, Edward Kosciolek, Eugenia Kosciolek, Franella Kosciolek, Marall Kosciolek, Sophia Krupa, Adeline Krupa, Catherine Volume 2 1890 N 19 St 321 19 St 321 19 St 321 19 St 321 1892 N 19 St 321 19 St 321 Cudaback Av 1960 1905 A Cudaback Av 1960 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland midwife, registered mechanic, automobile specialist, beauty agent, steamship 97 DATABASE TABLES [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B63} Krupa, Frances Krupa, Frank Krupa, George Krupa, Jennie Krupa, Victoria Krupa, Walter Prokop, Stanley 05 33 59 1.8 59 07 47 dau hoh fat dau mot son hoh NY PL PL NY PL NY PL Cudaback Av 1960 1913 A Cudaback Av 1960 1910 A Cudaback Av 1960 Cudaback Av 1960 1913 A Cudaback Av 1960 Cudaback Av 1960 1907 N Gerald Av 2526 12 3.1 09 07 38 35 15 43 13 son dau dau son bro wif son hoh son NY NY NY NY PL PL NY PL NY Mapleton Rd Mapleton Rd Mapleton Rd Mapleton Rd 1911 A Mapleton Rd 1910 A Mapleton Rd Mapleton Rd 1912 N Mapleton Rd Mapleton Rd 47 37 11 18 hoh wif son son PL PL NY NY 1893 N Romeo Av 1910 A Romeo Av Romeo Av Romeo Av helper, iron PL unkn U Kings Park Hospital inmate 1915 A State Rd papermaker, papermill gardener chemical factory 19300401 NY Pendleton [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B09} {B43} [#>] {B12} [#>] Patronski, Benjamin S Patronski, Evelyn M Patronski, Frances Patronski, Henry Patronski, Ignac Patronski, Julia Patronski, Mitchel B Patronski, Roman Patronski, Stephen C iron moulder, foundry farmer, general 19300401 NY Queens {I59} {H09} [>] [>] Gaciarz, John Gaciarz, Julia Gaciarz, Stanley Gaciarz, Steven worker, iron 19300401 NY Suffolk Co. {A56} Koplita, Domicella 41 19300401 NY Thompson {B06} Kura, Mary 27 ser PL 70 ser PL 13 35 03 37 06 10 01 07 dau wif dau hoh son dau dau dau OH HU OH HU OH OH OH OH Pratt St 343 1910 A Pratt St 343 Pratt St 343 1909 P Pratt St 343 Pratt St 343 Pratt St 343 Pratt St 343 Pratt St 343 25 59 36 12 14 son hoh wif dau dau PL PL PL OH OH 1916 A Baker St 1017 1916 A Baker St 1017 1908 N Westbrook Dr 2234 Westbrook Dr 2234 Westbrook Dr 2234 chamber maid, hotel 19300401 OH Hubbard {H59} Bishop, Lucy Jones St 804 servant 19300401 OH Niles [#>] {D63} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Sherlock, Angelina Sherlock, Frances Sherlock, Helen Sherlock, Jacob Sherlock, Martin Sherlock, Mary Sherlock, Sophia Sherlock, Stella barrel factory, steel 19300401 OH Toledo {I10} {I09} {H82} [>] [>] 98 Kitz, Frank Kitz, Victoria Walendzak, Agata Walendzak, Estelle Walendzak, Irene American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland truck driver, factory none Dr assistant, hospital Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records [>] [>] [>] Walendzak, Leocadia Walendzak, Stanley Walendzak, Stanley 11 16 39 dau OH son OH hoh PL Westbrook Dr 2234 Westbrook Dr 2234 1907 N Westbrook Dr 2234 3.2 17 15 12 09 18 44 39 son dau dau dau dau son hoh wif OH OH OH OH OH OH PL PL Franklin St 1014 Franklin St 1014 Franklin St 1014 Franklin St 1014 Franklin St 1014 Franklin St 1014 1906 A Franklin St 1014 1908 P Franklin St 1014 bdr son wif son son son dau hoh dau dau wif hoh dau son son dau dau PL PA PL PA PA PA PA PL PA PA PL PL PA PA PA PA PA 1907 A Fourth Fourth 1911 N Fourth Fourth Fourth Fourth Fourth 1909 N Fourth Fourth Fourth 1905 A Orchard St 156 1906 A Orchard St 156 Orchard St 156 Orchard St 156 Orchard St 156 Orchard St 156 Orchard St 156 18 42 06 14 42 11 son wif dau dau hoh dau PA PL PA PA PL PA Wayne Twp 1901 N Wayne Twp Wayne Twp Wayne Twp 1901 N Wayne Twp Wayne Twp 17 11 15 13 56 08 50 son dau son son hoh son wif PA PA PA PA PL PA PL Clearfield Twp Clearfield Twp Clearfield Twp Clearfield Twp 1909 A Clearfield Twp Clearfield Twp 1911 A Clearfield Twp miner, coal mine 57 lod PL 1913 P Oak St lab, tannery repairman, hotel 19300401 OH Youngstown [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {H58} [>] Bishop, Adolf Bishop, Frances Bishop, Helen Bishop, June Bishop, Lucy Bishop, Mitchell Bishop, Roman Bishop, Victoria beautician lab, steel mill lab, steel mill 19300401 PA Allegheny Co. [#>] {E15} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [>] {G62} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] Kendzior, Joseph Lorenc, Andrew Lorenc, Apolonia Lorenc, Edward Lorenc, Felix Lorenc, John Lorenc, Mary Lorenc, Michael Lorenc, Sophie Lorenc, Stephy Bobola, Anathonia Bobola, Anthony Bobola, Helen Bobola, John Bobola, Joseph Bobola, Mary Bobola, Sofia 46 14 38 08 04 15 12 46 1.9 10 48 49 10 08 18 15 13 lab, airbrake shop lab, tin mill puncher, steel mill hooker, steel mill 19300401 PA Armstrong Co. [>] [>] [>] [>] {G51} [>] Kaplita, Blair Kaplita, Cath Kaplita, Genevieve Kaplita, Helen Kaplita, Joseph Kaplita, Mildred miner, coal mine 19300401 PA Butler Co. [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {F49} [#>] {F45} Stotish, Charles Stotish, Francis Stotish, Henry Stotish, John Stotish, Joseph Stotish, Leo Stotish, Mary miner, coal mine 19300401 PA Elk Co. {B57} Gorlowski, Paul Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 99 DATABASE TABLES 19300401 PA Fayette Co. [>] {H56} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] Krzton, Edmund Krzton, Joe F Krzton, John A Krzton, Stanley B Krzton, Stella M Krzton, Thaddes Krzton, William 09 40 16 18 38 2.8 15 son hoh son son wif son son PA PL PA PA PL PA PA George Twp 1909 N George Twp George Twp George Twp 1910 N George Twp George Twp George Twp 50 bdr PL 1906 A Iselin, Young Twp 24 08 33 2.8 1.4 05 12 4.3 06 36 13 brl dau wif dau son dau dau dau son hoh son PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PL PA West Center 153 West Center 153 West Center 153 West Center 153 West Center 153 West Center 153 West Center 153 West Center 153 West Center 153 1906 N West Center 153 West Center 153 19 45 49 06 4.3 42 0.2 32 08 50 17 06 1.2 45 09 07 14 16 44 09 1.3 4.2 13 15 41 18 11 16 4.7 ser bdr bdr son dau hoh dau wif son bdr dau dau son hoh dau son dau son wif dau dau dau dau son hoh dau dau son dau PA PL PL PA PA PL PA PL PA PL PA PA PA PL PA PA PA PA PL PA PA PA MI MI PL MI PA PA PA 09 St 121 1905 A 09 St 121 1906 N 09 St 121 09 St 121 09 St 121 1904 N 09 St 121 09 St 121 1914 A 09 St 121 09 St 121 1905 A 09 St 121 09 St 127 09 St 127 09 St 127 1905 N 09 St 127 09 St 127 09 St 127 09 St 127 09 St 127 1912 A 09 St 127 12 Av 205 12 Av 205 12 Av 205 12 Av 205 12 Av 205 1902 N 12 Av 205 12 Av 205 27 Av 412 27 Av 412 27 Av 412 lab, coal mine 19300401 PA Indiana Co. {G63} Bomba, Frank loader, mine 19300401 PA Johnsonburg Muse, Lester Winters, Betty [#>] Winters, Grace [#>] Winters, Helen [#>] Winters, Leo [#>] Winters, Lucile [#>] Winters, Rachel [#>] Winters, Sarah [#>] Winters, Thomas {I41} Winters, Walter [#>] Winters, William finisher, tannery 19300401 PA McKeesport Canlick, Mary Gloclski, Frank {D40} Konkol, Frank Krol, Edward Krol, Helen Krol, Mike Krol, Mildred Krol, Sophia Krol, Stanley Wiencek, Nick [#>] Skelly, Anna [#>] Skelly, Cassie [#>] Skelly, George {D32} Skelly, Jacob [#>] Skelly, Mamie [#>] Skelly, Stanley [#>] Skelly, Stella [#>] Skelly, Thomas [#>] Skelly, Vera [>] Skoczylas, Blanche [>] Skoczylas, Eileen [>] Skoczylas, Eleanor [>] Skoczylas, Julia [>] Skoczylas, Mike {I02} Skoczylas, Sophia [>] Skoczylas, Stella [#>] Kazimir, Helen [#>] Kazimir, Henry [#>] Kazimir, Jean 100 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland servant, private res lab, tube mill carp, tube mill lab, tube mill lab, tube mill servant, private family foreman, tube mill servant, private family lab, pop works none saleslady, grocery store helper, dairy co. Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records {B88} {C63} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A91} [#>] [>] [>] {B91} {B67} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {D35} [>] {D36} {D21} {D11} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [>] {G97} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {B99} [>] Kazimir, John Kazimir, Nellie Kazimir, Theodore Giles, Anna Giles, Robert Pieniazek, Gladis Pieniazek, John Pieniazek, Mary Pieniazek, Thomas Szerac?, Frank Szerac?, John Anton Szerac?, Joseph Szerac?, Mary Casper, Daniel Casper, Dorothy Casper, Helen Casper, Walter Wiater, Andrew Wiater, Edward Wiater, Eugene Wiater, Helen Wiater, John Wiater, Joseph Wiater, Magdalena Wiater, Michael Wiater, Peter Dundera, Anthony Dundera, Frank Dundera, James Dundera, Lucy Dundera, Nellie Dundera, Thomas Dundera, Walter Polka, Joseph Polka, Vera Patzenek, Gertrude Patzenek, Helen Patzenek, Mike Patzenek, Olga Patzenek, Victoria Mallek, Agnes Mallek, Frank Mallek, Julia Mallek, Rose Mallek, Sophie Mallek, Stanley Mallek, Victoria Mallek, Virginia Kulasa, Gertie Kulasa, Helen Kulasa, John Kulasa, Joseph Kulasa, Leo Kulasa, Walter Cieniawa, Jack Gliwa, Anna Gliwa, Bertha Gliwa, Joseph Gliwa, Josephine Volume 2 45 33 14 21 0.0 0.9 23 22 3.2 18 58 26 50 1.? 3.? 21 26 10 17 12 22 18 22 47 65 14 16 12 48 41 13 05 18 23 21 10 11 38 07 37 46 51 17 12 14 22 09 07 18 49 49 08 13 16 52 38 21 52 16 hoh wif son dau gso gda snl dau gso son hoh son wif gso gda dau snl son son son dal son son wif hoh son son son hoh wif dau son son hoh wif dau dau hoh dau wif wif hoh dau dau dau son dau dau dau wif hoh son son son lod wif dau hoh dau PL PL PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PL PA SL PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PL PL PA PA PA PL PL PA PA PA PL PA PA PA PL PA PL PL PL PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PL PL PA PA PA PL PL PA PL PA -N 27 Av 412 1912 N 27 Av 412 27 Av 412 Ash St 316 Ash St 316 Ash St 316 Ash St 316 Ash St 316 Ash St 316 Ash St 316 1907 P Ash St 316 Ash St 316 1903 A Ash St 316 Boyd St 2917 Boyd St 2917 Boyd St 2917 Boyd St 2917 Boyd St 2917 Boyd St 2917 Boyd St 2917 Boyd St 2917 Boyd St 2917 Boyd St 2917 1909 A Boyd St 2917 1892 P Boyd St 2917 Boyd St 2917 Brick Al 1041a Brick Al 1041a 1905 N Brick Al 1041a 1908 N Brick Al 1041a Brick Al 1041a Brick Al 1041a Brick Al 1041a unkn U Brick Al 1041b Brick Al 1041b Brick Al 1043 Brick Al 1043 1909 P Brick Al 1043 Brick Al 1043 1910 A Brick Al 1043 1905 N Byron St 1413 1904 N Byron St 1413 Byron St 1413 Byron St 1413 Byron St 1413 Byron St 1413 Byron St 1413 Byron St 1413 Chester St 2822 1909 A Chester St 2822 1907 N Chester St 2822 Chester St 2822 Chester St 2822 Chester St 2822 1903 A Dale St 229 1905 A Dale St 229 Dale St 229 1909 A Dale St 229 Dale St 229 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, steel mill catcher, tin mill driver, truck lab, national tube co. lab, national tube co. work at home catcher, tin mill lab, dairy truck driver, dairy doubler, tin mill none none pipecutter, steel mill lab, steel mill worker, copper mill gen lab, steel mill lab, steel mill lab, foundry servant, private family lab, tube mill mach, tube mill lab, candy factory lab, tube mill 101 DATABASE TABLES [>] [>] [>] [#>] [#>] {A24} {X20} [#>] {A11} [#>] [#>] {G58} [>] [>] [#>] {H44} [#>] {I52} [#>] {B59} [#>] [?] {A26} [#>] [#>] [#>] {A27} {G95} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {G96} [>] [>] {D37} [>] [?>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {F13} [>] [>] [>] {H99} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {E39} [>] 102 Gliwa, Sophia Gliwa, Stella Gliwa, William Gzebyk, Edward T Gzebyk, Eugene M Gzebyk, Ignatz Gzebyk, Stella M Stachurski, Edward Stachurski, Stanley Stachurski, Stella Stachurski, Theodor Pienta, John Pienta, Laura Pienta, Stella Predki, Alexander Predki, Sophia Predki, Wanda Predki, Wiktor Grebeck, Helen Grebeck, Stanley Grebeck, Stanley Jr. Kmiotek, Julia Kmiotek, Michael Tuburska, Josephine Sikora, Andrew Sikora, August Sikora, Frank Sikora, Helen Sikora, Mary Putz, Alexander Putz, Andrew Putz, Cecelia Putz, Estella Putz, Helen Putz, Matthew Putz, Nora Putz, Stanley Putz, Stephania Pietras, Alexander Pietras, Genevieve Pietras, Mary Pietras, Stella Pietras, Thomas Pietras, Victoria Pietras, Wanda Poska, Thomas Janosz, Adam Janosz, Frank Janosz, Josephine Janosz, Stanley Janosz, Thaddeus Janosz, Walter Borowitz, Anna Borowitz, Edward Borowitz, Eugene Borowitz, Helen Borowitz, Theodore Borowitz, Vincent Clicho, Martin 09 3.3 18 04 09 37 32 06 34 30 09 50 08 17 08 40 04 40 23 29 2.7 22 27 59 63 14 23 17 55 46 10 14 20 12 05 41 07 16 45 07 33 16 13 0.5 04 36 13 09 16 39 11 15 32 11 09 3.3 4.9 36 55 dau dau son son dau hoh wif son hoh wif son hoh dau dau son wif dau hoh wif hoh son wif hoh mol hoh son son dau wif hoh son dau dau dau son wif son dau hoh dau wif dau son dau dau bdr son son dau hoh son son wif son son dau son hoh brl PA PA PA PA PA PL PA PA PL PL PA PL PA PA PA PL PA PL PA PL PA OH PA PL PL PA PA PA PL PL PA PA PA PA PA PL PA PA PL PA PL PA PA PA PA PL PA PA PA PL PA PA PL PA PA PA PA PL PL 1912 N 1913 A 1913 A 1901 A 1910 N 1913 N 1912 P 1889 A 1891 A 1897 A 1903 N 1905 P 1905 N 1921 N 1907 P 1912 N 1912 N 1900 A Dale St 229 Dale St 229 Dale St 229 Federal 2001 Federal 2001 Federal 2001 Federal 2001 Grant St 1502 Grant St 1502 Grant St 1502 Grant St 1502 Grant St 927 Grant St 927 Grant St 927 Grover 3405 Grover 3405 Grover 3405 Grover 3405 Grover St 2805 Grover St 2805 Grover St 2805 Hazel St 611 Hazel St 611 Hazel St 611 Hazel St 811 Hazel St 811 Hazel St 811 Hazel St 811 Hazel St 811 Idaho St 2902 Idaho St 2902 Idaho St 2902 Idaho St 2902 Idaho St 2902 Idaho St 2902 Idaho St 2902 Idaho St 2902 Idaho St 2902 Jenny Lind 1331 Jenny Lind 1331 Jenny Lind 1331 Jenny Lind 1331 Jenny Lind 1331 Jenny Lind 1331 Jenny Lind 1331 Jenny Lind 1331 Jenny Lind 1408 Jenny Lind 1408 Jenny Lind 1408 Jenny Lind 1408 Jenny Lind 1408 Jenny Lind 1408 Jerome St 610 Jerome St 610 Jerome St 610 Jerome St 610 Jerome St 610 Jerome St 610 Jerome St 610 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland baker, bake shop lab, steel mill doubler, tin mill foreman, tube mill lab, paper mill merchant, grocery lab, steel mill lab, steel mill sovel? boy, tin mill saleslady, fruit store mechanic, tube mill clerk, grocery store servant, private family craneman, tube mill day work lab, steel mill heater, tin mill lab, tube mill lab, steel works Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records {G00} [>] [>] {E19} [>] [>] {G52} [>] [#>] {G16} [#>] [#>] [#>] {C61} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {E16} [#>] [#>] [>] [>] {G60} [>] [>] [>] [>] {D14} {C55} {C56} [>] [>] [>] [>] {E21} [>] {D91} [#>] {D33} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B94} [#>] [#>] {B93} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A92} {F12} [#>] [#>] [#>] Borowiec, Jan Borowiec, Mary Denske, Joseph Denske, Walter Dragula, Ilina Dragula, Joseph Dragula, Mary Dragula, Teddie Pokrywka, Albert Pokrywka, Edw. Pokrywka, Helen Szefchek, Frank Pechowicz, Andrew Pechowicz, Bertha Pechowicz, Edward Pechowicz, Helen Pechowicz, Stanley Pechowicz, Walter Stepek, Joseph Stepek, Paul Stepek, Stanley Stepek, Stella Palko, Anthony Palko, Genovieve Palko, Joseph Palko, Veronica Scotlass, Adam Scotlass, Florence Scotlass, Rose Scotlass, Thomas Zekkey, Stanley Phillips, Catherine Phillips, John Brzek, Vincent Knmiotek, Irene Knmiotek, Isabella Knmiotek, Peter Knmiotek, Stanley Knmiotek, Victoria Barton, Anna Barton, Edward Barton, George Barton, Joseph Barton, Stanley Barton, Stella Barton, Vera Rybka, Andy Rybka, Jack Rybka, John Rybka, Mary Rybka, Minnie Rybka, Veronica Rybka, Walter Waiter, Sarah Waiter, Thomas Waiter, Victoria Waiter, William Pokrywka, Alec Pokrywka, Edward Volume 2 50 52 19 21 3.2 36 32 06 43 16 18 24 40 29 04 06 09 1.1 13 45 11 39 0.7 2.7 35 19 07 05 27 32 25 64 65 40 4.? 12 09 38 36 41 3.3 42 13 15 11 16 18 08 4.9 39 10 12 14 11 45 40 18 05 3.5 hoh wif brl brl dau hoh wif son hoh son dau nep hoh wif son dau son son son hoh son wif son dau hoh wif son dau wif hoh brl wif hoh brl dau dau son hoh wif wif son hoh son son dau dau son son son hoh dau dau son dau hoh wif son son son PL PL PA PA PA PL PL PA PL PL PA PA PL PL PA PA PA PA PA PL PA PL PA PA PL PA PA PA PA PL PA PL PL PL US US US PL PL PL PA PL PA PA PA PA PL PA PA PL PA PA PA PA PL PL PA PA PA 1903 A Jerome St 816 1903 A Jerome St 816 Lincoln Way 1050 Lincoln Way 1050 Lincoln Way 1050 1910 N Lincoln Way 1050 1911 N Lincoln Way 1050 Lincoln Way 1050 1905 N Locust St 1125 1924 N Locust St 1125 Locust St 1125 Locust St 1125 1913 N Locust St 1315 1905 A Locust St 1315 Locust St 1315 Locust St 1315 Locust St 1315 Locust St 1315 Market St 1028 1907 P Market St 1028 Market St 1028 1913 A Market St 1028 Market St 1106 Market St 1106 1913 P Market St 1106 Market St 1106 Market St 1231 Market St 1231 Market St 1231 1913 N Market St 1231 Market St 1231 1902 A Market St 1315 1899 A Market St 1315 1913 P Mayfair St 3806 Mayfair St 3806 Mayfair St 3806 Mayfair St 3806 1912 N Mayfair St 3806 1910 N Mayfair St 3806 1907 N Packer 1212 Packer 1212 1906 N Packer 1212 Packer 1212 Packer 1212 Packer 1212 Packer 1212 1912 A Pride 902 Pride 902 Pride 902 1913 A Pride 902 Pride 902 Pride 902 Pride 902 Ridge St 604 1907 A Ridge St 604 1909 A Ridge St 604 Ridge St 604 Rison 901 Rison 901 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, tube mill clerk, grocery store retail merchant, grocer clerk, retail merchant carp, contractor auto mechanic, garage lab, tube mill lab, tin mill fireman, steel mill lab, steel mill proprietor, grocery rougher, tin house lab, steel mill lab, steel mill tin worker, tin mill lab, pipe mill clerk, confectionary lab, odd jobs none lab, steel mill 103 DATABASE TABLES [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B39} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {I15} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {G61} [>] [>] [>] [>] {E60} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {E20} [>] [>] {G53} [>] [>] {C34} [>] {G64} {G47} [#>] [#>] {I27} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {C01} [#>] [#>] Pokrywka, Frank Pokrywka, Helen Pokrywka, John Pokrywka, Sophia Pokrywka, Stanley Pokrywka, Stella Lipinski, John Lux, John Pepic, Paul Putz, Catherine Putz, Joseph Putz, Joseph Jr. Putz, Stella Putz, Theodore Putz, Thomas Putz, Victor Putz, Walter Ripko, Bronia Ripko, Elmer Ripko, Julia Ripko, Kasmir Ripko, Ludwika Ripko, Stella Ripko, Walter Karnish, Walter Pencola, Andrew Pencola, Anthony Pencola, Caroline Pencola, Helen Pencola, Irene Pencola, Jennie Rutka, Thomas Stanick, Anthony Stanick, Helen Stanick, Josephine Stanick, Peter Stanick, Sophia Stanick, Thomas Stanick, Walter Stanak, Anthony Stanak, Julia Stanak, Mildred Stanak, Virginia Baran, Agnes Baran, Helen Baran, John Baran, Josephine Baran, Julia Baran, Walter Baran, William Klimasz, Stephen 44 13 19 2.2 15 41 39 41 44 37 16 15 4.5 16 45 18 17 13 17 22 49 48 18 22 12 44 16 36 08 06 10 49 18 16 43 22 15 55 21 49 46 12 15 40 10 05 16 13 43 03 18 hoh dau son dau son wif bdr bdr bdr wif son son dau son hoh son son dau son dau hoh wif dau son nep hoh son wif dau dau dau brl son dau wif son dau hoh son hoh wif dau dau wif dau son dau dau hoh son nep PL PA PA PA PA PL PL CZ CZ PL PA PA PA PA PL PA PA PA PA PA PL PL PA PA PA PL PA PL PA PA PA PL PA PA PL PA PA PL PA PL PL PA PA PL PA PA PA PA PL PA MA 1904 N Rison 901 Rison 901 Rison 901 Rison 901 Rison 901 1906 N Rison 901 1912 A Rose St 1027 ?? U Rose St 1027 ?? U Rose St 1027 1907 N Rose St 1027 Rose St 1027 Rose St 1027 Rose St 1027 Rose St 1027 1912 N Rose St 1027 Rose St 1027 Rose St 1027 Sarah St 319 Sarah St 319 Sarah St 319 1908 A Sarah St 319 1908 A Sarah St 319 Sarah St 319 Sarah St 319 Soles 1509 1909 A Soles 1509 Soles 1509 1907 A Soles 1509 Soles 1509 Soles 1509 Soles 1509 1907 P Versailles 2714 Versailles 2714 Versailles 2714 1904 P Versailles 2714 Versailles 2714 Versailles 2714 1903 P Versailles 2714 Versailles 2714 1907 N Water St 813 1907 A Water St 813 Water St 813 Water St 813 1910 P William St 1701 William St 1701 William St 1701 William St 1701 William St 1701 1908 P William St 1701 William St 1701 William St 1701 41 12 47 10 15 wif son hoh son son PL PA PL PA PA 1899 A Dupont St 205 Dupont St 205 1896 A Dupont St 205 Dupont St 205 Dupont St 205 pipe ?, tube mill catcher, tube mill ? boy, tin mill butcher, packing house lab, steel mill lab, steel mill butcher, packing house lab, steel mill waitress, restaurant tinner, tin mill lab, pipe mill lab, dairy lab, pipe mill clerk, wholesale candy skill? lab, sheet mill gas maker, tin mill skill? lab, sheet mill lab, tin plate mill pipefitter, steel mill weaver, cotton mill 19300401 PA Philadelphia {F84} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] 104 Lasota, Catherine Lasota, Edward Lasota, George Lasota, John Lasota, Josephs American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, paper mill Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records {F85} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {H38} [#>] [#>] Tlusek, Alexander Tlusek, Edward Tlusek, Josephine Tlusek, Mary Tlusek, Stanley Sobusok, Andrew Sobusok, Leo Sobusok, May Sobusok, Stella Sobusok, Thomas Sobusok, Walter 42 2.5 06 29 0.3 41 14 13 38 16 09 hoh son dau wif son hoh son dau wif son son PL PA PA PL PA PL PA PA PL PA PA ill ill ill ill 2.3 40 32? 04 ill 13 2.3 06 39 4.6 12 05 14 ill 16 21 24 ill ill 06 35 45 10 08 13 dau son dau son dau hoh wif son dau dau son son hoh dau son dau son dau dau son son wif hoh son wif hoh son son dau PA PA PA PA PA PL PL PA PA PA PA PA PL PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PL PL PA PL PL PA PA PA 14 53 11 06 36 41 51 52 06 09 13 03 03 son bro dau son wif hoh bdr bdr son dau son son dau PA PL PA PA PL PL PL PL PA PA PA PA PA 1913 A Seville St 215 Seville St 215 Seville St 215 1910 A Seville St 215 Seville St 215 1908 N Tilton St 2969 Tilton St 2969 Tilton St 2969 1911 N Tilton St 2969 Tilton St 2969 Tilton St 2969 ironworker, steel mill carp 19300401 PA Port Vue [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {G57} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {D94} [>] [>] [>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A88} {A89} [>] {C47} {C79} [>] [>] [>] Domino, Bertha? Domino, Frank Domino, Irene? Domino, John? Domino, Laura? Domino, Micze? Domino, Stephanie Domino, illegible Domino, illegible Barowicz, Anna Barowicz, Antonore Barowicz, Edward Barowicz, Eleanora Barowicz, Helen Barowicz, Joseph Barowicz, Nellie Piensin?, George Piensin?, Helen Piensin?, Josephine Piensin?, illegible Piensin?, illegible Piensin?, illegible Piensin?, illegible Barowick, Alexander Barowick, Catherine Barowick, Charles Barowick, John Barowick, Peter Barowick, Sophia ?? ?? N N 1913 A ?? ?? ? ? 1913 A 1912 N Liberty Way 413 Liberty Way 413 Liberty Way 413 Liberty Way 413 Liberty Way 413 Liberty Way 413 Liberty Way 413 Liberty Way 413 Liberty Way 413 Mound 611 Mound 611 Mound 611 Mound 611 Mound 611 Mound 611 Mound 611 Pride 704 Pride 704 Pride 704 Pride 704 Pride 704 Pride 704 Pride 704 Trimble Av 1805 Trimble Av 1805 Trimble Av 1805 Trimble Av 1805 Trimble Av 1805 Trimble Av 1805 craneman, steel mill illegible illegible illegible illegible illegible illegible illegible lab, tube mill 19300401 PA Ridgway [>] {H75} [>] [>] {I44} {B54} Fornal, Joseph Fornal, Joseph Fornal, Marcella Fornal, Michael Fornal, Veronica Fornal, Vincent Grvata, Frank {H80} Stanick, Joseph [>] Yanda, Anthony [>] Yanda, Helen [>] Yanda, Joe [>] Yanda, John [>] Yanda, Mary Volume 2 Hydes Flat 1926 A Hydes Flat Hydes Flat Hydes Flat 1914 A Hydes Flat 1913 A Hydes Flat 1909 A Hydes Flat 1912 A Hydes Flat N Broad St 1043 N Broad St 1043 N Broad St 1043 N Broad St 1043 N Broad St 1043 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab, tannery lab, tannery lab, tannery roller, tannery 105 DATABASE TABLES [>] {B69} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {H83} [>] [>] [>] [>] {B51} {G83} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {H84} [>] [>] Yanda, Mary Yanda, Pete Yanda, Sophie Yanda, Stanley Yanda, Stella Yanda, Victoria Szczoczarz, Cycelia Szczoczarz, Czeslaw Szczoczarz, Kunegunda Szczoczarz, Sophie Szczoczarz, Stanley Szczoczarz, Victoria Bomba, Adolf Bomba, Barbara Bomba, Dominica Bomba, Florence Bomba, Helen Bomba, Henry Bomba, John Bomba, John Bomba, Joseph Bomba, Stanley Kisel, Charles 38 36 09 11 04 1.7 4.3 38 36 11 12 10 38 38 1.4 07 09 3.5 11 48 12 14 45 wif hoh dau son dau dau dau hoh wif dau son dau hoh wif dau dau dau son son bro son son bdr CZ CZ PA PA PA PA PA PL PL PA PA PA PL PL PA PA PA PA PA PL PA PA PL 1913 A N Broad St 1043 1911 A N Broad St 1043 N Broad St 1043 N Broad St 1043 N Broad St 1043 N Broad St 1043 Osterhout St 316 1910 N Osterhout St 316 1913 N Osterhout St 316 Osterhout St 316 Osterhout St 316 Osterhout St 316 1913 P Osterhout St 326 1912 A Osterhout St 326 Osterhout St 326 Osterhout St 326 Osterhout St 326 Osterhout St 326 Osterhout St 326 1926 A Osterhout St 326 Osterhout St 326 Osterhout St 326 unkn A Osterhout St 326 16 15 54 20 55 11 son dau hoh son wif dau PA PA PL PL PL PA Arnots Addition Arnots Addition 1910 A Arnots Addition 1911 A Arnots Addition 1911 A Arnots Addition Arnots Addition lab, tannery roller, tannery roller, tannery roller, tannery lab, tannery 19300401 PA Schuylkill Co [>] [>] {H64} {H62} {H63} [>] Kocur, Francis Kocur, Helen Kocur, John Kocur, Leo Kocur, Margaret Kocur, Mary miner, coal mine miner, coal mine 19300401 PA Somerset Twp {A29} Marciniec, Anna [#>] Marciniec, John {A28} Marciniec, Thomas 50 14 49 wif PL son PA hoh PL 1901 A Cokeburg Junction 7 Cokeburg Junction 7 1902 A Cokeburg Junction 7 11 09 33 39 07 dau son wif hoh dau PA PA PL PL PA Sykes St Sykes St 1912 A Sykes St 1910 N Sykes St Sykes St 21 26 27 63 50 19 15 40 19 11 son son son hoh wif son son hoh son dau PA PA PA PL PL PA PA PL PA PA Congress St 100 Congress St 100 Congress St 100 1893 P Congress St 100 1901 A Congress St 100 Congress St 100 Heckman Rd 1902 A Heckman Rd Heckman Rd Heckman Rd paper boy, papers loader, coal mine 19300401 PA Sykesville [>] [>] [>] {G65} [>] Adamski, Helen Adamski, Joseph Adamski, Josephine Adamski, Steve Adamski, Veronica miner, coal mine 19300401 PA Versailles Tw [#>] [#>] [#>] {D90} {D89} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] 106 Ziobro, Bin? M Ziobro, Edward L Ziobro, John W Ziobro, Louis E Ziobro, Mary A Ziobro, Michael A Sowa, Frank Sowa, Frank Sowa, John S Sowa, Josephine American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland illegible, steel mill electrical engineer illegible, steel mill none none illegible, steel mill lab, tube mill lab, tube mill Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records {D34} [#>] [#>] [>] [>] {D31} [>] [>] [#>] {F14} {F20} Sowa, Julia Sowa, Leona Sowa, Walter Kitz, Annie Kitz, Antonina Kitz, George Kitz, John Kitz, Sophie Konkol, Alexander Konkol, John Konkol, Sarah 34 3.8 06 40 10 47 13 3.9 18 55 44 wif dau son wif dau hoh son dau son hoh wif PL PA PA PL PA PL PA PA PA PL PL 1908 A Heckman Rd Heckman Rd Heckman Rd 1914 N McKee Rd McKee Rd 1907 N McKee Rd McKee Rd McKee Rd Vermont Av 1601 1903 A Vermont Av 1601 1902 A Vermont Av 1601 50 18 12 09 16 20 50 19 wif dau dau dau dau son hoh dau PL PA PA PA PA PA PL PA 1904 N Franklin St 846 Franklin St 846 Franklin St 846 Franklin St 846 Franklin St 846 Franklin St 846 1904 N Franklin St 846 Franklin St 846 16 19 34 29 11 37 sis sis hoh bro sis bdr PA PA PL PL PA PL Brookside St 59 Brookside St 59 1903 P Brookside St 59 1903 P Brookside St 59 Brookside St 59 1914 N Scott St 143 12 40 17 09 15 19 4.8 07 46 19 14 1.9 12 38 dau hoh dau son dau son bdr son hoh son son son dau wif RI PL RI RI RI RI MA RI PL RI RI RI RI PL Charles St 45 1903 ? Charles St 45 Charles St 45 Charles St 45 Charles St 45 Charles St 45 High St 460 High St 460 1907 P High St 460 High St 460 High St 460 High St 460 High St 460 1908 A High St 460 44 14 17 19 10 12 48 4.4 hoh dau son son dau son wif dau PL RI RI RI RI RI PL RI 1908 N Boston Rd 24 Boston Rd 24 Boston Rd 24 Boston Rd 24 Boston Rd 24 Boston Rd 24 1903 N Boston Rd 24 Boston Rd 24 lab, tube mill lab, dairy farm farmer, dairy farm 19300401 PA Westmorelnd C {D50} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {D49} [>] Voytan, Antoinette Voytan, Blanche Voytan, Elizabeth Voytan, Emily Voytan, Francis Voytan, John Voytan, Lewis Voytan, Sophie sewing, garment lab, aluminum lab, coal mine sewing, garment 19300401 PA Wilkes-Barre [>] [>] {G68} {C48} [>] {D99} Kosciolek, Anna Kosciolek, Helen Kosciolek, Leo Kosciolek, Stanley Kosciolek, Stella Grys, Charles miner, coal mine lab, coal mine lab, coal mines 19300401 RI Central Falls [#>] {D71} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Orzechowski, Adela Orzechowski, Agata Orzechowski, Aniela Orzechowski, Paul Orzechowski, Rose Orzechowski, Stanley Chane?, Kuk? [>] Sczebers, Fred {C32} Sczebers, George [>] Sczebers, Joseph [>] Sczebers, Michael [>] Sczebers, Rudolph [>] Sczebers, Sophie [>] Sczebers, Veronica none weaver, ? mill weaver, ? mill lab, garment truck driver spinner, cotton mill 19300401 RI Coventry {B66} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Szymkowicz, Antoni Szymkowicz, Cecelia A Szymkowicz, Frank Szymkowicz, Gateusz Szymkowicz, Helen J Szymkowicz, John S Szymkowicz, Kunegunda Szymkowicz, Philis J Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland proprietor, bakery lab, bakery none 107 DATABASE TABLES [#>] [#>] [#>] Szymkowicz, Raymond A 06 son RI Szymkowicz, Stephen E 3.7 son RI Szymkowicz, Thomas A 08 son RI Boston Rd 24 Boston Rd 24 Boston Rd 24 19300401 RI Cranston [#>] [#>] Durocher, Alfred Durocher, Anna Szymkowicz, Felix Szymkowicz, Helen 39 32 23 20 hoh wif brl sis MA MA NJ MA Villa Av 63 Villa Av 63 Villa Av 63 Villa Av 63 manager, store buyer credit mgr, jewelry teacher, hair design 20 51 43 15 22 26 dau hoh wif son wif hoh RI PL PL RI RI RI Consolation Av 12a 1902 N Consolation Av 12a 1905 A Consolation Av 12a Consolation Av 12a Consolation Av 12b Consolation Av 12b drawing in, silk mill dyer none weaver, silk mill weaver, cotton mill mach, machine shop 44 2.7 46 08 16 11 09 48 0.8 45 07 12 15 38 36 10 08 41 12 13 3.1 14 46 40 13 41 20 18 16 41 14 40 14 wif son hoh son son dau son wif dau hoh dau son son hoh wif dau son wif dau dau son son hoh wif dau hoh son son dau hoh son wif son PL WI PL WI PA WI WI PL WI PL WI PA PA PL PL WI WI PL WI WI WI PA PL PL NY PL NY NY PA PL PA PL PA 1909 N Kronenwetter-a Kronenwetter-a 1909 N Kronenwetter-a Kronenwetter-a Kronenwetter-a Kronenwetter-a Kronenwetter-b 1910 N Kronenwetter-b Kronenwetter-b 1910 N Kronenwetter-b Kronenwetter-b Kronenwetter-b Kronenwetter-b 1910 A Kronenwetter-c 1910 A Kronenwetter-c Kronenwetter-d Kronenwetter-d 1913 A Kronenwetter-d Kronenwetter-d Kronenwetter-d Kronenwetter-d Kronenwetter-d 1909 A Kronenwetter-d 1907 N Kronenwetter-e Kronenwetter-e 1907 N Kronenwetter-e Kronenwetter-e Kronenwetter-e Kronenwetter-f 1910 N Kronenwetter-f Kronenwetter-f 1910 N Kronenwetter-f Kronenwetter-f 19300401 RI Pawtucket [>] [>] {D70} [>] Ogorzalek, Agnes Ogorzalek, Joseph Ogorzalek, Pauline Ogorzalek, Stanley Wilk, Della Wilk, Joseph 19300401 WI Marathon Co. {E53} [>] {G84} [>] [>] [>] [#>] {D98} [#>] {D97} [#>] [#>] [#>] Bieniek, Anna Bieniek, Edward Bieniek, George Bieniek, John Bieniek, Joseph Bieniek, Mary Grys, John Grys, Kazimiera Grys, Sophie Grys, Stanley Grys, Stella Grys, Steve Grys, Walter Chmil, Albert Chmil, Kate Chmiel, Jennie Chmiel, Joseph Chmiel, Lucy Chmiel, Mar Chmiel, Stella Chmiel, Stephen Chmiel, Teddy Chmiel, Walenty Chmiel, Caroline Chmiel, Constance Chmiel, John Chmiel, John Jr. Chmiel, Stanley [>] Havro, Anna [>] Havro, Frank [>] Havro, John {E54} Havro, Marcyjanna [>] Havro, Peter 108 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland farmer, general farm farmer, general farm farmer, general farm farmer, general farm farmer, general farm lab, general farm lab, paper mill Volume 2 CENSUS: United States Federal and State Census Records 19300401 WI Portage Co. [>] [>] [>] {H54} [>] [>] [>] [>] Kawa, John Kawa, Leona Kawa, Mary Kawa, Peter Kawa, Stanley Zielinski, Frank Zielinski, Leonard Zielinski, Valentine 1.3 06 30 38 07 31 15 72 son dau wif hoh son brl brl fal WI WI WI PL WI WI WI PL Sharon Pct 7 Sharon Pct 7 Sharon Pct 7 1909 P Sharon Pct 7 Sharon Pct 7 Sharon Pct 7 Sharon Pct 7 1883 N Sharon Pct 7 26 0.3 39 0.5 2.1 27 23 wif son hoh son dau hoh wif WI WI PL WI WI WI WI Baronotring? St 1020? Baronotring? St 1020? 1907 P Baronotring? St 1020? Jay Eye See Av 1912 Jay Eye See Av 1912 Jay Eye See Av 1912 Jay Eye See Av 1912 45 41 ser WI N Shore? 19 hoh GL-PL 1909 N N Shore? 19 housekeeper, parsonage rector, church American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 109 farmer odd jobs 19300401 WI Racine [>] Baran, Clara [>] Baran, Martin A {I16} Baran, Stanley Glodowski, Edwin L Glodowski, Loraine [+] Glodowski, Louis Glodowski, Stella shoe maker, factory woodworker 19300401 WI Rhinelander Kociczkowcki, Martha {B90} Kolondyk, Walter Volume 2 (This page left blank intentionally) CHRISTEN: Christening Records Some of the data presented below were obtained from certificates possessed by relatives. Some were from publicly available records, such as those listed for McKeesport PA, where copies exist in the McKeesport Heritage Society Library, and for Chicago IL, where copies exist on microfilm at the the LDS Family History Library. Other data, such as those from Brooklyn NY and Niagara Falls NY, were obtained directly from church books. The data in this table are listed: first, alphabetically by name; second, chronologically by christening date. [#>] Barton, Stephanie chr 19191019 b. 19191012 {D33} fat-Barton, Adalbert {D91} mot-Skoczylas, Antonia gdf-Kruczek, Andrew gdm-Skoczylas, Veronica PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC [>] Bogdzislaw, Francisca J chr 19151010 b. 19151007 {E49} fat-Bogdzislaw, Thomas {E50} mot-Jopek, Valeria [>] gdf-Kowalczyk, Josephus [?] gdm-Zurat, Josepha res IL Chicago, Emma St 1458 note: J=Josepha IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC [>] Chalon, Ladislaus chr 19150725 b. 19150718 {F37} fat-Chalon, Adalbertus mot-Kwiatek, Catharina gdf-Kwiatek, Joannes {F36} gdm-Chalon, Angela res IL Chicago, Julian St 1321 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC [>] IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC Ciupak, Rosalia Juliana chr 19150923 b. 19150923 {F58} fat-Ciupak, Martinus {F40} mot-Kruzel, Angela [?] gdf-Kruzel, Julianus {F77} gdm-Ciupak, Juliana res IL Chicago, Ashland Av 901 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 111 DATABASE TABLES {X32} Cyran, Stanislawa chr 19050226 {B84} fat-Cyran, Jozef {D88} gdf-Szetela, Thomas gdm-Cyran, Catherine NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC {X33} Cyran, Stanley chr 19090110 {B84} fat-Cyran, Jozef {A32} gdf-Rogusz, John gdm-Snilli/Milli?, Sophie NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#>] NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC Cyran, Wiktoria chr 19100908 {B84} fat-Cyran, Jozef gdf-Mrozik, Mathew gdm-Staz, Victoria [>] Dlugosz, Thaddeus IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC chr 19150711 b. 19150705 {D19} fat-Dlugosz, Petrus mot-Sapek, Anna {H24} gdf-Dlugosz, Joannes gdm-Kurz, Marianna res IL Chicago, Sloan 1362 note: annotated mrr Lillian Gasiorek 30sep1939 Holy Trinity Church, Chicago Dominik, Victoria chr 19080503 b. 19080427 fat-Dominik, Petro; GL Szalal [?] mot-Grzebyk, Catherine; GL Biala gdf-Bus, Jan {E32} gdm-Dembicka, Catherine PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC [#>] Drazek, Jan chr 19120324 b. 19120324 {A63} fat-Drazek, Jan; PL Kielnarowa mot-Franczyk, Angela; PL Swilcza {H10} gdf-Drazek, Josephus gdm-Franczyk, Maria NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC [#>] Drazek, Stanislawa chr 19140207 b. 19140203 {A63} fat-Drazek, Jan; PL Kielnarowa mot-Franczyk, Angela; PL Swilcza {A68} gdf-Zbilut, Joannes gdm-Lasota, Sophia NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC Dromka, Helene chr 19240406 b. 19240317 fat-Dromka, Joseph mot-Loza, Zofia gdf-Wojtowicz, Frank {D94} gdm-Borowiec, Honorata PA McKeesport, Holy Family PNC 112 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CHRISTEN: Christening Records [>] Duda, Aniela chr 19131106 b. 19131031 fat-Duda, Paul mot-Pietrzyk, Frances gdf-Ferenc, Joseph gdm-Gliwa, Aniela PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC [>] Gasinski, Thaddeus J IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC chr 19151017 b. 19151011 fat-Gasinski, Joannes {I75} mot-Lenart, Theophila gdf-Nieminski, Antonius gdm-Pomp, Victoria res IL Chicago, Clarinda St 1518 note: J=Joannes; mrr Grace Shatas 22nov1942 "Old St. Stephen Church, Chicago" [?] [?] [?] [+] [>] Glodowski, Aniela chr 19160730 b. 19160725 fat-Glodowski, Alexander mot-Wiater, Sophia gdf-Pokrywka, Albert gdm-Gliwa, Aniela PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC [>] Grys, Maria chr 19150725 b. 19150718 {F70} fat-Grys, Josephus mot-Szalik, Agnes {F59} gdf-Dlugosz, Adalbertus gdm-Czarnik, Rosalia res IL Chicago, McHenry St 1534 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC [>] IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC Jasinski, Emilia chr 19151128 b. 19151117 {I00} fat-Jasinski, Antonius {I01} mot-Wagner, Bronislava [>] gdf-Lachman, Casimirus gdm-Rozanska, Maria res IL Chicago, Cleaver St 1451 [#>] Kaplita, Helena chr 19120901 b. 19120822 {A17} fat-Kaplita, Jan; PL Kielnarowa mot-Les, Ludowica; PL Swilcza gdf-Wojcik, Petrus {A14} gdm-Drazek, Angela NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC [#>] NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC Kaplita, Ladislawa chr 19141025 b. 19141017 {A17} fat-Kaplita, Jan; PL Kielnarowa mot-Les, Ludowica; PL Swilcza {C67} gdf-Plodzien, Valentius gdm-Depa, Irenae Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 113 DATABASE TABLES [#>] Kaplita, Marianna chr 19110213 b. 19110213 {A17} fat-Kaplita, Jan; PL Kielnarowa mot-Les, Ludowica; PL Swilcza {A63} gdf-Drazek, Stanislus gdm-Sobolewska, Anna NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC [#>] MA Adams, St. Stanislaus Kostka RC Klimasz, Sophia chr 19130831 b. 19130828 {B36} fat-Klimasz, Francis {B35} mot-Baran, Caroline gdf-Witek, Joseph gdm-Wisniowska, Lucia note: b. MA Adams [>] Kloc, Stanislaw chr 19150816 b. 19150814 {F68} fat-Kloc, Michael mot-Malolepsza, Stanislawa {H97} gdf-Szybowicz, Franciscus gdm-Kaniewski, Antonina res IL Chicago, N Hermitage 1028 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC [#>] Kosciolek, Casimira F chr 19190608 b. 19190423 {A10} fat-Kosciolek, Maximilian mot-Michalowska, Angela gdf-Witek, Joseph gdm-Casimira, Michalowska note: F=Francisca NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC [#>] Kosciolek, Edward L chr 19090509 b. 19090424 {A10} fat-Kosciolek, Maximilian mot-Michalowska, Angela; PL Inowraclaw gdf-Michalowski, Piotr gdm-Bryl, Katarzyna note: L=Leonard NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC [#>] NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC Kosciolek, Eugenia chr 19101225 b. 19101114 {A10} fat-Kosciolek, Maximilian; PL Tyczyn mot-Michalowska, Angela; NY Buffalo gdf-Rosinski, Boleslaw gdm-Chodkowska, Kunegunda 114 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CHRISTEN: Christening Records [#>] Kosciolek, Sophia chr 19121203 b. 19121112 {A10} fat-Kosciolek, Maximilian mot-Michalowska, Angela; PL Posen gdf-Balcerkiewicz, V gdm-Ejze, Martha note: Veniceslaus NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC [#>] PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC Kotula, Bronislawa chr 19160326 b. 19160311 [?] fat-Kotula, Walter {D69} mot-Ciesnicki, Stanislawa {D32} gdf-Skoczylas, Jacobus {B89} gdm-Janosz, Michaelina [>] Kotula, Helena chr 19210203 b. 19180212 {H68} fat-Kotula, Joseph {H67} mot-Glodowski, Teofila gdf-Raifer, Jozef {B67} gdm-Tondera, Lucja PA McKeesport, Holy Family PNC [>] PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC [>] IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC Kotula, Joseph chr 19111208 b. 19111202 {H68} fat-Kotula, Joseph {H67} mot-Glodowski, Theofila gdf-Roj, Anthony {A87} gdm-Jopek, Josepha Kruzel, Ladislava chr 19151107 b. 19151104 {F71} fat-Kruzel, Petrus {G37} mot-Rybka, Paulina {E77} gdf-Opiola, Antonius gdm-Rybka, R Sophia res IL Chicago, Cleaver St 1318 [>] Lachman, Joannes Ladis. IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC chr 19150704 b. 19150623 fat-Lachman, Casimirus {H95} mot-Wagner, Maria {F79} gdf-Szura, Josephus {H96} gdm-Wagner, Carolina res IL Chicago, Cleaver St 1451 note: Ladis.=Ladislaus; mrr Mrs. Marion A Stuermer "Quandro 27feb1965 Holy Trinity Church" Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 115 DATABASE TABLES [#>] Majewski, Joseph chr 19130831 b. 19130615 fat-Majewski, Joseph mot-Nowak, Mary gdf-Rogalski, Boleslaus gdm-Kilnick, Helen note: b. Brooklyn NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#>] Majewski, Joseph Jr. chr 19410928 b. 19410903 fat-Majewski, Joseph Sr. mot-Klimasz, Sophie gdf-Lasbowski, J gdm-Klimasz, I note: b. Brooklyn NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [>] Opiola, Thaddeus Petrus chr 19141227 b. 19141221 {E77} fat-Opiola, Antonius {F00} mot-Stoklosa, Apollonia res IL Chicago, Sloan St 1367 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC [>] IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC Paczyk, Helena chr 19150131 b. 19150129 {F61} fat-Paczyk, Paulus mot-Koralewska, Maria {D20} gdf-Kusnisz, Joannes gdm-Feliks, Matilda res IL Chicago, Julian St 1321 Padlo, Jan chr 19120331 b. 19120320 fat-Padlo, Stanislaus; PL Rudka mot-Drazek, Sophia; PL Kiniarowa gdf-Padlo, Joannes {A62} gdm-Zbilut, Maria NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC Padlo, Maria chr 19140920 b. 19140830 fat-Padlo, Stanislaus; PL Rudlo mot-Sowa, Sophia gdf-Srodowa, Petrus {A62} gdm-Zbilut, Maria note: "Sowa" crossed out NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC Padlo, Stanislaus chr 19130525 b. 19120501 fat-Padlo, Stanislaus; PL Rudka mot-Sowa, Sophia; PL Kiniarowa gdf-Szumlanski, Joannes {A14} gdm-Drazek, Angela NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC 116 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CHRISTEN: Christening Records Pietras, John chr 19100808 b. 19100803 fat-Pietras, Andrew mot-Michalek, Catherine {G58} gdf-Pienta, John gdm-Michalek, Veronica PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC [#>] PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC Pokrywka, Stanislaum chr 19080709 b. 19080702 fat-Pokrywka, Adalbert; GL {G15} mot-Kotula, Veronica; GL gdf-Rakaczm, Joannes {G17} gdm-Szewczyk, Stanislawa [>] Prokop, Julia Josepha chr 19110212 b. 19110203 {C53} fat-Prokop, Piotr; PL Tyczyn mot-Jarzeb; PL Gora Ropczyca gdf-Szulc, Valentinius gdm-Nowak, Josepha NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC [>] Prokop, Maria chr 19140510 b. 19140509 {C53} fat-Prokop, Piotr; PL Tyczyn mot-Jarzab; PL Gora Robczyki {A63} gdf-Drazek, Stanislus gdm-Jarzab, Victoria NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC [>] NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC Prokop, Piotr chr 19130427 b. 19130421 {C53} fat-Prokop, Piotr; PL Tyczyn mot-Jarzab; PL Gnojnica gdf-Nowak, Jacubus gdm-Jasek, Victoria [>] {G95} {G96} {A92} {G97} [>] {G95} {G96} {I57} {A85} Puc, Andrew chr 19191229 b. 19191228 fat-Puc, Alexander mot-Miciuda, Honorata gdf-Wiater, Thomas gdm-Kulasa, Helena PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC Puc, Cecylia chr 19150808 b. 19150728 fat-Puc, Alexander mot-Miciuda, Honorata gdf-Puc, Ignacy gdm-Wiater, Josephine PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 117 DATABASE TABLES [>] Puc, Stephania chr 19130826 b. 19130820 {G95} fat-Puc, Alexander {G96} mot-Miciuda, Honorata gdf-Kulasa, John [>] gdm-Wiater, Magdalena PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC Rog, Andrzej chr 19101112 fat-Rog, Michal mot-Rimut, Julia {C89} gdf-Olech, Jacob NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC Rybka, Emilia chr 19130808 b. 19130723 fat-Rybka, John mot-Szala, Domicela {G61} gdf-Rybka, Casimir gdm-Halon, Emilia PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC Rybka, Stanislawa chr 19110806 b. 19110727 {G61} fat-Rybka, Casimir mot-Kruc?, Louise gdf-Rybka, John gdm-Szadlowska, Catherine PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC [#>] Sikora, Franisceum C chr 19061125 b. 19061119 {A26} fat-Sikora, Andrew {A27} mot-Ziobro, Maria {A89} gdf-Pieniazek, Carolus gdm-Koczon?, Magdalena note: C=Carolum PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC [#>] Sikora, Helen Julia chr 19120428 b. 19120418 {A26} fat-Sikora, Andrew {A27} mot-Ziobro, Maria gdf-Makowka, Michael gdm-Piotrowska, Victoria PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC Sobczyk, Lewis chr 19230311 b. 19230223 fat-Sobczyk, Constantin mot-Halon, Sophia {D33} gdf-Barton, Adalbert gdm-Kustra, Agatha PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC 118 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CHRISTEN: Christening Records [#>] Sowa, John chr 19100421 b. 19100330 fat-Sowa, Gregory {D34} mot-Rybka, Julianna gdf-Paciask, Joseph gdm-Kurzydlo, Regina PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC Szala, Stanislaum PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC chr 19050416 b. 19050406 fat-Szala, Valentino; Blazowa mot-Rybka, Magdalena {G61} gdf-Rybka, Casimirus gdm-Rybka, Domicella note: b. McKeesport; used as passport; stamped in Blazowa 25may1923; photo; res Blazowa [#>] Szetela, Leo chr 19100522 b. 19100518 {A65} fat-Szetela, Jan; PL Kielnarowa {A64} mot-Plodzien, Antonia; PL Kielnarowa gdf-Halaniec, Michael gdm-Wieszczyk, Angela NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC [#>] NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC Szetela, Stanislaus chr 19131102 b. 19131026 {A65} fat-Szetela, Jan; PL Kielnarowa {A64} mot-Plodzien, Antonia; PL Kielnarowa {A17} gdf-Kaplita, Jan gdm-Wanat, Anna [>] Szura, Stanislaus chr 19150829 b. 19150824 {F41} fat-Szura, Ladislaus mot-Kroll, Agnes gdf-Kroll, Franciscus gdm-Szura, Maria res IL Chicago, McHenry St 1512 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC [>] IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC [>] PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC Szybowicz, Thaddeus J chr 19151205 b. 19151110 {F69} fat-Szybowicz, Josephus mot-Jestadt, Carolina gdf-Synowiec, Franciscus gdm-Jestadt, Antonina res IL Chicago, Hermitage 920 Tundera, Veronica chr 19090704 b. 19090626 {B91} fat-Tundera, Casimino; PL Budziwoj {B67} mot-Glodowska, Lucia; PL Budziwoj {H47} gdf-Stachurski, Casimino [?] gdm-Stachurski, Veronica Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 119 DATABASE TABLES [#>] Wiater, John chr 19100918 b. 19100826 {A91} fat-Wiater, Mieczyslaus mot-Kowalska, Magdalena {C34} gdf-Stanik, Thomas {F12} gdm-Wiater, Victoria PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC [>] IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC Wrona, Thaddeusz chr 19150411 b. 19150407 {F62} fat-Wrona, Stanislaus {F63} mot-Marzec, Angela gdf-Jaron, Martinus gdm-Sniat, Rosalia res IL Chicago, Dickson St 1405 [>] Yarosz, Olga chr 19110421 b. 19110521 {I24} mot-, Katarzyna note: Chicago [see biofile of mot] [>] Yarosz, Roman chr 19110421 b. 19110521 {I24} mot-, Katarzyna note: Chicago [see biofile of mot] [#>] Zbilut, Antoni chr 19110617 b. 19110613 {A68} fat-Zbilut, Jan; PL Kielnarowa {A62} mot-Drazek, Maria; GL {A63} gdf-Drazek, Stanislaw gdm-Lasota, Rozalia NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC [#>] Zbilut, Genovefa chr 19141003 b. 19140915 {A68} fat-Zbilut, Jan; PL Kielnarowa {A62} mot-Drazek, Maria; PL Kielnarowa {C67} gdf-Plodzien, Valentine gdm-Lasota, Rozalia NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC [#>] NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC Zbilut, Jan Jozef chr 19130803 b. 19130726 {A68} fat-Zbilut, Jan; PL Swilcza {A62} mot-Drazek, Maria; PL Kielnarowa [-] gdf-Lasota, Bartholomeus gdm-Wieszczek, Angela 120 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CHRISTEN: Christening Records [#>] Zbilut, Stanislaw chr 19090207 b. 19090128 {A68} fat-Zbilut, Jan; PL Kielnarowa {A62} mot-Drazek, Maria; PL Kielnarowa [-] gdf-Lasota, Bartholomeus {A14} gdm-Drazek, Angela Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC 121 (This page left blank intentionally) CHURCHPB: Miscellaneous Church Publications This table lists data from miscellaneous church records and publications that could not be classified elsewhere in other databases. The field "Other Name(s)" includes any additional personal descriptions included with the cited name (such as Mr. and Mrs., family, etc.). The data in this table are listed: first, alphabetically by state; second, alphabetically by city; third, alphabetically by church; fourth, alphanumerically by reference number (cited references in Appendix E in Volume 1); fifth, alphanumerically by name; sixth, chronologically by date. Name Other Name(s) Date Note IN E Chicago, St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr RC, 1900-1950 Anniversary Book (Ref. C7002) {F34} Surowka, Ludwika 1950 ZPA Gr 132; delegate to Polish Congress; photo, color bearer IN E Chicago, St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr RC, Centennial Celebration (Ref. C7001) [>] Muryasz, Helen 2000 mentioned MA Turners Falls, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC, Remembrance Book 1959 (Ref. C5001) [#>] {B30} {C08} {E34} {H19} {E96} [>] [#>] {B64} Drazek, Edward Drazek, Emilia Drazek, Pawel Korcz, Wiktoria Kruczek, Wladyslaw Pluta, Antoni Pluta, Mary Siciak, Jozefa Siciak, Pawel 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 Donor Donor Donor Donor Ad Donor; photo Donor Donor Donor MO St. Louis, St. Adalbert RC, Remembrance Book 1939 (Ref. C8100) {H32} Kosciolek, Jan Volume 2 1939 Soc. Ad.; pg 46 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 123 DATABASE TABLES NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC, (Miscellaneous) [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B28} [#>] [#>] [#>] {A07} Bomba, F S Bomba, Fred Chuchla, Antoni C Chuchla, Jozef J Chuchla, Wladyslaw F Cyran, A B Cyran, A G Cyran, F J Cyran, Fryderyka C Cyran, J S Cyran, M J Cyran, S M Cyran, Tadeusz J Cyran, Wladyslaw J Czado, Eufrozyna J Czado, Henryk S Data, Helena S Data, Jan S Drazek, Jan [#>] [#>] [>] {X22} [#>] {B72} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A55} Gliwa, A R Gliwa, Adam J Grzebyk, Franciszek L Grzebyk, Zofia S Huchla, F J Huchla, Jose Glos Janiec, Boleslaw P Janiec, Leon P Janiec, Magdalena M Janiec, Tomasz F Kalita, Bron. M Kalita, H T Kalita, Jan J Kaplita, Maria Stanislaw Czeslaw Jan Franciszek Balbina Geralda Jan Stanislaw Jozef Magdalena Jozef Jozef Julia Stanislaw Stefanja Stanislaw Roberta Jozef Leonard Stanislawa Jozef Paul Piotr Marya Franciszek Marja Teresa Jozef {A50} Kaplita, Sylvester [#>] [#>] [>] [>] {B80} [>] [>] {B85} Klimasz, Isabelle Klimasz, L S Kotula, Adolf J Kotula, Angela F Kotula, Franciszek Kotula, Ludwik J Kotula, Stefania J Marciniec, Feliks [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [+] Mikrut, Helena Z Mikrut, Mieczyslaw E Mikrut, Rozalia Mikrut, S R Mikrut, Tadeusz A Mikulczyk, Fran [#] Paluch, Andrzej {F21} Para, Augustyn 124 1935 1930 1930 1924 1924 1935 1935 1935 1950 1935 1935 1935 1930 1930 1924 1924 1930 1930 19270404 1935 1924 1924 1924 1935 19290728 1924 1924 1924 1924 1930 1935 1930 19180627 19200316 Stanislaw Jan Franciszka Jozef Joanna Zyta Eugen Rozalia Alojzy 1936 1935 1930 1924 19300226 1930 1930 19180901 1930 1930 19240107 1935 1930 19230405 19181102 200010 Confirmation Graduating Class; speculation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Graduating Class; per Brooklynite Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Funeral; cem=St. Johns[wrong]; HCross 43y; d. 19270331 Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Funeral; cem=St. Johns; 43y; d. 19290731 Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Funeral; cem=Holy Cross; 56y[wrong] 21y; d. 19180614 Funeral; cem=Holy Cross; 33y; d. 19200313 Graduating Class; valedictorian; speculat Confirmation; slash L Confirmation Confirmation Funeral; cem=St. Johns; 40y Confirmation Confirmation Funeral; cem=HCross[wrong]; H Trinity 54y; d. 19180830 Confirmation Confirmation Funeral; cem=St. Johns; d. 19240103 Confirmation Confirmation Funeral; cem=Holy Cross; 47y; d. 19230403 Funeral; cem=Holy Cross; 31y; d. 19181029 from Robert & Joyce Strzelecki; remembrance mass American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CHURCHPB: Miscellaneous Church Publications {F21} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Para, Augustyn Rogusz, Adolf F Rogusz, F E Rogusz, Helena R Rogusz, Janina A Rogusz, Stanislawa J Siciak, Wladyslaw S Siciak, Zofia F Szczociarz, Helena F Szczoczarz, Stan. W Szwed, G A Szwed, Helena B Wiatr, Honorata Frk? Edward Rozalia Anna Jozefa Stanislaw Franciszka Franciszka Wiktoria Agata Bron 20001224 1930 1935 1924 1930 1924 1930 1930 1930 1930 1935 1930 19240828 [#>] [#>] Wiatr, Stanislaw A Zembron, Bron. J Alexander Jozef 1924 1930 from Helen Szwed; remembrance mass Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation Funeral; cem=Holy Trinity[wrong]; S Johns; d. 19240826; age 10y Confirmation Confirmation NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC, Anniversary Remembrance Book 1896-1996 (Ref. C1002) {B26} Bomba, Stanislaus {D87} Borowiec, Paul {D87} Borowiec, Paul Picur, Antonina {D87} Borowiec, Paul 1996 1996 1996 1996 [>] [>] [#>] [#>] Borowiec, Thaddeus Borowiec, Thaddeus Chuchla, Anthony Dembrowski, Vincent Peter 1996 1996 1996 1996 [#>] [#>] {A81} [#>] {A59} Dembrowski, Vincent Dembrowski, Vincent Gliwa, Jagocki, Jamroz, Frank Peter Peter family family Jozefa 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 {A59} Jamroz, Frank Jozefa 1996 {A59} Jamroz, Frank Jozefa 1996 {A59} Jamroz, Frank Jozefa 1996 {X01} {X01} [#>] [#>] {B00} [#>] [#>] {X04} [>] {A73} [>] [#>] [#>] [>] {B83} {I38} [>] Witek, Julia 19420517 19920625 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 Klimasz, Anthony Klimasz, Anthony Klimasz, Janet Klimasz, Julia Witek Kopiec, Augystyn Kozik, Halina Kozik, Jerzy Kozik, Wladyslaw Kwiatkowski, Franciszek Leniart, John Mlotkowski, Helen Para, Jean L Pawlowski, Adele Cyran Setela, Florence Stanich, Michael Szczupiel, Franciszek Szetela, Ted Volume 2 esq. Victoria wife Aleksandra Pauline Valerie Maria Florence from Mary C Bomba; in memory from Anna Borowiec; in memory from Stan, Ann, Kasia, Mary, Elizabeth B.; in memory from Ted Fran, Kristen & Matthew Borowiec; in memory Trustee, parish lay council secr POMOC from Lottie Chuchla; in memory from Gregory V & Heather Dembrowski; in memory from Josie Dembrowski; in memory from Pamela D Milillo; in memory mentioned mentioned from Christine & Robert BHISHOP; in memory from Janina & Walter Masnicki; in memory from Jason; Stephanie & Brian BISHOP; in memory from Stephen & John Masnicki; in memory wedding day; in memory passed away; in memory dau of Anthony; in memory wif of Anthony; in memory Patron; in memory mentioned, dau of Wladyslaw mentioned, son of Wladyslaw mentioned mentioned; in memory mentioned; in memory Jutrzenka Singing Society Sgt at arms the Catholic ladies guild Sponsor American Polish Hi-Hatters Inc. of Bklyn mentioned; in memory Patron; in memory mentioned American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 125 DATABASE TABLES PA McKeesport, Holy Family PNC, 50th Anniversary Book 1971 (Ref. C3006) {B99} Gliwa, Jozef {A24} Grzebyk, I {A24} Grzebyk, Ignacy 19210911 19310607 19210731 {A24} Grzebyk, Ignacy 19220721 {A24} Grzebyk, Ignacy 1971 [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] Korch, Charles Korch, Charles Korch, Charles Korch, Charles Korch, Charles 197008 1971 1971 1971 1971 [#] [#] [#] [>] [>] Korch, Charles Korch, Rose Marie Korch, Rose Marie Naspinsky, Andrew Naspinsky, Andrew [>] [>] Naspinsky, Andrew Naspinsky, Andrew [>] [>] Naspinsky, Andrew Naspinsky, Josephine [>] [>] Naspinsky, Josephine Naspinsky, Josephine 197008 1971 [>] [>] {D35} {F13} Naspinsky, Josephine Naspinsky, Josephine Paczesniak, Michael Pasko, Thomas 1971 1971 19210911 19210911 Mr. & Mrs. 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 Mr. & Mrs. 1971 19621015 {D37} Pietras, A {D37} Pietras, Alexander 1971 19220721 [+] [>] Pokrywka, Wochiech Stachurski, Edwin 19210731 1971 [>] Stachurski, Loretta {A11} Stachurski, Stanislaw {A11} Stachurski, Stanislaw 1971 19310607 19621015 [>] [>] [>] [>] 197008 1971 1971 1971 Stachurski, Stanley Stachurski, Stanley Stachurski, Stanley Stachurski, Stanley {G64} Staniek, Antoni {B91} [>] [>] [>] {B88} 126 Tondera, Kazimierz Tondera, Todd Tondera, Tom Tondera, Tom Trojanowski, Kazimierz 19220721 Lucja 1971 1971 1971 1971 19220721 first donors for land purchase 10y anniversary committee member parish organization meeting; vice-chairman charter member Spojnia PNU insurance org.; chairman PL National Union Branch 132; chartering member,photo member of building committee Building committee; photo Holy Family Bowling League; photo Parish Executive Board; photo Young Men's Society for Resurrection; photo donor Frederick Chopin Choir; photo Parent-Teacher's Organization; photo Frederick Chopin Choir; photo PL National Union Branch 132; chartering member,photo Parish Executive Board; photo Young Men's Society for Resurrection; photo donor committee member, new church construction member of building committee Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament; photo Building committee; photo Parent-Teacher's Organization; photo first donors for land purchase land purchase meeting; proposed finc. motion memorial donation from Pietras, M charter member Spojnia PNU insurance org.; director parish organization meeting; chairman PL National Union Branch 132; chartering member,photo Frederick Chopin Choir; photo 10y anniversary committee member committee member, new church construction member of building committee Building committee; photo Parish Executive Board; photo Young Men's Society for Resurrection; photo charter member Spojnia PNU insurance org.; treasurer memorial donation from Tondera, Walter Acolytes; photo Acolytes; photo Frederick Chopin Choir; photo charter member Spojnia PNU insurance org.; vice-chairman American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CHURCHPB: Miscellaneous Church Publications PA McKeesport, Holy Family PNC, 75th Anniversary Book 1996 (Ref. C3007) {B99} Gliwa, Jozef {A24} Grzebyk, I {A24} Grzebyk, Ignacy 1931 {A24} Grzebyk, Ignacy 19220521 {G13} Krol, Teofil [>] Naspinsky, Andrew 1946 [>] [>] {D35} {D35} {D35} Naspinsky, Andrew Naspinsky, Josephine Paczesniak, Michael Paczesniak, Michael Paczesniak, Michael 1956 1962 1941 19710418 {D37} Pietras, Alexander 19220521 [>] [#>] 1956 1944-47 Pietras, Mary Skoczylas, Veronica {A11} Stachurcki, S [>] Stachurski, Stefania 1931 1941 {G64} Staniek, Anthony 19220521 [>] 1949 Tondera, Thomas {B88} Trojanowski, Kazimierz 19220521 Org. committee (founding) & donations 10y anniversary committee First page of recorded ofc parish minutes; chair PL National Union organizing meeting; pres., elected First page of recorded ofc parish minutes; Marshal 25y Anniversary committe member; vice-chairman 35y anniversary committe trustees Planning committee Org. committee (founding) & donations PNU Branch 132; president charter member, new rectory groundbreakng; participant PL National Union organizing meeting; trustee 35y anniversary committe trustees Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament; pres. 10y anniversary committee Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament; chairwoman PL National Union organizing meeting; treasurer Sgt Dominick Post 264 Vet Asoc honor roll; color guard PL National Union organizing meeting; vice-pres. PA McKeesport, Holy Family PNC, Dedication of New Church Book 1967 (Ref. C3005) [>] [>] {C47} {C79} {C79} [#] [#] [>] [>] [>] [#] [>] [>] {D35} {D35} {D94} [>] {G60} Borowiec, Jan Borowiec, John Borowiec, Katarzyna Borowiec, Kazimierz Borowiec, Kazimierz Fornal, Walter Fornal, Walter Gliwa, William Janos, Frank Janos, Ted Korch, Charles Lawrence, Aniela Naspinsky, Andrew Paczesniak, Michael Paczesniak, Michael Palesko, Eleonor B Palka, Anthony Palka, Joseph {G60} [#] [#] [#] [#] Palka, Joseph Piekielek, Alfred Piekielek, Alfred Piekielek, Edward Piekielek, Michael Volume 2 Mr. & Mrs. Virginia Rose Marie T=Tondera Josephine Victoria Victoria B=Borowiec Frances Mr. & Mrs. Vina Josephine Steffie Sophie 19670702 19630512 19670702 19521015 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 memorial from Borowiec, Katarzyna, mot memorial from Borowiec family; d. (bro) donor memorial fro Borowiec family; d. (fat) memorial from Borowiec, Katarzyna, wif donation-station of the cross donor donor donor donor donor memorial from Tondera, Lucya, mother donor donor patron memorial from chi donor Best wishes (w/Tondera, Lucya Mrs & Sons) donor child donor donor donor donor American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 127 DATABASE TABLES [>] [>] [>] {I15} [>] {D14} [#>] {D32} {D32} [>] [>] {A11} {A11} [>] [>] [>] {G64} Pietras, Marie Pietras, Mary Pietras, Mary Putz, Thomas Rogala, Bron. Scotlas, Thomas Skoczylas, George Skoczylas, Jacob Skoczylas, Jacob Stachurski, Edwin Stachurski, Stanley Stachurski, Stanley Stachurski, Stanley Stachurski, Ted Stahurski, Stan Stahurski, Ted Staniek, Anthony [>] {B91} {B67} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {B88} {B88} {B88} [#>] Tondera, Frank Tondera, Kazimierz Tondera, Lucya Tondera, Thomas Jr Tondera, Thomas Sr Tondera, Todd Tondera, Tom Tondera, Tom Tondera, Walter Trojanowski, Kazimierz Trojanowski, Kazimierz Trojanowski, Kazimierz Tronosky, Mary Mrs. sp. Alex Gene (Pietras) Rose Veronica Veronika Victoria Loretta Stefania Stephanie Mary Laura Mary Julia Mrs. & Sons Todd Aniela Aniela Aniela sp. Henry 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 19670702 best wishes (w/Ryniak, Jozef) donation-window donor donor patron compliments of donor donor memorial donor donor patron donor patron best wishes donor memorial from Como, Victor Mr. & Mrs.; par donor memorial from Tondera, Lucya, wif Best wishes (w/Palka, Joseph Mr. & Mrs.) donor donor child donor child donor donation-glass window donor memorial from dau Bucklew, Helen memorial from dau Gazdick, Jean memorial from son Tronosky, Theodore donor PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC, Diamond Jubilee Book 1893-1968 (Ref. C2006) [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Barton, Bernice Barton, Edward Barton, Stanley Barton, Stanley 1925 1940 1929 1968 [#>] [>] [#>] Barton, Veronica Cover, Beatrice Grebeck, Annette 1928 1968 1939 [#>] [#>] [#>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {A26} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] Konkol, Alexander Malak, V Malak, Victoria Pienta, Stella Pokrywka, H Puc, Andrew Puc, Matthew Sikora, Andrzej Skoczylas, Blanche Skoczylas, Eileen Staniek, Anthony Staniek, Anthony Staniek, Anthony Staniek, Helen Staniek, P Staniek, P 1926 1937 1935 1927 1930 1934 1940 128 1935 1939 1925 1951-54 1954 1927 1916 1919 Graduating Class; photo Graduating Class; photo Graduating Class; photo Officers of the Polish Republican Club; photo Graduating Class; photo Officers of the CCD; photo Fr. Francis Majda's first Mass; age abt 4y; photo Graduating Class; photo Graduating Class; [f] photo Graduating Class; photo Graduating Class; photo Graduating Class; [f] photo Graduating Class; photo Graduating Class; photo Parish Founders & Pioneers Graduating Class; photo Communion; photo Graduating Class; photo Church Committee; photo Ushers; photo Graduating Class; photo Communion; [m] photo Graduating Class; [m] photo American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CHURCHPB: Miscellaneous Church Publications [>] [>] [#>] Staniek, P Staniek, Sophie Wiater, Andrew 1920 1929 1968 [#>] [#] Wiater, William Ziobro, Alberta 1925 19521019 [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {D90} [#>] [#>] Ziobro, Benny Ziobro, Bernard Ziobro, E Ziobro, Edward Ziobro, J Ziobro, John Ziobro, Ludwik Ziobro, Ronald Ziobro, S 1932 1939 1910 1913 1916 1913 1947 1916 Graduating Class; [m] photo Graduating Class; photo Officers of the Polish Republican Club; photo Graduating Class; photo Blessing Cornerstone at Church Dedication; assisted with banquet Graduating Class; photo Communion; photo Altar Boys; photo Grade 4-5; photo Communion; [m] photo Grade 4-5; photo Parish Founders & Pioneers Graduating Class; photo Communion; [m] photo PA McKeesport, St. Mary RC, New Church Dedication Book 1954 (Ref. C2005) {C01} [#>] [#>] [#>] {D33} {E19} [#>] {B59} [>] {E21} [#>] {F20} [#>] {D11} [#>] [#>] [#>] [>] [+] [>] {G61} {I02} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {C34} [>] [>] [>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {D89} [#>] [#>] [#>] Baran, Wlad. Barton, Bernice Barton, Stanley Barton, Stanley E Barton, Wojciech Dembski, Walter Grebeck, Annette Grzebyk, Stan Kmiotek, Peter Kmiotek, Stanley Konkol, Alexander Konkol, Salomea Lakovic, Domicella Malak, Frank Malak, Rose Malak, Rose Bodnar Malak, Stanley Pokrywka, John Pokrywka, Wojciech Puc, Matthew Rybka, Kazimierz Skoczylas, Zofia Staniek, Anthony Staniek, Anthony Staniek, Anthony Staniek, Peter Staniek, Sophie Staniek, T Staniek, Walter Wiater, John Wiater, William Ziobro, Bernard Ziobro, Edward Ziobro, John Ziobro, Maryanna Ziobro, Michael Ziobro, Michael Ziobro, Stella Volume 2 Agatha Helen Mary Wini. Josephine Helen Laura Alberta Stella 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 Donor Donor Donor PL Republican Club, McKeesport; Pres. Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor, side altar linens Donor Donor Donor congratulations Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Trustee; photo Usher; photo Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor, bronze flower vases Donor American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 129 DATABASE TABLES PA Wilkes-Barre, St. Stanislaw Kostka, Remembrance Book 1933 (Ref. C2101) [>] [>] {G68} {C48} Kosciolek, Helena Kosciolek, John Kosciolek, Leon Kosciolek, Stanislaw 1933 1933 1933 1933 list; pg 34 donor, list; pg 20,35,39 donor, list; pg 35,39 donor; pg 39 PA Wilkes-Barre, St. Stanislaw Kostka, Remembrance Book 1958 (Ref. C2102) [>] Kosciolek, Helen {G68} Kosciolek, Leo 1958 1958 donor; pg 31 donor; pg 31 RI Central Falls, St. Joseph RC, Directory 1994 (Ref. C4103) [>] Tamul, Rose 1994 High 633, Central Falls RI 02863 725-8452 RI Central Falls, St. Joseph RC, Golden Jubilee 1907-1957 (Ref. C4102) [>] {D71} [>] [>] Ogorzalek, Stanley Orzechowski, Agata Orzechowski, Paul Orzechowski, Stanislaw Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. 1957 1957 1957 1957 Parish Honor Roll donor Parish Honor Roll donor RI Central Falls, St. Joseph RC, Remembrance Book 1906-1981 (Ref. C4101) [>] [>] Szczoczarz, Frederick Tamul, Rose 1981 killed in WWII Holy Rosary Society; photo RI Coventry, Our Lady of Czenstochowa RC, Remembrance Book 1981 (Ref. C4001) {B66} Szymkowicz, Antonio [#>] Szymkowicz, James [#>] Szymkowicz, Raymond T [#>] Felix, Phyllis Szymkowicz, Thomas 1981 1980 1981 195401 memorial, from Mrs. A Szymkowicz eighth grade graduation class memorial, Mrs. A Szymkowicz family; bro Dr., appointed lay trustee WI Mosinee, Our Saviours PNC, 1930-1980 Anniversary Book (Ref. C8000) [#] Bartel, John Bertha 1980 [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] {G84} {G84} [#>] [#>] [#>] Bartel, John Bartel, John Bartel, John Bartel, John Bartel, John Bieniek, Wojciech Bieniek, Wojciech Gajda, Gajda, Gajda, David Bertha Bertha Bertha Bertha Bertha 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 19300703 1980 1979 198006 1980 [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Gajda, David J Grys, Anastazia Grys, Edward Grys, Edward Grys, Edward Grys, Ferne Grys, Ferne Rev. 130 Anna Fr. Fr. Fr. 1980 1980 1954 19550722 19610813 1980 1980 from chi Steve & Ferne Bartel Grys; photo of Bertha from gch Jane Grys Haumschild from gch Stanley & John Grys from ggc Eric Haumschild, Heather Grys from ggc Jeane, Stanley Jr, Allen Grys from ggc Timothy, Tina, Edwin Grys parish member, Peplin memorial from family easter procession; photo School of Christian Living picnic; photo congratulations, Kopernik Pol-Am Club; photo clergy biography; photo vice pres, Adoration of Blessed Sacrament Communicant; photo Holy Communion class; photo Communion class; photo choir; photo member, Blessed Sacrament Society American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CHURCHPB: Miscellaneous Church Publications [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Grys, Jane Grys, Jeane Grys, John Grys, John Grys, John Grys, Joseph Grys, Joseph Grys, Joseph Grys, Joseph Grys, Joseph Grys, Joseph Grys, Joseph [#>] [#>] Grys, Joseph Grys, Joseph {D97} {D97} {D97} {D97} {D97} {D97} {D97} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Grys, Stanislaw Grys, Stanislaw Grys, Stanislaw Grys, Stanislaw Grys, Stanislaw Grys, Stanislaw Grys, Stanislaw Grys, Stanley Grys, Stella Grys, Stella Grys, Steve Grys, Steve Grys, Steve Grys, Steve Grys, Steve Haumschild, Eric [#>] [#>] [#>] Haumschild, Eric Haumschild, Eric Haumschild, Jane 1980 198006 197912 [#>] [#>] Haumschild, Jane Haumschild, Jane 1980 1980 [#>] [>] Haumschild, Jane Hawro, Frank 1980 19300629 Volume 2 Ms. 19610813 1979 1930s 1932-33 1980 1950s 19530301 1980 1980 1980 Mrs. Kazmira Kazmira Kazmira Kazmira Kazmira Kazmira 1980 1980 19300703 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1930s 1932-33 19300810 1950s 1980 1980 1980 197912 Communion class; photo Queen of the Polish Folk Festival; photo second Confirmation class; photo Communion class; photo parish member; photo dinner in honor of Bishop Pekala; photo mortgage burning ceremony; photo chairman, building committee; photo president, building committee choir; photo parish member; photo sec-treasurer, Our Saviours Mens Club; photo translated original records congratulations, Spojnia Branch 341; financial secr parish member, Peplin from chi Steve & Ferne Bartel Grys; photo from gch Jane Grys Haumschild from gch Stanley & John Grys from ggc Eric Haumschild, Heather Grys from ggc Jeane, Stanley Jr, Allen Grys from ggc Timothy, Tina, Edwin Grys parish member; photo second Confirmation class; photo Communion class; photo first Communion class; photo took part in building new building; photo director; photo member, Our Saviours Mens Club parish member; photo School of Christian Living Christmas evnt; photo altar boy; photo School of Christian Living picnic; photo School of Christian Living Christmas evnt; photo, teacher choir; photo member, Blessed Sacrament Society; photo parish member; photo rented-out old house to use as church American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 131 (This page left blank intentionally) CITATION: United States Citations This table is an index to citations and references of the immigrants and their relatives in various publications of US origin. These publications include books, pamphlets, newspapers, and webpages, and may include extensive and detailed writings about an individual. Only a fragment of text can be included in this table for some records. For more details, the reference publication should be examined. A source code (such as BNY06) refers to a cited reference in Appendix E of Volume 1. Two dates may be listed for some entries; care should be taken to interpret the dates correctly. A date to the immediate right of an individual's name may be an "event" date (such as an "event" that occurred in 1942, cited in a book published in 2002). A date following a source code (such as NNY18:19711120) refers to a publication date (such as for a periodical publication). The data in this table are listed: first, alphabetically by name; second, chronologically by "event" date; third, alphanumerically by source code; fourth, chronologically by publication date. Name Date State City {A09} , Aleks 19000103 {A09} , Aleks {A09} , Aleks 19020326 19020417 Yokohama {A09} , Alex 19010102 Aden {A09} , Alex 19010513 {A09} , Alexander {A09} , Alexander {A09} , Alojzy 19010102 19011027 19051029 NY Niagara Falls [<] 1942 , Blima {A09} , Oles {A09} , Oles {G08} , Teofil 19011228 19020331 19000220 {G08} , Teofil 19000303 {G08} , Teofil 19010102 Volume 2 PL Rzeszow Note (including Source Code) BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek; also Father & Milcia BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY05; mentioned; Max Kosciolek received letter from him BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek; letter & to par BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY04; sender; Max Kosciolek postcard received this date; year questionable BWI01; mentioned; aun of Lucjan Salzman, possibly wif of Kalman BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent postcard to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent postcard to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 133 DATABASE TABLES {G08} , Teofil 19011008 {G08} , Teos 19000323 {G08} , Teos 19000323 {G08} , Teos {G08} , Teos 19000330 19000407 {G08} , Teos {G08} , Teos 19000601 19000606 {G08} , Teos {G08} , Teos 19000804 19000820 {G08} , Teos 19001122 {G08} , Teos 19001208 {G08} , Teos 19001212 Smyrna {G08} , Teos 19001220 Port Said {G08} , Teos 19010102 Aden {G08} , Teos {G08} , Teos 19011027 19011104 {G08} , Teos 19011114 {G08} , Teos 19011127 {G08} , Teos 19011213 {G08} , Teos {G08} , Teos {G08} , Teos 19011228 19020107 19020112 {G08} , Teos {G08} , Teos 19020202 19020202 Kobe {G08} , Teos {G08} , Teos {G08} , Teos 19020211 19020227 19020227 China {G08} , Teos 19020301 {G08} , Teos 19020302 China {G08} , Teos 19020303 China {G08} , Teos 19020331 {G08} , Teos 19020405 Manila {G08} , Teos 19020418 Yokohama {G08} , Teos {G08} , Teos 19020423 19020505 134 Chefoo Naples BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard to bro Teofil BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent newspaper BNY06; sender; sent postcard to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent photo BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; sender; sent postcard to Max Kosciolek BNY05; mentioned; Max Kosciolek wrote postcard to him BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY05; mentioned; Max Kosciolek received letter from him BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek; pen letter BNY06; sender; sent postcard to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent postcard to Max Kosciolek (Oct 27?) BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek; letter (Dec 24?) BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent postcard and letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent money and newspaper BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek; photographs BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent pictures & newspapers BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek; photo letter BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter & Kentucky Book BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CITATION: United States Citations {G08} , Teos 19020505 Yokohama {G08} , Teos 19020520 Yokohama {G08} , Teos 19020530 Yokohama {G08} , Teos 19020701 Yokohama {G08} , Teos 19020708 {G08} , Teos 19020716 Yokohama {G08} , Teos 19020727 Japan {G08} , Teos 19020728 {G08} , Teos 19020729 Japan {G08} , Teos 19020819 Kobe {G08} , Teos 19020829 {G08} , Teos 19020830 {G08} , Teos 19020920 {G08} , Teos 19020928 {G08} , Teos 19021002 {G08} , Teos 19021005 {G08} , Teos 19021020 {G08} , Teos {G08} , Teos 19021022 19021029 {G08} , Teos {G08} , Teos 19021030 19021108 {G08} , Teos 19021109 {G08} , Teos 19021207 {G08} , Teos {G08} , Teos 19030103 19030111 {G08} , Teos 19030123 {G08} , Teos 19030217 {G08} , Teos 19030302 {G08} , Teos {G08} , Teos 19030304 19030304 {G08} , Teos 19030308 Volume 2 Kobe BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard & newspaper BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek; letters BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek; photo letter also to fat? BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; sender; sent postcard to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard & newspaper BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter & toothpicks BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek; photo letter BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent photo and letter BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek; post letter BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter and Kentucky? picture BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY06; sender; sent postcard to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek; photo letter BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent postcard to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 135 DATABASE TABLES {G08} , Teos 19030329 {G08} , Teos 19030408 {G08} , Teos 19030409 {G08} , Teos 19030412 {G08} , Teos 19030428 {G08} , Teos 19030430 {G08} , Teos 19030501 {G08} , Teos 19030505 {G08} , Teos 19030603 CA Mare Island {G08} , Teos 19030623 {G08} , Teos 19030623 CA Mare Island {G08} , Teos {G08} , Teos 19030702 19030705 CA Mare Island {G08} , Teos {G08} , Teos 19030711 19030714 {G08} , Teos 19030714 CA Mare Island {G08} , Teos 19030804 {G08} , Teos 19030806 CA Mare Island {G08} , Teos {G08} , Teos 19030818 19030826 CA Mare Island {G08} , Teos 19030826 CA Mare Island {G08} , Teos 19030903 CA Mare Island {G08} , Teos 19030907 CA Mare Island {G08} , Teos 19040114 {G08} , Teos 19040114 [>] Aleshi, Peter P 19010325 [>] Birman, 1942 [<] Birman, Julek 1970 PL Rzeszow Israel {E49} Bodzislaw, WI Stevens Point {B70} Bomba, Joseph NY Brooklyn [>] 136 Bomba, Marcella M 19520823 PA Ridgway BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard & newspaper BNY06; sender; sent postcard and letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter and newspaper BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; sender; sent postcard to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent postcard to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; sender; sent postcard to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent postcard to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; sender; sent postcard to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard and newspaper BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard; 1904 assumed (line crossed out) BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek; 1904 assumed photo WWW:2003; genealogical data; b.; data on Rootsweb website submitted by Emily Bono BWI01; mentioned; cou of Lucjan Salzman; in ghetto BWI01; mentioned; cou of Lucjan Salzman, res in Israel BNJ01:197702; mentioned; Volume II; Hermanowa; researcher Joseph S Bodzislaw NNY07:19160217; mrr notice; 18 St 140; wif Julia Data NPA14:19520915; mrr notice; grm David A Petruzzi; fat Adolph Bomba; sis Miss American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CITATION: United States Citations [>] Brodowski, John NY Brooklyn [>] Cook, William NY Brooklyn {B08} Cura, Valentine NY Brooklyn [#>] Cyran, Mike NY Brooklyn [#>] Cyran, Mike NY Brooklyn [#>] Cyran, Mike NY Brooklyn {C02} Data, Julia NY Brooklyn [#>] Dziurzynski, Anthony 1940 [#>] [#>] Dziurzynski, Anthony J 1950 Gliwa, Bronislaw {I79} Hadala, Ann 19110806 {I79} Hadala, Ann 194511 {I79} Hadala, Ann 19851119 [<] Hutterer, Anna [<] Hutterer, Benek [<] Hutterer, Benek [<] Hutterer, Henry [<] [<] Hutterer, Henry Hutterer, Nadzia [<] Hutterer, Pauline NJ Patterson NJ Mount Hope NY Brooklyn 1939 PL Katowice 1939 1939 PL PL Katowice Katowice {A59} Jamroz, Franciszek NY Brooklyn {X09} Janiec, Wladyslaw NY Brooklyn {E50} Jopek, WI Stevens Point [>] Kahane, Volume 2 1942 PL Rzeszow Barbara Bomba; bro Henry & Theodore Bomba; at St. Leo Church, Ridgway; grm from Brockway WWII Navy vet; newlyweds to res Broad St 580, Brockway NNY25:19340815; mrr notice; 04 Av 872; age 25y; wif Angela Kotula NNY07:19160207; mrr notice; Coffey St 098; age 22y; wif Helene Marciniec NNY07:19160108; mrr notice; Dupont St 164; age 23y; wif Aniela Mucha NNY06:194910; newspaper article; No. 30; 19 St 250 NNY06:194911; newspaper article; No. 31; "Mike Cyran is now a man of distinction - he is cultivating a Dewey type mustache" NNY06:194912; newspaper article; No. 32; "Brooklynite award of the month goes to Mike Cyran, South Brooklyn's #1 most elusive batchelor" NNY07:19160217; mrr notice; 18 St 140; hus Joseph Bomba C9000:1940; diocese-res; Pat, 18; Martin St 86 C9000:1950; diocese-parish; Pat; St. Bernard BNY03:1943; biography; Third edition; writer; lecturer; b. 22aug1913 Brooklyn; pioneer of PL radio programs in NYC; extensive biography of writings and literary activities; res Brooklyn, 05 Av 642 WWW:2003; genealogical data; b.; data on Rootsweb website submitted by Emily Bono WWW:2003; genealogical data; mrr Peter P Aleshi; data on Rootsweb website submitted by Emily Bono WWW:2003; genealogical data; d.; data on Rootsweb website submitted by Emily Bono BWI01; mentioned; mot of Lucjan Salzman; b. 50 miles East of Tyczyn in village on San River BWI01; mentioned; unc of Lucjan Salzman; studied dentistry in France BWI01; mentioned; unc of Lucjan Salzman, dentist work BWI01; mentioned; unc of Lucjan Salzman; businessman BWI01; mentioned; unc of Lucjan Salzman BWI01; mentioned; wif of Henry Hutterer; aun of Lucjan Salzman BWI01; mentioned; aun of Lucjan Salzman; mrr a doctor, moved to Vienna; chi=2 NNY06:194805; newspaper article; No. 13; Klub Warszawa soccer club new member NNY06:195006; newspaper article; No. 38; Shoe Repair Shop, 11 St 335 BNJ01:197702; mentioned; Volume II; Hermanowa; researcher Joseph S Bodzislaw BWI01; mentioned; cou of Lucjan Salzman; in ghetto American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 137 DATABASE TABLES {B90} Kalandyk, Ladislaus WI Hayward {B90} Kalandyk, W {B90} Kalandyk, W WI Rhinelander WI Hayward {B90} Kalandyk, W WI Hayward {B90} Kalandyk, Walter WI Hayward {A17} Kaplita, John 19211120 NY Niagara Falls {A17} Kaplita, John 19211120 NY Lockport {A17} Kaplita, John 19220521 NY Buffalo {A17} Kaplita, John 19220523 NY Lockport {A17} Kaplita, John 19220525 NY Niagara Falls {A17} Kaplita, John 19220525 NY Lockport {A17} Kaplita, John 19220526 NY Niagara Falls {A17} Kaplita, John 19220625 NY Buffalo {F05} Kaplita, Joseph 19550519 NJ Jersey City MI Hamtramck [>] Kaplita, Walter A [>] Kaszton, Adolph M 19510211 IL {X01} Klimasz, Anthony {A09} {A09} {A09} {A10} Kosciolek, Aleksan Kosciolek, Aleksan Kosciolek, Alex Kosciolek, M Chicago NY Brooklyn 19000320 19000322 19000120 19051029 NY Niagara Falls {A10} Kosciolek, Maks 18990120 NY Buffalo {A10} Kosciolek, Maks 19001111 Algeria {A10} Kosciolek, Maks 19031211 PL Tyczyn {A10} Kosciolek, Maks 19040525 NY Buffalo {A10} Kosciolek, Maks 19040612 NY Buffalo 138 C9000:1949; diocese-parish; Sup; St. Josephs C9000:1929; diocese; Sup C9000:1932; diocese-parish; Sup; St. Josephs C9000:1940; diocese-parish; Sup; St. Josephs C9000:1957; diocese-parish; Sup; St. Josephs; Rt. Rev. Msgr. NNY30:19211121; newspaper article; [see biofile] NNY40:19211121; newspaper article; [see biofile] NNY09:19220522; newspaper article; [see biofile] NNY40:19220524; newspaper article; [see biofile] NNY30:19220526; newspaper article; [see biofile] NNY40:19220525; newspaper article; [see biofile] NNY30:19220527; newspaper article; [see biofile] NNY12:19220526; newspaper article; [see biofile] MRR01:195507; d. notice; listed in d. employees section; lab; Stores division BNY03:1943; biography; Third edition; physician; former medical examiner for Alliance of Poles in America; member Detroit Medical Society; res MI Hamtramck, Jos. Campau Av 10338 NIL11:19510212; newspaper article; taxicab driver, age 33y, res Montana St 2307, killed when his cab collided with a street car at Milwaukee Av 1702 NNY06:195207; newspaper article; No. 63; formerly of 22 St; mrr to one of the Witek girls BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent $2 BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek BNY04; recipient; Max Kosciolek postcard received this date; year questionable BNY04; recipient; Max Kosciolek postcard received this date; sent 06jan1899; probably from Tyczyn BNY04; recipient; Max Kosciolek postcard received this date; sent from Przemysl 02nov1900 BNY04; recipient; Max Kosciolek postcard received this date; sent from Jasien 06dec1903 BNY04; recipient; Max Kosciolek postcard received this date; sent from Jasien 12may1904 BNY04; recipient; Max Kosciolek postcard received this date; sent from Ostrowy Baranowskie 30may1904 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CITATION: United States Citations {A10} Kosciolek, Maks 19040922 NY Niagara Falls {A10} Kosciolek, Maks 19040922 NY Niagara Falls {A10} Kosciolek, Maks 19041012 NY Buffalo {A10} Kosciolek, Maks 19041104 NY Niagara Falls {A10} Kosciolek, Maks 19041130 NY Niagara Falls {A10} Kosciolek, Maks 19050317 NY Niagara Falls {A10} Kosciolek, Maks 19050501 NY Niagara Falls {A10} Kosciolek, Maks 19050604 NY Niagara Falls {A10} Kosciolek, Maks 19071202 NY Niagara Falls {A10} Kosciolek, Max NY Buffalo {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 18991223 19000103 19000103 {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19000105 19000105 19000120 19000120 19000120 19000125 19000125 19000205 {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19000209 19000216 19000219 {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19000220 {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19000220 19000223 19000226 19000303 19000303 19000306 {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19000308 Volume 2 BNY04; recipient; Max Kosciolek postcard received this date; sent from Jasien 21sep1904 BNY04; recipient; Max Kosciolek postcard received this date; sent from Jasien 24nov1905 BNY04; recipient; Max Kosciolek postcard received this date; sent from Tyczyn 29sep1904 BNY04; recipient; Max Kosciolek postcard received this date BNY04; recipient; Max Kosciolek postcard received this date; sent from Jasien 16nov1904 BNY04; recipient; Max Kosciolek postcard received this date; sent from Jasien 03mar1905 BNY04; recipient; Max Kosciolek postcard received this date; sent from Ustrzyki Dolne 18apr1905 BNY04; recipient; Max Kosciolek postcard received this date; sent from Jasien 22may1905 BNY04; recipient; Max Kosciolek postcard received this date; sent from Rzeszow 19nov1907 NNY10:20000629; newspaper article; by Edward Wiater, about 7 postcards sent to Max from Poland around 1900, along with photos and commentary BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; also fat & Milcia BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent newspaper to parents BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent mail to father BNY06; recipient; received mail this day from fat BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter to father BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent newspaper to father American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 139 DATABASE TABLES {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 140 19000316 BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent $5 to par 19000320 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day 19000323 BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day 19000330 BNY06; recipient; received letter this day 19000330 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day 19000403 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day from par 19000404 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day 19000406 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day 19000416 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day from fat 19000421 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day 19000424 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day 19000526 BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent photo to fat 19000601 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day 19000604 VA Newport News BNY06; location 19000612 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day 19000612 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day 19000621 VA Hampton Roads BNY06; location 19000622 VA Fort Monroe BNY06; location-begin 19000623 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day 19000623 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day from par 19000623 BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent $5 to par 19000624 VA Fort Monroe BNY06; location-end 19000625 RI Newport BNY06; location-begin 19000625 VA Hampton Roads BNY06; location 19000627 RI Newport BNY06; location-end 19000628 NY Brooklyn BNY06; location-begin 19000707 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day 19000714 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day 19000716 NY Brooklyn BNY06; location-end 19000718 RI Newport BNY06; location-begin 19000723 RI Newport BNY06; location-end 19000725 ?? Garden Bay BNY06; location-begin 19000731 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day from par 19000801 ?? Garden Bay BNY06; location-end 19000802 BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent mail to par 19000802 ME Portland BNY06; location-begin 19000804 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day 19000807 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day 19000812 ?? Squearles Is BNY06; location-begin 19000812 ME Portland BNY06; location-end 19000817 ?? Squearles Is BNY06; location-end 19000818 MA Boston BNY06; location-begin 19000827 MA Boston BNY06; location-end 19000828 NH Portsmouth BNY06; location-begin 19000901 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day 19000902 NH Portsmouth BNY06; location-end 19000903 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day 19000903 BNY06; recipient; received mail this day from par 19000903 ME Bar Harbor BNY06; location-begin American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CITATION: United States Citations {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19000904 {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19000913 19000914 19000920 19000921 19000923 19000924 19001017 19001017 19001025 19001025 19001107 19001110 19001112 19001113 {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19001117 19001118 {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19001118 19001119 19001119 19001120 Naples Naples Naples {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19001121 Naples {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19001122 19001122 Naples Naples {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19001124 19001127 19001128 19001128 Naples Smyrna Smyrna Smyrna {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19001129 Smyrna {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19001208 19001210 Smyrna Smyrna {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19001216 Smyrna {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19001217 19001218 Smyrna Smyrna {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19001220 19001220 Port Said Port Said {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19001221 19001222 19001223 Port Said Suez Suez {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19001224 19001224 Smyrna Smyrna {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19001224 Smyrna {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19001227 19010101 Suez Aden Volume 2 ME NH NH RI RI NY NY NY NY NY Bar Harbor Portsmouth Portsmouth Newport Newport New York New York Tompkinsville New York Tompkinsville Gibraltar Gibraltar Algiers Algiers Algiers BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent mail to par BNY06; location-end BNY06; location-begin BNY06; location-end BNY06; location-begin BNY06; location-end BNY06; location-begin BNY06; location-end BNY06; location-begin BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-end BNY06; location-begin BNY06; location-end BNY06; location-begin BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent handkerchiefs? to par BNY06; location-end BNY06; recipient; received letters this day from par BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; location-begin BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; recipient; received letter and postcard this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent postcard to par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent postcard to par BNY06; location-end BNY06; location-begin BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; also par BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent mail to par BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; recipient; received postcard from ssl this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to parents BNY06; location-end BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to ssl BNY06; location-begin BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent postcard to par BNY06; location-end BNY06; location-begin BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day from par BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; Mr. & Mrs., letter photo BNY06; location-end BNY06; location-begin American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 141 DATABASE TABLES {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19010102 19010102 19010105 19010113 19010120 19010121 19010127 19010128 19010203 19010203 Aden Aden Aden Columbo Colombo Columbo Singapore Singapore Manila Manila {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19010203 19010203 19010203 Manila Manila Manila {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19010209 19010209 19010212 19010214 19010217 Manila Manila Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19010218 19010220 Hong Kong Hong Kong {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19010223 19010226 19010302 Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19010305 Hong Kong {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19010309 19010320 19010321 19010324 Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19010327 Hong Kong {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19010407 19010409 19010414 Hong Kong Manila Manila {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19010415 19010421 19010429 Manila Cavite Manila {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19010502 19010503 Manila Manila {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19010513 19010513 Manila Manila {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19010514 Manila {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19010515 Manila {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} 19010525 19010525 19010527 19010529 Manila Manila Manila Manila 142 Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; location-end BNY06; location-begin BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; location-end BNY06; location-begin BNY06; location-end BNY06; location-arv BNY06; recipient; received letter & newspaper this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received postcard & newspapers this day BNY06; location-end BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; location-begin BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; Ms., letter photo BNY06; location BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; Ms., postcard BNY06; recipient; received letter this day from par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day from par BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; location-arv BNY06; recipient; received letter this day from par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day from par BNY06; recipient; received letter, papers & $5 this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; location-end American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CITATION: United States Citations {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19010531 19010603 19010605 19010617 19010617 19010619 19010623 19010625 19010628 19010629 19010716 19010716 19010717 Amoy Amoy Woosung Nagasaki Woosung Nagasaki Nagasaki Manila Manila Manila Cavite Manila Manila {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19010717 Manila {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19010717 19010717 19010809 19010822 Manila Manila Manila Manila {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19010826 19010828 19010829 19010902 19010904 19010907 19010916 Manila Manila Manila Samsak Samsak Nagasaki Nagasaki {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19010920 19010922 19010924 Nagasaki Chefoo Chefoo {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19010928 19010929 19010929 19011004 Taku Chefoo Taku Taku {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19011006 19011007 19011011 Taku Chefoo Chefoo {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19011011 Chefoo {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19011011 Chefoo {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19011014 19011015 19011016 19011017 19011017 19011017 Chefoo Woosung Woosung Woosung Woosung Woosung {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19011017 Woosung {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19011017 Woosung {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19011017 Woosung Volume 2 BNY06; location-begin BNY06; location-end BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-begin BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-begin BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; location BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter and paper this day BNY06; recipient; received letter and paper this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day from par BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-end BNY06; location-begin BNY06; location-end BNY06; location-arv BNY06; recipient; received letter this day from par BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; newspaper BNY06; location BNY06; location-end BNY06; location-begin BNY06; recipient; received letter & photo this day BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; recipient; received letter and newspaper this day BNY06; recipient; received letter and photo this day BNY06; recipient; received letter and photo this day BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-begin BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; cigars, newspapers BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; newspaper BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; newspaper, in Cleveland BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; newspapers American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 143 DATABASE TABLES {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19011027 19011027 19011029 19011030 19011103 19011103 19011103 19011104 19011104 Woosung Woosung Woosung Nanking Chinkiang Chinkiang Nanking Woosung Woosung {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19011106 Woosung {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19011107 19011107 19011107 Woosung Woosung Woosung {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19011111 19011114 19011114 19011119 Woosung Hong Kong Woosung Woosung {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19011127 Hong Kong {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19011203 19011204 19011206 19011211 Hong Kong Amoy Amoy Amoy {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19011213 Amoy {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19011218 19011221 19011224 Amoy Amoy Woashaw? {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19011224 Woashaw? {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19011228 19011228 19011228 19011231 19020102 19020107 19020112 Woosung Woosung Woosung Woosung Woosung Woosung Woosung {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19020117 19020120 19020202 19020202 19020203 19020204 19020206 19020210 Nagasaki Nagasaki Woosung Woosung Woosung Kobe Woosung Woosung {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19020211 19020214 Woosung Kobe {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19020214 Kobe {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19020217 Kobe 144 BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-begin BNY06; recipient; received letter & pen this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; newspaper BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; papers BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; newspapers BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day (Oct 27?) BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-begin BNY06; location BNY06; recipient; received letter this day from par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day (Dec 24?) BNY06; location BNY06; location-end BNY06; recipient; received letter & postcard this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; newspapers S.KY? BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; location BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received postcard & letter this day BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-departed BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; location-arv BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter and paper this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent papers, "silk waish"? to par BNY06; location-departed American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CITATION: United States Citations {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19020218 19020227 19020228 Yokohama Woosung Woosung {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19020301 Yokohama {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19020303 19020310 19020326 19020326 19020331 Yokohama Manila Manila Manila Manila {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19020331 19020331 Manila Manila {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19020407 19020413 19020415 19020416 Cavite Manila Yokohama Yokohama {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19020418 19020418 19020423 19020424 19020427 Cavite Manila Manila Yokohama Manila {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19020427 19020427 19020505 19020508 Manila Manila Manila Manila {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19020510 19020510 Manila Yokohama {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19020511 Manila {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19020519 Manila {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19020527 19020530 Manila Yokohama {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19020610 19020610 Manila Woosung {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19020612 Manila {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19020615 19020615 Manila Manila {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19020619 19020620 19020621 Yokohama Kobe Nagasaki {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19020622 Yokohama {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} 19020623 19020624 19020624 19020624 Kobe Manila Manila Nagasaki Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Volume 2 BNY06; location-arv BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; newspapers, "S. K. Youring"? BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; photographs BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter and photo this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letters this day from par BNY06; location BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; location-arv BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; location-departed BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; location BNY06; recipient; received letter and newspaper this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day from par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; newspapers BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; newspapers BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent postcard to par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent newspaper & letter to par; Shanghai? BNY06; recipient; received letter this day from par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; $10 photo BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent postcard to par BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent postcard to par BNY06; location-departed BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; location-arv American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 145 DATABASE TABLES {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19020628 19020630 19020704 19020705 19020706 19020708 {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19020708 19020712 Manila {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19020715 19020715 19020723 19020724 19020724 Chefoo Chefoo Taku Yokohama {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19020725 19020726 19020726 19020726 19020728 {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19020728 19020728 19020728 19020804 {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19020804 19020805 Japan {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19020814 19020814 19020817 Nagasaki Kobe {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19020821 19020827 19020828 19020829 19020829 19020909 {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19020921 {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19021002 {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19021003 19021005 {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19021016 19021020 {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19021022 19021023 {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19021023 19021026 {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19021026 146 Nagasaki Kiaochow Kiachow Kiachow Chefoo Taku Dalney Port Arthur Port Arthur Chefoo Dalney Kobe Yokohama Yokohama Yokohama BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; recipient; received letter & newspaper this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent $5 & letter to par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-departed BNY06; recipient; received letter and photo this day; fat also? BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-departed BNY06; recipient; received letter this day from par BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; location-arv BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; location BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-hospital BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent postcard to par BNY06; recipient; received letter and photo this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent photo and letter to par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent postcard to par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter and photo this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day from par BNY06; location-hospital American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CITATION: United States Citations {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19021027 {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19021030 19021104 19021108 {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19021114 19021119 Yokohama {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19021119 19021128 19021203 19021204 Amoy {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19021204 19021207 Hong Kong {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} 19021215 19021218 19021226 19021226 19030101 19030103 19030106 ?? 19030117 19030121 19030123 19030124 19030126 19030127 19030127 19030130 Hong Kong Manila Manila Subig Bay Manila {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19030131 19030201 Cavite {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19030206 19030207 19030209 19030211 19030212 19030217 19030218 19030228 19030301 19030302 Cavite Cavite Zamboanga Zamboanga Illiano Bay {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19030302 19030302 {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19030304 {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} 19030304 19030304 19030304 19030304 19030304 19030304 19030305 Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Volume 2 Amoy Chougops Manila Cavite Manila Illiano Bay Illiano Bay Zamboanga Zamboanga Wasing Zamboanga Zamboango Zamboango Illiano Bay BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter and postcard this day BNY06; location-departed BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; location-arv BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; location-departed BNY06; recipient; received letter and photo this day BNY06; location-arv BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent postcard to par BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; location-departed BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; location BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; location BNY06; location BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; location BNY06; recipient; received letter this day from par BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; location BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; recipient; received letter and photo this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day; Zamboango Harbor BNY06; recipient; received letter and rib.? this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; location-departed BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; location-arv American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 147 DATABASE TABLES {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19030327 19030328 19030328 19030329 19030330 19030402 19030403 Illiano Bay Illiano Bay Zamboanga {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19030403 19030405 19030408 19030408 Zamboango Zamboango {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19030408 {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19030408 19030408 19030409 {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19030413 19030423 Cavite {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19030423 19030426 Yokohama {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19030430 19030501 19030501 19030504 {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19030506 19030602 19030602 19030603 19030603 19030603 CA CA CA CA CA Yokohama Mare Island San Francisco Mare Island Mare Island Mare Island {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19030603 19030605 19030605 19030607 CA CA CA CA Mare Island Mare Island Mare Island Mare Island {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19030614 19030615 19030616 19030622 CA CA CA CA Mare Island Mare Island Mare Island Mare Island Illiano Bay Illiano Bay Cavite {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19030623 CA Mare Island 19030623 CA Mare Island {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19030629 CA Mare Island 19030701 CA Mare Island {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} 19030701 19030702 19030711 19030711 19030713 148 Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max CA CA CA CA CA Mare Island Mare Island Mare Island Mare Island Mare Island BNY06; location BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-departed BNY06; recipient; received letter this day from par BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-departed BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day from par BNY06; recipient; received postcard and letter this day BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; location-arv BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; location-departed BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; Expres slip? BNY06; location-arv BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent $5 & letter to par BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; newspaper BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location BNY06; location-arv BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day from par BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day from par BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter and photo this day BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CITATION: United States Citations {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19030713 CA Mare Island {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19030714 CA Mare Island 19030715 CA Mare Island 19030716 CA Mare Island {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} 19030721 19030727 19030727 19030729 19030729 Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max CA CA CA CA CA Mare Island Mare Island Mare Island Mare Island Mare Island {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19030729 CA Mare Island {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19030804 CA Mare Island 19030807 CA Mare Island {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} 19030812 19030812 19030817 19030818 19030818 19030826 Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max CA CA CA CA CA CA Mare Island Mare Island Mare Island Mare Island Mare Island Mare Island {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19030901 CA Mare Island 19030901 CA Mare Island 19030903 CA Mare Island {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} {A10} Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Max 19030906 19030907 19030910 19030917 19030922 19030923 19030924 19031014 19031015 19031029 19031104 19031106 19031108 19031207 19031207 19031208 19031210 19031210 19031210 19031211 19040114 {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19040114 {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19040114 {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19040227 PL 19040427 {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19040430 Volume 2 CA CA CA CA DC NY NY NY NY NY FR FR AU AU AU PL PL PL PL PL Mare Island Mare Island Mare Island Vallejo Washington Buffalo Alden Buffalo New York New York Paris Paris Graz Graz Vienna Crakow Crakow Rzeszow Tarnow Tyczyn Tyczyn BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; "Eastern C. ship" BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent postcard to par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; newspaper BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; newspaper & books BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to par BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received postcard this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent postcard to par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent postcard to par BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; recipient; received letter this day BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location BNY06; location-arv BNY06; location-departed BNY06; location BNY06; location BNY06; location-arv BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; 1904 assumed photo BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; 1904 assumed postcard BNY06; recipient; received mail this day; 1904 assumed postcard BNY06; location-departed BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent postcard to parents; 1904 assumed BNY06; sender; Max Kosciolek sent letter to parents; 1904 assumed American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 149 DATABASE TABLES {A10} Kosciolek, Maxymilian NY Buffalo {A10} Kosciolek, Maxymilian NY Buffalo {G08} {G08} {G08} {G08} {G08} Kosciolek, T Kosciolek, T Kosciolek, T Kosciolek, T Kosciolek, T 19000707 19000827 19000901 19000905 19001107 {G08} Kosciolek, T 19001120 {G08} Kosciolek, T 19001120 Naples {G08} Kosciolek, T 19001121 Naples {G08} Kosciolek, T 19001205 Smyrna {G08} Kosciolek, T 1901-04 AU Graz {G08} Kosciolek, T 1901-04 AU Graz {G08} Kosciolek, T 1901-04 AU Graz {G08} Kosciolek, T 19010116 {G08} Kosciolek, T 19010209 {G08} Kosciolek, T 19010321 {G08} Kosciolek, T 19010525 {G08} Kosciolek, T 19010525 {G08} Kosciolek, T {G08} Kosciolek, T {G08} Kosciolek, T 19010716 19010809 19011004 {G08} Kosciolek, T 19020611 Woosung {G08} Kosciolek, T 19020616 Woosung {G08} Kosciolek, T 19020621 Nagasaki {G08} Kosciolek, T 19020712 Manila {G08} Kosciolek, T 19020719 Manila {G08} Kosciolek, T 19020728 Manila {G08} {G08} {G08} [>] 19000103 19000117 19000120 150 Kosciolek, Teofi Kosciolek, Teofi Kosciolek, Teofil Kotula, Angela Gibraltar Colombo Manila NY Brooklyn BNY02:1909abt; biography; pg 557; paid advertisement, in Polish language, probably written by himself; with photo in US Navy uniform; about 350 words NNY10:20000713; newspaper article; by Edward Wiater, follow-up to 29jun2000 article; include biographical sketch BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent mail BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent mail BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek; letter postcard BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; address entry; "Villa Ausrsperg? Grabestrasse 70, Steyermark" [crossed out, second] BNY06; address entry; Graz Steyermark, Grabenstr 70, Europe (crossed out, first]] BNY06; address entry; Graz. Kaiser Josef Pl. 3, Steiermark Austrya BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; sender; sent postcard to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent postcard to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent postcard to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek; photo letter BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter, Shanghai? BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent newspaper & cigars?, Shanghai? BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent postcard BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent newspaper BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent newspaper BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent mail BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek NNY25:19340815; mrr notice; 45 St 514; age 22y; hus John Brodowski American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CITATION: United States Citations {E65} Kotula, Mrs. 19550724 MI Detroit {E55} Kotula, Paul 19550724 MI Detroit {G94} Kurzenski?, J {G94} Kuszpiski, Jan 19020202 19041130 NY Niagara Falls {G94} Kuszynski, {G94} Kuszynski, 19030304 19030307 {G94} Kuszynski, J 19020202 {G94} Kuszynski?, {I51} Marciniec, Helene 19030304 [#>] Mikrut, Genevieve NY Brooklyn NY Brooklyn {A75} Mikrut, W NY Port Jervis {A75} Mikrut, Walter NY Brooklyn {A75} Mikrut, Wladyslaw NY Brooklyn [#>] Mucha, Aniela NY Brooklyn [>] Muryasz, Stella 19521025 IN E Chicago [>] Muryasz, Walter M 19521025 IN E Chicago [#>] Para, Diana NY Brooklyn [#>] Para, Diana NY Brooklyn {X05} Para, E NY Brooklyn {X05} Para, Edward NY Brooklyn [#>] Para, J NY Brooklyn [#>] Para, Jean NY Brooklyn {I54} Pasko, Wiktorya NY Brooklyn {B13} Peszko, Stanley MO Jefferson Cit {X38} Plodizien, William Volume 2 19370914 NJ Jersey City NMI12:19550721; anniversary; 50y wedding anniversary; photo; b. Tyczyn; US cit; mrr New York City NMI12:19550721; anniversary; 50y wedding anniversary; photo; b. Tyczyn; US cit; mrr New York City BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek BNY04; mentioned; Max Kosciolek postcard received this date BNY06; sender; sent mail to Max Kosciolek BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY06; sender; sent letter to Max Kosciolek NNY07:19160207; mrr notice; 03 Av 677; age 23y; hus William Cook NNY06:195107; newspaper article; No. 51; graduated Bay Ridge high school NNY06:195112; newspaper article; No. 56; Mr. & Mrs.; res R.D. #2, NY Port Jervis, Belvidere Farm (former res Prospect Ave 250) - to all summer vacationers NNY06:195204; newspaper article; No. 60; Mr. & Mrs., Prospect Av 250 NNY05:19430923; newspaper article; driver (motorman) of Brooklyn trolley car that collided with a car, killing a musician. Lawsuit followed, where city lost an accidental death suit. NNY07:19160108; mrr notice; Dupont St 108; age 20y; hus Valentin Cura NIL11:19521025; mentioned; sister of Sgt. Walter M Muryasz, wounded in Korea War; res E Chicago, Northcote Av 4863 NIL11:19521025; newspaper article; "gt."; wounded in Korea War; sis Miss Stella Muryasz, E Chicago, Northcote Av 4836 NNY06:195101; newspaper article; No. 45; res 13 St; birthday 06feb NNY06:195301; newspaper article; No. 69; b. 06feb1947 NNY06:195201; newspaper article; No. 57; Mr. & Mrs., 13 St 194, 11y wedding anniversary 09feb NNY06:195101; newspaper article; No. 45; Mr. & Mrs., 10y wedding anniversary 09feb1951 NNY06:195111; newspaper article; No. 55; Mr. & Mrs., res 13 St 194 NNY06:195106; newspaper article; No. 50; res 13 St, birthday 22jun NNY07:19160108; mrr notice; 03 Av 642; age 22y; hus Jan Wrona NMO01:19610712; newspaper article; about his recent trip back to PL MRR01:193711; notice; birth of son; emp Jersey City Car Department; [railroad] car inspector at Croxton yards American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 151 DATABASE TABLES {A32} Rogos, J 19010220 {A32} Rogoz, J 1901-04 {A32} Rogus, J 19001109 {A32} Rogus, John [>] Salton, Alan 1901-04 1957 [>] {H46} {H46} {H46} 1959 1950 195303 1960 NY New York NY New York NY Syracuse {H46} Salton, George 1963 NY Syracuse {H46} Salton, George 1964 DC Washington {H46} Salton, George Lucius 20041110 FL [>] [<] Salton, Henry Salzman, Andzia 1955 [<] Salzman, Andzia [>] Salzman, Henryk [<] [<] [<] {H46} {H46} Salton, Anna Salton, George Salton, George Salton, George Hong Kong Gibraltar NY Brooklyn Palm Beach Ga PL Tyczyn 1941 PL Tyczyn Salzman, Henryk 1939 PL Tyczyn Salzman, Kalman Salzman, Lucjan Salzman, Lucjan Salzman, Lucjan 1939 PL PL 19280107 PL 19471002 NY Rzeszow Lancut Tyczyn New York {H46} Salzman, Lucjan [>] Salzman, Manek 2002 1922abt [<] Salzman, Stefa 1942 PL Rzeszow [>] Salzman, Stefa 1942 PL Tyczyn {I14} {I14} {I14} {I14} [<] Szczupiel, Frank Kazimi NY Szczupiel, Frank Kazimi NY Szczupiel, Frank Kazimi NY Szczupiel, Frank Kazimi NY Taler, Joe 1970 Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn MD Annapolis [>] Tamar, Erika 1940 NY New York City [>] Tamar, Henry 1940 NY New York City [<] Tamar, Julius 1940 NY New York City [<] Tamar, Julius 1945 NY New York 152 BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY06; address entry; "c/o? St. Galinski, 21 St 4 Av N 189 Ky" BNY06; addressee; Max Kosciolek sent letter BNY06; address entry; 21 St 101 BWI01; mentioned; son of Lucjan Salzman; named after mother's fat BWI01; mentioned; dau of Lucjan Salzman BWI01; mentioned; drafted BWI01; mentioned; natz BWI01; mentioned; BS degree Physics, Syracuse University BWI01; mentioned; MS degree Electrical Engineering, Syracuse University BWI01; mentioned; position with secretary of defense at Pentagon NNJ13; newspaper article; recollections of his fri Ignatz Waks; mention of chi BWI01; mentioned; son of Lucjan Salzman BWI01; mentioned; mot of Lucjan Salzman; aka Anna Hutterer BWI01; mentioned; mot Lucjan Salzman; almost age 40 BWI01; mentioned; fat of Lucjan Salzman; b. Lancut on estate owned by fat Lucjan Salzman; 3 bro & 5 sis BWI01; mentioned; member city council; only Jewish member BWI01; mentioned; unc of Lucjan Salzman BWI01; mentioned; gfa of Lucjan Salzman BWI01; mentioned; b. BWI01; mentioned; arv NY by ship from Bremerhaven GR; changed name to George Lucius Salton BWI01; autobiography BWI01; mentioned; b.; older sbr of Lucjan Salzman BWI01; mentioned; murdered by Germans with hus BWI01; mentioned; dau of Henryk Salzman's oldest sis; came from Krakow with par to live in Tyczyn NNY18:19711118; legal notice; [see biofile] NNY18:19711125; legal notice; [see biofile] NNY18:19711202; legal notice; [see biofile] NNY18:19711209; legal notice; [see biofile] BWI01; mentioned; cou of Lucjan Salzman, arv US after WWII, res in Annapolis; wif Bronka; physician BWI01; mentioned; in America with family; chi of Julius and Pauline BWI01; mentioned; in America with family; chi of Julius and Pauline BWI01; mentioned; in America with Tamar family BWI01; mentioned; Doctor, res Wadsworth Av 360 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 CITATION: United States Citations [<] Tamar, Paula 1945 NY New York [<] Tamar, Pauline 1940 NY New York City 1942 PL Lwow OH Toledo [<] Tatler, {D22} Witoslawski, Peter {D22} Witoslawski, Peter MI Grand Rapids {D22} Witoslawski, Peter MI Grand Rapids {D22} Witoslawski, Peter MI Grand Rapids {D67} Wrona, Jan NY Brooklyn {A72} Zalecki, Thomas PA Wilkes-Barre Volume 2 BWI01; mentioned; wif of Julius; aun of Lucjan Salzman; nee Hutterer BWI01; mentioned; in America, sent letter to Tyczyn BWI01; mentioned; cou of Lucjan Salzman C9000:1949; diocese-res; Tol; Porr St 2955; o.f.m. C9000:1957; diocese-res; GR; Lake Dr SE 1033; o.f.m. C9000:1959; diocese-res; GR; Lake Dr SE 1033; o.f.m. C9000:1960; diocese-res; GR; Lake Dr SE 1033; o.f.m. NNY07:19160108; mrr notice; 18 St 146; age 23y; wif Wiktorya Pasko NPA09:19160117; newspaper article; arrested; riots at church; 17-20jan1916 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 153 (This page left blank intentionally) DEATH: United States Death Records Death records are publicly available in most government jurisdictions. However, each jurisdiction has confidentiality laws that limit public access to certain years and types of data. In some places, such as Brooklyn NY or New Bedford MA, the records are possessed by the municipal government. In other places, such as Pennsylvania and New Jersey, the records are possessed by the state government. The first line of each record gives the name of the deceased person, their age, and the certificate number of the government jurisdiction possessing the record. Subsequent lines contain events (dates and locations). Age is presented in years, unless noted otherwise. Some original documents list the cause of death, but this is not presented in these records. The data in this table are listed: first, alphabetically by name; second, chronologically by death date. [#>] Arendt, Mary E age 42 d. 19560625 MA Acushnet bur 19560706 MA New Bedford, Sacred Heart 1 b. MA New Bedford sp-, Charles S fat-Zegarski, John mot-Szela, Anna res MA Acushnet, Brook St 210 note: housework; mrr; vol 57, pg 76 New Bedford cert. 756 [#>] Arendt, Walter age 91 d. 19560824 MA New Bedford bur 19560827 MA New Bedford, Sacred Heart 1 b. PL fat-unknown mot-unknown res MA New Bedford, N Front St 293 note: baker; mrr; vol 57, pg 95 New Bedford cert. 945 [#>] Arendt, Zofia age 4.3 d. 19150610 MA New Bedford b. MA New Bedford [#>] fat-Arendt, Walter {F51} mot-Knuttet, Kataryna res MA New Bedford note: age 4y3m9d; pg 38; par b. AU Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland New Bedford cert. 862 155 DATABASE TABLES {A15} Bandina, Agatha age 36 Kings cert. 25132 d. 19181023 NY Brooklyn bur 19181027 NY Queens, Calvary [<] fat-Ceran, John [<] mot-Nienor, Catherine res NY Brooklyn, Franklin St 135 note: par b. AU; res US/NYC 12y; mrr status=blank; housewife; b. AU; u=F Dekanki, Driggs Av [#>] Bandyno, Frank age 46 d. 19300504 NY Brooklyn, Greenpoint Hospital bur 19300507 NY Queens, Calvary b. PL fat-, Frank mot-Bayliski, B res NY Brooklyn, Dupont St 132 note: par b. PL; wid; lab; res US/NYC 30y; u=Smolenski Kings cert. 10029 {I27} Baran, Agatha age 76 PA cert. 65497 d. 19660716 PA McKeesport, McKeesport Hospital bur 19660719 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. 18891223 PL {C01} sp-Baran, Walter Joseph fat-Hyla, Joseph mot-, Mary res PA McKeesport, Williams St 1701 note: cert. reg 718; housewife; wid; no Social Security No.; PL cit; inf Julia Koharik; u=Gotowy, McKeesport {H60} Bieszczad, John age 56 OH cert. 56298 d. 19151015 OH Youngstown bur 19151018 OH Youngstown, Calvary fat-unknown mot-unknown res OH Youngstown, Poland Av 637 1/2 note: inf Roman Bieszczad, same res; b. GL; par b. GL; mrr; lab; u=Joseph G Vascik, Boardman St 214 {H59} Bieszczad, Lucy age 60 OH cert. 10647 d. 19320204 OH Youngstown bur 19320208 OH Youngstown, Calvary b. 1872 PL fat-unknown mot-unknown res OH Youngstown, Franklin Av 1024 note: inf Roman Bieszczad, same res; par b. PL; wid; housewife; u=Joseph G Vasiak, E Boardman St 238 {B20} Binek, Antoni age 80 d. 19630915 MA New Bedford bur 19630917 MA New Bedford, Sacred Heart 2 fat-unknown mot-unknown res MA New Bedford, Howard St 57 note: mrr; mill operative; vol 64 pg 123 156 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland New Bedford cert. 122 Volume 2 DEATH: United States Death Records {B19} Binek, Victoria age 66 d. 19490416 MA New Bedford bur 19490418 MA New Bedford, Sacred Heart 2 b. PL {B20} sp-, Antoni fat-Drozek, Wojciech mot-unknown res MA New Bedford, McGurk St 10 note: mill operative; vol 50 pg 44 New Bedford cert. 432 {E49} Bodzislaw, Thomas d. 19270808 IL Chicago, Cook Co. Hospital bur 19270811 IL Niles, St. Adalbert b. PL Hermanova {E50} sp-, Valerya fat-Bodzislaw, Frank mot-unknown res IL Chicago, N Oakley Av 1920 note: about 48y; wid; emp Jas Kuk Soap Co. day lab; u=J Wisniewski, Noble St 1151 IL cert. 21834 {E50} Bodzislaw, Walerya age ~37 IL cert. 5927 d. 19250226 IL Chicago, at home bur 19250302 IL Niles, St. Adalbert b. PL Hermanowo {E49} sp-Bodzislaw, Thomas fat-Jopek, Michal mot-unknown res IL Chicago, Wabansia Av 1923 note: abt 37y; inf=hus; fat b. Hermanowo; mot b. Jaroslawa; u=Wisniewski, Noble St 1151 [#>] Bomba, Annie age 01 d. 19170724 NY Brooklyn {C03} fat-Bomba, Waleryan res NY Brooklyn, Greenpoint Kings cert. 14742 {A35} Bomba, John age 64 d. 19441222 NY Brooklyn bur 19441226 NY Queens, St. John b. 18800624 {A39} sp-, Katarzyna [<] fat-Bomba, Joseph [<] mot-, Mary? res NY Brooklyn, Bath Av 2039 note: age 64y5m28d; lab; PL cit; res NYC 39y Kings cert. 24878 {B26} Bomba, Stanislaw Steven age 64 d. 19510909 NY Brooklyn, Kings Co. Hospital bur 19510912 NY Queens, St. John b. PL sp-Bomba, Antonina fat-Bomba, Bronislaw mot-Krzonowska, Mary res NY Brooklyn, 29 St 130 note: iron worker; inf=wif; u=Jurek; res NYC 20y; PL cit Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Kings cert. 317046 157 DATABASE TABLES [#>] Bomba, Thomas d. 19140726 NY Brooklyn bur 19140728 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross b. 19121225 US {A35} fat-Bomba, John {A39} mot-Wodoska, Catherine res NY Brooklyn, Bay 12 St 8860 note: par b. AU; u=Szutarski; res at corner of Cropsey Av Kings cert. 14696 {X29} Borowiec, John age 71 d. 19870718 NY Suffern bur 19870721 NY Farmingdale, St. Charles b. NJ {B71} fat-Borowiec, Gregory {C46} mot-Baron, Tilly res NY Suffern, E 52 St 1364 note: wid; vet Rockland cert. --- [#>] Borowiec, Joseph Victor age 75 MI cert. 1226992 d. 19970427 MI Fair Haven, at home bur MI Pontiac, Perry Mt. Park b. 19210921 PA McKeesport {H90} fat-Borowiec, Jakob mot-Wozniak, Antonina res MI Fair Haven, Meldrum Rd 7159 note: transportation supervisor, National Guard; vet; wid; 12y of school; inf Victor Borowiec, Florawood 265, Waterford MI; cremated; u=Donelson [#>] Borowiec, Wanda P age 66 MI cert. 546490 d. 19920805 MI Royal Oak, William Beaumont Hospital bur MI Independance, Ottawa Park b. 19260109 PA McKeesport sp-Borowiec, Joseph {I52} fat-Predki, Victor {H44} mot-Pashko, Sophie res MI Royal Oak, Meldrum Rd 7159 note: vehicle maintenance, Air Force Base; 2y of college; inf=hus; u=Donelson-Jones, Waterford MI; cremated; mrr {B72} Chuchla, Jozef age 43 d. 19290728 NY Brooklyn bur 19290731 NY Queens, St. John [<] fat-, Anthony mot-Borowicz, Katherine res NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 678 note: res US/NYC 22y; mrr; grocer; u=Szutarski {E00} Cyechowicz, Adolph d. 19290630 NY Stamford res NY Stamford note: Harpersfield [#>] Cyran, Edward age 1.5 d. 19210918 NY Brooklyn bur 19210920 NY Queens, St. John [>] fat-Cihrul, Karol {C04} mot-Swed, Balbina res NY Brooklyn, 24 St 223 note: aka Cihrul; fat b. LT, mot b. GL; u=Szutarsky 158 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Kings cert. 16384 NY cert. 41387 Kings cert. 15450 Volume 2 DEATH: United States Death Records [#>] Cyran, Katarzyna age 37 d. 19111211 NY Brooklyn {B84} fat-Cyran, Jozef res NY Brooklyn, 17 St 157 Kings cert. 23257 [#>] Cyran, Teresa age 4m d. 19040524 NY Brooklyn {B84} fat-Cyran, Jozef res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 167 Kings cert. 10949 [#>] Kings cert. 18383 Cyran, Wiktoria age 22d d. 19100910 NY Brooklyn {B84} fat-Cyran, Jozef res NY Brooklyn, 20 St 097 {E13} Czechowicz, Catherine age 75 New York cert. 27519 d. 19431215 NY New York City, Manhattan State Hospital bur 19431218 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross b. 18681115 PL {E12} sp-, Kazimierz fat-Paczesniek, John mot-Stasiolshe, Catherine res NY Bronx, Tifanny St 1953 note: aka Kiejdy; wid; PL cit; res NYC 37y; inf/bro Andrew Paczesniek; u=Jurek {E12} Czehowicz, Kazimierz age 48 d. 19120917 NY Brooklyn, Methodist Episcopal Hospital bur 19120920 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross b. PL fat-Czehowicz, Antoni mot-Rogozionka, Katarzyna res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 084 note: res US 13y, NYC 10y; lab; mrr; u=Szutarski; par b. AU {A58} Data, Mieczyslaw d. 19851007 NJ Elizabeth bur NJ Westfield, Fairview b. 19250128 PL fat-Data, Jan mot-Pekala, Aniela res NJ Elizabeth note: US cit Kings cert. 17617 Union [#>] Demott, Helen K d. 19910818 CA Los Angeles fat-Lonczak, {A25} mot-Grzebyk, res CA Los Angeles [#>] Drasek, Stasha d. 1919 MA Montague res MA Montague Volume 2 MA cert. V74P4 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 159 DATABASE TABLES {A07} Drazek, John age 44 Richmond cert. 573 d. 19270331 NY Staten Island, Sea View Hospital bur 19270404 NY Queens, St. John b. 18820525 PL [<] fat-Drazek, Joseph [<] mot-, Mary res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 146 note: fat b. PL; res US/NYC 30y; helper; mrr; u=Szutarsky [cemetery can't find him dec1997] [#>] Drozek, Katherine d. 19480708 MA New Bedford res MA New Bedford New Bedford {B31} Drozek, Peter d. 19590719 MA New Bedford fat-Drozek, Joseph mot-unknown res MA New Bedford New Bedford [#>] Drozek, Stanislawa d. 19150215 NY Niagara Falls, res NY Niagara Falls, NY cert. 9389 [#>] Dzioba, Jan Kazimierz age 59 d. 19471023 MA New Bedford bur MA New Bedford, St. Mary b. PL Tarnow fat-Dzioba, Jan mot-Balanska, Mary res MA New Bedford, Hersom St 193 note: age 59y3m29d; par b. Tarnow PL; proprietor, Beverage Co. [>] Endress, Frederick W d. 19481015 NY Brooklyn bur 19481018 NY Brooklyn, Greenwood b. 18731220 GR {D24} sp-, Sofia res NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 9917 note: wif living; delicatessen business; US cit New Bedford cert. 120 [#>] Kings cert. 20503 [#>] CA Evans, Sophie Helen d. 19971223 CA San Mateo b. 19130201 CA fat-Yarosz, {I24} mot-Rutka, res CA San Mateo {A83} Fornal, Catherine age 64 d. 19350323 NY Brooklyn bur 19350326 NY Queens, St. John b. PL [<] fat-Janek, Frank [<] mot-Dudzien, Anna res NY Brooklyn, 05 Av 642 note: res US & NYC 26y; par b. PL; u=Jurek [#>] 160 Fornal, Joseph A age 45 d. 19480603 NY Newburgh res NY Newburgh American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Kings cert. 6618 NY cert. 37361 Volume 2 DEATH: United States Death Records [>] Fornal, Peter age 5m d. 19090131 NY Brooklyn bur 19090201 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross {C72} fat-Fornal, Jozef {F17} mot-Grzebyk, Katarzyna res NY Brooklyn, 20 St 146 note: par b. AU; u=Zielinski Kings cert. 2110 {H45} Gaciarz, Alexander age 03 d. 19180331 NY Brooklyn bur 19180402 NY Brooklyn, Holy Trinity b. 19141223 {I59} fat-Gaciarz, John {H09} mot-Slowik, Julia res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 151 note: b. AU; u=Szutarsky; res US 2y Kings cert. 8071 [>] Kings cert. 8466 Gaciarz, Boleslaw age 1.5 d. 19180404 NY Brooklyn, Norwegian Hospital bur 19180405 NY Brooklyn, Holy Trinity {I59} fat-Gaciarz, John {H09} mot-Slowik, Julia res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 151 note: u=Szutarsky {B55} Geisler, Valerie age 86 d. 19761031 NJ Orange, St. Mary Hospital bur 19761103 NJ E Hanover, Gate of Heaven b. 18891128 PL fat-Drazek, Antoni mot-unknown res NJ Orange, Crescent Ln 002 note: wid; housewife; u=Rezen, Irvington; inf Edward F Geisler, same res [#>] Gesiak, Eniz W age 69 d. 19821223 CT Manchester b. 19130929 MA sp-, Kasim res CT Manchester note: legally separated; nee Drozek NJ cert. 49090 cert. 25316 {A81} Gliwa, Kazimierz age 55 d. 19351014 NY Brooklyn, Sloan Road Hospital bur 19351017 NY Queens, St. John b. PL {A79} sp-, Jozefa [<] fat-Gliwa, Valentine [<] mot-, Frances res NY Brooklyn, 05 Av 642 note: res US/NYC 30y; par b. PL Kings cert. 20557 {A47} Glodowski, Magdalena age 27 d. 19250503 NY Brooklyn, St. Peter Hospital bur 19250506 NY Queens, Linden Hill b. PL [<] fat-Baran, Jozef [<] mot-Domino, Sofia res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 336 note: res NY/US 11y; u=Jurek & Reeves, 04 Av 728 Kings cert. 9438 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 161 DATABASE TABLES [>] Gos, Anna C age 82 d. 19700328 CA San Diego b. 18880118 res CA San Diego CA [>] Gos, Mitchell Stanley d. CA mot-Partacz, res CA CA {D26} Grys, Mary age 76 d. 19561012 MA New Bedford, at home bur 19561015 MA New Bedford, Sacred Heart 2 b. PL {D25} sp-, Jan fat-Kowal, Paul mot-unknown res MA New Bedford, Coffin Av 344 note: wid; vol 57, pg 113 {C88} Grzebyk, Anthony age 58 d. 19360419 NY Brooklyn, at home bur 19360422 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross b. 18771227 PL sp-, Appolonia fat-Grzebyk, Thomas mot-Ingala?, Anna res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 129 note: age 58y3m22d; ret lab; par b. PL; res city/US 37y; u=Budnik, 05 Av 711 New Bedford cert. 112 Kings cert. 9153 [>] Grzebyk, Antonina age 03 d. 19091209 NY Brooklyn, Kings Co. Hospital bur 19091210 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross b. US {C88} fat-Grzebyk, Antonio [>] mot-Pynas, Pauline res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 139 note: aka Garbick; fat b. PL; u=F Herbet & Sons Kings cert. 22690 {C82} Grzebyk, Antonina age 69 d. 19410913 NY Brooklyn bur 19410917 NY Commack, Holy Cross b. PL {C73} sp-Grzebyk, Frank [<] fat-Rog, Jacob [<] mot-Rusek, Agnes res NY Brooklyn, Parkville Av 218 note: res NYC 39y; inf/dau Catherine G Conklin, Brooklyn, 22 St 244; u=Jurek Kings cert. 18021 {D86} Grzebyk, Sophie Julia d. 19870927 CA Sutter b. 19110220 PA {D83} fat-Slowik, {D84} mot-Siciak, res CA Sutter 162 CA American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 DEATH: United States Death Records [#>] Hamulek, Stephanie A d. 19970211 NJ Clark, St. Elizabeth Hospital bur NJ N Arlington, Holy Cross b. 19220412 NJ Bayonne {A97} fat-Dziurzynski, Thomas {B01} mot-Kura, Cecilia res NJ Clark, Whittier Rd 52 Union [#>] CA Heany, Nellie Angela d. 19961125 CA Los Angeles b. 19121207 NY fat-Lonczak, {A25} mot-Grzebyk, res CA Los Angeles [>] Janda, Zofia d. 19191009 NY Brooklyn bur 19191011 NY Queens, St. John b. 19190920 NY {G03} fat-Janda, Waclay [?] mot-Mikrocionka, Katarzyna res NY Brooklyn, 24 St 222 note: par b. PL; u=Szutarsky Kings cert. 20091 [#>] Kings cert. 12443 Janiec, Bronislawa age 10m d. 19070619 NY Brooklyn bur 19070620 NY Brooklyn, Holy Trinity b. US {B76} fat-Janiec, Jan {D65} mot-Pesko, Domicella res NY Brooklyn, 22 St 226 note: age 10m22; par b. AU; u=Edmund Zielinski {D23} Janiec, Michael age 41 d. 19140406 NY Brooklyn bur 19140408 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross [<] fat-Janiec, Marcin [<] mot-Japokowna?, Kate res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 131 note: carpenter; res NYC 16y; b. AU; par b. AUS; u=Szutarsky {B41} Kalandyk, Frank d. 19841122 NH Bethel res NH Bethel {D28} Kalita, Antonia age 26 d. 19181009 NY Brooklyn, Kings Co. Hospital bur 19181012 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross [<] fat-Marczinec, Wladyslaw [<] mot-Uwint, Matka res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 118 note: mrr; par b. AU; housewife; u=Szutarski Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Kings cert. 7476 CT Kings cert. 20678 163 DATABASE TABLES {C10} Kalita, Frank age 67 d. 19561113 NJ Whitehouse bur 19561117 NJ Raritan, St. Bernard b. 18890411 PL fat-Kalita, Anthony mot-unknown res NJ Whitehouse, Coddington Rd note: wid; ret; u=Elausick, Somerville; inf Mrs. E Saja; US cit NJ cert. 46519 {C11} Kalita, Kathryn age 62 d. 19520211 NJ Whitehouse bur 19520215 NJ Brigdewater T, St. Bernard b. 188911 PL fat-Szetela, George mot-unknown res NJ Whitehouse, Coddington Rd RD note: mrr; housewife; u=Joseph Elausick, Somerville; inf F Kalita NJ cert. 07009 {A17} Kaplita, Jan d. 19220526 NY Lockport res NY Lockport {F05} Kaplita, Joseph d. 19550519 NJ Jersey City, Medical Center bur 19550523 NJ N Arlington, Holy Cross b. 18880519 PL sp-Kaplita, Katherine Hada fat-, John mot-Slowik, Mary res NJ Jersey City, St. Pauls Av 153 note: inf=wif; lab, Erie Railroad; u=Kwiatniewski Bro. [#>] Kaplita, Ludwika d. 19211120 NY Niagara Falls, res NY Niagara Falls, NY cert. 29261 Hudson cert. 18519 NY cert. 5983 [#>] Kaplita, Melea age 1.5 d. 19100122 NY Brooklyn bur 19100123 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross b. US {A50} fat-Coplita, Sylvester {A56} mot-Chuchlonka, Wamezera? res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 092 note: u=Szutarsky; par b. AU; mot=Wamezera/Domezera? Chuchlonka Kings cert. 1838 {A50} Kaplita, Silvester age 33 d. 19200313 NY Brooklyn bur 19200316 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross b. PL [<] fat-, Joseph [<] mot-Pinta, Julia res NY Brooklyn, Bay 20 St 045 note: res US/NY 14y; mrr; u=Szutarsky; lab Kings cert. 7931 164 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 DEATH: United States Death Records [#>] Klimasz, Caroline d. 19130608 MA Adams bur 19130610 MA Adams, Maple St b. 18860204 {B79} sp-Klimasz, Thomas fat-Molusz, Jan mot-Konopka, Catherine res MA Adams, Gavin Av 15 note: b. AU; par b. AU; housewife; u=T Sam Soucie MA cert. 96 [#>] MA cert. 148 [#>] MA cert. 51 Klimasz, Metrick d. 19100921 MA Adams bur 19100922 MA Adams, Bellevue b. 19100424 MA Adams {B78} fat-Klimasz, Stanlius {C42} mot-Suet, Joti res MA Adams, Winter St 21 note: par b. AU; u=T Sam Soucie Klimasz, Stanislaw d. 19130402 MA Adams bur 19130403 MA Adams, Bellevue b. 19130121 MA Adams {B79} fat-Klimasz, Thomas [>] mot-Moelicz, Karolina res MA Adams, Gavin Av 15 note: par b. AU; u=T Sam Soucie {A55} Koplita, Mary age 21 d. 19180624 NY Brooklyn bur 19180626 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross b. 18980325 [<] fat-Kaplita, Joseph [<] mot-Pieta, Julia res NY Brooklyn, 17 St 198 note: b. AU; res US 6y; maid; sgl; u=Szutarsky [#>] Korpolinski, Gustav d. 19980215 NY Niagara Co. bur 19980217 NY Lewiston, Holy Trinity b. 19111127 NY Niagara Falls fat-Korpolinski, Walter mot-Wiensek, Katherine res NY Niagara Co. note: mrr; vet=no {A09} Kosciolek, Alex age 52 d. 19490812 IL Chicago res IL Chicago [#>] Kosciolek, Angela Mary d. 19381030 NY Buffalo, Buffalo State Institution bur 19381102 NY Lewiston, Riverdale b. 18890730 PL Inowroclaw fat-Michalowski, Peter Paul mot-Rutkowska, Antonina res NY Niagara Falls, 19 St 321 note: par b. PL Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Kings cert. 13878 cert. 017 IL cert. 6023637 Buffalo cert. 6083 165 DATABASE TABLES {A10} Kosciolek, Maximilian Buffalo cert. 5961 d. 19401022 NY Buffalo, hospital at Bailey & Genesee St b. 18780622 sp-Dorobiala, Mildred fat-unknown mot-unknown res NY note: in Buffalo one day; Spanish American War vet; wif age 43y; self employed printer [>] Kotula, Charlie age 05 d. 19171225 NY Brooklyn bur 19171227 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross b. US {G05} fat-Kotula, Henry mot-Kozrojska, Mary res NY Brooklyn, Bligh St 268 note: par b. AU; u=Szutarsky Kings cert. 24999 {B80} Kotula, Frank age 39 d. 19300222 NY Queens bur 19300226 NY Queens, St. John {B52} sp-, Karoline [<] fat-Kotula, Joseph [<] mot-Janiec, Amiela res NY Queens note: par b. PL; mill hand; res US/NYC 23y Queens cert. 1291 [>] Kotula, Joseph Frank d. 19171104 NY Brooklyn bur 19171106 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross b. 19171019 US {B80} fat-Kotula, Frank {B52} mot-Pinta, Carolina res NY Brooklyn, 20 St 319 note: par b. AU; u=Szutarski Kings cert. 21444 {A80} Kozdras, Agata age 83 d. 19641120 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 23280 [#>] Kozik, Helen age 02 d. 19180403 NY Brooklyn bur 19180405 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross {A42} fat-Kozik, Antoni {A38} mot-Domino, Rozalia res NY Brooklyn, Baltic St 575 note: par b. PL; d. in hospital; age 2y9m; u=Szutarsky {I98} Kozik, Julianna d. 19200403 MD Baltimore res note: per index 166 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Kings cert. 8429 Baltimore cert. D-419 Volume 2 DEATH: United States Death Records [#>] Kozik, Stanley d. 19180630 NY Brooklyn bur 19180702 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross b. 19170525 {A42} fat-Kozik, Antoni {A38} mot-Domino, Rozalia res NY Brooklyn, Baltic St 575 note: par b. PL; u=Szutarsky {I97} Kozik, Walter d. 19291110 MD Baltimore res note: per index {I28} Krantz, Helen d. 19831224 CA Alameda b. 18930512 fat-Domino, mot-Kosciulek, res CA Alameda {F67} Kruzel, Julia d. 19221212 IL Chicago res IL Chicago Kings cert. 14296 Baltimore cert. E-508 CA IL cert. 6030117 {F64} Krzton, Joseph IL cert. 27948 d. 19231025 IL Chicago bur 19231031 IL Niles, St. Adalbert b. ????07?? PL Barek Stary {F65} sp-, Kazimera fat-Krzton, John mot-Krajewski, Waleria res IL Chicago, illegible note: age 40y's illegible; res 15y; inf=wif, W Dixon 1353; u=August Jeszka, Noble St; emp Butcher Boy Supply Co., Sanganin Rd 170 {H17} Krzywonos, Victor d. 19400418 IL Chicago res IL Chicago {B02} Kura, Frank age 46 d. 19280628 NY Brooklyn, St. Catherine Hospital bur 19280701 NY Queens, Calvary [<] fat-Kura, Thomas [<] mot-Data, Catherine res NY Brooklyn, Dupont St 162 note: wid; lab; res US/NYC 19y; u=Smolenski [#>] Kura, Michael age 10m d. 19230322 NY Brooklyn bur 19230323 NY Queens, Calvary b. NY New York City {B07} fat-Kura, Pawel [?] mot-Bieda, Frances res NY Brooklyn, Oakland St 395 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland IL cert. 11826 Kings cert. 14530 Kings cert. 6795 167 DATABASE TABLES {G36} Kusnierz, Agata IL cert. 28944 d. 19421020 IL Chicago, at home bur 19421024 IL Niles, St. Adalbert b. PL Zoczow {F91} sp-, Stanley fat-Szpala, Michael mot-unknown res IL Chicago, Potomac St 1359 note: abt 47y; wid; housewife; u=Ralph Makarski, Noble St 1123; no Social Security No.; inf Edward Kusnierz, N Damen Av 1014 {C92} Kusnierz, Alex King cert. 13954 d. 19500815 WA Renton, Renton Hospital bur 19500823 WA Renton, Greenwood b. 18870710 PL fat-Kusnierz, Stanley mot-Najda, Catherine res WA Renton, Rt. 4, Box 130(rural) note: disabled vet, US armed forces 1917-18; inf Julia Kusnierz; mrr; US cit; u=Stokes Mortuary, Renton {F46} Kusnierz, Julia H age 86 d. 19870717 WA Seattle res WA Seattle note: res King Co. WA cert. 030685 {F91} Kusnierz, Stanislaw R age 53 IL cert. 27820 d. 19361228 IL Chicago, W North Av 1625 bur 19361231 IL Niles, St. Adalbert b. 18830508 PL Borek Stary {G36} sp-, Agata fat-Kusnierz, Roch mot-Blodsian?, Agatha res IL Chicago, N Damen 1352 note: R=Roch; par b. Borek Stary; factory night watchman; d. hospital; res city/US 24y; u=Makarski [#>] Leinart, Julia age 06 d. 19180319 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 6745 {A25} Lonczak, Julia age 53 Kings cert. 9915 d. 19420514 NY Brooklyn bur 19420518 NY Queens, St. John b. 18880910 PL sp-, John fat-Grzebyk, Tomasz mot-Huchla, Magdalena res NY Brooklyn, 30 St 203 note: wid; res NYC 33y; office cleaner; inf/dau Nellie Heany; PL cit; u=John Edward Budnick, 05 Av 711 [+] 168 Lutrzykowski, Vincent d. 19491209 MD Baltimore res MD Baltimore note: CR 48,280 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Baltimore cert. G4634 Volume 2 DEATH: United States Death Records [#>] Majewski, Joseph age 36 d. 19501208 NY Brooklyn bur 19501212 NY Queens, St. John b. NY sp-Majewski, Sophie fat-, Joseph J mot-Nowak, Mary res NY Brooklyn, 56 St 518 note: u=Jurek; US cit; mrr; inf=wif; aka Joseph Majestic; machinist, factory [#>] Marciniec, Agnes P d. 19210327 NY Newburgh res NY Newburgh NY cert. 15092 [#>] Marciniec, Anna d. 19300101 NY Newburgh res NY Newburgh NY cert. 2729 {A29} Marciniec, Anna age 67 d. 19450727 PA Washington Co, at home bur 19450731 PA Washington Co, Horn b. 187712 {A28} sp-Marciniec, Thos fat-unknown mot-unknown res PA N Bethlehem, Scenery Hill RD 1 note: cert. reg 18; unemployed invalid; wid; b. AU, par b. AU; inf Nelie Wasalasky [#>] Marciniec, Jacob M age 81 d. 19500212 NY Newburgh res NY Newburgh {B85} Marcinnie, Felix age 52 d. 19190830 NY Brooklyn, Kings Co. Hospital bur 19190901 NY Brooklyn, Holy Trinity [<] fat-, John [<] mot-Janda, Mary res NY Brooklyn, 04 Av 683 note: wid; res US/NY 16y; lab; b. PL; u=Szutarski Kings cert. 323127 PA cert. 631282 NY cert. 10475 Kings cert. 18151 [+] Matrejek, William age 60 Kings cert. 21799 d. 19431025 NY Brooklyn, Brooklyn Hospital bur 19431029 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross b. 18830212 PL {G48} sp-, Mary fat-Matrejek, Michael mot-Chmnielkiewicz, Mary res NY Brooklyn, 58 St 324 note: PL cit; cabinet maker; inf/son Edward E Matrick, NY Malverne, Bond Av 92; u=Jurek {C86} Matula, John age 44 d. 19320101 NY Brooklyn note: original death record lost in 1933 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Kings cert. 118 169 DATABASE TABLES [#>] Mikrut, Rozalia age 30 d. 19240603 NY Brooklyn, Kings Co. Hospital bur 19240607 NY Queens, St. John fat-Kubasewicz, Pawel mot-, Magmina res NY Brooklyn, Prospect Av 250 note: in US/NYC 10y; mrr; u=Szutarsky Kings cert. 11545 [+] Mikulcic, Frances age 47 d. 19230403 NY Brooklyn, Kings Co. Hospital bur 19230405 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross b. PL fat-Megolk, Martin mot-unknown res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 252 note: in US/NYC 25y; fat b. PL; wid Kings cert. 7691 [#>] Mochowski, Daniel J age 74 d. 1967 MA Greenfield res MA Greenfield [#>] Naughton, Helen d. 19950707 NY Niagara Co. bur NY Lewiston, Holy Trinity b. 19120822 res NY Niagara Co. {E77} Opiola, Anthony d. 19330322 IL Chicago res IL Chicago [#>] Orzechowski, John d. 19270930 RI Central Falls, bur RI Pawtucket, Mt. St. Mary b. 18830412 PL Glinik {D71} sp-, Agata fat-Orzechowski, Thomas mot-Stefanik, Zofia res RI Central Falls, Charles St 045 note: grocer/meat cutter MA cert. V56P338 cert. 05 IL cert. 6008150 Central Falls cert. 1 {F11} Paczesniak, Andrew age 66 Kings cert. 22463 d. 19481112 NY Brooklyn, at home bur 19481116 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross b. 18821110 PL sp-, Helen fat-Paczesniak, John mot-Bomba, Catherine res NY Brooklyn, 12 St 482 note: US cit; res NYC 16y; own textile printing; inf/son Jos? Paczesniak, 12 St 482; u=Jurek [#>] Paczesniak, Fred age 2.2 d. 19261225 NY Brooklyn bur 19261226 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross {F11} fat-Paczesniak, Andrew mot-Opiola, Helen res NY Brooklyn, 17 St 193 note: life res NYC; u=Jurek 170 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Kings cert. 25321 Volume 2 DEATH: United States Death Records [#] Paluch, Andrzej Kings cert. 27178 d. 19181029 NY Brooklyn bur 19181102 NY Brooklyn, Holy Trinity b. 18871130 fat-Paluch, Wawrzyniec mot-unknown res NY Brooklyn, 17 St 198 note: aka Andro Palush; b. GL; fat b. GL; mrr; res US/NYC 11y; fireman; u=Szutarski {B81} Para, Bronislaw age 28 Kings cert. 8988 d. 19220418 NY Brooklyn [<] fat-Para, Jozef [<] mot-Kura, Magdalena res NY Brooklyn, 21 St 107 note: accidental poisoning from oil of wintergreen taken by mistake on 18apr1922; u=Szutarsky; res US 14y; lab {C22} Pasko, Ignacy age 63 d. 19400902 NY Brooklyn, at home bur 19400906 NY Queens, St. John b. PL {C38} sp-, Julia fat-Pasko, John mot-Prucop, Sophie res NY Brooklyn, 62 St 253 note: res USA/NY 30y; inf=wif; lab, Brooklyn Fire Brick Co.; u=Szutarski Kings cert. 17696 {C38} Pasko, Julia Manhattan cert. 14622 d. 19450628 NY Manhattan, Goldwater Memorial Hospital bur 19450702 NY Queens, St. John b. 18790413 PL {C22} sp-, Ignacy [<] fat-Yanda, Paul [<] mot-Prucup, Mary res NY Manhattan, 63 St 363 note: wid; res NYC 40y; housewife; PL cit; inf/son Stanislaus Pasko, same res; u=Szutarski {C76} Pasko, Julian age 56 Kings cert. 2309 d. 19450126 NY Brooklyn bur 19450130 NY Queens, Linden Hill b. 18880525 PL sp-, Blanche [<] fat-Pasko, Charles [<] mot-Jankowska, Julia res NY Brooklyn, 17 St 341 note: par b. PL; res NYC 2y; US cit; machinist; inf/son Charles Pasko, Brooklyn, 61 St 325; u=Jurek {D04} Pasko, Stanislaus age 50 d. 19191202 NY Brooklyn, Kings Co. Hospital bur 19191209 NY New York City, City Cemetery b. PL [<] fat-Pasko, Joseph [<] mot-, Annella res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 162 note: par b. PL; lab; res US/NYC 16y; u=Dept. Public Charities Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Kings cert. 23153 171 DATABASE TABLES {C23} Pasko, Vincent age 29 d. 19330628 NY Manhattan, French Hospital bur 19330703 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross b. US sp-, Evelyn {C22} fat-Pasko, Ignatius {C38} mot-Janda, Julia res NY Manhattan, 23 St 289 note: policeman; res US/NYC life; u=Leo Sheridan, Rogers Av 181 Pasko, Wladyslaw age 9m d. 19200816 NY Brooklyn bur 19200818 NY Queens, Linden Hill b. NY {C76} fat-Pasko, Julian [>] mot-Pietranowicz, Balwina res NY Brooklyn, 21 St 153 note: age 9m20d; par b. PL; u=Szutarski Manhattan cert. 14960 [>] Kings cert. 17189 [#>] Kings cert. 5137 Patronski, Frances age 11m d. 19200214 NY Brooklyn bur 19200216 NY Queens, St. John b. 19190227 US {B09} fat-Patronski, Ignatius {B14} mot-Siciak, Teofila res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 403 note: par b. PL; u=Szutarski {B09} Patronski, Ignatz d. 19420426 NY Islip res NY Islip age 49 {B43} Patronski, Julia age 76 d. 19731204 NY Niagara Falls, bur 19731206 NY Lewiston, Riverdale b. 18970403 PL {B12} sp-Patronski, Roman [<] fat-Koczak, George mot-unknown res NY Niagara Falls, 86 St 1220 note: wid; housewife {B14} Patronski, Teofila age 25 d. 19200213 NY Brooklyn, Kings Co. Hospital bur 19200216 NY Queens, St. John b. PL [<] fat-Siciak, Jan [<] mot-Szetela, Mary res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 403 note: fat b. PL; u=Szutarski {A60} Pekala, Antoni d. 19850406 NY Brooklyn bur 19850410 PA Doylestown, Our Lady Czestochowa fat-Pekala, Wladyslaw mot-Glodowski, Zofia res NY Brooklyn, 52 St 565 note: [copy in probate file] 172 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland NY cert. 24902/3 cert. 213 Kings cert. 5136 Kings cert. 305876 Volume 2 DEATH: United States Death Records {A57} Pekala, Karolina d. 19850316 NY Brooklyn bur 19850329 PA Doylestown, Our Lady Czestochowa fat-Data, Franciszek mot-Lis, Wiktorya res NY Brooklyn, Cobble Hill Nrsng Hom note: [copy in hus probate file] Kings cert. 304607 {X17} Piech, Stanislaw age 25 d. 19400113 NY Brooklyn bur 19400117 NY Queens, St. John b. US {C97} fat-Piech, Anthony mot-Bomba, Zofia res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 216 note: in NYC 2y; sgl; baker, Bishop Pie Co.; inf/sis Emilja Piech, 35 St 145; u=Jurek Kings cert. 1302 [#>] Pienta, Stanley age 10m d. 19110828 NY Brooklyn bur 19110829 NY Brooklyn, Holy Trinity b. US {B82} fat-Pienta, Frank {B46} mot-Para, Victoria res NY Brooklyn, 22 St 224 note: u=Szutarsky [+] Pietras, Vincent T age 50 d. 19860301 NY Brooklyn bur NY Glen Spey b. 19350405 NY fat-Pietras, John mot-Milczewski, Sophia res NY Brooklyn, 05 Av 718 note: T=Thaddeus; never mrr; printer; inf/nep Adam Cyrek, NY Pond Eddy Kings cert. 16813 Kings cert. 303899 {X38} Plodzien, William d. 19630628 NJ Secausus, Choxton [railroad] Yards bur 19630702 NJ Colonia, St. Gertrude b. 19040614 NJ Jersey City {H33} fat-Plodzien, Michael mot-unknown res NJ Jersey City, Fulton Av 284 note: car inspector, Erie Railroad; inf Martha Plodzien; mrr; u=Kowalchyk, Jersey City NJ cert. 29574 {H43} Pojan, Paul age 26 Manhattan cert. 25950 d. 19150903 NY Manhattan, Flower Hospital bur 19150905 NJ Jersey City, Holy Name b. PL fat-Pojan, John mot-, Katie res NY Manhattan, Porter St 21 note: sgl; lab; res US 10y; age 27 or 26; "Pojan" on cert.; "Plodzien" in index; u=Michalski, Jersey City Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 173 DATABASE TABLES [#>] Pokrywka, Ann Marie d. 19820325 NJ Jersey City, Christ Hospital bur NJ Fort Lee, Madonna Mausoleum b. 19131215 PA fat-Domarski, mot-unknown res NJ N Bergan, 04 Av 7709 note: wid; homemaker; inf/dau Veronica Kornberger; u=Vainieri, N Bergen {G16} Pokrywka, Edward A d. 19780201 NJ Weehawken, N Hudson Hospital bur NJ Fort Lee, Madonna Mausoleum b. 19120609 PL sp-Domarski, Ann fat-Pokrywka, Albert {G15} mot-, Veronica res NJ N Bergan, 04 Av 7709 note: US cit; butcher; inf=wif; u=Konopka, N Bergan NJ cert. --- NJ cert. --- {H44} Predki, Sophia age 87 MI cert. 48037 d. 19760818 MI Mt. Clemens, General Hospital bur 19760821 PA McKeesport, Holy Family b. 18890410 PL fat-Pasko, mot-unknown res MI Mt. Clemens note: US cit; wid; res PA McKeesport, Grove St 3405; inf Wanda Borowiec, MI Fairhaven, Meldrum Rd 7159 {I52} Predki, Wiktor age 82 d. 19710907 PA Jefferson, Jefferson Hill Convalescent Home bur 19710909 PA McKeesport, Holy Family b. 188903 PL Rzeszow {H44} sp-Predki, Sophia fat-Predki, Michael mot-, Agatha res PA McKeesport, Grover St 3405 note: US cit; not a vet; occ hooker, US Steel Ind.; inf Sophia Predki {C53} Prokop, Peter d. 19181014 NY Niagara Falls, res NY Niagara Falls, [>] Prokop, Tillie d. 19861202 NY Niagara Co. b. 18871224 fat-Kastkiewicz, Wladyslaw mot-Prazna, Rozalia res NY Niagara Co. note: b. AU; US cit [#>] Remillard, Amelia C d. 1957 MA Tauton res MA Tauton note: Drozek 174 PA cert. 3275910 NY cert. 62830 cert. 615 MA cert. V99 P25 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 DEATH: United States Death Records {X26} Rendziuk, Isabel d. 19870928 NY Brooklyn, Lutheran Medical Center bur 19871002 NY Queens, St. John b. 19140704 NY res NY Brooklyn, 47 St 772 note: par blank; u=Trzaska; wid; US cit; inf/son Stanley J Rendziuk, same res [#>] Rendziuk, Stanley d. 19891006 NY Brooklyn bur 19891010 NY Queens, St. John b. 19421007 NY Brooklyn fat-Rendziuk, Stanley {X26} mot-Szczoczarz, Isabel res NY Brooklyn, 47 St 772 note: clerk; vet; never mrr; u=Trzaska; inf Helen Stoy [>] Kings cert. 315328 Kings cert. 56884 Rog, Joseph G age 21 Kings cert. 16699 d. 19310730 NY Brooklyn bur 19310803 NY Queens, Linden Hill b. NY fat-Rog, Ludwik mot-Kown?, Maryanna res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 336 note: sgl; fat & mot b. AU; insurance agent; mot name illegible; u=John Edward Budnik [#>] Rogus, Ferdinand d. 19201102 NY Brooklyn bur 19201104 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross b. 19190326 US {A32} fat-Rogus, John {A30} mot-Gruba, Agata res NY Brooklyn note: par b. PL; u=Szutarsky Kings cert. 21077 [#>] Rogus, Leona age 3m d. 19120706 NY Brooklyn bur 19120707 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross b. 19120401 NY Brooklyn {A32} fat-Rogus, John {A30} mot-Gruba, Aggatta res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 137 note: age 3m5d; par b. PL; u=Szutarski, 24 St 275 Kings cert. 13085 [#>] Bronx cert. 11956 Rogus, Sadie d. 19401226 NY Bronx, Bronx Hospital bur 19401230 NY Queens, St. John {A32} fat-Rogus, John {A30} mot-Gruba, Agatha res NY Brooklyn, 22 St 347 note: sgl; domestic {H22} Runde, Jane Anastasia d. 19950313 CA San Diego b. 19230204 {E88} fat-Kalandyk, {E89} mot-Borowiec, res CA San Diego CA Volume 2 175 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland DATABASE TABLES {F39} Rutka, Maryan d. 19631028 CA Sonoma b. 18911110 mot-Liniard, res CA Sonoma CA {F43} Rutka, Veleria d. 19610606 CA Sonoma b. 18880304 res CA Sonoma CA {B87} Rybka, Louis age 43 d. 19260105 PA S Versailles bur 19260108 PA White Oak, St. Mary {B93} sp-Rybka, Mary fat-Rybka, Anthony mot-unknown res PA S Versailles note: found 9:00 PM; steelworker; inf Frank Sowa, Coulterville; u=Check {D63} Sherlock, Frances M age 83 d. 19750711 CA Los Angeles b. 18910929 res CA Los Angeles {D43} Siciak, Nellie Mary d. 1953 MA Gill res MA Gill note: Kortz PA cert. 1512208 CA MA cert. V48P390 [>] Sliwinska, Laura age 25 Baltimore cert. E-206 d. 19270327 MD Baltimore bur 19270330 Holy Rosary b. 19020208 MS Biloxy sp-Sliwinska, Michael {I97} fat-Kozik, Walter {I98} mot-Gliva, Julia res MD Baltimore, S Decker Av 703 note: mrr; housework; par b. PL; res in city 6y; inf=hus, same res; u=John M??ber illegible [#>] Sojka, Jacob d. 1935 MA Montague res MA Montague MA cert. V61P34 [#>] Soller, Elizabeth M age 62 d. 19771013 NJ Dover, General Hospital bur 19771018 NJ Dover, Locust Hill b. 19150311 PA McKeesport sp-Soller, Henry W {B45} fat-Peszko, John {B97} mot-Cisniski, Reancisca res NJ Rockaway Twp, Rockaway Rd 444 note: u=Tuttle, Randolph Twp; inf=hus; housewife 176 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Morris Volume 2 DEATH: United States Death Records {D34} Sowa, Julia age 77 PA cert. 110505 d. 19761230 PA Pittsburgh, Wegntman Healt Center bur 19770101 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. 18990929 PL sp-Sowa, Gregory fat-Rybka, John mot-, Mary res PA McKeesport, Lower Heckman Rd 1606 note: cert. reg 9518; homemaker; US cit; inf John Sowa, same res; wid; u=Jaycox, McKeesport {X27} Stoy, Helen NJ d. 19910325 NJ Camden, Cooper Medical Center bur NJ Ewing Twp, St. Hedwig b. 19130118 NY Brooklyn {A21} fat-Szczoczarz, Joseph {A19} mot-Fornal, Frances res NJ Whiting, Orchard St 702 note: res of Ocean Co. ZIP 08759; wid; u=Lisiecki, Trenton; inf Annette J Bitter, NJ New Egypt, PO Box 217 [#>] Supil, Gertrude age 01 d. 19090727 NY Brooklyn bur 19090728 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross {I14} fat-Supil, James {I58} mot-Gonsz/Gonsy, Mary res NY Brooklyn, 22 St 226 note: age 1y13d; res NY 1 week; u=Szutarsky Kings cert. 14127 {D16} Szczech, Albert IL cert. 34217 d. 19291115 IL Chicago, at home bur 19291119 IL Niles, St. Adalbert b. 1875 PL Stary Borek sp-Szczech, Mary fat-unknown mot-unknown res IL Chicago, Holt Av 1335 note: mrr; abt 54y; inf=wif; par b. Stary Borek; res US 20y; wood finisher; u=Joseph Makarski, Noble St 1123 {D17} Szczech, Katarzyna d. 19230130 IL Chicago, at home bur 19230203 IL Niles, St. Adalbert b. PL {D16} sp-Szczech, Wojciech fat-Pluta, Maciej mot-unknown res IL Chicago, Holt St 1335 note: abt 39y; housewife; u=A Lisowski, Noble St 1137 {X25} Szczoczarz, Edward d. 19900626 NJ Manville b. 19071111 NY Brooklyn res NJ Manville, Harrison Av 336 note: never mrr; fire extinguishers; inf/fri Mrs. Genevieve Vaccaro Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland IL cert. 2789 Somerset 177 DATABASE TABLES {A23} Szczoczarz, John age 52 d. 19341113 NY Brooklyn, King Co. Hospital bur 19341117 NY Queens, St. John b. PL sp-, Julia [<] fat-Szczoczarz, Anthony [<] mot-Standylo, Mary res NY Brooklyn, 34 St 223 note: res US/NYC 25y; par b. PL; longshoreman; u=Szutarsky [>] Kings cert. 22124 Szczoczarz, Josep G age 48 d. 19590607 CT Naugatuck sp-, Anto res CT Naugatuck New Haven cert. 10680 Szczoczarz, Joseph age 00 d. 19270808 RI Central Falls, bur RI Pawtucket, Mt. St. Mary {C32} fat-Szczoczarz, Grzegorz mot-Moritko, Veronica res RI Central Falls, High St 460 note: lived only a few seconds Central Falls cert. 4 [>] [>] Szczoczarz, Joseph G age 57 d. 19880424 CT Beacon Falls b. 19301114 NY sp-, Dorot res CT Beacon Falls New Haven cert. 7433 Szczoczarz, Mieczyslaw d. 19300117 RI Central Falls, bur RI Pawtucket, Notre Dame b. 19251130 RI {C32} fat-Szczoczarz, Grzegorz mot-Moritko, Veronica res RI Central Falls, High St 460 Central Falls cert. 3 {A18} Szczoczarz, Stanl age 70 d. 19601202 NY Brooklyn Kings cert. 23804 [>] [>] Szczupiel, Stephanie d. 19880205 NY Brooklyn, Maimonides Medical Center bur 19880209 NY Queens, St. John b. 19170112 NY Brooklyn fat-Zalasny, mot-unknown res NY Brooklyn, Shore Parkway 1493 note: wid; homemaker; inf/dau Doreen Bader, Brooklyn, E 13 St 1442; u=Trzaska Kings cert. 302029 {H39} Szczupiel, Walter P age 83 d. 20000708 AL Huntsville, at home bur 20000710 AL Huntsville, Maple Hill (private) b. 19170528 PL sp-Woolard, Grace fat-Szczupiel, Frank mot-Jopek, Mary res AL Huntsville, Venona Av 3409 Apt310 note: undertaker records; wid; 5y college; occ NASA space model eng.; no obituary, no visitation, graveside service; inf Jenell Adkins, AL Meridianville, Patterson Ln 206, P.O. Box 585 178 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 DEATH: United States Death Records [#>] Szwed, Josephine age 27d d. 19290112 NY Brooklyn bur 19290114 NY Queens, St. John [>] fat-Szwed, Joseph {B40} mot-Klimasz, Bronislawa res NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 690 note: u=Szutarsky Kings cert. 1318 [#>] CA Taylor, Anelle Pauline d. 19940710 CA Los Angeles b. 19160726 OH fat-Sherlock, {D63} mot-Yonda, res CA Los Angeles {A85} Wiater, Josephine d. 19651015 NY Brooklyn, Kings Co. Hospital bur NY Queens, St. John b. 18900319 PL fat-Jopek, Jozef res NY Brooklyn, 15 St 384 note: u=Jurek; US cit; wid; res NY 65y [#>] Kings cert. 320572 Wiater, Nora age 10 d. 19240826 NY Brooklyn bur 19240829 NY Queens, St. John b. NY {B15} fat-Wiater, Cashmier {A85} mot-Jopek, Josephine res NY Brooklyn, 06 Av 532 note: d. in hospital; par b. AU Kings cert. 16026 [#>] Kings cert. 22459 [>] [>] Wiater, Robert Kenneth d. 19341120 NY Brooklyn bur 19341120 NY Queens, St. John b. 19340404 NY fat-Wiater, Stanley mot-Knight, Mula res NY Brooklyn, 15 St 284 note: fat=lab b. US; mot b. Newfoundland; u=Jurek {F94} Wilk, Mary d. 19480221 IL Berwyn res IL Berwyn note: Cook Co. {I36} Wozniak, Sophie d. 19460122 NY Brooklyn, King Co. Hospital bur 19460125 NY Queens, St. John b. 18851110 PL sp-, William fat-Yopek, Martin mot-Les, Eva res NY Brooklyn, Baltic St 613 note: wid; housework; res NYC 40y; inf/son Kamel K Wozniak; u=Szutarski Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland IL cert. 5046 Kings cert. 2247 179 DATABASE TABLES [#>] Wyas, Frank age 5.5 d. 19190917 NY Brooklyn, Kings Co. Hospital bur 19190919 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross b. US {A44} fat-Wyas, Thomas {A40} mot-Glodowski, Mary res NY Brooklyn, Bay 19 St 154 note: par b. PL; u=Szutarsky Kings cert. 19048 [#>] Yarosz, Karol d. 19360416 CA Sonoma {I24} sp-, Katarzyna res CA Sonoma note: per Katarzyna's natz/alien file {I24} Yarosz, Kathryn M d. 19630205 CA Sonoma b. 18821125 mot-Leonard, res CA Sonoma {A12} Zembro, Felio age 31 d. 19181023 NY Brooklyn bur 19181026 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross [<] fat-Zembron, Andrew [<] mot-Bodar, Katherine res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 146 note: lab; par b. PL; res US/NYC 6y; u=Szutarski {A68} Ziblut, John d. 19280526 NY Niagara Co. res NY Niagara Co. [#>] Zymbron, Zuzana age 01 d. 19120709 NY Brooklyn bur 19120710 NY Brooklyn, Holy Cross b. 19110224 US {A13} fat-Zymbron, Stanislaw {C26} mot-Kubiczoska, Anna res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 276 note: age 1y4m; par b. AU; u=Szutarski 180 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland CA Kings cert. 25352 NY cert. 33101 Kings cert. 13338 Volume 2 DIRECTRY: City Directory Records Listings for some immigrants were found in various city directories (precursors of the telephone book). Some of the earlier directories (1900-1920) often had misspelled names. Not all places where immigrants settled had directories, and some places only had directories published for a few years. For example, the most recent city directory of Brooklyn NY was in 1933, and the one before that was in 1913; after 1933 it was superseded by the telephone directory. Some abbreviations listed in the Note field are specific to a particular directory publisher, especially abbreviations for occupations, employers and municipalities. Where the original directory used commonly understood abbreviations, they are shown below with the standard abbreviations as listed in the Appendix. Some other undefined abbreviations are presented either verbatim or partially shortened to fit within the field size. For such undefined abbreviations, the original directory should be consulted. The data in this table are listed: first, chronologically by year; second, alphabetically by state; third, alphabetically by city or county; fourth, alphabetically by last name. Name Spouse Address Note Peckham 250 Seneca 995 druggist clk Peckham 250 Lovejoy & Townsend druggist clk Peckham 250 Fillmore 601 druggist clk Fillmore 650 Fillmore 608 Peckham 250 Fillmore 601 Shumway 262 teacher; PL School druggist clk clk bookeepr; Townsnd 126 1889 NY Buffalo [+] [+] Dort, Casper Kwicikowski, Frank 1890 NY Buffalo [+] [+] Dort, Casper Kwicikowski, Frank 1891 NY Buffalo [+] [+] Dort, Casper Kwicikowski, Frank 1892 NY Buffalo [+] [+] {G08} [+] [+] Dorasawicz, Balesworw Dort, Casper Kosciolek, Teofil Kwicikowski, Frank Stroka, Joseph Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 181 DATABASE TABLES 1893 NY Buffalo {G08} Kosciolek, Teofil Peckham 250 clk Peckham 250 clk Peckham 250 publshr PL Buffalo Hearld Fillmore Av 6608 clk Townsend 020 typesetr Peckham 250 clk 13 St 264 printing 13 St 264 13 St 241 job prnt; steamsh tkt emp; Carb Co. 13 St 241 13 St 264 13 St 222 13 St 241 lab prntg; Met L ins stms tk lab emp Winter 021 Winter 021 emp; BC Mfg Co. Miss; emp; BC Mfg Co. 1894 NY Buffalo {G08} Kosciolek, Teofil W 1895 NY Buffalo {G08} Kosciolek, Theophil W 1896 NY Buffalo {A10} Kosciolek, Maximilian 1898 NY Buffalo {A10} Kosciolek, Maximilian 1899 NY Buffalo {A10} Kosciolek, Max 1907 NY Niagara Falls {A10} Kosciolek, Max 1908 NY Niagara Falls {A10} Kosciolek, Max {A68} Zbilut, John 1909 NY Niagara Falls [#>] {A10} {A65} {A68} Drusek, Stanley Kosciolek, Maks Szetela, John Zbilut, John 1910 MA Adams {B36} Klima, Frank {C04} Szwed, Balvino 1910 MI Detroit {E58} Goryl, Martin [+] Pikielek, Lawrence {D30} Skaczylas, John St. Aubin 1409 St. Aubin 1409 St. Aubin 1409 1910 NY Niagara Falls {A17} {A10} {A65} {A68} 182 Kapleta, John Kosciolek, Maks Szetela, John Zbilut, John 13 St 240 13 St 264 13 St 222 13 St 241 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab prntg; Met L ins stms tk lab emp; Carb Co. Volume 2 DIRECTRY: City Directory Records 1910 PA McKeesport {B99} Gleva, Joseph {A89} Pieniarzek, Carl Blick Al 910 Enterprise Al lab lab Central 033 CF rear High 482 CF clk lab St. Aubin 1409 St. Aubin 1409 chipper chipper 13 St 241 13 St 264 13 St 222 13 St 241 emp; NEC Co. prntg; stmsh tkt ins agt lab emp; Carb Co. 13 St 241 13 St 264 Cudaback 2426 emp; NEC Co. prntg; stmsh tkt ins agt emp; Carb Co. Narva Pl 502 B Olcott Av 4427 B Narva Pl 502 B lab, H S F Co lab, H S F Co lab, I I & S Co Ashly 017 weaver 13 St 243 13 St 325 13 St 264 E Falls 1435 13 St 325 Cudaback 2426 lab lab mason real est lab lab Railroad 003 lab W Walton 1433 N Winchester Av 946 Noble 1225 Sloan 1362 Noble 1225 lab presser mldr lab Miss; clk Milwauke A 1136 1910 RI Central Falls [#>] Orzechowski, John {C32} Szczoczarz, Grzegorz 1911 MI Detroit [+] Pikielek, Lawrence {D30} Skoczylas, John 1911 NY Niagara Falls {A63} {A10} {A65} {A68} Drazek, Stanley Kosciolek, Maks Szetela, John Zbilut, John 1912 NY Niagara Falls {A63} Drazek, Stanley {A10} Kosciolek, Maks {A68} Zbilut, John 1914 IN E Chicago {A93} Bober, Ignatz {F18} Bober, Stanley {A95} Bober, Walter , Agnes , Josie 1914 MA New Bedford {B31} Droisek, Peter 1915 NY Niagara Falls {A63} {A17} {A09} {A10} {A65} {A68} Drozan, Stanley Kaplitan, John Kosciolek, Alozy Kosciolek, Max Szetela, John Zbilut, John 1916 RI Pawtucket {C32} Szczeczarz, Gzegosz 1917 IL Chicago {E49} {F58} {H24} {D19} {H26} Bojiswa, Thos Cupak, Martin Dlugosz, John Dlugosz, Peter Dlugosz, Stella Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 183 DATABASE TABLES [+] Kosteyla, Alex [>] Lenard, Mieczyslaw {F79} Szura, Jos W 32 St 1052 Cleaver 1228 Sloan 1362 lab lab machinist Zenow 105 Zenow 105 Medbury 627 Medbury 627 Dubois 1207 Norwalk 510 Jos Campau 2222 Dubois 1207 W Jeff Av 2522 Dubois 1207 Dubois 1207 Dubois 1207 Central Av 1468 Trowbridge 759 Chene 1303 Florian Av 128 mach mach asmblr asmblr mach mach; H mach mach barber mach lab mach lab lab; H lab lab Charles 025 CF meatmark Tod 4310 Emlyn 511 groc & mkt; E C saloon; E C McGurk 032 teamster N Main 321 rear Mill 594 Mill 598 lab gro opr Salisbury 017 Salisbury 017 McGurk 032 opr weaver teamster 11 St 025 11 St 027 04 St 011 11 St 027 emp; E Deerfield emp; KPCo. emp; Gfld emp; E Deerfield 1917 MI Detroit {I29} {I30} {E58} [+] [#>] {G29} {D60} {E55} {B86} {F28} {F10} {F08} {D58} {D30} [#] {G14} Chuchla, Martin Chuchla, Maryan Goryl, Martin Goryl, Walter Jarosz, Walter Kaplita, Peter Kaplita, Valentine Kotula, Paul Mackiewicz, Marion Rog, Albert Rog, Jno Rog, Paul Rogus, Wladislaus Skoczylas, Jno Smykla, Geo Warzybok, Henry 1917 RI Central Falls [#>] Orzechowski, John 1918 IN E Chicago {F18} Bober, Stanley {A95} Bober, Walter , Agnes , Josie 1918 MA New Bedford [#>] Dzioba, John 1918 RI Central Falls [>] Ogozalsk, Jospeh [#>] Orzechowski, Jan {C32} Szczotot, George 1919 MA New Bedford {B31} Drazek, Peter {B31} Drowzek, Peter [#>] Dzioba, John , Kate , Kate 1919 MA Turners Falls {C08} {B50} {E96} {B64} 184 Drozek, Paul Plodziey, Thomas Pluta, Tony Siciak, Paul American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 DIRECTRY: City Directory Records 1919 MI Detroit {E58} {B37} {D13} {D58} Goryl, Martin Kosciolek, Leo Pienta, Marion Rogus, Walter Medbury Av 627 St. Aubin 1314 Jos Campau 1197 Harper Av 675 asmblr mach Mich Farm & Realty Cudaback 2426 Kosciuszko 256 13 St 264 13 St 264 lab lab midwife real est; stmshp agt prtr Middle 051 operativ Jos Campau 6261(1405) Trowbridge 3163 Dubois 5709 (1207) Trowbridge 2991 (847) W Jeff Av 8738 (2490) Harper Av 2243 (675) Evaline Av 3855 (511) Evaline Av 511 Moran 11660 (1740) mach 1919 NY Niagara Falls {A63} {A17} [#>] {A10} Drazek, Stanislaus Kaplita, John Kosciolek, Angeline Kosciolek, Maks 1919 RI Pawtucket {C32} Szcocars, Gzegosz 1920 MI Detroit {F96} {I29} [#>] {G29} {B86} {D58} {I20} {I20} [+] Borowicz, Alois Huchla, Martin Jarosz, Walter Kaplita, Peter Mackiewicz, Marion Rogus, Wladyslaw Wiater, Kasimere Wiater, Kasimere Yandl, Stanley H barber watchman bodymkr; H H autowkr; H 1920 NY New York City [#] McConville, Harry W 150 St 277 1920 NY Niagara Falls {A17} Kaplita, John Kosciuszko 256 lab; A C of A Kaplik N Main 321 rear Charles 045 CF lab grocer; Charles 37 Middle 051 operativ , Aggie Magoun Av 4932 pedler; E C , Kate , Kate Salisbury 017 Salisbury 017 opr weaver 1920 RI Central Falls [>] [#>] Ogozalsk, Jospeh Orzechowski, Jan 1920 RI Pawtucket {C32} Szcocars, Gzegosz 1921 IN E Chicago {F18} Bober, Stanley 1921 MA New Bedford {B31} Drazek, Peter {B31} Drowzek, Peter Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 185 DATABASE TABLES 1921 MI Detroit {F96} [#>] {G29} {E55} {F09} [+] [+] Borowicz, Alois Jarosz, Walter Kaplita, Peter Kotula, Paul Rog, Anthony Warzbok, Anna Yanda, Stanley Jos Campau 6261 Dubois 5709 Trowbridge 2091 Dubois 5711 Dubois 5847 Sobieski 11708 Morgan 11660 autowkr lab woodwkr conf lab wid; H mach; H Kosciuszko 265 Kosciuszko 265 grocers; Kapitan bros. gro 17 Av 064 lab; Creo-Dipt Inc. 13 St 264 13 St 264 Mrs.; obs nurse steamshi; ticket agent 11 Av 119 09 Av 127 White 705 Jerome Av 800 King Al 113 Jerome Av 810 Mathias Av 1825 11 Av 121 Hicks Al 526 11 Av 119 Mulberry 816 Walnut 2504 Mulberry 811 mach lab lab lab lab lab {D64} , Julia , Josie Emlyn Pl 511 Forsythe Av 5005 prop soft drink prop soft drink parlor {B19} , Victoria , Katherine McGurk 010 Salisbury 017 lunch; Cove 86 weaver {B01} , Cecelia E 22 St 020 lab Merriline Av lab , Ludwig 1921 NY Niagara Falls {A17} Kapitan, John {A17} Kaplita, John 1922 NY N Tonawanda {B12} Patronski, Leo {B43} , Julia 1922 NY Niagara Falls [#>] Kosciolek, Angelina M {A10} Kosciolek, Maks 1922 PA McKeesport {E39} {B99} {E21} {G54} {H68} {G59} {G60} {F13} {D30} {A11} {G64} {B88} {A92} Borowic, Vincent Gliwa, Joseph Kmiotek, Stanley Konkol, Paul Kotula, Joseph Palko, Alexander Palko, Joseph Pasko, Thomas Skoczyolas, John Stahurska, Stanley Staniek, Anthony Trojanowski, John Wiator, Thomas lab lab lab lab lab 1923 IN E Chicago {A93} Bober, Ignatz {A95} Bober, Walter 1923 MA New Bedford {B20} Binek, Antone {B31} Drowzek, Peter 1923 NJ Bayonne {A97} Dziaozynski, Thos 1923 NY New Windsor {A03} Fornal, John 186 , Mary American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 DIRECTRY: City Directory Records 1923 NY Niagara Co. {B12} Patronski, Roman RFD 11 Martinsville; Patrouski High 428 CF operativ Kenyon St driver Laux 029 chipper Forsythe Av 5009 Amer Lndry; Magou4850 {F51} , Katherine Bonneau Ct 006 baker; Beetle St 21 {B30} , Amelia , Josephine {B49} , Nellie , Mary , Mary 11 St 025 12 St 013 11 St 027 Second 091 L 132 emp; KPCo. gro; G 69 emp; KPCo. emp; Gfld emp; Gfld Jos Campau 6261 Winfield Av 9041 Winfield Av 9041 McLean Av 2962 autowkr; H autowkr Mrs; hlpr furnace tndr Laux 029 Laux 029 lab chipper Ledyard emp; CLMCo. Hasbrouck 049 emp; CLMCo. 1923 RI Central Falls [>] Ogorzalek, Joseph 1924 MA New Bedford [#>] Dzioba, John 1924 NY Buffalo {A66} Szetela, Jos 1924 RI Central Falls [>] Ogorzalek, Joseph 1925 IN E Chicago {F18} Bober, Stanley , Agnes 1925 MA New Bedford [#>] Arendt, Walter 1925 MA Turners Falls {C08} [#] {B50} {E96} {E95} Droszek, Paul Piasecki, Wladislaw Pladzien, Thomas Pluta, Anthony Pluta, John 1925 MI Detroit {F96} {E58} {F86} {G14} Borowicz, Alois Goryl, Martin Goryl, Stella Warzybok, Henry 1925 NY Buffalo {A65} Szetela, John {A66} Szetela, Jos 1925 NY New Windsor [#>] Gostk, George {C64} , Mary 1925 NY Newburgh {A03} Fornal, Kazimir Volume 2 , Mary American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 187 DATABASE TABLES 1925 NY Niagara Falls [#>] Kosciolek, Angelina M {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19 St 321 19 St 321 midwife; Mrs. steamship; ticket agent Williams Av 1711 Port Vue Hazel 811 Jenny Lind Av 1408 King Al 122 Apple Av 2905 Hazel 710 Hazel 811 Market 1129 11 Av 119 Freeman Al 133 lab millwkr lab millwkr lab lab lab lab gro tinwkr lab High 428 CF operativ Ledyard emp; CLMCo. Hasbrouck St 049 emp; CLMCo. MacKenna 2497 lab High 428 CF operativ Kenyon St driver Dubois 5835 lab Howard 505 Laux 029 Howard 505 lab mldr lab Hasbrouck 049 Hasbrouck 049 driver emp; CLMCo. 1925 PA McKeesport {C01} {D08} {A24} {H99} {H68} {G60} {B87} {A26} {D30} {A11} {A92} Baran, Walter Borowiez, Julijan Grezebyk, Ignacy Janosz, Stanley Kotula, Jos Palko, Jos Rybka, Louis Sikora, Andrew Skoczylas, John Stahurska, Stanley Wiatr, Thos 1925 RI Central Falls [>] Ogorzalek, Joseph 1926 NY New Windsor [#>] Gostka, George {C64} , Mary 1926 NY Newburgh {A03} Fornal, Kazimir , Mary 1926 NY Niagara Falls [#>] Mical, Kasper 1926 RI Central Falls [>] Ogorzalek, Joseph 1927 MA New Bedford [#>] Dzioba, John 1927 MI Detroit {F10} Rug, John 1927 NY Buffalo {A65} Szetela, John {A66} Szetela, Jos [#>] Szetela, Leo 1927 NY Newburgh [#>] Butka, Stanislaw {A03} Fornal, Kazimir 188 [#>] , Anna , Mary American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 DIRECTRY: City Directory Records 1927 PA McKeesport {C01} {D08} [>] {B99} {A24} {H99} {H68} [>] [>] {D11} [>] {G60} [#>] [#>] {B93} {A26} {D30} {D32} [>] {A11} [>] [>] {C34} [>] {B88} [#>] Baran, Walter Borowiez, Julijan Gliwa, Bertha Gliwa, Jos Grzebyk, Ignacy Janosz, Stanley Kotula, Jos Kotula, Josephine Malak, Cath Malak, Frank Malak, Stanley Palko, Jos Piazek, Jos Pieniazek, John Rybka, Mary Sikora, Andrew Skoczylas, John Skoczylas, Jos Skoczylas, Stella Stahurski, Stanley Stanek, Anthony Stanek, Peter Stanek, Thos Stanek, Walter Trojanowski, Johan Waitor, John Williams Av 1711 Port Vue Dale 229 Dale 229 Federal 2001 Jenny Lind Av 1343 King Al 122 King Al 122 Byrom 1413 Byrom 1413 Byrom 1413 Apple Av 2905 Pride 704 Port Vue Ash 318 Hazel 710 Hazel 811 Market 1129 09 Av 127 1/2 Market 1129 11 Av 119 Walnut 914 Walnut 914 Walnut 914 Walnut 914 31 Av 433 Boyd 2917 millwkr millwkr; Natl Tube dipper; Brwn Chocl lab millwkr; Natl Tube millwkr lab Consolation Av 023 High 460 opr lab Holt Av 1341 Holt Av 1341 Cleaver 1348 gro factwkr plshr , Karolina {B35} , Karolina Jordan 011 Edmunds Grounds 017 Edmunds Grounds 017 emp; BC Mfg Co. emp; BC Mfg Co. {F86} , Stella Winfield 9041 Winfield 9041 Winfield 9041 Winfield 9041 Genoa Av 7428 Lumpkin Av 11445 Proctor Av 5451 Traverse 8186 Traverse 8186 autowkr clk; Mary Babey clk slsmn barber;E Milwaukee A 2908 autowkr; H mech Mrs; scrubwmn dom {B87} , Louis millwkr; Natl Tube millwkr lab pressor; Union Dye millwkr wid millwkr gro millwkr clk lab student millwkr gas mkr millwkr millwkr emp; Menzie Dai 1927 RI Central Falls [>] Ogozalek, Joseph {C32} Szzoczarz, Gregory {D70} , Paulini , Weronika 1928 IL Chicago {H24} Dlugosz, John {D19} Dlugosz, Peter {F80} Plodzien, Thos 1928 MA Adams {B92} Baran, Leon {B36} Klimasz, Frank [#>] Klimasz, Stevens 1928 MI Detroit {E58} [>] {F87} [>] {B86} {H93} [+] {G92} [>?] Goryl, Martin Goryl, Veronica Goryl, Walter Goryl, Wm Mackiewicz, Marion Materna, Walter Mysliwic, Paul Prendka, Mary Prendka, Stefania Volume 2 , Caroline [?] , Cath American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 189 DATABASE TABLES {G91} Prendka, Thomas {G71} Walusiewicz, Jos {D82} Wiater, Leo {G92} , Mary , Sophie {I06} , Henrietta Traverse 8186 Livernois Av 2506 Casmere Av 3868 lab; H autowkr door hngr; H Charles 045 CF gro S Kenwood Av 913 lab Chestnut 1116 S 09 St 1471 leatherwkr Pulaski 086 lab Lawrence Av Lawrence Av 077 Ledyard Ledyard emp; CLMCo. lab emp; CLMCo. , Mary 19 St 321 19 St 321 19 St 321 19 St 321 19 St 321 MacKenna 2497 Mrs.; nurse automech hairdrsr printer; steamsh tkt agt student lab; CTP Co. Micale , Victoria Franklin Av 1014 wks Rep I&S Co. Liberty Way Port Vue Hazel 508 Grover Av 3405 lab McK & Youghog Ice Co. confr 5 Av 907 lab Charles 045 CF High 460 wid lab 1928 RI Central Falls [#>] Orzechowski, Jan 1929 MD Baltimore [+] Lutrzykowski, Vincent 1929 NJ Camden [+] [+] Jagodzinski, Paul Zawila, John [+] , Annie , Mary 1929 NJ Newark {G38} Rozek, Ignatz 1929 NY New Windsor {A03} {A02} [#>] [#>] Fornal, Kazimir Fornal, Stanley Garstka, George Garstka, Sophie , Mary , Anna {C64} , Mary 1929 NY Niagara Falls [#>] [#>] [#>] {A10} [#>] [#>] Kosciolek, Angelina M Kosciolek, Edward L Kosciolek, Eugenia Kosciolek, Max Kosciolek, Sophia Mical, Kasper , Angelina 1929 OH Youngstown {H58} Bishop, Raymond 1929 PA McKeesport {G57} Demino, Michl {E19} Demski, Walter {I52} Predki, Victor 1929 RI Central Falls {D71} Orzechowski, Agata {C32} Szzoczarz, Gregory , John , Weronika 1930 MA New Bedford [#>] 190 Dzioba, John Hersom 195 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 DIRECTRY: City Directory Records 1930 MA Turners Falls [#] [#] [#] [#] Tranowski, Antoinette Tranowski, Bernice Tranowski, Josephine Tranowski, Walter , John 11 St 040 11 St 040 11 St 040 11 St 040 emp; GM Co. Piedmont Av 7610 Almont Av 8249 McPherson Av 2725 Caniff Av 5087 Iowa Av 6757 Caniff Av 5087 Prescott Av 5120 McDougall Av 5745 E Garfield Av 1988 McDougall Av 5745 McDougall Av 5745 Van Dyke Av 6410 Traverse 8186 Dubois 5835 Harold Av 5108 Casmere Av 3868 Casmere Av 3868 Moran 12584 Casmere 3868 St. Aubin 5325 carp wid lab 1930 MI Detroit {E98} {E72} {I29} {G29} [>] [>] {B37} [#>] [>] {E55} [#>] {D13} {G92} {F10} [>] [#>] {D82} {D15} [#>] {G24} Glodowski, Adam Glodowski, Anthony Huchla, Martin Kaplita, Peter Kaplita, Stanley Kaplita, Walter Kosciolek, Louis Kotula, Jos Kotula, Josephine Kotula, Paul Kotula, Thos Pienta, Marion J Prentka, Mary Rog, John Roguz, Bernice Waiter, Genevieve Waiter, Leo Waiter, Stanley Waiter, Stephina Witek, Casimir , Cath , Mary , Angeline , Zofia {D58} , Walter {I06} , Henrietta {I65} , Cath , Josephine formn lab lab painter; Fisher Body candymkr autowkr real est. Mrs.; janitress fireman wid clk; H autowkr; H finisher Fisher Body Co. waitress; H lab 1930 MI Saginaw [>] Bomba, Helen M [>] Bomba, Stella {I18} Bomba, Vincent {I19} , Margt N 20 St 1422 N 20 St 1422 N 20 St 1422 1930 MO St. Louis {H32} [>] [>] {H41} {H31} Kosciolek, John Kosciolek, Josephine A Kosciolek, Roman Wania, Walter Wanio, Stanley , Anna , Carrie , Bella Helen 1611 Helen 1611 Helen 1611 St. George 141 S 13 St 2317 chair mkr stitcher mach soft drinks; do hauling Chadwick 004 leatherwrk Clinton 1074 Laux 029 Clinton 1074 lab factwkr emp; Larkin Co Baker 17 wid 1930 NJ Newark [>] Poplowski, Edward 1930 NY Buffalo {A65} Szetela, John {A66} Szetela, Jos [#>] Szetela, Leo {A64} , Antonina , Rose 1930 OH Toledo {I09} Kitz, Victoria Volume 2 , John American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 191 DATABASE TABLES 1930 PA Philadelphia [+] [#>] [#>] Fornal, John Lasoto, Geo Sobusiak, Andrew , Frances {F84} , Cath {H38} , Stella Ritchie 4517 Dupont 205 Tilton 2969 slsman; Myk lab; Myk carp {D70} , Pauline , Weronika Consolation 012 High 460 operativ lab {B35} , Karolina Edmunds Grounds 017 Edmunds Grounds 017 emp; BFSp.A Inc 1930 RI Central Falls [>] Ogorzalek, Joseph {C32} Szzoczarz, Gregory 1931 MA Adams {B36} Klimasz, Frank [#>] Klimasz, Stevens 1931 MI Detroit {H49} {E98} {E58} [>] {F87} [>] [>] [#>] {E55} [#>] {B86} {I23} {I05} [#>] [#>] {G71} {D82} {G24} Bush, Michl Glodowski, Adam Goryl, Martin Goryl, Veronica Goryl, Walter Goryl, Wm Kaplita, Stanley Kotula, Jos Kotula, Paul Kotula, Thos Mackiewicz, Marion Mikrut, Stanley Tuczek, Thos Walusiewicz, Anna Walusiewicz, Anthony Walusiewicz, Jos Wiater, Leo Witek, Casimir Zygel, Wm , Susan , Cath {F86} , Stella Hasse Av 13499 Buchanan 4131 Winfield 9041 Winfield 9041 Winfield 9041 Winfield 9041 Iowa Av 6757 McDougall Av 5745 {E65} , Zofea McDougall Av 5745 McDougall Av 5745 , Caroline Genoa Av 7430 {I83} , Klementine Trowbridge Av 1987 {I04} , Nettie Meade Av 2955 Livernois Av 2506 Livernois Av 2506 , Josephine Livernois Av 2506 {I06} , Henrietta Belmont Av 3165 , Josephine St. Aubin Av 5325 [>] , Agnes Caely Av 3893 lab autowkr autowkr clk Mary Babey clk slsmn autowkr gro barber;E Milwaukee A 2908 H pkr lab autowkr; H clk 1931 NJ Newark {G38} Rozek, Ignatz [#>] Rzeszutko, Paul Pulaski 086 13 Av 541 lab grocer Clinton 1074 Laux 029 Clinton 1074 lab factwkr emp; Larkin Co MacKenna 2497 lab; CTP Co. Consolation 012 Consolation 012 dyer opr 1931 NY Buffalo {A65} Szetela, John {A66} Szetela, Jos [#>] Szetela, Leo {A64} , Antonina , Rose 1931 NY Niagara Falls [#>] Mical, John , Mary 1931 RI Central Falls [>] [>] 192 Ogorzalek, Joseph Ogorzalek, Stanley {D70} , Pauline American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 DIRECTRY: City Directory Records 1931 RI Pawtucket [>] Szczoczarz, Joseph G , Anita R Blackstone Av 032 weaver , Clara 17 St 1020 clk {D44} , Anna {E33} , Mary 11 St 039 12 St 003 lab emp; JRC Co. , Pauline A , Mary , Anna {C64} , Mary Cedar Av Lawrence Av 079 Lawrence Av 077 Ledyard Ledyard Ledyard emp; AmFCo. emp; CLMCo. lab emp; CLMCo. Consolation 012 Consolation 012 Consolation 012 drawerin dyer opr Blackstone Av 032 driver {E53} , Anna {D98} , Kazimera {E54} , Martha Rt. 3 Rt. 3 Rt. 3 Joe, Mary, John, Edward Jo,Wlt,Stv,Jhn,Stel,Sop Ann, John, Peter {C08} , Paul 11 St 025 11 St 025 11 St 025 11 St 027 11 St 027 11 St 027 11 St 027 11 St 027 11 St 039 12 St 003 Mrs.; emp; KP Co. student emp; KPCo. student student student Mrs.; emp; KP Co. emp; KPCo. lab emp; JRC Co. 29 St 359 Bath Av 2039 29 St 328 03 Av 678 21 St 107 23 St 277 pdir supt lab Mrs.; gro typing lab 1931 WI Racine {I16} Baran, Stanley 1932 MA Turners Falls {B64} Sicrak, Paul [#] Sojka, Jacob 1932 NY New Windsor [#>] {A03} {A02} [#>] [#>] [#>] Fornal, Joseph Fornal, Kazimir Fornal, Stanley Garstka, George Garstka, Joseph Garstka, Sophie 1932 RI Central Falls [>] [>] [>] Ogorzalek, Agnes Ogorzalek, Joseph Ogorzalek, Stanley {D70} , Pauline 1932 RI Pawtucket [>] Szczoczarz, Joseph G , Anita R 1932 WI Kronenwetter {G84} Bieniak, Wojciech {D97} Grys, Stanislaw Hwaro, Frank 1933 MA Turners Falls {B30} [#>] {C08} [#>] [#>] [#>] {B49} {B50} {B64} [#] Dranzek, Amelia Dranzek, Henry Dranzek, Paul Plodzien, Blanche Plodzien, Emilia Plodzien, Joseph Plodzien, Nellie Plodzien, Thomas Sicrak, Paul Sojka, Jacob {B30} , Amelia {B50} {B49} {D44} {E33} , Thomas , Nellie , Anna , Mary 1933 NY Brooklyn [#>] {A35} {B26} {B22} [#>] {B16} Bomba, Fred K Bomba, John Bomba, Steve Chuchla, Victoria Cyran, Anna Cyran, Ignatz Volume 2 {A39} , Kath , Antoinette {B17} , Lottie American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 193 DATABASE TABLES {B84} Cyran, Jos {B73} Cyran, Lawrence {C05} Czado, Victoria Czarnomski, Stanley {G01} Czechowicz, Stella {B29} Data, Chas [#>] Drazek, Kath [#>] Endress, Fred W [-] Fulwarczyn, {A81} Gliwa, Kazimierz {F31} Gryzebyk, John [>] Grzebyk, Anna {C88} Grzebyk, Anthony {X23} Grzebyk, Anthony Jr [>] Grzebyk, Chas P [>] Grzebyk, Frank {C73} Grzebyk, Frank [>] Grzebyk, Mary A [>] Grzebyk, Stella {X08} Janda, Victoria [#>] Janice, Jos [#>] Janice, Leo {B34} Janice, Maggie [#>] Janice, Paul [#>] Janice, Thos [#>] Jaskowak, Louis {C09} Kalita, Teofil {A53} Kaplita, George {H98} Kawa, Stanley {C77} Kotula, Benj {B52} Kotula, Caroline [>] Kotula, Nellie [#>] Kura, Emily [#>] Kura, Estelle [#>] Kwiatkowski, Albert Kwiatkowski, Frank [#>] Kwiatkowski, Martin [#>] Kwiatkowski, Stanley {A73} Leniart, John [>] Matrejek, Edward [>] Matrejek, Elinore [>] Matrejek, Genevieve [>] Matrejek, William [>] Matula, Edw [>] Matula, Helen {B61} Matula, Mary [>] Matula, Stephaniw {A75} Mikrut, Walter {C15} Pasko, Edw {C85} Pasko, Geo {C76} Pasko, Julius {C23} Pasko, Vincent J {B09} Patronski, Ignatius [#>] Patronsky, Jennie {I57} Puc, Ignatius [#>] Rogus, Helen {A32} Rogus, John [#>] Rogus, Sadie {A77} Siciak, Antony 194 {B74} {C20} {E00} {C06} {D24} {A25} {A79} {F30} {C82} {D23} [#>] {C78} {B80} {E24} {A71} {G48} {C86} {B48} {A30} {A76} , Agnes 03 Av 667 , Rose 21 St 107 , Jos 18 St 144 , Viola 60 St 446 , Adolph 04 Av 564 , Anna 60 St 652 , John 18 St 146 , Sophie 04 Av 10001 Lonczak, Julia14 St 106 , Josephina 05 Av 642 , Sophie 23 St 223 19 St 129 , Pauline 19 St 129 19 St 129 Parkville Av 218 19 St 129 , Anna Parkville Av 218 Parkville Av 218 19 St 129 E 07 St 1137 23 St 131 23 St 131 , Michael 23 St 131 23 St 131 23 St 131 , Agnes 05 Av 4820 , Frances 17 St 279 , Mary 81 St 2333 19 St 331 , Lillian 06 Av 677A , Frank 45 St 514 45 St 514 Milton 145 Milton 145 18 St 140 , Pauline 18 St 140 18 St 140 18 St 140 , Viola 48 St 457 58 St 324 58 St 324 58 St 324 , Mary 58 St 324 07 Av 592 07 Av 592 , John 07 Av 592 07 Av 592 , Marie Prospect Av 250 , Helen Gravesend Av 440 , Victoria 17 St 469 , Bella 17 St 469 , Evelyn 23 St 259 , Minnie 23 St 173 Ocean Pkwy 602 58 St 318 22 St 347 , Agnes 22 St 347 22 St 347 , Tecla 16 St 236 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland driver wid; factwkr carp wid mach wid; hsekpr Deli mach(Lonczak&Fulwarczyn) musical instruments mach comptopr clk bufferman maid wid cash lab carp supt gro; do cigars wid sten clk clk lab clk garmtwkr wid factwkr mtrmn factwkr clk gro; 06 Av 688 police lab dom lab tel opr carp factwkr gro Volume 2 DIRECTRY: City Directory Records [#>] {A18} [#>] {A23} [#>] [#>] [#>] {B15} [#>] {C28} {A40} [>] {A84} Szczcizarz, Helen Szczcizarz, Stanley Szczcizarz, Stella Szczoczarz, John Szczoczarz, Tony Szwed, Helen Szwed, Joe Wiater, Casmir Wiater, Stanley Witek, Frank Wyjas, Mary Wysocki, Felix Yopek, Andrew T , Victoria , Julia {B40} , Blanche {A85} , Josephine , Moria , Sophie {A44} , Thos , Genevieve {A87} , Josephine 03 Av 636 1/2 03 Av 636 1/2 03 Av 636 1/2 34 St 223 34 St 223 03 Av 608 03 Av 690 15 St 384 15 St 384 15 St 392 22 St 192 Apt 4 60 St 446 15 St 392 pkr driver clk (Rendick) slswm lab lab mech tailor wid lab tailor 1933 NY Buffalo {A65} {A66} [#>] [#>] [#>] Szetela, John Szetela, Jos Szetela, Julia Szetela, Leo Szetela, Stanley {A64} , Antonina , Rose Clinton 1074 Laux 029 Clinton 1074 Clinton 1074 Clinton 1074 carp lab clk; Steph L Walczak crater Mapleton Rd Rt. 3 Tuscarora Rd Rt. 1 Tuscarora Rd Rt. 1 Lockport Niagara Falls Niagara Falls Consolation 012 Consolation 012 Consolation 012 drawerin dyer opr , Anita R Blackstone Av 032 driver , Kath G Salisbury 017 Salisbury 017 Salisbury 017 Hersom 195 Hersom 195 Hersom 195 Hersom 195 Cedar Grove 194 Hersom 347 opr opr opr 11 St 039 07 St 039 lab emp; RH Co. 1933 NY Niagara Co. {B12} Patronski, Roman [#>] Ziblut, Anthony [#>] Ziblut, Stanley 1933 RI Central Falls [>] [>] [>] Ogorzalek, Agnes Ogorzalek, Joseph Ogorzalek, Stanley {D70} , Pauline 1933 RI Pawtucket [>] Szczoczarz, Joseph G 1934 MA New Bedford {B31} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B32} [#>] Drazek, Peter Drozek, Miczyslaw Drozek, Wladyslaw Dzioba, Antoinette H Dzioba, John Dzioba, Manuel Dzioba, Stanley Gryss, Albert Wajda, Stanley , Helen , Mary , Helen baker student student lab loomfixe 1934 MA Turners Falls {B64} Sicrak, Paul [#] Sojka, Jacob Volume 2 {D44} , Anna {E33} , Mary American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 195 DATABASE TABLES 1934 MI Detroit {F96} Borowicz, Aloysius {D13} Pienta, Marion J {D15} Wiater, Stanley {F95} , Stephanie , Kath Jos Campau 6261 Van Dyke 6410 Moran 12584 lab real est lab Clinton 1074 Clinton 1074 Townsend 055 Clinton 1074 lab asst; Steph L Walczak hlpr pkr 19 St 321 19 St 321 19 St 321 Mrs.; nurse US Navy printer; steamsh tkt agt Consolation 012 Consolation 012 Consolation 012 drawerin dyer opr G St 023 11 St 055 lab wid; emp; Farren Hospital Eldridge 5014 E Ferry 3311 Garfield Av 1988 McDougall Av 5745 McDougall Av 5745 mtl fshn Westbrook Dr 2234 Westbrook Dr 2234 Westbrook Dr 2234 clk DeV co. repmn Commodore Perry Hot chauf 1934 NY Buffalo {A65} [#>] [#>] [#>] Szetela, John F Szetela, Julia Szetela, Leon Szetela, Stanley {A64} , Antoinette , Florence 1934 NY Niagara Falls [#>] Kosciolek, Angelina M [#>] Kosciolek, Edward L {A10} Kosciolek, Maks 1934 RI Central Falls [>] [>] [>] Ogorzalek, Agnes Ogorzalek, Joseph Ogorzalek, Stanley {D70} , Pauline 1935 MA Turners Falls {B64} Siciak, Paul {E33} Sojka, Mary , Jacob 1935 MI Detroit {B37} [>] {H68} [#>] {E55} Kosciolek, Lois Kotula, Andrew Kotula, Jos Kotula, Jos Kotula, Paul , Sophie {H67} , Tillie , Jean , Sophia lab 1935 OH Toledo [>] [>] [>] Walendzak, Irene Walendzak, Stanley F {H82} , Agatha Walendzak, Stanley J Jr [>] , Jonah 1935 PA McKeesport [#>] [#>] {C01} {G63} {E31} {C56} [#>] {H99} [#>] {D11} [>] [>] {D12} 196 Baran, Josephine Baran, Julia Baran, Walter Bomba, Frank Demski, Michl Filipowski, John Fornal, Walter Janosz, Stanley Konkol, Alex Mallak, Frank Mallak, Rose Mallak, Stanley Paskiewicz, Frank Williams Av 1711 Williams Av 1711 Williams Av 1711 Rose 1039 White 600 Market 1315 Water 813 Jenny Lind Av 1343 Vermont Av 1501 Byron 1413 Byron 1413 Byron 1413 River 216 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland lab lab clk; Stanley Grebeck lab beautopr; Ritz Beaut Saln lab lab Volume 2 DIRECTRY: City Directory Records [>] [#>] {D37} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [+] {E20} {D14} {A26} [#>] [#>] [#>] [+] {A11} {G64} [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] {C34} [>] [>] {B91} [>] [>] [>] [>] {B88} [>] {A92} [#>] [#>] [#>] {A91} [#>] [#>] [#>] Piechowicz, Andrew Pieniazek, Helen Pietras, Alex Pokrywka, Albert Pokrywka, Frank Pokrywka, Helen S Pokrywka, John F Pokrywka, Stanley Putz, Thos Rutko, Thomas Scotlas, Thos Sicora, Andrew Sicora, Aug Sicora, Frank Sicora, Helen Skibiski, Michl Stachurski, Stanley Staniek, Anthony Staniek, Anthony T Staniek, Helen B Staniek, Mildred S Staniek, Peter T Staniek, Sophia M Staniek, Thos J Staniek, Walter J Tondera, Anthony Tondera, Casimir Tondera, Frank Tondera, Walter Trojanowski, Helen Trojanowski, Henry Trojanowski, John Trojanowski, Teddy Wiatar, Thomas P Wiatar, William T Wiater, Edw C Wiater, John H Wiater, Macyaslow Wiater, Peter J Ziobro, John W Ziobro, Michl Locust 1315 Pride 704 Port Vue Jenny Lind Av 1331 12 Av 205 Rison Al 901 Rison Al 901 Rison Al 901 Rison Al 901 Rose 1027 Mulberry 500 Rose 936 Hazel 811 Hazel 811 Hazel 811 Hazel 811 Railroad 128 Grant Av 1502 Water 813 Versailles Av 2714 Versailles Av 2714 Water 813 Versailles Av 2714 Versailles Av 2714 Versailles Av 2714 Versailles Av 2714 Mary 1041 Mary 1041 Mary 1041 Mary 1041 27 Av 412 27 Av 412 27 Av 412 27 Av 412 Ridge 604 Ridge 604 Boyd Av 2917 Boyd Av 2917 Boyd Av 2917 Boyd Av 2917 Sylvan Av 2120 Cherry 1919 lab slswm; Montgomery Ward lab carp lab student lab lab , Frances {F84} , Cathy Ritchie 4517 Dupont 205 slsman; Myk lab; Myk {D70} , Pauline Consolation 012 Consolation 012 Consolation 012 drawerin dyer opr N Front 293 Brook 210 N Front 293 baker prop Nash Liquor store bakery; Beetle St 21 lab conf clk; Balsamo Fruit Mk lab lab clk lab lab lab lab student lab lab lab lab lab; Menzie Dairy lab; Menzie Dairy 1935 PA Philadelphia [+] [#>] Fornal, John Lasota, Geo 1935 RI Central Falls [>] [>] [>] Ogorzalek, Agnes Ogorzalek, Joseph Ogorzalek, Stanley 1936 MA New Bedford [#>] [#>] [#>] Arendt, Casimir Arendt, Francis C Arendt, Walter Volume 2 , Celia {F51} , Kath American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 197 DATABASE TABLES 1936 NY Buffalo {A65} {A66} [#>] [#>] Szetela, John Szetela, Jos Szetela, Leonard Szetela, Stanley {A64} , Antoinette , Rose , Florence Sears 147 Laux 029 Loepere 077 Sears 147 lab lab fnshr 1936 OH Toledo {H82} [>] [>] [>] [>] Walendzak, Edna Walendzak, Estelle S Walendzak, Irene L Walendzak, Leocadia M Walendzak, Stanley F {H82} , Edna Westbrook Dr 2234 Westbrook Dr 2234 Westbrook Dr 2234 Westbrook Dr 2234 Westbrook Dr 2234 salad mkr L&K Co. typist Ward & Ward clk DeV co. Consolation 012 Consolation 012 Consolation 012 Wash 227 drawerin dyer opr opr lab nurse , Sophie Jos Campau 6261 Jos Campau 6261 Jos Campau 6261 Jos Campau 6201 Caniff Av 5087 Caniff Av 5087 Caniff Av 5087 Caniff Av 5087 Genoa Av 7430 Syracuse 13727 Moran 12334 Moran 12334 Moran 12334 Moran 12620 , Angelina 19 St 321 19 St 321 19 St 321 Mrs.; nurse US Navy printer; steamsh tkt agt Consolation 012 Consolation 012 Consolation 012 drawerin dyer opr Blackstone Av 032 weaver engine rm wkr 1936 RI Central Falls [>] [>] [>] [>] Ogorzalek, Agnes Ogorzalek, Joseph Ogorzalek, Stanley Szczoczarz, Jos {D70} , Pauline , Antonia 1937 MI Detroit {F96} [>] [>] [>] [>] {G29} [>] [>] {B86} {C21} {E26} [>] [>] [>] Borowicz, Aloysius Borowicz, Irene Borowicz, Mary Borowicz, Sophie T Kaplita, Elaine Kaplita, Peter Kaplita, Stanley Kaplita, Walter Mackiewicz, Marion Pasko, Augustus T Rogus, Geo Rogus, Jos Rogus, Kath Rogus, Walter S {F95} , Stephanie , Angeline , Caroline , Sophie , Stella , Verna biller D F Broderick Inc clk Fay's Style Shop; H H mach; H H barber; Philip H Beard job str autowkr fctywkr autowkr 1937 NY Niagara Falls [#>] Kosciolek, Angelina M [#>] Kosciolek, Edward L {A10} Kosciolek, Max 1937 RI Central Falls [>] [>] [>] Ogorzalek, Agnes Ogorzalek, Joseph Ogorzalek, Stanley {D70} , Pauline 1937 RI Pawtucket [>] 198 Szczoczarz, Jos , Antonia American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 DIRECTRY: City Directory Records 1938 MA Turners Falls {E61} Kortz, Albert {E33} Sojka, Mary [#] Sojka, Paul {E34} , Victoria , Jacob 11 St 040 11 St 039 11 St 039 emp; MR&R Co. wid; emp; Farren Hospital constr wkr Westbrook Dr 2234 Westbrook Dr 2234 Westbrook Dr 2234 Westbrook Dr 2234 Chestnut 2736 sten Ward & Ward emp DeV co. report writer Dun & Brads repmn Commodore Perry Hot handyman Commodore Perry Spring Way 2736 Spring Way 2736 wid {D70} , Pauline Consolation 012 Consolation 012 Consolation 012 drawerin dyer opr {A64} , Antoinette , Rose , Florence , Florence Loepere 018 Laux 029 Loepere 040 Sweet Av 223 1938 OH Toledo [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] Walendzak, Estelle S Walendzak, Irene L Walendzak, Leocadia E Walendzak, Stanley F {H82} , Edna A Walendzak, Stanley J Jr [>] , Joan 1938 PA Pittsburgh [>] Grajczyk, John {G50} Grajczyk, Sophia , Anthony 1938 RI Central Falls [>] [>] [>] Ogorzalek, Agnes Ogorzalek, Joseph Ogorzalek, Stanley 1939 NY Buffalo {A65} {A66} [#>] [#>] Szetela, John Szetela, Jos F Szetela, Leonard Szetela, Stanley pkr 1939 NY New Windsor [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A03} [#>] {A02} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Fornal, Edward J Fornal, Helen M Fornal, John J Fornal, Joseph A Fornal, Kazimir J Fornal, Peter J Fornal, Stanley Garstka, George Garstka, Jennie C Garstka, John Garstka, Joseph W Garstka, Victoria A Garstka, William P , Pauline , Mary , Anna {C64} , Mary , Elsie A Goodman Av Lawrence Av Goodman Av Quassaick Av Goodman Av Goodman Av Lawrence Av 077 Ledyard Ledyard Ledyard Quassaick Ledyard Ledyard chauf; Lake 17 19 St 321 19 St 321 stnt printer; Welch 1911 Westbrook Dr 2234 Westbrook Dr 2234 Westbrook Dr 2234 Westbrook Dr 2234 tel opr Community Tractio sten report writer Dun & Brads sta eng carder; AF Co. emp; CLMCo. emp emp; CLMCo. emp; AFCo. carder; AF Co. linensrt; NY yardman; AFCo. 1939 NY Niagara Falls [#>] Kosciolek, Francella {A10} Kosciolek, Maks 1939 OH Toledo [>] [>] [>] [>] Walendzak, Estelle Walendzak, Irene L Walendzak, Leocadia M Walendzak, Stanley F {H82} , Edna Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 199 DATABASE TABLES 1939 PA McKeesport {G63} {E44} [>] {E19} {C62} {C56} [#>] [#>] [>] [>] {F13} [#>] [#>] {E20} {A26} {D32} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {E16} [#>] [>] {B67} [>] [#>] [#>] {D89} [#>] [#>] Bomba, Frank Demski, Frank Demski, Helen Demski, Walter Filipowski, Felix Filipowski, John Fornal, Valentine F Fornal, Walter J Paskiewicz, Helen V Paskiewicz, Victoria Pasko, Thos Pokrywka, Frank Pokrywka, Helen S Rutko, Thos Sicora, Andrew Skoczylas, Jacob Skoczylas, Minnie Skoczylas, Stanley Skoczylas, Thos Stipik, Jos Stipik, Paul Stipik, Stanley Tondera, Frank Tondera, Lucy Tondera, Walter Ziobro, Edw L Ziobro, John W Ziobro, Mary Ziobro, Michl Ziobro, Michl S Water 307 Market 126 Harrison 2473 Harrison 2473 , Mary Market 1101 {C55} , Klementina Market 1315 , Stella T Vermont Av 515 [#>] , Virginia B Lynn Al 1212 River 216 {D12} , Frank River 216 Grant 800 {B39} , Stella Rison Al 901 Rison Al 901 Mulberry 500 Hazel 811 [?] , Annie Grant 746 Grant 746 Grant 746 Grant 746 Market 1028 , Stella Market 1028 Market 1028 Locust 1102 , Jas Locust 1102 Locust 1102 , Alberta Congress 100 , Hazel A Congress 100 {D90} , Louis Congress 100 , Rose Sylvan Av 2200 Congress 100 , Josephina lab waiter; Market Luncheon radiomech; B&H Auto Radio lab gro; Bryn Mawr lab wid lab lab lab lab student water tndr student wid lab test dpt; Bryn Mawr steelwkr; Bryn Mawr wid; Bryn Mawr lab lab; Bryn Mawr 1940 IN E Chicago [#>] [#>] [#>] {F18} [>] [>] {C33} [>] {F35} Bober, John Bober, Julia Bober, Mary Bober, Stanley Surofka, Helen Surofka, Matthew Surofka, Peter Surowka, Jos Surowka, Martin , Agnes , Bernice , Josephine , Louise Magoun 5031 Magoun 5031 Magoun 5031 Magoun 5031 W 144 St 519 Ruth 5117 W 144 St 519 Homerlee 5031 Homerlee 5031 Shell petroleum clk emp Hirsch Shirt baker Jordan 011 Jordan 011 Jordan 011 Jordan 011 Manners 021 Miss; emp; BFSp.A Inc. emp; BFSp.A Inc N Front 293 Brook 210 N Front 293 Salisbury 017 baker prop Nash Liquor store bakery; Beetle St 21 mill opr wldr Superheater repr Graver's Rank 1940 MA Adams [#>] [#>] {B92} [#>] {B36} Baran, Helen Baran, John Baran, Leon Baran, Stanley Klimasz, Frank J , Karolina emp; BFSp.A Inc emp; BFSp.A Inc 1940 MA New Bedford [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] 200 Arendt, Casimir Arendt, Francis C Arendt, Walter Drozek, Helen , Celia {F51} , Katherine American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 DIRECTRY: City Directory Records {B31} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Drozek, Peter Dzioba, Antoinette H Dzioba, John Dzioba, Manuel Dzioba, Stanley J Gryss, Jos Gryss, Valeria Jablonowski, Mary Remillard, John , Kath , Kathryn , Valeria , Jos , Amelia Salisbury 017 Hersom 193 Hersom 195 Hersom 193 Hersom 195 Ashly Bv 010 Ashly Bv 010 Howard 053 Salisbury 017 weaver nurse Cove Beverage Cove Beverage Cove Beverage mill opr Mrs.; weaver Mrs.; emp; Charlie's Spa lab 1940 MA Turners Falls [#>] [#>] [#>] {B49} {B50} {B64} Plodzien, Emilia Plodzien, Jessica Plodzien, Joseph Plodzien, Nellie Plodzien, Thomas Siciak, Paul {B50} , Thomas {B49} , Nellie 11 St 027 11 St 027 11 St 027 11 St 027 11 St 027 G 071 emp; Erving Mrs.; emp; KP Co. emp; KPCo. emp; E Mfg Co. VPPolish 1940 MI Detroit {F96} [>] [>] [>] {H90} {I30} {E98} {B56} [>] {E58} {F87} [>] [#>] {C00} [#>] [#>] [>] {I29} [>] {G29} [>] [>] {B37} [>] [>] {H68} [#>] {E55} {B86} {C21} {D13} {E26} [>] [>] {G14} {D15} [#>] Borowicz, Aloysius Borowicz, Irene Borowicz, Marion Borowicz, Sophie Borowiec, Jacob Chuchla, Michl Glodowski, Adam A Glodowski, Adolph Goryl, Jos Goryl, Martin Goryl, Walter Goryl, Wm Gugala, Adam Gugala, Alex Gugala, Alex Jr Gugala, Irene Huchla, Helen Huchla, Martin J Kaplita, Elaine H Kaplita, Peter Kaplita, Stanley Kaplita, Walter A Kosciolek, Louis Kotula, Andrew Kotula, Helen Kotula, Jos Kotula, Jos L Kotula, Paul Mackiewicz, Marion Pasko, Augustus Pienta, Maryan J Rogus, Geo Rogus, Kath Rogus, Walter S Warzybok, Henry Wiater, Stanley Wiater, Wanda K Volume 2 {F95} , Stephanie , Antoinette , Antoinette , Cath , Charlotte {A90} , Anna , Mary , Angeline , Sophie {H67} , Tillie , Jennie , Sophia , Caroline , Sophie , Eleanor , Stella , Sophie , Louise {I65} , Kath Jos Campau 6261 Jos Campau 6261 Jos Campau 6261 Jos Campau 6261 Winfield Av 8556 Burnside Av 2933 Piedmont Av 7610 Dubois 5700 Winfield Av 9041 Winfield Av 9041 Winfield Av 9041 Winfield Av 9041 Casmere Av 5020 Casmere Av 5020 Casmere Av 5020 Casmere Av 5020 Maine Av 12309 Maine Av 12309 Caniff Av 5087 Caniff Av 5087 Caniff Av 5087 Caniff Av 5087 E 7 Mi Rd 5642 E Kirby Av 3140 E Kirby Av 3140 E Kirby Av 3140 McDougall Av 5431 McDougall Av 5431 Genoa Av 7430 Syracuse 13727 Van Dyke 6410 Moran 12334 Moran 12334 Moran 12620 McDougall Av 12522 Moran 12584 Moran 12584 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland factwkr nurse factwkr sten trimmer carp gro & meats driver asmblr booker; RKO Radio Picturs autowkr autowkr autowkr slswm kitchwoman die str; MSP Co. slswm; Campau Pharmacy mach mach phys; J Campau Av 10338 beergrdn loader barber; Philip H Beard foundry wkr real est autowkr formn metlfnsh mgr; Broadway Restaurat 201 DATABASE TABLES 1940 NY Niagara Falls [#>] Kosciolek, Frances {A10} Kosciolek, Max 19 St 321 19 St 321 printer Westbrook Dr 2234 Westbrook Dr 2234 Westbrook Dr 2234 Westbrook Dr 2234 Mulberry 2008 tel opr Community Tractio sten sten Myers Regulator Co. mech Commodore Perry Hote maintenance Commodore Per , John , Jane J Charles 045 CF High 637 CF wid weaver , Emily T Livingston 318 Livingston 318 , Michael H Livingston 318 emp; 01 St 101 emp; D Mfg Co mrr Stanley Michalowski wid 1940 OH Toledo [>] [>] [>] [>] [>] Walendzak, Estelle Walendzak, Irene L Walendzak, Leocadia M Walendzak, Stanley F {H82} , Edna Walendzak, Stanley J Jr [>] , Joan 1940 RI Central Falls {D71} Orzechowski, Agata [#>] Orzechowski, Stanley J 1941 NJ Elizabeth [#>] [#>] [#>] {D09} Michalowski, Stanley A Tereszkiewicz, Anthon Tereszkiewicz, Emily Tereszkiewicz, Helen 1941 NY New Windsor [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A03} [#>] {A02} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Fornal, Edward J Fornal, Helen M Fornal, John J Fornal, Joseph A Fornal, Kazimierz J Fornal, Peter J Fornal, Stanley Garstka, George Garstka, Jennie C Garstka, John Garstka, Joseph W Garstka, Mary L Garstka, Victoria A Garstka, William P Goodman Av Lawrence Av 077 , Alice , Pauline A , Mary , Anna {C64} , Mary , Elsie A Lawrence Av Goodman Av Goodman Av Lawrence Av 077 Ledyard Ledyard Ledyard Quassaick Av Quassaick Av Zydale, John , Mary L Quassaick Av chauf; 17 Lake coilmkr; 2 Johnes rem to Newark emp; AF Co. emp; AF Co. emp; AF Co. emp; CLM Co. laundrywkr; 71 S 2d carder; AF Co. Mrs.; ofc secr 1 Chambers married; rem to NY oilwkr 1941 NY Newburgh [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {A03} [#>] {A02} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] 202 Fornal, Edward J Fornal, Helen M Fornal, John J Fornal, Joseph A Fornal, Kazimiere Fornal, Peter J Fornal, Stanley Garstka, George Garstka, Jennie C Garstka, John Garstka, Joseph W Garstka, Mary L Garstka, Victoria A Garstka, William P Marciniec, Jacob Goodman Av Lawrence Av 077 , Alice , Pauline A , Mary , Anna {C64} , Mary , Elsie A , Mary L {A01} , Josephine Lawrence Av Goodman Av Goodman Av Lawrence Av 077 Ledyard Ledyard Ledyard Quassaick Av Quassaick Av Quassaick Av Hasbrouck 46 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland chauf; Lake 17 coilmkr; Johnes 2 rem to Newark NJ emp; AF Co. emp; AF Co. emp; AF Co. emp; CLM Co. laundrywkr; S 02 St 71 carder; AF Co. Mrs.; ofc secr Chambers 1 marr John Zydale rem NYC oilwkr mach; CLM Co. Volume 2 DIRECTRY: City Directory Records [#] [#] [#] Marciniec, John J Marciniec, Joseph J Marciniec, William J Water 179 Overlook Pl 79 Hasbrouck 46 emp; SS & Co. 1941 NY Niagara Falls {A10} Kosciolek, Maks d. 27oct1940 1941 PA McKeesport {G63} [>] [>] {E39} {E44} [>] {E19} {C62} {C56} {B99} [>] [#>] [>] {E21} [#>] {D40} [>] {D37} [#>] [#>] [#>] {E20} [#>] {B93} [#>] [#>] {D32} [#>] [>?] {E16} [#>] Bomba, Frank Borowitz, Edw Borowitz, Eug Borowitz, Vincent Demski, Frank Demski, Helen Demski, Walter Filipowski, Felix Filipowski, John Gliwa, Jos E Gliwa, Wm Kamerer, Thos A Kmiotek, Peter Kmiotek, Stanley Konkol, Alex Konkol, Frank Paskiewicz, Victoria Pietras, Alex Pokrywka, Frank Pokrywka, John Pokrywka, Stanley Rutka, Thos Rybka, Jack J Rybka, Mary Rybka, Minnie Rybka, Walter Skoczylas, Jacob Skoczylas, Stanley H Stipik, Geo Stipik, Paul Stipik, Stanley Water 307 May Av 722 May Av 722 , Anna May Av 722 , Josephine Jenny Lind Av 1339 Harrison 2413 Harrison 2413 , Mary Market 1101 {C55} , Clementina Market 1315 , Nellie Dale 229 Dale 229 , Josephine McCarrel 2508 Mayfair Av 3806 , Victoria Mayfair Av 3806 , Mary Prescott Av 1143 , Mary 09 Av 121 {D12} , Frank River 216 [?] , Mary Jenny Lind 1331 , Stella Rison Al 901 , Winifred Rison Al 901 , Agnes Rison Al 901 03 Av 119 Ridge 904 1/2 {B87} , Louis Ridge 904 1/2 Ridge 904 1/2 Ridge 904 1/2 , Veronica Grant 746 Grant 746 Market 1028 , Stella Market 1028 Market 1028 Borowitz's Restaurant millwkr waiter; Abbott's Restr Walter's Auto Radio lab millwkr millwkr die makr lab lab drvr Stanley Greback VTwp carp wid millwkr lab millwkr millwkr hlpr wid lndrywkr lab lab student blrmkr student 1942 NY Buffalo {A65} {A66} [#>] [#>] Szetela, John Szetela, Jos F Szetela, Leonard Szetela, Stanislaus {A64} , Antoinette , Rose V , Florence , Florence Loepere 018 Laux 029 Loepere 040 Sweet Av 253 mech pkr Sanders Setlmt RD 2 Moyer RD 2 Lockport Lewiston 1942 NY Niagara Co. [#>] Patronski, Mitchel {B12} Patronski, R 1943 NJ Hudson Co. [#>] [#>] Dziurzynski, J Dziurzynski, L Volume 2 W 17 St 97 Bayo E 23 St 20 Bayo American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 203 DATABASE TABLES 1944 MA Turners Falls {E34} Kortz, Victoria {B64} Siciak, Paul {E33} Sojka, Mary , Albert , Jacob 11 St 040 11 St 037 11 St 039 wid emp; E Mfg Co. wid; emp; KP Co. , Joan Brenton Rd 741 Goodale 1358 emp; DeVibiss fireman; NYC Sys Consolation 012 Consolation 012 Consolation 012 dyer Mrs.; weaver; Ott's US Army , Rose V , Florence , Alice Laux 029 Sweet Av 242 Sweet Av 253 mech smoker; Blue Ribn Sausage , Shirley H , Nellie , Laura , Teofila 96 St 650 Falls 1621 Pierce Av 1160 Jerauld Av 2526 1945 OH Toledo [>] [>] Walendzak, Irene Walendzak, Stanley J [>] 1945 RI Central Falls [>] Ogorzalek, Jos {D70} Ogorzalek, Pauline [>] Ogorzalek, Stanley {D70} , Pauline 1946 NY Buffalo {A66} Szetela, Jos F [#>] Szetela, Leonard [#>] Szetela, Stanislaus 1946 NY Niagara Falls [#>] [#>] [#>] {B63} Patronski, Henry Patronski, Mitchell Patronski, Stephen C Prokop, Stanley M furnace filling station lab 1947 MA New Bedford [#>] [#>] [#>] Arendt, Casimir Arendt, Francis C Arendt, Walter N Front 291 Brook 210 N Front 293 clk prop Nash Lq & police rsv , Ruth French King Hwy emp; MF Co. , Rose V , Florence Laux 029 Fay 124 mech lab; DPW Goodman Av 024 Goodman Av 024 Cedar Av 084 Lawrence Av 081 Lawrence Av 081 Ledyard insp; US Govmt grinder; C-PLMCo. wid emp; AFCo. gas stat; Cornwall grinder; C-PLMCo. mrr Lawrence Mowery emp; 14 Quassaic ship clk; AFCo. oilwrkr , Celia {F51} , Katherine 1948 MA Turners Falls [#>] Siciak, Henry P 1948 NY Buffalo {A66} Szetela, Jos F [#>] Szetela, Leonard 1948 NY New Windsor [#>] {A03} [#>] {A02} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] 204 Fornal, Edward J Fornal, Kazimir J Fornal, Pauline A Fornal, Stanley Fornal, Stanley J Garstka, George Garstka, Jennie C Garstka, John Garstka, Joseph W Garstka, William P , Mary , Joseph A , Anna {C64} , Mary , Elsie A , Mary L Ledyard Quassaick Quassaick American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 DIRECTRY: City Directory Records 1948 NY Syracuse [#>] Fornal, Chas H , Marylee E Colvin 1528 student; Univ. Hgts Earlington emp Am Brake Shoe Co. N Front 291 Brook 210 Brook 210 N Front 291 McGurk 010 Abbot 007 Hersom 193 Hersom 193 Homestead 971 Hersom 195 Cove 112 mgr North End Coal Co. Beacon Yarn Shop prop Nash Liquor Store retired ret emp; Gulf Hill Dairy nurse wid Cove Beverage Cove Beverage piper; Nash Mills 1948 WA Seattle [#>] Stotish, Chas 1949 MA New Bedford [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B20} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Arendt, Casimir Arendt, Constance C Arendt, Francis C Arendt, Walter Binek, Antoni Desouza, Manuel Dzioba, Antoinette H Dzioba, Helen Dzioba, Marjan J Dzioba, Stanley J Remillard, John {F51} , Katherine {B19} , Victoria , Annie , John , Leona , Kathryn , Amelia 1949 MI Detroit {D13} Pienta, M J Van Dyke 6410 1949 NJ Elizabeth [#>] Tereszkiewicz, Anth J {D09} Tereszkiewicz, Helen Livingston 318 Livingston 318 Terr. Wood Products wid Oakland 364 29 St 130 08 Av 4418 06 Av 677A cigars Centre Av 1312 Tompkins 9521 Falls 1621 Pierce Av 1160 Main 1124 Main 1124 B St 3322 opr; Union Carbide clk furnace; Carbide & Carbon Pat's Sunoco bkkpr; Samovar Restr waitress; Samovar Restr lab; Hooker Chemical Orchard 610 emp; GE , Marylee E Colvin 1416 student , Marylee E Colvin 1528 student , Michael 1949 NY Brooklyn [#>] [#>] [#>] {C78} Bomba, Emily C Bomba, Mary C Czado, Ann Mrs Kotula, L 1949 NY Niagara Falls [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [>] [>] {B63} Patronski, Benj Patronski, Henry Patronski, Mitchell Patronski, Stephen C Prokop, Julia Prokop, Mary Prokop, Stanley M , Mary , Shirley , Nellie , Laura , Teofila 1949 NY Schenectady [#>] Reczek, Walter 1949 NY Syracuse [#>] Fornal, Chas H 1950 NY Syracuse [#>] Fornal, Chas H Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 205 DATABASE TABLES 1950 RI Central Falls [>] [>] Ogorzalek, Jos Ogorzalek, Stanl {D70} , Pauline Collins Av 023 Collins Av 023 mach Prospect Av 196 Broadway 397 Prospect Av 196 W 10 St 044 E 30 St 077 E 24 St 031 lab filtropr lab dishwash Orchard 610 emp; GE 10 Av NE 15568 10 Av NE 15568 hlpr Seattle Bronze Co. maid FS N Front 293 Brook 210 Brook 210 retired prop Nash Liquor Store North End Coal & Wood Laurel 006 Laurel 006 emp; B&M E Deerfield bkpr; Franklin Co Trust C Park 023 Park 023 11 St 039 12 St 011 12 St 013 12 St 013 12 St 013 I 023 I 023 G 069 G St 069 G 069 G St 069 G St 069 11 St 031 emp; KPCo. emp; GT&D Co. wid; emp E Mfg. Co. 1951 NJ Bayonne [#>] [#>] [#>] {H91} [#>] [#>] Antonik, Frank Antonik, George Antonik, John Bomba, Joseph Ciesnicki, Paul Dziurzynski, John , Viola A {B04} , Catherine , Sophie {B05} , Lucy , Helen emp; US govt. 1951 NY Schenectady [#>] Reczek, Walter 1951 WA Seattle [#>] [#>] Stotish, Chas Stotish, Helen L 1952 MA New Bedford [#>] [#>] [#>] Arendt, Casimir Arendt, Francis C Arendt, Walter , Katherine , Katherine 1953 MA Greenfield [#>] [#>] Mochowski, Daniel J {E35} , Katherine Mochowski, Thaddeus J 1953 MA Turners Falls [#>] {C08} {E34} [#] [#] [#] [#] [#>] {B50} [#] [#] {B64} {B64} {B64} {E33} Dranzek, Edward Dranzek, Paul Kortz, Victoria Piasecki, Edmund Piasecki, Jennie Piasecki, Margaret Piasecki, Walter Plodzien, Joseph Plodzien, Thomas Siciak, Josephine Siciak, Josephine Siciak, Paul P Siciak, Paul P Siciak, Paul P Sojka, Mary {B30} , Emelia , Albert , Bernice , Josephine {B49} , Nellie {B64} , Paul P {B64} , Paul P , Josephine , Josephine , Jacob ret Mrs.; emp; E Mfg Co. emp; E Mfg Co. emp; E Mfg Co. emp; E Mfg Co. ret wid; emp; KP Co. 1953 NY Brooklyn [#>] [#>] [>] [#>] [#>] 206 Cyran, Michael J Cyran, Walter J Matula, Julianna McAteer, Michael J Pasko, Alexander P 19 St 250 29 St 128 07 Av 592 Van Dyk 159 69 St 951 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 DIRECTRY: City Directory Records {C15} Pasko, Edw J [#] Rendziuk, Stanley [#>] Wysocki, Felix G 45 St 313 60 St 249 61 St 329 1953 NY Buffalo {A64} [#>] [#>] {A66} [#>] [#>] Szetela, Antoniette Szetela, Donald Szetela, Joan Szetela, Jos F Szetela, Leonard S Szetela, Stanley , Rose V , Florence Loepere 069 Fay 124 Fay 124 Laux 029 Fay 124 Euclid 024 student pkr 1954 WA Seattle [#>] Stotish, Chas , Helen 10 Av NE 15568 iron wkr sptcialist Lnk-B 1955 IL Chicago {E88} Kalandyk, Vincent W Wrightwd 3602 1955 MA New Bedford {B20} [#>] {B31} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {B32} [#>] {C80} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Binek, Antoni DeTerra, John E Jr Drozek, Peter Dzioba, Antoinette H Dzioba, Helen Dzioba, Kathryn Dzioba, Marjan J Dzioba, Stanley J Grys, Albert Gryss, Frederick Gryss, Joseph Gryss, Mary Gryss, Mildred Gryss, Thadeus A Perry, Gilbert Remillard, Peter , Mary , Helen N , John , Stanley , Leona , Kathryn , Mary , Valeria , Alice H Viall 029 Salisbury 017 Salisbury 017 Hersom 193 Hersom 193 Hersom 195 Homestead 971 Hersom 195 State 229 Kenyon 021 Kenyon 021 Coffin Av 344 Coffin Av 344 Ellen 082 Salisbury 017 Salisbury 017 ret lieut; sta 6 NBFD ret Cove Beverage wid Mrs. Cove Beverage Cove Beverage emp; Standard Laundry loomfixr; Atlantc Silk Ml pressor; MA Shirt Mfg Co. student 1955 MI Detroit {B86} Mackiewicz, Maryan {C21} Pasko, Augustus E Hollywood 8035 Syracuse 13727 1955 NY Brooklyn [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Bomba, Dolores Bomba, Edw Bomba, Emily C Bomba, Fred S Bomba, Leon Bomba, Leonard J Bomba, Mary C Chuchla, Frank Chuchla, Jos J Coppola, Stephanie Cyran, Ed T Cyran, John J Volume 2 Parkville Av 122 29 St 135 Oakland 364 51 St 729 Oakland 099 40 St 1023 29 St 130 04 Av 730 23 St 195 76 St 352 19 St 250 23 St 141 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Mrs. 207 DATABASE TABLES {X34} [#>] {B27} [#>] [#>] {A53} [#>] [#>] [#>] Cyran, Stanley Cyran, Walter J Czado, John Janice, Leo Janice, Paul Kaplita, George Marciniec, John Pienta, Edw J Zembron, Bruno J 60 St 670 29 St 128 16 St 177 04 Av 725 17 St 182 19 Av 6713 Church 2643 13 St 296 W 09 St 1895 1955 PA Pittsburgh [>] Grajczyk, John [>] Grajczyk, John C {G50} Grajczyk, Sophia , Rose M , Rosemarie , Anthony Penn Av 2736 Spring Way 2736 Spring Way 2736 lab mach opr wid Collins Av 023 Collins Av 023 mach Lonsdale roller; Newman Cros Steel 10 Av NE 15568 ironwkr sptcls; Link-Belt 1955 RI Central Falls [>] [>] Ogorzalak, Jos Ogorzalak, Stanl {D70} , Pauline 1955 RI Pawtucket [>] Szczoczarz, Michl 1955 WA Seattle [#>] Stotish, Chas , Helen 1956 IL Chicago {B58} [>] [>] [>] Gos, Leon Plodzien, Edw N Plodzien, Jos T Plodzien, Thomas J S Kedvale 1518 S Richmond 4517 W Iowa 2522 W Iowa 2522 1956 MI Detroit {B56} [>] [>] [#>] {B86} Glodowski, Adolph Kaplita, W A Kotula, Andrew Kotula, Thos P Mackiewicz, Maryan Dubois 5700 Canif 5087 Suzanne 8336 McDougall 5745 E Hollywood 8035 phy; Holbrk 2901 1956 NY Brooklyn [#>] [>] [>] McAteer, Michael J Setela, John Setela, Theo Van Dyk 159 15 St 139 33 St 204A 1956 NY New Windsor {A03} {A02} [#>] [#>] [#>] 208 Fornal, Charles J Fornal, Stanley Fornal, Stanley J Garstka, George Gastka, Joseph , Mary K , Anna {C64} , Mary Hickory Av Lawrence Av 081 Lawrence Av 081 Ledyard Quassaick Av 029 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland emp; town USAF student Volume 2 DIRECTRY: City Directory Records [#>] [#>] [#>] Gastka, Joseph W Gastka, Mary L Gastka, William P , Elsie A , Mary Quassaick Av 029 Hickory Av Hickory Av ship clk; AFCo. Mrs.; bookkpr tester; Beacon , Mary Lee , Mary J , Mina H Fullerton Av 201 Henry Av 077 Townsend Av 033 teacher cnstrwkr; Monroe E Falls 1621 E Falls 1621 Main 1124 Main 1124 B St 3322 opr; Tel. Co. opr; Union Carbide waitress; Samovar Restr waitress; Samovar Restr 1956 NY Newburgh [#>] [#>] [#>] Fornal, Charles H Fornal, Peter F Gastka, John G 1956 NY Niagara Falls [#>] [#>] [>] [>] {B63} Patronski, Mary H Patronski, Mitchell Prokop, Julia Prokop, Mary Prokop, Stanley M , Nellie , Tillie 1956 PA McKeesport {B59} {A24} [>] {H99} [>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Grebeck, Stanley Grzebyk, Ignatz I Janos, Frank Janos, Stanley Janos, Thaddeusz Kamerer, George Kamerer, Josephine Pokrywka, Alex Pokrywka, John C Pokrywka, Stella , Helen {X20} , Stella M Grandview 912 Jenny Lind Av 2410 Washington 910 Washington 910 Washington 910 Patterson 1313 Patterson 1313 , Beatrice Scott 1411 , Winifred M Grove Av 3301 , Frank Rison Al 901 gro; Grove Av 2825 millwkr; Natl Tube installr; Bell Telep whsemn student Mrs.; clk; Flowers millwkr; US Steel millwkr; Natl Tube wid 1956 PA Philadelphia [#>] Tluczek, Edw A Seville 115 1957 MI Detroit [>] [>] {B86} {C21} Kaplita, Stanley Kaplita, W A Mackiewicz, Maryan Pasko, Augustus Canif 5087 Foutana 60 E Hollywood 8035 Syracuse 13727 Ham phy; Holbrk 2901; GP 1957 NY Buffalo {A64} [#>] [#>] {A66} [#>] Szetela, Antoniette Szetela, Donald Szetela, Joan Szetela, Jos Szetela, Leonard {A65} , John Laux 029 Sycamore 1232 Sycamore 1232 , Rose Laux 029 , Florence G Sycamore 1232 wid USAF 1957 NY Schenectady [#>] Reczek, Walter Volume 2 {X33} , Agnes Orchard 610 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland emp; GE 209 DATABASE TABLES 1958 CA San Diego {B58} Gos, Leo S [>] Gos, Mitchell S , Anna 01 Av 639 01 Av 639 Chula Vista agt United Air Lines; CV , Stephanie , Agnes B W 151 St 619 Magoun 5031 3;H H; lab City Pk Dept 1958 IN E Chicago [#>] Bober, Bernard P {F18} Bober, Stanley G 1958 MI Detroit {B56} [>] {F87} [>] [>] {B37} [>] {E65} [#>] {B86} {D13} Glodowski, Adolph Goryl, Jos Goryl, Walter Goryl, Wm Kaplita, W A Kosciolek, Louis Kotula, Andrew Kotula, Sophie Kotula, Thos P Mackiewicz, Maryan Pienta, M J Westphilia 19352 Hamburg 20553 Wallace 8395 Winfield Av 9041 Foutana 60 Van Dyke 18703 Suzanne 8336 McDougall Av 5743 McDougall Av 5745 E Hollywood 8035 Van Dyke 6410 phy; Holbrk 2901; GP 1958 NY Buffalo {A66} Szetela, Jos [#>] Szetela, Leonard , Rose , Florence Laux 029 Sycamore 1232 1959 IN Gary [#>] Bober, Bernard P {F18} Bober, Stanley G W 151 St 619 Magoun 5031 E Chicago E Chicago 1959 MI Detroit {F87} [>] [>] [>] Goryl, Walter Mackiewicz, Karolini Mackiewicz, Karolini Mackiewicz, Karolini Wallace 8395 E Hollywood 8035 E Hollywood 8035 E Hollywood 8035 1959 NJ Clrk [#>] Hamulak, M A Whittier Rd 52 1959 NJ Manville {X25} Szczoczarz, Ewd Sam 36 1959 NY Brooklyn [#>] Marciniec, John Church 2543 1959 NY Buffalo {A66} Szetela, Jos [#>] Szetela, Leonard 210 , Rose , Florence Laux 029 Rother 277 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 DIRECTRY: City Directory Records 1959 NY Niagara Falls [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Patronski, Benj Patronski, Dorothy Patronski, Evelyn Patronski, Mary Patronski, Michal B Patronski, Mitchel , Mary , Nellie Welch Av 2429 15 St 247 Welch Av 2429 15 St 247 15 St 247 15 St 247 furnace; Clobe furnace; UC Corp student 1960 IL Chicago {F36} [>] [>] {F80} [>] Konkol, Nellie Plodzien, Chester B Plodzien, Edw N Plodzien, Thomas J Plodzien, Thomas J Jr. N Mntcelo 3124 W Iowa 2522 S Richmond 4517 W Iowa 2522 W Iowa 2522 1960 MA Greenfield [#>] [#>] Mochowski, Dan J {E35} , Kath Mochowski, Thaddeus J , Mary J Laurel 006 High 165 ret teller FCT & school comm. Coffin Av 344 McGurk 008 emp; NBFD firefigh; Sol-E Mar Hosp 11 St 039 G St 069 Montague City Rd 148 wid; emp E Mfg. Co. emp; E Mfg Co. wid 1960 MA New Bedford [#>] [#>] Remillard, Peter J Sowa, Joseph B , Janice , Veronica 1960 MA Turners Falls {E34} Kortz, Victoria [#] Siciak, Josephine {E33} Sojka, Mary F , Albert {B64} , Paul P , Jacob 1960 MI Detroit {F87} Goryl, Walter Roxbry 10446 1960 NJ Hudson Co. [#>] [#>] Ciesnicki, P Dziurzynski, S E 30 St 77 Bayo Fulton 305 JC 1960 NJ Newark [#>] Kotowicz, S Hilsd Av 167 tel: BI-87628 1960 NY Brooklyn [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Bomba, Alfred G Bomba, Dolores Bomba, Edw Bomba, Fred S Bomba, Henry S Bomba, Leon Bomba, Leonard J Bomba, Mary C Data, Ed K Volume 2 Oakland 364 29 St 130 29 St 135 51 St 729 Kent 191 Oakland 099 40 St 1024 29 St 130 60 St 652 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Mrs. 211 DATABASE TABLES 1960 NY New Windsor {A03} [#>] {A02} [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Fornal, Charles J Fornal, Pauline Fornal, Stanley Fornal, Stanley J Garstka, George Garstka, Joseph Jr Gastka, William P , Mary K , Joseph , Anna Hickory Av Cedar Av 084 Lawrence Av 081 Lawrence Av 081 emp; town wid; atdt; Beacon , Mary L Water 020 Hickory Av USAF 75y; d. 08feb1960 teller; Highland Nat Bank tester; Beacon , Mary Lee , Mary J , Mina H Fullerton Av 201 Overlook Pl 101 Townsend Av 033 teacher cnstengr landscpr 1960 NY Newburgh [#>] [#>] [#>] Fornal, Charles H Fornal, Peter F Gastka, John G 1960 RI Central Falls [>] [>] [>] [>] {D71} Ogorzalek, Jos Ogorzalek, Jos A Ogorzalek, Stanl Ogorzalek, Stanley Orzechowski, Agata {D70} , Pauline {D70} , Pauline , John Collins Av 023 Rosewood 016 Collins Av 023 Rosewood 016 Charles 045 CF wid W 151 St 619 Magoun 5031 Lakevw 1212 Northcote 5529 Magoun 4903 Woodmar 6818 Highwy 3337 W 141 St 519 E Chicago E Chicago Hammnd E Chicago E Chicago Hammond Highld E Chicago d. 18sep1958 1961 IN Gary [#>] {F18} [>] [>] {F72} [>] [>] {C33} Bober, Bernard P Bober, Stanley G Gorlowski, Frank J Surufka, Edw A Surufka, Frank Surufka, John J Surufka, Jos F Surufka, Peter 1961 MI Detroit {F87} Goryl, Walter Chalmrs 5607 1961 NY Schenectady {X33} Reczek, Agnes , Walter Orchard 610 wid 1961 PA Philadelphia [#>] [#>] Tluczek, Edw A Tluczek, Stanley Seville 115 W Penn St 3304 1961 WA Seattle [#>] [#>] Stotish, Chas Stotish, Helen L , Helen L 10 Av NE 15568 10 Av NE 15568 ironwkr; Link-Belt Mrs. janitr FrlndSanatorm , Anna 01 Av 639 01 Av 639 Chula Vista agt United Air Lines; CV 1962 CA San Diego {B58} Gos, Leo S [>] Gos, Mitchell S 212 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 DIRECTRY: City Directory Records 1962 MA Greenfield [#>] [#>] Mochowski, Dan J {E35} , Kath Mochowski, Thaddeus J , Mary J Laurel 006 High 165 ret teller FCT & school comm. 1962 MI Detroit {B56} [>] {F87} [>] [#>] [>] [>] {E65} [#>] {C21} Glodowski, Adolph Goryl, Jos Goryl, Walter Goryl, Wm Jarosz, Walter Kaplita, W A Kotula, Andrew Kotula, Sophie Kotula, Thos P Pasko, Augustus Westphilia 19352 Hamburg 20553 Chalmrs 5607 Winfleld Av 9041 Mitchel 5841 Fontana 60 Suzanne 8336 McDougal 5743 McDougall 5745 Syracuse 13727 phy; Holbrk 2901; GP 1962 NY Buffalo [#>] Szetela, Floyd N {A66} Szetela, Jos F [#>] Szetela, Leonard S , Rose , Florence Koons Av 367 Laux 029 Rother 277 1963 MA Greenfield [#>] [#>] [#>] Mochowski, Dan J {E35} , Kath Mochowski, Thaddeus J , Mary J Owseichik, Alex , Edith B Laurel 006 High 165 Deerfield 419 ret teller FCT & school comm. emp; GT&D Div G St 005 11 St 039 Vladish Av Vladish Av 12 St 013 I 023 I 023 I 023 Montague City Rd 148 mgr; Polish Co-op Store wid; emp E Mfg. Co. emp; GT&D Div sorter; Esleeck Mfg Co. emp; GT&D Div drvrslsm; Cushman Bakery 82 St 494 Welch Av 2429 15 St 247 82 St 494 15 St 247 15 St 247 emp; Globar Div Carbo mach opr; UC Mtls clk; Dolores Bridal S Rosewood 016 cook; Vel's Lunch 10 Av NE 15568 10 Av NE 15568 ironwkr; Link-Belt Mrs. jan Firland Sanatori 1963 MA Turners Falls [#] {E34} [#] [#] [#] [#>] [#>] {B50} {E33} Kestyn, Stanley C Kortz, Victoria Kovalsick, Edw J Kovalsick, Jessie B Piasecki, Edmund Plodzien, Chester Plodzien, Jos P Plodzien, Thom M Sojka, Mary F , Antoinette , Albert , Jessie B , Edw J , Bernice {B49} , Nellie , Jacob ret wid 1963 NY Niagara Falls [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Knoll, Cornelius F Patronski, Benj W Patronski, Joanne A Patronski, Julia Patronski, Michl B Patronski, Mitchell J , Evelyn M , Mary , Nellie furnace; UC Corp mtcemn; Nia Per Save&Loan 1963 RI Central Falls [>] Ogozaleck, Stanley J 1963 WA Seattle [#>] [#>] Stotish, Chas Stotish, Helen Volume 2 , Helen L American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 213 DATABASE TABLES 1964 RI Central Falls [>] Ogozaleck, Stanley J Rosewood 016 cook; Vel's Lunch 10 Av NE 15568 Mrs. jan Firland Sanatori 1964 WA Seattle [#>] Stotish, Helen 1965 NY Brooklyn [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] {X34} [#>] [#>] {B17} {B27} [#>] [#>] Bomba, Alfred Bomba, Dolores Bomba, Edw Bomba, Fred S Bomba, Henry S Bomba, Leon Bomba, Mary C Cyran, Ed T Cyran, Frank Cyran, John J Cyran, Stanley Cyran, Theo J Cyran, Walter J Cyran, Wladyslawa Czado, John Data, B Data, Edw K Lorimer 1036 45 St 1379 29 St 135 51 St 729 Kent 191 Oakland 099 29 St 130 06 Av 5619 W 22 St 2825 11 St 536 60 St 670 23 St 273 29 St 128 05 Av 725 16 St 177 67 St 272 60 St 652 Mrs. Mrs. 1966 CA San Diego {B58} Gos, Leo S [>] Gos, Mitchell S , Anna 01 Av 639 01 Av 639 ret; Chula Vista agt United Air Lines; CV , Jos Melrose 034 wid , Jane H Veronica Av 1966 NY New Windsor {A04} Pustola, Pauline 1966 NY Newburgh [#>] Pustola, Joseph H 1966 WA Seattle [#>] Stotish, Helen 10 Av NE 15568 Mrs. jan Firland Sanatori Crestwood Rd 300 emp; NA 1967 RI Warwick [#>] Szymkowicz, Frank J , Marian W 1968 AL Huntsville {H39} Szezufiel, Walter P Valley Park Dr 6217NW draftsman, Northrop Corp. 1969 WA Seattle [#>] 214 Stotish, Helen 10 Av NE 15568 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Mrs. jan Firland Sanatori Volume 2 DIRECTRY: City Directory Records 1970 CA San Diego [>] Gos, Anna 01 Av 639 Chula Vista W 151 St 619 E Chicago , Jos Melrose 034 wid , Jane H Veronica Av 1970 IN Gary [#>] Bober, Bernard P 1970 NY New Windsor {A04} Pustola, Pauline 1970 NY Newburgh [#>] Pustola, Joseph H 1970 WA Burien-Wht Ct {F46} Kunsierz, Julia 22 Av SW 11833 retd 01 Av 639 agt United Air Lines; CV Boston St 21 (C) Boston St 21 (C) Boston St 21 (C) Gadoury 23 (C) E Greenwich Rl retd 01 Av 639 agt United Air Lines; CV 01 Av 639 agt United Air Lines; CV 22 Av SW 11833 retd Linwood Av 093 Jr; firefighter; Pawtk 1971 CA San Diego [>] Gos, Mitchell S 1971 RI W Warwick [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Szymkowicz, Kunegunda Szymkowicz, Phyllis Szymkowicz, Steph Szymkowicz, Thad W Jr Szymkowicz, Thos A , Monica T , Helen S emp; Calart tchr; Coventry H School dentist 1972 CA San Diego [>] Gos, Mitchell S 1973 CA San Diego [>] Gos, Mitchell S 1973 WA Burien-Wht Ct {F46} Kunsierz, Julia 1974 RI Pawtucket [>] Szczoczarz, Michael J 1975 AL Huntsville {H39} Szczupiel, Walter P Valley Park Dr 6217NW illustrator, Hayes Intern 1977 NY New Windsor {A04} Pustola, Pauline , Jos Melrose 034 , Jane H Veronica Av wid 1977 NY Newburgh [#>] Pustola, Joseph H Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 215 DATABASE TABLES 1977 RI Pawtucket [>] Szczoczarz, Michael J , Deborah A Linwood Av 093 firefigh; Pawtk Fire Dept , Marian W Crestwood Rd 300 Crestwood Rd 300 retd student , Jos Melrose 034 wid , Jane H Veronica Av Mrs.; retd , Monica T , Edna , Helen S Boston St 21 (C) Boston St 21 (C) Gadoury 23 (C) Dion Av 3 (C) Washington St 617 W 151 St 619 E Chicago 1977 RI Warwick [#>] [#>] Szymkowicz, Frank J Szymkowicz, Frank Jr 1978 NY New Windsor {A04} Pustola, Pauline 1978 NY Newburgh [#>] Pustola, Joseph H 1979 RI W Warwick [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] [#>] Szymkowicz, Kunegunda Szymkowicz, Steph Szymkowicz, Thad W Jr Szymkowicz, Thaddeus Szymkowicz, Thos A tchr; C Sch Dept retd dentist 1981 IN Gary [#>] Bober, Bernard P 1981 NY Newburgh [#>] Pustola, Joseph H , Jane H Veronica Av 1985 AL Huntsville {H39} Szczupiel, Walter P Valley Park Dr 6217NW retd 1989 IN Gary [#>] Bober, Bernard P W 151 St 619 E Chicago 1997 AL Huntsville {H39} Szczupiel, Walter P Venona Av 3409 Apt310 retd 1997 NJ Bayonne [#>] [#>] Ciesnicki, J Ciesnicki, W E 43 St 017 E 30 St 077 1997 NJ Jersey City [#>] [#>] Ciesnicki, E Dziurzynski, S Suburbia Dr 031 Fulton 305 2000 AL Huntsville {H39} Szczupiel, Walter P 216 Venona Av 3409 Apt310 retd American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 DRAFT: United States World War I Draft Records Most of the data presented in this table were obtained from the original index cards maintained at the US National Archives and Records Administration in Atlanta GA (the repository for the original World War I draft records for all states). However, some of these records were obtained from unidentified genealogical websites. The data in this table are listed: first, alphabetically by name; second, chronologically by date. {G65} Adamsky, Stise rec 19170605 PA Jefferson Co., b. 18901215 res PA Sykesville note: miner, Cascade Coal & Coke; wif, chi=1; emp in Sykesville {F18} Bober, Stanley rec 19180912 IN Lake Co. b. 18820821 res IN E Chicago, Forsythe 4920 note: skilled lab; rel Aggie Bobber, same res; AU cit {A95} Bober, Wallets rec 19170605 IN Lake Co. b. 18891026 Bressome res IN E Chicago, Emlyn Pl 511 note: self emp, saloon; b. GL; wif, chi=2; left finger injured {B51} Bomba, Adolf rec 19170605 PA Elk Co. b. 18900503 Hermanowa res PA Ridgway, Osterhout St 326 note: leather roller, Elk Tan Co.; wif, chi=1; right eye crossed {B70} Bomba, Jozef rec 19170605 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18860308 res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 161 note: lab; emp E W Bliss Co., 53 St {I18} Bomba, Vinces rec 1917 PA Allegheny Co., b. 1879 {I19} sp-, Malda res PA McKeesport, Barran 1413 note: National Tube Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 217 DATABASE TABLES {E39} Borawitz, Vinzent rec 1917 PA Allegheny Co., b. 18930127 Budziwoj res PA McKeesport, 12 St 121 note: mach, National Tube; sgl; fat & mot alive {D08} Borowich, Alex rec 1917 PA Allegheny Co., b. 18870408 res PA McKeesport, Brick Al 1041 note: lab, National Tube; b. GL; wif, chi=1 {E51} Borowich, George rec 19180912 PA Clearfield Co, Board 02 b. 18850319 {E18} sp-Borowich, Julie res PA Helvetia note: miner, R&PC&I Co.; rel assumed to be wif; b. AU {H28} Borowicz, Azinis rec 19180912 IN Lake Co. b. 18820330 sp-, Victoria res IN E Chicago, 141 St 509 note: lab, Interstate Iron & Steel; wif res "Tecin" GL; alien {B71} Borowiec, Gregorz rec 1917 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18840312 {C46} sp-, Theo res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 099 note: brick co. {C79} Borowiec, Kazimiesz rec 1917 PA Allegheny Co., b. 18850304 {C47} sp-, Katrina res PA McKeesport, Rose St 1026 note: lab, Tin Plate in Port Vue; b. AU {G33} Borowiec, Wladyslaw rec 19180912 IN Lake Co. b. 18850119 {G41} sp-, Aurla res IN E Chicago, Todd Av 4330 note: chipper, Hubbard Steel Co.; wif res GL; PL cit {H30} Borowjec, Tony rec 19180912 IN Lake Co. b. 1885 Powiat Freso sp-, Ellenor res IN E Chicago, 141 St 509 note: lab, Interstate Iron & Steel; b. AU; alien 218 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 DRAFT: United States World War I Draft Records {B72} Chuchla, Jozef Francisz rec 1917 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18850310 {B22} sp-, Wiktoria res NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 636 1/2 note: brick co. {H29} Cislo, Michislow rec 19170605 IN Lake Co. b. 18871128 Titzan res IN E Chicago, Todd Av 4226 note: lab, Sinclair Oil; b. GL; wif, chi=1; AU cit {B73} Cyran, Lawrence rec 19180912 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18770722 sp-, Rose res NY Brooklyn, 20 St 141 note: lab; 08 St 125; "Cipan" {B74} Czado, Jozef rec 19180912 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18750319 res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 144 note: carp {B29} Data, Karol rec 19170605 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18901120 res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 099 note: stableman; Hilderbrand Co.; wif, chi=2; "Dota" {G42} Drost, Joe rec 19180912 PA Elk Co. b. 18760318 res PA Ridgway, Csluhave St 326 note: lab, Elk Tannery Co.; wif res Hermanowa; "Dort Drost" {B54} Fornal, Vincent rec 19180912 PA Elk Co. b. 18860515 res PA Ridgway, Hyde Flat note: tanning wkr, Elk Tanning Co.; wif res Hyde Flat {A81} Gliwa, Kazimierz rec 19180912 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18800227 {A79} sp-, Josephine res NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 661 note: propritor, stationary shop; b. IT {B75} Glodowski, Wladyslaw rec 1917 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18881207 res NY Brooklyn, 20 St 251 note: woodworker; wif, chi=1; served 2m as a private in AU army Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 219 DATABASE TABLES {B57} Gorlowski, Paul rec 19180912 PA Elk Co. b. 18730125 res PA Ridgway, Hyde Flat note: lab, Elk Tannery Co.; wif res "Harmanowa"; b. AU {F32} Gorolofski, Ignatz rec 19170605 IN Lake Co. b. 18870214 Zeshuff res IN E Chicago, Todd 4412 note: mill lab, Interstate I & S; AU; wif, chi=2; served 3m in AU infantry {D97} Griss, Stanislaw rec 19180912 PA Clearfield Co, Board 02 b. 18840215 {D98} sp-Griss, Casimira res PA Helvetia note: miner, R&PC&I Co.; b. AU {C88} Grzebyk, Antoni rec 1917 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 188708 sp-, Polonia res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 139 note: carp {F98} Hadala, Walevan rec 19170605 IN Lake Co. b. 18940414 Chesla res IN E Chicago, Narva Pl 504 note: lab, unemployed; b. AU; first papers; sgl; fat in war {B76} Janiec, Jan rec 19180912 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18751125 res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 131 note: foundry; brl Jan Peszko {A50} Kaplita, Sylvester rec 19180912 NY Kings Co. Board 59 b. 18860101 {A56} sp-Kaplita, Domicela res NY Brooklyn, 18 Av 8609 note: paint grinder; emp Keystone Varnish Co., Otsego St 71 {G39} Kedzierski, Stany rec 19170605 PA Clearfield Co, Board 02 b. 18861113 Tichan res PA Helvetia note: miner, R&PC&I Co.; wif, chi=3; claimed exemption {B77} Klimasz, Andrzej rec 19180912 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18731018 sp-, Maryanna res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 144 note: lab; wif res Tyczyn 220 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 DRAFT: United States World War I Draft Records {B78} Klimasz, Stanislaw Joze rec 19180912 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18810320 {C42} sp-, Sophie res NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 664 note: lab; wif res PL; "Joze"=Jozef {B79} Klimasz, Tomasz rec 19180912 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18790307 {C13} sp-, Katarzyna res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 144 note: lab {G66} Koni, Joe rec 19170605 PA Jefferson Co., b. 18950319 res PA Eleanora note: driver in mine, R&PC&I Co.; sgl; "Kon" with accent n {B80} Kotula, Frank rec 19170605 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18901014 res NY Brooklyn, 20 St 319 note: machine hand; wif, chi=2 {E06} Malak, Roman rec 19180912 IN Lake Co. b. 188411 sp-, Magdeline res IN E Chicago, Northcote 4903 note: lab, Republic Iron & Steel; wif same res; RO cit {B81} Para, Bruno rec 19170605 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18881025 res NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 676 note: unemployed; wif, chi=2 {B45} Peszko, John rec 19180912 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18850310 {B97} sp-, Franciszka res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 131 note: blacksmith {B82} Pienta, Frank rec 19180912 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18810515 {B46} sp-, Victoria res NY Brooklyn, 21 St 107 note: lab, glycerin co. {G76} Pirog, John J rec 19170605 MA Franklin Co. b. 18930915 Stary Borek res MA Greenfield, Chapman 33 note: tailor; sgl; natz; emp L Ludwig Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 221 DATABASE TABLES Pirog, Wladyslaw rec 19180916 MA Franklin Co. b. 18951128 Rozosow res MA Greenfield, Conway 49 note: polisher; [see SUPPNOTE database] {A32} Rogus, John rec 19180912 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18730315 {A30} sp-, Agata res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 137 note: carp {A77} Siciak, Tony rec 19170605 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18861216 res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 118 note: wif, chi=1 {H80} Staniek, Joe rec 19180912 PA Elk Co. b. 18740310 res PA Ridgway, Hyde Flat note: lab, Elk Tannery Co.; wif res Hyde Flat; "Jozef"; b. AU {B83} Staniek, Michal Jozef rec 19180912 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18820921 [?] sp-, Pauline res NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 636 1/2 note: wif res AU {C33} Surufka, Peter rec 19180912 IN Lake Co. b. 18760703 {F89} sp-, Josefa res IN E Chicago, Narva Pl 504 note: lab; Interstate Iron & Steel; b. AU-HU (PL) {A23} Szczoczarz, John rec 19180912 NY Oneida Co. Board 01 b. 18820706 res NY Rome, Washington St 231 note: lab, Rome Wire Co.; rel Stanley Szczoczarz res Brooklyn, 19 St 089 {A18} Szczoczarz, Stanley rec 19170605 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18900605 Hermanowa res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 097 note: ice man, self employed; wif, chi=2 {A66} Szetela, Joseph rec 19180912 SD Campbell Co. b. 18981117 res SD Pollock note: lab; [see SUPPNOTE database] 222 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 DRAFT: United States World War I Draft Records {C12} Tereszkiewicz, Maryan rec 19170605 PA Elk Co. b. 18900819 Hermanowa res PA Ridgway, Grant Rd 22 note: tanning wkr, Elk Tanning Co.; sgl {E09} Voyton, George rec 19180912 PA Clearfield Co, Board 02 b. 18770420 sp-, Agnes res PA Helvetia note: miner, R&PC&I Co.; b. AU; "Wojciech Wojtyn" {E09} Voytyn, George rec 19180912 PA Clearfield Co, Board 02 b. 18770420 sp-, Agnes res PA Helvetia note: miner, R&PC&I Co.; b. AU; "Wojciech Wojtyn" {D82} Wiatr, Leon A rec 19170605 MI Wayne Co. Board 11 res MI Detroit, Trombly St note: per statements in Alien Registration file {I41} Winters, Walter rec 19170605 PA Clearfield Co, Board 01 b. 18930627 res PA Clearfield, Bigler Av 502 note: tannery, Elk Tannery Co.; b. GL PL; wif, chi=1; filed DofI {F55} Wrona, Ignatz rec 19180912 IN Lake Co. b. 18850404 res IN E Chicago, 151 St 610 note: skilled blacksmith; emp Locomotive Superheater; rel Kate Wrona, same res {B68} Wrona, Pete rec 19170605 IN Lake Co. b. 18960215 Razow res IN E Chicago, Narva Pl 522 note: lab, B&O shops; b. AU; first papers; sgl {B69} Yanda, Pete rec 19170605 PA Elk Co. b. 18920425 Z Kelnevoi res PA Ridgway, Red Row N Broad note: lab, Elk Tannery Co.; wif, chi=1; b. "Zaste Kelnevoi" AU; "Piotr" [+] Yanda, Stanley rec 19180912 PA Jefferson Co., b. 18791015 sp-, Mary res PA Eleanora note: miner, R&PC&I Co.; AU; wif res Eleanora; "Janda" Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 223 DATABASE TABLES {A12} Zembron, Feliks rec 19170605 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18880505 res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 146 note: painter; wif, chi=1; served 2y in PL infantry {A13} Zembron, Stanislaw rec 19180912 NY Kings Co. Board 37 b. 18770417 {C26} sp-, Anna res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 154 note: lab 224 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 INSURANC: Polish Roman Catholic Union Life Insurance Records The data in this table were obtained in 2003 from the Polish Genealogical Society of America (PGSA) website, on the webpage for Polish Roman Catholic Union (PRCU) life insurance records. A more detail for these records were on that website, as well as a notice that some of the records may have erroneous cross-references to locations (for example, the location given for Jozef Czado {B74} may be in error). There was also some ambiguity as to what the date represented. In some cases the date may be a death date. In other cases it may be when the cash value was surrendered. This table is only a index of more detailed records available from the Polish Genealogical Society of America (PGSA). A notice on their website mentioned that copies of these detailed records may be purchased from them. The data in this table are listed: first, alphabetically by name; second, chronologically by date. {D33} {A95} {B74} {C96} {F91} {G61} {B93} {D42} {A26} {A27} {D30} {A23} [#>] Volume 2 Name Date State City Barton, Wojciech Bober, Wladyslaw Czado, Jozef Kosciolek, Szymon Kusnierz, Stanislaw Rybka, Kazimierz Rybka, Maryanna Siciak, Wojciech Sikora, Andrzej Sikora, Marya Skoczylas, Jan Szczoczary, Jan Szczoczarz, Julia 19320411 19301021 19280618 19230726 19361228 19441231 19450916 19400606 19430814 19330322 19280904 19341113 19500423 PA IN OH PA IL PA PA MA PA PA PA NY NY McKeesport Munster Lorain Plainsville Chicago McKeesport N Versailles Turners Falls McKeesport McKeesport McKeesport Brooklyn Brooklyn American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 225 (This page left blank intentionally) MARRIAGE: United States Marriage Records Marriage records are available to the public in most government jurisdictions. However, each jurisdiction has confidentiality laws that limit public access to certain years. In some jurisdictions, marriage licenses or other civil records of marriages did not occur until the early 1900s. For example, the City of New York (including Brooklyn) did not require marriage licenses until 1907. Prior to that time, civil records only existed for couples married by a justice of the peace or another civil authority. Since the large majority of Tyczyn-area immigrants were married in religious ceremonies, records of most early marriages prior to 1907, if they exist at all, would only be found in church records. Some of the earlier marriage records listed below were obtained from church records and may not be publicly available. The first line of each record gives the date of the marriage. On the same line following the date is a civil record number (such as a license or Board of Health certificate number), if known. Also on the first line against the right margin is the location (government jurisdiction) where the marriage took place, and the name of the church if applicable. If the marriage date is preceded in the extreme left margin with the symbol "#," this indicates that the marriage is "genealogically linked" to the data in the descendancy charts in Chapter 7 of Volume 1. The next two lines list the groom and bride, along with any additional data pertaining to them, such as age, former marital status, place of birth, and residence, if known. Age is presented in years, unless noted otherwise. Data on the identity of witnesses to the marriage, if known, are listed on subsequent lines below the groom and bride data. Listed below these are the parents of the groom and bride, if known. If I-numbers are assigned to any of these persons, they are shown preceding the names in the extreme left margin. Additional notes, if any, are given on the last line. Marriages after 1950 are not published in this book for privacy reasons. Also, the names of the persons or clerics performing the marriage ceremonies are also not published, but this data generally exists in the original records. The data in this table are listed: first, chronologically by marriage date; second, alphabetically by groom's name. [#] mrr 18990127 {G86} grm-Wijas, John bri-Jankowski, Marianna gmf-, Joseph gmm-, Catherine Volume 2 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 227 DATABASE TABLES [#] mrr 19010623 {D23} grm-Janiec, Michal {B34} bri-Huchla, Magdalena wit-Lewandowski, Adalbert wit-Blizinski, Stanley gmf-, Matthew gmm-, Rosalie brf-, Anthony brm-, Catherine [+] mrr 19011110 grm-Mikuliczy, Martin bri-Nieziolek, wit-Zuchniewski, Adam wit-Usynski, Andrzej gmf-, Jacob gmm-, Catherine brf-? brm-? note: OLC: Nieziolek slash l NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC mrr 19030606 {C88} grm-Grzebyk, Anthony bri-Glos, Pauline {G86} wit-Wijas, John {E02} wit-Szapela, Anthony gmf-, Thomas gmm-, Catherine brf-, Matthew brm-, Catherine note: OLC: Glos slash l NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] mrr 19030621 {A44} grm-Wijas, Tomasz {A40} bri-Glodowska, Marianna NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] mrr 19030830 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC {B84} grm-Cyran, John bri-Rzeznik, Catherine {E02} wit-Szatela, Antony {G25} wit-Urban, Simon gmf-, Stanislaw gmm-, Agata brf-, Martin brm-, Rosalie note: n/f 1903 Brooklyn BofH index; Cyran=Cera; Szatela [#] mrr 19040821 {A97} grm-Dziura, Thomas {B01} bri-Kura, Cecelia wit-?, Paul wit-Srybas, Casimir gmf-, Michal gmm-, Marianna brf-, Antony brm-, Lucia note: not found 1904 Brooklyn BofH index 228 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 MARRIAGE: United States Marriage Records [#] mrr 19050305 grm-Mikolajczyk, Adalbert bri-Pietrzak, Martina note: OLC: Mikolajczyk slash l NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC mrr 19050525 {B66} grm-Szymkowicz, Antoni; age 22; sgl; b. AU bri-Golen, Kunegunda; age 18; sgl; b. AU gmf-Szymkowicz, Tomasz gmm-Knutel, Antonina brf-Golen, Franciszek brm-Tajskowicz, Maryanna note: grm occ glasscutter; pg 92 of index MA New Bedford [#] mrr 19050709 lic 14451 {C84} grm-Slowik, Thomas; age 29; sgl; b. AU; res NY Newburgh {E17} bri-Fornal, Marie; age 21; sgl; b. AU; res NY Newburgh wit-Soja, Simon wit-Sikora, John gmf-Slovik, Peter gmm-Bartinska, Victoria brf-Fornal, Peter brm-Rozek, Catherine note: Slowik=Slovik; Rev. Charles Golvschka NY Poughkeepsie, St. Joseph RC mrr 19050723 {E55} grm-Kotula, Paul {E65} bri-Glodowski, Sophie gmf-, John gmm-, Sophie brf-, Joseph brm-, Rosalie note: Glodowski=Godurska NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] {A21} {A19} {D85} [?] mrr 19060826 grm-Szczoczasz, Joseph bri-Fornal, Frances wit-Spowalik, Peter wit-Spala, John gmf-, Anthony gmm-Starylow, Marianna brf-, Jozef brm-Pesko, Marianna note: OLC: Starylow slash l, Pesko accent s; Szczoczas NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] {A32} {A30} {D23} {G86} mrr 19060923 grm-Rogos, John bri-Gruba, Agatha wit-Janiec, Michal wit-Wijas, John gmf-, Adalbert gmm-Baran, Marianna brf-, Valentine brm-Barowski, Catherine note: Ragos NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 229 DATABASE TABLES mrr 19070127 [?] grm-Drazek, John {E80} bri-Grzebyk, Magdalena {C90} wit-Pajak, Michal wit-Paslak, Stanley gmf-, Anthony gmm-Boskowicz, Helen brf-, John brm-Turczyk, Agnes note: OLC: Paslak accent s NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC mrr 19070606 grm-Ojorzalek, Joseph; age 26; mr1; b. AU; res RI Central Falls {D70} bri-Szczoczarz, Pauline; age 20; mr1; b. AU; res RI Central Falls gmf-Ojorzalek, Andrew gmm-Bibeac, Franciszka brf-Szczoczarz, Joseph brm-Bibeac, Victoria note: grm occ mill opr; city book; Rev. Francis Kluger; brm & gmm same surname RI Central Falls [#] mrr 19070616 {B98} grm-Rogusz, Joseph {A31} bri-Kuczmacz, Filiphinam wit-Gasiorowski, S wit-Kowalski, Adam gmf-, Adalbert gmm-Baran, Marianna brf-, Thomas brm-Kusnierz, Marianna NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] mrr 19070811 {A50} grm-Kaplita, Sylvester {A56} bri-Huchla, Domicela wit-Matrejik, John wit-Matrejik, Casimir gmf-, Joseph gmm-Pienta, Julia brf-, Anthony brm-Czechowicz, Josephine note: Kapita; Pieckta; Poniecelana; Cechowicz NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] mrr 19071006 {C72} grm-Fornal, Jozef {F17} bri-Grzebik, Catherine wit-Stalonski, Henry wit-Ligta, Francis gmf-, Peter gmm-Knylet, Theresa brf-, Adalbert brm-Suzkiewicz, Marianna note: OLC: Knylet slash l NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC 230 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 MARRIAGE: United States Marriage Records [#] mrr 19071027 {D59} grm-Huchla, Francis bri-Strzalka, Marianna {A73} wit-Lenardat, John {B98} wit-Rogus, Jozef gmf-, Thomas gmm-Kosciolek, Rosalia brf-? brm-? note: OLC: Gosciolek and Strzalka slash l NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] mrr 19071027 {F28} grm-Rog, Adalbert {F29} bri-Stachurski, Sophie wit-Pieja, Marianna [#>] wit-Jaroszat, Ladislaus gmf-, Stanislaus gmm-, Sophie brf-, Michal brm-Glodowska, Madgalena note: OLC: Glodowska slash l, Rog accent o NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] mrr 19071029 {B31} grm-Drazek, Piotr; b. GL bri-Gajda, Katarzyna; b. GL wit-Jasock, John [?] wit-Drazek, Anna gmf-Drazek, Lawrence gmm-Grys, Catherine brf-Gajda, John brm-Kornek, Josephine MA New Bedford, Our Lady of Perpetual Help [#] MA New Bedford, Our Lady of Perpetual Help mrr 19080220 grm-Dziuba, Jozef; b. GL {B23} bri-Drazek, Aniela; b. GL [?] wit-Drazek, John [?] wit-Drazek, Catherine gmf-Dziuba, John gmm-Czyz, Marianna brf-Drazek, Lawrence brm-Grys, Marianna [#] mrr 19080226 lic 00998 {A10} grm-Kosciolek, Maksymilian; age 29; sgl; b. AU; res NY Niagara Falls bri-Michalowska, Angelina; age 18; sgl; b. GR; res NY Buffalo, Broadway 947 wit-Zaleski, Alex wit-Michalowski, Zofia gmf-Kosciolek, Kazimierz gmm-Dronzek, Rozalia brf-Michalowska, Peter Paul brm-Rutkowski, Antonina note: "Holy Christy", Clark St; Rev E Bartoszewicz; lic=356? 06feb1908 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland NY Buffalo 231 DATABASE TABLES [#] mrr 19080614 BofH 05107 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC {B45} grm-Peszko, John; age 23; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn, 22 St 226 {B97} bri-Czesznicka, Frances; age 20; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn, 20 St 097 wit-Korabiowski, John {C16} wit-Para, Stanislaw gmf-, Joseph gmm-Marciniec, Victoria brf-, John brm-Baran, Magdalena note: grm occ workman; OLC: Pesco; Koroblowski; Bara [#] mrr 19080718 BofH 05529 lic 06159 {B82} grm-Pienta, Frank; age 25; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn {B46} bri-Para, Victoria; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn wit-Krztanski, Jozef {C16} wit-Para, Stanislaw gmf-, John gmm-Paluch, Magdalena brf-, Joseph brm-Marciniec, Mary note: OLC: Krztanski=Kozlinski; lic=09jul1908 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] {A81} {A79} [?] {D13} mrr 19080726 BofH 06026 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Gliwa, Kazimierz; age 28; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn bri-Fornal, Jozefa; age 18; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn wit-Pokrywka, Jacek wit-Pienta, Marian gmf-, Walenty gmm-Fornal, Magdalena brf-, Lauretius {A83} brm-, Catherine note: grm occ workman; Pokrzywka [#] {C16} {C17} [?] mrr 19080816 BofH 06612 lic 07078 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Para, Stanislaw; age 27; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn bri-Klimasz, Rozalia; age 21; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn wit-Kosciolek, Jan wit-Zinkiewicz, Jan gmf-, Joseph gmm-Kura?, Magdalena brf-, Joseph brm-, Victoria note: grm occ workman; Kura/Kosdraz/Kordisz/Kosdisz?; OLC:Kowan, Zintkiewicz; lic=14aug1908 [#] mrr 19081110 {A63} grm-Drazek, Stanislaw; b. PL Kielnarowa bri-Franczek, Angela; b. PL Swilcza wit-Chajski, Jan wit-Gozdowska, Franciszka gmf-Drazek, Jozef P gmm-Pietras, Magdalena brf-Franczek (Bak), Jan brm-Bak, Ewa note: bri "Helena" crossed out, superscribed with "Angela" 232 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC Volume 2 MARRIAGE: United States Marriage Records [#] mrr 19081115 lic 27418 NY New Windsor grm-Joroka, Jourg; age 23; wid; b. AU; res NY New Windsor, Quassaick Bridge {C64} bri-Slowik, Mary; age 28; wid; b. AU; res NY New Windsor, Quassaick Bridge {C91} wit-Slowick, Joseph wit-Hudig, Mary gmf-Joroka, Peter gmm-Velgons, Eva brf-Slovic, Peter brm-Barata, Victoria note: Garstka=Joroka; lic=04nov1908 Poughkeepsie; lic wit=Martin Mesuda; Fr. Galuschka mrr 19090127 grm-Leniart, Mieczyslaw; res IL Chicago {H79} bri-Knizel, Rozalia; res IL Chicago wit-Jannik, Antoni {H04} wit-Krzywonas, Sosiphia gmf-, Joannis gmm-Oleszko, Catharinae brf-, Petri brm-Mackowicz, Catharinae note: "Lenart"; Rev. L Szybowicz; LDS film:1703800 V2 P188 I4 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC [#] mrr 19090709 lic 06575 NY Brooklyn, St. Stanislaw Kostka RC grm-Bandyna, Franciszek; age 32; sgl; b. PL Tarnow; res NY Brooklyn, Oakland St 407 {A15} bri-Cyran, Agata; age 28; sgl; b. PL Tyczyn; res NY Brooklyn, Oakland St 407 wit-Wronka, Mikolaj {A97} wit-Dziura, Tomasz gmf-, Wojciech gmm-Kowon, Mariana brf-, Jan brm-Para, Marianna note: Bandino; bri occ domestic [#] {B72} {B22} {B80} {A51} mrr 19090711 BofH 06226 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Huchla, Joseph; age 24; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn, 22 St 226 bri-Klimasz, Victoria; age 23; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 679 wit-Kotula, Franciszek wit-Kaplita, Teofil gmf-, Antoni gmm-Borowiec, Katherine brf-, Adalbert brm-Borowiec, Mary note: grm occ workman; OLC: brm Marianna, wit: Adam Kowalski & Stanislaw Gasiewski [#] mrr 19090912 lic 01309 {A17} grm-Kaplita, Jan; b. PL Kielnarowa bri-Les, Karolina; b. PL Swilcza {B86} wit-Mackiewicz, Marian wit-Lubienska, Rozalia gmf-Kaplita, Jozef gmm-Dziura, Maria brf-Les, Valenty brm-Debewska, Anna note: lic=12sep1909 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC 233 DATABASE TABLES mrr 19091028 {C32} grm-Szczoczarz, Grzegorz; age 24; mr1; b. AU; res RI Central Falls bri-Marytko, Veronika; age 20; mr1; b. AU; res RI Central Falls gmf-Szczoczarz, Jozef gmm-Bialis, Victoria brf-Marytka, John brm-Zielinski, Theresa note: grm occ lab; city book; Rev. Francis Kluger RI Central Falls [#] mrr 19100123 BofH 00970 NY Brooklyn, St. Stanislaw Kostka RC {C18} grm-Stachurski, Ignatius; age 24; sgl; b. PL; res NY Brooklyn, Clay St 407 {C19} bri-Data, Domicela; age 20; res NY Brooklyn, 20 St 159 wit-Kubuski, Stanislaus wit-Rysincki, Bufro gmf-, John gmm-Kmiotek, Julianna {D75} brf-, Adalbert brm-Jabkowna, Sophia note: wit: Ja? Kaziemisz Barno?, Jan Skogda?, illegible mrr 19100326 lic 1544 {H42} grm-Fornal, Albert; age 22; res KS Curranville bri-Fikes, Mary; age 17; res KS Curranville wit---wit---brf---brm---note: mrr 09apr1910 KS Frontenac by Rev. Joseph Pompeny {F59} {F60} {F64} {H04} mrr 19100419 grm-Dlugosz, Wojciech; res IL Chicago, Sloan St 1359 bri-Muryasz, Katarzyna; res IL Chicago, Sloan St 1341 wit-Kszton, Joz wit-Krzywonos, Zofia gmf-Dlugosz, Franciszek gmm-Korcz, Marianna brf-Muriez, Jan brm-Kempa, Zofia note: grm chr 23apr188404 Stary Borek; bri chr 06oct1889 Stary Borek mrr 19100501 {C53} grm-Prokop, Piotr; b. PL Tyczyn bri-Jarzab, Maria; b. PL G Ropczycka wit-Posterupski, Wladyslaw wit-Szynur, Magdalena gmf-Prokop, Marcin gmm-Mendon, Katarzyna brf-Jarzab, Wojciech brm-Kudrik, Katarzyna note: second a in Jarzab with hook; Gora Ropczycka 234 KS Crawford Co. American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC Volume 2 MARRIAGE: United States Marriage Records {I59} {H09} {C28} [?] mrr 19100529 BofH 04690 grm-Gaciarz, John; age 21; b. GL bri-Slowik, Julia; age 20 wit-Witek, Franciszek wit-Glodowski, Joseph gmf-, Pawel gmm-Borowicz, Katarzyna brf-, Jan brm-Szpala, Mary note: grm occ lab; mrr index "Gacialz, John" [#] mrr 19100607 {B36} grm-Klimas, Frank; age 30; mr1; b. AU; res MA Adams {B35} bri-Baron, Carolina; age 18; mr1; b. AU; res MA Adams wit-Chwalek, Agatha {B79} wit-Klimasz, Thomas gmf-Klimas, Jacob gmm-Koscistek, Maryanna brf-Baron, Jan brm-Malak, Zofia note: grm & bri occ weaver; Rev. Francis Kolodziej NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC MA Adams, St. Stanislaus Kostka RC mrr 19100719 IL Chicago, St. John Cantius RC grm-Jarosz, Karol; b. PL Krakow {I24} bri-Czarnik, Magdalena; b. PL Tyczyn {F39} wit-Rutka, Maryan {F38} wit-Rutka, Emilia gmf-, Franciszek gmm-Rodzinski, Aniela brf-Rutka, Bernard brm-Leniar, Marianna note: grm chr 04oct1883 Church of St. Krzyza, Krakow; bri chr 25dec1884 Tyczyn mrr 19101023 {C86} grm-Matula, John {B61} bri-Grubianka, Marianna gmf-, Francis gmm-, Marianne brf-, Simon brm-Leniard, Victoria note: OLC: bri=Gladowski slash l [#] {A73} {A71} {B80} NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC mrr 19101030 BofH 10979 lic 11619 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Leniarth, John; age 23; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn bri-Klimasz, Walerya; age 26; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn wit-Kotula, Franciszek wit-Zietkiewicz, Jan gmf-, Marcin gmm-Kosciolek, Katarzyna brf-, John brm-Strzlow, Wiktoria note: OLC: mrr 20oct1910, Strzlow slash l, "Leniart"; lic=27oct1910 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 235 DATABASE TABLES [#] mrr 19110212 BofH 01408 lic 01456 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Wysocki, Felix; age 24; b. RU {C20} bri-Klimasz, Waleria; age 24 wit-Ress, Jan {C06} wit-Marciniec, Anna gmf-, Stanislaw gmm-Smido, Emily brf-, Wojciech brm-Krzton, Mary note: OLC: brm=Anna, wit John Koss, Marciniak; lic=07feb1911 mrr 19110430 BofH 04363 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC {B63} grm-Prokop, Stanislaw; age 28; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn bri-Kostkiewicz, Teofila; age 23; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn wit-Kowal, John wit-Matrejek, Jacob gmf-, Marian gmm-Micuda, Teresa brf-, Wladyslaw brm-Hajzumal, Rozalia note: OLC: bri=Kosmiewicz [#] [?] {A14} {C25} {B71} {B80} {B52} [?] {A51} mrr 19110514 BofH 04366 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Rozik, Jozef; age 25; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn bri-Drazek, Antonia; age 27; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn wit-Domino, Julian wit-Borowiec, G gmf-, Walenty gmm-Kolandyk, Mary brf-, Jozef brm-Janda, Magdalena mrr 19110521 BofH 04926 grm-Kotula, Francis; age 22; sgl; res NY Brooklyn bri-Pienta, Caroline; sgl; res NY Brooklyn wit-Paluch, Andrew wit-Kaplita, Teofil gmf-, Joseph gmm-Janiec, Aniela brf-, Marcin brm-Borowska, Agata note: OLC: brf=BLANK; Teofil=Theophilia; Kapleta NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC mrr 19110704 {F66} grm-Kruzel, Joannes; res IL Chicago, Blackhawk St 1436 {F67} bri-Kusnierz, Julianna; res IL Chicago, Sloan St 1359 wit-Kakol, Stanislaus {G87} wit-Plodzien, Angela gmf-, Antoni gmm-Plodzien, Rosalia brf-, Martinus brm-Pekala, Antonia note: grm chr 15oct1888 Borek Stary; bri chr 15feb1889 Borek Stary 236 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC Volume 2 MARRIAGE: United States Marriage Records [#] mrr 19111001 BofH 10305 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC {G24} grm-Witek, Kazimierz; age 24; sgl; res NY Brooklyn bri-Wojtak, Josephine; age 20; sgl; res NY Brooklyn {C28} wit-Witek, Francis [?] wit-Kotula, Martin gmf-, Lukasz gmm-Miciuda, Antoinette brf-, Francis brm-Szewczyk, Mary note: OLC: 24.09.1911, Casimir, Lucas, Marianna, Franciszek [#] mrr 19111025 grm-Diedzic, Peter; age 25; mr1; b. AU; res RI Pawtucket, N Main {D46} bri-Kalandyk, Katarina; age 23; mr1; b. AU; res RI Pawtucket, N Main gmf-Diedzik, Lawrence gmm-Grazesik, Mary brf-Kalandyk, John brm-Wojcik, Mary note: grm occ coremaker; city book; Rev. Francis Kluger; note Diedzic/Diedzik mrr 19120123 lic 03657 {B86} grm-Mackiewicz, Marian; b. PL Kielnarowa bri-Grzyb, Karolina; b. PL Jaroszowice wit-Kochan, Stanislaw wit-Grzyb, Maria gmf-Mackiewicz, Wojciech gmm-Drazek, Katarzyna brf-Grzyb, Franciszek brm-Grzyb, Magdalena note: Mackiewicz first c accented; Jaroszowice [#] {D60} {H08} {C72} [?] RI Central Falls NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC mrr 19120211 BofH 02016 lic 01708 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Kaplita, Walenty; age 26; sgl; b. AU bri-Pajkiewicz, Mary; age 26; sgl; b. AU wit-Fornal, Joseph wit-Kosciolek, Jan gmf-, Antoni gmm-Szetela, Mary brf-, Jozef brm-Kozik, Magdalena note: grm occ lab; OLC: gmm=Wiktoria, Paskiewicz; Paikiewicz; BofH=18feb1912; lic=08feb1912 [#] mrr 19120213 lic 00014 {B79} grm-Klimasz, Tomas; age 26; sgl; b. AU; res MA Adams, N Summer St 024 bri-Mularz, Karolina; age 25; sgl; b. AU; res MA Adams, Winter St 027 gmf-, Jozef gmm-Baranow, Wiktoryja brf-, Jan brm-Nowiski, Tekla note: grm occ card room opr; bri occ cloth room opr, lic=02feb1912, "Klimas", "Mulaz" Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland MA Adams 237 DATABASE TABLES [#] {B29} {C06} {A51} {B16} mrr 19120602 BofH 05136 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Data, Karol; age 23; b. GL bri-Marciniec, Anna; age 22; b. GL wit-Kaplita, Teofil wit-Cyran, Ignacy gmf-, Paul gmm-Malak, Victoria {B85} brf-, Feliks brm-Krzton, Karolina note: OLC: 23 IV 1922?, gmf also is Paul, Krzton=Slonka {F64} {F65} {G07} [?] mrr 19120704 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC grm-Krzton, Josephus; res IL Chicago, W Augusta 1754 bri-Wrona, Casimiera; res IL Chicago, Pratt St 965 wit-Krzywonos, Vaclaw wit-Wrona, Helena gmf-, Joannes gmm-Krajewski, Valeria brf-, Paulus brm-Borys, Agatha note: grm chr 27jul1882 Borek Stary; bri chr 04mar1892 Tyczyn; Adn=Jan Dlugosz & Jan Kaleta mrr 19120714 BofH 08966 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Jablonski, Jozef; age 21; b. RU {G49} bri-Skoczylas, Aniela; age 24; b. RU wit-Kowal, Jozef [?] wit-Huchla, Marcin gmf-, Jozef gmm-Chojnacki, Marianna brf-, Andrzej brm-Marcinczyk, Mary note: OLC: mrr 23jun1912, Jablonski slash l, bri b. PL-GL mrr 19120807 grm-Dittman, Ernest; b. RU Wilno {H23} bri-Jopek, Albina; b. PL Tyczyn wit-Schreyer, Karol wit-Huczek, Maryanna gmf-, Jakob gmm-Ksieninger, Franciszka brf-, Wojciech brm-Barowiec, Magdalena note: LDS film 1704115 pg 169 [#] {B42} {A98} {A97} {A99} 238 IL Chicago, St. John Cantius RC mrr 19120901 BofH 08967 lic 10280 NY Brooklyn, St. Stanislaw Kostka RC grm-Kociak, Casimir; age 24; sgl; b. PL; res NY Brooklyn, Clay St 085 bri-Dziurzynska, Wladyslawa; age 20; b. PL; res NY Brooklyn, Oakland St 407 wit-Dziurzynski, Tomasz wit-Kociak, Wincenty gmf-, John gmm-Kopiec, Sophie brf-, Michal brm-Pluta, Mary note: "Kodzak, Kazimier, Dziurzynska=Drzuzonka, Kopiec=Kopet; lic=29aug1912 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 MARRIAGE: United States Marriage Records mrr 19120902 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC grm-Lachman, Casimir; b. PL Raclawice; res IL Chicago, Augusta 1541 {H95} bri-Wagner, Marianna; b. PL Tyczyn; res IL Chicago, Noble 939 wit-Stojak, Felix wit-Manerowska, Bronislava gmf-, Valentius gmm-Rembin, Francisca brf-, Franciscus brm-, Bronislava note: grm chr 15mar1890 Raclawice p. Nisko; bri chr 14sep1893 Tyczyn; Rev. Iwaszewski mrr 19120915 grm-Dudek, Franciscus bri-Siwa, Catharina wit-Kilian, Adalbertus {F38} wit-Rutka, Emilia gmf-Dudek, Laurentius gmm-Perz, Maria brf-Siwa, Michael brm-Wrobel, Anna IL Chicago, Transfiguration of Our Lord RC [#] mrr 19120922 BofH 21936 NY New York, St. Stanislaw Bishop & Martyr {E10} grm-Mimowicz, John; age 25; sgl; b. RU; res NY New York, 01 Av 1209 {E04} bri-Szpala, Domicela; age 27; sgl; b. GL; res NY New York, W 77 St 128 wit-Kajatowicz, Joseph wit-Maszczak, Victoria gmf-, Casimir gmm-Kwiz, Helen brf-, Casimir brm-Kuczmarz, Catherine note: grm occ lab [#] mrr 19120925 {F39} grm-Rutka, Marianus {F43} bri-Hadala, Valeria wit-Cieczko, Stanislaus {F74} wit-Hadala, Anna gmf-, Bernardo gmm-Liniard, Marianna brf-, Joseph brm-Styba, Catharina note: grm chr 10nov1889 Tyczyn; bri chr 20apr1892 Tyczyn IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC mrr 19120930 IL Chicago, St. John Cantius RC grm-Kowalczyk, Jozef {F54} bri-Jopek, Wladyslawa wit-Kogut, Stanislaw {F81} wit-Zurat, Walerya gmf-Kowalczyk, Pawel gmm-Paul, Rozalia brf-Jopek, Michal brm-Czernik, Antonia note: grm chr Piersciet Kr. Pol; bri chr Hermanowa; LDS film 1704115 V5 P189 I2 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 239 DATABASE TABLES mrr 19121007 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC {F61} grm-Pacik, J Paulus; res IL Chicago, Freedman St 1514 bri-Podolska, Maria; wid; res IL Chicago, Fox Pl 1321 wit-Dlugosz, Joannes wit-Ciemien, Ludovica gmf-, Bartholomaeus gmm-August, Catharina brf-Karulewski, Antonius brm-Sobczak, Maria note: grm chr sep1882 Stare Bory; bri chr 08sep1885 Izbicz, Warszawa; Adn=Joseph Karulewski mrr 19121007 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC {F62} grm-Wrona, Stanislaus; res IL Chicago, Dickson St 1226 {F63} bri-Marzec, Angela; res IL Chicago, Noble St 939 {F55} wit-Wrona, Ignatius wit-Felon, Catharina gmf-, Paulus gmm-Borys, Magdalena brf-Marzec, Stanislaus brm-Mularz, Magdalena note: grm chr 07dec1888 Tyczyn; bri chr 05jan1892 Borek; Adn=Mecislaus Lenard mrr 19121012 grm-Kilian, Adalbertus {F38} bri-Rutka, Emilia wit-Zelasko, Joannes wit-Wrona, Sophia gmf-Kilian, Laurentius gmm-Tabor, Sophia brf-Rutka, Bernardus brm-Liniard, Maria note: LDS film 1578084 V1 P2 I10 IL Chicago, Transfiguration of Our Lord RC [#] {B81} {C24} {C25} {F92} NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC mrr 19121013 lic 12263 grm-Para, Bronislaw; age 23 bri-Chlebek, Marianna; age 18 wit-Domino, Julianis wit-Chrzanowski, Paul gmf-, Joseph gmm-Kura, Magdalena brf-, Casimir brm-Chlebek, Catherine note: lic=09oct1912 not reviewed [#] mrr 19121027 lic 12903 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Poplowski, Edward; age 21; b. RU {A34} bri-Rogus, Theophila; age 21; b. GL wit-Baran, Ladislaw wit-Solito, Alphonsus gmf-, Leonis gmm-Jendulski, Emilia brf-, Stanislaw brm-Dominik, Rozalia note: OLC: Poplowski slash l; Polopasky, Rogoz, Teofila; lic=22oct1912 240 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 MARRIAGE: United States Marriage Records [#] {C07} {E99} {D75} mrr 19121125 lic 24479 grm-Data, Leon; age 25; mr1; b. AU; res IN E Chicago bri-Wrona, Helen; age 22; mr1; b. AU; res IN E Chicago gmf-Data, George gmm-Yopek, Sophia brf-, Joe brm-Kalata, Carrie note: bri surname on lic "Dvonic"; clerk could not read sig; solomized: Peter Budnitt IN Lake Co. [#] {B09} {B14} {B12} {A18} mrr 19130413 lic 03932 grm-Patronski, Ignacy; age 21 bri-Siciak, Theophila; age 18 wit-Patronski, Roman wit-Szczoczarz, Stanislaw gmf-, Adalbert gmm-Lesniak, Catherine brf-, John brm-Kemek, Marianna note: lic=09apr1913 [#] {B12} {B43} {A99} {B00} mrr 19130706 BofH 07111 lic 08320 NY Brooklyn, St. Stanislaw Kostka RC grm-Patronski, Roman; age 25; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn, Manhattan Av 1097 bri-Kociak, Julia; age 20; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn, Manhattan Av 1097 wit-Kociak, Wincenty wit-Kopiec, August gmf-, Voiciech gmm-Lesniak, Catherine brf-, John brm-Bieda, Sophie note: grm occ lab; lic=02jul1913 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] mrr 19130831 BofH 09524 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC {B79} grm-Klimasz, Thomas; age 28; wid; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn {C13} bri-Kyc, Katarzyna; age 24; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn wit-Ziolkowski, Jan [?] wit-Glodowski, Jozef gmf-, Jozef gmm-Baran, Wiktoria brf-, Antoni brm-Wlodowski, Wiktoria note: OLC Wlodowski slash l, gmf=Thomas, bri=Kic {B75} {C81} {A24} {C28} mrr 19130921 BofH 09826 lic 11603 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Glodowski, Wladyslaw; age 25; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 137 bri-Krzton, Mary; age 18; sgl; b. 18950902 GL; res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 161 wit-Grzebik, Ignacy wit-Witek, Franciszek gmf-, Simon gmm-Tondera, Catherine brf-, John brm-Pialic, Agnes note: grm occ carpenter; Tundera; Gladowski; bri "age 18y on 02sep1913"; lic=16sep1913 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 241 DATABASE TABLES mrr 19131012 BofH 10765 grm-Palko, Stefan; age 24; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn {G10} bri-Synas, Aniela; age 19; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn {D66} wit-Palko, Teofil {G11} wit-Synos, Marya gmf-, Michael gmm-Michalak, Zofia brf-, John brm-Plonka, Magdalena note: OLC: Synos accent last s NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] mrr 19131012 BofH 10763 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC {A18} grm-Szczoczarz, Stanislaw; age 24; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn bri-Wroblewski, Wiktoria; age 24; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn {C25} wit-Domino, Julian {A53} wit-Kaplita, Wojciech gmf-, Antoni gmm-Standio, Marianna brf-, John brm-Bolek, Anna note: OLC: mrr 28sep1913, grm & bri age 23y, Standia, Wrobelska mrr 19131013 lic 26330 {F32} grm-Golovski, Ignatz; mr1; b. 18870123 PL; res IN E Chicago {F53} bri-Wrona, Sofia; mr1; b. 18910313 PL; res IN E Chicago gmf-Golovski, Joe gmm-, Augusta brf-Wrona, Mike brm-, Kate note: grm occ lab; gmf d.; brf d. mrr 19131026 grm-Nowotarski, Ign. {I72} bri-Krzton, Bronislawa wit-Hus, Martinus wit-Jasinska, Maria gmf-Nowotarski, And. gmm-Nikodemowicz, Ludw. brf-Krzton, Jan brm-Mularz, Aniela IN Lake Co. IL Chicago, St. John of God RC mrr 19131122 MI Detroit, St. Stanislaus RC {D82} grm-Wiater, Aloysius {I06} bri-Miciuva, Honorata note: lic No. 100540; Rev. Frances Gzella; not reviewed, per Wiater's alien file statement [#] mrr 19140201 BofH 01606 lic 01005 {B84} grm-Cyran, Jan; age 33; res NY Brooklyn, 20 St 093 bri-Glas, Agnes; age 24; res NY Brooklyn, 20 St 093 {B16} wit-Cyran, Ignacy {B70} wit-Bomba, Jozef gmf-, Stephan gmm-Bomba, Agatha brf-Glas, Michael brm-Hajdok, Magdalena 242 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 MARRIAGE: United States Marriage Records mrr 19140202 grm-Kilian, Stanislaus {F81} bri-Zurat, Valeria wit-Rzawy, Stanislaus wit-Kopes, Stefania gmf-Kilian, Simon gmm-Lepska, Sophia brf-Zurat, Antoni {I87} brm-Borowiec, Magdalena note: Z w/dot IL Chicago, Transfiguration of Our Lord RC [#] mrr 19140212 BofH 01854 lic 01846 NY Brooklyn, St. Stanislaw Kostka RC {C03} grm-Bomba, Walenty; age 24; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn, Dupont Av 162 bri-Parzech, Filomena; age 19; b. RU Lorna?; res NY Brooklyn, Green St 209 [?] wit-Borowiec, Anthoni {B38} wit-Bomba, Katarzyna gmf-, Bronislaw gmm-Chmanowska, Marianna brf-, Anthony brm-Hempinsky?, Genovefa note: grm occ brass polisher; bri occ factory; lic=09feb1914; church at Humbolt St 607 mrr 19140319 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC {F37} grm-Halon, Adalbertus bri-Kmiotek, Catharina wit-Czernik, Joannes wit-Kapustka, Marianna gmf-, Josephus gmm-Blonska, Marianna brf-, Joannes brm-Janczaruek, Hedvigis note: grm chr 01nov1890 Borek; bri chr=05mar1895 Juszczabkaj, Pilzno; Adn=Ladislaus Szur, Jos Dupczak mrr 19140504 grm-Gawron, Joannes {F82} bri-Pasko, Ludovica wit-Laneski, Stanislaus wit-Rudka, Roza gmf-Gawron, Joannes gmm-Paluch, Maria brf-Pasko, Joseph brm-Wojcik, Roza IL Chicago, Transfiguration of Our Lord RC [#] {F16} {D52} {I54} {F13} NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC mrr 19140614 BofH 08003 grm-Grzebyk, Jozef; age 25; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn bri-Pasko, Karolina; age 24; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn wit-Pasko, Wiktoria wit-Pasko, Tomasz gmf-, Tomasz gmm-Rug, Agata brf-, Jozef brm-Pasko, Zofia note: OLC: Rog, Zofia=Catherine Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 243 DATABASE TABLES [#] {C08} {B30} {B64} {B49} mrr 19140629 MA Turners Falls, Our Lady of Czestochowa grm-Drazek, Paul; age 29; mr1; b. AU; res MA Montague bri-Boron, Amelia; b. AU; res MA Montague wit-Siciak, Paul wit-Plodzien, Aniela gmf-Drazek, Albert gmm-Koplita, Mary brf-Boron, Albert brm-Skobiska, Rosie note: grm occ lab; bri occ at home; Rev. Zdebel [#] {A42} {A38} {C28} mrr 19140719 BofH 09247 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Kozik, Antoni; age 26; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn bri-Domino, Rozalia; age 23; sgl; b. GL wit-Witek, Fr wit-Piotrowski, J gmf-Kozik, Wojciech gmm-Sczmada, Mary brf-, Antoni brm-Kalzratzc, Sophia note: OLC: gmm=Marianna Szweda, Kalzratzc=Godowski mrr 19140909 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC {F68} grm-Kloc, Michael bri-Malolepsza, Stanislawa {F69} wit-Szybowicz, Josephus wit-Kamienska, Martha gmf-, Stanislaus gmm-Szybowicz, Marianna brf-, Stanislaus brm-Wentlant, Paulina note: grm chr 09sep1884 Tyczyn; bri chr 09sep1889 St. Stanislaus K, Chicago mrr 19141006 {D19} grm-Dlugosz, Petrus; res IL Chicago, Sloan St 1359 bri-Sapek, Anna; res IL Chicago, Sloan St 1359 {F70} wit-Grys, Josephus wit-Szela, Magdalena gmf-, Franciscus gmm-Korcz, Marianna brf-, Thoma brm-Nowak, Catharina note: grm chr apr1888 Borek Stary; bri chr 15aug1893 Chmielnik [#] {B71} {C46} {D67} {G22} 244 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC mrr 19141025 BofH 13411 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Borowiec, Gregorz; age 30; sgl; b. GL; res NJ Jersey City bri-Baran, Teofila; age 24; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn wit-Wrona, Jan wit-Plodziej, Wojciech gmf-, Jan gmm-Data, Teresa brf-, Wojciech brm-Skobicka, Rozalia note: grm occ porter, lab; OLC: brm=Franciszka Kulicki American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 MARRIAGE: United States Marriage Records mrr 19141026 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC {F69} grm-Szybowicz, Josephus; res IL Chicago, Marshfield 1116 bri-Jusztat, Carolina; res IL Chicago, Marshfield 1116 {H97} wit-Szybowicz, Franciscus wit-Szybowicz, Maria gmf-, Franciscus gmm-Kosciolek, Maria brf-Jasztadt, Petrus brm-Przegodska, Carolina note: grm chr 18mar1892 Tycien, Rzeszow; bri chr 30oct1893 Nowy Sacz mrr 19141105 {F42} grm-Sobczyk, Gregorius bri-Trzyna, Anna wit-Noga, Joannes wit-Bukala, Maria gmf-Sobczak, Joannes gmm-Rzasa, Antonina brf-Trzyna, Jacobus brm-Kawalec, Helena note: LDS film 1763438 V2 P67 I1-8 {F58} {F40} {F76} {F77} IL Chicago, St. John of God RC mrr 19141110 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC grm-Ciupak, Martinus bri-Janiak, Aniela wit-Kuk, Joannes wit-Ciupak, Julia gmf-, Adalbertus gmm-Krzton, Piotrowina brf-, Michael brm-Podzien, Antonina note: grm chr 15may1890 Borek; bri chr 16jun1893 Borek; Adn=Joannes Kruzel mrr 19141118 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC {F70} grm-Grys, Joseph bri-Szela, Magdalena {F78} wit-Grys, Stanislaus wit-Ciernata, Rozalia gmf-, Michael gmm-Koniolka, Maria brf-, Joannes brm-Krajewski, Sophia note: grm chr 15mar1888 Borek Stary; bri chr 14jun1894 Mielnik, Rzeszow [#] mrr 19141120 lic 15860 {B26} grm-Bomba, Stanislaw bri-Picur, Antonia note: not found 1914 Brooklyn BofH index NY Brooklyn mrr 19150203 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC {F71} grm-Kruzel, Petrus; res IL Chicago, Holt 1228 {G37} bri-Rybka, Paulina wit-Kruzel, Martinus {F73} wit-Synos, Agatha gmf-, Antoni gmm-Plodziej, Rosalia brf-, Paulus brm-Paluch, Marianna note: grm chr sep1891 Borek Stary; bri chr 25sep1895 Blazowa; Adn=Joannes Kruzel Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 245 DATABASE TABLES mrr 19150206 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC {F41} grm-Szura, Ladislaus; res IL Chicago, Sloan 1367 bri-Krol, Agnes {F79} wit-Szura, Joseph wit-Gofron, Anna gmf-, Paulus gmm-Filip, Marianna brf-, Joannes brm-Ozorka, Sophia note: grm chr jun1893 Borek Stary; bri chr 27feb1893 Niedzeliska; Adn=Ladis Mliniewicz mrr 19150214 BofH 02303 grm-Gawel, Antoni; age 21; b. 18931224 GL {G19} bri-Ksiazek, Jozefa; age 21; b. GL wit-Wisniewski?, J {G18} wit-Ksiazek, Marjan gmf-, Andrzej gmm-Kucpiel, Katarzyna brf-, Anton brm-Szatela, Katarzyna note: grm "age 21y as of 24dec1914" NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC mrr 19150217 BofH 02293 {F92} grm-Krzanowski, Paul; age 23 {D61} bri-Baran, Sophia; age 22 [?] wit-Dowling, Thomas wit-Mazany, Andrzej gmf-, Jozef gmm-Malak, Katarzyna brf-, Peter brm-Fragowska, Agata note: OLC: bri age 23y NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] mrr 19150502 BofH 04946 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Szwed, Jozef; age 21; sgl; b. 18940320 GL {B40} bri-Klimasz, Bronislawa; age 21; sgl; b. GL {A53} wit-Kaplita, Wojciech {D24} wit-Klimasz, Barbara gmf-, Jan gmm-Drazek, Agatha brf-, Jozef brm-Baran, Victoria note: grm occ lab; OLC: Drazek accent z, hook a; "grm 21y as of 20mar1915" [#] mrr 19150509 BofH 10333 NY New York, St. Stanislaw Bishop & Martyr {I23} grm-Mikrut, Stanislaw; age 25; sgl; b. GL; res NY New York, E 06 St 209 {I83} bri-Krztan, Clementyne; age 20; sgl; b. GL; res NY New York, E 05 St 517 wit-Kozak, Joseph [#>] wit-Ziomek, Leo gmf-, Jacob gmm-Wybraniec, Magdalena brf-, John {I85} brm-Malak, Agata note: grm occ lunchman 246 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 MARRIAGE: United States Marriage Records {F44} {F36} {F80} {D93} mrr 19150511 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC grm-Kakol, Ladislaus; res IL Chicago, Sloan 1367 bri-Halon, Angela; res IL Chicago, Sloan 1321 wit-Plodzien, Thomas wit-Halon, Catharina gmf-, Andreas gmm-Szymkowicz, Marianna brf-, Josephus brm-Blonska, Maria note: grm chr 22apr1893 Borek St; bri chr 25dec1895 Borek St; Adn=Stan Kakol, Adalb Halon [#] mrr 19150523 BofH 06309 grm-Lewko, Jozef; age 23; b. GL {B38} bri-Bomba, Katarzyna; age 19; b. GL wit-Drabicki, Jozef wit-Ploeica, Mike gmf-, Jan gmm-Sawa, Teresa brf-, Bronislaw brm-Chranowski, Maria note: grm occ lab NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] [?] {A52} [?] [?] NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC mrr 19150530 BofH 06312 grm-Paluch, Andrzej; age 29; b. GL bri-Kaplita, Petronella; age 24; sgl wit-Geisler, Piotr wit-Kaplita, M gmf-, Lawrence gmm-Rogus, Marya brf-, Jozef brm-Pienta, Julia note: grm occ stationary fireman mrr 19150606 BofH 06321 {C71} grm-Borowiec, Franciszek; age 23; sgl; b. GL {D62} bri-Piasecki, Karolina; age 21; sgl; b. GL wit-Rama, Ignacy {D68} wit-Piasecki, Veronika gmf-, Jakob gmm-Kyc, Karolina brf-, Jozef brm-Fornal, Magdalena note: grm occ lab; OLC: Kyc=Kic, brm=Helen NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] mrr 19150606 BofH 06322 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC {C40} grm-Klimasz, Julian; age 23; b. GL bri-Leszczynski, Marianna; age 24; b. GL {A12} wit-Zembron, Feliks wit-Ekiert, Jozef gmf-, Wojciech gmm-Krzton, Maryanna brf-, Thomas brm-Bortnik, Carolina note: grm occ lab; OLC note wid 17may1920; Krzton=Szkton accent n Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 247 DATABASE TABLES mrr 19150612 BofH 07757 grm-Dranicki, Sylvester; age 28; b. GR Posen {B53} bri-Domino, Teofila; age 23; b. GL wit-Herman, Jan wit-Placheski, Kazimierz gmf-, Tomas gmm-Goscinska, Jozefa brf-, Wojciech brm-Kosciolek, Ludwika note: grm occ carpenter NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC mrr 19150627 BofH 07753 lic 07901 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC {G03} grm-Janda, Waclaw; age 22; b. GL {E86} bri-Mikrut, Agata; age 21; b. GL wit-Snaitarow, J {A75} wit-Mikrut, Wladyslaw gmf-, Anthony gmm-Borowiec, Marja brf-unknown brm-Mikrut, Katherine note: grm occ lab; Waclaw, OLC: grm Ladislaw; gmm=Marianna; wit=Skajtarow; lic=19jun1915 mrr 19150808 grm-Pluta, Jacob {I74} bri-Krzton, Maryanna {I73} wit-Krzton, Wladyslaw wit-Palac, Rozalia gmf-, Andrzej gmm-Putylo, Katarzyna brf-, Jan brm-Mularz, Aniela note: V2 P84 I1-8 LDS film:1763438 [#] mrr 19150905 {A12} grm-Zembron, Feliks; age 27 bri-Bogdan, Catherine; age 23 {D67} wit-Wrona, J {F33} wit-Glodowski, B gmf-, Andrew gmm-Janda, Catherine brf-, Antoni brm-Blazik, Julianna note: OLC Blazik slash l IL Chicago, St. John of God RC NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] mrr 19150912 BofH 10487 lic 11873 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Szedlecki, Jacob; age 22; sgl; b. GL {D63} bri-Janda, Franciszka; age 22; b. GL wit-Drabicki, Joseph {D67} wit-Wrona, Jan gmf-, Michael gmm-Bielanwski, Catherine brf-, Paul brm-Surofka, Julia note: Szdleski, Jakub, OLC: Bielawski, Surowska; lic=10sep1915 248 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 MARRIAGE: United States Marriage Records mrr 19150918 BofH 02956 NY Bronx {C28} grm-Witek, Franciszek; age 25; sgl; b. GL; res NY Bronx, Av B 131 [>] bri-Roock, Sophie; age 18; sgl; b. MA Chicopee; res NY Bronx, Av B 131 wit-Jakubowski, Boleslaw wit-Wambukal, Michal gmf-, Stanislaw gmm-Rog, Magdalena [?] brf-, Louis {H07} brm-Kozonka, Anna note: grm occ tailor; mrr at Bronx, E 183 St 675 by minister Geo S Boasterle, res same; bri signed "Roock" [#] {F13} {C50} [?] mrr 19151017 BofH 12331 grm-Pasko, Thomas; age 21 bri-Rog, Helen; age 19 wit-Domino, K wit-Stawicka, M gmf-, Joseph gmm-Pasko, Rosalia {C82} brm-Rog, Antonia note: OLC: Rog accent o NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] {A49} {A41} [?] {F33} NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC mrr 19151107 BofH 14127 grm-Busz, Bronislaw; age 27; sgl; b. GL bri-Baran, Elzbieta; age 21; sgl; b. GL wit-Borowiec, Antoni wit-Glodowski, Bernard gmf-, Joseph gmm-Tondera, Magdalena brf-, Joseph brm-Domino, Zofia note: grm occ restaurant hand [#] mrr 19151107 NY Brooklyn, St. Casimir RC {A75} grm-Mikrut, Ladislaw; b. PL Stary Borek; res NY Brooklyn, Hudson Av 062 bri-Kubrsewicz, Rosalia M; age 22; res NY Brooklyn, 20 St 081 {I23} wit-Mikrut, Stanislaw wit-Cisek, Stanislaw gmf-, Adalbert gmm-Mikrut, Magdalena brf-, Francisci brm-Kumianka, Anna note: St. Casimir: chr 18jul1889, bri b. 1893 [#] mrr 19151114 BofH 13867 NY Brooklyn, St. Stanislaw Kostka RC {B07} grm-Kura, Paul; age 26; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn, Franklin St 133 bri-Bieda, Franciszka; age 21; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn, Dupont St 164 {B08} wit-Kura, Walenty wit-Bieda, Jan gmf-, John gmm-Lesniak, Anna brf-, Paul brm-Materna, Marianna note: grm occ lab Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 249 DATABASE TABLES mrr 19151125 IL Chicago, Holy Trinity RC {F72} grm-Surowko, Franciscus; res IL Chicago, Cleaver 1228 {F73} bri-Synos, Agatha; res IL Chicago, Walton 1327 {F98} wit-Chadala, Valerianus wit-Sienko, Antonina gmf-, Joannes gmm-Halon, Julia brf-, Josephus brm-Murczko, Maria note: grm chr 15mar1892 Tyczyn; bri chr feb1894 Borek Stary; Adn=Miecislaus Linalt mrr 19151217 BofH 14589 grm-Maguire, John; age 22; res NY Brooklyn, Chitons St 623 bri-Szymanski, Tekla; age 21; sgl; res NY Brooklyn, Webster Pl 025 wit-McAteer, Michael {C14} wit-McAteer, Aniela brf-, Stefan brm-Mastalicz, Katherine note: Borough Hall NY Brooklyn [#] mrr 19151217 BofH 14588 grm-McAteer, Michael; age 22; sgl; b. NY Brooklyn; res NY Brooklyn, 03 St 323 {C14} bri-Marciniec, Aniela; age 19; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn, Webster Pl 025 wit-Maguire, John wit-Szymanska, Tekla gmf-, Michael gmm-Sullivan, Catherine brf-, Lawrence brm-Pamarc, Marianna note: grm occ lab; Pamarc? Pawara?; Borough Hall NY Brooklyn [#] mrr 19160109 lic 00229 {B08} grm-Kura, Walenty bri-, Aniela note: BofH not found 1915-18; lic=06jan1916 NY Brooklyn mrr 19160109 BofH 00957 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC {D67} grm-Wrona, Jan; age 23; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 146 {I54} bri-Pasko, Wiktoria; age 22; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 642 wit-Drabicki, Jozef {A53} wit-Kaplita, Wojciech gmf-, Martin gmm-Pygenda, Katarzyna brf-, Jan brm-Stachowski, Rozalia note: grm occ lab; res per lic data [#] mrr 19160205 BofH 01638 grm-Cook, William H; age 22; sgl; b. NY Newburgh; res NY Brooklyn, Coffey St 098 {I51} bri-Marciniec, Helena; age 23; sgl; b. AU; res NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 677 wit-Henry, John wit-Kutzner, Anna E gmf-, David gmm-Haston, Margaret {B85} brf-, Felix brm-Slonzka, Carrie note: Borough Hall; grm occ motorman; mrr 07feb1916 250 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland NY Brooklyn Volume 2 MARRIAGE: United States Marriage Records [#] {B70} {C02} {B16} {D66} mrr 19160220 BofH 02647 lic 02328 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Bomba, Jozef; age 29; res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 140 bri-Data, Julia; age 18; res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 140 wit-Cyran, Ignacy wit-Palko, Teofil gmf-, Bronislaw gmm-Chrzanowska, Maria {D75} brf-, Wojciech brm-Jopek, Sophie note: grm occ lab; bri occ housework; OLC: Jopek=Jablko, Maria=Marianna, lic=16feb1916 [#] {A93} {D64} [?] {D66} mrr 19160604 BofH 07123 grm-Bober, Ignacy; age 22; sgl; b. GL bri-Peszko, Julia; age 20; sgl; b. GL wit-Kaplita, W wit-Palka, Teofil gmf-, Gregorz gmm-Chodowa?, Marianna brf-, Joseph brm-Marciniec, Wictoria note: Chodowa or Chodura, OLC: Palka slash l NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] mrr 19160611 lic 08061 {C85} grm-Pasko, Wojciech {B48} bri-Witek, Wiktoria note: BofH not found 1914-16; lic=08jun1916 NY Brooklyn mrr 19160716 BofH 08648 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Frog, Leon; age 24; b. GL bri-Szti?n?e, Weronica; age 27 [?] wit-Drazek, W {F33} wit-Glodowski, B gmf-, Jozef gmm-Krzton, Bronislawa brf-, Wojcech brm-Jak, Marianna note: OLC: Jak=Zak, Frog accent o, "W. Drazek" probably not Wladyslawa Drazek's [+] mrr 19160823 BofH 11297 grm-Les, Stanislaw; age 22 bri-Glodowski, Sophie; age 22 wit-Borowiec, F wit-Baran, Mag gmm-, Marianna brf-, John brm-Domino, Catherine note: OLC: Glodowski slash l; Les, accent s NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC mrr 19170121 BofH 02532 grm-Bartkiewicz, Antoni; age 26; sgl; b. RU Vilnus {A78} bri-Siciak, Antonina; age 19; sgl; b. GL [+] wit-Bartkiewicz, Konstanty wit-Woznuk, Peter gmf-, Joseph gmm-Wazniewicz, Eva brf-, Thomas brm-Szostak, Sofia NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC {I55} {D54} {C71} [?] [#] Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 251 DATABASE TABLES [#] mrr 19170211 BofH 02982 lic 02192 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC {B16} grm-Cyran, Ignacy; age 27; res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 099 {B17} bri-Drazek, Wladyslawa; age 21; res NY Brooklyn, 16 St 245 wit-Wojtowicz, Mikolaj {B70} wit-Bomba, Jozef gmf-, Jan gmm-Malak, Jadwiga brf-, Wojciech brm-Filip, Marianna note: grm occ lab; bri occ housework; lic=09feb1917 mrr 19170211 BofH 02983 {C77} grm-Kotula, Bronislaw; age 22; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn {C78} bri-Leniart, Ludwika; age 21; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn wit-Fronk, J wit---gmf-, Jozef gmm-Janiec, Anna brf-, Jozef brm-Stybak, Wiktoria note: grm occ lab; OLC: Anna=Aniela, Fronk=Frank [>] [#] {A46} {A47} {A49} NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC mrr 19190512 lic 06571 grm-Chodacki, Joseph bri-Prokop, Mary mrr 19190525 grm-Glodowski, Paul; age 22 bri-Baran, Magdalena; age 22 wit-Busz, Br wit-Deven, S gmf-, John gmm-Wojtan, Cathrine brf-, Jozef brm-Domino, Sophia note: OLC: Glodowski slash l NY Niagara Falls NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] mrr 19200118 BofH 01358 {A07} grm-Drazek, John; age 36; sgl; b. GL bri-Zembron, Katarzyna; age 30; wid; b. GL {A46} wit-Glodowski, Pawel wit-Bogdan, A gmf-, Jan gmm-Janda, Magdalena brf-, Antoni brm-Bbelczek, Maria note: OLC: brm=Bogdan NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] {G13} {A08} {E00} [+] NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC 252 mrr 19200613 BofH 09996 grm-Krol, Teophil; age 23; b. GL bri-Drazek, Marya; age 21; b. RU Vilno wit-Czechowicz, Adolf wit-Tecza, Anna gmf-, Konstanty gmm-Paluska, Agnes brf-, Joseph brm-Janda, Magdalena note: OLC: Tencza hook e, Janna, Paluska=Ciesniak American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 MARRIAGE: United States Marriage Records [#] mrr 19200905 {B09} grm-Patronski, Ignatius bri-Drabik, Magdalena wit-Gasiewski, S wit-Donderewicz, B gmf-, Adalbert gmm-Lesniak, Catherine brf-, Antoni brm-Lewko, Marianna note: OLC: Patronski accent n, Lesniak accent s NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] mrr 19210123 BofH 02210 {C09} grm-Kalita, Teofil; age 32; wid; b. GL bri-Wisniewski, Frances; age 39; wid; b. PL Plock [?] wit-Kotula, Karolina {B29} wit-Data, Karol gmf-Kalita, Valenty gmm-Bdzdynska, Jozefa brf-Sokolowski, Kazimierz brm-Wolfe, Marya note: grm occ machinist; OLC: Bdzdynska=Barlynska NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] mrr 19210203 BofH 02164 {A23} grm-Szczoczasz, John; age 38; b. GL bri-Rendziuk, Julianna; age 30; wid; b. RU Lomza {E00} wit-Czechowicz, A wit-Rendziuk, F gmf-, Antoni gmm-Standilo, Marya brf-Romanowski, Jacob brm-Ostrowski, Theophila note: OLC: mrr 30jan1921; Szczoczas NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] {F09} {D95} {B37} {E81} mrr 19210528 grm-Rog, Anthony bri-Kosciolek, Rose wit-Kosciolek, Ludwik wit-Rog, Aniela gmf-, Stanislaus gmm-, Sophie brf-, Frank brm-, Victoria note: priest: Francis Gzella MI Detroit, St. Stanislaus RC mrr 19220903 grm-Piotrowicz, Petrus; age ? {G12} bri-Kotula, Catherine; age 25 wit-Kosicki, Jacob wit-Dolinski, Joseph gmf-, Petrus gmm-Urbanowicz, Ursula brf-, Martin brm-Pieta, Agata note: OLC: Pienta hook e Volume 2 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 253 DATABASE TABLES [#] mrr 19220928 BofH 25441 grm-Houle, Leon A {B33} bri-Grys, Karolina M wit-Olczenski, Thomas wit-Kavan, Rosalia gmf-Houle, Arsene gmm-Chaput, Regina {D25} brf-Grys, Jan {D26} brm-Kowal, Mary NY Manhattan, St. Stanislaw Bishop & Marty [#] NY Niagara Falls mrr 19230722 lic 16677 grm-Buda, John {A67} bri-Ziblut, Helen A [#] [-] {A01} {A03} mrr 19230722 lic 17529 NY Newburgh grm-Marciniec, Jacob; age 48; wid; b. PL; res NY Newburgh, Hasbrouck 46 bri-Fornal, Josephine; age 41; wid; b. AU; res NY Newburgh, Melrose Av wit-Fornal, Kazimierz wit-Hetling, Anna gmf-Marciniec, Martin gmm-Matul, Josephine brf-Fornal, Peter brm-Rozek, Katreen note: bri=Biezesat hus d. 5y; grm wf1 d. 2.5y; occ Caldwell Lawn Mowers; lic=19jul1923 [#] mrr 19230918 BofH 12943 lic 15390 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC {A53} grm-Kaplita, Wojciech; age 25; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn bri-Plocica, Maryja; age 23; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn wit-Kaminski, Jozef wit-Les, Stanislaw(a)? gmf-, Joseph gmm-Penta, Julia brf-, Michael brm-Kret, Catherine note: grm occ lab; OLC: Plocica=Plucica; lic=15sep1923 [#] mrr 19231023 lic 34775 {A66} grm-Szetela, Joseph F bri-Reczek, Rose V NY Buffalo [#] mrr 19240224 BofH 01240 NY Bronx, St. Adalbert RC grm-Mulkis, Casimir; age 28; sgl; b. PL; res NY Bronx, E 151 St 289 {A06} bri-Fornal, Rosalia; age 21; sgl; b. PL; res NY Bronx, Brook Av 346 wit-Yurovatz, Joseph wit-Zutkis, Charles gmf-, Constantinus gmm-Zutkis, Mery {F97} brf-, Peter brm-Zutkis, Mery! note: grm occ "JRT Tuspeaton"; same name for mot of bri & grm [brm name probably wrong] [#] mrr 19240326 lic 04730 grm-Butka, Stanley bri-Fornal, Anna NY Newburgh mrr 19240623 lic 29998 grm-Krupa, Frank {A69} bri-Ziblut, Catherine NY Niagara Falls [>] [#] 254 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 MARRIAGE: United States Marriage Records [#] mrr 19240629 grm-Bortko, Michaelus; age 24 {B28} bri-Czado, Endrozina; age 17 wit-Pekara, Betty wit-Bortko, Ladius gmf-, Francis gmm-Bordowski, Sophie {B74} brf-, Jozef {C05} brm-Bomba, Victoria [#] [>] NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC mrr 19240914 lic 31132 grm-Fornal, Joseph bri-Schebesta, Pauline NY Newburgh mrr 19241102 BofH 03927 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Fusik, Vincent; age 27; sgl; b. PL Plock; res NY Brooklyn {I43} bri-Skoczylas, Emilia; age 22; sgl; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn {I42} wit-Skoczylas, Maria wit-Zydogcki?, Antoni gmf-, Frank gmm-Lutkowska?, Josephine brf-, Jan {G49} brm-Kszton, Aniela note: grm occ butcher; wit Antoni "Moderacki"? [illegible] mrr 19250118 BofH 02997 NY Manhattan, St. Stanislaw Bishop & Marty {X38} grm-Plodzien, William; age 21; sgl; b. AU; res NJ Jersey City, Herbert Pl 1 bri-Dyda, Mary; sgl; b. AU; res NY New York, E 12 St 523 wit-Kasprzak, Frank wit-Jonas, Wladyslaw {H33} gmf-, Michal {H34} gmm-Domzek?, Wiktoria brf-, Joseph brm-Konz.?, Katarzyna note: grm occ carpenter mrr 19250222 BofH 02879 grm-Puchalski, Antoni; age 30; sgl; b. PL {A54} bri-Wozniak, Wladyslawa; age 29; wid; b. GL wit-Bucka, Feliks wit-Bonsek, Stanislaw gmf-, Alexander gmm-Wilkowski, Antonina brf-Kaplita, Jozef brm-Pienta, Julia NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC [#] mrr 19250628 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Jaskowiak, Ludovicus; age 28; b. US [>] bri-Wyjas, Agatha; age 18; b. US [>] wit-Wyjas, Sophie {B41} wit-Kolandyk, Frank gmf-, Ladislaw gmm-Lisnicki, Josepha {A44} brf-, Thomas {A40} brm-Godowska, Marianna note: OLC: Jaskowiak accent s; annotation: chr cert. 17nov1907 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 255 DATABASE TABLES [#] mrr 19251006 BofH 16043 {B41} grm-Kalandyk, Franciszek; age 21; b. GL [>] bri-Wyjas, Sophia; age 21; b. US wit-Rapacki, Stanislaw [?] wit-Sicker, Teofil gmf-, Jan gmm-Wojcik, Mary {A44} brf-, Thomas {A40} brm-Glodowski, Maria note: OLC: Kalandyk; Gadowski; Wijas [#] [>] NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC mrr 19251116 lic 37303 grm-Polka, Frank bri-Ziblut, Josephine NY Niagara Falls mrr 19270116 lic 00604 NY Brooklyn, St. Stanislaw Kostka RC grm-Ferrovecchio, Dominik; age 21; mr1; b. IT Tsari; res NY Brooklyn, Manhattan Av 1021 {D48} bri-Surowska, Agnes; age 28; mr1; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn, Manhattan Av 1021 {E90} wit-Surowska, Carolina wit-Sabino, Michael gmf-, Carlo gmm-Vero, Rose brf-, Thomas brm-Bartinski, Mary note: lic=11jan1927; Brooklyn BofH n/f; bri occ cook; Carolina res Manhattan Av 1021 [#] mrr 19290121 lic 01069 grm-Ketch, Joe {A67} bri-Ziblut, Helen NY Niagara Falls [#] NY Brooklyn mrr 19290827 BofH 12277 grm-Petrullo, Frank; age 27; res NY Brooklyn, S 108 St 4704 [>] bri-Stachurski, Helen; age 22; b. NY Brooklyn; res NY Brooklyn, Alburtis? Av 4604 wit-Marasa, Philip wit-La Rocco, Jennie gmf-, Carmine gmm-Sadriano, Theresa {C18} brf-, Ignatius {C19} brm-Data, Stella note: Stockhudski; grm occ asphalt; Borough Hall [#] {C15} {X28} {X11} [>] {C22} {C38} {C16} {C17} 256 mrr 19300629 BofH 09241 grm-Pasko, Edward; age 29; sgl; b. GL bri-Para, Helen; age 19; sgl; b. NY Brooklyn? wit-Klimasz, Joseph wit-Pasko, Stephania gmf-, Ignacy gmm-Janda, Julia brf-, Stanislaw brm-Klimasz, Rosalia note: grm occ machinist; bri b. GAL? or Brooklyn? NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 MARRIAGE: United States Marriage Records [#] {A74} {D86} [?] {X09} mrr 19310204 BofH 01560 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Grzebyk, James; age 29; sgl; b. GL bri-Slowik, Julia S; age 19; sgl; b. PA Ridgway wit-Siciak, Zofia wit-Janiec, Wladyslaw gmf-, Pawel gmm-Jopek, Maria {D83} brf-, Wojciech {D84} brm-Liczak, Leona note: grm occ machinist; Lizak?/Liczak, Jania?/Janiec, James=Joannes [#] [>] [#] [>] [#] [>] mrr 19310810 lic 25587 grm-Naughton, Melville bri-Kaplita, Helen NY Ransomville mrr 19320816 lic 24360 grm-Korpolinski, Gus J bri-Kaplita, Louise G NY Ransomville mrr 19320825 lic 24341 grm-Bednarski, Casimir bri-Kaplita, Mary NY Cambria [#] mrr 19330508 grm-Madej, Stanislaw J; age 34; b. 18980920 NY Buffalo [>] bri-Kosciolek, Eugenia; age 22; b. 19101113 NY Niagara Falls wit-Madej, Jan J [>] wit-Kosciolek, Sophia M gmf-Madej, Szczepan gmm-Drybut, Maria {A10} brf-Kosciolek, Maximilian brm-Michalowska, Angela NY Niagara Falls, Holy Trinity RC [#] [>] mrr 19330530 lic 10835 grm-Szetela, Leo bri-Glowacka, Florence [#] {A45} {A48} [?] [?] mrr 19330604 BofH 08107 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Huchla, Antoni; age 29; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn, 14 St 106 bri-Baran, Rozalia; age 25; b. GL; res NY Brooklyn, 15 St 136 wit-Grzebyk, Leokadya U wit-Borowiec, Vomet gmf-, Joseph gmm-Kotula, Katarzyna brf-, John brm-Domino, Sophie [#] mrr 19330730 lic 21225 grm-Hayden, Bernard bri-Bessert, Anna D NY Newburgh [#] [>] mrr 19350616 lic 21608 grm-Garstka, Joseph W bri-Ball, Elsie A NY Cornwall [#] mrr 19360215 lic 05210 grm-Narkiewicz, Stanley bri-Ziblut, Genevieve NY Niagara Falls [>] [>] Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland NY Buffalo 257 DATABASE TABLES [#] [>] [>] mrr 19360613 lic 30315 grm-Ziblut, John bri-Szetela, Julia NY Buffalo [#] [>] mrr 19360906 BofH 15288 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC grm-Czado, Henry S; age 23; sgl; b. NY Brooklyn; res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 116 bri-Halasa, Anna; age 22; sgl; b. NJ Newark; res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 210 [>] wit-Czado, Jan wit-Halasa, Eugenia {B74} gmf-, Joseph gmm-Nowak, Josephine brf-, Paul brm-Bochinak, Sophie note: grm occ helper on truck [gmm believed to be in error (Victoria Bomba?)] mrr 19361121 BofH 20892 NY Brooklyn, Our Lady of Czestochowa RC {D45} grm-Siciak, Wladyslaw; age 36; sgl; b. GL; res NJ Jersey City, Morino St 61 bri-Czekaj, Wiktoria; age 26; sgl; b. PA Philadelphia [?] wit-Siciak, Zofia [?] wit-Soleski, Henry gmf-, Michal gmm-Kyc, Maryanna brf-, John brm-Jedynak, Salomea note: grm occ baker [#] mrr 19400616 {A10} grm-Kosciolek, Maksimilian; wid [-] bri-Dorobiala, Mildred; sgl; b. NY Buffalo wit-Wiekonski, Lad. wit-Poltorek, Stephen note: B=Beatrice; church at 212 Stanislaus NY Buffalo, St. Adalbert RC [#] mrr 19401124 lic 24551 grm-Majewski, Joseph John; age 27; b. 19130615; res NY Brooklyn, 36 St 459 bri-Klimasz, Sophie I; age 27; b. 19130828; res NY Brooklyn, 36 St 459 wit-Klimasz, M Isabelle wit-Horzempa, Wladyslaw note: mrr Brooklyn, 25 St 183 NY Brooklyn [#] mrr 19410126 lic 32859 grm-Korpolonski, Gustaf bri-Kaplita, Wladyslawa note: Kaplita's b. rec: "convalidatio" S. Rosario?; Gustaf=Leo P; lic=21jun1941 NY Niagara Falls mrr 19420627 grm-Chapp, Arthur R bri-Kosciolek, K Franciszka note: Franciszka b. rec annotated "S. Cordis" mrr place?; K=Kazimierza NY Niagara Falls [>] [#] [>] [#] [>] [#] [#>] 258 mrr 19430515 lic 14419 grm-Johnson, Arthur bri-Fornal, Helen mrr 19480701 grm-Trela, John; age 56 bri-Pasko, Eva; age 42 note: per divorce settlement appeal Pasko v. Trela American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland NY Newburgh NE Omaha Volume 2 MISC: Miscellaneous Records This table contains miscellaneous records that do not fall within any of the other databases. Some are groups of records that do not justify the creation (at this time) of a separate database. These include records pertaining to divorce, legal proceedings, passports, identification (ID) cards, criminal files, and military files. Because these records are not supplements to records in existing databases, they are listed by "category." These "categories," such as "Divorce," "Pension," or "Passport," are arbitrary designations for similar types of records. The data in this table are listed: first, alphabetically by name; second, chronologically by event date; third, alphabetically by category. [#>] Baran, John E rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. McKeesport; occ 1st mill stock ID Card; National Tube {C01} Baran, Wladiisla ret 1950 PA McKeesport note: emp 1907-1950; b. PL; occ lab Pension; National Tube {C01} Baran, Wladislaw rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. PL; occ lab ID Card; National Tube {C79} Barowich, Charles ret 1950 PA McKeesport note: emp 1944-1950; b. PL; occ lab Pension; National Tube [>] Barowich, Peter rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. Port Vue ID Card; National Tube [>] Barowich, Peter ret 1969 PA McKeesport note: emp 1945-1969; b. Port Vue; occ expander opr Pension; National Tube [#>] Barton, Edward rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. McKeesport; occ clerk ID Card; National Tube {D33} Barton, George rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. PL; occ mach opr Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland ID Card; National Tube 259 DATABASE TABLES {D33} Barton, George ret 1951 PA McKeesport note: emp 1907-1951; b. PL; occ threader Pension; National Tube [#>] ID Card; National Tube Barton, Stanley rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. McKeesport; occ mach opr {C71} Borowicz, Frank Legal; defendant dcd 19421222 NY Brooklyn note: Supreme Court of NY; 265 A.D. 198; 38 N.Y.S.2d 403; N.Y.A.D 2 Dept. 1942; Negligence, Assault on employee; Walter Bomba v. Mary Borowicz; restaurant owner {C71} Borowicz, Frank Legal; bankruptcy apl 19430401 NY Brooklyn, 44 St 328 note: US District Court, Eastern Division; unemployed; fomerly doing business as "Frank's Restaurant" {C71} Borowicz, Frank dcd 19431123 NY Brooklyn note: US District Court, Eastern Division Legal; bankruptcy {C71} Borowicz, Frank Legal; respondent dcd 19431129 NY Brooklyn note: Supreme Court of NY; 266 A.D. 1027; 45 N.Y.S.2d 724; N.Y.A.D 2 Dept. 1943; Walter Bomba, Appellant v. Mary Borowicz, Judgment Debtor and Frank Borowicz, Respondent [>] Borowicz, Mary Legal; defendant dcd 19421222 NY Brooklyn note: Supreme Court of NY; 265 A.D. 198; 38 N.Y.S.2d 403; N.Y.A.D 2 Dept. 1942; Negligence, Assault on employee; Walter Bomba v. Mary Borowicz; restaurant owner/employee [>] Borowicz, Mary Legal; judgment debtor dcd 19431129 NY Brooklyn note: Supreme Court of NY; 266 A.D. 1027; 45 N.Y.S.2d 724; N.Y.A.D 2 Dept. 1943; Walter Bomba, Appellant v. Mary Borowicz, Judgment Debtor and Frank Borowicz, Respondent [>] Borowitz, Edard rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. McKeesport; occ chipper ID Card; National Tube [>] Borowitz, Edward ret 1951 PA McKeesport note: emp 1948-1951; b. McKeesport; occ farm opr Pension; National Tube [#>] Chlebek, Stanley Legal; mentioned res 1935 MI Detroit note: age 13y; Supreme Court of MI; 336 Mich. 414; 58 N.W.2d 125; Chlebek et al. v. Mikrut et al. [#>] Chlebek, Stanley Legal; bought home res 19410321 MI Detroit, Mt. Elliot Av 5415 note: Supreme Court of MI; 336 Mich. 414; 58 N.W.2d 125; Chlebek et al. v. Mikrut et al. [#>] Chlebek, Stanley Legal; plaintiff dcd 19530413 MI Detroit note: sso of Valentine Mikrut; Supreme Court of MI; 336 Mich. 414; 58 N.W.2d 125; Chlebek et al. v. Mikrut et al. 260 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 MISC: Miscellaneous Records [#>] Chlebek, Thaddeus Legal; mentioned res 1935 MI Detroit note: age 15y; Supreme Court of MI; 336 Mich. 414; 58 N.W.2d 125; Chlebek et al. v. Mikrut et al. [#>] Chlebek, Thaddeus Legal; bought home res 19410321 MI Detroit, Mt. Elliot Av 5415 note: Supreme Court of MI; 336 Mich. 414; 58 N.W.2d 125; Chlebek et al. v. Mikrut et al. [#>] Chlebek, Thaddeus Legal; mentioned dcd 19530413 MI Detroit note: member of armed forces, now in Korea; Supreme Court of MI; 336 Mich. 414; 58 N.W.2d 125; Chlebek et al. v. Mikrut et al. [#>] Chlebek, Thaddeus Legal; plaintiff dcd 19530413 MI Detroit note: sso of Valentine Mikrut; Supreme Court of MI; 336 Mich. 414; 58 N.W.2d 125; Chlebek et al. v. Mikrut et al. [#>] Cyran, Helen Legal dcd 19510601 NY Brooklyn note: Court of Appeals NY; 302 N.Y. 486; 99 N.E. 2d 298; 1951; Libel; v. Finlay Straus, Inc.; 277 App. Div. 1007, reversed {E44} Dempski, Frank rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. PL; occ janitor ID Card; National Tube {E44} Dempski, Frank ret 1960 PA McKeesport note: emp 1928-1960; b. PL; occ janitor Pension; National Tube {D38} Drazek, William drf 1943abt NJ Jersey City note: US Army Military; WWII [#>] Dziurzynski, Anthony res 1940 NJ Patterson, Martin St 86 note: Ref. C9000 Clergy; priest [#>] Dziurzynski, Anthony J res 1950 NJ Mt. Hope note: Ref. C9000; St. Bernard Clergy; priest {D48} Ferrovecchio, Agnes F Divorce div 19451023 NY Brooklyn note: Vol. 616, Page 248, file No. 11686 Kings Co.; hus Dominick Ferrovecchio [sealed from public disclosure until year 2045] {B99} Gliva, Joseph rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. PL; occ coup screwer help ID Card; National Tube {B99} Gliva, Joseph ret 1944 PA McKeesport note: emp 1904-1944; b. PL; occ pipe oiler Pension; National Tube {D99} Grys, Kazimierz enl 1918abt note: see biofile & Military section Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Military 261 DATABASE TABLES [#<] Grzebyk, Wiktorja Legal; mentioned res 19260226 PL Hermanowa note: [see Kazimierz Wiatr {C90} Power of Attorney dated 26feb1926]; in arrears on rent of land to brother Kazimierz Wiatr {B90} Kalandyk, Ladislaus res 1949 WI Hayward note: Ref. C9000; St. Josephs Clergy; priest {B90} Kalandyk, W res 1929 WI Rhinelander note: Ref. C9000 Clergy; priest {B90} Kalandyk, W res 1932 WI Hayward note: Ref. C9000; St. Josephs Clergy; priest {B90} Kalandyk, W res 1940 WI Hayward note: Ref. C9000; St. Josephs Clergy; priest {B90} Kalandyk, Walter res 1957 WI Hayward note: Ref. C9000; St. Josephs; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Clergy; priest {G35} Kalita, Waclaw enl 1918abt IN E Chicago [+] Military; WWI Haller's Army Kanach, Steve ret 1949 PA McKeesport note: emp 1915-1949; b. PL; occ lab {A17} Kaplita, John ars 1921 note: see biofile [>] Pension; National Tube Criminal Kmiotek, Peter Paul rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. McKeesport; occ lab ID Card; National Tube {A10} Kosciolek, Maximilian apl 1930s note: see biofile & Military section Military; pension {A10} Kosciolek, Maximilian apl 1930s note: wf2 Mildred Beatrice Dorobiala b. 09mar1898 Military; pension {G08} Kosciolek, Teofil b. 18660415 PL Tyczyn note: NY Erie Co. No. 4386 Passport; application {G08} Kosciolek, Teofil arv 18870728 note: NY Erie Co. No. 4386; arv SS Rotterdam from Rotterdam Passport; application 262 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 MISC: Miscellaneous Records {G08} Kosciolek, Teofil Passport; application res 18930911 NY Buffalo note: NY Erie Co. No. 4386; occ drug clerk; res Buffalo continuously 1887-93; "going abroad for health"; intended return 6m; 5'3"; Brown eyes; Black hair; dark complexion {G68} Kosciulek, Leon enl 1918abt PA Wilkes-Barre note: enlistment Military; WWI Haller's Army {A80} Kozdras, Agatha res 1958 NY Brooklyn, 05 Av 642 note: per Teresa Borowiec; in reference to her collection of letters to her mot Letter; return address {I97} Kozik, Wladyslaw cert.; Americanization reg 19210430 MD Baltimore, S Collington Av 321 note: issued a Certificate of Americanization; cert No. 1555694; petition district 35, No. 4722 {B07} Kura, Paul Legal; appeal dcd 19130411 NY note: People v. Kura; 156 A.D. 909, 141 N.Y.S. 1138 (Mem); Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Second Department, New York; appeal dismissed [#>] Kura, Stella Custody; guardianship res 19280702 NY Brooklyn, Dupont 164 note: b. 02jun1913; fat Frank Kura (d.); mot Genevieve Kura (d.); no next of kin; gua unc Walenty Kura; NY Kings Co. docket 5527-28 {B08} Kura, Walenty res 19280702 NY Brooklyn, Dupont 164 note: custody of nie Stella Kura; NY Kings Co. docket 5527-28 Custody; guardian {C92} Kusnierz, Alex enl 19171003 WA Seattle note: see biofile Military; WWI US Army {C92} Kusnierz, Alex dch 19180910 WA Camp Lewis note: see biofile Military; WWI discharge {C92} Kusnierz, Alex Legal; appeal dcd 19290701 WA Seattle note: United States v. Alex Kusnierz; 33 F.2d 88 1929; Circuit Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit; No. 5747; LEXIS 2845; military pension [#] Majewski, Maryanna fnl 19410906 note: u=S K Sutarski, Brooklyn, 24 St 246 {E08} Malak, John enl 1918abt IL Chicago Funeral Military; WWI Haller's Army [#>] Mikrut, Sophie Legal; common law mrr res 1935 MI Detroit note: Supreme Court of MI; 336 Mich. 414; 58 N.W.2d 125; Chlebek et al. v. Mikrut et al. [#>] Mikrut, Sophie Legal; legally mrr mrr 19370210 MI Detroit note: Supreme Court of MI; 336 Mich. 414; 58 N.W.2d 125; Chlebek et al. v. Mikrut et al. Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 263 DATABASE TABLES [#>] Mikrut, Sophie Legal; bought home res 19410321 MI Detroit, Mt. Elliott Av 5415 note: Supreme Court of MI; 336 Mich. 414; 58 N.W.2d 125; Chlebek et al. v. Mikrut et al. [#>] Mikrut, Sophie Legal; joint will res 19440816 MI Detroit note: Supreme Court of MI; 336 Mich. 414; 58 N.W.2d 125; Chlebek et al. v. Mikrut et al. [#>] Mikrut, Sophie div 19490502 MI Detroit note: Supreme Court of MI; 336 Mich. 414; 58 N.W.2d 125; Chlebek et al. v. Mikrut et al. [#>] Mikrut, Sophie Legal; defendant dcd 19530413 MI Detroit note: wif; Supreme Court of MI; 336 Mich. 414; 58 N.W.2d 125; Chlebek et al. v. Mikrut et al. Legal; filed {I84} Mikrut, Valentine Legal; common law mrr res 1935 MI Detroit note: Supreme Court of MI; 336 Mich. 414; 58 N.W.2d 125; Chlebek et al. v. Mikrut et al. {I84} Mikrut, Valentine Legal; legally mrr mrr 19370210 MI Detroit note: Supreme Court of MI; 336 Mich. 414; 58 N.W.2d 125; Chlebek et al. v. Mikrut et al. {I84} Mikrut, Valentine Legal; bought home res 19410321 MI Detroit, Mt. Elliott Av 5415 note: Supreme Court of MI; 336 Mich. 414; 58 N.W.2d 125; Chlebek et al. v. Mikrut et al. {I84} Mikrut, Valentine Legal; joint will res 19440816 MI Detroit note: Supreme Court of MI; 336 Mich. 414; 58 N.W.2d 125; Chlebek et al. v. Mikrut et al. {I84} Mikrut, Valentine div 19490502 MI Detroit note: Supreme Court of MI; 336 Mich. 414; 58 N.W.2d 125; Chlebek et al. v. Mikrut et al. Legal; filed {I84} Mikrut, Valentine Legal; defendant dcd 19530413 MI Detroit note: hus & sfa; Supreme Court of MI; 336 Mich. 414; 58 N.W.2d 125; Chlebek et al. v. Mikrut et al. {I76} Muryasz, Pawel enl 1918abt IL Chicago Military; WWI Haller's Army {D35} Paczsinak, Michael rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. PL; occ boring mach op ID Card; National Tube {G59} Palka, Alexander ret 1954 PA McKeesport note: emp 1907-1954; b. AU; occ lab Pension; National Tube {G60} Palko, Joseph rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. AU-HU; occ acetylene welder ID Card; National Tube [#>] Legal; subsitute plantiff 264 Pasko, Anne J res 19600923 NY Brooklyn note: Edward J Pasko v. Cuba; 224 N.Y.S.2d 925; Municipal Court American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 MISC: Miscellaneous Records {C15} Pasko, Edward J d. 19600406 NY Brooklyn note: Edward J Pasko v. Cuba; 224 N.Y.S.2d 925; Municipal Court Legal {C15} Pasko, Edward J Legal res 19620126 NY Brooklyn note: v. Cuba; 224 N.Y.S.2d 925; Municipal Court of the City of New York, Brooklyn, Fifth District; life insurance beneficiary claim [#>] Pasko, Eva Divorce; appeal div 19510209 NE note: Pasko v. Trela; 153 Neb. 759, 46 N.W.2d 139; Supreme Court of Nebraska; property settlement; fraud {X28} Pasko, Helen d. 19590220 NY Brooklyn note: Edward J Pasko v. Cuba; 224 N.Y.S.2d 925; Municipal Court {F13} Pasko, Thomas rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. PL; occ lab [>] Legal ID Card; National Tube Plodzien, Joseph Legal; plaintiff res 19360731 IL Chicago, Richmond St note: Plodzien v. Segool et al.; 314 Ill.App. 40; 40 N.E. 2d 783; Appeal Court of IL, First District, First Division; Gen. No. 41834; 23mar1942; foot injury; age ~14y {F80} Plodzien, Thomas Legal; plaintiff res 19360731 IL Chicago, Richmond St note: Plodzien v. Segool et al.; 314 Ill.App. 40; 40 N.E. 2d 783; Appeal Court of IL, First District, First Division; Gen. No. 41834; 23mar1942; fat of Joseph Plodzien [>] Plodzien, William J Legal dcd 19881007 NJ note: NJ Superior Court; William J. Plodzien v. Township of Edison Police Dept.; injury suit; policeman {X38} Plodzien, William M Divorce div 19370128 NJ note: M=Michael; NJ Court of Errors and Appeals 121 NJ Eq. 270; div appealed; wf1 Mary Dyda; wf2 Mrs. Warnick {G22} Plodzien, Wojciech enl 1918abt NJ Jersey City Military; WWI Haller's Army [#>] Pokrywka, Albert ret 1954 PA McKeesport note: emp 1942-1954; b. PL; occ lab Pension; National Tube [#>] Pokrywka, Alexander A rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: A=Anthony; b. McKeesport; occ lab ID Card; National Tube [#>] Pokrywka, John rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. McKeesport; occ heater help ID Card; National Tube Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 265 DATABASE TABLES {G59} Polka, Alexander rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. PL; occ labor foreman ID Card; National Tube {I52} Predki, Wiktor ret 1954 PA McKeesport note: emp 1913-1954; b. PL; occ lab Pension; National Tube {I52} Preoki, Wiktor rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. PL; occ scrap insp ID Card; National Tube [>] ID Card; National Tube Putz, Andrew August rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. McKeesport; occ n.g. switchman {G61} Repko, Kazmiv rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. PL; occ charger ID Card; National Tube {B94} Ripka, Andrew rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. PL; occ lab ID Card; National Tube {A32} Rogus, John Criminal; police report ars 19121213 NY Brooklyn, 23 St 137 note: Brooklyn, 9th District; magistrate=Nash; 40y b. PL; felonious assault; complaintant: John Serrum, 23 St 137, Brooklyn; 114 precinct; 1912 pg213, No. 4095, roll No. 3, negative No. 11396 {E16} Sczypek, Paul rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. PL; occ scrap drop ID Card; National Tube {E16} Sczypek, Paul ret 1949 PA McKeesport note: emp 1908-1949; b. PL; occ boilermaker Pension; National Tube [>] ID Card; National Tube Sczypek, Stanley Arthur rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. McKeesport; occ metallurgical {B84} Serrum, John Criminal; police report ars 19121213 NY Brooklyn, 23 St 137 note: Brooklyn, 9th District; magistrate=Nash; 32y b. PL; intoxication; officer 114 precinct; 1912 pg213, No. 4094, roll No. 3, negative No. 11396 {A76} Siciak, Tekla res 19291021 NY Brooklyn, 23 St 197 note: custody of Stefania Szczoczoosz; NY Kings Co. docket 8219-28 Custody; guardian [#>] Sicora, August rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. McKeesport; occ lab ID Card; National Tube [#>] Sicora, Frank Carl rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. McKeesport; occ scale wheeler ID Card; National Tube 266 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 MISC: Miscellaneous Records [#>] Skoczylas, George J rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: J=Joseph; b. McKeesport; occ lab ID Card; National Tube {D32} Skoczylas, Jacob ret 1953 PA McKeesport note: emp 1906-1953; b. PL; occ yard hooker Pension; National Tube [#>] Skoczylas, Stanley H rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: H=Henry; b. McKeesport; occ vessel scrapper ID Card; National Tube [#>] Skoczylas, Thomas John rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. McKeesport; occ ship loader ID Card; National Tube {H77} Skoczylas, Wiktor enl 1918abt PA McKeesport [#>] Sowa, Gregory rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. PL; occ 2nd help Military; WWI Haller's Army ID Card; National Tube {A11} Stachurski, Stanley ret 1961 PA McKeesport note: emp 1945-1961; b. PL; occ hyd tester Pension; National Tube [>] Stahurski, Edwin Andrew rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. McKeesport; occ lab ID Card; National Tube [>] Stahuski, Theodore S rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: S=Stanley; b. McKeesport; occ appr. mach ID Card; National Tube {G64} Staniek, Antoni ret 1937 PA McKeesport note: emp 1907-1937; b. PL; occ turnerdown [>] Pension; National Tube Szczoczoosz, Stefania Custody; guardianship res 19291021 NY Brooklyn, 23 St 197 note: gua Tekla Siciak; Stefania b. 10jan1912; fat Thomas (d.); mot Maria res PL Straszydle; no next of kin; Stefania res Kings Co. for past year; NY Kings Co. docket 8219-28 {C37} Szetela, Leon enl 1918abt note: see biofile & Military section Military [>] Szura, Edward Custody; guardianship res 19350702 NJ Jersey City, Liberty Av 121 note: gua bro John Szura; fat Martin Szura {H72} relinquished custodial rights; minor age 18y; Hudson Co. docket 89946, V34, pg 255 [>] Szura, John Custody; guardian res 19350702 NJ Jersey City, Liberty Av 121 note: custody of bro Edward Szura; fat Martin Szura {H72} relinquished custodial rights; Hudson Co. docket 89946, V34, pg 255 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 267 DATABASE TABLES {F79} Szura, Jozef enl 1918abt IL Chicago note: b. Wies Borek Stary; file 1748 Military; WWI Haller's Army {H72} Szura, Martin Custody; former guardian res 19350702 NJ Jersey City, Liberty Av 121 note: custody of son Edward Szura; fat Martin Szura {H72} relinquished custodial rights; Hudson Co. docket 89946, V34, pg 255 [>] Tondera, Frank William rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. McKeesport; occ crane man ID Card; National Tube [>] Tondura, Walter rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. McKeesport; occ reheater ID Card; National Tube [#>] Trela, Eva div 19490112 NE Douglas Co. note: div from John Trela; name restored to Eva Pasko [#>] Trela, John Divorce; appeal div 19510209 NE note: Pasko v. Trela; 153 Neb. 759, 46 N.W.2d 139; Supreme Court of Nebraska; property settlement; fraud {B88} Trojanowski, Johan K rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: K=Kaziemierz; b. PL; occ tool rm attendant {D82} Wiater, Leon reg 19360616 MI Detroit note: issued a Certificate of Registry [#<] Divorce ID Card; National Tube cert.; Registry Wiatr, Jendrzej Legal; mentioned rec 19260226 PL Hermanowa note: [see Kazimierz Wiatr {C90} Power of Attorney dated 26feb1926]; d. fat of Kazmierz Wiatr {I20} Wiatr, Kazimierz res 19260226 MI Hamtramck, Eveline St 3853 note: [in Polish language]; authorized bro Michal Wiatr to collect debts in PL Legal; Power of Attorney {G26} Wiatr, Michal Legal; Power of Attorney res 19260226 PL Hermanowa note: [in Polish language]; authorized by bro Kazimierz Wiatr {C90} to collect debts in PL [#<] Wiatr, Rozalia Legal; mentioned rec 19260226 PL Hermanowa note: [see Kazimierz Wiatr {C90} Power of Attorney dated 26feb1926]; d. mot of Kazmierz Wiatr {D22} Witoslawski, Peter res 1949 OH Toledo, Porr St 2955 note: Ref. C9000; o.f.m Clergy; priest {D22} Witoslawski, Peter res 1957 MI Grand Rapids, Lake Dr 1033 SE note: Ref. C9000; o.f.m Clergy; priest 268 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 MISC: Miscellaneous Records {D22} Witoslawski, Peter res 1959 MI Grand Rapids, Lake Dr 1033 SE note: Ref. C9000; o.f.m Clergy; priest {D22} Witoslawski, Peter res 1960 MI Grand Rapids, Lake Dr 1033 SE note: Ref. C9000; o.f.m Clergy; priest [#>] Ziobro, B W ret 1969 PA McKeesport note: emp 1939-1969; b. McKeesport; occ craneman Pension; National Tube [#>] Ziobro, Bernard Walter rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. McKeesport; occ elec millwt ID Card; National Tube [#>] Ziobro, John ret 1967 PA McKeesport note: emp 1923-1967; b. McKeesport; occ first help Pension; National Tube [#>] Ziobro, John Walter rec 1942abt PA McKeesport note: b. McKeesport; occ 2nd help ID Card; National Tube Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 269 (This page left blank intentionally) NATZ: United States Naturalization Records Naturalization records are public court record. Originals are typically open to public inspection at county courthouse, state or federal archives, or at the US Department of Immigration and Naturalization Services in Washington DC. The contents of the naturalization files vary depending on the year of application. In the early years (from the late 1800s to World War I) these files usually contain only a single page document with a name and address; later years contain more data. During the approximate time period between World War I and World War II, naturalization was usually a two-step process: a "Declaration of Intention" (abbreviated as "DofI", and commonly referred to as "first papers") was filed first, and then the naturalization petition was filed about five to seven years later. Usually a spouse of an American citizen did not need to file a Declaration of Intention. In some cases the Declaration of Intention and the certificate issued to the newly naturalized citizen included a passport-type photograph. In the "note" description, "copy" means that a copy of the document exists in the author's unpublished files; "photo" means that the original document includes a photograph. The data in this table are listed: first, alphabetically by name; second, alphabetically by court (state, city/county and court name). [#>] Arendt, Walter MA New Bedford, 3rd Dist. Court, Bristol Co. pet 7426 adm 19060926 b. 18650307 AU res MA New Bedford, N Front St 149 (petition) note: (petition); aka Ladislaus {B92} Baran, Leon MA Pittsfield, Superior Court Berkshire Co. pet 2885 apl 19230918; adm 19240103 b. 18930411 PL Hermanowa arv 19131222 NY SS George Washington from Bremen sp-, Carolina b. 18921011 PL Cherchomies wit-Szetela, Frank MA Adams; merchant wit-Czubryt, Stanislaw MA Adams; loomfixer chi: Helen 12may1917, John 18oct1919, Stanislaw 18oct1919, Joseph 12dec1921 res MA Adams, Jordan St 011 (petition) note: (petition) weaver; all chi b. Adams; copy DofI 19200408 res MA Adams, Albert St 5 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 004694; copy {I16} Baran, Stanley WI Racine Co., Circuit Court pet 5165 apl 19340112; adm 19340416 CofA 11-83968 b. 18901028 PL Borek Nowi arv 19070831 NY SS Kaiser August Victoria from Hamburg under name: Baran, Stanislaw Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 271 DATABASE TABLES mrr 19280602 WI Racine sp-, Clara b. 19040504 WI Rosholt wit-Fachko, Frank res WI Racine, Mead St 1812; metal polisher wit-Sadowski, Edward J res WI Racine, Mead St 1829; tool maker chi: Martin 13dec1929, Stanley Jr. 05jul1931, Frank 05sep1932, all b. & res Racine res WI Racine, Center St 1500 (petition) note: (petition) janitor; copy DofI 19280615 res WI Racine, N Main St 1305 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 7948; copy; wif Clara b. WI Stephens Point; occ shoe maker {C01} Baran, Walter PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 102334 apl 19360305; adm 19360608 CofA 6-28894 b. 18850621 PL Chermanowa arv 19070618 NY SS Zeeland from Antwerp under name: Baran, Wladyslaw mrr 19130618 PA McKeesport sp-, Agata b. 18900205 PL Chermanowa wit-Fedosz, Harry res PA McKeesport, Glover Av 3814; lab wit-Tomko, Steve res PA McKeesport, Atlantic Av 607; draftsman chi: Josephine 18mar1915, Julianna 28jan1917, Helen 09jul1919, John 18dec1925, Billie 26apr1927, all b. McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Williams St 1701 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; sp arv NY 1910; copy; Josephine res Brooklyn, others res McKeesport DofI 19331212 note: (DofI) No. 136765; photo; dau Julia; all b. & res McKeesport; prior DofI No. 110603 14aug1925 US Dist Ct Pittsburgh {D33} Barton, Wojciech PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 58393 apl 19241126; adm 19250427 CofA 23oct1924 b. 18861215 PL Borek arv 19061124 NY SS Patricia from Hamburg under name: Barton, Wojciech {D91} sp-, Antonina b. 18880923 PL Borek wit-Kanach, Wladyslaw PA McKeesport; lab wit-Ferenz, Jozef PA McKeesport; mill worker chi: Andrew 03nov1909, Bronislawa 25aug1911, Veronika 09sep1913, Stanislaw 15jul1915, Joseph 11oct1917, Stella 12oct1919 res PA McKeesport, Packer St 1212 (petition) note: (petition) mill worker; all chi b. & res McKeesport; copy DofI 19210805 res PA McKeesport, Packer St 1119 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 075841; copy [-] Biel, Frank NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 214007 apl 19360406; adm 19360707 CofA 2-453096 25mar1936 b. 18920510 PL Grobla arv 19110612 NY SS Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm from Bremen under name: Biel, Franciszek mrr 19140426 NY Brooklyn sp-, Eva b. 18881012 PL Hodorow {A84} wit-Jopek, Andrew res NY Brooklyn, 15 St 384; tailor [-] wit-Marzek, Stanley M res NY Brooklyn, Butler St 110; mechanic chi: Josephine 19mar1915, Lucy 28mar1917, Frank 30jul1919, Benjamin 22dec1921, all b. & res Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 15 St 394 (petition) note: (petition) garageman; sp arv NY 22oct1907; wit Marzek sig "Marzec" DofI 19290619 note: (DofI) No. 179208; Grobia 272 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records {B25} Bieniek, John PA Philadelphia, US District Court pet 144100 apl 19400521; adm 19410228 CofA 3-112063 06oct1936 b. 19080111 PL Tyczyn arv 19111122 NY SS Vaderland from Antwerp under name: Bieniek, Jan mrr 19300317 NY Port Chester sp-Batorskiwicz, Helen b. 19090518 CT New Cannan wit-Suder, John res PA Philadelphia, Benner St 4433; iron worker wit-Kennedy, Peter res PA Philadelphia, N Marshall St 3902; iron worker res PA Philadelphia, Friendship St 3434 (petition) note: (petition) ironworker; no chi; complexion light, eyes green; hair brown; 5'9"; 169 lbs; tattoo R arm; name changed to John Benek; last res PL Tyczyn, "Wies Keelnissown"; Suder sig: "S. Suder"; copy note: (DofI) No. 141891; DofI n/f (only mentioned) with natz documents {H58} Bieszczad, Roman OH Mahoning Co., Common Pleas, Youngstown pet 15528 apl 19381105; adm 19390323 CofA 5-48598 b. 18880809 PL Tyczyn arv 19060807 NY SS Grosser Kurfurst from Bremen under name: Bieszczad, Roman mrr 19100517 OH Youngstown sp-, Victoria b. 18921223 PL Rzeszow wit-Musial, Jan res OH Youngstown, Iyat? St 134; steelworker wit-Hyrowski?, Andy res OH Youngstown, Franklin Av 903?; lab chi: Mitchell 06dec1910, Frances 21nov1912, Helen 10aug1915, Cecelia 18jul1918, Lucy 12jun1920, Adolf 23feb1927, all b. Youngstown res OH Youngstown, Franklin Av 1014 (petition) note: (petition) steelworker; sp arv NY nov1908; all chi res Youngstown except Frances res NY Buffalo DofI 19350406 res OH Youngstown, Franklin Av 1014 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 20680? {G62} Bobola, Antoni Tomasz PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 130933 apl 19410904; adm 19421113 CofA 6X-14307 b. 18810711 PL Kielnarowa arv 19060515 NY SS Prinzess Alice from Bremen under name: Bobola, Tomasz mrr 19070825 PA McKeesport sp-, Antonia b. 1885 PL Stara Nuva wit-Poznanski, Carl res PA McKees Rocks, Woodward Av 817; real estate/insurance wit-Harris, Julius C res PA McKees Rocks, Ohio St 156; merchant chi: Stanley 30may1908, Joseph 25sep1912, Mary 12aug1914, Sophie 06jan1917, Helen 13jul1919, John 17jun1921, all b. & res McKees Rock res PA McKees Rocks, Orchard St 156 (petition) note: (petition) puncher; sp arv NY 1905; d. 12jan1937 McKees Rocks; copy; growth on left cheek, first joint off first finger right hand DofI 19380922 note: (DofI) No. 150448; photo; wif b. PL Stara Niwa; prior DofI No. 65811, 12apr1920 UPAPIT {G63} Bomba, Frank PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 113955 apl 19390227; adm 19390529 CofA 6X-9206 b. 18791016 PL Kermanowa arv 19050222 NY SS Bluecher from Hamburg under name: Bomba, Franz wit-Majkut, John res PA McKeesport, Mulberry Av 1030; lab wit-Pasternak, Stanley res PA Elizabeth, RFD No. 1; lab res PA McKeesport, Mulberry Av 310 (petition) note: (petition) laborer WPA; no chi; copy; not mrr DofI 19361008 note: (DofI) No. 144259; photo Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 273 DATABASE TABLES {I19} Bomba, Magdalena MI Saginaw Co., Circuit Court pet 5253 adm 19421217 ARN 4811516 res MI Fosters, Rt. 1 (petition) note: (DofI); cert. No. 5442163; copy [hardly legible]; age 63y {B26} Bomba, Steve NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 407685 apl 19440421; adm 19440620 CofA 2-955736 b. 18861225 PL Kielnarowa arv 19070102 NY SS Francesca from Trieste under name: Bomba, Stanislaw mrr 19141120 NY Brooklyn sp-, Antonia b. 18971120 PL Jaroslaw {B16} wit-Cyran, Ignacy res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 250; longshoreman {B27} wit-Czado, John res NY Brooklyn, 16 St 177; longshoreman chi: Fred 16nov1915, Helen 27jul1917, Edward 04feb1920, Leon 10jan1922, Bronislaw 18jun1924, Mary 18apr1930 res NY Brooklyn, 29 St 130 (petition) note: (petition) iron worker; sp arv NY 1913; chi b. Brooklyn; Bron & Mary res Dumont NJ, Fr, Ed, Le, St US armed forces, others res NY, NY; copy DofI 19420323 note: (DofI) No. 330604; photo; copy {F96} Borowiec, Alois MI Detroit, US District Court pet 57571 apl 19310217; adm 19310525 CofA 8-30687 b. 18870614 PL Budziwoj arv 19111114 NY SS Rotterdam from Rotterdam under name: Borowiec, Alois mrr 19130629 MI Detroit {F95} sp-, Stephany b. 18930603 PL Budziwoj wit-Badaczewski, Frank res MI Detroit, Dequindre 9703; coffee salseman [#>] wit-Kotula, Joseph res MI Detroit, McDougall 5745; farmer chi: Mary 08sep1914, Irene 19apr1916, Sophie 27mar1918, Helen 31jan1920, Ferdinand 14dec1922, Lottie 11nov1924, all b. & res Detroit res MI Detroit, Jos. Campau 6261 (petition) note: (petition) polisher; sp arv NY 05aug1910; cert. No. 3444777 DofI 19250803 note: (DofI) No. 169983; copy; lab; SS Lapland from Rotterdam, arl 22nov1911 NY; Wayne Co. Circuit Court; b. 13may1887 {C71} Borowiec, Frank NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 199175 apl 19341119; adm 19350226 CofA 2-142590 b. 18941203 PL Tyczyn arv 19120731 NY SS Vaderland from Antwerp under name: Borowiec, Franciszek mrr 19191026 NY Brooklyn sp-, Mary b. 18981008 PL Gordlitza wit-Berandt, Walter res NY Brooklyn, 51 St 356; vegetable business wit-Anderson, Norman res NY Brooklyn, 94 St 235; real estate chi: Helen 03mar1916, Antoinette 17jun1917, all b. Brooklyn (of previous wif) res NY Brooklyn, 04 Av 725 (petition) note: (petition) restaurant keeper; sp wf2; arv NY 29nov1913; wf1 Caroline d. 15dec1918 PA McKeesport; copy DofI 19310615 res NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 615 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 196915; photo; copy; prior DofI ~1915 Brooklyn {H90} Borowiec, Jacob MI Detroit, US District Court pet 90855 apl 193?0305; adm 19350610 b. 1884??27 illegible arv 19060313 NY SS Ryndam from Rotterdam under name: Borowiec, Jacob mrr 19??0703 PA McKeesport sp-, Antonia 1891 PL 274 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records {D13} wit-Pienta, Maryan res MI Detroit, Van Dyke Av ????; real estate [>] wit-Dolinski, Veronica res MI Detroit, Winfield Av ????; housewife chi: Justyna 12dec191?, Veronika 07oct191?, Sophia 05nov19??, Joseph ??sep19??, all b. McKeesport & res Detroit res MI Detroit, Winfield Av 8556 (petition) note: (petition) illegible; sp arv NY sep1907; copy; mrr 1909 or 1911?; b. 27sep1884? DofI 192?0913 res PA illegible, illegible (DofI) note: (DofI) No. illegi; copy barely readable; b. Budziwoj, arv 13mar1906 NY SS Ryndam; wif Antonia; UPAPIT {D08} Borowiec, Julyan PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 72315 apl 19270420; adm 19270919 CofA 293944 05nov1926 b. 18870408 PL Tyczyn arv 19120723 NY SS Zeeland from Antwerp under name: Borawiec, Julian {D94} sp-, Elnore 18900106 PL {B88} wit-Tronsky, Kazimerz PA McKeesport; lab wit-Lechicki, Felix PA McKeesport; foreman chi: Anna 11sep1916, Joe 14mar1918, Nellie 24jun1921, Adam 16apr1923, Helen 03aug1925, all b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Mound St 611 (petition) note: (petition) boiler fireman; copy DofI 19220712 res PA Port Vue, Trimble St 1805 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 082840; wif Elenore b. Tyczyn; copy {C47} Borowiec, Katarzyna PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 122238 apl 19400628; adm 19410210 CofA 6-77679 09jan1940 b. 18940202 PL Rzeszow arv 19120911 NY SS Kronprinz Wilhelm from Bremen under name: Pasko, Katarzyna mrr 19150901 PA McKeesport {C79} sp-Borowiec, Kazimerz b. 18850304 PL Hermanowa wit-Kmiecik, Eugenia res PA McKeesport, Reynolds Av 505; housewife {H44} wit-Predki, Sophia res PA McKeesport, Grover Av 3405; housewife chi: Sophie 17dec1916, John 08feb1919, Pete 24jun1921, Alex 27feb1924, all b. & res Port Vue; except Sophie & John b. McKeesport res PA Port Vue, Trimble Av 1805 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv NY 1910, natz 19sep1927 Pittsburgh; last res PL "Tycien" {C79} Borowiec, Kazimerz PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 72320 apl 19270420; adm 19270919 CofA 294350 06nov1926 b. 18850304 PL Tyczyn arv 19100310 NY SS Campania from Rotterdam under name: Borowicz, Kazimerz {C47} sp-, Katie b. 18940102 PL Tyczyn {B88} wit-Tronsky, Kazimerz PA McKeesport; lab wit-Lechiski, Felix PA McKeesport; foreman chi: Sophia 17dec1916, John 08feb1919, Pete 24jun1921, Alex 27feb1924, all b. & res McKeesport res PA Port Vue, Trimble Av 1805 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; copy DofI 19220929 note: (DofI) No. 084248; scar right side right eye; copy {F95} Borowiec, Stefania MI Detroit, US District Court pet 155806 apl 19401101; adm 19431206 b. 18930603 PL Budziwoj arv 19100803 NY SS Barbarossa from Bremen under name: Huchla, Stefania mrr 19130620 MI Detroit {F96} sp-, Alois b. 18870614 PL Budziwoj wit-Terengowski?, June? res MI Detroit, Charest 14960?; housewife Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 275 DATABASE TABLES wit-Krzanowski, Joseph res MI Detroit, Lanoder? 2415; Cwampl.? chi: Mary Ann 08sep1914, Irene 19apr1916, Sophie 27mar1918, Helen 31jan1920, Ferdinand 14dec1921, Leocadia 11nov1923 res MI Detroit, Jos. Campau 6261 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv BA 22nov1911, natz 28may1931 Detroit; all chi b. & res Detroit; hus natz cert. No. 3444777 {G33} Borowiec, Walter IN Hammond, US District Court pet 4860 apl 193710??; adm 19380318 CofA 11-116853 20apr1935 b. 18860124 PL Hermanowa arv 19131028 NY SS Zeeland from Antwerp under name: Borowiec, Wladyslaw mrr 19121112 PL Bielka {G41} sp-, Aniela b. 18900324 PL Bielka wit-Dywon, Michael res IN E Chicago, Northcote Av 4946; butcher wit-Bochnowski, John res IN E Chicago, Wegg Av 4229; realtor chi: John 25dec1914, Henry 28jul1916, Joseph 09jun1918, Mary 24may1920, Andrew 24nov1922, John b. MO St. Louis, others b. E Chicago res IN E Chicago, Reading Av 4922 (petition) note: (petition) chipper; sp arv NY 28oct1913; all chi res E Chicago DofI 19350529 res IN E Chicago, Magoun 5029 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 018741; photo; lab; wif b. Bialka; chi b. E Chicago; Henry aka Hieromin; prior DofI 1917 IN; copy {E39} Borowitz, Vincent PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 85869 apl 19290429; adm 19290919 CofA 690852 29apr1929 b. 18930127 PL Budzivoj arv 19120828 NY SS Kroonland from Antwerp sp-, Anna b. 18980530 PL Zalere {D14} wit-Scotlas, Thomas NY Brooklyn; grocery business wit-Wozniak, John PA McKeesport; grocery business chi: Edward 17dec1918, Eugene 10aug1920, Theodore 12dec1924, Helen 20mar1926, all b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Jerome St 616 (petition) note: (petition) coupling mach opr; copy DofI 19260730 res PA McKeesport, Fite Station RFD 1 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 116735; copy; machine hand {B52} Borowski, Karolina NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 318258 apl 19411016; adm 19420707 CofA 2-799702 b. 18911031 PL Tyczyn arv 19070709 NY SS Kroonland from Antwerp under name: Pieta, Karolina mrr 19350209 NY Brooklyn [-] sp-, Ludwig 188010 PL wit-Gudel, Julius res NY Brooklyn, 73 St 574; hardwood finisher wit-Gudel, Anna res NY Brooklyn, 73 St 574; housewife chi: Nelly 11mar1912, Stephanie 17aug1915, all b. & res Brooklyn (from prior mrr) res NY Brooklyn, 45 St 514 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv NY 1913; aka Karolina Kotula, Karolina Pieta, Carolina Agnes Borowski; copy [+] Borowski, Ludwig NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 268198 adm 19400213 b. 18801024 GL arv 19130318 NY SS Caledonia from Glasgow {B52} sp-Kotula, Karolina Pienta [>] wit-Kotula, Stella 276 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records [?] wit-Wysocki, Frank res NY Brooklyn, 45 St 514 (petition) note: (petition) carp; no chi {I42} Bucca, May NY Nassau Co., Supreme Court pet 24624 apl 19440111; adm 19510316 CofA 2-1023748 31dec1942 b. 19040122 PL Tyczyn arv 19110724 NY SS Noordam from Rotterdam under name: Skoczylas, Mariana mrr 19370712 NY Long Beach LI sp-Bucca, Charles b. 19071018 NY Bronx {I43} wit-Fusik, Emily res NY Garden City P, 04 Av 38; housewife wit-Fusik, Vincent res NY Garden City P, 04 Av 38; elevator opr res NY Garden City P, 04 Av 38 (petition) note: (petition) houseworker; sp in US Army; no chi; "Garden City Park"; denied: "withdrawn by petitioner 16mar1951"; "I cannot prove my husband is a citizen of the United States"; mole on chin {A49} Busz, Bronislaw NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 397580 apl 19431116; adm 19440202 CofA 2-866121 06may1941 b. 18881120 PL Budziwoj arv 19130619 NY SS Imperator from Hamburg under name: Bucz, Bronislaw mrr 19151114 NY Brooklyn {A41} sp-, Elizabeth b. 18970615 PL Siedliska [#>] wit-Busz, Helen res NY Brooklyn, 22 St 277; defense worker {A45} wit-Huchla, Anthony res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 269; machinist chi: Boleslaw 05sep1916, Helen 24may1920, all b. & res Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 22 St 277 (petition) note: (petition) restaurant worker; sp arv NY 05aug1911; copy DofI 19410911 note: (DofI) No. 316759; photo; copy {A41} Busz, Elizabeth NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 402175 apl 19440119; adm 19440308 CofA 2-903249 13aug1941 b. 18930615 PL Rzeszow arv 19110804 NY SS Lusitania from Liverpool under name: Baran, Elzbieta mrr 19151107 NY Brooklyn {A49} sp-, Bronislaw b. 18881110 PL Rzeszow {A45} wit-Huchla, Anthony res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 269; machinist [#>] wit-Busz, Boleslaw res NY Brooklyn, 22 St 277; US Navy chi: Boleslaw 05sep1916, Helen 24may1920, all b. & res Brooklyn; Boleslaw in US Navy res NY Brooklyn, 22 St 277 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv NY 18jun1913; Mole upper lip, both pet & DofI say hus b. 10nov1888; copy DofI 19411114 note: (DofI) No. 321941; photo; copy {F40} Ciupak, Aniela IL Chicago, US District Court pet 183541 apl 19390518; adm 19391101 CofA 11-205599 b. 18930723 PL Borek Stary arv 19120604 NY SS Vaderland from Antwerp under name: Janiec, Aniela mrr 19141110 IL Chicago {F58} sp-Ciupak, Marcin b. 18900515 PL Borek Stary wit-Litawa, Cathrine res IL Chicago, Cornelia Av 4930; machine opr wit-Marcinkiewicz, Lillian res IL Chicago, Diversey Av 3534; sales girl chi: Helen 04sep1916, Eugene 20apr1918, all b. & res Chicago res IL Chicago, Avers Av 2652 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp natz 20jun1924 SILCOO pet No. 58321; hus arv mar1909 NY; Mrs. Litawa; Miss Marcinkiewicz; cert. No. 4666910 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 277 DATABASE TABLES {B16} Cyran, Ignacy NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 285743 apl 19400710; adm 19401217 CofA 2-471942 b. 18880629 PL Hermanowa arv 19100910 NY SS Finland from Antwerp under name: Cyran, Ignac mrr 19170111 NY Brooklyn {B17} sp-, Wladyslawa b. 18930627 PL Kielnarowa wit-Kozlowski, Stanislaw res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 306; grocer wit-Turowski, Marcel res NY Brooklyn, 26 St 184; molder chi: Helen 19dec1917, Tadey 16apr1920, Chester 15nov1921, Edward 23nov1932 res NY Brooklyn, 06 Av 658 (petition) note: (petition) longshoreman; sp arv 13jun1913; all chi b. & res Brooklyn; copy DofI 19360910 res NY Brooklyn, 06 Av 736 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 249354; photo; copy; scar on forehead {B27} Czado, John Joseph NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 312330 apl 19410801; adm 19430209 CofA 2-672602 b. 19051122 PL Rzeszow arv 19120501 NY SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse from Hamburg under name: Czadowa, Jan mrr 19371101 NY Brooklyn sp-, Rose b. 19090830 NY Poughkeepsie wit-Wisniewski, Alexander res NY Brooklyn, 17 St 132; unemployed wit-Podelski, Michael res NY Brooklyn, 17 St 146; ret res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 199 (petition) note: (petition) unemployed; no chi; copy {C07} Data, Leon IL Chicago, US District Court pet 319180 apl 19451127; adm 19460205 CofA 11-x-40637 b. 18890319 PL Tyczyn arv 19050120 NY SS Kaiser Wilhelm II from Bremen under name: Data, Leon mrr 19121125 IL Chicago {E99} sp-, Helen b. 18910629 PL Tyczyn wit-Kuczyc, Anastasia res IL Chicago, W Crystal St 2620; housewife wit-Mazur, Jan res IL Chicago, W Iowa St 1815; molder chi: Josephine 17dec1913, Edward 29nov1915, Stephania 17jan1917, Veronica 21feb1919, all b. & res Chicago res IL Chicago, Crystal St 2643 (petition) note: (petition) shearman steel mill; sp arv NY 20jun1907; cert. No. 6215993 DofI 19390802 res IL Chicago, Thomas St 1534 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 150027; photo; copy {A58} Data, Mieczylsaw NJ Newark, US District Court pet 110433 apl 19610310; adm 19610522 ARN 10234620 b. 19250128 PL Tyczyn arv 19551219 -- from Canada mrr 19481023 ON Ottawa sp-LePage, Dorothy b. 19300530 ON Ottawa wit-Zimny, Walter res NJ Newark, Ellery Av 318; baker wit-Gwaszdacz, Cyrl res NJ Newark, New York Av 256; ret chi: Susan 16feb1951 CN, Helen 18oct1953 CN, Edward 12dec1958 NJ Elizabeth res NJ Linden, Union St 613 (petition) note: (petition) apprentice toolmaker; arv NYC via train No. 8; res 12mar1961 NJ Elizabeth, Newark Av 487; copy {E44} Debski, Frank PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 110276 apl 19380524; adm 19381122 b. 18950927 PL Tyczyn arv 19111107 BA SS Neckar from Bremen under name: Debski, Franciszek 278 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records mrr 1923 PA McKeesport sp-, Josephine b. 190512 PA McKeesport wit-Wise, Eugene res PA McKeesport, Mary St 1007; carpenter wit-Bielic, Peter res PA McKeesport, White St 600; janitor res PA McKeesport, Market St 126 (petition) note: (petition) heat & furnace worker; no chi; name changed to Frank Debski; served in PL army 03dec1917-19dec1920; sig "Debski" with hook "e"; copy {E19} Demski, Walter PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 118503 apl 19400126; adm 19420623 CofA 6-58628 08aug1939 b. 19090315 PL Tyczyn arv 19130216 NY SS Kaiser August Victoria from Hamburg under name: Dembski, Wladyslaw mrr 19350828 PA Wilmerding sp-, Helena b. 19100901 PA McKeesport wit-Wodzinski, Walter res PA McKeesport, Grover Av 2803; tailor wit-Szygenda, Steve res PA McKeesport, Market St 730; investigator res PA McKeesport, Harrison St 2413 (petition) note: (petition) machinist; no chi {D19} Dlugosz, Piotr adm 19250312 b. 18850405 PL arv 19120403 [>] wit-Lenart, Mieczyslaw res IL Chicago, Wabansia! Av 1923 wit-Ciesla, John res IL Chicago, Sloan St 1351 res IL Chicago, Wambasia! Av 1934 (petition) note: (petition); aka Peter IL Cook Co., Circuit Court pet 57083 {H02} Dobrowolski, Joseph M IL Chicago, US District Court pet 147890 apl 19360717; adm 19361201 CofA 11-77834 b. 18951120 PL Tyczyn arv 19140217 NY SS St. Louis from Southampton under name: Dobrowolski, Joszef mrr 19180418 IL Chicago sp-, Sophie b. 18970811 IL Chicago wit-Jarosz, illegible res IL Chicago, Freeman? Pl _4_5; die maker wit-James, Joseph res IL Chicago, Harran? Bv 19_4; foreman chi: Alexander 21jul1919, Thaddeus 17aug1927, all b. & res Chicago res IL Chicago, Schubert Av 5442 (petition) note: (petition) tool & die maker; cert. No. 4157337; M=Mieczyslaw DofI illegibl note: (DofI) No. 051119; photo; copy; illegible {C25} Domino, Julian DofI 19141211 res NY Brooklyn, Driggs Av 156 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 044898; age 26y; b. GL 15feb1888; lab; arv 26mar1906 NY SS "Scliland" from Antwerp; SNYKIN {C25} Domino, Julian NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 432498 apl 19450620; adm 19450724 CofA 2 907131 b. 18880216 PL Rzeszow arv 19070326 NY SS Zeeland from Antwerp under name: Domino, Julian wit-Kopchynski, Andrew res NY Brooklyn, Java St 146; machinist wit-Stepien, Joseph res NY Brooklyn, Green St 143; sheet metal wkr res NY Brooklyn, Green St 202 (petition) note: (petition) machinist; enlarged left thumb; copy DofI 19411122 res NY Brooklyn, Dupont St 78 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 322446; photo; copy; b. Tyczyn; prior DofI ~1922 Detroit MI District Court Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 279 DATABASE TABLES {G57} Domino, Mike PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 127208 apl 19410417; adm 19410522 CofA 6-63428 b. 18890815 PL Tyczyn arv 19130623 NY SS Rotterdam from Bremen under name: Domino, Mieczyslaw mrr 19141029 PA McKeesport sp-, Josephine b. 18881224 PL Rzeszow wit-Kalinowski, Edward res PA McKeesport, Grove St 602; lab wit-Onderko, Albert res PA Port Vue, Liberty Way 712; millwrght hlpr chi: Mary 04jul1915, Anna 01may1917, Bertha 07aug1918, John 31jul1920, Frank 01jun1922, Edward 15mar1925, Lottie 22jan1927, Stanley 23aug1930 res PA McKeesport, Liberty Way 415 (petition) note: (petition) ice puller; sp arv NY 1911; copy; all chi b. & res McKeesport; Liberty Way 415 is in Port Vue DofI 19380831 note: (DofI) No. 150203; photo; lab; mrr 17oct1914; Mary Knapp, 04jul1915 {B53} Dranicki, Teofila NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 298907 apl 19401129; adm 19410304 CofA 2 729732 b. 18891213 PL Tyczyn arv 19100904 NY SS Rotterdam from Rotterdam under name: Domino, Teofila mrr 19150616 NY Brooklyn sp-, Sylvester b. 18871120 PL Blutenau [>] wit-Dranicki, Sylvester res NY Brooklyn, 31 St 201; woodworker wit-Rudnik, Helen res NY Brooklyn, 86 St 371; housewife chi: Thaddeus 08mar1917, Irene 11nov1931, both b. & res Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 31 St 201 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv NY jul1912; natz 19jun1924 Brooklyn; copy {B30} Dranzek, Emilia MA Franklin Co., Superior Court pet 1674 apl 19390414; adm 19390717 CofA 1-186224 b. 18940302 PL Kielnarowa arv 19120219 NY SS Lapland from Antwerp under name: Baran, Emilia mrr 19140629 MA Turners Falls {C08} sp-Dranzek, Paul b. 18870726 PL Kielnarowa wit-Sojka, Stanley res MA Turners Falls, K St 016; organist [#>] wit-Dranzek, Blanche res MA Amherst, Amity St 280; housework chi: Henry 01nov1915, Blanche 24apr1917, Edward 04apr1920, all b. Turners Falls res MA Turners Falls, 11 St 025 (petition) note: (petition) paper mill worker; copy DofI 19360620 note: (DofI) No. 002379; photo; copy {C08} Dranzek, Paul MA Franklin Co., Superior Court pet 1848 apl 19410312; adm 19430521 CofA 1-205061 b. 18870117 PL Kielnarowa arv 19111122 NY SS Vaderland from Antwerp under name: Drazek, Pawel mrr 19140629 MA Turners Falls {B30} sp-, Emilia b. 18940302 PL Kielnarowa wit-Sojka, Stanley res MA Turners Falls, K St 016; organist wit-Kuklewicz, Joseph J res MA Montague City, Main St 306; clerk chi: Henry 01nov1915, Blanche 24apr1917, Edward 04apr1920, all b. Turners Falls res MA Turners Falls, 11 St 025 (petition) note: (petition) papermaker; sp natz 17jul1939 MA Greenfield; copy DofI 19370626 note: (DofI) No. 002459; photo; copy; prior DofI No. 1521 18feb1924 {D38} Drazek, William adm 19450616 b. 19100910 PL Kielnarowa 280 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland IT Rome, INS Rep. pet YS-14 Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records arv under name: Drazek, Wladyslaw res NJ Jersey City, Pavonia Av 292 (petition) note: (petition) US Army; cert. No. OM-23427 [#>] Drozek, Katarzyna MA New Bedford, Superior Court Bristol Co. pet 4903 apl 19441025; adm 19441215 b. 188006?? PL Tarnow arv 190404?? NY SS Bremen under name: Gajca, Katarzyna mrr 19071121 MA New Bedford {B31} sp-, Peter b. 18821231 PL Tyczyn [#>] wit-Perry, Gilbert T res MA New Bedford, Salisbury St 17; carpenter wit-Galary, Stanley res MA New Bedford, Abbot St 10; weaver chi: Aniela 19jul1908, Micizyslaw 17dec1909, Wladislaw 29sep1913, Helen 31oct1915, Frances 01dec1917, Annie 14oct1921 res MA New Bedford, Salisbury St 017 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; chi b. New Bedford; Amelia res MA Tauton, Miecz. res MA Chicopee Falls, Wldysa CT HartfordT, others res New Bedford; copy DofI 19420713 note: (DofI) No. 008478; photo; copy {B31} Drozek, Peter MA New Bedford, Superior Court Bristol Co. pet 35487 apl 19450307; adm 19450511 CofA 1-403136 b. 18821231 PL Tyczyn arv 19070627 NY SS Samland from Bremen under name: Drzaek, Piotr mrr 19071029 MA New Bedford sp-, Katarzyna b. 188006 PL Tarnow wit-Widuch, Stanley res MA New Bedford, Ashley St 21; copper worker [#>] wit-Perry, Gilbert T res MA New Bedford, Salisbury St 17; carpenter chi: Ameila 19jul1908, Mieczyslaw 17dec1909, Wladyslawa 29sep1913, Helen 31oct1915, Frances 01dec1917, Annie 14oct1921 res MA New Bedford, Salisbury St 017 (petition) note: (petition) weaver; sp arv NY apr1904; chi b. New Bedford; Amelia res MA Tauton, Miecz. res MA Chicopee Falls, Wldysa res CT Manchester, others res New Bedford; copy DofI 19430118 note: (DofI) No. 008978; photo; copy; mrr 21nov1907, mill worker {A63} Drozek, Stanley NY Niagara Falls, SCNY pet 7065 apl 19390901; adm 19391204 b. 18860822 PL Kielnarowa arv 19051226 NY SS Zeeland under name: Drazek, Stanislaw mrr 19081110 NY Niagara Falls sp-, Aniela PL Swilcza wit-Jarosz, Stanley J res NY Niagara Falls, Cudaback Av 2443; cost clerk wit-Kotarba, Walter res NY Niagara Falls, E Falls St 1438 chi: Mary 03may1917, Edward 24jun1920, Stella 13apr1925, Alfred 17apr1930, all b. Niagara Falls res NY Niagara Falls, Tuscarora Rd 1360 (petition) note: (petition); sp aka Nellie DofI 19341208 note: (DofI) No. 007594; photo, additional son John, b. 24mar1912 {H42} Fornal, Albert IL Chicago, US District Court pet 217241 apl 19410206; adm 19410314 CofA 11-x-28516 20jan1938; ARN 3374535 b. 18880324 PL Boryslaw arv 19050525 BA SS Frankfurt from Hamburg under name: Fornal, Albert mrr 19100409 KS Frontenac sp-, Marya b. 18940713 PL Biadeliny wit-Slusser, Magdalena res IL Chicago, W Haddon Av 2126; housewife wit-Borys, John res IL Chicago, Haddon Av 2140; die maker Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 281 DATABASE TABLES chi: Helen 28dec1910, Matilda 06apr1910, Bernice 08nov1914, Olga 01oct1916, Fabian 13sep1918. all b. KS & res Chicago res IL Chicago, N Springfield Av 922 (petition) note: (petition) cabinet finisher; sp arv PH 21dec1909; copy; cert. No. 5125216 "scar on nose & right cheek"; prev res HU Lapany DofI 19380120 res IL Chicago, Walton St 2650 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 133869; photo; copy; prior DofI No. 845, 02feb1925 KS Girard; prior res Lapany HU {A03} Fornal, Kazimierz NY Orange Co., Supreme Court pet 4462 apl 193505; adm 19350907 CofA 2-204001 b. 18880820 PL Hermanowa arv 19090309 NY SS Zeeland from Antwerp under name: Fornal, Kasimir mrr 19121103 NY New York City [-] sp-, Mary b. 18820524 AU Stara Wies wit-Nee, Michael NY New Windsor; town clerk wit-Orzechowski, Frank NY New Windsor; coal dealer chi: Mary 15oct1913, Francis 17sep1915, John 13aug1917, Peter 17mar1919, Charles 16jul1921; M&F b. NY New York; J&P&C b. N Windsor res NY New Windsor, Lawrence Av 79 (petition) note: (petition) machinist; copy; chi res New Windsor; name changed to Charles Fornal DofI 19320205 note: (DofI) No. 005823; photo; copy; 3 more older chi: Joseph 16my1903, Anna 02jul1907, Edward 26jul1909 b. NY NY {A02} Fornal, Stanislaw DofI 19170530 res NY New York, W 16 St 120 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 060886; copy; UNYNEW; lab; b. 08may1886 GL; arv NY 01jul1908 SS Zeeland; sp Anastasia b. AU {A02} Fornal, Stanislaw NY Orange Co., Supreme Court pet 4420 apl 19350425; adm 19350907 CofA 2-204002 b. 18860508 PL Hermanowa arv 19070130 NY SS Kroonland from Antwerp under name: Fornal, Stanislaw mrr 19110211 NY New York City [-] sp-, Anastasia b. 1886abt AU Mecina wit-Jones, Louis NY New Windsor; chauffer wit-Jett, Harry res NY New Windsor, Melrose Av; foreman chi: Mary 01dec1911, Julia 15dec1913, Stanley 01jul1924, Helen 26feb1920; Helen b. NJ Morristown, others b. NY New York res NY New Windsor, Lawrence Av 77 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; copy; chi res New Windsor DofI 19320205 note: (DofI) No. 005822; photo; copy {I43} Fusik, Emily NY Nassau Co., Supreme Court pet 19881 apl 19410603; adm 19411219 CofA 2-765418 09sep1940 b. 19020202 PL Kenarova arv 19110724 NY SS Noordam from Rotterdam under name: Skoczylas, Emilia mrr 19240302 NY Brooklyn sp-Fusik, Vincent b. 18970909 RU Pock wit-Fusik, Vincent res NY Garden City P, 04 Av 38; butcher wit-Rhodes, Martin res NY Garden City, Nassau Bv 323; town foreman chi: Jean 23jan1927 Brooklyn, Irene 13sep1929 Brooklyn, Vincent 29aug1939 Garden City Park, all res Garden City Park res NY Garden City P, 04 Av 38 (petition) note: (petition) houseworker; sp natz 26sep1921 "Brooklyn Sup. Ct." [SNYKIN]; "Garden City Park"; hus arv 07may1914 NY 282 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records {I59} Gaciarz, John DofI 19090920 res NY Brooklyn, 20 St 191 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 008854; age 28y; b. 28oct1880 AU Lubenia; arv 12may1906 NY SS Rhein; blacksmith {I59} Gaciarz, John DofI 19190103 res NY Brooklyn, 17 St 151 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 095167; age 38y; b. 29oct1880 GL; wif Julia b. AU; arv 12may1906 NY SS Rhein from Bremen; mechanic [#>] Gastka, Georgio NY Orange Co., Supreme Court pet V12,2153 adm 19230316 b. 18840615 PL Jazwin arv 19050303 NY SS Kaiser August Victoria from Bremen {C64} sp-, Mary GL chi: Sophie age 13y, Joseph 11y, William 10y, John 8y, Victoria 6y, Jennie 3y res NY New Windsor, (petition) note: (petition) laborer; sp age 40y; original petition not reviewed; data from natz index card & DofI DofI 19200527 note: (DofI) No. 035661; ship="Victoria" {B55} Geisler, Valerie NJ Newark, US District Court pet 61397 apl 19430526; adm 19430713 b. 18891128 PL Tyczyn arv 19050706 NY SS Barbarossa from Bremen under name: Drazek, Walerya mrr 19080923 NJ Newark sp-, Frank b. 18801224 PL Stara Sol wit-Cronin, Catherine res NJ E Orange, S Clinton St 573; housewife wit-Malecka, Caroline res NJ Newark, S 20 St 540; housewife chi: Edward 31mar1911, August 12aug1914, all b. Newark res NJ Newark, S 20 St 551 (petition) note: (petition) baker; Edward in US army; copy {B99} Gliva, Joseph PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 59925 apl 19250330; adm 19250629 b. 18790319 PL Sedliska arv 19040525 NY SS Bulgaria from Hamburg sp-, Anna 1887 PL wit-Wozniak, Albert PA McKeesport; repairer wit-Izbicki, Frank PA McKeesport; lab chi: Bertha 11jul1908, William 12oct1912, Josephine 11mar1915, Selma 07oct1921, all b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Dale St 229 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; copy DofI 19230326 note: (DofI) No. 088112; copy {A81} Gliwa, Kazimierz NY Kings Co., Supreme Court pet 31217 apl 19170413; adm 19200123 b. 18800225 PL Rzeszow arv 19050523 NY SS Giulia from Triest {A79} sp-, Jozefa wit-Schowronski, John res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 137; real estate wit-Maryanski, Karl res NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 660; real estate chi: Wanda 16mar1910, Adam 09jan1912, Bronislaw 22aug1913, all res Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 661 (petition) Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 283 DATABASE TABLES note: (petition) tobacco & stationary store; sp age 26y; Schowronski sig "Skowronski"; pet V126,P117 DofI 19120119 note: (DofI) No. 002314; age 31y; brass polisher; V47,P149 Supreme Court Kings Co. NY {A82} Gliwa, Wladyslaw NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 529068 apl 19550117; adm 19550315 ARN 7236357 b. 19120101 PL Budziwoj arv 19490729 NY SS USAT General C. H. Muir [#>] wit-Pokrywka, Ann res NJ N Bergan, 04 Av 7709; housewife [#>] wit-Janda, Eugeniusz res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 322; machinist res NY Brooklyn, 04 Av 738 (petition) note: (petition) unemployed; copy {A46} Glodowski, Paul NY Kings Co., Supreme Court pet 59543 apl 19210321; adm 19220109 CofA 26aug1919 b. 18970208 GL arv 19130317 NY SS George Washington {A47} sp-, Magdalena 18990206 AU wit-Maryanski, Karl res NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 660; real estate {A81} wit-Gliwa, Kazimierz res NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 661; store keeper chi: Tadeusz 06feb1920 b. Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 01 St 278 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; adm denied: "not being well disposed to our institutions", Pet V239,P193 DofI 19170517 res PA Iselin, (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 001909; age 20y, clerk, b. Budziwoj; [ship wrongly listed as SS KWilliam dG], sgl; Indiana Co. PA court {F32} Gorlowski, Ignatz IN Hammond, US District Court pet 5549 apl 19380624; adm 19381117 CofA 11-115039 07jan1936 b. 18870213 PL Hermanowa arv 19100117 NY SS Lapland from Antwerp under name: Goslooski, Ignacy mrr 191309 IN E Chicago {F53} sp-, Sofia 1891 PL wit-Bochnowski, John res IN E Chicago, Wegg Av 4299; realtor wit-Grandys, Thomas res IN E Chicago, Magoun Av 4906; merchant tailor chi: Emilia 30jul1914, Catherine 16apr1916, Eleanore 02nov1917, Frank 24apr1920, all b. E Chicago res IN E Chicago, Walsh Av 4902 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; sp arv NY 1911, d. 13sep1920 E Chicago; Emilia res IN LaPorte; other chi res E Chicago DofI 19360206 res IN E Chicago, Magoun 5029 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 019382; photo; copy; carpenter; scar left index finger; wif b. Hermanowo, arv 1909, now d. {E58} Goryl, Martin MI Detroit, US District Court pet 58610 apl 19310312; adm 19320711 CofA 5/11942 b. 18841120 PL Budziwoj arv 19091012 NY SS Vaderland from Antwerp under name: Goryl, Marcin mrr 19110731 PA McKeesport {F86} sp-, Stefania b. 18910515 PL Hermanov wit-Koslinski, Joseph res MI Detroit, Willis East 2634; autoworker wit-Cieslinski, Frank res MI Detroit, Winfield 9035; truck driver chi: Veronica 10mar1911 Detroit, Walter 20jan1913 PL Harmanowa, Willian 05may1915 Detroit, Joseph 03feb1917 Detroit res MI Detroit, Winfield St 9041 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; sp arv NY 16may1907; chi all res with fat; name changed to Martin Gorel DofI 19241105 note: (DofI) No. 060908; year filed questionable/illegible; automobile assembler 284 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records {B58} Gos, Leon adm 19230105 b. 18920628 PL arv 19101026 wit-Najder, Frank res IL Chicago, S Wipple St 4252 wit-Sujak, Jos A res IL Chicago, W 25 Pl 2939 res IL Chicago, S Wipple St 2429 (petition) IL Cook Co., Superior Court pet 52074 {G50} Grajczyk, Sophia PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 139257 apl 19421208; adm 19430302 CofA 6X-27531 b. 18800701 PL Budziwoj arv 190502 BA SS unknown from Bremen under name: Paskiewicz, Sophia mrr 19130604 PA Pittsburgh sp-Grajczyk, Anthony b. 187805 PL Posna wit-Gaworski, Florence M res PA McKees Rocks, Patterson St; housewife, Mrs wit-Tomaszewska, Laura res PA Pittsburgh, Penn Av 2736; housewife, Mrs. chi: John 17jul1919, b. & res Pittsburgh res PA Pittsburgh, Spring Way 2736 (petition) note: (petition) housekeeper; sp arv 1902; d. 13aug1933 Pittsburgh; copy DofI 19400403 note: (DofI) No. 156321; photo {B59} Grebeck, Stanley PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 107284 apl 19371004; adm 19380209 CofA 6-21358 29sep1931 b. 19010401 PL Budziwoj arv 19130424 NY SS Finland from Antwerp under name: Grzebyk, Stanislaw mrr 19270131 PA McKeesport sp-, Helen b. 19060823 PA McKeesport wit-Peters, Charles C res PA McKeesport, Manor Av 1521; salesman wit-Ulm, William res PA McKeesport, Grandview Av 2114; merchant chi: Stanley 03mar1928, Antonette 04oct1933, Janet 26jan1937, all b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Grove Av 2825 (petition) note: (petition) merchant; copy DofI 19311016 note: (DofI) No. 133597; photo; copy {B32} Gryss, Albert Stanley MA New Bedford, Superior Court Bristol Co. pet 20515 apl 19360601; adm 19370629 CofA 1158723 b. 19030419 PL Nowy Borek arv 19130808 NY SS Campanello from Rotterdam under name: Gruz, Wojciech mrr 19280910 MA New Bedford sp-, Mary b. 19031010 MA New Bedford wit-Golda, Joseph res MA New Bedford, Summer St 646; bartender wit-Przybyla, Henry res MA New Bedford, Peckham St 20; bartender chi: Millie 17oct1928 MA Acushnet, res New Bedford, Dorothy 01mar1930 b. & res New Bedford res MA New Bedford, Cedar Grove St 194 (petition) note: (petition) beam man; Przybyla's new res: Acushnet, Hamlin St, Box 61; copy DofI 19290628 res MA New Bedford, Acushnet Av 835 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 030695; last res: Warsaw, mill opr, age 26y; copy {C73} Grzebyk, Frank NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 394000 apl 19430916; adm 19431230 CofA 2X99457 b. 18751220 PL Budziwoj arv 19041230 NY SS Main from Bremen under name: Grzybek, Franciszek mrr 19050115 NY Brooklyn {C82} sp-, Antonia b. 18701101 PL Budziwoj wit-Conklin, Joseph res NY Brooklyn, 22 St 344; sanitation dept. swpr wit-Blazek, Vincent res NY Brooklyn, Parkville Av 218; lab Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 285 DATABASE TABLES chi: Stanley 01apr1901, Katherine 25dec1905, Mary 29sep1908, Kasimir 26may1910 res NY Brooklyn, Parkville Av 218 (petition) note: (petition) buffer; sp arv NY 29apr1902; Stanley b. PL, res PA McKessport, others b. & res Brooklyn, Kasimir in US Army; copy DofI 19410425 note: (DofI) No. 309495; copy {A24} Grzebyk, Ignatz PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 61019 apl 19250617; adm 19251112 CofA 617 04may1925 b. 18930202 PL Budziwoj arv 19120602 NY SS Campania from Liverpool under name: Grzebyk, Ignacz {X20} sp-, Stella b. 18970805 PA McKeesport wit-Lechiski, Felix PA Dravosburg; foreman welder {D32} wit-Skoczylas, Jacob J PA McKeesport; foreman chi: Eugenia 19apr1920, b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Hazel St 811 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; copy DofI 19220306 note: (DofI) No. 079792; arv from Rotterdam Holland, b. Rzeszow; copy {A74} Grzebyk, Jan NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 312473 apl 19410804; adm 19411216 ARN 2775784 b. 19010907 PL Budziwoj arv 19271115 NY SS Lituania from Danzig under name: Grzebyk, Jan mrr 19310204 NY Brooklyn {D86} sp-, Julia b. 19110221 PA Ridgway {X16} wit-Slowik, Antony res NY Brooklyn, Prospect Av 250; lab {A45} wit-Huchla, Antoni res NY Brooklyn, 17 St 196; machinist chi: Stanley 13feb1936, b. & res Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 12 St 399 (petition) note: (petition) machinist; copy [#>] Grzebyk, Stella PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 111674 apl 19380919; adm 19381007 b. 18971108 PA McKeesport mrr 19190514 PA McKeesport {A24} sp-, Ignatz b. 18930201 PL Budziwoj wit-Szajnik, Leo res PA McKeesport, Walnut St 1049; recknor {D14} wit-Scotlass, Thomas res PA McKeesport, Rose St 936; saloonkeeper chi: Eugenia 06apr1920, Edward 27jun1925, all b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Federal St 2001 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv NY 1912; "I have not acquired any other nationality by affirmative act"; copy {G70} Hadala, Jan Augustyn IL Chicago, US District Court pet ???532 apl 19371105; adm 19380209 CofA 11-123108 b. 19010511 PL Hermanowa arv 19301020 NY SS Kosciuszko from Danzig under name: Hadala, Jan Augustyn mrr 19251124 PL Tyczyn sp-, Helena b. 19030615 PL Hermanowa wit-Dempkowski, Edward W res IL Chicago, W Winchester Av 2002; tax dept clerk wit-Beyers, John P res IL Chicago, Dickens Av 1825; truck driver chi: Julia 22jul1926, Stanley 14may1928, all b. & res Hermanowa res IL Chicago, W Homer St 2023 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; sp res Hermanowa DofI 19350527 res IL Chicago, Mayas? 1945 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 102791; photo; copy; Mayas[illegible]; florist 286 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records {F37} Halon, Wojciech IN Hammond, US District Court pet 14430 apl 19430630; adm 19431202 CofA 11-276329 08jan1941 b. 18891101 PL Borek Stary arv 19130531 NY SS Gothland from Antwerp under name: Halon, Wojciech mrr 19140518 IL Chicago sp-, Katarzyna b. 189204 PL Jastrzonka wit-Miniuk, Dolores res IN Hammond, Johnson Av 4419; housewife wit-Gaida, Bernice res IN Hammond, Torrence Av 4524; Miss, inspctr chi: Walter 18jul1915, Edward 18nov1918, Henry 06nov1920, Stanley 10aug1921, Boleslaw 06jan1924, Helen 15may1926, Julia 03nov1929, Fred 08sep1934 res IN Hammond, Henry St 4525 (petition) note: (petition) molder; sp b. PL Pilsno, Jastrzonka; arv NY apr1892!; Fred=Frederich; Walter b. Chicago; Ed, Henry, Stanley & Boleslaw b. E Chicago; rest b. Hammond; Ed & Boleslaw now in US Army DofI 19410603 note: (DofI) No. 023915; photo; "Chalon"; wif b. Jastizaka, arv 1910 NY; prior DofI No. 18402 15oct26 Hammond; copy {B33} Houle, Caroline MA New Bedford, Superior Court Bristol Co. pet 31499 apl 19430527; adm 19431001 CofA 1 414254 b. 19020215 PL Nowy Borek arv 19130808 NY SS Campanello from Rotterdam under name: Gruz, Caroline mrr 19221028 NY New York City sp-, Leon b. 19001021 MA New Bedford wit-Leclair, Joseph A res MA New Bedford, Roosevelt St 59; weaver [#>] wit-Wajda, Stanley res MA New Bedford, Harwich St 235; smash-fixer chi: Agnes? [blurred] 03feb1923, Regina 18feb1925, Edward 02apr1926, all b. & res New Bedford res MA New Bedford, Roosevelt St 059 (petition) note: (petition) weaver; Scar on fourth finger of left hand; copy {A45} Huchla, Antoni NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 193369 apl 19340518; adm 19340918 CofA 2-312459 b. 19031206 PL Budziwoj arv 19280930 NY SS Estonia from Danzig under name: Chuchla, Antoni mrr 19330604 NY Brooklyn {A48} sp-, Rozalia b. 1908 PL Budziwoj {A84} wit-Jopek, Andrew res NY Brooklyn, 15 St 392; tailor {C28} wit-Witek, Frank res NY Brooklyn, 15 St 392; tailor res NY Brooklyn, 05 Av 643 (petition) note: (petition) shoemaker; sp arv NY 06dec1927; copy DofI 19281009 res MI Detroit, Jos. Campau Av 6261 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 087295; factory worker; US South Dist Court, East MI Dist.; copy {A59} Jamroz, Franciszek NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 358722 apl 19421112; adm 19421112 CofA 2-671787 b. 19030924 PL Budziwoj arv 19301020 NY SS Kosciuszko from Gdansk under name: Jamroz, Franciszek mrr 19291116 PL Zakopany sp-, Jozefa b. 19070218 PL Ziemblice [#>] wit-Slowik, Irene res NY Brooklyn, Prospect Av 250; housewife [#>] wit-Opiola, Stefania res NY Brooklyn, 17 St 287; cleaner chi: Janina 27dec1929 PL, Richard 16may1941 Brooklyn, Irene 06may1945 Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 17 St 287 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; copy DofI 19391017 note: (DofI) No. 286094; photo; copy Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 287 DATABASE TABLES [#>] Jamroz, Janina NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 506172 adm 19531005 b. PL Zakopany arv 19471106 NY SS Batory wit-, Zofia res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 227; housewife wit-Tencza, Jane res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 227; secretary res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 281 (petition) note: (petition) machine opr {D39} Janda, Eugene NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 520629 apl 19540909; adm 19541111 ARN 1679057 b. 19250216 PL Tyczyn arv 19471002 NY SS Marine Flasher under name: Janda, Eugeniusz wit-Nowotny, Ferdinand res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 099; mechanic {X07} wit-Bober, Gustav res NY Brooklyn, Prospect Av 314; grocery store owner res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 322 (petition) note: (petition) machinist; copy {B34} Janiec, Magdalena NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 105607 apl 19280528; adm 19290110 b. 18810722 PL Tyczyn arv 18990324 NY SS unknown from Bremen {D23} sp-, Michael 188008 AU wit-Kowalski, Frank res NY Brooklyn, 06 Av 5617; inspector wit-Wierczerzak, Michael res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 129; painter chi: Sadie 01may1902, Joseph 20jul1903, Thomas 01jul1905, Boleslas 25jun1918, Leon 24feb1913 res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 131 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp d. 1914; all chi b. & res Brooklyn; copy DofI 19231210 note: (DofI) No. 163688; copy {E67} Jarosz, Stefanie MI Detroit, US District Court pet 101419 apl 19350707; adm 19370412 CofA 8X94151 b. 18880408 PL Budziwoj arv 19041006 NY SS unknown from Bremen under name: Glodownka, Stefania mrr 19080927 NY Brooklyn sp-, Wladyslaw b. 18850513 PL Jaslo wit-Glodowski, Charlotte res MI Detroit, Dubois 5700; groser! wit-Modzelewski, Stella res MI Detroit, Dubois 5750; housewife chi: Zofia 25dec1908, William oct1910, Joseph sep1918, Lottie apr1925, all res Detroit res MI Detroit, McDougall 5743 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv BA 07may1902, natz 16apr1928 UMIDET; Zofia b. Brooklyn, other chi b. Detroit; cert. No. 7169224 DofI 19350707 {A84} Jopek, Andrew Tomasz NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 132570 adm 19290605 b. 18870920 GL arv 19060119 NY SS Grosser Kurfurst from Bremen {A87} sp-, Jozefa 18930115 AU {C28} wit-Witek, Frank NY Brooklyn {A81} wit-Gliwa, Kazimierz NY Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 14 St 419 (petition) note: (petition); no chi DofI 19270418 note: (DofI) No. 133696; age 39y, furrier 288 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records {B90} Kalandyk, Ladislaus WI Oneida Co., Circuit Court pet 393 apl 19190218; adm 19190922 CofA 14636353 28nov1916 b. 18870624 PL Hermanowa arv 19100308 NY SS Vaderland from Antwerp wit-Fliss, August WI Rhinelander; butcher wit-Hoppa, Anton WI Rhinelander; carpenter res WI Rhinelander, N Stevens St 19 (petition) note: (petition); sp none; continuously in WI since 08sep1912; copy DofI 19130521 res WI St. Francis, St. Francis Seminary (DofI) note: (DofI); Circuit Court of Milwaukee Co. WI; student {B60} Kalita, Stephanie NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 172633 apl 19321017; adm 19330124 CofA 2-219774 b. 19031130 PL Tyczyn arv 19261001 NY SS Nieuw Amsterdam from Rotterdam under name: Kalita, Stefanja {C09} wit-Kalita, Teofil res NY Brooklyn, 17 St 279; woodworker wit-Maroocha, Peter res NY Brooklyn, 17 St 279; blacksmith res NY Brooklyn, 17 St 279 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp none; no chi; copy DofI 19290605 note: (DofI) No. 177668; arv PA McKeesport; copy {C09} Kalita, Teofil NY Kings Co., Supreme Court pet 52420 adm 19251127 b. 18881213 PL Tyczyn sp-, Franciszka 18820214 RU {A73} wit-Leniart, John res NY Brooklyn, 48 St 457; distiller wit-Skowronski, John res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 133; ret chi: Mary 22sep1912, John 17aug1915, Bronislaw 05feb1917, Helen 02sep1921 res NY Brooklyn, (petition) note: (petition); cert. No. 2313314; Mary res PL, others b. & res Brooklyn DofI 19230209 note: (DofI) No. 150050; V301,P50 1923-24 Supreme Court Kings Co. NY {G29} Kaplita, Peter MI Detroit, US District Court pet 30569 apl 19280410; adm 19280723 b. 18810412 PL Kielnarowa arv 19040607 BA SS Breslau from Bremen sp-, Aniela b. 18880810 PL Kileria wit-Falandys, John res MI Hamtramck, Trowbridge 2611; factory worker wit-Regman, John res MI Hamtramck, ?abal? 2195; factory worker chi: Walter 12apr1911, Stanley 05sep1912, Helen 12mar1914, all b. & res Detroit res MI Detroit, Moran 11380 (petition) note: (petition) machinist; sp b. PL Glogow, Kileria; copy DofI 19210429 note: (DofI) No. 092166; copy (illegible); State of MI, Wayne Co. Circuit Court {A53} Kaplita, Wojciech NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 379249 apl 19430507; adm 19430902 CofA 2-725974 b. 18940423 PL Kielnarowa arv 19120716 NY SS Kroonland from Bremen under name: Kaplita, Wojeich mrr 19230918 NY Brooklyn sp-, Mary b. 19000923 PL Wola Rozwinic wit-Golas, Josef res NY Brooklyn, Bay 28 St 172; sanitation dept. wit-Repiuk, James Edward res NY Brooklyn, Ocean Pkwy 29-35; superintendent chi: Stefania 19jan1924, Theodore 30jul1935, all b. Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 13 Av 5115 (petition) Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 289 DATABASE TABLES note: (petition) house superintendent; sp b. Wola Rozwinicka; arv NY 17mar1914, pet 378827 19aug1943; copy DofI 19400819 res NY Brooklyn, 12 St 269 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 299804; photo; copy {H54} Kawa, Peter WI Racine Co., Circuit Court pet 5582 apl 19360507; adm 19360930 CofA 14-14850 b. 18920318 PL Rzeczew arv 19091214 NY SS Finland from Antwerp under name: Kawa, Piotr mrr 19220930 WI Racine sp-, Marie b. 19000221 WI Sharon {I16} wit-Baran, Stanley res WI Racine, Center St 1500; bartender wit-Glodowski, Lewis res WI Racine, Howe St 1740; wood worker chi: Stanley 06dec1922, Leona 17dec1923, John 28dec1928, Theresa 16feb1933, S&L b. Racine, LJ&T b. Rosholt WI, all res Racine res WI Racine, 18 St 612 (petition) note: (petition) shoe maker; copy, prev pet No. 850, 08jul1930 WI Stevens Point; one wit incompetent (Circuit Court of Portage Co., WI Stevens Point) DofI 19330524 res WI Stevens Point [illegible] (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 773; photo; [barely readable copy]; filed in Circuit Court, WI Portage Co., Stevens Point {F38} Killian, Emiliy IL Chicago, US District Court pet 179609 apl 193903??; adm 19390711 b. 1892062? PL Tyczyn arv 19051222 BA SS Breslau from Bremen under name: Rutka, Emilia mrr 19121021 IL Chicago sp-, Albert b. 18920716 PL Kielce wit-illegible res IL illegible, illegible; clerk wit-illegible res IL illegible, illegible; florist chi: Helen 16jun1916, Elenor 06(Aug/Mar?)1918, Raymond 18nov1921, all b. & res Chicago res IL Chicago, Winona St 2421 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv NY may1909, natz 23mar192? SILCOO; age 47y; cert. No. 4663591; copy [barely readable] [#>] [>] [#>] Klimasz, Anna A NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 7004318 adm 19521230 b. 19251225 PL Ratyczow arv 19470821 NY under name: Wojcicka, mrr 19470720 NY Brooklyn sp-Klimasz, Steve b. 19110511 MA Adams wit-Klimasz, Steve NY Brooklyn wit-Gould, John James NY Brooklyn chi: Stanley 26dec1944 GR, Dorothy 30jan1948 res NY Brooklyn, 58 St 349 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; 5'5" 142 lbs; displaced person; A=Annastasia; b. Ratyczow, Lubelski {B35} Klimasz, Carolina MA Pittsfield, Superior Court Berkshire Co. pet 4151 apl 19280925; adm 19281227 b. 18940203 PL Rzeszow arv 19090218 NY SS Gothland from Antwerp mrr 19100607 MA Adams {B36} sp-Klimasz, Frank b. 18801224 PL Tyczyn wit-Szetela, Frank MA Adams; merchant wit-Bloniarz, Anthony MA Adams; undertaker chi: Stephen 11may1911, Sophie 28aug1913, John 24jun1915, Jennie 20oct1917, Isabela 03may1921, Lucian 25nov1923 290 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records res note: DofI res note: MA Adams, Edmund St 017 (petition) (petition) weaver; copy 19260223 MA Adams, Edmund St (DofI) (DofI) No. 006782; photo; copy; housewife {B36} Klimasz, Frank MA Pittsfield, Superior Court Berkshire Co. pet 4458 apl 19290605; adm 19300103 b. 18801224 PL Tyczyn arv 19061104 NY SS Kaiser August Victoria from Hamburg mrr 1910???? {B35} sp-, Caroline 1893 PL wit-Szetela, Frank MA Adams; merchant wit-Bloniarz, Anthony MA Adams; undertaker chi: Stefan 11may1911, Sofia 20aug1913, John 24jun1915, Genevieve 20oct1917, Isabel 03may1921, Lucian 03may1923 res MA Adams, Edmund St 070 (petition) note: (petition) carder; all chi b. & res Adams; copy DofI 19230215 res MA Adams, Jordan St 11 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 005640; trimmer; copy {B78} Klimasz, Stanislaw DofI 19170918 res NY Brooklyn, 03 St 664 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 082703; age 31y; lab; b. 05may1881 GL; arv 02feb1906 NY SS KWilliamdG from Bremen; wif Zofia b. & res AU {E21} Kmiotek, Stanislaw PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 76038 apl 19271010; adm 19280210 CofA 400653 03jun1927 b. 18920701 PL Nowy Borek arv 19120930 NY SS Lapland from Antwerp under name: Kmiotek, Jan sp-, Victoria b. 18941212 PL Rzeszow wit-Bazlak, Martin PA McKeesport; lab wit-Rybka, Kasper PA McKeesport; lab chi: Izabel 06nov1917, Peter 29jun1922, Irena 29nov1925, all b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Mayfair St 3806 (petition) note: (petition) laborer DofI 19220915 res PA McKeesport, White St 705 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 083993; mill worker; arv abt 01nov1912 SS Kroonland [+] Kociak, Louis adm 19370420 b. 19050424 PL res IL Chicago, S Loomis St 5038 (petition) note: (petition); cert. No. 4248756 IL Chicago, US District Court pet 152173 {H62} Kocur, Leo John PA Schuylkill Co, Common Pleas, Pottsville pet 11804 apl 19400905; adm 19410625 CofA 3-187768 b. 19091030 PL Rzesrow arv 19110509 PL SS Kaiser Wilhelm II from Bremen under name: Kocor, Leon mrr 19320502 NY New Rochelle sp-Molesky, Anna b. 19130827 PA St. Clair wit-Schuster, Charles G res PA St. Clair, Cinder Al; well driller wit-Keffer, William res PA St. Clair, S Front St 412; electrical contractor chi: Constance 04may1933, Virginia 02sep1937, all b. & res PA St. Clair res PA St. Clair, S Front St 438 (petition) note: (petition) coal miner; cert. No. 5024786 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 291 DATABASE TABLES {D40} Konkol, Frank PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 82268 apl 19281003; adm 19290628 CofA 587496 18aug1928 b. 18861110 PL Budziwoj arv 19091216 NY SS President Grant from Hamburg under name: Kakol, Franz wit-Bazlak, Martin PA McKeesport; lab {D37} wit-Pietras, Alexander PA McKeesport; lab res PA McKeesport, 09 Av 121 (petition) note: (petition) carp; sp none; no chi; copy DofI 19260119 note: (DofI) No. 113071; copy {F36} Konkol, Nellie adm 19401127 b. 18921225 wit-Skibinski, Tekla res IL Chicago, N Monticello Av 3134 wit-Kroll, Mary res IL Chicago, N Ridgeway Av 3324 res IL Chicago, N Monticello Av 3124 (petition) note: (petition); cert. No. 4952072 IL Chicago, US District Court pet 206484 {H32} Kosciolek, John MO St. Louis, US District Court, East Div DofI 19130414 res MO St. Louis, Mound St 810 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 6552; b. 16oct1889 Borek; UMOSLO; arv 11jun1907 NY SS Finland from Antwerp {A10} Kosciolek, Maks apl 18970622; adm 18970730 b. 18760620 PL Rzeszow arv 18920531 NY [+] wit-Dort, Casper res NY Buffalo, Peckham St 250; druggist wit-Stroka, Joseph res NY Buffalo, Fillmore Av 443 res NY Buffalo, Fillmore Av 639 (petition) note: (petition) printer; b. GL Rzeszow Co. {G08} Kosciolek, Teofil apl 18900403; adm 18921010 b. AU [+] wit-Dorcinwicz, Boleslaw wit-Kwiecikowski, Frank note: (petition); oath declared on filing date NY Erie Co., Buffalo pet 5880 NY Buffalo, Superior Court pet L20,P271 {C77} Kotula, Bronislaw B NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 81768 adm 19281113 b. 18930820 PL Rzeszow arv 19120520 NY SS Cincinatti {C78} sp-Kotula, Ludika Leniart 18960610 wit-Nurtkiewicz, Paul NY Brooklyn wit-Burghardt, John NY Brooklyn chi: Ludwig 28oct1918, Adolf 28nov1924 res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 287 (petition) note: (petition); sp pet No. 481961 27nov1951; B=Boleslaw DofI 19240428 note: (DofI) No. 066842; age 30y, 5'8", b. GL {B80} Kotula, Frank DofI 19150215 res NY Brooklyn, 06 St 664 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 047596; age 24y; lab; b. 04oct1890 GL; arv 13may1907 NY SS Kaiser William der Grosse from Bremen; SNYKIN 292 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records {B80} Kotula, Frank NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 81506 adm 19270913 b. 18901004 PL Przesow arv 19070513 NY SS Rhein {B52} sp-, Caroline 18921031 AU wit-Nurkiewicz, Paul NY Brooklyn wit-Burghardt, John NY Brooklyn chi: Aniela 11mar1912, Stefania 17aug1915, all b. Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 352 (petition) note: (petition); [ship wrongly listed as Kaiser Wihelm, but CofA is correct] DofI 19240428 note: (DofI) No. 066840 {C78} Kotula, Ludwiga L NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 481961 apl 19510823; adm 19511127 ARN 5094990 b. 18970412 PL Hermanowa arv 19130915 NY SS Kronprinzessin Cecilie from Hamburg under name: Leniart, Jadwiga mrr 19170211 NY Brooklyn {C77} sp-, Bronislaw wit-Skowronski, Martha res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 276; housewife [#>] wit-Yanda, Victoria res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 322; opr chi: Ludwig 28oct1917, Adolf 28oct1920, all b. & res NY res NY Brooklyn, 06 Av 677A (petition) note: (petition) housewife; L=Leniart; copy {A80} Kozdras, Agata NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 387126 apl 19430709; adm 19440103 CofA 2-711668 b. 18821030 PL Budziwoj arv 19300826 NY SS Polonia under name: Kozdras, Agata mrr 19040830 PA McKeesport {A86} sp-, Jan b. 188003 PL Budziwoj [#>] wit-Kozdras, Thomas res NY Brooklyn, 12 St 334; counterman {A87} wit-Yopek, Josephine res NY Brooklyn, 15 St 388; housewife chi: Jozef 14mar1905 b. McKeesport res PL, Helen 08sep1908 b. McKeesport res Brooklyn, Thomas 10dec1906 b. McKeesport res Brooklyn, Stanislawa 02mar1912 b. & res PL Budziwoj res NY Brooklyn, 05 Av 642 (petition) note: (petition) house maid; sp arv NY 1900; res Budziwoj; cert. No. 5731109; copy DofI 19400322 res NY Brooklyn, 05 Av 542 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 292806; photo {I97} Kozik, Wladylsaw MD Baltimore, Common Pleas, Baltimore pet 5445 apl 191?02??; adm 19200122 b. 18650915 PL Rzeszow arv 19020512 NY SS unknown from Bremen {I98} sp-, Julia b. 18681012 PL Budziwoj wit-Dembeck, John res MD Baltimore, E Lombard St 1829; laborer wit-Pfeifer, John res MD Baltimore, Fleet St 1739; grocer chi: Stefanie 24sep1896 b. McKeesport res Baltimore, Mary 07may1898 b. NJ Camden res SC, Wladyslawa 08feb1900 b. MS Biloxi res Baltimore, Peter 04jun1904 b. & res Baltimore res MD Baltimore, S Collington Av 321 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; departed GR Bremen 01may1902 DofI 19171206 res MD Baltimore, Aliceanna St 1929 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 298863; laborer, b. 15sep1865 Rzeszow; wif Julia res Baltimore, arv ship "do not remember" Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 293 DATABASE TABLES {G13} Krol, Teofil PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 80317 apl 19280604; adm 19281114 CofA 529913 25apr1928 b. 18970608 PL Rzeszow arv 19080918 NY SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse from Bremen under name: Czechowitz, Teofil {A08} sp-, Mary b. 18990617 PL Tyczyn {D32} wit-Skoczylas, Jacob Joseph PA McKeesport; foreman {D37} wit-Pietras, Alexander PA McKeesport; craneman chi: John 17aug1921, Josephine 27jul1922, Helen 20jul1924, all b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Jenny Lind St 1408 (petition) note: (petition) craneman DofI 19231114 note: (DofI) No. 093902; arv abt 18nov1909 [#>] Krupa, Frank NY Niagara Falls, SCNY pet 5993 apl 19370519; adm 19371001 b. 18970221 PL Piotrowice arv 19200421 NY SS Pocahontas under name: Krupa, Franciszek {A69} sp-, Catherine b. 19040411 PL Kilenarowa wit-Czechowski, Stanley res NY Niagara Falls, 24 St 239; lab wit-Nowakowski, Joseph res NY Niagara Falls, Falls St 1437; undertaker chi: Walter 27mar1923, Frances 02apr1925, Adela 25aug1926, Jennie 23jun1928, Chester 20apr1930, Irene 02mar1932, Henry 14sep1933 res NY Niagara Falls, 20 St 406 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; all chi b. & res Niagara Falls; pet filed w/form 169: service in PL army 11nov1917-9aug1919; copy; b. 'Piotrowice, Oswiecim' {B03} Kura, Jan NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 542869 apl 19550825; adm 19551122 ARN 7256009 b. 19210123 PL Hermanowa arv 19490817 NY SS USAT General Ballou wit-Lesczynski, John res NY Brooklyn, Clay St 46; broker wit-Czelusniak, Joseph B res NY Brooklyn, Dupont St 73; mail handler res NY Brooklyn, Dupont St 158A (petition) note: (petition) baker; sp none; no chi; copy {B08} Kura, Walenty NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 164598 apl 19320316; adm 19320316 CofA 2-170251 b. 18940214 PL Rzeszow arv 19130607 NY SS Baltic from Liverpool mrr 19160109 NY Brooklyn sp-, Aniela b. 1894 PL Makowsko wit-Smolenski, John res NY Brooklyn, Dupont St 11; undertaker wit-Sharp, Ignatius res NY Brooklyn, India St 155; iron worker res NY Brooklyn, Dupont St 164 (petition) note: (petition) taxi driver; no chi; copy DofI 19260929 note: (DofI) No. 121925; stencil worker; copy {G36} Kusnierz, Agata adm 19421127 b. 18850108 arv 19130624 NY wit-Wiatr, Mary res IL Chicago, Noble St 1237 wit-Franczak, Victoria Cleaver St 1229 res IL Chicago, W Cleaver St 1233 (petition) note: (petition); d.; dismissed 27nov1942 294 IL Chicago, US District Court pet 267574 CofA 11-237364 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records {C92} Kusnierz, Alexsy WA Seattle, US Dist Court, W Dist of WA pet 6438 apl 19200422; adm 19200424 b. 18870717 PL Tyczyn arv 19050428 NY SS Patricia from Hamburg wit-Matusta?, S WA Renton?; carpenter wit-Sio?lacek, John WA Renton?; sawyer res WA Bremerton, 05 St 230 (petition) note: (petition) student; sp none; sgl; copy; "inducted into Nat'l Army of the USA 03oct1917; honorably discharged 10sep1918" [ship arv year wrong]; cert. 1342083: scar back of left hand; res WA since 15aug1918 {F46} Kusnierz, Julia Helen WA Seattle, US Dist Court, W Dist of WA pet 42327 apl 19490315; adm 19490523 ARN 5077470 b. 19001007 PL Tyczyn arv 19130116 NY SS Finland from Antwerp under name: Szczoczarz, Julia mrr 19310429 WA Puyallup {C92} sp-Kusnierz, Alex b. 18870710 PL Tyczyn wit-Skya, Mary Helen res WA Seattle, Lima Terrace 9330; housewife wit-Carneski, Vincent res WA Renton, Park Av 248; meatcutter res WA Renton, Route 4, Box 130 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; no chi; cert. w/photo; mole on right side of neck; hus arv 1907 NY & natz 24apr1920 Seattle, cert. No. 1342083 [#>] Kwiatkowski, Franciszek NY Kings Co., Supreme Court pet 85925 apl 19271028; adm 19280221 b. 18771203 PL Posen arv 19020214 NY SS Graf Waldersee from Hamburg {E24} sp-, Paulina 18840620 AU wit-Nurkiewicz, Paul res NY Brooklyn, 04 Av 572; steamship agent wit-Granata, Thomas res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 279; real estate chi: Martin 12jul1905, John 24jun1907, Albert 14oct1909, Stanley 16mar1911, Catherine 08nov1913, Lottie 22may1915, Joe 16may1919, Ed 27mar1924 res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 140 (petition) note: (petition) mason; all chi b. & res Brooklyn DofI 19220703 note: (DofI) No. 142027; bricklayer {A72} Lalicki, Tomasz PA Scranton, US District Court M District pet 12264 apl 19220209; adm 1922abt b. 18910917 PL Tyczyn arv 19070520 NY SS Amerika from Hamburg [-] sp-, Katie 189307 AU wit-Frzel, Tomas PA Dupont; miner wit-Ledryta, Martin PA Dupont; miner chi: Edward 25jun1913, Julia 04apr1915, Helen 03jul1916, Clara 14apr1918, Thomas 07may1920 res PA Dupont, Redrow St 474 (petition) note: (petition) miner; all chi b. & res Dupont; copy; [ship wrongly listed as Kaiser Wilhelm, arv 19mar1907] DofI 19151029 res PA Dupont, Lincoln St 306 1/2 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 010095; b. 18dec1891; copy [>] Lasota, Wojciech PA Philadelphia, US District Court pet 115015 apl 19331011; adm 19370412 CofA 3-50803 14may1931 b. 18800423 PL Niechobsz arv 19060428 NY SS Patricia from Trieste under name: Laboda, Wojciech mrr 19140214 PA Manayunk {F84} sp-, Katrzina b. 18881125 PL Hermanow wit-Fornal, John res PA Philadelphia, Ritchie St 4517; lab Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 295 DATABASE TABLES wit-Bas, Joseph res PA Philadelphia, Carson St 205; toolmaker chi: Joseph 07may1915, Edward 16apr1918, John 13jun1920, all b. & res Philadelphia res PA Mnynk-Phila. Dupont St 205 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; sp arv NY 17sep1909; complexion medium; eyes blue; hair brown; 5'2"; 148 lbs; Bas sig as "Basara" DofI 19310612 note: (DofI) No. 128719; chi Josef 16ap1914, Edward 12my1918, John 15sp1920; Katarzyna b. 05feb1889, mrr 13feb1913; photo {A73} Leniart, John NY Kings Co., Supreme Court pet 45044 apl 19190925; adm 19210610 b. 18890121 GL arv 19050824 NY SS Pennsylvania from Hamburg {A71} sp-, Walerya 18840808 AU wit-Belling, Frank Adam res NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 717; real estate wit-Burghardt, John res NY Brooklyn, 17 St 361; carpenter chi: Bronislaw 22dec1914, Martin & Victoria, b. 10nov1918 (twins) res Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 16 St 245 (petition) note: (petition) distiller; Pet V181,P194; [ship wrongly listed as SS New York, arv 12aug1905] DofI 19170331 note: (DofI) No. 071472; V143,P472; 5'4", 145 lbs, 19 St 193, [arv listed wrong 12aug1905 SS Pennsylvania] {I55} Les, Stanislaw DofI 19230212 res NY Brooklyn, 17 St 141 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 150142; age 28y; b.13apr1895 Tyczyn; arv NY 01jul1912 SS Hamburg from Hamburg; wif Sophie b. PL same res {B38} Lewko, Katarzyna NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 480486 apl 19510611; adm 19510717 ARN 4332174 b. 18970619 PL Tyczyn arv 19130905 NY SS Kronprinzessin Cecilie from Bremen under name: Bomba, Katarzyna mrr 19150523 NY Brooklyn sp-Lewko, Joseph b. 18910403 PL Jaroslaw [#>] wit-Lewko, Louis res NY Brooklyn, 47 St 624; counterman [#>] wit-Osmanski, Josephine res NY Brooklyn, 47 St 624; housewife chi: Mieczyslaw 30may1916, Louis 04dec1919, Josephine 19mar1924, Richard 31aug1938, all b. Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 47 St 624 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; age 53y, 5'4", 145 lbs; copy {D21} Malak, Agata PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 105244 apl 19370216; adm 19380404 b. 18820616 PL Hermanowa arv 19050422 NY SS Main from Bremen under name: Szczypek, Anna mrr 19070420 PA McKeesport {D11} sp-, Frank b. 18790816 PL Hermanowa wit-Orzechowski, Anna res PA McKeesport, Jenny Lind St 1343; housewife wit-Razny, Walenty res PA McKeesport, Jenny Lind St 1350; tinner chi: Stanley 16mar1908, Catherine 27nov1910, Julia 25nov1912, Sophia 05apr1915, Victoria 03may1920, Rose 24aug1917, Veronica 14mar1923 res PA McKeesport, Byron Al 1413 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv NY oct1904, natz 18dec1922 Pittsburgh; all chi b. & res McKeesport; copy {D11} Malak, Frank apl 19220815; adm 19221218 b. 18800807 PL Hermanowa 296 PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 44186 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records arv 19040615 NY SS Friedrich der Grosse from Bremen {D21} sp-, Agata 18840615 AU wit-Walk, Chas. res PA McKeesport, Walnut St 1319; constable wit-Reisberg, Isider L res PA McKeesport, Walnut St 1244; merchant chi: Stanley 06apr1908, Katie 08mar1912, Julia 19oct1914/5/6?, Soffia 06feb1914?, Rose 05jul1917, Victoria 14apr1920 res PA McKeesport, Byran Al 1413 (petition) note: (petition) steelworker; all chi b. & res McKeesport; copy; [ship wrongly listed as Kaiser Wilhelm] DofI 19200809 note: (DofI) No. 068016; copy {E06} Malak, Roman IL Chicago, US District Court pet 102318 apl 19310513; adm 19311104 CofA 11-50300 b. 18851010 PL Hermanowa arv 19100421 NY SS President Grant from Hamburg under name: Malak, Roman mrr 19120413 PA Ridgway sp-, Magalena b. 188806 PL Blonwa wit-Kadlec, Rudolph F res IL Chicago, S Tripp Av 2704; conductor st. car wit-Plucinski, William B res IL Chicago, S Kostner Av 2637; clerk, county court chi: Mary 08dec1909 PL, Stella 22feb1914 Ridgway, Peter 20may1916 Ridgway, Helen 01aug1919 IN E Chicago, all res Chicago res IL Chicago, S Tripp Av 2710 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; sp arv unknown 1912; cert. No. 3502549; Mary b. out of wedlock; "Pluanski" DofI 19280505 note: (DofI) No. 187306; Magdalena; copy [#>] Marciniec, Jacob NY Orange Co., Supreme Court pet 297 apl 19120518 b. 18690715 AU Gorno arv 18920426 NY SS Dresden sp-, Agnes AU Sulca chi: Frank 07jun1902, Annie 07nov1904, William 09nov1909, Agnes 26sep1911, all b. Newburgh res NY Newburgh, Hasbrouck St 46 (petition) note: (petition) machinist; V3,P47 DofI 19021107 res NY Newburgh, William St 103 (DofI) {B61} Matula, Marya NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 227059 apl 19370104; adm 19390608 b. 18850215 PL Budziwoj arv 19030315 NY SS Barbarossa from Bremen under name: Grubianka, Mary mrr 19110226 NY Brooklyn {C86} sp-, John b. 18870510 PL Budziwoj [#>] wit-Matula, Nellie res NY Brooklyn, 07 Av 592; bundler wit-Vardy, Josephine res NY Brooklyn, 20 St 290; housewife chi: Stephanie 24mar1912, Edward 06may1913, Nellie 01apr1915, Wanda 12oct1916, Frank 06feb1919, Julia 24jan1923 res NY Brooklyn, 07 Av 592 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp d.; cert. No. 4309978; all chi b. & res Brooklyn DofI 19340129 note: (DofI) No. 222981; photo; copy; wid; hus arv 27oct1905 NY {H52} Miciuda, John MI Detroit, US District Court pet 192291 CofA 8-191541 note: (petition); pet dismissed/denied 25nov1946 "failure to prosecute" DofI 19410131 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 297 DATABASE TABLES res MI Hamtramck, Belmont St 3165 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 141511; photo; copy; sgl; b. 06apr1898 PL; last res Budziwoj; arv 21may1914 NY SS Vaderland [#>] Mikrut, Marja O NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 221860 apl 19360917; adm 19361222 CofA 2-431831 08nov1935 b. 18960924 PL Warsaw arv 19120215 NY SS President Grant from Hamburg under name: Olstinska, Maryanna mrr 19290814 NJ Jersey City sp-, Walter b. 18910702 PL Borek {A75} wit-Mikrut, Walter res NY Brooklyn, Prospect Av 250; motorman [-] wit-Kmiotek, Aloysius res NY Brooklyn, Prospect Av 246; artist chi: Helen 26aug1915, Stefania 21nov1916, Jerena 16may1918, Florentina 15nov1919, Teodor 07jun1922, Genevieve 17mar1934 res NY Brooklyn, Prospect Av 250 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp present hus; natz 21jan1926 Brooklyn; cert. No. 4142946; hs1 Stefan Florkiewicz d. 1928 Jersey City; first 5 chi of hs1 b. Jersey City; last b. Brooklyn of hs2 {A75} Mikrut, Walter NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 50229 apl 19251020; adm 19260121 CofA 2212 09may1925 b. 18890721 PL Borek arv 19120625 NY SS Rotterdam from Rotterdam under name: Mikrut, Wladyslaw wit-Kovnig, Henry res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 192; real estate wit-Ritze, John res NY Brooklyn, 21 St 341; motorman chi: Helen 24sep1916, Teddy 02aug1918, Mieczyslaw 09jul1920, Stella 01apr1922, all b. Brooklyn, res Hamtramck MI res NY Brooklyn, Prospect Av 250 (petition) note: (petition) motorman; sp wid; cert. No. 2311328; b. Rzeszow AU DofI 19230720 res NY Brooklyn, Prospect Av 314 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 157706; copy; wif Rosie; b. 20jul1889 {E10} Mimowicz, John NY New York, Supreme Court pet 51807 apl 19150720; adm 19151208 b. 18880415 RU Kovna RUS arv 19071030 NY SS Kronprinz Wilhelm from Bremen {E04} sp-Szpala, Domicela PL Tisczyn wit-Krohn, Dudley D res NY Brooklyn, Manhattan Av 1080; merchant wit-Salayka, Stephan res NY Brooklyn, Berry St 082; watchman res NY New York, W 77 St 128 (petition) note: (petition) chef; sp b. AU; cert. says age 29y; no chi; cert. No. 611868 DofI 19110527 res NY Brooklyn, E 60 St 411 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 934288; copy; b. RU Towaint; last foreign res AU Tyczyn {A06} Mulkis, Rozalia NY New York, US District Court S District pet 393141 apl 19411216; adm 19420723 CofA 2-627244; ARN 1091666 b. 19??0512 PL Harmonowa arv 19201129 NY SS United States from Danzig under name: Fornal, Rozalia mrr 19240224 NY New York City sp-, Kasimer b. 18940305 LT Kewno wit-Tarczynski Fornal, Mary res NY Bronx, Lowell St 1050; sales clerk wit-Rzemenowski, Valentine res NY Bronx, E 151 St 270?; writer chi: Anna 12may1925, Caroline ??jul1931; all b. & res NYC res NY Bronx, Lowell St 1043 (petition) note: (petition) domestic & housewife; sp arv NY 29apr1913, natz 13feb1931 NY New York; hus cert. No. 3427398; wit sig "Mary Tarczynski Fornal" 298 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records {E77} Opiala, Antoni adm 19250320 b. 18810515 PL arv 19060222 wit-Kruzel, Jan res IL Chicago, Wabansia Av 1923 wit-Tabisz, Roman res IL Chicago, Sloan St 1337 res IL Chicago, Chappin St 1336 (petition) IL Cook Co., Superior Court pet 63330 {F00} Opiela, Apolonia IL Chicago, US District Court pet 246796 adm 19420107 CofA 11-317534 b. 18810321 PL Borek Stary arv 19060919 NY SS Barbarossa from Bremen under name: Stoklasa, Apolonia mrr 190910?? IL Chicago {E77} sp-, Anthony b. 18?????? PL Borek Stary [?] wit-Kolak, Rose res IL Chicago, N Winchester Av 1737 [?] wit-Driscol, Helen res IL Chicago, Nobel St 1232 chi: Virginia 27jul1910, Alex 19feb1913, Thaddeus ????1914; Frances [f] 29jul1918, all b. & res Chicago, exc. Thaddeus res US Army, TN Camp Forrest res IL Chicago, N Winchester Av 1739 (petition) note: (petition); sp b. ??ju?18??, arv date unknown NY, natz 20mar1925 SILCOO; wid; cert. No. 5507811 {B62} Opiola, Wojciech NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 379393 adm 19430901 b. 19040725 PL Borek Stary arv 19370311 NY SS Batory from Gdynia mrr 19310623 PL Stary Borek {X19} sp-, Stephania b. 19111010 PA McKeesport {X19} wit-Opiola, Stephania res NY Brooklyn, 24 St 214; housewife wit-Sroka, Anna res NY New York, E 62 St 118; domestic chi: Edward 27dec1938 b. Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 24 St 214 (petition) note: (petition) longshoreman; age 38y, 5'10'' 175 lbs {D35} Paczesniak, Michal PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 94550 apl 19320516; adm 19320922 CofA 6-24244 14apr1932 b. 18910115 PL Biala arv 19091219 NY SS Zieten from Bremen mrr 19150424 PA McKeesport {D36} sp-, Victoria b. 18910520 PL Biala wit-Pulchlopek, Joseph res PA McKeesport, Market St 1034; millworker wit-Wozniak, John res PA McKeesport, Fairmont St 540; grocer chi: Helen 16jul1918, Gertrude 16dec1919, Olga 30may1922, all b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Mary St 1043 (petition) note: (petition) millworker; copy DofI 19290604 note: (DofI) No. 128728; steel chipper; copy {D94} Paleshko, Honorata PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 119443 apl 19400301; adm 19401217 CofA 6-79545 19jul1939 b. 18910106 PL Bujive arv 19100810 PH SS Hannover from Bremen under name: Pasko, Honorata mrr 19300703 PA Pittsburgh sp-, Alex b. 18900321 PL Dovatke wit-Tkach, Anna res PA Port Vue, Gray St 1620; housewife wit-Sopczak, Nellie res PA Port Vue, Edmundson Av 811; housewife chi: Anna 11sep1916, Joe 14mar1918, Nellie 24jun1920, Adam 16apr1923, Helen 03aug1925, Theodore 14dec1926, Chester 27dec1930, Jean 13jun1933 res PA Port Vue, Mound St 611 (petition) Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 299 DATABASE TABLES note: (petition) housewife; sp hs2; arv PH jun1907; natz 10dec1926 UPAPIT; copy; Anna & Joe b. McKeesport; other chi b. Port Vue; all res Port Vue; name changed to Eleanor Paleshko; hus natz cert. No. 2405374; in Allegheny Co. since sep1915 {G59} Palka, Aleksy PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 101760 apl 19360106; adm 19360407 CofA 6-29103 b. 18890501 PL Biala arv 19070316 NY SS Weimar from Bremen under name: Palka, Aleksander mrr 19100115 PA McKeesport sp-, Katherine b. 18791125 PL Sanok wit-Wozniak, John res PA McKeesport, Vermont St 540; grocery store ownr wit-Lesniak, Onufer res PA McKeesport, Enterprise St 919; steel millwkr res PA McKeesport, Dome St 120 (petition) note: (petition) steel mill worker; sp arv NY sep1905; no chi; copy DofI 19331017 note: (DofI) No. 136347; photo; wif arv sep1906; prior DofI No. 40515 29mar1917 UPAPIT {G60} Palka, Jozef PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 110457 apl 19380603; adm 19390403 CofA 6-28859 b. 18930319 PL Biala arv 19200629 NY SS Mercury from Danzig under name: Palka, Jozef mrr 19261120 PA McKeesport sp-, Veronica b. 19090626 PA McKeesport {F13} wit-Pasko, Thomas res PA McKeesport, Jenny Lind St 1331; tester at Nat'l Tube Co wit-Waskowitz, Piter res PA Port Vue, Trimble Av 1706; lab chi: Gertrude 07sep1927, Anthony 14jul1929, all b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Mary St 1041 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; copy DofI 19220922 note: (DofI) No. 136133; photo; prior DofI No. 112402 11dec1925 UPAPIT {G85} Palka, Mike PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 144669 apl 19440217; adm 19440501 CofA 6-101465 b. 18850921 PL Maytsowka arv 19070311 NY SS Pretoria from Hamburg under name: Palka, Michal wit-Mandella, Andrew J res PA McKeesport, Idaho Av 2815; real estate & insurance wit-Lesniewski, Nicholas res PA McKeesport, Baldwin Av 2115; meat distributor res PA McKeesport, Ringgold St 511 (petition) note: (petition) meat cutter; no chi; copy; not mrr; scar under left eye DofI 19410414 note: (DofI) No. 163746; photo {C15} Pasko, Edward NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 280832 apl 19400513; adm 19400820 CofA 2-187328 b. 19001123 PL Tyczyn arv 19100607 NY SS Vaderland from Antwerp under name: Pasko, Edward mrr 19300629 NY Brooklyn {X28} sp-, Helen b. 19110501 NY Brooklyn wit-Godsoe, Robert res NY Hillside Hgts, Heywood St 52; mechanic wit-Vancavage, John res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 375; die caster chi: Jenny 02nov1931, Bernice 31dec1932, Anna 15mar1936, Thomas 08dec1939, all b. & res Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 46 St 255 (petition) note: (petition) machinist; copy DofI 19370322 res NY Brooklyn, 49 St 339 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 257480; photo; copy; scar on left cheek (prior DofI 2-187328? 06aug1928 Brooklyn?) 300 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records {B47} Pasko, Franciszek NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 297116 apl 19401108; adm 19411215 b. 18960301 PL Budziwoj arv 19271024 NY SS Polonia from Danzig under name: Pasco, Franciszek mrr 19210713 PL Tyczyn [?] sp-, Bronislawa b. 189205 PL Tyczyn wit-Turowski, Marcel res NY Brooklyn, 26 St 184; foundry worker wit-Kozlowski, Stanislaw res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 306; painter chi: Wanda 17jun1922, Maria 09sep1926, all b. Tyczyn res NY Brooklyn, 21 St 351 (petition) note: (petition) ham-presser; sp & chi res Tyczyn; copy DofI 19331108 note: (DofI) No. 220719; photo; copy; laborer, wif b. may1893 {C76} Pasko, Julius NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 90713 apl 19271223; adm 19280508 b. 18880520 PL Budziwoj arv 19120314 NY SS Vaderland from Liverpool sp-, Balwina 1889 AU wit-Pyzak, Frank res NY Brooklyn, 06 Av 511; real estate wit-Kowalski, Frank J res NY Brooklyn, 06 Av 5617; inspector chi: Bronislawa 02jul1916, Casmir 09jun1918, all b. & res Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 17 St 469 (petition) note: (petition) iron worker; copy; [ship wrongly listed as SS Campania 24aug1913] DofI 19250302 note: (DofI) No. 085517; arv 26aug1913, wif b. AU Grabownica; copy {F13} Pasko, Thomas PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 84288 apl 19290130; adm 19290501 b. 18940501 PL Budziwoj arv 19130721 NY SS Lapland from Antwerp {C50} sp-, Nellie 18970315 PL {D37} wit-Pietras, Alexander PA McKeesport; mill worker {C79} wit-Borowiec, Kazimerz PA McKeesport; lab res PA McKeesport, Jenny Lind St 1331 (petition) note: (petition) mill worker; no chi; wif res NY Brooklyn DofI 19250309 res PA McKeesport, Hicks Av 526 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 107380; arv 20jul1913; wif res with me {C23} Pasko, Vincent Joseph NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 66377 apl 19261029; adm 19270201 b. 19030716 PL Tyczyn arv 19100607 NY SS Vaderland from Antwerp wit-Dec Cicco, James res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 567; barber wit-Dezego, Robert res NY Brooklyn, Av "O" 721; paper stock res NY Brooklyn, 15 St 390 (petition) note: (petition) machinist; sp none; no chi DofI 19230127 note: (DofI) No. 148950; [arv wrongly listed as NY from Bremen SS Finland 08jun1910]; SNYKIN; copy {D41} Pasko, Wladyslaw NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 549046 apl 19560121; adm 19560410 ARN 7919937 b. 19111011 PL Budziwoj arv 19501206 NY SS Washington under name: Pasko, Wladyslaw mrr 19521122 NY Brooklyn sp-, Stephanie b. 19110909 NY Brooklyn wit-Pasko, Stephanie res NY Brooklyn, Jewell St 45; housewife Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 301 DATABASE TABLES wit-Konnick, Anna M res NY Brooklyn, Bedford Av 114; housewife res NY Brooklyn, Jewell St 045 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; no chi; copy {C85} Pasko, Wojciech NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 395846 apl 19431015; adm 19440121 CofA 2-834064 b. 18910423 PL Budziwoj arv 19120520 NY SS Cincinatti from Hamburg under name: Paszko, Wojciech mrr 19160611 NY Brooklyn {B48} sp-, Wiktorja b. 18960222 PL Budziwoj [#>] wit-Burke, Antonina res NY Brooklyn, 17 St 469; housewife {A87} wit-Yopek, Josephina res NY Brooklyn, 15 St 388; housewife chi: Antonina 21jun1917, John 11mar1919, Walter 21sep1920, all b.& res Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 17 St 469 (petition) note: (petition) longshoreman; sp arv NY 03jun1913; copy DofI 19410804 note: (DofI) No. 314599; photo; copy [#>] Patronski, Magdalena NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 512346 apl 19540409; adm 19540528 ARN 1837125 b. 18951214 PL Pelnatycze arv 19130305 NY SS Lapland under name: Drabik, Magdalena mrr 19200905 NY Brooklyn {B09} sp-, Ignatz b. 18920715 PL Hermanowa [#>] wit-Creegan, Stella res NY Elmhurst, Elmhurst Av 85-12; housewife [?] wit-Les, Josephine res NY Brooklyn, 26 St 219; housewife chi: Stella 25sep1922, Edward 13sep1925, all b. Brooklyn; Stella res Long Island, Edward res CA res NY Brooklyn, 05 Av 718 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; hus d. 1942 NY New York; copy {A60} Pekala, Antoni NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 392509 apl 19430902; adm 19440309 CofA 2-764897 b. 18990505 PL Budziwoj arv 19280828 NY SS Estonia from Danzig mrr 19201030 PL Tyczyn {A57} sp-, Karolina b. 19021026 PL Tyczyn [#>] wit-Opiola, Stephanie res NY Brooklyn, 24 St 214; housewife [#>] wit-Jaskowak, Agnes res NY Brooklyn, 56 St 519; housewife res NY Brooklyn, 02 Av 339 (petition) note: (petition) machinist; sp arv NY 28aug1928; no chi; last res Tyczyn; departed US 20apr1934-19mar1935 & 24jun1937- 15mar1938; copy DofI 19410108 res NY Brooklyn, 22 St 559 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 305860; photo; copy; cut on left face {B18} Pekala, Antonina NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 366823 apl 19430118; adm 19431118 CofA 2-535994 b. 19001212 PL Kilenarowa arv 19270606 NY SS Leviathan under name: Drazek, Antonia mrr 19361119 PL Kielnarowa {B24} sp-, Antoni b. 19071020 PL Stary Borek [#>] wit-Cyran, Helen res NY Brooklyn, 06 Av 658; bookkeeper wit-Turowska, Sophie res NY Brooklyn, 26 St 184; housewife chi: Wanda 14sep1927 [wrong:1937], Frederyk 04feb1940, all b. & res Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 22 St 186 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv NY 06apr1939; departed from US 04aug1936-15jul1937; copy DofI 19371013 res NY Brooklyn, 06 Av 735 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 263809; photo; copy; arv from England 302 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records {A57} Pekala, Karolina NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 392508 apl 19430902; adm 19431216 CofA 2-764896 b. 19021025 PL Budziwoj arv 19280828 NY SS Estonia from Danzig under name: Pekala, Karolina mrr 19201030 PL Tyczyn {A60} sp-, Antoni b. 18990505 PL Budziwoj [#>] wit-Opiola, Stephanie res NY Brooklyn, 24 St 214; housewife [#>] wit-Jaskowak, Agnes res NY Brooklyn, 56 St 519; housewife res NY Brooklyn, 22 St 339 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; no chi; aka Karolina Data; copy; b. "Budziwoj Tyczyn" DofI 19410108 note: (DofI) No. 030585; photo; copy; b. Tyczyn {B97} Peszko, Frances adm 19380809 b. 18870309 PL Siedliska arv 19050304 NY under name: Giesnicki, mrr 19080614 NY Brooklyn {B45} sp-Peszko, Jan b. 18850315 PL Tyczyn [#>] wit-Peszko, Josephine res NY Brooklyn, Eagle St 179; housewife wit-Wojcik, Bronislawa res NY Brooklyn, Humbolt St 638; housewife chi: Jozef 01may1909, Edward 25sep1920, Henry 09dec1926, all b. Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, Narrows Av 7107 (petition) pet 244506 {B45} Peszko, John NY Kings Co., Supreme Court pet 38074 adm 19250423 b. 18850310 PL Tyczyn arv 19050605 NY SS Barbarossa from Bremen {B97} sp-, Franciszka 18870305 wit-Belling, Frank Adam NY Brooklyn wit-Javorski, Valentine NY Brooklyn chi: Joe 01may1909, Edward 25oct1920 res NY Brooklyn, 10 St 243 (petition) DofI 19220427 res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 131 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 138774; "73 St" [23 St is correct], age 37y blacksmith, 05jun190_; V278,P274 SNYKIN; copy {B13} Peszko, Stanislaw adm 19310203 b. PL res MO Jefferson Cit, E Ashley St 113 (petition) note: (petition); mrr MO Cole Co., State Circuit Court pet 93 {C61} Piechowicz, Bronislawa PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 105854 apl 19370428; adm 19370927 CofA 6-52640 b. 19000809 PL Tyczyn arv 19060905 NY SS Oceanic from Liverpool under name: Filip, Bronislawa mrr 19171126 PA McKeesport sp-Piechowicz, Andrej b. 18881021 PL Jurkow wit-Cwiek, Anna res PA McKeesport, Walnut St 1048; housewife, Mrs wit-Bilsky, Vera res PA McKeesport, Tube Works St; housewife, Mrs chi: Stanley 11jan1921, Helen 19dec1923, Edward 25dec1925, Walter 02feb1929, Raymond 15jul1935, all b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Locust St 1315 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv NY 30dec1913; natz 17sep1923 UPAPIT; copy; hus natz cert. No. 1958132 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 303 DATABASE TABLES {A89} Pieniazek, Karol PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 21331 apl 19170814; adm 19180213 b. 18650128 PL Tyczyn arv 18920903 NY SS Amsterdam from Rotterdam {A88} sp-, Mary 18741111 AU wit-Weldon, William M PA McKeesport; burgess & justice of peace wit-Blaha, Joseph PA McKeesport; millworker chi: Anton 10may1897, Thomas 21dec1899, Joseph 13feb1902, Stan 08may1905, John 18jun1908, Pete 13sep1909, Helen 06dec1911, Josefine 18jan1914, George 13jun1915 res PA Port Vue, Pride St 704 (petition) note: (petition) millworker; sp b. AU-HU; all chi b. McKeesport, res Port Vue, except Anton & Stanley b. NY Brooklyn; copy DofI 19150726 note: (DofI) No. 030365; blue mark on forehead, misspelled "Piemazek"; copy {B82} Pienta, Frank NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 419475 apl 19441116; adm 19441226 CofA 2-951659 b. 18811111 PL Tyczyn arv 19070709 NY SS Kroonland from Bremen under name: Pieta, Franciszek mrr 19100718 NY Brooklyn {B46} sp-, Victoria [#>] wit-Coppola, Stephanie res NY Brooklyn, 13 St 304; housewife [#>] wit-Barone, Nora res NY Brooklyn, Lorraine St 17; housewife chi: Nora 22apr1909, Stephanie 18jan1913, Antoinette 27mar1920, Josephine 24aug1922, Edward 19oct1925 res NY Brooklyn, 13 St 296 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; 5'5" 148 lbs, all chi b. & res Brooklyn; [mrr wrongly listed as 1908]; copy DofI 19420916 res NY Brooklyn, 11 St 496 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 337271; photo; copy {G58} Pienta, Jan PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 98236 apl 19340531; adm 19341001 CofA 6X-1599 b. 18781215 PL Biala arv 19000305 NY SS unknown from Hamburg under name: Pienta, Jan mrr 190208 PA McKeesport sp-, Victoria b. 1883 PL Rzeszow wit-Bazlak, Martin res PA McKeesport, Stewart St 2808; lab wit-Mandella, Andrew J res PA McKeesport, Idaho St 2815; insurance chi: Stanley 05oct1908, Stella 15jul1912, Leokadia 01jan1922, all b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Grant St 927 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; sp arv NY 1901; d. nov1928; copy DofI 19280126 note: (DofI) No. 123404; John Pinto; gas maker; SS Rotterdam from Hamburg to NY 08mar1900 {B46} Pienta, Victoria NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 367721 apl 19430122; adm 19430608 CofA 2X-89247 b. 18840908 PL Tyczyn arv 19060227 NY SS Finland from Antwerp under name: Para, Wiktorya mrr 19100718 NY Brooklyn {B82} sp-, Frank [#>] wit-Karvelas, Helen res NY Brooklyn, 41 St 1178; housewife [#>] wit-Coppola, Stephanie res NY Brooklyn, 13 St 331; housewife chi: Nora 22apr1911 [wrong:1909], Stephania 18jan1913, Antoinette 27mar1920, Josephine 24aug1922, Edward 19oct1925 res NY Brooklyn, 11 St 496 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; all chi b. & res Brooklyn; [mrr wrongly listed as 1908]; copy 304 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records DofI 19400119 res NY Brooklyn, 02 Av 201 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 390301; photo; copy {D37} Pietras, Alexander PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 36541 apl 19210328; adm 19211006 b. 18870226 PL Biala arv 19020720 NY SS unknown from Hamburg sp-, Julia 18940110 AU wit-Fawcett, Harry G PA McKeesport; safety engineer wit-Cascia, Frank PA McKeesport; foreman chi: Stella 13oct1913, Thomas 17aug1917, all b. & res McKeesport res PA Port Vue, Glenn Av 1611 (petition) note: (petition) craneman; wif d.; copy DofI 19170813 res PA Versailles, 03 St 609 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 048961; wif res with me; right hand crippled; copy {B50} Plodzien, Thomas M MA Franklin Co., Superior Court pet 2490 apl 19481122; adm 19500112 CofA 0203K2573, 1R205591; ARN 5138453 b. 18881112 PL Borek Stary arv 19120506 NY SS unknown from Antwerp under name: Plodzien, Tomasz Marti mrr 19130409 MA Turners Falls {B49} sp-, Nellie b. 18900511 PL Stary Borek wit-Kuczek, John res MA Turners Falls, 11 St 028; police guard wit-Potosek, John W res MA Turners Falls, I St 023; polisher chi: Blanche 30jul1914, Joseph 15feb1915, Emelia 20feb1917, Czeslawa 09sep1922, Czeszlaw 09sep1927 res MA Turners Falls, I St 023 (petition) note: (petition) papermaker; sp arv NY apr1910; all chi b. & res Turners Falls; scar base left thumb & cleft chin; M=Martin; copy DofI 19450706 note: (DofI) No. 002931; Blanche b. 1913, Joe 20feb, Emelia 11dec1916, Jessie 20feb1922 also DofI 1353 31may1923; copy [#>] Pokrywka, Frank PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 24766 apl 19190116; adm 19230123 b. 18840613 PL Babica arv 19041111 NY SS Phoenicia from Hamburg {B39} sp-, Stella 18880615 AU wit-Mercur, Samuel PA McKeesport; police officer wit-Burda, Anthony PA McKeesport; barber chi: John 06oct1912, Stanislaw 01jul1914, Halene 08aug1916, Vanda 25sep1918 res PA Port Vue, Monroe St 1020 (petition) note: (petition) pipe threader; sp b. AU-HU; all chi b. McKeesport, res Port Vue, except Vanda b. Port Vue; copy DofI 19170115 res PA McKeesport, Market St 934 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 037614; wif Stanislawa; copy {B39} Pokrywka, Stanislawa PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 107175 apl 19370923; adm 19380503 CofA 6-48898 29mar1937 b. 18900515 PL Kielnarowa arv 19230806 NY SS Carmania from Danzig under name: Pokrywka, Stanislawa mrr 19061117 PA McKeesport sp-Pokrywka, Frank b. 1885 PL Babica wit-Mercur, Zeimvil res PA McKeesport, 07 St 121; merchant wit-Mercur, Sol. Robert res PA McKeesport, 07 St 121; law student Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 305 DATABASE TABLES chi: John 14sep1911, Stanley 26jun1914, Helen 05aug1916, Alex 15sep1924, Edward 08aug1926, Sophia 06nov1927 res PA McKeesport, Rison St 901 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv McKeesport 17nov1906, natz 23jan1923 Pittsburgh; chi b. & res McKeesport, except Stanley res Glassport; name changed to Stella Pokrywka; copy; b. "Kielnarowa-Czerwonka" [#>] Pokrywka, Wojciech PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 78260 apl 19280203; adm 19280507 b. 18860319 PL Babica arv 19051118 NY SS Pennsylvania from Hamburg wit-Bozlak, Martin PA McKeesport; lab wit-Rybka, Kasper PA McKeesport; lab chi: Stella 04jul1909, Helen 17apr1910, Elward 09jun1912 res PA McKeesport, Lynn St 1122 1/2 (petition) note: (petition) carp; wid; aka Albert Pokrywka; chi b. & res McKeesport, except Elward b. PL; copy DofI 19230108 res PA McKeesport, Mulberry St 820 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 085899; wif Veronica b. PL; missing part of 2 fingers left hand; copy {I52} Predki, Wiktor PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 84283 apl 19290130; adm 19290501 b. 18890313 PL Budzaj arv 19130225 NY SS Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm from Bremen {H44} sp-, Sophia b. 1889 PL Budzwaj {D37} wit-Pietras, Alexander PA McKeesport; millworker {C79} wit-Borawiec, Kuzimierz PA McKeesport; millworker chi: Alexander ????, Wanda ????? res PA McKeesport, Grover Av 3405 (petition) note: (petition) millworker; [b. dates and places of chi censored out by archive clerk 2004]; copy; cert. No. 3008060 DofI 19261102 res PA McKeesport, Fillos St 5 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 118114; wif Sophia b. PL; occ lab; last foreign res Rzeszow PL; copy {B63} Prokop, Stanley NY Niagara Falls, SCNY pet 3316 apl 19281122; adm 19290408 b. 18821115 PL Tyczyn arv 19090122 NY SS Konig Albert from Bremen sp-Prokop, Tophilia b. 18851225 PL Schinawa wit-Robinson, Arnold C res NY Niagara Falls, Spruce Av 364; opr wit-Collins, James res NY Niagara Falls, 06 St 437; opr res NY Niagara Falls, Jerauld Av 2526 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; no chi; copy DofI 19260909 note: (DofI) No. 004581; [ship wrongly listed as SS Grosser Kurfuerst 03feb1909]; copy [>] Prokop, Teofila W NY Niagara Falls, SCNY pet 8736 apl 19411008; adm 19411202 b. 18871224 PL Sienowa arv 19090209 NY SS Kronprinzessin Cecilie under name: Kostkiewiczowna,Teofil mrr 19110430 NY Brooklyn {B63} sp-, Stanley b. 18821115 PL Tyczyn wit-Kazaik, Frances res NY Niagara Falls, 29 St 509; housewife wit-Zuba, Nellie res NY Niagara Falls, Mackenna Av 2217 res NY Niagara Falls, Jerauld Av 2526 (petition) note: (petition); sp arv NY 03feb1909, natz; no chi; 4'10", age 53y; W=Wiktoria; b. "Sienowa, Jaroslaw" 306 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records {I57} Puc, Ignacy DofI 19201123 res NY Brooklyn, Baltic St 569 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 115944; age 26y; lab; b. 04feb1894 GL; arv McKeesport 18jun1912 NY SS Zeeland from Antwerp; sgl; SNYKIN {A30} Rogus, Agata NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 139396 apl 19300117; adm 19310224 CofA 2-28313 b. 18850407 PL Budziwoj arv 19050628 NY SS Bremen from Bremen under name: Grobianka, Agata mrr 19060923 NY Brooklyn {A32} sp-Rogus, Jan b. 18750315 PL Hermanowa {A32} wit-Rogus, Jan res NY Brooklyn, 22 St 347; cabinet maker [#>] wit-Rogus, Helen res NY Brooklyn, 22 St 347; telephone opr chi: Helen 05aug1907, Sadie 07feb1909, Edward 25may1910, Jennie 29nov1913, Adolph 17jun1916, Fred 13aug1921 res NY Brooklyn, 22 St 347 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp natz 08aug1928 Brooklyn; all chi b. & res Brooklyn; copy; ship unknown, arv 29jun1905 {A32} Rogus, Jan NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 118139 apl 19281123; adm 19290808 b. 18750315 PL Tyczyn arv 19000602 NY SS Palatia from Hamburg {A30} sp-, Agata 18860513 wit-Belling, Frank res NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 719; ret wit-Szutarski, Vincent res NY Brooklyn, 08 St 566-A; insurance chi: Helen 05aug1907, Sattie 07feb1909, Edward 24may1910, Jennie 28nov1913, Adolf 17jun1916, Freddy 13aug1921 res NY Brooklyn, 22 St 337 (petition) note: (petition) cabinet worker; all chi b. & res Brooklyn; copy; [ship wrongly listed as SS Patricia arv 28jun1901] DofI 19230407 res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 137 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 152206; [ship wrongly listed as SS Patria 01jun1901], SNYKIN; copy {G34} Ropacewicz, Walerya IL Chicago, US District Court pet 263660 apl 19420602; adm 19420723 CofA 11-336560; ARN 5110478 b. 18891125 PL Hermanowa arv 19140723 NY SS Campanello from Rotterdam under name: Kalandyk, Walerya mrr 19270612 WI Three Lakes sp-, Alexander b. 18850515 PL Wiekle wit-Lameka, Maria res IL Chicago, N Oakley Av 1339; housewife wit-Wlodarzyk, Stanislaw res IL Chicago, N Leavitt St 2814; painter? chi: Mary 04may1908 b. PL, res Chicago, Aniela 02aug1911 b. PL, res KS Kansas City, Eleanor 10jun1920 b. & res Chicago res IL Chicago, W Le Moyne St 2155 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv NY 1903, natz 02jul1909 SILCOO; copy [barely readable]; cert. No. 5521500; scar top of nose {E20} Rudka, Thomas PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 90220 apl 19300912; adm 19301212 CofA 6-10870 09aug1930 b. 18810521 PL Hermanowa arv 19070507 NY SS Vaderland from Antwerp under name: Rudka, Tomasz wit-Burda, Anthony res PA McKeesport, Soles St 808; barber wit-Suleski, Peter res PA McKeesport, Fairview Av 706 res PA McKeesport, Versailles Av 2714 (petition) note: (petition) millworker; no chi; not mrr Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 307 DATABASE TABLES DofI 19280615 res PA McKeesport, Walnut St 914 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 124954; b. Tyczyn {B94} Rybka, Jendrzej PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 151757 apl 19510607; adm 19511206 CofA 6-108994 13feb1941 b. 19121120 PL Blazowa arv 19130519 NY SS Rotterdam from Rotterdam under name: Rybka, Jendrzej mrr 19401027 PA McKeesport sp-, Mary b. 19120530 PA McKeesport wit-Yablonsky, Stephen res PA Dravosburg, Bull Run Rd 226; IRS wit-Doka, John A res PA McKeesport, Walnut St 1007; steel worker res PA McKeesport, Gray St 1628 (petition) note: (petition) heater's helper; no chi; aka Andrew Rybka, name changed to Andrew Ripka; copy {G61} Rybka, Kazimierz PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 110990 apl 19380719; adm 19390116 CofA 6X-7203 b. 18790302 PL Blazowa arv 19030915 NY SS unknown from Bremen under name: Rybka, Kazimierz mrr 19040918 PA McKeesport sp-, Ludwika b. 18800410 PL Blazowa wit-Szygenda, Stephen res PA McKeesport, Park St 1303; investigator wit-Mucha, Jozefpch res PA McKeesport, Carson St 2304; laborer chi: Julia 06sep1906, Walter 18nov1907, Stella 27jul1911, Elmer 10feb1913, Bernice 28feb1916, all res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Mercantile St 2510 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; sp arv NY 1904; copy; all chi except Walter b. McKeesport; Walter b. PA Buffington DofI 19360402 note: (DofI) No. 141331; photo; two moles right side of face; wif arv 18sep1904 NY {B93} Rybka, Mary PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 147094 apl 19450515; adm 19450619 CofA 6-76799 20nov1939 b. 18880202 PL Blazowa arv 19130519 NY SS Rotterdam from Rotterdam under name: Rybka, Maryanna mrr 191010?? PL Blazowa {B87} sp-, Louis b. 1881 PL Blazowa wit-Indyk, Mrs. Anna res PA McKeesport, Bremen Av 520; housekeeper {D34} wit-Sowa, Julia res PA McKeesport, Hartman Rd; housekeeper, Mrs chi: Andy 23nov1912, Walter 12mar1916, Veronica 07nov1918, Dominka 21mar1920, Jack 25sep1923, John 23jan1925, Andy b. Blazowa, others b. McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Ridge St 904 1/2 (petition) note: (petition) housekeeper; sp arv NY 21aug1911, d. 05jan1926 McKeesport; chi res: Andy, Port Vue; Walter, Glassport; Veronica, Chicago; Dominika, McKeesport; Jack/John, US Army; copy DofI 19400318 note: (DofI) No. 156044; photo; copy; Jan b. 03jan1925; all chi res McKeesport, except Veronica res Chicago [>] 308 Rybka, Sofia PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 128913 apl 19410612; adm 19411212 CofA 6-103845 b. 18940920 PL Blazowa arv 19120526 NY SS Kaiser August Victoria from Hamburg under name: Osilinska, Zofia mrr 19150615 PA McKeesport sp-Rybka, Kasper b. 18881215 PL Blazowa wit-Putz, Helen res PA McKeesport, Idaho Av 2902; unemployed, Miss wit-Gall, Albert res PA McKeesport, Idaho Av 2927; millworker chi: Cecelia 04mar1916, Helen 26oct1917, Lucille 21jun1919, Laura 22jun1923, Bertha 28mar1925, Regina 25jun1927, Dolores, 07feb1929, Annette 07feb1931, Ronald 22may1936 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records res PA McKeesport, Idaho Av 2904 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv NY 1908; copy; all chi b. & res McKeesport except Cecelia b. PA Alliquippa; mole upper right eye {D14} Scotlass, Thomas PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 56221 apl 19240709; adm 19241107 CofA 09may1924 b. 18970909 PL Rzeszow arv 19130926 NY SS Pretoria from Hamburg under name: Skoczylas, Tomasz sp-, Rosie b. 19030221 PA McKeesport wit-Pulchlopek, Joseph PA McKeesport; heater wit-Wozniak, Albert PA McKeesport; lab chi: Adam 11oct1922, b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Market St 1128 (petition) note: (petition) pipe cutter; copy DofI 19220306 res PA McKeesport, 11 St 124 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 079790; copy [>] Setela, Anna NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 377544 apl 19430422; adm 19430817 CofA 2-998972 b. 18930219 PL Dobra arv 19120206 NY SS Kaiser August Victoria from Hamburg under name: Beblo, Anna mrr 19230624 NY Brooklyn {C37} sp-, Leopold b. 18881115 PL Tyczyn wit-Anikey, Anastasia res NY Brooklyn, 46 St 610; housewife [#>] wit-Mazur, Zofia res NY Brooklyn, 16 St 060; housewife chi: Theodore 11mar1924, John 11mar1924, all b. Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 15 St 139 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv NY 12apr1907, natz 21sep1918 UT Salt Lake City; all chi now in US Army; copy {D42} Siciak, Albert W MA Franklin Co., Superior Court pet 1357 apl 19350322; adm 19350626 CofA 1-34261 b. 18830510 PL Borek arv 19070628 NY SS Samland from Antwerp under name: Siciab, Wojcich mrr 19081012 MA Turners Falls {D43} sp-Siciak, Aniela b. 18860710 PL Borek wit-Dorilla, Paul O MA Gill; storekeeper wit-Blake, Ernest E MA Gill; farmer chi: Pauline 21jul1910, Stafie 26sep1912, Steven 21nov1914, Henry 06dec1916, all res Gill res MA Gill, (petition) note: (petition) farmer; sp arv NY 15dec1903; all chi b. Turners Falls, except Henry b. Gill; W=Wojciech; copy DofI 19320601 note: (DofI) No. 002136; photo; copy; b. 15apr1889, wif Frances b. 12oct1883, prior DofI 1354 31may1923 b. 15apr1887 {A77} Siciak, Antoni NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 101041 apl 19280413; adm 19290625 b. 18871216 PL Rzeszow arv 19121215 NY SS Grosser Kurfurst from Bremen {A76} sp-, Tekla b. 18960830 PL Rzeszow {A73} wit-Leniart, John res NY Brooklyn, 48 St 457; painter {A81} wit-Gliwa, Kazimierz res NY Brooklyn, 05 Av 642; music store proprietor chi: Sophie 31jul1916 Brooklyn, Walter 20nov1918 McKeesport PA, all res Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 31 St 225 (petition) note: (petition) storekeeper; copy Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 309 DATABASE TABLES DofI 19241209 res NY Brooklyn, 32 St 226 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 079872; arv 14dec1912 SS Frederick der Grosser; copy {B64} Siciak, Pawel MA Franklin Co., Superior Court pet 1740 apl 19391122; adm 19410519 CofA 1 185287 b. 18840215 PL Borek Stary arv 19120314 NY SS Vaderland from Antwerp under name: Siciak, Pawel mrr 19081125 PL Tyczyn {D44} sp-Siciak, Anna b. 18970515 PL Kielnarowa wit-Sojka, Stanley res MA Turners Falls, K St 016; organist wit-Piecuch, Leon res MA Turners Falls, 05 St 005; grocer chi: Stephania 12sep1909, b. & res "Kiemarowa" res MA Turners Falls, 11 St 039 (petition) note: (petition) papermaker; sp res Kielnarowa; last foreign res "Kiemarowa"; copy DofI 19360618 res MA Turners Falls, G St 023 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 002377; Anna b. 1891, arv NY 14mar1912, res Turners Falls, prior DofI 08sep22; copy {A76} Siciak, Tekla NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 135916 apl 19291023; adm 19300128 CofA 2-11634 b. 18960830 PL Straszydle arv 19140303 NY SS Gothland from Antwerp under name: Piasecka, Tekla mrr 19150206 PA Ridgway {A77} sp-, Anthony b. 18871216 PL Straszydle {A79} wit-Gliwa, Josephine res NY Brooklyn, 05 Av 642; housewife wit-Kurlowicz, Nellie res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 144; housewife chi: Sophia 31jul1916 Brooklyn, Walter 20nov1918 McKeesport, all res Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 197 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; copy DofI 19270831 res NY Brooklyn, 32 St 226 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 140050; copy {D45} Siciak, Wladyslaw NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 272304 apl 19391129; adm 19400409 CofA 2-624904 b. 19000627 PL Straszydle arv 19301020 NY SS Kosciuszko from Gdynia under name: Siciak, Wladyslaw mrr 19361121 NY Brooklyn sp-, Victoria b. 19101117 PA Philadelphia [#>] wit-Siciak, Victoria res NY Brooklyn, 24 St 234; housewife {A77} wit-Siciak, Antoni res NY Brooklyn, Bay 7 St 68; watchman chi: Eugene 28oct1937 b. & res Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 24 St 234 (petition) note: (petition) baker; copy [+] [?] 310 Skibiski, Michael PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 36540 apl 19210328; adm 19211006 b. 18730311 PL Milnica arv 19011114 NY SS unknown from Rotterdam sp-, Michalina 18770418 AU wit-Fawcett, Harry G PA McKeesport; safety engineer wit-Cascia, Frank PA McKeesport; foreman chi: Josephina 19mar1905, Helena 16sep1916, all b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Railroad St 1238 (petition) note: (petition) craneman; Skibiski spelled "Skilbisky"; copy American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records DofI 19171224 note: (DofI) No. 050485; face pock marked, 3 fingers & thumb missing right hand; last res: London England; copy {D32} Skoczylas, Jacob J PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 55985 apl 19240625; adm 19241003 b. 18850725 PL Nowy Borek arv 19061001 NY SS Bluecher from Hamburg sp-, Weronika b. 18870101 PL Blazowa wit-Boord, Edward PA McKeesport; foreman wit-Cascia, Frank PA McKeesport; foreman chi: Joseph 31may1907, Anna 18dec1912, Thomas 26dec1913, Stella 16oct1915, Monika 04jun1919, Stanley 25oct1921 res PA McKeesport, 09 Av 127 1/2 (petition) note: (petition) foreman; all chi b. & res McKeesport, except Joseph b. Blazowa; J=Jozef; copy DofI 19210413 res PA McKeesport, Spring St 527 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 073472; middle right finger crippled; [wrong ship arv date listed]; copy {D30} Skoczylas, Jan PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 63706 apl 19260126; adm 19260427 b. 18820624 PL Biala arv 19010214 NY SS unknown from Hamburg sp-, Zofia AU [#>] wit-Piechowicz, Andrej PA McKeesport; tinner wit-Gazynola, Stanley PA McKeesport; disabled soldier chi: Stefania 27sep1911, Michael 11jul1914, Julia 12nov1916, Blanche 29nov1920, Eleanor 19feb1925 res PA McKeesport, Market St 1129 (petition) note: (petition) merchant; sp b. date unknown; chi 1-3 b. Detroit, 4-5 b. McKeesport, all res McKeesport; copy DofI 19190609 res MI Detroit, McDongall St 1269 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 062588; John, filed State Circuit Court of Wayne Co. MI; peddler; copy [#>] Sowa, Grzegorz PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 102960 apl 19360511; adm 19361118 b. 18850312 PL Konkolowka arv 190203 NY SS unknown from Hamburg under name: Sowa, Grzegorz mrr 19090519 PA McKeesport {D34} sp-, Julia b. 18901011 PL Blazowa wit-Kustra, Frank res PA McKeesport, Capitol St 3103; lab wit-Mucha, Jozefpch res PA McKeesport, Carson St 2304; mill worker chi: John 22mar1912, Frank 11sep1914, Josephine 10sep1918, Walter 01dec1924, Leona 15jul1928, all b. & res Versailles Twp res PA McKeesport, Hickman Rd (petition) note: (petition) PWA laborer; sp arv NY abt 1907; copy; res Versailles Twp with McKeesport post office delivery DofI 19330928 note: (DofI) No. 136202; photo; wif arv 1906 NY; mrr 18may1910; John b. 1911, Walter b. 1925, Leona b. 1929 {D34} Sowa, Julia PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 106758 apl 19370730; adm 19381006 CofA 6-55199 15feb1937 b. 188710?? PL Blazowa arv 19070311 NY SS Pretoria from Hamburg under name: Rybka, Julia mrr 19090518 PA McKeesport sp-, Gregory b. 18850312 PL Blazowa wit-Snider, Elizabeth res PA Versailles Tw, Heckman Rd; housewife Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 311 DATABASE TABLES wit-Snider, Anne res PA Versailles Tw, Heckman Rd; housewife chi: John 22mar1912, Frank 11nov1914, Josephine 11sep1918, Walter 01dec1923, Leona 16jul1928 res PA Versailles, Heckman Rd (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv NY mar1902, natz 18nov1936 Pittsburgh; Leona b. Versailles, others b. McKeesport, all res Versailles; copy {G52} Spisak, Mary PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 137557 apl 19420714; adm 19440727 CofA 6-107212 b. 19001127 PL Tyczyn arv 19111108 BA SS Neckar from Bremen under name: Dembski, Marya mrr 19401025 SC York sp-Spisak, Joseph b. 19040303 PA McKeesport wit-Drewniak, Mary res PA McKeesport, 10 St 410; housewife wit-Gazymala, Stanley res PA McKeesport, Locust St 1116; disabled veteran chi: Tedeos 08nov1923, Ilene 25feb1927 all b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Walnut St 1234 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; copy {A11} Stachurski, Stanley PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 131849 apl 19411006; adm 19420414 CofA 6-72080 b. 18951210 PL Kielnarowa arv 19130607 NY SS Baltic from Liverpool under name: Stachurski, Stanislaw mrr 19210110 PA McKeesport sp-, Stella b. 18980319 PA Zalesie {G64} wit-Staniek, Antoni res PA McKeesport, Water St 813; pensioned {E20} wit-Rudka, Thomas res PA McKeesport, Third St 119; lab chi: Theodore 03nov1920, Edwin 25sep1923, Stanley 14aug1931, all b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Grant St 1502 (petition) note: (petition) skilled laborer; sp arv NY 20dec1913; copy DofI 19390424 note: (DofI) No. 152203; photo Stachurski, Stefania PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 141832 apl 19430720; adm 19440126 CofA 3-239810 b. 18980319 PL Zalesie arv 19131222 NY SS Pretoria from Hamburg under name: Krol, Stefania mrr 19210110 PA McKeesport {A11} sp-Stachurski, Stanley b. 18951210 PL Kielnarowa wit-Shanofski, Joan Antonet res PA McKeesport, Federal St 2003; housewife wit-Waskowitz, Victoria res PA Port Vue, Meyer Av 1703; housewife, Mrs chi: Theodore 03nov1920, Edwin 23sep1923, Stanley 14aug1931, all b. McKeesport, Stan res McKeesport; Ted & Ed in US Army res PA McKeesport, Grant St 1502 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv NY jun1913; natz 14apr1942 UPAPIT; copy; hus natz cert. No. 5545646; aka Stella; wit Joan Antonette {D47} Stachurski, Walter NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 299137 apl 19401202; adm 19410501 CofA 2-599705 b. 19071006 PL Nowy Borek arv 19340802 NY SS Pulaski from Gdynia under name: Stachwski, Wladyslaw M mrr 19321026 PL Nowy {D51} sp-, Albina b. 19100223 PL Nowy Borek {D51} wit-Stachurski, Albina res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 223; housewife wit-Zajac, Dominika res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 211; housewife chi: Kashemis 22feb1929, Susie 22aug1933, Fred 26oct1937 res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 223 (petition) note: (petition) grocery clerk; sp arv NY 28oct1929, natz 19nov1928 NY; Kashemis b. & res PL, others b. & res Brooklyn; copy; M=Marcin 312 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records {G64} Staniek, Antoni PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 80132 apl 19280521; adm 19280926 CofA 527276 19apr1928 b. 18810413 PL Rzezov arv 19070508 NY SS Vaderland from Antwerp {G47} sp-, Julia 188803 PL {D32} wit-Skoczylas, Jacob John PA McKeesport; foreman wit-Demarski, John PA McKeesport; millworker chi: Virginia 30may1914, Emilia 18apr1917, all b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Water St 813 (petition) note: (petition) mill worker DofI 19260118 note: (DofI) No. 113037 {G53} Staniek, Josephine PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 129638 apl 19410709; adm 19420112 b. 188610 PL Hermanowa arv 19031222 NY SS Main from Bremen under name: Rudka, Jozefa mrr 19050530 PA McKeesport {C34} sp-Staniek, Thomas b. 18741222 PL Tyczyn wit-Andrews, Wanda res PA McKeesport, Packer St 1409; housewife, Mrs wit-Ciemniecki, Mary res PA McKeesport, Railroad St 1240; housewife, Mrs chi: Peter 16nov1907, Walter 02apr1910, Anthony 15may1912, Helen 06jun1913, Sophie 15jan1915, all b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Versailles Av 2714 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv NY 01apr1902; natz 13mar1939 UPAPIT; copy; hus natz cert. No. 4566827 {C34} Staniek, Thomas PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 113026 apl 19381208; adm 19390313 b. 18741222 PL Tyczyn arv 19020401 NY SS Batavia from Bremen under name: Sztanek, Tomas mrr 19050530 PA McKeesport {G53} sp-, Josephine b. 1886 PL Hermanowa [-] wit-Jurkiewicz, Felix res PA McKeesport, Packer St 1302; laborer, Nat'l Tube {E20} wit-Rudka, Thomas res PA McKeesport, Mulberry St 500; ret chi: Peter 16nov1907, Walter 02apr1910, Anthony 15may1912, Helen 06jun1913, Sophie 15jan1915, all b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Versailles Av 2714 (petition) note: (petition) gas maker; sp arv NY dec1904; copy DofI 19360803 note: (DofI) No. 143418; photo; last res Hermanowa; prior DofI 1927 UPAPIT; mole left cheek below eye {F48} Stotish, Stanley PA Clearfield Co, Common Pleas, Clearfield pet 2988 apl 19381008; adm 19391010 CofA 6-41647 b. 19030421 PL Kielnarowa arv 19130116 NY SS Finland from Antwerp under name: Szczoczarz, Stanislaw mrr 19271121 OH Youngstown sp-, Della b. 19070817 PA Helvetia wit-Duda, Mike PA Helvetia; miner wit-Tomblin?, Russel PA Helvetia; miner chi: Genevieve 27jan1930, Dorothy 03aug1931, Thomas 10apr1933, all b. & res Helvetia res PA Helvetia, PO Box 124 (petition) note: (petition) miner; copy [barely legible]; name changed to Stanley Stotish DofI 19360131 res PA Helvetia, PO Box 124 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 9184; photo Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 313 DATABASE TABLES {F34} Surowka, Ludwika IN Hammond, US District Court pet 10584 apl 19410617; adm 19411112 CofA 11-284641 16dec1940 b. 18920815 PL Hermanowa arv 19070628 NY SS Samland from Antwerp under name: Weglowska, Ludwika mrr 19090719 IN E Chicago {F35} sp-Surowka, Marcin b. 18811111 PL Hermanowa wit-Penta, Helen res IN E Chicago, Wegg Av 4232; housewife wit-Piecuch, Helen res IN E Chicago, Homerlee Av 5021; housewife chi: Mieczyslaw 29nov1911, Joseph 06sep1913, all b. & res E Chicago res IN E Chicago, Homerlee Av 5031 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv NY 06sep1905, natz 15sep1926 IN Hammond; cert. No. 5417349; copy {D48} Surowska, Agnes NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 491557 apl 19520612; adm 19521106 CofA 0300-K-32978 (R); ARN 2182669 b. 18840815 PL Hermanowa arv 19080324 NY SS Zeeland from Antwerp mrr 19270113 NY Brooklyn wit-Sinski, Helen res NY Brooklyn, Eagle St 94; housekeeper wit-Osowski, Sophie res NY Brooklyn, Greenpoint Av 163; housekeeper res NY Brooklyn, Java St 152 (petition) note: (petition) domestic worker; sp div; was Dominik b. mar1905 IT; no chi; div; ex-sp res Brooklyn, Marcy Av 380; copy; [arv date listed wrong 21apr1908]; b. "Wies Harmonia" DofI 19490321 note: (DofI) No. 357640; photo; copy {F35} Suruwka, Marcin adm 19260915 b. 19201202 PL res IN, (petition) note: (petition); cert. No. 2430766 IN E Chicago, Superior Court Lake Co. pet 982-4000 {E01} Szpala, Roman NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 75079 apl 19270427; adm 19271227 b. 18870209 PL Rzeszow arv 19050507 NY SS Rotterdam from Rotterdam sp-, Ludwika 18871215 AU wit-Weber, John res NY Brooklyn, Cayler St 149; confectioner wit-Moran, John res NY Brooklyn, Oak St 128; contractor chi: Helen 05jul1910, Ferdinand 30oct1911, Stefania 01jan1915, Elizabeth 17oct1916 res NY Brooklyn, Calyer St 149 (petition) note: (petition) blacksmith; copy; all chi b. & res Brooklyn, except Helen res NJ Camden DofI 19241231 note: (DofI) No. 081487; copy; wif b. AU Szeszow [#>] Szwed, Jozef NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 359106 apl 19421116; adm 19421231 b. 18940727 PL Zwieczyca mrr 19150503 NY Brooklyn {B40} sp-, Blanche 18930915 wit-Strzelecki, Edward res NY Brooklyn, Prospect Av 149; millwright wit-Trzaska, Helen E res NY Brooklyn, 04 Av 648; undertaker chi: Helen 20may1916, Genevieve 06jun1921, Stella 31jan1925, all b. Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 05 Av 586 (petition) note: (petition); sp arv NY 19feb1912 DofI 19370204 res NY Brooklyn, 03 Av 690 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 256183 314 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records {B66} Szymkowicz, Antoni MA New Bedford, Superior Court Bristol Co. pet 48 apl 19070516; adm 19070916 b. 18850525 PL Tyczyn arv 19010412 NY SS Pretoria from Bremen sp-, Junegenda PL Tyczyn wit-Arendt, Walter res MA New Bedford, N Front St 149; baker wit-Alberski, Walter res MA New Bedford, Hicks St 59; spinner chi: Felix 21oct1906 b. NJ Newark, res New Bedford res MA New Bedford, Washburn St 27 (petition) note: (petition) baker; res MA since 20aug1901 DofI 19050309 note: (DofI); filed in Supreme Court of New York, First Judicial District [>] Tluczek, Mary PA Philadelphia, US District Court pet 141736 apl 19400403; adm 19420605 CofA 3-126434 27aug1936 b. 19010720 PL Krzyiwa arv 19210714 NY SS Gdansk from Danzig under name: Walek, Marja mrr 19231125 PA Manayunk {F85} sp-, Alexander PL Hermanowa wit-Fornal, John res PA Philadelphia, Ritchie St 4517; paper maker [#>] wit-Lasota, Joseph res PA Philadelphia, Dupont St 205; laborer chi: Josephine 24aug1924, Edward 09jul1926, Stanley 22dec1927, Sophie 28aug1931, Rose 04jan1934, all b. & res Philadelphia res PA Philadelphia, Seville St 115 (petition) note: (petition) cigar maker; sp d.; arv NY aug1913; not natz; complexion light; eyes blue; hair brown; 5'2", 118 lbs; Lasota sig "Joseph John Lasota" DofI 19361109 note: (DofI) No. 140922; chi Josephine 21aug1924; Stanley 22oct1927; others same as pet; housewife; wid; photo {B91} Tondera, Kazimier PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 76620 apl 19271109; adm 19280229 b. 18810304 PL Budziwoj arv 19060612 NY SS Bremen from Bremen {B67} sp-, Wuczia 1889 PL wit-Pulchlopek, Joseph PA McKeesport; millworker wit-Gorecki, Frank PA McKeesport; millworker chi: Veronica 26jun1909, Vladek 12dec1911, Anthon 17feb1913, Nelly 16aug1916, Frank 15mar1918, Tom 12feb1924 res PA McKeesport, Brick Alley 1041 (petition) note: (petition) machinist; all chi b. & res McKeesport; copy DofI 19220731 note: (DofI) No. 083192; copy {B88} Trojanowski, Kazimier PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 56164 apl 19240703; adm 19241003 b. 18880224 PL Tyczyn arv 19060415 BA SS unknown from Bremen {C63} sp-, Nellie b. 1899 PL Tyczyn [#>] wit-Piechwicz, Andrzej PA McKeesport; tinner {D37} wit-Pietras, Alexander PA McKeesport; craneman chi: Felix 10sep1913, Tadeusz 26jul1915, Helen 15jun1918, all b. & res McKeesport res PA McKeesport, 31 St 432 (petition) note: (petition) laborer; name changed to Tronosky; "Kazimierz John"; copy DofI 19220703 res PA McKeesport, Walnut St 2504 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 082615; copy Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 315 DATABASE TABLES {D27} Wajda, Helen MA New Bedford, Superior Court Bristol Co. pet 30953 apl 19430215; adm 19430326 b. 19100907 PL Nowy Borek arv 19220922 NY SS Rotterdam from Amsterdam under name: Grys, Helena mrr 19311126 MA New Bedford sp-, Stanley 18970805 PL [#>] wit-Houle, Leon res MA New Bedford, Roosevelt St 59; mill hand wit-Senory, Yvonne res MA New Bedford, Harwich St 235; housewife chi: Dorothy 07aug1940 b. Brooklyn, res New Bedford res MA New Bedford, Harwich St 235 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv NY may1910, natz 20dec1927 New Bedford; mole on chin; copy note: (DofI); 1-41982 {I20} Wiater, Kazimierz adm 19420113 res MI Clifford, (petition) note: (DofI); per index card; age 53; cert. No. 5429026 {D82} Wiater, Leon adm 19400129 res MI Hamtramck, Belmont Av 3165 (petition) note: (petition); [see ALIEN database and biofile] MI Lapeer Co., Circuit Court pet 434 ARN 2790538 MI Detroit, US District Court pet 128353 CofA 8-127057 10oct1936; ARN R-127057 {G24} Witek, Casimer MI Detroit, US District Court pet 184278 apl 19430114; adm 19430413 CofA 8-150979 19aug1938; ARN 3488518 b. 18880805 PL Budziwoj arv 19070427 NY SS Patricia from Hamburg under name: Wittek, Kazimierz mrr 19111011 NY Brooklyn sp-, Josephine b. 18930815 PL Nisko wit-Tulacz, Frank res MI Detroit, E Garfield 1807; factory employee wit-Wutka, Walter res MI Detroit, St. Aubin Av 5335; truck driver chi: Helen 1912 NY Brooklyn, Edward 1915, Sophie 1916 NY Brooklyn, Stanley 1919 PA McKeesport, Wanda 1921, Stella 1923, Henry 1927, Louis 1931 res MI Detroit, Alexandrine Av 1960 (petition) note: (petition) night watchman; sp arv NY 1907; cert. No. 184273; index finger abnormality; all chi res. Detroit; Edward, Wanda, Stella, Henry & Louis b. Detroit DofI 19390125 res MI Detroit, Alexandrine St 1960 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 128165; photo; copy; lab; prior DofI No. 180999 27apr1917 CCMIWA {C28} Witek, Frank NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 39199 apl 19250210; adm 19250514 b. 18890929 PL Budziwoj arv 19060306 NY SS Vaderland from Antwerp sp-, Sophia b. 18981029 MA Chicopee Fall wit-Korzanski, John res NY Brooklyn, 18 St 337; painter wit-Skowronski, Bronislaw res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 133; student chi: Anna 09aug1916, Wanda 03aug1918, all b. & res Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 14 St 419 (petition) note: (petition) tailor; copy DofI 19200304 note: (DofI) No. 105522; SNYKIN; copy {D49} Wojtyn, Walenty PA Pittsburgh, US District Court W District pet 64665 apl 19260315; adm 19260621 b. 18681218 PL Tyczyn arv 19030520 NY SS Barbarossa from Bremen {D50} sp-, Antonia b. 18880309 PL Tyczyn wit-Staniszewski, Boleslaw PA Parnassus; merchant 316 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 NATZ: United States Naturalization Records wit-Cwiklik, Michael PA Parnassus; lab chi: Stefania 23oct1900, Franciszek 02jan1903, Mary 28may1904, Rozalia 21jun1906, John 23jan1908, Zofia 20sep1909, Bronislawa 20jan1911, Franciszka 07may1915, Elizabeth 30jun1918 res PA Parnassus, Franklin St 846 (petition) note: (petition) coal miner; chi Emilia 05sep1921; chi 1&2 b. PL, 3 b. Eleonora, 4&6 b.PA Sacksville, 7 VA, 8 PA Indiana, 9-10 PA New Kensington; all chi res Parnassus exc. Stefania Detroit & Frank US Army; copy DofI 19220406 res PA New Kensingto, 03 Av 619 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 080591; copy {I34} Wozniak, Anthony NY New York, US District Court S District pet 483680 apl 19440410; adm 19450220 CofA 2-1021745; ARN 5232869 b. 19061206 PL Budziwoj arv 19070319 NY SS Statendam from Antwerp under name: Wozniak, Antoni sp-, Delia wit-Biel, Eva res NY Brooklyn, 15 St 394 {A87} wit-Yopek, Josephine res NY Brooklyn, 15 St 388 res NY Brooklyn, Baltic St 613 (petition) note: (petition); no chi; div; cert. No. 6293428; entered US Army 01apr1943, No. 32380271 DofI 19430326 res NY New York, Baltic St 613 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 537858; photo; copy; longshoreman; tattoo on both arms; div; mrr 18?feb1934 NYC; wif b. ??nov1915 NYC {B68} Wrona, Piotr IN Hammond, US District Court pet 6470 apl 19390111; adm 19391108 CofA 11-114018 25may1935 b. 18970815 PL Hermanowa arv 19130613 NY SS Adriatic from England under name: Wrona, Piotr mrr 19231120 IN E Chicago sp-, Marie b. 18980710 IL Chicago wit-Krupa, Joseph res IN E Chicago, Indianapolis Bv 494; real estate wit-Korpikiewicz, Stanley res IN E Chicago, Indianapolis Bv 503; W.P.A. lab chi: Irene 20jan1924, b. & res E Chicago res IN E Chicago, Indianapolis Bv 5022 (petition) note: (petition) machine opr; cert. No. 4819206; unemployed DofI 19350621 note: (DofI) No. 018993; photo; copy {F62} Wrona, Stanley IL Chicago, US District Court pet 193058 apl 19400105; adm 19400417 CofA 11-117194 b. 18851208 PL Hermanowa arv 19100117 NY SS Lapland from Antwerp under name: Wrona, Stanislaw mrr 19121015 IL Chicago {F63} sp-, Aniela b. 18940817 PL Borek Nowy [>] wit-Lenart, Mieczyslaw res IL Chicago, Wabansia Av 1923; machinist wit-Guzorek, Walter res IL Chicago, LeMoyne St 1617; newspaper vendor chi: Chester 21sep1913, Theodore 04apr1915, Casimir 01mar1918, Bronislawa 02jan1919, John 14dec1922, Stanislawa 09oct1930 res IL Chicago, N Paulina St 1437 (petition) note: (petition) carp; sp arv NY may1911; cert. No. 4756614 lists name as Stanley John Wrona; all chi b. & res Chicago DofI 19380208 note: (DofI) No. 109784; photo; copy; prior DofI No. 28460 05jul1913 SILCOO {A40} Wyjas, Marya NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 251566 apl 19380824; adm 19390110 b. 18841220 PL Budziwoj arv 19030315 NY SS Barbarossa from Bremen under name: Glodowska, Marya Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 317 DATABASE TABLES mrr 19030621 NY Brooklyn {A44} sp-, Tomas b. 18790404 RU Budzwica [#>] wit-Jaskowak, Louis res NY Brooklyn, 02 Av 5313; lab wit-Cornelius, Pauline res NY Brooklyn, 55 St 220; housewife chi: Sofia 22mar1905 b. PA Avoca, Agnes 03nov1908, John 28jul1910, Edward 16jul1920, others b. Brooklyn res NY Brooklyn, 23 St 143 (petition) note: (petition) housewife; sp arv NY 04jun1902; res NY Wingdale; all chi res Brooklyn, exc. John res Detroit, Sofia res CT Wallingford; copy DofI 19341024 res NY Brooklyn, 24 St 216 (DofI) note: (DofI) No. 228790; photo; copy; John: US Navy, Sophie: CT Wallingford, scar right side of chin {I24} Yarosz, Marianna Katary CA Sonoma Co., Superior Court, Santa Rosa pet 3536 adm 19440301 CofA 22-77771; ARN 2306859 b. 18821125 PL Tichen arv 1907111? NY SS unknown from unknown under name: Czarnik, Marrianna mrr 19100719 IL Chicago sp-Yarosz, Charlie b. 18831004 PL Carkow chi: Roman 24apr1911, Olga 24apr1911, Sophie Evans 01feb1913, Helen 22apr1922; Roman & Olga b. Chicago; Sophie & Helen b. Sonoma CA res CA Sonoma, Napa St (petition) note: (petition) farming; sp arv NY date unknown; d.; not natz; Katary=Kataryna; Roman res CA San Leandro; Olga & Sophie res CA Daly City; Helen in WAACS; cert. No. 5767282; wid DofI 19410407 res CA Sonoma, (DofI) note: (DofI); photo; copy; arv from Berlin; ship unknown {A87} Yopek, Josephine NY Brooklyn, US District Court E District pet 245751 apl 19380401; adm 19380816 b. 18910319 PL Budziwoj arv 19060320 NY SS Rotterdam from Antwerp under name: Poiskievicz, Yozefa mrr 19101123 PA McKeesport {A84} sp-, Andrew b. 18871123 PL Budziwoj wit-Novicki, Anastasia res NY Brooklyn, 16 St 584; housewife [-] wit-Biel, Frank res NY Brooklyn, 15 St 394; garageman res NY Brooklyn, 15 St 388 (petition) note: (petition) housework; sp arv NY 1906, natz 10sep1929 Brooklyn; no chi 318 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries This table lists data extracted from newspaper obituaries. Age is presented in years, unless noted otherwise. The data in this table are listed: first, alphabetically by name; second, chronologically by publication date; third, alphabetically by state of publication; fourth, alphabetically by city of publication; fifth, alphabetically by newspaper title. {E71} Alubowicz, Mary age 72 pub 19980616 CA San Diego, Union-Tribune d. 19980614 bur 19980618 CA Bonita, Glenn Abbey Memorial sp-Alubowicz, Eugene son: Henry & John dau: Lila rel: gch Ceshaun, Angelica & George res CA San Diego note: u=Pinkham-Mitchell Mortuary; mass at St. Charles Catholic Church, Imperial Beach [#>] Amato, Victoria pub 20040318 NJ Toms River, Ocean County Observer [#>] Antonik, Frank pub NJ Jersey City, Journal d. Bayonne Hospital note: [may contain other data not recorded here] [#>] Antonik, George age 56 pub 19750828 NJ Jersey City, Journal d. Christ Hospital sp-Klick, Viola son: Gregory & Kenneth dau: Barbara Szajewski, CA; Kathy Simpson & Valeria sis: Jean Drews, FL rel: gch=5 res NJ Bayonne, E 44 St 46 note: lifelong res of Bayonne; warehouseman for ICI Inc. in Bayonne; Army vet WWII [may contain other data not recorded here] [#>] Antonik, John pub 19531013 NJ Bayonne, Times d. St. Francis Hospital b. PL son: George & Frank, both of Bayonne Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 319 DATABASE TABLES dau: bro: rel: res note: [#>] Jean Drews, Bayonne Anthony, Bayonne & George, PL gch=6 NJ Bayonne, Prospect Av 196 res Bayonne 45y; lumber business; [may contain other data not recorded here] Antonik, Kenneth A pub 19940629 NJ Jersey City, Journal d. Northshore University Hospital b. NJ Bayonne bro: Gregory sis: Barbara Szajewski, Kathy Hagidimitriou, Valeria note: moved to Long Island 15y ago; postal worker; [may contain other data not recorded here] [#>] Arendt, Charles Z age 84 pub 19871003 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19871002 at home b. MA New Bedford sp-Foisy, Alice E fat-Arendt, Walter (d.) {F51} mot-Knuttel, Katherine (d.) dau: Jacqueline Gosselin, VA Williamsburg; Alice Woodacre, E Freetown; Barbara Stewart, PA Hummels Wharf rel: gch=13; ggc=8; wf1 Mary Zegarski (d.) res MA New Bedford, Brook St note: lifelong res of New Bedford; proprietor of North End Coal and Wood Company; ret; communicant of Our Lady of Perpetual Help; member PNA; graduate Alliance College PA; u=Rock [#>] Arendt, Francis C pub 19740110 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19740110 Frances P Memorial Hospital b. NJ Newark sp-Rusek, Celia dau: Constance De Terra, New Bedford bro: Charles Arendt, New Bedford sis: Annie Wroblinski, Rochester; Stella Chubek, San Francisco; Mollie Mitchell, Los Angeles rel: gch=3 res MA New Bedford, Parker St Court 13 note: res area many years; former owner of Nash Liquor Store; member St. Hedwig Church, PL American World War Veterans Association; WWI Army vet; u=Schick-Racine {F51} Arendt, Katherine age 93 pub 19561121 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19561120 at home b. PL sp-Arendt, Walter (d.) fat-Knuttel, son: Charles & Francis, New Bedford dau: Anna Wroblinski, Acushnet; Stella Czubek, Los Angeles; Malvina Michnowicz, CA Long Beach sis: Celia Kozak, PL rel: gch=10; ggc=11 res MA New Bedford, N Front St 291 note: res New Bedford 55y; hus was prominent leader PL community & founder & president 15y of PLAmerican Citizens Bristol County Club; member PNA; communicant Our Lady of Perpetual Help [#>] 320 Arendt, Walter age 91 pub 19560825 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19560824 local nursing home b. AU American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries {F51} sp-Arendt, Katherine son: Charles & Francis, New Bedford dau: Anna Wroblinski, Acushnet; Stella Czubek, Los Angeles; Malvina Michnowicz, CA Long Beach rel: gch=9; ggc=10 res MA New Bedford, N Front St 291 note: res NJ Newark 9y, thereafter New Bedford; baker from arrival in this country; b. AU-PL photo; prominent in PL community; Republican; elected city council 1926; delegate PNA conventions; Our Lady of Perpt. Help; decorated by PL government; extensive write-up {C01} Baran, Walter age 74 pub 19600317 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19600316 McKeesport Hospital bur 19600319 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. PL sp-, Agatha son: John at home; William, Penn Hills dau: Josephine Teprag, OH Canton; Julia Koharik, McKeesport; Helen Zalewski, Glassport sis: Caroline Klimasz, NY Brooklyn rel: gch=5 res PA McKeesport, William St 1701 note: res McKeesport 53y; ret from National Tube; PNA group 352; mass at St. Marys [>] Baron, Eleanore age 83 pub 20001117 IN Hammond, Times {F32} fat-Gorlowski, {A78} Bartkiewicz, Antoinette pub 19731008 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19731010 IL Chicago, Resurrection sp-, Constantine fat-Siciak, son: Walter (Rosella), Joseph (Stella), Stanley (Mabel), John (Elizabeth) & Leonard (Rosalie) dau: Jean (Zenon), Sophia (Rudolph) & Adeline (Anthony) rel: gch=20, ggc=5 note: mass at St. Josephs; u=Broda, W 48 St 1734 {D91} Barton, Antonina age 90 pub 19781121 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19781120 at home bur 19781122 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. 18880923 PL {D33} sp-Barton, George (d.) son: Andrew, Detroit; Stanley (Buzz), McKeesport; Edward, New York City dau: Bernice Barton, Mt. Lebanon Twp.; Vera Picone at home rel: gch=7, ggc=9 res PA McKeesport, Packer St 1212 note: aka Anna; member Rosary society and Polish National Alliance {D33} Barton, George age 73 pub 19600808 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19600807 at home bur 19600811 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. PL {D91} sp-Skoczylas, Antonia son: Andrew G, Detroit; Stanley (Buzz) Barton, McKeesport; Edward, OH Columbus dau: Bernice, Mt. Lebanon & Vera at home bro: Joseph, PL sis: Katherine Kortz, PL rel: gch=8 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 321 DATABASE TABLES res PA McKeesport, Packer St 1212 note: res McKeesport 54y; ret from National Tube Works; member PRCU 925 & ZNP lodge 352; mass at St. Mary [#>] Barton, Joseph age 31 pub 19490117 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19490116 PA Aspinwall, Veterans Hospital bur 19490120 PA White Oak, St. Mary {D33} fat-Barton, George {D91} mot-Skoczylas, Anna bro: Andrew G, Detroit MI, Stanley E & Edward at home sis: Vera Picone, McKeesport & Bernice at home res PA McKeesport, Packer St 1212 note: lifelong res of McKeesport; salesman for PA liquor control board; army sergeant; mass at St. Marys {I69} Bilik, Amelia pub 19670605 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19670606 IL Chicago, Assumption sp-Bilik, Michael fat-Gajewski, son: John (Majorie) dau: Julia (Vinton) Schultz & Rose (Gaston) Bernier rel: gch=1; ggc=3 note: mass at Assumption B. V. M.; u=Opyt, E 119 St 1 [>] Bilik, Michael pub 19690306 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19690308 IL Chicago, Assumption {I69} sp-, Ameila (d.) son: John (Majorie), IL Homewood dau: Julia (Vinton) Schultz, IL Homewood & Rose (Gaston) Bernier, AZ Phoenix rel: gch Audrey (Ray) Seberger, IN Dyer; ggc=3 note: mass at Assumption B. V. M.; u=Opyt, E 119 St 1 {B20} Binek, Antoni age 80 pub 19630917 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19630915 St. Luke Hospital bur 19630918 b. PL sp-Dzioba, Mary son: John & Stanley, Philadelphia rel: gch=3 res MA New Bedford, Howard St 57 note: res New Bedford 60y; ret mill worker; communicant of Our Lady of Perpetual Help; member Woodrow Wilson Club, PNA and PRCU [#>] 322 Binek, Mary pub 19690516 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19690515 St. Luke Hospital b. PL Tarnow son: Clemence J Motyl & Mitchel Motyl dau: Mrs. Stella Olejarz & Mrs. Mary Prouix, all of New Bedford rel: gch=14, ggc=3 res MA New Bedford, Holly St 7 note: arv US 60y ago; aka Mrs. Mary (Dzioba) Motyl Binek American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries {B19} Binek, Victoria age 66 pub 19490417 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19490416 at home b. PL Rzeszow {B20} sp-Binek, Antoni fat-Drazek, son: Jan & Stanley, Philadelphia bro: Paul Drazek, Turners Falls sis: Wladyslawa Cyran & Anonina Pinkala, Brooklyn rel: gch=3 res MA New Bedford, McGurk St 10 note: res New Bedford & USA 39y; last emp at Soule Mill; communicant of St. Hedwig; member Woodrow Wilson Club, PNA, PRCU, Holy Rosary Society [#>] Bissing, Verna D pub 19841228 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19841229 IL Chicago, Resurrection sp-, Victor son: Richard (Judy) Kosciolek dau: Rosemary Kosciolek bro: Tony Doczkalski sis: Mae Sabatini & Regina Milne rel: gda Debi res IL Villa Park note: mass at St. Pius X, u=Steuerle, Villa Park, S Ardmore Av 350 [#>] Bober, Bernard age 70 pub 19840215 IN Hammond, Times d. 19840214 bur 19840217 IL Calument City, Holy Cross sp-, Stephanie son: Walter (Linda), CA Mountain View dau: Pat (Bob) Phipps, Munster; Judy (Mike) Mastey, Highland sis: Helen (Charles) Sype, Lowell; Irene (Edward) Talarek, E Chicago rel: gch=8; nie & nep res IN E Chicago note: lifelong res of E Chicago; ret Inland Steel Co.; member steelworkers union local 1010; member PNA 1810; mass St. Stanislaus; u=Lesniak {A95} Bober, Walter age 41 pub 19301022 IN Lake County, Times d. 19301020 bur 19301023 IN Hammond, Holy Cross b. PL sp-, Josephine son: Bennie dau: Rose, Helen & Irene bro: 6 living in city sis: 3 living in city res IN E Chicago, Forsyth Av 5031 note: res Twin City area many years; widely known on South side; mass at St. Stanislaus [#>] Bodnar, John J age 86 pub 19940922 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19940921 McKeesport Hospital bur 19940924 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. 19080127 HU Monok sp-Mallak, Rose fat-Bodnar, Joseph (d.) Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 323 DATABASE TABLES mot-Nemeth, Anna (d.) son: Lawrence, Murrysville dau: Nancy Beisler, OH Uniontown rel: gch=4; nie & nep res PA McKeesport note: ret planner operator US Steel; member American Legion post 701; Croatial Frat Union 146; WWII Army Air Force vet; mass St. Marys Czestochowa; u=Jaycox-Jaworski [>] Bodzislaw, John H pub 19630911 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19630912 IL Elmwood, St. Joseph sp-, Monica dau: Genevieve bro: Joseph & Harry sis: Frances Nakon & La Verne note: u=Lewis, W Grand Av 7600; mass at St. Cyprian [>] Bodzislaw, John H age 56 pub 19630917 WI Stevens Point Daily Journal d. 19630909 bur 19630919 IL Elmwood, St. Joseph sp-, Marie dau: Genevieve bro: Harry, NC Raleigh; Joseph, WI Stevens Point sis: Bernard (LaVerne) Clark, AZ Phoenix; Joseph (Frances) Nakon, Chicago res IL River Grove note: ret US Post Office; member Moose, American Legion, VFW; served in Seabees in Pacific WWII [>] Bodzislaw, Joseph S age 85 pub 19960217 WI Stevens Point Daily Journal d. 19960216 St. Michael Hospital bur 19960219 WI Stevens Point St. Stephen b. 19110206 IL Chicago sp-Losinski, Cecilia T {E49} fat-Bodzislaw, Thomas (d.) {E50} mot-Jopek, Lorraine (d.) son: Robert (Barbara), IA Sioux City; Thomas (Connie) & Jerome (Julie), Stevens Point dau: Patricia (Thomas) Brooks, SC Ladson bro: 2 predeceased sis: Lavern (Barney) Clark, AZ Phoenix; 2 predeceased rel: sso Gilbert (Alice) Losinski, Stevens Point; gch=19, ggc=24+2 predeceased res WI Stevens Point Meadow St 308 note: returned to Stevens Point in 1952; Consolidated Paper, Whiting 1952-76; Co coroner 1958-68,71-80; photo; attended Holy Trinity elem & high school Chicago; Divine Word Seminary Techny IL 1928-33; Papermakers Union; usher St. Stephens; KofC [see SUPPNOTE database] [>] Bodzislaw, Lillian age 47 pub 19610130 WI Stevens Point Daily Journal d. 19610122 AZ Phoenix, Good Shepherd Convent bur 19610126 AZ Phoenix, St. Francis b. 19130626 IL Chicago bro: Harry J, NC Raleigh; Joseph S, WI Stevens Point; John H, IL River Grove sis: Bernard (LaVerne) Clark, AZ Phoenix; Joseph (Frances) Nakon, Chicago note: nun, councillor at school/home for wayward girls; aka Sister Mary Grace; elem & High school Chicago; joined Sisters of Good Shepherd Order, St. Louis MO 1931, final vows 29may1935 {G63} Bomba, Frank age 73 pub 19520628 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19520627 PA Pittsburgh, hospital 324 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries bur 19520630 PA White Oak, Holy Family b. 18691016 PL fat-Bomba, Andrew rel: hbr Kazimierz Borowiec, Port Vue res PA Elizabeth, R.D. 1 note: res in district 35y; ret from Pittsburgh Steel Foundry in Glassport; mass at Holy Family [#>] Bomba, Gladys L pub 19930714 MI Saginaw, News d. 19930713 MI Birch Run b. 19240227 MI Bridgeport sp-Bomba, Theodore J fat-Sawatzki, note: mass at Assumption BMV [>] Bomba, Joseph H age 79 pub 19961029 PA Ridgway, Record d. 19961029 PA Ridgway, Pinecrest Manor bur 19961030 PA Ridgway, Parklawn Mem. Gardens b. 19170627 PA Ridgway sp-DePanfilis, Beatrice {B51} fat-Bomba, Adolph (d.) {G83} mot-Kusnierz, Barbara (d.) dau: Patty (Jerry) Kissel bro: Henry L, FL & Theodore R, Ridgway; Stanley (d.); John (d.) sis: Helen (Carmen) Piccirillo, Florence Eberly Brunner & Barbara (Ernest) Allegretti, all of Ridgway; Marcella (David) Petruzzi, PA Brockway rel: gch Mark, David & Craig Kissel res PA Ridgway, Jackson Av 31? note: res Ridgway entire life; meat manager, Ridgway Market Basket 37y, ret 1979; mrr 15jun1940 St. Leos; mass at St. Leos; u=Meehan-Shilk; WWII vet Army 725 Field Artillery Battalion; member KofC, VFW, American Legion; Ridgway Fire Voluneter Fire Dept. [#>] Bomba, Lewis Edward pub 19880321 MI Saginaw, News d. 19880321 MI Battle Creek bur MI Detroit, Mt. Olivet b. 19231017 NY Buffalo note: WWII US Navy vet {I19} Bomba, Magdalena age 88 pub 19670904 MI Saginaw, News d. 19670903 MI Birch Run bur MI Detroit, Mt. Olivet b. 18790312 PL fat-Gladowski, note: moved to Saginaw Co. in 1928; Grey Iron Foundry 20y; mrr 1899; mass at Assumption BVM; u=Case {I18} Bomba, Vincent age 62 pub 19411017 MI Saginaw, News d. 19411016 MI Fosters bur MI Detroit, Mt. Olivet b. 18790909 PL {I19} sp-Glodowski, Magdalena note: mrr 1901; mass at Assumption BVM Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 325 DATABASE TABLES [>] Borowiec, Anna pub 19410322 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19410321 McKeesport Hospital bur 19410324 PA White Oak, Holy Family {E39} sp-, Vincent son: Edward; Eugene & Theodore dau: Helen at home bro: John Polka, Liberty Borough sis: Catherine Gliwa, Liberty Borough; Madeline, PL res PA McKeesport, May Av 722 note: mass at Holy Family {C79} Borowiec, Charles age 67 pub 19521016 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19521015 McKeesport Hospital bur 19521019 PA White Oak, Holy Family {C47} sp-Pasko, Katherine son: John, McKeesport; Pete, W Wilmerding; Alex, Pittsburgh dau: Sophie Blaha, Greenock bro: John, PL sis: Stella Fornal, PL rel: gch=2 res PA Port Vue, Trimble Av 1805 note: res US 45y & Port Vue 31y; ret emp of National Tube; aka Borowich; member PNA; mass at Holy Family {G00} Borowiec, John age ~56 pub 19330105 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19330105 at home sp-, Mary bro: Alex Borowiec, MI Detroit sis: Stella Czehovich, NY Brooklyn res PA McKeesport, Jerome Av 816 [#>] Borowiec, Joseph V age 75 pub 19970430 MI Macomb, Daily d. 19970427 MI Fair Haven, at home b. 19210921 PA McKeesport sp-, Wanda P (d.) son: Victor & David dau: Barbara Borowiec & Patricia (Donald) Kooy sis: Justine (Ken) Kinney; Vera Zunich & Sophia Whitman rel: gch=7; ggc=1; dear fri Barb Wade res MI Fair Haven note: Selfridge Air National Guard Base, transportation supervisor; u=Donelson Johs & Evans, Waterford Twp, Highland Rd 5391; WWII vet Army {D08} Borowiec, Julian age 41 pub 19280127 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19280126 McKeesport Hospital bur 19280129 PA White Oak, Holy Family {D94} sp-, Honorata son: Joseph, Adam, Theodore all at home dau: Anna, Nellie & Helen, all at home res PA McKeesport, Dersam St 611 note: funeral at res 326 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries [#>] Borowiec, Mary age 61 pub 19750707 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19750704 at home bur 19750708 NY Brooklyn b. 19140506 PA McKeesport sp-Borowiec, John fat-Turczyn, John mot-Piasecki, Julia dau: Stella Gissi, NY Seldon; Helen Rodriguez & Barbara Keegan, Brooklyn bro: Tony Turczyn, MI Detroit sis: Helen Sedlock & Carolyn Rauzan, McKeesport; Rose Turczyn, New York City rel: gch=5 res NY Brooklyn, Sterling St 307 note: former res of McKeesport; mass in Brooklyn {E39} Borowiec, Vincent age 58 pub 19510713 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19510713 at home bur 19510715 PA White Oak, Holy Family b. 18930727 PL son: Edward Borowitz, W Mifflin; Theodore, McKeesport; Sgt. Eugene Borowitz, USAF dau: Helen, McKeesport bro: Martin & Kasmir Borowitz both of PL sis: Victoria Packiewicz, McKeesport rel: gch=3 res PA McKeesport, Walnut St 1234 note: res McKeesport 37y; ret from National Tube Works; aka Borowitz; funeral at Holy Family; son Eugene stationed at MA Westover Field [#>] Borowiec, Wanda P age 66 pub 19920807 MI Macomb, Daily d. 19920805 MI Royal Oak, Beaumont Hospital b. 19260109 PA McKeesport sp-Borowiec, Joseph son: Victor & David dau: Barbara Sharp & Patti Kooy rel: gch=6; ggc=1 res MI Fair Haven note: ret Selfridge Air National Guard Base, vehicle maintenance; u=Donelson-James, Waterford Twp, Highland Rd 5391; funeral 08aug1992 at Christ Lutheran Church, Waterford [>] Brindle, Agnes age 75 pub 19861011 RI Pawtucket, Times d. 19861010 RI Pawtucket, Memorial Hospital bur 19861014 RI Pawtucket, Mt. St. Mary b. RI Central Falls sp-Brindle, Raymond (d.) fat-Ogorzalek, Joseph {D70} mot-Szczoczarz, Pauline rel: nieces & nephews res RI Central Falls, Cross St note: res Central Falls 10y; formerly of Bristol; mass at St. Josephs; u=Romenski [>] Brindle, Raymond J pub 19740712 RI Pawtucket, Times d. 19740711 bur 19740715 sp-Ogorzalek, Agnes Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 327 DATABASE TABLES sis: Mary Smith res RI Bristol, Wapping Dr 6 note: formerly of Pawtucket; mass at St. Thomas, Warren; u=Wilbur-Romano [>] Brouillette, Eugene M age 41 pub 20030725 FL St. Petersbur, Times d. 20030723 FL St. Petersbur, at home b. RI Central Falls fat-Brouillette, Charles A mot-, Helen rel: mgf & mgm Michael & Mary Szczoczarz, RI Cumberland; sfa Cleo A LeBlank res FL St. Petersbur, note: came from RI Woonsocket 1995; security guard, St. Petersburg Public Library; mot & sfa res St. Petersburg; u=E James Resse, Seminole [#>] Chuchla, Walter pub 20010216 NY Baldwin, Polish American World d. 20010107 bur NY Farmingdale, Resurrection sp-Doran, Grace dau: Grace Vendemio bro: Joseph sis: Julia Chuchla rel: gch=3 note: u=Jurek; mass at Our Lady of Czestochowa [#>] Ciecura, Mary age 81 pub 20001101 MI Detroit, Newspaper Agency d. 20001029 sp-, John (d.) dau: Carrie (Roman) Typkiewicz bro: Edward Matysiak sis: Jennie & Sophie Matysiak rel: gch Donna (Walt) Seymour; ggc Brianna note: u=Wasik Funeral Home, 49150 Schoenherr (Shelby Twp); mass at St. Kieran [#>] Ciesnicki, Joseph Paul age 28 pub NJ Bayonne, Times d. 19440223 GR bur 19490324 NJ N Arlington, Holy Cross sp-, Julia {D29} fat-Ciesnicki, Paul {B05} mot-Kura, Ludwika son: Joseph Paul Ciesnicki Jr. bro: Edward, PO 2/C pacific res NJ Bayonne, W 23 St 16 note: PFC; three clippings; first says missing in GR; second says killed; photo; "never saw 4m old son"; par res Bayonne, E 30 St 77 [may contain other data not recorded] {B05} Ciesnicki, Lucy pub 19781111 NJ Jersey City, Journal d. Bayonne Hospital sis: Katherine Antonik rel: gch=1; ggc=2 note: [may contain other data not recorded here] {D29} Ciesnicki, Paul age 60 pub 19660325 NJ Bayonne, Times d. 19660323 Bayonne Hospital 328 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries sis: Maria (d.); Karoline in Bayonne res NJ Bayonne, E 30 St 77 note: member PNA [may contain other data not recorded here] [#>] Ciesnicki, Walter age 83 pub 19970213 NJ Jersey City, Journal d. at home rel: ssl Irene Krupinski note: lifelong Bayonne res; longshoreman; aka Wally Case; noted baseball pitcher for Half Moon Vikings & New York Bloomer Girls of Bayonne in the 1930s [may contain other data not recorded here] {H29} Cislo, Mieczyslaw age 71 pub 19600729 IN Hammond, Times note: aka Mike; pg B3 {F40} Ciupak, Aniela pub 19750824 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19750826 IL Chicago, Maryhill {F58} sp-Ciupak, Martin (d.) fat-Janiec, dau: Helen (Joseph) Dziekonski & Jean (Raymond) Preze rel: gch=6; ggc=9; ssl=Julia Sawa note: mass at St. Thecla; u=Colonial, N Milwaukee Av 6250 {F58} Ciupak, Martin pub 19681204 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19681205 IL Chicago, Maryhill {F40} sp-Janiec, Aniela dau: Helen (Joseph) Dziekonski & Jean (Raymond) Preze sis: Julia (Joseph) Sawa rel: gch=6; ggc=4 note: mass at St. Thecla; u=Colonial, N Milwaukee Av 6250; member Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union {H04} Czekaj, Sophia pub 19710215 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19710216 IL Niles, St. Adalbert sp-Czekaj, Joseph (d.) {H17} fat-Krzywonos, son: Chester (Sylvia) & Edwin (Mattie) bro: Albert, Dominick, Rev. Victor Krzywonos O.F.M. sis: Emily Guzik, Sister Bennedette H.F.O.N., Bernice Nochowicz & Joan Walendzak rel: gch Collette Pokorny; ggc=2 note: mass at St. Eugene; u=Kowachek, W Lawrence Av 5774-76; member Rosary Sodality at St. Hyacinth; Kappa Camp No. 3827 R.N.A. {C07} Data, Leon age 62 pub 19510222 IL Chicago, Tribune d. 19510221 IL Chicago, at home dau: Veronica res IL Chicago, Crystal St 2643 note: ret steel cutter; found by Veronica (age 36y) when she arrived home from work; she said he was ill [>] Dempskey, Joseph age 67 pub 19780406 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19780405 McKeesport Hospital bur 19780408 PA McKeesport, McKeesport & Versaill b. 19110228 PA McKeesport Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 329 DATABASE TABLES {E31} fat-Dempskey, Michael (d.) {E32} mot-, Catherine (d.) bro: Walter, McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Sinclair St 516 note: ret maintenance man for McKeesport Hospital; US Army WWII vet; funeral by priest at St. Mary {E44} Demski, Frank pub 19660818 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19660816 at home bur 19660822 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. PL sp-Wiatrowski, Josephine {E31} fat-Demski, Michael (d.) {E32} mot-, Catherine (d.) bro: Walter & Joseph, McKeesport sis: Mary Spisak, FL Lantana res PA McKeesport, Spring Av 314 note: ret janitor National Works US Steel; aka Dempski [>] Demski, Josephine age 74 pub 19790510 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19790509 McKeesport Hospital bur 19790511 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. 19041127 PA McKeesport {E44} sp-Demski, Frank (d.) fat-Wiatrowski, Albert mot-, Frances bro: sbr Edward Winter, Fairless Hills sis: ssi Helen Nain, SC Mullin rel: nie Regina Toth, with whom she res res PA McKeesport, Jersey St 2923 {E31} Demski, Michael age 66 pub 19380927 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19380925 PA Woodville, at ??? county home bur 19380928 PA White Oak, Holy Family son: Frank, W??? & Joseph, all of McKeesport dau: Mary Wise, McKeesport rel: gch=5 res PA McKeesport, White St ??? note: res here 10y; mass at Holy Family {E19} Demski, Walter age 71 pub 19801217 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19801217 McKeesport Hospital bur 19801220 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. 19090315 PL sp-Drewniak, Helen {E31} fat-Demski, Michael {E32} mot-, Katherine rel: nieces & nephews res PA McKeesport, Wesley St 2029 note: ret owner of Walter's Radio, Auto & TV Supply, McKeesport; former manager of Casa Loma Bowling Lanes; mass at St. Marys [#>] 330 Desouza, Manuel age 70 pub 19881229 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19881228 St. Luke Hospital b. MA New Bedford American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries sp-Drozek, Annie fat-Desouza, Julia mot-Medeiros, Marianna son: William, Raymond W & Michael B, S Dartmouth; Ronald M, New Bedford dau: Judith A Rebello, Barnstable; Kathryn Mello, New Bedford bro: Charles Desousa!, New Bedford; Frank Sousa!, S Dartmouth sis: Lydia Coite, S Dartmouth, Emily Agostinho, N.B.; Dorothy Souza!, Westport rel: gch=13, ggc=1 note: WWII vet [>] Dlugosz, Anna pub 19791211 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19791214 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {D19} sp-Dlugosz, Pete (d.) fat-Sapek, son: Ted J (Lillian) & Mitchel (Dorothy) note: mass at Holy Trinity; u=Malec & Sons, N Milwaukee Av 6000 {F60} Dlugosz, Katarzyna pub 19730603 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19730604 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {F59} sp-Dlugosz, George (d.) son: John (Victoria) & Theodore (d.) dau: Bernice Cresap, Stella (Chester) Dzierzynski & Julie (d.) (Chester) Rybacki bro: Paul Muryas, other(s) in PL sis: Mary Szary, other(s) in PL rel: gch=10, ggc=many note: mass at St. Hyacinth, u=Diversey, W Diversey Av 3601-05 [>] Dlugosz, Theodore J pub 19650928 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19650929 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {F59} fat-Dlugosz, Albert (d.) {F60} mot-Muryas, Katarzyna bro: John (Victoria) sis: Bernice (John) Cresap, Stella (Chester) Dzierzynski & Julia (Chester) Rybicki rel: 10 nieces & nephews note: mass at St. Hyacinth, u=Diversey {H02} Dobro, Joseph pub 19760220 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19760221 IL Niles, St. Adalbert sp-, Sophie (d.) son: Alex (Mildred) & Ted (Marge) rel: gch=4, ggc=1 note: aka Dobrowolski; u=Ed Prignano, Melrose Park, W North Av 1815; mass at Sacred Heart [>] Dobrowolski, Sophie L pub 19670104 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19670106 IL Niles, St. Adalbert sp-Dobrowolski, Joseph fat-Tomaszewski, son: Alex & Thaddesu rel: gch=4; mol of Millie & Joan note: aka Dobro; u=Colonial, N Milwaukee 6250; mass at St. Thecla Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 331 DATABASE TABLES [#] Doczekalski, Joseph pub 19640609 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19640610 IL Chicago, Resurrection sp-Kazmierski, Mary son: Anthony (Gertrude) dau: Mary (Anson) Sabatini, Veronica Kosciolek & Regina (Ray) Milne rel: gch=9, ggc=4 note: mass at St. Roman, u=Bajek, S California Av 2325 {F83} Drazek, Jozef age 83 pub 20010430 NJ Jersey City, Star Ledger d. 20010428 at home bur 20010502 NJ Linden, Mt. Calvary b. PL Stary Borek sp-Szpak, Jeanette dau: Linda (David) Ferrari sis: Janina Janusz, Maria Drogan, Anna Matlosz rel: gch Matthew D, Nathan D Miller; Melissa & Michael Ferrari res NJ Ramsey note: came US 1950; res Roselle 47y & Ramesy 3y; fireman for US Refining in Carteret, ret 1983; mass St. Joseph, Roselle; u=Krowicki-McCraken, Linden; member Tabory Kadety & PNA of Elizabeth [>] Driscoe, Conrad pub 19720310 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19720311 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {H27} sp-Dlugosz, Helen son: Conrad Jr. (Eleanore) dau: Geraldine (Raymond) Howarth bro: Matthew (Nellie) sis: Lillian (Matthew) Ken & Cele Anderson rel: gch=4 note: mass at Holy Trinity; u=Malec & Sons, N Milwaukee Av 6000 [>] Driscoe, Conrad pub 19720310 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19720311 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {H27} sp-Dlugosz, Helen son: Conrad Jr. (Eleanore) dau: Geraldine (Raymond) Howarth bro: Matthew (Nellie) sis: Lillian (Matthew) Kenn, Cele Anderson rel: gch=4 note: mass at Holy Trinity; u=Malec & Sons, N Milwaukee Av 6000 [#>] 332 Drozek, Edward J age 80 pub 20010306 NY Buffalo, News d. 20010302 NY Cheektowaga, Center for Hospice & P. bur 2001030? NY Lewiston, Holy Trinity b. NY Niagara Falls sp-Dojka, Julia dau: Roberta Hughes & Felicia, Amherst; Joyce Werner, CA Freemont; Karen, OH Cleveland; Barbara, NY Grand Island bro: Alfred, town of Niagara sis: Stella, Niagara Falls rel: gch=3, ggc=1 note: ret 1980 from Airco Speer Carbon Co., control room opr, 41y; mass at Prince of Peace; Army vet WWII sergeant, airplane mechanic & inspector; graduated LaSalle High School; former wif res Lewiston; u=Labuda American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries [#>] Drozek, Katherine age 68 pub 19480708 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19480706 at home bur MA New Bedford, St. Mary b. PL Tarnow {B31} sp-Drozek, Peter fat-Gida, John son: M Peter Drozek, Chicopee Falls dau: Wallay Gesiak, Amelia Remillard, Norma DeTerra, Frances Perry & Annie DeSouza bro: Frank Gida, CT West Haven rel: gch=13 res MA New Bedford, Salisbury St 17 note: res New Bedford 45y; per death index; Gesiak res CT E Hartford; other of New Bedford [#>] Drozek, M Peter age 62 pub 19720120 MA Springfield, Union d. NH Manchester bur 19720123 NH Manchester, Mt. Calvary sp-Puchlopek, Jennie res MA Springfield, Laurel St 484 note: formerly of Chicopee Falls; mass at St. Annes Church, Manchester [#>] Drozek, Nellie pub 19410910 NY Niagara Falls, Gazette d. 19410909 St. Mary Hospital bur 19410913 NY Lewiston, Holy Trinity {A63} sp-Drozek, Stanley fat-Fronczak, J? son: Edward, Alfred dau: Mary, Stella bro: Joseph Fronczak, NYC res NY Niagara Falls, Tuscarora Rd 1360 note: mass at St. Stanislaw Kostka; fat in PL {B31} Drozek, Peter age 73 pub 19590720 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19590719 St. Luke Hospital bur MA New Bedford, St. Mary b. PL sp-Gida, Katherine (d.) fat-Drazek, Joseph son: M P Drozek, Chicopee Falls dau: (Kasimir) Gesiak, CT E Hartford; (John) DeTerra Jr.; (Gilbert T) Perry, New Bedford; (Manual) De Souza, S Dartmouth sis: Josephine Dzioba, Westport rel: gch=15; ggc=5; several nieces & nephews res MA New Bedford, Salisbury St 17 note: res New Bedford 50y; former mill weaver; member St. Hedwig parish & PNA [#>] Drozek, Rita M age 70 pub 19970823 NY Buffalo, News d. 19970822 NY Lewiston, Mt. St. Mary Hopsital b. NY Niagara Falls sp-Drozek, Alfred fat-Payne, son: James dau: Debra Bielec, Cynthia Tripoli & Diana Holka bro: Thomas Payne, Buffalo; Samuel Payne sis: Ruth McQueen Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 333 DATABASE TABLES rel: gch=12; ggc=1 res NY Niagara Falls, Richmond Av note: ret 1981 server for NF Board of Education for 13y; mass 25aug1997 at Prince of Peace; attended LaSalle High School; u=Cooper, 8028 Buffalo Av {B23} Dzioba, Amelia pub 19671022 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19671021 area nursing home b. PL Rzeszow sp-Dzioba, Joseph (d.) son: Stanley, N Dartmouth; Walter, New Bedford dau: Miss Josephine Dzioba, New Bedford rel: gch=2, ggc=1 res MA N Dartmouth, Fisher Rd 404 note: arv US 64y ago; res N Dartmouth 45y; aka Amelia (Drazek) Dzioba; attended Our Lady of Perpetual Help [#>] Dzioba, Helen age 84 pub 19730518 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19730518 St. Luke Hospital b. PL sp-Dzioba, Jan (d.) son: Stanley J Dzioba, N Bedford dau: Antoinette Kulpa, New Bedford rel: gch=2; ggc=3 res MA New Bedford, Hersom St 193 note: res area 65y [#>] Dzioba, Joseph pub 19600813 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19600812 at home b. PL {B23} sp-Drazek, Aniela son: Stanley & Walter, N Dartmouth dau: Miss Josephine Dzioba & Mrs. Mary Loveridge, New Bedford sis: Mrs. Antoni Binek, New Bedford rel: gch=2 res MA N Dartmouth, Fisher Rd 367 note: arv US 54y ago; self employed produce farmer [#>] Dzioba, Marjan J age 54 pub 19641212 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19641212 at home b. MA New Bedford sp-Mierzejewska, Leona mot-Dzioba, Helen son: Jan Dzioba bro: Stanley Dzioba, New Bedford sis: Mrs. Anthony Kulpa, New Bedford res MA New Bedford, Pequot St 1030 note: owner of Cove Beverage; attended St. Casimirs [#>] Dziurzynski, Anthony pub 19710602 NJ Jersey City, Journal res NJ Passaic, Parker Av 7 note: Catholic priest; mass at St. Josephs church [may contain other data not recorded here] 334 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries {B01} Dziurzynski, Cecelia pub 19640824 NJ Bayonne, Times d. Jersey City Medical Center son: Anthony Joseph, Passaic; Edward, NJ Whitehouse; John, NJ Maplewood dau: Stefania, NJ Clark rel: gch=11 res NJ Jersey City, Fulton Av 305 note: res US 60y Bayonne 45y; to Jersey City 5y ago; son Anthony pastor St. Joseph's church [may contain other data not recorded here] [#>] Dziurzynski, Josephine pub NJ Jersey City, Star Ledger d. 20001216 FL bur 20001220 NJ N Arlington, Holy Cross sp-Dziurzynski, Stanley (d.) son: Richard (Elizabeth) Dziurzynski dau: Mary Eileen (Raymond) Kane bro: Stanley P Magnus sis: Harriet Magielnicki; Mary Magielnicki (d.); Helen Zieja (d.) rel: gch Victoria & Timothy Kane res FL Pembroke Pine, note: formerly of Jersey City; Richard Dziurzynski ret Sgt. Bayonne Police Dept.; mass Our Lady of Mercy, Jersey City; u=Greenville Memorial [#>] Dziurzynski, Leon age 40 pub 19521218 NJ Bayonne, Times d. Bayonne Hospital b. NY Brooklyn son: Leon & Thomas bro: Fr. Anthony Dziurzynski, St. Bernard Church, Hopewell res NJ Bayonne, Prospect Av 108 note: came to Bayonne as a child; owner and operator of tavern at same address; member PNA [may contain other data not recorded here] [#>] Dziurzynski, Stanley age 79 pub 19880317 NJ Jersey City, Journal d. St. Francis Hospital b. NY Brooklyn sp-, Josephine fat-Magielnicki, Raymond mot-, Elizabeth son: Richard Dziurzynski, Bayonne police dept. dau: Mary Eileen Kane rel: gch Victoria & Timothy Kane note: in Bayonne 32y; moved Jersey City 47y ago; crane operator for JC Contracting Co.; [may contain other data not recorded here] {A97} Dziurzynski, Thomas age 62 pub 19420403 NJ Bayonne, Times d. St. Francis Hospital bur NJ Jersey City, Holy Name son: Anthony, Patterson; Leon, John & Edward, Bayonne; Stanley, Jersey City dau: Stephanie Dziurzynski sis: Wladyslawa Kotowicz, Jersey City; 3 in PL res NJ Bayonne, E 23 St 20 note: son Anthony is Pastor of St. Hyacinth Church [may contain other data not recorded here] Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 335 DATABASE TABLES {C55} Filip, Klementina pub 19470913 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19470912 McKeesport Hospital bur 19470915 PA White Oak, Holy Family b. PL {C56} sp-Filipowski, Taduesz son: Felix, McKeesport dau: Mrs. Bertha Piechowicz, McKeesport, Manor Av 1700 rel: gch=25; ggc=12 res PA McKeesport, Market St 1315 note: res McKeesport 40y; aka Filipowski; mass at Holy Family {C62} Filipowski, Felix age 59 pub 19501106 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19501106 McKeesport Hospital b. PL sp-, Mary {C56} fat-Filipowski, Thadeus (d.) {C55} mot-Prokop, Clementine (d.) son: Henry, WA Tacoma, McChord Field dau: Helen & Jean at home sis: Bertha Piechowicz, McKeesport, Manor Av 1700 res PA McKeesport, 13 Av 108 note: res in area 12y; Pittsburgh Steel Foundry in Glassport; member Holy Family {C56} Filipowski, Tadeusz age 85 pub 19481021 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19481021 at home b. 18630202 PL {C55} sp-, Clementina (d.) fat-Filipowski, Maciej mot-Wilk, Catherine son: Felix, McKeesport dau: Bertha Piechowicz, at home rel: gch=24, ggc=7 res PA McKeesport, Manor Av 1700 note: res McKeesport 45y; member Holy Family; u=Chech [#] 336 Florkiewicz, Theodore J age 80 pub 20020817 NY Middletown, Times Herald-Record d. 20020816 bur 20020820 NY Port Jervis, St. Mary b. 19220607 NJ Jersey City sp-Wiecezek, Helen fat-Florkiewicz, Stefan (d.) mot-Olstynski, Marie (d.) son: Richard (Joan) Florkiewicz, NY Warwick dau: Christine (Anton) Cozik, Brooklyn; Janet (Jerry) Gibbs, Greenville Twp sis: Stephanie Swenson, NJ Lebanon; Florence Zubikowski, FL St. Petersburg; Genevieve Helt, CT Putnam; Irene Slowik (d.); Helen Cestero (d.) rel: gch Laura, Sawyer, Garrett & Travis Cozik; Katie, Ryan, Erin & Steven Florkiewicz; Carla (Bryan) Zellmer, Theodore & Gerald Gibbs; nieces & nephews res NY Greenville Tw note: originally from Brooklyn; ret supervisor, US Naval Dept. of Housing 32y; aka "Poppy"; mrr 54y; Navy vet WWII boilerman 1st class USS St. Louis; VFW, American Legion & PL-American Legion; u=Gray-Parker, Port Jervis NY; mass at St. Marys RC, Port Jervis American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries [#>] Fornal, Anastasia pub 19661209 NY Newburgh, Evening News d. 19661208 St. Luke Hospital bur 19661210 NY New Windsor, Calvary b. 18860413 PL {A02} sp-Fornal, Stanley fat-Zelen, John mot-Cieplyk, Maria son: S.Sgt Stanley Fornal, USAF, DC Washington dau: Mary E (Joseph) Travis, New Windsor; Julia (Clarence) Chase, NYC; Helen (Arthur) Johnson, Newburgh rel: gch=4; nieces & nephews res NY New Windsor, Lawrence Av 81 note: mass at St. Francis; b. Mecina Wielka PL {A03} Fornal, Charles, Sr. pub 19820513 NY Newburgh, Evening News d. 19820512 NY Newburgh, Sylcox Nursing Home bur 19820515 NY New Windsor, St. Francis b. 18880820 PL sp-Zaremsky, Mary (d.) fat-Fornal, Peter mot-Rozek, Catherine son: Edward, Staten Island; John, NJ Union; Peter & Charles Jr. (Rip), New Windsor dau: Anna Rudolph, New Windsor; Mary Mussche & Frances DePasquale, Newburgh sis: Rose Mulkis, Long Island Deerpark rel: gch=18; ggc=17; great ggc=2 res NY New Windsor, Hickory Av 21 note: res area 70y; ret maintenance worker for Town of New Windsor; u=Coloni, New Windsor; mass at St. Francis [#>] Fornal, Joseph pub 19480604 NY Newburgh, News d. 19480603 St. Luke Hospital bur 19480607 NY New Windsor, Calvary b. 19030516 NY New Windsor sp-Schebesta, Pauline {A03} fat-Fornal, Charles bro: Edward, Staten Island; John & Peter, Newburgh; Charles, Syracuse sis: Anna (Frank) Lobig; Mary (Joseph) McDonald & Frances (Edward) DePasquale, NY res NY New Windsor, Cedar Av 84 note: in Navy 2y; member PL Union of America; mass at St. Francis [>] Fornal, Joseph M pub 19950822 PA Bradford, Era bur PA Ridgway, Parklawn res PA Ridgway [>] Fornal, Joseph M age 79 pub 19950822 PA Ridgway, Record d. 19950820 PA Ridgway, Elk Regional Medical center bur 19950823 PA Ridgway, Parklawn Mem. Gardens b. 19151130 PA Ridgway sp-Steis, Kathryn M {B54} fat-Fornal, Vincent (d.) {I44} mot-Habay, Veronica (d.) bro: Michael Fornal (d.) sis: Marcella Fornal (d.) Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 337 DATABASE TABLES res PA Ridgway, Oak St 306 note: lifelong res of Ridgway; co-owner of Olde-Tyme Bakery, Ridgway; mrr 15nov1958; mass at St. Leos; u=Meehan-Shilk [>] Fornal, Michael age 67 pub 19910606 PA Bradford, Era res PA Ridgway [>] Fornal, Michael age 67 pub 19910606 PA Ridgway, Record d. 19910605 PA Erie, Hamot Medical Center bur 19910608 PA Ridgway, St. Leo b. 19231019 PA Ridgway sp-Sidelinger, Beverly {B54} fat-Fornal, Vincent {I44} mot-Habay, Veronica son: David, at home dau: Veronica, at home bro: Joseph M, Ridgway sis: Marcella (d.) res PA Ridgway, Allenhurst St 328 note: lifelong res of Ridgway; ret emp Ridgway School System; mrr 18jun1965; u=Meehan-Shilk; mass at St. Leos; US Army vet WWII; member Moose, VFW & American Legion [#>] Fornal, Pauline H age 72 pub 19810806 NY Newburgh, Evening News d. 19810805 at home b. 19081210 CZ sp-Fornal, Joseph (d.) fat-Schebesta, Paul F mot-Madhal, Pauline bro: Joseph Schebesta, New Windsor sis: Frances (Frank) Martin, Newburgh res NY Newburgh, Benkard Av 107 note: res of Newburgh 65y; ret machine opr for Quatro Knits; u=Toohey Bros.; mass 08aug1981 at St. Francis {A02} Fornal, Stanley pub 19680409 NY Newburgh, Evening News d. 19680408 at home bur 19680410 NY New Windsor, Calvary b. 18860508 AU sp-Zelen, Anastasia (d.) fat-Fornal, Peter mot-Czernik, Catherine son: Stanley dau: Mary W (Joseph) Travis, New Windsor; Julia (Clarence) Chase, NYC; Helen (Arthur) Johnson, Newburgh bro: Charles Fornal sis: Rose Mulkis, Long Island Deerpark; Josephine Martin & Pauline Pustola, Newburgh; Albina Wocial, Bronx rel: gch=4 res NY New Windsor, Lawrence Av 81 note: ret from American Felt Co.; u=Doulin-Zillig; mass at St. Francis [#>] 338 Fornal, Stella age 73 pub 19880422 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19880421 McKeesport Hospital bur 19880425 PA McKeesport, Grandview American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries b. 19141030 PA McKeesport sp-Fornal, Valentine fat-Skotnicki, Joseph (d.) mot-Kook, Julia (d.) son: Joseph, Joshua TX dau: Dolores Applegarth, Castle Shannon; Sally Ann Cooley, MD Takoma Park; Patricia Pruitt, MD Hagerstown bro: Ted Skotnicki, White Oak rel: gch=11, ggc=2; nieces & nephews res PA White Oak note: former head deaconess of Seventh-day Adventist Church; snl Rev. Milton Pruitt conducted funeral [#>] Fornal, Valentine age 89 pub 19981116 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19981113 WV Wheeling, at home of dau Pruitt bur 19981117 PA N Versailles, Grandview b. 19090605 PA Washington sp-Skotnicki, Stella (d.) fat-Fornal, Joseph (d.) mot-Kuk, Katherine (d.) son: Joseph, Joshua TX dau: Dolores Applegarth, Castle Shannon; Sally Ann Cooley, MD Tacoma Park; Patti Pruitt, WV Wheeling bro: "brothers" in PL sis: "sisters" in PL rel: gch=11, ggc=7; nieces & nephews res PA White Oak note: ret welder at Fort Pitt Steel Foundry; snl Rev. Milton Pruitt & snl Jess Cooley conducted funeral; member Seventh Day Adventist in Pittsburgh [#] Fornal, Walter age 78 pub 19861121 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19861121 at home bur 19861124 PA White Oak, Holy Family b. 19080314 PA McKeesport sp-Staniek, Virginia fat-Fornal, Joseph mot-Kuk, Catherine son: Thomas, Level Green; Robert, McKeesport; Bernard, Port Vue dau: Steffania Piekielek, FL W Palm Beach; Gladys Bell, OH Niles; Genevieve Penn, N Huntington Twp; Juliann Jeffers, E Pittsburgh bro: Valentine, White Oak; Thomas & Theodore, PL sis: Steffania Yurga & Stella & Bertha Warhol, PL rel: gch=8; ggc=4; nieces & nephews res PA McKeesport note: heat age opr for Westinghouse Air Brake Co., Wilmerding; ret 1978 after 31y service; mass at Holy Family {H42} Fornall, Albert pub 19630415 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19620417 IL Niles, St. Adalbert sp-, Mary (d.) son: Fabian A dau: Helen Barnich, Matilda Halach, Bernice Steck & Olga Shell rel: gch=14, ggc=9 note: mass at St. John Brebeuf; u=Koop, Milwaukee Av 5844-48 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 339 DATABASE TABLES [>] Gasinski, John pub 19570709 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19570711 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {I75} sp-Lenart, Teofila son: Ted & John dau: Kay Eppinger, Bernice Peterson, Stephanie Schram, Dolores Guzzi & Jean rel: gch=15 note: mass at Our Lady of the Angels; u=funeral home at W Division St 4255-57 {I75} Gasinski, Teofila age 85 pub 19770204 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19770205 IL Niles, St. Adalbert sp-Gasinski, John (d.) son: Ted (Grace) & John (Jean) dau: Kay (Ira) Eppinger, Bernice (George) Peterson, Stephanie (James) Schram, Dolores (Anthony) Guzzi & Jean (Kenneth) Schwarz sis: Kotuia, Loiuse rel: gch=26, ggc=10 note: mass at St. Robert Bellarmine; u=Kowachek, W Lawrence Av 5774-76 [#>] Gastka, Elsie A age 75 pub 19931003 NY Newburgh, News d. 19931001 at home bur 19931005 NY New Windsor, St. Francis b. 19180421 NY Cornwall sp-Gastka, Joseph fat-Ball, Clarance mot-Wilson, Bessie son: Joseph W Gastka, NC bro: William W Ball, FL rel: gch=2; nieces & nephews res NY New Windsor, Cedar Av note: lifelong res of area; ret teacher's aide for Newburgh school district; 45y member of Quassaick Fire Dept. Ladies Auxiliary; mass at St. Francis [#>] Gastka, George P pub 19600209 NY Newburgh, News d. 19600208 at home bur 19600211 NY New Windsor, St. Francis b. PL {C64} sp-Slowik, Mary (d.) fat-Garstka, Peter mot-Wielgus, Eva son: Joseph W & William P, New Windsor; John G, Newburgh dau: Sophie (John) DeTurris & Johanna (Lawrence) Mowery, New Windsor; Victoria (John) Zygadlo, Long Island sis: 2 in PL rel: gch=10; nieces & nephews res NY New Windsor, Ledyard St 5 note: emp 35y with Coldwell Lawnmower Co.; ret ~10y ago; aka Garstka; member PL Union of America; u=Toohey Bros.; mass at St. Francis [#>] 340 Gastka, John G age 61 pub 19760210 NY Newburgh, Evening News d. 19760209 St. Luke Hospital bur 19760211 NY Newburgh, Cedar Hill b. 19140729 NY New Windsor sp-Gibson, Mina fat-Gastka, George (d.) American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries {C64} mot-Slovik, Mary (d.) bro: Joseph & William Gastka, both of New Windsor sis: Sophie Deturris & Jennie Mowery, New Windsor; Victoria Zaggolo, Long Island res NY Newburgh, Townsend Av 33 note: lifelong res of Newburgh; electrical worker at Ira D Conklin & Sons for 15y {C64} Gastka, Mary pub 19570212 NY Newburgh, News d. 19570209 St. Luke Hospital bur 19570212 NY New Windsor, St. Francis b. PL sp-Gastka, George fat-Slowik, Peter mot-, Eva son: Joseph & William, New Windsor; John, Newburgh dau: Sophie (John) DeTurris, NYC; Johanna (Lawrence) Mowery, New Windsor; Victoria (John) Zygadlo, Long Island sis: 2 in PL rel: gch=10; nieces & nephews res NY New Windsor, Ledyard St 5 note: res New Windsor 50y; aka Garstka; member PL Union of America; u=Toohey Bros.; mass at St. Francis [#>] Gastka, Mary L age 67 pub 19880705 NY Newburgh, Evening News d. 19880704 NY Poughkeepsie, St. Francis Hospital bur 19880707 b. 19210511 NY New Windsor sp-Gastka, William fat-Bartal, John mot-Skoda, Eliza dau: Louise Tenney, Newburgh; Mary Ellen Antonacci, CT Stamford sis: Irene Bartal, New Windsor rel: gch=6 res NY New Windsor, Hickory Av note: lifelong res of area; ret secretery William McIntyre Insurance Co., Newburgh; u=Coloni, New Windsor; mass at St. Francis [#>] Gastka, Mina H age 72 pub 19810616 NY Newburgh, Evening News d. 19810615 St. Luke Hospital bur 19810617 NY Newburgh, Cedar Hill b. NY Newburgh sp-Gastka, John G (d.) fat-Gibson, William mot-Houston, Jennie sis: Lulu Conklin Tuthill, Town of Newburgh res NY Newburgh [>] Geisler, August T age 84 pub 19990324 NY Oneonta, Daily Star d. 19990321 NY Unadilla b. 19140812 NJ Newark sp-, Madalyn (d.) fat-Geisler, Frank (d.) {B55} mot-, Valerie (d.) son: Richard (Kathleen), NJ Lakehurst dau: Valerie Geisler, New York City bro: Edward Geisler (d.) Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 341 DATABASE TABLES rel: gch=3 res NY Unadilla note: ret machinist; mass 26mar1999 at Sacred Heart Church in Sidney; u=C H Landers, Sidney; wif d. 1994; Fagan Flyer in Fagen Airport, Sidney [>] Glodowski, Charlotte pub 20000117 MI Detroit, Free Press d. 20000116 sp-, Adolf (d.) dau: Antoinette (William) Milostan bro: Edward Wegrzynowicz rel: gch Peter Milostan; Peggy (James) Cahill; Mary (John) Coe note: ggc=Kristine, Alex, David, Charlotte, Harrison & Bennet; mass St. Peters, Mount Clemens; u=Wasik funeral home [#>] Glodowski, Janusz age 65 pub 20040201 MI Detroit, Free Press d. 20040128 bur 20040203 MI Detroit, Mt. Olivet sp-, Sharon mot-Glodowski, Mary son: William (Elizabeth) & Eric (Tricia) sis: Donna (Robert) Seruga rel: gch=5 note: u=Wasik Funeral Home, Thirteen Mile Rd 11470, Warren [#>] Glodowski, Maria age 98 pub 20050129 MI Detroit, Free Press d. 20050126 bur 20050131 MI Detroit, Mt. Olivet {E72} sp-Glodowski, Anthony (d.) son: Janusz Glodowski (d.) dau: Donna (Robert) Seruga rel: gch=4; ggc=5 note: aka Mania; mass at Assumption Grotto Church; u=Wasik Funeral Home, Thirteen Mile Rd 11470, Warren {E58} Gorel, Martin pub 19661005 MI Detroit, News bur MI Detroit, Mt. Olivet sp-, Stefania (d.) son: Walter & Joseph Goryl dau: Veronica (Walter) Dolinski rel: gch=8; ggc=9 note: aka Goryl; u=Chrzanowski; mass at St. Thomas the Apostle {I56} Gorlowski, Frank age 80 pub 19920321 PA Ridgway, Record d. 19920320 PA Kane, Kane Community Hospital bur 19920324 PA Rasselas, Holy Cross b. 19110906 PL Rzeszow sp-Waskiewicz, Helen {B56} fat-Gorlowski, Paul (d.) mot-Skiba, Anna (d.) son: Casimir, St. Marys dau: Stella Anderson, Wilcox; Frances (Kenneth) Riley, Ridgway; Charlotte (John) Nicklas, St. Marys; Leona (George) Olewinski, Rasselas sis: Jennie (John) Yopek, Erie rel: gch=19; ggc=15 (2 more gch predeceased) 342 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries res PA Wilcox, Oak St note: arv US 1933; res Wilcox 61y; ret Wilcox Tannery & Keystone Carbon Co., St. Marys; mrr 28oct1933 at St. Ann; mass at St. Ann; member Wilcox American Legion & Wilcox Sportsmen Club; u=Anthony Ferragine {I56} Gorlowski, Frank age 80 pub 19920325 PA Johnsonburg, Press d. 19920320 PA Kane, Kane Community Hospital bur 19920324 PA Rasselas, Holy Cross b. 19110906 PL Rzeszow sp-Waskiewicz, Helen {B56} fat-Gorlowski, Paul (d.) mot-Skiba, Anna (d.) son: Casimir, St. Marys dau: Stella Anderson, Wilcox; Frances (Kenneth) Riley, Ridgway; Charlotte (John) Nicklas, St. Marys; Leona (George) Olewinski, Rasselas sis: Jennie (John) Yopek, Erie rel: gch=19; ggc=15 (2 more gch predeceased) res PA Wilcox, Oak St note: arv US 1933; res Wilcox 61y; ret Wilcox Tannery & Keystone Carbon Co., St. Marys; mrr 28oct1933 at St. Ann; mass at St. Ann; member Wilcox American Legion & Wilcox Sportsmen Club {B57} Gorlowski, Paul age 89 pub 19630329 PA Erie, Daily Times d. 19630328 PA Erie, Hamot Hospital son: Frank J Gorlowski, Wilcox dau: Jenny Yopek, Erie, W 5 St 548 rel: gch=9; ggc=14 res PA Erie, W 5 St 548 note: res 40y Wilcox then 12y Ridgway then 3y Erie; ret 1950 Keystone Tanning & Glue Co., Wilcox, emp since 1913; res with dau; u=Rzepka, East Av 701, funeral arrangements undetermined {F87} Goryl, Walter L age 87 pub 19990628 MI Detroit, Free Press d. 19990626 bur 19990629 sp-, Florence & Margaret (d.) sis: Verna Dolinski rel: sch George (Linda) Fox, Linda (Daniel) Brugilo, Marilyn (Ralph) Schultz; gch=5 note: member Warren Eagles; u=Wujek-Calcaterra, Schoenherr 36900 at Metro Pkwy (16 mile) [>] Gos, Anna Catherine pub 19700402 CA Chula Vista, Star-News bur 19700401 son: Mitchel S; Adam Kalemba dau: Sandra Pontarelli rel: gch=5 res CA Chula Vista, 01 Av 639 note: u=Humphrey Chapel; mass at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church {B58} Gos, Leon S pub 19670103 IL Chicago, Dziennik Chicagoski d. 19661229 {B58} Gos, Leon S pub 19661231 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19670104 CA San Diego, Holy Cross sp-Partacz, Anna Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 343 DATABASE TABLES son: dau: rel: note: Adam (Myrna) Kalemba & Mitchell Sandra (Raymond) Pontarelli gch William & James formerly of Chicago; mass at St. Rose of Lima, CA Chula Vista; u=Humphrey, CA Chula Vista, Broadway 855 {B58} Gos, Leon S age 74 pub 19670101 CA Chula Vista, Star-News d. 19661229 at home bur 19670104 CA San Diego, Holy Cross b. PL sp-, Anna son: Mitchell, at home dau: 1 rel: sso; gch=2 res CA Chula Vista, 01 Av 639 note: res in county 10y; machinist 38y with Sunshine Biscuit, Chicago; u=Humphrey Chapel; mass at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church [>] Gos, Mitchell Stanley age 76 pub 19950805 CA Chula Vista, Star-News d. 19950801 at home bur 19950807 CA San Diego, Holy Cross sis: Alexandra Pontarelli res CA Chula Vista note: res in county 40y; air freight agent with United Airlines 30y; u=Humphrey Chapel; mass at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church; member KofC No. 4891; mausoleum [>] Grebeck, Helen age 88 pub 19950406 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19950405 McKeesport Hospital bur 19950408 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. 19060823 PA McKeesport sp-, Stanley F (d.) {F14} fat-Konkol, Jan {F20} mot-Borowicz, Sara son: Stan Grebeck, OH Aurora dau: Annette Rae, Greensburg & Janet Grebeck at home bro: Alex Konkol, White Oak rel: nieces & nephews note: former proprietor of Grebecks Market; mass at St. Marys; sp d. 10mar1995 {B59} Grebeck, Stanley age 93 pub 19950311 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19950310 McKeesport Hospital bur 19950312 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. 19010401 PL sp-Konkol, Helen {C73} fat-, Francis {C82} mot-Rog, Antoinette son: Stan Grebeck, OH Aurora dau: Annette Rae, Greensburg & Janet Grebeck at home rel: gch=7; ggc=3 note: former proprietor of Grebecks Market on Grove Av for 47y; mass at St. Mary 344 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries {D25} Grys, Jan age 68 pub 19421015 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19421014 res MA Acushnet, Hamblin Rd 266 note: age=68.5y {D26} Grys, Mary age 72 pub 19561013 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19561012 at home of dau Mrs. Leon Houle b. PL {D25} sp-Grys, Jan (d.) son: Albert, Joseph & Thadeus, all of New Bedford dau: Mrs. Houle, Mrs. Stanley Wajda & Mrs. Joseph Sowa sis: 1 in PL rel: gch=12; ggc=13 res MA New Bedford, Coffin St 344 note: res Acushnet 24y; in New Bedford last 20y; ara Mary (Kowal) Grys; Mrs. Leon Houle res Salisbury St 27 [#>] Grys, Stephen A age 85 pub 20031008 WI Wausau, Daily Herald d. 20031006 at home bur 20031010 WI Reid, Our Savior b. 19180909 PA Helvetia sp-Bartel, Ferne (d.) {D97} fat-Grys, Stanislaw (d.) {D98} mot-Fornal, Kaziemiera (d.) son: Stanley (Renate) Grys & John B (Ellen) Grys, both of Wisconsin Rapids dau: Jane (David) Gajda, Wausau bro: John C (Louise) Grys, AK Fairbanks; 2 predeceased sis: 2 predeceased rel: gch=9; ggc=16; special fri Della Rickhoff res WI WI Rapids, Evergreen Av 10110 note: hobby farm beef cattle, own/opr G&H Farm Equipment, WI Rapids; mass at Our Saviors PNC Church, Mosinee; u=Beste, Mosinee; Army WWII vet, decorated, Purple Heart, survived Battle of the Bulge {B32} Gryss, Albert S age 72 pub 19751228 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19751226 Francis P Memorial Hospital b. PL sp-Przysta, Mary Anna (d.) dau: Mildred Poitras, Dorothy Sylvia & Wanda Kumor, New Bedford sis: Caroline Houle, Helen Wajda & Veronica Sowa, New Bedford rel: gch=8; ggc=2 res MA New Bedford, Harwich St 184 [#>] Gryss, Alice H age 80 pub 19920218 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19920217 at home of sis Stella Banat sp-Gryss, Thadeus (d.) fat-Plaza, Joseph mot-Dubiel, Agnes sis: Alfreda Johnson & Stella Banat, New Bedford rel: nieces & nephews note: lifelong res of New Bedford Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 345 DATABASE TABLES [>] Guttridge, Thomas G Jr pub 19760306 MI Saginaw, News d. 19760304 CA Santa Ana bur CA Santa Ana b. 19130412 MI Saginaw sp-Bomba, Stella [>] Guzik, Anthony L pub 19710210 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19710211 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {H87} sp-Krzywonos, Emily K bro: John (Adele) sis: Apolonia rel: nieces & nephews note: mass at St. James; u=Baran, N Central Av 2644-46 Halon, Michael age 74 pub 19650208 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19650207 McKeesport Hospital bur 19650210 PA Grove City, Crestview b. 18900920 PL sp-Swarney, Ann (d.) {F37} fat-Halon, Albert (d.) mot-, Agatha (d.) res PA McKeesport, Union St 712 note: res area 50y; ret from National Steel; member PNA; member St. Peter RC church [#>] Hayden, Bernard age 78 pub 19880512 NY Newburgh, Evening News d. 19880511 at home bur 19880514 NY Highland Fall, Peaceable b. 19090626 NY Highland Fall sp-Bessert, Ann D fat-Hayden, Joseph J mot-Nolan, Roseanna dau: Bernice J Coutu, HI Honolulu; Doris Ann Glass, West Point sis: Maria T Fowler, Highland Falls rel: gch=3; ggc=2 res NY Highland Fall, note: lifelong area res; ret barrack policeman, US Military Academy West Point {B33} Houle, Caroline M age 92 pub 19940214 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19940212 FL Lakeland bur MA New Bedford, St. Mary sp-Houle, Leon A (d.) son: Edward A Houle dau: Regina C Kershaw; Leona V Landolt (d.) rel: gch=9, ggc=20, great ggc=1 note: aka Caroline M (nee Gryss) Houle {D96} Janiec, Thomas pub 19610705 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19610706 IL Niles, St. Adalbert dau: Marie Zelazny & Rose (Joseph) Adamczyk rel: gch=2; ggc=5 res IL Chicago, S Kenneth Av 2839 note: mass at Good Shepherd; u=Dulski, S Kolin Av 2806 346 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries {D96} Janiec, Tomasz pub 19610705 IL Chicago, Dziennik Chicagoski sp-, Wilhelmina {H99} Janos, Stanley pub 19590406 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19590405 at home of dau where he res bur 19590408 PA White Oak, Holy Family {B89} sp-Kaleta, Amiela (d.) son: Walter, New York City, Edward, Brooklyn, Ted & Frank at home dau: Josephine Naspinsky bro: Anthony, PL rel: gch=1 res PA McKeesport, Washington St 910 note: ret from McKeesport Tin Plate; aka Jamish; member Holy Family PNC Church; mass at Holy Family {E89} Kalandyk, Agnes B pub 19690427 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19690429 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {E88} sp-Kalandyk, Vincent fat-Borowiec, son: Joseph dau: Jane (Raymond) Runde & Maryann (Stanley) Magiera (d.) bro: Borowiec, Anton rel: gch=6 note: mass at St. Hyacinth; u=Diversey, W Diversey Av 3601-05 {B41} Kalandyk, Frank pub 19841124 CT Meriden, Record & Journal d. 19841122 NH b. 18920914 AU son: Frank, NH Nashua; John & Edward, Wallingford dau: Josephine (Albert) Flaim, NJ Freehold; Adele (Stephen) Hanisco, Wallingford rel: gch=10, ggc=5; nie=1 res CT Wallingford, N Farms Rd 1043 note: arv US 1914; fruit farmer; Jehovah Witness; u=Farwell, Nashau; died while visiting son [#>] Kalandyk, Sophie pub 19720617 CT Meriden, Record & Journal d. 19720615 at home b. PA Avoca son: Frank, MA Haverhill; John & Edward, Wallingford dau: Josephine Flaim, NJ Carteret; Adele Hanisco, Wallingford bro: Edward Wyjas, NJ Hazlet sis: Agnes Jaskowak, NJ Old Bridge rel: gch=10 res CT Wallingford, N Farms Rd 1043 note: Jehovah Witness; u=B C Bailey, Wallingford [>] Kaplita, Emilia M age 96 pub 19921130 MA Springfield, Union d. 19921128 local nursing home bur 19921202 MA Springfiled, St. Michael b. PL son: Leo, Palmer; Edward, Plainfield; TX Bernard; Frederick (d. 1991) dau: Stella (Susie) Zeiters, Springfield Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 347 DATABASE TABLES rel: gch=6; ggc=3 res MA Springfield, Perkins St 23 note: res Springfield most of life; nee Podbielski; mass at Holy Cross [>] Kaplita, Stanley P age 88 pub 20001227 MI Macomb, Daily d. 20001225 MI Warren bur 20001029 MI Rochester Hil, Christian Mem. b. 19121005 MI Hamtramck sp-, A Louise dau: Linda Kaplita bro: Dr. Walter Kaplita (d.) sis: Elaine Jones (d.) rel: sch Carolyn(Angelo) Censoplano, Mary Ellen Kraft, Kathleen Kane, Robert(Susan)Riley res MI Eastpointe note: prev owned Kappy's Party Store, Fraser; Sabre Lounge, Detroit; US Army in WWII; nie, nep & cou; step gch=7; step ggc=7; mass at St. Barnabas, u=Schultz [>] Kaplita, Walter A pub MI Detroit, Newspaper Agency d. 20001101 bur 20001104 sp-, Helene (d.) dau: Nadine (Robert) Bailey bro: Stanley sis: Elaine Jones (d.) rel: gch Nicholas note: practiced medicine in metropolitan Detroit over 50y; Capt. US Army WWII; u=Desmond [>] Kaplita, Walter A age 89 pub 20001104 MI Detroit, Free Press d. 20001101 at home bur 20001104 MI Troy, White Chapel b. MI Detroit dau: Nadine Bailey bro: Stanley rel: gch=2 res MI St. Clair Sho, note: physician in Detroit area for 50y, ret 1988; graduate Univ. of Detroit 1933; med degree Wayne Univ. 1938; violin player; Capt. US Army WWII, D-Day invasion; u=Desmond, Troy [#>] Kasperski, Estelle M pub 19800223 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19800225 IL Chicago, Resurrection sp-Kasperski, Stanley {E06} fat-Malak, son: Florian (Marilyn); Joseph (Kathleen) & Raymond bro: Peter Malak (d.) sis: Helen (Edward) Schwendner & Mary (d.) (Joseph (d.)) Berkowicz rel: gch Michael, Debra, Diane & Dawn; nieces & nephews note: mass at St. Turibius; u=Szykowny, S Archer Av 4901 [>] Kaszton, Adolph pub 19510213 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19510215 IL Niles, St. Adalbert sp-Swansen, Eleanore M {F65} mot-Arlt, Kazimiera son: William Fred bro: John 348 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries rel: unc Stanislaus Krzton; aun Mary Purzycki; ssl Veda Krzton & Joan Swanson; mol Marie Swanson; brl George & Earl Swanson; nieces & nephews res IL Chicago, W Montana Av 2309 note: aka Krzton; mass at Old St. Stephen; u=chapel at N Oakley Blvd 1356 [>] Kaszton, Eleanor M pub 19710721 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19710722 IL Chicago, Mt. Emblem sp-Kaszton, Adolph M (d.) fat-Swanson, son: William F rel: mol Kazimiera Sobckak! note: u=Nielsen, W Fullerton Av 3301 {H26} Kaye, Estelle pub 19690611 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19690613 IL Chicago, Resurrection sp-Kaye, Anton son: Robert & Anton Jr. (d.) sis: Stephanie Przybylski & Helen (Conrad) Driscoe rel: gch Pamela, Diane, Anton III & Nancy note: mass at St. Mary of Gostyn, Downers Grove IL; u=Zarzycki Manor Chapels, S Archer Av 5088 [#>] Ketch, Helen I age 66 pub 20030421 NY Buffalo, News d. 20030418 NY Lewiston, Mt. St. Mary Hopsital bur 20030423 NY Lewiston, Holy Trinity b. PL sp-Ketch, Henry J son: Henry Jr., Ransomville dau: Bernice Miller & Susan Hurtgam, Ransomville rel: gch=5 res NY Ransomville note: moved to Ransomville 1963; ret 1981 housekeeping supervisor at nursing home 21y; nee Banach; mass at St. Bernards, Youngstown; her family settled in Niagara Falls when she was 1y old; graduated from Niagara Falls high school 1953 {A67} Ketch, Helen Z pub 19960108 NY Lockport, Union-Sun Journal d. 19960107 bur 19960110 NY Newfane, St. Charles Borromeo sp-Ketch, Joseph (d.) son: Victor, FL; Joseph, Lewiston; Marvin (Helen), N.F.; John(Josephine), AZ; Henry(Helen), Ransmvl; Walter, Burt; Peter(Patricia), Appletn; Steve (d.) dau: Virginia Fura, AZ Sun City West; Jean Marchuck, NY Burt; Dorothy Mietlicki, Lewiston bro: Stanley (d.); Anthony (d.); Steven (d.) & Edward (d.) sis: John (Julia) Ziblut, Chicago; Katheryn Krupa, Lockport; Josephine Polka, Lewiston; Genevieve Narkiewicz, N.F.; Bernice (William) Vandeburg, FL Ocala rel: gch=32, ggc=52; great ggc=2 res NY Burt, Phillips Rd note: u=Sherrie, Newfane; mass at St. Charles Borromeo, Olcott; son John res AZ Sun City West; Victor res O'dessa [#>] Ketch, Joseph pub 19770107 NY Lockport, Union-Sun Journal d. 19770107 bur 19770110 NY Newfane, St. Charles Borromeo sp-Ziblut, Helen son: Steven, Victor, Joseph, Marvin, Niagara Falls; John, Lockport; Edwin (Walter), Burt; Henry, Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 349 DATABASE TABLES Ransomville; Peter, Appleton dau: Virginia (Carl) Fura, Dorothy (Chester) Mietlicki, Niagara Falls; Jean (George) Marchuck, NY Burt rel: gch=32, ggc=23 res NY Appleton, Swigert Rd 6729 note: u=Sherrie, Newfane; mass at St. Charles Borromeo, Olcott [#>] Ketch, Stephen pub 19890213 NY Lockport, Union-Sun Journal d. 19890212 Lockport Memorial Hospital bur 19890214 NY Newfane, St. Charles fat-Ketch, Joseph (d.) mot-Dudek, Agnes son: David, NJ; Dennis, PA dau: Diana Smith, MD bro: John(Josephine), AZ Sun City W; Victor(Stella) & Marvin(Helen), NF; Joseph, Lewiston; Walter, Burt; Henry(Helen), Ransmvl.; Peter(Patricia), Appletn sis: Dorothy (Chester Sr.) Mietlicki, Niagara Falls; Virginia (Carl) Fura, AZ Sun City West; Jean (George) Marchuck, NY Burt rel: smo Helen Ketch; gch=6 res NY Lockport note: formerly of Niagara Falls; ret custodian at Stella Niagara; u=Rutland-Corwin, Newfane; mass at St. Charles, Olcott {F81} Kilian, Valeria pub 19840730 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19840801 IL Niles, St. Adalbert sp-Kilian, Stanley (d.) son: Michael (Mary), John (Delores) & Walter (d.) dau: Estelle (Albert) Yenger & Joan (Stanley (d.)) Bubis rel: gch=12, ggc=3 note: mass at St. Stanislaus B & M; u=Baran, N Central Av 2644-46 {D31} Kitz, George age 61 pub 19440620 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19440620 at home bur 19440624 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. 18830417 PL sp-Szczerbicka, Anna son: John at home dau: Annette Hoffman, Versailles Twp & Sophie at home bro: Frank Kitz, sergeant US Army at ID Mt. Home sis: Agnes Walendzak, OH Toledo rel: gch=1 res PA Versailles, McKee Rd note: res US 35y; farmer; member ZNP; mass at St. Mary [#>] Klimasz, Joseph age 87 pub 20030828 NJ Howell, Tri-Town News d. 20030812 NJ Howell, at home bur NJ Keyport, St. Joseph b. NY Brooklyn sp-, Frances (d.) {C40} fat-Klimasz, Julius (d.) mot-Leszczeski, Mary (d.) son: Dennis (d.) & John (d.) dau: Danuta Bator, PL sis: Helen & Sophie Klimasz, PL rel: gch=4; ggc=4 350 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries res NJ Howell note: moved to Howell from Clifwood Beach & Newark; ret 1975 machinist American Smelting Co., Perth Amboy 20y; member St. Laurence RC Church, Lawrence Harbor; mass at St. Laurence; mausoleum [>] Kloc, Stella age 83 pub 19721020 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19721021 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {F68} sp-Kloc, Michael (d.) son: Stanley bro: Edward Malolepsy rel: many nieces & nephews note: mass at Holy Trinity; u=Casey-Laskowski, W Diversey Av 4540-50 {E21} Kmiotek, Stanley age 82 pub 19730925 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19730925 McKeesport Hospital bur 19730928 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. 18910708 PL sp-, Victoria dau: Irene Yelincic, at home rel: gch=2; ggc=1 res PA McKeesport, Mayfair Av 3806 note: res area 61y; ret emp of National Plant, US Steel; member PNA; mass at St. Mary {H26} Knutkowski, Estelle pub 19690611 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19690613 IL Chicago, Resurrection sp-Knutkowski, Anton son: Robert & Anton Jr. (d.) sis: Stephanie Przybylski & Helen (Conrad) Driscoe rel: gch Pamela, Diane, Anton III & Nancy note: mass at St. Mary of Gostyn, Downers Grove IL; u=Zarzycki Manor Chapels, S Archer Av 5088 [>] Kokosinski, Daniel pub 19290112 MD Baltimore, Jednosc-Polonia d. 19290106 fat-, Joseph mot-Kozik, Stefanja note: per index [>] Kolak, Mary Rose pub 19550922 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19550923 IL Niles, St. Adalbert fat-Kolak, John mot-Kruzel, Rose sis: Dorothy note: mass at St. Mary of the Angels; u=funeral home at W North Av 2246 [#>] Kondor, Helen S age 81 pub 19980330 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19980329 bur 19980331 PA McKeesport, McKeesport & Versaill b. 19160805 PA McKeesport sp-Kondor, George (d.) fat-Pokrywka, Franciszek {B39} mot-Baran, Stanislawa son: George dau: Helen M Kondor, CT Enfield Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 351 DATABASE TABLES bro: rel: res note: Edward Cover, Port Vue gch=3; ggc=4; nieces & nephews PA McKeesport former nurse's aide at McKeesport Hospital [>] Konkol, Catherine pub 19700503 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19700504 {I81} sp-Konkol, Stanley (d.) dau: Estelle Baran, CA Hermanosa Beach & Virginia (Joseph) Poremba, IL Chicago bro: gmo note: formerly of Chicago; mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe, Hermosa Beach CA {D40} Konkol, Frank pub 19720708 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19720708 at home bur 19720711 b. PL sp-Krol, Mary fat-Konkol, Paul (d.) son: Michael, at home rel: nieces & nephews res PA McKeesport, Mulberry St 720 note: ret warehouse emp for Ruben Furniture Co.; member PL National Union of America; mass at Holy Trinity {F14} Konkol, John age 56 pub 19360516 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19360515 at home bur 19360517 PA White Oak, St. Mary {F20} sp-Konkol, Selma son: Alexander Konkol dau: Helen Grebeck, McKeesport bro: Frank Konkol, McKeesport sis: Agata Polko, Europe rel: gch=2 res PA Versailles, Vermont St 1501 note: res area 30y; mass at St. Mary {E28} Konkol, Joseph pub 19570428 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19570430 IL Chicago, Resurrection {E07} sp-, Mary son: Walter, Paul, John, Stanley, Peter, Anthony, Henry, Edward dau: Rose rel: sol John Sullivan; dal=Anna, Helen, Marie, Marie & Julie res IL Chicago, S Wood 5630 note: mass at St. John of God; u=funeral home at W 51 St 1256-58 {E07} Konkol, Mary pub 19740616 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19740618 IL Chicago, Resurrection {E28} sp-Konkol, Joseph (d.) son: Walter, Paul, John F (Mildred), Stanley (Helen), Henry (Marie), Edward (Julie), Anthony (d.) (Marie) & Peter (d.) dau: Rose (John) Sullivan rel: gch=23; ggc=31 note: mass at St. John of God; u=John H Patka, W 51 St 1256-58 352 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries {F20} Konkol, Sarah pub 19701003 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19701003 at home bur 19701006 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. PL {F14} sp-Konkol, Jan (d.) son: Alex, White Oak dau: (Stanley) Grebeck, McKeesport rel: gch=7, ggc=6 res PA McKeesport, N Grandview 912 note: res McKeesport since 1902; member Rosary Society & Third Order of St. Francis {I81} Konkol, Stanley A pub 19460318 IL Chicago, Tribune d. 19460316 bur 19460321 IL Niles, St. Adalbert sp-, Katherine dau: Virginia (Frank) Poremba bro: Walter (Angeline) rel: sda Stella (Frank) Baran res IL Chicago, Elston Av 1460 note: mass at St. Stanislaus Kostka; u=chapel at Elston Av 1501 [#>] Kortz, Theodore F age 73 pub 19970312 MA Springfield, Union-News d. 19970311 MA Greenfield, Franklin Medical Center bur 19970314 MA Greenfield, Calvary b. MA Turners Falls sp-MacDonald, Florence M dau: Judith A Bohonowicz, Whately sis: Mildred Traceski, Greenfield; Cecelia Lapean, Montague City rel: sso James R Gariepy, Charlemont; gch=3; ggc=2, nieces & nephews res MA Turners Falls, Montague City Rd 375 note: res Greenfield, moved to Turners Falls 1971; ret 1987 foremen Greenfield Dept. Public Works 32y; mass at Our Lady of Czestochowa; u=Kostanski; aka "Jocko"; owned a champion greyhound; Navy WWII vet, served on USS Idaho, decorated; member Elks & VFW Post 923 {E34} Kortz, Victoria F age 78 pub 19731219 MA Greenfield, Recorder d. 19731218 at home of dau Celia Lapeana bur 19731221 MA Turners Falls, Our Lady Czestochowa b. 18951101 PL {E61} sp-Kortz, Albert (d.) fat-Siciak, Joseph mot-, Frances son: Eugene, Taunton; Theodore (Jacko), Montague City; Stephen, NH Manchester dau: Mildred Traceski & Blanche Lopatka, Turners Falls; Cecilia Lapean, Montague City sis: Nellie Plodzien, Turners Falls; Kathryn Mochowski, Greenfield; another in PL rel: gch=6, several nieces & nephews res MA Turners Falls, 11 St 39 note: came from PL 1913, res Turners Falls 60y; ret from Esleeck Mfg. Co. 1965; mass at Our Lady of Czestochowa; u=Kostanski; hus d. 1940; member Holy Rosary Sodality {A09} Kosciolek, Alex pub 19490812 IL Chicago, Dziennik Chicagoski d. 19490812 sp-, Weronika Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 353 DATABASE TABLES res IL Chicago, N Milwaukee Av 4224 note: middle aged; implied existance of at least one chi & bro; [in PL language] u=Bajek, S California Av 2325 {A09} Kosciolek, Alex pub 19490814 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19490815 IL Chicago, Resurrection sp-, Veronica son: Richard dau: Rosemary sis: Frances note: funeral at chapel at S California Av 2324 {A10} Kosciolek, Maks age 62 pub 19401029 NY Niagara Falls, Gazette d. 19401027 NY Buffalo bur 19401031 NY Niagara Falls, Oakwood sp-, Mildred son: Edward, Chicago dau: Eugenia Maday & Francella, Niagara Falls; Mrs. Sophia Pasciak, N Tonawanda rel: gch=6 note: buried in a Veteran's Plot {A10} Kosciolek, Maksymilian pub 19401030 NY Buffalo, Dziennik dla Wszystkich b. PL Rzeszow sp-, Melania son: Edward, Chicago dau: Eugenia Maday & Zofia Pasciak, N Tonawanda; Franciszka bro: Alojzy, Chicago rel: gso=3, gda=3 note: [in PL language] well known in Falls area; cit; member VFW & ZNP grp 2693, traveled much, visited almost all of USA, funeral St. Stanislaus Kostka (NF?), aka Maksymiljan {A98} Kotowicz, Viola pub 19670612 NJ Jersey City, Journal {B42} sp-, Charles son: Edward Kotowicz dau: Miss Sophie Kotowicz note: nee Dziurzynski, mass at St. Anthonys Church, Jersey City [may contain other data not recorded here] [>] Kotula, Sophie age 84 pub 20020618 MI Detroit, Free Press d. 20020616 sp-, Andrew (d.) son: Ron (Cathy) Kotula dau: Elaine Boxall rel: gch Wally Boxall, Lisa (Brian) Jacobs, Jeffrey, Chelsea & Jenna Kotula res MI Detroit note: u=Temrowski & Sons, Hoover Rd 30009; mass at St. Dorothy [#>] Kovach, Edward D age 75 pub 2003011? PA Butler, Eagle d. 20030110 PA Meridian, at home bur 20030113 PA Butler Co. Memorial Park b. 19270923 PA Lyndora sp-Stotish, Genevieve fat-Kovach, Stephen M 354 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries mot-Zahradnik, Ludvika dau: Deborah (Eric) Dittman, Butler; Linda (Ernest) Griel, Sarver & Denise (Douglas) DeLancey, Ford City bro: Michael, Erie; Albert, Herman; Dominic, NJ; 2 predeceased sis: Mary Adamosky, Slippery Rock; Margaret Sheppeck, Renfrew; Pauline Maillet, Butler; Agnes Terbovich, Highfield & Theresa (Roy) Fowler, Pittsburgh rel: gch=6, nieces & nephews res PA Meridian note: Butler Armco pipe shop, ret 1990; u=Geibel; mass at St. Fidelis RC church, Lyndora; mrr 30sep1950; WWII US Army, Company 398B, 100th Infantry Div.; member VFW Post 248 Butler & Slovak Sokol, Lyndora; golf league {I97} Kozik, Wladyslaw age 51 pub 19291115 MD Baltimore, Jednosc-Polonia d. 19291110 sp-, Karolina son: Piotr dau: Stefanja, Marjanna note: per index {I97} Kozik, Wladyslaw age 51 pub 19291122 MD Baltimore, Jednosc-Polonia d. 19291110 sp-, Karolina son: Piotr dau: Stefanja, Marjanna & Cecylja note: per index {A69} Krupa, Katherine M pub 19961229 NY Niagara Falls, Gazette d. 19961227 Lockport Memorial Hospital bur 19961231 NY Lewiston, Gate of Heaven b. 19040411 PL Rzeszow sp-Krupa, Frank (d.) {A68} fat-Ziblut, John {A62} mot-Drozek, Mary son: Walter, VA Vienna; Chester, Niagara Falls; Henry, AL Mobile dau: Frances Ficner, Adele Robillard & Irene Timko, Niagara Falls; Jean Socha, Gasport bro: Stanley (d.); Anthony (d.); John (d.); Steven (d.) & Edward (d.) sis: Genevieve Narkiewicz, Niagara Falls; Bernice Vandeburgh, FL Oviedo; Helen Ketch (d.) & Josephine Polka (d.) rel: gch=14, ggc=12 res NY Lockport, Locust St note: moved to Niagara Falls at age 11m; u=Zajac; photo; formerly of Niagara Falls, 93 St; mass at Prince of Peace Church, 1065 Military Rd; sp d. 1975 {D93} Kruzel, Catherine pub 19690205 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19690207 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {F66} sp-Kruzel, John F (d.) fat-Halon, son: Michael, Alexander & Henry dau: Rose Kolak & Stella Malik sis: Aniela Konkol [probably a cou] rel: gmo & ggm note: mass at St. Hyacinth, u=Stanley, Milwaukee Av 3060-64 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 355 DATABASE TABLES [>] Kruzel, JoAnn B pub 19661021 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19661022 IL Chicago, Ridgewood sp-Kruzel, Alexander mot-Sparks, Wilma dau: Jouette Allan Williams, Rebecca Williams & Ann Marie Kruzel note: mass at Good Shepherd Community church {F66} Kruzel, John F pub 19641214 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19641216 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {D93} sp-Halon, Katherine son: Michael (Rose), Alexander (Joann) & Henry (Delores) dau: Rose (John) Kolak & Stella (William) Malik bro: Peter (Polly) rel: gfa note: mass at St. Mary of the Angels, u=Malec, N Ashland Av 834-38 [>] Kruzel, Joseph P pub 19800516 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19800517 IL Chicago, Maryhill sp-Sikora, Genevieve son: Wayne (Angela) & Gregory dau: Charlene (Michael) Rinaldi rel: gch Jaime & Cassandra note: mass at St. Edna, Arlington Heights; u=Matz, E Rand Rd, Mt. Prospect {G37} Kruzel, Pauline pub 19781122 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19781124 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {F71} sp-Kruzel, Peter (d.) fat-Rybka, son: Joseph (Jean) & Walter (d.) dau: Mary (Bruno (d.)) Ostrowski rel: gch=5; ggc=5 note: mass at Holy Trinity, u=Malec, N Milwaukee Av 6000 {F71} Kruzel, Peter pub 19660623 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19660625 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {G37} sp-, Pauline son: Joseph (Genevieve) & Walter (d.) dau: Mary (Bruno) Ostrowski rel: gch=5 note: mass at Holy Trinity, u=Malec, N Ashland Av 834-38 [>] Kruzel, Walter pub 19611109 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19611110 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {F71} fat-Kruzel, Peter {G37} mot-, Pauline bro: Joseph (Jean) sis: Mary (Bruno) Ostrowski note: mass at Holy Trinity, u=Malec, N Ashland Av 834-38 [>] 356 Krzton, Adolf pub 19510213 IL Chicago, Dziennik Chicagoski d. 19510211 note: aka Kaszton American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries [>] Krzton, Helen pub 19660729 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19660730 IL Elmwood, St. Joseph {I70} sp-Krzton, Stanley son: Thomas S & Kevin dau: Irene V (Loyal) Mehrhoff Jr. & Jannette M (Thomas) McLysaught rel: gch Loyla, Jeannine & Kevin note: mass at St. Hyacinth; u=Stanley, N Milwaukee Av 3060-64 {I70} Krzton, Stanley pub 19760302 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19760303 IL Elmwood, St. Joseph sp-Kolak, Helen (d.) son: Thomas dau: Irene (Loyal Arch) Mehrhowff & Jannette (Frank) McLysaght sis: Mary Purzycki & Stella rel: gch=6 note: mass at St. Hyacinth; u=Stanley, N Milwaukee Av 3060 {I77} Krzywonos, Albert A pub 19720321 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19720321 IL Niles, St. Adalbert sp-, Isabel (d.) bro: Dominic & Rev. Victor Krzywonos O.F.M. sis: Emily Guzik, Sister Benedict H.F.N., Bernice Nochowicz & Joan Walendziak note: formerly of Jolet [IL] & TX; mass at St. Eugene; u=Kowachek, W Lawrence Av 5774-76; member of Men's Club St. Shepherd, F.O.E., Garland TX [>] Krzywonos, Isabel C pub 19820406 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19820407 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {I77} sp-Krzywonos, Albert (d.) fat-Cyrek, bro: Edward (Frances) Cyrek sis: Jean Luedtke rel: "aunt & great-aunt of many" note: mass at Immaculate Conception, Norwood Park; u=Kolbus, W Higgins Av 6841-57 {H86} Krzywonos, Katherine pub 19550514 IL Chicago, Tribune d. 19550512 bur 19550516 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {H17} sp-Krzywonos, Victor (d.) rel: chi, gch & ggc res IL Chicago, N Hamlin Av 2940 note: mass at St. James; u=chapel at George St 3830 {B03} Kura, Jan age 81 pub 20020809 NY Baldwin, Polish American World d. 20020713 bur 20020717 NY Queens, St. John b. PL sp-Worosz, Zofia son: Edward Kura dau: Maria Kura sis: Zofia rel: gch Brittaney (Spunky); nieces, nephews, cousins res NY Greenpoint note: res Greenpoint 40y; u=Stobierski Lucas Gardenview; mass at St. Stanislaus Kostka Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 357 DATABASE TABLES {G36} Kusnierz, Agata pub 19421021 IL Chicago, Dziennik Chicagoski note: nee=Szpala {C92} Kusnierz, Alex age 63 pub 19500824 WA Renton, Chonicle b. PL {F46} sp-, Julie bro: John, Renton; other bro(s)? in PL rel: nieces & nephews & sibling in PL res WA Renton, Rt. 4 [>] Lachman, Casmir pub 19510422 IL Chicago, Tribune d. 19510420 bur 19510424 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {H95} sp-, Marie son: John, Mitchell, Eugene & Theodore dau: Bernice Soroski bro: Albert Lachman sis: Agnes Jaron res IL Chicago, N Maplewood Av 1341 note: mass at St. Mary of the Angels; u=chapel at N Ashland Av 5501 [>] Lachman, John E age 58 pub 19730805 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19730806 IL Niles, St. Adalbert sp-, Marion fat-Lachman, Casimir (d.) {H95} mot-, Mary son: Robert (Jacqueline) dau: Eilene (Rosario) Mannina & Nancy (William) Kurowski bro: Mitchell, Eugene, Theodore (d.) sis: Bernice Soroski rel: gch=8; wf1 Marie res WI Twin Lakes note: formerly of Chicago; mass at St. Johns, Twin Lakes WI; u=Ehorn & Adams, Richmond IL [>] Lachman, Marie age 44 pub 19580706 IL Chicago, Tribune d. 19580704 WI Twin Lakes, Lake Elizabeth bur 19580708 IL Niles, St. Adalbert sp-Lachman, John E fat-Prowitz, Joseph (d.) mot-, Konstancia son: Robert dau: Eilene & Nancy bro: Leo, Joseph Jr., Walter sis: Genevieve Kadlubowski res IL Chicago, N Maplewood Av 1341 note: mass at St. Marks; u=chapel at N Ashland Av 5501; four others rescued from boat; story printed 07jul1958 [>] Lachman, Mitchell pub 19750412 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19750414 IL Elmwood, St. Joseph fat-Lachman, Casimir (d.) {H95} mot-, Mary 358 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries bro: Eugene (Helen), John (d.) & Theodore (d.) sis: Bernice Soroski note: mass at St. Mary of the Angels; u=Lain & Son, N Ashland 5501 [#>] Lakovic, Domicella C age 78 pub 19980515 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19980514 at home bur 19980516 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. 19200321 PA McKeesport sp-Lakovic, Andrew E {B87} fat-Rybka, Louis {B93} mot-, Mary dau: Marlene Lacey, Elizabeth & Victoria (Vickie) Lakovic, McKeesport rel: gch=5; nieces & nephews res PA McKeesport note: ret food server for McKeesport Area School District; C=Cecelia [#>] Lasota, Grace I pub 19850104 PA Philadelphia, Inquirer d. 19850102 bur 19850107 PA Philadelphia, Leverington sp-Lasota, Joseph J son: Joseph E sis: Beatrice Snyder, Roxborough rel: gso=1 res PA Philadelphia note: neighborhood=Wissahickon; u=Turner; funeral at Grace Evangelical Church [#>] Lasota, Joseph E pub 19920616 PA Philadelphia, Inquirer d. 19920614 bur 19920619 PA Philadelphia, Leverington son: Joseph E Jr. rel: unc Edward; beloved fri Priscilla Vaughn res PA Philadelphia note: neighborhood=Roxborough; u=Turner [#>] Lasota, Joseph J pub 19890315 PA Philadelphia, Inquirer d. 19890312 bur 19890317 PA Philadelphia, Leverington sp-Smith, Grace I (d.) son: Joseph E bro: Edward res PA Philadelphia note: neighborhood=Roxborough; u=Turner [>] Lenart, Mathew S pub 19620521 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19620522 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {H79} sp-, Rose (d.) son: Stanley & Martin dau: Josephine & Marion rel: gch=5; ggc=8; fal of Josephine, Edmund Kolany & Louise note: mass at St. Mary of the Angels; u=Wysocki, N Hermitage 1845 [#>] Leonart, Marcin age 74 pub 19921122 NJ Toms River, Ocean County Observer d. 19921120 at home Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 359 DATABASE TABLES b. NY Brooklyn sp-Peshla, Genevieve sis: Victoria Amato, NY Long Island res NJ Berkeley, Silver Ridge Prk West note: moved to Berkeley in 1982 from Brooklyn; engineer for Con Edison, Brooklyn 28y, ret 1981; Amry Air Corps WWII vet; u=Anderson & Campbell, Toms River [#>] Lisikiewicz, Michael pub 20010216 NY Baldwin, Polish American World d. 20010122 bur NY Farmingdale, Calverton National sp-Krol, Julia son: Paul, Raymond & Edward bro: Tadeusz, Zdzislaw sis: Filomena rel: gch Craig note: u=Jurek; mass at Our Lady of Czestochowa; WWII vet; aka Mitchell {I13} Magiera, Mary Ann age 33 pub 19600221 IL Chicago, Tribune d. 19600219 IL Joliet, Silver Cross Hospital bur 19600223 IL Chicago, Holy Sepulchre sp-Magiera, Stanley {E88} fat-Kalandyk, Vincent {E89} mot-, Agnes son: Phillip dau: Kathleen Ann & Stasia Marie bro: Joseph, Chicago sis: Mrs. James Runde, CA res IL Tinley Park, Oak Forest Av 6465 note: mass at St. George; u=funeral home, Tinley Park, Oak Park Av 17248; hus owns North American Mushroom Co., Tinley Park {D21} Malak, Agnes pub 19480804 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19480803 at home of dau Julia Derkas bur 19480807 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. PL {D11} sp-Malak, Frank fat-Szczypek, Anthony mot-, Sophia son: Stanley, McKeesport dau: Kathryn Jodek, Sophia Tomkowitz, Virginia Oncea & Victoria Hudak, McKeesport; Julia Derkas, Versailles; Rose at home bro: Paul Szczypek, McKeesport; another bro in Europe sis: Apolonia Lorenc, Wilmerding; another sis in Europe rel: gch=7 res PA McKeesport, Bryon St 1413 note: res McKeesport about 45y; aka Mallak; member PNA; mass at St. Marys; Derkas res Third Av 603 {D11} Malak, Frank pub 19581125 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19581124 John J Kane Hospital bur 19581128 PA White Oak, St. Mary {D21} sp-Sczypek, Agnes (d.) son: Stanley, McKeesport dau: Katherine Godek, Sophia Tomkowitz, Virginia Oncea, Victoria Hudak, & Rose Bodnar, all of McKeesport; Julia Derkas, Versailles bro: Roman Malak, Chicago 360 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries sis: rel: res note: Mary Konkol, Chicago gch=12; ggc=5 PA McKeesport, Garbett St 2910 ret from Christy Park Works, US Steel; res with dau Rose; mass at St. Marys [#>] Malak, Magdalena pub 19570410 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19570411 IL Chicago, Resurrection {E06} sp-Malak, Roman fat-Obot, son: Peter dau: Estelle (Stanley) Kasperski & Helen (Edward) Schwendner sis: Stephanie Mroz rel: sol Joseph Berkowicz; gch=7 res IL Chicago, S Kildare Av 2718 note: mass at Good Shepherd; u=funeral home at S Kildare Av 2712 {E06} Malak, Roman pub 19591204 IL Chicago, Dziennik Chicagoski d. 19591204 {E06} Malak, Roman pub 19591205 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19591207 IL Chicago, Resurrection sp-, Magdalena (d.) son: Peter dau: Stella (Stanley) Kasperski & Helen (Edward) Schwendner sis: Mary Konkol rel: sol Joseph Berkowicz; gch=7 res IL Chicago, S Kildare Av 2718 note: mass at Good Shepherd; u=funeral home at S Kildare Av 2712 [#>] Marciniec, Agnes Prugon pub 19210328 NY Newburgh, Daily News d. 19210327 at home bur 19210330 NY New Windsor, Calvary sp-Marciniec, Jacob Martin son: Frank J; William J; John & Joseph dau: Anna bro: 2 sis: 2 rel: aun Mrs. Martin Mesuda, Ledyard St res NY Newburgh, Hasbrouck St 46 note: aka Martin; highly educated in native tounge, leader in PL community; mass at St. Francis of Assisi [#>] Marciniec, Anna pub 19300102 NY Newburgh, News d. 19300101 bur 19300103 NY New Windsor, Calvary fat-Martin, Jacob Marciniec mot-Prygon, Agnes (d.) res NY Newburgh, Hasbrouck St 46 note: aka Martin; only dau; mass at St. Francis of Assisi [+] Marciniec, Jacob pub 19500213 NY Newburgh, News d. 19500212 bur 19500215 NY New Windsor, Calvary Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 361 DATABASE TABLES b. PL {A01} sp-Fornal, Josephine son: Frank; William; Joseph, all Newburgh dau: Anna Hayden & Mary Graziano, all Highland Falls sis: Pauline McConville, New York City rel: gch=13; nieces & nephews res NY Newburgh, Hasbrouck St 46 note: machinist at Portable Products for 51y; member PUofA; funeral St. Francis; casket bearer=Walter Gastka; Rev. Ignatius Bialdyga; u=Toohey {A01} Marciniec, Josephine age 89 pub 19730703 NY Newburgh, Evening News d. 19730703 St. Luke Hospital bur NY New Windsor, Calvary b. 18830918 PL sp-Marciniec, Jacob (d.) fat-Fornal, Peter mot-, Katherine son: sso William Martin, at home; Joseph Martin, Middle Hope; Frank Martin, Newburgh dau: Bernard (Anna) Hayden, West Point bro: Charles Fornal, New Windsor sis: Pauline Pustola, New Windsor; Rose Mulkis, Long Island, Deerpark; Albina Worcil, Bronx rel: gch=9; ggc=26 res NY Newburgh, Hasbrouck St 46 note: res Newburgh 50y; u=Coloni, New Windsor; aka Martin; member PL Union of America; mass at St. Francis; sp d. 1950 [#>] Martin, Frank age 87 pub 19900610 NY Newburgh, Evening News d. 19900609 St. Luke Hospital bur 19900612 NY New Windsor, Calvary b. 19030107 NY Newburgh sp-Schebesta, Frances fat-Marciniec, Jacob mot-Prygon, Agnes son: Joseph Martin & Frank Martin, both of Newburgh dau: Pauline Karrick, Newburgh bro: Joseph Martin, TX rel: gch=4; ggc=5 res NY Newburgh, Benkard Av note: carpenter [#>] Martin, William J age 77 pub 19871009 NY Newburgh, Evening News d. 19871008 Castle Point Vet Admin. Hospital b. 19091109 NY Newburgh fat-Martin, Jacob mot-Brygon, Agnes bro: Frank Martin, Newburgh; Joseph Martin, TX Wichita Falls res NY Newburgh, Hasbrouck St note: ret spinner, Strooks Company, Newburgh; WWII Navy vet; u=Coloni; no services or visitation [#>] Matysiak, Edward J age 77 pub 20021206 MI Detroit, Newspaper Agency d. 20021205 sp-, Jeanette (d.) son: John Matysiak dau: Catherine L LaCava sis: Jennie Matysiak, Sophie Matysiak (d.), Mary Ciecura (d.) 362 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries rel: gch Nicole & Jonathan LaCava note: u=Wasik Funeral Home, Thirteen Mile Rd 11470; mass at St. Sylvester {F03} Merrifield, Teresa age 72 pub 20000218 OR Medford, Mail Tribune d. 20000215 Ashland Community Hospital bur 20000219 OR Ashland, Scenic Hills Memorial b. 19271107 PL Hermanowa sp-Merrifield, Carlton R son: Phillip, Ashland; Christopher, Roseburg dau: Natalia Merrifield, Portland sis: Bogumila Nickrasz, PL rel: gda 1 res OR Ashland note: moved to Ashland 1981; billiter; emp Univ of Illinois Medical Center, Chicago 1960s; nee=Szczerba; mrr in Chicago; arv US 1960; mass Our Lady of the Mountain Catholic Church [#] Mical, Casper age 80 pub 19750208 NY Niagara Falls, Gazette d. 19750207 St. Mary bur 19750211 NY Lewiston, Holy Trinity b. PL sp-Les, Mary S dau: Stella (Bert) Case & Emily (Walter) Potenski, Niagara Falls sis: Honorata Oliszewski, PL rel: gso Dennis Potenski, gda Mrs. Claude (Barbara) Fournier, both Niagara Falls; gch=3 res NY Niagara Falls, 58 St 201 note: res of city 62y; natz; sp of Niagara Falls [>] Mlotkowski, Helen pub 20020712 NY Baldwin, Polish American World d. 20020604 bur NY Farmingdale, St. Charles son: Edward (Judi) Marchak, NY Long Island dau: Adele (Kazimierz) Iwachow, Brooklyn; Helen (David) Berman, Brooklyn sis: Lottie Lomnicki (nee Glodowski), Brooklyn rel: gch=6; ggc=3 note: nee=Glodowski; prior name Marczak; u=Trzaska-Waldof; mass at Our Lady of Czestochowa [>] Muryas, Stella age 65 pub 19930217 IN Hammond, Northwest Indiana Times bur 19930217 IL Calument City, Holy Cross res IN E Chicago note: ret Inland Steel; mass at St. Stanislaus; u=Lesniak, Magoun Av 4918, E Chicago [>] Muryasz, Edward pub 19460930 IN Hammond, Northwest Indiana Times note: [per index; not reviewed] [>] Muryasz, Frances pub 19451224 IN Hammond, Northwest Indiana Times note: [per index; not reviewed] [>] Muryasz, Helen M age 71 pub 20021210 IN Hammond, Northwest Indiana Times d. 20021007 IN Valparaiso, Porter Memorial Hospital bur 20021222 IN Hammond, St. John sp-Muryasz, Walter (d.) fat-Stachon, Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 363 DATABASE TABLES son: bro: rel: note: Paul & Richard (Karmen), both of Valparaiso Walter, John, Stanley, & Joseph Stachon (all d.) gch Katherine, Klara, Jeremiah & Jacob Muryasz lifelong res of area; ret City E Chicago Recreation Dept.; mass at St. Stanislaus; u=Fife, Indianapolis Bv 4201, E Chicago; member American Legion Auxiliary Unit 369 [#>] Naughton, Helen L age 82 pub 19950708 NY Niagara Falls, Gazette d. 19950707 NY Lockwood, at home of dau bur 19950710 NY Lewiston, Holy Trinity b. 19120822 NY Niagara Falls sp-, Melville J (d.) {A17} fat-Kaplita, John mot-Lech, Louise son: Roy, NY Wilson; Michael, Niagara Falls; Timothy, MD Silver Springs dau: Amy Lobczowski, Lockport sis: Glady Korpolinski, Ransomville; Mary Bednarski (d.) rel: gch=11; ggc=16; several nieces & nephews res NY Niagara Falls, Welch Av note: emp by Bell Aircraft Co. in WWII; later at Carborundum Co.; u=Zajac; mass at Our Lady of the Rosary, Niagara Falls; also self employed seamstress; sp d. 03dec1977 [>] Nochowicz, Bernice A age 89 pub 19981026 IL Chicago, Tribune d. 19981019 TN Nashville, Baptist Hospital bur 19981022 sp-Nochowicz, Marvin (d.) son: Marvin & Lawrence sis: Sister Mary Benedette rel: gch=8; ggc=12 res TN Nashville note: formerly of Chicago's Northwest side; homemaker; moved Nashville 1982, lived with youngest son; chi 3 of 14; hus d. 1980, owned gas station George St & Pulaski Rd 40y; devote member of St. Hyacinth, Chicago; memorial Franklin TN [>] Nowotarski, Ignacy pub 19731003 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19731004 IL Chicago, Resurrection {I72} sp-Krzton, Bernice (d.) son: Walter (Lucille), Ted (Pelagia), Matthew (Stephanie) & Bruno (Domicela) dau: Helen (Bill) Kolodziej & Jean (Henry) Grykalowski, PL rel: gch=9; ggc=5; brl=Walter (Helen) Krzton res IL Niles note: formerly of Brighton Park; mass at Five Holy Martyrs; u=Fortuna, S Kendzie Av 4401 [>] Ogorzalek, Joseph A pub 19580919 RI Pawtucket, Times d. 19580918 bur 19580922 RI Pawtucket, Mt. St. Mary b. PL Mielec {D70} sp-Szczoczarz, Pauline V son: Stanley J, Pawtucket dau: (Raymond) Brindle, Pawtucket rel: several nieces & nephews res RI Pawtucket, Rosewood St 16 note: arv US 57y ago, in Pawtucket 47y; emp at Dempsey Bleachery 45y before ret; formerly of Central Falls; mass at St. Josephs; u=Romenski 364 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries {D70} Ogorzalek, Pauline pub 19750102 RI Pawtucket, Times d. 19741231 bur 19750104 b. PL Sweswof sp-Ogorzalek, Joseph A fat-Szczoczarz, Joseph mot-Bibeac, Victoria son: Stanley J, Pawtucket dau: Agnes Brindle, Central Falls rel: several nieces & nephews res RI Pawtucket, High St 406 note: arv US 70y ago, in Pawtucket 65y; photo; formerly of Central Falls and Bristol; member PRCUA; mass at St. Josephs; u=Romenski [>] Ogozalek, Stanley J age 75 pub 19860815 RI Pawtucket, Times d. 19860814 at home bur 19860816 RI Pawtucket, Mt. St. Mary b. RI Pawtucket sp-Cordeau, Lena H (d.) fat-Ogozalek, Joseph (d.) {D70} mot-Szczoczarz, Pauline (d.) son: sso Wilfred Cordeau Jr, Pawtucket dau: sda Florence Sczes, Slaterville; Jennie Lubera & Lorraine Turcotte, Pawtucket; Rosalie Skrzymiarz & Adele Lubera, C.F.; Gloria Monticolvo, Cranston rel: gch=25; ggc=23; several nieces & nephews res RI Central Falls, Cross St note: res Central Falls 7y; formerly of Pawtucket; short order cook at Val's diner Pawtucket; ret 1973; WWII Army vet; member American Legion; u=Romenski; mass at Sacred Heart, Pawtucket [>] Opiela, Thaddeus pub 19751010 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19751011 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {E77} fat-Opiela, Anthony (d.) {F00} mot-, Apolonia (d.) sis: Virginia Rosiejka & Frances (Edward) Gjertsen rel: nep Robert (Lynn) Rosiejka & Jerome (Gloria) Lopotowski note: mass at Holy Trinity; u=Malec & Sons, N Ashland Av 834 {E77} Opiola, Antoni pub 19330324 IL Chicago, Dziennik Chicagoski d. 19330322 {F00} Opiola, Apolonia pub 19551015 IL Chicago, Dziennik Chicagoski d. 19551015 note: aka Opiela; nee=Stoklosa {D71} Orzechowski, Agatha pub 19600108 RI Pawtucket, Times d. 19600107 at home of dau Rose Tamul bur 19600111 RI Pawtucket, Mt. St. Mary b. PL Hermanowa sp-Ozrechowski, John (d.) fat-Gorlowski, son: Stanley J, Cumberland; Paul J, Barrington dau: Rose Tamul, Central Falls, High St 637; (Peter) Brostecki, Central Falls; (John) Walach, Cumberland Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 365 DATABASE TABLES bro: rel: res note: [#>] Paul Gorlowski, PA Erie gch=10 RI Central Falls, Charles St 45 arv US 56y ago, in Central Falls 50y; u=Romenski; mass at St. Josephs; past pres. Holy Rosary society Orzechowski, GenevieveJ age 83 pub 19970922 RI Pawtucket, Times d. 19970919 Oakland Grove Nursing Home b. RI Pawtucket sp-Ozrechowski, Stanley (d.) fat-Bielagus, Justin mot-Federowicz, Josephine dau: Frances Worrall, NY Trumansburg; Helen Bussiere, Cumberland; Alice Lyon, Lincoln; Linda Colvin, Burrillville bro: Joseph Bielagus, CA Santa Maria; John Bielagus (d.) sis: Anna Brown & Mary Bielagus, both of Pawtucket; Wanda Plummer, N Kingstown; Ida Starzek (d.); Sister Mary Euphrosine (d.) rel: gch=11; ggc=7; nieces & nephews res RI Pawtucket, Woodside Av 94 note: res Cumberland most of life; u=Duffy; mass at St. Aidan Church; funeral 19970923 [#>] Orzechowski, Stanley J age 81 pub 19910731 RI Pawtucket, Times d. 19910729 Memorial Hospital b. RI Central Falls sp-Bielagus, Genevieve J fat-Orzechowski, John {D71} mot-Gorloski, Agatha dau: Frances Worrall, NY Trumansburg; Helen Bussiere, Cumberland; Alice Lyon, Lincoln; Linda Colvin, Burrillville bro: Paul Orzechowski, FL sis: Rose Tamul, Central Falls; Dela Walach, Cumberland; Anita Vrzostecki, N Providence rel: gch=11; ggc=5; nieces & nephews res RI Pawtucket, Woodside Av 94 note: res Cumberland 40y; loom fixer at area textile mills; ret 1971; u=Duffy; private arrangements; member KofC, Cumberland; PL White Eagles; PL Citizens Club [>] Ostrowski, Bruno Edmund pub 19740404 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19740406 IL Niles, St. Adalbert sp-Kruzel, Mary son: James (Mary) dau: Joanne (Marvin) Behm rel: aun Valeria Zurawski; mol Pauline Kruzel; brl Joseph (Jean) Kruzel; gch Daryl & Scott note: formerly of Krakow Restaurant; mass at Holy Trinity; u=Malec & Sons, Milwaukee Av 6000 {D35} Paczesniak, Michael pub 19720705 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19720703 McKeesport Hospital bur 19720707 PA White Oak, Holy Family {D36} sp-Gliwa, Victoria dau: Helen Hrapcak & Gertrude Builikowski, McKeesport; Olga Mandekic at home bro: 2 in PL rel: gch=3; ggc=6 res PA McKeesport, Versailles Av 1402 note: ret National Tube; mass at Holy Family 366 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries {D36} Paczesniak, Victoria pub 19741101 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19741101 McKeesport Hospital bur 19741104 PA White Oak, Holy Family {D35} sp-Paczesniak, Michael (d.) dau: Helen E Hrapcak & Gertrude Burlikowski, McKeesport; Olga Mandekic at home sis: 1 in PL rel: gch=3; ggc=6 res PA McKeesport, Versailles Av 1402 note: mass at Holy Family {D94} Palesko, Eleanor pub 19600803 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19600802 at home bur 19600805 PA White Oak, Holy Family b. PL sp-Palesko, Alec (d.) son: Joseph & Theodore Barowich, Port Vue; Edward Barowich, Youngwood; Chester Barowich, Elizabeth dau: Ann Kohl, Helen Petro & Jean Katrick, Port Vue; Miss Nell Borowiec bro: bro in PL rel: gch=13 res PA Port Vue, Mound St 611 note: res Port Vue 41y; aka Borowiec-Barowich; mass at Holy Family {F13} Pasko, Thomas age 60 pub 19540703 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19540702 PA Pittsburgh, Allegheny General Hospital bur 19540705 PA White Oak, Holy Family bro: John Pasko, PL sis: Mary Piatek, Conneautville; Caroline Grzebik & Katherine Borowiec, PL res PA Glassport, Grant St 737 note: res McKeesport 38y; emp by National Tube; president of Joseph Pilsudski Club; mass at Holy Name [erroneous? Holy Family?] [#>] Patronski, Benjamin W age 70 pub 19880106 NY Niagara Falls, Gazette d. 19880105 Niagara Falls Mem. Medical Center bur 19880108 NY Lewiston, Riverdale b. NY N Tonawanda sp-Vantaggio, Mary {B12} fat-Patronski, Roman {B43} mot-Koczak, Julia son: Anthony B Patronski dau: Marisia Patronski, Elaine Melcher bro: Edward (d.), Stephen (d.), Mitchell (d.), Henry Patronski (d.) sis: Frances Roy (d.); Evelyn Knoll, Niagara Falls rel: gch=3, nieces & nephews res NY Niagara Falls, Welch Av note: res Niagara Falls 53y; attended schools in Lockport; corporal US Army WWII; u=Zajac; mass at St. Stanislaus Kostka; [cem wrong, Holy Trinity] {B43} Patronski, Julia age 76 pub 19731204 NY Niagara Falls, Gazette d. 19731204 NY Lewiston, Mt. St. Mary Hospital bur 19731206 NY Lewiston, Riverdale {B12} sp-Patronski, Roman (d.) son: Edward (d.); Stanley (d.); Mitchell & Benjamin, Niagara Falls; Henry, N Tonawanda dau: Mrs. Leo (Frances) Roy & Mrs. Cornelius (Evelyn) Knoll, Niagara Falls Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 367 DATABASE TABLES bro: sis: rel: res note: [#>] Casimer Kotowicz, Long Island 1 in PL gch=19; ggc=19; nieces & nephews NY Niagara Falls, 86 St 1220 member PL National Union of America; u=Zajac; mass at St. Michael Archangel Patronski, Nellie age 75 pub 19880812 NY Niagara Falls, Gazette d. 19880810 NY Buffalo, Roswell Park Memorial Institute bur 19880816 NY Lewiston, Holy Trinity b. NY Niagara Falls sp-, Mitchell B (d.) son: Mitchell J, Teddy & Robert, Niagara Falls dau: Mary Signorelli, Jane Commisso, Linda Dougherty, Barbara Miller, Sharon Lapp, Niagara Falls; Dorothy Boager, AZ Tucson; Joanne Ford, DE Dover bro: Stanley Smist, PL sis: Mary Kasiazek, ON Thorold; Helen Smist, Kazimerza Smist & Leokadia Dobosz, PL rel: gch=23, ggc=6; nieces & nephews res NY Niagara Falls, 15 St note: taken to PL as a child, returned US age 17; photo; u=Turbinis; mass at Holy Trinity {B12} Patronski, Roman J pub 19510202 NY Niagara Falls, Gazette d. 19510201 Memorial Hospital bur 19510205 NY Lewiston, Riverdale {B43} sp-, Julia son: Mitchell & Benjamin, Niagara Falls; Stephen, AZ Tucson; Henry, N Tonawanda dau: Mrs. Leo Roy, Madawosca ME; Evelyn at home rel: gch=13 res NY Niagara Twp, Rt. 47, Pomery Av note: mass at St. Michael Archangel {E60} Pekala, Andrew age ~72 pub 19590611 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19590610 at home bur 19590613 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. PL sp-Karnash, Caroline son: Anthony Bober, Pittsburgh dau: Helen Guski & Irene Kachur, both of McKeesport rel: gch=9 res PA McKeesport, Soles St 1509 note: res area 49y; ret from National Tube; aka Pecola; member PRCU group 925; mass at St. Marys [>] Penkala, Jennie age 13 pub 19321126 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19321125 at home bur 19321129 PA White Oak, St. Mary {E60} fat-Penkala, Andrew bro: Anthony & Walton, all at home sis: Helen & Irene; all at home rel: gpa Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Karnish, McKeesport res PA McKeesport, Soles St 1509 note: mass at St. Mary [>] 368 Petronis, Anthony pub 19570306 IL Chicago, Tribune d. 19570304 bur 19570308 IL Niles, St. Casimir American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries [>] sp-Kusnierz, Bernice fat-Petronis, George mot-, Amelia bro: Walter rel: brl Edward Kusnierz; ssl Margaret Kusnierz (Edward & Margaret hus & wif) res IL Chicago, S Marshfield Av 4745 note: mass at Nativity B. V. M.; u=funeral home at S Western Av 6812 [#>] Piechowicz, Andrew age 73 pub 19620428 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19620428 McKeesport Hospital bur 19620501 PA White Oak, Holy Family b. 18881021 PL {C61} sp-Filip, Bertha (d.) fat-Piechowicz, Albert (d.) mot-Musial, Anna (d.) son: Raymond at home, Stanley & Edward, McKeesport, Walter, DC Washington dau: Helen Taimuty, White Oak bro: John in France, Stanley in PL rel: gch=13 res PA McKeesport, Manor Av 1700 note: ret from old Tin Plate Co.; member PNA [#>] Piechowicz, Stanley age 73 pub 19940607 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19940606 at home bur 19940610 PA McKeesport, Mt. Vernon b. 19210111 PA McKeesport sp-Bales, Gladys fat-Piechowicz, Andrew {C61} mot-Filip, Bertha son: Stanley, PA Acme & Ronald, PA Kittanning dau: Kathleen Piechowicz, McKeesport bro: Edward Piechowicz, Versailles; Walter, MD Lanham & Raymond, Elizabeth Twp sis: Helen Taimuty, White Oak rel: gch=4 res PA McKeesport note: ret ofc manager at G.C. Murphy Co.; lic. public accountant; Alliquippa Lodge F&A Masons; WWII Army vet; funeral at First United Methodist Church [#] Piekielek, Mike age 77 pub 19710403 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19710402 Aliquippa Hospital bur 19710406 PA White Oak, Holy Family sp-, Sophia son: Alfred P & Edward M, both of McKeesport & Mike J, Aliquippa dau: Eleanor Mandich & Victoria Leo, Aliquippa; Rose Marie Korch, McKeesport rel: gch=13; ggc=1 res PA McKeesport, Sheffield Av 1113 note: ret from Jones & Laughlin Co.; member Loyal Order of Moose & ZNP lodge 1483 in Aliquippa; mass at Holy Family [#>] Pieniazek, George age 77 pub 19930301 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19930228 McKeesport Hospital bur 19930303 PA Port Vue, Calvary b. 19150613 sp-Penner, Lotte Schlegel {A89} fat-Pieniazek, Carl (d.) Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 369 DATABASE TABLES {A88} mot-Paszkiewicz, Mary son: Gerhard, TX Fort Worth; George Jr., MA Chelsea; Gilbert at home dau: Roberta Gregory, MD Mt. Airy sis: Josephine Bingman, McKeesport rel: nieces & nephews; gch=2 res PA Port Vue note: ret clerk at US Steel; real estate broker in Port Vue; aka Penner; u=Willig [#>] Pieniazek, Joseph age 38 pub 19401024 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19401023 PA Pittsburgh, hospital bur 19401027 PA Port Vue, Calvary b. PA McKeesport {A89} fat-Pieniazek, Earl bro: 6 sis: 2 res PA Port Vue, Pride St 704 note: mass at St. Mary {A89} Pieniazek, Karol pub 19440110 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19440108 at home bur 19440112 PA Port Vue, Calvary b. PL {A88} sp-, Mary son: Anthony, Ambridge; Thomas, John & Peter, McKeesport; Stanley, Detroit; PFC George dau: Mrs. Helen Klasnick & Mrs. Josephine Kamerer, McKeesport rel: gch=10 res PA Port Vue, Pride St 704 note: ret; George stationed at TX Camp Maxey {A88} Pieniazek, Mary age 101 pub 197511 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19751112 PA McKeesport bur 19751115 PA Port Vue, Calvary b. 18741111 PL {A89} sp-Pieniazek, Karol (d.) son: Thomas V, McKeesport; George W, Port Vue dau: Helen Pieniazek, Port Vue & Mrs. Josephine Bingman, McKeesport rel: gch=11; ggc=23; great ggc=7 res PA Port Vue, Romine Av 1703 note: res Port Vue 70y [#>] Pieniazek, Peter P age 35 pub 19441021 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19441020 McKeesport Hospital sp-, Jean {A89} fat-Pieniazek, Karol (d.) dau: Nancy Jean & Gaile Elaine bro: Anthony, Pittsburgh; Stanley, Detroit; Thomas & John, McKeesport; George, US Army sis: Helen Klasnic & Josephine Kamerer; McKeesport res PA Port Vue, Pride St 704 note: machinist for Christy Park Works of National Tube; also obit 22oct1944; survived by mot [#>] 370 Pieniazek, Thomas age 77 pub 19770627 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19770625 McKeesport Hospital bur 19770629 PA McKeesport, Mt. Vernon b. 18991221 PA McKeesport American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries sp-Penner, Helen J Peters {A89} fat-Pieniazek, Karol (d.) {A88} mot-, Mary Ann bro: George Wallace Penner, Port Vue sis: Helen Kohan, Port Vue; Josephine Bingman, McKeesport rel: nieces & nephews note: former res of Monessen; ret broker & owner of Thomas V Penner Real Estate, McKeesport; aka Penner; u=Willig {G58} Pienta, John age 59 pub 19370728 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19370727 at home bur 19370730 PA White Oak, St. Mary son: Stanley, Detroit dau: Mrs. William Partridge & Laura Pienta, both at home bro: Anthony, Chicago sis: Mrs. Palczynski, Detroit; another in Europe rel: gch=1 res PA McKeesport, Grant St 927 note: res McKeesport 40y; mass at St. Mary {D37} Pietras, Alexander pub 19650901 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19650901 bur 19650904 PA White Oak, Holy Family b. PL [?] sp-Bomba, Mary son: Thomas, NY Carmel dau: Genevieve Rogala, Detroit; Wanda Vuinovich, PA Upper St. Clair; Victoria Harpish, McKeesport rel: gch=8 res PA McKeesport, Abraham St 1815 note: res area 63y; ret craneman from Christy Park Works, US Steel; member ZNP and Polish Union of America [?] Pietras, Mary age 96 pub 19930927 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19930924 St. Clair Memorial Hospital bur 19930929 PA White Oak, Holy Family b. 18970202 PL {D37} sp-Pietras, Alexander (d.) fat-Bomba, Jan mot-Janiec, Katherine dau: Genevieve Rogala, FL; Victoria Harpish, McKeesport; Wanda Vuinovich, Upper St. Clair rel: gch=4, ggc=5 res PA McKeesport note: mass at Holy Family; res with dau Wanda Vuinovich [>] Plodzien, Anna S pub 19790815 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19790817 IL Chicago, Maryhill {F80} sp-Plodzien, Thomas son: Chester (Lillian (d.)); Joseph (Betty); Edward (Estelle) & Thomas Jr. dau: Irene Wojcik & Elizabeth (d.) rel: gch=13; ggc=6 note: mass at St. Helens; u=Malec & Sons, N Milwaukee Av 6000 [>] Plodzien, Martha age 88 pub 20000628 NJ Jersey City, Star Ledger d. 20000627 at home Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 371 DATABASE TABLES b. son: rel: res note: NJ Jersey City William J gch=4, ggc=1 NJ Edison res Edison over 30y; ret 1976 emp multigraph opr RCA Corp. 33y; mass at St. Helenas, Edison; u=Gosselin, Edison {B49} Plodzien, Nellie age 88 pub 19780725 MA Greenfield, Recorder d. 19780724 at home bur 19780728 MA Turners Falls, Our Lady Czestochowa b. 18890821 PL {B50} sp-Plodzien, Thomas fat-Siciak, Joseph mot-Przybala, Frances son: Chester, Turners Falls dau: Blanche Ozdarski, Greenfield; Mildred Potosek & Jessica Martin, Montague City rel: gch=4, ggc=4; several nieces & nephews res MA Turners Falls, I St 023 note: came to area in 1910; lifelong res; Keith Paper Co. & Kendall Mills; member Holy Rosary Sodality {F80} Plodzien, Thomas pub 19790903 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19790905 IL Chicago, Maryhill sp-, Anna (d.) son: Chester (Lillian (d.)); Joseph (Betty); Edward (Estelle) & Thomas Jr. dau: Irene Wojcik & Elizabeth (d.) rel: gch=13; ggc=6 note: mass at St. Helens; u=Malec & Sons, N Milwaukee Av 6000 {B50} Plodzien, Thomas M age 92 pub 19800228 MA Greenfield, Recorder d. 19800227 Farren Memorial Hospital bur 19800229 MA Turners Falls, Our Lady Czestochowa b. 18871115 PL {B49} sp-Siciak, Nellie (d.) fat-Plodzien, Michael mot-Mularz, Anthonina son: Chester, Turners Falls dau: Blanche Ozdarski, Greenfield; Mildred Potosek & Jessie Martin, Turners Falls rel: gch=4, ggc=5; nieces & nephews res MA Turners Falls, I St 021 note: came to area in 1912; lifelong res; Keith Paper & Esleeck Paper Companies; wif d. 1978; member St. Kazimir Society [#>] Pokrywka, Albert age 69 pub 19550117 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19550116 PA Homestead b. PL {G15} sp-Kotula, Veronica (d.) son: Edward Pokrywka, NJ N Bergen dau: Helen Cresmonauski, with whom he resided rel: gch=3 res PA Elizabeth, Locust St 213 note: former res of McKeesport; res Elizabeth 6y; ret carpenter Christy Park Works of National Tube; member St. Marys parish 372 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries [#>] Pokrywka, Frank pub 19511123 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19511122 at home bur 19511126 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. PL {B39} sp-Baran, Stanislawa son: John; Alexander & Edward, McKeesport; Stanley, Port Vue dau: Mrs. Helen Kondor at home & Mrs. Sally Vistein, Pittsburgh bro: Albert, Elizabeth sis: Mary Zabzycka, PL rel: gch=6 res PA McKeesport, Rison St 901 note: res McKeesport 50y; ret 1948 as emp of National Tube; member McKeesport PRCU 925 & PNA {G15} Pokrywka, Veronika age 37 pub 19271003 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19271002 McKeesport Hospital bur 19271005 PA White Oak, St. Mary sp-Pokrywka, Albert son: Edward, at home dau: Stella & Helen both at home sis: 3 in PL res PA McKeesport, Lynn Al 1122 1/2 note: aka Pakrywka, mass at St. Marys {E00} Polka, Adolphe age 35 pub 19290704 NY Stamford, Mirror-Recorder d. 19290630 Stamford Hospital res NY Brooklyn note: Brooklyn; emp on Jefferson Road construction job; page 3; believed to be mrr; accidently buried under 2 tons of stone and gravel from dump truck; pulled out by coworkers {H44} Predki, Sophia age 87 pub 19760820 MI Port Huron, Times Herald d. 19760818 MI Mt. Clemens, Mt. Clemens General Hospital bur 19760821 PA McKeesport? res MI Fair Haven, Meldrum Rd 7159 note: funeral 21aug1976 PA McKeesport; u=Christie Memorial Chapel, MI New Baltimore [>] Prokop, Mary Anne age 80 pub 19941007 NY Niagara Falls, Gazette d. 19941006 Niagara Falls Mem. Medical Center bur NY Lewiston, Holy Trinity b. 19140509 NY Niagara Falls {C53} fat-Prokop, Peter mot-Jarzab, Mary bro: John Chodacki, Niagara Falls; Peter Moskowik, Sanborn sis: Julia Prokop, Joanne Moreou, & Jeanne Griffin, Niagara Falls rel: several nieces & nephews res NY Niagara Falls, Rainbow Bv note: res Sanborn for several years; formerly emp as waitress; u=Otto Redanz, Niagara Falls {B63} Prokop, Stanley age 93 pub 19760316 NY Niagara Falls, Gazette d. 19760315 Memorial Medical Center Nursing Home bur 19760318 NY Niagara Falls, Memorial Park b. AU Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 373 DATABASE TABLES sp-Kostkiewicz, Tillie rel: nie Miss Mary Prokop & Miss Julia Prokop, Lewiston note: came to Niagara Falls 1911; ret from Hooker Chemical; u=Tubinis; wif res Niagara Falls [>] Prokop, Tillie age 98 pub 19861205 NY Niagara Falls, Gazette d. 19861202 NY Niagara Falls, nursing home bur 19861205 NY Lewiston, Memorial Park b. 18871224 AU {B63} sp-, Stanley (d.) rel: nie Julia Prokop & Mary Prokop, Niagara Falls note: arv US in 1909, res Niagara Falls since 1916; Jehovahs Witness; sp d. 1976 {G95} Puc, Alexander age 74 pub 19590110 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19590109 McKeesport Hospital bur 19590113 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. PL {G96} sp-Puc, Nora son: Andrew, Matthew & Stanley, all of McKeesport dau: Stella Kruchensky, PA Irwin, Stephanie Pavlovic, McKeesport; Cecelia Lipnicky, W Mifflin; Helen Welsh, at home bro: Ignatius, Brooklyn sis: Helen Kulasa, McKeesport rel: gch=9 res PA McKeesport, Idaho St 2902 note: res area 50y; ret from National Tube; mass at St. Mary {I71} Purzycki, Mary pub 19771128 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19771129 sp-Purzycki, Thomas (d.) dau: Virginia & Elaine Davis (Walter) Davis rel: gch Walter & Jon note: mass at Most Holy Trinity, AZ Phoenix [>] Purzycki, Thomas pub 19741004 IL Chicago, Tribune d. 19740928 bur AZ Phoenix, Paradise Mem. Garden {I71} sp-Krzton, Mary dau: Virginia & Elaine Davis (Walter) rel: gch Walter & John note: mass at Most Holy Trinity, Phoenix; u=Hansen, Phoenix, N 7 St 8314 [#>] Pustola, Joseph Henry pub 19821129 NY Newburgh, Evening News d. 19821128 St. Luke Hospital bur 19821201 NY New Windsor, Calvary b. 19200921 NY New York City sp-Ennest, Hylia Jane fat-Pustola, Joseph {A04} mot-Fornal, Pauline son: William C Pustola dau: Linda Lou Pustola, MI sis: Helen Conrad, New Windsor; Catherine Evangelisto, Newburgh rel: gch=2 374 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries res NY New Windsor, Veronica Av 15 note: res area 50y; machinist for American Felt & Filter; aka Hank; WWII Army paratrooper; mass at St. Francis {A04} Pustola, Pauline F pub 19791024 NY Newburgh, Evening News d. 19791023 St. Luke Hospital bur 19791026 b. 18940208 PL sp-Pustola, Joseph (d.) fat-Fornal, Peter son: Joseph Henry Pustola, New Windsor dau: Mary K (George) Evangelisto, Town of Newburgh; Helen (John) Konrad, New Windsor bro: Charles Fornal, New Windsor sis: Rose Mulkis, Long Island rel: gch=8; ggc=5 res NY New Windsor, Melrose Av 34 note: res area 57y; ret Firth Carpet Co.; u=Toohey Bros.; mass at St. Francis [>] Rog, Joseph C age 21 pub 19310801 NY Brooklyn, Standard Union d. 19310730 at home bur 19310803 {H07} mot-, Mary Anna bro: Stanislaw sis: Mrs. Sophie Witek; Agnes; Elizabeth res NY Brooklyn, 19 St 336 note: u=John E Budnik, 5 Av 710 [>] Ropacewicz, Alexander pub 19590927 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19590929 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {G34} sp-, Valerie son: Chester Mayland dau: Mae; Ann & Eleanore rel: gch=9; ggc=2; fal of Millie & Clare note: mass at St. Mary of the Angels; u=chapel at Elston Av 3800 {G34} Ropacewicz, Walerya pub 19600708 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19600709 IL Niles, St. Adalbert son: Mayland & Chester dau: Mary Jawor, Anne & Eleanor bro: Vincent Kalandyk & Monsignor Walter Kalandyk (d.) rel: gch=11; ggc=2; mol of Peter Aleshi, Art Johnson, Clara & Amelia note: mass at St. Mary of the Angels; u=chapel at Elston Av 3800 [#>] Rowzee, Janet Z age 50 pub 19950528 NY Niagara Falls, Gazette d. 19950526 NY Aurora, at home of par bur 19950530 WI Jefferson, St. Coletta b. NY Niagara Falls sp-Rowzee, Edward F fat-Ziblut, John J mot-, Julia son: John Rowzee, BC Kelowna; Mark Rowzee, Naperville; David Rowzee, WI Jefferson res IL Naperville, Naperville IL note: u=Freidrich-Jones, Naperville; mass at St. Peter & Paul, Naperville Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 375 DATABASE TABLES [#>] Roy, Frances age 60 pub 19870824 NY Niagara Falls, Gazette d. 19870822 Newfane Hospital bur 19870826 NY Newfane, St. Charles b. PL sp-Roy, Leo {B12} fat-Patronski, Raymond {B43} mot-, Julia son: Leonard Roy, Wilson bro: Ben Patronski, Niagara Falls sis: Evelyn Knoll, Youngstown rel: nieces & nephews res NY Wilson, Lake St 449 note: res Wilson past 12y; former res of IN; [b. NY, not PL] u=Sherrie, Newfane; mass at St. Charles Borromeo, Olcott; sp of Wilson {E20} Rudka, Thomas age 71 pub 19501113 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19501113 at home of sis Mrs. Staniek b. PL sis: Mrs. Thomas Staniek, McKeesport, Versailles Av 2714; Antonina Wiater, Katherine Stachurski & Julia Kaleta, all in PL res PA McKeesport, White St 623 note: res McKeesport 42y; formerly emp by National Tube; member St. Mary {B94} Rybka, Jendziej age 83 pub 19961114 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19961113 McKeesport Hospital bur 19961116 PA N Versailles, St. John Baptist b. 19121125 PL sp-Pishko, Mary Ripka (d.) {B87} fat-Rybka, Ludovicus {B93} mot-Lobota, Marianna sis: Domicella (Minnie) Lakovic, McKeesport rel: nieces & nephews note: ret from US Steel; aka Fish (surname); aka Ripka, Andrew {G61} Rybka, Kasimer pub 19490715 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19490715 at home b. PL sp-, Louise son: Walter & Elmer, McKeesport dau: Stella Mnich, McKeesport & Julia, at home sis: Helen Krol, OH Cleveland rel: gch=6 res PA McKeesport, Mercantile St 2510 note: res McKeesport about 45y; former emp of National Tube; member St. Mary parish {B87} Rybka, Louis age 38 pub 19260106 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19260105 Linclon Way at Stewartsville Hollow bur 19260108 PA White Oak, St. Mary {B93} sp-wife res PA McKeesport, Hazel St 710 note: emp by National Tube; front page news; also obit 07jan1926; killed while walking to see sis Mrs. Frank Sowa on Coulter Rd; d. instantly ~9:00 PM; no clues or witnesses 376 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries {B93} Rybka, Mary age 51 pub 19450917 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19450916 McKeesport Hospital b. PL son: Andrew, Port Vue; Walter, McKeesport; Jack, at home; PFC John, US Army dau: Veronica Pahl, Chicago & Domicella, at home res PA McKeesport, Ridge St 904 1/2 note: res McKeesport 32y; member St. Mary parish; John stationed in England {D42} Siciak, Albert age 53 pub 19400606 MA Greenfield, Recorder-Gazette d. 19400606 Farren Hospital bur 19400608 MA Turners Falls, Our Lady Czestochowa b. PL fat-Siciak, Joseph mot-Przybala, Francis son: Steven, Bernardston; Henry, Gill dau: Pauline, CT Middletown; Mrs. Stella Kozik, Gill bro: Joseph & Paul, Turners Falls sis: Victoria Kovtz, Nellie Plodzin & Mary Sojka, Turners Falls; Katherine Muhowski, Greenfield; 1 in PL rel: gch=1 res MA Gill note: res Gill 22y; member St. Kazimer & St. Stanislaus Societies; unnamed surviving wif; mrr 1907 Turners Falls [#>] Siciak, Ethel M age 81 pub 19970115 MA Springfield, Union-News d. 19950114 at home of her sis Edith Hastings bur 19970116 MA Turners Falls, Our Lady Czestochowa b. MA Montague sp-Siciak, Steven A (d.) sis: Ruth E Siciak, Gill rel: nieces & nephews res MA Greenfield, Turners Falls Rd 164a note: res here most of her life; child-car provider for area families for many years; mass at Our Lady of Czestochowa; u=Kostanski; member Women of the Moose, Greenfield [#>] Siciak, Henry P age 79 pub 19951220 MA Springfield, Union-News d. 199512 PA Greenfield, area nursing home bur 19951222 MA Turners Falls, Our Lady Czestochowa b. MA Gill sp-Shedd, Ruth son: Albert, Bernardston; Richard, NH Bow dau: Merrilyn Siciak, Bernardston sis: Pauline Stoworko, CT Middletown rel: gch=5 res MA Gill, W Gill Rd note: lifelong res; ret 1980 Millers Falls Tool Co. 45y; Gill police chief 10y; mass at St. Mary; u=Kidder, Northfield; town constable for many years; member zoning board & W MA Police Chiefs Assoc.; election worker {B64} Siciak, Paul P age 80 pub 19641202 MA Greenfield, Recorder-Gazette d. 19641201 MA Northampton bur 19641204 MA Turners Falls, Our Lady Czestochowa b. 18840120 PL sp-Skrzepek, Josephine Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 377 DATABASE TABLES fat-Siciak, Joseph mot-, Francis son: sso Walter Tranowski, Griswoldville & Alfred Tranowski, Hartford dau: Steffie Hadala, France; sda Antoinette Kestyn, Bernice Piasecki & Jessie Kowalsick, Turners Falls & Edith Owseichik, Greenfield sis: Victoria Kortz, Nellie Plodzien & Mary Sojka, Turners Falls; Katherine Machowski, Greenfield rel: several nieces, nephews & grandchildren res MA Turners Falls, G St note: came to area in 1912; lifelong res; ret from Esleeck Mfg. Co. 10y ago after working 30y; member St. Kazimer & St. Stanislaus Societies [#>] Siciak, Steven A age 81 pub 19951110 MA Springfield, Union-News d. 19951110 MA Greenfield, Franklin Medical Center bur 19951111 MA Turners Falls, Our Lady Czestochowa b. MA Turners Falls sp-Shedd, Ethel M bro: Henry P, Gill sis: Pauline Stoworko, CT Middletown rel: nieces & nephews res MA Greenfield, Turners Falls Rd 164a note: longtime res; ret 1979 former owner Bernardston Auto Wrecking Co. 40y; mass at Our Lady of Czestochowa; u=Kostanski; attended school in Gill; member Moose Lodge, Greenfield {G93} Siemieniak, Bessie pub 19641018 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19641020 IL Chicago, Resurrection sp-Siemieniak, Joseph (d.) son: Walter (Rosalle) dau: Mildred (Frank) Rohdenburg, Victoria (Carl) Blazine & Louise (Joseph) Korzeniewski rel: gch=10; ggc=11 note: mass at St. Ann; u=Dulski, W 18 Pl 2100 {A26} Sikora, Andrew age 72 pub 19430816 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19430814 McKeesport Hospital bur 19430818 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. PL son: Frank, at home; Private August, stationed at MI Fort Custer dau: Helen, at home & Stella Grzebyk, McKeesport rel: gch=4 res PA McKeesport, Hazel St 811 note: came to McKeesport over 50y ago; aka Sicora; member Woodmen of the World; mass at St. Marys {A27} Sikora, Mary age ~55 pub 19330323 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19330322 at home bur 19330326 PA White Oak, St. Mary {A26} sp-Sikora, Andrew son: Frank & August, at home dau: Stella Grzebyk, McKeesport & Helen, at home rel: gch=2 res PA McKeesport, Hazel St 811 note: mass at St. Mary [+] 378 Skibiski, Michael pub 19650215 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19650214 McKeesport Hospital bur 19650217 PA White Oak, Holy Family American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries sp-Makowska, Michalina (d.) dau: Anna Pawlak, Pittsburgh; Josephine Koszela & Helen Schweickert, Liberty bro: Anthony, Winnepeg Canada & Julius, PL sis: Petrunella Gurski, PA Chester; Caroline Kijowski, CA Costa Mesa rel: gch=10; ggc=29 res PA McKeesport, Stewart Av 2609 note: res McKeesport 64y; ret Christy Parks Works; mass at Holy Family; res with Josephine Koszela {D32} Skoczylas, Jacob age 78 pub 19640529 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19640528 at home bur 19640601 PA White Oak, Holy Family b. 18800725 PL sp-Pociask, Veronica (d.) fat-, Joseph mot-, Catherine son: Joseph, Cleveland; Thomas, OH Warren; Stanley, Baltimore; George, FL Hollywood dau: Ann Molnar, White Oak, Stella Thomas, West Mifflin & Minnie Wright, Duquesne bro: Victor, Brooklyn sis: Mary Mulasz, PL; Antoinette Barton, McKeesport rel: gch=13; ggc=4 res PA McKeesport, Scott St 1508 note: ret US Steel National Works; aka Skelly; member PL National Union of America; mass at Holy Family {D30} Skoczylas, John age 42 pub 19280906 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19280904 at home bur 19280907 PA White Oak, St. Mary res PA McKeesport, 12 St 205 note: mass at St. Mary {I02} Skoczylas, Sophia A age 72 pub 19601227 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19601225 McKeesport Hospital bur 19601229 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. PL {D30} sp-Skoczylas, John (d.) fat-Drazek, Joseph (d.) son: Michael, TX Dallas dau: Stella Popowitz & Eleanor Findley, McKeesport; Eileen Benjamin; Blanche Wigand, Port Vue & Julia Biro, FL Boynton Beach rel: gch=9; ggc=1 res PA McKeesport, Craig St 1300 note: res McKeesport 53y; member PRCU; res with Eileen Benjamin; mass at St. Mary [>] Sliwinska, Wladyslawa age 25 pub 19270402 MD Baltimore, Jednosc-Polonia d. 19270327 sp-Sliwinski, Michal note: per index [>] Smietana, Helen M pub 19970507 MI Saginaw, News d. 19970506 MI Cheboygan bur MI Detroit, Mt. Olivet Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 379 DATABASE TABLES b. 19111008 NY Brooklyn sp-Smietana, Joseph (d.) fat-Bomba, [>] Smietana, Joseph C pub 19841230 MI Saginaw, News d. 19841229 MI Saginaw bur MI Detroit, Mt. Olivet b. 19100305 MI Saginaw sp-Bomba, Helen M {B65} Smusz, Katherine age 97 pub 19790503 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19790502 MA New Bedford b. PL sp-Smusz, Michael J (d.) son: Joseph Smusz, Lakeland dau: Mae Dube, Valarie Oberg & Sophie Pelletier, New Bedford; Stella Bertrand, Acushnet; Victoria Dawson, NH Milton rel: gch=11; ggc=22 res MA New Bedford, Belleville Rd 256 note: res New Bedford 75y; aka Katherine (Szymkowicz) Smusz [#>] Smusz, Michael Joseph age 72 pub 19570121 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19570120 at home bur MA New Bedford, Pine Grove b. PL Kamien fat-Smusz, Jozef mot-Saj, Agnieszka son: Joseph, Lakeland dau: Mary Dube, Stella Smusz, Sophie Pelletier, Victoria Dawson, Valeria Oberg, New Bedford sis: Rozalia Prachniak, Mary Kielbasa & Paulne Samsel, New Bedford; 2 sis in PL rel: gch=10 res MA New Bedford, Hammond St 22 note: res US 50y; mill operator; was in PL calvery; fat & mot in PL [>] Sobczak, Harry A pub 19770505 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19770507 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {F65} sp-Wrona, Kazimiera bro: Walter (Stella) & Leonard sis: Clara (Al (d.)) Michaelowski & Frances (Anthony) Slautus note: mass at St. Stanislaus B & M; u=Poterek, W Fullerton 5253; member Theodore Roosevelt Post 4 P.L.A.V. {F65} Sobczak, Kazimera pub 19771208 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19771210 IL Niles, St. Adalbert sp-Sobczak, Harry (d.) son: John Krzton & Adolph Kaszton (d.) rel: gch William Kaszton, Freda Raminez, Karen Rodriquez & Marie Krzton note: mass at St. Stanislaus B & M; u=Poterek, W Fullerton 5253 [+] Sowa, Gregory age 61 pub 19480330 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19480329 McKeesport Hospital bur 19480401 PA White Oak, St. Mary {D34} sp-, Julia 380 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries son: dau: rel: res note: John at home, Frank, Duquesne & Walter, Bryn Mawr Josephine Heveker, McKeesport & Miss Leona Sowa at home gch=4 PA Versailles, Heckman Rd res McKeesport 40y; emp by National Tube Co.; mass at St. Mary {D34} Sowa, Julia pub 19761230 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19761230 PA Pittsburgh, Wightman Manor bur 19770101 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. PL sp-Sowa, Gregory (d.) fat-Rybka, John (d.) mot-, Mary (d.) son: John, Frank & Walter dau: Josephine Heveker, White Oak & Leona Pearson, N Huntingdon Twp rel: gch=16; ggc=11 res PA McKeesport, Lower Heckman Rd 1606 note: mass at St. Mary [#>] Sowa, Veronica C age 71 pub 19900628 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19900628 St. Luke Hospital b. MA Acushnet sp-Sowa, Joseph E {D25} fat-Gryss, John {D26} mot-Gryss, Mary son: Stephen J Sowa, Plymouth sis: Caroline Houle, Middleboro; Helen Wajda, New Bedford res MA New Bedford note: res New Bedford 40y [>] Spadalik, August P pub 20030124 NY Pt Washington, Port Washington News d. 20030110 bur NY Westbury, Holy Rood sp-, Stella son: Richard dau: Dorothy bro: Arthur sis: Eleanor Nelson res NY Pt Washington, note: mass at St. Mary; u=Fairchild, Manhasset {A11} Stachurski, Stanley pub 19700112 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19700111 McKeesport Hospital bur 19700114 sp-Krol, Stella fat-, Thomas mot-, Katherine son: Ted, Swissvale; Edwin, McKeesport; Stanley, Greenock Heights bro: 2 in PL sis: 2 in PL rel: gch=8 res PA McKeesport, Grant St 1502 note: ret US Steel National Works; member PL National Union; mass at Holy Family Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 381 DATABASE TABLES {G64} Staniek, Antoni pub 19640529 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19640529 at home bur 19640602 PA White Oak, Holy Family b. PL {G47} sp-Stahurski, Julia (d.) dau: Virginia Fornal, McKeesport & Mildred Como, Liberty rel: gch=8; ggc=6 res PA McKeesport, Water St 813 note: ret from National Works, US Steel; member PNA & PL National Union of America; mass at Holy Family {G53} Staniek, Josephine age 75 pub 19620528 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19620526 at home bur 19620530 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. 18861015 PL {C34} sp-Staniek, Thomas (d.) fat-Rudka, Jan (d.) son: Peter, Walter & Anthony, all at home dau: Helen Dupier, McKeesport & Miss Sophia Staniek, at home rel: gch=4 res PA McKeesport, Versailles Av 2714 note: member of PRCU; mass at St. Mary {G47} Staniek, Julia pub 19600927 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19600927 at home bur 19600930 PA White Oak, Holy Family b. PL {G64} sp-Staniek, Antoni fat-Stachurski, Joseph mot-Korczara, Magdeline dau: Virginia Fornal, McKeesport & Mildred Como, Liberty sis: Victoria Wiater, McKeesport; Mary Balawajder, Braddock rel: gch=9; ggc=3 res PA McKeesport, Water St 813 note: member PL National Union of America; mass at Holy Family {C34} Staniek, Thomas J age 80 pub 19550131 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19550131 at home bur 19550203 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. 18741122 PL {G53} sp-Rudka, Josephine son: Peter, Walter & Anthony, at home dau: Helen Dupier, McKeesport & Miss Sophie Staniek, at home rel: gch=4 res PA McKeesport, Versailles Av 2714 note: res McKeesport 51y; mass at St. Mary [#>] 382 Stotish, Charles age 84 pub 19970318 WA Seattle, Times d. 19970314 bur 19970320 WA Seattle, Evergreen Mem. Park sp-, Emilia note: u=Evergreen-Washelli American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries [#>] Stotish, Henry P age 84 pub 1998090? PA DuBois, Courier Express d. 19980902 Christ the King Manor bur 19980905 PA, Holy Trinity Byzantin b. 19140523 PA Elenora sp-Dorchak, Mary {F49} fat-Stotish, Joseph (d.) {F45} mot-Troyanousky, Mary (d.) son: Gerald H, Falls Creek dau: Marlene (John) Petrillo & Judity J Stotish, DuBois bro: Stanley (d.); Peter; Charles; John & Leon sis: Julia Kuznier (d.) & Frances Armlovich res PA DuBois, S Brady St note: Helvetia coal miner over 30y; ret PA Dept. of Transportation; member Holy Trinity Byzantine Catholic Church, Sykesville; Lithuanian Club; Sandy Hose Co. No. 1 Fireman Club; u=Goble-Baronick, DuBois [>] Stutts, Anna pub 19760825 PA Ridgway, Record d. 19760825 PA Ridgway, Elk Co. General Hospital bur 19760827 PA Ridgway, St. Leo b. 18910721 PL {H83} sp-, Chester (d.) son: Stanley, Ridgway & John, at home dau: Julia, at home; Sophie (Mike) Janovich, New Castle; Victoria (William) Herbert, New Castle rel: gch=4; ggc=5 res PA Ridgway, N Broad St 330 note: res Ridgway 61y; member & mass at St. Leos Magnus Church; u=Paul Meehan; mrr 30may1915; hus d. 17jul1974 {H83} Stutts, John C pub 19740718 PA Ridgway, Record d. 19740717 PA Ridgway, Elk Co. General Hospital bur 19740720 PA Ridgway, St. Leo b. 18910718 PL sp-, Anna son: Stanley, Ridgway & John, at home dau: Julia, at home; Sophie (Michael) Janovich, New Castle; Victoria (William) Herbert, New Castle; one other dau? rel: gch=4; ggc=2 res PA Ridgway, N Broad St 330 note: res Ridgway 60y; ret Elk Tanning Co. & Ridgway Borough; member & mass at St. Leos RC Church; u=Paul Meehan; mrr 30may1915 Ridgway [>] Stutts, Stanley J pub 19821021 PA Ridgway, Record d. 19821020 PA Ridgway, Elk Co. General Hospital bur 19821023 PA Ridgway, St. Leo b. 19170919 PA Ridgway sp-, Lucille {H83} fat-Stutts, Chester (d.) mot-, Anna (d.) dau: Patricia (Robert) Work, Ridgway bro: John, Ridgway sis: Sophie (Michael) Janovick, New Castle & Victoria (William) Herbert, New Castle rel: gch=2; wf1 Mary Giordano (d.) res PA Ridgway, Johnsonburg Rd note: lifelong res of Ridgway; ret Ridgway Color & Chemical; member & mass at St. Leos Catholic; u=Paul Meehan; member KofC, Moose & American Legion; WWII Army vet Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 383 DATABASE TABLES {I68} Synos, Albert pub 19691228 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19691229 IL Niles, St. Adalbert sp-Matlak, Victoria dau: Mildred (Fred) Latkowski & Carol (Ernest) Kolasinki rel: gch=4; ggc=1 note: mass at St. Stanislaus B & M; u=Poterek, W Fullerton 5247-53 [>] Synos, Victoria pub 19730222 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19730223 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {I68} sp-Synos, Albert (d.) dau: Mildred (Fred) Latkowski & Carol (Ernest) Kolasinski rel: gch=4; ggc=1 note: mass at St. Stanislaus B & M; u=Poterek, W Fullerton 5247-53 [>] Szczech, Edward J pub 19730817 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19730818 IL Niles, St. Adalbert sp-Czajkowski, Clara M dau: Geraldine (Robert) Zielinski & LaVergne (Ronald) Swatek sis: Bernice Binek rel: gch=6; nieces & nephews; ssl Eleanor Szczech note: mass at St. Stanislaus Kostka; u=Stanley, Milwaukee Av 3060; member Franklin D Rosevelt Post No. 923 A. L. {D17} Szczech, Katarzyna age 39 pub 19230131 IL Chicago, Dziennik Chicagoski d. 19230130 {D16} Szczech, Wojciech pub 19291116 IL Chicago, Dziennik Chicagoski {X25} Szczoczarz, Edward age 82 pub 19900705 NJ Somerset, Messenger Gazette d. 19900626 NJ, Robert Wood Johnson Univ. Hospital bur 19900630 NJ Hillsborough, Sacred Heart b. NY Brooklyn son: Stanley Szczoczarz, Chicago rel: unk rel Mary Kapuscinski; Joan Ann Smith, Middlesex & Richard Kapuscinski, Howell res NJ Manville note: moved to Manville in 1957 from Greenpoint; foreman/machinist Union Stopfire, New Brunswick, ret 1973; Mary is "lifetime companion", Manville; u=Warren, Manville; honorable discharge US military; mass at Sacred Heart, Manville; also obit in Courier News, Bridgewater NJ 28jun1990 [>] Szczoczarz, Frederick J age 23 pub 19461107 RI Pawtucket, Times d. 19461103 MA Framingham, Cushing General Hospital bur 19461107 RI Pawtucket, Notre Dame b. RI Pawtucket {C32} fat-Szczoczarz, Grzegorz (d.) mot-Mortyko, Weronika bro: Joseph, CT; Michael, Lonsdale; Rudolph & Walter, S Attleboro sis: Mrs. Frank Drezek, S Attleboro res MA S Attleboro, Mason St note: WWII Hero; decorated; mass St. Josephs [see Military section] 384 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries {C32} Szczoczarz, Grzegorz pub 19460919 RI Pawtucket, Times d. 19460919 at home bur 19460921 b. PL Hermanowa sp-Morytko, Veronica son: Joseph, CT Union City; Michael, Lonsdale; Frederick, Walter & Rudolph, S Attleboro dau: Mrs. Frank Drzek, S Attleboro sis: 1 in Pawtucket, another in PL rel: gch=6 res MA S Attleboro, Mason & Read St note: arv US 40y ago, in S Attleboro 7y; member Pulaski Soc. of Central Falls; u=Romenski; mass at St. Josephs [>] Szczoczarz, Joseph G age 57 pub 19880425 CT Waterbury, Republican d. 19880424 at home bur 19880427 CT Naugatuck, St. James b. 19301114 NY New York City sp-Ardry, Dorothy A fat-Szczoczarz, Joseph G (d.) mot-Borkowski, Antonia dau: Deborah L Szczoczarz, Narragansett RI & Angela (Brian) Andrikis, Waterbury bro: Edward Szczoczarz, Naugatuck rel: gso=1; nieces & nephews res CT Beacon Falls, Beacon Valley Rd 122 note: Beacon Falls past 29y; emp of Pratt & Whitney 31y; Korean War Navy vet; mass at St. Vincent Ferrer, Naugatuck [>] Szczoczarz, Patricia M age 62 pub 19970725 RI Providence, Journal d. 19970724 at home bur 19970726 RI Pawtucket, Notre Dame b. RI Pawtucket sp-Szczoczarz, Walter J fat-Gordon, John mot-Thompson, Theresa dau: Linda Szczoczarz & Mary Anderson, S Attleboro; Theresa Conte, Rehoboth rel: gda 3 res MA S Attleboro, Mason St note: res S Attleboro many years; ret sewer at Healthtex Corp & employee of Balfour Co.; ret 1995 due to illness [>] Szczoczarz, Veronika T age 91 pub 19800504 RI Providence, Journal d. 19800503 RI N Providence bur 19800506 RI Pawtucket, Notre Dame b. PL {C32} sp-, Grzegorz S (d.) fat-Morytko, Jan mot-Zielinska, Teresa son: Michael Szczoczarz, Cumberland; Walter Szczoczarz, S Attleboro dau: Sophie Drezek, Pawtucket rel: gch=15, ggc=12 res MA S Attleboro, Mason St 27 note: res Attleboro 43y; T=Teresa; u=Romenski & Sons, Central Falls, High St 342; mass at St. Josephs, Central Falls Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 385 DATABASE TABLES {A64} Szetela, Antonina pub 19580721 NY Buffalo, Evening News d. 19580719 bur 19580722 NY Buffalo, St. Stanislaus {A65} sp-Szetela, John (d.) son: Joseph, Leon, Stanley, Vincent (d.) dau: Julia Ziblut, KY Calvert City rel: dal Rose, Florence, Florence; snl John Ziblut; gch=8 res NY Buffalo, Laux St 29 note: nee Plodzien; mass Corpus Christi church [#>] Szetela, Donald pub 19881020 NY Buffalo, Evening News d. 19881015 FL Dunedin sp-Nagy, Diane fat-, Leonard mot-, Florence (d.) son: sso Matt Nagy dau: sda Cheryl (Dan) Bielecki bro: Florian (d.) sis: Joan (Leonard) Belter; Dolores (Gerald) Wujek rel: gch=3; nep=4; nie=1 note: formerly of Buffalo; aka Steele; funeral in FL; Korean War vet USAF [#>] Szetela, Florence pub 19601228 NY Buffalo, Evening News d. 19601226 bur 19601230 NY Buffalo, St. Stanislaus sp-, Leonard mot-Myszkiewicz, Mary son: Donald, Florian dau: Joan & Delores bro: Joseph, Anthony & John (d.) sis: Celia Zgoda, Verna Wydro & Irene Frys rel: dal Mary res NY Buffalo note: mass at St. Lukes church [#>] Szetela, Florian M pub 19810802 NY Buffalo, Courier-Express d. 19810731 bur 19810803 NY Buffalo, St. Stanislaus {C37} fat-Szetela, Leonard mot-Glowacki, Florence bro: Donald (Diane) sis: Joan (Leonard) Belter & Delores (Gerald) Wujek rel: nieces & nephews note: Vietnam vet; mass at Queen of Martyrs Church {A65} Szetela, John age 62 pub 19431216 NY Buffalo, Evening News d. 19431213 res NY Buffalo, Loepere St 018 {A66} Szetela, Joseph F pub 19950116 NY Buffalo, Evening News d. 19950115 bur 19950118 NY Buffalo, St. Stanislaus sp-Reczek, Rose (d.) 386 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries bro: sis: rel: note: Leo (Florence (d.)), Stanley (Florence) Julia (John) Ziblut nieces & nephews oldest parashioner and trustee of parish for many years; mass Precious Blood Church [#>] Szetela, Leonard pub 19960512 NY Buffalo, Evening News d. 19960509 bur 19960514 sp-, Florence (d.) son: Donald (d.) (Diane) & Florian dau: Joan (Leonard) Belter & Dolores (Gerald) Wujek bro: Stanley (Florence) & Joseph Szetela (d.) sis: Julia (John) Ziblut rel: gch=5, ggc=2; nieces & nephews [#] Szetela, Mary J pub 19861017 NY Buffalo, Evening News d. 19861016 bur 19861018 NY Buffalo, St. Adalbert fat-Zotara, Walter (d.) mot-Wegrzyn, Mary bro: Joseph (Emily), Leonard (Dorothy), Edward (Marlene), Walter (d.) sis: Helen (Jerome) Kawalerski rel: cousins, nieces & nephews note: mass at SS Peter & Paul church [#>] Szetela, Rose V pub 19880817 NY Buffalo, Evening News d. 19880815 bur 19880818 NY Buffalo, St. Stanislaus sp-, Joseph bro: Andrew (d.) & Walter (d.) (Mary (d.)) Reczek rel: brl Leo (Florence (d.)) & Stanley (Florence); ssl Julia (John) Zbilut; nieces, nephews note: nee Reczek, mass Precious Blood church [>] Szura, Adam M age 90 pub 20020330 NJ Jersey City, Star Ledger d. 20020329 at home b. NJ Jersey City son: Adam M Jr. & Eugene J dau: Mary Ann O'Connell bro: John rel: gch=7; ggc=2 res NJ N Arlington note: res N Arlington since 1951; ret tax collector N Arlington 15y; mass at St. Michael, Lyndhurst, u=Parow, N Arlington; member KofC, Elks No. 1992, Democratic Club; prev emp as a printer at various Polish & English newspapers [>] Szura, Henry pub 19711227 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19711229 IL Niles, St. Adalbert sp-Turczynowisz, Lillian {F41} fat-Szura, Walter (d.) mot-, Agnes son: Alan (Carol); Michael (Donna); Conrad & Roland (d.) dau: Charlene (George) Rosentreter bro: Stanley Szura (d.) sis: Charlotte Kanaby, Delores Kory & Jacqueline Szura Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 387 DATABASE TABLES rel: gch=8 res IL Fox Lake note: mass at St. Hedwig; u=Colonial, N Milwaukee 6250; "Alan, Tech Sergent (Carol)"; "Lance Cpl. Roland" [>] Szura, Jacqueline A age 53 pub 19830206 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19830208 IL Fox Lake {F41} fat-Szura, mot-Krol, Agnes sis: Charlotte (Bernard) Kanaby, Delores (John) Kory rel: ssl Grace Szura West & Lillian Szura note: of McHenry & Fox Lake; mot res McHenry; mass at St. John the Baptist; u=George R Justen & Son, W Elm St 3519 McHenry [>] Szura, John S age 82 pub 20020602 NJ Jersey City, Star Ledger d. 20020601 Milford Manor Nursing Home sp-, Josephine {G23} fat-Szura, John son: Gary & Jack dau: Dorothy Quinn & Joyce Troast rel: gch=9 res NJ Wallington note: ret 1981 printer Hudson Dispatch in Jersey City 15y; mass at St. Michael, Lyndhurst, u=Ippoloto Stellato, Lyndhurst; member KofC No. 2396; Army vet WWII {F79} Szura, Joseph pub 19540902 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19540904 IL Niles, St. Adalbert sp-Szura, Mary bro: Walter Szura (d.) rel: ssl Agnes Szura; nie Lottie Kanabaj, Dolores Kory & Jacqueline; nep Henry Szura res IL Chicago, W Crystal St 1349 note: mass at Holy Trinity, Noble St; u=chapel at W Blackhawk St 1457; wif is "Mary, nee Szura" [>] Szura, Maryann pub 19710528 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19710529 IL Niles, St. Adalbert {F79} sp-Szura, Joseph (d.) rel: ssl of "late Walter (Agnes) Szura & Apolonia Opiela" note: mass at Holy Trinity, Noble St; u=Malac & Sons, N Ashland Av 834 [>] Szura, Stanley pub 19460705 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19460706 IL Niles, St. Adalbert sp-, Grace {F41} fat-Szura, Ladislaus mot-, Agnes dau: Marcella & Nancy bro: Henry sis: Lottie, Dolores & Jacquelin Ann rel: brl of "Ben Kanabaj, John Kory, Lillia Szura, Harold, Ray, Ruth Ann" res IL Chicago, N Richmond St 1738 note: mass at St. Stanislaus Kostka, u=chapel at W Blackhawk St 1457; also brl of "Ruby Gunter, Ted and Hazel Alonege" 388 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries {F41} Szura, Walter pub 19490319 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19490319 IL Niles, St. Adalbert sp-, Agnes son: Henry & Stanley (d.) dau: Charlotte, Delores & Jacquelin Ann bro: Joseph rel: ssl Maria; sol Bernard Kanaby & John Korey; dal Lillian & Grace note: mass at St. Stanislaus Kostka, u=chapel at N Noble St 1261 {B66} Szymkowicz, Antoni age 78 pub 19630928 RI Warwick, Pawtucket Valley Daily Times d. 19630927 at home bur 19580930 RI W Warwick, St. Mary b. 18850525 PL sp-Golen, Kunegunda fat-Szymkowicz, Thomas mot-Knutel, Antonia son: Stephen & Thaddeus, Coventry; Felix, Cranston; Frank, NC Fayetteville; John, DC Washington; Thomas D, Warwick; Raymond, PA dau: Maj. (ret) Mary USAF Nurse Corp & Phyllis, at home; Cecelia Miga, DC Washington; Helen King, PA Reading bro: Kazimierz, ON Windsor & Edward, PL rel: gch=24; ggc=7 res RI Coventry, Boston St 21 note: operated a soda bottling plant in Coventry; bakery for WPA; prominent PL-American in Pawtucket Valley area; organized 4 PL orgs: PNA Anthony, PNA Crompton, Falcons Crompton, PL Cit club W Warwick; member Democratic State committee 1930s {B66} Szymkowicz, Antoni pub 19630929 RI Providence, Journal d. 19630927 sp-Golen, Kunegunda son: Stephen E & Thaddeus W, both of Anthony; Felix, Cranston; Frank J, NC Fayetteville; John S, DC Washington; Thomas A, Warwick; Raymond T, PA dau: Maj. Mary L V Ret USAFNC & Phyllis J Szymkowski, both of Anthony; Cecelia A Miga, DC Washington; Helen E King, PA Reading res RI Anthony, Boston St 21 note: son Frank Maj (ret) USA; John Lt. Col (ret) USAF; Thomas D.M.D.; Raymond Capt. USA; mass at St. Marys, Quidneck; u=Henault, W Warwick [#>] Szymkowicz, Kunegunda age 93 pub 19801214 RI Providence, Journal d. 19801213 Kent County Memorial Hospital bur 19801215 RI Crompton, St. Mary b. PL Potakowa sp-Szymkowicz, Antoni K (d.) fat-Golen, Franciszek mot-Sanocka, Maria son: Thaddeus, Coventry; Maj. Frank J, USA ret, Warwick; Col. John, USAF ret. DC Washington; Dr. Thomas A, Coventry dau: Maj. Mary L Borsa, USAF ret, MA Indian Orchard; Cecilia A Miga, ND Oxen Hill; Helen E King, PA Limekiln rel: gch=24; ggc=16; great ggc=2 res RI Coventry, Boston St 21 note: res Coventry 72y; she and husband owned bakery & soft drink business; mass at Our Lady of Czestochowa, Quidneck; u=Henault; member PNA; PL Falcons, Am Legion Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 389 DATABASE TABLES [#>] Szymkowicz, Marian W age 67 pub 19851118 RI Providence, Journal d. 19851116 at home bur 19851121 RI Exeter, RI Veterans b. CT Newtown sp-Szymkowicz, Frank J fat-Wanelik, Felix (d.) mot-Rutkowski, Sophie son: Frank J, Warwick dau: Cynthia & Gloria, both of New York City sis: Majorie Kochanek, Providence res RI Warwick, Westminster St 1403 note: res Warwick 22y, prev res NC Fayetteville; self emp real estate agent & investor for 30y; par from Providence; 1938 Grad of Bryant College; separated from 72y old hus who is ret USAF Major at 300 Crestwood Rd, Warwick; mass at St. Gregory {D09} Tereskiewicz, Helen pub 19520125 NJ Elizabeth, Daily Journal d. 19520123 bur 19520126 NJ Linden, Mt. Calvary {C12} sp-, Marjian (d.) res NJ Elizabeth, Livingston St 318 note: u=Gorny & Gorny; mass at St. Adalberts [#>] Terrace, Anthony J age 81 pub 20011016 NJ Jersey City, Star Ledger d. 20011014 Union Hospital bur 20011018 b. NJ Elizabeth sp-, Geraldine dau: Mrs. Helen Waldmann sis: Mrs. Emily Michalowski rel: gch=3 res NJ Roselle note: moved to Roselle 1963; president Terrace Wood Products, 1949 to recent retirement; mass at St. Josephs, Roselle; u=Krowicki-McCracken, Linden; Army vet WWII; PL-AM Legion Post 91, Elizabeth; band leader & swing drummer of Tony Terrace Orchestra 1940s-1950s [#>] Tluczek, Edward A age 43 pub 19700109 PA Philadelphia, Inquirer d. 19700107 bur 19700110 PA Philadelphia, Westminster {F85} fat-Tluczek, Alexander (d.) mot-, Marie (d.) bro: Stanley sis: Josephine Daniel, Alexandra Lombardo & Rose Price res PA Philadelphia, Seville St 115 note: member PL Falcons Nest No. 171; mass at St. Josephats; u=Modzianowskie, Grape St [#>] 390 Tluczek, Maria pub 19760821 PA Philadelphia, Inquirer d. 19760819 bur 19760823 PA Philadelphia, Westminster son: Stanley bro: Josephine Daniel, Alexandra Lombardo & Rose Price rel: gch=14 res PA Philadelphia, Seville St 115 note: nee=Wolek; surname also listed as "Daniel"; neighborhood=Wissahcikon; mass at St. Josaphats; u=Modzianowski American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries [#>] Tluczek, Stanley A pub 19920219 PA Philadelphia, Inquirer d. 19920217 bur 19920222 PA Philadelphia, Westminster sp-Daniel, Florence A son: Stanley A Jr., John P dau: Audrey M bro: Edward (d.) sis: Josephine Daniel, Alexandra Lombardo & Rose Price rel: gch Nicholas & Kyle res PA East Falls note: member PL Falcons club; mass at St. Bridget; u=McIlvaine [>] Tondera, Anthony age 72 pub 19861125 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19861124 Oakland Veterans Admin. Med. Center bur 19861128 PA White Oak, Holy Family b. 19140129 PA McKeesport sp-Verbich, Elizabeth (d.) {B91} fat-Tondera, Kazimierz (d.) {B67} mot-Glodoska, Lucy (d.) dau: Michelle Ondechek, White Oak bro: Walter Tondera, McKeesport; Frank, MI Sterling Heights; Tom, White Oak rel: gch=3 res PA McKeesport note: ret punch opr at Westinghouse Electric Co.; US Army WWII vet; mass at Holy Family {B67} Tondera, Lucy pub 19710726 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19710725 at home bur 19710728 PA White Oak, Holy Family b. PL {B91} sp-Tondera, Casimir (d.) son: Thomas, at home; Walter & Anthony, McKeesport; Frank, PA Irwin dau: Vera Palko, McKeesport bro: bro in PL sis: Tillie Kotula, MI Detroit rel: gch=8; ggc=6 res PA McKeesport, Highland Av 2111 note: res area 50y; mass at Holy Family {B88} Trojanowaki, Kazimierz age 57 pub 19450519 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19450519 at home bur 19450522 PA White Oak, Holy Family b. PL {C63} sp-Phillips, Nellie (d.) son: Henry & Theodore, McKeesport dau: Helen Bucklew & Jean at home sis: Mary Stotish, PA Helveta rel: gch=1 res PA McKeesport, 27 St 412 note: res in district 39y; tool keeper at National Tube; aka Tronosky; mass at Holy Family {C63} Trojanowski, Nellie age 47 pub 19430615 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19430615 at home bur 19430618 PA White Oak, Holy Family b. PL Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 391 DATABASE TABLES {B88} sp-Trojanowski, Kavimir J {C56} fat-Phillips, Thaddaus son: Henry & Theodore, McKeesport dau: Helen & Jean, both at home bro: Felix Phillips, McKeesport sis: Mrs. Andrew Piechowicz, McKeesport res PA McKeesport, 27 Av 412 note: res McKeesport 37y; survived by par McKeesport, aka Tronosky; funeral at Holy Family; sp J=John {D27} Wajda, Helen M age 90 pub 20001209 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 20001207 MA New Bedford, St. Luke Hospital bur 20001211 MA New Bedford, Sacred Heart b. PL sp-Wajda, Stanley (d.) {D25} fat-Gryss, John (d.) {D26} mot-Kowal, Mary (d.) son: Eugene (Stefanie) Wajda, New Bedford & Edward J (Sheila) Wajda, Milford dau: Amelia Thorpe, Fairhaven & Dorothy (Paul) Champagne, OH bro: Joseph Gryss (d.), Albert Gryss (d.) & Thaddeus Gryss (d.) sis: Caroline Houle (d.) & Veronica Sowa (d.) rel: many gch; multiple ggc; several nep & nie res MA Fairhaven note: res most of life in New Bedford; stitcher at Eastern Sportswear until ret; res last several years at Fairhaven; mass at St. Casimir; member Holy Rosary Society at St. Casimir; u=Rock, Ashley Bv 1285 [#>] Wajda, Stanley age 82 pub 19800127 MA New Bedford, Standard Times d. 19800126 MA New Bedford, St. Luke Hospital b. PL {D27} sp-Gryss, Helen son: Eugene, New Bedford; Edward, Millford dau: Emily Thorpe, Fairhaven; Dorothy Champagne, OH Wooster bro: Frank, PA Honesdale sis: 1 in PL rel: gch=12, ggc=6 res MA New Bedford, Harwich St note: res New Bedford 65y; ret 1970 loomfixer, Berkshire Hathaway; u=Schick-Racine; mass at St. Casimir [#>] Wiater, John George age 80 pub 2002070? MI Lapeer, County Press d. 20020628 FL Bradenton bur 20020702 MI Clifford, St. Patrick b. 19211011 MI Hamtramck sp-Januszek, Alice Marie {I20} fat-Wiater, Kazimierz (d ) {I21} mot-Mikrut, Aniela (d.) son: John (Karen) Wiater, Lake Orion dau: Angela Wilcox & Mary (Marvin) Wilcox, both of Clifford sis: Rose Cabic, Clifford & Josephine Bohnsack, AZ Mesa rel: gch, ggc, nep, nei; mol=Mary Prusak (d.) [see SUPPNOTE database] res MI Clifford note: ret General Motors A.C. Spark Plug, MI Flint; funeral at St. Patricks Catholic Church, Clifford; WWII Army Medical Copr vet; American Legion Post 457; Polish American Club, Caro; mrr 54y; u=Marsh, Marlette 392 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries {I20} Wiater, Kazimierz age 88 pub 19771012 MI Lapeer, County Press d. 19771005 Marlette Community Hospital bur 19771008 MI Clifford, St. Patrick b. 18890225 PL {I21} sp-Mikrut, Aniela (d.) son: Frank (d.) & John, MI Clifford dau: Josephine (Kenneth) Bohnsack & Rose (Ray) Cabic, MI Clifford rel: gch=10, ggc=15 res MI Clifford, Washington St 9547 note: moved to Clifford 1928; automobile plant, also a farmer; mass at St. Patrick Catholic Church, Clifford; u=Blackburn, N Branch {I21} Wiater, Kazmierz Mrs. age 75 pub 19590430 MI Lapeer, County Press d. 19590423 MI Clifford, at home bur 19590427 MI Clifford, St. Patrick b. 18840214 PL {I20} sp-Wiater, Kazimierz son: John Wiater, MI Clifford dau: Mrs. Ray Cabic & Mrs. Kenneth Bohnsack, MI Clifford bro: Walter Mikrut, NY Port Jervis rel: gch=9 res MI Clifford, Lake Pleasant Rd 9214 note: res at home 30y; mass at St. Patrick Catholic Church, Clifford; member Altar Society of Clifford & PL-American Club; mrr 17feb1917 Detroit {A91} Wiater, Mieczyslaw age 66 pub 19400510 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19400510 at home sp-, Margaret son: Leon & Stanley, Detroit; Peter, NJ Gibbstown; Joseph, John, Edward, Eugene & Andrew, at home dau: Anna Gugala, Detroit & Helen Bernsdorff, PA Sewickley res PA McKeesport, Boyd St 2917 note: res McKeesport 39y; ret from National Tube Co.; member St. Mary parish {A92} Wiater, Thomas age ~65 pub 19360622 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19360622 bur 19360625 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. PL {F12} sp-, Victoria son: William dau: Severina Wiater bro: Kazimir, Brooklyn; Matthew, McKeesport & Stanley, PL res PA McKeesport, Ridge St 604 note: arv US about 1900; emp National Tube 28y; ret lab mill laborer 01feb1930; mass at St. Mary {F12} Wiater, Victoria age 85 pub 19690514 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19690514 at home bur 19690517 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. 18840101 PL {A92} sp-Wiater, Thomas (d.) fat-Stachurski, Joseph son: William T, PA White Oak sis: Mary Balawajder, PA Braddock Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 393 DATABASE TABLES rel: gch=3; ggc=3 res PA McKeesport, Boyd Av 2904 note: mass at St. Mary {D22} Wilk, Feliks pub 19600304 IL Chicago, Dziennik Chicagoski d. 19600302 MN Rochester, Mayo Clinic bur 19600308 WI Pulaski, Franciscan b. 19020413 PL Siedliska res MI Grand Rapids, Bernardine Friary note: [in PL language] aka Reverend Piotr Witoslawski; extensive biography {F94} Wilk, Marianna pub 19480221 IL Chicago, Dziennik Chicagoski d. 19480221 note: nee=Gos {F94} Wilk, Mary pub 19480222 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19480228 IL Chicago, Resurrection fat-Gos, son: Walter dau: Stella Halloran, Julia Trzeciak, Sophia Weldt & Helen Dusek note: mass at St. Casimirs; u=chapel at W Cermak Rd 3054 [#>] Winters, Grace pub 19670511 PA Johnsonburg, Press d. 19670505 PA Ridgway, Ridgway Hospital bur 19671108 PA Johnsonburg, Holy Rosary b. 18961103 PA Clearfield {I41} sp-Winters, Walter son: Leo & Lester, Johnsonburg; Michael, NY Brooklyn; Thomas, OH Sandusky dau: Rachel (James Bernard) Brown; Lucille (Richard) Silcosky; Sara (Walter) Pusl; Helen (Edwin) Eckert; Hilda (Gene) Gasbarre; Rosella (Joseph) Marzella bro: Camden Meise, NY Olean; Harry Meise, NY Rochester sis: Mrs. Charles Lewis, NY Elmira rel: gch=21; ggc=7 res PA Ridgway, Metoxet St 308 note: res Ridgway 20y; formerly of Johnsonburg; mrr Walter Winters 13dec1915 Clearfield; u=Ridgway [#>] Winters, Michael W age 71 pub 19881115 PA Ridgway, Record d. 19881114 PA Dubois, DuBois Regional Hospital-West bur 19881117 PA Johnsonburg, Holy Rosary b. 19170220 PA Clearfield sp-Dudek, Angeline (d.) {I41} fat-Winters, Walter mot-Meise, Grace son: Michael Walter Winters (d. 1985) dau: Carol (Robert) Telaga, NY Kings Park; Paula (Edward) Nowicki, Milford [PA?] bro: Thomas, OH Sandusky; Leo & Lester (aka Tony), Johnsonburg; 1 predeceased sis: Rachel Brown; Lucille (Richard) Silcosky; Sara (Walter) Pusl; Helen (Edwin) Eckert; Hilda (Gene) Gasbarre; Rosella (Harry) Wolf; 4 predeceased rel: gch=7 res PA Johnsonburg, Duffy Apartments 101 394 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries note: res Johnsonburg 40y; formerly of NY Brooklyn; ret 1968 after 30y as emp of Reynolds Co., NY Brooklyn; mrr 11may1941 NY Brooklyn; wif d. 18may1971; sis res Brown & Silcosky, Johnsonburg; Pusl=Wilcox; Eckert & Gasbarre=Ridgway; Wolf=Franklin; mass at Holy Rosary; u=Anthony Ferragine {I41} Winters, Walter age 80 pub 19711216 PA Johnsonburg, Press d. 19711212 PA Ridgway, at home bur 19711215 PA Johnsonburg, Holy Rosary b. 18910703 PL son: Michael, Leo & Lester, Johnsonburg; Thomas, OH Sandusky dau: Rachel (James Bernard) Brown; Lucille (Richard) Silcosky; Sara (Walter) Pusl; Helen (Edwin) Eckert; Hilda (Gene) Gasbarre; Rosella (Joseph) Marzella rel: gch=21; ggc=11 res PA Ridgway, Metoxet St 308 note: res Ridgway 24y; formerly of Johnsonburg; dau res Brown, Silcosky & Pusl, Johnsonburg; Eckert, Gasbarre & Marzella, Ridgway; mass at St. Leo's, Ridgway [>] Wodkowski, Elizabeth G age 88 pub 19990224 GA Savannah, Savannah Now d. 19990222 Savannah Nursing Home bur 19990226 NY Westbury, Holy Rood b. NY Manhasset sp-Wodkowski, Michael John (d.) son: Ronald M (Denise Arvisais), Savannah bro: Arthur Spadalik, NY Farmingdale; August, NY Port Washington sis: Eleanor Nelson, NY Ridge rel: gda Kimberly W Knox, NC Greensboro; gso Michael & Kevin Wodkowski, Savannah, ggc=2 res GA Savannah note: lived in Manhasset, moved to Savannah 1970; ret telephone opr; G=Gertrude; mass at St. Marys, Manhasset; u=Fairchild, Manhasset [>] Wrona, Casimir J pub 19740617 IL Chicago, Tribune bur 19740618 IL Chicago, Maryhill sp-Pitek, Catherine bro: Theodore (Lorraine), John & Chester (d.) (Elsie) sis: Bernice Albos & Stella Brill note: mass at St. Cornelius; u=Matz, N Central Av 3440; "Bernice, Albos" [#>] Wyjas, Edward J age 58 pub 19781110 NJ Asbury Park, Press d. 19781109 NJ W Orange, Veterans Hospital sp-Juskiewicz, Harriet son: Joseph E, at home dau: Judith A Jenkins, Middletown Twp sis: Agnes Jaskowski, Old Bridge Twp rel: gda 2 res NJ Hazlet Twp, California Av 10 note: in Jersey City before moving here 18y ago; coffee roaster, Standard Brands, Hoboken, emp 25y, ret 5y; disabled US Army vet; u=Pfleger, Middletown [>] Yanda, Stella R age 79 pub 20040331 PA Ridgway, Record d. 20040326 PA Ridgway, Pinecrest Manor bur 20040329 PA Ridgway, St. Leo b. 19241121 PA Ridgway {B69} fat-Yanda, Peter (d.) mot-Stowiak, Mary (d.) Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 395 DATABASE TABLES bro: Joseph Yanda, Ridgway; John Yanda, PA Brockport; Anthony Yanda, MA Salfalmouth; Michael Yanda (d.); Stanley Yanda (d.) sis: Vickie Beck, Mary Hoehn & Helen Predko, Ridgway; Margaret Mesher, OH Akron; Sophie Kempisty, NY Long Island; Anne Yanda (d.) rel: numerous nie & nep res PA Ridgway, N Broad St 1043 note: res Ridgway for life; former emp Stackpole Carbon Co.; ret Elk Co. General Hospital; mass at St. Leos; u=Thompson {I53} Yopek, Jennie Gorlowski age 83 pub 19930622 PA Erie, Daily Times d. 19930621 PA Erie, St. Vincent Health Center bur 19930624 PA Erie, Calvary b. 19091016 PL Rzeszow {I49} sp-Yopek, John (d.) {B57} fat-Gorlowski, Paul (d.) mot-, Anna (d.) son: Stanley Yopek, Erie dau: Sophia (Remo) Ferrari, PA Ridgway; Cecelia (Edwin) Bianco, OH Lakewood & Jane (James) Moske, VA McLean bro: Frank Gorlowski (d.) rel: gch=20; ggc=7 res PA Erie, W 5 St 548 note: res Shorehaven Nursing Home; formerly W 5 St; mass at St. Andrew RC church; u=Razanauskas, East Av 701 [#>] Ziblut, John J age 82 pub 19960616 NY Niagara Falls, Gazette d. 19960614 IL Aurora, Mercy Center bur 19960618 IL Aurora, Holy Trinity b. 19130726 NY Niagara Falls sp-Szetela, Julia {A68} fat-Ziblut, John {A62} mot-Drozek, Mary dau: Janet Rowzee (d.) bro: Stanley (d.); Anthony (d.); Steve (d.); Edward (d.) sis: Helen Ketch (d.); Josephine Polka (d.); Bernice Vandeburgh, FL Ovieda; Genevieve Narkiewicz, Niagara Falls; Kathryn Krupa, Lockport rel: gso=3 note: moved to KY 1953; res Aurora last 2y [#>] Ziblut, Steven R pub 19890103 NY Lockport, Union-Sun Journal d. 19890103 Batavia Veterans Hospital bur 19890106 NY Newfane, St. Charles b. 19170502 NY Niagara Falls sp-, Stella (d.) {A68} fat-Ziblut, John {A62} mot-Drozek, Mary son: Steven R Jr. (Diane), Rochester; Anthony R (Carol), Newfane dau: Margaret Ziblut, Appleton bro: John (Stella) Ziblut, KY sis: Helen Ketch, Appleton; Katie Krupa, Josephine Polka & Genevieve Narkiewicz, Niagara Falls; Bernice (William) Vandeburg, FL rel: gch Gina, Jeffrey, Janet, Greg & Kevin Ziblut res NY Newfane, Walnut St 6097 note: emp Carborundum Co 1936-69; owner dairy farm in Burt 1950-80; photo; sp d. 198403; man of promenance; first in area with seeing eye dog; blind from glaucoma 1969; WWII vet, US Army; u=Rutland-Corwin; mass St. Bridgets, Newfane 396 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 OBITUARY: Obituaries [#>] Ziobro, Edward L age 73 pub 19760827 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19760827 McKeesport Hospital bur 19760831 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. 19030622 PA McKeesport sp-Baczkowski, Alberta {D90} fat-Ziobro, Louis {D89} mot-Pekala, Mary son: Edward, TX Dallas dau: Patricia Fiorentini, Bethel Park bro: Michael, FL Clearwater & Stanley, CA San Pedro rel: gso=1 res PA McKeesport, Woodward St 832 note: ret electrical tester at Westinghouse Electric Co.; member ZNP; mass at St. Mary {D90} Ziobro, Ludwik age 64 pub 19310123 PA McKeesport, Daily News d. 19310122 at home bur 19310126 PA White Oak, St. Mary b. PL son: John, Edward, Joseph & Michael, at home; Stanley, CA San Pedro, USS New Mexico; Bernard, Fort Eustis sis: Mary Sikora, McKeesport rel: gso=1 res PA Bryn Mawr, Congress St 100 note: came to McKeesport from Poland 1893; ret 11 months ago from National Tube due to illness; survived by wif; also obit next day paper; age ~64y [>] Zuzula, Stephen J pub 19780122 MI Saginaw, News d. 19780121 MI Saginaw b. 19171231 MI sp-Bomba, Domicella Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 397 (This page left blank intentionally) PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records The following Polish birth records include both civil records and Roman Catholic Church christening records. In the 1800s only christening records existed; these were equivalent to civil records. Many of these records (particularly those from Budziwoj, Nowy Borek and Blazowa) were obtained from LDS microfilm (see Microfilmed Genealogical Records in Appendix E of Volume 1). Other records were transcribed by the author from church books in Poland or were obtained from copies of official church or civil documents. Due to space limitations, only birth records that pertain to immigrants or their siblings, ancestors, or descendants are presented. The christening records were written in Latin, and Latin forms of Polish names were used (such as Adalbertus for Wojciech, Josephus for Józef, etc.). In some cases, annotations (some in Polish, some in Latin) inscribed on the original records are presented verbatim (or as close as possible). Some of the terms in these annotations may not be included in the Abbreviations, Units and Symbols section (Appendix in Volume 2, and Appendix C in Volume 1). The christening names may also have Latin inflectional endings (different from the Polish inflectional endings described in Name Variations in Chapter 3 of Volume 1). The data in this table are listed: first, alphabetically by name; second, chronologically by birth date. [#<] [unnamed child - stillborn or died soon after birth] b. 18691027 Budziwoj, No. 106 fat-Kotula, Josephus mot-Rog, Magdalena note: pgf-Kotula, Joannis; pgm-Glodowska, Magdalena; mgf-Rog, Stanislai; mgm-Glodowska, Francisca; mid-Domino, Maria; "Foetus exanimus, puer" [#<] [unnamed child - stillborn or died soon after birth] b. 18720515 Budziwoj, No. 66 fat-Konkol, Martinus mot-Piekielek, Magdalena note: pgf-Konkol, Casimiri; pgm-Gliwa, Magdalena; mgf-Piekielek, Aloysii; mgm-Pasolowska, Sophia; "pure exanimis" [#<] [unnamed child - stillborn or died soon after birth] b. 18720910 Budziwoj, No. 62 fat-Domino, Gasperus mot-Predki, Maria note: pgf-Domino, Thomas; pgm-Grzebyk, Maria; mgf-Predki, Martini; mgm-Stachurska, Sophia; "puer exanimus" [#<] [unnamed child - stillborn or died soon after birth] b. 18730404 Budziwoj, No. 18 fat-Tondera, Thomas Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 399 DATABASE TABLES mot-Kotula, Catharina note: pgf-Tondera, Antonii; pgm-Domino, Sophia; mgf-Kotula, Josephi; mgm-Predka, Catharina; "puella exanimus" [female] [#<] [unnamed child - stillborn or died soon after birth] b. 18740812 Budziwoj chr 18740812 mot-Grzebyk, Agatha note: mgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; mgm-Gos, Margaritha; "puer examimis" [<] [unnamed child - stillborn or died soon after birth] b. 18770913 Budziwoj, No. 187 chr 18770913 mot-Tondera, Magdalena note: mgf-Tondera, Adalberti; mgm-Glodowski, Hedvigis [#<] [unnamed child - stillborn or died soon after birth] b. 18770914 Budziwoj, No. 263 fat-Borowiec, Laurentius mot-Jopek, Agatha note: pgf-Borowiec, Joannis; pgm-Pasko, Rosalia; mgf-Jopek, Blasii; mgm-Miciuda, Magdalena; "puer examimis" [#<] [unnamed child - stillborn or died soon after birth] b. 18800306 Budziwoj, No. 133 fat-Piekielek, Laurentii mot-Rog, Magdalena note: "Puer Xanimis; vide annus 1875 mars September" [#<] Bachota, Andreas b. 18681118 Budziwoj, No. 278 chr 18681119 fat-Bachota, Joannes mot-Borowiec, Catharina note: pgf-Bachota, Thoma; pgm-Swider, Francisca; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Pasko, Rosalia; gdf-Kopiec, Laurent; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Borowiec, Laurentii; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig; "+6/6 869" [#<] Bachota, Marianna b. 18740514 Budziwoj, No. 249 chr 18750517 fat-Bachota, Adalbertus mot-Warzocha, Margaritha note: pgf-Bachota, Thoma; pgm-Swider, Francisca; mgf-Warzocha, Michaelis; mgm-Halejko ,Sophia; gdf-Szczupiel, Michael; gdm-Goryl, Maria; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Bachota, Sophia b. 18700803 Budziwoj, No. 150 chr 18700805 fat-Bachota, Joannes mot-Borowiec, Catharina note: mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Pasko, Rosalia; gdf-Borowiec, Laurentius; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Kopiec, Laurentii; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig. [#<] Bachota, Sophia b. 18710508 Budziwoj chr 18710511 fat-Bachota, Adalbertus 400 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records mot-Warzybok, Margaritha note: pgf-Bachota, Thoma; pgm-Swider, Francisca; mgf-Warzybok, Michaelis; mgm-Halejko, Sophia; gdf-Szczupiel, Michael; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Skoczylas, Antonii; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Bahota, Agatha b. 18760505 Budziwoj, No. 270 chr 18760507 fat-Bahota, Adalbertus mot-Zawadzki, Margaritha note: pgf-Bahota, Thoma; pgm-, Francisca; mgf-Zawadzki, Michaelis; mgm-, Catharina; gdf-Szczupiel, Michael; gdm-, Agnes; gmh-Skoczylas, Antonii; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+" [#<] Bahota, Joannes b. 18770713 Budziwoj, No. 92 chr 18770715 fat-Bahota, Adalbertus mot-Warzybok, Margaritha note: pgf-Bahota, Thoma; pgm-Swider, Francisca; mgf-Warzybok, Joannis; mgm-, Sophia; gdf-Pasko, Casimirus; gdm-, Agnes; gmh-Skoczylas, Antonii; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+20/10 1907" {B30} Baran, Emilia b. 18940302 Kielnarowa, No. 6 fat-Baran, Wojciech mot-Skubicki, Rosalia note: pgf-Baran, Andrzej; pgm-Szczoczarz, Maria; mgf-Skubicki, Tomasz; mgm-Mackiewicz, Wiktoria; gdf-Surowka, Tomasz; gdm-, Wiktoria; gmh-Krzton, Thomas; mid-Standylo, Catharina {B35} Baran, Karolina b. 18890122 Hermanowa chr 18890128 fat-, Jan mot-Malak, Zofia note: cert. 23sep1951 [#<] Betleja, Franciscus b. 18760617 Budziwoj, No. 94 chr 18760617 fat-Betleja, Thomas mot-Rog, Magdalena note: pgf-Betleja, Joannis; pgm-Kus, Maria; mgf-Rog, Stanislai; mgm-Glodowski, Francisca; gdf-Kotula, Paulus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Kotula, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+3/7 76" [#] Biega, Joannes b. 18710827 Kielnarowa, No. 46 chr 18710828 fat-Biega, Antonius mot-Para, Magdalena note: pgf-Biega, Joannis; pgm-Janda, Maria; mgf-Para, Thoma; mgm-Gutkowski, Theckla; gdf-Biega, Magdalena!; gdm-, Maria!; gmh-Cyran, Joannis; gdf female! [#<] Bieniasz, Paulus b. 18721021 Budziwoj, No. 206 chr 18721021 fat-Bieniasz, Antonius mot-Wyjas, Magdalena note: pgf-Bieniasz, Casimiri; pgm-Para, Magdalena; mgf-Wyjas, Pauli; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Walusiewicz, Antonii; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+8marcu1956 U.S.C. Budziwoj 7/1956"; "161" Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 401 DATABASE TABLES {G62} Bobola, Antoni b. 18810714 Kielnarowa, No. 233 chr 18810717 fat-Bobola, Laurentius mot-Pienta, Maria note: pgf-Bobola, Thomae; pgm-Pawlikowna, Marianna; mgf-Pienta, Michael; mgm-Zegocka, Catharinae; gdf-Baran, Paulus; gdm-Pieucina, Catharina; entry No. 25 1881 [#<] Bomba, Angela b. 18771018 Budziwoj, No. 234 chr 18771021 fat-Bomba, Michael mot-Witek, Catharina note: pgf-Bomba, Antonii; pgm-Gliwa, Maria; mgf-Witek, Adalberti; mgm-Kotula, Agatha; gdf-Pasko, Josephus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Bomba, Constantini; mid-Domino, Maria [#<] Bomba, Casimirus b. 18720104 Budziwoj, No. 264 chr 18720105 fat-Bomba, Michael mot-Witek, Catharina note: pgf-Bomba, Antonii; pgm-Gliwa, Maria; mgf-Witek, Adalberti; mgm-Kotula, Agnetis; gdf-Paskiewicz, Josephus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Bomba, Laurentii; mid-Dominka, Maria; "+5/8 74" [#<] Bomba, Casimirus b. 18730211 Budziwoj, No. 8 chr 18730212 fat-Bomba, Laurentius mot-Kotula, Catharina note: pgf-Bomba, Antonii; pgm-Gliwa, Maria; mgf-Kotula, Joannis; mgm-Glodowska, Magdalena; gdf-Kotula, Casimirus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Bomba, Michaelis; mid-Domino, Maria; "+15/II 1949" [#] Bomba, Franciscus b. 18790427 Hermanowa chr 18790428 fat-Bomba, Andreas mot-Gorylowski, Magdalena note: pgf-Bomba, Mathai; pgm-, Sophia; mgf-Gorylowski, Josephi; mgm-Malak, Maria; entry No. 29 1879 [#] Bomba, Ignatius b. 18710721 Hermanowa, No. 60 chr 18710721 fat-Bomba, Jacobus mot-Baran, Agnes note: pgf-Bomba, Francisci; pgm-Wojtas, Francisca; mgf-Baran, Pauli; mgm-Huchla, Hedvigis; gdf-Leniart, Joannes; gdm-, Francisca; gmh-Slis?, Thomae [#<] Bomba, Joannes b. 18700511 Budziwoj, No. 264 chr 18700512 fat-Bomba, Michael mot-Witek, Catharina note: pgf-Bomba, Antonii; pgm-Gliwa, Maria; mgf-Witek, Adalberti; mgm-Kotula, Agnetis; gdf-Witek, Laurentius; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Paskiewicz, Laurentii; mid-Domino, Maria; "+21/5 70" 402 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records {A35} Bomba, Joannes b. 18740622 Budziwoj, No. 99 chr 18740622 mot-Bomba, Maria note: mgf-Bomba, Mathia; mgm-Huchla, Rosalia; gdf-Moskal, Ladislaus; gdm-Bienkowa, Magdalena; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Bomba, Joannes b. 18751117 Budziwoj, No. 8 chr 18751121 fat-Bomba, Laurentius mot-Kotula, Catharina note: pgf-Bomba, Antonii; pgm-Gliwa, Maria; mgf-Kotula, Joannis; mgm-Glodowska, Magdalena; gdf-Kotula, Antonius; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Kotula, Casimiri; mid-Domino, Maria; "+ 27/12 1895" [#] Bomba, Josephus b. 18790702 Hermanowa chr 18790703 fat-Bomba, Michael mot-Bialic, Catharina note: pgf-Bomba, Mathai; pgm-Malak, Sophia; mgf-Bialic, Gregorii; mgm-Rogus, Maria; entry No. 40 1879; twin! [#] Bomba, Josephus b. 18800701 Hermanowa chr 18800704 fat-Bomba, Laurentius mot-Predki, Agatha note: pgf-Bomba, Francisci; pgm-Wojtas, Francisca; mgf-Predki, Blasii; mgm-Bialic, Catharina; entry No. 40 1880 {B70} Bomba, Josephus b. 18880314 Kielnarowa, No. 105 chr 18880318 fat-Bomba, Bronislaw mot-Chrzanowski, Maria note: pgm-Bomba, Mariae; mgf-Chrzanowski, Andreas; mgm-Trojanowski, Agatha; gdf-Paluch, Joannes; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Kusnierz, Stanislai?; "Bronislaw fil. illeg. Mariae" [#<] Bomba, Julia b. 18790501 Budziwoj, No. 264 chr 18790504 fat-Bomba, Michael mot-Witek, Catharina note: pgf-Bomba, Antonii; pgm-Gliwa, Maria; mgf-Witek, Adalberti; mgm-Kotula, Agatha; gdf-Paskowicz, Josephus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Bomba, Laurentii; mid-Domino, Maria; "+30/XII 1939" [<] Bomba, Laurentius b. 18700710 Budziwoj, No. 265 chr 18700711 fat-Bomba, Josephus mot-Lassota, Magdalena note: pgf-Bomba, Laurentii; pgm-Kotula, Catharina; mgf-Lassota, Valentini; mgm-Tondera, Maria; gdf-Tondera, Thomas; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Thoma; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 403 DATABASE TABLES [#] Bomba, Magdalena b. 18240708 Kielnarowa fat-Bomba, Wojciech mot-Grzebyk, Barbara note: mgf-Grzebyk, Andzrej; mgm-Skubicz, Agnes [#] Bomba, Magdalena b. 18250511 Hermanowa fat-Bomba, Franciszek mot-Wojtas, Franciszka note: mgf-Wojtas, Andrzej [#<] Bomba, Magdalena b. 18760321 Budziwoj, No. 213 chr 18760323 fat-Bomba, Thomas mot-Goryl, Sophia note: pgf-Bomba, Mathai; pgm-Huchla, Anna; mgf-Goryl, Laurentii; mgm-Bieniasz, Catharina; gdf-Rog, Stanislaus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Predki, Antonii; mid-Kozik, Maria [#] Bomba, Maria b. 18790629 Hermanowa chr 18790630 fat-Bomba, Michael mot-Bialic, Catharina note: pgf-Bomba, Mathai; pgm-Malak, Sophia; mgf-Bialic, Gregorii; mgm-Rogus, Maria; entry No. 39 1879; twin! [#] Bomba, Maria b. 18800215 Hermanowa, No. 174 chr 18800216 fat-Bomba, Jacobus mot-Baran, Agatha note: pgf-Bomba, Francisci; pgm-Wojtas, Francisca; mgf-Baran, Pauli; mgm-Huchla, Hedvigus; gdf-Wiatr, Adalbertus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Leniart, Pauli [#] Bomba, Marianna b. 18180610 Kielnarowa fat-Bomba, Wojciech mot-Grzebyk, Barbara note: mgf-Grzebyk, Andzrej; mgm-Skubicz, Zofia [#<] Bomba, Marianna b. 18740428 Budziwoj, No. 164 chr 18740429 fat-Bomba, Michael mot-Witek, Catharina note: pgf-Bomba, Antonii; pgm-Gliwa, Maria; mgf-Witek, Adalberti; mgm-Kotula, Agata; gdf-Paskowicz, Josephus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Bomba, Laurentii; mid-Domino, Maria [#<] Bomba, Michael b. 18700918 Budziwoj, No. 213 chr 18700919 fat-Bomba, Thomas mot-Goryl, Sofia note: pgf-Bomba, Mathai; pgm-Huchla, Anna; mgf-Goryl, Laurentii; mgm-Bieniasz, Catharinae; gdf-Predki, Antonis; gdm-, Catherina; gmh-Bomba, Laurentii; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+22/11 82" 404 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records {B26} Bomba, Stanislaw b. 18861225 Kielnarowa fat-Bomba, Bronislaw mot-Krzanowski, Maria note: mgf-Krzanowski, Andrzej; b. cert. [#<] Bomba, Thomas b. 18701210 Budziwoj, No. 8 chr 18701211 fat-Bomba, Laurentius mot-Kotula, Catharina note: pgf-Bomba, Antoni; pgm-Gliwa, Maria; mgf-Kotula, Joannis; mgm-Glodowska, Magdalena; gdf-Kotula, Casimirus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Kotula, Antonii; mid-Domino, Maria; "+1/2 892" {G78} Bomba, Thomas b. 18721212 Budziwoj, No. 265 chr 18721213 fat-Bomba, Josephus mot-Lasota, Magdalena note: pgf-Bomba, Laurentii; pgm-Kotula, Catharina; mgf-Lasota, Valentini; mgm-Tondera, Maria; gdf-Tondera, Thomas; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig.; "+27/9 1931"; ("+1/2 1892" crossed out); "zyje" [#] Bomba, Tomasz b. 18181126 Hermanowa fat-Bomba, Franciszek mot-Wojtas, Franciszka note: mgf-Wojtas, Andrzej [#<] Bomba, Urbanus b. 18700122 Budziwoj, No. 254 chr 18700123 mot-Bomba, Maria note: mgf-Bomba, Mathai; mgm-Huchla, Anna; gdf-Wojcik, Francisci; gdm-, Agnes; gmh-Borowiec, Mathai; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig; "+31/iii 1940" {I18} Bomba, Vincentius b. 18790709 Hermanowa chr 18790713 fat-Bomba, Antonius mot-Baran, Victoria note: pgf-Bomba, Casimiri; pgm-Wilczymika?, Sophia; mgf-Baran, Pauli; mgm-Huchla, Hedvigis; entry No. 44 1879 {C03} Bomba, Waleryan b. 18900410 Kielnarowa fat-Bomba, Bronislaw mot-Krzanowski, Maria note: mgf-Krzanowski, Andrzej; mgm-Trojanowski, Agata; b. cert. [#<] Borowiec, Adalbertus b. 18710506 Budziwoj, No. 179 chr 18710507 fat-Borowiec, Thaddaus mot-Grzebyk, Maria note: pgf-Borowiec, Mathai; pgm-Konkol, Hedvigis; mgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; mgm-Pieta, Sophia; gdf-Konkol, Josephus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Borowiec, Martini; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig.; "+11/7/73"; Maria Borowiec wid Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 405 DATABASE TABLES [#] Borowiec, Agnes b. 18690111 Budziwoj, No. 105 chr 18690111 fat-Borowiec, Martinus mot-Kyc, Hedvigis note: pgf-Borowiec, Laurentii; pgm-Szczupiel, Agnetis; mgf-Kyc, Adalberti; mgm-Kotula, Maria; gdf-Borowiec, Laurentius; gdm-, Lucia; gmh-Borowiec, Michaelis; mid-Domino, Maria [#<] Borowiec, Antonius b. 18760605 Budziwoj, No. 234 chr 18760606 fat-Borowiec, Andreas mot-Huchla, Agatha note: pgf-Borowiec, Joannis; pgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; mgf-Huchla, Joannis; mgm-Tondera, Catharina; gdf-Huchla, Antonius; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Pasko, Casimiri; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+13/12 78" [#<] Borowiec, Antonius b. 18770619 Budziwoj, No. 22 chr 18770619 fat-Borowiec, Laurentius mot-Borowiec, Catharina note: pgf-Borowiec, Thaddai; pgm-Stachurski, Catharina; mgf-Borowiec, Antonii; mgm-Miciuda, Sophia; "+19/6 77" [#<] Borowiec, Antonius b. 18780426 Budziwoj, No. 6 chr 18780428 fat-Borowiec, Josephus mot-Bieniasz, Sophia note: pgf-Borowiec, Antonii; pgm-Pasko, Rosalia; mgf-Bieniasz, Laurentii; mgm-Warzocha, Maria; gdf-Krok, Paulus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Paskiewicz, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+20/2 79" [#] Borowiec, Casimirus b. 18710208 Budziwoj, No. 105 chr 18710209 fat-Borowiec, Martinus mot-Kyc, Hedvigis note: pgf-Borowiec, Laurentii; pgm-Szczupiel, Agatha; mgf-Kyc, Adalberti; mgm-Kotula, Maria; gdf-Borowiec, Laurentius; gdm-, Justina; gmh-Borowiec, Michaelis; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+25/5 1928" [#<] Borowiec, Catharina b. 18730701 Budziwoj, No. 234 chr 18730702 fat-Borowiec, Andreas mot-Huchla, Agatha note: pgf-Borowiec, Joannis; pgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; mgf-Huchla, Joannis; mgm-Tondera, Catharina; gdf-Huchla, Antonius; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Tondera, Catharina; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Borowiec, Catharina b. 18790620 Budziwoj chr 18790620 fat-Borowiec, Laurentius mot-Jopek, Agatha note: pgf-Borowiec, Joannis; pgm-Pasko, Rosalia; mgf-Jopek, Blasii; mgm-Miciuda, Magdalena; mid-Kozik, Maria; twin "+" 406 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records [#<] Borowiec, Catharina b. 18790910 Budziwoj, No. 121 chr 18790914 fat-Borowiec, Joannes mot-Grzebyk, Agatha note: pgf-Borowiec, Stanislai; pgm-Kozik, Francisca; mgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; mgm-Gos, Margaritha; gdf-Grzebyk, Joannes; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Borowiec, Francisci; mid-Najduch, Agatha [#<] Borowiec, Franciscus b. 18700802 Budziwoj, No. 271 chr 18700805 fat-Borowiec, Laurentius mot-Jopek, Agatha note: pgf-Borowiec, Joannis; pgm-Pasko, Rosalia; mgf-Jopek, Blasii; mgm-Miciuda, Magdalena; gdf-Pasko, Antonius; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Kotula, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig.; "+9/9 70" [#] Borowiec, Franciscus b. 18790826 Hermanowa chr 18790828 fat-Borowiec, Adalbertus mot-Gorylowski, Agatha note: pgf-Borowiec, Joannis; pgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; mgf-Gorylowski, Josephi; mgm-Malak, Marie; entry No. 56 1879 [#<] Borowiec, Josephus b. 18690212 Budziwoj, No. 138 chr 18690212 fat-Borowiec, Andreas mot-Huchla, Agnes note: pgf-Borowiec, Joannis; pgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; mgf-Huchla, Joannis; mgm-Tondera, Catharina; gdf-Huchla, Antonius; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Tondera, Thoma; mid-Domino, Maria; "+22/10 74" [#<] Borowiec, Josephus b. 18770523 Budziwoj, No. 16 chr 18770524 fat-Borowiec, Franciscus mot-Grzebyk, Sophia note: pgf-Borowiec, Michaelis; pgm-Borowiec, Maria; mgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; mgm-Kalwa, Maria; gdf-Solecki, Martinius; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+5/7 77" [#<] Borowiec, Josephus b. 18790425 Budziwoj, No. 16 chr 18790427 fat-Borowiec, Franciscus mot-Grzebyk, Sophia note: pgf-Borowiec, Michaelis; pgm-Plonka, Maria; mgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; mgm-Katwa, Maria; gdf-Grzebyk, Thomas; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+2/6 79" [#] Borowiec, Josephus b. 18791230 Budziwoj, No. 105 chr 18800103 fat-Borowiec, Martini mot-Kyc, Hedvigis note: pgf-Borowiec, Laurentii; pgm-Szczupiel, Agathae; mgf-Kyc, Adalberti; mgm-Kotula, Maria; gdf-Borowiec, Michael; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Borowiec, Laurentii; mid-Najduch, Agatha; "+14/1/83" Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 407 DATABASE TABLES [#<] Borowiec, Laurentius b. 18720630 Budziwoj, No. 121 chr 18720701 fat-Borowiec, Joannes mot-Baran, Catharina note: pgf-Borowiec, Stanislai; pgm-Kozik, Francisca; mgf-Baran, Joannis; mgm-Musial, Anna; gdf-Predki, Laurentius; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Skoczylas, Jacobi; mid-Najduch, Agatha; "+ 23/9 75" [#<] Borowiec, Magdalena b. 18690530 Budziwoj, No. 263 chr 18690531 fat-Borowiec, Laurentinus mot-Jopek, Agatha note: pgf-Borowiec, Joannis; pgm-Pasko, Rosalia; mgf-Jopek, Blasii; mgm-Miciuda, Magdalena; gdf-Kotula, Paulus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Pasko, Antonii; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+25/7 869" [#<] Borowiec, Magdalena b. 18700421 Budziwoj, No. 152 chr 18700424 fat-Borowiec, Laurentinus mot-Piekielek, Maria note: pgf-Borowiec, Antonii; pgm-Glodowska, Magdalena; mgf-Piekielek, Francisci; mgm-Paskiewicz, Catharina; gdf-Piekielek, Laurentius; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Borowiec, Martinium; mid-Borowiec, Hedvigis; Maria Borowiec wid [#<] Borowiec, Magdalena b. 18740709 Budziwoj, No. 263 chr 18740712 fat-Borowiec, Laurentius mot-Jopek, Agatha note: pgf-Borowiec, Joannis; pgm-Pasko, Rosalia; mgf-Jopek, Blasii; mgm-Miciuda, Magdalena; gdf-Kotula, Paulus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Joniec, Mathai; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Borowiec, Magdalena b. 18770228 Budziwoj, No. 121 chr 18770301 fat-Borowiec, Joannes mot-Baran, Catharina note: pgf-Borowiec, Stanislai; pgm-Kozik, Francisca; mgf-Baran, Joannes; mgm-Musiol, Anna; gdf-Baran, Valent.; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Skoczylas, Jacobi; mid-Najduch, Agatha [#<] Borowiec, Maria b. 18701121 Budziwoj, No. 6 chr 18701123 fat-Borowiec, Josephus mot-Bieniasz, Sophia note: pgf-Borowiec, Antonii; pgm-Pasko, Rosalia; mgf-Bieniasz, Laurentii; mgm-Warzocha, Maria; gdf-Krok, Paulus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Paskiewicz, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig.; "+2.3.1961 Budziwoj Nr. 22/1961" [#<] Borowiec, Maria b. 18710621 Budziwoj, No. 234 chr 18710622 fat-Borowiec, Andreas mot-Huchla, Agatha note: pgf-Borowiec, Joannis; pgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; mgf-Huchla, Joannis; mgm-Tondera, Catharina; gdf-Tondera, Thomas; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Huchla, Antonii; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig. 408 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records [#<] Borowiec, Maria b. 18711006 Budziwoj, No. 263 chr 18711008 fat-Borowiec, Laurentius mot-Jopek, Agatha note: pgf-Borowiec, Joannis; pgm-Pasko, Rosalia; mgf-Jopek, Blasii; mgm-Miciuda, Magdalena; gdf-Kotula, Paulus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Pasko, Antonii; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig. [#<] Borowiec, Maria b. 18761115 Budziwoj, No. 9 chr 18761119 fat-Borowiec, Joannes mot-Paskowicz, Catharina note: pgf-Borowiec, Thomae; pgm-Paskowicz, Agatha; mgf-Paskowicz, Casimiri; mgm-Jopek, Magdalena; gdf-Borowiec, Laurentius; gdm-, Justina; gmh-Borowiec, Michaelis; mid-Kozik, Maria [#] Borowiec, Maria b. 18770915 Budziwoj, No. 105 chr 18770917 fat-Borowiec, Martinus mot-Kyc, Hedvigis note: pgf-Borowiec, Laurentii; pgm-Szczupiel, Agatha; mgf-Kyc, Adalberti; mgm-Kotula, Maria; gdf-Borowiec, Laurentius; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Piekielek, Jacobi; mid-Kozik, Maria; "cop II do 7/9 1921 Budziwoj" [#<] Borowiec, Maria b. 18790620 Budziwoj chr 18790620 fat-Borowiec, Laurentius mot-Jopek, Agatha note: pgf-Borowiec, Joannis; pgm-Pasko, Rosalia; mgf-Jopek, Blasii; mgm-Miciuda, Magdalena; mid-Kozik, Maria; twin "+" [#<] Borowiec, Marianna b. 18750904 Budziwoj, No. 16 chr 18750906 fat-Borowiec, Franciscus mot-Grzebyk, Sophia note: pgf-Borowiec, Michaelis; pgm-Borowiec, Maria; mgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; mgm-Kalwa, Maria; gdf-Solecki, Martinus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+ 1876" [#<] Borowiec, Martinus b. 18690216 Budziwoj, No. 6 chr 18690217 fat-Borowiec, Josephus mot-Bieniasz, Sophia note: pgf-Borowiec, Antonii; pgm-Pasko, Rosalia; mgf-Bieniasz, Laurentii; mgm-Warzocha, Maria; gdf-Paszkiewicz, Josephus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Krok, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig; "+6/1 70" [#?] Borowiec, Paulus b. 18731005 Budziwoj, No. 105 chr 18731006 fat-Borowiec, Martinus mot-Kyc, Hedvigis note: pgf-Borowiec, Laurentii; pgm-Szczupiel, Agatha; mgf-Kyc, Adalberti; mgm-Kotula, Maria; gdf-Borowiec, Laurentius; gdm-, Justina; gmh-Borowiec, Michaelis; mid-Kozik, Maria; "zmarl 7.5.59 Budziwoj USC Nr. 10/59" Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 409 DATABASE TABLES [#<] Borowiec, Paulus b. 18731214 Budziwoj, No. 127 chr 18731214 fat-Borowiec, Antonius mot-Wojtas, Catharina note: pgf-Borowiec, Joannis; pgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; mgf-Wojtas, Martini; mgm-Gromek, Francisca; gdf-Konkol, Laurentius; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Borowiec, Francisci; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+12/4 85 Hermanowa" [#<] Borowiec, Rosalia b. 18730620 Budziwoj, No. 6 chr 18730621 fat-Borowiec, Josephus mot-Bieniasz, Sophia note: pgf-Borowiec, Antonii; pgm-Pasko, Rosalia; mgf-Bieniasz, Laurentii; mgm-Warzocha, Maria; gdf-Paskiewicz, Josephus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Krok, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "zmarla 23I.1956 USC Budziwoj Nr. 165 2/1956" [#<] Borowiec, Sigismundus b. 18681105 Budziwoj, No. 198 chr 18681106 mot-Borowiec, Maria note: mgf-Borowiec, Valentini; mgm-Harasym, Catharina; gdf-Pieniazek, Andreas; gdm-Brodacka, Sophia; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+26/1 76"; Sophia is "Alumna Xenodochis" [#<] Borowiec, Sophia b. 18681029 Budziwoj, No. 179 chr 18681030 fat-Borowiec, Thaddeus mot-Grzebyk, Maria note: pgf-Borowiec, Mathai; pgm-Konkol, Hedvigis; mgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; mgm-Pieta, Sophia; gdf-Stachurski, Franciscus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Predki, Martini; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig; twin; [listed second] [#<] Borowiec, Sophia b. 18800228 Budziwoj chr 18800301 fat-Borowiec, Joannes mot-Paskowicz, Catharina note: pgf-Borowiec, Thomas; pgm-Paskowicz, Agatha; mgf-Paskowicz, Casimiri; mgm-Jopek, Magdalema; gdf-Borowiec, Michael; gdm-, Catharina; mid-Kozik, Maria; "cop 27/10/1918; zm. 24aug1956 USC Budziwoj12/56" [#<] Borowiec, Thomas b. 18681029 Budziwoj, No. 179 chr 18681030 fat-Borowiec, Thaddeus mot-Grzebyk, Maria note: pgf-Borowiec, Mathai; pgm-Konkol, Hedvigis; mgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; mgm-Pieta, Sophia; gdf-Stachurski, Franciscus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Borowiec, Martinum; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig; "+27/4 73"; twin; [listed first] [#<] Borowiec, Thomas b. 18721128 Budziwoj, No. 16 chr 18721128 fat-Borowiec, Franciscus mot-Grzebyk, Sophia note: pgf-Borowiec, Michaelis; pgm-Borowiec, Maria; mgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; mgm-Kalwa, Maria; gdf-Tondera, Thomas; gdm-, Anna; gmh-Szwed, Adalberti; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig.; "+26/3 1898" 410 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records [#<] Busz, Joannes b. 18750430 Budziwoj, No. 78 chr 18750501 fat-Busz, Adalbertus mot-Konkol, Catharina note: mgf-Konkol, Casimiri; mgm-Gliwa, Magdalena; gdf-Grzebyk, Martinus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Stachurski, Antonii; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+ 6/5 75"; Adalbert Busz illegitimate {F26} Busz, Laurentius b. 18760702 Budziwoj, No. 80 chr 18760702 fat-Busz, Josephus mot-Tondera, Magdalena note: pgf-Busz, Martini; pgm-Rog, Catharina; mgf-Tondera, Martini; mgm-Jopek, Agatha; gdf-Gliwa, Joannes; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Leniart, Andrea; mid-Domino, Maria [#<] Busz, Maria b. 18761121 Budziwoj, No. 78 chr 18761122 fat-Busz, Adalbertus mot-Konkol, Catharina note: pgm-Busz, Maria; mgf-Konkol, Casimiri; mgm-Gliwa, Magdalena; gdf-Grzebyk, Martinus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Stachurski, Antoni; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Busz, Thomas b. 18721018 Budziwoj, No. 78 chr 18721019 fat-Busz, Adalbertus mot-Konkol, Catharina note: pgm-Busz, Maria; mgf-Konkol, Casimiri; mgm-Gliwa, Magdalena; gdf-Grzebyk, Martinus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Stachurski, Antoni; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+21/3 74" [#<] Busz, Thomas b. 18741108 Budziwoj, No. 84 chr 18741108 fat-Busz, Josephus mot-Tondera, Magdalena note: pgf-Busz, Martini; pgm-Rog, Catharina; mgf-Tondera, Martini; mgm-Jopek, Agatha; gdf-Leniart, Andreas; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Rog, Stanislai; mid-Domino, Maria; "+ 26/1 75" [#<] Busz, Thomas b. 18781002 Budziwoj, No. 290 chr 18781003 fat-Busz, Josephus mot-Tondera, Magdalena note: pgf-Busz, Martini; pgm-Rog, Catharina; mgf-Tondera, Martini; mgm-Jopek, Agatha; gdf-Leniart, And.; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Joannis; mid-Domino, Maria; "+4/4 918" [#<] Busz, Thomas b. 18800221 Budziwoj, No. 292 chr 18800222 fat-Busz, Adalbertus mot-Konkol, Catharina note: pgm-Busz, Maria; mgf-Konkol, Casimiri; mgm-Gliwa, Magdalena; gdf-Grzebyk, Martini; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Stachurski, Antoni; mid-Domino, Maria; "+18/6/83" Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 411 DATABASE TABLES [#] Cislo, Catharina b. 18801026 Hermanowa chr 18801027 fat-Cislo, Thomas mot-Lasota, Agatha note: pgf-Cislo, Michaelis; pgm-Bodzislaw, Agatha; mgf-Lasota, Martini; mgm-Paskowiczowna, Marianna; gdf-Malak, Paulus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Baran, Joannis; entry No. 53 1880 [#] Cyran, b. 18750203 Hermanowa, No. 84 fat-Cyran, Stephanus mot-Cislo, Sophia note: pgf-Cyran, Jacobi; pgm-Janda, Sophia; mgf-Cislo, Pauli; mgm-Matula, Maria; triplet girl died [#] Cyran, b. 18750203 Hermanowa, No. 84 fat-Cyran, Stephanus mot-Cislo, Sophia note: pgf-Cyran, Jacobi; pgm-Janda, Sophia; mgf-Cislo, Pauli; mgm-Matula, Maria; triplet girl died [#] Cyran, Agatha b. 18740110 Hermanowa, No. 85 chr 18740111 fat-Cyran, Michael mot-Wojcik, Catharina note: pgf-Cyran, Jacobi; pgm-Janda, Sophia; mgf-Wojcik, Thoma; mgm-Florek, Margaritha; gdf-Surowka, Thomas; gdm-, Victoria; gmh-Para, Adalberti {A15} Cyran, Agatha b. 18811003 Tyczyn, No. 396 chr 18811004 fat-Cyran, Joannes mot-Para, Marianna note: pgf-Cyran, Mathai; pgm-Krecidlonka, Rosalia; mgf-Para, Thoma; mgm-Gutkowska, Teclaa; gdf-Biega, Antoni; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Cyran, Jacobi; mid-Podgorska, Cath; entry No. 61 1881 [#] Cyran, Anna b. 18750203 Hermanowa, No. 84 chr 18750203 fat-Cyran, Stephanus mot-Cislo, Sophia note: pgf-Cyran, Jacobi; pgm-Janda, Sophia; mgf-Cislo, Pauli; mgm-Matula, Maria; gdf-Surowka, Thomas; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Olech, Mathaie; triplet [#] Cyran, Antonius b. 18740118 Tyczyn, No. 305 chr 18740118 fat-Cyran, Joannes mot-Para, Maria note: pgf-Cyran, Mathai; pgm-Krecidlo, Rosalia; mgf-Para, Thoma; mgm-Gutkowski, Theclai; gdf-Biega, Antonius; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Huchla, Antonii [#] Cyran, Catharina b. 18700525 Tyczyn, No. 226 chr 18700526 fat-Cyran, Stanislaus mot-Bomba, Agatha note: pgf-Cyran, Mathia; pgm-Krecidlo, Rosalie; mgf-Bomba, Adalberti; mgm-Grzebyk, Barbara; gdf-Huchla, Antonius; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Cyran, Jacobi 412 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records [#] Cyran, Catharina b. 18711015 Hermanowa, No. 85 chr 18711015 fat-Cyran, Stephanus mot-Cislo, Sophia note: pgf-Cyran, Jacobi; pgm-Janda, Sophia; mgf-Cislo, Pauli; mgm-Matula, Maria; gdf-Cislo, Antonius; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Cyran, Michaelis [#] Cyran, Catharinia b. 18760205 Tyczyn, No. 305 chr 18760206 fat-Cyran, Joannes mot-Para, Maria note: pgf-Cyran, Mathaie; pgm-Krecidlo, Rosalia; mgf-Para, Thomae; mgm-Gutkowska, Theclae; gdf-Cyran, Stanislaus; gdm-, Madgalena; gmh-Biega, Antonii [#<] Cyran, Franciszek b. 18600917 Kielnarowa fat-Cyran, Stanislaw mot-Bomba, Agata note: pgf-Cyran, Mateusz {B16} Cyran, Ignacy b. 18880629 Hermanowa, No. 42 chr 18880708 fat-Cyran, Jan mot-Malak, Jadwiga note: pgf-Cyran, Stanislaw; pgm-Bomba, Agathae; mgf-Malak, Stanislaw; mgm-Bomba, Magdalena; gdf-Weglowski, Ignatins; gdm-, Catherine; gmh-Gos, Josephi; mid-Stanko, Agatha [#<] Cyran, Jan b. 18510602 Kielnarowa fat-Cyran, Stanislaw mot-Bomba, Agata note: pgf-Cyran, Mateusz; mgf-Bomba, Wojciech; mgm-Grzebyk, Barbara {B84} Cyran, Joannes b. 18771228 Tyczyn, No. 400 chr 18771229 fat-Cyran, Stanislaus mot-Bomba, Agnes note: pgf-Cyran, Mathia; pgm-Krecidlo, Rosalie; mgf-Bomba, Adalberti; mgm-Grzebyk, Victoria; gdf-Solecki, Paulus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Cyran, Joannis [#] Cyran, Joannes b. 189905?1 Tyczyn, No. 322 chr 18990514 fat-Cyran, Valentinus mot-Pieta, Cathar. note: pgf-Cyran, Casimiri; pgm-Mendon, Maryanna; mgf-Pieta, Joannis; mgm-Paluch, Magdal.; gdf-Szetela, Andreas; gdm-, Julianna; gmh-Kaplita, Josephus; mid-Stanga?, Cath. [#] Cyran, Josephus b. 18800314 Hermanowa, No. 85 chr 18800314 fat-Cyran, Michael mot-Bartynska, Catharina Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 413 DATABASE TABLES note: pgf-Cyran, Jacobi; pgm-Jandzionka, Sophia; mgf-Bartynski, Josephi; mgm-Dlugoszonka, Magdalena; gdf-Surowka, Thomas; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Kusnierz, Adalberti; mid-Data, Magdalena; entry No. 20 1880 [#<] Cyran, Jozef b. 18621206 Kielnarowa fat-Cyran, Stanislaw mot-Bomba, Agata note: pgf-Cyran, Mateusz [#<] Cyran, Jozef b. 18800314 Hermanowa fat-Cyran, Jan mot-Malak, Jadwiga note: pgf-Cyran, Stanislaw [#<] Cyran, Karol b. 18540115 Kielnarowa fat-Cyran, Stanislaw mot-Bomba, Agata note: pgf-Cyran, Mateusz [#<] Cyran, Karolina b. 18851104 Hermanowa fat-Cyran, Jan mot-Malak, Jadwiga note: pgf-Cyran, Stanislaw [#] Cyran, Ladislaus b. 18711014 Tyczyn, No. 297 chr 18711015 fat-Cyran, Jacobus mot-Kyc, Anges note: pgf-Cyran, Mathai; pgm-Krecidlo, Rosalia; mgf-Kyc, Laurenti; mgm-Prokop, Agnetis; gdf-Cyran, Stanislaus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Slowik, Michaelis {B73} Cyran, Laurentius b. 18750727 Tyczyn, No. 306 chr 18750801 fat-Cyran, Stanislaus mot-Bomba, Agnes note: pgf-Cyran, Mathiej; pgm-Krecidlo, Rosalie; mgf-Bomba, Adalberti; mgm-Grzebyk, Barbara; gdf-Kura, Thomas; gdm-, Agnes; gmh-Cyran, Jacobi; fat & gdf "hort." [#] Cyran, Leon b. 18880405 Hermanowa chr 18880406 fat-Cyran, Stephanus mot-Cislo, Sophia note: pgf-Cyran, Jacobi; pgm-Janda, Sophia; mgf-Cislo, Pauli; mgm-Matula, Rosalia; gdf-Surowka, Thomas; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Kusnierz, Adalbert; "+14/4/1888" [#<] Cyran, Maria b. 18580623 Kielnarowa fat-Cyran, Stanislaw mot-Bomba, Agata note: pgf-Cyran, Mateusz 414 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records [#] Cyran, Marianna b. 18810527 Hermanowa, No. 85 chr 18810528 fat-Cyran, Stephanus mot-Cislo, Sophia note: pgf-Cyran, Jacobi; pgm-Janda, Sophia; mgf-Cislo, Pauli; mgm-Matula, Maria; gdf-Surowka, Thomas; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Bialic, Joannis; mid-Cyran, Sophia; entry No. 32 1881 [#] Cyran, Michael b. 18710918 Tyczyn, No. 305 chr 18710918 fat-Cyran, Joannes mot-Para, Maria note: pgf-Cyran, Mathai; pgm-Krecidlo, Rosalia; mgf-Para, Thoma; mgm-Gutkowski, Theckla; gdf-Para, Joannes; gdm-, Madgalena; gmh-Biega, Antonii; Joannes Para sgl "coeleb" [#] Cyran, Stanislaus b. 18710311 Hermanowa, No. 84 chr 18710312 fat-Cyran, Michael mot-Wojcik, Catharina note: pgf-Cyran, Jacobi; pgm-Janda, Sophia; mgf-Wojcik, Thomas; mgm-Florek, Margaritha; gdf-Surowka, Thoma; gdm-, Victoria; gmh-Para, Adalberti [#] Cyran, Stanislaus b. 18710902 Tyczyn, No. 321 chr 18710903 fat-Cyran, Casimirus mot-Mendon, Maria note: pgf-Cyran, Jacobi; pgm-Janda, Sophia; mgf-Mendon, Adalberti; mgm-Mishalska, Thecla; gdf-Cyran, Stanislaus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Cyran, Michaelis [#<] Cyran, Stanislaw b. 18221213 Kielnarowa fat-Cyran, Mateusz mot-Krecidlo, Rosalia [#<] Cyran, Teresa b. 18650219 Kielnarowa fat-Cyran, Stanislaw mot-Bomba, Agata note: pgf-Cyran, Mateusz [#<] Cyran, Teresa b. 18831010 Hermanowa fat-Cyran, Jan mot-Malak, Jadwiga note: pgf-Cyran, Stanislaw [#] Cyran, Valentinus b. 18700122 Hermanowa, No. 170 chr 18700122 fat-Cyran, Michael mot-Wojcik, Catharina note: pgf-Cyran, Jacobi; pgm-Janda, Sophia; mgf-Wojcik, Thomas; mgm-Florek, Margaritha; gdf-Surowka, Thomas; gdm-, Victoria; gmh-Para, Adalberti Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 415 DATABASE TABLES [#] Cyran, Victoria b. 18720801 Tyczyn, No. 322 chr 18720802 fat-Cyran, Stanislaus mot-Bomba, Agatha note: pgf-Cyran, Mathae; pgm-Krecidlo, Rosalia; mgf-Bomba, Adalberti; mgm-Grzebyk, Barbara; gdf-Kucz, Adalbertus; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Cyran, Jacobi [#<] Cyran, Wawrzyniec b. 18560628 Kielnarowa fat-Cyran, Stanislaw mot-Bomba, Agata note: pgf-Cyran, Mateusz [#] Data, Antonina b. 18720115 Kielnarowa chr 18720115 fat-Data, Adalbertus mot-Biega, Catharina note: pgf-Data, Michaelis; pgm-Biega, Margarithae; mgf-Biega, Andrea; mgm-Rutka, Marie; gdf-Drazek, Jacubus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Rogus, Adalberti [#<] Data, Martinus b. 18881031 Hermanowa chr 18881110 fat-Data, Paulus mot-Malak, Victoria note: pgf-Data, Andreas; pgm-Stybak, Magdalena; mgf-Malak, Stanislaw; mgm-Baba, Magdalena; gdf-Surowka, Thomas; other gdp Valentinus Bartynski?; Baba first a hook a [#<] Domino, Casimirus b. 18700201 Budziwoj, No. 62 chr 18700201 fat-Domino, Gasporus mot-Predki, Maria note: pgf-Domino, Thoma; pgm-Grzebyk, Maria; mgf-Predki, Martini; mgm-Stachurska, Sophia; gdf-Predki, Thomas; gdm-, Hedvigis; gmh-Domino, Antoninom; mid-Domino, Maria; "+12/11 1891"; Hedvigis wid [#<] Domino, Josephus b. 18690226 Budziwoj, No. 62 chr 18690226 fat-Domino, Gasparus mot-Predki, Maria note: pgf-Domino, Thomae; pgm-Grzebyk, Maria; mgf-Predki, Martini; mgm-Stachurski, Sophiae; gdf-Predki, Thomas; gdm-, Hedvigis; gmh-Jopek, Jacobum; mid-Domino, Maria; "+1/3 896" [#<] Domino, Sophia b. 18740124 Budziwoj, No. 62 chr 18740125 fat-Domino, Gasparus mot-Predki, Maria note: pgf-Domino, Thomas; pgm-Grzebyk, Maria; mgf-Predki, Martini; mgm-Stachurska, Sophia; gdf-Predki, Thomas; gdm-, Hedvigis; gmh-Jopek, Jacobum; mid-Kozik, Maria {B23} Drazek, Angela b. 18790318 Kielnarowa chr 18790319 fat-Drazek, Laurentius 416 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records mot-Grys, Maria note: pgf-Drazek, Simonis; pgm-Trojanowski, Rosalie; mgf-Grys, Josephi; mgm-Ziemba, Marie; entry No. 7 1879 {D56} Drazek, Angela b. 18790410 Kielnarowa chr 18790411 fat-Drazek, Adalbertus mot-Kaplita, Maria note: pgf-Drazek, Simonis; pgm-Trojanowski, Rosalie; mgf-Kaplita, Adalberti; mgm-Wojtynkiewicz, Theresia; entry No. 13 1879 [#] Drazek, Antonina b. 18731207 Kielnarowa, No. 34 chr 18731207 fat-Drazek, Adalbertus mot-Kaplita, Maria note: pgf-Drazek, Simonis; mgf-Kaplita, Adalberti; mgm-Wojtynkiewicz, Theresia; gdf-Drazek, Laurentius; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Zawilo, Antoni {B18} Drazek, Antonina b. 18981212 Kielnarowa fat-Drazek, Wojciech mot-Filip, Marianna [#] Drazek, Catharina b. 18741104 Kielnarowa, No. 34 chr 18741105 fat-Drazek, Adalbertus mot-Kaplita, Maria note: pgf-Drazek, Simonis; pgm-Kaplita, Maria; mgf-Kaplita, Adalberti; mgm-Wojtynkiewicz, Theresia; gdf-Drazek, Laurentius; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Szymkowicz, Valentini; Maria Kaplita listed twice, pgm & mot? [#<] Drazek, Catharina b. 18810611 Kielnarowa, No. 8 chr 18810612 fat-Drazek, Adalbertus mot-Kaplita, Maria note: pgf-Drazek, Simonus; pgm-Trojanowska, Rosalia; mgf-Kaplita, Adalberti; mgm-Wojstynkiewicz, Theresi; gdf-Bucki, Michael; gdm-, Marianna; gmh-Kosciolek, Thomas; mid-Brzycka, Maria; "Theresiae"; entry No. 20 1881 [#] Drazek, Joannes b. 18711201 Kielnarowa, No. 34 chr 18711203 fat-Drazek, Adalbertus mot-Kaplita, Maria note: pgf-Drazek, Simonis; pgm-Trojanowski, Rosalia; mgf-Kaplita, Adalberti; mgm-Wojtym, Theresi; gdf-Szymkowicz, Valentius; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Krzton, Antonii [#] Drazek, Joannes b. 18750607 Kielnarowa chr 18750608 fat-Drazek, Adalbertus mot-Filip, Sophia note: pgf-Drazek, Valentini; pgm-Drazek, Maria; mgf-Filip, Adalberti; mgm-Biega, Martianna!; gdf-Filip, Adalbertus; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Filip, Valentini Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 417 DATABASE TABLES [#] Drazek, Josephus b. 18800207 Kielnarowa, No. 84 chr 18800208 fat-Drazek, Adalbertus mot-Filip, Sophia note: pgf-Drazek, Valentini; pgm-Drazek, Maria; mgf-Filip, Adalberti; mgm-Biega, Marianna; gdf-Filip, Adalbertus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Szetela, Thomas; mid-Tendelska, Catharina; entry No. 6 1880; pgf & pgm both Drazek {D73} Drazek, Katarzyna b. 18780619 Kielnarowa, No. 152 fat-Drazek, Michal mot-Data, Agata note: pgf-Drazek, Tomasz; pgm-, Maria; mgf-Data, Michal; mgm-Biega, Margerithen; gdf-Drazek, Jacubus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Data, Adalbert; mid-Tendelska, Catharina {C08} Drazek, Pawel b. 18850118 Kielnarowa fat-Drazek, Wojciech mot-Kaplita, Maria note: b. cert. [#<] Drazek, Stefania b. 18941102 Kielnarowa fat-Drazek, Wojciech mot-Filip, Marianna [#<] Drazek, Tomasz b. 18970922 Kielnarowa fat-Drazek, Wojciech mot-Filip, Marianna [#] Drazek, Victoria b. 18761205 Kielnarowa, No. 34 chr 18761207 fat-Drazek, Adalbertus mot-Kaplita, Maria note: pgf-Drazek, Simonis; pgm-Trojanowska, Rosalia; mgf-Kaplita, Adalberti; mgm-Wojtynkiewicz, Theresia; gdf-Krzton, Antoni; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Zawilo, Antonii; fat, gdf & gmh "hort." [#] Drazek, Victoria b. 18771027 Kielnarowa, No. 84 chr 18771027 fat-Drazek, Adalbertus mot-Filip, Sophia note: pgf-Drazek, Valentini; pgm-Drazek, Maria; mgf-Filip, Adalberti; mgm-Biega, Marianna; gdf-Filip, Adalbertus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Szetela, Thomae; fat, gdf & gmh "hortutanus"; mgf "cmetonis"; {D38} Drazek, Wladyslaw b. 19100729 Kielnarowa {D73} mot-Drazek, Katarzyna note: fat name blank; civil cert. 1960s {B17} Drazek, Wladyslawa b. 18910701 Kielnarowa, No. 8 chr 18910705 fat-Drazek, Wojciech 418 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records mot-Filip, Maryn note: pgf-Drazek, Szymon; pgm-Trojanowski, Rosalia; mgf-Filip, Valentine; mgm-Koczara, Agata; pgm fat Valentine Koczara; mgm mot Jadwiga Miciuda [#<] Dziura, Antonia b. 18811130 Kielnarowa, No. 138 chr 18811204 fat-Dziura, Michael mot-Pluta, Marianna note: pgf-Dziura, Jacobi; pgm-Leniarcianka, Marianna; mgf-Pluta, Valenti; mgm-Korczanka, Justina; gdf-Pluta, Joannes; gdm-, Antonina; gmh-Jopek, Thomas; mid-Filipka, Marianna; entry No. 41 1881 [#] Filip, Catharina b. 18801226 Kielnarowa chr 18801227 fat-Filip, Joannes mot-, Teresa note: pgf-Filip, Valentini; pgm-Koczara, Agatha; mgf-, Francisci; mgm-Drazek, Marianna; entry No. 42 1880; mot & mgf surname "Joledka"? [#] Filip, Franciscus b. 18741102 Kielnarowa, No. 59 chr 18741104 fat-Filip, Valentius mot-Kuczara, Agatha note: pgf-Filip, Adalberti; pgm-Biega, Martianna!; mgf-Kurczara, Valentini; mgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; gdf-Stachurski, Josephus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Szczerba, Adalberti {F50} Filip, Julia b. 18881209 Tyczyn, No. 166 chr 18881210 {C56} fat-Filip, Thaddaus {C55} mot-Prokop, Clementina note: pgm-Filip, Catharina; mgm-Prokop, Catharina; gdf-Prokop, David; gdm-, Julia; gmh-Stachurski, Joannis; mid-Bernfeld, Debora [#] Filip, Marianna b. 18630411 Kielnarowa fat-Filip, Valentine mot-Koczara, Agata {G74} Filip, Piotr b. 18710531 Nowy Borek, No. 176 fat-Filip, Wawrzyniec mot-Kalandyk, Katarzyna note: pgf-Filip, Franciszek; pgm-Szura, Margareta; mgf-Kalandyk, Tomasz; mgm-Kszton, Sofia [#<] Gliwa, Adalbertus b. 18720306 Budziwoj, No. 98 chr 18720306 fat-Gliwa, Josephus mot-Bieniasz, Rosalia note: pgf-Gliwa, Valentini; pgm-Paskowicz, Maria; mgf-Bieniasz, Casimiri; mgm-Para, Magdalena; gdf-Gliwa, Josephus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Adalberti; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+16/11 72" [#<] Gliwa, Agatha b. 18760313 Budziwoj, No. 100 chr 18760313 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 419 DATABASE TABLES fat-Gliwa, Josephus mot-Predki, Maria note: pgf-Gliwa, Valentini; pgm-Domino, Catherina; mgf-Predki, Thoma; mgm-Domino, Magdalena; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Predki, Antonii; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. {A81} Gliwa, Casimiris b. 18800301 Budziwoj, No. 143 chr 18800302 fat-Gliwa, Valentini mot-Predki, Magdalena note: pgf-Gliwa, Adam; pgm-Witek, Anna; mgf-Predki, Thomas; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Gliwa, Josephus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Joannes; mid-Domino, Maria [#<] Gliwa, Catharina b. 18770113 Budziwoj, No. 191 chr 18770114 fat-Gliwa, Joannes mot-Busz, Maria note: pgf-Gliwa, Adami; pgm-Witek, Anna; mgf-Busz, Martini; mgm-Rog, Catharina; gdf-Gliwa, Valentinus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Busz, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria; "zm 28.6.1966 Budziwoj Nr. 49/1966" [#<] Gliwa, Franciscus b. 18691008 Budziwoj, No. 100 chr 18691009 fat-Gliwa, Josephus mot-Pradki, Maria note: pgf-Gliwa, Valentini; pgm-Domino, Catherinae; mgf-Pradki, Thoma; mgm-Domino, Magdalenae; gdf-Predki, Antonius; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig; "+20/4 927" [#<] Gliwa, Franciscus b. 18700102 Budziwoj, No. 143 chr 18700104 fat-Gliwa, Valentinus mot-Predki, Magdalena note: pgf-Gliwa, Adami; pgm-Witek, Anna; mgf-Predki, Thoma; mgm-Kotula, Catharina; gdf-Rog, Laurentius; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+17/1 870" [#<] Gliwa, Franciscus b. 18700909 Budziwoj, No. 56 chr 18700910 fat-Gliwa, Thomas mot-Wojcik, Maria note: pgf-Gliwa, Martini; pgm-Skoczylas, Catharina; mgf-Wojcik, Christophori; mgm-Russek, Catharina; gdf-Predki, Thomas; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Goryl, Michaelis; mid-Domino, Maria; "+30/12 71" [#<] Gliwa, Franciscus b. 18770418 Budziwoj, No. 143 chr 18770419 fat-Gliwa, Valentinus mot-Predki, Magdalena note: pgf-Gliwa, Adami; pgm-Witek, Anna; mgf-Predki, Thoma; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Rog, Laurentius; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Gliwa, Josephus b. 18730221 Budziwoj, No. 143 chr 18730222 420 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records fat-Gliwa, Valentinus mot-Predki, Magdalena note: pgf-Gliwa, Adami; pgm-Witek, Anna; mgf-Predki, Thoma; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Gliwa, Josephus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Rog, Laurentii; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Gliwa, Magdalena b. 18750102 Budziwoj, No. 100 chr 18750103 fat-Gliwa, Josephus mot-Predki, Maria note: pgf-Gliwa, Valentini; pgm-Domino, Catharina; mgf-Predki, Thoma; mgm-Stachurski, Magdalena; gdf-Predki, Antonius; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+" [#<] Gliwa, Magdalena b. 18780906 Budziwoj, No. 100 chr 18780908 fat-Gliwa, Josephus mot-Predki, Maria note: pgf-Gliwa, Valentini; pgm-Domino, Catharina; mgf-Predki, Thomas; mgm-Domino, Magdalena; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Predki, Antoni; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Gliwa, Maria b. 18710519 Budziwoj, No. 143 chr 18710521 fat-Gliwa, Valentinus mot-Predki, Magdalena note: pgf-Gliwa, Adami; pgm-Witek, Anna; mgf-Predki, Thoma; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Rog, Laurentius; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Gliwa, Sophia b. 18720328 Budziwoj, No. 100 chr 18720428 fat-Gliwa, Josephus mot-Predki, Maria note: pgf-Gliwa, Valentini; pgm-Domino, Catharina; mgf-Predki, Thoma; mgm-Domino, Magdalena; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Predki, Antonii; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Gliwa, Thomas b. 18730603 Budziwoj, No. 56 chr 18730605 fat-Gliwa, Thomas mot-Wojcik, Maria note: pgf-Gliwa, Martini; pgm-Skoczylas, Catharina; mgf-Wojcik, Christophori; mgm-Rusek, Catharina; gdf-Predki, Thomas; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Goryl, Nicolai; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+16/2 74" [#] Glodowski, Catharina b. 18740930 Budziwoj, No. 74 chr 18741003 fat-Glodowski, Josephus mot-Warzocha, Maria note: pgf-Glodowski, Jacobi; pgm-Paskowicz, Catharina; mgf-Warzocha, Martini; mgm-Stachurska, Rosalia; gdf-Krok, Paulus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Paskowicz, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Glodowski, Franciscus b. 18741006 Budziwoj, No. 108 chr 18741007 fat-Glodowski, Joannis mot-Wojtyn, Catharina Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 421 DATABASE TABLES note: pgf-Glodowski, Adalberti; pgm-Najduch, Catharina; mgf-Wojtyn, Andrea; mgm-Mendon, Theresia; gdf-Magierlo, Paulus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Piecuch, Martini; mid-Dominka, Maria; "+ 7/5 75" [#<] Glodowski, Franciscus b. 18760330 Budziwoj, No. 108 chr 18760330 fat-Glodowski, Joannes mot-Wojtyn, Catharina note: pgf-Glodowski, Adalberti; pgm-Najduch, Catharina; mgf-Wojtyn, Andrea; mgm-Mendon, Theresia; gdf-Piecuch, Martinus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Magierlo, Pauli; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+7/8 79" [#] Glodowski, Franciscus b. 18780816 Budziwoj, No. 77 chr 18780818 fat-Glodowski, Josephus mot-Pieta, Catharina note: pgf-Glodowski, Jacobi; pgm-Paskowicz, Catharina; mgm-Pieta, Maria; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Paskowicz, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+14/12 78" [#<] Glodowski, Josephus b. 18780224 Budziwoj, No. 108 chr 18780227 fat-Glodowski, Joannes mot-Wojtyn, Catharina note: pgf-Glodowski, Adalberti; pgm-Najduch, Catharina; mgf-Wojtyn, Andrea; mgm-Mendon, Theresia; gdf-Magierlo, Paulus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Piecuch, Martini; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+2/3 78" [#<] Glodowski, Josephus b. 18790212 Budziwoj, No. 108 chr 18790213 fat-Glodowski, Joannis mot-Wojtys, Catharina note: pgf-Glodowski, Adalberti; pgm-Najduch, Catharina; mgf-Wojtys, Andrea; mgm-Mendon, Thomas; gdf-Magerlo, Pauli; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Piecuch, Martini; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+23/X 948" {I19} Glodowski, Magdalena b. 18791203 Budziwoj, No. 74 chr 18791204 fat-Glodowski, Josephus mot-Piencionka, Catharina note: pgf-Glodowski, Jacobi; pgm-Paszkowiczowna, Catha; mgm-Piencionka, Marianna; gdf-Paszkiewicz, Josephus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; mid-Borowiec, Hedvigis [#] Glodowski, Sophia b. 18700830 Budziwoj, No. 74 chr 18700831 fat-Glodowski, Josephus mot-Warzocha, Maria note: pgf-Glodowski, Jacobi; pgm-Paskiewicz, Catharina; mgf-Warzocha, Martini; mgm-Stachurski, Rosalia; gdf-Paskiewicz, Josephus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Krok, Pauli; mid-Kozik, Maria [#] Gorlowski, Joannes b. 18800810 Hermanowa, No. 19 chr 18800811 fat-Gorlowski, Andreas mot-Wilk, Magdalena 422 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records note: pgf-Gorlowski, Josephi; pgm-Malak, Marianna; mgf-Wilk, Martini; mgm-Kulbida, Rosalia; gdf-Gorlowski, Joannes; gdm-, Marianna; gmh-Wilk, Josephi; mid-Machnik, Victoria; entry No. 47 1880 {B57} Gorlowski, Paulus b. 18731228 Hermanowa, No. 16 chr 18731229 fat-Gorlowski, Joannes mot-Joniec, Catharina note: pgf-Gorlowski, Josephi; pgm-Malak, Maria; mgf-Joniec, Francisci; mgm-Kosciolek, Maria; gdf-Joniec, Antonius; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Bomba, Andrea [#] Gorylowski, Rosalia b. 18790406 Hermanowa chr 18790407 fat-Gorylowski, Joannes mot-Joniec, Catharina note: pgf-Gorylowski, Josephi; pgm-Malak, Maria; mgf-Joniec, Franicsci; mgm-Kosciolek, Marie; entry No. 26 1879 {D25} Grys, Joannes b. 18721227 Kielnarowa, No. 127 chr 18721228 mot-Grys, Marianna note: mgf-Grys, Josephi; mgm-Ziemba, Maria; gdf-Grys, Adalbertus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Szymkowicz, Valentini [#<] Grzebyk, Anna b. 18760310 Budziwoj, No. 136 chr 18760311 fat-Grzebyk, Francisus mot-Busz, Sofia note: pgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; pgm-Pieta, Sofia; mgf-Busz, Simonis; mgm-Domino, Catherina; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Szwed, Josephi; mid-Majerka, Maria [#<] Grzebyk, Anna b. 18790317 Budziwoj, No. 136 chr 18790318 fat-Grzebyk, Francicsus mot-Busz, Sophia note: pgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; pgm-Pieta, Sophia; mgf-Busz, Simonis; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Szwed, Josephum; mid-Majer, Maria {C88} Grzebyk, Anthoni b. 18771206 Budziwoj, No. 79 chr 18771208 fat-Grzebyk, Thomas mot-Lasota, Agatha note: pgf-Grzebyk, Francisci; pgm-Paskowicz, Hedvigis; mgf-Lasota, Antonii; mgm-Predki, Ursala; gdf-Pitera, Antonius; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Zurad, Adalberti; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Grzebyk, Antonius b. 18760511 Budziwoj, No. 196 chr 18760512 mot-Grzebyk, Agatha note: mgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; mgm-Gos, Margaritha; gdf-Grzebyk, Joannes; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Grzebyk, Casimiri; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+7/4 77" Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 423 DATABASE TABLES [#<] Grzebyk, Catharina b. 18711005 Budziwoj, No. 7 chr 18711006 fat-Grzebyk, Adalbertus mot-Glodowski, Maria note: pgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; pgm-Kalwa, Maria; mgf-Glodowski, Francisci; mgm-Bomba, Catharina; gdf-Glodowski, Paulus; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Pasko, Michaelis; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+" [#<] Grzebyk, Catharina b. 18711219 Budziwoj, No. 193 chr 18711220 fat-Grzebyk, Casimirus mot-Kuc, Magdalena note: pgf-Grzebyk, Paulus; pgm-Gos, Margaritha; mgf-Kuc, Joannis; mgm-Pieta, Agathae; gdf-Grzebyk, Martinus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Stachurski, Antonii; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Grzebyk, Catharina b. 18730522 Budziwoj, No. 114 chr 18730523 fat-Grzebyk, Josephus mot-Puc, Agatha note: pgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; pgm-Kalwa, Maria; mgf-Puc, Georgii; mgm-Domino, Maria; gdf-Lewanda, Basilius; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Borowiec, Francisci; mid-Majer, Maria {F17} Grzebyk, Catharina b. 18730731 Budziwoj, No. 202 chr 18730801 fat-Grzebyk, Adalbertus mot-Paskowicz, Maria note: pgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; pgm-Gos, Margaritha; mgf-Paskowicz, Casimiri; mgm-Jopek, Magdalena; gdf-Grzebyk, Martinus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Pieta, Francisci; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Grzebyk, Catharina b. 18760913 Budziwoj, No. 186 chr 18760913 fat-Grzebyk, Thomas mot-Rog, Agatha note: pgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; pgm-Kalwa, Maria; mgf-Rog, Adalberti; mgm-Borowiec, Catharina; gdf-Rog, Stanislaus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Borowiec, Francisci; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+3/7 1894" [#<] Grzebyk, Catharina b. 18781113 Budziwoj, No. 114 chr 18781114 fat-Grzebyk, Adalbertus mot-Glodowski, Maria note: pgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; pgm-Kalwa, Maria; mgf-Glodowski, Francisci; mgm-Bomba, Catharina; gdf-Borowiec, Francisus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Warzocha, Pauli; mid-Warzocha, Cath. {C73} Grzebyk, Franciscus b. 18751216 Budziwoj, No. 202 chr 18751217 fat-Grzebyk, Adalbertus mot-Paskowicz, Maria note: pgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; pgm-Gos, Margaritha; mgf-Paskowicz, Casimiri; mgm-Jopek, Magdalena; gdf-Paskiewicz, Franciscus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Grzebyk, Martini; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] 424 Grzebyk, Franciscus b. 18760416 Budziwoj, No. 196 chr 18760417 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records fat-Grzebyk, Casimiri mot-Kuc, Magdalena note: pgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; pgm-Gos, Margaritha; mgf-Kuc, Joannis; mgm-Kotula, Agatha; gdf-Grzebyk, Martinus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Stachurski, Antonii; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+15/4 77" [#<] Grzebyk, Franciscus b. 18770205 Budziwoj, No. 222 chr 18770205 fat-Grzebyk, Thomas mot-Huchla, Magdalena note: pgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; pgm-Pieta, Sophia; mgf-Huchla, Joannes; mgm-Tondera, Catharina; gdf-Stachurski, Martinus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Koza, Joannes; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Grzebyk, Jan b. 18781126 Budziwoj, No. 22 chr 18781127 fat-Grzebyk, Thomas mot-Huchla, Magdalena note: pgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; pgm-, Sophia; mgf-Huchla, Joannis; mgm-Tondera, Catharina; gdf-Koza, Joannes; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Stachurski, Martini; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Grzebyk, Joannes b. 18730412 Budziwoj, No. 262 chr 18730414 fat-Grzebyk, Martinus mot-Konkol, Maria note: pgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; pgm-Gos, Margaritha; mgf-Konkol, Casimiri; mgm-Gliwa, Magdalena; gdf-Goryl, Josephus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Stachurski, Antonii; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Grzebyk, Joannes b. 18750618 Budziwoj, No. 176 chr 18750619 fat-Grzebyk, Adalbertus mot-Glodowski, Maria note: pgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; pgm-Kalwa, Maria; mgf-Glodowski, Francisci; mgm-Bomba, Catharina; gdf-Warzocha, Paulus; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Pasko, Michaelis; mid-Majer, Maria; "+ 8/8 75" [#<] Grzebyk, Joannes b. 18780525 Budziwoj, No. 196 chr 18780526 fat-Grzebyk, Casimirus mot-Kuc, Magdalena note: pgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; pgm-Gos, Margaritha; mgf-Kuc, Joannis; mgm-Kotula, Catharina; gdf-Stachurski, Antoni; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Grzebyk, Martini; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+7/6 78" {F15} Grzebyk, Joannes b. 18790512 Budziwoj, No. 186 chr 18790513 fat-Grzebyk, Thomas mot-Rog, Agatha note: pgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; pgm-Kalwa, Maria; mgf-Rog, Adalberti; mgm-Borowiec, Catharina; gdf-Borowiec, Francisus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+7.9.1961 Budziwoj U.S.C. Tyczyn 102/1961" [#<] Grzebyk, Magdalena b. 18730425 Budziwoj, No. 159 chr 18730426 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 425 DATABASE TABLES mot-Grzebyk, Catharina note: mgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; mgm-Gos, Margaritha; gdf-Janiski, Martinus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Grzebyk, Casimiri; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Grzebyk, Maria b. 18711204 Budziwoj, No. 136 chr 18711211 fat-Grzebyk, Franciscus mot-Busz, Sophia note: pgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; pgm-Pieta, Sophia; mgf-Busz, Simonis; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Szwed, Josephi; mid-Majer, Maria; "zmarla 28.6.1959 Budziwoj USC Tyczyn Nr. 12/59" [#<] Grzebyk, Marianna b. 18690408 Budziwoj, No. 196 chr 18690409 fat-Grzebyk, Casimirus mot-Kuc, Magdalena note: pgf-Grzebyk, Paulus; pgm-Gos, Margaritha; mgf-Kuc, Joannis; mgm-Kotula, Agnetis; gdf-Grzebyk, Martinus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Stachurski, Antonii; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Grzebyk, Michael b. 18690727 Budziwoj, No. 252 chr 18690728 fat-Grzebyk, Martinus mot-Konkol, Maria note: pgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; pgm-Gos, Margaritha; mgf-Konkol, Casimiri; mgm-Gliwa, Magdalena; gdf-Predki, Thomas; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Predki, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+4/9 869" [#<] Grzebyk, Paulus b. 18740123 Budziwoj, No. 136 chr 18740124 fat-Grzebyk, Franciscus mot-Busz, Sophia note: pgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; pgm-Pieta, Sophia; mgf-Busz, Simonis; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Szwed, Josephi; mid-Majerka, Maria; "zmarl. 9.5.59 Budziwoj USC Nr. 11/59" [#<] Grzebyk, Paulus b. 18760722 Budziwoj, No. 7 chr 18760723 fat-Grzebyk, Adalbertus mot-Glodowski, Maria note: pgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; pgm-Kalwa, Maria; mgf-Glodowski, Francisci; mgm-Bomba, Catharina; gdf-Warzocha, Paulus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Borowiec, Francisci; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+11/1 79" [#<] Grzebyk, Sophia b. 18700820 Budziwoj, No. 252 chr 18700821 fat-Grzebyk, Martinus mot-Konkol, Maria note: pgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; pgm-Gos, Margaritha; mgf-Konkol, Casimiri; mgm-Gliwa, Magdalena; gdf-Stachurski, Antonius; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Goryl, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria; "cop 30/10 923 Tyczyn" [#<] Grzebyk, Sophia b. 18741221 Budziwoj, No. 196 chr 18741222 fat-Grzebyk, Casimirus 426 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records mot-Kus, Magdalena note: pgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; pgm-Gos, Margaretha; mgf-Kus, Joannis; mgm-Kotula, Agatha; gdf-Grzebyk, Martinus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Stachurski, Antonii; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+" [#<] Grzebyk, Sophia b. 18750312 Budziwoj, No. 181 chr 18750313 fat-Grzebyk, Thomas mot-Rog, Agata note: pgf-Grzebyk, Adalberti; pgm-Kalwa, Maria; mgf-Rog, Adalberti; mgm-Borowica, Catharina; gdf-Borowiec, Franciscus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Rog, Stanislai; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Grzebyk, Thomas b. 18691214 Budziwoj, No. 114 chr 18691215 fat-Grzebyk, Josephus mot-Puc, Agatha note: pgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; pgm-Kalwa, Maria; mgf-Puc, Georgii; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Drazek, Thomas; gdm-, Anna; gmh-Szwed, Adalberti; mid-Majer, Maria [#?] Grzebyk, Thomas b. 18731111 Budziwoj, No. 196 chr 18731112 fat-Grzebyk, Casimirus mot-Kuc, Magdalena note: pgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; pgm-Gos, Margaritha; mgf-Kuc, Joannis; mgm-Kotula, Agatha; gdf-Janicki, Martinus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Stachurski, Antonii; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+18/11 73" [#<] Grzebyk, Thomas b. 18771101 Budziwoj, No. 136 chr 18771103 fat-Grzebyk, Franciscus mot-Busz, Sophia note: pgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; pgm-Pieta, Sophia; mgf-Busz, Simonis; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Szwed, Josephim; mid-Majerka, Maria; "+16/12 78"; Maria wid of Josephim [#<] Grzebyk, Wojciech b. 18700214 Budziwoj, No. 136 chr 18700215 fat-Grzebyk, Franciscus mot-Busz, Sophia note: pgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; pgm-Pieta, Sophia; mgf-Busz, Simonis; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Domino, Franc; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Szwed, Josephi; mid-Majer, Maria; "+15/11 88" [#<] Harasym, Magdalena b. 18700715 Budziwoj, No. 224 chr 18700717 fat-Harasym, Andreas mot-Baran, Agatha note: pgm-Harasym, Maria; mgf-Baran, Francisci; mgm-Borowiec, Catharina; gdf-Solecki, Joannes; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Stachurski, Antonii; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig. [#<] Huchla, Agatha b. 18790811 Budziwoj, No. 189 chr 18790811 fat-Huchla, Antonius Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 427 DATABASE TABLES mot-Borowiec, Catharina note: pgf-Huchla, Joannis; pgm-Tondera, Catharina; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; gdf-Gliwa, Josephi; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Borowiec, Andrea; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+" {D59} Huchla, Franciszek b. 18801006 Tyczyn, No. 183 chr 18801010 fat-Huchla, Tomasz mot-Kosciolek, Rozalia note: pgf-Huchla, Michaelis; pgm-Drazek, Marianna; mgf-Kosciolek, Tomasz; mgm-Rozkiewicz, Marianna; gdf-Filip, Joannes; gdm-Kosciolek, Catharina; Catharina Kosciolek sgl "colebs" [#<] Huchla, Josephus b. 18680827 Budziwoj, No. 139 chr 18680827 fat-Huchla, Antonius mot-Borowiec, Catharina note: pgf-Huchla, Joannes; pgm-Tondera, Catharina; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; gdf-Gliwa, Josephus; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Borowiec, Andrea; mid-Domino, Maria; "+28/12 70" [#<] Huchla, Josephus b. 18711220 Budziwoj, No. 189 chr 18711224 fat-Huchla, Antonius mot-Borowiec, Catharina note: pgf-Huchla, Joannis; pgm-Tondera, Catharina; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; gdf-Gliwa, Josephus; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Borowiec, Andrea; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+25/12 71" {H14} Huchla, Julia b. 18790217 Tyczyn, No. 179 chr 18790219 fat-Huchla, Tomasz mot-Kosciolek, Rozalia note: pgf-Huchla, Michal; pgm-Drazek, Maria; mgf-Kosciolek, Tomasz; mgm-Rozkiewicz, Maria; gdf-Leniart, Andrzej; gdm-, Katarzyna; gmh-, Mathew; entry No. 19 1879 [#<] Huchla, Maria b. 18770810 Budziwoj, No. 189 chr 18770815 fat-Huchla, Antoni mot-Borowiec, Catharina note: pgf-Huchla, Joannes; pgm-Tondera, Catharina; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; gdf-Borowiec, Andreas; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Huchla, Marianna b. 18730116 Budziwoj, No. 189 chr 18730116 fat-Huchla, Antonius mot-Borowiec, Catharina note: pgf-Huchla, Joannes; pgm-Tondera, Catharina; mgf-Borowiec, Joannes; mgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; gdf-Borowiec, Andreas; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+" [#<] Huchla, Paulus b. 18740119 Budziwoj, No. 189 chr 18740119 fat-Huchla, Antonius mot-Borowiec, Catharina note: pgf-Huchla, Joannis; pgm-Tondera, Catherina; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; gdf-Gliwa, Josephus; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Borowiec, Andrea; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig.; "+24/1 74" 428 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records [#<] Huchla, Rosalia b. 18750327 Budziwoj, No. 189 chr 18750328 fat-Huchla, Antonius mot-Borowiec, Catharina note: pgf-Huchla, Joannis; pgm-Tondera, Catherina; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; gdf-Borowiec, Andreas; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Huchla, Sophia b. 18701111 Budziwoj, No. 189 chr 18701113 fat-Huchla, Antonius mot-Borowiec, Catharina note: pgf-Huchla, Joannis; pgm-Tondera, Catharina; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; gdf-Borowiec, Andreas; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig; "+870" [#] Huchla, Wenceslaw b. 18850226 Tyczyn chr 18850301 fat-Huchla, Tomasz mot-Kosciolek, Rozalia note: pgf-Huchla, Michal; pgm-Drazek, Maria; mgf-Kosciolek, Tomasz; mgm-Rozkiewicz, Maria; gdf-Leniart, Marcin; gdm-Kosciolek, Anna; Anna Kosciolek "virgo" {F25} Jamroz, Adalbertus b. 18761121 Budziwoj, No. 266 chr 18761122 mot-Jamroz, Thecka note: mgf-Jamroz, Pauli; mgm-, Agatha; gdf-Borowiec, Adalbertus; gdm-Witkowna, Maria; mid-Kozik, Maria; Agatha "advena de Bialka" [#] Janda, Maria b. 18720726 Tyczyn chr 18720728 fat-Janda, Martinus mot-Para, Catharina note: pgf-Janda, Michaelis; pgm-Kosciolek, Catharina; mgf-Para, Laurentii; mgm-Cyran, Magdalena; gdf-Kura, Antonius; gdm-, Victoria; gmh-Janda, Thomas [#<] Janicki, Catharina b. 18680913 Budziwoj, No. 159 chr 18680914 fat-Janicki, Martinus mot-Grzebyk, Maria note: pgf-Janicki, Sebastiani; pgm-Dragan, Elisabetha; mgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; mgm-Gos, Margaritha; gdf-Gzrebyk, Martinus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Predki, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Janicki, Joannes Cant b. 18730922 Budziwoj, No. 159 chr 18730923 fat-Janicki, Martinus mot-Grzebyk, Marianna note: pgf-Janicki, Sebastiani; pgm-Piotrowska, Elisabetha; mgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; mgm-Gos, Margaritha; gdf-Grzebyk, Joannes; gdm-, Marianna; gmh-Borowiec, Laurentii; mid-Najduch, Agatha; Cant=Cantius [#<] Janicki, Magdalena b. 18710612 Budziwoj, No. 159 chr 18710613 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 429 DATABASE TABLES fat-Janicki, Martinus mot-Grzebyk, Maria note: pgf-Janicki, Sebastiani; pgm-Piotrowska, Elisabetha; mgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; mgm-Gos, Margaritha; gdf-Grzebyk, Martinus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Borowiec, Laurentii; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Janicki, Sophia b. 18760105 Budziwoj, No. 196 chr 18760109 fat-Janicki, Martinus mot-Grzebyk, Maria note: pgf-Janicki, Sebastiani; pgm-Piotrowski, Elisabetha; mgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; mgm-Gos, Margaritha; gdf-Grzebyk, Joannes; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Grzebyk, Martini; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Janicki, Thomas b. 18781101 Budziwoj, No. 159 chr 18781101 fat-Janicki, Martinus mot-Grzebyk, Maria note: pgf-Janicki, Sebastiani; pgm-Piotrowski, Elisabetha; mgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; mgm-Gos, Mararitha; "+1/11 78" [#<] Janicki, Thomas b. 18791024 Budziwoj, No. 159 chr 18791026 fat-Janicki, Martinus mot-Witek, Catharina note: pgf-Janicki, Sebastiani; pgm-Piotrowski, Elisabeth; mgf-Witek, Casimiri; mgm-Borowiec, Magdalena; gdf-Borowiec, Laurentus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Grzebyk, Martini; mid-Najduch, Agatha; "+8/2 87" [#<] Janiec, Catherina b. 18681010 Budziwoj, No. 141 chr 18681011 fat-Janiec, Mathias mot-Jopek, Rozalia note: pgf-Janiec, Valentinii; pgm-Slaczka, Sophia; mgf-Jopek, Blasii; mgm-Miciuda, Magdalena; gdf-Glodowski, Martinus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Jopek, Petri; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig.; "zm 6.4.1959 Budziwoj USC Tyczyn Nr. 6/59" [#<] Janiec, Joannes b. 18751221 Budziwoj, No. 214 chr 18751222 fat-Janiec, Mathias mot-Jopek, Rozalia note: pgf-Janiec, Valentini; pgm-Slaczkowna, Sophia; mgf-Jopek, Blasii; mgm-Miciuda, Magdalena; gdf-Borowiec, Laurentius; gdm-, Agnieska; gmh-Skoczylas, Thoma; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig.; "cop. 17/VIII 1939" in Tyczyn [#<] Janiec, Maria b. 18781107 Budziwoj, No. 198 chr 18781109 fat-Janiec, Martinus mot-Borowiec, Sophia note: pgf-Janiec, Valentini; pgm-Slaczka, Sophia; mgf-Borowiec, Valentini; mgm-Harasym, Catharina; gdf-Szczupiel, Michael; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Pieta, Laurentii; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. {D96} Janiec, Thomas b. 18780718 Budziwoj, No. 240 chr 18780721 430 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records fat-Janiec, Mathias mot-Jopek, Rosalia note: pgf-Janiec, Valentini; pgm-, Sophia; mgf-Jopek, Blasii; mgm-Miciuda, Magdalena; gdf-Glodowski, Martinus; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Borowiec, Laurentii; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Joniec, Antonius b. 18760719 Budziwoj, No. 98 chr 18760720 fat-Joniec, Martinus mot-Borowiec, Sophia note: pgf-Joniec, Valentini; pgm-Slaczek, Sophia; mgf-Borowiec, Valentini; mgm-Harasym, Catharina; gdf-Joniec, Mathias; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Huchla, Petrum; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+29/11 76"; Maria wid [#<] Joniec, Magdalena b. 18710530 Budziwoj, No. 140 chr 18710531 fat-Joniec, Mathias mot-Jopek, Rozalia note: pgf-Joniec, Valentinii; pgm-Slaczka, Sophia; mgf-Jopek, Blasii; mgm-Miciuda, Magdalena; gdf-Glodowski, Martinus; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Borowiec, Laurentii; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig.; "+" [#] Joniec, Marianna b. 18731006 Hermanowa, No. 69 chr 18731007 fat-Joniec, Antoni mot-Gorlowski, Rosalia note: pgf-Joniec, Francisci; pgm-Kosciolek, Maria; mgf-Gorlowski, Josephi; mgm-Malek, Maria; gdf-Gorlowski, Valentinus; gdm-, Victoria; gmh-Wojcik, Michaelis [#<] Joniec, Michael b. 18720912 Budziwoj, No. 214 chr 18720915 fat-Joniec, Mathias mot-Jopek, Rozalia note: pgf-Joniec, Valentinii; pgm-Slaczka, Sophia; mgf-Jopek, Blasii; mgm-Miciuda, Magdalena; gdf-Skoczylas, Thomas; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Borowiec, Laurentii; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Jopek, Antonius b. 18770119 Budziwoj, No. 89 chr 18770121 fat-Jopek, Paulus mot-Drazek, Catharina note: pgf-Jopek, Antonii; pgm-Predka, Catharina; mgf-Drazek, Casimiri; mgm-Miciuda, Agatha; gdf-Kotula, Paulus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Predki, Antoni; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig. [#<] Jopek, Franciscus b. 18720904 Budziwoj, No. 103 chr 18720905 fat-Jopek, Martinus mot-Glodowski, Lucia note: pgf-Jopek, Antonii; pgm-Predka, Catharina; mgf-Glodowski, Adalberti; mgm-Warzocha, Catharina; gdf-Jopek, Paulus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Kotula, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+9/5 73" {H01} Jopek, Joannes b. 18730614 Budziwoj, No. 157 chr 18730615 fat-Jopek, Adalbertus mot-Kalandyk, Catharina Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 431 DATABASE TABLES note: pgf-Jopek, Bartholomai; pgm-Fornal, Maria; mgf-Kalandyk, Jacobi; mgm-Slowik, Agatha; gdf-Konkol, Laurentius; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Kotula, Paulum; mid-Goska, Maria; Maria Kotula wid [#<] Jopek, Josephus b. 18750306 Budziwoj, No. 100 chr 18750307 fat-Jopek, Martinus mot-Les, Eva note: pgf-Jopek, Antonii; pgm-Predka, Catharina; mgf-Les, Andrea; mgm-Wnuk, Catharina; gdf-Jopek, Paulus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Kotula, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+ 22/7 84" [#<] Jopek, Magdalena b. 18701123 Budziwoj, No. 97 chr 18701124 fat-Jopek, Paulus mot-Drazek, Catharina note: pgf-Jopek, Antonii; pgm-Predki, Catharina; mgf-Drazek, Casimiri; mgm-Miciuda, Agatha; gdf-Predki, Antonius; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Kotula, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig [#<] Jopek, Magdalena b. 18790713 Budziwoj, No. 89 chr 18790720 fat-Jopek, Paulis mot-Drazek, Catharina note: pgf-Jopek, Antonii; pgm-Predka, Catharina; mgf-Drazek, Casimiri; mgm-Miciuda, Agatha; gdf-Predki, Antonius; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Kotula, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+22/4 925" [#<] Jopek, Maria b. 18770124 Budziwoj, No. 101 chr 18770126 fat-Jopek, Martinus mot-Lis, Eva note: pgf-Jopek, Antoni; pgm-Predka, Catharina; mgf-Lis, Andrea; mgm-Wnuk, Catharina; gdf-Jopek, Paulus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Kotula, Pauli; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+26/IX 19?2" [? may be 1 or 5] [#<] Jopek, Marianna b. 18740228 Budziwoj, No. 89 chr 18740302 fat-Jopek, Paulus mot-Drazek, Catharina note: pgf-Jopek, Antonii; pgm-Predka, Catharina; mgf-Drazek, Casimiri; mgm-Miciuda, Agatha; gdf-Predki, Antonius; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Kotula, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. {F27} Jopek, Petrus b. 18790518 Budziwoj, No. 101 chr 18790519 fat-Jopek, Martinus mot-Les, Eva note: pgf-Jopek, Antonii; pgm-Predki, Catharina; mgf-Les, Andrea; mgm-Wnuk, Catharina; gdf-Kotula, Paulis; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Jopek, Pauli; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Jopek, Sophia b. 18721101 Budziwoj, No. 89 chr 18721102 fat-Jopek, Paulus mot-Drazek, Catharina note: pgf-Jopek, Antonii; pgm-Predka, Catharina; mgf-Drazek, Casimiri; mgm-Miciuda, Agatha; gdf-Kotula, Paulus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Predki, Antonii; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. 432 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records [#] Kalandyk, Franciscus b. 18790806 Hermanowa chr 18790806 fat-Kalandyk, Josephus mot-Prokop, Victoria note: pgf-Kalandyk, Adalberti; pgm-Misiak, Magdalena; mgf-Prokop, Valentini; mgm-Malak, Mariae; entry No. 50 1879 [#] Kalandyk, Marianna b. 18800911 Hermanowa chr 18800912 fat-Kalandyk, Josephus mot-Prokop, Victoria note: pgf-Kalandyk, Adalberti; pgm-Misiak, Magdalena; mgf-Prokop, Valentini; mgm-Malak, Marianna; entry No. 51 1880 {E46} Kaminski, Josephus b. 18710807 Tyczyn, No. 274 chr 18710808 fat-Kaminski, Joannes mot-Szpala, Rosalia note: pgf-Kaminski, Simonis; pgm-Kaplita, Franciscae; mgf-Szpala, Simonis; mgm-Klimasz, Catharina; gdf-Kwiatkowski, Antonius; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Leniart, Thomae {A51} Kaplita, Theophil b. 18881115 Kielnarowa chr 18881116 fat-Kaplita, Josephus mot-Pieta, Julia note: pgf-Kaplita, Casimiri; pgm-Pieta, Margaritha; mgf-Pieta, Joannis; mgm-Paluch, Magdalena [#<] Kawa, Antonius b. 18740403 Budziwoj, No. 92 chr 18740406 fat-Kawa, Josephus mot-Borowiec, Marianna note: pgf-Kawa, Michaelis; pgm-Paskiewicz, Maria; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; gdf-Huchla, Antonius; gdm-, Catherina; gmh-Jopek, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Kawa, Catharina b. 18791113 Budziwoj, No. 92 chr 18791116 fat-Kawa, Josephus mot-Borowiec, Maria note: pgf-Kawa, Michaelis; pgm-Paskowicz, Maria; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; gdf-Paskowicz, Michael; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Jopek, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+20.8.1961 Budziwoj, U.S.C. Tyczyn Nr. 96/1961" [#<] Kawa, Rosalia b. 18710209 Budziwoj, No. 24 chr 18710212 fat-Kawa, Josephus mot-Borowiec, Maria note: pgf-Kawa, Michaelis; pgm-Paskowicz, Maria; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; gdf-Jopek, Paulus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Huchla, Antonii; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig. Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 433 DATABASE TABLES [#<] Kawa, Thomas b. 18771216 Budziwoj, No. 92 chr 18771217 fat-Kawa, Josephus mot-Borowiec, Maria note: pgf-Kawa, Michaelis; pgm-Paskowicz, Maria; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; gdf-Jopek, Paulus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Paskiewicz, Michaelis; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#] Klimasz, Antonina b. 18760517 Tyczyn, No. 282 chr 18760521 fat-Klimasz, Joannes mot-Krzton, Victoria note: pgf-Klimasz, Adalberti; pgm-Kaplita, Catharina; mgf-Krzton, Antoni; mgm-Para, Agnetis; gdf-Mackiewicz, Martinus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Krzton, Valentini {D24} Klimasz, Barbara b. 18881127 Tyczyn, No. 377 chr 18881204 fat-Klimasz, Josephus mot-Baran, Victoria note: pgf-Klimasz, Joannis; pgm-Szetela, Ursula; mgf-Baran, Andrea; mgm-Skoczylas, Maria; gdf-Klimasz, Adalber.; gmh-Knutel, Pauli; mid-Predka, Maria {B36} Klimasz, Franciszek b. 18781225 Tyczyn fat-Klimasz, Jakub mot-Kosciolek, Marya note: copy; cert. issued 09jan1948 [#] Klimasz, Julianna b. 18810429 Tyczyn, No. 336 chr 18810501 fat-Klimasz, Adalbertus mot-Leniart, Marianna note: pgf-Klimasz, Joannis; pgm-Szetela, Ursula; mgf-Leniart, Thoma; mgm-Knutel, Rosalia; gdf-Knutel, Paulus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Kwiatkowski, Mathia; mid-Sitkowa, Cath; entry No. 35 1881 {G89} Klimasz, Leo b. 18810219 Tyczyn, No. 295 chr 18810222 fat-Klimasz, Joannes mot-Krzton, Victoria note: pgf-Klimasz, Adalberti; pgm-Kaplicionka, Catharina; mgf-Krzton, Antoni; mgm-Parzonka, Agatha; gdf-Krzton, Joannes; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Krzton, Valentini; mid-Sitkowa, Cath; entry No. 15 1881 [#] Klimasz, Stanislaus b. 18760330 Tyczyn, No. 346 chr 18760402 fat-Klimasz, Adalbertus mot-Leniart, Maria note: pgf-Klimasz, Joannis; pgm-Szetela, Ursulae; mgf-Leniart, Thomae; mgm-Knutel, Rosalie; gdf-Klimasz, Jacobus; gdm-, Helen; gmh-Kwiatkowski, Antonii {B78} Klimasz, Stanislaus b. 18810429 Hermanowa, No. 186 chr 18810501 434 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records fat-Klimasz, Josephus mot-Baran, Victoria note: pgf-Klimasz, Joannis; pgm-Szetela, Ursula; mgf-Baran, Andreas; mgm-Szczoczarz, Marianna; gdf-Klimasz, Stanisl; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Klimasz, Jacobi; mid-Piekielek, Cath; entry No. 25 1881 [#] Klimasz, Vladislaus b. 18740328 Tyczyn chr 18740329 fat-Klimasz, Joannes mot-Krzton, Victoria note: pgf-Klimasz, Adalberti; pgm-Kaplita, Catharina; mgf-Krzton, Antonii; mgm-Para, Agatha; gdf-Krzton, Joannes; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Krzton, Valentini; Joannes Krzton sgl "coelebs" [#<] Knutel, Antonius b. 18700514 Budziwoj, No. 20 chr 18700515 fat-Knutel, Martinus mot-Kozik, Catharina note: pgf-Knutel, Adalberti; pgm-Pieta, Francisca; mgf-Kozik, Michaelis; mgm-Grzebyk, Maria; gdf-Grzebyk, Laurentinus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Goryl, Michael; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig [#<] Knutel, Petrus b. 18730610 Budziwoj, No. 250 chr 18730612 fat-Knutel, Martinus mot-Kozik, Catharina note: pgf-Knutel, Adalberti; pgm-Pieta, Francisca; mgf-Kozik, Michaelis; mgm-Grzebyk, Maria; gdf-Pitera, Antonius; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Stachurski, Martini; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+11/3 74" {B42} Kociak, Kazimierz b. 18880303 Straszydle chr 18880304 fat-Kociak, Jan mot-Kopiec, Zofia note: pgf-Kociak, Michal; pgm-Wilk, Barbara; mgf-Kopiec, Andrzej; mgm-Bieda, Marianna; gdf-Czekaj, Walenty; gdm-Kopiec, Magdalena; gmh-Wilk; cert. possessed by Josie Dembowski [#<] Konkol, Adalbertus b. 18760325 Budziwoj, No. 147 chr 18760326 fat-Konkol, Laurentius mot-Borowiec, Agatha note: pgf-Konkol, Martini; pgm-Szczupiel, Catharina; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; gdf-Pasko, Joannes; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Borowiec, Laurentii; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+13/8 76" [#<] Konkol, Agatha b. 18760813 Budziwoj, No. 117 chr 18760815 fat-Konkol, Paulus mot-Borowiec, Rosalia note: pgf-Konkol, Josephi; pgm-Glodowski, Sophia; mgf-Borowiec, Laurentii; mgm-Piekielek, Maria; gdf-Paskowicz, Josephus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Solecki, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "zmarl 1.II.1962 in Budziwoj Nr. 16/1962" [#<] Konkol, Anna b. 18780123 Budziwoj, No. 148 chr 18780127 fat-Konkol, Laurentius Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 435 DATABASE TABLES mot-Borowiec, Agatha note: pgf-Konkol, Martini; pgm-Szczupiel, Catharina; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; gdf-Predki, Josephus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Borowiec, Laurentii; mid-Gos, Maria [#<] Konkol, Catharina b. 18751015 Budziwoj, No. 66 chr 18751017 fat-Konkol, Martinus mot-Piekielek, Rosalia note: pgf-Konkol, Casimiri; pgm-Gliwa, Magdalena; mgf-Piekielek, Petri; mgm-Domino, Francisca; gdf-Grzebyk, Martinus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Busz, Adalberti; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+" [#<] Konkol, Catharina b. 18800104 Budziwoj, No. 87 chr 18800105 fat-Konkol, Josephus mot-Domino, Anna note: pgf-Konkol, Casimiri; pgm-Gliwa, Magdalena; mgf-Domino, Thomas; mgm-Sajdyk, Catharina; gdf-Grzebyk, Martini; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisi; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+14/5/88" [#<] Konkol, Franciscus b. 18700923 Budziwoj, No. 105 chr 18700925 fat-Konkol, Adalbertus mot-Kyc, Catharina note: pgf-Konkol, Josephi; pgm-Glodowska, Sophia; mgf-Kyc, Joannis; mgm-Rog, Agatha; gdf-Rog, Stanislaus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Paskiewicz, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+23/4 81" [#<] Konkol, Jacobus b. 18690717 Budziwoj, No. 66 chr 18690718 fat-Konkol, Martinus mot-Piekielek, Magdalena note: pgf-Konkol, Casimiri; pgm-Gliwa, Madgalena; mgf-Piekielek, Aloysii; mgm-Pawlowska, Sophia; gdf-Pasko, Franciscus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Stachurski, Antonii; mid-Kozik, Maria {F14} Konkol, Jan b. 18781121 Budziwoj, No. 107 chr 18781123 fat-Konkol, Paulus mot-Borowiec, Rozalia note: pgf-Konkol, Josephus; pgm-Glodowski, Sophia; mgf-Borowiec, Laurentii; mgm-Piekielek, Maria; gdf-Borowiec, Michael; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Paskiewicz, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Konkol, Joannes b. 18691014 Budziwoj, No. 78 chr 18691015 fat-Konkol, Josephus mot-Domino, Anna note: pgf-Konkol, Casimiri; pgm-Gliwa, Magdalena; mgf-Domino, Thoma; mgm-Sajdyk, Catharina; gdf-Domino, Franisc.; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Grzebyk, Martini; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Konkol, Joannes b. 18770420 Budziwoj, No. 107 chr 18770422 fat-Konkol, Adalbertius 436 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records mot-Kyc, Catharina note: pgf-Konkol, Josephi; pgm-Glodowski, Sophia; mgf-Kyc, Joannes; mgm-Rog, Agatha; gdf-Kyc, Antonius; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Paskowicz, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+22/12 78" [#<] Konkol, Magdalena b. 18791103 Budziwoj, No. 107 chr 18791105 fat-Konkol, Adalbertus mot-Kyc, Catharina note: pgf-Konkol, Josephi; pgm-Glodowski, Sophia; mgf-Kyc, Joannis; mgm-Rog, Agatha; gdf-Borowiec, Laurentii; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Paskiewicz, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+" [#<] Konkol, Maria b. 18720718 Budziwoj, No. 78 chr 18720720 fat-Konkol, Josephus mot-Domino, Anna note: pgf-Konkol, Casimirus; pgm-Gliwa, Magdalena; mgf-Domino, Thoma; mgm-Sajdyk, Catharina; gdf-Grzebyk, Martinus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Konkol, Marianna b. 18730124 Budziwoj, No. 107 chr 18730124 fat-Konkol, Adalbertus mot-Kyc, Catharina note: pgf-Konkol, Josephi; pgm-Glodowska, Sophia; mgf-Kyc, Joannes; mgm-Rog, Agatha; gdf-Rog, Stanislaus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Paskowicz, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Konkol, Marianna b. 18740430 Budziwoj, No. 66 chr 18740501 fat-Konkol, Martinus mot-Piekielek, Magdalena note: pgf-Konkol, Casimiri; pgm-Gliwa, Magdalena; mgf-Piekielek, Aloysii; mgm-Pawlowska, Sophia; gdf-Pasko, Antonius; gdm-, Marianna; gmh-Grzebyk, Martini; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+" [#<] Konkol, Paulus b. 18700122 Budziwoj, No. 148 chr 18700122 fat-Konkol, Laurentius mot-Borowiec, Agata note: pgf-Konkol, Martini; pgm-Szczupiel, Maria; mgf-Borowiec, Joannes; mgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; gdf-Borowiec, Laurentius; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Pasko, Joannes; mid-Miciuda, Hedvig [#<] Konkol, Sophia b. 18730828 Budziwoj, No. 148 chr 18730831 fat-Konkol, Laurentius mot-Borowiec, Agatha note: pgf-Konkol, Martini; pgm-Szczupiel, Catharina; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; gdf-Borowiec, Laurentius; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Pasko, Joannis; mid-Borowiec, Hedvigis [#<] Konkol, Sophia b. 18750927 Budziwoj, No. 107 chr 18750929 fat-Konkol, Adalbertus Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 437 DATABASE TABLES mot-Kyc, Catharina note: pgf-Konkol, Josephi; pgm-Glodowska, Sophia; mgf-Kyc, Joannis; mgm-Rog, Agatha; gdf-Rog, Stanislaus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Paskowicz, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+ 7/VII 1940" [#<] Konkol, Thomas b. 18751109 Budziwoj, No. 78 chr 18751109 fat-Konkol, Josephus mot-Domino, Anna note: pgf-Konkol, Casimiri; pgm-Gliwa, Magdalena; mgf-Domino, Adalberti; mgm-Sajdyk, Catharina; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Grzebyk, Martini; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+ 6/9 88" {H37} Konkol, Valentinus b. 18751230 Budziwoj, No. 106 chr 18760101 fat-Konkol, Josephus mot-Warzocha, Maria note: pgf-Konkol, Martini; pgm-Piencionka, Maria; mgf-Warzocha, Pauli; mgm-Witek, Magdalena; gdf-Drazek, Valentinus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Stachurski, Michaelis; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Kopiec, Magdalena b. 18750507 Budziwoj, No. 278 chr 18750509 fat-Kopiec, Laurentius mot-Borowiec, Sophia note: pgf-Kopiec, Martini; pgm-Zurad, Maria; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-, Rosa; gdf-Predki, Antonius; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Szwed, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Kopiec, Paulus b. 18710906 Budziwoj, No. 278 chr 18710909 fat-Kopiec, Laurentius mot-Borowiec, Sophia note: pgf-Kopiec, Martini; pgm-, Maria; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Pasko, Rosalia; gdf-Szwed, Paulus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Bahota, Joannis; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig. [#] Kosciolek, Antoni b. 18840112 Tyczyn, No. 358 fat-Kosciolek, Tomasz mot-Staniek, Rozalia note: pgf-Kosciolek, Walenty; pgm-Szura, Marianna; mgf-Staniek, Mateusz; mgm-Stopinski, Marianna [#] Kosciolek, Emilia b. 18970721 Tyczyn, No. 91 fat-Kosciolek, Franciszek mot-Niedzialek, Marianna note: pgf-Kosciolek, Antoni; pgm-Mazurek, Angela; mgf-Niedzialek, F; mgm-Rog, Antonina [#] Kosciolek, Emilia b. 18990820 Tyczyn, No. 191 fat-Kosciolek, Ignacy mot-Domino, Katarzyna note: pgf-Kosciolek, Jozef; pgm-Mazurek, Marianna; mgf-Domino, Antoni; mgm-Kozicki, Apolonia [#] Kosciolek, Helen b. 18720720 Tyczyn chr 18720723 fat-Kosciolek, Casimirus 438 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records mot-Drazek, Rosalia note: pgf-Kosciolek, Adalberti; pgm-Konkol, Catharina; mgf-Drazek, Rochi; mgm-Maciejerska, Theresia; gdf-Kosciolek, Valentinus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Ligeura, Joannes [#] Kosciolek, Jan b. 18800211 Tyczyn, No. 123 fat-Kosciolek, Tomasz mot-Staniek, Rozalia note: pgf-Kosciolek, Walenty; pgm-Szura, Maria; mgf-Staniek, Mateusz; mgm-Stopinski, Maria [#] Kosciolek, Katarzyna b. 18981023 Tyczyn, No. 285 fat-Kosciolek, Tomasz mot-Staniek, Rozalia note: pgf-Kosciolek, Walenty; pgm-Szura, Marianna; mgf-Staniek, Mateusz; mgm-Stopinski, Marianna [#] Kosciolek, Ludovicius b. 18760814 Tyczyn chr 18760820 fat-Kosciolek, Antonius mot-Mazurek, Angella note: pgf-Kosciolek, Adalberti; pgm-Konkol, Catharina; mgf-Mazurek, Thoma; mgm-Jakubiec, Ludovicae; gdf-Kosciolek, Casimirus; gdm-, Victoria; gmh-Kozicki, Ignatis; Thoma Mazurek "pellionis" [#] Kosciolek, Marianna b. 18780904 Tyczyn, No. 31 fat-Kosciolek, Kazimierz mot-Drazek, Rozalia note: pgf-Kosciolek, Wojciech; mgf-Drazek, Roch; mgm-Maciejowska, T(eresa)?; gdf-Pietras, Michal; gdm-, Domicela; gmh-Bernarczyk, Ludwik [#] Kosciolek, Marianna b. 18820413 Tyczyn, No. 123 fat-Kosciolek, Tomasz mot-Staniek, Rozalia note: pgf-Kosciolek, Walenty; pgm-Szura, Marianna; mgf-Staniek, Mateusz; mgm-Stopinsczonka, Marianna; gdf-Szura, Tomasz; gdm-, Angela; gmh-Szura, Antoni {A10} Kosciolek, Maximilianus b. 18760622 Tyczyn, No. 31 chr 18760702 fat-Kosciolek, Casimirus mot-Drazek, Rosalia note: pgf-Kosciolek, Adalberti; pgm-Konkol, Catharina; mgf-Drazek, Rochi; mgm-Maciejowska, Theresia; gdf-Roszkiewicz, Thomas; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Bialic, Joannis; Rochi Drazek "fabriferri"; Roszkiewicz "scriminarius" [#] Kosciolek, Michal b. 18970920 Tyczyn fat-Kosciolek, Antoni? mot-Kaplica, Angela note: pgf-Kosciolek, Antoni; pgm-Mazurek, Angela; mgf-Kaplica; mgm-Woj?, T? [#] Kosciolek, Sigismundus b. 18710114 Tyczyn, No. 31 chr 18710115 fat-Kosciolek, Casimirus Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 439 DATABASE TABLES mot-Drazek, Rosalia note: pgf-Kosciolek, Adalberti; pgm-Konkol, Catharina; mgf-Drazek, Roch; mgm-Maciejowska, Theresia; gdf-Drazek, Josephus; gdm-, Teckla; gmh-Kosciolek, Valentin [#] Kosciolek, Valeria b. 18801117 Tyczyn, No. 31 chr 18801118 fat-Kosciolek, Casimirus mot-Drazek, Rosalia note: pgf-Kosciolek, Adalberti; pgm-Konkol, Catharina; mgf-Drazek, Rochi; mgm-Maciejowska, Theresia; gdf-Pasko, Thomas; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Zembron, Andrea [#] Kosciolek, Wiktoria b. 18990921 Tyczyn, No. 209 fat-Kosciolek, Tomasz mot-Para, Katarzyna note: pgf-Kosciolek, Stanislaw; pgm-Ostafil, Karolina; mgf-Para, Jan; mgm-Kosciolek, Agnes [#] Kosciolek, Wladyslaw b. 18960928 Tyczyn, No. 3 fat-Kosciolek, Franciszek mot-Hacharski?, Katarzyna note: pgf-Kosciolek, Walenty; pgm-Szura, Margaret; mgf-, Jozef; mgm-Kosara?, Mag [#<] Kotula, Agnes b. 18741226 Budziwoj, No. 91 chr 18741227 fat-Kotula, Joannes mot-Pasko, Sophia note: pgf-Kotula, Josephi; pgm-Predka, Catharina; mgf-Pasko, Joannis; mgm-Glodowski, Agatha; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-Tondera, Maria; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+" [#<] Kotula, Antoni b. 18770624 Budziwoj, No. 283 chr 18770625 fat-Kotula, Joannes mot-Pasko, Sophia note: pgf-Kotula, Josephi; pgm-Predka, Catharina; mgf-Pasko, Joannes; mgm-Glodowski, Agatha; gdf-Kotula, Paulus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+1/V 1942" [#<] Kotula, Casimirus b. 18750703 Budziwoj, No. 99 chr 18750704 fat-Kotula, Antonius mot-Drazek, Maria note: pgf-Kotula, Joannis; pgm-Glodowska, Magdalena; mgf-Drazek, Casimiri; mgm-Miciuda, Catharina; gdf-Kotula, Casimirus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Bomba, Laurentii; mid-Borowiec, Hedv; "+ 29/1 1922" [#<] Kotula, Catharina b. 18690217 Budziwoj, No. 27 chr 18690218 fat-Kotula, Casimirus mot-Stachurski, Maria note: pgf-Kotula, Joannis; pgm-Glodowska, Magdalena; mgf-Stachurski, Francisci; mgm-Domino, Catharinae; gdf-Stachurski, Thomas; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Bomba, Laurentii; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig; "+11/VIII 1943" 440 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records [#<] Kotula, Catharina b. 18711015 Budziwoj, No. 91 chr 18711016 fat-Kotula, Joannes mot-Pasko, Sophia note: pgf-Kotula, Josephi; pgm-Predka, Catharina; mgf-Pasko, Joannis; mgm-Glodowska, Agatha; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Tondera, Thoma; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig. [#<] Kotula, Catharina b. 18730923 Budziwoj, No. 99 chr 18730924 fat-Kotula, Antonius mot-Drazek, Maria note: pgf-Kotula, Joannis; pgm-Glodowski, Magdalena; mgf-Drazek, Casimiri; mgm-Gliwa, Agatha; gdf-Bomba, Laurentius; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Kotula, Casimiri; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+" [#<] Kotula, Catharina b. 18750316 Budziwoj, No. 26 chr 18750317 fat-Kotula, Laurentius mot-Glodowski, Francisca note: pgf-Kotula, Michaelis; pgm-Solecka, Cathar.; mgf-Glodowski, Adalberti; mgm-Najduchowna, Catharina; gdf-Kotula, Paulus; gdm-, Hedvigis; gmh-Witek, Joannis; mid-Koziczka, Marianna [#<] Kotula, Catharina b. 18770421 Budziwoj, No. 157 chr 18770422 mot-Kotula, Maria note: mgf-Kotula, Pauli; mgm-Ziemba, Magdalena; gdf-Jastrabski, Francisci; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Gliwa, Adalberti; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+" [#<] Kotula, Franciscus b. 18690904 Budziwoj, No. 91 chr 18960905 fat-Kotula, Joannes mot-Pasko, Sophia note: pgf-Kotula, Josephi; pgm-Predki, Catharina; mgf-Pasko, Joannis; mgm-Glodowski, Agatha; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Tondera, Thoma; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig [#] Kotula, Franciscus b. 18710829 Hermanowa, No. 126 chr 18710829 fat-Kotula, Adalbertus mot-Sroka, Magdalena note: pgf-Kotula, Antoni; pgm-Cyran, Barbara; mgf-Sroka, Adalberti; mgm-Borys, Maria; gdf-Wiatr, Joannes; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Czernik, Joannis [#<] Kotula, Franciscus b. 18780119 Budziwoj, No. 281 chr 18780121 fat-Kotula, Casimirus mot-Stachurski, Maria note: pgf-Kotula, Joannis; pgm-Glodowski, Magdalena; mgf-Stachurski, Francisci; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Kotula, Antonius; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Kotula, Valentini; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Kotula, Joannes b. 18721221 Budziwoj, No. 260 chr 18721222 fat-Kotula, Laurentius Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 441 DATABASE TABLES mot-Glodowski, Francisca note: pgf-Kotula, Michaelis; pgm-Solecka, Catharina; mgf-Glodowski, Adalberti; mgm-Najduch, Catharina; gdf-Kotula, Paulus; gdm-, Hedvigis; gmh-Witek, Joannis; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig. [#<] Kotula, Joannes b. 18800311 Budziwoj, No. 281 chr 18800313 fat-Kotula, Casimirus mot-Stachurski, Marianna note: pgf-Kotula, Joannes; pgm-Glodowska, Magdalena; mgf-Stachurski, Francisci; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Kotula, Valentinus; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Kotula, Antoni; mid-Borowiec, Hedvigis [#<] Kotula, Magdalena b. 18720331 Budziwoj, No. 106 chr 18720401 fat-Kotula, Josephus mot-Rog, Maria note: pgf-Kotula, Joannis; pgm-Glodowska, Magdalena; mgf-Rog, Stanislai; mgm-Glodowska, Francisca; gdf-Gliwa, Josephus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Kotula, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Kotula, Magdalena b. 18760202 Budziwoj, No. 283 chr 18760203 fat-Kotula, Joannis mot-Pasko, Sophia note: pgf-Kotula, Josephi; pgm-Predka, Catharina; mgf-Pasko, Joannis; mgm-Glodowska, Agatha; gdf-Stachurski, Martinus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+" [#<] Kotula, Marianna b. 18700221 Budziwoj, No. 260 chr 18700222 fat-Kotula, Laurentius mot-Glodowski, Francisca note: pgf-Kotula, Michaelis; pgm-Solecki, Catharina; mgf-Glodowski, Adalberti; mgm-Najduch, Catharina; gdf-Witek, Joannes; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Kotula, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig [#<] Kotula, Martinus b. 18781006 Budziwoj, No. 99 chr 18781007 fat-Kotula, Antoni mot-Konkol, Agatha note: pgf-Kotula, Joannis; pgm-Glodowski, Magdalena; mgf-Konkol, Francisci; mgm-Borowiec, Rosalia; gdf-Kotula, Casimirus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Borowiec, Laurentii; mid-Dominka, Maria [#<] Kotula, Paulus b. 18760225 Budziwoj, No. 106 chr 18760226 fat-Kotula, Josephus mot-Rog, Maria note: pgf-Kotula, Joannis; pgm-Glodowska, Magdalena; mgf-Rog, Stanislai; mgm-Glodowska, Francisca; gdf-Kotula, Valentinus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Kotula, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+1/3 76" {E55} Kotula, Paulus b. 18791126 Budziwoj, No. 283 chr 18791126 fat-Kotula, Joannes 442 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records mot-Pasko, Sophia note: pgf-Kotula, Josephi; pgm-Predki, Catharina; mgf-Pasko, Joannis; mgm-Glodowski, Agatha; gdf-Domino, Francisus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Kotula, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Kotula, Paulus Clemens b. 18701123 Budziwoj, No. 106 chr 18701124 fat-Kotula, Josephus mot-Rog, Maria note: pgf-Kotula, Joannis; pgm-Glodowski, Magdalena; mgf-Rog, Stanislai; mgm-Glodowska, Francisca; gdf-Kotula, Paulus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Rog, Laurentii; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig.; "+26/11 70 binom" [#<] Kotula, Rosalia b. 18701021 Budziwoj, No. 99 chr 18701022 fat-Kotula, Antonius mot-Drazek, Maria note: pgf-Kotula, Joannis; pgm-Glodowska, Magdalena; mgf-Drazek, Casimiri; mgm-Miciuda, Agatha; gdf-Bomba, Laurentius; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Glodowski, Francisci; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig.; "+3/11 1921" [#?] Kotula, Rosalia b. 18770929 Budziwoj, No. 206 chr 18770930 fat-Kotula, Josephus mot-Rog, Maria note: pgf-Kotula, Joannis; pgm-Glodowski, Magdalena; mgf-Rog, Stanislai; mgm-Glodowski, Francisca; gdf-Kotula, Valentinus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Kotula, Pauli; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Kotula, Thomas b. 18741219 Budziwoj, No. 106 chr 18741220 fat-Kotula, Josephus mot-Rog, Maria note: pgf-Kotula, Joannis; pgm-Glodowska, Magdalena; mgf-Rog, Stanislai; mgm-Glodowska, Francisca; gdf-Kotula, Paulus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Bomba, Laurentii; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+ 25/12 74" [#<] Kotula, Thomas b. 18750530 Budziwoj, No. 281 chr 18750530 fat-Kotula, Casimirus mot-Stachurski, Marianna note: pgf-Kotula, Joannis; pgm-Glodowska, Magdalena; mgf-Stachurski, Francisci; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Kotula, Valentinus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Bomba, Laurentius; mid-Domino, Maria; "+ 2/2 925" [#<] Kotula, Thomas b. 18781002 Budziwoj, No. 260 chr 18781003 fat-Kotula, Laurentius mot-Glodowski, Francisca note: pgf-Kotula, Michaelis; pgm-Solecka, Catharina; mgf-Glodowski, Adalberti; mgm-Najduch, Catharina; gdf-Kotula, Paulus; gdm-, Hedvigis; gmh-Witek, Joannis; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+5/2 86" Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 443 DATABASE TABLES [#<] Kotula, Valentinus b. 18730209 Budziwoj, No. 102 chr 18730209 fat-Kotula, Casimirus mot-Stachurski, Maria note: pgf-Kotula, Joannes; pgm-Glodowska, Magdalena; mgf-Stachurski, Francisci; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Kotula, Valentinus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Bomba, Laurentii; mid-Domino, Maria; "+1/7 73" [#<] Kozdras, Franciscus b. 18740908 Budziwoj, No. 102 chr 18740911 mot-Kozdras, Sophia note: mgf-Kozdras, Andrea; mgm-, Ludovica; gdf-Marciniec, Franciscus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Plonka, Adalberti; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+ 18/2 1891"; Andrea is "mercenarii" {A86} Kozdras, Joannes b. 18790605 Budziwoj, No. 236 chr 18790606 mot-Kozdras, Antonina note: mgf-Kozdras, Andrea; mgm-Mazur, Ludovicae; gdf-Witek, Joannes; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Borowiec, Valentini; mid-Borowiec, Hedvigis; "+6.9.1969 Budziwoj Nr. 77/1969" [#<] Kozdras, Maria b. 18761204 Budziwoj, No. 227 chr 18761205 mot-Kozdras, Antonina note: mgm-Kozdras, Ludovica; gdf-Kosciolek, Laurentius; gdm-Bienkowa, Magdalena; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+ advena de Leska" [#] Kozicki, Caecilia b. 18791120 Tyczyn chr 18791120 fat-Kozicki, Joannes mot-Drazek, Antonina note: pgf-Kozicki, Ludovici; pgm-Kaczoronska?, Antonina; mgf-Drazek, Rochi; mgm-Maciejowska, Theresiae; entry No. 74 1879 [#<] Kozik, Casimirus b. 18770207 Budziwoj, No. 250 chr 18770207 mot-Kozik, Catharina note: mgf-Kozik, Michaelis; mgm-Grzebyk, Maria; gdf-Tondera, Antoni; gdm-Witek, Maria; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; Maria Grzebyk wid of Martin Knutel [#<] Kozik, Franciscus b. 18770207 Budziwoj, No. 250 chr 18770207 mot-Kozik, Catharina note: mgf-Kozik, Michaelis; mgm-Grzebyk, Maria; gdf-Kotula, Paulus; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Tondera, Antoni; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; Maria Grzebyk wid of Martin Knutel [#] Kozik, Joannes b. 18791023 Hermanowa chr 18791023 fat-Kozik, Joannes mot-Kalandyk, Victoria note: pgf-Kozik, Thomas; pgm-Drazek, Marie; mgf-Kalandyk, Adalberti; mgm-Misiak, Magdalena; entry No. 67 1879 444 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records [#<] Kozik, Josephus b. 18710810 Budziwoj, No. 48 chr 18710813 fat-Kozik, Thomas mot-Borowiec, Magdalena note: pgf-Kozik, Josephi; pgm-Plonka, Maria; mgf-Borowiec, Thaddai; mgm-Stachurski, Catharina; gdf-Pieta, Laurentius; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Stachurski, Antonii; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+" [#<] Kozik, Josephus b. 18721029 Budziwoj, No. 48 chr 18721029 fat-Kozik, Thomas mot-Borowiec, Magdalena note: pgf-Kozik, Josephi; pgm-Plonka, Maria; mgf-Borowiec, Thaddai; mgm-Stachurska, Catharina; gdf-Pieta, Laurentius; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Stachurski, Antonii; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+17/10 74" [#<] Kozik, Maria b. 18751218 Budziwoj, No. 250 chr 18751219 mot-Kozik, Rosalia note: mgf-Kozik, Michaelis; mgm-Grzebyk, Maria; gdf-Witek, Martinus; gdm-Wilk, Maria; mid-Borowiec, Hedvigis [#<] Kozik, Marianna b. 18750906 Budziwoj, No. 48 chr 18750907 fat-Kozik, Thomas mot-Borowiec, Magdalena note: pgf-Kozik, Josephi; pgm-Plonka, Maria; mgf-Borowiec, Thaddus; mgm-Stachurska, Catharina; gdf-Pieta, Laurentius; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Stachurski, Antonii; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Kozik, Sophia b. 18780928 Budziwoj, No. 48 chr 18780929 fat-Kozik, Thomas mot-Borowiec, Magdalena note: pgf-Kozik, Josephi; pgm-Plonka, Maria; mgf-Borowiec, Thaddeai; mgm-Stachurski, Catharina; gdf-Pieta, Laurentius; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Slaczka, Pauli; mid-Domino, Maria [#<] Kozik, Sophia b. 18791211 Budziwoj, No. 250 chr 18791214 mot-Kozik, Rozalia note: mgf-Kozik, Michaelis; mgm-Grzebyk, Maria; gdf-Trojanowski, Martini; gdm-, Eva; gmh-Warchol, Jacobum; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; Eva wid [#] Krzton, Joannes b. 18800522 Kielnarowa chr 18800523 fat-Krzton, Thomas mot-Filip, Victoria note: pgf-Krzton, Jacobi; pgm-Biega, Magdalena; mgf-Filip, Michaelis; mgm-Leniart, Marianna; entry No. 24 1880 [#] Krzton, Marianna b. 18731009 Kielnarowa, No. 27 chr 18731012 fat-Krzton, Antoni Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 445 DATABASE TABLES mot-Kaplita, Catharina note: pgf-Krzton, Jacobi; pgm-Biega, Magdalena; mgf-Kaplita, Adalberti; mgm-Wojtynkiewicz, Theresia; gdf-Plodzien, Antonius; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Glodowski, Ignacy [#] Kura, Catharina b. 18700827 Tyczyn, No. 370 chr 18700828 fat-Kura, Antonius mot-Para, Sophia note: pgf-Kura, Blasii; pgm-Janda, Marie; mgf-Para, Laurentii; mgm-Cyran, Magdalena; gdf-Kura, Thomas; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Janda, Martini [#] Kura, Josephus b. 18810109 Tyczyn, No. 319 chr 18810110 fat-Kura, Antonius mot-Data, Lucia note: pgf-Kura, Blasii; pgm-Kowalska, Marianna; mgm-Data, Marianna; gdf-Para, Josephus; gdm-, Brigitta; gmh-Para, Joannis; mid-Podgorska, Cath; entry No. 3 1881 [#<] Kyc, Joannes b. 18770423 Budziwoj, No. 277 chr 18770425 fat-Kyc, Antonius mot-Glodowski, Victoria note: pgf-Kyc, Joannis; pgm-Rog, Agatha; mgf-Glodowski, Ignatii; mgm-Donga, Catharina; gdf-Konkol, Adalbertius; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Baran, Thoma; mid-Kozik, Maria [#] Kyc, Magdalena b. 18781227 Budziwoj, No. 243 chr 18781228 fat-Kyc, Antonius mot-Cislo, Carolina note: pgf-Kyc, Adalberti; pgm-Kotula, Maria; mgf-Cislo, Michaelis; mgm-Bodzislaw, Agatha; gdf-Cislo, Thomas; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Lasota, Casimiri; mid-Najduch, Agatha; "zm. 15.3.1968 Budziwoj USC Tyczyn 24/68" {C13} Kyc, Marianna b. 18790513 Budziwoj, No. 277 chr 18790518 fat-Kyc, Antonius mot-Glodowski, Victoria note: pgf-Kyc, Joannis; pgm-Rog, Agatha; mgf-Glodowski, Ignatii; mgm-Donga, Catharina; gdf-Konkol, Adalbertus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Konkol, Valentini; mid-Kozik, Maria [#] Lalicki, Adolphus b. 18990511 Tyczyn, No. 23 chr 18990522 fat-Lalicki, Josephus mot-Kosciolek, Anna note: pgf-Lalicki, Joannis; pgm-Mazurek, Maryae; mgf-Kosciolek, Thomae; mgm-Rozkiewicz, Marianne; gdf-Lalicki, Wincenty; gdm-, Magdal.; gmh-Glodowski, Laurenti; mid-Bernph?, Zibora? [#<] Lalicki, Aniela b. 19030423 Tyczyn, No. 173 chr 19030426 fat-Lalicki, Jozef 446 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records mot-Kosciolek, Anna note: pgf-Lalicki, Jan; pgm-Mazurek, Marianna; mgf-Kosciolek, Tomasz; mgm-Rozkiewicz, Marianna; gdf-Leniart, Andrzej; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Horatkowski, Joseph [#] Lalicki, Antonina b. 19051208 Tyczyn, No. 61 fat-Lalicki, Jan mot-Niedzialek, Julia note: pgf-Lalicki, Jozef; pgm-Rozkiewicz, Wiktoria; mgf-Niedzialek, Ferdinand; mgm-Rog, Antonina [#] Lalicki, Augustyn Jan b. 19050516 Tyczyn fat-Lalicki, Leopold mot-Luszak, Marianna note: pgf-Lalicki, Jozef; pgm-Rozkiewicz, Wiktoria; mgf-Luszak, Wladyslaw; mgm-Bolarska, Aniela [#] Lalicki, Bartholamew b. 19080317 Tyczyn, No. 19 fat-Lalicki, Tomasz mot-Wojtynkiewicz, Bronisla note: pgf-Lalicki, Jozef; pgm-Rozkiewicz, Wiktoria; mgf-Wojtynkiewicz, Francisz; mgm-Lalicki, Telka [#] Lalicki, Bronislawa b. 18971118 Tyczyn, No. 23 chr 18971126 fat-Lalicki, Josephus mot-Kosciolek, Anna note: pgf-Lalicki, Joannis; pgm-Mazurek, Mariannae; mgf-Kosciolek, Thoma; mgm-Rozkiewicz, Mariannae; gdf-Grodecki, Josephus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Lalicki, Vincenti; mid-Japko, Angella; fat age 33y, mot age 23y [#] Lalicki, Emilia b. 18971125 Tyczyn, No. 19 fat-Lalicki, Tomasz mot-Wojtyn, Bronislawa note: pgf-Lalicki, Jozef; pgm-Rozkiewicz, Wiktoria; mgf-Wojtyn, Franciszek; mgm-Lalicki, Tekla; gdf-Luszczak, Wladyslaw; gdm-Wojtynkiewicz, Weronika [#] Lalicki, Emilia b. 19001011 Tyczyn, No. 428 fat-Lalicki, Antoni mot-Domino, Angela note: pgf-Lalicki, Marcin; pgm-Pasko, Wiktoria; mgf-Domino, Antoni; mgm-Haricki, Appolonia [#] Lalicki, Franciszek b. 19050501 Tyczyn, No. 17? chr 19050507 fat-Lalicki, Tomasz mot-Wojtynkiewicz, Bronisla note: pgf-Lalicki, Jozef; pgm-Rozkiewicz, Wiktoria; mgf-Wojtynkiewicz, Francisz; mgm-Lalicki, Tekla [#] Lalicki, Helena b. 18980526 Tyczyn fat-Lalicki, Antoni mot-Domino, Angela note: pgf-Lalicki, Marcin; pgm-Pasko, Wiktoria; mgf-Domino, Antoni; mgm-Karicki, Appolonia; gdf-Frog, Pawel; gmh-Kosciolek, Ignatius Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 447 DATABASE TABLES [#] Lalicki, Ignacy b. 18900319 Tyczyn, No. 233 fat-Lalicki, Antoni mot-Domino, Aniela note: pgf-Lalicki, Marcin; pgm-Paszko, Wiktoria; mgf-Domino, Antoni; mgm-Kozicki, Aniela [#] Lalicki, Ignatius b. 18900125 Tyczyn, No. 23 chr 18900202 fat-Lalicki, Josephus mot-Kosciolek, Anna note: pgf-Lalicki, Joannis; pgm-Mazurek, Maria; mgf-Kosciolek, Thoma; mgm-Roszkiewicz, Maria; gdf-Gutkowski, Josephus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Leniart, Martini; mid-Bernfeld, Debora; "+27/10 1892" [#] Lalicki, Jozef b. 19021128 Tyczyn, No. 19 fat-Lalicki, Tomasz mot-Wojtynkiewicz, Bronisla note: pgf-Lalicki, Jozef; pgm-Rozkiewicz, Wiktoria; mgf-Wojtynkiewicz, Francisz; mgm-Lalicki, Tekla [#] Lalicki, Marcin b. 19040805 Tyczyn, No. 147 chr 19040814 fat-Lalicki, Jozef mot-Kosciolek, Anna note: pgf-Lalicki, Jan; pgm-Mazurek, Marianna; mgf-Kosciolek, Tomasz; mgm-Rozkiewicz, Marianna; gdf-Mazurek, Jozef; gdm-Szura, Maryanna; or 1907? [#] Lalicki, Marianna b. 18960406 Tyczyn, No. 428 fat-Lalicki, Antoni mot-Domino, Angela note: pgf-Lalicki, Marcin; pgm-Pasko, Wiktoria; mgf-Domino, Antoni; mgm-Hasicka, Apolonia; fat age 32y?; mot age 26/28y? [#] Lalicki, Stanislaus b. 18881104 Tyczyn, No. 23 chr 18881104 fat-Lalicki, Josephus mot-Kosciolek, Anna note: pgf-Lalicki, Joannis; pgm-Mazurek, Maria; mgf-Kosciolek, Thoma; mgm-Roszkiewicz, Maria; gdf-Tyczynski, Michael; gdm-, Katarzyna; gmh-Leniart, Martini; mid-Bernfeld, Debora; "+6/3 1889" [#] Lalicki, Stanislaw b. 19000818 Tyczyn, No. 19? fat-Lalicki, Tomasz mot-Wojtynkiewicz, Bronisla note: pgf-Lalicki, Jozef; pgm-Rozkiewicz, Wiktoria; mgf-Wojtynkiewicz, Francisz; mgm-Lalicki, Tekla [#] Lalicki, Stanislawa b. 19071226 Tyczyn, No. 61 fat-Lalicki, Jan mot-Niedzialek, Julia note: pgf-Lalicki, Jozef; pgm-Rozkiewicz, Wiktoria; mgf-Niedzialek, Ferdinand; mgm-Rog, Antonina 448 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records [#] Lalicki, Stefania b. 18991027 Tyczyn, No. 329 fat-Lalicki, Leopold mot-Luszczar, Maria note: pgf-Lalicki, Jozef; pgm-Rozkiewicz, Wiktoria; mgf-Luszczar, Wladyslaw; mgm-Bojarska, Maria [#] Lalicki, Tomasz b. 18660201 Tyczyn, No. 418 fat-Lalicki, Jozef mot-Rozkiewicz, Wiktoria note: wif Bronislawa Wojtyn [#] Lalicki, Wladyslawa b. 19021019 Tyczyn, No. 55 fat-Lalicki, Leopold mot-, Maria note: pgf-Lalicki, Jozef; pgm-Rozkiewicz, Wiktoria; mgf-Loczak, Wladyslaw; mgm-Balarska, Agata; gdf-Lalicki, Jan; gdm-, Katarzyna; gmh-Baran, Wincenty [#<] Lasota, Josephus b. 18770304 Budziwoj, No. 41 chr 18770305 fat-Lasota, Casimirus mot-Marciniec, Sophia note: pgf-Lasota, Martini; pgm-Domaradzka, Catharina; mgf-Marciniec, Michaelis; mgm-Pasko, Catharina; gdf-Pasko, Thomas; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Wojcik, Pauli; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+11/3 77" [#<] Lasota, Josephus b. 18800303 Budziwoj, No. 60 chr 18800307 fat-Lasota, Casimirus mot-Piekielek, Marianna note: pgf-Lasota, Martini; pgm-Paskowicz, Marianna; mgf-Piekielik, Laurentii; mgm-Rog, Magdalena; gdf-Baran, Joannes; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Solecki, Josephi; mid-Gorka, Marianna [#<] Lasota, Maria b. 18780308 Budziwoj, No. 42 chr 18780310 fat-Lasota, Casimirus mot-Marciniec, Sophia note: pgf-Lasota, Martini; pgm-Domoradzka, Catharina; mgf-Marciniec, Michaelis; mgm-Pasko, Catharina; gdf-Wojsik, Paulis; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Wojsik, Adami; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Lasota, Rosalia b. 18730605 Budziwoj, No. 41 chr 18730605 fat-Lasota, Franciscus mot-Piecuch, Magdalena note: pgf-Lasota, Martini; pgm-Domaradzska, Catharina; mgf-Piecuch, Adalberti; mgm-Klimasz, Francisca; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Piecuch, Martini; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+" [#<] Lasota, Sophia b. 18790122 Budziwoj, No. 60 chr 18790124 fat-Lasota, Casimirus mot-Piekielek, Maria note: pgf-Lasota, Martini; pgm-Paskowicz, Maria; mgf-Piekielek, Laurentis; mgm-Rog, Magdalena; gdf-Solecki, Josephus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Rog, Thomas; mid-Gos, Maria; "+" Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 449 DATABASE TABLES [#<] Lasota, Thomas b. 18741027 Budziwoj, No. 41 chr 18741027 fat-Lasota, Casimirus mot-Marciniec, Sophia note: pgf-Lasota, Martini; pgm-Domirska, Catharina; mgf-Marciniec, Michaelis; mgm-Pasko, Catharina; gdf-Kotula, Thomas; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Wojcik, Pauli; mid-Kozik, Maria; Thomas Kotula sgl [#] Leniart, Jan b. 18890121 Tyczyn, No. 166 chr 18890127 fat-Leniart, Marcin mot-Kosciolek, Katarzyna note: pgf-Leniart, Jan; pgm-Bartynska, Maria; mgf-Kosciolek, Tomasz; mgm-Rozkiewicz, Maria; gdf-, Jozef; gdm-, Rozalia; gmh-Huchla, Thomas [#] Leniart, Piotr b. 18960512 Tyczyn, No. 150 chr 18960524 fat-Leniart, Marcin mot-Kosciolek, Katarzyna note: pgf-Leniart, Jan; pgm-Bartynska, Marianna; mgf-Kosciolek, Tomasz; mgm-Rozkiewicz, Marianna; gdf-Surowka, Wladyslaw; gmh-Glodowski, Wawrzyniec [#] Machnik, Josephus b. 18800504 Hermanowa chr 18800506 fat-Machnik, Andreas mot-Kalandyk, Catharina note: pgf-Machnik, Antonii; pgm-Malak, Victoria; mgf-Kalandyk, Adalberti; mgm-Misiak, Magdalena; entry No. 30 1880 [#] Machnik, Marianna b. 18790315 Hermanowa chr 18790316 fat-Machnik, Franciscus mot-Patronski, Ludovica note: pgf-Machnik, Antoni; pgm-Malak, Victoria; mgf-Patronski, Joannis; mgm-Brosh?, Magdalena; entry No. 19 1879 {D11} Malak, Franciscus b. 18790814 Hermanowa chr 18790815 fat-Malak, Adalbertus mot-Zgorihi?, Sophia note: pgf-Malak, Pauli; pgm-Koriut?, Annae; mgf-Zgorohi?, Konislai?; mgm-Huchla, Hedvigis; entry No. 52 1879 [#] 450 Malak, Jadwiga b. 18490810 Hermanowa fat-Malak, Stanislaw mot-Bomba, Magdalena note: mgf-Bomba, Franciszek; mgm-Wojtas, Franciuszka American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records [#] Malak, Jozef b. 18560117 Hermanowa fat-Malak, Stanislaw mot-Bomba, Magdalena note: mgf-Bomba, Franciszek; mgm-Wojtas, Franciuszka [#] Malak, Magdalena b. 18810221 Hermanowa, No. 205 chr 18810221 fat-Malak, Paulus mot-Cislo, Victoria note: pgf-Malak, Joannis; pgm-Szczoczarz, Agnetis; mgf-Cislo, Michaelis; mgm-Bodzislaw, Agnetis; gdf-Wrona, Josephus; gdm-, Agnes; gmh-Jopek, Joannis; mid-Piekielek, Cath; entry No. 9 1881; Wrona sgl [#] Malak, Paulus b. 18701226 Hermanowa, No. 152 chr 18701227 fat-Malak, Stanislaus mot-Bomba, Magdalena note: pgf-Malak, Pauli; pgm-Rudka, Maria; mgf-Bomba, Francisci; mgm-Wojtas, Francisca; gdf-Malak, Valentinus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Oleszko, Valentini [#] Malak, Stanislaw b. 18191109 Hermanowa fat-Malak, Pawel mot-Rudka, Marianna note: mgf-Rudka, Pawel; mgm-Kusmierz, Zofia [#] Malak, Valentinus b. 18731228 Hermanowa, No. 24 chr 18731229 fat-Malak, Paulus mot-Cislo, Victoria note: pgf-Malak, Joannis; pgm-Szczoczarz, Agnetis; mgf-Cislo, Michaelis; mgm-Bodzislaw, Agatha; gdf-Skoczylas, Laurentius; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Slowik, Francisci [#] Malak, Wiktoria b. 18581127 Hermanowa fat-Malak, Stanislaw mot-Bomba, Magdalena note: mgf-Bomba, Franciszek; mgm-Wojtas, Franciuszka [#] Malak, Zofia b. 18540324 Hermanowa fat-Malak, Stanislaw mot-Bomba, Magdalena note: mgf-Bomba, Franciszek; mgm-Wojtas, Franciuszka [#<] Marciniec, Agnes b. 18331117 Budziwoj, No. 42 fat-Marciniec, Michal mot-Pasko, Katarzyna note: mgf-Pasko, Gaspar {G81} Marciniec, Catharina b. 18781026 Budziwoj, No. 72 chr 18781027 fat-Marciniec, Josephus Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 451 DATABASE TABLES mot-Kawa, Rosalia note: pgf-Marciniec, Michaelis; pgm-Pasko, Catharina; mgf-Kawa, Michaelis; mgm-Glodowski, Agatha; gdf-Borowiec, Franciscus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Pasko, Antonii; mid-Kozik, Maria {G79} Marciniec, Jan b. 18700108 Budziwoj, No. 42 chr 18700109 fat-Marciniec, Jozef mot-Kawa, Rosalia note: pgf-Marciniec, Michal; pgm-Pasko, Katarzyna; mgf-Kawa, Michal; mgm-Glodowski, Agnes; gdf-Pasko, Antonius; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Marciniec, Jozef b. 18351112 Budziwoj, No. 42 fat-Marciniec, Michal mot-Pasko, Katarzyna note: mgf-Pasko, Gaspar [#<] Marciniec, Magdalena b. 18740426 Budziwoj, No. 42 chr 18740428 fat-Marciniec, Joseph mot-Kawa, Rosalia note: pgf-Marciniec, Michaelis; pgm-Pasko, Catharina; mgf-Kawa, Michaelis; mgm-Glodowska, Agnetis; gdf-Pasko, Antonius; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Marciniec, Maria b. 18720719 Budziwoj, No. 42 chr 18720721 fat-Marciniec, Josephus mot-Kawa, Rosa note: pgf-Marciniec, Michaelis; pgm-Paskowicz, Catharina; mgf-Kawa, Michaelis; mgm-Glodowska, Agatha; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Pasko, Antonii; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+" [#<] Marciniec, Maria b. 18761206 Budziwoj, No. 42 chr 18761209 fat-Marciniec, Josephus mot-Kawa, Rosalia note: pgf-Marciniec, Michaelis; pgm-Pasko, Catharina; mgf-Kawa, Michaelis; mgm-Glodowski, Agatha; gdf-Pasko, Antonius; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Miciuda, Agatha b. 18730301 Budziwoj, No. 77 chr 18730302 mot-Miciuda, Sophia note: mgf-Miciuda, Mathai; mgm-Pasko, Anna; gdf-Diablik, Stanislaus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Pasko, Joannis; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Miciuda, Casimirus b. 18720212 Budziwoj, No. 3 chr 18720214 fat-Miciuda, Josephus mot-Borowiec, Sophia note: pgf-Miciuda, Martini; pgm-Busz, Agatha; mgf-Borowiec, Antonii; mgm-Pasko, Rosalia; gdf-Borowiec, Josephus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Krok, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig.; "+24/12 78" 452 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records [#<] Miciuda, Josephus b. 18780302 Budziwoj, No. 77 chr 18780303 mot-Miciuda, Maria note: mgf-Miciuda, Mathai; mgm-Pasko, Anna; gdf-Pieta, Framciscus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Djablik, Stanislai; mid-Domino, Maria; "+4/6 78" [#<] Miciuda, Mathaeus b. 18740720 Budziwoj, No. 3 chr 18740721 fat-Miciuda, Josephus mot-Borowiec, Sophia note: pgf-Miciuda, Martini; pgm-Busz, Agatha; mgf-Borowiec, Antonii; mgm-Pasko, Rosalia; gdf-Krok, Paulus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Piecuch, Martini; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+16/VI 1934; cop. 12/ii/1921" [#<] Miciuda, Thomas b. 18791025 Budziwoj, No. 77 chr 18791026 mot-Miciuda, Maria note: mgf-Miciuda, Mathasi; mgm-Pasko, Anna; gdf-Pieta, Francisus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Krok, Pauli; mid-Domino, Maria; "+31/8 79" {C66} Ostafil, Vincentius b. 18711205 Kielnarowa, No. 55 chr 18711205 fat-Ostafil, Romanus mot-Knutel, Catharina note: pgf-Ostafil, Vincentis; pgm-Walnowna, Maria; mgf-Knutel, Francisci; mgm-Szura, Rosalia; gdf-Jopek, Thoma; gdm-, Ludovica; gmh-Ligenza, Antonii; Romanus "murarius"; Walnowna accent o [#<] Paczesniak, Agatha b. 18691123 Budziwoj, No. 63 chr 18691124 fat-Paczesniak, Joannes mot-Stachurski, Catharina note: pgf-Paczesniak, Pauli; pgm-Waclawionka, Cathar.; mgf-Stachurski, Joannis; mgm-Wojcikowna, Margaretha; gdf-Waclaw, Franciscus; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Pruc, Andreas; mid-Gliwa, Marianna {F11} Paczesniak, Andreas b. 18800327 Budziwoj, No. 63 chr 18800329 fat-Paczesniak, Joannes mot-Stachurski, Catharina note: pgf-Paczesniak, Pauli; pgm-Waclawek, Catharina; mgf-Stachurski, Joannes; mgm-Wojcik, Margaritha; gdf-Warzocha, Andreas; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Stachurski, Martini; mid-Warzocha, Catharina [#<] Paczesniak, Anna b. 18720115 Budziwoj, No. 63 chr 18720115 fat-Paczesniak, Joannes mot-Stachurski, Catharina note: pgf-Paczesniak, Pauli; pgm-Waclaw, Catharina; mgf-Stachurski, Joannis; mgm-Wojcik, Margaritha; gdf-Pruc, Andreas; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Waclaw, Francisci; mid-Noworal, Maria Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 453 DATABASE TABLES [#<] Paczesniak, Anna b. 18770118 Budziwoj, No. 63 chr 18770119 fat-Paczesniak, Joannes mot-Stachurski, Catharina note: pgf-Paczesniak, Pauli; pgm-Waclaw, Catharina; mgf-Stachurski, Joannis; mgm-Wojcik, Margaritha; gdf-Pruc, Andreas; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Stachurski, Martini; mid-Warzocha, Cath. [#<] Paczesniak, Petrus b. 18740428 Budziwoj, No. 63 chr 18740428 fat-Paczesniak, Joannes mot-Stachurski, Catharina note: pgf-Paczesniak, Pauli; pgm-Waclaw, Maria; mgf-Stachurski, Joannis; mgm-Wojcik, Margaritha; gdf-Puc, Andreas; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Stachurski, Martini; mid-Warzocha, Cathar.; "+5/12 76" [<] Pajak, Agatha b. 18730507 Budziwoj, No. 155 chr 18730508 fat-Pajak, Adalbertus mot-Dudek, Rosalia note: pgf-Pajak, Mathai; pgm-Kosiuba, Magdalena; mgf-Dudek, Jacobi; mgm-Piekielek, Regina; gdf-Borowiec, Antonius; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Tondera, Martini; mid-Gos, Maria [#<] Pajak, Franciscus b. 18760904 Budziwoj, No. 201 chr 18760904 fat-Pajak, Paulus mot-Rusek, Magdalena note: pgf-Pajak, Adalberti; pgm-, Maria; mgf-Rusek, Adalberti; mgm-Pasko, Hedvigis; gdf-Konkol, Valentinus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Ziobro, Michaelis; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+8/4 78" [<] Pajak, Gregorius b. 18690420 Budziwoj, No. 155 chr 18690420 mot-Pajak, Marianna note: mgf-Pajak, Mathai; mgm-Kosiuba, Magdalena; gdf-Kosiuba, Ignatius; gdm-Kowalska, Francisca; mid-Gos, Maria; "+10/7 869" [#<] Pajak, Laurentius b. 18690804 Budziwoj, No. 67 chr 18690805 fat-Pajak, Paulus mot-Rusek, Magdalena note: pgf-Pajak, Adalberti; pgm-Bartynska, Maria; mgf-Rusek, Adalberti; mgm-Pasko, Hedvigis; gdf-Pasko, Franciscus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Zibro, Michaelis; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+15/6 74" [<] Pajak, Madgalena b. 18690712 Budziwoj, No. 276 chr 18690713 fat-Pajak, Adalbertus mot-Dudek, Rosalia note: pgf-Pajak, Mathai; pgm-Kosiuba, Magdalena; mgf-Dudek, Jacobi; mgm-Piekielek, Regina; gdf-Dudek, Joannes; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Tondera, Martini; mid-Gos, Maria [<] Pajak, Magdalena b. 18720310 Budziwoj chr 18720316 454 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records mot-Pajak, Maria note: mgf-Pajak, Mathai; mgm-Kosiuba, Magdalena; gdf-Jopek, Adalbertus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Kotula, Pauli; mid-Pasko, Maria; Maria Kotula wid {H18} Pajak, Maria b. 18710523 Budziwoj, No. 156 chr 18710525 fat-Pajak, Adalbertus mot-Dudek, Rosalia note: pgf-Pajak, Mathai; pgm-Kosiuba, Magdalena; mgf-Dudek, Jacobi; mgm-Piekielek, Regina; gdf-Drazek, Joannes; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Tondera, Martini; mid-Gos, Maria [#<] Pajak, Michael b. 18720914 Budziwoj, No. 221 chr 18720915 fat-Pajak, Paulus mot-Dudek, Magdalena note: pgf-Pajak, Adalberti; pgm-Bartynski, Maria; mgf-Dudek, Adalberti; mgm-Pasko, Hedvigis; gdf-Ziobro, Michael; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Pasko, Franciscum; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+28/9 72"; Sophia wid {C90} Pajak, Michael b. 18750911 Budziwoj, No. 155 chr 18750912 fat-Pajak, Adalbertus mot-Dudek, Rosalia note: pgf-Pajak, Mathai; pgm-Kosiuba, Magdalena; mgf-Dudek, Jacobi; mgm-Piekielek, Regina; gdf-Borowiec, Antoni; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Tondera, Martini; mid-Gos, Maria {I37} Pajek, Paulus b. 18771216 Budziwoj, No. 155 chr 18771220 fat-Pajek, Adalbertus mot-Dudek, Rosalia note: pgf-Pajek, Mathai; pgm-Kosinba, Magdalena; mgf-Dudek, Jacobi; mgm-Piekielek, Regina; gdf-Drazek, Joannes; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Tondera, Martini; mid-Gos, Maria [#] Para, Josephus b. 18810209 Tyczyn, No. 316 chr 18810210 fat-Para, Joannes mot-Rogoz, Brigitta note: pgf-Para, Laurentii; pgm-Cyran, Magdalena; mgf-Rogoz, Jacobi; mgm-Fornal, Anna; gdf-Rogoz, Joannes; gdm-, Lucia; gmh-Kura, Antoni; entry No. 11 1881 [#] Pasko, Adalbertus b. 18690224 Budziwoj, No. 75 chr 18690225 fat-Pasko, Joannes mot-Kyc, Catharina note: pgf-Pasko, Gaspari; pgm-Drewniak, Barbara; mgf-Kyc, Adalberti; mgm-Kotula, Mariae; gdf-Pasko, Casimirus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Solecki, Michaelis; mid-Kozik, Madg.!; "+23/11 1900" [#<] Pasko, Maria b. 18730502 Budziwoj, No. 85 chr 18730503 fat-Pasko, Michael Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 455 DATABASE TABLES mot-Goryl, Agatha note: pgf-Pasko, Pauli; pgm-Grzebyk, Sophia; mgf-Goryl, Nicolai; mgm-Kantor, Sophia; gdf-Pasko, Antonius; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Tondera, Martini; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+" [#<] Pasko, Michael b. 18750926 Budziwoj, No. 66 chr 18750929 fat-Pasko, Antonius mot-Piekielek, Maria note: pgf-Pasko, Joannis; pgm-Bober, Maria; mgf-Piekielek, Alojsii; mgm-Pankowski, Sophia; gdf-Jopek, Adalbertus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Ziobro, Michaelis; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Pasko, Rosalia b. 18740601 Budziwoj, No. 271 chr 18740604 fat-Pasko, Antonius mot-Kawa, Maria note: pgf-Pasko, Pauli; pgm-Grzebyk, Sophia; mgf-Kawa, Michaelis; mgm-Glodowska, Agatha; gdf-Pasko, Michael; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Marciniec, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+19/IX 1942" [#<] Pasko, Sophia b. 18690823 Budziwoj, No. 271 chr 18960823 fat-Pasko, Antonius mot-Kawa, Maria note: pgf-Pasko, Pauli; pgm-Grzebyk, Sophia; mgf-Kawa, Michaelis; mgm-Glodowska, Agatha; gdf-Pasko, Michael; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Marciniec, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig; "+29/8 1891" [#] Pasko, Sophia b. 18711221 Budziwoj, No. 75 chr 18711222 fat-Pasko, Joannes mot-Kyc, Catharina note: pgf-Pasko, Caspri; pgm-Podrewniak, Barbara; mgf-Kyc, Adalberti; mgm-Kotula, Maria; gdf-Paskowicz, Casimirus; gdm-, Apollonia; gmh-Wrobel, Mathai; mid-Kozik, Maria [#] Pasko, Sophia b. 18740519 Budziwoj, No. 75 chr 18740520 fat-Pasko, Joannes mot-Kyc, Catharina note: pgf-Pasko, Gaspari; pgm-Drewniak, Catharina; mgf-Kyc, Adalberti; mgm-Kotula, Maria; gdf-Konkol, Casimirus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Krok, Pauli; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+24/10 925" [#<] Pasko, Thomas b. 18761214 Budziwoj, No. 272 chr 18761215 fat-Pasko, Antonius mot-Kawa, Maria note: pgf-Pasko, Pauli; pgm-Grzebyk, Sophia; mgf-Kawa, Michaelis; mgm-Glodowski, Agnetis; gdf-Marciniec, Josephus; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Pasko, Michaelis; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "zm 3 XI 55 U.S.C. Budziwoj 12/55" [#<] Pasko, Thomas b. 18791023 Budziwoj, No. 183 chr 18791023 fat-Pasko, Casimirus 456 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records mot-Borowiec, Catharina note: pgf-Pasko, Michaelis; pgm-Borowiec, Maria; mgf-Borowiec, Joannes; mgm-Domino, Maria; gdf-Borowiec, Laurentus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Paskiewicz, Josephi; mid-Koziczka, Maria [#<] Paskowicz, Casimirus b. 18790319 Budziwoj, No. 23 chr 18790321 fat-Paskowicz, Franciscus mot-Glodowski, Catharina note: pgf-Paskowicz, Michaelis; pgm-Borowiec, Maria; mgf-Glodowski, Francisci; mgm-Drazek, Maria; gdf-Pasko, Casimirus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; mid-Kozicka, Maria; "+1/4 79" [#<] Paskowicz, Casimirus b. 18800223 Budziwoj, No. 192 chr 18800224 fat-Paskowicz, Thomas mot-Kozik, Agatha note: pgf-Paskowicz, Casimiri; pgm-Jopek, Magdalena; mgf-Kozik, Thomas; mgm-Drazek, Maria; gdf-Pasko, Franciscus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Jopek, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Paskowicz, Franciscus b. 18770924 Budziwoj, No. 139 chr 18770924 fat-Paskowicz, Michael mot-Borowiec, Magdalena note: pgm-Paskowicz, Maria; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; gdf-Huchla, Antoni; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Kawa, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+" [#<] Paskowicz, Franciscus b. 18780922 Budziwoj, No. 202 chr 18780923 fat-Paskowicz, Josephus mot-Kozik, Magdalena note: pgf-Paskowicz, Casimiri; pgm-Jopek, Magdalena; mgf-Kozik, Josephi; mgm-Kozik!, Maria; gdf-Paskowicz, Thomas; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Rog, Laurentii; mid-Kozik, Maria {G27} Paskowicz, Magdalena b. 18770622 Budziwoj, No. 183 chr 18770624 fat-Paskowicz, Casimirus mot-Borowiec, Catharina note: pgf-Paskowicz, Michaelis; pgm-Borowiec, Maria; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Domino, Maria; gdf-Borowiec, Laurentius; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Paskowicz, Josephi; mid-Wojcik, Cath. {A88} Paskowicz, Maria b. 18741107 Budziwoj, No. 232 chr 18741108 fat-Paskowicz, Casimirus mot-Borowiec, Catharina note: pgf-Paskowicz, Michaelis; pgm-Borowiec, Maria; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Domino, Maria; gdf-Borowiec, Laurentius; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Paskowicz, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Paskowicz, Maria b. 18770924 Budziwoj, No. 139 chr 18770924 fat-Paskowicz, Michael Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 457 DATABASE TABLES mot-Borowiec, Magdalena note: pgm-Paskowicz, Maria; mgf-Borowiec, Joannis; mgm-Miciuda, Hedvigis; gdf-Predki, Paulus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Glodowski, Michaelis; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. {B13} Peszko, Stanislauis b. 18930506 Tyczyn, No. 324 chr 18930511 fat-Peszko, Josepheis mot-Marciniec, Victoria note: pgf-Peszko, Sebastieus; pgm-Dlugosz, Mariae; mgf-Marciniec, Josephis; mgm-Adamska, Catharinae; gdf-Paluch, Laurentius; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Fornal, Valentini; mid-Filip, Maria; cert. 15nov1911 {C97} Piech, Antonius b. 18830113 Blazowa, No. 109 chr 18830114 fat-Piech, Michael mot-Samek, Marianna note: pgf-Piech, Josephi; pgm-Ostafins, Agnetis; mgf-Samek, Thomae; mgm-Pasciak, Sophiae; gdf-Samek, Josephus; gdm-, Agata; gmh-Pasciak, Pauli; mid-Pasciak, Agatha; "zmarl 1.10.1962 Hermanowa, USC Tyczyn" [#<] Piecuch, Casimirus b. 18720225 Budziwoj, No. 5 chr 18720226 fat-Piecuch, Martinus mot-Glodowski, Maria note: pgf-Piecuch, Casimiri; pgm-Klimasz, Francisca; mgf-Glodowski, Adalberti; mgm-Najduch, Catharina; gdf-Witek, Joannes; gdm-, Agnes; gmh-Skoczylas, Thoma; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig.; "II cop. 1/8 1929" [#<] Piecuch, Rosalia b. 18740304 Budziwoj, No. 5 chr 18740305 fat-Piecuch, Martinus mot-Glodowski, Maria note: pgf-Piecuch, Adalberti; pgm-Klimasz, Francisca; mgf-Glodowski, Adalberti; mgm-Najduch, Catharina; gdf-Witek, Joannes; gdm-, Agnes; gmh-Skoczylas, Thoma; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Piekielek, Agatha b. 18780320 Budziwoj, No. 133 chr 18780322 fat-Piekielek, Laurentius mot-Rog, Magdalena note: pgf-Piekielek, Francisci; pgm-Paskowicz, Catharina; mgf-Rog, Pauli; mgm-Gorzelec, Catharina; gdf-Domino, Michael; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Borowiec, Laurentii; mid-Gos, Maria; "+" [#<] Piekielek, Agnes b. 18711211 Budziwoj, No. 133 chr 18711213 fat-Piekielek, Laurentius mot-Rog, Magdalena note: pgf-Piekielek, Francisci; pgm-Paselowicz, Catharina; mgf-Rog, Pauli; mgm-Gorzelec, Catharina [#<] Piekielek, Anna b. 18750924 Budziwoj, No. 133 chr 18750926 fat-Piekielek, Laurentius 458 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records mot-Rog, Magdalena note: pgf-Piekielek, Francisci; pgm-Paskowicz, Catherinae; mgf-Rog, Pauli; mgm-Gorzelec, Catherina; gdf-Domino, Michael; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Borowiec, Laurentii; mid-Gos, Maria [#<] Piekielek, Franciscus b. 18691227 Budziwoj, No. 133 chr 18691228 fat-Piekielek, Laurantius mot-Rog, Magdalena note: pgf-Piekielek, Francisci; pgm-Paskowicz, Catherinae; mgf-Rog, Pauli; mgm-Gorzelec, Catherina; gdf-Domino, Michael; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Borowiec, Laurentii; mid-Gos, Maria; "+30/8 74" [#<] Piekielek, Franciscus b. 18760823 Budziwoj, No. 148 chr 18760824 fat-Piekielek, Laurentius mot-Konkol, Catharina note: pgf-Piekielek, Alojsii; pgm-Pawlowska, Sophia; mgf-Konkol, Laurentii; mgm-Waclaw, Agatha; gdf-Jopek, Adalbertus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Predki, Josephi; mid-Gos, Maria; "+28/8 76" Pawlowska or Pantronska? [#<] Piekielek, Joannes b. 18790721 Budziwoj, No. 66 chr 18790722 fat-Piekielek, Valentinus mot-Piekielek, Rosalia note: pgf-Piekielek, Alojsi; pgm-Pawlowski, Sophia; mgf-Piekielek, Petri; mgm-Domino, Francisca; gdf-Grzebyk, Martinus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Huchla, Antoni; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+9/4 80" [#?] Piekielek, Laurentius b. 18770806 Budziwoj, No. 122 chr 18770807 fat-Piekielek, Jacobus mot-Kyc, Magdalena note: pgf-Piekielek, Antoni; pgm-Buryn, Helena; mgf-Kyc, Adalberti; mgm-Kotula, Maria; gdf-Kyc, Antonius; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Borowiec, Laurentii; mid-Najduch, Agatha [#<] Piekielek, Magdalena b. 18770620 Budziwoj, No. 66 chr 18770620 fat-Piekielek, Laurentius mot-Konkol, Catharina note: pgf-Piekielek, Alojsii; pgm-Pawlowski, Sophia; mgf-Konkol, Laurentii; mgm-Waclaw, Agatha; gdf-Jopek, Adalbertius; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Predki, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+" [#<] Piekielek, Maria b. 18781118 Budziwoj, No. 66 chr 18781119 fat-Piekielek, Laurentius mot-Konkol, Catharina note: pgf-Piekielek, Alojsii; pgm-Pawlowski, Sophia; mgf-Konkol, Laurentii; mgm-Waclaw, Agatha; gdf-Jopek, Adalbertus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Kotula, Paulus; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Piekielek, Maria b. 18791110 Budziwoj, No. 59 chr 18791110 fat-Piekielek, Adalbertus Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 459 DATABASE TABLES mot-Piotrowski, Catharina note: pgf-Piekielek, Alojsi; pgm-Pawlowski, Sophia; mgf-Piotrowski, Josephi; mgm-Kozik, Maria; gdf-Gruba, Valentinus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Kotula, Thomas; mid-Domino, Maria [#<] Piekielek, Sophia b. 18771016 Budziwoj, No. 66 chr 18771021 fat-Piekielek, Valentinus mot-Piekielek, Rosalia note: pgf-Piekielek, Alojsi; pgm-Jopek, Sophia; mgf-Piekielek, Petri; mgm-Borowiec, Francisca; gdf-Pasko, Antoni; gdm-Piekielek, Sophia; mid-Kozik, Maria [#] Piekielek, Thomas b. 18791101 Budziwoj, No. 122 chr 18791101 fat-Piekielek, Jacobus mot-Kyc, Magdalena note: pgf-Piekielek, Antonii; pgm-Buryn, Helena; mgf-Kyc, Adalberti; mgm-Kotula, Maria; gdf-Skoczylas, Martinus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Borowiec, Laurentii; mid-Najduch, Agatha [#<] Piekielek, Victoria b. 18721221 Budziwoj, No. 133 chr 18721222 fat-Piekielek, Laurentius mot-Rog, Magdalena note: pgf-Piekielek, Francisci; pgm-Paskowicz, Catharina; mgf-Rog, Pauli; mgm-Gorzelec, Catharina; gdf-Domino, Michael; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Borowiec, Laurentii; mid-Kakla, Agatha; "zm. 30.3.1960 Tyczyn, U.S.C Tyczyn 39/1960" [#<] Pieniazek, Joannes b. 18760430 Budziwoj, No. 224 chr 18760501 fat-Pieniazek, Andreas mot-Baran, Agatha note: pgm-Harasym, Maria; mgf-Baran, Francisci; mgm-Borowiec, Catharina; gdf-Moskal, Ladislaus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Predki, Paulus; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+18/9 76"; Catharina Predki wid [#<] Pieniazek, Josephus b. 18740302 Budziwoj, No. 224 chr 18740303 fat-Pieniazek, Andreas mot-Baran, Agatha note: pgm-Harasym, Maria; mgf-Baran, Francisci; mgm-Borowiec, Catharina; gdf-Predki, Paulus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Solecki, Joannis; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+10/6 75" [#<] Pieniazek, Marianna b. 18730322 Budziwoj, No. 224 chr 18730323 fat-Pieniazek, Andreas mot-Baran, Agatha note: pgm-Pieniazek, Maria; mgf-Baran, Francisci; mgm-Borowiec, Catharina; gdf-Solecki, Joannes; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Stachurski, Antoni; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig.; "+" [#<] Pieniazek, Thomas b. 18771215 Budziwoj, No. 224 chr 18771217 fat-Pieniazek, Andreas mot-Baran, Agatha 460 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records note: pgm-Harasymiowka, Maria; mgf-Baran, Francisci; mgm-Borowiec, Catharina; gdf-Solecki, Joannes; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Predki, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; Maria dau Jacob Harasym & Apolonia; Gdm wid [#<] Pieniazek, Valentinus b. 18810130 Budziwoj, No. 224 chr 18810131 fat-Pieniazek, Andreas mot-Baran, Agnes note: pgm-Hasymionka, Marianna; mgf-Baran, Francisci; mgm-Borowiec, Catharina; gdf-Janiec, Michael; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Predki, Pauli; mid-Jelenska, Marianna; entry No. 11 1881 [#<] Pienta, Josephus b. 18770914 Budziwoj, No. 83 chr 18770916 mot-Pieta, Maria note: mgf-Pieta, Michaelis; mgm-Zegota, Catharina; gdf-Pasko, Clemens; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+14/12 78" [#<] Pienta, Marianna b. 18750317 Budziwoj, No. 85 chr 18750317 fat-Pienta, Laurentius mot-Borowiec, Marianna note: pgf-Pienta, Michaelis; pgm-Wozniakowna, Agatha; mgf-Borowiec, Thaddai; mgm-Stachurska, Cathar.; gdf-Kotula, Paulus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; mid-Borowiowa, Hedvigis; "+ 19/XI 1936" [#<] Pienta, Thomas b. 18800308 Budziwoj, No. 145 chr 18800309 fat-Pienta, Franciscus mot-Miciuda, Catharina note: pgf-Pienta, Michaelis; pgm-Zagurszczonka, Catharin; mgf-Miciuda, Mathai; mgm-Paskowna, Anna; gdf-Kosciolek, Jacobus; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Baran, Pauli; mid-Domaka, Marianna; "+4/III/1943" [#<] Pieta, Adalbertus b. 18740412 Budziwoj, No. 60 chr 18740413 fat-Pieta, Franciscus mot-Predki, Catharina note: pgf-Pieta, Michaelis; pgm-Wozniak, Catharina; mgf-Predki, Martini; mgm-Stachurska, Sophia; gdf-Pasko, Joannes; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Predki, Antonii; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+23/V 1942" [#<] Pieta, Antoni b. 18790521 Budziwoj, No. 60 chr 18790525 fat-Pieta, Franciscus mot-Predki, Catharina note: pgf-Pieta, Michaelis; pgm-Wozniak, Catharina; mgf-Predki, Martini; mgm-Stachurski, Sophia; gdf-Predki, Antonius; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Pasko, Joannus; mid-Domino, Maria; Magdalena Pasko wid [#<] Pieta, Antonius b. 18690610 Budziwoj, No. 88 chr 18690610 fat-Pieta, Laurentinus mot-Borowiec, Maria Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 461 DATABASE TABLES note: pgf-Pieta, Michaelis; pgm-Wozniak, Catharina; mgf-Borowiec, Thaddai; mgm-Stachurska, Catharina; gdf-Pieta, Franciscus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig; "+18/4 73" [#<] Pieta, Catharina b. 18711111 Budziwoj, No. 60 chr 18711112 fat-Pieta, Franciscus mot-Predki, Catharina note: pgf-Pieta, Michaelis; pgm-Wozniak, Catharina; mgf-Predki, Martini; mgm-Stachurska, Sophia; gdf-Predki, Antonius; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Stachurski, Martini; mid-Domino, Maria [#<] Pieta, Catharina b. 18771125 Budziwoj, No. 88 chr 18771127 fat-Pieta, Laurentius mot-Borowiec, Maria note: pgf-Pieta, Michaelis; pgm-Wozniak, Catharina; mgf-Borowiec, Thaddai; mgm-Stachurski, Catharina; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Kotula, Pauli; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Pieta, Franciscus b. 18720412 Budziwoj, No. 88 chr 18720414 fat-Pieta, Laurentius mot-Borowiec, Maria note: pgf-Pieta, Michaelis; pgm-Wozniak, Catharina; mgf-Borowiec, Thaddai; mgm-Stachurska, Sophia; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Pieta, Francisci; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+25/4 72" {I89} Pieta, Franciscus b. 18750811 Budziwoj, No. 83 chr 18750812 {I90} fat-Pieta, Josephus mot-Pasko, Catharina note: pgf-Pieta, Michaelis; pgm-Rzegota, Catharina; mgf-Pasko, Joannis; mgm-Glodowski, Agatha; gdf-Pieta, Franciscus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Busz, Jospehi; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Pieta, Josephus b. 18750905 Budziwoj, No. 145 chr 18750905 fat-Pieta, Franciscus mot-Miciuda, Catharina note: pgf-Pieta, Michaelis; pgm-Grzegola, Catharina; mgf-Miciuda, Mathai; mgm-Pasko, Anna; gdf-Baran, Paulus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Kosciolek, Jacobi; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+ 6/8 76" [#<] Pieta, Josephus b. 18770627 Budziwoj, No. 145 chr 18770628 fat-Pieta, Franciscus mot-Miciuda, Catharina note: pgf-Pieta, Michaelis; pgm-Zegota, Catharina; mgf-Miciuda, Mathai; mgm-Pasko, Francisca; gdf-Baran, Paulus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Kosciolek, Jacobi; mid-Kozik, Maria; "zm 2/1 1953 Ramoju Nr. 1/53" [#<] Pieta, Marianna b. 18730201 Budziwoj, No. 145 chr 18730202 fat-Pieta, Franciscus 462 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records mot-Miciuda, Catharina note: pgf-Pieta, Michaelis; pgm-Rzegota, Catharina; mgf-Miciuda, Mathai; mgm-Pasko, Anna; gdf-Baran, Paulus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Kosciolek, Jacobi; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Pieta, Sophia b. 18701014 Budziwoj, No. 144 chr 18701015 fat-Pieta, Franciscus mot-Miciuda, Catharina note: pgf-Pieta, Michaelis; pgm-Grzegorz, Catharina; mgf-Miciuda, Mathai; mgm-Pasko, Anna; gdf-Baran, Paulus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Kosciolek, Jacobi; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Pieta, Sophia b. 18740515 Budziwoj, No. 88 chr 18740517 fat-Pieta, Laurentius mot-Borowiec, Marianna note: pgf-Pieta, Michaelis; pgm-Wozniak, Francisca; mgf-Borowiec, Thaddai; mgm-Stachurska, Catharina; gdf-Kotula, Paulus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+" [#<] Pieta, Sophia b. 18770314 Budziwoj, No. 60 chr 18770316 fat-Pieta, Franciscus mot-Predki, Catharina note: pgf-Pieta, Michaelis; pgm-Domaradzka, Catharina; mgf-Predki, Martini; mgm-Stachurski, Sophia; gdf-Pasko, Joannes; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Predki, Antoni; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "zm 31/1 1954 Bielska-Bialy Nr. 53" [#<] Pieta, Sophia b. 18771225 Budziwoj, No. 72 chr 18771226 {I90} fat-Pieta, Josephus mot-Pasko, Catharina note: pgf-Pieta, Michaelis; pgm-Zegota, Catharina; mgf-Pasko, Joannes; mgm-Glodowski, Agatha; gdf-Busz, Josephus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Pieta, Francisci; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Pieta, Thomas b. 18681128 Budziwoj, No. 60 chr 18681129 fat-Pieta, Franciscus mot-Predki, Catharina note: pgf-Pieta, Michaelis; pgm-Wozniak, Catharina; mgf-Predki, Martini; mgm-Stachurska, Sophia; gdf-Pieta, Josephus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Pasko, Joannis; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig [#<] Pietras, Andreas b. 18800226 Budziwoj, No. 146 chr 18800227 fat-Pietras, Michael mot-Paczesniak, Hedvigis note: pgf-Pietras, Demetrii; pgm-Warzocha, Maria; mgf-Paczesniak, Pauli; mgm-Waclaw, Maria; gdf-Palka, Alexander; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Warzocha, Josephi; mid-Warzocha, Catharina [#<] Pietras, Catharina b. 18770408 Budziwoj, No. 146 chr 18770409 fat-Pietras, Michael Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 463 DATABASE TABLES mot-Paczesniak, Hedvigis note: pgf-Pietras, Dimitri; pgm-Warzocha, Maria; mgf-Paczesniak, Pauli; mgm-Waclaw, Catharina; gdf-Palka, Alexander; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Warzocha, Josephi [#<] Pietras, Josephus b. 18760113 Budziwoj, No. 146 chr 18760113 fat-Pietras, Michael mot-Paczesniak, Hedvigis note: pgf-Pietras, Dimitri; pgm-Warzocha, Maria; mgf-Paczesniak, Pauli; mgm-Waclaw, Catharina; gdf-Bukala, Petrus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Warzocha, Josephi; mid-Majer, Maria; "+ 19/1 76" [#<] Pitera, Joannes b. 18730503 Budziwoj, No. 146 chr 18730504 fat-Pitera, Michael mot-Paczesniak, Hedvigis note: pgf-Pitera, Dimitri; pgm-Warzocha, Maria; mgf-Paczesniak, Pauli; mgm-Waclaw, Catharina; gdf-Bukala, Petrus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Warzocha, Josephi; mid-Majer, Maria [#<] Plonka, Agatha b. 18720725 Budziwoj chr 18720728 fat-Plonka, Martinus mot-Kozik, Sophia note: pgf-Plonka, Andrea; pgm-Przygoda, Regina; mgf-Kozik, Michaelis; mgm-Grzebyk, Maria; gdf-Pasko, Antonius; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Rusek, Joannis; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig. [#] Plonka, Agatha b. 18780316 Budziwoj, No. 16 chr 18780317 fat-Plonka, Adalbertus mot-Glodowski, Rosalia note: pgf-Plonka, Valentini; pgm-Borowiec, Maria; mgf-Glodowski, Jacobi; mgm-Paskowicz, Catharina; gdf-Borowiec, Franciscus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Konkol, Pauli; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Plonka, Agnes b. 18710112 Budziwoj, No. 250 chr 18710112 fat-Plonka, Martinus mot-Kozik, Sophia note: pgf-Plonka, Valentini; pgm-Przygoda, Regina; mgf-Kozik, Michaelis; mgm-Grzebyk, Maria; gdf-Pasko, Joannes; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Pasko, Antonius; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig.; [listed second] [#<] Plonka, Antonina b. 18890612 Budziwoj fat-Plonka, Wojciech mot-Witek, Maria note: copy (cert. 11oct1971 from 46/1889 Budziwoj) [#<] Plonka, Catharina b. 18681022 Budziwoj, No. 21 chr 18681023 fat-Plonka, Andreas mot-Witek, Maria note: pgf-Plonka, Valentini; pgm-Brzygoda, Regina; mgf-Witek, Adalberti; mgm-Wajda, Catharina; gdf-Bomba, Laurentius; gdm-, Hedvigis; gmh-Witek, Joannis; mid-Borowiec, Hedv; "+8/8 869" 464 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records [#] Plonka, Catharina b. 18710324 Budziwoj, No. 16 chr 18710325 fat-Plonka, Adalbertus mot-Glodowski, Rosalia note: pgf-Plonka, Valentini; pgm-Borowiec, Maria; mgf-Glodowski, Jacobi; mgm-Paskowicz, Catharina; gdf-Konkol, Paulus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Konkol, Adalberti; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig. [#<] Plonka, Catharina b. 18790718 Budziwoj, No. 250 chr 18790720 fat-Plonka, Martinus mot-Kozik, Sophia note: pgf-Plonka, Valentini; pgm-Rzegota, Regina; mgf-Kozik, Michaelis; mgm-Grzebyk, Maria; gdf-Plonka, Andreas; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Pasko, Antonii; mid-Bumfeld, Hinda; "+" [#] Plonka, Joannes b. 18760531 Budziwoj, No. 16 chr 18760604 fat-Plonka, Adalbertus mot-Glodowski, Rosalia note: pgf-Plonka, Valentini; pgm-Borowiec, Maria; mgf-Glodowski, Jacobi; mgm-Paskowicz, Magdalena; gdf-Konkol, Paulus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Borowiec, Francisci; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+5/12 76" [#<] Plonka, Magdalena b. 18700525 Budziwoj, No. 235 chr 18700526 fat-Plonka, Andreas mot-Witek, Maria note: pgf-Plonka, Valentini; pgm-Brzygoda, Regina; mgf-Witek, Adalberti; mgm-Wajda, Catharina; gdf-Bomba, Laurentius; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Pieta, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig; "+13/viii 1941" [#<] Plonka, Paulus b. 18710112 Budziwoj, No. 250 chr 18710112 fat-Plonka, Martinus mot-Kozik, Sophia note: pgf-Plonka, Valentini; pgm-Przygoda, Regina; mgf-Kozik, Michaelis; mgm-Grzebyk, Maria; gdf-Pasko, Antonius; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Pasko, Joannis; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig.; "+16/1 71"; listed first [#] Plonka, Paulus b. 18730927 Budziwoj, No. 16 chr 18730928 fat-Plonka, Adalbertus mot-Glodowski, Rosali note: pgf-Plonka, Valentini; pgm-Borowiec, Maria; mgf-Glodowski, Jacobi; mgm-Paskowicz, Catharina; gdf-Konkol, Paulus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Borowiec, Francisci; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+24/11 76" [#<] Plonka, Sophia b. 18730208 Budziwoj, No. 235 chr 18730209 fat-Plonka, Andreas mot-Witek, Maria note: pgf-Plonka, Valentii; pgm-Przygoda, Maria; mgf-Witek, Adalberti; mgm-Najda, Catharina; gdf-Bomba, Laurentius; gdm-, Hedvigis; gmh-Witek, Joannes; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 465 DATABASE TABLES [#<] Plonka, Valentinus b. 18760727 Budziwoj, No. 235 chr 18760730 fat-Plonka, Andreas mot-Witek, Maria note: pgf-Plonka, Valentini; pgm-Przygoda, Maria; mgf-Witek, Adalberti; mgm-Najda, Catharina; gdf-Kotula, Valentinus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Bomba, Laurentii; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+8/3 78" [#<] Predki, Catharina b. 18711116 Budziwoj, No. 248 chr 18711116 fat-Predki, Laurentius mot-Borowiec, Sophia note: pgf-Predki, Josephus; pgm-Pawlowska, Barbara; mgf-Borowiec, Stanislai; mgm-Kozik, Francisca; gdf-Borowiec, Joannes; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Glowacki, Joannis; mid-Najduch, Agatha [#<] Predki, Catharina b. 18731106 Budziwoj, No. 59 chr 18731106 fat-Predki, Joannes mot-Jopek, Magdalena note: pgf-Predki, Martini; pgm-Stachurska, Sophia; mgf-Jopek, Petri; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Gliwa, Josephus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Paskowicz, Josephi; mid-Domino, Maria; "+" [#] Predki, Franciscus b. 18701129 Kielnarowa, No. 102 chr 18701129 fat-Predki, Laurentius mot-Bomba, Maria note: pgf-Predki, Mathaie; pgm-Cislo, Maria; mgf-Bomba, Adalberti; mgm-Grzebyk, Barbara; gdf-Para, Valentius; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Domino, Pauli [#<] Predki, Franciscus b. 18741114 Budziwoj, No. 97 chr 18741115 fat-Predki, Antonius mot-Jopek, Sophia note: pgf-Predki, Martini; pgm-Stachurska, Sophia; mgf-Jopek, Joannis; mgm-Borowiec, Agatha; gdf-Pieta, Franciscus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Jopek, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+ 11/3 1931" [#<] Predki, Franciscus b. 18790524 Budziwoj, No. 288 chr 18790526 fat-Predki, Joannis mot-Jopek, Magdalina note: pgf-Predki, Martini; pgm-Stachurski, Sophia; mgf-Jopek, Petri; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Gliwa, Jospehus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Pasko, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedvigis; "+14/9 87" [#<] Predki, Josephus b. 18690517 Budziwoj, No. 97 chr 18690518 fat-Predki, Antonius mot-Jopek, Sophia note: pgf-Predki, Martini; pgm-Stachurska, Sophia; mgf-Jopek, Joannis; mgm-Borowiec, Agatha; gdf-Borowiec, Laurentius; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Pieta, Francisci; mid-Domino, Maria; "+21/IV 1935" 466 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records [#<] Predki, Josephus b. 18741126 Budziwoj, No. 149 chr 18741127 fat-Predki, Joannes mot-Jopek, Magdalena note: pgf-Predki, Julius; pgm-Stachurska, Sophia; mgf-Jopek, Petri; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Gliwa, Josephus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Pasko, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+ 2/i 1929" [#<] Predki, Maria b. 18770415 Budziwoj, No. 288 chr 18770417 fat-Predki, Joannes mot-Jopek, Magdalena note: pgf-Predki, Martini; pgm-Stachurski, Sophia; mgf-Jopek, Petri; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Pasko, Josephus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+22/XI 1941; cop 25/XI 1903" [#<] Predki, Maria b. 18800117 Budziwoj, No. 97 chr 18800119 fat-Predki, Antoni mot-Jopek, Sophia note: pgf-Predki, Martini; pgm-Stachurska, Sophia; mgf-Jopek, Joannis; mgm-Borowicz, Agathae; gdf-Pienta, Franciscus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Jopek, Pauli; mid-Domino, Maria {I61} Predki, Marianna b. 18970106 Budziwoj fat-Predki, Kasper mot-Betleja, Katarzyna note: copy (cert. 17nov1959 from 7/1897 Budziwoj) [#<] Predki, Martinus b. 18721107 Budziwoj, No. 149 chr 18721107 fat-Predki, Joannes mot-Jopek, Magdalena note: pgf-Predki, Martini; pgm-Stachurski, Sophia; mgf-Jopek, Petri; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Gliwa, Josephus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Pasko, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig.; "+7/11 72" [#<] Predki, Paulus b. 18711230 Budziwoj, No. 97 chr 18711231 fat-Predki, Antonius mot-Jopek, Sophia note: pgf-Predki, Martinus; pgm-Stachurska, Sophia; mgf-Jopek, Joannis; mgm-Borowiec, Agathae; gdf-Jopek, Paulus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Pieta, Francisci; mid-Domino, Maria; "+15/XII 1941" [#<] Predki, Thomas b. 18770807 Budziwoj, No. 97 chr 18770807 fat-Predki, Antonius mot-Jopek, Sophia note: pgf-Predki, Martini; pgm-Stachurski, Sophia; mgf-Jopek, Joannis; mgm-Borowiec, Agatha; gdf-Jopek, Paulus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Pieta, Francisci; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "zm 19.1.1961 Budziwoj U.S.C. Tyczyn Nr. 8/61" [#<] Rog, Catharina b. 18741029 Budziwoj, No. 23 chr 18741030 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 467 DATABASE TABLES fat-Rog, Laurentius mot-Koza, Maria note: pgf-Rog, Stanislai; pgm-Glodowska, Francisca; mgf-Koza, Casimiri; mgm-Paskowicz, Catharina; gdf-Koza, Paulus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Kotula, Paulus; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+" [#<] Rog, Franciscus b. 18760919 Budziwoj, No. 282 chr 18760919 fat-Rog, Thomas mot-Lasota, Magdalena note: pgf-Rog, Stanislai; pgm-Glodowska, Francisca; mgf-Lasota, Martini; mgm-Paskowicz, Maria; gdf-Lasota, Casimirus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Kotula, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Rog, Josephus b. 18700314 Budziwoj, No. 60 chr 18700314 fat-Rog, Thomas mot-Lasota, Magdalena note: pgf-Rog, Stanislai; pgm-Glodowski, Francisca; mgf-Lasota, Martinii; mgm-Paskiewicz, Maria; gdf-Lasota, Casimiri; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Kotula, Pauli; mid-Szczoczarz, Sophia; "+11/7 73" [#<] Rog, Josephus b. 18700629 Budziwoj, No. 23 chr 18700630 fat-Rog, Laurentius mot-Predki, Catharina note: pgf-Rog, Stanislai; pgm-Glodowski, Francisca; mgf-Predki, Thomas; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Kotula, Paulus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Busz, Martini; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Rog, Josephus b. 18720228 Budziwoj, No. 84 chr 18720228 fat-Rog, Stanislaus mot-Predki, Sophia note: pgf-Rog, Josephi; pgm-Jopek, Agnetis; mgf-Predki, Thomae; mgm-Domino, Magdalenae; gdf-Gliwa, Josephus; gdm-, Catherina; gmh-Pieta, Francisci; mid-Domino, Maria [#<] Rog, Magdalena b. 18700719 Budziwoj, No. 205 chr 18700720 fat-Rog, Jacobus mot-Russek, Agnes note: pgf-Rog, Antonius; pgm-Rojek, Regina; mgf-Russek, Adalberti; mgm-Pasko, Hedvigis; gdf-Rog, Laurentii; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Pasko, Franciscii; mid-Domino, Maria [#<] Rog, Marianna b. 18740511 Budziwoj, No. 262 chr 18740514 fat-Rog, Thomas mot-Lasota, Magdalena note: pgf-Rog, Stanislai; pgm-Glodowska, Francisca; mgf-Lasota, Martini; mgm-Paskowicz, Maria; gdf-Lasota, Casimirus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Kotula, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. {F08} Rog, Paulus b. 18780923 Budziwoj, No. 84 chr 18780924 fat-Rog, Stanislaus mot-Predki, Sophia 468 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records note: pgf-Rog, Josephi; pgm-Jopek, Agatha; mgf-Predki, Thomas; mgm-Domino, Magdalena; gdf-Gliwa, Josephus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Jopek, Pauli; mid-Domino, Maria; "+4/9 1918" in Detroit America [#<] Rog, Rosalia b. 18720201 Budziwoj, No. 23 chr 18720202 fat-Rog, Thomas mot-Lasota, Magdalena note: pgf-Rog, Stanislai; pgm-Glodowska, Francisca; mgf-Lasota, Martini; mgm-Paskowicz, Maria; gdf-Lasota, Casimirus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Kotula, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig. [#<] Rog, Sophia b. 18800307 Budziwoj, No. 23 chr 18800308 fat-Rog, Laurentius mot-Koza, Marianna note: pgf-Rog, Stanislai; pgm-Glodowska, Francisca; mgf-Koza, Casimiri; mgm-Paskowicz, Catharina; gdf-Kotula, Pauli; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Koza, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedvigis [#<] Rog, Stanislaus b. 18760424 Budziwoj, No. 207 chr 18760426 fat-Rog, Jacobus mot-Rusek, Agnes note: pgf-Rog, Antonii; pgm-Rojek, Regina; mgf-Rusek, Adalberti; mgm-Pasko, Hedvigis; gdf-Konkol, Valentini; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Pieta, Francisci; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+2/4 85" [#<] Rog, Thomas b. 18760720 Budziwoj, No. 87 chr 18760720 fat-Rog, Stanislaus mot-Predki, Sophia note: pgf-Rog, Josephi; pgm-Jopek, Agatha; mgf-Predki, Thomas; mgm-Domino, Magdalena; gdf-Jopek, Paulus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Josephi; mid-Domino, Maria {A32} Rogoz, Joannes b. 18740317 Hermanowa, No. 83 chr 18740318 fat-Rogoz, Adalbertus mot-Baran, Maria note: pgf-Rogoz, Casimiri; pgm-Szczyrba, Franciscae; mgf-Baran, Ignatis; mgm-Rudka, Magdalena; gdf-Wrona, Laurentius; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Data, Adalberti; Rogoz accent z [#] Rozkiewicz, Joannes b. 18791123 Tyczyn chr 18791127 fat-Rozkiewicz, Thomas mot-Drazek, Maria note: pgf-Rozkiewicz, Joannis; pgm-Cebulska, Magdalena; mgf-Drazek, Rochi; mgm-Maciejowska, Theresiae; entry No. 78 1879; Roch "Fabrii Ferrarii" [#] Rozkiewicz, Victoria b. 18700908 Tyczyn, No. 219 chr 18700911 fat-Rozkiewicz, Thomas mot-Drazek, Maria note: pgf-Rozkiewicz, Joannes; pgm-Cebulska, Magdalena; mgf-Drazek, Roch; mgm-Maciejowska, Theresia; gdf-Wojtynkiewicz, Josephus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Olech, Simonis Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 469 DATABASE TABLES [#<] Rutka, Valeria b. 18881124 Hermanowa chr 18881127 fat-Rutka, Bernardis mot-Leniart, Maria note: pgf-Rutka, Jacob; pgm-Warzocha, Agathae; mgf-Leniart, Pauli; mgm-Baran, Catharina; gdf-Borowiec, Ignatius; gdm-, Martina; gmh-Rutka, Joannis [#<] Rybka, Carolina Anna b. 18800715 Blazowa, No. 348 chr 18800717 fat-Rybka, Paulus mot-Paluch, Marianna note: pgf-Rybka, Joannis; pgm-Rybka, Mariannae; mgf-Paluch, Jacobi; mgm-Zamora, Catherinae; gdf-Zamora, Joannes; gdm-, Marianna; gmh-Pawlik, Stanislai; mid-Chylek, Agata; "binominis"; J Zamore res Tyczyn; "cop 23I1901" [#<] Rybka, Catherina b. 18791106 Blazowa, No. 348 chr 18791107 fat-Rybka, Antonius mot-Malak, Marianna note: pgf-Rybka, Joannis; pgm-Rybka, Mariannae; mgf-Malak, Stanislai; mgm-Baba, Magdalenae; gdf-Trzyna, Adalbertus; gdm-, Hedvigis; gmh-Kaczor, Jocobi; mid-Chylek, Agata {B94} Rybka, Jendrzej b. 19111125 Blazowa chr 19111126 {B87} fat-Rybka, Ludwik mot-Sobota, Maria note: gdf-Grabos, Adalbert; gdm-Rybka, Louise; St. Adalberts dated 12may1924 [#<] Rybka, Julianna b. 18821210 Blazowa, No. 348 chr 18821210 fat-Rybka, Paulus mot-Paluch, Marianna note: pgf-Rybka, Joannis; pgm-Rybka, Mariannae; mgf-Paluch, Jacobi; mgm-Zamora, Catherinae; gdf-Rybka, Antonius; gdm-, Ludovica; gmh-Rybka, Valentini; mid-Brzek, Catherina; pgm fat Simone Rybka {B87} Rybka, Ludovicius b. 18810822 Blazowa, No. 348 chr 18810825 fat-Rybka, Antonius mot-Malak, Marianna note: pgf-Rybka, Joannis; pgm-Rybka, Mariannae; mgf-Malak, Stanislai; mgm-Baba, Magdalenae; gdf-Rybka, Paulus; gdm-, Ludovica; gmh-Trzyna, Adalberti; mid-Chylek, Agata; pgm fat Simone Rybka; Trzyna res Hyzne [#] 470 Slowik, Adalbertus b. 18720310 Hermanowa, No. 45 chr 18720311 fat-Slowik, Petrus mot-Cislo, Catharina note: pgf-Slowik, Stephani; pgm-Rykala, Catharina; mgf-Cislo, Pauli; mgm-Matula, Maria; gdf-Cislo, Antoni; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Zajac, Adalberti American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records [#<] Solecki, Laurentius b. 18700712 Budziwoj, No. 268 chr 18700713 fat-Solecki, Martinius mot-Borowiec, Maria note: pgf-Solecki, Mathai; pgm-Miciuda, Agnetis; mgf-Borowiec, Michaelis; mgm-Borowiec, Maria; gdf-Borowiec, Franciscus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Tonder, Thoma; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig [#<] Solecki, Michael b. 18730913 Budziwoj, No. 268 chr 18730914 fat-Solecki, Martinus mot-Borowiec, Maria note: pgf-Solecki, Mathia; pgm-Miciuda, Agatha; mgf-Borowiec, Michaelis; mgm-Borowiec, Maria; gdf-Tondera, Thomas; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Borowiec, Francisci; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+14/2 74" [#] Sroka, Paulus b. 18800512 Hermanowa chr 18800514 fat-Sroka, Petrus mot-Skoczylas, Magdalena note: pgf-Sroka, Adalberti; pgm-Borys, Marianna; mgf-Skoczylas, Michaelis; mgm-Szczoczarz, Marianna; entry No. 31 1880 [#<] Stachurski, Agatha b. 18790115 Budziwoj, No. 138 chr 18790119 fat-Stachurski, Michael mot-Glodowski, Magdalena note: pgf-Stachurski, Pauli; pgm-, Sophia; mgf-Glodowski, Adalberti; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Glodowski, Michael; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Glodowski, Martini; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Stachurski, Antonius b. 18721220 Budziwoj, No. 190 chr 18721221 fat-Stachurski, Martinus mot-Witek, Agatha note: pgf-Stachurski, Mathai; pgm-Paskowicz, Josepha; mgf-Witek, Valentini; mgm-Drazek, Catharina; gdf-Bomba, Laurentius; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Glodowski, Francisci; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig.; "+7/10 74" {G77} Stachurski, Casimirus b. 18730128 Budziwoj, No. 138 chr 18730129 fat-Stachurski, Michael mot-Glodowski, Magdalena note: pgf-Stachurski, Pauli; pgm-Glodowska, Sophia; mgf-Glodowski, Adalberti; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Glodowski, Martinus; gdm-, Lucia; gmh-Jopek, Martini; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+14/VIII 936"; Martinus Glodowski sgl [#<] Stachurski, Franciscus b. 18690728 Budziwoj, No. 92 chr 18690729 fat-Stachurski, Martinus mot-Witek, Agatha note: pgf-Stachurski, Mathai; pgm-Pasko, Josepha; mgf-Witek, Valentini; mgm-Drazek, Eva; gdf-Glodowski, Franciscus; gdm-, Catherina; gmh-Jopek, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig; "+30/10 74" Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 471 DATABASE TABLES [#<] Stachurski, Franciscus b. 18750919 Budziwoj, No. 195 chr 18750921 fat-Stachurski, Martinus mot-Witek, Agatha note: pgf-Stachurski, Mathai; pgm-Paskowicz, Josepha; mgf-Witek, Valentini; mgm-Drazek, Catharina; gdf-Bomba, Laurentinus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Stachurski, Franciscus b. 18760112 Budziwoj, No. 30 chr 18760113 fat-Stachurski, Antonius mot-Konkol, Sophia note: pgf-Stachurski, Martini; pgm-Baran, Catharina; mgf-Konkol, Casimiri; mgm-Gliwa, Magdalena; gdf-Grzebyk, Martinus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Goryl, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Stachurski, Franciscus b. 18770412 Budziwoj, No. 287 chr 18770413 fat-Stachurski, Thomas mot-Miciuda, Maria note: pgf-Stachurski, Mathai; pgm-Paskiewicz, Josepha; mgf-Miciuda, Mathai; mgm-Paskiewicz, Anna; gdf-Rog, Stanislaus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Miciuda, Joannis; mid-Kozik, Maria; "zm 2.IX.1962 Budziwoj Nr. 76/162" [#<] Stachurski, Joannes b. 18701210 Budziwoj, No. 77 chr 18701211 fat-Stachurski, Thomas mot-Miciuda, Magdalena note: pgf-Stachurski, Mathai; pgm-Paskiewicz, Josepha; mgf-Miciuda, Mathai; mgm-Pasko, Anna; gdf-Miciuda, Joannes; gdm-, Sophia; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+16/1 71"; Sophia dau of Thoma Predki [#<] Stachurski, Joannis b. 18740718 Budziwoj, No. 77 chr 18740719 fat-Stachurski, Thomas mot-Miciuda, Magdalena note: pgf-Stachurski, Matai; pgm-Paskowicz, Josepha; mgf-Miciuda, Mathai; mgm-Pasko, Anna; gdf-Miciuda, Joannes; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Rog, Stanislai; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Stachurski, Josephus b. 18721101 Budziwoj, No. 30 chr 18721102 fat-Stachurski, Antonius mot-Konkol, Sophia note: pgf-Stachurski, Martini; pgm-Baran, Catharina; mgf-Konkol, Casimiri; mgm-Gliwa, Magdalena; gdf-Grzebyk, Martinus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Goryl, Josephi; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Stachurski, Maria b. 18710218 Budziwoj, No. 138 chr 18710219 fat-Stachurski, Michael mot-Glodowski, Magdalena note: pgf-Stachurski, Pauli; pgm-Glodowski, Sophia; mgf-Glodowski, Adalberti; mgm-Domino, Catharina; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Josephi; mid-Domino, Maria; "+" 472 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records [#<] Stachurski, Marianna b. 18691212 Budziwoj, No. 30 chr 18691215 fat-Stachurski, Antonius mot-Konkol, Sophia note: pgf-Stachurski, Martini; pgm-Baran, Catharina; mgf-Konkol, Casimiri; mgm-Gliwa, Magdalena; gdf-Grzebyk, Martinus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Goryl, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig [#<] Stachurski, Sophia b. 18760319 Budziwoj, No. 138 chr 18760321 fat-Stachurski, Michael mot-Glodowski, Magdalena note: pgf-Stachurski, Pauli; pgm-Glodowski, Sophia; mgf-Glodowski, Adalberti; mgm-Domino, Catherina; gdf-Jopek, Martinus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Glodowski, Martini; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Stachurski, Thomas b. 18780129 Budziwoj, No. 165 chr 18780131 fat-Stachurski, Martini mot-Witek, Agatha note: pgf-Stachurski, Mathai; pgm-Paskowicz, Josepha; mgf-Witek, Valentini; mgm-Drazek, Catharina; gdf-Stachurski, Thomas; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Paskowicz, Thomas; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+9/8 1898" {A21} Szczoczarz, Josephus b. 18800313 Hermanowa, No. 14 chr 18800315 fat-Szczoczarz, Antoni mot-Standylo, Marianna note: pgf-Szczoczarz, Andreas; pgm-Sajdyk, Catharina; mgf-Standylo, Joannis; mgm-Klesk, Catharina; gdf-Jamrosz, Thomas; gdm-Rogkowa, Catharina; mid-Standylo, Catharina; entry No. 21 1880; Klesk hook e; gdm wid {G67} Szczupiel, Antonius b. 18690516 Budziwoj, No. 93 chr 18690517 fat-Szczupiel, Martinus mot-Lasota, Maria note: pgf-Szczupiel, Francisci; pgm-Konkol, Magdalena; mgf-Lasota, Valentini; mgm-Kalwa, Catherine; gdf-Borowiec, Laurentius; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Gliwa, Joannis; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig; copy (cert. 11oct1971 from 31/1869 Budzwioj) {E43} Szczupiel, Franciscus b. 18740721 Budziwoj, No. 93 chr 18740721 fat-Szczupiel, Joannes mot-Pieta, Agatha note: pgf-Szczupiel, Francisci; pgm-Konkol, Magdalena; mgf-Pieta, Michaelis; mgm-Wozniak, Catharina; gdf-Pieta, Franciscus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Pieta, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+5/I 1939" [#>] Szczupiel, Jan b. 19110602 Budziwoj fat-Szczupiel, Antoni mot-Plonka, Antonina note: copy (cert. 11oct1971 from 46/1911 Budziwoj) Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 473 DATABASE TABLES [#] Szczupiel, Joannes b. 18740530 Budziwoj, No. 93 chr 18740531 fat-Szczupiel, Martinus mot-Lasota, Maria note: pgf-Szczupiel, Francisci; pgm-Konkol, Magdalena; mgf-Lasota, Valentii; mgm-Kalwa, Catharina; gdf-Solecki, Joannes; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Glodowski, Martini; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+7/8 74" [#<] Szczupiel, Josephus b. 18700308 Budziwoj, No. 93 chr 18700309 fat-Szczupiel, Joannes mot-Pieta, Agatha note: pgf-Szczupiel, Francisci; pgm-Konkol, Magdalena; mgf-Pieta, Michaelis; mgm-Wozniak, Catharina; gdf-Pieta, Franciscus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Paskiewicz, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedvigis; "+13/1 72" [#] Szczupiel, Josephus b. 18720302 Budziwoj, No. 93 chr 18720302 fat-Szczupiel, Martinus mot-Lasota, Maria note: pgf-Szczupiel, Francisci; pgm-Konkol, Magdalena; mgf-Lasota, Valentini; mgm-Kalwa, Catharina; gdf-Szczupiel, Joannes; gdm-, Agnes; gmh-Borowiec, Laurentii; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig. [#<] Szczupiel, Josephus b. 18770224 Budziwoj, No. 261 chr 18770225 fat-Szczupiel, Joannes mot-Pieta, Agnes note: pgf-Szczupiel, Francisci; pgm-Konkol, Magdalena; mgf-Pieta, Michaelis; mgm-Wozniak, Catharina; gdf-Pieta, Franciscus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Stachurski, Martini; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+4/1 82" [#>] Szczupiel, Jozef b. 19070110 Budziwoj fat-Szczupiel, Antoni mot-Bachota, Zofia note: copy (cert. 11oct1971 from 1/1907 Budziwoj) {I14} Szczupiel, Kazimierz b. 18811227 Budziwoj fat-Szczupiel, Marcin mot-Lasota, Maria note: copy (cert. 11oct1971 from 96/1881 Budziwoj) [#] 474 Szczupiel, Magdalena b. 18760211 Budziwoj, No. 93 chr 18760211 fat-Szczupiel, Martinus mot-Lasota, Maria note: pgf-Szczupiel, Francisci; pgm-Konkol, Magdalena; mgf-Lasota, Valentini; mgm-Kalwa, Catharina; gdf-Pasko, Thomas; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Szczupiel, Joannis; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+" American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records [#>] Szczupiel, Maria b. 19020420 Budziwoj fat-Szczupiel, Antoni mot-Bachota, Zofia note: copy (cert. 11oct1971 from 30/1902 Budziwoj) [#] Szczupiel, Rosalia b. 18781212 Budziwoj, No. 93 chr 18781213 fat-Szczupiel, Martini mot-Lasota, Maria note: pgf-Szczupiel, Francisci; pgm-Konkol, Magdalena; mgf-Lasota, Valentini; mgm-Kalwa, Catharina; gdf-Pasko, Thomas; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Skoczylas, Antonii; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#] Szczupiel, Rozalia b. 18770901 Budziwoj, No. 93 chr 18770902 fat-Szczupiel, Martinus mot-Lasota, Maria note: pgf-Szczupiel, Francisci; pgm-Konkol, Magdalena; mgf-Lasota, Valentini; mgm-Kalwa, Catharina; gdf-Pasko, Thomas; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Tondera, Antonii; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+" [#<] Szczupiel, Sophia b. 18720407 Budziwoj, No. 93 chr 18720407 fat-Szczupiel, Joannes mot-Pieta, Agatha note: pgf-Szczupiel, Francisci; pgm-Konkol, Magdalena; mgf-Pieta, Michaelis; mgm-Wozniak, Catharina; gdf-Pieta, Josephus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Pieta, Francisci; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Szczupiel, Thomas b. 18791024 Budziwoj, No. 261 chr 18791026 fat-Szczupiel, Joannes mot-Pieta, Agatha note: pgf-Szczupiel, Francisi; pgm-Konkol, Magdalena; mgf-Pieta, Michaelis; mgm-Wozniak, Catharina; gdf-Stachurski, Martinus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Pieta, Francisi; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; judge in Rzeszow declared d. 19feb1924? {D21} Szczypek, Agatha b. 18800522 Hermanowa, No. 27 chr 18800523 fat-Szczypek, Antonius mot-Lasota, Sophia note: pgf-Szczypek, Pauli; pgm-Tluczek, Apollonia; mgf-Lasota, Antonii; mgm-Raczek, Victoria; gdf-Grzebyk, Joannes; gdm-, Marianna; gmh-Drazek, Ludovic; mid-Szczoczarz, Sophia; entry No. 35 1880 {E02} Szetela, Antonius b. 18720527 Tyczyn, No. 8 chr 18720528 fat-Szetela, Josephus mot-Marciniec, Sophia note: pgf-Szetela, Mathai; pgm-Krzton, Maria; mgf-Marciniec, Sebastiani; mgm-Rozek, Josepha; gdf-Data, Michal; gdm-, Ursula; gmh-Klimasz, Joannis Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 475 DATABASE TABLES [#] Szetela, Maria b. 18800114 Kielnarowa chr 18800115 fat-Szetela, Adalbertus mot-Drazek, Magdalena note: pgf-Szetela, Pauli; pgm-Silch?, Agatha; mgf-Drazek, Valentini; mgm-Drazek, Maria; entry No. 4 1880 [#] Szpala, Martianna b. 18790116 Kielnarowa chr 18790119 fat-Szpala, Valentinus mot-Drazek, Catharina note: pgf-Szpala, Simonis; pgm-Zembron, Francisca; mgf-Drazek, Valentini; mgm-Drazek, Maria; entry No. 2 1879 [#<] Szwed, Adalbertus b. 18720326 Budziwoj, No. 144 chr 18720427 mot-Szwed, Catharina note: mgf-Szwed, Laurentii; mgm-Szelewa, Catharina; gdf-Paluch, Jacobus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Wojcik, Christophori; "+11/4 73" [#<] Szwed, Agatha b. 18791120 Budziwoj, No. 164 chr 18791123 fat-Szwed, Joannes mot-Grzebyk, Catharina note: pgf-Szwed, Laurentii; pgm-Szeliwa, Catharina; mgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; mgm-Pieta, Sophia; gdf-Grzebyk, Francisus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Szwed, Josephum; mid-Majerka, Maria; Maria Szwed wid [#<] Szwed, Anna b. 18710401 Budziwoj, No. 164 chr 18710402 fat-Szwed, Joannes mot-Grzebyk, Catharina note: pgf-Szwed, Laurentii; pgm-Szelewianka, Catharina; mgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; mgm-Pienta, Sophia; gdf-Szwed, Josephus; gdm-, Anna; gmh-Szwed, Adalberti; mid-Majenska, Maria [#<] Szwed, Josephus b. 18730216 Budziwoj, No. 164 chr 18730216 fat-Szwed, Joannes mot-Grzebyk, Catharina note: pgf-Szwed, Laurentii; pgm-Szelewa, Catharina; mgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; mgm-Pieta, Sophia; gdf-Gliwa, Thomas; gdm-, Anna; gmh-Szwed, Adalberti; mid-Majer, Maria; "+17/4 73"; Thomas sgl [#<] Szwed, Josephus b. 18740314 Budziwoj, No. 164 chr 18740317 mot-Szwed, Catharina note: mgf-Szwed, Laurentii; mgm-Szelewa, Catharina; gdf-Borowiec, Josephus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Wojcik, Christophorum; mid-Majerka, Maria; "+5/10 76"; Madgalena wid [#<] Szwed, Josephus b. 18780213 Budziwoj, No. 7 chr 18780214 476 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records fat-Szwed, Joannes mot-Grzebyk, Catharina note: pgf-Szwed, Laurentii; pgm-Szekwa, Catharina; mgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; mgm-Pieta, Sophia; gdf-Grzebyk, Adalbertus; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Szwed, Josephus; mid-Majer, Maria; "+15/12 80"; Maria wid of Josephus [#<] Szwed, Julia b. 18691006 Budziwoj, No. 64 chr 18691007 fat-Szwed, Joannes mot-Grzebyk, Catharina note: pgf-Szwed, Laurentii; pgm-Szelewa, Catharina; mgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; mgm-Pieta, Sophia; gdf-Szwed, Josephus; gdm-Stachurska, Catharina; mid-Majer, Maria [#<] Szwed, Marianna b. 18760119 Budziwoj, No. 164 chr 18760119 fat-Szwed, Joannes mot-Grzebyk, Catharina note: pgf-Szwed, Laurentii; pgm-Szelewa, Catharina; mgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; mgm-Pieta, Sophia; gdf-Grzebyk, Adalbertus; gdm-, Hedvigis; gmh-Warzocha, Andrea; mid-Majer, Maria [#<] Szwed, Marianna b. 18760502 Budziwoj, No. 111 chr 18760503 fat-Szwed, Adalbertus mot-Grzebyk, Anna note: pgf-Szwed, Jacobi; pgm-Borowiec, Catharina; mgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; mgm-Kalwa, Maria; gdf-Jakubiec, Joannes; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Szwed, Josephi; mid-Warzocha, Cath. [#<] Szwed, Rosalia b. 18781018 Budziwoj, No. 111 chr 18781019 fat-Szwed, Adalbertus mot-Grzebyk, Anna note: pgf-Szwed, Jacobi; pgm-Borowiec, Catharina; mgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; mgm-Katwa, Maria; gdf-Jakubiec, Joannes; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Szwed, Josephus; mid-Warzocha, Cath. [#<] Szwed, Sophia b. 18730329 Budziwoj, No. 111 chr 18730330 fat-Szwed, Adalbertus mot-Grzebyk, Anna note: pgf-Szwed, Jacobi; pgm-Borowiec, Catharina; mgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; mgm-Kalwa, Maria; gdf-Jakubiec, Joannes; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Grzebyk, Francisci; mid-Majer, Maria [#<] Szwed, Stanislaus b. 18740503 Budziwoj, No. 164 chr 18740503 fat-Szwed, Joannes mot-Grzebyk, Catharina note: pgf-Szwed, Laurentii; pgm-Szelewa, Catharina; mgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; mgm-Pieta, Sophia; gdf-Gliwa, Thomas; gdm-, Anna; gmh-Szwed, Adalberti; mid-Majerka, Maria; "+20/11 76"; Gliwa sgl [#<] Szwed, Thomas b. 18701211 Budziwoj, No. 111 chr 18701212 fat-Szwed, Adalbertus Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 477 DATABASE TABLES mot-Grzebyk, Anna note: pgf-Szwed, Jacobi; pgm-Borowiec, Catharina; mgf-Grzebyk, Pauli; mgm-Kalwa, Maria; gdf-Miciuda, Antonius; gdm-, Agatha; gmh-Grzebyk, Josephi; mid-Majeska, Maria {B91} Tondera, Casimirus b. 18780808 Budziwoj, No. 187 chr 18780811 fat-Tondera, Antonius mot-Pieta, Agatha note: pgf-Tondera, Adalberti; pgm-Glodowski, Hedvigis; mgm-Pieta, Francisca; gdf-Pasko, Casimirus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Mazurek, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. {G75} Trojanowski, Marcin b. 18731018 Nowy Borek, No. 88 fat-Trojanowski, Jozef mot-Zieba, Agata note: pgf-Trojanowski, Wojciech; pgm-Trawka, Katarzyna; mgf-Zieba, Marcin; mgm-Mital, Katarzyna [#<] Waclaw, Adalbertus b. 18700415 Budziwoj, No. 164 chr 18700415 fat-Waclaw, Michael mot-Szwed, Maria note: pgf-Waclaw, Jacobi; pgm-, Maria; mgf-Szwed, Laurentii; mgm-Szelewa, Catharina; gdf-Zurad, Laurentius; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Pietras, Dmitr.; mid-Szwed, Cath.; "+30/10 76"; Maria Pietras wid [#<] Walusiewicz, Franciscus b. 18780907 Budziwoj, No. 208 chr 18780910 fat-Walusiewicz, Antonius mot-Bieniasz, Sophia note: pgf-Walusiewicz, Simonis; pgm-Kus, Sophia; mgf-Bieniasz, Casimiri; mgm-Para, Magdalena; gdf-Bieniasz, Antonius; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+27/4 79" {G71} Walusiewicz, Josephus b. 18750130 Budziwoj, No. 208 chr 18750130 fat-Walusiewicz, Antonius mot-Bieniasz, Sophia note: pgf-Walusiewicz, Simonis; pgm-Kus, Sophia; mgf-Bieniasz, Casimiri; mgm-Para, Magdalena; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Bieniasz, Antonii; mid-Borowiec, Hedv. [#<] Walusiewicz, Magdalena b. 18690525 Budziwoj, No. 208 chr 18690526 fat-Walusiewicz, Antonius mot-Bieniasz, Sophia note: pgf-Walusiewicz, Simonis; pgm-Kus, Sophia; mgf-Bieniasz, Casimiri; mgm-Para, Magdalena; gdf-Grzebyk, Laurentius; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig [#<] Walusiewicz, Victoria b. 18720302 Budziwoj, No. 208 chr 18720303 fat-Walusiewicz, Antonius mot-Bieniasz, Sophia note: pgf-Walusiewicz, Simonis; pgm-Kus, Sophia; mgf-Bieniasz, Casimiri; mgm-Para, Magdalena; gdf-Bieniasz, Antonius; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig. 478 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records [#<] Warzocha, Anna b. 18770303 Budziwoj, No. 64 chr 18770304 fat-Warzocha, Andreas mot-Grzebyk, Hedvigis note: pgf-Warzocha, Josephi; pgm-Palka, Catharina; mgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; mgm-Pieta, Sophia; gdf-Wozniak, Michael; gdm-, Anastasia; gmh-Puc, Ivani; mid-Warzocha, Catharina [#<] Warzocha, Joannes b. 18780814 Budziwoj, No. 64 chr 18780815 fat-Warzocha, Andreas mot-Grzebyk, Hedvigis note: pgf-Warzocha, Josephi; pgm-Palka, Catharina; mgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; mgm-Pieta, Sophia; gdf-Paczesniak, Joannes; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Grzebyk, Francisci; mid-Warzocha, Catharina; "+29/1 1924" [#<] Warzocha, Josephus b. 18760120 Budziwoj, No. 164 chr 18760120 fat-Warzocha, Andreas mot-Grzebyk, Hedvigis note: pgf-Warzocha, Josephi; pgm-Palka, Catharina; mgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; mgm-Piesionka, Agatha; gdf-Warzocha, Thomas; gdm-, Maria; gmh-Grzebyk, Adalberti; mid-Majerka, Maria; "gemelli; +12/2 76" [#<] Warzocha, Maria b. 18760120 Budziwoj, No. 164 chr 18760120 fat-Warzocha, Andreas mot-Grzebyk, Hedvigis note: pgf-Warzocha, Josephi; pgm-Palka, Catharina; mgf-Grzebyk, Michaelis; mgm-Piesionka, Agatha; gdf-Miciuda, Antonius; gdm-, Anastasia; gmh-Puc, Joannis; mid-Majerka, Maria; "gemelli; +" [#] Wiater, Agnes b. 18800304 Hermanowa, No. 74 chr 18800307 fat-Wiater, Adalbertus mot-Baran, Marianna note: pgf-Wiater, Antoni; pgm-Kalandyk, Barbara; mgf-Baran, Pauli; mgm-Huchla, Hedvigis; gdf-Malak, Adalbertus; gdm-Kuia-skowka?, Agnes; entry No. 15 1880; gdm Agnes wid {B15} Wiater, Casimirius b. 18880305 Hermanowa chr 18880308 fat-Wiater, Petrus mot-Zawilo, Catharina note: pgf-Wiater, Antonii; pgm-Kalandyk, Barbara; mgf-Zawilo, Casimiri; mgm-Jopek, Agnetis; gdf-Kalandyk, Josephus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Kalandyk, Jacobi {I20} Wiater, Casimirus b. 18890226 Hermanowa, No. 210 chr 18890303 fat-Wiater, Andreas mot-Kotula, Rosalia note: pgf-Wiater, Antoni; pgm-Kalandyk, Sophiae; mgf-Kotula, Adalberti; mgm-Sroka, Magdalena; gdf-Miciuda, Joseph; gdm-, Martianna; gmh-Rutka, Joannis; mid-Lesniak, Maria; cert. 22sep1926 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 479 DATABASE TABLES [#<] Wiater, Julianna b. 18800125 Hermanowa, No. 166 chr 18800127 fat-Wiater, Andreas mot-Kotula, Rosalia note: pgf-Wiater, Antoni; pgm-Kalandyk, Barbara; mgf-Kotula, Adalbertus; mgm-Sroka, Magdalena; gdf-Wojtyn, Antoni; gdm-Janusz, Maria; entry No. 10 1880; Maria wid [#] Wiater, Stanislaus b. 18800309 Hermanowa, No. 81 chr 18800311 fat-Wiater, Piotr mot-Zawilo, Catharina note: pgf-Wiater, Antoni; pgm-Kalandyk, Barbara; mgf-Zawilo, Casimiri; mgm-Jopek, Agata; gdf-Wiater, Joannes; gdm-, Marianna; gmh-Rudka, Joannis; entry No. 18 1880 [#] Wiatr, Adalbertus b. 18730308 Hermanowa, No. 84 chr 18730309 fat-Wiatr, Petrus mot-Zawilo, Catharina note: pgf-Wiatr, Antoni; pgm-Kalandyk, Barbara; mgf-Zawilo, Casimiri; mgm-Jopek, Agnetis; gdf-Wiatr, Adalbertus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Szczoczarz, Adalberti [#] Wiatr, Agnes b. 18730424 Hermanowa, No. 166 chr 18730427 fat-Wiatr, Andreas mot-Kotula, Rosalia note: pgf-Wiatr, Antoni; pgm-Kalandyk, Barbara; mgf-Kotula, Adalbertus; mgm-Krok, Magdalena [#] Wiatr, Catharina b. 18711021 Hermanowa, No. 126 chr 18711022 fat-Wiatr, Andreas mot-Kotula, Rosalia note: pgf-Wiatr, Antoni; pgm-Kalandyk, Barbara; mgf-Kotula, Adalberti; mgm-Krok, Magdalena; gdf-Wiatr, Joannes; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Wiatr, Petri [#] Wiatr, Josephus b. 18710212 Hermanowa, No. 74 chr 18710212 fat-Wiatr, Adalbertus mot-Baran, Maria note: pgf-Wiatr, Antoni; pgm-Kalandyk, Barbara; mgf-Baran, Pauli; mgm-Szczoczarz, Hedvigis; gdf-Wiatr, Petrus; gdm-, Victoria; gmh-Bomba, Antonii [#] Wiatr, Josephus b. 18710219 Hermanowa, No. 81 chr 18710220 fat-Wiatr, Petrus mot-Zawilo, Catharina note: pgf-Wiatr, Antoni; pgm-Kalandyk, Barbara; mgf-Zawilo, Casimiri; mgm-Jopek, Agnetis; gdf-Wiatr, Andreas; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Szczerba, Adalberti [#] Wiatr, Maria b. 18710510 Hermanowa, No. 6 chr 18710510 fat-Wiatr, Joannes 480 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records mot-Dudek, Agnes note: pgf-Wiatr, Antoni; pgm-Kalandyk, Barbara; mgf-Dudek, Sebastini; mgm-Prokop, Maria; gdf-Surowka, Josephus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Hadala, Joannis [#] Wiatr, Petrus b. 18710424 Tyczyn, No. 100 chr 18710425 mot-Wiatr, Maria note: mgf-Wiatr, Antoni; mgm-Kalandyk, Barbara; gdf-Wiatr, Adalbertus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Oleszko, Thoma [#] Wiatr, Victoria b. 18730102 Hermanowa, No. 74 chr 18730105 fat-Wiatr, Adalbertus mot-Baran, Maria note: pgf-Wiatr, Antoni; pgm-Kalandyk, Barbara; mgf-Baran, Pauli; mgm-Huchla, Hedvigas; gdf-Wiatr, Petrus; gdm-Zgorka, Sophia; both gdp sgl "coleb" [#<] Witek, Josephus b. 18760713 Budziwoj, No. 21 chr 18760714 fat-Witek, Joannes mot-Glodowski, Hedvigis note: pgf-Witek, Adalberti; pgm-Bomba, Catharina; mgf-Glodowski, Adalberti; mgm-Najduch, Catharina; gdf-Magierlo, Paulus; gdm-, Francisca; gmh-Kotula, Laurentii; mid-Domino, Maria; "+14/12 78" [#<] Witek, Martinus b. 18731021 Budziwoj, No. 21 chr 18731021 fat-Witek, Joannes mot-Glodowski, Hedvigis note: pgf-Witek, Adalberti; pgm-Wajda, Catharina; mgf-Glodowski, Adalberti; mgm-Najduch, Catharina; gdf-Piecuch, Martinus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Magierlo, Pauli; mid-Domino, Maria; "+16/2 75" [#<] Witek, Rosalia b. 18700807 Budziwoj, No. 21 chr 18700808 fat-Witek, Joannes mot-Glodowski, Hedvigis note: pgf-Witek, Adalberti; pgm-Bomba, Catharina; mgf-Glodowski, Adalberti; mgm-Najduch, Catharina; gdf-Piecuch, Martinus; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Glodowski, Martini; mid-Domino, Maria [#<] Wojcik, Adalbertus b. 18800321 Budziwoj, No. 39 chr 18800323 fat-Wojcik, Casimirus mot-Pasko, Catharina note: pgf-Wojcik, Adalberti; pgm-Para, Rozalia; mgf-Pasko, Michaelis; mgm-Borowiec, Marianna; gdf-Paskiewicz, Josephus; gdm-, Magdelena; gmh-Domino, Francis; mid-Borowiec, Hedvigis; "+2/5/81" [#<] Wojcik, Angella b. 18740913 Budziwoj, No. 254 chr 18740917 fat-Wojcik, Franciscus Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 481 DATABASE TABLES mot-Gliwa, Catharina note: pgf-Wojcik, Christophari; pgm-Rusek, Catharina; mgf-Gliwa, Stanislai; mgm-Miciuda, Maria; gdf-Gliwa, Thomas; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Goryl, Michaelis; mid-Borowiec, Hedv.; "+" [#<] Wojcik, Antonius b. 18690509 Budziwoj, No. 258 chr 18690510 fat-Wojcik, Casimirus mot-Paszkiewicz, Catharina note: pgf-Wojcik, Adalberti; pgm-Pieta, Rosalia; mgf-Paszkiewicz, Michaelis; mgm-Borowiec, Maria; gdf-Paszkiewicz, Josephus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig; "+4/V 1943" [#<] Wojcik, Antonius b. 18700714 Budziwoj, No. 254 chr 18700717 fat-Wojcik, Franciscus mot-Gliwa, Catharina note: pgf-Wojcik, Christophori; pgm-Ruskow, Catharina; mgf-Gliwa, Stanislai; mgm-Miciuda, Maria; gdf-Glodowski, Martiniis; gdm-Gorylka, Catharina; gmh-Goryl, Michaelis; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig. [#<] Wojcik, Joannes b. 18690616 Budziwoj, No. 83 chr 18690617 fat-Wojcik, Josephus mot-Pieta, Magdalena note: pgf-Wojcik, Christophori; pgm-Rusek, Catharina; mgf-Pieta, Michaelis; mgm-Zegota, Catharina; gdf-Gliwa, Thomas; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Glodowski, Martini; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Wojcik, Josephus Calasa b. 18750821 Budziwoj, No. 254 chr 18750821 fat-Wojcik, Franciscus mot-Gliwa, Catharina note: pgf-Wojcik, Chistophari; pgm-Dudek, Catharina; mgf-Gliwa, Stanislai; mgm-Miciuda, Maria; gdf-Gliwa, Josephus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Jopek, Pauli; mid-Borowiec, Hedv; "Calasantins" [#<] Wojcik, Magdalena b. 18740307 Budziwoj, No. 39 chr 18740310 fat-Wojcik, Casimirus mot-Paskowicz, Catharina note: pgf-Wojcik, Adalberti; pgm-Pieta, Rosalia; mgf-Paskowicz, Michaelis; mgm-Najduch, Maria; gdf-Paskowicz, Josephus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Wojcik, Maria b. 18720901 Budziwoj, No. 39 chr 18720902 fat-Wojcik, Casimirus mot-Paskowicz, Catharina note: pgf-Wojcik, Adalberti; pgm-Pieta, Rosalia; mgf-Paskowicz, Michaelis; mgm-Borowiec, Maria; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Paskowicz, Josephi; mid-Borowiec, Hedvig; "+" [#<] Wojcik, Maria b. 18780316 Budziwoj, No. 210 chr 18780317 fat-Wojcik, Paulis 482 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLBIRTH: Polish Birth Records mot-Marciniec, Magdalena note: pgf-Wojcik, Stanislai; pgm-, Rosalia; mgf-Marciniec, Michaelis; mgm-Pasko, Catharina; gdf-Lasota, Casimirus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Wojcik, Adami; mid-Domino, Maria {G99} Wojcik, Michael b. 18750819 Budziwoj, No. 39 chr 18750822 fat-Wojcik, Casimirus mot-Paskowicz, Catharina note: pgf-Wojcik, Adalberti; pgm-Pieta, Rosalia; mgf-Paskowicz, Michaelis; mgm-Borowiec, Maria; gdf-Paskowicz, Josephus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Francisci; "+ 19/10 929" [#<] Wojcik, Rosalia b. 18720504 Budziwoj, No. 83 chr 18720505 fat-Wojcik, Josephus mot-Pieta, Magdalena note: pgf-Wojcik, Christophori; pgm-Rusek, Catharina; mgf-Pieta, Michaelis; mgm-Zegota, Catharina; gdf-Kyc, Antonius; gdm-, Rosalia; gmh-Glodowski, Martini; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+"; Antoni sgl [#] Wrona, Marianna b. 18800519 Hermanowa chr 18800520 fat-Wrona, Michael mot-Prokop, Catharina note: pgf-Wrona, Blasii; pgm-Goryl, Agatha; mgf-Prokop, Valentini; mgm-Malak, Marianna; entry No. 34 1880 {G43} Wyjas, Franciscus b. 18730915 Budziwoj, No. 40 chr 18730916 fat-Wyjas, Josephus mot-Drazek, Catharina note: pgf-Wyjas, Pauli; pgm-Domino, Catharina; mgf-Drazek, Antoni; mgm-Malak, Catharina; gdf-Jopek, Petrus; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Domino, Franciscii; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+20/II 1944" [#<] Wyjas, Paulus b. 18760828 Budziwoj, No. 40 chr 18760830 fat-Wyjas, Josephus mot-Drazek, Catharina note: pgf-Wyjas, Pauli; pgm-Domino, Catharina; mgf-Drazek, Antoni; mgm-Malak, Sophia; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Jopek, Petrum; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+22/2 79" {A44} Wyjas, Thomas b. 18790411 Budziwoj, No. 40 chr 18790412 fat-Wyjas, Josephus mot-Drazek, Catharina note: pgf-Wyjas, Pauli; pgm-Domino, Catharina; mgf-Drazek, Antonii; mgm-Malak, Sophia; gdf-Domino, Franciscus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Jopek, Petrum; mid-Kozik, Maria; Catharina Jopek wid {A12} Zembron, Felix b. 18880505 Tyczyn chr 18880513 fat-Zembron, Andreas Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 483 DATABASE TABLES mot-Janda, Catharina note: pgf-Zembron, Valentinius; pgm-Hobor, Sophia; mgf-Janda, Antonii; mgm-Data, Maria; gdf-Janda, Laurentius; gdm-, Magdalena; gmh-Drazek, Josephi {G73} Zieba, Stanislaw b. 18950423 Kielnarowa fat-Zieba, Marcin mot-Dziura, Marianna note: civil cert. 05mar1992 [#<] Ziobro, Adalbertus b. 18720323 Budziwoj, No. 145 chr 18720324 fat-Ziobro, Michael mot-Jopek, Catharina note: pgf-Ziobro, Jacobi; pgm-, Sophia; mgf-Jopek, Jacobi; mgm-Warzocha, Magdalena; gdf-Konkol, Adalbertus; gdm-, Sophia; gmh-Pasko, Francisci; mid-Kozik, Maria [#<] Ziobro, Franciscus b. 18770909 Budziwoj, No. 351 chr 18770912 fat-Ziobro, Michael mot-Jopek, Catherina note: pgf-Ziobro, Jacobi; pgm-, Sophia; mgf-Jopek, Casimiri; mgm-Warzocha, Magdalena; gdf-Konkol, Valentinus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Konkol, Adalberti; mid-Kozik, Maria; "+22/4 878 Tyczyn" [#<] Ziobro, Joannes b. 18790506 Budziwoj, No. 351 chr 18790508 fat-Ziobro, Michael mot-Jopek, Catharina note: pgf-Ziobro, Jacobi; pgm-, Sophia; mgf-Jopek, Casimiri; mgm-Warzocha, Madgalena; gdf-Konkol, Valentinus; gdm-, Catharina; gmh-Konkol, Adalberti; mid-Kozik, Maria {A27} Ziobro, Marianna b. 18740724 Budziwoj, No. 145 chr 18740726 fat-Ziobro, Michael mot-Jopek, Catharina note: pgf-Ziobro, Jacobi; pgm-, Sophia; mgf-Jopek, Jacobi; mgm-Warzocha, Magdalena; gdf-Pajak, Paulus; gdm-Konkolka, Catharina; mid-Kozik, Maria 484 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLCEMETE: Polish Cemetery Records This table lists data from grave markers in the Catholic cemeteries in the Tyczyn area. (Tyczyn also has a restored Jewish cemetery with a small number of grave markers, but no data were recorded from any of these graves). These data were transcribed directly from the grave markers. The grave numbers presented below are arbitrary numbers assigned by the author. These grave numbers are in the format "eg001," "eg002," etc. for each cemetery. Multiple records (burials) located in the same grave (under the same grave marker) were assigned the same grave number. In addition to grave numbers, a section number is also presented for records from the Catholic cemetery in Tyczyn. A description of the locations of these sections and a cemetery map are given in Volume 1 (see Cemeteries in Chapter 4 of Volume 1). Notes enclosed in parentheses are excerpts of literal transcriptions of inscription on the grave markers. Age, if given, is shown in years (also a literal transcription from the grave marker). The data in this table are listed: first, alphabetically by city; second, alphanumerically by grave location; third, alphabetically by name. Name Age Died Born Section,Grave,Note Borek Stary [#] Drazek, Alfons 18990815 18691128 priest 19430811 19440226 19450609 1948 19270422 19250202 19580321 19690903 19560221 19361119 eg001 eg002 eg002 eg005 eg010 eg012 eg019, photo; "MGR" eg020 eg028, photo; "Dzialacz Ludowy" eg028, photo; "z Pietów" Budziwoj {G86} {G43} [#<] [#] [#] [#] [#>] {A86} [#] [#] Wyjas, Jan Wyjas, Franciszek Wyjas, Katarzyna Kozik, Wojciech Gliwa, Franciszek Kotula, Tomasz Kozdras, Jozef Kozdras, Jan Bomba, Antoni Bomba, Maria Volume 2 80 70 60 57 89 61 1868 18750530 19050305 18780624 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 485 DATABASE TABLES Hermanowa [#<] [#] [#>] [#>] Kura, Domicela Kura, Jozef Skoczylas, Antoni Skoczylas, Wladyslawa 20011112 19981212 19870622 19910604 19210809 19230801 19200922 19191106 eg001 eg001 eg012, [b. date may be wrong] "19202209"? eg012 19320123 19940110 19920428 19931212 19280627 19310409 19350615 19311129 19600128 19700413 19360805 19380609 19310820 19640403 19380922 19780413 19850210 19670613 19780328 19650503 19691205 19820205 19790905 19550420 19630420 19550415 1953 19450331 19190701 19821002 19870222 1942 19470521 19380507 19760104 19690620 18971013 18971118 1872 19110713 19120826 18850224 18780710 19300401 19040330 19040805 19030312 18970529 19391003 19041215 19100727 18920502 18881215 18631007 1880 1956 1971 19771006 19910807 19540627 19570328 19371220 19110129 19151114 1934 19900531 19711208 18640327 19460105 19421001 1878 1878 19070805 19110908 18920101 18751221 18811222 eg012,a eg012,a eg012,b eg012,c eg014 eg036, "z Dominów" eg036 eg039, "z Konkolów" eg042 eg043 eg044 eg044 eg045, photo eg050 eg050 eg052, "z Paluch" eg052 eg052, "z Surówka" eg060 eg071 eg078 eg078 eg078, "z Kaplitów" eg082 eg083,a eg083,a eg083,b eg097, chi eg107 eg111 eg111 eg112 eg112 eg113 eg113, "z Marcinców" eg123 eg123 eg124 eg126 eg140 1,eg073,a, by fence 1,eg073,b, near fence; "z Peszko" 1,eg173, photo 1,eg173, "z Drazków" 1,eg194, near eg018 1,eg194, near eg018 1,eg194, near eg018 1?,eg039, near eg165 3,eg008,a 3,eg008,b, "z Peszków" Tyczyn [#] [#] [#] [#] {X30} [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] {A16} [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] {A51} {G89} [#] [#>] {C16} {C75} {C51} [#] [#] [#] [#] {C26} {A13} {D57} [#] {F09} {B76} {D65} [#<] [#<] {F25} {G69} {A93} {D64} 486 Bomba, Alexander Bomba, Helen Bomba, Antoni Bomba, Edward Borowiec, Stanislaw Bomba, Bronislawa Bomba, Wladyslaw Bomba, Agata Cyran, Alfred Cyran, Leopold Cyran, Aniela Cyran, Stanislaw Cyran, Stanislaw Data, Aniela Data, Jan Data, Jozefa Data, Pawel Data, Wanda Drazek, Tomasz Janiec, Augustyn Kaplita, Domicela Kaplita, Teofil Zawilo, Zofia Klimasz, Leon Klimasz, Agata Klimasz, Wladyslaw Klimasz, Leon Marciniec, Zofia Para, Stanislaw Patros, Magdalena Patros, Pawel Peszko, Aniela Peszko, Franciszek Peszko, Jozef Peszko, Wiktoria Zembron, Anna Zembron, Stanislaw Zurek, Bronislaw Zurek, Mieczyslaw Rog, Antoni Janiec, Jan Janiec, Domicela Kosciolek, Kazimierz Kosciolek, Rozalia Jamroz, Wojciech Kotula, Aniela Kotula, Tomasz Bomba, Wojciech Bober, Ignacy Bober, Julia 71 45 63 86 74 19111126 19020510 19001215 18980811 83 71 73 63 58 19050223 19011212 19420405 18950710 18950515 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland Volume 2 PLCEMETE: Polish Cemetery Records [#] [#] [#] [#] {D44} [#<] {B71} {C46} [#] [#] {B95} [#>] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] Cyran, Katarzyna Tendelska, Julia Kosciolek, Bronislawa Kosciolek, Katarzyna Kosciolek, Maria Kosciolek, Tomasz Siciak, Anna Kura, Stanislaw Borowiec, Grzegorz Klimasz, Teofila Cielen, Franciszka Cielen, Tadeusz Marciniec, Jozef Marciniec, Jozefa Cislo, Jozef Cyran, Michal Cyran, Waleria Cislo, Marian Cislo, Pawel Kura, Helena Kura, Leopold Kura, Maria Volume 2 19890801 19150212 53 10 46 76 76 70 72 80 94 84 35 19760130 19620222 19811220 19410204 1943 19420610 1927 19670425 19540218 1978 1968 1959 1991 20000523 19921029 19941007 19041201 18750510 19141030 18731212 1927 1890 1893 1956 19800417 3,eg046 3,eg046 3,eg135, near eg008 3,eg135, near eg008 3,eg135, near eg008 3,eg135, near eg008 3,eg212 3,eg234, near eg233 4,eg009, near upper entrance 4,eg141, near eg009 6,eg180, by fence 6,eg180, by fence 7,eg097, hus 7,eg097, wif 7,eg131 7,eg131 7,eg131 7,eg142 7,eg142 7?,eg086 7?,eg086 7?,eg086 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 487 (This page left blank intentionally) PLCITATI: Polish Citations This table is an index to citations and references of the immigrants and their relatives in various publications of Polish origin. These publications include books, pamphlets, newspapers, and webpages, and may include extensive and detailed writings about an individual. Only a fragment of text can be included in this table for some records. For more details, the reference publication should be examined. A source code (such as BPL01) refers to a cited reference in Appendix E of Volume 1. Two dates may be listed for some entries; care should be taken to interpret the dates correctly. A date to the immediate right of an immigrant's name may be an "event" date (such as an "event" that occurred in 1942, cited in a book published in 2002). A date following a source code (such as WPL01:1995) refers to a publication date (such as for a periodical publication). The data in this table are listed: first, alphabetically by name; second, chronologically by "event" date. Name [#] Bomba, Antoni {G70} Hadala, Jan {B90} [#] [#] [#] Kalandyk, Wladyslaw Kotula, Franciszek Kotula, Franciszek Kura, Helena {C66} Ostafil, Wincenty {X18} Sanchez, Helena {X18} {G88} {G88} [+] [+] Sanchez, Helena Skotnicki, Jan Skotnicki, Jan Ziemba, Antoni Ziemba, Antoni Volume 2 Date City Note 19110703 Tyczyn 1964 BPL09:1970; mentioned; politician; pg180 led parade WPL01:20020603; mentioned; donor for rebuilding; formerly of Hermanowa; res US Hermanowa BPL09:1970; mentioned; b.; pg180 priest; res US 1878 Budziwoj BPL09:1970; mentioned; b.; pg179 priest 19440910 Malawa BPL09:1970; mentioned; priest; bur; pg180 1944abt Tyczyn BPL09:1970; mentioned; beaten; pg201 wif of Leopold Kura; res Lasek 19190319 Tyczyn BPL01; mentioned; city council member; rich peasant/resident Tyczyn BPL10:1995; photo 115; donor from US; patriotic monument 19920726 Tyczyn BPL10:1995; photo 116; from US; memorial service BPL10:1995; mentioned; ps. Kotwa; per name index Tyczyn BPL10:1995; photo 059; ps. Kotwa 1878 Tyczyn BPL09:1970; mentioned; b.; pg179 priest 19420108 BPL09:1970; mentioned; d. pg179 priest res Uherce American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 489 (This page left blank intentionally) PLDEATH: Polish Death Records The following records were obtained from various sources, including copies of death certificates from relatives of the descendants of the immigrants, and from access to government and church records in Poland. The first line of each record gives the name and age of the deceased person. Subsequent lines contain events (dates and locations). These are followed by the names of the spouse, father or mother (with their I-numbers, if any, preceding their names in the extreme left margin). Additional information is listed at the bottom of the record. Age is presented in years, unless noted otherwise. Some records list the cause of death, but this is not published in this edition. The data in this table are listed: first, alphabetically by name; second, chronologically by death date. Bomba, Agatha age 64 d. 19360805 Tyczyn bur 19360807 b. 1872 {G69} sp-, Wojtechi fat-Konkol, Joannis mot-Marciniec, Catharinae res No. 309 note: mrr 08feb1893 [#] Cyran, Casimirus age 52 d. 18770210 Tyczyn bur 18770212 sp-Mendonionka, Marianna res No. 321 note: "colonus" maritus [#] Cyran, Catharina age 48 d. 18760312 Hermanowa bur 18760314 sp-Cyran, Michaelis fat-Wojcik, res No. 170 [#] Drazek, Lavislaus? d. 18790427 Kielnarowa bur 18790429 fat-Drazek, Adalberti mot-Filip, Sophia note: entry No. 21 1879 Volume 2 American Immigrants from Tyczyn, Poland 491 DATABASE TABLES [#] Drazek, Marianna age 4.3 d. 18770308 Kielnarowa bur 18770310 fat-Drazek, Adalberti mot-Filip, Sophie res No. 84 note: age 4.25y; Adalberti Drazek "agricoly" [#] Drazek, Sophia d. 18791217 Tyczyn bur 18791219 sp-Drazek, Antonim note: entry No. 56 1879; "nada Malakowna" [#] Klimasz, Joannis age 68 d. 18810109 Tyczyn bur 18810111 sp-Szetela, Ursulae res No. 196 note: book entry No. 3 for year 1881 [#] Kosciolek, Sigsmundius d. 18710120 Tyczyn bur 18710122 b. 1871 fat-Kosciolek, Casimiri mot-Drazek, Rosalia res No. 31 [#] Kosciolek, Valeria d. 18801219 Tyczyn bur 18801220 fat-Kosciolek, Casimiri mot-Drazkowna, Rosalie note: entry No. 44 1880 [#] Kozicki, Cecilia d. 18791206 Tyczyn bur 18791208 fat-Kozicki, Joannes mot-Drazek, Antonina note: entry No. 51 1879 [#] Lalicki, Angella d. 19501128 Tyczyn bur 19501130 b. 18651120 sp-, Antoni fat-Domino, Antoni mot-Kozicki, Apolonea res No. 428 note: wid [#] Lalicki, Franciszek d. 19820222 Tyczyn bur 19820224 b. 19050501 fat-, Tomasz mot-Wojtynkiewicz, Bronislw 492 age 5d American Immigrants from Tyc
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