spokane in bloom - The Inland Empire Gardeners


spokane in bloom - The Inland Empire Gardeners
If you're interested in learning more about gardening and
sharing your interest in friendship with fellow gardeners,
why not check out The Inland Empire Gardeners (TIEG)-the nature loving folks that have proudly brought you the
Garden Expo for the last 17 years? TIEG meets the 1st
Thursday of the month at 6:30pm at CenterPlace, 2426
N Discovery Pl. Featuring: Award-winning newsletter, door prizes, special
events, garden tours, refreshments, book library, guest speakers, and lots
more fun, laughter, and merriment! If you would like to contact TIEG, call
509-535-8434 or email gardenexpo@comcast.net. www.tieg.org
See You Next Year!
Thank you to our media sponsor! Stay informed on
local events, new issue available every Thursday
May 13, 2017
“Never Enough Thyme”
FRONT - Big Bear Chocolates, Brain Freeze
Creamery, Frank’s Franks, Hapa Hawaiian
Donuts & Smoked Meats, Have Beans Will Travel
Coffee, Old Fashion Kettle Corn Company
TULIP FOOD COURT - Lylo’s Teriyaki,
Nick’s Shameless Sausage, Mac Daddy’s
Gourmet Grub, Mickeldean’s Ice Cream
June 18, 2016
10am - 5pm
6 Valley Gardens!
Tickets $10
DAFFODIL FOOD COURT Bistro Box, Roamin Pizza Chariot, Snowball Garden tour tickets available
day of tour or ahead of time at
Shaved Ice, Tacos Camargo, Toby’s BBQ participating local nurseries
INSIDE - Big Foot Lair Café & Espresso
~ Garden Photo Booth ~
Look for the new
photograph opportunity
area across from the
kid’s booth--pose the
kids or take a selfie.
Smile! It’s all free.
“A Moment in Time”
A Afriko Goods - African Baskets, Carvings, Hats
Albe - Rustic Fur nitur e & Gar den Ar t
*A Little Bird - Plants, Pots, Bir d houses/feeder s
All About Ponds - Pond Construction, Supplies
All About Wood - Outdoor Fur nitur e
Alpine Greenhouses - Hanging Baskets, Plants
American Family Insurance - Insurance
Antique Rose Farm - New & Old Har dy Roses
Arabesque Farms & Bakery - Bread, Pastries
Artstone Garden Ornaments - Metal Garden Art
Backtrack - Recycled Material Bird Feeders
Backyard Art - Concr ete Benches, Bir dbath
*B&G Sweet Heat Peppers - Candied Jalapenos
Barbara’s Kitchen - Fudge, Divinity, Nut Bar s
*Barnheart Bliss - Wood Signs, Star s, Ar r ows
Basket Case, The - Fabr ic Wr apped Baskets
Bath Fitter - Bathtub & Shower Remodeling
Big Bear Chocolates - Gour met Car amel Apples
Big Foot Café - Lair Reasonably Priced Food
Bistro Box, The - Slider s, Sandwiches, Fr ies
Blackwaters Metal - Steel Garden Art & Decor
Blue Frog Garden Nursery- Small Tr ees, Shr ubs
Blueberry Lady - Nutr itious Blueber r y Plants
Blue Rock Enterprises - Adirondack Furniture
Blumenhaus - Hanging Baskets filled w/ Annuals
*Bob & Linda Whitehead - Rustic Signs, Car ds
Bob’s Bee Houses - Wooden Gar den Items
Bolstad’s Iron Art - Garden Art, Gates, Arbors
*Brain Freeze Creamery - Ice Cr eam, Shakes
Branches - Wooden & Mixed Media Garden Art
Buggirl’s Garden - Per ennials, Veggies, Annuals
*Butterfusion - Delicious Flavored Butters
*Carlos F Watkins- Bed Benches, Pallet Flags
Cat Attraction - Cat Nip & Cat Nip Toys
Cedar Mountain Perennials - Natives, Shr ubs
Chattaroy Cheese Company - Far mstead Cheese
Chris Hartman - Outdoor Ar t, Stained Glass
City of Spokane Water Dept - Conser vation
Clare’s Garden - Wonder ful Her bal Soaps
*Clay Creations - Clay Sculptures, Garden Objects
Clementine’s Nursery - Plants, Per ennials
Color of Africa - Hand-woven Quality Goods
Community Colleges of Spokane - College Info
Concrete Works Statuary, Inc. - Statuar y
Cool Kid Corner - Fun Activities for Young Folk
Cooper Creek Farm - Vegetable Plants
Copper Spinner - Copper & Glass Mobiles
Costco Wholesale - Memberships, Information
Country Harvest - Soup Mixes, Garden Decor
Coyote Roadhouse Pottery - Flower Vases
*Cranberry Corners - Feeder s, Yar d Ar t
Creative Concepts - Aloe Vera Hand Cream
Creature Comforts - Var iety of Gar den Ar t
CRS Inc - Roasted Nuts, Spud Spikes, Seasonings
*C Street Creations/Serendipity - Garden Décor
Daniel Libby - Bir d Feeder s, Bir d Baths
Dave’s Basic Garden Tool BGT - Tool
Debbie McCulley Designs - Whimsical Art
Deep Roots - Grape Vines , Berry Starts
Desert Jewels Nursery - Shrubs, Perennials
Dog & Pup Glass - Blown Glass Suncatchers
Donna Jo Smith - Harpist
Driftwood Creations - Recycled Metal Art
Dusty Daisies - Planter s, Hanging Baskets, etc.
Earthly Expressions - Arts & Crafts
*Elegant Garden Design - Metal Gar den Ar t
Spokane Community College Lair Auditorium
10am - Jerry Pavia - Garden Photographer - “Selkirks Spectacular” - The
Loop encircles the breathtaking Selkirk Mountains in northeast Washington,
north Idaho and southeast British Columbia, a place of forested hillsides,
sparkling waterfalls, snowcapped craggy peaks, and wildlife. No wonder this
route was voted “The West's Best Scenic Drive” by Sunset Magazine. Surprises
await around every corner! A look at the International Selkirk Loop in images
that covers the flora, fauna, wild places, and events. This talk and its gorgeous
images will give the audience an inside look at the “Selkirks Spectacular” book which will be on
hand to purchase and have the author sign.
11:30am - Pat Munts - WSU Small Farms Coordinator, Freelance Writer “Planning & Planting for Beneficial Insects & Bees” - Pollinators are in trouble,
but you can help. This talk will focus around gardening that will attract honey bees
and native beneficial insects and will show how to provide nesting and resting
places for the ever important bees for both urban and rural settings. The focus is
on beneficial of insects and seed planting, encourage pollinating and beneficial
insects by planting flowers that provide them with food, breeding sites and shelter.
1pm - Robert Singletary - Historian, Author - “History of the Inland Northwest
Agriculture” - A homesteader wrote of the Palouse in the 1880s: "Its beauty
was wild and untrammeled and the undulating hills were covered with luxuriant
grasses.” The prairie's colors change with the seasons, from brown to green to
gold, and its deep rich soil makes it one of the most productive agricultural
regions in the world. A presentation that discusses the history of food and
farming in the Inland Northwest area. Few people know our agricultural roots, yet
this region cultivated a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Understanding our
past can provide inspiration growing forward. Come learn about what was and
what is being planned for the future of food and farming in our community.
2:30pm - Phyllis Stephens - Local Media Personality - “Gardening Remedies
from the Past that Work Today” - Probably the most important lesson we have to
learn is that trying to fight nature is foolish and to co-operate is common sense.
When we co-operate, nature helps to solve the problems, and the way forward can
become clearer to us. If we observe nature closely we are more inclined to find the
answers. The shelves at the garden store bulge with all manner of sprays, pellets,
liquids and powders designed to kill any nasties on your veggie patch or
encourage your roses to bloom at their most spectacular. But if you want to avoid putting too many
chemicals onto your garden or just want to
save some money, there are plenty of
The Garden Expo would like to thank
homemade alternatives that work just as well.
JU Contracting for their invaluable
Phyllis will share with us in her own
in the marking of the Expo
enthusiastic and infectious way some of the
this year--509-484-9144-best ideas that have worked for her over the
are your
years. A fun blast from the past from everyroofing solution
one’s favorite gardening friend.
Spokane Community College Lair Conference Room
10am - Michael Loundagin - Home Fires Nursery - “Edible Landscaping” - Imagine
a bench shaded by grapevines, heavy with ripening fruit. A driveway lined with dwarf
apple and pear trees. Grabbing the newspaper with one hand and a ripe strawberry
with the other. Many of the plants we grow for food are beautiful, too, and can have a
place in the landscape around our home. When people talk about their landscaping,
they usually distinguish it from the garden, which is of course full of delicious vegetables. Why is it
necessary to make such a clear and definite distinction? Anyone who can grow flowering plants
can grow edible ones as well. Edible landscaping also has grown hand in hand with a greater
awareness and interest in good cooking and healthy eating.
11am - Spokane Conservation District - Community Organization - “How to Take a
Soil Sample and Why” - A soil test removes the guess work from gardening--saving
time and money! Gardeners should test their soil every 2-3 years or before starting a
new gardening project. Soil samples can be taken whenever the ground is not frozen.
In the spring, tests should be ordered far enough ahead of planting to prepare the soil
with the recommendations. Using the test recommendations will help achieve the
desired results in the lawn or garden and will prevent over fertilization. This interesting
demonstration by the Spokane Conservation District will help gardeners understand
how and why to properly take a soil sample.
1pm - Linda Beutler - Curator, Rogerson Clematis Garden - “A Cut Above: Tips
for Using Clematis as Cut Flowers" - Join clematis author and expert Linda Beutler
as she presents the right stuff for preserving clematis as cut flowers and highlights a
selection of clematis species and cultivars ideal for cut flower use. Clematis make an
ideal cut flower. The delicate look of the flowers is a contradiction to their suitability
for cuts. Clematis stems are fibrous and not easily damaged. In addition, this allows
them to rehydrate easily. Most cut clematis will open bloom from buds indoors, and flowers will
stay fresh for up to 10 days or longer. An arrangement created during her demonstration will be
given to an attendee as a door prize!
2pm - Renee Healy - Tacoma Artist - “Anyone Can Paint, You Just Need
Thyme” - Learning how to draw means learning to see. A good art lesson teaches
us not only to create but to look at, think about and understand our world through
art. Painting can best be described as the process of adding color to a surface,
usually in the form of a liquid. There are many different painting methods and
techniques. Each technique is dependent on the type of paint that is used. Renee
will be demonstrating using
positive and negative space in
watercolor. She will be using rose buds and
Be sure to check out the Inland
leaves to show how easy it is to display depth in
Empire District Garden Club’s
a painting. Remember, all it takes to create your
own piece of art is thyme!
Flower Show inside the Lair
Note - Programs, times, exhibitors listed subject to
change without notice. Limited seating for free talks
Bistro. Experience beautiful,
award-winning floral creations
Elithorp Farm - Culinary Herbs, Sunflowers
Elk-Camden Garden Keepers Garden Club
End of the Road Antiques & Collectibles
Event Sales - Vertical Garden, Sheets/Pillows, etc.
Family Tree Naturals - Organic Soap
Fielder Keepsakes - Fine Porcelain Teaware
Fisher Blacksmithing Garden Tools - Crafted
Fleur de Provence Lavender Farm - Products
Fleurs en Verre - Glass Flower Gar den Ar t
Flowers Galore - Hanging Baskets, Vegetables
Forest Green Enterprises - Concr ete Statuar y
For the Birds - Bird Condos, Gardener Carts
Francis Avenue Community Center - Information
Frank’s Franks - New York Style Hotdogs
Freeborn Metal Art - Handcrafted Metal Art
*Freeman Creek Originals-Clay Fairies, Gardens
Friends of Manito, The - Lush, Healthy Plants
Gaia Gardens - Plant Suppor ts, Plants
Garden Bells - Add Music to Your Garden!
Garden Gate Lavender - Lavender Plants
*Garden N Stuff - Tomatoes, Pepper s, Her bs
*Garden Photo Booth - Smile for the Camer a!
Garden Pot Stacker - Gar den Innovation
*Ginny Brennan Watercolor - Acr ylics, Flags
Glitz N Glass - Hand-painted Glassware, Décor
Glory Girl Designs - Plants, Handmade J ewelr y
Gourd Garden, The - Crafted Gourds, Plants
Grape House Vineyards - Grape Plants
Green’s Greenhouse - Annuals, Per ennials
Hair Claws - Stylish Hair Accessor ies
Hapa Food Co - Donuts & Smoked Meats
Have Beans Will Travel Espresso - Coffee
Heavenly Special Teas - Gourmet Teas, Teaware
Heavy Petal Nursery - Unique Hardy Plants
*Heirloom Boutique - Home Décor, Clothing, etc.
Hollis Art Works - Metal, Wood Sculptures
Home Fires Nursery - Or namental Plants
Homemaker’s Choice - Quality Rada Cutlery
Homewood Farm - Plants & Gar den Décor
*Honeysmith - Gar den Star ts, Kid Gr owing Kits
House Blend Productions - Garden Shabby Chic
Hula Hoops - Wonder ful, Fun Gar dening Items
Imaginations - Sun Catcher s, Vases, Stones
Inland Empire Dahlia Society - Tuber s
Inland Empire District Garden Clubs - Flowers
Inland Empire Gardeners, The - Expo Sponsor,
Door Prize Table, Garden Club Membership
Inland Empire Water Garden & Koi Society
Inland NW Garden Railroad Society - Display
In Small Packages - Succulents, Vases, Pots
J *Jack & Sons Unique Birdhouses - Bir dhouses
Jennifer Sumner Designs - J ewelr y, Gifts
*Jerry Pavia Photography - Book Sales
Jimmy’s Lighthouses - Lighthouses, Bir dhouses
JJ & Company - Magnetite Stone/Shell J ewelr y
John Bettinger - Original Metal Work
JSC Creations/Garlic Gourmay - Shoes, Food
*Just Plate Crazy - License Plate Art, Signs, etc.
K *Kangaroo Kwilts, Embroidery & More
Kenneth Roberts - Tomato Plants, Kitchenwar e
Kornell’s Kountry Fudge - Handmade Fudges
Kuhlmann Kreations - Beautiful Metal Décor
Lael’s Moon Garden Nursery - Plants
*Lavender Lady - Oils, Hydr osols, Lotions, etc.
*Lavender Lands LLC - Lavender Pr oducts
Leaning Pine Enterprises - Pr essed Flower s
*Lethal Customs - Metal Art for Home/Gar den
Lily Pad Bulb, The - Gar den Bulbs, Daylilies
Little Library Building of Spokane - Libraries
Little Prince of Oregon Nursery - Plants Galor e
LIV - Glass & Metal Gar den Decor ations
Lor Garden - Vegetable Star ts, Fr esh Veggies
*Louie’s Gates & More - Gar den Gates, Benches
*Love Hath a Way - Soap, Candles, Plants
Lowell’s Tools - Gar den Tools You'll Need
*LuminoCity - Uniquely Handcr afted Lights
Lylo’s Teriyaki/Garden - Chicken, Rice, Noodles
M *Mac Daddy’s Gourmet Grub-Mac & Cheese
*Madrugada Pottery - Cer amic Gar den Ar t
Maggie’s Garden - Flowers, Perennials
Magnificent Microbes -Grow Rich Fruits/Veggies
MA Graphics - Or iginal & Fun Ar t Gar ments
*Mai Essentials - Handcr afted J ewelr y
*Mama Torrez Salsa Co. - Salsa, Tor tilla Chips
Manny’s Works - J apanese Lanter ns, Bamboo
Maples for All Seasons - Acer Palmatum
Mapel’s Outback - Windchimes, Windsocks
Marle Worm Growers - Soil Amendments
Mary Lee Rozelle - Ar t Pr ints, Or iginals
Maximized Living - Free Health Screenings, Info
*Mel’s - Annie Sloan Paint
Mickeldean’s Ice Cream - 65 Differ ent Kinds!
Miller’s Homestead - Bee-Keeping, Honey
MKC West - Stained Glass Suncatcher s
*ML Design - Ceramics, Leafs, Wall hangings, etc.
Montana Moon Copper Works - Windchimes
*Moon Creek Gourmet Sweets - Car amel Candy
Moonlight Artworks - Fr amed Ar t, Paintings
Morando Sculptures - Concr ete Or naments
Morning Great Sky - Native American Paintings
My Cup of Tea & Spice Co. - Loose Leaf Tea
Naylor Creek Nursery - Hosta, Shade Plants
Nick’s Shameless Sausage - Gour met Sausages
*NLR Photography - Wildflower, Flower, Nature
*Noah & Alissa Shannon - Edible Plants
Noodlehead Sprinkler - You’ve Gotta Have This!
Northland Rosarium - Rose Plants
Northwest Gardener’s Handbook - Book Sale
Northwest Plant Health Care -Yard Services
*Northwest Summers - Wood Carved Signs, etc.
Oil & Vinegar - Culinar y Gour met Food
Old Fashion Kettle Corn Co. - Popcorn Treat
*Old Timer’s Wood N Things - Gar den Boxes
*Organic Grow Tables & Systems-Garden Tables
Out of Jen’s Attic- Old Windows, Planter Boxes
Owens Gardens - Br omeliads, Air Plants
Painted Turtle - Vintage Furniture, Yard Art
*Pantry Fuel - Fresh Meal Delivery Service
Parts 2 Art - Recycled Old Farm Equipment
Patti’s Garden Expressions - Water Featur es
Peaceful Valley Living - Planters, Signs, Art
*Penny’s Pixie Planters - Miniatur es, Fair ies
Petal Pushers - Nur ser y Stock, Gar den Ar t
Phocas Farms - Hardy, Drought Tolerant Plants
*Phosi Gardens - Tomato starts, Peppers, Art
Plants Anonymous - Gar den T-shirts, Gifts
Plasma Creations - Unique Metal Ar t
*Poppin Cracklins - Cooking/selling Por k Rinds
PPD Enterprises - Birdbaths/Feeders, misc.
Prokera Dry Skin Care - Lotions for Gardeners
Purse Chick - Bling Pur ses, Wallets, Hats
Real Fudge - Fudge, Candy, Toffee
*Re-find Designs - Mosaic Gar den Lights, Pots
*Renee Healy Fine Arts - Water color s, Oils, etc.
Renee’s Home & Garden - Dramatic Yard/Décor
Renewal by Anderson - Window Replacement
*Rick Hankins & John Willard - Plants, Baskets
*RL Erdahl Photographics - Natur e & Flor al
RNR Garden Creations - Gar den Metal Ar t
*Roamin’ Pizza Chariot - Wood-fired Pizza
Rock Cabin Farm - Metal Silhouettes, Signs, etc.
Rocky Bland Chainsaw Carving - Originals
*Rod McKenzie - Chainsaw Carving, Furniture
Rogerson Clematis Collection - Clematis
Rose Hill Farms - Gar den Pots, Accessor ies
Rustic Designs - Bir dhouses, Lawn Fur nitur e
Rustic Garden, The - Metal Yard Art
*Rustic Signs & Carvings - Wood Car vings, etc.
S *S&L Junk Sisters - Repur posed items, plants
SCC Hort Dept - Check out The Greenery!
*Scenic Treasures - Gar den Ar t, Oil Paintings
Scentsy - Wickless Candles--scent w/o the flame!
SCRAPS - Cat & Dog Adoption, Infor mation
Scentual Nature - Botanical Potpour r i, Candles
*Simply Imperfection - Flower Pots, Shabby Chic
*Smartgro, LLC - Locally Pr oduct Compost/Tea
Smitty’s Greenhouse - Per ennials, Gar den Ar t
*Snowball Shaved Ice - Delicious Fr ozen Tr eat
Solar Gem Greenhouse, Inc. - Greenhouses
Spiceologist - Handcr afted Spice Rubs
Spokane in Bloom Garden Tour - Information
*Spokane Conservation District - Infor mation
Spokane Lilac Society - Lilacs, Information
Spokane Regional Solid Waste System - Info
*Spokane Rose Society - Membership Information
Spokane Valley Quilt Guild - Quilt Raffle
Steel Stone Design - Fanciful Rock Animals
Sturdy Built Sheds, LLC - Display Sheds
Sundquist Nursery - Cr eative, Pr actical Plants
*Sunriver - Original Art, Paintings
T *Tacos Camargo - Authentic Mexican Food
Tall Grass Farms - Veggie Star ts, Dahlias
*Teresa Adaszynska - Oil Paintings
Thirty-one Gifts - Gar den Bags, Gr ocer y Totes
This Old House - Painted Garden Furniture
*Three Little Birds - Terrariums, Potted Plants
Tin Shed Designs - Signs, Accessor ies, Benches
Toast Toppers - Jam from Local Organic Fruit
Toby’s Barbecue - Bar becue Sandwiches, Sides
Tomato Lady, The - Heir loom Tomato Plants
*Torie Foote - Her b Star ts
*Under Kitty Supervision - Clocks, Coaster s
Uniquely Charmed Scarfs - Scar fs, misc.
Urban Dirt - Variety of Glass Orbs & Terrariums
Vicki’s Garden Center - Plants, Baskets
Vicki’s Gifts - Concr ete Stepping Stones
Vivi Jewelry - Fashion J ewelr y & Accessor ies
Wabi Sabi - Japanese Maples, Hosta
Waddell & Reed - Financial Planning
Walla Walla Nursery - Per ennials & Gr asses
Wandering Willow - Tr ellises, Tables, Chair s
*Washington State Quilters - Spokane Chapter
*West Plains Beekeeping Association - Info
West Valley City Schools - Flowers, Vegetables
Wildtree - Gr apeseed Oils, Mar inades, Spices
Williams Lake Greenhouse - Bedding Plants
Wilma’s Creations - Cedar Benches, Planter s
*Wimsical Welds - Welding Ar t, etc.
Windward Gift Shop - Repurpose Glass, Signs
*Woodstuff -Pinecone Candle Holders, Plantstands
*Worker Bee, The - Handmade Natural Products
Wright Brothers Sunrooms - Plant Sunrooms
WSU Master Gardeners - Garden Education
Wynn’s Glass Creations - Garden-related Art