Valid 10 Days 2015 COGNISTAT FIVE Press to Start ? Reset Form Hold down left mouse key on any "?" for contextual help Yrs 0 Jan 1, 2013 Enter First Name Family Name Name: _______________________________ Gender: _______ Date of birth: ____________ Educ: ______ mmm dd, yyyy 2 Yrs City: __________________________________ Age: ______ MEMORY REGISTRATION ? Select Word Group A ✔ B English Native Language: _____________________ Give the four words (from group A, B or C) until the patient is able to repeat all four words on two successive trials. or C Robin Carrot Piano Green ORIENTATION ? Correct Incorrect 1. What is your full name? 0 2. What is your present age? 0 ? 3. Where are you right now? 0 ? 4. What city are we in? 0 5. What is the year? 0 6. What month is it? 0 ? 7. What day of the week is it? 0 ? 8. What is the date? 0 ? 9. What time is it? 0 CONSTRUCTIONS Tile Designs 0 Present the tiles and click the boxes to start and stop the timers. Click Y or N for correct. Scores are automatically calculated. Place tiles in front of patient as shown here: Start Stop Time (secs) Y N 1. Design 0 2. Design 0 3. Design 0 0 Total Score _________ First Name Cognistat Inc. © 2015 This form no longer valid after Jan 31, 2016 Page 1 of 2 ? MEMORY RECALL Words :RUGs can be Drecalled without promptingEUHFDOOHG with Dcategory SURPSWRUFrecognized from a list. Category Word Correct Recognition Incorrect Recognition Category Correct Correct Robin Bird Sparrow, Robin, Bluejay 0 Carrot Vegetable Carrot, Potato, Onion 0 Piano Musical Instrument Violin, Guitar, Piano 0 Green Color Red, Green, Yellow 0 Finish 0 Total Score _________ Memory Registration: Orientation: Average Range 12 Mild Impairment 11 10 9 8 Moderate Impairment 7 6 Severe Impairment 5 4 3 2 1 Constructions: Average Range 6 Mild Impairment 5 4 Moderate Impairment 3 Severe Impairment 2 1 0 Memory: 12 11 Moderate Impairment Mild Impairment Average Range 10 9 8 7 6 Severe Impairment 5 4 3 2 1 ? MCI Index: The MCI Index is designed to provide guidance regarding diagnostic questions of mild cognitive impairment or dementia. It is not intended for use in cases with isolated and more specific cognitive deficits such as amnestic or aphasic disorders. Normal 0 Possible MCI Suggests MCI 1 Strongly Suggests MCI Possible Dementia 3 4 2 E-Mail Print Report Suggests Dementia 5 6 Save File † THE VALIDITY OF THIS EXAMINATION DEPENDS ON ADMINISTRATION IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2013 COGNISTAT MANUAL. Note: Normal scores cannot be taken as evidence that brain pathology does not exist. Similarly, scores falling in the mild, moderate or severe range of impairment do not necessarily reflect brain dysfunction (see section of the Cognistat Manual entitled “Cautions in Interpretation”). ©Copyright 1983, 1988, 1995, 2001, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014 and 2015. No portion of this test may be copied, duplicated or otherwise reproduced without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. Cognistat Inc., Headquarters: 4480 Côte de Liesse, Suite #355, Montreal, QC, H4N 2R1 Canada Phone: +1-(514)-337-7337 ● Fax: +1-(514)-336-6537 ● Web: www.cognistat.com California office: PO Box 460, Fairfax, CA 94978 ● Phone:+1-800-922-5840 Cognistat Inc. © 2015 First Name Rev 8.92D Page 2 of 2
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