Dengue Bulletin.indb - World Health Organization
Dengue Bulletin.indb - World Health Organization
ISSN 0250-8362 The WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia, in collaboration with the Western Pacific Region, has been jointly publishing the annual Dengue Bulletin. Dengue Bulletin The objective of the Bulletin is to disseminate updated information on the current status of DF/DHF infection, changing epidemiological patterns, new attempted control strategies, clinical management, information about circulating DENV strains and all other related aspects. The Bulletin also accepts review articles, short notes, book reviews and letters to the editor on DF/DHF-related subjects. Proceedings of national/international meetings for information of research workers and programme managers are also published. All manuscripts received for publication are subjected to in-house review by professional experts and are peer-reviewed by international experts in the respective disciplines. Volume 35, December 2011 South-East Asia Region Western Pacific Region Dengue Bulletin South-East Asia Region I S S N 0250- 8362 Volume 35, December 2011 Western Pacific Region From the Editor’s Desk D engue fever/dengue haemorrhagic fever continued its accelerated pace in the countries of the South-East Asia and the Western Pacific regions of the World Health Organization (WHO). During 2010, Member countries in the South-East Asia Region reported 293 868 cases with 1896 deaths (case-fatality rate (CFR) 0.65%). These are the highest figures reported over the last five years. Bhutan and Nepal started regular reporting of dengue cases in 2006, and, during 2010, reported 16 and 917 cases, with a disease incidence of 2.29 and 3.18 per 100 000 population, respectively. India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand reported more than 10 000 cases each, with a disease incidence of 2.29, 66.03, 307.54, 30.56, 164.76 and 85.09 per 100 000 population, respectively. Member countries in the Western Pacific Region, reported 354 000 cases with 1075 deaths (CFR 0.30%) in 2010. The countries that reported a significant number of cases are: Australia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Viet Nam. However, only Cambodia and Singapore reported more cases than those reported a year before. To arrest this rising trend of dengue, development of a vaccine is the only answer. As several promising live-attenuated vaccine candidates are currently in the later stages of clinical development, WHO in collaboration with many international researchers/institutions, has developed guidelines which are focused on the design of pivotal efficacy trails that can inform national regulatory authorities and vaccine developers. During 2010, Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever (CCHF), a disease related to arboviral haemorrhagic fevers, caused by Nairovirus, family Bunyaviridae, transmitted by ticks, surfaced in the Indian subcontinent. A total of 10 cases with four deaths were reported from Gujarat state, India. Twenty-six cases with three deaths were also reported from Pakistan. The current volume of Dengue Bulletin (No. 35, 2011) contains contributions from authors in the WHO regions of South-East Asia (14), the Western Pacific (5), the Eastern Mediterrean (3), the Americas (1) and Europe (1). We now invite contributions for Volume 36 (2012). The deadline for the receipt of contributions is 31 June 2012. Contributors are requested to please peruse the instructions given at the end of the Bulletin while preparing their manuscripts. Contributions should either be sent accompanied by CD-ROMs to the Editor, Dengue Bulletin, WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia, Mahatma Gandhi Road, I.P. Estate, Ring Road, New Delhi 110002, India, or by e-mail as a file attachment to the Editor at Readers desirous of obtaining copies of the Dengue Bulletin may write to the WHO Regional Offices in New Delhi or Manila or the WHO Country Representative in their country of residence. Dr A.P. Dash Regional Adviser, Vector-Borne and Neglected Tropical Diseases Control (RA-VBN), and Editor, Dengue Bulletin World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia New Delhi, India Dengue Bulletin South-East Asia Region Volume 35, December 2011 Western Pacific Region ISSN 0250-8362 © World Health Organization 2011 Publications of the World Health Organization enjoy copyright protection in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. For rights of reproduction or translation, in part or in toto, of publications issued by the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia, application should be made to the Regional Office for South-East Asia, World Health House, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi 110002, India. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the decisions or stated policy of the World Health Organization; however they focus on issues that have been recognized by the Organization and Member States as being of high priority. Printed in India Indexation: Dengue Bulletin is being indexed by BIOSIS and Elsevier's Bibliographic Databases including, EMBASE, Compendex, Geobase and Scopus Acknowledgements The Editor, Dengue Bulletin, WHO/SEARO, gratefully thanks the following for peer reviewing manuscripts submitted for publication. 1. Anon Srikiatkhachorn Department of Medicine University of Massachusetts Medical School Worcester, Massachusetts 01655, USA. E-mail: 8. Dave Chadee Department of Life Sciences The University of the West Indies St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago E-mail: 2. Anuja Mathew S6-868, Infectious Disease and Immunology Department of Medicine University of Massachusetts Medical School 55 Lake Avenue North Worcester, MA 01655, USA E-mail: 9. Denise Valle Oswaldo Cruz Institute Oswaldo Cruz Foundation Rio de Janeiro, Brazil E-mail: 3. 4. 5. Audrey Lenhart Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Vector Group, Pembroke Place Liverpool, L3 5QA, UK E-mail: Brian Kay Australian Centre for International and Tropical Health Queensland Institute of Medical Research Brisbane, Queensland, Australia E-mail: Chang Moh Seng World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO), P.O. Box 2932 1000 Manila, Philippines E-mail: 6. Christophe Paupy Centre International de Recherches Médicales de Franceville (CIRMF) BP 769 Franceville, Gabon E-mail: 7. Clara J. Witt Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center 503 Robert Grant Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA E-mail: Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 10. Dinesh Srivastava Department of Medicine Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital New Delhi 11. Duane Gubler Signature Research Program - Emerging Infectious Diseases Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School 8 College Road, Singapore 169857 E-mail: 12. Eng Eong Ooi Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School 8 College Road, Singapore 169857 E-mail: 13. Goro Kuno 1648 Collindale Drive, Fort Collins CO 80525, USA E-mail: 14. Grégory L’Ambert Direction Technique EID Méditerranée 165, Avenue Paul-Rimbaud F-34184 Montpellier Cedex 4, France E-mail: iii 15. Guey Chuen Perng Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Emory Vaccine Center Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta, Ga., USA E-mail: 16. Hoang Lan Phuong Dept. of Tropical Diseases Choray Hospital 201B Nguyen Chi Thanh St, District 5 Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam E-mail: 17. Jennifer Kyle Division of Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology School of Public Health University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California, USA E-mail: 18. Lars Eisen Colorado State University Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology 1690 Campus Delivery Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA E-mail: 19. Laurence Després Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine UMR CNRS 5553, Université Joseph Fourier BP 53, 38041, Grenoble Cedex 09, France E-mail: 20. Lian Huat Tan Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine University of Malaya, Malaysia E-mail: 21. Linda Kaljee Pediatric Prevention Research Center The Carman and Ann Adams Department of Pediatrics Wayne State University Hutzel Building, Suite W534, 4707 St. Antoine Detroit, MI, 48201, USA iv 22. Linda Lloyd 443 Whittier St. San Diego, CA 92106, USA E-mail: 23. Lucy Lum Chai See Department of Paediatrics Faculty of Medicine University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia E-mail: 24. Mark Q Benedict Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Atlanta, Georgia 30341, USA E-mail: 25. Martin Peter Grobusch Center for Tropical Medicine and Travel Medicine Department of Infectious Diseases Division of Internal Medicine Academic Medical Center University of Amsterdam Meibergdreef 9, PO Box 22660 1100 DD Amsterdam, The Netherlands E-mail: 26. Morteza Zaim WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES) Vector Ecology & Management Department of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases World Health Organization 20 Avenue Appia CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland E-mail: 27. Nguyen Thanh Hung Department of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Children’s Hospital No. 1 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam E-mail: 28. Paris Margot Institute of Integrative Biology Plant Ecological Genetics Universitätsstrasse 16 CHN G 31.1 CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland E-mail: Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 29. Philippe Buchy Virology Unit Institut Pasteur in Cambodia Phnom Penh, Cambodia E-mail: 36. Scott B. Halstead Pediatric Dengue Vaccine Initiative Kwanak PO Box 14 Seoul, Korea 151-600 E-mail: 30. Raman Velayudhan Vector Ecology and Management Department of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases (HTM/NTD) World Health Organization 20 Avenue Appia CH-1211 Geneva 27, SWITZERLAND E-mail: 37. Siripen Kalayanarooj WHO Collaborating Centre for Case Management of Dengue/DHF/DSS Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health Department of Medical Services Ministry of Public Health Bangkok, Thailand E-mail: 31. Rivaldo Venâncio da Cunha Fiocruz Cerrado Pantanal/Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul Campo Grande, Brasil. E-mail: 32. S.R. Loke Institute of Biological Sciences Faculty of Science Universiti Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia E-mail: 33. Sander Koenraadt Laboratory of Entomology Wageningen University Building 107/Radix, W0.Aa.081 Desk 17 Droevendaalsesteeg 1 6708 PB Wageningen, The Netherlands E-mail: 34. Sandra Jackson National Influenza Centre-Jamaica Department of Microbiology Virology Laboratory University of the West Indies Mona Campus Kingston 7, Jamaica E-mail: 35. Elizabeth Hunsperger Serology and Viral Pathogenesis Research Laboratory Dengue Branch Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of Vector Borne Infectious Diseases 1324 Calle Canada, San Juan, PR 00920 E-mail: Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 38. Trevor Williams Instituto de Ecologia AC Xalapa, Veracruz 91070, Mexico E-mail: 39. Veerle Vanlerberghe Unit of Epidemiology and Disease Control Public Health Department Institute of Tropical Medicine Nationalestraat 155 Antwerp, Belgium E-mail: 40. Vijay K. Saxena Independent Consultant (Vector Borne Diseases) E-mail: 41. Vu Sinh Nam General Department of Preventive Medicine Ministry of Health of Vietnam Alley 135 Nui Truc, Ba Dinh Hanoi, Vietnam E-mail: 42. William A. Hawley Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Atlanta, Georgia 30341, USA E-mail: v The quality and scientific stature of the Dengue Bulletin is largely due to the conscientious efforts of the experts and also due to the positive response of contributors to comments and suggestions. In-house review: The manuscripts have also been reviewed in house by Mr Nand Lal Kalra in respect of format, content, conclusions drawn, including condensation of tabular and illustrative materials for clear, concise and focused presentation and bibliographic references. He was also involved in the final stages of printing of the Bulletin. WHO/SEARO – The Editor thanks Ms Anchalee Chamchuklin, Librarian, Information Management & Dissemination, and her staff for crosschecking the accuracy and arranging the references as per the Vancouver style. The Editor is also thankful to Dr Rakesh Mani Rastogi, Technical Officer (Surveillance Monitoring and Evaluation) for his support in reviewing the GIS related papers. vi Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Contents 1. Overcoming data limitations: design of a multi-component study for estimating the economic burden of dengue in India.......................................... 1 Yara A. Halasa, Vishal Dogra, Narendra Arora, B.K. Tyagi, Deoki Nandan & Donald S. Shepard 2. Identifying and visualizing spatial patterns and hot spots of clinically-confirmed dengue fever cases and female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia ................................................................ 15 Hassan Muhsan Khormi & Lalit Kumar 3. Update on dengue in Africa............................................................................ 35 Fernando R.R. Teles 4. Involvement of the central nervous system in dengue fever and its outcome ... 52 M.L. Kulkarni & Saurabh Kumar 5. Clinical and biochemical characteristics of suspected dengue fever in an ambulatory care family medical clinic, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan ............................................................................................ 59 Firdous Jahan, Kashmira Nanji, Waris Qidwai, Rozina Roshan & Hira Waseem 6. Capillary leak syndrome in dengue fever ........................................................ 65 Sudhir Kumar Verma, Manish Gutch, Abhishek Agarwal & A.K. Vaish 7. Haemogram profile of dengue fever in adults during 19 September – 12 November 2008: A study of 40 cases from Delhi ............. 71 Sonia Advani, Shikha Agarwal & Jitender Verma 8. Differentiating early adult dengue from acute viral respiratory infections – A comparative analysis ................................................................. 76 Tun-Linn Thein, Eng-Eong Ooi, Jenny GH Low & Yee-Sin Leo 9. Evaluation of an immunochromatographic test for early and rapid detection of dengue virus infection in the context of Bangladesh .................... 84 Rabeya Sharmin, Shahina Tabassum, Munira Jahan, Afzalun Nessa & K.Z. Mamun 10. A hypothetical intervention to reduce plasma leakage in dengue haemorrhagic fever ........................................................................... 94 Kolitha H. Sellahewa Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 vii 11. Entomological investigations of dengue vectors in epidemic-prone districts of Pakistan during 2006–2010 ............................................................ 99 Muhammad Mukhtar, Zarfishan Tahir, Taj Muhammad Baloch, Faisal Mansoor & Jaleel Kamran 12. Geographical association between socioeconomics and age of dengue haemorrhagic fever patients in Surabaya, Indonesia ...................................... 116 Yoshiro Nagao, Esty M. Rachmie, Shiro Ochi, Maria M. Padmidewi, Kuntarianto & Masato Kawabata 13. Aedes aegypti indices and KAP study in Sangam Vihar, south Delhi, during the XIX Commonwealth Games, New Delhi, 2010 ............................ 131 R.K. Singh, P.K. Mittal, N.K. Yadav, O.P. Gehlot & R.C. Dhiman 14. Pupal/demographic and adult aspiration surveys of residential and public sites in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, to inform development of a targeted source control strategy for dengue .................................................. 141 Sugeng J. Mardihusodo, Tri Baskoro T. Satoto, A. Garcia & Dana A. Focks 15. Ovitrap surveillance of dengue and chikungunya vectors in several suburban residential areas in Peninsular Malaysia.......................................... 153 Lim Kwee Wee, Norzahira Raduan, Sing Kong Wah, Wong Hong Ming, Chew Hwai Shi, Firdaus Rambli, Cheryl Jacyln Ahok, Nazni Wasi Ahmad, Lee Han Lim, Andrew McKemey & Seshadri Vasanb 16. Specifying skills for proficient control of Aedes aegypti oviposition in flowerpot saucers through the use of net covers ........................................ 161 João Bosco Jardim, Ana Carolina Bocewicz & Virgínia Torres Schall 17. Evaluation of Mesocyclops aspericornis, Mesocyclops ogunnus and Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides from the water bodies of Chennai (south India) as control agents of Aedes aegypti ............................................. 173 Zehra Amtuz & Nasarin A. 18. Misting of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) to control Aedes albopictus in an industrial area – the Singapore experience ............... 181 S. Dulangi M. Sumanadasa, Caleb Lee, Sai Gek Lam-Phua, Deng Lu, Lee-Pei Chiang, Sin-Ying Koou, Cheong-Huat Tan, Sook-Cheng Pang, Nasir Maideen, Lee-Ching Ng & Indra Vythilingam 19. Susceptibility of Aedes aegypti to insecticides in Ranchi city, Jharkhand state, India ................................................................................... 194 M.K. Das, R.K. Singh, R.K. Lal & R.C. Dhiman viii Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 20. Dengue awareness survey among women participants from periurban areas of Chennai, India ................................................................................. 199 R. Ramanibai & Kanniga S. 21. Association between dengue virus serotypes and type of dengue viral infection in Department of Child Health, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia .......................................................................... 205 Dimas Seto Prasetyo, Angky Budianti, Beti Ernawati Dewi, Cucunawangsih, Roni Chandra, Jordan Chaidir, Mulya Rahma Karyanti, Hindra Irawan Satari, Aria Kekalih, Ichiro Kurane & T. Mirawati Sudiro Short Notes 22. Study of prevalent practices about use of platelets in management of dengue cases in selected tertiary care hospitals in Delhi in 2009 .................. 214 K.N. Tewari, N.R. Tuli & S.C. Devgan 23. Demographic features of imported dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever in Japan from 2006 to 2009 ...............................................217 Tomohiko Takasaki, Akira Kotaki, Shigeru Tajima, Tsutomu Omatsu, Fumiue Harada, Chang-Kweng Lim, Meng Ling Moi, Mikako Ito, Makiko Ikeda & Ichiro Kurane 24. Evaluating school students’ perception about mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases in the city of Kolkata, India .................................... 223 D. Biswas, Baishakhi Biswas, Bithika Mandal, A. Banerjee, T.K. Mukherjee & J. Nandi Book reviews 25. Comprehensive guidelines for prevention and control of dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever .......................................................................... 231 26. Progress and prospects for the use of genetically modified mosquitoes to inhibit disease transmission....................................................................... 234 27. Action against dengue: Dengue Day campaigns across Asia .......................... 236 28. Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) and dengue fever, Pakistan ....... 237 29. Instructions for contributors .......................................................................... 238 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 ix Overcoming data limitations: design of a multicomponent study for estimating the economic burden of dengue in India Yara A. Halasa,a Vishal Dogra,b Narendra Arora,b B.K. Tyagi,c Deoki Nandand & Donald S. Sheparda# Schneider Institutes for Health Policy, Heller School, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 02454-9110, USA. a International Clinical Epidemiology Network (INCLEN), New Delhi, India. b Centre for Research in Medical Entomology (Indian Council of Medical Research), 4, Sarojini Street, China Chokikulam, Madurai-625 002, Tamil Nadu, India. c d National Institute for Health and Family Welfare, Baba Gang Nath Marg, Munirka, New Delhi-110067, India. Abstract Dengue is emerging as a serious global health problem. Estimating the economic burden of dengue is crucial to inform policy-makers of the disease’s societal impact and may assist in implementing appropriate control strategies. However, developing such studies is constrained by limited data and other challenges. This paper shows how analyzing hospital records carefully can adjust surveillance data for possible under-reporting and misdiagnosis of dengue, merging information on treatment patterns with macro costing to estimate the cost of dengue episode by age and severity in various treatment settings, and combining adjusted surveillance data with cost information can estimate the aggregate cost of dengue illness in India and in other endemic countries. Keywords: Dengue; Burden; Cost; Surveillance; Expansion, India. Introduction Dengue is emerging as a serious public health problem globally, with 2.5 billion people at risk and 50 million dengue infections occurring annually.[1-4] Estimates of the economic burden of dengue are important in order to inform policies on dengue prevention and management, but published studies on this subject are limited.[5,6] This paper presents an # E-mail: Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 1 Estimating the economic burden of dengue in India approach to estimate the economic burden of dengue illness in India. It utilizes several tools to assess the coverage of the dengue surveillance system: estimating an expansion factor to correct under-reporting and under-diagnosis, computing the average cost of a dengue illness episode, and aggregating direct and indirect costs. Dengue is caused by four closely-related but serologically-distinct dengue viruses: DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4. Lifetime immunity to each serotype follows an infection by that serotype. However, individuals infected with one or more serotypes remain vulnerable to infections by the other dengue serotypes.[7,8] Dengue infections affect all age groups and produce a spectrum of clinical manifestations, with varied clinical evolutions and outcomes that range from asymptomatic to a mild or non-specific viral syndrome and to a severe and occasionally fatal disease characterized by haemorrhage and shock.[3,9-11] Primary infection (the first dengue infection caused by any of the four serotypes) is often asymptomatic, but primary infections sometimes result in dengue fever, a very uncomfortable febrile illness. However, secondary dengue infections can lead to the life-threatening dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) or dengue shock syndrome (DSS).[12-16] Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that secondary or subsequent dengue infections contribute to higher rates of DHF in Thailand and Cuba.[17-22] Several hypotheses may explain the pathogenesis of severe dengue.[23-25] Dengue challenge in India Dengue is becoming a serious public health problem in India.[26-29] Although dengue infection has been endemic in India since the nineteenth century, DHF has become endemic in various parts of India since 1987, with the first major widespread epidemics of DHF and DSS occurring in 1996, involving areas around Delhi and Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, and spreading to other regions in India.[30-33] However, the epidemics of Delhi and Pune in western India in 2006 and in Kerala state in 2008 marked the changing epidemiology of dengue infection, with all four serotypes of dengue viruses found in co-circulation, leading to an increase in secondary dengue infection and, in some cases, co-infections with DENV-1 and DENV-3, DENV-2 and DENV-3 and DENV-1, DENV-2 and DENV-3.[11-13,26,27,31,34,35] In West Bengal state, nearly 61% of dengue cases reported between 2005 and 2007 were secondary dengue infection cases.[36] Moreover, some studies revealed the evolving phylogeny (change through time) of DENV-3 and DENV-4 and their circulation in South-East Asia and India, emphasizing higher risks of DHF/DSS outbreaks.[13,37] With these epidemiological developments, dengue infection changed its manifestation in India from the infection’s asymptomatic and benign form to its severe forms of DHF and DSS, with increasing frequency of outbreak, morbidity and mortality.[10,11,27,30-33,36,38-45] Although dengue is considered an urban and semi-urban disease, in recent years, due to water storage practices and large-scale development activities in rural areas, dengue has become endemic in rural areas of India as well, increasing the scale of the dengue challenge in the country.[36,45-48] 2 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Estimating the economic burden of dengue in India After the 1996 dengue haemorrhagic fever epidemic in Delhi, dengue was declared a dangerous disease under sections 2(9) (b) of the Delhi Municipal Corporation (DMC) Act, 1957 (Delhi Gazette Notification dated April 25 1997). Under this Act, all private practitioners, nursing homes and government hospitals are required to notify suspected dengue cases to the Municipal Health Officer.[29] However, under-diagnosis and under-reporting of dengue cases persist in India, where reported cases underestimate the real burden of the disease.[49-51] Similar to studies in Nicaragua and Thailand, a strict application of WHO criteria resulted in the omission of many cases of DHF in India.[11] The WHO 1997 classification makes use of symptoms and signs that are often not present in the first few days of illness and thus are not a sufficient guide for early diagnosis without expensive laboratory investigations such as RT-PCR or NS1; lack of these tools is likely to lead to under-diagnosis and under-reporting of severe manifestations of dengue.[39,52] For example, during the 2010 dengue outbreak in Delhi, the number of dengue cases was likely under-reported as platelet counts were not performed immediately, nor were they followed by serological screening.[49,53] Additionally, medical and public health professionals had less familiarity with investigating and managing dengue than their counterparts in other countries where the disease is more endemic.[53] Access to routine public laboratory testing of dengue (based on IgM antibodies) is limited to patients treated in large public hospitals. This diagnostic tool is applicable only to samples obtained six or more days after the onset of fever, and may still yield false negative results.[4] While tests based on viral replication in cell culture, molecular investigations, immunofluorescence or immunohistochemistry may be more accurate,[53-56] they are not generally feasible for routine use.[23] Several studies have addressed the burden of dengue illness in India. These studies were facility-based, focused on tertiary care hospitals, and, in most cases, limited to one location and a single outbreak study.[10,11,27,30-33,38-45,57] Moreover, only a handful of them examined the economic cost of dengue in the country. While a useful start, these studies were limited by examining only one sector (public or private), reliance on data from other countries (mainly Thailand) for expansion factors, or a single geographical area.[58-62] With dengue’s changing epidemiology, a broader study is needed to estimate the overall economic burden of the disease in India. This paper sets forth a method designed to meet this need. Proposed approach Conceptual framework In order to estimate the economic burden of dengue, ideally, data should be compiled from multiple sources in the health system at different levels. At the national, regional and state levels, surveillance data and expansion factors are needed to correct the under-reporting and under-diagnosis of dengue cases. First, to address the variability of dengue, surveillance data are needed for several years for all regions in India, preferably broken down by the setting from which the case is reported, dengue classification or severity, and the patient’s Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 3 Estimating the economic burden of dengue in India age. Second, an expansion factor is needed to adjust surveillance data to under-reporting and provide reasonable estimates of dengue cases according to setting, severity and age. At the facility and household levels, data are needed to estimate the overall economic cost of a dengue episode according to treatment setting (hospitalized vs ambulatory) by a patient’s age and case severity. The economic cost includes direct medical cost, direct non-medical cost (i.e. transportation, meals and lodging), and indirect costs associated with the illness episode (value of work, school or leisure time lost due to illness or care-giving). To estimate the economic cost of dengue we compute the weighted average cost of dengue according to care setting and patient’s age group. The figure below presents the proposed methodology to overcome data limitations and respect time constraints. These steps are simple in concept but challenging in practice due to lack of systematically compiled data. Figure: Conceptual framework of the economic burden of dengue in India study National and state level Delphi panel for expansion factor Surveillance data Dengue cases Facility level Macrocosting Retrospective and prospective surveys of patients Cost of a dengue episode Aggregate economic cost of dengue Study setting This study represents a collaboration among academic and government institutions in India and overseas. The participating institutions are: Brandeis University (Waltham, Massachusetts, USA), the National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (New Delhi, India), the Centre for Research in Medical Entomology of the Indian Council of Medical Research (Madurai, India), and the International Clinical Epidemiology Network (INCLEN) (New Delhi, India). This collaboration combines local knowledge and experience in vector transmission, virology 4 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Estimating the economic burden of dengue in India and epidemiology with the international expertise in costing the economic burden of dengue. The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board at Brandeis University, INCLEN Independent Ethics Committee and the Indian Council of Medical Research, and was approved by participating institutions’ ethics boards prior to collection of patient-level data. Facility and household data: estimating the average cost of a hospitalized dengue episode For this study, India will be divided into five regions (south, north, west, east and central) to capture the diversity among different regions in the country. Two states will be selected from each region. One selected state in each region will represent a state in that region with a relatively high incidence rate of reported dengue cases and the second selected state will represent a state in that region with a relatively low incidence rate of reported dengue cases. The incidence rates will be obtained from national, regional or state surveillance systems and the official statistics of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare starting with the year 1996, when dengue reporting became mandatory. From each of these ten selected states, one medical college hospital will be selected based on the availability of electronic medical data, willingness to participate, and ability to meet the study timeline and the quality requirement for this research. A mixed approach will be used to obtain the economic cost of dengue, combining retrospective and prospective data collection. The retrospective abstraction of data from inpatient medical records and a prospective survey of ambulatory patients suspected of having dengue, combined with a macro-costing analysis will be used to obtain the cost of dengue according to treatment setting, age and severity for the year 2010. The reference years for the retrospective component will be the last five years with available data, years 2006 through 2010, to cover a cyclical pattern in the number of cases across years, as well as seasonal variation.[5,31] Study participants will be drawn from three populations: (1) patients with a clinical discharge diagnosis of dengue (ICD10 code A90); (2) patients with discharge diagnosis of any of the following febrile illnesses: chikungunya (A92.0), Khysanur forest disease (A98.2), influenza-like illnesses or influenza and pneumonia (J09-J18), malaria (B52), typhoid (Z22) and fever with rash and haemorrhage (A98.4-A99), who were hospitalized during the dengue season starting 1 July through 30 November during the specified study years; and (3) patients with a discharge diagnosis of fever or pyrexia of unknown origin (R50.9) hospitalized during the dengue seasons mentioned above. A systematic random sample of 7500 medical records is planned. The sample will consist of 150 hospitalized cases in each of 10 medical colleges for each of five years. Each year’s sample consists of three strata reflecting the three categories of the study population, each with 50 patients. If there are 50 patients or fewer we will enroll all these patients in the study. If there are more than 50 patients, a systematic random sample will be selected from that category after recording the sample frame. Based Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 5 Estimating the economic burden of dengue in India on a previous multi-country study, we project that this sample will give accuracy in cost per case of 9.3% for hospitalized cases. This level of precision will be adequate for measuring trends or comparing regions.[63] Using the definition of dengue febrile illnesses adopted by publications of the World Health Organization in 1999 and 2011 (referring to the detection of dengue virus in patients with two days of fever irrespective of severity of illness),[3,9,64-66] an evidence-based triage strategy will be used to develop a prediction model to identify individuals likely to have dengue infection, but have been misdiagnosed for another febrile disease. A data abstractor, a professional with a medical or paramedical background, will review signs, symptoms, notes and lab tests to see whether they are consistent with a diagnosis of dengue as stated by the WHO-recommended surveillance standards 1999 classification of DF, DHF and DSS. [66] Based on the type of information available, such cases will be classified as confirmed dengue, suspected dengue, indeterminate or non-dengue. Based on probability theory with a dichotomous outcome, the sample size for each illness category should be proportional to the variance in the expected number of cases in that category, n[p(1-p)]1/2, where ‘n’ is the number of admissions in that category, and ‘p’ is the estimated probability that an admission in that category is ‘suspected’ or ‘confirmed’ dengue. Data will be extracted from medical records, with a careful review of laboratory and clinical records used to classify which cases should be considered dengue. These data will be compiled to assess the probability of a dengue case being misdiagnosed. These data will also be used to estimate the expansion factor for institutions with good dengue reporting systems and an expansion factor for institutions with weaker dengue reporting systems. The average of these two factors should be a reasonable proxy for the national expansion factor for India. The results will be tabulated to calculate arithmetic and weighted means, standard deviations and standard error of the mean, t-tests, ANOVA and Chi-square tests with alpha level of significance at 0.05. Sensitivity analyses will test the variation in the economic costs among years and regions in India. Facility and household data: estimating the average cost of an ambulatory dengue episode The prospective outpatient study will focus on dengue cases that received ambulatory care only and will be implemented during the dengue season (July through November). This component will be carried out in ambulatory facilities affiliated with one or two of the participating medical college hospitals (those in Mumbai and Delhi are recommended, for they have the most sophisticated laboratory capabilities and the highest proportions of routine ambulatory patients with fever tested for dengue). The sample frame will consist of all patients with acute febrile illness and clinically diagnosed dengue cases seeking treatment during the study period. A field-trial approach using commercial dengue NS1 antigen-capture for early laboratory confirmation of acute dengue will be utilized to obtain a sample of 100 6 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Estimating the economic burden of dengue in India confirmed dengue cases and 150 patients with fever or pyrexia of unknown origin. The sample size is based on the previous multi-country study of dengue burden and costs. This level of precision will be adequate for measuring trends. A lab technician will make the first contact with outpatients sent to the affiliated hospital laboratory for a dengue panel of tests (NS1 or IgM, platelets, haematology, packed cell volume and haematocrit) or to investigate fever or pyrexia of unknown origin, to screen and explain the objectives of the study to them and invite them or their proxy to participate and sign a consent form. A second contact will occur when patients seek the results of the test and physician’s diagnosis. At this point, patients will be divided into two groups. The first group will consist of patients with positive dengue diagnosis. The second group will consist of patients who are negative for dengue and diagnosed with fever or pyrexia of unknown origin. This group will be randomized based on their outpatient department medical record number, where those with even numbers will be retained in the study. The rationale of including these patients is based on the inconclusiveness of the NS1 test to rule out dengue after 3-5 days of infection with dengue virus. A model will be developed to compare the symptoms of patients with dengue and patients with fever or pyrexia of unknown origin to determine the likelihood of dengue infection in this category of patients. Two weeks after the initial screening, where we hypothesize that the illness episode will be over, all patients remaining in the study will be asked to complete a survey. A standardized survey instrument will be used. It includes a section from the World Health Survey and EuroQol (visual scale) to measure the quality of life. The survey will ascertain the clinical characteristics of the patient’s illness such as days of fever, days of overall illness, perceived severity and quality of life, and care-seeking behaviour, as well as an assessment of the socioeconomic impact on the patient and his/her household. Cost-related domains include the cost associated with the use of medical services, days of schooling lost, loss in work productivity and income, leisure time lost due to illness or care-giving, and out-of-pocket spending. To complement the clinical information obtained from the patients during the interviews, medical records will be reviewed at the selected ambulatory facility to extract relevant clinical data (e.g. days of fever, clinical manifestations such as vomiting, diarrhoea, etc.) and laboratory data (e.g. platelet and white cell count, hematocrit, radiological results, etc.) associated with that illness episode. A full economic analysis from a societal perspective will be conducted by combining the three major cost categories: direct medical, direct non-medical and indirect costs. To compute the direct medical costs for each patient, we will sum the type and amount of services received by ambulatory setting and by provider and multiply this by their respective unit costs. We will use each patient’s actual out-of-pocket payments for costing private medical services. To calculate direct non-medical costs we will aggregate the out-of-pocket payments by the patients and their household and care-givers for transportation, food, lodging and related miscellaneous expenses. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 7 Estimating the economic burden of dengue in India To estimate the indirect cost for the dengue episode, we will compute the monetary values of the time lost due to days of school missed; days of work lost (paid and unpaid); and leisure time lost due to illness or care-giving. The economic loss attributed to school days lost will be calculated by multiplying the cost of a school-day in a public school by the number of school days lost. The societal value of a day of work lost and leisure time lost will be valued as the larger of the worker’s reported income lost per day or India’s daily minimum wage. The total economic costs of work days lost will be calculated as the product of this average daily loss and the number of work days lost. Finally, the total cost of a dengue case will be calculated for each patient as the sum of all his or her direct (medical and nonmedical) and indirect costs. The cost will focus only on one episode of illness and all the treatment and cost associated with that episode. The results will be reported as means and standards deviations for continuous variables and frequencies for categorical variables. T-test and Chi square test with alpha level of significance at 0.05 will be performed for key analyses. To estimate the economic cost of the medical care provided by medical college hospitals, a macro-costing approach will be used. It entails three stages. First, using admissions, length of stay and numbers of ambulatory visits in the selected facilities, we can estimate the hospital’s annual number of hospital-day equivalents. This estimation will be computed by multiplying the annual number of admissions by the average length of stay and the number of hospital outpatient visits by 0.25, based on the observation that the cost of a hospital outpatient visit was one fourth of a hospital day.[67] Second, to calculate the average cost of a hospital day, we will divide the hospital’s total annual expenses by the total number of hospital-day equivalents. Third, as we assume that the public ambulatory care will be provided not only by selected ambulatory facilities but also by other health centres and dispensaries, we expect that the cost of a public ambulatory visit would be 60% of the cost of a hospital outpatient visit.[63] National- and state-levels surveillance data and expansion factors The dengue surveillance system in India consists of 330 facilities supported by 14 apex laboratories across the country.[68,69] The system is designed to monitor outbreaks and guide responses. The current surveillance system does not currently capture all dengue cases. To address the under-reporting dilemma in India, a structured communication technique for interactive forecasting known as the “Delphi method” will be used to estimate the expansion factors for various settings, age groups and regions in India. Information from different sectors will be gathered prior to this meeting to assist the process. Supplementary information, such as the number of dengue test kits distributed by type and year for the two most widely used types of initial test (Mac Elisa IgM and NS1), can assist in estimating the number of dengue cases by state. Using an individual test as a unit of measure, this component will create two inventories of supplies reflecting domestic and foreign wholesale suppliers, including both public and private suppliers, to estimate the average number of units by year and type of 8 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Estimating the economic burden of dengue in India supplier. Using inventory and reported data we can compute the number of suppliers of each type and their average volume by type. Multiplying these two estimates will give the number of tests by year. Since few patients get both types of tests and these tests are generally not repeated, the sum of the two types of data will be used to estimate the total number of patients tested by year. In order to determine the number of dengue patients treated by year in the formal health system in the selected states, an inventory of health facilities by type for the year 2010 will be generated. The average number of dengue patients per year by type of facility will be estimated using a sample of at least two facilities of each type (inpatient and outpatient). The Delphi process can be conducted in two or more stages. In the first stage, key experts in various areas related to dengue from governmental, academic and private sectors will jointly share their knowledge and experience in a one- or two-day workshop, and answer preset questions related to the epidemiology of dengue and the quality of the surveillance system in India when it comes to reporting mechanisms from all settings (hospital vs ambulatory; public vs private; municipality vs state vs national surveillance system; rural vs urban). The second stage will take place two weeks after the workshop. A report, with the suggested estimates, will be sent to the experts and they will be asked to refine their own estimates, if needed, according to the workshop discussions and the results generated from the first round. The experts can collectively share their knowledge about dengue treatment patterns in the public and private sectors and the process of recording dengue illness to estimate the completeness of reporting in each setting. National-, regional- as well as state-levels dengue surveillance data will be collected and compared. A special instrument will be developed to collect data at the national level (National Centre for Disease Control, Directorate General of Health Services), state level with special emphasis on the selected hospitals’ catchment areas, and at the district level for the selected hospital areas. The data collected will include: number of suspected dengue cases and the number of laboratory-confirmed dengue cases tabulated according to year, state, region, severity, fatality rate, reported site (private or public, hospital or ambulatory, location), age, gender and type of dengue virus and infection type (primary vs secondary), if possible. Aggregate cost of dengue in India Combining the information from surveillance systems (reported dengue cases by age, year and region) with the expansion factors generated through the Delphi process can give the projected numbers of dengue cases in India. Accordingly, we will compute the aggregate cost of hospitalized cases by multiplying the average number of hospitalized cases by the average cost of a hospitalized episode (with disaggregation according to setting and age if the data allows); the same approach will be used to compute the ambulatory services cost. The overall cost will be computed using the weighted average cost of child and adult patients. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 9 Estimating the economic burden of dengue in India Discussion The methodology discussed in this paper should be helpful in generating data and information to support dengue policies in India. The investigators will estimate the proportion of patients with dengue misdiagnosed at discharge as febrile illnesses other than dengue. In addition, we will compute the in-hospital dengue case-fatality rate and the seasonal variation of dengue infection by year for all the sites and for individual sites. And, finally, this methodology can help build a mathematical model of the burden of dengue in different regions of India using the proportion of the population served in each site, and the estimated proportion of population seeking admission in the study’s selected medical college hospitals. Acknowledgments The authors thank Vivek Adish, Rohit Arora, Jeremy Brett, Meenu Maheshwari and Josemund Menezes for their valuable comments on the study design during a planning workshop in New Delhi; Josemund Menezes and Eduardo Undurraga for important background information on dengue; and Clare Hurley for editorial assistance. References [1] Gubler DJ. 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Accessed: Nov 21, 2011. 14 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Identifying and visualizing spatial patterns and hot spots of clinically-confirmed dengue fever cases and female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Hassan Muhsan Khormi#a,b & Lalit Kumara Ecosystem Management, School of Environmental and Rural Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia a Department of Geography, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia. b Abstract Understanding the distribution of dengue fever in time and space is the foundation for its control and management programmes. Different technologies, especially the Geographic Information System (GIS) and its tools and methods, have been used to illustrate and visualize the prevalence of some mosquito-borne diseases and abundance of their vectors. The aim of this study was to illustrate the spatial distribution and spatial pattern of this disease and female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in the epidemic-prone area of Jeddah, and also to show the hot spot districts with the highest risk levels. The study was conducted in Jeddah county, Saudi Arabia. The clinically-confirmed cases registries of dengue fever have been continuously and systematically collected since 2006 by the Dengue Fever Operation Room of Jeddah Health Affairs. The computerized databases of these two government departments have recorded weekly notifications of dengue fever cases and its vector (female Aedes mosquito). The female Aedes mosquito counts and identification were provided by the laboratory of mosquito, which belongs to the Jeddah Municipality. Two GIS techniques were used to achieve the aims of this study. The multi-distance spatial cluster (Ripley’s K-function) was used to estimate the spatial pattern and distribution while the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic was used to model and visualize the hot spots and the risk models. The results showed that the spatial patterns and distribution of dengue fever cases from 2006 to 2009 were clustered at multiple distances with statistically significant clustering. They also showed that most Aedes mosquitoes were clustered while some of them were dispersed at larger distances, especially in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. Also, areas with various risk levels of dengue fever and its vector were identified in different geographical locations (districts) for different epidemic years using the Getis-Ord Gi*. Identifying dengue fever and its vector cluster and hot spots can be greatly enhanced through the use of a variety of analytical techniques that are available in the Geographic Information System. Getis-Ord Gi* and multi-distance spatial cluster (Ripley’s K-function) can be implemented as routine procedures along with dengue fever control and prevention programmes. Keywords: GIS; Aedes; Dengue fever; Hot spots; Risk levels; Spatial pattern; Jeddah. # E-mail:, Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 15 Spatial patterns and hot spots of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti Introduction Dengue fever (DF) is a mosquito-borne viral illness. It is caused by one of the four serotypes of the dengue virus, which belongs to the family Flaviviridae, and is predominantly transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes.[1] An empirical model shows that around 35% of the world’s population (2.5 billion people) live in countries with risk of dengue.[2,3,4] Among the mosquito-borne diseases in Saudi Arabia, mainly Rift Valley fever, malaria and dengue, the latter ranks as of the highest concern for public health in the country in general and in Jeddah in particular. [5,6] Many other regions are undergoing unplanned urban growth and are lacking water supply and proper drainage and waste disposal, which have created suitable conditions for mosquitoes to breed.[7] Understanding the distribution of dengue incidence in time and space can be a foundation for disease control and management programmes. Knowledge of when and where cases of dengue fever occur will enable the formulation of disease causation hypotheses for cases with unknown or poorly characterized etiology, identification of disease-risk areas and a design of efficient surveillance and control programmes.[8] Recently, different technologies, especially the Geographic Information System (GIS) and its tools and methods, have been used to illustrate and visualize the prevalence of some of the mosquito-borne diseases and the abundance of their vectors.[9-17] For example, Ernst et al.[18] used GIS to illustrate the malaria hot spot areas in highland Kenya. They found that the knowledge of hotspot areas of high malaria incidence would allow for focused preventive interventions in resource-poor areas, particularly if the hotspot areas can be discerned during non-epidemic periods and predicted by ecological factors. GIS methods of spatial distribution and spatial pattern can help identify the hot spot and cold spot areas, clustered or dispersed patterns of DF cases and their transmitters. GIS and its statistical methods can play an important role in formulating dengue control activities, assessing changes over time in DF transmission and determining resources to control DF prevalence, particularly in high or persistent locales of DF transmission, directions and spatial pattern.[19-22] For Saudi Arabia, to date, there is no published study that used GIS and its spatial statistical methods to identify and visualize areas with hot spots, distribution (clustered or dispersed) and spatial pattern (the way in which the distribution of clinically-confirmed cases of dengue and its vector (Aedes aegypti) are found in different districts). The aim of this study was to illustrate the spatial distribution and spatial pattern of this disease and female Aedes mosquitoes in the epidemic-prone area of Jeddah and also to show the hot spot districts with the highest risk levels. Two GIS techniques were used to achieve the aims of this study. The multi-distance spatial cluster (Ripley’s K-function) was used to estimate the spatial pattern and distribution while the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic was used to model and visualize the hot spots and the risk models. 16 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Spatial patterns and hot spots of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti Material and methods Study site The study was conducted in Jeddah county (21°32’33”N and 39°10’22”E), that is, the largest city in Makkah province, Saudi Arabia. It is situated on the coast of the Red Sea and, as home to about 3.5 million people, is considered to be the major urban area of western Saudi Arabia. It is the main gateway to Mecca and Al Medina, regarded as the two holiest sites in Islam. Jeddah has 13 sub-municipalities and 111 districts. The study area is around 1100 km² and extends from Al Janoub in the southern part of Jeddah to Dhahban in the northern part (Figure 1). According to Jeddah Health Affairs, Ministry of Health, this area reports the highest incidence of mortality and morbidity in Jeddah. Data sources, cleaning and organizing Daily mosquito samples are acquired by black hole traps and these are returned to the mosquito laboratory for filtering and sorting according to species, sex, date of collection, coordinates and number of mosquitoes for each location. According to Aburas,[23] black hole traps were considered the most efficient traps for the study area. From the mosquitoes that were collected, only female Aedes aegypti were used in the analysis in this research. The female Aedes aegypti mosquito counts and identification were provided by the laboratory of mosquito, which belongs to the Jeddah Municipality. For the capture of mosquitoes, 504 black hole traps have been in operation since 2006. These traps were distributed geographically based on population density and different environmental factors (Figure 2) and captured mosquitoes by producing carbon dioxide. The clinically-confirmed cases registries of dengue fever have been collected since 2006 continuously and systematically by the Dengue Fever Operation Room of Jeddah Health Affairs and by the Jeddah Municipality. The computerized databases provided by these two government departments have recorded weekly notifications of dengue fever cases and its vector (Aedes aegypti mosquitoes), including age, sex, nationality, district, coordinates and the week of disease onset for each case. The collected data were entered into Excel files to remove the duplicated and redundant data, fill the missing values, transform some coordinates from degrees, minutes and seconds to decimal degrees and convert dates to weeks for each year of epidemic. Using ArcCatalog v.9.3.1, point shape files of clinically-confirmed cases and female Aedes mosquitoes were created and projected to WGS 1984 UTM Zone 37N. The base map of the districts was digitized and projected to the same projection using Arc Map v.9.3.1. For the base map of the districts, the database included the number of cases in each district for different years and the number of mosquitoes captured by the black hole traps from week 23 of 2006 to week 52 of 2010. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 17 Spatial patterns and hot spots of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti Figure 1: The study area in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 18 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Spatial patterns and hot spots of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti Figure 2: Location of black hole traps in the study area of Jeddah Location of black hole traps Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 19 Spatial patterns and hot spots of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti Data analysis Spatial pattern Spatial pattern methods, such as kernel estimation, multi-distance spatial cluster (Ripley’s K-function), average nearest neighbour and spatial autocorrelation (Moran’s I), can be used to identify the key areas of mosquito-borne diseases. Many studies have used some of these methods to illustrate the spatial patterns of dengue fever and Aedes mosquitoes. For example, kernel estimation was used to analyse the spatial pattern of dengue and its vector in Nova Iguacu, Rio de Janeiro.[24] The results of this study showed five areas with high and medium density of positive Aedes mosquitoes breeding sites. Also, it highlighted small block clusters with high larval density and recommended this method for dengue fever surveillance. In this study, the method chosen to analyse the spatial patterns of dengue and Aedes mosquitoes was the multi-distance spatial cluster (Ripley’s K-function) (Equation 1). This method is useful for point pattern analysis and also it is the best method to illustrate the point pattern at multiple distances compared with others mentioned above. In this study, Ripley’s K-function was used to determine whether the distribution of clinically-confirmed dengue cases and also Aedes mosquitoes were clustered or dispersed at multiple different distances. The inputs of values for this analysis were based on data from individual trap locations and individual case locations. The outputs were represented as graphic models for the epidemic years in Jeddah. The graphs contain details of expected K and observed K that were calculated using the following K-function: (Equation 1) Where d is the distance, n is equal to the total number of clinically-confirmed DF cases, A represents the total of the study area and ki,j is a weight, which (if there is no edge correction) is 1 when the distance between i and j is less than or equal to d and 0 when the distance between i and j is greater than d. When edge correction is applied, the weight of k(i,j) is modified slightly. Tables were produced to show the observed K minus the expected K values (DiffK), and also the low confidence envelope values (LowConEn) and high confidence envelope values (HiConEn).[25,26] For Ripley’s K-function, Boots and Getis[27] and Mitchell[26] illustrated that if the observed K value is larger than the expected K value for a particular distance, the distribution is more clustered than a random distribution at that distance (scale of analysis). If the observed K value is smaller than the expected K, the distribution is more dispersed than a random distribution at that distance. Also, if the observed K value is larger than the high confidence envelope (HiConfEnv) value, spatial clustering for that distance is statistically 20 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Spatial patterns and hot spots of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti significant. If the observed K value is smaller than the low confidence envelope (LwConfEnv) value, spatial dispersion for that distance is statistically significant. The neighbourhood sizes and analysis of the datasets of clinically-confirmed DF cases and female Aedes mosquitoes were put through 20 iterations for clustering to optimize accuracy. The confidence envelopes were computed at 99% confidence interval (CI), and weight fields were selected according to the layer datasets. For example, the number of cases in each district was used as a weight field when the method was used to analyse the spatial pattern of confirmed cases of dengue fever, while the number of female Aedes mosquitoes for each trap was used as a weight field when the method was used to analyse the spatial pattern of female Aedes mosquitoes. Simulated outer boundary values were selected as a boundary correction method because they simulated points outside the study area and because the simulated points were the mirrors of points across the study area boundary. Hot spot analysis Knowledge about the extent of spatial association in mosquito-borne disease data such as clinically-confirmed cases of dengue fever and its vector is essential for the controlling, managing and monitoring purposes.[28] Different methods can be used to identify and visualize the spatial association. However, many local statistical methods, such as geographicallyweighted Poisson regression (GWPR), Getis-Ord Gi* statistics, local indicators of spatial association (LISA) statistics, multi-logistic regression, local Moran’s I and Geary’s, have been developed to measure the spatial dependency with its neighbours specified by sample data of a study area. Therefore, these types of statistics can be used easily to identify and visualize areas of hot spots and cold-spots.[4,12,27,29] For instance, Wu et al.[4] used multiple logistic regression to explore threshold values of the imported incidence, household vector recovery rate, annual rainfall, and higher elderly and aborigine population in discriminating higher and lower risks of dengue fever epidemics in Taiwan. In this study, the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic (Equation 2) was applied to examine the local level of spatial cluster in order to identify and visualize districts where the values of dengue fever rate and adult female Aedes mosquitoes were both extreme and geographically homogeneous. This type of analysis is particularly helpful for resource allocation purposes. It identifies so-called dengue and adult female Aedes mosquito hot spots, where the value of the index is extremely pronounced across Jeddah districts. First, the conceptualization of spatial relationships that specified how relationships between dengue fever case locations and also female Aedes locations was calculated using the fixed-distance band. The fixeddistance band included the locations of DF cases inside the boundary of the study area, and it excluded everything outside that boundary. Also, it was used because it was generally more appropriate than the inverse distance conceptualization methods.[26] Secondly, the Euclidian distance was used as the distance method. Since the number of black hole traps differed from district to district, the number of mosquitoes was divided by the number of Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 21 Spatial patterns and hot spots of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti traps for each district, giving us the average number of mosquitoes per trap. The output of this analysis was a z-score and p-value for each district in Jeddah. The districts with high z-scores and small p-values indicated a spatial clustering of a high level of hot spots of DF and adult female Aedes mosquitoes, and the districts with low z-scores and small p-values indicated a spatial clustering of a low level of hot spots of DF and Aedes mosquitoes. (Equation 2) Where xj is the attribute value for feature j, wi,j is the spatial weight between i and j, and n is equal to the total number of features. Results Spatial pattern of dengue fever cases Table 1 and Figure 3 give summary statistics of K-function results, calculated by using the multidistance spatial cluster (Ripley’s K-function) to illustrate the spatial patterns and distribution of dengue fever cases over four years. In general, the results (Table 1 and Figure 3) showed that the spatial patterns and distribution of dengue cases from 2006 to 2009 were clustered at multiple distances because the observed K values were larger than the expected K values at different distances with statistically significant clustering. For example, in 2006, the observed K value (min distance ≈ 4966 m and max distance ≈ 25 486 m) was larger than the expected K value (min distance ≈ 917 m and max distance ≈ 18 395 m). As a result, the distribution of dengue fever cases in this year was more clustered than a random distribution at those distances. Also, the mean distance of the observed K (≈18 592 m) was larger than the mean distance of high confidence (≈ 9877 m), which confirmed that the spatial clustering at different multiple distances in 2006 was statistically significant (Table 1 and Figure 3(a)). Dengue fever cases were more clustered in 2006 and 2008 as compared to other years due to the larger differences between the observed K values and expected K values when using the maximum distances (see shaded region in Figure 3). Spatial pattern of adult female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes Table 2 and Figure 4 show that most Aedes mosquitoes were clustered; however, some of them were dispersed at larger distances, especially in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. According to Table 2, in 2006, the observed K (mean distance ≈ 19 200 m) was larger than 22 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Spatial patterns and hot spots of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti Table 1: Summary statistics of K-function results that applied to DF cases in four different years (the bold numbers are referred to in the text) Dengue fever clinically-confirmed cases Years Expected K Observed K Diff K Low Con Env High Con Env Min Max Mean Std 2006 917 18395 9631 5289 2007 550 11016 5783 3176 2008 604 12095 6350 3487 2009 1024 20487 10755 5906 2006 4966 25486 18592 5907 2007 2643 20802 13336 5465 2008 3084 22321 14440 5791 2009 4240 26012 18907 6469 2006 4049 10636 8961 1654 2007 2093 9817 7552 2373 2008 2479 10292 8090 2400 2009 3216 10268 8151 1952 2006 947 16242 9153 4653 2007 611 12660 6966 3677 2008 877 15338 8540 4400 2009 1007 16975 9616 4872 2006 1147 17309 9877 4948 2007 948 14168 7732 4002 2008 967 16195 9002 4645 2009 1098 17890 10159 5142 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 23 Spatial patterns and hot spots of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti Table 2: Summary statistics of K-function results that applied to adult female Aedes mosquitoes in five different years (the bold numbers are referred to in the text) Adult female Aedes mosquitoes Years Expected K Observed K Diff K Low Con Env High Con Env 24 Min Max Mean Std 2006 956 19 137 10 047 5517 2007 1422 28 457 14 940 8204 2008 1464 29 280 15 372 8441 2009 1411 28 238 14 825 8141 2010 1463 29 279 15 371 8441 2006 6251 24 933 19 207 5335 2007 4867 25 618 19 625 6219 2008 4581 25 756 19 646 6444 2009 3768 24 871 17 943 6451 2010 4262 24 693 17 892 6131 2006 5294 11 943 9160 1959 2007 –2839 7855 4684 3266 2008 –3523 7638 4274 3402 2009 –3367 6042 3118 2795 2010 –4586 5810 2520 3151 2006 2132 18 214 12 141 4817 2007 4320 25 184 18 764 6262 2008 3712 24 961 18 004 6474 2009 3372 22 510 15 848 5741 2010 3644 24 035 17 039 6096 2006 6213 24 794 18 594 5188 2007 5086 25 631 19 793 6043 2008 4571 25 611 19 363 6359 2009 4638 24 830 17 938 6167 2010 4335 24 836 18 201 6140 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Spatial patterns and hot spots of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti Figure 3: Measure of dengue fever clinically-confirmed cases at multi-distances from 2006 to 2009. If the observed K value is larger than the expected K value for a particular distance, the distribution is clustered. If the observed K value is larger than the high confidence envelope (HiConfEnv) value, spatial clustering for that distance is statistically significant. If the observed K value is smaller than the expected K, the distribution is more dispersed than a random distribution at that distance the expected K (mean distance ≈ 10 000 m). Also, Figure 4(a) illustrates that the highest number of clustering occurred at distances around 8600 m, and the clustering was also statistically significant around this distance because the observed K was larger than the high confidence envelope (HiConEnv). From about 950 to about 4780 m, the mosquito spatial clustering was not statistically significant. In 2007, the Aedes mosquitoes were clustering from about 1400 m to around 24 500 m (see Figure 4(b)); after that, they were dispersed. Since the observed K values at multiple different distances were smaller than the high confidence envelope (HiConEnv) values, the spatial clustering and spatial dispersion were not statistically significant. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 25 Spatial patterns and hot spots of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti Figure 4: Measure of adult female Aedes mosquitoes at multi-distances from 2006 to 2010. If the observed K value is larger than the expected K value for a particular distance, the distribution is clustered. If the observed K value is larger than the high confidence envelope (HiConfEnv) value, spatial clustering for that distance is statistically significant. If the observed K value is smaller than the expected K, the distribution is more dispersed than a random distribution at that distance 26 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Spatial patterns and hot spots of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti In 2008, most of the female Aedes mosquitoes were clustered between the distances around 1460 m and around 24 880 m, and the spatial clustering was statistically significant, while some of them started to be dispersed after about 24 880 m, and the spatial dispersion was not statistically significant (see Figure 4(c)). Figure 4(d) shows that the observed K values were larger than the expected K values at most of the multiple different distances, which shows that the distribution of female Aedes mosquitoes was clustering with more than a random distribution, but that after about 24 000 m the distribution of female Aedes mosquitoes was dispersed with no significance. In 2010, the distribution of mosquitoes was clustered from about 1460 m to about 21 950 m; after that distance (≈21 950 m), they started to be dispersed. The spatial clustering and dispersion were not statistically significant in this year. Hot spot analysis Dengue fever hot spot detection Areas with various risk levels of dengue fever and its vector were identified in different geographical locations (districts) for different epidemic years using the Getis-Ord Gi٭ (Figure 5). According to Figure 5 (a), districts such as Al-Balad, Al-Kandarah, Al-Ammareyyah, Al-Mahgar, Al-Sabeel, Al-Hendaweyyah, Al-Thagur, Guleel and Al Nazalah-Al Yamaneyyah had the highest risk level for dengue fever, with 654 clinically-confirmed cases (districts shaded in dark red). These accounts for about 14% of the districts under investigation and have around 13% (about 354 792) of the population and an area of about 27 km². These districts had the highest Z scores (3.18 to 6.49), and the results showed the most intense clustering of high values; therefore, these areas were identified as the hottest spots. The results also showed that around 11% (≈ 80 km²) of Jeddah districts were in a high-risk level (second level), with 207 clinically-confirmed cases of dengue. Because they had positive Z scores (1.14 to 3.17), the spatial clustering of the clinically-confirmed cases in these areas was statistically significant and they were identified as hot spots. Of all the districts in the study area, about 67% (≈ 900 km²) were cold-spot districts with negative Z score values. Around 94 % (≈ 878 km²) of these districts had the low and lowest levels of risk with 2 as the mean number of clinically-confirmed cases, and around 6% (≈ 23 km²) with 9 as the mean number of cases in 2006. In 2007, there was a decrease in the percentage of districts in the highest risk level (from 14% to 5%) and there was an increase in the percentage of districts in the high level of risk (from 11% to 28%). However, in terms of area, there was a decrease in the total area of the highest risk level from about 66 km² in 2006 to about 54 km² in 2007, and there was an increase in the total area of the high-risk level from about 79 km² to about 130 km². Both these groups of districts had positive Z scores, which identified these areas as hot spots. Al-Rehab, Al-Azizeyyah, Al-Marwah, Al-Safa, Al-Rabwah and Al-Faysaleyyah were identified as the highest risk level, with about 25% of clinically-confirmed cases of dengue fever. Those districts cover around 54 km² and they have a population of around 618 501. Note that the Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 27 Spatial patterns and hot spots of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti hot spots were different from those in 2006. In 2008, about 13% of Jeddah districts had the highest risk level (Z scores between 4.28 and 6.21). All the districts (14) that were identified as hot spots in that year were also identified as hot spots in 2006. Additionally, those districts contained around 42% of clinically-confirmed cases of dengue fever. In 2009, the number of districts identified as hot spots increased as compared to 2006, 2007 and 2008; as a result, about 18% of Jeddah districts entered the highest risk level (hottest spots) with Z scores from 2.75 to 4.88, and around 14% (16 districts) were indicated as high-risk areas with Z scores between 1.34 to 2.74. Additionally, the percentage of clinically-confirmed DF cases in the hot spot districts was around 72%. In 2010, 37 districts (about 33% of Jeddah districts) were identified as hot spots (Z scores between 1.46 and 5.24). These districts contained the largest numbers of infected people; with a total of 1960 clinically-confirmed cases (about 77% of clinically-confirmed DF cases). The areas in the highest level of risk had 46% of the total percentage of clinically-confirmed cases in the hot spot districts. Also, Figure 5 (e) illustrates that about 52% of districts were cold spots and in the low or lowest risk levels. Adult female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes hot spot detection The model in Figure 6 shows the locations with significant Getis-Ord Gi* statistics and classifies those locations by risk levels. The dark red districts and light red districts were indications of the highest and high spatial clusters with the highest and high risk levels respectively. In 2006, most of the districts that had the highest and high risk levels of dengue fever prevalence also were indicated as high and the highest risk levels of mosquito abundance, especially in the centre districts of Jeddah (see Figure 5 (a) and 6 (a)). The highest and high levels of abundance of adult female Aedes mosquitoes (hot spots) were recorded in about 25% of Jeddah districts, with around 71% of trapped mosquitoes, and Al Faihaa contained the maximum number of adult Aedes mosquitoes in this year with 2478. The percentage of cold spot districts was around 54, with negative Z scores that ranged from about –1.10 to about –0.07. There was an increase in the percentage of districts that had the highest risk level from about 16% in 2006 to about 18% in 2007; also there was an increase in the percentage of districts that had the high risk level from about 9% in 2006 to about 13% in 2007, and all of them were detected as hot spots because they had positive Z scores that ranged between 0.74 and 4.29 in 2006 and between 1.25 and 4.18 in 2007. In 2008, about 31% of Jeddah districts were detected as hot spots with the highest and high risk level (Z scores from about 1.04 to about 5.11), and around 21% of Jeddah districts (around 191 km²) were detected in moderate risk level while around 49% of Jeddah districts were detected as cold spots with low or lowest risk levels. In 2009 and 2010, new districts in different parts of Jeddah were detected with the highest and high risk levels of adult female Aedes mosquitoes for the first time since 2006. In 2009, 27 districts were detected as hot spots with the highest and high risk levels (Z scores that ranged from 1.01 to 5.59). Of those districts, about 19% were identified with the highest risk level and about 81% with a high risk level. 28 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Spatial patterns and hot spots of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti Figure 5: Model of hot spot areas based on risk levels for dengue fever cases Figure 6: Model of hot spot areas of female Aedes mosquito Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 29 Spatial patterns and hot spots of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti The year 2010 represented an increase in the number of districts (57 districts, or about 51%) that were detected as hot spots due to the positive values of Z scores. Of those districts, 14 were in the highest level of risk, with 21% of total female Aedes mosquitoes, while 23 districts were in the high level of risk, with 38% of female Aedes mosquitoes trapped during this year. Discussion Multi-distance spatial cluster analysis and hot spot analysis are valuable tools for studying how spatial patterns and hot spots of dengue fever and its vector changed from 2006 to 2010 in Jeddah. This study has utilized GIS spatial analysis tools to integrate dengue fever and female Aedes mosquitoes’ notification records and Jeddah districts for identifying and visualizing the spatial patterns and hot and cold spots. The hot spots identified in these analyses could explain the entire variance and they could predict risk in dengue fever transmission. The study showed that the spatial distribution patterns of dengue fever and its vector were significantly clustered. Hot spot analysis illustrated variation in the grouping of dengue fever and female Aedes mosquitoes across the study area, and strongly confirmed the visible pattern of districts. From 2006 to 2010, we can see the hot spots of clinically-confirmed cases of dengue fever and female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes concentrated in most of the districts that extended between the latitudes 21°41’9.163”N and 21°24’35.675”N. These districts have limited safe water, high population density, high building density and limited access to infrastructure. This fact was reinforced by several studies,[5,24,30] where the authors found that Aedes mosquitoes and dengue fever risk cases increase in areas with high human population density and high concentrations of dwellings. Also, this study showed spatial heterogeneity in the risk areas of dengue fever when using hot spot analysis. Most of the moderate risk-level districts in 2006 shifted to the highest or high risk levels in 2007, and some of the districts at a high risk level in 2007 shifted to the highest risk level in 2008. Both of these shifts also occurred in 2009 and 2010. This data should provide insights for improving the DF surveillance system and for control interventions in Jeddah. In general, the association between the prevalence of dengue fever and the abundance of Aedes mosquitoes is strong. For example, most of the clinically-confirmed DF cases were recorded in the districts that had the highest or high risk levels of female Aedes mosquitoes. In other words, most of the clinically-confirmed DF cases were recorded within the districts that were identified as mosquito hot spots from 2006 to 2008, but in 2009 and 2010, the situation was somewhat different. Some districts with negative Z scores (too small number of mosquitoes), such as Al Balad, Al Hendaweyyah, Guleel, Al Thaalbah, Al Kandarah and Betrumen, were observed with high and the highest risk levels of DF infection, with around 339 cases in 2009 and 771 cases in 2010. There are several plausible explanations for the nearly simultaneous appearance of dengue fever cases in those districts. Firstly, the most 30 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Spatial patterns and hot spots of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti prevalent infected age groups were teenagers and adults, and about 91% of them were between 15 to 60 years of age in 2009 and about 92% were between 15 to 60 years of age in 2010. These groups are highly mobile, working and travelling outside of their districts and visiting relatives and friends within the districts with a high density of female Aedes mosquitoes. Secondly, most of the victims were non-Saudi, accounting for around 66% in 2009 and around 77% in 2010. These groups usually worked at construction sites, block factories, animal fences, fuel stations, cars and tyres repair shops, farms and storages, which are the major breeding sites. In 2009 and 2010, many of the female Aedes mosquitoes were observed in districts that contained a high number of such sites. Additionally, the increase of hot spots and distribution of female Aedes mosquitoes that were observed was due to the high amount of rainfall that occurred in Jeddah during the winter season (November to January), with around 90 mm in 2009 and around 111 mm in 2010. These levels were higher than in 2006, 2007 and 2008 when the average rainfall was around 50 mm. This created many hotbeds of reproduction of Aedes mosquitoes such as swamps and soil depressions that retain water, and also increased the vegetation index in 2009 and 2010. Completion of the superstructure stage of house constructions that provided suitable environment for mosquitoes to breed in many locations, especially in the eastern part of Jeddah, was the main reason for the shift of some districts from the highest and high risk levels of female Aedes mosquitoes in 2009 to moderate risk level in 2010. Also, because the majority of infected people in Al Balad, Al Hendaweyyah, Guleel, Al Thaalbah, Al Kandarah and Betrumen, or where the highest and high risk levels of dengue fever cases were observed in 2009 and 2010, were non-Saudi, they had a low rate of income which led them to live in districts that have low rates of rent and contain labourers’ camps. These districts have been determined to have had a low number of mosquitoes in 2009 and 2010. All these facts confirmed that the victims of dengue fever during that period in those districts were living in districts with a high or the highest risk level of mosquitoes and were getting infected there. But when they went to hospital after the symptoms of the disease appeared, they reported the names of the districts where they lived and not the names of the places where they worked, hence causing a disjoint between high risk of Aedes mosquitoes and reported DF infections. Conclusion Identifying dengue fever and its vector cluster and hot spots can be greatly enhanced through the use of a variety of analytical techniques that are available in the Geographic Information System (GIS). These techniques add considerable information to the disease investigations. This study demonstrates that GIS spatial tools can be useful for dengue fever surveillance by public health officials. It can provide an opportunity to specify the health burden of dengue fever and its vector within the hot spots, and also sets a platform that can help to pursue further investigations in associated factors that are responsible for an increased disease risk. A concerted intervention in the districts of the high and the highest risk levels could be highly Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 31 Spatial patterns and hot spots of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti effective in reducing dengue fever transmission in the study area as a whole. Getis-Ord Gi ٭and multi-distance spatial cluster (Ripley’s K-function) can be implemented as routine procedures along with dengue fever control and prevention programmes. These spatial techniques can be used on a weekly basis to identify and visualize the disease patterns and hot spots as they develop. This information can then be used for treating, monitoring Aedes mosquitoes and preventing DF prevalence. They can be used to check mosquito hot spots as data are being collected and target these hot spot districts for spraying and eliminating mosquito breeding sites, which is another key prevention measure. Construction sites, labourers’ camps, swamps, soil depressions that retain water, block factories, animal fences, fuel stations, cars and tyres repair shops, farms and storages should be under continuous surveillance and treatment. Results from this study can be used to determine the order of preference and for prioritizing control actions. Also, those areas where dengue fever cases were detected but are not relatively well populated can be occasionally monitored for mosquito density. Unfortunately, Jeddah districts have no spatial data of climatic factors that can help us to build a model depending on dengue fever vector to illustrate to what extent the spatial pattern of dengue fever cases in one year can be used to estimate the spatial pattern for the coming year. We suggest that, in future, every trap that is used to capture adult mosquitoes must have devices for measuring temperature, rainfall and relative humidity to give a better understanding of the climatic conditions in the area. This can then be used later to create temperature and rainfall surfaces for all of Jeddah districts and be used as parameters for modelling predictable dengue incidences. In Saudi Arabia in general, and in Jeddah in particular, highly mobile groups need an intensive educational programme on dengue fever prevention and control. Dengue fever patients must report their travel history to their doctors when travelling in epidemic areas to improve the quality of the surveillance system. Acknowledgements We thank the Dengue Fever Operation Room of Jeddah Health Affairs and the Mosquito Laboratory, Jeddah Municipality, for providing data on dengue fever infection cases and female Aedes aegypti mosquito. References [1] Gubler DJ. Dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever: its history and resurgence as a global public health problem. In: Dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Gubler DJ & Kuno G. eds. New York: CAB International, 1997. p.1-22. [2] Bergquist NR. Vector-borne parasitic diseases: new trends in data collection and risk assessment. Acta Tropica. 2001, 79:13-20. [3] Depradine CA, Lovell EH. Climatological variables and the incidence of Dengue fever in Barbados. 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Teles# Group of Mycology/Unit of Medical Microbiology and Centre for Malaria and Tropical Diseases (CMDT), Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical (IHMT), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Rua da Junqueira, 100, 1349-008 Lisboa, Portugal. Abstract Dengue fever is a major public health problem worldwide, being considered one of the most important re-emerging diseases of today. Dengue viruses and their mosquito vectors, while being widely spread across all tropical and subtropical regions of the world, have recently emerged in temperate regions as well. In Africa, both the virus and the vector mosquitoes exist, but, unlike in Asia or South America, human dengue cases have been identified only occasionally, without reports of severe outbreaks, until a few years ago. Recent episodes in the African continent evidenced the lack of effective and reliable programmes for surveillance and control of dengue outbreaks. This paper tries to give a brief overview of the current status of dengue in Africa and to assess the main risk factors for any massive outbreaks in the future, while outlining the currently envisaged strategies to face this emergent threat. Keywords: Africa; Dengue virus; Aedes; Endemic; Vector control. Introduction Dengue disease is one of the most important arthropod-borne viruses of today. It affects millions of people worldwide and is considered an emergent disease in both the developing and developed worlds. Symptoms range from relatively mild dengue fever (DF) to the lifethreatening, severe haemorrhagic fever (DHF) or dengue shock syndrome (DSS). There are four antigenically-related serotypes of DENV (DENV-1-4), all of them causing illness. WHO reclassified ‘DHF’ as ‘severe dengue’ in an attempt to consider the frequent haemorrhagic manifestations also observed in mild disease.[1] During the past millennium, dengue sylvatic viruses were consistently and independently spread around the world, probably from southeast Asia, and introduced into human urban cycles. Dengue disease has been notified in Africa since the early 20th century. Apart from the relatively few reported cases, outbreaks # E-mail: Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 35 Update on dengue in Africa in Africa have often been poorly documented, with no reliable data about the disease incidence or prevalence. The scanty information sources available about dengue presence and distribution in Africa include sporadic publications about local outbreaks, travellers’ infection cases and serosurveys, these being of very limited usefulness to determine the true incidence and the epidemiological aspects of the disease in the continent. Human population growth has been traditionally associated with increased dengue occurrences and outbreaks; sustainable endemic transmission may require, at least, dozens of thousands of people agglomerates,[2] thus occurring mainly among urban populations and in the presence of domestic anthropophilic mosquitoes, able to transmit the infection among humans within urban centres. Yet, even in urban African settings, severe DHF has been only occasionally reported.[3] Unlike in the Americas and Asia, the sylvatic transmission cycle of DENV seems to predominate in West Africa. Despite the lack of systematic epidemiological and serosurveillance data, several African countries have registered, over the past decades, significant increases in the number of dengue epidemics, although at a much smaller scale than in south-east Asia or in the Americas,[4] with few deaths and reduced morbidity. Vectorial capacity, host genetics and virulence of viral strains have been implicated in this epidemiological pattern. Ultimately, adequate dengue surveillance will be crucial to implement suitable vaccination programmes, as expected for the near term.[5] This paper aims to assess the current status of dengue disease in Africa and, from the epidemiological, entomological and genetic perspectives, to evaluate the risk of the occurrence of severe dengue outbreaks as a major public health problem in the continent. The virus Arbovirus infections presumably constitute a high proportion of undiagnosed febrile illnesses in Africa. The existence of the disease, the prevalence of anti-dengue antibodies in the scarcely reported serosurveys and their higher abundance with increasing age indicate dengue endemicity in most regions of the continent.[5,6] The prevalence of dengue in Africa seems to be lower than in Asia and in the Americas, but it is unclear if its emergence in the last few years results more from real enhanced occurrence of the disease or from improved reporting. The apparent low incidence and prevalence can still be ascribed to the increased vulnerability of local populations to diseases as malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS (due to socioeconomic and environmental determinants) than to dengue, or simply to the small sample sizes usually tested in the few existing surveys.[5] Unlike the virus of yellow fever (YF), which presents a well-known sylvatic transmission cycle, DENV evolved preferentially to a human-to-mosquito-to-human urban cycle.[7] However, unlike in South America, sylvatic cycles of DENV have been detected in West Africa and south-east Asia.[8] Here, forest vectormosquitoes are only moderately anthropophilic and a dominant sylvatic transmission cycle, while occasionally affecting some humans, is most likely maintained by several Aedes spp. mosquitoes and non-human primates.[9] 36 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Update on dengue in Africa Nevertheless, the true role of non-human primate as hosts for DENV remains questionable, as shown by a serological survey on Senegalese monkeys, where 100% of infected isolates were tested negative for anti-dengue IgM and 58% positive for IgG, the latter probably due to cross-reactivity with other flaviviruses.[10] The lack of reported human dengue outbreaks caused by DENV sylvatic strains suggests that they are confined to the forests – given their absence from pools of peridomestic mosquitoes from endemic dengue – or that they yield relatively mild human disease.[11] The first genetic evidence of a sylvatic cycle probably arose from a genome sequencing and profiling study of several isolates of DENV-1 and DENV-2 genotypes, where a single genotype (from DENV-2) represented an isolated forest virus cycle that has evolved independently in West Africa.[12] In parallel, it is now known that DENV urban strains infect sinantropic mosquitoes (e.g. Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus) more easily than ancestral sylvatic DENV strains.[13] The existence of a permanent sylvatic cycle constitutes an unlimited source of viral traffic to human hosts in urban environments, making dengue eradication almost impossible. Experimental studies with different surrogate human model hosts have shown no differences in the mean replication rates of sylvatic and endemic DENV-2 strains, thereby suggesting that the presumable evolution of DENV sylvatic into urban strains may not have required adaptation to replicate more efficiently in humans than in ancestral animal hosts.[11] Thus, there is a considerable risk for dengue reintroduction into the endemic urban cycle from the sylvatic circulation. In fact, the first human case of DHF in Africa associated to a sylvatic DENV strain, of DENV-2, was reported recently, in a patient from Guinea-Bissau returning to Spain. It is possible that cases of sylvatic dengue have been underreported as clinical diagnosis, which has largely constituted the predominant diagnostic approach for dengue in Africa, frequently shows identical symptoms caused by endemic and sylvatic DENV strains.[14] Since DENV is endemic in West Africa and DENV-2 is largely the predominant circulating serotype (of endemic and sylvatic lineage as well), a secondary infection is unlikely to explain this case’s disease severity. Unfortunately, serological diagnosis (mainly via the IgM/IgG ratio) is inconclusive in distinguishing a secondary infection from a primary infection concomitant with previous immunity to other flavivirus, strongly suggesting a primary infection with a highly virulent sylvatic strain. Nevertheless, the potential of sylvatic strains as serious threats to public health has been questioned. Some authors focus on reports about dengue infections with similar severe symptoms caused by endemic and sylvatic strains and on present DENV circulation in primates, despite the ongoing deleterious human interventions in the tropical ecosystems[15] to support the hypothesis about the risk for the emergence of human outbreaks caused by sylvatic dengue viruses.[16] On the other hand, some writers claim that because of the only few number of human dengue outbreaks reported in several decades that were caused by sylvatic DENV strains, and the unlikelihood of the virus spillover from the sylvatic to the human cycle – in accordance with the non-African origin of the strains that have caused human outbreaks in the continent[17] – make such emergence unlikely to occur.[18] Meanwhile, the interpretation Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 37 Update on dengue in Africa about the significance and implications of clinical data, viraemia levels and human-driven environmental disruption is not consensual.[16,18] Nevertheless, caution must be exercised about the possible emergence of human dengue from sylvatic viral strains with enhanced host and vector ranges.[17] The vectors The African-native Aedes aegypti mosquito species has been considered the main urbancycle dengue vector and the one responsible for all major DHF outbreaks.[19] This species is composed by the subspecies Ae. aegypti aegypti and Ae. aegypti formosus. It is likely that the ancestral sylvatic Ae. aegypti formosus from sub-Saharan forest became domesticated by differentiating into the current Ae. aegypti aegyti urban subspecies. This original afrotropical mosquito then spread to other regions of the world, including the Mediterranean and the Americas.[20] Ae. aegypti mosquitoes were involved in the late 2009 dengue outbreak in Cape Verde islands.[21] Until a few decades ago, the physical isolation of the archipelago could justify the absence of endemic vector-borne diseases, e.g. dengue or malaria. However, the same factors that most likely explain the homogeneity of mosquito biodiversity between the islands, especially urbanization and increased human, vector and pathogen movements (apart differences in climate and vegetation), may favour, under appropriate environmental conditions, the emergence of more frequent and severe outbreaks.[22] The role of Aedes sp. mosquitoes other than Ae. aegypti in dengue transmission has been probably underestimated due to the non-existence of reliable entomological and epidemiological studies. Like Ae. aegypti, Ae. albopictus also infests urban environments,[23] thus acting as a secondary vector of urban, epidemic dengue in Africa. This species has lower in vivo than in vitro vectorial capacity for human infections. Human dengue is, indeed, the only disease known to be transmitted in nature in epidemic form by Ae. albopictus,[19] but this species has also been considered a less efficient epidemic vector than Ae. aegypti as a result of differences in host preferences.[5] However, as for Ae. aegypti, geographical variations influence susceptibility to dengue infection in these mosquitoes.[24] The general higher susceptibility of Ae. albopictus than of Ae. aegypti for dengue viruses, as suggested by experimental infection studies,[25] indicates a superior degree of adaptation as a result of longer historical contact.[13] Ae. albopictus is the main dengue vector in Asia, where Ae. aegypti (an efficient vector for both DENV and yellow fever virus (YFV)) is also abundant but in competitive disadvantage with Ae. albopictus. In Africa, the relatively low abundance of Ae. albopictus compared to that of Ae. aegypti, as well as the high cross-immunity between dengue and YF (by which recovering from one disease decreases susceptibility to the other), might fully explain the coexistence of both diseases in Africa and the absence of YF from Asia (even before the introduction of mandatory vaccination, in most countries, for incoming travellers), as recently demonstrated by mathematical modelling.[26] In Africa, Ae. albopictus was first detected in South Africa in 1989, and, shortly afterwards, in West Africa.[25] The species has been implicated, for several decades, as the main or even sole 38 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Update on dengue in Africa vector in several dengue outbreaks in Africa.[27] In recent years, West and Central Africa have experienced human co-infections of dengue and chikungunya (the last having Ae. albopictus as the main vector), simultaneously with the invasion of the continent by Ae. albopictus.[25,28] Even more surprising is the fact that such episodes of dengue epidemics have also occurred in regions previously occupied by Ae. aegypti, and phylogenetic analysis confirmed that this happened with urban rather than sylvatic DENV strains.[29] This phenomenon is probably related with the above-mentioned higher susceptibility of Ae. albopictus for the virus. Such highly probable association between Ae. albopictus territorial infestation and the emergence of human dengue transmission and disease has been recently confirmed in Europe, with the introduction of DENV in 2010 in the Mediterranean, where Ae. albopictus circulates, and the onset of autochthonous viral circulation thereafter.[14] Experimental assays showed that isolate pools of African mosquito species, tested for both DENV and CHIKV, were positive for both viruses in most of the isolates of Ae. albopictus and negative for many other species, e.g. Ae. aegypti.[29] In addition, well-succeeded experimental infection of African Ae. albopictus mosquitoes with sylvatic, but even more with urban/epidemic DENV strains, was achieved.[30] Unlike Ae. aegypti, Ae. albopictus has higher tolerance for temperate winters, thus presenting a high risk for dengue spreading to non-tropical regions.[31] Given the strong evidences about the high compartmentalization of both sylvatic and urban dengue cycles, and apart from the suggestions about an eventual relevant role of Ae. aegypti[24] and Ae. albopictus[19] in this regard, Aedes furcifer is perhaps the strongest link for DENV exchange between the two cycles in view of its susceptibility to dengue viruses and presence in both environments.[30] Indeed, only sylvatic strains of DENV-2 have been reported, in association with the forest mosquitoes Ae. luteocephalus, Ae. taylori and Ae. furcifer.[10] In East Africa, since 1980, a high abundance of mosquito populations has accompanied the temperature increase observed in the highlands. In fact, the expected rise in DENV incidence and geographical expansion in the African continent, especially in eastern and central Africa, has been predicted by recent mathematical modelling based on premises and evidences about climate and ecological changes suitable for enhanced dengue transmission.[32] Nevertheless, the real impact of climate conditions on dengue incidence and prevalence remains unclear and controversial. In Africa, given the concurrence of various favourable conditions (including those of socioeconomic origin) for the rapid emergence of severe dengue disease outbreaks, it would be particularly interesting and useful to carry out prospective and/or retrospective studies about the presumable correlation between climate, urban infestation by vector mosquitoes and human epidemics, as well as entomological studies to assess the eventual implication of sylvatic DENV strains, in order to assess the influence and dimension of such factors in human dengue transmission. In particular, updates on the geographical distribution of mosquito populations, and comparative analysis of vector-virus interactions including the predominant Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus species, could clarify more properly the exact and relative role of each species, especially of the new-comer Ae. albopictus, in the current dengue emergence in Africa.[28] Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 39 Update on dengue in Africa Dengue in Africa The first documented epidemic of DENV in Africa refers to South Africa (1927),[33] being the first isolate, of DENV-1, obtained from Nigeria (1964).[34] Other cases and/or outbreaks of DENV-1 were detected in Comoros (1993),[35] Ivory Coast (1999),[36] Cameroon (2002),[37] Madagascar (2006),[38] Burkina Faso[39] and Sudan (1985).[40] DENV-2 was apparently introduced in the continent from Indian Ocean islands,[12] although only few epidemics or case reports from sylvatic DENV-2 in West Africa have been documented.[41] This apparent lack of outbreaks caused by DENV-2 and the predominance of this serotype in sylvatic cycle transmission is in accordance with the evidence about the relative compartmentalization of the urban-human and the sylvatic-monkey dengue cycles.[12] Other human cases of DENV-2 have been detected in Senegal (1974, 1980, 1986, 1991, 1999 and 2008),[4,9,39,42] Nigeria (1964),[34] Côte d’Ivoire (1980 and 2008),[39,43] Burkina Faso (1980 and 1983),[44,45] Guinea (1981),[9] Seychelles (1977),[27] Kenya (1982),[46] Sudan (1985),[40] Comoros (1993),[35] Djibouti (1991)[47] and Mali (2008).[38] The recent isolation of DENV-3 in East and West Africa suggests that the serotype is spreading in the continent.[48] Simultaneous outbreaks of DENV-2 and CHIKV were also reported in West Africa in the last few years, namely in Gabon.[29] DENV-3 probably spread from the Indian sub-continent to Africa in the 1980’s and from there to Latin America in the mid-1990s.[49] DENV-3 was initially reported in the continent during an outbreak in Mozambique in 1984-85,[50] where several secondary infections were reported. Shortly afterwards, in 1993, a mixed outbreak of DENV-2 and DENV-3 occurred in the US military troops stationed in Somalia.[38] Prior to DENV-3, DENV-1 and DENV-2 were reported as being endemic in the region, where dengue was identified as a dominant cause of fever.[51] In West Africa, apart from the recent large outbreak in Cape Verde (2009), and its co-circulation with YF in Ivory Coast (2008),[38] DENV-3 has been isolated only in European travellers returning from Benin (2010),[52] Comoros, Zanzibar (2010),[53] Cameroon (2006) and Senegal (2007 and 2009).[39,54] Senegal, in particular, has reported an unusual frequency of dengue outbreaks, but this may be biased by improved surveillance in this country compared to most of the others. The DENV-3 outbreak in Cape Verde, the largest dengue outbreak ever registered in West Africa, was most likely a consequence of the increased travel and trade that occurred between the archipelago and neighbouring African countries and, as such, a serious sign that the virus is still spreading in the continent.[39] DENV-3 was detected in early samples, ruling out the hypothesis of an escalation of the pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus, which was also affecting Cape Verde at the time. After this outbreak, which caused a few deaths by DHF out of around 20 000 reported cases of dengue disease, the Cape Verde Health Ministry requested a multidisciplinary task force from WHO aimed to evaluate the risk of introduction of YF in the country. As a consequence, a stepwise vaccination programme and improved controls at the frontiers were implemented. The circulation of DENV-4 was detected in Senegal in the 1980s[42] and remained poorly documented since then, indicating a negligible occurrence and impact. In Africa, DENV-2 40 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Update on dengue in Africa accounts for most of the epidemics, followed by DENV-1.[4,38] Although the correlation between dengue serotypes and disease patterns is uncertain, DENV-2 and DENV-3 seem to be the main contributors to disease severity and mortality worldwide.[55] Owing to the scarcity of documented dengue outbreaks in Africa, the true burden of the disease in the continent is difficult to estimate, and therefore the scarcity of DHF episodes is not easy to interpret. Since dengue endemicity in sub-Saharan Africa seems to be increasingly evident, growing urbanization remains as a high-risk factor for large outbreaks of dengue in the continent. Although most of the African people still live in rural regions, the overall urban population in the continent increased 3-fold in the last 50 years.[5] Cities provide many artificial, nonbiodegradable containers that accumulate the necessary water for intense breeding of mosquito larvae.[17] Yet, a very recent study in Viet Nam showed that DENV transmission may be more intense in rural than in urban regions owing to the existence, in rural areas, of higher mosquito-man ratios[56] and higher proportions of horizontally- than vertically-aligned human habitations, creating higher risk for efficient DENV transmission than in tall buildings (which have higher overall rather than ground-floor human densities than horizontal settings). [57] Given that, in Africa, more than 70% of the human population still lives in rural regions,[58] a risk for large outbreaks becomes obvious. Even so, despite the unfavourable vector-host ratio for efficient dengue transmission in cities, the absolute number of cases is, most likely, higher in cities than in rural areas.[56] Despite all DENV serotypes have already been reported in the continent, the reasons for the apparent absence of severe dengue disease in Africa remain unclear. The available evidences suggest that this low severity of human disease is multi-factorial. Low virulence of viral strains, low genetic susceptibility of native black persons, high cross-protection conferred by other native flavivirus’ antibodies from previous infections or vaccinations (e.g. from YF) and low vectorial capacity of endemic mosquito populations,[30] probably contribute to the scarcity of severe cases. Recent evidences have suggested that African sylvatic strains of dengue viruses are less virulent than those circulating in other parts of the world, thus explaining, at least in part, the historical lack of severe forms of dengue disease in Africa.[59] Regarding host genetics, distinct clinical patterns of hospitalization between black and white people observed in the Caribbean, with almost nonexistence of DHF/DSS among blacks even in DENV hyperendemic regions,[60] have suggested lower genetic predisposition of blacks to dengue, especially to its severe forms. This has been attributed to the existence of polymorphic genes, unequally distributed among different ethnic groups (as a result of different selective pressures exerted on geographically-split human ancestors), regulating disease severity and resistance to infection. The identification of human genes regulating infection susceptibility may render powerful tools for the combat and management of dengue disease. Given the common historical origins of black people from both the Caribbean and Africa, it has been assumed that a common genetic profile between the two black people groups might be associated with the low incidence of severe dengue cases and fewer Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 41 Update on dengue in Africa outbreaks in both tropical regions.[60,61] Genetically-controlled factors also regulate unequal predisposition to dengue infection among different Aedes mosquito populations.[62] Indeed, African Ae. aegypti populations have shown lower vectorial capacity for both sylvatic and urban dengue viruses than Asian and American populations.[24] Low vectorial capacity can be circumvented by relevant factors such as high local vector density, mosquito population longevity or anthropophilic behaviour. Adult mosquito survival rates and density, both crucial parameters for arbovirus transmission, are affected by eco-climatic factors. Even in the current context of low DHF/DSS incidence in Africa, the presumable low vector susceptibility in the continent may result, in the long term, on selection for higher viraemia and, in turn, to more frequent and severe disease.[10] With respect to immunological factors, an eventual low rate of dengue infection in Africa may result from cross-protecting immunity from heterologous antibodies from other endemic flaviviruses in Africa.[5] A similar hypothesis was already described to explain the absence of YF in Asia.[8] Dengue control and surveillance There are several strategies already employed or under development for control of dengue disease, especially towards the production of a vaccine and new tools for control of vector mosquito populations. Since the occurrence of DHF/DSS may essentially depend on the wellknown antibody-dependent immune enhancement effect (by which circulating antibodies from a primary infection confer lifelong protection against the infecting serotype but induce greater susceptibility to other serotypes in secondary infections and eventual haemorrhagic symptoms), vaccination not targeted at all four serotypes will likely enhance susceptibility to severe disease.[63] If, however, as it has been more recently proposed, distinct DENV serotypes, and probably genotypes as well, may exhibit different virulence and/or transmissibility – both factors influencing proneness to severe and epidemic disease – then an efficient strategy to fight dengue would be direct control of the more virulent strains through vaccination. Assuming that the last condition predominates, a future dengue vaccine, in practice, should be effective against the four serotypes, and its use in African populations would be expected to eradicate one or more serotypes within the endemic regions. However, without vector control, this would not avoid the introduction of zoonotic strains into the human urban cycle,[64] given the multiple forest niches of the virus. Only sustained vaccination programmes could prevent this scenario, assuming the development, with time, of a strong protective cross-reactivity between dengue urban strains used for vaccines and the zoonotic ones.[31] Given the known difficulties and limitations of the insecticide-treated nets for mosquitobite prevention and the complexity and expensiveness of mosquito genetic control (e.g. by releasing, into the natural environment, sterile males or transgenic mosquitoes) for application in low-income countries and settings, the implementation and/or reinforcement of classical insecticide-based mosquito eradication programmes should be reinforced, together with continuous surveillance and monitoring, in order to prevent and/or minimize the emergence 42 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Update on dengue in Africa of insecticide resistance. Data about insecticide susceptibility are essential to implement effective and long-lasting control measures, especially regarding the most common insecticides used for mosquito control in Africa. Yet, particularly in Central and West Africa, such data are not available for Ae. albopictus, in view of the recent introduction of this species in the continent, and outdated for Ae. aegypti.[65] It is suspected that insecticides commonly used for other insects may also trigger selective pressure and thus insecticide-resistance in Aedes spp. As such, DDT treatments used 50 years ago to control malaria most likely caused a drastic reduction of Ae. aegypti populations in several African countries.[66] Subsequent relaxation of vector control programmes led to latter reoccupation by this species, and, by competing colonization, by Ae. albopictus.[2,20] A similar effect was observed in the 1950s–1970s campaign to eradicate YF, whose interruption provoked quick Ae. aegypti recolonization and, shortly afterwards, to the worldwide emergence of dengue disease.[31] One of the most efficient Ae. aegypti control methods relies on the elimination of the most common peridomestic breeding sites. It has been shown that, even in regions with high human host density and mosquito/man ratios, regular supply of tap water eliminates most of the mosquito breeding sites, with drastic reduction of dengue transmission.[56] However, this strategy implies not only existing infrastructures but also a continuous and usually difficult engagement of local human populations. Concerning Ae. albopictus, and taking into account its non-African origin, an insecticide-resistance background cannot be excluded,[65] an aspect deserving careful assessment. Considerable resistance of this species to pyrethroids has recently been demonstrated in Singapore, through detection of a knock-down resistance gene (kdr) mutation in these mosquitoes.[67] Apart from the most common mosquito-borne way of infection, dengue may also be occasionally transmitted by transfusion of contaminated blood.[68] In many endemic areas, particularly in Africa, there is no routine practice in blood centres for DENV screening in blood donations.[69] The importance of blood transfusion in dengue transmission is likely to increase due to the growing rates of infection among aged people which, unlike children, are potential blood donors. Accordingly, screening tests for dengue in blood supplies are becoming available. As more adults will understandably be deferred or denied as blood donors due to confirmed or suspected infection, the availability of blood supplies may decrease. The expected rise in the number of DHF/DSS cases due to secondary infections will increase the need for non-contaminated blood. A serious issue when considering diagnosis and surveillance of dengue viruses is the mandatory knowledge about the endemicity levels and prevalence of malaria. Febrile illnesses are not routinely diagnosed in laboratory in Africa and recent evidences suggest that malaria has been overestimated in the continent, with many of the reported fever cases being misdiagnosed as malaria rather than correctly diagnosed as other diseases.[70] Among travellers returning from sub-Saharan Africa, malaria is surprisingly much more prevalent as a cause of illness than dengue.[71] However, in addition to a possible high underestimation of the true dengue cases, the average overestimation rate of malaria by clinical diagnosis in low-transmission regions of Africa reaches 61%.[72] Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 43 Update on dengue in Africa Since many dengue infections are present subclinically or as fever of unknown origin, they may remain undiagnosed and thus treated presumptively as malaria or other common endemic fevers.[4] Especially in the early acute disease, clinical symptoms may be undistinguishable, thus delaying the correct diagnosis and prompt therapeutic actions, which may be crucial to combat these life-threatening diseases. Plus, erroneous attribution of fever to malaria may lead to unnecessary exposure to the collateral effects of antimalarial drugs (including malaria resistance) and, in endemic populations, to prolonged and worsening illness, resulting in low labour productivity and avoidable burdening of national health systems. Moreover, the increasing expensiveness and hazardousness of antimalarial drugs make malaria presumptive treatment less acceptable than in the past.[73] This clearly highlights the need for simultaneous specific diagnosis for dengue and malaria in patients living in or returning from regions where both infections are endemic, or during dengue outbreaks. Indeed, the possibility of undertaking mixed dengue-malaria field studies on native populations has been proposed.[5] Due to the lack of dengue warning systems in Africa, returned travellers have served as important sentinels for possible ongoing or imminent outbreaks, and thus a crucial complement to the scarce local information.[54] Although not being endemic in Europe, dengue is the most common cause of fever in returning travellers.[74] As in North America, the presence of Aedes sp. mosquitoes, in parallel with massive human travelling and migration, put these continents at serious risk of severe outbreaks. Most African countries have established systems for HIV and YF diagnosis and surveillance, but lack those for specific, rapid and accurate diagnostic tests for dengue. Indeed, as with other illnesses of short incubation periods and frequently mild and/or nonspecific symptoms, dengue may be underrepresented in epidemiological surveys.[71] Although the tourist flow between Africa and Europe is still low compared to that arising from more popular touristic destinations in South-East Asia or South America,[75] a significant increase of imported cases from Africa has occurred since the 1990s.[39] Even so, it has been claimed that Africa seems underrated in relation to dengue, considering the ratio of dengue-affected returning travellers in relation to the overall number of returning travellers from Africa to Europe.[5] Proper and prompt management of these suspected patients is urgently required to avoid costly and cumbersome biosafety measures since, very often, the presence of a BSL-4 pathogen cannot be ruled out in advance.[54] The high tourist flow between certain parts of Africa and Europe highlights the need for early alerts about viraemic travellers and for entomological surveillance,[53] especially since Ae. albopictus mosquito populations have become established in several European countries.[76] Since a significant proportion of travellers may get ill during travel owing to the short incubation period of the disease, there is an increasing need for reinforcement of surveillance mechanisms in endemic countries. So far, limited resource allocation for surveillance and research of dengue in Africa has resulted from the underrating of the disease extension and burden, but this may be about to change as climatic and socioeconomic factors will continue to favour its dissemination in the continent. Except for some noticed local outbreaks, the more frequent reports about dengue among travellers returning from Africa than in natives, and the fact that only half of the 44 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Update on dengue in Africa African countries, where travellers have acquired dengue, reported local disease transmission, strongly suggest the underestimation of dengue in the continent and the urgent need for its improved diagnosis and surveillance.[5] It is known that human travelling and trade have put in close contact geographically-separated mosquito populations, thus homogenizing their genetic differences. In this regard, regular monitoring of Aedes mosquitoes’ geographical distribution, especially through the integration of early detection systems into national disease control programmes, will be crucial to accurately and timely assess the risk of dengue transmission. The US Army has recently implemented a complex multidisciplinary surveillance programme, in order to build a predictive model for prevention, control and urgent response to disease outbreaks.[77] The programme, which integrates datasets from satellite remote sensing and geospatial mapping of eco-climatic events, as well as clinical and laboratorial data, for the identification of critical detection points to assess the risk of outbreaks (Figure), has proved its efficacy with the Rift Valley fever and is being extended to other infectious diseases, including dengue. Recently, another theoretical model applied to DHF cases in Thailand successfully identified, for the first time, a repeating spatial-temporal incidence wave in a human vector-borne disease,[78] probably related with the above-mentioned effect of discrepant transmission rates between urban centres and rural areas (probably peaking most often when crossing rural regions). By accounting for the complex interaction between Figure: Scheme of the Predictive Surveillance Program from The Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center, Division of Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System Operations (AFHSC-GEIS)[77]. Data sources fill and enrich the warning system framework. After reaching pre-established critical values, each model component triggers partial alerts that, upon inter-communication and coordination, yield reliable predictions about disease outbreaks aimed to produce prompt responses. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 45 Update on dengue in Africa the eco-climatic factors that influence the pattern of DHF incidence, the model rendered accurate predictions about the location and times of high incidence, allowing more efficient allocation of resources to fight disease outbreaks. In conclusion, increased and improved laboratorial diagnosis and surveillance are required to evaluate the epidemiological patterns and public health burden of dengue in Africa. Conclusion Under a scenario of non-existence of effective drugs and vaccines, and given the well-known difficulties in timely and accurately diagnosing the dengue disease, vector control for disease prevention rather than responding to emergencies seems to be the best option available to combat the illness, although more efficient insecticides and methods of application are also needed. Unfortunately, the lack of infrastructure, health planning and economic affordability in most African countries does not allow them to implement simple and effective means which are available in richer tropical regions of the world, viz. window screening, air-conditioning and simple hygienic practices. In the last few years, several institutions and initiatives have been created to help WHO and governments fight dengue through new strategies and tools for improved diagnosis, as well as to develop candidate drugs and vaccines. These include the Paediatric Dengue Vaccine Initiative (PDVI), the Asia-Pacific Dengue Prevention Partnership and the Consortium for the Study of Dengue Disease (DENFRAME). The European Network for Imported Viral Disease-Collaborative Laboratory Response Network (ENIVDCLRN), the European Network on Imported Infectious Disease Surveillance (TropNetEurop) and the Network of Medical Entomologists and Public Health Experts (VBORNET) of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) are important assets to assist the European Union (EU) and other countries in detecting, investigating and responding to dengue outbreaks and even isolated cases, especially in returning travellers. In Africa, the building of a sustainable research, diagnostic and surveillance capacity has been successfully implemented through tight collaborations between WHO and the Pasteur Institute in Paris for technology transfer to their African counterparts, namely, the Pasteur Institute in Dakar, a WHO Collaborating Centre for arbovirus and viral haemorrhagic fevers, and a partner of the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), aimed at providing rapid response to dengue and other arboviral outbreaks. This may certainly constitute a sustainable model intervention to follow in the future. Acknowledgements The author most sincerely acknowledges the valuable contributions and helpful suggestions made by Professor Aida Esteves and Professor Carla Sousa, from IHMT, which enabled him to write this paper. 46 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Update on dengue in Africa References [1] Senanayake SN, Daveson KL. 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Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 51 Involvement of the central nervous system in dengue fever and its outcome M.L. Kulkarni# & Saurabh Kumar Department of Paediatrics, Jagadguru Jayadeva Muragharajendra (JJM) Medical College, 2373 MCC A Block, Davangere-577004, Karnataka, India. Abstract The involvement of the central nervous system in dengue-affected children, the spectrum of neurological manifestations and the presence of dengue-specific IgM antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was studied. A prospective study was conducted of all consecutive serum-positive dengue patients (n=100) admitted to the hospitals attached to the Jagadguru Jayadeva Murugharajendra Medical College, Davangere, Karnataka state, India, from January 2009 to September 2010. Children who presented with neurological symptoms were grouped separately and CSF was cultured and routine tests for cells, sugar, protein and chlorides were done. Further CSF was subjected for dengue IgM estimation. The study showed that the neurological incidence was 40%. Seizures were present in 70% of cases and altered sensorium was present in 80% of cases. Papilloedema and cranial nerve palsy were observed in 30% of cases and meningeal signs were present in 80% of cases. CSF protein was high in 80% of cases and pleocytosis was present in 80% of cases. CSF IgM was positive in 35% of cases. The mortality observed in this study was 4%. It was concluded that dengue fever encompasses an expanding clinical spectrum and is not just restricted to the WHO-specified criteria for making a diagnosis of dengue fever other than dengue haemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. It frequently causes encephalitis probably due to a direct neurotropic effect of dengue virus. Keywords: Dengue fever; Encephalitis; Encephalopathy; Neurological manifestation of dengue fever. Introduction Dengue is the most rapidly-spreading mosquito-borne viral disease in the world. In the last 50 years, its incidence has increased 30-fold with growing geographical expansion to new countries, and, in the current decade, from urban to rural settings. Approximately 2.5 billion people live in dengue-endemic countries and an estimated 50–100 million dengue infections occur annually.[1] # E-mail: 52 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Involvement of the central nervous system in dengue fever and its outcome Recent reports indicate that the clinical profile of dengue is changing. Neurological manifestations are being reported frequently.[2,3] While the actual incidence of various neurological complications is uncertain, the reported incidence of encephalopathy and encephalitis, the most common neurological manifestations of dengue, have been found to be between 0.5%–6.2%.[2,3] From the pathogenesis point of view, neurological manifestations of dengue can be grouped into three categories: (1) Related to neurotropic effect of virus (encephalitis); (2) Related to systemic complication of dengue infection (encephalopathy); (3) Post infectious like acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, myelitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, optic neuritis.[4] Since our hospitals are tertiary care hospitals, we do see a lot of children with dengue infection, including those with neurological manifestations. So in this communication an attempt has been made to know the neurological spectrum of dengue virus infection in children and to estimate the IgM levels in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of children with neurological complications. Materials and methods This prospective study was conducted at the Chigateri General Government Hospital and the Bapuji Child Health Institute, both tertiary care paediatric hospitals attached to the Jagadguru Jayadeva Murugharajendra (JJM) Medical College, Davangere, Karnataka state, India, from January 2009 to September 2010. In Davangere, the dengue epidemic occurred every year from 2000 to 2006; since then it has become endemic with seasonal surge. A total of 100 children who were serologically positive for dengue were included in the study. The inclusion criteria for this study was, all those children with fever and positive for serum IgM antibody for dengue, and the exclusion criteria was, all those children with fever but negative for dengue serology. In all 100 children, a detailed clinical history was taken, physical examination was performed, and baseline investigations were done using a structured proforma. Tests were done for haemoglobin (Hb), total and differential leukocyte count (TLC and TLC), platelet count (PLT count), haematocrit (HCT) and liver function. All children were evaluated with dengue serology using MAC ELISA method. CSF was subjected to dengue IgM estimation. CSF analysis for IgM was done in children with neurological manifestations using Capture ELISA method. The kit was brought from the National Institute of Virology, Pune, India. The dilution for serum and cerebrospinal fluid was taken 1:100 and 1:10 respectively for diagnostic significance as per the guidelines given by the institute. Pyogenic meningitis, tubercular meningitis, hepatic encephalopathy and typhoid encephalopathy were excluded by doing blood culture, Mantoux test, computed tomography scan, rapid malaria antigen and optimal test, HBV serology and widal test. Herpes simplex serology and serology for Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 53 Involvement of the central nervous system in dengue fever and its outcome enterovirus were not done. CSF was cultured and routine tests for cells, sugar, protein and chlorides were done. This study was purely observational. The diagnosis of dengue infection, dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever was made according to the WHO criteria.[1] Statistical analysis Data were entered into a Microsoft Excel sheet. Frequencies, mean and standard deviation were calculated by using Epi-info software for statistical analysis. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Institutional Ethical Committee and the patients’ confidentiality regarding the data supplied was maintained. Results A total of 100 children (58 boys and 42 girls), who were serologically positive for dengue antibody IgM, were part of the study. Dengue fever was present in 42%, dengue haemorrhagic fever in 32% and dengue shock syndrome in 26% of cases. Sixty children had no central nervous system involvement. The most commom symptom in this group was fever (100%), followed by vomiting (50%), headache (30%), abdominal pain (25%), arthralgia (20%) and malena (10%). The most common signs were hepatomegaly (78.3%), followed by lymphadenopathy (55%), splenomegaly (38.3%), petechiae and puffiness of eye (30%) and rash (28.3%) (Table 1). In another group who had neurological manifestations, male:female ratio was 1.7:1. The clinical spectrum of cases in which neurological involvement (40 cases) was included, constituted dengue fever (17 cases), DHF (13 cases) and DSS (10 cases). The most common symptom in children who had neurological manifestations was fever (100%), followed by altered sensorium (82.5%), seizures (77.5%), vomiting (57.5%) and headache (52.5%). The 54 Table 1: Signs and symptoms in children without neurological manifestations, Karnataka, India Clinical features Fever Children without neurological manifestations (n=60) (%) 60 (100) Vomiting 30 (50) Headache 18 (30) Abdominal pain 15 (25) Arthralgia 12 (20) Malena 6 (10) Lymphadenopathy 33 (55) Puffiness 18 (30) Petechiae 18 (30) Rash 17 (28) Hepatomegaly 47 (78) Splenomegaly 23 (38) Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Involvement of the central nervous system in dengue fever and its outcome most common signs were meningeal signs (80%), cranial nerve palsy and papilloedema (32.5%). The most common cranial nerves involved were 6th and 7th. Hepatomegaly and splenomegaly were present in 65% and 37% of cases respectively. In children with neurological manifestation, oedema was present in 37% of cases and rash and petechiae were seen in 25%. Malena was found only in one case (Table 2). Thrombocytopenia was present in 47.5% in children with neurological manifestations. SGOT (serum glutamic oxaloacetate transaminase) and SGPT (serum glutamic pyruvate transaminase) showed significant elevation in children with neurological manifestations when compared to those without neurological manifestations (P value <0.005 and <0.040 respectively). CSF analysis was done in all 40 cases who had neurological manifestations; protein was in the range of 28–178 mg/dl, with a mean of 84.6 mg/dl. Glucose was in the range of 4–86 mg/dl with a mean of 47.67 mg/dl. Cell count was in the range of 4–360 mm3 with a mean of 61.09 mm3. CSF IgM was positive in 14 cases out of 40 cases, in which 6 cases were of simple dengue fever, 4 of DHF and another 4 of DSS (Table 3). Clinical features of CSF IgM-positive cases are mentioned in Table 4. Computed tomography was done in 5 patients. It was normal in 4 cases and in 1 case, it showed cerebral oedema. Discussion Dengue is one of the most important arboviral infections of humans and is one of the most important tropical infectious diseases in the world. The occurrence of Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Table 2: Signs and symptoms in children with neurological manifestations, Karnataka, India Clinical features Mean age in years M/F ratio Children with neurological manifestations (n=40) (%) 6.9 1.7:1 Fever 40 (100) Fever at the time of admission in days ± SD 9.5±6.3 Altered sensorium 33 (82.5) Seizure 31 (77.5) Vomiting 23 (57.5) Headache 21 (52.5) Abdominal pain 7 (17.5) Arthralgia 3 (7.5) Malena 1 (2.5) Lymphadenopathy 24 (60) Puffiness 15 (37.5) Petechiae 15 (37.5) Hepatomegaly 26 (65) Splenomegaly 15 (37.5) Rash 10 (25) Meningeal sign 32 (80) CN palsy 13 (32.5) Papilloedema 13 (32.5) Mortality 3 (7.5) 55 Involvement of the central nervous system in dengue fever and its outcome Table 3: Laboratory investigations in children with neurological manifestations, Karnataka, India Investigations Mean Hb (gm%) ± SD Mean total leukocyte count (per mm3) ± SD (4–11x103/µL) Children with neurological manifestations (n=40)(%) P value 9.7±1.9 NS 8785±6233 Platelet count (per mm3) in blood (150–500x103/µL) <30 000 4 (7.5) 31 000–50 000 3 (10) 51 000–100 000 12 (30) >100 000 21 (52.5) Mean packed cell volume (PCV) (%) ± SD 28.5±5.3 <0.042 S Mean SGOT (IU) SD (SGOT 5–35 U/L) 388±236 <0.005 S Mean SGPT (IU) SD (SGPT 7–56 U/L) 301±266 <0.040 S CSF findings (40 patients) CSF pleocytosis (>10 cells/mm3) 80 Mean cell count ± SD (WBC 0-3/µL) 61.09±63.56 Mean CSF protein ± SD (15–45 mg/dL) 84.6±45.56 Mean CSF sugar ± SD ( 50–80 mg/dL) 47.6±19.9 CSF IgM positivity 14 (40) DF 6 DHF 4 DSS 4 neurological manifestations in dengue infection has been recognized for long.[3] In previous reports of neurological involvement in dengue infection, the observed ‘encephalopathy’ was thought to be due to prolonged shock, along with fluid extravasation, cerebral oedema, hyponatremia and liver failure.[5] Recently, however, direct neurotropic potential of the virus has been recognized.[6] In India, too, neurological complications of dengue have been reported.[7] 56 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Involvement of the central nervous system in dengue fever and its outcome Out of our 100 cases, 40 children had symptoms and signs pertaining to CNS involvement. Hence, the incidence of neurological involvement in our study was 40%, which we believe is very high as compared to other studies. [2,3] The neurological manifestation was 0.5% and 6.2% in the study done by Cam et al.[2] and Hendarto et al.[2,3] respectively. The incidence of neurological involvement was more in the children who met the clinical features of the WHO-specified criteria of only dengue fever. Similar observations were made by Misra et al.[8] who suggested that neurological involvement may not be necessarily due to shock or bleeding. It may be due to direct neurotropic effect of the virus. In the present study, however, altered sensorium and convulsions were the most frequent presentations, which was almost similar to previous observations made by Solomon et al.[5] Table 4: Clinical features of CSF IgM positive patients, Karnataka, India Clinical features Children with neurological manifestations (n=14) (%) Fever 14 (100) Altered sensorium 13 (92.5) Seizure 12 (85.5) Vomiting 9 (64.2) Headache 9 (64.2) Abdominal pain 4 (28.5) Lymphadenopathy 6 (42) Puffiness 5 (35.5) Petechiae 4 (28.5) Hepatomegaly 10 (71) Splenomegaly 6 (42) An interesting observation we made in our case study was that the presence Rash 5 (35.5) of papilloedema and meningeal signs was Meningeal sign 12 (85.5) significantly more, being 32.5% and 80% respectively. CSF pleocytosis is an indication CN palsy 12 (85.5) of the inflammation of meninges and Papilloedema 7 (50) encephalon, probably due to direct viral invasion. In our study, CSF pleocytosis was seen in 82% of the cases. Though the gold standard for diagnosing viral encephalitis is isolation of virus either from neural tissue or CSF, however, detection of viral-specific IgM in the CSF is considered as an indication of viral replication in the CNS. In the present study, CSF IgM was positive in 40% of the cases, which is a little less when compared to the other studies. CSF IgM was positive in 47% and 64% in the studies done by Soares et al.[9] and Cam et al.[2] In the group of patients which had neurological manifestations, the mortality rate was 7.5% and there was no morbidity. All the other patients recovered without any neurological deficit. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 57 Involvement of the central nervous system in dengue fever and its outcome Conclusion Dengue is a major public health problem in Davangere and surrounding districts in the state of Karnataka in south India. A wide range of neurological manifestations were observed in our study. Altered sensorium, seizures, papilloedema, cranial nerve palsy and meningeal signs were among the common manifestations. Detection of dengue-specific IgM in CSF using ELISA has high specificity and it is difficult to explain the presence of IgM antibody in the CSF other than by viral invasion across the blood brain barrier. In our study, IgM in CSF was isolated in 14 (40%) cases, along with mean CSF protein of 84 mg/dl and with CSF mean cell count of 61 cells/mm3, which suggest viral invasion into the CNS. In an endemic area, dengue encephalitis should be considered in patients who present with the clinical features of encephalitis, whether or not classical manifestations of dengue are present or not. Standard case definition for dengue encephalitis, if adopted by WHO, would help clarify the importance of dengue neurotropism worldwide. References [1] World Health Organization. Dengue: guidelines of diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. New edition. Geneva: WHO, 2009. [2] Cam BV, Fonsmark L, Hue NB, Phoung NT, Poulsen A, Heegaard ED. Prospective case control study of encephalopathy in children with dengue hemorrhagic fever. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2001; 65: 848-51. [3] Hendarto SK, Hadinegoro SR .Dengue encephalopathy. Acta Peadiatr. Jpn. 1992; 34: 350-7. [4] Murthy JMK. Neurological complication of dengue infection. Neurol India. 2010; 58: 581-84. [5] Solomon T, Dung NM, Vaughn DW, Kneen R, Thao LT, Raengsakulrach, et al. Neurological manifestations of dengue infection. Lancet. 2000; 355:1053-9. [6] Lum LC, Lam SK, Choy YS et al. Dengue encephalitis: a true entity? Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1996; 54: 256-9. [7] Rajajee S, Mukundan D. Neurological manifestation of dengue hemorrhagic fever. Indian Pediatr. 1994; 31: 688-9. [8] Misra UK, Kalita J, Syam UK, Dhole TN. Neurological Manifestation of dengue viral infection. J Neurol Sci. 2006; 244(1-2): 117-22. [9] Soares CN, Faria L.C, Peralta J.M, Freitas M.R.G, Puccioni-sohler M. Dengue infection: neurological manifestation and cerebralspinal fluid analysis. Journal of the Neurological Science. 2006; 249: 1924. 58 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Clinical and biochemical characteristics of suspected dengue fever in an ambulatory care family medical clinic, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan Firdous Jahan,# Kashmira Nanji, Waris Qidwai, Rozina Roshan & Hira Waseem Department of Family Medicine (FAMCO), Oman Medical College-Sohar, PO Box 391, PC 321 , Al-Tareef, Sohar, Sultanate Oman. Abstract A medical chart review was carried out in an ambulatory family medical clinic attached to the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan. The study revealed that all febrile patients the mean fever spike was 39.8°C. The common symptoms were bodyache (46%), nausea (12%) and headache (10%). Other clinical findings were eye pain, backache and anorexia. Out of thirteen patients who had dengue IgM done, nine showed positive results. In laboratory examination, thrombocytopenia was found in 53.4% of patients. Low haemoglobin was found in 51% and leucopenia in 32.9% of patients. Keywords: Dengue fever; Ambulatory care; Medical chart review; Clinical and biochemical changes; Suspected DF; Aga Khan University Hospital; Karachi, Pakistan. Introduction Dengue is a widespread mosquito-borne infection in human beings which, in recent years, has become a major public health concern worldwide.[1] Dengue is re-emerging throughout the tropical world, causing frequent recurrent epidemics.[2,3] In Pakistan, the first major outbreak was recorded in 1994 in Karachi. Since then, Karachi has experienced recurrent outbreaks during 2005, 2006 and 2010. Other cities in Pakistan which recorded major dengue outbreaks were Lahore (2008) and Islamabad (2010). Three serotypes, viz. DENV-1, DENV-2 and DENV-3 (subtype III), have been found circulating in the country.[4] During 2010, the Dengue Surveillance Cell of the Sind Province of Pakistan reported 563 serologically-confirmed cases at the Aga Khan University Hospital in Karachi. The reported cases were usually complicated or were with haemorrhagic manifestations. However, at an # E-mail: Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 59 Clinical and biochemical characteristics of dengue fever cases in Karachi, Pakistan ambulatory care family medical clinic (primary health care centre) attached to the Aga Khan University Hospital, the usual presentation was mild-to-moderate fever, treated as suspected dengue. The present study highlights the clinical and biochemical characteristics of suspected cases as observed at an ambulatory care family medical clinic (ACFMC). Materials and methods The primary investigator of this study trained the person who did the chart review and data collection in the clinic. Data were collected through a structured instrument which was developed after brainstorming sessions with the authors. Demographic information, gender and age were recorded for all patients. Clinical presentation (fever), minimum and maximum rise of temperature, nausea and/or vomiting, rash, abdominal pain, myalgia, headache and haemorrhage were recorded. Results of biochemical tests, which were carried out depending on clinical findings, were recorded. Thrombocytopenia was defined as a platelet count, 100 000 cells/mm3 blood. A haematocrit value rising by 20% was considered as high. Similarly, leucopenia was defined as a white cell count <5000 cells/mm3, neutropenia as neutrophils <40%, and lymphocytosis as lymphocytes >45%. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) was considered as raised if it was 55 and 33 IU/L for males and females respectively. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) was defined as raised if it was 46 and 32 IU/L for males and females respectively. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 15.0 was used for data entry and statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics were calculated. Median (± inter-quartile ranges) were reported for continuous variables such as age, gender, etc. Numbers and percentages were reported for all other categorical variables such as clinical characteristics (fever, headache, bodyache, etc.) and biochemical tests (thrombocytopenia, leucopenia, etc.) Most developing countries have epidemics of febrile illnesses which can be confused with dengue fever; therefore, other investigations such as blood culture, urine culture, malaria immunochromatography (ICT), typhidot IgM, etc., were done according to clinical symptoms and signs. Results The total number of patients who presented with fever in the community health centre (outpatient clinic) during October-November was 125, of whom 78 (62.4%) were male while 47 (37.6%) were female. 60 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Clinical and biochemical characteristics of dengue fever cases in Karachi, Pakistan The mean fever spike was 39.8 °C. The common symptoms were bodyache (46%), nausea (12%) and headache (10%). Other clinical findings were eye pain, backache and anorexia (Table 1). Table 1: Clinical features of patients with suspected DF at an ambulatory care family medical clinic, Karachi, Pakistan Characteristics n Age* % 32 (±15) Gender Male 78 62.4 Female 47 37.6 Bodyache/headache 69 55 Eye pain 4 3.2 Backache 41 32.8 Nausea/Anorexia 11 8.8 *Mean age. In laboratory investigations, thrombocytopenia was found in 50 out of 92 (54.3%) patients. Low haemoglobin was found in 44 out of 86 (51%) patients, high haemoglobin and haematocrit level was found in 42 out of 86 (48%) patients, leucopenia in 29 out of 89 (32.9%), neutropenia in 9 out of 70 (13%), lymphocytosis 10 out of 69 (14.5%), lymphopenia 26 out of 69 (37.6%), raised ALT 17 out of 41 (41%) and raised AST 25 out of 29 (86%) patients. Raised ALT/AST was found in 5% of the cases (Table 2). Dengue IgM was done in 13 patients and 9 were positive (69.2%). Other investigations done according to clinical presentation revealed significant positive blood culture for Salmonella Typhi and serum Typhidot-IgM. Severe thrombocytopenia <30 000 was found in 9 (7%) cases, high haematocrit >20 was found in 84 (67%) cases and severe leucopenia <3.0 was found in 12 (10%) cases. Based on these criteria, 52 patients were referred to the Emergency and 9 were hospitalized for platelet transfusion; the rest were sent home after intravenous rehydration and were asked to return for a close follow-up in the ACFMC clinic. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 61 Clinical and biochemical characteristics of dengue fever cases in Karachi, Pakistan Table 2: Laboratory findings of the study participants with suspected DF (n=125) Tests n=Tests ordered Test positive % Thrombocytopenia 92 50 54.3 Low haemoglobin 86 44 51 High haemoglobin 86 42 48 Haematocrit level 70 Lymphocytosis 69 10 14.5 Leucopenia 89 29 32.5 Neutropenia 70 9 13 Raised AST 29 25 86 Raised ALT 41 17 41 40±5.8 Discussion The results of this study describe the demographic trends of suspected dengue infections in ambulatory care. As described in available literature, the clinical presentation is somehow classical in most of the suspected DF cases.[5] Dengue virus is now endemic in Pakistan, circulating throughout the year, with a peak incidence in the post-monsoon period. The mean age detected is 32 years (3-78). The median age of dengue patients has decreased and younger patients seem to have become more susceptible.[6] Clinical presentation in nearly half of the patients was severe bodyache followed by backache, nausea and headache as reported by others.[7] In those who had the diagnosis of suspected DF, the most common biochemical changes were thrombocytopenia and raised AST. Nearly half of the patients had high haemoglobin and haematocrit levels. Dengue IgM was positive in 9 out of 13 patients on whom the test was done. Among patients of DF in other parts of Pakistan, tests revealed similar clinical characteristics, with some variations in symptomatology.[8,9]. Clinical characteristics and biochemical changes, though variable in different parts of the world, show some similarities like thrombocytopenia, high haematocrit, leucopenia, lymhocytosis and lymphonia, that were found in this audit as well.[5,10,11,12] Both ALT and AST levels were high in the biochemical profile but the level of AST was significantly high.[13] Total and differential leukocyte count may be useful for the identification of patients at risk of haemorrhage and their utility needs should be studied further. 62 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Clinical and biochemical characteristics of dengue fever cases in Karachi, Pakistan Other diagnosis in ambulatory care was enteric fever in 34 out of 53 (62%) patients. Although malaria is highly prevalent in this part of the country, but in post-monsoon fever cases, out of 59 tests done, only one malaria ICT was found positive. A significant number of patients were referred to the Emergency room for hospitalization, but most of them were discharged after intravenous rehydration while 9 out of 52 patients needed platelet transfusion. In this study no one had overt bleeding or minor haemorrhage but cases of impending haemorrhage with severe thrombocytopenia were immediately referred for platelet transfusion. Primary care physicians have an active role to play in providing care and support and identifying the signs of impending haemorrhage which has serious consequences. Dengue fever cases need referral to tertiary care for intravenous fluid replacement and platelet transfusion along with supportive care. Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the help of Sumiara Ihtesham (Head Nurse, CHC Clinic) and Dr Samina Hossien (Assistant Physician In-charge, CHC Clinic). References [1] World Health Organization. Dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever. Fact sheet no.117 March 2009. Geneva: WHO, 2009. - - accessed 11 January 2012. [2] Guzman MG, Kouri G. Dengue: an update Lancet Infect Dis. 2002; 2: 33–42. [3] Thomas SJ, Strickman D, Vaughn DW. Dengue epidemiology: virus epidemiology, ecology, and emergence. Adv Virus Res. 2003; 61: 235–289. [4] Raheel U, Faheem M, Riaz MN, Kanwal N, Javed F, Zaidi NS, Qadri I. Dengue fever in the Indian subcontinent: an overview. J Infect Dev Ctries. 2011; 26; 5(4): 239-47. [5] Ageep AK, Malik AA, Elkarsani MS. Clinical presentations and laboratory findings in suspected cases of dengue virus. Saudi Med J. 2006 Nov; 27(11):1711-3. [6] Syed M, Saleem T, Syeda UR, Habib M, Zahid R, Bashir A, Rabbani M, Khalid M, Iqbal A, Rao EZ, Shujja-ur-Rehman , Saleem S. Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding dengue fever among adults of high and low socioeconomic groups. J Pak Med Assoc. 2010 Mar; 60(3): 243-7. [7] Muhammad A, Adel MK, Eman HL, Shahid B, Adnaan YA, Sawsan AU. Characteristics of Dengue Fever in a large public hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. J Ayub Med Coll Abottabad. 2006 Jun; 18(2): 9-13. [8] Riaz MM, Mumtaz K, Khan MS, Patel J, Tariq M, Hilal H, Siddiqui SA, Shezad F. Outbreak of dengue fever in Karachi 2006: a clinical perspective. J Pak Med Assoc. Jun 2009; 59(6): 339-44. [9] Khan E, Siddiqui J, Shakoor S, Mehraj V, Jamil B. Dengue outbreak in Karachi, Pakistan, 2006: experience at a tertiary care center. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2007; 101: 1114–1119. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 63 Clinical and biochemical characteristics of dengue fever cases in Karachi, Pakistan [10] Keating J. An investigation into the cyclical incidence of dengue fever. Soc Sci Med. 2001; 53: 1587–1597. [11] Gupta E, Dar L, Kapoor G, Broor S. The changing epidemiology of dengue in Delhi, India. Virol J. 2006; 3: 92. [12] Chuang VW, Wong TY, Leung YH, Ma ES, Law YL. Review of dengue fever cases in Hong Kong during 1998 to 2005. Hong Kong Med J. 2008; 14: 170–177. [13] Sumarmo. Dengue haemorrhagic fever in Indonesia. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 1987; 18: 269–274. 64 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Capillary leak syndrome in dengue fever Sudhir Kumar Verma,a Manish Gutch,a Abhishek Agarwalb & A.K. Vaisha# Department of Medicine, Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University (CSMMU), Chowk, Lucknow-226003, Uttar Pradesh, India. a Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University (CSMMU), Chowk, Lucknow-226003, Uttar Pradesh, India. b Abstract Capillary leak syndrome (CLS) has been described in dengue fever but its exact features have not been clearly defined. We present here the findings in 25 cases of CLS recently seen by us during an outbreak of dengue fever in northern India. Besides fever, body ache and bleeding manifestations, ascites was present in 84% cases, pleural effusion in 76% cases, and both ascites and pleural effusion in 60% of cases. The pleural effusion was right-sided in 52.6% cases, bilateral in 47.4% cases and only left-sided in none of the cases. The fluid accumulation seen was moderate and frequently involved both abdomen and pleural cavity. The fluid rapidly cleared in a week’s time without any specific treatment. These cases can pose considerable diagnostic challenge which is discussed here. Keywords: Dengue fever; Pleural effusion; Ascites; Capillary leak syndrome. Introduction Capillary leak syndrome (CLS) can be due to diverse causes.[1] There are several reports of CLS in dengue fever but its precise manifestations have not been clearly defined.[2,3] Recently, in an outbreak of dengue fever in northern India, we encountered several cases of CLS. The detailed findings of CLS in these cases are being presented here. Materials and methods Out of the 127 cases seen in one month at the Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University (Erstwhile King George Medical College), Chowk, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, 25 cases had features of CLS. All the cases of dengue fever with CLS were positive for NS1 antigen (Dengue NS1 Antigen Microlisa Kit marketed by J. Mitra & Co., India) or IgM antibodies (IVD IgM dengue kit marketed by IVD Research Inc., USA) or both (Table 1). # E-mail: Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 65 Capillary leak syndrome in dengue fever Table 1: Results of testing for dengue fever (NS1 & IgM antibody) Test Positive (%) (n=25) NS1 antigen 4 (16%) IgM dengue antibody 17 (68%) Both 4 (16%) The other investigations performed in these cases were complete haemogram including platelet count, urine routine examination, blood urea nitrogen, blood sugar, total serum protein & serum albumin, ultrasonographic examination of abdomen and X-ray chest (PA) view. In a few (4) cases, we could aspirate the pleural/ascitic fluid for cytochemical examination. Results The mean age of the 25 cases of dengue fever with CLS was 30.5 ± 15 years, and the male-female ratio was 1:1.27. The results of testing for dengue fever (NS1 & IgM antibody) are shown in Table 1. The main clinical findings on admission in the cases of CLS are shown in Table 2. Fever was present in all (100% cases), generalized body pain in 84% cases, and bleeding manifestations in 56% cases. Pedal oedema was not present in any of the cases. All the cases had some degree of thrombocytopenia. The platelet count became normal in all cases in 4-5 days. No deaths occurred in these cases. The serum albumin levels were mildly reduced (3.0–3.5 gm/dl) in 80% of cases and significantly reduced (<3.0 gm/dl) in 12% of cases (Table 2). Urine examination was normal in all the cases. The findings of the ultrasonographic examination in these cases are shown in Table 3. Ascites was present in 21 out of 25 cases (84%), pleural effusion in 19 cases (76%) and both ascites and pleural effusion in 15 cases (60%). The pleural effusion was present on the right side only in 10 cases (52.6%) (Figure), and both right-sided and left-sided in 9 cases (47.4%). None of the cases had only left-sided pleural effusion. Mild hepatomegaly and edematous gall bladder wall was present in 48% and 20% of cases respectively. Pericardial effusion was not seen in any case. The estimated fluid volume in peritoneal cavity and pleural space assessed by ultrasonography are shown in Table 4. In 20 out of 21 cases with ascites, the fluid volume was less than 1000 ml, and in 18 out of 19 cases with pleural effusion, the volume of fluid was also below 1000 ml. Therefore, in a majority of cases, the fluid accumulation was mild to moderate. In four cases the pleural fluid was aspirated and the findings are shown in Table 5. The pleural fluid was exudative in all the four cases. There were increased numbers of WBCs with a preponderance of lymphocytes in all cases and the sugar level in fluid was normal. Ultrasonography was repeated in all cases after one week. The fluid collection had completely cleared in 12 cases (48%) and decreased by more than 50% in the remaining cases. 66 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Capillary leak syndrome in dengue fever Table 2: Clinical findings on presentation in the CLS cases Finding Number of patients (%) (n=25) Fever 25 (100%) Generalized body pain 21 (84%) Bleeding manifestations 14 (56%) (a) Petechiae (b) Menorrhagia 3 (21.43%) (c) Malaena 2 (14.29%) (d) Haematuria 1 (7.14%) (e) Gum bleeding 1 (7.14%) 7 (50%) Hypotension 2 (8%) Altered sensorium (Glasgow coma score = 11) 1 (4%) Platelet count on admission (a) 50 000–100 000/mm3 3 (12%) (b) 20 000–50 000/mm3 15 (60%) (c) <20,000/mm3 7 (28%) Serum albumin (a) >3.5 gm/dl (b) 3.0–3.5 gm/dl 20 (80%) (c) <3.0 gm/dl 3 (12%) 2 (8%) Table 3: Ultrasonographic findings in cases with CLS Finding Number of cases (%) (n=25) Ascitis 21 (84%) Pleural effusion 19 (76%) Both 15 (60%) Pleural effusion (n=19) • Right-sided 10 (52.6%) • Left-sided Nil (0%) • Bilateral Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 9 (47.4%) 67 Capillary leak syndrome in dengue fever Figure: X-ray chest PA view of a patient with CLS showing right-sided pleural effusion Table 4: Volume of ascitis/pleural effusion in the CLS cases (by ultrasonography) Volume of fluid Number of patients (%) Ascitis (n=21) • <500 ml 11 (52.4%) • 500–1000ml 9 (42.9%) • >1000 ml 1 (4.7%) Pleural effusion (n=19) • <500 ml 16 (84.2%) • 500–1000 ml 2 (10.5%) • >1000 ml 1 (5.3%) 68 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Capillary leak syndrome in dengue fever Table 5: Findings of pleural fluid examination in cases with CLS Pleural fluids findings Case-1 Case-2 Case-3 Case-4 Colour Straw coloured Straw coloured Straw coloured Straw coloured Proteins (gm/dl) 3.3 3.3 3.1 3.4 Total cells/mm3 365 290 320 260 • Polymorphs 27 10 24 18 • Lymphocytes 69 75 73 76 • Monocytes 4 15 3 6 • Eosinophils Nil Nil Nil Nil • Sugar 82 112.6 96 108 Differential counts Discussion Our results indicate that CLS is not uncommon in dengue fever, being present in approximately 19.7% of cases. Technological advances such as ultrasonography have probably facilitated the recognition of these cases.[4,5] The occurrence of fever with ascites/pleural effusion as in our cases can throw up several diagnostic challenges. Similar findings may occur in tuberculosis and collagen disorders. In tuberculosis pleural effusion, sometimes the fever may be moderate to high.[6] In collagen disorders, thrombocytopenia can also occur. Furthermore, as in tuberculosis pleural effusion, there was lymphocytosis in the fluid in our cases of CLS. Tuberculosis pleural effusion is common in India and hence many of these cases can be misdiagnosed and inappropriately given antitubercular treatment. This distinction is important to be made. Certain points which would favour CLS and help in distinguishing are as follows: (1) In CLS, collection of fluid frequently involves multiple sites. (2) The fluid accumulation is mild to moderate and rarely more than 1000 ml. (3) The pleural effusion is mainly right-sided and never occurs alone on the left side.[7] Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 69 Capillary leak syndrome in dengue fever The fluid accumulation in our cases rapidly resolved in a week’s time without any treatment. In doubtful cases, it would, therefore, be advisable to wait and repeat ultrasound examination after one week before starting any specific therapy. Appreciation of the manifestations of CLS due to dengue fever would help in preventing misdiagnosis and unnecessary treatment. References [1] Druey KM, Greipp PP. Narrative review: the systemic capillary leak syndrome. Ann Intern Med. 2010 July 20; 153(2): 90-98. [2] Kabra SK, Jain Y, Singhal T, Ratageri VH Dengue; hemorrhagic fever: clinical manifestations and management. Indian J Pediatr. 1999 Jan-Feb; 66(1): 93-101. [3] Venkata Sai PM, Dev B, Krishnan R. Role of ultrasound in dengue fever. Br J Radiol. 2005 May; 78(929): 416-8. [4] Quiroz-Moreno R, Méndez GF, Ovando-Rivera KM. Clinical utility of ultrasound in the identification of dengue hemorrhagic fever. Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc. 2006 May-Jun; 44(3): 243-8. [5] Srikiatkhachorn A, Krautrachue A, Ratanaprakarn W, Wongtapradit L, Nithipanya N, Kalayanarooj S, Nisalak A, Thomas SJ, Gibbons RV, Mammen MP Jr, Libraty DH, Ennis FA, Rothman AL, Green S. Natural history of plasma leakage in dengue hemorrhagic fever: a serial ultrasonographic study. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2007 Apr; 26(4): 283-90; discussion 291-2. [6] Berger HW, Mejia E. Tuberculous Pleurisy. Chest. 1973; 63; 88-92. [7] Wu KL, Changchien CS, Kuo CH, Chiu KW, Lu SN, Kuo CM, Chiu YC, Chou YP, Chuah SK. Early abdominal sonographic findings in patients with dengue fever. J Clin Ultrasound. 2004 Oct; 32(8): 386-8. 70 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Haemogram profile of dengue fever in adults during 19 September – 12 November 2008: A study of 40 cases from Delhi Sonia Advani,# Shikha Agarwal & Jitender Verma Department of Biotechnology Engineering, College of Engineering and Technology, IILM Academy of Higher Learning, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. Abstract Dengue illness appears similar to other febrile illnesses in its early stages, which means its diagnosis is often delayed or confused with other illnesses. To address this issue, we analysed the haemogram profile of 40 patients (>12 years) hospitalized with DHF in Delhi from 19 September to 12 November 2008 to predict outbreaks and severity levels of the disease. Such studies could prove useful in disease management, diagnosing dengue and predicting the likelihood of haemorrhaging. All the patients were diagnosed, managed and monitored according to a standard protocol. Of the 40 patients who fulfilled the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria of DHF, 30 (75%) were male. All patients presented with fever and IgM dengue serology was positive in 100% cases. The haemogram profile shows that the lymphocyte level is a highly deviated parameter whereas the red blood corpuscles (RBC) count and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) are the least deviated parameters after performing standard deviation tests. Keywords: Dengue; Haemogram profile; RBC count; WBC count; MCH; MCHC; Lymphocyte; Delhi. Introduction Little is known about the pattern and dynamics of dengue virus in outbreak situations.[1] Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne flaviviral infection endemic in the tropics and subtropics, affecting up to 100 million people.[2] Four distinct dengue viral serotypes (DENV-1–4) are known to cause the illness.[3] The presence of the virus in the blood vessels causes changes to these blood vessels. The vessels swell and leak. The spleen and lymph nodes become enlarged and patches of the liver tissue die. A process called disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) can occur.[4] After the virus has been transmitted to the human host, a period of incubation occurs, and many infections may be asymptomatic. During this time, the virus multiplies. When present, symptoms of the disease appear suddenly and include high fever, chills, headache, eye pain, red eyes, enlarged lymph nodes, a red flush to the face, lower back pain, extreme weakness, and severe aches in the legs and joints. This initial # E-mail: Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 71 Haemogram profile of dengue fever in adults from Delhi period of illness lasts about two or three days. After this time, the fever drops rapidly and the patient sweats heavily. After about a day of feeling relatively well, the patient’s temperature may increase again.[5] The laboratory profile provides the preliminary route to investigation and the objective of this work was to predict outbreaks and severity levels of the dengue disease.[6] Materials and methods Patients admitted with fever, headache, myalgia and retro orbital pains were taken up for the study. Haemogram profiles of dengue-positive patients were collected with permission from patients admitted in the Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narain Hospital, Bhagwati Diagnostic Centre and Mayur Diagnostic Centre, all in Delhi. Other causes of fever like malaria, leptospirosis, enteric fever and respiratory infections were excluded by appropriate tests. Results Forty patients were evaluated, of which 30 (75%) were male. Dengue fever, headache and myalgia were the common clinical features. IgM dengue serology was positive in 100% cases. For all patients, the haemogram profile consisting of various parameters such as mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), lymphocyte count, platelet count, white blood cell (WBC) count, red blood corpuscles (RBC) count, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and haemoglobin count were tabulated (Table 1). The deviation of the above parameters from the reference values was calculated by the method of standard deviation (Table 2). Most patients had a platelet count of between 25 000/mm3 and 50 000/mm3 (56%). The RBC count and MCHC were observed to be the least deviated parameters in dengue patients whereas lymphocyte count was the highest deviated parameter. From the data (Table 1), it was also inferred that platelet level is a good indicator of dengue infection. Discussion Dengue fever was noted in adults during 19 September – 12 November 2008. Standard deviation for each parameters was individually calculated from the normal values, using formula, Standard deviation (s) = (∑X2/N)1/2 where X = deviation from normal value and N = number of patients. The most deviated parameter was identified using the above calculation. Difference in normal values for male and female patients required separate graphical representations for each parameter. From Table 2 it was inferred that some parameters are highly deviated and some slightly deviated. MCH is the least deviated parameter in dengue patients whereas neutrophil is a 72 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 30.9 30.8 M M M M M F M F M M F M M M F M F F M 3 4 5 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 40.7 33.7 34.1 33.1 33.3 27.2 35.8 32.3 33.1 32.1 34.9 27.1 31.8 32.1 31.3 31.3 32.4 32.5 31.2 F 26.3–33.8 pg/cell M Reference values MCH pg/cell 2 Sex 1 Patient no. 38.6 38.6 35.4 37.5 34.5 36.6 34.8 31.6 37.1 33.79 34.26 32.7 35.5 36 35.5 37.7 30.1 35.2 36.3 36.4 35.9 32–36 g/dl MCHC g/dl 42 45 50 53 49 48 49 57 43 46 55 55 40 79 40 64 53 60 60 66 28 140–450 Platelet ×10e3 46 58 46 54 62 53 67 41 45 50 49 42 58 19 57 32 37 37 30 30 22 20–45 Lymphocyte ×10e3 6.2 4.9 5.8 4.7 5.7 11.9 5.7 7.5 7.8 7.9 7.8 5.25 8.7 9.7 8.2 6.5 6.29 4.43 5.1 7 6.9 5000–11 000 WBC count (x10e3) µl Table 1: Haemogram profile of 40 dengue patients 2.85 2.17 3.44 3.66 4.49 4.29 4.49 2.26 3.79 3.89 4.44 4.68 3.55 3.49 3.77 1.443 3.55 4.9 5.02 4.52 5.5 5.5±1: M 4±1: F RBC (x10e6) µl 102.0 69.5 88.6 88.8 95.5 74.5 95.5 102.2 86.7 83.5 96.4 82.9 87.2 86.2 89.7 85.8 103.9 86.9 89.3 90.7 86.9 80–100 fl MCV fL 13.9 9.4 11.6 11.6 14.6 11.7 14.8 12.6 15.4 12.3 15.9 12.7 8.6 10.8 12 12.2 11.1 14.4 14 13 14.2 15.5±2: M 13.5±2: F HB Haemogram profile of dengue fever in adults from Delhi 73 74 F 40 Reference values 27.8 32.6 31.7 34.6 39.1 30.9 29.3 28.7 38.8 33.2 40.6 34.8 28.6 31.4 39.3 26.5 32.7 35.6 28.3 26.3–33.8 pg/cell MCH pg/cell 37.6 35.4 36.4 38.5 36.8 32.3 31.5 34.9 35.7 37.8 33.7 38.8 31.7 33.2 37.8 36.8 34.3 35.6 37.6 32–36 g/dl MCHC g/dl MCH: Mean corpuscular haemoglobin (picograms/cell). MCHC: Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (g/dl). WBC: Count: White blood cell count (x10e3) µl. RBC: Red blood corpuscles count (x10e6) µl. M: Male; F: Female. M M 33 39 M 32 M M 31 38 M 30 M M 29 37 M 28 M F 27 36 M 26 F M 25 M M 24 35 M 23 34 M 22 Patient no. Sex 48 46 41 51 47 53 43 49 54 40 59 45 57 41 42 52 50 46 48 140–450 Platelet ×10e3 46 41 49 67 66 59 53 50 62 45 48 42 55 57 43 61 60 44 66 20–45 Lymphocyte ×10e3 5.4 6.7 10.5 5.6 9.8 4.7 6.8 11.6 7.3 5.7 8.9 4.8 10.6 10.2 7.7 6.3 5.5 7.6 7.8 5000–11 000 WBC count (x10e3) µl 4.58 4.47 3.70 3.28 3.92 3.59 3.13 3.67 3.48 2.79 2.65 2.44 3.80 3.87 4.68 2.88 2.18 3.76 4.22 5.5±1: M 4±1: F RBC (x10e6) µl 69.3 86.3 95.7 74.3 102.6 91.5 63.6 101.2 94.8 86.8 97.4 103.8 73.8 68.3 96.7 103.4 70.3 85.3 65.3 80–100 fl MCV fL 10.4 9.3 12.7 10.5 14.7 10.13 11.3 13.5 10.8 12.8 9.7 14.6 15.7 13.7 11.4 14.3 15.6 12.5 13.2 15.5±2: M 13.5±2: F HB Haemogram profile of dengue fever in adults from Delhi Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Haemogram profile of dengue fever in adults from Delhi Table 2: Standard deviation for different parameters [this study] Parameter Standard deviation ( s) RBC count 0.89 MCHC 1.71 Haemoglobin 1.91 WBC count 2.02 MCH 3.51 Platelets 8.75 Lymphocyte 11.87 RBC: Red blood corpuscles count. MCHC: Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration. WBC count: White blood cell count. MCH: Mean corpuscular haemoglobin. highly deviated parameter. Platelet count is the most effective way of checking the status of the dengue patient. This analysis takes into account only some parameters which give a better insight into the status of the disease. References [1] Vaughn DW, Barrett A, Solomon T. Flaviviruses (Yellow Fever, Dengue, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, Japanese Encephalitis, West Nile Encephalitis, St. Louis Encephalitis, Tick-Borne Encephalitis). In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, eds. Principles and practice of infectious diseases. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Pa: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2009. Chap 153. [2] Gibbons RV, Vaughn DW. Dengue: an escalating problem. BMJ. 2002 29; 324(7353):1 563-6. [3] Birnbaumer DM. Fever in the Returning Traveler. In: Slaven EM, Stone SC, Lopez FA, eds. Infectious Infectious diseases: emergency department diagnosis and management. New York: McGraw Hill, 2007. pp. 418-427. [4] Ward DI. A case of fatal Plasmodium falciparum malaria complicated by acute dengue fever in East Timor. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2006; 75(1): 182-5. [5] Abrol A, Dewan A, Agarwal N, Galhotra A, Goel NK, Swami HM. A clinico-epidemiological profile of dengue fever cases in a peri-urban area of Chandigarh. The Internet Journal of Epidemiology. 2007; 5(1). [6] Goel NK, Gurpreet, Swami HM. Epidemiological characteristics of dengue fever: its prevention and control. The Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology. 2007; 1(1). Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 75 Differentiating early adult dengue from acute viral respiratory infections – A comparative analysis Tun-Linn Thein,a Eng-Eong Ooi,b,c Jenny GH Lowd & Yee-Sin Leoa# Department of Infectious Diseases, Communicable Disease Centre, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Moulmein Road, Singapore 308433. a DSO National Laboratories, 20 Science Park Drive, Singapore 118230. b Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, 8 College Road, Singapore 169857. c d Singapore General Hospital, Outram Road, Singapore 169608. Abstract The clinical presentations of dengue disease in adults are not fully described. Differentiating dengue from other acute viral respiratory infections (ARIs) is important. We conducted a prospective study from January 2008 to March 2010, recruiting subjects with early febrile illness presenting within the first 72 hours of illness at primary care outpatient clinics. This study evaluates cases enrolled to identify distinguishing clinical features of early dengue infection from ARIs. Acute and convalescent venous blood and nasal swab specimens were collected. Dengue was confirmed by RT-PCR, virus isolation, IgM/IgG seroconversion or fourfold IgG titre increase in paired blood samples. Non-dengue cases were tested for respiratory viruses from nasal swabs by RT-PCR. Dengue was confirmed in 49 patients along with 151 cases of influenza, 10 of parainfluenza and 29 patients of other viruses. The demographics between dengue (n=49) and PCR-positive viral ARI cases (n=190) did not differ significantly except by age (mean 39.1 years vs 33.7 years respectively; P<0.05). Compared with other viral ARIs, dengue patients had significantly more frequent joint pain, vomiting, red eyes, rashes and longer symptoms duration. In the multivariate model, red eyes and leucopenia significantly differentiate between the two groups (P<0.01). This study provides information for early recognition of dengue infection. Keywords: Adult dengue; Acute viral respiratory infections (ARIs). Introduction Dengue is the most important mosquito-borne viral infection of humans. Worldwide, an estimated 2.5 billion people living in urban areas in tropical and subtropical countries are at risk of dengue infection.[1] Dengue is caused by four closely-related virus serotypes of the # E-mail: 76 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Adult dengue and acute viral respiratory infections genus Flavivirus. Disease spectrum varies from asymptomatic to severe dengue with fatal clinical outcomes, characterized by plasma leakage leading to shock.[2] Dengue re-emerged in Singapore in recent decades despite aggressive vector control. Predominantly a disease of children in the past, it has become an increasingly-recognized problem in adults.[3-5] Early clinical presentations of dengue disease in adults are, however, poorly described. Dengue virus infections are often difficult to distinguish clinically from other acute febrile illnesses, including influenza and other influenza-like illnesses. The ability to suspect and diagnose dengue during its early course of illness is critical for clinicians in order to institute appropriate care and monitoring of the patients.[6] We conducted a prospective study of acute febrile patients comparing dengue and other acute viral respiratory infections (ARIs) to characterize early clinical presentations of dengue in adults and identify early clinical features distinguishing dengue from viral ARIs. Materials and methods This study prospectively recruited adults aged 18 years and above, who consented to the study, with early undifferentiated fever within 72 hours of onset.[7] All subjects were recruited from four primary health care facilities in Singapore from January 2008 to March 2010. Venous blood and nasal samples were taken at 1–3 days (1st visit) and 4–7 days (2nd visit) after the onset of fever. Convalescent blood sample was collected 3 weeks (3rd visit) later. Demographic, epidemiological and clinical data were collected using structured questionnaires by the research nurses.[7,8] The National Healthcare Group Domain Specific Review Board (DSRB B/05/013) approved the study. Dengue infection was confirmed by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR),[9] virus isolation, IgM/IgG sero-conversion or fourfold IgG titre increase in paired blood samples.[8,10] Non-dengue cases were tested for respiratory viruses by direct immunoflorescence assay and RT-PCR from nasal swabs.[11,12] A bench-top Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved haematocytometer (iPoch-100, Sysmex, Japan) was used for haematology assessment. Chi-square test and Fisher’s exact tests were used to examine the association between categorical variables and diagnostic values. For continuous variables, two-tailed independent t-test was used. Univariate analysis was performed to determine statistical difference between dengue and acute viral respiratory infections (ARIs), as well as between dengue and other febrile illnesses (OFIs). Multiple logistics regression was also applied to identify the independent predicting factors between dengue and viral ARIs. Receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed to evaluate the predictive model. Data were analysed by using the computer-based SPSS version 16 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). P value less than 0.05 was considered as significant. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 77 Adult dengue and acute viral respiratory infections Results A total of 691 patients with acute febrile illness were recruited during the study period. Dengue infection was confirmed in 49 (7.1%) patients, 190 (27.5%) patients were confirmed for acute viral respiratory infections (ARIs) and 452 (65.4%) patients were confirmed for other febrile illnesses (OFIs). ARI cases were further identified to be 151 of influenza, 10 of parainfluenza and 29 of other viruses. Twenty-nine out of 49 dengue cases had dengue EIA or Capture IgG-positive at the first visit or within the first three days of illness, indicating secondary dengue infection. Dengue IgG in acute blood samples also tested positive in 27.4% of ARI cases and 30.5% of OFI cases, reflecting dengue endemicity in Singapore. The demographics between dengue and PCR-positive viral ARI cases did not differ significantly except by age (mean 39.1 years vs 33.7 years respectively; P<0.05). No statistical difference was found between the demographics of dengue and OFIs (Table 1). Sixteen (33%) dengue patients required in-patient care in contrast with 1 (0.53%) of viral ARI and 12 (2.7%) of OFIs. No mortality was recorded in the cohort. Compared with viral ARIs and OFIs, dengue patients had significantly more frequent joint pain, red eyes and longer symptom durations. Vomiting was present in a significantly higher proportion of dengue patients compared to ARI but not OFI cases. Dengue patients had a significantly higher mean aural temperature and more frequent nausea compared to OFIs, but not ARIs. The frequency of abdominal pain, bleeding and nausea was not significantly different between the groups. Significantly lower mean white cell counts and platelet counts were observed in dengue patients than in the other two groups (Table 2). In the multivariate model for dengue and ARIs, having red eyes (relative risk 3.8, P<0.01) and leucopenia (relative risk 5.6, P<0.1) were independent predicting factors for dengue infection. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis for the model revealed that the area under the (ROC) curve to differentiate dengue from ARI was 0.83 (P<0.001), and had 93.9% sensitivity and 51.0% specificity. Discussion and conclusion Dengue is the most rapidly spreading mosquito-borne viral disease which constitutes a public health emergency of international concern. In Singapore, together with other countries in the World Health Organization’s Western Pacific Region, dengue has been identified as a major public health issue.[6] In the year 2008 and 2009, 7031 and 4497 dengue cases respectively were notified to Singapore’s health care system, of which 93.7% were older than 15 years of age in both years.[5,13] Because dengue has become predominantly an illness affecting adults, this prospective cohort study was designed to recruit 18-year-old and older patients with undifferentiated fever less than 72-hours duration. All patients were recruited from primary health care facilities in 78 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Adult dengue and acute viral respiratory infections Table 1: Demographic characteristics of patients having dengue and acute viral respiratory infections (ARI) in Singapore Dengue (N=49) ARI (N=190) P values OFI (N=452) P values Mean age + SD 39.1 ± 14.8 33.7 ± 15.1 0.026 35.1 ± 15.0 0.077* Males 31 (63.3) 118 (62.1) 0.510 291 (64.4) 0.078 0.134 Ethnicity 0.496 Chinese 33 (67.3) 96 (50.5) 259 (57.3) Indian 7 (14.3) 35 (18.4) 66 (14.6) Malay 3 (6.1) 32 (16.8) 93 (20.6) Others 6 (12.2) 27 (14.2) 34 (7.5) Singaporeans 30 (61.2) 125 (65.7) 0.615 317 (70.1) 0.197 Travel history 9 (18.3) 22 (11.6) 0.234 58 (12.8) 0.272 Condominium 0.420 0.689 Type of housing 2 (4.1) 13 30 (6.8) (6.6) Dormitory/Hostel 1 (2.0) 1 (0.5) 4 (0.9) Flat, HDB 36 (73.5) 144 (75.8) 364 (80.5) Landed 7 (14.3) 19 (10.0) 32 (7.1) Worksite 3 (6.1) 13 (6.8) 19 (4.2) Reported past dengue 4 (8.2) 6 (3.2) 0.094 23 (5.1) 0.323 Co-morbidities 6 (12.2) 23 (12.1) 0.572 61 (13.5) 0.918 All P values shown are analysed in comparison to dengue, using Chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test unless otherwise indicated. *Independent t-test was used. Variables shown are numbers with percentage in parentheses unless otherwise stated. SD=standard deviation, HDB=Housing & Development Board. Singapore between January 2008 and March 2010. Among the 691 patients, 7.1% patients were confirmed to have dengue infection by dengue PCR or IgM sero-conversion in paired blood samples, while acute viral respiratory infections (ARIs) and other febrile illnesses (OFIs) were diagnosed in 27.5% and 65.4% patients respectively. Among the dengue cases reported to the Ministry of Health during 2008 and 2009, on an average, there were 61.3% males, 51.2% Chinese, 64.8% local Singaporeans and 58.9% Housing & Development Board (HDB) flat residents.[5,13] Comparable demographic characteristics among the confirmed dengue cases in our study showed representation of national distributions. In our study, the prevalence of co-morbidities was similar between dengue, ARI and OFI cases. Co-morbidities included Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 79 Adult dengue and acute viral respiratory infections Table 2: Clinical and laboratory features of dengue and acute viral respiratory infections in Singapore Dengue (N=49) ARI (N=190) P values OFI (N=452) P values 38.4 ± 0.8 38.2 ± 2.3 0.69 38.1 ± 0.8 0.005* SBP (mmHg) ± SD 117.3 ± 18.1 122.0 ± 14.6 0.06 119.5 ± 16.4 0.384* Pulse rate per minute ± SD 91.2 ± 14.2 95.0 ± 14.8 0.10 90.2 ± 14.5 0.666* Drowsiness 24 (49.0) 112 (58.9) 0.314 259 (57.3) 0.462 Headache 38 (77.6) 151 (79.5) 0.823 315 (69.7) 0.503 Muscle pain 33 (67.3) 130 (68.4) 0.506 297 (65.7) 0.477 Joint pain 29 (59.2) 73 (38.4) 0.007 168 (37.2) 0.002 Loss of appetite 36 (73.5) 129 (67.9) 0.684 300 (66.4) 0.563 Abdominal pain 12 (24.5) 36 (18.9) 0.249 95 (21.0) 0.772 Diarrhea 6 (12.2) 13 (6.8) 0.169 39 (8.6) 0.269 Nausea 24 (49.0) 63 (33.2) 0.112 133 (29.4) 0.019 Vomiting 8 (16.3) 11 (5.8) 0.022 47 (10.4) 0.410 Red eye 18 (36.7) 31 (16.3) 0.002 66 (14.6) <0.001 Rashes 6 (12.2) 0 (0) <0.001 18 (4.0) 0.033 Retro orbital pain 8 (16.3) 41 (21.6) 0.623 60 (13.3) 0.797 Swollen lymph node 1 (2.0) 12 (6.3) 0.329 30 (6.6) 0.374 Taste alteration 37 (75.5) 126 (66.3) 0.400 274 (60.6) 0.119 Skin sensitivity 11 (22.4) 31 (16.3) 0.210 70 (15.5) 0.413 Bleeding 1 (2.0) 5 (2.6) 0.643 11 (2.4) 0.669 Haematocrit (%)± SD 46.2 ± 9.4 46.1 ± 8.8 0.99 46.1 ± 8.6 0.947* Haemoglobin (g/dL) ± SD 15.3 ± 3.3 15.1 ± 2.8 0.62 15.2 ± 2.8 0.711* WBC (103/mL ) ± SD 4.4 ± 2.2 7.0 ± 2.8 <0.001 8.6 ± 4.3 <0.001* 159.2 ± 76.1 216.6 ± 77.7 <0.001 240.7 ± 115.7 <0.001* 9.2 ± 3.9 7.4 ± 5.0 0.02 6.0 ± 4.3 <0.001* Temperature (°C) ± SD Platelet (103/mL ) ± SD Symptom duration days ± SD All P values shown are analysed in comparison to dengue, using Chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test unless otherwise indicated. *Independent t-test was used. Variables shown are numbers with percentage in parentheses unless otherwise stated. ARI=acute viral respiratory infections, OFI=other febrile illnesses. SD=standard deviation, SBP=systolic blood pressure, WBC=white blood cell count. 80 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Adult dengue and acute viral respiratory infections diabetes, ischaemic heart disease, malignancy and steroid-treated diseases. Some patients had more than one pre-existing co-morbidities. Compared to viral ARI patients, dengue patients were older. In this cohort, having red eyes was an independent predicting factor for dengue infection. In India, a study revealed that 37.3% of adult dengue inpatients were reported to have subconjunctival haemorrhage,[14] while a paediatric study from Viet Nam reported that headache was the most common presenting symptom, followed by conjunctivitis, petechial rash, muscle and joint pain, nausea and abdominal pain.[15] Frequencies of abdominal pain among dengue and viral ARI patients were not different in our cohort. A study from Thailand reported that positive tourniquet test and presence of leucopenia can predict dengue diagnosis.[16] Although tourniquet test is commonly performed to differentiate dengue haemorrhagic disease from OFI, the test is not performed in Singapore.[17] Tanner et al. reported a decision algorithm for the diagnosis of dengue using a combination of platelet count, total white cell count, body temperature, absolute lymphocyte and neutrophil counts.[18] Using fever and leucopenia to predict the diagnosis of dengue was discussed in a larger cohort of older adults presenting with febrile illness in Singapore.[8] Our study further supports leucopenia (WBC <4.5x103/mL) as a useful laboratory feature for differentiating dengue from viral ARIs. Dengue is a disease with a wide spectrum of clinical presentations and often with unpredictable clinical evolution and outcome. It is often difficult to distinguish dengue clinically from other viral ARIs. While other diseases such as chikungunya may mimic dengue infection,[6] none of our subjects in this cohort tested positive for chikungunya virus using inhouse PCR[19] on acute febrile samples. In resource-limited areas where laboratory diagnostic tests are costly or are not available, and access to rapid tests is not consistent, our study supported the use of clinical sign (red eye) and peripheral white cell count to differentiate patients with dengue from acute viral respiratory illness during the early stage. A case report highlighted co-infection of dengue and influenza presenting with undifferentiated febrile illness.[20] Our study did not assess co-infection as only those tested negative for dengue were analysed for respiratory pathogens. However, this phenomenon can be further explored. From our study, it was found that a significantly higher proportion of dengue patients than viral ARIs patients required inpatient care. Dengue patients remained symptomatic for a longer duration than those with viral ARIs. This has implication for the loss of productive days among adults. We hope information from our study may help identify dengue early for appropriate management. Acknowledgements This study was supported by the National Medical Research Council of Singapore (NMRC/ TCR/005/2008). The authors thank the doctors of the polyclinics for their referral of patients, and research nurses for their assistance in data and clinical sample collection. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 81 Adult dengue and acute viral respiratory infections References [1] Guzman MG, Halstead SB, Artsob H, Buchy P, Farrar J, Gubler DJ, et al. Dengue: a continuing global threat. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2010 Dec; 8(12): S7-S16. [2] Gubler DJ. Dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Clin Microbiol Rev. 1998 Jul;11(3): 480-96. [3] Ooi EE, Goh KT, Gubler DJ. Dengue prevention and 35 years of vector control in Singapore. Emerg Infect Dis. 2006 Jun; 12(6): 887-93. [4] Ler TS, Ang LW, Yap GSL, Ng LC, Tai JC, James L, et al. Epidemiological characteristics of the 2005 and 2007 dengue epidemics in Singapore -similarities and distinctions. Western Pacific Surveillance and Response Journal. 2011; 2(2): doi: 10.5365/wpsar.2010.1.1.011. [5] Communicable disease surveillance in Singapore 2009. Singapore: Ministry of Health, 2010. [6] World Health Organization. Dengue: guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2009. [7] Low JG, Ooi EE, Tolfvenstam T, Leo YS, Hibberd ML, Ng LC, et al. Early Dengue infection and outcome study (EDEN) - study design and preliminary findings. Ann Acad Med Singapore. 2006 Nov; 35(11): 783-9. [8] Low JG, Ong A, Tan LK, Chaterji S, Chow A, Lim WY, et al. The early clinical features of dengue in adults: challenges for early clinical diagnosis. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2011; 5(5): e1191. [9] Lai YL, Chung YK, Tan HC, Yap HF, Yap G, Ooi EE, et al. Cost-effective real-time reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) to screen for Dengue virus followed by rapid single-tube multiplex RT-PCR for serotyping of the virus. J Clin Microbiol. 2007 Mar; 45(3): 935-41. [10] Chaterji S, Allen JC, Chow A, Leo YS, Ooi EE. Evaluation of the NS1 Rapid Test and the WHO Dengue Classification Schemes for Use as Bedside Diagnosis of Acute Dengue Fever in Adults. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2011 Feb; 84(2): 224-8. [11] Watzinger F, Suda M, Preuner S, Baumgartinger R, Ebner K, Baskova L, et al. Real-time quantitative PCR assays for detection and monitoring of pathogenic human viruses in immunosuppressed pediatric patients. J Clin Microbiol. 2004 Nov; 42(11): 5189-98. [12] Templeton KE, Scheltinga SA, Beersma MF, Kroes AC, Claas EC. Rapid and sensitive method using multiplex real-time PCR for diagnosis of infections by influenza a and influenza B viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, and parainfluenza viruses 1, 2, 3, and 4. J Clin Microbio. 2004 Apr; 42(4): 1564-9. [13] Communicable Disease Surveillance in Singapore 2008. Singapore: Ministry of Health, 2009. [14] Kapoor HK, Bhai S, John M, Xavier J. Ocular manifestations of dengue fever in an East Indian epidemic. Can J Ophthalmol. 2006 Dec; 41(6): 741-6. [15] Buchy P, Vo VL, Bui KT, Trinh TX, Glaziou P, Le TT, et al. Secondary dengue virus type 4 infections in Vietnam. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2005 Jan; 36(1): 178-85. [16] Kalayanarooj S, Nimmannitya S, Suntayakorn S, Vaughn DW, Nisalak A, Green S, et al. Can Doctors Make an Accurate Diagnosis of Dengue Infections at an Early Stage? Dengue Bull. 1999; 23: 1-7. 82 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Adult dengue and acute viral respiratory infections [17] Leo YS, Thein TL, Fisher DA, Low JGH, Oh HM, Narayanan RL, et al. Confirmed adult dengue deaths in Singapore: 5-year multi-center retrospective study. BMC Infect Dis. 2011 May 12; 11(1): 123. [18] Tanner L, Schreiber M, Low JG, Ong A, Tolfvenstam T, Lai YL, et al. Decision tree algorithms predict the diagnosis and outcome of dengue fever in the early phase of illness. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2008; 2(3): e196. [19] Ng LC, Tan LK, Tan CH, Tan SS, Hapuarachchi HC, Pok KY, et al. Entomologic and virologic investigation of Chikungunya, Singapore. Emerg Infect Dis. 2009 Aug; 15(8): 1243-9. [20] Lopez Rodriguez E, Tomashek KM, Gregory CJ, Munoz J, Hunsperger E, Lorenzi OD, et al. Co-infection with dengue virus and pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus. Emerg Infect Dis. 2010 May; 16(5): 882-4. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 83 Evaluation of an immunochromatographic test for early and rapid detection of dengue virus infection in the context of Bangladesh Rabeya Sharmin,a# Shahina Tabassum,b Munira Jahan,b Afzalun Nessab & K.Z. Mamuna Department of Virology, Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh. a Department of Virology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. b Abstract Early, accurate and rapid diagnosis of dengue virus infection is important for early case management and for reducing its associated complications, DHF/DSS. In this study, an early and rapid diagnosis of dengue virus infection was performed from single serum samples by two serological methods. Blood samples collected from a total of 201 clinically-suspected dengue fever patients were tested for IgM and IgG antibodies by a rapid immunochromatographic test (ICT), and also by IgM and IgG antibody Capture ELISA. Of these, 126 (62.7%) patients tested positive for dengue antibodies by ICT, of which 70 (55.6%) were primary and 56 (44.4%) were secondary cases. By ELISA, 137 (68.2%) tested positive for dengue antibodies, of which 80 (58.4%) were primary and 57 (41.6%) were secondary cases. Before 5 days of fever, 20.2% primary and 10.1% secondary dengue infections were detected by ICT, while 30.3% primary and 12.6% secondary dengue infections were detected by ELISA. At day 5 of fever, ICT detected 42.8% cases as primary and 34.7% as secondary dengue infections, but ELISA detected 51.0% primary and 32.6% secondary infections. After 5 days of fever, ICT detected primary dengue infection in 45.2% cases and secondary infection in 42.5% cases, while ELISA detected 42.5% primary dengue infection and 42.5% secondary infection. When compared with ELISA, ICT showed 86.7% sensitivity and 96.5% specificity for IgM detection, whereas for IgG it was 94.7% and 98.6% respectively. Keywords: Dengue fever; Dengue haemorrhagic fever; ICT; ELISA; Bangladesh. Introduction Dengue fever/dengue haemorrhagic fever (DF/DHF) continues to be the most important arboviral disease of mankind.[1,2] Compared with nine reporting countries in the 1950s, today the geographical distribution of dengue has spread to more than 100 countries worldwide, # E-mail: 84 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Immunochromatographic test for rapid detection of dengue virus infection in Bangladesh with South-East Asia and the Western Pacific regions being the most seriously affected areas.[3,4] Two-fifths of the world’s population is now at the risk of dengue, with approximately 50 million new cases occurring annually.[5] The first reported outbreak of dengue in Bangladesh was called the “Dacca fever” recorded in 1964.[6,7] Subsequent reports suggested that DF and DHF may have been occurring sporadically in Bangladesh.[8-11] Dengue virus infections may be asymptomatic or may cause undifferentiated febrile illness (viral syndrome), dengue fever (DF), or dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) including dengue shock syndrome (DSS).[2,3] Primary infection with one of the four serotypes confers life-long immunity to that serotype. Secondary infection with a different serotype is associated with an increased risk of DHF. Primary dengue virus infection is characterized by elevation in specific immunoglobulin M (IgM) levels 3-5 days after the onset of symptoms and subsequent rise for the next 1-3 weeks. This particular IgM can persist in blood for more than 2-3 months.[12,13] Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is detectable at low titres at the end of the first week of illness, increasing slowly and may persist for life in low titre. In secondary infection, approximately 5% of patients do not produce detectable levels of specific IgM, and the IgM titre rises slowly. However, in secondary infection, IgG appears approximately two days after the symptoms appear and is detectable at significantly higher titres which may persist for 10 months to the rest of life.[13,14,15] Since the prevalence of dengue has increased dramatically in recent decades, its early and rapid diagnosis will obviously lead to a better management of affected patients. The laboratory diagnosis of dengue infection is based on three approaches, namely, virus isolation, serology and molecular techniques, e.g. the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).[12,15,16] Serology is the mainstay for the diagnosis of dengue infection in most routine laboratories in developing countries as it is rapid, easier to perform and is less costly.[12,17] ELISA has been successfully applied for years to detect and distinguish IgG and IgM antibodies to dengue and other flaviviruses[14,16] and is the most effective diagnostic method in large outbreaks.[14,18] Recently, IgM and IgG Capture ELISA have been modified into immunochromatographic formats in which the results of the assay are detected by a colour change visible to the naked eye. Rapid immunochromatographic test (ICT) relies on both immunoglobulin M (IgM) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) detection to diagnose active dengue virus infection[12,19] and has the potential for use at the point of care or in laboratories where the volume of testing is less or sporadic and where appropriate equipments such as, ELISA, PCR, cell culture, etc., are not available.[20] Materials and methods This study, conducted in 2008, covered 201 clinically-suspected dengue fever patients selected from different hospitals of Dhaka city, Bangladesh, and from patients visiting the Department of Virology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), Dhaka, Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 85 Immunochromatographic test for rapid detection of dengue virus infection in Bangladesh for dengue antibody testing. Dengue fever cases were selected on the basis of ‘‘WHO criteria for case definition of dengue fever, dengue haemorrhagic fever, dengue shock syndrome’’ (National Guidelines for Clinical Management of Dengue Syndrome, Bangladesh, 2000). Blood samples were collected from July to October. All serum samples were tested to detect dengue virus-specific IgM and IgG antibodies by ICT and antibody Capture ELISA. Capture ELISA For dengue IgM and IgG Capture ELISA, Dengue IgM and IgG Capture ELISA kits (Panbio Diagnostics, Australia, Catalog No. E-DEN0IM and E-DEN02G) were used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Immunochromatographic test Panbio Dengue Duo Cassette (Panbio Diagnostics, Australia, Catalog No. R-DEN03D) was used according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and both IgM and IgG antibodies were determined using a capture assay format. Data analysis Data obtained from the study were analysed and the significance of difference was estimated by using the computer-aided statistical package (SPSS) version 15. Comparison between groups was done by chi-square test and correlation coefficient test as applicable. Probability less than 0.05 was considered as significant. Results The serological diagnosis among the 201 clinically-suspected dengue fever patients by ICT detected 126 (62.7%) and the ELISA test detected 137 (68.2%) dengue antibody-positive cases. Of the 126 positive cases detected by ICT, 70 (55.6%) were positive for only IgM antibody, 5 (3.9%) were positive for only IgG antibody, and 51 (40.5%) were positive for both IgM and IgG antibodies. Among the 137 ELISA-positive cases, IgM was detected in 80 (58.4%) patients, IgG in 2 (1.5%) patients, and both IgM and IgG was detected in 55 (40.1%) patients (Table 1). Of the 79 patients tested before 5 days of fever, primary dengue infection was detected in 16 (20.2%) and secondary dengue infection in 8 (10.1%) cases by ICT. However, by ELISA, 24 (30.3%) cases were detected as primary and 10 (12.6%) cases as secondary dengue infections. Out of the 49 patients who were tested at day 5 of fever, 21 (42.8%) were detected as primary and 17 (34.7%) as secondary dengue infection by ICT, whereas by 86 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Immunochromatographic test for rapid detection of dengue virus infection in Bangladesh Table 1: IgM and IgG antibodies determined by ELISA and ICT in dengue fever patients in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2008 ELISA ICT No. of cases No. of cases Only IgM 80 (58.4%) 70 (55.6%) Only IgG 2 (1.5%) 5 (3.9%) Both IgM & IgG 55 (40.1%) 51 (40.5%) Total positive 137 (68.2%) 126 (62.7%) Negative 64 (31.8%) 75 (37.3%) Type of antibody ELISA, 25 (51.0%) were detected as primary and 16 (32.6%) as secondary dengue infections. Among the 73 patients tested after 5 days of fever, ICT detected primary dengue infection in 33 (45.2%) cases and secondary dengue infection in 31 (42.5%) cases, while ELISA detected 31 (42.5%) primary dengue infection and 31 (42.5%) secondary dengue infection (Table 2). No significant difference was observed between primary and secondary dengue cases with regard to the duration of fever by ICT and ELISA (p = 0.136 for ICT; p = 0.446 for ELISA). With the rapid ICT, 119 (59.3%) samples tested positive for dengue IgM antibody and 56 (27.9%) samples tested positive for dengue IgG antibody. Using the focus ELISA as the gold standard, the sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive values and the negative predictive value determined for IgM were 86.7%, 96.5%, 98.3% and 75.3% respectively, while for IgG, these were 94.7%, 98.6%, 96.4% and 97.9% respectively (Table 3). A positive correlation was observed between ELISA and ICT for IgM (r=0.768) and IgG (r=0.753) respectively (Figure). Table 2: Relation of duration of fever with antibody detection among primary and secondary dengue cases, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2008 Duration of fever Dengue ICT Dengue ELISA Primary Secondary Primary Secondary 70 (34.8%) 56 (27.9%) 80 (39.8%) 57 (28.3%) < 5 days (n=79) 16 (20.2%) 8 (10.1%) 24 (30.3%) 10 (12.6%) 5 days (n=49) 21 (42.8%) 17 (34.7%) 25 (51.0%) 16 (32.6%) > 5 days (n=73) 33 (45.2%) 31 (42.5%) 31 (42.5%) 31 (42.5%) Total (n=201) p value = 0.446 for ICT and p value = 0.136 for ELISA. *Chi-square test was done to measure the level of significance. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 87 Immunochromatographic test for rapid detection of dengue virus infection in Bangladesh Table 3: Results of ICT compared to ELISA for detection of IgM and IgG antibodies, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2008 ICT ELISA(IgM) Positive Negative Positive 117 2 Negative 18 55 ICT ELISA(IgG) Positive Negative Positive 54 2 Negative 3 142 Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV 86.7% 96.5% 98.3% 75.3% Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV 94.7% 98.6% 96.4% 97.9% PPV - Positive predictive value. NPV- Negative predictive value. Figure: Correlation between the results of IgM and IgG by ICT and ELISA. Here, result for ELISA was quantitative and for ICT categorical variable (0 = negative and 1= positive). Positive r value indicates positive correlation 12.00 Point biserial correlation, r=0.753, p=0.001 10.00 10.00 Point bicerial correlation, r=0.768, p=0.001 8.00 ELISA IgG ELISA IgM 8.00 6.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 ICT IgM 0.80 1.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 ICT IgG Discussion Dengue fever is a major public health problem throughout the world. The severe form of the disease is a leading cause of hospitalization and death among children and adults in many south-east Asian countries including Bangladesh. Therefore, there is an urgent need 88 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Immunochromatographic test for rapid detection of dengue virus infection in Bangladesh for a rapid, reliable and early diagnostic test for dengue surveillance, especially in countries where dengue is endemic. Due to higher mortality associated with secondary dengue cases, it is important to use diagnostic assays that are able to differentiate between primary and secondary dengue infections. As primary and secondary dengue infections show markedly different immunological responses, detection of antibodies is a valuable procedure to diagnose and differentiate between dengue infections.[2,13,14]. In this study, Panbio ELISA IgG/IgM and Panbio ICT were used to evaluate early and rapid diagnosis of dengue virus infection. A comparison was also done between rapid ICT and IgM and IgG antibody Capture ELISA for dengue virus-specific IgM and IgG antibodies from serum samples. The two commercial tests used in this study are both suitable for the detection of anti-dengue IgM and IgG antibodies. ELISA is more appropriate for routine diagnostic laboratories where large numbers of samples are tested, while the rapid test may have greater utility in peripheral health settings where relatively fewer specimens are processed. Both tests use the combined determination of IgM and IgG antibodies in dengue diagnosis according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and interpretations are made as primary, secondary or ‘no dengue’ infection. The values of these methods have been reported previously.[21] Total assay time for the rapid test is 15 min, while the ELISA takes just over 3 hours to complete. The IgM and IgG antibody Capture ELISA is very quick compared to other dengue ELISAs reported previously.[14,22,23] In Capture ELISA, the incubation of serum in the anti-human antibody plate is done simultaneously when peroxidase conjugated monoclonal antibody with antigen is left at room temperature. This decreases the number of assay steps and speeds up the diagnosis.[21] Furthermore, both the rapid ICT and ELISA are convenient to use as antigen is provided in a stable dry form and all reagents are provided in the ready-to-use form. In the combined use of IgM and IgG Capture ELISA, the cut-off value of the IgG ELISA is generally set to differentiate between the high levels of IgG characteristic of secondary infections and the lower IgG levels characteristic of primary or past dengue infections. With this combination, the majority of secondary dengue virus infections are detected on the basis of IgG, and most of them also show an elevation of IgM. In contrast, the majority of primary dengue virus infections show an elevation of IgM but not of IgG.[18,22,24] In rapid ICT, the IgG test line is set to detect high levels of IgG characteristic of secondary virus infection (HI≥1:2,560) and hence is able to distinguish between secondary and primary and past dengue infections. The IgM test line is set to detect IgM levels characteristically present in primary dengue virus infections and in the majority of secondary dengue virus infections.[21,22] In our study, 62.7% of patients were positive for dengue antibodies by ICT and 68.2% were positive by ELISA. A total of 55.6% primary and 44.4% secondary dengue cases were detected by ICT, whereas 58.4% primary and 41.6% secondary dengue cases were detected by ELISA. Previous studies from Bangladesh have detected 71%, 65% and 78% secondary Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 89 Immunochromatographic test for rapid detection of dengue virus infection in Bangladesh infections and remaining 29%, 35% and 22% primary infections respectively by ELISA.[8,11]. Identification of secondary infection early during an acute phase of illness is valuable for the clinician as proper management can be started early, thereby decreasing the risk of progression to life-threatening DHF and DSS and hence reducing the case-fatality rate. The detection rate of dengue in this study was relatively less before five days of fever by both ICT and ELISA, but ELISA detected more primary cases (30.3%) than ICT (20.2%). However, the detection rate of secondary dengue infection was almost the same by the two methods. Failure to identify dengue-specific IgM or IgG antibodies during the first 5 to 7 days of illness does not eliminate dengue virus as the etiology of the illness, and, as such, follow-up testing is important.[25] Although the majority of patients in our study developed dengue-specific antibodies from day 5 and onwards of illness, many dengue-infected patients did not follow this trend. By combining the results of IgM and IgG Capture ELISA, 79% of the patients were tested before five days of fever while 82% were positive when tested on day 5 of illness.[22] A study from Thailand observed that nearly 80% of patients with dengue virus infection were detected four days after the onset of symptoms, and this rose to over 90% by day 5.[26] Similarly, other studies have also detected that most dengue patients produced dengue-specific antibodies by day 5 of illness.[12,22,27] Therefore, these cases would have been interpreted as negative if they were not re-tested after five days. Thus, for the detection of dengue-specific antibodies, patients should be tested from day 5 of fever and onwards.[28] The rapid ICT showed good sensitivity and specificity in our study which is comparable to IgM and IgG Capture ELISA. Moreover, a positive correlation was observed between ELISA and ICT. While some studies have reported very high (99%–100%) sensitivity and (88%–96%) specificity of rapid test (ICT) for dengue diagnosis,[22,29] other studies have reported 45.8%–67% sensitivity and 33.3%–53.8% specificity.[28,30] In another study using Panbio ICT, IgM showed 67.3% sensitivity, 91.7% specificity, 89.7% positive predictive value and 72.1% negative predictive value, while IgG showed 66.4% sensitivity, 94.4% specificity, 97% positive predictive value and 51.0% negative predictive value.[19] Other studies also offer a conclusion in favour of rapid ICT.[29,31] Thus, dengue rapid ICT may be a useful tool in the diagnosis of dengue fever as it is rapid, easy to perform and can be used in settings where laboratory equipments such as ELISA, PCR or cell culture are not available. Our study showed that most patients were not very keen to visit the hospital again to be re-tested as they recover within seven days of their first test. Therefore, early and rapid diagnosis of dengue virus infection from a single serum sample is extremely important. Single serum samples are convenient for identifying most of the dengue cases by both ELISA and ICT methods. However, for early diagnosis, and where laboratory equipments are available, ELISA is more suitable than ICT. 90 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Immunochromatographic test for rapid detection of dengue virus infection in Bangladesh Acknowledgments We would like to thank Dr B.K. Sil, MP Biomedical Asia Pacific Pte Ltd., Singapore, for supplying Panbio Dengue Duo Cassette (Panbio Diagnostics, Australia, Catalog No. R-DEN03D). References [1] Guzman MG, Kouri G. Dengue diagnosis advances and challenges. Int J Infect Dis. 2004; 8: 69-80. [2] World Health Organization. Dengue haemorrhagic fever: diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. 2nd edition. Geneva: WHO, 1997. accessed 11 January 2012. [3] Gubler DJ. Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. 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Abstract Plasma leakage from increased vascular permeability, if left unattended, will lead to intravascular volume depletion. The ensuing tissue hypoperfusion and the consequent life-threatening complications may have a fatal outcome in dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF). Although an accurately calculated volume of fluid infused during the critical phase of plasma leakage can prevent such an eventuality, the practical difficulties in its execution with properly-timed adjustments to the fluid infusion rate and the aggressive monitoring needed during this phase of the illness can limit the expected benefits of an exclusively fluid-based regime. An intervention to reduce plasma leakage in DHF complementing the standard fluid regime conceivably would improve the outcome. It is my hypothesis that fresh frozen plasma (FFP) by Fc receptor blockade and the associated reduction in immune-enhanced viral replication could reduce cytokine-mediated increase in vascular permeability. Additionally, albumin in FFP, by adhering to the glycocalyx, could further compromise fluid fluxes during the critical phase of DHF. However, this hypothesis needs to be tested by a randomized controlled study. Keywords: Dengue haemorrhagic fever; Reduced plasma leakage; Intervention with fresh frozen plasma. Introduction The pathophysiological hallmark in dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) is plasma leakage. All the life-threatening complications of DHF ranging from shock, severe gastrointestinal bleeding, disseminated intravascular coagulation, hepatic failure and encephalopathy are a consequence of compromised tissue perfusion stemming from plasma leakage and the attendant intravascular volume depletion.[1] Clinical management of DHF centres around the judicious use of intravenous fluids to match the plasma leakage during this critical phase of DHF, which lasts about 24 to 48 hours, and thereby prevent the life-threatening and often fatal adverse consequences of prolonged shock. The collective experience of clinicians managing patients with dengue globally, and in Thailand in particular, has refined fluid # E-mail: 94 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Intervention to reduce plasma leakage in dengue haemorrhagic fever therapy with precise prescriptions of a fluid quota for this critical period of plasma leakage. The development and application of new national guidelines on the management of dengue fever (DF) and DHF by the Epidemiology Unit of the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka, which has used inputs and expertise from a wide variety of sources, has facilitated the management of DHF.[2] Fluid therapy in the presence of plasma leakage The predictable benefits and prevention of morbidity and mortality due to DHF by the application of this management approach require early detection of entry into the critical phase, close monitoring during the entire phase of plasma leakage, subtle adjustments to the fluid infusion rates, and an informed choice between crystalloids (isotonic saline) and colloids (Dextran 40 and Hetastarch). For optimal benefit, such adjustments need to be correlated with the precise phase of plasma leakage to suit individual patient needs and the dynamism of plasma leakage.[2] For instance, while Dextran 40 would be the colloid of choice when plasma leakage is at its peak, it could have an adverse impact when given towards the end of the critical phase of plasma leakage, at which stage, Hetastarch would be a better choice if a colloid is required. Dextran 40, by volume expansion, could cause fluid overloading if given towards the end of the critical phase when cessation of plasma leakage is imminent and the leaked-out fluid is getting reabsorbed. A prerequisite for the success of this therapy is the ability to detect early the entry of the patient into the critical phase of plasma leakage. This can be a challenging proposition in busy and overcrowded conditions prevailing in most developing countries, with the incidence of febrile illnesses due to a variety of causes other than dengue. Under these conditions, it is possible to falter in the critical monitoring needed to detect plasma leakage as well as apply flexibility to the fluid regime to match the dynamics of fluid leakage. In this context, an intervention to reduce plasma leakage to complement fluid therapy could offset the inherent drawbacks of a single modality of intervention and thwart the advent of life-threatening complications of DHF, particularly during epidemics that can overwhelm resource limitations. Plasma leakage in DHF Corticosteroids have been used to reduce plasma leakage, but there is inadequate evidence to support its use for this purpose.[3,4,5,6] In my search for an interventional option, I have conceptualized the use of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) to reduce plasma leakage in DHF. Plasma leakage is the result of increased vascular permeability brought about by a cytokine storm without any vascular damage or inflammation.[1,6,7,8] The quantum of cytokine production and, hence, the magnitude of plasma leakage is directly related to the viral load. Antibodyenhanced viral replication is a well recognized mechanism implicated in increasing the viral load.[1,6,9] Immunoglobulins in FFP by Fc receptor blockade could compromise antibody enhanced viral replication by preventing the uptake by macrophages of dengue viruses Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 95 Intervention to reduce plasma leakage in dengue haemorrhagic fever complexed with non-neutralizing, cross-reactive, dengue-specific antibodies. Even though intravenous immunoglobulin has been used in dengue, it has been used late in the disease course on patients already in shock and there are no good randomized controlled trials (RCT) to date that have tested its efficacy when given early at the inception of plasma leakage.[10] The basic Starling principle still holds true in explaining microvascular ultrafiltration based on the balance of the oncotic and hydrostatic pressures; but the glycocalyx, which is a gelatinous layer lining the inner surface of the vascular endothelium, is also implicated in controlling the fluid flow across the endothelium.[7,8,9] Plasma proteins, particularly albumin, adsorb to the positively-charged residues in the glycocalyx and restrict ultrafiltration.[11,12,13,14,15] Albumin in FFP, by adhering to the glycocalyx, could reduce the transfer of fluid across the vascular membrane. However, the beneficial effect of albumin in dengue, if any, could be evident only early in the disease course before shock, as in severe disease, albumin too leaks out of the vascular compartment. It is hypothesized therefore that when given early, FFP, by these two independent mechanisms, could reduce fluid fluxes across the vascular membrane in patients with DHF. In a previous study designed to test the effect of FFP on thrombocytopenia in DHF, I made an incidental observation of a drop in the haematocrit (HCT) in the treatment arm of the randomized control trial (RCT), which was not evident in the control arm that received only isotonic saline, implying fluid retention in the face of increased vascular permeability in the group of patients who received FFP.[16] J.S.D.K. Weeraman and I have carried out in-depth reviews into deaths related to dengue as well as random audits on the clinical management of DF and DHF from 1 September 2010 to 31 January 2011. These audits and reviews were done in state sector hospitals in the western, north western, central, north central, northern, Sabaragamuwa and the southern provinces in Sri Lanka, including the National Hospital of Sri Lanka, the Lady Ridgeway hospital for children, as well as a private hospital in Colombo. Out of a total of 34 patients on whom death reviews were done, 11 had received FFP. Out of a total of 45 patients on whom clinical audits were done, 12 had received FFP. We observed a drop in the haematocrit in 20 out of the total of 23 patients with DHF who had received FFP during the course of their management. Out of the 20 patients in whom the haematocrit dropped, four patients had overt gastrointestinal bleeding and all of them died. Seven out of the 20 patients in whom the HCT dropped were fluid overloaded, two of whom died. It is possible that bleeding as well as fluid overload could have contributed to the observed drop in the HCT among some (11 out of 20) of these audited patients. Whether FFP was a contributory factor to the drop in HCT by an independent mechanism, as hypothesized in this cohort, is conjectural. Nevertheless, all these incidental observations of a drop in the HCT in patients who had received FFP tend to support the hypothesized benefits of FFP used early in the critical phase in DHF. However, there are limitations in the interpretation of the drop in HCT among some of the patients in the audited cohort as blood loss and fluid overload could have been contributory factors other than the hypothesized reduction in plasma leakage. Before advocating the use of FFP as an intervention to reduce plasma leakage in DHF, it would be necessary to test this hypothesis by a RCT which I have designed but is awaiting ethical clearance for execution. 96 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Intervention to reduce plasma leakage in dengue haemorrhagic fever Discussion An intervention to reduce the leakage of fluid out of the vascular compartment during the critical phase of plasma leakage in DHF could add a new dimension to the management of patients with DHF. I believe that a critically-timed dose of FFP in selected patients with DHF could effect a reduction in the morbidity and mortality due to DHF. It is based on my conceptualized hypothesis as well as personal experience in making incidental observations on DHF patients who had received FFP. This could be a major advance in the management of DHF as it utilizes an easily implementable and readily available intervention targeting an area of critical importance in the pathogenesis of a disease spreading globally, for which there is no specific therapeutic option available to date. Until such time as we can complete our investigations, I can only advocate strict and diligent adherence to fluid therapy as detailed in the Sri Lankan national guidelines on the management of DF and DHF which have international applicability. Acknowledgements I am thankful to Dr N. Samaraweera and Dr C.A. Wanigathunga for helping me with the literature reviews on this subject and the development of the research protocol for the planned RCT. I am grateful to Dr Paba Palihawadana, Dr Sudath Peiris, Dr J.S.D.K. Weeraman and Dr Hasitha Tissera of the Epidemiology Unit of the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka, for assistance in carrying out the death reviews and clinical audits. I also appreciate the cooperation and assistance provided by the directors, medical superintendents, doctors and nurses in the hospitals where these audits and death reviews were done. I appreciate with gratitude the valuable comments made by Professor Colvin Goonaratna on this article. References [1] Srikiatkhachorn A. Plasma leakage in dengue haemorrhagic fever. Thromb Haemost. 2009; 102(6): 1042-9. [2] Sri Lanka. National guidelines on management of dengue fever & dengue haemorrhagic fever in adults. Colombo: Ministry of Health, 2010. [3] Rajapakse S. Corticosteroids in the treatment of dengue illness. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2009; 103(2): 122-6. [4] Rajapakse S. Intravenous immunoglobulins in the treatment of dengue illness. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2009; 103(9): 867-70. [5] Tassniyom S, Vasanawathana S, Chirawatkul A, Rojanasuphot S. Failure of high-dose methylprednisolone in established dengue shock syndrome: a placebo-controlled, double-blind study. 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Am J Physiol. 1991; 260(5 Pt 2): H1645-54. [15] Wills BA, Oragui EE, Dung NM, Loan HT, Chau NV, Farrar JJ, Levin M. Size and charge characteristics of the protein leak in dengue shock syndrome. J Infect Dis. 2004; 190(4): 810-8. [16] Sellahewa KH, Samaraweera N, Thusita KP, Fernando JL. Is fresh frozen plasma effective for thrombocytopenia in adults with Dengue fever. Ceylon Med J. 2008; 53(2): 36-40. 98 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Entomological investigations of dengue vectors in epidemic-prone districts of Pakistan during 2006–2010 Muhammad Mukhtar,a# Zarfishan Tahir,b Taj Muhammad Baloch,c Faisal Mansoord & Jaleel Kamrane Department of Zoonotic and Vector-Borne Diseases, Public Health Laboratories Division, National Institute of Health, Islamabad, Pakistan. a Bectoriologist Laboratory, Institute of Public Health, 6-Abdul Rehman Choughtai Road, Lahore, Pakistan. b Directorate of Malaria Control, Wahadat Colony, Hyderabad, Pakistan. c d Pakistan Medical Research Council, Islamabad, Pakistan. Epidemic Investigation Cell, National Institute of Health, Islamabad, Pakistan. e Abstract Intensive entomological investigations were carried out in seven dengue epidemic-prone districts of Pakistan, classifying them into three geographical regions, viz. southern, central and northern Pakistan. A total of 5132 water habitats from 2136 households in and around dengue-positive houses were sampled. Additionally, 264 samples each at least 30 metres away from dengue-positive houses were also collected from outdoor habitats. Only indoor samples data were used for the estimation of entomological indices. House Index, Container Index and Breteau Index were estimated at 39.42%, 27.96% and 67.20 respectively. Underground water tanks showed the highest (42.38%) positivity, followed by earthen pots (36.97%), drums (33.38%) and the least (4.58%) from discarded containers. From outdoor sites, only 5.05% (n=14) samples were found positive. Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus species exhibited a distinct association with different geographical regions. In the south of the country only Ae. aegypti was recorded in all (n=452) positive habitats while in the central part, both Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus were reported from 88.2% (n=253) and 11.8% (n=34) of the total 287 positive habitats respectively. In the north/submountainous region, 88.45% (n=628) of 710 positive samples were found infested with Ae. albopictus. Both species showed a significant population-rising trend from September to November, similar to the dengue case-load trend. Keywords: Entomological investigations; Aedes aegypti; Aedes albopictus; Dengue; Pakistan; 2006-2010. # E-mail: Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 99 Entomological investigations of dengue vectors in Pakistan Introduction Dengue fever (DF) and dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) are considered important reemerging arboviral diseases in more than 100 tropical and subtropical countries of the world.[1] The disease epidemiology is complex in nature and requires understanding of a variety of factors that include weather and environmental changes,[2,3,4] vector species composition and behaviour,[5,6,7] population dynamics and degree of immunity in local population.[8,9,10] In Pakistan, dengue is emerging as one of the major public health problems, particularly since 2005, threatening the lives of millions of people due to prevailing peculiar socioeconomic conditions and epidemiological situation. Historically, dengue has been endemic in the southern parts of the country. In Pakistan, dengue was recognized for the first time in 1994 in Karachi and one patient out of 145 cases died.[11] In October 1995, 57 out of 76 persons were found positive for antibodies against the dengue virus in Hub, southern Balochistan. In October 2003, dengue outbreaks were detected for the first time in submountainous areas of Haripur district, Khyber Pakhtoonkhawa province and Khushab district, Punjab province, claiming six lives among 717 cases. In October 2005, dengue hit Karachi again after 10 years and 21 deaths out of the total 103 confirmed cases were recorded.[12,13] Since then, the disease has become widely prevalent and has been accepted as one of the major public health problems in Pakistan. Until 2010, 26 270 cases and 156 deaths have been reported (Epidemic Investigation Cell, National Institute of Health, 2010 Unpublished data). Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus have been considered as the major vectors of dengue in South-East Asia, including Pakistan.[14,15,16] Both species have been closely associated with human dwellings due to their breeding preference for clean-water domestic habitats.[17,18] Entomological surveillance, particularly based on larval surveys, provides vital information for better dengue disease management. However, in Pakistan, at present there is no systematic entomological surveillance system, particularly after the 1980s to update the knowledge of vector species and their bionomics. In view of the deteriorating situation with regard to dengue/DHF in the country and poor knowledge of vector(s), systematic and intensive entomological surveys were conducted in seven high-risk districts during dengue outbreaks to identify the potential breeding sites of dengue vector(s) and to determine the levels of vector infestations at each affected area by using the commonly used larval indices (House, Container and Breteau). Finally, in order to estimate the transmission potential for dengue outbreaks in the country, the new knowledge generated through these investigations will provide a technical basis to design evidencebased, community-friendly and sustainable preventive and control measures against dengue in Pakistan. 100 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Entomological investigations of dengue vectors in Pakistan Materials and methods Study type and selection of study areas The study was descriptive in nature and all seven dengue epidemic-prone districts in the country were selected for entomological surveys and were classified into three geographical areas, viz. Southern (Karachi), Central plain (Lahore), and Northern/submountainous areas (Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Attock, Chakwal and Haripur). Detail of descriptions of selected districts are given in Figure 1 and Table 1. Figure 1: Dengue epidemic-prone districts in Pakistan Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 101 102 Southern Central Northern (Submountain) Northern (Submountain) Northern (Submountain) Northern (Submountain) Northern (Submountain) Lahore Attock Rawalpindi Islamabad Haripur Chakwal Geographic region Karachi District 32-93 34-22 33-72 33-60 33-78 31-56 24-86 Lat (N) 72-85 73-15 73-06 73-04 72-36 74-35 67-02 Long (E) Geography 201 610 585 560 560 217 24 Elev (m) 30.6 22.8 28.6 28.6 30.14 30.8 30.7 Temp C (Max) 16.4 11.4 14.1 14.1 15.5 17.8 21.5 (Temp) Min 56.2 56.0 56.6 55.8 57.6 54.7 68.7 R/H (%) Meteorology 853 680 1450 1364 783 729 217 Ppt (mm) 6524 1725 906 5286 6857 1772 3527 Total 96 88 167 213 95 653 715 Urban Area (sq km) 6428 1637 739 5073 6762 1119 2812 Rural 1.37 0.89 1.12 4.5 1.66 9.5 14.99 Total (m) 21.7 12.0 87.7 50.3 19.7 81.2 94.8 Urban (%) 78.3 88.0 12.3 49.7 80.3 18.8 5.3 Rural (%) Population (2010) Table 1: Description of all dengue epidemic-prone districts of Pakistan 210 516 1236 851 186 5380 4250 Total 3097 1214 5882 10 627 3442 11 854 19 864 Urban 167 478 186 155 197 1,604 280 Rural Density (Pop/sq km) Entomological investigations of dengue vectors in Pakistan Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Entomological investigations of dengue vectors in Pakistan Population estimation The population in 2010 and other characteristics of the selected districts have been calculated on the basis of the estimation provided by the Population Census Organization and the Federal Bureau of Statistics, Government of Pakistan.[19,20] Sampling strategies In each selected district, maps of dengue cases were prepared and most-affected Union Councils (basic administrative unit/area in the country) were identified for entomological investigations. The basic sampling unit was the household and at least 10 households around each selected dengue case were searched for water-holding containers as possible breeding sites. All indoor habitats were classified into underground cemented water tanks, overhead water tanks, earthen pots, discarded containers and drums. Additionally, some potential outdoor breeding sites which include open ponds (including street pools, drains, irrigated fields, etc.) and used tyres, at least 30 metres away from patients’ homes, were also included in the surveys. These habitats were examined during an outbreak for the presence of Aedes larvae using larval net or dipper. Collected specimens were preserved in 70% formalin for species identification in laboratory using Leopoldo (2004) key.[21] To estimate the entomological indices (House Index (HI), Container Index (CI), and Breteau Index (BI)), only the data of indoor entomological surveys was used. Outdoor surveys data were used only as a reference to compare the breeding preferences of Aedes species between outdoor and indoor habitats. Results On an average, the highest number of water-holding containers in each household were found in Karachi (n=3.0), followed by Rawalpindi (n=2.6) and Attock (n=2.5). Out of the total 2136 households surveyed, 23.36% (n=499) and 19.10% (n=408) were in Karachi and Lahore respectively. The least number of households were surveyed in Chakwal (7.82%) and Attock (8.80%). Of the total households surveyed, 39.42% (n=842) were found positive for Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus; the highest HI was found in Karachi (46.5%), followed by Haripur (42.0%), Lahore (41.7%) and Islamabad (41.4%). Of the total 5132 indoor samples collected, 29.17% (n=1497) and 15.90% (n=816) were collected in Karachi and Lahore respectively, of which 27.96% (n=1435) were found positive with Aedes species. The highest CI was observed in Lahore (34.6%), followed by Karachi (30.2%) and Islamabad (29.9%). The highest BI was recorded in Karachi (90.6), followed by Lahore (69.1) and Islamabad (65.8). Overall, the HI, CI and BI of the seven districts were estimated at 39.42%, 27.96% and 67.2 respectively. Details of the households sampled, and the HI, CI and BI are given in Table 2. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 103 Entomological investigations of dengue vectors in Pakistan Table 2: District-wise details of number of households, average number of containers, positivity rate, HI, CI, and BI House Index (HI) District Province Total HH Container Index (CI) Positive Index (%) Av. no of containers Containers inspected Positive Index (%) Breteau Index (BI) Karachi Sindh 499 232 46.5 3.0 1497 452 30.2 90.6 Lahore Punjab 408 170 41.7 2.0 816 282 34.6 69.1 Attock Punjab 188 54 28.7 2.5 470 79 16.8 42.0 Rawalpindi Punjab 291 95 32.6 2.6 757 184 24.3 63.2 Islamabad Capital Territory 295 122 41.4 2.2 649 194 29.9 65.8 Haripur K. Pakhtoonkhawa 288 121 42.0 2.0 576 166 28.8 57.6 Chakwal Punjab 167 48 28.7 2.2 367 78 21.2 46.7 2136 842 39.42 5132 1435 27.96 67.2 Total Among the indoor water-holding containers, underground cemented water tanks showed the highest positivity rate (42.38%), followed by earthen pots (36.97%) and drums (33.38%). Only 4.58% (n=16) samples from discarded containers were found positive. However, no sample from overhead water tanks was found positive. Among the outdoor breeding sites, only 5.30% (n=14) of the total 264 samples were found positive, of which all were from used tyres and no sample from open ponds was found positive with Aedes species. Details of the district-wise samples collected and the positivity rate are given in Table 3. In the southern part of the country (Karachi), all (n=452) indoor positive samples were positive only with Ae. aegypti and no Ae. albopictus positive sample was recorded. However, in central plains (Lahore), 89.7% (n=253) and 10.3% (n=34) of the positive samples were positive with Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus respectively. In the northern/submountainous areas (Haripur, Rawalpindi, Islamabad and Attock), 93.4% (n=158), 89.1% (n=169), 87.1% (n=170) and 86.1% (n=68) respectively were found positive with Ae. albopictus and the rest were positive with Ae. aegypti. From the outdoor collections, all (n=14) samples were positive with only Ae. albopictus. District-wise details of the association of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus with individual habitat under different geographical areas are given in Table 4. Among the 1435 indoor positive water containers, 84.88% (n=1218) were found uncovered or poorly covered at the time of sample collection. However, only 15.12% (n=217) habitats which were covered properly were found positive. Details of the correlation between the sample positivity rate and covering of water containers are given in Table 5. 104 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 432 115 62 122 158 126 35 1050 Karachi Lahore Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Attock Rawalpindi Islamabad Haripur Chakwal Total 445 15 61 68 43 24 43 191 42.38 42.9 48.4 43.0 35.2 38.7 37.4 44.2 960 84 112 145 154 97 143 225 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +ve 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 % Total % Total +ve Overhead water tank Underground water tank 1426 124 145 154 219 127 274 383 Total 476 36 36 68 64 23 125 124 +ve Drum 33.38 29.0 24.8 44.2 29.2 18.1 45.6 32.4 % 1347 112 172 144 198 166 219 336 Total 498 27 69 54 72 32 109 135 +ve Earthen pot Indoor breeding sites 36.97 24.1 40.1 37.5 36.4 19.3 49.8 40.2 % 349 12 21 48 64 18 65 121 Total 16 0 0 4 5 0 5 2 +ve 4.58 0.0 0.0 11.1 8.0 0.0 7.7 1.7 % Discarded container 5132 367 576 649 757 470 816 1497 1435 78 166 194 184 79 282 452 Sub total 27.96 21.3 28.8 29.9 24.3 16.8 34.6 30.2 155 5 18 13 31 0 47 41 Total 14 0 3 1 5 0 5 0 +ve Used tyre 9.03 0.0 16.7 7.7 16.1 0.0 10.6 0.0 % 109 9 15 15 17 11 26 16 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +ve Open pond Outdoor breeding sites 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 % 5396 381 609 677 805 481 889 1554 1449 78 169 195 189 79 287 452 Grand total 26.85 21.3 28.8 29.9 24.2 16.9 34.7 30.5 Table 3: District-wise number of samples collected and positivity rate of water containers with Aedes species in Pakistan Entomological investigations of dengue vectors in Pakistan 105 106 191 38 7 6 7 2 4 255 Karachi Lahore Attock Rawalpindi Islamabad Haripur Chakwal Total 190 11 59 61 37 17 5 0 445 15 61 68 43 24 43 191 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A. ag 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A. alb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T A. alb T A. ag Overhead water tank Underground water tank 268 4 4 11 7 2 116 124 A. ag 208 32 32 57 57 21 9 0 A. alb Drum 476 36 36 68 64 23 125 124 T 262 7 5 7 7 2 99 135 A. ag 236 20 64 47 65 30 10 0 A. alb Earthen pots Indoor breeding sites 498 27 69 54 72 32 109 135 T 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 A. ag 14 0 0 4 5 0 5 0 A. alb 16 0 0 4 5 0 5 2 T Discarded containers 787 15 11 25 20 11 253 452 A. ag 648 63 155 169 164 68 29 0 A. alb Total 1435 78 166 194 184 79 282 452 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A. ag 14 0 3 1 5 0 5 0 A. alb Used tyres 14 0 3 1 5 0 5 0 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A. ag 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A. alb Open ponds Outdoor breeding sites 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T 787 15 11 25 20 11 253 452 A. ag Table 4: District-wise number of positive containers with Aedes aegypti and A. albopictus in Pakistan 662 63 158 170 169 68 34 0 A. alb Grand total 1449 78 169 195 189 79 287 452 T Entomological investigations of dengue vectors in Pakistan Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 31 5 4 3 2 7 3 55 12.4 Karachi Lahore Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Attock Rawalpindi Islamabad Haripur Chakwal Totals Percentages 83.1 370 12 50 61 36 20 36 155 Poorly 4.5 20 0 4 5 4 0 2 5 Properly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Un 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Poorly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Properly Coveredness Coveredness Un Overhead Water Tanks Underground Water Tanks 22.5 107 12 18 10 16 8 21 22 Un 71.8 342 21 13 53 44 15 101 95 5.7 27 3 5 5 4 0 3 7 Poorly Properly Coveredness Drums 13.7 68 3 9 7 9 5 16 19 Un 52.2 260 11 36 19 37 12 59 86 34.1 170 13 24 28 26 15 34 30 Poorly Properly Coveredness Earthen Pots Indoor breeding sites 100 16 0 0 4 5 0 5 2 Un 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Poorly Properly Coveredness Discarded Containers 17.1 246 18 34 23 33 17 47 74 Un 67.7 972 44 99 133 117 47 196 336 15.1 217 16 33 38 34 15 39 42 Poorly Properly Coveredness Total 100 14 0 5 4 0 0 5 0 Un Coveredness Open Ponds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Poorly Properly Un Poorly Properly Coveredness Used Tyres Outdoor breeding sites Table 5: Association between covering of containers and positivity with Aedes species in Pakistan 17.9 260 18 39 27 33 17 52 74 Un 67.1 972 44 99 133 117 47 196 336 15.0 217 16 33 38 34 15 39 42 Poorly Properly Coveredness Grand Totals Entomological investigations of dengue vectors in Pakistan 107 Entomological investigations of dengue vectors in Pakistan Out of the total 1449 indoor and outdoor positive samples, 35.5% (n=524) were found positive during the month of November, followed by 34.3% (n=434) and 27.3% (n=277) in October and September respectively. Very low vector densities were recorded during the cold (December–February) and hot months (May–July). Among the districts, there was no notable difference in the population-building trend of both vector species (data not shown). Month-wise, the case-load in the entire country during the study period also exhibited the same rising trend, and 96.00% (n=13 925) of the total dengue cases and 96.79% (n=151) deaths due to dengue were reported during September–November (Table 6). Discussion The occurrence of mosquito immatures in different habitats reflects both oviposition preference of females as well as the ability of the immatures to survive in a particular habitat. Changes in the physio-chemical and biotic characteristics of the habitat may create conditions either favourable or unfavourable for their breeding success, depending upon the Table 6: Month-wise details of case-load, deaths and number of containers examined and positivity rate Dengue cases (2006–2010) Entomological investigations Suspected Confirmed %age Death Containers examined Positive %age January 188 9 0.06 0 100 0 0.0 February 134 0 0.00 0 97 0 0.0 March 45 0 0.00 0 121 21 17.4 April 129 11 0.08 0 156 39 25.0 May 23 0 0.00 0 90 23 25.6 June 67 0 0.00 0 107 0 0.0 July 787 22 0.15 0 145 15 10.3 August 1891 412 2.84 0 499 66 13.2 September 4781 2543 17.53 26 1015 277 27.3 October 7418 4671 32.20 49 1267 434 34.3 November 9986 6711 46.27 76 1477 524 35.5 December 821 126 0.87 5 322 45 14.0 26 270 14 505 156 5396 1449 Total 108 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Entomological investigations of dengue vectors in Pakistan range of tolerance of different species.[22,23] The present investigations explain the breeding preference of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus to different water-holding containers in different geographical regions. In South-East Asia, both these species are important vectors of dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever and, traditionally, both species, particularly Ae. aegypti, are believed to be associated with man-made artificial habitats in shaded places in human dwellings. [14,17,18] Our results confirm these associations as 100% positive habitats were man-made and domestic in nature. In Thailand, a distinct endophilic behaviour of Ae. aegypti and exophilic behaviour of Ae. albopictus were recorded.[16,24] Present investigations also support the indoor preference of Ae. aegypti. Similarly, Chen et al (2006)[25] and Sulaiman et al (1991)[26] reported a dominant endophilic behaviour of Ae. albopictus in addition to outdoor breeding preferences in Malaysia. Our finding also supported these findings. Furthermore, we, in agreement with other researchers,[17,24,27,28,29] confirm that the most attractive indoor breeding sites of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus and their sequence was underground cemented water tanks, earthen pots and drums (Figure 2). Normally, a underground cemented water tank (Figure 2a) is 8’x10’ in size having 8–12 feet depth and is in common use in these districts, and we observed that these tanks were never emptied completely and cleaned ever since their construction. Most people make a small hole in their metallic lid to insert a pipe for filling and taking out water, which makes an easy access of Aedes mosquitoes to the water for breeding. The use of narrow-neck earthen pots (Figure 2b) is also very common for water storing and these pots are mainly used in rural communities for drinking purposes and are kept in shaded places with extreme care taken to cover them. However, we observed that refrigerators were in common use even among poor communities which greatly reduced the use of these earthen pots for drinking water storage, but more for general domestic use. In northern parts of Pakistan, particularly in Haripur and Chakwal districts, we observed a common use of a very particular type of wide-neck earthen pot (Figure 2c) which is 3.5–4.0 feet tall and 23–25 kg in weight, having a storage capacity of 60–70 litres of water. However, these pots are Figure 2: Different water-holding containers and their physical conditions at the time of sampling Figure 2a: Underground water tanks Figure 2b: Narrow-neck earthen pots Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Figure 2c: Wide-neck earthen pots Figure 2d: Drums Figure 2e: Overhead water tanks 109 Entomological investigations of dengue vectors in Pakistan usually covered with a very poorly maintained lid made of wood. To keep the water cool, these pots are kept dug in the ground up to half of their height. All these characteristics and household habits make it almost impossible to wash and clean them properly, which results in profound breeding of Aedes mosquitoes. Despite the large number of samples that were collected, we did not find any positivity in the overhead water tanks (Figure 2e), which are mainly made of plastic and are placed in open sunlight on the roofs of houses. The use of these tanks has become very common in the country due to rapid urbanization, particularly since the late 1980s. During the sampling we also observed that these tanks were properly covered and there was a high temperature inside due to their location in open sunlight, which most probably prevents the Aedes mosquito from breeding while other water containers in the same household placed in shaded places were found positive. These findings further confirm the breeding preferences of both the Aedes species for shaded indoor habitats. In contrast with some previous findings,[30,31,32] interestingly, our investigations indicated a distinct negative association of Ae. aegypti particularly, and Ae. albopictus generally, with used tyres and discarded containers. Out of the 349 samples from discarded containers, only 2 and 14 containers were found positive with Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus respectively. However, we could not find any association of Ae. aegypti with used tyres. In disagreement with Cruz et al (2008),[30] and in agreement with Kittayapong et al (2006),[33] our investigations revealed that proper covering of water-holding containers make a direct impact on the reduction in the densities of both species. However, the use of larvicides in these habitats should also be a top most priority for better management of dengue vectors. During our interviews with the sampled households, we noticed that most of them did not know about the breeding of mosquitoes inside these water-holding containers and they had no idea about their control through washing, cleaning or proper covering of these containers and through the use of chemicals. We also noticed that due to the uncertainty of water supply, communities did not remove even small quantities of the water remaining in these containers before refilling them when there was water again; so, this remaining water contained eggs, larvae and pupae. Since Aedes mosquitoes require only a small quantity of water for breeding, once a water container becomes infected with Aedes mosquitoes, it remains infected till complete emptying and proper washing. Similarly, Aedes eggs can also stick to the coarse walls of these containers even when there is no or little water, and these eggs hatch later after refilling and, most probably, due to this reason, some covered containers were also found positive at the time of sampling. These findings further indicate the need of use of larvicides for proper control of dengue vectors breeding in these manmade habitats. 110 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Entomological investigations of dengue vectors in Pakistan Some researchers have reported the influence of some life-limiting factors of latitude, altitude, temperature, rainfall, humidity, etc., on the geographical distribution and densities of Aedes species.[4,34,35,36] Consistent with these findings we also recorded a discernible demarcation in the occurrence of both species in different geographical areas of Pakistan. In Karachi (southern area), which is located at 24 metres above sea level, only Ae. aegypti was the prevalent species whereas in the northern/submountainous areas (500–600 metres above sea level with upper limit of 2500 metres), Ae. albopictus showed a significant dominance. However, in the central part of the country, Ae. aegypti showed a dominance while Ae. albopictus also showed reasonably high densities. In India, Ae. aegypti has been recorded in 1968 at an altitude of 2500 metres above sea level at Mcleodganj, western Himalayas.[37] In Pakistan, the submountainous areas are mostly covered with thick vegetation, while in Lahore, there is also a very large area covered by the Changa Manga National Forest Park. Chen et al (2006)[25] and Aslam Khan and Sulman (1969)[38] also reported a significant association of Ae. albopictus with thickly vegetated areas. Similar to the malaria vectors in Pakistan, overall, both the Aedes species exhibited a well-defined rising trend in their population in the post-monsoon season (September to November) in all selected areas. Li et al (1985)[39] revealed a positive correlation between a dengue outbreak and rainfall due to increased number of breeding habitats of Aedes vectors in Malaysia. However, we noticed that none of the indoor positive breeding habitats has any direct link with rainwater. In our study areas, particularly in Karachi, the water supply is very erratic, irregular and it is available for a very short period of 60–90 minutes in a day without any fixed timings (sometimes on alternate days). Therefore, water has to be stored in drums, buckets, underground tanks, earthen pots, etc. All positive samples were collected from these water containers placed inside the houses. Similarly, the average rainfall in Karachi is also very low and the water pools in the streets become organically polluted and support the breeding of only Culex mosquitoes. Though in the submountainous region, the annual rainfall is high, even then all samples collected from the open-field habitats, including rainwater pools, were found negative, while all positive habitats were man-made inside the houses which have no link with rainwater. These findings indicate that there is no correlation between rain and number of Aedes breeding sites in Pakistan. However, the month-wise data of dengue cases showed a strikingly rising trend after the monsoon months (September–November) parallel to the vector density data. During the study period, 95.53% of the dengue case-load was reported during these months, and there was a rapid decline in the cases during and after December, which indicated a positive correlation between the vector densities and the disease incidence. Our investigations reported high levels of HI, CI and BI. The high BI revealed a significant direct relationship between positive containers and houses and confirms a high transmission potential for dengue outbreaks in the study districts.[6,31] A very high dengue case-load in the selected districts (>80% of total case-load of the county) further confirms our findings. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 111 Entomological investigations of dengue vectors in Pakistan Conclusions and recommendations The present five-year entomological investigations of the dengue outbreaks during 2006–2010 showed a distinctly high level of vector(s) infestation in the man-made shaded habitats in human dwellings in the districts covered by our study, particularly during September– November, in parallel with the disease trends. Since there is a rising incidence of dengue/DHF in Pakistan, particularly since 2005, there is an urgent need: (i) to establish a separate “Dengue Control Cell” within the Ministry of Health as part of overall health system strengthening; (ii) for a mass health information and promotion campaign for the sensitization of local communities for better acceptance of intervention(s), particularly the use of personal protective measures and also to change their behaviour for employing improved water-storage practices like proper covering of water-holding containers, use of larvicides, symptoms recognition for prompt treatmentseeking, etc.; (iii) for establishing a functional intersectoral mechanism of coordination between all stakeholders for implementation of an integrated vector management approach; (iv) for sensitization of local authorities for regular water supply and proper solid waste management; and (v) for regular capacity building programmes. Operational research on insecticide resistance in dengue vector(s), characteristics of virus, vector(s) densities and bionomics between high- and low-affected areas, rural and urban areas, frequency of hostvector contact and disease epidemiology is also strongly recommended, which ultimately would lead to the development of an evidence-based, community-friendly and sustainable disease management strategy in the country. Acknowledgement We gratefully acknowledge the support received from the district health offices and district governments of the selected districts. The efforts for data management made by Mr Muazzam Abbas and Dr Mumtaz Ali Khan of the Epidemic Investigation Cell, National Institute of Health, are highly appreciated. We especially would like to thank Mr Muhammad Shafiq, Mr Imam Bukhsh Keerio, Mr Mukhtiar Ahmed Channa and Mr Mir Ali Talpur for their great dedication to facilitate our mission. 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Rainfall, abundance of Aedes aegypti and dengue infection in Selangor, Malaysia. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 1985; 16(4): 560-68. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 115 Geographical association between socioeconomics and age of dengue haemorrhagic fever patients in Surabaya, Indonesia Yoshiro Nagao,a# Esty M. Rachmie,b Shiro Ochi,c Maria M. Padmidewi,d Kuntariantoe & Masato Kawabataa International Centre for Medical Research and Treatment, Kobe University, Kusunoki, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan. a Public Health Bureau of Surabaya City, Jalan Jemursari, No. 197, Surabaya, Indonesia. b Department of Environmental Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University, Nara, Japan c d Public Health Laboratory of East Jawa, Jalan Karangmenjangan, No. 18, Surabaya, Indonesia Public Health Bureau of East Jawa, Jalan A. Yani, No. 118, Surabaya, Indonesia e Abstract A study was designed to correlate the ages of dengue patients to the geographical and temporal demographic structure in 28 districts in Surabaya, Indonesia, between 1996 and 2005. The geographical distribution of the mean patient age was stable throughout the study period. The mean patient age did not correlate with the demographic structure but was related to the prevalence of poor housing where mosquito density was high. These results suggested that socioeconomic factors which affect mosquito abundance are more important determinants of the mean age of DHF patients than the demographic variables. Keywords: Demographic structure; Geographical distribution; Socioeconomics; Satellite imagery; Geographical information system; Urbanization; Poverty; Islam; Surabaya; Indonesia. Introduction Although dengue illnesses affected predominantly small children until the 1970s, the mean age of dengue illnesses has been shifting to adult populations in many south-east Asian countries[1] such as Singapore,[2-4] Thailand[5,6] and Indonesia.[7,8] These observations led to a hypothesis that the mean ages of dengue illnesses are a reverse indicator of mosquito abundance and that increases in the mean ages of dengue patients reflect decreases in # E-mail: 116 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Dengue in Surabaya, Indonesia mosquito abundance.[9-11] However, an alternative hypothesis was proposed, which assumed that mean age of patients with dengue illnesses indicates the demographic structure of the population.[12] In a population with a larger proportion of young children, the mean age of patients would be lower. To date, however, no study has examined actual data to explore the determinant(s) of the mean age of patients with dengue illnesses. The present study obtained the mean age of patients of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) from each district in Surabaya, the second largest city in Indonesia. This variable was regressed against the socioeconomic and demographic variables at the district level to identify factors that affected the mean patient age. Materials and methods Study area Surabaya is approximately 30 km × 20 km (375 km2) in size and is divided into 28 districts (Figure 1). Numerous modern buildings are located in the centre of the city, while poorlyconstructed houses are situated on the banks of rivers, especially in the northern coastal area. Although these houses have been threatened by occasional flooding, social intervention programmes to relocate the residents have not made much progress.[13,14] For this study, a digital map of Surabaya City was generated based on the official map, using PC-Mapping Auto-Tracer (MAPCOM, Tokyo) and Mapinfo 7.0 (New York). Figure 1: Location of Surabaya, Indonesia (Surabaya is divided into 28 districts) Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 117 Dengue in Surabaya, Indonesia Epidemiological data Individual DHF cases are reported daily to the Public Health Bureau of Surabaya City (PHBSC) by public health stations (puskesmas), to which private and public hospitals are obliged to report DHF cases. Each hospital was instructed by PHBSC to follow the WHO’s diagnostic criteria for DHF.[15,16] Blood samples from ambiguous cases were sent to the Public Health Laboratory of East Java for confirmation of diagnosis. The reports sent to PHBSC were recorded on paper and subsequently compiled into an electronic format. Since age and residential address were not included in the electronic records, only paper records were used in this study. As a result, only the paper records from 1996, 1997, 1998, 2002, 2003 and 2005 were available from the archives. In total, 10 564 cases of DHF were reported during these six years. Ages and residential addresses were available for 10 079 (95%) of the reported cases, and only these cases were included in the analysis. The size of the population in each district was obtained from the annual reports from the Statistics Bureau of Surabaya City. The population of Surabaya city was 2 344 520 in 1996 and 2 629 001 in 2005. Detection of spatial clustering of epidemiological variables To interpret the geographical distribution of the epidemiological variables quantitatively, we employed the Getis-Ord Gi statistic,[17] which detects ‘positive cluster’ (spatial clustering of large values) and ‘negative cluster’ (clustering of small values). For this and subsequent spatial analyses, a binary distance matrix was required. Each element of the binary distance matrix was coded “1” if a pair of district centres was within a pre-defined neighbourhood cut-off distance or “0” otherwise. Since the longest minimum distance between district centres was 5.8 km and the shortest maximum distance was 12 km, we defined the neighbourhood cutoff distance as 9 km, the average of those two distances. Demographic/socioeconomic variables The correlation between the mean patient age and demographic/socioeconomic data was investigated at the district level. These socioeconomic/demographic datasets were obtained from the above-mentioned annual reports from the Statistics Bureau of Surabaya City, and are defined in Table 1. Among these variables, the birth rate and primary school attendance, which represents 94% of children aged 7 to 12 years in Indonesia,[18] are reliable indicators of the age structure. When a variable was missing for a specific district in any given year, its value was interpolated by averaging the values from the years before and after the missing year. Two exceptions were ‘poor housing’ and ‘family size’ in Table 1: the former was reported only in 2005, and the latter was reported only in 2002. We used the values in these years for the whole study period. 118 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Dengue in Surabaya, Indonesia Table 1: Demographic/socioeconomic/geographic variables employed as explanatory variables Variable name Definition 1. Birth rate New births per 1000 individuals per year 2. Population density Population per 1 km2 3. Mortality Deaths per 1000 individuals per year 4. Immigrants Incoming population per 1000 individuals per year 5. Emigrants Outgoing population per 1000 individuals per year 6. Primary school pupils Number of pupils in primary school (state, private, and Islamic) per 1000 individuals 7. State junior high school Number of state junior high school students per 1000 individuals 8. Private junior high school Number of private junior high school students per 1000 individuals 9. State senior high school Number of state senior high school students per 1000 individuals 10. Private senior high school Number of private senior high school students per 1000 individuals 11. Kindergarten children Number of kindergarten children per 1000 individuals 12. Islamic education Percentage of Islamic primary school pupils in the total number of primary school pupils 13. Garbage Per capita volume of garbage (m3) collected daily 14. Park areas Percentage of park area in total size of district 15. Agricultural areas Percentage of agricultural area in total size of district 16. Poor housing Percentage of poorly constructed housings 17. Public physicians Number of physicians of public health station per 1000 individuals 18. Family size Number of members per family 19. Coastal district Coded as 1 for a district that faces the sea or 0 for a district that does not face the sea 20. High-density residential Percentage of high density residential area in the total district area students students students students areas Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 119 Dengue in Surabaya, Indonesia Geographical variable and satellite imagery Geographical heterogeneity, such as the presence of the sea, may affect the district climate, which is an important determinant of the transmission intensity. To adjust for this effect, a dummy variable indicating whether a district faces the sea or not was incorporated into the statistical analysis. The heterogeneity in land use (for example, the degree of aggregation of premises) may also affect the probability of movement of vector mosquitoes from house to house. To consider this possibility and incorporate a variable independent of official publications, we estimated the percentage of ‘high density residential areas’ (Table 1) for each district using satellite imagery data. Briefly, raw data recorded on 11 July 2009 by the Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer type 2 loaded on the Advanced Land Observation Satellite was segmented.[19] Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was estimated for each segment.[20,21] Land use was classified into ‘factories’, ‘residential areas’ and ‘crop land’ using the standard supervised classification method based on NDVI (Figure 2). With a cut-off NDVI of −0.2, residential areas were divided into high- and lowdensity residential areas (Figure 3). Figure 2: Map of residential density (Using satellite image data, high-density residential areas (green) and low-density residential areas (red) were identified) 120 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Dengue in Surabaya, Indonesia Figure 3: Algorithm used to classify satellite imagery objects (Using the algorithm described in this figure, residential areas were identified from the satellite image data and classified into high- and low-density residential areas, based on the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)) Image Image object NDVI < 0.6 NDVI > 0.6 Water Land NDVI < 0.2 NDVI > 0.2 Supervised classification Factories Residential area NDVI < 0.2 High-density residential area Crop land Forest & Agricultural field NDVI > 0.2 Normal density residential area Statistical analysis Stata 9.2 was used for the statistical analyses. As a screening process, we selected the socioeconomic variables that exhibited a significant rank correlation (P<0.05) with the mean age of patients. For this analysis, the overall dataset was prepared in which the mean patient age was estimated from patient records pooled over the six years, while the socioeconomic/ demographic variables were averaged from those six years. The selected variables were then incorporated into the subsequent regression analyses. We employed spatial regression analysis and longitudinal regression analysis. In both analyses, independent variables that did not make a statistically significant contribution to the regression model were eliminated one at a time (Wald’s test). Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 121 Dengue in Surabaya, Indonesia Spatial regression analysis The bias from spatial autocorrelation was adjusted for, using the spatial regression analysis with lag model.[22] The neighbourhood cut-off distance was set to 9 km as mentioned above. The above-mentioned overall dataset aggregated from the 6 years was used. Longitudinal regression analysis To consider the inter-annual variation, we employed the random effect linear regression model. The data recorded for the individual years were used for this analysis. Year was incorporated as an independent variable to represent the temporal trend. Results Epidemiology of DHF Table 2 summarizes the epidemiological data used in the analysis. As shown in Table 2, the annual incidence was highly unstable. The geographical distributions of this variable supported this observation, showing apparently unpredictable patterns (Figure 4). On the other hand, Figure 4: Geographical distribution of the incidence of DHF (Districts are classified based on the annual incidence of DHF cases (per 100 000 individuals)) 122 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 † 2 356 386 2 431 348 2 431 501 2 553 022 2 629 001 2 457 630 1997 1998 2002 2003 2005 Overall period† 10 564 2677 835 1569 2280 1328 1875 18.0 15.2 18.5 18.2 19.9 20.4 17.7 Mean age of DHF patients (years) 71.6 102 32.7 64.5 96.8 56.4 80.0 Annual incidence of DHF (per 100 000) Cases from 6 years (1996, 1997, 198, 2002, 2003, and 2005) are aggregated. 2 344 520 1996 Population Number of DHF patients Surabaya as a whole 33 597−208 333 34 687−214 062 32 761−211 686 25 580−215 833 29 473−206 479 21 196−205 414 20 834−203 749 Population 96−960 32−236 3−81 5−169 10−235 5−125 9−212 Number of DHF patients 11.4−23.8 9.25−20.7 6.33−26.7 6.10−23.7 12.3−27.2 11.4−30.0 8.06−24.0 Mean age of DHF patients (years) Range, at the district level Table 2: DHF statistics for Surabaya, Indonesia 45.8−124 42.5−194 7.33−89.5 27.4−177 14.8−182 12.1−120 22.8−211 Annual incidence of DHF (per 100,000) Dengue in Surabaya, Indonesia 123 Dengue in Surabaya, Indonesia the geographical distribution of the mean age of patients was stable: consistently high in the south-eastern districts and low in the north-western districts (Figure 5). Furthermore, this was supported by the geographical clusters of the mean patient age: a positive cluster persisted in the south-eastern region while a negative cluster existed in the north-western region throughout the study period (Figure 6). Explanatory variables Table 3 summarizes the individual explanatory variables and their rank correlations with mean age of DHF patients. The following variables exhibited significant rank correlation with mean age of patients: emigrants (P=0.0320), private junior high school students (P=0.0472), private senior high school students (P=0.0118), kindergarten children (P=0.0007), Islamic education (P=0.0001), garbage (P=0.0354), agricultural area (P=0.0395), and poor housing (P=0.0021). Figure 5: Geographical distribution of the mean age of DHF patients (Districts are classified based on the mean age of DHF patients (in years) in individual study years or over all 6 years combined) 124 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Dengue in Surabaya, Indonesia Figure 6: Geogaphical clusters of the mean age of DHF patients (Districts are classified based on statistical significance of the Getis-Ord Gi statistic, estimated from the mean age of DHF patients. Positive cluster represents clustering of large values, while negative cluster represents clustering of small values) Spatial and longitudinal regression analyses From these eight variables, only those exhibiting significant contribution to the statistical model were selected by Wald’s test. Private senior high school students, Islamic education and poor housing were selected by spatial regression analysis (column (a) of Table 4). The longitudinal regression analysis selected private senior high school students, poor housing and year (column (b) of Table 4). Geographical distribution of selected variables Table 4 indicates that in both spatial and random-effect regression analyses, two factors showed statistically significant contribution to the mean age of patients: private senior high school students as a positive contributor and poor housing as a negative contributor. Therefore, we selected these two variables as the most robust predictors of the mean age of patients. The relationship between these variables and mean age of patients is shown in Figure 7. Figure 8 shows the geographical distribution of these socioeconomic/demographic variables. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 125 Dengue in Surabaya, Indonesia Table 3: Summary of district attribute variables averaged through the study period and rank correlations with mean age of DHF patients Mean Range Rank correlation with mean patient age and (P) 12 9.5 − 19 −0.096 (P=0.6278) 12 057 819 − 40,333 −0.091 (P=0.6437) 3. Mortality (per 1000) 3.6 2.6 − 5.1 −0.15 (P=0.4496) 4. Immigrants (per 1000) 20 8.6 − 53 0.22 (P=0.2618) 5. Emigrants (per 1000) 16 9.4 − 22 0.41 (P=0.0320) 6. Primary school pupils (per 1000) 111 57 − 149 0.23 (P=0.2302) 19 0 − 67 −0.0082 (P=0.9668) 29 7.6 − 61 0.38 (P=0.0472) 11 0 − 98 −0.021 (P=0.9165) 21 0 − 85 0.47 (P=0.0118) 11. Kindergarten children (per 1000) 28 12 − 49 0.60 (P=0.0007) 12. Islamic education (%) 10 0.26 − 34 −0.66 (P=0.0001) 0.0030 0.00137 − 0.00562 0.40 (P=0.0354) 0.30 0 − 1.8 0.31 (P=0.1116) 15. Agricultural areas (%) 41 0 – 94 0.39 (P=0.0395) 16. Poor housing (%) 17 5.1 – 41 −0.56 (P=0.0021) 17. Public physicians (per 1000) 0.042 0.019 − 0.074 0.24 (P=0.2106) 18. Family size (per family) 3.68 3.15 – 3.93 −0.37 (P=0.0520) 19. Coastal district (binary) 0.36 0–1 −0.19 (P=0.3231) 31 0.75 − 85 −0.039 (P=0.8422) Variable name 1. Birthrate (per 1000) 2. Population density (per square kilometer) 7. State junior high school students (per 1000) 8. Private junior high school students (per 1000) 9. State senior high school students (per 1000) 10. Private senior high school students (per 1000) 13. Garbage (cubic meters per person) 14. Park areas (%) 20. High density residential areas (%) Bold text indicates statistical significance. 126 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Dengue in Surabaya, Indonesia Table 4: Regression models to explain mean age of DHF patients (a) Spatial regression with selected variables (n=28) (b) Random-effect regression with selected variables (n=168) Coefficient (P) Coefficient (P) Private senior high school students 0.048 (P=0.005) 0.069 (P=0.006) Islamic education −0.13 (P=0.002) Poor housing −0.099 (P=0.008) −0.17 (P=0.001) not used −0.25 (P<0.001) R2=0.74 R2=0.28 Year Figure 7: Mean age of DHF patients plotted over socioeconomic variables (Mean age of DHF patients estimated over all 6 years was plotted over socioeconomic variables. Please note the remarkable dependence of mean age of patients upon poor housing (A), private senior high school (B), and Islamic education (C). Three demographic variables [birth rate (D), primary school attendance (E), and mortality (F)] did not show relationship to the mean age of patients) Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 127 Dengue in Surabaya, Indonesia Figure 8: Geographical distribution of socioeconomic variables (Districts were classified based on the socioeconomic or demographic variables. The geographical distributions of poor housing (A) and Islamic education (B) overlapped with that of low mean age of patients (Figure 5 and Figure 6). On the contrary, the geographical distribution of private senior high school attendance (C) overlapped with that of high mean age of patients. None of the demographic variables [birthrate (D), primary school attendance (E) and mortality (F)] showed geographical distribution related to mean patient age) Discussion The geographical distribution of the mean age of patients in Surabaya was stable during the study period (Figure 5 and Figure 6). We subsequently found that the mean patient age was related negatively to the prevalence of poor housing, but positively to the use of private senior high schools. These results may be interpreted as follows: in developing countries, poor premises are not equipped with window screens or air-conditioners, which hinder entry of mosquitoes.[23,24] In addition, poor premises are not supplied with piped water and they rely on household water containers. Therefore, poor housing provides ideal breeding places for Aedes.[25-27] In contrast, private senior high school attendance may indicate economic wealth, which affords window screens, air-conditioners and piped water supply. Alternatively, private senior high school attendance may reflect the educational level and awareness important for mosquito reduction. Therefore, the findings from this study are consistent with the hypothesis that the mean age of DHF patients is a reverse indicator of Aedes abundance. On the other hand, in 128 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Dengue in Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, the geographical distribution of the mean age of DHF patients was not associated with any demographic variables examined (Table 3, Table 4, Figure 7). This implies that the socioeconomic factors that surrogated Aedes abundance were more influential determinants of the mean age of DHF patients than demographic variables. The present study will not negate the importance of socioeconomic factors other than those which remained in the final statistical models (i.e. private senior high schools and poor housing). For example, family size, which showed a non-significant but considerable rank correlation with mean patient age (Table 3), may indicate vulnerability to dengue transmission among family members. The small sample size and dependence on the official publications may have blunted the statistical power of the present study. Further study with a wider spatio-temporal spread as well as diverse sources of information is warranted. Acknowledgements We are grateful to Atsushi Yamanaka for collecting official publications from Surabaya, and to Tony Pilkington for assistance with geographical data preparation. References [1] Guha-Sapir D, Schimmer B. Dengue fever: new paradigms for a changing epidemiology. Emerg Themes Epidemiol. 2005; 2:1. [2] Ooi EE, Hart TJ, Tan HC, Chan SH. Dengue seroepidemiology in Singapore. Lancet. 2001; 357: 685686. [3] Ooi EE, Goh KT, Chee Wang DN. Effect of increasing age on the trend of dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever in Singapore. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2003; 7: 231-232. [4] Ooi EE, Goh KT, Gubler DJ. Dengue prevention and 35 years of vector control in Singapore. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2006;12: 887-893. [5] Chareonsook O, Foy HM, Teeraratkul A, Silarug N. Changing epidemiology of dengue hemorrhagic fever in Thailand. 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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2008;105: 2238-2243. [11] Thammapalo S, Nagao Y, Sakamoto W, Saengtharatip S, Tsujitani M, Nakamura Y, Coleman PG, Davies C. Relationship between Transmission Intensity and Incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Thailand. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2008; 2: e263. [12] Cummings DA, Iamsirithaworn S, Lessler JT, McDermott A, Prasanthong R, Nisalak A, Jarman RG, Burke DS, Gibbons RV. The impact of the demographic transition on dengue in Thailand: insights from a statistical analysis and mathematical modeling. PLoS Med. 2009; 6: e1000139. [13] Santosa H. Community participation in the upgrading of informal settlement and housing at the river bank of Surabaya. CIB World Building Congress. 2007. 2007:1964-1971. [14] Wibowo A. Segmental development design for Wonokromo waterfront settlements at Surabaya. Informal Settlements and Affordable Housing; 2007. Semarang, 2007. [15] WHO. 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Regional Science and Urban Economics. 1992; 22: 509-536. [23] Waterman SH, Novak RJ, Sather GE, Bailey RE, Rios I, Gubler DJ. Dengue transmission in two Puerto Rican communities in 1982. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 1985; 34: 625632. [24] Thammapalo S, Chongsuwiwatwong V, Geater A, Lim A, Choomalee K. Socio-demographic and environmental factors associated with Aedes breeding places in Phuket, Thailand. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2005; 36: 426-433. [25] Tun-Lin W, Kay BH, Barnes A. The Premise Condition Index: a tool for streamlining surveys of Aedes aegypti. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 1995; 53: 591-594. [26] Barrera R, Navarro JC, Mora JD, Dominguez D, Gonzalez J. Public service deficiencies and Aedes aegypti breeding sites in Venezuela. Bulletin of the Pan American Health Organization. 1995; 29: 193-205. [27] Sharma K, Angel B, Singh H, Purohit A, Joshi V. Entomological studies for surveillance and prevention of dengue in arid and semi-arid districts of Rajasthan, India. J Vector Borne Dis. 2008; 45:124-132. 130 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Aedes aegypti indices and KAP study in Sangam Vihar, south Delhi, during the XIX Commonwealth Games, New Delhi, 2010 R.K. Singh,a P.K. Mittal,a N.K. Yadav,b O.P. Gehlotb & R.C. Dhimana# National Institute of Malaria Research, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Sector-8 Dwarka, New Delhi 110077, India. a Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), Town Hall, Chandni Chowk, New Delhi 110006, India. b Abstract Dengue fever (DF) cases were reported in Delhi during August 2010. As the XIXth Commonwealth Games were to be held in Delhi in October 2010, entomological and community knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) studies were carried out to assist the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) for better implementation of vector control activities in the city. A total of 495 houses were searched for Aedes aegypti breeding in all kinds of temporary and permanent water receptacles in both indoors and outdoors in a thickly-populated, illegally-constructed locality, named Sangam Vihar, in south Delhi. The overall House Index (HI), Container Index (CI) and Breteau Index (BI) were 44.44%, 19.01% and 91.92 respectively. For KAP, a pre-tested, structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Out of the 384 households surveyed, 156 were aware about dengue and only 12 households knew that virus was the causative agent for DF. A majority (378) of the households practised water storage and 48 of them stored water for more than one week. No preventive/control measures were adopted to prevent mosquito breeding in the water-holding containers by a majority of the households (45.57%). 57% of them did not know the biting habits of dengue vector mosquitoes. The results of the study indicated that the community’s knowledge about dengue fever, its transmission, vector breeding sources, biting habits and preventive measures was poor. Keywords: Dengue; Aedes aegypti indices; Knowledge Attitude and Practices (KAP); Delhi. Introduction Delhi is endemic for dengue fever (DF)/dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and has experienced several outbreaks of DF/DHF since 1967.[1] In the recent past, an outbreak of DF/DHF was recorded in 1996 which was most severe and resulted in more than 10 252 # E-mail: Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 131 Aedes aegypti indices and KAP study in Sangam Vihar, New Delhi hospitalizations and 423 deaths. All four dengue serotypes (DENV 1–4) are circulating in the country.[2-3] India hosted the XIX Commonwealth Games in Delhi from 3–14 October 2010. The government expected a heavy influx of athletes and visitors during this period. In a bid to prevent any upsurge of dengue, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), which is the agency mainly responsible for the control of vector-borne diseases, made elaborate arrangements for the control of DF/DHF through public-private partnership (PPP), behavioural change communication (BCC) and capacity-building activities. To assist the MCD, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India mobilized the services of scientists from two research institutes, viz. the National Institute of Malaria Research (NIMR) under the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Centre for Diseases Control (NCDC), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, all located in Delhi, to undertake cross-check work for better implementation of vector control activities. It was in that context, NIMR conducted the cross-check work in Sangam Vihar, an area in south Delhi, known for the endemicity of DF/DHF. The activities covered an assessment of Aedes aegypti indices and knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) study in the area which is a prerequisite for social mobilization and dengue prevention and control.[4] The cross-check of indices were communicated to MCD for remedial action on a daily basis. Materials and methods Study area Delhi, with an area of 1485 sq km is located at 28.38° North latitude and 77.12° East longitude. The climate of Delhi city is most varied. The lowest temperature ever recorded was 2°C and highest 45°C, while relative humidity (RH) ranges from 20% to 86%. Delhi on an average receives a rainfall of 212 mm during the rainy season (July to October). Sangam Vihar is a part of the Central zone of MCD and the population of this area is about 400 000. This locality has been built unauthorizedly, and those living in such settlements do not receive piped water supply from Delhi Jal Board (DJB), the official agency responsible for the supply of water to the city. The residents of Sangam Vihar, therefore, have to procure water from private sources. They usually store water in overhead tanks (OHT) and groundlevel collection tanks (GLCT). Entomological indices A door-to-door survey was carried out in houses and in peri domestic areas to detect Ae. aegypti breeding. The Aedes species was identified following Das and Kaul’s key.[5] Entomological indices were collected as per sample size and techniques contained in the WHO-SEARO guidelines.[6] 132 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Aedes aegypti indices and KAP study in Sangam Vihar, New Delhi Knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) In selected households, door-to-door visits were made to fill up interview schedules (IS) which emphasized four items: (i) knowledge on the causative agent of DF and mode of its transmission; (ii) vector mosquito behaviour; (iii) community behaviour on water storage; and (iv) mosquito control methods. A pre-tested, structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The multistage cluster systematic method was applied. In the selected households, mostly the head of the family or a member were interviewed after getting prior consent. Of the 495 selected households, the IS could be filled up from 384 households only, the others found locked at the time of visit. The study was carried out from 15 September to 15 October 2010. Results Aedes aegypti indices A total of 495 houses in 21 localities were searched for Ae. aegypti breeding in all kinds of water-holding receptacles kept both indoors and outdoors (open space inside the house premises), of which 220 were found positive (Table 1). The House Index (HI), Container Index (CI) and Breteau Index (BI) were 44.44%, 19.01% and 91.92 respectively. HI ranged from 14.29% to 90%, CI ranged from 2.68% to 59.26% and BI ranged from 20 to 230. The breeding preference ratio (BPR) was observed the highest (2.38) in discarded materials lying outdoors, followed by evaporation room coolers (1.22), mud-pots (1.02) and domestic small-to-large containers (0.87) placed indoors, respectively (Table 2). Maximum breeding (35.82%) was detected in domestic storage (small-to-large) containers, followed by discarded materials containing water (23.74%) and evaporation room coolers (16.04%). Discarded tyres were found to be the least breeding habitats (3.73%). The results revealed that, out of the 2394 water containers searched, 455 were found positive. Of the 401 overhead tanks (OHTs) checked, 53 were found positive for Ae. aegypti breeding. Consumer items like broken mud-pots and glassware and iron scraps were the most common items supporting the breeding of Ae. aegypti. In addition, breeding was also observed in flower vases, old and discarded plastic shoes, discarded/broken plastic items and other sites such as pick-holes of manhole covers, plastic sheds, plastic bags and tea cups. KAP Table 3 shows the water storage practices in the households studied. The majority (61.98%) of the households used small plastic and iron containers for water storage and 38.02% of them used large containers. Only 12.5% of the households said that they stored water for more than five days, while 1.6% of them said that they were getting sufficient water through borewell and hence they did not require water to be stored for longer periods. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 133 Aedes aegypti indices and KAP study in Sangam Vihar, New Delhi Table 1: Aedes aegypti indices in Sangam Vihar, New Delhi Localities searched block-wise Houses visited Houses Containers Containers positive searched positive I-Block, slum colony 20 18 224 G-II/Street no. 18 21 8 F-I/Street no. 7 21 K-I/Street no. 18 HI CI BI 46 90.0 20.54 230.00 105 16 38.10 15.24 76.19 3 78 5 14.29 6.41 23.81 22 9 83 15 40.91 18.07 68.18 K-I/Bakari colony 21 3 86 15 14.29 17.44 71.43 J-II/Street no. 7 20 4 79 6 20.00 7.59 30.00 I/Street no. 10/21 21 10 97 21 47.62 21.65 100.00 I/Street no. 18 21 15 226 56 71.43 24.78 266.67 D-II/Street no. 2 20 3 77 4 15.00 5.19 20.00 J-I&II/Gupta colony 21 9 71 15 42.86 21.13 71.43 F-I Block 20 4 91 7 20.00 7.69 35.00 G-II/Street no. 19 20 14 95 24 70.00 25.26 120.00 F-II/E-7&D-5 10 2 27 3 20.00 11.11 30.00 I-Block/Street no. 4 20 13 91 24 65.00 26.37 120.00 J-I/Street no. 6&7 20 4 149 4 20.00 2.68 20.00 K-I/18D&19 20 7 113 13 35.00 11.50 65.00 K&I Block 21 12 110 31 57.14 28.18 147.62 E-6& D-5 25 12 191 36 48.00 18.85 144.00 I-II-Block 18 11 203 20 61.11 9.85 111.11 D-5, E-6&7 59 27 144 62 45.76 43.06 105.08 KI-18, K-19 54 32 54 32 59.26 59.26 59.26 Total 495 220 2394 455 44.44 19.01 91.92 134 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Aedes aegypti indices and KAP study in Sangam Vihar, New Delhi Table 2: Breeding Preference Ratio (BPR) of Ae. aegypti in different breeding habitats in Sangam Vihar, New Delhi Number of containers with water Indoor (Domestic) Outdoor (Peridomestic) Type of breeding habitats Breeding Preference Ratio Examined (X%) With larvae (Y%) BPR (Y/X) Discarded materials (viz. old plastic/glass bottle/iron scrap) 239 9.98 108 23.74 2.38 Mud-pots 98 4.09 19 4.17 1.02 Discarded tyres 103 4.30 17 3.73 0.87 Domestic containers (Small and Large) 1080 45.11 163 35.82 0.79 Evaporation coolers 315 13.16 73 16.04 1.22 *OHWTs 401 16.75 53 11.65 0.70 **GLCTs 158 6.67 22 4.83 0.73 Total 2394 455 *OHWT= Overhead water tank; **GLCT= Ground-level cement tank. Table 3: Community behaviour about water storage practices for dengue control in Sangam Vihar, New Delhi No. surveyed (384) % used for water storage Small containers (less than 25 litres) Large containers (more than 25 litres) 238 61.98 146 38.02 1-2 days 188 48.96 3-5 days 142 36.98 > 5 days 48 12.5 Do not store 6 1.6 Parameter Type of container Type of domestic containers used by the community for storage Duration of water storage in domestic water-holding containers Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 135 Aedes aegypti indices and KAP study in Sangam Vihar, New Delhi A total of 384 households were interviewed and their demographic details are shown in Table 4. 77.07% of the respondents had education up to the undergraduate level, 8.85% were graduates and 14.06% were illiterate. Of the total households surveyed, 53.38% of the respondents belonged to the below poverty line (BPL) category, while 43.22% belonged to the middle-income level and 3.38% were from the high income group. 46.87% of the respondents were unemployed. The perception of the community about dengue and its related information is compiled in Table 5. Only 40.62% of the respondents were aware that dengue is transmitted by a mosquito bite, while a majority (56.25%) of them did not know the cause of the disease. Only 3.12% knew that virus is the causative agent for DF. It was observed that the knowledge about DF and its preventive methods was high among the formally-educated group (graduate level) as compared to those educated up to undergraduate level. Of the 384 households, only 13.8% knew that clean water-holding containers contributed to vector breeding. The remaining respondents knew about various other sources of breeding of vector mosquitoes (Table 5). 45.57% of them said that they did not follow any preventive measures to control mosquito breeding. 46.87% of them said that they followed some measures (viz. frequently cleaning the containers and covering them); 5.46% removed the unused materials and unwanted containers (Table 5). The respondents were asked whether dengue could be prevented. About 14% replied that dengue was a preventable disease. The majority of the respondents felt that keeping the surroundings clean and following general hygienic conditions would Table 4: Demographic characteristics of the community surveyed in Sangam Vihar, New Delhi No. of HHs surveyed % HH surveyed Male 81 21.09 Female 303 78.90 Illiterate 54 14.06 Undergraduate 296 77.07 Graduate 34 8.85 Below poverty line 205 53.38 Middle-income group 166 43.22 High-income group 13 3.38 Service professional 156 40.62 Business/self-employed 42 10.93 Student 6 1.56 180 46.87 Variable Sex Educational status Economic status Employment Respondent Unemployed 136 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Aedes aegypti indices and KAP study in Sangam Vihar, New Delhi Table 5: Community knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) on dengue vector and its control, Sangam Vihar, New Delhi Responses (n=384) S. No. 1 Details No. of HHs % Awareness of dengue fever 156 40.62 (ii) Virus is the cause of dengue fever 12 3.12 (iii) Not known 216 56.25 (iv) Can be prevented 55 14.32 (v) Cannot be prevented 21 5.46 (vi) Not known 308 80.20 (vii) Control mosquito by insecticides 16 4.16 (viii) By taking medical care 9 2.34 (ix) Keeping environment clean 47 12.23 (x) Taking medical care and keeping environment clean 5 1.30 (xi) No response 307 79.94 Knowledge on dengue vector breeding and biting behaviour 145 37.76 72 18.75 53 13.80 114 29.86 (xvi) Removed unused materials 21 5.46 (xvii) Did not take control measures in domestic containers 175 45.57 (xviii) Followed control measures in discarded containers 180 46.87 (xix) Taken measures to avoid mosquito bite during daytime (used net or repellents, etc.) 48 12.5 (xx) Used fan alone 299 77.86 37 9.63 Community knowledge on dengue (i) 2 3 4 Perception of dengue prevention by community Methods of dengue prevention adopted by community (xii) Aware of day-biting behaviour of mosquitoes (xiii) Dengue transmitted by mosquito bite (xiv) Dengue mosquitoes breed in clean water (xv) Not known 5 6 Practices of control of mosquito breeding Practices of prevention of mosquito bite during day (xxi) Did not take any measures during daytime Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 137 Aedes aegypti indices and KAP study in Sangam Vihar, New Delhi help prevent occurrence of the disease. 56.25% had poor knowledge about dengue, while 12.23% said that keeping the environment clean could help to prevent dengue fever and 14.32% had only moderate knowledge about dengue. A total of 37.76% knew that dengue-transmitting mosquitoes bite during daytime while 62% did not know the biting behaviour of Ae. aegypti (Table 5). Irrespective of the knowledge on dengue vector’s biting behaviour, nearly 10% of the households did not adopt any measure to prevent mosquito bites, while 77.86% of them used only fans. About 12.5% took some personal protection measures such as net or repellents, etc. Discussion During the survey, varying levels of density of larvae and adult mosquitoes of Ae. aegypti were recorded at different sites in the study area. It was observed that unused or discarded containers which were kept in open spaces within the house premises/indoors were rarely cleaned and remained undisturbed most of the time, thus resulting in high breeding of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. Large water-storage containers were found to be the key breeding sites.[7] Ae. aegypti breeding was also found in evaporation room coolers. These evaporation coolers are well known for the breeding of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes during the monsoons in Delhi.[8] But during the present study the positivity of evaporation coolers was low because of the community’s practice of continuously refilling/re-introducing fresh water every day. Our results showed that the majority of the population in Sangam Vihar, New Delhi, has some amount of awareness about dengue fever because of several earlier DF outbreaks in Delhi. In spite of this, Ae. aegypti breeding was very common in the study area. This was due to the lack of preventive practices against Ae. aegypti mosquito breeding in household containers. In the present study, only 45.57% of community members adopted some kind of vector control measures in domestic water storage containers and 5.46% removed the unused containers/materials. Lack of basic knowledge in the community about dengue and its vector could also be a major cause of the increasing trend of dengue in this thickly populated periurban environment.[9] In more than half of the area, water was being supplied through water tankers, and in other areas by regular water supply.[10-11] Large ground-level cemented tanks have been installed in house premises/indoors which are filled with water periodically. These water-storage tanks become ideal breeding sites for Ae. aegypti mosquitoes, particularly if water is stored for long durations without proper covers.[12] IEC activities The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) is undertaking various activities for health education through the print and electronic media, vocal messages, street plays and pamphlets, and by involving schoolchildren, for creating awareness about dengue fever. It was, therefore, 138 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Aedes aegypti indices and KAP study in Sangam Vihar, New Delhi thought prudent to assess the community’s perception also about the impact of information education and communication (IEC) activities on their KAP pertaining to water storage and dengue control. During the survey it was found that fogging operations generally lacked a pre-fogging public information campaign which requires the houses to be kept open for the entry of the fog. Health workers, while interacting with householders, invariably talked about the removal of breeding from room coolers and overhead tanks but did not provide enough information regarding pre-fogging requirements. This study shows the occurrence of Ae. aegypti larvae and adults in Sangam Vihar area in south Delhi during the transmission season. The preventive strategy here needs to be directed at seeking active community participation in containing dengue cases in the future.[13] The study revealed that although there was some awareness in the community about the breeding of dengue vector inside their premises, there was a lack of perception to eliminate these habitats due to one reason or the other. Thus, there is a need to provide dependable regular water supply to the communities and education for seeking their participation in destroying the breeding habitats of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes, while enforcing stringent legal measures for mosquito control. Acknowledgements We are grateful to Mr N.L. Kalra for his useful suggestions. We also thank the technical staff of NIMR and NCDC for their active involvement and assistance during the field survey. References [1] Balaya S, Paul SD, D’lima LV, Pavri KM. Investigations of an outbreak of dengue in Delhi in 1967. Ind Jour Med Res. 1969; 57: 767-774. 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Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 139 Aedes aegypti indices and KAP study in Sangam Vihar, New Delhi [7] Padmanabha H, Soto E, Mosquera M, Lord CC, Lounibos LP. Ecological links between water storage behaviors and Aedes aegypti production: implications for dengue vector control in variable climates. Eco Health. 2010; 7(1): 78-90. [8] Rakesh K, Gill KS, Kumar K. Seasonal variations in Aedes aegypti population in Delhi. Dengue Bull. 1996; 20:78-81. [9] Bowondor B, Chetri R. Urban water supply in India: environmental issues. Urban Ecology. 1984; 8: 295-311. [10] Government of NCT of Delhi. Economic survey of Delhi 2005-06. ( Economic%20Survey/ES%202005-06/Chpt/14.pdf - accessed 12 Jan 2012). [11] Zerah MH. Water: Unreliable supply in Delhi. New Delhi: Centre De Sciences Humaines, 2000. [12] Knudsen AB, R Slooff. Vector borne disease problem in rapid urbanization: New approaches to vector control. Bulletin WHO. 1992; 70(1): 1-6. [13] Kalra NL, GK Sharma. Malaria control in India – Past, present and future. Jour Commun Dis. 1987; 19(2): 91-116. 140 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Pupal/demographic and adult aspiration surveys of residential and public sites in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, to inform development of a targeted source control strategy for dengue Sugeng J. Mardihusodo,a Tri Baskoro T. Satoto,a A. Garciab & Dana A. Focksc# a Department of Parasitology, Center for Tropical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Gedung Radioputro Lt. 4, University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Department of Geography and the Emerging Pathogens Institute, PO Box 100009, Biomathematics Suite, 2055 Mowry Road, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA. b c Department of Environmental and Global Health and the Emerging Pathogens Institute, PO Box 100009, Room 473, 2055 Mowry Road, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA. Abstract Pupal/demographic surveys can provide important information to help target vector control activities. A small-scale pilot study conducted during 2005-06 was based upon earlier pupal/ demographic surveys (1996-1999) in one subdistrict of Yogyakarta in which a bathroom container (bak mandi), a common water-storage container (typically buckets, ember/bak air), wells (sumur) and used tyres (ban bekas) were identified as the most productive container types for Aedes aegypti pupae. The present work extends these original pupal/demographic surveys to include other subdistricts within the City of Yogyakarta to determine what types of containers need to be targeted in a larger city-wide effort. Pupal/demographic surveys and adult aspirations were conducted in January 2008 during the rainy season in and around approximately 160 residences and public or commercial sites in each of six subdistricts. In residential sites, the bak mandi accounted for 75% of all Ae. aegypti pupae; this container and bak air/ember and tempayan tanah (clay water container) accounted for a total of 96% of all pupae observed. In public sites, the same container types were identified as being the most productive, and again, the bak mandi was the most productive (62%). We concluded that the types of containers to be targeted in the city-wide control effort would be the bak mandi and bak air/ember, which would address 91% and 86% of all Ae. aegypti production in the above-ground containers in residential and commercial sites respectively. As in the case of this pilot study, wells could be a third type of container to be included because wells are known to be often Ae. aegyptipositive, although their exact contribution to pupal production is difficult to quantify. Keywords: Dengue; Aedes aegypti; Pupal/demographic survey; Adult aspirations; Aedes albopictus; Targeted source control strategy. # E-mail: Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 141 Pupal/demographic and adult aspiration survey Aedes aegypti in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Introduction Dengue has been endemic in the City of Yogyakarta and its adjacent districts (kabupaten) since 1972 and is currently found in all its 45 subdistricts (kelurahan). The primary vector is Aedes aegypti.[1] The initial pupal/demographic surveys in Gondokusuman indicated that Ae. aegypti pupae were found in both indoor and outdoor containers and that the number of pupae in outdoor containers increased during the rainy season. For this reason, the surveys described here were conducted during the rainy season.[2] Other mosquitoes present in the urban environment included Aedes albopictus and Culex spp.[2] Yogyakarta, a city of approximately 522 000 people, is the provincial capital of the province or Special Region of Yogyakarta (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, or DIY) located in south-central Java. It is the only province in Indonesia that is still formally governed by a precolonial Sultanate, the Sultanate of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. The province is divided into five administrative districts called kabupaten, with each district divided into progressively five smaller units beginning with subdistricts called kecamatan, and these, in turn, divided into kelurahan, and further divided into rukun warga (RW, ca. 100-250 residences each), and finally into rukun tetangga (RT, the smallest administrative unit composed of approximately 50 families). In addition to the city (or Kota) of Yogyakarta, D.I. Yogyakarta consists of four additional kabupatens. Kabupatens Bantul and Sleman are located on the fluvial plains in the south-central region and on the southern slopes of Mount Merapi in the north-central part of the province; these two kabupatens are adjacent to and border the city to the south and north respectively. These kabupatens are more densely populated than the kabupatens of Kulonprogo and Gunung Kidul located in the hilly area to the east of Opak river and the west of Progo river respectively (Figure). All five kabupatens are endemic for dengue. In the last three decades, the Provincial Health Office and its subordinate offices within the province have attempted to consistently follow the control recommendations of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, with only slight local modifications. Initial efforts during 1976-1978 involved perifocal adult control using insecticide sprays through portable and vehicle-mounted thermal fogging and ultra low volume (ULV) machines. Applications were made at the smallest administrative level (RT) in response to a reported case of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) within a particular RW. In the 1980s, in addition to case-based perifocal spraying, larviciding with temephos (1% sand granules applied quarterly) was recommended in urban areas reporting DHF for three consecutive years. Since 1992, the larval control strategy has continued and now involves community participation, health education and intersectoral coordination. In the last decade, efforts have been focused on empowering and organizing working groups at the kelurahan level under the general guidance of local health centre personnel. Other efforts within the city include the activities of the Family Welfare Education Women’s Movement (Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga or PKK) and the promoting programme called Ten Houses (Dasa Wisma) at the neighbourhood level, wherein residents are educated about larval inspections, water storage methods and container cleaning to eliminate the vector. Currently, focal adulticiding using malathion or 142 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Pupal/demographic and adult aspiration survey Aedes aegypti in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Figure: Survey sites in 6 kecamatans (subdistricts) within the city of Yogyakarta, Gedongtengen, Gondomanan, Kotagede, Mergangsan, Tegalrejo and Umbulharjo cypermethrin (ULV and thermal fogs) in response to DHF case outbreaks are conducted routinely by the Office of City Health Center; however, the results appear to be varied and inconsistent. The actual impact of such a combination of control methods and strategies has never been assessed. The situation remains one of persistent endemicity between epidemics, with prevalence of DHF varying widely among the 45 kelurahans of the city; the vector is certainly common in virtually all if not every neighbourhood (unpublished data from the Yayasan Tahija Dengue Project). Recently, a study in the city evaluated the hypothesis that a limited reduction in Ae. aegypti adult abundance brought about by the selective treatment of particularly productive containers would reduce dengue transmission.[3] This study was based upon earlier pupal/ demographic surveys where four classes of containers were identified for treatment; these are: Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 143 Pupal/demographic and adult aspiration survey Aedes aegypti in Yogyakarta, Indonesia the bak mandi (common bathroom container); the bak air/ember (water storage container); sumur (wells); and ban bekas (tyres).[2] The surveys and the targeted control study were located within the single subdistrict of Gondokusuman in a 10-hectare intervention area of lower socioeconomic, high-density housing in the city. The intervention area was compared with a similar 10-hectare control area nearby that received no intervention except that provided by the government. The study was monitored using backpack aspirations of adult mosquitoes, pupal/demographic surveys and serosurveys (IgM) in children. The prevalence of the treatment (pyriproxyfen, an insect-growth regulator) in targeted containers averaged approximately 80%. The results indicated that the targeted intervention resulted in fewer Ae. aegypti adults (ratio: 3.7 to 1.0) and pupae (3.7 to 1.0) when compared with the control site. Serology indicated an average reduction in the prevalence of anti-dengue IgM in children of 25% during the 12 months of the study; and the serosurvey associated with the 3-month season of peak dengue transmission indicated a 61% reduction. An aggregation of dengue cases along the periphery of the treated area suggested that movement of virus into the treated area occurred from the surrounding untreated area.[3] The present work extends these original pupal/demographic surveys to include other kecamatans within the city to determine which types of containers are most important to Ae. aegypti production and should thus be targeted in a larger city-wide targeted control effort. Methods Study sites Approximately 160 randomly-selected sites in each of six subdistricts within the City of Yogyakarta were surveyed for Ae. aegypti adults and pupae; these sites located in Gedongtengen, Gondomanan, Kotagede, Mergangsan, Tegalrejo and Umbulharjo (Figure). Residential sites in the city are typically single-family homes. However, because the city has many educational institutions, it is not uncommon for families to have student lodgers. Water supply in the city is either from the municipal piped water system or wells. In many kelurahans it is common to have both sources within the same house. In the residential sites, bak mandi (BM) is a bathroom container used for bathing; another common container is the bak air (BA) used for other needs such as cooking and dish and clothes washing. Water is stored in BA commonly for at least three days. BMs and BAs are usually permanent containers made of cement, with or without a ceramic finish; these containers are frequently scrubbed and cleaned on a weekly basis (unpublished data, Yayasan Tahija Dengue Project). Occasionally, one or more buckets (embers) are used for water storage, either for bathing or washing. In these containers, water is commonly stored for less than one or two days and they are cleaned after use. Wells (sumur) are a common source of water for daily living and are built within or outside of the house; typically there are several households associated with each well. Well water is taken either through an electric pump or is drawn manually with a 144 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Pupal/demographic and adult aspiration survey Aedes aegypti in Yogyakarta, Indonesia plastic or metal bucket. The wells vary in depth and diameter; they may be uncovered or partially or totally covered by a cover made of wood, cement or other material. Because the surface of the well is not accessible to an inspector, it is impossible to determine the absolute standing crop of pupae within those surfaces; what is known is that perhaps one third of all wells are positive for larvae and/or pupae.[4] Because pupal production in wells cannot be quantified, the targeted control strategy developed on the basis of this survey will include all wells as a precaution against the possibility that they are responsible for considerable production of Ae. aegypti adults. Public and commercial sites surveyed included markets, schools, offices, shops, mosques, etc. Typically, the city’s piped water supply is used in lieu of wells at these sites. The water is commonly stored in BAs or plastic buckets; BMs are also common. Because shops have a variable number of people associated with them, the surveys did not include an entry for the number of people associated with each site; the results are reported simply as the average number of Ae. aegypti pupae per type of container rather than pupae per person. Pupal/demographic surveys Survey sites were selected using a random number generator and numbered lists of addresses in each of the surveyed kecamatans. The pupal/demographic survey methods used in this study were similar to that of Focks et al.[2,3] With the exception of wells, every water-holding container, both indoors and outdoors, was examined with the aid of a flashlight for the presence of mosquito pupae. All pupae were collected from large containers such as BMs and BAs using a specially designed pupal suction device fitted with a flashlight; for smaller containers, a wide-mouthed pipette was used to transfer pupae to labelled plastic collection vials. For each container and its associated vial, a record was made indicating the type and identification number of each container (Table 1), whether it was covered in some fashion, its location in terms of being found indoors or out of doors, address (house ID, street, RT, RW, and kelurahan), name of the house-owner, the number of people associated with the site, and date. On each survey day, the vials were taken to the Entomology Laboratory of the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) where their contents were transferred to small emergence cups; adults were identified to species in the case of Aedes and to genus for Culex. A total of 960 sites were surveyed (approximately 160 sites per kecamatan). Adult backpack aspirations Twenty-minute aspirations for adult mosquitoes were made at each of the pupal/demographic survey sites using battery-powered backpack aspirators.[5] The labelled collection cups (one per site) were returned to the University of Gadjah Mada the same day where adults were identified as in the case of pupal/demographic surveys. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 145 Pupal/demographic and adult aspiration survey Aedes aegypti in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Table 1: Controlled language names for the most common water-holding containers in the City of Yogyakarta used in the initial surveys and pilot study;[2,3] also included are the project-specific identification numbers (ID) ID 146 Bahasa Indonesia English 1 Bak air Water container (large) 2 Bak mandi Water container in bathroom 3 Bak sam pah Trash can 4 Bambu Bamboo 5 Ban bekas Used tyres 6 Botol bekas Used bottles 7 Drum Drum (200 L) 8 Ember Bucket 9 Ember plastik Plastic bucket 10 Gayung Dipper for water 11 Gelas bekas Used mug/drinking glass 12 Kaleng bekas Used tin can 13 Karpet plastik Plastic carpet 14 Kendi Clay water pot (small) 15 Keranjang bekas Used basket (woven) 16 Keranjang plastik Plastic basket 17 Kolam air Water pool, tank, pond 18 Kolam ikan bekas Abandoned fish pond 19 Kompor bekas Used kerosene stove (small) 20 Mangkok plastik Plastic bowl 21 Panci Pan 22 Pelepah pohon Plant axil (usually banana) 23 Penampung air kulkas Refrigerator water pan 24 Pispot Chamber pot 25 Pot bunga Flower pot 26 Sepatu bekas Used shoes 27 Sisa alat rumah tangga Used household tools 28 Tangki air Water tank (large) 29 Tempayan plastik Plastic container 30 Tempayan tanah Clay water container 31 Tempurung kelapa Coconut shell 32 Timba bekas Pail, bucket (used) 33 TMB Water container for bird (small) 34 Tree hole Tree hole 35 Vas bunga Flower vase 36 Wood hole Wood hole (plank) Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Pupal/demographic and adult aspiration survey Aedes aegypti in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Funnel traps The funnel trap has been used in several countries in hard-to-access containers such as deep wells and manholes to document whether a container is positive for mosquitoes and other invertebrates. Because mosquito larvae are more active than pupae, most studies describe the collection of larvae only.[6,7] A previous study in Yogyakarta using funnel traps conducted during the dry season found Ae. aegypti larvae in more than 33% of 93 wells sampled; 4.3% had Culex quinquefasciatus, and none were positive for Ae. albopictus (unpublished data, Yayasan Tahija Dengue Project). In the present study, funnel traps were placed in approximately two thirds of wells observed in the study sites and were left in situ for 24 hours. Results Residential sites A total of 957 residential sites were visited for the pupal/demographic and adult surveys (Table 2). While the mean number of people per residence was fairly uniform across the six kecamatans studied, ranging between 4.6 and 6.4, the number of Ae. aegypti pupae per residence was not uniform but ranged rather widely from 0.3 to 5.1. The number of Ae. aegypti pupae per person averaged 0.37, ranging widely from 0.07 to 0.95. In the context of developing a targeted source-reduction strategy for the city, of greater interest is the relative and absolute contribution of different types of containers to the total production of Ae. aegypti Table 2: Results and statistics derived from pupal/demographic surveys conducted in a total of 957 residential sites by kecamatan (Figure); pupae here refers only to Ae. aegypti Kecamatan Number of residences surveyed Pupal/demographic survey data (Ae. aegypti) Number of people Mean no. of people per residence Total number of pupae Mean no. of pupae per residence Pupae per person Gedongtengen 127 556 4.60 41 0.34 0.07 Gondomanan 100 534 5.34 506 5.06 0.95 Kotagede 179 884 4.94 279 1.56 0.32 Mergangsan 166 863 5.20 386 2.33 0.45 Tegalrejo 155 990 6.39 216 1.39 0.22 Umbulharjo 236 1,345 5.70 470 1.99 0.35 Grand Total 963 5,172 5.40 1,898 1.98 0.37 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 147 Pupal/demographic and adult aspiration survey Aedes aegypti in Yogyakarta, Indonesia pupae (Table 3). The results are consistent with the original surveys in Gondokusuman, namely that BMs and BAs are the two largest producers of Ae. aegypti pupae accounting for 75.9% and 11.1% of all pupae respectively.[2,3] Just three types of containers, if the third largest producer, ember (buckets)is included, account for a total of 91.1% of all pupae observed. It is important to remember that these percentages of ‘total’ standing crop do not reflect the unknown contribution of wells. Table 3: Results of pupal/demographic surveys of Ae. aegypti in residential sites within the city of Yogyakarta in 6 kecamatans. The containers are listed in order of decreasing contribution to the total production of Ae. aegypti pupae. Only containers positive for 2 or more Ae. aegypti pupae are listed Names English Bahasa Indonesian Bathroom container Bak mandi Water container (large) Total Total number of number of pupae containers Proportion Pupae per of pupae in Cumulative container container proportion type 1,465 1,169 1.253 0.759 0.759 Bak air 215 185 1.162 0.111 0.870 Bucket Ember 79 744 0.106 0.041 0.911 Clay water container Tempayan tanah 57 122 0.467 0.030 0.941 Flower pot Pot bunga 20 35 0.571 0.010 0.968 Unused bowl Mangkok bekas 15 7 2.143 0.008 0.976 Pan or tray Panci 11 1 11.000 0.006 0.981 Drip tray dispenser Penampung air kulkas 11 36 0.306 0.006 0.987 Refrigerator water pan Penampung air kulkas 8 31 0.258 0.004 0.991 Aquarium Kolam ikan 7 40 0.175 0.004 0.995 Dipper Gayung 7 1 7.000 0.004 0.998 Water container for bird (small) TMB 2 132 0.015 0.001 0.999 148 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Pupal/demographic and adult aspiration survey Aedes aegypti in Yogyakarta, Indonesia The results of the 6-kecamatan survey in the city differs in two ways from the original four surveys in Gondokusuman:[2] Firstly, virtually no Ae. albopictus pupae were collected either in indoor or outdoor containers in this survey; in contrast, the two Gondokusuman surveys conducted during the wet seasons of 1997 and 1999 when 281 Ae. albopictus (virtually all outdoors) and 1862 Ae. aegypti pupae were collected during the two surveys. Secondly, the three most productive types of containers in the earlier surveys included BM, BA and used tyres (ban bekas). However, buckets (embers) replaced the tyres as dominant producer in the present survey. In contrast to the pupal/demographic surveys, Ae. albopictus and Culex spp. were collected in the adult aspirations (Table 4). Few Ae. albopictus were collected in the adult aspirations (average: 0.011 adults per residence) compared to Ae. aegypti (0.428) (ratio: 37.5 to 1.0). Indoor-resting Culex spp. were much more abundant than Ae. albopictus, being found at a rate of 0.204 per house; the principal breeding sites for Culex spp. in these residential settings are septic tanks.[3] Finally, there does not seem to be a relationship between the average number of Ae. aegypti pupae and adults per house as determined by backpack aspirations in residential sites; the correlation coefficient between the averages for each of these variables was –0.144 (P=0.785). Table 4: Results of adult aspirations in residential sites within the city of Yogyakarta in six kecamatans. Culex spp. and Ae. aegypti adults were found in all kecamatans, however Ae. albopictus was not found in two of the six kecamatans, Kotagede and Tegalrejo Average number of adults per site Kecamatan Ae. albopictus Ae. aegypti Culex spp. Totals Gedongtengen 0.024 0.480 0.315 0.819 Gondomanan 0.010 0.490 0.040 0.540 Kotagede 0.000 0.168 0.212 0.380 Mergangsan 0.006 0.289 0.030 0.325 Tegalrejo 0.000 0.994 0.258 1.252 Umbulharjo 0.025 0.297 0.292 0.614 Averages 0.011 0.428 0.204 0.643 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 149 Pupal/demographic and adult aspiration survey Aedes aegypti in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Public and/or commercial sites The results of the pupal/demographic survey of 447 public sites in the city (Table 5) indicate that there was approximately one-half the diversity in the types of containers present in the public sites. These surveys did not record the number of people per site as this was variable. The results were consistent with the original surveys in Gondokusuman and the residential surveys (above), namely, that BMs, BAs and ember (buckets) were the three largest producers of Ae. aegypti pupae accounting for 61.6%, 10.7%, and 13.8% of all pupae (total 86.1%) respectively. If the four most productive types of containers are taken into consideration (the fourth largest producer was flower pots (pot bunga) (3.1%), a total of 89.3% of all pupae can be accounted for. Table 5: Results and statistics derived from pupal/demographic surveys conducted in public sites by kecamatan (Figure); pupae here refers only to Ae. aegypti Names English Bahasa Indonesian Total Total number of number of pupae containers Proportion Pupae per of pupae in Cumulative container container proportion type Bathroom container Bak mandi 258 991 0.260 0.616 0.616 Bucket Ember 58 342 0.170 0.138 0.754 Water container Bak air (large) 45 207 0.217 0.107 0.862 Flower pot Pot bunga 13 36 0.361 0.031 0.893 Pan or tray Panci 12 1 12.000 0.029 0.921 Gravestone Nisan 10 25 0.400 0.024 0.945 Piring Plate 8 1 8.000 0.019 0.964 Flower vase Vas bunga 6 12 0.500 0.014 0.979 Fish pond Kolam ikan 5 21 0.238 0.012 0.991 Clay water container Tempayan tanah 4 11 0.364 0.010 1.000 150 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Pupal/demographic and adult aspiration survey Aedes aegypti in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Funnel traps There was total of 347 wells in the study sites of the six kecamatans surveyed; of these, 220 were examined with funnel traps for mosquito pupae. Aedes aegypti pupae were recovered only from the wells in Umbulharjo (9 pupae in 3 wells) and Kotagede (23 pupae in 6 wells); no other species were observed. In these nine collections, the most common number of pupae recovered was one; on single occasions the counts were 2, 3, 7 and 15 per collection. Discussion These results indicate that a targeted strategy involving the containers BM, BA and buckets would address 91.1% and 86.2% of all Ae. aegypti production in the above-ground-level containers in residential and commercial sites respectively. As in the case of the pilot study, wells could be a fourth type of container included in a targeted control strategy because we know wells produce Ae. aegypti, although we cannot quantify their contribution.[3] While funnel traps are normally not efficient in collecting mosquito pupae, the numbers of pupae collected on two occasions, 7 and 15 from individual wells in a single day, is a worrisome reminder that we do not have an adequate knowledge regarding well productivity in Yogyakarta. In the present study, only 9 out of 220 wells sampled were positive for pupae (4.1%). This brings out the fact that the contribution of adult mosquitoes from wells may negate the successful targeting of only the surface containers to suppress dengue transmission We do not have an explanation for the lack of a correlation between the numbers of adults and pupae in houses in Yogyakarta but note that this has been observed elsewhere.[8] Cryptic breeding of dengue vectors has been the surprising finding of several control attempts and the existence of cryptic breeding cannot be ruled out in this study.[9,10,11] Acknowledgements We would like to thank and acknowledge the significant contributions of Dr Sjakon Tahija and Mr George Tahija of the Tahija Foundation, Jakarta, who fully supported this work. We are also grateful to the staff of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta, for their support. We thank Mr Heru Sudibyo, Department of Parasitology, UGM, and his entomology surveyor team who dedicated considerable time in the field and laboratory during the conduct of this study. We are most appreciative of the support and contributions of the Health Agency of the City of Yogyakarta. And, finally, we gratefully acknowledge Mr Titayanto Pieter (Program Manager) and Ms Sukma Tin Aprillya (Dengue Project Manager) of Tahija Foundation for their many significant contributions in logistics, implementation, management and communications. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 151 Pupal/demographic and adult aspiration survey Aedes aegypti in Yogyakarta, Indonesia References [1] Suroso T, Holani A, Ali I. Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Outbreaks in Indonesia 1997-1998. WHOSEARO Dengue Bulletin. 1998; (22):45-48. [2] Focks DA, Bangs MJ, Church C, Juffrie M, Nalim S. 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[6] Kay BH, Cabral CP, Araujo DB, Ribeiro ZM, Braga PH, Sleigh AC. Evaluation of a funnel trap for collecting copepods and immature mosquitoes from wells. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. 1992; 8(4): 372-5. [7] Russell BM, Kay BH. Calibrated funnel trap for quantifying mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) abundance in wells. Journal of Medical Entomology. 1999; 36(6): 851-5. [8] Garcia-Rejon J, Loroño-Pino MA, Farfan-Ale JA, Flores-Flores L, Del Pilar Rosado-Paredes E, RiveroCardenas N, Najera-Vazquez R, Gomez-Carro S, Lira-Zumbardo V, Gonzalez-Martinez P, LozanoFuentes S, Elizondo-Quiroga D, Beaty BJ, Eisen L. Dengue virus-infected Aedes aegypti in the home environment. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2008; 79(6): 940-50. [9] Barrera R, Amador M, Diaz A, Smith J, Munoz-Jordan JL, Rosario Y. Unusual productivity of Aedes aegypti in septic tanks and its implications for dengue control. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 2008; 22(1): 62-9. [10] Gonzalez R, Suarez MF. Sewers: the principal Aedes aegypti breeding sites in Cali, Colombia. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 1995; 53: 160. [11] Kay BH, Ryan PA, Russell BM, Holt JS, Lyons SA, Foley PN. The importance of subterranean mosquito habitat to arbovirus vector control strategies in north Queensland. Australian Journal of Medical Entomology. 2000; 3: 846 – 853. 152 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Ovitrap surveillance of dengue and chikungunya vectors in several suburban residential areas in Peninsular Malaysia Lim Kwee Wee,a Norzahira Raduan,a Sing Kong Wah,a Wong Hong Ming,a Chew Hwai Shi,a Firdaus Rambli,a Cheryl Jacyln Ahok,a Nazni Wasi Ahmad,a Lee Han Lim,a# Andrew McKemeyb & Seshadri Vasanb,c a Medical Entomology Unit, Institute for Medical Research, Jalan Pahang, 50588 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. b c Oxitec Limited, 71 Milton Park OX14 4RX, UK. University of Malaya, CEBAR, IPS Building (Level 5, Block B), 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Abstract Ovitrap surveillance was conducted in six suburban residential areas in Peninsular Malaysia in 2008. Aedes albopictus was found to be the most abundant Aedes species at all study sites, even though a small number of Aedes aegypti was found in two residential areas. This study also reconfirmed that Ae. albopictus prefers to breed in outdoor conditions, while Ae. aegypti prefers indoors. There is no evidence of a change in their breeding preferences, possibly due to the existence of a stable ecosystem at the study sites. Keywords: : Ovitrap surveillance; Aedes aegypti; Aedes albopictus; Malaysia. Introduction Dengue and chikungunya are endemic in Malaysia. Aedes aegypti is the primary vector of dengue, while Aedes albopictus is likely to be the major vector of chikungunya.[1] These diseases are found mainly in the urban and suburban areas.[2] Because of global warming, Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus may extend their range northward and southward and have more rapid metamorphosis.[3] Increasing road transport and urbanization and introduction of tap water supply, normally irregular and intermittent, helps create a friendly environment for the establishment of the vector species in new areas.[4] Today, an estimated 3.46–3.61 billion people live in areas at risk of dengue in 134 countries, which # E-mail:; Telefax: +60326162688 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 153 Ovitrap surveillance of dengue and chikungunya vectors in Peninsular Malaysia corresponds to 53.0%–55.0% of the world population; WHO expects that millions more will be affected in the coming years.[5-6] Besides dengue infection, chikungunya is another Aedes mosquito-borne infection which is rapidly emerging in many Indian Ocean countries.[4,7] In Malaysia, the incidence rate of dengue has increased fivefold from 28 cases per 100 000 people in 1995 to 133 cases per 100 000 people in 2004.[8] During 2002–2007, the immediate cost of dengue to Malaysia was US$88–215 million per annum, which translates to US$3.5–8.5 per capita and accounts for 3%–7% of the government spending on health care. Illness costs due to dengue are typically 11 times the government spending on Aedes vector control. Increased investments in prevention could potentially generate large offsets in illness costs.[9] An improved understanding of Aedes population dynamics would probably lead to more effective vector control to combat dengue and chikungunya in Malaysia, although other nonvector factors such as climate change are also important considerations in vector control. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the distribution and abundance of both Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus in several suburban residential areas in Peninsular Malaysia. Materials and methods Study sites Ovitrap surveillance was conducted in six residential areas: Taman Karak Jaya (Pahang), Taman Bukit Tinggi (Pahang), Taman Angsamas (Negeri Sembilan), Taman Sri Ramai (Negeri Sembilan), Taman Inang Sari (Malacca) and Taman Krubong Permai (Malacca). The ecological description of the study sites is given in Table 1. Table 1: Ecological description of study sites in Peninsular Malaysia Study site Ecological description GPS coordinates Taman Karak Jaya • 150 single- or double-storey houses • Some houses scattered around N 03° 25.364’ E 102° 01.589’ Taman Bukit Tinggi • 130 single- or double-storey houses • Mixture of brick houses and wooden houses N 03° 21.311’ E 101° 49.005’ Taman Angsamas • 1500 single- or double-storey houses • Houses made of cement and bricks N 02° 38.891’ E 101° 55.453’ Taman Sri Ramai • 670 single- or double-storey houses • Houses made of cement and bricks N 02° 37.838’ E 101° 57.140’ Taman Inang Sari • 200 single-storey houses • Houses made of cement and bricks N 02° 20.032’ E 102° 15.057’ Taman Krubong Permai • 250 single-storey houses • Houses made of cement and bricks N 02° 18.654’ E 102° 15.076’ 154 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Ovitrap surveillance of dengue and chikungunya vectors in Peninsular Malaysia All the six sites are within 3–25 km of the town centres and have good infrastructure and excellent access to all means of communication. These are suburban areas surrounded by forest, oil palm or rubber plantation. Almost all houses have ornamental plants or fruit trees in front and flower pots inside. Ovitrap surveillance The ovitrap surveillance, as described by Lee,[10] was conducted by adhering to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, Malaysia.[11] A black plastic container of 300 ml volume, with a base diameter of 6.5 cm, opening diameter of 7.8 cm and 9.0 cm in height, was used as an ovitrap container. Hardboard measuring 10 cm x 2.5 cm x 0.3 cm was used as an oviposition paddle. The paddle was placed in the ovitrap container with the rough surface kept upwards and tap water added to a level of 5.5 cm. Ovitraps were placed indoors and outdoors in randomly selected houses scattered over each study area (Table 2). Indoors refers to the interior of the house and outdoors is the outside of the built-up area but still within the immediate boundary of the house.[10] All the traps were labelled and placed near potential resting sites which were not flooded or exposed to direct sunlight. The average temperature in Malaysia in June 2008 was 33 °C and from September to December 2008 it was 22 °C. Table 2: Number of ovitraps placed in the study sites and date of ovitrapping, Peninsular Malaysia Study site Number of ovitrap Date of ovitrapping Taman Karak Jaya 20 indoors 20 outdoors 11 Jun 2008 to 18 Jun 2008 Taman Bukit Tinggi 20 indoors 20 outdoors 12 Jun 2008 to 19 Jun 2008 Taman Angsamas 30 indoors 30 outdoors 13 Nov 2008 to 20 Nov 2008 Taman Sri Ramai 30 indoors 30 outdoors 12 Nov 2008 to 19 Nov 2008 Taman Inang Sari 20 indoors 20 outdoors 10 Sep 2008 to 17 Sep 2008 Taman Krubong Permai 30 indoors 30 outdoors 3 Dec 2008 to 10 Dec 2008 Ovitraps were collected after seven days and the contents were transferred into plastic containers (16 cm x 11 cm x 7 cm). Fish food (Tetramine®) was provided as larval food. Since there is no diapause or overwintering in Malaysian mosquitoes, hatching of eggs will not be influenced. All the hatched larvae were counted and identified at third or fourth instar under a compound microscope. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 155 Ovitrap surveillance of dengue and chikungunya vectors in Peninsular Malaysia Data analysis The ovitrap result was expressed as ovitrap index and larval density (no. of larvae per trap) as follows: Ovitrap Index (OI) = (Number of positive traps / Number of recovered traps) x 100% Mean number of larvae per trap = Total number of larvae / Number of recovered ovitraps All levels of statistical significance were determined at p<0.05 by using independent t- test and the statistical programme SPSS v10. Results A total of 40 to 60 ovitraps were randomly placed indoors and outdoors in selected houses and 90%–100% of the ovitraps were recovered from each site. Figure 1 shows the ovitrap index of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus at the six study sites. The highest ovitrap index of Ae. albopictus (71%) was found in Taman Bukit Tinggi while Taman Krubong Permai had the lowest ovitrap index of Ae. albopictus (45%). Ae. aegypti was found in Taman Angsamas and Taman Inang Sari with a very low ovitrap index, i.e. 2% and 5% respectively. The presence of Ae. aegypti at other sites was considered negligible. The results revealed that Ae. albopictus was the predominant Aedes species in all the six study sites. Figure 1: Comparative ovitrap index of Ae. aegypti and Ae albopictus in six study sites in Peninsular Malaysia 156 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Ovitrap surveillance of dengue and chikungunya vectors in Peninsular Malaysia Taman Bukit Tinggi also showed the highest mean number of Ae. albopictus in both indoors and outdoors compared to the lower mean number of Ae. albopictus in Taman Krubong Permai (Table 3). Although the outdoors mean number of larvae per trap was higher than indoors mean number of larvae per trap for Ae. albopictus in all six study sites (Figure 2), there was no significant difference (p>0.05), except for Taman Sri Ramai (p<0.05). Table 3: Overall indoors and outdoors mean numbers of larvae per trap of Ae. albopictus and Ae. aegypti in six study sites in Peninsular Malaysia Study site Mean number of larvae per trap of Ae. albopictus and Ae. aegypti Overall Indoors Outdoors Tmn Karak Jaya 17.47 ± 23.10 15.72 ± 22.37 19.05 ± 24.21 Tmn Bukit Tinggi 38.93 ± 41.09 26.45 ± 37.59 51.40 ± 41.53 Tmn Angsamas 23.82 ± 27.02 (0.02 ± 0.13) 17.82 ± 23.49 (0.04 ± 0.19) 29.62 ± 29.29 (0) Tmn Sri Ramai 16.33 ± 18.56 9.60 ± 15.56 23.07 ± 19.11 Tmn Krubong Permai 9.78 ± 14.43 6.37 ± 15.21 13.20 ± 12.97 Tmn Inang Sari 20.84 ± 23.68 (2.62 ± 12.05) 14.58 ± 25.77 (1.79 ± 7.80) 26.80 ± 20.38 (3.40 ± 15.20) Figure 2: Comparison of mean numbers of larvae per trap of Ae. albopictus indoors and outdoors in six study sites in Peninsular Malaysia (Error Bar = Standard Error Mean = Standard Deviation/n) Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 157 Ovitrap surveillance of dengue and chikungunya vectors in Peninsular Malaysia Discussion Ae. albopictus was predominant in all the six study sites. This was similarly reported by Norzahira et al.,[12] Rozilawati et al.,[13] Chen et al.[14] and Sallehudin et al.[15] in the surveys done in rural and suburban areas in Peninsular Malaysia. According to Braks et al.,[16] WHO,[17] Foo et al.[18] and Sucharit et al.,[19] the habits of Ae. aegypti and Ae albopictus mosquitoes are different. Ae. aegypti prefers urban areas with less vegetation, rests in dark, humid and secluded places inside houses or buildings, biting indoors and breeding in artificial containers, while Ae. albopictus is found commonly in rural areas with vegetation, biting outdoors and breeding in all types of natural and artificial containers. Ae. albopictus is native to south-east Asia.[20] Macdonald[21] reported that Ae. aegypti had been introduced into Malaysia through the seaport and coastal areas at the beginning of the 20th century, while Ae. albopictus is undoubtedly common near the forest fringes and in the interior of secondary forest.[22] As all the six study sites are located near to forest, oil palm and rubber plantation which are the common habitat environment of Ae. albopictus, it is possible that Ae. albopictus had spread to and remained in the study sites. Only Ae. albopictusi was found in Taman Karak Jaya, Taman Bukit Tinggi, Taman Sri Ramai and Taman Krubong Permai, possibly because Aedes mosquitoes increased their numbers by colonizing of available sites rather than moving into previously uninfested areas.[23] Rozilawati et al.[13] and Chen et al.[14] also found that Ae. albopictus preferred to breed outdoors rather than indoors in Taman Permai Indah, Penang and Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur. The breeding sites of Ae. albopictus are not only around and near houses but also in forests and plantations. Unlike Ae. aegypti which bites and rests indoors, Ae. albopictus bites both outdoors and indoors and rests mainly outdoors.[24] This may explain the preference of Ae. albopictus to breed outdoors rather than indoors. In conclusion, data acquired from this ovitrap surveillance is useful in the planning of anti-Aedes campaign such as Communication for Behavioural Impact (COMBI), insecticide application and use of other new technologies for vector control. COMBI includes a variety of activities such as marketing, education, communication promotion, advocacy and mobilization intended to engage individuals in considering recommended healthy behaviours and to encourage the adoption and sustained maintenance of these behaviours.[25] Insecticides can be applied to mosquito breeding sites and houses, and use of personal repellents can reduce the incidence of insect bites and thus infection.[26] Application of new technology such as genetic-based strategies to prevent Aedes mosquitoes from transmitting dengue viruses either by reducing the densities of mosquito populations or by eliminating their ability to transmit dengue viruses can be considered.[27] Information obtained from this study provides important entomological data for the design of an effective integrated dengue vector control programme. 158 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Ovitrap surveillance of dengue and chikungunya vectors in Peninsular Malaysia Acknowledgements The authors thank the Director-General of Health, Malaysia, for permission to publish this paper. Thanks are also due to the Director of Institute for Medical Research and the staff of the Medical Entomology Unit, IMR, Kuala Lumpur, for their support and help. This study was supported by the National Institutes of Health, Ministry of Health, Malaysia, under research grant No. JPP-IMR-06-053. References [1] Reiter P, Fontenille D, Paupy C. Aedes albopictus as an epidemic vector of chikungunya virus: another emerging problem? The Lancet. 2006; 6: 463-464. [2] Chen CD, Seleena B, Masri SM, Chiang YF, Lee HL, Nazni WA, Sofian-Azirun M. Dengue vector surveillance in urban residential settlement areas in Selangor, Malaysia. Trop Biomed. 2005; 22(1): 39-43. [3] Shope R. Global climate change and infectious diseases. Env Health Persp. 1991; 96: 171-174. [4] Mourya DT, Yadav P. Vector biology of dengue and chikungunya viruses. Indian J Med Res. 2006; 124: 475-480. [5] Beatty MR, Letson W, Edgil DM, Margolis HS. 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Planning social mobilization and communication for dengue fever prevention and control: a step-by-step guide. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2004. pp 6-12. [26] WHO. Pesticides and their application for the control of vectors and pests of public health importance 2006 (114 pages). Geneva: World Health Organization. [27] McCall PJ, Kittayapong P. Control of dengue vector: tools and strategies. Scientific Working Group: Report on Dengue. Geneva: WHO, 2006. pp. 110-118. 160 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Specifying skills for proficient control of Aedes aegypti oviposition in flowerpot saucers through the use of net covers João Bosco Jardim,# Ana Carolina Bocewicz & Virgínia Torres Schall Laboratory of Health and Environmental Education, René Rachou Research Center, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz Minas), Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. Abstract Net covers have been used as physical barriers to prevent oviposition by the dengue vector Aedes aegypti into water-bearing containers. However, their efficacy as a prevention tool depends upon the proficiency (correctness) with which they are used. In the first part of this paper we describe the method by which a pattern of skills for the proficient use of a kind of net cover for flowerpot saucers (evidengue®) was empirically specified into verbal descriptions, or categories. After identifying by direct video observation a set of key-skills to meet predetermined specifications of the proficiency of the use of the evidengue®, we specified these skills in four categories of proficiency. In the second part of the paper we describe the procedure and the results of an experimental evaluation which aimed at measuring the extent to which the skills specified in the categories were performed by four groups of high school students, after an educational practice on dengue prevention in classroom. The evaluation compared two skills instruction procedures for the proficient use of evidengue®. In one of the procedures the skills were explicitly instructed through a video and/or leaflet in three experimental groups. In the other, the skills were not explicitly instructed. Trained observers independently recorded the frequency of the categories. The inter-observer agreement indices obtained show that the measurement of the frequencies of three of the four categories was reliable. In the inter-group comparison, the evaluation showed that the group that was submitted to explicit instruction of the skills through video and leaflet yielded relatively higher frequency of categories of proficiency than the others. Studies such as the one we present here make it possible to create reliable indicators of proper use of resources aimed at prevention of oviposition and consequent control of Ae. aegypti breeding at the household level. Keywords: Aedes aegypti; Net cover; Skills; Proficiency of use; Flowerpot saucer; Dengue prevention; Health education. # E-mail: Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 161 Proficient control of Aedes aegypti using net covers Introduction The most basic way of dengue vector control takes place in the household and depends on the residents’ behaviour, notwithstanding the importance of infrastructure actions. It consists in the mere expedient of blocking the access of gravid female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, the main urban vector of the disease, to the interior of storage tanks, buckets, flowerpot saucers and other kinds of domestic containers in which there is exposed and standing water.[1] Ideally, this action on the part of the residents will prevent the ovipositioning and the consequent development of the mosquito in the water. Mosquito-proof net covers have been employed as physical barriers to prevent the ovipositing Ae. aegypti access to the interior of water-bearing domestic containers. One kind of cover (evidengue®) can seal off flowerpot saucers in such a way so as to confer complete protection against vector oviposition in these containers, which are frequently positive in south-eastern Brazil. Evidengue® has been shown to be 100% efficacious in preliminary laboratory evaluations.[2,3] However, as it happens with other kinds of mosquito-proof net covers,[4–8] its efficacy as a prevention tool depends upon the proficiency (correctness) of its use.[3,9] It is only by sealing the container that a resident can proficiently block vector access to its interior. The act of sealing is, thus, more proficient (in the sense of being more efficacious as preventive behaviour) than the mere use of lids, which often leave gaps for gravid female Ae. aegypti to enter and lay eggs inside the container.[10] When used with proficiency, evidengue® can be characterized as a sealing cover for controlling Ae. aegypti oviposition in flowerpot saucers. Health education programmes routinely emphasize the importance of proficiency in using several kinds of prevention tools. Male condom is a case in point. One function of the condom is to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. But certain behavioural skills are needed to use it proficiently as non-proficient use may well prevent it from fulfilling such a function. This means to abide by some predetermined specifications. Briefly, the condom needs to be placed on the erect penis, then slipped integrally on to the member, squeezed at the tip to leave space for semen to collect, and so on. By the same token, the use of a net cover, to be proficient, must abide by its corresponding predetermined specifications. Operationally, such specifications constitute verbal descriptions of some pattern of behavioural skills that a resident must perform to seal off a water-bearing container proficiently. The use of net covers for dengue prevention in households should of course be a part of integrated, community-based vector control measures.[11] But however much is known about the necessary sanitation measures for vector control at the household level,[11,12] it is surprising that little attention has been paid to the specification of behavioural skills required from residents for putting these measures into practice proficiently. Our own experience with evidengue® has shown[13] that a certain proportion of people are deficient in various skills to meet with proficiency a request for placing the cover on a flowerpot saucer, no matter 162 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Proficient control of Aedes aegypti using net covers how simple this behaviour may be. Moreover, the design of a cover itself may not match the user’s skills to place it on a container proficiently. As in other scientific endeavours based on preventive behaviours (for instance, breast selfexamination,[14,15] firearm injury prevention,[16] bicycle helmet use,[17] etc.), a health education programme intending to involve residents in dengue vector control by using mosquito-proof net covers needs to consider the prior specification of these skills in a practical and objective way.* Developing a cover to prevent Ae. aegypti oviposition in domestic containers is one thing, but specifying behavioural skills ensuring its proper use by residents is quite another. As stated by Elder and Lloyd,[22] social mobilization efforts for dengue prevention may take different forms depending on whether their recipients provide evidence or not of the skills to engage in vector control. It is our contention that a vector control initiative involving the employment of net covers in households must specify those skills empirically through research of the proficiency of use of its particular kind of cover by prospective residents. Such a specification of skills with respect to the proficient use of evidengue ® was the object of the present study. Its aim was twofold. First, to describe a method through which a pattern of skills for the proficient use of this particular cover can be specified into a catalogue[23] of verbal descriptions, or categories, of proficiency; second, to evaluate the catalogue experimentally in order to measure the extent to which the skills specified in the various categories are performed by prospective users, after an educational practice on dengue prevention. Materials and methods Evidengue® Structurally, evidengue® consists of a circular arrangement of synthetic polyester resin mosquito net, with mesh equal to or smaller than 2 mm x 1 mm.[2,3] Its sac-shaped design makes it possible for it to wrap the saucer and, at the same time, a portion of the flowerpot walls up to a height distant from the water. The cover has a frill along the aperture brim through which two straps of the same polyester material are embedded and, internally, there is also a rubber band. The straps have the function of firmly adjusting the aperture of the cover to the flowerpot so as not to leave any gaps for the passage of the vector, while the rubber band helps keep the edge of the cover adjusted and away from the water. * We note that the term ‘skill’ is not employed here in the sense of an inner, inherited talent which would predispose an individual to behave in a predetermined manner. Rather, it is used in the sense of a specific ability or a particular dexterity that may be instructed, acquired and displayed by the individual in important situations.[18] In this acceptation, skill and proficiency are equivalent concepts. It draws on the empirical research literature from the psychology discipline that calls itself behaviour analysis.[19--21] Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 163 Proficient control of Aedes aegypti using net covers Specification of skills and catalogue of categories of proficiency The table presents an overview of the study design. Drawing on the literature about direct observation of human and animal behaviour,[23-28] the specification of the behavioural skills for the proficient use of evidengue® started with the observation, in a video, of a sequence of cover manipulation movements vis-à-vis its placement on a set of saucer and flowerpot. This sequence was taken as reference pattern for the identification and posterior specification of the skills. It was extracted from a 70-second domestic video produced in order to demonstrate the proficient placement of evidengue® on a flowerpot in a previous study.[3,29] The systematic observation of this sequence made it possible to: (a) identify a pattern of four key-skills for the proficient use of the cover; and (b) specify these skills in verbal descriptions (categories) of use proficiency (hereafter called categories of proficiency). Table: Overview of the study design (1) Skills identification (a) Video observation of cover manipulation (b) Identification of key-skills (after a total of 22 skills identified) (2) Categorization (a) Gradual specification of key-skills in verbal descriptions or categories of proficiency (b) Filmed individual tests of categories (c) Repeated observation of filmed performances, rectification and adjustment of categories (d) Final specification of key-skills into a catalogue of categories of proficiency (3) Experimental catalogue evaluation (a) Educational practice (two instruction procedures, with and without explicit instruction of proficiency) (b) Demonstration and recording The following key-skills were identified: (i) full insertion of the saucer and flowerpot into the cover; (ii) pulling the opening edge upwards so as to keep the rubber band suspended at a height of the flowerpot that is sufficiently distant from the water inside the saucer; (iii) contour flowerpot wall with the adjusting straps; (iv) making of a knot with the straps tight against the flowerpot wall. From a total of 22 skills identified in the video, these four were considered essential for compliance with the predetermined use proficiency specifications of the evidengue®. Once identified through direct video observation, the skills started to be gradually specified in categories of proficiency. In many sessions held over several days, the categories were taken to individual tests with 57 voluntary participants (age range 15–76 years). In these 164 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Proficient control of Aedes aegypti using net covers sessions, the participants were instructed by one of the researchers to place evidengue® on a flowerpot saucer. The instruction was given in conformity with the video’s original sequence and the specifications of each tested category. The sessions were filmed. Eventually, through repeated observations of the participants’ performances, the categories were successively rectified, and terms were added, substituted and suppressed until a catalogue was compiled and afterwards evaluated (see below). The categories that constituted the catalogue were the following, in this sequence: • Insertion: open evidengue®, position the saucer and the flowerpot at the cover’s wrong side, totally fitting the flowerpot base inside the saucer. • Pulling: elevate the edge of evidengue® to a height that reaches the higher half of the flowerpot, without reaching the aperture. • Contour: surround evidengue® with the polyester straps, in opposing directions, at the height of the rubber band, and bring them close. • Knot: cross the straps and knot them close to the flowerpot’s wall, stretching the straps to their maximum, in opposing directions. Catalogue evaluation The catalogue evaluation compared the relative frequency of occurrence of the categories of proficiency (dependent measure) in two instruction procedures for the use of the cover. In one of them, the proficiency was explicitly instructed according to the various categories, whereas in the other (control), the proficiency was not explicitly instructed. The procedures were carried out in a classroom during an educational practice of dengue prevention with high school students. Prior to the study, ethical clearance was granted from the Ethics Committee of René Rachou Research Center and informed consent was obtained from all participants. The evaluation was based on the frequency records of the categories obtained in a demonstration session of the placing of evidengue® on flowerpot saucers, carried out by students immediately after an educational practice. The participants were 96 students from both sexes (age range 16–31 years), gathered into four classes (1 to 4) of a public school in a dengue-endemic district in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. The instruction procedures followed an experimental design composed by three components: lecture on dengue (LD), delivery of a leaflet (LF) instructing how to seal a flowerpot saucer using evidengue®, and exhibition of a video (VI) about the correct way of placing the cover on the saucer. The components were differentially associated in classes 2, 3 and 4 (hereafter called experimental groups), whereas class 1 was considered control group. The modalities of association were as follows: Group 2: LD+LF (N = 22); Group 3: LD+VI (N = 30); Group 4: LD+LF+VI (N = 22). In Group 1 (LD), N was 22. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 165 Proficient control of Aedes aegypti using net covers Lecture on dengue: Adapted from a previous study,[29] the 8-minute lecture was given by one of the members of the present study’s team (second author). It succinctly comprised six topics related to dengue: (i) concept of dengue; (ii) symptoms of the disease; (iii) forms of clinical manifestation; (iv) transmission; (v) life-cycle of Ae. aegypti; and (vi) prevention. Pictures related to these topics were projected onto a screen through 28 PowerPoint colour slides. Though seven of the slides showed illustration photos of covered and uncovered flowerpot saucers, including a saucer sealed with evidengue®, no explicit instruction was given in the lecture in connection with the proficiency in the use of the cover. Leaflet and video: The proficiency was explicitly instructed in print (leaflet) and electronic (video) media. In the leaflet, the categories were represented by colourful photos, with legends in conformity with the specifications of the skills in the catalogue. In two imperative sentences, the leaflet highlighted the importance of sealing with evidengue® and asked the student to follow a sequence of steps (numbered in the legends) to seal the flowerpot saucer with the cover. In the 52-second, mute, coloured semi-professional video, the categories were converted into moving images. In it, the instructor showed the proficient placing of evidengue® on to a flowerpot and saucer set similar to the one that was subsequently used in the demonstration through which the catalogue was evaluated. In addition to the key-skills, four skills considered non-essential were added to the leaflet and video: taking evidengue® off its package, stretching the cover’s aperture before insertion, placing the saucer separately (before) the flowerpot, and tying a bow with the straps after the knot. Demonstration: The demonstration was carried out individually, immediately after the educational practice. Two benches from a science laboratory contiguous to the classroom were used. Each bench had a violet flowerpot with its respective saucer and a plastic package containing one evidengue® in a size that corresponded to the saucer’s dimensions. Each student received oral instruction, individually, from the instructor, about the demonstration, at the bench. The instruction followed a standard text. The students from Groups 2 and 4 could freely consult the leaflet they received in the educational practice. The demonstration started with the removal of the evidengue® from its package. After each demonstration was concluded, the respective student exited the laboratory and the remaining students, who waited in the classroom, were successively called by the instructor for demonstration on one bench or the other. Two pairs of previously trained observers, one at each bench, recorded independently, in a paper-and-pencil observation form, the frequency of the occurrence of each of the four categories in the catalogue. The educational practice and the demonstration were carried out in a single morning during school hours, following a predetermined sequence for the four groups. Results: We calculated the inter-observer agreement (IOA) index in order to estimate the reliability of the records in each pair. Reliability concerns the extent to which a given measurement is consistent and repeatable.[27] In the present study, the IOA index was 166 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Proficient control of Aedes aegypti using net covers expressed as the percentage of all occurrences of a given category about which the two observers of each pair have agreed, i.e. Agreements/(Agreements+Disagreements) x 100. This index is widely used in behavioural observation studies[30-33] and is particularly suited to nominal or categorical measures.[23] We also calculated the kappa correlation coefficients in each pair. In the whole set of records, the IOA index of pair 1 was smaller (87.5%) than the index of pair 2 (97.9%). When calculated separately for each category of proficiency, the indices of pair 1 were smaller for pulling (79%), contour (83%), and knot (81%), whereas the insertion index was the same (100%) in both pairs. All the kappa values for both overall and individual categories were inferior to 0.05. Taken together, these results indicated that the measurement of the frequencies of the categories insertion, contour and knot was consistent and repeatable. The pulling index in pair 1 was relatively low and did not allow for this conclusion. The figure shows the relative frequency of the categories of proficiency in each of the four groups. In the inter-groups comparison, the relative frequency of the categories insertion and knot was consistently higher (minimum of 86.7% for insertion in Group 3) than of the categories pulling and contour. Pulling was the less frequent category (minimum of 40.9% in Group 1). The difference between the relative frequencies of the four categories Figure: Relative frequency of the categories of proficiency in each of the four groups Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 167 Proficient control of Aedes aegypti using net covers of proficiency of the four groups was statistically significant (Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test, p-value <0.05). Group 4 produced more categories of proficiency. The average relative frequency of categories was as follows: Group 1 (LD) = 71.6%; Group 2 (LD+LF) = 78.4%; Group 3 (LD+VI) = 76.7%; Group 4 (LD+LF+VI) = 88.6%. Discussion Although some researchers have called attention to the need for taking into account the behavioural skills of participants in the initiatives for dengue prevention at the household level,[12,34] as of now, no research seems to have sought to specify empirically the skills necessary for residents to prevent proficiently Ae. aegypti breeding in domestic water containers. The present method of specifying skills for the proficient use of evidengue® was conducted in a way similar to a procedure for developing a task analysis.[35] Quite often a task analysis begins with a broad scope and uses the information gathered during its development to narrow its focus. This is generally a laborious task, which requires numerous observations and rectifications. In this study, the method involved the preliminary breaking down of a previously recorded sequence of cover manipulation movements into 22 skills. It is worthy of the attention of researchers and practitioners engaged in dengue health education that, in the end, the catalogue of categories of proficiency comprised a small proportion (18.2%) of these skills. That is to say, only a few behavioural skills appear to be the underlying determinants of the proficient use of evidengue®. Field studies on the efficacy of the cover’s use might test this conjecture. The method described here becomes more significant for health educators as we move from evidengue® to other kinds of net covers that can be employed in vector control initiatives. The generality of the method has of course to be demonstrated, but it looks as if its main features may well be extended to other kinds of covers. These features can be summarized as follows: (a) the empirical identification of a pattern of essential skills for compliance with predetermined proficiency specifications in the use of a cover; (b) the specification of the essential skills in terms of verbal categories of use proficiency; and (c) the test and, if necessary, the concomitant refining of these categories so as to obtain a set that will compose a catalogue for posterior use. Mosquito-proof net covers are prevention tools designed to be a hindrance or obstacle to the egg stage of Ae. aegypti life-cycle. Several kinds of covers now exist, yet their employment, even when insecticide-treated,[7,36] is somewhat unsystematic and thus their efficaciousness is still questionable.[7,10] In general terms, this is a problem related to the skills of the people (residents or others) using the cover. But however much the users are heterogeneous in their skills, this may be a problem also related to the design itself of a given kind of cover. In the present study with evidengue®, the catalogue evaluation showed that pulling and contour 168 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Proficient control of Aedes aegypti using net covers were the categories less frequently performed in all four groups. The relative frequency of pulling, in particular, was specially low in Groups 1 and 3. A behavioural skill deficit can be remediated by training,[18] but if one knows beforehand that the proficient use of a cover requires a skill that is performed with a frequency so low by a sample of potential users, the problem should probably be addressed by changing the design of the cover, not the behaviour of the user. Evidengue® is still being developed, and although previous evaluations have shown its efficacy in the laboratory, the current study pointed out the need for a structural change. For one part, the contour has been eliminated in a new design that does not require the knot, substituting it with a sliding acrylic lock, which brings the polyester strips together in parallel and adjusts them firmly to the flowerpot, at the same height of the rubber band, thereby sealing the saucer with a proficiency probably greater than the one previously obtained with the knot. On the other hand, the pulling, as specified in the catalogue, became unnecessary, since the elevation of the edge of the evidengue® may now be carried out through the movement of the lock to the required height. The new behavioural skills resulting from the change still need to be evaluated. It should be noted that the IOA index of the pulling category remained below 80%, which is the lower edge of the range of acceptability of the majority of studies that use direct observation in educational, clinical and other settings.[23,26,37] Thus, in addition to a likely skill deficit[22] or an inadequate design, we cannot exclude the possibility that the low frequency of pulling was also related to some deficiency in the verbal description of this skill. Still another possibility is an insufficiency in the training of observers.[23,26] We are not aware of any procedure or measure that has associated school education to the proficiency in the use of a net cover to prevent Ae. aegypti oviposition in water-bearing containers in households. Proficiency involves behavioural skills that can be dealt with quantitatively, as shown in the present study. We measured the frequency of occurrence of a set of categories of proficiency for placing evidengue® in flowerpot saucers after a classroom educational practice, and found that a procedure in which the proficiency is explicitly instructed through leaflet and video (i.e. showing through these means how a container should be sealed) results in substantially higher proficiency indices than a procedure in which the proficiency is not explicitly instructed. In other words, our evaluation suggests that without the explicit instruction of how to use proficiently a net cover, students may not acquire sufficient skills to achieve the proficiency required for vector control with this device at the household level.** This topic needs investigation. ** It is, in short, a variation of the theoretical question of distinguishing the learning which involves words from the learning which involves actions,[38] something that has been addressed, in the case of dengue prevention, in terms of a “know-do gap”[39]. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 169 Proficient control of Aedes aegypti using net covers It should be stressed that the explicit instruction and the instruction media (leaflet and video) were not mutually exclusive. A study interested in determining the differential influence of one or another of these factors should employ a design which allows manipulating them independently. In this event, it might be specially interesting to investigate the specific influence of the leaflet, whose modalities of association in Groups 2 and 4 (LD+LF and LD+LF+VI) yielded relatively higher frequency of categories of proficiency than the modality of Group 3 (LD+VI). The study of proficiency through behavioural science methods can open up research lines to other prevention fields, such as insecticide-treated bednets for malaria control,[40] where the literature has shown frequent inadequacies and protection failures. Also, behavioural methods can be employed in asthma cases in which simple technologies are often used in a non-proficient way by patients and professionals.[41] Acknowledgement This study was supported by a research grant from Fapemig (APQ 1738-5.01/07) and CNPq. References [1] Morrison AC, Zielinski-Gutierrez E, Scott TW, Rosenberg R. Defining challenges and proposing solutions for control of the virus vector Aedes aegypti. PLoS Med. 2008; 5: e68. 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Experiments were conducted in 1-litre beaker by introducing Aedes aegypti larvae at densities of 25, 50 and 100. Experiments were also carried out in 100-litre trough in field and laboratory to ascertain the efficiency of Mesocyclops aspericornis to predate on mosquito larvae. The predation rate was lower in the field-simulated experiment than in the laboratory. Experiment to find the efficiency of Mesocyclops aspericornis to predate on mosquito larvae throughout its lifespan was carried out. The efficacy of Ceriodaphnia cornuta and copepod (M. aspericornis, M. ogunnus and M. thermocyclopoides) in controlling immature forms of Aedes aegypti was also assessed. Keywords: Aedes aegypti; Mesocyclops aspericornis; Mesocyclops ogunnus; Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides; South India. Introduction Mosquito control in India has become problematic. Mosquitogenic conditions are growing due to large-scale developmental activities. Control efforts are directed toward decimating the populations of vector mosquitoes which transmit deadly and debilitating diseases such as malaria, filariasis, Japanese encephalitis and dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF). Dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever (DF/DHF) are mosquito-borne viral diseases known to occur in more than 100 countries, placing two fifths of the world’s population # E-mail: Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 173 Evaluation of Mesocyclops for control of Aedes aegypti immatures in Chennai at risk.[1,2] The increased transmission and geographical spread of DF and its more severe form – DHF makes it the most important mosquito-borne viral disease of humans (50–100 million infections/year). Aedes aegypti, the urban yellow fever mosquito, is the principal dengue-carrying vector. In India, DF/DHF is hyper endemic. Along with the other methods of control, such as chemical and environmental control, biological control can be classified as naturalistic control, which is a broad term for the control of mosquito larvae by predation. Genus Mesocyclops is one of the most important genera of Cyclopoida utilized for the control of Aedes aegypti larvae. Mesocyclops species can effectively reduce the number of Aedes aegypti larvae in both laboratory and natural settings.[3] Various species of Mesocyclops, Macrocyclops, Megacyclops and Acanthocyclops have been tested in a variety of Aedes breeding habitats[4,5,6] with promising results. One of the important factors influencing the efficacy of the use of Mesocyclops to control mosquito larvae is its ability to subsist in containers regularly used by people.[6,7] The importance of naturalistic measures in the control of Aedes aegypti has been well emphasized in recent years.[8,9] One of the best methods of successfully combating mosquitoes on an extensive scale could be the biological control methods. The predacious cyclopoid copepods, Mesocyclops sp, are known for their predatory effects on mosquito larvae. However, so far, no investigations on the predatory ability of M. asperiornis, M. ogunnus and M. thermocyclopoides have been carried out in Chennai (south India). A preliminary attempt has been made to obtain baseline data to assess the potential of this predator for possible use in the control of dengue vector in Chennai. Materials and methods Zooplanklon samples were collected from the freshwater fish pond of the Hydrobiological Research Station, Tamil Nadu State Fisheries Department, Chetpet, Chennai. The cyclopoids used in the study were Mesocyclops aspericornis, Mesocyclops ogunnus and Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides and these were identified based on the morphological and taxonomic key characters provided by Van de Velde (1984)[10], Dussart and Defaye (1995)[11] and Zehra and Altaff (2002).[12] Mesocyclops aspericornis, Mesocyclops ogunnus and Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides were made to predate on different densities of mosquito larvae (1st instar Aedes aegypti larvae) and their efficacy was assessed. Eggs used in the laboratory study were obtained from a susceptible colony of Aedes aegypti maintained at the Vector Control Research Centre, Puducherry, south India. 174 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Evaluation of Mesocyclops for control of Aedes aegypti immatures in Chennai The experiment was initiated by combining a single female Mesocyclops aspericorns with different larval densities of 1st instar Aedes aegypti larvae (25, 50, 100) in troughs of 25-litre capacity. The predation rate was assessed at the end of 24 hours. Similar experiment was carried out for M. ogunnus and M. thermocyclopoides. M. aspericornis and M. ogunnus were inoculated in 100-litre troughs with larval density of 1000. The experiment was conducted in laboratory and field in order to assess the efficacy of Mesocyclops species to predate in two different environmental conditions. The mosquito larvae for the field trials were established from the wild – field-caught mosquitoes. Twenty ovitraps were placed around the college campus. In order to establish mosquito eggs, hay was introduced in a beaker containing water for 24-48 hrs, which promoted the production of microbes. The water from the beaker was introduced in flat black trays. Filter papers were placed partially immersed in water for the oviposition of the mosquitoes. The troughs used for the field experiment were covered with fine mesh net to prevent contamination from other organisms. Larvae and pupae of mosquito and all stages of copepods (nauplii and adults) were sampled at the end of the experiment. The efficiency of M. aspericornis to predate on mosquito larvae in the presence of an alternate prey (Ceriodaphnia cornuta) was assessed by introducing three larval densities (25, 50, 100). The number of larvae and C. cornuta consumed by M. aspericornis was evaluated. In order to assess the feeding or predatory habit of M. aspericornis during its entire life span, experiments were carried out for 45 days, 6th copepodid stage of M. aspericornis was introduced and 100 larvae per day were inoculated in 1-litre beaker. The efficiency of M. aspericornis to predate on mosquito larvae was evaluated at the end of every fortnight. All the experiments were carried out five times. Results and discussion In the laboratory, tests were carried out in 1-litre beakers by introducing Aedes aegypti 1st instar larvae at densities of 25, 50 and 100, by keeping the number of Mesocyclops aspericornis. Mesocyclops ogunnus and Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides constant for 24 hours (Table 1). M. aspericornis showed excellent predatory efficiency by producing a consumption rate of 90%–100%. A comparative study between M. aspericornis and M. ogunnus was done in the laboratory as well as in the field stimulated experiment in 100-litre troughs (Table 2). The results showed that the predation rate was lower in the field-stimulated experiment than in the laboratory, a decrease of production rate by 5%. A similar study was carried out in Brazil where, under Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 175 Evaluation of Mesocyclops for control of Aedes aegypti immatures in Chennai Table 1: Predation of M. aspericornis, M. ogunnus and M. thermocyclopoides on three Ae. aegypti 1st instar larval densities for 24 hours Cyclopoids M. aspericornis M. ogunnus M. thermocyclopoides 1+25 1+50 1+100 *22–25 **23.8a ± 0.58 40–46 42.2b ± 1.35 80–90 83c ± 2.54 20–23 21.6 ± 0.59 30–35 32.6 ± 0.53 40–45 41.4 ± 0.97 10–12 11 ± 0.44 17–20 19 ± 0.51 30–35 31.4 ± 0.97 *Range **Mean ± Standard error a No. of larvae consumed by M. aspericornis in 1±25 combination is significant when compared to M. ogunnus and M. thermocyclopoides. b No. of larvae consumed by M. aspericornis in 1±50 combination is significant when compared to the M. ogunnus and M. thermocyclopoides. c No. of larvae consumed by M. aspericornis in 1±100 combination is significant when compared to the M. ogunnus and M. thermocyclopoides. Table 2: Predation of M. aspericornis and M. ogunnus on Aedes aegypti larvae in laboratory and field for one week Combination 1+1000 M. aspericornis M. ogunnus Lab Field Lab Field *700–822a **700.4 ± 21.21 450–558 504.0 ± 17.56 300–370b 334.60 ± 12.04 199–250 219.00 ± 9.41 *Range **Mean ± Standard error a Total no. of larvae consumed by M. aspericornis in laboratory is significant when compared to field. b Total no. of larvae consumed by M. ogunnus in laboratory is significant when compared to field. laboratory conditions, four different strains of M. aspericornis showed the potential for biological control. In Viet Nam, under laboratory conditions, M. aspericornis consumed a mean of 23.75 L and killed a mean of 13.43 within 24 hours, while M. ogunnus consumed a mean of 8.481 and killed a mean of 7.54. The results of similar stimulated field experiments carried out in Thailand showed that M. thermocyclopoides could not completely eliminate all daily-inoculated larvae. But the results of cage-stimulated experiments conducted by Kay et al. (1992),[5] Jennings et al. (1995)[13] and Schaper (1999)[14] showed that M. guangxiesis and M. aspericorns eliminated all mosquito larvae produced by 25 pairs of Aedes aegypti in 3-litre tins placed in screen 176 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Evaluation of Mesocyclops for control of Aedes aegypti immatures in Chennai cages that were inoculated by 50 gravid female cyclopoids six weeks after the start of the experiment.[13] Fifty copepods each of M. longuisetus and M. aspericornis killed all Aedes aegypti larvae in 15-litre earthenware pots placed in cages within three weeks.[5] The difference between the results of the present study and those of related studies is due to the larger size of the container and large volume of water (100 litres) which we used in our experiment. In such a large volume of water, the frequency of encounter between the predator and the prey is greatly reduced. In small-sized containers with a small volume of water, the chance of encounter is high. To compensate for the level of reduced encounters, it will be desirable to stock large numbers of predators, or augment the number of predators by timely inoculations. Moreover, reduction in the predatory rate of M. aspericornis and M. ogunnus in field trials is more when compared to laboratory trials because, in natural environment, the water is likely to be contaminated with microorganisms like protozoa and algae. The efficiency of M. aspericornis to feed on mosquito larvae and cladoceran (Ceriodaphania cornuta) is shown in Table 3. The number of larvae consumed by M. aspericornis for combination of 1+25 ranged between 22–25 (23.8 mean), for 1+50 combination it ranged between 40–46 (42.2 mean), and for 1+100 combination the number ranged between 80–90 (83 mean), while the number of Ceriodaphaia cornuta consumed by M. aspericornis for combination of 1+25 ranged between 10–14 (11.58 mean), for 1+50 combination it ranged between 15–20 (16.4 mean) and for 1+100 combination it ranged between 20–25 (21.6 mean). However, our study showed that the presence of an alternative prey (Ceriodaphnia, cornuta) did not in any way affect the efficiency of predation on Aedes aegypti larvae, indicating its preference for 1st instar Aedes aegypti larvae. Similar laboratory experiments were evaluated by Ramkumar and Ramakrishna (2002)[15] using Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides. Table 3: Predation of M. aspericornis on Aedes aegypti larvae and Ceriodaphnia cornuta for 24 hours Aedes aegypti Ceriodaphnia cornuta 1+25 1+50 1+100 *22–25 **23.8a ± 0.58 40–46 42.2b ± 1.35 80–90 83.00c ± 2.54 10–14 12.00 ± 0.70 15–20 16.40 ± 0.97 20–25 21.600 ± 0.927 *Range **Mean ± Standard error a No. of larvae consumed by M. aspericornis in 1+25 combination is significant when compared to the C. cornuta consumed. b No. of larvae consumed by M. aspericornis in 1+50 combination is significant when compared to the C. cornuta consumed. c No. of larvae consumed by M. aspericornis in 1+100 combination is significant when compared to the C. cornuta consumed. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 177 Evaluation of Mesocyclops for control of Aedes aegypti immatures in Chennai Larval Aedes aegypti survivorship in the containers with Mesocyclops sp, was significantly lower than in the control containers. Furthermore, the Aedes aegypti mortality was higher in those containers with a higher Mesocyclops sp. density. Similar results were obtained by Micieli et al. (2002)[16] in laboratory bioassays. The potential efficiency of M. aspericornis to predate on mosquito larvae throughout the lifespan is shown in Table 4. Table 4: Predation of M. aspericornis on Aedes aegypti larvae during its lifespan M. aspericornis 1+100 1–15 16–30 31–45 *1200–1350 **1277.8a ± 30.99 850–900 872.0 ± 8.60 400–450 435.60 ± 9.42 *Range **Mean ± Standard error a No. of larvae consumed by M. aspericornis during the first and second phases is significant when compared to 3rd phase. The incidence of larval mortality caused by M. aspericornis during the 1st phase (1-15 days) ranged between 1200–1300 (1277.8 mean), for 2nd phase (16-30 days) it ranged between 850–900 (872 mean) and for 3rd phase (31-45 days) it ranged between 400–450 (435.6 mean). The efficacy of predation on mosquito larvae is the highest during the initial adult phase of the life-cycle of the Mesocyclops species. M. aspericornis showed an excellent predation rate during the first fortnight; and the predation rate decreased in the second and third phases. This is due to senescence, which results in reduced metabolic activities during the final stages of its life-cycle. The peak levels of predation on larvae at the initial stage of an adult indicate the need for food for its growth and development, as the larvae are found to be rich in lipid content required for the development of the egg sac.[17] The successful predatory effect of Mesocyclops species, especially M. aspericornis, on Aedes aegypti larvae has been observed mainly in laboratory experiments.[18] It has been observed that Mesocyclops sp. reduces the larvae population of Aedes aegypti by more than 99%, which has encouraged the use of Mesocyclops species as a routine test in mosquito larvae control programmes.[19] Mesocyclops species are the most promising biological control option for use against Aedes aegypti, being particularly efficient in containers.[20] During recent years, Mesocyclops species has become the focus of attention for the biological control of mosquito larvae mainly because of its voraciousness as a predator and its survival capacity.[21] In addition, Mesocyclops species offers the advantage of being established in cultures relatively easily and at low cost,[20] being compatible with some of the insecticides used in the larval control of mosquitoes and being feasible to deliver with conventional equipment.[22,23] 178 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Evaluation of Mesocyclops for control of Aedes aegypti immatures in Chennai However, the effectiveness of M. aspericornis as a biological agent of mosquito control rests in its ability to survive in containers during the oviposition period of Aedes aegypti.[12] Mesocyclops aspericornis showed a high potential for efficacy as a biological control agent for Aedes aegypti in the present study. Though ecological and social limitations suggest the effectiveness of Mesocyclops species as a means of biological control of Aedes aegypti, it has been argued that any method, whether mechanical or biological, has to be undertaken with full community participation. Local population will have to be provided the necessary technical information about the method being adopted and their support sought in order to make the effort effective.[13] Acknowledgement The authors are grateful to the management of the Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women, Chennai, for providing facilities to carry out this work. The authors also thank immensely Dr Tran Vu Phong, Department of Vector Ecology and Environment, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan, for his critical review of the manuscript. References [1] World Health Organization. Dengue Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. Geneva: WHO, 2009. [2] Whitehorn J, Farrar J. Dengue. Br Med Bull. 2010; 95: 161-173. [3] Hurlbut HS. Copepod observed preying on first instar larva of Anopheles quadrimaculatus. J Parasitol. 1938; 24: 281. [4] Riviere F, Thirel R. ‘La predation du copepods Mesocyclops leuckarti pilosa sur les larves de Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti et Ae. (St.) polynesiensis essais preliminaires d’utilization comme de lutte biologique’, Entomophaga. 1981; 26: 427–439. [5] Kay BH, Cabral CP, Sleigh AC, Brown MD, Ribeirio ZM, Vasconcelos AW. Laboratory evaluation of Brazilian Mesocyclops (Copepoda: Cyclopidae) for mosquito control. Journal of Medical Entomology. 1992; 29, 599-602. [6] Marten GG, Borjas G, Cush M, Fernandez E, Reid JW. Control of larval Aedes aegypti in peridomestic breeding containers. J Med Entomol. 1994; 31: 36-44. [7] Vu SN, Nguyen TY, Kay BH, Marten GG, Reid JW. Eradication of Aedes aegypti from a village in Vietnam, using copepods and community participation. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1998; 594(4): 657-660. [8] Micieli MV, Marti G, García JJ. Laboratory evaluation of Mesocyclops annulatus (Wierzejski, 1892) (Copepoda: Cyclopidea) as a predator of container-breeding mosquitoes in Argentina. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro. 2002; 97(6): 835-838. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 179 Evaluation of Mesocyclops for control of Aedes aegypti immatures in Chennai [9] Raheel U, Faheem M, Riaz MN, Kanwal N, Javed F, Zaidi NS, Qadri I. Dengue fever in the Indian subcontinent: an overview. J Infect Dev Ctries. 2011; 5(4): 239-247. [10] Van de Velde, L. Revision of the African species of the genus Mesocyclops (Sars, 1914) (Copepoda : Cyclopoida). Hydrobiologia. 1984; 109: 3-66. [11] Dussart BH, Defaye D. Copepoda. Intoduction to the copepoda. 1995; 7: 1-253. [12] Amtuz Z, Altaff K. Redescription of Mesocyclops aspericornis (Daday, 1906) (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) from an Indian pond. J Plankt Res. 2002; 24(5): 481-493. [13] Jennings CD, Phommasak, B, Sourignadeth B, Kay BH. Aedes aegypti control in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, with reference 5T to copepods. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1995; 53: 324-330. [14] Schaper S. Evaluation of Costa Rican copepods (Crustacea: Eudecapoda) for larval Aedes aegypti control with special reference to Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides. J. Am. Mosq. Contr. Assoc. 1999; 15: 510-519. [15] Ramkumar T, Ramakrishna Rao. Journal of predation on mosquito larvae by Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides (Copepoda: Cyclopoide) in the presence of alternate prey. New Delhi: Department of Zoology, University of Delhi, 2002. [16] Micieli MV, Marti G, Garcia JJ. Laboratory evaluation of Mesocyclops annulatus (Wierzenjski, 1892) (Copepoda: Cyclopoidea) as a predator of containers breeding mosquitoes in Argentina. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2002; 97: 835-838. [17] Zehra Amtuz, Altaff K, Mating, Spermatophore transport and reproductive potentiality of Mesocyclops aspericornis (Copepoda: Cyclopoida). Canadian Journal of Zoology. (In Press). 2010. [18] Brown MD, Kay BH, Hendrikz JK. Evaluation of Australian Mesocyclops (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) for mosquito control. J Med Entomol. 1991; 28: 618-623. [19] Marten GG, Bordes ES, Mieu N. Use of cyclopoid copepods for mosquito control. Hydrobiologia. 1994; 293: 491-496. [20] Suarez MF, Clark GG. Mass cultivation of copepods used for the biocontrol of Aedes aegypti. J Am Mosq Control Assoc. 1992; 6: 314-315. [21] Urbano LS, Andrade CFS, Carvalho GA. Biological control of Aedes albopictus (Diptera : Culicidae) larvae in trap tyres by Mesocyclops longisetus (Copepoda : Cyclopidae) in two field trials. Memories do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 1996; 91: 161-162. [22] Marten G, Crush M, Fernandez E, Borjas G, Protillo H. Mesocyclops longisetus and other forms of biological control for Aedes aegypti larvae in the integrated dengue control project, El Progreso, Honduras. Dengue. A World-wide problem, a common strategy (ed. by S.B. Halstead and H. Gomez-Dantes), 133-137. New York: Ministry of Health, Mexico and Rockfeller Foundation, 1993. [23] Nam VS, Nguyen TY, Tran VP, Truong UN, Le QM, Le VL, Elimination of dengue by community programs using Mesocyclops (Copepoda) against Aedes aegypti in central Vietnam. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2005; 72: 67-73. 180 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Misting of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) to control Aedes albopictus in an industrial area – the Singapore experience S. Dulangi M. Sumanadasa,a Caleb Lee,a Sai Gek Lam-Phua,a Deng Lu,a Lee-Pei Chiang,a Sin-Ying Koou,a Cheong-Huat Tan,a Sook-Cheng Pang,a Nasir Maideen,b Lee-Ching Nga# & Indra Vythilingama Environmental Health Institute, National Environment Agency, 11 Biopolis Way #06-05/08, Helios Block, Singapore 138667. a Southwest Regional Office, Sunset Way, Clementi, Singapore. b Abstract The objective of this study was to determine the residual efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) misting against Aedes albopictus in an industrial area in Singapore. Pre- and post-treatment ovitraping were carried out before and after Bti misting. In order to determine residual efficacy, wet and dry cups were placed randomly in the treated area during misting, and one hour later, Ae. albopictus larvae (L3) were introduced and mortality was recorded 24 hours later. Larvae were introduced into the same cups on a weekly basis. Residual effects of Bti treatment at various distances and under different environmental conditions were also observed. There were no significant differences in egg counts from ovitraps among all the three sites before treatment. Bti misting resulted in a significant reduction in egg counts in all the three sites. The residual action of Bti was effective for only one week. Cups that were hidden had a very low larval mortality compared with exposed cups. Bti misting targeted directly into cups at a distance of 1 m was effective for up to four weeks in cups placed in the shade and partial shade. Keywords: Bacillus thuringensis israelensis; Residual effect; Aedes albopictus; Singapore. Introduction Mosquito-borne infectious diseases have become a major public health threat worldwide today. The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, can transmit pathogenic organisms including chikungunya,[1] dengue[2-4] West Nile, Japanese encephalitis and yellow fever viruses. Originally native to south-east Asia, Ae. albopictus has now spread across the world.[5]. # E-mail: Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 181 Bti misting to control Aedes albopictus in Singapore Ae. albopictus is considered a rural mosquito[6] as it prefers to breed in areas with vegetation, rests outdoors, and can be difficult to control. Strategies aimed at reduction of oviposition sites have shown to be effective but are labour-intensive and, thus, may not be the best approach to control Ae. albopictus. In Singapore, different methods have been evaluated to control this vector. Chemical insecticides have been used for many decades, of which Temephos has been the larvicide of choice for many years. However, development of resistance to different adulticides and larvicides has been observed in the last two decades.[7,8] Increasing mosquito resistance has led to the search for alternative strategies for mosquito control, such as the use of the biological control agent, Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti). This entomopathogen kills mosquito larvae by producing toxic crystalline proteins. Since the discovery of Bti in 1976, extensive studies on the application and residual activity of different formulations of Bti have been carried out in many countries for mosquito control. Published results show that Vectobac tablet formulation provides an average of more than 80% mortality to Aedes ageypti for between 2 to 5 months.[9-11] However, direct application of Vectobac WDG in containers provided between 95% to 70% mortality to Ae. aegypti and residual efficacy ranged between 1–3 months depending on temperature and rainfall. [12-14] , while after four weeks of misting Bti (Vectobac WG) in a housing area in Malaysia, the ovitrap index decreased by at least 50%.[15] On the whole, Vectobac 12 AS on various Culex spp only provided about 80% mortality for about one week.[16,17] However, the application of Bti to each and every breeding site is labour-intensive and thus various other application techniques have been studied to overcome this constraint .[15,18-20] In 2008, Singapore experienced the first outbreak of chikungunya virus (CHIKV). The major outbreaks were largely seen in semi-urban and rural parts of Singapore, which included some of the major industrial areas. Ae. albopictus was identified as the main vector for the virus transmission.[6] Therefore, this study was conducted in a CHIKV-affected industrial area in Singapore to determine the residual efficacy of Bti misting against Ae. albopictus mosquitoes. Materials and methods Study area The study was carried out in Kranji Loop in Sungai Kadut, Singapore, from April to August 2009. This is an industrial area located in the north-west part of the country (1° 17’ 52’’N, 103° 51’ 05”E). Three sites were selected; two were assigned to the Bti treatment and one served as control. Two of the selected sites were woodwork factories (one served as control), manufacturing timber products while the third site was a scrapyard of reconditioned vehicles and tyres. Each study area was approximately 0.37 hectares in size. In these factories many 182 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Bti misting to control Aedes albopictus in Singapore goods were placed haphazardly and thus it was difficult to find and destroy each and every breeding site. The locations were selected based on earlier records of chikungunya transmission[6] and high Aedes spp. populations. The owners’ consent was obtained before the start of the study. Ovitrap surveillance An autocidal ovitrap was used as a surveillance tool to monitor the Aedes spp. populations. This ovitrap consists of two paddles and does not become a breeding site.[21] Twenty ovitraps, with hay infusion water, were placed at each site for six weeks from April to May 2009 (pre-treatment) and from July to August (post-treatment). Ovitraps were placed outdoors at randomly selected sites. Each week, the wooden paddles were replaced with new paddles. If present, larvae were identified and counted. The hay infusion water was renewed weekly. The paddles were brought back to the laboratory where the eggs were counted and allowed to hatch and the larvae that emerged were identified. Bti formulations and treatment Bti was obtained as a water-dispersible granule formulation VectoBac WG (AM65-52) (Valent Biosciences Cooperation, USA). This formulation is 3000 ITU/mg. Pre-testing was carried out using the same spray personnel and misting device to determine the volume of water needed to provide complete coverage to the study area. VectoBac WG was applied at the rate of 500 g/hectare to the treatment sites according to the manufacturer’s recommendation and the same volume (60 litres) of water was sprayed at the control site. Spraying was carried out on two occasions (between 06.00 and 09.00 hours), using Backpack mistblower, Stihl 420 SR.[16]. Two spray personnel covered each area and the mist was targeted at all potential breeding sites. Nozzle size dial no. 2 (average discharge rate of about 500 ml per minute) was used in open areas and size 4 was used in covered drains. Residual effect of Bti over time The effectiveness of Bti misting was evaluated by determining larval mortality. Just before misting, wet (n=40) and dry cups (n=40) (all the cups were plastic and transparent with a transparent lid) were placed randomly with the lids open. Forty wet and dry cups were exposed to Bti misting on two occasions and an additional 40 plastic cups for one occasion. Each wet cup contained 500 ml seasoned water (water stored overnight at room temperature (26 °C). In order to study residual activity of Bti, 20 laboratory-bred Ae. albopictus mosquito larvae (L3) were placed in each cup one hour after misting. Mortality was recorded 24 hours later. A fresh batch of larvae was introduced into the cups on a weekly basis and the Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 183 Bti misting to control Aedes albopictus in Singapore mortality was recorded. Dry cups were filled with 500 ml of water before introducing larvae. The cups were closed with transparent plastic lids to avoid egg-laying by wild mosquitoes. All larvae introduced were discarded before starting a new test. This routine was conducted at weekly intervals for three weeks. Residual effect of Bti at various distances and in different environmental conditions Since we also wanted to estimate the residual activity and distance coverage of the misting treatment, a small experiment was performed to monitor these effects. Dry plastic cups (500 ml capacity) were placed at horizontal distances of 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 m from the spray machine. Misting was carried out using the Stihl 420 SR mistblower and the same concentration of Bti was used as mentioned in the previous trial. For each distance, there were three replicate cups. These cups were filled with water at weekly intervals for four weeks. This was done to simulate what would happen if dry containers were treated and later filled with water when it rains. One set of cups was treated and then placed in a shaded area (under a hut) and another set was placed in a semi-shaded area (under a tree) for the duration of the four-week period. Twenty laboratory-bred Ae. albopictus larvae (L3) were introduced into each cup and the mortality was recorded after 24 hours. The cups were closed to avoid egg-laying by wild mosquitoes. All larvae from previous introductions were discarded before starting a new test. Statistical analysis The data were log-transformed to stabilize the variance. The Kruskal-Wallis exact test was used to detect the differences in egg counts and residual effects of Bti treatment, with factors for treatment sites and time. P<0.05 was considered as significant. All analyses were carried out using Minitab 8.5 and SPSS-11. Results Ovitrap surveillance The mean egg density index (EDI) varied between 7.4±2.86 (Site 2) and 49.9±10.7 eggs/ ovitrap (control site) during the pre-test period. The mean EDI across all areas was 28.4±1.8 eggs/ovitrap. There was no significant difference in EDI among the three sites (p>0.05). Figure 1 shows the EDI during pre- and post-treatment sampling. 184 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Bti misting to control Aedes albopictus in Singapore Figure 1: Trend of Ae. albopictus eggs/ovitrap before and after treating with Bti WG as measured with ovitrap surveillance conducted on alternate weeks with pre- (week 1-6) and post-treatments (week 13-18). Bti application was done in 9th and 11th week 60 Site 1 (T) Site 2 (T) Site (C) Eggs/per ovitrap 50 40 30 Bti application 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Weeks Two VectoBac WG (Bti) treatments were applied three weeks after pre-treatment surveillance with an interval of one week between two misting treatments. The Mean EDI was reduced in all sites including the untreated control site post-treatment. Mean EDI for all areas together=21.4±1.1. Interestingly, the reduction of egg density followed the same pattern for all three sites. EDI was not significantly different among the three sites after Bti application (p>0.05) (Figure 1). Residual effect of Bti over time Both wet and dry cups showed residual activity only up to one week after one or two misting treatments. Dry cups had a higher mortality than the wet cups but the differences in values were not significant (p>0.05). The mortality in the wet and dry cups after one or two Bti treatments was less than 80% (Figure 2) for the first week. This could be due to the fact that some cups were hidden and could not be reached by the misting treatment. There was a highly significant difference in the mortality of larvae between the hidden and exposed cups (p<0.001). Figure 3 shows the mortality of the exposed and hidden cups. Residual effect of Bti at various distances and in different environmental conditions When Bti was applied directly to the cups at various distances, cups at 1 m distance retained insecticidal activity for up to four weeks in cups placed in the shade and partial shade. Larvae in cups in complete shade experienced a significantly higher mortality (p<0.05) than those in partial shade. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 185 Bti misting to control Aedes albopictus in Singapore Figure 2: Mortality of Ae. albopictus larvae exposed to Bti-treated wet and dry containers. (a) Mortality after one Bti misting. (b) Mortality after two Bti misting (a) % Mortality 100 Wet 80 Dry 60 40 20 0 Site 1 Site 2 Cotrol Site 1 Site 2 1 Cotrol Site 1 2 Site 2 Cotrol 3 Week (b) % Mortality 100 80 Wet 60 Dry 40 20 0 Site 1 Site 2 1 Cotrol Site 1 Site 2 2 Cotrol Site 1 Site 2 Cotrol 3 Week 186 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Bti misting to control Aedes albopictus in Singapore Figure 3: Mortality of larvae in cups that were exposed as well as hidden. Exposed cups had higher mortality as spraymen were able to spray directly into the cups. Misting obviously could not reach the cups that were hidden When water was introduced at various intervals, the residual effect was observed for up to four weeks in cups at 1 m distance. Cups in the shade and partial shade showed more than 60% mortality when tested at four weeks after Bti application (Figure 4). Discussion In this study, a similar reduction in EDI values was observed at all sites (control site inclusive) after misting. Since ovitrap surveillance removed the majority of the eggs in all three sites on a weekly basis, the mosquito life-cycle was disrupted. Thus, the observed effect may be attributed to natural fluctuations in the mosquito population in the absence of any Bti-related effects. Similar observations were reported by Lee et al.[15] Their first treatment of Bti using a Backpack mistblower also failed to decrease Ae. albopictus populations and a decline occurred only after a second treatment. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 187 Bti misting to control Aedes albopictus in Singapore Figure 4: Mortality of Ae. albopictus larvae exposed to Bti-treated containers placed in the shade and partial shade. (a) Four consecutive weeks. (b) Three consecutive weeks. (c) Two consecutive weeks. (d) For one week. (a) 100.00% Shade 80.00% P. Shade 60.00% 40.00% 15m 20m 20m 3 10m 5m 1m 20m 15m 10m 5m 1m 20m 2 15m 1 15m 10m 5m 1m 20m 15m 10m 5m 0.00% 1m 20.00% 4 Weeks (b) 100% 80% Shade P. Shade 60% 40% 1 2 3 10m 5m 1m 20m 15m 10m 5m 1m 20m 15m 10m 5m 1m 20m 15m 5m 1m 0% 10m 20% 4 Weeks 188 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Bti misting to control Aedes albopictus in Singapore (c) 100% 80% Shade 60% P. Shade 40% 15m 20m 20m 3 10m 5m 1m 20m 15m 10m 5m 1m 20m 15m 2 15m 1 10m 5m 1m 20m 15m 5m 1m 0% 10m 20% 4 Weeks (d) 100% 80% 60% Shade P. Shade 40% 20% 1 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 2 Weeks 3 10m 5m 1m 20m 15m 10m 5m 1m 20m 15m 10m 5m 1m 20m 15m 10m 5m 1m 0% 4 189 Bti misting to control Aedes albopictus in Singapore In this study, the residual efficacy of Bti misting using wet and dry cups was effective for only one week. If the residual activity can be prolonged, perhaps Bti treatment could serve as a useful control tool. Repeated treatment over a short period of time has shown to increase the duration of persistence, but it failed to increase with higher concentrations of the product.[22] Experiments have shown that Bacillus sphaericus (combined with spore-crystal powders of the Cyt1A strain) provides greater residual activity than Bti because of the longer persistence of the spores in the environment and their recycling potential in the gut of the larvae after dying, leading to control of several mosquito generations.[23] This type of misting application was not an effective method of dispersing this larvicide as it did not reach hidden containers (Figure 3). However, misting may be useful in open areas. A study by Aldemir[17] in drainage canals and flooded plains in Turkey has shown 83% mortality for Aedes species up to 12 days post application. Experiments done in open fields in Kenya have shown low doses (200 g/ha) to be effective in suppressing the late instars and resulting pupae of Anopheles species.[22] In forested habitats, Bti collected in leaf litter have toxins and spores protected and may also have long-term effect.[24] Similarly, it has been shown that in a forested area it is possible to control Ae.albopictus by misting Bti.[25] Direct application of Bti formulation into earthen and glass jars, rather than misting, has provided larvicidal activity (49 days and 25 days respectively) with good residual effects under laboratory and field conditions.[14] Many other studies have shown dry cups to be effective up to 7–14 days using different application methods.[12,19] Combination of Bti with chemical pesticides has proven to be a promising Aedes control method without having any antagonistic effect.[26] It is known that many environmental factors affect the control activity of Bti. In this study when misting was carried out directly to the cups, the residual efficacy was 1–3 weeks depending on environmental conditions. Cups placed in the shade were protected from direct sunlight and have shown a higher mortality than the cups placed in partial shade (Figure 5). Melo-Santos[9] have shown a similar trend, recording a decline in the residual activity of Bti, 13–35 days when exposed to sunlight. Other factors also play a significant role in the residual activity of Bti. Boisvert[27] has demonstrated that younger instar larvae tend to be more susceptible than older ones for most mosquito species, as late instars lack ingestion due to less feeding before pupation. Low-density larval populations have also shown higher mortalities than high-density populations. The presence of organic and inorganic particles has shown to reduce the larval mortality as fewer toxin particles were ingested per unit time and higher rates of application were recommended to control mosquito larvae.[27,28] There have been reports of reduced survival rates at the offspring stage, reduced fecundity and a prolonged developmental period for the Aedes larvae after Bti exposure.[29] In a recent study in Australia,[30] the application of very high doses (10× normal dose) of Bti directly to wet or dry containers provided 100% mortality of Ae. aegypti for over seven weeks. Although Bti is recognized as an efficient bioinsecticide, suitable formulations that provide residual efficacy under field conditions are required. 190 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Bti misting to control Aedes albopictus in Singapore Direct application to containers may be time-consuming and one may argue that search-and-destroy practices may be a better choice. In this industrial set-up in Singapore it would be difficult to find every breeding site. Even if weekly misting of Bti is carried out, it will be impossible to keep that area free of Ae. albopictus, as misting may not reach every breeding site. At the same time, considerable amounts of money will be spent on the misting operations. Thus, the cost-effectiveness of such measures has to be evaluated before misting can be introduced. Although misting appears to be a good strategy for controlling mosquito larvae in general,[31] its efficacy on container-breeders like Ae. albopictus remains doubtful. This study has shown that in an industrial area, misting treatments were unable to reach all potential breeding sites. Acknowledgments We thank the staff of South West Regional Office, Singapore, for their technical assistance and providing testing sites, especially Tsui Ka Lok, Abdul Manap Bin Mustajab, Johari Bin Sarlan, Dre Hassan Bin Mohamad, Rahmat Bin Arwee, Abdullah Amat, A. Aziz M. Ali and M. Arip Osman, for their support during the fogging operations. Continued support from colleagues from the Environmental Health Institute, especially Muhd Aliff, Lim Jixiang, Leon Leong, Lee Kim Sung, Irene Li, Jeslyn Wong and Sharon Tan, who gave great support in the field investigations, is highly appreciated. We are also grateful to Ms Seleena Benjamin of Valence Bio Science for her support in conducting a preliminary study trial. This work was fully funded by National Environmental Agency, Singapore. References [1] Delatte H, Paupy C, Dehecq JS, Thiria J, Failloux AB, Fontenille D. Aedes albopictus, vector of chikungunya and dengue viruses in Reunion Island: biology and control. Parasite. 2008; 15: 3-13. [2] Ibanez-Bernal S, Briseno B, Mutebi JP, Argot E, Rodriguez G, Martinez-Campos C, Paz R, de la Fuente-San Roman P, Tapia-Conyer R, Flisser A: First record in America of Aedes albopictus naturally infected with dengue virus during the 1995 outbreak at Reynosa, Mexico. Med Vet Entomol. 1997; 11: 305-309. [3] Rudnick A, Chan YC: Dengue type 2 Virus in naturally infected Aedes albopictus mosquitoes in Singapore. Science. 1965; 149: 638-639. [4] Serufo JC, de Oca HM, Tavares VA, Souza AM, Rosa RV, Jamal MC, Lemos JR, Oliveira MA, Nogueira RM, Schatzmayr HG. Isolation of dengue virus type 1 from larvae of Aedes albopictus in Campos Altos city, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 1993; 88: 503-504. [5] Gratz NG. Critical review of the vector status of Aedes albopictus. Med Vet Entomol. 2004; 18: 215227. [6] Ng LC, Tan LK, Tan CH, Tan SS, Hapuarachchi HC, Pok KY, Lai YL, Lam-Phua SG, Bucht G, Lin RT, Leo YS, Tan BH, Han HK, Ooi PL, James L, Khoo SP. Entomologic and virologic investigation of Chikungunya, Singapore. Emerg Infect Dis. 2009; 15: 1243-1249. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 191 Bti misting to control Aedes albopictus in Singapore [7] Liew C L-PS, Curtis CF. The susceptibility status of Singapore Aedes vectors to temephos and Pirimiphosmethyl. In Proc Inter Cong Parasitol Trop Med. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Society of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, 1994. p. 68-77. [8] Ping LT, Yatiman R, Gek LP. S Susceptibility of adult field strains of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in Singapore to pirimiphos-methyl and permethrin. J Am Mosq Control Assoc. 2001; 17:144-146. [9] Melo-Santos MAV, Sanches EG, Jesus FJ, Regis L: Evaluation of a new tablet formulation based on Bacillus thuringiensis sorovar. israelensis for larvicidal control of Aedes aegypti. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 2001; 96: 859-860. [10] Benjamin S, Rath A, Fook CY, Lim LH. Efficacy of a Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis tablet formulation, vectobac DT, for control of dengue mosquito vectors in potable water containers. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2005; 36: 879-892. [11] Armengol G, Hernandez J, Velez JG, Orduz S. Long-lasting effects of a Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis experimental tablet formulation for Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) control. J Econ Entomol. 2006; 99:1590-1595. [12] Lima JBP, Melo NV, Valle D. Persistence of Vectobac WDG and Metoprag S-2G against Aedes aegypti larvae using a semi-field bioassay in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo. 2005; 47: 7-12. [13] Lima JBP, Melo NV, Valle D. Residual effect of two Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis products assayed against Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in laboratory and outdoors at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo. 2005; 47:125-130. [14] Lee YW, Zairi J. Field evaluation of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 against Aedes mosquitoes. Trop Biomed. 2006; 23: 37-44. [15] Lee HL, Chen CD, Masri SM, Chiang YF, Chooi KH, Benjamin S. 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Thermal application of Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis for dengue vector control. Journal of Vector Ecology. 2001; 26:110-113. [20] Seleena P, Lee HL, Chooi KH, Junaidih S. Space spraying of bacterial and chemical insecticides against Anopheles balabacensis Baisas for the control of malaria in Sabah, East Malaysia. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2004; 35: 68-78. [21] Lok CK, Kiat NS, Koh TK. An autocidal ovitrap for the control and possible eradication of Aedes aegypti. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 1977 Mar; 8(1): 56-62. 192 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Bti misting to control Aedes albopictus in Singapore [22] Fillinger U, Knols BG, Becker N. Efficacy and efficiency of new Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis and Bacillus sphaericus formulations against Afrotropical anophelines in Western Kenya. Trop Med Int Health. 2003; 8: 37-47. [23] Wirth MC, Federici BA, Walton WE. Cyt1A from Bacillus thuringiensis synergizes activity of Bacillus sphaericus against Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae). Appl Environ Microbiol. 2000; 66:1093-7. [24] Tilquin M, Paris M, Reynaud S, Despres L, Ravanel P, Geremia RA, Gury J. Long lasting persistence of Bacillus thuringiensis Subsp. israelensis (Bti) in mosquito natural habitats. PLoS One. 2008; 3: e3432. [25] Lam PH, Boon CS, Yng NY, Benjamin S. Aedes albopictus control with spray application of Bacillus thuringieensis israelensis strain AM 65-52. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2010 Sep; 41(5):1071-81. [26] Seleena P, Lee HL, Chiang YF. Compatibility of Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis and chemical insecticides for the control of Aedes mosquitoes. J Vector Ecol. 1999; 24: 216-223. [27] Boisvert MP. Utilization of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti)-based formulations for the biological control of mosquitoes in Canada. Société de Protection des Forêts contre les Insectes et Maladies. 2005: 87-93. [28] Stoops CA. Influence of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis on oviposition of Aedes albopictus (Skuse). Journal of Vector Ecology. 2005; 30: 41-4. [29] Wang L, Jaal Z. Sublethal effects of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 on the survival rate, longevity, fecundity and F1 generation developmental period of Aedes aegypti. Dengue Bulletin. 2005; 29:192-6. [30] Ritchie SA, Rapley LP, Benjamin S. Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) provides residual control of Aedes aegypti in small containers. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2010; 82(6):1053-9. [31] Lee VJ, Ow S, Heah H, Tan MY, Lam P, Ng LC, Lam-Phua SG, Imran AQ, Seet B. Elimination of malaria risk through integrated combination strategies in a tropical military training island. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2010; 82(6): 1024-9. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 193 Susceptibility of Aedes aegypti to insecticides in Ranchi city, Jharkhand state, India M.K. Das,a R.K. Singh,b R.K. Lalc & R.C. Dhimanb# National Institute of Malaria Research (Indian Council of Medical Research), Field Unit, Ranchi 835301, India. a National Institute of Malaria Research (Indian Council of Medical Research), Sector-8, Dwarka, New Delhi 110077, India. b Zonal Malaria Office, South Chhotanagpur Division, Ranchi 834002, India. c Abstract A study was undertaken to find out the susceptibility status of the dengue vector, Aedes aegypti, to various insecticides in 2008 in Ranchi, capital of Jharkhand state, India, using the WHO standard susceptibility test kits. The susceptibility test showed that Ae. aegypti mosquitoes were resistant to DDT but susceptible to malathion, deltamethrin and cyfluthrin. The mortalities of adults, using diagnostic dosages of DDT (4.0%) were 19.5%; malathion (5.0%) 88.83%; deltamethrin (0.05%) 99.57%; and cyfluthrin (0.15%) 93.33%. For the larval susceptibility test on III and IV instar, Ae. aegypti larvae collected from the field were tested according to the WHO-recommended diagnostic dosages for Aedes spp against temephos (0.02 mg/L). The tests revealed that larvae of Aedes aegypti species were susceptible to temephos and the mortality was 96.53% to 100% within 24 hours of treatment. Keywords: Aedes aegypti; Insecticide susceptibility; Ranchi city; Jharkhand. Introduction The Indian state of Jharkhand is home to ethnic tribal populations and is hyperendemic for malaria.[1] Since 1958, the state has been receiving two rounds of DDT and other insecticides spraying @ 100 mg/sq mt[2-3] for vector control. India is also endemic for dengue fever (DF)/ dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF). The first outbreak of DF/DHF was reported in Calcutta (now Kolkata) in 1963[4] and it soon spread to all towns in the country. The disease has now reached most of the rural areas,[5] with the spread of Ae. aegypti facilitated by introduction of safe drinking water supply. The disease has become hyperendemic as all the four serotypes of DENV are now circulating in the country. # E-mail: 194 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Susceptibility of Aedes aegypti to insecticides in Ranchi city In 2006, Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand state, reported its first-ever epidemic of DF, with 194 clinically-suspected and 13 serologically-confirmed cases. During 2010, 11 serologicallyconfirmed DF cases were reported from the city.[6-7] To counter this, the state government and local health authorities initiated dengue control activities. As per the guidelines of the National Vector-Borne Diseases Control Programme (NVBDCP), the interventions comprised of (i) source reduction; (ii) larviciding with temephos; and (iii) supportive interventions like behaviour change communication (BCC). To assist local health authorities, the Ranchi field unit of the National Institute of Malaria Research carried out studies on the susceptibility of adult and immature stages of Ae. aegypti to insecticides used under the NVBDCP. Methods and materials The susceptibility of Ae. aegypti adults and larvae to insecticides and larvicides was studied during 2008 by using the WHO standard diagnostic dosages and test kits of various insecticides, namely, organochlorine (DDT), organophosphorous (malathion) and synthetic pyrethroids (deltamethrin and cyfluthrin) for adult mosquitoes, and to temephos (larvicide) under the field lab conditions. The WHO standard procedures were adopted for adult and larval bioassays.[8-9] Wild Ae. aegypti mosquitoes were collected from human dwellings in the morning hours (0600 to 1000 hrs) with the help of suction tube and flash light and identified up to species level with the help of standard identification keys.[10] The collected adult female mosquitoes were allowed to feed on 10% glucose solution-soaked cotton pads and transported in caged cloth to the field laboratory maintained at room temperature of 27±2 °C and relative humidity of 75%–85%. Insecticide-treated papers received from Universitat Sans of Malaysia, with different diagnostic dosages, were used for the detection of resistance to DDT (4.0%), malathion (5.0%), deltamethrin (0.05%) and cyfluthrin (0.15%), respectively. Susceptibility test for adult mosquitoes Mosquitoes were exposed against the diagnostic dosages of insecticides for one hour. Three replicates, usually containing 15–25 female mosquitoes, were taken simultaneously for each insecticide. Control replicate was also held parallel to each test. After exposure for the requisite period, the holding tubes were kept for recovery in dark and cool chambers maintained at the same room temperature and relative humidity. Cotton pads soaked in 10% glucose solution were provided as supplementary food during the recovery period of 24 hours. The mortalities were calculated by scoring the dead and alive mosquitoes and corrected by Abbott’s formula.[11] Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 195 Susceptibility of Aedes aegypti to insecticides in Ranchi city Susceptibility test for mosquito larvae For larval susceptibility tests, III and IV instar larvae of Ae. aegypti were collected from the known Ae. aegypti breeding containers, separated and washed in tap water to remove debris and kept under observation for 24 hours to detect and remove unhealthy or dead larvae. The larvae were tested against the WHO-recommended diagnostic dosages of temephos (0.02 mg/L). Three replicates and one control, each containing 20 to 25 larvae, were taken for each insecticide. The rest of the larvae were kept for pupation and hatching. All emerging adults were identified as Ae. aegypti. The mortalities were calculated by scoring the dead, moribund and alive larvae after 24 hours of recovery period. Both dead and moribund larvae were treated as dead. Results The results of the susceptibility of Ae. aegypti adult mosquitoes to different diagnostic doses of insecticides are given in Table 1. The corrected percent mortality of adult Ae. aegypti to DDT (4.0%) was 19.5%, to malathion (5.0%) was 88.83%, to deltamethrin (0.05%) was 90.57% and to cyfluthrin (0.15%) was 93.32%. Thus, Ae. aegypti mosquitoes tested in this area were found resistant to DDT but were susceptible to malathion, deltamethrin and cyfluthrin. Table 1: Susceptibility of Aedes aegypti to various insecticides in Ranchi city, Jharkhand state, India, during 2008 Insecticide doses used No. of mosquitoes exposed No. of dead mosquitoes Corrected (%) mortality in adult mosquitoes Control Test Control Test Control Test DDT (4.0%) 100 300 6 73 6.00 19.5 Malathion (5.0%) 75 265 4 237 5.33 88.83 Deltamethrin (0.05%) 75 250 5 228 6.66 90.57 Cyfluthrin (0.15%) 100 300 5 281 5.00 93.32 The results of the larval susceptibility tests revealed that larvae of Ae. aegypti were susceptible to temephos (0.02 mg/L) with 96.53% to 100% mortality within 24 hours of treatment (Table 2). 196 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Susceptibility of Aedes aegypti to insecticides in Ranchi city Table 2: Susceptibility status of larvae of Aedes aegypti to temephos (50%EC) (@02mg/L) in Ranchi city, Jharkhand state, India, during 2008 Larvae exposed in control Larvae exposed in test Corrected (%) mortality Pandra 25 75 100.00 Durenda 20 60 97.33 Karwala 25 75 100.00 Kadru 20 20 98.67 HEC Colony 25 75 96.53 Localities Discussion Madhukar and Pillai reported resistance in the Indian strains of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes to insecticides.[12] Azeez reported resistance in Ae. aegypti mosquitoes to DDT from Jharia, Dhanbad district, and, recently, from Koderma district, both in Jharkhand state[3,13] (erstwhile Bihar state), but there has been no report of resistance in dengue vectors to other insecticides in Ranchi city. The resistance to DDT may be due to the prolonged exposure through indoor residual spray (IRS) of the insecticide since 1958. The strategy for control of Ae. aegypti in India is based on the use of temephos (50%EC) as chemical larvicide, bacticide and sphericide as bio-larvicides and larvivorous fish. During epidemics, thermal fogging is also resorted to. Though indoor residual spray of DDT is not recommended for use against Aedes mosquitoes, it has been used for the control of Ae. aegypti during outbreaks in the Americas, United Kingdom, Australia and Thailand.[14-17] Local health authorities in Queensland, Australia,[14] in addition to normal methods of control (source reduction and larvicidal activities for larval control), also sprayed pyrethroids under the beds, tables and other items of furniture against Ae. aegypti. In India also, Ae. aegypti population under the influence of excito repellency of DDT spray, rest on unsprayable surfaces. In order to control epidemics, a similar procedure, i.e. spraying with an appropriate insecticides, to which Ae. aegypti mosquitoes are susceptible, can be undertaken for the quick control of dengue epidemics. Acknowledgements The authors are most grateful to Mr N.L. Kalra for his valuable suggestions. The laboratory and field assistance given by the staff of NIMR, field unit, Ranchi, is gratefully acknowledged. The authors are also thankful to the staff of the District Malaria Officer, Ranchi, for providing information on the dengue incidence and use of insecticides in IRS activities. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 197 Susceptibility of Aedes aegypti to insecticides in Ranchi city References [1] Anon. Malaria and its control in India. Vol. I. New Delhi: Directorate of National Malaria Eradication Programme, India, 1986. 254. [2] Singh RK, Dhiman RC, Mittal PK, Das MK. Susceptibly of malaria vectors to insecticides in Gumla district, Jharkhand state, India. Jour Vect Bor Dis. 2010; 47(2): 116-118. [3] Singh RK, Dhiman RC, Mittal PK, Dua VK. Susceptibly status of dengue vectors against various insecticides in Koderma (Jharkhand), India. Jour Vect Bor Dis. 2011; 48(2): 116-118. [4] Ramakrisnan SP, Gelfand HM, PN Bose, PN Sehgal, RN Mukerjee.The Epidemic of Acute Hemorrhagic fever in Calcutta, in 1963. Epidemiological inquiry. Ind Jour Med Res. 1964, 52; 633-650. [5] Kumar A, Sharma SK, Padbidri VS, Thakare JP, Jain DC, Datta KK. An outbreak of Dengue fever in rural areas of Northern India. J Com Dis. 2001; 33(4): 274-281. [6] Directorate General of Health Services. National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme. Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 2010. - accessed 13 January 2012. [7] Singh RK, Das MK, Dhiman RC, Mittal PK, Sinha ATS. Preliminary investigation of dengue vectors in Ranchi, India. Jour Vec Bor Dis. 2007, 45(2):171-173. [8] Instructions for determining the susceptibility or resistance of adult mosquito to organo-chlorine organophosphate and carbonate insecticides – Diagnostic test 1981. WHO/VBC/81-806. [9] Instructions for determining the susceptibility or resistance of mosquito larvae to insecticides 1981. WHO/VBC/81-807. [10] Das BP, Kaul SM. Pictorial key to the common Indian species of Aedes (Stegomyia) mosquitoes. J Com Dis. 1998; 30: 123-127. [11] Abbott WS. A method of computing the effectiveness of an insecticide. J Econ Entomol. 1925, 18; 265-267. [12] Madhukar BVR, Pillai MMK. Insecticide susceptibility in Indian strains of Aedes aegypti (Linn). Mosq News. 1968; 28: 222-225. [13] Azeez SA. A Note on the prevalence and susceptibility status of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linn) in Jharia, Dhanbad district (Bihar). Bull Ind Soc Mal Com Dis. 1967; 4: 59-62 [14] Ritchie SA, Hanna JN, Hills SL, Piipanen JP, Mcbride WJH, Pyke A, Spark RL. Dengue control in Queensland and selective indoor residual spraying. Dengue Bull. 2002; 26: 7-13. [15] Anon. Dengue haemorrhagic fever: diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. II edn. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1997. pp. 1-84. [16] Charles EK. Filariasis control by DDT residual house spraying, Saint CROX, Virgin Island. Public Health Report. 1949; 64; 27. [17] Pimsamarn S, Sornpeng W, Aksip S, Paeporn P, Limpawitthayakul M. Detection of insecticide resistance in Aedes aegypti to organophosphate and synthetic pyrethroid compounds in the north-east of Thailand. Dengue Bull. 2009; 33: 194-202. 198 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Dengue awareness survey among women participants from periurban areas of Chennai, India R. Ramanibai# & Kanniga S. Unit of Biomonitoring, Department of Zoology, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai – 25, India. Abstract Dengue is one of the mosquito-borne diseases spread by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Dengue fever has been reported regularly in Tamil Nadu, especially in Chennai. In the year 2001, 737 cases were reported from Chennai out of a total of 816 cases for the whole state. In the absence of a vaccine for dengue, control of vector population is the best option. This could be effective only if there is community participation. In order to assess the knowledge of housewives in periurban areas of south Chennai, a knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) survey was carried out in 2009. The study showed that 77.9% of the study population was unaware of dengue and were not aware of the behaviour of its vector like breeding sites, biting time, etc. To prevent mosquito bites, 45.6% of the respondents used coils, but none of the interviewees adopted any preventive measures against this day-biting mosquito. This survey revealed that the knowledge regarding dengue was too poor among the people. Keywords: Dengue; Aedes aegypti; Questionnaire method; Awareness; Periurban; Chennai; India. Introduction Dengue fever (DF)/dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF), transmitted by Aedes aegypti, is an arboviral disease endemic in the Asian subcontinent.[1] In India, the first outbreak of DHF occurred in Kolkata in 1963[2] and in Delhi in 1988.[3] Dengue fever cases had been reported frequently in Tamil Nadu state, especially in Chennai. During 2001, the state reported a total of 816 DF cases, of which Chennai city alone contributed 737 cases (90.3%).[4] The peak of these cases were recorded during September to December (north-eastern monsoon season). # E-mail: Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 199 Dengue awareness survey among women participants from periurban areas of Chennai, India The rapid increase in human population, lack of awareness among people, environmental changes, social changes and increased breeding of vector mosquitoes resulted in increased dengue transmission.[5,6] All four serotypes, DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4, have been reported in Chennai. The Aedes aegypti mosquito is responsible for the spread of dengue fever breeds in man-made receptacles and around urban environments such as households, construction sites, office complexes, schools, hospitals and factories. Water storage drums, cisterns, flower vases, cement tanks, plastic and metal drums, tyres, bottles, tin cans, coconut shells and other such discarded containers which can hold rainwater, overhead tanks, ground water storage tank, etc., are the primary habitats.[7,8] In Chennai, particularly in the periurban regions, the water supply is irregular, inhabitants tend to store water for household use in several containers, and this in turn increases the number of larval habitats. Since there is no vaccine, vector control is the ideal way to control dengue. Vector control methods can be successful only if there is community participation, and, for the success of a community-based programme, it is important to asses the community’s perception regarding the disease, its mode of transmission and breeding sites. Hence, this study was conducted in 2009 to asses the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) regarding dengue fever among women in a periurban region of south Chennai. Materials and methods Chennai is located at 13° 04N and 80° 17E on the south-east coast of India and in the northeast corner of Tamil Nadu state. The lowest temperature recorded here is 15.8 °C and the highest 44 °C. The relative humidity ranges between 61%–80%. The average annual rainfall is about 1300 mm. The city gets most of its rainfall from the north-eastern monsoon during September to mid-November.[4] A total of 31 periurban areas of south Chennai were subjected to questionnaire method. The study was conducted by the interview technique. The study population consisted of only housewives whose husbands were daily-wage workers and their income ranged from Indian rupees 3000 (US$ 70) to 6000 (US$ 140) per month. A total of 480 women were randomly interviewed in Tamil, the local language. A structured questionnaire which consisted of 23 items, viz. demographic characteristics of population, knowledge on the vector of DF, mode of transmission, behaviour of the vector mosquito, its breeding places, biting time and water-storage practices. Data were analysed and a simple percentage composition was used. 200 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Dengue awareness survey among women participants from periurban areas of Chennai, India Result The demographic characteristics of 480 women interviewed is given in Table 1. Their ages ranged from 18 to 50 years. 63.3% of the respondents were illiterate, while 33.7% of the respondents had gone to school (20.8% had studied up to class 5 and 12.9% had studied up to class 12); 2.9% had a bachelor’s degree. Table 2 contains the results of the KAP study. Table 1: Demographic characteristics of women surveyed in a periurban area of south Chennai Variables Respondent No. of women participants Percentage (%) Sex Only female 480 Educational status Illiterate 304 42 High school-level education 62 12.9 Higher secondary level 100 20.8 College level 14 2.9 22.08% of the respondents were aware and 77.9% were unaware of dengue fever. Only 26% of the respondents answered that mosquito was responsible for the transmission of dengue, the rest (73.54%) were ignorant about the mode of transmission. Knowledge on dengue and its mode of transmission was observed to be higher among the educated compared to the illiterate among the respondents. 2.9% of the respondents reported that rainwater and drinking water-holding containers could be potential breeding places for the dengue-transmitting vector. The rest of the respondents reported that drainage, garbage and stagnant dirty water could be the breeding sites for dengue vector. Generally, to prevent mosquito bites, 45.8% of the respondents used coils; 25.6% used liquid vapourizers, particularly, to ward off the dengue vector; and 28.54% of them though knew that they bit during daytime, they did not take any preventive measure. Almost 74% of the respondents stored water in containers for their daily use and they washed these storage containers only after three to six days. This provided a breeding place to the mosquito. The rest of them drew water from bore-wells. Up to 45.8% of the study subjects knew that keeping the environment clean could prevent mosquito breeding, while 22.5% said that fogging or some other chemical method could eradicate the mosquito population. The rest of them did not provide any answer. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 201 Dengue awareness survey among women participants from periurban areas of Chennai, India Table 2: Knowledge, attitude and practice about dengue and its vector S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 202 Details No. of women Percentage (%) Yes 106 22.08 No 374 77.9 Mosquito bite 127 26.04 Don’t know 353 73.5 Drinking/rainwater-holding containers 14 2.90 Dirty water, drainage, garbage 466 97.08 Mosquito coils 220 45.80 Liquid vapouriser 123 25.6 Others 137 28.5 Bite during daytime 137 28.54 Don’t know 343 71.4 Storing water in containers 356 74 Others 124 25.83 Keep environment clean 220 45.8 Fogging and chemical method 108 22.5 No response 152 31.6 Community knowledge on dengue Mode of spread Knowledge on dengue vector breeding Preventive measures against mosquito biting Knowledge on dengue vector behaviour Water-storage practices To eradicate the mosquito vector Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Dengue awareness survey among women participants from periurban areas of Chennai, India The respondents were asked whether any of their family members were affected by mosquito-borne diseases. 12.04% said their family members were affected by chikungunya, 2.01% were affected by dengue, and 1.04% were affected by malarial fever. Discussion Our survey showed that about three fourths (77.85%) of the respondents were unaware about dengue and it was evident that the degree of knowledge about the disease increased with the level of formal education. Those who had done degree-level education were familiar with the seriousness of dengue and its mode of transmission. The same finding was observed in another dengue study conducted in Chennai city.[4] In Delhi in 1997,87.3% of the people were aware of dengue fever and this awareness came about due to the outbreak of DHF in 1996.[9] But in Chennai, especially in the periurban areas (south Chennai), dengue awareness was low because the community was not fully sensitized about dengue during the 2001 outbreak. Due to scarcity of water, the people in periurban areas store water for washing/drinking purposes in plastic drums, cement tanks, cisterns, etc. These water-storage containers are rarely washed and they form ideal breeding sites for Aedes mosquitoes. 74% of the respondents stored water for longer periods without a proper lid. A similar situation was observed by Kumar et al. (2010).[4] People living in periurban areas in Chennai have poor knowledge about dengue and its mode of transmission but were somewhat aware of malaria and its vector. To escape from mosquito bites they adopted various preventive measures but only during the night. They could not differentiate between Anopheles and Aedes aegypti. The respondents reported that keeping the environment clean and fogging and chemical treatment could eradicate mosquito population; the same was observed by Ravi Kumar and Gururaj (2006).[10] Health awareness programmes should be conducted in these areas, especially among women who have more responsibility for household activities especially with respect to cleanliness of the house. Acknowledgement We thank the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi, for financial support to carry out this research work F. No: 33-362/2007 (SR). Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 203 Dengue awareness survey among women participants from periurban areas of Chennai, India References [1] World Health Organization. The World health report 1996: fighting disease, fostering development. Geneva: WHO, 1997. [2] Ramakrishnan SP, Gelfand HM, Bose PN, Sehgal PN, Mukherjee RN. The epidemic of acute haemorrhagic fever, Calcutta, 1963: epidemiological inquiry. Indian J Med Res. 1964 Jul; 52: 633-50. [3] Kabra SK, Verma IC, Arora NK, Jain Y, Kalra V. Dengue hemorrhagic fever in children in Delhi. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 1992; 70:105-108. [4] Ashok Kumar V, Rajendran R, Manavalan R, Tewari SC, Arunachalam N, Ayanar K, Krishnamoorthi R, Tyagi BK. Studies on community knowledge and behavior following a dengue epidemic in Chennai City, Tamil Nadu, India. Tropical Medicine. 2010; 27(2): 330-336. [5] Gubler DJ, Clark GG. Dengue/dengue hemorrhagic fever the empergence for a global health problem. Emerging Infectious Disease. 1995; 1: 55-57. [6] World Health Organization. Dengue hemorrhagic fever: diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. 2nd edn. Geneva: WHO, 1997. [7] Radha Krishnan J, Dhan Raj B. The problem of Dengue in Chennai. In: William John S, Vincent S, eds. Recent trends in combating mosquitoes. Chennai: School of Entomology and Centre for Natural Resources Management, Loyola College, 2000. pp 39-50. [8] Vu SN, Nguyen TY, Kay BH, Marten GG, Reid JW. Eradication of Aedes aegypti from a village in Vietnam using copepods and community participation. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1998; 59(4): 657-60. [9] Gupta P, Kumar P, Aggarwal OP. Knowledge, attitude and practices related to dengue in rural and slum areas of Delhi after the dengue epidemic of 1996. J Commun Dis. 1998; 30:107-112. [10] Ravi Kumar K and Gururaj G. Community perception regarding Mosquito borne diseases in Karnataka state, India. Dengue Bulletin. 2006; 30: 270-277. 204 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Association between dengue virus serotypes and type of dengue viral infection in Department of Child Health, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia Dimas Seto Prasetyo,a Angky Budianti,a Beti Ernawati Dewi,a Cucunawangsih,a Roni Chandra,a Jordan Chaidir,a Mulya Rahma Karyanti,b Hindra Irawan Satari,b Aria Kekalih,c Ichiro Kuraned & T. Mirawati Sudiroa# Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. a Department of Child Health, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. b Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. c d National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan. Abstract Dengue virus infection is a major burden in Indonesia. The objective of this study was to find the association between dengue virus serotypes and type of infection in hospitalized children in Department of Child Health, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Jakarta, Indonesia. A crosssectional study was conducted from 2006 to 2010 (except 2008). Blood samples from patients diagnosed with suspected dengue infection were collected consecutively. The type of infection was determined by dengue serology rapid tests (Panbio Dengue duo cassette and/or Bioline SD Duo). The serotype was determined by RT-PCR. A total of 195 samples were collected. Of these, 31 (15.9%) were primary infection, 155 (79.5%) were secondary infection, and 9 (4.6%) could not be determined. RT-PCR showed 13 (6.7%) were DENV-1; 30 (15.4%) were DENV-2; 39 (20.0%) were DENV-3; 9 (4.6%) were DENV-4; and 5 (2.6%) were mixed infections (1 sample was DENV-1 + DENV-2 infection, 4 were DENV-1 + DENV-3 infection); and 99 (50.8%) were negative. Among primary infections, 22.6%, 16.1% and 6.5% of cases were caused by DENV-1, DENV-3 and DENV-2 respectively. Among secondary infections, 19.4%, 16.1%, 5.8% and 3.9% were caused by DENV-3, DENV-2, DENV-4 and DENV-1 respectively. In this study, all four serotypes were found between 2006 and 2010. Overall, DENV-2 and DENV-3 were the predominant serotypes in hospitalized children in the Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. The majority of cases were of secondary infections (79.5%). We found that 53.8% of DENV-1 infections were primary while all DENV-4 infections were secondary infections. Statistical analysis showed that primary infection by DENV-1 was significantly higher compared to other serotypes. Whether primary DENV-1 tends to cause severe manifestation needs further study. More than 50% of primary and secondary dengue infections were PCR-negative. We recommend appropriate specimen collection and handling procedure to minimize the PCR-negative result. Continuous study is required to find the pattern of dengue virus serotype which infects children. Keywords: Dengue virus infection; Children; Serotype; Indonesia. # E-mail: Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 205 Association between dengue virus serotypes and type of dengue viral infection in Indonesia Introduction Dengue viral infection is a major burden in tropical and subtropical regions, including Indonesia. Approximately 50–100 million cases occur annually in the world.[1,2] In Indonesia, 156 052 cases of dengue were reported in 2009.[3] Easier and faster transportation accelerate the movement of infected vector and infected people.[4] Dengue virus, which consists of four serotypes, namely, DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4, belongs to the genus Flavivirus of the family Flaviviridae. Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are the vectors of dengue virus. The disease can be asymptomatic or can manifest itself only as febrile symptom (dengue fever), accompanied by headache, myalgia and, less often, a maculopapular rash.[5] Severe manifestation, for example, haemorrhagic syndrome (dengue haemorrhagic fever) and hypovolemic shock (dengue shock syndrome), could lead to death.[6] In dengue-endemic areas, dengue viral infections are reported annually. When a human is infected for the first time by one of the dengue virus serotypes, it is identified as primary infection. Primary infection could be mild or self-limiting. It happens commonly in nonimmune children. After the first infection, they become immune to the homologous serotype. However, during a secondary infection by a different serotype, the manifestations can be more severe and can cause high morbidity and mortality.[7,8] This study was undertaken to obtain epidemiological data of dengue virus serotype which infected children in the Department of Child Health, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, from 2006 to 2010. It was considered important to monitor the circulating dengue serotype in each year and find the association between the dengue virus serotype and the type of infection. Methods and materials Specimen collection and serological tests Specimens were collected from patients who were hospitalized and diagnosed by paediatricians as cases of dengue fever (DF), dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) or dengue shock syndrome (DSS) according to 1997 WHO Dengue Classification.[6] The study had been approved by The Committee of The Medical Research Ethics of The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, No. 94/PT02.FK/ETIK/2006 and 71/PT02.FK/ETIK/2009. After taking consent, as much as 3–5 mL of peripheral blood was taken the first time a patient was admitted to the hospital, regardless of the day of the onset of fever. The specimens were sent to the Microbiology Laboratory Department of Microbiology Universitas Indonesia in a cool box. Sera were separated, serologically tested and stored at –80 °C until further test with RT-PCR. 206 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Association between dengue virus serotypes and type of dengue viral infection in Indonesia In order to determine the type of infection, 10 microlitres of sera were analyzed for anti-dengue IgM and IgG using rapid immunochromatographic test (Panbio Dengue duo cassette and/or Bioline SD Duo) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The results were taken as primary infection (positive IgM and negative IgG) or secondary infection (positive IgM and IgG or negative IgM and positive IgG). When both IgM and IgG were negative, one more test was done before the patient was discharged. And if the result remained the same, the positive result of NS1 antigen detection or when RT-PCR was positive, were defined as ‘indeterminate’. NS1 antigen detection One hundred micro litres of sera was tested for the NS1 antigen using ELISA (Panbio Inc, Brisbane, Australia) according to the manufacturer’s manual. The results were defined as ‘positive’, ‘negative’, or ‘equivocal’. When the result was ‘equivocal’, the test was repeated once only. Viral RNA detection and serotype determination Viral RNA were obtained from 140 µL sera using Viral RNA Isolation Kit (Qiagen, Gmbh, Roche, Germany). Virus serotypes were determined using RT-PCR.[9,11] In brief, two amplification reactions were done. In the first amplification, we used D1 and D2 primers published by Lanciotti et al.[9] (Table 1). RNA was amplified in 25 µL mixture containing 1x PCR Buffer, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 5 pmoles of each dNTPs, D1 and D2 primers, RT-AMV (Promega) and Platinum Taq polymerase (Invitrogen). The conditions for the first amplification were 53 °C for 30’, denaturation at 95 °C for 5’, continued by 35-cylce of denaturation (95 °C, 45”), annealing Table 1: Primers used for detection and serotype identification* Primers Sequence Size (in bp) of amplified DNA products (primers) D1 5'-TCAATATGCTGAAACGCGCGAGAAACCG-3' 511 D2 5'-TTGCACCAACAGTCAATGTCTTCAGGTTC-3' 511 TS1 5'-CGTCTCAGTGATCCGGGGG-3' 482 (D1 and TS1) TS2 5'-CGCCACAAGGGCCATGAACAG-3' 119 (D1 and TS2) TS3 5'-TAACATCATCATGAGACAGAGC-3' 290 (D1 and TS 3) TS4 5'-CTCTGTTGTCTTAAACAAGAGA-3' 392 (D1 and TS 4 *Modified from Lanciotti et al.[9] Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 207 Association between dengue virus serotypes and type of dengue viral infection in Indonesia (60 °C, 30”), and elongation (72 °C, 1’), followed by 72 °C for 7’. The second amplification was done using 1 µL of initial amplification product. The reaction mixture contained all the components for the initial amplification, except RT-AMV, and D2 primers were replaced by dengue virus-spesific primer: TS1, TS2, TS3, and TS4 (Table 1). This second mixture was conditioned at 95 °C for 5’ for denaturation, followed by 40-cycle of denaturation (95 °C, 45”), annealing (55 °C, 30”), and elongation (72 °, 1’30”), further followed by 72 °C for 7’. Afterwards, 1 µL of amplification product was electrophoresed in 2% agarose gel and the gel was then stained using ethidium bromide and documented using BioRad Gel Doc machine. If there were more than one serotype in one sample, we confirmed the results by repeating the RT-PCR once again, using serotype-specific primers in separated tubes. Case definition and statistical analysis Children with at least one positive result of either NS1, RT-PCR or rapid serology test were defined as having dengue infection. Children with all negative results were excluded from data analysis. Statistical analysis was computed using SPSS 16 Software. Comparison, among each type of infection and association between virus serotype and type of infection were analyzed using Fischer Exact Test. Results Dengue serotype A total of 195 samples fulfilled the criteria of detection of dengue infection. Detection and serotype determination by RT-PCR showed that 13 (6.7%) of the cases were of DENV-1; 30 (15.4%) were DENV-2; 39 (20.0%) were DENV-3; and 9 (4.6%) were of DENV-4. Mixed infection was found in 5 (2.6%) cases, which consisted of DENV-1 + DENV-2 (1 sample) and DENV-1 + DENV-3 (4 samples). Ninety-nine (50.8%) cases were RT-PCR-negative (Table 2). Type of dengue infection The yearly data showed that within each year, secondary dengue infection predominated (Table 2). Of the 195 samples, 9 (4.6%) were considered ‘indeterminate’. Table 2 shows that secondary infection were found in 155 (79.5%) cases, while 31 (15.9%) were primary infection and 9 (4.6%) were indeterminate. We compared primary and secondary infection in each serotype (Table 3). Among primary infections, 53.8%, 12.8% and 6.7% were caused by DENV-1, DENV-3 and DENV-2, respectively. Among secondary infections, 100%, 83.3%, 76.9% and 46.2% were caused by DENV-4, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-1 respectively. 208 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Association between dengue virus serotypes and type of dengue viral infection in Indonesia Table 2: Type of dengue infection Type of infection Year Primary N (%) Secondary N (%) Indeterminate N (%) Total 2006 7 (20.0) 27 (77.1) 1 (2.9) 35 2007 6 (10.0) 50 (83.3) 4 (6.7) 60 2009 10 (21.3) 34 (72.3) 3 (6.4) 47 2010 8 (15.1) 44 (83.0) 1 (1.9) 53 Total 31 (15.9) 155 (79.5) 9 (4.6) 195 Table 3: Dengue serotype and type of infection in children Type of infection RT-PCR Primary N (%) Secondary N (%) Indeterminate N (%) Total DENV-1 7 (53.8) 6 (46.2) 0 13 DENV-2 2 (6.7) 25 (83.3) 3 (10) 30 DENV-3 5 (12.8) 30 (76.9) 4 (10.3) 39 DENV-4 0 9 (100) 0 9 Mix infection 1 (20) 3 (60) 1 (20) 5 Negative PCR 16 (16.2) 82 (82.8) 1 (1) 99 Total 31 (15.9) 155 (79.5) 9 (4.6) 195 Statistical analysis of dengue serotypes in primary infection To know the association of a certain dengue serotype to hospitalized primary infection, we did statistical analysis using Fisher’s Exact Test and its power was determined by Stata Software Version 9 provided by the statistician. All indeterminate and negative RT-PCR results were excluded from the calculation. First we compared among each serotype and then we compared DENV-1 with other serotypes. We found that more than 50% of DENV-1-positive cases were primary infection; this was significantly higher as compared to other serotypes (p=0.001; statistical power Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 209 Association between dengue virus serotypes and type of dengue viral infection in Indonesia >80%). Comparisons of DENV-1 with DENV-2, DENV-1 with DENV-3, and DENV-1 with DENV-4 also yielded significant results (p=0.002, 0.009 and 0.017 respectively). We also found that among the hospitalized cases, secondary infection was mostly caused by other serotypes (DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4) as compared with DENV-1. Even though among the secondary infection cases, DENV-3 was found to be more frequent than DENV-2 and DENV-4, there was no significant difference between these serotypes (p=0.455–1.000) and the statistical power was <60% (results not shown). In other words, we did not have sufficient power to conclude this result. This low power was probably caused by the small amount of samples and the number of negative PCR results. Discussion In this study, all four serotypes were found during the period 2006–2010. Overall, DENV-2 and DENV-3 were the predominant serotypes in hospitalized children in Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta (Table 4). This result was in agreement with the reports published by Suwandono et al.[10] and Setiati et al.[11] which also found DENV-3 as the predominant serotype found in patients in Jakarta. A similar result was also noted in Yogyakarta,[12] though we found that in each year, a different serotype predominated – DENV-1 in 2006, DENV-2 and DENV-3 in 2007 and 2010, and DENV-3 in 2009. Table 4: Dengue serotypes found in child patients in 2006-2010 RT-PCR Year Total 2006 2007 2009 2010 DENV-1 4 0 6 3 13 DENV-2 2 16 1 11 30 DENV-3 3 16 9 11 39 DENV-4 2 0 2 5 9 Mix infection 0 0 1 4 5 Negative PCR 24 28 28 19 99 Total 35 60 47 53 195 The pathological mechanisms of DHF are still poorly understood. A number of models have been proposed, based on epidemiological and experimental data, to explain the pathogenesis of severe dengue illness, and, among them, is the role of intrinsic biological properties of dengue virus strains[13] and the serotype of infecting virus in the secondary 210 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Association between dengue virus serotypes and type of dengue viral infection in Indonesia infection.[14] Secondary infection was predominant in the hospitalized children. This is in conformity with the hypothesis that secondary infection may cause more severe manifestations because of the existence of enhancing antibodies.[15] On the other hand, some groups also reported severe cases caused by primary infection.[14,16,17] Also, Kliks et al.[18] showed that there was no correlation between enhancing antibodies and disease severity. A study in the Philippines by Lim et al.[19] found that there was no significant relationship between the severity of dengue infection based on WHO grade and irrespective of primary or secondary infection. We found that 15.9% of the hospitalized children had primary infection (Table 3). Statistical analysis (Fisher’s Exact Test) showed that DENV-1 was significantly more frequent in primary cases compared to other serotypes (p=0.001; power >80%). Several previous reports also showed the occurrence of DENV-1 in hospitalized primary infections. A study in Nicaragua, comparing the years when DENV-1 predominated and when DENV-2 predominated, showed that the DENV-1 season was associated with more hospitalized primary dengue cases and more primary infections with severe manifestations.[17] A study by Fried et al.[14] in Bangkok during 1994–2006 showed that dengue cases caused by DENV-2 and DENV-4 were all secondary infections, and there were no cases of DHF caused by primary DENV-2 and DENV-4. Another study in Thailand by Anantapreecha et al.[20] during 1999–2002 also found that dengue cases caused by DENV-2 and DENV-4 were of secondary infection. This was also what we found in our study that DENV-2 and DENV-4 were more likely to develop secondary infection. Our study showed that of DENV-1 infections, 53.8% were primary infection (Table 3), while of DENV-2 and DENV-3, 6.7% and 12.8% respectively and none of DENV-4 were primary infection. Among seven patients with DENV-1 primary infection, only one was below one year of age. In the majority of these children, maternal antibody was expected to be cleared out from the blood. These results support previous findings that there might be a pathogenic potential of distinct DENV serotypes during primary and secondary infections. Without previous immune priming, DENV-1 might be more pathogenic compared to other serotypes.[14] In accordance with the pathogenicity of DENV-1, Duyen et al.[21] found that patients in community a setting with DENV-1 primary infection had significantly higher viral loads compared with patients with secondary DENV-1 infection, and primary DENV-1 infection was viremic significantly longer than secondary DENV-1 infection. Additionally, more patients with primary DENV-1 infection developed haemoconcentration compared with secondary DENV-1 infection. It also suggested that viral loads in primary infection were significantly lower in DENV-2 and DENV-3 compared with DENV-1. However, since our clinical data on primary infection was not sufficient for statistical analysis, we cannot determine whether primary DENV-1 infection causes significantly severe manifestation. Indeed, we did not conduct quantitative PCR assay to assess viral loads since the sample was collected once, which would not be representative of peak viremia. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 211 Association between dengue virus serotypes and type of dengue viral infection in Indonesia Acknowledgements This work was, in part, funded by The Ministry of Health and Welfare, Japan, through the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan. Our gratitude to Ms Hartati, Ms Elisabeth and Ms Ratika for their technical assistance; also to Dr Gita W. Puri and Dr Nina and nursing staff in the Paediatrics ward for sample collection. References [1] Kurane I, Takasaki T. Dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever: challenges of controlling an enemy still at large. Rev Med Virol. 2001; 11: 301–11. [2] Gubler D. Dengue virus and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Clin Microbiol Rev. 1998; 11: 480–96. [3] World Health Organization. Situation update of dengue in the SEA Region. 2010. http://www.searo. - accessed 29 April 2011. [4] Halstead SB. Epidemiology of dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever. In: Gubler DJ, Kuno G. eds. Dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Colorado, CAB International, 1997. p. 23-44. [5] Rothman AL. Dengue: defining protective versus pathologic immunity. J Clin Invest. 2004; 113: 94651. [6] World Health Organization. Dengue haemorrhagic fever: diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. Geneva: WHO, 1997. [7] Thein S, Aung MM, Shwe TN, et al. Risk factors in dengue shock syndrome. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1997; 56:566-72. [8] McBride WJH, Bielefeldt-Ohmann H. Dengue viral infections; pathogenesis and epidemiology. Microbes Infect. 2000; 2:1041-50. [9] Lanciotti RS, Calisher CH, Gubler DJ, Chang GJ, Vorndam AV. Rapid detection and typing of dengue viruses from clinical samples by using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. J Clin Microbiol. 1992 Mar; 30(3): 545-551. [10] Suwandono A, Kosasih H, Nurhayati, Kusriastuti R, Harun S, Ma’roef C, Wuryadi S, Herianto B, Yuwono D, Porter KR, Beckett CG, Blair PJ. Four dengue virus serotypes found circulating during an outbreak of dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever in Jakarta, Indonesia, during 2004. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2006 Sep; 100(9): 855-62. [11] Setiati TE, Wagenaar JFP, de Kruif MD, Mairuhu ATA, van Gorp ECM, Soemantri A. Changing epidemiology of dengue haemorrhagic fever in Indonesia. Dengue Bulletin. 2006; 30:1-14. [12] Graham RR, Juffrie M, Tan R, Hayes CG, Laksono I, Ma’roef C, Erlin, Sutaryo, Porter KR, Halstead SB. A prospective seroepidemiologic study on dengue in children four to nine years of age in Yogyakarta, Indonesia I. studies in 1995-1996. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1999; 61(3): 412-419. [13] Rico-Hesse R, Harrison LM, Salas RA, et al. Origins of dengue type 2 viruses associated with increased pathogenicity in the Americas. Virology. 1997; 230: 244–51. 212 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Association between dengue virus serotypes and type of dengue viral infection in Indonesia [14] Fried JR, Gibbons RV, Kalayanarooj S, Thomas SJ, Srikiatkhachorn A, Yoon IK, Jarman RG, Green S, Rothman AL, Cummings DA. Serotype-specific differences in the risk of dengue hemorrhagic fever: an analysis of data collected in Bangkok, Thailand from 1994 to 2006. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2010 Mar 2;4(3):e617. [15] Laoprasopwattana K, Libraty DH, Endy TP, Nisalak A, Chunsuttiwat S, Vaughn DW, et al. Dengue virus (DV) enhancing antibody activity in preillness plasma does not predict subsequent disease severity or viremia in secondary DV infection. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2005; 192(3): 510-9. [16] Vaughn DW, Green S, Kalayanarooj S, Innis BL, Nimmannitya S, Suntayakorn S, Endy TP, Raengsakulrach B, Rothman AL, Ennis FA, Nisalak A. Dengue viremia titer, antibody response pattern, and virus serotype correlate with disease severity. J Infect Dis. 2000; 181: 2-9. [17] Balmaseda A, Hammond SN, Pérez L, Tellez Y, Indirasaborío S, Mercado JC, et al. Serotype-specific differences in clinical manifestations of dengue. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2006; 74(3): 449-456. [18] Kliks SC, Nisalak A, Brandt WE, Wahl L, Burke DS. Antibody-dependent enhancement of dengue virus growth in human monocytes as a risk factor for dengue hemorrhagic fever. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1989; 40: 444-51. [19] Lim JG, Gatchalian SR, Capeding MRZ. Profile of pediatric patients with dengue fever/dengue hemorrhagic fever over: a five-year period (2000-2004). PIDSP Journal. 2010; 11(1): 26-34. [20] Anantapreecha S, Chanama S, Anuegoonpipat A, Naemkhunthot S, Sangasang A, et al. Serological and virological features of dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever in Thailand from 1999 to 2002. Epidemiol Infect. 2005; 133(3): 503-507. [21] Duyen HTL, Ngoc TV, Ha DT, Hang VTT, Kieu NTT, Young PR, et al. Kinetics of plasma iremia and soluble nonstructural protein 1 concentrations in dengue: differential effects according to serotype and immune status. J Infect Dis. 2011 May 1; 203(9):1292-300. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 213 Short Note Study of prevalent practices about use of platelets in management of dengue cases in selected tertiary care hospitals in Delhi in 2009 K.N. Tewari,a# N.R. Tulib & S.C. Devganc Public Health Consultant and former Municipal Health Officer, Municipal Corporation of Delhi, New Delhi, India. a Dy. Health Officer, Municipal Corporation of Delhi, New Delhi, India. b Consultant and formerly Head of Dept. of Medicine, Hindu Rao Hospital, Delhi. c Dengue has been reported from Delhi since 1967. Subsequently, regular and frequent dengue outbreaks were recorded in Delhi from 1996 to 2006. The 1996 outbreak was the most serious, which resulted in 10 252 hospitalizations with 423 deaths. Dengue fever is now endemic in Delhi as all four serotypes (DENV-1 to DENV-4) are circulating in the city.[1] As per media reports, the demand for platelet transfusion for the management of DF/DHF has increased substantially, especially during the outbreaks. In this context, it was considered desirable to generate scientific evidence on platelet transfusion, as there are inherent risks associated with the transfusion of blood/blood products. During 2009, a retrospective and observational study was carried out in Delhi. Data was collected in respect of 230 cases from the records of three private tertiary care hospitals and one hospital run by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi, all situated at different locations in the city. Data is limited to cases admitted only during 7–25 December 2009. These cases were selected based on completeness of records, i.e. they had clinical and lab investigation records, information about their management once they were serologically confirmed, and these cases were duly notified by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (Source: Municipal Corporation of Delhi). As per WHO guidelines, dengue virus infection may be asymptomatic or may cause undiffrentiated febrile illness (viral syndrome) dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever / dengue shock syndrome. DF is commonly benign, is defined as acute febrile illness with two or more manifestations, i.e. headache, retro-orbital pain, myalgia, arthralgia.[2] Haemorrhagic manifestations like skin haemorrhage with tourniquet test and/or petechiae # E-mail: 214 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Study of prevalent practices about use of platelets in management of dengue cases in Delhi are common. There have also been reports of epistaxis, gingival bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, haematuria and hypermenorrhagia.[3] DF complicated by unusual haemorrhage and thrombocytopaenia must be differentiated from DHF. Haemorrhage DHF is defined as 2-7-days’ acute febrile illness with bleeding, thrombocytopenia, an evidence of plasma leakage and a rise in haematocrit to or greater than 20% above the average. When all the features of DHF are present along with evidence of circulatory failure, the patient is categorized as DSS.[2] In all, 230 cases were identified as of dengue as per WHO guidelines (Table).[3] Of these, 163 were classified as of dengue fever, diagnosed on the basis of clinical signs and symptoms and where there was no plasma leakage. Of these, 138 were primary dengue cases without haemorrhagic plasma leakage, while 57 patients were given platelet transfusion. Out of 25 cases with haemorrhagic manifestations, 22 were given platelet transfusion. Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) cases (n=67) were further categorized into grades I to IV – 51 cases qualified for Grade I, 13 for Grade II and 3 cases for Grade III; none qualified for Grade IV. Out of the 67 DHF cases, 50 were given platelet transfusion; these included 40, 8 and 2 cases of DHF grade I, II and III, respectively. Table: Cases of dengue viral infection and cases given platelet transfusion (n=230) S. No. Category No. of cases No. of cases given platelet transfusion (%) Criteria 1. DF 163 79 (48.5) Clinical presentation a. Primary dengue 138 57 (41.3) Dengue without haemorrhagic manifestations b. Primary dengue with haemorrhagic manifestations 25 22 (88.0) All cases of bleeding without any evidence of plasma leakage 2 DHF 67 50 (74.6) Cases of bleeding with evidence of plasma leakage a. DHF grade I 51 40 (78.4) Positive tourniquet test with evidence of plasma leakage b. DHF grade II 13 8 (61.5) As in grade I plus spontaneous bleeding c. DHF grade III 3 2 (66.6) As in grade I and II plus circulatory failure d. DHF grade IV (DSS) 0 0 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 As in grade III plus profound shock 215 Study of prevalent practices about use of platelets in management of dengue cases in Delhi The analysis of cases showed that all patients of DF (163) were treated with crystalloids; of these 79 patients (48.5%) were given platelet transfusion also. Of the 67 cases of DHF, 50 cases (74.6%) were given platelet transfusion. All units of blood products are screened for transfusion-transmissible infections, viz. HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Conclusion In our study, we found that for the management of DF/DHF cases, platelet count was been done more frequently than finding serial haematocrit value for prognosis and effective management. It was observed that transfusions were done on more cases than was necessary as per WHO guidelines. Platelet transfusions were resorted largely due to the attending clinician’s concern about the outcome of treatment. Acknowledgments We are grateful to Dr J.P. Narain, Director, Communicable Diseases, WHO-SEARO, for his motivation and encouragement to do this study. We are also thankful to Dr Rajesh Bhatia, Regional Adviser (Blood Safety and Laboratory Technology), WHO-SEARO, for his advice to incorporate platelet transfusion in our work. Our sincere thanks to Dr Om Prakash Gahlot and medical record officers of concerned hospitals, without whose support it would not have been possible to complete this study. References [1] Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Dengue. Zoonosis Division, National Institute of Communicable Diseases (Directorate General of Health Services) 22-Sham Nath Marg, Delhi- 110 054, 2006. http:// Dengue_Haemorrhagic_Fever.pdf. [2] World Health Organization. Dengue haemorrhagic fever: diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control, 2nd edition. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1997. [3] World Health Organization. Comprehensive guidelines for prevention and control of dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever. Revised and expanded edition 2011 (SEARO Technical Publication Series No. 60), Regional Office for South East Asia, New Delhi. 216 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Short Note Demographic features of imported dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever in Japan from 2006 to 2009 Tomohiko Takasaki,# Akira Kotaki, Shigeru Tajima, Tsutomu Omatsu, Fumiue Harada, Chang-Kweng Lim, Meng Ling Moi, Mikako Ito, Makiko Ikeda & Ichiro Kurane Department of Virology 1, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Toyama 1-23-1, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8640, Japan. Dengue virus infections are a major public health problem in tropical and subtropical countries in the world.[1,2] In Japan, dengue was endemic in the subtropical island of Okinawa from 1893.[3] On the temperate mainland there were a series of outbreaks from 1942 to 1945. Dengue fever emerged in Nagasaki city in August 1942 and soon spread to other cities such as Sasebo, Hiroshima, Kobe and Osaka and recurred every summer until 1945.[4] Although there have been no reports of dengue outbreaks in mainland Japan or Okinawa since 1945, there have bee n many imported dengue cases.[5] Dengue fever (DF) / dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) is listed as one of the Category IV notifiable infectious diseases under the Infectious Diseases Control Law of Japan. A high percentage of reported dengue cases have been confirmed by laboratory tests. In the present study, the demographic features of the imported DF/DHF cases that were confirmed by laboratory tests from 2006 to 2009 were analysed at the Vector-Borne Virus Laboratory, Department of Virology 1, National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID), Japan. Blood specimens from 419 suspected dengue cases from the years 2006 to 2009 were sent to our laboratory for laboratory diagnosis. From these, 191 were confirmed as dengue virus infection. As shown in Table 1, these include 29 cases in 2006; 51 in 2007; 67 in 2008 and 44 cases in 2009. The rate of confirmation among these clinically-suspected cases was 46%. Infecting dengue virus serotypes were determined for 137 cases by real-time RT-PCR (TaqMan).[6] The number of cases infected with each of the four dengue virus serotypes were as follows: 48 (35%) with type 3, 45 (33%) with type 1, 28 (20%) with type 2, and 16 (12%) with type 4 (Table 2). Interestingly, there were no cases of dengue virus type 4 infection in 2006 and there was only one in 2007. Age distribution was a nalysed for 187 of the 191 cases (Table 3). Patient age was unknown in the remaining 4 cases. From these cases, 143 (77%) were 20-49 years of age; 70 (37%) were 20-29 years; 43 (23%) were 30-39 years; and 30 (16%) were 40-49 years. Regarding gender in the 189 cases where it was known, 63% of the cases were male and 37% were female (Table 4). The monthly distribution of dengue infections was also analysed (Table 5). Although dengue cases were in all 12 months of the # E-mail: Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 217 Demographic features of imported DF and DHF in Japan Table 1: Number of investigated DF/DHF cases and results of analysis , Japan, 2006-2009 Cases examined and confirmed in NIID Examined Confirmed Positive rate (%) Official number of reported cases in Japan 2006 100 29 29 58 2007 104 51 49 89 2008 129 67 52 104 2009 86 44 51 88 Total 419 191 46 339 Year All cases were officially reported in Japan and laboratory confirmed by Department of Virology 1, National Institute of Infectious Diseases. Table 2: Virus serotypes from confirmed dengue cases, Japan, 2006-2009 Dengue virus type 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total (%) Type 1 10 10 17 8 45 (33%) Type 2 1 5 9 13 28 (20%) Type 3 9 16 16 7 48 (35%) Type 4 0 1 7 8 16 (12%) Total 20 32 49 36 137 Table 3: Age-wise distribution of dengue cases, Japan, 2006-2009 Age Year Total 2006 2007 2008 2009 0–9 1 2 1 0 4 10–19 5 3 3 1 12 20–29 10 24 22 14 70 30–39 4 9 14 16 43 40–49 6 8 9 7 30 50–59 1 4 9 3 17 60 1 1 8 1 11 Unknown 1 0 1 2 4 Total 29 51 67 44 191 218 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Demographic features of imported DF and DHF in Japan year, the majority (nearly 60%) of the infections occurred between July and October. There were 20 cases reported in the month of July, 29 each in August and September, and 27 in October. In Japan, July to September is a period in which many people have a summer vacation and many travellers tend to visit dengue-endemic areas. Furthermore, according to Japanese Emigration and Immigration Management, about 40% of immigration is recorded from July to September. Regarding the suspected sources of infection, 180 cases (86%) were returnees or visitors from South-East Asia and South Asia; 12 (6%) had come from Pacific islands, 9 (4%) came from Central America and 7 (3%) had returned from South America. The one reported case from Africa was a returnee who had stayed in Cote d’Ivoire for one month (Table 6).[7] Table 4: Male-female ratio of dengue cases, Japan, 2006-2009 Sex Year Total 2006 2007 2008 2009 Male 20 33 39 26 118 Female 9 18 27 17 71 Unknown 0 0 1 1 2 Total 29 51 67 44 191 In 2006, the number of male overseas travellers was 9.92 million and the number of female overseas travellers was 7.62 million (ratio 56:44). Table 5: Monthly distribution of dengue cases, Japan, 2006-2009 Month Year Total 2006 2007 2008 2009 Jan 1 0 2 5 8 Feb 0 3 7 4 14 Mar 3 4 2 0 9 Apr 5 5 1 2 13 May 1 3 6 3 13 Jun 2 3 4 0 9 Jul 4 7 7 2 20 Aug 2 10 10 7 29 Sep 3 5 12 9 29 Oct 2 6 9 10 27 Nov 1 3 6 0 10 Dec 5 2 1 2 10 Total 29 51 67 44 191 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 219 Demographic features of imported DF and DHF in Japan Table 6: Travel destinations of dengue cases, Japan, 2006-2009 Destination 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total cases 2 9 1 4 2 3 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 15 9 3 5 3 2 5 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 7 12 17 7 4 3 3 0 1 2 1 4 1 1 0 7 3 10 2 4 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 180 (86%) 33 28 26 28 16 12 10 5 4 4 3 1 5 3 1 1 Pacific islands Samoa Papua New Guinea Tahiti Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu Solomon Islands 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 2 0 1 0 12 (6%) 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 Central America Honduras Central America* Panama Mexico Jamaica 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 9 (4%) 2 1 1 1 4 South America Brazil Bolivia 3 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 7 (3%) 5 2 Africa Cote d'Ivoire 0 0 1 0 1 (0.5%) 1 Asia Indonesia Philippines India Thailand Viet Nam Malaysia Cambodia Singapore Bangladesh Timor-Leste Myanmar Lao PDR Maldives Sri Lanka Pakistan Yemen Some patients visited more than one country. *The patient visited three Central American countries . 220 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Demographic features of imported DF and DHF in Japan Worldwide, it is estimated that Figure: Officially reported dengue cases in Japan, each year there are up to 100 million 2006-2009 DF cases and 250 000 DHF cases, 120 and these epidemics ha ve been 104 [8] expanding. In recent years, dengue 100 92 89 outbreaks have been an annual 80 74 occurrence in Taiwan,[9] and dengue 58 60 virus endemicity was confirmed for 50 52 49 the first time in Nepal.[10] Each year, 40 32 nearly 11 million Japanese people 18 20 9 visit tropical and subtropical areas and 0 about two million people visit Japan 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 from these areas. In the past decade, the number of imported dengue cases All dengue cases were imported. There were no cases of has increased year upon year (Figure). domestic infection during this period. Dengue epidemic s often occur in urban areas because residential areas are common breeding sites for Aedes aegypti, the major vector of DF/DHF. Growing urbanization in dengue-endemic regions has resulted in dengue epidemics occurring with greater frequency. Because the majority of Japanese travellers abroad visit urban rather than rural areas, there is a need for closer surveillance of DF/DHF in Japan. Information on dengue should be provided to travellers to tropical and subtropical areas. Acknowledgments This work was supported by Research on Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases (H20-shinkou-ippan-013, H20-shinkou-ippan-015 and H21-shinkou-ippan-005) department of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan. References [1] Halstead SB. Pathogenesis of dengue: challenges to molecular biology. Science 1988;239 (4839):47681. [2] Kurane I, Takasaki T. Dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever: challenges of controlling an enemy still at large. Rev Med Virol 2001;11(5):301-11. [3] Tadano M, Okuno Y, Fukunaga T, Fukai K. Retrospective serological studies on dengue epidemics in Osaka and Okinawa. Biken J 1983;26(4):165-7. [4] Hotta S. Twenty years of laboratory experience with dengue virus. In: Saunders M and Lennette EH (ed.), Medical and Applied Virology. Geen, St Louis, 1965, 228-256. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 221 Demographic features of imported DF and DHF in Japan [5] National Institute of Infectious Diseases and Tuberculosis and Infectious Diseases Control Division, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Imported dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever in Japan, as of July 2007. IASR, Vol.28, No.8, pp. 213-214, 2007. [6] Ito M, Takasaki T, Yamada K, Nerome R, Tajima S, Kurane I. Development and evaluation of fluorogenic TaqMan reverse transcriptase PCR assays for detection of dengue virus types 1 to 4. J Clin Microbiol 2004;42(12):5935-7. [7] ProMed-mail. Dengue/DHF update: Japan ex Cote d’Ivoire. ProMed-mail 2008; 18 Aug: 20080818.2573. <>. Accessed 18 August, 2008. [8] World Health Organization. Dengue haemorrhagic fever: diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. World Health Organization, 2nd edition. Geneva, 1997, 12-23. [9] Lee IK, Liu JW, Yang KD. Clinical and laboratory characteristics and risk factors for fatality in elderly patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2008,79(2):495-505. [10] Takasaki T, Kotaki A, Nishimura K, Sato Y, Tokuda A, Lim CK, Ito M, Tajima S, Nerome R, Kurane I. Dengue virus type 2 isolated from an imported dengue patient in Japan: first isolation of dengue virus from Nepal. J Travel Med 2008;15(1):46-49. 222 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Short Note Evaluating school students’ perception about mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases in the city of Kolkata, India D. Biswas,a# Baishakhi Biswas,a Bithika Mandal,a A. Banerjee,a T.K. Mukherjeea & J. Nandib Vector Control Department, Kolkata Municipal Corporation, 149 A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata–700014, India. a Directorate of National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme, Government of India, 22 Sham Nath Marg, Delhi–110054, India. b Introduction Kolkata, the Capital of the Indian state of West Bengal, is located at the intersecting point of latitude 22˚ 33’ 47” N and longitude 88˚ 23’ 34” E; it sprawls over an area of 187.5 sq km and is inhabited by 4 486 679 people. The area of Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) is divided into 15 boroughs consisting of a total of 141 wards. Three meteorologically distinct seasons –hot summer, rainy period and winter – characterize the climate of the city. Malaria is an age-old public health problem in the city. According to a report, the transmission of malaria has been going on in Kolkata since its establishment back in 1690.[1] According to a report of the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) wing of the KMC, 59 700 people suffered from malaria during the period 2000–2010. Of them, 7912 people (13.2%) suffered from falciparum malaria and the rest (86.7%) from vivax malaria. Due to increased environmental conduciveness and other favourable factors, transmission of malaria has now become an annual feature. Dengue is also endemic in Kolkata. All the four serotypes of dengue virus (DENV-1–4) are circulating in the city.[2] An epidemic of DHF occurred in July 1963 when 100 000 people were infected, most of them were children. Five hundred patients were admitted to hospitals, of whom 200 died.[3-6] Since then, DF/DHF continues to occur annually. Besides malaria and dengue, cases of chikungunya are also reported in Kolkata.[7] The city is also endemic for the crippling ailment of bancroftian filariasis.[8]. # E-mail:, Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 223 School students’ perception about mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases in Kolkata Strategies for prevention and control of malaria and DF/DHF • Early diagnosis and prompt treatment of malaria through 136 malaria clinics situated in 131 wards of the city. • Providing facilities for detection of dengue by ELISA-based technique through five clinics. • Recurrent anti-larval measures through conventional larvicides as per the policy of the National Vector-Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP). • Minor engineering methods such as source reduction, de-weeding, etc. • Biological control through larvivorous fish at appropriate breeding sites. • Space spray as emergency response to control infective disease vectors. Supportive interventions A strong and sustained information, education and communication (IEC) campaign for creating community awareness and their involvement should include: • Distribution of printing materials • Insertions in newspapers • Displaying posters and banners at health camps • Broadcasting through television and radio • Information on mosquitoes, malaria and dengue should be regularly and widely published in leading newspapers during the season of high transmission of malaria and dengue. To assess the effectiveness of IEC activities among schoolchildren, a survey was conducted by the Vector Control Department of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation in November– December 2009. The survey covered 414 students belonging to 14–16 years age group from six schools (four Bengali medium and two English medium schools). All these students were studying in Class X and were from the same socioeconomic group. No public health educational programme had been undertaken by the school authorities. A questionnaire containing 28 questions, having three options for each, was circulated. Evaluation result The answers given by the students were quite intriguing (Table 1). Of the 414 students tested, 290 (70%) were aware that it is the female mosquito that bites and thus transmits a disease. 48% of students were not aware that a mosquito is a 6-legged creature. The fact of mosquitoes identifying their blood hosts by smelling the body odour was known to 55% of 224 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 School students’ perception about mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases in Kolkata Table 1: Questionnaire with correct responses received from students of class X of four schools in Kolkata during November–December 2009 S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Questions asked Options given against the question No. & choice of students (in percentage) No. % Among mosquitoes, which one bites, male or female? A. Male 60 14.5 B. Female 290 70 C. Both 64 15.5 How many legs does a mosquito have? A. 2 legs 73 17.6 B. 4 legs 125 30.2 C. 6 legs 216 52.2 How does a female mosquito identify her prey? A. Seeing 120 30.0 B. Smelling 228 55.1 C. Hearing 66 15.9 Through which part of its body a mosquito spreads disease? A. Wing 30 7.2 B. Leg 58 14.0 C. Proboscis 326 78.7 Where do mosquitoes lay eggs? A. Stagnant water 341 82.4 B. Heaps of garbage 65 15.7 C. Dark corners of bedrooms 8 1.9 Where do mosquito larvae breathe in oxygen from? A. Air 60 14.5 B. Water 250 60.4 C. Both 104 25.1 How many days does a mosquito require to complete its life-cycle? A. 30 days 63 15.2 B. 15 days 188 45.4 C. 7 days 163 39.4 How many stages are involved in the life-cycle of a mosquito? A. 2 stages (i.e. egg and adult) 83 20.0 B. 3 stages (i.e. egg, larva and adult) 128 30.9 203 49.0 C. 4 stages (i.e. egg, larva, pupa and adult) Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 225 School students’ perception about mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases in Kolkata S. No. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Questions asked Options given against the question No. & choice of students (in percentage) No. % Which species of mosquitoes in Kolkata outnumbers others? A. Armigeres subalbatus 52 12.6 B. Aedes albopictus 196 47.3 C. Culex quinquefasciatus 166 40.1 Which mosquito commonly breeds in the polluted water of the Beliaghata Circular Canal and Tolly’s Nullah of Kolkata? A. Anopheles sp. 221 53.4 B. Aedes sp. 102 24.6 C. Culex sp. 91 22.0 Which mosquito commonly breeds in septic tanks? A. Armigeres sp. 57 13.8 B. Culex sp. 245 59.2 C. Anopheles sp. 112 27.1 What is the most appropriate way of combating mosquito menace? A. Fogging 85 20.5 B. Indoor residual spraying 24 5.8 C. Destruction of breeding sites 305 73.7 Name the best way of preventing mosquito breeding in domestic water containers. A. Emptying them at weekly intervals 195 47.1 B. Treating them with insecticides 150 36.2 69 16.7 C. Covering them with tight lids 14. 15. 16. 226 Which fish is commonly used for destroying mosquito larvae? A. Lata 110 26.6 B. Guppy 204 49.3 C. Tilapia 100 24.2 Name the poisonous gas emitted along with the smoke of an antimosquito coil. A. Methane 115 27.8 B. Carbon monoxide 218 52.7 C. Ammonia 81 19.6 Malaria is spread by mosquitoes; who discovered this? A. Charles Darwin 96 23.2 B. Sir Ronald Ross 188 45.4 C. Alfanso Laveran 130 31.4 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 School students’ perception about mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases in Kolkata S. No. 17. 18. 19. Questions asked Options given against the question 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. No. % Which disease killed many companions of Job Charnock#? A. Dengue 125 30.2 B. Encephalitis 72 17.4 C. Malaria 217 52.4 Which species of mosquitoes spreads malaria in Kolkata? A. Anopheles subpictus 87 21.0 B. Anopheles stephensi 187 45.2 C. Aedes albopictus 140 33.8 What is the prime cause of a malarial death? A. Delayed treatment 232 56.0 B. Non-availability of treatment facilities 132 31.9 50 12.1 C. Ineffectiveness of medicine 20. No. & choice of students (in percentage) Name the parasite among the three that causes uncomplicated malaria A. Entamoeba histolytica 107 25.8 B. Plasmodium vivax 192 46.4 C. Escherichia coli 115 27.8 Which one among these three medicines is used for radical treatment of malaria? A. Crocin 29 7.0 B. Aspirin 106 25.6 C. Primaquine 279 67.4 From which part of a cinchona tree is quinine derived? A. Flower 20 4.8 B. Bark 364 87.9 C. Root 30 7.2 To prevent malaria, which one do you consider most effective? A. Ordinary mosquito net 180 43.5 B. Mosquito repellents 92 22.2 C. Insecticide-treated mosquito nets 142 34.3 Which disease is commonly called “Break-bone fever”? A. Malaria 180 43.5 B. Filariasis 94 22.7 C. Dengue 140 33.8 When does the denguebearing species Aedes aegypti bite? A. Day 168 40.6 B. Night 175 42.3 C. Round the clock 71 17.1 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 227 School students’ perception about mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases in Kolkata S. No. 26. 27. 28. Questions asked Options given against the question No. & choice of students (in percentage) No. % Where does Aedes aegypti commonly breed in Kolkata? A. Masonry tank 208 50.2 B. Overhead water tank 144 34.8 C. Tree-hole 62 15.0 Name the causative agent of dengue A. Bacteria 289 69.8 B. Virus 28 6.8 C. Worm 97 23.4 A. Aedes aegypti 112 27.0 B. Anopheles vagus 165 39.9 C. Anopheles hyrcanus 137 33.1 Name the principal vector of chikungunya Job Charnock (1630-1693), who was until recently considered to be the founder of Calcutta (now Kolkata), was a British merchant. He came to India in 1655-1656 and initially settled in an area called Cossimbazar near Kolkata. In 1686, he came to Hooghly as the Chief Agent of East India Company. Then, in 1690, he clubbed Kalikata, Gobindapur and Sutanuti together and named it Calcutta. According to a report in Your Health[1], many companions of Job Charnock died of malaria in Kolkata in a span of only one year after their arrival in the city. # the students. More than 78% of them knew the name of the appendage by which a mosquito sucks blood. Where does a female mosquito lay her eggs? The right answer (stagnant water) was known to 82.3% of them. Interestingly, 85.5% of them were not aware that though mosquito larvae are aquatic, they, unlike fish, inhale oxygen from the air and not from the water. More than 60% students were not aware that the life-cycle of a mosquito completes in a week and that the life-cycle comprises four stages (i.e. egg, larva, pupa and adult) was not known to even half of them. In Kolkata, Culex quinquefasciatus outnumbers other species of mosquitoes. Surprisingly, 60% of the students were not aware of this. About 80% even failed to say that this vector species together with the other species of Culex, commonly breeds in the polluted water of the widely-known Beliaghata Circular Canal and Tolly’s Nullah of the city. Which mosquito commonly breeds in septic tanks? The answer to this question was known to merely 14% respondents. Nearly 74% of them knew that mosquitoes could be best controlled by destroying their breeding sites. Only 47.1% students rightly said that mosquito breeding in domestic water containers could be prevented by emptying them at weekly intervals. Again, only 49.3% students knew that the larvivorous fish “guppy” (Poecilia reticulata) is commonly used for destroying mosquito larvae. More than 50% students knew that carbon monoxide is emitted in the smoke of anti-mosquito coils that the people of Kolkata often use to prevent mosquito-bites. 228 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 School students’ perception about mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases in Kolkata Malaria is an age-old problem in Kolkata. But, sadly, about 55% of students failed to tell that the Nobel laureate, Sir Ronald Ross, discovered that malaria is vectored by mosquitoes. It is also said that many companions of Job Charnock, who was until recently considered the founder of the city of Kolkata, succumbed to malaria in a span of only one year after their arrival in the city. Thankfully, more than 50% of students were aware of this story. But half of the students could not tell that Anopheles stephensi was the vector of malaria in Kolkata. As many as 232 students (56%) rightly said that death due to malaria occurred primarily due to delayed treatment. But Plasmodium vivax, the parasite responsible for causing uncomplicated malaria, was not known to about 55% of them. That primaquine is a drug meant for curing malaria was known to 67%. Of the 414 students interviewed, 364 (87.9%) knew that quinine is derived from the bark of cinchona trees. Interestingly, 34% students rightly said that the transmission of malaria could be effectively prevented by using insecticide-treated bednets (ITNs). Dengue, commonly called the ‘break-bone’ fever, was known to only 34% of the students. Similarly, the fact that Aedes aegypti is a day-biter was known only to 40.6% respondents. But, thankfully, almost half of the students were aware that Aedes aegypti primarily breeds in masonry tanks in Kolkata. About 68% of them knew that dengue is a viral disease. Clearly, though the students were quite knowledgeable about dengue, their perception about its vector was disappointing. A single fundamental question asked concerning chikungunya was about its principal vector. The correct answer was known only to 27% participants. Conclusion Our evaluation showed that student awareness about mosquito-borne diseases and its control was not satisfactory; therefore, the Kolkata Municipal Corporation took steps to improve the situation. These included: • One of the actions taken was the publication of multicoloured booklets entitled “Mosquito-borne diseases in Kolkata and their prevention” in four languages (150 000 copies in Bengali, 100 000 in English, 50 000 in Hindi and 25 000 in Urdu), exclusively meant for students. It was distributed in 700 schools the students of as many as 699 schools of the city free of cost. The idea of planning and conducting such an awareness campaign was derived from a publication of the World Health Organization.[9] In this booklet, basic information about malaria, dengue, chikungunya and bancroftian filariasis has been provided, together with some useful tips on the prevention and control of mosquito breeding, which students could undertake by themselves and also involve the community as a whole. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 229 School students’ perception about mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases in Kolkata Acknowledgements The authors thankfully acknowledge the support and encouragement given by Mr Atin Ghosh, Honourable Member of the Mayor-in-Council (Health) of Kolkata Municipal Corporation. The assistance provided by the staff of the Vector Control Department and the IDSP wing of KMC in collecting epidemiological information about malaria and dengue is much appreciated. References [1] Hati AK, Mukherjee H, Chandra G, Bhattacharya J, Chatterjee KK, Banerjee A, Biswas D and Halder S. Vector-borne diseases in urban community. Your Health 1991;40(7):157-158. [2] Mukherjee KK, Chakraborty SK, Dey PN, Dey S and Chakraborty MS. Outbreak of febrile illness due to dengue virus type 3 in Calcutta during 1983. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 1987;81:1008-1010. [3] Verchere AM. Report on the epidemics of dengue of 1872, as it appeared in Fort Williams, Calcutta. Indian Med Gaz 1879;14:91-95. [4] Seal SC. Epidemiology of dengue and haemorrhagic fever. Bull Calcutta School Trop Med 1981;29:106111. [5] Ramakrishna SP, Gelfand HM, Bose PN, Sehgal PN and Mukherjee RN. The epidemic of acute haemorrhagic fever Calcutta, 1963 : Epidemiological inquiry. Indian J Med Res 1964; 52:1-18. [6] Sarkar JK, Chatterjee SN and Chakraborty SK. Three-year study of mosquito-borne haemorrhagic fever in Calcutta. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 1967; 61: 725-735. [7] Bandyopadhyay B, Bandyopadhyay D, Bhattacharya R, De R, Saha B, Mukherjee H and Hati AK. Death due to chikungunya. Trop Doct 2009; 39 (3): 187-188. [8] Hati AK, Chandra G, Bhattacharya A, Biswas D, Chatterjee KK and Dwibedi HN. Annual transmission potential of bancroftian filariasis in an urban and rural area of West Bengal, India. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1989; 40 (4): 365-367. [9] Will Parks and Linda Lloyd. Planning social mobilization and communication for dengue fever prevention and control: a step-by-step guide. WHO 2004. WHO Mediterranean Centre Vulnerability Reduction (WMC) UNDP/World Bank/ WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Disease (TDR) ISBN 92 4 159107 2. 230 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Book Review Comprehensive guidelines for prevention and control of dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever# (Revised and expanded edition) SEARO Technical Publication Series No. 60 Dengue fever (DF) and its severe forms—dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS)—have become major international public health concerns. Over the past three decades, there has been a dramatic global increase in the frequency of dengue fever (DF), DHF and DSS and their epidemics, with a concomitant increase in disease incidence (Box 1). Dengue is found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, predominantly in urban and semi-urban areas. The disease is caused by a virus belonging to family Flaviviradae that is spread by Aedes (Stegomyia) mosquitoes. There is no specific treatment for dengue, but appropriate medical care frequently saves the lives of patients with the more serious dengue haemorrhagic fever. The most effective way to prevent dengue virus transmission is to combat the disease-carrying mosquitoes. According to the World Health Report 1996,[1] the “re-emergence of infectious diseases is a warning that progress achieved so far towards global security in health and prosperity may be wasted”. The report further indicated that: “infectious diseases range from those occurring in tropical areas (such as malaria and DHF, which are most common in developing countries) to diseases found worldwide (such as hepatitis and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS) and foodborne illnesses that affect large numbers of people in both the richer and poorer nations.” The first confirmed epidemic of DHF was recorded in the Philippines in 1953–1954 and in Thailand in 1958. Since then, Member countries of the WHO South-East Asia (SEA) and Western Pacific (WP) regions have reported major dengue outbreaks at regular frequencies. In India, the first confirmed DHF outbreak occurred in 1963. Other countries of the Region, namely Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar and Sri Lanka, have also reported major DHF outbreaks. These outbreaks prompted a biregional (SEA and WP regions) meeting on dengue in 1974 in Manila, the Philippines, where technical guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention and control of dengue and DHF were developed. This document was later revised at a summit meeting in Bangkok in 1980. In May 1993, the Forty-sixth World Health Assembly (46th WHA, 1993) adopted a resolution on dengue prevention and control, which urged that the strengthening of national and local programmes for the prevention and control of dengue fever (DF), DHF and DSS should be among the foremost health priorities of those WHO Member States where the # Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 231 Comprehensive guidelines for prevention and control of dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever Box 1: Dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever: Key facts • Some 2.5 billion people – two fifths of the world’s population in tropical and subtropical countries – are at risk. • An estimated 50 million dengue infections occur worldwide annually. • An estimated 500 000 people with DHF require hospitalization each year. A very large proportion (approximately 90%) of them are children aged less than five years, and about 2.5% of those affected die. • Dengue and DHF is endemic in more than 100 countries in the WHO regions of Africa, the Americas, the Eastern Mediterranean, South-East Asia and the Western Pacific. The South-East Asia and Western Pacific regions are the most seriously affected. • Epidemics of dengue are increasing in frequency. During epidemics, infection rates among those who have not been previously exposed to the virus are often 40% to 50% but can also reach 80% to 90%. • Seasonal variation is observed. • Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti is the primary epidemic vector. • Primarily an urban disease, dengue and DHF are now spreading to rural areas worldwide. • Imported cases are common. • Co-circulation of multiple serotypes/genotypes is evident. disease is endemic. The resolution also urged Member States to: (1) develop strategies to contain the spread and increasing incidence of dengue in a manner sustainable; (2) improve community health education; (3) encourage health promotion; (4) bolster research; (5) expand dengue surveillance; (6) provide guidance on vector control; and (7) prioritize the mobilization of external resources for disease prevention. In response to the World Health Assembly resolution, a global strategy for the operationalization of vector control was developed. It comprised five major components, as outlined in Box 2. Box 2: Salient features of global strategy for control of DF/DHF vectors • Selective integrated mosquito control with community and intersectoral participation. • Active disease surveillance based on strong health information systems. • Emergency preparedness. • Capacity-building and training. • Intensive research on vector control. 232 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Comprehensive guidelines for prevention and control of dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever Accordingly, several publications were issued by three regional offices of the World Health Organization—South-East Asia (SEARO) [Monograph on dengue/dengue haemorrhagic fever in 1993, a regional strategy for the control of DF/DHF in 1995, and Guidelines on Management of Dengue Epidemics in 1996]; Western Pacific (WPRO) [Guidelines for Dengue Surveillance and Mosquito Control in 1995]; and the Americas (AMRO PAHO) [Dengue and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in the Americas: Guidelines for Prevention and Control in 1994]. A 2002 World Health Assembly resolution (WHA 55.17) urged greater commitment to dengue from Member States and WHO. In 2005, the International Health Regulations (IHR) were formulated. These regulations stipulated that Member States detect and respond to any disease (for example, dengue) that has demonstrated the ability to cause serious public health impact and spread rapidly internationally.[2] More recently, a biregional (SEA and WP regions) Asia-Pacific Dengue Strategic Plan (2008–2015) was developed to reverse the rising trend of dengue in the Member countries of these Regions. This has been endorsed by the Regional Committees of both the SouthEast Asia Region [resolution SEA/RC61/R5 (2008)] and the Western Pacific Region [resolution WPR/RC59/R6 (2008)]. Due to the high disease burden, dengue has become a priority area for several global organizations other than WHO, including the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Bank, and the WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), among others. In this backdrop, the 1999 Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Dengue/DHF (WHO Regional Publication, SEARO No. 29) have been revised, updated and rechristened as the “Comprehensive Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Dengue and Dengue Haemmorhagic Fever: Revised and Expanded”. These Guidelines incorporate new developments and strategies in dengue prevention and control. References [1] World Health Organization. The World Health Report 1996: fighting disease, fostering development. Geneva: WHO, 1996. p. 137. [2] World Health Organization. International Health Regulations. 2005. 2nd edn. Geneva: WHO, 2008. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 233 Book Review Progress and prospects for the use of genetically modified mosquitoes to inhibit disease transmission# Report on planning meeting 1 Technical consultation on current status and planning for future development of genetically modified mosquitoes for malaria and dengue control World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 4-6 May 2009 The use of genetically modified mosquitoes (GMMs) for disease control has social, economic and ethical implications, so it is important that the World Health Organization (WHO) and its partners provide guidance to countries on these issues. In collaboration with the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH), TDR has developed a series of planning meetings on Progress and prospects for the use of genetically modified mosquitoes to inhibit disease transmission. These technical and public consultations will focus on current status and planning for future development. The first technical consultation on genetically modified mosquitoes for malaria and dengue control was held at WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland in May 2009. The meeting was attended by 38 scientists and specialists from 13 countries. Its main objectives were to update participants about progress made; to identify issues, challenges and needs; and to make recommendations on how to develop internationally acceptable guidance principles for GMM testing. Discussions focused on the requirements for safety and efficacy testing for human health and the environment, on selection of locations and conditions appropriate for field testing (including regulatory requirements and community engagement) and on needs for communication with end-users and stakeholders. This report summarizes the issues covered and outlines the meeting outcomes. It highlights progress made and recommends how to address the issues, challenges and needs identified during the meeting. GMM approaches under active investigation for control of malaria and dengue transmission were reviewed. These include : 1) population suppression, defined as reducing numbers of diseasetransmitting mosquitoes without affecting the transmission capability of remaining individuals (e.g. through individual sterility); and 2) use of transmission-inhibited populations, in which Aedes and Anopheles populations have a high proportion that are unable to transmit malaria-causing or dengue-causing pathogens because of population gene replacement. Much progress has been made in recent years, and several of these strategies have achieved proof-of-principle in laboratory studies. A GMM version of the sterile insect technique (SIT) for Aedes aegypti is moving to caged field trials, and a GMM version of SIT for Anopheles gambiae may progress to caged field trials in coming years. Other GMM # 234 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Progress and prospects for the use of genetically modified mosquitoes to inhibit disease transmission strategies, including self-sustaining technologies to achieve long-term transmission control, are anticipated to advance to field testing in the near future. To update participants on alternative (non-GMM) approaches, speakers involved in developing such technologies were invited to review the progress of two biocontrol methods. Classical radiation-induced SIT for Anopheles arabiensis is expected to enter open field trials soon, and Wolbachiamediated biocontrol of Aedes aegypti is already undergoing caged field testing. Approaches to testing and evaluation of these alternative non-GMM technologies may help efforts to develop GMM technologies, since they share common aspects with regard to rearing and releasing mosquitoes as well as with regard to monitoring efficacy. While various GMM development approaches share some issues, they also present different challenges specific to individual products and applications. This consultation addressed practical and technical issues related to the testing of GMM technologies. Although aspects of GMM development and deployment may be governed by established national and international guidelines, regulations and laws regarding recombinant DNA, biological safety, biocontrol and/or pesticides, some features of the envisioned technologies fall outside of existing regulatory schemes. Thus, guidance principles for safety and efficacy testing are needed urgently for when GMM products move from the laboratory to the field. The main recommendation of the technical consultation meeting was that a working group be charged to produce a guidance framework for the evaluation of GMM for malaria and dengue control. Based on existing literature, regulations and experience, the working group will propose quality standards for assessing safety and efficacy. It will also address ethical, legal, social and cultural issues during the design, conduct, recording and reporting of all phases of GMM field trials prior to deployment. The guidance framework is intended to foster standardization of procedures, comparability of results and credibility of conclusions with regard to independent testing (without conflicts of interest) of various GMM strategies. Compliance with the principles proposed in the GMM guidance framework document should assure that technical and ethical standards have been adhered to within trials, and thus facilitate countries’ decisionmaking regarding GMM as a public health tool for malaria and dengue control. Included in the main recommendation of the meeting is the development of a communication plan that promotes transparency of the processes used to produce, regulate and use GMM. As part of this plan, an open review activity should be designed and implemented to make the deliberations and decisions of the working group available for comment by scientists, officials, non-governmental organizations, the media and other interested persons and agencies. A guidance framework working group has been established and it is anticipated that it will complete its activities within the next year and that a public consultation meeting would be organized thereafter. Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 235 Book Review Action against dengue: Dengue Day campaigns across Asia# Dengue continues to pose a threat to public health in the South-East Region and the Western Pacific regions. This threat has been recognized by countries of both the regions, which have taken action to protect their populations. National leaders also have acknowledged that they must act regionally in order to protect people within their own borders. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the World Health Organization have formed an effective alliance to achieve a shared goal: a healthy and secure population. One clear sign of this cooperation was seen on 15 June 2011. ASEAN Health Ministers declared that day—and each subsequent 15 June—to be ASEAN Dengue Day. This important annual event allows ASEAN members, in coordination with WHO, to consolidate dengue prevention and control measures. ASEAN Member States ought to be congratulated for marking the successful launch of ASEAN Dengue Day and for affirming the regional partnership needed to address dengue. This book highlights some of the national and regional events that took place on 15 June 2011 to mark the launching of the first ASEAN Dengue Day. # 236 Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Book Review Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) and dengue fever, Pakistan Weekly epidemiological record# No. 44, 2010, 85, 437–444 As of 15 October 2010, 26 cases of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF), including 3 deaths, had been notified by the national focal point for the International Health Regulations, Ministry of Health (MoH), Pakistan. In addition, Pakistan had reported >1500 laboratoryconfirmed cases of dengue fever, including 15 deaths. Both CCHF and dengue fever are endemic in Pakistan with a seasonal rise in numbers of cases. However, recently the transmission of both CCHF and dengue fever has intensified in the country with increased incidence and geographic expansion. The recent Pakistan floods may have contributed to this upsurge as a result of changes in risk factors for these diseases. Operational response The MoH has scaled up response activities to prevent and mitigate CCHF and dengue fever, including awareness-raising campaigns on exposure risks and preventive measures for the general public, strengthening clinical and case management of patients with haemorrhagic fevers, stockpiling appropriate drugs and personal protective equipment, and implementing targeted vector control activities. At the request of the MoH of Pakistan, WHO is mobilizing experts in the clinical management of severe dengue fever and in infection control in health-care settings through the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN). WHO is also assisting the country with resource mobilization, strengthening disease surveillance, laboratory diagnostics, and training of healthcare providers. Further information can be found at html and # Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 237 Instructions for contributors Dengue Bulletin welcomes all original research papers, short notes, review articles, letters to the Editor and book reviews which have a direct or indirect bearing on dengue fever/ dengue haemorrhagic fever prevention and control, including case management. Papers should not contain any political statement or reference. Manuscripts should be typewritten in English in double space on one side of white A4-size paper, with a margin of at least one inch on either side of the text and should not exceed 15 pages. The title should be as short as possible. The name of the author(s) should appear after the title, followed by the name of the institution and complete address. The e-mail address of the corresponding author should also be included and indicated accordingly. References to published works should be listed on a separate page at the end of the paper. References to periodicals should include the following elements: name and initials of author(s); title of paper or book in its original language; complete name of the journal, publishing house or institution concerned; and volume and issue number, relevant pages and date of publication, and place of publication (city and country). References should appear in the text in the same numerical order (Arabic numbers in parenthesis) as at the end of the article. For example: (1) Nimmannitaya S. Clinical spectrum and management of dengue haemorrhagic fever. The Proceedings of the International Conference on Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever, Kuala Lumpur, September 1-3, 1983:16-26. 238 (2) Gubler DJ. Dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever: Its history and resurgence as a global public health problem. In: Gubler DJ, Kuno G (ed.), Dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever. CAB International, New York, NY, 1997, 1-22. (3) Nguyen Trong Lan, Nguyen Thanh Hung, Do Quang Ha, Bui Thi Mai Phuong, Le Bich Lien, Luong Anh Tuan, Vu Thi Que Huong, Lu Thi Minh Hieu, Tieu Ngoc Tran, Le Thi Cam and Nguyen Anh Tuan. Treatment of dengue haemorrhagic fever at Children’s Hospital N.1, Ho Chi Minh City, 1991-1996. Dengue Bulletin. 1997; 22: 150-161. Figures and tables (Arabic numerals), with appropriate captions and titles, should be included on separate pages, numbered consecutively, and included at the end of the text with instructions as to where they belong. Abbreviations should be avoided or explained at the first mention. Graphs or figures should be clearly drawn and properly labelled, preferably using MS Excel, and all data clearly identified. Articles should include a self-explanatory abstract at the beginning of the paper of not more than 300 words explaining the need/ gap in knowledge and stating very briefly the area and period of study. The outcome of the research should be complete, concise and focused, conveying the conclusions in totality. Appropriate keywords and a running title should also be provided. Articles submitted for publication should be accompanied by a statement that they have not already been published, and, if accepted Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Instructions for contributors for publication in the Bulletin, will not be submitted for publication elsewhere without the agreement of WHO, and that the right of republication in any form is reserved by the WHO Regional Offices for South-East Asia (SEARO) and the Western Pacific (WPRO). One hard copy of the manuscript with original and clear figures/tables and a computer diskette/CD-ROM indicating the name of the software should be submitted to: The Editor Dengue Bulletin WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia Indraprastha Estate Mahatma Gandhi Road New Delhi 110002, India Telephone: 91-11-23370804 Fax: 91-11-23379507, 23370972 E-mail: Dengue Bulletin – Volume 35, 2011 Manuscripts received for publication are subjected to in-house review by professional experts and are peer-reviewed by experts in the respective disciplines. Papers are accepted on the understanding that they are subject to editorial revision, including, where necessary, condensation of the text and omission of tabular and illustrative material. Original copies of articles submitted for publication will not be returned. The principal author will receive 10 reprints of the article published in the Bulletin. A pdf file can be supplied on request. 239 ISSN 0250-8362 The WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia, in collaboration with the Western Pacific Region, has been jointly publishing the annual Dengue Bulletin. Dengue Bulletin The objective of the Bulletin is to disseminate updated information on the current status of DF/DHF infection, changing epidemiological patterns, new attempted control strategies, clinical management, information about circulating DENV strains and all other related aspects. The Bulletin also accepts review articles, short notes, book reviews and letters to the editor on DF/DHF-related subjects. Proceedings of national/international meetings for information of research workers and programme managers are also published. All manuscripts received for publication are subjected to in-house review by professional experts and are peer-reviewed by international experts in the respective disciplines. Volume 35, December 2011 South-East Asia Region Western Pacific Region Dengue Bulletin South-East Asia Region I S S N 0250- 8362 Volume 35, December 2011 Western Pacific Region
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