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A n n u a l
R e p o r t
© 2010 Dan Rest
Introductory letter
The past year marked one of the most productive
times in The Field Museum’s history. Our staff conducted
3,400 education programs, loaned 40,000 specimens
to researchers worldwide, described 150 new species
of plants and animals, including a number of major
discoveries, and enjoyed strong attendance to our vibrant
exhibition offerings. Some noteworthy 2009 highlights
u Anthropologist Gary Feinman uncovered more than twenty ancient Zapotec tombs in
Mexico, shedding new light on these enigmatic people’s spiritual beliefs;
Ernst & Young 3D Theater, which became an enormously popular
addition to the visitor experience;
u The opening of the
u Paleontologist Peter Makovicky discovered two new dinosaurs in China that are a
“missing link” to the Tyrannosaurus Rex;
u The ECCo team successfully protected two new areas in the Andes/Amazon, one in
Ecuador and one in Peru, bringing the total land protected or on the road to protection
equivalent to 99% of all lands in the National Park System in the lower United States;
Pirates was a very successful exhibition and enjoyed robust attendance with
multiple “sold out” days;
u Zoologist Bruce Patterson proved through isotope analysis that the famed
man-eating Tsavo lions ate far fewer people than previously claimed;
u Botanist Thorsten Lumbsch pioneered a gene sequencing technique that
may allow for the creation of pharmaceutical products from lichens for the
first time;
u More than 164,000 children enjoyed new digital initiatives offered by the
Museum’s Education Department and their strategic partners.
A key component of The Field
Museum’s mission is to use
our collections of the Earth’s
treasures to engage students of
all ages in scientific learning.
Like other institutions, we also faced several challenges due to the global economic
recession. Since 1893, the Field has weathered 24 recessions – emerging from each a
stronger, more vibrant institution.This history helped us creatively streamline the Museum’s
operations, while making bold decisions to invest in new programs on climate change,
children’s science education, emerging diseases and innovative exhibitions.
Our strategy succeeded. The Museum maintained a balanced budget while serving over
1.32 million visitors, including 267,000 children on fieldtrips, and more than 9 million
The following pages briefly outline our major accomplishments in 2009 – all of which were
possible only because of our donors’ confidence in The Field Museum. Thank you for your
investment in our operations. We hope you enjoy reading about our work.
John A. Canning, Jr.
John W. McCarter, Jr.
ChairmanPresident and CEO
Top © 2009 S. Patel; inset © Burger; © 2009 C. Sidor; below © 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GEO86518_0470Ad
Collections and Research: Preserving
and Exploring the Earth’s Treasures
Each year, millions of acres are lost to human development
or natural causes, often sweeping away evidence of the
Earth’s past and denying the future. For 115 years, The
Field Museum has worked to mitigate this loss by actively
collecting the Earth’s treasures; everything from the largest
mammals to the tiniest traces of past civilizations. The
Museum now cares for more than 24 million objects, and
our collections grow by approximately 500 specimens each
day as our researchers investigate biological and cultural
diversity around the world.
From this work, it is clear that change is occurring faster
than human and natural communities can adapt to their
shifting environments. During 2009, our staff focused
heavily on using its scientific expertise to understand the
root causes of these changes and to develop practical
responses. From outreach efforts such as creating wildlife
conservation posters for rural Kenyan children to parasite
research with the Centers for Disease Control, the Museum
coordinated more than 100 biodiversity research and
conservation programs in 35 countries.
u Field Museum biologists Steve Goodman and John Bates
are working with African university students to study the
DNA of small animals displaced by climate change in
Madagascar and the Congo. These new studies are using
The Field Museum’s collections to determine whether
warmer temperatures are causing changes to animals’
DNA that could lead to infertility, abnormalities, or even
extinction. The results will help land managers and
conservationists better mitigate environmental hazards
caused by climate change.
Emerging Pathogens
program to coordinate research among biologists,
conservationists, and the medical community on emerging
wildlife diseases in East Africa. This work will greatly
advance the medical community’s understanding of new
animal diseases and help prevent them from becoming a
major threat to human populations.
u The Field Museum launched a new
u The Museum continued its strong tradition of scientific
capacity-building in developing nations. We extended our
century-old commitment to East Africa by establishing
The Field Museum/IDP Foundation,
Inc. African Training Fund. This
unique five-year program enables
African students to work directly
with Museum staff on projects
and participate in training
workshops throughout Africa.
u Similarly, the Museum launched
the Iraq Cultural Heritage Project
to educate Iraqi cultural institution
staff in modern museum practices.
The program provides training in the
proper care for ancient artifacts and
administration of archaeological sites and
promises to greatly improve the quality of
Iraq’s museums and further protect the
country’s rich cultural heritage.
2009 The Field Museum
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GN91218_184d, bottom GN91229_007d.jpg
Education Outreach: Understanding the
Earth’s Treasures
A key component of The Field Museum’s mission is to
use our collections of the Earth’s treasures to engage
students of all ages in scientific learning. In 2009, The Field
Museum worked with over 360 school partners, trained
6,000 teachers and engaged more than 345,000 students
in field trips and student workshops on site and offsite for
grades PreK-12. These programs reflect the Museum’s
commitment to using our resources to make science
education interactive, dynamic, and fun.
u Teacher Professional Development is a major part of
the Museum’s strategy to improve science education in
Chicago’s schools. In 2009, we extended our approach
through a major new partnership program, the Early
Elementary Science Partnership (E2SP). E2SP focuses
on helping Chicago area teachers effectively use handson activities in conjunction with resources at the city’s
museums and zoos to progressively build children’s
understanding of how science works. This program is
unique in its focus on the early elementary years which
are so critical to later student achievement. E2SP will
impact 700 teachers and 25,000 students over the next
five years.
u In 2009, The Field Museum launched two new programs,
an annual Storytelling Festival and a monthly Artists
and Authors program. These programs bring acclaimed
children’s entertainers to the Crown Family PlayLab
for special workshops that promote early literacy by
engaging children in story-making and reading.
The children also meet the creators of their favorite
books, allowing them to understand that stories come
from people’s imaginations just like theirs.
u The Museum expanded its digital learning offerings
through a strategic partnership with Oracle Education
Foundation’s ThinkQuest program. ThinkQuest enables
teachers to seamlessly integrate on-line projects into
their classroom curricula
to help their students
develop critical 21st
century skills, such as
digital research, cyber
communications and
online teamwork. The
Museum’s ThinkQuest
projects focus on its
most popular exhibitions
in order to help students
learn about topics such
as evolution, climate
change, and ancient
cultures. Currently,
350 classrooms in
30 countries are
participating in The Field
Museum’s projects. In the coming year, the Museum will
engage more than 10,000 students from Chicago Public
Schools and around the globe through ThinkQuest.
2009 The Field Museum
Tiffany Window © 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein A114779d_20B, Grandite Garnet GEO86518_6160Ad
Exhibitions: Sharing the
Earth’s Treasures
The Museum’s permanent exhibitions highlight treasures
from our extensive collections while our temporary
exhibitions share rarely seen treasures from The Field
Museum’s holdings and private collections from around
the world. Our exhibitions delve into the wonders of nature
or the uniqueness of other cultures to help visitors better
understand the Earth’s amazing diversity. During 2009, the
Museum presented ten temporary exhibitions that explored
everything from the social history of the Civil Rights
Movement to the legacy of piracy. Throughout the year,
1.3 million visitors experienced:
asterpieces of Ancient Jewelry: Exquisite Objects from
the Cradle of Civilization
• Road to Freedom: Photographs of the Civil Rights
Movement, 1956 – 1968
• Real Pirates: The Untold Story of the Whydah
• Sacred Waters: India’s Great Kumbha Mela Pilgrimage
• Yellowstone to Yukon: Freedom to Roam
• Bunce Island: A British Slave Castle in Sierra Leone
• Travels of the Crow: Journey of an Indian Nation
• The Aztec World
• Water
• The Nature of Diamonds
Pirates featured more than 200 artifacts from
the only authenticated pirate ship ever discovered. The
exhibition traced the history and culture of the 18th
century Caribbean as an economic center, the impact
of the slave trade, pirate politics, and daily life aboard
period ships. The exhibition also introduced our visitors
to marine archaeology and the painstaking process
necessary to recover sunken artifacts.
Nature of Diamonds took Museum visitors on
the billion-year journey of diamonds from carbon
to coronation crown. Through hundreds of sparkling
examples, the exhibition explained the origins of
diamonds as a natural, transparent form of pure carbon.
Diamonds also explored the complex relationships that
people have formed with diamonds, from a commitment
of never-ending love to a strategic and high-tech supermaterial underpinning our society’s technology.
Grainger Hall of Gems reopened in October after a
renovation that transformed this iconic exhibition into the
Midwest’s finest gem display. The new Grainger Hall of
Gems showcases stunning, never before seen gems from
The Field Museum’s collection, jewelry from the oldest
known royal burials, and special jewels created by worldfamous designers. The renovated Hall also features a new
layout to help visitors understand how gems are created,
the processing of raw gems, and the various roles cut
gemstones play in cultures worldwide.
u The
2009 The Field Museum
Peruvian collaborators to
ensure legal protection of
vast expanses of rich forests
in the Andes/Amazon that
have been inventoried from
2002 to 2008. In 2009,
ECCo’s work with Peru’s
Ministry of the Environment resulted in a portion of
these forests declared as a National Reserve. Reserva
Nacional Matsés (1 million acres, the size of Delaware)
is largely dedicated to the Matsés indigenous people.
© The Field Museum, Laurel Ross
© The Field Museum, Robin Foster
u ECCo is partnering with
u What’s culture got to do with it? That is the question
Environment, Culture and Conservation
(ECC o ): Saving the Earth’s Treasures
ECCo investigated to identify strategies for engaging
diverse residents in the Chicago Climate Action Plan.
ECCo completed social inventories in Calumet and
Bronzeville. Field Museum researchers identified
several social assets that can serve as springboards for
climate action, including place-based heritage traditions,
momentum around school gardens, and private homes
serving as demonstration models for energy efficiency.
Based on this work, ECCo collaborated with the City of
Chicago Department of Environment and its partners to
launch the Energy Action Network-Chicago (EAN).
© The Field Museum, Laurel Ross
u To respond to the issue of climate change and the possible
In the 19th century, when vast expanses of unexplored
effects on local biodiversity, ECCo collaborated with
and barely inhabited terrain covered much of the Earth,
Chicago Wilderness on two initiatives: The Climate Action
natural history museums sent expeditions around the globe
Plan for Nature (CAPN) and The Biodiversity Recovery
collecting samples of the world’s biological and cultural
Plan Climate Change Review. The CAPN
riches for study. Few such places survive
complements the City’s Climate Change
and an integral part of The Field Museum’s In 2009, ECCo completed
Action Plan, expanding the geographic
mission is to now conserve these hubs of
its 22nd rapid biological and
scope beyond city boundaries and focusing
diversity for future generations.
on conservation of native species, natural
social inventory, while previous
areas, and ecosystem services including
Environment, Culture, and Conservation
water absorption, soil stabilization, and
(ECCo) is the Museum division dedicated
inventories led to the creation
retention of greenhouse gases.
to translating our science and collections
of two new protected areas...
into immediate results for conservation
and cultural understanding. Since 1999,
ECCo’s work has protected 26.3 million acres (an area ¾
the size of Illinois) of intact forests in the headwaters
of the Amazon. In the Chicago region, ECCo is also a
leader in the Chicago Cultural Alliance and the Chicago
Wilderness coalition, two organizations dedicated to
improving our region’s quality of life.
In 2009, ECCo completed its 22nd rapid biological and
social inventory, while previous inventories led to the
creation of two new protected areas, one in Peru and one in
Ecuador. ECCo also joined forces with the City of Chicago
and Chicago Wilderness to design climate change programs
that engage diverse residents in the Chicago Climate Action
Plan and to focus on adaptation strategies for natural
communities in the region.
2009 The Field Museum
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GN90919_02Bd, bottom GN91284_1707d
As the most international of Chicago’s institutions
and housing a treasure trove of artifacts and information
with global impact, The Field Museum continues to reach
for new heights in educational programming, scientific
research and cutting-edge exhibitions.
2010 promises to be another exciting year for The Field
Museum. Our vibrant exhibition schedule begins with our
very own Mammoths and Mastodons, and culminates with
the Women’s Board Gala evening of Gold. In between
we will introduce RoboSUE featuring new and startling
technology which brings dinosaurs to life. Throughout the
year Museum scientists will travel the globe to explore
unknown coral reefs in Palau, hunt for fossils in Brazil, and
study the Asian Carp in Illinois waterways—experiences
they will share with students worldwide though new
extensions of our digital learning programs. Finally 2010
marks SUE’s 10th year at The Field Museum and we will
celebrate this milestone with events throughout the year.
Thank you for supporting The Field Museum. Your
generosity ensures our success.
2009 The Field Museum
for the year ended December 31, 2009
Operating Budget Revenue and Other Support
Total $64.2 million
Other Income 0.8%
Sponsorships 2.3%
Memberships 4.5%
Admissions 17.6%
Program Service Fees 4.5%
Net Assets Used 7.9%
Allocation from
Chicago Park District
Federal, State and
Local Support 11.1%
Business Enterprises
Contributions 11.2%
Operating Budget Expenditures
Total $61.2 million
Administration 3.3%
Marketing and Public Relations 4.2%
Education and Library 4.5%
Collections and
Research 21.9%
Institutional Advancement 5.2%
Environment, Culture and
Conservation 6.3%
Business Enterprises 8.4%
Other Museum
Services 21.9%
Exhibitions 10.2%
Debt Service 14.1%
2009 The Field Museum
The Museum managed another challenging fiscal year in
2009, which began with an approved operating budgeted
deficit of $(1,645,000). The Board of Trustees approved
the budgeted deficit with the direction that management
work throughout the year to bring the deficit to a balanced
position by year end. Several strategies to achieve the
objective were successfully implemented and included
a reorganization of the public side of the institution to
maintain a more aggressive and cohesive focus to the
overall revenue goals of Admissions, Membership and
Business Enterprises. Museum management controlled
expenses throughout the year by continuing the hiring
freeze implemented in 2008 for non-critical positions,
slowed the hire of critical positions, and delayed some
planned programming. The results of the strategies were
Operating Budget Revenue and Other Support
The 2009 operating budget revenue was $64.2 million.
This amount was $3.0 million or 6% over budget goals.
All revenue generating areas exceeded the 2009 budget,
with the greatest variance seen in Admission revenue,
which ended $1.6 million greater than budget. Contribution
revenue concluded the year with strong results at $7.3
million, which was 18% or $1.1 million over the budget.
Membership sales were $2.9 million or 26% over budget.
Program Service Fees from educational programs and
outbound traveling exhibitions totaled $2.9 million, which
was 89% or $1.4 million over budget. This was achieved
through the addition of venues for the international
traveling exhibition a T-Rex Named Sue in South
America, increased educational public program pricing
and attendance for the Dozin’ with the Dino’s overnight
program, the summer camp program, and featured lectures,
workshops and performances.
Operating Budget Expenditures
Total assets increased from $541.6 million in 2008 to
$583.5 million as of December 31, 2009, an increase
of 8%. The largest asset categories were investments of
$286.7 million and Museum property of $269.1 million
(shown net of accumulated depreciation). The increase in
asset value was due in large part to the recovery in the
market value of institutional investments (the endowment
and the funds functioning as endowment) that increased
by $57.0 million or 25% from 2008. Total liabilities
decreased $14.1 million or 6%. The largest liability
category was notes payable, which ended the year at
$179.0 million. Interest rate swaps decreased by $12.2
million The other major decreases in liabilities were
accrued expenses and deferred revenue which decreased
by $1.7 million and $1.5 million, respectively
Overall Financial Performance in 2009
Overall, the Museum managed another challenging
fiscal year in 2009 but had a nice recovery as the
financial markets improved toward the latter part of
the year. Management implemented several strategies to
successfully end the year with an increase in net assets,
from the operating budget, of $3.0 million. Management
continues the monitor the volatility of the financial
markets and continues to analyze the Museum’s various
public learning and research programs.
The complete audited financial statements for The Field
Museum for the year ended December 31, 2009 are
available on the Web at http://fieldmuseum.org/audit
or by writing to the Office of the Controller, 1400 South
Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60605
© Thomas Brandenburg
Operating budget expenditures in 2009 were $61.2 million.
Expenses were 5% under budget as of December 31, 2009
and 6% less than the 2008 actual expense level. On an
unrestricted basis, the majority of functional areas were
at budget, while most areas were under expense budget for
use of funds from restricted net assets and government and
private grants and contracts.
net assets were $63.7 million. This compares to 2008
unrestricted net assets of $194.9 million, temporarily
restricted net assets of $46.9 million, and permanently
restricted net assets of $60.7 million.
Change in Net Assets
The Museum’s Statement of Financial Position reflects
the upturn in the financial markets that occurred after the
first quarter of 2009. As of December 31, 2009, net assets
increased 19%, to $358.4 million from $302.4 million
from the previous year. Unrestricted net assets totaled
$224.1 million at year end, while temporarily restricted
net assets were $70.7 million, and permanently restricted
2009 The Field Museum
© The Field Museum, Dr. John Wayne Janusek
2009 Donor Lists
The Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 11
The Women’s Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 31
Restricted Gifts and Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 12
Campaign for The Field Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 34
u Corporate, Foundation and Public Entities
Unrestricted Gifts and Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 15
Chairman’s Circle
Founders’ Council
u The Annual Fund
u Corporate Relations Program
u Unrestricted Corporate and Foundation
u The
Commemorative Gifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 36
Edward Ayer Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 37
Estate Gifts and Bequests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 38
Matching Gifts and Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 38
In-Kind Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 38
Donated Collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 38
Staff Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 41
Volunteer Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 41
Museum Volunteers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 42
2009 The Field Museum
of Trustees
Wendy Abrams
James L. Alexander
Ralph Alvarez
Anthony K. Anderson
John R. Anderson
Susan M. Benton
Tom Bernardin (1)
David W. Bernauer x
Howard B. Bernick
Judith S. Block
Norman R. Bobins
Gail K. Boudreaux
John L. Bucksbaum
John A. Canning, Jr.
Gregory C. Case
Richard A. Chaifetz
Robin T. Colburn
Michelle L. Collins
Robert W. Crawford, Jr.
James A. Delaney III
Louis T. Delgado
Roger K. Deromedi
Janet J. Duchossois
Richard Elden
Michael W. Ferro, Jr.
Jamee C. Field
Marshall Field
David W. Fox, Jr.
James S. Frank
Marshall B. Front
J. Erik Fyrwald (2)
Wilbur H. Gantz III
Ronald J. Gidwitz
Sue Ling Gin
Antonio J. Gracias
Judson C. Green
Jack M. Greenberg
Lewis S. Gruber
David A. Helfand
David G. Herro
David D. Hiller (3)
* Trustee
^ Staff
John A. Canning, Jr.
Anthony K. Anderson
ice Chairman, Public
Howard B. Bernick
Vice Chairman, Pension
Judith S. Block
Assistant Secretary
Norman R. Bobins
Vice Chairman, External
James A. Delaney III
Vice Chairman, Budget
Michael W. Ferro, Jr.
Vice Chairman, Technology
Marshall Field
Vice Chairman, Development
Assistant Secretary
Mellody L. Hobson
Gary E. Holdren
Cheryle R. Jackson
Bryant L. Keil
Michael L. Keiser (4)
Constance T. Keller
Richard L. Keyser
William C. Kunkler III
Randolph R. Kurtz
Alan J. Lacy x
Diane von Schlegell Levy
Cary J. Malkin
John W. McCarter, Jr.
Andrew J. McKenna, Jr.
W. James McNerney, Jr.
Bobby Mehta
Leo F. Mullin
Clare Muñana
Neil S. Novich
James J. O’Connor, Jr.
Aurie A. Pennick
Peter B. Pond
J.B. Pritzker
Kimberly Querrey
M. Jude Reyes
Larry D. Richman
John W. Rowe
Patrick G. Ryan, Jr.
Timothy R. Schwertfeger x
Nydia Santos Searle
Alejandro P. Silva
Adele S. Simmons
Charles Slamar, Jr. x
Maureen Dwyer Smith
David B. Speer
Michael Tang
Rebecca Ford Terry x
Glenn F. Tilton
David M. Tolmie
Joseph V. Tripodi
Everett S. Ward (5)
Laura S. Washington
Kelly R. Welsh
† Deceased
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GN91240_248d
The Board
James S. Frank
Vice Chairman, Facilities
Marshall B. Front
Vice Chairman, Investment
Wilbur H. Gantz III
Vice Chairman, Science
John W. McCarter, Jr.
President and CEO
Peter B. Pond
Vice Chairman, Finance
John W. Rowe
Vice Chairman, Governance
Kimberly Querrey
Kelly R. Welsh
Vice Chairman, Audit
Miles D. White
Immediate Past Chairman
Linda S. Wolf
Vice Chairman, Marketing
B. Joseph White x
Miles D. White
W. Rockwell Wirtz (6)
Linda S. Wolf
Ex-Officio Trustees
Laura Ferris Anderson
Frances A. Beatty
Gery J. Chico
Judith K. Lavender
Robert B. Loveman
Life Trustees
Mrs. T. Stanton Armour
Charles W. Benton
Bowen Blair•
Willard L. Boyd
Worley H. Clark, Jr.
James W. Compton
Frank W. Considine
Stanton R. Cook
Thomas E. Donnelley II
Mrs. David W. Grainger
Mrs. Robert S. Hartman
Barry G. Hastings•
Wayne E. Hedien
Doris B. Holleb
Richard M. Jones
William H. Kurtis
Scott P. Marks, Jr.
Hugo J. Melvoin
James J. O’Connor, Sr.
Richard J. Pigott
Robert A. Pritzker
Robert L. Wesley
William J. White
Blaine J. Yarrington
Key for Trustees:
• National Trustee
x Term Concluded in 2009
New trustees are numbered
for photos.
Not pictured are new trustees
Nydia Santos Searle and
Doris Holleb
2009 The Field Museum
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GN91122_04-08d
Restricted gifts and grants are contributions
from individuals, foundations, corporations and
public entities designated for specific programs.
Grants restricted to The Campaign for The Field
Museum: Understand the Past, Shape the Future
are listed on page 34 .
Individual and Family Foundations
$1,000,000 and above
Harris Family Foundation
Biodiversity Synthesis Center
Kimberly Querrey* and Louis Allen Simpson
Educational Programs
John W.* and Jeanne M. Rowe
Rowe Family Curator of Evolutionary Biology
Robert M. and Diane* von Schlegell Levy
General Operations Fund
The Women’s Board
General Operations Fund
Women in Science Fellowship
$100,000 to $999,999
Anthropology Research Assistant Endowment
Council on Africa
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bucksbaum
Bucksbaum Young Scientist Fund
The Davee Foundation
Emerging Pathogens Project
Mr. and Mrs.* Dennis J. Keller
Council on Africa
Field Dreams Anthropology
Field Dreams Botany
Madagascar Research Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Keyser*
Biodiversity Synthesis Center
Lewis and Susan Manilow
Biodiversity Synthesis Center
President’s Discretionary Fund
The Negaunee Foundation*
Collections and Research Fund
Expeditions at The Field Museum
Mr. and Mrs. Werner E. Neuman
Chicago Area Fungus Project
The Segal Family Foundation II
Special Programs
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
$25,000 to $99,999
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bankard
Botany Fund
Comer Science and Education Foundation /
The Gary C. Comer Family
Chicago Climate Action Plan
Philip Enquist and Joanna Karatzas
Water Exhibition
Mr. Steve M. Goodman^ and
Ms. Asmina Goodman
Madagascar Research Fund
Mr.* and Mrs. Antonio J. Gracias
Biodiversity Synthesis Center
Mr. Robert B. Shapiro and Ms. Virginia Farley
Crown Family PlayLab
Bob and Charlene Shaw
Anthropology Fund
Mr.* and Mrs. David M. Tolmie
Council on Africa
Salary Support
Mr. and Mrs. Orlin D. Trapp, Jr.
Mammals Fund
$10,000 to $24,999
Anonymous (3)
Anthropology Fund
Geology Fund
Turnbull Research
Bertha Lebus Charitable Trust
Zoology Fund
Barbara E. Brown^
Mammal Research Endowment
Mrs. Joyce E. Chelberg
Anthropology Fund
Jack Fuller and Debra Moskovits^
Environmental Programs
Mr. Robert D. Rodgers
Ornithologist’s Research Fund
The Warwick Foundation
Environmental Education Programs
Orthinologist’s Research Fund
$5,000 to $9,999
Anthropology Fund
Mr. Rüdiger Bieler^ and Ms. Petra Sierwald^
Biodiversity Research
Mark and Connie Crane
Field Dreams Anthropology
Dr. Kennon P. McKee
Mammals Fund
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Osborn
Field Dreams Anthropology
Mrs. China I. Oughton
Library Fund
Charles and M. R. Shapiro Foundation
Crown Family PlayLab
$2,000 to $4,999
Mrs. Lee Winfield Alberts
Mammals Fund
Sue and Stephen Baird
Field Dreams Anthropology
Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Beck
Field Dreams Geology
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Burt
Educational Programs
Pam and Howard Conant, Jr.
Council on Africa
Ms. Marian F. Cook
Council on Africa
Mark and Connie Crane
Field Dreams Anthropology
Christie A. and William B. Denniston, Jr.
Council on Africa
Mary and Bruce Feay
Botany Fund
Council on Africa
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Foght
Council on Africa
Susan M. Forney and Stryker Warren
Council on Africa
Joanne Benazzi Friedland
Efroymson – Hamid Family Foundation
Educational Programs
Dr. Malcolm H. Hast and Dr. Adele Hast
Mammals Fund
Mrs. Robert C. Hyndman
Field Dreams Anthropology
Pritzker Laboratory
Ms. Judy Johanson
Council on Africa
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Lauer
Council on Africa
Deborah and Daniel Manoogian
Council on Africa
Ms. Nancy A. McDaniel
Council on Africa
John E. McGovern III
Educational Programs
2009 The Field Museum
Mrs. Withrow W. Meeker
Field Dreams Geology
Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Newsom
Mammals Research Fund
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Niekamp
Mammals Fund
Ornithologist’s Research Fund
Mrs. Marlene W. Phillips
Field Dreams Zoology
Ms. Irene D. Pritzker
Council on Africa
Dr. George B. Rabb
Environmental Programs
Zoology Endowment
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Robinson, Sr.
Crown Family PlayLab
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Ross
Field Dreams Educational Programs
Field Dreams Zoology
Ms. Cynthia M. Scalzo and Dr. Henry Brown
Field Dreams Botany
Mr. Ronald S. Sherman
Andean Research
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tisbo
Field Dreams Geology
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GEO86314c
$1,000 to $1,999
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dean Avery
Zoology Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Delaney
Field Dreams Geology
Mr.* and Mrs. Roger K. Deromedi
Field Dreams Zoology
Mr.* and Mrs. Thomas E. Donnelley II
Donnelley Research Fund
Janet* and Craig Duchossois
Anthropology Fund
Phyllis Weil Ellis
Anthropology Fund
Ms. Tan Fui Lian^ and Dr. Robert F. Inger^
Reptile Research Fund
Mr. Dale G. Kalina and Dr. Davida W. Kalina
Mammals Fund
Mr. Bryant L. Keil*
Educational Programs
Ms. Renée Logan
Anthropology Fund
Mr. * and Mrs. Scott P. Marks, Jr.
Field Dreams Botany
Field Dreams Geology
Ms. Elisabeth C. Meeker
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Field Dreams Geology
Ms. Anna T. Meyer
Educational Programs
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Mota
Field Dreams Pritzker Lab
Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Reyes
Field Dreams Botany
Ross Family Foundation
Environmental Programs
Harris Loan Education Endowment
Mr. H. Nelson Rowley III
Invertebrate Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan
Field Dreams Anthropology
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Schnadig
Field Dreams Zoology
Van Nice Foundation
Educational Programs
Matthew J. von Konrat^ and Genea Pitts
Botany Fund
Ms. Jennifer Wulffen
Americas Research
$500 to $999
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Brunner
Reptile Research Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cunningham
Field Dreams Geology
Mr.* and Mrs. Roger K. Deromedi
Anthropology Fund
Ms. Tonja Rizai Hall
Field Dreams Anthropology
John C. and Victoria Martin Myers
Educational Programs
Mrs. Gerhart Schild
Botany Fund
The Nelson Insect Endowment Fund
Ms. Heather T. Sparling
Geology Fund
Dr. Alissa B. and Mr. Jonathan K. Shulkin
Educational Programs
Mrs. Susan Stein
Anthropology Fund
Mr. Edward J. Valauskas and Mrs. Nancy John
Geology Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Vicha
Human Resources Fund
$200 to $499
Cinda and Fred Axley
Environmental Programs
Mr.* and Mrs. Norman R. Bobins
Field Dreams Anthropology
Mrs. Robert Adams Carr
Field Dreams Geology
Mrs. Silas S. Cathcart
Mary W. Runnels Rare Book Room
Dr. Joan B. Chapin
Insect Purchase Fund
Ms. Betsy Hoffmeister
Madagascar Research Fund
Mr. and Mrs. W. Bruce Johnson
Field Dreams Anthropology
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Klauber
Field Dreams Anthropology
Mr. and Mrs. Aidan I. Mullett
Mary W. Runnells Rare Book Room
Mr. Verne Peterson and Ms. Julie Lipkin
Evolving Planet Exhibition
Mrs. Charles S. Potter
Anthropology Fund
Frank and Karen Schneider
Geology Fund
James and Pamela Stola
Anthropology Fund
Duane E. and Christine M. Stout
Human Resources Fund
Corporate, Foundation and
Public Entities
$5,000,000 or more
Abbott Hall of Conservation
The Boeing Company
Environment, Culture & Conservation
The Grainger Foundation
Grainger Fund for Science
Grainger Hall of Gems Renovation
Nature of Diamonds Exhibition
Tawani Foundation
Robert A. Pritzker Center for Meteoritics
and Polar Studies
$1,000,000 to $4,999,999
Nature Unleashed Exhibition
Exelon Corporation
The Aztec World Exhibition
Environment, Culture & Conservation
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Climate Change in the Albertine Rift
Climate Change in Madagascar
Cofan Landscape in Northern Ecuador
Encyclopedia of Life
Science Based Conservation at The
Field Museum
Strengthening Organizations in
Cordillera Azul
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Ecologists Fund
Global Plants Initiative
Latin American Scientist Training Fund
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Bivalves in time
and space
Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (3)
Phylogeny, revisionary taxonomy & the
fossil record of asiloid flies
Household and Social Change in Ancient
Puerto Rico
Mesozoic vertebrate faunas in Antarctica
Collaborative research: New research
on the Mesozoic vertebrate faunas of the
Beardmore Glacier region, Antarctica
Prehistoric Settlement Nucleation on the
Great Hungarian Plain
Collaborative Research: Worm snails revised
U.S. Department of State
Iraqi Museum Professional Program
2009 The Field Museum
© The Field Museum
McDougal Family Foundation
Environmental Education Programs
Oracle Education Foundation
SUE Student Symposium
ThinkQuest (In Kind)
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
Water Exhibition
$25,000 to $49,999
The Robert and Isabelle Bass Foundation, Inc.
Educational Programs
Efroymson Family Fund, A CICF Fund
Crown Family PlayLab Programs
Educational Programs
Frankel Family Foundation
Environmental Programs
Illinois Arts Council
General Operations Fund
Oberweiler Foundation
Water Exhibition
Whole Foods Market
Climate Change Exhibition
Wildlife Conservation Society
Tanzanian Mammals
$500,000 to $999,999
Dr. Ralph and Marian Falk Medical
Research Trust
Emerging Pathogens Project
IDP Foundation, Inc.
The Field Museum / IDP Foundation, Inc.
African Training Fund
Polk Bros. Foundation
Collections Resource Center
Early Elementary Science Partnership
Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation
Conservation of Landscapes of Amazonian
Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust
Early Elementary Science Partnership
$250,000 to $499,999
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund
Small Mammal Study
Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation
Calumet Environmental Education Program
Films from The Field
Ernst & Young LLP
Eurafrasian Research
3D Theater Sponsorship
Hamill Family Foundation
Protecting Diverse Amazonian Lowlands:
The Rich Forests of Gueppi
Target Free Second Mondays
$100,000 to $249,999
America for Bulgaria Foundation
Collections & Research
Baker & McKenzie
Marae Gallery Exhibitions
Blue Moon Fund
Rapid Biological and Social Inventory in Peru
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Caterpillar Foundation
Botany Fund
Institute for Museum and Library Sciences
Long Term Security and Access to
Genetic Resources
The Joyce Foundation
Water Exhibition
JRS Biodiversity Foundation
Index for Conservation Compatibility
Motorola Foundation
Climate Change Exhibition
High School Transformation Project
Wege Foundation
Water Exhibition
$50,000 to $99,999
Baxter International Inc.
Biotechnology Education Programs
Water Exhibition
The Brinson Foundation
Crown Family PlayLab Programs
The Bobolink Foundation
Environmental Programs
The Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
Environmental Programs
Centers for Disease Control
Laboratory Equipment (In-Kind)
Mammoths & Mastodons Exhibition
Ford Motor Company Fund
Calumet Environmental Education Program
HSBC - North America
Climate Change Exhibition
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Teacher Professional Development Programs
Water Exhibition
Kraft Foods
Story Time Educational Program
Henry Luce Foundation
Anthropology Fund
$10,000 to $24,999
Bears Care Fund
Educational Programs
Cascade Foundation
Northwest Coast Exhibition
Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation
Chinese Rubbings Exhibition
Renewable Energy Vehicle Program
The Maurice R. and Meta G. Gross Foundation
Educational Programs
James S. Kemper Foundation
Summer Internship Fund
New York Community Trust
Harris Loan Center
Albert Pick, Jr. Fund
Educational Programs
Relations Foundation
Educational Programs
Dr. Scholl Foundation
CPS Summer Internship Fund
Siragusa Foundation
Educational Programs
$5,000 to $9,999
95% Share Marketing, Inc.
Mammals Fund
Ornithologist’s Research Fund
City of Chicago, Department of Cultural Affairs
CityArts Program
Patrick and Anna M. Cudahy Fund
Crown Family PlayLab Programs
Max Goldenberg Foundation
Mammals Fund
The Hoellen Family Foundation
General Program Support
The Kainz Family Foundation
Environmental Programs
National Marine Fisheries Service
Smalltooth Sawfish Study
Educational Programs
2009 The Field Museum
$1,000 and below
Resolute Consulting, LLC
Educational Programs
Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal, LLP
Educational Programs
The Warranty Group
Educational Programs
Chairman’s Circle
$25,000 and above
Anonymous (5)
Mr. and Mrs.* James D. Abrams
Mr.* and Mrs. Ralph Alvarez
Mr.* and Mrs. Anthony K. Anderson
Mr.* and Mrs. John R. Anderson
Mr. Thomas H. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Bauer
Mr. Thomas F. Beauvais
Howard B. Bernick Foundation*
Mr.* and Mrs. Norman R. Bobins
Barbara^ and Roger Brown
Mr.* and Mrs. John A. Canning, Jr.
Mr.* and Mrs. Gregory C. Case
Dr.* and Mrs. Richard A. Chaifetz
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Chandler
Ms. Michelle L. Collins*
Mr. Stanton R. Cook*
Mr.* and Mrs. Robert W. Crawford, Jr.
Mr.* and Mrs. Roger K. Deromedi
Janet* and Craig Duchossois
Mr.* and Mrs. Richard Elden
Philip Enquist and Joanna Karatzas
Ms. Jamee C. Field*/ The Edith B. and Lee V.
Jacobs Fund No. 1
Mr.* and Mrs. Marshall Field
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Finnegan
Mr.* and Mrs. James S. Frank
Wilbur* and Linda Gantz
Christina and Ron* Gidwitz
Ms. Sue Ling Gin*
Mr.* and Mrs. Lewis S. Gruber
Wayne E.* and Colette J. Hedien
Mr. David G. Herro*
Mr. David D. Hiller*
Mrs. Harold H. Hines, Jr.
Mr.* and Mrs. Michael L. Keiser
Mr. and Mrs.* Dennis J. Keller
Mr.* and Mrs. Richard L. Keyser
Randolph R. Kurtz*
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Levin
Robert M. and Diane von Schlegell* Levy
Mr.*^ and Mrs. John W. McCarter, Jr.
Mr.* and Mrs. W. James McNerney, Jr.
Mr.* and Mrs. Siddharth Mehta
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Clare Muñana*
The Negaunee Foundation*
Mr.* and Mrs. Neil S. Novich
Mr. Michael P. Polsky
Peter* and Alicia Pond
J. B.* and M. K. Pritzker Family Foundation
Mr.* and Mrs. Robert A. Pritzker
John W.* and Jeanne M. Rowe
Mr. and Mrs.* Michael D. Searle
Mr. and Ms. James D. Slavik
Michael* and Diane Tang
Mr.* and Mrs. David M. Tolmie
Mr. Fred L. Turner
Kim and Miles* White
Mr.* and Mrs. W. Rockwell Wirtz
The Founders’ Council
$10,000 to $24,999
Anonymous (2)
Mr.† and Mrs.* T. Stanton Armour
Mr. and Mrs. Nolan H. Baird, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs.* Philip D. Block III
Terry and Gail* Boudreaux
John* and Jackie Bucksbaum
Carol and Tom Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Butz / Butz Family
Mr. Jim W. Croft^ and Mrs. Marilyn
Martinson Croft
Mrs. Ken M. Davee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Feitler
Ginny and Peter Foreman
Mr.* and Mrs. David W. Fox, Jr.
Marshall B. Front Family Charitable Foundation
/Laura De Ferrari and Marshall B.* Front
Mr. and Mrs. Guy F. Gorney
Mr.* and Mrs. Antonio J. Gracias
Mr.* and Mrs. Judson C. Green
Mr.* and Mrs. Jack M. Greenberg
Mr. David Alan Helfand* and
Ms. Leslie N. Bluhm
Ms. Mellody Hobson*
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Holman III
Pamela K. and Roger B. Hull
Mrs. Shirley R. Jahn
Mr. Herbert Fisk Johnson
Ms. Nancy W. Knowles
Laurie and Rich Kracum
Ms. Elizabeth Amy Liebman
Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. MacLean
Mrs. Withrow W. Meeker
Mr.* and Mrs. Hugo J. Melvoin
Mr. Hymen T. Milgrom
Mr. Richard M. Morrow
Cathy and Bill Osborn
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon S. Prussian
Lydia and Patrick* Ryan, Jr.
Mrs. William L. Searle
Mr. and Mrs.* Edward Byron Smith, Jr.
Barbara and David* Speer
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Tieken, Jr.
Glenn* and Jacqueline Tilton
Mr. and Mrs.† Howard J. Trienens
Mr.* and Mrs. Joseph V. Tripodi
Mrs. Herbert A. Vance
Ms. Leslie A. Weaver and Mr. Hilton Weinberg
Linda* and Ron Wolf
$7,500 to $9,999
Mr.* and Mrs. Thomas L. Bernardin
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Wells Carton
Harris Family Foundation
Mr. Robert B.* and Mrs. Gail J. Loveman
Cary J.* and Lisa Klimley Malkin
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Snodell III
Mrs. Ann S. Wolff
$5,000 to $7,499
Anonymous (4)
Alexander and Alexander Attorneys at Law*
Mr. Harry Axelrod
Ms. Susan M. Benton*
Mrs. Barbara Beré
Dr. and Mrs. Norman L. Blankenship
Rosemarie and Dean Buntrock
Mr. Kent Chandler, Jr. / The Buchanan Family
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Chapman
Mrs. Joyce E. Chelberg
Mr.* and Mrs. Worley H. Clark, Jr.
Mary and Jim Costello
Dr. and Mrs. Tapas K. Das Gupta
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Delaney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Denny / John G. Searle
Family Trust
Mr. Richard A. Ditton
Dr. Eric J. Dybal
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ferry III
Mr. Andrew J. Filipowski and
Mrs. Melissa Oliver
Ms. Abigail B. Gerry / The Edith B. and Lee V.
Jacobs Fund No. 3
Stephen Gieser and Ruth Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Glasser
Richard and Mary L. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Burton W. Hales, Jr.
Mrs. D. Foster Harland
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hodges
Mrs. Noel Kaplan
General Packaging Products
Mr. William C. Kunkler* and
Ms. Susan M. Crown
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Lauer
Mr. Richard J. Loewenthal, Jr.
2009 The Field Museum
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GN91272_018d
$2,500 to $4,999
Charles Adams Nature Research Foundation
Botany Fund
Jocarno Fund
Environmental Programs
Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation Inc.
CPS Summer Internship Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Madey
Mr.* and Mrs. Scott P. Marks, Jr.
Mr. Andrew H. Mathis
Ms. Sarah L. Mathis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Miles
Mrs. China I. Oughton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Palmer
Lanny and Terry Passaro
Ms. Aurie A. Pennick*
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Puth
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ranney, Jr.
Roberts Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Rosenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sanborn
Ms. Karla Scherer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Schnitzer
Fred and Sue Schulte
Segal Family Foundation
Mr. Roger D. Shaw, Jr.
Adele S. Simmons* and John L. Simmons
Mrs. Phelps Hoyt Swift
Mr. Kelly R. Welsh* and Ms. Ellen S. Alberding
Barbara H. West
John and Mary Willis Foundation
Jack and Goldie Wolfe Miller
Mr.* and Mrs. Blaine J. Yarrington
$2,500 to $4,999
Anonymous (2)
Mrs. Lee Winfield Alberts
Mrs. John W. Allyn / The Allyn Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Almeida
Lynn Donaldson and Cameron Avery
Sue and Stephen Baird
Mr. E. M. Bakwin
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bankard
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Barr
Warren and Eloise Batts
Ms. Dorothy L. Baumgarten
Ms. Deborah A. Bekken^ and
Mr. Richard G. Kron
Mr.* and Mrs. Charles W. Benton
Mr.* and Mrs. David W. Bernauer
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Block
George H. and Nancy L. Bodeen
Robert and Laura Boyd
Mr. Joseph B. Brennan^
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley N. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Carney
Joan and Tom Castino
Mrs. Hammond Chaffetz
Kenneth and Linda Ciriacks
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Colberg
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Conrad
Mark and Connie Crane
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Crane
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Cushing
Mrs. Carla M. Dehmlow
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Delahunty
Owen Deutsch and Rona Talcott
Mr. and Mrs. Byram E. Dickes
Ms. Janet W. Diederichs
Mr. Thomas R. Doler
Enivar Charitable Fund
Mrs. Jerome L. Ettelson
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Mrs. Juila B. Faust
Sonia and Bill Florian
Donna and Peter Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Freund
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Friedman
Virginia and Gary Gerst
Mr. and Mrs. Camillo Ghiron
Mr. and Ms. Stanford J. Goldblatt
Mrs. Delta A. Greene
Timothy and Joyce Greening
Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel
Dr. Jonathan Haas^ and Dr. Winifred Creamer^
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hagenah III
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Dean M. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Z. Hayward, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Herbert III
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hines
Ms. Peggy Hoberg
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holzheimer
Mrs. Ruth P. Horwich
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence V. Howe, Jr.
Dr. Maria R. Hrycelak
Mr. Stewart S. Hudnut and Mrs. Vivian Leith
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Hurvis
Mr. Robert S. Ingersoll
Ms. Pamela M. MacVicar Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon E. Kent
Mr. and Mrs. T. Eric Kilcollin
Mrs. Lynne King Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. King
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. M. Laird Koldyke
Dr. Robert A. Kubicka and Dr. Claire Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Lehman
Ronna B. Lerner and Joel Horowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Lizzadro
Ms. Renée Logan
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Luce
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Lynn
Mr. J. Robert Lynn
Bettina Reed MacAyeal†
Mr. Douglas MacAyeal
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Malloy
Sandy and Jerry Manne
Ms. Marie A. Marotta
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. E. Jerome McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Archibald McClure
Dr. William B. McDonald and Ptah Sekhmet
Udjahorresnet Ptahhotp
Patty and Mark McGrath
Dr. Kennon P. McKee
Jane and Bruce McLagan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. McQuaid
Erma S. Medgyesy
Ms. Elisabeth C. Meeker
Susan Mikalauskis
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Mota
Mr. Robert Moyer and Ms. Anita Nagler
Mr.* and Mrs. Leo F. Mullin
Ms. Christine M. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Werner E. Neuman
Mr. Arthur C. Nielsen, Jr.
Mr.* and Mrs. James J. O’Connor, Jr.
Mr.* and Mrs. James J. O’Connor, Sr.
Jim and Diane Otis
Ms. Donna L. Owens
Irma Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pasquesi
Carl and Barbara Plochman
Mrs. Charles S. Potter
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Power
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Purcell III
James A. Radtke and Susan A. Kressin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Rahal
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph S. Rasin
Mr. and Mrs. John Shedd Reed
Mr. Richard F. Reynolds
Mr. Joseph Roberti
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Robinson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rotering
Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Rubash
Dr. and Mrs. Myron E. Rubnitz
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Rubschlager
John and Shirley Schlossman
Mr. and Mrs. F. Eugene Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Allan P. Scholl
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Schwab
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. L. Senior
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Sentoff
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Sharp
Mrs. Beverly E. Shaw
Bob and Charlene Shaw
Pam and Tom Sheffield / JS Charitable Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Shields
Dr. Neil H. Shubin and Ms. Michele Seidl
Rose L. Shure
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Shutack
Mr. and Mrs. Romolo Sidoli
Mrs. Dolores Silverman
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Smith
Toni Sandor Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Solomon
Mrs. Ida N. Sondheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Spore
Joachim and June Staackmann
Mrs. Susan Stein
Ms. Lisbeth C. Stiffel
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Stone
Harvey and Mary Struthers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Stuart, Jr.
Mr. Arthur T. Susman
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thayer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart B. Townsend
Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Veeder
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Walter
Mr. Everett S. Ward* and Ms. Iris Sims
Mrs. Roy I. Warshawsky
Mrs. Hempstead Washburne
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yastrow
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Zabel, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zentner
Mark H. Zornow, M.D.
2009 The Field Museum
The Annual Fund
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein
Field Explorers
$1,000 to $2,499
Mr. and Mrs. A. Robert Abboud
Mary and Mike Abroe
Mr. and Mrs.* Matthew D. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Apke
Mr. Henry G. Bates, Jr.
Dr. Verna L. Baughman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Belgrad
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Berner, Jr.
Ms. Lisa K. Bibb
Mr. George W. Blossom III
Willard L.* and Susan K. Boyd
Mr. Clay Brock
Mr. John P. Bryan
Samuel and Beth Buchsbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Bulley, Jr.
Mr. Roger B. Burckert
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Burns II
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Burt
Mr. and Mrs. Rhett W. Butler / Butler
Family Foundation
Thomas and Dianne Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Cannella
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Casimer
Mrs. Silas S. Cathcart
Sheila M. Cawley^ and Stephen Kahnert
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Colman
Mr. James W. Compton*
Froilan and Cecilia Concepcion
Mr. and Mrs. E. David Coolidge, III
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Cooper
Ms. Christine Courtnage
Ms. Diana DeBoy
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Derrah III
Ms. Kathryn Deupree
Mr. Eugene H. Deutsch
Ms. Ann C. Dienner
Mrs. Glenda W. Duncan
Mark and Kitty Egan
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Engel
Mary and Bruce Feay
Ms. Sylvia Fergus
Dr. Fred G. Freitag and Ms. Lynn N. Stegner
Mr. and Mrs. Joel M. Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Friedmann
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Garoon
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Ms. Donna J. Godel and Mr. Roger E. Godel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Godfrey
Mr. John C. Goodall, Jr.
Ms. Cynthia E. Goodenough
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Carson G. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gruber
Dr. Rolf M. Gunnar
Mr. Corwith Hamill
Mr. Graham Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. M. Hill Hammock
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Harrington
Mrs. Stephanie C. Harris / The Edith B. and
Lee V. Jacobs Fund No. 2
Janet and Bob Helman
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hess
Melissa Hilton^ and Jonathan Perman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hofbauer
Mr. Richard M. Holm
Mrs. H. Earl Hoover
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Huchel
Tex and Susan Hull
Dr. James D. Hurst
Mr. Lawrence L. Johnson
Mr.* and Mrs. Richard M. Jones
Linda M. Jung
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Kelly
Mr. John A. Kolden
Komlofske Fund of the Evanston Community
Ms. Janet M. Landato
Mr. David M. Lauerman
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Layng
Ms. Cathy G. Lazaroff
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Leahy
The Lefkofsky Family Foundation
Mr. Sheldon L. Leibowitz
Ms. Ruth W. Lekan
Ms. Deirdre LeMire
Bonita and Bob Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Liebman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lindgren
Mrs. Robert R. Lipsky
Mrs. Laura Litten and Mr. Andre Leduc
Amy & Steve Louis Foundation
Ms. Susan H. Luciu
Ms. Michelle L. Maton and
Mr. Michael C. Schaeffer
Mrs. Donna J. Matson and
Mr. Robert W. Carpenter
Ms. Bess Catherine McCord
Ms. Anne L. Metcalf^ and Mr. John Stoody
Mr. and Mrs. Horst J. Metz
Mr. and Mrs. Loring Richard Miceli
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Moeller
Ms. Mary K. Moreland and Mr. Daniel T. Jenks
Mrs. Mary Lou Morelli
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Morse, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Mortara
Ms. Helga E. Muench
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Munson, Jr.
Luvie and Scott Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Madhavan K. Nayar
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nebenzahl
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Nielsen
Ms. Christina J. Norton and Mr. John A. Biek
Ms. Lynn R. Olman
Mrs. Virginia O’Neill
Ms. Sarah R. Packard
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Patton
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pearce
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Perkaus, Jr.
Mr. John O. Peters
Reverend and Mrs. Richard E. Pistole
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Powell
Ms. Dellyn Raimondi
Nancy and Warren Rasmussen
Mr. Alan Resetar^ and Mrs. Donna Resetar
Thomas and Cecelia Ricketts
Mr. James C. Ringenoldus
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rosenson
Mr. Robert A. Rosholt and
Ms. Sharon L. Brunelle
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Ross
Ms. Linda Rotering
Mrs. Elizabeth D. Rothermel
Ms. Kristine L. Rull
Robert E. and Cynthia M. Sargent
Ms. Barbara M. Schleck and Mr. Gary M. Ropski
Ms. Carol H. Schneider
Frank and Karen Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Scully
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Seaman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Madison A. Self
Mr. Matthew J. Sideman
Mrs. Stephanie A. Smith
Ms. Elizabeth L. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Stanek
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan G. Strauss
Ms. Judith B. Sugarman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Szalay
Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tashima
Jim and Carol Tichy
Dr. Michael M. Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trangsrud
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Tubutis
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Vitale
Mr. Thomas W. Vogelsang and
Ms. Kathleen M. Moran
Ms. Jeri L. Webb^
Professors Johannes and Julia R. Weertman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs.^ Michael White
Ms. Jean Ann White and Ms. Helen Beisecker
Mr.* and Mrs. William J. White
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Wiggin
Mr. David E. Willard^
Mr. Darnell Williams^
Ms. Claudia L. Winkler
Mr. Lawrence J. and Mrs. Margaret V. Witry
Mr. Theodore M. Wynnychenko and
Ms. Laura Hill
Field Naturalists
$500 to $999
Mr. and Mrs. John Aalbregtse
Ms. Susan S. Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Allen
Dr. and Mrs. Dominic J. Allocco
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel J. Anderson
2009 The Field Museum
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F. Fulton
Mr. John F. Fyfe and Ms. Joan M. Greco
Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Gallagher, Jr.
Mrs. Mary S. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. William Gantz
Mrs. Mary K. Gasser
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Geraghty
Mrs. Mary Jane Gibbs and Mr. Thomas Gibbs
Mr. John D. Goerner
Mr. Robert Golant
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gorter
Ms. Patricia Gowland
Patricia Gramling-Babb M. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron L. Gregory
Mrs. George Price Grieve
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Gunnison
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Haffner III
Mrs. William M. Hales
Ms. Elizabeth W. Halpern
Mrs. Herbert L. Hanna
Mr. E. J. Hansman
Ms. Alice E. Harper
Ms. Katherine P. Harris and Mr. Robert S. Jendra
Mrs. Augustin S. Hart, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond V. Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Head
Dr. and Mrs. Leo M. Henikoff
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin K. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Hertenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Hidding
Mr. Thomas Hilgart and Ms. Shirley Kitzmann
Mr. Stuart L. Hirschman and
Ms. Melinda K. Arbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hoffman
Ms. Christine B. Holliday
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hoppe
Rose Houston Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Hoyt
Ms. Patricia J. Hurley
Mrs. Lorraine M. Hurt and
Mr. George M. Ingram
Jill M. Hutchison and David Rosholt
Mr. Joseph Ingino and Ms. Martha Arroyo
Mr. Matthew Isoda
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney F. Jarrow
Ms. Deborah Johnson and Ms. Angela Nesci
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Judy
Ms. Loretta Kahn
Ms. Verla Kasmerchak
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Kelly
Mrs. Katharine J. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kepes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Kittle-Kamp
Mrs. Alberta Kosik
Scott Kosmeder and Corey Green
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Kozak
Mr. Paul R. Kressin and Ms. Kay Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott H. Krieter
Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Kruse
Susan and Duane Kullberg
Katherine Kurtz and Raburn Howland
Mr. William T. W. Kwan
Mr. and Mrs. John R. La Montagne
Mr. and Mrs. James Lancaster
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Lane
© Thomas Brandenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Anest
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Arntzen
Ms. Kasandra L. Astor^
Mr. James Erbs and Ms. Margaret Atkins
Mr. Rodney Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bacon, Jr.
Richard P. Bail and Janice G. Bail
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Barclay
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin R. Barnes
Mr. Clyde E. Bassett, Jr.
Ms. Nancy J. Beaumont
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Becht
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Belsley
Ms. Ann Bentzen-Bilkvist
Laura Biddle-Clarke^
President and Mrs. Henry S. Bienen
Mr. Thomas R. Bland
Mrs. Florence H. Boone
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Borland, Jr.
Mr. Keith D. Bowersox
Mr. Richard T. Brannegan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Breisblatt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bresolin
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Buck
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buker
Mr. Nathaniel P. Clapp
Mr. James A. Clark
Gregory and Peggy Clements
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Cohen
Mr. Louis J. Cohn and Mrs. Patricia Kroness
Mr. Franklin A. Cole
Mr. John T. Coletta
Pam and Howard Conant, Jr.
Mr. William D. Cox, Jr.
Mr. Guy R. Crane
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crown
Mr. Justin Daab and Ms. Lois Morrison
Robert and Cathy Daly
Mr. William R. Darman and Ms. Maria Mau
Ms. Melissa K. David
Ms. Rebecca Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Davies
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dick
Mr. and Mrs. Blair C. Dickinson
Mr. and Mrs. James S. DiMatteo
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Dodson
Mr. John R. Dooley
Mrs. Lowell B. Dwinell
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Earle
Mr. Merrick M. Elfman and
Ms. Therese L. Wareham
Mr. and Mrs. Fabio Fabbri
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Faulhaber
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Fessler
Mr. Luis A. Fierro
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Fieser
Ms. Georgeanna Fischetti and Mr. Robert Kritz
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fragnoli
Mrs. Arthur A. Frank, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Frank
Mr. William J. Friend and Ms. Linda L. Friend
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall S. Leaf
Ms. Leslie A. Lee
Robert B. Lifton and Carol R. Rosofsky
Mr. Robert J. Lueders
The Lusk Family
Mr. and Mrs. C. Patrick MacLeod
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Mack, Jr.
Mr. Barry A. Malkin
Ms. Charlene Marcus
Ms. Jamie C. Marshall
John C. and Victoria Martin Myers
Mr. William D. Mason and Ms. Diana Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McKee
Mr. and Mrs. John A. McKenna
Ms. Carlette C. McMullan and Mr. John Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Melman
Dr. Steven A. Melnyk
Ms. Courtney Mentzer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Merrick
Ms. Anna T. Meyer
Mr. Charles F. Meyer
Rachel Hayman and Edward Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Mikolajczyk
Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Miller
Mr. Ralph V. Miner
Mrs. B. A. A. Mohr
Mr. Robert V. Monfort
Dr. Anthony G. Montag and
Dr. Katherine L. Griem
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Moore, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Murawski
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand C. Nadherny
Ms. Mary Nalbandian
Mr. Jeffrey C. Neal and Mrs. Susan J. Cellmer
Mr. Jim Niehoff and Ms. Jolie Macier
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nienow
Ms. Anne Nobles and Mr. David Lawther Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. John Noonan
Mr. Tod A. Olson and Ms. Julie Stauffer
Mr. Robert I. Osterberg
Ms. Cynthia Paulauskas
Ari and Zoe Paxinos
2009 The Field Museum
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
© The Field Museum, Laurel Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Perlman
Mr. S. James Perlow and Ms. Sandra Jo Allen
Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Petrie
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Pickard-Richardson
Mr. John Pincenti
Ms. Nancy Ellen Plax and
Mr. Steven Schwartzman
Mrs. John W. Pocock
Mrs. Mary F. Quednau
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Berry II
Dr. George B. Rabb
Mrs. Carolyn F. Rademacher
Mrs. Sheila T. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Ritchie
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Robbins
Ms. Janice E. Rodgers
Ms. Anita J. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Romanek
Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Rosenstein
Mr. Gerson M. Rosenthal
Mrs. Donald I. Roth
Ms. Rachel Ryan
Laura^ and Steven Sadler
Jessica and Steve Sarowitz
Mrs. Lawrence K. Schnadig
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Schultz
Mrs. Marilyn L. Schweitzer and
Mr. Michael A. Firman
Mr. and Mrs. G. Curtiss Shaffer
Ms. Linda Soreff Siegel and Mr. Ira O. Glick
Mr. Andrew B. Simmons and Mr. Mitchell
Mr. Richard M. Skolly and Dr. Kate A. Feinstein
Ms. Maureen M. Slavin
Dr. James L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Smolen
Mr. and Mrs. Dan W. Snyder, Jr.
Mr. Tom Sourlis
Ms. Sharon E. Spanogle
Ms. Faith H. Spencer and Mr. Mark Parts
Mr. and Mrs. James Stanczak
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stepan
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Stineman
Mr. and Mrs. Russ M. Strobel
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Swartz
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Swift III
Mr. and Mrs. Blake H. Swift
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Szokol
Ms. Nina Tai
Ms. Anne M. Talluto
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin V. Tollestrup
Ms. Sally L. TreKell
Ms. Bessie Trigourea
Mr. J. Michael Trumbold
Mr. Scott F. Turow
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Unetich
Mr. Shawn K. VanDerziel^ and Mr. Jay Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Waichler
Ms. Belle Waldfogel and
Ms. Georgean Goldenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Scot E. Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Watt
Mrs. Dorothy B. White
Mr. and Mrs. Raymon Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wilkens
Mrs. Aimee G. Willetts^
Mr. Michael J. Wisnowski and
Ms. Dawn I. Walker
Ms. Vickie C. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wotovich
David and Kay Wulf
Mr. N. C. Yang and Mr. Ding D. Yang
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Zigterman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ziolkowski
Field Adventurers
$250 to $499
Anonymous (12)
Mrs. Joan Abdul and Ms. Kathy Abdul
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Abrahams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Abrams
Mr. Roger S. Adamek
Mr. Cyrus H. Adams
Kathleen and Bruce Adams
Mrs. Mavis M. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Addison
Barbara and Steven Adelman
Dr. and Mrs. Leon Adler
Ms. DeAnne M. Aguirre
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Aguzzi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Ahlgren
Arshad and Rebecca Ahmed
Bob and Pam Aitchison
Ms. Judith A. Akers
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Albertson
Mr. Greg Albiero
Mr. and Mrs. Arlyn E. Albrecht
Mr. William N. Aldeen and Ms. Shelley Torres
Mr. and Mrs. Marco Alejandre
Ms. Gwen Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alexander
Mr. David J. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Allison
Mr. Eric D. Alsberg and Ms. Joyce Steinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Alter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Altman
Mr. Fouad Amer and Ms. Dina Qader
Mr. and Mrs. Jay E. Amond
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Anderson
Ms. Audre Anderson and Ms. Wendy Maka
Darrell and Deb Anderson
Ms. Lois M. Anderson and Mr. Hans Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson
Mr. Thomas A. Andreoli
Mr. Timothy Angel
Mr. Kenneth D. Angielczyk^ and
Ms. Audrey Aronowsky^
Ms. Alona W. Anspach
Ms. Vickie Apostolos and Mr. Richard Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. S. Frank Arado, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidronio Arellano
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Arens
Mr. Joshua Arlow
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce T. Armstrong
Ms. Harriet B. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert W. Arsenault
Ms. Joan Arturi
Ms. Catherine Ashdown and Mr. Neal Lofchy
Ms. Courtney Ashley and Mr. Mark Wieting
Mr. Richard Assmus and Ms. Leah Welty
Mr. and Mrs. Brett A. August
Ms. Kaye B. Aurigemma
Ms. Katherine Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Merrick Axel
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Babich
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Babowice
Mr. James S. Bacciocco
Mr. and Mrs. William Backs
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Baedke
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Baer
Mr. Luke Baer
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Baer
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bagby
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bahr
Mr. and Mrs. David Baier
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bailey
2009 The Field Museum
Mr. Timothy R. Baker and Ms. Denise Guardino
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baldwin
Mrs. Jennifer Balestrery
Ms. Julie Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Balsbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Banach
Tom and Ann Banaszak
Mr. Roger Bancroft
Ms. Deborah Bane and Mr. Stanley Marcyanik
Mr. and Mrs. Merle H. Banta
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph C. Barba
Dr. Amy Barcroft
Dr. Simon Bare
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Baretta
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barilich
Tom Barkalow and Patricia Lougheed
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Barker
Ms. Katherine M. Barnash
Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Barnat
Laurence and Sarah Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barriball
Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. Bartel
Ms. Diane M. Bartels
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Basak
Kim and Carlo Basile
Ms. Sandra Bass
Stefanie and John Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bauer
Mr. Nick J. Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Baum
Ms. Lisa Bauman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Bauschelt
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Bayer
Mr. John M. Beal
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Beaumont
Mrs. Earl J. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. G. Arthur Beck
Mr. William T. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Shane Becka
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin G. Becker
Mr. Norbert Becker and Ms. Suzanne Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Becker
Mr. Robert D. Becker
Reverend William C. Beckmann
Mr. and Mrs. William Bedford
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Beech
Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Behmer
Ms. Nancy Behrendt
Ms. Marilyn I. Beil
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Beitler
Mrs. Angela Benavides and Mr. Joseph Maxwell
Ms. Lynne Bender
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Benefiel
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bening
Arlene and Wayne Bennett
Mr. Matthew Benoit and Ms. Cathleen Dohrn
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Bensinger
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Bercek
Nancy and Mark Bergner
The Bergstrom Family
Ms. Kate Berkeley
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Berkson
Zachary and Isabell Bernard
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bernardoni
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bernot
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Berry
Mr. David Berten and Mrs. Jane Kozuch
Mr. and Mrs. Merle W. Betterman
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian D. Beverly
Mr. and Mrs. Sanjay Bhasin
Mr. and Mrs. Keki R. Bhote
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bianco
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bianco
Mr. and Mrs. Joesph Bibbs
Mr. William E. Bible
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Bickett
Ms. Lois J. Bider
Mr. Rüdiger Bieler^ and Ms. Petra Sierwald^
Mr. and Mrs. Don Biesen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Bill
Ms. Julie Billingsley
Dr. Michael D. Bishop
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Bitter
Ms. Kay A. Bjork
Mr. Tim Blair
Mr. and Mrs. John Blaser
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Blau
Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Bleecker
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Block IV
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Blomgren
The Bloom-Kessler Family
Mr. and Mrs. David Blumenfeld
Mr. Jerry V. Bobek, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Boborci
Dr. R. Darrell Bock and Dr. Renee Menegaz-Bock
Ms. Darlene M. Boegen
Raphael and Shirlann Boghosian
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin F. Bogs
Dr. Therese M. Bogs and Mr. W. Haser
Mr. and Mrs. George Bohling
Mr. Thomas C. Boltik and Ms. Ava Boltik
Mr. Marcello Bondurant
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bonebrake
Mr. and Mrs. David Bonnette
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence O. Booth
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bordwell
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bornhorst
Ms. Loris Bosques and Mr. Vincent Schurring
Ms. Elisabeth Bott
The Bottomlee Family
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Boulanger
Michael and Satoko Bourdaghs
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bowman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bowyer
Mrs. Barbara A. Boyer
Ms. Thania Boznos
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Bozych
Roger and Mary Bradford
Mr. and Mrs. David Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bradley
Mr. John L. Bradshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brady
The Bragg Family
Mr. and Mrs. John Bratsakis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brattain
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brauer
Ms. Kimberlee A. Breckler
Mrs. Marie Brelin
The Bresch Family
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Breslin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Brickman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Brickman
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Brieva
Mr. and Mrs. Lance M. Brisben
Mr. and Mrs. John Brisch
Mary J. Brister and McKinley H. Brister
Ms. Carolyn J. Brna
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Broad
Dr. and Mrs. Norman F. Brockmeier
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Broderick
Mr. and Mrs. John Broeker
Ms. B. B. Bromwell and Mr. M. S. Bromwell
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Bronson
Ms. Lisa A. Bronson
Mr. Charles Brooks and Mrs. Suzan Bramson
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bross
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Brouwer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Brown
Mr. Seth N. Brown and Ms. Marya Lieberman
Ms. Shannon E. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle G. Bruce
Mrs. Mildred S. Bruhn
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Brunsting
Mr. Trevor Bruss
Mr. and Mrs. Archibald T. Bryant
Ms. Leah E. Bryant and Mr. David J. French
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua T. Buchman
Mr. Steve Buchtel and Ms. Laura Devine
Dr. Stephen J. and Mrs. Susan P. Buck
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Buck
Ms. Laurie H. Bulson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Bunnell
Mr. and Mrs. Werner Buol
Mr. and Mrs. Werner H. Buol
Mr. John F. Burke, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Burke
James Burnside and Fritzi Jones
Mr. Timothy J. Burroughs and Ms. Barbara Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Buzecky
Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Byrne
Mr. Thomas Byrnes and Ms. Carol Rigmark
Eileen Cahill and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Calandra
Dr. Gregory Calleia and Ms. Judith Howard
Ms. Geneva R. Calloway and Mr. Robert Calloway
Ms. Judith A. Caloud and Ms. Mary A. Caloud
Dr. and Mrs. Rafael Z. Campanini
Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Adan Campos
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Canning
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cantone
Mr. Leslie P. Capri
Mr. Severio Capuano and Mrs. Allison Gunn
Mr. and Mrs. Drew A. Carhart
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Carmazzi
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Carmichael
Ms. Judy Carmona
Mr. and Mrs. Fairbank Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carrillo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Carroll
Mr. Rowan Carroll
2009 The Field Museum
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carvallho
Mr. and Mrs. John Casciotti
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Casey
Mr. and Mrs. James Cassens
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cassil
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Castle
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Catanzaro
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Caywood
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Cemate
Ms. Fritzi L. Cerinich
Mr. Donald H. Cernansky
Ms. Oliva V. Cervantes
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Champion, Jr.
Ms. Suzan L. Chap
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred P. Chapleau III
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Cheek
Ms. June M. Chenelle
Mr. and Mrs. Thong M. Cheng
Julie and Joshua Chernoff
Ms. Joan S. Cherry and Mr. John R. Cara
Mr. Jayanth S. Chintamani
Mr. Mark Chiu and Mrs. Maria MacWilliams
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Chojnicki
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Chojnowski
Ms. Alma J. Chomsky
Mrs. Emily J. B. Christian
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Christie
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Chudy
Ms. Grace H. Chun
Ms. Mary Lee Cichy
Mr. Robert Clapp and Mr. J. Robert Clapp, Jr.
Randall Clark
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Clark
Ms. Saundra Clark
Ms. Barbara Clarke
Brian J. Clarke and Margaret Feit Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Claus
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Clemetsen
Mr. Peter L. Clerkin
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Clisham
Mr. Benjamin A. Coats
Ms. Elizabeth Cocoma
Ms. Sandra Cody and Mr. Joe Gwinn
Mr. William S. Cohen
Mr. Ray Colebaugh
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Coleman III
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Collins
Mr. Kevin Combs
Dr. Cynthia L. Comella
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Conboy
Ms. Constance S. Coning
Ms. Cira V. Conley and Ms. Stephanie Limesand
Ms. Erica J. Conlon
Mrs. Gladys Connolly
Ms. Sarah Connor and Mr. Tom Dordak
Ms. Lorraine M. Conroy
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Conti
Mr. Mark D. Contratto
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Conybeare
Mr. and Mrs. Mercer Cook
Ms. Julia Corcoran
Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Cordoba
Mr. Gerald Corrigan
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Ms. Linda K. Corteen
Ms. Danielle Cosma
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Costa
Mr. John Cottes and Ms. Linda Brink
Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Cowell
James and Lisa Cowhey
Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Cox
Ms. Noreen Coyan
Mr. and Mrs. Randall J. Crabtree
Ms. Susan Craft
Ms. Carol Ann Craig and Ms. Joanie Birdsall
Mrs. Betty Ann Cratty
Mr. Robert X. Creevy and Ms. Sarah M. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. James Cronin
Ms. Billie Crotty
Ms. Susan M. Crowell and Ms. Kathleen Cooke
Ms. Eleanor L. Crumback
Mr. Wilfredo P. Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey R. Cubitt
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Culver
Ms. Yvonne M. Curbis
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Curry
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Curtis, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. David V. Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Custer
Mr. Lorelle Cutforth and Dr. Nancy B. Cutforth
Ms. Laura Cuzzillo and Ms. Caryn Berman
Mr. Michael P. Cwiklik
Ms. Wanda Cygan
Ms. Anissa Cyhaniuk
Ms. Cordelia Dahlberg-Benedict
Mr. Thomas D’Alesandro
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Daly II
Ms. Marie Daly
Mr. William Daly and Mrs. Michele Romero
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Damron
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Danby
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Danner
Professor and Mrs. Gerald A. Danzer
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Darley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Daspit, Jr.
Mr. Michael Daugherty
Ms. Judy Dauparas
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Davidson
Ms. Nancy J. Davidson
Ms. Sandra Davidson
Ms. Laura Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Davis III
Mr. and Mrs. David Davy
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dawson
Sujata and Sandeep Dayal
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis De Bruler
Mr. Pierre De Smul and Dr. Carol De Smul
Mr. Bruce Dean
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Deboer
The DeBord Family
Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Debrock
Dr. Brank B. DeBruhl
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Decker
Ms. Nancy De Dakis^
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Deditz
Mr. John E. Deimel
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dekker
Mr. and Mrs. David Dekker
Mr. and Mrs. John DeLeon
Ms. Judith A. DeLeon
Ms. Claudia Delestowicz
Louis* and Margarette Delgado
Mr. Larry E. DeMar
Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. Denison
Mr. Harry M. Dent and Ms. Anne Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeSalvo
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene R. DeSombre
Mrs. Uta DeTappan-Staley
Ms. Doris Devine
Mr. William Dewoskin
Ms. Eloise DeYoung
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Diamond
Ms. Rosanne L. Diamond
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Diaz
Mr. and Mrs. Cristhian Dick
Ms. Amy T. Dickinson
Ms. Leonora Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Dieckgrafe-Dreyer
Ms. Janet E. Diehl
Ms. Louise E. Dieterle
Ms. Patricia Ann Dihel
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Dillon
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Dimar
Ms. Sandra DiMonte and Ms. Betty DiMonte
Mr. William D. Dini
The DiSantis Family
Mr. and Mrs. Alec DiSanto II
Ms. Henrietta L. Dixon
Mr. James Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Dlutowski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobis
Glen and Suzanne Dobosz
Mr. Michael Dobray
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein A114800d_05E
2009 The Field Museum
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Ertler
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Eshleman
Ms. Hilda Esterrich
Mrs. Anne H. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Evans
Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Evans
Ms. Rose Anne Everson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ewert
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fabiyi
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Facklam
Mrs. Elizabeth Factor and Ms. Laiah Factor
Ms. Diana H. Fagan
Mr. Harry R. Fair and Mrs. Carolyn E. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Falasz
Jennifer Fales and Greg Morris
Mr. Daniel G. Falotico
Ms. Irene Falout
Mr. Lawrence J. Falvey
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Fama
Captain and Mrs. W.T. Fantry
Mr. Jeffrey Farbman and Mrs. Ann Greenstein
Mr. and Mrs. David Fassezke
Mr. and Mrs. John Faulhaber
Mr. Thomas A. Faulkner
Ms. Phyllis Faulman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Fayman
Ms. Julie A. Federico and Mr. Jay Mitchell
The Feinerman-Kohl Family
Ms. Susan H. Feit and Dr. Neil R. Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Fellerer
Amy Muran Felton and Thadford A. Felton
Mrs. Joan L. Fencil
Brian and Rachel Fernald
Dr. and Mrs. Balbino B. Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Jose L. Ferrer
Mr. and Mrs.^ Conrad T. Fialkowski
Ms. Amy M. Fielek
Robert and Mary Ellen Fieseler
Ms. Jean Fincher
Ms. Judith A. Findorff
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Finger
Ms. Lisa P. Finis
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen I. Finney
Dr. and Mrs. Terrance E. Fippinger
Ms. Susan Fischbach
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fish
Mr. and Mrs. Justin M. Fishbein
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan G. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan L. Fitch, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Fitzpatrick
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Flanagan
Timothy and Mary Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Flannery
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Flemister
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Flexman
Mr. Geoffrey A. Flick
Mr. Eric Flint and Mrs. Lucille Robbins
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Foght
Mr. Robert Fogt and Ms. Kim Mussatto
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Folland
Dr. and Mrs. James J. Foody
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Forhan
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Forrest
Ms. Lynette Foss
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Foster
Ms. Lorraine G. Foucher
Ms. Katherine M. Fox
Mrs. Betty S. Frank
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Frankel
Mr. Robert R. Frankenstein
Dr. Stasia J. Frank-Powers and
Dr. Richard J. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Franz
Mr. and Mrs. Sadgio Fredianelli
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Free
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Freedman
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Freiberger
Ms. Eleanor B. Frew
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Frievogel
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fruin
Ms. Tara A. Fumerton and Mr. David A. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Ciaran Furlong
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Furner
Ms. Anne V. Fussell
Mr. and Mrs. Max C. Gabbard
Damien and Rita Gabis
Ms. Kristine L. Gaeta
Mr. and Mrs. John Gage
Mr. Gregory G. Gajda
Albert and Sherri Galante
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gallagher
Ms. Donna M. Gallee
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gansauer
Dr. and Mrs. Joe G. N. Garcia, M.D.
Ms. Martha A. Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gardner
Mr. Richard H. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Garman
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Garman
Mr. James J. Garvey
Mr. David Garza
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gaul
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gavlin
Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Gawlas
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Gawrit
Mr. and Mrs. James Gazis
Mr. Michael S. Gelber and Ms. Debra Hammond
Ms. Julie L. Gentes
Ms. Marylou Georgis
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Gerlicher
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Germino
Mr. Charles E. Geyer
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ghelfi
Mr. Ben Gierl and Ms. Karla Hayter
2009 The Field Museum
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GEO86518_0222Ad
Mr. and Mrs. David Dobreff
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dobuck
Judith and Edward Docekal
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Doddridge
James and Paulette Dodson
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Doherty
Leonard and Patricia Dominguez
The Dominguez-Valdez Family
Mr. Daniel J. Donahue
Donald and Margaret Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Doninger
Mr. William S. Donnell and Mrs. Claudia Daly
Ms. Gloria Donnelly
Mr. Mark I. Donnelly and Ms. Veta A Bonnewell
Ms. Eileen Dordek and Mr. Chris Landgraff
Ken and Karen Dort
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Drabik
Mr. Thomas A. Drebenstedt
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Drennan
Mr. George D. Driggers
Ms. Sally L. Drucker
Mr. Joseph H. Drummond
Mr. Raymond H. Drymalski
Mike and Vickie Drzik
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony B. D’Souza
Mr. Michael S. Dublak and
Mrs. Sharon M. Authier
Ms. Lisa DuBrock
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Dugan
Mr. Randy Dujmovich
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dulin
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Dulland
Mr. and Mrs. Ferne L. Dungan
Ms. Helen M. Dunlap
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Durica
Mrs. Frances Dutton
Mr. and Mrs. David Dvorak
Mr. J. Patrick Dyson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dzienis
Ms. Glenna R. Eaves and
Mr. Christopher J. Boebel
Ms. Mara Eckerling
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Eckstein
Mr. Richard W. Economou and
Mr. Peter Economou
William and Mary Edgar
Ms. Linda L. Egebrecht
Ms. Margaret M. Eiden
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Eisman
Mr. Gregory P. Ekey and Ms. Jennifer A. Homer
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ekholm
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Elder
Mr. Allen E. Eliot
Mr. J. Thomas Eller
Mr. Timothy Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Elrod
Professor Jean B. Elshtain
Mr. John E. Emel and Ms. Cordelia Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Endo
Mr. and Mrs. Tomy Endo
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Eng
Ms. Barbara Engel
Kevin and Lori Eppel
Mr. and Mrs. William Erbe
Ms. Erika E. Erich
Dr. and Mrs. James O. Ertle
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GN91264_18d
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Gilbert
Mr. Scott M. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Gillam
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gillian
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gilliland
Ms. Judy Girard
Mr. and Mrs. James Gladden
Mr. and Mrs. Stanford L. Glass
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Glassberg
Mr. John A. Glassgow
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Glauberg
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Glennon
Mr. and Mrs. Layne Glunt
Ms. Maureen Glynn
Mr. Richard Gnaedinger
Amy and Greg Goberville
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gofen
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Gogola
Alexandra Margo Goia
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Golden
Rabbi Douglas H. Goldhamer and
Ms. Peggy L. Bagley
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Goldman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Goldman
Ms. Susan R. Goldman
Dr. David Goldrath and Dr. Carol Goldrath
Ms. Susan Goldschmidt and Mr. Miles Taub
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Goldsmith
Ms. Joan Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Golebiowski
Mr. Christopher G. Golec
Ms. Guadalupe Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Gonzalez
Ms. Elizabeth L. Goodbody and
Mr. Ralph P. Beck
Ms. Lisa J. Gooding
Joan Riley and James Goodridge
Ms. Ligia Mendez Goodwillie
Ms. Dorothy G. Goos
Mr. Gary Gordon and Ms. Marilyn Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Gordon, Jr.
Mr. Anthony Gorski
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Goss
Mr. and Mrs. Numa R. Gottardi-Littell
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Ms. Judith A. Graf
Don and Jane Gralen
Ms. Karen L. Granda and Mr. John S. Mrowiec
Dr. Lance Grande^ and Dr. Terry Grande
Mr. and Mrs. Craig C. Grannon
Mr. and Mrs. Leland E. Graul
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gray
Ms. Patricia Graziani
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Green
Mrs. Kathleen P. Greenawalt
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Greenebaum II
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Greenwood
Mrs. Nicole Grelecki
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Grgurovic
Ms. Catherine A. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Hollis J. Griffin
Ms. Ann Griffith Ash
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby D. Griffith
Ms. Ann Grissom and Ms. Hilcia Ticas
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Grobarcik
Mr. John Grobe
Mr. Alvin J. Grossman
Mr. Joe Grozik
Rose and Steven Grumbine
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Grumman
Ms. Patricia Grundke
Mr. Robert L. Grzywinski and Ms. Pamela S. Moy
Ms. Carolina Guerra and Mr. Yadira Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Guevara
Ada Mary Gugenheim and Jon N. Will
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Guida
Ms. Halina Gumiela
Mr. and Mrs. Dale F. Gustafson
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Gustaitis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Gustavson
Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Guzman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Haak
Mrs. Evangeline R. Haarlow
Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Haas
Mr. Robert A. Habermann
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Hackbarth, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. John N. Hackett
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Haddad
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Hagee
Mr. Robert Hagele and Ms. Mary Jo Kuffner
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin D. Hagen
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hagenah
Mr. and Mrs. John Hagensicker
Mr. and Mrs. John Hague
Ms. Holley Hall
Dr. and Mrs. George S. Hallenbeck
Mr. Christopher J. Hallett and Ms. Jackie Lustig
Philip and Deborah Halpern
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Halpin
Mrs. June R. Hamer
Dr. Adnaan Hamid and Mrs. Elissa Efroymson
Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hamlin
Mr. Michael Hammerman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Joel L. Handelman
Mr. Larry L. Hanes
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Hannah
Ms. Kate Hannigan and Mr. Naoum Issa
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hardin
Ms. Antonia M. Hargis
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hargis
Mr. and Mrs. Gene E. Haring
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harris
Ms. Sylvia Harris
Ms. Mary Anne Harrison
Mr. William R. Hartig
Mr. and Mrs. Max E. Hartl
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Daggett Harvey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Harwood
Dr. Harrith M. Hasson and
Ms. Sharon A. Sharrett
Mrs. Jacqueline Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Hatcher
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Farnia
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hauge
Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Hauselman
Mr. and Mrs. James Hauser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hauser
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hausfeld
2009 The Field Museum
Mr. and Mrs. Dieter R. K. Haussmann
Mr. Jeffrey Havsy
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Haworth
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Hayden
Kathleen and Daniel Hayman
Mr. and Mrs. James Haynie
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Heagy
Mrs. Eugene Heal
Lawrence R. Heaney, Ph.D.^
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Heaton
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Heaton
Mrs. Jane B. Hecht
Mrs. Bette Heide
Ms. Joyce E. Heidemann
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Heisley
James A. and Mary E. Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Henderson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Henkel
Ms. Marilyn Hennessy
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hepp
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Herbolskeimer
Ms. Joyce K. Herdliska
Mr. Juan Herena and Ms. Michele Carlon
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Herkes
G. Hermanas Family
Ms. Sarah Hernandez
Dr. Charlotte C. Herzog
Mrs. Patricia Heywood and Mr. Glen Komperda
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Hibbard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hickey
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Hight
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Hilko
Mr. and Mrs. George Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hill
Mr. Kenneth R. Hilton and Mr. Kenton Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Austin L. Hirsch
Ms. Marcia A. Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hirsch
Ms. Jeanne Hjorth
Ms. Geraldine B. Hletko
Mr. Dean Hobart
Dr. and Mrs. Zachary I. Hodes
Ms. Susan Hoffman
Ms. Mary Alice Hogueisson
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hohner
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hokkanen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holba
Mr. Craig J. Holderness
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Holland
Mr. Robert A. Holmgren
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holubow
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Holzhall
Mr. Donald S. Honchell and Ms. Susan K. Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Dean T. Honda
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Honig
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Honkisz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hope
Mr. and Mrs. G. Michael Horn
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Hornbrook
Ms. Heather Hornby
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hornstein
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Horsley
Andrew and Cheri Houha
Mr. and Mrs. James Hovis
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Mrs. Laurie W. Howick
Mr. Elbert S. Huang and Ms. Tina H. Louie
Mr. and Mrs. David Hubbard
Dr. and Mrs. Michael S. Huckman
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Huddlestun
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Huff
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Hug, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip D. Hulben
Mrs. Diane S. Humphrey
Mr. and Mrs. G. Cleveland Hunt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hurl
Maryam J. Hussain
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hutson
Mr. Michael S. Hyman
Ms. Maria A. Iafollo
Mr. Bruce H. Iehl
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Ignas
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Immelman
Mr. Matthew Ing and Ms. Betty Ing
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Ingraham
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ingram
Mr. Steve M. Isaac and Ms. Judy Olds
Donna and Marshall Isaacson
Ms. Saira Ismail and Mr. Kirk Stiffler
Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Isoda
Mr. James Iverson
Mr. Steven Jabek
Ms. Denise Jabotte
Ms. Cristina Jacobo and Mrs. Irma Jacobo
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I. Jacobson
Dr. William M. Jagiello
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jahnke
Mr. and Mrs. John Jakob
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. James
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Janas
Joseph and Rebecca Jarabak
Ms. Janice A. Jarnholm
Ms. Catherine A. Jaselskis and
Mr. Gary G. Alberts
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Jasionowski
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jeffers
Mr. Robert H. Jeffers and Ms. Sara E. Byron
Miss Rose Mary Jelinek
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Jelinek
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Jernstedt
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Jindrich
Ms. Judy Johanson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Johnson
Karen and Dennis Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Earle D. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald L. Johnson
Mr. Mark A. Johnson and Ms. Judith M. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley L. Johnson
Dr. Maryl R. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Johnson
Mr. Michael J. Johnson and
Ms. Elizabeth A. Barnes
Ms. Stacy L. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Jones, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jones, Jr.
Ms. Sethras L. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Horace W. Jordan
Mr. Eric B. Jorgensen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Josd
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Joy
Mrs. Laura Joyce-Hubbard and
Mr. Lloyd Hubbard
Ms. Carin J. Judkins
Mrs. Elizabeth E. Jurjevich
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Juro
Mr. Dan Kacey and Mrs. Alejandra Perez Tamayo
Mr. and Mrs. Tom F. Kacprowicz
Miss Judith Kadish
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kadlec
Mr. and Mrs. Erik T. Kahler
Ms. Jill M. Kainu
Mrs. Mary S. Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kalina
Ms. Kathleen G. Kallan
Dr. Sona Kalousdian and Dr. Ira D. Lawrence
Mr. Michael Kalway
Ms. Patricia M. Kammerer
Mr. Dan Kane and Mrs. Sonia Dickerson
Dr. Mary G. Kane and Mr. Vern Kerchberger
Mr. Scott Kane and Ms. Emily Barr
Dr. and Mrs. Alan J. Kanter
Mr. Allan Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Kaplan
The Karesh Family
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Karger
Ms. Susan Karol and Mr. Glenn Warning
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Karoly
Mr. Nick Karonis and Ms. Hania Yassin
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Kart
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kasang
The Kasserman Family
Mrs. Catherine M. Katauskas
Mr. and Mrs. Demetrios Katsaros
Mr. Richard A. Katz
Ms. Carol J. Katzberger
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kawula
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Kay
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Kay
Ms. Leslie Kaye
Mr. and Mrs. John Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Keck
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kee
Ms. Tina D. Keith and Mr. Aaron Montavon
Mr. and Mrs. James Kelleher
Mr. and Mrs. Marion F. Kellum
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Kelly
Ms. Miriam J. Kelm
Mr. Andrew J. Kennedy and Ms. Marcia T. Kaiser
Mr. Christopher M. Kennedy
Ms. Doris Kennedy and Mr. Joseph Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy
Ms. Ruth A. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Kenney
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ketel
Ms. Susan Key and Ms. Julie Key
Dr. and Mrs. Alan C. Keyes
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Keyt
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kickhaefer
Mr. Albert Kieser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kilinskis
Mr. and Mrs. Chinuk U. Kim
2009 The Field Museum
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Ms. Angela Lo Giudice
Mr. and Mrs. J. William Locke
Mrs. Carmella A. Lockwood
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Loentz
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Long, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian D. Lorentson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Love
Mr. Kenneth Lowell and Mr. Kevin Lowell
Claude and Ruth Lucchesi
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Lucero
Dr. and Mrs. Louis P. Lukancic
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lundberg
Dr. John R. Lurain and Dr. Nell S. Lurain
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Mabie
Mr. and Mrs. Scott N. MacGregor
Daniel C. Macken
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mackey
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Mackrides
Ms. Margaret L. Maczulski
Mr. and Mrs. Don Madill
Kathleen Madsen
Ms. Michele Madura-Griffin
Ms. Lory Magenta and Mr. Steve Magenta
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Magnabosco
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Maher
Ms. Elizabeth Makelim
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mandelstein
Mr. and Mrs. John Mangel III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Manietta
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Mann
Mr. Lester Mann
Ms. Beth Mannino and Mr. Paul Schick
Deborah and Daniel Manoogian
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Mantia
Mr. and Mrs. James Manz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Manzardo
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marcoux
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Marcus
Marczewski Family
Arthur and Elaine Margulis
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mark
Mr. and Mrs. John Hummel
Ms. Angela M. Marquez
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Marsh
Christopher J. Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Marshall
Ms. Lynne Marshall
The Martin Family
Todd and Erika Martin
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Martinet
Drs. Marco and Susan Martinez
Ms. Judith Marx Golub
Ms. Linda Tiffin Mascorro and Mr. Gerald Grych
Ms. Carmen Maso
Mr. and Mrs. John Massey
Mr. John R. Masters and Ms. Carmella Cottonaro
Mr. and Mrs. John Mastrud
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mather
Mr. and Mrs. James Mathews
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Matson
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Matsunaga
Mr. Wesley D. Matthews and Ms. Lucia Acuna
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mauter
2009 The Field Museum
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GN90930_05d, bottom A114450_08d
Mr. and Mrs. Dunstin Kimball
Mr. and Mrs. James P. King
Ms. Niamh King
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kinney
Ms. Mary C. Kinney
Mr. Dennis J. Kinzig
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kircher, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Korhan Kivanc
Ms. Caryn Kiven
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Klapperich, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klapperich
Ms. Alida Klaud
Mr. Keith Kleehammer and Ms. Cheryl Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. John Kliczko
Dr. and Mrs. Thornton C. Kline, Jr.
Dr. Audrey L. Klopp and Mr. Keith I. Klopp
Ms. Judith L. Knie
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Knight
Ms. Sonja Knight
Ms. Alexandra Knox
Mr. Timothy B. Knuth and Ms. Elizabeth Tate
Mr. and Mrs. Jayson Koback
Ms. Lottie J. Kobza
Ms. Sibyl Kobza and Ms. Laura L. Kobza
Mrs. Lisa Koch Kornick and Mr. Michael Kornick
Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Koglin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kohn
Ms. Geralind Kolarik
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Koliopoulos
Mr. James Kolovos and Ms. Anne E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Konen, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rasit Konuk
Ms. Barbara L. Korasek and Ms. Mindy Willard
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Kossiakoff
Mr. and Mrs. David Koza
Ms. Jennifer L. Kraft
Ms. Regina Krakowski
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Krall
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel S. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Krasner
Mr. Joseph J. Kratzer
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Krawcyzk
Mr. and Mrs. James Krema
Mr. and Mrs. Leon V. Kremer
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Krentkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Kriezelman
Mrs. William J. Kristy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Krizan
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Krob
Ms. Allison Krucek and Ms. Marion Krucek
Mr. and Mrs. Larry S. Krucoff
Mr. Ed Krukiewicz and Mrs. Valerie Krukiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert K. Krulee
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kuehl
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kukulka
Ms. Heather Kummerer
Ms. Nancy E. Kumskis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Kupferer
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon F. Kurtz
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Laatsch
Ms. Jeanne M. Ladd and Mr. Jeffrey M. Siergey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ladewig
Dr. Ted J. Lafeber and Ms. Christine S. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Laidlaw
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Eliot A. Landau
Mr. and Mrs. Dirk B. Landis
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley G. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lane
Ms. Christine J. Laperuto and
Mr. William J. Roznowski
Mr. Albert K. Larsen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Larsen
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larson
Ms. Marie R. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Laslo
Mr. and Mrs. David Latham
Ms. Linda S. Lauterbach
Ms. Devalina Law and Ms. Sharmistha Law
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G. Lawrence
Mrs. Samuel T. Lawton, Jr.
Ms. Michelle D. Layman
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Lazar
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Leach
Ms. Mary L. Leahy
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Leanse
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Learner
Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Lee
Mr. Frank R. Miller and Ms. Nancy M. Lee
Dr. Steven H. Lee and Dr. Kimberly F. Lee
Mr. William M. Lee, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Legg
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lehman
Mr. Paul A. Lehman and Ms. Ronna Stamm
Mr. Mike C. Leland
Ms. Bernadine J. Lelko
Ms. Donna Lenhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Vincenzo O. Leone
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lesher
Mr. Barry Lesht and Ms. Kay Schichtel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Lesko
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Leslie
Mr. William T. Leslie
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lessenberry
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Levi
Mr. Gregory Lewandowski and
Ms. Kathleen Stenson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Lewin
Dr. and Mrs. Michael S. Lewis
Dr. and Mrs. David B. Lieb
Ms. Susan E. Linde
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Linden
Mr. Charles N. Lindsey and Mr. Zikri Yusof
Mr. and Mrs. Bert H. Lindstrom
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon T. Lindstrom
Ms. Kristin Lingren
The Linley Family
Mrs. Cynthia C. Linton
Mrs. Mary S. Lippa
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Lippai
Ms. Lois Lipton and Mr. Peter Carey
Ms. Nancy J. Lipuma
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Liston
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Livingston
Mr. Joseph F. Lizzadro III
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Lloyd
Ms. Juanita M. Lo Giudice and
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Maxwell
Catherine and Miles Maxwell
Mr. Charles J. May
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. May
Heidi and Gregory Mayer
George and Nancy Maze
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Maze
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Mazur
Mr. Raymond Mc Bride
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Mc Cormick
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mc Gaughey
Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. McCaleb
Mr. and Mrs. M. Thomas McCall
Mr. Roy F. McCampbell and Mrs. Mary Jane
Kevin and Patti McCanna
Mr. William J. McCarter
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. McCarville
Mr. and Mrs. James McClelland
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. McClure, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John N. McConnell
Mr. Stuart A. McCrary and Ms. Nancy L. Davis
Ms. Nancy A. McDaniel
Mrs. Sherry L. McFall and
Mr. Kenneth J. Porrello
Mr. Rich McFate
Mr. and Mrs. John McGee
Mr. John E. McGovern III
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney McGraw
Mr. and Mrs. R. Edward McGreevy, Jr.
Lynn and Anthony (Tony) McGuire
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GN91218_081d
Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas McKane
Mr. Michael McKenna
Ms. Susan A. McLaughlin and Mr. Alan H. Rebar
Ms. Carole P. McMahon
Pat McMahon and L.W. McMahon-Padolski
Mr. Terrence D. McMahon and
Mr. Daniel W. Bednarz
Ms. Alisa McQueen and Mr. Peter Lio
Mr. Sean Meagher
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Meany, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Meehan
Ms. Judith M. Meek and Ms. Nancy Wardrope
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Meekma
Mr. John M. Meeks
Mr. David Mehlman and Ms. Arlene Alper
Ms. Claretta F. Meier
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Meier
Paul R. Meincke and Wendy L. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Meindl
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meints
Mrs. Sarah J. Meisels
Mr. David H. Mejdrich
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Meldrum
Mr. Sergio Melgar
Ms. Marisol Mella and Mr. Jose Goris
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Melvin
Mrs. Maria Mendietta and Mr. Julio C. Rodriguez
Mr. Apolinar Mendoza and Ms. Dalia Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Mendoza
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Menees
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mensah
Ms. Marilynn Menuey
Mr. Simon R. Meredith and Ms. Frances E. Tuite
Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Merrick
Mrs. Margot T. Merrick
Mr. Glenn E. Merritt
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Meschi
Ms. Mary Sue Meshes
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Meskan
Mrs. E. J. Metzdorf
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Metzger
Mr. Kevin Metzner and Ms. Brittany Barber
Mrs. Beverly M. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Meyer
Ms. Karen M. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mezera
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Michalik
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Michelmore
Mr. Craig S. Michelsen
Mr. Charles R. Middleton and Mr. John S. Geary
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Miecznikowski
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Miller
Mr. Gary R. Miller
Ms. Leah D. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. M. Pete Miller
Mr. Subhash R. Rao and Ms. Patricia A. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon I. Miller
Mr. Vernon A. Miller and Ms. Kathryn Tecza
Ms. Victoria A. Miller
Mr. James C. Mills and Ms. Lois S. Zoller
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mitchell
Ms. Lorraine Mitchell and Mr. Scott Edwards
Ms. Catherine Mlot and Ms. Eleanor Mlot
Dr. Michael E. and Mrs. Kathy Moats
Mr. David Moberg and Ms. Jo Patton
Ms. Miriam A. Mobley Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce K. Modahl
Sai Ram Mohan and Tarigoppula Venkata
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Molina
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Monahan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mondschean
Sara and Tyler Mongerson
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Monges
Mrs. Virginia G. Monroe
Ms. Jhamileth Montero and Ms. Alexis Montero
Mr. Jose Dennis A. Monteverde
Mr. James R. Montgomery
Ms. Cynthia A. Moody
Mr. Thomas H. Moog
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Moore
Ms. Catherine A. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Moore
George and Isela Morales
Ms. Barbara L. Moran
Ms. Debbie Moravek
Ms. Tina L. Moravek
Ms. Marilyn A. Morel
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Morelli, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Morf
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morich
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Morimoto
Ms. Patricia D. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morrison
William and Kate Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Morsbach
Vijai K. Moses and Dr. Raj Lartius
Ms. Josephine Mosillami
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Motz
Ms. Allison M. Moulton
Ms. Cheryl E. Mounts and Ms. Carla Williams
Mr. Jeffrey Moy
Ms. Georgianne S. Mudie
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. Mueller
Lisa and John Mueller
Mrs. Sandra L. Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mueth
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mulholland
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mull
Ms. Maureen G. Mullally
Ms. Joan L. Mullen
Mr. John Muller and Ms. Jane Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Mumford
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Munaretto
Dr. Larry Munch
Mr. Juan A. Munoz
Mr. David G. Munro, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Murakami
Mr. and Mrs. Guy B. Murdock
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Murphy
Mr. John Murphy
Mr. John C. Murphy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Murphy
Mr. Terrence A. Murray
Mr. Michael J. Murrin
Mrs. Joyce C. Mutz
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Myers
Ms. Sheryl Myhre
Mr. Jerry A. Nagles
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Nagy
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick F. Nagy
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Nahser
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Jones
Venkat Narayanan and Devi Chitra Lakshmanan
Ms. Carolyn E. Nasheim
Mr. Ganesh Natarajan and Ms. Faye Katt
Linda and Phil Neal
Ms. Ellen J. Neely and Mr. Jeffrey S. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Neenan
Craig and Kristen Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Nelson
Ms. Mary A. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Neil C. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Willard K. Nelson
2009 The Field Museum
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Mr. Eric Nielsen and Ms. Ellen Papacek
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Parfenoff
Ms. Phyllis Parish
Richard and Lucy Park
Ms. Cheryl Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Parker
Mrs. Pam Parkos and Mr. Joe Pomilia
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Parks
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Parsons
Stanley J. Parzen and Lynn Raimondo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Paskin
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Pasquinelli
Dr. and Mrs. Ashvin Patel
Mr. Umang Patel and Ms. Susan Danial
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Patras
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Patriarca
Ms. Catherine M. Patrick
Ms. Maureen Patrick
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Patronik
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Patterson
Mr. Scott Pattullo and Ms. Jenny A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Patula
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Paulus
Dr. James C. Pauly
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Pavinato
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Pavlik
Frank and Lola Payette
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Payne
Dr. David J. Peace and Ms. Karen Ferrer
Mr. Frederic C. Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. George Peinado
Mrs. Margaret M. Pendry
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Pepper
Mr. and Mrs. Juan R. Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Perl
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Perlman
Ms. Selma L. Perlmutter
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Perman
Dr. Philip S. Perona
Mr. and Mrs. David Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Perry
Ms. Cynthia Perucca
Mr. Ira J. Peskind
Ms. Bonnie S. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt T. Peters
Mr. James W. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice R. Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Peterson
Mr. Verne Peterson and Ms. Julie Lipkin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Petit
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Petriekis
Mrs. Jean M. Phelan-Summins
Mr. Anthony Philips
Mr. David Phillips and Ms. Valerie Beech
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Jorgen C. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. William Picciotti
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Pickenpaugh
Mr. and Mrs. James Piechowski
Ms. Barbara Piehler
Mr. Carey Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Pignotti, Sr.
© 2009 The Field Museum, GEO86518_0126Ad
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nemec
Lady Linda Neumann and
Ms. Jeanette Grossenbacher
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Newcomb
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newton
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Newton
Dr. Anh Nguyen
Ms. Gina Nicholas
Ms. April Nicholson and Mrs. D. Sampson
Mrs. Leslie Nickels and Mr. Lon Berkeley
Ms. Karen Nickelson
Mr. and Mrs. John Nicolette
Ms. Ada C. Nielsen and Ms. Jeanne Nielsen
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick O. Nietzel
Ms. Claire Nighman
Ms. Jill Niland
A. J. Nocchiero
Mr. Raymond L. Noftsger and Dr. Tina Forchetti
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Nopar
Dr. and Mrs. Gary L. Nordbrock
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Nore
Mrs. Lisa Nottoli
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Notz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Nowak, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Nugent
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus J. Nunes
Ms. Jeannette H. Nussbaum
Mr. Mark A. Oates and Ms. Elizabeth E. Lewis
Ms. Constance O’Brien
Ms. Mary O’Callaghan
Ms. Carrie O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Neil O’Connor
Ms. Patricia A. O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Piermaria Oddone
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Oder
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Oelman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Oesterle
Mr. Fernando A. Ojea
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O’Keefe
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olczak
Miss Marie E. Olsofka
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Olson
Bob and Ann Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Neil O’Mahony
Mr. and Mrs. James J. O’Malley
Ms. Paulette Onesto
Ms. Audrey M. Ongman
Mr. and Mrs. Jazier Ordaz
Mr. and Mrs. Baltimore F. Ortega
Mr. and Mrs. James Orth
Ms. Gloria K. Ortiz-Monroy and
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis V. Osimitz
Mr. and Mrs. James J. O’Sullivan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott N. Otis
Ms. Barbara E. Otte and Mr. Bruce C. Shelley
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Owen
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Owens
Dr. Lois Rainey Owens and
Ms. Kimberly Dawn Owens
Dr. and Mrs. David W. Oxtoby
Dr. and Mrs. Richard O’Young
Mr. and Mrs. James Pace
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Paice
Mr. Bruce Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Paoletti
Mr. Anil Pillai and Ms. Sangeetha Viswanathan
Mr. Edgar R. Pineda
Mr. Jeffrey M. Pines and Ms. Mary E. Samerdyke
Mr. Joseph Piotrowski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Pipala
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Pirovano
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Pivonka
Ms. Kass Plain and Ms. Maureen Plain
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Plauche
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Plautz
Mr. Gabriel C. Plebanski
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Pleier
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Plowman
Mr. Peter W. Plumley and
Ms. Anna M. Rappaport
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Podjasek III
The Podolsky Family
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Pokorny
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pokorny
Mr. George J. Polatty, Jr.
Mr. Philip E. Police
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pollack
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Pollitt
Mr. and Mrs. Oren T. Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. Xavier Pombar
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Poremski
Mr. William R. Porter and Ms. Rita Gulrajani
Mr. and Mrs. William P. G. Potocek
Mr. and Mrs. James Potter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Powers, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Poy
Mr. Mark R. Pradzinski and Mr. David K. Haisch
Ms. Frances A. Pranskaitis
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Preston
Mr. William C. Preston
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Prezek
L.S. Price and F. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Price
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Prinz
Mr. William L. Pry
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Przepiorka
Mr. Alan J. Pulaski and Mrs. Jane C. Grady
Mrs. Doris J. Puntney
Mrs. Chestine Puralewski
Mr. James L. Puralewski and Ms. Ruth A. Francis
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Pustola
Mr. Geoffrey Pynn and Ms. Roxanne Willis
Ms. Lisa Quenan
The Quigley Family
Mr. and Mrs. David Quinn
2009 The Field Museum
Ms. I. C. Quintana
Mr. and Mrs. David Rabaja
Ms. Lisa Racioppi and Mr. Bryan Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ragen
Mr. and Mrs. Norman X. Raidl
Mr. Richard W. Rakowski
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Ramette
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Ramirez
Miss Dorothy V. Ramm
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Ramos, Jr.
Dr. Ruth G. Ramsey and Dr. Michael M. Ramsey
Mr. Brian Ranallo
Ms. Lynne Rauscher-Davoust
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Raymond
Mr. Michael Reardanz
Dr. Michael Redman and Dr. Renee Redman
Kirk and Susan Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Reeves
Ms. Jennifer Reft and Mr. Thomas Edstrom
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Regan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Register
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Regnier
Mr. and Mrs. Timo Rehbock
Mr. James Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Reid
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Reimer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Rein
Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Reinker
Dr. Mark S. Reiter and Dr. Kathleen A. Ward
Mr. James Reitz
Mr. Thomas M. Remec and
Ms. Susan C. Morisato
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Remsberg
Dr. Sigrida Renigers and Ms. Astra M. Patrick
Ms. Debra Renk
Mr. Philip J. Reny
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Reppen
Candelario and Maryann Resendez
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GEO86543d_048Bd
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Dr. Raiselle C. Resnick and Dr. Kenneth I. Resnick
Mr. and Mrs. William Reyner
Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Reynoso
Ms. Shirley Rhody
Mr. Douglas P. Rhone
Mr. and Mrs. John Richey
Mrs. Marlene Richman
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Riesbeck
Mr. Douglas M. Rife
Ms. Lynn Rihn
Mrs. Patricia A. Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Riley
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry N. Ringer
Ms. Amy A. Ripepi and Mr. Garry J. Grasinski
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Risley
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Risor
Bret Robertson and Yan Yang
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Robison
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Rocap
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Rode
Mr. and Mrs. Ainars Rodins
Ms. Maribel Rodriguez and Mrs. Rosa Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Roelle
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rogala
Jill and Ron Rohde
Ms. Marilyn Rohn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rolih
Mr. James R. Roll
Joshua and Nancy Rolock
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rooks
Ms. Katie Rooney and Mr. James Hennessey
Ms. Denise D. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Lester J. Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Rosenberg
Mr. Jack H. Rosenberg and Ms. Anne L. Wieboldt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rosenfeld
Ms. Susan G. Rosenstein
Gracemary and Peter Rosenthal
Mr. Louis F. Rosenthal
Robert and Marsha Rosner
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander L. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Gray Rothkopf
Mr. Michael C. Rothman and
Mrs. Bonnie Fry Rothman
Mr. Phillip D. Rowe
Ms. Lynn M. Rubino
Ms. Sharleen Rucker and Ms. Tina Rucker
Ms. Carol Ruda and Mr. Norm Hilgeudorf
Mr. Charles Ruedebusch and Ms. Linda Flack
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Ruffolo
Mr. Fred Ruiz
Ms. Mary K. Rundell and Mr. Dennis Johnston
Ryan Ruskin and Michael Andrews
Ms. Anne Russell and Mr. Kevin Freed
Mr. and Mrs. T. Alan Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ryan
The Ryba Family
Mr. George Rykowski and Ms. Silvia Schmid
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sacks
Mr. and Mrs. D. Paul Sager
Ms. Christina M. Sakowski
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Salter
Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Saltzman
Ms. Christine A. Salvator
Ms. Nancy Sampson-Bach
Mr. Richard H. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanetra
Ms. Mary Ann Sanford
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sanford
Ms. Nancy Sans
Ms. Isabel Santiso
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell H. Saranow
Mr. and Mrs. Milan Saric
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence R. Saslaw
Kenneth and Candice Saulsberry
Mr. Peter F. Saunders and Ms. Patricia J. Larson
Ms. Maureen Sauser
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Savaglio
Ms. Jennifer Savor
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. W. Sawyer
Ms. Vera Scekic and Mr. Robert C. Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer
Ms. Roberta Schaffner
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Schanding
Mr. and Mrs. Terry G. Schechner
Mrs. Anna Schelling and Mr. Andy Faust
Mr. Paul Schelstraete
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Scheub
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Schiffman
Mr. Robert J. Schillerstrom and
Ms. Mary Beth O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Schilling
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Schilsky
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Schloerb
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Schlott
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt
Ms. Patricia Schmidt
Mr. Richard C. Schmitt and
Mrs. Corinne R. Fargo-Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schneider
Mr. Michael J. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. George Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Schneiderwind
Mr. and Mrs. Elden J. Schnur
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Schroeder
Robert and Nancy Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Schubert
Mr. David L. Schultz
Dr. and Mrs. Peter F. Schultz
Mr. Craig R. Schuttenberg and
Ms. Colleen M. O’Leary
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Schwartz
Mr. Melvin M. Schwartz and
Ms. M. Lisa Yaremko
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Schwartz
Ms. Thelma L. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Schweig
Mr. and Mrs. Stevan Schweighardt
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schweitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Schwuchow
Mrs. Margaret F. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Scrogham
Ms. Nadine Scully
Mr. and Mrs. George Seaberg
Mr. Kenneth R. Seeskin and
Ms. Bronna L. Wasserman
2009 The Field Museum
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sejut
Ms. Ursula K. Selby
Mr. and Mrs. T. Dwaine Sell
Mr. and Mrs. David Sensibar
Ms. Cherie Sereda
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Serratelli
Mr. and Mrs. Chris L. Seth
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Seymour
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shannon
Mr. and Mrs. Owen J. Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sharapan
Mr. Brad Sharos and Mrs. Jennifer Johnson
Ms. Dorinda L. Shaw
Ms. Dream Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Shedor
Ms. Kate M. Sheehy
James and Kathleen Sheehy
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Joseph Shepley
Mr. David N. Sheppard
Ms. Karen Shields
Mr. and Mrs. R. Stratford Shields
Mr. James V. Shipp and Ms. Nancy Marie Casper
Dr. and Mrs. Steven P. Sholl
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Shorney
Mr. and Mrs. Duward F. Shriver
Alissa and Jonathan Shulkin
Ms. Carole E. Shulman
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shulman
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Shuman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Siddall
Mr. and Mrs. Gene J. Sikora
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Silberman
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Silge
The Silliman Family
Bernardo and Christine Silva
Mr. Ira Silver and Ms. Julia Marroquin
Ms. Ilene Simmons
Mr. Reginald Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Simpson
Ms. Kelley Sims and Mr. Desmond Portano
Ms. Carol B. Skala
Mrs. Martha A. Skan
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl J. Sleep
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Small, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Smith
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GN91243_191d
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith
Ms. Mildred R. Smith
Mr. Timothy D. Smith and Ms. Lynne A. Taylor
Mr. Robert K. Smither and Mrs. Carol Meyer
Mr. Jim F. Solari and Mr. Tom Solari
Mr. and Mrs. Santiago Solis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Solomon
Mr. Michael Sommerlad and Ms. Chris Kowalke
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sondereggen
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sonenthal
Ms. Amanda A. Sonneborn and
Mr. Peter R. Malecki
Mr. Donald Southworth and
Ms. Marilyn Cantisano
Mr. Patrick Spain
Mr. Paul P. Spanier
Mr. Curtis Spears
Mr. Michael J. Spence
Mr. and Mrs. William Spielberger
Mr. Norman F. Spielman
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Spishakoff
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Sporleder
Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Spranger
Mrs. Carol Ann Springer and
Mrs. Rebecca Bogacz
Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Sredni
Ms. Dorr St. Clair and Mr. Andrew Herzog
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stamatopoulos
Ms. Patricia M. Stamp and Mr. Giles M. Grows
Mr. and Mrs. Keith R. Stanley
Mrs. Patricia Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. William Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. Leon C. Stecher
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Steck
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steenson
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Stefanski
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt J. Steib
Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. Steinberg
Ms. Diane Steinert
Mr. Alfred E. Steinhaus
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Steinmeyer
Ms. Deborah J. Stephen and Mr. Jim Turco
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Stern
Mr. Robert A. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Stewart
Ms. Janet A. Stiven and Mr. Bernard G. Seewald
Mr. and Mrs. John Stocchetti
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Stock
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Stocker
Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Stocker
Ms. Diana A. Stokes
James and Pamela Stola
Mrs. Harriet C. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stone
Ms. Joyce M. Stoops and Ms. Marlene F. Stoops
Mr. Brian Strand and Ms. Marie Hovi
Ms. Marcia D. Stratinsky
Mr. James R. Streicker and
Mrs. Mary W. Stowell
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Streit
Mr. Jack Strom
Ms. Claudette X. Struzik
Mr. and Mrs. Friedemann Stuebing
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Stukel
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Suarez
Mr. and Mrs. Glen C. Suda
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sulkin
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Sullivan
Ms. Margaret Sullivan
Thomas and Cameron Sullivan
Ms. Martha A. Sundell
Dr. Susan Suntay and Ms. Stephanie Suntay
Mr. Norman Sussman and Ms. Alyce Heman
Ms. Nancy W. Sutherland
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sutton, Jr.
Ms. Maureen Rae Svagera
Mr. and Mrs. Hobart K. Swan
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Swank
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Swanson
Ms. Loretta B. Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Swenson
Mr. J. Roger Swihart
Yvonne and Daniel Sylvester
Dr. and Mrs. Jan P. Szidon
Ms. Diane Talbot and Mr. Alex Wiggins
Mr. Harry Tankus
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Tatgenhorst
Mr. Kevin Taylor
Mrs. Randi Tekula-McGee and Mr. Steven McGee
Mr. and Mrs. Jesus A. Tellez
Mr. Steven F. Tempel and Ms. Deborah Zekich
Mr. Brigham R. Temple
Mr. Scott Tendale and Ms. Rogene Tubman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Teutsch
Margaret K. Thayer^
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Thiel
Ms. Kathy Tholin and Mr. Steve Starr
Mr. Gregory E. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Thompson
Kevin and Monica Thompson
Mr. Robert L. Thompson
Ms. Sandy J. Thompson
Ms. Rhonda Thompson-Ashford
Mr. Tory Tibor
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Tiemeier
Ms. Beverly Timm
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Timmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Burt E. Toepp II
2009 The Field Museum
Ms. Virgina Tolk
Mr. C. Steven Tomashefsky and
Ms. Rebecca A. Sive
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Tomecko
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tompos
Ms. Michele Torres and Mr. Luis Torres
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Torrey
Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Treister
Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Trennert
Thomas and Merle Tresser
Mr. and Mrs. Barton G. Tretheway
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Trevvett
Mr. and Mrs. John Tricoci
Ms. Marjorie Triplett
Mr. and Mrs. Milan Trisic
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Tromiczak
Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Trossbach
Ms. Mary Trowbridge and Mr. William West
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Trummel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanford K. Tsugawa
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Tulley
Mr. Adam Tumas, Jr.
Ms. Laura D. Tumperi
Ms. Patricia A. Tuomey
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic P. Turchi
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Turk
Albert Turner and Patricia V. Egan-Turner
Mr. and Mrs. DeWayne Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Ebon K. Turner
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Twede
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Tweet
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tye
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Tynan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Uihlein
Mr. and Mrs. David Ulm
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ulrich
Ms. Monica Vachher and Mr. Jerome J. Selitto
Mr. Peter M. Vale
Mr. and Mrs. James Vallely
Mr. Robert C. Vallone
Mr. and Mrs. Craig D. Vallorano
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Van Cura, Jr.
Julia and Errett Van Nice
Ms. Melody A. Van Wermeskerken
Ms. Marie Vanagas
David and Patricia Vance
Mr. John M. VanderLinden and
Mr. John W. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Peter O. Vandervoort
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. VanEron
Ms. Tania L. Vargas
Mr. and Mrs. Stini Vasan
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Vasiljevic
Ms. Jill D. Vath
Mr. and Mrs. B. Blair Vedder, Jr.
Ms. Bernadine G. Vehrs
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Vicha
Mr. William M. Vickery
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph M. Videkovich
Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Viktora
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Vincent II
Mrs. Harry Vincent
Stephen J. Vivian and Tia M. Rains
Ms. Rita M. Vogel
Ms. Brenda Vonic
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Voss
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Votaw
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Vresics
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Wachowski
Mr. and Mrs. David Wackenhut
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wade
Mrs. George L. Wagner
Ms. Kathleen Waldeck
Mr. and Mrs. George Walke
Ms. Rosa E. Walke
R. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Herschel D. Wallace III
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wallace
Mr. Ronald J. Wallin and Ms. Whitney A. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walsh
Ms. Kacie Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Walther
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Walton
Mr. and Mrs. Len Wanger
Mr. John Ward and Ms. Melissa Donahue
Mrs. Kathleen Ward and Mr. Mike Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ward
Mr. Robert Ward and Ms. Gloria Seger
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wardrop
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Warning
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Warren
Dr. and Mrs. Myron M. Warshaw
Ms. Laura S. Washington* and Mr. Michael
William Richmond
Ms. Lauren B. Watkins and Mr. Kevin D. Mc Kee
Ms. Vicki Wator
James and Kimberly Watson
Ms. Rosalind Wattel
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Waud
Dr. Catherine L. Webb
Mrs. Deborah S. Weber and Mr. George E. Ohlin
Mr. Leonard L. Weber
Mr. Lee Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Weddig
Ms. Kathryn P. Weibel and Mr. Steve Freeman
Mr. Joseph W. Weindel
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Weiner
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weisman
Mary Weisman and James Weisman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Weisman
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Werner Weiss
Mr. Peter Welsh and Mrs. Bath Wolniewicz
Mr. Ernest C. Wentcher
Mrs. John A. Werhane
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Werner
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Wesselink
Ms. Audrey Wessman
Mrs. Madelin M. Wexler
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wharton
Mr. Philip A. Whistler
Mr. and Mrs. Cory White
Mr. and Mrs. J. Randall White
Dr. and Mrs. Loren B. White
Mr. Michael S. White
Mr. and Mrs. G. Marc Whitehead
Mr. Bennie E. Whiten, Jr.
Mr. Gary A. Wicklund
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wiebe
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wilcox
Dr. and Mrs. David B. Williams
Ms. Elaine Williams and Mr. Joseph Tedesco
Ms. Jeanette M. Williams
Mr. Kevin Williamson
Ms. Marcia L. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Wimmer
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Wisniewski
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wittert
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Woest
Ms. Melanie R. Wojtulewicz
Ms. Robin Wold
Carl Wolf and Jennie Sochon
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wolf
Dr. Anne R. Wolfe and Mr. Brian Kelley
Mr. Larry J. Wolfe and Mrs. Linda Chapman
Mrs. Kathleen M. Wolfersberger and
Ms. Cheryl Wolfersberger
Dorothy H. Wolff and Eric Wolff
Mr. Edmund J. Wolff
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman J. Wood, Jr.
Nancy and John Wood
Mr. Stephen Wood and Ms. Kathleen Arthur
Mr. John B. Woodford and Ms. Mary Ellen Testen
Mr. L. Joseph Woods and Ms. Anne G. Hanley
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Worden
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Workman
Ms. Patricia A. Worth
Dr. John L. Wright and Ms. Vivian B. Kraft
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Wright, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wrobel
Mr. Fred R. Wrzesinski
Dr. and Mrs. Peter M. Wuertz
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wyngowski
Mr. David S. Yablong
Ms. Jane Yakushiji
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Yencha
Mr. James C. Yerkes
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Yerrick
Ms. Nancy Ying
Ms. Sandra L. Yost
Mr. Kenneth A. Youga
Mrs. Louise B. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Young
Mr. Torsten Youngquist and
Mrs. Barbara E. Coughlin
Mrs. Roberta B. Zabel
Ms. Zdravka Zafirova
Mr. Alan M. Zagoren and
Mrs. Bonnie L. Zagoren
Diane and Lawrence Zalusky
Mr. Denis M. Zamirowski
Mr. Bill Zandrew
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Zarcone
Ms. Tina M. Zekich
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Zibell
Mr. and Mrs. John Zick
Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Zimbler
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick N. Zimmermann
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Zimnie
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Zingraf
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Zinselmeier
2009 The Field Museum
Corporate Relations Program
Corporate Leader $35,000 and above
ARAMARK Corporation
United Airlines
Corporate Diamond $30,000 to $34,999
Baxter International Inc.
Charter One
Jenner & Block LLP
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
MF Global
TransUnion LLC
Corporate Benefactor $25,000 to $29,999
Aon Corporation
Kraft Foods
Leo Burnett Worldwide
Corporate Patron $15,000 to $24,999
Baker & McKenzie
Bank of America
W.W. Grainger, Inc.
Northern Trust
Corporate Associate $10,000 to $14,999
Citadel Group Foundation
Exelon Corporation
Hewitt Associates, LLC
HSBC - North America
ITW Foundation
The McGraw-Hill Companies
MetLife Foundation
Molex Incorporated
Morgan Stanley
Motorola, Inc.
Navistar, Inc.
NYSE Euronext
S&C Electric Company
Tave & Associates, LLC
Corporate Friend $5,000 to $9,999
Akzo Nobel, Inc.
Aileen S. Andrew Foundation
American Heritage Protective Services
Chubb Group of Insurance Companies
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Illinois Retina Center
Quarles & Brady, LLP
Siegelson’s Diamonds Inc.
Tru Vue-Optium Acrylic Products
Old Mountain Company
Sahara Enterprises, Incorporated
Valor Equity Partners
Wheels, Inc.
Unrestricted Corporate and
$100,000 and above
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur
$25,000 to $99,999
The Buchanan Family Foundation
The Chicago Community Trust
Crown Family Philanthropies
Julius N. Frankel Foundation
$10,000 to $24,999
John R. Halligan Charitable Fund
The Irving Harris Foundation
Mayer and Morris Kaplan Family Foundation
William G. McGowan Charitable Fund, Inc.
$5,000 to $9,999
Circle of Service Foundation
Mazza Foundation
Regenstein Foundation
The Sulzer Family Foundation
$2,500 to $4,999
Shure Incorporated
USG Corporation
$1,000 to $2,499
American Agricultural Insurance Company
Amsted Industries Foundation
Draper & Kramer Incorporated
GKN Foundation
Old Republic International Corporation
The Women’s Board
The Women’s Board is pleased to recognize the
following contributors who gave $500 or more
to support its projects, including the Annual
Gala, Children’s Holiday Celebration, Outreach
Luncheon and Annual Appeal. We additionally
thank the sponsors of The Women’s Board 2009
events. Please note, individual Field Dreams
contributions are listed with Restricted Gifts on
page 12.
Field Pass Program
Brook Furniture Rental, Inc.
ComPsych Corporation
Edgewater Funds
Institutional Capital Corporation
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GN91240_279d
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
$100,000 and above
Wilbur* and Linda Gantz
Tiffany & Co.
$25,000 to $99,999
Aon Corporation
Bank of America
The Boeing Company
Mr.* and Mrs. John A. Canning, Jr.
Janet* and Craig Duchossois
Christina and Ron* Gidwitz
Mr. David G. Herro*
Illinois Tool Works
Mr.* and Mrs. Michael L. Keiser
Mr.* and Mrs. Richard L. Keyser
Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Maclean
MacLean-Fogg Company
McCormick Foundation
The Negaunee Foundation
Mr. James B. Nicholson
Northern Trust
J. B.* and M. K. Pritzker Family Foundation
The PrivateBank
PVS Chemicals, Inc.
Michael* and Diane Tang
Kim and Miles* White
$15,000 to $24,999
Mr.* and Mrs. Norman R. Bobins
Mr.* and Mrs. Roger K. Deromedi
JPMorgan Chase
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. Rooney
10,000 to $14,999
Alberto-Culver Company
Howard B. Bernick Foundation*
Charter One Bank
Ms. Michelle L. Collins
Mrs. Gary C. Comer
Mr.* and Mrs. Richard Elden
Exelon Corporation
Mr.* and Mrs. Michael W. Ferro, Jr.
Ms. Jamee C. Field*
Mr.* and Mrs. Marshall Field
Mr.* and Mrs. James S. Frank
Harris Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kizziah
Mr.* and Mrs. Alan J. Lacy
Robert M. and Diane von Schlegell* Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Mack
McDonald’s Corporation
McKinsey & Company
Mr.* and Mrs. Siddharth Mehta
Clare Muñana*
Mr. and Mrs. John Doane Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Reyes
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan
Mr.* and Mrs. Alejandro Silva
Linda* and Ron Wolf
$5,000 to $9,999
AAR Corporation
Arie and Ida Crown Memorial
Dr. and Mrs.* Robert A. Beatty
2009 The Field Museum
$2,500 to $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Ahlquist
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Almeida
ARAMARK Corporation
Ariel Investments
Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Harrington Bischof
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Black
BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Brown
CATH Associates
Mr.* and Mrs. Robert W. Crawford, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Crowe
Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Dean, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Delaney
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Demand Management, Inc.
DLA Piper
Dr. Eric J. Dybal
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Herbert III
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hines
I & G Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Jernstedt
Kroeschell Engineering Company
Randolph R. Kurtz*
Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Mota
MVC Capital
Nicor Incorporated
Mr.* and Mrs. Neil S. Novich
Mr.* and Mrs. James J. O’Connor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Rosenfield
Lydia and Patrick* Ryan, Jr.
Ryan Enterprises Group
Sara Lee Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Schnadig
Mr. and Mrs.* Michael D. Searle
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon I. Segal /
Segal Family Foundation II
Mr. and Mrs.* Edward Byron Smith, Jr.
The Sommer Family Foundation
Mr.* and Mrs. David M. Tolmie
Ms. Leslie A. Weaver and Mr. Hilton Weinberg
William Blair & Company
$1,500 to $2,499
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Bay, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Burrus
Cole Taylor Bank
Mark and Connie Crane
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Darnall
Mr. and Mrs. Byram E. Dickes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Feitler
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher O. Glass
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Kiphart
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Klauber
Mr.* and Mrs. Scott P. Marks, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Mayer, Jr.
Ronald Mund and D. M. Studler
Mr. Gary L. Neilson and Ms. Trudy A. Havens
Mrs. China I. Oughton
Quarles & Brady, LLP
Ms. Tonja Rizai Hall
Mr. William R. Rom
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rutledge
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Taich
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Thomas
The Honorable Corinne J. Wood and
Mr. Paul R. Wood
$500 to $1,499
Mrs. Keene H. Addington II
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ahearne
Mrs. Patricia Rooney Alden and Dr. Kris J. Alden
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley N. Allan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Anderson
Mr.+ and Mrs.* T. Stanton Armour
Blue Plate Catering
Mrs. Barbara S. Bluhm-Kaul
Willard L.* and Susan K. Boyd
John* and Jackie Bucksbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Buonanno
Lenore and Douglas Cameron
Mr. John P. Ver Bockel and
Ms. Kathleen E. Carbonara
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Wells Carton
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Cerone
Chapman & Cutler LLP
Mrs. Joyce E. Chelberg
Mr.* and Mrs. Worley H. Clark, Jr.
Miss Marcia S. Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cunningham
Ms. Amy L. Damkroger
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Daniels
The Donnelley Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Doolin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Embree
Ms. Marta Farion and Mr. Ihor Wyslotsky
Dr. and Mrs. Geoffrey C. Fenner
Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Foster, Jr.
Ms. Wende L. Fox and Mr. Lawrence J. Lawson
Laura De Ferrari and Marshall B.* Front
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F. Fulton
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Garvin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Geraci
Stephen Gieser and Ruth Williams
Ellen and Paul C. Gignilliat
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Glasser
Mr.* and Mrs. Antonio J. Gracias
Mr. and Mrs.* David W. Grainger
© 2009 C. Eisenberg
Mr. and Mrs.* Philip D. Block III
Barbaraˆand Roger Brown
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Farrell
Ginny and Peter Foreman
Mr.* and Mrs. Jack M. Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. King W. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. W. Bruce Johnson
Mr. and Mrs.* Dennis J. Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Krehbiel
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Krivkovich
Mr.*^ and Mrs. John W. McCarter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McKenna, Sr.
Mesirow Financial Services
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Osborn
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry K. Pearlman
Tawani Foundation
Schwarz Supply Source
Sidley Austin LLP
Simpson Estates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Solberg, Jr.
Solberg Manufacturing, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Neele E. Stearns, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tisbo
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. White
Mr.* and Mrs. W. Rockwell Wirtz
Karen Z. Gray
Mr.* and Mrs. Judson C. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Griffin
Hamill Family Foundation
Harris Family Foundation
Mr. Jeffrey Havsy
Wayne E.* and Colette J. Hedien
Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Heineman, Sr.
Ms. Nancy Heyser
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Harlow N. Higinbotham
Pamela K. and Roger B. Hull
Lynn and Philip Hummer
Dr. Jon Jester
Ms. Pamela M. MacVicar Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Johnson
Mrs. Noel Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Byron C. Karzas
Mr. and Mrs. William O. Kasten
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Kempf, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Kilcollin
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Klaeser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Kolar
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Kracum
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Krick
Ms. Donna La Pietra and Mr. William H. Kurtis*
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Lizzadro
Mr. Robert B.* and Mrs. Gail J. Loveman
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Macdonald
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Martinez
Mary Barnes Donnelley Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Mayer
Mrs. Withrow W. Meeker
2009 The Field Museum
The Women’s Board
Annual Appeal
The Women’s Board thanks the following
contributors for their annual support.
Mrs. Keene H. Addington II
Mrs. John J. Ahearne
Mrs. Gary D. Ahlquist
Trisha Rooney Alden
Mrs. Stanley N. Allan
Mrs. Richard J. Almeida
Mrs. T. Stanton Armour*
Mrs. A. Watson Armour III
Susan Merritt Baird
Mrs. James N. Bay
Mrs. Robert A. Beatty*
Mrs. Philip S. Beck
Mrs. David R. Bibbs
Mrs. Michael Bierner
Mrs. Harrington Bischof
Mrs. Richard B. Black
Mrs. Norman L. Blankenship
Judith S. Block*
Mrs. Edwin R. Blomquist
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Mrs. Norman R. Bobins
Mrs. Paul A. Bodine
Susan K. Boyd
Mrs. K. Dane Brooksher
Mrs. Roger O. Brown^
Gail Feiger Brown
Mrs. Clark Burrus
Lenore Cameron
Rita J. Canning
Kathleen E. Carbonara
Mrs. Robert Adams Carr
Mrs. Robert Wells Carton
Mrs. Hammond Chaffetz
Nora F. Chandler
Mrs. Michael Chung
Mrs. W.H. Clark, Jr.
Elizabeth O’Connor Cole
Mrs. Rosecrain Collins
Mrs. Roosevelt D. Collins
Mrs. Gary C. Comer
Mrs. James R. Coulter
Mrs. Mark Crane
Mrs. John V. Crowe
Mrs. Sandra K. Crown
Daphne Hoch Cunningham
Mrs. John A. Daniels
Mrs. Robert J. Darnall
Mrs. Howard M. Dean, Jr.
Mrs. Robert O. Delaney
Mrs. Charles Dennehy
Mrs. Roger K. Deromedi
Mrs. David Devonshire
Mrs. Byram E. Dickes
Mrs. John M. Dixon
Mrs. Thomas E. Donnelley II
Mrs. W. Gregory Doolin
Mrs. Joel S. Dryer
Janet Duchossois*
Mrs. Richard Elden
Mrs. Paul M. Embree
Mrs. Thomas J. Eyerman
Mrs. William Farley
Mrs. W. James Farrell
Mrs. Alexander H. Faurot
Mrs. Robert Feitler
Mrs. Geoffrey C. Fenner
Mrs. Michael W. Ferro, Jr.
Mrs. Robert H. Fesmire
Mrs. Marshall Field
Amy S. Findlay
Ginny Foreman
Mrs. Francis G. Foster, Jr.
Mrs. Earl J. Frederick
Mrs. Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr.
Laura De Ferrari Front
Mrs. William D. Frost
Mrs. Maurice F. Fulton
Mrs. John S. Garvin
Mrs. Isak V. Gerson
Mrs. Christopher O. Glass
Mrs. James J. Glasser
Mrs. Julian R. Goldsmith
Mrs. O. R. Goltra
Mrs. David W. Grainger*
Karen Z. Gray
Mrs. Judson C. Green
Mrs. Jack M. Greenberg
Mrs. Roger S. Griffin
Stephanie Crane Guyett
Ms. Tonja Rizai Hall
Mrs. King W. Harris
Mrs. David C. Hawley
Colette Johnston Hedien
Mrs. Ben W. Heineman, Sr.†
Jean Baldwin-Herbert
Mrs. John W. Higgins
Mrs. Harlow N. Higinbotham
Mrs. Edward M. Hines
Mrs. John L. Hines
Mrs. Thomas H. Hodges
Janet Connor Holabird
Barbara C. Howell
Mrs. Roger B. Hull
Mrs. Philip W. Hummer
Mrs. Robert C. Hyndman
Sue Barnett Ish
Mrs. Rich Jernstedt
Kathryn G. Johnson
Pamela M. Johnson
Mrs. Byron C. Karzas
Mrs. Dennis J. Keller*
Gaye Lovett Kelsey
Mrs. Donald G. Kempf, Jr.
Mrs. T. Eric Kilcollin
Mrs. William T. Kirk, Jr.
Barbara Malott Kizziah
Kathleen Klaeser
Mrs. Adam Klauber
Laura Kracum
Mrs. James R. Krick
Linda J. Krivkovich
Donna La Pietra
Mrs. Alan J. Lacy
Judith K. Lavender*
Mrs. Michael S. Lewis
Mrs. William S. Macdonald
Amy M. Mack
Mrs. Walter M. Mack
Mrs. Shirley J. Macklin
Mrs. John W. Madigan
Mrs. Scott P. Marks, Jr.
Mrs. Arthur C. Martinez
Mrs. Richard P. Mayer
Mrs. Frank D. Mayer, Jr.
Mrs. John W. McCarter, Jr.
Mrs. Andrew J. McKenna, Sr.
Elisabeth C. Meeker
Withrow W. Meeker
Mrs. Hugo J. Melvoin
Mrs. Newton N. Minow
Mrs. Raymond M. Mota
Mrs. Aidan I. Mullett
Mrs. Charles F. Nadler
2009 The Field Museum
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GEO86518_0565Bd
Merry Richards Jewelers
Mr. and Mrs. Aidan I. Mullett
Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Newton
Mr. Kenneth R. Norgan
Dr. Stephanie Ortel
Mr. Peer Pedersen
Mrs. Marlene W. Phillips
Mr.* and Mrs. Richard J. Pigott
Plata Corporation
Mr. Michael P. Polsky
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Potter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Rein
Mr. and Mrs. James Rhind
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Roob
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. L. Senior
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Sharp
Pam and Tom Sheffield / JS Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Sigal
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Spain
Barbara and David* Speer
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan F. Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Struthers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tashima
Tave & Associates, LLC
Tawani Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor III
Mrs. Edward R. Telling
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Thomas
Glenn* and Jacqueline Tilton
Mr. and Mrs.† Howard J. Trienens
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Tuchler
Mr. Mish Tworkowski
USG Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Walter
Mrs. Hempstead Washburne
Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Wheeler
Mr.* and Mrs. Blaine J. Yarrington
Bonnie E. Stearns
Nancy A. Stevenson
Mrs. Harvey J. Struthers, Jr.
Mrs. Edward F. Swift III
Mrs. Hampden M. Swift
Sarah Taich
Tawani Foundation
Mrs. John W. Taylor III
Mrs. Richard L. Thomas
Mrs. Robert W. Thomas
Jacqueline M. Tilton
Mrs. Stephen B. Timbers
Jeannie O’Connor Tisbo
Mrs. Howard J. Trienens†
Mrs. James A. Tuchler
Mrs. John E. Van Horn
Mrs. Theodore W. Van Zelst
Mrs. John R. Walter
Mrs. Hempstead Washburne
Mrs. Henry P. Wheeler
Kim White
Mrs. Julian B. Wilkins
Reverend Dr. Ruth P. Williams
Mrs. Robert H. Wilson
Nancy Hamill Winter
Mrs. Blaine J. Yarrington
Mrs. Joseph E. Nathan
Mrs. Earl L. Neal
Mrs. Ray E. Newton
Mrs. John D. Nichols
Ms. Mary C. Niehaus
Mrs. Neil S. Novich
Mrs. James J. O’Connor, Sr.
Julie Hughes O’Connor
Dr. Stephanie Ortel
Cathleen M. Osborn
Mrs. James Otis, Jr.
Mrs. China I. Oughton
Mrs. Donald W. Patterson
Mrs. O. Macrae Patterson
Mrs. Jerry K. Pearlman
Martha A. Peterson
Mrs. Marlene Welsh Phillips
Mrs. Richard J. Pigott
Barbara E. Pinder
Ms. Lisa Pollina
Mrs. Charles S. Potter
Mrs. Charles S. Potter, Jr.
Mrs. Albert E. Pyott
Mrs. Neil K. Quinn
Ms. Lisa J. Reategui
Mrs. Clyde W. Reighard
Susan L. Rein
Mrs. J. Christopher Reyes
Lisa McClung Ristic
Mrs. Edward M. Roob
Mrs. Phillip B. Rooney
Mrs. Jeffrey S. Ross
Amanda Rutledge
Campaign for The Field
Museum: Understand the
Past, Shape the Future
© 2009 R. Whatley
The Campaign successfully concluded in
2008 and while we are most grateful to all
the generous individuals, corporations and
foundations for the extraordinary giving to
the Campaign, space allows us to list gifts of
$10,000 and above.
$10,000,000 and above
The Field Family
Illinois Capital Development Board
The Women’s Board
Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan
Cindy Scalzo
Mrs. Stephen Schmitt
Mrs. F. Eugene Schmitt
Mrs. Richard H. Schnadig
Mrs. Gordon I. Segal
Mrs. Richard J. L. Senior
Mrs. Jeffrey S. Sharp
Mrs. Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr.
Mrs. Michael S. Sigal
Mrs. John R. Siragusa
Mrs. Edward Byron Smith, Jr.*
Mrs. Charles H. Solberg, Jr.
Mrs. Barbara A. Speer
Ms. Sarah D. Sprowl
Mrs. Harlan F. Stanley
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
$5,000,000 to $9,999,999
The Grainger Foundation
Kenneth and Anne Griffin
Illinois Department of Commerce and
Economic Opportunity
“Public Museum Grant Program,”
llinois Department of Natural Resources,
Illinois State Museum
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
McCormick Foundation
The Pritzker Foundation
$2,000,000 to $4,999,999
Estate of A. Watson Armour
Arie and Ida Crown Memorial
Exelon Corporation
Christina and Ron* Gidwitz
Illinois Department of Commerce and
Economic Opportunity
“Public Museum Grant Program,” Illinois
Department of Natural Resources, Illinois
State Museum
The Kresge Foundation
The Estate of Paul Leffman
J.B.* and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation
Regenstein Foundation
Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation
Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust
$1,000,000 to $1,999,999
Anonymous (2)
Abbott Fund
The Alsdorf Foundation
Barbara^ and Roger Brown
The Canning Foundation*
Dr.* and Mrs. Richard A. Chaifetz
The Comer Foundation Fund at The Chicago
Community Trust
Mr.* and Mrs. Michael W. Ferro, Jr.
Joseph L. and Emily K. Gidwitz Memorial
The Glasser and Rosenthal Family
Harris Family Foundation
Marshall† and Doris* Holleb
ITW Foundation
Mr. and Mrs.* Dennis J. Keller
Malott Family Foundation
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Microsoft Corporation (In-Kind)
Elizabeth Morse Genius Charitable Trust
The Negaunee Foundation*
John W.* and Jeanne M. Rowe
Simpson Estates, Inc.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Kim and Miles* White
$500,000 to $999,999
John R. and Linda Anderson and
Anderson Family
Bank of America
The Brinson Foundation
T. Kimball & Nancy N.† Brooker
Buehler Family Foundation
Ernst & Young LLP
Illinois Department of Commerce and
Economic Opportunity
“Public Museum Grant Program,” Illinois
Department of Natural Resources, Illinois
State Museum (4)
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Estate of Jean Butz James
Estate of Charles W. Lake, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Levin
Chauncey and Marion Deering
McCormick Foundation
The Meeker Family
Northern Trust
Estate of Arthur Rubloff
Gail Waller and Timothy Schwertfeger*
Sears Holdings Corporation
U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development
$250,000 to $499,999
Estate of Abby K. Babcock
The Barker Welfare Foundation
Estate of Herbert A. Bruckner
2009 The Field Museum
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bucksbaum
Rosemarie and Dean Buntrock
Mr.* and Mrs. Roger K. Deromedi
Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation
The Ford Foundation
Estate of Evelyn Frank
Mr.* and Mrs. James S. Frank
Marshall B. Front Family Charitable Foundation
/ Laura De Ferrari and Marshall B. Front*
Mr. Jack W. Fuller
Wilbur* and Linda Gantz
Hamill Family Foundation
Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic
Opportunity “Public Museum Grant
Program,” Illinois Department of Natural
Resources, Illinois State Museum (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Krehbiel
Caron and Alan* Lacy
Colonel Stanley R. McNeil Foundation
Molex Incorporated
National Science Foundation
Niamogue Foundation*
Estate of Sue G. Risso
Estate of Valerie Rusek
Save America’s Treasures, National Park Service
administered by the National Endowment
for the Humanities
The Segal Family Foundation II
Siemens Medical Solutions USA (In-Kind)
Adele S. Simmons* and John L. Simmons
Tawani Foundation
Glenn* and Jacqueline Tilton
U.S. Department of Defense
U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development
U.S. Small Business Administration (2)
$100,000 to $249,999
Anonymous (3)
Ariel Investments
Mr.† and Mrs.* T. Stanton Armour
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bankard
Mr. and Mrs.* Philip D. Block III
Estate of Arlene Blomstrom
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GN91244_069d
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
BP America Inc.
Lois and Ed† Brennan
Carestream Health, Inc. (In-Kind)
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Carton
CATH Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Chandler
City of Chicago / Department of Environment
Mr.* and Mrs. Worley H. Clark, Jr.
Click Commerce, Inc.
The Collins Family Fund
Ms. Michelle L. Collins*
Mr. Stanton R. Cook*
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Crane
Mr.* and Mrs. Robert W. Crawford, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Crowe
Estate of Thomas C. and Natalie H. Dabovich
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Richard H. Driehaus Foundation
Mr.* and Mrs. Richard Elden
Mr. and Mrs. W. James Farrell
The Field Foundation of Illinois, Inc.
Foley & Lardner
Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
Estate of Paul Gerstley
Richard and Mary L. Gray
Mr.* and Mrs. Jack M. Greenberg
Irving Harris Foundation
Mr.* † and Mrs. Barry G. Hastings
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
Hill Mechanical Group
Ms. Mellody L. Hobson*
Estate of Shirley L. Hodge
Pamela K. and Roger B. Hull
Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation
Illinois State Library
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Jenner & Block
Jones Day
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
JRS Biodiversity Foundation
Mrs. Noel Kaplan
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
Kirkland & Ellis
Randolph R. Kurtz*
Estate of Marion M. Lloyd
Mr. Robert B.* and Mrs. Gail J. Loveman
Holly and John Madigan
Mayer Brown LLP
Mr.*^ and Mrs. John W. McCarter, Jr.
McDermott Will & Emery Charitable Foundation
McDougal Family Foundation
Morgan Stanley
Estate of Marion L. Molyneaux
Estate of Edward M. Nord
Nuveen Investments
Mr.* and Mrs. James J. O’Connor, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Osborn
Karen and Dick* Pigott
Polk Bros. Foundation
Peter* and Alicia Pond
Prince Charitable Trusts
Estate of Gertrude E. Reeb
Schwarz Supply Source
Mrs. Rose L. Shure
Sidley Austin Foundation
Estate of James Sinkay
The Siragusa Foundation
Skadden Arps
Mr. and Mrs.* Edward Byron Smith, Jr.
Estate of Edward C. Smith
Estate of Grace R. Trees
Estate of Jane B. and Chester Tripp
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Estate of Marilyn Vernon
Estate of Lydia Walkowiak
Estate of Carmen Walsh
The Warwick Foundation
Winston & Strawn
Estate of Arthur C. Wlochall
Mr.* and Mrs. Blaine J. Yarrington
$50,000 to $99,999
Anonymous (2)
Bay and Paul Foundations
Mr. and Mrs. Harrington Bischof
Mr.* † and Mrs. Bowen Blair
Estate of Ludmilla A. Bodjanac
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Carney
Mrs. Joyce E. Chelberg
Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation
Chicago Board of Education
James and Catherine Denny
Mr. and Mrs. Byram E. Dickes
R.R. Donnelley & Sons
Field Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Foreman
Estate of Herbert B. Fried
Ms. Sue Ling Gin*
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Ellis Goodman Family Foundation
Dr. Steve Goodman^ and Ms. Asmina Goodman
Mr.* and Mrs. Lewis S. Gruber
Wayne E.* and Colette J. Hedien
Mrs. Shirley R. Jahn
The Joyce Foundation
Laurie and Rich Kracum
Estate of Ruth E. LeBeau
Bertha Lebus Charitable Trust
Ms. Renée Logan
Estate of Mary S. Oldberg
Estate of Joseph Padera
2009 The Field Museum
Irma Parker
The Schlinger Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr.
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
Estate of Bertha Snydacker
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Solomon
Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal
The Spencer Foundation
Superior Mechanical Systems, Inc.
Mr.* and Mrs. David M. Tolmie
Wayne Whalen and Paula Wolff
Edward O. Wilson
Linda* and Ronald Wolf
$25,000 to $49,999
The Achnacarry Foundation / Lenore and
Douglas Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Almeida
Estate of JoAnn Aufdenkamp
Sue and Stephen Baird
Baxter International, Inc.
Mr.* and Mrs. Charles W. Benton
Susan M. Benton*
Mr.* and Mrs. David W. Bernauer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Berner
Howard B. Bernick Foundation*
Mr.* and Mrs. Norman Bobins
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley N. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Chapman
Patricia Cox with Katie Hunckler and
Will Hunckler
Robert and Marletta Darnall
Janet W. Diederichs
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr.
Penny and John E. Freund
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F. Fulton
Mr. Lawrence W. Gougler
Karen Z. Gray
Marty and Jack Higgins
Dale Hillerman† & Charles Thurow
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Howe, Jr.
Mrs. Robert C. Hyndman
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar D. Janotta, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Koldyke / Koldyke
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Liebman
Cary J.* and Lisa Klimley Malkin
Estate of Carolina Panerai Mandel
William G. McGowan Charitable Fund, Inc.*
Hugo* and Lois Melvoin
Richard M. Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. John Doane Nichols
Jim and Diane Otis
Mrs. China I. Oughton
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry K. Pearlman
Robert Morris College
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. Rooney
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Ross
Mr.† and Mrs.† John S. Runnells II
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Schnadig
John A. Shea
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc.
Mr.* and Mrs. Charles Slamar, Jr.
Toni Sandor Smith
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Neele E. Stearns, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Taylor
The Don and Rebecca* Ford Terry Family Fund
Mr. Nicholas Ulanov
Waste Management
Mr. Kelly R. Welsh* and Ms. Ellen S. Alberding
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wood II
Estate of Pauline Yacktman Petre
Estate of Theodore N. Yelich
$10,000 to $24,999
Estate of Frances C. Abraham
Mrs. Keene H. Addington II
Mr. James L. Alexander*
Margaret B. and Harry Axelrod Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. John Berry
Carol and Tom Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Casimer
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua E. Chernoff
Chicago Library System
Estate of Pauline Coop
Mr. and Mrs. David Devonshire
Mr. and Mrs. Joel S. Dryer
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Feay
Ford Motor Company Fund
Leo S. Guthman Fund
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Herbert III
Mrs. Mary P. Hines
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hodges
The Hoellen Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Huizenga
Illinois Humanities Council
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. James
Jocarno Fund
Mr. William K. Kellogg III
Estates of Susanne Larsh
Harold and Judith* Lavender
Robert M. and Diane von Schlegell* Levy
Mazza Foundation
Arthur and Elizabeth Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McKenna, Sr.
Estate of Dorothy Mosiman
Estate of Marion L. Molyneaux
Albert Pick, Jr. Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie S. Pinsof
Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Pyott
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Rummel
Save Our History
Dr. Scholl Foundation
Estate of Beverly C. Scott
Estate of Raymond A. Seng
Estate of Leo Seren
Charles and M. R. Shapiro Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Struthers
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Sveen
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Taich
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs.† Howard J. Trienens
Unistrut International Corporation (In-Kind)
Mrs. Hempstead Washburne
Barbara H. West
Mr.* and Mrs. William J. White
Ms. Susan A. Willetts and Mr. Alan K. Pritz
Estate of Terua P. Williams
Gifs made in the name of a friend, loved one or
colleague made between January 1, 2009 and
December 31, 2009.
In Honor Of
Betsy Ahearne
Mr. M. Dodge Mumford
William Alter
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Alter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Perlman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rosenblum
Mrs. Ruth B. Berns
Mr. James R. Berns
Virginia Bobins
Miss Marcia S. Cohn
John Edwardson
Mr. Mike Schroeder
Trish Farrell^ and Esther Rosenbloom^
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Macdonald
Maurice Fulton
Mrs. Betty S. Frank
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Honor
Ms. Barbara Bernstein
Bruce Johnson
Kathryn Johnson
Caron Lacy
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Linville
Ethan Meiring
Mr. Joseph Caltagirone
Dr. Charles Nadler
Mrs. Roy I. Warshawsky
Alice Piller
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Pierce
Mr. Arthur T. Susman
Ms. Deborah A. Bricker
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Eisenberg
Mr. and Mrs. George Mann
Ms. Ellen Sack
Mr. and Mrs. William Siskel
John Weinstein^
Mr. Jason D. Altman
2009 The Field Museum
© 2009 The Field Museum
In Memory Of
Wirt Atmar
Mr. James Hofmeister and
Mrs. Donna Hofmeister
Mr. David Largent
Mr. Gregory M. Mikkelson
Dr. Bruce D. Patterson^
Ms. Nadine Scully
Mr. Ken Sletten
Mr. Arthur T. Susman
Mr. Robert L. Bendle
Mrs. Helen Bendle
Mrs. Sandra L. Dust
Mr. Delray Phillips
Verna Eckstein
Ms. Linda L. Egebrecht
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Egebrecht
Donald Geoghan
Dr. Laura J. Sloan
Judith Knittle
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Jorgenson
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Knittle
Mr. Samuel Sandoval
Ms. Patricia A. Zuhlke
Susan Goldin
Robert and Ruth Berns
John Frederic Kurfess
Mr. E. J. Hansman
Marcie Gordon
Mrs. D. Foster Harland
Mrs. Margaret S. Litten
Mr. Edward L. Chensky
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence V. Howe, Jr.
Mr. Robert S. Ingersoll
Jane and Steve Lupton
Mrs. Anne F. McMillen
Mr. and Mrs. Lon W. Ramsey
Steven Grissom^
Mrs. Molly M. Ozaki
Betty Hilton
Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Hood
Carol Kacin
Mrs. Lucia Barba
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Cablk
Mr. John DeWerd
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Johnson
Mr. David Kalensky and
Ms. Maureen Gallagher
Mr. Thomas M. Kerstann
Mr. Dennis J. Kinzig
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Kwan
Ms. Mary Jo Lucas-Healy
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Moyado
Ms. Darlene Murray
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Newbart
Mr. Stephen J. Parshall
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Remsberg
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Rosenbloom
Michael Roth
Mr. Jay Savage
Ms. Annette M. Schmit
Ms. Thelma L. Schwartz
Ms. Judith Sherry
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sholeen
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Spencer
Duane E. and Christine M. Stout
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Vicha
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
John S. Runnells II*
Mr. William C. Bartholomay
Mrs. Silas S. Cathcart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Massey
Mr. and Mrs. Aidan I. Mullett
Carmen Schaedler
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Cappitelli
Dr. Ethel Shanas & Mr. Lester Perlman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Perlman
Ms. Nancy L. Wald
Albert Wald
Edward Ayer Society
The Edward Ayer Society recognizes the
individuals whose chartable gift planning
ensures a bright future for The Field Museum.
Anonymous (2)
Barbara and Steven Adelman
Mrs. Marilynn Alsdorf
Mrs. Mary Jane Arnam
Mr. Harry Axelrod
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Banach
Mr. Thomas F. Beauvais
Dr. Helen R. Beiser
Robert and Ruth Berns
Willard L.* and Susan K. Boyd
George and Jacqueline Brumlik
Leo R. Buckert
Judith A. Caloud
Mrs. Robert Adams Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Chandler
Mr.* and Mrs. Worley H. Clark, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Condren
Mr.* and Mrs. Frank W. Considine
Ms. Rebecca Davidson
Mr. Richard F. Eveleth
Mr. and Mrs. Fabio Fabbri
Mary and Bruce Feay
Marshall Field*
Dr. and Mrs. Curtis B. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gardner
Mr. Lyle Gillman
Mrs. Warren L. Gjorup
Dr. Norman C. Greenberg and
Dr. Gilda M. Greenberg
Timothy and Joyce Greening
Mr.* and Mrs. Lewis S. Gruber
Ms. Tonja Rizai Hall
Mr. Corwith Hamill
Ms. Jeanne M. Hansen
Dr. Malcolm H. Hast and Dr. Adele Hast
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hess
Mrs. Harold H. Hines, Jr.
John and Marjorie Hines
Peggy L. Hoberg
Anita W. Hornbrook
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Hunt
Ms. Tan Fui Lian^ and Dr. Robert F. Inger^
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jerkey
Agnes B. Kemp
Robert E. Lewis, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Mack, Jr.
Ann C. Mallow
Mr. Robert C. Marks
Mr. and Mrs. Emil J. Martinec
Dr. William B. McDonald and
Ptah Sekhmet Udjahorresnet Ptahhotp
Mr.* and Mrs. Hugo J. Melvoin
Mrs. Sandra L. Mueller
Irma Parker
Ms. Marie E. Peruscini and
Mr. Edward C. Bapple
Mr.* and Mrs. Richard J. Pigott
Mrs. John W. Pocock
2009 The Field Museum
Estate Gifts and Bequests
We are most thankful for the support of the
following estate gifts made during 2009.
Estate of Vivian E. Conner
Estate of Lee J. Flory
Estate of Evelyn Frank
Estate of Louise C. Fruehling
Estate of Betsy N. Getz
Estate of Karen L. Gruntman
Estate of Beverly O. Gunness
Estate of Joseph Q. Heplar
Estate of Audrey E. Hostler
Estate of Charles W. Lake, Jr.
Estate of Arthur Rubloff
Estate of John S. Runnells, II
Estate of Louise Gale Runnells
Estate of Ella G. Studer
Estate Jane B. and Chester D. Tripp
Estate of Alice F. Tryon
Estate of Nancy L. Wald
Estate of Charles R. Walgreen, Jr.
Matching Gifts and Grants
American International Group, Inc.
AT&T Inc.
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
The Siragusa Foundation
Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation
Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc.
Tellabs Incorporated
The Moody Foundation
Thomson West Community Partnership Program
Tyco Employee Matching Gift Program
United Airlines Foundation
United Technologies Corp.
USG Foundation
Verizon Communications Inc.
The Warranty Group
The Well Point Foundation
Western Union Foundation
Winston & Strawn
Automatic Data Processing
Bank of America
Baxter International Inc.
The Boeing Company
Helen V. Brach Foundation
CNA Insurance
The Capital Group Companies, Inc.
Caterpillar Foundation
The Chicago Community Trust
Circle of Service Foundation
The Coca-Cola Foundation
The Community Foundation, Inc.
Corning Incorporated
Fannie Mae Foundation
The Field Foundation of Illinois, Inc.
Follett Corporation
GATX Corporation
GE Foundation
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
W.W. Grainger, Inc.
Harris Bank Foundation
Hasbro, Inc.
The Home Depot
HSBC - North America
Integrys Energy Group Inc.
IBM Corporation
ITW Foundation
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
Kraft Foods
Leo Burnett Worldwide
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Macquarie Group Foundation
Mayer Brown, LLP
McCormick Foundation
McDonald’s Corporation
William G. McGowan Charitable Fund, Inc.
Merck & Co.
Meredith Corporation
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc.
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Mitsubishi International Corporation
Motorola, Inc.
Northern Trust
Office Depot
Polk Bros. Foundation
The Pfizer Foundation
Sara Lee Foundation
In-Kind Contributions
BBJ Linen
Berlin Industries
Chicago Park District
Chocolate Shoppe Ice Cream
Com2 Computers
Corner Bakery
Entertainment Cruises
Fairmont Hotel
Fortune Brands
Halls Rental Services, Inc.
Halo [For Men]
Hammond Beeby Rupert Ainge Architects
McDonald’s - Carmen De Carrier Owner/Operator
The Metropolitan Club of Chicago
Nicholas Joseph
Ralph Lerner
Rockit Bar & Grill
Ronin Capital, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Ryan
Texas de Brazil
The Second City
Tiffany & Co.
United Airlines
We Give To Get.com
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company
Donated Collections
Brooklyn Museum
Annette Cook
Donna Cook
Cyrus Chung Ying Tang Foundation
Goal Mark Inc.
William S. Goldman
Abraham Hoffer
Catharine McClellan
Lee Munder
Brad Orvieto and Anne Van Zelst Orvieto
Steven and Ann Ryan
Helen W. Samuels
Pablo Seminario
Muriel Underwood
T. David and Cindy Van Zelst
Gerard R. Wolfe
2009 The Field Museum
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GN91282_148d
William J. Pross
Mrs. Alfred Lunt Putnam
Dr. Dominick S. Renga
Alan^ and Donna Resetar
Mr. Richard F. Reynolds
Mrs. Sheila T. Reynolds
Ms. Anita J. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rooks
Mrs. Gerhart Schild
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Schlotterback
Mr. Franklin R. Schmidt
Mrs. Richard H. Schnadig
Ms. Thelma L. Schwartz
Mr. Wayne Serven
Mr. and Mrs. G. Curtiss Shaffer
Marian Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic F. Shortino
Miss Joanne Silver
Mr. David L. Smith and Mrs. Rebecca Gray
Schmidt Smith
Ms. Suzette Sodini
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Stanek
Duane E. and Christine M. Stout
Ms. Judith B. Sugarman
Mr. Gerald M. Torrence
David Wargowski
Mrs. Roderick S. Webster
Nestor R. Weigand, Jr.
Barbara H. West
Mrs. Dorothy B. White
Miss Virginia L. Whittaker
Charles H. Wilson
Mr. James G. Young
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Zigterman
Auckland War Memorial Museum, New Zealand
California Academy of Sciences
Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research,
Canberra, Australia
Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la Ville
de Genève, Switzerland
D. P. Lewis
Eszterházy Károly College, Hungary
Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg,
Frankfurt, Germany
Göteborg University, Sweden
H. Lumbsch
Harvard University
Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste, Argentina
Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Costa Rica
Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
K. Kalb
Landcare Research New Zealand Limited
Missouri Botanical Garden
Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle,
Paris, France
National Science Museum, Japan
New York Botanical Garden
Northern Illinois University
Puerto Rico Botanic Garden, University of
Puerto Rico
Geology / Physical Geology
Harlan Berk
Terry Boudreaux
Patricia Claflin Martin
Barbara Claflin Kuxhausen
Deborah Claflin Marlowe
Thuy Ngo Nguyen
Nancy Wald Estate
Trevor Ingraham - Tiffany and Co.
(donated materials)
Marc Sherer (donated materials)
Ellie Thompson (donated materials)
R. Lücking
Royal Botanic Gardens, NSW, Australia
South China Botanical Garden, Tianhe
District,Guangzhou, China Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain
Universidade Estadual Paulista,
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
do Sul, Brazil
University of Alabama
University of British Columbia, Canada
University of California, Berkeley
University of Michigan
University of New Hampshire
University of South Carolina
University of Washington
Francois Escuillie
Rick Hebdon
National Museum of Natural History
Burkhard Pohl
Matthew B. Smith
James A. Tynsky
Eileen & Brian Wade
Geology / Paleobotany
James E. Day
Charles Shabica
Larry Haun
Alfred Traverse
Jack Wittry
Geology / Fossil Invertebrates
Ian Glasspool
Paul Mayer
Geology / Fossil Vertebrates
American Museum of Natural History
Burpee Museum of Natural History
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GN91243_173d
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Zoology / Amphibians and Reptiles
Thomas G. Anton
Edgar Bachrach
Thomas F. Beauvais
Lauren Brown
Gary S. Casper
Gary Glowacki
Lawrence R. Heaney
Robert Inger
Lucinda Lawson
David Mauger
Alan Resetar
Carol Spencer
Harold Voris
Zoology / Birds
Mike Agic
Bob Andrini
Valerie Andrla
Kathryn Appelbaum
Jeff Armstrong
John Bates
Paul Baker
Andrea Baumgartner
Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary
Anne Beall
Cathy Benson
Lauren Benson
Alicia Biewer
Judy Biewer
Natasha Bloch
Jennifer Blott
Brookfield Zoo
Jill Bohannan
S. Bradshaw
Barbara Brown
Dan Brinkmeier
Joan Bruchman
Peter Buol
Nick Calingaert
Alvaro del Campo
Caroline Carlsmith
Kevin Carroll
Pat Carson
Suzanne Checchia
Chicago Bird Collision Monitors
Matt Clauson
D. Cohen
Mary Connor
Ann Connors
Nobby Cordeiro
Luke Dahlberg
Angela Daidone
John D’Asto
L. Davies
Carl Dick
K. Dolezal
Jennifer Dombeck
Kelly Dougherty
DuPage County Airport
Beth DuPont
Kristine Easton
Glenna Eaves
Miles Ebell
Margaret Ebert
Tim England
Marty Farrington
Mary Feay
D. Fieri
Elissa Fineman
Kevin Fischer
Bob Fisher
Flint Creek Wildlife Rescue
Joan Freeman
M. Friedman
Glenn Gabanski
2009 The Field Museum
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Nancy Mores
Corrie Moreau
Laura Muraoka
Lora Nickels
Andria Niedzielski
Jill Niland
J. Nolan
J. O’Shaughnesy
Bruce Patterson
Bernadette Payne
Dorothy Pesch
Marija Petrauskos
John Phelps
Michelle Pielle
Annie Pike
Scott Plant
Marina Post
Annette Prince
Teri Radke
Ar Rice
L. Rivera
Brad Roback
Amanda Roelle
Read Rogers
Natalio Romero
Laurel Ross
Jill Russell
Mike Scelfo
Alma Schrage
Emilie Schrage
Todd Schultz
Marie Schwartz
Barbara Shaw
Max Shepard
W. Siemaszek
Paul Sorensen
David Stagman
J. Steffen
Sarah Sticha
Bill Strausberger
Adam Strauss
Celia Strauss
Kalman Strauss
Anastasia Steinbrunner
Elizabeth Stiffler
Kevin Swagel
Paul Sweet
Betty Sweetland
Fui Lian Tan
Linda Tartof
Anna Tendero
Jim Tibensky
James Trainer
Mike Trinchitella
T. Trueblood
Rich Trujillo
Suzanne Turner
Chris Van Wassenhove
Galene Vasaturo
Victoria Velinski
Anita Victorn
Janet Voight
Sarah Von Fremd
John Wagner
Veronica Wald
Tim Wallace
Margaret Gawronski
Matthew Gies
Paul Gitau
Ian Glasspool
Nora Glasspool
Thomas Gnoske
Ingrid Gould
Cindy Gray
Mike Greer
Lori Grove
Joseph Haberfeld
Suzanne Hackbarth
Elyse Hahn
Chris Hartman
Mary Hennen
Niko Herzog
Miranda Hofelt
Joanna Hosteny
Christie Hoyt
Janice Humphrey
Jessica Johnson
John Kaiser
C. and R. Karolek
John Kelly
Sean Kendall
Andrew Kluk
© 2009 Todd Widhelm
Robin Lacey
B. Laing
Mary Lechner
Lincoln Park Zoo
Peter Lowther
Mary Loye
Cyndi Lubecke
Peggy Macnamara
John Marangelli
Jonathon Markel
Danielle Marvit
J. Masterson
June Matayoshi
Meg Matthews
Trish May
Paul Mayer
Sean McBride
Wilma McNelis
C. McTigne
Julia Meredith
A. Michaels
Lea Miller
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
Carolyn Wangolin
Stephanie Ware
Barb Webster
Robert Weiglein
Daniel Weiman
Tracy Weiman
Christer Wiklander
David Willard
Teri Williams
Chris Williamson
Willowbrook Wildlife Center
Phyllis Wolfe
Dale Woltman
Sandy Woltman
P. Wood
David Young
Zoology / Fishes
The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia
Anna Balla
Joshua A. Drew
Robert S. Flood, North Shore Sanitary District
Eric A. Geschke
Frank Jakubicek, Illinois Department of
Natural Resources
John G. Shedd Aquarium
Wilfedo A. Matamoros, The University of
Southern Mississippi
Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São
Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
William A. Murray
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada
Robert C. Rung, Illinois Department of
Natural Resources
Juliana Schlemmer
Dr. William Leo Smith
Kevin A. Swagel
Francis M. Veraldi
Dr. Mark Westneat
Zoology / Insects
Alfred F. Newton Jr.
Andrew B. T. Smith
Brett Ratcliffe
David H. Kistner
David R. Maddison
Donald S. Chandler
Elizabeth T. Arias
Federico C. Ocampo
Foster F. Purrington
François Génier
James F. Cornell
Jarmila Kukalova Peck
Jean Paul Mauries
John A. Wagner
John T. Longino
Joseph V. McHugh
Katharina Dittmar
Kelton Welch
Lubomir Hromádka
Margaret K. Thayer
Mariana R. Chani Posse de Maus
Michael S. Caterino
Paul E. Skelley
Robert J. Wolff
Rod Crawford
Rolf G. Beutel
2009 The Field Museum
Zoology / Invertebrates
Thomas G. Anton
Peter C. Champe
Marla L. Coppolino
Kevin Feldheim
Jozef Grego
David Matusik
Paula M. Mikkelsen
Baldomero M. Olivera
Richard E. Petit
Estefania Rodriguez
Ellen Strong
John D. Taylor
Paul Valentich-Scott
John A. Wagner
John D. Zardus
Zoology / Mammals
John Bates
Dan Brinkmeier
Chicago Zoological Society
Carl Dick
John G. Shedd Aquarium
Brandon Kilbourne
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
MJS Richards
Susan Mochel
Bruce Patterson
John Phelps
Mike Reed
Smithereens Pest Control
William Stanley
Kevin Swagel
Willowbrook Wildlife Center
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Staff Contributions
Arielle C. Adams
Kenneth D. Angielczyk
Kasandra L. Astor
Allison R. Augustyn
Elizabeth C. Babcock
Jerice Barrios
Deborah A. Bekken
Laura Biddle-Clarke
Rüdiger Bieler
Joseph B. Brennan
Gregory A. Carter
Sheila M. Cawley
* Trustee
^ Staff
Gloria Chantell
Jim W. Croft
Kristine B. Easton
Nel Fetherling
Kristine L. Freitas
Christine D. Giannoni
Ian J. Glasspool
Lance Grande
Lori Grove
Jonathan Haas
Kenda Hallman
Amy Harmon
Lawrence R. Heaney
Melissa Hilton
Christina L. Hoyt
Catherine Huetter
Sharon Kushiner
Nicholas J. Lang
Cheryl L. Livengood
Melissa Mayer
John W. McCarter*
Holly S. Morgan
Gregory M. Mueller
Sara K. Murphy
Robert C. O’Brien
Michael E. Paha
Bruce D. Patterson
Susan I. Phillips
Anita L. Purnell
Roger W. Reichard
Alan Resetar
Mary A. Rogers
Laurel M. Ross
Laura M. Rossio
Michael J. Roth
Laura Sadler
Neil H. Shubin
Petra Sierwald
Laurie B. Squire
Douglas F. Stotz
Margaret K. Thayer
Shawn K. VanDerziel
Linda J. Volino
Tatzyana S. Wachter
Emily J. Waldren
Nanette Watson
Jeri L. Webb
Diane White
David E. Willard
Aimee G. Willetts
Darnell Williams
Megan Williams Beckert
Naomi J. Willink
Barbara Wolf
Jane Yakushiji
Genevieve S. Zigterman
Caron Lacy
Vice President
Cathleen Osborn
Field Dreams Co-Chair
The Women’s Board Executive Committee
Frances Beatty*
Jacky Ferro
Vice President
† Deceased
Elisabeth Meeker
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GEO86518_1618Ad.
Steven M. Goodman
Stewart Blaine Peck
Thomas Wesener
Walter R. Suter
William J. Ehmann
Charles Quick
David Matusik
David T. Suhrbur
John T. Nunn
Ken Karns
Michael Jorgensen
Michael Kippenhan
Shawn T. Dash
Steve Parshall
Thomas R Prentice
Annette S. Cook
Ann Collins
Virginia Bobins
Member at Large
Amy Tuchler
Member at Large
Janice Beck
Field Dreams Co-Chair
Constance Bischof
Field Trips Chair
Judith Block*
Nominating Chair
Virginia Bobins
Diamond Gala Chair
Lenore Cameron
Hospitality Co-Chair
Sandra Deromedi
Programs Co-Chair
Jean Herbert
2009 Outreach Luncheon Co-Chair
Jeani Jernstedt
Long Range Planning Chair
Kathryn Johnson
Trip Co-Chair
Kelli Klauber
Children’s Holiday Celebration Co-Chair
Lenore Macdonald
Annual Appeal Chair
Pamela Marks
Bylaws Chair
Judith Newton
Hospitality Co-Chair
Ellen O’Connor
Museum Relations Chair
Barbara Pinder
Website Chair
Betsy Rosenfield
Board Luncheons Co-Chair
2009 The Field Museum
© 2009 Cheri Eisenberg
Deborah Ross
2009 Outreach Luncheon Co-Chair
Carole Segal
Women in Science Fellowship Chair
Bonnie Stearns
Board Luncheons Co-Chair
Sarah Taich
Children’s Holiday Celebration Co-Chair
Trip Co-Chair
Sandra Thomas
Membership Chair
Kim White
Programs Co-Chair
The Founders’ Council Steering Committee
Robert B. Loveman*, Chair
John and Jane Chapman
Dr. Eric J. Dybal
Donna B. and Peter B. Freeman
Dr. Stephen C. Gieser
Mrs. Noel Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. T. Eric Kilcollin
Gail J. Loveman
Elisabeth C. Meeker
Lanny Passaro
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Schnadig
Mrs. Elizabeth D. Sharp
Priscilla A. and Douglas H. Walter
Anthropology Alliance Steering Committee
Judith Lavender, Chair
Josh Chernoff
Phyllis Ellis
Kathleen Hayman
Kehaulani Lum
John Notz
Lenore Macdonald
Ann Paton
Robert Shaw
Susie Stein
James Stola
Carl Wolf
Field Museum volunteers contributed 65,410
hours of service to the Museum in 2009!
Pam Conant
Marian F. Cook
Christie A. and William B. Denniston, Jr.
Mary and Bruce Feay
James L. Foght
Morris Goodman
Susan M. Forney & Stryker Warren
Ms. Judy Johanson
Connie* and Dennis Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Lauer
Deborah and Daniel Manoogian
Nancy A. McDaniel
Irene D. Pritzker
* Trustee
^ Staff
Field Associates Executive Committee
Jill Hutchison, President
Jenna Abhijeet, Membership Co-Chair
Kumar Abhijeet, Membership Co-Chair
John D. Head, Communications Chair
Brian Kruse, Programs Co-Chair
Yelina Noskina, Programs Co-Chair
Natalie Rubino, Membership Co-Chair
Council on Africa
David M. Tolmie*, Chair
President’s Leadership Council Steering
Laura Ferris Anderson*, Chair
John E. McGovern III, Vice Chair
James J. O’Connor, Jr.*, Trustee Liaison
Jennifer Fales, Membership Co-Chair
Christopher M. Kennedy, Treasurer
Scott Kosmeder, Secretary
John Mangel III, Programs Co-Chair
Heidi Mayer, Programs Co-Chair
John F. Podjasek III, Membership Co-Chair
Kevin Stineman, Board Resources Co-Chair
Errett Van Nice, Board Resources Co-Chair
† Deceased
400 hours or more
Robert Andresen - Docent
Irene Broede - Geology
Joseph Cablk - Docent
Drew Carhart - Zoology
Ellis Caspary - Docent
John DeWerd - Docent
Mike Eklund - Geology
Glenn Gabanski - Zoology
Richard Guzik - Zoology
James Kase - Zoology
Dennis Kinzig - Docent
Charlene Lyford - Docent
Richard Lyford - Docent
Karen Nordquist - Geology
Clarita Nunez - Geology
James Piekarczyk - Docent
Nina Sandlin - Zoology
Beth Spencer - Docent
Grace Takata - Docent
Hedy Turnbull - Geology
Kurt Zahnle - Geology
Elaine Zeiger - Geology
200 to 399 hours
William Adams - Docent
Robert Andrini - Zoology
Paul Baker - Zoology
Janice Beck - Geology
Ruth Berns - Human Resources
Richard Bloomfield - Zoology
Joan Bruchman - Zoology
Kristin Buskirk - Anthropology
Robert Cantu - Docent
Mei Chao - Docent
Steven Clawson - Geology
James Costello - Docent
Carole Cotter - Docent
Gabriele Da Silva - Docent
Mildred Delahunty - Docent
Thomas Delahunty - Docent
Edith Dervin - Guest Relations
Allan Diamond - Docent
Marion Dunn - Docent
James Durham - Guest Relations
Jean Fincher - ECCo
Marsha Fischl - Docent
Sharleene Frank - Docent
Mildred Frank - Guest Relations
Christine Frazer - Education
Bernice Gardner - Docent
Peter Gayford - Anthropology
Arlene Ghiron - Zoology
Renee Goddijn - Docent
Mark Graham - Docent
Gayle Guzik - Docent
Mary Harland - Guest Relations
Mattie Harris - Guest Relations
Joyce Hecht - Docent
Ruthann Heidgerken - Docent
2009 The Field Museum
Jay Samstag - Education
Helen Samuels - Anthropology
Esther Schechter - Anthropology
Justin Schiro - Zoology
Annette Schmit - Docent
Thelma Schwartz - Docent
Stephen Sentoff - Anthropology
Monica Sentoff - Anthropology
Mae Simon - Docent
Jean Spencer - Education
Robert Spieler - Docent
William Stein - Docent
James Stola - Docent
David Strecker - Zoology
Lisa Stringer - Anthropology
John Swanton - Docent
Constance Thome - Library
Patrick Thompson - Docent
Elizabeth Tyner - Docent
Mary Valsa - Library
Warren Valsa - Library
David Walker - Zoology
Alexandra Westrich - Zoology
Jane Yakushiji - Education/Membership
Julia Young - Education
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GN91139_16d
Richard Hidaka - Docent
Jeff Hoswell - Zoology
Herbert Hymen - Zoology
Bernice Jacobs - Docent
Malcom Jones - Docent
Edwin Kapus - Zoology
Thomas Kerstann - Docent
Milton Levin - Docent
Leonore Levit - Anthropology
Bakari Lewis - Guest Relations
Andrea Luke - Docent
Jack MacDonald - Anthropology
John McConnell - Geology
Lettie McSpadden - Docent
Nancy Miller - Docent
John Morris - Docent
Ellis Murphy - Guest Relations
Lynne Nosko - Docent
Frederick Orendach - Docent
Marie Orendach - Docent
Manuel Ortiz - Guest Relations
Stephen Parshall - Docent
Jennifer Phelps - Anthropology
Nancy Podwika - Docent
Sheila Reynolds - Zoology
Judith Rom - Guest Relations
© 2009 The Field Museum, John Weinstein GN91272_053d
* Trustee
^ Staff
† Deceased
2009 The Field Museum
The Aztec World was developed by The Field Museum
in collaboration with the CONACULTA-INAH. Major
Sponsor: Exelon Corporation. This exhibition was supported
by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and
Transforming Tradition: Pottery from Mata Ortiz was
organized by The Field Museum. Sponsored by: Baker &
Yellowstone to Yukon: Freedom to Roam was organized
by the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture at
the University of Washington and The Mountaineers Books,
Seattle, in collaboration with the Yellowstone to Yukon
Conservation Initiative. This exhibition was sponsored by
the Legacy Fund.
Masterpieces of Ancient Jewelry was organized by the
National Jewelry Institute. Support generously provided by
Feitler Family Fund and Ptah Sekhmet; PaxVobiscum Inc.
Sacred Waters: India’s Great Kumbha Mela Pilgrimage
was organized by Jean-Marc Giboux and The Field
Museum. Sponsored by: Baker & McKenzie.
Road to Freedom: Photographs of the Civil Rights
Movement 1956-1968 was organized by the High Museum
of Art, Atlanta. This exhibition is supported by the Robert
Mapplethorpe Foundation and an award from the National
Endowment for the Arts, which believes that a great nation
deserves great art. Thanks to the generous support of
the Chicago Urban League. Presenting Sponsor: Target.
Executive Sponsors: BP and The Boeing Company.
Real Pirates: The Untold Story of the Whydah from
Slave Ship to Pirate Ship was an exhibition from
National Geographic. Organized by Arts and Exhibitions
Travels of the Crow: Journey of an Indian Nation was
organized by The Field Museum in consultation with the
Crow Nation of Montana.
Water was organized by the American Museum of
Natural History, New York, and the Science Museum
of Minnesota, St. Paul, in collaboration with The Field
Museum, Chicago; Great Lakes Science Center, Cleveland;
Instituto Sangari, São Paulo, Brazil; National Museum
of Australia, Canberra; Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto,
Canada; San Diego Natural History Museum; and Science
Centre Singapore with PUB Singapore. Sponsored by
JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Underwriters Laboratories.
Generous support provided by Wege Foundation, The Joyce
Foundation, Chicago Department of Water Management,
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater
Chicago, Oberweiler Foundation, and Philip Enquist and
Joanna Karatzas.
Bunce Island: A British Slave Castle in Sierra Leone
was curated and made possible at The Field Museum by
Joseph A. Opala, James Madison University. The Marae
Gallery is sponsored by Baker & McKenzie.
The Nature of Diamonds was organized by the American
Museum of Natural History, New York, in collaboration
with The Field Museum, Chicago; the Royal Ontario
Museum, Toronto; and the Houston Museum of Natural
Science. This exhibition was made possible through the
generous support of The Grainger Foundation.”
Annual Report Committee
Jean Cattell, Graphic Design Director
Sheila Cawley, Vice President Institutional Advancement
Catherine Eliasik, Director, Development Services
Narrative Writer
Steve Strohmeier, Senior Manager Foundation Giving
Photo Research
Mary Pat Barbarie, Donor Relations Manager
Jerice Barrios, Rights and Reproductions Coordinator
Graphic Designer
Gloria Chantell
All questions or inquiries regarding The Field Museum’s
2009 Annual Report should be directed to Catherine
Eliasik, Director of Development Services, Institutional
Advancement at celiasik@fieldmuseum.org
The Field Museum thanks the people of Chicago for their
long-standing, generous support of the Museum through the
Chicago Park District. In addition, Museum programs are
partially supported by a CityArts Program 4 Grant from
the City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and the
Illinois Arts Council, a state agency.
2009 Annual Report © The Field Museum
All rights reserved.
Cover photos © 2009 The Field Musem, John Weinstein: Hiddenite GEO86518_6346Bd; Ruby Topaz
GEO86518_0783Ad; Almondine Garnet GEO85634c; Heliodor Beryl GEO86518_0701Ad; Blue
Sapphire GEO86518_4411Bd.
2009 The Field Museum

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