¡Adelante! al ZOOLOGICO


¡Adelante! al ZOOLOGICO
Go ahead! Move forward! Head on up!
Welcome to Spanish Language in Play! We invite to move ADELANTE with this
summary of target language, suggested books, song lyrics, and activities we do in
class. Your child is also learning lots of routine greetings, expressions, directions, and
vocabulary that are heard and used frequently in every day life during class time.
You are your child’s most powerful model! Try to use Spanish with your child every
day - even just talking about Spanish is helpful! Don’t worry about your own Spanish skills.
Seeing you try - and even struggle - shows your child you value what they are learning
AND provides them a model of how to try new things and feel good about the process!
preguntas que hacer
Unit Theme:
Al Zoológico!
At the Zoo!
(questions to ask each other)
¿A quién le gustaría un/a___?
Who would like a ___?
¡A mí!
I would!
¿A quién le gustaría un/a___?
Who would like a ___?
¡A mí me gustaría!
I would like it/one/some/to!
¿Te gustaría un/una__ o un/una___?
Would you like a ___ or a ___?
A mí me gustaría un/una ___.
I would like a ___.
palabras para
(words to practice)
el mono
el hipopótamo
la víbora
el tigre
el cocodrilo
el león
la jirafa
la cebra
el elefante
During this unit, we will focus on giving children a “polite” way to request items & take turns.
¿A quién le gustaría un/a ___? = Who’d like an ___? *Literal translation= To whom would a ___ be
pleasing? Although this is rarely used in English, this is the ordinary way of asking “Who’d like a ___?”
¿Te gustaría un/a ___ o un/a ___? = Would you like a ___ or a ___?
¡A mí! = I would! *Literal translation= “To me”. Because in Spanish the question asks “To whom...” we
answer “To me (with the “it would be pleasing” implied).
¡(A mí) me gustaría! = I’d like some/it/one/to. *Literal translation= “It would please me.”. When used
in a full phrase as it is here, the “A mí” becomes optional.
Ex: Who would like an ice cream?
I would like one!
¿A quién le gustaría un helado?
¡(A mí) me gustaría!
LIBROS, Y JUEGOS para jugar!
(songs, books, and games to play together!)
Asking your child how we’ve played these favorite games will help her recall
language from class!
Mono (monkey)
Kids snatch toy monkeys from a palm
tree using a crocodile grabber!
Hipopótamo (hippopotamus)
We read the “Beso, beso” (Kiss, Kiss)
book about zoo animals together and
children really enjoy it!
Víbora (snake)
Cocodrilo (crocodile)
Children see how many tiny crocs they
can pick up and place in a bag using
a big crocodile grabber!
León (lion) / Jirafa (giraffe)
We play with lion & giraffe inflatable
balls, tossing and bouncing them on a
Cebra (zebra) / Elefante (elephant)
Kids take turns to look for small tiger
figurines hidden under cups.
Kids will choose between zebra &
elephant stamps, and play a matching
You can find the lyrics and tunes to the songs we sing in class online!
Take turns tossing a ball to with your
family! The person who has the ball
waits until someone else says ¡A mí!
(To me!). Then s/he throws or rolls the
ball to that person. The next person to
say ¡A mí! will should get the ball next.
See how many times you can get
someone to throw you the ball by
saying ¡A mí!
Play “Restaurant” (during snack or
meal times is even more practical!).
Ask Who’d like ___? Encourage your
child to respond ¡(A mí) me gustaría!
if the full phrase is too long,
encourage your child to say “A mí.”
Give your child a turn to “serve” and
ask the question while you answer.
Oso polar, oso polar
(Polar Bear, Polar Bear)
by Eric Carle
A gigantic stuffed snake slithers around
to greet each child!
Tigre (tiger)
Libros recomendados
La Víbora de la Mar
A la víbora, víbora de la mar, de la mar
por aquí pueden pasar.
Los de adelante corren mucho,
los de atras se quedarán tras, tras, tras.
The Sea Serpent
The serpent, serpent of the sea, of the sea
can pass through here.
The ones in front run a lot,
those in back get left behind.
“¿A quién le
gustaría un/a ___?”
(Who would like a ___?)
¡A mí!
(I would)
¡A mí me gustaría!
(I would like it/one/some/to!)
A mí me gustaría un/a___
(I would like a ___)
¿Qué hay en el zoológico,
(What’s in the Zoo, Miffy?)
by Dick Bruna
Beso, beso!
(Kiss, Kiss)
by Margaret Wild
Go to the zoo or take a look at some
books with zoo animals in them to
practice your Spanish words and
phrases. Find an animal and ask
Who’d like to be a (ANIMAL)? Model &
encourage your child to say ¡A mí me
gustaría! for those animals s/he’d like
to be or pretend to be, or ¡NO me
gustaría! for animals s/he wouldn’t
like to be!
When playing together, give your
child 2 options: “¿Te gustaría
sidewalk chalk o Memory?” (Would
you like A or B?) You can also use this
at snack time. Encourage your child
to answer “(A mí) me gustaría ___”. If
you find the sentence is too long, it is
perfectly correct to leave out the “A
mí” and just say “Me gustaría ___.”