Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment
Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment
Ministry of Tourism and Culture Confirmation Letter Ministry of Tourism and Culture Ministère du Tourisme et de la Culture Culture Programs Unit Programs and Services Branch Culture Division 435 S. James St., Suite 334 Thunder Bay, ON P7E 6S7 Tel.: 807 475-1632 Fax: 807 475-1297 Unité des programmes culturels Direction des programmes et des services Division de culture Bureau 334, 435 rue James sud Thunder Bay, ON P7E 6S7 Tél.: 807 475-1632 Téléc.: 807 475-1297 February 22, 2011 Confederation Power Inc. 95 Wellington Street, West, Suite 1400 Toronto, ON M5J 2N7 Attn.: Mr. Brian Robin RE: Goulais Wind Farm Development Pennefeather and Aweres Townships District of Algoma FIT Reference # FIT-FSU9UMC IRIMS: PIF: HD00572 P065-129-2010 Dear Proponent: This letter constitutes the Ministry of Tourism and Culture’s written comments as required by s. 22(3)(a) of O. Reg. 359/09 under the Environmental Protection Act regarding archaeological assessments undertaken for the above project. Based on the information contained in the report(s) you have submitted for this project, the Ministry believes the archaeological assessment complies with the Ontario Heritage Act's licensing requirements, including the licence terms and conditions and the Ministry's 1993 Archaeological Assessment Technical Guidelines. Please note that the Ministry makes no representation or warranty as to the completeness, accuracy or quality of the Report(s).* The report(s) recommends the following: It is recommended that there be no further cultural heritage concerns on the subject property. The report also includes the following advice on compliance with legislation: This report is submitted to the Minister of Culture as a condition of licensing in accordance with Part VI of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O18. The report is reviewed to ensure that the licensed consultant archaeologist has met the terms and conditions of their archaeological licence, and that the archaeological fieldwork and report recommendations ensure the conservation, protection and preservation of the cultural heritage of Ontario. Should previously undocumented archaeological resources be discovered, they may be a new archaeological site and therefore subject to Section 48 (1) of the Ontario Heritage Act. The proponent or person discovering the archaeological resources must cease alteration of the site immediately and engage a licensed archaeologist to carry out archaeological fieldwork, in compliance with Section 48 (1) of the Ontario Heritage Act. The Cemeteries Act requires that any person discovering human remains must immediately notify the police or coroner and the Registrar of Cemeteries, Ministry of Small Business and Consumer Services. The Ministry is satisfied with these recommendations. This letter does not waive any requirements which you may have under the Ontario Heritage Act. A separate letter addressing archaeological licensing obligations under the Act will be sent to the archaeologist who completed the assessment and will be copied to you. This letter does not constitute approval of the renewable energy project. Approvals of the project may be required under other statutes and regulations. It is your responsibility to obtain any necessary approvals or licenses. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Andrew Hinshelwood Archaeology Review Officer cc. Luke Dalla Bona Woodland Heritage Services Limited 69 Lansdowne Ave. Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 1K5 ** In no way will the Ministry be liable for any harm, damages, costs, expenses, losses, claims or actions that may result: (a) if the Report(s) or its recommendations are discovered to be inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or fraudulent; or (b) from the issuance of this letter. Further measures may need to be taken in the event that additional artifacts or archaeological sites are identified or the Report(s) is otherwise found to be inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or fraudulent. Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment Stage 1 Archaeological Impact Assessment of the Proposed Goulais Wind Farm, FIT FSU9UMC, Pennefather and Aweres Townships, District of Algoma Report Author: Luke Dalla Bona Woodland Heritage Services Limited 69 Lansdowne Ave Sault Ste. Marie ON P6B 1K5 Telephone: 705-256-5418 Fax: 705-256-7254 E-Mail: Province of Ontario, Licence to Conduct Consulting Archaeology PO65-2010 (Woodland Heritage Services Limited) Project Information: PO65-129-2010 Goulais Wind Farm Development - FIT FSU9UMC District of Algoma Townships of Pennefather and Awares Proponent Information: Confederation Power Inc. 95 Wellington Street West, Suite 1400 Toronto ON M5J 2N7 P: 416-410-4715 Attn: Mr. Brian Robin E: October 15, 2010 Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment, Proposed Goulais Wind Farm Development near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario © 2010 Woodland Heritage Services Limited. All Rights Reserved. /16 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Project Personnel ............................................................................................... 1 2.0 Project Background ........................................................................................... 2 2.1 Development Context ........................................................................... 2 2.2 Historical Context ................................................................................... 2 2.3 Archaeological Context ......................................................................... 4 3.0 Property Inspection ........................................................................................... 5 3.1 Determination of Areas Investigated ........................................................5 4.0 Analysis and Conclusions ................................................................................. 5 5.0 Recommendations ............................................................................................ 6 6.0 Advice on Compliance with Legislation ............................................................. 6 7.0 Maps/Figures Map 1 ............................................................................................................. 12 Map 2 .............................................................................................................. 13 Map 3 ...............................................................................................................14 Map 4 ...............................................................................................................15 Table 1 Table 2 .................................................................................................................7 ...............................................................................................................11 Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment, Proposed Goulais Wind Farm Development near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario © 2010 Woodland Heritage Services Limited. All Rights Reserved. /17 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Confederation Power Inc of Toronto, Ontario retained Woodland Heritage Services Limited to conduct a Stage 1 archaeological assessment of a proposed wind farm located in Pennefather and Aweres Townships, just north of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario (Figures 1-4). A Stage 1 archaeological assessment was conducted for this project. It is recommended that there be no further concerns with respect to cultural resources on the subject property. Should anything of historical or cultural value be discovered, or human remains found, appropriate measures should be taken. Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment, Proposed Goulais Wind Farm Development near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario © 2010 Woodland Heritage Services Limited. All Rights Reserved. /18 1.0 PROJECT PERSONNEL Luke Dalla Bona, M.A. Partner Woodland Heritage Services Limited 69 Lansdowne Ave Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 1K5 Licence Holder (PO65-2010) Licensee Information: Luke Dalla Bona Woodland Heritage Services Limited 69 Lansdowne Ave Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 1K5 Telephone: 705-256-5418 Fax: 705-256-7254 E-Mail: Province of Ontario, Licence to Conduct Consulting Archaeology PO65-2010 (Woodland Heritage Services Limited) Project Information: PO65-129-2010 Goulais Wind Farm Development - FIT FSU9UMC District of Algoma Townships of Pennefather and Awares Proponent Information: Confederation Power Inc. 95 Wellington Street West, Suite 1400 Toronto ON M5J 2N7 P: 416-410-4715 Attn: Brian Robin E: Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment, Proposed Goulais Wind Farm Development near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario © 2010 Woodland Heritage Services Limited. All Rights Reserved. /1 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND 2.1 Development Context Confederation Power Inc of Toronto, Ontario retained Woodland Heritage Services Limited to conduct a Stage 1 archaeological assessment of a proposed wind farm located in Pennefather and Aweres Townships, just north of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario (Figures 1-4). Permission to access the property was granted to Woodland Heritage Services Limited by Confederation Power. 2.2 Historical Context 2.2.1 Record Review 6LWH¿OHVDWWKHRI¿FHVRIWKH$UFKDHRORJLFDO'DWD&RRUGLQDWRU0LQLVWU\RI&XOWXUH07& DQG :RRGODQG +HULWDJH 6HUYLFHV /LPLWHG VLWH ¿OHV ZHUH FKHFNHG WR GHWHUPLQH LI DQ\ prehistoric sites had been previously recorded and registered either in or near the study area. Two previous archaeological studies have been carried out near the study area - both conducted by Woodland Heritage Services. A Stage 1 and 2 archaeological assessment (CIF 2001-047-029) was conducted for a proposed wind farm in Prince and Pennefather Townships in 2002 and 2003. This 134 tower wind farm is located west of the current proposed development. The archaeological DVVHVVPHQWLQFOXGHG¿HOGWHVWLQJDWDOOWRZHUORFDWLRQV1RFXOWXUDOUHVRXUFHVZHUH LGHQWL¿HG DQG DQ LQWLPDWH XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI WKH DUHD ZDV REWDLQHG DV D UHVXOW RI WKLV project. A Stage 1 and 2 archaeological assessment was conducted in 2010 in an area to the west of the current proposed wind farm but within the same upland bedrock landform 3$QH[WHQVLYHVXUYH\RIWKHWHUUDLQGLGQRWUHVXOWLQWKHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRI DQ\FXOWXUDOUHVRXUFHVEXWGLGFRQ¿UPWKDWWKHUHZDVYHU\OLWWOHKLJKSRWHQWLDOODQGIRUPV in these uplands. 2.2.2 Known/Registered Archaeological Sites The registered site database maintained by the Ontario Ministry of Culture (MTC) (Mr. Robert Von Bitter, Site Database Coordinator) was queried for information for sites in and near the study area. There are several known archaeological sites registered in the Sault Ste. Marie area. There are no registered sites located within the subject property. These sites are listed in Table 1. Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment, Proposed Goulais Wind Farm Development near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario © 2010 Woodland Heritage Services Limited. All Rights Reserved. /2 2.2.3 Cultural Prehistory People have been living in the study area since the time glaciers receded and the land could support plants and animals. Archaeologists have divided the precontact era (that is, EHIRUHWKHWLPHRI(XURSHDQDUULYDOLQWRWLPHSHULRGVGHVFULEHGEULHÀ\EHORZ 2.2.4 Paleo-Indian Period (ca. 10,000 B.P. - 7000 B.P.) 7KHVHSUHFRQWDFWSHRSOHVZHUHWKH¿UVWLQKDELWDQWVRIWKHDUHD0RVWOLNHO\WKH\DUULYHG by following herds of caribou across the tundra/parkland environment of newly opened lands left by the retreating glaciers. Within a few hundred years, the Boreal forest moved in, causing an adaptation to a forest environment and settlement concentrations along lakes and river systems. Several types of early spear points indicate that different groups of these early hunters moved in at various times. However, because of the later retreat of the glaciers in the northern part of the province and VXEVHTXHQWÀRRGLQJRIWKHJODFLDOO\FRPSUHVVHGODQGVFDSHE\SUHDQGSRVWJODFLDOODNHV there was a time delay in the settlement of northern regions by colonizing vegetation, animals and humans. It appears that people may have entered the eastern Lake Superior/ northern Lake Huron area about 9,000 years ago, while archaeological work farther north in the Hudson’s Bay Lowlands suggests that human occupation there may be limited to about the last 6,000 years. 2.2.5 Archaic Period (ca. 7000 B.P. - 2500 B.P.) An environmental transition brought about warmer, drier conditions resulting in a change in the plant and animal communities, which consequently impacted the subsistence patterns of humans living in the region now represented by north-central Ontario. These DOWHUDWLRQVRIVXEVLVWHQFHSDWWHUQVDUHUHÀHFWHGLQWKHDUWLIDFWDVVHPEODJHV)RULQVWDQFH in response to the hunting of smaller game, large spear points were replaced by smaller, notched projectile points and stone knives generally became smaller. A new technology involving the production of stone tools by grinding rather than chipping was also utilized. About 3,000 B.C., people started to make use of copper, which was cold-hammered to form spear points, knives, gaff hooks and elaborate jewelry. One of the most complete copper assemblages for northwestern Ontario comes from a burial south of Lake Nipigon, dating to about 1,500 B.C. 2.2.6 Initial Woodland Period (ca. 2500 B.P. - 1100 B.P.) 7KH(DUO\:RRGODQG3HULRGPDUNVWKH¿UVWDSSHDUDQFHRIFHUDPLFVLQWKHDUFKDHRORJLFDO record, a technological development which becomes increasingly important to the archaeologist as a means of determining the age and occupation of a site. Just as projectile points in the preceding Archaic and Paleo stages underwent stylistic alterations WKURXJKWLPHZKLFKSHUPLWWHGWKHGHWHUPLQDWLRQRIWKHDJHRIDVLWHFHUDPLFVDOVRUHÀHFW changes: in vessel form, method of construction, decorative motif (design) and mode of decoration (method). The evolution of ceramic construction was gradual and subtle enough to allow archaeologists to determine the placement of a site within a cultural chronology on the basis of the ceramics recovered from it. Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment, Proposed Goulais Wind Farm Development near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario © 2010 Woodland Heritage Services Limited. All Rights Reserved. /3 $UFKDHRORJLVWV UHIHU WR WKH ¿UVW SRWWHU\XVLQJ SHULRG LQ QRUWKHUQ 2QWDULR DV WKH /DXUHO 7UDGLWLRQ /DXUHO SHRSOHV VLWHV DUH PDUNHG E\ WKH LQWURGXFWLRQ RI ¿UHG FOD\ SRWWHU\ vessels. These vessels were made by the coil method, had conical bases and were smooth, with the exception of the neck and rim which were decorated with distinctive toothed or sinuous-edged tools. The Laurel peoples also practised a way of life similar to WKH$UFKDLFSHRSOHVZKROLYHGLQWKHUHJLRQEHIRUHWKHP¿VKLQJKXQWLQJDQGFROOHFWLQJ wild plants on the major waterways. There are two major theories concerning the origin of the Laurel culture. One is that it arose out of an Archaic base, differing only by the adoption of pottery. The other is that the people moved into the region following the expansion of wild rice habitats about 500 B.C. 2.2.7 Terminal Woodland (ca. 1100 B.P. - 400 B.P.) Two distinctive cultures, both of which appear to have developed from a Laurel cultural base, are present in the Terminal Woodland Period. One of these cultures is the referred to as the Blackduck tradition;; the other distinct culture is the Selkirk tradition. The Blackduck culture is characterized by unique globular pottery vessels. The body of these vessels is textured by cord-wrapped paddles and the rim is decorated with cord- wrapped object impression. Some archaeologists believe the Blackduck tradition was ancestral to the modern Ojibway (Anishnabek) Aboriginal Peoples and First Nations. The other Late Woodland culture, the Selkirk tradition, is distinguished by their fabric-impressed globular vessels. They are found farther north. According to many archaeologists, the Selkirk peoples are ancestral to the Cree Aboriginal Peoples and First Nations. 2.2.8 Historic Period (ca. 400 B.P. to present) 7KLV SHULRG EHJLQV ZLWK WKH DUULYDO RI (XURSHDQV DQG VHWWOHUV WR WKH DUHD VSHFL¿FDOO\ French, then English traders, bringing with them trade goods such as axes, guns, beads and metal products. 2.3 Archaeological Context 7KHVXEMHFWSURSHUW\LVORFDWHGLQWKHEHGURFNKLJKODQGVWKDWGH¿QHWKHQRUWKHUQERXQGDU\ of the City of Sault Ste. Marie and is, for the most part undeveloped. It is clear that there has been a history of logging on the property as a series of logging roads (recent and abandoned) crisscross portions of the property. A high voltage transmission corridor also cuts through the property. 7KHWHUUDLQLVZLOGO\XQGXODWLQJDVWKHVHDUHKLJKEHGURFNKLOOVZLWKZLGHÀDWSRRUO\GUDLQHG areas between the hilltops. Large wetlands draining south can be found primarily in the Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment, Proposed Goulais Wind Farm Development near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario © 2010 Woodland Heritage Services Limited. All Rights Reserved. /4 eastern half of the subject property. Several small creeks systems drain the property but none are substantial enough to navigate with a canoe. Soils throughout the subject property are varied. Atop the bedrock knolls and outcrops, there are thin soils. Much of the original soils that existed there were washed into the low saddles between the outcrops creating thick deposits of soils and poorly drained, UHODWLYHO\ÀDWWHUUDLQ 7KHUHDUHQRLGHQWL¿HGUDLVHGEHDFKHV 3.0 PROPERTY INSPECTION 3.1 Determination of Areas Surveyed The client provided detailed survey maps identifying the boundaries of the project area. In association with satellite and air photo imagery of the project area, high potential areas were determined using the Ministry of Tourism and Culture checklist for determining high potential (Table 2). 4.0 ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS 7KHDUHDXQGHULQYHVWLJDWLRQIRUGHYHORSPHQWLVLGHQWL¿HGRQ)LJXUHV$QDQDO\VLVRI the subject project area was undertaken using high resolution aerial imagery, the author’s knowledge of the area and a walkabout on June 19, 2010. No landforms suggesting archaeological potential were present. The area is one of high relief with steep exposed bedrock outcrops. Between the bedrock outcrops, poorly drained areas are connected by small creeks. There are no primary or secondary water sources on this property. All water sources are headwater sources and none are substantial enough to nagivate a canoe. A walkabout on this property on June 19, 2010 on existing trails and access roads FRQ¿UPHGWKDWWKHODQGIRUPVDQGWHUUDLQDUHPXFKWKHVDPHDVWKDWHQFRXQWHUHGWRWKH west during previous surveys conducted by the author in 2010 and 2002/2003 and that the conclusion that there are no areas of high potential is sound. Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment, Proposed Goulais Wind Farm Development near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario © 2010 Woodland Heritage Services Limited. All Rights Reserved. /5 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that there be no further cultural heritage concerns on the subject property. 6.0 ADVICE ON COMPLIANCE WITH LEGISLATION 6.1 This report is submitted to the Minister of Culture as a condition of licensing in accordance with Part VI of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c 0.18. The report is reviewed to ensure that the licensed consultant archaeologist has met the terms and FRQGLWLRQVRIWKHLUDUFKDHRORJLFDOOLFHQFHDQGWKDWWKHDUFKDHRORJLFDO¿HOGZRUNDQGUHSRUW recommendations ensure the conservation, protection and preservation of the cultural heritage of Ontario. 6.2 Should previously undocumented archaeological resources be discovered, they may be a new archaeological site and therefore subject to Section 48 (1) of the Ontario Heritage Act. The proponent or person discovering the archaeological resources must cease alteration of the site immediately and engage a licensed consultant archaeologist to FDUU\RXWDUFKDHRORJLFDO¿HOGZRUNLQFRPSOLDQFHZLWKVHFRIWKH2QWDULR+HULWDJH Act. 6.3 The Cemeteries Act requires that any person discovering human remains must notify the police or coroner and the Registrar of Cemeteries, Ministry of Small Business and Consumer Services. Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment, Proposed Goulais Wind Farm Development near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario © 2010 Woodland Heritage Services Limited. All Rights Reserved. /6 TABLE 1. Registered Archaeological Sites in the Sault Ste. Marie area. CbIa-1: Pasture Point On the N. side of St. Joseph Channel near Port Findlay, Ont. Collections were made on the lower terrace, at 10 - 15 ft. above water, and on the upper terrace, at 30 - 40 ft. above water. CbIa-3: Cemetery Ridge Exposed on corner road bank N of Pasture Point and E of township cemetery. Access by car from Hwy 17, 1 mile. +HDUWKVEXWQRÀDNHV CcIa-1: Pumpkin Point Located off Pumpkin Point Road which runs w from Highway 17E - drive to end of road into cottage subdivision road, unnamed, to the s side of the point. The site lies on a sand terrace extending for several hundred yards parallel to the present shore but set back 200 feet or more. Full extent of site to be determined, numerous hearth stones and sparse ÀLQWÀDNHVSRWVKHUGVDQGKLVWRULFDUWLIDFWV$YHU\LPSRUWDQW/DXUHO¿VKLQJYLOODJHZLWKRQO\RQHXQPL[HG0LGGOH Woodland component. CcIa-2: Flycatcher In DeFazio subdivision on private land, just a few feet off of the main road which runs n to s. The earthworks are ORFDWHGVZRIWKH¿UVWFRUQHULQDGHQVHFOXVWHURISRSODUWUHHV'ULYHGRZQ3XPSNLQ3RLQWURDGPLOHVVRI(FKR%D\ to site area. Unknown, needs testing and mapping. Site needs testing and we will try to get owner to preserve it. CcIa-3: Clearview ,QD¿HOGRQWKH1LSLVVLQJEHDFKULGJHRQ&DODERJLH5RDG%HDFKULGJHSRLQWRQDQFLHQWED\6SDUVHVHYHQKHDUWKV very few artifacts. CcIa-4: Bar River 2QDKLJKEHDFKULGJHSRLQWQRZDJUDYHOSLWDQGSORXJKHG¿HOGLQWKH%DU5LYHU9DOOH\DIHZPLOHVHRI+LJKZD\ %HDFKULGJHFOD\¿HOGDQGJUDYHOIRUPHUEHDFK2QFHDSURPRQWRU\RQDKXJHED\2YHURQHDFUHRIKHDUWKVDQG H[WHQVLYHÀLQWFKLSSLQJ7KLVLVDQLPSRUWDQWDUFKDLFVLWH CcIa-5: Neebish On a sand bank just e of a swamp on the n side of Neebish Road along the St. Mary’s River. Sand point on river. Artifacts found when local cottages dug sand from the bank. CcIa-6: Kingshott 3DUWRIDEHDFKULGJHLQSORZHG¿HOGRQ.LQJVKRWWIDUP(RI%DU5LYHU5RDGDFFHVV%HDFK5LGJHDWDQFLHQWQDUURZV )HZ+HDUWKVDQGIHZÀDNHV CcIa-7: Becking 2QIRUPHU%HFNLQJIDUPRQDEHDFKULGJH$FFHVVE\FDUIURP%DU5LYHU3ORZHG¿HOGVDQFLHQWEHDFKULGJHVWRQH D[HRGGVKDSH8QDEOHWRFKHFN¿HOGVIRUIXUWKHUDUWLIDFWV CcIc-1: Pointe aux Pins On a long, sandy plateau 20 ft. above water, behind the lighthouse just SW.of Pointe aux Pins.on St. Marys River. CcIc-2: Furkey Near Pointe Louise in area between the end of Allagash Road and the St. Mary’s River, along a series of stabilized dunes and on eroded sand beach around the Furkey cottage. CcIc-3: Black Thistle On a spit of land on the lee side of Pointe Louise on a bay in the St. Mary’s River, near Pointe Louise and Allagash Roads. Near a wooden lighthouse and a cottage on a sand beach with mature pine forest cover. CcIc-4: La Salamandre On top of a beach ridge just E of the Sault Ste. Marie Airport runway, E of Hwy 565 and S of Sandy Road. CcIc-5: Par Point On a beach ridge around a small sand and gravel pit at Pointe aux Pins, E of Sandy Road and S of a secondary road. Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment, Proposed Goulais Wind Farm Development near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario © 2010 Woodland Heritage Services Limited. All Rights Reserved. /7 CcIc-6: Money Musk On an eroding bluff on the S side of Marks Bay (Pointe aux Pins Bay) on St. Marys River. CcIc-7: Boy’s O’ The Lough On a beach ridge 40 ft from the present shore on the S side of Marks Bay (Pointe aux Pins Bay) on St. Marys River. Immediately NW of CcIc-8. CcIc-8: Marks Bay On a beach ridge above the shore of Marks Bay (Pointe aux Pins Bay) on St. Marys River, about 50 feet S of a footpath from the last cottages on Pointe aux Pins. CcIc-9: Swale In a swale between two beach ridges, about 50 feet from the present shore on the S side of Marks Bay (Pointe aux Pins Bay) on St. Marys River. CcIc-10: Harvest Home Marks Bay Park Reserve. On a bush road on the second beach ridge past a summer camp. CcIc-11: Virene 2QDQHURGLQJEDQNRQWKH¿UVWUDLVHGEHDFKDERYH0DUNV%D\3RLQWHDX[3LQV%D\RQ6W0DU\V5LYHU,QIURQWRI the second-last cottage in the row extending NW from Pointe aux Pins. CcIc-12: Carolina Buzzbomb On an elevated beach ridge at the most prominent point on the S side of Marks Bay (Pointe aux Pins Bay) on St. Marys River. An old logging road leads to the area, which was used as a day camp. CcIc-13: Planxty On the S side of Marks Bay (Pointe aux Pins Bay) in the water offshore from on eroding beach ridge. CcIc-14: Pointe Louise On the lee side of Pointe Louise and on a short headland projecting into a sheltered bay on St. Marys River. CcIc-15: Maids O’Mul On a bush-covered beach W of a navigational beacon on the SW tip of Pointe Louise. CcIc-16: Eroded Burial On an eroded sand beach and low dune on the E point of Pointe aux Pins on St. Marys River. CcIc-17: Point Underwater Lies under the St. Mary’s River at Pointe Aux Pins, six miles up river from the rapids. 200 m x 100 m historic midden. Also found an Archaic spearpoint on the ste which is thirty feet below the surface. CcIc-19: Polli On the beach in front of the Rajnovich house on the S shore of Mark’s Bay. The house is the 15th eastward from the Mark’s Bay sites complex. Access by road on Red Pine Dr. Sand beach in front of steeply sloping archaic beach ridge covered mainly with mature red pine. Recovered were 3 Shield projectile points (Scott quarry chert, Jasper taconite, Sheguiandah quartzite), 3 side scrapers, 4 end scrapers, 3 bifaces, 7 cores, 1 Scott quarry chert core, 1 Black chert FRUHGHFRUWLIDFDWLRQÀDNHVHFRQGDU\ÀDNHVXWLOL]HGVHFRQGDU\ÀDNHV)RVVLO+LOOFKHUWVHFRQGDU\ÀDNH XQLGHQWL¿HGFKHUWVHFRQGDU\ÀDNHVWHUWLDU\ÀDNHV CdIa-1: Garden River W bank of the Garden River at its mouth on Little Lake George. CdIa-2: Trap Rock Trap rock is a large cliff and hill located close to Highway 17 e on the Garden River Reserve near Sault Ste. Marie. the site lies just E of the main reserve community, above a sideroad. Local Indians observe little men here and also use this spot for fasting, etc. CdIa-3: Manidoo Voice Mountain This is a steep, high rock mountain on the Garden River Indian Reserve E of Sault Ste. Marie. Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment, Proposed Goulais Wind Farm Development near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario © 2010 Woodland Heritage Services Limited. All Rights Reserved. /8 CdIb-1 :EDQNRIWKH5RRW5DWLWVPRXWKDQGFRQÀXHQFHZLWK/LWWOH*HRUJH/ CdIb-2: Ermatinger Present structure erected 1814-24;; c.O. Ermatinger, N.W. Co. (Later H.B.C.) And an accurate historic refurbishing by city began in 1967. Foundations of second structure, 10 ft. N. Of house, uncovered in 1974 excavations, estimated circa 1868. 12,000 Artifacts, 2,500 faunal. CdIb-3: Curran The Curran Site is located on the corner of Summit and Bellevue Avenues in downtown Sault Ste. Marie. The site is now in a residential neighbourhood. This stone axe was found while digging open the yard for a drain tile in 1920. It represents an archaic campsite located just 100 ft. From the edge of a major raised beach. CdIb-4: Mystery Hand The site was located at 183 Spring St. In Sault Ste. Marie. The site is now covered by a public utilities commission building. The iron hand is a solid, unique artifact made from “sponge” iron which is impure. It was not produced in a FUXFLEOHIXUQDFH7KHEUDVVFURVVPD\EHDVHFWLRQRIDSRUWDEOHDOWDU7KH¿JXUHRIFKULVWLVUHPLQLVFHQWRIMDQVHQLVP styles, from the 17th century. CdIb-5: Falconer The site lies in the downtown area of the sault on bay st., Near Spring St. An aboriginal pipe was found while ploughing the area in 1892. CdIb-6: Soo College At Sault College in Sault Ste. Marie, the site is completely destroyed. Artifacts were found at the e edge of the campus near the dorms. Raised beach now in housing and college development area. Many other artifacts have been found by the students at the site. All are available for study. CdIb-7: Vet On Trunk Road in the e end of Sault Ste. Marie. It is now destroyed. A vet clinic covers the property. Site destroyed. Unknown environment - site too developed. Ash stain and several quartzite bifaces. Only one remains in the collector’s possession. Archaic biface similar to sheguindah material. CdIb-8: Moerman On the beach ridge cut by Crystal Creek on the Moerman property. Beach ridge cut by stream. 1 Stone gouge. CdIb-9: Crystal Creek On Tynella farm. Terrace on sandy beach ridge. 1 Slate biface CdIc-1: Sault Hudson Bay Co. Post The Sault Hudson Bay Co. Post is located in the yard of the Abitibi Paper Co. Mill on Lower Huron St. In Sault Ste. Marie. You can drive to the site which is marked by an original blockhouse from the post (now moved to Ermatinger Site). &G,F:KLWH¿VK,VODQG :KLWH¿VK,VODQGLVORFDWHGEHVLGHWKHUDSLGVRIWKHVW0DU\¶VULYHULQWKHFLW\RI6DXOW6WH0DULH$FFHVVLVJDLQHGE\ driving down Huron St. To St. Mary’s island and crossing the seaway authority lock by foot. Designated as being of QDWLRQDOVLJQL¿FDQFHE\QDWLRQDOKLVWRULFVLWHVDQGPRQXPHQWVERDUG&GQ3DUNV6HUYLFH CdIc-3: Northwest Co. Lock An early 20th century reconstruction of part of the Northwest co. Canoe lock lies in the yard of the Abitibi Paper Co. On lower Huron St. In Sault Ste. Marie. One can drive to the site which is marked by an historic plaque. CdIc-4: Tancred This site is located in downtown Sault Ste. Marie near the old soo garage in the Tancred and Slbert St. Area. This burial area may be associated with an historic indian village located at the mouth of fort creek. The stone pipe and burial were 18 inches below surface at the rear of a house, behind the former soo garage. Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment, Proposed Goulais Wind Farm Development near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario © 2010 Woodland Heritage Services Limited. All Rights Reserved. /9 CdIc-5: Base Line One can drive to this site which lies on top of the prominent Nipissing Beach ridge at Gasparetto’s home. It lies adjacent to the junction of base line road and Leigh’s Bay road in the Sault. This site is located on a point, glacial Lake Nipissing times. 2 Pecked stone tools, 2 large quartzite tools CdIc-6: Korah The site was originally the Henry Knight farm but it has been sub-divided into a residential area. It lies on 2nd line west in the city of Sault Ste. Marie on the n. side of the highway just w. of Bennet Creek. CdIc-7: Copper cache The site is located on a raised beach in a residential area in downtown Sault Ste. Marie, at 724 East Spruce St. This cache of copper artifacts is associated with a lake nipissing raised beach ridge. The artifacts were found in a 200 ft. radius in the yards of the residential area. 42 Native copper artifacts plus stone axes and mauls. CdIc-8: Korah school On Allens Side Road c. 240 m north of Third Line Road in nw suburbs of SS Marie. On a semi-rural road in a marginally agricultural suburb school house CdId-1: Metal Toad Gros Cap, at western terminus of Highway 550, running w. from the city of Sault Ste. Marie. The site is situated in DVKHOWHUHG¿HOGDURXQGDVSULQJDQGDORQJWKH¿UVWEHDFKHRI*URV&DS7KH0HWDO7RDGVLWHKDVEHHQEXOOGR]HG and is 90 per cent destroyed. A spring in the centre of the village may still have waterlogged deposits. Mckeachnie’s collection is large and has much Mackinac ware, Daigle’s collection has some pieces of archaic material from other nearby sites and must be used cautiously. CdId-2: Grand Cape $VLWHLVORFDWHGRQWKHZHVWHUQVLGHRIWKH¿UVWVKDOORZED\HRI*URV&DS,WFDQEHUHDFKHGE\GULYLQJIURPWKH Sault to Gros Cap. The site lies on a sand beach behind the sykes house and continues through the bay. Portions of the site have washed into the lake. CdId-3: Copper Serpent On the prominent nipissing raised beach where Hwy 550 crosses the ridge. CdId-4: Nanabush Grandmother Rocks This is a reef which lies just w of the large rock headland known as Gros Cap. I have collected several Ojibwa legends about these rocks. Nanabush threw his grandmother into the lake and she died and turned to stone here. 2ULJLQRI:KLWH¿VK CdId-5: Chene Island This island in the upper St. Mary’s River is located se of Gros Cap off of Sunnyside Beach road. Low sandbar type island with bushes. Located at beginning of St. Mary’s river from Lake Superior. Artifacts found at both ends of the island. This site needs testing and possible salvage. It could be one of the last sites in this section of the river. CdId-6: McKiggan Just n of Sunnyside Beach in front of three cottages. The site is submerged in the shallow waters. Low beach and submerged beach on river. Other cottagers have found artifacts at this site. CdId-7: Gros Cap Pictograph On a boulder beach just n of Gros Cap, on the Lake Superior shoreline. Paintings occur on three boulders. All are within 40 feet of each other. Boulders on shoreline. 4 Pictographs on three boulders. Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment, Proposed Goulais Wind Farm Development near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario © 2010 Woodland Heritage Services Limited. All Rights Reserved. /10 TABLE 2. Ministry of Tourism and Culture Checklist for Determining Archaeological Potential. Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment, Proposed Goulais Wind Farm Development near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario © 2010 Woodland Heritage Services Limited. All Rights Reserved. /11 7.0 MAPS / FIGURES Thunder Bay Sault Ste. Marie Ottawa Toronto Study Area Map 1. Key map illustrating the location of the study area north of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment, Proposed Goulais Wind Farm Development near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario © 2010 Woodland Heritage Services Limited. All Rights Reserved. /12 684000 3 km ! . 686000 688000 690000 ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . CR EE K RD ! . 692000 Neffs Lake ! . ! . ! . 694000 ! . ! . ! . ! . 696000 . ! . ! ! . . ! . ! ! . ! . ! . ! . 698000 ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . Kelly ! . ! . Lake ! . ! ! . . ! ! . ! . . ! . ! . ! . ! . 700000 700000 702000 55 2 H W 704000 ! 704000 ! 702000 Y E ! ! ! ! PEOPLES RD GOULAIS AVE D I R Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment, Proposed Goulais Wind Farm Development near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario © 2010 Woodland Heritage Services Limited. All Rights Reserved. ! ! 5180000 Map 2. Map illustraing the boudnaries of the proposed wind farm, north of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! ! . ! .. AK M . ! . . ! . ! . ! ! . ! ! . . ! ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . YO UN G R D ek rry Cre Cranbe an C ree k Cre ek Thie lm Ke lly ! . ! . D R 552 HWY W GRANT RD 698000 BRULE RD 682000 2 ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . . ! . ! ! . ! . ! . ! . EK RE C LY Johnson Lake L KE Goulais Bay 696000 706000 TRO UT L AK W H E RD 6 55 708000 708000 FOURTH LINE E FIFTH LINE E D Y R RE WIT 706000 Y SLIDE LAND NRSI_1088_ProjectArea_80K_2010_06_18_SWM 1 ! . ! . . ! ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . Lake Superior MIS SIO N R D June 18, 2010 Project: NRSI-1088 NAD83 - UTM Zone 16 1:80,000 at 11 x 17" 694000 ! 0 ´ Confederation Power Inc FOUR SEASONS DR Goulais Wind Farm - Project Area Figure: 1 692000 Y H W 55 2 690000 ! 688000 ! 686000 ! 684000 ! 682000 C K R D 5178000 5176000 5174000 5172000 5170000 5168000 5166000 ! 5164000 ! 5162000 D THIELMAN R ! R ED R O ! ! ! ! ! ! D E R OR SH ! ! ! ! ! ! E PIN !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! N RD HER ORT AT N GRE ! ! ! 712000 CASE RD BE L L E V AL Wetland Area Waterbody Watercourse Secondary Road Primary Road Highway Railway LE Y R D EV Existing 230kV Transmission Line U Phase I Turbine Phase II Turbine 710000 712000 This map is proprietary and confidential and must not be duplicated or distributed by any means without the express written permission of NRSI. Produced using information provided under license by the Ministry of Natural Resources, copyright the Queen's Printer of Ontario. Certain land information data produced by Brascan Powser Wind Corporation under license from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation. Copyright Municipal Property Assessment Corporation 2005. Air photo (2006) provided by GeoBase. Copyright GeoBase. ! ! . ! . Existing Prince Wind Farm Project Area Legend 710000 D ILL R ! 5180000 5178000 5176000 ! 5174000 ! 5172000 RD 5170000 R NA ! DI ! ! 5168000 ! 5166000 W H 17 5164000 GROTH RD 5162000 ! M OLD RD Y ! /13 ! ! Map 3. Satellite image of study area. Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment, Proposed Goulais Wind Farm Development near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario © 2010 Woodland Heritage Services Limited. All Rights Reserved. /14 Map 3. 1:40,000 topographics map of the general study area. Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment, Proposed Goulais Wind Farm Development near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario © 2010 Woodland Heritage Services Limited. All Rights Reserved. /15