In2m pr1 - Home of Kelly McNulty


In2m pr1 - Home of Kelly McNulty
New application gives users real-time mobile accessto personalfinancial information.
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah - September30, 2001 -In2M Corporationtoday released
MvelopesrMPersonalversion 1.0, a mobile spendingtool for handhelddevicesand PCs.
The application gives users accessto personal spendinginformation and accountbalances
at the time they spendinstead of after the fact.
Mvelopes PersonalusesIn2M's unique mobile envelopesapproachto personalfinance.
Users enter their income and createvirtual monthly "envelopes" for all expenses.Users
spendfrom theseMvelopes spendingaccountsinsteadof from checking and credit
accounts.Users update balancesas spendingis recorded,which can be manually at the
time of purchaseor automaticallywhen using In2M's online Mvelopes service.Usersget
a complete picture of their finances in one, easily accessibleand portable place. And they
have a constantand accuratevisual record of how much they have available in any
"The 'Mvelope' conceptwas proven yearsago when peopledivided cashamong
envelopesdedicatedto a house payment, groceries,utilities, vacation and so on," said
Steve Smith, In2M president and chief executive officer. "When people neededmoney,
they took cash from the appropriateenvelope.When peoples' grocery envelopeswere
empty, they had to take money from other envelopesor not buy groceries.They were
constantly aware of how much they were spendingand what they were spendingit on.
Mvelopes Personalmodemizesthis concept."
Through In2M's online Mvelopes service,the Mvelopes application integrateswith
online data from up to seven accountsfrom a total pool of over 1,400 financial
instifutions nationwide. Users connect to online service via the Intemet and the secure
In2M server to automatically update their Mvelopes balances.Users have a real-time
visual record of their spending and gain insight into their daily finances and spending
habits. They can make adjustmentsfor future spendingand can even chooseto
automatically allocate remaining Mvelopes balancesto savings or investment accounts.
,'Our goal isn't to simply introduce another financial application. Our goal is to change
the way people interact with their money," said Smith. "By consolidating personal
financial information in one, easy-to-usemobile application, Mvelopes integratesthe
user's spendingand budgetingprocesses."
Mvelopes Personalwill run on any smartphoneor PDA with Palm OS software verslon
2.0 or high"t, including Palm handhelds,HandspringVisors, Sony Cli6s and Kyocera
smartphones,as well as PCs with the Windows 95 or higher operating system.
In2M is seeking apatenton the application and will initially offer Mvelopes Personalfor
$190 and online Mvelopes servicefor $14.95a month, $160 a year or $290 for two years.
(Users can chooseto use Mvelopes Personalwithout online Mvelopes service,but they
cannotuse online Mvelopes servicewithout using MvelopesPersonal.)The product and
serviceare availablefrom In2M salesagentsor direct at or 1-866Mvelopes (683-5637).
About In2M
In2M Corporation ( specializesin integrating financial services,content
and commerceto empower mobile usersin ways never before possible-from accessto
personalfinancial accountsto wireless,cardlesspoint-of-saletransactions.In2M's
proprietary mobile application platform (MAP) powers applications that provide easy,
automatic ways to access,organizeand interact with personaland businessdata- right
from a personal digital assistant(PDA), smartphoneor other Internet-capabledevice.
In2M is an active member of the IrDA's IrFM SIG, the Bluetooth SIG, the MeT initiative
and the SyncML industry forum.
In2M and Mvelopes are trademarks of In2M Corporation.
Aaron Evans
FJCandNPublic Relations
Kelly McNulty
In2M Corporation
kel ly. m cnulty @in2m. com