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mechanics American Academy of Mechanics Academia Americana de Mecanica Volume 33, Number 1-2 January-February 2004 (references in the form \M28(3-4)" indicate the last time the Journal was cited in mechanics: v. 28, n. 3-4, in this case.) Selections of the Editor Job Positions Announcements Application for Membership mechanics Contents Acta Materialia Acta Mechanica AIAA Journal Applied Mathematical Modelling Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Applied Mechanics Reviews Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis Archive of Applied Mechanics Archives of Mechanics Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing Computational Mechanics Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences Computers & Fluids Computers & Structures Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics Engineering Fracture Mechanics Engineering Mechanics Engineering Structures European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids European Journal of Mechanics B-Fluids Experimental Mechanics Experiments in Fluids Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures Finite Elements in Analysis and Design Flow, Turbulence and Combustion IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics Industrial Mathematics International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids International Journal of Damage Mechanics International Journal of Engineering Science International Journal of Fatigue International Journal of Fracture International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer International Journal of Impact Engineering International Journal of Mechanical Sciences International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics International Journal of Plasticity I XI XII BC 1 1 3 4 5 5 M28(3-4) 6 7 M26(1) 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 M30(1-2) 14 15 15 M32(11-12) 15 16 18 18 19 M31(7-8) 19 20 21 M32(1-2) 23 M32(9-10) 23 M32(11-12) 24 M32(11-12) 26 26 28 International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping International Journal of Solids and Structures Inverse Problems in Engineering Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Journal of Applied Mechanics Journal of Biomechanical Engineering Journal of Biomechanics Journal of Composite Materials Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Journal of Computational Physics Journal of Elasticity Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology Journal of Engineering Mathematics Journal of Engineering Mechanics Journal of Fluid Mechanics Journal of Fluids and Structures Journal of Fluids Engineering Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites Journal of Sound and Vibration Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids Journal of Thermal Stresses Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Journal of Vibration and Control JSME International Journal Series A JSME International Journal Series B JSME International Journal Series C Mathematics & Mechanics of Solids Meccanica Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures Mechanics of Materials Mechanics of Structures and Machines Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials Mechanics Research Communications Medical Engineering & Physics Nonlinear Dynamics Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Quarterly Journal of Mechanics & Applied Mathematics Quarterly of Applied Mathematics Rheologica Acta Shock and Vibration SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Studies in Applied Mathematics Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics Thin-Walled Structures Wave Motion Zeitschrift f ur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik Zeitschrift f ur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 29 29 31 M31(1-2) 31 32 33 35 35 38 40 40 41 41 42 44 45 45 46 47 48 48 52 M32(11-12) M32(11-12) 53 54 M32(11-12) 54 55 M32(11-12) 56 57 57 57 M32(11-12) 58 58 58 M32(11-12) 59 M32(11-12) M32(11-12) 59 60 60 61 61 M32(11-12) 61 M32(11-12) 62 62 mechanics provides its readers with news in the eld of theoretical and applied mechanics, and serves as a forum for the presentation and discussion of issues related to the development of the science and profession of mechanics. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reect oÆcial points of views of AAM or the institutions with which the authors are aÆliated. mechanics Editor: Horacio D. Espinosa (Northwestern University, U.S.A.) Gustavo Buscaglia (Balseiro Institute, Argentina), Gerardo Diaz (Universidad de Chile), Alex Elias-Zuniga (Instituto Technologica y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey), Djenane Pamplona (PUC-Rio, Brazil), Luis Suarez (Universidad de Puerto Rico), Reza Vaziri (The University of British Columbia). Associate Editors: The American Academy of Mechanics is a non-prot corporation incorporated in 1969 under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Its objective is to advance the science and profession of mechanics, with particular reference to the countries of North, South, and Central America. It aims to facilitate cooperation among mechanicists, to encourage recognition of achievements in mechanics, and to promote public understanding of the work of the mechanicist. (2001): President and Chairman of the Board: L.T. Wheeler (University of Houston); Immediate past President: C.W. Bert (Univeristy of Oklahoma); Secretary: R. Batra (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University); Treasurer: R.A. Heller (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University); Director, Region IA (Eastern USA): L. Virgin; Director, Region IB (Central and Western USA): position open; Director, Region II (Canada): M. Paidoussis; Director, Region III (Central and South America): P. Kittl (Universidad de Chile); Publisher: R.M. Haythornthwaite (Temple University); Secretary to the Fellows: S. Datta (University of Colorado at Boulder). Board of Directors (ISSN 0076-5783) POSTMASTER: Send address changes to mechanics, Subscription and Membership, ESM, MC 0219, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061 (Tel. 540-231-6871: Fax 540-231-2290). Editorial and Advertising: Horacio D. Espinosa, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, IL 60208-3111 (Tel. 847-467-5989, Fax 847-491-3915). Membership in the American Academy of Mechanics includes the subscription to mechanics. mechanics American Academy of Mechanics Academia Americana de Mecanica I SELECTIONS OF THE EDITOR SCALING LAWS FOR FRAGMENTATION ENERGY DISSIPATION IN IMPACTS AND EXPLOSIONS By Alberto Carpinteri* and Nicola Pugno** Department of Structural Engineering and Geotechnica, Politecnico di Torino Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy *Tel: +39.115644850, Fax: +39.115644899, E- mail: carpinteri@polito.it **Tel: +39.115644902, Fax: +39.115644899, E- mail: nicola.pugno@polito.it Abstract: The result of this work aims at demonstrating and unifying the three fundamental laws regarding energy dissipation during comminution by showing their validity also as far as impact and explosive natural and artificial phenomena are concerned and extending their import to similar events occurring in one and two-dimensional objects. In the three-dimensional case, it emerges that energy dissipation takes place not according to an Euclidean domain but according to a fractal one, which, surprisingly enough, is always included within Euclidean surfaces and volumes. It is interesting to point out how borderline cases correspond to the predictions of classical theories, namely traditional Fracture Mechanics on the one hand and Plasticity on the other. Euclidean Geometry greatly contributed to the development of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Phys ics. However, the 20th century clearly showed its limits, leading scientists to lay aside the old notion according to which Euclidean Geometry was suitable to represent the real Geometry of Nature. Pseudo Euclidean Geometry and Minkowski's spaces provided a basis for Restricted Relativity and likewise Gauss-Riemann's geometry provided a similar scientific fundation for the space-time description in General Relativity. Gravity does not depend on scale. Therefore this has brought about the formation of cosmic structures, which often do not seem to have a random nature, but - on the contrary possess a sponge-like topology, so as to influence consequently the selfsame space-time geometry. Such topology has been well described by the recent Fractal Geometry1,2 which studies structures such as e.g. sponge pores, that appear self-similar at all scales. Therefore Fractality is linked to Scale Relativity, making it impossible to establish an absolute scale. II Self-similar objects at all scales are actually well known in Nature3-7 ; hence the use - and sometimes the misuse - of fractals can be found in the most diversified fields (e.g., energies, sizes and durations of solar flares, magnitudes of earthquakes, sizes of lakes, sizes of impact craters on moons, frequencies of usage of words, lifetime of biological taxa, fragments of coal, size of asteroids, particles in rings of Saturn, energy dissipation of warm-blooded animals, distribution of scales of coastlines etc.). For instance, the problem concerning the measurement of the length of Great Britain's3 coastline showed the fractal nature of the coastline indentation. As a matter of fact the Euclidean method for the measurement adopted at the beginning led to conflicting results since the more accurate the measurement was the more the coastline diverged. Likewise, objects with different dimensions, even belonging to various magnitude sizes (e.g. a micro fracture caused by fatigue in a metal and a macro fracture on the earth's crust originating from an earthquake) seem to be topologically similar. In other words, the morphology of a fracture appears self-similar at all scales: paradoxically this does not allow researchers to understand whether the photograph of a fracture was taken using a microscope or from a satellite. With a view to pursue such analysis in the field of fractures, a further consideration of fundamental purport is that at small scales the self-similarity phenomenon must fade away owing to quantization (a phenomenon which Quantum Mechanics has made researchers familiar with). Namely it is to be expected that at nano-scale the Continuum should die down and be replaced by Fracture Quanta8 . Nowadays this issue is becoming more and more relevant due to the steady growth of the development of nanotechnologies, which has considerably increased the interest in the investigation into damages at small scale levels 9,10. As far as a fracture is concerned, even if such fracture is extreme (e.g. in crushing processes), it is therefore impossible to produce matter particles below a certain dimensional threshold (Material Quantum) because of a drastic energy increase to be spent in the process11 ; hence the serious technological difficulty in carrying out a III fine comminution, which is essential in a vast number of processes (e.g. sintering, medicine production …). By combining both concepts, i.e. Scale Relativity or Fractal Geometry on the one hand, and the hypothesis of the existence of a Material Quantum on the other, researchers have recently formulated some simple Universal Laws (one, two and three-dimensional) in order to calculate the energy involved in the crushing of matter as a result of impacts and explosions12 . Such laws comply with thermodynamics principles. Actually, some researchers already realized as far as ten years ago that there was a kind of universal pattern underlying the crushing processes which implied different fracture systems and different materials 13 . In the three-dimensional case, for example, it emerges that energy dissipation takes place not according to a Euclidean domain but according to a fractal one, which, surprisingly enough, is always included within Euclidean surfaces and volumes. It is interesting to point out how borderline cases correspond to the classical cases of structural collapse, namely traditional Fracture Mechanics on the one hand and Plasticity on the other14 . In addition, it is relevant to this research to highlight how the threedimensional Universal Law succeeds in unifying the three main theories about comminution (i.e. the Surface Theory15 , the Volume Theory16 and the Third Comminution Theory17 ; see18 ), which, however, were developed on the basis of deeply different and inherently experimental concepts so as to ignore the fragment dimensional distribution. The starting point in the research involved assuming of a fractal probability density function for the fragment size distribution19 p (r) = D D rmin , where rmin is the typical dimension of r D+1 the smallest fragment (matter quantum), r is the typical dimension of a generic fragment (proportional to the cube root of the fragment's volume) and D is the so called fractal dimension of the distribution. Theoretically such fractal exponent is positive. Experimentally it is possible to observe that in the vast majority of cases involving the crushing of three dimensional objects IV such exponent is comprised between values ranging from 2 to 3 (e.g. disaggregated gneiss D=2.13, disaggregated granite D=2.22, broken coal D=2.50, projectile fragmentation of quartzite D=2.55, projectile fragmentation of basalt D=2.56, fault gouge D=2.60, sandy clays D=2.61, terrace sands and gravels D=2.82, glacial till D=2.88)19 . Theoretically this is equivalent to a crushing in which the smallest fragments provide the main contribution to the creation of the fracture surface while the largest ones contribute to defining its volume. All the same, fractal exponent values outside (i.e. below or above) this interval can be detected in a few cases such as artificially crushed quartz (D=1.89) or ash and pumice (D=3.54)19 . As far as two-dimensional objects are concerned, the radius which characterizes the fractal size distribution p (r ) is proportional to the square root of the typical surface (of constant thickness) of the fragment. For the most frequent crushing, in which the smallest fragments provide the main contribution to the creation of the fracture perimeter while the largest ones define the area, the two-dimensional fractal exponent is comprised between values ranging from 1 to 2. This is experimentally substantiated: in fact several texts regarding ice floe fragmentation set the values of D as 1.7-1.8, 1.36. and 1.5620 . Likewise a value ranging from 0 to 1 can be expected for the one-dimensional fractal exponent. Some simple models19 show how D is proportional to the logarithm of the crushing probability, i.e. the probability a certain block has to be crushed into sub-blocks and then into even smaller ones and so on. So, assuming a fractal law (D=const) means assuming a constant crushing probability at all scales: for the starting block, for sub-blocks and so forth. If the crushing probability increases, also the fractal exponent becomes bigger. For instance: in passing from one dimensional to three-axial compression, the fractal exponent rises, starting from an initial value close to 2, due to the greater confinement to which a greater crushing probability corresponds20 . The crushing is therefore finer and the fractal exponent bigger. Another example V can be found in the case of ice floes, where the fractal exponent seems to increase towards the ice-sea interface owing to the major confinement and stress set by waves and wind (D increases starting from 1 for the internal interface areas and reaches 1.8 for the external ones)20 . To sum up, it is possible to state that, given an equal space dimension (1, 2 or 3) to be taken into consideration, inferior values can be expected for less confined phenomena - such as explosions; whereas greater values have to be expected for the more confined events - such as impacts, especially repeated ones. All this conforms to the full to experimentation. In addition to this experimental corroboration, some authors have demonstrated that the fractal distribution law is theoretically a consequence of the Maximum Entropy Principle21 . 0.01 log r rmax 0.1 r/r max 1 1 D = 2.48 D=2.48 log M (< r ) M tot M (< r ) M(<r)/M tot (< 0.1 Figure 1: Statistical analysis of mass particle size distribution. In order to show an example of fragment fractal distribution, Figure 1 illustrates the mass distribution of fragments (analyzed by employing instruments which exploited diffraction) following an artificial crushing of heterogeneous material (concrete)22 . The fractal hypothesis provides, by means of a simple integration originating from the distribution function p (r ) , a prediction about the total fragment mass with a typical radius minor of a certain value r, such as: log M (< r ) r ≅ (3 − D )log , namely a linear pattern in a bi- logarithmic plane with a slope linked M tot rmax VI to a fractal exponent which is expected to range between the aforesaid values 2 to 3 in such an instance of three-dimensional crushing. The statistical analysis shown in Figure 1 fit in with the fractal hypothesis (alignment on a straight line with D=2.48). Fragments are reported in Fig. 2. Figure 2: Experimental mass particle size distribution. Resuming the main issue concerning the process energetics, it is surprising to see that the main dissipations involved in fragmentation are, all the same, proportional to the free surface of the fragments produced. In addition to the energy dissipated during the breaking off of the chemical bonds, which − according to Griffith23 − is proportional to the fragment surface, and actually far inferior to the dissipation causes which will be mentioned below in the following paragraph, it is possible to detect, in fragmentation under compression (impacts), a high heat production due to friction among particles: such friction may be assumed to be proportional to their free surface24 . In fragmentation under traction (explosions), energy is substantially dissipated via the fragments' kinetic energy. Such dissipation appears to be proportional to the fragments' surface only in the specific instance when the ejection velocity of such ballistic projectiles is proportional to the reciprocal of the square root of their typical linear dimension. Surprisingly enough, this is the case25 . This involves a consequence of paramount importance, VII namely that energy dissipation in matter crushing due to impacts and explosions may be unified and considered proportional to the total free surface created. Whenever a three-dimensional case is analyzed, such a surface has obviously a fractal nature, thanks to the dimensional self-similar nature of the particles, and is always comprised within an Euclidean surface and volume. The theoretical result of this work aims at demonstrating and unifying - simply but rigorously - the three fundamental laws regarding comminution by showing their validity also as far as explosive phenomena are concerned and extending their import to similar events occurring in one and two-dimensional objects. As a conclusion, the result of the research can be simply summarized as follows for the threedimensional case: W ∝ V D / 3 , being W the energy dissipated, V the fragmented volume and D the fractal exponent of the particle D = 2 for D < 2 , D ≡ D for 2 ≤ D ≤ 3 and size dis tribution set at values 2-3. i.e. D = 3 for D > 3 . Similar correspondences can be obtained if two-dimensional objects with A surface and one-dimensional objects with L length are crushed. The three Scaling Laws for energy dissipation during fragmentation under impacts or explosions are the following12 : W ∝ LD W∝A D/2 W ∝V D/3 (0 ≤ D ≤ 1) (1 ≤ D ≤ 2 ) (2 ≤ D ≤ 3) 1 − dimensiona l 2 − dimensiona l 3 − dimensiona l. Applications. As a first example, we can apply the three-dimensional law to the prediction of the devastated area due to asteroid impacts26,27 , as a function of the energy released in the collision. The comparison with the experimental Steel’s law28 , based on nuclear weapon tests, shows a good correspondence. Assuming that the destroyed zones (or fragmented volumes V) are self- VIII similar at each scale, the area Ω devastated by an impact is proportional to V 2 / 3 and, being W ∝ V D / 3 , the theoretical prediction for the devastated area will be Ω ∝ W 2 / D . Steel28 provided the following formula, based on nuclear weapon tests, for estimating the area of destruction due to asteroid impacts Ω = 400W 0.67 , [Ω ] = [km2 ], [W ] = [Megatons ] . It appears in good agreement with the theoretical prediction and, if we assume D ≈ 3 , they practically coincide. As a second example of application we can considered the size and shape effects on material properties in compression. We can evaluate the dissipated strain energy density Ψ = Ψ l during the compression of a specimen as a function of its characteristic length l: = Ψ0 l 0 W V D −3 where Ψ 0 , l 0 are related to a reference specimen. In addition, if we suppose that the size-effects on the compressive strength σ C l σ can be estimated assuming Ψ ∝ σ C2 , we have: C0 = σC l0 D −3 2 . Size-effects on strain energy density and on material strength, described by straight lines in a bilogarithmic diagram, are experimentally confirmed29 . The fractal exponent, obtained as a best-fit parameter by fitting the experimental data, has been found close to 2. Fractal exponents around two are in fact observed for particle size distribution obtained under uniaxial compression30 . On the other hand − regarding shape effects in compression − considering specimens with constant base area l 2 , the specimen slenderness (height h over base side l) can be obtained as λ= D− 3 D− 3 V l2 h h Ψ σC = 3 = and the shape-effects become =λ 3 , = λ 6 . They predict the Vλ =1 l l Ψλ =1 σ C (λ = 1) shape effects on dissipated energy density and strength for specimens under compression. The fractal exponent, obtained as best-fit parameter29 by fitting the experimental data, has been found again close to 2. IX As third and last examp le of application we can considered the power balance for drilling comminution. Considering a drilling tool and the applied vertical thrust force F (typically supplied by the operator), the torque M t (typically supplied by the engine) and their dual displacements δ and ϕ, the power balance for drilling comminution can be written as Fδ& + M tϕ& = W& + W& f , where W represent the global work dissipated (by fracture and by internal friction) in comminution processes, W f is the heat production by external friction and the dot over the symbols represents time derivation22 . It is important to observe how the internal heat production (substantially by friction) in the comminution process is included in W . Such quantitiy should be proportional to the new produced free surface and absolutely prevailing over the fracture work − only about 3% of the total22 . Evaluating the power W& by the fragmentation law and W& f as dissipated by the external friction forces, the balance can be rewritten as ( Fδ& + M tϕ& = Γ Abit δ& ) D/3 + µFRϕ& , where Γ is the energy dissipated on the fractal free surface of the material (by fracture and internal friction); Abit is the effective area of the tool ring, µ is the friction coefficient between the two materials and R the mean radius of the drilling tool. From experiments on concrete we know that the fractal exponent for drilling detritus is D ≅ 2 and the fractal drilling strength Γ ≅ 15 MN/ (ms1 / 3 ) . So, we can describe the process from a global point of view and predict the drilling velocity22,31 . REFERENCES: 1. Mandelbrot, B. B. The Fractal Geometry of Nature (Freeman, New York, 1982). 2. Feder, J. Fractals (Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, 1988). 3. Mandelbrot, B. How long is the coast of Britain? Statistical self-similarity and fractional dimension. Science 156, 636-638 (1967). 4. Mandelbrot, B., Passoja, D. E. & Paullay, A. J. Fractal character of fracture surfaces of metals. Nature 308, 721-722 (1984). 5. Allégre, C.J., Le Mouel, J.L. & Provost, A. Scaling rules in rock fracture and possible implications for earthquake prediction. Nature 297, 47-49 (1982). X 6. Steacy, S.J. & Sammis, C.G. An automaton for fractal patterns of fragmentation. Nature 353, 250-252 (1991). 7. Davy, P., Sornette, A. & Sornette, D. Some consequences of a proposed fractal nature of continental faulting. Nature 348, 56-58 (1990). 8. Novozhilov, V. On a necessary and sufficient criterion for brittle strength. Prik. Mat. Mek. 33, 212-222 (1969). 9. Gouldstone, A., Krystyn Van Vliet, J., Suresh, S. Simulation of defect nucleation in a crystal. Nature 411, 656 (2001). 10. Suresh, S. Graded Materials for Resistance to Contact Deformation and Damage. Science 292, 2447-2451 (2001). 11. Kendall, K. The impossibility of comminuting small particles by compression. Nature 272, 711-712 (1978). 12. Carpinteri, A. & Pugno, N. One- two and three-dimensional universal laws for fragmentation due to impact and explosion. J. Appl. Mech. 69, 854-856 (2002). 13. Bouchaud, E., Lapasset, G. & Planes, G. Fractal dimension of fractured surfaces: a universal value? Europhys. Lett. 13, 73-79 (1990). 14. Carpinteri, A. Structural Mechanics - A Unified Approach (E & FN Spon, 1997). 15. von Rittinger, P. R. Lehrbuch der Aufbereitungskunde (Berlin, 1867). 16. Kick, F. Das Gesetz der Proportionalen Widerstände (Leipzig, 1885). 17. Bond, F. C. The third theory of comminution. Mining. Enginee., 4, 484-494 (1952). 18. Béla Beke, D. Principles of Comminution (Publishing House of the Hungarian Academic of Sciences, Budapest, 1964). 19. Turcotte, D. L Fractals and Chaos in Geology and Geophysics (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992). 20. Weiss, J. Fracture and fragmentation of ice: a fractal analysis of scale invariance. Enginee. Fract. Mech. 68, 1975-2012 (2001). 21. Engleman, R., Rivier, N. & Jaeger, Z. Size distribution in sudden breakage by the use of entropy maximization. J. Appl. Phys. 63, 4766-4768 (1988). 22. Carpinteri, A. & Pugno, N. A fractal comminution approach to evaluate the drilling energy dissipation. Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 26, 499-513 (2002). 23. Griffith, A. A. The phenomeno n of rupture and flow in solids. Philosoph. Trans. of the Royal Society, London, A221, 163-198 (1921). 24. Smekal, A. Physikalisches und technisches Arbeitsgesetz der Zerkleinerung (Zeitschr. VDI, Beiheft Verfahrenstechnik, 1937). 25. Nakamura, A., & Fujiwara, A. Icarus 92, 132- (1991). 26. Asphaug, E., Ostro, J. S., Hudson, R. S., Scheeres, D. J. & Benz, W. Disruption of kilometresized asteroids by energetic collisions. Nature 393, 437-440 (1998). 27. Ryder, G. Glass beads tell a tale of Lunar bombardment. Science 287, 1768-1769 (2000). 28. Steel, D. Rogue Asteroids and Doomsday Comets (John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1995). 29. Carpinteri, A. & Pugno, N. Fractal fragmentation theory for shape effects of quasi-brittle materials in compression. Mag. of Concrete Research 54(6), 473-480 (2002). 30. Momber, A.W. The fragmentation of standard concrete cylinders under compression: the role of the secondary fracture debris. Eng. Fract. Mech. 67, 445-459 (2000). 31. Carpinteri, A. & Pugno, N. A multifractal comminution approach for drilling scaling laws. Powder Technology 131(1) 93-98 (2003). XI JOB POSITIONS FACULTY POSITIONS (Tenure-Track) MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING The Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (MME) at Florida International University (FIU) is seeking applications for two tenure track positions (open rank) in broad areas of mechanical engineering with expertise in computational science and engineering. Candidates must have strong background in thermo-fluid sciences, micro-mechanics or material sciences with research emphasis on multi-disciplinary mathematical modeling, numerical simulation, design methodologies, evolutionary optimization, robust control, and visualization of engineering systems. Desirable experience includes, but is not limited to, numerical methods for continuum models and/or ab initio molecular dynamics and massively parallel processing with applications to contemporary and emerging areas such as nanotechnology, MEMS/NEMS, micro-machines, and systems with multi-scale features. Applicants should have a doctoral degree in mechanical engineering or a related discipline and should be able to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in mechanical or materials engineering. Postdoctoral research and/or teaching experience are highly desirable. The positions are available starting Fall 2004. FIU is the state university in Miami, Florida, with more than 34,000 students. The university has achieved Carnegie Doctoral/Research Universities-Extensive status and was ranked in the top 100 of the country’s public national universities. Information on the Department can be found on the Internet at http://www.eng.fiu.edu/me/. MME is one of the six departments of the College of Engineering at FIU. The College is undergoing major expansion involving several new academic and research programs. The most recent initiatives are in biomedical engineering and nanotechnology, nano-electronics and entrepreneurship. Nominations or applications should be sent by regular mail or e-mail to: Professor Kinzy Jones, Chair, Search and Screen Committee Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Florida International University 10555 W. Flagler Street EC 3442 Miami, FL 33174 mesearch@fiu.edu A review of applications will begin on January 15, 2004, and will continue until the position is filled. The application materials should include curriculum vitae, teaching and research experience, a vision statement, and a list of at least five references. Additional information may be obtained via e-mail: jonewk@fiu.edu and by visiting the FIU home page: http://www.fiu.edu. FIU is an equal access/equal opportunity employer and institution. XII ANNOUNCMENTS Minutes of the 66th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Meeting of the Fellows, and Open Meeting of the Members The 66th Meeting of the Board of Directors, Meeting of the Fellows, and Open Meeting of the Members was held in Washington, DC on November 18, 2003 from 3 to 6 PM, in conjunction with the 2003 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Present: T. Belytshcko, H. Espinosa, S. Datta, L. Wheeler (Chair), A. Leissa, C. W. Smith, R. Abeyartne, R. Batra, D. Mook, S. Crandall, C. Taylor, K. Chong, J. Achenbach., M. Ostoja-Starzewski The chair called the meeting to order at 3:00PM. In view of the large number of Fellows present, the chair ruled that the business of Fellows be conducted first. The chair appointed S. Datta, C. W. Smith and R. C. Batra to count the ballots for the Fellow’s election. By a unanimous vote of those present, the following three persons were declared elected to the Fellows grade: M. W. Hyer, V. Kinra, and K. Liechti. Certificates will be mailed to them in the near future. It was decided that two fellows will be elected in 2004. During the meeting of the Board of Directors, Crandall moved that the administrative assistant, Sally Shrader, be given a 10% raise effective January 1, 2004. Batra seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. After a lengthy discussion of the financial condition of the Academy, it was decided that for the calendar year 2004, the print version of the Mechanics journal will only have review articles, open position announcements, and call for papers. Professor Espinosa, the Editor of Mechanics, made a motion that the journal contents be put on the AAM website and no longer printed. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved by the Board. Professor Espinosa will keep track of the number of hits to the Academy’s webpage and also to the journal contents. He will report to the Board at its next meeting at which time it will be decided whether or not to continue compiling journal contents. M. Ostoja-Starzewski briefed every one present on the PACAM meeting to be held in Havana in January 2004. J. Achenbach quoted the notice on the Treasury Dept.’s webpage on obtaining a Visa to Cuba. A possibility is to fly to Cancun, Mexico and then to Havana and not spend any money in Havana. The other possibility is for the AAM to be headquartered outside the USA. Steve Crandall, chairman of the AAM Awards Committee, announced the following awards: Distinguished Service Award: John Dundurs; Junior Achievement Award: Tarek I. Zohdi The chair thanked Steve Crandall for having served so admirably as the chair of the Academy’s Award Committee. XIII Action Items: Ø A committee comprised of Charlie Bert (Chair) , Frank Moon and Millard Beatty should nominate a candidate for the President of the Academy in 2005. The nomination should be sent to the Secretary by 1 January. Ø Lewis Wheeler will nominate one person to replace S. Crandall on the Academy’s Award Committee. Professor J. Tins ley Oden will chair the committee in 2004. Ø Lewis Wheeler will discuss with Charles Steele the procedure to be followed to obtain a Visa to Cuba. Ø Lewis Wheeler will discuss with Charles Steele the bid from Brazil to host PACAM in 2006. Next Meeting: It was decided that the next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held in Warsaw, Poland in conjunction with the ICTAM meeting. All present voted to adjourn the meeting at 5:30PM. ASCE Theodore von Karman Medal Pol D. Spanos, an AAM Fellow (1995), is the recipient of the Theodore von Karman Medal from ASCE for his significant contributions to innovative analytical and numerical tools for studying a wide spectrum of engineering systems subject to arandom fields and exhibiting non-linear behavior. The Theodore von Karman Medal is presented to an individual, irrespective of particular societal affiliation, for distinguished achievement in Engineering Mechanics that is applicable to any branch of civil engineering. Spanos is a Professor of Civil and Mechanical Engineering and has held the L.B. Ryon Endowed Chair in Engineering at Rice University since 1988. He has written more than 250 archival journal and conference papers, and has authored/edited 18 volumes on dynamics and vibrations of structural and mechanical systems; he has served as committee chair for more than 36 M.S. and 28 Ph.D. students. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics and the Co-Editor or the International Journal of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics. His honors include Fellow of ASCE and of ASME, Chair of the ASCE - EMD and of the ASME- AMD divisions, NSF’s Presidential Young Investigator Award (1984), Alexander von Humboldt Senior Research Prize (1995), International Association for Structural Safety and Reliability Research Prize (1997), ASCE’s Alfred M. Freudenthal Medal (1992) and Nathan M. Newmark Medal (1999)., and ASME’s Pi Tau Sigma (1982) and Larson Memorial (1991) achievements awards. XIV BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MECHANICS FELLOWS ELECTED IN NOVEMBER 2003 Professor Michael W. Hyer is a Professor in the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, where he has been on the faculty since 1978. Previously, he was at the Boeing Company as a Lead Engineer (1966-70), on the faculty in the Mechanical Engineering and mechanics department, Old Dominion University (1975-78), and in the Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Maryland (1985-87). Currently, he is the Interim Co-Director, Center for Composite Materials and Structures, VPI and State University. He received a B.S. cum laude in Aerospace Engineering from the State University of New York, Buffalo, an M.S. in Engineering Science from Purdue University, and a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Michigan. His primary research interests are in the area of the mechanics of composite materials and structures and the current research interests include geometrically nonlinear effects in composite structures, with emphasis on the interaction of thermal and mechanical effects, particularly the elastic couplings unique to composite materials. He is author of the McGraw-Hill text entitled Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials. He is the past President and a Fellow of the American Society for Composites, a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Professor Hyer has been active in many technical society committees and serves on the editorial boards of several technical journals. The citation for the American Academy of Mechanics Fellow Award is “for contributions to research and education in the field of composite materials and structures.” Professor Vikram K. Kinra is the General Dynamics Professor, Department of Aerospace engineering, Texas A&M University, where he has been on the faculty since 1982. Previously, he was on the faculty in the Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Colorado, Boulder (1975-82), and was a Visiting Scientist at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base (1997-98). He served as the Associate Director (1990-95) and Director (1995-98), TEES Center for Mechanics of Composites. He received a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, an M.S. from Utah State University, and a Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics from Brown University. His primary research interests are in the field of solid mecha nics in general and in mechanics of composite materials in particular. He has made significant research contributions in mechanics and mechanisms of material damping, ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation, and fracture mechanics. He is an Associate Fellow o f the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Professor Kinra has been active in many technical society committees and serves as an Associate Technical Editor of Journal of Applied Mechanics and Experimental Mechanics. He is the recipient of two national awards for XV excellence in teaching: the Dow Outstanding Young Faculty Award and the Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award. The citation for his American Academy of Mechanics Fellow Award is “for his pioneering research contributions in ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation and wave propagation.” Professor Kenneth M. Liechti is a Professor in the Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Department, University of Texas at Austin, where he has been on the faculty since 1982. Previously, he was a Research Scientist at the General Dynamics Fort Worth Division. He received his B. Sc. degree (First Class Honors) in Aeronautical Engineering from the University of Glasgow, Scotland, and M. S. in Aeronautics and Ph. D. in Aeronautics from the California Institute of Technology. His primary research interests have been in the mechanics of adhesion and failure of bimaterial interfaces and bonding, and nonlinear mechanics of viscoelastic materials. He has co-authored (with A.M. Bedford) a textbook, Mechanics Of Materials. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Society of Experimental Mechanics and the Adhesion Society. Professor Liechti has been active in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Society of Experimental Mechanics, serving as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Applied Mechanics and Experimental Mechanics. The citation for the American Academy of Mechanics Fellow Award is “for fundamental contribution to the mechanics and physics of decohesion of interfaces and bond joints.” XVI American Academy of Mechanics Founders Prize and Grant Up to $10,000 For the Academic Year 2004-2005 (Deadline: July 1, 2004) The American Academy of Mechanics is pleased to announce the availability of a Founder’s Prize and Grant to be awarded in September 2004 to a doctoral candidate in the field of Mechanics. Funding has been arranged by the Robert M. and Mary Haythornthwaite Foundation through the good offices of Professor Haythornthwaite, founder and first President of the Academy. The award will be made on the recommendation of an AAM committee. The prize consists of a Certificate and $1,000 that will be presented at the annual meeting of the Academy, usually held in November. The Grant will be made to that same person in two installments, $6,000 in September 2004 and up to $3,000 in January 2005, the latter dependent on the size of the approved budget and receipt by the AAM committee of an acceptable progress report. In order to encourage contestants to think constructively about the impact of new and pending developments, they will be asked to compose an original essay of no more than a thousand words under the title “Progress through Mechanics”. The winning essay will be published in mechanics. The award is open to those who, as of July 1, 2004, are registered as graduate students at a degree granting institution within the Americas, have completed at least one year of full-time graduate study at that institution, have been assigned a thesis advisor at the institution and have had a doctoral thesis topic emphasizing mechanics approved by the institution following candidacy or equivalent procedures. There are no restrictions with regard to citizens hip, residency, race, religion, or sex. Letters of support will be required of the thesis advisor and in addition one from either a Member or a Fellow of AAM. Contestants will be judged on the basis of the essay, plans, references and academic history. The intent of the Grant is to support the research of the student through an approved combination of equipment purchases, information access, travel, etc., but not routine living expenses or fees. Detailed rules for the competition will be issued soon: to receive them, express your interest to the committee by FAX to (215) 204-6936, or by writing to: AAM Founders Prize and Grant Committee c/o Civil and Environmental Engineering Department Temple University (084-53) Philadelphia, PA 19122 XVII Tenth Conference on NONLINEAR VIBRATIONS, STABILITY, AND DYNAMICS OF STRUCTURES July 25-29, 2004 Donaldson Brown Hotel & Conference Center Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA 24061 GENERAL INFORMATION: The tenth conference in this series will be held at the Donaldson Brown Continuing Education Center at VPI&SU on July 25-29, 2004. The scope of the conference includes: • • • • • • • • • • Multibody dynamics, MEMS, Dynamics of composite structures, Adaptive structures, Fluid/structure interactions, Parametric vibrations: single- and multi-frequency excitations of single- and multi-degree-of-freedom systems, Computational techniques: efficient algorithms, use of symbolic manipulators, integration of symbolic manipulation and numerical methods, and use of parallel processors, Experimental methods: benchmark experiments, measurements in hostile environments, and instrumentation techniques, Influence of nonlinearities on control systems, and Identification of nonlinear systems. Authors will have the option of having their full-length papers considered for publication in NONLINEAR DYNAMICS or THE JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL. To accelerate the reviewing process, we will select referees from those who will attend the conference and mail the manuscripts to them before the meeting. DEADLINES: The deadline for two-page abstracts is February 15, 2004. The deadline for full-length papers is May 1, 2004. The deadline for conference registration is June 14, 2004. The deadline for cancellations is 5PM June 14, 2004. For updates and more information on Early Confirmation, Registration, and Lodging, please refer to our website at: http://www.esm.vt.edu/~anayfeh/ A block of lodging rooms is being held at the Donaldson Brown Hotel & Conference Center. The lodging rate for this conference is US$76.00 plus applicable taxes. Participants are responsible for making their own lodging arrangements. Lodging reservations should be made by June 27, 2004. Lodging: http://www.dbhcc.vt.edu/ Professor Ali H. Nayfeh Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, MC 0219 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA 24061 - USA Telephone: (540)231-6871 | FAX: (540)231-2290 | EMAIL: sallys@vt.edu XVIII IU International Congress AM of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics August 15 - 21, 2004 ♦ Warsaw, Poland President: Witold Gutkowski PAN, Warszawa Co-Chairman: Michal Kleiber IPPT PAN, Warszawa Co-Chairman: Wlodzimierz Kurnik Politechnika Warszawska Secretary-General: Tomasz Kowalewski IPPT PAN, Warszawa First Announcement and Call For Papers http://ictam04.ippt.gov.pl SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Congress participants are encouraged to submit a paper. Papers are sought for all topics corresponding to PreNominated Session or Mini-Symposium subject matters. The paper must be in English and should present material that is novel and preferably unpublished at the time of the Congress. All papers presented at the Congress are by invitation based on the recommendation of the International Papers Committee. No author will be invited to present more than one paper. Prospective authors are asked to submit only one paper for consideration. MINI-SYMPOSIA Smart materials and structures ? Tissue, cellular and molecular biomechanics ? Mechanics of thin films and nanostructures ? Microfluidics ? Microgravity flow phenomena ? Atmosphere and ocean dynamics Pre-Nominated Sessions: IN FLUID MECHANICS Biological fluid dynamics ? Boundary layers ? Combustion and flames ? Complex and smart fluids ? Compressible flow ? Computational fluid dynamics (jointly with IACM) ? Convective phenomena ? Drops and bubbles ? Environmental fluid mechanics ? Experimental methods in fluid mechanics ? Flow control ? Flow in porous media ? Flow instability and transition ? Flow in thin films ? Fluid mechanics of materials processing ? Granular flows ? Low-Reynolds-number flow ? Magnetohydrodynamics ? Multiphase flows ? Solidification and crystal growth ? Stirring and mixing ? Fluid mechanics of suspensions ? Topological fluid mechanics ? Turbulence ? Vortex dynamics ? Waves IN SOLID MECHANICS Computational solid mechanics (jointly with IACM) ? Contact and friction problems (jointly with IAVSD)?? Control of multibody systems ? Control of structures ? Damage mechanics ? Dynamic plasticity of structures ? Elasticity ? Experimental methods in solid mechanics ? Fatigue ? Fracture and crack mechanics (jointly with ICF) ? Functionally graded materials ? Impact and wave propagation ? Material instabilities ? Mechanics of composites ? Mechanics of phase transformations (jointly with IACM) ? Mechanics of porous materials ? Multibody dynamics ? Plasticity and viscoplasticity ? Plates and shells (jointly with IACM) ? Rock mechanics and geomechanics ? Solid mechanics in manufacturing ? Stability of structures ? Stochastic micromechanics ? Structural optimization (jointly with ISSMO) ? Structural vibrations ? Viscoelasticity and creep TOPICS INVOLVING BOTH FLUID MECHANICS AND SOLID MECHANICS Acoustics ? Chaos in fluid and solid mechanics ? Continuum mechanics ? Fluid-structure interaction ? Mechanics of foams and cellular materials ? Multiscale phenomena in mechanics Correspondence related to the Congress should be sent to: Prof. Tomasz Kowalewski, ICTAM04 Secretary-General Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Swietokrzyska 21, 00-049 Warszawa, Poland e-mail: ictam04@ippt.gov.pl XIX CALL FOR PROPOSALS TO HOST AN IUTAM SYMPOSIUM or INSTRUCTIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL in 2006 or 2007 The United States National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNC/TAM) seeks proposals from U. S. authors and institutions to host IUTAM Symposia or Instructional Summer Schools in 2006 or 2007. Information for proposals from the United States can be found on the USNC/TAM website at: http://www7.nationalacademies.org/usnctam. IUTAM provides a small amount of financial support for symposia and summer schools. US organizers are strongly encouraged to seek additional financial support from other sources. The primary use of financial support is to help with travel expenses for younger scientists and for scientists from developing countries. IUTAM Symposia The goal of an IUTAM Symposium is to assemble a group of active scientists, within a well-defined field, for the development of science in that field. Participation is by invitation only. In order to achieve effective communication within the group it should, typically, be limited to 60-80 scientists with expertise in the subject area of the symposium. Symposia typically consist of a few invited lectures, and a larger number of contributed papers, presented as lectures and/or posters, all pre-screened by the Symposium Scientific Committee. IUTAM Instructional Summer Schools The purpose of an IUTAM Instructional Summer School is to provide lectures by leading experts in a new or emerging field of science and engineering in order to foster developments in that field. Schools are typically 3–5 days in length and intended primarily for younger scientists and those with only limited knowledge in the specific field of the school. Participation of is by invitation only. Proposal Submission Proposals from the United States to host a symposium or summer school should be submitted on the appropriate two-page Proposal Submission Form available on the USNC/TAM website. The completed proposal should be sent electronically to the USNC/TAM Secretary (herak@virginia.edu) no later than January 15, 2004. Proposers may submit their proposals directly to IUTAM. However, experience has shown that proposals benefit from the feedback provided by USNC/TAM, and that the recommendation of USNC/TAM when the proposal is finally submitted to IUTAM carries considerable weight. Final Approvals Proposals will be assessed by the USNC/TAM and then forwarded to IUTAM where they are reviewed by IUTAM panels. The IUTAM General Assembly will vote on the panel recommendations in August 2004 at the International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in Warsaw, Poland (http://ictam04.ippt.gov.pl/). XX ADVERTISEMENT POLICY Upon the decision of the Board of Directors, an advertisement for a position opening is charged a flat rate of $200. Payment must be done only by check to the order of American Academy of Mechanics and sent to: American Academy of Mechanics Horacio D. Espinosa, Editor Northwestern University 2145 Sheridan Road Evanston, IL 60208 E-mail: mech1@clifton.mech.northwestern.edu The FID number for AAM is 23-7045163. Make check payable to American Academy of Mechanics. Announcements for forthcoming events, conferences, and workshops are free of charge. Advertisements may be sent by FAX or e-mail (MSWord, PDF or plain text). Logo of the institution may be included if the graphic file is provided. Mechanics is a bi-monthly magazine. To be considered for publication in forthcoming issues, an advertisement must be received one month in advance of the publication date. For example, an advertisement must be received before the end of November to appear in the January-February issue. Please note that the magazine is distributed at the beginning of the two-month period. The advertisement will continue to appear in future issues until the deadline of the position opening. Visit the AAM website to read recent advertisements of position openings and past issues of Mechanics at www.AAMech.org. MECHANICS On-line To access Mechanics on-line, please visit www.AAMech.org Access to the on-line issues is for AAM members. A username and password is required to access the on-line issues. If you did not receive the username and password, please send an e -mail to: mech1@clifton.mech.northwestern.edu 1 Acta Materialia 4669 4679 4693 4707 4719 4737 4751 4761 4773 4783 4791 4803 4815 4823 4837 4847 4863 4871 4881 4897 4907 4919 4929 4939 Dislocation induced line-broadening in cold-worked pb-bi binary alloy system in the alpha-phase using x-ray powder prole analysis The role of crystallographic and geometrical relationships between alpha and beta phases in an alpha/beta titanium alloy The eect of texture on ridging of ferritic stainless steel Deformation and fracture of cu-sio2 bicrystals with (011) twist boundaries On the inuence of the grain boundary misorientation on the plastic deformation of aluminum bicrystals An objective study of substructural boundary alignment in aluminium Eect of mg addition on the creep and yield behavior of an al-sc alloy Phase eld study of grain boundary eects on spinodal decomposition Electric fracture and polarization switching properties of piezoelectric ceramic pzt studied by the modied small punch test Elasticity-based model of the variant selection observed in the beta to alpha phase transformation of a zircalloy-4 sample Microstructure, mechanical properties and residual stresses as a function of welding speed in aluminium aa5083 friction stir welds Mechanical properties of al(sc,zr) alloys at ambient and elevated temperatures Sintering of fe2nio4 with an internal binder: a way to obtain a very dense material Application of mean-eld approximation to elastic-plastic behavior for closed-cell metal foams Reactive growth of niobium silicides in bulk diusion couples The evolution of dislocation density during heat treatment and creep of tempered martensite ferritic steels Elastic anisotropy of rafted ni-base superalloy at high temperatures Metal substrate eects on the thermochemistry of active brazing interfaces Failure behavior and failure criterion of conductive cracks (deep notches) in thermally depoled pzt-4 ceramics The inuence of surface structure on wetting of alpha-al2o3 by aluminum in a reduced atmosphere A model for transformation plasticity during bainite transformation of steel under external stress Development of high strength and strongly cube textured ni-4.5 percent w/ni-15 percent cr composite substrate for coated conductor application On tearing of ductile polymer lms using the essential work of fracture (ewf) method Acicular alpha(2) precipitation induced by capillarity at alpha/beta phase boundaries in ti-14al-2zr-3sn-3mo-0.5si titanium alloy 51(16) 2003 Dey SN. Chatterjee P. Sen Gupta SP. Bhattacharyya D. Viswanathan GB. Denkenberger R. Furrer D. Fraser HL. Shin HJ. An JK. Park SH. Lee DN. Miura H. Sakai T. Toda H. Zaeerer S. Kuo JC. Zhao Z. Winning M. Raabe D. Hurley PJ. Bate PS. Humphreys FJ. Marquis EA. Seidman DN. Dunand DC. Ramanarayan H. Abinandanan TA. Shindo Y. Narita F. Horiguchi K. Magara Y. Yoshida M. Humbert M. Gey N. Peel M. Steuwer A. Preuss M. Withers PJ. Fuller CB. Seidman DN. Dunand DC. Domenichini B. Caillot T. Kitazono K. Sato E. Kuribayashi K. Milanese C. Buscaglia V. Maglia F. AnselmiTamburini U. Pesicka J. Kuzel R. Dronhofer A. Eggeler G. Ichitsubo T. Koumoto D. Hirao M. Tanaka K. Osawa M. Yokokawa T. Harada H. Arroyave R. Eagar TW. Zhang TY. Wang TH. Zhao MH. Shen P. Fujii H. Matsumoto T. Nogi K. Han HN. Suh DW. Sarma VS. Eickemeyer J. Singh A. Schultz L. Holzapfel B. Wong JSS. Ferrer-Balas D. Li RKY. Mai YW. Maspoch ML. Sue HJ. Huang AJ. Li GP. Hao YL. Yang R. Acta Materialia 4953 4965 4977 4991 5001 5013 5021 5037 5051 5063 5073 5083 Interfacial segregation, nucleation and texture development in 3 percent silicon steel Piezoelectric sensitivity of pbtio3-based ceramic/polymer composites with 0-3 and 3-3 connectivity Microstructural characterization of in situ tic/al and tic/al-20si-5fe-3cu-1mg composites prepared by spray deposition Diusion induced grain boundary migration in the cu-cd system Coarsening of gamma ' in ni-al alloys aged under uniaxial compression: i. earlystage kinetics Coarsening of gamma ' in ni-al alloys aged under uniaxial compression: ii. diusion under stress and retardation of coarsening kinetics Coarsening of gamma' in ni-al alloys aged under uniaxial compression: iii. characterization of the morphology Precipitation processes in an al-2.5cu-1.5mg (wt. percent) alloy microalloyed with ag and si Hybrid modelling of aluminium-magnesium alloys during thermomechanical processing in terms of physically-based, neuro-fuzzy and nite element models Ferroelasticity in mixed conducting lacoo3 based perovskites: a ferroelastic phase transition Slip geometry of dislocations related to cutting of the gamma ' phase in a new generation single-crystal superalloy Reducing the thermal expansion anisotropy in mo5si3 by nb and v additions: theory and experiment 51(17) 2003 Heo NH. Kim SB. Choi YS. Cho SS. Chai KH. Bowen CR. Topolov VY. Yang B. Wang F. Zhang JS. Gupta BK. Madhuri MK. Gupta SP. Prikhodko SV. Ardell AJ. Ardell AJ. Prikhodko SV. Prikhodko SV. Ardell AJ. Raviprasad K. Hutchinson CR. Sakurai T. Ringer SP. Zhu Q. Abbod MF. Talamantes-Silva J. Sellars CM. Linkens DA. Beynon JH. Orlovskaya N. Browning N. Nicholls A. Zhang JX. Murakumo T. Koizumi Y. Kobayashi T. Harada H. Fu CL. Schneibel JH. 2 5093 5101 5113 Irradiation induced alloying lms in co-mo system during nd formation of amorphous ion beam assisted deposition Eect of ordering process on giant pseudoelasticity in fe3al single crystals 5123 5131 5151 Eect of metal layer thickness on the decohesion of high purity copper-sapphire interfaces Hydrothermal degradation of cubic zirconia A model for the yield strength of overaged al-zn-mg-cu alloys Secondary precipitation in al-zn-mg-(ag) alloys 5159 Some critical experiments on the strain-rate sensitivity of nanocrystalline nickel 5173 Computer simulation of spinodal decomposition in constrained ms 5187 5199 Microstructure and room temperature strength of fe-40al containing nanocrystalline oxide particles Structure-property relationship of a spray formed al-y-ni-co alloy 5211 Stress generation mechanisms in carbon thin lms grown by ion-beam deposition 5223 In situ formed ti-cu-ni-sn-ta nanostructure-dendrite composite with large plasticity Zhao B. Yang GH. Zeng F. Pan F. Yasuda HY. Nakano K. Nakajima T. Ueda M. Umakoshi Y. Hasegawa M. Zhu SJ. Kagawa Y. Evans AG. Guo X. He JQ. Starink MJ. Wang SC. Macchi CE. Somoza A. Dupasquier A. Polmear IJ. Schwaiger R. Moser B. Dao M. Chollacoop N. Suresh S. Seol DJ. Hu SY. Li YL. Shen J. Oh KH. Chen LQ. Munoz-Morris MA. Oca CG. Morris DG. Golumbfskie WJ. Amateau MF. Eden TJ. Wang JG. Liu ZK. Zhang SL. Johnson HT. Wagner GJ. Liu WK. Hsia KJ. He G. Loser W. Eckert J. Acta Materialia 5235 5255 5263 5285 Deformation twinning in monazite (120) and (12(2)over-bar) monazite deformation twins Segregation during solidication with spongy deformation of the mushy zone Phase stability of bcc zr in nb-zr thin lm multilayers 5295 Modelling the thermal oxidation of ternary alloys - compositional changes in the alloy and the development of oxide phases Eect of temperature on the devitrication kinetics of niti lms 5309 5319 5335 5349 5359 5375 5385 5399 5413 5425 5439 5447 5467 5477 5489 5499 5519 5529 5545 5555 5571 Eects of pores and interfaces on eective properties of plasma sprayed zirconia coatings Hardening precipitation in a mg-4y-3re alloy Eect of internal stresses on the fracture toughness of a tial-based alloy with duplex microstructures Direct in situ measurements of bridging stresses in cfccs A study of the surface deformation behaviour at grain boundaries in an ultralow-carbon steel A comparison of the phenomenological theory of martensitic transformations with a model based on interfacial defects Yield surface of a simulated metallic glass Xps study of the surface chemistry of conventional hot-dip galvanised pure zn, galvanneal and zn-al alloy coatings on steel Variational self-consistent estimates for texture evolution in viscoplastic polycrystals Models of melting and liquid structure based on rotationally free atomic clusters Simulation of the three-dimensional morphology of solidication porosity in an aluminium-silicon alloy Constrained thermoelastic martensitic transformation studied by modulated dsc A procedure for identifying the plastic behavior of single crystals from the local response of polycrystals Sensitivity of transfer functions of transport of hydrogen in elastic metals to the uncertainty of their parameters A level set method for dislocation dynamics A cellular automaton investigation of the transformation from austenite to ferrite during continuous cooling Twinning and detwinning of ( 0 1 1 ) type ii twin in shape memory alloy Bonding characteristics of micro-alloyed b2nial in relation to site occupancies and phase stability The mechanism of formation of nanostructure and dissolution of cementite in a pearlitic steel during high pressure torsion Thickness eect on shape memory behavior of ti-50.0at.percent ni thin lm 51(18) 2003 Hay RS. Marshall DB. Hay RS. Lesoult G. Gangin CA. Niane NT. Thompson GB. Banerjee R. Dregia SA. Fraser HL. Nijdam TJ. Jeurgens LPH. Sloof WG. Vestel MJ. Grummon DS. Gronsky R. Pisano AP. Wang Z. Kulkarni A. Deshpande S. Nakamura T. Herman H. Antion C. Donnadieu P. Perrard F. Deschamps A. Tassin C. Pisch A. Guo FA. Ji V. Francois M. Zhang YG. Dassios KG. Galiotis C. Kostopoujos V. Steen M. Chandrasekaran D. Nygards M. Pond RC. Celotto S. Hirth JP. Lund AC. Schuh CA. Feliu S. Barranco V. Liu P. Gilormini P. Castaneda PP. Han JH. Kim DY. Atwood RC. Lee PD. Zheng YJ. Schrooten J. Cui LS. Van Humbeeck J. Hoc T. Crepin J. Gelebart L. Zaoui A. Zoltowski P. Xiang Y. Cheng LT. Srolovitz DJ. E WN. Zhang L. Zhang CB. Wang YM. Wang SQ. Ye HQ. Liu Y. Xie ZL. Hao YL. Yang R. Hu QM. Li D. Song Y. Niinomi M. Ivanisenko Y. Lojkowski W. Valiev RZ. Fecht HJ. Ishida A. Sato M. 5579 5587 5593 5601 5613 5627 Thermal strain in mg composites Solute drag in ternary solid solutions Synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles of alnico alloys The onset and blocking of < 0 1 1 > slip in nial Constitutive analysis of the high-temperature deformation of ti-6al-4v with a transformed microstructure A proper orthogonal decomposition approach to microstructure model reduction in rodrigues space with applications to optimal control of micro structure-sensitive properties Rudajevova A. Lukac P. Brechet YJM. Purdy GR. Li XG. Chiba A. Sato M. Takahashi S. Sun YQ. Yang N. Kim JH. Semiatin SL. Lee CS. Acharjee S. Zabaras N. Acta Materialia 5647 5649 5675 5711 5743 5775 5801 5823 5837 5867 5881 5907 5941 5961 5981 6001 6007 The golden jubilee issue - selected topics in materials science and engineering past, present and future - preface Electron theory in materials modeling [review] Modelling the evolution of phase boundaries in solids at the meso- and nano-scales [review] Atomistic modeling of mechanical behavior [review] Mechanical behavior of nanocrystalline metals and alloys [review] Progress in structural materials for aerospace systems Designing hybrid materials Designing synthetic optical media: photonic crystals Materials issues in microelectromechanical devices: science, engineering, manufacturability and reliability Viruses as vehicles for growth, organization and assembly of materials The biomechanics toolbox: experimental approaches for living cells and biomolecules [review] Recent advances and future directions in magnetic materials [review] Ferroelectric perovskites for electromechanical actuation [review] Gallium nitride and related materials: challenges in materials processing Fuel cell materials and components Fifty years of materials research papers through the pages of acta metallurgica/materialia Acta metallurgica, inc./acta materialia, inc. 1953-2002 51(19) 2003 Suresh S. Pettifor DG. Thornton K. Agren J. Voorhees PW. Li J. Ngan AHW. Gumbsch P. Kumar KS. Van Swygenhoven H. Suresh S. Williams JC. Starke EA. Ashby MF. Brechet YJM. Johnson SG. Joannopoulos JD. Romig AD. Dugger MT. McWhorter PJ. Flynn CE. Lee SW. Peelle BR. Belcher AM. Van Vliet KJ. Bao G. Suresh S. Jiles DC. Bhattacharya K. Ravichandran G. Davis RF. Einfeldt S. Preble EA. Roskowski AM. Reitmeier ZJ. Miraglia PQ. Haile SM. Cahn RW. Hibbard WR. Fullman RL. Gschneidner KA. Acta Mechanica 115 139 161 175 189 199 217 Bifurcations of parametric oscillations of beams with three equilibria A constitutive model for the viscoplastic behavior of rubbery polymers at nite strains Application of the dierential transformation method to the solutions of falknerskan wedge ow Numerical and analytical study of rotating ow in an enclosed cylinder under an axial magnetic eld Post-buckling problems for long elastic beams Oscillatory marangoni convection in a conducting uid layer with a deformable free surface in the presence of a vertical magnetic eld A viscoelastic constitutive model with nonlinear evolutionary internal variables Acta Mechanica 1 Flow in the ekman layer on an oscillating porous plate 17 27 Elastostatic analysis of edge cracked orthotropic strips On energetics and conservations for strings in the presence of singular sources of momentum and energy On saturation-strip model of a permeable crack in a piezoelectric ceramic Dynamic eects on cavitation instabilities in solids On stresses conjugate to eulerian strains Thermomechanical postbuckling analysis of functionally graded plates and shallow cylindrical shells 47 73 87 99 3 164(3-4) 2003 Avramov KV. Drozdov AD. Al-Mulla A. Gupta RK. Kuo BL. Bessaih R. Kadja M. Eckert K. Marty P. Lazopoulos KA. Hashim I. Arin NM. Wei PJ. Chen JK. 165(1-2) 2003 Gupta AS. Misra JC. Reza M. Soundalgekar VM. Matbuly MS. Nassar M. O'Reilly OM. Varadi PC. Li S. Kennedy TC. Puttapitukporn T. Kassner ME. Nicholson DW. Woo J. Meguid SA. 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Computers & Structures 2121 2137 2149 2165 2173 2183 2199 2219 2237 2249 2259 Symbolic computation in structural engineering [review] Identication of masses moving on multi-span beams based on a genetic algorithm Computer program for available ductility analysis of steel structures Structural fault diagnosis and isolation using neural networks based on responseonly data Dual approach using a variant perimeter constraint and eÆcient sub-iteration scheme for topology optimization Application of a three-dimensional mixed nite element model to the exure of sandwich plate Dynamic behavior of a tensegrity system subjected to follower wind loading Stability of continuous welded rail track Modeling of local buckling in tubular steel frames subjected to cyclic loading Parametric optimization of complex systems using a multi-domain frf-based substructuring method Applicability and viability of a ga based nite element analysis architecture for structural design optimization Computers & Structures 2273 2287 2301 2319 2331 2337 2353 2361 2373 2383 2395 Damage detection using generic elements: part i. model updating Damage detection using generic elements: part ii. damage detection Modelling of sma materials: training and two way memory eects Use of eective stiness matrix for the free vibration analyses of a non-uniform cantilever beam carrying multiple two degree-of-freedom spring-damper-mass systems Neural classication of nite elements Global optimization by coupled local minimizers and its application to fe model updating Neural simulation of dynamic response of prefabricated buildings subjected to paraseismic excitations Time integration errors and some new functionals for the dynamics of a free mass Neural identication of rock parameters using fuzzy adaptive learning parameters A method for analyzing three-dimensional dynamic contact problems in viscoelastic media with kinetic and static friction An eÆcient technique for the computation of eigenvalue and eigenvector derivatives of cyclic structures 81(22-23) 2003 Pavlovic MN. 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Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 1955 1977 1995 2013 2027 2047 2063 2085 2107 Input and system identication of the hualien soil-structure interaction system using earthquake response data Adaptive bang-bang control for the vibration control of structures under earthquakes Cyclic tests on large-scale models of existing bridge piers with rectangular hollow cross-section An improved capacity spectrum method for atc-40 Seismic collapse analysis of reinforced concrete framed structures using the nite element method Quadratic jerk regulation and the seismic control of civil structures Numerical study of the seismic behaviour of a part of the parthenon pronaos Experimental verication of torsional response control of asymmetric buildings using mr dampers Seismic isolation of cable-stayed bridges for near-eld ground motions 32(13) 2003 Choi JS. Lee JS. Yun CB. Lim CW. Chung TY. Moon SJ. Pinto AV. Molina J. Tsionis G. Lin YY. Chang KC. Isobe D. Tsuda M. Chase JG. Barroso LR. Hunt S. 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Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1 17 39 57 81 107 127 Stress intensity formulas for three-dimensional cracks in homogeneous and bonded dissimilar materials The energy dissipation rate approach to tearing instability Energy dissipation rate analysis of a low upper shelf data set A probabilistic model for cleavage fracture with a length scale - parameter estimation and predictions of stationary crack experiments A comparative study of numerical solutions to non-linear discrete crack modelling of concrete beams involving sharp snap-back Steady-state crack growth and fracture work based on the theory of mechanismbased strain gradient plasticity Parametrizing ductile tearing resistance by four parameters 71(1) 2004 Noda NA. Sumpter JDG. Sumpter JDG. Faleskog J. Kroon M. Oberg H. Yang ZJ. Proverbs D. Wei Y. Qiu X. Hwang KC. Brocks W. Anuschewski P. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 149 173 193 219 233 245 263 Finite element analysis of plasticity-induced fatigue crack closure: an overview Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics assessment of test data for circumferential cracked pipes Numerical modeling of interactions between a macro-crack and a cluster of microdefects Novel beam analysis of end notched exure specimen for mode-ii fracture Validation of pure shear test device using nite element method and experimental methods Four-point bend adhesion measurements of copper and permalloy systems A modied damage potential to predict crack initiation: theory and experimental verication 71(2) 2004 Solanki K. Daniewicz SR. Newman JC. Kim YJ. Shim DJ. Huh NS. Soh AK. Yang CH. Wang JL. Qiao PZ. Hawong JS. Shin DC. Baek UC. Hughey MP. Morris DJ. Cook RF. Bozeman SP. Kelly BL. Chakravarty SLN. Harkens DP. Stearns LC. Dutta BK. Kushwaha HS. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 279 289 309 329 345 365 379 401 Evaluation of dynamic fracture toughness k-id by hopkinson pressure bar loaded instrumented charpy impact test Crack kinking from an initially closed, ordinary or interface crack, in the presence of friction Numerical modelling of plasticity-induced crack closure for interfacial cracks in bi-material specimens J-m-p based criteria for bifurcation assessment of a crack in elastic-plastic materials under mixed mode i-ii loading Mode i dcb testing of composite laminates reinforced with z-direction pins: a simple model for the investigation of data reduction strategies Stress intensity factors for internal circular cracks in bers under tensile loading Modeling of void growth in ductile solids: eects of stress triaxiality and initial porosity Finite element implementation of virtual internal bond model for simulating crack behavior 71(3) 2004 Jiang FC. Liu RT. Zhang XX. Vecchio KS. Rohatgi A. Leblond JB. Frelat JL. Wei LW. 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Koo ES. 1755 1763 1773 1785 1803 1815 1827 1841 Reduction of earthquake response of plane frame buildings by viscoelastic dampers A new technique for identication of eighteen utter derivatives using a threedegree-of-freedom section model Verication of a 3-dimensional model for lling pressures in square thin-walled silos Quantication and localisation of damage in beam-like structures by using articial neural networks with experimental validation Performance-based seismic design of structures: a direct displacement-based approach Prediction of brittle fracture initiating at ends of cjp groove welded joints with defects: study into applicability of failure assessment diagram approach Dynamic and seismic performance of old multi-tiered temples in nepal Eect of vertical component of earthquake on the response of pure-friction baseisolated asymmetric buildings Chowdhury AG. Sarkar PP. Goodey RJ. Brown CJ. Rotter JM. Sahin M. Shenoi RA. Xue Q. Chen CC. Iwashita T. Kurobane Y. Azuma K. Makino Y. Jaishi B. Ren WX. Zong ZH. Maskey PN. Shakib H. Fuladgar A. European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids 649 651 669 693 709 727 743 751 General and plenary lectures from the 5th euromech solid mechanics conference - thessaloniki, greece august 17-22, 2003 - preface Unied thermodynamic framework-for nonlocal/gradient continuum theories Congurational forces and their application in solid mechanics Several phenomena in structural impact and structural crashworthiness Mechanical twins, their development and growth Mechanics and physics of disclinations in solids Eective toughness of heterogeneous brittle materials Intraphase strain heterogeneity in nonlinear composites: a computational approach 22(5) 2003 Tvergaard V. Polizzotto C. Gross D. Kolling S. Mueller R. Schmidt I. Jones N. Fischer FD. Schaden T. Appel F. Clemens H. Romanov AE. Roux S. Vandembroucq D. Hild F. Moulinec H. Suquet P. European Journal of Mechanics B-Fluids 411 431 445 473 487 511 Modal growth and non-modal growth in a stretched shear layer Interactions between pairs of oblique waves on a mixing layer 3d numerical simulation of regular structure formation in a locally heated falling lm Forced convection past a heated cylinder in a porous medium using a thermal nonequilibrium model: boundary layer analysis A kinetic description of anisotropic uids with multivalued internal energy On the stability of a rigid body in a magnetostatic equilibrium 22(5) 2003 Le Dizes S. Mallier R. Frank AM. Rees DAS. Bassom AP. Pop I. Degond P. Lemou M. Lopez JL. Vladimirov VA. Moatt HK. Davidson PA. Ilin KI. Experiments in Fluids 117 130 139 152 159 167 178 188 193 199 207 Analysis of hysteresis and phase shifting phenomena in unsteady threedimensional wakes X-ray measurements within unsteady cavitation Investigation of the secondary corner vortex in a benchmark turbulent backwardfacing step using cross-correlation particle imaging velocimetry Ultrasound thermometry in transparent and opaque uids Measurement of 3d pore-scale ow in index-matched porous media Spatially averaged time-resolved particle-tracking velocimetry in microspace considering brownian motion of submicron uorescent particles Microbubble lensing-induced photobleaching (mu-blip) with application to microow visualization Extended proper orthogonal decomposition: a tool to analyse correlated events in turbulent ows The ow eld near the edge of a model porous medium Combined inuence of the reynolds number and localised wall suction on a turbulent boundary layer Order and disorder in particle-liquid ows in a pipe 15 Tezcan SS. 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Yang HJ. 16 Experiments in Fluids 219 Measuring turbulence energy with piv in a backward-facing step ow 237 240 Analysis of phase-jitter evolution in a reattaching shear layer Characteristics of a hot-wire microsensor for time-dependent wall shear stress measurements Optimal subpixel interpolation in particle image velocimetry A spline-based technique for estimating ow velocities using two-camera multiline mtv Assessment of piv to measure mean velocity and turbulence in open-channel ow Theory of non-isotropic spatial resolution in piv Jet column modes in both a plane jet and a passively modied plane jet subject to acoustic excitation Image correlation velocimetry applied to discrete smoke-wire streaklines in turbulent pipe ow 252 257 262 268 278 288 35(3) 2003 Piirto M. Saarenrinne P. Eloranta H. Karvinen R. Acharya S. Panigrahi PK. Lofdahl L. Chernoray V. Haasl S. Stemme G. Sen M. Roesgen T. Sadr R. Klewicki JC. Hyun BS. Balachandar R. Yu K. Patel VC. Scarano F. Olsen JF. 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Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 489 491 507 515 523 533 543 551 561 Biaxial/multiaxial fatigue and fracture: selected papers from the sixth international conference Biaxial testing and analysis of bicycle-welded components for the denition of a safety standard Critical plane approach for the assessment of the fatigue behaviour of welded aluminium under multiaxial loading A multiaxial fatigue criterion for random loading Threshold and growth mechanism of fatigue cracks under mode ii and iii loadings A nite element analysis of cracked square plates and bars under antiplane loading Mixed-mode delamination growth of laminar composites by using threedimensional nite element modeling Application of multiaxial fatigue criteria to materials containing defects A unied approach for high and low cycle fatigue based on shakedown concepts Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 569 A fatigue damage map for 2024-t3 aluminium alloy 577 589 603 615 627 The eect of plasticity on incipient mixed-mode fatigue crack growth Inclined standing contact fatigue A threshold fatigue crack closure model: part i - model development A threshold fatigue crack closure model: part ii - experimental verication Finite element simulation of the mechanics of at contact pad fretting fatigue tests 10(10)-cycle fatigue properties of 1800 mpa-class jis-sup7 spring steel The eect of t-stress on plane strain dynamic crack growth in elastic-plastic materials 641 647 26(6) 2003 Pook LP. Van KD. Sonsino CM. Petrone N. Susmel L. Kueppers M. Sonsino CM. Carpinteri A. Spagnoli A. Vantadori S. Murakami Y. Takahashi K. Kusumoto R. Pook LP. Silva A. de Freitas MJM. Beretta S. Constantinescu A. Van KD. Maitournam MH. 26(7) 2003 Rodopoulos CA. de los Rios ER. Levers A. Yates JR. Dahlin P. Olsson M. Alfredsson B. Olsson M. Newman JA. Riddell WT. Piascik RS. Newman JA. Riddell WT. Piascik RS. Hammouda MMI. El-Batanony IG. Sallam HEM. Furuya Y. Abe T. Matsuoka S. Jayadevan KR. Narasimhan R. Ramamurthy TS. Dattaguru B. 17 Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 663 675 683 695 711 715 719 731 741 Three-dimensional eects on fatigue crack closure in the small-scale yielding regime - a nite element study The eect of material hardness and mean stress on the fatigue limit of steels containing small defects Numerical investigation on j-integral testing of heterogeneous fracture toughness testing specimens: part i - weld metal cracks Fatigue of cantilevered pipe ttings subjected to vibration Editorial on professor v.v. bolotin Bending stiness calculation for nanosize structures Direct evaluation of accurate coeÆcients of the linear elastic crack tip asymptotic eld Integrity of pressurized components with localized corrosion under internal pressure and transient thermal loading Enhancement of fracture toughness due to energy screening eectin the early stages of non-elastic failure 26(8) 2003 Roychowdhury S. Dodds RH. Kondo Y. Sakae C. Kubota M. Kudou T. Kim YJ. Kim JS. Schwalbe KH. Hamblin M. Goldstein R. Morozov N. Ivanova EA. Krivtsov AM. Morozov NF. Xiao QZ. Karihaloo BL. Goldstein RV. Zhitnikov YV. Kadochnikov IV. Wnuk MP. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 757 767 779 791 811 821 835 847 Fatigue limit estimated using nite lives Fretting fatigue behaviour of shot-peened ti-6al-4v at room and elevated temperatures Fatigue crack nucleation and growth in lled natural rubber A fracture mechanics analysis on the fatigue behaviour of cruciform joints of duplex stainless steel Axial fatigue of a gas-nitrided quenched and tempered aisi 4140 steel: eect of nitriding depth Two methods for predicting the multiaxial fatigue limits of sharp notches Multiple mechanisms controlling fatigue crack growth Structural integrity assessment of fbr components using a distributed computing environment Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 861 863 865 887 901 909 921 931 939 949 957 969 985 999 1007 1019 Untitled Introduction to the structure and contents of the special issue Rail defects: an overview Simulation of wheel-rail contact forces The wheel-rail interface - some recent accidents The current status of theory and practice on rail integrity in japanese railways rolling contact fatigue and corrugations The blending of theory and practice in modern rail grinding Rail integrity management by means of ultrasonic testing Rolling contact in railways: modelling, simulation and damage prediction Ratcheting and fatigue-led wear in rail-wheel contact Image analysis to reveal crack development using a computer simulation of wear and rolling contact fatigue On propagation of short rolling contact fatigue cracks Shakedown limit of rail surfaces including material hardening and thermal stresses On the temperature in the wheel-rail rolling contact Prevention of rcf damage in curved track through development of the infra-star two-material rail Development of bainitic rail steels with potential resistance to rolling contact fatigue Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 1033 1041 Cumulative strain theory for simulation and development of wire drawing Factors inuencing the service-like thermomechanical fatigue test cycle endurance of 1 percent crmov rotor steel 26(9) 2003 Loren S. Lee H. Jin O. Mall S. Mars WV. Fatemi A. Infante V. Branco CM. Martins R. Limodin N. Verreman Y. Tarfa TN. Susmel L. Taylor D. Sadananda K. Vasudevan AK. Rajagopal A. Ravichandran M. Muralidher NG. Sivakumar SM. 26(10) 2003 Lunden R. Lunden R. Cannon DF. Edel KO. Grassie SL. Sawley K. Iwnicki S. Smith RA. Ishida M. Akama M. Kashiwaya K. Kapoor A. Magel E. Roney M. Kalousek J. Sroba P. Marais JJ. Mistry KC. Van KD. Maitournam MH. Franklin FJ. Chung T. Kapoor A. Fletcher DI. Franklin FJ. Kapoor A. Ringsberg JW. Bergkvist A. Bohmer A. Ertz M. Knothe K. Fischer FD. Daves W. Werner EA. Hiensch EJM. Franklin FJ. Nielsen JCO. Ringsberg JW. Weeda GJ. Kapoor A. Josefson BL. Sawley K. Kristan J. 26(11) 2003 Bitkov VV. Zalazinsky AG. Masserey B. Colombo F. Mazza E. Holdsworth S. 18 1053 1069 1081 1091 1103 Methods for crack opening load and crack tip shielding determination: a review Probabilistic evaluation of leak rates through multiple defects: the case of nuclear steam generators Controlled failure design of drillstring threaded connections Eect of magnetostriction on fracture of a soft ferromagnetic medium with a crack-like aw Crack propagation in notched specimens of porous silicon carbide under cyclic loading Stoychev S. Kujawski D. Cizelj L. Roussel G. Knight MJ. Brennan FP. Dover WD. Wan YP. Fang DN. Soh AK. Hwang KC. Tanaka K. Akiniwa Y. Kita Y. Segawa M. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 1113 1119 1127 1135 1145 1159 1171 Morphology of step-wise s-n curves depending on work-hardened layer and humidity in a high-strength steel Microstructures and adiabatic shear bands formed by ballistic impact in steels and tungsten alloy An eective method of stress intensity factor calculation for cracks emanating from a triangular or square hole under biaxial loads Numerical modelling of micro-pitting of gear teeth anks Eects of cte-induced residual stresses around hard alpha particles on fatigue crack growth in ti-6al-4v A 'crack-like' notch analogue for a safe-life fretting fatigue design methodology A stress-based method to predict lifetime under multiaxial fatigue loadings 26(12) 2003 Nakajima M. Tokaji K. Itoga H. Ko HN. Duan ZQ. Li SX. Huang DW. Yan X. Fajdiga G. Flasker J. Glodez S. Hellen TK. Laz PJ. Chan KS. McClung RC. Leverant GR. Ciavarella M. Lazzarin P. Susmel L. Finite Elements in Analysis & Design 1 25 An improved quadrilateral nite element for analysis of thin plates Parametric study of a sprocket system during heat-treatment process 41 61 83 Vibration of a rectangular plate undergoing forces moving along a circular path An evolutionary approach to elastic contact optimization of frame structures Free vibration analysis of laminated composite shell structures using hybrid strain based layerwise nite elements An optimization algorithm using orthogonal arrays in discrete design space for structures 121 40(1) 2003 Razaqpur AG. Nofal M. Vasilescu A. Liu P. Wang YY. Li J. Lu C. Quek KP. Liu GR. Wu JJ. Li W. Li Q. Steven GP. Xie YM. Liu ML. To CWS. Lee KH. Yi JW. Park JS. Park GJ. Finite Elements in Analysis & Design 139 159 173 187 213 A nite element model of exit bus for drilling of metals Conditions for the invertibility of the isoparametric mapping for hexahedral nite elements A design method for cold backward extrusion using fe analysis An endochronic plasticity model for nite strain deformation of powder forming processes Estimation of the plastic volume fraction from a linear-elastic nite element analysis 40(2) 2003 Saunders LKL. Knabner P. Korotov S. Summ G. Hur KD. Choi Y. Yeo HT. Khoei AR. Bakhshiani A. Mod M. Ramsay ACA. Flow, Turbulence & Combustion 205 207 229 249 271 295 331 Special issue: unsteady ow in turbomachinery - preface Characteristic regimes of transitional separation bubbles in unsteady ow Experimental investigation of turbulence inuence of wake passing on the boundary layer development of highly loaded turbine cascade blades Development and application of a novel technique for direct heat ux measurements in turbomachinery ows Wake-induced boundary layer transition in a low-speed axial compressor Analysis of dns and les of ow in a low pressure turbine cascade with incoming wakes and comparison with experiments Numerical investigation of unsteady transitional ows in turbomachinery components based on a rans approach 69(3-4) 2002 Rodi W. Talan M. Hourmouziadis J. Hilgenfeld L. Stadtmuller P. Fottner L. Suslov D. Dullenkopf K. Schulz A. Wittig S. Mailach R. Vogeler K. Michelassi V. Wissink J. Rodi W. Nurnberger D. 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International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 679 703 723 749 771 793 Time continuity in cohesive nite element modeling A novel approach to the analysis of distributed shear banding in polymer blends 3d computer simulation of melt ow and heat transfer in the lost foam casting process Eective volume-fraction optimization for thermal stress reduction in fgms using irregular h-renement Topology optimization of trusses using genetic algorithm, force method and graph theory Shape optimization of bonded patch to cylindrical shell structures 839 869 893 913 933 955 Multiple fully stressed designs of steel frame structures with semi-rigid connections A numerical model for induction heating processes coupling electromagnetism and thermomechanics A gaussian sinc-collocation approach for a whipping cantilever with a follower shear force at its tip The meshless nite element method Identication of coating defects in cathodically protected underground pipelines Improved conditioning of innite elements for exterior acoustics On the pareto optimum sensitivity analysis in multicriteria optimization Cho JR. 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International Journal of Solids & Structures 5865 5887 5901 5923 5949 5973 6001 6023 6043 6077 6095 6111 6125 6143 6163 6189 6211 6215 In-plane free vibration and stability of loaded and shear-deformable circular arches Basis free relations for the conjugate stresses of the strains based on the right stretch tensor Three-dimensional solution of smart laminated anisotropic circular cylindrical shells with imperfect bonding Analytical solutions for tapering quadratic and cubic rat-holes in highly frictional granular solids Sma-induced snap-through of unsymmetric ber-reinforced composite laminates Craft - a plastic-damage-contact model for concrete. i. model theory and thermodynamic considerations Craft - a plastic-damage-contact model for concrete. ii. model implementation with implicit return-mapping algorithm and consistent tangent matrix Interfacial mixed-mode fracture of adhesive bonds undergoing large deformation Stationarity of the strain energy density for some classes of anisotropic solids Eect of damping on dynamic behavior of a piezothermoelastic laminate considering the eects of transverse shear Koiter circles in the buckling of axially compressed conical shells Analysis of thin-walled curved box beam under in-plane exure Magneto-thermo-elastic instability of ferromagnetic plates in thermal and magnetic elds The weight function for cracks in piezoelectrics Determination of hourglass coeÆcients in the theory of a cosserat point for nonlinear elastic beams Creep simulation of asymmetric eects by use of stress mode dependent weighting functions Reply to: dr. lip teh's discussion on "work-conjugacy between rotation-dependent moments and nite rotations" [vol. 40, no. 11, pp. 2851-2873] Size eect and asymptotic matching approximations in strain-gradient theories of micro-scale plasticity (vol 39, pg 5633, 2002) 40(22) 2003 Huang CS. 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Martin R. 34 Journal of Biomechanics 1587 1595 1603 1617 1625 1633 1641 1649 1659 1669 1675 1683 1691 1701 1713 1719 1727 1733 1739 1745 1751 Three-dimensional visualization and morphometry of small airways from microfocal x-ray computed tomography Potential role of smooth muscle tone in early hypertension: a theoretical study Comparative in vitro study on the long term performance of cemented hip stems: validation of a protocol to discriminate between "good" and "bad" designs Heelstrike and the pathomechanics of osteoarthrosis: a simulation study Heelstrike and the pathomechanics of osteoarthrosis: a pilot gait study Improvement of the reliability of ceramic hip joint implants In vitro evaluation of combined graft deformation in anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions Mechanics of the tapered interference t in dental implants Experimental evaluation of an elastic foundation model to predict contact pressures in knee replacements Development and testing of a modular strain measurement clip Longer moment arm results in smaller joint moment development, power and work outputs in fast motions Tensile damage and its eects on cortical bone Inverse dynamic investigation of voluntary trunk movements in weightlessness: a new microgravity-specic strategy Biomechanical modeling and optimal control of human posture The shape of the force-elbow angle relationship for maximal voluntary contractions and sub-maximal electrically induced contractions in human elbow exors Force track analysis of contemporary hip simulators On the elastic properties of arteries Folding-unfolding of fn-iii domains in tenascin: an elastically coupled two-state system An approach for hip joint center calculation for use in seated postures Finger force vectors in multi-nger prehension Residual strains in conduit arteries (vol 36, pg 661, 2003) Journal of Biomechanics 1753 1761 1771 1785 1797 1813 1819 1829 1837 1845 1853 1865 Eects of damage on the orthotropic material symmetry of bovine tibial trabecular bone Muscle activity reduces soft-tissue resonance at heel-strike during walking Integrated approach for in vivo evaluation of respiratory muscles mechanics Cartilage interstitial uid load support in unconned compression Eects of inter- and extramuscular myofascial force transmission on adjacent synergistic muscles: assessment by experiments and nite-element modeling Correction for sensor creep in the evaluation of long-term plantar pressure data An improved method of computing the wear factor for total hip prostheses involving the variation of relative motion and contact pressure with location on the bearing surface Evidence for a role of antagonistic cocontraction in controlling trunk stiness during lifting Reconstructed bone end loads on the canine forelimb during gait A single-degree-of-freedom dynamic model predicts the range of human responses to impulsive forces produced by power hand tools Anatomically shaped osteochondral constructs for articular cartilage repair 1883 Straining of the intact and fractured proximal humerus under physiological-like loading Eect of loading rate on endplate and vertebral body strength in human lumbar vertebrae Analysis of the eect of disturbed ow on monocytic adhesion to endothelial cells 1897 Translational stiness of the replaced shoulder joint 1875 36(11) 2003 Sera T. Fujioka H. Yokota H. Makinouchi A. Himeno R. Schroter RC. Tanishita K. Humphrey JD. Wilson E. Cristofolini L. Teutonico AS. Monti L. Cappello A. Toni A. Gill HS. O'Connor JJ. Gill HS. O'Connor JJ. Weisse B. Zahner M. Weber W. Rieger W. Hagemeister N. de Guise JA. Bozkaya D. Muftu S. Fregly BJ. Bei YH. Sylvester ME. Whan G. Phillips J. Bullock S. Runciman RJ. Pearce S. Hurtig M. Nagano A. Komura T. Kotha SP. Guzelsu N. Pedrocchi A. Pedotti A. Baroni G. Massion J. Ferrigno G. Menegaldo LL. Fleury AD. Weber HI. Hansen EA. Lee HD. Barrett K. Herzog W. Calonius O. Saikko V. Stephanis CG. Mourmouras DE. Tsagadopoulos DG. Marin JL. Muniz J. Huerta M. Trujillo X. Bush TR. Gutowski PE. Zatsiorsky VM. Gao F. Latash ML. Rachev A. Greenwald SE. 36(12) 2003 Liu XG. Wang XA. Niebur GL. Wakeling JM. Liphardt AM. Nigg BM. Ratnovsky A. Zaretsky U. Shiner RJ. Elad D. Park SH. Krishnan R. Nicoll SB. Ateshian GA. Yucesoy CA. Koopman BHFJM. Baan GC. Grootenboer HJ. Huijing PA. Arndt A. Saikko V. Calonius O. van Dieen JH. Kingma I. van der Bug JCE. Coleman JC. Hart RT. Burr DB. Lin JH. Radwin RG. Richard TG. Hung CT. Lima EG. Mauck RL. Taki E. LeRoux MA. Lu HH. Stark RG. Guo XE. Ateshian GA. Maldonado ZM. Seebeck J. Heller MOW. Brandt D. Hepp P. Lill H. Duda GN. Ochia RS. Tencer AF. Ching RP. Chiu JJ. Chen CN. Lee PL. Yang CT. Chuang HS. Chien S. Usami S. Oosterom R. Herder JL. van der Helm FCT. Swieszkowski W. Bersee HEN. 1909 1917 Accuracy and repeatability of a pressure measurement system in the patellofemoral joint Noninvasive muscle tension measurement using the novel technique of magnetic resonance elastography (mre) 35 Wilson DR. Apreleva MV. Eichler MJ. Harrold FR. Jenkyn TR. Ehman RL. An KN. Journal of Composite Materials 1605 1613 1629 1651 1675 Mechanical properties of sicw/al composite degraded by thermal cycling Buckling analysis of an orthotropic layer bonded to a substrate with an interface crack Thermal deformation behavior of triaxial woven fabric (twf) composites with open holes Evolution of failure mechanisms in 2d and 3d woven composite systems under quasi-static perforation Mechanisms of hydrodynamically induced in-plane deformation of reinforcement textiles in resin injection processes 37(18) 2003 Ahn JJ. Ochiai S. Jeong KM. Beom HG. Zhao Q. Hoa SV. Baucom JN. Zikry MA. Endruweit A. Gehrig S. Ermanni P. Journal of Composite Materials 1697 1713 1723 1745 1769 Similitude and physical modeling for buckling and vibration of symmetric crossply laminated circular cylindrical shells Thermal conductivity and thermal contact conductance studies on al12 percent si10wt. percent sicp metal matrix composites Quasi-static and dynamic compressive behaviors of a s-2 glass-sc15 composite Modeling of heat transfer and void dynamics for the thermoplastic composite tow-placement process Reduction in the number of independent parameters for the tsai-wu tensor polynomial theory of strength for composite materials 37(19) 2003 Ungbhakorn V. Singhatanadgid P. Rao VV. Nagaraju J. Murthy MVK. Song B. Chen WN. Weerasooriya T. Tierney J. Gillespie JW. DeTeresa SJ. Larsen GJ. Journal of Composite Materials 1791 1801 1821 1839 1851 The eect of si and mg on age hardening behavior of al-sicp composites Cured shape of cross-ply composite thin shells S2-glass/epoxy polymer nanocomposites: manufacturing, structures, thermal and mechanical properties An investigation of al-sicp composites under thermal cycling Rigorous dynamic model-based economic design of the injected pultrusion process with controllability considerations 37(20) 2003 Tekmen C. Cocen U. Ren LB. Parvizi-Majidi A. Haque A. Shamsuzzoha M. Hussain F. Dean D. Ozdemir I. Toparli M. Srinivasagupta D. Kardos JL. Joseph B. Journal of Composite Materials 1885 1903 1921 1939 1951 1971 Macromechanical modeling and analysis of the viscoplastic behavior of unidirectional ber-reinforced composites Exact solution for functionally graded anisotropic elastic composite laminates Size eects and thickness constraints in composite joints Cryogenic microcracking of carbon ber/epoxy composites: inuences of bermatrix adhesion A computer simulation of single ber pull out process in a composite Experimental and theoretical analysis of pulling force in pultrusion and resin injection pultrusion (rip) - part ii: modeling and simulation (vol 37, pg 195, 2003) 37(21) 2003 Kawai M. Masuko Y. Pan E. Hou L. Liu DS. Timmerman JF. Hayes BS. Seferis JC. Zhong W. Pan N. Ding ZM. Xu LQ. Li SJ. Lee LJ. Engelen H. Journal of Computational & Applied Mathematics 0 1 11 19 Special issue - selected papers from the conference on computational and mathematical methods for science and engineering (cmmse-2002) - alicante university, spain, 20-25 september 2002 - preface Computational approach to the simplicity of f(4)(o-s,-) in the characteristic two case Third-order iterative methods without using any frechet derivative Qualitatively stable nite dierence schemes for advection-reaction equations 158(1) 2003 Simos TE. Vigo-Aguiar J. Bjerregaard PA. Gonzalez CM. Amat S. Busquier S. Candela V. Anguelov R. Lubuma JMS. Mahudu SK. 36 31 213 Finite elements numerical solution of a coupled prole-velocity-temperature shallow ice sheet approximation model Iterative methods for least-square problems based on proper splittings High-order nonreecting boundary conditions for the dispersive shallow water equations Unravelling small world networks Newton-cotes formulae for long-time integration Symplectic integrators for the numerical solution of the schrodinger equation A generator of hybrid symmetric four-step methods for the numerical solution of the schrodinger equation Mathematical approaches to bone reformation phenomena and numerical simulations Parameter uniform numerical method for singularly perturbed turning point problems exhibiting boundary layers Trigonometrically tted predictor-corrector methods for ivps with oscillating solutions Estimation by simulation of monotone dynamical systems Fdem: how we make the fdm more exible than the fem New ito-taylor expansions Dissipative chebyshev exponential-tted methods for numerical solution of second-order dierential equations Integrability of hamiltonians with polynomial potentials 225 On solutions to ito stochastic dierential equations 43 49 61 75 83 93 107 121 135 145 157 169 187 Calvo N. Durany J. Vazquez C. Climent JJ. Perea C. Givoli D. Neta B. Higham DJ. Kalogiratou Z. Simos TE. Kalogiratou Z. Monovasilis T. Simos TE. Konguetsof A. Simos TE. Matsuura Y. Oharu S. Takata T. Tamura A. Natesan S. Jayakumar J. Vigo-Aguiar J. Psihoyios G. Simos TE. Santos MS. Schonauer W. Adolph T. Tocino A. Vigo-Aguiar J. Vigo-Aguiar J. Ramos H. Vigo-Aguiar MI. Sansaturio ME. Ferrandiz JM. Villarroel J. Journal of Computational & Applied Mathematics 233 243 277 297 317 339 355 379 397 407 419 443 473 485 Distance for degree raising and reduction of triangular bezier surfaces An iteration-by-subdomain overlapping dirichlet/robin domain decomposition method for advection-diusion problems A class of methods for tting a curve or surface to data by minimizing the sum of squares of orthogonal distances Progressive scattered data ltering Inverse q-columns updating methods for solving nonlinear systems of equations Remarks on periodic boundary value problems for functional dierential equations On the numerical solution of fredholm integral equations on unbounded intervals Nondierentiable minimax fractional programming under generalized univexity Oscillations of second-order nonlinear impulsive ordinary dierential equations On some new nonlinear discrete inequalities and their applications Rational approximation preconditioners for sparse linear systems Symbolic-numerical methods for the computation of normal forms of pdes A fast numerical method for evaluation of calderon commutators A split step approach for the 3-d maxwell's equations 158(2) 2003 Rababah A. Houzeaux G. Codina R. Atieg A. Watson GA. Iske A. de Mendonca LF. Perez R. Lopes VLR. Nieto JJ. Rodriguez-Lopez R. Frammartino C. Laurita C. Mastroianni G. Mishra SK. Wang SY. Lai KK. Shi JM. He ZM. Ge WG. Meng FW. Li WN. Guillaume P. Saad Y. Sosonkina M. Ahamadi M. Gervais JJ. Goldberg MJ. Hrycak T. Kim S. Lee JW. Fornberg B. Journal of Computational & Applied Mathematics 0 1 13 25 35 45 55 65 77 85 91 101 Proceedings of the 6th japan-china joint seminar on numerical mathematics, university of tsukuba, japan, 5-9 august 2002 - preface On the convergence of parallel nonstationary multisplitting iteration methods Verication methods for nonlinear equations with saddle point functions Uniform pointwise convergence for a singularly perturbed problem using arclength equidistribution A non-overlap domain decomposition method for the forward-backward heat equation On analogy and dissimilarity of dependence of stability on several parameters in ow simulations On the blow-up rate for fast blow-up solutions arising in an anisotropic crystalline motion An improvement in ds-bicgstab(l) and its application for linear systems in lattice qcd Finite element computation of magnetic eld problems with the displacement current A method of generating scratched look calligraphy characters using mathematical morphology Numerical analysis for semilinear evolution equations of parabolic type Circulant and skew-circulant splitting methods for toeplitz systems 159(1) 2003 Natori M. Shi ZC. Kitagawa T. Bai ZZ. Chen XJ. Hashimoto K. Chen YP. Han H. Yin DS. Hataue I. Ishiwata T. Yazaki S. Itoh S. Namekawa Y. Kanayama H. Tagami D. Imoto K. Sugimoto S. Li W. Hagiwara I. Yasui T. Chen HA. Nakaguchi E. Yagi A. Ng MK. 109 119 129 137 149 161 173 185 195 Numerical conformal mappings of bounded multiply connected domains by the charge simulation method A projection method for generalized eigenvalue problems using numerical integration Convergence of the rational interpolants of stieltjes functions Error estimates for a fundamental solution method applied to reduced wave problems in a domain exterior to a disc Discrete truncated powers and lattice points in rational polytope On incompressible viscous uid ows with slip boundary conditions Error estimation with guaranteed accuracy of nite element method in nonconvex polygonal domains Finite dierence method for detonation waves A new domain decomposition method for an hjb equation Okano D. Ogata H. Amano K. Sugihara M. Sakurai T. Sugiura H. Song B. Lian H. Ushijima T. Chiba F. Wang RH. Xu ZQ. Watanabe J. Yamamoto N. Hayakawa K. Ying LA. Zhang XT. Zhou SZ. Zhan WP. Journal of Computational & Applied Mathematics 205 217 241 249 269 285 319 325 341 365 375 387 399 411 431 467 On some log-cosine integrals related to zeta(3), zeta(4), and zeta(6) Exponential tted runge-kutta methods of collocation type: xed or variable knot points? Absolute stability for multiple delay general lur'e control systems with multiple nonlinearities Construction of b-splines for generalized spline spaces generated from local ectsystems A fast implementation for gmres method On the boundary integral formulation of the plane theory of elasticity (computational aspects) A generalization of a theorem of bochner Asymptotic expansions for laguerre-like orthogonal polynomials Monotone iterative methods for the adaptive nite element solution of semiconductor equations Several remarks on acceleration of convergence using generalized linear methods of summability Existence of positive periodic solution for nonautonomous predator-prey system with diusion and time delay A note on the numerical solution of high-order dierential equations Identication of contact regions in semiconductor transistors by level-set methods A higher-order sublter-scale model for large eddy simulation Variational and numerical analysis of a quasistatic viscoelastic contact problem with adhesion On the exponential stability of a class of nonlinear systems including delayed perturbations Journal of Computational & Applied Mathematics 0 1 9 17 27 37 53 69 77 95 103 113 125 139 147 International conference on special functions and their applications (icsf2002) preface K. srinivasa rao and his work An analogue of euler's identity and new combinatorial properties of n-colour compositions Wigner distribution transformations in high-order systems On ideal-function-like functions Some general theorems on the explicit evaluations of ramanujan's cubic continued fraction Theorems on partitions from a page in ramanujan's lost notebook Partition identities and congruences associated with the fourier coeÆcients of the euler products Cubic theta functions On certain transformations of poly-basic bilateral hypergeometric series A new perspective on single and multi-variate dierential equations On some slowly convergent series involving the hurwitz zeta-function Extensions of certain classical integrals of erdelyi for gauss hypergeometric functions Lie-theoretic generating relations of hermite 2d polynomials On a hypergeometric identity of gelfand, graev and retakh 37 159(2) 2003 Coey MW. Berghe GV. Van Daele A. Vyver HV. He Y. Wu M. Buchwald B. Muhlbach G. Ayachour EH. Abou-Dina MS. Ghaleb AF. Ismail MEH. Kzaz M. Maach F. Van Iseghem J. Chen RC. Liu JL. Tammeraid I. Chen SH. Zhang JH. Young T. Wang Y. Zhao YB. Wei GW. Fang WF. Ito K. Berselli LC. Iliescu T. Chau O. Fernandez JR. Shillor M. Sofonea M. Park JH. Jung HY. 160(1-2) 2003 Jagannathan R. Kanemitsu S. Vanden Berghe G. Van Assche W. Van Assche W. Vanden Berghe G. Van der Jeugt J. Agarwal AK. Almeida JB. Lakshminarayanan V. Balasubramanian R. Kanemitsu S. Ramachandra K. Baruah ND. Saikia N. Berndt BC. Yee AJ. Yi JH. Chan HH. Lewis RP. Cooper S. Denis RY. Singh SN. Singh SP. Gurappa N. Panigrahi PK. Shreecharan T. Hashimoto M. Kanemitsu S. Tanigawa Y. Yoshimoto M. Zhang WP. Joshi CM. Vyas Y. Khan S. Pathan MA. Krattenthaler C. Rosengren H. 38 159 175 191 307 Automatic generation of hypergeometric identities by the beta integral method Spectral analysis and the riemann hypothesis Realizations of coupled vectors in the tensor product of representations of su(1,1) and su(2) The reciprocity relation of the selberg function Some families of mordell curves associated to cubic elds Ur,s(gl(4))-symmetry for (r,s)-hypergeometric series Continuous and discrete bessel wavelet transforms On multiindices and multivariables presentation of the voigt functions Some properties of an extended wigner function Selberg's integral and linear forms in zeta values On irreducible p,q-representations of gl(2) A nonterminating (8)phi(7) summation for the root system c-r On the q-analogues of the zassenhaus formula for disentangling exponential operators Special functions as solutions to discrete painleve equations 315 323 A special identity between three f-2(1)(a, b; c; 4) hypergeometric series Algebraic values of analytic functions 209 217 233 241 251 259 265 271 283 297 Krattenthaler C. Rao KS. Lachaud G. Lievens S. Van der Jeugt J. Mimachi K. Yoshida M. Miyake K. Nishizawa M. Pathak RS. Dixit MM. Pathan MA. Kamarujjama M. Alam MK. Ramanathan R. Rivoal T. Sahai V. Srivastava S. Schlosser M. Sridhar R. Jagannathan R. Tamizhmani KM. Ramani A. Tamizhmani T. Grammaticos B. Vanden Berghe G. De Meyer H. Waldschmidt M. Journal of Computational & Applied Mathematics 1 27 41 67 75 99 119 133 145 161 179 193 203 217 231 A new aÆne scaling interior point algorithm for nonlinear optimization subject to linear equality and inequality constraints Analysis of the convergence behavior of the static localized nonlinear approximation for a problem in electromagnetism Towards the resolution of the gibbs phenomena Almost periodic solutions of forced lienard-type equations with time delays Fast spherical fourier algorithms A noncommutative version of the bispectral problem Semi-implicit nite volume scheme for image processing in 3d cylindrical geometry Computational method for analysis of polyethylene biodegradation High-order collocation and quadrature methods for some logarithmic kernel integral equations on open arcs Integral equation methods for scattering from an impedance crack Algorithms and codes for the macdonald function: recent progress and comparisons On the existence of positive solutions of p-laplacian dierence equations Computing a matrix function for exponential integrators Periodic solutions in an inhibitory two-neuron network A proximal decomposition algorithm for variational inequality problems 161(1) 2003 Zhu DT. French DA. Shizgal BD. Jung JH. Feng CH. Wang PG. Kunis S. Potts D. Grunbaum FA. Iliev P. Mikula K. Sgallari F. Watanabe M. Kawai F. Shibata M. Yokoyama S. Sudate Y. Dominguez V. Kress R. Lee KM. Fabijonas BR. Lozier DW. Rappoport JM. He ZM. Lu YY. Guo SJ. Huang LH. Han DR. Journal of Computational Physics 351 371 398 419 459 478 501 523 550 572 601 623 651 Incompressible limits of lattice boltzmann equations using multiple relaxation times Computation of multiphase systems with phase eld models Exact boundary condition for time-dependent wave equation based on boundary integral High-order non-uniform grid schemes for numerical simulation of hypersonic boundary-layer stability and transition Optimized prefactored compact schemes A moving grid nite element method applied to a model biological pattern generator Numerical modelling of the two-dimensional fourier transformed vlasov-maxwell system Spectral/hp least-squares nite element formulation for the navier-stokes equations A pressure-based algorithm for multi-phase ow at all speeds Gerris: a tree-based adaptive solver for the incompressible euler equations in complex geometries An all-scale anelastic model for geophysical ows: dynamic grid deformation A spectral element semi-lagrangian (sesl) method for the spherical shallow water equations Ghost uid method for strong shock impacting on material interface 190(2) 2003 Dellar PJ. Badalassi VE. Ceniceros HD. Banerjee S. Teng ZH. Zhong XL. Tatineni M. Ashcroft G. Zhang X. Madzvamuse A. Wathen AJ. Maini PK. Eliasson B. Pontaza JP. Reddy JN. Moukalled F. Darwish M. Sekar B. Popinet S. Prusa JM. Smolarkiewicz PK. Giraldo FX. Perot JB. Fischer PF. Liu TG. Khoo BC. Yeo KS. 39 Journal of Computational Physics 1 Remeshed smoothed particle hydrodynamics for the simulation of laminar chemically reactive ows 18 40 Finite dierence heterogeneous multi-scale method for homogenization problems Second kind integral equations for the classical potential theory on open surfaces i: analytical apparatus Stabilization and attitude of a triaxial rigid body by lie group methods An "attachment kinetics-based" volume of fraction method for organic crystallization: a uid-dynamic approach to macromolecular-crystal engineering Improved algorithm for geometry optimisation using damped molecular dynamics Numerical solution to the time-dependent maxwell equations in axisymmetric singular domains: the singular complement method A cartesian grid method for modeling multiple moving objects in 2d incompressible viscous ow Design and analysis of ale schemes with provable second-order time-accuracy for inviscid and viscous ow simulations Numerical simulation of the plasma of an electron cyclotron resonance ion source De-aliasing on non-uniform grids: algorithms and applications Application of gaussian quadratures to density functional (df) theories of conned liquid crystals Comparison of preconditioners for collocation chebyshev approximation of 2d and 3d generalized stokes problem Stream function approach for determining optimal surface currents Including electron inertia without advancing electron ow A new modication of the immersed boundaries method for uid-solid ows: moderate reynolds numbers 75 97 130 147 177 206 228 249 265 282 305 322 328 191(1) 2003 Chaniotis AK. Frouzakis CE. Lee JC. Tomboulides AG. Poulikakos D. Boulouchos K. Abdulle A. Weinan E. Jiang SD. Rokhlin V. San Miguel A. Lappa M. Probert MIJ. Assous F. Ciarlet P. Labrunie S. Segre J. Russell D. Wang ZJ. Geuzaine P. Grandmont C. Farhat C. Girard A. Lecot C. Serebrennikov K. Kirby RM. Karniadakis GE. Chrzanowska A. Garba A. Haldenwang P. Peeren GN. Jones ST. Parker SE. Vikhansky A. Journal of Computational Physics 341 377 392 420 448 476 502 525 542 567 601 622 639 660 Semi-lagrangian schemes for the vlasov equation on an unstructured mesh of phase space A comprehensive three-dimensional model of the cochlea A robust high-order compact method for large eddy simulation An adaptive numerical scheme for high-speed reactive ow on overlapping grids Numerical simulation of interfacial ows by smoothed particle hydrodynamics Domain decomposition algorithms for fourth-order nonlinear elliptic eigenvalue problems Improved boundary conditions for viscous, reacting, compressible ows Long-time numerical computation of electromagnetic elds in the vicinity of a relativistic source Higher-order time integration schemes for the unsteady navier-stokes equations on unstructured meshes An overset-grid method for 3d unsteady incompressible ows A fast solver for the orthogonal spline collocation solution of the biharmonic dirichlet problem on rectangles Sph simulations of time-dependent poiseuille ow at low reynolds numbers A weighted essentially non-oscillatory numerical scheme for a multi-class lighthillwhitham-richards traÆc ow model A general reconstruction algorithm for simulating ows with complex 3d immersed boundaries on cartesian grids 191(2) 2003 Besse N. 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Journal of Computational Physics 1 21 36 73 95 105 124 Dynamics and topological aspects of a reconstructed two-dimensional foam time series using potts model on a pinned lattice Solving the two-body, bound-state bethe-salpeter equation The sequential method for the black-oil reservoir simulation on unstructured grids Non-uniform convergence of nite volume schemes for riemann problems of ideal magnetohydrodynamics Numerical algorithms for use in quantum information Fictitious domain/nite element method for particulate ows A weak legendre collocation spectral method for the solution of the incompressible navier-stokes equations in unstructured quadrilateral subdomains 192(1) 2003 Vasconcelos IF. Cantat I. Glazier JA. Mainland GB. Li BY. Chen ZX. Huan GR. Torrilhon M. Ramos RV. Diaz-Goano C. Minev PD. Nandakumar K. Kondaxakis D. 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Journal of Engineering Materials & Technology 345 346 353 361 368 372 378 385 394 Special issue on durability and damage tolerance of heterogeneous materials and structures - foreword On the mechanical response in a thermal barrier system due to martensitic phase transformation in the bond coat Assessment of the fracture behavior of an asymmetrically loaded cantilever composite structure Nanoindentation measurements on low-k porous silica thin lms spin coated on silicon substrates Spatial impact of a slender beam Surface modication of powder metallurgy components with a direct diode laser Eect of laser pre-treatment on the machining performance of aluminum/sic mmc Control of damage in composite laminates by ply-stacking designs: characteristic failure signatures and safety criteria Eects of temperature and moisture on the high strain rate compression response of graphite/epoxy composites 125(4) 2003 Pelegri AA. Karlsson AM. Karlsson AM. Shan BX. Pelegri AA. Huang XQ. Pelegri AA. 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Journal of Engineering Mathematics 83 101 121 137 161 Elasto-plastic localised responses in one-dimensional structural models Steady ow past an elliptic cylinder inclined to the stream Stuart vortices in a stratied mixing layer: the holmboe model Unsteady free-surface ow induced by a line sink Radiation of water waves from an oscillating source located at a slope of angle pi/4 47(2) 2003 Coman CD. Bassom AP. Wadee MK. Dennis SCR. Young PJS. Mallier R. Stokes TE. Hocking GC. Forbes LK. Haugen KB. Tyvand PA. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 1107 1108 1119 1130 1138 1149 1156 1164 1173 1189 1197 1206 1220 Study of environmental uid mechanics using state-of-the-art experimental techniques and instrumentation Convection velocity of vortex structures in the near wake of a circular cylinder Particle image velocimetry measurements within a laboratory-generated swash zone Laser-induced uorescence measurements of a turbulent plume Field measurement of ship waves in victoria harbor Experimental study of a horizontal jet in a wavy environment Particle image velocimetry system with self-organized feature map algorithm Shallow turbulent ows by video imaging method Simultaneous particle image velocimetry and laser doppler velocimetry measurements of periodical oscillatory horseshoe vortex system near square cylinder-base plate juncture Combined particle image velocimetry/planar laser induced uorescence modeling of buoyant jets Laboratory measurements of void fraction and turbulence in the bore region of surf zone waves Cluster evolution and ow-frictional characteristics under dierent sediment availabilities and specic gravity Field experiment study of transient stratied ow in an estuary 129(10) 2003 Wang KH. 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Journal of Engineering Mechanics 1225 1235 1245 1254 1268 1277 1288 1295 1308 1320 1330 1342 Eects of seismically induced pounding at expansion joints of concrete bridges Vibration of thick and thin plates using a new triangular element Dynamic stability of laminated composite curved panels with cutouts Elastic stability and second-order analysis of three-dimensional frames: eects of column orientation Instantaneous optimal wilson-theta control method Poromechanics of anisotropic hollow cylinders Estimating uncertainty in the extreme value analysis of data generated by a hurricane simulation model Heterogeneous strain and bonded granular structure change in triaxial specimen studied by computer, tomography Creep analysis of axially loaded ber reinforced polymer-conned concrete columns Investigation of two- and three-dimensional models of transitional ow past a square cylinder Forced vertical vibration of circular plate in multilayered poroelastic medium Exact solution for dynamic response of multi-degree-of-freedom bilinear hysteretic systems 129(11) 2003 Kim SH. Shinozuka M. Sheikh AH. Dey P. Sengupta D. Sahu SK. Datta PK. Aristizabal-Ochoa JD. Bahar O. Banan MR. Mahzoon M. Kitagawa Y. Kanj M. Abousleiman Y. Ghanem R. Coles S. Simiu E. Chang CS. Matsushima T. Lee X. Naguib W. Mirmiran A. Saha AK. Muralidhar K. Biswas G. Senjuntichai T. Sapsathiarn Y. Liu JL. 42 1351 1355 1360 Thermal postbuckling of uniform columns on elastic foundation - intuitive solution Vibratory characteristics of timoshenko beams with arbitrary number of cracks Closure to "could the world trade center have been modied to prevent its collapse?" by david e. newland and david cebon Rao GV. Raju KK. Li QS. Newland DE. Cebon D. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 1363 1369 Tension buckling in multilayer elastomeric bearings Rened solutions of externally induced sloshing in half-full spherical containers 1380 1394 Consistent nite-element response sensitivity analysis Stress solution of multiple elliptic hole problem in plane elasticity 1408 Analytical solution for uid-structure interaction in liquid-lled pipes subjected to impact-induced water hammer Non-gaussian simulation: cumulative distribution function map-based spectral correction Second-order radiation boundary condition for water wave simulation with large angle incidence Connement-shear lattice model for concrete damage in tension and compression: i. theory Connement-shear lattice model for concrete damage in tension and compression: ii. computation and validation Electrorheological and magnetorheological duct ow in shear-ow mode using herschel-bulkley constitutive model Seismic design of structures by bundled columns Numerical evaluation of uniform beam modes Characterization of cement-based materials using diuse ultrasound Analytical modeling, system identication, and tracking performance of uniaxial seismic simulators Characteristics of hyperconcentrated sediment-laden ows 1418 1429 1439 1449 1459 1466 1475 1478 1485 1489 129(12) 2003 Kelly JM. 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Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1 15 37 75 99 129 139 169 189 217 251 293 321 333 Shock wave formation in droplet impact on a rigid surface: lateral liquid motion and multiple wave structure in the contact line region On self-propulsion of micro-machines at low reynolds number: purcell's three-link swimmer Spanwise structure and scale growth in turbulent boundary layers On the use of microjets to suppress turbulence in a mach 0.9 axisymmetric jet Generalized taylor dispersion in suspensions of gyrotactic swimming microorganisms Flow structures behind a heaving and pitching nite-span wing Shock leakage through an unsteady vortex-laden mixing layer: application to jet screech On the onset of nonlinear oscillations in a separating boundary-layer ow Baroclinic instability of time-dependent currents Experimental investigation and numerical modelling of steep forced water waves Turbulent channel ow near maximum drag reduction: simulations, experiments and mechanisms Experimental measurements of the normal stresses in sheared stokesian suspensions Wave interaction with two-dimensional bodies oating in a two-layer uid: uniqueness and trapped modes Closed-form linear stability conditions for magneto-convection Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1 11 51 A note on the resonant interaction between a surface wave and two interfacial waves A unied model of ames as gasdynamic discontinuities Stability of planar ames as gasdynamic discontinuities 490 2003 Haller KK. 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Klimenko AY. 65 101 131 161 183 207 229 239 259 275 285 301 325 353 379 Roles of non-aligned eigenvectors of strain-rate and subgrid-scale stress tensors in turbulence generation Receptivity of a high-speed boundary layer to acoustic disturbances Turbulence and noise suppression of a high-speed jet by water injection Shock waves, dead zones and particle-free regions in rapid granular free-surface ows The inuence of the thermal diusivity of the lower boundary on eddy motion in convection Nonlinear theory of geostrophic adjustment. part 2. two-layer and continuously stratied primitive equations Direct numerical simulations of turbulent channel ow with transverse square bars on one wall Oscillatory thermocapillary convection in open cylindrical annuli. part 1. experiments under microgravity Oscillatory thermocapillary convection in open cylindrical annuli. part 2. simulations Intermodal energy transfers in a proper orthogonal decomposition-galerkin representation of a turbulent separated ow The eect of wall interactions in capillary-zone electrophoresis Wave trapping and upstream inuence in stratied ow of large depth Double-diusive and soret-induced convection in a shallow horizontal porous layer Anisotropy and energy ux in wall turbulence Heat propagation from a concentrated external energy source in a gas Fedorov AV. 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Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1 23 47 63 91 101 131 147 181 207 231 251 271 289 303 339 363 381 Nonlinear distortion of travelling waves in variable-area ducts with entropy gradients Flow in a wavy-walled channel lined with a poroelastic layer Stochastic averaging of nonlinear ows in heterogeneous porous media Multiple states, stability and bifurcations of natural convection in a rectangular cavity with partially heated vertical walls Maximum drag reduction in a turbulent channel ow by polymer additives Interaction of sedimenting spheres with multiple surface roughness scales Comparing the two-dimensional cascades of vorticity and a passive scalar From spheres to circular cylinders: the stability and ow structures of blu ring wakes Nearly symmetric and nearly baroclinic instabilities in the presence of diusivity. part 1. growth rate patterns Remote recoil: a new wave-mean interaction eect Breakup in stochastic stokes ows: sub-kolmogorov drops in isotropic turbulence Nonlinear saturation of the rayleigh instability due to oscillatory ow in a liquidlined tube Experiments on highly supercritical thermal convection in a rapidly rotating hemispherical shell Instabilities of the stewartson layer part 1. the dependence on the sign of ro Thermocapillary instability and wave formation on a lm falling down a uniformly heated plane Modelling thrust generation of a two-dimensional heaving airfoil in a viscous ow Inertial instabilities of uid ow in precessing spheroidal shells Instabilities of granular material undergoing vertical vibrations: a uniformly driven layer 492 2003 Tyagi M. 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Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1 31 59 89 121 151 181 191 On the linear stability of swept attachment-line boundary layer ow. part 1. spectrum and asymptotic behaviour On the linear stability of swept attachment-line boundary layer ow. part 2. non-modal eects and receptivity Observations of inertial waves in a rectangular basin with one sloping boundary Absolute and convective instability of a relaxational plane liquid jet Hydromagnetic edge waves and instability in reduction cells Nonlinear critical-layer evolution of a forced gravity wave packet Evolution of a vortex in a rotating conducting uid Transverse roll convection in horizontal plane couette ow 43 Horiuti K. 493 2003 Obrist D. Schmid PJ. Obrist D. Schmid PJ. Manders AMM. Maas LRM. Soderberg LD. Morris SJS. Davidson PA. Campbell LJ. Maslowe SA. Siso-Nadal F. Davidson PA. Graham WR. Yoshikawa Y. Akitomo K. 44 209 219 231 255 277 287 319 345 363 379 Birth of three-dimensionality in a pulsed jet through a circular orice A new family of uniform vortices related to vortex congurations before merging Structure and stability of the compressible stuart vortex On ne sediment transport by long waves in the swash zone of a plane beach Vortex-induced instability of an incompressible wall-bounded shear layer The three-dimensional instability of a strained vortex tube revisited Velocity measurements of a shear ow penetrating a porous medium Topological chaos in inviscid and viscous mixers Particle migration in pressure-driven ow of a brownian suspension An averaging method for nonlinear laminar ekman layers (vol 487, pg 81, 2003) Bolzon G. Zovatto L. Pedrizzetti G. Cerretelli C. Williamson CHK. O'Reilly G. Pullin DI. Pritchard D. Hogg AJ. Sengupta TK. De S. Sarkar S. Fukumoto Y. Tachie MF. James DF. Currie IG. Finn MD. Cox SM. Byrne HM. Frank M. Anderson D. Weeks ER. Morris JF. 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Journal of Fluids & Structures 1043 1059 1079 1095 1111 1123 1145 1161 1181 1203 1213 1237 Flow structure around two nite circular cylinders located in an atmospheric boundary layer: side-by-side arrangement Interference eect of an upstream larger cylinder on the lock-in vibration of a exibly mounted circular cylinder Vortex induced vibrations measured in service in the foinaven dynamic umbilical, and lessons from prediction Model study of noise eld in the human chest due to turbulent ow in a larger blood vessel Design of a tunnel-entrance hood with multiple windows and variable crosssection Applications of biorthogonal decompositions in uid-structure interactions A computational investigation of unsteady turbulent wake-boundary-layer interaction Methods of uid-structure coupling in frequency and time domains using linearized aerodynamics for turbomachinery A time-frequency technique for the stability analysis of impulse responses from nonlinear aeroelastic systems On the buckling and the strouhal law of uid columns: the case of turbulent jets and wakes Simulation of turbulent ows around a circular cylinder using nonlinear eddyviscosity modelling: steady and oscillatory ambient ows Self-sustained oscillations of shear ow past a slotted plate coupled with cavity resonance 17(8) 2003 Park CW. 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Journal of Fluids & Structures 3 23 43 63 79 93 103 119 131 Nonlinear eects in transonic utter with emphasis on manifestations of limit cycle oscillations Random binary (coalescence) utter of a two-dimensional linear airfoil Aeroelastic instability of aircraft wings modelled as anisotropic composite thinwalled beams in incompressible ow Dynamic aero-structural response of an elastic wing model Flow excited resonance of a conned shallow cavity in low mach number ow and its control Eects of exible walls on radiated sound from a turbulent boundary layer Hysteresis phenomenon in the galloping oscillation of a square cylinder Piv measurements of near wake behind a u-grooved cylinder Vortex shedding behind a nonparallel pair of circular cylinders 18(1) 2003 Schewe G. Mai H. Dietz G. Poirel D. Price SJ. Qin Z. Librescu L. Kampchen M. Dafnis A. Reimerdes HG. Britten G. Ballmann J. Ziada S. Ng H. Blake CE. Zheng ZC. Luo SC. Chew YT. Ng YT. Lim HC. Lee SJ. Hiramoto R. Higuchi H. Journal of Fluids & Structures 147 149 165 179 197 215 Special issue - axial and internal ow uid-structure interactions - preface An excitation spectrum criterion for the vibration-induced fatigue of small bore pipes The dynamic response of coriolis mass ow meters Exact solution of linear hyperbolic four-equation system in axial liquid-pipe vibration Simulation of sloshing motions in xed and vertically excited containers using a 2-d inviscid sigma-transformed nite dierence solver Eect of gravity on a free-free elastic tank partially lled with incompressible liquid 18(2) 2003 Amabili M. de Langre E. Moussou P. Cheesewright R. Clark C. Belhadj A. Hou YY. Tijsseling AS. Frandsen JB. Borthwick AGL. Schotte JS. Ohayon R. 227 251 Reduced-order models for nonlinear vibrations of cylindrical shells via the proper orthogonal decomposition method Excitation and evolution of waves on an inhomogeneous exible wall in a mean ow Amabili M. Sarkar A. Paidoussis MP. Lucey AD. Sen PK. Carpenter PW. Journal of Fluids & Structures 269 271 287 305 325 347 367 387 405 425 441 455 Special issue - blu-body/ow interactions - preface Steady ow past a vertical surface-piercing circular cylinder Mesh shape preservation for ow-induced vibration problems Force coeÆcients and strouhal numbers of four cylinders in cross ow Aerodynamic characteristics of two side-by-side circular cylinders and application of wavelet analysis on the switching phenomenon Reduction of uid forces acting on a single circular cylinder and two circular cylinders by using tripping rods The eect of ow perturbations on the near wake characteristics of a circular cylinder Numerical simulation of turbulent wake ows behind two side-by-side cylinders Numerical aspects of simulating the ow-induced oscillations of a rectangular blu body Flow-induced vibration testing of replacement thermowell designs On uniform planar shear ow around a circular cylinder at subcritical reynolds number Numerical solutions of a viscous uniform approach ow past square and diamond cylinders 18(3-4) 2003 Dalton C. 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Journal of Intelligent Material Systems & Structures 605 623 633 643 657 Thermo-electro-mechanical behavior of ferroelectric materials part ii: introduction of rate and self-heating eects Shape memory mechanics of an elastic memory composite resin An equivalent circuit model for ionic polymer-metal composites and their performance improvement by a clay-based polymer nano-composite technique Piezoceramic telescopic actuator quasi-static experimental characterization Combined nite element analysis - genetic algorithm method for the design of ultrasonic motors 14(10) 2003 Weiland LM. Lynch CS. Abrahamson ER. Lake MS. Munshi NA. Gall K. Paquette JW. Kim KJ. Nam JD. Tak YS. Alexander PW. Brei D. Bouchilloux P. Uchino K. 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Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 1 13 33 65 Simple constitutive equation for linear polymer melts derived from molecular theory: rolie-poly equation Three-dimensional viscoelastic ows through a rectangular channel with a cavity Asymmetric ows of viscoelastic uids in symmetric planar expansion geometries Deformation of a newtonian drop in a viscoelastic matrix under steady shear ow - experimental validation of slow ow theory 114(1) 2003 Likhtman AE. Graham RS. Yamamoto T. Ishiyama M. Nakajima M. Nakamura K. Mori N. Oliveira PJ. Guido S. Simeone M. Greco F. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 83 109 149 185 197 229 Bubble dynamics in viscoelastic uids with application to reacting and nonreacting polymer foams Turbulent pipe ow predictions with a low reynolds number k-epsilon model for drag reducing uids A gnf framework for turbulent ow models of drag reducing uids and proposal for a k-epsilon type closure Planar contraction ow with a slip boundary condition A wavelet-galerkin method for simulating the doi model with orientationdependent rotational diusivity Parallel shear ows of uids with a pressure-dependent viscosity Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 1 27 51 Drop pinch-o and lament dynamics of wormlike micellar uids Viscoplastic ow around a cylinder in an innite medium Natural element meshless simulation of ows involving short ber suspensions Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 79 115 125 157 191 Characterization of chaotic thermal convection of viscoelastic uids Propagation of the interface in a uid suspension after the onset of shear ow A spectral vanishing viscosity method for stabilizing viscoelastic ows Linear stability analysis of time-dependent algorithms with spectral element methods for the simulation of viscoelastic ows A numerical study of the measurement of elongational viscosity of polymeric uids in a semihyperbolically converging die 47 114(2-3) 2003 Everitt SL. Harlen OG. Wilson HJ. Read DJ. Cruz DOA. Pinho FT. Pinho FT. Joshi YM. Denn MM. Suen JK. Nayak R. Armstrong RC. Brown RA. Renardy M. 115(1) 2003 Smolka LB. Belmonte A. De Besses BD. Magnin A. Jay P. Martinez MA. Cueto E. Doblare M. Chinesta F. 115(2-3) 2003 Abu-Ramadan E. Hay JM. Khayat RE. Nouar C. Riha R. Lefevre A. Ma X. Symeonidis V. Karniadakis GE. Fietier N. Deville MO. Feigl K. Tanner F. Edwards BJ. Collier JR. 48 Journal of Reinforced Plastics & Composites 1335 1353 1373 1389 1409 Design of cfrp composite connector for precast concrete elements Anchorage systems for masonry walls strengthened with frp composite laminates The use of frp composites in enhancing the structural behavior of timber beams Shear performance of frp reinforced concrete beams A framework for life-cycle cost assessment of composites in construction 22(15) 2003 Pantelides CP. Reaveley LD. McMullin PW. Tan KH. Patoary MKH. Roger CSK. Gilllan JR. Gilbert SG. Patrick GRH. Guadagnini M. Pilakoutas K. Waldron P. Hastak M. Mirmiran A. Richard D. Journal of Reinforced Plastics & Composites 1437 1455 1467 1477 1497 Numerical simulation on the void distribution in the ber mats during the lling stage of rtm Basic principles in materials selection for mechanical fastening of thermoplastics Water ingression and compression properties of epoxy containing ash particles with their surfaces containing paraÆn oil lm Eect of lamina material properties on dilatation and through-thickness poisson's ratio of angle-ply laminates Numerical simulation of three-dimensional mold lling in resin transfer molding 22(16) 2003 Chang CY. Shih MS. Kagan VA. Weitzel SP. Kishore SSM. Kulkarni SM. Yeh FL. Yeh HY. Shojaei A. Ghaarian SR. Karimian SMH. Journal of Sound & Vibration 405 407 443 453 465 481 493 515 535 553 573 585 601 613 625 645 655 667 677 687 699 711 First international isma workshop on noise and vibration in agricultural and biological engineering - leuven, belgium, 13-14 september 2000 - foreword Vibro-acoustic analysis procedures for the evaluation of the sound insulation characteristics of agricultural machinery cabins A study of vibration characteristics on a luxury wheelchair and a new prototype wheelchair Descriptive analysis of combine cabin vibrations and their eect on the human body Determination of the dynamical behaviour of biological materials during impact using a pendulum device A multibody dynamic approach for colliding particles Discrete element modelling for process simulation in agriculture Comparison between the discrete and nite element methods for modelling an agricultural spray boom - part 1: theoretical derivation Comparison between the discrete and nite element methods for modelling an agricultural spray boom - part 2: automatic procedure for transforming the equations of motion from force to displacement input and validation A generalized modelling technique for linearized motions of mechanisms with exible parts Design of an active suspension to suppress the horizontal vibrations of a spray boom Measurements and simulation on the comfort of forklifts Vibration control using self-organizing look-up tables System for vertical boom corrections on hilly elds Dierences in chewing sounds of dry-crisp snacks by multivariate data analysis Double adaptive notch lter for mechanical grain ow sensors First experiments on ultrasonic crop density measurement Considering the inuence of articial environmental noise to study cough timefrequency features Fuzzy approach for improved recognition of citric acid induced piglet coughing from continuous registration Analysis of pain-related vocalization in young pigs Parameter estimation and multivariable model building for the non-destructive, on-line determination of eggshell strength Experimental analysis of the dynamic, mechanical behaviour of a chicken egg 266(3) 2003 Ramon H. Hostens I. Desmet W. Pluymers B. Sas P. Hostens I. Papaioannou Y. Spaepen A. Ramon H. Hostens I. Ramon H. Van Zeebroeck M. Tijskens E. Van Liedekerke P. Deli V. De Baerdemaeker J. Ramon H. van Staeyen K. Tijskens E. Ramon H. Tijskens E. Ramon H. De Baerdemaeker J. Anthonis J. Ramon H. Anthonis J. Ramon H. Anthonis J. Hostens I. Mouazen AM. Moshou D. Ramon H. Anthonis J. Ramon H. Verschoore R. Pieters JG. Pollet IV. Moshou D. Ramon H. Deprez K. Anthonis J. Ramon H. De Belie N. Sivertsvik M. De Baerdemaeker J. Maertens K. Reyns P. De Baerdemaeker J. Maertens K. Reyns P. De Clippel J. De Baerdemaeker J. Van Hirtum A. Berckmans D. Van Hirtum A. Berckmans D. Marx G. Horn T. Thielebein J. Knubel B. von Borell E. De Ketelaere B. Vanhoutte H. De Baerdemaeker J. Coucke P. De Ketelaere B. De Baerdemaeker J. 49 Journal of Sound & Vibration 723 737 759 775 785 805 815 833 847 875 889 905 912 919 927 928 An alternative derivation of dynamic admittance matrix of piezoelectric cantilever bimorph A new exact substructure method using mixed modes Dynamics modelling of a exible hub-beam system with a tip mass Boundary feedback stabilization of the sine-gordon equation without velocity feedback A numerical study on the ow and sound elds of centrifugal impeller located near a wedge On-line detection of fatigue cracks using an automatic mode tracking technique Combined damage detection techniques The high frequency, transient response of a panel with attached masses Optimal control of structures with semiactive-tuned mass dampers Response of a strongly non-linear oscillator to narrowband random excitations Interaction due to mechanical sources in micropolar elastic medium with voids Sliding control accounting for hardware limitation of mechanical actuators with deadzone On the vibration analysis of rectangular clamped plates using the virtual work principle Approximation closure method of fpk equations Frequency response of a moderately thick antisymmetric cross-ply cylindrical panel using mixed type of fourier solution functions (vol 259, pg 809, 2003) Exact solution of the asymmetric mindlin's plate equations applied to a disk (vol 261, pg 153, 2003) 266(4) 2003 Lu P. Lee KH. Qiu JB. Williams FW. Qiu RX. Yang H. Hong JZ. Yu ZY. Kobayashi T. Jeon WH. Lee DJ. Vanlanduit S. Verboven P. Guillaume P. Vanlanduit S. Parloo E. Guillaume P. Reynolds RR. Provencher BD. Shesterikov SA. Aldemir U. Rong HW. Meng G. Wang XD. Xu W. Fang T. Kumar R. Choudhary S. Sheng J. Sun JQ. Arenas JP. Rong HW. Wang XD. Meng G. Xu W. Fang T. Kabir HRH. Al-Khalee AM. Chaudhuri RA. El-Raheb M. Journal of Sound & Vibration 929 943 957 967 981 993 1009 1025 1053 1079 1099 1109 1117 Multiple mode current owing passive piezoelectric shunt controller Modal parameter identication through gabor expansion of response signals Seismic response of bridge piers on elasto-plastic winkler foundation allowed to uplift Acoustic characteristics of annular cavities with locally non-uniform media Instability of the voltage transfer function for an mr103 microphone in a coupler calibration technique Finite element simulation of non-linear acoustic generation in a horn loudspeaker An inverse model of mr damper using optimal neural network and system identication A methodology for predicting impact-induced acoustic noise in machine systems Phononic band gaps and vibrations in one- and two-dimensional mass-spring structures Application of vortex sound theory to vortex-pairing noise: sensitivity to errors in ow data Natural frequencies of an immersed beam carrying a tip mass with rotatory inertia Vibration of wires used in electro-discharge machining Inuence of suspension damper asymmetry on vehicle vibration response to ground excitation 266(5) 2003 Behrens S. Moheimani SOR. Fleming AJ. Zhang ZY. Hua HX. Xu XZ. Huang Z. Chen XC. Lai YM. Choi HG. Yoo SW. Jeong JD. Lee JM. Horiuchi R. Fujimori T. Sato S. Tsuchiya T. Kagawa Y. Doi M. Tsuji T. Xia PQ. Oppenheimer CH. Dubowsky S. Jensen JS. Schram C. Hirschberg A. Oz HR. Shahruz SM. Rajalingham C. Rakheja S. Journal of Sound & Vibration 1 29 57 67 87 105 167 178 187 Computational analysis for dynamic response of a rotating shaft on exible support structure with clearances Exact dynamic and static stiness matrices of shear deformable thin-walled beamcolumns Material characterization of er uids at high frequency An elastodynamic solution of nite long orthotropic hollow cylinder under torsion impact Detecting cracks in a longitudinally vibrating beam with dissipative boundary conditions Automotive disc brake squeal [review] Exact modelling of kinetic energy in truss-type members Chatter identication with mutual information The relationship between the resonant and natural frequency for non-viscous systems 267(1) 2003 Hu K. Mourelatos ZP. Vlahopoulos N. Moon-Young K. Nam K. Hee-Taek Y. Kim J. Kim JY. Choi SB. Wang X. Xia XH. Hao WH. Dilena M. Morassi A. Kinkaid NM. O'Reilly OM. Papaclopoulos P. Ahmida KM. Arruda JRF. Berger B. Belai C. Anand D. Vinokur R. 50 Journal of Sound & Vibration 191 209 227 245 253 267 279 301 335 355 366 371 Forced vibration of euler-bernoulli beams by means of dynamic green functions Dynamic stability of a rotating beam with a constrained damping layer Symplectic analysis for periodical electro-magnetic waveguides Compensation for discarded singular values in vibro-acoustic inverse methods Cyclic statistics in rolling bearing diagnosis Flutter analysis of periodically supported curved panels Inuence of non-linear forces on beam behaviour in utter conditions A general linear mathematical model of power ow analysis and control for integrated structure-control systems Stochastic control of exible beam in random utter On the eigencharacteristics of multi-step rods carrying a tip mass subjected to non-homogeneous external viscous damping Free vibration of completely free coupled orthotropic rectangular plates Environmental vibration assessment and its applications in accelerated tests for medical devices 267(2) 2003 Abu-Hilal M. Lin CY. Chen LW. Zhong WX. Williams FW. Leung AYT. Moorhouse AT. Li L. Qu LS. Pany C. Parthan S. Tizzi S. Xiong YP. Xing JT. Price WG. Heo H. Cho YH. Kim DJ. Gurgoze M. Erol H. Shaee A. Alizadeh Y. Redekop D. Wu JS. Zhang RRC. Wu QM. Stevens KK. Journal of Sound & Vibration 385 387 397 407 419 431 439 447 469 485 497 509 523 537 549 565 575 591 605 621 637 651 663 675 689 701 709 721 739 Seventh international workshop on railway noise, 2001 Eurailnoise: a study of european priorities and strategies for railway noise abatement The new policy of the european commission for the abatement of railway noise Noise-impact estimates per fta and apta criteria Environmental integration of measures to reduce railway noise in the brussels capital region The stairrs project, work package 1: a cost-eectiveness analysis of railway noise reduction on a european scale How the money machine may help to reduce railway noise in europe Identication, modelling and reduction potential of railway noise sources: a critical survey Experimental analysis of wheel noise emission as a function of the contact point location On the impact noise generation due to a wheel passing over rail joints Squeal noise of rail-bound vehicles inuenced by lateral contact position Extended validation of a theoretical model for railway rolling noise using novel wheel and track designs The inuence of the contact zone on the excitation of wheel/rail noise Numerical prediction of rail roughness growth on tangent railway tracks A full-scale test rig for railway rolling noise: simulation and measurement of dynamic wheelset-track interaction Eect of track stiness on vibration levels in railway tunnels Prediction and measurements of vibrations from a railway track lying on a peaty ground A dynamic model for an asymmetrical vehicle/track system Modelling of soil vibrations from railway tunnels A comparison of a theoretical model for quasi-statically and dynamically induced environmental vibration from trains with measurements Impact of sound and vibration of the north-south high-speed railway connection through the city of antwerp belgium Potential low frequency ground vibration (< 6.3 hz) impacts from underground lrt operations Street-running lrt may not aect a neighbour's sleep Train noise reduction scenarios for compliance with future noise legislation Recent developments in noise research at deutsche bahn (noise assessment, noise source localization and specially monitored track) Application of metarail railway noise measurement methodology: comparison of three track systems Skirts and barriers for reduction of wayside noise from railway vehicles - an experimental investigation with application to the br185 locomotive A double tuned rail damper - increased damping at the two rst pinned-pinned frequencies Evaluation of wheel dampers on an intercity train 267(3) 2003 Hanson CE. Kalivoda M. Danneskiold-Samsoe U. Kruger F. Barsikow B. Lundstrom A. Jacker-Cuppers M. Hubner P. Staiano MA. Van Doninck N. Schillemans L. Oertli J. de Vos P. Talotte C. Gautier PE. Thompson DJ. Hanson C. Bracciali A. Piccioli F. Wu TX. Thompson DJ. de Beer FG. Janssens MHA. Kooijman PP. Jones CJC. Thompson DJ. Thompson DJ. Nielsen JCO. Hartung CF. Vernersson T. Cox SJ. Wang A. Picoux B. Rotinat R. Regoin JP. Le Houedec D. Hou K. Kalousek J. Dong R. Gardien W. Stuit HG. Sheng X. Jones CJC. Thompson DJ. Schillemans L. Wolf S. Sarkar SK. Wang JN. Leth S. Schulte-Werning B. Jager K. Strube R. Willenbrink L. Kalivoda M. Kudrna M. Presle G. Frid A. Maes J. Sol H. Farm J. 749 761 A reduced-scale railway noise barrier's insertion loss and absorption coeÆcients: comparison of eld measurements and predictions Local control of noise and vibration with keltrack (tm) friction modier and protector (tm) trackside application: an integrated solution Eadie DT. Santoro M. Powell W. Journal of Sound & Vibration 773 787 809 851 867 879 893 913 933 955 961 967 Structural modal excitation using travelling impulses - force frequency shifting An eÆcient method for switching branches of period-doubling bifurcations of strongly non-linear autonomous oscillators with many degrees of freedom Vibration sensitive behaviour of a connecting angle. case of coupled beams and plates Active vibration control for structural-acoustic coupling system of a 3-d vehicle cabin model Eigenfrequency spacing analysis and eigenmode breakdown for semi-stadium-type 2-d elds Passive vibration control of a satellite boom structure by geometric optimization using genetic algorithm Periodic solution nder for an impact oscillator with a drift Combined parametrical transverse and in-plane harmonic response of an inclined stretched string Vibration and stability of cracked hollow-sectional beams Sensitivity of the eigenvalues of beams to the change of element correction factors Shear eects in aeroacoustic predictions Transverse vibrations of simply supported rectangular plates with two rectangular cutouts 267(4) 2003 Koss LL. Chung KW. Chan CL. Xu J. Ouisse M. Guyader JL. Song CK. Hwang JK. Lee JM. Hedrick JK. Fujisaka Y. Tohyama M. Moshre-Torbati M. Keane AJ. Elliott SJ. Brennan MJ. Rogers E. Pavlovskaia E. Wiercigroch M. Caswita. Van Der Burgh AHP. Zheng DY. Fan SC. Lee GM. Singer BA. Lockard DP. Avalos DR. Laura PAA. Journal of Sound & Vibration 979 1007 1029 1047 1065 1085 1107 1127 1143 1157 1169 1175 1184 Active sound scatterers based on the jmc method On the transversal vibrations of a conveyor belt with a low and time-varying velocity. part ii: the beam-like case Fully coupled vibrations of actively controlled drillstrings Interaction of eigenvalues in multi-parameter problems A method to determine dynamic loads on spur gear teeth and on bearings Dynamic behaviour of structures in large frequency range by continuous element methods An analytical model to predict the response of uid-lled shells to impact - a model for blunt head impacts Resonance characteristics of high-speed trains passing simply supported bridges Determination of the steady state response of viscoelastically point-supported rectangular specially orthotropic plates by an energy-based nite dierence method Non-parametric identication of non-linear oscillating systems Asymptotical behaviour of a system with damping and high power-form nonlinearity A re-examination of geometric compatibility and shape function admissibility in rayleigh-ritz based substructure synthesis Controlling chaotic instability of cutting process by high-frequency excitation: a numerical investigation 267(5) 2003 Uosukainen S. Suweken G. Van Horssen WT. Christoforou AP. Yigit AS. Seyranian AP. Mailybaev AA. Vedmar L. Andersson A. Casimir JB. Vinh T. Duforet C. Young PG. Ju SH. Lin HT. Kocaturk T. Altintas GB. Peifer M. Timmer J. Voss HU. Andrianov IV. Awrejcewicz J. Johnson DA. Chatterjee S. Singha TK. Journal of Sound & Vibration 1 15 33 49 71 85 103 115 In-plane antisymmetric response of cables through bifurcation under symmetric sinusoidally time-varying load Dynamic analysis of an optical ber coupler in telecommunications Non-stationary processes of rotor/bearing system in bifurcations System mode approach for analysis of horizontal vibration of 3-d two-link exible manipulators The eect of cable loosening on seismic response of a prestressed concrete cablestayed bridge Formulation and validation of a ritz-based analytical model of high-frequency periodically layered isolators in compression Experimental analysis of a high-speed railway bridge under thalys trains Dynamics modelling of beams with shunted piezoelectric elements 51 Busch TA. Nugent RE. 268(1) 2003 Takahashi K. Wu Q. Nakamura S. Cheng G. Zu JW. Ding Q. Leung AYT. Cheong J. Youm Y. Wu Q. Takahashi K. Nakamura S. Sze JT. Smith EC. Lesieutre GA. Xia H. De Roeck G. Zhang N. Maeck J. Park CH. 52 131 149 167 177 201 209 Dispersion of waves and characteristic wave surfaces in functionally graded piezoelectric plates Dynamic stability of spinning pretwisted beams subjected to axial random forces Determination of uncertainty in environmental noise measurements by bootstrap method An improved criterion of gaussian equivalent linearization for analysis of nonlinear stochastic systems A discrete-time, optimal, active vibration absorber On the periodic solutions of a generalized non-linear van der pol oscillator Liu GR. Dai KY. Han X. Ohyoshi T. Young TH. Gau CY. Farrelly FA. Brambilla G. Anh ND. Hung LX. Bhatta P. Sinha A. Waluya SB. van Horssen WT. Journal of Sound & Vibration 217 Transient response of a hydraulic engine mount 249 Conditions for the excitation of interface waves in a thin unconsolidated sediment layer Importance sampling for randomly excited dynamical systems A stochastic approach to cable dynamics with moving rivulets An actuator for the n=2 circumferential mode of a pipe On the inuence of lateral vibrations of supports for an axially moving string Non-linear vibrations of a simple-simple beam with a non-ideal support in between Collision dynamics of two adjacent oscillators Energy dissipation prediction in a line of colliding oscillators Time-domain numerical computation of noise reduction by diraction and nite impedance of barriers On-line non-destructive evaluation and control of wood-based panels by vibration analysis Free vibration of an innite magneto-electro-elastic cylinder Letter to the editor Letter to the editor - author's reply 269 291 305 323 331 343 361 385 403 413 427 428 268(2) 2003 Adiguna H. Tiwari M. Singh R. Tseng HE. Hrovat D. Ainslie MA. Macke M. Bucher C. Cao DQ. Tucker RW. Wang C. Variyart W. Brennan MJ. van Horssen WT. Pakdemirli M. Boyaci H. Pinnington RJ. Pinnington RJ. Lim CW. Cheong C. Shin SR. Lee S. Bos F. Casagrande SB. Buchanan GR. Pujara KK. Kim JH. Journal of Sound & Vibration 429 465 485 503 525 543 555 581 601 617 627 632 635 A spectral nite element for analysis of wave propagation in uniform composite tubes Dynamic analysis of solid propellant grains subjected to ignition pressurization loading Dynamic studies of railtrack sleepers in a track structure system Non-linear dual-axis biodynamic response to vertical whole-body vibration Estimation of power transmission to a exible receiver from a sti source using a power mode approach Three-to-one internal resonances in a general cubic non-linear continuous system Application of generalized complex modes to the calculation of the forced response of three-dimensional poroelastic materials An improved model of er uids in squeeze-ow through model updating of the estimated yield stress Vibration reduction in piecewise bi-coupled periodic structures Inuence of fastener placement on vibration-induced loosening Condition of chaotic vibration in a centrifugal governor Comments on "chaos and chaos synchronization of a symmetric gyro with linearplus-cubic damping" Comments on "chaos and chaos synchronization of a symmetric gyro with linearplus-cubic damping" - author's reply 268(3) 2003 Mahapatra DR. Gopalakrishnan S. Chyuan SW. Kumaran G. Menon D. Nair KK. Nawayseh N. GriÆn MJ. Ji L. Mace BR. Pinnington RJ. Pakdemirli M. Ozkaya E. Dazel O. Sgard F. Lamarque CH. El Wahed AK. Sproston JL. Stanway R. Williams EW. Romeo F. Luongo A. Pai NG. Hess DP. Zhu Q. Ishitobi M. Nagano S. Van Dooren R. Chen HK. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 377 395 405 419 429 443 Quadrilateral nite elements for multilayer sandwich plates Evaluation of plastic limit load of piping branch junctions subjected to out-ofplane moment loadings A review of the general theory of thermoelastic stress analysis [review] The eect of high compressive loading on residual stresses and fatigue crack growth at cold expanded holes Stress analysis of v-notches with and without cracks, with application to foreign object damage Fatigue design in the presence of stress concentrations 38(5) 2003 Nayak AK. Moy SSJ. Shenoi RA. Xuan FZ. Li PN. Tu ST. Pitarresi G. Patterson EA. Stefanescu D. Dutta M. Wang DQ. Edwards L. Fitzpatrick ME. Nowell D. Dini D. Duo P. Susmel L. Taylor D. 453 459 469 483 Delamination modelling of a curved composite beam subjected to an opening bending moment X-ray residual stress analysis of cylindrically curved surfaces - estimation of circumferential distributions of residual stresses Experimental investigation of corner-supported architectural glazing under pulse pressure loading Strain-concentration factor of plane-strain notched rectangular bars under pure bending Oguri T. Murata K. Sato Y. Goodfellow AM. Schleyer GK. Majima T. Ishizaka T. Journal of Vibration & Acoustics 249 252 257 267 274 282 290 299 307 317 324 328 335 343 351 359 365 374 384 389 398 405 407 Spectrum of high-frequency acoustic noise in inviscid liquid-linear approximation for spherical waves Theory on pitch noise and its application Investigation of the sound transmission into an advanced grid-stiened structure Optimal stiener design for interior sound reduction using a topology optimization based approach New evaluation method on gear dynamics using continuous and discrete wavelet transforms A stochastic model for simulation and diagnostics of rolling element bearings with localized faults Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a rotor shaft system with viscoelastically supported bearings Nonlinear parameter estimation in rotor-bearing system using volterra series and method of harmonic probing Eect of thrust magnetic bearing on stability and bifurcation of a exible rotor active magnetic bearing system Torsional vibration analysis of complicated multi-branched shafting systems by modal synthesis method Study on the dynamics of a rotor in a maneuvering aircraft Control of self-excited vibration of a rotor system with active gas bearings Vibration of ex circuits in hard disk drives Vibration control of a traveling suspended system using wave absorbing control Dynamic stiness formulation and its application for a combined beam and a two degree-of-freedom system Eect of damping on asymmetric systems The eect of actuator and sensor placement on the active control of rotor unbalance Robust control of a 2d acoustic enclosure Active vibration suppression with time delayed feedback Bayesian model screening for the identication of nonlinear mechanical structures Closed-form exact solution to h-innity optimization of dynamic vibration absorbers (application to dierent transfer functions and damping systems) Determining stability boundaries using gyroscopic eigenfunctions Rotor isolation for vibration and noise reduction 125(3) 2003 Likhterov L. Berman A. Nakajima Y. Vipperman JS. Li DY. Avdeev I. Lane SA. Luo J. Gea HC. Ohue Y. Yoshida A. Antoni J. Randall RB. Shabaneh N. Zu JW. Chatterjee A. Vyas NS. Ho YS. Liu H. Yu L. Zou CP. Chen DS. Hua HX. Lin FS. Meng G. Qiu J. Tani J. Kwon T. Wickert JA. Saigo M. Tani K. Usui H. Banerjee JR. Gallina P. Johnson ME. Nascimento LP. Kasarda M. Fuller CR. Pota HR. Petersen IR. Kelkar AG. Sipahi R. Olgac N. Kerschen G. Golinval JC. Hemez FM. Asami T. Nishihara O. Renshaw AA. Brungart TA. Riggs ET. Journal of Vibration & Acoustics 413 417 423 427 434 441 445 448 455 462 471 477 Foreword - special issue: the contributions of jorgen w. lund to rotor dynamics Instability boundary for rotor-hydrodynamic bearing systems, part 1: jecott rotor with external damping Instability boundary for rotor-hydrodynamic bearing systems, part 2: rotor with external exible damped support Three-dimensional cfd rotordynamic analysis of gas labyrinth seals Jorgen lund: a perspective on his contributions to modern rotor bearing dynamics The scientic work of jorgen lund and a personal assessment of its signicance The multiple contributions of jorgen lund's ph.d. dissertation, self-excited, stationary whirl orbits of a journal in sleeve bearings, rpi, 1966, engineering mechanics Lund's tilting pad journal bearing pad assembly method Lund's elliptic orbit forced response analysis: the keystone of modern rotating machinery analysis Lund's contribution to rotor stability: the indispensable and fundamental basis of modern compressor design Application of lund's stability analysis program in design of modern turbomachinery Some unusual cases of rotor instability 53 Wang W. Shenoi RA. 125(4) 2003 Kirk RG. Bergman LA. Guo ZL. Kirk RG. Guo ZL. Kirk RG. Moore JJ. Smalley AJ. Rieger NF. Childs DW. Jordan LT. Nicholas JC. Kirk RG. Gunter EJ. De Choudhury P. Olsson KO. 54 482 489 495 500 Jorgen w. lund: theories versus tests, part 1: balancing and response of exible rotors Jorgen w. lund: theories versus tests, part 2: damped critical speeds of rotors and uid lm bearing characteristics Inertia eects in squeeze-lm damper bearings generated by circumferential oil supply groove Usage of the lund rotordynamic programs in the analysis of centrifugal compressors Tonnesen J. Tonnesen J. Lund JW. Myllerup CM. Hartmann H. Memmott EA. Journal of Vibration & Control 1023 1041 1057 1083 1093 A self-organizing fuzzy controller for an active suspension system Design of an actuated exible arm for improved vibration properties Wave propagation in periodic stiened shells: spectral nite element modeling and experiments Dynamic response of a supported beam to oscillatory moving masses Vibration control of the platform system with hydraulic supports 9(9) 2003 Huang SJ. Lin WC. Moallem M. Patel RV. Khorasani K. Solaroli G. Gu Z. Baz A. Ruzzene M. Mackertich S. Tang YG. Ding Q. Chen YS. Journal of Vibration & Control 1103 1121 1141 1159 1189 1201 Machine condition monitoring using signal classication techniques Optimization of engine mount characteristics using experimental/numerical analysis Convergence analysis of an inverse exible manipulator model algorithm Modeling of a beam and a rotor with an edge crack using dissimilar elements Structure-borne power transmission in thin naturally orthotropic plates: general case Seismic response of base-isolated liquid storage tanks 9(10) 2003 Pan MC. Sas P. Van Brussel H. Foumani MS. Khajepour A. Durali M. Bigras P. Saad M. O'Shea J. Nandi A. Neogy S. Mandal NK. Abd Rahman R. Leong MS. Shrimali MK. Jangid RS. Journal of Vibration & Control 1221 1231 1249 1265 1285 1303 An exact solution for the natural frequencies of exible beams undergoing overall motions On the weakly damped vibrations of a string attached to a spring mass dashpot system The semi-empirical and empirical models for predicting sound absorption coeÆcients for a novel porous laminated composite material Propagation of s-h waves in laminated composites: a gradient elasticity approach Adaptive control of structural acoustics using intelligent structures with embedded piezoelectric patches Vibration of elastically coupled cantilever beams using greens's functions 9(11) 2003 Nayfeh AH. Emam SA. Preidikman S. Mook DT. Darmawijoyo. Van Horssen WT. Yang TL. Chen RS. Altan BS. Miskioglu I. Vilmann CR. Ma K. Melcher J. Mohamad AS. Al-Jawi AAN. JSME International Journal Series BFluids & Thermal Engineering 349 356 366 377 385 392 399 408 Numerical analysis on a ow eld of liquid metals under a magnetic eld, using a spectral nite dierence scheme Eects of the tip clearance on vortical ow and its relation to noise in an axial ow fan Comparison between triangular cylinder and screen near-wakes in the orthogonal wavelet representation Eects of sidewall temperature on the ow pattern and the bifurcation to chaos of rayleigh-benard cells in an enclosure (aspect ratio of enclosure: 6 : 4 : 1) Analyses on the performance and interaction between the impeller and casing in a small-size turbo-compressor Performance comparison of single-phase forced-oscillating-ow heat-pipes Allowable repetition frequency of pulse heating in microactuators using rapid boiling (eects of heater size and substrate material) Persistence of laminar amelet structure under highly turbulent combustion 46(3) 2003 Im K. Mochimaru Y. Jang CM. Fukano T. Furukawa M. Li H. Zhou Y. Koizumi H. Kim YJ. Kim DW. Nishio S. Tanaka H. Okuyama K. Kim JH. Iida Y. Yamamoto K. Nishizawa Y. Onuma Y. 416 425 434 451 The eects of ame stretch on outwardly propagating ames Time-resolved analysis of turbulent mixing ow characteristics of intermittent multi-hole diesel spray using 2-d pdpa Impingement heat transfer of reciprocating jet array The eect of intake boost pressure on mk (modulated kinetics) combustion Tanoue K. Shimada F. Hamatake T. Lee JK. Kang SJ. Rho B. Su LM. Chang SW. Chiou SF. Lee TW. Reitz RD. JSME International Journal Series CMechanical Systems Machine Elements & Manufacturing 797 798 807 813 819 828 835 841 848 854 861 867 873 881 891 900 908 916 923 931 938 946 953 960 967 973 982 991 1000 1010 1017 1026 1035 1042 1051 1062 Special issue on advances in motion and vibration control technology - foreword Inertial vibration damping of a exible base manipulator Vibration isolation system using negative stiness Compliance cancellation for a magnetic guide using a smart multitasking active vibration control algorithm Vibration servo control design for mechanical resonant modes of a hard-disk-drive actuator Application of two-degree-of-freedom control to multi-axis electrodynamic shaking system using-synthesis and adaptive lter Multi-mode control for an active isolation system with an elastic table Independent modal control system design method via modal matrix estimation based on subspace method Performance of an active mass driver system on a ve storey benchmark model Development of active-damping bridges and its application to triple high-rise buildings Detection of component failures for smart structure control systems Active progressive wave control of a simply supported plate Control of uid-structure-sound interaction mechanisms by means of synthetic jets Development and control of mine detection robot comet-ii and comet-iii Robust control of multiple discrete frequency vibration components in rotor magnetic bearing systems High performance capacitive position sensing device for compact active magnetic bearing spindles Vibration control for an implantable blood pump on a bearingless slice motor Prole and surface measurement tool for high aspect-ratio microstructures Development of power assisting suit - (miniaturization of supply system to realize wearable suit) Control of an omni-directional power-assisted cart Lqr controller for toroidal continuously variable transmission in reverse motion Intelligent failure-proof control using cubic neural network - (application to a control problem of swung up and stabilized double pendulum) Design method of gain-scheduled control system considering actuator saturation - (experimental verication for cart and inverted pendulum system) A design method of sliding mode controller for servo-systems subject to actuator saturation Adaptive force control for unknown environment using sliding mode controller with variable hyperplane Adaptive impact shot control by pendulum-like juggling system A study on the propulsive mechanism of a double jointed sh robot utilizing self-excitation control Design of composite hip prostheses considering the long-term behavior of the femur Structural design optimization for reducing sound radiation from a vibrating plate using a genetic algorithm Verication of the mechanism of the head-positioning error caused by disk utter and slider supporting structure for reducing head-positioning error The minimization method of measuring errors for balancing asymmetrical rotors Accuracy of fault detection in real rotating machinery using model based diagnostic techniques Fault diagnosis system for rotary machine based on fuzzy neural networks Research on fuzzy i-pd preview control for nonlinear system Adaptive fuzzy control of electrostrictive polymer actuator for the endoscopic microcapsule Nanoaccuracy position control of a pneumatic cylinder driven table 55 46(3) 2003 Mizuno T. Suda Y. George LE. Book WJ. Mizuno T. Toumiya T. Takasaki M. Ruskowski M. Reicke L. Popp K. Atsumi T. Arisaka T. Shimizu T. Yamaguchi T. Uchiyama Y. Fujita M. Shono T. Nagasaka N. Nishi M. Takagi Y. Watanabe T. Seto K. Takanashi H. Adachi S. Wakui S. Samali B. Al-Dawod M. Li JC. Asano M. Yamano Y. Yoshie K. Koike Y. Nakagawa K. Murata T. Okubo H. Sakano A. Tanaka N. Ziada S. Nonami K. Huang QJ. Komizo D. Fukao Y. Asai Y. Shiraishi Y. Fujimoto M. Ikedo Y. Cole MOT. Keogh PS. Burrows CR. Zoethout J. Boletis A. Bleuler H. Huettner C. Pourciel JB. Jalabert L. Masuzawa T. Yamamoto K. Ishii M. Hyodo K. Yoshimitsu T. Matsuo T. Maeda H. Fujiwara S. Kitano H. Yamashita H. Fukunaga H. Mensler M. Kawabe T. Joe S. Takahashi M. Yoshida K. Itagaki N. Nishimura H. Takagi K. Yokoyama M. Tohta Y. Saitoh K. Iwasaki M. Tsujiuchi N. Koizumi T. Suzuki S. Furuta K. Shiratori S. Nakashima M. Ohgishi N. Ono K. Lim JW. Jeong JY. Ha SK. Kaneda S. Yu Q. Shiratori M. Motoyama K. Imai S. Kang Y. Chiang CP. Wang CC. Lin TW. Chui YJ. Bachschmid N. Pennacchi P. Zhang S. Asakura T. Xu XL. Xu BJ. Wang D. Aida K. Hwang K. Kim H. Pai KR. Shih MC. 56 1068 1075 1084 1091 1100 1108 1112 1121 1130 1142 1151 1160 1171 1178 Two-step design method for robust repetitive control systems A study on robot-human system with consideration of individual preferences (1st report, construction of a planar-two-degrees-of-freedom robot system for handing over motion based on image processing) A lagrangian formulation in terms of quasi-coordinates for the inverse dynamics of the general 6-6 stewart platform manipulator Robust force control of a 6-link electro-hydraulic manipulator Tracking and almost disturbance decoupling for nonlinear systems with uncertainties Lmi stability criterion for uncertain systems with multiple time delays An analytic algorithm for simulation of stick-slip friction Sequential fuzzy diagnosis for plant machinery Analysis of exible insertion assembly of polygonal pegs Constructing the boundaries of swept volumes for screw motions Durability of cutting performance of a knife and micro-structural change of a knife edge Fundamental research on hobbing of austempered ductile iron gear - (inuence of graphite particle on machinability) Bending load capacity enhancement using an asymmetric tooth prole - (1st report, inuences of pressure angle on tooth root stress and bending stiness) Vibration and sound-radiation analysis for designing a low-noise gearbox with a multi-stage helical gear system Yamada K. Arakawa T. Hoshi H. Okuyama T. Jindai M. Shibata S. Yamamoto T. Shimizu A. Chen CT. Ahn K. Yokota S. Chen CC. Chien TL. Wei CL. Lien CH. Chen JD. Yu KW. Wu RH. Tung PC. Chen P. Toyota T. Cheng CC. Chen GS. Kim JJ. Takekoshi K. Gotoh M. Matsuoka H. Tsuda Y. Ono H. Deng G. Nakanishi T. Inoue K. Tanaka E. Houjoh H. Mutoh D. Motoshiromizu H. Ohno K. Tanaka N. Meccanica 39 611 613 Professor solari is the rst iawe president Untitled - preface An overview on non-ideal vibrations 623 643 A trigger of coupled singularities On the development of negative pressure in oil lm and the characteristics of journal bearing Stabilization of parametric vibrations of a nonlinear continuous system Transversal dynamics of one-dimensional chain on nonlinear asymmetric substrate Designing a linear structure with a local nonlinear attachment for enhanced energy pumping Dynamics investigation of three coupled rods with a horizontal barrier Holomorphic ows on simply connected regions have no limit cycles Frictional phenomena in dynamical system with two-frequency excitation Note on chaos in three degree of freedom dynamical system with double pendulum Vibration problems in selected torsional mechanical systems The application of intelligent technology on a multi-variable dynamical system Inuence of tribological processes on a chaotic motion of a bush in a cylinder-bush system Active stabilization of a rotating shaft transmitting static torque 659 669 677 687 699 711 719 731 739 749 763 38(6) 2003 Rega G. Awrejcewicz J. Balthazar JM. Mook DT. Weber HI. Brasil RMLRF. Fenili A. Belato D. Felix JLP. Hedrih K. Someya T. Tylikowski A. Manevitch LI. Pervouchine VP. Vakakis AF. Awrejcewicz J. Kudra G. Lamarque CH. Broughan KA. Bogacz R. Ryczek B. Sado D. Gajos K. Pielorz A. Naidoo P. Awrejcewicz J. Pyryev Y. Przybylowicz PM. Meccanica 1 17 31 47 63 77 81 The modal analysis of a motorcycle in straight running and on a curve A numerical solution of the inverse problem in classical celestial mechanics, with application to mercury's motion Modal model identication with unknown nonstationary base motion On gear modelling in multistage rotary vane engines Investigation of the dynamic behavior of a griÆth crack in a piezoelectric material strip subjected to the harmonic elastic anti-plane shear waves by use of the nonlocal theory Consequences of 'changes' of material metric in simple bodies Modelling of cyclic mechanical behaviour of 316sph steel by a non-linear relaxations approach 39(1) 2004 Cossalter V. Lot R. Maggio F. Arminjon M. Capecchi D. De Angelis M. Sepe V. Librovich B. Tucker RW. Wang C. Zhou ZG. Sun YG. Wang B. Mariano PM. Ayadi Z. Martin B. Leclercq S. Nivoit M. Cunat C. Meccanica 97 105 Some remarks on the rule of the middle third Nonlinear analysis of experimental time series of a straight turning process 39(2) 2004 Buratti G. Litak G. Rusinek R. Teter A. 113 125 139 147 159 175 181 Mixed boundary value problem in a non-homogeneous medium under steady distribution of temperature Thermal stresses in plane strain of porous elastic solids Exponential stability of solutions of swelling porous elastic soils On the optimal shape of a compressed rotating rod On the logical status of the virtual work law Flow of an electrorheological uid in small clearances Possible ball-like formations of the beltrami ow eld Rokne J. Singh BM. Dhaliwal RS. Vrbik J. Iesan D. Nappa L. Quintanilla R. Atanackovic TM. Capecchi D. Capriz G. Azzoni VD. Chu RKH. Mechanics of Advanced Materials & Structures 285 335 Progressive damage simulation of thick viscoelastic laminate with homogenization technique Buckling of laminated composite plates by a new element based on higher order shear deformation theory Modeling of three-phase brous composite using the asymptotic homogenization method Identication of elastic properties of composite laminates 353 Size scales for accurate homogenization in the presence of severe stress gradients 303 319 10(4) 2003 Noh JH. Whitcomb JD. Chakrabarti A. Sheikh AH. Guinovart-Diaz R. Rodriguez-Ramos R. Bravo-Castillero J. Sabina FJ. Rikards R. Abramovich H. Green T. Auzins J. Chate A. Yuan FG. Pagano NJ. Mechanics of Materials 943 955 969 987 1003 Screw dislocation interacting with imperfect interface A continuum model for granular materials taking into account the no-tension eect An experimental study of the superelastic eect in a shape-memory nitinol alloy under biaxial loading Experiments and modelling of the compressive behaviour of two sic ceramics Thermal failure mechanism and failure threshold of sic particle reinforced metal matrix composites induced by laser beam 35(10) 2003 Fan H. Wang GF. Nguyen VH. Duhamel D. Nedjar B. McNaney JM. Imbeni V. Jung Y. Papadopoulos P. Ritchie RO. Forquin P. Denoual C. Cottenot CE. Hild F. Zhou YC. Long SG. Liu YW. Mechanics of Materials 1023 1049 1059 1077 1089 Thermomechanical response of dh-36 structural steel over a wide range of strain rates and temperatures Number of grains necessary to homogenize elastic materials with cubic symmetry Analysis of an elliptical crack parallel to a bimaterial interface under tension Steady state crack propagation in a piezoelectric layer bonded between two orthotropic layers Inverse analysis method to nd local constitutive relations Mechanics of Materials 1107 1127 1139 1149 1161 1177 Supercritical matrix microcracking in brittle matrix plain weave composites under uniaxial tension Numerical and experimental analysis of superplastic-like uniaxial tensile necking of coarse-grained ly-12 Modeling of deformation behavior and strain-induced crystallization in poly(ethylene terephthalate) above the glass transition temperature Molecular reorganization in wood Metal foams as compact high performance heat exchangers Mixed-mode j-integral formulation and implementation using graded elements for fracture analysis of nonhomogeneous orthotropic materials (vol 35, pg 107, 2003) Mechanics of Structures & Machines 0 297 315 Special issue on virtual nonlinear multibody systems - preface Simulation of railway vehicles: necessities and applications Railway vehicle dynamics: some aspects of wheel-rail contact modeling and optimization of running gears 57 35(11) 2003 Nemat-Nasser S. Guo WG. Nygards M. Noda NA. Ohzono R. Chen MC. Kwon SM. Lee KY. Hori M. 35(12) 2003 Haan SI. Charalambides PG. Kuhn JL. Patterson MCL. Wu YQ. Zhang KS. Ahzi S. Makradi A. Gregory RV. Edie DD. Karenlampi PP. Tynjala P. Strom P. Boomsma K. Poulikakos D. Zwick F. Kim JH. Paulino GH. 31(3) 2003 Zahariev E. Bestle D. Schupp G. Kovalev R. Yazykov VN. Mikhalchenko GS. Pogorelov DY. 58 335 357 381 413 433 Solving nonconvex problems of multibody dynamics with joints, contact, and small friction by successive convex relaxation Multibody simulation model of human walking Solution of redundant muscle forces in human locomotion with multibody dynamics and optimization tools State-space generalized predictive control for redundant parallel robots Contact simulation for many particles considering adhesion Anitescu M. Hart GD. Wojtyra M. Silva MPT. Ambrosio JAC. Belda K. Bohm J. Valasek M. Muth B. Eberhard P. Luding S. Mechanics Research Communications 513 519 531 539 547 557 567 573 581 589 595 615 623 629 639 651 663 Thermoelastic coupling eect on a micro-machined beam resonator Stress state of compound polygonal plate Validation of the rayleigh-ritz method for the postbuckling analysis of rectangular plates with application to delamination growth Symmetry group classication for one-dimensional elastodynamics problems in nonlocal elasticity Screw dislocation interacting with twin interfacial edge cracks between two bonded dissimilar piezoelectric strips Moving antiplane shear crack in hexagonal piezoelectric crystals Unied expressions of all dierential variational principles On the uniaxial compression behavior of regular shaped cellular metals Sudden tensile loading of a rubberlike bar Two-dimensional time-harmonic dynamic green's functions in transversely isotropic piezoelectric solids The viscoelastic behavior of melts of virgin and recycled polycarbonate reinforced with short glass bers Transient ow rate behaviour in an external natural convection boundary layer Stability of ows in a peristaltic transport Thermal slip boundary conditions in vibrational nonequilibrium ows A study of emulsion expansion by a boundary integral method Drag forces of interacting spheres in power-law uids Strain-free points near a doughnut-like inclusion with purely dilatational eigenstrains 30(6) 2003 Guo FL. Rogerson GA. Kuliyev S. Jane KC. Liao HW. Hong W. Ozer T. Wu XF. Dzenis YA. Fan TY. Tupholme GE. Huang YC. Ochsner A. Lamprecht K. Knowles JK. Wang X. Zhong Z. Drozdov AD. Al-Mulla A. Gupta RK. Polidori G. Popa C. Mai TH. Chu ZKH. Meolans JG. Cunha FR. Loewenberg M. Zhu C. Lam K. Chu HH. Tang XD. Liu GL. Onaka S. Medical Engineering & Physics 719 Determination of the trabecular bone direction from digitised radiographs 731 739 747 Stress distribution in the layered wall of the rat oesophagus Myoelectric signal compression using zero-trees of wavelet coeÆcients A novel liner locking mechanism enhances retention stability 755 Dynamic graciloplasty for urinary incontinence: the potential for sequential closed-loop stimulation Hand rim conguration: eects on physical strain and technique in unimpaired subjects? Eects of sterilization on the tekscan digital pressure sensor 765 775 781 789 795 Comparison of in situ and in vitro ct scan-based nite element model predictions of proximal femoral fracture load Intramedullary nails: some design features of the distal end Dynamic stiness and damping of porcine muscle specimens 25(9) 2003 Defossez H. Hall RM. Walker PG. Wroblewski BM. Siney PD. Purbach B. Liao DH. Fan YH. Zeng YJ. Gregersen H. Norris JA. Englehart KB. Lovely DF. Macdonald W. Aspenberg A. Jacobsson CM. Carlsson LV. Zonnevijlle EDH. Perez-Abadia G. Stremel RW. Maldonado CJ. Kon M. Barker JH. van der Woude LHV. Formanoy M. de Groot S. Agins HJ. Harder VS. Lautenschlager EP. Kudrna JC. Keyak JH. Falkinstein Y. Wang CJ. Brown CJ. Yettram AL. Procter P. Aimedieu P. Mitton D. Faure JP. Denninger L. Lavaste F. Nonlinear Dynamics 105 129 155 165 189 209 A geometrical approach to dynamic strain localization in planar motion Large amplitude three-dimensional free vibrations of inclined sagged elastic cables Nonlinear dynamics of shallow spherical caps subjected to peripheral loading The vector parameterization of motion Optimal bounded control of rst-passage failure of quasi-integrable hamiltonian systems with wide-band random excitation Stochastic stabilization of quasi-partially integrable hamiltonian systems by using lyapunov exponent 33(2) 2003 Sorensen NJ. Srinil N. Rega G. Chucheepsakul S. Odeh G. Bauchau OA. Choi JY. Zhu WQ. Deng ML. Huang ZL. Zhu WQ. Huang ZL. 59 Nonlinear Dynamics 225 253 On approximations of rst integrals for a strongly nonlinear forced oscillator Dynamics analysis of ground contact pressure of english pointer dogs 267 Extension of the center manifold approach, using rational fractional approximants, applied to non-linear stability analysis Dissipative waves in a relaxing gas exhibiting mixed nonlinearity Fractional derivative viscoelasticity at large deformations Nonlinear isolator dynamics at nite deformations: an eective hyperelastic, fractional derivative, generalized friction model 283 301 323 33(3) 2003 Waluya SB. Van Horssen WT. Marghitu DB. Swaim SF. Rumph PF. Cojocaru D. Gillette RL. Scardino MS. Sinou JJ. Thouverez F. Jezequel L. Sharma VD. Madhumita G. Manickam SAV. Adolfsson K. Enelund M. Sjoberg M. Kari L. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series AMathematical Physical & Engineering Sciences 2393 2627 Construction of three-dimensional stationary euler ows from pseudo-advected vorticity equations A mixed nite-element nite-dierence method for nonlinear uid-structure interaction dynamics. i. uid-rigid structure interaction The hurwitz theorem for bessel functions and antibound states in spectral theory On the equilibrium of shell membranes under normal loading. hidden integrability Advantage of a quantum player over a classical one in 2x2 quantum games Embedding formulae in diraction theory Heat-transfer eects of coalescence of bubbles from various site distributions On the sher-kpp equation with fast nonlinear diusion Mass- and volume-specic views on thermodynamics for open systems The analyticity of jacobian functions with respect to the parameter k The eect of anisotropic surface energy on the rayleigh instability Hyperasymptotic solutions of inhomogeneous linear dierential equations with a singularity of rank one Some three-dimensional problems related to dielectric breakdown and polycrystal plasticity Low-frequency acoustic waves in nematic elastomers 2643 Quantum condensation in superconductivity perceived in its space-time aspects 2399 2431 2449 2463 2475 2497 2529 2547 2569 2575 2599 2613 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series AMathematical Physical & Engineering Sciences 2663 2705 2731 2749 2771 2787 2807 2821 2847 2861 2885 2909 Lithospheric failure on venus Computation of densities and uxes of nonlinear dierential-dierence equations Structural investigation of si-al-c-o precursors and their pyrolysis products in nitrogen Acoustic wave propagation in buried iron water pipes On an inconsistency in the derivation of the equations of elastohydrodynamic lubrication Elasticity and onset of frictional dissipation at a non-sliding multi-contact interface The dilogarithm function for complex argument Stochastic factorizations, sandwiched simplices and the topology of the space of explanations Packing of regular tetrahedral quartets of circles on a sphere On the boundary-value problem for the korteweg-de vries equation A study of the tensile properties of liquids in conned spaces using an atomic force microscope Quasi-modes of a weakly curved waveguide Rheologica Acta 383 410 Negative wake in the uniform ow past a cylinder Rheological properties of concentrated latex suspensions of poly(styrenebutadiene) 459(2038) 2003 Nishiyama T. Xing JT. Price WG. Chen YG. Brown BM. Eastham MSP. Rogers C. Schief WK. Flitney AP. Abbott D. Craster RV. Shanin AV. Doubravsky EM. Chen TL. Chung JN. King JR. McCabe PM. Kuhl E. Steinmann P. Walker P. Gurski KF. McFadden GB. Howls CJ. Daalhuis ABO. Garroni A. Kohn RV. Fradkin LJ. Kamotski IV. Terentjev EM. Zakharov DD. Masumi T. 459(2039) 2003 Fowler AC. O'Brien SBG. Hickman MS. Hereman WA. Li XD. Edirisinghe MJ. Long R. Cawley P. Lowe M. Rajagopal KR. Szeri AZ. Bureau L. Caroli C. Baumberger T. Maximon LC. Mond D. Smith J. van Straten D. Tarnai T. Fowler PW. Kabai S. Hayashi N. Kaikina EI. Zavala JLG. Barrow MS. Bowen WR. Hilal N. Al-Hussany A. Williams PR. Williams RL. Wright CJ. Gridin D. Craster RV. 42(5) 2003 Dou HS. Phan-Thien N. Craciun L. Carreau PJ. Heuzey MC. van de Ven TGM. Moan M. 60 421 432 443 454 462 477 483 Experimental and numerical study of the rotation and the erosion of llers suspended in viscoelastic uids under simple shear ow From linear viscoelasticity to the architecture of highly branched polyethylene A rheological and structural study of a discotic side chain polymer solution Extensional ow induced coalescence in polymer blends High frequency parallel plate probe for the measurement of the complex viscosity of liquids Eects of the polydispersity on the viscoelasticity of low molecular weight polymers Unusual extensional behavior of a polystyrene/hips blend Astruc M. Vervoort S. Nouatin HO. Coupez T. De Puydt Y. Navard P. Peuvrel-Disdier E. Majeste JC. Carrot C. Stanescu P. Franse MWCP. Nijenhuis KT. Picken SJ. Fortelny I. Zivny A. Romoscanu AI. Sayir MB. Hausler K. Burbidge AS. Majeste JC. Allal A. Montfort JP. Barroso VC. Ribeiro SP. Maia JM. Rheologica Acta 491 500 516 527 534 544 557 569 578 585 590 Rheological studies of concentrated guar gum Rheological constitutive equation of solids: a link between models based on irreversible thermodynamics and on fractional order derivative equations Viscosity enhancement in non-newtonian ow of dilute polymer solutions through crystallographic porous media Pressure-driven startup ows of liquid crystalline polymers through slit cells A new method to determine viscosity of liquids using vibration principles Comparison of the melt fracture behavior of metallocene and conventional polyethylenes Interrelation of creep and relaxation for nonlinearly viscoelastic materials: application to ligament and metal Orientation behavior of ab and abc block copolymers under large amplitude oscillatory shear ow Hexagonal defect array formed under steady shear ow in water-in-cholesteric liquid crystal emulsions Shear response of monodomains of ow-aligning nematic liquid crystals: tif model comparisons and eect of pre-tilt Transient rheology of discotic mesophases 42(6) 2003 Oblonsek M. Sostar-Turk S. Lapasin R. Andre S. Meshaka Y. Cunat C. Haward SJ. Odell JA. Mori N. Shindo M. Nakamura K. Yamamoto T. Mert B. Sumali H. Campanella OH. Doerpinghaus PJ. Baird DG. Oza A. Vanderby R. Lakes RS. Stangler S. Abetz V. Yada M. Fukuda J. Yamamoto J. Yokoyama H. Van Horn BL. Boudreau DM. Winter HH. Grecov D. Rey AD. Shock & Vibration 211 223 231 269 The variance of energy estimates for the product model Coupled bending-bending-torsion vibration of a pre-twisted beam with aerofoil cross-section by the nite element method A new simulation method providing shock mount selection assurance Dynamic analysis of shell structures with application to blast resistant doors 10(4) 2003 Smallwood D. Yardimoglu B. Inman DJ. Talleya MA. Sarkani S. Koh CG. Ang KK. Chan PF. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 1849 1889 1911 1935 1954 1972 1998 2020 2042 2063 2087 2128 2155 2176 Eective equations for sound and void wave propagation in bubbly uids Critical thresholds in 2d restricted euler-poisson equations On eective stopping time selection for visco-plastic nonlinear bv diusion lters used in image denoising Slowly coupled oscillators: phase dynamics and synchronization Optimal control applied to competing chemotherapeutic cell-kill strategies On the motion of solids through an ideal liquid: approximated equations for many body systems A canard mechanism for localization in systems of globally coupled oscillators Low mach number ows in time-dependent domains Frozen path approximation for turbulent diusion and fractional brownian motion in random ows Stability and traveling fronts in lotka-volterra competition models with stage structure A hierarchy of models for superconducting thin lms Image segmentation using active contours: calculus of variations or shape gradients? Passive levitation in alternating magnetic elds Spin stabilized magnetic levitation of horizontal rotors 63(6) 2003 Wang NQ. Smereka P. Liu HL. Tadmor E. Frigaard IA. Ngwa G. Scherzer O. Izhikevich EM. Hoppensteadt FC. Fister KR. Panetta JC. Ragazzo CG. Rotstein HG. Kopell N. Zhabotinsky AM. Epstein IR. Ali G. Fannjiang A. Komorowski T. Al-Omari JFM. Gourley SA. Chapman SJ. Heron DR. Aubert G. Barlaud M. Faugeras O. JehanBesson S. Romero LA. Romero LA. 61 Structural & Multidisciplinary Optimization 151 153 174 189 199 Joakim petersson 1968-2002 - obituary Finite topology variations in optimal design of structures Stochastic structural topology optimization: discretization and penalty function approach Stable relaxations of stochastic stress-constrained weight minimization problems Topology optimization of frame structures with exible joints 215 Optimization of the weld path for overlay coatings 25(3) 2003 Bendsoe MP. Klarbring A. Mroz Z. Bojczuk D. Evgrafov A. Patriksson M. Evgrafov A. Patriksson M. Fredricson H. Johansen T. Klarbring A. Petersson J. Grenestedt JL. Structural & Multidisciplinary Optimization 225 237 251 261 270 279 294 Optimization of axisymmetric elastic modulus distributions around a hole for increased strength A variable-complexity approach to second-order reliability-based optimization Integrated optimal topology design and shape optimization using neural networks Sizing design of truss structures using particle swarms On improving the ga step-wise shape optimization method through the application of the xed grid fea paradigm Protability versus safety of high-rise oÆce buildings Damage-reduction-based structural optimum design for seismic rc frames 25(4) 2003 Huang J. Venkataraman S. Rapo AJ. Haftka RT. Burton SA. Hajela P. Yildiz AR. Ozturk N. Kaya N. Ozturk F. Schutte JF. Groenwold AA. Woon SY. Querin OM. Steven GP. Khajehpour S. Grierson DE. Li G. Cheng G. Studies in Applied Mathematics 377 409 435 453 On a two-point boundary-value problem with spurious solutions On stratied shear ow in sea straits of arbitrary cross section Direct similarity analysis of generalized burgers equations and perturbation solutions of euler-painleve transcendents Dyck paths with peaks avoiding or restricted to a given set 111(4) 2003 Ou CH. Wong R. Deng J. Pratt L. Howard L. Jones C. Vaganan BM. Asokan R. Eu SP. Liu SC. Yeh YN. Thin-Walled Structures 891 925 Finite element simulation of the axial collapse of metallic thin-walled tubes with octagonal cross-section Iterative fourier decomposition of imperfection measurements at non-uniformly distributed sampling points Cold formed sections: a state limit code for algeria 941 957 Localized support settlements of thin-walled storage tanks Nonlinear viscoelastic analysis of thin-walled beams in composite material 901 41(10) 2003 Mamalis AG. Manolakos DE. Ioannidis MB. Kostazos PK. Dimitriou C. Lin X. Teng JG. Sakhraoui S. Mouok-Bouazza L. El Hassar SMK. Souici M. Godoy LA. Sosa EM. Oliveira BF. Creus GJ. Thin-Walled Structures 973 987 1005 1019 1041 1053 Robust control of a vibrating plate using mu-synthesis approach Testing and modeling of shear and peel behavior for bonded steel/frp connections A material and gauge thickness sensitivity analysis on the nvh and crashworthiness of automotive instrument panel support Ultimate strength of bolted moment-connections between cold-formed steel members A thin-walled, dual-curved, steel band wheel with inherent spring suspension for use on heavy vehicles Component testing and nite element modeling of standing seam roofs 41(11) 2003 Li P. Cheng L. Li YY. Chen N. El Damatty AA. Abushagur M. Lam KP. Behdinan K. Cleghorn WL. Lim JBP. Nethercot DA. Batelaan J. El Damatty AA. Rahman M. Ragheb O. Thin-Walled Structures 1073 1089 Web crippling and combined bending and web crippling of cold-formed steel beam headers Critical fracture toughness, j(c) and delta(5c), of unidirectional bre-metal laminates 41(12) 2003 Stephens SF. LaBoube RA. Castrodeza EM. Bastian FL. Ipina JEP. 62 1103 1129 1159 Vibration of prestressed thin cylindrical shells conveying uid Crush response of an inclined beam-column Two-dimensional viscoelastic vibration by analytic fourier p-elements Zhang YL. Gorman DG. Reese JM. Teng XQ. Wierzbicki T. Leung AYT. Zhu B. Zheng J. Yang H. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 635 637 648 663 677 690 705 720 Ecmi-workshop "numerical methods in multibody dynamics", october 2001, bad herrenalb - preface Sparsing in real time simulation Dynamic modeling in the simulation, optimization, and control of bipedal and quadrupedal robots An invariant-preserving approach to robust nite-element multibody simulation A wavelet semidiscretisation of elastic multibody systems Integration through singularities Optimal control and real-time optimization of mechanical multi-body systems Blended lobatto methods in multibody dynamics 83(10) 2003 Arnold M. Fuher C. Simeon B. Schiela A. Bornemann F. Hardt M. von Stryk O. Borri M. Bottasso CL. Trainelli L. Diaz J. Fuhrer C. Stossmeister T. Gerdts M. Schaub M. Simeon B. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 731 755 766 773 779 Discontinuous galerkin methods - plenary lecture presented at the 80th annual gamm conference, augsburg, 25-28 march 2002 On the inverse conductivity problem in the half space On the solution of the triple correlation equation Wall eects with slip A cell-centered fvm for the two-dimensional stokes equation 83(11) 2003 Cockburn B. Ciulli S. Pidcock MK. Sebu C. von Wolfersdorf L. Ramkissoon H. Rahaman K. Vanselow R. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 729 731 739 756 771 784 797 807 815 822 839 869 874 879 Foreword Asymptotic behaviour of large solutions of quasilinear elliptic problems Some applications of the maximum principle to a variety of fully nonlinear elliptic pde's On the isoperimetric inequality for the buckling of a clamped plate Isoperimetric inequalities, wul shape and related questions for strongly nonlinear elliptic operators Approximate radial symmetry for solutions of a class of boundary value problems in ring-shaped domains End eects for pre-stressed and pre-polarized piezoelectric solids in anti-plane shear A saint-venant principle for shear band localization Estimates for solutions of quasilinear problems with dead cores Sharp parameter ranges in the uniform anti-maximum principle for second-order ordinary dierential operators Blow-up and pattern formation in hyperbolic models for chemotaxis in 1-d Pest control may make the pest population explode Regularity estimates for solutions of the equations of linear elasticity in convex plane polygonal domains Bounds for the rst eigenvalue of the elastically supported membrane on convex domains 54(5) 2003 Sperb R. Bandle C. Philippin GA. Safoui A. Ashbaugh MS. Bucur D. Belloni M. Ferone V. Kawohl B. Henrot A. Philippin GA. Borrelli A. Horgan CO. Patria AC. Horgan CO. Olmstead WE. Bandle C. Vernier-Piro S. Reichel W. Hilten T. Levine HA. Ninomiya H. Weinberger HF. Bacuta C. Bramble JH. Sperb R.