2014 Syllabus (Complete) - The Grahamstown Foundation
2014 Syllabus (Complete) - The Grahamstown Foundation
WHAT IS AN EISTEDDFOD? An Eisteddfod is a festival of literature, music and performance. The first Eisteddfods were held in Wales and date back to at least the 12th century. Thank you to the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund for their generous support of the Eastern Cape Eisteddfod. The Eastern Cape Eisteddfod Syllabus 15 May–31 May 2014 The 1820 Settlers National Monument CONTENTS Learners with Special Education Needs (LSEN) Guide Introduction Performance Dates & Workshops A Guide to Using the 2014 Syllabus Closing Dates Entry Fees Awards & Grading System General Rules of the Eisteddfod A Guideline to Adjudication Criteria and Index 2014 SYLLABUS Music: page page page page page page page page page 2 2 3 3 5 6 7 8 10 A B C D E F G CM Piano Singing: Solo, Duets, Trios and Quartets Singing: Groups String Instruments Wind Instruments Percussion Instruments Instrumental Groups Contemporary & Light Popular Music page 15 page 22 page 25 page 28 page 31 page 34 page 35 page 38 Speech & Drama: H I J English Afrikaans isiXhosa page 43 page 52 page 59 Dance: K L M N page 67 page 67 page 68 O P Q R African Contemporary Ballet Modern/Afro Fusion/Hip-Hop/Jazz Dance & Choreography Spanish Tap Indian Ballroom Creative Writing: S T U English Afrikaans isiXhosa page 75 page 77 page 79 Visual Art: Photography: Pre-school Participation: V W Z page 69 page 71 page 72 page 72 page 73 page 81 page 86 page 88 Categories into which these sections are divided can be found on pages 3 &4. Page 1 Learners with Special Education Needs (LSEN) GUIDE To assist LSEN schools, we have included a brief guide indicating page numbers where LSEN categories can be found. This does not mean that these are the only categories LSEN participants are encouraged to enter. In the event that no LSEN category exists, please enter the class most appropriate to the individual or average age of the group. For further assistance in this regard please contact the Eisteddfod Office. MUSIC Pages 25 – 27: Pages 39 – 40: C12, C16, C18, C19, C22, C27, C31, C35, C39 CMS 21, CMS 22, CMS 27, CMS 28, CMS 33, CMS 34, CMS 39, CMS 40, CMS 45, CMS 46 VISUAL ART Pages 84 - 85: V29 – V44 PHOTOGRAPHY Pages 86 - 87: W4, W5, W9, W10, W14, W15, W19, W20 THE 2014 EASTERN CAPE EISTEDDFOD The Eisteddfod recognises that art and culture are never static. This provincial Eisteddfod embraces the task of developing and encouraging Eastern Cape artists, young and old, improving their skills and expanding their creativity while nurturing a deep understanding and appreciation of the arts within participants. The Eisteddfod Vision and Aims The Eastern Cape Eisteddfod seeks to embrace a deep appreciation and understanding of our art and talents in the Eastern Cape. The “friendly province” is a melting pot of diverse cultural backgrounds and traditions, and we would like to provide a platform where they can all be shared. The Eastern Cape Eisteddfod seeks to: • bring participants together from all over the Eastern Cape, enabling them to share their talents and enjoy exposure of their work. • create a platform of excellence that is non-competitive and non-threatening. • provide an opportunity to learn from constructive adjudication that will enable participants to gauge their progress annually. • encourage participation in a range of artistic and language activities. • provide participants with the opportunity to observe the talents of others and learn from them. • deepen the arts experience through workshops and master classes conducted by skilled professionals. Page 2 PERFORMANCE DATES The Eisteddfod takes place 15 May – 31 May 2014. Provisional performance and workshop dates for classes based at the 1820 Settlers National Monument are as follows: 15 May – 31 May: 19 May – 23 May: 26 May – 30 May: Speech & Drama Dance Music All visual art work entries and creative writing entries will be on display in the Monument Gallery and other vantage points from 15 May – 31 May 2014 WORKSHOPS Prior to the Eisteddfod event in May, workshops designed to enhance existing skills and to introduce new skills in Speech and Drama and Dance will be on offer in a limited number of Eastern Cape Venues. Please contact the Eisteddfod office if you are interested in these workshops. A GUIDE TO USING THE 2014 SYLLABUS Getting to grips with the syllabus may seem like a daunting task, but in fact it is quite simple. The Eisteddfod Syllabus is divided into Sections which encompass the different arts disciplines. These Sections are divided into areas of learning known as Categories (e.g. the Wind Instrument Category is part of the Music Section). Each Category is divided into Classes which are determined by age or grade (e.g. C10 = Group Singing: Male Junior School Choir). The Eisteddfod Office uses the Class Numbers when programming and scheduling, so it is important that you use the correct Class number on your entry form. There are 8 main Sections: * Music * Speech & Drama * Dance * Creative Writing * Visual Art and Craft * Photography * Workshops * Pre-school participation These Sections divide into the following Categories: Page 3 Music: Piano Solo Singing Group Singing String Instruments Wind Instruments Percussion Instruments Instrumental Groups Light Popular & Contemporary Music (Jazz, Hip Hop, Kwaito, Pop, Rock, Rap) Speech & Drama: English Afrikaans isiXhosa Dance: African Traditional Contemporary Ballet Modern/Hip Hop/Afro fusion /Jazz & Choreography Spanish Tap Indian Ballroom Creative Writing: in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa Poetry Prose Play Writing Script Writing Visual Art: Painting Drawing Sculpture Graphics Crafts Recycled Art Photography: Monochrome Photographs Colour Pictorial Photographs Colour Nature Photographs Creative Photography Pre-school Participation: Dance Visual Art Drama Adjudication criteria for these categories are presented with an index on pages Comments regarding the syllabus are always welcome and can be directed to the Eisteddfod Officer (see contact details on page 9). Page 4 CLOSING DATES These Dates are FINAL: No late entries will be accepted. Closing Dates For Entries: Music. Speech& Drama, Dance: Entry Forms Creative Writing: Entry Forms and scripts Visual Art & Photography: Entry Forms and works Pre-school participation: Page 5 Wednesday 19 March 2014 Wednesday 19 March 2014 Wednesday 9 April 2014 Wednesday 9 April 2014 ENTRY FEES The entry fees below are subsidised. Limited sponsorship may be available to those who apply in writing, giving full details and motivation by Friday 14th February 2014. Performing Arts: Individual Entries Duets, Trios, Quartets Creative Writing: Visual Art: Craft Photography: Learners/Students Adults Learners/Students Adults Group Entries (5 to 40) Group Entries (41 +) Additional School entry Fee for the Shakespeare Schools Festival Performances Per work submitted Learners/Students Adults Per work submitted Learners/Students Adults Per work submitted Learners/Students Adults Per work submitted Learners/Students Adults Pre-primary participation: Includes participation certificate R 20.00 R 30.00 R 30.00 R 38.00 R 45.00 R 90.00 R 500 R 15.00 R 25.00 R 15.00 R 25.00 R 15.00 R 25.00 R 15.00 R 25.00 R 12.00 each Please make CHEQUES payable to: THE GRAHAMSTOWN FOUNDATION Banking Details Standard Bank, Grahamstown Branch Code: 050917 Account no.: 081 996 071 NB The following must be used as the reference on your deposit/EFT: ECE & your school name Please fax proof of payment to 046 622 7462 or email eisteddfod@foundation.org.za. Page 6 AWARDS AND GRADING SYSTEM Double Gold Gold Silver Bronze Merit Participation : : : : : : A+ A B C D E 90 - 99% 80 - 89% 70 - 79% 60 - 69% 50 - 59% below 50% Exceptional Excellent Very Good Good Competent Participation Double Gold: Awarded for an exceptional performance/entry that demonstrates rare excellence, technical expertise, enthusiasm and hard work. Gold: Awarded for an excellent performance/entry that demonstrates excellent ability, technical expertise and hard work. Sliver: Awarded for a performance/entry that shows very good ability, sound technical expertise and hard work. Room for growth and technical development. Bronze: Awarded for a good performance/entry that demonstrates promising ability, enthusiasm and hard work. Room for all round skills growth and development. Merit: Awarded for either: * enthusiastic participation that may unfortunately be off the Syllabus topic or * recognition of enthusiasm and long hours of preparation but lack of performance due to stage fright. Participation: Awarded for recognition of participation. Would benefit from further preparation, hard work and enthusiasm. Page 7 GENERAL RULES OF THE EISTEDDFOD ENTRY FORMS 1. No late entries will be accepted and no entry fees will be refunded for cancellations. 2. Entry forms may be obtained from the Eisteddfod Office at the Grahamstown Foundation or by email (facsimiles and emailed forms will be accepted). 3. Incomplete entry forms will not be accepted. 4. All entry forms must be accompanied by a cheque or proof of payment of the appropriate entry fee. 5. Please pay special attention to correct spelling of names and ensure that all handwriting is legible. Certificates which have to be re-issued due to incorrect details on the entry form will be charged for at a cost of R20.00 each and postage, if applicable. 6. Participants must complete a separate entry form for each class of each section that is to be entered. Each art work, photograph and item of original writing must be clearly labelled with the participant’s name, Eisteddfod Class Number and the school and grade (if applicable) on the back of the work. 7. An individual may not enter more than 5 classes in each Section (e.g. s/he may submit up to 5 entries in the Music Section, as well as up to 5 entries in the Dance Section, etc). In the Music, Speech & Drama and Dance sections, entries are limited to one item in each class except where otherwise stipulated. NO CANDIDATE MAY ENTER MORE THAN A TOTAL OF 10 CLASSES. 8. Age: as at 1 May 2014. PERFORMANCE 9. Dates, times and venues for classes will be available from 14 April 2014. 10. Learners must perform in school uniform unless otherwise specified. 11. No participant may communicate in any way with the adjudicator(s). Participants who disregard this rule may be disqualified. Any queries must be directed to the officials on duty in the venues. 12. To encourage a positive audience experience, all entrants must please arrive 15 minutes before the start of the section in which they will perform and remain in the venue until all certificates have been awarded. Page 8 ADJUDICATION 13. The adjudicators’ decisions are final. Where necessary, the adjudicators reserve the right to end a performance which has exceeded the maximum time limit. 14. No participant may question any instruction or dispute any decision given by the adjudicator(s). Participants who disregard this rule may be disqualified. Any queries may be directed to the section co-ordinator or to the Eisteddfod Officer. 15. The Eastern Cape Eisteddfod makes every effort to ensure the adjudicators are constructive and suitable for adjudicating the classes they adjudicate, however The Eastern Cape Eisteddfod does not take responsibility for any damages arising from adjudicators comments and/or adjudication. 16. Any queries or comments that may arise from participation in the Eisteddfod should be directed in writing to the Eisteddfod Officer. 17. Requests for alterations to the programme or entries will be considered as reasonably and fairly as possible. The Eisteddfod Office does not guarantee that such alterations will be made. 18. Eisteddfod certificates will be awarded to all participants. Group entries of 5 or more will be given a group certificate. Individual certificates for members of a group will only be printed upon receipt of a written request prior to the Eisteddfod event. A charge of R7.00 per certificate will be levied for individual certificates awarded to group entrants. 19. Adjudication will take place prior to morning tea & afternoon tea, lunch and at the end of each day. All entrants must please remain in their venues for the duration of each session to ensure full participation and learning from others. 20. Certificates will be awarded by the adjudicator at the end of each class. Certificates left unclaimed will be sent to the Information Desk. QUERIES & CORRESPONDENCE 21. All queries/correspondence and ENTRY FORMS must be addressed to: The Eisteddfod Officer EASTERN CAPE EISTEDDFOD Grahamstown Foundation PO Box 304 Tel: 046 603 1147/1107 Grahamstown Fax:046 622 7462 6140 E-mail: eisteddfod@foundation.org.za Page 9 A GUIDELINE TO ADJUDICATION CRITERIA AND INDEX OF CATEGORIES A - Piano • confident technique • phrasing /articulation • musicality page 15 B – Singing: Solo, Duets, Trios & Quartets • clear articulation • phrasing • use of vocal range • musicality page 22 C - Group Singing • uniformity • articulation • contrast • musicality page 25 D - String Instruments • clear tone • phrasing • musicality page 28 E - Wind Instruments • clear tone • well articulated phrases • musicality page 31 F - Percussion Instruments • clear rhythmic sense • contrast • musicality page 34 G - Instrumental Groups • uniformity • phrasing • musicality page 35 Page 10 H - English Speech & Drama • good communication is essential. • confidence • volume and projection • clarity • use of body • good physical control with attention to posture & breathing • concentration and focus • selection of material • appropriateness & understanding of the material • communication & visualisation of that understanding with imagination and originality • vitality and appropriate use of energy • variation of volume, pitch and pace appropriate to content • interaction with other participants in group work • characterisation page 43 I - Afrikaanse Spraak & Drama • goeie kommunikasie is belangrik • selfvertroue • volume en projeksie • duidelikheid • gebruik van liggaam • goeie fisieke beheer • konsentrasie en fokus • toepaslikheid en begrip van die materiaal • die betekenis van die werk moet met verbeeldingrykheid en oorspronklikheid gekommunikeer en gevisualiseer word • lewenslustigheid en gepaste gebruik van energie • afwisseling van volume, toonhoogte en tempo, gepas vir die inhoud • wisselwerking met ander deelnemers in groepwerk • karakterisering bladsy 52 J - Intetho YesiXhosa Nemidlalo Yeqonga • uthungelwano olufanelekileyo lubalulekile • ukuzithemba • ukuthetha ngelizwi elithi phuhlu • ukuba nolwimi oluvakalayo • usetyenziso lomzimba • ukulawula umzimba ngofanelekileyo igxininisa kwindlela yokuma nokuphefumla • ukuzikisa ingqondo • ukukhetha izixhobo • izixhobo ofanelekileyo, oqondakalayo • uthungelwano nentekelelo olwenziwe ngobuchule bokuqonda page 59 Page 11 • • • • obubonakalisa ukuzenzela nokuba nombono umbomemelo nokusebenzisa amandla ngendlela efanelekileyo ukuthetha ngelizwi elithi phuhlu nangentetho ecacileyo intsebenziswano nabanye abangeneli abaseqeleni ukuba ngumlinganiswa ofanelekileyo K - African Dance • technique • performers’ use of style • interpretation • use of sounds and/or instruments • group energy • musicality page 67 L - Contemporary Dance • originality of choreography • idea/theme and its expression throughout the piece • movement language & dance vocabulary • performers’ skill in expressing the idea/theme • use of space • use of music, sound, mime, text & scenic devices (not compulsory) page 67 M - Ballet • technique • interpretation • line • musicality page 68 N - Modern/Contemporary/Jazz Dance/Hip-Hop/ Afrofusion • originality of choreography • creativity • idea/theme and its expression throughout the piece • movement language & dance vocabulary • performers’ skill in expressing the idea/theme • use of space • use of music, sound, mime, text & scenic devices (not compulsory) • variation in dynamics • confidence • evidence of some conceptual thinking (for contemporary) • high energy levels (for Hip Hop) • neatness • attitude • style • interaction (for groups) page 69 O - Spanish Dance • technique • interpretation • line • musicality page 71 Page 12 P - Tap Dance • technique • musicality • control • timing • use of repetitions page 72 Q - Indian Dance • technique • interpretation • line • musicality • control page 72 R - Ballroom Dancing • technique • interpretation • presentation • musicality • energy page 73 S - English Original Writing • originality • content • style • suitability of style to content • use of language/dialogue • use of imagery • rhythm • impact • characterisation (Playwriting & Prose) • pace & control of tension (Playwriting & Prose) page 75 T - Skryfkuns in Afrikaans • oorspronklikheid • inhoud/tema • toepaslikheid van styl met die inhoud/tema • gebruik van taal/dialoog • gebruik van beelding • ritme • impak • karakterisering (Skryf van ‘n Drama & Prosa) • tempo en spanningsbeheer (Skryf van ‘n Drama & Prosa) page 77 Page 13 U - IsiXhosa- Imibhalo Eqwetyiweyo • ukuba neempawu ezizodwa • isiqulatho • isimbo sokubhala • ukufaneleka kwesimbo kwisiqulatho • ukusetyenziswa kwentetho/incoko • ukusetyenziswa kwezifanekisozwi • isingqisho • impembelelo • umlinganiswa (ukubhala imidlalo nobhalo-gabalala) • isantya nolawulo lokutsaleka (ukubhala imidlalo nobhalo-gabalala) page 79 V - Visual Art & Craft • choice of subject (if own choice) • interpretation of subject • technique incl. use of medium and materials eg. oils, watercolour, computer graphics, pencil, clay, wire, beads etc. • composition of elements in the work • choice & arrangement of colour • originality & style • suitability of design to subject (Design & Graphics) • impact (Design & Graphics) • commercial viability (Craft) • use of space/expression of space (3D work) page 81 W - Photography • originality • subject • composition • use of focus • use of light • use of colour page 86 Z - Pre-school Participation page 88 Page 14 MUSIC A: PIANO Entries must comply with the General Rules of the Eisteddfod in addition to the following: 1. Entries are strictly limited to one item per person in each class. 2. The same piece may not be entered in different classes. Teachers must ensure that the selected pieces fall within the classes entered. Incorrect entries will only receive a Participation Award. 3. Classes have been divided into Piano Grades. Should a participant not be in a specific piano grade, the instructor is welcome to assess the appropriate grade in which to enter the participant. 4. EXTRA! Advanced Certificate and Licentiate students are encouraged to use the Eisteddfod as a performance platform. An extra class is offered across the board to accommodate these entrants. Look for Post Grade 8 classes. 5. Entrants must provide the adjudicator with a copy of the work to be performed. In addition, no participant may play from photocopied music. (The Eisteddfod will not be held responsible for any copyright infringements.) 6. Local teachers must please ensure that their pupils do not practise on the Eisteddfod pianos in any of the venues before the Eisteddfod. 7. Simplified or alternative arrangements of original solo piano pieces may be penalised by the adjudicator. 8. Pieces presented in the Recital Classes may not be played as solos in any other class. 9. Works in the Piano Solo Section must not include pieces from the UNISA, Royal Schools or Trinity Examination Syllabus. 10. Pieces from the CURRENT Unisa, Royal Schools or Trinity Examination Syllabuses may be performed in the 2014 Examination Section. 11. No Light Popular Music or Jazz Music will be accepted in this section (see Section CMP p.38). Page 15 BEGINNERS PIANO Participants of any age who are in their first or second year of study may enter this class. Beginners Classes are for participants who do not enter any other age group sections. Beginners: 1st Year of Study Note 1 Choose one solo piano piece from any of these: Baroque, Classical, Romantic or Impressionist, Modern, Contemporary or Jazz (no Light Popular Music pieces will be accepted: see Section CMP p.40). Note 2 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Class AA1 10 years of age and under (3 mins) Class AA2 11 - 14 years of age (5 mins) Class AA3 15 - 18 years of age (5 mins) Class AA4 19 years of age and older (5 mins) Beginners: 2nd Year of Study Note 1 Choose one solo piano piece from any of these: Baroque, Classical, Romantic or Impressionist, Modern, Contemporary or Jazz (no Light Popular Music pieces will be accepted: see Section CMP p.40). Note 2 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Class AA5 10 years of age and under (3 mins) Class AA6 11 - 14 years of age (5 mins) Class AA7 15 - 18 years of age (5 mins) Class AA8 19 years of age and older (5 mins) Beginners Duets and Trios: 1st Year of Study Note 1 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Note 2 No Light Popular Music (See Section CMP p.40). Class AA9 10 years of age and under Class AA10 11 - 14 years of age Class AA11 15 - 18 years of age Class AA12 19 years of age and older (3 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) Beginners Duets and Trios: 2nd Year of Study Note 1 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Note 2 No Light Popular Music (See Section CMP p.40). Class AA13 10 years of age and under Class AA14 11 - 14 years of age Class AA15 15 - 18 years of age Class AA16 19 years of age and older (3 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) Page 16 BEGINNERS: ANY KEYBOARD INSTRUMENT This section is for any keyboard instruments that have not already been included in the syllabus eg. harpsichord, clavichord, accordion, concertina, electronic keyboard, synthesizer etc. Note 1 Choose one solo piece. Note 2 No Light Popular Music (See Section CMP p.40). Note 3 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Beginners: 1st Year of Study Class AA17 10 years of age and under Class AA18 11 - 14 years of age Class AA19 15 - 18 years of age Class AA20 19 years of age and older (3 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) Beginners: 2nd Year of Study Class AA21 10 years of age and under Class AA22 11 - 14 years of age Class AA23 15 - 18 years of age Class AA24 19 years of age and older (3 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) PIANO SOLO This section is for any participants who have not entered the Beginners Classes. Baroque Note 1 Note 2 Note 3 Note 4 Class A1 Class A2 Class A3 Class A4 Class A5 Class A6 Class A7 Class A8 Class A9 Class A10 Classical Note 1 Note 2 Class A11 Class A12 Class A13 Class A14 Class A15 The works that may be performed in this section are those by J.S. Bach, G.F. Handel, D. Scarlatti, Purcell and any of their contemporaries. Movements may be extracted from Suites. Preludes and Fugues may not be presented separately. Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Pre-grade 1 Piano (3 mins) Grade 1 Piano (3 mins) Grade 2 Piano (5 mins) Grade 3 Piano (5 mins) Grade 4 Piano (5 mins) Grade 5 Piano (7 mins) Grade 6 Piano (7 mins) Grade 7 Piano (10 mins) Grade 8 Piano (10 mins) Post Grade 8 Piano (10 mins) The works which may be performed in this section are those by. Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, C.P.E. Bach, Clementi, Kuhlau and any of their contemporaries. Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Pre-grade 1 Piano (3 mins) Grade 1 Piano (3 mins) Grade 2 Piano (5 mins) Grade 3 Piano (5 mins) Grade 4 Piano (5 mins) Page 17 Class Class Class Class Class A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 Romantic Note 1 - Note 2 Class A21 Class A22 Class A23 Class A24 Class A25 Class A26 Class A27 Class A28 Class A29 Class A30 Modern Note 1 - Note 2 Note 3 Class A31 Class A32 Class A33 Class A34 Class A35 Class A36 Class A37 Class A38 Class A39 Class A40 Grade 5 Piano Grade 6 Piano Grade 7 Piano Grade 8 Piano Post Grade 8 Piano (7 mins) (7 mins) (10 mins) (10 mins) (10 mins) The works that may be performed in this section are those by Schubert, Field, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Schumann, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Grieg and any of their contemporaries. Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Pre-grade 1 Piano (3 mins) Grade 1 Piano (3 mins) Grade 2 Piano (5 mins) Grade 3 Piano (5 mins) Grade 4 Piano (5 mins) Grade 5 Piano (7 mins) Grade 6 Piano (7 mins) Grade 7 Piano (10 mins) Grade 8 Piano (10 mins) Post Grade 8 Piano (10 mins) Only works in the modern idiom may be performed in this section. Pieces by the following composers will be suitable: Debussy, Ravel, Grovlez, Poulenc, Milhaud, Satie, Scriabin, Prokofiev, Bartok, Albeniz, Granados, Rubbra, Janacek, Kabalevsky and any of their contemporaries. No Light Popular Music (See Section CMP p. 40). Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Pre-grade 1 Piano (3 mins) Grade 1 Piano (3 mins) Grade 2 Piano (5 mins) Grade 3 Piano (5 mins) Grade 4 Piano (5 mins) Grade 5 Piano (7 mins) Grade 6 Piano (7 mins) Grade 7 Piano (10 mins) Grade 8 Piano (10 mins) Post Grade 8 Piano (10 mins) Piano Solo: Examination Section Examination pieces from the CURRENT Unisa, Royal Schools or Trinity Examination Syllabuses may be entered here. Only ONE piece may be entered. Class A41 Pre-grade 1 Piano (3 mins) Class A42 Grade 1 Piano (3 mins) Class A43 Grade 2 Piano (5 mins) Class A44 Grade 3 Piano (5 mins) Class A45 Grade 4 Piano (5 mins) Class A46 Grade 5 Piano (7 mins) Class A47 Grade 6 Piano (7 mins) Page 18 Class A48 Class A49 Class A50 Recital Note 1 Note 2 Class A51 Class A52 Class A53 Class A54 Class A55 Class A56 Class A57 Class A58 Class A59 Class A60 Grade 7 Piano Grade 8 Piano Post Grade 8 Piano (10 mins) (10 mins) (10 mins) In this section participants are asked to present a balanced programme of not more than 25 minutes. (3 CURRENT examination pieces may be entered). Styles may be mixed. Pre-grade 1 Piano (3 mins) Grade 1 Piano (3 mins) Grade 2 Piano (5 mins) Grade 3 Piano (5 mins) Grade 4 Piano (5 mins) Grade 5 Piano (7 mins) Grade 6 Piano (7 mins) Grade 7 Piano (10 mins) Grade 8 Piano (10 mins) Post Grade 8 Piano (10 mins) Piano Concerto Only one of the movements is to be performed, except in Class A65 & Class A66 in which participants may perform more than one movement. Note 1 Participants must provide their own accompanists. Note 2 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Class A61 10 years of age and under (10 mins) Class A62 11 - 12 years of age (12 mins) Class A63 13 - 14 years of age (12 mins) Class A64 15 - 16 years of age (12 mins) Class A65 17 - 18 years of age (15 mins) Class A66 19 years of age and older (25 mins) PIANO DUETS AND TRIOS One-Piano Works Note 1 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Note 2 CURRENT examination pieces may be entered. Note 3 Entry determined on the grade of the piece. Class A67 Pre-grade 1 Piano Class A68 Grade 1 Piano Class A69 Grade 2 Piano Class A70 Grade 3 Piano Class A71 Grade 4 Piano Class A72 Grade 5 Piano Class A73 Grade 6 Piano Class A74 Grade 7 Piano Class A75 Grade 8 Piano Class A76 Post Grade 8 Piano Page 19 (3 mins) (3 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) (7 mins) (7 mins) (10 mins) (10 mins) (10 mins) Two-Piano Works Note 1 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Class A77 Pre-grade 1 Piano Class A78 Grade 1 Piano Class A79 Grade 2 Piano Class A80 Grade 3 Piano Class A81 Grade 4 Piano Class A82 Grade 5 Piano Class A83 Grade 6 Piano Class A84 Grade 7 Piano Class A85 Grade 8 Piano Class A86 Post Grade 8 Piano (3 mins) (3 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) (7 mins) (7 mins) (10 mins) (10 mins) (10 mins) ANY KEYBOARD INSTRUMENTS This section is for any keyboard instruments that have not already been included in the syllabus eg. harpsichord, clavichord, accordion, concertina, electric keyboard, synthesizer etc. Note 1 Please note the maximum time limit. Note 2 No Light Popular Music (See Section CMP p.40). Class A87 10 years and under (3 mins) Class A88 11 - 14 years of age (5 mins) Class A89 15 - 18 years of age (7 mins) Class A90 19 years of age and older (10 mins) COMPOSITION This section is intended for an original composition excluding Light Popular Music and Jazz Music (See CMG p.42). Note 1 Participants must play their own composition. Note 2 Participants must provide a copy of the original score for the adjudicator. Note 3 The maximum time limit in this section is 10 minutes. Piano Composition: Solo Class A91 10 years of age and younger Class A92 11 - 14 years of age Class A93 15 - 18 years of age Class A94 19 years of age and older Piano Composition: Two Pianos, 4 Hands Class A95 10 years of age and younger Class A96 11 - 14 years of age Class A97 15 - 18 years of age Class A98 19 years of age and older Piano Composition: One Piano, 4 Hands Class A99 10 years of age and younger Class A100 11 - 14 years of age Class A101 15 - 18 years of age Class A102 19 years of age and older Page 20 Any Keyboard Composition Class A103 10 years and under Class A104 11 - 14 years of age Class A105 15 - 18 years of age Class A106 19 years of age and older (3 mins) (5 mins) (7 mins) (10 mins) Page 21 B: SINGING: SOLO, DUETS, TRIOS & QUARTETS Entries must comply with the General Rules of the Eisteddfod in addition to the following: 1. 2. 3. Participants who have received more than one year of individual professional training may not enter the General Sections; instead they must enter the Open Sections. Participants may enter two separate entries in each solo class. Light Popular Music and Jazz Music are excluded from these classes (See Section CMS p.38). General Section Solo: Female Note 1 The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 5 minutes. Class B1 7 - 8 years of age Class B2 9 - 10 years of age Class B3 11 - 12 years of age Class B4 13 - 14 years of age Class B5 15 - 16 years of age Class B6 17 - 18 years of age Class B7 19 years of age and older General Section Solo: Male Note 1 The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 5 minutes. Class B8 7 - 8 years of age Class B9 9 - 10 years of age Class B10 11 - 12 years of age Class B11 13 - 14 years of age Class B12 15 - 16 years of age Class B13 17 - 18 years of age Class B14 19 years of age and older Open Section Solo This section is for any participant with more than 1 year of professional training. Note 1 The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 6 minutes. 18 years of age and under Class B15 Soprano Class B16 Mezzo Soprano Class B17 Contralto Class B18 Tenor Class B19 Baritone Class B20 Bass 19 years of age and older Class B21 Lyric Soprano Class B22 Dramatic Soprano Class B23 Mezzo Soprano Class B24 Contralto Class B25 Tenor Class B26 Baritone Class B27 Bass Page 22 General Section: Solo Recital This section is for participants without professional training or less than one year of professional training. Note 1 Present a varied programme (no light music) of not more than 20 minutes duration. Note 2 Please pay attention to characterisation should you choose to perform an opera aria. Class B28 10 years of age and under Class B29 11 - 14 years of age Class B30 15 - 18 years of age Class B31 19 years of age and older Open Section: Solo Recital This section is for participants with more than one year of professional training. Note 1 Present a varied programme (no light music) of not more than 20 minutes duration. Note 2 Please pay attention to characterisation should you choose to perform an opera aria. Class B32 10 years of age and under Class B33 11 - 14 years of age Class B34 15 - 18 years of age Class B35 19 years of age and older General Section: Duets Note 1 The maximum time limit of this section is 10 minutes. Class B36 10 years of age and under Class B37 11 - 14 years of age Class B38 15 - 18 years of age Class B39 19 years of age and older General Section: Trios Note 1 The maximum time limit of this section is 15 minutes. Class B40 10 years of age and under Class B41 11 - 14 years of age Class B42 15 - 18 years of age Class B43 19 years of age and older General Section: Quartets Note 1 The maximum time limit of this section is 15 minutes. Class B44 10 years of age and under Class B45 11 - 14 years of age Class B46 15 - 18 years of age Class B47 19 years of age and older The following sections are for participants with more than one year of professional training. Open Section: Duets Note 1 The maximum time limit of this section is 10 minutes. Class B48 10 years of age and under Class B49 11 - 14 years of age Class B50 15 - 18 years of age Class B51 19 years of age and older Page 23 Open Section: Trios Note 1 The maximum time limit of this section is 15 minutes. Class B52 10 years of age and under Class B53 11 - 14 years of age Class B54 15 - 18 years of age Class B55 19 years of age and older Open Section: Quartets Note 1 The maximum time limit of this section is 15 minutes. Class B56 10 years of age and under Class B57 11 - 14 years of age Class B58 15 - 18 years of age Class B59 19 years of age and older Solo Folk Singing This section is open to all singers. Note 1 Any language may be used. Note 2 Any traditional, ethnic or string instrument may be used for accompaniment. Note 3 The maximum time limit in this class is 6 minutes. Class B60 10 years of age and under Class B61 11 - 14 years of age Class B62 15 - 18 years of age Class B63 19 years of age and older Page 24 C: SINGING: GROUPS Entries must comply with the General Rules of the Eisteddfod in addition to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. When two or more works are presented these must be of contrasting character. Songs presented may be in any language. Sections of songs, not shorter than 3 verses, may be presented as part of a programme. All classes may use any instruments. No Light Popular or Jazz Music will be accepted in this category (See Section CMS p.38). School Class Singing This section is provided as an opportunity for learners in the same school class to sing together, enhancing their love of music and singing generally, while learning to work with each other in performance. Schools without a formal choir are encouraged to enter this category. Present two contrasting songs. Only one song may be accompanied. Note 1 The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 8 minutes. Note 2 LSEN Schools are encouraged to enter this section; please enter the class most appropriate to the average age in the group. Note 3 Classes to provide their own accompanists and instrument/s except for a piano, which the Eisteddfod will provide. Class C1 Grade 1 Class C2 Grade 2 Class C3 Grade 3 Class C4 Grade 4 - 5 Class C5 Grade 6 - 7 Class C6 Grade 8 Class C7 Grade 9 - 10 Class C8 Grade 11 - 12 School Choirs One work to be accompanied and one unaccompanied. Note 1 The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 10 minutes. Note 2 Choirs to provide their own accompanists and instrument/s except for a piano, which the Eisteddfod will provide. Class C9 Junior School Choir - Female Class C10 Junior School Choir - Male Class C11 Junior School Choir - Mixed Voices Class C12 Junior LSEN Schools - Mixed Voices Class C13 High School - Female Class C14 High School - Male Class C15 High School - Mixed Voices Class C16 Senior LSEN Schools - Mixed Voices Class C17 Mixed Junior and High School Voices - Female Class C18 Mixed Junior and High School Voices - Male Class C19 Mixed Junior and Senior LSEN Schools - Mixed Voices Page 25 School Choirs Sacred Work Present two Sacred Works, accompanied or unaccompanied. Note 1 The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 10 minutes. Note 2 Choirs to provide their own accompanists and instrument/s except for a piano, which the Eisteddfod will provide. Class C20 Junior School Chapel Choir Class C21 High School Chapel Choir Class C22 LSEN School Choir Class C23 Mixed Junior and High School Choir Non-School Choirs Present a programme of song of not longer than 20 minutes. Note 1 Include at least one unaccompanied song. Note 2 Choirs to provide their own accompanists and instrument/s except for a piano, which the Eisteddfod will provide. Note 3 The Eisteddfod reserves the right to end any performances that exceed the 20 minute time limit. Class C24 Female: Average age of under 18 years Class C25 Male: Average age of under 18 years Class C26 Mixed Voices: Average age of under 18 years Class C27 Sight/Hearing/Physically/Mentally Challenged: Average age of under 18 years Class C28 Female: Average age over 18 years Class C29 Male: Average age over 18 years Class C30 Mixed: Average age over 18 years Class C31 Sight/Hearing/Physically/Mentally Challenged: Average age over 18 years Non-School Choirs Sacred Works Present a programme of Sacred Works of a duration not longer than 20 minutes. Note 1 The works may be unaccompanied or accompanied. Note 2 Choirs to provide their own accompanists and instrument/s except for a piano, which the Eisteddfod will provide. Note 3 The Eisteddfod reserves the right to end any performances that exceed the 20 minute time limit. Class C32 Female: Average age of under 18 years Class C33 Male: Average age of under 18 years Class C34 Mixed Voices: Average age of under 18 years Class C35 Sight/Hearing/Physically/Mentally Challenged: Average age of under 18 years Class C36 Female: Average age over 18 years Class C37 Male: Average age over 18 years Class C38 Mixed: Average age over 18 years Class C39 Sight/Hearing/Physically/Mentally Challenged: Average age over 18 years Page 26 Group Folk Singing Note 1 Any language may be used. Note 2 Any traditional, ethnic or string instrument may be used for accompaniment. Note 3 LSEN Schools and the physically and mentally challenged are encouraged to enter this section; please enter the class most appropriate to the average age in the group. Note 4 The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 10 minutes. Female Class C40 Class C41 Class C42 Class C43 10 years of age and under 11 - 14 years of age 15 - 18 years of age 19 years of age and older Male Class Class Class Class 10 years of age and under 11 - 14 years of age 15 - 18 years of age 19 years of age and older C44 C45 C46 C47 Mixed Voices Class C48 Class C49 Class C50 Class C51 10 years of age and under 11 - 14 years of age 15 - 18 years of age 19 years of age and older Page 27 D: STRING INSTRUMENTS Entries must comply with the General Rules of the Eisteddfod in addition to the following: 1. 2. 3 Please note that Solo classes are arranged by grade not year of study. “Year of study” as on the first day of the Eisteddfod. Participants may enter two separate entries in each solo section. Violin Solo Note 1 The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 10 minutes. Class D1 Pre Grade 1 Class D2 Grade 1 - 2 Class D3 Grade 3 - 4 Class D4 Grade 5 - 6 Class D5 Grade 7 - 8 Class D6 Post Grade 8 Violin Duets & Trios Note 1 The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 10 minutes. Class D7 5 and fewer years of study Class D8 6 and more years of study Violin Recital Note 1 Present a varied programme of not less than 20 minutes in duration. Class D9 5 and fewer years of study Class D10 6 and more years of study Class D11 Violin Concerto Viola Note 1 Class D12 Class D13 The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 10 minutes. 5 and fewer years of study 6 and more years of study Viola Recital Note 1 Present a varied programme of not less than 20 minutes duration. Class D14 5 and fewer years of study Class D15 6 and more years of study Cello Solo Note 1 Class D16 Class D17 Class D18 Class D19 Class D20 Class D21 The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 10 minutes. Pre Grade 1 Grade 1 - 2 Grade 3 - 4 Grade 5 - 6 Grade 7 - 8 Post Grade 8 Page 28 Cello Duets & Trios Note 1 The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 10 minutes. Class D22 5 and fewer years of study Class D23 6 and more years of study Cello Recital Note 1 Present a varied programme of not less than 20 minutes duration. Class D24 5 and fewer years of study Class D25 6 and more years of study Double Bass Solo Note 1 The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 10 minutes. Class D26 5 and fewer years of study Class D27 6 and more years of study Classical Guitar Solo Note 1 The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 10 minutes. Class D28 Pre Grade 1 Class D29 Grade 1 - 2 Class D30 Grade 3 - 4 Class D31 Grade 5 - 6 Class D32 Grade 7 - 8 Class D33 Post Grade 8 Classical Guitar Ensembles Note 1 The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 10 minutes. Class D34 5 and fewer years of study Class D35 6 and more years of study Any String Instrument Solo (Classical or Folk) Any string instrument not already covered in the syllabus. Note 1 The maximum time limit in this section is 10 minutes. Class D36 5 and fewer years of study Class D37 6 and more years of study Any String Instrument Ensemble (Classical or Folk) Any string instrument not already covered in the syllabus. Note 1 The maximum time limit in this section is 10 minutes. Class D38 5 and fewer years of study Class D39 6 and more years of study Page 29 COMPOSITION This section is intended for an original string instrument composition excluding Light Popular Music and Jazz Music (See Section CMG p.42). Note 1 Participants must play their own composition. Note 2 Particpants must provide a copy of the original score for the adjudicator. Note 3 The maximum time limit in this section is 10 minutes. Solo Composition Class D40 5 and fewer years of study Class D41 6 and more years of study Ensemble Composition Class D42 5 and fewer years of study Class D43 6 and more years of study Page 30 E: WIND INSTRUMENTS Entries must comply with the General Rules of the Eisteddfod in addition to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Please note that Solo classes are arranged by grade not year of study. “Year of study” as on the first day of the Eisteddfod. Participants may enter two separate entries in each solo section. Duets, Trios, Quartets and Ensembles may be accompanied. Recorder Solo (All types) Note 1 The maximum time limit in this section is 10 minutes. Class E1 Pre Grade 1 Class E2 Grade 1 Class E3 Grade 2 Class E4 Grade 3 - 4 Class E5 Grade 5 - 6 Class E6 Grade 7 - 8 Class E7 Post Grade 8 Recorder Ensembles These classes can consist of like recorders or different recorders. Note 1 The maximum time limit in this section is 10 minutes. Class E8 Recorder Duets Class E9 Recorder Trios Class E10 Recorder Quartets Recorder Recital Note 1 Participants are to present a well-balanced repertoire of not more than 20 minutes duration. Note 2 The pieces may not have already been presented in any other section. Note 3 The whole programme need not necessarily be on the same type of recorder. Class E11 5 and fewer years of study Class E12 6 and more years of study Solo Flute Note 1 Class E13 Class E14 Class E15 Class E16 Class E17 Class E18 The maximum time limit in this section is 10 minutes. Pre Grade 1 Grade 1 - 2 Grade 3 - 4 Grade 5 - 6 Grade 7 - 8 Post Grade 8 Solo Flute Recital Note 1 Participants are to present a well-balanced programme of not more than 20 minutes in duration. Class E19 5 and fewer years of study Class E20 6 and more years of study Page 31 Flute Duet Note 1 Class E21 Class E22 The maximum time limit in this section is 10 minutes. 5 and fewer years of study 6 and more years of study Flute Trio Note 1 Class E23 Class E24 The maximum time limit in this section is 10 minutes. 5 and fewer years of study 6 and more years of study Solo Saxophone Note 1 The maximum time limit in this section is 10 minutes. Class E25 Pre Grade 1 Class E26 Grade 1 - 2 Class E27 Grade 3 - 4 Class E28 Grade 5 - 6 Class E29 Grade 7 - 8 Class E30 Post Grade 8 Solo Saxophone Recital Note 1 Participants are to present a well-balanced programme of not more than 20 minutes duration. Class E31 5 and fewer years of study Class E32 6 and more years of study Saxophone Duet Note 1 The maximum time limit in this section is 10 minutes. Class E33 5 and fewer years of study Class E34 6 and more years of study Solo Woodwind Note 1 Any woodwind instrument other than the flute or saxophone. Note 2 The maximum time limit in this section is 10 minutes. Class E35 Pre Grade 1 Class E36 Grade 1 - 2 Class E37 Grade 3 - 4 Class E38 Grade 5 - 6 Class E39 Grade 7 - 8 Class E40 Post Grade 8 Solo Woodwind Recital Note 1 Participants are to present a well-balanced programme of not more than 20 minutes duration using any woodwind instrument other than the flute or saxophone. Class E41 5 and less years of study Class E42 6 and more years of study Page 32 Woodwind Duet Note 1 The maximum time limit in this section is 10 minutes. Note 2 Participants may use any woodwind instrument in this section other than the flute or saxophone. Class E43 5 and fewer years of study Class E44 6 and more years of study Brass Solo Note 1 Any brass instrument. Note 2 The maximum time limit in this section is 10 minutes. Class E45 Pre Grade 1 Class E46 Grade 1 - 2 Class E47 Grade 3 - 4 Class E48 Grade 5 - 6 Class E49 Grade 7 - 8 Class E50 Post Grade 8 Solo Brass Recital Note 1 Participants are to present a well-balanced programme of not more than 20 minutes duration using any brass instrument. Class E51 5 and less years of study Class E52 6 and more years of study Brass Duet Note 1 The maximum time limit in this section is 10 minutes. Class E53 5 and fewer years of study Class E54 6 and more years of study Any Wind Instrument Any wind instrument other than those already in the syllabus eg. bag pipes, harmonica, pan pipes, penny whistle etc. Note 1 The maximum time limit in this section is 10 minutes. Class E55 5 and fewer years of study Class E56 6 and more years of study COMPOSITION This section is intended for an original wind instrument composition excluding Light Popular Music and Jazz Music (See Section CMG p.42). Note 1 Participants must play their own composition. Note 2 Participants must provide a copy of the original score for the adjudicator. Note 3 The maximum time limit in this section is 10 minutes. Solo Composition Class E57 5 and fewer years of study Class E58 6 and more years of study Ensemble Composition Class E59 5 and fewer years of study Class E60 6 and more years of study Page 33 F: PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS Participants must comply with the General Rules of the Eisteddfod in addition to the following: 1. 2. Two works with a maximum duration of two minutes are to be presented. These must be either of contrasting character or different sound effects incorporating a) Membranophones e.g. various kinds of drums and tambourine AND b) Idiophones e.g. hand bells, tubular bells, gongs, castanets, cymbals, celeste, glockenspiel, jews harp, metallophone, xylophone, musical glasses, rattles, scrapers, steel drum, washboard, triangle, woodblock, maracas, tam tam etc. Please see Section CMG (p.42) for Light Popular Music and Jazz Music classes. Solo Percussion Note 1 Please note the maximum time limit for this section is 5 minutes. Class F1 10 years of age and under Class F2 11 - 13 years Class F3 14 - 16 years Class F4 17 - 18 years Class F5 19 years of age and older Group Percussion Note 1 Groups of a minimum of 3. Note 2 Please note the maximum time limit for this section is 10 minutes. Class F6 10 years of age and under Class F7 11 - 13 years Class F8 14 - 16 years Class F9 17 - 18 years Class F10 19 years of age and older . Page 34 G: INSTRUMENTAL GROUPS Participants must comply with the General Rules of the Eisteddfod in addition to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. All instrumental groups in this section are to present a well balanced programme of up to 20 minutes duration. The age to be determined by the average age of the group as at 1 May 2014. Schools and non-professional instrumental groups to enter the General Sections. Groups with professional training must please enter the Open Sections. No Light Popular Music or Jazz Music will be accepted in this category (See Section CMG p.42). CHAMBER MUSIC This section is for classical chamber music combinations. Note 1 CURRENT Examination pieces may be used. General Section: Wind Instruments or Mixed Winds, Strings & Keyboard Class G1 12 years of age and under Class G2 13 - 15 years of age Class G3 16 - 18 years of age Class G4 19 years of age and older General Section: Strings and Optional Keyboard Class G5 12 years of age and under Class G6 13 - 15 years of age Class G7 16 - 18 years of age Class G8 19 years of age and older Open Section: Wind Instruments or Mixed Winds, Strings & Keyboard Class G9 12 years of age and under Class G10 13 - 15 years of age Class G11 16 - 18 years of age Class G12 19 years of age and older Open Section: Strings and Optional Keyboard Class G13 12 years of age and under Class G14 13 - 15 years of age Class G15 16 - 18 years of age Class G16 19 years of age and older ORCHESTRAS This section is for classical music orchestras. School Orchestras Class G17 Junior School Class G18 Senior School Page 35 General Section This section is for any non-school orchestra without professional training. Class G19 12 years of age and under Class G20 13 - 15 years of age Class G21 16 - 18 years of age Class G22 19 years of age and older Open Section This section is for any non-school orchestra with professional training. Class G23 18 years of age and under Class G24 19 years of age and older BANDS This section is for percussion, military, brass and wind bands. School Percussion Bands Class G25 Junior School Class G26 Senior School School Military/Wind/Brass Bands Class G27 Junior School Class G28 Senior School General Section This section is for any non-school band without professional training. Class G29 12 years of age and under Class G30 13 - 15 years of age Class G31 16 - 18 years of age Class G32 19 years of age and older Open Section This section is for any non-school band with professional training. Class G33 18 years of age and under Class G34 19 years of age and older TRADITIONAL MUSIC This section is for groups playing traditional ethnic music e.g. mbiras, kalimbas, drums etc. Class G35 18 years of age and under Class G36 19 years of age and older Page 36 INSTRUMENTAL GROUP: COMPOSITION This section is intended for an original instrumental group composition. Note 1 The maximum time limit in this section is 20 minutes. Note 2 Participants must lead/conduct or be part of the group. Note 3 Participants must provide the adjudicator with a copy of the original score preferably before the event. (This can be done through the Eisteddfod office.) Class G37 10 years of age and younger Class G38 11 - 14 years of age Class G39 15 - 18 years of age Class G40 19 years of age and older STEELDRUMS AND MARIMBAS School Bands Class G41 Class G42 Junior School Senior School General Section This section is for any non-school band without professional training. Class Class Class Class G43 G44 G45 G46 12 years of age and under 13 - 15 years of age 16 - 18 years of age 19 years of age and older Open Section This section is for any non-school band with professional training. Class G47 18 years of age and under Class G48 19 years of age and older Page 37 CM: CONTEMPORARY AND LIGHT POPULAR MUSIC This section was inspired by a group of school rappers who approached the Eisteddfod in a bid to find a legitimate platform for their work and learn skills with which to improve their performance. It is an attempt to recognise the need for a platform for growing popular culture that does not necessarily fall within other more traditional music categories. We would like to encourage all artists, learners and teachers to embrace this challenging new music section. All feedback regarding this section will be very welcome. 1. Jazz, R & B, Hip-Hop, Kwaito, Pop, Rock and Rap are encouraged in this section. 2. Participants may enter two separate entries in each solo class. Please provide the musical score where possible. 3. Performances in this category will be adjudicated according to technical ability, skills and performance, NOT on emulation of a particular artist’s style. 4. Original compositions are encouraged. CMS - SINGING Note 1 Note 2 Note 3 Note 4 - SOLO SINGING The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 6 minutes. Participants must provide their own accompanists and instruments. The Eisteddfod will provide a piano. A microphone will be provided if required but is not recommended. Any backing tracks must be on tape or CD and clearly labelled with the participant’s name and Class Number and the required track/s listing. (Please give warning of any technical requirements well in advance. Preferably with your entries.) Light Popular Music: Solo Singing This section is intended for any light popular music excluding Jazz, R&B, Hip-Hop, Kwaito, Pop, Rock and Rap. Class CMS 1 10 years of age and younger Class CMS 2 11 - 14 years of age Class CMS 3 15 - 18 years of age Class CMS 4 19 years of age and older Jazz Music: Solo Singing This section is intended for any recorded solo Jazz music pieces with a written musical score. Class CMS 5 10 years of age and younger Class CMS 6 11 - 14 years of age Class CMS 7 15 - 18 years of age Class CMS 8 19 years of age and older Rhythm & Blues, Kwaito and Hip-Hop: Solo Singing This section is intended for all recorded contemporary R & B, Kwaito and Hip-Hop solo music pieces. Please provide a musical score where possible. Class CMS 9 10 years of age and younger Class CMS 10 11 - 14 years of age Class CMS 11 15 - 18 years of age Class CMS 12 19 years of age and older Page 38 Pop and Rock: Solo Singing This section is intended for any recorded contemporary Pop and Rock solo music pieces. Please provide a musical score where possible. Class CMS 13 10 years of age and younger Class CMS 14 11 - 14 years of age Class CMS 15 15 - 18 years of age Class CMS 16 19 years of age and older Rap: Solo Singing This section is intended for any recorded contemporary solo Rap music pieces. Please provide a musical score where possible. Class CMS 17 10 years of age and younger Class CMS 18 11 - 14 years of age Class CMS 19 15 - 18 years of age Class CMS 20 19 years of age and older Class CMS 21 LSEN Junior Class CMS 22 LSEN Senior GROUP SINGING This section is intended for groups of 2 or more. Note 1 The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 10 minutes. Note 2 Participants must provide their own accompanists and instruments. The Eisteddfod will provide a piano. Note 3 Any backing tracks must be on tape or CD and clearly labelled with the participant’s name and Class Number and the required track(s) listing. Light Popular Music: Group Singing This section is intended for any light popular music excluding Jazz, R&B, Hip-Hop, Kwaito, Pop, Rock and Rap. Class CMS 23 10 years of age and younger Class CMS 24 11 - 14 years of age Class CMS 25 15 - 18 years of age Class CMS 26 19 years of age and older Class CMS 27 LSEN Junior Class CMS 28 LSEN Senior Jazz Music: Group Singing This section is intended for any recorded Jazz music with a written musical score. Class CMS 29 10 years of age and younger Class CMS 30 11 - 14 years of age Class CMS 31 15 - 18 years of age Class CMS 32 19 years of age and older Class CMS 33 LSEN Junior Class CMS 34 LSEN Senior Page 39 Rhythm & Blues, Kwaito and Hip-Hop: Group Singing This section is intended for any recorded contemporary R&B, Kwaito and Hip-Hop music pieces. Please provide a musical score where possible. Class CMS 35 10 years of age and younger Class CMS 36 11 - 14 years of age Class CMS 37 15 - 18 years of age Class CMS 38 19 years of age and older Class CMS 39 LSEN Junior Class CMS 40 LSEN Senior Pop and Rock: Group Singing This section is intended for any recorded contemporary Pop or Rock music pieces. Please provide a musical score where possible. Class CMS 41 10 years of age and younger Class CMS 42 11 - 14 years of age Class CMS 43 15 - 18 years of age Class CMS 44 19 years of age and older Class CMS 45 LSEN Junior Class CMS 46 LSEN Senior Rap: Group Singing This section is intended for any recorded contemporary Rap music pieces. Please provide a musical score where possible. Class CMS 47 10 years of age and younger Class CMS 48 11 - 14 years of age Class CMS 49 15 - 18 years of age Class CMS 50 19 years of age and older CMP - PIANO Note 1 - SOLO PIANO The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 6 minutes. Light Popular Music: Solo Piano This section is intended for any light popular music excluding Jazz, R&B, HipHop, Kwaito, Pop, Rock and Rap. Class CMP 1 10 years of age and younger Class CMP 2 11 - 14 years of age Class CMP 3 15 - 18 years of age Class CMP 4 19 years of age and older Jazz Music: Solo Piano Class CMP 5 10 years of age and younger Class CMP 6 11 - 14 years of age Class CMP 7 15 - 18 years of age Class CMP 8 19 years of age and older Page 40 Rhythm & Blues, Kwaito and Hip-Hop: Solo Piano Class CMP 9 10 years of age and younger Class CMP 10 11 - 14 years of age Class CMP 11 15 - 18 years of age Class CMP 12 19 years of age and older Pop & Rock: Solo Piano Class CMP 13 10 years of age and younger Class CMP 14 11 - 14 years of age Class CMP 15 15 - 18 years of age Class CMP 16 19 years of age and older PIANO DUETS 1 PIANO, 4 HANDS This section is intended for 1 piano, 4 hands. Note 1 The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 10 minutes. Light Popular Music This section is intended for any light popular music excluding Jazz, R&B, HipHop, Kwaito, Pop, Rock and Rap. Class CMP 17 10 years of age and younger Class CMP 18 11 - 14 years of age Class CMP 19 15 - 18 years of age Class CMP 20 19 years of age and older Jazz Music Class CMP 21 Class CMP 22 Class CMP 23 Class CMP 24 10 years of age and younger 11 - 14 years of age 15 - 18 years of age 19 years of age and older Rhythm & Blues, Kwaito and Hip-Hop Class CMP 25 10 years of age and younger Class CMP 26 11 - 14 years of age Class CMP 27 15 - 18 years of age Class CMP 28 19 years of age and older Pop & Rock Class CMP 29 Class CMP 30 Class CMP 31 Class CMP 32 10 years of age and younger 11 - 14 years of age 15 - 18 years of age 19 years of age and older Page 41 PIANO DUETS 2 PIANOS, 4 HANDS This section is intended for 2 pianos, 4 hands Note 1 The maximum time limit in each class of this section is 10 minutes. Light Popular Music This section is intended for any light popular music excluding Jazz, R&B, Hip-Hop, Kwaito, Pop, Rock and Rap. Class CMP 33 10 years of age and younger Class CMP 34 11 - 14 years of age Class CMP 35 15 - 18 years of age Class CMP 36 19 years of age and older Jazz Music Class CMP 37 Class CMP 38 Class CMP 39 Class CMP 40 10 years of age and younger 11 - 14 years of age 15 - 18 years of age 19 years of age and older Rhythm & Blues, Kwaito and Hip-Hop Class CMP 41 10 years of age and younger Class CMP 42 11 - 14 years of age Class CMP 43 15 - 18 years of age Class CMP 44 19 years of age and older Pop & Rock Class CMP 45 Class CMP 46 Class CMP 47 Class CMP 48 10 years of age and younger 11 - 14 years of age 15 - 18 years of age 19 years of age and older CMG - INSTRUMENTAL GROUPS This section is intended for any instrumental groups. Note 1 The maximum time limit in this section is 20 minutes. Light Popular Music This section is intended for any light popular music excluding Jazz, R&B, HipHop, Kwaito, Pop, Rock and Rap. Class CMG 1 10 years of age and younger Class CMG 2 11 - 14 years of age Class CMG 3 15 - 18 years of age Class CMG 4 19 years of age and older Any Other Contemporary Music (Jazz, R&B, Hip-Hop, Kwaito, Pop, Rock and Rap). Class CMG 5 10 years of age and younger Class CMG 6 11 - 14 years of age Class CMG 7 15 - 18 years of age Class CMG 8 19 years of age and older Page 42 SPEECH AND DRAMA H: ENGLISH SPEECH & DRAMA Entries must comply with the General Rules of the Eisteddfod in addition to the following: 1. The Speech & Drama Syllabus is divided into 2 sections: SCHOOLS: for all school participants. OPEN: for all adults and youth & community groups that are non-school related. 2. The Open Category is divided into professional classes (more than one year of individual professional training) and non-professional classes (one, or less than one year of, individual professional training). This does not apply to the following categories: Individual Poetry, Choral Verse and Individual Prepared Public Speaking. 3. Where practical, participants from the same school or studio are encouraged to each present a different piece or explore the same piece in different ways. 4. Participants may only present one piece in each class. 5. Source material such as published novels, poems, plays etc. may be found in school or public libraries. Use of South African work is encouraged. In some categories original material is also encouraged. 6. Please provide a copy, preferably typed, of your chosen piece with the title and name of the author for the adjudicator. Exceptions to this are Mime, Public Speaking, Individual Story Telling and workshopped plays. In these cases participants should announce the title of the piece. 7. All pieces for the spoken sections should be learnt and not read. The exception to this is the “Unseen Sight Reading”. 8. Performances must not exceed the maximum time limits provided below. 9. Participants should perform in school uniform (where applicable) or drama practice clothing unless otherwise indicated. 10. Participants may not under any circumstances speak to the adjudicator. Please approach the Eisteddfod assistants or Section Co-ordinator with any queries. 11. Participants are encouraged to make use of this opportunity to learn from others by watching their performances. Participants are requested to remain in their venues until the end of the adjudication, unless they are immediately required to perform elsewhere. Page 43 SCHOOLS SECTION: SPEECH Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Individual Poetry Choose a poem from any published work of your choice. Note 1 A minimum of 10 lines is required. Note 2 Please supply a copy of the poem for the adjudicator. Class H 1 Grade 1 - 2 Class H 2 Grade 3 Class H 3 Grade 4 - 5 Class H 4 Grade 6 - 7 Class H 5 Grade 8 - 10 Class H 6 Grade 11 - 12 (2 mins) (2 mins) (3 mins) (3 mins) (4 mins) (4 mins) Small Group Poetry Choose a poem from any published work of your choice. Note 1 This class is designed for 2 - 4 voices. Note 2 A minimum of 10 lines is required. Class H 7 Grade 1 - 2 Class H 8 Grade 3 Class H 9 Grade 4 - 5 Class H 10 Grade 6 - 7 Class H 11 Grade 8 - 10 Class H 12 Grade 11 - 12 (2 mins) (2 mins) (3 mins) (3 mins) (4 mins) (4 mins) Choral Verse Choose a poem from any published work of your choice. Note 1 There should be 5 or more participants in each group. Note 2 No conductor may be used. Note 3 Please supply a copy of the poem for the adjudicator. Class H 13 Grade 1 - 2 (2 mins) Class H 14 Grade 3 (2 mins) Class H 15 Grade 4 - 5 (3 mins) Class H 16 Grade 6 - 7 (3 mins) Class H 17 Grade 8 - 10 (4 mins) Class H 18 Grade 11 - 12 (4 mins) Individual Prose Choose an extract from any published book, essay or short story. The extract needs to be learned and delivery should be spoken rather than acted out as for Dramatic Monologue. (Grade 1 - 7: 10 typed lines. Grade 8 - 12:15 typed lines.) Class H 19 Grade 1 - 2 (3mins) Class H 20 Grade 3 (3mins) Class H 21 Grade 4 - 5 (3 mins) Class H 22 Grade 6 - 7 (3 mins) Class H 23 Grade 8 - 10 (4 mins) Class H 24 Grade 11 - 12 (4 mins) Unseen Sight Reading Reading material will be supplied. Entrants will be allowed one minute to look over the piece before reading. Class H 25 Grade 1 - 2 (2 mins) Class H 26 Grade 3 (2 mins) Page 44 Class Class Class Class H 27 H 28 H 29 H 30 Grade 4 - 5 Grade 6 - 7 Grade 8 - 10 Grade 11 - 12 (2 mins) (2 mins) (2 mins) (2 mins) Individual Story-telling Tell a story in your own words, either true or invented, as if you are speaking to a group of interested listeners. Note 1 A copy of the story is not required for the adjudicator. Note 2 The participant is encouraged to use imagery, poetry, movement, sound effects and other languages. Class H 31 Grade 1 - 2 (2 mins) Class H 32 Grade 3 (3 mins) Class H 33 Grade 4 - 5 (3 mins) Class H 34 Grade 6 - 7 (4 mins) Class H 35 Grade 8 - 10 (5 mins) Class H 36 Grade 11 - 12 (5 mins) Individual Prepared Public Speaking Prepare a speech on one of the following topics using your own words: - “There is no wealth but life”. Do you agree? The most destructive animal on earth is the human being. The view from the top Note 1 A copy of the speech is not required for the adjudicator. Class H 37 Grade 6 - 7 (3 mins) Class H 38 Grade 8 - 9 (4 mins) Class H 39 Grade 10 - 12 (5 mins) SCHOOLS SECTION: DRAMA Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Solo Dramatisation Perform an extract of your choice from any published play (except by William Shakespeare). Note 1 A copy for the adjudicator is required. Note 2 Simple costumes and a workshop set may be used. Class H 40 Grade 4 - 5 (3 mins) Class H 41 Grade 6 - 7 (4 mins) Class H 42 Grade 8 - 9 (4 mins) Class H 43 Grade 10 - 12 (5 mins) Group Dramatisation Perform an extract of your choice from any published play (except by William Shakespeare) or from a story based on oral tradition. Note 1 A copy for the adjudicator is required. Note 2 Groups must consist of 2 or more participants. Note 3 Simple costumes and a workshop set may be used. Class H 44 Grade 4 - 5 (5 mins) Class H 45 Grade 6 - 7 (15 mins) Class H 46 Grade 8 - 9 (15 mins) Class H 47 Grade 10 - 12 (20 mins) Page 45 Original Solo Dramatisation/Theatre Event Present an original work inspired by current issues, personal experience or imagination. Note 1 Creativity is encouraged and one or more of the following may be included: speech, sound effects, praise-singing, movement, mime, song, dance, rap, masks, puppets, props and costumes. Note 2 A workshop set incl. chairs, screens and rostra may be used. Note 3 A copy of the work is not required for the adjudicator. Class H 48 Grade 4 - 5 (3 mins) Class H 49 Grade 6 - 7 (4 mins) Class H 50 Grade 8 - 9 (4 mins) Class H 51 Grade 10 - 12 (5 mins) Original Group Dramatisation/Theatre Event Present an original or workshopped theatre piece inspired by current issues, personal experience or imagination. Note 1 Each group must consist of 2 or more participants. Note 2 Creativity is encouraged and one or more of the following may be included: speech, sound effects, movement, mime, song, dance, rap, masks, puppets, props and costumes. Note 3 A workshop set incl. chairs, screens and rostra may be used. Note 4 A copy of the work is not required for the adjudicator. Class H 52 Grade 4 - 5 (3 mins) Class H 53 Grade 6 - 7 (5 mins) Class H 54 Grade 8 - 9 (7 mins) Class H 55 Grade 10 - 12 (10mins) Individual Mime Perform a short theme of your own creation or a story based on oral tradition using gesture and movement. Note 1 A copy for the adjudicator is not required, but please announce the title of your piece. Class H 56 Grade 1 - 2 (1 min) Class H 57 Grade 3 (2 mins) Class H 58 Grade 4 - 5 (3 mins) Class H 59 Grade 6 - 7 (3 mins) Class H 60 Grade 8 - 10 (4 mins) Class H 61 Grade 11 - 12 (4 mins) Group Mime Perform a short theme of your own creation or a story based on oral tradition using gesture and movement. Note 1 There must be 2 or more participants. Note 2 A copy for the adjudicator is not required, but please announce the title of your piece. Class H 62 Grade 1 - 2 (3 mins) Class H 63 Grade 3 (3 mins) Class H 64 Grade 4 - 5 (4 mins) Class H 65 Grade 6 - 7 (4 mins) Class H 66 Grade 8 - 10 (5 mins) Class H 67 Grade 11 - 12 (7 mins) Page 46 Play Writing Please see The Creative Writing Section (page 76). SCHOOLS SECTION: SHAKESPEARE Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Monologue Present a monologue from any Shakespearean Play. Note 1 The monologue should be a minimum of 10 lines long. Note 2 Simple costumes and a workshop set may be used. Note 3 The maximum performance time is 5 minutes. Class H 68 Grade 8 Class H 69 Grade 9 - 10 Class H 70 Grade 11 - 12 Sonnet Present one of Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Class H 71 Grade 8 Class H 72 Grade 9 - 10 Class H 73 Grade 11 - 12 Duologue Perform a duologue from any one of Shakespeare’s Plays. Note 1 The maximum time limit is 7 minutes. Note 2 Simple costumes and a workshop set may be used. Class H 74 Grade 8 Class H 75 Grade 9 - 10 Class H 76 Grade 11 - 12 Play Extract Perform an extract including 3 or more characters from any one of Shakespeare’s Plays. Note 1 The maximum time limit is 7 minutes. Note 2 Simple costumes and a workshop set may be used. Class H 77 Grade 8 Class H 78 Grade 9 - 10 Class H 79 Grade 11 – 12 South African Schools Shakespeare Festival The South African Schools Shakespeare Festival is run in association with the Eisteddfod and is a new initiative. It is a separate festival incorporated into the Eisteddfod. Any secondary school may enter. Perform any one of the 30 min versions of the Shakespeare plays using the Schools ShakespeareFestival texts listed: Comedy A Midsummer Night’s Dream As You Like It The Comedy of Errors The Merchant of Venice Page 47 A Midsummer Night’s Dream Much Ado About Nothing The Taming of the Shrew The Tempest Twelfth Night The Winter’s Tale Tragedy Julius Caesar Antony & Cleopatra King Lear Macbeth Othello Romeo & Juliet History Henry V Note 1 - Copies of the 30min versions of the plays can be obtained by emailing directly to Kseniya@educape.co.za. Note 2 - Simple costumes and a workshop set may be used Note 3 - A school may enter only 1 entry. Note 4 - The top school will be invited to present their performance at the Gala Eisteddfod Evening. Class H80 Class H81 Grade 8 - 9 Grade 10 - 12 OPEN SECTION: SPEECH This section is for adults, youth and community groups not school related. Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Individual Poetry Choose a poem from any published work of your choice. Note 1 A minimum of 10 lines is required. Class HA 1 18 years of age and younger Class HA 2 19 years of age and older (4 mins) (4 mins) Small Group Poetry Choose a poem from any published work of your choice. Note 1 This class is designed for 2 - 4 people in a group. Note 2 A minimum of 10 lines is required. Class HA 3 18 years of age and younger Class HA 4 19 years of age and older (4 mins) (4 mins) Page 48 Choral Verse Choose a poem from any published work of your choice. Note 1 There should be 5 or more participants in each group. Note 2 No conductor may be used. Class HA 5 18 years of age and younger (5 mins) Class HA 6 19 years of age and older (5 mins) Individual Prose Choose an extract (15 typed lines) from any published book, essay or short story. The extract needs to be learned and delivery should be spoken rather than acted out as for Dramatic Monologue. Class HA 7 18 years of age and younger (5 mins) Class HA 8 19 years of age and older (5 mins) Unseen Sight Reading Reading material will be supplied. Entrants will be allowed one minute to look over the piece before reading. Class HA 9 18 years of age and younger (5 mins) Class HA 10 19 years of age and older (5 mins) Individual Story-telling Tell a story in your own words, either true or invented, as if you are speaking to a group of interested listeners. Participants are encouraged to use imagery, poetry, movement, sound effects and other languages. Class HA 11 18 years of age and younger (7 mins) Class HA 12 19 years of age and older (7 mins) Class HA 13 Professional (10 mins) Individual Prepared Public Speaking Prepare a speech on a pertinent 21st Century South African topic. Note 1 A copy of the speech is not required for the adjudicator. Class HA 14 18 years of age and younger (5 mins) Class HA 15 19 years of age and older (5 mins) OPEN SECTION: DRAMA Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Solo Dramatisation Perform a monologue of your choice from any published play (except by William Shakespeare). Note 1 A copy for the adjudicator is required. Note 2 Simple costumes and a workshop set incl. chairs, rostra etc. may be used. Class HA 16 18 years of age and younger (7 mins) Class HA 17 19 years of age and older (7 mins) Class HA 18 Professional (10 mins) Group Dramatisation Perform an extract of your choice from any published play (except by William Shakespeare) or from a story based on oral tradition. Page 49 Note 1 A copy for the adjudicator is required. Note 2 Groups must consist of 2 or more participants. Note 3 Simple costumes and a workshop set incl. chairs, rostra etc. may be used. Class HA 19 18 years of age and younger (15 mins) Class HA 20 19 years of age and older (15 mins) Class HA 21 Professional (20 mins) Original Solo Dramatisation/Theatre Event Present an original monologue. Note 1 Creativity is encouraged and one or more of the following may be included: speech, sound effects, praise-singing, movement, mime, song, dance, rap, masks, puppets, props and costumes. Note 2 Simple costumes and a workshop set incl. chairs, rostra may be used. Class HA 22 18 years of age and younger (7 mins) Class HA 23 19 years of age and older (7 mins) Class HA 24 Professional (10 mins) Original Group Dramatisation/Theatre Event Present an original or workshopped theatre piece. Note 1 Groups must consist of 2 or more participants. Note 2 Creativity is encouraged and one or more of the following may be included: speech, sound effects, movement, mime, song, dance, rap, masks, puppets, props and costumes. Note 3 Simple costumes and a workshop set incl. chairs, rostra may be used. Class HA 25 18 years of age and younger (15 mins) Class HA 26 19 years of age and older (15 mins) Class HA 27 Professional (20 mins) Individual Mime Perform a short theme of your own creation or a story based on oral tradition using gesture and movement. Note 1 A copy for the adjudicator is not required, but please announce the title of your piece. Class HA28 18 years of age and younger (5 mins) Class HA29 19 years of age and older (5 mins) Class HA30 Professional (7 mins) Group Mime Perform a short theme of your own creation or a story based on oral tradition using gesture and movement. Note 1 There must be 2 or more participants. Note 2 A copy for the adjudicator is not required, but please announce the title of your piece. Class HA 31 18 years of age and younger (10 mins) Class HA 32 19 years of age and older (10 mins) Class HA 33 Professional (15 mins) Play Writing Please see the Creative Writing Section (page 76). Page 50 OPEN SECTION: SHAKESPEARE Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Monologue Present a monologue from one of the following: Macbeth, Othello, Twelfth Night, Julius Caesar or Richard III. Note 1 The monologue should be a minimum of 10 lines long. Note 2 Simple costumes and a workshop set may be used. Class HA 34 18 years of age and younger (7 mins) Class HA 35 19 years of age and older (7 mins) Class HA 36 Professional (10 mins) Duologue Perform a duologue from one of the following: Macbeth, Othello, Antony & Cleopatra, The Tempest, Romeo & Juliet or Much Ado About Nothing. Note 1 Simple costumes and a workshop set may be used. Class HA 37 18 years of age and younger (7 mins) Class HA 38 19 years of age and older (7 mins) Class HA 39 Professional (10 mins) Group Extract Perform an extract from Macbeth, Hamlet, Twelfth Night or The Tempest that includes 3 or more characters. Note 1 Simple costumes and a workshop set may be used. Class HA 40 18 years of age and younger (7 mins) Class HA 41 19 years of age and older (7 mins) Class HA 42 Professional (10 mins) Page 51 I: AFRIKAANSE SPRAAK EN DRAMA Inskrywings moet voldoen aan die vereistes soos uiteengesit in die Algemene Reëls van die Eisteddfod, insluitend die volgende: 1. Die Spraak en Drama Sillabus is in twee afdelings ingedeel: SKOLE: vir alle skoolgaande deelnemers. OPE: vir alle volwasse, jeug en gemeenskapsgroepe wat nie by ‘n skool betrokke is nie. 2. Die Ope Kategorie is verder verdeel in professionele klasse (meer as een jaar individuele professionele onderrig) en nie-professionele klasse (geen of minder as een jaar van individuele profesionele onderrig). Dit sluit nie Individuele Poësie, Spreekkore of Individuele Voorbereide Toespraak in nie. 3. Deelnemers mag net een stuk in elke klas inskryf. 4. Indien moontlik word deelnemers van dieselfde groep of studio aangemoedig om verskillende stukke aan te bied, of om dieselfde stuk op verskillende maniere voor te stel. 5. Bronne vir stukke soos gepubliseerde romans, gedigte, dramas, ens., kan gevind word in skool- of openbare biblioteke. Die gebruik van Suid-Afrikaanse werke word aangemoedig. 6. ‘n Afskrif van die gekose stuk, verkieslik getik, met die titel en die naam van die skrywer, moet asseblief aan die beoordelaar voorsien word. Dit geld nie vir die kategorieë Mimiek, Individuele Vertelkuns, Openbare Toespraak, of dramas wat uit ‘n werkswinkel-situasie ontwikkel is nie (in sulke gevalle moet die deelnemers asseblief die titel van die stuk aankondig). 7. Alle stukke in die voordragkategorieë moet geleer word en mag nie gelees word nie. “Onvoorbereide voorlesing” word van hierdie vereiste vrygestel. 8. Deelnemers mag nie die voorgeskrewe tyd oorskry nie. 9. Deelnemers moet in skooldrag of drama-oefenklere optree, tensy anders vermeld. 10. Deelnemers mag onder geen omstandighede met die beoordelaar praat nie. Die koördineerder of Eisteddfod Assistent sal enige vrae beantwoord. 11. Deelnemers word aangemoedig om van die geleentheid gebruik te maak om van ander te leer deur hul optredes by te woon. Deelnemers word versoek om in die saal te sit en wag tot aan die einde van die beoordeling, tensy hulle onmiddellik in ‘n ander kategorie optree. Page 52 SKOLE AFDELING: SPRAAK Wees asseblief bewus van die maksimum voorgeskrewe tyd in elke klas. Individuele Poësie Kies ‘n gedig uit enige gepubliseerde werk van jou eie keuse. L.W. 1 Elke gedig moet ‘n minimum van 10 reëls wees. L.W. 2 ‘n Afskrif van die gedig moet aan die beoordelaar voorsien word. Klas I 1 Graad 1 - 2 (2 min) Klas I 2 Graad 3 (2 min) Klas I 3 Graad 4 - 5 (3 min) Klas I 4 Graad 6 - 7 (3 min) Klas I 5 Graad 8 – 10 (4 min) Klas I 6 Graad 11 - 12 (4 min) Groep Voordrag Vir twee tot vier stemme. Kies ‘n gedig uit enige gepubliseerde werk van jou eie keuse. L.W. 1 Elke gedig moet ‘n minimum van 10 reëls wees. L.W. 2 ‘n Afskrif van die gedig moet aan die beoordelaar voorsien word. Klas I 7 Graad 1 - 2 (2 min) Klas I 8 Graad 3 (2 min) Klas I 9 Graad 4 - 5 (3 min) Klas I 10 Graad 6 - 7 (3 min) Klas I 11 Graad 8 – 10 (4 min) Klas I 12 Graad 11 - 12 (4 min) Spreekkore Kies ‘n gedig uit enige gepubliseerde werk van jou eie keuse. L.W. 1 ‘n Afskrif van die gedig moet aan die beoordelaar voorsien word. L.W. 2 Daar moet vyf of meer mense in elke groep wees. L.W. 3 Geen dirigent mag gebruik word nie. Klas I 13 Graad 1 - 2 (2 min) Klas I 14 Graad 3 (2 min) Klas I 15 Graad 4 - 5 (3 min) Klas I 16 Graad 6 - 7 (3 min) Klas I 17 Graad 8 – 10 (4 min) Klas I 18 Graad 11 - 12 (4 min) Individuele Prosa Kies ‘n uittreksel uit enige gepubliseerde boek, opstel of kortverhaal van jou keuse. Die uittreksel moet geleer word. Die aanbiedingstyl is voordrag en nie toneelspel nie, soos in die geval van ‘n Dramatiese Monoloog. (Graad 1 –7: 10 getikte reëls. Graad 6 – 12: 15 getikte reëls.) Klas I 19 Graad 1 - 2 (2 min) Klas I 20 Graad 3 (2 min) Klas I 21 Graad 4 - 5 (3 min) Klas I 22 Graad 6 - 7 (3 min) Klas I 23 Graad 8 - 10 (4 min) Klas I 24 Graad 11 – 12 (4 min) Page 53 Onvoorbereide Voorlesing Die voorleesmateriaal sal voorsien word. Deelnemers sal een minuut kry om die stuk te lees voordat hulle met die voorlesing begin. Klas I 25 Graad 1 - 2 Klas I 26 Graad 3 Klas I 27 Graad 4 - 5 Klas I 28 Graad 6 - 7 Klas I 29 Graad 8 - 10 Klas I 30 Graad 11 - 12 Individuele Storie Vertelkuns Vertel ‘n storie in jou eie woorde, waar of fiktief, asof jy met belangstellende luisteraar gesels. L.W. 1 ‘n Afskrif van die storie hoef nie aan die beoordelaar voorsien te word nie. L.W. 2 Die deelnemer word aangemoedig om gebruik te maak van beeldspraak, digkuns, beweging, klankeffekte en ander tale. Klas I 31 Graad 1 - 2 (2 min) Klas I 32 Graad 3 (3 min) Klas I 33 Graad 4 - 5 (3 min) Klas I 34 Graad 6 - 7 (4 min) Klas I 35 Graad 8 – 10 (5 min) Klas I 36 Graad 11 - 12 (5 min) Individuele Voorbereide Toespraak Berei ‘n toespraak voor oor een van die volgende onderwerpe: Voor ek vergeet Die uitsig van bo Wie is die Afrikaner nou? “Jý mens: jou enkele vyand” L.W. 1 L.W. 2 Klas I 37 Klas I 38 Klas I 39 ‘n Afskrif hoef nie aan die beoordelaar voorsien te word nie. Eenvoudige rekwisiete mag gebruik word. Graad 6 – 7 (3 min) Graad 8 - 9 (4 min) Graad 10 – 12 (5 min) SKOLE AFDELING: DRAMA Wees asseblief bewus van die maksimum voorgeskrewe tyd in elke klas. Gedramatiseerde Solowerk Dra ‘n uittreksel van jou eie keuse uit enige gepubliseerde toneelstuk voor. L.W. 1 ‘n Afskrif van die uittreksel moet aan die beoordelaar voorsien word. Klas I 40 Graad 4 - 5 (3 min) Klas I 41 Graad 6 - 7 (4 min) Klas I 42 Graad 8 – 9 (4 min) Klas I 43 Graad 10 – 12 (5 min) Gedramatiseerde Groepwerk Dra ‘n uittreksel van jou eie keuse voor uit enige gepubliseerde toneelstuk of storie (gegrond op mondelingse tradisie). L.W. 1 ‘n Afskrif van die uittreksel moet aan die beoordelaar voorsien word. L.W. 2 Elke groep moet uit twee of meer deelnemers bestaan. Page 54 L.W. 3 Klas I 44 Klas I 45 Klas I 46 Klas I 47 Rostrum, trappe, stoele ens mag gebruik word. Graad 4 - 5 Graad 6 - 7 Graad 8 - 9 Graad 10 – 12 (5 min) (15 min) (15 min) (20 min) Oorspronklike Gedramatiseerde Solowerk Bied ‘n oorspronklike werk aan wat geïnspireer is deur hedendaagse kwessies, persoonlike ervaring of jou verbeelding. L.W. 1 Kreatiewiteit word aangemoedig en een of meer van die volgende mag ingesluit word: spraak, klankeffekte, beweging, lof-prysing, mimiek, sang, dans, “rap”, maskers, toneelpoppe, rekwisiete en kostuums. L.W. 2 Rostrum, trappe, stoele ens mag gebruik word. L.W. 3 ‘n Afskrif van die uittreksel hoef nie aan die beoordelaar voorsien te word nie. Klas I 48 Graad 4 - 5 (3 min) Klas I 49 Graad 6 - 7 (4 min) Klas I 50 Graad 8 - 9 (4 min) Klas I 51 Graad 10 – 12 (5 min) Oorspronklike Gedramatiseerde Groepwerk Bied ‘n oorpsronklike werk aan wat geïnspireer is deur hedendaagse kwessies, persoonlike ervaring of jou verbeelding. L.W. 1 Groepe moet uit twee of meer deelnemers bestaan. L.W. 2 Kreatiewiteit word aangemoedig en een of meer van die volgende mag ingesluit word: spraak, klankeffekte, beweging, mimiek, sang,dans, “rap”, maskers, toneelpoppe, rekwisiete en kostuums. L.W. 3 Rostrum, trappe, stoele ens mag gebruik word. L.W. 4 ‘n Afskrif van die uittreksel hoef nie aan die beoordelaar voorsien te word nie. Klas I 52 Graad 4 - 5 (3 min) Klas I 53 Graad 6 - 7 (5 min) Klas I 54 Graad 8 - 9 (7 min) Klas I 55 Graad 10 - 12 (10 min) Individuele Mimiek Dra ‘n kort tema van jou eie skepping voor met gebruik van beweging en gebare. L.W. 1 ‘n Afskrif van die uittreksel hoef nie aan die beoordelaar voorsien te word nie, maar kondig asseblief die titel van jou werk aan. Klas I 56 Graad 1 - 2 (1 min) Klas I 57 Graad 3 (2 min) Klas I 58 Graad 4 - 5 (3 min) Klas I 59 Graad 6 - 7 (3 min) Klas I 60 Graad 8 – 10 (4 min) Klas I 61 Graad 11 - 12 (4 min) Mimiekgroepe Bied ‘n kort tema aan van jou eie skepping, met gebruik van beweging en gebare. L.W. 1 ‘n Afskrif van die uittreksel hoef nie aan die beoordelaar voorsien te word nie, maar kondig asseblief die titel van jou werk aan. L.W. 2 Elke groep moet uit twee of meer deelnemers bestaan. Klas I 62 Graad 1 - 3 (3 min) Klas I 63 Graad 3 (3 min) Klas I 64 Graad 4 - 5 (4 min) Klas I 65 Graad 6 - 7 (4 min) Page 55 Klas Klas I 66 I 67 Graad 8 – 10 Graad 11 - 12 (5 min) (7 min) Skryf van ‘n Drama Sien asseblief die Afrikaanse Skryfkuns Afdeling (Bladsy 77). OPE AFDELING: SPRAAK Wees asseblief bewus van die maksimum voorgeskrewe tyd in elke klas. Individuele Poësie Kies ‘n gedig uit enige gepubliseerde werk van jou eie keuse. L.W. 1 Elke gedig moet ‘n minimum van 10 reëls wees. L.W. 2 ‘n Afskrif van die gedig moet asseblief aan die beoordelaar voorsien word. Klas IA 1 18 jaar of jonger (4 min) Klas IA 2 19 jaar of ouer (4 min) Groep Voordrag Kies ‘n gedig uit enige gepubliseerde werk van jou eie keuse. L.W. 1 Elke gedig moet ‘n minimum van 10 reëls wees. L.W. 2 ‘n Afskrif van die gedig moet asseblief aan die beoordelaar voorsien word L.W. 3 Die klas is vir 2 - 4 stemme. Klas IA 3 18 jaar of jonger (4 min) Klas IA 4 19 jaar of ouer (4 min) Spreekkore Kies ‘n gedig uit enige gepubliseerde werk van jou eie keuse. L.W.1 ‘n Afskrif van die gedig moet asseblief aan die beoordelaar voorsien word. L.W. 2 Daar moet vyf of meer deelnemers in elke groep wees. L.W. 3 Geen dirigent mag gebruik word nie. Klas IA 5 18 jaar of jonger (5 min) Klas IA 6 19 jaar of ouer (5 min) Individuele Prosa Kies ‘n uittreksel (15 getikte reëls) uit enige gepubliseerde boek, opstel of kortverhaal van jou keuse. Die uittreksel moet geleer word. Die aanbiedingstyl is voordrag en nie toneelspel nie, soos in die geval van ‘n Dramatiese Monoloog. Klas IA 7 18 jaar of jonger (5 min) Klas IA 8 19 jaar of ouer (5 min) Onvoorbereide Voorlesing Die voorleesmateriaal sal voorsien word. Deelnemers sal een minuut kry om die stuk te lees voordat hulle met die voorlesing begin. Klas IA 9 18 jaar of jonger (5 min) Klas IA 10 19 jaar of ouer (5 min) Individuele Storie Vertelkuns Vertel ‘n storie in jou eie woorde, waar of fiktief, asof jy met belangstellende luisteraars gesels. L.W. 1 ‘n Afskrif van die storie hoef nie aan die beoordelaar voorsien te word nie. L.W. 2 Die deelnemer word aangemoedig om gebruik te maak van beeldspraak, digkuns, beweging, klankeffekte en ander tale. Klas IA 11 18 jaar of jonger (7 min) Klas IA 12 19 jaar of ouer (7 min) Page 56 Klas IA 13 Professioneel (10 mins) Individuele Voorbereide Toespraak Berei ‘n toespraak voor oor ‘n tersaaklike Suid Afrikaanse tema van die 21ste eeu. L.W. 1 ‘n Afskrif hoef nie aan die beoordelaar voorsien te word nie. Klas IA 14 18 jaar of jonger (5 min) Klas IA 15 19 jaar of ouer (5 min) OPE AFDELING: DRAMA Wees asseblief bewus van die maksimum voorgeskrewe tyd in elke klas. Gedramatiseerde Solowerk Dra ‘n uittreksel van jou eie keuse uit enige gepubliseerde toneelstuk voor L.W. 1 ‘n Afskrif van die uittreksel moet aan die beoordelaar voorsien word. L.W. 2 Rostrum, trappe, stoele ens. mag gebruik word. Klas IA 16 18 jaar of jonger (7 min) Klas IA 17 19 jaar of ouer (7 min) Klas IA 18 Professioneel (10 min) Gedramatiseerde Groepwerk. Dra ‘n uittreksel van jou eie keuse voor uit enige gepubliseerde toneelstuk of storie (gegrond op mondelinge tradisie). L.W. 1 ‘n Afskrif van die uittreksel moet aan die beoordelaar voorsien word. L.W. 2 Elke groep moet uit 2 of meer deelnemers bestaan. L.W. 3 Rostrum, trappe, stoele ens. mag gebruik word. Klas IA 19 18 jaar of jonger (15 min) Klas IA 20 19 jaar of ouer (15 min) Klas IA 21 Professioneel (20 min) Oorspronklike Gedramatiseerde Solowerk L.W. 1 Kreatiewiteit word aangemoedig en een of meer van die volgende mag ingesluit word: spraak, klankeffekte, beweging,lof-prysing, mimiek, sang, dans, “rap”, maskers, toneelpoppe, rekwisiete en kostuums. L.W. 2 Rostrum, trappe, stoele ens. mag gebruik word. L.W. 3 ‘n Afskrif van die uittreksel hoef nie aan die beoordelaar voorsien te word nie. Klas IA 22 18 jaar of jonger (7 min) Klas IA 23 19 jaar of ouer (7 min) Klas IA 24 Professioneel (10 min) Oorspronklike Gedramatiseerde Groepwerk Bied ‘n oorpsronklike werk aan wat geïnspireer is deur hedendaagse kwessies, persoonlike ervaring of jou verbeelding. L.W. 1 Groepe moet uit twee of meer deelnemers bestaan. L.W. 2 Kreatiewiteit word aangemoedig en een of meer van die volgende mag ingesluit word: spraak, klankeffekte, beweging, mimiek, sang, dans, “rap”, maskers, toneelpoppe, rekwisiete en kostuums. L.W. 3 Rostrum, trappe, stoele ens mag gebruik word. L.W. 4 ‘n Afskrif van die uittreksel hoef nie aan die beoordelaar voorsien te word nie. Klas IA 25 18 jaar of jonger (15 min) Klas IA 26 19 jaar of ouer (15 min) Klas IA 27 Professioneel (20 min) Page 57 Individuele Mimiek Dra ‘n kort tema voor van jou eie skepping met gebruik van beweging en gebare. L.W. 1 ‘n Afskrif van die uittreksel hoef nie aan die beoordelaar voorsien te word nie, maar kondig asseblief die titel van jou werk aan. Klas IA 28 18 jaar of jonger (5 min) Klas IA 29 19 jaar of ouer (5 min) Klas IA 30 Professioneel (7 min) Mimiekgroepe Bied ‘n kort tema aan van jou eie skepping, met gebruik van beweging en gebare. L.W. 1 ‘n Afskrif van die uittreksel hoef nie aan die beoordelaar voorsien te word nie, maar kondig asseblief die titel van jou werk aan. L.W. 2 Elke groep moet uit twee of meer deelnemers bestaan. Klas IA 31 18 jaar of jonger (10 min) Klas IA 32 19 jaar of ouer (10 min) Klas IA 33 Professioneel (15 min) Skryf van ‘n Drama Sien asseblief die Afrikaanse Skryfkuns Afdeling (Bladsy 77). Page 58 J: INTETHO YESIXHOSA NEMIDLALO YEQONGA Amaphetshana okungenela makangqinelane nemigaqo jikelele ye-Eisteddfod ukongeza kule ilandelayo: 1. Uluhlu lwentetho nemidlalo yeqonga lwalo nyaka lwahlulwe langamacandelo amabini awohlukeneyo: IZIKOLO: Abathathu nxaxheba bazo zonke izikolo. KUWONKE-WONKE: Eli Vulelekileyo lenzelwe abantu abadala, ulutsha kwakunye namaqela asekuhlaleni anganxulumenanga nasikolo. 2. Udidi oluVulelekileyo luphinda lwahlulahlulwe lube nodidi (class) lwabakumgangatho ophezulu (umntu ofumene uqeqesho oluphezulu kwisithuba esingaphezu konyaka) kwakunye nabakumgangatho ongezantsi (umntu ongaqeqeshwanga okanye oqeqeshwe kwisithuba esingaphantsi kunyaka). Oku akubandakanyi ezi zintlu zilandelayo: Umhobe womntu omnye, ivesi eculayo, kwakunye nentetho yomntu omnye elungiselelwe isidlangalala. 3. Apho kunokwenzeka abangeneli besikolo okanye isitudiyo esinye bayakhuthazwa ukuba bangakhethi isiqwenga esifanayo. Ukuba bakhetha esifanayo mabasivelele kwinkalo ezahlukeneyo. 4. Abangeneli bangathabatha inxaxheba kube kanye kudidi ngalunye. 5. Izixhobo ezisetyenziswayo ezifana ne-noveli ezishicilelweyo, imihobe, imidlalo, njalo-njalo, zingafumaneka ezikolweni nakumathala encwadi. Kuyakhuthazwa ukusetyenziswa kwemisebenzi yeli loMzantsi Afrika. Kwezinye izintlu kukhuthazwa ukuba ubani asebenzise umsebenzi ongowakhe. 6. Nceda uthumele icwecwe lesiqwenga osikhethileyo libhalwe ngomatshini wokuchwetheza (ukuba unayo indlela), libenesihloko kwakunye negama lombhali, ukulungiselela umgwebi. Abanokunga kwenzi oku ngabo bomdlaloxeliso, abathetha esidlangalaleni. Ababalisi bamabali kwakunye nabemidlalo eqeqeshelweyo. Kule mizekelo abathathu nxaxheba kufanele azise isihloko soko aza kwenza. 7. Isiqwenga ngasinye kumacandelo anentetho kufuneka sifundwe Saziwe ngentloko kuba akuvumelelekanga ukufunda ngelixa ovavanyo. Abanokungakwenzi oku ngabafunda okunga khange kubonwe ngaphambili, okuye kwafakwa kwakwa kwakho kula nyaka. 8. Abangeneli abavumelekanga ukuba badlule kumaxesha asikiweyo nabhaliweyo ngezantsi. 9. Abangeneli kwafanele bathabathe inxaxheba ngesinxibo sesikolo (apho kufanelekileyo) okanye impahla yemidlalo yeqonga, ngaphandle kokuba banikwe myalelo wumbi. 10. Abangeneli abavumelekanga naphantsi kwayiphina imeko ukuthetha nabachongi. Nceda qhakamishelana nomnxibelelanisi okanye abancedisi be-Eisteddfod ukuba unemibuzo. 11. Abangeneli bayakhuthazwa ukuba basebenzise eli thuba ukufunda kwabanye ngokubukela imidlalo yabo. Bayacelwa kanjalo ukuba bahlale kwindawo zabo kude kugqitywe ukuchongwa, ngaphandle kokuba kufuneka bethabathe inxaxheba kwelinye icandelo kwangoko. Page 59 ICANDELO LEZIKOLO: INTETHO (SPEECH) Nceda uqaphele ixesha elisikiweyo kudidi ngalunye. Umhobe Womntu Omnye (Individual Poetry) Khetha umhobe nakweyiphi incwadi eshicilelweyo. Qaphela 1 - Umhobe akufuneki ubengaphantsi kwemigca li-10. Qaphela 2 - Nceda ugqithise ikopi yomhobe kumchongi. Udidi J 1 Ugreyidi 1 - 2 Udidi J 2 Ugreyidi 3 Udidi J 3 Ugreyidi 4 - 5 Udidi J 4 Ugreyidi 6 - 7 Udidi J 5 Ugreyidi 8 - 10 Udidi J 6 Ugreyidi 11 - 12 (2 imizuzu) (2 imizuzu) (3 imizuzu) (3 imizuzu) (4 imizuzu) (4 imizuzu) Umhobe Weqela Elincinci (Small Group Poetry) Khetha umhobe nakuyiphi incwadi eshicelelweyo. Qaphela 1 - Olu didi iqela labantu aba-2-4. Qaphela 2 - Kufuneka imigca li -10 ubuncinane. Udidi J 7 Ugreyidi 1 - 2 Udidi J 8 Ugreyidi 3 Udidi J 9 Ugreyidi 4 - 5 Udidi J 10 Ugreyidi 6 - 7 Udidi J 11 Ugreyidi 8 - 10 Udidi J 12 Ugreyidi 11 - 12 (2 imizuzu) (2 imizuzu) (3 imizuzu) (3 imizuzu) (4 imizuzu) (4 imizuzu) Ivesi Yomculo (Choral Verse) Khetha umhobe nakweyiphi incwadi eshicilelweyo. Qaphela 1 - Abangeneli kufuneka babeba-5 nangaphezulu kwiqela ngalinye. Qaphela 2 - Iqela malibe nabantu abahlanu nangaphezulu. Qaphela 3 - Akufuneki mbhexeshi. Udidi J 13 Ugreyidi 1 - 2 (2 imizuzu) Udidi J 14 Ugreyidi 3 (2 imizuzu) Udidi J 15 Ugreyidi 4 - 5 (3 imizuzu) Udidi J 16 Ugreyidi 6 - 7 (3 imizuzu) Udidi J 17 Ugreyidi 8 - 10 (4 imizuzu) Udidi J 18 Ugreyidi 11 - 12 (4 imizuzu) Iprosi Yomntu Ngamnye (Individual prose) Khetha isicatshulwa nakuyiphina incwadi eshicelelweyo. Ingasisincoko okanye ibali elifutshane. Isicatshulwa kufanele sifundwe ze sithethwe singenziwa umdlalo womntu omnye (Ihlelo 1 -7 - imingca ebhalwe ngomatshini ibelishumi; Ihlelo 8 -12 - iqela lika wonke wonke imiga ebhalwe ngomatshini ibe lishumi elinesihlanu.) Udidi J 19 Ugreyidi 1 - 2 (2 imizuzu) Udidi J 20 Ugreyidi 3 (3 imizuzu) Udidi J 21 Ugreyidi 4 - 5 (3 imizuzu) Udidi J 22 Ugreyidi 6 - 7 (4 imizuzu) Udidi J 23 Ugreyidi 8 - 10 (4 imizuzu) Udidi J 24 Ugreyidi 11 - 12 (4 imizuzu) Page 60 Ukufunda Into Ongayibonanga (Unseen Sight Reading) Isifundo uyakusinikwa unikwe. Abathathi nxaxheba baya kunikwa umzuzu omnye phambi kokufunda. Udidi J 25 Ugreyidi 1 - 2 (2 imizuzu) Udidi J 26 Ugreyidi 3 (2 imizuzu) Udidi J 27 Ugreyidi 4 - 5 (2 imizuzu) Udidi J 28 Ugreyidi 6 - 7 (2 imizuzu) Udidi J 29 Ugreyidi 8 - 10 (2 imizuzu) Udidi J 30 Ugreyidi 11 -12 (2 imizuzu) Ibali Elibaliswa Ngumntu Omnye (Individual Story-telling) Balisa ibali ngamazwi akho ngendlela eyakuthi ibe nomdla kubaphulaphuli. Lingayinyani okanye uliqambe. Qaphela 1 - Ikopi yebali ayifunwa ngumchongi. Qaphela 2 - Umngeneli ukhuthazwa ukuba asebenzise imifanekiso ngqondweni, imihobe, intshukumo, izandi kwakunye nezinye ilwimi. Udidi J 31 Ugreyidi 1 - 2 (2 imizuzu) Udidi J 32 Ugreyidi 3 (3 imizuzu) Udidi J 33 Ugreyidi 4 - 5 (3 imizuzu) Udidi J 34 Ugreyidi 6 - 7 (4 imizuzu) Udidi J 35 Ugreyidi 8 - 10 (5 imizuzu) Udidi J 36 Ugreyidi 11 - 12 (5 imizuzu) Intetho Elungiselelwe Isidlangalala Yomntu Omnye (Individual Public Speaking) Yenza intetho ngesinye sezi zihloko zilandelayo Akhukho butyebi kodwa kukho ubomi”. Uyagqina na? Esana isilwanyana siphazamisa ihlabathi ngumntu. Umbono osuka ngaphezulu. Qaphela 1 - Ikopi yentetho ayifunwa ngumchongi. Udidi J 37 Ugreyidi 6 - 7 (3 imizuzu) Udidi J 38 Ugreyidi 8 - 9 (4 imizuzu) Udidi J 39 Ugreyidi 10 - 12 (5 imizuzu) ICANDELO LEZIKOLO: IMIDLALO YEQONGA (DRAMA) Nceda uqaphele ixesha elisikiweyo kudidi ngalunye. Umdlalwana Owenziwa Ngumntu Omnye (Solo Dramatisation) Khetha isiqwengana nakowuphina umdlalo oshicilelweyo usidlale. gaphandle ko William Shakespeare. Qaphela 1 - Nceda ugqithise ikopi yesiqwengana kumchongi. Qaphela 2 - Isinxibo esingenabuyokoyoko kwakunye nezinye izixhobo ezisetyenziswayo emdlalweni zivumelekile. Udidi J 40 Ugreyidi 4 - 5 (3 imizuzu) Udidi J 41 Ugreyidi 6 - 7 (4 imizuzu) Udidi J 42 Ugreyidi 8 - 9 (4 imizuzu) Udidi J 43 Ugreyidi 10 - 12 (5 imizuzu) Umdlalo Owenziwa Liqela (Group Dramatisation) Khethani isicatshulwa nakuwuphina umdlalo oshicilelweyo okanye ibali lesintu lingashicilelwanga. Ngaphandle kwesika William Shakespeare. Qaphela 1 - Nceda ugqithise ikopi yomdlalo kumchongi. Page 61 Qaphela 2 - Iqela ngalinye kufuneka libenabangeneli ababini nangaphezulu. Qaphela 3 - Isinxibo esigenabuyokoyoko kwakunye nezixhobo ezisetyenziselwa imidlalo zivumelekile. Udidi J 44 Ugreyidi 4 - 5 (3 imizuzu) Udidi J 45 Ugreyidi 6 - 7 (15 imizuzu) Udidi J 46 Ugreyidi 8 - 9 (15 imizuzu) Udidi J 47 Ugreyidi 10 - 12 (20 imizuzu) Umdlalo Oyimveli Owenziwa Ngumntu Omnye (Original Solo Dramatisation) Yenza umdlalo oziqambele wona ophenjelelwa yimiba ephambili kule mihla, imeko ezikwehleleyo kwakunye nemifanekiso ngqondweni. Qaphela 1 - Abangeneli bangasebenzisa intetho, izandi, intshukumo, umdlaloxeliso (mime), ingoma, umjuxuzo, intetha (rap), izigqumi buso (masks), onopopi kwakunye nezinxibo. Qaphela 2 - Izixhobo ezisetyenziswa emdlalweni ezifana nezo zomboniso bhanyabhanya (screen) kwakunye nezitulo zivumelekile. Qaphela 3 - Ikopi yomdlalo ayifunwa ngumchongi. Udidi J 48 Ugreyidi 4 - 5 (3 imizuzu) Udidi J 49 Ugreyidi 6 - 7 (4 imizuzu) Udidi J 50 Ugreyidi 8 - 9 (4 imizuzu) Udidi J 51 Ugreyidi 10 - 12 (5 imizuzu) Umdlalo Oyimveli Owenziwa Liqela (Original Group Dramatisation) Yenzani umdlalo oyimveli okanye eniwuqeqeshelweyo nophenjelelwa yimiba ephambili kule mihla siphila kuyo, imeko ezinehleleyo kwakunye nemifanekiso ngqondweni. Qaphela 1 - Iqela ngalinye kufuneka libenabangeneli ababini nangaphezulu. Qaphela 2 - Abangeneli bangasebenzisa intetho, izandi, intshukumo, umdlalo xeliso, umjuxuzo, intetha (rap), izigqumi buso (masks), onopopi kwakunye ezinxibo. Qaphela 3 - Izixhobo zomdlalo ezifana nezitulo kwakunye nezo zisentyenziswa umboniso bhanyabhanya (screen) zivumelekile. Qaphela 4 - Ikopi yomdlalo ayifunwa ngumchongi. Udidi J 52 Ugreyidi 4 - 5 (3 imizuzu) Udidi J 53 Ugreyidi 6 - 7 (5 imizuzu) Udidi J 54 Ugreyidi 8 - 9 (7 imizuzu) Udidi J 55 Ugreyidi 11 - 12 (10 imizuzu) Umdlaloxeliso Owenziwa Ngumntu Omnye (Individual Mime) Linganisa umxholo wakho omfutshane webali oziqambele lona elingqamene nokubalisa ngohlobo lwemveli, usebenzise ukulinganisa kwakunye nentshukumo. Qaphela 1 - Ikopi yomdlalo ayifunwa ngumchongi, kodwa nceda wazise isihloko somdlalo wakho. Udidi J 56 Ugreyidi 1 - 2 (1 umzuzu) Udidi J 57 Ugreyidi 3 (2 imizuzu) Udidi J 58 Ugreyidi 4 - 5 (3 imizuzu) Udidi J 59 Ugreyidi 6 - 7 (3 imizuzu) Udidi J 60 Ugreyidi 8 - 10 (4 imizuzu) Udidi J 61 Ugreyidi 11 - 12 (4 imizuzu) Umdlaloxeliso Owenziwa Liqela (Group Mime) Linganisani umxholo omfutshane webali eniziqambele lona elingqamene nokubalisa ngohlobo lwemveli, nisebenzise ukulinganisa kwakunye netshukumo. Qaphela 1 - Kufuneka abadlali babebabini nangaphezulu kwiqela ngalinye. Page 62 Qaphela 2 - Ikopi yomdlalo ayifunwa ngumchongi, kodwa ncedani nazise isihloko somdlalo. Udidi J 62 Ugreyidi 1 - 2 (3 imizuzu) Udidi J 63 Ugreyidi 3 (3 imizuzu) Udidi J 64 Ugreyidi 4 - 5 (4 imizuzu) Udidi J 65 Ugreyidi 6 - 7 (4 imizuzu) Udidi J 66 Ugreyidi 8 - 10 (5 imizuzu) Udidi J 67 Ugreyidi 11 - 12 (7 imizuzu) Ubhalo Lomdlalo (Play Writing) Nceda ujonge icandelo lobuchule bokubhala (Play Writing page 79) ICANDELO ELIVULELEKILEYO: INTETHO (SPEECH) Nceda uqaphele ixesha elisikiweyo kudidi ngalunye. Umhobe Womntu Omnye (Individual Poetry) Khetha umhobe nakuyiphi incwadi eshicelelweyo. Qaphela 1 - Kufuneka imigca li -10 ubuncinane. Udidi JA 1 18 ubudala nangaphantsi Udidi JA 2 19 ubudala nangaphezulu (4 imizuzu) (4 imizuzu) Umhobe Weqela Elincinci (Small Group Poetry) Khetha umhobe nakuyiphi incwadi eshicelelweyo. Qaphela 1 - Olu didi iqela labantu aba-2-4. Qaphela 2 - Kufuneka imigca li -10 ubuncinane. Udidi JA 3 18 ubudala nangaphantsi Udidi JA 4 19 ubudala nangaphezulu (4 imizuzu) (4 imizuzu) Ivesi Yomculo (Choral Verse) Khetha umhobe nakweyiphi incwadi eshicilelweyo. Qaphela 1 - Abangeneli kufuneka babeba-5 nangaphezulu kwiqela ngalinye. Qaphela 2 - Iqela malibe nabantu abahlanu nangaphezulu. Qaphela 3 - Akufuneki mbhexeshi. Udidi JA 5 18 ubudala nangaphantsi (5 imizuzu) Udidi JA 6 19 ubudala nangaphezulu (5 imizuzu) Iprosi Yomntu Omnye (Individual Prose) Khetha isicatshulwa (imigca echwetheziweyo ibe li -15) nakweyiphina incwadi eshicelelweyo, isincoko okanye ibali elifutshane. Isicatshulwa kufanele sifundwe ze sithethwe singenziwa umdlalo womntu omnye. Udidi JA 7 18 ubudala nangaphantsi (5 imizuzu) Udidi JA 8 19 ubudala nangaphezulu (5 imizuzu) Ukufunda Into Ongayibonanga (Unseen Sight Reading) Isifundo uyakusinikwa unikwe. Abathathi nxaxheba baya kunikwa umzuzu omnye phambi kokufunda. Udidi JA 9 18 ubudala nangaphantsi (5 imizuzu) Udidi JA 10 19 ubudala nangaphezulu (5 imizuzu) Ukubaliswa Kwebali Ngumntu Omnye (Individual Story-telling) Balisa ibali ngamazwi akho ngendlela eyakuthi ibe nomdla kubaphulaphuli. Lingayinyani okanye uliqambe. Page 63 Qaphela 1 - Umngeneli uyakhuthazwa ukuba asebenzise imifanekisongqondweni, izibongo, intshukumo, izandi kwakunye nezinye iilwimi. Udidi JA 11 18 ubudala nangaphantsi (7 imizuzu) Udidi JA 12 19 ubudala nangaphezulu (7 imizuzu) Udidi JA 13 Umgangatho ophezulu (10 imizuzu) Intetho Yomntu Omnye Elungiselelwe Isidlangalala (Individual Public Speaking) Lungiselela intetho engqamene nemiba ephambili eMzantsi Afrika kule nkulungwane yama -21. Qaphela 1 - Ikopi yentetho ayifunwa ngumchongi. Udidi JA 14 18 ubudala nangaphantsi (5 imizuzu) Udidi JA 15 19 ubudala nangaphezulu (5 imizuzu) ICANDELO ELIVULEKILEYO: IMIDLALO YEQONGA (DRAMA) Nceda uqaphele ixesha elisikiweyo kudidi ngalunye. Umdlalwana Owenziwa Ngumntu Omnye (Solo Dramatisation) Khetha isiqwengana nakowuphi umdlalo oshicelelweyo usidlale. Ngaphandle kwezika William Shakespeare. Qaphela 1 - Nceda ugqithise ikopi kumchongi. Qaphela 2 - Uvumelekile ukusebenzisa izinxibo zabadlali, iqonga elilungisiweyo kunye nezitulo, njalo-njalo. Udidi JA 16 18 ubudala nangaphantsi (7 imizuzu) Udidi JA 17 19 ubudala nangaphezulu (7 imizuzu) Udidi JA 18 Umgangatho ophezulu (Professional) (10 imizuzu) Umdlalo Owenziwa Liqela (Group Dramatisation) Khethani isicatshulwa nakuwuphi umdlalo oshicelelweyo okanye ibali lesintu elingashicilelwanga. Ngaphandle kweyaka William Shakespeare. Qaphela 1 - Nceda ugqithise ikopi kumchongi. Qaphela 2 - Iqela malibenabangeneli ababini nangaphezulu. Qaphela 3 - Uvumelekile ukusebenzisa izinxibo zabadlali, iqonga elilungisiweyo kunye nezitulo, njalo-njalo. Udidi JA 19 18 ubudala nangaphantsi (15 imizuzu) Udidi JA 20 19 ubudala nangaphezulu (15 imizuzu) Udidi JA 21 Umgangatho ophezulu (Professional) (20 imizuzu) Umdlalo Oyimveli Owenziwa Ngumntu Omnye (Original Solo Dramatisation) Yenza umdlalo oziqambele wona (original monologue). Qaphela 1 - Ukuziqambela kuyakhuthazwa kwaye. Umngeneli angasebenzisa intetho, izandi, intshukumo, umdlalo linganiso, umjuxuzo, intetha (rap), izigqumi buso (masks) kwakunye nezinxibo. Qaphela 2 - Uvumelekile ukusebenzisa izinxibo zabadlali, iqonga elilungisiweyo elinezixhobo ezifana nezitulo, njalo-njalo. Udidi JA 22 18 ubudala nangaphantsi (7 imizuzu) Udidi JA 23 19 ubudala nangaphezulu (7 imizuzu) Udidi JA 24 Umgangatho ophezulu (Professional) (10 imizuzu) Umdlalo Oyimveli Owenziwa Liqela (Original Group Dramatisation) Yenzani umdlalo oyimveli okanye eniwuqeqeshelweyo nophenjelelwa yimiba ephambili kule mihla siphila kuyo, imeko ezinehleleyo kwakunye nemifanekiso ngqondweni. Qaphela 1 - Iqela ngalinye kufuneka libenabangeneli ababini nangaphezulu. Page 64 Qaphela 2 - Abangeneli bangasebenzisa intetho, izandi, intshukumo, umdlalo xeliso, umjuxuzo, intetha (rap), izigqumi buso (masks), onopopi kwakunye ezinxibo. Qaphela 3 - Izixhobo zomdlalo ezifana nezitulo kwakunye nezo zisentyenziswa umboniso bhanyabhanya (screen) zivumelekile. Qaphela 4 - Ikopi yomdlalo ayifunwa ngumchongi. Udidi JA 25 18 ubudala nangaphantsi (7 imizuzu) Udidi JA 26 19 ubudala nangaphezulu (7 imizuzu) Udidi JA 27 Umgangatho ophezulu (Professional) (10 imizuzu) Umdlaloxeliso Owenziwa Ngumntu Omnye (Individual Mime) Linganisa umxholo wakho omfutshane webali oziqambele lona elingqamene nokubalisa ngohlobo lwemveli, usebenzise ukulinganisa kwakunye nentshukumo. Qaphela 1 - Ikopi yomdlalo ayifunwa ngumchongi, kodwa nceda wazise isihloko somdlalo wakho. Udidi JA 28 18 ubudala nangaphantsi (7 imizuzu) Udidi JA 29 19 ubudala nangaphezulu (7 imizuzu) Udidi JA 30 Umgangatho ophezulu (Professional) (10 imizuzu) Umdlaloxeliso Owenziwa Liqela (Group Mime) Linganisani umxholo omfutshane webali eniziqambele lona elingqamene nokubalisa ngohlobo lwemveli, nisebenzise ukulinganisa kwakunye netshukumo. Qaphela 1 - Kufuneka abadlali babebabini nangaphezulu kwiqela ngalinye. Qaphela 2 - Ikopi yomdlalo ayifunwa ngumchongi, kodwa ncedani nazise isihloko somdlalo. Udidi JA 31 18 ubudala nangaphantsi (7 imizuzu) Udidi JA 32 19 ubudala nangaphezulu (7 imizuzu) Udidi JA 33 Umgangatho ophezulu (Professional) (10 imizuzu) Ubhalo Lomdlalo (Play Writing) Nceda ujonge icandelo lobuchule bokubhala (Play Writing page 79) Page 65 DANCE Entries must comply with the General Rules of the Eisteddfod in addition to the following: 1. No teacher or parent is allowed backstage, unless in the capacity of accompanist. This excludes the dressing rooms. 2. Group Age Limit - If more than a quarter of the dancers are over the maximum age limit of a section, then the item must be entered in the higher age group, i.e. age is determined by the eldest in the group. 3. Please ensure that dancers are appropriately but simply costumed. 4. Effects are to be kept as simple as possible. 5. No participants under the age of 13 years will be allowed to do point work. 6. Time allowed for dances must be strictly adhered to. Performances exceeding the stipulated time will be stopped. 7. The Eisteddfod Office has tried to incorporate as many different dance forms as feasibly possible in this section. As there are so many different dance terms in use at present it is often difficult to clearly define a dance style. Please phone the Eisteddfod Office (046) 603 1147/1107 should you require clarification of any dance category. 8. This is a growing section of the Eisteddfod Syllabus and as such the Eisteddfod Office would appreciate all feedback and comments. 9. Each participant will be given a short rehearsal time in the performance venue. A separate venue will be made available for warm ups. 10. Categories in this section will be adjudicated on performance and NOT choreography unless otherwise specified. Page 66 K: AFRICAN DANCE Note 1 Note 2 - Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Groups must consist of 2 dancers or more. Traditional Dance This category is intended for any traditional African dance incl. all African countries. Dancers are encouraged to present a genuine traditional performance with no modern variations eg. mxhentso or the Reed Dance. Class K1 8 years of age and under (5 mins) Class K2 9 - 10 years of age (5 mins) Class K3 11 - 12 years of age (5 mins) Class K4 13 - 15 years of age (5 mins) Class K5 16 - 17 years of age (5 mins) Class K6 18 years of age and older (10 mins) Gumboot Dancing This category is intended for gumboot dancing with its origins in the mines of South Africa. Class K7 8 years of age and under (2 mins) Class K8 9 - 10 years of age (2 mins) Class K9 11 - 12 years of age (3 mins) Class K10 13 - 15 years of age (5 mins) Class K11 16 - 17 years of age (5 mins) Class K12 18 years of age and older (7 mins) L: CONTEMPORARY DANCE This section is intended for contemporary South African Dance with the emphasis on invention and innovative movement language and ideas. Teachers and dancers are encouraged to interact creatively with current/contemporary techniques and languages Note 1 This should be choreographed as a group performance with the focus on movement language, dance vocabulary and idea. Note 2 The choreographer may make use of the following elements: dance, movement, mime, text, music, sound and scenic devices to create a dynamic dance theatre experience. Note 3 Participants in this category will be adjudicated on choreography and performance. Note 4 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Solo Work Class L1 Class L2 Class L3 15 years of age and under 17 years of age and under 18 years of age and older (3 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) Group Work Class L4 Class L5 Class L6 15 years of age and under 17 years of age and under 18 years of age and older (5 mins) (5 mins) (10 mins) Contemporary Dance Choreography This section is intended for an original solo or group Contemporary Dance piece. Note 1 This category will be adjudicated primarily on choreography. Note 2 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Note 3 Groups must consist of 2 dancers or more. Page 67 Class Class Class Class N25 N26 N27 N28 15 years of age and under 17 years of age and under 18 years of age and older Teachers (3 mins) (5 mins) (7 mins) (10 mins) M: BALLET Note 1 Note 2 - CLASSICAL BALLET Classical work must be based on classical technique maintaining lines and movement throughout. Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Solos & Duets Class M1 Class M2 Class M3 Class M4 Class M5 Class M6 Groups Note 1 Note 2 Class M7 Class M8 Class M9 Class M10 Class M11 Class M12 8 years of age and under 9 - 10 years of age 11 - 12 years of age 13 - 14 years of age 15 - 17 years of age 18 years of age and older Each group must consist of 3 dancers or more. Please note the maximum time limit in each class. 8 years of age and under 9 - 10 years of age 11 - 12 years of age 13 - 14 years of age 15 - 17 years of age 18 years of age and older (1½ mins) (2 mins) (2 mins) (2½ mins) (2½ mins) (3 mins) (3 mins) (3 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) (7 mins) Demi Character Note 1 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Solo & Duets Class M13 Class M14 Class M15 Class M16 Class M17 Class M18 8 years of age and under 9 - 10 years of age 11 - 12 years of age 13 - 14 years of age 15 - 17 years of age 18 years of age and older (1½ mins) (2 mins) (2½ mins) (2½ mins) (2½ mins) (3 mins) Groups Class M19 Class M20 Class M21 Class M22 Class M23 Class M24 8 years of age and under 9 - 10 years of age 11 - 12 years of age 13 - 14 years of age 15 - 17 years of age 18 years of age and older (3 mins) (3 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) (7 mins) Page 68 Classical Ballet Choreography This section is intended for an original solo or group ballet piece based on classical movements. Note 1 This section will be adjudicated primarily on choreography. Note 2 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Class M25 15 years of age and under (3 mins) Class M26 17 years of age and under (5 mins) Class M27 18 years of age and older (7 mins) Class M28 Teachers (10 mins) CONTEMPORARY BALLET This category is intended for a solo or group ballet piece with modern variations. This category is open to interpretation. Note 1 This category will be adjudicated on performance. Note 2 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Solo Work Class M29 Class M30 Class M31 15 years of age and under 17 years of age and under 18 years of age and older (3 mins) (5 mins) (7 mins) Group Work Class M32 Class M33 Class M34 15 years of age and under 17 years of age and under 18 years of age and older (5 mins) (10 mins) (15 mins) Contemporary Ballet Choreography This category is intended for an original solo or group ballet piece with modern variations. This category is open to interpretation. Note 1 This category will be adjudicated primarily on choreography. Note 2 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Class M35 15 years of age and under (3 mins) Class M36 17 years of age and under (5 mins) Class M37 18 years of age and older (7 mins) Class M38 Teachers (10 mins) N: MODERN/HIP-HOP/AFRO FUSION/JAZZ DANCE Note 1 Note 2 Note 3 Note 4 Note 5 - Construct a short dance composition and avoid classroom exercise sequences. Movements must be original. Focus attention on dance movements and dance composition. Appropriate music should be selected for the dance idea or arrangement. Costumes should suit the dance idea or style. Avoid elaborative or decorative costumes that have no bearing on the dance subject. Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Modern Solo Work Class N1 8 years of age and under Class N2 9 - 10 years of age Class N3 11 - 12 years of age Class N4 13 - 14 years of age Class N5 15 - 17 years of age Class N6 18 years of age and older Page 69 (2½ mins) (2½ mins) (3 mins) (3 mins) (5 mins) (7 mins) Modern Groups Note 1 Groups must consist of 2 dancers or more. Class N7 8 years of age and under Class N8 9 - 10 years of age Class N9 11 - 12 years of age Class N10 13 - 14 years of age Class N11 15 - 17 years of age Class N12 18 years of age and older (2½ mins) (2½ mins) (3 mins) (3 mins) (5 mins) (7 mins) Modern/Jazz Dance Choreography This section is intended for an original solo or group Modern/Jazz Dance piece. Note 1 This category will be adjudicated primarily on choreography. Note 2 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Note 3 Groups must consist of 2 dancers or more. Class N13 15 years of age and under (3 mins) Class N14 17 years of age and under (5 mins) Class N15 18 years of age and older (7 mins) Class N16 Teachers (10 mins) Hip Hop Solo This section is intended for a solo original Hip-Hop Dance piece. Note 1 This category will be adjudicated primarily on choreography. Note 2 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Class N17 15 years of age and under (3 mins) Class N18 17 years of age and under (5 mins) Class N19 18 years of age and older (7 mins) Class N20 Teachers (10 mins) Hip Hop Group This section is intended for a group original Hip-Hop Dance piece. Note 1 This category will be adjudicated primarily on choreography. Note 2 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Note 3 Groups must consist of 2 dancers or more. Class N21 15 years of age and under (3 mins) Class N22 17 years of age and under (5 mins) Class N23 18 years of age and older (7 mins) Class N24 Teachers (10 mins) Mapantsula/Township Jive This category is intended for Mapantsula Dance and Township Jive excluding modern variations. Class N25 8 years of age and under (2 mins) Class N26 9 - 10 years of age (2 mins) Class N27 11 - 12 years of age (3 mins) Class N28 13 - 15 years of age (5 mins) Class N29 16 - 17 years of age (5 mins) Class N30 18 years of age and older (7 mins) Afro Fusion This category is intended for contemporary African Dance that may include all of the above categories with modern variations incl. jive, twalatsa, kwasa-kwasa, tsiba-tsiba or falasa. Class N31 8 years of age and under (2 mins) Class N32 9 - 10 years of age (5 mins) Class N33 11 - 12 years of age (5 mins) Page 70 Class N34 Class N35 Class N36 13 - 15 years of age 16 - 17 years of age 18 years of age and older (5 mins) (5 mins) (7 mins) Choreography This category is intended for an original dance piece choreographed using any of the African Dance styles, Afro Fusion or a mixture of them. Note 1 This category will be adjudicated primarily on choreography. Note 2 Please note the maximum time limit in this section. Class N37 15 years of age and under (3 mins) Class N38 17 years of age and under (5 mins) Class N39 18 years of age and older (7 mins) Class N40 Teachers (10 mins) Modern Dance Improvisation Solo This section is intended for an original solo Modern Improvisation Dance piece. Note 1 This category will be adjudicated primarily on creativity, originality and choreography. Note 2 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Class N41 8 years of age and under (2½ mins) Class N42 9 - 10 years of age (2½ mins) Class N43 11 - 12 years of age (3 mins) Class N44 13 - 14 years of age (3 mins) Class N45 15 - 17 years of age (5 mins) Class N46 18 years of age and older (7 mins) O: SPANISH DANCE Note 1 Solo Class Class Class Class Class Class O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 Group Note 1 Class O7 Class O8 Class O9 Class O10 Class O11 Class O12 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. 8 years of age and under 9 - 10 years of age 11 - 12 years of age 13 - 14 years of age 15 - 17 years of age 18 years of age and older Groups must consist of 2 dancers or more. 8 years of age and under 9 - 10 years of age 11 - 12 years of age 13 - 14 years of age 15 - 17 years of age 18 years of age and older (2½ mins) (2½ mins) (3 mins) (3 mins) (5 mins) (7 mins) (2½ mins) (2½ mins) (3 mins) (3 mins) (5 mins) (7 mins) Spanish Dance Choreography This section is intended for an original solo or group Spanish Dance piece. Note 1 This category will be adjudicated primarily on choreography. Note 2 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Note 3 Groups must consist of 2 dancers or more. Page 71 Class Class Class Class O13 O14 O15 O16 15 years of age and under 17 years of age and under 18 years of age and older Teachers (3 mins) (5 mins) (7 mins) (10 mins) P: TAP DANCE Note 1 Solo Work Class P1 Class P2 Class P3 Class P4 Class P5 Class P6 Groups Note 1 Class P7 Class P8 Class P9 Class P10 Class P11 Class P12 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. 8 years of age and under 9 - 10 years of age 11 - 12 years of age 13 - 14 years of age 15 - 17 years of age 18 years of age and older Groups must consist of 2 dancers or more. 8 years of age and under 9 - 10 years of age 11 - 12 years of age 13 - 14 years of age 15 - 17 years of age 18 years of age and older (2½ mins) (2½ mins) (3 mins) (3 mins) (5 mins) (7 mins) (2½ mins) (2½ mins) (3 mins) (3 mins) (5 mins) (7 mins) Tap Dance Choreography This section is intended for an original solo or group Tap Dance piece. Note 1 This category will be adjudicated primarily on choreography. Note 2 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Note 3 Groups must consist of 2 dancers or more. Class P13 15 years of age and under (3 mins) Class P14 17 years of age and under (5 mins) Class P15 18 years of age and older (7 mins) Class P16 Teachers (10 mins) Q: INDIAN DANCE Note 1 Note 2 Solo Class Class Class Class Class Class Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Group Note 1 Class Q7 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. All Indian Dance styles may participate together. 8 years of age and under 9 - 10 years of age 11 - 12 years of age 13 - 14 years of age 15 - 17 years of age 18 years of age and older Groups must consist of 2 dancers or more. 8 years of age and under Page 72 (3 mins) (3 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) (7 mins) (7 mins) (3 mins) Class Class Class Class Class Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 9 - 10 years of age 11 - 12 years of age 13 - 14 years of age 15 - 17 years of age 18 years of age and older (3 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins) (7 mins) (7 mins) Contemporary Indian Dance Choreography This section is intended for an original solo or group Indian Dance piece. Note 1 This category will be adjudicated primarily on choreography. Note 2 Please note the maximum time limit in each class. Note 3 Groups must consist of 2 dancers or more. Class Q13 15 years of age and under (5 mins) Class Q14 17 years and under (5 mins) Class Q15 18 years of age and older (7 mins) Class Q16 Teachers (10 mins) R: BALLROOM DANCING Note 1 Note 2 - All Ballroom Dancing styles (e.g. Latin-American, Tango, Waltz, etc.) may participate together and participants may enter more than once. Please note the maximum time limit in each category. “Strictly Ballroom” This section is intended for serious dancers. Participants will be adjudicated on technique, correctness of steps, presentation, musicality, energy, and appropriate interpretation of styles. Please note, however, that participants are not entering as competitors, but as individuals. The Eisteddfod event is not an affiliated competition and NO PRIZES will be awarded. Certificates will be awarded in line with the rules of the Eisteddfod (p.8) Class R 1 8 years of age and under (2½ mins) Class R 2 9 - 10 years (2½ mins) Class R 3 11 - 12 years (3 mins) Class R 4 13 - 14 years (3 mins) Class R 5 15 - 17 years (5 mins) Class R 6 18 years of age and older (7 mins) Social Ballroom This section is less rigorous than the previous section and designed to encourage newcomers and social dancers. Class R 7 8 years of age and under (2½ mins) Class R 8 9 - 10 years (2½ mins) Class R 9 11 - 12 years (3 mins) Class R 10 13 - 14 years (3 mins) Class R 11 15 - 17 years (5 mins) Class R 12 18 years of age and older (7 mins) Masters’ Section - Open to dancers of 45 years and over. Class R13 (7 mins) Ballroom Dance Choreography This section is intended for an original Ballroom Dance piece. Note 1 This category will be adjudicated primarily on choreography. Note 2 Groups must consist of 2 dancers or more. Class R14 15 years and under (3 mins) Page 73 Class Class Class Class R15 R16 R17 R18 17 years and under 18 years and older Masters - 45 years and older Teachers Page 74 (5 mins) (7 mins) (7 mins) (7 mins) CREATIVE WRITING S: ENGLISH CREATIVE WRITING Entries must comply with the General Rules of the Eisteddfod in addition to the following: 1. Each entry must be the original work of the participant. 2. Entries submitted by learners must be signed by their educator indicating that this is indeed the original work of the learner. 3. The Open classes are for all non-school participants. Participants in these classes must sign on the reverse side of their entry and declare that the work submitted is their own original writing. 4. The organisers reserve the right to publish any writing entered for adjudication for publications and media purposes. 4. The following information must appear on a separate piece of paper attached to the entry: Pupils: Name of Participant Name of School School Address Grade of Learner Eisteddfod Class Entered Adults: Name Address Eisteddfod Class Entered 5. Entries must not exceed 1000 words. (250 - 500 words recommended). 6. All entries must be typed or neatly written by the entrant. 7. The closing and delivery date for all entries is 19 March 2014. Prose Own choice of subject. Class S1 Grade 1 - 2 Class S2 Grade 3 Class S3 Grade 4 Class S4 Grade 5 Class S5 Grade 6 Class S6 Grade 7 Class S7 Grade 8 Class S8 Grade 9 Class S9 Grade 10 Class S10 Grade 11 Class S11 Grade 12 Class S12 Open Page 75 Poetry One poem with a maximum of 30 lines, or three shorter poems may be submitted as a single entry. Class S13 Grade 1 - 2 Class S14 Grade 3 Class S15 Grade 4 Class S16 Grade 5 Class S17 Grade 6 Class S18 Grade 7 Class S19 Grade 8 Class S20 Grade 9 Class S21 Grade 10 Class S22 Grade 11 Class S23 Grade 12 Class S24 Open Plays Write a play of no longer than 15 pages. The play may include any number of characters or scenes. Class S25 Grade 8 - 9 Class S26 Grade 10 - 12 Class S27 Open Screenplays Write a screenplay for film or television no longer than 15 pages. Attention must be paid to the conventions of script writing. The script may include any number of characters or scenes. Class S28 Grade 8 - 9 Class S29 Grade 10 - 12 Class S30 Open 14 Word Story Write a story in 14 words. No more and no less. Class S31 Grade 8 - 9 Class S32 Grade 10 - 12 Class S33 Open Page 76 T: SKRYFKUNS IN AFRIKAANS Inskrywings moet voldoen aan die vereistes van die Algemene Reëls van die Eisteddfod insluitende die volgende: 1. Alle inskrywings moet die oorspronklike werk van die deelnemer wees. 2. Alle inskrywings van skoolgaande deelnemers moet deur ‘n onderwyser/es onderteken word om aan te dui dat dit die leerling se eie werk is. 3. Inskrywings in die Ope Afdeling moet ingedien word met van ‘n skriftelike verklaring dat dit die deelnemer se eie oorspronklike werk is. 4. Die volgende moet op ‘n aparte vel papier geskryf word en dan aan die inskrywing geheg word: Leerlinge: Naam Skool Naam Skool Adres Graad Eisteddfod Klas Nommer Ope Afdeling : Naam Adres Eisteddfod Klas Nommer 5. Inskrywings mag nie langer as 1000 woorde wees nie. 6. Alle inskrywings moet getik wees of ten minste leesbaar geskryf word. 7. Sluitingsdatum vir alle inskrywings en die inlewering van werk is 19 Maart 2014. Prosa Eie keuse van onderwerp. Klas T1 Graad 1 - 2 Klas T2 Graad 3 Klas T3 Graad 4 Klas T4 Graad 5 Klas T5 Graad 6 Klas T6 Graad 7 Klas T7 Graad 8 Klas T8 Graad 9 Klas T9 Graad 10 Klas T10 Graad 11 Klas T11 Graad 12 Klas T12 Ope Page 77 Gedigte Een gedig van maksimum dertig reëls, of drie korter gedigte, mag as een inskrywing getel word. Eie keuse van onderwerp. Klas T13 Graad 1 - 2 Klas T14 Graad 3 Klas T15 Graad 4 Klas T16 Graad 5 Klas T17 Graad 6 Klas T18 Graad 7 Klas T19 Graad 8 Klas T20 Graad 9 Klas T21 Graad 10 Klas T22 Graad 11 Klas T23 Graad 12 Klas T24 Ope Skryf van ‘n drama Skryf ‘n drama nie langer as 15 bladsye nie met soveel tonele en karakters as wat jy wil hê. Klas T25 Graad 8 - 9 Klas T26 Graad 10 - 12 Klas T27 Ope Skryf van ‘n manuskrip Skryf ‘n manuskrip vir televisie of film, wat nie langer as 15 bladsye is nie. Sorg dat jy die korekte formaat vir film of televisie tekste gebruik. Klas T28 Graad 8 - 9 Klas T29 Graad 10 - 12 Klas T30 Ope 14 Woord Verhaal Skryf ‘n verhaal in 14 woorde. Nie ‘n woord meer of ‘n woord minder nie. Klas T31 Graad 8 - 9 Klas T32 Graad 10 - 12 Klas T33 Ope Page 78 U: ISIXHOSA- IMIBHALO EQWETYIWEYO Amaphetshana okungenela makangqinelane nemigaqo jikelele ye-Eisteddfod kunye nale ilandelayo: 1. Ungenelo ngalunye malube ngumsebenzi ngqo womngeneli ngamnye. 2. Amangenelo athunyelwe ngabafundi mawasayinwe ngumfundisi ukungqina into yokuba ngumsebenzi ngqo womfundi. 3. Kwicandelo lomntu wonke abangeneli mabasayine ngokwabo ngasemva kungeniso bangqine into yokuba olu lubhalo lwabo abazenzeleyo. 4. Ezi nkcukacha zilandelayo mazivele kwiphepha elilodwa elifakelwe kwiphepha longenelo: Abafundi Igama lomngeneli Igama lesikolo Idilesi yesikolo Igreyidi yomfundi Icandelo le-Eisteddfod Kwabadala 5. Igama Idilesi Icandelo le-Eisteddfod Ubude bemibhalo kuwo onke amabanga mabungabi ngaphezulu kwamagama angama 1000. 6. Amangenelo onke mawabhalwe ngomatshini okanye ngesandla esicacileyo. 7. Amangenelo mawathunyelwe ngaphambi komhla we- 19 March 2014, ongumhla wokuvala. Ubhalo - Gabalala Umxholo ozikhethele wona. Udidi U1 Ugreyidi 1 - 2 Udidi U2 Ugreyidi 3 Udidi U3 Ugreyidi 4 Udidi U4 Ugreyidi 5 Udidi U5 Ugreyidi 6 Udidi U6 Ugreyidi 7 Udidi U7 Ugreyidi 8 Udidi U8 Ugreyidi 9 Udidi U9 Ugreyidi 10 Udidi U10 Ugreyidi 11 Udidi U11 Ugreyidi 12 Udidi U12 Icandelo lomntu wonke Page 79 Izibongo Umbongo omnye onemigca eli -30, okanye imibongo emithathu emifutshane ingangeniswa njengongenelo olunye. Udidi U13 Ugreyidi 1 - 2 Udidi U14 Ugreyidi 3 Udidi U15 Ugreyidi 4 Udidi U16 Ugreyidi 5 Udidi U17 Ugreyidi 6 Udidi U18 Ugreyidi 7 Udidi U19 Ugreyidi 8 Udidi U20 Ugreyidi 9 Udidi U21 Ugreyidi 10 Udidi U22 Ugreyidi 11 Udidi U23 Ugreyidi 12 Udidi U24 Icandelo lomntu wonke Ubhalo lomdlalo Weqonga (Plays) Bhala umdlalo obude bungadlulanga kumaphepha ali -15. Naliphi na inani labadlali okanye imiboniso (scenes) lamkelekile. Udidi U25 Ugreyidi 8 - 9 Udidi U26 Ugreyidi 10 - 12 Udidi U27 Icandelo lomntu wonke Ubhalo Lwecwecwe Lomdlalo (Screenwriting) Bhala umdlalo womboniso bhanyabhanya okanye womabonakude, ungadluli kumaphepha ali -15. Nceda uqaphele imiqathango yobhalo lwemidlalo yeqonga. Naliphi na inani labadlali okanye imiboniso (scenes) lamkelekile. Udidi U28 Ugreyidi 8 - 9 Udidi U29 Ugreyidi 10 - 12 Udidi U30 Icandelo lomntu wonke Ibali elinama gama ayi 14 (14 Word Story) Bhala ibali elinama gama ayi 14. Angabi ngaphantsi angabi ngephezulu kunoko. Udidi U31 Ugreyidi 8 - 9 Udidi U32 Ugreyidi 10 - 12 Udidi U33 Icandelo lomntu wonke Page 80 V: VISUAL ART PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT REMOVE WORKS FROM THE EXHIBITION Entries must comply with the General Rules of the Eisteddfod in addition to the following: 1. All artwork must be delivered or posted to and collected from: The 1820 Settlers National Monument P.O. Box 304 Fort Selwyn Drive Grahamstown Grahamstown 6140 2. The closing date for entries is Wednesday 9 April 2014. Any works received after this date will not be entered for adjudication. 3. Work which cannot be collected will be posted back to entrants via regular mail. Entrants who require that their work be returned to them via other means (courier etc.) must make prior arrangements with the organisers and the costs involved will be for the entrant’s account. All enquiries can be directed to (046) 603 1147/1107. 4. All entries must be the original work of the entrant. 5. Please note that while every care will be taken with every work, the organisers cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss. 6. Two-dimensional work This section includes graphic and/or mixed media and/or paint processes. The work must be mounted. Textiles are included in this section, however mounting of textiles is optional. These works are attached to the exhibition surfaces by staple gun and pins. Please make sure that all mounting suits this method of display. The entrant’s name, school and class into which the work is being entered must be indicated on the front of the mounting in the lower left hand corner. The entrant’s name, school and school address (where applicable) must be clearly displayed on the back of the work. 7. Three-dimensional work The work must be secured on a firm base. It may consist of any material and/or scrap. Ceramic sculpture may be included in the appropriate three-dimensional classes. The entrant’s name, school & class into which the work is being entered must be indicated on the top of the base. The entrant’s name, school and school address (where applicable) must be clearly indicated under the base. 8. Craft includes ceramics, weaving, wire construction, woodwork, beadwork etc. 9. Work which does not satisfy the requirements will not be entered for judging. 10. The organisers reserve the right to print photographs of any art entered for adjudication for publications and media purposes. 11. Most classes offer an OWN CHOICE option as well as those suggested. Page 81 Grade 1 – 2 Class V1 Subjects: Two-dimensional work My Home My Best Friend My Favourite place Class V2 Subjects: Three-dimensional work My Street A Trip to the Moon Bugs and Beetles Class V3 Craft Own choice Grade 3 – 4 Class V4 Subjects: Two and three-dimensional work Creepy Crawlies Inside my computer Outer Space Under the Sea Summer Bushveld Class V5 Craft Own choice Grade 5 – 6 Class V6 Subjects: Two or three-dimensional work Inside my Imagination Soccer Scary Insects A wise bird HIV/Aids and South Africa Break Time Class V7 Craft Own choice Grade 7 Class V8 Subjects: Two and three-dimensional work Drought Wildlife of South Africa What I will look like when I’m old Bird’s Eye View Outside my window Class V9 Craft Own choice Page 82 Grade 8 Class V10 Subjects: Two and three-dimensional work Reflected Images I’ve been to South Africa in the year 3000 Brothers and sisters from different cultures The bushveld Class V11 Craft Own choice Grade 9 Class V12 Subjects: Two dimensional work HIV/Aids and/or Pregnancy Awareness In flight Inside My Head My Bedroom Class V13 Subjects: Three dimensional work From the Ashes (a work using recycled and found objects) A mask that reveals a particular human emotion A puppet based on one of the Big Five animals Class V14 Craft Own choice Grade 10 Class V15 Subjects: Painting and Drawing The view from the top Green and gold Winter Hands OR Feet Natural Harmony Class V16 Subjects: Design and Graphics Textile design for a Tablecloth and Serviettes Reflections Design three original circus clown costumes Class V17 Subjects: Three-dimensional work From the Ashes (a work using recycled and found objects) Chaos A world in a box Class V18 Craft Own choice Grade 11 – 12 Class V19 Subjects: Painting Inner city Self-portrait Green and gold Page 83 Chasing Dreams In flight Class V20 Subjects: Drawing Class V21 Subjects Design and Graphics Design an A1 size poster for the Standard Bank National Schools Festival 2014 Design a logo for a fictional NPO (not for profit organisation) that works with orphaned children Create a textile design for fabric Class V22 Subjects: Three-dimensional work Inside/Outside (a work using recycled or found objects) A moment in time An impossible machine This is what hunger feels like Class V23 Craft Superheroes Reflections Culture Shock Initiation Seashells I am a South African Own choice Open Section Class Class Class Class Class V24 V25 V26 V27 V28 Painting Drawing Design and Graphics Three-dimensional work Craft and Ceramics Own choice Own choice Own choice Own choice Own choice LSEN SCHOOLS Primary level (6 - 9 years of age) Class Class Class Class V29 V30 V31 V32 Painting Drawing 3 Dimensional Work Craft Own choice Own choice Own choice Own choice Junior Level (10 - 12 years of age) Class V33 Subjects: Painting Class V34 Drawing Aloes or butterflies My Street My pet Own choice Page 84 Subjects: My Family Green and gold Creepy Crawlies The Street I Live In Own choice Class V35 Subjects: 3 Dimensional Work A Beautiful Building A Fancy Car Own choice Class V36 Craft Own choice Middle Level (13 - 15 years of age) Class V37 Subjects: Class V38 Subjects: Painting View from my window Summer The Race A wonderful machine Own choice Drawing Outer Space My Grandmother’s Home Hands OR Feet The Race Own choice Class V39 Subjects: 3 Dimensional Work A work using recycled objects The Windmill Own choice Class V40 Craft Own choice Senior Level (16 - 18 years of age) Class V41 Subjects: Painting Class V42 Subjects: Drawing Class V43 3 Dimensional Work Own choice Class V44 Craft Own choice Still life The River Organic/mechanical forms Own choice Self-portrait African tide Drought In flight Own choice Page 85 W: PHOTOGRAPHY Entries must comply with the General Rules of the Eisteddfod in addition to the following: 1. All entries must be the original work of the entrant. 2. A maximum of three entries per person from any class may be submitted. 3. Enhancing of photos with brightness, saturation, contrast, sharpness and cropping is allowed, but no editing of the composition elements will be allowed. Each photo entered must include an electronic copy of the enhanced photo as well as an electronic copy of the original image (from the camera before any enhancements are made) on a labelled CD placed in a labelled envelope and attached on the back of the mounted photograph. 4. Photographs must either be printed at a photographic lab or on photographic paper. 5. Prints should be mounted and not smaller than 20 x 25cm or larger than 40 x 50cm including mounts. 6. Prints should be clearly labelled on the back with the entrant’s name, age, school (where applicable) and home address as well as telephone number and title of the picture. CD and envelope must also be labelled in this way. As well as labelled with the entrant’s name, school and class entered into in the left corner of the front. 7. All possible care will be taken with the works but no responsibility will be assumed for loss of, or damage to, entries in transit or at the exhibition. 8. All work not complying with the above specifications will not be accepted for judging. 9. The organisers reserve the right to print photographs of any art entered for adjudication for publications and media purposes. 10. All work must be delivered or posted to and collected from: The 1820 Settlers National Monument P.O. Box 304 Fort Selwyn Drive Grahamstown Grahamstown 6140 11. The closing date for entries is Wednesday 9 April 2014. Any entries received after this date will not be included in adjudication. 12. The submission of entries signifies acceptance of the above conditions Monochrome (Black and White, Sepia, etc) Photographs Class W1 Primary School Class W2 Secondary School Class W3 Adults Class W4 LSEN Junior Level Class W5 LSEN Senior Level Page 86 Colour Pictorial Photographs Class W6 Primary School Class W7 Secondary School Class W8 Adults Class W9 LSEN Junior Level Class W10 LSEN Senior Level Colour Nature Photographs The nature section includes photographs of plants or animals only. It does not include landscapes; these will be included in the pictorial class. Class W11 Primary School Class W12 Secondary School Class W13 Adults Class W14 LSEN Junior Level Class W15 LSEN Senior Level Creative Photography Interpret a line, quote or title of a book, song or poem using photographic medium. More than one photograph may be used e.g. Collage, series, etc. The entry has to be physically connected in some way e.g. mounted on one board, hanging by ribbon, using a three dimensional object, etc. There are no size restrictions in this category, creativity is encouraged. Please include a brief explanation of your interpretation and/or the line or quote you are interpreting. Class W16 Primary School Class W17 Secondary School Class W18 Adults Class W19 LSEN Junior Level Class W20 LSEN Senior Level Page 87 Z: PRE-SCHOOL PARTICIPATION Entries must comply with the General Rules of the Eisteddfod in addition to the following: 1. With this section the Eisteddfod aims to encourage a love and enjoyment of the arts in preschool children. 2. This section is intended as a participation section only, allowing pre-school children to engage in Eisteddfod activities without judgement. There will therefore be no adjudication. 3. Each participant will receive a participation award. 4. This section is open to all pre-school children from the ages of 3 years to 7 years and will take place in the mornings over 3 days. 5. Age as at: 1st May 2014. 6. Each of the 3 categories listed below will consist of a one hour supervised workshop. Teachers and parents are welcome to join in. Dance This workshop will focus on body awareness and the fun that can be had in exploring the different ways in which the body can move. Class Z1 3 - 4 years of age Class Z2 5 - 7 years of age Visual Art This workshop will focus on painting and drawing. Participants will be encouraged to work as a group with different mediums (e.g. finger paints, crayons) to create a vibrant, visually exciting collage. Class Z3 3 - 4 years of age Class Z4 5 - 7 years of age Drama This workshop will focus on using speech, sound and movement to create a visual story. Class Z5 3 - 4 years of age Class Z6 5 - 7 years of age Page 88 Notes Page 89 Eastern Cape Eisteddfod 2014 A project of the Grahamstown Foundation Group Entry Form: Please tick which section you wish to enter: Music Speech & Drama Dance Visual Arts Creative Workshops B27 Please indicate clearly the CLASS entered using its code: e.g. (Please complete a separate entry form for each class of entries) Physically / Mentally challenged (LSEN)? Payment by: Direct Deposit Yes No Cheque Please complete the following table: Duets and trios receive individual certificate at no extra cost. Please ensure the name of each participant is listed for certificates. Group name is the name that will appear on the certificate 1 Group Name Dordrecht High School Choir No. 25 Race 5 I/ 20 B Entry R39-00 Performance 5 min 30 sec Race Group Name No. (Black, White, Coloured, Indian or Asian) Other C20 Entry Fee Paid Performance Duration R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec Other Classed Entered Contact Person: ________________________________________________________________________ School / Studio / Institution (if applicable): ____________________________________________________ Postal Address: ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Code: ___________________ Tel: ( ) ________________ Fax: ( ) ________________ E-mail: ____________________________ Eastern Cape Eisteddfod 2014 A project of the Grahamstown Foundation Individual Entry Form: Please tick which section you wish to enter: Music Speech & Drama Dance Visual Arts Creative Workshops B27 Please indicate clearly the CLASS entered using its code: e.g. (Please complete a separate entry form for each class of entries) Physically / Mentally challenged (LSEN)? Payment by: Direct Deposit Yes No Cheque Please complete the following table: 1 Name Eg. Carol Surname Gourley Race White Entry R18-00 Performance 2 min 20 sec Race Name Surname (Black, White, Coloured, Indian or Asian) Other C20 Entry Fee Paid Performance Duration R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec R ___min___sec Other Classed Entered Contact Person: ________________________________________________________________________ School / Studio / Institution (if applicable): ____________________________________________________ Postal Address: ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Code: ___________________ Tel: ( ) ________________ Fax: ( ) ________________ E-mail: ____________________________