August 2nd, 2015 - St. Paul Catholic Church
August 2nd, 2015 - St. Paul Catholic Church
The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 1st - August 2nd, 2015 Welcome to our 3rd Annual Parish Festival! Weekly Liturgies Mass Schedule Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. Aug. 1st, Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Aug. 2nd, Sunday: 10:00 a.m. Aug. 8th, Saturday: 4:30 p.m. Aug. 9th, Sunday: 9:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Communion Services Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. Thursday: 8:00 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration No Adoration this Sunday Sacrament of Reconciliation Aug. 7th: 3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Aug. 8th: 4:45 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Contact Information St. Paul Catholic Church 622 South Beach Street Plainfield, WI 54966-9637 E-mail: Parish Office: 715.335.4314 Fax: 715.335.6016 Website: “Like us” on Facebook Clergy Parish Coordinator: Deacon Jim Trzinski cell phone: 920.240.1968 Tues. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., and before and after Masses on weekends Administrator: Rev. David Greskowiak Office: 920.787.3848 For medical emergency requiring the Sacrament of Anointing: 920.765.3382 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Office Administrative Assistant: Marsha Hadden-Phillips Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Parish Trustees: Treasurer Trustee: Karen Giese - 920.765.0224 Secretary Trustee: Kate Drmolka - 715.366.4743 Our Mission Statement: To care for each other as Jesus has taught us and to extend that care to others beyond our community. St. Paul Parish is affiliated with the Diocese of Green Bay. Finance Council Chair: Bob Ebben 715.421.9696 Pastoral Council Chair: Cathy Kaminski 715.249.5263 Director of Religious Ed: Carla Murray 715.335.6038 Music Coordinators: Kristin Pfluger and Nicole Marek RCIA Leaders: Linda Golla 715.335.4543 Alice Phillips 715.340.0079 Care Minister Coordinator: Linda Golla 715.335.4543 Cemetery Coordinator: Larry Zalewski 715.335.6725 Funeral Luncheon Coord: Betty Burns 715.366.2821 From the Deacon’s Desk Festival Weekend is Here! I would like to welcome all our parishioners and guests to our 3rd Annual St. Paul Parish Festival. I can still remember when Larry Zalewski walked into my office three years ago and asked me if we could have a parish festival. I told Larry that I would love to start a parish festival at St. Paul and that I would love to see him organize the first one. The rest, as they say, is history. It is now our third year already and it continues to grow and gain support from our parishioners and community members. I believe an event such as this truly strengthens the parish family. It is through the wonderful efforts of working together that we help make St. Paul Parish an even better place to worship God and provide opportunities for all to strengthen our relationship with Christ. In this weekend’s Gospel, Jesus says “Do not work for food that perishes, but that brings eternal life.” We know that Jesus did not speak specifically of the objective food that we eat, but of the Eucharistic, the very gift of Jesus himself that brings us together as we celebrate Mass each week. Our yearly festival brings us together as well, especially as we make the Mass the focal point of our celebrations. Each year, I meet even more people who come to our festival to reacquaint themselves with family and friends. I recently read a study that shared a couple of interesting points about spending time together. 1) People who spend time with other people tend to be happier, but equally important is with whom who they spend time. The greatest happiness levels include spending time with friends, family, and significant others. 2) What you do with your time is crucial in determining happiness. Socializing is one of the best activities for increasing happiness levels. At our Parish Festival this year spend some quality time with your family and friends and especially take some time at the Mass in prayer with Jesus himself. The relationships that we nurture in this life, especially with Jesus Christ himself, will help to prepare us for the gift of eternal life, the gift Christ promises to all of us who love him and receive him always in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. God’s Blessings, Deacon Jim On Our Way to Rome Next September I recently promised my wife Leigh Ann that after 18 years of marriage, I would take her on a vacation that did not involve hunting or fishing. In September of 2016, I will live up to that promise. We are planning to lead a group from our area, along with Footprints of God DVD series host Stephen Ray, to Rome for the canonization of Blessed Mother Theresa. Leigh Ann and I have long been inspired by the writings and books of Mother Theresa and the way she lived out her life. It will truly be an honor to be in Rome for her canonization and it will be an honor to have Stephen Ray as our tour guide for the trip. The Vatican has not yet released the specific dates for the canonization as of yet. If you would be interested in joining us on the pilgrimage to Rome and the canonization of Mother Theresa, please contact Deacon Jim at the parish office. Kid’s Question of the Week This weekend’s question: In today’s Gospel, what is the name of the food that God sent to the Israelites when they were in the desert? Last Week’s Question and Answer: In the Gospel, what did the small boy have that Jesus took, blessed it and was able to feed all the people? 5 loaves and 2 fish Stop by and see Deacon Jim after Mass and give him the answer to receive a small treat. Saturday, August 1st: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Parish Festival! *4:00 p.m.: Mass with Rev. Paul Lippert: For the Members of St. Paul Parish and For James Donald Scheuerell by James & Kay Scheuerell Sunday, August 2nd: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Parish Festival! *10:00 a.m.: Mass with Rev. David Greskowiak: For Jeanne Bushman by Karla Sherman *No 6:00 p.m. Mass this Sunday Monday, Aug. 3rd No Prayer Service 7:00 p.m.: Knights of Columbus meeting Tuesday, Aug. 4th 8:00 a.m.: Mass with Rev. Paul Lippert: For the Members of St. Paul Parish Wednesday, Aug. 5th 8:00 a.m.: Communion Service Thursday, Aug. 6th 8:00 a.m.: Communion Service Friday, Aug. 7th No Prayer Service 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.: First Friday Adoration Liturgical Ministries for August 8th - August 9th, 2015 Altar Servers Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Lily Klisiewicz & Kaylae Allison Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Eric & Alyssa Buechner Sunday 6:00 p.m.: Sophie & Lena Reid Proclaimers Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Kristine Gaele Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Diane Wolski Sunday 6:00 p.m.: Bobby Jo Ebben Sacristans Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Joe Meshak Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Alex Aschenbrenner Sunday 6:00 p.m.: Jerry Stapleford Eucharistic Ministers Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Terry Olivas & James Scheuerell Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Dick Butzen & Ken Reilley Sunday 6:00 p.m. Jerry & Donna Stapleford Ushers Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Joe & Germaine Meshak Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Frank & Marlene Soborowicz Sunday 6:00 p.m.: Volunteers Saturday, Aug. 8th: Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.: Sacrament of Reconciliation 4:30 p.m.: Mass with Rev. William Hower: For Thomas Wolski by Gary & Marsha Phillips Sunday, Aug. 9th: Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 a.m.: Mass with Rev. William Hower: For Denise Reilley by Bob & Joyce Dunn 4:45 p.m.: Eucharistic Adoration/Reconciliation 6:00 p.m.: Mass with Rev. David Greskowiak: For the Members of St. Paul Parish St. Paul Parish Festival This Weekend! Bingo, Brats, Beverages! Food, Family, Fun! Raffles & Prizes Galore! Public Welcome! Special guest appearance this Sunday: RFD TV Polka Show Host Mollie B! Dates to Remember Aug. 1st - 2nd: 3rd Annual Parish Festival Aug. 3rd: Knights of Columbus Meeting at 7:00 p.m. Aug. 14th: Vigil Mass for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary at 5:00 p.m. Aug. 22nd-23rd: Missionary from Ghana at St. Paul We have available opportunities to offer Mass intentions for our Tuesday morning Masses with Fr. Paul Lippert, for weekend Masses, and for our 6:00 p.m. Masses with Fr. David Greskowiak. If anyone would like to offer an intention, please contact our Parish Office. The Mass intention stipend is $10. Seminarian Collection 2015 Hope for the Future, Help them Today: This year marks the tenth anniversary of our annual seminarian collection. Last week or this coming week, you will have received a letter from Bishop Ricken requesting you help in supporting our local seminarians. Please return the collection envelope through the mail along with your generous contribution. A gift of $25, $100, $250, $500 or more will help our local seminarians do what they need to do in order to prepare for ministry at the altar. Every offering makes a difference. Our seminarians are our Hope for the Future. Let us Help them Today! As a Diocese, we anticipate costs of more that $900,000 this year for tuition, room and board, health insurance, support of the Office of Vacations and the work of Fr. Daniel Schuster and Fr. Quinn Mann. The past ten years have made a real difference, and the future looks faith-filled and bright as well. To make your gift today, visit Respect Life News Planned Parenthood Caught in FOURTH VIDEO Showing the Horrific Practices of Selling Aborted Baby Organs Another new Planned Parenthood expose video has been released, making this the fourth revealing hidden camera video in total. The Center for Medical Progress claims to have hours upon hours of footage exposing Planned Parenthood of selling aborted baby organs. The videos released earlier this week, revealed the actual "tissue dissecting" process. The latest video again features Dr. Savita Ginde, Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains' Vice President and Medical Director . Ginde's affiliate of Planned Parenthood performs over 10,000 abortions a year and has a contract with the Colorado State University to supply fetal body parts. Ginde, once again, discusses with "potential tissue buyers" all the logistics that go into procuring the baby parts and the pricing she wants. "I know I've seen livers, I've seen stomachs, I've seen plenty of neural tissue. Usually you can see the whole brain come out," Ginde explains. "But you want mostly over 14s?" she asks the buyer, referring to babies at 14 weeks. "Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we get to see them for a procedure, then we are intact." This means she just admitted to using potentially born-alive infants for her tissue selling. According to the Center for Medical Progress, "Since PPRM [Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains] does not use digoxin or other feticide in its 2nd trimester procedures, any intact deliveries before an abortion are potentially born-alive infants under federal law (1 USC 8)." When asked about the legal issues of selling the aborted baby organs, Ginde refers back to Dr. Deborah Nucatola from the first released Planned Parenthood expose. "Putting it under 'research' gives us a little bit of an overhang over the whole thing," Ginde openly states in the video. "If you have someone in a really anti state who's going to be doing this for you, they're probably going to get caught." "He's got it figured out that he knows that even if, because we talked to him in the beginning, you know, we were like, 'We don't want to get called on,' you know, 'selling fetal parts across states,'" Ginde continues referring to Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains' lawyer, Kevin Paul. "And you feel confident that they're building those layers?" asked the "buyer." "I'm confident that our Legal will make sure we're not put in that situation," replied Ginde. Different from the other videos, this new one features more footage from inside the lab. However, this time it is more intense. According to, viewers may hear a cracking sound of an aborted fetus' skull, and Ginde stating, "It's a baby," while pointing out the different organs and going over per-item pricing. As Planned Parenthood pulls out little baby eyeballs, kidneys, the stomach and the heart, it is identified in the end with the statement, "Another boy!" —Catholic Online ( Welcome to our 3rd Annual St. Paul Parish Festival! We hope everyone has a great time with our Parish Family and with your family and friends. Listed below are several of the events that we have going during the festival. Basket Raffle Ticket sales for the numerous baskets we received will continue this weekend. The cost of the tickets are: 1 for $1 6 for $5 14 for $10 30 for $20 Each person who purchases Basket Raffle tickets will be assigned a number and we ask that you write your number on the back of each ticket before you place them in the corresponding bucket. Large Raffle Items We have a gas/charcoal grill, a set of mountain bikes, a kayak, and a lodging certificate to the Bay Shore Inn in Door County! The tickets for these items are $5 each with a limited amount of 200 tickets for each of the four items. Main Raffle Tickets will continue to be on sale during the festival. They are $1 each or 6 for $5. 1st place: $1000 2nd place: $500 3rd & 4th places: $250 cash each 5th - 10th places: $100 each Chicken Dinner This year we are having a Charcoal Chicken Dinner which includes 1/2 a chicken, butteredparslied red potatoes, green beans, coleslaw, a bun, dessert and a beverage. The price for each meal is $9.00. If you haven’t purchased your dinner tickets, please stop at the Chicken Dinner Table. Pre-sold tickets will not insure you a priority place in line for the dinner. Special thanks to Dennis Sikorski from Bancroft for volunteering his time, expertise, and grilling equipment this year! This year the Parish Festival Committee voted to invest a large amount of the proceeds of the past parish festivals into the construction of a new storage building for use for all of our parish organizations. Thank you for being with us and we pray that God will bless us with good friends, good fun, and good weather! Parish Festival Platinum Level Our Newest Gold Level Sponsor Wild Rose Hospital Oasis Irrigation, LLC 601 Grove Ave., PO Box 243, Wild Rose, WI (920) 622-3257 Jerry and Kathy Jo Knutson, owners Waushara Family Physicians Zimmatic Pivots Growsmart Controls OCMIS/MicroRain Water Reels 701 Grove Ave, Wild Rose (920)622-5560 N6493 Valley Circle Dr, Plainfield (715)335-6506 W7713 Johnson Ct, Wautoma (920)787-0840 141 Front St, Coloma (715)228-2300 N6775 5th Ave. Plainfield, WI 715-335-8300 Proud Sponsors of the 5K Fun/Run Walk and the 5K Run/10K Bike Races in Memory of Denise Reilley Parish Festival Gold Level Sponsors Darlene Thurley and Gregg Ruffalo, owners Bob Ebben, Financial Advisor 818 W. North St. Plainfield, WI 715-335-6375 (715) 424-4100 1919 8th St. South, Wisconsin Rapids, WI Gramma Miller’s Farm Market N4317 Elizabeth Lane Hancock, WI 715-249-3060 1610 Highway 13 Friendship, WI 53934 608-339-2218 Serving Subs, Sandwiches, Wraps, Pizza, Soft Serve, Alcohol. Offer Showers & Live Bait. Owners: Mike & Laura Buechner & Family 907 3rd Ave. Produce Flowers Lauer Farms, Inc. Hancock, WI Wautoma WI 54943 Dairy W11020 County Rd. V Hancock, WI 54943 715-249-5659 Martin, Duane & Cheryl Pionke Bakery Ice Cream Cucumbers 920-787-3956 Parish Festival Silver Level Sponsors CHEESE David M. Bacon DJ’s Corner Bar & Event Hall PLEASERS N4694 7th Lane Hancock, WI 54943 STORE Mobile: 715-421-9898 Phone: 715-249-3213 Fax: 715-249-3297 *Cheese Trays *Snacks *Gift Boxes *Bulk Cheeses EXCAVATING & DUMPSTER SERVICE 5364 Glennville Rd, Bancroft, WI 715-335-6750 888-696-2599 GUTH FARM INC K to Z Auto Detailing Catherine Guth Specializing in Interior Cleaning Offering a Wash and Wax for the Exterior BACON CONSTRUCTION LLC 7212 County Road BB Bancroft, WI 54921 15810 County Rd F, “Quality Cleaning at Affordable Rates” FREE Estimates & No Service Charge For Your Home or Business Bancroft, WI 54921 715-335-4457 Chris Truehl, owner Locally Owned & Operated Doug & Connie Beggs, owners Bar, Pizzas, Dance Hall Rental, Pool Tables Phone: 715-249-5231 or toll free: 1-866-862-4747 Leikness & Stahl Funeral Home Ken Klisiewicz Phone: 715.366.4946 Mobile: 715.498.0891 Fax: 715.366.4948 507 S. Center St., Plainfield, WI 54966 (715) 498-0520 North Central Irrigation, Inc. Hwy. 73 Plainfield, WI 54966 715-335-6368 1-800-755-0268 Coloma Office Hancock Office 209 N. Front St. 111 N. Main St. (715)249-5678 (715)228-2311 913 W. North St. Plainfield, WI 54966 (715) 335-4300 Michael D. Leikness Jeffrey Stahl Pub & Eatery 5340 3rd Ave. Plainfield, WI 54966 715-335-6357 LOCALLY OWNED / INDEPENDENT MEMBER FDIC ♦ Campground ♦ 287 State Road 73 7 miles west of Plainfield 715-335-2267 Homemade Pizzas Sandwiches ♦ Meals Friendly Atmosphere Friday Fish Fries Parish Festival Bronze Level Sponsors Thanks also to: Barker Auto; Church Budget Envelope & Mailing Co.; Creative Custom Embroidery; Farmer’s State Bank-Wild Rose; Plainfield Bowl & Bar; Plainfield Feed & Supply; Potter’s Bowlin’ Alley; Two Lakes Supper Club; Jeff & Kathy Sommers; Members of the Hadden Family; Dennis & Sharon Hupf; Roger & Sue Lederer; Gregg & Reinie Ruffalo; Rita Ruffalo; Frank & Marlene Soborowicz; Jerry & Donna Stapleford; Deacon Jim & Leigh Ann Trzinski; and Diane Wolski. Bar & Grill “Serving Central Wisconsin Since 1980” N6433 5th Ave., Plainfield, WI (715)335-2337 Come See Us For All Your Financial Needs We have 5 community locations 3821 80th St So Wis. Rapids 715-421-1660 N6477 5th Ave. Plainfield, WI 54966 715-335-6569 Day or Night 9031 St Rd 13 S Wis. Rapids 715-325-3000 5929 County Road W Bancroft 715-335-4545 220 West N Lake St Hancock 715-249-3300 123 West North St Plainfield 715-335-8200 Daily Specials, Saturday Prime Rib & Steak, Banquet Hall, Pool Tables, Dart Boards, Sand Volleyball, Horseshoe Pit, Monthly Flea Market in Summer Owners:“Budda” Kent & Amy Janisch Chad Weis, owner & service provider 729 Ruffalo Dr. Plainfield, WI Free Estimates 920-765-1682 Plainfield Hardware Hank Hwy. 73, Plainfield, (715)335-4262 Hand-arranged and personally delivered for that personal touch to the Almond, Bancroft, Coloma, Hancock, and Plainfield areas Proud member of 9639 3rd St., Almond, WI (715)366-4765 For all your electrical needs; Home, Farm, or Commercial Owner: Rodney Vezina Dr. Liz Wysocki 6376 Brady Rd., Bancroft, WI (715)498-4802 We offer basic medical & surgical care for pets. 110 S. Main St. Plainfield, WI (715)335-4451 For all your remodeling & repair projects; paint, lumber, window & screen repair, keys, small engine repair, blade sharpening, & more! You’ve Got A Lot More Going For You With Hank! Plainfield Office: 715-335-6301 Almond Office: 715-366-4581 Almond 715-366-4311 Stevens Point Trigs’s 715-342-4207 Plover 715-341-7181 Stevens Point Vern Holmes Drive 715-341-8808 Plainfield 715-335-4200 Offering Our Customers: Telephone Services Visit Us At: 2410 Hillside Drive Wautoma, WI Digital TV DSL Long Distance Tel: (920) 787-4649 / (800) 361-8508 Budget Plan ♦ Keep Fill ♦ Sell Tanks Lease Tanks ♦ Lock-In Price Waupaca, WI Knowing Your Catholic Faith This weekend at our parish festival, we are celebrating Mass with Polka Music. This is commonly called a Polka Mass. I wanted to share some information I found on how the Polka Mass came to be in the Catholic Church. Father Frank Perkovich popularized the Polka Mass and turned it into a new tradition at nationality festivals around the country. His "Songs and Hymns from the Polka Mass" recordings are the most widely-sold Cleveland-Style polka albums in recent decades. Father Frank Perkovich was born in Chisholm, Minnesota, in the Iron Range, and grew up enjoying the Slovenian and Croatian music he heard at home and in his neighborhood. He was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1954 and was assigned to area parishes before arriving at Resurrection Church in Eveleth in 1970. Changes in worship, following the Vatican II Council, inspired Father George Balasko to debut the first Polka Mass in Lowellville, Ohio, in 1972 with favorite polka and waltz melodies performed by a band with lyrics from the liturgy. Father Perkovich contacted him and set out to style his own version with music by accordionist Joe Cvek and the Polka Masters, and lyrics adapted by Mary Cvek. Father Perkovich celebrated his first Polka Mass in 1973 and, inspired by the warm reception recorded it with Cvek and his orchestra. His Polka Mass became an immediate sensation and earned headlines. Festivals soon invited "Father Perk" and the Cvek musicians for appearances. Both Polka Mass releases sold more than 100,000 copies. Father Perk premiered the Polka Mass in Slovenia and Croatia in 1975. He was also invited to celebrate the Mass at the inauguration of Minnesota Governor Rudy Perpich. In I982 Father Perk even created an ecumenical Polka Mass with a Lutheran church. His greatest honor came in 1983 when he presented the Polka Mass at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Pope John Paul II gave his personal approval to Father Perk in an audience. In 2004, Father Perk retired from active ministry and documented his experiences in a personal memoir "Dancing A Polka To Heaven". He was featured in the TV Slovenia documentary, "Polka! The Movie", and gained new fans in Slovenia and at film festivals. Thanks to Father Perkovich's enthusiasm, the Polka Mass today is featured at celebrations and special occasions in parishes and neighborhoods across North America. Polka bands may adapt his form with melodies and instrumentation to suit a particular ethnicity but the Polka Mass uniquely engages communities within the church with familiar melodies presented with reverence. ~~~Deacon Jim Knights of Columbus News: Our Knights of Columbus will hold their monthly meeting on Monday, August 3rd at 7:00 p.m. Officers are asked to meet at 6:30 p.m. The Knights invite you to join a rosary service just before our Masses the weekend of August 8th at 4:00 p.m. and August 9th at 8:30 a.m. Another One of Our Silver Level Sponsors Kevin’s Venison Processing, LLC Area Parish Picnics / Festivals St. Bartholomew’s Church Picnic - Sunday, Aug. 9th 2493 Cty. Rd. M, Stevens Point ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sacred Heart Church Picnic - Sunday, Aug. 16th 7376 Church St., Custer Meat Processing, Supplies, and Venison Butchering St. Mary’s (Custer) Parish Picnic - Sunday, August 23rd N7216 2nd Ave., Bancroft, WI (Arnott Lions Community Park, County J) Kevin:715-340-2024 ♦ Stacy:715-498-5778 Other: 715-335-6531 Email: 10:00 a.m. Polka Mass, Chicken Dinner, Music, Cash Bingo, Cherry Tree, Basket Raffles, Concessions, & More! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~