VaultLogix Reseller Partner Program


VaultLogix Reseller Partner Program
VaultLogix Reseller
Partner Program
A brief history of data protection and the VaultLogix reputation
Reseller Partner Program
Examples of the Cloud Partnership Integration Program
I. Introduction
(see below for more details) capabilities.
High-quality cloud backup is more important than
wherein other tech companies provide customers
VaultLogix offers a partnership opportunity
with VaultLogix’s quality services.
ever in today’s corporate climate. Increasingly,
businesses around the world are concerned
II. A brief history of data protection
and the VaultLogix reputation
about the safety of their sensitive data due to the
numerous and widely publicized data breaches
of 2015. Pair these security disasters with the
VaultLogix boasts nearly two decades of
increased potential for natural catastrophes due
experience in the field of cloud backup. Closely
to climate change and there is a convincing case
for businesses to invest in protection.
adhering to a standard that specifies data should
Currently, only 44 percent of companies claim to
at companies of all sizes – from a one-person
be protected by military-grade security features
organization to a multi-location enterprise –
be capable of recovering data after a disaster.
VaultLogix solutions are scalable, reliable and
Managed service providers are poised to swoop
widely available.
in and provide solutions for the 56 percent of
companies without data restoration capabilities.
With unique offerings such as Data Prioritization
and fully white-labeled portals, VaultLogix has
This is where VaultLogix comes in. We provide
stood strong as a leader in the world of backup
top-of-the-line benefits to resellers with white-
services and data restoration. VaultLogix is a
labeled marketing and branding efforts, a pergigabyte pricing model and Data Prioritization
time-tested and world-renowned company that
ImagePlus: VaultLogix Advantage
offers the pinnacle of data protection.
software allows you to store a free image
locally on the hardware of your choice.
What is Data Prioritization? It is the ability to
No need to buy expensive appliances or
assign the appropriate level of protection to the
proprietary hardware. Keep an image locally
different types of data companies have. Not all
for fast recovery.
data is created equal. Some is more critical to
the success of the business than others, but
CloudArc™: CloudArc is a secure, durable,
most companies want to have some level of
and low-cost storage service for data
protection for all of it but they don’t want to
archiving and online backup. While your data
pay a lot to do so. That is where the VaultLogix
will reside in a Tier 4 data center, CloudArc™
Data Prioritization strategy can help. Here is how
is designed for infrequently accessed data
it works:
where longer retrieval times are suitable.
Critical Cloud: For your most critical data,
Unlimited Local Storage: Store as much
the data that you need to be able to recover
data locally as you want using our software
to do business, send it to our Critical Cloud
using your existing infrastructure for no
Vault. This business-class solution offers
additional cost; you only pay for what you
the level of protection that guarantees
store in the cloud with us.
recoverability. Your data will reside in a North
American based, Tier 4 data center with
24/7/365 access to it.
III. Reseller Partner Program
VaultLogix allows partner businesses to use the
VaultLogix is has been offering managed service
having to deal with maintenance or preservation.
high-quality VaultLogix infrastructure without
The costs of these processes can add up over
providers and agents the ability to resell the
the years, through the reseller partner program
VaultLogix solution for over 10 years. These
VaultLogix takes on the liability and reduces the
companies can join forces to offer their own
cost of managing these data infrastructures.
customers VaultLogix’s cloud security and
Businesses are provided with all the benefits of
protection stamped with their own personal
these high-level secure cloud backup systems
brands. Not only will clients gain high-quality
without the headache of upkeep.
products and services, but now their data will be
protected by VaultLogix’s business-class cloud
backup solution.
VaultLogix offers partners aggregate per-gigabyte
The benefits of this partner program include fully
in place, our partners can increase margins
pricing models. With this pricing model structure
while still ensuring top-tier security. The per-
white-labeled portals, brand-able content for
gigabyte price is fixed and can be shared across
participating partners and 24/7 on-call support.
numerous clients vs. having to buy a package
Every partner gets a free account to use for their
for each client at a higher cost per-gigabyte.
business, and based on the level of business
The larger the commitment the lower the price
being done with VaultLogix other benefits are
per-gigabyte will be, so as partners grow their
available including free endpoint backup licenses
business their lower cost per-gigabyte will allow
and access to disaster recovery infrastructure.
their margins to increase.
The process of integration is simple. After
in minutes. This is a considerable advantage
resellers purchase the VaultLogix service at a
compared to other providers’ services.
wholesale price, they are able to brand and
The partner integration program with VaultLogix
sell cloud backup as their own to suit the profit
allows IT companies to offer a whole package,
margins they require in their business models.
with 24-hour customer service included. With
Best of all, this third-party cloud service will
37 percent of IT professionals considering cloud
integrate seamlessly with most remote monitoring
storage solutions, there is no better time than the
and management (RMM) and professional service
present to join forces with VaultLogix in the name
automation (PSA) systems. There is no need to
of client data protection.
flip between interfaces to check the status of a
using a RMM software suite.
IV. Examples of the Cloud
Partnership Integration Program
VaultLogix’s services are convenient and
VaultLogix is a world leader in data protection
compatible with a wide range of operating
with over 600 partners worldwide and close to
systems and applications including Windows,
a Petabyte of data safely secured in guarded
Mac OS X, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and
facilities. The cloud integration program is steadily
many others as well. And because VaultLogix
gaining popularity with customers of all sizes. The
knows how precious every byte of data is, off-
major benefit lies in VaultLogix’s ability to integrate
site protection starts immediately. There’s no
with a variety of vendors, thus making it easier for
wait period to suffer through, and in the case
reseller partners to manage backup sets. Here’s
backup or the myriad of other processes in play
of disaster, systems can be up and running
how VaultLogix’s services have benefited these
consultants, integrators and developers. With
already-successful tech companies.
over 33,000 IT solutions providers relying
on ConnectWise, the company’s efficient
LabTech: LabTech Software is a leader in
integration of key business operations is
the IT industry for designing and developing
almost unmatched. VaultLogix lends a
managed service tools for RMM and
helping hand in these processes, allowing
automation. The software functions to
ConnectWise to automate cloud backup
increase efficiency, productivity and flexibility
management to drive higher levels of
by automating the majority of IT maintenance
system integration.
and support processes for IT solution
providers. VaultLogix allows MSPs to log
Spiceworks: Spiceworks is responsible
into their LabTech interfaces and check for
for the development of the first free social
errors within their clients’ cloud backups. The
business application that combines network
cloud integration program enables LabTech
management and help desk software with an
users to seamlessly monitor data security
online community of IT professionals ready
provisions within one interface, proving a
to help simplify IT processes. VaultLogix’s
simplified management process.
program helps simplify the world of cloud
backup management. Together, Spiceworks
ConnectWise: When it comes to SaaS/
and VaultLogix create an easier checkup
Cloud providers, ConnectWise leads the
system in order to allow simple management
pack. This software designs professional
of backup sets for IT service providers.
service automation applications or technology
When companies join VaultLogix in its Reseller
it need look no further than the Reseller Partner
Integration Partnership Program, they can better
Program with VaultLogix. Customers will receive
see to client needs by providing data protection
a full package from a single brand that provides
at a cost that makes sense for their clientele. The
special IT services in tandem with military-grade
seamless integration of cloud backup checks
data protection.
within preexisting interfaces allows our partners
to further extend their software capabilities. This
With VaultLogix, a company’s value increases
partnership permits businesses to expand their
because the all-encompassing service handles
customer bases while enhancing the value of the
every aspect of data’s life on a corporate server.
products and services they already offer, backed
Where systems could only monitor and manage
by VaultLogix’s commitment to excellence.
data, they can now protect and restore data in
the event of an emergency. This holistic approach
V. Conclusion
to IT management is innovative and leading the
way for other such programs to emerge.
If a brand wants to offer its customers a
world-class and time-tested method of data
Partnerships with VaultLogix are beneficial for
protection but does not have the means or
a partner’s bottom line, and that’s something
resources in place to satisfy such a desire, then
worth protecting.