Thanksgiving... - Holdenville Tribune
Thanksgiving... - Holdenville Tribune
Thanksgiving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¢ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2014 Holdenville’s First Thanksgiving The following is an account of Holdenville’s first Thanksgiving (Indian Territory, 1896) as remembered by the late Callie Buchner Schaff. How well I remember the day, the time and the place! It was held in a two-story frame building located where the Masonic Building now stands. The lower floor was a general merchandise company and the upstairs was used for public functions. In the late nineties the country surrounding Hold- Recently, the HSPS Fall Art Show was held and the winners announced. They are as follows: STUDENT BEST OF SHOW PRE-K—6TH: Trop- ical Fish #4, Faith Stout PRE-K—K: 1st; Bug #1, Emory Anderson; 2nd, WarmCool Cat, Cason Mosley 1-2-3 GRADES: 1st, Tropi- cal Fish #31, Kady Russell; 2nd, Warm Cool Kat#3, Brooklyn Black; 3rd, Butterfly, Tate Danielson; Honorable Mention, Tropical Fish #1, Marlee Rowe; But #3, Brooklyn black 4-5-6 GRADES: 1st, Tropical Fish, Kendal Bowles; 2nd, Thistle, Madison Curry; 3rd, Butterfly #5, Isabelle Farley; Honorable Mention, Ice Cream Cone, Faith Stout; German Shepherd, David Anderson; Cat and Tractor, Madison Curry BEST OF SHOW 7TH— 12TH: Converse, Aleigha Breneman. 7-8-9 GRADES: 1st,Spirit, Aleigha Breneman; 2nd, Anime, Brook Butler; 3rd, What Do We Know, Colton Collins, Honorable Mention—Horse, Indiana Gravelle; Candy Skull, Breanne Allexander; Big Wave, Noble Anderson 10-11-12 GRADES: 1st, YVONNE HUSER won first place in the Master Oil and Acrylic on Canvas division with “Esaun.” Continued on Page A-5 HSPS Fall Winners YVONNE GREEN was the Best of Show in the Amateur Division with “Snowy Day.” MAXINE WELCH received 2nd place in the Amateur Oil and Acrylic on Canvas or Hard Surface division with “My Way Home.” Continued on Page A-4 THREE GENERATIONS OF TALENT—BELINDA REID, ETHEL BOWERS AND SARAH REID are shown with Belinda’s stained glass entry, “Krystal Kaleidoscope,” which won 3rd place in the Master Sculpture division. A BIG THANK YOU TO THE HSPS GALLERY MEMBERS FOR MAKING THIS YEAR’S FALL ART SHOW ONE OF THE BEST EVER! (l to r) Lofton Crossno, Mary Evelyn Wilson, Stephen Davis, Peggy Davis, Linda Gibbs, Beverly Rodgers, Mike Turner, Sue Anderson, Richard Elwanger, Faye Crossno, and Marie Burns. PAGE A-2—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—NOVEMBER 26, 2014 ARLINGTON CENTER salon results at home Ada, Oklahoma onal Come see us for the latest technology! BE MERRY GIVE BEAUTY hottest new tool for curls! ll y Be au t y. co m/ Cu rl Ge niu s Everything 20% Off! with purchase of $9.99 tote Communication Solutions 824 Arlington Center, Ada, OK 74820 Sa Storewide Sale Starts WEDNESDAY (excludes keepsake ornaments) 906 Arlington Center • (580)436-8255 Thanksgiving Day creates curls effortlessly 20% Off OPEN 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. your total purchase = All Day! 2 or more medium 2 topping Pizzas...$5.99 up to 99 32 va ue l FARM & HOME 908 Arlington Ctr, (580) 436-5361 10% Off Bobbie’s 99 19 value Petal Pusher Total purchase of gift item* (580)332-5868 / (800)248-2762 Crissy Sutton, owner/designer *over $25 some exclusions apply Your full service florist! BROWNS • 900 N Country Club Rd • Ada com Sign up & save! Open 9-8 Answers & Low Prices Down Every Aisle C NOV 13 95 S M E T I C Independently owned & operated S 900 N Country Club Rd • (580)-436-3540 EXPIRES SKU# 9922 O PHARMACY & GIFTS 1800 Arlington 279-1416 ffle & Truw S irls US 9/13/13 5:41 PM & Second-hand Sports Azura Spa Mainicures • Pedicures & More be ready for the holidays 904 Arlington Ctr • (580) 559-2395 End the regift cycle... Give them what they really want! GAME SWAP PS3 • NINTENDO • XBOX 360 • New merchandise arriving daily BUY 1, GET 1 • 1/2 OFF (580)279-1744 GAMES Arlington Center - 580-226-5668 MATTHEWS Eat here or (580)332-4744 - 912 Arlington Book your holiday hair style now take one home 812 N Country Club 580 332-2030 Come see the Big Green Egg! Pool & Spa • Hair & Nails HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—NOVEMBER 26, 2014—PAGE A-3 The Years Were 1934-35 1934—WITTY by Eunice Poteet The pie supper held here Monday night was a success. The proceeds, $24.00 will be used to finance a Christmas tree party. Hazel Williams received the cake for the prettiest girl. Roy Bowen and Hazel Williams the jar of pickles for the loveliest couple and Bill Fuller the bar of soap for the man with the dirty neck. Una Pinion of Holdenville spent Friday night and Saturday visiting Ruby Poteet. Those visiting at the Holt home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wilson and children of Pecan Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Simon and daughter, Willard Womack and Rose Middleton of Wewoka. Eunice and Pauline Poteet spent Saturday night with Gertrude and Ovaleen Goad. They attended a party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Giles of Pecan Grove. Several from the community attended the auction sale in Holdenville Monday. Leonard Fuller and Ed Brooks of Holdenville visited in this community Monday. Ruth Adams of Yeager was the guest of Virginia Pogue Wednesday night. Marie Kibby of Yeager spent Monday night with Eunice Poteet. She attended the pie supper. Mr. and Mrs. T.B. Peebles, Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Harden and children and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Good and son, Ronald Dean, Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hazel Good of Moss. Ruby Poteet was the guest of Ona and Syble Pinion of Holdenville Saturday night and Sunday. Those visiting at the Poteet home Sunday were: J.R. Holt, J.D. Grizzle, Austin Jenkins of Yeager, Roy Ray Fuller, Billy Vines, Leroy Myatt of Holdenville and Willard and Elmer Jo. Hartsell. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Madden of Holdenville visited Fred Madden Sunday. Anthony Floyd of Holdenville culled chickens on the Poteet farm Wednesday. PRAIRIE VIEW by Sylvia Gentry Rev. Frank Croswell of Bristow delivered interesting sermons here Saturday night and Sunday morning and night. Large crowds from this community and surrounding communities attended. The Prairie View basketball teams played the Hulsey teams Friday afternoon on the local court. The Prairie View boys won 17 to 9 and the girls tied 6 to 6. The next game will be played with Oak Grove on the Oak Grove court. The school pupils and teachers have drawn names to exchange Christmas gifts. The gifts will be put on the community Christmas tree. The pupils are practicing on an interesting Christmas program which will be presented on Christmas eve. The birthday party and candy breaking given in honor of Miss Mayme Spoon’s sixteenth birthday was attended by a large crowd. Many beautiful gifts were presented to Miss Spoons. Music was furnished by Luther and Clifford Sanders, Lee Reed and Frank Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Roberts, who formerly lived at Wetumka, have moved into this community. Leon Parks and Vernon Roberts, who have been seriously ill with pneumonia, are improved and are expected to be able to be up in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gentry, who were married a few months ago and are now living in Oilton, TX, are spending a few weeks with friends and relatives in this community. Mrs. G.H. Dowdy and daughters, Johnie and Wandola, of Holdenville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pennington and family. Mrs. Orene Roberts, who has been employed by Mrs. Tommie Glenn of Hold- enville, has returned to her home here. Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Corpin and children of Holdenville spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.M. Burns, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Haarold Linker of Fairview spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Vestes Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. James Frazier and son, Jonny, of the Moss community, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Frazier, and family. Aline Bunday of Fairview and Vera Fennell of Moss were the dinner guests of Mary Frazier Sunday. Mable Burns spent Saturday night with her sister, Mrs. C.B. McCarpin, of Holdenville. Santa Letters - 1934 Dear Santa; I am a little boy 9 years old. Am in the fourth grade. Please bring me some 4-inch fire crackers, water gun, bugle, sparklers, fruits, nuts and candy. Remember mother, daddy, and grandma. Your little friend, DARRELL PURSER Dear Santa Claus; We are twin boys five years old. We would like to have for Xmas a pair of gloves, a knife, a ball and a little gun. Please don’t forget our brother and sister, mother and father and grandma. Brother wants a pair of gloves, three bladed knife and a watch. Sister wants a coat, a wrist watch and a basket ball. Thanks very much, MILFORD AND MILTON CHISUM, non Dearest Santa Claus; I am a little girl 13 month old and have been a very good little girl. For Xmas I want a doll and a little red chair. I also want a set of tin dishes. I want some apples, oranges, candy and nuts. From your little friend, MARGARET WILENE HARDWICK, Calvin Dear Santa Claus, I am a little boy, I am eleven years old, go to school at Buffalo and am in the sixth grade. My Teacher’s name is Miss Boyce. This is what I want for Christmas. I want an automobatic pistoL , belt and caps, also candy, fruits and nuts. Yours truly, WATT PARKER, Stuart Dear Santa Claus; I am a little boy seven years old. I go to school at Buffalo. I am in the primer. My teacher’s name is Miss Boyce. This is what I would like for Christmas, a toy pistol, also fruits, nuts and candy. Yours truly, WAYNE BECK, Stuart Dear Santa; Bring me a little red wagon, dump truck, some candy and nuts. Your friend, MARVIN WHITE Dear Santa Claus; I am a little girl 7 years old. I go to school at Fairview. My teacher’s name is Miss Baxter and I want a doll in a suitcase, a set of dishes, also apples, oranges, nuts and candy. DORTHY MAE BURNS Dear Santa Claus, I am a little girl 5 years old. I go to Fairview school. Please bring me a doll and a buggy and candy, apples, and oranges. Your little friend, ROSLIE BURNS Dear Santa Claus; This is my first time to write you. I am a little boy 9 years old. I go to school at Fairview. I am in the third grade. My Teacher’s name is Mrs. Baxter. I like her fine. For Xmas, I want a BB gun and two boxes of BB shots, trycicle, apples, oranges, candy and nuts of all kinds. Please remember my mother, father, sister and brother, and remember my teacher. Your friend, LLOYD CHANCELLOR Dear Santa Claus; This is my first time to write to you. I am a little boy 7 years old. I go to school at Fairview and am in the first grade. My teacher’s name is Mrs. McFarlind. I like her fine. I will tell you what I want for Xmas. I want a BB gun and two boxes of BB shots, a football and a pocket knife, candy, apples, oranges and nuts. So I guess that will be all for this time and there are so many little boys and girls for you to go see, so good bye. You will find my stockings hanging in plain view. Your little friend JAMES CHANCELLOR Dear Santa Claus; My name is Jimmy Jack. I want a trycicle and train and plenty of candy, fruit and nuts and don’t forget my little sister and my mother and father. Your little friend, JIMMY JACK BROWNING Dear Santa Claus: My name is Barbra. I am 3 years old. My brother Jimmy Jack is 4. I want a tricycle and a little car and train and plenty of candy, fruit and nuts and don’t forget my mother and father. Sincerely yours, BARBRA BROWNING Dear Santa Claus: My name is Vivian Lettie and I would like to have for Xmas at compact, a doll and buggy. That will be all for this time, don’t forget all the other little girls and boys. Your friend, VIVIAN LETTIE Dear Santa: I am a little girl and I would like for you to bring me a sleigh and nuts. That will be all for this time. Your friend, MILDRED ODOLYN Dear Santa: I want for Xmas a pair of boots and boots pants. That is all. P.S. I am a little boy 8 years old. Your little friend CLOYCE HEATH Dear Santa: I am a little boy six years old and this is my first year in school. I have already gone through the primer and am in the first. Now I have to stay home with mother while daddy is away at work and I have tried to be a fairly good boy. Please bring me a cow boy suit, a train and I kinda wanted a pony but mother says she thinks I am too small, so do as you think best about getting the pony. Remember my little cousins. Your friend, BILLY RAY BAXTER Dear Santa; I am a little girl 6 years old. I go to school at Little River. My teacher’s Continued on Page A-7 THE YEAR WAS 1935 — BENEDICT SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM — (kneeling) Caroline Sullivan, Nadine Stone, Mr. LaValley (coach and principal), Wilma Ruth Martin, Lorene Stokes. (standing) Omagene Crabtree, Reba Bedwell, Darline Patton, Fern Collis, Mollie Davis, Priscilla Stokes, Rachel Wilson. PAGE A-4—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—NOVEMBER 26, 2014 HOLDENVILLE Ey E CEn t Er Service Held for L.G. Green L. G. Green was born March 21, 1941 to and Coy Provence. He had seven grandBert & Mollie (Roberts) Green in the Gum children, and one on the way. 720 N. Hinckley • Holdenville, Oklahoma Springs community of Hughes County, L. G. passed away in Holdenville on Call today for an appointment Oklahoma. He was raised and went to school Monday, November 17, 2014, at the age in the Gum Springs area. He loved to ride of 73 years. (405)379-3700 horses, but his real love of He is preceded in death by • Comprehensive Eye Exams animals was his hound dogs. his parents, Bert & Mollie • Children’s Eye Exams He loved to go coon hunting Green; three sisters: Geralwith his buddies and teach dine Horn, Edna Conley, and • Diabetic Eye Exams them young ones how them Peggy Hale; three brothers: • Contact Lens Fittings hounds treed them coons. Jimmy Green, Jan Green, • Treatment of Eye Infections and Injuries Everyone knew L. G. from and Buddy Green. • Managment and Treatment of Eye Diseases his chew in his cheek. Not He is survived by one everyone knew that he was sister, Johnnie Gatewood Dr. Sarah Mulliniks & Dr. Jay LaValley ZONES: 4 quite the dancer and singer, and husband Joe of Holden* Most major medical and vision insurance plans accepted too. He loved going to Calville, and numerous nieces for week of NOVEMBER 23, 2014 vin’s ‘Play Days’ your and classifi visit ed department to and nephews, other family 2x2 ads may run anywhere in your newspaper. Don’t forget to remind with all his old and many members, and many friends, download the line ads for this week at new friends. He COLUMN never met aWIDTH including special friends of Second Pair of Eyewear - CHOOSE THE AD SIZE CLOSEST TO YOUR stranger, the more friends he had, the hapBennie Hester, Harlton Beck, Jack Mcof equal or lesser value within 30 days of original purchase. pier he was. Coy, Jerry Peters, and coon-hunting budHe worked many years in the oil field, dy Marvin Deathridge. and driving road graders for Hughes CounFuneral services were held on Friday, ty. He could run just about any equipment November 21, 2012, 1:00 p.m. at the put in front of him. He retired from employChurch of the Nazarene in Holdenville, ment with the City of Holdenville and went and L. G. was laid to rest in the Crossto work on the farm for Dale Turner, taking roads Cemetery north of Calvin. Rev. ® Rejuvenate® and ABG II® Rejuvenate and ABG IIminiscare of cows and working the hay fields, till Dane Robinson was the® officiating he couldn’t work any more. ter. Pallbearers were Gary Merriman, Don OVER $1 BILLION SETTLEMENT OVER $1 BILLION SETTLEMEN L. G. loved his family, his nieces and Merriman, Daniel Venable, Delbert Kibby, Call now for a FREE Call now for a FREE nephews. When he lost Allie, the Love of GarrettConsultation. Bracket, and Dennis Langdon.Hiprec Attorney Consultation. Attorney Paid for by Bufogle & Associates, P.C. Paid for by B His Life, he was lost. He had three stepServices were under direction of Fisher 2405 East Skelly Drive 2405 Tulsa, OK 74105 children: Charlene Glass, Debbie Provence, Funeral Home of Holdenville. Tu Buy One, Get One 50% Off HAD A STRYKER HIP REPLACEMENT? HAD A STRYKER HIP REPLACEMENT 918-587-3407 918-587-3407 Holdenville Tribune USPS 019569 Periodical Postage Paid at Holdenville, OK 74848 Published Weekly at 114 N. Broadway • Holdenville, OK 74848 Bill & Dayna Robinson, Publishers Postmaster send change of address to: Holdenville Tribune P.O. Box 30 Holdenville, OK 74848 405-379-5184 • Fax 405-379-2336 In State, One Year $24.00 Out of State, One Year $30.00 email: Visa / Mastercard / Discover A Service and Installation llen Heating & Air Conditioning 580-857-2310 OFFICE LOCATED AT ALLEN INDUSTRIAL PARK BRETT O’DANIEL Service Held for Gregory Collard Gregory Steven Collard, longtime resident of Calvin, passed away on November 20, 2014 in Coalgate, Oklahoma. He was born on June 29, 1961 in Freemont, California to Earnest and Lena (Tiller) Collard. He graduated from Calvin High School then went on to graduate from Eastern State University in Wilburton and East Central University in Ada. Gregory married Mary Kaufman on November 13, 2004 in Atwood, Oklahoma. He worked for the McAlester Ammunition Plant from 1988-2003 and later went to work for Hughes County Commissioners District #3 as a heavy equipment operator. When he was not “at work” he could be found working in his shop, building things or working on old cars. He loved to watch old movies, mainly John Wayne, or driving back roads just enjoying nature. He was an avid fisherman. Spending time with family and friends was Pastor’s Ponders Biblical Boldness …and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14 In THE GLOBAL WAR ON CHRISTIANS, John L. Allen Jr. calls persecution against Christians “the most dramatic religion story of the early twenty-first century, yet one that most people in the West have little idea is even happening . . . Christians today indisputably are the most persecuted religious body on the planet.” Allen goes on to catalogue blood-chilling stories of believers being oppressed, imprisoned, vilified, and slain around the world each day. And yet the Church is growing. Reports from Latin America, Asia, and Africa tell of incredible numbers coming to Christ. Even in the West, there are signs of revival and a resurgence of evangelism as Millennials search for an alternative to the emptiness of secularism. In His sermon on the Signs of the Times, Jesus said, “You will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake . . . And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world” (Matthew 24:9, 14). The persecution of Christians has never been worse, but the proclamation of Christ has never been greater—just as Jesus predicted. It’s time for biblical boldness. I love you, Holdenville. If you’d like me to come visit you or simply pray for you please call (405) 566-9441 or 405-3793518 and leave me a message. If you do not have a church home we would love for you to visit us. Our Sunday School beings at 9:45 and the worship service at 10:45. We also have a church van and would be glad to pick anyone up that needs a ride. We’re happy to serve you any way that we can. Blessings, Dane Robinson Nursery Available Children’s Church ages 5-12 324 South Oak • Holdenville, Oklahoma 74848 • 405-379-3518 Life with Christ is an Endless Hope; Life without Christ is a Hopeless End. very important to Gregory as well as with his pets, Shadow, Ladybug, Snubby, DC, and his horse, Gangster. Preceding him in death are his father and a brother. Survivors include his wife, Mary of the home; sister, Jean Lockwood of Stigler, and brothers Stanley Collard of Piedmont and Bobby Collard of Bee Branch, Arkansas; as well as a host of other relatives and friends. A memorial service was held on Saturday, November 22nd, at 2:00 PM at the Hudson-Phillips Funeral Home Chapel in Holdenville. Pastor John Robertson officiated. Honorary bearers were Tony Wabarn, Loyd Kaufman Jr., Luke Collard, Clay Mowdy and Cory Pebworth. Services were under the direction of Hudson-Phillips Funeral Home. In lieu of flowers the family request that donations be made to the American Cancer Society. First Thanksgiving Continued from Front Page enville was very sparsely settled and literally abounded in wild game. Hunting was a very popular sport and a practical one as well. The town’s first Thanksgiving celebration was the result of the men organizing a Hunting Contest. They divided into two hunting teams and the group that brought in the most game won the prize of being guests of the losing team at a Thanksgiving Feast. The women of the North Methodist Church had been selected to cook and serve, using the game sent back by runners working with the hunters. Scores were kept, allowing 100 points for a deer, 75 points for a turkey, 50 points for a duck or wild goose and 25 points for smaller game such as prairie chicken and quail. That first Thanksgiving feast was served to practically the entire population. You may be sure a grand time was had by all, and the little church reaped a financial harvest. The good church ladies enjoyed an extra bonus when they allowed the young men to persuade them to close the dinner early and let them use the building to have a dance. The pious church women, who were bitterly opposed to dancing, did not hesitate to accept the extra cash and they moved out, allowing the Strothers Twin Cinema Seminole Oklahoma (405)382-7254 Starting Thursday The Penguins of Madagascar PG The Hunger Games PG-13 Mockingjay - Part One All New Digital Picture & Sound Including 3D HSPS Fall Winners Continued from Front Page Lines, Savanna Brooks; 2nd, Frog, Kathryn McDowell; 3rd, Legendaries, David Frye, Honorable Mention: Inferno, Brooklyn Howard; Lanadel Rey, Hattie Starry; Day of the Dean, Noah Merchant; Pencil Ddrawing, Savanna Brooks SCULPTURE: PRE-K— 6TH GRADE: 1st, Spider, Faith Stout; 2nd, Beaver, Tate Danielson, 3rd, Hooded Lizard, Griffin Gurley; Honorable Mention: Pink Mouse, Emma Thurber 7—12 GRADES: 1st, Rose, Callie Dunbar; 2nd, Stack Vase, David Phillips; 3rd, Sea Cadet Corps, Sirena Morgan; Honorable Mention: Stack Sculpture, David Frye ADULTS: AMATEUR BEST OF SHOW: Snowy Day, Yvonne Green AMATEUR OIL AND ACRYLIC ON CANVAS OR HARD SURFACE: 1st, Change, Emily Workman; 2nd, My Way Home, Maxine Welch; 3rd, Ghost Rider, Corene Padgett; Honorable Mention: Velocity, Maxine Welch PHOTOGRAPHY: 1st, Reading With Braille, Yvonne Green; 2nd, Cvfeke (My Heart), Jeff Tiger; 3rd, Old Bike, Nicola Marriott; Honorable Mention: Colo- rado Waterfall, Peggy Davis MASTER ARTISTS: BEST OF SHOW: Unbridled Lightning, Gilda Meyers MASTER OIL & ACRYLIC ON CANVAS: 1st, Esaun, Yvonne Huser; 2nd, River Bank, Loretta Yin; 3rd, Low Tide Playground, Storm Strickland; Honorable Mention: Oriental, Yvonne Huser; Spring, Loretta Yin; Daffodils, Yvonne Huser MASTER WATERCOLOR & ACRYLIC UNDER GLASS: 1st, Painted Ladies, Jacklyn Patterson; 2nd, Lynx Creek, Linda Bayard; 3rd, Church in Eureka, Dorothy Byers MASTER SCULPTURE: 1st, No Room at the Top, Patsy E. Lane; 2nd, Plum Beautiful, Margie Crossno; 3rd, Krystal Kaleidoscope, Belinda Reid; Honorable Mention: Camo Bear, Suellen Young MASTER MISC: GRAPHICS/COMPUTER; DRAWINGS/PASTELS/COLORED PENCIL; MIXED MEDIA/ COLLAGE/JEWELRY/FIBER ART/ETC.: 1st, Anna, Loretta Yin; 2nd, Natalie, Loretta Yin; 3rd, Evening Shade, Jacklyn Patterson; Honorable Mention: Zebra Eye, Gilda Meyers; Give Us This Day, Jacklyn Patterson ADVANCED: BEST OF SHOW (ALL CATEGORIES); ENJOYING THE ANNUAL HSPS FALL ART SHOW WERE Wayne and Jean Martin. AMONG THE GUESTS ENJOYING THE HSPS FALL ART SHOW WERE Pastor Chuck Rettig and wife Jenny. Leaf, Patricia Trulock ADVANCED OIL AND ACRYLIC ON CANVAS OR HARD SURFACE: 1st, Blue Vase With Quinces, Sunkyung Choi; 2nd, Purple Jar and Persimmon, Nola Osborne; 3rd, End of Day, Suellen Young; Honorable Mention: Emerald Cove, charlotte Harris ADVANCED WATERCOLOR AND ACRYLIC ON PAPER UNDER GLASS: 1st, Autumn Wild Berries, Sunkyung Choi; 2nd, Business Has Been a Little Slow, Nola Osborne; 3rd, Capitola, Charlotte Harris; Honorable Mention: Patient Angler, Joyce Dempsey ADVANCED GRAPHICS/ COMPUTER/DRAWING/PASTELS/COLORED PENCIL DRAWING/PASTELS/COLORED PENCIL: 1st, Front Yard, Charlotte Harris; 2nd, Balanced Blue Bird, SunkYung Choi; 3rd, Sonny, Lucas Simmons; Honorable Mention: Painted Feather, Nicola Mariott; Peacock, Nicola Mariott ADVANCED PHOTOGRAPHY: 1st, Stripes, Lisa Carlstrom; 2nd, Spring on Fouche Maline, Jackie Nowlin; 3rd, Gas Pump, Patricia Trulock; Honorable Mention: Old Steel, Lisa Carlstrom This project made possible with the assistance of the HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—NOVEMBER 26, 2014—PAGE A-5 3224 Hwy 48 in Holdenville - (405)379-5424 PAGE A-6—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—NOVEMBER 26, 2014 As everyone around us reaches for more and clings to what is, Thanksgiving drops to its knees, pleading that we release ourselves to others in greater need and set our affections on things unseen. —CC— My love affair with Thanksgiving takes me all the way back to my boyhood days. I had just turned 10 years of age and was in fifth grade at Southmayd Elementary School in East Houston. As I recall, I was still going barefoot to school--and I combed my hair, maybe three times a week. Girls didn’t matter a lot to me when I was 10! It was on a Wednesday, the day before our Thanksgiving holidays began. The year was 1944. Our nation was at war across the Atlantic into Europe as well as in the Pacific and far beyond. Times were simple back then but they were also rugged. Everything was rationed. Framed stars hung proudly in neighborhood windows--and sometimes they were quietly changed to crosses. Everyone I knew was patriotic to the core. Without television, we relied on “newsreels” that were shown at the movies, bold newspaper headlines, and LIFE magazine, which carried photos and moving stories of courage in battle and deaths at sea. Signs were posted inside most stores and on street corners, all of them with the same four words: “Uncle Sam Wants YOU” Draped high across the front of our classroom was a huge American flag with its 48 stars and 13 stripes. We began that Wednesday as we did every other day in school, standing erect beside our desks, repeating the Pledge of Allegiance and then bowing our heads as our teacher led us in prayer. Hanging just below the flag was a large picture of our 32nd president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. She always remembered to pray for him--and our “soldier boys”, who were serving their country in dark, dreary, and dangerous places a half a world away from my fifth-grade class. My teacher had lost her husband on the blood-washed shores of Normandy the previous June. After we had saluted the flag, a hush fell across the room as we bowed our heads together. No one moved. As she began to pray and give thanks, her voice broke and she started to weep. I did too. So did Richard Webb, my best buddy. And Wanda Ragland. Even Charles White and Warren Cook, two tough kids who later played high school football when we were all Milby Buffaloes, wiped back their tears. No one moved as she stumbled and sobbed her way through her prayer, which was filled with some of the most moving expressions of gratitude and praise that I have ever heard emerge from a soul plunged in personal grief and pain. In that epochal moment, time stood still. And I believe it was then--right then--that I fell in love with Thanksgiving. It became, for me, far more than just another holiday; it took on a significance that bordered the sacred. Lost in sympathy and a 10-year-old-boy’s pity for his teacher, I walked home much slower that autumn afternoon. Although only a child, I entertained deep and profound feelings of gratitude for my country, kept free by the bravery and blood of men and women only a few years older than I, most of them fresh out of high school. On that cool afternoon I felt a renewed surge of thankfulness for my mom and dad, my older brother and sister . . . my maternal grandparents . . . my friends . . . for my school . . . my neighborhood . . . my church. Though only a child, I promised God that I would fight to the end to keep this land free from enemies who would take away our liberty and erase America’s distinctives and steal the joys of living in this good land. I have never forgotten that childhood promise. I remembered it at another Thanksgiving, fourteen years later in late November of 1958, when I wore the uniform and silently walked the same beaches of Okinawa where my fellow Marines had sacrificed their lives in the last great battle of the South Pacific in WWII. And as Thanksgiving returns annually, I still pause; I still let the wonder in. Thanksgiving puts steel in our nerves and causes fresh blood to course through our patriotic veins. It reminds us of our great heritage. It carries us back with humbling nostalgia to those first dreadful winters at places like Plymouth and Jamestown, where less than half of those who first landed survived. But what grand men and women those pioneers became--those who pressed on. Reading their names today is like reading a page out of our national heroes’ Hall of Fame. In words taken from Hebrews 11, they were those “of whom the world was not worthy.” At this time every year I pause and remember how thankful I am for each one of them. They had the stuff of which greatness is made. Thanksgiving speaks in clear, crisp tones of almost-forgotten terms like integrity, respect, vigilance, devotion, dignity, honor, discipline, freedom, sacrifice, heroism, humility, peace, and godliness. Its historic halls echo with voices embedded in the woodwork – the voices of Washington, Franklin, Adams, Jefferson, Henry, Lincoln, Lee, Jackson, Eisenhower, MacArthur and Reagan – all of whom challenge us to trim off the fat of indolence, passivity, and compromise and to rid ourselves of the stigma of strife and prejudice, the malignancy of selfishness and greed. As everyone around us reaches for more and clings to what is, Thanksgiving drops to its knees, pleading that we release ourselves to others in greater need and set our affections on things unseen. As the very real threat of terrorism continues to rear its ugly head and as our culture gives way to shameful and brutal acts of violence, it is easy to let ourselves become preoccupied with only the fear of a stark and barren future . . . a world without color and laughter. Thanksgiving stands tall and shouts the same message every year: “There is a better way to think and to live! Your God is still blessing you with the fragrance of forgiveness and the beauty of His bounty.” I have found in these 64 years that have followed my experience in that fifth-grade class that it is essential to pause very deliberately each Thanksgiving and do what the name of the holiday tells me to do. When I do, without exception, I’ve found that beauty replaces the fear of barrenness and a deep joy returns to my soul. And so, as the best of all the holidays fast approaches, may we take our cues from my fifth-grade teacher. My we be as self-forgetful as she was that lonely day in her life, soon to face her first Thanksgiving alone in her little apartment. May we remember what she remembered – that Thanksgiving transcends our present trials, that it is a day of magnificent memories, a day of renewed commitment to the things that matter. Like my teacher, may we not allow it to be eclipsed behind the clouds of our national aches or sub merged beneath the pain of personal loss and hardship. May Thanksgiving arrive this year with a forceful and throbbing impact upon us. May it leave each one of us gripped with gratitude for the same things that I remembered as a barefoot kid walking home from school on that autumn afternoon so many years ago. — Charles R. Swindoll family Some families are big. Some are small. We are here to cover it all, and celebrate life’s milestones with you. Births. Deaths. Engagements. Weddings. Anniversaries. If it’s important to your family, it’s important to us. FAMILIES MATTER IN THE PAPER HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—NOVEMBER 26, 2014—PAGE A-7 The Years Were 1934-35 Continued from Page A-3 name is Miss Mae Robins. I like her very much. Santa these are the things I want you to bring me for Xmas, a rubber doll, a table and 2 little chairs and a doll buggy. I also want you to bring me some nuts, candy and fruits. That is all. Your friend, LENA MAE MOORE Dear Santa: I am a little boy and I will try to be good for mother says you don’t stop at bad boy’s houses. Sometimes I almost forget and act naughty tho. I have a Christmas tree all fixed up and I’d like to find a tricycle and some boots under it Christmas morning, also a gun and some marbles, apples, nuts and candy. Please don’t forget my little uncle, Donald Dale Smith, he’s a good boy. He lives out at Bethel. Best regards, ROBERT TERRILL HERRINGTON P.S. I would like to have a toothbrush too. Dear Santa: I am a little boy five years old. For Xmas I want you to bring me a wagon with rubber tires and lots of fruit and candy and don’t forget my little brother, Harve Dean. Your little friend, JUNIOR NIELL Dear Santa: I am a little boy 4 years old. For Christmas I want a play ball and a little red wagon. Don’t forget mother and other little girls and boys. Your little friend, LOIS BRANDON Dear Santa: I am a little girl six years old. I want for Christmas a big doll, set of dishes and a rocking chair, some candy, nuts and apples. Don’t forget my little sister, Rachel. Your little friend, GRACIE MOORE Dear Santa: Please bring me a red wagon, roller skates and a big play ball, some candy, nuts and lots of fruit for Christmas. Your little friend, CLARENCE KEY P.S. Don’t forget my little friend Ruby Gibbins, Lamar Dear Santa: For Christmas I want a little saving bank, a big doll and a rubber ball. I am 3 years old. I go to school at Carson. My teacher’s name is Mr. Dobbins. Don’t forget him and bring me some apples, nuts and candy. Your little friend, LEORA RICE Dear Santa: I am a little girl 4 years old. I will tell you what I want for Christmas. Please bring me a little stove, a set of dishes, a telephone, some candy, gum, oranges, nuts and a big coconut. Please don’t forget my daddy, he wants a cob pipe and a new hat. BETTY JOE CUMMINS, Holdenville P.S. Don’t forget my brother. He wants a little red wagon. Dear Santa: I am a little boy five years old. Please bring me some B B’s for my gun, red corduroy pants, a toy aeroplane, story book and fruits, candy and nuts. Santa the Christmas tree will be in the front room. You can put thy presents on it. Your little friend, BOB GEORGE TUNSTALL, Holdenville Dear Santa; I am a little boy four years of age. I have been a good boy and for Xmas I want a toy filling station, a gun, a toy bugle and candy, fruit and nuts. Don’t forget my other little friends. and boys. Your little friend, Christmas a big doll, set of Don’t forget my little sister, With love, JIMMY HORN, LOUIS BRANDON, Lamar dishes and a rocking chair. Rachel. Your little friend, Dear Santa: I am a little Some candy, nuts and apples. GRACIE MOORE Holdenville Dear Santa: I am a little girl 6 years old. I want for boy 2 years old. I got a tricycle for my birthday but I want you to bring me a big fire truck with head lights, a bugle, a large rubber ball, a rubber doll, some candy, nuts, apples and oranges and please Santa, don’t forget my mother and daddy. Your little friend, HOLLIS WAIN GANT, Holdenville, Route 2 Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy nine years old and in the second grade. I go to school at Buffalo. My teacher’s name is Miss Boyce. I want for Christmas an automatic belt and caps, also nuts, fruits and candy. Your truly, VIRGIL BECK, Stuart Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl. I am ten years old. I go to school at Buffalo. I am in the third grade. My teacher’s name is Miss Boyce. This is what I would like for Christmas: A set of glass dishes for my dolly also fruits, nuts and candy. Your truly, DOROTHY BECK, Stuart Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy. I am twelve years old. I go to school at Buffalo. I am in the Seventh grade. My teacher’s name is Miss Boyce. This is what I would like to have for Christmas. I want an automatic pistol and belt and caps. Also candy, fruits and nuts. Your truly, VERNON BECK, Stuart Dear Santa Claus: I have been a pretty good girl. In am nine years old. My teacher’s name is Miss Stephins. She thinks lots of me. Christmas I want you to bring me a doll bed, table and some dishes, a little chair. I go to Lencoln Hi school. Don’t forget other little children. With love, VIDEE SMITH Dear Santa Claus: I am going to school every day and am in the 4th grade. My teacher’s name is Louise Marchell Farmer and my mother is Lula Lee Cardford, and the name of my school is Lincoln. I have a little brother, he is in the 10th grade. I live in the Sun Set Inn apartment (. What I want for Xmas is a little doll and a dress, a hat, some apples and oranges. Goodby. With Love, LOUISE MARCHELL FARMER Dear Santa: I want for Christmas a sack of marbles, some ABC blocks, a ball, some apples, nuts and candy. I am 3 years old and don’t forget my little friend Leatrill Pierce. Lovingly yours, EARNEST RICE, Lamar Dear Santa: I am a little girl two years old. For Xmas I want a little rubber doll and a little red wagon and a red rocking chair and some candy and nuts. With lots of love, WILMA JEAN PIERCE, Lamar Dear Santa: I am nine years old. I am in the third grade. Miss Rose is my teacher. I’m not asking for much. I want a big doll and a set of dishes and a little stove and lots of candy and nuts. With lots of love, EDITH PIERCE Dear Santa: I am a little boy 4 years old. For Christmas I want a play ball and little red wagon. Don’t forget mother and other little girls PAGE A-8—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—NOVEMBER 26, 2014 RED HATTERS THAT INVADED BOBBIES RECENTLY ARE SHOWN LEFT TO RIGHT: (front row) Sue Adams, Geraldine Ingram, Phyllis Brantley. (back row) Lynn Marquis, Sue Wood, Joyce Yates and Margie Mairel. Red Hatters Invade Bobbie’s Restaurant Seven Red Hat Ladies invaded “Bobbie’s Restaurant”. We may have been short in number but we were plenty in fun and laughter. Lynn Marquis, Phyllis Brantley and Margie Mairel were the hostesses. Phyllis scattered Andres chocolate mints on the table for decorations but Sue kept eating them. Games being done by Lynn were making words out of “Thanks- giving Day”. Sue Wood came up with 27 words and won a Fall oven mitt and towel. The next game was to guess how many candy caramels were in the jar. Phyllis won a necklace and a red decorative shoe with the words, “faith, hope and love” written inside. Next was the door prize of a pumpkin candle in a fall decorative box with a small green towel. This was won by Sue Adams. Then came our food which was blessed by Lynn. We got really quite then. Sue W. offered to play her kazoo to liven things up but we didn’t want to run anybody out of the restaurant. As we were leaving, we noticed that Bobbie had put a red hat on her pumpkin our honor. That was such a nice thing to do. Thanks, Bobbie. Our next meeting will be the 1st Saturday in December at Sue Adams’s house. This will be our Christmas party! Sue always makes it so much fun! I can’t wait! Those attending were Sue Adams, Geraldine Ingram, Joyce Yates, Sue Wood, Margie Mairel, Phyllis Brantley and Lynn Marquis. Quality Vinyl Siding, Guttering & Windows Anderson Home Improvement Wetumka / Calvin, Oklahoma 405-380-4151 Russell Anderson CHRISTMAS VILLAGE giveaway VETERANS DAY FREE PLAY Day GIVEAWAY! Y! N O P E H T T A Y A D Y R E V E L IA C E P S G IN H T E M O S ! Y A D Y HOL IDAY S! AN Golden Pony Casino 109095 Nor th 3830 Road Okemah, OK 74859 918.582.GOLD goldenponyc FOLLOW US ON TWITTER! @GldnPony LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! GoldenPony ©2014 Golden Pony Casino. Management reserves all rights. See Gold Club for more details. Gambling too much? Call 1-800-522-4700. NØ6H Coupon is redeemable once per week. 10 am – 10 pm • Must earn 5 points. Coupon only valid if brought into casino. This coupon is valid for only one use. No photocopies accepted. Nov. 27 – Dec. 2 The Memoirs of Dr. Lester Dunn Part Three Our good friend, the late Dr. Lester Dunn was a remarkable gentleman with an amazing life story. Lester and his sister, Geneva Dunn Pierce, grew up in Atwood. Geneva now lives in Holdenville. Today we continue with part 3 of Dr. Dunn’s memoirs. We hope you enjoy them as much as we have. Margaret and I gave much of our time to the Nazarene church. We were in charge of the music. We would play duets together on the piano. I would play the horn and sing for offering. The church loved music, so we tried our best to supply their wishes. I would bring groups from the High School to sing and play for the services. During our last year the church had about 200 in attendance. The church is not in use today. I think of the trips we made with the basketball team. The school bus was really rough. The seats were made of two by twelve boards. One board along each side and one down the middle. We would ride over the countryside to play ball and get back home about 12:00 p.m. We were young and enjoyed it very much. I have pictures of the many cups we won at tournaments. Margaret and I took additional college work at Southeastern College at Durant, OK to further our certification. Most of the music contests were held at Durant. One time we were attending a contest and we went to have lunch. I had left my billfold at home. Margaret had a quarter, so we bought two hamburgers and one candy bar. That evening we visited some friends on the farm. We had bacon and eggs. The friends were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Taylor. They now live in Bethany and attend Bethany First Church. While teaching during the school year, Margaret and I would save dimes to help buy groceries during summer school at the University of Oklahoma. To get further help, we would go down to Dad’s farm in Atwood, OK, and bring back all the vegetable we could get. We also directed the music in the First Church of the Nazarene in Norman, OK. The pastors at that time were A. Milton Smith and V.H. Lewis. The pastors would take us out at times for further help. We would buy ice cream cones at the end of the week if we had five cents left. L.N. and Geraldine Gilbert were kind to rent us a room and kitchen privileges for the summer. L.N. was majoring in economics and a member of ROTC. I was majoring in music education and voice. It was during my fourth year at Kingston that A. Leroy Taylor, superintendent of Bethany High School, Bethany, OK came to see me. He was interested in me taking the job as principal of the high school. Many of our friends did not want us to leave Kingston High. This seemed to be a great opportunity for us so we took the job. We moved to Bethany the summer of 1940. The friends we made in Kingston will never be forgotten. The school gave us the opportunity to start my career in the teaching field. I say thanks. We borrowed an old truck from a friend, loaded our belongings in the truck and headed for Bethany, OK. Margaret drove our 1940 Plymouth that we purchased in Durant for $840. We traded a 1937 Ford in on the Plymouth. We paid $601 for the Ford. This Ford was a lemon. The valves gave out at 11,000 miles. Margaret never did like Fords after the 1937. However, things have changed; we have a 1990 Ford at the present time. We found a small apartment one block from the high school and moved in. I had married Margaret when she was a junior in college and now she had the opportunity to finish her degree in piano. She enrolled the first semester to begin her work. My job was to get acquainted with the school and the teachers. I was surprised to learn that the school had problems with discipline. In conference with the school board and the superintendent, we set up policies for the coming school year. I was approached by Chester Crill about teaching voice and oral theory before and after school. I agreed to do this for a little extra money. Two of the students in the class were Evelyn Keeton and Mary Lou Bates. They are two outstanding musicians in Bethany First Church. I enjoyed working with the Crill’s very much. I was given the opportunity to send the tenor solos in the Messiah several times. I also sang duets with Professor Crill for the church services in First Church. The first year as principal at Bethany High School we had our problems with discipline. Policies agreed on are always challenged. To prepare for this I called all the boys together. It was suggested that a program be instigated that would be a guide for further action. This was done including the election of a committee to evaluate all infractions of the policies. Everything went well the first semester. There is always someone who tries to upset the system. Two fellows decided to put stink bombs in the lockers. I discovered who did the trick and expelled them according to the policies in force. One of them became belligerent and would not do as told. He was put under a $1,000 peace bond by the school board. This prevented him from coming on the school ground or harming anyone connected with the school. This action seemed to settle everyone down and the school year ended peacefully. Halloween came around and I was not sure what would happen to my property. We left the car in the garage and walked to prayer meeting. When we arrived back to our apartment, there was a big sign on the door: ‘WE LOVE THE DUNNS’. This meant everything to us. We knew that everything was all right and we were on the way to a successful stay at Bethany High School. I taught music, Speech and drama in addition to my duties as principal. There are several adults in Bethany First Church who were in my classes at Bethany High School. Stanley Payne, who was a very good basketball player, Grant Keeton, a retired postal worker, and others now living in Bethany. I continued my work at the University of Oklahoma and graduated with the Masters Degree in Education and voice in 1941. I gave a graduate recital under Joseph Bentonelli with Margaret as my accompanist. HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—NOVEMBER 26, 2014—PAGE B-1 !!! ' (& ##$"' $& $) % *03=41,-3:011-= 60,*;!4: $-/91*6496784 % $!$%%"%&% '$-+103-6 %$-+103-6%4.* "!!$$-+103-6 ($!$-+103-6 !&%4.* 011043411*6 $9780+< 4251-8--,6442%-8 6-*8 '*19- " PAGE B-2—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—NOVEMBER 26, 2014 Congratulations to Maleficent & Indiana Jones Jessica and Levi Barksdale, who both won first place in their age groups in the Holdenville Halloween Costume Contest! Among those enjoying the HSPS Art Show were.... Phyllis O’Donley, Billie Leewright, Shirley Harkey Robert and Donna Hurst Harold and Mary Wheeler and Sally Bennett and Linda Gibbs Wayne and Glenda Stinson Nancy Sherry, Alex Sherry, and Ashley Bragg HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—NOVEMBER 26, 2014—PAGE B-3 LEGAL NOTICE BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201408773-t APPLICANT: PETROQUEST ENERGY, L.L.C. RELIEF SOUGHT: WELL LOCATION EXCEPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS AND TAKERS OF OIL AND GAS including all persons if living or if deceased, their known and unknown successors and all corporations existing, and if dissolved, its known and unknown successors and all persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Hughes County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Applicant requests that order to issue in Cause CD No. 201408771-T be amended to permit a well to be drilled and produced at the following location: SURFACE LOCATION: NO CLOSER THAN 250 FEET FROM THE NORTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 250 FEET FROM THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA COMPLETION INTERVAL: FIRST PERF NO CLOSER THAN 165 FEET FROM THE SOUTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 330 FEET FROM THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA TO LAST PERF NO CLOSER THAN 165 FEET FROM THE NORTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 330 FEET FROM THE WEST LINE SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA That order to issue in Cause CD No. 201408771-T will establish a 640-acre horizontal drilling and spacing unit for the Mississippian, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply underlying Section 15, Township 7 North, Range 10 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma. For the Mississippian and Hunton common sources of supply such order shall require that the completion interval of a horizontal well drilled in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 660 feet from the unit boundary. For the Sylvan common source of supply such order shall require that the completion interval of a horizontal well drilled in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 330 feet from the unit boundary. The entire length of the lateral will be cemented such that the perforations are isolated from the beginning and end point of the lateral in order to protect the correlative rights of the offset units. That the requested location will be closer to Sections 10, 9, 16, 21 and 22, Township 7 North, Range 10 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma than would be permitted by the spacing order covering the named common sources of supply. That the Applicant be permitted to drill and produce said well at said location for the Mississippian, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply without any downward allowable adjustments and designate Applicant or some other party as operator. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 S. Houston, Suite 114, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74127 at 8:30 a.m. on the 15th day of December, 2014 and that this Notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Jim Slade, PetroQuest Energy, L.L.C., 1717 S. Boulder, Suite 201, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119, 918/561-5603 or Ron M. Barnes or Grayson Barnes, CRUTCHMER & BARNES, P.L.L.C., 1648 S. Boston, Suite 100, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119-4434, 918/382-8686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA BOB ANTHONY, Chairman PATRICE DOUGLAS, Vice Chairman DANA L. MURPHY, Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 21st day of November, 2014. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL, Commission Secretary (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on November 26, 2014) LEGAL NOTICE BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201408767-t APPLICANT: PETROQUEST ENERGY, L.L.C. RELIEF SOUGHT: WELL LOCATION EXEPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS AND TAKERS OF OIL AND GAS including Continental Resources, Inc.; all persons if living or if deceased, their known and unknown successors and all corporations existing, and if dissolved, its known and unknown successors and all persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Hughes County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Applicant requests that Order No. 630886 be amended to permit a well to be drilled and produced at the following location: SURFACE LOCATION: NO CLOSER THAN 250 FEET FROM THE NORTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 250 FEET FROM THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA COMPLETION INTERVAL: FIRST PERF NO CLOSER THAN 165 FEET FROM THE SOUTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 330 FEET FROM THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA TO LAST PERF NO CLOSER THAN 165 FEET FROM THE NORTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 330 FEET FROM THE WEST LINE SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA That Order No. 630886 established a 640-acre horizontal drilling and spacing unit for the Mississippian, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply underlying Section 27, Township 7 North, Range 10 East, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma. For the Mississippian and Hunton common sources of supply such order shall require that the completion interval of a horizontal well drilled in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 660 feet from the unit boundary. For the Sylvan common source of supply such order shall require that the completion interval of a horizontal well drilled in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 330 feet from the unit boundary. The entire length of the lateral will be cemented such that the perforations are isolated from the beginning and end point of the lateral in order to protect the correlative rights of the offset units. That the requested location will be closer to Sections 21, 22, 28, 33 and 34, Township 7 North, Range 10 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma than would be permitted by the spacing order covering the named common sources of supply. That the Applicant be permitted to drill and produce said well at said location for the Mississippian, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply without any downward allowable adjustments and designate Applicant or some other party as operator. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 S. Houston, Suite 114, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74127 at 8:30 a.m. on the 15th day of December, 2014 and that this Notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Jim Slade, PetroQuest Energy, L.L.C., 1717 S. Boulder, Suite 201, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119, 918/561-5603 or Ron M. Barnes or Grayson Barnes, CRUTCHMER & BARNES, P.L.L.C., 1648 S. Boston, Suite 100, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119-4434, 918/382-8686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA BOB ANTHONY, Chairman PATRICE DOUGLAS, Vice Chairman DANA L. MURPHY, Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 21st day of November, 2014. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL, Commission Secretary (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on November 26, 2014) LPXLP LEGAL NOTICE BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201408775-t APPLICANT: PETROQUEST ENERGY, L.L.C. RELIEF SOUGHT: WELL LOCATION EXCEPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS AND TAKERS OF OIL AND GAS including all persons if living or if deceased, their known and unknown successors and all corporations existing, and if dissolved, its known and unknown successors and all persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Hughes County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Applicant requests that order to issue in Cause CD No. 201408774-T be amended to permit a well to be drilled and produced at the following location: SURFACE LOCATION: NO CLOSER THAN 250 FEET FROM THE NORTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 250 FEET FROM THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA COMPLETION INTERVAL: FIRST PERF NO CLOSER THAN 165 FEET FROM THE SOUTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 330 FEET FROM THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA TO LAST PERF NO CLOSER THAN 165 FEET FROM THE NORTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 330 FEET FROM THE EAST LINE SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA That order to issue in Cause CD No. 201408774-T will establish a 640-acre horizontal drilling and spacing unit for the Mississippian, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply underlying Section 16, Township 7 North, Range 10 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma. For the Mississippian and Hunton common sources of supply such order shall require that the completion interval of a horizontal well drilled in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 660 feet from the unit boundary. For the Sylvan common source of supply such order shall require that the completion interval of a horizontal well drilled in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 330 feet from the unit boundary. The entire length of the lateral will be cemented such that the perforations are isolated from the beginning and end point of the lateral in order to protect the correlative rights of the offset units. That the requested location will be closer to Sections 9, 10, 15, 22 and 21, Township 7 North, Range 10 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma than would be permitted by the spacing order covering the named common sources of supply. That the Applicant be permitted to drill and produce said well at said location for the Mississippian, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply without any downward allowable adjustments and designate Applicant or some other party as operator. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 S. Houston, Suite 114, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74127 at 8:30 a.m. on the 15th day of December, 2014 and that this Notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Jim Slade, PetroQuest Energy, L.L.C., 1717 S. Boulder, Suite 201, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119, 918/561-5603 or Ron M. Barnes or Grayson Barnes, CRUTCHMER & BARNES, P.L.L.C., 1648 S. Boston, Suite 100, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119-4434, 918/382-8686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA BOB ANTHONY, Chairman PATRICE DOUGLAS, Vice Chairman DANA L. MURPHY, Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 21st day of November, 2014. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL, Commission Secretary (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on November 26, 2014) LEGAL NOTICE BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201408776-T APPLICANT: PETROQUEST ENERGY, L.L.C. RELIEF SOUGHT: DRILLING AND SPACING UNIT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS AND TAKERS OF OIL AND GAS, INCLUDING 4B Properties, LLC Sarah Jane Rodgers, Manager; American Innovative Royalty Systems; Anglin Properties Irrevocable Living Trust Leann Leach s/p/a Belva Leann Leach, as Successor Trustee; Carla J. Winner; Carol Ogden Jones Living Trust, Carol Ogden Jones, Trustee; The Charlene Ann Anthony Non-Exempt Residuary Trust, Charlene Ann Anthony, Trustee; Clint Lawrence, a/k/a Clint Marshall; D.S.C.M., Inc. Dan Mordhorst, President; Dan Mordhorst Trust, Dan Mordhorst, Trustee; Delaney Family Partnership Patricia Carol Snider, Managing General Partner; Donald N. “Bear” Price Revocable Trust, Donald N. Price, Trustee; Donald N. Price; Ellis Rudy Ltd. ; Great Sky Partners, LLC; Guyla A. Marshall; Hall Production Co., LC c/o Phil Davis, Vice-President; Harris Foundation Incorporated c/o Jimi Davidson, Vice-President; Harry H. Diamond Incorporated; Harvey L. Price Family Revocable Living Trust, Harvey L. Price, Trustee; Helen M. McCaugey Trust, Marvilla Jo Kirbie and Lucille Ward, Co-Trustees c/o Royal A. Faw; Hugh Charles Moore ; J.C. Daugherty Revocable Trust, J.C. Daugherty, Trustee; J.E. & L.E. Mabee Foundation Inc. Raymond L. Tullius, Jr., Vice Chairman; Jacqueline Shidler McBride; Jason C. Waldroup; Jay Petroleum Robert L. Baker, Vice-President; Jeanette Moss; Jeremy Daniel Gibson; Joellen Rapee Revocable Trust c/o William M. Winkler; John Clifton Crumm; John Mark Waugh Trust, John Mark Waugh, Trustee; John W. Tennyson and R. Joy Tennyson, his wife; Jones-Daube Mineral Company ; Joseph T. Johannes; Judy Beach; Karen Ann Davenport Trust, Judith Ann Lafitte, Trustee; Ken Young Family Revocable Trust, Ken Young, a/k/a Noland Kendall Young, Trustee; Kerr McGee Corporation; Kirby Minerals, an Oklahoma Partnership; LaDona Marshall, a/k/a LaDona Marshall Barber; Lake Oil Company; Laurie J. Vice; Lee Warren Weatherred; M.A. Viersen Revocable Trust, M.A. Viersen, Trustee c/o Lou-Anne Moudy, attorney; M. Carolyn Davis; MAP0406, an Oklahoma General Partnership ; Map Resources Inc. ; Mary Jo Shidler Ardis; Melba Loftis; Merco of Oklahoma Inc.; Newfield Exploration Mid-Continent Inc.; Nina Ogden Knode Living Trust, Nina Ogden Knode, Trustee; Owen H. Rives III Non-Exempt Residuary Trust, Owen H. Rives, III, Trustee; PAR Oil Company, Inc.; Patsy Ann Viersen Brown; Phillip Marshall; Proctor Joint Revocable Trust, Dale L. Proctor & Mildred Proctor, Trustees; Ralph L. Harvey; Ralph Marshall; Ralph W. Viersen, III; Ronald Arthur Qualls; Ronald W. Young & Barbara A. Young Living Trust, Ronald W. Young, Trustee; Rudolph W. & Helen Troup Family Trust; Ruth Elon Moore Jackson; Scope Exploration ; Silverado Oil & Gas Corporation; Sondra Wilson; South Dakota Royalty Fund, Inc. Elba Brown; Stanley Grayson; Sue Lowe, a/k/a Kathryn Sue Lowe; Sue Lynn Ramsey; Teddy Victor Tucker Operating Company, LLC; Territories Oil c/o Frank Dolf, Jr.; Tommy Dean Weatherred; Trapp Petroleum Partners Nancy Trapp Berry, Managing Partner; Vicki Waugh Eidman Trust, Vicki Waugh Eidman, Trustee; Vivian P. Franklin Living Trust c/o Stanley R. Franklin; Wellspring Royalties, Ltd.; Wise Mineral Trust, James W. Wise, Trustee; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Anna Moffa, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Bill Parks, deceased; C.R. Colpitt and James R. Colpitt, if living, and if deceased her unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees, and assigns; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Claud Lawrence Head, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Dora Mae Cook, deceased; Edith V.D. Ferguson, if living, and if deceased her unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees, and assigns; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Eliza Thomas Head, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Erla B. Lundquist, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Erma Johnson Boyd and Kemper Boyd, her husband, deceased; F. August Holston & Alice R. Holston, Joint Tenants, if living, and if deceased her unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees, and assigns; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Florence R. Burton, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Florence R. Fenster Yeager, deceased; Harry Tannenbaum, if living, and if deceased his unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees, and assigns; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Hugh Tomlinson, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Ira E. McCarty, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Joseph A. Johannes, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Mabel M. Johnson, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Madge W. Lisle, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Marey Purcell, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Mark Korell, deceased; Maxine S. Harris, if living, and if deceased her unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees, and assigns; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Melvin L. Waldroup, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Norvelle Flinchum Charles, deceased; Sonat Exploration Company, and its unknown successors in interest; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Theodore N. Law & Genevieve H. Law, deceased, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Vivian L. Young, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of William Davis Collins, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of William Scott Head, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Winnie Viola Tennyson, deceased; Betty Jean Hagood and Wayne D. Hagood; Derek Parks; Dorothy Joyce Toombs; Erlita L. Myers; Fred Lee Simpson ; James Coughline; James Lance Tomlinson; Joe Cassidy ; Joyce Toombs and Henry Toombs; Judith Parks; Margaret Kline; Mary Anne Tomlinson Hill; Mary Fugate, a/k/a Mary Frigate, now Mary Amon; Robert T. Tomlinson; Suzanne Mordhorst Revocable Trust dated 6/30/97, Suzanne M. Wills, Trustee; Suzanne Murphee; T.N. Law, Jr. and Betty Jo Law, his wife; Tyler Parks; Vivian Mills; William Wayne Tomlinson; Arnold Petroleum Company, and its unknown successors in interest; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Evelyn Coughlin, deceased; and all persons if, living or if deceased, their known and unknown successors, and all corporations, existing and if dissolved, its known and unknown successors and all other persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Hughes County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Applicant requests that the Commission enter its order extending Order No. 630866 insofar as it established a 640-acre horizontal drilling and spacing unit for the Mississippian, Woodford, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply underlying Section 27, Township 7 North, Range 10 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma to include Section 21 Township 7 North, Range 10 East Hughes County, Oklahoma. The Mississippian and Hunton common sources of supply are conventional reservoirs and as such the completion interval of a horizontal well in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 660 feet from any unit boundary. The Sylvan common source of supply is an unconventional reservoir and as such the completion interval of a horizontal well in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 330 feet from any unit boundary. The Woodford common source of supply is an unconventional reservoir and pursuant to OAC 165:10-29-2 the completion lateral of a horizontal Woodford well drilled in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 165 feet from any north/south unit boundary and not less than 330 feet from any east/west unit boundary. The horizontal well unit may exist concurrently with the non-horizontal drilling and spacing unit and each such unit may be concurrently developed. Therefore, the following orders are not being vacated. Order No. 122266 which spaced the Hunton common source of supply as a 160-acre drilling and spacing unit underlying the SE/4 Section 21, Township 7 North, Range 10 East Hughes County, Oklahoma will not be vacated. Order No. 165954 which spaced the Hunton common source of supply as 40-acre drilling and spacing units underlying the N/2 NE/4 and SW/4 NE/4 and NE/4 NW/4 and NW/4 SW/4 and S/2 NW/4 Section 21, Township 7 North, Range 10 East Hughes County, Oklahoma will not be vacated. Order No. 264562 which spaced the Hunton common source of supply as a 40-acre drilling and spacing unit underlying the SE/4 NE/4 Section 21, Township 7 North, Range 10 East Hughes County, Oklahoma will not be vacated. Order No. 171597 which spaced the Caney and Mayes common sources of supply as a 160-acre drilling and spacing unit underlying the SE/4 Section 21, Township 7 North, Range 10 East Hughes County, Oklahoma will not be vacated. There is no production from any non-horizontal well in the unit. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the relief requested herein made be made effective prior to the issuance of this Order. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause be set before an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 South Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74127, at 8:30 a.m. on the 15th day of December, 2014 and that this notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Jim Slade, PetroQuest Energy, L.L.C., 1717 S. Boulder, Suite 201, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119, 918/561-5603 or Ron M. Barnes or Grayson Barnes, CRUTCHMER & BARNES, P.L.L.C., 1648 S. Boston, Suite 100, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119-4434, 918/382-8686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA BOB ANTHONY, Chairman PATRICE DOUGLAS, Vice Chairman DANA L. MURPHY, Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 21st day of November, 2014. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL, Secretary Secretary of the Commission (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on November 26, 2014) LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PROPOSED BANK MERGER Notice is hereby given that Security State Bank, Wewoka, Oklahoma, has made application to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for its written consent to acquire by acquisition the Holdenville and Maud branches of The Bank National Association, McAlester, Oklahoma. Any person wishing to comment on this application may file his or her comments in writing with the Regional Director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation at its Dallas Regional Office located at 1601 Bryan Street, 20th Floor, Dallas, Texas 75201, not later than December 9, 2014. The non-confidential portion of the application is on file at the Corporation’s Regional Office in Dallas, Texas and are available for public inspection during regular business hours. Photocopies of the non-confidential portion of the application will be made available upon request. It is contemplated that all offices of the above-named institutions will continue to be operated. (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on November 26 and December 3, 2014) “Protecting Your Home, Business and Health” BUGS NO MORE X Treme Termite and Pest Control, Inc Mark Young - Owner Licensed & Insured Service Contracts Available Termite Certificates (405)382-8800 Toll-Free 1-866-792-8800 PAGE B-4—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—NOVEMBER 26, 2014 Scott McCormack Cell 580-310-4389 GARAGE SALES CHRISTMAS GALORE — Trees, lights, ornaments, nativity and more! Also men & women warm clothing, furniture, dishes, cookware, bedding, tools, books, pictures, knickknacks, home décor. 7804 EW 149, Gerty. (580) 235-1150. FOR SALE SPECIAL GOVERNMENT PROGRAM! ZERO down if you own land or have family land. E-Z Qualify!! We own the bank! Bad credit OK. VA and FHA financing available. 1000 furniture package with new home purchase. Call for free pre-approval 888-878-2971 or 405-602-4526. (tfc-10/14) Store #880 LIMITED TIME ONLY!— Lenders offering ZERO down on all new homes! 3 bed 2 bath $28,745!! 405-262-3900. (tfc 05/21) MISCELLANEOUS JIM THETFORD AUCTION in Holdenville is back Monday nights at 5:30pm. For consignments call 405-2210535. (tfc-04/03) CASH FOR GOLD—The Gun Store, 100 N. Hinckley, Holdenville. 405-379-3331 Buy, Sell or Trade. Cash for Gold and Silver coins. (tfc-07/01) TO GIVE AWAY FREE CATS—Two adorable and loving cats who need a good home. Please call 405-3792238. Jack Sherry real eState & InveStmentS 101 N. Hinckley Owner/Broker 405-221-1325 Nancy Sherry Faith Fullerton Paige Sheffield 405-380-6517 405-221-6132 405-380-6715 Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate MLS - member of the Shawnee Board Multilist “Members of OKMAR - Oklahoma City Metro Area Realtors” 405-380-7317 •Cell P Pam R Robinson Real Estate 405-382-SOLD (7653) FAX 405-382-5748 601 N. Milt Phillips • Seminole, OK 74868 e-mail: Member NAR •Shawnee Board of Realtors MLS ...If It’s Real Estate We Can Sell It!! • Acreages • Farms Wednesdays starting at 9:00 a.m. Average Report for 11/19/2014 Total Head: 1326 Steer 248.....................................$380.00 255-288 ...............$365.00-$397.50 355-382 ...............$345.00-$360.00 420-425 ...............$320.00-$332.00 455-495 ...............$300.00-$325.00 502-548 ...............$283.00-$306.00 555-595 ...............$287.00-$289.00 602-620 ...............$251.00-$257.00 600-610 ...............$245.00-$260.00 652-673 ...............$246.00-$253.00 653-673 ...............$233.00-$239.00 735.....................................$232.00 771.....................................$226.50 Heifers 330-345 .............. $299.00-$315.00 357-398 .............. $293.00-$313.00 403-438 .............. $281.00-$301.00 459-487 .............. $263.00-$276.00 500-546 .............. $241.00-$257.00 551-585 .............. $231.00-$252.00 602-642 .............. $220.00-$235.00 650-662 .............. $220.00-$239.00 705-708 .............. $220.50-$229.00 No Sale November 26th Next Sale December 3rd S Looking for a part time Personal Care W Assistant to work in the Holdenville area. The Personal Care Assistant provides assistance to an individual in carrying out activities of daily living, such as bathing, grooming and toileting or in carrying out instrumental activities of daily living, such as preparing meals and doing laundry Previous PCA experience preferred. Interested applicants may apply by contacting Vickie or Kathy at 405-928-2727 or email or vthomas@ Applicants may also apply in person at the CompleteCare office, 301 N. 2nd St. Suite 102 McAlester, OK EOE State, National & Global Exposure Pam Robinson, Owner/Broker Stockers & Feeder • Pairs, Cows & Bulls Personal Care Assistant (PCA) For complete list of all listings, go to • R Thank You for your patronage & support! Happy Thanksgiving Holdenville 405-379-3977 Jack Sherry West of Ada on Hwy 3W • (580)436-5033 • Residential • Commercial Welch Real Estate ATTENTION OCAN COORDINATORS - Don't forget to download your 2x2 ads from the OPA Web site this week. Look for your insertion order with the Ad Name to download. (You will receive an insertion order from OPS for the 2x2 ads.) 379-3331 2x2 ads may be placed anywhere in your newspaper. JAMES WELCH, BROKER • (405)380-7988 ALL ZONES JoDawna Smith ...................... Associate Brenda Welch, SalesSales assoc. Brenda (405)379-8044 Enos .......................... Sales THIS COPY YAssociate FOR THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 23, 2014. CellONL 380-8188 Tad Morrow ............................ Sales Associate Office located at 100 N. Hinckley • Holdenville Oklahoma OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK HELP WANTED DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a driver for Stevens Transport! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! New drivers earn $800+ per week! PAID CDL TRAINING! Stevens covers all costs! 1-888-748-4133 drive4stevens. com DRIVERS - NO EXPERIENCE? Some or LOTS of experience? Let's talk! No matter what stage in your career, its time, call Central Refrigerated Home. 888-858-0549. www. ATTN: DRIVERS Average $1000 + p/ wk. KW 680's arriving. BCBS + 401k + Pet & Rider. Home for Christmas! Spanish/English Orientation Available. CDL-A Req - (877) 258-8782. LEGAL SERVICES SOCIAL SECURITY AND DISABILITY CLAIMS Saunders & Saunders Attorneys at Law. No Recovery - No Fee. 1-800-259-8548 DRIS HEALTH/MEDICAL $2000 BONUS! Oilfield drivers. High hourly, Overtime. Class A-CDL/ Tanker. 1 year driving experience. Home monthly. Paid travel, lodging. Relocation NOT necessary. 1-800588-2669. ATTENTION: VIAGRA & CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 Pill Special - $99 FREE shipping! 100 Percent Guaranteed. CALL NOW: 1-800-5196148 EARN $100,000 1ST YR. INCOME selling funeral ins. to seniors. Daytime market. Leads furnished. Complete training. Daily pay. Health/Dental provided. Call 1-888-713-6020. SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied Benefits? We can help! WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1-800-970-7845 to start your application today! A-CDL DRIVERS OILFIELD NOW HIRING! 2 yrs experience, No LABOR just drive, OKC and Woodward location, housing provided. Average 52k + bonus. 1-866-501-7549. EXPERIENCED DRIVER OR RECENT GRAD? With Swift, you can grow to be an award-winning Class A CDL driver. We help you achieve Diamond Driver status with the best support there is. As a Diamond Driver, you earn additional pay on top of all the competitive incentives we offer. The very best, choose Swift. Great Miles = Great Pay. Late-Model Equipment Available. Regional Opportunities. Great Career Path. Paid Vacation. Excellent Benefits. Please Call: (866) 345-0902 WANT TO BUY HANK HAS CASH WILL DASH! For old guitars, amps, mandolins, ukuleles. Gibson, Fender, Martin, Gretsch, etc. Top dollar cash paid. 40 years in Tulsa. 1-800-525-7273 ADVERTISE STATEWIDE ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more information or to place an ad contact us at (405) 499-0035 or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672 OCAN112314 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE ADVERTISING, CALL 1-888-815-2672 HELP WANTED DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a driver for Stevens Transport! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! New drivers earn $800+ per week! PAID CDL TRAINING! Stevens covers all costs! 1-888-748-4133 ATTN: DRIVERS Average $1000 + p/wk. KW 680 arriving. BCBS + 401k + Pet & Rider. Home f Christmas! Spanish/English Orientation Availab CDL-A Req - (877) 258-8782. drivers. HOLDENVILLEOPOLY! LEGAL SERVICES SOCIAL SECURITY AND DISABILITY CLAIM Holdenville Freshmen Class- NO willEXPERIENCE? be selling spaces on anofupcoming thatatwillLaw. N DRIVERS Some or LOTS SaundersMonopoly & Saundersboard Attorneys experience? Let's talk! No matter what stage in your Recovery No Fee. 1-800-259-8548 DRIS represent our homecareer, town.its time, call Central Refrigerated Home. 888-858-0549. These spaces will be for sale until January 15, 2015 and there are limited spaces. HEALTH/MEDICAL We want all the local businesses to have a chance to buy aATTENTION: space so VIAGRA it will represent our $2000 BONUS! Oilfield drivers. High hourly, & CIALIS USERS! Overtime. Class A-CDL/Tanker. 1 year driving community as a whole. cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 5 · experience. Home monthly. Paid travel, lodging. Relocation NOT necessary. 1-800-588-2669. Pill Special - $99 FREE shipping! 100 Perce Guaranteed. CALL NOW: 1-800-519-6148 Property – 20 spaces at $200 per space SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFIT The first 2 spaces $2501ST per EARNare $100,000 INCOME selling funeral Unable to work? Denied Benefits? We ca to seniors. Daytime market. Leads furnished. help! WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill Gordo · The 4 Railroadins. spaces are $150 per space. Complete training. Daily pay. Health/Dental & Associates at 1-800-970-7845 to start yo Call spaces 1-888-713-6020. · There are two provided. additional without color for $150application per space. today! · The 4 corner A-CDL spacesDRIVERS of the OILFIELD board ( Start, Police, In Court, Loading Zone) are $300 NOW HIRING! 2 WANT TO BUY yrs experience, No LABOR just drive, OKC and per space. Woodward location, housing provided. Average HANK$50 HASper CASH WILL to DASH! For old guitar · There are 5 spots Fate1-866-501-7549. Cards and Taxes and these cost space advertise 52k +for bonus. amps, mandolins, ukuleles. Gibson, Fende Martin, Gretsch, etc. Top dollar cash paid. 40 yea on. EXPERIENCED DRIVER OR RECENT GRAD? in Tulsa. 1-800-525-7273 · If you would like your business to be on the back of the Fate Cards it is $200. With Swift, you can grow to be an award-winning Class A CDL driver. We help you achieve Diamond ADVERTISE STATEWIDE · To have your company on the back of the Deed Cards that is $250. Driver status with the best support there is. As a Diamond Driver, you earn additional pay on top · If you would like your business to be on a Wolverine Card (The STATEWIDE! CommunityForChest) it ADVERTISE more informatio of all the competitive incentives we offer. The or to place an ad contact us at (405) 499-0035 is $50. This would advance a player to your property. very best, choose Swift. Great Miles = Great toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672 Late-Model Equipment Available. Regional · The money hasPay. 7 denominations and to put your business on the money will cost $100 Opportunities. Great Career Path. Paid Vacation. OCAN112314 Benefits. Please Call: (866) 345-0902 per denomination, orExcellent all 7 for $600. · The top of the box will have a collage of 9 photographs and will be the same that is on FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE ADVERTISING, the center of the board game. These spots are $200 a piece if you would like a photograph CALL 1-888-815-2672 of your business displayed. Anyone interested can contact Mrs. Rollins at Holdenville High School . An example of the board will be set up in the lobby of the Gymnasium at the beginning of the High School Basketball games and you can purchase your spots there as well. Boards will be available for purchase March 12, 2015. HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—NOVEMBER 26, 2014—PAGE B-5 LEGAL NOTICE JODAWNA SMITH AND RONNA HANEY Local Educators Named to The Grace M. Pickens Library Board Two area educators have been named to the Library Board in Holdenville. Ronna Haney was named to the board in May and JoDawna Smith in August. “The educational background of these two individuals makes them great additions to the library board,” stated City Councilman Gene Holliman. RINEHART REALTY.NET For All Your Real Estate Needs 816 ARliNgtoN - AdA, oklAhomA - (580)436-4662 Broker, Thurman Rinehart - 421-2271 Eric Pierce - 399-7106 Larry Lee - 310-2305 Out of Town - 1-800-776-5608 ~ 200x140 LOT at 104 DENVER, ALLEN - Lots #36, 37, 38 & 39 Block 34 Comm, 20x30 metal shop with slab. All utilities on property. $20,000 ~ 2 BDRM, 2 BATH — Nicely remodeled home, 508 East Broadway, Allen $59,900 ~ BRICK 3 BD, 1-1/2 BATH — on 5 Acres, CH&A, 2 car garage, Vanoss School District, 3139 SH 59A, Stratford.$120,000 ~ BEAUTIFUL 3 BD HOME — on 30 acres, CH&A, Garage/Shop, lots of extras. Approx. 3 miles from town. $375,000 ~ BRICK 3 BDRM, 1-1/2 BATH — Detached Garage, CH&A, appliances, microwave, refrig, range, DW, ceiling fans. 301 S.Boston, Allen. $94,900 ~ 3 BDRM 2 BATH BRICK —CH&A, 2 car attached ghrage, wood fireplace, new built-in gas cooktop and oven, storage bldg, cellar. Very Nice. Call us to view this beautiful home. 104 S.Boston, Allen. $115,000 ~ 301 S. BOSTON, ALLEN — 2 BD, 1-1/2 bath, CH&A, garage/carport, storage building. Call us to see anytime. $94,900 ~ 4 ACRES — 3 miles north of Homer. Store on east side of railroad and electricity at property. $26,000 ~ BEAUTIFULLY REMODELED INTERIOR — Looks Great! 3 Bed, 2 bath with CH&A heat pump, new plumbing fixtures, new carptet, ceramic tile, new appliances on 6.5 acres. Seeing is believing, let us show you this house. 9440 CR 3695, Allen. $168,500 REDUCED TO $159.900 $154,900 ~ 30 ACRES — 3 miles west on Francis Road, turn north to the T, turn right to property. REDUCED to $45,000 ~ 4 BED 2.5 BATH —On 26 acres between Allen & Francis. $172,000 ~ 3 BED 2 BATH — 1344 sq ft 1978 doublewide mobile home on 140x125 lot. 200 West 7th, Stratford $65,000 REDUCED $59,500 ~ ALLEN — 308 W. Broadway. 1352 sq ft, 2 BD 1.5 bath, CH&A, built 1998 on 100x120 lot. Very well landscaped. Double carport. $89,900 REDUCED $81,900 $79,900 ~ SASAKWA — 49 wooded acres with 30x60 shop building, water well, two ponds and older house (needs remodeling). $110,000 SOLD LEGAL NOTICE BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201408779-t APPLICANT: PETROQUEST ENERGY, L.L.C. RELIEF SOUGHT: WELL LOCATION EXCEPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST. HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS AND TAKERS OF OIL AND GAS including Continental Resources, Inc.; all persons if living or if deceased, their known and unknown successors and all corporations existing, and if dissolved, its known and unknown successors and all persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Hughes County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Applicant requests that order to issue in Cause CD No. 201408778-T be amended to permit a well to be drilled and produced at the following location: SURFACE LOCATION: NO CLOSER THAN 250 FEET FROM THE NORTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 250 FEET FROM THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA COMPLETION INTERVAL: FIRST PERF NO CLOSER THAN 165 FEET FROM THE SOUTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 330 FEET FROM THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA TO LAST PERF NO CLOSER THAN 165 FEET FROM THE NORTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 330 FEET FROM THE EAST LINE SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA That order to issue in Cause CD No. 201408778-T will establish a 640-acre horizontal drilling and spacing unit for the Mississippian, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply underlying Section 28, Township 7 North, Range 10 East, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma. For the Mississippian and Hunton common sources of supply such order shall require that the completion interval of a horizontal well drilled in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 660 feet from the unit boundary. For the Sylvan common source of supply such order shall require that the completion interval of a horizontal well drilled in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 330 feet from the unit boundary. The entire length of the lateral will be cemented such that the perforations are isolated from the beginning and end point of the lateral in order to protect the correlative rights of the offset units. That the requested location will be closer to Sections 21, 22, 27, 34 and 33, Township 7 North, Range 10 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma than would be permitted by the spacing order covering the named common sources of supply. That the Applicant be permitted to drill and produce said well at said location for the Mississippian, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply without any downward allowable adjustments and designate Applicant or some other party as operator. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 S. Houston, Suite 114, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74127 at 8:30 a.m. on the 15th day of December, 2014 and that this Notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Jim Slade, PetroQuest Energy, L.L.C., 1717 S. Boulder, Suite 201, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119, 918/561-5603 or Ron M. Barnes or Grayson Barnes, CRUTCHMER & BARNES, P.L.L.C., 1648 S. Boston, Suite 100, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119-4434, 918/382-8686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA BOB ANTHONY, Chairman PATRICE DOUGLAS, Vice Chairman DANA L. MURPHY, Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 21st day of November, 2014. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL, Commission Secretary (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on November 26, 2014) Ronna is a graduate of Holdenville High School and East Central University. She has been a public school educator for 16 years and is currently a library media specialist at Byng Elementary. JoDawna, also an HHS and ECU alum spent over 30 years as a classroom educator and counselor in the Holdenville School District. She continues to be involved in education volunteering monthly at Reed Elementary. “I look forward to serving the Holdenville area as a library board member. I welcome the opportunity to enhance and increase awareness of the resources available to our community through the public library” states Haney. The Grace M. Pickens Library Board meets quarterly. Wes OtherWatkins members of Technology Center the board include: Sharon (405) 452-5500Danielle * 1-888-884-3834 Carpenter, Pat(in-district ph. #) terson, Monroe A JOB for every OklahomanSumter, WORKFORCE for every Company Kathrin Radach, and Head Librarian Kim Shed. WWTC WWTC Wes Watkins Technology Center (405) 452-5500 * 1-888-884-3834 (in-district ph. #) A JOB for every Oklahoman WORKFORCE for every Company Cudd Energy Services is hiring Class A CDL Drivers/Equipment Operators for its office in Seminole, Oklahoma. • HazMat and tanker endorsements a plus Contact Jim Riddle or Linda Elliott at 405.382.5166 for an application and interview. WWW.CUDD.COM BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201408778-T APPLICANT: PETROQUEST ENERGY, L.L.C. RELIEF SOUGHT: DRILLING AND SPACING UNIT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS AND TAKERS OF OIL AND GAS, INCLUDING The Anglin Properties Irrevocable Living Trust, Leann Leach s/p/a Belva Leann Leach, as Successor Trustee; The ARK Trust, Carol W. Byrd, Trustee; Beverly L. Sipes, a/k/a Beverly B. Sipes; The Revocable Trust of Bill J. Horne dated 8/31/2000, Bill J. Horne, Sr., Trustee; The Bill Tucker Family Trust dated 2/28/2011, Leslie Diane Wimberly Tucker, Trustee; Bryan Thomas and Orvilla Caprice Coleman, JTROS; Caldonia Corbitt; The Carol W. Byrd Trust, Carl W. Byrd, Trustee; Carlton Stringer; The Crews Family Revocable Trust dated 10/9/2001, Ira David Crews II and Carol Crews and Douglas Crews, Co-Trustees; Dick Henry Hall; Donald N. Price; The Revocable Trust of Dorothy Tomlinson Renfro, dated 2/24/1998, Charles R. Renfro, Successor Trustee; Earl Curtis; Eugene Bryson Ball and Randolph Bryson Ball and Deborah Kay Ball, JTROS; Floritta Pope; Glen David Harris; Granite Well Service, Inc.; Great Sky Partners, LLC; Harry H. Diamond, Inc.; Harry S. Lindley and Peggy Toone Lindley, JTROS; Harvey L. Price; The Harvey L. Price Family Revocable Living Trust u/t/d 12/15/1995, Harvey L. Price and Alice F. Price, Trustees; The Home-Stake Oil and Gas Company; The Home-Stake Royalty Company; Howard L Berkey, Jr.; Ida E. Sheehan Ford; J.E. & L.E. Mabee Foundation, Inc Raymond L. Tullius, Jr., Vice Chairman; Janet K. Barrick; Janet Wolgast; Jaqueline Shidler McBride; Jayne Mays; Jayson Mark Horne; The Estate of Jo Dell McMillan, deceased, Michael Lee McMillan, Personal Representative; John Steven Horne; Jones-Daube Mineral Company; The Joseph Raunikar Trust, u/d/t 1/12/1998, Joseph Rauniker, Trustee; Joyce York; Mary Jo Shidler Ardis; Melba Loftis; Merco of Oklahoma ; Meredith Berkey McDonagh; Miles Clifford Lindley, III; Nadine Mason; Nancy Davis; Newfield Exploration Mid-Continent Inc.; Par Oil Company; The Proctor Joint Revocable Trust dated 2/3/1994, Dale L. Proctor and Mildred J. Proctor, Trustees; r. c. Taylor Companies, Inc.; Richard M. Hall; Ronald Arthur Qualls; Rosemary Robertson; Rulewicz Energy, LLC; Sharon L. Maguire; Sissey Ann Hall; Sultan Oil Company; Susan Moore; The Toni Rogers Trust, Carol W. Byrd, Trustee; Victor W. Pryor, Jr.; Victor W. Pryor, Jr., Trustee for William E. Pryor; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Anne Scott McElroy, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of C. B. Coleman, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of David R. Hall, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Frank Raunikar, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Jesse R. Lester, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Lela O. Hawthorne Davis, deceased; Nadine Brooks, if living, and if deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Willie A. Hawthorne Clawson, deceased; Angelum Raunikar; Charles Edward Skipworth; Deep Rock Oil Corporation c/o Anadarko Petroleum Corp.; Donna W. Cloer; Eddie Raunikar; Frank Lowell Wyatt; Gene Raunikar; Iris Caroline Hall; Joe Raunikar; KVR Energy, LLC; Loy Jean Riggs; Pamela June Skipworth; Shirley K. Grote; Staab Holdings, LLC; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of C. E. McCaughey, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Darnell Ray Mason, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Doris M. Lester, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Dorothy C. Berkey, deceased; Flint & Associates, Inc., and it’s unknown successors in interest; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Geraldine Goree, deceased; H. F. Bilby, if living, and if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; Jo Dell McMillan Revocable Trust, and it’s unknown successors in interest; The unknown heirs, devisees,successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Joseph Goad, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Mildred Geraldine Mason, deceased; Patricia E. Wyatt, if living, and if deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Robert Raunikar, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Ruth Stevenson, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns William Robert Clawson, deceased; and all persons if, living or if deceased, their known and unknown successors, and all corporations, existing and if dissolved, its known and unknown successors and all other persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Hughes County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Applicant requests that the Commission enter its order extending Order No. 630866 insofar as it established a 640-acre horizontal drilling and spacing unit for the Mississippian, Woodford, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply underlying Section 27, Township 7 North, Range 10 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma to include Section 28 Township 7 North, Range 10 East Hughes County, Oklahoma. The Mississippian and Hunton common sources of supply are conventional reservoirs and as such the completion interval of a horizontal well in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 660 feet from any unit boundary. The Sylvan common source of supply is an unconventional reservoir and as such the completion interval of a horizontal well in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 330 feet from any unit boundary. The Woodford common source of supply is an unconventional reservoir and pursuant to OAC 165:10-29-2 the completion lateral of a horizontal Woodford well drilled in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 165 feet from any north/south unit boundary and not less than 330 feet from any east/west unit boundary. The horizontal well unit may exist concurrently with the non-horizontal drilling and spacing unit and each such unit may be concurrently developed. Therefore, the following orders are not being vacated. Order No. 122266 which spaced the Hunton common source of supply as 160-acre drilling and spacing units underlying Section 28, Township 7 North, Range 10 East Hughes County, Oklahoma will not be vacated. Order No. 171597 which spaced the Caney and Mayes common sources of supply as a 160-acre drilling and spacing unit underlying the NE/4 Section 28, Township 7 North, Range 10 East Hughes County, Oklahoma will not be vacated. There is no production from any non-horizontal well in the unit. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the relief requested herein made be made effective prior to the issuance of this Order. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause be set before an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 South Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74127, at 8:30 a.m. on the 15th day of December, 2014 and that this notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Jim Slade, PetroQuest Energy, L.L.C., 1717 S. Boulder, Suite 201, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119, 918/561-5603 or Ron M. Barnes or Grayson Barnes, CRUTCHMER & BARNES, P.L.L.C., 1648 S. Boston, Suite 100, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119-4434, 918/382-8686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA BOB ANTHONY, Chairman PATRICE DOUGLAS, Vice Chairman DANA L. MURPHY, Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 21st day of November, 2014. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL, Secretary Secretary of the Commission (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on November 26, 2014) LEGAL NOTICE BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201408777-t APPLICANT: PETROQUEST ENERGY, L.L.C. RELIEF SOUGHT: WELL LOCATION EXCEPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS AND TAKERS OF OIL AND GAS including all persons if living or if deceased, their known and unknown successors and all corporations existing, and if dissolved, its known and unknown successors and all persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Hughes County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Applicant requests that order to issue in Cause CD No. 201408776-T be amended to permit a well to be drilled and produced at the following location: SURFACE LOCATION: NO CLOSER THAN 250 FEET FROM THE NORTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 250 FEET FROM THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA COMPLETION INTERVAL: FIRST PERF NO CLOSER THAN 165 FEET FROM THE NORTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 330 FEET FROM THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA TO LAST PERF NO CLOSER THAN 165 FEET FROM THE SOUTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 330 FEET FROM THE EAST LINE SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA That order to issue in Cause CD No. 201408776-T will establish a 640-acre horizontal drilling and spacing unit for the Mississippian, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply underlying Section 21, Township 7 North, Range 10 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma. For the Mississippian and Hunton common sources of supply such order shall require that the completion interval of a horizontal well drilled in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 660 feet from the unit boundary. For the Sylvan common source of supply such order shall require that the completion interval of a horizontal well drilled in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 330 feet from the unit boundary. The entire length of the lateral will be cemented such that the perforations are isolated from the beginning and end point of the lateral in order to protect the correlative rights of the offset units. That the requested location will be closer to Sections 16, 15, 22, 27 and 28, Township 7 North, Range 10 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma than would be permitted by the spacing order covering the named common sources of supply. That the Applicant be permitted to drill and produce said well at said location for the Mississippian, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply without any downward allowable adjustments and designate Applicant or some other party as operator. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 S. Houston, Suite 114, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74127 at 8:30 a.m. on the 15th day of December, 2014 and that this Notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Jim Slade, PetroQuest Energy, L.L.C., 1717 S. Boulder, Suite 201, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119, 918/561-5603 or Ron M. Barnes or Grayson Barnes, CRUTCHMER & BARNES, P.L.L.C., 1648 S. Boston, Suite 100, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119-4434, 918/382-8686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA BOB ANTHONY, Chairman PATRICE DOUGLAS, Vice Chairman DANA L. MURPHY, Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 21st day of November, 2014. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL, Commission Secretary (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on November 26, 2014) LPXLP PAGE B-6—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—NOVEMBER 26, 2014 LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HUGHES COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA CASE NO. PB-14-87 In the Matter of the estate of JAN POTEET HARRIS, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the Creditors of JAN POTEET HARRIS, deceased. All creditors having claims against Jan Poteet Harris, deceased, are required to present the same with a description of all security interests and other collateral (if any) held by each creditor with a respect to such claim, to Franklin D. Harris, Personal Representative, at the law office of Ken Chesnutt, PO Box 44, Holdenville, OK 74848, addressed to Ken Chesnutt, Attorney for the Personal Representative, on or before the following presentment bar date: January 27, 2015, or the same will be forever barred. Dated this 24th day of November, 2014. s) Franklin D. Harris Personal Representative 105 Gardenwood Holdenville, OK 74848 Ken Chesnutt, OBA#1649 Attorney for Petitioner PO Box 44 Holdenville, OK 74848 Phone: (405) 379-7490 (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on November 27 and December 3, 2014) LEGAL NOTICE BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201408771-T APPLICANT: PETROQUEST ENERGY, L.L.C. RELIEF SOUGHT: DRILLING AND SPECIAL UNIT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS AND TAKERS OF OIL AND GAS, INCLUDING Ann Marie Coryell; The Revocable Trust of Bill J. Horne dated 8/31/2000, Bill J. Horne Trustee; Bobby Lee Loftis, aka Bob Loftis; Brian Van Horn; Canaan Resources Drilling Company, LLC; Cedarlane Enterprises, LP; Donald N. “Bear” Price Revocable Trust Donald N. Price, Trustee; Failing Revocable Trust, Robin A. Mose, Susan E. Van Alstine and Carole L. Ward, Trustees; Fred Lowry Ramsey; George N. Rupe; Gordon L. Hostettler; Great Sky Partners, LLC; Harvey B. Platt Testamentary Trust, Thomas E. Nix, Jr. Trustee; Harvey L. Price Revocable Trust; Imogene Strickland; J&M Investments Co.; James Brian Rupe; Janet Sue Baxter and Onus Dwayne Baxter, JT’s ; Jayson Mark Horne; Jess Harris, Jr., Irrevocable Trust, Mary Jane Harris Trustee; Joan Olga Hale Trust, Joan Olga Hale, Trustee; John Steven Horne; John Mark Waugh Trust, John Mark Waugh, Trustee; Josephine Hale; Kristine Kohles Stover Living Trust; Lana Sharon Street Byrnes; Leena Stark; Leena Stark, Trustee FBO Robert Stark; Malcolm D. Harden; Map Resources, Inc.; Mary Katheryn Rupe Beavers; Melba Loftis; Nadine Harden; Patricia Diane Rupe; The Patsy R. Lawyer Family Trust; Philip G. Lee; Philip G. Lee, Michael Lee and Danny Lee, JT’s; Proctor Joint Revocable Trust, Dale L. Proctor and Mildred Proctor, Trustees; Rolland Roy Ramsey; Russell D. Behrends; Ruth Nell Powers; Samedan Oil Corporation; Shawn Stevenson Reynolds and Janet S. Reynolds, JT’s; Steve Van Horn; SuZanne McSwain; Teerakun Karnchanakphun; Terry W. and Debra Kaye Gilbert Living Trust, Terry W. Gilbert and Debra Kaye Gilbert, Trustees; Theodore Kevin Rupe; Thomas B. Cormode; Tommy B. Hunter; Trapp Petroleum Partners; University of Tulsa c/o Bank of Oklahoma, N.A.; Van Horn Oil Company; Vicki Waugh Eidman Trust, Vicki Waugh Eidman, Trustee; XTO Energy, Inc.; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Carmen Bartlett, deceased; E. L. McGill and Mildred Hayes, JT, if living, and if deceased, their unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Freda M. Sims, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of George C. Coleman, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of J. A. Elrod, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of J. Tate Hale, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Lynda Hunter Gardner, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Ruby Horne, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Sibyl Inez Stephens, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of W. T. Kirby, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Willa Mae Henson, deceased; Benco Energy, Inc.; Bank of America, N.A. (formerly, Boston Bank, N.A.); Charles Stephen Sims; Dean G. Coleman; Donna Cochems; First United Bank & Trust Co.; Harold Heath; Jan Navis, aka Jan Censky; Jonna Stephens; Liberty Energy, L.L.C.; Martin P. Moore; Mary Elizabeth Leewright; Mexia Holdings, L.P.; Michael Hale; Moringstar Energy, L.L.C.; Silver Creek Oil & Gas; Silver Creek Resources; Alta Natural Resources, L.L.C., and it’s unknown successors in interest; Charles Douglas Sims, if living, and if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; Monarch Resources, L.L.C., and it’s unknown successors in interest; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Nanette Oliphant Moore, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Theodore C. Rupe, deceased; and all persons if, living or if deceased, their known and unknown successors, and all corporations, existing and if dissolved, its known and unknown successors and all other persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Hughes County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Applicant requests that the Commission enter its order extending Order No. 629877 insofar as it established a 640-acre horizontal drilling and spacing unit for the Mississippian, Woodford, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply underlying Section 23, Township 7 North, Range 10 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma to include Section 15, Township 7 North, Range 10 East Hughes County, Oklahoma. The Mississippian and Hunton common sources of supply are conventional reservoirs and as such the completion interval of a horizontal well in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 660 feet from any unit boundary. The Sylvan common source of supply is an unconventional reservoir and as such the completion interval of a horizontal well in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 330 feet from any unit boundary. The Woodford common source of supply is an unconventional reservoir and pursuant to OAC 165:10-29-2 the completion lateral of a horizontal Woodford well drilled in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 165 feet from any north/south unit boundary and not less than 330 feet from any east/west unit boundary. The horizontal well unit may exist concurrently with the non-horizontal drilling and spacing unit and each such unit may be concurrently developed. Therefore, the following orders are not being vacated. Order No. 165954 which spaced the Hunton common source of supply as 40-acre drilling and spacing units underlying the W/2 SW/4 Section 15, Township 7 North, Range 10 East Hughes County, Oklahoma will not be vacated. Order No. 289349 which spaced the Hunton common source of supply as a 160-acre drilling and spacing unit underlying the NE/4 Section 15, Township 7 North, Range 10 East Hughes County, Oklahoma will not be vacated. There is no production from any non-horizontal well in the unit. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the relief requested herein made be made effective prior to the issuance of this Order. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause be set before an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 South Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74127, at 8:30 a.m. on the 15th day of December, 2014 and that this notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Jim Slade, PetroQuest Energy, L.L.C., 1717 S. Boulder, Suite 201, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119, 918/561-5603 or Ron M. Barnes or Grayson Barnes, CRUTCHMER & BARNES, P.L.L.C., 1648 S. Boston, Suite 100, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119-4434, 918/382-8686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA BOB ANTHONY, Chairman PATRICE DOUGLAS, Vice Chairman DANA L. MURPHY, Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 21st day of November, 2014. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL, Secretary Secretary of the Commission (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on November 26, 2014) LPXLP LEGAL NOTICE BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201408774-T APPLICANT: PETROQUEST ENERGY, L.L.C. RELIEF SOUGHT: DRILLING AND SPACING UNIT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS AND TAKERS OF OIL AND GAS, INCLUDING 4B Properties, L.L.C. Attn: Sarah Jane Rodgers; The Anglin Properties Irrevocable Living Trust, Leann Leach s/p/a Belva Leann Leach, as Successor Trustee; Barrett Drilling Company; Brian Van Horn; Canaan Resources X, L.L.C.; Carolyn Sue Slater; Casillas Petroleum Corp.; Chesapeake Royalty, L.L.C.; Clement Blount Sledge; The Dan Mordhurst Revocable Trust dated 6/30/1997, Dan Mordhorst, Trustee; Davis Bros, L.L.C.; Davis & Barbara Lovett; The Delaney Family Partnership Patricia Carol Snider, Managing General Partner; Enersource Royalty Corp.; Fleischaker Mineral Company, L.L.C.; Great Sky Partners, LLC; Harry H. Diamond, Inc.; Ima Lee Lankford; J.E. & L.E. Mabee Foundation, Inc Raymond L. Tullius, Jr., Vice Chairman; Jaco Production Company; James Hamilton; The James and Phyllis Lyons Family Trust; The Jerry L. Tobey Revocable Trust dated November 2, 2011, Jerry L. Tobey, Trustee; John W. Pride & Cynthia J. Pride Revocable Living Trust, dated 07/21/1998 John W. Pride & Cynthia J. Pride, Trustees; The John A. Gaberino Living Trust dated July 2, 1992, Elizabeth M. Gaberino, John A. Gaberino Jr. & Margaret C. Peters, Co-Trustees; The John Mark Waugh Trust, John Mark Waugh, Trustee; Jones-Daube Mineral Company; The Karen Ann Davenport Trust dated August 6, 2008, Judith Ann Lafitte, Trustee; Kristine Kohles Stover Living Trust Kristine Kohles Stover, Trustee; L. Quitman Winter; The Lankford Family Trust dated October 8, 1992, Joe Vernon Lankford, Trustee; The M. A. Viersen Revocable Trust, M. A. Viersen, Trustee; Mad Dog Investments, L.L.C.; Map Resources, Inc.; Mary Sledge Allan Investment Company, L.L.C., an Oklahoma Limited Liability Company; The Matthew L. Pride & Renee G. Pride Revocable Living Trust, dated 08/13/1999 Matthew L. Pride & Renee G. Pride, Trustees; McConnell Royalty, L.L.C. c/o Atkins and Atkins, P.C.; Melba Loftis; Merco of Oklahoma ; Nancy Butler Cook; Newfield Exploration Mid-Continent Inc.; Northern Baptist Convention; Par Oil Company; Patsy Ann Viersen Brown; Phillip L. Lankford ; Ralph W. Viersen III; Ray H. Potts; Richard B. Notley; The Robert A. Pettit Revocable Trust Reba Mae Pettit, Trustee; Steve Van Horn; Teddy Victor Tucker Operating Co., LLC Ted V. Tucker, Trustee; Teerakun Karnchanakphan; The Tobey Living Trust William F. Tobey, Trustee; Tonya E. Dean ; Trapp Petroleum Partners Nancy Trapp Berry, Managing Partner; TK Drilling Corp.; Tulsa Royalties Company c/o Baptist Foundation of Texas; Van Horn Oil Company; The Vickie Waugh Eidman Trust, Vickie Waugh Eidman, Trustee; Wanda Faye Chancellor; Warna L. Huff; Wellspring Royalties, LTD; The Wingate Royalty Trust, K.W. Wingate, Trustee; Wise Mineral Trust dated 4/01/1985, James W. Wise, Trustee; The Yvonne Lyons Huser Irrevocable Trust dated November 25, 2005; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Armine Harvey, a/k/a Margie Harvey, a/k/a Arminia Flinchum Harvey, deceased; Bert J. McConnell, if living, and if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Bill Parks, deceased; Bob Willis, if living, and if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; Cal-Ray Petroleum Corp., or it’s unknown successors in interest; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Clara Blount Sledge, deceased; Don J. Gaither, if living, and if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Dora Mae Cook, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Erla B. Lundquist, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Eveline Coughlin & Pete Coughlin, W/H, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Genevieve H. Law, deceased; Geoex Resources, Inc., or it’s unknown successors in interest; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Gertie Blanche Loftis, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Ira E. McCarty, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of J.B. Sledge Jr., deceased; The James B. Mills Trust, James B. Mills, Trustee, or it’s unknown successors in interest; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Joseph Franklin Cross & Elsie Cross, HW, deceased; Kansas Baptist Convention, and it’s uknown successors in interest; KMA Oil Company, or it’s successors in interest; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Loran Pettit, deceased; New Hope Production Company, or it’s successors in interest; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Norvelle Flinchum Charles, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Rita M. Smith, deceased; Ron Lovett, if living, and if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; Ronnie Dice, if living, and if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; Steve Delmas, if living, and if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of T. D. Hedley, deceased; Valid Pace, Inc., or it’s unknown successors in interest; Watson Family, Inc., or it’s unknown successors in interest; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of William Davis Collins, deceased; Betty Jean Hagood; Beverly Bowen; Beverly P. Duncan; Charles F. Cook, IV; Christopher Delaney Gwin; The Coughlin Living Trust, established July 9, 1992 ; Derek Parks; The Donald T. Loftis 1997 Living Trust dated 7/10/1997, Carol Ann McNutt, Linda Susan Nunn, and Donetta Kay Murdaugh, Successor CoTrustees; Dorothy Joyce Toombs; Erlita L. Myers; Gail Richmond Willis; Genie Long McCartney c/o James Brent McCartney; Grace Elaine McConnel Goldbaum; Jeremy Daniel Gibson ; Jeremy Bomar Gwin, Jr.; Judith A. Foster & William Bruce Foster, W/H JT; Judith Parks; Kathleen V. Melancon; Loretta Nalley; Margery Mayo Feagin; Michael L. Cross; Michael T. Hale; Mitchell W. Smith; Robert M. Smith; Tyler Parks; Vickie Lynn Fallis; Virginia Hodges Cross; Vivian Mills; William Bruce Foster; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Bill Coughlin & Lila Coughlin, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Catherine Haas, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Eunice Collins, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of H. M. Lundquist, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of James Coughlin & Violet Lillian Coughlin, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of James Hamilton, aka J. W. Hamilton, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Juanita Randall Gower, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Lee R. Gower, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Margaret Kline, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Mark Myers, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Mary Frigate, now Amon, deceased; Under the Last Will and Testament of Patrick Barney Feagin, deceased, James Henry Chandler & Donald R. Stewart, Jr., Co-Trustees, or their unknown successors in interest; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Rena A. McCarty, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of T. N. Law, Jr., deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Vina Thomas Williams, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of Vivian L. Young, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, Trustees and assigns of W. E. Flinchum, deceased; and all persons if, living or if deceased, their known and unknown successors, and all corporations, existing and if dissolved, its known and unknown successors and all other persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Hughes County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Applicant requests that the Commission enter its order establishing a 640-acre horizontal drilling and spacing unit for the Mississippian, Woodford, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply underlying Section 16, Township 7 North, Range 10 East Hughes County, Oklahoma. The Mississippian and Hunton common sources of supply are conventional reservoirs and as such the completion interval of a horizontal well in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 660 feet from any unit boundary. The Sylvan common source of supply is an unconventional reservoir and as such the completion interval of a horizontal well in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 330 feet from any unit boundary. The Woodford common source of supply is an unconventional reservoir and pursuant to OAC 165:10-29-2 the completion lateral of a horizontal Woodford well drilled in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 165 feet from any north/south unit boundary and not less than 330 feet from any east/ west unit boundary. The horizontal well unit may exist concurrently with the non-horizontal drilling and spacing unit and each such unit may be concurrently developed. Therefore, the following orders are not being vacated. Order No. 165954 which spaced the Hunton common source of supply as 40-acre drilling and spacing units underlying the S/2 SE/4 Section 16, Township 7 North, Range 10 East Hughes County, Oklahoma will not be vacated. Order No. 262430 which spaced the Mississippian and Hunton common sources of supply as 40-acre drilling and spacing units underlying the N/2 SE/4 Section 16, Township 7 North, Range 10 East Hughes County, Oklahoma will not be vacated. Order No. 305604 which spaced the Mississippian and Hunton common sources of supply as 40-acre drilling and spacing units underly- ing the E/2 NE/4 Section 16, Township 7 North, Range 10 East Hughes County, Oklahoma will not be vacated. Order No. 327901 which spaced the Mississippian and Hunton common sources of supply as a 160-acre drilling and spacing unit underlying the NW/4 Section 16, Township 7 North, Range 10 East Hughes County, Oklahoma will not be vacated. There is no production from any non-horizontal well in the unit. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the relief requested herein made be made effective prior to the issuance of this Order. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause be set before an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 South Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74127, at 8:30 a.m. on the 15th day of December, 2014 and that this notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Jim Slade, PetroQuest Energy, L.L.C., 1717 S. Boulder, Suite 201, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119, 918/561-5603 or Ron M. Barnes or Grayson Barnes, CRUTCHMER & BARNES, P.L.L.C., 1648 S. Boston, Suite 100, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119-4434, 918/382-8686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA BOB ANTHONY, Chairman PATRICE DOUGLAS, Vice Chairman DANA L. MURPHY, Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 21st day of November, 2014. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL, Secretary Secretary of the Commission (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on November 26, 2014) LEGAL NOTICE BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201408772-T APPLICANT: PETROQUEST ENERGY, L.L.C. RELIEF SOUGHT: POOLING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS AND TAKERS OF OIL AND GAS, INCLUDING Brian Van Horn; Canaan Resources Drilling Company, LLC; Great Sky Partners, LLC; Map Resources, Inc.; Samedan Oil Corporation; Steve Van Horn; Van Horn Oil Company; XTO Energy, Inc.; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Carmen Bartlett, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Freda M. Sims, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of George C. Coleman, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of J. A. Elrod, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of J. Tate Hale, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Ruby Horne, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Sibyl Inez Stephens, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of W. T. Kirby, deceased; Benco Energy, Inc.; Bank of America, N.A. (formerly, Boston Bank, N.A.); First United Bank & Trust Co.; Harold Heath; Jonna Stephens; Liberty Energy, L.L.C.; Martin P. Moore; Mary Elizabeth Leewright; Mexia Holdings, L.P.; Moringstar Energy, L.L.C.; Silver Creek Oil & Gas; Silver Creek Resources; Alta Natural Resources, L.L.C., and it’s unknown successors in interest; Charles Douglas Sims, if living, and if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; Monarch Resources, L.L.C., and it’s unknown successors in interest; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Nanette Oliphant Moore, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns of Theodore C. Rupe, deceased; and all persons if living or if deceased, their known and unknown successors and all corporations existing and if dissolved its known and unknown successors and all persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Hughes County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Applicant requests that the Commission pool the interests and adjudicate the rights and equities of oil and gas owners in the Mississippian, Woodford, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply underlying the 640-acre horizontal drilling and spacing unit described as Section 15, Township 7 North, Range 10 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma and designate Applicant or some other party as operator of the proposed well and all subsequent wells drilled in the unit; and that Applicant be given one year to commence operations for the drilling or other operations with respect to the unit. The Applicant additionally requests that this pooling be a unit pooling. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause be set before an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 South Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74127, at 8:30 a.m. on the 15th day of December, 2014 and that this notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Jim Slade, PetroQuest Energy, L.L.C., 1717 S. Boulder, Suite 201, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119, 918/561-5603 or Ron M. Barnes or Grayson Barnes, CRUTCHMER & BARNES, P.L.L.C., 1648 S. Boston Ave., Suite 100, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74119-4434, 918/382-8686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA BOB ANTHONY, Chairman PATRICE DOUGLAS, Vice Chairman DANA L. MURPHY, Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 21st day of November, 2014. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL, Commission Secretary (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on November 26, 2014) Spray-On Truck Liner • Enhances and protects new and used trucks • Sprayed directly onto the truck bed • Unique black textured non-slip finish seals out dirt, moisture and rust • Guaranteed not to peel, buckle or warp • It looks Awesome Charles Dove - (580)272-7014 901 Arlington • Ada • (580)332-8668 Service Held for Linda Darlene Davy Linda Darlene Davy passed away on Friday, November, 21, 2014 in Oklahoma City. She was born on July 24, 1947 to Bill and Geraldine Ingram in Carlsbad, New Mexico. Linda attended school at Carlsbad Schools and later went on to receive her Associates Degree from New Mexico State University. Linda was an R.N. and worked at Valley View Hospital in Ada. Linda enjoyed water aerobics, reading and playing moon. She attended the Nazarene Church in Holdenville and was a member of the Red Hat Society. Linda loved playing games, was an avid Oklahoma City Thunder fan, and loved to spend time with her family and friends. Linda is preceded in death by her father Bill Ingram, and her husband, Jack Foutch. She is survived by her children, Gary Davy of Holdenville, and Robert Davy and wife Veronica of Houston, Texas; her grandchildren, Mallory Davy, Gabriella Davy, Dylan Davy, Caitlyn Davy and Camryn Davy; her brother; Bill Ingram Jr. and wife Becky of Clovis, New Mexico; as well as a host of other family and friends. F u neral services for Linda were 10:00 AM Tuesday, November 25th, at the Hudson-Phillips Funeral Home Chapel in Holdenville with Pastor Dane Robinson officiating. Interment followed at the Holdenville Cemetery in Holdenville. Pallbearers were Gary Davy, Robert Davy, Dylan Davy, Tim Robinson, Bill Robinson and Jeff Parker. Funeral services were under the direction of HudsonPhillips Funeral Service in Holdenville. HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—NOVEMBER 26, 2014—PAGE B-7 Thank You! I, Ernest Arocha, would like to thank the people of Hughes County who came out to vote them past General Election. I would like to thank all who supported and voted for me and especially to those who took their time and effort to help throughout the campaign. Congratulations to Marcia Maxwell. I wish her success at representation as Sheriff of Hughes County. Again, my thanks to you all. Sincerely, Ernest Arocha 24/7 EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT Warren Jay Rowsey Passes Away Warren Jay Rowsey lifetime resident of Atwood passed away November 11, 2014 at the age of 71. He was born April 25, 1943 to Joe and Minnie Rowsey. Jay married his soul mate and the love of his life Clara Etta Shed on December 26, 1963. Jay started his career working for the State of Oklahoma Wildlife Department in 1964 and dedicated 19 years of service until an injury forced him to take an early retirement in 1983. Jay loved hunting, fishing, running the river with friends, and trapping. Jay is survived by his wife Clara Rowsey of the home; two daughters, Rhonda Rowsey of Atwood, and Sheila Abbott and husband James; one granddaughter, Kassidy Rowsey of Chugiak, Alaska; two brothers-in-law, Herbert Shed and wife Ethel of Tulsa, and Harold Shed and wife Roberta of Holdenville; one brother, Lewis Rowsey and wife Sharon; along with numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his father, Joe Rowsey, and mother, Minnie Rowsey. Jay was loved by many and will be missed dearly. A private memorial will be held at a later date. Contact Information: Alcoholics Anonymous Chris - (918) 424-8300 Sherry - (405) 303-2769 HOMETOWN CARE, ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY Complete Diagnostic Center MRI CT featuring Low Dose Radiation X-ray & Ultrasound Swing Bed/ Respite Care General Acute Care 3 Family Practice Clinics Physical Therapy Laboratory Services Outpatient Specialty Services Cardiology Ophthalmology Urology Pain Management Wound Care General Surgery 405-379-4200 100 McDOUGAL DRIVE, HOLDENVILLE OK 74848 H SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY to see all our specials Savings up to 50% 100 E Main St - Ada, OK • (580) 332-0457 THINK BIG SHOP SMALL PAGE B-8—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—NOVEMBER 26, 2014 Sunny Day Preschool 600 S. Creek Holdenville, OK Now enrolling children 2-5 years old - Certified Teaching Staff - Structured Setting Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. DHS Approved Tammy Griffin, Owner (405)379-9810 or (405)221-6058 JOHNNY GRIFFIN OWNER TAMMY GRIFFIN OWNER/DIRECTOR 109095 Nor th 3830 Road Okemah, OK 74859 918.582.GOLD goldenponyc ©2014 Golden Pony Casino. Must be 18 years of age or older. from Dayna’s Desk It’s always good to hear from our readers and we wanted to share the following note we received recently. Bill and Dayna, Thank you so much for the reminder that it is time to renew. I would hate to miss a paper since I find it a great way of keeping up with past and present citizens of Holdenville. Love all the pictures and stories of early days in Holdenville. Hope that all is going well with you and your family. Congratulations on the birth of your new grand baby. Regards, Kathy Crumly Rives —DD— A big thank you to Mike Agan for sharing the “Old Geezers” news with us “The Old Geezer’s” met for lunch on Monday, November 10th at the Rib Crib in Ada, with the main topic of “discussion” being the poor performance of the Sooners vs BU this past weekend. Some of us moved onto the 50th anniversary of the Wolverines State Championship season and the great times we had just going to the games that season! Only eight made it this time as Kernek was off to New Mexico, Johnny was in Texas and B. R. was sick. We do hope Roger Sweeney is better, and by the way, the waitress requested, and got a free meal for all of the vets in our group! (thanks Rib Crib!) Those in attendance were: Vernon Robinson, Wayne Martin, John Bill Martin, Jim Brewer, Maxey Carter, Don Page, Vic Pryor,(who requested from me, some “Aggie” tunes for future use.) and your pedaling reporter, MIke Agan-(5000 miles for the year!) Oh, and let us not for get the 3 “Gordon girls” who were eating there too! —DD— Since we are featuring the winners of the HSPS Fall Art Show we wanted to share the following article we found from 1938. Holdenville has always had its share of talented artists as endorsed by the following article published in 1938. ART AND ANTIQUE COLLECTION FEATURES ART WEEK PROGRAM Their oldest and loveliest treasures were brought from homes of Holdenville residents to lend to the collection on display with the work of city and worldknown artists when Mr. and Mrs. John E. Turner held open house to the public in their home, 401 E. Tenth, Wednesday afternoon and evening. The exhibit was a feature of American Art Week observance here. Assisting Mrs. Turner in receiving callers were Mrs. Guy Buchner, Mrs. H.A. Howell, Mrs. L.J. Shepherd, Mrs. Wyatt Holmes, Mrs. John J. Harrison, Mrs. C.O. Lucas and Mrs. Hugh McConville. “Discovery” artist of the show was Mrs. C.M. Lawrence, whose work shown for the first time in Holdenville, included crayon portraits of herself and her husband, a beautifully finished “Shiek” and other crayons. Exhibiting paintings were Mrs. Bethenia Foster, with an original and a Couse copy; Mrs. Helena Ogdens’ “Antique Flowers,” winner of honorable mention in an international show in Miami, FL; Miss Etna Harry, an original landscape and a Japanese scene in tempera; Mrs. Wyatt Holmes, an original “The Old Home,” a Dutch master copy; and Mrs. A.S. Bailey, an oil portrait of her son and two exquisite religious plaques. One of Oklahoma’s most famous painters, the late Col. E.W. Lenders, was represented with two pictures, “Buffalo at Spring,” and “Chief Womanheart,” owned by Mrs. John J. Harrison. A watercolor by Alice Engle-Beek was also shown. In the painted china collection, outstanding exhibit feature, were a complete dinner set of more than 150 pieces owned by Mrs. Guy M. Buchner, and the work of Mrs. Wyatt Holmes, Mrs. James W. Rodgers, Mrs. Edith Pryor, Mrs. Howard Holmes, James Holmes and Mrs. Bailey. Lustre work was shown by Mrs. Rodgers, and Mrs. Wyatt Holmes and Mrs. Rogers had an acid etched piece. In the soft enamel work were large pieces by Mrs. Pryor, Mrs. Buchner and Mrs. Wyatt Holmes, all winners in three state fairs. Mrs. Rodgers exhibited gold decoration ware. Antiques on display included prized heirlooms such as the old gold jewelry more than a century old shown by Mrs. Hugh McConville; a lacquered snuff box 200 years old and a huge pipe 190 years old, by Mrs. L.J. Shepherd; a bag beaded by Seneca Indians in 1853, by Mrs. Lawrence; a pottery vase several generations old and a pair of bisque vases by Mrs. Wyatt Holmes. The china soup tureen and turkey platter with accompanying side dish shown by Mrs. Howell is 125 years old and a brocade waistcoat shown by Mrs. Turner belonged to her grandfather in 1843. In Mrs. Harrison’s collection was the skirt to the satin wedding dress of her mother, made in 1880. Mrs. U.L. Johnson displayed a Japanese vase 90 years old. One of the loveliest pieces shown was the wall hanging of crosstitch on horsehair, a family heirloom of Mrs. H.E. Toothaker and Mrs. E. Haskins displayed a china pitcher 150 years old. Treasures from other lands included the black cherry candlesticks from Germany and the tapestry from Belgium, owned by Mrs. Johnson, the Mexican feather pictures of Mrs. Buchner and the Sumatran batik of Mrs. Henry Archerd. An early American overlay vase and Bohemian glass compote drew most attention to the unusually interesting plates from the collection of Mrs. J.E. Hall. Antique crystal goblets and a Japanese iron wall decoration of Mrs. Buchner were interesting. Photographs of pupils of Holdenville’s first school in 1898, of the city at its very beginning and other old scenes were shown by Mrs. Lloyd Thomas. Tree Blazers badges from every annual meeting since 1901, and Austrian china plates, pained with local scenes were interesting exhibits. Glass fanciers were drawn to Mrs. Harrison’s collection of Steigel and blue glass and the pressed glass pieces shown by Mrs. Jack Andrews. Antique silver included candle sticks owned by Mrs. T.J. Pickens’ family for three of four generations; and lovely pieces owned by Mrs. Turner, Mrs. J.P. Farnsworth, Mrs. Frank Warren, Mrs. Henry Howell, Mrs. Wyatt Holmes and Mrs. Shepherd. Wood carvings of George Turner, Oklahoma University student, attracted attention and numerous other art and antique objects completed the exhibit. —DD— Store Hours: Mon - Fri 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. • Sat 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Sunday 12 noon to 6 p.m. 47” Cast-Iron Chimenea 79 99 Ace values family so we’ll be closed Thanksgiving 7 1/2” Patio Heater 8999 Stanley Folding Workbench w/vise 8999 J.B.’s Lumber & Ace Home Center Dremel 3000 Rotary Tool Kit 4999 1407 North Country Club Road • Ada, Oklahoma (580)436-3992 HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—JULY 30, 2014—PAGE B-7 PAGE B-8—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—JULY 30, 2014 HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE— JUNE 23, 2014—PAGE 13 PAGE 14—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—JUNE 23, 2014 HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—JULY 23, 2014—PAGE B-7 PAGE B-8—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—JULY 23, 2014 HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—JULY 23, 2014—PAGE B-7 PAGE B-8—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—JULY 23, 2014 The Buck Bush Patch The story of a backward boy By Charles W. Leewright is now available through Robinson Publishing Co., Inc. .00 $15 &H S .00 +$3 You may order with credit or debit card by calling 405-379-5184, emailing, or you can send a check or money order, along with the order form below to Robinson Publishing Co. P.O. Box 30 Holdenville, Oklahoma 74848 The Buck Bush Patch - The story of a backward boy is the story of the Wheeler family and is a fictional narrative, written from true events from many family histories, using real and fictional people, and actual places. PERSONALIZE TO:_________________________________________ SHIP TO:_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—JULY 23, 2014—PAGE B-5 9, 2014 ��������Oct. �������� B-9 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Page ������������� Service Held for ������������������������������������������� Leo “Meatball” King ����������������������������������������������������� LLE, OK LDENVILLE TRIBUNE, HOLDENVI BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE HO OCATE, ALLEN, OK. AND THE ALLEN ADV BY EMAIL: robpublishing@sbcglob YOU CAN ALSO PLACE ORDERS Leo ‘Chebon or Meat- daughter, Lauren and sonball’ King made his final in-law; great-granddaughter, touchdown, made another Madelyne, and great-grandEagle, fought his last heroic son, Sam, all of Kansas. battle on this universe, and Leo was preceded in death journeyed home Tuesday, by his wife Paula, biological September 30, 2014 at ap- mother, and a host of family proximately 4:30 PM in the and friends. Leo was Native American Oklahoma Veterans Center, of the Creek Nation; Proud Claremore, OK. Service was held Tuesday Patriotic Veteran of Hughes morning, October 7, 2014 County and USA; artist, at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal avid fan of OU SOONERS; Church, 5635 E. 71st, Tul- fellow Holdenville Football sa, OK. Leo was devout and and Golfer Athletic; and James Otto Morse, M.D. raised at the age of 10 by dedicated Episcopalian. his late guardians Frank and Graveside service was Sally Allen of Holdenville. Dr. JamesOctober Morse and7,Robinson Publishing Company are held Tuesday, In case one would like to proud to announce the release of his latest book, “Growing 2:30 pm, at the Lamar Cemsend Gayleia and Kim a card With Real etery,Up Lamar, OK.People.” is as Leo is survived Day by a 1941 sis- wastheir “Halloween the address worst day of follows: my life. Of turn out that way when, as ter, Sue AnnI had Davis; daughcourse, no idea the day would Ms. Gaye King & It Family ter, Gayleia usual, I gotKing up at of fiveBero’clock to deliver newspapers. seemed 307 Riesling nalillo, son, Kim King morning—not likeNM; any other late October coldRd. enough yet to Bernalillo, NM 87004 of Clarmore, OK;longgrandgo into winter underwear but uncomfortably cool when coasting downhill on a bicycle......... .......The first inkling I had that something was going to be different about that day came as I was getting on my bicycle. Chig Brown, an old friend of my father’s, drove up in the darkness and called out, “Don’t go anywhere yet, Jimmy. George is coming to see you.”” GROWING UP WITH REAL PEOPLE is a collection of stories written by Dr. James O. Morse about the events surrounding his life while growing up in Calvin, Oklahoma. It is filled with many memories - some heartwarming - others heartbreaking. James Morse is a retired physician who has worked as an Army doctor, a medical missionary, and a medical school professor. He currently resides in Starkville, Mississippi with his wife Alfalene. You can find him on Facebook at Publisher Bill Robinson says, “Dr. James Morse is not only my long time friend but also one of the most gifted writers I have ever known. e’re Aware. W Several years ago I asked him if he would write his memories about his parents, who were killed in a tragic accident. He was kind enough to do so and we published his memories in our local newspaper. In over thirty years of being a publisher I have never seen a column that drew so much positive response. In fact, we sold out of newspapers. I later asked Jim if he might write additional columns for our newspaper. He agreed to do so. Whenever he has a column, we print extra newspapers. I am so thankful he has decided to publish a book of his memories. It is written by a special man about special times. As you read it, you will laugh at times and cry at times. Be prepared, once you start reading it, you will not want to put it down.” A r ou? eY ������������������������� �������������������������� This Friday, Nov. 22 is the last day left to enter the Wetumka Kiwanis Chili Cook-Off. Entry forms are available at Wetumka City Hall, Tag Office and at Super C. Wetumka Kiwanis will hold the cook-off and Christmas Parade on Tuesday, Dec. 3. The parade begins at 6 p.m. followed by the cook-off at 7 p.m. Various cash prizes will be awarded for cook-off winners. Drawings will alsoso be on held Sundays for various gifts after the October is a great month to be at the Pony. It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, parade. Tickets are three for $1 and can be purchased from any Wetumka member. we’ll match your point donations with cash donations to Project Woman. Plus,Kiwanis you can earn a breast For more information or to enter the cook-off contact Susie Absher 405-623-8435. cancer awareness coffee mug! There’s something special every day. Come andat play at the Pony! Each 25-point donation earns 1 mug. Limit 1 mug per week, per patron for the month of October. Golden Pony Casino will donate $1 for each point up to $2,500. ��������������������������������������������������������������� ������������� ��� �� ����������� �������� ������ ���� ���� ���� ������ ������������������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������������������� 109095 Nor t h 3830 Road ����������������������������������������������������� Okemah, OK 74859 ���������������������������������������������������������������� 918.582.GOLD ����������������������������������������������������������������� goldenponyc ��������������������������������������������������������������� FOLLOW US ON T WIT TER! @GldnPony ©2014 Golden Pony Casino. Management reserves all rights. See Gold Club for more details. Gambling too much? Call 1-800-522-4700. ���������������������������������������������������������������� L I K E U S O N FA C E B O O K ! G o l d e n P o n y ��������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������� ������������������������������������� ��������������������� HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—MARCH 5, 2014—PAGE B-7 PAGE B-8—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—MARCH 5, 2014 E B-8—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—OCTOBER 30, 2013 E B-6—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—OCTOBER 2, 2013 HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—OCTOBER 2, 2013—PAGE E B-8—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—OCTOBER 2, 2013