Santa Bàrbara d`Ordino


Santa Bàrbara d`Ordino
Valls del Nord 2009
Comú d’Ordino
Comú de la Massana
Comú d’Ordino
Comú de la Massana
Joan Lluís Ibern
Marcos Moreno
Liam Tayler
Eduard Comellas
Jaume Riba
Roberto Regueiro ©
Jordi Pantebre ©
Archivo Prames ©
Comú d’Ordino ©
Comú de la Massana ©
Andorra Turisme
NATURE Traditions 6
Iron route 14
Tourist train 17
Natural parks 20
Towns and
Romanesque style 8
Verdaguer route 26
Legal Deposit
The total or partial reproduction of this document is strictly prohibited without the written authorisation of the owners.
EVENTS Adventure 30
Cycling 33
Fishing 37
Snow 38
Trekking 40
Bagpipers 46
Gastronomy 50
Shopping 54
Accommodation 57
Nightlife 58
A legacy yet to be discovered
The charming villages of Ordino and
la Massana, have a unique Romanesque legacy and medieval feel. As
you walk their streets and experience
their history first hand, you will feel
as if you have stepped back in time to
the Andorra of centuries past.
A land of traditions
Popular celebrations
The identity of Andorra was established long ago. It is one of the oldest countries of the continent,
formed in the 13th century with the signing of the first Pareatges. However, the six original
parishes, of which Ordino and la Massana stand out, date back to the 9th century.
Children also take part
Andorra is a paradox in being one of the smallest states in Europe, yet
having one of the greatest historical legacies. It was established as a
co-principality in the 13th century, after the signing of the first Pareatges (a feudal agreement of joint ownership of the territory between two
parties) between the Bishop of Urgell and the Count of Foix. However, it
dates back to six original parishes which already existed in the 9th century, to which the seventh, Escaldes-Engordany, was added in 1978.
The annual celebrations are one of the
principal attractions of the country
The legendary origin of the principality, on the other hand, dates back to
the 8th century, when the myth suggests that the emperor Charlemagne reached the Andorran valleys to free them from the oppression of
the Saracens. Afterwards, he granted the towns of the region autonomy
as thanks for their help in the fight against the invaders. Despite being
unable to verify the truth of these facts, a verse of the national anthem
alludes to the emperor when it mentions “my father”, in what could be
the birth of the Andorran nation.
The existence of the institution of the co-principality as a political organ,
with the Bishop de Urgell and the King of France (afterwards he would
become the president of the French Republic) acting as chiefs of state,
has been maintained until the present time. Andorra decided to leave
behind the feudal legacy of the Middle Ages and established itself as a
legal democratic state in 1993 after approval of the constitution.
In the Valls del Nord, traditional celebrations have a
special significance in the daily life of the residents. The
traditions of times past are kept alive, testament to the
citizens’ loyalty to their historic identity and roots.
There are no lack of street performances
The origins of Ordino
and La Massana
The Valls del Nord are formed
from the parishes of Ordino and
la Massana. They are the third
and fourth parishes in the official
order. The first historical references to both parishes are found in
the Act of Consecration of the Urgell Cathedral in the 9th century,
under the denominations of Hordinavi and Maciana respectively.
Over the centuries the main economic activity was farming, both
agricultural and cattle-based,
although from the 16th century
the iron forge industry began to
rise in prominence. Later on,
in the 18th and 19th centuries,
Andorra stood out more for mass
extraction of iron and creation of
ingots, leaving behind its tradition in the forge. There are still
historic centres such as the Rossell Forge, which lies between
Massana and Ordino, one of the
largest producers of iron ingots
in Andorra in the 19th century.
Culturally, the region represents
one of the key areas in the history of the Pyrenees. Antoni Fiter
i Rossell was born there, author
of Manual Digest, in 1748. In this
work he collated all the habits
and customs which were considered law for centuries. There
is also a book by another inhabitant of Ordino, Guillem d’ArenyPlandolit. This work, La Nova
Reforma (The New Reforms), details the reforms which provoked
significant changes in Andorran
Historically la Massana had a large choir, the members of which
had learned to read music from
an old book of Gregorian songs.
They performed during midnight
mass and were presided over by
the parish priests of Sispony, pal,
Anyós and La Massana.
In the 1950s the country
opened itself up to tourism,
establishing a new identity
by which the principality is
known today. The OrdinoArcalís ski resort was opened in 1983, and became
one of the reference points
for mountain tourism and a
landmark of the valleys. The
skiable region of Vallnord,
with the areas of Pal, Arinsal
and Arcalís, is now the economic centre of the area.
In this land of traditions,
both the annual town celebrations and the frequent
public holidays, together
create an image of an enjoyable and varied sociocultural environment that
belongs to citizens who remain true to their roots.
Parade of the Three Kings - 5th January
Escudella Sant Antoni - 17th January
Carnestoltes - February
Sant Joan - 24th June
Sant Pere - 28th June
Castanyada - 31st October
Festa de Sant Siscle i Santa Victòria 17th November
Sant Andreu d’Arinsal - 30th November
Annual Town Celebrations
Festa Major de Sispony, 24th June
Festa Major de Pal, last Saturday of June
Festa Major del Serrat, 29th June
Roser d’Ordino, first weekend of July
Festa Major d’Anyós, 10th July
Roser de la Massana, second Sunday of July
Festa Major d’Erts, third Sunday of July
Festa Major de Llorts, first weekend of August
Festa Major de l’Aldosa, second Sunday
of August
Festa Major de la Massana, L’Assumpció
15th August and Sant Roc 16th August
Festa Major de Sornàs, 16th August
Festa Major d’Arinsal, penultimate
weekend of August
Festa Major de la Cortinada i Arans,
first weekend of September
Festa Major d’Ordino, 16th of September
Festa Major d’Ansalonga, 29th of September
National Days
Constitution Day, 14th March
Nostra Senyora de Meritxell Day,
8th September
Romanesque Charm
Marededéu of Ordino
Sispony can be described as the balcony of the area, due to its unequalled vistas of the entire valley, with places of interest such as the
Rull House Museum, which retains the spirit of the past. The village of
Anyós, both beautiful and majestic, is situated at a height of more than
1300 metres. There are many options on offer if you want to enjoy
this uniquely beautiful country on foot. La Aldosa, a place of colourful
contrasts, allows you to enjoy direct contact with the diversity of landscapes that surround it, be it on foot or horseback.
The villages
In the la Massana region we find
the town that gives its name to the
area, the nerve centre that influences the entire district. With close
to five thousand inhabitants, it has
managed to unite modernity and
development, with respect for traditions and the history of the country.
Pal and Arinsal constitute 2 areas of the skiable parts of Vallnord,
with the summit of Comapedrosa
at 2942 metres the highest point of the principality. During the
winter months the flow of visitors
merge and it becomes one of the
main attractions of the country.
Furthermore, by night Arinsal offers a variety of activities. Pal is
a historic site which has completed a process of restoration and
renewal to restore its historic
value. In 1998 a special urban
regeneration plan was implemented with a view to revitalizing
the historical legacy of the town.
The plan took the form of a series of themed programs that were
designed to incentivise the res-
Ordino is the capital, the heart and soul of the parish that takes its
name. It has almost 2500 inhabitants, and its charm lies in its combination of growth and modernization with its agricultural past, conserving an important cultural legacy. It is a town which makes peace
its leitmotiv, but without abandoning all the comforts of a modern age.
Segudet and Ansalonga are two small towns close to Ordino. Between
the two, the population doesn’t even reach a hundred people, making
them true havens of tranquillity. The same can be said for Sornàs,
which also has that charming aroma of mountain villages, where time
stands still and captivates its visitors.
Sispony village
toration in an organised manner; each part was focussed on a precise
element (walls, roofs, carpentry etc.). This initiative is what has led it to
be one of the most charming villages in the Principality, and a compulsory place to visit if you want to understand true Pyrenean identity.
Erts, on the other side of Xixerella, is an endearing village, with a distinct personality. It is another example where the historic roots have
been respected without relinquishing modern life.
Sant Climent. Pal
La Cortinada is a town that has one of the most Romanesque legacies,
such as the church of Sant Martí de la Cortinada and its painted murals, the path of Camí Ral and other points of interest like the Nature
Centre. With 700 inhabitants, la Cortinada also offers many trekking
trails and spectacular views in the heart of the valley. Heading towards
the Ski resort you will find the villages of Arans and Llorts; the latter
prides itself on one of the most important elements of the region’s
heritage, the Llorts Mine. From Llorts you enter the valley of Angonella, which boasts spectacular mountain landscapes full of lakes. And
finally, el Serrat, with less than 50 residents, is the furthest town from
the capital of the parish. It can be found just before arriving at Arcalís
and the Tristaina lakes, a rural area formed from glacial movement,
with the mountain peak of the same name presiding over the valley at
2878 metres.
A series of small towns are
scattered throughout the valleys,
despite having embraced some
elements of modern life, they
have managed to maintain their
Romanesque legacy and the
spirit of the original settlers.
The charm and uniqueness of
these villages is unequalled,
perfectly uniting simplicity and
artistic richness, legacy of a
past that they proudly display.
Romanesque art in the Valleys
Sant Romà. Erts
Romanesque constructions, carried out in many cases on near inaccessible areas, have managed to distance themselves from the great injustices
modern times have forced on our cultural heritage in general. They have
managed to conserve the richness of some simple churches that at the
same time retain aspects of the true Romanesque style of the 11th century,
and they are proof of the respect that the villages have for the traditions
and the cultural legacy of their ancestors.
The Church of Sant Martí de la
Cortinada is one of the key Romanesque constructions of the country,
with its Romanesque Lombardian
architecture from the 12th century
(albeit with subsequent Baroque
extensions). It has managed to conserve furnishings from the 17th and
18th centuries and four baroque altarpieces from the same period.
The architecture
Sant Cristòfol. Anyós
Andorra’s Romanesque legacy is of great relevance due to its abundance,
with more than 50 outstanding monuments in an excellent state of conservation. Other constructions that bear Romanesque elements are the
bridges. There are two over the Valira del Nord River: The Sant Antoni de
la Grella Bridge in la Massana, and the Ordino Bridge. The two are constructed with just one arch and in the form of a donkey’s back. In 1980 the
Lloser Bridge in Ordino was moved to Llorts, where it can now be found.
The Paintings
Throughout the Principality there are up to eleven examples of Andorran
churches which have managed to conserve their painted murals, such as
Sant Martí de la Cortinada. Despite the plundering that Andorran Romanesque art was subject to when many were taken to museums, nowadays
many of these historic jewels can be seen in their original locations. The
Centre for Interpretation of Romanesque Andorra situated in Pal, was created to explain the evolution of this artistic style. The pure quantity of
information and resources means you can submerge yourself in these Romanesque secrets.
Les esglésies
In Pal, you can find The Churches of Sant Climent, built at the end of the 11th
century or beginning of the 12th. It is a very important example, since most
of its original Romanesque structure has been conserved, such as its slender
square bell tower with three floors. Inside you’ll find a restored image from
the 13th century of the Mare de Déu del Remei in polychrome on wood, a
baroque altarpiece from 1709 and a baptism font from the 12th century.
In Anyos you will find the church of
Sant Cristòfol; it is Romanesque in
origin, probably from the 12th century, although it was extended in the
16th century to include a square
bell tower. Within this church you’ll
find paintings from the 13th and
16th centuries.
Sant Corneli i Sant Cebrià. Ordino
Ordino is home to a church which has
Sant Corneli and Sant Cebrià as its
patrons, constructed between the
15th and 16th centuries, it boasts in
its interior the marededéu d’Ordino.
A carved wooden polychrome from
the 11th-12th century, at 44 centimetres it is thought to be one of the
smallest carved virgins known.
The Church of Sant Andreu del
Parat del Campanar is found in
Arinsal, a reconstruction of a simple Romanesque chapel originally
destroyed by two avalanches in the
13th and 17th centuries.
In the old quarter of La Massana you
will come across the Church of Sant
Iscle i Santa Victòria, it was built
on the ruins of a primitive church
from the year 1085, which has already been declared a site of cultural
interest. Inside, there is a baptism
font, probably of Romanesque origin, two wooden lipsanoteques
(cylindrical, oval or rectangular containers with lids of varying designs)
and a medieval candelabrum.
The church of Sant Romà in Erts,
contains a baroque altarpiece from
the 18th century, originally from the
old church, with paintings portraying
the martyrdom of San Roman. In
the village of Sispony you will find
the Church of Sant Joan which, despite being constructed in the 17th
Century is very possibly built on the
foundations of an old Romanesque
building, mentioned in documents
from the 13th century.
Finally, at the outskirts of the Parish
of Ordino there are some interesting
small buildings such as the church
of Sant Pere del Serrat, outside of
which is a small altarpiece from the
16th century dedicated to St. Peter.
The church of Sant Serni de Llorts, a
medieval church from the 17th century that boasts two bell towers, one
above the frontal façade with two
openings and the other above the
Main “triumphal” arch. Lastly, Sant
Miquel de Ansalonga is a rectangular
building from the 18th century with a
semi circular bell tower and a baroque
altarpiece dedicated to St. Michael.
Sant Martí de la Cortinada. Ordino
Come to your senses
Don’t be afraid to lose yourself in the
trails that cover the valleys. It is a
great opportunity to immerse yourself
in nature and to bring out the best in
yourself. It is now within your reach to
investigate the remnants of the iron
trade, or discover stunning natural
parks. Contemplate, listen, smell,
feel, taste… and breathe the air of
Source of Energy
The Iron Route takes you on a voyage back in time to the iron and steel industry of Andorra, the main economic
activity between the 17th and 19th centuries. The mines, the coal bunkers and the forges where the iron was
treated, are an integral part of the Andorran landscape. The souls of those miners who survived, are true to their
heritage and keep the spirit of the mines alive through the different elements that make up the Iron Route.
Throughout the parish various interesting sites have been renovated
for the benefit of the tourism industry, such as the mines themselves,
the coal bunkers and the forges. The restoration of these fascinating
places has led to the creation of a route that brings together all the
elements of the country’s iron and steel industry. The Iron Route highlights the mining history of the principality in order to revive symbols of
days of old such as Farga Rossell (The Rossell Forge), the museum of
Areny-Plandolit and The Llorts Mine.
The Llorts Mine
A family following the Iron Route
The Iron Route
Jordino Family. Rachid Khimoune
Through the Iron Route, the Valley of Ordino revives its mining past and
invites its visitors to discover all the elements linked to the processes of
mining, transforming and marketing iron from the beginning of the 17th
to the end of the 19th century. These processes were the principal
economic activities in the area for centuries.
Large Iron cart with spout.
Jordi Casamajor
Put yourself in the shoes of the miners and enter into The Llorts Mine,
an iron mine which delves 30 metres into the hills, following the path
of the Iron Men. There you will discover an open-air exhibition of contemporary sculptures, opened at the launch of the Iron Route. These
artworks were created by various international artists to pay homage
to all those men who worked in the iron and steel trade in the Ordino
Valley. In the Llorts Mine you can find remains of the prospection and
extraction of iron from the 19th century. Despite the fact that it wasn’t
a particularly important mine in the supply of the forge, it is now the
perfect place to understand and experience the conditions that the miners had to endure to extract the primary material over the centuries.
Not only have the sites and machinery involved in the antique iron and
steel trade been restored, but the Iron Route has made it possible to
actually reinstate them and put them back into operation, allowing the
visitors a real insight into the tasks involved in the manipulation and the
working of the iron carried out all those centuries ago.
Sawmill and Grain Mill
of Cal Pal
The Sawmill and the Mill of Cal Pal
in la Cortinada are perfect examples of the active past of the valley.
Dating back to the end of the 16th
and beginning of the 17th century,
they were brought to a standstill
during the 1960s in order to be restored, and re-launched on the 21st
of July 1996. During the visit to the
Sawmill, there is a demonstration of
the workshop and all the elements
that make up the hydraulic saw and
spool. In the mill, there is a demonstration of the transformation
of grain to flour. In order to restore
the saw to its original glory, all the
elements were created using traditional methods and the entire water
channel and the cart for the Sawmill
were rebuilt from scratch.
Santa Bàrbara d’Ordino
The church of Santa Bàrbara
d’Ordino was built after the 17th
century and restored in 1999.
Situated in an area connected
with the mining and metallurgy
industries, it is dedicated to
Santa Bàrbara, the patron saint
of mines and the forge workers.
The Rossell Forge, the departure point
Informative poster of the route
Don’t miss the train!
The old Rossell Forge can be found between the parishes of la Massana
and Ordino, at the foot of the Valira del Nord River. It is one of the most
important iron treatment works in the history of Andorra, and the last to
close, together with the Areny Forge, in 1876. Just 120 years later, in a
state of disrepair, a resurgence of national Andorran identity led to its
restoration and in 2002 it was converted into an interpretation centre;
the starting point for the Iron Route.
The Rossell Forge now illustrates the entire manufacturing process from
iron ore to ingots and how it was marketed, as well as the evolution of
the techniques involved. In the educational workshops there are videos
explaining the working of some elements of the forge, as well as the
possibility to see the furnace, the hydraulic air-pump and other typical
tools and machines actually working.
The Valls del Nord mini-train
The foliage and lushness of the Valls del Nord, creates a display of
exceptional natural richness from spring to autumn. Relax and reflect
on the historical legacy of the valleys and forests in comfort, taking in
every detail of a landscape now within everyone’s reach. The various
routes that the tourist train covers through la Massana and Ordino now
offer its passengers the opportunity to discover the hidden treasures
which the two parishes have concealed in their regions.
Ordino also features the Museum Casa de Areny-Plandolit, which exhibits the everyday lifestyle of a rich family of Andorran landowners who
were living off the iron trade in the 19th century. This family owned
the Areny Forge, as well as being cattle farmers, and became wealthy
via the extraction and processing of the mineral from their land. The
balcony of the main façade of the building is made entirely of iron, and
originates from their own forge where they wrought and imprinted it with
their coat of arms and the year of construction: 1849.
The route follows the royal path of Ordino to the village of la Cortinada,
and leads you to the church of Sant Martí, a perfect symbol of the
Valleys, as much for the richness of its Romanesque art and culture as
for its iron pieces. The bars of the main altar and the small chapels
along the edges of the church are perfect examples of the ability and
deftness of the Andorran forge and the ironwork it produced. The front
door includes other iron elements which demonstrate the capacity of
the forge to create consistent pieces of aesthetically pleasing ironwork.
After la Cortinada, the Iron Route takes you to Llorts, where you can
visit the mine itself.
The restoration of these mainstays of the Andorran iron and steel works,
as well as the study and the showcasing of trades that no longer exist,
shows the willingness of an entire country to renovate and maintain
the antique mine, and demonstrates the pride that they hold for this
One of the departure points is Ordino
2 The Llorts Mine
Path of the muleteers
Iron Men
Sant Martí
de la Cortinada 5
Each of the mini-train’s various routes presents a diverse combination
of sensations for the passengers, who can discover for themselves the
charm of these mountains that even today remain the guardians of
countless secrets.
There are two departure points for the train: one in Massana, in the
Avinguda del Ravall behind the cable car, and the other in Ordino, in
front of the National Auditorium of Andorra. All the routes start from
these points, and invite the passengers to submerge themselves in the
beauty and history of a country overflowing with charm.
La Cortinada
The Museum Casa
6 Areny-Plandolit
1 Forge Rossell
The mini-train is an ideal way to see the valleys
The tourist train offers a tour
of various historic routes
through the Valls del Nord; an
unmissable trip through iconic
areas of the country. Each one
of these routes represents a
part of the cultural and natural
richness of the principality.
History and nature are the
principal elements of the
expeditions and take you from
the Rull House (Casa Rull)
or the Rossell Forge (Farga
Rossell) to the highest peak
of Andorra, the Comapedrosa,
passing through the mainstays
of romanesque Andorra. Don’t
miss the train; board one of the
carriages that will take you on
an astonishing trip through time.
Routes of the Valls del Nord mini-train
Train Timetable
Comapedrosa, a nature reserve waiting to be discovered
At 2,942 metres the Comapedrosa is considered the rooftop of Andorra. This route through the nature reserve is accessible to all, taking
in this giant symbol of Andorra, and containing all the flora and fauna
typical of the Pyrenees. It finishes in the village of Arinsal, the perfect
place to relax on the sunny terraces and make use of the shops.
Daily - On the 10th the train is not
running (Tour de France)
Departures: Mondays and Sundays at 09.45 h from Ordino, and 10.00 h from la Massana
Pathway of the century-old trees
Nature and history meld together in the hundred-year-old red and black
pines at the neck of Ordino. The path leads to the centre of the village,
where you can admire prehistoric engravings.
Tuesday and Thursday morning Weekends morning and afternoon
From the 1st to 13th, Daily
Tuesday 8th: (Nostra Senyora de
Meritxell Day)
Morning: Comapedrosa
Afternoon: Tour de les Valls del
Departures: Monday at 16.00 h from la Massana, and 16.15 h from Ordino, and Wednesday at 10.00 h and at 10.15 h respectively
Weekend of the 19th and 20th: Normal Service
Over centuries, the iron and steel trade was key to the development of
the country. For this reason, places such as the Rossell Forge or the
Llorts Mine are a fundamental part of the history of Andorra. This route
covers the sites where workers extracted and worked the iron.
Weekend of the 26th and 27th Free
(World Tourism day)
*The organisation reserves the right to
change or cancel the trips in the case of
bad weather.
i: +376 835 693
+376 878 173
Areny-Plandolit House museum, Ordino
Departures: Friday at 16.00 h from la
tour of the Valls del Nord
The power of water
Voyage to the 19th century
A theatre based visit to Sispony
Make a stop at the church of
Sant Martí de la Cortinada,
which contains a pictorial
mural from the 12th century, and a visit to the mill and
sawmill of Cal Pal, with a demonstration of the workshop
and the hydraulic saw. In the
Nature Centre at la Cortinada you can enjoy a complete
presentation of the flora and
fauna of the Pyrenees.
Departures: Thursday at 16.00 h from
la Massana, and 16.15 h from Ordino.
Feudal Ordino
The charm of the old quarter of
Ordino has remained unchanged
over the years, but has managed to
combine certain modern elements
into the district. The route starts
from the Church of Sant Corneli i
Sant Cebrià, and then carries on
to the Museum of Areny-Plandolit
where there is an example of the
lifestyle of a typical wealthy family
from the 17th century; a little later
on it passes through the gardens
of Cal Rossell.
Departures: Wednesday and Friday at 15.45 h from Ordino and at
16.00 h from la Massana.
(Two Saturdays each month there
are theatre-based visits)
Departures: Tuesday, Friday and Saturday at 09.45 h from la Massana.
Departures: Tuesday at 15.45 h from Ordino and at 16.00 h from la Massana, and Thursday at 09.45 h and 10.00 h respectively.
Pal, a Romanesque jewel
The typical Andorran farm
houses, the church of Sant
Climent, and the cobbled
streets, combine to make
the village of Pal a must to
visit. On the return journey,
you’ll pass another shining
example of the principality,
the town of Erts. The route
is concluded with a visit to
the Andorran Romanesque
Interpretation Centre.
The Iron Route
A route that takes you to the charming village of Sispony, where you can
visit the Rull House, a perfect example of the lifestyle of a typical high
class Andorran family from the 19th century. In Anyós, the mini-train
makes a stop at the church of Sant Cristòfol and on the way back the
last stop is the Church of l’Aldosa.
Rull house. Sispony
Rull House, journey into the past
The difference between the present recreational and commercial
Andorra and the past agricultural and livestock Andorra does
not go unnoticed thanks to the efforts made in preserving
the historic legacy of the country. Rull House (Casa Rull),
situated in Sispony, was transformed into a museum to
exemplify the lifestyle of an Andorran farming family.
This is the perfect trip to experience the villages of the parishes of la Massana and Ordino
as a whole, and to absorb the
atmosphere of a land filled with
magic and charm. The mini-train
stops at various points so passengers can really appreciate the
best views of the landscape.
Departures: Sunday at 15.45 h from Ordino, and 16.00 h from la Massana.
Long live freedom
The Communal Natural Park of the Valleys of the Comapedrosa
The principal attractions of this natural park in la Massana are its impressive high mountain scenery
and the six glacial lakes that can be found within its 1,500 hectares. This region is home to the highest
point in the country. All the visitors come to gaze at the Principality’s highest summit, the Comapedrosa
(2,942m), which dominates the skyline and the valleys creating a truly exceptional panorama.
Forest rooster
Large variety of insects
The natural parks promote the coexistence of nature with the visitors
to Andorra who come to interact and experience its landscapes. The
concept of ecotourism has been an integral part of Andorran culture,
promoted initially due to its respect for the natural environment. The
principality has an immense natural and cultural legacy, a fact that makes it a dream location for nature lovers. The protected natural areas,
such as the Vall de Madriu-Perafita-Claridad, declared a world heritage
site by UNESCO, offer a huge variety of fauna and flora. In the Valls del
Nord you can enjoy magnificent views of the two reserves, the natural
park of Comapedrosa in the parish of la Massana, and the natural park
of the Vall de Sorteny, in Ordino.
There are similarities between the two reserves as they are both high
mountain areas with summits reaching almost 3,000 metres, however
they also have their own defining characteristics. The fact that they
are found within a few kilometres of one another means it is essential
to visit both reserves in order to fully enjoy the diverse landscapes of
the valleys.
The Valls del Nord is
home to two of Andorra’s
most majestic areas:
The Communal Natural
Park of the valleys of the
Comapedrosa in la Massana,
and the Valley of Sorteny,
in Ordino. Within a few
kilometres these two natural
wonders combine to create
an authentic treasure for
those who want to enjoy
nature and biological
diversity in its purest state.
The natural park has some unforgettable views
The fears regarding the conservation of the natural heritage
and the promotion of ecological tourism, have required the
promotion of the investigation
of this area; home to flora and
fauna typical to alpine and subalpine regions. The parks contain some cases of adaptation
to the difficult climates found
in high mountain areas. There
are some species that are virtu-
ally exclusive to these Pyrenean
mountains, and others that are
rare in Europe and even worldwide.
The extensive network of trails
and routes designed to cover
the entire park make trekking
and hiking attractive for those
visitors that are looking for direct
contact with nature. The park
offers daily guided tours which
allow visitors to really get know
the area. There is also an Interpretive Route, which explains all
the characteristics and special
features of the park.
Within the Park there are also 3
mountain refuge huts for trekkers. The refuges of les Fonts
and the Pla de l’Estany, are free
and open all year round. The
refuge of the Comapedrosa is
guarded from the beginning of
June to the end of September
and reservations can be made
by phone.
The best hiking and Nordic Walking routes
The livestock farming
traditions still survive
The Sorteny Valley Natural Park
The contrast of colours
changes with the season
This natural park situated in the parish of Ordino, contains in its area
of more than a thousand hectares a very important biological diversity
and contributes to the preservation and biodiversity of the Pyrenees. It
is of unique interest from a scientific, historical and educational point
of view, and has a strong aesthetic attraction thanks to the extraordinary beauty of its panoramic views and the contrasts of colours which
explode at certain times of the year.
The richness of the valley brings together a fascinating variety of fauna
and flora, with more than 700 species of flowers, some of which are
difficult to find in European mountain ranges. The primary attraction of
the park is that it offers organized activities to reveal to its visitors the
More information
You will be able to find more information on the Natural Parks
in the following websites: and;
as well as all the facilities for the visitors, open during the summer months.
In spring, everything fills with colour
Floral richness
impressive quantity of life that is
hidden in every nook and cranny
of the Sorteny Valley.
The guides take day trippers on
photographic safaris of varying
degrees of difficulty. From routes that are suitable for the whole
family, to the most challenging,
designed for those that want to
really lose themselves in the secrets of the park. There are four
routes to choose from: “Birds,
butterflies and damp areas”; “Alpine and subalpine fauna and flora and the Estanyó lake”; “Glacial
cirques (valleys) and ancient forests”; and “Alpine flora and fauna”. All the excursions include a
visit to the botanic garden, where
you can enjoy an impressive selection of alpine and subalpine
flora and fauna. There is also the
possibility of covering the interpretive trails explained through a
printed guide: Path of El Grau de
la Llosa, The Esquirol route and
the Marta route.
The remnants of the livestock farming trade of times past, such as
the milking huts, the cattle pens,
dry stone walls and other huts
built by the inhabitants of the
valley, are part of the history of
the park; an area that combines
respect for nature and its diver-
sity, with the cultural heritage of
its ancestors.
The two natural parks can be visited throughout the year. The winter season is ideal for snowshoe
excursions. However, it is when
the snow melts that it is the perfect
time to visit the parks and appreciate the symphony of contrasts that
these biologically diverse mountains and valleys can offer.
Livestock farming
and the harvest
Although it is a protected area,
the Sorteny Valley continues to be
a part of the pastoral area of the
parish of Ordino. Each year the
Consell de la Taba decides on - at
the request of the farmers of the
Ordino parish - the areas where
grazing is permitted and the dates they are allowed to use them.
In this way the livestock farming
contributes to maintaining the
diversity of the park. Another activity regulated by the Commune
of Ordino is the harvest of the vegetables, limited to edible fruits,
strawberries, blueberries or redcurrants and, for individual consumption, other edible species or
species with medicinal properties
such as arnica, cumin or the Kermes oak.
Diverse flora and fauna
Home to species in
danger of extinction
The natural park of Comapedrosa,
with its richness of untouched
natural spaces and diversity of animals, is a refuge to some species
in danger of extinction. The highly
endangered golden eagle survives
there, as well as other threatened
birds such as the common swallow
or the forest rooster. The care
and respect with which the park
is maintained is of vital importance to the animals that require
special protection. Even so, the
effort made isn’t always enough
and some animals such as the
feral cat may well have disappeared from the valleys forever.
The Romanesque Andorra historical Interpretation Centre
Iconographic Museum
of St. George and Christianity
The Romanesque Andorra Historical Interpretation Centre is found in a
place called Era i Ereta Torres de Pal. The museum displays all types of
examples of the artistic cultural expression of the era, from the different
parts of the church to the display of paintings and their process of production, without forgetting other examples of artistic styles.
La Cortinada Nature Centre
The articles displayed are respresentative of the typical romanesque architecture, such as the models of Santa Eulàlia d’Encamp and Sant Cerni de
Nagol; of painted murals (a fragment of the mural of Santa Coloma from
the 8th and 12th Centuries); of sculptures (a base and shaft of a stone
column from Canillo from the 13th Century); and of religious imagery, for
example the Virgin Mary reproduction and the Crist de Sant Martí de la
Cortinada from the 13th Century or the processional cross of Sant Jaume
of Engordany from the 13th and 14th century, among other pieces.
A private collection of orthodox
religious icons from Ukraine, Russia, Greece and Bulgaria, from the
17th, 18th and 19th centuries.
Information: T. +376 838 338.
Microminiature Museum Ordino
Iconographic museum
A permanent exhibition of the private collection of microminiatures
of Nicolai Siadristy.
Free entry. T. +376 839 555
Information: T. +376 838 338.
Rull House
Badge Museum -Ansalonga
The only establishment of its kind
in the world, the Badge Museum houses over 42,000 different
badges through which visitors can
remember the most important
events in history, visit most places
on the planet, take a trip down
memory lane with the children’s
badge section and envisage a vast
range of sports.
Information: T. +376 749 000.
Rossell Forge
La Cortinada Nature Centre
Sispony’s Rull House Museum
La Cortinada Nature Centre is a
facility dedicated to showing its
visitors the different landscapes
and habitats to be found in the
2104 metre difference between
the highest and lowest points of
the principality; from its highest
summit, the Comapedrosa (2942
metres) to the bridge of the river
Runer (838 metres). It is located
inside an old borda, owned by the
Rossell family, in the centre of la
Cortinada, in Ordino.
To be able to admire the life of a
wealthy Andorran family from centuries ago is a privilege. The conservation and restoration of the
Rull House allows us to step back
in time and see the importance
of Andorran country houses in a
mountain society. Rull House is a
piece of living history of a country
that has always found ways to pay
homage to its heritage.
The centre, which is worth visiting
purely for its architecture, was initiated by the Department of Natural Heritage of the Government of
Andorra, and contains a permanent
exhibition showing the country’s
different landscapes via interactive
audiovisual panels. It takes you
on a journey from the formation of
the Pyrenees 50 million years ago
to the Andorra of today, with the
five main mountain environments
represented, as well as the indigenous fauna and flora.
The industry created around the
iron trade was the main economic
activity for centuries in the valleys.
Andorra intensely employed the
forges, and today proudly exhibits
the Rossell Forge, which was one
of the last to close, and pays homage to a profession that was the
livelihood for many Andorran families of centuries past. Testament
to its past, the Rossell forge has
revived the ancient trades linked
to Iron, in order to be able to demonstrate it to its visitors.
Information: T. +376 849 849
Information: T. (+376) 836 919
Rossell Forge in Massana
Information: T. +376 835 857
In the footsteps of a poet
The Verdaguer route
It is said that some landscapes are inspiring. But there are others,
such as the Valls del Nord, that truly are, and deserve to be considered
a “source of inspiration” for some of the greatest works of poetic art.
The mountains of Ordino inspired the poet Mossèn Cinto Verdaguer
to write one of the most notable pieces of Catalan literature, Canigó.
The Catalan cleric scoured the Pyrenees in search of the essence of a
village, its folklore, customs and roots.
Verdaguer, one of the key authors of the Catalan renaissance, was capturing the aroma of areas of the mountains that had their own distinct
personality. He gorged himself on them, their history and their cultural
richness to create the verses that immortalised the poetic beauty of
the valleys.
The Verdaguer route endeavours to evoke the sensations that Verdaguer himself experienced, from the night of the 25th of august 1883,
when his guide left him at the door of Creussans. Entering further into
the darkness with every step that evening, crossing rivers and admiring
the beauty of the country situated in a “nook of the Pyrenees”, as he
described, Verdaguer arrived at the prairies of Castellar and spent the
night in a cabin. The following morning he took up the trail again and
passed by the Serrat, arriving at the Llorts church where he took mass
that Sunday.
Bordas which the poet passed
Plaque commemorating the Mossèn Cinto trail
The visitors that want to follow in the footsteps of the cleric can cover
the trail in their own vehicle or through other methods of transport. You
can travel up in the cable car and descend on foot, cover the royal trail
from Castellar to Ordino by bike, or even cover the whole route on foot
just as Mossèn Cinto did over a century ago. The trail allows you to
admire the beautiful villages of the Valls del Nord, appreciate nature in
its purest state and emulate the poet, that thanks to that trip was able
to understand and capture the roots and the identity of the villages.
The Creussans cable car
and La Coma restaurant and
terrace are open all summer.
History has revealed that to create one of the top
Catalan literary works, Canigó, the poet Jacinto
Verdaguer toured the Pyrenees and studied the
countryside, the folklore and its legends, arriving at
Andorra via Ordino. The route he completed in 1883,
full of magic and inspiration for the brilliant author,
has been recreated so that we can experience the
elements of the valleys that captivated Mossèn Cinto.
Boredom prohibited
There is an infinite list of things to
do throughout the year. The most
challenging activities, such as canyoning, climbing and bungee jumping
are combined with other activities
appropriate for the whole family,
such as trekking, mountain biking or
golf; amongst others. But in winter,
the snow is the main attraction. The
snowy silence will captivate you…
Push your emotions to the limit
If you are an adventurer in search of action, the Valls del Nord provides
you with an opportunity to enjoy nature, whilst at the same time
unleashing your adrenaline. You can find action climbing the Vias
Ferratas (assisted climbing routes) or canyoning in exquisite natural
Live the Adventure
Andorra is synonymous with nature in its purest form; it adapts
the idyllic landscape into a perfect environment to push your
emotions to their limits. For this
reason, the open air sports activities that you can take part in, in
the Valls del Nord are increasing
every year, becoming one of the
main points of attraction.
Vias Ferratas and vertical ascents
In the valleys you’ll find various Vias Ferratas, which are specially prepared supervised climbing routes with secure fastenings. There are prepared ascents for every level of ability, so that you can feel like a true
climber. The Via Ferrata of the Creu de Noral and the Segudet in Ordino,
and the Erts in la Massana (roc de la Coma), offer vertical ascents with
varying levels of difficulty.
In the forest of Segudet, in Ordino, in addition to climbing, there are
other open air sports to enjoy thanks to the specially prepared facilities;
such as a high altitude circuit with death slides, Tibetan bridges (bridges with only three lines, two that act as handrails and one for stepping
on), vines or spiders webs. The sensations that you experience looking
down from the trees in the middle of the forest, and the fact that you
are overcoming the challenges that they are presenting, help to create
an atmosphere of adventure and freedom.
In the roc de la Coma, in Erts, we find a complete facility with a Via
Ferrata of between 250 and 270 metres, with a combination of vertical
and horizontal sections. Furthermore, it has a climbing section with a
total of 14 ascents of medium and low difficulty. The summit is at 1650
metres (after an ascent of 190 metres) and it takes approximately an
hour and a half to reach it.
surroundings and experiencing new sensations never before encountered.
The Segudet forest offers challenging open air sporting options, such as
bungee-jumping, horse riding, or quad biking. These sports help you to
enjoy nature’s active side, without leaving behind all the creature comforts.
Put the laws
of gravity to the test
Apart from the other activities
available, such as guided trekking, mountain bike trails, orienteering and Nordic Walking; horse
riding must be highlighted, an
activity that combines adventure,
nature and animals. The equestrian centres of the valleys have
both horses and ponies available
to carry you through the pleasant
Another of the activities on
offer, in a remarkably impressive setting, is the canyoning descent, with water
chutes of crystal water, and
streams full of gleaming
rocks. The experience is
unforgettable, both for the
emotions brought about by
this descent as for the picturesque settings, in which
you’ll feel an integral part.
And if your intention is to
unleash all your adrenaline
at once, you can set your
emotions free and bungee jump from 25 metres
and finish swinging in wide
pendulous arcs amongst
beautiful scenery. A fitting
experience to remember
such a spectacular and unforgettable achievement.
The vias ferratas, a true challenge
Canyoning, guaranteed fun
Routes on quad bikes, mountain bikes and horseback
Another way to appreciate nature without leaving behind speed and adventure is the quad biking trips and circuits. Cross rivers, reach the highest peaks, discover the most isolated bordas. The quad bike excursions
allow you to live your dream by offering a huge array of possible routes.
On Two Wheels
When the snow melts in the Valls del Nord, everything runs on wheels. Thanks to the spectacular
Vallnord Bike Park, a facility that holds the Mountain Bike World Cup every year, biking enthusiasts
can emulate professionals and unleash their adrenaline on a wide range of circuits for every level.
Cycling in the Valls del Nord
Climbing, a bird’s eye view
Bungy jumping,unleash your adrenaline
The Valls del Nord from the air
Companies that offer excursions or activities
Oxigen 2 Andorra
Avd / Sant Antoni, 36
AD400 La Massana
T. +376 836 666
Bosc de Segudet
Travessia d’Ordino, 11
AD300 Ordino
T. +376 878 173
Experiencia en Muntanya
Edif. Casa Estragues - Baixos
AD300 Ordino
T. +376 847888
Quads - Hotel Bringué
Ctra. Gral. 3, s/n el Serrat
AD300 Ordino
T. +376 736 999
Centre Eqüestre el Serrat
Ctra. Gral. 3, El Serrat
AD300 Ordino
T. +376 386 430
Club Hípic l’Aldosa
Ctra. de l’Aldosa, s/n
AD400 La Massana
T . +376 837 329
M. +376 325 629 / 331 898
Ordino Tourism office
Travessia d’Ordino, 11
AD300 Ordino
T. +376 878 173
Tourism Office of
la Massana
Plaça de les Fontetes
AD400 La Massana
T. +376 835 693
Heliport Terra Guindaldes
Ctra. de la Massana a Ordino
AD400 La Massana
T. +376 837 929
Urb. Les Feixes, 18, 3r, 2a, Arinsal
AD400 La Massana
T. +376 838 515
Av. Través, 4
AD 400 La Massana
T. +376 878 000
Av. Sant Antoni, 26
AD400 La Massana
T. +376 738 800
When the white blanket of snow
covering the hillsides relinquishes
its control and allows the fields
of grass and earth to emerge,
the highest summits of Andorra
fill with riders anxious to practise
downhill mountain biking. This is
when the Vallnord Bike Park -the
largest bike park in Europe- comes alive.
Traditionally winter sports were
the only centre of attention for Andorra, but over the last few years
the country has begun to capitalise on tourist attractions over and
above the winter attractions and
develop a non-seasonal tourism
industry. Nowadays the attraction
of open-air sports in a mountain
environment complemented by
high-class lodgings with modern
sporting facilities complete the
year-round offering.
The largest bike park in the Pyrenees
The valleys, a paradise for mountain bikers
The mountain bike has become a symbol of the summer months thanks
to the organisation of various international competitions and the arrival
of numerous capable mountain bikers who make the most of their stay
in Andorra by cycling their way through the valleys. The largest bike
park in the Pyrenees hosts scores of competitions every year, such
as The World Mountain Biking Cup (in the disciplines; Four Cross and
Downhill); The Vallnord Mountain Festival; and the Vallnord Solo Bici
Bikers enjoying one of the trails
Everything for
the mountain biker
The events designed for professionals are a focus of attraction for the
numerous visitors drawn to the parks to enjoy these performances by
the best riders in the world. Furthermore, Vallnord Bike Park pays special attention to mountain biking fans by offering the Cédric Gracia Mountain Biking School, the best place to improve the technical and practical
ability of their favourite sport. Cèdric Gracia, one of the top ten riders
in the world, offers private classes for adults and children together with
his team of monitors.
The mountain biking enthusiast
has everything within his reach,
from lifts that carry you to and
from the highest areas of the
mountains so you can comfortably arrive at your departure points,
to a bike hire service similar in
nature to the ski hire shops of the
winter months. In this way, no-one
will miss out on experiencing the
freedom and surges of adrenaline
that the different circuits create
some with a descent of more than
a thousand metres.
Year after year, Vallnord improves the bike park. Lifts have been installed
to facilitate access to the highest points of the course and each year
new circuits are added for all levels of mountain biking, with special attention paid to green runs - such as the run La Serra o El Verdet - which,
in keeping with the family focus of Vallnord, have been designed for
beginners or younger riders.
Vallnord is also making efforts to connect the different routes. Now, for
example, the blue circuit of Corpalanca connects the area of Cubil to the
bottom of La Serra 2 chairlift.
Biking routes
So that cyclists can pass safely through the town, and to promote
the use of bicycles, la Massana is creating cycle lanes throughout
the town centre. Parking zones for bicycles in the commercial
areas and areas of interest are also being installed. Soon it
will also be possible to cycle to Ordino purely via cycle lanes.
The forest, en element of every route.
Vallnord Bike Park
Bikers can count on a complete
selection of additional services
that cover every eventuality, from
specialised shops where they can
find every imaginable item that
they may need for their preferred
sport, to a free bike cleaning service. Workshops are even available for enthusiasts to repair any
unforeseen mechanical problems
as well an accessory warehouse
that offer new and innovative products for sale.
The bike park pays particular attention to promoting mountain biking
to women and children. To this end,
they offer special packs tailored to
these bikers. There are beauty and
relaxation treatments available for
ladies in the wellness spa resort
in la Massana, and promotions for
under 14s who are starting out with
the sport to make sure that they
make the most of the park.
In the Vallnord Bike Park you can
practise any style of mountain
biking including cross country biking on circuits that abound with
ascents and descents - some of
which are very demanding. There
is an expert level bike trail designed by the Andorran champion
Xavi Casas as well as circuits for
beginners and novices. For downhill biking you can try out the circuits that are used annually for
the World Mountain Biking Cup.
For example, there is The Four
Cross -a circuit covered in jumps
designed by Phil Saxena; and the
Wood Park, which is full of slopes
and uneven surfaces and suitable
for beginners and experts alike. In
the centre of Arinsal you can find
a circuit perfect for BMX and Four
Summer is the season to spend
outside in the open air, enjoying
the mountains and increasing our
respect for nature through this fun
and healthy sport. Biking through
the Andorran valleys, whether at
full speed or a mere dawdle, will
not leave you disappointed.
The World Cup
In 2008, for the first time,
Andorra hosted one of the
events of the Mountain Bike
World Cup in the disciplines of
Cross Country, Four Cross and
Downhill. Due to the success of
that first experience, Vallnord
Bike Park will once again host
one of the key events of the
most important professional
mountain biking event in the
world. To keep up to date with
all the information on this
event please visit its web site:
Swing in the heart of the Pyrenees
Rich waters
Thanks to the renowned Pitch & Putt El Torrent in Xixerella, and the
Par 3 Vall d’Ordino Golf in la Cortinada, the Valls del Nord is one of the
most important golf destinations in Andorra and has been recognised
as a first-rate location for golf and Pitch and Putt in the Pyrenees.
Vall d’Ordino Golf
In the centre of la Cortinada, you
can find the Par 3 Vall d’Ordino
Golf course, a pleasant Pitch and
Putt suitable for all handicaps.
Its outstanding feature is its beauty; surrounded by mountains
and with an ideal climate for golf.
The course is open for more than
9 months, from the middle of
March until December (although
this may vary depending on when
the snow arrives).
It is the epitome of Pyrenean golf.
Positioned on the right-hand shore of the Valira River, it is notable
for its location in one of the most
beautiful areas of Andorra, the
Ordino Valley. The course is easy
to get to, only 15 minutes from
Andorra La Vella. It differentiates
itself by being the only course in
Andorra that has a golf school,
with more than 50 children learning golfing techniques under the
watchful eye of trained teachers.
The club has more than 150
The course consists of 9 holes
with double sets of tees (par 54).
It is a pleasant and well-defined
course, with some technical
shots that guarantee enjoyment.
As a river runs through the course leading into an artificial lake,
some shots require precision, but
the course is appropriate for all
handicap levels. The distances
from tee to green vary between
42 and 120 metres. The driving
range has 25 tees, 12 of which
are covered. The clubhouse offers a reception, a pro-shop,
equipment hire, a locker facility,
changing rooms, a bar with terrace and a barbecue.
Golf Par 3 Vall d’Ordino
The aquatic richness of the Valls del Nord, with its numerous lakes and rivers provide
an incredible range of opportunities for fishing enthusiasts. The Tristaina Lake and the
Valira del Norte River are the best areas to enjoy an activity that has been transformed
from a sport to a pleasure in Andorra thanks to the abundance of life in its waters.
El Torrent
Pitch & Putt El Torrent
Pitch & Putt El Torrent course,
just off the Pal highway is located
within the Xixerella Parc resort which offers various recreational
activities. The complex includes
an apartment hotel, a camping
ground, a swimming pool, a multisport pitch, a barbecue and
various other facilities such as a
restaurant bar and a borda (typical rural farm house) where you
can enjoy traditional Andorran
home-cooked food.
In Xixerella the golfing season
starts in April and comes to a
close towards the end of October (or later depending on the
snow). The course has 9 holes
with double sets of tees (par 54,
1229 metres) and is recognised
for being technically challenging,
with the river on one side, the Pal
highway on the other and numerous water obstacles and bunkers
placed throughout. It also offers
a driving range, a putting green
and equipment hire.
From spring to autumn, fishing
licenses can be bought in the
tourism offices of each parish
to allow fishing in the fertile Andorran lakes and rivers. The vast
numbers of fish that swim through
the waters of the Andorran rivers
convert these places into a paradise for fishing enthusiasts.
Golf Par 3 Vall d’Ordino
Ctra. Gral. 3, la Cortinada
AD300 Ordino
T. / F. +376 850 400
Pitch & Putt El Torrent
Ctra. de
Pal-Xixerella-la Massana
AD400 La Massana
T. +376 738 613
F. +376 839 113
The Brown trout (Salmo trutta
fario), the Rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) and the Brook
trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) are
the most common fish caught in
the valleys. The pure quantities of
fish will surprise fishing devotees
who venture to the highest lakes,
some of the most ideal locations
for fly-fishing. The Tristaina Lake
is one of the best fishing spots in
the Pyrenees. It is also possible
to cast your line in the picturesque village of Erts, in the Arinsal
Valley, or in Cortinada, where you
can also enjoy unforgettable views of the Ordino valley.
Every two years the highest lakes of the Valls del Nord are
repopulated with trout from the
hatchery of the Andorran government. It is the country’s way of
taking care of a sport that brings
man closer to nature, whilst respecting the environment, and,
in doing so, making the country
an unrivalled area for the thousands of followers of this sport.
The Andorran valleys attract new
sportsmen every year, due to the
impressive number of fish as well
as for the beauty of the scenery.
With this in mind, the daily catch
is limited to eight specimens per
fisherman per day. There are also
restrictions on the species of fish
which can be caught, and which
should be returned to the water.
Above all, a respect for nature is
Tristaina Lake
Creussans Lake
Estanyó Lake
Angonella Lake
Les Truites Lake
Negre Lake
Port Dret Lake
Montmantell Lake
Forcats Lake
Comapedrosa Peak
L’Estanyó Peak
La Serrera Peak
Font Blanca Peak
Tristaina Peak
Pla de l’Estany Peak
Cataperdis Peak
Casamanya Peak
2,942 m
2,915 m
2,912 m
2,904 m
2,876 m
2,859 m
2,806 m
2,740 m
Snow for the whole family
specially trained to teach the children how to familiarise themselves with the snowy environment.
Children from 4 to 12 years old
can enjoy the snowmobiles in
tracks created expressly for their
age range. Adults can also take
part on tracks designed for the
whole family, and cover the valleys
on a variety of excursions that last
from 20 minutes to an hour. The
snowshoe trips are another interesting option for family groups
and cover the impressive Pyrenean landscape on guided routes.
The snow in Andorra is the most iconic element of its winter landscape.
Year after year the country takes precautions to look after its natural
habitat. It has allowed itself to increase the offering of winter sports
and the skiable areas, but has maintained a respect for the environment. The facilities of the diverse areas of Vallnord are constantly growing and being renewed in order to be able to offer a top quality resort
to the families and friends that arrive each year to enjoy the snow, in
harmony with nature
Vallnord has been developing a collection of diverse activities to satisfy the
expectations of all types of visitors. The unparalleled growth of the recreational offerings of these mountains, which are perfectly suited for winter
sports, has required an equally large effort to respect the environment.
The true central focus for this ski resort is the family, as there are options for every age group. Both adults and children have an endless
number of recreational activities within their reach. The smallest members of the family are particularly well catered for. Vallnord has services
specifically for small children, such as the Snow Gardens for children
from 4-8 years, and the Baby Club for those between 1 and 4 years
old. The baby club is much more than just a nursery – its instructors are
All the information on
the Valls del Nord can
be found on 93.8 FM
Children have areas
exclusively for them
One of the most appealing specialties of Vallnord, is mushing,
an activity that unites nature
and animals. The whole family,
including its smallest members,
can participate in and enjoy the
dog-drawn sleigh trips. These
excursions take place in the Coll
de la Botella (The Bottleneck),
in the area of Pal, and give children the opportunity to learn how
to respect the animals and their
environment, as well as being one
of the most enjoyable and exciting
activities for their age group.
However, as expected, skiing and
snowboarding, are the main attractions of the slopes, but they
are by no means the only sports
on offer. As well as the Skibikes,
the Jump or the Sleds, Vallnord
has also incorporated new alternatives for the more daring athletes, or simply those who want to
learn more diverse snow sports.
There is heliskiing, which takes
the skiers by helicopter to the peaks of the Coma d’Arcalís or Coma
de Creussans, where they can feel
the adrenalin surge as they throw
themselves down the virgin snow
of its spectacular pistes. Thanks
to the Vallnord instructors there are various other winter sport
specialties that can be learnt including sports such as Telemark
skiing, a ski style where the heel
is not fixed to the ski and turns
are made by bending the knees
are taught.
The ski school offers various options, not only for beginners, but
also for intermediates and advanced skiers who want to improve
their technique. For example, you
can partake in Snow Plus, intensive ski classes where the instructor tutors the student six hours a
day, or classes of Speed Riding,
a sport that combines skiing and
parapenting. In brief, Vallnord offers an extensive array of exciting
possibilities for winter sports enthusiasts.
Ideal slopes for any sport
The skiable area of Vallnord - the first mountain
park of the Pyrenees - offers fun for the whole
family with an ethos of respect for nature.
You will be spellbound by the sublime vistas of the ski
resort where the forests and lakes offer idyllic panoramas
fit for a Christmas card. During the winter, Vallnord offers
unforgettable experiences with a variety of snow-based
activities appropriate for any level of ability and age.
Nomads of the mountains
Refuge Huts
Refuge hut of Besalí
Refuge hut of Rialp
Refuge hut of Sorteny
Map of campsites and refuge huts
Enjoying a rest in the fresh air
Tristaina Lake
Refuge Huts without guards
Guarded Refuge Huts
The comunal natural park of the Valleys of the Comapedrosa
One of the most beautiful trails available in the valleys is the trail of
the lakes of Tristaina. It is a highly recommended path due to the
diversity of fauna and flora that can be found, as well as for its accessibility and the fact that it is well signposted even though it is in the
high mountains. It starts in the Coma del Forat, at 2200 metres, and
in less than half an hour you can rise to 2280 metres where you can
enjoy views of the first lake. After about an hour and a half the route
brings you to the Més Amunt lake, and then to the highest point of
the circuit at 2500 metres, from where you can enjoy a spectacular
view of the Tristaina mountain range and its lakes. Only half an hour
after starting down, you reach the dams beneath the Arbella port.
The path follows down to the left of Lake Mig, to the initial departure
point. Al that’s left is to point out the restaurant bar in la Coma, the
ideal place to rest after two hours and forty minutes of trekking.
Borda Ansalonga
Refuge hut of les Fonts
Refuge hut of Pla de l’Estany
Natur Refugi Cortals de Sispony
Tristaina lakes route
A relatively easy route is the one
that connects la Massana with
l’Aldosa. It takes about forty minutes to cover the entire route,
starting with the cobbled path
of les Gravades, from where you
can admire the Anyós church
and the Honor mountain range.
In Aldosa you can gaze on the
Casamanya summit, and then
descend via the Molleres path.
In the village of Erts you can
follow the Jou-Roc de la Cauba
path. There, mountaineers pass
through a forest thick with red
pines until they arrive at the roc
de la Cauba, an authentic balcony overlooking the Massana
Refuge hut of l’Angonella
Refuge hut of Coma Obaga
Refuge hut of Comapedrosa
The comunal natural park of the Valleys of the Comapedrosa, the highest peak in Andorra, also offers various trails. Of these, the Estanys
Forcats route stands out due to the difficulty of the landscape it covers, where the terrain of the mountain is savage and unforgiving. In
the Trail of the llac de les Truites (Trout Lake) and the refuge hut of the
Comapedrosa you can wonder at the waterfall of the Comapedrosa
River, which flows in the spring, but is frozen in winter.
The natural beauty you pass through on the valley trekking routes is the main reason why you
cannot miss doing one of them
during your stay in the principality. Covering these historic paths on foot will give you first hand
experience of the important cultural heritage of the country,
with its Romanesque remains,
the legacy of the agriculture and
cattle farmers and the remnants
of the historic trades of the people of the valleys.
Trekking in Andorra is the perfect way to discover the country and its heritage
whilst enjoying beautiful natural settings. Challenge yourself to cover the
different routes through the valleys and mountains of a country that drinks
its charm from lakes and rivers in the purest natural environment.
Landscapes for every taste
The importance
of the refuge huts
Throughout the trails, with paths of varying levels of difficulty,
there are various refuge huts
such as the ones at Pla de l’Estany, las Fonts, Coma Obaga or
at Rialp where it is important to
take a small break or stay overnight if you are planning a trek
longer than a day. The refuge
hut at Comapedrosa is protected and offers various services.
You can spend the night, shower
and eat.
Andorra pays a great deal of
attention to the maintenance of
these facilities. This dedication
to the entire area means that
the sport of trekking and Nordic
Walking in Andorra is safe and
appealing to everyone.
The melody of seduction
If you have artistic leanings, in the
Valls del Nord you will not lack cultural entertainment. Music, theatre
and a large repertoire of a variety of
performances will be the ideal complement to your stay. Furthermore, in
summer, the street theatre will be the
ingredient that finally seduces you.
The art of the comic strip
La Massana Còmic fair is a classic in the cultural calendar of Andorra, with leading illustrators who fill
the event with art every year. La Massana decisively supports the world of the graphic illustrator and
comic creation, and year after year the Comic is a mandatory event to visit with events and exhibitions.
La Massana Còmic is more than just a fair, as all the locals are involved
in the event. During the fair, the windows of all the shops are adorned
with elements related to comic strips and graphic art. The restaurants
decorate their walls with comic strips and in the public places (library,
centre for tourism and culture of Les Fontetes, exhibition halls…) activities are organised. It is an authentic local celebration of the comic.
The Massana Comic is nothing like commercial fairs. It is purely a cultural event, where the visitors have the opportunity to meet the artists
close up. Although they may not exhibit their work, many artists flock
to the event each year, attracted by its unique atmosphere.
Each year at the end of April, la
Massana becomes the meeting
place for comic enthusiasts, and
the best international graphic
illustrators. The Massana Comic fair has become recognised
throughout the world of graphic
artists, and for two weeks every
year attracts the industry’s most
highly accredited illustrators.
Fusion of aromas and colours
As well as the Comic fair, the Valls del Nord is host to other cultural
events, such as the market-fair of plants and flowers, Andoflora. Held
in May, this event attracts professional horticulturalists and gardening
enthusiasts. The diverse floral activities animate the Fontetes and
Quart Squares in the town centre where Andoflora is held.
Important names in the world of
comics have been attracted to
the event, from the author Francisco Ibañez, creator of Mortadelo y Filemón, the Mexican director Guillermo del Toro, who gave
an exhibition of material from the
films, El Laberinto del Fauno and
Hell Boy, to the father of Judge
Dredd, Carlos Ezquerra.
Mountains on the big screen
In Andorra the mountain culture does not start and end with the Pyrenees, and to pay homage to the mountain ranges of the whole world,
every year a celebration of mountain cinema and voyages is held in
Ordino and la Massana. The event includes the showing of films dedicated to climbing the world’s highest peaks, as well as a symposium
where the directors and actors of these films explain their experiences
in fascinating and informative speeches.
In 2009 it attracted world renowned artists such as Philippe Luguy, Malik
Pasqual Ferry and Alessandro Barbucci. The monographic exhibition dedicated to Paul Naschy, actor and director of horror films deserves a special
mention in this, the 13th Comic festival.
Mountain Cinema
Theatre Season
Up curtain
The autumn theatre season
brings performance art closer
to the locals and visitors of
the valleys. From October to
December theatre performances
are presented in the Theatre of
Les Fontetes in la Massana by
the Escena Nacional d’Andorra (ENE). The performances
are varied, from dramatised
readings and theatre pieces, to
musical shows or short presentations, amongst other artistic
performances. Furthermore, the
centre for tourism and culture
of Les Fontetes in la Massana,
formed by the Theatre of Les
Fontetes, the tourism office and
the exhibition centre organizes
numerous children’s shows, film
showings and other presentations, conferences and press conferences throughout the year.
To the rhythm of the bagpipes
Bagpipers’ Festival
The event, which has become
one of the most eagerly awaited of the musical calendar in
the Valls del Nord, came about
thanks to the revival of a local
folktale. Legend has it that an
old buner (bagpiper) was attacked by wolves in the forest of the
Ordino port, while on his way to
play in the Canillo Village Fair.
The celebration of his encounter
forms the basis for this key cultural event. The last ten Trobada
de Buners (Bagpipers’ Festivals)
have established the parish of
Ordino as one of the key cultural
centres for bagpiping in southern
form. On the Saturday there is
also an event called The Taverna
Folk, where all of the groups stage
a collective performance to bring
the day’s activities to a close.
The following Sunday features one
of the most emblematic moments
of the contest: the traditional solemn mass of the eleven (misa
solemne de las once). The performance showcases renowned organist Xuan Carlos Vastro and the
bagpipers Xose Sancho and Félix
Jurado, and is rapidly becoming
one of the most eagerly awaited
events of the festival. The church
of Sant Corneli i Sant Cebria creates the perfect backdrop for this
event, which attracts more and
more spectators each year.
Each August, on the second weekend of the month, Ordino transforms
into a meeting point for bagpipe groups and artists. In an environment
that encourages interaction between the musicians and their public,
the Bagpipers congregate for the weekend in the streets of Ordino, and
an assortment of folk groups from numerous countries express their
soul through their bagpipes.
The festival includes various features which make it a unique musical
event. A musical procession around the historic city centre of Ordino opens the event on the Saturday morning. All the musical groups
taking part in the festival participate in this parade and demonstrate
their bagpiping abilities. Since the fair of 2008, an Andorran group
has joined the already impressive assembly of prestigious international
groups from the British Isles, Spain, France, Italy and Portugal.
During the Trobada de Buners, the bands are positioned in specific
areas of the town noted for their enchanting qualities, such as the gardens of the Areny-Plandolit house, the main square or the Prat de Call
Square. The musicians perform with no set or scenery on the lawns
only metres from the public and draw their energy from the enthusiasm
of the crowd. This closeness creates an intimate atmosphere for the
concerts and allows the audience to feel the vibe of the music.
The climax of the day comes in the evening at the Andorran Congress
Centre, where the headlining performers of the Trobada de Buners per-
Throughout the weekend the
performances never stop
The audience of the Trobada de
Buners is noted not only for its
good behaviour and appreciation of good music, but also for
its respectful attitude towards
the bands and the way in which
people spontaneously jump up
and dance to the Celtic rhythms.
Further enriching the musical repertoire of the performers is an
exhibition held each year that is
dedicated to one of the instruments of the bagpipe family.
Other Events
A musician with his spectacular bagpipes
The concerns of Andorran artists
led to the creation of a series of
meetings and festivals to enjoy the
art in its various forms. Every October since 1983, The International
Festival of Narciso Yepes takes place, in honour of the great musical
inventor of the 10-string guitar.
The Auditori Nacional d’Andorra in
Ordino is the location for this contest, which includes various world
renowned artists.
Between the months of October
and December the Cicle d’Òrgan de Tardor is organised in la
Massana; an opportunity to enjoy the performances of worldrecognised organists including
the resident organist from Notre
Dame in Paris, and other great
masters recognized worldwide.
They perform astonishing organ
compositions created centuries
ago, illustrating the highest form
of quality classical music.
Additionally, Ordino also hosts
- together with Encamp - el Dansand, a contemporary dance festival which has been held every
year since 2005 between the
months of May and June, and
which positions Andorra firmly on
the international dance circuit.
The Ordino Trobada de Buners (Bagpipers’ Festival) is
the most important international bagpipers’ festival in the
Pyrenees. On the second weekend in August the streets fill
with folk music and The Valls del Nord move to the music
of world-renowned bagpipers. The rapport between the
musicians and the audience generates a unique musical
atmosphere and helps to revive an important Andorran
musical tradition - one of the main objectives of this festival.
The valleys that never sleep
Gastronomy, shopping, sports, cultural performances… And, if you
prefer to relax after a hard day, the
wellness centres will help you to
unwind and regain your strength.
When night falls, the fun doesn’t
stop. The evening venues will not
leave you disappointed…
Pyrenean fusion
Knowledge of the edible foods found in Andorra, and the art of their culinary preparation has brought Andorran cuisine to a level of excellence. From traditional mountain fare which can be enjoyed in the local
borda, to dishes influenced by the French and the Catalans in the most contemporary restaurants. Andorran
cuisine is yet another attraction of the Valls del Nord, which is becoming increasingly recognised every year.
of beef. Other characteristic meat dishes are the civets of wild boar or
hare, partridge in vinegar, and combinations of vegetables such as green
sprouts and potatoes with pieces of bacon.
The art of Andorran cuisine has
always been governed by the use
of their indigenous produce. The
unique topography of the country
favours an abundance of mountain animals, and of the fruit and
vegetables cultivated in orchards
and vegetable gardens in the valleys. The skill in cooking these ingredients has converted Andorran
gastronomy into a perfect fusion
of traditional mountain cuisine
and culinary influences from the
surrounding countries, France to
the north and Catalonia to the
However, Andorran cuisine is not just about meat. You can find trout
prepared in various ways from the classic style, to the Andorran, cooked
with ham, in pork fat and flour, to trout a la molinera (Miller’s trout – with
butter and lemon), baked trout, trout with peas with sparkling wine or
wine, or even cooked with vegetables. There is also cod, which can be
served au gratin (with breadcrumbs and melted cheese) with mussels,
or roasted with peppers, hake, salmon and l’arengada, (pressed sardine,
marinaded in brine). A typical dish is the escudella (traditional meat
stew with sausage). The celebration of the Escudella o Escudella de
Sant Antoni must be highlighted (17th of January in la Massana) where
escudella is given out free.
A gift for the senses
You can enjoy delicacies in the classic Andorran borda or in the most
contemporary establishments. The borda is a typical rural farm building
immersed in nature where you can enjoy a warm rustic environment. The
traditional cuisine is based on mountain delicacies such as cargols a la
llauna (roasted snails) els guisats (stews), les rostes amb mel (grilled
meat with honey), pork steaks with a sweet and sour flavour thanks to
their preparation with honey and vinegar; ribs a la llosa (cooked on a
hot stone), fried in pork fat and seasoned with a little garlic; or the ribs
The kitchen, the exceptional
leading character
And to back up the investment of the Valls del Nord in the development
of Andorran and International cuisine, and to promote it outside the Pyrenees, they celebrate the Mostra Gastronòmica d’Andorra, in Ordino every
year. The third weekend of September, the kitchens of the principality
emerge into the streets. The richness of Andorran cuisine melds with
some of the most celebrated of the chefs of France, Catalonia and the
rest of Spain with the aim of opening up Andorran cooking to bring it
closer to the rest of the world.
Apart from the traditional desserts we find la coca masegada,
a delicious pastry made with
wheat flour, eggs, sugar and muscatel. The orellanes (sun-dried
peaches) are another Andorran
dessert: the dried peach skins
are boiled with wine and sugar
making them sweet and refined.
The classic Catalan dish; mel i
mató (honey and curd), and its
combination with dry fruits called
the Dessert of music, are other
important finales to a delicious
lunch or dinner.
Set menus and
Serra de l’Honor
T. +376 838 539
Cuisine, the starring role
Andorra has recognized the importance of its culinary heritage
and has launched a number of events related to the cuisine of
the valleys. Three new events have been launched in the last
year in la Massana linked to specific local dishes. From the
Workshop of Winter Cooking Lo Mandongo, where pork meat is
the main element, to the Gastronomic Workshop la Massana
Fogons, which features different Andorran foods. Furthermore,
every June the Gastronomic Workshop of the Vegetable takes
place, events that demonstrate Andorra’s intention to promote this
talent that until now the Valls de Nord has maintained hidden.
Mushroom paradise
Every September, the town of Arinsal in la Massana holds the
Market-Fair of the Mushroom. Mushrooms are the edible stars
of autumn. The event also attracts boletaires (mushroom hunters) from abroad thanks to the market where they sell high
quality mushrooms and their derivatives. Furthermore, the restaurants of the region take part and present various ways of
cooking the mushrooms.
Fancy dress meals
The Soup Carnival takes place in Ordino in the final stretch
of the fancy dress week. After enjoying the soup, with pork
scratching tart as dessert, the participants hold the fancy
dress competition where the food bows out in favour of the
Italian and fresh market food
C/ Josep Rossell, 1
T. +376 738 393
Bondia Cafè
Set menus and
signature cuisine
Plaça de les Fontetes, s/n
Av. St. Antoni, 1
T. +376 840 030
Borda l’Avern
Creative and sampling menu
Camí Ral, s/n
T. + 376 837 968
Borda Raubert
Traditional Andorran
food and specialized in
charcoal-broiled meat
Ctra. d’Arinsal Km 1.5
T. +376 835 420
Borda Xica
Home cooked food and
charcoal-broiled meat
C/ Cap del Carrer
T. +376 837 190
Cal Silvino
Specialty of the house,
charcoal-broiled meat
and cod. Tapas
Av. El Través, 21
T. +376 840 720
Daily set menu and
Av. del Través, 27
T. +376 837 463
El Cantàbric a taula
Specialty of the house,
shellfish and seafood
Av. Sant Antoni, 14
T. +376 836 052
El Racó dels Amics
Home cooked Mediterranean
food, and daily set menus
Av. St. Antoni, 42
T. + 376 836 628
El Ressopó
Mixed dishes,
sandwiches and tapas
Av. del Ravell, 5
T. +376 840 142
El Rusc
Fresh market produce and specialty in seafood and shellfish
Ctra. d’Arinsal Km 4, 35
T. +376 838 200
El Vesuvi
Pizzeria, pasta and
Mediterranean food
Av. Sant Antoni, 45
T. +376 838 194
Granja Veiga
Daily set menus, mixed
dishes and sandwiches
Av. del Través, 3
T. +376 837 222
Hostal Palanques
Home cooked food, french
cuisine and daily set menus
Av. Sant Antoni, 16
T. + 376 835 007
Hotel Rutllan
Regional and french dishes
fresh from the market
Av. del Ravell, 3
T. +376 835 000
La Borda de l’Avi
Charcoal-broiled meats
and fresh market produce
Ctra. d’Arinsal, s/n
T. +376 835 154
La Bona Taula
Daily set menus, mixed
dishes and sandwiches
Av. del Ravell, 28
T. +376 838 508
La Closeta
Daily set menus and sandwiches
Av. Sant Antoni, 29
Plaça del Comú
T. + 376 840 415
Mon Bohemi
Tex-mex food
Av. del Través, 21
T. + 376 388 748
Pla de l’Estany
Set menus, mixed dishes,
and sandwiches
C/ Major, s/n
T.+376 835 028
Podium Cafè Lounge
Set menus, and sandwiches
Av. del Ravell, 10
T. + 376 840 310
Porquets Sí
Daily set menu, mixed
dishes and sandwiches
Av. del Través, 4
T. +376 838 866
Prat del Colat
Home-cooked food
Av. del Ravell, 11
Parc Prat Gran del Colat
T. + 376 837 925
Daily set menus, mixed dishes,
sandwiches and tapas
Av. Sant Antoni, 33
T. +376 838 758
Versió Original V.O.
Creative cuisine with
daily set menus
C/ Josep Rossell, 12
T. +376 839 309
Casa No-No
Italian and french
cuisine with pizzas and
charcoal-broiled meats
Ctra. de la Creu Blanca, 4-6
T. + 376 839 111
El Álamo
Mexican and steakhouse food
C/ Costes de Giberga
T. + 376 840 172
Martín Fierro
Argentinian cuisine
C/ La Gravada de la Font
T. + 376 837 299
Abba Xalet Suites Hotel
Home-cooked fresh food,
with daily set menus
Terra Major de Sispony, s/n
T. + 376 737 300
Molí dels Fanals
Traditional mountain cuisine
Av. de les Comes
T. +376 835 380
Hotel La Burna
Home-cooked food (Evening
meal only)
Av. del Jovell, 20
T.+376 835 355
Borda Xixerella
Typical Andorran food
Ctra. de Pal
T. +376 838 525
Gourmet food
Ctra. d’Arinsal, s/n
Hotel Palomé
T. +376 738 500
Bambú Oriental
Creative Oriental and
International cuisine
Ctra. d’Arinsal, s/n
T. +376 737 393
Sandwiches, pizzas
and Sport set menu
Ctra. de Sant Cristòfol
Club AnyósPark
T. +376 737 573
El Molí de la Plaça
Typical Aragon and
mountain food
Ctra. d’Arinsal, s/n
T. + 376 835 068
Specialty in stewed
and Andorran food
La Fontanella, 1a casa
T. +376 835 377
La Torrada
Can Pere
Fresh cooked food specialised
in oriental cuisine
Ctra. de Sant Cristòfol, 10
T. +376 835 415
Can Toni
Traditional Andorran food
Ctra. de Sant Cristòfol, s/n
Ctra. de Sant Cristòfol
Hotel AnyósPark
T. +376 737 573
International cuisine
Ctra. de Sant Cristòfol
Club AnyósPark
T. +376 737 573
El Cau
L’Eulari de Pal
L’Hort de Casa
Specialised in tapas,
pizzas and meat
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal
T. +376 835 519
Traditional andorran food
and specialty, charcoalbroiled meat and meat
cooked on hot stones
Ctra. d’Arinsal, s/n
T. +376 840 820
International food
Ctra. de Pal
Càmping Xixerella
T. +376 837 452
El Bosc
Sandwiches, hamburgers
and mixed dishes
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, s/n
T. +376 837 781
Home made food specialising
in charcoal-broiled meat
and mountain rice
Plaça del Poble
T. +376 836 400
La Borda d’Erts
Snack Bar Esport
Fresh market food
and typical dishes
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal
Baixos de l’edifici Caprici
T. +376 839 981
Aparthotel Sant Andreu
English and Indian food.
Curry on Thursdays
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, s/n
T. +376 836 164
Thai food
Specialised in pasta and pizza
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal
T. +376 835 281
Sant Moritz
Set menu, traditional menu
and Mexican dishes
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, 15
T. (+ 376) 737 707
Argentinian and
italian food specialised in
charcoal-broiled meat
Borda Giraut
T. +376 838 069
Hotel Pobladó
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal
T. +376 836 386
French cuisine
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal
T. +376 835 122
Hotel Princesa Parc
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, s/n
T. +376 736 400
La Rosa
Black Bull
Mexican food. Evening
meals only
C/ del Serradell, 1
T. +376 836 398
Oriental food, roast
meat dishes, and meat
cooked on a stone
Ctra. l’Escladella, s/n
T. +376 838 566
Hotel Micolau
La Tasca
Rocky Lounge
Home-cooked food, set
menu and buffet
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal
T. +376 836 971
Traditional food
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, 53
T. + 376 837 419
Sandwiches and mixed dishes
Borda Pradet
T. +376 840 177
Specialised in fondue,
raclette, tapas and
charcoal-broiled meat
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal T. +376 839 599
Fast food
Estació d’Arinsal
Ctra. Comallemple, s/n
T. +376 737 878
Hotel Comapedrosa
Mixed dishes, set menus,
pizzas and dessert
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal
T. (+ 376) 838 670
Apartaments St. Romà
Refugi de la Fondue
Pizza, grill, charcoal-broiled
meat and tapas
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal
T. +376 836 131
English food, mixed dishes,
set menu and tapas
Ctra. Gral. d´Arinsal, 8
T. + 376 837 600
Xalet-Hotel Montané
Set menu, evening meal only
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal
T. +376 737 536
Armengol - Casa León
Traditional home-cooked food
C/ Major
T. +376 835 977
Home-cooked food
C/ Major, s/n
T. +376 835 343
Bar - Bitlles
Snack bar, sandwiches,
mixed dishes and tapas
Centre Esportiu d’Ordino
Travessia d’ Ordino, 11
T. +376 878 107
F. +376 839 225
Bar Restaurant La Clota
Portuguese food
Prat del Pomer, Baixos
T. +376 847 474
Mountain cuisine and
broiled meats, breakfasts
and sandwiches
Ctra. General, 3
T. +376 849 400 - 335 944
F. +376 849401
Various dishes
Ctra. Gral. d’ Ordino, Cruïlla
de l’ Aldosa
T. +376 835 080
F. +376 838 308
Granja Refugi De L’amistat
Breakfast, tapas, daily set
menu, salad, sandwiches and
ice-cream. In winter, cuscus
Ctra. Coll d’ Ordino
Edif. Rubi
Urb. La Cultia PB I
T +376 839 267
Pizzeria Coll d’Ordino
Pizzeria, mixed dishes,
meats and various dishes
Ctra. Coll d’Ordino
Edif. Prat Gran
T. +376 839 203
Snack - Bar Prat De Call
European food
Plaça de Prat de Call
T. + 376 847 567
Snack - Bar Quim
Home-made food
C/ Major, 10
T. +376 835 645
Traditional fresh Andorran cuisine, typical to the Pyrenees
C/ Major, s/n
T. +376 736 102
F. +376 736 101
Vertical Límit Café
Specialty in Argentinean
meat, traditional
French creperia
Casa Jep de Tor
T. +376 835 057
Bar - Restaurant
Prat de les Mines
Restaurant L’Era del Jaume
Traditional mountain food, set
menu Ruta del Hierro
C/ Major, s/n
T. +376 850 667
Restaurant La Neu
Fresh grastronomic food
Ctra. Gral. 3
T. +376 850 650
Restaurant Arans
Traditional food
Ctra. Gral. 3
T. +376 850 390
Restaurant La Font d’Arans
Traditional French food,
with duck specialties
Ctra. Gral. 3
T. +376 850 830
F. +376 850 880
Bar Golf Par 3
Bar with tapas
Ctra. Gral. 3
T. +376 850 400
F. +376 850 400
Restaurant Cal Tonet
Traditional food
Urb. Masanelles, Bloc E
T. +376 849 179
Restaurant Font Blanca
Typical mountain cuisine
with a wood oven, roasted
and home cooked meats
Ctra. Gral. 3
Edif. Font Blanca PB I
T. +376 850 068
Restaurant Cal Moixó
Plaça Major, s/n
T. +376 849 068
Les Fargues
Stewed meats
Ctra.Gral., s/n
T. +376 850 941
Els Planells (només hivern)
Brasserie and fast food
Camp de neu Ordino
T. +376 739 616
La Coma
charcoal-broiled and
fried meats, sandwiches
and mixed dishes
Camp de neu Ordino
T. +376 850 201
L’Hortell (només hivern)
Set menu and sandwiches
Camp de neu Ordino
T. +376 739 635
Let yourself be seduced
Revitalise your body and mind
Shopping becomes a game of seduction. The shops in the valleys aim to seduce the
holiday-makers with high quality products at competitive prices. But above all, they
stand out for their friendly customer service and accessibility. Throughout the year
they carry out various events designed to bring them closer to their potential clients
The Fairs
Specialist shops
The promotion of the commercial
activities of la Massana and Ordino is firmly focused on giving
their customers the best service
possible. The added value that
the visitor finds is the accessibility of everything and the friendly
customer service.
Each year there are fairs and
events designed to promote different articles. During the “Semana del Comerç” (Shopping
week) of la Massana, the visitors
can make the most of promotions, tastings, street performances and take part in raffles by
filling out forms in the stores. On
the catwalks, La Massana Moda
(Fashion of la Massana) presents
the latest fashions of clothing,
jewels and accessories.
The shoppers come in search of
the most important names and
brands of winter and mountain
sports that are difficult to find,
or expensive, in their countries.
There are various shops specialised in winter sports such as
trekking, climbing and mountain
biking. As well as other activities
such as fishing which has many
In addition to combining competitive prices with quality, the
shops make an effort to provide
all possible facilities to their clients,
such as parking lots close to the
Clothes shop
Freestyle, a way of life
The worldwide spread of
freestyle and freeride,
developed out of
snowboarding, mountain
biking, skateboarding
and above all skiing, has
created a completely new
style of life with a look all
of its own. Andorra has
some of the largest shops
dedicated exclusively to
freestyle and freeride in
the world. Everything the
enthusiast could need,
from the latest innovative
sportswear to every
accessory needed for these
creative and extreme sports.
The Valls del Nord are the
perfect destination for
the tourist that wants to
combine sport, shopping,
culture and comfort. A
complete range of modern
facilities allow the visitors
to enjoy countless sports,
as well as discovering
the pleasures of the
wellness culture, the ideal
way to recover from a
hectic day. Relaxing in
an outdoor Jacuzzi whilst
enjoying the impressive
natural views, is the
perfect way to revitalise
your body and mind.
Comfort and Relaxation
Ordino Sports Centre
The growth in the demand for resorts that offer an escape from hectic
lifestyles and a release of tension through sports activities, massages and
beauty treatments has created wellness tourism, a concept that has revolutionised tourism in the 21st century. The advantages that Andorra can
offer to this type of tourist are numerous, mainly thanks to its privileged
location, which makes it easier to relax both physically and mentally.
This centre offers the complete
package of sports equipment
and facilities in one location, as
well as other treatments to revitalise the body such as the thermal showers or Turkish baths. It
has a Jacuzzi, sauna, sun beds,
and a natural solarium.
Andorra has an ample offering of centres for relaxation and well-being, and
offers more facilities dedicated to wellness per square metre than the majority of European countries. The centres make the most of the magnificent
natural scenery to offer attractive packages with high quality facilities.
The Valls del Nord provide modern and innovative facilities, with different equipment in Ordino and la Massana. Apart from being able to
take part in a variety of sports in these centres, their privileged location
means that their clients have everything the area of Vallnord has to
offer on their doorstep, allowing them (depending on the season) to
take part in sports such as skiing or mountain biking. Furthermore,
there are many places to renew your energy in spas offering a complete
range of treatments where you can have a relaxing or therapeutic massage, and gyms with exclusive and high class equipment. Beauty also
has a place in the Valls del Nord and a wide range of facial and body
treatments are on offer, making your stay in the principality a pleasure
for all the senses.
Beauty treatments
It has a full range of facilities,
where you can access various
sports and relaxation services
without having to leave. It is
designed with the family unit in
mind with a covered swimming
pool, and another smaller one for
children. It also has a gymnasium, squash court and the Bitlles
bar with four bowling lanes, a
children’s playground and videogames.
Hotel Rutllan
Princesa & Diana Parc
The wellness centre of the Hotel Rutllan is perfectly designed
to afford its visitors maximum
comfort; it offers a thermoludic
pool, an ice fountain, heated
loungers and massage booths. It also has a thermal circuit
where you can receive relaxing
or therapeutic massages, ensuring that your stay at the spa is
the perfect way to revitalise your
body and mind. There is also a
gym with state of the art equipment.
A world of sports and relaxation
open up on entering this centre.
It offers a wide range of sports
activities such as padel (platform tennis), tennis and squash.
As far as wellness is concerned,
it has a complete spa with a
sauna, jacuzzi and Turkish bath.
The youngest members of the
family have the Kid’s Corner and
the Kid’s Park, two areas where
they will find it impossible to get
bored. In the summer there is
an open air zone, the Aqualounge, with an open air swimming
pool-jacuzzi, sun terrace, and
café-restaurant. In the evenings
you can have a drink in the chillout area, with unique views of
the valley.
This complex is a recreational
centre only 150 metres from the
Arinsal cable car. The wellness
and the beauty and body treatments are an indispensable part
of this hotel, which focuses on
leisure activities and après ski.
It has all the conveniences and
facilities of a spa, and offers its
guests every imaginable type of
massage, therapy, beauty treatment, rejuvenating facial treatments, and body treatments
with wine, chocolate and mud.
Within the AnyósPark you will find
the prestigious centre of CaritaParis, which has set the benchmark for the beauty treatment
trade. It offers a wide range of
services, including every manner
of aesthetic treatments such as
chocolate therapy, wine therapy
or caviar therapy. To the already
extensive list of services it provides, you also have to appreciate
the hair salon, as well as its large
selection of massages.
Centre Esportiu
Hotel Màgic la Massana ****
Abba Xalet Suites Hotel****
C/Nou Vial, s/n. Ordino
T. +376 878 110
Hotel Màgic Ski ****
Hotel La Burna **
The Mountain &
Wellness Resort
Ctra. d’Anyós s/n. Anyós
T. +376 737 873
Hotel Princesa Parc
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal. Arinsal
T. +376 736 500 / 736 400
Hotel Rutllan
Av. del Ravell. La Massana
T. +376 835 000
Av. El Través
T. +376 735 900
Av. del Ravell, 1
T. +376 734 900
Terra Major de Sispony, s/n
T. +376 737 300
Av. del Jovell
T. +376 835 355
Hotel Rutllan ****
Alberg Borda Jovell *
Av. del Ravell, 3
T. +376 835 000
Av. del Jovell, 18
T. +376 836 520
Apartaments Lauranna***
Av. del Ravell, 34
T. +376 738 292
Hotel Marco Polo ***
Av. St. Antoni
T. +376 738 363
Hotel Font **
Plaça del Quart, s/n
T. +376 838 444
Hostal Palanques *
Av. St. Antoni, 16
T. +376 835 007
Apartaments Giberga ***
Ctra. de l’Aldosa, s/n
T. +376 737 474
Hotel Palomé ****
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, s/n
T. +376 738 500
Hotel Sant Gothard ****
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, s/n
T. +376 836 005
Hotel Erts ***
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, s/n
T. +376 737 500
Hotel Palarine ***
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, s/n
T. +376 737 393
Hotel Del Bisset ***
Ctra. de Pal
(càmping Xixerella)
T. +376 738 613
Ctra. de la Creu Blanca
T. +376 837 555
Apartaments Xixerella***
Residencia l’Aldosa **
Plaça del poble, 6
T. +376 835 086
Aparthotel AnyósPark ****
Ctra. d’Anyós, s/n
T. +376 737 173
Hotel AnyósPark ****
Ctra. d’Anyós, s/n
T. +376 737 173
Hostal La Pastorella B+B**
Ctra. dels Cortals
T. +376 337 770
Apartaments Bonet**
Ctra. Gral., s/n
T. +376 738 250
Hotel Comapedrosa***
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, s/n
T. +376 737 950
Hotel Crest***
Estació d’Arinsal,
Ctra. Comallemple, s/n
T. +376 835 866
Hotel Husa Patagonia***
Estació d’Arinsal,
Ctra. Comallemple, s/n
T. +376 735 777
Hotel Diana *****
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, s/n
T. +376 736 500
Hotel Princesa Parc****
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, s/n
T. +376 736 400
Apartaments Caprici***
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, s/n
T. +376 838 717
Apartaments Sant Moritz***
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, 16
T. +376 737 878
Apartaments Sant Romà***
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, 53
T. +376 738 150
Apartaments Velvet***
Prat de Ruider
T. +376 737 077
Aparthotel Pobladó***
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, 8
T. +376 837 237
Aparthotel Sant Andreu***
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal
T. +376 836 164
Hotel Husa Xalet Besolí***
Ctra. de l’Escladella
T. +376 836 336
Hotel Husa Xalet Verdú***
Prat del Verdú
T. +376 737 140
Hotel Montané***
C/ La Graella, s/n
T. +376 737 535
Hotel Solana***
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, 29
T. +376 737 999
Hotel Arinsal**
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, 2
T. +376 738 020
Hotel Aymà**
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, 6
T. +376 837 335
Hotel Micolau*
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, 15
T. +376 835 022
Hotel Pobladó*
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, s/n
T. +376 835 122
Ctra. Gral. d’Arinsal, s/n
T. +376 737 800
Aparthotel Casavella ***
Hotel Cal Daina ***
Hotel Babot ***
Aparthotel Arans *
Ctra. Coll d’Ordino, s/n
T. +376 801 100
Ctra. Coll d’Ordino, Km2
T. +376 747 047
Ctra. Gral. 3, s/n
T. +376 850 988
Ctra. Gral. 3, s/n
T. +376 850 111
Hotel Coma *** ( Q )
Ctra. General, s/n
T. +376 736 100
Hotel F&G La Cabana ***
Ctra. Coll d’Ordino, s/n
T. +376 835 767
Hotel Ordino ***
Ctra. Gral. d’Ordino, 1
T. +376 747 847
Hotel Boston ****
Ctra. Gral. 3, s/n
T. +376 749020
Hotel Sucarà ***
Ctra. Gral. 3, s/n
T. +376 850 151
Hotel Prats ***
Ctra. Gral. 3, s/n
T. +376 735 400
Ctra. Coll d’Ordino, s/n
T. +376 737 635
Aparthotel Annapurna ***
Apartaments Cristiania **
Hotel Sant Miquel ***
Travessia d’Ordino
T. +376 738 090
Hotel Gaspà **
Ctra. Gral. d’Ordino
(cruïlla de l’Aldosa).
T. +376 835 080
Hotel El Serrat ****
Ctra. Gral. 3, s/n
T. +376 735 735
Ctra. Gral. 3, s/n
T. +376 749 000
Aparthotel Fijat ***
Ctra. Gral. 3, s/n
T. +376 850 850
Aparthotel La Neu ***
Ctra. Gral. 3, s/n
T. +376 749 749
Apartaments Turístics Vilaró *
Ctra. Gral. 3, s/n. Casa Vilaró
T. +376 850 225
Apartaments Turístics
Els Closos De Ramonguem **
Els Closos de Segudet
T. +376 632 693
Càmping Xixerella*
Ctra. de Pal, s/n
T. +376 738 613
Apartaments Turístics
La Neu *** ( Q )
Ctra. Gral. 3
Pont de les Salines
T. +376 749 749
Càmping Borda Ansalonga ** ( Q )
Ctra. Gral. 3, s/n
T. +376 850 374
Càmping Mitxeu **
Ctra. Gral. 3, s/n
T. +376 850 022
Turístics Rialb ****
Apartaments Turístics
Apartaments Turístics
Plaça de les Fontetes,
Edif. les Fontetes, s/n
La Massana
T. +376 737 017
Ctra. Gral. 3, s/n
T. +376 749 759
Hotel Bringué ***
Ctra. Gral. 3, s/n
T. +376 736 999
Hotel Tristaina **
Ctra. Gral. 3, s/n
T. +376 850 081
Mitxeu ***
Ctra. Gral. 3, s/n
T. +376 850 550
Prat de les Mines ***
Ctra. Gral. 3, s/n
T. +376 635 005
Vallnord Turisme
Guaranteed fun
The landscape of the Valls del Nord changes significantly from summer to winter. But when night falls, it
has the same energy year-round. It offers a variety of cultural activities, with a summer bursting with street
events and celebrations such as concerts and theatre productions which liven up the Andorran nights.
By Night
In the summer, the streets are
filled with performances
After an intense day full of trips, sports and relaxation in the wellness
centres, the holiday-makers can enter into the spirit of the nightlife
of Andorra. Throughout the year there is an abundance of musical
productions from the best international artists, theatre productions in
various cultural centres in any part of the country, as well as events
organized by the parishes during the annual local celebrations.
The majority of the venues
are open year-round
Furthermore, there are various open air concerts and theatre productions from spring to autumn, such as the series of “Theatre in the Street”
(Teatro en la Calle) and the “Open Evenings” (Noches Abiertas), where
a variety of theatre and musical productions take place in a charming
setting: The main square of Ordino. And unlike winter, when the majority
of the night time activities take place in musical venues and discos
close to the ski area such as Arinsal, the summer is the time to get out
into the open air. There are the Summer Nights of la Massana, which
start with the Noche del Circo (Night of the Circus) with acrobatic acts
to Noches de Verano en los Museos (Summer Nights in the Museums).
Events related to music or literature are organised and take place in
specific settings such as the Rull House, the Rossell forge or Romanesque Andorra.
Restaurant and chill-out area, with
unique views of the valley.
Andorra sets a benchmark for night time entertainment in the Pyrenees, and has advanced facilities
that attract an interesting combination of locals and holidaymakers of various nationalities,
creating a multi cultural society
with one clear objective: fun.
Art Café & Lounge Bar. Music, drinks,
books Internet and Graphic arts.
The most avante garde techno music, one of the trendiest atmospheres for seasoned clubbers.
Hotel Màgic La Massana. Irish pub.
Live music in winter.
Rutic Pub with pool, table games
and extreme sports videos. On the
weekends, the best music from the
80s and 90s.
Hotel Princesa Parc. Only open in
winter with live music.
Hotel Princesa Parc. Bar with Bowling
alley, Internet Corner, videogames,
table football and pool.
Musical Bar pub, Drinks. Come and
enjoy our terrace and the best Massana ambience.
Restaurant-borda chill-out
Night of the Circus, one of the spectacular
performances of the summer
A venue with a British feel which has
all the elements of the typical British
and Irish pubs.
Timeless music, from the classics to
recent hits.
Andorra Pulses
The energy of the Andorrans is evident every night thanks to the varied
recreational offering available. A huge array of pubs, venues and discos during the winter months add the climax to a day full of fun. The
meeting points for those looking for evening entertainment are spread
throughout la Massana, Ordino, Erts and above all, Arinsal.
There are various venues where
you can find live performances
and, above all, where they perform the most avant-garde techno music. All the locations have a
relaxed atmosphere, are customer
friendly and full of fun, music and
dancing, where the only objective
is for everyone to enjoy the night.
Theatre, music, dancing… and
above all to have a good time.
Café and wine bar by Cèdric Gracia.
Rustic Pub with pool.
Pub chill-out.
Hotel Solana. Disco-pub.
On the ground floor, a restaurant
with the best Argentinean meat in
Andorra, and on the first floor one
of the most important clubs in the
Only in Winter. House and ambient
Pub disco.
Recent music
IMPORTANT Telephone numbers
AMBULANCE +(376) 800 020
+(376) 800 020
+(376) 848 884
+(376) 747 025
+(376) 837 430
+(376) 878 100
+(376) 736 900
+(376) 820 257
+(376) 820 408
+(376) 825 225
+(376) 841 090
+(376) 855 120
110, 116, 118
+(376) 871 000
+(376) 878 173
+(376) 835 693
+(376) 820 214
+(376) 872 000
+(376) 848 851
+(376) 848 852
+(376) 848 853
+(376) 828 000
+(376) 863 000
+(376) 739 600
+(376) 737 020
+(376) 878 000
+(376) 737 017