event calendar event calendar


event calendar event calendar
event calendar
event calendar
what // where // when
what // where // when
mark he took active part in what was happening on the art scene in Iceland and he
was one of the founders of the well-known
Gallery SÚM in 1968. Magnús has had
many exhibitions and received various
awards for his art. Among his works is the
sculpture”The Jet’s Nest” which is located
at The Keflavik Airport. At the exhibition in
The ASÍ Art Museum Magnus will exhibit
installation. Magnús Tómassons exhibition
is part of the art festival Sequences 2007.
The museum is open every day except
Mondays from 13:00 to 17:00 and the entrance is free.
The National Museum of Iceland - Exhibition - Extraordinary Child - Photographs
by Mary Ellen Mark.
The National Museum of Iceland (B-3)
Extraordinary Child - Photographs by
Mary Ellen Mark
World-renowned US photographer Mary
Ellen Mark visited Iceland last year and
photographed disabled children in their
day-to-day environments. The photographs highlight the communication and
friendship between the children. During
the exhibition a documentary by filmmaker Martin Bell will be shown daily
in the National Museum’s lecture hall. A
substantial catalogue will be published
in connection with the exhibition. On display until 27.01.08
The exhibit will be open as of 7 May 2007
and will be on view at the Culture House
for two years.
ASI Art Museum (D-3)
Exhibition - Rubbish
Magnús was born in Reykjavík in 1943.
He was educated at the Copenhagen
Academy of Art and he was only 19 years
old when he had his first solo exhibition.
Although Magnús was studying in Den-
Surtsey -Genesis
This grand exhibition will take the viewer
on a ride through the creation and evolution history of the volcanic island Surtsey,
formed in an eruption in 1963-1967. It is
carried out at the Culture House by the
Icelandic Institute of Natural History in
relation to Surtsey’s nomination to the
UNESCO World Heritage List as a universally unique natural phenomenon.
Exhibition and fair
Crafts and Design organizes a big art and
craft’s fair in the Reykjavik City Hall 5 - 8
Oct. The event brings together 57 of Icelandic art and crafts people. This fair is a
rare opportunity to meet the makers and
buy their work. Objects presented are
glass, ceramics, jewellery, furniture, leather and fish skin products, basketry, wood
Reykjavík Museum of Photography - Exhibitions - Afternoon Press Photography in Iceland: 1962 - 2002.
and textiles. This art and crafts fair is a
true celebration of the unique and the
or pictures of the Danish naval officers
who brought home priceless Icelandic
manuscripts which had been in Danish
collections for centuries. Or the photos
of sunken Icelandic whaling vessels lying at the dock in November 1986 after a
surprise visit from anti-whaling activists.
And most Icelandic adults will remember
the summit meeting between Reagan
and Gorbachev that year, and the day in
1989 when beer was legalised in Iceland.
Those photos and about 150 more images of Icelandic life are included in the
exhibition Afternoon Press Photography
in Iceland: 1960-2002 at the Reykjavík
Museum of Photography. Each image
shows a facet of the society from which it
springs and they tell us stories of people,
stories of a nation - Iceland. On display
until 25.12
Exhibition of contemporary and traditional Icelandic art and crafts in Aðalstræti 12, 2nd floor, 101 Reykjavik.
Open every day from 13.00 - 17.00. Free
Afternoon Press Photography in Iceland:
1962 - 2002
It is interesting to consider what Icelandic press photographs come to mind
when we recall our recent past. Many
of us no doubt recall images of longhaired people carrying placards with
such slogans as Iceland out of NATO
- Military Out and Shit on the System,
Crafts and Design (C-2)
Reykjavík Museum of Photography
The Culture House (C-2)
Art Gallery Fold
Art Gallery Fold offers the countries largest selection of contemporary Icelandic
art. Art Gallery Fold Rauðarárstígur 14 and
Kringlan Shopping Centre
Tel.: 551 0400
The Culture House: Surtsey - Genesis.
Reykjavík Museum of Photography
- Dante Halleck - The Lost Children of
Dante Halleck - The Lost Children
of Afghanistan
On display until 24.10
event calendar
event calendar
what // where // when
Gerðuberg Culture Centre
Saturday, 06.10
Craftsmanship in Design
An exhibition by Icelandic designers and
craftspeople opens at Gerðuberg, in collaboration with the Icelandic Handcrafts
Association and Handverk og Hönnun/
Crafts and Design. In the exhibition the
craft traditions of Icelandic design serve
as inspiration for new works. On display
until 11.11
Seltjarnarneskirkja Church
In the Boginn
From the Natural World - Guðmunda S.
Oil paintings on canvas, driftwood and
rocks. On display until 11.11
Iðunn - traditional poetry society
Courses, entertainment and educational
The Icelandic Handcrafts Association
Knitting courses
Thursday, 04.10
The Icelandic Opera (C-2)
Ariadne auf Naxos by Richard
Ariadne auf Naxos by Richard Strauss
will have its premiere at The Icelandic
Opera on October 4th. Leading roles
The Icelandic Opera - Ariadne auf
Naxos by Richard Strauss.
will be sung by Hanna Dóra Sturludóttir
as Ariadne and Arndís Halla Ásgeirsdóttir as Zerbinetta, Kolbeinn Jón Ketilsson,
Ágúst Ólafssson, Bergþór Pálsson and
Guðrún Jóhanna Ólafsdóttir. Other roles
are also sung by Icelandic singers. Director: Andreas Franz Conductor: Kurt
Kopecky. Performances will also be on
6, 10, 12, 14, and 19th of October. For
further information call 511 4200 or visit
Reykjavík City Theatre - Icelandic Dance Company - Family Performance.
Concert - The Philharmonia Choir
The Philharmonia Choir, Söngsveitin
Fílharmónía, performs a concert with a
program of klezmer music, together with
singer Ragnheiður Gröndal and jazz musician Haukur Gröndal and his jazz-folk
music band. Magnus Ragnarsson is conducting. Haukur and Ragnheiður have
helped introducing to Icelandic audience
this colourful music originating from
Eastern-European Jewish troubadours.
Influenced by Slavonic, Greek, Turkish,
Arabic contact, this lively music is diversified, yet easily recognizable and widely
appreciated all around the world. Haukur
Gröndal formed the Icelandic-Danish
klezmer band Schpilkas, who published
two acclaimed records. Ragnheiður
Gröndal is one of Iceland’s most popular
contemporary singers, having released
four solo albums, all of which have
reached besteller lists. The concert takes
place in Seltjarnarneskirkja church, at
17.00 Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th of
October. Tickets at the entrance and at
Saturday, 13.10
Hafnarborg Institute of Culture and
fine Art
Portræt Nu !
In the summer of 2006, The Museum of
National History at Frederiksborg Castle
launched a major Nordic portrait competition, The Brewer J.C. Jacobsen’s Portrait Award. Made possible by generous
support from the Carlsberg Memorial
Bequest for Brewer J.C. Jacobsen. It
had long been the earnest wish of the
Museum to launch this initiative, the
first of its kind, and one which forms a
natural development of the Museum’s
position as Denmark’s national portrait
gallery. This time the emphasis was on
the contemporary Nordic portraiture.
The artists involved in the exhibition
were encouraged to illustrate the great
diversity of understanding what the term
what // where // when
Seltjarnarneskirkja Church - Concert - The Icelandic Amateur Orchestra.
‘portrait’ currently includes and therefore
engaging with a wider audience and giving the public an opportunity to become
acquainted with contemporary Nordic
The Culture House (C-2)
Concert - The Height of Chamber Music
Franz Peter Schubert - Octet in F-dur
op. 166
Schubert’s Octet is among the virtuoso’s
last chamber works, written only four
years before he died. This can not be
heard from the music which is extremely
joyful and pleasant sounding. At 17:00
Laugardalsvöllur Stadium (G-3)
• Football
Iceland vs. Latvia for the UEFA EURO
2008 qualifying at 16:00
Wednesday, 17.10
Gerðuberg Culture Centre
A concert by Vadim Fedorov Trio
Saturday, 20.10
Reykjavík Art Museum - Kjarvalsstaðir
Meditation on Furniture
Architect and furniture designer Óli
Jóhann Ásmundsson has earned particular renown as a designer of “collapsible” furniture. In the present exhibit, in
the west hall of Kjarvalsstaðir, Óli Jóhann
Ásmundsson shows new furniture in diverse and surprising permutations. On
display until 31.12.07
Reykjavík City Theatre (F-5)
Icelandic Dance Company - Family
Icelandic Dance Company is the national
dance company of Iceland. October will
be visited by the company’s annual family performance - a show for the whole
family which includes some of their more
action packed and accessible pieces.
The goal is to introduce modern dance
to people, both young and old, and the
performance is guaranteed to keep the
whole family entertained. The family performance does not include pieces that
are specially created for children but
does includes pieces that are humorous,
accessible and a joy for the eye.
The annual family performance has been
a popular sell-out these past few years.
Performances are on October 20th and
21st at 14:00. Tickets are sold at the
Reykjavík City Theatre tel.: 568 8000. For
further information visit - www.id.is
Sunday, 21.10
Seltjarnarneskirkja Church
The Icelandic Amateur Orchestra opens
its 18th season with a concert in Seltjarnarneskirkja church. Works by Jón Leifs,
Sibelius, Ravel, Respighi and Bartók will
be performed. Conductor is Oliver Kentish. At 17:00
• Laugardalsvöllur Stadium - Football
- Iceland vs. Latvia.
onGoinG exhibitions
onGoinG exhibitions
The Culture House (C-2)
National Gallery of Iceland
The Ásgrímur Jónsson Collection (C-3)
Ásgrímur was one of the pioneers of Icelandic art and the first
Icelander to take up painting professionally. He laid the foundation for Icelandic landscape painting, and throughout his career, the nature of Iceland was his favoured subject matter. The
Museum is open by arrangement. Tel 515 9600.
Reykjavík Art Museum
Ásmundur Sveinsson Sculpture Museum (F-3)
• Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum,
Sigurjón Ólafsson Museum
• Sculptures by Sigurjón Ólafsson
Sigurjón Ólafsson (1908 – 1982) was born in
Eyrarbakki, a village on the south coast of
Iceland. Trained as a house painter, in 1928
he entered the Danish Royal Academy of Fine
Arts, from which he graduated in 1935, having
supplemented his studies with a year in Rome.
In 1930 he was awarded the Gold Medal
of the Academy for a portrait of his mother.
From early on Ólafsson worked in abstract
forms, but he also developed the realistic style
that characterizes his portrait busts and statues.
He has been named one of his century’s most
important portrait sculptors. In 1939 he made
his first completely abstract sculpture, Man and
Woman, which caused great controversy, but is
now considered a sculptural landmark in Denmark.
Ólafsson returned to Iceland in 1945. As one of
the leading artists of the country, he was entrusted
with numerous challenging commissions, among
them a 90 m long relief at the Búrfell Hydroelectric
Station. He leaves eighteen public monuments in
Reykjavík alone, Throne Pillars by the Höfði House
and Emblem of Iceland being the best known.
An exhibition of a collection of works from the Museum’s holdings, where the selection of works is made to show how the
artist worked with different materials – wood, clay, plaster,
stone, bronze and other metals – and how the same subjects
in art works can be enjoyed in different ways based on the
materials chosen for their creation.
Exhibitions reflecting varied aspects of
Icelandic history and culture:
The Medieval Manuscripts – Eddas and Sagas
On view are the ancient vellum manuscripts that preserve
the Northern classical heritage: unique sagas, poems
and narratives which are often our sole written sources
of information on the society, religion and world view of
the people of Northern Europe.
Surtsey - Genesis
This exciting new multimedia exhibition tells the story
of an island’s spectacular birth from the depths of the
Atlantic Ocean in 1963, traces its history to the present
day – and beyond, glimpsing its future 120 years hence.
The Road to Zion
The earliest Icelandic settlers in North-America had
converted to the Mormon faith and went all the way to
Utah. The exhibit traces their journey over sea and land,
and gives insight into the community that the Icelanders
joined and lived in abroad.
Berlin Excursion
The exhibit takes the viewer through the strand of Berlin culture that produces exceptional books, true pieces
of art, usually made in cooperation between an author
and an artist. Each issue is thus specially designed and
published in a limited numbered edition.
The Library Room
On display are many of the landmark books of Icelandic
cultural history, dating from the introduction of printing in
the sixteenth century to the present day.
Reykjavík Art Museum Kjarvalsstaðir (E-4)
Jóhannes S. Kjarval was a living legend and by many
considered the ultimate romantic bohemian artist. His
roots lay in the Old Icelandic rural community, but his
life and art are tightly bound to the cultural awakening
of the nation in the first half of the 20th century.
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I c e l a n d
Reykjavík Art Museum - Kjarvalsstaðir
Ask for
our brochure
jarvalsstaðir reopened this spring after a museum-wide restoration. Originally designed by Hannes Kr. Davidsson and
first built between 1966 and 1973, there’s now a new cafeteria and visitors can also enjoy so-called “hotspot” high-speed
wireless internet access. The museum shop offers a selection of
local and international art books, catalogues and other printed
items. The exhibition hall at
Miklatún Park was inaugurated
in 1973, and was soon named
Kjarvalsstaðir in honour of the
painter Jóhannes S. Kjarval.
Exhibitions of Icelandic and international art are hosted annually, with a special emphasis on
contemporary art. An exhibition
from the Kjarval collection is always a highlight in the schedule
at Kjarvalsstaðir. A guided tour
in English is held every Friday
at 15:00.
Jóhannes S. Kjarval.
Architecture at Eye Level
The North Gallery of Kjarvalsstaðir is dedicated to creative and
participatory activities for guests of all ages. In this exhibition,
works selected from the Icelandic environment convey important aspects of the art of architecture. Guests are invited to experience the exhibition in diverse ways, and may even choose to
try their hands at its design and creation. The exhibition marks
the publication of a new book intended to increase awareness
of architecture, a dual initiative of the Association of Icelandic
Architects and the Curriculum Institute. Guja Dögg Hauksdóttir, head of the Reykjavik Art Museum’s architecture department,
is author of the book and curator of this exhibition. On display
until 31.12
Helgi Gíslason
Sculptor Helgi Gíslason has shown his work in many group and
one-artist exhibitions and has work in the collections of many
museums and public institutions. His current exhibition in the
west hall of Kjarvalsstaðir features new works of bas-relief. On
display until 14.10
Current Exhibitions in Kjarvalsstaðir
Eggert Pétursson
The delicate yet rugged plants of Iceland’s wilds cover the surface of Eggert Pétursson’s paintings. The works, rendered with
exceptional precision, invite the viewer to ponder the beauty
dwelling in each square foot of countryside. The present exhibit
spans Eggert Pétursson’s career from start to present and includes some works never before seen by the public eye. The
works are on loan from private collectors, companies and public
museums. A lavish book on the painter Eggert Pétursson will
accompany the exhibition. Curated by Ólöf K. Sigurðardóttir. On
display until 04.11
Eggert Pétursson.
Reykjavík in a splash
Geothermal pools, the source of health, fitness and well-being
Geothermal water is abundant in Iceland, and for centuries Icelanders have been aware
of its medicinal benefits. It is nature's own compensation for the cool climate that allows
the luxury of open-air swimming pools providing healthy recreation and relaxation all
year round.
Variety of options
Visitors are presented with great variety of options when it comes to thermal spas,
pools, hot pots etc. The following spots come highly recommended as a start to your
stay in Iceland, or at any time your body needs a good rest.
Situated in Laugardalur, the centre for athletics and recreation in Reykjavík. It is the
largest of its kind, in Iceland, and offers the most extensive facilities.
• 50m pool • Curved waterslide • 4 hotpots • Stone laid whirlpool
• Shallow wading pool • Steam bath and Professional massage service
Open: Mon.-Fri. 06.30-22.30. Sat.-Sun. 08.00-22.00.
Open until 22:30 it’s a good spot for a bit of night swimming. In door pool with a
specially heated for young children and senior citizens, playing pool with small geysers,
massage-seats, waterfalls and a small water-slide. Big water slide for children of all
ages, from 3- 99.
• Very good facilities for disabled
• 25m x 12.5m out door pool • Public steam bath • Solarium
Open: Mon.-Fri. 06.30-22.30. Sat.-Sun. 08.00-22.00.
Puffin Island
Sundhöll Reykjavíkur
Sundhöllin is the only indoor public pool in Reykjavík. It is situated a short walk from the
main shopping road.
• 25m in door pool • Hot pots on the balcony • Springboard
• Pool extension for children • Solarium.
Excellent view from the top
Open: Mon.-Fri. 06.30-21.30. Sat.-Sun. 08.00-19.00.
Take part in an adventure at sea with an unforgettable 3-hour trip
from Reykjavík harbour into the world of whales and sea birds. A
spacious double-deck and a special viewing area on the third deck,
where you have a fantastic 360° panoramic view.
Only a 20-minute walk from Lækjartorg in midtown Reykjavík. Basic, but comfortable.
Good for plain swimming and hot-potting.
• 25m pool • in door and out door dressing rooms • Three hotpots
• Sauna • Shallow extension for children • Solarium.
Speed, stability and comfort
The Elding I is one of a kind in Iceland, uniquely designed for
rescue purposes but has been remodelled to a very fast, stable,
comfortable and secure sightseeing ship. Raincoats or warm
overalls are provided free of charge.
Open: Mon.-Fri. 06.30-22.00. Sat.-Sun. 08.00-20.00.
Situated in a suburb overlooking Reykjavík. In the vicinity are many interesting walking
and jogging routes.
Call us on
555 3565 or visit www.elding.is
Open: Mon.-Fri. 06.30-22.30. Sat.-Sun. 08.00-22.00.
It has hot pots, thermal steam bath and jacuzzi. A short distance away is a popular golf
course and horse rental.
Open: Mon.-Fri. 06.30-22.00. Sat.-Sun. 08.00-20.00.
Elding Whale Watching
Reykjavík harbour
Tel: (+354) 555 3565
Fax: (+354) 554 7420
Culture & arts
Culture & arts
museums // galleries // giftshops // showrooms
museums // galleries // giftshops // showrooms
Einar Jónsson Museum
Icelandic Institute of Natural History
National Gallery of Iceland
Njarðargata (Opposite Hallgrímur Pétursson
Memorial Church). Main gate is in Njarðargata, also Freyjugata through the sculpture
garden. Tel.: 551 3797 & 561 3797.
Hlemmur 3, at Hlemmtorg (Any bus going
to Hlemmur). Tel.: 590 0500. Geological,
botanical and zoological exhibits, displaying the nature of Iceland. Hours: 13-17
(June 1 - Aug. 31); 13:30-16 (Sept. 1 - May
31) Sun., Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Website:
Fríkirkjuvegur 7 (on the eastern bank of
the Pond), tel.: 515 9600. Main museum
Kópavogur Art Museum
Hamraborg 4, Kópavogur. Tel.: 570 0440.
Houses a collection of works by the artist
Gerður as well as displaying various kinds
of art work. Café. E-mail: gerdasafn@kopavogur.is
Natural History Museum
of Kópavogur
Indoor and outdoor exhibitions. Dedicated to the works of Ice­land´s first modern sculptor, Einar Jónsson (1874-1954).
Open: June-Sept. 15th: daily except
Mon. 14-17; Sept. 16th - May: Sat. and
Sun. 14-17. Dec. and Jan. closed.
Website: www.skulptur.is
E-mail: skulptur@skulptur.is
Reykjavík City Museum
– Árbæjarsafn
The Culture House
ASÍ Art Museum
The National Centre for Cultural Heritage
Hverfisgata 15, 101 Reykjavík. Tel.: 545 1400.
Freyjugata 41, main entrance from Mímis­
vegur, opposite Hall­grímur Péturs­son
Me­mo­rial Church. Tel.: 511 5353.
Árbær, Tel.: 411 6300. Collection of arti­
facts docu­menting the de­ve­l­op­ment
of the city of Reykja­vík. Pres­ently the
muse­um comprises 27 build­ings, built
between 1820 and 1907.
Open June-August:
Daily from 10:00-17:00
Sept.-May: Guided visiting hours on
Mon. Wed. and Friday at 13:00 and
by appointment for groups.
E-mail: minjasafn@reykjavik.is
Website: www.reykjavikmuseum.is
Exhibitions reflecting varied aspects of
Icelandic history and culture: Medieval
Manuscripts – Eddas and Sagas through
the Ages – from the Árni Magnússon Institute in Iceland. For further information:
Exhibitions of contemporary Icelandic
art. Closed Mondays, entrance free.
Hamraborg 6 A, 200 Kópavogur, 100 m
from Art Gallery Ger›arsafn. Collection
of birds, molluscs and minerals. Small
aquariums with fish and marimos. Open
Mon.-Thu. 10-21, Fri. 11-17 and Sat.Sun. 13-17. Free entrance. Tel.: 570 0430,
website: www.natkop.is The Living Art Museum
Institute of Culture and fine Art
Strandgata 34, 220 Hafnar­fjördur.
Tel.: 585 5790. Fax: 565 4480. Galler­ies
are open 11-17 daily, except Tuesday.
Thursday until 21:00. Art shows from
the collection of Hafnarborg, exhibitions
by Icelandic and international artists.
Coffee shop. Website: www.hafnarborg.
is E-mail: hafnarborg@hafnarfjordur.is
Lauga­veg­ur 26 (entrance from Grett­is­gata),
101 Reykja­vík. Tel.: 551 4350. An art­ist run
gall­ery/muse­um since 1978 that focuses
on the contempor­ary art scene in Iceland
and world­wide. Ex­hi­bits both iceland­ic
and for­eign artists. Has one of the best
collect­ions in Iceland of contempor­ary art.
Open Wed.-Sun. 12-17. Thursdays until
21. Free entrance. Website: www.nylo.is
of Icelandic visual art. Wide ranging
historic and contemporary exhibitions by
local and foreign artists. Exhibition rooms,
cafeteria and shop, closed Mondays.
E-mail: list@listasafn.is.
Web: www.listasafn.is. Open Tuesday to
Sunday 11–17. Closed Mondays.
Free Admission.
Ásgrímur Jónsson collection
Bergstaðastræti 74. Tel.: (+354) 551
3644. A department of the National Gallery, housed at the artist’s former home
and studio. Oil paintings, water colours
and drawings. Open by arrangement.
Tel.: 515 9600.
Reykjavík City Museum
- The Settlement Exhibition Experience Viking-Age Reykjavík at the
new Settlement Exhibition. The focus
of the exhibition is an
excavated longhouse
site which dates from
the 10th century AD.
It includes relics of
human habitation from
about 871, the oldest
such site found in Iceland.
Multimedia techniques bring Reykjavik’s past to life, providing visitors with
insights into how people lived in the
Viking Age, and what the Reykjavík
environment looked like to the first
settlers. Reykjavík 871 +/-2. Aðalstræti
16. 101 Reykjavík
Tel.: 411 6370. Fax: 411 6371.
e-mail: info@reykjavik871.is