Name: László Zsolt Bordos - 3d artist, vj, art
Name: László Zsolt Bordos - 3d artist, vj, art
Name: László Zsolt Bordos - 3d artist, vj, art director, director Personal data: Hungarian born in Brasov, Transylvania/ Romania, 1977 Lives and works in Budapest, Hungary Studies: Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest and UIAH (New Media Center) Medialab, Helsinki Contact: e-mail: web: Bordos.ArtWorks: László Zsolt Bordos (also known as Bordos.ArtWorks) is a 3d artist living in Budapest, Hungary. In year 2000 he started to show his abstract 3d animations as a VJ, performing in the underground party culture of Budapest. He studied at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest and at MediaLab UIAH (University of Art and Design) in Helsinki. With his early 3d-vjing (2001-2004), his participation to huge size architectural slide projections (2002-2005) and his outrageous video projections and 3d mapping projects (2006-present), he became a pioneer of the genre. Cooperating with other artists since 2010, he started to run the projects under the name 'Bordos.ArtWorks and Invited Artists', which became internationally recognized as eminent representatives of video projection mapping. Since 2014 Bordos is focusing again on solo art projects, installations and scenery projections for theaters and operas. Most important projects: Experimental Workshop, Sziget Festival, Budapest 2006 / role: 3d artist, art director, co-organizer 1/16 'xyz' absztract 3d animation presented at Not Still Art Festival 2007, New York and at Pharmaka Gallery, Los Angeles, 2008 / role: 3d artist Night of lights, Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, 2007 and 2008 / role: 3d artist, director Heavent, Paris, 2007 / role: 3d artist, art director Hollywood Tower Hotel – Inauguration, Eurodisneyland, Paris, 2008 / role: 3d artist 2/16 Opening Ceremony of Jumeirah Palm Island, Dubai, 2008 / role: 3d artist Eiffel Tower, projection test, Paris, 2009 / role: 3d artist Holographic video projection with Musion's Technology, Budapest, 2009 / role: 3d artist, art director video: Bordos.Artworks and Invited Artists had great success in making panoramic projections, holographic video projections, projected stage design for theaters, vj-shows and art works in Los Angeles, New York, Beiruth, Dubai, Paris, Geneva, Cologne, Rome, Shanghai, Timisoara, Yerevan, Moscow ... and last but not least in Budapest. 3/16 Vj-ing / 2009: vj-ing at Bakelit / Budapest / 2009 / role: 3d artist, vj / vj-ing at Mapping Festival / Geneva / 2009 / role: 3d artist, vj / vj-ing at Sonica Re:Loaded / Rome / 2009 / role: 3d artist, vj / The projection made for the Palace of Arts in Budapest, was a national premiere, and from technical point of view also a world premiere. video: 4/16 2010 PALACE OF ARTS BUDAPEST – ''Most creative solution Prize” Budapest, Hungary Palace of Arts, Budapest, 2010 / role: concept, 3d artist, director 2010 Paint Up! Night of Museums Budapest – co-organizer of the first video mapping contest in the world! video: Paint Up! - Night of Museums, Buda Castle, Budapest, 2010 / role: 3d artist, art director, co-organizer Expo 2010 Hungarian National Day – Shanghai video: Scenery projection for the Szeged Contemporary Dance Company, Expo 2010, Shanghai / role: 3d artist, director 5/16 2011 Opening Ceremony of the Hungarian EU Presidency – Budapest: video: Bordos.ArtWorks and Invited Artists / role: 3d artist, art director 2011 PAINT UP! Closing Ceremony of the Hungarian EU Presidency – Budapest video: Bordos.ArtWorks and Invited Artists / role: concept, 3d artist, art director, co-organizer 2011 Video mapping the castle of Saint Germain en Laye – Paris / France video: Visionary Experience LEXUS CT200H Inauguration / role: 3d artist 6/16 2011 Video mapping the Art Museum of Timisoara / Romania video: Bordos.ArtWorks and Invited Artists / role: concept, 3d artist, art director, director 2011 Video mapping the Republic Square Yerevan / National Day / Armenia video: Bordos.ArtWorks and Invited Artists / role: concept, 3d artist, art director 2011 Video mapping for Anita Tsoy's Concert, Kremlin Concert Hall, Moscow / Russia video: Bordos.ArtWorks and Invited Artists / role: 3d artist, director 7/16 2011 Live Vj video mapping at Time Warp Holland video: vj-ing @ Time Warp Holland / role: 3d artist, vj 2012 Live Visuals at Time Warp Mannheim (video coming soon) vj-ing @ Time Warp Mannheim / role: 3d artist, vj 2012 Stereoscopic 3d mapping at Mapping Festival 2012/ Museum of Art and History/ Geneva Video: Bordos.ArtWorks and Invited Artists / role: 3d artist, concept and direction 8/16 2012 3D VIDEO MAPPING for LICHT TRILOGIE at Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum / Cologne video: Bordos-Kovács / role: 3d artist 2012 AFRICAN FOOTBALL CUP – Closing Ceremony / Libreville - Gabon Video: role: 3d artist, art director of the Hungarian team 2012 JAGUAR MY13 – 3d mapping on a Transparent acrylic car / Inauguration / China Tour Video: role: 3d artist 9/16 2012 SHOW MUST GO ON! PAINT UP2012 – 3d mapping with Interactive epilogue / House of Contemporary Arts Budapest / Hungary Video: Bordos.ArtWorks and Invited Artists / role: 3d artist, director, co-organizer 2013 LUMOCITÉ – 3d mapping on the Notre Dame de Quebec Cathedral / Quebec / Canada Video: Bordos.ArtWorks and Invited Artists / role: concept, 3d artist, director 2013 MEANWHILE IN KANSAS – 3d mapping on a theater scenery / Bárka Teathre / Budapest Video: Bordos.ArtWorks (solo project) / role: concept, 3d artist 10/16 2013 MAPPING FESTIVAL – 3d mapping at Mapping Festival 2013 / Museum of Art / Geneva Video: Bordos.ArtWorks and Invited Artists / role: concept, 3d artist, director 2013 BRÉDA CASTLE HUNGARY - The very first permanent outdoor video projection mapping in Europe! Lőkösháza / Hungary Video: Bordos.ArtWorks and Invited Artists / role: concept, 3d artist, director 2013 OPERA BUDAPEST– RAMEAU: HIPPOLYTE ET ARRICIE / Budapest, Hungary Video: Bordos.ArtWorks and Invited Artists / role: 3d artist, art director 11/16 2013 TIMELESS 2013 – Mylene Farmer World Tour – INTRO animation / Led Mapping / Sept.6 Video: Bordos.ArtWorks and Invited Artists / role: concept, 3d artist, director 2013 100 YEARS ANNIVERSARY OF PALACE OF CULTURE TIRGU MURES, ROMANIA / Sept. 7 Video: Bordos.ArtWorks and Invited Artists / role: concept, 3d artist, director 2013 SCREEN CITY FESTIVAL – MAPPING THE STAVANGER DOMKIRKE, NORWAY / Oct. 25 Video: Bordos.ArtWorks (solo project) / role: concept, 3d artist 12/16 2013 MAPPING THE BURJ AL ARAB DUBAI / UAE National Day / 02.12.2013 Dubai Video: A Ruggieri production, role: 3d artist, supervisor, 3d mapping art director 2014 IMMERSION TRESHOLD - FULLDOME SHOW / BUDAPEST PLANETARIUM / Febr. 14.2014 Video: Bordos.ArtWorks / role: concept, 3d artist / A Leo Kuelbs Collections and Glowing Bulbs Production 2014 BUDAPEST SPRING FESTIVAL - INFO WALL / BUDAPEST / 24 MARCH - 06 APRIL 2014 Video: Bordos.ArtWorks and Invited Artists / role: concept, 3d artist, director 13/16 2014 SPIDRON - Stereo 3d object mapping installation / A38 Gallery / Budapest / May 19. Video: Bordos.ArtWorks (solo project) / role: concept, 3d artist (the installation is touring around the world) 2014 EUROPA ENDLOS - Scenery mapping / Sopron Ballet, Petőfi Theatre / Sopron – June 19. Video: coming soon... Bordos.ArtWorks (solo project) / role: concept, 3d artist / Coreography by: Ottó Demcsák 2014 INITIATIONS – Projection Mapping Exhibition / New York Festival of Lights / Oct. 6-8 Video: Bordos.ArtWorks / role: concept, 3d artist / A Leo Kuelbs Collection and Glowing Bulbs Production 14/16 2015 A-SYNCHRON – mapping the Festival Center and Parliament buildings at the Adelaide Festival of Arts / February 27 - March 15, 2015 / Australia Video: Bordos.ArtWorks (solo project) / role: concept, 3d artist 2015 FRAGMENTS – 3d mapping the Facade of the Palacio de Bellas Artes / FILUX 2015 Festival International de Las Luces, Mexico City / May 7 – 10 Video: Bordos.ArtWorks (solo project) / role: concept, 3d artist 2015 REVERB – KA300 SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELE DURING ZKM GLOBALE 2015 KARLSRUHE GERMANY DATES: AUG 15 – SEP 4 & SEP 12 – 17, 2015 Video: Bordos.ArtWorks (solo project) / role: concept, 3d artist 15/16 2015 ESCAPE – PROJECTION ON THE FACADE OF ST. LUDMILLA CHURCH, PRAGUE DURING THE SIGNAL FESTIVAL 2015 / OCT 15-18, 2015 Video: Bordos.ArtWorks (solo project) / role: concept, 3d artist 2015 LIGHT STUDY – GLOW FESTIVAL EINDHOVEN / NOV 7-14, 2015 IN THE CONTEXT OF THE VAN GOGH YE Bordos.ArtWorks (solo project) / role: concept, 3d artist 16/16
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