T he Dedica ted Diva - To Parent Directory


T he Dedica ted Diva - To Parent Directory
The Dedicated Diva
www.ExpressGayNews.com • January 20, 2003 Q1
Pepper MaShay: Dedicated Diva
From Clubs to Benefits, this Diva Is Determined to Make a Difference
By Mary Damiano
Arts & Entertainment Editor
The word diva has gotten a bad rap in
recent years and has come to mean a
whiny, bitchy singer who puts herself on
a pedestal.
While her website describes her as an
international dance diva, for Pepper
Mashay, diva is not a four-letter word.
“With me, it means a level of
professionalism,” she says. “I take pride
in my work. I take pride in being able to do
an honest day’s show so that people feel
they got double or triple their money’s
When talking with MaShay, the first
thing you notice is her genuine, caring
demeanor. Her conversation is laced with
endearments, and when she asks how you
are, it’s not a rote question—she really
wants to know.
That kind of generosity has always
been apparent in MaShay’s career, from
her one-on-one rapport with her fans to
her work with different AIDS
organizations. MaShay is not your typical
diva—she’s a diva who makes a difference.
New Record, New Life
MaShay’s new record, I Can’t Stop,
was released Jan. 14. She’s been
performing the song since last March.
Response to the song was excellent and
late last year, she found a label for the hit.
With I Can’t Stop, MaShay also made
her first music video, which was directed
by Chi Chi Larue. “Chi Chi made
it really easy for me and really
comfortable,” she says. “All I
had to do was show up, bring
my clothes and be pampered all
day.” The video also features
some of MaShay’s friends,
about half a dozen gorgeous
The video features a
swinging bed decked out with
luxurious pink bedding from
the infamous Bobby Trendy,
the designer who outfitted
Anna Nicole Smith’s on-screen
home. “I call it the Pink and
Boys video,” MaShay says.
“I’ve got plenty of pink and
luscious boys all in the video.”
Pink is a big color for MaShay.
She attended a show one night
by impersonator Jimmy James,
who presented her with the hot
pink wig she’s been sporting
I Can’t Stop is being built
Pepper MaShay’s new record, ‘I Can’t Stop,’ was released Jan. 14. She’s been performing the song
up as MaShay’s breakout hit.
since last March. Response to the song was excellent, and late last year, a label picked up the hit.
While she’s been a club
favorite for years, MaShay
wants to take her career to the next level. about longevity, because her career has Sheena Easton, to name a few.
“They’re going to go more toward radio spanned years of music, television and
MaShay built her career while raising
with this record,” she says. “When you’re film work. In addition to her own records her two sons, now ages 23 and 28. Her
looking for a career with longevity, you and club performances, she has done music played second fiddle to her marriage
want to get the product to the marketplace background vocals for Bobby Caldwell, and family. She left her marriage several
to be sold instead of just handed out.”
Cher, Celine Dion, Tina Turner, Mick years ago to pursue her career, but when
It’s odd to hear Pepper MaShay talk Jagger, The Wallflowers, Ray Charles and
See PEPPER on next page
Q2 • www.ExpressGayNews.com • January 20, 2003
Miami International Film Festival Celebrates 20 Years
Films Announced for February Event
By Mary Damiano
Arts & Entertainment Editor
One thing South Florida will never have
a shortage of is film festivals. The Miami
International Film Festival (MIFF) has
announced the films and festivities for the
10-day festival, which runs from Feb. 21 to
March 2 at various venues throughout Miami.
At a Jan. 14 press conference announcing
the films for MIFF, the festival’s new director,
Nicole Guillemet, was also introduced. Before
taking the reins of the MIFF, Guillemet was the
co-director of the Sundance Film Festival and
also served as vice president of the Sundance
Institute, overseeing the Institute’s programs
and operations.
This is a big year for the MIFF—it’s
celebrating its 20th year of bringing quality
film to South Florida. The 2003 program
features 64 films, many of them premieres,
with several films of special interest to the
gay community.
The films at MIFF fall into several
categories. The premiere films are those that
already have distributors and will be released
in theaters at a later date. MIFF features 10
U.S. premieres and 12 North American
premieres, including The Dancer Upstairs,
the directorial debut of actor John Malkovich.
Official selections are films representing
the best in international cinema. Neither the
premieres nor the “Official Selections”
Cruising for Dollars
Tom Cruise Wins Defamation Case
Tom Cruise won a $10 million defamation
judgment against a porn actor who was
accused of telling the French magazine
Actustar that he had had a gay affair with the
actor, Cruise’s attorney said. Chad Slater,
whose stage name was Kyle Bradford, had
said previously that he had never met Cruise
and defaulted on the $100 million lawsuit in
August 2001. “I hope by defaulting, Mr.
Cruise will finally get what he is after, and I
can finally start to put my life back in order,”
Slater said in a statement at the time.
The default motion did not indicate that
Slater had admitted wrongdoing but was an
acknowledgment that he did not have the
money to fight the lawsuit and would not
contest it. Slater, who has made a series of
porn films and gay-themed wrestling videos,
could not be located for comment
Wednesday. The $10 million judgment was
decided in late December, according to
Ricardo Cestero, an attorney for Cruise.
”We don’t have any idea whether he’ll
ever have means to pay, but we’ve obtained
PEPPER from previous page
work grew scarce, she landed a non-music
industry job. She kept moonlighting as a
performer, playing all over the world. Two
years ago, her employer told her she had
to make a choice between the job and the
music, because each one was suffering.
She chose her music and left the job.
Pepper for the People
Pepper MaShay loves being an icon
in the gay community, and her motherly
instincts come out when she talks about
her club fans, referring to them as “my
kids.” She is grateful for the respect and
support they’ve given her over the years
and relishes personal contact with her
fans, often spending an hour or two at her
shows signing autographs.
“I care about the individual person and
what matters to them in their lives,” she
says. “I’ve gotten into the pattern of being
a caretaker for my kids, because there are
a lot of hurt people out there and no one is
being responsible for their needs and
talking to them.”
MaShay was first asked to do a benefit
for AIDS Project L.A. in 2000. Now, she
donates her time and does several benefits
each month for AIDS organizations, and
she is a popular figure at gay pride events.
Next month, she’ll appear at the Bear to
Make a Difference event in Denver,
Colorado, to benefit the Matthew Shepard
“My main goal is to spread the word
of AIDS,” she says. “We need to be more
diligent, and while we’re funding the
program to get a vaccine, we must also
compete for festival awards.
Competition Films are those dramas
and documentaries by first- or secondtime directors that are eligible for the
Grand Jury Prize and the Audience
Award. These films make up the
bulk of the festival.
There are also Special
Screenings of animated films, shorts
and documentaries.
There will also be free screenings of
popular films, including Victor/Victoria and
Hairspray at Nikki Beach Club, at Penrod’s
on South Beach.
Films of special interest to the gay
community include Benzina, an Italian film
exploring the relationship of two young
women; Laurel Canyon, a comedy from Lisa
Cholodenko, who directed the highly
acclaimed High Art; Video de la Familia, by
Cuban filmmaker Humberto Padron, a fastpaced family drama; The Education of Gore
Vidal, a documentary about the literary icon,
directed by Deborah Dickson, whose last film
was the very popular Ruthie & Connie; and
Madame Sata, a dramatization of the life of
Brazilian drag queen Joao Francisco.
There will also be a special presentation
of Pandemic: Facing AIDS, a documentary
by Rory Kennedy, detailing the personal
stories of individuals in Russia, Brazil, India,
Thailand and Uganda.
The opening night gala features the film
The Other Side of the Bed, followed by a
party at Vizcaya. The closing night film is Jet
Lag, and will be followed by a street party
right outside Gusman Center.
In addition to the Gusman Center, films
will screen at the Regal South Beach Cinema
18, Sunrise Intracoastal Cinema in North
Miami and the Nikki Beach Club.
Tickets go on sale to the public Feb. 3 at
the main festival box office, located at The
Pink Palm Company, 737 Lincoln Road, or
through Ticketmaster. Tickets for screenings
at Gusman can be purchased at the theater’s
box office.
At the press conference, Guillemet said
she was impressed with the enthusiasm for
film in Miami, and impressed with the Olympia
Theatre at Gusman Center, the theater that
will host two festival screenings each night,
including the opening and closing night
films. “Very few cities still have the luxury of
having a theater of that size and that beauty,”
she said.
Guillemet also shared her philosophy of
programming a film festival: “Programming
is not about what I like. It’s about what I
want to give.”
For more information about the Miami
International Film Festival, call
305.348.5555 or visit miamifilmfestival.com.
Tom Cruise
the judgment, which, hopefully, will make it
clear that demeaning Mr. Cruise will not be a
successful endeavor,” Cestero said
Wednesday. Cruise plans to donate to charity
any money he receives from the judgment,
Cestero added.
encourage self-awareness, and people
taking care of themselves. I call it sexual
responsibility, because that’s what we
need to take care of each other.”
For MaShay, her career and her work
for various AIDS organizations go hand
in hand, and she believes in the
importance of giving back to the
community that supports her.
“You’ve got to make sure that you’re
career comes from a place of integrity and
make sure that you help people, and not
just use them in order to build your career,”
she says. “This career of mine is a blessing
that was given to me, and it’s not only
about touching my kids out there in my
audience. I feel that I can do an even better
thing by giving of my time to help the
powers that be to move these programs
along, especially when it comes to treating
people fairly. You’re not supposed to be
outcast alongside of being sick.”
Woman on the Verge
These days, MaShay is a busy
woman. Her sons live with her, along with
her baby grandchild, in the San Fernando
Valley, California. She’s just returned from
a trip to Switzerland, where she met with
producers about making an album. But her
main focus is her career, which is finally
taking center stage after taking a back seat
to her other responsibilities. MaShay is a
woman on the verge of 50, and set on
carving out the career she always dreamed
“I’ve raised two sons, I was a good
wife and mother, I put everything on the
back burner,” she says. “Now it’s my time.”
www.ExpressGayNews.com • January 20, 2003 Q3
The Hours Is Well Worth the Time
Streep, Moore and Kidman Deliver Stunning Performances
By Mary Damiano
Arts & Entertainment Editor
They might as well just give out the
Oscars now. The Hours is every bit as
moving and brilliant as all those critics,
commercials and ads say it is. The
performances, script and editing of this
film are sure to garner the gold.
The Hours, based on the Pulitzer Prizewinning novel by Michael Cunningham,
is an unusual film—three separate stories
of three women in three different eras. Each
story spans one day in each woman’s life,
but in many ways, it’s a life lived in a day.
The thing that joins these stories
together is the Virginia Woolf novel, Mrs.
Dalloway, which chronicles the day on
which Clarissa Dalloway, a society matron,
is throwing a lavish party.
In The Hours, we meet Woolf in 1923
England, on the day she begins writing
Mrs. Dalloway. We also meet Laura Brown,
a pregnant housewife in 1951 Los Angeles,
on the day she is preparing a cake for her
husband’s birthday. And we meet Clarissa
Vaughan, a wealthy editor in 1991 New
York, on the day she is throwing a party
for her best friend Richard, an awardwinning poet who’s dying of AIDS.
It’s said that reading is an interactive
exercise between the writer and reader, and
that idea is examined in The Hours. Virginia
is writing Mrs. Dalloway, Laura is reading
Mrs. Dalloway, and Clarissa is Mrs.
Dalloway, having been given the nickname
by Richard. With these three women, the
circle of writer, reader and character is
The Hours is seemless. Director
Stephen Daldry and his editor, Peter
Boyle II, have created a film in which
segues are perfect, there are no jarring
shifts and never an opportunity to be
The performances are nuanced,
especially by the three lead actresses, who
disappear into their roles. Watching these
women is a film lover’s feast, because they
show what great acting is all about.
unrecognizable as Woolf, and she portrays
‘Hedwig’ Is Hair-Raising, Musical Sensation
An Inch Goes a Mile in Off-Broadway Show at Level
By Andy Zeffer
Features Editor
Hedwig and The Angry Inch took the New
York Theater world by storm a few years back
with its unusual story line and searing rock
numbers. Now it comes to Level in South
Beach, an appropriate setting considering the
show began its incarnation at Squeezebox, the
edgy and avant-garde rock club. Told entirely
on stage with Hedwig, her band The Angry
Inch, and androgynous sidekick Yitzak, the
show is no small feat to carry off.
The show rests largely on the shoulders
of Dean Swann, who plays Hedwig. Swann
carries off the part with equal doses of humor
and tragedy. The role is a grueling one,
requiring much audience interaction and
adlibbing. Swann hardly leaves stage
throughout the performance, as Hedwig tells
her tragic tale between musical numbers. While
engaging and energetic, Swann can stand to
pick up the pace, especially at the beginning
of the show. At times he tends to ramble on a
bit much, as well as sip too frequently from a
Q4 • www.ExpressGayNews.com • January 20, 2003
the writer’s torment beautifully. Julianne
Moore is equally brilliant as Laura Brown,
a woman trying desperately but
unsuccessfully to fit into the American
dream. Moore’s performance is especially
incredible because while it is of the same
era as her winning turn in Far From
Heaven, the two women are worlds apart.
Meryl Streep is superb as Clarissa
Vaughan, a born controller and caretaker,
who buries herself in taking care of Richard
so she doesn’t have to face the fact that
her own relationship with her partner,
Sally, is in trouble.
Ed Harris is real and poignant as
Richard, a tortured man who believes he’s
staying alive for all the wrong reasons.
As Sally, Allison Janney adds some muchneeded comic relief.
The attention to detail is stunning.
The look of the film changes to fit the era
of each woman. Philip Glass’s music
underscores the exquisite stillness of the film.
The Hours is nothing short of a
bottle of beer. The audience understands
Hedwig is down and out, how the character
got to this point needs to unfold more quickly.
Otherwise, Swann displays a
comfortable stage presence and beautiful
voice needed to perform the brilliant musical
numbers. He rocks the house with the ripping
opening number “Tear Me Down” and
penetrates the soul with two especially
beautiful songs, “The Origin of Love” and
“Wicked Little Town.”
He gets plenty of help from Lori Nuti as
Yitzak, his strange foreign sidekick. Bearded
up and covered in unattractive androgynous
wardrobe, listening to her pristine vocals while
she appears as a cross between a gnome and a
dwarf is somewhat strange. Nuti shows a great
comic sense as well when throwing gummy
bears at the audience or lugging around
Hedwig’s portable pay phone. Audience
members get a treat at the end when Nuti
appears out of costume to reveal her true
bronzed and stunning good looks. You’d
hardly believe it was the same person.
The back-up band is superb, displaying
great musical talent and perfect rock and roll
personas. Special mention should be given
to the bass guitarist (and, as Hedwig points
out, “Lenny Kravitz look-a like”), who sings
a solo to great success.
All in all, the cast does a great job, and
Hedwig and The Angry Inch proves itself an
exhilarating rock and roll classic. Audiences
should go with an open mind to its bizarre
story line and club gig presentation. But with
her larger-than-life platinum blond wig and
bedazzled Sergio Vallente gown in tow, what
better venue for Hedwig to entertain than
Washington Avenue?
Hedwig and The Angry Inch runs through
Feb. 22 at Level, 1235 Washington Ave. in
Miami Beach. Tickets may be purchased
www.ticketweb.com or by calling
800.965.4827. Groups of 10 or more can
enjoy a special discount of 10 percent off the
ticket price by calling Kay Peters at
Kylie Is Feverish Over Fashion
Diva’s DVD Is All About the Outfits
By Mary Damiano
Arts & Entertainment Editor
Fans of Australian pop sensation should
be in heaven with the singer’s new DVD, Kylie
Minogue—Fever 2002, a highly-stylized trip
that showcases Kylie’s love of overblown
outfits and overwrought production.
Really, the music seems just a reason
for Kylie to wear her fab but bizarre costumes.
She’s like a one-woman fashion show, which
is really how the concert is arranged.
The concert, shot live in Manchester,
begins with Kylie making her entrance
encased in a Metropolis-style Iron Maiden
outfit. The contraption opens, and Kylie
emerges, decked out in her aluminum foillike ensemble—thigh-high boots, a micro mini
skirt, bikini top, arm bands and a wide collar
around her neck.
Much of the concert’s emphasis in this
portion is on her back-up dancers, and I found
myself spending more time wondering how
they could dance in their odd, face-covering,
head-to-toe encased costumes, which came
complete with helmets.
Then there’s her salute to A Clockwork
Orange, with Kylie and her dancers decked
out in the same sort of black and white duds
that Alex and his droogs sported in the
Kylie must be quite a movie fan,
because she also does her little salute
to The Crying Game, singing the classic
title song. In a longshot, the dress looks
elegant, but when the camera gets closer,
we see that it’s actually the kind of thing
a dominatrix might wear to a dinner party
if she were trying to make a good
Then there’s Kylie’s street-style
section, in which the sistah returns to
the ’hood. (One wonders what kind of
hood they have in Australia.) For this
segment, our little fashion plate wears
uniform pants, a white mesh tank with
obligatory black bra underneath, black
suspenders and a red hat. She even
dallies with a jump rope, a sure sign of
street smarts.
For Locomotion, her first big hit,
Kylie gets down in a pink and black lace merry
widow, proving that she really is a fetishist’s
dream come true.
Kylie gyrates through song after song,
concluding with her big hit, “Can’t Get You
Out of My Head.” For this one, she poses in
NBC Picks Up Ellen
DeGeneres Talk Show
By Ari Bendersky
While the country
lost one lesbian daytime
talk show host in 2002,
television viewers can
look forward to another
taking her place this
NBC announced
on Tuesday it had
picked up The Ellen
DeGeneres Show, an
hour-long syndicated
talk show that will air
five days a week, in all
14 NBC-owned and operated stations in 30
percent of the country.
The show, set to debut
this fall, will feature
DeGeneres interviewing
celebrities and pop
culture newsmakers, as
well as stirring things up
with her piercing wit.
“What’s great about Ellen hosting is
that she’s being Ellen DeGeneres. She’s not
a character like Ellen Morgan [on Ellen],
which frankly is going to lead to a big
success,” said Scott Seomin, entertainment
media director for the Gay & Lesbian
Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).
“She’s best in front of a microphone being
Ellen and giving her skewed rambling
observations on life and relationships.”
Unlike Rosie O’Donnell or Charles
Perez (of The Charles Perez Show and
American Journal), who were not out when
their talk shows launched, DeGeneres will
be the first talk show host to be openly gay
at the launch of a show, according to
“Ellen is easily the most recognizable
lesbian in this country. The viewers at home
know they’re watching a lesbian,” Seomin
said. “She doesn’t have to talk about her
girlfriend or sex life. She’s not threatening.
Men and women, both gay and straight,
like her.”
her own little menswear concoction—
bulging white cargo pants, white vest and
white fedora. She completes the outfit with
one huge silver hoop earring and several
adorable braids.
The DVD includes a documentary, a
behind-the-scenes look at the star and her
show. While Kylie does have a lilting, growson-you kind of vocal prowess, the poor thing
can’t dance. That fact does not keep her from
trying. Her moves are neither fluid nor
graceful. Most of the time she looks like she
going through the exercises a dancer does
to get ready to dance.
But that’s our Kylie—looking good and
merely going through the motions.
Courtesy of www.ellen-degeneres.com
Premiering this fall, The Ellen
DeGeneres Show will hit major cities
including New York, Chicago, Philadelphia,
Los Angeles, San Francisco and Miami.
Other smaller markets that will air
DeGeneres’s new show include Columbus,
Ohio; Birmingham, Alabama; and Raleigh,
North Carolina.
“Ellen is as big of a name and, more
importantly, as big of a talent as syndicated
television has seen hit the airwaves in a
very, very long time,” said Dick Robertson,
president, Warner Bros. Domestic
Television Distribution.
While DeGeneres bristled many
conservative American viewers back in 1997
when she publicly came out on her selftitled sitcom, things may be different now.
“I think this is a different time. There
was a Birmingham affiliate that didn’t air an
Ellen episode, but I believe we’re in a very
different place,” Seomin said. “She’s so
nonthreatening and likable. If there are
affiliates that won’t carry her because she’s
a lesbian, they’ll have GLAAD to deal with.”
www.ExpressGayNews.com • January 20, 2003 Q5
www.ExpressGayNews.com • January 20, 2003 Q7
tick, tick...BOOM! Explodes on Stage
Musical Explores Life of Creator of ‘Rent’
By Mary Damiano
Arts & Entertainment Editor
Some women hear a biological clock
ticking. tick, tick...BOOM!, the musical
currently playing at Parker Playhouse in Fort
Lauderdale, centers on a young man who
hears his professional clock ticking.
The plot centers on Jonathan, a 29-yearold composer and lyricist whose dream is to
fuse rock and roll with musical theater to
create something for his generation. As the
play opens, he’s been unsuccessful, and has
spent more time waiting tables than plying
his art.
Jonathan’s crisis is that he’s at the
crossroads of his life. He’s about to turn 30,
and all around him, people are telling him to
give up the dream, grow up and settle into
real life. His best friend gave up acting to
become a successful market researcher, his
girlfriend wants to move to Cape Cod and
start a family—and even Jonathan is torn
between his art and the real world. The tick,
tick...BOOM! is the sound Jonathan hears in
his head—time is running out, and he’s afraid
everything is going to explode in his face.
Jonathan Larsen wrote tick,
tick...BOOM! as an autobiographical oneman show years before he wrote Rent. It
was retooled a few years ago into its current
incarnation, and provides a nice bit of
background on Larsen, as it delves into the
mind of the man celebrated as the genius
who changed musical theater.
The anxiety Jonathan feels about
turning 30 and the ticking he hears are all the
more poignant because Larsen died suddenly
when he was 35, shortly before Rent opened.
The staging is very Rent-like, sparse,
with a rock band overhead. The music is
Q8 • www.ExpressGayNews.com • January 20, 2003
best when it stays on course
and furthers the play, like the
opening number, “30/90,” or
the amusing “Therapy.” It
falters with throwaways like
“Sugar” and “Green Green
Christian Campbell is
likable as Jonathan. He does
well with both the ballads and
the rock songs, and moves
about the stage with much
agility. While Campbell plays
one character, supporting
cast Wilson Cruz and Nicole
Ruth Snelson both get to
show a lot of versatility by
portraying a litany of
Jonathan’s agent, his parents
and snooty restaurant
tick, tick...BOOM! is a
joyous show about the
choices we make regarding
our dreams.
tick, tick...BOOM! runs
through Feb. 2 at Parker
Lauderdale. The show then
moves to the Royal Poinciana
Playhouse in West Palm Beach
and runs from Feb. 4 to Feb.
16. Showtimes are Tuesday
through Sunday, 8pm,
Wednesday, Saturday and
Sunday, 2pm. Tickets are $52
and $54 and are available at
the theater box office or
through Ticketmaster.
Monday, January 20: Estate Planning for
Unmarried Couples – This workshop provides
unmarried couples with valuable estate and financial
planning information. Qualifying attendees receive
a complimentary Basic Estate Planning Analysis.
6:30 – 8pm at Morgan Stanley, Conference Room,
2400 E. Commercial Boulevard, Suite #1200. All
are welcome, reservations requested. Please call
Stephanie Small: 954.267.5672.
Tuesday, January 21: Behind-the-Scenes
– The Florida Grand Opera offers a behind-thescenes tour of Salome followed by a cocktail
reception. Free. 5:30pm at Josephine S. Leiser
Opera Center Lobby, 221 AW 3 rd Avenue, Fort
Lauderdale. 954.728.9700, ext. 235.
Friday, January 24: Ann Bannon – The
Queen of Lesbian pulp fiction will be at Stonewall
Library and Archives at 7pm. For further
information call the Library’s info-line:
Friday – Sunday, January 24 – 26: 26 th
Annual Miami National Antiques Show & Sale
– More than 400 international antiques dealers will
convene at the Radisson Expo Centre, 777 NW
72nd Avenue. Friday, noon – 9pm, Saturday, noon –
8pm and Sunday noon – 6pm. $10/all-weekend
admission. For information prior to the show:
954.563.6747. For information during the
Saturday, January 25: Race for the Cure
– The 12 th annual Breast Cancer Walk and Run
raises money for education, screening, research and
treatment programs. Entry fees vary. For
registration forms, call 561.841.4153.
Saturday, January 25: Saber Bar Night
Benefit - Saber M.C.’s monthly bar night is at the
Fort Lauderdale Eagle, 1951 Powerline Road (N.W.
9th Avenue) at 10pm. The Bar Night will be a benefit
to help our Club Brother, Jose, attend the
International Mr. Leather Bootblack Competition
in Chicago. For more information contact Saber at
954.424.8449 and leave a message for Jesse.
Sunday, January 26: Historic Hollywood
Walking Tour - Join the Historical Museum of
Southern Florida’s historian, Dr. Paul George, as
you learn about this historic community developed
by Joseph Young from one square mile of mangrove
swamp. 305.375.1621. 10am-12pm.
Sunday, January 26: The Lincoln Road
Antique & Collectable Mall - This annual event
features local merchants and dealers from Europe
and South America. 8am – 5pm at the Lincoln Road
Mall, 400 Block of Lincoln Road, Miami Beach.
(Continues 2 nd & 4 th Sundays through May 11.)
Information: 305.673.4991.
Saturday, February 1: Tim Dorsey - Annual
book and author luncheon will be held at 10am at
the Riverside Hotel, 620 E. Las Olas Boulevard,
Fort Lauderdale. Author Tim Dorsey will review his
fifth and latest book, The Stingray Shuffle. $30 per
person. For reservations, call 954.764.6366 or
954.525.5107 by January 28.
Friday, January 24: The Little Engine that
Could - This delightful musical is performed by the
Arts Power National Touring Theatre. Includes a
free study guide. 10 & 11:30am at the Broward
Center for the Performing Arts, 201 Southwest Fifth
Avenue. 954.462.0222.
Live Theatre and Dance
Through January 26: Pastrami On Rye - A
kosher delicatessen in Hell serves as the setting for Evan
Mandery’s hilarious and thought-provoking rumination:
“What if all religions are wrong about what God really
wants?” Tickets: $20, $10/student ID. Fridays &
Saturdays at 8pm and Sundays at 2pm at the Fort
Lauderdale Children’s Theatre, 640 N. Andrews Avenue
in Fort Lauderdale. For information and tickets call
954.427.0784, www.publictheatre.com.
Through January 26: Houseguest - A fastpaced black comedy of deceit, hypocrisy and a sharp
allegory on the dangers of power, written by this
year’s Carbonell Award winner Mario Diament. At
the Juggerknot Theatre’s new stage in Little Havana,
1165 SW 6 Street. Box office opens one hour prior
to the performance. For information call
Through February 2: Romeo and
Bernadette - In this musical By Mark Saltzman,
Shakespeare’s Romeo is reborn from an Elizabethan
stupor and stumbles upon his true love, Juliet. Her
real name, however is Bernadette and she’s the
beloved daughter of a Brooklyn mob boss. Coconut
Grove Playhouse Main Stage, 3500 Main Highway,
Coconut Grove. 305.442.2662.
Through February 9: Addicted: A Comedy
of Substance – This one-man-show is at the Coconut
Grove Playhouse, 3500 Main Highway, Miami. For
information and tickets call 305.442.4000 or
Tuesday, January 21 - February 13:
Mamaleh! - Mamaleh! follows the mishegoss and
memories of Jewish-American women in a tuneful
and toe-tapping style. Hollywood Plalyhouse, 2640
Washington Street, Hollywood. 954.922.0404.
Symphony Orchestra - Celebrating its 65th year,
the JSO is the oldest and most important musical
organization in the Israeli capital. 8pm at the
Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201
Southwest Fifth Avenue. 954.462.0222.
Tuesday, January 21: Kitt Heffner & Her
All Stars - Swing & Jazz concert. 7:30pm at Spanish
River Church, 2400 NW Yamato Road, Boca Raton.
561.994.5000 or 561.499.9976.
Wednesday, January 22: The Jump Street
88s – Jump, Blues & Swing from 7 – 9pm at
Hollywood Beach Theater, located at Johnson Street
and the Broadwalk. Weather permitting. 954.
Wednesday, January 22: Coldplay – British
rock group performs at 8pm at UM Convocation
Center, 1245 Walsh Avenue, Coral Gables.
Saturday, January 25: The Florida
Philharmonic Orchestra – With the FPO Chorus
and soprano Shana Blake Hill. 8pm at the Gusman
Center for the Performing Arts, 174 E. Flagler Street,
Miami. 800.226.1812.
Sunday, January 26: Fiesta Fort
Lauderdale - A Latin jazz brunch showcasing
Hispanic culture every 4th Sunday of the month at
Riverwalk Esplanade Park, Southwest 2nd Street on
the Riverwalk in downtown Fort Lauderdale, 12 4pm. Free, complete with music, dancing, arts and
crafts, children’s area and charitable raffles.
954.527.0627 or www.fiestafortlauderdale.com.
Art Exhibitions
Through February 16: Modus Operandi –
Featuring photography by Lois Conner and Brian
Wood. Art and Culture Center, 1650 Harrison Street,
Hollywood. $5/adults, $3/students. 954.921.3274.
Through February 16: Picasso Ceramics
- A collection of 65 ceramic works done by Pablo
Picasso in Madoura, France between 1947 and 1970.
Museum of Art, 100 East Las Olas Boulevard,
Monday – Friday, January 20 – 24: A Sense
of Art - BCC resident artists share their latest
creations. 9am – 2pm at BCC Fine Arts Gallery,
3501 S.W. Davie Road, Davie. 954.475.6517.
The Norm Kent Show – Interviews and
commentary with Norm Kent, weekday mornings
at 8am on WFTL 1400 AM. The Call-In Line is
www.ExpressGayNews.com • January 20, 2003 Q9
By Woody Miller
Hey woody!
Thought you’d get a kick out of this: Court
TV is running an Enzyte commercial (you know,
the supplement you trashed a couple of
months ago in your column, the one that
promises to make your dick bigger). Some
skinny schmoe is taking Enzyte, does a flip
into the pool and loses his swimsuit. He gets
out and eyeballs start popping, from his wife
and his neighbors. Proof positive that with
enough money in America you can sell snake
oil to snakes. Quick question: Are there that
many stupid men out there?
— Wondering
here’s the best part: The Prime Minister of
Canada defended Bush by saying, “He’s not a
moron at all. “He’s my friend.”
I guess what I’m trying to say is, you’re
not a moron for asking that question; you’re
my friend. So once more, for all my readingimpaired friends: There is nothing you can do,
say, borrow, buy or steal to make your dick
bigger. If you’d concentrate on the pleasures
of sex rather than its dimensions you’d be
better off. And so would I. So concentrate,
Hey, woody!
It hurts to pee. Sometimes I can’t pee at
all. Finally, after six months, the doctor
diagnosed me with prostatodynia. He’s tried
numerous antibiotics and anti-inflammatory
drugs but nothing works. Why won’t this go
away? Is there anything that can help me?
— Urine in the hot seat
Dear Wondering:
You did not just ask me if the world is
filled with stupid men. Oh, no you didn’t. I
have spent the last three years showcasing
the very best in male stupidity and this is my
return on investment?
Just to drive the point home, take a look
at the e-mail that came in the same day yours Dear Urine:
Researchers think Prostatodynia
(inflammation of the prostate gland) may
Hey, woody!
account for up to 25 percent of all doctor’s
I read your advice on Enzyte and your office visits for urinary problems. And no, a
overall thoughts on supplements to make your urinary problem is not defined as a boyfriend
dick bigger. Are you saying that nothing who won’t let you pee on him.
works? I’m not looking for anything mammoth.
Your best bet, believe it or not, may be an
I’d just like to add a little girth to my dick. anti-depressant. No, really, stay with me. A
Surely, there’s something you can recommend? recent study showed 88 percent of the men
— Just too thin
taking the anti-depressant Luvox had
improvement in urinary flow, compared with
Dear Just:
only 16 percent of men taking the placebo.
Yes, there is something I recommend.
The fact that an SSRI (a class of antiGather around everybody, because now you depressants called selective serotonin
can “MAKE YOUR DICK BIGGER THAN A reuptake inhibitors) alleviated so many of the
symptoms suggests that decreased levels of
Here’s how: Lay your penis on my desk. serotonin may trigger the condition. You know,
I’ll whack it with a hammer and BAM! the brain chemical that makes men pigs. No,
wait. That’s testosterone. Serotonin’s the one
Amazing, isn’t it? You know what’s even that makes men promiscuous. Or forgetful. Hell,
more amazing? That I’m still getting letters like with all the sex I’ve had, I can’ t remember.
this. You remind me of that hilarious story that
Great, now I’ve lost my place, just like I
came out of Canada last month. One of the did at last week’s orgy. Oh, wait, here I am. Get
Prime Minister’s top aides said this about yourself to the doctor and ask about Luvox.
George W. Bush: “He’s a moron.”
There may be some side effects, but they’ll
The opposition party wanted her fired. A probably be worth it.
newspaper ran a poll asking what the public
Need Wood? Ask woody how to
thought her fate should be. The winning
spice up your sex life. Email him
suggestion: Give the woman a promotion. But
at needwood@attbi.com
By Charlene Lichtenstein
For the week of 1/20/03
The glorious Sun escapes restrictive Capricorn and enters the unbridled
freedom of Aqueerius. Break free of your chains and get things accomplished
now. Of course I have heard that there are a few of us who prefer being tied up,
but that is another column....
Sun in Aqueerius is the time to get more involved in the group dynamic
through clubs and organizations, rainbow Ram. The question is - Will you
lead the pack or just follow along like a little doggie? Well, at least you will
do it in doggie style....
Queer Bulls may have been biting at the bit to do something spectacular in
their career. Have you put in the sweat to gain your equity? Put your
shoulder to the wheel, your nose to the grindstone and your mettle to the
petal. Such a sight!!
Pack your bags and explore the globe’s nooks and crannies when the Sun
enters Aqueerius. If money is tight, corrupt your hard drive by cruising the
internet. Now is the time to overcome your ennui and get to the bottom of
things. No names please....
Sun in Aqueerius lights your stove. As you stew in your bisque remember that
lurid passion alone cannot make a relationship. A little introspection can
help. However if you are not interested in long drawn-out meals, lurid
passion alone will do the trick!
A domesticated path beckons, you wilde beast you. Will you heed the call?
Perhaps the best use of this transit is to weigh and measure exactly what you
are looking for in a partner and see if you have it. If you have it, flaunt it.
If not, shop it around.
Your most favorite activities - work and health - are highlighted and
optimized. You can get out from under anything that life tosses you and you
will feel in top form doing it. Hmm, how about not getting out from under
and feeling that top form doing it??
Fun goes to the top of your to-do list when the jolly Sun steps into
rollicking Aqueerius. Good thing too, proud Libra: Life was getting to staid
and predictable. Now is the time to shake things up and get the old juices
going. Start squeezing, pal.
What do you have to attend to first when the Sun traverses Aqueerius?
Home, hearth and family all make demands. Before you become
overwhelmed with the size of the task, learn to divide it into bite sized
pieces. More than a mouthful is wasted anyway.
There is so much to say and not enough time to say it. Shout it Out, gay
Archer. Give your ideas free reign and put a few good thoughts on paper for
future use. Your brutal honesty will be overcome by your flair. At least
let’s hope so....
Change your personal perspective to maximize your profits, pink Cap. But
what is mere cash when you can change the entire landscape and tenor of
your life now through sacrifice, compromise and hard work. On second
thought, take the cash.
Use the next weeks to expand your vision and make necessary changes in
your life path. You are a social magnet who attracts all sorts of interesting
types. How attractive are you, Aqueerius? Get Out and about and be the judge
for yourself.
Guppies are imbued with a glorious spirituality and other worldliness now. If
your closet is still stuffed with junk, this is an excellent time to empty it
out and trash the contents. I know that there are some who are into trash but
not this pile, buster.
© 2003 MADAM LICHTENSTEIN, LLC., All Rights Reserved.For Entertainment Purposes Only. Check out her
site www.AccessNewAge.com/Stargayzer for egreetings, horoscopes and Pride jewelry. Her book “HerScopes; A
Guide To Astrology For Lesbians” from Simon & Schuster is available at bookstores and major booksites.
Q10 • www.ExpressGayNews.com • January 20, 2003
Pumping It Up with
New Album Releases
Toni Braxton: ‘More Than A Woman’
It is ironic that Toni Braxton’s latest release is titled More Than a Woman.
She came across as much more of a woman with previous hits such as “Unbreak
My Heart” and “Breathe Again.”
With this effort, Braxton is the perfect illustration of what’s wrong with the
entertainment industry these days—another beautiful and talented woman who
should be showcasing her sophistication and talent but feels either pressured or
compelled to replicate the bubblegum sounds and images of the J-Lo and Christina
types. Braxton is suffering from Mariah Carey syndrome, where one tries way
too hard to be a Lolita.
While trying to emulate a more juvenile sound, Braxton’s sultry voice is washed away by overproduced bass and
percussion. To make matters worse, by using the latest trends in mixing, the originality of the singer is completely
Most of the lyrics are inane, with indecipherable hip-hop jargon. On “Give It Back,” Braxton sounds like she
is stuttering, and her voice is so affected on the chorus it sounds like she is singing “Give Me Back.” “Hit the
Freeway” has a good enough beat, but opens with a stereotypical rap.
Slower songs like “Rock Me, Roll Me” are pleasant enough and considerably less obnoxious. “Do You
Remember When” is perhaps the best song on the album—sexy and well-sung.
Nothing stands out enough to save More Than a Woman from being just more gimmicky material. One wishes
the youth craze would go away, so that beautiful and talented women like Toni Braxton will feel confident enough to
toss aside the grotesquely low-cut jeans and bra tops for a beautiful gown and sing a well-crafted song. Braxton would
be doing herself a favor if she followed in the direction of Celine instead of Mariah.
—Andy Zeffer
Lisa Loeb: ‘Hello Lisa’
(Artemis Records)
One of Lisa Loeb’s strongest qualities is her ability to combine a cutesy exterior with real substance underneath.
Her latest CD, Hello Lisa, looks like a salute to Hello Kitty, complete with the San Rio character and cartoonish
flowers. But don’t judge a CD by its cover. The whimsical look of the CD belies the seriously good music inside.
About half the songs on Hello Lisa were first released on Cake and Pie, which was released in February of last
year. Loeb wrote many of the songs by herself, but there are also collaborations with Dweezil Zappa and powerhouse
producer Glenn Ballard. The result is a very listenable CD, filled with chick songs at their best.
“Someone You Should Know” is one of the best songs on the CD, the kind of song that instantly makes you
want to learn the lyrics so you can sing along—a sure sign of radio airplay potential. It is the song most like her hit
from a few years ago, “Stay.” “Everyday” showcases Loeb’s clever turns of phrase and features some really good
guitar and percussion work.
Hello Lisa is great commiseration music, the perfect soundtrack for when a girl needs to hang out with her
friends and moan about everything that’s wrong with her life.
—Mary Damiano
1. Lose Yourself_Eminem
2. ’03 Bonnie &Clyde_Jay Z Feat. Beyonce Knowles
3. Work It_Missy”Misdemeanor”Elliott
4. Beautiful_Christina Aguilera
5. Bump, Bump, Bump_B2K & P.Diddy
6. Game Of Love_Santana Feat. Michelle Branch
7. Die Another Day_Madonna
8. Miss You_Aaliyah
9. Jenny From The Block_Jennifer Lopez
10. Cry Me A River_Justin Timberlake
Nikki Nite Y100 • Miami 100.7
Midday’s 10am-2pm • Monday Thru Friday
www.ExpressGayNews.com • January 20, 2003 Q11
Fort Lauderdale’s New Pride Factory
For Those Seeking a Perfect Shopping and Leisure Experience
By Andy Zeffer
Features Editor
Looking to relax with a magazine and
cup of freshly brewed coffee? Or perhaps
you’d just like to kick back with a latte on
the couch and catch some Absolutely
Fabulous episodes on the big screen.
Thinking of renting a gay or lesbian video,
or meeting a group of friends while you all
chill out to live music and appreciate the
work of local artists? Maybe you need to
pick up a gift for somebody or would like to
go shopping for yourself. Forgot to check
your e-mail? Well, now you can to do it all at
one destination. The new and improved
Pride Factory.
Pride Factory’s massive expansion is
representative of how far the gay and lesbian
community has grown. The beautiful new
café and store is sure to become a major
destination for both locals and tourists alike.
With a central location at Federal Highway
and Fourth Street, the Pride Factory is within
a quick drive of The Gateway Cinema, Las
Olas, Sea Monster and Wilton Manors.
“It’s been around for six years in Fort
Lauderdale,” says manager Rocky Bowell.
“We started on Broward and then moved to
Fourth and Federal, where we have been for
four years. It has taken an enormous step.”
That big step began when Freya
Communications took over the ownership.
After first considering a renovation, the
group decided upon a major expansion.
“We took over the space next door,
which is another 2,500 square feet,” Bowell
explains. “Then we decided to theme each
section of the store.”
The result is six individually designed
bays, each selling a wide array of products
from clothing to music to novelty items. But
the most significant and impressive addition
to The Pride Factory is the sleek and urban
coffee house.
Much to do While Sipping
Your Brew
When entering the café, one gets the
feeling that they could be in the collegiate
atmospheres of Georgetown or Boston, or
among the young urban dynamic of Seattle
or the East Village. With exposed brick walls
and stained concrete floors, the place gives
off both an organic and comforting quality.
Comfortable chairs and sofas are placed at
the sides of the room while tiled tables with
stools are scattered about. Computers are
placed around a column in the middle of the
large room, where guests can get online. An
elevated section with couches surrounds a
shelves when we got it in.” Also attention
grabbing are some pillow pants by Pistol
Pete and sheik pants from Jocko that
resemble karate gear. A sale table with some
outstanding styles for half off is placed
between this bay and the last bay. Pride
Factory is worth checking out for their sales
Across the way, a bay with elevated
wood flooring and clean, crisp lines brings
the customer into yet another environment,
one of a Structure or Emperio Armani. Here
one can find the best selection of underwear,
brands such as 2(x)sist, Jocko and /Baskit/.
Hanging next to the underwear is Butchwear
for the ladies. The line, which comes from
Northern Florida, has proven to be a hit with
lesbians. The line even boasts Girly Girl
items for the gals who go for the femme look.
At the opposite side of the bay from the
underwear and Butchwear, fun and
Pride Factory manager Rocky Bowell (left) and Charly pose with surf boards
provocative apparel hang such as
jockstraps, thongs and more revealing tanks
wide screen television that is playing Ab Fab of the pride items and novelty goods. Bright and shorts.
reruns. Decorative art hangs on the walls colors and rainbows abound throughout, and
walking in the room, one is reminded of Movie Time
“We are going to feature local artists perhaps Don’t Panic in Los Angeles or any
It’s on to the final destination—the video
that we will switch out every month or few shop on Christopher Street in New York City. room. With a life-size black and white
months,” Bowell says as we stroll about. Buyers can find magnets, stickers, greeting cardboard cutout and illuminated filmstrip
“We’ll probably do receptions with them. We cards, Billy Dolls and more.
posters capturing classic film scenes, the
also have plans for live entertainment, such
Moving on to the next room, one would buyer is swept into a different setting, one of
as jazz, and to feature local authors as well.” think they had entered a completely different a gay blockbuster. Adult magazines can be
With its beautifully polished wood, the building all together. With a beach display in found in one corner of the room, not far from
coffee bar is both large and expansive, rivaling the window and large surfboard cutouts, this the mainstream gay titles. Beyond the
that of any Starbuck’s or Border’s. The café section has the look and feel of a Ron Jon mainstream gay titles is an expansive adult
offers everything from cappuccinos, mochas, Surfshop, which makes perfect sense, since section, where customers can buy or rent
smoothies and a large case full of cold this is where a wide selection of swimwear videos and DVDs from companies such as
beverages such as Arizona Iced Tea. The and workout gear is displayed.
Falcon, All Worlds and more. Movie
crew is currently awaiting a pastry cooler that
“All the lines we had were increased, merchandise regularly goes on sale, such as
will arrive from Italy in a few weeks that will and we have picked up many more lines as videos for $19.95, two for $35 and a huge
hold a large selection of delights to eat while well,” Bowell says.
ongoing sale of DVDs for $9.99.
sipping coffee. Customers can also expect to
Well-known lines include LA Sporting
To top it off, unique movie memorabilia
find sandwiches and soup in the near future. Club, Jocko, Whitehall & Shon, Pistol Pete from Marilyn, Judy and Elvis is displayed on
On the opposite side of the café counter and Sauvage. Suits hang in countless colors, the wall. Some more racy gag items are
is an expansive stand stocked with books shapes and styles. Gym gear from sweats to carried in another corner of the room as well.
and magazines. Guests can find everything shorts and an endless supply of tank tops
An extremely helpful and friendly staff
from fine photography books to fiction and and T-shirts can keep a buyer busy for hours. who offer great service is just another one of
erotica. Magazines hail from all over the Some great beach towels are folded in the the countless gems that Pride Factory offers.
world, including Germany, Britain and even corner, while near the window display both Whether it is Jessie or SF brewing up a latte,
the Czech Republic.
tourists and locals looking to show off some or Charly assisting in finding the right size,
The café is the perfect meeting place, hometown pride can purchase Fort the customer feels relaxed and at home. So
whether you just want to hang out before Lauderdale T-shirts. A great selection of don’t waste anytime, run over to check out
going to a bar to sit and study.
music is held in this section as well.
the café and expanded store. You’ll be glad
The next two bays are reminiscent of a you did. It is only a matter of time before
Many Stores in One
Structure or an H&M in New York. Video regular visits to Pride Factory become routine
After touring the coffee house, we move screens showing off hunky models play in and ritual for the gay men and lesbians of
on to the room next door. Soon the café will the corner, while shoppers browse through South Florida.
have French doors separating it from the store the latest styles of urban gear and club wear.
Pride Factory Books & Café is located
area as well as its own entrance. The room Picking up a really cool shirt, Bowell tells me, at 845 N. Federal Hwy. in Fort Lauderdale.
where the present entrance is contains many “That Andrew Christian shirt blew off the For more information, call 954.463.6600.
Q12 • www.ExpressGayNews.com • January 20, 2003